Castlegar News, May 01, 2014

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Castlegar News Thursday, May 01, 2014

Breaking news at

Vol.11 • Issue 18

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This week’s feature:

Phil (PJ) Poznekoff

Phil (PJ) Poznekoff

They shook us BC/DC demonstrates how it’s done See page 17

Mountaineering milestone DRIVEWAY

Spring Fling promises fun in Castlegar See page 26


Special Car Feature In The West Kootenay Advertiser Located Within This Paper

A nod toward neutrality jim sinclair Castlegar News Editor

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Excellence acknowledged by College Procession of Selkirk College grads makes its way into the gymasium on the Castlegar campus for 2014 ceremonies – April 25. Jim Sinclair photo

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“We’re here to celebrate five years of Carbon Neutral Kootenays,” said Patricia Dehnel to open an Earth Day delivery to Castlegar City Council on April 21, “a wonderful project of collaboration with the local government to be more energy efficient in their corporate emissions, corporate responsibilities.” Dehnel narrated a visual presentation loaded with facts and stats relating to the program, said to be unique in B.C., encompassing three regional districts and the Columbia Basin Trust. The goal (being successfully reached, according to Dehnel’s presentation) has been to reduce the carbon footprint created by the combined administrative bodies which count a large number of buildings and vehicles among their assets.

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One striking statistic revealed in the council session was the fact that an overall 10 per cent drop in regional greenhouse gas output had been achieved through the program. Corporate and community considerations have been central components in the effort to date, and Dehnel pointed to good responses from both sectors. The initiative can trace its roots back to 2008 and a document known as the Climate Action Charter. “Local governments were asked to voluntarily sign an agreement,” explained Dehnel, “and if they did so they agreed, among other things, to being carbon neutral in respect to their corporate operations by 2012. That has since been reduced to just working toward being carbon neutral… but that’s how it all started.” Continues on Page 2

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Thursday, May 01, 2014 Castlegar News


A nod toward carbon neutrality Continued from P. 1

Dehnel related how the 31 local governments in this part of the province, thought, “Oh my goodness, what are we going to do now that we’ve signed this? The three regional districts (RDCK, RDKB and RDEK) and the Columbia Basin Trust came together for an amazing, collaborative, first and only initiative in B.C. to fund and support the 31 local governments to work toward being carbon neutral.” Affected under the plan, said Dehnel, are 400 buildings, 1,000 vehicles and 20,000 tonnes of emissions in the project area… $11 million spent annually on energy.” Dehnel described the five years spent on Carbon Neutral Kootenays, starting in 2009 as “amazing,” and mentioned that 200 person-days of education, including members of Castlegar City Council had also been completed as part of the program. “We moved along, we went into planning,” said

Patricia Dehnel summarizes the Carbon Neutral Kootenays project to Castlegar Council on April 21. Jim Sinclair photo

Dehnel, “…provided templates, identified opportunities moving into more action.” As an example of that action Dehnel mentioned the successful Kootenay Energy Diet program, which, in Castlegar, had included 91 local residences. In terms of actual carbon neutrality, Dehnel indicated that support and participation was widespread, although it was Kaslo and New

Denver which had committed, “as those two local governments did choose to be carbon neutral for this year, and they’ll be purchasing offsets.” Wrapping up a thorough presentation, the Community Energy Association’s West Kootenay Project Liaison regarding Carbon Neutral Kootenays made herself available for council members’ questions, of which

there was none. Councillor Kevin Chernoff did have a positive comment on the presentation, mentioning the learning curve that comes with this kind of program, and stating, “It’s something in the back of the City’s mind whenever we do our projects…to keep them as green as possible, a lot of that is through the guidance of your group. It’s been a really good partnership.”

Castlegar man facing child porn charges staff writer Castlegar News

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Castlegar RCMP, in an April 24 press release have reported that a 68 year-old local man has been charged with a pair of child-porn related offences. Corporal Debbie Postnikoff ’s release lists counts of possession of child pornography, and making available child pornography, after police conducted

pornographic material by electronic means, and not to have a functioning internet connection inside his home or access the internet anywhere.” The communication explains that police had become aware of the illegal activity thanks to information provided by the The BC-Integrated Child Exploitation Unit (BC-ICE) which is responsible for identifying and assisting child victims

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a search of the man’s home on April 16. His first court appearance is scheduled for May 23, 2014 in Castlegar. “The man was arrested and later released on several conditions,” the press release describes, “which include not being allowed to possess any electronics that have the capability of accessing the internet, not to have communication with anyone under the age of 16 years-old, not to possess any


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of sexual abuse, monitoring and prosecuting child pornography distributors and viewers. The unit uses online undercover officers to identify and apprehend those who target children on the internet for a sexual purpose. Police point out that files like this one serve as reminders that your activities on the Internet are monitored and that you cannot erase your mark.

Castlegar News Thursday, May 01, 2014


Arena equipment reaching end-of-life A3

Open House Sat & Sun May 3 & 4 2:00pm-4:00 pm

jim sinclair Castlegar News Editor

Discussion around a verbal mayor’s report given at the April 21 city council meeting included points made by Coun. Dan Rye in regard to recreation-related infrastructure. Rye had mentioned that a recreation master plan had been commissioned and is intended to be complete sometime this year, and the conversation got around to the relative well being of the aging Pioneer Arena as well as a component at the community complex. The councillor’s point was that a piece of equipment called a chiller, at the complex, is nearing it’s time for replacement. “The chiller that’s in the complex now is 17 years old,” Rye told assembled media following the meeting. “They have a life expectancy of about 20 years.

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The chiller at the Pioneer Arena has reached the end of its service life.

Within the next three years we may be looking at replacing that chiller up there anyway.” Meanwhile, the roughly 30 year-old chiller at the Pioneer arena is worn out. Rye related that it’s been considered that no further upgrades be made to the

Pioneer Arena… that when the time comes, to just take it out of commission, however, it could make sense to replace the Pioneer’s chiller at a cost of about $120,000. The unit could be moved to the complex if and when needed. Being no secret that the

CDRC photo

historic quonset’s days are numbered, the concept of community complex expansion brings to mind a late 2010 referendum on the question, which was decisively defeated. The community will let us know what it wants,” said Rye.

SD 20 passes second reading of balanced budget Art Harrison Trail Times

A quiet crowd of approximately 20 spectators was on hand Monday night as the School District 20 (SD 20) Board of Trustees met at the Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre in Trail to pass the first two readings of the balanced budget, as is required by the Ministry of Education. Among the spectators was a group of residents of Blueberry Creek who came to the open meeting hoping the board might re-assess its decision to cut $20,000 in funding from the Blueberry Creek Community School. Although a number of trustees openly voiced their regret at having to make the decision to re-allocate the CommunityLINK funds that had previously been

directed towards the community school, the board stood by its decision to distribute the money between a number of SD 20 schools that had never previously received any of the funds which are targeted towards vulnerable students. “When we got the longlist of proposed budget cuts I think a lot of us lost some sleep,” trustee Jo-Ann Bursey said at the meeting. “I mean we had to look at decisions to not wash the front of the school for a year where our children go to school every day. But the government holds the purse strings.” Mickey Kinakin, who was not present for the meeting due to being in Kelowna for medical treatment, was the one trustee who voted against the budget and expressed his opinions in

a letter read by trustee Jen Carter. In his letter, Kinakin objected to the redirection of CommunityLINK funding away from Blueberry Creek and what he stated was the way the budget decisions were made “behind closed doors.” Greg Luterbach, SD 20 superintendent of schools, said the process of deciding where to cut wasn’t an easy job. “There is no money targeted towards community schools and there’s been no increase in the LINKS budget for some years to keep up with costs,” Luterbach said Tuesday. “That’s not to say that the community schools aren’t providing a valuable service… but the status quo wasn’t sustainable.” Luterbach said coming up with the process of de-

veloping balanced budgets without increased funding has been a difficult process for some time. “Last year we needed to find a little over $900,000, the year before it was $1.5 million. When you’re dealing with a $40 million budget and looking at $2,000 line items to find savings you have to know it’s getting tight,” he said. “Some of the decisions are natural but cost pressures like increases to MSP payments or Hydro are outside a board’s control. “I think most people understand the financial pressure the boards are under, people have seen boards have to close schools or change offices, I think there’s an acknowledgement that there’s only so much the board can do. A lot is dependent on government and Ministry decisions.”

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Thursday, May 01, 2014 Castlegar News

Hospice Palliative Care Week kicks off early

Castlegar Hospice Society is kicking off National Hospice Palliative Care week early with a one day conference with internationally known speaker Stephen Garrett. Stephen’s presentation “When Death Speaks: A Rural Road Trip” is being held on Friday, May 2 at the Fireside Hotel & Conference Centre starting at 8:30 a.m. Stephen is an international speaker who specializes in teaching, coaching and leading families, healthcare professionals, physicians and hospice workers in their strategic and personal approach to death and dying. Stephen will also do a book signing after the


workshop. Tickets are $40 including lunch and you must register in advance through the hospice office at 250-304-1266 or email The next event is the Hike for Hospice on Sunday, May 4. The Hike for Hospice Palliative Care has three main goals: fundraising, awareness of hospice palliative services and recognition of hospice staff and volunteers,” explains Executive Director Suzanne Lehbauer. “Hospice hikers help us in achieving them all. Not only do they raise funds needed for hospice palliative care programs and services that benefit

all of community and region, but they also help raise awareness of those programs and services. Castlegar Hospice Society is honoured to continue in their role as a mentor to many agencies in our region. We work very hard to establish best practises and maintain our high standards of excellence. Info and pledge sheets for the hike can be found on the hospice website or www.hikeforhospice. com. Because a week just isn’t long enough, hospice is hosting “Coffee and Conversation” on May 22 at the VIP Room at

Chances Community Gaming Centre. This casual evening will have guest speakers from Home Support, Hospice and a financial institute to talk about issues pre, during and post death. This event is open to the public and is free. The month is finished off on May 31 with the Second Sale of the Century Hospice Garage Sale. The garage sale goes from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will be located at the MTI parking lot located on 6th Avenue next to the Fire Hall. For information please contact the hospice office at 250-304-1266.


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Recipe of the Week... Grilled Butter Lettuce with Creamy Dressing PRESENTS

Ingredients 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for grill 1/3 cup buttermilk 3 tablespoons mayonnaise 2 teaspoons white-wine vinegar 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil leaves 1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives 4 slices crusty bread 1 garlic clove, peeled 2 heads butter lettuce, such as Bibb or Boston, halved Extra-virgin olive oil Coarse salt and ground pepper

Directions Step 1 Heat a grill or grill pan to medium-high. Clean and lightly oil hot grill. In a small bowl, whisk together buttermilk, mayonnaise, and vinegar. Stir in basil and chives; season with salt and pepper. (To store, refrigerate in an airtight container, up to 3 days.) Step 2 Brush both sides of bread with oil and grill, flipping once, until toasted, 3 minutes. Rub with garlic, season with salt, and cut into cubes. Step 3 Grill lettuce, cut side down, until charred in spots, about 3 minutes. Serve warm, topped with dressing and croutons.

Castlegar News Thursday, May 01, 2014 A5

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Thursday, May 01, 2014 Castlegar News


Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Better workers’ safety needed As technology races ahead and people race to keep up with it, it’s sometimes said that things were better the way they used to be. This kind of comment may come from any generation and can be expected when the speaker comes up against their own wall – their own learning saturation point. Newer may not always be better, but there is one category where older is worse... hands down. In terms of workers’ safety the good old days were terrible. A lot of progress has been made over the years... since child labour laws were enacted... or since people mined asbestos with nothing in the way of a mask. But it’s clear that more effort is required in order to allow more workers to safely make it home from the job site. The International Day of Mourning for workers killed or injured on the job was observed this past Monday and a small, respectful group was on hand. Organizers were grateful for those who had shown up, but a local spokesperson was curious why so little attention is paid to the event, especially when considering the large number of industrial-type jobs being done in places like Castlegar and Trail. Maybe a person just has to know, or be related to someone who has lost their life or their health due to workplace issues before they recognize just how serious the situation is in many cases. Given all the progress made since the workplace carnage of the dark ages, can workers still get killed on the job? Last year in British Columbia, the families, friends and co-workers of 128 found out that they can, and still do. We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Spots in Time - Gord Turner

Not getting the message I was golfing with a couple who told me a story about a bird in their backyard. Apparently, it kept flying into their plate-glass window. Then dazed, it would find its way into the nearby bushes, and then later in the day, it would fly into the window again. This happened over and over, again and again—the bird getting hurt but not getting the message. It seemed to me that this ongoing incident was a good analogy for some aspects of human behavior. You’d think humans would follow the adage that once bitten, twice shy, but that’s simply not the case. We are suckers for punishment, and often it takes a long time before we stop bashing into our own plate-glass windows. A situation that comes to mind is how people are bilked of their money. We know special offers of doubling your money or getting in on deals of a lifetime are often too good to be true. But some people keep on listening to these con-men on the phone or continue sending their money to fail-safe schemes in Florida. They believe the get-rich-quick scenario is about to happen for them. Several times a year, Cindy Amaral Production Manager

Sandy Leonard Production

they fly into their own plate-glass windows, yet somehow they can’t stop. The one that gets me is people who are abused. They get to the point where they are hurting so badly that they seek help. They go to a shelter or find a haven at a friend’s place. Then a few days later they decide the abuser wasn’t so bad after all—or he’s really gentle the rest of the time. Then they return to him, and a week or two later turn up in the hospital severely bruised and battered. It’s a never-ending cycle, just like the bird smashing into a plate-glass window—over and over. A hundred years ago, people might have had to remain in abusive situations. There were not many decent jobs available, and protective services were few and far between. Today, that’s simply not the case as there are organizations and agencies that will come to the rescue. It’s a lot easier to walk away from abuse today than it was in the past. It is ironic that when a person finally does leave an abusive relationship, all the friends sigh in relief. Then, strangely enough, he or she gets into a new relationship, sometimes (though

Marvin Beatty Reporter

Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate

Chuck Bennett Publisher

not always) as abusive as the original one left behind. What I can’t understand is how this can happen to some very decent people. They just can’t choose correctly. The pattern repeats itself in people who can’t control some aspect of their emotional or physical being. Their needs are too strong. They gamble too much, they smoke too much, they eat too much, or they drink too much. Most of these people have sought help or tried valiantly to get past their problem. Then “pow”, something sets them off, and they’re back to their habit. Like the bird in the story, the window looms like a great big hurt waiting to happen. As most of my friends know, I have been a food-aholic all my life. I simply like rich-tasting, fat-heavy foods, and I eat heavily until my health takes a turn for the worse. Then I seek a diet and work at an exercise routine for awhile. Having lost some weight and feeling better, I jump back onto the food wagon, and the cycle begins anew. I’ve been bashing into this plateglass window regularly over the past 40 years. You’d think I’d learn. Jim Sinclair Editor

Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Karen Bennett Director of Sales

Castlegar News Thursday, May 01, 2014 A7


Do you want to be an entrepreneur?

