Kitimat Northern Sentinel, May 14, 2014

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Years est. 1954

Volume 60 No. 20




Wednesday, May 14, 2014



Black returns on refinery mission Cameron Orr Oil refinery proponent David Black returned to Kitimat to speak publicly on his proposal, both to Kitimat Council and later to the public at large at the Riverlodge. His message was largely the same as in previous talks, playing up that the Kitimat Clean refinery proposal would be the cleanest refinery in the world and would solve many of the problems associated with raw bitumen export, such as proposed with Enbridge’s Northern Gateway project. Perhaps most notable from his visit however was the response from Kitimat Council, which voted to formally endorse his refinery by writing to Premier Christy Clark and Prime Minister Stephen Harper urging them to support the proposal. Mario Feldhoff put forward that motion but did receive resistance from Rob Goffinet, who would rather have opted to more general wording that didn’t specifically back Black’s proposal. “Why would we make a locked-in decision that we think that we are going for this project?” he asked, saying that as a political body they may in the future have to make judgements on that very project. Goffinet is in support of Kitimat Clean but not in endorsing it as a council. He attempted to create an amendment to the motion to generalize it away from Kitimat Clean but to a vote he was not successful in having it pass. Phil Germuth said refining product in Canada is in the country’s best interest and was comfortable with the motion as is. “Overall, on the concept of endorsing the government look at the proposal of a refinery, I would support it on that,” he said. Corinne Scott also spoke in favour of the original motion. “I hope the federal government will take the message by us writing to the Prime Minister, that we’re saying we’re against the Northern Gateway project. So I’m speaking in favour of the project.” Continued on page 2

A District of Kitimat employee blasts water from a fire hydrant along Kingfisher Avenue, part of the District’s water main flushing, which continues into early June.

Council says no to ‘no-camping’ signs Cameron Orr Kitimat Council won’t yet take any action regarding riverbank camping after a motion by Mary Murphy failed on May 5. Murphy had moved for the District of Kitimat to identify areas of riverbank camping and to erect “no camping” signs, which would direct people to legitimate camping sites within the town. “It started early this year and I’ve been down to that area and it’s mostly people who are working in town and I think it’s going to be a huge problem this year,” said Murphy. While action on riverbank camping is something councillors seemed to agree on, there was no consensus that this was the plan to

solve any problems. When it came to “putting the lid” on riverbank camping, Mario Feldhoff said “I don’t think [this] addresses the problem at all, it creates new problems.” Edwin Empinado also had concerns regarding the legalities of putting up signs, noting that there are places of riverbank camping where property lines abut municipal and private lands. Director of Leisure Services Martin Gould said they can put signs up wherever they like on municipal land, but indicated that enforcement would be the one area of concern for staff on such a plan. “The issue of the no-camping signs is enforcement. How do you enforce it?”

Councillor Mary Murphy believes riverbank camping is a big problem. Enforcement was a sticking point for Phil Germuth as well, who agreed without a way to enforce it, it would not be much benefit. He said the town does need more camping sites. Murphy main-

tained support for her motion in her closing remarks. “We have put in to place, at our cost, monitoring of the river, and it’s going to be an issue, it’s already starting to be an issue, and I know we have to do


Marleau looks to Spain ... page 12

something about it. And right now what we’re doing is nothing,” she said. She said no other town allows people to camp for free within town boundaries and be allowed to remain for months.

2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 2014

New toilet heading to river

Traffic and false alarms Cameron Orr Traffic-related files as well as “unspecified assistance” provided the bulk of RCMP calls between April 28 and May 4. In that period RCMP say they were called for service 96 times. Each of those two categories had 20 files opened each. False alarms continue their dominance as well, with 11 in that week period.

It was a royal flush as Mary Murphy was successful in getting her colleagues behind installing an additional toilet along the river. She moved for staff to identify areas in the community under-served by portable lavatories, notably the Kitimat River

There were six common assaults, four thefts, three calls of mischief, and one shoplifting, among other files. There were two cases of possession of marijuna, but no trafficking files. Among the files, RCMP are investigating a vehicle being keyed on April 30. They’re also looking into an alleged theft of liquor where someone took 1.14 litres of vodka from a store.

Pump House. Lavatories already exist in other areas, such as near the Giant Spruce fishing area. Installing the facility at the pumphouse would serve people using the river on the

Weather Watch kitimat stats

Refinery Continued from page 1 Scott also noted that this motion won’t preclude Kitimat Clean from going through all the required studies and assessments. “If it all turns out that he can’t do [it] or whatever, that doesn’t stop us from saying ‘no, it’s become too dangerous.’ His proposal I can endorse quite easily.” Mario Feldhoff also added that endorsing the project through this motion doesn’t forbid future endorsement of

other worthwhile projects. “If others come forward with equally good projects I’d be happy to endorse that as well.” He also said during the debate, “Given what we know I believe it is our responsibility to advocate for this at this time.” Goffinet was ultimately outnumbered 6-1 when it came to the vote. The full motion as written is “That the District of Kitimat write a letter to the Prime

Minister, copying the Premier of B.C., endorsing Mr. Black’s Kitimat Clean refinery proposal and asking that it be supported and promoted by senior levels of government, thereby reducing environmental impacts and risks associated with the Northern Gateway, while significantly increasing economic value-added and associated taxation benefits to the Pacific Northwest, B.C. and Canada.” Black is also the chairman of Black Press, which owns this newspaper.

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other side of the Haisla Bridge. Mario Feldhoff said he thinks such improvements are a good thing. The staff report on this was expected this past Monday.

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 2014 3

Regional briefs








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RCMP officers are still looking into reasons why Rook, the region’s RCMP police service dog, passed away last week. The nine-yearold German shepherd was with handler Corporal Jarrod Trickett north of Terrace when he went into distress after coming out from a body of water. “It is with a heavy heart that I advise Police Dog Rook passed away yesterday of natural causes during a training exercise. He was nine-years-old,” said Terrace RCMP media relations community policing officer Const. Angela Rabut on May 7. “PDS Rook was a hardworking, dedicated, member of the RCMP, serving the people of British Columbia well. “The Terrace RCMP have begun the process of acquiring another Police Dog. In the interim, our area is being covered by the Prince George Police Dog.” The dog was rushed to a local vet, Dr. David Farkvam. As the region’s only RCMP police service dog, Rook, along with Trickett, covered the northwest from the Yukon border and Atlin down to Bella Bella and Bella Coola, out to just west of Burns Lake and east to Haida Gwaii. Rook’s job was to go out with Trickett to look for fleeing suspects, missing people, evidence or to a recent crime with tracks left behind. Lately, Rook had been helping train Eddie, a 14-month-old pup, with her handler Const. Trevor Mack. Trickett had planned to retire Rook when his service days ended and to then keep him as a pet.


A dedicated community newspaper



Camping / Hiking / Fishing Your Impact on the Environment

A small group of the students from Kitimat who attended the annual Pacific Northwest Music Festival last month.

