Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal, May 15, 2014

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I N S I D E : Get ready to rodeo. Page 16


Volume 119 No 20 PM # 400121123


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895

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Cache Creek tables $4.8 million budget Cache Creek Council gave its initial approval to its annual budget, contained in Bylaw 769. The $4.8 million budget anticipates collecting $336,138 in property taxes and just over half a million dollars in grants. It also counts on $551,700 in landfill revenues for the next three years, at which time the contract with Metro Vancouver will be at an end. After that, the Village hopes to be able to bring in revenue from the Extension to the tune of about $280,000 per year. The Village also plans to spend $1.3 million in capital expenditures, which includes the reconstruction of Maclean Crescent, a major park project that is currently underway, the Bonaparte viewing platform and walkways, and closing six of its wells this year. There will be a special meeting May 14 at 2 pm in the Village Office to adopt the budget. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Public meeting held for Maclean Cres. Cache Creek Council received detailed drawings for the Maclean Crescent reconstruction project, and there will be a public feedback session on Wednesday, May 21 from 4:30-5:30. Engineer Pam Astbury from McElhanney & Associates presented the plans to Council, explaining that the sidewalk had been added to the shorter side of the street (north and west), and the curb and gutter had been added. Each driveway in the cresent was inspected and the new grades, if any, determined after the centre line was added to street. “We want to make sure there’s no surprises as we go along,” she told Council. Mayor John Ranta asked if there were any major problems for the residents. Astbury said one home in particular might end up with a steeper section of driveway unless they cut away some of the cement that is on the Village’s right of way. Administrator Dan Plamondon said he wanted to have the contract documents completed by summer so project could get started in the fall. The public feedback session is open to all residents of Cache Creek.

Up and about The weather for this year’s annual Mothers’ Day Fly In and Pancake Breakfast at the Cache Creek airport couldn’t have been better as over 30 planes and scores of residents came together to enjoy the freedom of the skies.



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grocery store. After confronting her in the store, she continued to follow the younger woman until she left the store. The older woman was spoken to and it appeared to be a work-related conflict. Both parties agreed to let the matter drop.

Neighbour dispute

May 6 at 8 pm police attended Sage ‘n Sands trailer park in Cache Creek where the manager was concerned for an elderly female resident who received a Facebook message indicating that her elderly male neighbour was going to harm her. The man had placed a chair in the middle of his yard to sit in and enjoy the sunshine, but the woman thought he put it there so he could watch her. The matter was settled with the help of police.

Prohibited driver arrested

May 7 at 8:45 pm a pickup truck was stopped on Hwy 1 east of Cache Creek when the officer recognized the driver as being prohibited. The 24 year old Ashcroft man was arrested and charged with drivingwhile prohibited and his Chev pickup was impounded.


May 7 at 4 pm a 26 year old Ashcroft woman called to report that a 66 year old woman had been harassing her in the

ATV stolen

May 8 police received a report of a stolen ATV from in front of a residence on Old Cariboo Rd. in Cache Creek. The black and Reserve your space! orange Polaris Razor was reCall The Journal 250-453-2261 moved from a trailer that it was sitting on and takenaway some time between 10:30 the night before and 5 the Need repairs or a windshield rep morning of the lacement? Let Smith’s Body Shop take care 8th. Anyone with of you and your vehicle Phone 250-377-3302 - ema any information il FREE COURTESY CARS & TOWING about the theft is ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE asked to phone All-make collision repair center approved by police at 453& SMITH BODYSHOP 950 Notre Dame Drive, Kamloop s 2216.



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Foster Families Needed Help abandoned, neglected & abused animals! Bond Lake Road Hwy 20

Thursday, May 15, 2014 The Journal


A 2


Bobcat ditched

May 8 at 11 am BC Ambu-

lance and police shcroft etAchMent responded to a single vehicle accident on Hwy 1 just south of AshWendy Coomber croft Ranch when on the Ashcroft Reserve after a a Ford F350 blew a tire and hit the ditch, taking a reported assault. A 47 year old flatbed trailer hauling a Bobcat man was punched in the eye with it. The Bobcat fell off the by a 31 year old male. The two trailer and landed on its side in friends had been drinking and the ditch. There was concern for got into an argument. Words a fuel leak and subsequent fire, were spoken and the victim was so the Ashcroft Fire Dept. was hit, causing a cut over his left called. There was no fire and eye. No medical care was renone of the vehicles had more quired. A charge of assault causthan minor damage. The driver, ing bodily harm is pending. a 48 year old Lytton woman was Bull killed on highway not injured. May 12 at 1:15 am police received a report of a single No contact breached vehicle accident on Hwy 1 near May 11 at 1 pm a 21 year old the Ashcroft Ranch involving a Ashcroft woman called to intransport truck and a bull. The form RCMP that a 21 year old southbound truck hauling barCache Creek man had called her cell phone, contrary to a no contact order issued by the courts in January. The matter is still under investigation and a charge of breaching conditions is pending.


rcMP D


rels hit the animal on the highway and swerved, causing the truck to hit the ditch and scatter debris across the highway. The ranch’s bull did not survive the accident. The 69 year old Prince George driver suffered a cut above one eye and possible broken ribs. He was taken to the Ashcroft hospital for treatment. Interior Roads was called to assist with the cleanup.

