Invermere Valley Echo, May 07, 2014

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The Invermere



May 7





Shooting range hits the mark


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Peaks attracts 12 5fleet-footed racers




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Wyatt Fullerton and Lukas Grieve weave among pylons and other obstacles that were lined up along the parking lot of Eileen Madsen Primary School on Friday, May 2nd, during the school’s annual bike rodeo. More photos of the weekend can by found on page 9.


Halted foreign worker program disrupting local business DAN WALTON Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker program helps employers find staff for tough-to-fill positions, but reports of exploitation and preferential use of the program has suspended the food service sector from taking part, and the suspension is already having an effect locally. Strand’s Old House Restaurant owner Tony Wood is back to square one after losing the chef he had lined up through the program, and will only be able to offer service five days each week instead of seven until a new one is hired. This also means that his restaurant, a renowned local venue for live music, won’t be able to host the same number of shows people have come to expect until that time. “There’s such a shortage of chefs up and down the whole valley,” said Mr.

Wood, who has used the program once Strand’s won’t be participating again before to hire a skilled chef from out- this year as there would be an inadeside the country. “There are no Canadi- quate amount of time for training beans applying for these positions.” fore the influx of summer business. According to a statement by Jason Kootenay-Columbia MP David Wilks Kenney, Minister of Employment and doesn’t know when the suspension will Social Development will not process be lifted, but expects the program to any new or pending Labour Market return with tighter rules. Opinion applications “ U n f o r t u n a t e l y, related to the Food with federal proUnfortunately, with Services Sector, and federal programs, grams, there’s the any unfilled posibroad stroke, bethere’s the broad stroke. tions tied to a previcause it has to go DAVID WILKS ously approved LaMP KOOTENAY-COLUMBIA from coast to coast,” bour Market Opinion Mr. Wilks told The will be suspended until the completion Valley Echo. “Because it’s a national of the ongoing review of the program. program, what’s good for B.C. has to be The food service sector includes kitch- good for Newfoundland as well.” en staff, servers, bartenders and any reCiting Minister Kenney, Mr. Wilks said tail, grocery, or cleaning services. employers may have to increase their It is unclear how long before food ser- employees’ wages to obtain workers vice sector employers can use the pro- within Canada. But many employers gram again, but no matter how soon don’t agree that higher wages is the the program resumes, Mr. Wood said solution.

VJ (Butch) Bishop Owner/Operator 4846 Holland Creek Ridge Rd. Invermere, BC V0A 1K0

“We physically don’t have enough residents to fill all the jobs that need to be filled [in the summer months],” said Justin Atterbury, owner of the Rocky River Grill in Invermere. “Who in Canada would move across the country for a $14 or $15 dollar-an-hour job?” There’s a small increase of people coming to the valley for work in the summer, but a large increase of people wanting services, he said. “If you don’t have some way to offset that, you don’t operate.” For employers in the food service sector, Mr. Atterbury said it’s most challenging to find skilled candidates willing to work flexible hours. “Sure we’ll pay more, but give us the bodies that are qualified to do it,” he said. Mr. Atterbury supports the government’s crackdown on abuse, but doesn’t agree with the suspension of just one industry. See A4

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo



On Monday, May 5th, Ally Candy hosted “It is About Time” at Groundswell’s Community Greenhouse in Invermere, one of the opening events for the 18th annual Wings over the Rockies Festival. During a tour, Ally Candy and Irene Hall harvested plants and discussed birds.




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Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo A3



The Invermere

Windermere Valley Minor Hockey Association



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Wednesday, May 7th, 2014, 7 p.m. District of Invermere Office 914 - 8th Avenue, Invermere, B.C. 4.3” x 4”

Do you have an environmental project?

Under B.C.’s new Off Road Vehicle Act that comes into effect this fall, it will be mandatory for off-road vehicle drivers to wear helmets, for all off-road vehicles to be registered and to bear a licence plate when used outside private property. FILE Photo


New rules in store for off-road vehicles in B.C. Greg amos Special to The Valley Echo Residents and visitors who ride snowmobiles, ATVs and dirt bikes in the Columbia Valley can anticipate a better system for registering their machines, but details of the costs to operate their off-road vehicles are yet to be finalized. B.C.’s new Off Road Vehicle Act, first proposed in 2009 and finally introduced in late February with a promise of improved safety and better regulations for thousands of offroad enthusiasts in B.C., will come into effect this fall, after it received third reading in the B.C. Legislature on March 24th. Regulations for the legislation still need to be ironed out. All off-road vehicle owners will be required to carry out a one-time $48 registration of their machines, which will integrate with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) vehicle registry, in order to operate their vehicles on Crown or other public land. Maximum fine amounts for infractions will rise to $5,000, from the current $500. “I heard about the $48 cost, but we’re going to have to wait and see what ICBC puts out for their cost,” said Don Frew, a Quad Riders ATV Association of B.C. (ATV BC) director for the Kootenays. “Whether that’ll be the cost, I’m not sure; it shouldn’t be very high. It’s just like a vehicle that you buy; the registration would work the same way.” ATV BC supports the new legislation, and Mr. Frew said some riders’ fears of the costs involved are misguided. “The only insurance you will need to have — and you’re supposed to have it now — is your third-party liability on public-access forest service roads,” he said. “There are many people who don’t realize this, but forest service roads are public roads. There’s other insurance you can add also for collisions, fire, and theft.” The cost of third-party liability insurance won’t likely be huge, said Mr. Frew — “for

me last year, it cost me $68, so it’s not that expensive.” When the new rules come into effect this fall, all off-road vehicles will have to be registered and have a license plate before they can be used anywhere outside of private property. The new legislation should make it easier for enforcement officials to target those who are breaking backcountry rules around off-road vehicle use — the act will allow conservation officers to inspect and even seize equipment from those who violate the rules — and investigating thefts of off-road vehicles is expected to become a simpler process. “I know of half a dozen people who’ve had their ATVs stolen, so being able to track who an off-road vehicle belongs to will be a huge improvement,” said Fred Kinsey, Lake Windermere Rod and Gun Club member and owner of K5 Mechanical. The changes will also make it mandatory for drivers to have helmets, though the exact type of helmet has yet to be decided, according to the bill. Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson noted a key rationale for the legislation was “to be able to enforce a level of standard on those rogue operators out there,” he said. That may come as welcome news to Wildsight Invermere, who for several years have been attempting to steer ATV riders and dirt bikers away from sensitive wetland areas near Lake Enid. The issue of ATV and snowmobile use in backcountry areas enjoyed by hikers and skiers has also been at the heart of the nowstalled Columbia Valley Recreation Access Council. The group last met in September 2013, and had been hindered by lack of participation in the process by provincial government representatives. The new act replaced the 40-year-old Motor Vehicle (All Terrain) Act, which already requires snowmobiles to be registered and bear two yellow decals on either side of the machine. See A5

We are currently accepting applications for environment grants up to $10,000. Apply by June 27, 2014. 1.800.505.8998

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Village of Radium Hot Springs

NOTICE OF PROPOSED OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN & ZONING AMENDMENTS Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Village of Radium Hot Springs is considering an amendment to the OCP & Zoning Bylaws. The proposed bylaws, 403 & 404 will affect the following properties: 1. Lot 5, Plan 4393, Eastern 15m only, from R1 ‘Single Family Residential’ to C2 ‘Pedestrian Commercial/Residential’ 2. Lot A, Plan 18376, from C1 ‘Highway Commercial.’ To C2 ‘Pedestrian Commercial/ Residential’ A PUBLIC HEARING on the proposed Bylaws No. 403 & 404 will be held: MAY 14th, 2014, AT 7 P.M., COUNCIL CHAMBERS, VILLAGE OFFICE 4836 RADIUM BLVD., RADIUM HOT SPRINGS, B.C. All persons who believe that their interest in the property is affected by the proposed bylaw may submit written presentations to the Village of Radium Hot Springs, PO Box 340, Radium Hot Springs, B.C., V0A 1M0 or fax: 250-347-9068, prior to the date and time of the hearing. Submissions will not be received after the public hearing has been adjourned. The full bylaw and zoning map may be inspected at the Village Office, 4836A Radium Blvd., during regular office hours. For further information, contact 250-347-6455. Arne Dohlen, Director of Planning & Development Services


Regional District of East Kootenay BYLAW 2518 & 2519 Columbia Lake - Bella Vista Properties Ltd. The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering an application by Bella Vista Properties Ltd. to amend the Fairmont Hot Springs Area Official Community Plan and the Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw. If approved, the bylaws will amend the OCP and Zoning designations of the subject property to accommodate a proposed subdivision creating approximately 32 single family residential parcels and 61 multiple family townhomes. The subject property is located on Highway 93/95 as shown on the attached map. Bylaw No. 2518 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Fairmont Hot Springs Area Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1734, 2004 – Amendment Bylaw No. 24, 2014 (Columbia Lake / Bella Vista Properties Ltd.)” will amend the designation of Sublot 19, District Lot 4596, Kootenay District, Plan X32 except parts included in Plans 7339, 8490, 16995 and NEP66894 from RR, Rural Resource to R-SF, Residential Low Density and R-MF, Residential Multi-Family. Bylaw No. 2519 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900, 1992 – Amendment Bylaw No. 291, 2014 (Columbia Lake / Bella Vista Properties Ltd.)” will amend the designation of Sublot 19, District Lot 4596, Kootenay District, Plan X32 except parts included in Plans 7339, 8490, 16995 and NEP66894, from A-2, Rural Residential (Country) Zone to R-1, Single Family Residential Zone and R-3, Multiple Family Residential – Medium Density Zone. A public hearing will be held at: Fairmont Hot Springs Resort (Birch Room) 5225 Fairmont Resort Road Fairmont Hot Springs, BC Wednesday, May 21, 2014 at 7:00 pm The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Alternate Director for Electoral Area F, the Director for Electoral Area G and the Director for the Village of Canal Flats. If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: • inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; • mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/numbers shown below; or • present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. Submissions cannot be accepted after the public hearing. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Jean Terpsma, Planning Technician, at 250-489-0314, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email

