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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 19 $1.35
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Dance Dance Dance
Remembering a Golden golf pioneer ....................................5
The World’s Biggest Paddle ....................................9
Little India coming to Golden ..................................15
Larisa Johnson, left, and Tawni Kwiatek, along with Jaime Knowles and Emma Robinson (not pictured) open up the Golden Dance Academy’s annual show Dance Dance Dance with a jazz routine on Friday May 2. See more pictures on page 9. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Financial audits show improvement in Town books Alpine Rafting celebrates 30 years....................23
Jessica Schwitek The Town of Golden has gone through its annual financial audit, and senior auditor David Adams has some positive news to deliver to council. "Every major indicator has improved over the last three years in Golden," said Adams during a
presentation to council last week. "A lot of that is due to prudent financial management." Two years ago, the net debt for the municipality was around $1.5 million, and now it is down to about $100,000 says Adams. Not only that, but the Town's assets have also increased, and now amount to $6.1 million, most of which is made up of cash.
The largest liability the Town has at the moment is long term debt, currently totaling just over $3 million. The payment schedule has the municipality paying off that debt up until 2029. Members of council will be going over the audit statements in more detail at the next Standing Committee on Finance meeting with Chief Financial Officer Lisa Vass.
Join us in Golden B.C. as we celebrate our Swiss-Canadian heritage. Commemorating over 100 years
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Golden Star
Parson Spring Fling Tianna Craig took a pony ride in the cold weather at the Parson Spring Fling on Saturday May 3. Most of the event was moved indoors due to the rain, but Flying W Trail Rides still took all willing participants out for a ride. All proceeds from the event went to the Parson Community Hall. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
A & W Golden is hosting a
Job Fair on Sunday May 11th from 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Swing by A & W with your resume!
1300 Trans Canada Frtg Golden, BC 250-344-4784
THANK YOU! Stan and Patti would like to announce the sale of the Bean Bag Coffee Roasters. CONGRATULATIONS to Holly Gifford on the sale. She is the perfect person to carry on the vision and tradition of a local coffe roaster business. A BIG THANK YOU to all our customers who have helped support us over the past 15 years with your friendship and your patronage. THANK YOU to our wonderful staff: Jodi Magnusson, Brooklyn Pickering & Taylor Denis for all your professionalism, talents, friendly service. SPECIAL THANK YOU to our good friends Roy & Joyce Nixon, for all your friendship and support over the years.
521 9th Ave. North 250.344.6363
Early learning funds now available Golden Star Staff Golden’s Early Learning and Care Stakeholder Action Group (ELCSAG) can now apply for the funding they have been waiting for. Child-care providers throughout the province are encouraged to apply for a total of $14.8 million in major capital funding to create new licensed child-care spaces for B.C. kids. Starting last week, nonprofit child-care providers can apply for up to $500,000, while private child-care organizations can apply for up to $250,000. Funding can be used to: * Build a new child care facility, including the cost of buying land or a building. * Assemble a modular building and develop a site. * Renovate an existing building. * Buy eligible equipment (including playground equipment) and furnishings to support new childcare spaces in an existing facility. Preference will be given to applications that will create child-care spaces in underserved areas of B.C., such as Surrey, Abbotsford and Langford, and on school grounds, where children can smoothly transition from early years programs, to the classroom, to after-school care. Construction is expected to begin this fiscal year. Golden’s early learning and care hub, which would be built as an addition to Alexander Park Elementary, fits all these criteria, and ELCSAG has been waiting for an official list of funding criteria since last year. Although the project was moving forward with or without this funding, ELCSAG was happy to see the provincial government make this kind of commitment to early learning. The Golden project had been on the ministry’s radar since last year’s UBCM. Applications will be accepted during three intake periods: * May 2 - June 30, 2014, Sept. 1 - Oct. 31, 2014, Feb. 1 - March 31, 2015 Under the B.C. Early Years Strategy, the Province aims to support the creation of up to 1,000 new child-care spaces between now and March 2015, and will also invest $17.1 million next fiscal year for an additional 1,000 spaces. This will build on the approximately 104,000 spaces that government currently supports throughout B.C. Since 2001, the Government of B.C. has invested more than $35 million in major capital funding to help community partners create more than 6,500 licensed child-care spaces. Today’s announcement coincides with the start of Child Care Month in B.C., a time to celebrate the work of thousands of caring and committed child-care operators and early childhood educators across the province. The B.C. government is also recognizing the extraordinary work of child-care providers by proclaiming May 15 as Child Care Provider Appreciation Day.
The Golden Star Wednesday, May 7, 2014 A3
The surveys to help guide Age Friendly Community Plan are in Joel Tansey
The 23 page survey that was put together by the Age Friendly Community Plan Task Force received more responses than they had expected, which was an encouraging sign for the task force’s leader Ryan Watmough. “I’m excited that so many people found this to be worthwhile and I hope that the task force can honour their participation, draw some strong conclusions and create a good age friendly community plan,” said Watmough The goal of the task force was to receive 100 submissions but they ended up receiving approximately 190
responses both online and on paper, Now the task force is awaiting the survey’s results, which are expected to be revealed at a meeting tomorrow (May 8) morning. The survey was targeted for individuals aged 50 and over and focused on questions about what the World Health Organization named as the key features that make a community “senior-friendly”. Features of a senior-friendly community include accessible and affordable transportation, a variety of social participation opportunities, affordable, accessible and well-built housing, and pleasant outdoor spaces and public buildings that welcome citizens of all ages. Survey participants were asked to rate their satis-
faction with what exists in Golden and to also declare how important they felt each category was for the community. “In the end, if something is deemed very important and people are very dissatisfied about it, that will help us immensely in setting priorities,” Watmough said. The task force will continue to meet until June and its goals in the coming weeks are clear. “Now we need to start setting priorities and create a plan that’s meaningful not just for the Town of Golden but for the entire community of all ages,” Watmough said. Check back in the Golden Star for updates as the age friendly project continues, and for the results of the survey.
AKBLG highlights commonalities Mayor Christina Benty Submitted April in local government world means Area Association meetings throughout the province. In the Kootenay/Boundary area, elected officials attended the Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments (AKBLG) Annual General Meeting on April 9-11 2014 in Creston. The mission of the AKBLG is to “promote effective, responsible, and accountable local government for the benefit of all citizens in our member communities.” The theme of the conference was "Tying Communities Together”. These gatherings serve to highlight our commonalities and unite our voices as we strive for the betterment of the communities and regions we have been elected to serve. Resolutions are submitted from local governments on various matters of concern with the purpose of garnering regional support. Resolutions debated at the AGM are sent to the provincial association, the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) with the intention of shaping public policy at the provincial level. At this year’s AGM, members delib-
erated over issues ranging from aerodrome placement to provincial funding for municipalities with no residents. AKBLG is the regional oriented function designed for all local elected officials. It is a critical forum for those elected to truly understand their role through connecting with peers, debating resolutions, and attending educational workshops. Training and education are an investment in the people who chose public service in a complex environment. Part of the role of local politicians is to govern wisely by understanding the broader issues of local government, and its relationship to the province. In order to be relevant and influence change in the government structure, you have to be part of the larger system that can influence that change. Being a Mayor, a Regional District Director, or a Councillor in a community means much more than dealing with local matters with local people, but also ensuring you are recognized on a larger stage where public policy, government funding, and economic development issues are constantly in motion and under discussion. For more information go to .
BC NDPs have chosen a new leader Golden Star Staff John Horgan put on steeltoed boots for his first public appearance as B.C. NDP leader, to emphasize his support for the jobs created by natural resource development. Last month Columbia River Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald announced his support for Horgan’s rival, Mike Farnworth. However Farnworth dropped out of the race soon after. Speaking to reporters last week after a tour of the Western Stevedoring port in North Vancouver, Horgan repeated his wait-and-see position on the proposed expansion of the TransMountain oil pipeline from Alberta to Burnaby, and emphasized his support for liquefied natural gas development. He said the B.C. Liberal gov-
ernment has placed too much emphasis on LNG exports, and it's been "giving away" the province's natural resources. "For the past 12 years the B.C. Liberals have seen a decrease in value from our resources coming back to the Crown, which means less financial resources for health care, for education and vital social programs," Horgan said. "We need to change that. New Democrats historically have talked about the importance of the economy and our valuable social programs. We have a disconnect in place now and I intend, over the next three years, to change that." Premier Christy Clark left Friday for her fifth LNG sales trip to Asia, visiting Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong in an effort to close more investment deals. Earlier this week a joint venture agreement was
signed by Shell, PetroChina, Mitsubishi and Korea Gas to develop an LNG export terminal at Kitimat, with final investment decisions still up to two years away. Horgan said the broad support for his leadership shows he has healed divisions over balancing economic growth with environmental protection. He added he will meet this summer with former premier Mike Harcourt, who quit the party in April over its performance in the 2013 election. Asked this week about the acclamation of Horgan after veteran MLA Mike Farnworth dropped out of the leadership, Clark said having a vigorous debate over leadership is "a sign of a healthy party. "I wish him luck," Clark said. "It's easier to go through unopposed but I don't know if it helps you."
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Behind the Wheel
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Insurance Agencies Ltd. 510B - 9th Avenue N., Golden, B.C. (250) 344-5201
Not So Close, I Don’t Know You! Perhaps you can comment about the bad habit of so many drivers following too close to the car in front of them. In order to combat this I have decided that, if I am unable to actually see the licence plate on the car following me in my rear view mirror, I activate my four way flashers. If the driver of the car following wakes up and backs off, not every time I must say, it might help those rear end crashes. Like you, if someone is close enough to my back bumper that I am uneasy, I will turn on my hazard flashers, slow down slightly and move to the right edge of my lane. They generally pass me immediately and I would much rather have them in front of me where they are easier to monitor. More often than not they quickly pull ahead and no doubt find another driver to endanger leaving me to continue in relative safety. I wonder that you did not raise the issue of those drivers who change into your lane in front of you leaving no margin for safety. Perhaps one could expect this behaviour if traffic was heavy, other drivers failed to leave sufficient room between vehicles and ignored your signal announcing a desire to move over. I often find it happening when the road is relatively unoccupied and there is no reason to move so soon. Do you think that there is a driver out there who has not heard of the two second rule? They may even be aware that in some circumstances that three, four or more seconds are needed for safe following distance. The problem is in putting this knowledge into practice and realizing that if you don’t, you are a bad driver. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Golden Star
Chamber elects new board The Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce elected their new board of directors at the annual general meeting last week. From left, Walter Bramsleven, Michele LaPointe, Ruth Hamilton, Brandy Beliveau, Erika BuckleyStrobel, Atma Sandher, Timothy Charron, Lori Baxendale, Kristina Smith, and Dan Veselic. Photo Submitted
Senior Citizens’ Metal Waste Clean-up Day Friday, May 16th - The Town of Golden will once again pick up and dispose of bulky metal items for homeowners who are Senior Citizens (65 yrs of age and older) within our community. Items containing freon (fridges, freezers, air conditioners, etc) cannot be picked up due to a $15.00 landfill disposal fee. Please place metal items in the same area where you place your garbage/recycling bins. Call Town Hall at 250-344-2271 - Extension 0, or e-mail before 4:30 pm Wednesday, May 14th to register your name, phone #, address, and items for pick-up.