Horse rescuer

May 12 at 8:30 pm police received a complaint of loose horses on on the highway near Cornwall Rd. and Hwy 1. Patrols were made but no horses were located. The officer did, however, see a pedestrian who advised that he had seen three horses on the highway and had helped get them back into their pasture.

Bighorn hit

May 11 at 7:45 pm police were called to a single vehicle accident on Hwy 1 in the Spences Bridge area after a Toyota Rav 4 hit a Bighorn ram. The animal walked away from the accident scene and was not located. The vehicle was driveable and the driver, a 23 year old man from Tarrys, was not injured.

Started out friendly

May 11 at 9 pm police attended a residence

Police Telephone #s Ashcroft: 250-453-2216 Clinton: 250-459-2221 Lytton: 250-455-2225 Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) Interior Roads 1-800-842-4122

Kids’ Try organizers take a dunkin’ Patti Evans was one of several Kids’ Try organizers to get dunked at Desert Hills over the weekend while raising money for this year’s event. Thanks to the generosity of The United Way, Interior Savings, Desert Hills and 2nd Time Around, we will again be hosting a free Kids’ Try (swim, bike and run). Not only, will children receive free entrance to the fun race, they will also all receive a free T-shirt, finishers medal, food and refreshments and be eligible for draw prizes like a new bike! All local schools will receive brochures as well as Interior Savings in Ashcroft. People can pick up and drop off registrations at these places starting next week. The event takes place during the Ashcroft Wellness Festival on Saturday, July 19 beginning at the Ashcroft Pool and finishing at Heritage Park.

School District No. 74 (Gold Trail)




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Everyone is welcome to attend an evening of fun, friends, and memories as we celebrate the many contributions of those District employees who are retiring, or have retired, this year: DATE: Thursday June 5, 2014 TIME: No-host bar opens @ 5:30pm; Dinner served at 6:30pm LOCATION: Historic Hat Creek Ranch, 11 km. north of Cache Creek TICKETS: $26.00 for adults (includes starter salad, main course, dessert coffee/tea) For more information and to purchase tickets, please contact Tracy Liesch (250) 453-9151 Ext 234, Lois Miller (250) 453-9151 Ext 201, (Please reserve your tickets by May 29, 2014)

The Journal office will be closed Monday, May 19th and Tuesday, May 20th


Box 190, 402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC, V0K 1A0

The Journal Thursday, May 15, 2014


Pole drops on Village truck Ashcroft’s new garbage truck proved that it was made of sterner stuff last Tuesday, May 6 just before noon when a power pole fell on top of it while staff were collecting garbage. Driver Joe Paulos had to remain inside the truck for two hours and 20 minutes while BC Hydro crews came from Kamloops to cut power to the attached lines. Village administrator Michelle Allen said the pole had been marked for replacement by contractors who are checking all of the Hydro poles in town. She said the truck didn’t touch the pole or wires when it suddenly came down. She added that BC Hydro has indicated that it will pay for the truck’s repairs. “Where it fell was probably the best place” it could have to cause the least amount of damage. Some of the electronics will need to be fixed, like the cameras that were smashed. “It’s a brand new truck,” she said. “It’s supposed to last 20 years!” She said that after the accident, the public works crew told her that the truck was working perfectly, and that they’d been tweaking it so that everything was working just right! She said it was disappointing that Hydro took so long to arrive, but the Village is grateful that the accident wasn’t worse. “It brought back lot of memories for most of us,” she said, of Village worker Dave McKay’s death

14 yrs ago. “Same street, same wires, same time of year,” she said, although he was in a tree when he contacted live wires. The Village’s safety training paid off, said Allen. Paulos driver killed the engine and didn’t get out, and he called for help. The pole had three transformers on it, weighting 900 pounds each. Hazardous Materials specialists, BC HAZMAT attended to clean up the leak from the transformers. At their May 12 meeting, Ashcroft Council publicly thanked Allen for her dilligence in attending to the accident. They also thanked the Public Works crew, “thanking them and recognizing that they did a great job in following their training for emergencies like this,” said Mayor Andy Anderson. Coun. Helen Kormendy said the incident made her wonder how many poles around town needed replacing, and how much of a danger they constituted to the public. “You have a rotten pole that could go at any time,” said said. “It could have fallen on children playing nearby...” She urged Council to send a letter to BC Hydro asking them what their plan is for other poles in town that have been earmarked for replacing. Allen and some of the Council members noted that they had seen “red-circled” poles around town which indicated that they were rotten and needed to be replaced.