Juvenile Sturgeon Viewing in area – May 5 CASTLEGAR The public is invited to view, learn about, and touch ten month-old juvenile White Sturgeon at two separate locations, one in Castlegar and one in Trail. While there is no public event for the release of these juvenile White Sturgeon, they will later be released into the Columbia River as part of the recovery program for this endangered species. The Sturgeon viewing events, hosted by the Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative (UCWS-

RI) will take place on Monday May 5, at Waneta Plaza in Trail between 10.00 and 11.00 a.m., and then at the Castlegar and District Community Complex between 2 and 3 p.m. “This year, we are bringing the fish to the people,” said Gerry Nellestijn, chair of the Community Working Group of the UCWSRI. “Compared to previous years, we are releasing fewer juvenile Sturgeon into the Columbia River in 2014, however, we still want to give the public an opportunity to see, learn about and

touch these incredible creatures. The fish look and feel like creatures from prehistoric times - in fact they have remained largely unchanged for 175 million years.” Approximately 1,700 ten month-old juvenile White Sturgeon will be released into the Columbia River between the Hugh Keenleyside Dam and the U.S. border. The majority - 900 – will be released immediately below the dam, and the remainder at Robson, Genelle and Beaver Creek Provincial Park.

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Community Calendar


MAY - CASTLEGAR SR. ACTIVITIES at the Castlegar COMPLEX: Monday 10 a.m.–darts, 1 p.m.–whist Tuesday 9:30 a.m.–floor curling/carpet bowling; 1 p.m.–crafts; 7 p.m.– pool Wednesday 9:30 a.m. – floor curling; 10 a.m. (May 21)-Raspberry Hi-Coffee; 7 p.m.–Rummoli. Thursday 9 a.m. (May 15) Zone 6 meeting 9:30 a.m. – floor curling; 1 p.m. bingo (not May 1); 2 p.m. (May 1) Gen. Meeting; 2 p.m. (May 15) tea dance. Friday 10 a.m.–Qi Gong. Open weekdays 9-4 p.m. for coffee.

UNTIL May 31: Young Visions 2014 will be held at the Kootenay Gallery. The Gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10-5pm. For more information contact the Gallery at 365-3337 or visit

May 1: Kootenay Family Place is holding its annual Spring Fun-Raiser in the parking lot at Kootenay Family Place, located at 749 11th Ave.

May 2, 3: St Rita’s Catholic Church will be holding a Garage and Antipasto sale. It will be from 4-8 p.m. on Friday, May 2 and from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Sat. May 3.

MAY 3: West Kootenay Family Historians Society genealogy workshop ``Tracing Your Family Tree`` will held at Selkirk College. Register through the college. Info: or

MAY 3 Step Into Spring at the Castlegar Garden Club Annual Plant Sale,which runs from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Castlegar Station Museum, 400–13 Avenue. Satisfy your passion for plants at affordable prices. Information: Wendy Eggleton - 250.365.0150/wendy.eggle-

Thursday, May 01, 2014 Castlegar News This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an upto-date version with contact details to, drop off at our office at Unit 2 - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or give us a call at 250-365-6397. Thank you. MAY 3 First Annual Small Farm Animal and Poultry Sale & Swap. 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Pass Creek Exhibition Grounds - Relkoff Road, Robson, B.C. Cost: $5.00 per exhibitor or farm. ATM on site and Great food concession. More info: r_ or 250-365-7273.

Walk With your Doc

May 7, 2014

Promoting physical activity for better health.

hosted by Doctor Ellen Smart at 6:00pm, Millenium Part at the gym equipment near main parking lot. Welcoming all ages for a short 1-2km walk. contact anna Walker for more information: kootEnay BounDary DiviSion of faMily PracticE

MAY 7: Castlegar United Church Book Club Discussion will be held at 7 p.m. The book is Remembering the Bones by Frances Itani. Come with a memory that is triggered by reading this and a photo. May 7: Friends of the Castlegar Library, Travel Series will be held at 7 p.m. at the Castlegar Library. Renowned photographer Jim Ford will present India Travels Part Two. By donation. May 17: Fifth Annual Garden & Nature Fest (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.) at the Castlegar Community Complex, 2101-6th Ave. Open air festival of Plants and Gardens, Art, Farming and more. Hosted by Castlegar Communities in Bloom and Castlegar Garden Club., Contact: Web: MAY 17-19: Annual Union of Youth Festival at the Brilliant Cultural Centre –1876 Brilliant Road. Festival Theme: “Shaping our Future - Instilling Doukhobor Values for Generations.” For more information please contact Cathy at the USCC Brilliant Cultural Centre Office at 250-365-3613 or

Please send community calendar items to 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955

May 24: Castlegar’s Lisa Nicole will be playing a show at The Old Theatre in Castlegar. For more dates on her summer tour check out www. May 24: Second annual Blueberry Creek School Fundraiser. Please save all your bottles and cans to be picked up on Saturday. Funds to be used for new commercial kitchen. Amount raised will be posted. May 24: Lions Garage/Bake sale, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Kinnaird Hall 2320 Columbia Ave. All proceeds for community needs. Info Joanne 250-365-3884 MAY 31: Second annual Castlegar Hospice Society Garage Sale will be held at Mountain Transport Institute, located at 2181 - 6th Ave (beside the fire hall). Donations will be gratefully accepted. At the MTI trailer parked in the lot of Sandman Inn, Castlegar on May 3,10,17,24. Volunteers will be onsite from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For further information please contact Gwen at 250-693-2220. Until June 2 – Do you know a Champion for Literacy? A cham-


pion for literacy is anyone who has made a contribution to literacy in Castlegar and area, including, individuals, groups or organizations. Nomination forms can be found at the Castlegar & District Public Library or at Deadline for nominations is June 2nd. For more info call Alana at 250.304.6862. June 7 – 2014 Castlegar Area Spring Bird Count. To take part, either in counting from your home or birding an assigned area, please contact Peter McIver at 250-3651191. The treasure shop: has an ever expanding variety of summer clothing for the entire family now available for your choosing. In-store surprise sales, table and chairs and a retro chest of drawers are also featured. There is still time to place your bids in the current Silent Auction which closes end of day Saturday, May 3. Visit or website

1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208

Selkirk WeaVERS AND SPINNERS GUILD meets the third Wednesday of each month, 10 - noon followed by bag lunch and show & tell. Anyone new to the craft or to the area is welcome at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre, across from the airport.

Exhibition Art Show

at the Mirja Vahala Art Studio and Participants Sat. May 10 & Sun. May 11, 10 – 4 pm Windborne B&B, 3900 Broadwater Road, Castlegar For more information, 250-365-7679

back to school with baby Program free for parents to upgrade Math, English and/or study skills with an instructor from Selkirk College. Kootenay Family Place , Mon. & Wed. from 1 - 3 p.m. Childcare and snacks provided. More info call Alana at 304-6862. Robson Flea Market Sundays 9 am - 2 pm. Great homestyle breakfast offered until food runs out (usually about Noon). Vendors offer a wide variety including collectibles, homebaked goodies, jams, crafted items, household goods, and so much more. Loonie table has some great bargains for only $1. Tables are $5 each, please call Kathy (250) 365-3796 to book.

The “Bridge,” – Do you have questions? Join us for music, discussion, refreshments; 1st Tues. ea. month, 7 p.m, Kinnaird Church of God, 2404 Columbia Ave, Castlegar Call Donna at 250-304-2929. Community Harvest food bank & Drop-in centre: Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. -1:30 eligible 1x per month; closed the Monday after cheque issue and statutory holidays. Lunch served from 11 – 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 -1:30 FREE Friday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 – 1:30 Coffee and baked goodies from 10

a.m. on! Bread is available when donated and it is on a first come first serve basis. Located in the basement of St. David’s Anglican Church 614 Christina Place, around the back and down the stairs. Donation cheques payable to Community Harvest Food Bank can be mailed to: 301 32nd Street V1N 3S6. Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St David’s Church Contact number 250-608-2227

ALPHA COURSE: The Alpha Course is being offered at Kinnaird Park Community Church, Thursdays at 6-8 p.m. starting April 24. All are welcome.

HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TREASURE SHOP is open Monday to Thursday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Friday and Saturday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Please note: Accepting donation on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Phone: 250-365-7317.

The kinnaird Church of God: Located at 2404 Columbia Ave, Castlegar will be holding all services (Sundays at 10 a.m. and first Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m.) at the Castlegar Christian Fellowship Building at 1821 Connors Road for the next several months. All are welcome.

free hot meal at the sharing dinner pot at Cadet Hall, 8th Ave, Castlegar (2 blocks from library) Tues. at noon.

All About Breastfeeding informative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlegar, Tues. 10:30noon More info: 250-365-3662,

tops group meets every wednesday 8:30-10 a.m. Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 365-7956.

Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena Sun. at 10 a.m. Mike, 250-399-4417; Tues. at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wed. at 7 p.m., (Fay at 250-687-0484. Thurs. at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m (Len at 365-7805).

This Community Calendar brought to you by ‘Your Hometown Realtors’ Our dedicated and highly skilled Agents specialize in offering an array of resources to help you with all your real estate needs.

Simon Laurie 250-365-1585

Val Koochin 250-365-1846

Matt McCarthy 250-304-4831

James Kereiff 250-304-7828

toll free: 877.365.2169 | 250.365.2166 |

Carmen Harris 250-365-1520

Phil Poznekoff 250-365-4679

Charissa Hackett 250-304-4373

Chad Williams 250-304-5241

Pat Klohn 250-365-1731

Larry Peitzsche 250-608-3017

Tammy Peitzsche Connor McCarthy 250-365-9640 250-304-4781 | 1761 Columbia Avenue Castlegar |

Marnie Pettit 250-304-3564

Castlegar News Thursday, May 01, 2014 A9

‘The Greatest Threat to the B.C. Environment in our Lifetime’

By David Black This is the second of two columns addressing what I see as the greatest threat to the BC environment in our lifetime. The Alberta oil industry’s Northern Gateway plan is to export bitumen to Asia via tankers from the BC coast. Under no circumstances should we allow that to happen. A bitumen spill at sea could destroy our coastline, together with the fish and wildlife that depend on it, for hundreds of years. My first column discussed the light oil spill by the Exxon Valdez and the terrible toll it took on the Alaskan habitat and fishery. It also gave proof that a bitumen spill would be far worse. A bitumen spill would be almost completely unrecoverable because it would sink and stay on the bottom of our seabed. The solution that is best for Canada is to build a refinery in Kitimat. I am promoting and backing this solution. It will convert the bitumen to very light fuels that would float and evaporate if ever spilled. There are other enormous benefits: • There will be a major reduction in greenhouse gases. We will use new cutting-edge Canadian technology in our refinery. It will be so clean that in combination with oilsands extraction there will be less CO2 than in the huge conventional oilfields and refineries of Iraq and Nigeria. In other words the Kitimat refinery will neutralize the extra greenhouse gases generated in Canada’s oilsands. This refinery will be built in Asia if not in Kitimat, and if so it will emit double the CO2 of our new design. This is the reason that Andrew Weaver of the BC Green Party is in favour of a Canadian refinery. • An Asian refinery will also generate 100 train cars a day of very dirty coke (much fouler than BC coal) which will be subsequently burnt in the atmosphere to create power. The Kitimat refinery will not result in the production of any coke. As we all live on one planet, it is far better for the global environment to build this refinery in Canada. • Construction of the refinery will create 6,000 jobs in BC for five years. Operations at the refinery will result in more permanent jobs than any project has ever created in BC with approximately 3,000 direct jobs. These will be highly paid permanent jobs. These jobs will be available for the

life of the refinery which should be in excess of 50 years. In addition there will be thousands of other jobs created in spinoff local petrochemical companies and in indirect employment throughout the province. • The Canadian and Provincial governments, local regional districts and municipalities, and many First Nations, will share in billions of new tax dollars each year. Unfortunately our Canadian oil companies are not interested in building a new major refinery. They are focused on extraction which is more profitable than refining. One of them challenged me to spearhead the refinery myself, so I am doing that. We have a solid business plan and as a consequence Chinese banks and other institutions are prepared to lend us most of the funds required to build the greenest and most efficient refinery in the world. We are currently moving ahead with engineering design and environmental work. We will also build a safe pipeline from Alberta to the refinery, with the active participation of First Nations. Modern pipelines can be built and operated safely. Leak data is available for everyone to see on Canadian and US government websites and it proves recently constructed pipelines are not leaking. Furthermore some of the best pipelining companies in the world are based in Canada. In addition we will build a fleet of new tankers, powered by LNG rather than Bunker C oil, to transport the refined products to Asia. This way we know the tankers will be state-of-the-art and as safe as possible. The fleet will be owned by a company based in BC so it cannot shirk its legal liability if there ever is a spill at sea. Let me be up front about my biases. I am for creating thousands of good permanent jobs in BC. I am for creating billions of new tax dollars for government coffers. I am for reducing the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions. I am for building an oil pipeline that will never leak. I am for building a modern tanker fleet that carries only refined fuels that float and evaporate if spilled. I am against shipping bitumen in tankers. If you agree that we should not put bitumen in tankers please contact your local MP and say so. The Canadian government makes a decision on Northern Gateway next month.

WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOUR COMMUNITY? Tuesday, May 13, 9:30 - 11:30 am Selkirk College, Castlegar campus, Staff Lounge, 301 Frank Beinder Way

• • • •

How healthy are residents? How is the environment changing? How successful is small business? How does my community compare to other communities? Does our land supply meet demand? Is there an on-line tool to help me find land for my business to expand?

