Golden Star, May 14, 2014

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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 20 $1.35

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Mother’s Day Mingle

Kicking Horse dyke getting some repairs ....................................4


Golden hosts its first Mountain Festival ....................................9


COTR Art Show reveals people’s choice ..................................11


Locals happily made the trip up to beautiful Mountainside Gardens for a Mother’s Day get together that included live music, flowers and refreshments. Pictured are Garden owners Pamela and Tyler Tetrault and their three children (from left) Henry, Jacob and Isaac. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

KRIC rep. discusses regional business survey results Swim club gearing up for new season ..................................19

Joel Tansey Tara Penner of the Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council (KRIC) was in Golden Monday to deliver a presentation at Town Hall. The presentation focused on KRIC’s recent Business Retention and Expansion survey, which polled 179 businesses across the Kootenays, including eight in Golden.

The survey found a number of challenges faced by businesses in the region. Business collaboration was one of the identified problem areas, as many businesses demonstrated a lack of awareness of what their colleagues were doing. “By supporting the building of these networks, what we can do is help specialists connect to broader business networks. We can help by finding opportunities for businesses to collaborate on shared projects or make referrals to support their colleagues in the

area,” said Penner. Another common area of concern was seen with this region’s telecommunications and transportation networks. Also, 60 per cent of participants said they were ready to expand within the next three years, but many said they had no desire to expand and grow their business because that would mean added work. For the full survey report and a summary, visit issuu. com/kootenaykric.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014 The Golden Star

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McHappy Day, which raises funds for the companies various children’s charities, including Ronald McDonald House. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo


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The Golden Star Wednesday, May 14, 2014 A3

MMBC freeze not possible says minister Jeff Nagel Black Press Several agricultural businesses are vowing to defy Multi Material BC and refuse to pay into the new package recycling system. Kelvin McCulloch, CEO of the Buckerfield’s chain of farm supply stores, said his firm and other mainly garden suppliers will try to develop their own stewardship program to collect and recycle their packaging in compliance with provincial government regulation. He said he’s abandoned hope the government might freeze the MMBC system, set to take effect May 19, and added a court challenge is one option if setting up a separate program proves unworkable. Several letters sent by firms including Eddi’s Wholesale Garden Supplies, Cinnabar Valley Farms and Cobs Breads have gone to government serving notice they won’t comply. McCulloch maintains MMBC is an illegitimate, unaccountable “monopoly” that businesses have been “coerced” by the province to join because there’s no real alternative. Higher fees than are charged by a similar package-and-paper recycling scheme in Ontario is a key complaint. But Environment Minister Mary Polak said misinformation about the program is rampant in the business community and much of it is coming from McCulloch. “He refuses to listen to the information provided him,” she said, adding Buckerfield’s is likely largely exempt from MMBC fees because most of its products go to farms, not consumers. Likewise, she said, many other businesses wrongly believe their fees will be much higher than is the case, due to either low flat fees or exemptions for all but the largest generators of packaging.

The decision to make companies whose packaging enters the waste stream responsible for the costs of handling it was a national agreement with other environment ministers, she said. Those who want to go their own way can still pursue an alternative stewardship system, Polak said, adding breweries are advancing their own system and talks are also underway with the newspaper industry. Polak said MMBC can’t be subject to provincial audits – as McCulloch has demanded – because it is not an arm of government, but is regulated and accountable as a non-profit. She said organizations representing dairy farms, landscaping and nursery firms, as well as the B.C. Agriculture Council, are now part of an MMBC advisory council. As for demands for a freeze on the program, Polak said that’s not possible. “We are way too far down the road to be pausing it,” she said. Doing so would stop the rollout of curbside blue box pickup to smaller communities that haven’t had it before, throw into chaos collection arrangements in cities where MMBC is set to take over and block the flow of MMBC payments to most municipalities that will continue as contractors under the new system, she said. “If suddenly you told the Capital Regional District they’re going to have to find $4.8 million, I don’t think anyone would find that very acceptable.” Asked if businesses that don’t pay into MMBC will soon face provincially imposed fines, Polak said enforcement may vary according to how much waste is generated. “Tim Horton’s is part of the program,” she said. “If they hadn’t signed on maybe there’s a more serious discussion about penalties than if you’re dealing with a medium-sized flower grower or something like that.”

Lions Club hosting fundraiser for dog guides lowing the event. “We hope that people will come out and enjoy it,” Clark said.

Behind the Wheel

Golden Citizens on Patrol Society AGM May 21st, 2014 7-8 p.m. Ramada Meeting Room

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Consider the Simple Traffic Sign

Participants gather at one of the hundreds of Purina Walk for Dog Guides events across the country. The Lions Club will be hosting a walk in Golden on May 25. Photo Submitted Joel Tansey Events have taken for $2 each or three Lions Clubs in the place in more than for $5. region. That event, 200 communities Pledge sheets are however, is still in The Lions Club is across Canada, but available from the the very early planhosting a fundrais- this will be the first Lions Club for those ning stages. ing walk that will event in Golden. interested in helpRegistration for surely be an enjoy“We hope to make ing raise money. the Purina Walk able stroll for all, this an annual Clark sees this as for Dog Guides will including the four event. The need is a critically import- start at noon with legged among us. definitely there,” ant cause. Anyone the walk beginning The Purina Walk said Lions president in need of a guide at 1 p.m. The exact for Dog Guides will Wayne Clark. dog can contact the route hadn’t been take place on SunFunds will be Lions Club and they decided at the time day, May 25 and raised through will help facilitate of publication, but will begin at Spirit pledges and a raf- that process. it will take place on Square. The walk is fle for a pair of large The club is also the Rotary Trails a national fundrais- stuffed pooches, looking to hold a around town. er that helps train who are now on dis- charity relay walk Clark believes the guide dogs for Can- play at The Golden from Golden to Fort walk will last about adians with visual, Star’s office. Raffle Steele in the near an hour and hopes hearing, medical or tickets can be pur- future that would to be able to provide physical disabilities. chased at the Star likely involve other refreshments fol-

Consider the simple traffic sign or signal. It stands by the side of the highway doing it’s job regardless of the season. We rely on it to tell us when to stop, how fast to go, which way to turn or whether we can travel in a certain direction as well as many other controlling functions. This is a reliance that we might not consider until we run into trouble because it is lacking. What happens when vandals knock down one of the stop signs at a four way stop, and the intersection is approached by a driver who doesn’t know there should be a sign there? Cross traffic is expecting him to stop.....the rest is up to your imagination. Those that interfere with traffic signs and signals may be dealt with in a variety of ways. The most serious of these are found in the Criminal Code. In the case of simple damage, the mischief provisions might apply. If the death or bodily harm to a person results, the criminal negligence provisions could be used. The Motor Vehicle Act also contains three sections, 135, 136 and 137 that apply to traffic signs and signals. Section 135 makes it an offence to erect or maintain a device on or near a highway that resembles or interferes with a traffic control device. Section 136 forbids placing of commercial advertising on a traffic control device. Finally, section 137 deals with altering, injuring or removing a traffic control device or any part of it. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

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A4 COLUMBIAVALLEY HUT SOCIETY ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday May 21st, 2014 7 p.m. at the CPR Lodge 1720 4th Avenue Invermere, BC. Refreshments and snacks following the meeting. Contact for more information.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 The Golden Star

Telus investing in Golden operations and infrastructure Golden Star Staff

According to a press release, Telus will be “investing $1 million in (Golden) this year to expand coverage of wireless service, including 4G LTE - the world’s fastest wireless technology.” “Telus’ $1 million

Join a free Me Inc. workshop in your community for the latest start-up tips.

investment in Golden this year means more customers can take advantage of the world’s fastest wireless technology,” said Steve Jenkins, Telus general manager in the Southern Interior. “Telus will continue to bring the latest technology to the community. The explosive use of smartphones has created the demand for

Launching a start-up? Maybe buying a business and running it? the Me inC. workshop, offered by the Basin Business Advisors Program, is designed to answer questions in a 2.5 hour period.

2014 hunting regulations are set

Telus has announced that the wireless company will be making a significant investment in Golden in the coming year.

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Golden Star Staff

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The 2014-2016 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Synopsis is now online, and will soon be available in hard copy at Service BC centres and local hunting licence vendors across the province. The Hunting and Trapping Regulations Synopsis is published every two years, and is a summary of the B.C. hunting and trapping regulations made under the Wildlife Act, prepared for the convenience of hunters and trappers. Hunters should note that the 2014-2016 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Synopsis is effective from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2016; the 2012-2014 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Synopsis remains

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the ultimate network experience and we are excited to answer that call.” The 2014 investment will include the installation of new wireless sites to expand the reach of LTE, enhance wireless capacity by filling in coverage gaps, and updating infrastructure to enhance the company’s network reliability. Telus has commit-

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ted to invest $2.8 billion in operations and infrastructure in British Columbia between now and the end of 2016, which includes the Golden investment. “Across the province, our Telus family truly sees themselves as members of each community where we operate, and we believe our investment in local organizations is just as

important as our investment in technology,” said Jenkins. “Our philosophy, We Give Where We Live, is exemplified by our Telus family of team members and retirees donating over $700,000 and, importantly, volunteering more than 145,000 hours to community and charitable organizations in Southern B.C. since 2000.”

in effect until June 30, 2014. This year’s cover photo depicts an outdoorsman looking out on one of the many amazing vistas in B.C.’s northeast. For any shutterbugs that want to be similarly immortalized, a second contest is still underway for the cover of the 2015-2017 Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis. Photos submitted must be relevant to freshwater angling in British Columbia, and there is no limit to the number of submissions that can be made. Photographs for the Fishing Synopsis must be e-mailed to Oct. 1, 2014 to be considered. Complete contest rules can be found online at

River dyke gets much needed repairs

Where you live.

Town of Golden Submitted

Government of British Columbia and Xplornet Partner to Bring Affordable High-Speed to Remote B.C. Residents. Xplornet Communications Inc. is pleased to announce a partnership with the government of British Columbia to help bridge the urban/rural digital divide in rural and remote British Columbia. The initiative is a multi-year program to make Internet connectivity more affordable in rural and remote areas where installation costs can be high. The program will provide a subsidy of up to $250, or half of the cost of an installation of broadband equipment to new residential and business customers within Xplornet’s industry leading 4G rural broadband satellite footprint. This will significantly reduce the costs of installation, costs that may have been a barrier to the adoption of high-speed Internet. “The government of British Columbia deserves significant praise for a program that helps break down one of the last barriers to full connectivity in the province – namely the high cost of broadband installation in remote parts of BC. Now, even the most remote British Columbians can affordably benefit from the transformative power of high-speed Internet to connect them to the global economy,” said Xplornet President Allison Lenehan. Xplornet is the country’s leading rural broadband Internet provider and takes pride in connecting over 200,000 Canadians to the world. The commitment to offering every Canadian reliable, affordable and fast Internet is shared by an ever-expanding network of over 450 local dealers, including 60 in British Columbia alone.