ANNUAL FOOD DRIVE in support of
The Golden Food Bank Saturday, May 10th
Please leave FOOD DONATIONS on your doorstep in a bag or box BEFORE 12PM ON SATURDAY, MAY 10 TH What can you donate? VOLUNTEERS WILL PICK UP DONATIONS SATURDAY Any non-perishable food items: AFTERNOON. Oats&Cereal Pasta&Pasta Sauce If your donation was not Rice, Quinoa&Grains picked up by 5pm, please kindly call us at 250-344-2113 Lentils&Beans Canned Fish/Meat Hearty Soups&Stews If you live OUTSIDE OF TOWN boundaries, Snacks for Children Fruit Juices donations can be dropped off the week of Baking Supplies Canned Veggies or Fruits May 5 - 10th at: Quick Meals for Children • Overwaitea GIFT CARDS to • The Bargain Shop Overwaitea or Sobeys • The Visitor’s Centre
Opt out fees cut for Smart Meters Golden Star Staff BC Hydro customers who refuse to part with their mechanical power meters will continue to pay $32.40 a month for manual meter readings, with a refund on the balance of the $35 they’ve been paying since December. The B.C. Utilities Commission ruled on BC Hydro’s smart meter opt-out fees Apr. 25, after an order from the B.C. government required the regulator to approve fees covering all of BC Hydro’s costs. A $20 a month charge will continue for BC Hydro customers who accept a digital meter with the radio transmission function turned off. The commission cut the one-time fee for disabling the meter radio to $22.60, far below BC Hydro’s proposed $100. Most of BC Hydro’s nearly two million customers now have fully functioning smart meters, which send daily readings to a collection network and signal when power goes out and comes back on. Golden in particular mounted a very strong resistance to the installation of the new technology.
Some customers believe that the meters present a health hazard, despite evidence that their signals are weaker than the natural background of radio frequency signals even in remote areas. BC Hydro’s meter upgrade was exempted from review, but the commission ruled last year on similar equipment for FortisBC’s electrical grid in the Okanagan and Kootenay regions. Commissioners rejected testimony from smart meter opponents, noting that their spokesmen were unqualified and in most cases repeating false or exaggerated claims in order to sell solutions to the purported hazards. BC Hydro spent nearly $1 billion to upgrade its grid, forecasting savings from automatic meter reading to faster detection of outages and elimination of power theft from meter bypasses. The commission also reduced fees for customers who move and request a radio-off meter at their new address. To switch from a mechanical meter to a radio-off meter will cost $77.60, reduced from the BC Hydro’s proposed $100. Going from one radio-off meter to another will cost $132.60, down from the proposed $155 that includes activating the meter in the former residence.
New topic is economic development Town of Golden Submitted Community Conversations with the Mayor is back today (May 7)and the topic is one that has been on many people's minds; economic development. "As local government, our role is to create a legislative environment that supports economic development. This includes providing infrastructure that supports economic development such as clean, reliable water, sewer and roads as well as lobbying for infrastructure such as reliable power, transportation networks, broadband and connectivity." Mayor Christina Benty said. "Supporting economic development includes attractive public spaces, recreation and arts and culture. These are often considered soft economic development, however, these play a role in people's decisions regarding where they are going to live and build a business." Today's community conversation will allow residents to discuss their own thoughts and ideas regarding economic development in a round table setting. "I would like to see an economic development function that acts as a key point of contact for information, connects businesses to resources, assists local governments in improving the legislative environment and builds community capacity. What we do, what we have and what we are matter. A safe, attractive, livable community brings people and businesses,” said Benty. To have meaningful dialogue on a topic critical to our community, come to today's Community Conversation at the Civic Centre from 12:10 p.m. to 1:10 p.m. Late attendees are welcome and the Town of Golden invites you to bring a friend, bring a lunch and bring your thoughts.
The Golden Star Wednesday, May 7, 2014 A5
Lil Dewar left a legacy on the golf course
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Congratulations Mitchell Harris
Lil Dewar is pictured here at the grand opening of the Golden Golf Club on May 17, 1986. Dewar was an avid golfer throughout her time in Golden. Photo Submitted/Cheryl Chapman understood that about her.” Her attention for detail often came in handy while Anderson was serving as president, she knew she could count on Dewar anytime she had any questions or concerns. “I used to call her up if I wasn’t sure about the protocols of the Legion, what has to be done and how it has to be done,” Anderson said. “She was always there with advice and she was always right, too.” Whether it’s on the golf course or at the Legion, it is clear that Dewar will be greatly missed. “I’m going to miss her like crazy,” Anderson said. “She was a really good person with a good, beautiful heart.”
RCMP Report: Runaway teen caught Jessica Schwitek The RCMP dealt with 45 complaints last week. Runaway Teenager On April 25 at 5 p.m., RCMP received a call from a local business saying there was a young girl shoplifting in the store. When the RCMP arrived, they discovered that the girl was a 13-year-old runaway from Cranbrook, who had been missing for a week. The girl is a habitual runaway, and the RCMP turned her over to the Ministry of Family and Child Development, who made arrangements to get her back to Cranbrook.
Roadside Impoundment On April 26 at 9:11 p.m. a vehicle was stopped on the overpass off Highway 1. The male driver of the pick-up truck showed signs of being impaired. A road side screening device was used, which determined the male was over the legal limit. A three-day suspension of his license was issued, as well as a three-day impoundment of the vehicle. The driver was not a local resident. Public Intoxication On April 27 at 2:20 a.m., RCMP received word that there was a heavily intoxicated male on 6th Street North. When police spoke with him he indicated he was trying to
get to the Greyhound Station on Highway 1. The male was too intoxicated to be allowed on a bus, so he tried calling friends he had in town. He was unable to get a hold of any of them. Since the male was unable to take care of himself, and could not find anyone else to take care of him, he spent the night in jail, and was released in the morning. Break and Enter On April 28 at 7:03 p.m., RCMP got a report of a Break and Enter in progress on Almberg Road. The resident knew the suspect, who stole the resident’s wallet. The 40-year-old local male was caught, and released on a promise to appear in court.
on the completion of your diploma in Agricultural Technology Animal Science Major. We are so proud of you! Love Dad, Mom and Cameron “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”
High-Speed Internet. Where you live.
Government of British Columbia and Xplornet Partner to Bring Affordable High-Speed to Remote B.C. Residents. Xplornet Communications Inc. is pleased to announce a partnership with the government of British Columbia to help bridge the urban/rural digital divide in rural and remote British Columbia. The initiative is a multi-year program to make Internet connectivity more affordable in rural and remote areas where installation costs can be high. The program will provide a subsidy of up to $250, or half of the cost of an installation of broadband equipment to new residential and business customers within Xplornet’s industry leading 4G rural broadband satellite footprint. This will significantly reduce the costs of installation, costs that may have been a barrier to the adoption of high-speed Internet. “The government of British Columbia deserves significant praise for a program that helps break down one of the last barriers to full connectivity in the province – namely the high cost of broadband installation in remote parts of BC. Now, even the most remote British Columbians can affordably benefit from the transformative power of high-speed Internet to connect them to the global economy,” said Xplornet President Allison Lenehan. Xplornet is the country’s leading rural broadband Internet provider and takes pride in connecting over 200,000 Canadians to the world. The commitment to offering every Canadian reliable, affordable and fast Internet is shared by an ever-expanding network of over 450 local dealers, including 60 in British Columbia alone. For more information about Xplornet high-speed Internet and how you may benefit from the British Columbia Broadband Satellite Initiative, visit or call 855-494-1079. For complete details on the British Columbia Broadband Initiative please visit BC Advrt 04/14
The Golden Golf Club lost one of its founding members and the Royal Canadian Legion one of its most dedicated volunteers when Eleanor Dewar passed away on April 26 at the age of 78 after a battle with cancer. Dewar, who was best known as Lil to her friends and family, moved with her husband John to Golden in 1975. The couple operated the Husky Service Centre up until 1984 and the A&W Restaurant from 1982 to 1992, but it was Dewar’s involvement in the community for which she will be best remembered. Dewar, an avid golfer, was heavily involved in the establishment of the Golden Golf Club from the very beginning. “She had no children but the golf course basically became her baby in my opinion,” said Julia Cundliffe, one of Dewar’s longtime friends and frequent playing partners. Over the years Dewar served as Director and Vice-President of the club, and as President in 1987. “That was her passion, to work with this club and make it successful,” Cundliffe said. The game remained a passion of hers up until her passing and she won the Ladies Club Championship six times and the Senior Club Championship nine times. “She was always extremely competitive. She had her way of standing at the tee and taking a deep breath (before her shot),” Cundliffe laughed. “It was just one of her habits.” In between rounds of golf, Dewar found time to volunteer at the Legion and earned Life Membership honours in 2002. She became a member in 1988 and served in the positions of Secretary, Vice-President and President over the years. “(Her and her husband) were very community oriented,” said Kathy Anderson, a former Legion president and longtime friend of Dewar’s. Dewar spearheaded the Legion’s cemetery revitalization project and frequently organized special events and music nights. “She did all kinds of things and she loved to cook,” Anderson said. Helping Dewar in the kitchen, however, was often a struggle. “When working with Lil in the kitchen, you’d have to have lots of patience,” Anderson said, smiling. “She wanted everything done in a particular way and with a particular style. I’ve walked out of that kitchen and counted to 10 and then walked back in to help her…She was very particular and I
Fair Weather Weekend
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Golden Star
Shape shifting Jumbo
This past weekend has once again proven what I already know to be true… I live in a town full of people who are much tougher than I. The weekend’s weather, which would actually be considered mild were it a different month, had me huddle - I SURMISE inside as much as posBy Jessica Schwitek sible. It even left some people stranded after Highway 1 was closed for avalanche control, and then avalanche clean-up. Unfortunately for myself and others, there was a multitude of events taking place over the weekend that forced people out into the cold…But I was the only one who seemed to mind. The annual Parson Spring Fling was able to move most of their activities indoors to get out of the rain. The pony rides, however, and the barbecue stayed outdoors. People wandered in and out and, hardly noticing the light rain and cold temperatures that had me shivering. After I attended the Spring Fling on Saturday, I moved onto the second outdoor event that was scheduled for the day - the Golden Bike Swap. I walked over the bridge to the swap across from Town Hall (as much as I hate to admit it, I actually considered driving my warm car the one block), and saw a few people browsing, and some just hanging out and chatting. There were a few tents, but most people didn’t bother standing underneath them. I quickly snapped a photo and practically ran back to my warm office. Although there weren’t as many people out and about as usual, the ones who were out looked at me like I was crazy hiding under a hood and jumping up and down to keep the blood flowing. But like I said, this is a town full of tough people. The kind of people who join voluntary emergency service organizations that have you hanging out of helicopters. The kind of people who think a day of skiing at a resort where the runs are mostly double black diamonds is relaxing. The kind of people who look at the mountainous backcountry terrain, or the wild Kicking Horse River as a playground, no matter the weather. This is not a town for the timid. And I think it’s that very fact that attracts most of the community’s residents, or at least the newer residents. In other words, Golden residents are no fair weather fans. They love their active lifestyles no matter what the thermometer says.