Ashcroft’s garbage truck was struck by a power pole last week by Hillside Apartments.

MMBC program won’t turn back Jeff Nagel Black Press Several agricultural businesses are vowing to defy Multi Material BC and refuse to pay into the new package recycling system. Kelvin McCulloch, CEO of the Buckerfield’s chain of farm supply stores, said his

firm and other mainly garden suppliers will try to develop their own stewardship program to collect and recycle their packaging in compliance with provincial government regulation. He said he’s abandoned hope the government might freeze the MMBC system, set to take effect May 19, and added a court challenge is one option if setting up a separate program proves unworkable. Several letters sent by firms including Eddi’s Wholesale Garden Supplies, Cinnabar Valley Farms and Cobs Breads have gone to government serving notice they won’t comply. McCulloch maintains MMBC is an illegitimate, unaccountable “monopoly” that businesses have been “coerced” by the province to join because there’s no real alternative. Higher fees The Ashcroft and District Lions Club last week made a donation towards the Ashcroft Wellness Festival. than are charged Committee member Andrea Walker (left) accepts the donation from Lion President Nick Lebedoff. by a similar Pictures are (L-R) Walker, Deb Tuohey, Joan Henderson, Lebedoff, Jack Jeyes, Lion Vivian Edwards, package-andand Bob Tuohey. The local Lions club, with help from the Logan Lake Lions, will be offering pancake paper recycling scheme in Onbreakfasts on Saturday and Sunday mornings, and hamburgers throughout the day on Saturday.

Lions support Wellness Festival

tario is a key complaint. But Environment Minister Mary Polak said misinformation about the program is rampant in the business community and much of it is coming from McCulloch. “He refuses to listen to the information provided him,” she said, adding Buckerfield’s is likely largely exempt from MMBC fees because most of its products go to farms, not consumers. Likewise, she said, many other businesses wrongly believe their fees will be much higher than is the case, due to either low flat fees or exemptions for all but the largest generators of packaging. The decision to make companies whose packaging enters the waste stream responsible for the costs of handling it was a national agreement with other environment ministers, she said. Those who want to go their own way can still pursue an alternative stewardship system, Polak said, adding breweries are advancing their own system and talks are also underway with the newspaper industry. Polak said MMBC can’t be subject to provincial audits – as McCulloch has demanded – because it is not an arm of government, but is regulated and accountable as a non-profit. She said organizations representing dairy farms, landscaping and nursery firms, as well as the B.C. Agriculture Council, are See MMBC on p. 9

A 4 Published every Thursday in Ashcroft by Black Press Ltd. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber

The Editor’s Desk

Thursday, May 15, 2014 The Journal




The growing season is upon us What is it that drives some people to grow things, create things? After all these years, I still haven’t decided if it’s hardwired into our species to grow and hunt for our food, or if it’s just a pleasant past time that we indulge in. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a farmer - just like my mom, even though her tales of her parents’ farming experience in Saskatchewan during the Depression should have been more than enough to deter me. As she would be the first to tell you, though, her daughter is stubborn as a mule. And she did sort of encourage me with the huge backyard garden she and my father kept year after year. Even as an adult, while I was deciding which post secondary school to attend, I wanted to keep goats and bees and grow herbs and... that piglet on the brochure from the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph made me decide - to years of university and two years learning to be a farmer. Except, by the time two years at university were up, my parents had finally convinced me to finish my - mostly worthless as far as finding a job - degree before starting a new school. After that was done, I decided to visit a couple on the east coast that I was corresponding with. They were a back to nature couple living on an island off the western tip of Nova Scotia. Except they turned out to be not quite so open to visitors I started making plans to go. Well, I went anyway. And since I had to wait in Halifax for two days for my bicycle to arrive (even though we left Windsor on the train at the same time), I ended up living in Halifax for a time. Funny how plans change. It’s nice when the change is easy; not so nice when it’s unpleasant and unwanted. But my urge to grow things hasn’t changed. I’ve lived in rooming houses and apartments with as little as a bedside table to grow crops on, but I’ve tried. They never last for long. Especially not with cats around. The only difference is, I don’t see myself as a goatherder these days. Catherder, maybe.