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You may have noticed some machinery on the dikes lately. The Town of Golden is repairing the 90 metres of dike that was eroded during the 2013 spring freshet event. The Majority of work will be completed by the May Long Weekend and when it is complete, about 1100 metres of rock armouring will have been placed along the affected section. During this time, the Rotary Trail along Fisher Road and Golden Transfer will be closed and we ask that everyone takes the detour. The project value is $323,000 with 80 per cent of the cost of the project being funded by Emergency Management B.C. in accordance

2014-04-11 11:14 AM

The Rotary Trail at the end of the Kicking Horse River dyke, near Golden Transfer, has been closed since last week for some repairs. Photo Submitted with the Compensation and Disaster Financial Assistance (C&DFA) Regulation. The team that is

completing the project is Dawson Construction and Focus Corporation. If you have more

questions regarding the dike repairs, please call the Town of Golden at 250-3442271.

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 14, 2014 A5

RCMP Report: Police called to domestic dispute Joel Tansey Man charged with uttering threats, possession of a dangerous weapon A domestic dispute took a rather ugly turn in the early hours of May 6 when a man is alleged to have chased his common law spouse around their King Crescent home with a shotgun. The fifty-something male was arrested and taken into custody that night, where he remained as of May 9. He has been charged with uttering threats and possession of a weapon dangerous to the public. He is due to appear in court this week. The RCMP were initially unable to locate the weapon, but a neighbour found a shotgun in their yard the next day which is believed to belong to the accused. Phone frauds continue Phone frauds continue to be an area of concern, with more reported in Golden over the last week. The offenders pose as Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) officials and typically tell their potential victims they owe money on their taxes. The callers

then ask for very personal information such as SIN numbers and banking details. The scam artists don’t target specific demographics, but it is usually the elderly that fall into their schemes. Anyone receiving these types of calls is asked to contact the RCMP. Summer means outdoor parties, and noise On May 2 the RCMP responded to a complaint of a noisy party on the 500 block of 8th St. S. The party goers were asked to turn down their music, which they did immediately. As the weather warms and backyard barbecues become the norm, the RCMP is asking everyone to make sure they are respectful towards their neighbours and not making too much noise. Winter driving conditions persist at Rogers Pass Police responded to three minor accidents around Rogers Pass over the past week. Many people have traded in their snow tires for summer treads but at higher elevations winter driving conditions and slippery sections still persist. Police are asking the public to remain mindful of that during their travels over the next few weeks.

An invitation to all Parents/Guardians of students who will be attending the Golden Secondary School or Golden Alternate School during the 2014/15 school year. rent the Pahelp n i o J * ce and o voi tribute t con Public BC tion* Educa

To the: Parents Advisory Council (PAC) Annual General Meeting Monday May 26th 2014 7pm in the G.S.S Library.

Abdul Razzaq & Raffa Chaudhary, would like to thank the staff of CIBC, Golden RCMP and a special Thanks to Mr.Glen Ewan for their help to save our life savings funds. Without you this wouldn’t have been possible. Your help is proof miracles can happen! God Bless you all!!!

Golden pool ready for 2014 season Kicking Horse Ford Facelift Jessica Schwitek

Spring and summer can officially begin this weekend when the Golden Swimming Pool has its grand opening on May 17. “We’re really excited getting everything ready to go, and we have a great percentage of our team returning from last year, about 90 per cent,” said Jordan Petrovics, manager of recreation services for the Town of Golden. Town staff have been working hard getting the annual programming the pool offers up and running, as well as making sure the schedule includes as many options as possible for both individuals and families. “This year, in addition to having our spring swimming lessons after school, we have opened up lessons on weekends,” said Kim Bryan, recreation services co-ordinator. “This will give the families who have other commitments during the week the option to choose.” Private lessons will also be available right from the beginning for youth or adult swimmers who want some one-on-one instruction. And for those who

The Golden Municipal Swimming Pool is having its grand opening on May 17. Go to to see the spring schedule. Star Photo would like more of a workout, the Masters program is returning this year. “It was quite popular, and people have definitely shown a desire to have it back,” said Bryan. There will be two sessions, Masters 1 for swimmers who require a little extra time with the coach, and Masters 2 is for intermediate and advanced swimmers. The popular aquafit classes have also expanded to the weekends, making it more accessible to people with varying schedules. Lane swims and public swims are spread out throughout the week to accommo-

date as many people as possible. They’ve even been able to purchase some new equipment to hopefully makes things easier for parents with young children. “We’ve been able to purchase two dolphin seats for the pool this year. They’re floating seats for babies that attach to the parent so they can still attend things like aquafit while having their child within reach,” said Bryan. Anyone with questions about lessons, private lessons, and other programming can enquire at the pool once it opens. There

will also be season passes and punch cards available at the front desk. The full spring schedule (May 17 to June 30)is available at, just click on the soccer ball. “A lot of the changes that we’ve initiated this year have been a result of the positive feedback we’ve been getting from our clients through our year end survey process,” said Petrovics. “We’ve been listening to the comments from the public, and we’ve tried to adjust our schedule to meet the needs of as many people in the community as possible.”

Kicking Horse Ford is undergoing a mandatory facelift to meet the required guidelines for the Ford “Millennium Upgrade Program”. We and every dealer in Canada are required to upgrade our facilities to meet these standards much like any other franchise. We are very pleased to update our building to make it more attractive and functional, the interior was done last year. The building is somewhat of a landmark and possibly the oldest dealership in Canada operating continuously out of the same location. We have been working with Ford and the town for over 2 years in order to come up with a plan that works with Goldens “official community plan” while still meeting Ford’s strict guidelines. Many of the materials used are dictated by Ford of Canada and had to be sourced directly from approved suppliers. We wanted to incorporate more timberframe into the design but it was not approved by Ford of Canada. The town of Golden has been very supportive throughout the whole process . Spur Construction of Golden is the primary contractor, using locals for all the labor involved. The scope of the work includes, new siding with Fir trim, rock work, painting the roof White, landscaping, a new “Ford Tower” and relocation of the current pylon sign as well as all new signage. Sadly, gone will be the chrome “Kicking Horse” that so many tourists stopped to take pictures of as well as the awnings. ( does not meet Ford criteria) We are looking forward to serving Golden and area for many years to come. Kicking Horse Ford is still totally committed to our “ 100% Price Match Guarantee” that assures customers we will match or beat any price from any dealer while providing local service and warranty work. We are very fortunate to have many very talented, born and raised Goldenites working with us. The dealership will also be running several promotions during construction. We hope to have an official “ Renovation Celebration” once construction is complete. We will partner with a local charity or service organization to raise money from a BBQ with entertainment around the end of June. A big thank you to our customers for their support and patience during construction. If you have any feedback or questions, please do not hesitate to stop in for coffee anytime!



Flood Season


Wednesday, May 14, 2014 The Golden Star

ToG Financial Health Editor,

The clouds have broken, the sun is out, and the beautiful Kicking Horse River is the most mesmerizing teal colour. But we all know that it won’t be for much longer. Soon enough the runoff will come, the waters will fill with silt and debris and rise, and - I SURMISE Golden, along with By Jessica Schwitek countless other Canadian communities will hold its breath and hope that it escapes flooding for another year. Already this year several residents near Enderby, a British Columbia community in the Okanagan region, have been displaced after a landslide into the Shuswap River caused a torrent of water and debris to flood the area of Cooke Creek. For a time 200 residents were isolated, only getting food and water via helicopter, and nearly 700 homes were without power. Both B.C. and Alberta had to do some major flood control and cleanup last year. High River and Canmore were hit particularly bad. Golden has had a few close calls of its own in the last couple of years. The waters have come frighteningly close to flowing over, and the dyke has seen better days. The dyke along the Kicking Horse River, which we know has needed upgrades for quite some time, is currently getting some work. The section that was in most dire need had some repairs done this week, most of which (80 per cent) is fortunately being covered by the Province. Long term, however, Golden does not have the resources to remain the dyking authority, and handle flood mitigation. The 90 metres currently being repaired costs more than $300,000. To fix the entire dyke is beyond the Town’s budget. Golden’s mayor and council, and those of other small municipalities in B.C. have been lobbying for change in this area for some time. It has been a topic of discussion at AKBLG and UBCM for communities with a population under 5,000. These municipalities don’t own the rivers, their hands are often tied with strong regulations regarding things like gravel extraction, and they are still expected to carry the financial burden of flood mitigation. Sometimes, however, the strongest political pressure doesn’t come from the politicians, it comes from the people. If enough people band together and put pressure on Victoria, things can change. Just look at what happened with the HST.

Your lead article (“Financial audit shows improvement in Town books” May 7) although true, stopped short of giving the full picture and may engender a false sense of financial wellbeing. Lower long-term debt combined with higher reserve funds resulted in a much improved net debt position. The town’s net debt at the year ended December 31 was $100,942 compared with a net debt of $721,372 in 2012 and $1.448 million in 2011. The long-term debt at the year ended December 31, declined from $3.515 million in 2012 to $3.262 million in 2013. Reserve funds in 2013 were reported to be up to $3.130 million at year end 2013, an increase of 16 per cent over last year. All improving! BUT and it’s a big but; on an annual basis expenses are greater than revenues. The reported deficit in the financial statements for 2013 was $308,020 compared to a deficit of $500,517 reported in 2012. If conditional grants were excluded from revenues, the annual deficit for 2013 would be $902,468 compared with $1.1 million last year. Revenues for 2013 were reported as $8.738 million compared with $8.645 million in 2012. Revenue in these financial statements includes senior government grants, both conditional and unconditional. Conditional grants usually provide funds for oneoff capital projects like the Resort Municipal Initiative grants and vary from year to year, making the com-

Recycling Program An open letter to Environment Minister Mary Polak about recycling bins and MMBC. I cannot tell you just how angry I am about this new system, as are my friends and neighbours. No one I have spoken to is in favour of it. I received the two blue boxes. They are so heavy that I will never be able to carry them when filled.

parison of revenue from year to year not very meaningful. In 2013 Golden received conditional grants of $594,448 compared with $598,185 received in 2012 and $2.783 million in 2011. Conditional grants cannot be used to pay for operating expenses. Including them in revenue overstates the revenue available to pay operating expenses, distorting the true financial picture. Excluding conditional grants, revenue from all sources including property taxes, and water and sewer fees in 2013 was $8.143 million a slight increase of 1.2 per cent over $8.047 million collected in 2012. Total operating expenses for 2013 at $9.046 million were slightly lower than those reported in 2012 at $9.146 million. Operating expenses remain too high in relation to revenues and will limit the amount of money available for future capital projects, maintenance and upgrades to the town’s infrastructure (water, sewer, roads and buildings). In 2013, only $1.703 million was expended on capital infrastructure, well below the amount required to maintain the tangible capital assets (town’s infrastructure). Money that should be going to support infrastructure is being used to fund operating expenses. To attain financial sustainability, the annual deficit must be eliminated. The opinions expressed in this letter are my personal opinions and may not represent the opinions of other councillors nor the opinion of council. Keith Hern Town of Golden Councillor

I am 76-years-old. How am I going to get them down the eight concrete steps to the sidewalk in good weather, never mind at 7 a.m. in the winter with the snow and ice? How am I going to keep the rain and snow out of them? And I’m also supposed to carry rocks around in order to keep the material from flying out of the boxes? You must be joking. Where am I going to store

these huge boxes? I do not have a vehicle. I keep glass bottles in a small box until a friend takes me to a bottle depot. Now, because you will not accept some of the plastics that we are already recycling very nicely, I have to find a place to store plastics as well, until I can also take them to a depot. Continued on page 7


Will you be doing anything special for Mother’s Day this year?