Kitimat students give town something to sing about Submitted With over 1,200 participants from the Northwest, including Kitimat, Terrace and Prince Rupert, the 49th Annual Pacific Northwest Music Festival came to a close on April 11 after 16 days of events. Students represented Kitimat in Band (St. Anthony’s, Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary School (MEMSS) Junior and Senior Band), Choral Speaking (St. Anthony’s Elementary School), Speech Arts, Dance, Piano and Voice. Kitimat had outstanding performances overall. Having obtained highest mark in their category and invited to compete for Junior Scholarship for Piano was David Leite, and for Senior Scholarship for Speech Arts, Teah Wilken. Camryn Oliveira (Piano) and Nolan Maggs (Speech Arts) were invited to perform on the Gala Stage. Kitimat presents its own gala, Kitimat Celebrates the Arts, which will be held May 30 at 7:30 p.m. at the Mount Elizabeth Theatre. AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE Piano - Intermediate 13 to 15-years-old, Crystal Thomas Award - Nicole Hepting. Piano - Junior

12-years-old and under, Terrace Academy of Music Award - David Leite. Speech Arts - Senior, Munson Family Award - Teah Wilken. BAND Terrace Community Band Trophy, Grade 6 - 8 Band - Mount Elizabeth Middle School Band. PIANO Allan Dubeau Award, Highest Mark Senior 20th and 21st Century Composers Benjamin Anker. Kitimat Music Scholarship Society Award, Highest Mark Sonatina - David Leite Northern Savings Credit Union Award, Highest Mark Piano Duets, Trios or Quartets - David Leite, Victoria Stenson and Madison Sommerfeld. Park Avenue Medical Clinic Award, Highest Mark Chopin -

Nicole Hepting. Prince Rupert Rotary Club Award, Highest Mark Beethoven Madison Sommerfeld. Ray Johnson Award, Highest Mark Senior Piano Conservatory - Nicole Hepting SPEECH ARTS Elan Travel Ltd. Award, Highest Mark Narrative Poetry Senior - Teah Wilken. On Cue Players Award - 13 and over, Highest Mark Canadian Poetry - 13 and over - Kevin Eastman. Terrace Little Theatre Trophy, Highest Mark Dramatic Arts - Sophia Zanardo and Julia Piroso. Royal Bank Trophy, Highest Mark Choral Speaking (Grades 4 to Open) St. Anthony’s School Grade 7. Prince Rupert Rotary Club Award -

District of Kitimat

Public Notice annual Water main flushing 2014 april 22 to June 6, 2014 The District of Kitimat will undertake the annual water main flushing. The scheduled dates for flushing water mains will be April 22 to June 6, 2014. This operation may cause temporary discolouration of the water supply and should clear up soon after the operation is completed. If the problem persists please contact the District of Kitimat. Thank you for your cooperation and patience in this matter. For further information please call 250-632-8930.

highest mark Narrative Poetry (Intermediate) Iris Striker. VOCAL Lorraine Johnstone Memorial Award, Highest Mark Singer and Accompanist Team - Katherine Oscovai and Hannah Durrant.

Plan to leave no trace - leave as much garbage and food packaging as possible at home. The less garbage you take, the less garbage you will have to pack out. Camp and travel on durable surfaces.

Pack In, Pack Out

• Properly dispose of what you can’t pack out • Leave what you find • Use stoves and small campfires • Be considerate – help keep the wild in our wilderness.

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Bish Forestry Service Road (FSR) Chevron is continuing upgrading work on the Bish Forestry Service (FSR) that requires public access to the area be restricted in order to ensure public safety. This work is to flatten, straighten and widen the existing FSR to accommodate future traffic demands as the proposed Kitimat LNG project moves forward. • A 24-hour public safety and security checkpoint has been set up along the FSR to inform the public about access restrictions. • Access restrictions are in place during construction activity such as blasting as well as work on narrow sections of the road in order to ensure the safety of the public. Chevron places the highest priority on the safety of the public and our workforce. Temporarily restricting public access to the Bish FSR while construction is underway will help us achieve our goal of an incident and injuryfree workplace. When construction activity is complete, the Bish Forestry Service Road will re-open to the public. For more information: Toll free: 1.844.800.0900

4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email • KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.

Picking and choosing As a thought exercise I occasionally ponder the roles of the town council, not in what it is they do but what their role is or should be in terms of actual development. There is a role, definitely. Planning, bylaws, zoning, all important steps to clear the path towards whatever construction may be wanted. Then I consider the moral role of a council. With the recent plebiscite in particular in mind, should a council ever formally oppose or support a project? Clearly many think yes. The Northern Gateway project has been fraught controversy and the town voted essentially to oppose the project. But at a local level are there implications for such positions? If a council ever says no to a project, does that impact the confidence that others, perhaps in different fields, think about doing business in such a town? This line of thought brings us to last week’s council meeting where our town formally endorsed David Black’s refinery proposal. Certainly there are positives in that proposal that don’t exist with pure export pipeline projects. But consider this also: Northern Gateway has gone through a formal review process with a government body. Black’s refinery has not made it that far. Cutting it down to the core, he has preliminary engineering and a business plan, but nothing in terms of conditions or technical details have been disclosed because the project has not gone that far in the process. So we have a situation where the town has said — and rightly, given the majority of the voting public — that they do not support the Northern Gateway. Yet there’s a refinery proposal that is no where near to the stage Enbridge has gotten to, and the town has formally backed it. Given those two aspects, it comes across that the District of Kitimat essentially picks and chooses which projects they want and which they don’t. The alternate, which I think is generally a better way, is to simply understand the values of the community (should I mention I still believe the Official Community Plan needs a good update?) and set policies around that. In my ideal world the town should never have needed to oppose Enbridge’s plan, but could still have set an official policy statement that outlines all the guarantees the town requires to protect its interests. (And whether or not the company could live up to those, well that’s up to them.) For a refinery, well, it’s absolutely fine to commit to working with proponents of major industry to add value to the community and region. I just wonder if there’s a message that’s being sent from Kitimat that our doors are open to business, but it’s VIPs only. Cameron Orr

Dealing with Lower Mainland mania Just got back from a flying trip to Vancouver, my first I think in four or five years. My wife and I have always been prone to enjoying a walk-about in the downtown shopping areas, usually highlighted by an outing and a meal or two on ebullient Robson Street. But somehow it just wasn’t the same, and what we saw, I think, reflected a lot of what we have been reading and listening to on TV, about the impacts of the so-called widening “income gap” in Canada. I could certainly be wrong and it’s a self-generated thought that Robson Street mirrors “the news.” One thing I noticed is that food service, which used to be one of the principal businesses on Robson Street, has been “edged out” by expensive “high-end” fashion, jewelry and shoe retailers. And, as has always been the case, much of the street is undergoing further change as businesses come and go, with differing levels of success. As always, there’s plenty of construction – it’s quite a long view through safety wire and construction scaffolding – into the immense but totally bare and empty first floor of what used to be Sears’ principle Vancouver location, at Robson-Granville, now taken over and being renovated by