Join staff of the Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute (RDI) as they demonstrate the newest community data tool now available to Basin Boundary residentsthe Digital Basin. Community members are invited to this free workshop in order to learn about the tool and to try it out for themselves. E-mail to reserve your seat for attendance or visit for details. Please bring your laptop if you have one.

Do you qualify? The ‘Gift from the Heart’ is an annual, one day event, founded in 2009 by Ontario dental hygienist, Bev Woods. The ‘Gift from the Heart’ (GFTH) invites independent registered dental hygienists(RDHs) across Canada to provide free dental hygiene services to those who may not be able to afford or access oral health care any other way. Local independent RDHs, Denise Pawlyshyn and Andrea Noel promoted oral health and also gave back to their community by participating in the “Gift from the Heart”. For the third consecutive year, Denise Pawlyshyn, the owner of “Clean Between Independent Dental Hygiene” in Castlegar opened her clinic to provide free dental hygiene services. Andrea Noel, also participated in the event for the first time this year. She owns an independent mobile dental hygiene practice, allowing her to provide bedside oral care services within long term care facilities. This year ten local people were supported in improving their oral health. How did these people feel supported? By allowing their dedicated independent RDHs to do what they do best; providing scaling, polishing, fluoride, oral cancer screenings, health history reviews, demonstrations of tooth brushing, flossing and best of all education about the importance of oral health for overall health. The RDHs were compassionate and empathetic, as they understood that just showing up on the day could be nerve-racking for the client. The welcoming friendly, calm environment the RDHs provided put all of the clients at ease. Individualized careplans for each clients specific needs were met regardless of the time it took to complete their treatment.


Independent Dental Hygiene Clinic

What did this event mean to our clients? For Richard this was a particularly important visit as there was a significant link between his mouth and his current health condition. He was experiencing kidney failure, was on the waitlist for a new kidney and it was critical that he keep his mouth healthy. In fact, it had been at least 15 years since his last dental visit and his doctors would not consider him ready for a transplant until his oral health was improved and maintained. In addition to kidney failure Richard had a number of other medical conditions that compromised his health and well being. A customized oral health careplan was developed and a variety of dental products were given to Richard to help support his dental maintenance. This is Richard’s testimonial of the GFTH:“Totally awesome, night & day difference…best feeling mouth EVER!!” Sandra also attended the event. She was on a disability leave because of an injury. Sandra was unable to work and did not qualify for financial support for dental care. Sandra’s testimonial of the GFTH:“Thank you so much for the dental cleaning and the pleasant atmosphere and experience. I’ll be smiling all the time!!” What did this event mean to us, as primary health care providers? It deeply touched our hearts to be able to help people show off their smile. Having your oral health looked after is a basic need whether you have a dental plan or not. A smile lights up your life, it improves your self-worth, your attitude and it transforms your face and well-being. We feel everyone deserves to feel good about themselves no matter what life situation they are currently facing. As your independent RDHs we are committed to the GFTH and look forward to seeing as many people as possible next year!!

2709A Columbia Ave. Castlegar • 250-365-8024


Thursday, May 01, 2014 Castlegar News

Grant Applications Welcomed

HANDLE WITH CARE conserve • reduce • recycle



M����� Q���������

Stock quotes as of closing



5N Plus ............................. 4.82 BCE Inc. .......................... 48.18 Bank of Montreal ............. 75.14 Bank of Nova Scotia......... 65.97 CIBC .............................. 96.64 Canadian Utilities ............ 40.32 Canfor Corporation ......... 25.03 EnCana Corp. ................. 25.71 Enbridge Inc. ................... 52.86 Finning International.......... 29.11 Fortis Inc. ........................ 32.07 Husky Energy .................. 36.01


Manitoba Telecom ........... 30.17 Mercer International ........... 7.76 National Bank of Canada . 45.35 Onex Corporation ............ 62.62 Royal Bank of Canada...... 72.80 Sherritt International ............ 4.67 TD Bank .......................... 52.12 TELUS Corp...................... 38.47 Teck Resources ................. 24.63 TransCanada Corp ........... 51.27 iPath S&P 500 VIX ............ 40.19

able for grants this year is not large, but as the years go by, we intend it to grow. Everybody can help by contributing to the Foundation’s community fund. This is a permanent invested fund that generates interest and produces the dollars that are given back to successful applicants in the community in an annual granting process. Donors will receive tax receipts. The deadline for submitting applications is May 16. They can be emailed to as attachments, or sent by Canada Post to P.O. Box 3725, Castlegar V1N 3W4. The grant-

ing committee will review applications and it is hoped that the successful applicants will be announced at the CFCD AGM on June 12. The CFCD is a Canada Revenue Agency registered charity, and a member of the Community Foundations of Canada ( “We look forward to help build a healthy community”, states Jackson, “which includes personal, social, educational, recreational and cultural health in the City of Castlegar and Electoral Areas I and J of the Regional District of Central Kootenay.”

45 Years of History – A Work in Progress

M����� F���� CIG

Portfolio Series Balanced ... 27.69


Signature Dividend ........... 14.22


Portfolio Series Conservative 15.33


Manulife Monthly High ... 14.265

C����������, I������ � C��������� CADUSD Canadian / US Dollar ...... 0.913


Light Sweet Crude Oil ..... 101.02

Gold............................ 1296.30


Silver ............................... 19.48


“The Community Foundation of Castlegar & District (CFCD) is very pleased to announce that it is now prepared to receive grant applications from the community,” states President Bob Jackson. Check our website for application details: grants. Application details and forms are available on the website. There is also a helpful application guide that includes information about the Canada Revenue Agency rules that state who can receive funds. The amount of money avail-

Let’s talk INVESTING Want to know more about managing your money? The Financial Planners at Kootenay Savings MoneyWorks are the people to ask. They’ll explain it all, in a language you’ll understand. For information about wealth management, retirement, insurance or estate planning, call today.

1.877.691.5769 Mutual Funds are offered through Qtrade Management Inc., Member MFDA. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. This report is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. This report is furnished on the basis and understanding that Qtrade Asset Management Inc. is to be under no responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect thereof.

Castlegar, BC – In its 45th season, the Kootenay Doukhobor Historical Society (KDHS) held a successful Open House and AGM at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre on Sunday, April 27, 2014. The 2014 season began by showcasing the intense cleanup of the grounds, reorganization of displays and $70,000 worth of infrastructure upgrades. The AGM of the KDHS took place at the end of the day with a recap of the previous season and winter renovations, as well as projects being planned for the 2014 year. “We will be focusing this season on fundraising towards renovating the Bistro for opening next season”, was once such project within the Museum Administrator, Lisa Poznikoff ’s report. Other projects will focus on artifact restoration, storage,

and digital cataloguing, as well as a heritage garden. The Treasurer’s report showed a balanced budget, and focussed on strong fiscal responsibility and accountability. After the dire state of financial mismanagement the board discovered in the spring of 2013, we are thrilled to start 2014 in the black with a healthy start of funds. The proposed 2014 budget was approved by all attending membership and kudos given for the hard work done to get the books in order. After acknowledging former board member and Vice President, Walter Pereverzoff, who passed away this spring, nominations for the 2014-15 board were opened. The revised KDHS Bylaws call for nine directors. Along with incumbent directors, we are pleased to have Cathy Pereverzoff and

Gerry Hoodicoff elected. The directors then held a brief meeting to elect the executive. The 2014/15 Board of Directors welcomes Vera Woykin, the newly elected President, Vera Kanigan as Vice President, and Ev Voykin who continues as Treasurer, along with Directors Andy Ozeroff, Cathy Pereverzoff, Edna Sapriken, Gerry Hoodicoff, Nat Voykin and Peter Perepolkin as Past President. The Doukhobor Discovery Centre, 112 Heritage Way, in Castlegar, is officially open for the season as of May 1, 2014. Hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. – seven days a week until September 30, 2014. Admissions are: Adults $10, Seniors $8, Students $5 and Children FREE. Contact Lisa Poznikoff, Museum Administrator at 250-3655327 for more information.

Children’s Program Saturdays Ages 8-12....10:00am - 11:15am Stay Strong Yoga for older adults Tues and Thurs 8:45am - 10:15am Women’s Group (all levels) Tues and Thurs 10:30am - 12:00pm Yoga Levels I,II,III Tues 6:00pm - 7:30pm & 7:35pm - 9:15pm - or Thurs 4:30pm - 6:00pm & 6:00pm - 7:45pm Yoga for MS Monday 1:30pm - 3:00pm Friday 1:30 - 3:00 In the library. Wheelchair accessible. (This class is free for members of the MS Society)

NEW Saturday yoga class (all levels) 11:30 - 1:00 pm - Columbia River Studio 815 5th Ave. Castlegar, BC Tel: 250-365-5428


















please visit our website for more info

Castlegar News

This past Sunday featured a look at what visitors can expect to enjoy starting on May 1 – a new season of all that’s going on at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre, to be exact. Sunday was the occasion of an open house, with a wide range of musical artists contributing to an open mike. The spiffy new digs of the Selkirk Weavers and Spinners Guild were on display… part of the impressive complex situated in spectacular Ootischenia. “The weavers have moved into a new

Creston’s Ewashen Brothers (from left, Alex, Bob and Larry) supply traditional music to open mike session. Photo by Jim Sinclair

space,” described Peter Perepolkin, outgoing president of the Kootenay Doukhobor Historical Society, operators of the centre, “it’s about three times the size so they have a lot more

display space.” Perepolkin, moments prior to the society AGM in which a new president (Vera Woykin) was named, described enhancements to the centre including a new kids’

room. “We’ve done a lot of restructuring around the village. We now have separate gift shop and office, the A/V room has been totally redone. So there’s changes all the

time.” Museum administrator Lisa Poznikoff weighed in, “Our major display will be the interactive youth addition. Not just for youth… everyone will be encouraged to actually touch the artifacts… play with the toys… things like that.” Another attraction on the grounds will be Apple Guy, Erran Rilkoff making avaible choice apples and other local produce. The seasonal opening day of the Doukhobor Discovery Centre, once again, is May 1. Make plans to visit, or re-visit.

Putting out the call for those with green thumbs

Step into spring at the Castlegar Garden Club’s Annual Plant Sale – this Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at the Castlegar Station Museum, 400–13 Avenue. Satisfy your passion

for plants at affordable prices. Information: Wendy Eggleton 250.365.0150/wendy. With the late cold spring, digging, dividing, and potting plants for our Plant

Sale has been a challenge. Rain or shine, lots of plants will be available. The weather forecast looks good for Saturday, but one never knows. Note: There is an abundance of sheltered space at

the Castlegar Station Museum if it rains. For those looking for a special plant, check out the Collector’s Corner. Plant experts will be on hand to answer your questions. Castlegar & Area

Garden Tour: Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. May will bring a profusion of information on the Garden Tour.






+ +



Notary Public Inc.


(not so) Sneak preview for Doukhobor Centre



Community A11

+ + + + + + + + +

Castlegar News Thursday, May 01, 2014

Personality and Parenting: True Colours Workshop

April 3

Editing: Writing as a Process

April 5

Fabric Play Occupational First Aid Level 11 Applied Module CPR C Leadership:

H2S Alive Ukulele for Beginners: Module 2: Get Going! Group Mediation Prenatal Occupational First Aid1Transportation Endorsement Confined Space Level Pre-Entry Personality Parenting: True Colours Workshop Fused Glassand Jewelry Beekeeping for Beginners Editing: Writing as a Process Quick Books

Prenatal Refresher

Fabric Play Occupational

FirstAid Aidwith LevelCPR 1 C Emergency First

Occupational First Aid Level 1

Occupational First and Aid Level 3 Chainsaw Safety Maintenance

H2S Alive

Superfoods! S-100/S-185 Fire and Entrapment Occupational FirstSuppression Aid Transportation Endorsement Early Pregnancy Avoidance Beekeeping for Beginners Post Partum First Aid Level 1 Occupational Prenatal Refresher Standard First Aid with CPR C Prenatal: Breastfeeding Emergency First Aid with CPR C Prenatal Class CPR LevelSafety C Recert Chainsaw and Maintenance Childcare Emergency First Aid and Entrapment S-100/S-185 Fire Suppression Intro to Handheld GPS CORE Hunter Training Avoidance Standard First Aid with CPR C Recert Occupational First Aid Level 1 Prenatal Refresher CanadianBreastfeeding Firearms Safety (PAL) Prenatal: Arts Day for Children CPR Level C Recert Voluntourism: Can I really help Intro to Handheld GPS someone in two weeks?

April 5

May 4 May 7 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 16 May 17 May 21 May 24 May 24 May 28 May 31

April 51 April April 52 April April April 62 April April 73 April 5 April 9 April 5

April 12

April 5

April 12

April 5 April 6

April 12

April 7

April 13

April 9

April 2312 April April 2412 April April 26

April 12

April 26

April 13

April 29 April 23 April 24

May 31

April 26

Standard First Aid with CPR C Recert

April 26

Canadian Firearms Safety (PAL)

April 29

Provides Service in Robson and Ootischenia for less!


Spring has arrived at Columbia Valley Greenhouses!

We’re so excited, we wet our plants! Blueberry Bushes extra large plants!


Seed Potatoes

World famous

20 varieties available

Kale, Broccoli, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts & Kelsey Onions

2kg bags

jumbo packs

2.5 gal.

reg. $1099



$ 99


Every Flowering Bulb imaginable!

Watch for our bulb flyer!



$ 99 - $





$ 99



Fabulous selection of







Western Red Cedars

Now in Bloom!