As we visit Jumbo Pass from time to time all seems in perfect harmony: endless familiar delights - bountiful Alpine blossoms, gleaming glaciers, pristine peaks, soothing scents, sensational skyscrapes, nightly nighthawks and possible glimpses of mountain goats. Jumbo Pass is in perfect shape. In Jumbo Valley evidences of human shapings are passing with the years. The old mine and sawmill sites are nearly grown over and rock slides have closed the old logging road to all but recreational vehicles. This shifting shape becomes more like the prime habitat of the Purcell Wilderness Conservancy directly to the south allowing long ranging carnivores, and their numerous prey, to expand their home ranges. Though we acknowledge nearly fifty active avalanche chutes and rapidly abating glaciers, the Jumbo area is known, near and far, as a place of peace and restoration for our bodies, minds and souls. Our hearts sense sameness in this refuge from the present world of frequently instantaneous and abrupt shifts. Here at Qat’Muk our spirits mingle with the dancing spirit of the grizzly bear. Issuing the Master Development Agreement and subsequent fabrication of the Jumbo Glacier Mountain Resort Municipality (JGMRM) caused no discernible shape shift at the time. February 2013 JGMRM received a $200,000 Start Up Grant, standard practice when municipalities incorporate (plus $60,000 for personnel). After
Voting of fundamental importance Nothing is more fundamental to democracy than the right to vote. It is cherished in democracies and envied in dictatorships. Today’s newspapers are filled with stories about pro-democracy protests in Ukraine, Egypt, Venezuela and Afghanistan. Similarly, the history books are brimming with stories of disenfranchised people being imprisoned, persecuted, and killed because of their desire to cast a ballot. Throughout history, dictators feared nothing more than the right to vote. It was for this reason,
incorporation every municipality must annually file a five year financial plan listing anticipated revenues and expenses. When JGMRM filed February 2014 they listed personnel salaries as liabilities with no tax base for assets. Simultaneously they applied for and received a Small Communities Grant for $200,000 for this year plus $200,000 annually the next four years. As a result Jumbo took on a new shape for B.C. taxpayers supporting a missing persons municipality, and, anticipate supporting a road that goes nowhere but will cost the same as maintaining the Roger’s Pass corridor. Quite recently CBC announced an Order-In-Council that changed the determination in which ski resorts would be built. We braced ourselves for a jumbo shift. However, next day the order was rescinded the present shape holds. Currently Glacier Resorts Ltd. (GRL), parent company of JGMRM, has a License of Occupation to build a ski lift on, and a lodge near, the Farnham Glacier. GRL’s conditionally approved Environmental Assessment certificate terminates Oct. 12, 2014 at which time the proper minister(s) will decide if GRL has made a “substantial start”. We have definitely entered count down season and Jumbo’s shape will shift ... depending ... Rowena Eloise West Kootenay Coalition for Jumbo Wild Abraham Lincoln famously remarked, “the ballot is stronger than the bullet.” Internationally, Canada has been a tireless champion of the right to vote. Thousands of Canadians died on the cliffs of Dieppe; in the deserts of Kandahar; on the beaches of Normandy; and in the valleys of Kapyong in defense of it. They died so millions could vote and be freed from fascism, communism and totalitarianism. Domestically, the right to vote expanded throughout the 20th century. Suffrage was extended to women in 1921; to Asian Canadians. Continued on page 7
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This week’s poll question: Will you be doing anything special for Mother’s Day this year? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Letters to the Editor policy
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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage
en’s School zone.
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The Golden Star Wednesday, May 7, 2014 A7
Golden point of view
Will you be doing anything special for Mother’s Day this year? A stinger to those of us who read the stingers first in the stars and stingers section. WE need to change our perspective. Lets all look for the good first instead of focusing on the bad. Mark Barnard “I won’t be. I’m from Australia so my mom’s back home.”
Shea ArchibaldLacasse “Probably. I might go quadding with my mom, that’s our typical mother’s day activity.”
Rich Marshall “Yes, I’ll be thinking about my mother and remembering her.”
A big star to Mike and his crew at Kal Tire for always going above and beyond for their customers. Stingers to Mother
Go to to have your say.
Nature for bring snow in May. Stars to Mary for bringing in the delicious baking to our workplace.
in 1947 and 1948; to First Nations/Aboriginal Canadians in 1960; to the mentally ill in 1988; and to the incarcerated in 2002.The right to vote is so fundamental; governments of all political strips have sought to insulate it from political interference. Prime Minister Mackenzie introduced the secret ballot in 1874. Prime Minister Borden created Elections Canada in 1920. Prime Minister Trudeau enshrined the right to vote in the Charter (1982). Prime Minister Chretien passed campaign finance reform in 2000. Stephen Harper’s contribution to history: Unlike his predecessors, Prime Minister Harper is trying to turn the clocks back. His government is trying to pass legislation (Bill C-23), which could prevent 520,000 Canadians from voting in the next election. First Nations/Aboriginal Canadians, university students, senior citizens and low-income individuals will all be affected. Bill C-23 will eliminate the process of “vouching,” eliminate voter identification cards, and eliminate the Chief Electoral Officer’s ability to promote voting. The government is trying to rush this anti-democratic bill through Parliament as fast as possible. They have ignored petitions, refused to consult voters, rejected expert testimony, and limited debate. Stephen Harper will go down in the history books as the prime minister who tried to roll back the right to vote. I hope our generation (like Nellie McClung, Rosa Parks, and Nelson Mandela) will go down as the generation that stopped him. Prime Minister Harper: keep your hands off my right to vote. Kyle Morrow Law Student (former resident of Golden)
Stingers the driver of the truck who hit the street sign downtown and just drove away.
Stars to Brit for making Kool-aid for softball. Stingers again to all the dog owners who leave their poor dogs tied up to a poll downtown for way too long.
Stars to whoever it was who paid for my coffee in the drive thru at Tim Horton’s the other day. It made my day.
Email your Stars and Stingers to
Lumber policy needs work
Continued from page 6
Stars to all the volunteers and parents who helped make the Golden Champ Camp a success.
As a B.C. resident born at a B.C. Hospital (Mission) in 1955, it pains me to see what is happening to Interior communities in regards to their economies and the demise of the B.C. softwood lumber industry. In earlier years, B.C.’s economy thrived in the softwood lumber industry. Left unto its own merits, it maintained its sustainability through the very supply and demand, demanded by modern democratic economies. It wasn’t until the U.S. realized that we were beating them at their own game, and that we could out supply them in their own market cheaper than they could, that things changed to favour them, and they tariffed us out of their market. At the same time we were building our forest industry based on export of lumber to the U.S. So when the lumber demand dropped, so did the price, and you’ll notice there are very few lumber mills around.
So now we are exporting raw logs and our best product out of the country and buying them back as finished goods. We have to figure out a way to become efficient enough with our sustainable and renewable forest resource that we don’t have to depend on market values to get us back to the point where 70 cents out of every dollar in B.C. comes from forestry. I think it’s time for governments to rethink the Canadian softwood lumber industry policy. Obviously, we are not taking advantage of, or maximizing our use of, this magnificent renewable resource. If we invested the same amount every year in forestry initiative as we do subsidizing the gas and oil industry – $1.2 billion – our economy would be thriving and our forests would be the most pristine in the world. Art Green Hope
Family Caregiver Week celebrated in B.C. from May 3-9 This week is a chance to acknowledge the work and sacrifice of the over one million caregivers throughout British Columbia. These dedicated people provide physical, emotional and financial support to family and friends who may be elderly, chronically ill or living with a disability. Providing care to a loved one can be rewarding, but it can also be challenging and may take a toll on a caregiver’s own health. That’s why the Ministry of Health and health authorities are committed to
supporting organizations that help caregivers navigate their nique and ever-changing role. Online forums, workshops and other resources provide practical tools and personal supports which aim to ease some of the stress of being a caregiver. Because we believe in the importance of keeping patients connected to their home community, B.C.’s well-funded home-care and home-support services, including community nursing, palliative and end-of-life care, as well as non-medical services like the United Way’s Better at Home
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program, help to relieve the physical, emotional and financial burden often felt by those caring for loved ones. On behalf of the Province of British Columbia, I would like to thank all the caregivers who work every day to improve the health and well-being of family and friends. Your job is not an easy one, but it is invaluable to those you care for.” Terry Lake Minister of Health
Call a Recruitment Specialist
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Golden Star
Mortgages @ 2.99% • Construction Financing • New Home Purchases • Renovations and Consolidations
Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents: The Amazing Spiderman 2 (3D) starts Friday May 9 to Thursday May 15 at 7pm. Matinees on Saturday & Sunday at 3pm.
This Week 511 Main Street, Golden BC 250-344-2282
Columbia Shuswap Regional District
Board Meeting Falkland, B.C.
The May meeting of the Regional Board, Columbia Shuswap Regional District, will be held at the Falkland Community Hall located on Highway 97, Falkland, B.C. on Thursday, May 15th, 2014 commencing at 9:30 AM. Check the CSRD website at www.csrd. to view the Board meeting agenda. Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting.
Visit our website at 781 Marine Park Dr. NE • PO Box 978 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P1
250-832-8194 Toll Free 1-888-248-2773
September 9 - 13
A.P.E.S.After School Program Monday to Friday 3 -5:30pm. $12/day for ages 5 to 11. To register please leave a message at 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program bir th-5years. Mon&Fri 12-3:30pm, Wed 2-5pm, Tuesdays&Thursdays 8:4511:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324.
Wed, May 7 Parent and Tot Play lets parents and kids from birthfive enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am12pm. Badminton Wednesdays 7-9pm at the Rec Plex. Adults $7, students/seniors $5. Need your own racket. Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Wednesday at 10am. Call 250-344-5413 to register. Money Skills, a FREE program to help adults understand concepts of money. Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm. Call 250-4399665 for info.
Thurs, May 8
Over 3500 BC 55+ Seniors expected to attend.
What’s happening in your region?
Get involved. We’ll show you how.
Play With WithUs” Us” “Come Play
Men’s Drop-in Basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Bridge Club every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at the College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s
This week's achievement award goes to...
sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday from 3:45-5:30pm. Golden Community Choir Presents: A Spring Concert May 8 at 7:30pm at the Trinity Lutheran Church. Little India plays at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on May 8.
Fri, May 9 A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:30-7:30pm. Mother Goose Program Fridays 10:30-11:30am at the Library. Snacks included, just drop in! Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Bridge Club every Friday at the Centre for Peace in St. Andrew’s Church, 7pm. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fridays 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call Cyra 250-9190757 for more info. Food Fridays at the Golden Legion 6:30-8:30pm. Wildsight Presents Bird Watching Breakfast May 9, 7-9am at Reflection Lake. Golden Community Choir presents: A Spring Concert May 9 at 7:30pm at the Golden Baptist Church.
Sat, May 10 Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm.
• For more information... go to
A.A Meetings Saturdays at the Golden Museum 1302 11th Ave S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Shriners Charity Golf Tournament May 10. Call 344-8255 for more info. Chi Kung Health Workshop May 10, 9am-noon at Golden Lotus Ayurveda $40 250-344-8685. Annual Food Drive in Support of the Golden Food Bank May 10. Leave a bag/ box of non-perishable food items on your doorstep before 12.
Sun, May 11 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Happy Mother’s Day! May 11. Mother’s Day Tea in the Gardens May 11 from 2-4pm at Mountainside Gardens. A&W Job Fair May 11 from 1:30-4:30pm.
Mon, May 12 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12-18. Golden Community Choir, Mondays from 7:30-9:30pm at the Lutheran Church. Member fees $10. For info call Joyce 250-344-6043. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mondays 5-7pm in the StrongStart room in APES Free program includes dinner, discussions, and activities. Call 250-439-9665. The Cadets meet Mondays 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion
Banquet Hall. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Badminton at the Mount 7 Rec Plex Mondays 7-8:30pm. Need your own racket, $7 (or $5 for seniors/students).
Tues, May 13 A.A Meetings Tuesdays at the United Church 901 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Volleyball Tuesdays at the Rec Plex 7-8:30pm $5. Golden Youth Centre dropin Tuesdays from 3:307:30pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Rockwater Grill & BarR
Upcoming Events
Special Olympics BC Golden AGM May 21 at the Golden Family Center at 7pm. Golden Citizens on Patrol AGM May 21 from 7-8pm in the Ramada meeting room. Spaghetti Dinner May 23 at Lady Grey from 5-7pm to raise funds for Free the Children. Tickets at the door. $5 (13 under) $10 (14 over) free (5 under). Delbert Johnson Memorial Barrel Jackpot May 31 (1pm)&Jun.1 (10am) at the Rodeo grounds. Outdoor Yoga in Spirit Square starts Sunday June 1 at 11am. Admission by donation. RCMP Charity Golf Tournament June 9 from 9-3pm. Rotary Club Annual Giant Silent Auction & BBQ June 14 from 10-4pm at the Civic Centre. Father’s Day Breakfast June 15, 10-12pm at Mountainside Gardens.
Ryan Wolfenden for always being on task and attentive.