Under Miscellaneous by Allan Hewitson

American retailer Nordstrom and offices which will move in on top. Chapters, another annual stop, was gone. So were at least a couple of the seemingly one-per-corner Starbucks coffee outlets. The little corner bake shop where we used to enjoy a scone and a coffee disappeared. Many of the crowded little B.C. gift, postcards, souvenirs and jade shops were also gone. Further down we were surprised to see a rather classy-looking new art museum taking up much of the east-end space that had been the ground floor restaurant and bar of our favourite Vancouver hotel, the Listel (O’Doul’s) Hotel on Robson. Now it’s just the Listel Hotel. Changes are taking place at the hotel too – I was intrigued by its advertised announcement that “we are extremely chuffed to announce that our entire organization has embarked on a ‘zero-waste’ policy throughout our operation as part of Environment Mat-

ters, our industry-leading co-initiative ...” which I think I found out means the hotel will turn all of its waste into compost, re-use all recycables and convert all of its non-recyclables into electricity, among other good environmental efforts. I enjoy seeing a hotel stating it’s “chuffed” about anything, except perhaps a good review or the bottom-line. We didn’t stay at O’Doul’s this trip – part of my own retiree-status “widening income gap” effect, but I enjoyed seeing the changes. Across the street, the famous spotted cow that used to be the “beacon” for one of our favourite pub-eateries, was gone. A different restaurant-patio was in its place. But I still remember the “bash” there with the Alcan Ice Dogs hockey team, the evening after we played on GM Place ice against its rink-rat and staff team. Of course GM Place is now Rogers Arena, and has been for some time. Good memories all the same. I had a few “bad memory” issues with Vancouver traffic flow that I wished I’d remembered earlier. So I used the bus to travel from my digs to downtown. There’s no kidding when they say Vancouver traffic is a nightmare. Continued on page 5

Working together bringing the news to you. Community newspapers a s s o C i a t i o n

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Contents Copyrighted Canadian Publications Mail Product, Agreement No. 477761, Canada Post Corp., Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash.

Louisa Genzale Publisher

Cameron Orr Editor

Tracey Keohane Classifieds/Administration

Sarah Campbell Advertising Assistant

Whales not expendable Dear Sir, When commercial whaling was finally banned in the 1960s, there were about 1,500 humpback whales on B.C.’s coast. Humpbacks were placed on the Endangered Species List and over the past 40 years, their numbers have increased by about 50 per cent. Hey that’s great! They’re not endangered anymore. Pop! They’re down listed. Now they’re just a Species of Concern. Except that only 50 per cent of the original humpback population has returned. Since when is half way there the end of the journey? Except that an endangered species habitat is totally protected and a Species of Concern’s habitat is not. Except that the humpbacks in the Douglas Channel are about to experience an increase in shipping through their habitat from about 20 per month to about 100 per month and one of the greatest risks to these animals is ship strikes. For whatever reason, whales have not learned to avoid ships and they get hit on a regular basis. Propel-

ReadeR’s WRite ler slashes are ugly. Ships also make a lot of noise and whales are extremely sound sensitive. They communicate (sing) over miles under the water and shipping disrupts that. If females can’t find their calves, or individuals in their pods, they will not thrive. They may not even survive. Except that Humpbacks share their habitat with Fin Whales, Grey Whales and now, for the first time in 60 years, a Right Whale has been spotted on the north coast. And they are endangered and their habitat must be protected. The ships that will be in the Douglas Channel are four times the size of normal tankers. They cannot slow or they will lose steerage, so they will kill whales. It is not a coincidence that taking humpbacks off the endangered list makes life simpler for shippers of oil and gas. The richest feeding grounds are along the shortest tanker route. But fail-


Continued from page 4 Add the myriad of bike and HOV lanes, as well as the Port Mann toll-bridge, which has no toll booths, but plenty of totally confusing signage – so I expect I’ll find that bill in my mail soon. Still, it was entertaining (in a way) as well as depressing to re-visit fast-growing Vancouver and recognize that it’s become beyond my base capabilities to get around. Try and find a phone book, if you don’t believe me. Great for smart phones, sadly, I’m behind the times in that area too. I have one, but it’s ageing me with its complexity and its oodles of apps I don’t use or want, but with understanding might have made this trip a little easier. Anyway, we drove the 3,000 clicks, hoteled, parked, ate, U-turned, thanked my lucky stars for the block system and had a grand old time trying to be the only one in B.C. making any effort to match the speed limits. Next time, I guess I’ll go airport to airport.

Letters Welcome The Northern Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor on relevant or topical matters. It reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. All submissions must bear the author’s name, address and telephone number. Unsigned letters will not be considered. E-mail: or Fax: (250) 639-9373

ing to protect these places will make life very difficult indeed, if not downright impossible, for these amazing animals who cannot speak for themselves. The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, sent out 312 consultation requests and received only 22 responses of which only five recommended the change. These numbers don’t add up even to a layperson. Those who wish to exploit Canada’s resources need to learn how to do so with the least amount of collateral damage. Protect the whales. Protect the Douglas Channel. They are not expendable. Elizabeth Thorne Douglas Channel Watch

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 2014 5

Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds Clues Across

1. Permanently disfigure 5. Demilitarize 10. Flat-bottom crater 14. 6th Jewish month 15. “l836 siege” of U.S. 16. For in Spanish 17. Bunco games 18. Musical world for the iPhone 19. Smile 20. Charlotte’s Web’s White 21. His wife became salt 22. For example 23. Perceived 27. Violet-red color 30. Prizefighter Muhammed 31. Dentist’s group 32. Lowest feudal class 35. Passover feast and ceremony 38. Netherlands river 42. College teacher 43. Associated press 44. Exist

45. Wyatt __, OK Corral 46. Antlered cervid 47. Church announcement of a proposed marriage 49. Dried leaves of Catha edulis 50. Anoint 52. ___ Lilly, drug company 54. Red plus yellow 56. Holy places 59. Exclamation of surprise 60. Million barrels per day (abbr.) 62. Farm state 63. Hold onto 66. 79504 TX 68. Speed of sound 70. Condition of comfort 71. Blemished skin 72. Wingloke structures 73. Nanosecond (abbr.) 74. Herd of unsheared sheep 75. Castrate a horse

Clues Down

1. Ceremonial staffs 2. Sun-dried brick 3. 007’s creator 4. Married woman 5. Obstruct 6. 12th Jewish month 7. Opposite of minored 8. Leave out 9. Twice Pres. of Harvard, Derek 10. Gas usage measurement 11. Swiss river 12. Spirit in The Tempest 13. Kitchen stove 24. Crocus spice 25. Raised railroad track 26. Injure permanently 27. Partial paralysis (pl.) 28. School in Newark, DE 29. Individual baking dish 32. Democratic Party of Germany 33. Poetic word for before

34. Eggs of a fish 36. Environmental Protec. Agency 37. One point N of due E 39. Express pleasure 40. Macaws 41. Seaport (abbr.) 48. Tagging the base runner 51. Inspector General 53. City of Angels 54. Made from an Oak tree 55. So. Am. ratites 57. Thai money in 1928 58. Expressed pleasure 60. Nutmeg seed covering spice 61. Small indefinite quantity 64. Between E and SE 65. Chest muscle (slang) 66. Used for hitting the ball 67. Tooth caregiver 68. Military Aircraft Group 69. Brew

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Phone: 250-632-6144 • Email:

SAFER Sign Up Day on May 15th The Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) program helps make rent affordable for B.C. seniors with low to moderate incomes. SAFER provides monthly cash payments for eligible seniors 60 or older who pay rent for their homes. BC Housing staff will be available on Thursday, May 15th to assist seniors in completing their SAFER application forms.