5ft. specimens

Priced Right!




purpose, water hold. Buy 1: Buy 2: Buy 3:







Black Gold Potting Soils Dolopril All natural ingredients Garden Lime include worm castings. Easy to use with a 28.5l bags. Organic, All fertilizer spreader 25kg bag



Only $2399ea

$ 99

& Deer Resistant

Fruit Trees


Weeks Roses


$ 99



White ‘Stars’, Pink, Purple & Yellow ‘Tulips’

Real McCoy Organic Granular Fertilizer

NEW and only available at Columbia Valley Greenhouses! 7kg

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Columbia Valley Garden Centre

locally owned since 1968


Old Waneta Rd 250-368-8191


THIS YEAR, WE BRING THE FISH TO YOU! There will be no public event to release juvenile white sturgeon into the Columbia River this year. However, there are two opportunities to view, touch and learn about the white sturgeon on Monday May 5, 2014 at:

10:00 – 11:00 a.m. - Waneta Plaza, 5 minutes east of downtown Trail 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. - The Castlegar and District Community Complex Come out and join members of the Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative (UCWSRI) to learn more about these amazing fish, and touch the “ancients of the deep” that have remained largely unchanged for 175 million years. This event is hosted by the UCWSRI with funding support from BC Hydro, FortisBC, Teck, Columbia Power Corporation, and the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program. For more information, please call the BC Hydro Castlegar office at 250 356-4550 or visit

CASTLEGAR 1415 Columbia Ave 250-365-8461


This week only!



Information goldmine ready to exploit

“It’s clean up time!” Let’s talk consolidation loans. Get creative and consolidate your debts into one easy-to-manage loan at Kootenay Savings. We’ll help you build a better financial future. Let’s talk.


home reno loans

Thursday, May 01, 2014 Castlegar News

equity lines of credit

auto loans

Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386 Public Swim at the Castlegar Community Complex Mon/Wed/Fri


Early Bird


12:00-4:00pm & 7:30-9:00pm

Public Swim


2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm

Public Swim



Public Swim



Public Swim



Public Swim

There is no Public Swim in the pool on Mondays & Wednesdays until May 19th as school swim lessons are happening in the pool from 10:15-1:15pm. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Get to know your community with “The Digital Basin.” Columbia Basin-Boundary residents are invited to attend an interactive workshop on how to use a new, powerful regional information tool developed by researchers at Selkirk College. “The Digital Basin,” an online data portal, includes more than 100 communityspecific datasets relating to economic, cultural, social, and environmental topics. “Information on conditions and trends in our region is now literally at the fingertips of residents,” says Dr. Terri MacDonald, the Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute’s (RDI) Regional Innovation Chair at Selkirk College. Developed in partnership with the Selkirk Geospatial Research Centre, the Digital Basin allows users to explore information through maps, tables, charts and reports. Sources of data include national and provincial government agencies, municipalities and regional districts, local non-profit organizations, and Thorncliffe Park Drive researchers 115 located Toronto Ontario within and outside M4H the 1M1 region. 416•696•2853 WorkshopTelparticipants will learn how to access and use this data, and leave with an understanding of assets and indicators related to income,

Pictured conducting a workshop, Suzanne Ector, Researcher , Selkirk Geo Spatial Research Centre; Instructor with Selkirk School of Environment and Geomatics.

housing, parks and recreation, crime rates, education, climate change, and more. Participants will also learn about findings and a related site selection tool generated from the Employment Lands Inventory project. The RDI is hosting six free workshops throughout the region, offering community members and representatives of local organizations the opportunity to attend the workshop that is most convenient for them. Workshops are scheduled for 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Castlegar – Tuesday May 13, Selkirk College Campus, Staff Docket: Lounge (301 Frank 23302 Beinder Way) …247 as well - JWTas the Client: Ads Joblocations Name: Participation following and dates: Lara Vanderheide Production Contact: • Sparwood – Tuesday May 6, Council Chambers (136 Spruce Avenue) B:5.8125” • Radium Hot Springs T:5.8125” – Wednesday May 7, Prestige S:5.8125”

Move For Health Day

Inn (7493 Main Street West) • Cranbrook – Thursday May 8, College of the Rockies (2700 College Way) • Nakusp – Monday May 12, Selkirk College Nakusp Centre (311 Broadway Street) • Grand Forks – Wednesday May 14, Selkirk College Grand Forks Campus (486 72nd Avenue) To register for any of these workshops, email sstoddart@ Visit for more information. The Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute, at Selkirk College, is a regional research centre with a mandate to support informed decision-making by Columbia Basin-Boundary communities through the provision of information, applied research and related outreach and extension support.

Want to stay young at heart?

Saturday May 10th Castlegar Community Complex 10:00-11:30pm FREE - Try out our new fitness equipment – Fit Techs available to help - Try out Aqua Latin Dance Class in the pool 10-10:45am - Try our African Groove Dance Class 10-11:45am - Lap Swim - Bring the kids to Public Swimming - Get MOVING! Sponsored by: CDRD; RDCK; BCRPA & Move for Health Day!

Admission to the Aquatic Centre includes: -Weight Room -Leisure & Main Pool

-Steam Room -Whirlpool


Upcoming Programs Youth Swim Friday May 2


Movie Night Friday May 2 6:00-8:00pm

(Grades 5, 6, 7 – Pizza by the slice - $1.00)

Red Cross Swim Lessons Tuesdays & Thursday May 6 – June 5th 3:30-5:30pm Womens Level 1 Mountain Biking Day Clinic With Betty Go Hard! Sat May 10th 1:30-4:00pm

-Drop in Fitness Class

Come and check out our 11 new pieces of Life Fitness Equipment Adult Drop In Fee is only $6.00. You can also purchase a one month, three month or year membership. 10 and 20 punch passes are also available.

Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations.

If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.

FREE professional solutions are just a phone call away. Connect with BC’s FREE Physical Activity Line (PAL) and speak with qualified exercise professionals* who will provide you with custom physical activity plans, no matter what your age or health level. Get in touch with PAL and get active today!

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Castlegar News Thursday, May 01, 2014 A13 L I V E

Luxury sport ute

with an emphasis on safety first equal measure



PHARMASAVE C apsule C omments

Kevin Ralloff

Generic medications are biologically identical to their brand-name counterparts but they may differ in appearance at times. Even though the colour or size of the generic is different, it is designed to give the same results as the brand name drug. We use many generics in Canada today. We will let you know when there is a change in brand. Let us know if you experience a change in effect. As summer approaches, many people look at diets to lose weight. Some of these diets concentrate on certain foods in greater abundance than one would eat normally. Let your doctor and pharmacist know you are trying one of these diets, especially if you are taking drugs like the “blood thinner” warfarin. Some foods can interfere with warfarin’s action and may alter regular blood tests. For many people, eating liver isn’t high on their preferred food list. However, prior to 1948, people diagnosed with pernicious anemia were prescribed a diet of raw liver. In that year, vitamin B-12 was first discovered as a chemical entity and a supplement was developed to treat the anemia. Much easier to take. The pituitary gland is the size of a pea but it is a powerhouse of activity. Located mid-brain behind the bridge of the nose, it produces hormones that affect many body systems as well as stimulating other glands to produce hormones. Our pharmacists are busy people but answering your questions about medication is one of our main jobs. We are never too busy for that.

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Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar

in a tight parking lot. It features an 8-way power The 2014 Infiniti QX60 is a lux- driver’s seat with adjustable urious sport utility vehicle that lumbar support, 6 way power puts safety above everything front passenger’s seat, 60/40 else. split folding and sliding secLooks: ond row bench seat that allows The QX60 is a very attractive easy entry/exit even with a vehicle to these eyes; it has child seat installed, 50/50 split distinctive Infiniti looks. The folding third row seat that reprojector style headlights flow clines. The audio system is a 6 with the body lines and the fog speaker, AM/FM/CD with MP3 lights look like they belong in- playback capability and has a stead of an afterthought. The speed sensitive volume control. side body lines almost give the The AWD model receives a Bose appearance of waves moving 13 speaker premium system. up the vehicle. LED rear brake Safety first: lights and center high mounted The QX60 includes dual stage stoplight sit atop the rear pow- front airbags with seatbelt and er lift-gate. Chrome accents occupant sensors, driver and around the windows front passenger give it a sense of elside impact supegance. plement airbags, In The Cab: roof mounted The cabin seemed curtain side imlarge to me at first, pact airbags with but after climbing in rollover sensor and getting comfortThe safety features for all row outable it is really not board occupant that big. If you are a . of this vehicle are head protection. . . now how can I put incredible and I think Infiniti recogthis delicately? – If most people would nizes how imporyou are an amply pro- feel very safe driving tant it is to have portioned person re- it. children secure ally spend some time in their vehicles. trying out all of the Ian Harwood They have develseat positions. oped a latch sysOnce in the driver’s seat I found tem that securely anchors a the controls well positioned compatible child seat. Inteland easy to operate. I liked the ligent brake assist system is a navigation screen with 3D map- safety feature that continuously ping, the monitor offers a bird’s monitors and analyzes closing eye view of the vehicle and de- speeds to a vehicle ahead and tects moving objects thus pro- provides warnings. If a collision viding more help in backing up is immanent, it will also apply By Ian Harwood



the brakes. There is also a lane departure warning and prevention system. Power: A 3.5 litre, 24 valve V6 engine with 265 horsepower and 248 foot pounds of torque power this vehicle. The transmission is an electronically continuously variable (CVT) with manual shift capabilities. Pump frequency: 10.5/7.6 L/100km (city/highway) 10.9/7.8 L/100km (city/highway) AWD Model Warranty support: 48 month/ 100,000 km Roadworthy: Excellent handling to this vehicle, steering was quick and responsive, and body roll was at a minimum. Even though the engine was more than adequate providing plenty of power, the CVT transmission was continuing to make adjustments and I found at times sudden bursts of power followed by a hard up shift. Defiantly not something I expected with this type of luxury. Verdict: I was excited to drive this vehicle but disappointed by the size of the interior space and performance. The safety features of this vehicle are incredible and I think most people would feel very safe driving it. Sticker price: QX60 3.5 $43,000 QX60 3.5 AWD $45,500 Price as tested $62,950

“They’re not safe. But it would only be a problem in an accident.”

Confessions of a Curber I was getting good at this, so I purchased a used vehicle in the U.S. and imported it. It didn’t have any airbags, so the warning lights were on. But I wasn’t picky. I knew, based on my other tricks, I could solve that before I had it inspected and registered. You just couldn’t be too worried about the truth. I Googled airbags. I saw I had three options. Get certified replacements installed at a repair shop. Buy some and install them myself. Or, override the warning light. I called and found that the first option was out of the question. Way too expensive. But, option two had some promise. There were cheap ones online. Of course, there were some warnings about dangerous fake airbags. Option three, overriding the warning lights, went too far – even for me. You can find how-to videos about anything on the web. So, I ordered cheap ones and had them sent to my U.S. mailbox. I used a buddy’s garage and put them in. Bingo! The warning lights went off and I was on my way. Soon, I had an ad up on several classified websites: Great car for sale. Moving out of the country and need to sell fast! Good condition. Recently inspected. Call cell. I’m flexible on price!! I couldn’t believe how many calls I had. I found my buyer not long after. A nice man about my age; divorced with three kids. That’s all I know about him – I don’t like getting too personal. I was actually honest about the vehicle this time. I told him that the car had been in an

accident and was from the U.S. I asked if he wanted a vehicle history report*, but he declined. He appreciated my honesty, as he’d gone through a few bad deals. With the transaction done, we parted ways. Then I got a call from my buddy. Being a curious person, he’d read the boxes the airbags came in that I’d left at his shop. “You installed counterfeit airbags,” he said. “So? They look identical to the original airbags,” I said. “I’ve seen videos of bogus airbags catching fire and with metal bits exploding when they deploy. They’re not safe,” he scolded. I’ll take my chances, I thought. It would only be a problem in an accident. The next day, my buddy left a message. He ended our friendship. Whoa, chill out. A guy’s got a right to make a few bucks.

*Vehicle History Reports: CarProof

and ICBC vehicle history reports provide detailed information about the registration and accident history of a vehicle. CarProof Verified BC reports also include a lien search. These reports can’t tell you everything a physical inspection will, but they require the seller to Prove it! and not just say it.

Buying used? We’re looking out for you. Find out how at


Thursday, May 01, 2014 Castlegar News

Garden Center Is Now Open To Get

Mother’s Day Gifts That Will Bloom All Summer.

2000 COLUMBIA AVE., Castlegar | 250-365-7737 |

Mother’s Day One lucky person will win a $150 prize package from Kootenay Floral! Mother's Day is coming! Tell your Mom how

much you love her by posting a special message for her in the Castlegar News on May 8th!

Email your entry to by Tuesday 10 am, May 6th. Mom, I know you And I k do the dishe s now you cook th I know e food you scr ub dow Even w n all th hen you e floors 're in a And e bad mo very nig od. h t W yo hile I'm watchin u walk the do Mom, r a ld e g r g O o n D a u the w ss A Thursday's you ll my shows o y e w nd evd; take Io no le I know nfoumr,le ery spring you w out the trash eserve have uM d u o I ash y k no s And stance mess. And leav w you're sad I'll the windows. m u c ir e you a go som But c a financial eday ll ay gBifutt right now I'm alone m I’ D s d ’ n r So wha e A only 35 h t o t other ur M place c For Yo ou this poem ould I c y all hom e e m t o e e? I wr still lov

you ome! I hope come h e m t and le hter r daug u o y , e Lov

Castlegar on United Church moderator’s tour JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News

The national spokesperson for the United Church of Canada paid a visit to Castlegar last Saturday and members from the United Church congregations of Nelson, Trail, Rossland, Beaver Valley, Salmo, Greenwood, Grand Forks and Christina Lake gathered at the United Church to meet him. Gary Patterson is serving a three-year term as moderator and appears to be very wellsuited to the task. Patterson spoke with the Castlegar News prior to his presentation which got underway at 12:30 p.m. Patterson, a Vancouver resident, is based in Toronto and was in the midst of a tour in which he’s touching base with congregants from far and wide. “A year and a half ago I was elected as moderator of the United Church,” he informed, “which means I’m the spiritual leader for our denomination across the country. That means I do a lot of traveling. The moderator’s job description is very fluid, the primary task is to ‘quicken the heart of the church,’ you can define that in 101 different ways, one of the ways is to make certain you visit the various regions across the country.” The question was asked, What would Mr. Patterson say was the major issue facing traditional church denomi-

Member of the Castlegar United Church

nations these days, given the well-documented general decline in church attendance. “The major issue would be connected to the decline in terms of numbers. The last census indicated that 29 per cent of people said ‘I’m spiritual but not religious,’ which means the church and institutional life is no longer answering their questions and their needs, and that would be true right across the board – we’re worried about the decline in people participating in elections… service clubs… or volunteers. So the challenge, is to say, ‘how do we say the same message of hope and commitment to mending the world, but say it in a way that connects with a new generation? What I’m hearing is that they have the same questions… ‘Where do we come from? What’s my life all about?’ Information was touched upon during the Right Reverend’s presentation, including the fact that “in the 1950’s and 60’s, the United Church of Canada held a significant position in the Canadian public landscape consulting with

Mothers Day Special Buffet $2195 +tax

Every Mom receives a free carnation! SEATINGS:

4:30 - 6:00 6:00 - 7:30 7:30 - 9:00

Federal Government leaders and making frequent newspaper headlines.” A report from Castlegar United outlined: “As a church, we were reminded that, we need to see a holy vision that embraces all relations, rich and poor, sick and lonely and with our earth. Times are challenging within our churches as numbers decline, people age and our buildings require more maintenance. We must accept that society is changing and more people are feeling dubious about churches. Social media has created loneliness and isolation and it is noticeable that people tend to look for company by sitting in a cafe along side other people focused on their technical devices!” There was time for a “town hall” style meeting with people asking pertinent questions and Gary responding. Reverend Patterson had spoken in Nakusp the day before his Castlegar visit, and was then on the way to Creston and Cranbrook before heading to Calgary and on to Toronto.