Yes 60%

No 40%

This week’s poll question: Do you take any extra precautions now that wildlife is active again in the community log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no

longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.

We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES

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• $43.00 per year if you pick

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• $67.00 per year outside Gold-

Michele LaPointe

Jessica Schwitek





Joel Tansey



Ali Starchuk

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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage

en’s School zone.

• LOCAL Senior’s Discount

10% ($43.00).

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 14, 2014 A7

Golden point of view

Do you take any extra precautions now that wildlife is active again in the community? A Banquet Hall full of Stars to Annette and Louise and the Ladies Auxillary at the Legion. You are irreplacable!!

Darwin Padilla

Kirk McCarroll

Mark Drake

“I try to make sure my garbage is disposed of properly and I avoid leaving leftover food outside with the trash.”

“Yeah I guess it’s time to start thinking about that and bringing along the bear spray for hikes.”

“I live in the Blaeberry so we deal with wildlife all the time and all year round.”

An overpass full of Stingers to the long train waits at Kicking Horse crossing, ridiculous! Stars to Mike Burns and his hard working crew at Dogtooth Log and Timber for going above and beyond

Go to to have your say. Continued from page 6 The blue bags worked perfectly. I could carry the bag, sometimes with difficulty, but at worst I could drag it. The material was kept clean and dry. I could set out as many bags as I had recycling material to fill. The sidewalks were never littered with recycling material, as they certainly will be with the new system. Please do not send me a form letter explaining all the good reasons why you’ve arbitrarily implemented this dumb idea. If you do contact me, please let it be to advise me that the blue boxes have been recycled in favour of a return to blue bags, and that you will be accepting the plastics as well. Here is the bottom line: I cannot carry the blue boxes with anything in them, so I will not be using them. Neither will my senior or disabled friends. You have effectively shut down recycling for us and we will certainly all remember this come election time. Thank you for your attention. Jean Collier Vernon Correction In The Golden Star article “Masters of Nün release their first album” (Apr. 30) the name Mike Garner was spelled incorrectly. We apologize for the error.

what was expected. Stars to the Shriners for once again putting on a great golf tournament. A gas tank full of Stars to the kind lady that helped me out of a jam on Highway 95 last week. I’d probably still be walking to the station if it wasn’t for your help! A bouquet of flowers

and a heap of stars to Mountainside Gardens for the wonderful Mother’s Day gathering. My family had an excellent time! Stingers to the dog owner who let their pet take a dump outside a downtown business. Stars/stingers to my Sunday morning running partner for pushing me until my legs fell off.

Email your Stars and Stingers to

What makes a good leader in your local government As many of you may know, local government elections are this fall. Elections are an opportunity for the community to give serious consideration to who is going to be representing them over the next four years. What are some attributes that are vital in a local leader? With more than 11 years in local government and a keen interest in leadership not only in our community but others throughout the province, I offer my thoughts on what makes a good local leader. Team player: • Works constructively with others without dominating flow of information or ideas. • Considers different points of view without being dismissive • Mature- focuses on issues and avoids personal attacks. • Understands the relationship of elected officials to Town staff and uses appropriate methods of communication. • Honest, fair, and trustworthy; respects that other team members were elected by the public just as they were. • Demonstrates respect for staff, citizens, business/property owners, due process, and established rules or practices. • Inclusive – free from bias or prejudice toward any culture, religion, group or individual. • Open-minded – can set aside personal interests and influences for common good Approachable: • Accessible to the community through

meetings, events, phone, email. • Listens carefully to others with a desire to understand concerns, ideas or perspectives. • Commitment to clear, diverse, and regular communication with the community Critical thinking skills: • Maintains a long-term perspective and considers potential impact of decisions. • Does their homework and comes prepared to participate by researching and reading background materials prior to attending meetings, sessions, committees, etc. • Seeks additional input or expertise as needed for more informed decisionmaking. Financial acumen: • Understands basic financial information and is able to evaluate budgets and financial statements. • Comprehends the long-term taxation and budget consequences of financial proposals and decisions. • Balances personal interest for a project or proposal with long term financial risks and consequences Look for leaders who understand the role of an elected official. The job of the elected council is governance; council provides direction to staff in terms of policy and staff deliver the services based on those policies. Elected officials do not manage the town and they certainly do not tell the building inspector, the public works staff, or the CFO what to do. That is the CAO’s job. Look for leaders with a healthy balance of differing per-

Are you drowning in work? Need good help?

Recruit the right people here…

spectives and skills. Look for leaders who want to serve the community and provide good leadership now and into the future. If you are considering running, do so because Mayor’s Report you love this community By Christina Benty and you feel you have a contribution to make. Those with an ax to grind or personal grievances to air will be disappointed. Your power is limited to the amount of influence you can exert during debate, and to your one vote. You must be ready to be unpopular, disliked and at times even vilified. You must accept that you are not going to make everyone happy and often times when you satisfy one, you will frustrate another. Be prepared to make mistakeslots of them. There is nothing like public service to keep you humble. That being said, local government is one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have. You have the privilege of working with caring, intelligent and hard-working individuals and organizations. You experience firsthand what is involved in growing a successful community. There is nothing like it!

Call a Recruitment Specialist



Wednesday, May 14, 2014 The Golden Star

Events & Entertainment Calendar will be closed Monday May 19th, 2014 for the Victoria Day / May long weekend holiday. Our Classified Ad Deadline is Friday May 16th by 12:00 NOON.


354 – 309TH AVE. KIMBERLEY, B.C. Saturday, 24,2014 2014 Saturday, 24, 2014 Saturday, May May 24, Saturday, May 24, 2014

to p.m. 99a.m. p.m. a.m. to 5 5 p.m. Saturday, May 24,

2014 Sunday, 2014 Sunday, 25, 2014 2014 Sunday, May May 25, Sunday, May 25, 2014 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 9 a.m. to p.m. Sunday, May 25, p.m. 2014 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Admission$5/person $5/person over Admission $5/person over 12 years Admission over12 12years years Admission $5/person over 12 years Modern, antique and collectable Admission $5/person over 12 years Modern, antique and collectable Modern, antique and collectable Modern, antique andcollectable collectable Firearms and related related items. Modern, antique and Firearms and items. Firearms and related items. Firearms relateditems. items. Firearms and and related

Formore more info info call: For call: more info call: For more call: Duncan (250)For 422-3469 Rick (250) 427-0158 For more info call: Duncan (250) 422-3469 Rick (250) 427-0158 Duncan (250) 422-3469 Rick (250) 427-0158 Duncan (250) 422-3469 Rick(250) (250)427-0158 427-0158 Duncan (250) 422-3469 Rick

Internationalize your career Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL )

The global demand for certified English language teachers with experience in multicultural environments continues to grow. Join this dynamic field with Selkirk College’s 4-month TESOL Advanced Diploma Program. Apply NOW for September 2014 (limited enrolment)

Golden Cinema Presents: Neighbors starts Friday May 16 thru Thursday May 22 at 7pm. Late shows on Friday & Saturday at 9pm.

This Week A.P.E.S.After School Program Monday to Friday 3 -5:30pm. $12/day for ages 5 to 11. To register please leave a message at 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program bir th-5years. Mon&Fri 12-3:30pm, Wed 2-5pm, Tuesdays&Thursdays 8:4511:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324.

Wed, May 14 Parent and Tot Play lets parents and kids from birthfive enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am12pm. Badminton Wednesdays 7-9pm at the Rec Plex. Adults $7, students/seniors $5. Need your own racket. Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Wednesday at 10am. Call 250-344-5413 to register. The Medicine of the Future presentation May 14 7:158:30pm at Sunstone Studio (above Body Quest). Golden Secondary School Career Night May 14 from 7-9pm. Grade 7-12 and their parents welcome. Royal Canadian Legion Family BBQ May 14.

Thurs, May 15 Men’s Drop-in Basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Bridge Club every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at the College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annu-

This week's achievement award goes to...

al membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday from 3:45-5:30pm. Beavers & Scouts meet every Thursday from 6-8:45pm at the Legion or Keith King Park soccer fields until the end of June.

Fri, May 16 A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:30-7:30pm. Mother Goose Program Fridays 10:30-11:30am at the Library. Snacks included, just drop in! Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Bridge Club every Friday at the Centre for Peace in St. Andrew’s Church, 7pm. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fridays 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call Cyra 250-9190757 for more info. Food Fridays at the Golden Legion 6:30-8:30pm. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am. Call 250-344-8392.

Sat, May 17 Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Saturdays at the Golden Museum 1302 11th Ave S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Mountain Festival May 17-18. Events happening all throughout town!

• For more information... go to

Sun, May 18 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Golden Mountain Festival May 17-18. Events happening all throughout town!

Mon, May 19 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12-18. Golden Community Choir, Mondays from 7:30-9:30pm at the Lutheran Church. Member fees $10. For info call Joyce 250-344-6043. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mondays 5-7pm in the StrongStart room in APES Free program includes dinner, discussions, and activities. Call 250-439-9665. The Cadets meet Mondays 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Badminton at the Mount 7 Rec Plex Mondays 7-8:30pm. Need your own racket, $7 (or $5 for seniors/students). The Golden Star office will be closed May 19 due to Victoria Day, Have a fun and safe long weekend!

Tues, May 20 A.A Meetings Tuesdays at the United Church 901 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Volleyball Tuesdays at the Rec Plex 7-8:30pm $5. Golden Youth Centre dropin Tuesdays from 3:307:30pm.