Please Register for the SAFER Sign Up Day Please call 1-800-667-1235 ext 2150 to set up your appointment time. Thursday, May 15th

tel 250-632-3336 oPen mon-thur 9:30am-6pm Fri 9:30am-9pm • sun noon - 5:00


8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Northwest Community College, 606 Mountain View Square, Kitimat, BC

Are you eligible? You may be eligible for SAFER if you meet all of the following conditions: 1. You are 60 or older. 2. You have lived in British Columbia for a full 12 months immediately preceding your application. 3. You and your spouse (with whom you are living) meet one of the following citizenship requirements: Canadian citizen(s); or authorized to take up permanent residence in Canada; or Convention refugee(s). 4. You pay more than 30 per cent of your gross (before tax) monthly household income toward rent for your home, including the cost of pad rental for a manufactured home (trailer) that you own and occupy. 5. You are not currently living in subsidized housing. To find out more about SAFER, visit, 604-433-2218 (Metro Vancouver) 1-800-257-7756 (elsewhere in B.C.)



6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 2014

“I look at Northern Gateway and see a project that will build families and communities for generations. That’s what I’m most proud of.” - Catherine Pennington, Senior Manager, Community Benefits & Sustainability

Meet the expert:

We at Northern Gateway are committed to ensuring that jobs and business opportunities will be available to people living near the Project’s right-of-way.

IT ALL ADDS UP TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT In Catherine’s experience, removing barriers to employment has a huge impact – not just on individual job seekers, but on their communities as well. When you connect someone to a job, you also build individual and social pride, enhanced connections, dignity and ultimately, stronger sustainable communities. “As a trained social worker with experience in community development, I have found it very rewarding to work in Industry. You have the opportunity to create really meaningful outcomes that are mutually beneficial. Our model of shared responsibility for working with communities is unique and is being emulated by other companies.”

DEDICATED TO MEANINGFUL ABORIGINAL INCLUSION Catherine connects willing job seekers with existing and emerging opportunities. She is focused on helping the Project meet its goal of having Aboriginal people comprise 15 per cent of the construction workforce. “Many Northern communities are experiencing or have experienced desperate cycles of poverty, in part due to a lack of the necessary skills for the existing employment opportunities. I believe people in Northern and North Western B.C. have yet to fully realize their enormous potential. By actively investing in better education and skills training, opportunities for advancement and connections to good, steady jobs, we know we can make a real difference.”

SUCCESS ACROSS THE NORTH We have held discussions with numerous training providers, colleges, universities and employment service providers in Northern B.C. to identify programming needs to help Aboriginal and local people take advantage of the surge in energy projects in the region. We have also worked to tailor programming to the needs of individual communities. “Fundamentally, there’s nothing more powerful than helping someone make that connection to employment, because it leads to a larger, more positive and healthier social outcome.” As a company and a neighbour, we want to see Northern residents get the best opportunities because that benefits us all. It’s how we will build more than a safer, better pipeline, we will help build a better B.C.

Learn more at

Working in partnership with B.C. and Alberta First Nations and Métis Communities, and leading energy companies in Canada


Catherine Pennington spearheads our community benefits and sustainability initiatives which include education and skills development. For over 10 years, she has lived and worked in Northern B.C. with First Nation and Métis communities, creating partnerships and programs that focus on improving employment and social outcomes for the long term.

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 2014 7

Council debates new Kingfisher townhouses Kitimat Council voted to refer the zoning amendment application for a proposed townhouse development behind Margetts Street to their committee of the whole meeting this past Monday. Third reading was up for debate, but councillors on May 5 weren’t entirely convinced on some of the finer details. Notably the density bonuses for the project which would feed money to the municipality are thought to be too low. Its proposed for this development that a $5,000 per unit cost be paid to the District for affordable housing programs. That’s for units above an initial 40. Such a cost would contribute $70,000 to the District. Phil Germuth felt that $70,000 was not enough of a contribution. He said based on studies showing a onebedroom affordable housing unit costs approximately $100,000, $70,000 from a 54 unit townhouse complex doesn’t even cover the cost of one affordable housing apartment. Mario Feldhoff shared the same thoughts of the Kitimat Housing Committee which had indicated they would prefer to see a contribution of physical units of affordable housing. The committee had admitted that might be challenging for this particular development and did support the $5,000 per unit density bonus. Privacy has been a big sticking point for residents on Margetts Street. Some have written to the District for

the public comment on this proposal, and the comments have included a number of privacy concerns of a three-storey unit located behind their homes, which has

historically just been forest. One of the Margetts residents went into great detail to argue that the permanent workforce to remain

after construction projects conclude in Kitimat won’t be enough to fill an expanded housing stock, if projects like the Kingfisher townhomes are built.

District staff comment to council has been supportive of the project, noting that the required property setbacks are not altered for the project, saying

the development will be no closer than 13 metres from existing houses. A restrictive covenant was being proposed to allow the de-

velopment as only 25 units are proven to be serviced on the lot, and the covenant would allow development ahead of servicing studies in the fall.

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TELUS STORES Kitimat 216 City Centre *Offer available until July 28, 2014, where access and line of sight permit, to residential customers who have not subscribed to TELUS TV or Internet in the past 90 days. Cannot be combined with other offers. TELUS Satellite TV is not available to residents of multi-dwelling units. Regular prices apply at the end of the promotional period; a rate of $36.95 begins on month 7 and includes TELUS Satellite TV Basic Package. Rates include a $5/mo. discount for bundled services and a $3/mo. digital service fee. TELUS reserves the right to modify channel lineups and packaging, and regular pricing without notice. HDTV-input-equipped television required to watch HD. Minimum system requirements apply. †Offer available with a 3 year service agreement; current rental rates apply thereafter. A cancellation fee applies to the early termination of a service agreement and will be $10 multiplied by the number of months remaining in the service agreement. Rental equipment must be returned in good condition upon cancellation of service, otherwise the replacement cost will be charged to the account. TELUS, the TELUS logo, TELUS Satellite TV, and the future is friendly are trademarks of TELUS Corporation, used under licence. All rights reserved. © 2014 TELUS.


8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Together, we’ve built Canada. Together, we’ll build Gateway.


When working people benefit, Canada benefits. That’s why we support Northern Gateway. Canada’s trade unions have always fought to ensure working people and their families benefit from economic growth. That’s why the Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada and four national unions—representing the most experienced construction workforce anywhere in the world—are proud to support the Northern Gateway Pipeline.

The Memorandum Of Understanding our unions signed with Northern Gateway ensures the project is built to the highest possible environmental and safety standards. It supports Northern Gateway’s commitment to jobs and lasting social benefits for Aboriginal communities. And it helps ensure new training opportunities for young people— opportunities that will last them a lifetime.

Northern Gateway is a nation-building project that has the potential to secure long-term energy and economic security for the next 100 years. But only—and this is critical—if it is built right and for the benefit of average families and the communities in which we live.