Stop in by May 14, 2014 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, May 7, 2014 A9
Year End Concert Students at the Golden Dance Academy performed in their year end concert Dance Dance Dance this past weekend. The group gathered in front of the Civic Centre for a photo during their dress rehearsal, left. Emma Robinson performed a jazz duet, right, during the show. To see a full slideshow go to www. Left Photo Submitted Star Photo Right
Columbia Wetlands home to gigantic paddle Joel Tansey At nearly 20m long, 3m high and weighing in at a cool 2,404 kg, it’s clear that Columbia Wetlands Adventures has built a massive paddle. But is it the biggest in the world? Owner Mark Teasdale believes so and he has submitted his application to Guiness World Records in order to make it official. He’s due to hear back from the organization this month. The idea for the paddle started as a way to increase the tour company’s visibility from Highway 95. It was Teasdale’s friend and log home builder Dave Stonehouse who originally came up with the idea. “(Dave) gave me the idea. He and I were just kicking around some ideas for some signage one day and that was kind of the root of it. He said that he could build a log paddle for a sign and then it kind of expanded into a large log paddle,” Teasdale laughed. Stonehouse used a western red cedar for the paddle’s shaft and a gigantic slab of laminated veneer lumber (LVL) for the blade. The result is a
Golden Citizens on Patrol Society AGM May 21st, 2014 7-8 p.m. Ramada Meeting Room
354 – 309TH AVE. KIMBERLEY, B.C. Saturday, 24,2014 2014 Saturday, 24, 2014 Saturday, May 24, Saturday, May May 24, 2014
to p.m. 99a.m. p.m. a.m. to 5 5 Saturday, May 24, 2014 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. p.m. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2014 Sunday, Sunday, May 25, 2014 2014 Sunday, May 25, Sunday, May 25, 2014 to p.m. a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, May 25, 999a.m. p.m. 2014 a.m. to 3 p.m. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Admission$5/person $5/person over Admission $5/person over 12 years Admission over12 12years years Admission $5/person over 12 years Modern, antique and collectable Admission $5/person over 12 years Modern, antique and collectable Modern, antique and collectable Modern, antique andcollectable collectable Firearms and related related items. Modern, antique and Firearms and items. Firearms items. Firearms and and related related items. Firearms and related items.
Staff at Columbia Wetlands Adventures (From left: Mo Teasdale, Christina Spence, Stephen Shaw and Mark Teasdale) stand next to the 18.5m long paddle outside the centre. Landscaping work around the paddle will be completed shortly. Joel Tansey/Star Photo very visible landmark along the highway that is sure to attract the attention of passers by. While the paddle is just about complete (minus some minor touch-ups to the paint job), the area surrounding it is still being constructed. “We’re just finishing up some landscaping now,” Teasdale said. “We’ve incorporated a pond at the base of the paddle blade and we’re going to have picnic tables there as well.” The giant paddle isn’t the only new development for the
tour operator. This season, in addition to kayaks, canoes and pedal boats, the company will also be offering standup paddle board rentals. According to Teasdale, many people choose to kneel or sit on paddleboards rather than stand, making it an activity for everyone. “(Paddleboarding) has really gained a lot of momentum lately so that’s going to be neat to incorporate,” Teasdale said. Along with selfguided tours, Teasdale and his staff offer guided float
tours at both 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., although sunrise and sunset tours (which allow for the best wildlife-viewing opportunities) can also be arranged. Whether it’s part of an organized tour or a self-guided trip, there’s no doubt in Teasdale’s mind what the highlight is of a trip down the Columbia River. “(The feedback) we’ve received has been overwhelmingly positive,” he said. “It’s pretty neat to be a part of that and to be showing people this part of our beautiful valley.”
Formore more info info call: For call: more info call: For more call: Duncan (250)For 422-3469 Rick (250) 427-0158 For more info call: Duncan (250) 422-3469 Rick (250) 427-0158 Duncan (250) 422-3469 Rick (250) 427-0158 Duncan (250) 422-3469 Rick(250) (250)427-0158 427-0158 Duncan (250) 422-3469 Rick
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Golden Star
Golden Bike Swap
GOLDEN OPTOMETRY SUMMER “SUNNIES” SALE Over 250 pairs of sunglasses up to 40% OFF and more!
Regular and prescription lenses & professional fitting. ONE DAY ONLY - JULY 9th, 2-7pm Downtown Golden 250-344-6268
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*coupons to availability *coupons subjectsubject to availability
Visit Visit flyers. coupons. deals. savings tips. flyers. coupons. deals. savings tips.
Gentlemen’s Leisure Club of Golden members Eric Prasloski, left, and Brady Starr test out some of the smaller items at the Golden Bike Swap on Saturday May 3. The rainy weather didn’t put the event, which was held outside near Golden’s Cenotaph, on hold. All of the proceeds from the swap went to the Golden Cycling Club. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
*coupons subject to availability
Public Notice
*coupons subject to availability
Possible Water Surging in Toilets *coupons subject to availability
During the month of May please close your toilet lids as Town Public Notice staff will be flushing sewer mains throughout the community as a Possible Water in Toilets part of the annual sewer Surging collection system maintenance program. During the month of May lids as Town will be flushing As a precaution, weplease ask close thatyour all toilet residents andstaff businesses sewer mains throughout the community as a part of the annual sewer collection system keep your toiletAslids lowered after in order to keep maintenance program. a precaution, we ask that use, all residents and businesses your toiletagainst lids lowered afterback use, in order to guard against any back splashing that guard any splashing that might occur. might occur.
Free Yard Waste Roundup for Golden Residents! Friday, May 9th - The Town of Golden will once again pick up and dispose of residential yard waste for Golden residents who receive weekly and bi-weekly curb-side waste and recycling collection services. This service is for YARD WASTE ONLY – organic debris that includes grass clippings, leaves, tree cones, tree branches (no stumps), shrubs, bushes, and parts thereof, not exceeding 8” diameter. Please bundle your pruning’s to make it easier and faster for us to collect them. NO OTHER TYPE OF WASTE WILL BE ACCEPTED, including construction wood waste. To receive this service, place your yard waste in containers, bags, or bundles at your normal curb-side collection area on Friday morning, May 9th, by 8:00am. Any Yard Waste not placed in containers, bags, or bundled at the curb WILL NOT be picked up. If you wish to use your green garbage container please ensure it is empty of garbage before adding yard waste. Please do not use your blue recycling container.
Spring has arrived for Nicholson Elementary School students Lois Ehman Principal of Nicholson Elementary The snow has finally left the playground and the students of Nicholson are enjoying being able to run, swing and play soccer; all indications that spring is here. Outside is not the only indication that spring has arrived, the hallways at school are full of springtime art and poetry and bright colors. On Wednesday, April 23, the Grade 6/7 class hosted a “Sing in the Spring” concert in the school gym featuring many local artists. The talent in the Golden and Nicholson area is amazing and we thank them all for giving their time to this worthwhile cause. Friday, April 25, the school presented their final sharing assembly of the year. Many parents and grandparents came out to see what the students of Nicholson have been learning in the classrooms and what activities they are doing outside the classroom. The Nicky Boppers put on a wonderful performance of their skipping skills, the P.A.L.S (playground activity leaders in school) explained their roles on the playground, the Grade 1/2 class sang French songs and showed us some math skills they have learned, and the Grade 6/7 class performed a reader’s theatre play. All in all, everyone was entertained and it was a wonderful example of all the fabulous things that happen at Nicholson School. A big thank you to all the staff for all the hard work they put into all the amazing things the students are doing and to the parents and community for their support. Together we make Nicholson the great place it is.
The Golden Star Wednesday, May 7, 2014 A11
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Golden Star
GOLDEN MOTHERS TELL US: What is the most rewarding thing about being a mother? What is the most challenging thing about being a mother?
Happy Mother’s Day Get all of your floral needs at Sobeys OPEN 8am – 9pm Daily 624 – 9 th Avenue North 250.344.2361
MOST REWARDING: having my kids grow up to be awesome! MOST CHALLENGING: Being a good mom.
MOST REWARDING: Max’s smiling face. MOST CHALLENGING: Not sleeping.
how do you thank Mom? Give her a gift that nurtures her mind, body and spirit. From wonderful fragrances to luxurious spa set to beautiful body care. Call me to find the perfect way to pamper Mom with Mary Kay
Ellen Hatlevik Independent Sales Director 250-344-4799
MOST REWARDING: Seeing my son become a very fine young man. MOST CHALLENGING: Seeing him leave home before I wanted him to go.
MOST REWARDING: Being a grandmother. MOST CHALLENGING: There isn’t any.
You know how special Moms are! Give her a break and take her to McDonalds today! Cheryl DoNNELLY
MOST REWARDING: Watching them grow up even though I wish they’d stay a little longer. MOST CHALLENGING: When they hit the teenage years and don’t listen and juggling work and being a parent.
MOST REWARDING: Sharing time with your kids and reliving your childhood experiences. MOST CHALLENGING: Bringing them up in this world so they make healthy decisions for themselves.
say, “I Love You ” Mother’s Day Flowers Pick up or Delivery Floral arrangements, cut flowers, and plants. In-store specials. OPEN MOTHER’S DAY 9-5
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250-344-5855 • 962 Jacob Rd, Nicholson Reg Hours: Tues - Sat 12 - 5 pm
MOST REWARDING: Seeing your lovely daughter grow into a compassionate, loving, courageous person and watch her become an extraordinary mother. MOST CHALLENGING: Being a mother is a major learning curve but every challenge along the way is worth watching this person who came into your life by a miracle grow into adulthood.
The Golden Star Wednesday, May 7, 2014 A13
from the
Triplets came as surprise to Golden mother Jessica Schwitek
she left, Michelle had to face the fact that she still needed some help. "It was very difficult for me to say that I needed When Michelle and Leo Lammers decided to help, but Rhonda Smith (who works with infant have second child, they had no idea they would toddler development in Golden) came by and we talked about what I was going to do when my mom end up with four children under the age of two. "We found out just shortly after we started the left. It was pretty emotional," said Michelle. Smith arranged for recently retired public health business that we were pregnant again," said Michelle who opened Columbia Pool and Spa in nurse Anne Younger to come by and help the Golden with her Leo ten years ago after moving family out. And soon after, Younger also arranged for some community volunteers to help out with here from Whistler. The couple was thrilled to find out Michele was Kathleen and household chores. "We had just moved to town, pregnant, but received a huge surprise when they went “We were sort of laugh- we didn't know anybody and we had no family here. But for an early ultrasound. ing and crying at the all these people came from 9 "We knew right away, there's no way you can hide that in an same time... we couldn’t a.m., and sometimes until 10 p.m. to help with the babies ultrasound," said Michelle, believe it.” and with Kathleen… They recalling how Leo said their were amazing." baby had three heads. "The technician wasn't supposed —Michelle Lammers— The Lammers had to move to larger home, and also had to say anything, but it didn't to change vehicles, as very matter." Michelle was pregnant with triplets in the same few can accommodate three car seats. After about year she moved to a new community, started a new a year, they hired a nanny so that Michelle could business, and was already raising a one-year-old help out more with the new business. "Every year gets a bit easier with some things, and daughter. "We were sort of laughing and crying at the same a little harder with some things," said Michelle. Raising three identical boys can have its unique time…we couldn't believe it." Carrying and delivering triplets is a bit more challenges, and when they were younger they used complicated, and family had to adapt. At a certain clothing to help the process. "When they were babies we colour coded them part during the pregnancy Michelle starting having some problems, and was no longer able to pick so we knew who was being fed what, and it kind of up her daughter Kathleen. stuck. So if they're at a distance you could tell who "Kathleen was walking by then, but she was still was who." a baby, so she had to learn how to climb up everyThe boys now dress in all different colours, which thing," she said. can sometimes be confusing for their parents. Then when it was time to deliver, Michelle had Life hasn't gotten any less chaotic for the Lamto go to Calgary. The three boys were quite pre- mers, who are constantly on the go with four chilmature, and spent the first seven weeks of their dren and a business. But they wouldn't have it any lives in a Calgary hospital. other way. One thing, however, was easier. With three "I always knew I wanted to be a mother, but I babies, there was less bickering over the names. always thought I'd have two kids. It's busy and it's Out of a list of about 10, Michelle and Leo named wonderful, I love it. I don't know what I'm going their boys Benjamin, Micah and Liam, and they to do when they all leave," said Michelle. "It's busy were all given family middle names. but it's fun. We love doing things with them, like Michelle's mother was in Golden for a month going skiing, camping, all those little things you when the family returned from Calgary, but once do with kids. Kids totally ground you."