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Tuesdays from 1-3pm. Call 250-3448392. Rockwater Grill & BarR

Upcoming Events

Special Olympics BC Golden AGM May 21 at the Golden Family Center at 7pm. Golden Citizens on Patrol AGM May 21 from 7-8pm in the Ramada meeting room. Spaghetti Dinner May 23 at Lady Grey Elementary from 5-7pm to raise funds for Free the Children. Tickets at the door. $5 (13 under) $10 (14 over) free (5 under). PAC AGM May 26 at 7pm in the GSS Library. Creating Abundance Retreat May 31 from 10am4pm at Munay Holistics. $75. Call 250-344-5203 for info. Delbert Johnson Memorial Barrel Jackpot May 31 (1pm)&Jun.1 (10am) at the Rodeo grounds. Outdoor Yoga in Spirit Square starts Sunday June 1 at 11am. Admission by donation. Honours & Awards Celebration Dinner June 6 at 6:30pm at the Royal Canadian Legion. Charlie Russell “50 Years of Living with the Great Bears” June 7 at the Golden Cinema $20, doors at 1pm. RCMP Charity Golf Tournament June 9 from 9-3pm. Rotary Club Annual Giant Silent Auction & BBQ June 14 from 10-4pm at the Civic Centre. Father’s Day Breakfast June 15, 10-12pm at Mountainside Gardens.

Jo-Mary Crowchild-Fletcher for helping to organize the girls' soccer team. She always has a smile on her face.

Stop in by May 21, 2014 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 14, 2014 A9

Golden’s first Mountain Festival honours guides

June’s Greenhouse Re-opening!

Jessica Schwitek

gReat SaleS all SuMMeR long Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00pm


Cash Sales! only

1:00 - 7:00pm 1185 Horse Creek Rd. S. (at 8 mile) 250 439-9049 for info






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in 7 Ave S Ma N 8 Ave S 6 Ave S e v 5 A 9 N Time Events on Saturday May 17th Location ve 10am- 6pm .......................... Exhibit of photos from 8 Athe private collection of Syd Feuz............................................................................................................................Art Gallery of Golden with 4:30 movies, entertainment, cuisine and much more! 1:30 - 2pm ...........................exhibits, Movie showing “Swiss Guides in the Canadian Rockies - Beyond Adventure” .........................................................................................Golden 7 AveCinema S - 5pm ........................... Movie showing “Swiss Guides in the Canadian Rockies - Beyond Adventure”.........................................................................................Golden Cinema Ottoson Rd

Join us in Golden B.C. as we celebrate our Swiss-Canadian heritage 7 Ottoson Rd Featuring a presentation of Swiss Mountaineering Movies on Saturday May 17th 7pm at the Golden Civic Centre. Tickets $10 (cash only) from the Art Gallery of Golden.

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Events on Saturday May 17th

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Events on Sunday May 18th

10am- 6pm .......................... Exhibit of photos from the private collection of Syd Feuz ............................................................................................................................Art Gallery of Golden 11am ..................................... Blowing of the traditional Swiss Alphorn to announce the opening of the Farmers Market ..................................................................9th Ave.N. 11am - 4pm ........................... Golden Farmers Market featuring Swiss themed exhibitors alongside Golden’s own farmers and artisans ..........................................9th Ave.N. 12 - 2pm ................................ Guided tours of the Walter Feuz home at the Edelweiss Swiss Village. Buy a bagged lunch from one of Golden’s great cafes and restaurants and enjoy it on the lawns at the Village with views of the Purcell and Selkirk Mountains ................................Edelweiss Village 1pm - 4 pm ........................... Open house with the exhibit “Swiss Guides in Western Canada - Shaping Mountain Culture” Photo and film exhibits .................Civic Centre 1 - 4pm ................................ Interactive Swiss themed entertainment in Spirit Square; learn how to blow the alphorn! .....................................................................Spirit Square 1:30 - 2pm............................. Movie showing “Swiss Guides in the Canadian Rockies - Beyond Adventure”.........................................................................................Golden Cinema 2 - 4pm ................................. Exhibition of photographs by Bruno Engler. Presentation by Colleen Palumbo on the families of Golden’s Swiss Guides. Presentation by Rudi Gertsch on Swiss Guides influence on adventure tourism .............................................................Purcell Heli-skiing Lodge 4 - 4:30pm............................. Movie showing “Swiss Guides in the Canadian Rockies - Beyond Adventure”.........................................................................................Golden Cinema 4:30 - 4:45pm ....................... Presentation on the design and construction of the Kicking Horse Pedestrian Bridge by Sigi Liebmann ............................................Pedestrian Bridge 4:45 - 5pm............................. Raffle prize draw - you must be present to win!..............................................................................................................................................Pedestrian Bridge 5pm - 7pm ............................ Official reception hosted by the Consul General of Switzerland in Vancouver - by invitation only .......................................................Civic Centre 4 - 10pm ................................ Local restaurants featuring a variety of Swiss themed menu specials...........................................................................................................Various Locations




5 - 5:30pm ........................... Movie showing “Swiss Guides in the Canadian Rockies - Beyond Adventure”.........................................................................................Golden Cinema 7 - 10pm .............................. A selection of Swiss mountaineering movies and guest presenters. Tickets available at Art Gallery of Golden $10 .............................Civic Centre 4 - 10pm .............................. Local restaurants featuring a variety of Swiss themed menu specials...........................................................................................................Various Locations

More information at


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10am- 6pm .......................... Exhibit of photos from the private collection of Syd Feuz ............................................................................................................................Art Gallery of Golden 1:30 - 2pm ........................... Movie showing “Swiss Guides in the Canadian Rockies - Beyond Adventure”.........................................................................................Golden Cinema 4:30 - 5pm ........................... Movie showing “Swiss Guides in the Canadian Rockies - Beyond Adventure”.........................................................................................Golden Cinema 5 - 5:30pm ........................... Movie showing “Swiss Guides in the Canadian Rockies - Beyond Adventure”.........................................................................................Golden Cinema 7 - 10pm .............................. A selection of Swiss mountaineering movies and guest presenters. Tickets available at Art Gallery of Golden $10 .............................Civic Centre 4 - us 10pm .............................. Local restaurants featuring a variety Swiss themed menu specials...........................................................................................................Various Locations Join in Golden BC as we celebrate our Swiss-Canadian heritage andofthe influence of the Swiss Guides on our modern-day mountain lifestyle. A schedule of events is planned for a number of locations in Golden to commemorate over 100 years of Swiss Guides In Golden. Events Some key events include: 10am- 6pm .......................... Exhibit of photos from the

on Sunday May 18th

private collection of Syd Feuz ............................................................................................................................Art Gallery of Golden of the• Interactive traditional Alphorn announce the opening of the Farmers Market ..................................................................9th Ave.N. talksSwiss on Golden’s Swissto Guides & familiesfeaturing Swiss themed exhibitors alongside Golden’s own farmers and artisans ..........................................9th Ave.N. 11am - 4pm ........................... Golden Farmerstheir Market • Official Swiss Guides Exhibit • Swiss themed entertainment and fun for all ages 12 - 2pm ................................ Guided tours of the Walter Feuz home at the Edelweiss Swiss Village. Buy a bagged lunch from one of Golden’s great in the Spirit Square, downtown Golden • Guided tours of the private Walter Feuz house at the Edelweiss Village cafes and restaurants and on enjoy it on the oflawns • Presentation the construction the at the Village with views of the Purcell and Selkirk Mountains ................................Edelweiss Village Kicking Horse Pedestrian Bridge • Exhibition of photos from the private collection 1pm 4 pm ........................... Open house with the exhibit “Swiss Guides in Western Canada - Shaping Mountain Culture” Photo and film exhibits .................Civic Centre of Syd Feuz • Golden Farmers Market, raffle and lots more! 1 - 4pm ................................ Interactive Swiss themed entertainment in Spirit Square; learn how to blow the alphorn! .....................................................................Spirit Square • Restaurants featuring traditional Swiss dishes • A selection of Swiss mountaineering movies and presenters. • Exhibition of Bruno Engler photos Movie showing guest 1:30 - 2pm ............................. “Swiss Guides in the Canadian Rockies - Beyond Adventure”.........................................................................................Golden Cinema 2 - 4pm ................................. Exhibition of photographs by Bruno Engler. Presentation by Colleen Palumbo on the families of Golden’s For a full schedule of events visit Swiss Guides. Presentation by Rudi Gertsch on Swiss Guides influence on adventure tourism .............................................................Purcell Heli-skiing Lodge 4 - 4:30pm ............................. Movie showing “Swiss Guides in the Canadian Rockies - Beyond Adventure”.........................................................................................Golden Cinema Many thanks to sponsors....................... Presentation on the design and construction of the Kicking Horse Pedestrian Bridge by Sigi Liebmann ............................................Pedestrian Bridge 4:30 -our 4:45pm 4:45 - 5pm............................. Raffle prize draw - you must be present to win!..............................................................................................................................................Pedestrian Bridge 5pm - 7pm ............................ Official reception hosted by the Consul General of Switzerland in Vancouver - by invitation only .......................................................Civic Centre 4 - 10pm ................................ Local restaurants featuring a variety of Swiss themed menu specials...........................................................................................................Various Locations 11amshowing ..................................... • Movie “Swiss Guides in the Blowing Canadian Rockies - Beyond Adventure”

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Dealer #10287

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to really showcase our community as an authentic mountain town,” said Sweeting.

To Lake Louise & Calgary


mural depicting the Swiss guides in downtown Golden. “This is a great way

Quartz Cres.

at www.tourismgold- donation. All the donations will go Most of Event the events towards the restorLocations are admission by ation of the iconic 1 Art Gallery of Golden 2 Golden Cinema 3 Civic Centre 4 Spirit Square 5 Pedestrian Bridge 6 9th Avenue N 7 Edelweiss Village 8 Purcell Heliskiing



Gareb Rd

Guests can take tours of the Edelweiss Village and Walter Feuz’s home overlooking Golden on May 18. Photo Submitted

12 St N

Join Tourism Golden, residents and visitors to celebrate the men and women who helped define this community for generations to come. On May 17 and 18 The Golden Mountain Festival is making its debut, with the theme Celebrating Golden’s Swiss Guides. “These guides had such a tremendous impact on our community, so it was a natural choice to make it the theme of our first Golden Mountain Festival,” said Joanne Sweeting, manager of Tourism Golden. As most locals already know, it was 1899 when CP Rail brought the first generation of Swiss Mountain Guides to Golden to guide tourists in the surrounding mountains. That was the beginning of the adventure mountain tourism that makes Golden so enticing today. The remnants of their influence is evident all over the town as well, in the Edelweiss Village, the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides, and the numerous peaks named after the Swiss guides who made the first ascents. Not to mention all of the residents who bear the names of their ancestors. The weekend will feature a number of events for the whole family, including exhibits, movie screenings, and Swiss food served at various restaurants throughout the town. The Edelweiss Village, built in Golden in 1912 by the CPR for the families of the Swiss Guides still exists today, and is privately owned by the descendants of Walter Feuz. On May 18, as part of the festivities of the Golden Mountain Festival, visitors to Golden will be allowed a unique opportunity to have a guided tour of the home once occupied by Walter Feuz and his family. A full list of events is available to the right of the page, and

May 16, 2014

I’m so happy, I wet my plants!