As trade union members, we place a high value on protecting our natural environment. We have been building pipelines for over 60 years and know what it takes to protect the environment we all value. The Joint Review Panel process was

Rob Kinsey United Association of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada

Lionel Railton International Union of Operating Engineers

Neil Lane Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada

the most comprehensive environmental review for an oil pipeline Canada has ever seen, and its recommendation found that we can build Northern Gateway while still protecting our environment. For these reasons, our trade unions— and the 300,000 Canadian working men and women we represent—believe Northern Gateway is the right choice for Canadian workers and their families. When working people and their communities benefit—as they do with Northern Gateway—then we all benefit with a stronger, fairer, and more prosperous country for every Canadian.

Roy Finley International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Greg Harris Laborers’ International Union of North America

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 2014 9

everybody gets our lowest price. every day.




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Prices effective at all British Columbia Safeway stores Friday, May 16 through Monday, May 19, 2014 only. We reserve the right to limit sales to retail quantities. Some items may not be available at all stores. All items while stocks last. Actual items may vary slightly from illustrations. Some illustrations are serving suggestions only. Advertised prices do not include GST. ®™ Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Co. and Safeway. On BUY ONE GET ONE FREE items, both items must be purchased. Lowest priced item is then free. Online and in-store prices, discounts, and offers may differ.


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Prices in this ad good until May 19th.



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10 Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 2014 A10Northern

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Northern Sentinel

Your community. Your classifieds.



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Information IN-FLIGHT Magazine... SOAR Magazine. This attractive business & tourism publication is published bi-monthly (six times a year). Great impact for your BC Business. More than 280,000 passengers fly Pacific Coastal Airlines. Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 or email Relay for Life is looking for performers/bands. Call Bill at 250-632-2069 if you have something to share!

Personals MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851 cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


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Drivers/Courier/ Trucking





Northern Sentinel Wednesday, Schools July 24, 2013 Opportunities



PARTS & SERVICE PERSON required in Golden, BC at a HeavyHelp Duty Wanted / Commercial Transport Mechanical Shop. The Chalet This position is 8Motel hours per Kitimat is looking to fillshift day,in FULL TIME, evening the positions of Kitchen Monday Fridayand 4:00 pm Helper,thru Waitress Front 12:30 WePlease offer drop a benefi Deskam. Clerk. off t resume the Chalet plan and at invite you to Motel become desk. a member front of our team. Rate of pay is competitive and will be The Lemare Group is acceptnegotiated based on your exing resumes for the following perience. Please email your positions: •resume Certifiedand Handcover Fallers letter to • Office Highway Logging Truck Drivers or via fax to 250-344-6622. • Log Loader Operator


• Certified Home Study Rehabilitation Course Assistant • Jobs A Rehabilitation Registered Assistant is required in Kitimat provide AcrosstoCanada community rehabilitation • Gov. Certifi ed services. You must have graduated from a / 604.681.5456 recognized Rehabilitation Assistor 1.800.665.8339 ant program and have an interest

in community brain injury rehabilitation. You are competent in using Microsoft Word Pennywise and Excel, APPLY NOW: as well as have excellent verbal Scholarship for Women toskills atand written communication in English. A reliable vehicle to tend Journalism certificate transportatclient, valid BC driver’sin course Langara College licence, first aid certificate and Vancouver. Application criminal record check deadare required for this line May 31,position. 2014. Please This is a part time position.

• Grapple Yarder Operators • Boom Boat Operator • Chasers • Hooktenders • 2nd Loaders-Buckermen • Heavy Duty Mechanics Fulltime camp with union rates/benefits. Please send resumes by fax to 250-956-4888 or email to:


email your applications to: Email resume and coverMore letter to: formation: www.bccommunity arship



Wonderful Opportunity in a busy restaurant.

Rosario’s Restaurant

Financial Services


has openings for full time/part time COOKS, and The link to SERVERS your community DISHWASHERS. Days and Evenings. No experience necessary as we train. Please email or bring resume to Rosario’s in Kitimat. No phone calls please



GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at

M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

SNOW VALLEY FORD IN KITIMAT has an opening for the position of

Career Sales Consultant. Career The successful applicant for this position will be a Opportunities Opportunities highly motivated, energetic team player and have excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Come and join the fastest growing automotive team in the Northwest. Please bring your resume to 405 Enterprise Ave. LT inD.Kitimat. Ask for Todd Bellamy.





Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

KITIMAT Merchandise for Sale

Sujitra’s Suds & Seams Real Estate Kitimat has a position available for a full-time or part-time For Sale By Owner Sewing/Repairs/ Alterations person (Work from home is an option). Also looking for a part-time Laundry Attendant/Clothing Finisher (ironing etc.) Please drop off resume at Executive Home for Sale on 172 preferred Nechakostreet. Centre Four bedroom, 2.5 bath. hours. New winduring business dows, siding, roof, doors, Phone: 250-639-1670 marble tiling and rear and

An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced Servicesdozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug Financial testing required.Services 1-(780)7235051. Need CA$H BESTMARK Inc. (BBB acToday? credited), is looking for participantsOwn to provide feedback on A Vehicle? their customer service experiBorrow Up To $25,000 enceNo received local dealerCreditatChecks! Cash same day, receive local office. ship. Participants a imbursement up to $65 for 1-800-514-9399 minor auto service PLUS $45 for their feedback (Ford, Lincoln, Legal Honda, Services Buick GMC, Kia, Hyundai, and Chevy vehicles CRIMINAL RECORD? only)! Don’t own a vehicle?Don’t We let it block employment, travel, have sales professional, evaluation opportueducation, certifinities paying $30. cation, available adoption property rental opportunities. Foror peace of Call (800)969-8477 apply at mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540. Vernon Service Company requires Service PetsJourneyman & Livestock Plumbers/Gasfitters, $36.00/hr Call (250)549-4444 or fax Livestock 250-549-4416 PUREBRED KATAHDIN Sheep, lambs, adult ewes, also mixed breeds. (250) 6956980

HelpPets Wanted


and Part time for EquipHUGEFull Burnaby Restaurant ment Auction - used Coastal Taxi equipment from closed restaurants & NEW Send resume equipment direct from manufacturer! & driver’s abstract tofor info and to sign up for our e-newsletter PO Box 56 or call 1-800-556-KWIK Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 Heavy No phoneDuty calls


A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY Kitimat Students Needed STORAGE for 11 weeksCONTAINERS at the Kitimat Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. Museum & Archives to run SPECIAL “Museum Kids” summer pro44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses grams. Must have$13,800! attended Sets uptime in one day! school full and be re40’ Containers under $2500! turningCall to Toll school time in Freefull Also the fall.& 644 Deadline for reJD 544 wheel loaders JD 892D sumes , withLC a Excavator covering let1-866-528-7108 ter, isPh.Monday, May 26 at Delivery BC and AB 293 City Centre, Kitimat. Attention: Louise Avery, or email to: for Sale Misc. AT An iron available filter that FullLAST! job description works. IronEater! Fully patentat the Museum.

ed Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. Or online at: CENTRAL RV. New and used sea containers. Best prices in B.C. Can Deliver. 20’ New $3800. Used $2800. Other sizes available call for pricing. (250)314-9522. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy a Harris Bed Bug Kit, Complete Room Treatment Solution. Odorless, Non-Staining. Available online (NOT IN STORES). STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

Help Wanted


Other Areas 20 ACRES FREE! Own 60 acres for 40 acre price/payment $0 Down, $198/mo. Money Back Guarantee, No Credit Checks. Beautiful Views, West Texas. Call 1800-843-7537.