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Golden Star
Golden Moments: Dentist Jeff SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO Dolinsky moved here in 1988 $ $ DURING $140 140 DURING THE OWNERS’ THE OWNERS’ EVENT. EVENT. Joel Tansey
Jeff Dolinsky believed Golden had some serious potential when he moved Fountain Tire owners are committed to giving you the best deals here 26 years ago. Fountain Tiretires owners are committed givingwe you the best on the right for your ride. In thattospirit, decided todeals call our Initially, his friends Fountain Tire owners are ride. committed giving you the best call deals on the right tires for“The your In Event.” thatto spirit, decided our current promotion Owners’ Canwe you name atobigger and colleagues on the right tires for your ride. In that spirit, we decided to call our current promotion Owners’ Event.” you name a bigger honour than having“The an event named afterCan you? current promotion “The Owners’ Event.” Can you name a bigger weren’t so sure. honour than having an event named after you? honour than having an event named after you? “At first people SAVE UP TO $140 on a set of were almost feeling 821 - 11TH AVE. N SAVE UP TO $140 on a set of four selected Goodyear tires sorry for me and now SAVEselected UP TO $140 on a set of four Goodyear tires GOLDEN, BC from May 1 - June 28, 2014. they’re completefour selected Goodyear tires from May 1 - June 28, 2014. See in-store for details. 250-344-5577 ly jealous,” Dolinsky from May 1 June 28, 2014. See in-store for details. Hours laughed. See in-store for details. Dolinsky grew up Mon-Fri 8:00 - 6:00 outside of Red Deer Saturday on a small farm. His 8:00 - 6:00 father was a dentist, Sunday which helped influCLOSED ence his decision to get into dentistry himself. “It was good to be in a profession where you could do something that would involve technical skills and helping people, and it (allows for) lifestyle flexibility,” Dolinsky said. He earned his dental degree from the University of Alberta in 1984 and moved to Golden four years Brand New Aunt Quesnel, BC later with his wife. The couple’s two daughters were raised From just here, in what Dolin1 sky calls a familyMonth 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee2 friendly community. First 2 months on a 1 yr term “Golden was and is $99 One-time activation fee on a 1 year term. a great place to bring up a family,” he said. He bought the Connect to what matters: Golden Dental CenReliable, high-speed Internet wherever you live. tre in 1992, a practice he has owned ever since. RecentSwitch to the Internet you deserve. Give us a call today! ly, Dolinsky was given a prestigious honour when he earned 1.855.333.7333 | a Mastership from the London School of Orthotropics. The award was given out based on criteria such as number of years in practice and demGolden Satellite • 1.844.862.2057 onstrations of before and after cases for patients. $22.50 applies to the first two months, $44.99 starts in month 3. Offer ends May 31, 2014 and is available to new customers who agree As a dentist in a to a 1 year term commitment on any Xplornet 4G Residential package. Not to be combined with any other offer. $99 activation fee applies small town, it was only on a 1 year term. Taxes apply. Our 30-day money-back guarantee: If you are dissatisfied with your service for any reason, you will receive a refund of all amounts paid to Xplornet if you cancel your subscription within 30 days of activation. Xplornet is a trade-mark of Xplornet natural for Dolinsky Communications Inc. © 2014 Xplornet Communications Inc. to become a visible member of the comXplornet BCSAT Baby 2C 4-3125x7 Admat MAY2014.indd 1 2014-04-22 3:23 PM munity, but it wasn’t just his job that made Fountain Tire’s Owners’ Event is a combination of instant rebates from Fountain Tire and Goodyear manufacturer’s mail-in rebate at the time of purchase, on selected Goodyear tires. 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Rebates applicable on Fountain Tire’s Every Day Pricing (EDP). This is a consumer rebate only and does not apply to business-to-business, Goodyear National Accounts or Fountain Tire Elite Accounts. Inventory may vary by location. All applicable taxes (i.e.: GST, PST, HST and tire taxes) are extra. ®™ Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne Inc., and Goodyear Canada Inc. Fountain Tire is licensed by AMVIC in Alberta.
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Since he moved here with his wife, Jeff Dolinsky has been involved with numerous community groups, including the Golden Nordic Ski Club Society. Joel Tansey/Star Photo it so. His extensive involvement in various organizations and clubs in his spare time has helped as well. Dolinsky is the
ation.” Originally the group that developed the Nordic Centre was just hoping to have some nicely groomed trails, but
“Golden was and is a great place to bring up a family.” — Jeff Dolinsky — founding and current chair of the Golden Nordic Ski Club Society and he had a big role in making the Dawn Mountain Nordic Centre what it is today, and will have a big role in shaping its future. “We have so many talented people in the club that it’s been a great collaboration,” he said. “In the future we’ll have better grooming and biathlon. That club’s been growing 30 per cent per year in visit-
the growth of the centre was rapid. “Incrementally it got to be bigger and more important and (now) it is beyond anyone’s expectations,” he said. In addition to his work with the Nordic Centre, Dolinsky has served as president of the Rotary Club, and was the founding chair of both the Golden and District Community Foundation and the Golden Outdoor Recreation Association.
It was always important for him to be involved. “When you can see the results of something happening or the results of a creative effort, with people jumping on the bandwagon and joining you, everybody feels good about it,” he said. In his spare time he continues to enjoy all of the outdoor sports that made Golden an attractive place to live in the first place, including skiing, hiking, rowing and climbing. “I don’t watch a lot of TV,” he laughed. It’s pretty obvious that Dolinsky doesn’t regret his decision to move to the Columbia Valley one bit and he sees himself retiring here in the future. “It’s the best place on the planet to ski,” he said. “Golden has been an exceptional place to live over the past 25 years.”
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Golden Star
Music night in Nicholson A Reel Review: Veronica Mars makes movie debut
Kristen Bell reprises her role as the title character in Veronica Mars, a continuation of the TV show of the same name. Warner Brothers Joel Tansey
Ariana Grass (left) and Levon Lindequist took to the stage for a music night at Nicholson Elementary School. Proceeds from the evening helped fund the Grade 6/7 class trip to Victoria. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Rockwater to get taste of Little India
Vancouver group Little India will be performing in Golden on May 8. Photo Submitted Golden Star Staff Vancouver’s Little India is coming to Golden for a performance on May 8. Originally from Durban, South Africa, Conan crossed paths with Andrew and
Dallyn soon after his arrival in Canada. After attending their final years of school together, they all seemed to be leading different paths until Conan decided to initiate play. He called Andrew, the only bassist he knew in town, and Dallyn, a drummer who he had played with in past summers. The three friends had come together in Dallyn’s basement for a fun musical release, nothing serious. They soon realized there was more musical chemistry than initially thought. Formed in late November of 2012, Little India has accomplished quite a bit in their lifespan thus far. Their first show was in January 2013 as an opening act. Before their set had even finished, the event promoter and venue had booked them for two headlining shows in the months to come. They have since headlined many venues around Vancouver and have shared stages that have belonged to acts such as Atlas Genius, The 1975, The Drums, Jets Overhead, and many more. Their debut EP, “Up All Night” released November 19, 2013, was mixed by Michael Brauer (Coldplay, Rolling Stones, Atlas Genius, The Vaccines, and many more). Little India is performing at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on May 8.
It seems like revivals of mid-2000 TV shows are ‘in’ these days. Arrested Development returned last spring, 24 re-debuted Monday night and Veronica Mars went the film route with a movie of the same name. If you’re like me and have never seen the TV show, don’t worry, there is a short introduction that recaps the show’s major plot points and characters in order to bring everyone up to speed. The movie takes place nine years after the final season of the show with the former teenage detective Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell) living in New York City. Mars has given up the live of a private investigator and is interviewing for a job with a prestigious law firm. The movie’s plot gets set into motion when former classmate Carrie Bishop is found dead and Veronica’s ex-boyfriend Logan Echolls (Jason Dohring) becomes the primary suspect. Veronica reluctantly agrees to fly back to her fictional hometown of Neptune, California and help Logan, with whom she hasn’t spoken in years. Originally the trip is supposed to be quick and she is merely there to help Logan find a good lawyer, but her stay is continually extended when the mystery surrounding Carrie’s murder starts to become clearer. While there is an intro to the characters for the non-show watchers, their names and backgrounds are still a little confusing to piece together at first. There are also allusions to events and characters from the past that, I’m assuming, make more sense if you are a fan of the show. Still, there is no reason to shy away from watching the movie even if you have no idea who Veronica Mars is and it works well as a stand alone for that reason. The dialogue is both smart and witty and it is easy to get drawn in by the ‘whodunit’ nature of the plot. My biggest complaint surrounds what leads Veronica to figure out the killer’s identity. Without giving anything away, it all seems to come together a little too conveniently for my liking. It would have made for a more compelling conclusion if it wasn’t so neat and tidy. The ending leaves things open for a sequel and I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. This was a fun, enjoyable movie and I’d be up for seeing more. For that reason I’ll give Veronica Mars 8 dancing hot dogs out of 10. Veronica Mars is now available to rent or own at Kicking Horse Movies.
802-10 Ave. S 250-344-5510
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Golden Star
Traveller tells of the first impression of Golden and area
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
It’s always fun to hear others’ opinions of the area more than hundred years ago. This is excepted from a book called “On the Cars and Off.” Field is the weirdest place at night, with its wild black hills and spectral pines outlined against the sky,
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BRUSHING INSTEAD OF A Plaque Build –up, caused by bacteria left in theBOTTLE… mouth, can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Daily mouth care is one of the simplest Sing baby steps youyour can take to maintain healthy teeth and gums at any with age- starting with brushing at least to sleep a twice a day. sweet lullaby INSTEAD A toBRUSHING TIPS FOROF BETTER avoid tooth decay, Whether using an electric or a manual BOTTLE… which dentists sayto ensure you have the toothbrush you want brushing technique. A Decay few things to Sing proper your baby is an epidemic in infants! consider: to sleep withlong, a notsweet when liquids like to hard 1) occurs Brush harder. Brushing can damage your enamel. Brush for at least 2 milk andto juice cling to teeth for sweetminutes lullaby using a soft toothbrush. long periods, explains pediatric avoid2)tooth decay, Use a small amount of fluoride toothpaste. dentisthelps Stephen Mitchell, D.M.D. to strengthen the tooth’s enamel. whichFluoride dentists say You only need a small amount (about To prevent it, wipe baby’s gumsthe size a pea). is an ofepidemic in pad infants! Decay gauze orand wash cloth before 3) with Brusha after breakfast especially occurs when sweet liquids like bed. Your salivary flowstart decreases while you after each feeding, to brush sleep putting you at a greater risk for tooth as soon as the first tooth erupts milk decay. and juice cling to teeth for and never let him/her fall asleep Replace your toothbrush every three months, long 4) periods, explains pediatric after a cold or illness, or when the bristles lose with a bottle. shape. dentist Stephen Mitchell, D.M.D. 5) Brush all surfaces of your teeth and don’t To prevent it,Thewipe baby’s gums Golden Dental Many Center forget to clean your tongue. toothbrushes 901 9th cleaner. St S. Golden today have a tongue with a gauze pad or wash cloth For appointments, please call…. 6) Don’t share (250) your 344-2710 toothbrush- bacteria can after transfer each feeding, startto to brush from one mouth another. 7) Avoid brushing immediately after eating as soon as the first tooth erupts acidic food or drinks. The acid can remain on the enamel and you fall end up brushing away and never let him/her asleep enamel. with 8) a bottle. Ask your Dentist how well you’re brushing and for more tips for better dental health.