Wednesday, May 14, 2014 The Golden Star

Students get more than education at COTR fundamentals program Jessica Schwitek

mentals program at COTR. Not only are they learning fundamental skills like writing through this valuable program, they are also gaining a sense of accomplishment, and a sense of community. “They can accomplish so much more than people realize,”

The College of the Rockies is offering a very unique group of students more than just an education. What is affectionately known as the Sunshine Group, this group of three special needs students is part of the AB Funda-






Dealer #10287


said Betty Holland, an educational assistant with the group. Art is a major component of what they do at the college, and all three students had pieces in the recent Art Show on the campus. “They were so proud of what they had done, and people were just amazed,” said Holland. AB Fundamentals instructor Laura Cankovic says the program allows for more variety for the students. And even though some of the art techniques need to be adapted to accommodate a range in motor skills, the students love working with a variety of artistic mediums. “It’s such an important part of their self esteem, the sense of accomplishment they get here,” said Cankovic. “The art aspect of this program is just amazing,” said Jared Kotyk, another educational assistant. “You sort of guide them,

Students from the Sunshine Group show off the planting pots they made in art class at the College of the Rockies for Mother’s Day. From left, Anju Mall, Laura Cankovic, Tyler Ralph, and Keane Tisdale. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo but they’re still doing it all on their own. So you get to see what they’re thinking, and what’s going on inside. It’s just great.”

The Sunshine group is involved in many activities outside of the college, but both Holland and Kotyk say they always

look forward to going to school. “The routine and stability they get here is so important. They get to be part

of the community, and everyone around here knows their names and says hello. It’s just wonderful,” said Holland.

Music for Mom

I read my granddaughter her favourite story on video chat. Grandpa Chetwynd, BC

From just





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2014-04-29 10:14 AM

Mothers of all ages and their families were treated to some live music courtesy of Sebastien Fouron at Mountainside Gardens on Sunday afternoon. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 14, 2014 A11

Three artists win People’s Choice at COTR Jessica Schwitek

The budding artists at the College of the Rockies showcased their work in COTR’s first Art Show in April, and the votes are in for the People’s Choice. “The show was very well attended with at least 200 people visiting the show. Guests were asked to choose a favourite and 95 people nominated a piece. Just about every piece was chosen by someone,” said Meg Langley, Access Education Instructor at COTR Golden Campus. The top choices went to Sandra Parry’s “Untitled” watercol-

our on Manitoba Elm Burl, Bryan Dean’s “High Country Meadow” acrylic on canvas, and Alice Goldsbury’s “Boats” acrylic on canvas. The show featured 93 pieces made by 41 students and five instructors. There were 75 students (90 per cent female, and more than half were over the age of 65) who took a lowcost or free workshop funded by either Service Canada or the COTR Faculty Innovation Fund. Most of the students completed the courses for pleasure, but there were 10 who received a Fine Art 90 (Art 12) credit, which can be used

towards high school completion. The funding for these courses will carry over to Fall of 2014 when 4 more workshops will be offered: Introduction to drawing with Marty Ryan, Acrylic Painting with Janis Dyck, Finding Your Voice in Clay with Jane Tevelein Doel and Throwing on the Pottery Wheel with Suzanne Cooper. The registration deadline will be September 15, 2014. “The art classes have all been very well attended and some of the students have found the experiences life-changing. Many of the students who were most impacted could


not have afforded the classes had they not been free for lowincome people,” said Langley. “The funding for these courses will run out next Christmas and

A Reel Review: A man and his OS

Joaquin Phoenix stars in Her, a movie about a man who falls in love with his computer. Annapurna Productions Joel Tansey You’ve Got Mail meets HAL 9000 in Her, director Spike Jonze’s latest about a lonely, depressed writer who falls in love with his computer operating system (OS). Set in 2025, Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) is struggling with a breakup when he purchases a new state-of-the-art computer that comes with a very advanced Siri-style personal assistant named Samantha (voiced by Scarlet Johansson). Samantha organizes Theodore’s e-mails, reminds him of his meetings and even encourages him to go out on a blind date. The date ends poorly and, upon returning to his apartment, a sulking Theodore starts talking about relationships and love with Samantha. Strangely enough, one thing leads to another and…well I’ll let you use your imagination for that part, but be forewarned it does get a little weird. In fact, the whole movie is more than a little weird, but whether it is the acting, the writing or

a combination of both, it makes for a very interesting story. Theodore later reveals to his friends and coworkers that he is dating his computer, and eventually he takes Samantha on a double date and a “romantic” vacation. His friend Amy (Amy Adams) also goes through a break up and begins chatting with the OS that her husband left behind. This doesn’t develop into a romantic relationship, but the OS does provide her with a certain level of companionship as she fights off her own bout with loneliness. Both Theodore and Amy, however, eventually learn the obvious limits of having an OS for a friend, and it brings them closer together as a result. It seems a little hard to believe this sort of sophisticated artificial intelligence could actually exist in just 11 years, but putting a limit on technology is a losing bet more often than not, so who knows? I’d like to think that romantic relationships with a robot are merely the stuff for science fiction, then again, is it that far removed from cyber relationships that some people already partake in through online games and chat rooms? It’s those kind of technology-oriented questions that make Her an especially compelling and creative look into both the cyber-age and the human mind itself. Phoenix delivers an outstanding performance here that might just be the finest of his career. What’s particularly impressive is that he spends much of the movie on-screen by himself, which must have made this role extremely challenging. Her will keep you entertained throughout and it’ll make you think a little bit afterwards. That’s a sure sign of a solid flick. For that reason I’ll give Her 9 dancing hot dogs out of 10. Her is now available to rent or own at Kicking Horse Movies.



it would be wonderful for some form of lowcost, artistic outlet to remain available so that Golden area residents of all incomes have an avenue for building their creativity.”

Dealer #10287


Thank You!

For the financial support to assist Robin Johnston, Miss Universe Canada delegate to travel to Toronto for a week of public events leading up to the pageant on May 24.

Columbia Valley Credit Union Golden Installations Mad Trapper Pub Subway 407 Boutique Friends and Family

Please vote daily to secure Robin to take the top 20 •Got to •Click on People’s Choice Award •Click on Robin Johnston •Go to the bottom of the page and hit submit

Thank You Golden!


802-10 Ave. S 250-344-5510


Wednesday, May 14, 2014 The Golden Star

Environmental education programs growing in the Kootenays CBEEN Submitted

In the magnificent setting of the Canadian Rockies at Nipika Mountain Resort, environmental educators gathered to participate in a National Environmental Education Leadership

Clinic. Co-hosted by the Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) and the Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM), the Clinic offered educators the opportunity to







Dealer #10287


team build, network and enhance leadership skills while developing action plans to address key goals they had set for themselves. Of the eight teams that were selected to participate, four local teams were chosen. Team Rocky Mountain School District was represented by four teachers from across School District 6. Team Leader Natasha Burgess explained, “Our team has felt inspired and empowered by the beautiful, natural setting of Nipika eco-resort... We worked together on many common goals and are very excited to take our learning outside.” Lisa Lehr brought together a team of early childhood educators from the East Kootenays, including Golden’s Jane Powell.

Golden’s Jane Powell, third from left, went to Nipika to participate in a National Environmental Education Leadership Clinic. Photo Submitted “The facility, lodging, catering and hospitality from CBEEN and EECOM created an aweinspiring four days. Our team came to the clinic with a vision of filling the gaps of EE for children 0-6 years and their families. We went home with the guidance, answers and passion to make our vision a reality,”

said Lehr. CBEEN rounded out the local teams with a team focused on the development of future Environmental Education Leadership Clinics specifically for the Columbia Basin, which it hopes to launch in 2015. “We know that this is one of the best capacity building opportunities avail-

able to help move great ideas into action. We are excited to build on this Leadership Clinic model to provide future Leadership Clinics with a focus on advancing the environmental education community in the Columbia Basin” said Duncan Whittick, Clinic Co-host and CBEEN Executive Director.

As a result of this year’s success, CBEEN has already started applying for funding and has a goal of offering this incredible leadership opportunity to up to 100 local educators over the next three years. Those wishing to find out more can contact Whittick at info@ or 250341-6141.

Environmental grant cycle now open Golden Star Staff Do you have a project that will improve the environement? Golden’s community groups, organizations and societies with project ideas that will maintain or enhance environmental conditions are invited to apply for a grant of up to $10,000. Eligible projects includes ones that strengthen ecosystems, help communities mitigate and adapt to climate change, and support environmental education—all of which address goals in the Columbia Basin Trust’s new Environment Strategic Plan. Through environment grants, CBT has provided more than $5 million during the past 12 years for environmental conservation, restoration, stewardship and education projects across the Basin. The Kokanee Salmon School Program is one of the projects that has benefited from the support. Delivered by the West Arm Outdoors Club, this program brings youth and adults to the Kokanee Creek spawning channel along Kootenay Lake to teach them about healthy habitats, life cycles, fisheries management and the importance of stewardship relative to Kokanee salmon. “This project is important because it has several components that are crucial for the youth of the Basin to experience at an early age: the direct interconnections between animals

and plants, and predators and prey in an ecosystem, the life cycle of the Kokanee salmon and the solid fisheries management of a precious natural resource,” said Nancie Dohan, Program Coordinator. “The impact of this project is far-reaching. Youth, parents and teachers directly experience a sense of place and gain stewardship values as they participate in the program.” “We are looking for community-initiated and supported projects that contribute to larger regional impacts,” said Sabrina Curtis, Trust Director, Sector Initiatives. “We want these projects to make a real difference to both the local environment and residents of the entire Basin area.” Earlier this year, CBT finalized its Environment Strategic Plan, which will guide the CBT’s water and environment initiatives from 2014 to 2019. It sets goals in five areas: water, ecosystems, climate change, environmental education and helping to strengthen the wide range of organizations that focus on the environment. As in previous years, an environment grant intake, offering grants over $10,000, will take place in the fall. It will look different from what it has in the past, with refinements that build on a range of suggestions the Trust has heard from residents, environmental experts and various organizations. Watch the website for details. Apply now through June 27, 2014, by visiting

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 14, 2014 A13

Don’t destroy food production: MLA In my last two MLA reports, I have discussed the problems with Bill 24, amendments to the Agriculture Act, which will fundamentally change the way decisions are made concerning the development of agricultural land. With the passing of Bill 24, we will essentially remove any independent oversight of the way these decisions are made. Instead, every withdrawal from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) will be decided upon based on political criteria by politicians. There is nothing defensible about that. Rather than putting in place a framework for dismantling the ALR in a way that serves only the best interest of politicians, we need to be having a much larger discussion about a progressive food policy for the entire province. Figuring out a way to feed ourselves sustainably has to be at the top of our agenda. British Columbia is well positioned to be a leader in local food production and food security. Even in the Kootenays, where Bill Bennett says we only grow hay, there is a blossoming local food culture. Small businesses are being started all over this region as we take advantage of the agricultural opportunities we have here. But access to land is very often a struggle, and if Bill Bennett gets his way, there will be even less agricultural land in the Kootenays. This is why we are proposing a different solution. We have put forward the BC Local Food

Act, which will actually increase food security, improve health outcomes and fuel local economic activity. The BC Local Food Act would require government purchasing of locally grown food, would reintroduce the very successful Buy BC program and would - Norm Macdonald mandate a legislative committee on food and MLA Columbia River-Revelstoke agriculture. This committee would establish a plan to increase local food production, marketing and processing. It would set specific, measurable targets for progress, and it would develop the policies that would need to be adopted by government to ensure success. We need to focus on making it possible for people to farm successfully. We need to build capacity for food processing and storage, and protect the valuable public asset that is the Agricultural Land Reserve. The BC Local Food Act is an example of agriculture policy that actually makes life better for British Columbians; a stark contrast to the BC Liberals and Bill 24.