Looking for Project Funding? Is your organization looking for financial support to complete a project? The Columbia Valley Community Directed Funds Program may be able to help. If your project aligns with one or more of the five community priorities identified in the Columbia Valley Community Priorities Plan, then you are encouraged to complete a Project Information Form and submit it to the RDEK. All the information can be found on our website at For more information, please contact: Andrew McLeod RDEK Special Initiatives 250-489-2791 or toll-free 1-888-478-7335

REGIONAL DISTRICT OF EAST KOOTENAY Phone: 250-489-2791 Toll Free: 1-888-478-7335 Email: Website:

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo


Human-caused wildfires a cause for concern Dan Walton

The southeast branch of B.C.’s Wildfire Management has responded to ten fires since Tuesday, April 1st — three of which were in the Invermere area. In the valley, crews responded to a fire at the Canfor Mill in Radium Hot Springs as a precautionary measure. There was one fire beside Highway 93 near Columbia Lake, and a third northeast of Munn Lake. All ten fires were human caused, said fire information officer Karlie Shaughnessy, but no charges have been laid and it is not known whether they were caused intentionally or not. Wildfires are slightly below the five-year av-

erage for this time of year, as the Wildfire Management Branch normally attends to 12.2 fires, covering an average of 51.2 hectares. Just 34 hectares of land has burned this year. “These incidents serve to remind the public to remain vigilant when lighting any open fires and ensure that they are fully prepared to extinguish those fires,” states a Wildfire Management Branch press release, which can offer relevant advice online through Anybody planning to burn more than 0.2 hectares of grass will need a registration number, which can be obtained by phoning 1-888797-1717. To report a wildfire, the number to dial is 800-663-5555, or dial *5555 from a cellphone.


Local anglers asked to shape provincial policy Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Contributed

If you are interested in helping shape fisheries policy in the East Kootenay, then the province would like to hear from you. The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations is forming a Classified Waters Review Committee. The purpose of the committee is for ministry staff and stakeholders to meet and review the status and performance of angling management plans (AMPs) established in 2004 for seven watersheds (Wigwam River, Elk River, Bull River, St. Mary River, Skookumchuck Creek, White River and Upper Kootenay River); and make recommendations to the ministry on regional AMP options and future classified waters management for implementation planned for 2015. The ministry is particularly interested in hearing from local anglers, angling guides and sport fishery organizations in the East Kootenay. The existing angling management plans are now 10 years old, and the ministry is reviewing the performance of the plans, and soliciting ideas for ways they can be improved. For more information, and to apply to be a member of the committee contact Kevin Heidt at the ministry’s regional office in Cranbrook at 250-489-8540 or by email at The deadline for submissions is Friday, May 16th.

HALTED from A1

“To blanket the restaurant industry as a whole is wrong,” he said, noting that Royal Bank of Canada and the B.C.-based HD Mining International Limited were caught exploiting the program in 2013. He calls the recent moratorium on the food service sector a knee-jerk reaction, prompted after three McDonalds’ in Victoria were caught giving temporary foreign workers preferential employment over Canadians in April. Mr. Atterbury hopes changes to the program will be based upon regional needs. District of Invermere mayor Gerry Taft, owner of Gerry’s Gelati, said large corporations, by misusing government programs such as the temporary foreign worker program, often raise flags and that subsequent reforms are more damaging to small businesses. “There are a number of employers who play by the rules, but unfortunately there were some who did not,” agreed Mr. Wilks. “And now everyone has to pay.” Mr. Kenney’s office did not return a call to The Valley Echo by press time.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo A5


B.C.’s coast can’t afford a bitumen spill David Black Black Press

thousands of other jobs created in spinoff local petrochemical companies and in indirect employment throughout the province. • The Canadian and provincial governments, Editor’s note:This is the second of a two-part collocal regional districts and municipalities, umn by Black Press owner David Black on buildand many First Nations, will share in billions ing a refinery in Kitimat to avoid exporting bituof new tax dollars each year. men off B.C.’s coast. Unfortunately, our Canadian oil companies This is the second of two columns addressing are not interested in building a new major rewhat I see as the greatest threat to the B.C. envifinery. They are focused on extraction, which ronment in our lifetime. is more profitable than refining. One of them The Alberta oil industry’s Northern Gateway challenged me to spearhead the refinery myplan is to export bitumen to Asia via tankers self, so I am doing that.We have a solid business from the B.C. coast. Under no circumstances David Black plan and, as a consequence, Chinese banks should we allow that to happen. A bitumen spill at sea could destroy our coastline — together with the and other institutions are prepared to lend us most of the funds required to build the greenest and most efficient refinery in the fish and wildlife that depend on it — for hundreds of years. My first column discussed the light oil spill by the Exxon Val- world.We are currently moving ahead with engineering design dez and the terrible toll it took on the Alaskan habitat and fish- and environmental work. We will also build a safe pipeline from Alberta to the refinery, ery. It also gave proof that a bitumen spill would be far worse. A bitumen spill would be almost completely unrecoverable with the active participation of First Nations. Modern pipelines can be built and operated safely. Leak data is available for evbecause it would sink and stay on the bottom of our seabed. The solution that is best for Canada is to build a refinery eryone to see on Canadian and U.S. government websites, and in Kitimat. I am promoting and backing this solution. It will it proves recently constructed pipelines are not leaking. Furtherconvert the bitumen to very light fuels that would float and more, some of the best pipelining companies in the world are Got something to say? based in Canada. evaporate if ever spilled. There are other enormous benefits: In addition, we will build a fleet of new tankers, powered by • There will be a major reduction in greenhouse gases. We will use new cutting-edge Canadian technology in our refin- LNG rather than Bunker C oil,to transport the refined products to ery. It will be so clean that, in combination with oil sands ex- Asia.This way we know the tankers will be state-of-the-art and as traction, there will be less CO2 than in the huge conventional safe as possible.The fleet will be owned by a company based in Send your comments oilfields and refineries of Iraq and Nigeria. In other words, the B.C. so it cannot shirk its legal liability if there ever is a spill at sea. and letters to: Let me be up front about my biases. I am for creating thouKitimat refinery will neutralize the extra greenhouse gases generated in Canada’s oil sands.A refinery will be built in Asia sands of good permanent jobs in B.C. if not in Kitimat and, if so, it will emit double the CO2 of our I am for creating billions of new tax new design. This is the reason that Andrew Weaver of the BC dollars for government coffers. I am for reducing the planet’s greenhouse Green Party is in favour of a Canadian refinery. • An Asian refinery will also generate 100 train cars a day of gas emissions.I am for building an oil very dirty petroleum coke (much fouler than B.C. coal) which pipeline that will never leak. I am for Advocate • Educate • Provide will be subsequently burnt in the atmosphere to create power. building a modern tanker fleet that The Kitimat refinery will not result in the production of any carries only refined fuels that float ICAN: rescuing, sheltering, spaying/neutering & finding homes for companion animals that are lost, surrendered & abandoned in the Columbia Valley. coke. As we all live on one planet, it is far better for the global and evaporate if spilled. I am against shipping bitumen in tankers. environment to build this refinery in Canada. Volunteers and donations are always welcome. If you agree that we should not • Construction of the refinery will create 6,000 jobs in B.C. for five years. Operations at the refinery will result in more perma- put bitumen in tankers, please nent jobs than any project has ever created in B.C., with ap- contact your local MP and say so. proximately 3,000 direct jobs. These will be highly paid perma- The Canadian government makes nent jobs.These jobs will be available for the life of the refinery, a decision on Northern Gateway which should be in excess of 50 years. In addition, there will be next month.

What do we need rs! today? Event helpe Please volunteer!

NEW from A3

Mr. Frew also clarified that riders with BC Wildlife Federation insurance coverage do not have the equivalent of third-party liability coverage. The wildlife federation coverage extends only to ATV riders (not their machines) riding on public roads, and only for certain activities including hunting and wildlife rehabilitation. Editor’s note: The Valley Echo attempted to speak to Wildsight, Tourism Radium, Toby Creek Adventure and Renegade MotoWorks about the upcoming changes, but none of the groups could be reached prior to the press deadline.

Our 2012 “Raise the Roof” event raised over $10,500. Yes, you can have fun while helping save lives of needy companion animals in our valley! ICAN is a registered charity. Tax receipts are issued for donations of $20 or more. • • 250-341-7888 Companion animals can reproduce before 6 months of age. Spay and neuter yours to help stop pet overpopulation. Trudi, Abby and Maddy with Cali, Casper and Kumar • Photography: Tanya De Leeuw • Design: Donna Deschenes

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Annual Subscription Rates (incl. tax)

• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $45.30 • Office Pick-Up $34.50 • Canada $62.60 / International $182.00 • Seniors (local) $34.50 / Seniors (Canada) $56.00



Six Month Subscription Rates (incl. tax)

• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $29.40 • Seniors (local) $22.80



The Invermere


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo

HUMOUR Something on your mind?