Help Wanted Rentals


Customer Service Representative.


Bachelor 1 and 2 bedroom

APARTMENTS Largest, Brightest Suites Shiny Hardwood Floors Unfurnished & Furnished Daily - Weekly - Monthly



(250)632-2822 Kitimat The candidate must love helping people, thrive on customer satisfaction and have a positive can doKITIMAT attitude. APTS BEST VALUE If this sounds like you • Starting at $600 • Balconies Drop offMisc. yourWanted resume today! • Security Entrances

Cook’s Jewellers

• •

Cameras for your safety Now includes basic

“We’d love to be your Jeweller” cable

Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 778-281-0030 Upper

Visit our Website

City Centre Mall, KITIMAT Phone: 250.632.APTS

• • •




4 Tow Star www on 3945

3 n/s $1 clu

THR for 108 mon Cal

TO 3b St



RESIDENT MECHANIC FOR PRINCE RUPERT Cullen Diesel Power Ltd has an opening for a resident Mechanic for Prince Rupert and surrounding areas to Service the Industrial & Marine markets. Heavy Duty or Commercial Transport experience is required. Previous . OONSwill Diesel Engine experience with DDC &FMTU products TERN A Y A D URSelectrical and computer skills. R TH be considered an Strong FOasset. to: Safety driven. h resume erson wit Apply in p

19 Be co ne ma rec Ma


hern C 2E4. Nortcontact: For additional information Stephen C V8Palm Kitimat, B se ri 1-604-455-2208 or email resume: rp te n 26 E 6



Sentinel Drivers/Courier/ Trucking







Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Find us on Facebook


Carriers Wanted!

Trimac Transportation is North America’s premier provider of services in highway transportation of bulk commodities. Our + No Collecting! Kitimat,Terrace and Prince George locations require... + Direct Deposit Pay!

Company Drivers Owner Operators

+ Wednesday & Friday Deliveries. Available Routes in Kitimat

+ Nalabila Townhouses, Duncan, Anderson (100) Excellent pay • Shared benefits • Safety equipment • Safety+ bonus Okanagan, Omenica (100) Dry bulk pneumatic hauling • Shift work involved • B-train + and Eagle, Egret, Drake (60) mountain experience required + Liard, Lillooet, Nadina, Ochwe, Nass (100) + Moore (42) Please send your resume to: Mark Davy, Fax: 888-746-2297

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The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!

E-mail: Phone: 866-487-4622

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Q •

Apt/Condo for Rent

Busy store seeks a

We are accepting applications for our Purebred Labrador Puppies (for Sale). Sire is #2 lab in Canada. Both parents are Champion and Grand Champions. Our pups have been microchipped, dew claws removed and have their first shots. OFA HIPS - Good, OFA ELBOWS and CERF - Normal, PRA and EIC - Clear $1,000. 780-881-4722 Kitimat


front facing decks. Large private fenced backyard, 3 patios, newly paved driveway with RV parking. 17 Deville Cres. Kitimat Asking $364,000 250-639-9643

Help Wanted

MISSING from 126 Baxter Str, Kitimat. Black cat with a spot of white on chest and belly. Neutered, declawed, smaller than average cats. Reward offered for safe return. No collar on at time of missing. Please contact at 250-639-9769 or email


Call the Northern Sentinel today! Call 250-632-6144, or email K









More info at

65 Re $9

R Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 2014A11 11

Northern Sentinel Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Employment Help Wanted We are looking for a part time Janitor to add to our already excellent staff at City Centre Mall in Kitimat. If you are looking for part-time evening/weekend hours, approx. 12 - 15 hours/week and are able to work well without direct supervision, then this may be the position for you. Training is provided for the right person. Fax resume to: 250-632-6784 or email


Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services • COOKS • PREP-COOKS • SERVERS • BUSPERSON

Rosario’s Restaurant

Full-time and Part-time, days/evenings. No experience necessary. Food safe and serving it right considered an asset. Wage negotiable with exp.

E-mail resume to: Or Drop off resume to: 607 Legion Ave, Kitimat

Retail CARLTON Cards is looking for a part time merchandiser for Kitimat, BC. Approx 2-6 hours per week. Must have computer with internet connection. Email resume to

Trades, Technical Civil Engineering Technologist II District of Kitimat, full time permanent, wage range $37.94 - $45.90, over two years. Civil Technologist diploma required. Duties include infrastructure investigations, surveying, design, contract preparation, inspection and material testing on projects related to the municipality’s water, sewer, drainage and transportation systems. Proficiency with electronic survey equipment and AutoCad 3D, plus a valid BC driver’s license a must. Submit resumes by May 30, 2014, 4:30 pm, to: Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H7, fax 250-632-4995, or email Further information can be obtained from our website at


Financial Services DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. UNFILED TAX returns? Unreported income? Avoid prosecution and penalties. Call a tax attorney first! 855-668-8089 (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)


Real Estate



Legal Services

For Sale By Owner

Apt/Condo for Rent

Homes for Rent

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

5 BDRM HOME IN TELKWA FOR SALE 3200 sq ft, 4 bath, includes washer & dryer, fridge & stove, dishwasher hot tub, natural gas, contact 250-845-3315

Merchandise for Sale

Misc. for Sale A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders JD 892D LC excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? KILL BED bugs & their eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate bugs- guaranteed. No mess, odorless, long lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot. RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Website: Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660. SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

Real Estate


Free heat & Free Hot Water Furnished & Unfurnished 1 & 2 bedrooms Security Entrances No Pets. No Smoking

TOWNHOMES in KITIMAT 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, carport Start $700. Sorry no Pets. Call Greg 639-0110



QUATSINO APTS KITIMAT • Downtown Northern Sentinel Wednesday, Maylocation 14, 2014 • Balconies

Kitimat House for Sale 5 Nass St. Well maintained, updated, approx. 1,400 sq ft, 3 bdrm house with large family rm. Covered deck and garden shed. $285,000 obo.for a part We are looking 250-632-5566 time Janitor to add to our already excellent staff at City Centre Mall in Kitimat. If you are looking for part-time evening/weekend hours, ap20prox. ACRES only 12 - $0 15 down, hours/week $119/mo. no and are Owner able tofinancing, work well credit checks! Near El Paso, without direct supervision, Texas. Beautiful mountain then this may be the position views! Money backisguarantee. for you. Training provided Call 866-882-5263 Ext.Fax 81 reor for the right person. online sume to: 250-632-6784 or email


Help Wanted Real Estate


Apt/Condo for Rent FREE HEAT AND


1-800-222-TIPS Bachelor 1 and 2 bedroom APARTMENTS

Largest, Restaurant, Brightest Suites Hotel, Shiny Hardwood Floors Unfurnished & Furnished Food Services Daily - Weekly - Monthly




Rosario’s Restaurant (250)632-2822 Kitimat Full-time and Part-time,

days/evenings. No experience necessary. KITIMAT APTS Food safe and serving it right considered an asset. BEST VALUE Wage negotiable with exp.