The Golden Dental Center BOTTLE… 901 9th St S. Golden Sing your baby For appointments, please call…. to sleep with a (250) 344-2710 sweet lullaby to
Accepting New Patients! avoid tooth decay,
which dentists say is an epidemic in infants! Decay
especially if there be forest fires or the moon shining over the dome of Mount Stephen and the grotesque white sands of the Kicking Horse. While we were there it was made picturesque by a working camp; it had been quite a town in construction days; there are still three hundred and fourteen log shacks (huts). It is a famous place for children; they never tire of watching the antics of one of the four great seventyfive ton engine of the company stationed here like a tame elephant to help hail any unusually heavy load. The engineers are very good natured about taking children in the cab. I suppose that this is highly irregular, but “it is a far cry to Lock Awe” – and rules are liberally in the Rockies. The scenery that succeeds Field is almost indescribable. Long before you get to Field you catch your first glimpse of Hector and the big green glaciers, which look like overflowing from “the glassy sea” on Hector and the hills beyond; for, with the hills above and the rivers below, this scenery is unsurpassed even on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The fierce torrent, from which the Kicking Horse Canyon is named, stampedes like a waterfall all the way through a deep gorge, that almost rivals the peerless gorges of Australia. As you fly past you cross a valley glorious with the glacier of Mount Hector and the green terraces of Mount Stephen, and an infinite depth of dark pines. The railway crosses and recrosses the torrent, like a salmon fisher, to utilise every available ledge. At last Golden City is reached, and you get the first view of
A woman sits on a horse at a hotel at Donald in the early 1890s. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum the Selkirks – more majestic even than the Rockies. Golden City is about the most inappropriately named in the world. It is called “golden” apparently from the silver mines of Spillimacheen in the neighbourhood – by no means the immediate neighbourhood. Why it is called a ‘city” heaven only knows, for there is nothing of it beyond a post office, a public house, and a store or two – all built of wood. At Golden you first strike the mighty Columbia, one of the greatest rivers of the
continent; and once a week the funniest little steamer in the world, a sort of sternwheeled scow, takes you up to the source of the river in the Canadian Windermere, about a hundred miles above the Columbia. At Golden there was a very genuine Western hotel, in which the landlord though is exceedingly impertinent for troubling him with our presence. Apart from elemental considerations, there is nothing old about the mountains. The oldest inhabited spot in them is Moberly (half way
down from Golden to Donald), and that only dates from 1871. Mr. Walter Moberly, C.E., had a cabin there. From Golden to Donald the railway runs between the rival ranges, the rugged Rockies and the steepled Selkirks. Donald is quite a town so important that it is one of the places where they put back the clock for an hour to correct the sun’s ridiculous habit of orientation; it has also nine hundred inhabitants, and a resident engineer, for it is the headquarters of the mountain section of the railway,
and has the repair shops. But even the engineer has not got beyond a shack, or log hut. We stayed with him a night, our only experience of log huts. Mr. G, the engineer, a brilliant Welshman, and his pretty young wife and sister, had made the shack a most delightful place to live in; it was just like living on board ship, except for the creepers which climbed over the huge logs of which it was built. It is wonderful what a lady’s taste will do with the roughest material.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Golden Star
Students serving up spaghetti to help fellow youth across the globe A group of friends from Lady Grey Elementary School, who call themselves the Free the Children Group, are organizing a Spaghetti Dinner as a fundraiser to help them reach their $5,000 goal that will purchase a well in a developing country. Back row left to right: Meghan Oslund, Maeve Wilson, Cydnee Glasier and Syenna Mitchell. Front row left to right: Ellie Evison, Emma Russell, Emily Ransom, Quinn Morgan, Neva Dalinghaus and Claire Frazer. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Running a business or nonprofit that makes revenues (social enterprise)? Free support is available! if you are located in the Columbia Basin, the Basin Business Advisors are here to assist your organization! Common areas of focus include: • General business and growth strategy; • Financial management practices; • in-depth financial analyses and business performance review; • Pricing methodology and related policies; • Marketing practices and market opportunities and much more!
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HAVE YOU HEARD? GOLDEN is getting its very own ARTS and CULTURE MAGAZINE! Jessica Schwitek A group of Lady Grey Elementary School students have come together to make life a little better for children on the other side of the world. The group of friends got together in Grade 5 and decided that they wanted to raise funds for different projects, often to buy things like animals and medical supplies in developing countries, usually through Free the Children, an international organization that started in Ontario with two young brothers. The girls usually did bake sales and other small projects, but this year, the last at LGES for some of them, they wanted to do something different. “This year we decided to set a higher goal for ourselves, so we did a little more research and found this great cause. We’re going to build a well for $5,000 through Free the Children, in third world countries where they don’t have access to water,” said Syenna Mitchell. The group likes to fundraise for Free the Children because it’s a great foundation that helps youth around the world, and was started by youth.
“Since we are kids, it’s a great fit for us to help other kids,” said Mitchell. Already the girls, who call themselves the Free the Children Group, have raised $3,532.80 and are hoping a spaghetti dinner will get them the rest of the way. “We’re almost at our goal, so we liked this idea because it could get us a lot closer,” said Maeve Wilson. “We first announced our goal in September, and after a few months had passed we were worried we wouldn’t reach it, and that it might be a two-year project… But then other classes started to join in, and as a school we’ve been working together really well.” “As cheesy as it sounds, we wouldn’t be anywhere near our goal without help from the other classes,” said Mitchell. The group is also very thankful to all the teachers and parents who have helped out with their efforts. The Spaghetti Dinner is on May 23 from 5-7 p.m. at LGES. Tickets are available at the school before hand at the office, or at the door ($10 each, $5 for for ages 13 and under, and free for kids five and under).There will be live entertainment, and a delicious dinner cooked by parent and teacher volunteers.
Booking Deadline May 16 12 p.m.
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Golden Star
Sixty five young girls in Golden came to the Golden Arena this past weekend to participate in the Fast and Female Golden Champ Camp, where they were able to participate in a variety of different sports. Isabelle Palumbo, below, carries the ball down the court in a game of floor hockey. Jessica Schwitek/ Star Photo
Golden Grizzly Cookhouse
Thanks for 11 wonderful years of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations al quality objectives in Golden area (APO# A2413) Golden! 5.3381” We wish all the best to Boston Pizza. COMMENTS INVITED ON VISUAL QUALITY OBJECTIVES IN GOLDEN AREA The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations invites the public to review and comment on proposed visual quality objectives and scenic areas near Golden in the Selkirk Natural Resource District. • Scenic areas are established under the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Government Actions Regulation, Sections 7(1) and (2), and define broad geographic areas where scenic values are considered to be a priority. • Visual quality objectives are defined under the Forest and Range Practices Act’s Forest Planning and Practices Regulation. They range from ensuring that no logging activity is visible from a given point to allowing logging activity to be fully visible. A map and details about proposed visual quality objectives and scenic areas in the Golden area are available for viewing at the Service BC office in Golden (837 Park Drive) and the Revelstoke office of the Selkirk Natural Resource District (1761 Big Eddy Road). The map is also available online at:!publish/Golden%20VLI%20 2014/ Comments must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on Monday July 7, 2014 to stewardship officer Kevin Lavelle at the Selkirk Natural Resource District office (1761 Big Eddy Road, Revelstoke, B.C. V0E 3K0), by email at or by fax at 250 837-7626. For more information, contact stewardship officer Kevin Lavelle at 250 837-7628 or
Fast and Female takes over Golden Jessica Schwitek Sixty-five young athletes and 25 volunteers made Golden’s first ever Fast and Female Golden Champ Camp a great success. “It definitely exceeded all our expectations,” said Jordan Petrovics, manager of recreation services for the Town of Golden. The Town of Golden teamed up with Golden Sport 4 Life, a volunteer group dedicated to broadening the sports opportunities in the community, to bring the international organization to Golden. “We’re looking at initiatives and ways to introduce events where kids can do multiple different sports, so they can try new things,” said Petrovics. That is the basic philosophy of Sport 4 Life, to introduce kids to as many sports as possible, that way they will have the foundational skills to move from sport to sport throughout their lives as their passions change. The girls participated in a variety of activities during the one-day camp on May 3, including soccer, hockey, boot camp, Zumba, yoga, and some conversation and informational sessions as well. “The Fast and Female event
concept was a perfect fit for this initiative,” said Petrovics. National studies have shown that teenage girls are particularly vulnerable when it comes to dropping out of a particular sport, and not engaging in another. There are plans to bring the event back for the winter, and volunteers are also talking about planning a similar event to engage the young boys in the community. The numerous volunteers are what made this event a success, and Petrovics is particularly pleased with the var-
iety of people who came to help out. “The volunteer turnout and the number of people who have gotten engaged has been great,” he said. “And the diversity of the volunteers is really exciting. Not only did we get parents of girls who were participating, but also parents of boys who thought it was a great project to be involved in, and also some younger women in the community who don’t have children, but are involved in sports and wanted to help out.”
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Bolico Holdings Ltd. o/a Tim Hortons 1020 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H1 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H2 Food Counter Attendant Full Time/Part Time/Shift Work Nights/Overnights/Early Mornings/Weekends Some high school education $11/hr + Benefits(extended health/vision/dental) Wage based on experience/availability Apply via fax 250 439 1963 or In Person: 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H2
WJS CANADA Now Hiring Community Support Workers in Golden, BC. CSW are responsible for assisting service recipients who are living independently with their physical, economic, vocational, recreational, social, emotional and daily life skills development. This position assists service recipients to achieve the greatest degree of independence and quality of life possible To apply send resume and cover letter to: Attn: Phyllis Ortynski Fax: 1-855-465-5502 Email: for a detailed job description and more careers with WJS visit
KGM Distributors is currently seeking a self motivated individual for full/part time work in warehouse with deliveries. Must have a valid Class 5 license. Please send resume and inquiries to or fax 250-344-7846 or call 250-344-0593. LOOKING for contract logging trucks to haul in the Vernon, Lumby, Salmon Arm, Malakwa area. Steady work. Please call 250-597-4777 Positions now available at the Golden Husky Travel Center. Drop off resume at 1050 Trans Canada Highway Golden BC. Rocky Mountain Cold Beer & Wine requires Part Time shift work store clerk. Drop off resume at the beer store 1049 Trans Canada Hwy. Senior cook req’d for The Taps Pub. Applicants should be well organized w/ cooking experience. Mostly day shifts. Drop in w/ resume to apply. Vernon Service Company requires Journeyman Service Plumbers/Gasfitters, $36.00/hr Call (250)549-4444 or fax 250-549-4416
Financial Services DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email: C- 250-938-1944 UNFILED TAX returns? Unreported income? Avoid prosecution and penalties. Call a tax attorney first! 855-668-8089 (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)
Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
Theresa (Terry) Mary Nixon (nee Strain) May 4, 1929 – April 23, 2014
It is with great sadness that the family of Theresa Nixon announces she passed away peacefully surrounded by family on April 23, 2014 at the age of 84. Theresa was born and raised in Fort McLeod, AB. She eventually moved to Cranbrook, BC where she met, and later married Harold, her husband of 59 years. Together they started their family of 3 boys in Parson, BC before moving back to Cranbrook. Theresa was adventurous and never one to sit still, always up for trying something new. She took up downhill skiing in her 60’s, went white water rafting, travelled to Thailand, went on all the rides in Disney World with her grandkids, and hiked up mountains. She enjoyed baking, we will all miss her homemade bread, buns, cinnamon buns cookies and Christmas squares. Other hobbies included knitting, word puzzles and walking. Theresa kept fit and active by walking every day, including her final days in Foothills hospital. She also always made sure that she had her week’s supply of lottery tickets on hand. “Mother Theresa” (as she was known amongst family) never complained about anything and always put the needs of others ahead of her own. She was there to lend a hand to friends, family, or complete strangers. Theresa faced many adversities in her life head on and never got discouraged no matter how difficult things had become. She was never happier than when she was surrounded by her family, be it a casual evening sitting in the backyard, family vacations, birthday celebrations, weddings, or reunions. Theresa leaves behind her 3 sons; Garth (Linda), Gord (Karen) and Lorne (Kim), 4 Grandchildren; Josh (Jill), Allison (Scott), Jeff (Terri), and Danielle (Davey), and 4 Great Grandchildren; Avery, Madelyn, Jace, and Kael. She is predeceased by her husband Harold, her daughter Baby girl Nixon, her grandson Joel, and her siblings Eugene, Joe, Madelyn, and Gwen. Theresa never told us how to live our lives, she showed us. Rest in Peace Mom. If friends so desire, Memorial tributes can be made directly to the BC Lung Association ( A funeral mass will be celebrated Saturday, May 31, 2014 at 12:00PM at Christ the Servant Catholic Church, 1100 - 14th Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC with a reception to follow.