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Castlegar News Thursday, May 01, 2014 A15

Find the Perfect Flower Arrangement in our Floral Department for

Mother’s Day May 11th

1721 Columbia Avenue Castlegar,BC 250.365.7771


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Spring Fling a roaring success Derek Kaye Castlegar News

Do you love your Mom?

Nothing says ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ quite like a new car! Castlegar Fire Service hugs a special Derek Kaye photo

Spring Fling organizer Peter Laurie had similar feelings on how well the day went. He wishes to thank all the volunteers who are too numerous to mention, but know who they are, for all their contributions that went into making another successful Castlegar Spring Fling. See you next year.


1602 Columbia Ave., Castlegar | 1.866.365.4845 250.365.4845 |

Mother’s Day Brunch adults kids 10 & under

$15.95 $10.95

10am til 3pm Brunch only We will not be open for supper Reservations recommended

Above: Yanive Feiner from Super Cat studios. At left: Dannika Soukoroff Derek Kaye photo

Mother’s Day Bouquets

Mother’s Day

Thirsty Duck





It huffed and it puffed, it even sent a lightning strike, but the weather couldn’t blow the stage tent down. From 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. Kinsmen Park in downtown Castlegar on Saturday April 26 was full of citizens. The folks enjoyed their right to assembly, celebration and friendly competition in the annual Castlegar Spring Fling. Close to 30 teams participated in road hockey, the greatest of Canadian sports. Entertainment ranged from the aggressive rock and roll of teenage band Right Out Of Way to the softer vocals of Spiritwood and Dannika Soukoroff. Roots music made its appearance with the country retro rock band Concrete Harvester and country blues artist, yours truly Derek Jonathan. Nina Amelio performed with Jason Thomas, doing songs from her recent EP including up and coming original pop songs receiving regular airplay on Mountain FM, the Bridge and CBC radio stations. The stage lineup was rounded out by a session of Super Cat studio singers instructed by the talented Nina Amelio in the morning and a team of roaring guitars later in the afternoon driven by a very talented drummer. Super Cat Studios owner Yanive Feiner drove the players conducting the music with his tasty guitar leads and band leadership. Their were four road hockey rinks constructed with supplies donated by Rona and Mitchell’s this year with a tournament-style round robin with resulting play-offs. The winners of this

year’s Castlegar 3 x 3 hockey Stanley Cup were the Hawkeyes, who went undefeated in the adult category. The youth category winners were the Blackhawks. Tournament sponsor Mountain FM finished in the semi-finals, and Josh Hoffman, Mountain FM sports broadcaster had this to say about the tournament day, “The weather Sparky from the could have played a young one. factor but it didn’t, which I think goes to show how much people love the sport of hockey whether it’s on the ice or on the street. There were a lot of happy kids out there and a lot of happy adults when they won the cup. When you get that trophy out there its like kids at Christmas time.”

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Thursday, May 01, 2014 Castlegar News




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Nina Amelio with Jason Thomas at Spring Fling 2014.

Derek Kaye photo

A girl with dreams

Derek Kaye Castlegar News

Nina Amelio has been performing since she was a child. At 17 she started to pursue singing seriously. The same year she was a Miss Revelstoke Princess. Since returning to Castlegar where she was raised, she’s begun singing and performing locally, receiving vocal coaching from Cheryl Hodge from Selkirk College. Soon she was vocal coach herself, teaching at Super Cat Studios in Castlegar becoming an important mentor for a fresh batch of eager young singers. She has released an EP recorded at Super Cat studios with the help of musician/instructor and owner Yanive Feiner, and more recently released her second EP recorded at

Baker Studios in Victoria and mixed and mastered by Juno nominee Joby Baker. You can hear Nina’s emotions in the EP titled Spell and Reflections. The second single, Only Human has been played on Mountain FM, where she played live and gave an interview, as well as the Bridge and CBC’s North by Northwest. Her songs were reviewed for her by famed Canadian blues record label, (Stony Plains Records) and blues radio pioneer Holger Peterson. He gave a very favourable review and advice but has not playlisted her for his own programs, because he leans toward a more blues-specific genre. Her songs are available to live stream and download through her website at www. and are defi-

nitely worth the surf there. The lyrics are heartfelt. The production on the single Only Human is slick and smooth but with character, dynamics and rhythmic feel that is pleasing to one’s soul. She is hard working in her attitude towards playing and performing with others. Her next Castlegar show is at 1 p.m. June 7 at Castlegar’s Sunfest in Kinsmen Park. She is also playing at the Walk for MS in Nelson on May 28 and Relay for Life in Trail on May 31. She told the Castlegar News her short term goals, “…are to play with more musicians and to start touring in bigger centres. My long term goals would be to get signed to a major label. A girl can dream.”

Trail and District Harmony Choir

under direction of Audrey Bisset

invites you to a

Spring Concert

May 3, 2014 at 7:00pm Charles Bailey Theatre


Harmony Choir Kootenay Women’s Ensemble Rossland Glee Club

The Green Choir Steps Dance Company The Harmaniaks


Dawson Zanet and Audrey Bisset




at the Charles Bailey Box Office

Locally owned and operated by Woody’s Auto Ltd. 1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208

1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955

Castlegar News Thursday, May 01, 2014 A17



BC/DC rocks Element


DEREK KAYE Castlegar News

Since 1999 BC/DC has rocked the Kootenays and the world. They may have started out a little “stiff ” on some party stage, and then graduated to the kings of bush parties, but their truth to the original musicianship and attitude of AC/ DC has propelled them to the top of rock and roll party stages from New York to Las Vegas. But their favourite place to play in B.C. and what their frontman Brian Bon Johnscottson describes as the “best live venue in B.C.” is the Element club in Castlegar. Last Saturday April 26 the boys played another kick-ass double set of what is arguably the best rock and roll headbanger music ever written. With well over 500 shows under their belt the show was a swagger of fistfuls of rock and roll angst thrown against the wall of convention with gun powder explosions. Lead guitar player Mad Cow (The Artist Formerly Known as Angus Hung) dissipated screaming guitar riffs like a bat out of hell, while Spliff Williams on bass and fill-in drummer Eric beat the rock that drove the beat. Their regular drummer the legendary Paddy Duddy is on tour in Australia playing drums for Canadian punk legends DOA. The Element was filled with old headbangers and new young fans who were not even born when the original music

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was released in the 1970’s. But the music has become timeless like Beatles songs but for a different crowd with a different penchant for reality. Brendan Rafferty (BC/DC singer’s real name) spoke with the Castlegar News between sets and told us, “I love playing in Castlegar; I love small towns. Small towns are way better than big cities. I love playing at the Element, it is one of the best bars in B.C. You can see from every sightline in the

Derek Kaye photo

room and the food is unreal.” Next gig for them is in Whitefish, Montana, which Brendan describes as a great artsy town. The band is looking forward to playing outdoors at Castlegar Sunfest for the second year in a row, this year on Saturday evening June 7 in Kinsmen Park. Bass player Itchy said he was having a great gig and his advice for Castlegar fans was, “To keep their heads up and sticks on the ice.”

May 3rd - Hornography w/ Rafferty Funksmith

Seed Potatoes



May 8th - Joel West (free show) May 9th - Kootenay Music Awards with Live Sax & Ben Fox

May 16th - Big John Bates with Mrs Strange & The Other Wayne King

May 17th - Mat the Alien with Yan Zombie

Pop Up Greenhouse

May 23rd - Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra with Fish & Bird

June 13th - DJ Hoola Hoop June 20th - Neighbour Home Breakin’ Records June 21st - D.O.A. w/ Drunk on Purpose & Dealer June 27th - Sub Bass feat. Erica Dee & Guests July 17th - The Good Ol’ Goats


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Thursday, May 01, 2014 Castlegar News

Running a business or nonprofit that makes revenues (social enterprise)? Free support is available! if you are located in the Columbia Basin, the Basin Business Advisors are here to assist your organization! Common areas of focus include: • General business and growth strategy; • Financial management practices; • in-depth financial analyses and business performance review; • Pricing methodology and related policies; • Marketing practices and market opportunities and much more!

Visit or 1-855-510-2227 for more info. A PROGRAM OF

AdMinisteRed & MAnAGed by

Sports Figure skating finale and wrap-up The Castlegar Skating Club has witnessed Castlegar News a fantastic 2013-2014 season. Rachel Stewart was welcomed to the club as a coach, along with returning coaches Andrea Poznikoff and Sabrina Hinson. Rachel brings 17 years of experience with her in a new adventure with this club. Sabrina has been with the club for eight years and Andrea is just beginning her career as an NCCP trained coach. Skaters’ achievements were celebrated at the Year End Wind-Up dinner at the Castlegar Golf Course Restaurant on April 3, 2014. Brian from the Golf Course Restaurant created a deDerek Kaye



Front Row: Hailey Gleboff, Jordan Singer, Candice Soukeroff, Erin Klashinsky, Savannah Koorbatoff, Jenni Buskas, Allison Soukeroff, Sarah Cousins. Back Row: Coach Rachel Stewart, Daira Batchelor, Zoey Crockart, Alexia Kardash, Tara Gleboff, Megan Cousins, Annika Cheveldave, Sara Lefurgey, Coach Andrea Poznikoff, Coach Sabrina Hinson Missing: Sierra Buller, Aerial Leister, Alison Lefurgey and Tessa Austad

Sumbitted Photo


Monday - Saturday • May 5 - 10 UP TO

25% OFF


Red Tagged Items an Additional


Be prepared!

Flooding and other weather-­‐related events are a common occurrence in the Kootenays from April through July. Provincial agencies and local volunteers may monitor streams a nd r ivers throughout the freshet / flood season. Residents are responsible for having an emergency plan as well as the tools and items necessary to protect their homes and properties (such as sand bags). In potential life threatening circumstances, the Regional District of Central Kootenay, along with the support of Emergency Management BC (EMBC), may issue an Evacuation Alert or an Evacuation Order to residents living in a flood hazard area. In advance of freshet season, EMBC provides sand bags to the RDCK to protect local infrastructure (bridges, highways, water treatment plants, communications etc.) and to r esidents if the need becomes apparent.

__________________________________________________________ IN EVENT OF A F LOOD EMERGENCY Listen to local radio stations for more information o n sand bag locations and current evacuation a lerts & orders.

10% Off

To report potential flooding or for more information call RDCK Emergency Coordinators:



1217 3rd Street 250-365-2290

Store Hours: Mon to Sat - 9 to 5:30

Visit Our In-Store

• Travel: Mon. - Fri., 9 - 5:30, 250-365-7782 BC Reg. no. 23776

licious Greek-style buffet that was enjoyed by coaches, skaters and parents. This season, Castlegar Skating Club STARSkaters passed 42 Skate Canada tests that were taken at four different test days throughout the Kootenays. Eight of our 19 members competed at two local competitions and collected many awards. The West Kootenay Invitational Competition in Rossland and the Kootenay Championships Competition in Beaver Valley. Some skaters are still attending a spring skate at Beaver Valley Spring School. Certificates of Participation and Achievement awards were presented to all STARSkaters (see picture).

• Sleep Experience: 250-365-2219

Nelson / Kaslo Areas D, E, F 250-­‐354-­‐5343 Nakusp/ Slocan Areas H, I, J, K 250-­‐265-­‐1920 Creston Area A, B, C / Salmo Area G 250-­‐254-­‐8255

24/7 Provincial Emergency Reporting Number

Emergency Management BC -­‐ Emergency Coordination C entre: 1-­‐800-­‐663-­‐3456 Dirty or muddy water please report immediately! For information on debris flow h azards: bris%20Flow%20Hazard%20Brochure_FINAL.pdf

For information on Flood Preparedness, How to Sand Bag; Creating a Personal Emergency Kit and c urrent River Flow L evels from the BC River Forecast Centre check out: For Kootenay Lake Water Levels For local RDCK Flood/ Freshet Information Bulletins (when a pplicable) please see

Castlegar News Thursday, May 01, 2014 A19

Sports The Castlegar Skating Club presents special awards each year to skaters who achieve special milestones or ‘stand out’ in specific categories. This year, the STARSkaters received the following awards: •Preliminary STARSkater of the Year: presented to Jordan Singer. This is awarded to a skater competing in the current STAR1 level or those who have finished CanSkate badges and are working on the STAR badges. •Intermediate STARSkater of the Year: presented to Allison Soukeroff. This is awarded to a skater competing in the current STAR2 or STAR3 category/level. • Senior STARSkater of the Year: presented to Megan Cousins. This is awarded to a skater competing or working at the STAR 4 or STAR5 category/level. • Most Dedicated: presented to Zoey Crockart. This is awarded to a skater who is fulfilling time on the ice in a positive, conscientious manner with a positive regard for Skating. • Congeniality: presented to Sarah Cousins. This is awarded to a skater who has a good rapport with coaches, other skaters, parents, executive, competitors from other clubs and also shows sportsmanship and support, both on

and off the Ice. • Program Assistant of the year: presented to Tara Gleboff. This is awarded to a skater who volunteers to help during CanSkate (learn to skate program), consistently shows up with a great attitude and willingness to help CanSkate members improve their skating skills. • Artistic Award: presented to Candice Soukeroff. This is awarded to a skater competing in the Interpretive category at any level. • Best All Around : presented to Annika Cheveldave. This award generally encompasses someone who is: dedicated, improved, has taken tests, attended competitions, been a great P.A., exhibited sportsmanship and congeniality. Congratulations to all STARSkaters for their achievements this season. Awards are presented to skaters who stand out in certain areas. The Castlegar Skating Club and its members are proud of each and every member. All skaters stand out in their own way. Registration for the 2014-2015 skating season will be open soon. If you have any questions or would like to join our club, please call Kim Klashinsky at 250-365-6144 for more information.