#8, 1008 8 Avenue • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-341-6299

The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to editor@



Rose-Marie Fagerholm

Nicole Trigg





Dan Walton

Steve Hubrecht




Dean Midyette



Silena Ann Ewen

Renice Oaks




Cheryl Williams


Righting the wrongs for temporary foreign workers



buse of the federal government’s temporary foreign worker program has resulted in its nationwide suspension for the food service industry, but what does this mean for the exemplary employer who has been abiding by the rules? In the case of Strand’s Old House Restaurant owner Tony Wood right here in Invermere, it means loss of a skilled chef and further delays in full-time service right before the May long weekend, reputedly the kick off for the valley’s busy season. A classic example of bad apples spoiling the whole bunch — although, in this scenar-


Sheila Tutty

NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

CMCA AUDITED We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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at the mercy of abusive employers who have used the threat of expulsion as a way to ensure a compliant, non-questioning workforce. But to isolate the food service industry only, despite reports of abuse across other sectors, betrays the decision as one pandering to the media inquiry into the various corporate scandals rather than the rights of temporary foreign workers within the program. Under the new suspension, those who feel they are being exploited are tied to their employers and can’t change jobs; those who have paid fees to move to Canada might lose their money and face uncertain futures. Meanwhile, the business owners who were waiting for them are once again faced with staff shortages — and nobody wins.



io, it’s actually several big, high profile apples ruining it for the rest — McDonald’s being the notable culprit. The flip side is that the opening up of this can of worms is also shedding light on the smaller, unscrupulous business owners who have, until now, gone unnoticed in their misuse of a program that is intended to be a temporary quick-fix to difficult staffing shortages, not a permanent solution to displacing Canadian workers who understandbly have higher expectations when it comes to wages and working conditions. Suspending the program until it’s reinstated with more stringent rules and better regulations will right many of the wrongs against temporary foreign workers who have been

Bylaws 101: if it doesn’t work, fix it

his week I would like to and clean up some of the prob- and quad trailers) from June 1st to SeptemRegional UNDOWN U talk about the purpose of lem areas in the village. Since ber 30th.We also extended the parking durabylaws and how they are being then, I have had many compli- tion from 96 to 120 hours to accommodate used by a local government. ments from visitors (when I people working out of town during the week. Most every profession uses say visitors, I don’t necessarily The bylaw received three readings and was tools. Loggers use chainsaws, mean tourists, but family and supposed to be adopted at our last council construction workers use hamfriends who haven’t been here meeting. However, after a large group came mers, office workers use comin a while) to the meeting I have had many puters. Bylaws are the tools of as well as voicing concerns TE a municipality. residents on compliments from visitors regarding some of As with all tools, some work how our litthe amendments, as well as residents on better than others. Some tools tle town has we rescinded how our little town has need upgrading. Some tools need replac- improved in look and feel. third reading in ing. Others will need adjusting to perform On the flip side, there improved in look and feel. order to have better. The same is true with bylaws. were some issues with more discussion As a municipality, we try to put bylaws in parts of the Road and Traffic Bylaw. The by- and possibly make additional changes. place that will assist us to create the type of law prohibited any parking on boulevards The moral of this story is that no bylaw community we want to live in. Sometimes for longer than 96 hours at a time, not includ- is written in stone and can be modified at we get it right; sometimes, not so much. ing recreational vehicles. Council was peti- any time. If the tool doesn’t work properly, it The Village of Canal Flats has had examples tioned by residents asking if we could allow needs to be fixed or replaced. of both as of late. Until recently, we employed RV and/or trailer parking during the summer Ute Juras is the mayor of Canal Flats and a Bylaw Enforcement Officer who enforced months. As a result, we made amendments can be reached at 250-489-9070 or by e-mail several of our bylaws in order to beautify to allow RVs and trailers (which include boat at .



Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo




What’s your reaction to the recent news that Temporary Foreign Workers are displacing Canadians who need jobs?

“I would say there still seems to be a shortage of Canadian workers for the jobs that temporary foreign workers are willing to take.” Doug Trithardt


Caring for cancer as a community

Dear Editor: On behalf of the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS), I would like to thank the Columbia Valley for supporting Daffodil Month during April. Perhaps, partly due to our long winter this year, the fresh-cut daffodils flew out the door as folks were delighted to take home a little spot of sunshine to brighten their tables and support the CCS at the same time. The Daffodil Pins also sold well and wearing them on your lapel showed support to those who have had cancer and those presently fighting it. We are very grateful for our many volunteers, both in our CCS membership and in our community, who assisted Sheila Bonny, Lynda Fleming, Diane Critchley and Jacqui Leduc with another successful campaign. As many of you are already aware, our valley has chosen not to have a Relay for Life this year. But to replace that event, Sheila Tutty has organized a “Giant Garage Sale and Bake Sale” at the Cenotaph Park in Invermere for Saturday, May 17th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.There will also be barbecue, hot dogs, chips and pop available with payment by donation. Then, on June 21st, the “Summer Kick Off Party” at the Invermere Community Hall will feature dinner, live and silent auctions, and an evening of dancing. Advance tickets only will be available shortly for entry. The money raised during Daffodil Month will move us one step closer to preventing cancer, detecting it earlier, improving treatments and helping all of us live longer, healthier lives. We are very grateful for your support and wish to thank you for joining us in the fight for life. Sincerely, ROSEMARY CLARKE PRESIDENT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY COLUMBIA VALLEY UNIT

“I think the biggest thing is if foreign workers want to stay here and be citizens and pay taxes then that is essentially what any Canadian citizen is supposed to do.” Lisa Allen

“It’s great that they are finally taking light to the situation.” Dean Beddie



Backcountry beer bliss

pure powdered alcohol on the marver Easter, while enjoying a careGeek ONE ket. Soon, you’ll be able to enjoy a fully prepared lightweight meal marguerita while in the backcounin a remote backcountry hut and satry. The exact chemistry is currently vouring the delights of the surroundunder wraps, but many others have ing scenery, my company and the hut’s been attempting to create pure aroma, the conversation switched powdered alcohol — sometimes usfrom the merits of dehydrated food to ing old patents from the 1970s and how most in the hut would really quite “host-guest chemistry” to surround enjoy a dehydrated beer at that moOB that volatile little alcohol molecule ment. I was surprised and glad to be into a tiny cage of cyclodextrin or enlightened that my two-decade old similar so that it doesn’t evaporate dream for powdered beer has actually reached fruition. Thanks to Pat’s Backcountry Bev- into thin air. A 50-gram packet could contain as erages, you can now enjoy a fresh cold pint after much alcohol as a can of beer. However, that little a long day outdoors navigating whiteouts and cre- packet could come packed with risks. The product vasses, and dodging avalanches without the aid of could be used in many ways other than its intenda helicopter supply. Water makes up 95 per cent of ed “just add water” use, such as snorting the powder beer and no one likes carrying 95 per cent water into the nasal cavity. The risks of this behaviour are for hours on end, only to end up camped beside unknown as they haven’t been studied yet, but due a gushing stream. So this cunning system from to its concentration, it’s likely that it could result in Pat’s contains a mini carbonator that looks like a significant loss of motor skills and judgement at Nalgene water bottle. Just throw in the powdered low levels. Of course, generations ago, the French pioneered beer, some cold clean mountain water (or some melted snow with random floaties if that’s all you the solution for the backcountry drought — just have) and, like magic, you’ve got yourself a cold, sell liquor in backcountry refuges.While in the Pyrbubbly beer in your hand less than a minute after enees a couple of summers ago, it was quite refreshyou wished you had a cold bubbly beer in your ing to enjoy some cold liquor after a several-hour hand. And hey, you might even want to consider hike into the mountains. Even in Nepal, thanks to this powdered beer as a way of cutting down on a system of porters that carries 95 per cent water aluminium, glass and the transport of 95 per cent back to its glacial source in the Himalayas, you can water around the planet. Heck, even get one for buy a beer from just about any tea house. Rob Orchiston is a software programmer who home and cut down on trips to the bottle depot. Another company, Palcohol (Powdered Alcohol) lives in Invermere and stays on top of the latest is about to gain U.S. Regulator approval as the first trends in technology.




�� No

Do you support Black Press owner David Black’s position on building a bitumen refinery in Kitimat as an alternative to shipping raw bitumen overseas?


Do you agree with Federal Employment and Social Development Minister Jason Kenney’s decision to suspend the Temporary Foreign Worker’s program for the food service sector pending a government review?





Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo



Pothole Park. Come join your local healthcare professionals for a half-hour stroll in the park. Have • 7 p.m.: Wilmer Waterworks Iman event you’d provement District AGM at the like listed? Email Wilmer Community Hall. All Wilmit to: production@ er residents are welcome and eninvermerevalleyecho. couraged to attend. com • 7 - 9 p.m.: Director’s Liability in Non Profit Organizations Workshop at the College of the Rockies. A must take for all non-profit board memMAY 7th - 13th bers. Outlines the legal responsibilities and potential personal liability 7TH : WEDNESDAY • 11:45 a.m.: The Rotary Club of of directors of clubs, associations Invermere meets every Wednes- and other societies. Free. day at the Curling Rink. TH : FRIDAY • 3:30 - 6 p.m.: Junior Golf Tour, host- 9 • 12 - 2 p.m.: Pre-Mother’s Day ed by the Columbia Valley Golf Trail. Introduce your school-aged children Quiche and Chilli Luncheon, to golf. Wednesdays from April 23rd- hosted by the All Saints Church June 11th. No cost, some equipment Guild. $6 per person, at the Edgeis available. Weekly attendance water Legion. not required, but pre-registration • 6 - 11 p.m.: Rock Climbing Wall for each week is. For details and to with the Summit Youth Centre, register, visit www.ColumbiaValley- leaving at 6:30 p.m. • 7:30 p.m.: Valley Voices perform • 7 p.m.: Windermere Valley Mi- at Christ Trinity Church, May 9th nor Hockey Association Annual and 10th. Tickets $10/Adults, $5/ General Meeting at the District of Students, available at Selkirk TV and Appliances, Essentials, Meet Invermere Office. • 18th Annual Wings Over the on Higher Ground (Radium), FairRockies festival continues. Runs mont Gift Shop. through May 11th. A week of • Fairmont Lions Clubs Hole-in-One events celebrating birds and na- Challenge, every weekend (Friday ture, including a themed gallery evening, Saturday and Sunday) show at Pynelogs. This year’s from May to September. Hole #8 at theme is “The Mystery of Migra- Riverside Golf Course. Entry fee $5. tion”. For a full listing of events and to register, visit www.WingsO- 10TH : SATURDAY, Pynelogs Cul- • 9 a.m.: Elmer Fudd Fun Shoot tural Centre or pick up a program at the Lake Windermere District Rod & Gun Club range, Saturday at The Valley Echo office. • The Lake Windermere Ambassa- and Sunday. Rabbit and low flying dors will be offering a “watershed targets only. Registration opens track” of water related themes 9 a.m., safety briefing at 9:45 a.m. during Wings Over the Rockies, $110 Saturday ($60 for a half day), May 7th - 11th, including tours of $70 Sunday. Juniors half-price both Lake Windermere on Thursday, days. Lunch included both days. May 8th and Sunday, May, 11th. Prizes by Lewis Class. For info or to For more info, go to www.lakeam- register, visit • 10 a.m.: Fairmont Lions Club • Windermere Ladies Golf Club semi-annual highway clean-up in would like to invite all ladies to Fairmont Hot Springs. join us every Wednesday for tee- • 6 - 11 p.m.: Homemade Mac & times beginning at 2 p.m. for May Cheese at the Summit Youth Centre. and June. Please arrive at 1 p.m. • 7:30 p.m.: Fundraiser for Joe Webto be put in a group. No experi- ber and his family as he leaves ence necessary-enjoy the golf and for Vancouver to begin his cancer treatments. Appys, silent auction social activity. and lots of games. At the Fairside Inn, Fairmont. Everyone welcome. 8TH : THURSDAY • 12 p.m.: Senior’s Luncheon, loca- • Brisco Riding Club Mother’s Day tion TBA. Cost $5, payable at the event. Team penning, dinner, aucdoor. Reservations required by tion. Sign up by May 3rd by calling May 6th, contact Theresa Wood: Margaret at 250-342-1607. $25/person, $15/ages 15 and under. Rib 250-342-9281, ext 1227. • 12:15 p.m.: Walk With a Doc at Dinner $10/person or $25/family.