KITIMAT HOME FOR SALE 4 bdrm Executive in quiet neighbourhood. Legal suite in basement. Double carport, new windows, new roof, new gas furnace, new hot water tank, new water line, new perimeter, new deck. Two storage sheds. Call for more information 250-632-4616

Starting $725 to: E-mailatresume • Balconies • Security Entrances Drop off to: • Or Cameras forresume your safety Legion Ave, Kitimat • 607 Now includes basic cable Visit our Website Phone: 250.632.APTS CARLTON Cards is looking for a part time merchandiser (2787) for Kitimat,

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Sullivan Motor Products & SMP-RV are currently looking for a full time Sales Person. No experince necessary.



Kitimat House for Sale 15 Stikine St. Well maintained, updated, 1,100 sq ft, 3 bdrm house. 1.5 car garage/storage, covered deck and garden shed. $325,000 obo. 250-632-5566

For Sale By Owner


KITIMAT House for Sale/Rent 63 Chilko St. - 3 bdr, 1 bath in excellent neighbourhood. This house has a big fenced backyard, including two sheds and flower beds. Comes with F/S and W/D. Call (250)279-8888


BC. Approx 2-6 hours per week. Must have computer with internet connection. Email resume to

Trades, Technical RV

Civil Engineering TECHNICIAN Technologist II

Sullivan Products District Motor of Kitimat, full time permanent, range & SMP-RV arewage currently $37.94 - for $45.90, over looking a Certifi ed two years. Civil Technologist or Experienced RV diploma required. Duties Technician. include infrastructure investigations, B.C. surveying, design, Our dealership is located in Houston, and is the contract preparation, inspeclargest volume dealer in the Northwest and we now just added a RV dealership. tion and material testing on projects related to the If you need a change, want a rewarding municipality’scareer water,and sewer, have a passion about vehicles and RVs consider the drainage and transportation benefits: systems. Proficiency with electronic survey equipment • aggressive pay plan and AutoCad 3D, plus a val• training and product knowledge provided id BC driver’s license a • team focused must. Submit resumes by • excellent benefits May 30, 2014, 4:30 pm, to: Personnel, District of Kitimat, If you want to be part of a winning team and create your 270 City Centre, Kitimat, own destiny, drop your resume in person or email to: BC, V8C 2H7, fax 250-632-4995, Attention Murray Sullivan @ or email or J.C. Brown @ Further information can be from our website at Sullivan Motorobtained Products Hwy. 16 West in Houston


Best RV Deals are in Houston BC

Financial Services

• •


Security Entrances Some furnished suites Call for an appointment 250.632.4511


Real Estate

Legal Services

For Sale By Owner

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

5 BDRM HOME IN 2007 TELKWA Suzuki Burgman 650cc Executive. Cherry SALE Red. FOR Like new condition.

Merchandise for Sale

3200obo. sq ft,Estate 4 bath, $7,900 Sale. Reasonable considincludes offers washer & ered. dryer,250-632-6263 fridge & stove,

Misc. for Sale

hot tub, natural gas, Recreational/Sale contact

Misc for Rent

Newly renovated, two bdrm trailer available for two working men. Fully furnished, includes utilities and cable television. Also includes weekly housekeeping. $3,000/mo. A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY $1,500 damage deposit. Call STORAGE CONTAINERS Joy for Used more information: 20’40’45’ 53’ 250-639-9533 and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! AlsoHouse JD 544for &644 wheel Rent JD 892D KitimatLoaders - 5 bdrm executive LC excavator home. Two full suites. FurPh Toll free nished or 1-866-528-7108 unfurnished. Delivery BC andorAB not. Utilities included Available June 1. Please leave TUB name (SPA) and number at HOT COVERS. 250-639-0356 Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?

Homes for Rent

Help Wanted


2006250-845-3315 24’ Okanagan Trailer Excellent condition. Many extras. 250-632-7251 Kitimat House for Sale 15 Stikine St. Well maintained, updated, 1,100 sq ft, 3 bdrm house. Prince Craft Aluminum 1.5 car garage/storage, cov14 Feet. w/shed. eredBoat deck - and garden $325,000 obo. Trailer. Karavan 20 HP 250-632-5566 Mercury Jet Engine. Mint Condition. Approx. 60hrs. Never seen salt Kitimat House storage. for Sale water. Covered NassCan St. send $5000 5OBO. Well maintained, updated, photo’s. (1)-250-989-6833 approx. 1,400 sq ft, 3 bdrm house with large family rm. Covered deck and garden shed. $285,000 obo. 250-632-5566


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KILL BED bugs & their eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online:

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20 ACRES $0 down, only $119/mo. Owner financing, no credit checks! Near El Paso, Part-time Texas. Beautiful mountain KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris views! Money back guarantee. Roach Tablets. Eliminate Call 866-882-5263 Ext. 81 or bugs- guaranteed. No mess, in Terrace and online Kitimat, BC odorless, long lasting. $1,500 Sign-On Bonus! Available at Ace Hardware & Requirements: The Home Depot.



Class 3 License or higher with

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Apt/Condo for Rent

SAWMILLS FROM only Bachelor 1 and 2 bedroom $4,397 - Make money & save APARTMENTS money with your own bandmill Largest, Brightest Suites - Cut lumber any dimension. In Shiny Hardwood Floors hrs/wk)& Furnished stock ready to ship.PART-TIME Free Info (14-16 Unfurnished & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw Daily - Weekly - Monthly required at the Kitimat Northern Sentinel ABSOLUTELY NO PARTIERS 1-800-566INCLUDES HEAT! 6899 Ext:400OT. Duties:


OCEANVIEW APTS • Receive and record flyer distribution Real Estate • Collate and strap newspapers(250)632-2822 Kitimat • Fill drop boxes located around town For •Sale Owner KITIMAT APTS ProvideBy clerical support. BEST VALUE Heavy lifting is required. KITIMAT HOME FOR SALE • Starting $725 Computer and orginizational skills are an at asset 4 bdrm Executive in quiet • Balconies neighbourhood. Hours: Tues.Legal & Wed.suite 9am to 1pm • Security Entrances in basement. Double carport, • Cameras for your safety Thurs. until finished new windows, new 3:15pm roof, new •

Now includes basic gas furnace, new hot water cableat: tank, new water line,Drop new off resumé Visit our Website perimeter, new deck. Northern Two Sentinel storage sheds. Call for more Phone: 250.632.APTS information626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 (2787) 250-632-4616 K