July 16, 2011


Sumbitted Photo

Festival ayFestival 2011


011Castlegar July 26, 2014

let’s celebrate!

Featuring live music, dance, performances and cuisine from the diverse

cultures represented in the Kootenay region. Be a part of this exciting let’s celebrate!

culturalfrom event! nce, performances and cuisine the diverse the Kootenay region. Be a part of this exciting

Internationalize CALL FOR VENDORS your career FOR VENDORS Teaching English to Speakers

EXHIBITOR BOOTHS Encouraging the appreciation & recognition of Exhibitors are encouraged to provide an “experience” for festival attendees through community diversity through artistic expression demonstration and presentation. If you are selling a product, a high quality of entertainment & cuisine.

craftsmanship is expected and your product must be crafted, grown or produced locally. o provide an “experience” for festival attendees through Any exhibitors with imported products will be asked to remove them immediately. Please ation. If you are selling a product, a highseveral qualitypictures of include of your work with your booking form if applicable. $40.00 The global demand for certified English language nd your product must be crafted, grown or produced locally. • EXHIBITOR BOOTHS teachers with experience in multicultural d products will be asked to remove them immediately. Please FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS our work with your booking form applicable.will $40.00 environments to grow. Join this dynamic Theifcommittee be looking for a variety of local cuisines as well ascontinues family favourites.

of Other Languages (TESOL )



Food vendors must provide a permit from the Interiorfield Health Authority by June 15, 2011 with Selkirk College’s 4-month TESOL Advanced

S • NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR and abide by their rules and regulations. $60.00 BOOTHS

Diploma Program.

ng for a variety of local cuisines as well as family favourites. To apply contact Audrey Polovnikoff at a permit from theplease Interior Health Authority by June 15, 2011 BOOTHS Apply NOW for September 2014 (limited enrolment) NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR regulations. $60.00 ext. 4105 250-365-3386 These booths are for information only. No products or food items are to be sold and any

items tothe be given away mustform be approved or download and submit application at by the Festival Committee. $25.00 R BOOTHS

ation only. No products or foodTo items areplease to be contact sold andAudrey any Polovnikoff at 250-365-3386 ext. 4105 or download apply t be approved by the Festival Committee. $25.00 submit the application form at

Deadline for submission is May 31, 2014

rey Polovnikoff at 250-365-3386 ext. 4105 or download and for submission is May 31, 2011 Deadline at KEY NOTE SPONSOR

ne for submission is May 31, 2011 Area I and J




Back Row: Coach Rachel Stewart, Zoey Crockart, Candice Soukeroff, Tara Gleboff, Megan Cousins, Annika Cheveldave, Coach Andrea Poznikoff Front Row: Jordan Singer, Sarah Cousins, Allison Soukeroff and Coach Sabrina Hinson.


1 2003 NFL rushing leader __ Lewis 6 “Shoot!” 10 Pro-prohibition org. 14 Olds compact 15 EKTORP sofa seller 16 1800s law-enforcement family name 17 Canadian city named for a historic battle site 20 Mom, to auntie 21 Merits 22 John who sang “Daniel” 23 “Star Trek” spinoff, briefly 24 Part of a stable diet? 25 Stressed commuter’s complaint 34 Horned beast 35 Main points 36 Statesman Hammarskjöld 37 Fine things? 38 Scrabble squares 39 Kitchen timer sound 40 Acting as 41 Canonized fifth-cen. pope 42 Best 43 “Enough kid stuff!” 46 Narc’s find 47 “Yo!” 48 Rouge target



51 Orbiting phenomenon 54 Red leader 57 Totally lacks pep 60 “The Time Machine” race 61 Move like a monarch 62 Bare 63 Peel 64 Dieter’s calculation 65 Triatomic gas in a thinning layer ... and, symbolically, what appears in this puzzle’s four longest answers


1 Benchley thriller 2 Jai __ 3 Team with a skyline in its logo 4 Is for two? 5 Medici known as “the Magnificent” 6 Gucci rival 7 Senegalese-American rapper 8 Popular ‘20s cars 9 Indian bread 10 Prosperity 11 Market vehicle 12 Jazz combo, often 13 Informed about 18 Vacación destination

19 Milk sources 23 Salon goals 24 Giant Mel et al. 25 Samarra native 26 Finger-tapping sound 27 Pull a chair up to 28 Disney’s “Darby __ and the Little People” 29 Pie-eyed 30 Make __: employ 31 Mrs. Roosevelt 32 “Amazing” illusionist 33 Pop-up frozen fare 38 Firebird option 39 Tax 41 Successful, in slang

42 Pizzeria herb 44 “Let’s see what you got!” 45 “Yikes!” 48 Café sign word 49 Healthy 50 Those, in Tijuana 51 “J’accuse” author 52 Throw out 53 Sch. research papers 54 Shortfin or longfin predator 55 Architect William Van __ 56 Merrie __ England 58 Broadway opening? 59 Toon spinner

A20 A24

Thursday, 2014 Castlegar Castlegar News News Thursday,May May01, 1, 2014


Your community. Your classifieds.


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How to place a

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Call Or Drop by our office at Unit #2, 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar, BC 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday Classified Deadline 4pm Monday



Funeral Homes


In Loving Memory Of HAROLD (HAL) PRAESTEGAARD Passed Away April 23, 2014 Age 76 years Residence Creston, BC Memorial Funeral Service Tuesday, April 29, 2014 At 11:00 a.m. G. F. Oliver Funeral Chapel Pastor Gordon Lawrence officiating Cremation Friends wishing to make a memorial contribution may do so to the Creston Valley Hospital Kidney Dialysis Bag 3000 Creston, BC V0B 1G0

IN-FLIGHT Magazine...SOAR Magazine. This attractive business & tourism publication is published bi-monthly six times a year. Great impact for your BC Business more than 280,000 passengers fly Pacific Coastal Airlines. Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email:






Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities

MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851.

Lost & Found Ring found in the ATM area of Heritage Credit Union in Castlegar on January 18, 2014 Ring can be identified and claimed through the receptionist at Heritage Credit Union in Castlegar


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Bill Postnikoff Obituaries Harold Praestegaard also known as Hal Jensen passed away peacefully April 23, 2014, born February 28th, 1938. He is survived by his wife Jan and two daughters. Funeral was held April 29, 2014 in Creston, BC

Coming Events SONS OF NORWAY

Nordic Lodge ‘76 in Castlegar is inviting the public to join in the celebration of the 200th Anniversary of Norway’s Constitution of 1814. The event is scheduled for May 31st at the Castlegar City Complex with entertainment, a Gala dinner with a smorgass bord of traditional Norwegian foods of the highest quality reserved for very special occasions, followed by a dance to the tunes of Don Hollis on the accordion. A limited no. of tickets goes on sale March 31st till May 15th at $30 per person. Children 15 & under in a family at no charge. Tickets are available at the following locations; Castlegar City Complex Rossland: Cafe Books West 4-2063 Washington St Nelson: Stuarts News Chako Mika Mall Nelson: Au-Soleil-Levant French Canadian Bakeri

It is with great sadness to announce the sudden passing of Bill Postnikoff of Fruitvale on Sunday April 27, 2014 at his home in Marsh Creek with his family by his side. Bill was predeceased by his parents Alec and Nora and brothers Walter and Harry. Bill is survived by his loving wife Nancy, children Billy, Cyril and Theresa (Kyle), sister-in-law Kathy, and many cousins, nephews, nieces, family and friends. Bill was born and raised in Champion Creek, BC where he spent many of his days with his brothers and cousins who were more like his brothers and sisters. Bill in his younger years enjoyed fishing, hunting, picking huckleberries and spent many hours playing hockey. Bill met his loving wife Nancy in 1979 and married her in 1980. They moved to Blueberry and finally relocated to Fruitvale in 1983 where their three beautiful children were raised. Bill worked in construction all his life and was a proud member of CSWU 1611. One of his great passions was getting all the family children and friends together and spending afternoons at Champion Lakes. Bill loved his home and throughout the summer months could be seen putting around and beautifying his yard and keeping his grass green. Heaven forbid anyone touch his sprinklers! His love was his wife, that he cherished beyond means, his children and being at home with family and friends. He never had a mean thing to say about anyone and was always welcoming you into his home. Bill’s famous last words were “See You again My Friend” And we will see you again our Friend!!

Also available from Sons of Norway members;

A funeral service will be held at Gateway Christian Life Centre on Friday May 2, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. The service will be officiated by Major Samuel Fame.

In Rossland; Call Mr. Reino Rasku 250-362-9465 In Castlegar: Call Mr. Ole K. Kristiansen 250-365-1017

You are invited to leave a personal message of condolence at the family’s online register at


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John Vincent HARTT June 8, 1922 April 3, 2014 Sadly, the family of John Hartt of Castlegar, wishes to announce his sudden passing at Castlewood Village on April 3rd, at age 91. John was born near Dauphin, Manitoba to parents Joseph and Lillian Pawlowich who were of Ukrainian, Polish and German descent. His grandparents came from Europe by ship and landed at Pier 21 in Halifax in 1898. He grew up and attended school in northern Alberta. He came from a musical family and as a young man he played violin with his father and siblings at family gatherings. He held many jobs (worked in the family businesses of farming, garage, taxi and restaurant). He was in the Canadian Army from 1944-45. He moved to Vancouver and became a heavy duty mechanic and worked on numerous logging and construction projects, including The Ironworkers Memorial Bridge in Vancouver and the Mica Dam. He was proud and excited to be presented with his 50 year membership watch from the International Union of Operating Engineers the day before he passed away. He was a man who could diagnose and fix anything mechanical. John enjoyed his visits to his son and family in Onoway, Alberta and visits and telephone calls from his Miller family granddaughters, Ukrainian food, country/western music, WWF (wrestling), any family dogs, his occasional Sunday afternoon rye and ginger, and feeding his sweet tooth (especially Oh Henry chocolate bars). He was always up to date on current world news and was able to maintain his independence right up to the day of his passing. John was predeceased by his parents, brothers Donald, Leonard, and Ronald and sister Lillian, and his wives Sophie, Anne, Fay and partner Pat. Left to mourn are his daughter Linda (Rick) Miller of Castlegar; son Gordon(Fay) Hartt of Onoway, Alberta; brother Eugene of Abbotsford; grandchildren Kyla (Sam) and Taaryn of Calgary; Trinette (Dustin), Randi (Drew) of Onoway, great-grandchildren Ava, Brilynn, and Jocelyn of Onoway, a nephew and several nieces. Thank-you to Dr. Lisa Vasil and office staff, to Linda and Jane and care staff at Castlewood Village for their care over the years, and to Paul Tupholme for his visits and assistance to John. Cremation has taken place under the care of the Castlegar Funeral Home. A family celebration of life and internment of ashes will take place in June in Vancouver. We will miss his knowledge, beautiful blue eyes, his appreciation of his heritage and his dry sense of humour.

Rest in peace……



Celebration of Life

Laura Desnoyers

Children of the late Laura Desnoyers extend an invitation to Family, Friends & Neighbors to join us along with our Families in a Celebration of Life on Sunday, May 18, 2014, at Montrose Hall from 2 - 4 pm at 490 - 9th Ave, Montrose.

Margaret Ford OUR MOTHER HAS PASSED, THE SUN IS BEHIND THE HILLS UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN. March 3rd, 1917 April 21st, 2014 Margaret Ethelean Ford (nee Whalen) 97 years old, peacefully passed away on April 21, 2014 in Castlegar, B.C Left with fond memories are her daughters Maureen, Patricia (Jack Watson), and sons Jack (Judy), and Jim, grandchildren Bill, Dennis, Leo, Laura, Anne- Marie, Michael, Kevin, Tammy, Tracey, Julie, Leah, Shauna, Jennifer, 18 great grandchildren, her sisters Lucy, Mary Ellen and brother Michael (all of Ontario). as well as a many nieces and nephews. Margaret was predeceased by her husband of 61 years, Michael and her siblings Anne, Kate, Charles and John and son- in- law, Hugh Goetting and daughter- in- law, Carol. Margaret was born and raised on a farm near Matheson, Northern Ontario. Times were tough and she always regretted leaving school at an early age to work as a Mother’s helper to help support her family. In 1936 she met her future husband Michael and they were married in Ramore, Northern Ont. in 1937. They tried homesteading but were unable to find water and eventually gave it up. Later on they discovered that the land was situated on the property that became a hugely successful Asbestos mine. Michael worked an underground miner in the early gold mines in the South Porcupine and Timmins area. The family finally settled in Castlegar in 1952 when Dad got a job with Cominco. Mom enjoyed traveling and accompanied Dad on many hunting and fishing trips. Throughout her long life she supported all of us in our many varied endeavours, she was always there for us, and made sure that there was no shortage of home made food. But more important there was always an abundance of motherly love for us all. Margaret lived independently till age 94 when she moved to Castlewood Manor. She had a good memory, and was sharp as a tack playing cards. In 2013 she moved to Castleview Care Centre where she was very well looked after by the staff. Thanks to the staff of the Castleview Care Centre and Dr. David Larocque for their professional and kind efforts to make our mother’s passing a peaceful one. A Celebration of Life will be held for family and friends at a later date. A25 A21

Castlegar Castlegar News News Thursday, May 1, 01,2014 2014








Career Opportunities

Education/Trade Schools


Help Wanted

Help Wanted



Career Opportunities

Deputy Operations Manager

RN’S & LPN’S Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses

Career Opportunities

District of Kitimat, exempt staff position, with competitive compensation and full benefit package. Reporting to the Operations Manager, assists in planning, implementing and tracking the operations, repair and maintenance of the municipality’s infrastructure, including water and sewer, buildings, roads, parking lots, traffic control, drainage, signage, sidewalks, parks, grass cutting,, cemetery, and equipment fleet. Candidates will have several years of experience in a municipal or similar work environment and post-secondary education in Civil, Building or Water Quality Technology, EOCP Sewage Treatment and Water Distribution certification, or related Trade Qualification. Submit resumes by May 15, 2014, 4:30 p.m., to Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, B.C. V8C 2H7, Fax 250-632-4995, email

EMPLOYERS CAN’T find the work-at-home Medical Transcriptionists they need in Canada! Get the training you need to fill these positions. Visit to start training for your work-athome career today! LEARN FROM home. Earn from home. Huge demand for CanScribe Medical Transcription graduates. Start your online learning today with CanScribe Career College. Call 1.800.466.1535 or email to:

QUATSINO First Nation is seeking the services of a Band Administrator to oversee all band programs and band related business. PostSecondary education in Business Management, Human Resources or related fields is a preference. A minimum (3) years experience in administration, human resources or related field or setting is required. Please direct any questions and/or your cover letter, resume complete with 3 references, and a criminal record check to: Attn: Rob Cahill 305 Quattishe Rd. Coal Harbour, BC V0N 1K0 Tel: 250-949-6245 Fax: 250-949-6249 Email:

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

HIGHWAY OWNER OPERATORS $3500 SIGNING BONUS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway linehaul Owner Operators based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package.