118, Athalmer. Proceeds towards • 5:30 p.m.: We Love You, Mom Rotary projects. kitchen party at From Scratch. Reserve your seat at $39.95/person. 17TH : SATURDAY For more info, visit www.from- • 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Annual Rotary Garage Sale, next to the vermere Court House. Proceeds towards Rotary projects. 12TH : MONDAY • 12 - 8 p.m.: Annual Turn Cop- • 9 a.m.: Giant Garage Sale at Cenoper into Gold Golf Tournament at taph Park, Invermere. Garage sale, Mountainside Golf Course. Fun- BBQ hot dogs and smokies, and a draiser for CV Chamber of Com- baking table to benefit the Canadimerce. $125/golfer, $450/foursome. an Cancer Society. Contact Sheila For more information or to register, Tutty for more info: 250-342-9059. • 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.: Dietje Hagego online to doorn and Vance Theoret opening at Artym Gallery. Artists in at13TH : TUESDAY • 5 - 9 p.m.: Swimming at Radi- tendance 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., as well um Hot Springs with the Summit as Sunday, May 18th, 12 - 4 p.m. Show continues until May 23rd. Youth Centre, leaving at 6 p.m. • 4 p.m.: “Abraca Dazzle” multi- • 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.: Crossroads Colmedia magical review, starring lective 3rd Anniversary celebraJohn Kaplan at the Invermere tion. Free refreshments and live Community Hall. All ages, shows chainsaw carving demonstrations. at 4 and 7 p.m. Tickets available Located beside Tim Horton’s on at The Monkey’s Uncle and The Highway 93. Book Bar. Presented by the Lake • 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.: Hot dog sale at Home Hardware. All proceeds go Windermere District Lions Club. towards the Windermere Health Care Auxiliary, supporting ColumMAY 14th - 20th bia House. Also May 18th. • 5 p.m.: Downtown Chowdown TH : EDNESDAY 14 W and Evening Market. Food trucks, • 6 p.m.: Gardening 101: Flowers market vendors and live music and Shrubs. Free workshop focus- in downtown Invermere. Intering on beginner gardening with Dal- ested in being a vendor? Contact las of Rock Works Landscaping. At the Invermere Public Library. Pre- • 6 - 11 p.m.: Hike to the Hooregistration required, visit inver- doos in Fairmont with the Summit for more info. Youth Centre, leaving at 6:15 p.m. • 7 - 8 p.m.: Silver Strings Ukulele HOURS Band performs at Christ Church Trinity. Special musical guests: Bruce Childs, Oso Simple, Paul INVERMERE LIBRARY Carriere, Stacey Decosse and • Tuesday - Saturday: others. Fundraiser for the band’s 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. nine-concert tour to Kelowna in • Wednesdays: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. June. Entrance by donation. • 7 - 9 p.m.: Artist’s opening at RADIUM LIBRARY Pynelogs Cultural Centre. Show • Tuesday: 6 - 8 p.m. features artists Colin Bell, Paula • Wednesday - Thursday: Cravens, Pam Williamson, Bev De1 - 4 p.m. lyea, Rita Rankin and Dorial Davis. • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Show runs May 13th - 25th, daily • Sunday: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Wednesday evenings until 9 p.m. WINDERMERE VALLEY MUSEUM • Tuesday: 12 - 4 p.m. 15TH : THURSDAY or by appointment: 250-342-9769 • 3 - 5 p.m.: EK Senior Caregiver’s Network in the Columbia Garden INVERMERE THRIFT STORE Village dining room. Caregiver • Thursday and Friday: support group meets the third 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Thursday of every month. For • Saturday: 12 - 4 p.m. info call Darla at 250-342-2808.



• Thursday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. • 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.: Annual Rotary • Friday and Saturday: Garage Sale at Decks Storage, Unit 12 - 4 p.m.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo A9




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(Clockwise from top): The youngsters at Windermere Valley Child Care Society added their own art to the Lil’ Peeps Art Show at Pynelogs Cultural Centre, and they were able to visit the show on Friday, May 2nd; Columbia Valley RCMP Staff Sgt Marko Shehovak gives Chantal Spinelli a push at Eileen Madson Primary School’s bike rodeo on Friday, May 2nd; The student musicians at David Thompson Secondary School put on a big band-style show for a formal crowd at the Invermere Community Hall on Saturday, May 3rd; There was no touching at the Lil’ Peeps Art Show at Pynelogs Cultural Centre, but that didn’t mean no blowing. The youngsters from the Windermere Valley Child Care Society were involving themselves as much as they could in the show, and even contributed handmade snakes and whales to the exhibit; Dancing couples were lured to the dance floor at the DTSS Big Band Dance. PHOTOS BY DAN WALTON

ICAN – Invermere Companion Animal Network

Available for Adoption

Hello. Remember Me? I’m GORDON, back at ICAN ‘cause my family couldn’t take me along when they moved. I am so lonely and yearn for a new home. I’m a 5 year old, handsome, friendly gentleman, and I will come running to greet you when YOU come to meet ME. We both will be glad you did!

Oh no!

We don’t have a companion for next week’s corner! Submit yours today !

Name: Nash Age: 4 months Breed: Chocolate Lab Family: Brian Charles & Laura Jenkins Fun Fact: Nash got his name from the city of Nashville. He loves the outdoors and exploring. He loves his ball and carries it in his mouth EVERYWHERE, and if he can’t find it he will settle for the biggest stick he can find. He is only 4 months old now and has too much energy for even him to handle! He will continue to play as long as possible, fighting off sleep till the last possible second. We’re always on walks all over Invermere to burn off some of that crazy energy he has. He loves people so feel free to say hi and give him a pat on his belly if you see us around. Nash will love it!

Sponsored by:

To be featured, send in your companion’s name, age and photo, along with a fun fact or story about them! Be sure to include your name. Email

4992 Fairmont Frontage Rd. 250-345-6133

Adoption Fee: $100 (to help offset spay/neuter and vet bills)


Photo courtesy of Tanya De Leeuw Photography


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo

Mother’s Day

Recipes for Mom

Something special for breakfast

Easy meat loaf to make with, or for, Mom

Parents often tell their youngsters that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and rightfully so. This Mother’s Day, make Mom a hearty breakfast to give her the energy she needs to make the most of her special day. Those who want to forgo flakes of cereal or a bowl of oatmeal for more inspiring fare should consider the following recipe for “Smoked Salmon, Fennel and Potato Hash” from Betty Rosbottom’s Sunday Brunch (Chronicle Books).

Perhaps no dish embodies the term “comfort food” more than meat loaf. Whenever it’s time to recall a homecooked meal at Mom’s house, meat loaf is a versatile dish that can be cooked in any number of ways depending on the chef. This Mother’s Day, why not turn the tables, and prepare a tasty meatloaf for Mom? One of the lovable attributes of meat loaf is that it’s relatively easy to prepare. And because it’s so easy, kids can make it for Mom on her special day (with proper supervision, of course). Chef Brad Levy’s “Firefly Meat Loaf” uses a host of spices and bacon to add extra flavour that makes this particular meat loaf unique and delicious for Mother’s Day.

Smoked Salmon, Fennel and Potato Hash Serves 6 1 2 1/4 1 1/2 1

Firefly Meat Loaf Serves 4 to 6

pound Yukon gold or Russet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch cubes medium fennel bulbs with their lacy stalks cup olive oil cup chopped onion hot-smoked salmon fillet, skin discarded and salmon flaked teaspoon fennel seeds, crushed Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

1. Bring a large saucepan filled two-thirds full with water to a boil. Add the potatoes and 2 teaspoons salt. Cook until the potatoes are tender when pierced with a knife but still hold their shape, about 5 minutes. Drain the potatoes in a colander and set aside. 2. Cut off the stalks from the fennel bulbs. Remove the thin lacy fronds and chop enough of them to make the 2 tablespoons; set aside. Reserve a few lacy sprigs in a glass of water for the garnish. Halve the bulbs lengthwise and, with a sharp knife, cut out and discard the tough triangular cores. Then chop enough fennel to yield 2 cups. Save any extra for another use. 3. Add half of the olive oil to a large, heavy frying pan set over medium heat. Add the chopped fennel and onion and cook, stirring often, until softened and lightly browned around the edges, 4 to 5 minutes. Remove to a plate. 4. Heat the remaining olive oil in the same frying pan and, when hot, add the potatoes. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes are golden brown, 8 to 10 minutes. 5. Return the fennel and onion to the frying pan and stir 1 minute to reheat. Add the flaked salmon and the crushed fennel seeds and cook 1 minute more. Season the hash with more salt and with several generous grinds of pepper. Sprinkle with the reserved chopped fennel fronds. 6. Mound the hash in a serving dish and garnish the center with some fennel sprigs. Serve warm. Cooking tip: To crush fennel seeds, place them in a self-sealing bag and pound with a meat pounder or rolling pin, or use a mortar and pestle. Or, use a small spice grinder and grind the seeds coarsely.