NOW HIRING- Tire Technician competitive wages, good benefits. Must have valid Class 5 drivers license. APPLY NOW Contact our Manager: John McMullin In person with resume -orEmail: Phone: 250-344-5577
Obituaries Eleanor (Lill) Dewar April 14, 1936 April 26, 2014
Eleanor (Lill) Dewar passed away peacefully with family and friends at her side in Golden & District Hospital on Saturday , April 26, 2014 at the age of 78 years and 12 days. A celebration of life service was held from the Golden Senior’s Centre on Monday, May 5th at 1:00 p.m. with Jack Bowers the Funeral Celebrant. Tributes were shared by family and friends, along with special musical selections by Terry Pittman and John Collison. A reception followed which was catered by the Order of the Eastern Star and the Royal Canadian Legion Auxiliary. Cremation with interment of Lill and her husband John followed in the Golden Legion Cemetery. Lill was born in Brandon, Manitoba on April 14, 1936, to parents Abraham and Eleanora Rogalsky. Lill, who was one of eight children, was raised and educated in the Winnipeg area. She met John and they were married at Fort Gary, Manitoba on June 27, 1959. Lill and John arrived in Golden on July 4, 1975, and began operating the Husky Service Centre until 1984. They were also owner operators of the A & W from 1981 to 1992. Lill became an active member of the Order of the Eastern Star when she was initiated in Golden Chapter #25 on February 13, 1979. She was also a dedicated member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 122, helping and supporting that organization in every way. One of Lill’s favourite pastimes was playing golf and thereby supporting the Golden Golf Club. Most who knew her would say that she loved golf with a passion. Lill is well remembered in her circle of family and friends for her many acts of kindness over the years. She was predeceased by her husband, John Dewar on November 17, 2007, her sisters Leda, Mary and Aganeta , and brother, Frank. She will be sadly missed by her sisters, Anna Wentzell of Prince George, Alvina (Ella) Greengrass (Joseph Jr.) of Chilliwack, and her brother, Rudolph (Rudy) Rogalsky(Sharon) of Hornby Island, her several nieces and nephews, and John’s family in Scotland. Online condolences may be sent through Lill’s obituary at: Funeral arrangements are in the care of Hindman Bowers Funeral Home and Crematorium.
By shopping local you support local people.
Servers wanted Heather Mountain Lodge Starting Mid June through to Mid Sept. Our semi-remote lodge, just 55kms West of Golden BC, borders Glacier National Park, so the ideal candidates would be active people who love the outdoor mountain lifestyle. With 23 hotel room and 2 luxury cabins, we host many Weddings, Heli-hikers and tourists. Our relaxed ¿ne dining restaurant is open for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
We hire mainly for personality and work ethic. Serving experience is an asset but training will be given. Please apply by sending your resume to:
Come work with us!
ŽŵďŝŶĞĚ ƉŽƐŝƟ ŽŶ Youth Centre Coordinator / Male Youth Group Facilitator / Men’s Services Program Assistant (30 hrs/week) For a complete ũoď descripƟon and ũoď requirements, please contact the Golden Family Center at 250-344-2000. Kr check the lisƟng on Job ID: 52261 Closing date: May 9, 2014, at noon.
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Build Your Career With Us
Looking for your next great career opportunity? Do you thrive in a dynamic and challenging environment with the potenƟal for conƟnuous growth and development? At Tolko people are our most valuable resource and our success depends on innovaƟve individuals who are aligned with our organizaƟonal values. We currently have the following career opportuniƟes available:
Lavington Division, North Okanagan, BC QUALIFICATIONS: • Carbide Ɵp and curve sawing experience • Benchman Ɵcket preferred • Will consider circular Ɵcket • Previous sawmill experience will be considered a deĮnite asset
Lavington Division, North Okanagan, BC QUALIFICATIONS: • Journeyman Millwright cerƟĮcaƟon; • Ability to read blue prints, plans and schemaƟcs • Strong problem solving skills • Commitment to working safely coupled with strong communicaƟon & interpersonal skills. • Ability to work independently with liƩle supervision • OrganizaƟonal and planning skills as well as proĮciency in MicrosoŌ Word, Excel and Outlook JOIN THE TOLKO PROFESSIONALS: • CompeƟƟve wages • Development opportuniƟes • On-going training • Dynamic and challenging environment Submit your resume by May 9th, 2014 Tolko oīers an uncompromising focus on safety performance, compeƟƟve compensaƟon packages, sustainable business pracƟces, and a progressive environment. We are an industry leader in world markets and we are looking for some great people to join our team!
Apply Today!
Wednesday, 7, 2014 Wednesday, MayMay 7, 2014 The Golden Star
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Real Estate
Garden & Lawn
Misc. for Sale
Acreage for Sale 11 & 1/2 acre parcel 10 mins south of Golden, east side of the Rockies, spectacular views! Drilled well, flat building site, good access. Survey plan available. 1-250-769-4288.
Apartment Furnished
Homes for Rent
A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders JD 892D LC excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB KILL BED bugs & their eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate bugs- guaranteed. No mess, odorless, long lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot. SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS. Hot savings - Spring sale! 20x24 $4,348. 25x24 $4,539. 30x30 $6,197. 32x36 $7,746. 40x46 $12,116. 47x72 $17,779. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.
Mobile Homes & Parks
Auto Accessories/Parts
For Sale 2001 Mobile Home. All appliances incld. 2 bdrm 2 bath + deck, shed, carport. K.H.M.H Park. $59,900. Please contact 250-290-0078
FOR RENT: (2) bedroom all inclusive fully furnished apartments. $750-$950 per month. Visit our Website @ Call or Text 250-344-1825 for more information or to arrange viewing.
Golden’s Best! Premium Topsoil Now Available Great for gardens or lawns 100% organic - ph $20 per cu. yard loaded Lots of references! We can arrange delivery. Call Bernie - 344-4646.
Pets & Livestock
Pet Services Obedience Classes for you and your dog with Columbia Valley Dog Club trainer Helena Moorehouse. $65 for 8 weeks beginning May 7. For information & pre-registration phone 250-344-6451
Merchandise for Sale Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.
Garage Sales Yard Sale 9am-noon, no early birds. Lots of Stuff! 603 6th St. May 10th. Yard Sale Sat. May 10th 12-4pm, 330 Fisher Rd.
Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?
Help Wanted
Misc. Wanted Collectors Currently Buying: Coin Collections, Antiques, Native Art, Old Silver, Paintings, Jewellery etc. We Deal with Estates 778-281-0030
Help Wanted
For Sale By Owner
512 6th St. South. 1760 sq ft bi-level. 2 bedrm & 1- 3 pc bath up & down. 75’ frontage. Dble. garage, dble carport. In-law suite. Many upgrades. Viewing, questions, feature sheet: email: Asking $288,000.00
Houses For Sale 2 homes and a shop in Golden for sale. Phone 250344-0553. Spectacular timber frame mtn. home near Golden. Check mls 2392392. Call Glenn Pomeroy Maxwell Realty Invermere. 250-270-0666.
Help Wanted
Career opportunity
Real Estate 20 ACRES $0 down, only $119/mo. Owner financing, no credit checks! Near El Paso, Texas. Beautiful mountain views! Money back guarantee. Call 866-882-5263 Ext. 81 or online
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 2 bdrm 4 plex 6th St S. Inclds fridge, stove, laundry hookup, storage. $650/mnth. close to town, groceries, shopping, PO, clinic. Call 250-344-8266. 2 bdrm w/ storage close to all amnts. Hydro, hot water and heat incld. Security entrance and laundry factls, sorry no parties or smoking indoors. $760/mnth 250-344-8113. 3 Bdr. Apt close to Lady Grey school. Newly renovated. Avail now. $850/mth. 250-344-8205 or 344-6533. LARGE newly reno’d 2 bdrm apt., NS,NP, no parties, laundry close to all amen., DD req. 1-250-344-0780 MOUNTAINEER Lodge at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, 3rd Floor mountain view, 2 bedroom (with lock-off). $750/month, furnished, all utilities, TV, internet, etc. included. Available immediately through Nov 30/12. Contact Hans: or 403-616-4691. Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.
ANALYST This position researches and analyses various issues and provides analytical and administrative support to programs, initiatives and other responsibilities of the Sector Initiatives department. This is a permanent, full-time position based out of any of our four offices.
Apartment Furnished
Commercial/ Industrial 2600 sq ft commercial space for rent. 5000 sq ft for rent. Both avail now. 250-344-1599. Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
Cottages / Cabins Cabin for rent. Fully furnished studio cabin at Sander Lake campground. $550/mnt, utls incld, sat. tv, wifi, NS, $275 DD, small pets considered. Avail May 1. 250-344-6517, 250-344-1744, 250-272-1744. Chalet 2 bdrm+loft, quiet NE loc., carport, sat. tv, WD, FS, wood+elec heat, NP, NP, 2 mature people only. $1000/mnth + hydro, furnished $1100 extra. 344-5064. 2BR Cabin 8 mi S of Golden. Secluded acreage. N/S. Refs req. $750/mo. 403-461-4090, 403 286-3391.
Modular Homes $82,900.00 + GST 2 bdrm, 2 bath home delivered and set up. Only 2 lots available in KHV MHP. Call TARNOW HOMES 250-832-9500 or Kicking Horse Village MHP 250-344-6935
Homes for Rent 3 Bdr Home Direct access to Mt 7 trails, just 4 mins. from downtown Golden. 1800 sq. ft, 2 full baths. Deck off kitchen. New floors. Brand new approved wood stove with electric backup. Newly painted. Incl F/S/W/D. Huge fenced yard. 1 yr min lease. Avail May.1 $1275/mth. Call Mike 250-344-8385.
Connect with us
Career opportunity APPLICATION SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR This position provides systems and application support for the Trust’s core business applications, including the Information Management System and public and private websites. This is a permanent, full-time position based out of our Castlegar office. Apply by May 16, 2014. 1.800.505.8998
Connect with us
Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofďƒžce is independently owned & operated.
1 bdrm chalet furnished full kitchen, sat. tv, high speed internet, utls incld, fire place, NS, min. 6 months, avail. June 1st. $650/single $750/double. 250-344-7874 (evenings).
OfďŹ ce Space for rent. Approx. 350 sq. ft. above Body Quest. Call 250-344-7876.