THE LIGHT at the end of the stable is where the door is

Has the sunset for fossil fuels arrived?

by Phil Elder CALGARY, AB/ Troy Media/ Let’s do a thought experiment. Pretend you’re a shareholder in an oil and gas, or coal, company. At the annual general meeting, the Treasurer cheerfully states the impressive net present value of the company’s reserves, while the CEO announces a multi-million dollar exploration budget for the coming year. But you’re nervous. Recently you read the International Energy Agency’s announcement that two-thirds of presently known fossil fuel reserves can never be burned if the world is to avoid catastrophic, human-caused climate change. In fact, the notoriously conservative IEA predicts an intolerable rise in global temperatures of up to six degrees Celsius if we carry on business as usual. You also know that virtually every serious scientist on earth agrees with the IEA, even though debate continues on some of the complex details. Major cuts in greenhouse gas emissions are essential. You also know that American money managers with $2 trillion of assets have written to the major petroleum companies and the big utilities in the U. S. to ask how they will deal with these about-to-be-stranded fossil fuel assets which are so overvalued on their balance sheets. Finally, you wonder how the rumoured substantial increase in Alberta’s fee on carbon will affect corporate economics. Has your company also radically overstated the value of reserves which may never be burned? Is it not risky to spend more money exploring for more? What should you do? You’re not an expert. But maybe you’ll stand up and

ask if the Board of Directors is risking the company by assuming the future will be like the past. On the other hand, if you’re the shy, retiring type, maybe you won’t challenge anyone publicly. In either case, you would probably sell your shares and look elsewhere for less risky opportunities. Of course, your company could be one of the lucky ones. If it’s a low-cost producer of conventional light oil, perhaps it will be able to pay the carbon fee and still sell every last barrel at a profit. But high-cost producers will be in big trouble. On May 9, Dr. Tom Rand, a brilliant venture capitalist and policy analyst, gave a powerful presentation at the University of Calgary, where he argued that IF a carbon fee is used to “internalize the externalities” and end the free dumping of greenhouse gas emissions into our atmosphere, renewable energy will be cheaper than all but the lowestcost fossil fuels. (This fee will also spur significant energy conservation.) His only question is whether we can scale up the huge conversion to renewable energy fast enough. What we voters have to do is tell governments to set a proper fee on carbon. If we do so, clean, renewable energy will displace the highest cost fossil fuels (oil sands and coal) because of market economics, “the most powerful tool we have at our disposal”. In his book, Waking the Frog (whose title refers to the well-known metaphor of a cold-blooded frog in a pot adjusting to incremental temperature increases until it dies in boiling water), Dr. Rand argues that: “The good news is that we can solve the climate problem. The capital we need sits in our pension funds and money marEMAIL:



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402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625


Terry Daniels


Wendy Coomber


Anne Blake


Barbara Roden

kets, the policy tools we need to unlock it are well understood (if politically problematic), and existing clean technology and emerging innovations are fully capable of powering our civilization. Aggressive action is nowhere near as expensive as opponents claim.” Rand argues that a carbon fee of $50 or $60 per tonne would so accelerate the scale-up of clean tech renewable energy that we would be on the path toward reducing carbon emissions by the necessary 80 per cent by 2050. “A price on carbon is not a left-wing conspiracy to control the world. It is the best tool in our arsenal to unleash the might of our industry, capital and entrepreneurs ....” Another important point he makes is that there is no “us”, the good renewable guys, and “them”, the reactionary coal-burning utilities and oil sands operators. We are all immersed in the pot of hot water. If we help each other, everybody can climb out. And we do need each other. Rand says that “Exxon is not going to be replaced; it must be forced to evolve.” We need “policy that directly engages the existing energy giants” and other big players, including pension funds with the necessary long-term time frame. If they come on board, we can build the necessary renewable energy infrastructure quickly enough to avoid climatic shifts that would cause unimaginable hardship. Albertans need not fear this energy shift. In fact, we could be world leaders in the 21st century’s energy system, unless we cling to outmoded 20th century thinking. Phil Elder is Emeritus Professor of Environmental and Planning Law with the Faculty of Environmental Design at the University of Calgary.

Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

The Journal Thursday, May 15, 2014


Daffodil Month a local success for CCS Dear Editor, On behalf of the Canadian Cancer Society, I would like to thank the communities of Ashcroft, Cache Creek and surrounding areas for supporting Daffodil Month during April. Almost everyone is affected by this disease, either by personal diagnosis or that of a loved one. By wearing a daffodil pin in April we collectively stood together to show people living with cancer that they are not alone in the fight. The following businesses showed their support by placing a Daffodil Box in their establishments. A special thanks to Ashcroft and Cache Creek Liquor Stores, Ashcroft Bakery, Peoples’ Drug Store, OK Stop Gas Station, Anie’s Pizza, Husky House Gas Station and Restaurant, Dairy Queen, Copper Canyon Chevron and Shell Canada Products. Thanks to the generosity of each one of you who made a donation, our communities raised $1214.50. These dollars will continue to help fund the most promising research, offer vital support to those living with cancer, and try to prevent cancer by educating Canadians about early detection and advocating for healthy public policies. Maria Russell Martin Ashcroft