Public Notice

Possible Water Surging in Toilets

During the month of May please close your toilet lids as Town Public Notice staff will be flushing sewer mains throughout the community as a Possible Water in Toilets part of the annual sewer Surging collection system maintenance program. During the month of May lids as Town will be flushing As a precaution, weplease ask close thatyour all toilet residents andstaff businesses sewer mains throughout the community as a part of the annual sewer collection system keep your toiletAslids lowered after in order to keep maintenance program. a precaution, we ask that use, all residents and businesses your toiletagainst lids lowered afterback use, in order to guard against any back splashing that guard any splashing that might occur. might occur.

Running a business or nonprofit that makes revenues (social enterprise)? Free support is available! if you are located in the Columbia Basin, the Basin Business Advisors are here to assist your organization! Common areas of focus include: • General business and growth strategy; • Financial management practices; • in-depth financial analyses and business performance review; • Pricing methodology and related policies; • Marketing practices and market opportunities and much more!

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GSS hosting career night Iris Trask Principal of Golden Secondary School Achievement is the name of the game at Golden Secondary! Each term, we look at our school data to see how each of our students is doing and then put plans in place to support those who are struggling. After our recent Third Term Report Cards, several students who were not passing one or more courses spent a day in the Library Learning Centre on May 6th, working on assignments and projects as outlined in their I Plans (I = Incomplete). A substitute teacher was hired to provide assistance to the students as they worked on this coursework, and by the end of the day a folder of work was handed in to teachers. This is one example of the many ways that we work to support our students so that they can experience success. We have a very special evening tonight in the GSS Gym – Career Night! Mr. Todd Wilson, along with Teacher Assistant Alex Sime-Vivian, has put a lot of work into organizing and setting up this valuable evening. Thanks to numerous community members, we have a large number of careers represented to share information and answer questions about their careers. It is a great opportunity for students, parents and interested community members to drop by GSS and learn about a variety of careers. A huge thanks to McDonald’s for providing the refreshments for this evening! On Monday, June 16 at 7 p.m., we will be celebrating student achievement at our Annual Awards Evening in the GSS Gym. A variety of awards will be given out, including Top Subject Awards, Citizenship Awards, Athletic Awards, Merit Awards, Improvement Awards, Top Scholastic, Top All Round, and Principal’s Award. This is one of our favourite evenings as students, staff, parents, and community members gather to recognize student success. With just five weeks of classes left, things are wrapping up at Golden Secondary for this school year! Exams will begin June 19 for students, although on the last day of classes our Grade 10 students will be at the Rec Plex writing their Math 10 Provincial Exam. Our exam schedule will be out soon – check our website in a week! We will be hosting the Grade 7 students on Friday, June 20 for their Orientation Day in preparation for entering high school next September. The theme of the day will be “Survival” with students learning about GSS while rotating through eight different stations, earning prizes and gaining survival skills! Then, on Friday, August 29, this group of students will be invited to an Orientation Camp from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. to get their schedules, set up their lockers, and practice finding their classrooms prior to the first day of school. For updates and access to our newsletters, please visit our website at:

GR ANTS AWARDED Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Program In February, 18 project proposals were received requesting over $441,000 in funding from Columbia Basin Trust’s Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Programs. After Public Input Session presentations in March and careful review by the Community Funds Local Selection Committee, 17 projects were awarded a total of $278,225.86, the full amount available. All applicants are to be commended for presenting great ideas and participating in this process. Congratulations to the grant recipients noted in the table below. Organization


1st Golden Group - Scouts Canada

Purchase of Camping and Outdoor Equipment

3 PAC's of Alexander Park, Lady Grey & Nicholson Elementary schools jointly

The Leader In Me Training and Implementation APES LGES NES Year 1

Golden & District Community Foundation

Golden & Area A's Vital Signs 2014

Golden & District Historical Society

Renovation of Outdoor Exhibit Building

Golden and District Search and Rescue

Helicopter External Transport System Equipment Replacement $5,188.70

Golden & District Rotary Club

Confluence Park - Phase 2


Golden Figure Skating Club

Golden Figure Skating Club Restructuring 2014


Golden Food Bank Society

Nourishing our Neighbors


Golden Golf Club

Bear Proof Garbage and Recycling Containers

Golden Golf Club

RV Park Washroom Facility


Golden Nordic Ski Club Society

Dawn Mountain Nordic 2014-15 Infrastructure Project


Golden Outdoor Recreation Association

Golden Trails Project


Golden Women's Resource Centre

Safe Teen for Youth Media Project


Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club

Purchase Uneven Bars

Little Mittens Animal Rescue Association

Healthy Haven

SQx Danza

Interactive Dance Awareness Programming in Public Schools


Wildsight Golden Branch

Golden Sprouts Garden Mentor Project


Administered and Managed by:

Grant $7,963.01 $35,232.78 $7,725.70 $12,177.61


$5,073.87 $51,242.89



Wednesday, May 14, 2014 The Golden Star

McRae House is part of Golden’s history

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Columbia Shuswap Regional District

Board Meeting Falkland, B.C.

The May meeting of the Regional Board, Columbia Shuswap Regional District, will be held at the Falkland Community Hall located on Highway 97, Falkland, B.C. on Thursday, May 15th, 2014 commencing at 9:30 AM. Check the CSRD website at www.csrd. to view the Board meeting agenda. Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting.

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- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo

Golden has a number of homes that were built by the first settlers to the region but only one of them is in pristine shape both inside and out, Wixon House. There are others who appear from the outside to be quite genuinely historic. One of those houses sits on the corner of 10th Ave and 12 Street. It’s a large two story house. This house was built by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lake who were there for only a couple of years. The family that is best remembered there is the McRae family. William John McRae was the last of the eight children of the marriage of Alex McRae and Jane Dey to migrate to British Columbia from the family farm in Glengarry County, Ontario. After a short stay with

several brothers and sisters in Revelstoke, Mr. McRae went to the coast where he bought a men’s clothing business on Commercial Drive in the Granview District of Vancouver. Approximately two years later in December of 1913, he sold this business and moved with his wife and children to Golden where he acquired the men’s clothing store of a Mr. McFarland. The sign on the store and the accompanying awning now read “McRae’s Men’s Furnishings.” Mr. McRae was born on November 15, 1877, in Dunvegan, County of Glengarry, Ontario. Mrs. McRae was born on March 31, 1884 at Skye in the neighbouring County of Prescott. She was the daughter of Matthew Urquhart and Mary Catherine Douglas. The two were married by the Reverend Charles Gordon, better known as Ralph Connor, the author of many popular books of bygone years; to mention a few of special interest to Columbia Valley people, The Legend of the Windermere, and Tales

This photo is on the Historic Homes Register as “The Lake House,” but is better known as “The McRae House” after a family who lived there for a long time. The house was built in 1894 by local contractor James Henderson. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum of the Rockies. The marriage took place in Ralph Connor’s church in St. Elmo, Ontario on October 28th, 1903. Mr. and Mrs. McRae were the proud parents of four children: Myrtle, Ruby, Annie and Kenny. The three girls were all born in the east. Kenny was born in Vancouver but could almost claim the distinction of being a

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native of Golden inasmuch as he was a mere babe in arms when the family took up residence here. The McRae’s lived in Golden from 1913 to 1934 and shared this period which was an integral part in the business, community and social life of the town. Mr. McRae was a perennial president of the Golden Board of Trade for many years

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and in this capacity presided at the official opening of the Kicking Horse Trail in July 9, 1927. He was an ardent liberal and worked diligently for the party both provincially and federally. He was also deeply involved with the Masonic Order and much of the credit for building the Masonic Temple in Golden can be attributed to his efforts. Mrs. McRae was much loved by all who knew her. She was an extremely kind and hospitable person with many friends. She was a charter member of the Golden chapter, Order of the Eastern Star and was active in church work and the social activities of the town. In 1934, feeling the full brunt of the depression and with business nearly at a standstill, Mr. McRae closed the Golden Store and purchased the men’s clothing business of his brother in Revelstoke. Later, after the death of his brother, he acquired his brother’s automobile dealership. Mr. McRae died in Revelstoke on January 31, 1940 a man of 63. Mrs. McRae died on January 23, 1961.

Star business directory

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 14, 2014 A15

Golden Business Directory SE













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Wednesday, May 14, 2014 The Golden Star

Y D N k A c e R n d e R e th

The Early Bird






GOLDEN May 24, 2014 @ 8:00 pm

PG-13 Language and Adult Content “Myers is Brilliant” - Globe and Mail

Randy the Redneck: Tellin It Like It Iz WRITTEN AND PERFORMED BY LUCAS MYERS

Golden-Island Resturant May 27, 8:00 pm Tix $10 at the door Come into a world of simple truths, good times, and poor impulse control. A world where “party” is spelled with a “d”, where the smoke is always thick and the riffs are always heavy. Come into the world of Randy. As an “altered ego” of Nelson based writer/

performer Lucas Myers, Randy has been seen offering advice in various Pilotcopilot Productions including DRESS, East, and HELLO BABY. Now he is going to be sharing some of his redneck truisms in RANDY: Tellin it Like it Iz, an entire evening dedicated to the Randster. Topics will range from “What Is a Redneck?” to “Why Hockey Still Matters (a Parable)” to “How to Actually Have Sex in a Canoe, Fer Real” as well as his recent conversion to becoming a dedicated “Environmentalistic”. Featuring original music and Myers’ unique brand of observational humour, this is a live comedy event not to be missed!

Meg Langley (front) and Sadie Parr were among the enthusiastic bird watchers who braved a chilly morning on May 9 for Wildsight’s International Migratory Bird Day celebration at Reflection Lake. Joel Tansey/Star Photo


Tell us what you're up to!

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Golden StarMay Wednesday, May Golden 14, 2014Star Wednesday, 14, 2014 The A17 A17

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Career Opportunities

Education/Trade Schools

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

PARTS & SERVICE PERSON required in Golden, BC at a Heavy Duty / Commercial Transport Mechanical Shop. This position is 8 hours per day, FULL TIME, evening shift Monday thru Friday 4:00 pm 12:30 am. We offer a benefit plan and invite you to become a member of our team. Rate of pay is competitive and will be negotiated based on your experience. Please email your resume and cover letter to or via fax to 250-344-6622.