2 1/4 2 2 2 2 1 1/4 1 2 1/3 1 1 1 1 1/4 1/4 1/4 6

pounds ground beef tablespoons olive oil large cloves garlic, chopped yellow onions, diced stalks celery, diced cups dried bread crumbs cup milk large eggs cup ketchup tablespoon Worcestershire sauce tablespoon kosher salt teaspoon ground black pepper teaspoon Hungarian sweet paprika teaspoon cayenne pepper teaspoon ground cumin teaspoon celery seeds slices apple wood-smoked bacon Pinch of ground allspice Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Put the beef in the bowl of a stand mixer or in a large mixing bowl. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute to release its fragrance. Add the onion and celery and cook, stirring often, for about 3 minutes, or until tender. Let cool. Combine the bread crumbs and milk in a small bowl. Let sit for about 10 minutes, or until the bread crumbs absorb the milk. Whisk together the eggs, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, salt, black pepper, paprika, cayenne pepper, cumin, celery seeds, allspice, and nutmeg in a small bowl. Pour over the beef. Add the vegetable mixture and the soaked bread crumbs. Mix with the paddle attachment on low speed or with your hands until the beef is evenly distributed. Be careful not to overmix. Shape the meat mixture into a 4- by 6- by 10-inch loaf in the center of a rimmed baking sheet. Wrap the bacon slices crosswise around the meat loaf. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes, until cooked through. For crisp bacon, slip under the broiler for about 2 minutes. Remove from the oven and let rest for 5 to 10 minutes before slicing. Serve.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo A11

Mother’s Day

Mary’s cherished memories

DAN WALTON Editor’s note: With Mother’s Day approaching, The Valley Echo stopped in at Columbia Garden Village in Invermere last week to find out if any of the residents were interested in sharing their memories of their days as young mothers with the newspaper. Columbia Garden Village resident Mary Arif, 90, was happy to reminisce about her life, her children, and her most cherished memories of motherhood. Mary Arif was born in 1924 in Hucknall, England. As a young mother, she had two children in her native country, before moving to Ottawa where she gave birth to two more. Her brood consisted of three boys —Johnny, Peter and Perry — and her youngest, her daughter Angela Mary. Mary didn’t know her own mother Harriett Shaw very well as she passed away when Mary was just two years old. When her mother died, Mary had five siblings. She acquired more when her father remarried, which brought

the total number of children growing under the same roof to ten. “We always had homemade bread – we thought it was a treat to buy a loaf from the store,” she said. In the mid-to-late 1940s, Mary emmigrated to Canada at a time when the True North was encouraging European immigration. She recalls that many “war brides” were also moving west at that time — European women who had met North American men during World War II and relocated for love. It was also a time when cars were all the rage, she said. Cruising around was treated as a leisure activity. “Everyone would pile in and just drive around until they were out of gas.” Mary remembers her eldest son, at the age of three, asking his parents to pull over their car so that he could play. “He pointed to a field and said ‘I want to play right there’,” she laughed. Mary’s favourite part of being a mom was when the kids would return home from school, often ready to show off their school work. She said that, over the years, piles and piles of school work collected in the cupboard because she didn’t want to throw any away. Mary also spent time working as a school bus driver. One morning, after finishing her route, she came home to find her daughter, Angela Mary, playing on the floor as she didn’t feel like going to school that day. Mary informed her it wasn’t an option and proceeded to take her daughter to school right away. Ironically, Angela Mary grew up to become a school teacher. Mary recalls playing basketball frequently as a family as she and her husband’s property was close to the school. Mary and her husband now live together at Columbia Garden Village.

Columbia Garden Village resident Mary Arif fondly recalls her memories as a young mother for The Valley Echo’s special Mother’s Day feature. PHOTO BY DAN WALTON

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A12 Canal Flats Community

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo


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roller derby

silence of the jams



Saturday, May 10

Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena - Invermere First bout at 6:00 pm • Second bout at 8:00 pm $10 at the door, $5 for kids, 5 and under free Bring a donation for the food bank! After party at Bud’s Bar & Lounge

5 PEAKS POWER A little drizzle didn’t deter participants in the 5 Peaks trail running race that took place on the Johnson Trail on Saturday, May 3rd. (Clockwise from top left): Jacob Taylor (#2) and Ayden Taylor encourage the race’s youngest runner, Phoenix Murray (#1) on the course; Caleb Schultz was one of the dozens of runners to tough the wet weather; Tammy Mytopher keeps her eyes on the trail ahead; (Left to right) Michelle Schultz, Jacqueline Pye, Todd Warren, and Steve Taylor — all from Fernie — pose before the race, which was the inaugural event for the Kootenay region’s 5 Peaks series; Brenda Danyluk casually cruises the course. See the next page for the full story on PHOTOS BY DAN WALTON the race.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo A13


Do you want to be an entrepreneur?

Trail running series makes Invermere debut Dan Walton

The Johnston Trail across from Lake Lillian was put to new use last weekend, when the 5 Peaks trail running race took over the single track for its inaugural event. Damp weather didn’t deter more than two dozen runners from taking part in the early morning race on Saturday, May 3rd, which was the kick-off for the Kootenay region’s 2014 5 Peaks Trail Running Series, marketed as “more than just trail running races.” “(Our events) are special celebrations of nature, of the hard work we put into our training, of strength, and of family and community,” reads the 5 Peaks website. For the Invermere event, four lengths of track were offered — there was a 9-kilometre enduro course, a 4.4-kilometre sport course, plus 1and 2.3-kilometre tracks for the children. “You guys have fantastic trails for running on,” said race director Magi Scallion.

Johnson Trail is an ideal location for a 5 Peaks venue, as it offers mild challenges for beginner runners and 5 Peaks aims to introduce the sport to beginners, Ms. Scallion said. Finishing first in the sport course was Steven Taylor, who clocked in at 26:06.1 — nearly two-and-a-half minutes ahead of his next competitor. Taking the honours in the enduro race was Jeff Murray, who completed the track in 48:10.8; 5 minutes and 37 seconds ahead of the second place finisher. Ms. Scallion said that 5 Peaks normally holds its races in larger communities, and that many of the out-of-town runners enjoyed Invermere’s small town feel. The series holds one race each month until Saturday, September 20th, covering Fernie, Revelstoke, Kimberley and Golden. Eager participants can purchase a season pass for all five Kootenay trail races. Asked if the series will be returning to Invermere, Ms. Scallion said “that’s the plan,” so long as permits are approved. Visit www.


Free golf tour available for junior golfers Dan Walton

Green fees are on the house for junior golfers as the Columbia Valley Golf Trail is offering the Junior Golf Tour — a series of free games for school-aged golfers at the Golf Trail’s featured courses. The Golf Trail is holding the tour to introduce students to golf at a younger age, while offering them the chance to meet new people and learn the etiquette of the game. For the tour, a junior golfer is considered anybody in school — from age five to Grade 12 — and must live between Edgewater and Canal Flats to play in the tour. The inaugural game was last Wednesday, April 23rd at the Fairmont Riverside Golf Course. Twelve students showed up and the weather was in fa-

vour, said Columbia Valley Golf Trail marketing manager Andrea Tubbs. “There were lots of smiles and not too much complaining,” said Ms. Tubbs. All that’s required to attend is registration, which can be done online at Participants, after signing up, can attend as many or as few Wednesdays as they’d like. Ms. Tubbs said the plan is to hold the tour annually. The students are learning the ropes this season, but she hopes for it to become competitive in years to come. However, there are still prizes to be won. The next game takes place today (Wednesday, May 7th) at The Springs in Radium Hot Springs at 3:30 p.m. For more information, visit the Columbia Valley Golf Trail website at

Clarification In the April 23rd edition of the Valley Echo, it was incorrectly stated in the story “Valley Piecemakers quilt to Wrap a Smile” that Yvonne Redeker introduced the guild to Wrap a Smile one year ago. The group was participating in the program before Yvonne joined, and has contributed three loads of quilts for the charity. Additionally, supporting the Wrap a Smile efforts were their Fairmont Hot Springs counterparts, members of the Hoodoos Quilting Guild. Clarification is also needed for the April 23rd Valley Echo cutline “In Schnider’s memory.” Following David Schnider’s passing from Leukaemia in 1970, the award was given to a Grade 2 student for several years before a hiatus. Ten years ago, the award was reintroduced to honour the Grade 7 students for social responsibility, not academic achievement as printed last week. The recipients are each awarded $200 for a RESP contribution. This year’s recipients were presented their awards at Edgewater Elementary on Thursday, April 17th with David’s mother and three of his sisters in attendance.

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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice of Public Hearing (Safta’s Kitchen, 1321 – 7th Avenue)

NOTICE is given of a Public Hearing to be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday May 20th, 2014 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Office (914 - 8th Avenue) in the District of Invermere to consider an application by Safta’s Kitchen to amend their liquor license. The applicant is proposing to add “Patron Participation Entertainment Endorsement” to their food primary liquor licence which would allow for live music, dancing and open stage music events in all areas of the business covered by their current licence. Patron participation entertainment must end by midnight. This is not an application to increase to the overall seating capacity of the business. The property is located at 1321 – 7th Avenue, Invermere, legally described as Lot B, Plan NEP19923, DL 216, Kootenay District. PID 017-868-980 In order to comply with Section 53 of the Liquor Control and Licensing Regulations the District of Invermere is requested to provide a resolution commenting on; • the potential for noise, • the impact on the community, • whether the amendment may result in the establishment being operated in a manner that is contrary to the primary purpose, • whether or not the views of residents has been gathered, • the views of the residents and consultation method, • A recommendation to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch (BCLB) regarding whether the application should be approved. All persons who believe that their interests are affected by the proposed change may: • send written briefs to the District of Invermere prior to the hearing • fax written briefs to the District of Invermere prior to the hearing; or • present verbal or written briefs at the hearing. NOTICE is also given that the Council will not accept any written or verbal presentations subsequent to the close of the public hearing.Rory Hromadnik, Director of Development Services A copy of this proposed application and relevant background documents may be inspected at the District of Invermere municipal office 914 - 8th Ave., Invermere from Wednesday April 30th, to Tuesday May 20th, 2014. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Rory Hromadnik Director Development Services