Transport system can handle bitumen Dear Editor Re: Columns by David Black, ‘Shipping bitumen in tankers a bad decision’ (April 24) and ‘Kitimat

refinery the bitumen solution’ (May 1). Continued safe marine and pipeline transport of hydrocarbons is in everybody’s interest so Canadians can realize value for resources and oil producers can continue to deliver jobs and economic benefits. No one wants a spill of any product at any time. The performance track record over the past 50 years is good, but even still, work is ongoing to improve prevention and ensure producers, transportation companies and spill-responders have the best information available to manage products safely and make the best plans possible for response, containment and clean-up in the event of an incident. Black’s articles incorrectly suggested the Canadian oil industry is not interested in the proposed refinery project and that transporting diluted bitumen is more risky than transporting other types of oil because of its chemical properties. Fact is, oil producers are seeking increased access to existing and new markets – in Canada, the United States and internationally – to satisfy market demand for increasing Canadian oil production. All options to achieve that goal are worthy of study. And diluted bitumen – oil sands bitumen diluted with natural gas liquids that allow it to flow – is no more dangerous than other types of crude oil. Chemically, there’s nothing about diluted bitumen the transportation system cannot be prepared to manage. Whether it moves by pipelines or tankers, diluted bitumen meets all the same specifica-



tions and behaves the same as other crude oils. Oil floats on water if it has an API gravity above water’s 10 degree API gravity. Diluted bitumen has an API gravity of 20-22 degrees. Any type of oil spilled in water, eventually “weathers” and can be driven below the surface by waves or currents. Diluted bitumen behaves the same way. There have been several scientific studies completed on diluted bitumen. Earlier this year, the federal government released a research study that demonstrated diluted bitumen floats on salt water – even after evaporation and exposure to light. The study was commissioned by Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Natural Resources Canada as part of the government’s plan to implement a world-class prevention, preparedness and response regime for marine transportation. Results of the study will be used to inform spill responders and help guide more research. Our industry is focused on responsible development of Canada’s resources. We welcome transparency on our safety and environmental performance, based on sound science.

18 hole Tournament with a Steak or Chicken Dinner to follow. 4 Person Teams playing 4 ball best ball. $60 per person, all proceeds will be going to the Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. Shot gun start 10 a.m. To register and reserve carts please contact Dave at Semlin Valley Golf Course 240-457-6666


Residents and property owners in Spences Bridge in Electoral Area “I” (Blue Sky Country) are invited to attend a public information meeting to discuss the proposed establishment of a service area and annual contribution for a park and recreation service on the grounds of the former Spences Bridge Elementary School. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING DATE: Wednesday May 21, 2014 TIME: 5:30 pm PLACE: Spences Bridge (Archie Clemens) Community Hall 3641 Highway 8, Spences Bridge Please plan to attend. Director Steven Rice Electoral Area “I” (Blue Sky Country)




See LETTERS on p. 6

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Thursday, May 15, 2014 The Journal


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As producers, we transport oil with care and attention at all times. We expect all transportation providers to deliver safe services in a responsible manner. Greg Stringham Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers Calgary Letters from p. 5

Diluted bitumen too dangerous at sea Dear Editor In a letter to this paper Greg Stringham, on behalf of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, makes assertions about the behavior of diluted bitumen (dilbit) in salt water that are at best half-truths. He states that dilbit floats on salt water and that it is no more dangerous at sea than other types of oil. That is wrong. It is more dangerous at sea, and infinitely more so than refined fuels like diesel and gasoline. What Stringham doesn’t mention is that the same report from Environment Canada that he quotes from, goes on to say that dilbit sinks in seawater when there

is sediment present. Another study by a top U.S. environmental chemist, Jeff Short, says the same thing. It was filed by the Gitxaala Nation to the National Energy Board in March 2013, so Stringham is well aware of it. That study says animal and plant matter like plankton, as well as sediment, cause the dilbit to sink. Our entire coast has sediment and plankton in abundance. All our rivers are glacial and full of silt. Plankton is omnipresent, which is why the whales are here, and shallow seas like Hecate Strait throw up huge amounts of sediment from the bottom in storms. Dilbit will sink in our waters if there is a spill and it will harden up like caulking material on beaches and the intertidal zone. The intertidal zone includes large mud flats in the midcoast because the tidal range is more than 20 feet there. How would we ever get them clean again? Stringham also says our Canadian oil industry is interested in the Kitimat refinery idea. That is news to me. I have talked to all the companies and there is no interest whatsoever.