IN-FLIGHT Magazine... SOAR Magazine. This attractive business & tourism publication is published bi-monthly (six times a year). Great impact for your BC Business. More than 280,000 passengers fly Pacific Coastal Airlines. Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 or email New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


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Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at

In Memoriam

In Memoriam Jean Vaughan April 1932 - May 2011

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Job Posting - Golden Museum Assistant Manager Location: Golden Museum, 1302 - 11th Ave S. Golden, B.C.

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY DIESEL MECHANIC GOLDEN - REQUISITION # 30905 Tired of the same old thing? At Canadian Pacific you can be part of something historic. You have a chance to make a difference, to see Canada, and build a future. Canadian Pacific is one of Canada’s most iconic companies. We move the goods that keep the world turning, and we’re on our way to doing it better than anyone else. To get there, CP is looking for some adaptable, hard-working, safetyconscious, and results-driven people to join our force of diesel mechanics. You don’t need: Railroading experience Connections You do need: Mechanical or Electrical experience Safety oriented work ethic To work in and around Golden Competition closes on May 21, 2014

Closing Date: May 16, 2014 with review of applications until the position is ¿lled. 3roMect will run from May 27, 2013 thru Aug 30, 2014.

For additional information on Canadian Pacific and this career opportunity, visit us online at

Project: To assist the Museum Manager provide an exceptional experience for the visiting public.

Only those candidates contacted will be considered. All communication will be directed to the email address you use on your online application form. The journey has begun but is far from over.

4Xali¿cations: Ability to work independently and as a part of a team. At ease communicating and working with volunteers. )amiliarity with computer software, of¿ce eTuipment and procedures. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Exceptional organizational and problem-solving skills. The candidate must meet all of the eligibility reTuirements of the <C: 3rograms, including registration on the <C: website. Responsibilities: You will be responsible for the accessioning artifacts, archival searches, and educating the public on the history of Golden and its surrounding communities. You will also be responsible for daily housekeeping and assisting visitors to the site in their understanding of Golden’s early history. Hours and days will be Tuesday thru Saturday from 12:00 noon until 8:00 pm. There is a possibilty that hours may have to be shifted to accommodate special events. Level of Education: University, or Community College. The successful candidate will be mature 16 to 30 year old student returning to school in the fall, Àexible with an interest in history. Salary: $14.00 per hour. Submit a letter of application with your resume to: Golden Museum - Assistant Curator Box 992 Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0 or Fax to: 344-5169 or email These positions are dependent on the museum’s ability to secure funding from Young Canada Works in Heritage.

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Education/Trade Schools

Trades, Technical Civil Engineering Technologist II District of Kitimat, full time permanent, wage range $37.94 - $45.90, over two years. Civil Technologist diploma required. Duties include infrastructure investigations, surveying, design, contract preparation, inspection and material testing on projects related to the municipality’s water, sewer, drainage and transportation systems. Proficiency with electronic survey equipment and AutoCad 3D, plus a valid BC driver’s license a must. Submit resumes by May 30, 2014, 4:30 pm, to: Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H7, fax 250-632-4995, or email Further information can be obtained from our website at

APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship for Women to attend Journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Application deadline May 31, 2014. Please email your applications to: More information: www.bccommunity arship

Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051. A&W Golden is now hiring for all shifts, full time/part time, kitchen and front end staff, benefits. 250-3444784. Please apply in person to the manager. Bolico Holdings Ltd. o/a Tim Hortons 1020 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H1 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H2 Food Counter Attendant Full Time/Part Time/Shift Work Nights/Overnights/Early Mornings/Weekends Some high school education $11/hr + Benefits(extended health/vision/dental) Wage based on experience/availability Apply via fax 250 439 1963 or In Person: 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H2 Days Inn Golden seeks the following positions for the restaurant: 1 manager, 1 kitchen helper, 1 kitchen supervisor, 4 servers, 2 bartenders, 2 cooks, 1 head cook. Also seeking 4 housekeepers. Apply in person or email, no phone calls please. KGM Distributors is currently seeking a self motivated individual for full/part time work in warehouse with deliveries. Must have a valid Class 5 license. Please send resume and inquiries to or fax 250-344-7846 or call 250-344-0593. Legendz Diner seeks full/part time Dishwasher and prep. Apply in person. Ponderosa Motor Inn requires Housekeepers Full/Part time. Exp. preferred, but will train. Apply in person with resume 1206 Trans Canada Hwy. Positions now available at the Golden Husky Travel Center. Drop off resume at 1050 Trans Canada Highway Golden BC.


required for busy dental office in Invermere. Strong computer and math skills required . All applications kept confidential. Please send resume to:

dr.kanan.ofďŹ cemanager@ Only successful will be contacted.


RAMADA INN requires a HOUSEKEEPER. Full time or part time. Drop off resume or email to 1311 12 St. N. 250-439-1888 Rocky Mountain Cold Beer & Wine requires Part Time shift work store clerk. Drop off resume at the beer store 1049 Trans Canada Hwy. Senior cook req’d for The Taps Pub. Applicants should be well organized w/ cooking experience. Mostly day shifts. Drop in w/ resume to apply. Vernon Service Company requires Journeyman Service Plumbers/Gasfitters, $36.00/hr Call (250)549-4444 or fax 250-549-4416

Trades, Technical STUCCO APPLICATORS to start immediately for a busy stucco company located in West Kelowna area. Position starts at $29.00/hr. Contact Kevin @ 250-862-7418 or email


Financial Services DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. UNFILED TAX returns? Unreported income? Avoid prosecution and penalties. Call a tax attorney first! 855-668-8089 (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.

Garden & Lawn Golden’s Best! Premium Topsoil Now Available Great for gardens or lawns 100% organic - ph $20 per cu. yard loaded Lots of references! We can arrange delivery. Call Bernie - 344-4646.

Merchandise for Sale Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.

Furniture TEAK FURNITURE SALE! 50% off all furniture. Incl Cabinets, Tables, Chairs, Garden furniture and more. May long weekend fri, sat, sun. Come and see at the gas station in Skookumchuck. 250-422-3737

Misc. for Sale A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders JD 892D LC excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?

Wednesday, 14, 2014 Wednesday, MayMay 14, 2014 The Golden Golden Star Star

Merchandise for Sale



Homes for Rent

Suites, Lower

Auto Financing


3 Bedroom/ 1 Bath apt with a HUGE yard, w/d, new kitchen. Close to schools and downtown. Newly renovated, clean. N/S, no parties. $950 plus shared utilities. Avail immediately! Email: Sunshine basement suite. 2 Bdr newly reno’d. Centrally located. Large fenced back yard w/ garden plot. Private covered entrance. Walk-in closet. Very cool rental suite, a must see! W/D. Avail June 1. No pets, N/S. 1 yr lease min. $775/mth. Please call Mike 250-



Misc. for Sale

Apt/Condo for Rent

KILL BED bugs & their eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate bugs- guaranteed. No mess, odorless, long lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot. RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Website: Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660. SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

MOUNTAINEER Lodge at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, 3rd Floor mountain view, 2 bedroom (with lock-off). $750/month, furnished, all utilities, TV, internet, etc. included. Available immediately through Nov 30/12. Contact Hans: or 403-616-4691. Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.

Misc. Wanted Bored? I’m looking for activities person(s) to bike, travel, etc. Call Vanda-250-439-8225


Real Estate Acreage for Sale 11 & 1/2 acre parcel 10 mins

south of Golden, east side of the Rockies, spectacular views! Drilled well, flat building site, good access. Survey plan available. 1-250-769-4288.

For Sale By Owner

Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. FOR RENT: (2) bedroom all inclusive fully furnished apartments. $750-$950 per month. Visit our Website @ Call or Text 250-344-1825 for more information or to arrange viewing.

Commercial/ Industrial 2600 sq ft commercial space for rent. 5000 sq ft for rent. Both avail now. 250-344-1599. Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710

Cottages / Cabins 512 6th St. South. 1760 sq ft bi-level. 2 bedrm & 1- 3 pc bath up & down. 75’ frontage. Dble. garage, dble carport. In-law suite. Many upgrades. Viewing, questions, feature sheet: email: Asking $288,000.00

Houses For Sale Spectacular timber frame mtn. home near Golden. Check mls 2392392. Call Glenn Pomeroy Maxwell Realty Invermere. 250-270-0666.

Mobile Homes & Parks For Sale 2001 Mobile Home. All appliances incld. 2 bdrm 2 bath + deck, shed, carport. K.H.M.H Park. Reduced $54,900. Please contact 250-290-0078

Real Estate 20 ACRES $0 down, only $119/mo. Owner financing, no credit checks! Near El Paso, Texas. Beautiful mountain views! Money back guarantee. Call 866-882-5263 Ext. 81 or online

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 2 bdrm 4 plex 6th St S. Inclds fridge, stove, laundry hookup, storage. $650/mnth. close to town, groceries, shopping, PO, clinic. Call 250-344-8266. 2 bdrm w/ storage close to all amnts. Hydro, hot water and heat incld. Security entrance and laundry factls, sorry no parties or smoking indoors. $760/mnth 250-344-8113. LARGE newly reno’d 2 bdrm apt., NS,NP, no parties, laundry close to all amen., DD req. 1-250-344-0780

1, 2, and 3 bdrms cabins/apts 5 mins from Golden furnished pet friendly $700-$850/mnth 250-272-4674. Cabin for rent. Fully furnished studio cabin at Sander Lake campground. $550/mnt, utls incld, sat. tv, wifi, NS, $275 DD, small pets considered. Avail May 1. 250-344-6517, 250-344-1744, 250-272-1744. Chalet 2 bdrm+loft, quiet NE loc., carport, sat. tv, WD, FS, wood+elec heat, NP, NP, 2 mature people maximum. $1000/mnth + hydro, furnished $100 extra. 344-5064.

Duplex / 4 Plex Downstairs duplex, animals welcome, 3 bdrm $775/mnt + utls, $75 less with 1 yr lease. Wood heat, 2.5 acres w/ garden. Avail June 1. 10 mins from Golden. 250-421-6415.

Misc for Rent 1100 sq. ft furnished/unfurnished Basement Suite. Util, w/d incl. *Power not incld. $750/mth. Avail immdly. Shared accmd $400/mth.

Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofďƒžce is independently owned & operated.