To join our team of professional drivers, email a detailed resume, current driver’s abstract & details of your truck to: Call 604-968-5488 Fax: 604-587-9889 Only those of interest will be contacted. Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.


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INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853

Bayshore Home Health is currently seeking Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses for night shifts in the Castlegar/Nelson area to work with children with complex care needs. If you are an RN or LPN and love working with children and their families , we would appreciate hearing from you. Pediatric experience is an asset and we do offer client specific training.

Please send your resume & cover letter to: pedsvancouver@ or fax: 1-866-686-7435

Apply at Joey’s 100 - 1983 Columbia Ave

Vernon Service Company requires Journeyman Service Plumbers/Gasfitters, $36.00/hr Call (250)549-4444 or fax 250-549-4416


An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051.


Celebration of Life Harold Ridge


Celebration of Life for

Felix Marc Belczyk

Our world feels a little less bright as Felix Marc Belczyk passed away April 27, 2014. Felix Sr. was a loving Husband, Dad and Grandpa. He was predeceased by his mother Valerie and he will be missed by his wife Renate, children: Felix (Tulene), Sandy (Andrew) and Andrea (Tony) and grandchildren: Rebecca, Ben, Zach, Zoe, Gabby, Skylar, Luke and Teya. Felix was born in Krakow, Poland on October 10,1925. The son of Valerie Belczyk, he divided his schooling between Austria and Poland. An Austrian aunt gave him refuge during WWII which allowed him to escape being trapped behind the iron curtain. After a stint with the French Foreign Legion a Canadian recruiter gave him and his mother passage to Canada. He arrived by ship to Halifax in 1948, but his desire for the mountains kept him moving west. In 1950 he received a job at the Banff Springs Hotel and started an apprenticeship as an electrician. Due to his passion for the mountains Banff was his dream home and he became an accomplished climber, summiting many Rocky Mountain peaks including Mt. Robson and Mt. Assiniboine. In 1960 at Twin Falls, Yoho National Park in a back country lodge, he met his love Renate. A week later on the Summit of Mt. Assiniboine he proposed and two weeks later they were married in a small church in Field, BC. They moved to Castlegar, BC in 1963 where he worked as an electrician and raised his three children with his loving wife. He built his home and resided in Castlegar ever since. His joy of skiing and mountain climbing was only exceeded by his love for his family. He will be missed.


“60”has never looked so good! Happy Birthday Diane Robinson!!! Love your Family xoxo


th 60 h 60 t 60 th th


The Armstrong Division of Tolko Industries is a large complex consisƟng of a Lumbermill, Plywood plant and CogeneraƟon faciliƟes.

• Display a strong commitment towards safety is essenƟal. • The successful candidate will possess a diploma/technical degree in a mechanical or electrical related Įeld. • Ability to use JDE or similar CMMS programs is important. • A strong ability in AnalyƟcal TroubleshooƟng and applying Failure Modes and Eīects Analysis. • Able to lead diverse trades groups into highly eīecƟve Maintenance Teams by focusing on Maintenance Best PracƟces and a strong Quality Assurance Program.

Saturday May 3, 2014 Drop in 1 - 4 pm Banquet room at the Adventure Hotel (formally the New Grand Hotel) 616 Vernon St. Nelson, BC

Michael John POPOFF

Carpenters Hall #2-2320 Columbia Ave. Castlegar Saturday May 3, 2014 1pm to 3pm



1-800-663-5555 or *5555 Obituaries

Looking for your next great career opportunity? Armstrong, BC • MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR ͳ LUMBER • MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR ͳ PLYWOOD

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With heavy hearts the family of Mike Popoff of Nelson BC and Scotch Creek BC, wishes to announce his passing at Talarico Place Care Centre on Monday, April 14, 2004, blessed with 86 years. Mike was born in Perry’s Siding BC, on November 27, 1927, to parents Grace and John Popoff. He grew up in Perry’s Siding, where he loved swimming and fishing. When Mike was old enough, he moved to Nelson and got hired on with Kootenay Forest Products. He met his future wife, Nellie Gritchen and in 1957, they were married and then blessed with two sons. The family lived in Nelson for the next 10 years and Mike developed a passion for buying and fixing used vehicles and then selling them. It was during this time that the couple ended their marriage and Nellie and the boys moved to Vancouver. Mike developed some serious health issues and his prognosis was very poor. He went to places with a drier climate and eventually met Dr. Jensen from California, who started treating him. Mike’s treatment was successful and he returned to Nelson, where he got a job with the city and for 25 years worked as an Animal Bylaw Control Officer. After his retirement, he moved to his property in Tarry’s where he enjoyed his life fixing and selling used cars. Ten years ago, Mike moved to Scotch Creek BC to help his son Mitch, who had become ill. For the last year, because of declining health he lived at Talarico Place Care Centre. He was predeceased by his brother Johnny and his sister Anne Soukeroff. Left to mourn his loss is his son Mitch of Scotch Creek BC and grandsons Adam and Joel, his sons Gary (Micelle Secord) of Nelson, his brother Andy of New Denver, His brother-in-law Louie Gritchen of Thrums and many nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements were in care of Castlegar Funeral Chapel. The family extends their deep appreciation to the staff at Talarico Place Care Centre, to Bill Strilaeff and the staff of Castlegar Funeral Chapel, and to all who were able to come and share in the loss of our beloved father. “Our dad wished to be buried at Perry’s Siding – with most of his departed family members – we will always keep him in our thoughts and hearts.”

Our tradiƟon of excellence is built on strong company values, a challenging environment, and conƟnuous development. To explore current career opportuniƟes and become a part of our community, apply online today at ApplicaƟons will be accepted unƟl May 4, 2014. We thank all candidates for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Apply Today! Help Wanted

Help Wanted

School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) MANAGER OF ACCOUNTING We are looking for a keen, positive, motivated accountant who wants to work in a high paced, challenging environment. The Manager of Accounting supervises and provides expertise to accounting and payroll support staff; ensures appropriate controls; performs reconciliations and variance analysis; assists in the preparation of budget and financial statements; helps with audits; and other key functions. The Manager of Accounting is our lead on our integrated software system systems. The Manager of Accounting also ensures timely and accurate coordination of and submissions of Ministry of Education student data and a variety of other regulatory reports. Excellent interpersonal, problem solving and communication skills are key to your success as you support the district’s operations. Your background includes related leadership and accounting experience and education in the field of accounting. You’ve earned a second level of a recognized accounting program (CGA/CMA/CA/CPA), and/or a diploma in accounting or business administration. You are extremely comfortable using enterprise class software and have experience supporting others in the use of software. Ideally you have experience with running payroll. Finally, you are resilient and committed to working collaboratively with integrity and character in support of the public education system. The position will start as soon as the right candidate is available. Applications should include a resume with details of your education and work experience, copies of official transcripts of qualifications and a list of references from a variety of sources. For the full posting see the Careers section on If you have questions or wish to submit an application please contact: Natalie Verigin, Secretary-Treasurer Attention #14-E-02 School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) 2001 Third Avenue, Trail, BC V1R 1R6 Telephone: (250) 368-2223 Deadline for applications is Monday, May 12th, 2014 at 4:00 pm.



Thursday, 2014 Castlegar Castlegar News News Thursday, May May 01, 1, 2014

A22 A26




Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

SUTCO is growing their well established conventional log haul division. We will have two positions open for June 1, 2014. We are looking for candidates with two years verifiable bush hauling experience. We offer modern equipment, steady year round work, great pay, extended benefits and a pension plan with company matched contributions. Submit resumes on line at or call 1 888 357 2612 ext 230 for more details.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Financial Services Manager We have an opportunity for a full time Financial Services Manager. If you have experience as a business manager and want to work in a team atmosphere, we are looking for you!


YRB Yellowhead Road & Bridge

Yellowhead Road & Bridge (Kootenay) Ltd. is looking for a Mechanic for our New Denver facility. Applicants will need to hold a valid TQ for Heavy Duty or Commercial Transport, class three driver’s licence and Motor Vehicle Inspection licence would be an asset.




Trades, Technical

Trades, Technical


RV Journeyman & Apprentice Technicians required at Voyager RV, B.C. Interior’s Largest RV dealer! We’re just completing a brand new RV Service shop, and need fulltime Apprentice and Journeyman RV technicians now. If you have a passion to join a great service team, and want to work on the best RV brands, now is the time! Competitive wages, plus bonus plans and benefits! No layoffs. Please send your resumes to (Attn: Logan) or fax 250-7664711.

Transportation / Heavy Duty Mechanic required in Nakusp, BC. Must be Red Seal Certified, able to work on a variety of makes, models of trucks, trailers, components. A CVIP Certificate, welding skills an asset. Full time position with flexible hours. Group benefits. Competitive wages. Fax or email resumes to: 250-2653853 or

Resumes can be faxed to 250-352-2172 or e-mailed to

THINK OF IT AS ‘911’ FOR CANCER. Our Cancer Information Service can help you make informed decisions about prevention, diagnosis, treatment & more. Talk to someone you can trust. It’s free and it’s confidential.

STUCCO APPLICATORS to start immediately for a busy stucco company located in West Kelowna area. Position starts at $29.00/hr. Contact Kevin @ 250-862-7418 or email

Help Wanted

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Strong selling skills and organizational skills required. Email resume to Marc Cabana

Health Products

Career opportunity

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Apply by May 16, 2014.

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We currently have an opportunity to hire a Financial Analyst in our Finance Department. The incumbent is responsible for financial and profitability reporting, and maintaining applicable reporting systems. The role provides information and support for ALM strategies and policies, verifies data integrity of various reports and performs interpretive analyses on special projects.

Career opportunity

If you are a team player ready to take on an exciting challenge in a progressive, employee focused environment, we'd like to hear from you! For full details about this position including qualifications and information about how to apply prior to May 9, 2014, please see the Careers Section of our website at better. together


Guillevin International Co. is seeking an ambitious/customer focused individual with a minimum Grade 12 education and preferably 1-2 yrs experience in a similar Inside Sales Role. Preference will be given to candidates that have some electrical products experience. Responsibilities will include: customer service in person and over the telephone by processing orders, providing price and delivery information, co-coordinating project requirements, and answering various product inquiries. You should be highly motivated, a strong team player with demonstrated learning abilities. We offer an attractive benefits program, which includes profit sharing. Please forward your resume to: Peter Youngblut Guillevin International Co. 609-13th Street Castlegar BC V1N 2K6 We thank all candidates, but only those short-listed will be contacted.



Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750


Financial Services

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email: C- 250-938-1944 UNFILED TAX Returns? Unreported Income? Avoid Prosecution and Penalties. Call a Tax Attorney First! 1855-668-8089 (Monday-Friday 9-6 ET).

Legal Services

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Tree Services Rototilling

Call Dana 250-365-0110

Merchandise for Sale

Auctions BC LIVESTOCK SPRING AUCTION SALES May 3 – Williams Lake 10 am May 10 – Kamloops 10:30 am May 24 – Vanderhoof 11 am May 31– Prince George 10 am June 21 – Horsefly 10 am f.m.i. 250-573-3939

Garage Sales Moving/Garage Sale furniture household, misc tools & some collectable lots of choice, 107 - 10th Ave Castlegar, Sat, May 3rd 9-3

Misc. for Sale

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

3 new 6,000 lbs electric trailer axles, 6 bolt pattern, 1/2 price $375/each, electric wheel chair lift $300, hydraulic post pounder on trailer $650 Call 250-226-7990 Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? SCREENED TOP Soil, $30. per yard. Delivery available. 250-367-9308

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Financial Services DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+

Service Advisor Required


Glacier Honda is a fully developed shop with advanced technology and the latest equipment, including alignment. Our shop is fast paced with emphasis on quality and customer satisfaction.

This position provides systems and application support for the Trust’s core business applications, including the Information Management System and public and private websites. This is a permanent, full-time position based out of our Castlegar office.

If you are a highly motivated person with customer service experience. We are willing to train the right person. Wages depend on experience. The position is temporary with potential to permanent position.

1602 Columbia Ave Castlegar BC V1N 1H9

Apply by May 16, 2014. 1.800.505.8998

Connect with us


Please send resume to above address or email:, attention Al Sanders.

Phone: 250-365-4845 Fax: 250-365-4865 Toll Free: 1-866-365-4845

Professionals Connecting Professionals

Your Best Source For Local Job Seekers!