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo


Canal Flats Wilderness Club firing up new range DAN WALTON Gun enthusiasts in the valley have new shooting grounds as the members of the Canal Flats Wilderness Club are putting the finishing touches on a new range off the Kootenay Forest Government Road behind the Village of Canal Flats. It’s the club’s first shooting range in more than 20 years. “We had a range out by Green Road until 1992, but it’s ceased to exist,” said Village of Canal Flats Public Works Co-ordinator and club member Bill Doroschuk, who takes care of the range. The club started lobbying for the project in 2008, secured the land in 2009, logged and cleared the property in 2010, and has relied on volunteers to bring the range to its current state of near-completion. When all the building is done, the final cost will be roughly $10,000. The club is hoping to have shooting events arranged before the end of summer. “We use everything from paper targets to reactive targets, steel plates and silhouettes,” said Mr. Doroschuk. The addition of the range will also act as a safety item, he said, because it prevents gun owners from going into the bush to shoot, giving them instead a safe, designated place to practice the sport. “It’s going to be incredible,” he said. Once the range is in full operation, Mr. Doroschuk hopes to set up cowboy action shooting — a competitive sport which pits shooters up against themselves, but can also be played to compete against others. “It’s a nice hand-eye coordination sport,” he said, adding that the club will likely challenge other shooting groups from the valley to their competitions. The Canal Flats Wilderness Club welcomes all types of guns up to 50 calibre, including hand guns, hunting rifles, 22s, and even some pellet guns, he said. The addition of a 3D archery range is also on the horizon. Mr. Doroschuk said that in order for the range to be government-sanctioned, it must be run by the club and have registered members. “You don’t have to have a hunting license to belong, but you have to belong to the gun club to shoot at the range unless you’re a guest.” Anybody looking to join or find out more about the club can contact Dave and Jill White, the couple that runs the club, by calling 250-349-5478. The annual fee to use the range comes to $50 — a required $20 range maintenance fee plus the $30 club membership. — With files from Nicole Trigg

Running a business or nonprofit that makes revenues (social enterprise)? Free support is available! if you are located in the Columbia Basin, the Basin Business Advisors are here to assist your organization! Common areas of focus include: • General business and growth strategy; • Financial management practices; • in-depth financial analyses and business performance review; • Pricing methodology and related policies; • Marketing practices and market opportunities and much more!

(Top) Bill Doroschuk at the entrance of the Canal Flats Wilderness Club’s rifle range; Edmonton visitors Matthew Sinclair-Faulkner (holding the gun) and Royce Wilson (in sunglasses looking at the targets) were excited to discover the new shooting range in Canal Flats on Saturday, May 3rd while exploring the area on a camping trip at Whiteswan Lake Provincial Park. PHOTOS BY NICOLE TRIGG

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo A15


Big LNG investors endorse B.C. plan Tom Fletcher Black Press

said it has never been used in a teacher dispute before. BCTF president Jim Iker said last week he considers the transfer of benefit costs to be “retaliatory and punitive” at a time when teachers are still providing full classroom service and meeting with parents. BCPSEA also notified the union that a year-end “administrative day” set for June 27th will be cancelled unless the dispute is settled. Teachers would lose a day’s pay. The second phase of the BCTF plan is rotating one-day strikes in B.C.’s 60 school districts, which could begin at any time. Phase three, a full-scale strike, would require another vote by BCTF members. In a memo to school board chairs and superintendents Wednesday, BCPSEA interim CEO Mike Roberts said there has been “no recent progress at the bargaining table and no indication from the union that it is willing to significantly compromise on any of its current demands.” Roberts reiterated BCPSEA’s position that its wage offer of 6.5 per cent over six years is consistent with other wage settlements for provincial employees. The BCTF is seeking wage and costof-living increases estimated at 13.5 per cent over three years.

The biggest players in B.C.’s liquefied natural gas export proposal are still more than a year away from final commitment, but their latest step forward is a vote of confidence, according to the CEO of LNG Canada. Representatives of Shell Canada, Korea Gas, Mitsubishi and PetroChina announced signing of a joint venture agreement for the LNG Canada project in Vancouver Wednesday, with Premier Christy Clark and Natural Gas Minister Rich Coleman on hand. LNG Canada CEO Andy Calitz cautioned that a final investment decision depends on completion of reviews by B.C.’s Environmental Assessment Office and Oil and Gas Commission. The companies will now begin engineering work, and those steps will take another 18 to 24 months, Calitz said. The partnership includes an increase in Shell’s stake to 50 per cent, with PetroChina retaining 20 per cent and Mitsubishi and Korea Gas reducing their shares from 20 per cent to 15. Calitz said the companies have other projects in development in Africa, Australia, Russia and B.C. launches skills elsewhere, and the ‘re-engineering’ change does not reflect The B.C. government any loss of confidence has unveiled its plan to in B.C. He acknowlmatch up skills training edged the B.C. governwith emerging jobs in ment’s commitment resource development, to increase industrial by redirecting postskills training in the secondary funding and school and apprenPremier Christy Clark, Natural Gas Development Minister Rich financial aid toward octiceship system, anColeman (right) and officials from PetroChina, Mitsubishi and Ko- cupations in demand. nounced Tuesday. The plan emphasizes Clark also announced rea Gas listen as LNG Canada CEO Andy Calitz announces a joint venture agreement and beginning of engineering work. industrial skills such she is leaving Friday B.C. government photo as welding, pipefitting, for her fifth trade mission to Asia, with stops in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong heavy equipment operation, truck driving and concrete finishing, but ministers and officials stressed that it also Kong, mainly to promote LNG development. There are three key factors in deciding whether to com- includes engineering, health care and other occupations mit to the Kitimat project, Calitz said. They are shifts in where jobs are projected to increase. The main shift for colleges and universities is that withthe gas price in Asia, the supply and cost of labour to build the plant and pipelines, and construction of gas in four years, a quarter of their operating grants will be targeted to programs with identified demand from the job pipelines through the Rocky Mountains. The companies have an agreement with TransCanada market. Employment data will determine post-secondary to build a pipeline, and gas production underway in the funding, instead of the tradition of block grants to postHorn River, Montney, Cordova and Liard shale formations secondary schools. Ministers avoided identifying areas that will lose fundin northeastern B.C. ing, but have previously cited far more teaching graduates than there are jobs in the school system. Premier Teachers received benefit bill threat B.C.’s school district negotiators have served notice Christy Clark has lamented a system where students rethat they will bill the teachers’ union for June employee ceive a bachelor’s degree and then must take additional benefit premiums if a contract settlement isn’t reached training to qualify for jobs. Education Minister Peter Fassbender outlined a plan for by the end of the school year. The cost of benefit premiums for the 40,000 members K-12 schooling that aims to double the number of spaces of the B.C. Teachers’ Federation is estimated at about $5 for high school students taking industrial training in high million a month. It would be paid by the employer only school to 5,000 in two years. Students in these courses if a contract settlement is ratified by union members by get college credits while still in high school, allowing the end of June, and if the BCTF does not go out on a full- them to go to work more quickly. The ministry is also revamping its kindergarten to grade scale strike by that time. Peter Cameron, chief negotiator for the B.C. Public nine curriculum to give it more emphasis on “hands-on School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA), proposed the learning” and exposing students in earlier grades to the benefit charge as a new strategy to respond to the BCTF’s range of jobs they can expect when they graduate. Advanced Education Minister Amrik Virk said the stumulti-stage strike action that began April 23rd. Teachers are refusing out-of-class supervision and communication dent loan program will also be adjusted to market demand, with loans reduced or forgiven for students who with administration as the first phase. B.C.’s Labour Relations Act allows for the transfer of ben- graduate with in-demand skills and are willing to move efit costs to unions that withdraw services, but Cameron to get work.

Invitation Columbia Valley Food Bank AGM May 14th at 2pm In the Lemon Room at the Community Greenhouse in Invermere Community Members welcome! Individuals interested in becoming a member of the board please call Ron Stainthorpe at 250-342-2456 or Pat Cope 250-342-5566. Deadline for nominations to become a board member is May 13th.

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Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. Figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers named, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!



Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo


CLUES ACROSS 1. No longer is 4. Wife of Saturn 7. L.A. Trojan school 10. Complete 11. Animal doctor 12. Old Austrian coin (abbr.) 13. Islamic teacher 15. Hearing organ 16. Abolitionist Sojourner 19. Phillips Academy town 21. Apparatus to add air 23. April rain 24. May results of 23 across 25. N.W. PA. city 26. 12th Jewish month 27. Analgesic 30. Cowards 34. Hit lightly 35. Express pleasure 36. Divinities 41. Moderately slow tempo 45. Stare impertinently 46. More small 47. Of or containing tin 50. Pain in #15 across 54. Where the tenon fits 55. Said of a sheltered horse 56. Range 57. Project Runway winner Chloe 59. French postal code 79000 60. Small integer 61. European Common Market 62. Auto petrol 63. Crimson 64. River in NE Scotland 65. East northeast

17. Hill (Celtic) 18. Time units (abbr.) 20. Legal clerk Brockovitch 22. Norse goddess of old age 27. Form a sum 28. No (Scottish) 29. Japanese sash 31. 007’s creator 32. Consume food 33. The woman 37. Group annuity + lottery combination 38. Set fire to 39. Ancient Olympic Site 40. Split from 41. Awe-inspiring 42. Tidy 43. Drive mad 44. Middle Eastern riding horse 47. Spinal Muscular Atrophy 48. Technical author Clancy 49. Garden framework 51. Being near 52. Of she 53. Summer sun up in NY 58. Highest card

Answers to April 30:

CLUES DOWN 1. Ralph __ Emerson, writer 2. Permitted 3. State of bondage 4. Administrate 5. Common garden pod plant 6. Machine-guns from the air 7. L____ : shining 8. Scribbles 9. An inclined trough 13. More (Spanish) 14. Durham, NH school

W eekend WEATHER Friday

May 9

Cloudy with showers Temp: 12oC o

Feels like 12 C

Low: 4oC

Saturday May 10 Light rain Temp: 8oC o

Feels like 7 C

Low: 5oC


May 11

Isolated showers Temp: 14oC o

Feels like 14 C

Low: 2oC

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 You are in a position of power this week, Aries. But this doesn’t mean you can impose your will onto someone else. Don’t try to take over any situation.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, your feelings of restlessness this week can benefit from a creative outlet. Engage in an activity that keeps your hands and your mind busy, such as a craft or a home project.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you are unable to convey some feelings to others, but your body language will go a long way toward getting your message across. Remain conscious of your actions.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, someone might dredge up uncomfortable feelings, but you need to muddle through with a smile on your face. This is the case at home and at work.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, minimize any negative energy this week. Strive to be a source of optimism when others are looking at the glass as half empty. It can work wonders.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 One of your goals this week is to propel yourself further without pushing others too hard, Capricorn. You want to be successful but not at the expense of others.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, separate your personal and professional lives, particulary with regard to potentially contentious issues. You may want to keep mum for a while.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, after several days of working entirely off of adrenaline, you finally have some time to kick back and relax. This will help you recharge your internal battery.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, focus on practical matters, such as your career goals, for the time being. Crucial decisions must be made and new relationships must be fostered.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, make your feelings known when something upsets you this week. Sharing these feelings will benefit you and your friends and colleagues now and in the future.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Your motivation is very strong this week, Scorpio. You can accomplish much more than you ever expected in a short period of time. Pick your projects wisely.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, trust your gut instincts on an issue that has been puzzling you this week. Your intuition might be your best asset.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, May Valley 7, 2014 Echo Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The A17 A17

<our community. <our classiÂżeGs.