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COMING EVENTS May 14 Kitimat Multicultural Society’s annual general meeting at the Kitimat Hospital cafeteria at 7 p.m. May 30 Come down to the Kitimat Public Library on your day off of school. Lego Creations happen between 10:30 – 11:30 am and Just Dance Wii is from 1:00 – 2:30 pm. For children of all ages. Please register for these fun free activities by calling 250 -6328985 Ongoing KITIMAT Girl Guides are looking for ladies willing to spend time with young girls. If you think this would appeal to you, join us for an adult meeting on the second Tuesday of the month. We ofRentals Rentals fer fun, friendship, training and the opportunity to help shape young minds for the future.for Call Anna Apt/Condo for Rent Homes Rent Marie at 250-632-6967 for more information. KITIMAT THE KITIMAT Public Library offers the highly House for Sale/Rent 63 Chilko St. - 3 bdr, 1 bath engaging Mother Goose inStoryTime for preexcellent neighbourhood. This from house has a big-11:15 fenced schoolers Monday mornings 10:30 backyard, including two and flower beds. .am. Please register for thissheds free program. KITIMAT Comes with F/S and W/D. THURSDAYS, sign up for the BC Seniors Games Call (250)279-8888 MIDTOWN Zone 10, 1 to 4 p.m. at the Kitimat Seniors Centre. APARTMENTS Townhouses Every Thursday long as necessary. Free heat & Free Hotas Water Furnished & Unfurnished TOWNHOMES KITIMAT PICKLE BALL. Every Tuesday and in Thursday, 1 & 2 bedrooms 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, carport Entrances from Security 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Start at the$700. Riverlodge. For Sorry no Pets. No Pets. No Smoking Call Greg 639-0110 those250.632.7179 aged 50+. Call the Kitimat Seniors’ Centre at 250-632-3475 for further information. Transportation THE KITIMAT QUILTERS Guild meetings QUATSINO APTS are theKITIMAT first Thursday of every month, held at Motorcycles • DowntownSewing location room. All experience levels M.E.S.S. • Balconies welcome. (19+) Call Aileen at 250-632-6225 or • Security Entrances • Some furnished suites Wanda at 250-632-4458. Call for an appointment 250.632.4511 HEALTHY BABIES drop in is held every day from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Kitimat Child Development Center. They welcome fami2007 Suzuki Burgman lies throughout pregnancy650cc and up to oneCherry year Executive. Like new condition. (older siblings welcome).Red. Come meet other $7,900 obo. Estate Sale. Misc for Rent Reasonable offers considparents and infants over light refreshments with ered. Newly renovated, two bdrm support from the CDC staff and a Public Health 250-632-6263 trailer available for two working men. For Fullymore furnished, inNurse. information call 250-632-3144. cludes utilities and cable teleRecreational/Sale CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Family Fun vision. Also includes weekly housekeeping. $3,000/mo. 2006 24’ Okanagan Trailer Spot Drop-In Mondays and Wednesdays, a.m. $1,500 damage deposit. Call Excellent condition. 10 Many exJoy12 for more information: tras. 250-632-7251 to p.m., and Fridays 1 to 3 p.m. Ages 0-5 wel250-639-9533 come “A Great place for families toBoats meet over coffor Rent fee Homes and toys!” Contact 250-632-3144 for more Prince Craft Aluminum information. Boat - 14 Feet. w/ House for Rent Karavan Trailer. in Kitimat - 5 bdrm executive KITIMAT FIBRE ARTS GUILD: Interested 20 HP Mercury Jet Engine. home. Two full suites. Furknitting, spinning, weaving, Mint or any other fibre? Condition. Approx. nished or unfurnished. 60hrs. Never seen salt Utilities included or not. For moreJune information Maureen Covered 250-632storage. Available 1. Please phonewater. $5000 OBO. Can send leave name and number at 5444. photo’s. (1)-250-989-6833 250-639-0356

Fight Back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


RESIDENTIAL DRIVER Are you an organized & motivated leader in Terrace about and Kitimat, who’s passionate customerBC service? $1,500 Sign-On Bonus! YOU! OUR KITIMAT STORE NEEDS Requirements: Opportunities For Career Advancement Class 3 License or higher with Excellent ts & Salary airbrakeBene endorsement Value Oriented Call or go onlineCulture to apply! Send your resume • & references: hr@ 1-877-220-5627 or apply in Code: person: 6EN 260 City Centre, Kitimat Media EOE M/F/D/V

MAILROOM CLERK Visit our Website

PART-TIME (14-16 hrs/wk) required at the Kitimat Northern Sentinel

Our dealership is located in Houston, B.C. and is the largest volume dealer in the Northwest and we now just added a RV dealership. If you need a change, want a rewarding career and have a passion about vehicles and RVs consider the benefits: • aggressive pay plan • training and product knowledge provided • team focused • excellent benefits

If you want to be part of a winning team and create your own destiny, drop your resume in person or email to:

Duties: • Receive and record flyer distribution • Collate and strap newspapers • Fill drop boxes located around town • Provide clerical support. Heavy lifting is required. Computer and orginizational skills are an asset Hours: Tues. & Wed. 9am to 1pm Thurs. 3:15pm until finished

Drop off resumé at: Northern Sentinel

12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sports & Leisure Al has some a’Spaining to do In 10 days Al Marleau will be taking to Pontevedra, Spain to compete in the 2014 ITU Duathlon World Championships. The event will push him to his limits in cycling and running, which calls for a fourloop 2.5 kilometre run, followed by a transition into a 20 kilometre bicycle route. Marleau said he had originally planned to pursue more triathlons but he hurt his shoulder making a swimming event too physically out of reach. But even so, a dual-event run and cycle

pushes the intensity. “I found the intensity is higher because I found my legs were a lot more tired because you don’t get that break,” he said. “With swimming you don’t have to kick too hard in a pool. They say most triathletes don’t kick a lot, they say they save their legs for the run and the bike.” Marleau keeps in constant contact with his coach, who actually lives in New Zealand and remotely provides training plans, and Marleau feeds back information such as heart rate and other details.

Marleau will get out to train about six days a week, and training days take up anywhere from one to three-and-a-half hours. “I feel pretty good,” he said, despite battling some minor injuries, but he battles the

“mental” game of overcoming doubt by relying on the support of his friends and family. “The family has always been super supportive. My wife thinks I’m nuts, as do most of my friends, but they’re very encouraging.”

Kitimat Museum & Archives AnnuAl GenerAl MeetinG and Museum Photo Collection Presentation Tuesday, May 27 at 7:00pm

293 City Centre, Kitimat, Upstairs Gallery, Museum Museum Members are eligible to nominate and be nominated to the Board of Directors, and to vote at the Annual General Meeting.

For more information, please contact the Kitimat Museum & Archives at 250-632-8950

Trade connects us.

The Kitimat karate club had 12 members travel to Prince George for a karate tournament held at the college on April 26. Kitimat athletes brought home eight gold medals, nine silver and 13 bronze. Missing from the picture is Steven Horianopoulos. Submitted

Police tracking down Riverlodge vandals Cameron Orr The police are investigating property damage and mischief at the Riverlodge on May 7. RCMP say unknown persons damaged the ramp leading to the front door of the facility, as well as other damage throughout the property. The persons would have used a vehicle to cause the damage they did, which occurred between 10 p.m. on May 6 and 6 a.m. on May 7.

In all the damage is estimated at around $6,000. Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact the Kitimat RCMP at 250-6327111, or call Crimestoppers to report anonymously at 1-800-222-8477. Tips which lead to an arrest and conviction may be eligible for cash rewards when reported through Crimestoppers.

Colin, Elaine and workers like them are building the Port of Prince Rupert’s Road, Rail, and Utility Corridor. Once the two-year construction project is complete, our gateway will move more cargo to overseas markets. That means jobs and prosperity for people in northern BC. Our terminals may be located in Prince Rupert, but we’re building connections clear across Canada—and the globe. Learn about the value of trade at

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