That is why I am spearheading the project. It will keep dilbit out of tankers and provide an enormous value-add for BC. Canada’s oil industry needs a west coast pipeline. Coastal First Nations, the Yinka Dene First Nations, Prince Rupert, Kitimat, Terrace, Smithers, the provincial and federal NDP, the federal Liberals, the provincial and federal Green Party, many blue collar unions and the majority of folks in B.C. are against Northern Gateway’s idea of putting dilbit in tankers. A refinery is economically viable. Why is it so hard for our oil industry to see that the way forward is to build a green refinery which will cut greenhouse gases by 50 per cent, create thousands of jobs, generate billions of new annual taxes, and gain acceptance for a safe pipeline? David Black Kitimat Clean, Black Press

Waste to Energy creates more problems

This Victoria Day, treat yourself to Royal Tea. With Royalty.

as long as you do it to create energy. This is actually a simple solution for them, they can justify polluting the Fraser Valley airshed with toxic chemicals, and creating eternal wasteland at Ashcroft in the drainage of the lower Thompson, and solving the great trash problem of the GVRD population. They do this because they are not interested about our air quality in Hope and Chilliwack. They don’t see the eternal wasteland they’ve created in Cache Creek and Ashcroft. They don’t care that their solutions only add to the real problem of creating waste that’s not reusable or recyclable and mask it under the pretext of creating green energy. Their only concern is where the masses are voting and appeasing it, and that happens to be the lower mainland. So to even further make their case, they dream up their own energy price based on a dollar figure that justifies a profitable operation based on a price that is two and half times the norm. They do this so they can fool us into thinking that they are taking care of two problems (waste and energy) at once, but in reality, they are creating three (air pollution, ground water

Dear Editor Metro Vancouver politicians are insisting that burning our waste is okay (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX See LETTERS on p. 7

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The Journal Thursday, May 15, 2014


Summer music announced WTE opposition

AES Fun Fair next Thursday

Have fun, bring the kids and support the 6th Annual Ashcroft Elementary School Fundraising Fun Fair on Thursday, May 22 from 4-8 pm at AES school grounds (711 Hill Street) and gymnasium. Outdoor stage with performances from local artists and group demos. This is an all inclusive event – access to the six inflatable’s and kid’s activities by donation. Jampacked live entertainment featuring Chris The Clown, the local Karate Club, demos of local Zumba family fitness, Coach Trill’s obstacle course and live music on the outdoor stage - sponsored by Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society (WRAPS). There will also be games and activities in the gym including Cake/dessert walks, food concessions by local vendors, preschool play area, raffles of eight themed baskets, a Jo Petty painting framed print and an Adult and Child kayaks. Bringing our Community and School District together to honour, celebrate, and support our school. Please join us for a great evening of family fun and fundraising. Organized by the AES Parents Advisory Council. All are welcome! See you there!

Next Family Movie features Mr Peabody and Sherman

The Village of Cache Creek presents another fun Family Movie Night at the Cache Creek Community Hall. The feature movie this coming month is the prerelease DVD of Mr. Peabody and Sherman. Bring the whole family to see this wonderful movie on Sunday, June 1. Admission at the door. Doors open at 6:30 pm with the Movie starting at 7 pm. Special Hot Dog night! There will also be popcorn and goodies available for purchase at the concession supporting Cache Creek Elementary School’s Parent Advisory Council. Here’s a sneak peek about the movie: Mr. Peabody, the most accomplished dog in the world, and his mischievous boy Sherman use their time machine-the Wabac-to go on the most outrageous adventures known to man or dog. But when Sherman takes the Wabac out for a joyride to impress his friend Penny, they accidentally rip a hole in the universe, wreaking havoc on the most important events in world history. Before they forever alter the past, present and future, Mr. Peabody must come to their rescue, ultimately facing the most daunting challenge of any era: figuring out how to be a parent. Together, the time-traveling trio will make their mark on history.

CREATIVE CURRENT Nadine Davenport creativecurrent@

Knitting is Knifty

The Knifty Kneedlers offers Knitting and Crochet drop in lessons on Wednesdays at 7 pm at Anie’s Pizza. Cost is needles or yarn or bring your own. Call (250) 4579999 for more information.

Ashcroft’s Music In the Park summer line up released

Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society presents 2014 Music In The Park Summer Concert Series in Ashcroft. The popular evening Concerts at the Gazebo in Heritage Place Park on Railway Ave. are held throughout the Summer in June, July and August and are every 2nd and 4th Wednesday night from 6:30-9:30 pm. Music in the Park is a series of live musical performances featuring an eclectic mix of musical genres and styles that appeals to a wide range of audience tastes. Everything from single and duo folk performers, Eclectic Tangoinfluenced, Country, First Nations, Reggae and Rap artists and even good old Rock’n’Roll. This Season promised to be extra special. Not only will we be treated to the music some of the greatest artists in Canada - but we will also be proudly showcasing our magnificent home-grown talent as well! This year the show starts at 6:30 pm for the opening acts and 7 pm for the feature. Here’s a complete line up of touring artists coming to town. On June 11, Singer Songwriter Shawna Caspi, June 25 Canadian Songsmith, Joe Charron, July 9 Juno winning multi instrumentalists Pugs and Crows, July 23 - Saskia and Darrel, Just Duets who here for Canada Day in Ashcroft will be here again on Aug. 13 and the Grand Finale on Aug. 27 will feature hometown faves, Spriritus Mundii and the The Melawmen Collective – should be a great summer! The WRAP society hopes everyone enjoys the music all summer long! Look for posters around town and take home one of the small handouts that will be available at local retailers. Also why not check out for info on all the upcoming artists and their music. So bring a chair, a blanket, a picnic dinner or buy dinner from one of our food vendors. Pass-that-Hat donations encouraged. Come early - the park fills up fast.