250.341.6299 email Announcements

Information Al-Anon - Are you con-

cerned about or affected by someone else’s drinking? If so, please join us. Al-Anon meets EVERY Monday in Invermere at 7:15 PM at the Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church, 712 - 12th Ave, (behind the Invermere hospital). For information, please call 250-342-8255

Fight Back.

ALCOHOLICS Anonymous If alcohol is causing problems or conflict in your life, AA can help. Call 250-342-2424 for more information. All meetings are at 8 p.m. Invermere: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday groups - Columbia United AA at the BC Services building, south end, 625 4th Street Invermere. Radium Friendship Group: Friday, Catholic Church. All meetings are open with the exception of Tuesdays.

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Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051. Fairmont Bungalows is looking for full or part-time housekeepers. Apply at 250-345-6365 or email to


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted Cleaning services for Lakeview Manor - 604 6th Avenue Invermere BC. There are two components to this contract: 1) Weekly cleaning of common areas. 2) Suite cleaning when vacant. Contact the Building Managers at 250-342-6655 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday for a copy of detailed description of cleaning requirements and tour of the facility. References and RCMP security check required. Contract bids to be delivered to the Building Managers in Unit #203 by 3:00 p.m. May 15, 2014. LOOKING for contract logging trucks to haul in the Vernon, Lumby, Salmon Arm, Malakwa area. Steady work. Please call 250-597-4777

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Edward John Armstrong May 16, 1947 – April 30, 2014

Apply in person, via email ( or by fax (250-341-3177) for both positions.

Edward John Armstrong, loving son, brother, nephew, cousin, partner, father, uncle, grandpa, mentor, colleague and friend has departed for parts unknown.

Now Hiring

A career forester, racer of jeeps, photographer, avid reader, computer wizard, daredevil, poker player, tequila connoisseur, world traveller, and amateur comedian, Ed was predeceased by his father, Walter, and will be much missed by his mother, Jean; siblings Bob, Ken, Loretta, Janet and their families; partner, Dolores and daughters Sarah and Rachel; daughters Errin and Rhianda and their husbands Grant and Dustin; and grandkids Jack, Wesley, Frances, Kaela and Christopher. Born in Vancouver, Ed lived and left his mark just about everywhere in B.C., as well as spending time in Inuvik and Canmore. It is with great sadness that we wish him farewell, but after a long and dignified struggle with cancer we are comforted to know that he is once again free to roam the forests he so loved. Celebration of life to be held over the Labour Day long weekend. Contact for details. In lieu of flowers, please consider planting a tree in Ed's honour.

A&W Restaurant, Invermere, has immediate openings for FULL-TIME permanent Food Counter Attendants. 4 Full-Time Day & Evening Positions – Kitchen and Front Counter (up to 40 hours/week) $10.25 - $11.50/hr (based on experience) We offer a friendly work environment, shared benefits plan, scholarship program and opportunities for advancement. Successful applicants will be required to perform the following duties: t $PPL BOE BTTFNCMF GPPE TVDI BT TBOEXJDIFT IBNCVSHFST salads, milkshakes, portion and wrap food or place it on plates for service to patrons, package food for take-out orders, cleaning of production area. t 4FSWF DVTUPNFST BU DPVOUFS BOE JO ESJWF UISV IBOEMF QBZNFOU transactions, cleaning of dining and front counter area. t 4UPDL SFGSJHFSBUPST BOE GPMMPX " 8 BOE #$ 1SPWJODJBM standards for food safety and quality, and record keeping. t 1MFBTBOUMZ BOE IPOFTUMZ JOUFSBDU XJUI DVTUPNFST BOE GFMMPX team members. Please apply in person or online at

CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. David Morton 250-426-7564

WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY ANGLICAN-UNITED 250-342-6644 100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin

Sunday, May 11th 9:30 a.m. Bacon, Friends & Faith 10:30 a.m.: Worship at Christ Church Trinity, Invermere Everyone Welcome!

CANADIAN MARTYRS CATHOLIC CHURCH Roman Catholic Parish Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-6167 Invermere 250-344-6328 Golden Confession: 1/2 hour before Mass Canadian Martyrs Church 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Saturday at 5 p.m. Sunday at 9 a.m. St. Joseph’s Church Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs Sunday at 11 a.m. Sacred Heart Parish 808 - 11 Street, Golden Saturday at 7 p.m. Sunday at 10 a.m. St. Anthony’s Mission Corner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats

Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)

RADIUM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334 Loving God, Loving People #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Sundays at 10 a.m. Bible Studies #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Kids’ Church Edgewater Hall Thursday 6:30 p.m.


326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 REV. TREVOR HAGAN Senior Pastor

Sunday, May 11th 10:30 a.m. Worship And Life Instruction, “The Theology of ‌.. PLAYâ€? “K.I.D.S.â€? Church, for children Age 3 to Grade 1; and Grades 2-6, during the Morning Service. Immediately following the Morning Service, a celebration cake and ribbon cutting ceremony will take place at Sonshine Children’s Centre to celebrate our new playground structure.

VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Hwy. 93/95 1 km north of Windermere Pastor: Murray Wittke Sunday Service 10 a.m. Worship & Word Kid’s Church Provided Call the office at 250-342-9511 for more information.

Sharing Truth Showing Love Following the Spirit

A18 A18




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Merchandise for Sale

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Help Wanted

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Wednesday, 7, 2014 The ValleyEcho Echo Wednesday, MayMay 7, 2014 The Valley Transportation Rentals


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Wednesday, May 7, 2014 The Valley Echo A19

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week: of the week: It’s spring car cleaning time, Question of the Question Question of the week: It’s spring carcar cleaning time, inside andand outout It’s spring cleaning time, inside inside and out