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Rooms for Rent
REQUEST FOR BIDS The Royal Canadian Legion Golden Branch #122 is now accepting bids for the maintenance of the Legion Cemetery. Duties include: • mowing the grass • watering the grass, • generally keeping the cemetery clean and tidy. Anyone bidding will have to have their own W.C.B coverage. Sealed bids may be: • Dropped off after 3:00 p.m. at the Legion. 1011 S. 11th Avenue, Golden B.C., • Mailed to: Royal Canadian Legion, Attn: Secretary, P.O. Box 254 Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0. • Emailed to Applications must be received by May 8 2014. Does your club need a meeting place? Call 250-344-6214. Tuesdays - closed Fridays - Meat Draw - 5:30 Saturdays - Meat Draw - 5:30 All members and Bona Fide Guests Welcome
2 & 3 bdrm suites newly reno’d, laundry, dishwasher, pets negotiable, 250-344-1340 2 Bdr lower suite for rent, Fridge & stove incl., laundry rm, w/d hookups. For more info, call Chuck 250-344-1064 2 bdrm house in town. Very nice. Quiet neighbourhood. Close to all amenities. Avail immdly. 250-344-5450. 3 & 4 bdrm modern house open concept layout 3 bath, big bdrms, fenced yard, call 250-344-1340. 3 Bdr house in town with fridge & stove. No pets. Avail now. Call 344-1599. Also, 1 bdrm furnished no pets. Call. 344-1599. 3 bdrm house for rent $1200/mnth, w/d, some furniture, avail. Jun.1. 604-543-3124, 778-985-5741 4 bdrm house in downtown Golden $950/month + utilities. Family preferred. Damage deposit & references required. 250-344-6710. Spacious older 4 bdrm home 48kms south of Golden on acreage. Furnished/unfnshd. Prefbly no pets. 250-344-5002 Leave name & ph. number. This fully furnished, all-inclusive home has 3 bdrs, 2 full baths, lrg laundry room and lrg covered deck. Willing to rent unfurnished to long-term renters. A must see! N/S. Great backcountry access. Just 10 mins south of Golden. Avail now. 344-0110.
1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.
Apply by May 16, 2014. 1.800.505.8998
OfďŹ ce/Retail Auto Financing
Room(s) in house. W/D, cable, wireless internet. Two blocks from all amenities. Call 250-290-0110.
Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.
Suites, Lower 3 Bedroom/ 1 Bath apt with a HUGE yard, w/d, new kitchen. Close to schools and downtown. Newly renovated, clean. N/S, no parties. $950 plus shared utilities. Avail immediately! Email: Sunshine basement suite. 2 Bdr newly reno’d. Centrally located. Large fenced back yard w/ garden plot. Private covered entrance. Walk-in closet. Very cool rental suite, a must see! W/D. Avail June 1. No pets, N/S. 1 yr lease min. $775/mth. Please call Mike 250-
Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!
344-8385 or Lee 250-348-2242.
Townhouses 4 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month ($1395/month) plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Want to Rent Person w/great references seeks place in Golden Upper Donald Areas. 250-439-8225
Cars - Domestic 1996 Dodge Ram 2500 Cummings Turbo Diesel (SLT Laramie) Only 241,000kms $1100 OBO 250-344-6327. 4 wheel drive lady driven 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee 6 cylinder 181,000kms 4 mud&snow tires, w/ 4 new studded winter tires $5000. 250-344-6471.
The Golden Star Wednesday, May 7, 2014 A23
Alpine Rafting celebrates 30 years as 2014 season opens up adventurous. “The Kicking Horse has great water levels all summer long,” said Val Pleym, co-owner of Alpine Rafting. “In springtime, the rapids are great because of snow melt. Then, once things warm up and Yoho glacier melts, the rapids are the result of glacial melt.” Pleym has seen
plenty of changes in the industry in both the equipment and participants involved since her husband bought the company in 1995. “I’ve seen major improvement in the quality of the gear and the rafts which allows people to enjoy the sport more,” Pleym said. “I’ve also seen a
big increase in the different walks of life that come rafting. We’re getting different ethnicites and age groups that you wouldn’t normally think would come rafting.” Daily rafting tours will start up on May 17 and continue until mid-September. Discounts for locals are available.
“They’re not safe. But it would only be a problem in an accident.” Alpine Rafting will be offering stand-up paddleboard tours this year. The evening tour will take paddlers through town. Photo Submitted/Dave Best Joel Tansey It might not have felt like it on Sunday when wet, slushy snow was pouring down from the skies, but rafting season is right around the corner for Golden’s three whitewater tour operators, Alpine Rafting, Glacier Raft Company and Wet ‘N’ Wild Adventures. This year, Alpine Rafting is celebrating
its 30th anniversary and the local tour operator will have a slightly new look to it this season. Renovations are ongoing at Alpine’s lodge next to the British Columbia Visitor’s Centre and the newlook centre will have brand-new flooring and a small cafe with grab and go food when the renos are complete. The company will also be offering standup paddleboard excur-
sions, with both a morning tour and an early evening tour on offer for the fast-growing recreational activity. The evening tour will be particularly visible for Goldenites, as it will run along the Kicking Horse River through town, starting from past the municipal campground and ending at the confluence of the Kicking Horse and Columbia Rivers. The morning tour will start on the
Beaver River further east before eventually joining up with the Kicking Horse. Of course, whitewater rafting remains the bread and butter activity along the Kicking Horse River, bringing in around 20,000 rafters every year to experience Western Canada’s biggest rapids. However, it’s the consistency of the experience that makes this river particularly attractive for the
Slo-pitch softball season in full swing
The 2014 slopitch softball season opened up last Thursday with numerous teams taking to the diamond at Keith King Memorial Park. Pictured is Caleb Paterson of the Sons of Pitches. Joel Tansey/ Star Photo
Confessions of a Curber I was getting good at this, so I purchased a used vehicle in the U.S. and imported it. It didn’t have any airbags, so the warning lights were on. But I wasn’t picky. I knew, based on my other tricks, I could solve that before I had it inspected and registered. You just couldn’t be too worried about the truth. I Googled airbags. I saw I had three options. Get certified replacements installed at a repair shop. Buy some and install them myself. Or, override the warning light. I called and found that the first option was out of the question. Way too expensive. But, option two had some promise. There were cheap ones online. Of course, there were some warnings about dangerous fake airbags. Option three, overriding the warning lights, went too far – even for me. You can find how-to videos about anything on the web. So, I ordered cheap ones and had them sent to my U.S. mailbox. I used a buddy’s garage and put them in. Bingo! The warning lights went off and I was on my way. Soon, I had an ad up on several classified websites: Great car for sale. Moving out of the country and need to sell fast! Good condition. Recently inspected. Call cell. I’m flexible on price!! I couldn’t believe how many calls I had. I found my buyer not long after. A nice man about my age; divorced with three kids. That’s all I know about him – I don’t like getting too personal. I was actually honest about the vehicle this time. I told him that the car had been in an
accident and was from the U.S. I asked if he wanted a vehicle history report*, but he declined. He appreciated my honesty, as he’d gone through a few bad deals. With the transaction done, we parted ways. Then I got a call from my buddy. Being a curious person, he’d read the boxes the airbags came in that I’d left at his shop. “You installed counterfeit airbags,” he said. “So? They look identical to the original airbags,” I said. “I’ve seen videos of bogus airbags catching fire and with metal bits exploding when they deploy. They’re not safe,” he scolded. I’ll take my chances, I thought. It would only be a problem in an accident. The next day, my buddy left a message. He ended our friendship. Whoa, chill out. A guy’s got a right to make a few bucks.
*Vehicle History Reports: CarProof
and ICBC vehicle history reports provide detailed information about the registration and accident history of a vehicle. CarProof Verified BC reports also include a lien search. These reports can’t tell you everything a physical inspection will, but they require the seller to Prove it! and not just say it.
Buying used? We’re looking out for you. Find out how at
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Golden Star
1415 Deere Ridge Road
5 bedrooms
4 baths
3 baths
1525 Fir Crescent
4 bedrooms
2.5 baths
$317,600 1222-11th Street
4 bedrooms
921 - 14th Street 3 baths
#6, 1215 - 9th Street
2 bedrooms
1 bath
956 sqft
#16, 415 - 5th Avenue
2 bedrooms
2 baths
$219,000 1731 Highway #95 South 2bdrms 1 bath 924sqft 2.45 acres
Lot 3, Forde Station Road 3 acres
551 Highway #95, South
6bdrms 4 baths 4,056sqft 3.19 acres
2416 Campbell Road
5 bdrms 2 baths 2,986sqft 10.28 acres
$276,300 917 - 14th Street
3 bedrooms
1 bath
712 - 8th Street
5 bedrooms
2 baths
#5 Kicking Horse Village MHP 2 bedrooms
$299,000 5 bedrooms
Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451
3 bedrooms 1 bath 1,340sqft
2205 Holmes-Deakin Road
3bdrms 1 bath 1,244 sqft 1.29 acres
5 bedrooms
2 baths
3071 Tegart Road
4 bedrooms
2 baths
4 bedrooms
$420,000 3 bedrooms
2.5 baths
$339,900 528B-11th Street
3 bedrooms
2 baths
$223,000 4088 Highway #95 South
3 bdrms 2 baths 1,034sqft 22.9 acres
$329,900 1695 Golden Donald Upper Road
3bdrms 1 bath 1,230sqft
1 bath
1502 Poplar Street
1596 Columbia Valley 1.871 acres
1201 - 11th Street
$338,300 517 - 12th Street
Rural Propery with 2 Homes
$399,000 1114 - 11th Street
$242,300 916 - 14th Street
DanDan Veselic Veselic (250) (250) 344-1435 344-1435
5 acres
619 Lower Habart Road
3 bdrms 2.5 baths 3,120sqft .61 acres
SOLD $229,900 #303, 1420 Palliser Trail
2 bedrooms
2 baths
#314, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
3 bedrooms 2 baths 1,212sqft
1556 Quartz Crescent .289 acre
SOLD $219,000 Land, Building & Business
4 bdrms
731 Almberg Road
1.5 baths 2,080 sqft 5.73 acres
$500,000 1021 - 11th Avenue North Land & Building
IN TOWN LOTS 1409 Granite Drive 1416 Deere Ridge Road 1608 Gareb Road
.47 acre 75’ x 150’ 71’ x 180’
2 bedrooms 2 bedrooms 3 bedrooms 4 bedrooms 2 bedrooms 3 bedrooms
1 bedroom
1 bath
$180,000 #406, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail
2 bedrooms
2 baths
$225,000 1533 Campbell Road
3 bdrms 1 baths 943sqft
6.44 acres
$355,000 747 Nicholson Frontage Road Building, Land & Business
RURAL ACREAGES $97,000 $127,000 $89,900
MOBILE HOMES #4, 1437 Lafontaine Road #6, 1437 Lafontaine Road #10 Swiss Village MHP #3 Golden Mobile Home Park #62 Kicking Horse Village MHP #22 Golden Mobile Home Park
#17, 1333 Aemmer Way
SOLD $360,000
1141 - 10th Avenue
$38,600 $29,900 $65,000 $40,000 $54,900 $55,300
Lot 2, Campbell Road Cromac Ridge 1735 Short Road Black Bear Drive Kootenay Ridge 1556 Adolph Johnson Road Wiseman Road McMurdo Road 2310 Campbell Road Blaeberry Valley Estates 2393 Kettleston Road
2.5 acres 4 acreages available 4.94 acres 3 acreages available 3 acreages available 5.73 acre 3 acreages available 3 acreages available 19.87 acres All acreages 9.76 acres
$120,000 from $210,000 to $260,000 $129,900 from $110,900 to $169,900 from $229,900 to $239,900 $199,000 from $150,900 to $350,000 from $89,000 to $179,000 $197,000 from $118,300 to $223,000 $219,900