leeching, and wasteland), all in order to get reelected and keep their fat salaries, and it’s all based on an unreal hypothetical situation. Now Hydro has come out and said that these projects do not qualify as clean energy producers, so now the price goes unsustainable, so if they go ahead, they’ll be subsidized by the taxpayer. In the meantime, we all get to breathe carcinogens that blow east. If that isn’t bad enough, they also turned once pristine country into eternal wastelands, with the Cache Creek Landfill. We should all stand with Mayor Sharon Gaetz and the Fraser Valley Regional District and oppose this ridiculous system of creating product that’s not reusable or recyclable, but instead turned into poison on the concept of creating energy by burning garbage. Art Green Hope

Village of Cache Creek 250-457-6237

Letters from p. 6


The Village of Cache Creek has an opening for a one year contract for Activities Programmer Services. This contract position will be directly responsible for the day-to-day planning, coordinating and scheduling of recreation activities for the Village of Cache Creek. The Village of Cache Creek’s objectives for the Activities Programmer is to engage youth, adults and seniors in a variety of activities, events and programs that promote the use of Village facilities and encourage a healthier community. Required Qualifications: • Valid Class 5 Drivers License Preferred Qualifications: • Strong organizational skills along with excellent customer service skills • Experience working with the public, staff and external agencies • Experience in recreation, marketing or a related field • Completion of Grade 12 or equivalent • Emergency First Aid The rate of pay for this contract position is $15 per hour, not to exceed 40 hours per month. Contact the Village office for the “Terms of Reference” for the Activities Programmer Services. Please send your resume along with a covering letter to: Village of Cache Creek Box 7 1389 Quartz Road Cache Creek BC V0K 1H0 FAX: Email:

See LETTERS on p. 11


Applications must be received on or before Friday, May 23, 2014.

Cache Creek Pool 250-457-9135

Opening Day is Saturday, May 17th, 2014

FREE ADMISSION FOR 2014 SEASON! May & June Schedule







10:00 - 12:00






12:00 - 1:00

Adult Swim

Adult Swim

Adult Swim

Adult Swim

Adult Swim

1:00 - 2:00 *Aqua Fit Starts May 21

Aqua Fit/ Rentals


Aqua Fit/ Rentals


Aqua Fit/ Rentals

3:00 - 5:00

Public Swim

Public Swim

Public Swim

Public Swim

Public Swim

5:00 - 6:00






6:00 - 8:00

Public Swim

Twisted Tuesdays

Public Swim

Public Swim

Public Swim

8:00 - 9:00

Adult Swim

Adult Swim

Adult Swim

Adult Swim

Adult Swim


Weekends & Holidays

12:30 - 4:30

Public Swim

6:00 - 9:00

Public Swim

Public Swimming, including Adult Swim, is FREE for Summer 2014 Dip and Dive at the Cache Creek Pool Summer is on the way, get out your bathing suit, grab your flippers, and join us at the Cache Creek Pool May 17th. Join us for Water Fight Nights, Fit for Life Aquafit, Graffiti Days, swimming lessons and many more events. This Victoria Day long weekend, May 18th to May 19th, is the Opening Weekend! The public swim hours are 12:30 to 4:30 pm and 6:00 to 9:00 pm. There are games, activities and fun planned for all ages Saturday during the afternoon swim. Senior’s Fit for Life presents: Aqua Fit. Increase your strength, balance, core and cardio while exercising gently on your joints. Have fun while you work toward a healthier you! All ages and fitness levels welcome. Ability to swim is not necessary. Welcoming back Vicky Trill, classes will run weekly from 1:00 to 2:00 pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, starting May 21st. Take advantage of swimming lessons this summer.

The Red Cross Swim program helps people of all ages to be stronger and more competent swimmers, educates about dangers around aquatic environments, safe boating, and much more. Lesson registration will be open May 20th during public swimming hours. Limited spots are available. Enjoy being out in the sun and around water? Are you 13 years of age or older? Train to become a lifeguard! Lifeguard training will be available through Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross courses. Classes are dependent upon interest. Important dates to remember are June 7th and July 1st. Graffiti Days will be hosted at Cache Creek Park over the weekend of June 7th as well as Canada Day July 1st. The Cache Creek Pool will be open from 12:30 - 8:00 pm for both events! The staff at the Cache Creek pool are excited to see you come out and have a good time! If you have any questions or ideas please call 250-457-9135. FREE ADMISSION for 2014 SEASON!