Please explain why you have made that decision. Bob McHugh writes about spring cleaning Go to DrivewayCanada. your car, revealing how a clean car ca to submit your Bob McHugh writes about McHugh writesspring aboutcleaning spring cleaning consumes less gas. Do you your havecar, a Bob answer and you could revealing how a clean car consumes your car, revealing how a clean car consumes spring car cleaning tip to share with win a $100cleaning Safeway less gas. Do you a spring less gas. have Do you have acar spring car cleaning gift card. fellow readers? If a road trip is part of your vacation An easy check and repair item is A tire also performs best, lasts longer and tip to share with fellow readers? a roadistrip is part of yourvacavacation An easy checkand and repair item item. is If a roadIf trip part of your easy check replace AA tire also performs best, lasts longer and tip to share with fellow readers? plans this plans summer, it’s time toit’s gettime to get lighting. You may need someneed help provides best fuel economy when its internal thissummer, summer, lighting. You help tion plans this it’s time to buildup ofmay grease some or grime on provides best fuel economy when its internal you have made thatmade that the horseless chariot prepared. confirmingconfirming that the brake andbrake and pressure ispressure set at a islevel by the by the Please explain Pleasewhy explain why you have horseless chariot prepared. that the set recommended at a level recommended get the the horseless chariot prepared. the windshield will also reduce decision.Go to That means cleaning it inside and backup lights are functioning at vehicle manufacturer, and checked on a regular decision.Go to That means cleaning inside and backup lights are functioning That means cleaning it itinside and the effectiveness of theatwipers.vehicle manufacturer, and checked on a regularto submit your answer and you could QUESTION OF THE WEEK! QUESTION out and performing some important the rear. Otherwise, it’s a simple basis. The basis. tire decal, withdecal, optimal and rear to submit your answer and you could OF THE WEEK! out and performing some imporimportant the rear.the Otherwise, it’swiper a simple The tire withfront optimal front and rearwin a $100 Safeway gift card. gift card. out and performing some Clean rubber blade with win a $100 Safeway maintenance to ensure you get the walk-around check that should recommended tire pressures, is usually on the maintenance toto ensure you get the that should recommended tire pressures, is usually on the tant maintenance ensure you awalk-around soft clothcheck soaked in the glass best fuel economy. include the turn signals and head-and driver’s door or door jam. If not,jam. the Ifowner’s best fuel economy. include theInturn signals headdriver’s door or door not, the owner’s get the best fuel economy. cleaner. B.C., those windshield In most parts of B.C., the swap lights (both low and high beams) manual should give you the information and/or and/or Unnecessary In most parts of B.C., the swap lights (both low and high beams) manual should give you the Unnecessary In most parts ofall-season B.C., the swap wipers typically work harder than the tire decal is located.information from winter tires to or and don’t forget the license plate tell you where A single A single weight increases fuel fuel anywhere from winter to all-season or and don’t forget theinlicense plate and life tell you where the tire decal is located. weight increases from tires tires to all-season or else Canada Failing to yield may seem harmless, but it’s one of the top summerwinter tires is already well under and those little side marker lights. under-inflated tire (by about 6 psi /40 kPa) Failing to yield may seem harmless, but it’s one of the top summer tires is already wellconsumption under and those little side marker lights. under-inflated tire (by about 6 psican /40 kPa) can high-risk driving and andIf you’ve expectancy behaviours that leads to crashes. Every day summer tires is already well under can be less than a3year. consumption way (studded winter tire removal is got a vehicle with a cause a per cent increase in fuel consumption. high-risk driving behaviours that leads to crashes. Every day way (studded winter tire removal is If you’ve got a vehicle with a cause a 3 per cent increase in fuel consumption. there are many situations where you need to yield to some of that extra way (studded winter tire removal If they’re still streaking, chatterthere are many situations where you need to yield to mandatorymandatory by April 30). tires headlight headlight (clear plastic) cover with lower rating another vehicle, pedestrian or cyclist, so slow down by Winter April 30). Winter tires some of that extra (clear plastic) cover Using a grade Usingofafuel grade of afuel withoctane a lower octane rating another vehicle, pedestrian or cyclist, so slow down is mandatory by April 30). Winter ing or generally not doing the are made are withmade a softer stickier age, there are there are than recommended by the vehicle manufacturer in be that’s and think about it. withand a softer and weight stickier could that’sits showing its age, than recommended by the vehicle manufacturer weightbecould in showing andand think accident wasabout from it. I was getting good at this, so I purchased a tires madethat with a softer and job – replace them. Getting back rubberare compound wears faster some good products on the market may causemay the cause enginethe to engine ping or to knock on hard the formthe of form mud of andmud and some good products on the market rubber compound that wears faster ping knock on hard it. the U.S. I asked if used vehicle in theor U.S. and imported stickier rubber compound tires, a clarity. loaded vehicle drivenacceleration and increases consumption at that at now thatto help or when climbing whichhills, is not and fuel increases fuel consumption now restore that help restore clarity. acceleration or whenhills, climbing which not he wanted a vehicle It didn’t have any airbags, so theiswarning dirtconon your vehicle’s dirt on your vehicle’s higher temperatures. They also tend Wiper blades are another easy good for the engine! wears faster and increases fuel at highway speeds for prolonged history report*, but he lights were on. But I wasn’t picky. higher temperatures. They also tend Wiper blades are another easy good for the engine! to be noisier andnoisier you’lland hear themhearundercarriage. replace item. A buildOn the other using a higher-octane sumption at higher temperatures. in hot weather conditions declined. He appreciated Ihand, knew, basedaonhigher-octane my fuel other tricks, I could solve to be you’ll them undercarriage. check andperiods check and replace item. A buildOn hand, the other using fuel my honesty, as he’d gone thatneeds beforeisI had it inspected and registered. even more, now that you can finally up of grease or grim on the than your vehicle’s engine generally a They also tend to be noisier and can be a punishing test for tires Bob McHugh even more, now that you can finally up of grease or grim on the than your vehicle’s engine needs is generally a Bob McHugh through a few bad deals. You the just pricier couldn’tfuel be too worried about the roll down the windows. windshield will also reduce the waste of money. That said, may you’ll hear them even more, now and the dreaded blow-out is a roll down the windows. windshield will also reduce the waste of money. That said, the pricier fuel may With the transaction done, truth. You may also be dragging around of the wipers. Clean also contain some additional cleaner additives, that you can finally down the windows. realeffectiveness concern. Even a tire that looks okay and You may also beroll dragging around effectiveness of the wipers. Clean also contain some additional additives, we parted ways. I Googled airbags.cleaner I saw I had three options. too much junk in the trunk, liketrunk, thataround snow shovel the rubberhas wiper blade with a softwith cloth soaked which good. Then I got a call from my You maytoo also bejunk dragging too plenty of blade tread remaining may notisbe in is good.Get certified replacements installed at a much in the like that snowmuch shovel the rubber wiper a soft cloth soaked which Walt Walt you always pack during in the winter months. in the glass cleaner. In B.C., those windshield Have a great summer and a safe driving vacation. buddy. repair shop. Buy some and install them myself. junk in the trunk, like that snow shovel you great shape. The “best before” date on most you always pack during in the winter months. in the glass cleaner. In B.C., those windshield Have a great summer and a safe driving vacation. a curious he’d Or, override the warning light. installs Meet Walt. Being He lives with person, Unnecessary weight increases fuel consumption wipers typically work harder than anywhere else installs Meet Walt. He lives with always pack during in the winter Un- passenger tires eight years old and Unnecessary weight increases fuelmonths. consumption wipers typically workisharder than anywhere else boxes the airbags I called and found that the first option was his wife andread twothe teenagers fake and some of that extra weight could be in the in Canada and life expectancy can be less than his wife and two teenagers fake necessary increases fuelcould consumption should to find acan date ofthan manufacture andweight some of that extra weight be in the in Canadabe andable life expectancy be less came in that I’d left at his shop. out of the question. Way too a quiet neighbourhood. in a quiet neighbourhood. airbags! form of mud and dirt your streaking, chatteringchattering “You installed airbags! But, option two had some promise. There form mudonand dirtvehicle’s on yourundercarvehicle’s a year.still If they’re still streaking, or of the tire. Walt goes to work every counterfeit and some ofofthat extra weight could undercarbe ina year. the If they’re stamped somewhere onorsidewall Walt goes to work every riage. Road salt is probably also trapped in that generally not doing the job – replace them. airbags,” he said. were cheap ones online. morning, provides for his is probably also trapped inunderthat generally not doing the jobbest, – replace them. form ofriage. mudRoad andsalt dirt on your vehicle’s A tire also performs lasts longer and morning, provides for his identical to the muddy mess, which is a corrosion that Getting to tires, loaded vehicle driven at driven at Of course, there were some warnings about family and “So? chatsThey withlook his neighbours. mess, is a accelerant corrosion accelerant thatin back Getting backabest to tires, a loaded vehicle family and chats with his neighbours. carriage.muddy Road saltwhich is probably also trapped provides fuel economy when its internal original airbags,” I said.White dangerous fake airbags. Walt has a secret. He’s no Walter your vehicle’s body doesn’t need. highway speeds for prolonged periods in hot Walt has a secret. He’s no Walter White your vehicle’s body doesn’t highway speeds forat prolonged in hot that muddy mess, which is a need. corrosion acceler- pressure is set a levelperiods recommended by “I’veBad. seenBut, videos of bogus airbags Option three, overriding the warning lights, from Breaking his love for quick While you’re poking around in the trunk, take a weather conditions can be a punishing test for from Breaking Bad. But, his love for quick you’re pokingbody arounddoesn’t in the trunk, take a weather conditions can be a punishing test for catching andhim withtometal bits went too far – even for me. cash and high profitsfire drive a sideline ant thatWhile your vehicle’s need. the vehicle manufacturer, and checked on cash and high profi ts drive him to a sideline look underlook the under floor cover. Water leaking into the dreaded is a real concern. when You can find how-to videos about anything that makesexploding us all a little lessthey safedeploy. and costs the flooraround cover. Water leaking intotires the and the tires and theblow-out dreadedThe blow-out isdecal, a real concern. While you’re poking in the trunk, a regular basis. tire with optimal that makes us all a little less safe and costs vehicle tends to accumulate in the lowest spots, Even a tireEven that looks okaylooks and has of plenty of safe,” on the web. So, I ordered cheap ones and some their They’re savings.not Walt is a he curber. vehicle tends tothe accumulate the lowest spots, tire that okayplenty and has some their savings. Walt is a curber. take a look under fl oor in cover. Water frontamay and rear recommended tire pressures, scolded. had them sent to my U.S. mailbox. I used a or maybe that’s why it’s called a spare-wheel tread remaining not be in great shape. The or maybe that’s why it’s called a spare-wheel tread remaining may not be in great shape. The leaking into the vehicle tends to its accumuis usually the driver’s or door jam. I’llused? take myWe’re chances, I thought. buddy’s garage and put them in. Bingo! TheBuying looking out for you. well. If thewell. spare is a spare conventional tire, check date on on most tiresdoor is tires Buying We’rein looking out for you. If the is a conventional tire,that’s check“best its before” “best before” datepassenger on most passenger is give you It would only used? be a problem an accident. warning lights went off and I was on my way. late in the lowest spots, or maybe If not, the owner’s manual should Find out how at inflation pressure and, while you’re at it, make eight years old and you should be able to find Find out how at inflation pressure and, while you’re at it, make eight years old and you should be able to find The next day, my buddy left a message. He Soon, I had an ad up on several classified why it’sthe called a spare-wheel well. the the information tell the sure that jack and tool aretool If stamped and/or somewhere onyou where ended our friendship. websites: sureemergency that the emergency jackkit and kit area date of manufacture a date of manufacture stamped somewhere on spare is a conventional tire, check its infl atire decal is located. A single under-infl ated also in good sidewall ofsidewall the tire.of the tire. Whoa, chill out. A guy’s got a right to make a Great car for sale. Moving out of the country alsoworking in goodorder. working order.

“They’re not safe. But it would only be a problem in an accident.”

‘‘ ‘‘



Safety Tip: Tip: Safety

Confessions of a Curber

’’ ’’

tion pressure and, while you’re at it, make sure that the emergency jack and tool kit are also in good working order. An easy check and repair item is lighting. You may need some help confirming that the brake and backup lights are functioning at the rear. Otherwise, it’s a simple walkaround check that should include the turn signals and headlights (both low and high beams) and don’t forget the license plate and those little side marker lights. If you’ve got a vehicle with a headlight (clear plastic) cover that’s showing its age, there are some good products on the market now that help restore clarity. Wiper blades are another

tire (by about 6 psi /40 kPa) can cause a 3 per cent increase in fuel consumption. Using a grade of fuel with a lower octane rating than recommended by the vehicle manufacturer may cause the engine to ping or knock on hard acceleration or when climbing hills, which is not good for the engine! On the other hand, using a higher-octane fuel than your vehicle’s engine needs is generally a waste of money. That said, the pricier fuel may also contain some additional cleaner additives, which is good. Have a great summer and a safe driving vacation.

Confessions of a Curber... Confessions of a Curber...

and need to sell fast! Good condition. Recently inspected. Call cell. I’m flexible on price!! I couldn’t believe how many calls I had. I found my buyer not long after. A nice man about my age; divorced with three kids. That’s all I know about him – I don’t like getting too personal. I was actually honest about the vehicle this time. I told him that the car had been in an

few bucks.

*Vehicle History Reports: CarProof

and ICBC vehicle history reports provide detailed information about the registration and accident history of a vehicle. CarProof Verified BC reports also include a lien search. These reports can’t tell you everything a physical inspection will, but they require the seller to Prove it! and not just say it.

Buying used? We’re looking out for you. Find out how at


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