Castlegar News Thursday, May 01, 2014 1, 2014

www.castlegarnews.comA27 A23

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate





Misc. for Sale

Misc. Wanted


Commercial/ Industrial

Suites, Upper

Cars - Domestic


CASTLEGAR 1 Bedroom Basement Suite, Exceptionally Clean & Roomy, Close to all Shopping & College, Available June 1, Separate driveway & entrance $700/mth + utilities included. Please call 250365-7523 or 250-365-1519

2004 Rendezvous V6 traction control, 195,000 km locally driven, reasonable offers considered, $4,200 250-365-3119

Collectors Currently Buying: Coin Collections, Antiques, Native Art, Old Silver, Paintings, Jewellery etc. We Deal with Estates 250-499-0251

Ground level industrial building space at 2228 6th Ave., Castlegar. Front office approx 490 sq. ft. Rear warehouse type building has 2 ? 10 x 10 garage doors and approx. 1575 sq. ft. contact Tim 250-687-4716 or John 250-304-9419 to view.

FIND A FRIEND Recreation Paradise Year Round!

Mobile Homes & Pads

Homes for Rent

Apt/Condo for Rent 1 Bdrm Apt, 1,000 sq ft, N/S, F/S, W/D, no pets, Equipt & partly furnished, $785/mth utilities & TV incl, Close to shopping, bus & parks, ref required, Call 250-365-7400 or 304-9549, Avail May 1st

North Castlegar Sunny 2 Bdrm suite on bus route includes laundry & utilities N/S, N/P Ref’s req’d $950/mth. 250-365-2784 Avbl May 1st


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Advertise your Garage Sale for

St. Rita’s Chruch May 2nd 4pm - 8 pm Anti Pasto Sale May 3rd 8am - 12 noon

Oak St

R A G E L T $15 AS

Tools Dried Flowers

MOVING SALE 218 102nd Street Ave 14thBlueberry

Sat - Sun

2 Lake s Dr

May 2nd,3rd,4th Items for sale: Household 9am - 3pm



Fri - Sat




Garry Jack Poznikoff and Roy Allen Poznikoff, Executors c/o LEWIS J. BRIDGEMAN McEWAN & CO. LAW CORPORATION 1432 Bay Avenue Trail, BC, V1R 4B1

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at

Suites, Lower

SELKIRK MANOR CEDAR MANOR 1 & 2 Bedroom Apt Call 250-304-3026 250-365-3034


DON’T MISS Out! 62 acres, endless possibilities. 5500 sq. ft. house. 1500 ft. of lakeshore. www.lakeoftheprairie www.lakeoftheprair Jackie 1-306744-2399 1-306-744-7432 Watch online for open house.


Real Estate

Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158


STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online:



SNAPPY HOME Finder. Find your Perfect Home at Offering amazing 2 year No Realtor® Agency “Mere Listing” onto Local MLS® for $695.00. Have every local Realtor® help you sell. Icom Realty Corporation. Phone: 250-762-0052 Toll Free: 1-866-383-8422.

Notice is Hereby Given that all persons having claims against the Estate of Alex William Poznikoff, also known as Alex Poznikoff, Deceased formerly of the City of Castlegar, Province of British Columbia, who died on October 31, 2010, are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the undersigned Executors, on or before June 30, 2014, after which date the Estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received.

BC Housing Castlegar has exciting rental opportunities for families looking for affordable housing. The 3-bedroom units we offer are spacious with 1.5 bathroom, stove, fridge and washer/ dryer hook-ups. One small pet is allowed, with BC Housing approval. No smoking allowed. Tenants pay 30% of their gross monthly income for rent. For applications please call 250-365-2667 or 1-800834-7149 or go on-line to

Terr a

For Sale By Owner

Legal Notices



20 ACRES $0 Down, Only $119/mo. Owner Financing, NO CREDIT CHECKS! Near El Paso, Texas. Beautiful Mountain Views! Money Back Guarantee. Call 1-866-8825263, Ext. 81.

Real Estate

Legal Notices

4 bdrm 2 bath spacious home with lg yard for family avail May 1st. 2 car carport, hardwood floors, wood burning fireplace, summer kitchen, lg tv room in basement, huge deck in private back yard. F/S, DW, W/D. Short walk to Safeway, Kinnaird Elem School. Call 250-354-8004 for appt. $1400. Utilities not incl.

Other Areas

SNAP-ON Scope & timing light & most adapters; 10-10 Coates tire machine (not suitable for aluminum wheels); Van-Norman combination brake lathe & adapters. Make me an offer I can’t refuse, must get rid of it. Retired, no longer working. Bill 1-250-3572688

for more information 1-800-663-6189


SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

ROBSON 3 Bdrm Mobile Home for rent $675/mth + Utilities, Refer check required Call 250-304-4862


KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate Bugs- Guaranteed. No Mess, Odorless, Long Lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot.

Auto Financing


KILL BED BUGS & THEIR EGGS! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online:


Fishing, hiking, hunting, quadding, snowmobiling or just relaxation. Great access within 3 hours of the lower mainland, 40 km from Princeton and steps to Osprey Lake. 2 years new this 3 bedroom, 2 bath open concept chalet has it all & more. Includes a guest cabin with a bedroom, living/sitting area, kitchen & bathroom. New detached garage for storing the toys. Call Adrienne (Royal Lepage Parkside Realty) at 250-809-6322 for a private viewing.

Give life .... register to be an organ donor today!



A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders JD 892D LC excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Castlegar Golf Club






Thursday, May 01, 2014 Castlegar News


Castlegar News Thursday, May 01, 2014

4 A25

CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2014 This year’s Selkirk College graduating class includes more than 750 students who now enter the next stage of their lives equipped with the tools needed to make important contributions to our region and beyond. From Integrated Environmental Planning to Business Administration to Digital Arts & New Media and everything in-between, this year’s graduates are ready for all the challenges and opportunities that now await. Thank you for choosing Selkirk College and good luck in your future.



Thursday, May 01, 2014 Castlegar News


Kalesnikoff Lumber Co. Ltd. is soliciting proposals from Contractors for general forest road maintenance and light de-activation. KLC is looking for an innovative company willing to provide maintenance works within a management and equipment package that provides quality of work within a cost effective frame work. Proposals must be received no later than 2:00pm local time, Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 at the Kalesnikoff Lumber office. Interested company’s should contact Rob Giesler at or Ph. 250-399-4211



Calling all theCommunity Castlegar Community Calling Leaders Are Are you you looking looking for for an an opportunity opportunity to to develop develop and and put put your your communication, delegation, networking or project management communication, delegation, networking or project management skills to use for a good cause?

skills to use for a good cause?

The Canadian Cancer Society is looking for volunteers to join the The Canadian Society is looking volunteers to join Relay For Life Cancer Leadership Committee in for your community and the be Relay For Life Leadership Committee in your community and be a leader in the biggest cancer fundraising event in Canada.

a leader in the biggest cancer fundraising event in Canada. Contact Stacey Cassidy or Mia Gardiner at 250-364-0403 or Contact Stacey Cassidy or Mia 1-888-413-9911 and find out Gardiner at 250-364-0403 or how to get involved.

1-888-413-9911 and find out how to get involved.


6 day banking.

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A couple of Kootenay Mountaineering Club members taking a break from their hike

Kootenay Mountaineering Club Celebrates 50 years Submitted by


The Kootenay Mountaineering Club celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2014. The KMC existed as a section of the Alpine Club of Canada for its first five years, but went its own way when it could not or would not persuade sufficient numbers to sign up with the ACC. Today, the KMC numbers over 300 members and schedules more than 100 outdoor trips and activities every year. Its membership resides primarily in the West Kootenays with most members residing within the RosslandTrail-Castlegar-Nelson corridor. Fifty years ago the KMC’s constitution stated the objectives of the club were to: • Maintain a program of climbs during the summer season and ski touring trips in the winter and spring, • Serve as a nucleus for people interested in mountaineering and wishing to associate with others of like interests, and • Maintain records of pertinent information on trips in the Kootenay area.

The club still does all of this, but 50 years ago the logging industry had not cut many roads into the mountains and access to some of the most New Hours Effective May 5 beautiful Kootenay country �������������������������� ��������������������������������������� Monday to Thursday 9:30 am to 4:30 pm was difficult. The early years Friday 9:30 am to 5:00 pm of the club saw much effort diSaturday 9:30 am to 3:00 pm rected into cutting a trail into Mulvey Basin in the Valhal605 - 20th Street, Castlegar las from where, if not a first summit, then second or third better. together. ascents could be launched. That’s why our Castlegar Crossroads Branch will soon be open six days a week offering you more convenience and options for all your banking needs.

loans for all purposes



Many trails were cut in the KMC’s early years and first ascents were made throughout the Kootenays by KMC members. Weekly rock climbing classes were conducted and early records abound with accounts of very technical climbs. Ski touring and hiking in Kokanee Glacier Park was and still is popular. The old Slocan Chief cabin, built in 1896 to service mining operations in the Kokanee Glacier area, hosted many KMC winter and summer outings. The cabin still exists but today it houses historical information displays and the luxurious Kokanee Glacier Lodge has become the main destination for overnight trips since it was built 10 years ago. The KMC also manages and maintains the four huts on the famous Bonnington Traverse. Highlights of the KMC’s year are the three one-week hiking camp sessions and the Kokanee Glacier ski week. Both are so much in demand that the club holds lotteries to select the participants. The club’s semi-annual socials are always popular for meeting friends and viewing members slide shows of some of their more exotic or adventurous trips. Some things have changed in 50 years. While the KMC frowns on motorized, offroad back country recreation, the back country is becoming increasingly crowded with quads, snow mobiles and commercial cat and heliskiing operations. The club doesn’t instruct technical climbing anymore, now relying on certified instructors to

a new purchase or unexpected expenses. we have a loan product for all your needs

online: Castlegar West Boundary Branch # 100 630 - 17th Street, 256 S. -Copper, p.o. box 76, Castlegar, B.C. 4G7 Greenwood, b.c.V1N voh ijo phone:250-445-9900 250-365-7232 Phone: Fax:250-445-9902 250-365-2913 Fax:

Slocan valley 3014 Hwy 6, P.O. Box 39, Slocan Park, B.C. V0G 2E0 Tel: 250-226-7212 Fax: 250-226-7351

online: a

provide its members more advanced training. When the KMC isn’t in the back country having fun, some challenges of a different nature are taken on. In the early years, the club lobbied successfully for preservation of Kokanee Glacier Park and the formation of the Valhalla Provincial Park and the Purcell Wilderness Conservancy. Today, the KMC is actively trying to keep the Jumbo Valley ‘wild’ and is rallying opposition to the resort’s development. Another concern is that, while access to the back country is better than it was in the 60’s thanks to logging roads, today many of the forestry roads are being decommissioned and some of the favorite hiking and climbing destinations are once again becoming difficult to impossible to access. On June 7, 2014, the KMC will celebrate its 50th anniversary and host the Federation of Mountain Clubs of BC’s AGM in Castlegar. We are partnering with the FMCBC to fill the 200+ seats in the Old Castlegar Theatre to hear guest speaker, Dave Quinn, the ‘Outdoor Guy’ on CBC Radio West, talk that evening about conservation issues and his adventures in the Kootenays. The KMC looks forward to meeting the FMCBC Directors representing 31 outdoor clubs from around the province and sharing concerns, solutions and inspirations.

Check us out at: http://

Castlegar News May 01, 2014 A27




L-R: Laurie McCarthy, Child and Youth Care Worker; Chris Gibson, Therapist; Telus representative Aaron Schootstra; Gordon Smith, Telus & Trustee with SD20; Phil Cotterill, Chair, Take a Hike Youth at Risk Foundation; Nathan Robinson, District Principal, Alternate Programs, SD20; Rebecca Weatherford, Chair, Community Engagement Committee; Eleanor Gattafoni Robinson, Volunteer, Community Engagement Committee; Darrel Ganzert, Chair, SD20 Board of Education; Gareth Cryer, Teacher; Kim Williams, Director of Student Services, SD20.

Assist us by nominating worthy citizens who have contributed to our community. Nomination forms and details are available at: • Canadian Tire • Safeway • City Hall • Castlegar Chamber of Commerce • Castlegar Recreation Center

West Kootenay students get help from Telus April 28, 2014 (Trail, B.C.): Students in the Take a Hike Program were visited Monday at the Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre by representatives of TELUS Communications Inc. who presented a cheque in the amount of $6,650. The donation was made to support the program in its inaugural year in the West Kootenay region. Staff and students of the Take a Hike Program, Trustees of SD20 and members of the Community Engagement Committee were all in attendance to accept the gift. “We are so thankful for the generous gift TELUS is making to Take a Hike West Kootenay. Their contribution will benefit atrisk youth in our community and will support the outdoor activities they undertake as part of their adventure-based curriculum,” said Rebecca Weatherford, Chair of the West Kootenay Community Engagement Committee, a group of community champions leading the local fundraising efforts. “It is a pleasure and a privilege on behalf of the TELUS team to support this innovative program that is making a positive difference for youth in our communities. We wish the staff of SD No. 20, the local engagement committee, and the participants the best of luck in growing this unique program” said Gordon Smith, manager of regional network operations for TELUS. In partnership with School District 20, Take a Hike West Kootenay delivers a full-time alternative education program that engages Adoption Dance of Joy... You can make it happen

at-risk youth through a unique combination of adventure-based learning, academics, therapy and community involvement. The program not only transforms and impacts the lives of at-risk youth in the region, but also their families and the wider communities in which they live. The program launched its inaugural year in the West Kootenay region in September 2013. The program’s students give back to the community with weekly volunteer outings to organizations like Kate’s Kitchen, the Salvation Army and the Beaver Valley Nursery School. Since the fall of 2013, TELUS has committed $25 of every new Optik TV activation in the Trail region to the Take a Hike West Kootenay program as part of their TELUS for Good initiative. Since the campaign started in 2009, TELUS has given over $7 million to 49 local community projects. Together, with the support of our customers, we have helped make communities stronger with new parks, improved healthcare and updated libraries. Learn about Take a Hike Youth at Risk Foundation Take a Hike Youth at Risk Foundation offers an alternative education program that engages at-risk youth through a unique combination of adventure-based learning, academics, therapy, and community involvement. The program is offered in Vancouver and West Kootenay to youth in grades 10-12 who have few remaining options and enables them to positively change their lives.

• Deadline for nominations: Friday May 16, 2014





PART 2 :



Please list details of community contributions, accomplishments, references and all documentation supporting this nomination. Attach any necessary documentation.


Thursday, May 01, 2014 Castlegar News


Indulgent diners have a chance to win!


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