1 bdrm chalet furnished full kitchen, sat. tv, high speed internet, utls incld, fire place, NS, min. 6 months, avail. June 1st. $650/single $750/double. 250-344-7874 (evenings). 2 & 3 bdrm suites newly reno’d, laundry, dishwasher, pets negotiable, 250-344-1340 2 Bdr lower suite for rent, Fridge & stove incl., laundry rm, w/d hookups. For more info, call Chuck 250-344-1064 3-4 bdrm, 2 bath house in town on quiet street in town avail. June 1. No stairs, choice of double garage, fenced yard, close to amnts. 250-344-5450. 3 & 4 bdrm modern house open concept layout 3 bath, big bdrms, fenced yard, call 250-344-1340. 3 bdr ground level. 1105 13 St. F/S, W/D, NP. Refs. Avail June 1. Call 250-344-5691, Frank. 3 Bdr Home Direct access to Mt 7 trails, just 4 mins. from downtown Golden. 1800 sq. ft, 2 full baths. Deck off kitchen. New floors. Brand new approved wood stove with electric backup. Newly painted. Incl F/S/W/D. Huge fenced yard. 1 yr min lease. Avail May.1 $1275/mth. Call Mike 250-344-8385. 3 Bdr house in town with fridge & stove. No pets. Avail now. Call 344-1599. Also, 1 bdrm furnished no pets. Call. 344-1599. 3 bdrm house for rent $1200/mnth, w/d, some furniture, avail. Jun.1. 604-543-3124, 778-985-5741 4 bdrm house in downtown Golden $950/month + utilities. Family preferred. Damage deposit & references required. 250-344-6710. Spacious older 4 bdrm home 48kms south of Golden on acreage. Furnished/unfnshd. Prefbly no pets. 250-344-5002 Leave name & ph. number.

Modular Homes $82,900.00 + GST 2 bdrm, 2 bath home delivered and set up. Only 2 lots available in KHV MHP. Call TARNOW HOMES 250-832-9500 or Kicking Horse Village MHP 250-344-6935

Homes for Rent This fully furnished, all-inclusive home has 3 bdrs, 2 full baths, lrg laundry room and lrg covered deck. Willing to rent unfurnished to long-term renters. A must see! N/S. Great backcountry access. Just 10 mins south of Golden. Avail now. 344-0110.

For Sale By Owner

344-8385 or Lee 250-348-2242.

OfďŹ ce/Retail OfďŹ ce Space for rent. Approx. 350 sq. ft. above Body Quest. Call 250-344-7876.

Shared Accommodation ROOM for rent for summer. Share house with one other person. In town. $450 inclusive. 250-344-1058

Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!


Townhouses 4 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month ($1395/month) plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.

Want to Rent Employed woman w/ references seeks simple, private, cabin/place in North Bench or Blaeberry area now or future. 250-439-8225


Auto Accessories/Parts

Cars - Domestic 1996 Dodge Ram 2500 Cummings Turbo Diesel (SLT Laramie) Only 241,000kms $11,000 OBO 250-344-6327. 4 wheel drive lady driven 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee 6 cylinder 181,000kms 4 mud&snow tires, w/ 4 new studded winter tires $5000. 250-344-6471.

Cars - Sports & Imports Subaru Legacy GT 9696 Subaru Legacy GT sedan, sedan, immaculate condiimmaculate condition in and and out, lots of out,tion lots in of engine work done engineHorse workMechanical. done by by Kicking Kicking Horse Mechanical. Comes with with 16â€? winter tirestires on Comes 16â€? winter limited lifetime warranty onrims, rims, limited lifetime warand aand specialty shop rateshop for ranty a specialty rate for and service and repair, service repair, including including emergency roadside emergency roadside assistance. $6700obo. assistance. obo. call $6700 forfor details. CallPlease 344-1540 details.

Breathe through a straw for 60 seconds. That’s what breathing is like with cystic fibrosis. No wonder so many people with CF stop breathing in their early 30s.

Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.

For Sale By Owner

Move in ready House for Sale!

Please help us.

REDUCED! Approx 1400 sq ft townhouse, 2 bdrm, 2 full bath, large kitchen, large dining/living rm w/ gas fireplace covered private patio and single garage. Now asking $279,900!! Phone 250-439-9899.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014 The Golden Star


Shriner Success

From left: Pete Elkington, Karl Dondaneau, Leona Lafleur, John Abbott celebrate a solid round at the Shriner’s annual charity golf tournament at the Golden Golf Club. A barbecue lunch, live and silent auctions and prizes for all partipants followed the tournament. The funds raised from the event will go towards both the B.C. and Alberta children’s hospitals, as well as sick children in Golden and area. Joel Tansey/Star Photo





Dolphins ready to dive into 2014 season

races. Over 100 swimmers are registered for the upcoming season, with participants from as young as five to athletes as old as 18. “Our position is to make sure that the kids are having fun and getting good exercise at the same time,” said Plonka. There had to be a cap on registration this year because there wasn’t enough room in the pool last season, which caused Hannah Laroy (left) and Hayley Plonka were among the some collisions and safety concerns. Dolphins swimmers who engaged in dry-land training for the upcoming season. Joel Tansey/Star Photo New members were accepted on a first Golden.” competition and come, first serve basis. Joel Tansey In-pool train- swimmers aren’t The competitive (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX ing will start soon gated to participate in swimmers will be The pool isn’t quite enough, but for now ready yet but the it is important for the Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers Golden Dolphins swimmers to get their (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX Swim Club’s 2014 sea- bodies ready for the (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX son is already under- season through a varAND SAVE! AND SAVE! way with the start of iety of drills and exerBrowse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers Browse flyers fromyour yourfavourite favourite national and local retailers Browse flyers from national and local retailers dry-land training. cises. The training Last season was an on land is designed Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers exciting year for the to improve the swimDolphins. The club mers’ balance and sent multiple ath- core strength. Accordletes to the provincial ing to the team’s championships and two coaches, Hailey standouts Zara John- Kehler and Caprice son and Josh Hiraoka Rosentreter, it’s a vital came home with med- part of getting ready als. for the season. “We have an excep“Balance and a tional group of swim- strong core is realFeatured Retailers mers,” said Bren- ly important in the da Plonka, the club’s pool,” said Kehler. “A Featured Retailers president. “Consid- lot of people don’t Featured Retailers ering we have an out- realize that.” Featured Retailers door pool and start “If you don’t have a Featured Retailers three weeks after the strong core, or even other clubs, we have strong legs, then it’s a great showing when kind of hard to try and it comes to region- swim,” added Rosenals and provincials. treter. Bringing home medThe team’s first Visit Visit als from regionals and meet is scheduled for flyers. deals.savings savings tips. coupons. deals. tips. provincials is a great May 31, but the DolVisit honour to bring to phins aren’t just about



flyers. coupons. deals. savings tips.

Visit Visit

attending meets every weekend starting with the season’s opening races on May 31. The club’s home meet is scheduled for July 12 and 13, which will all lead toward the regional and provincial competitions at the end of the summer.


Dealer #10287



Booking Deadline May 16 12 p.m.

Introducto ry Special! Buy an ad in the first issue and receive 2 0% OFF your ad in the next issu e.

Don’t miss your chance to advertise in Golden’s new FREE quarterly Arts and Culture Magazine. Golden’s new source for local events!

Call Adam Zarachowicz at 250-344-5251



RE/MAX RE/MAX ofof Golden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663

Garry Oddy Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234 (250) 344-7234


Wednesday, May 14, 2014 The Golden Star

$509,000 1339 Pine Drive

5 bedrooms 3 baths 2,800sqft

$990,000 1402 Adolf Johnson Road

9 bdrms 9 baths 5,929sqft 12.2 acres


$230,000 616 - 7th Street

2 bedrooms

1 bath

NEW 2bdrms

$209,900 1 bath


$198,900 2 baths

$339,000 714 Kostiuk Road

4bdrms 1.5 baths 2,880sqft 1.73 acres

1 bath


3.86 acre

$569,000 2 bdrms 2 baths 3,040sqft 3.75 acres

$249,000 664 Golden Donald Upper Road

3 bdrms

1 bath

3 bedrooms

3 baths


1636 Purcell Woods Close

3 bedrooms

$145,900 1026 King Crescent

2 bedrooms

1 bath


3 bedrooms

3 baths

1,480 sqft

3 baths


$349,300 1610 Gareb Road

4 bedrooms

$364,900 606 -10th Street

1,250 sqft .54 acres


$389,000 #404, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail


2155 Mitchell Road

$419,900 1427 Adolph Johnson Road

1.03 acres

#12, 2924 Kicking Horse Road

2 bedrooms

3 baths


$325,000 1613 Gareb Road

3 bedrooms

3 baths





1521 Adolph Johnson Road


2 baths




3 bedrooms

50’ x 130’



716 - 7th Street

506 - 8th Street


1235 Horse Creek Road

$242,000 1755 Short Road 3bdrms 2 baths 1332sqft 3.72 acres

3 bdrms

Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451

5.56 acres


6 bedrooms

2 baths



4 bedrooms

1 bath


2,385 sqft

3bdrms 1 bath 1,386sqft


.35 acre

5 bdrms 3.5 baths

3,000sqft 11.6 acres


4 bedrooms

2bdrms 1 bath 960sqft 22.58 acres

3 bdrms 1 bath 1,740 sqft 37.75 acres

3 bedrooms 2.5 baths 2,000sqft


5 bdrms

2 baths


4 bedrooms

3 baths


60 acres

$260,000 3bdrms 1 bath 3,320sqft


$549,900 1753 Oberg Johnson Road

3 bdrms 1 bath 1,540 sqft 40.17 acres

$539,000 4905 Castledale Heights

3 bdrms 3 baths 2,500sqft 5.28 acres

$349,900 #410, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail

3 bedrooms

3 baths


$525,000 1510 Poplar Street

3 Bedrooms

3 Baths



$359,900 527 - 12th Street

3,032 sqft

2039 Birchlands Road

$299,000 1+ baths



$640,000 #11, 1336 Palliser Trail

3 bedrooms

3 baths

2328 Holmes Deakin Road

$650,000 1742 Seward Frontage


3 baths

4 bedrooms


1213 - 10th Avenue

17.26 acres

1222-11th Street

4.99 acres

3360 Highway #95 South


Southridge Road


Home and 3 Cabins


2145 Mitchell Road


1615 Gareb Road

$599,9000 2036 Blaeberry School Road


773 Canyon Creek Road



5bdrms 2 baths 2,400 sqft 3.78 acres


3411 Highway 95 South


1578 Campbell Road


1208 Alexander Drive

2 baths

Dan Veselic Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435 (250) 344-1435

#10, 411 - 5th Avenue

3 bedrooms

2.5 baths

1,600 sqft

RURAL ACREAGES Highway #95 South.......................................40 acres......................................... $209,900 Lot 1, Golden Donald Upper Road...............1.06 acres.................................. $59,900 Lot 13, Wellstead Road.................................40 acres ...................................199,000 4151 Thomas Road....................................... 30 acres.................................... $199,000 2045 Mitchell Road...................................... 24 acres........................................ $295,000

985 McBeath Road....................................... 40.52 acres.............................. $349,600 3362 Highway #95, South............................ 30.27 acres............................... $199,000 576 Habart Road.......................................... 0.4 acre......................................$94,900 Lot 1, Golden Donald Upper Road............ 4.99 acres................................ $139,900 Lot 1, Mitchell Road.......................................2 acres...................................... $99,900

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