Thursday, May 15, 2014 The Journal


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The Journal Thursday, May 15, 2014


Semlin Valley Golf Course SLAMMIN’ SAMMY’S SEMLIN VALLEY SPECIAL! 250-457-6666

Industry working out deals MMBC from p. 3

now part of an MMBC advis-

ory council. As for demands for a freeze on the program, Polak said that’s not possible. “We are way too far down the road to be pausing it,” she said. Doing so would stop the rollout of curbside blue box pickup to smaller communities that haven’t had it before, throw into chaos collection arrangements in cities where MMBC is set to take over and block the flow of MMBC payments to most municipalities that will continue as contractors under the new system, she said.

“If suddenly you told the Capital Regional District they’re going to have to find $4.8 million, I don’t think anyone would find that very acceptable.” Asked if businesses that don’t pay into MMBC will soon face provincially imposed fines, Polak said enforcement may vary according to how much waste is generated. “Tim Horton’s is part of the program,” she said. “If they hadn’t signed on maybe there’s a more serious discussion about penalties than if you’re dealing with a medium-sized flower grower or something like that.

2 people, 18 holes, with power cart

$69.00 plus taxes

2 people, 9 holes, with power cart

$52.00 plus taxes

One km East of Cache Creek on Highway 1

Dennis Charles Daniels March 7, 1949 to April 20, 2014

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of a loving husband, dedicated loving father, grandfather, son, brother, uncle and friend. Dennis’s life was filled with family, friends, music, sailing and golf. In true Daniels fashion, we will be holding a “Celebration of Dennis’s Life” on Saturday May 24, 2014, at the Cache Creek Community Hall starting at 7:00 pm. There will be music, dancing, food and drink, and lots of laughter. Bring your instruments and your memories to share.

Spring Interior and Exterior Paint and Stain Sale Now through May 31st, see in-store for details

ASHCROFT IRLY TIM-BR-MART Building Supplies & Garden Centre

For all your Electronic needs

On the corner of Railway and 5th • 250-453-2281

A 10

Thursday, May 15, 2014 The Journal


Bancroft Street thick with memories and faces of Old Ashcroft by Esther Darlington MacDonald Of all the streets and avenues in Ashcroft that are redolent with history, Bancroft Street is undoubtedly the oldest and most memorable for me. When you live in a community long enough, the social history as well as the dwellings them-

selves become a part of you. So much so, that you can’t drive by those two short blocks without the past experiences there surfacing again and again. Thinking of that corner, Bancroft and 4th, for example, I’m back in the kitchen of Nina and Alfie Robertson, brother

and sister who never married and whom lived for many years in the house directly across the street from Zion United Church. The stories that Nina told me as we sat sipping tea of an afternoon became part and parcel of more than several articles for The Journal. Nina lived at a time when stage coaches were still trotting up the dust of the road YOUR LAWYER MAKES THE DIFFERENCE... to Lillooet. And she remembered vividly the excitement when one stopped and passengers dismounted and were treated to hot tea and a meal before carrying on. As we sat in the cozy Serving the BC Interior since 1911 warmth of the wood stove, Nina’s memories were alHeather Johnston is in the Ashcroft office on Wednesdays ways tinged with a kind of Call to make an appointment wonder. Wonder that she had lived through that time? Or, 1-800-374-3350  simply a manifestation of the kind of spirit and freshASHCROFT ness of a mind not willing KAMLOOPS to “dwell on the unpleasant 401 Railway Avenue 300 - 180 Seymour Street things of life”. For I was told (in the RE/MAX office) Tel 250.374.3344 that Nina worked hard all her Tel 250.453.2320 Fax 250.374.1144 life at the ranch, still known Fax 250.453.2622 as The Robertson Ranch. She worked not only in the tallish two storey house on the edge of the field, but also in the fields at hay time. Still, in old age, she smiled a lot. And somehow, the Scottish accent of her parents remained with her. For example, she would tell me how “bonny” I looked on a given day. Nina herself, looked bonny. Red cheeks, even features, strong jaw May 16th line, dancing eyes that were so much younger than her 9:00am Opening of Clinton Museum years. Nina and Alfie attended May 17th the one roomed school house 5:00pm Annual May Ball on the Hat Creek Ranch meadow. The building, mirMay 23rd aculously, is still there. She would speak of personalities 11:00am Barbecue at Integris Credit Union at the turn of the century, 1:30pm Old Timer’s Tea at Clinton Memorial Hall names like Fanny Faucault, Doc English, Johnny MorMay 24th gan, she knew them all.

Integris Credit Union Invites you to Clinton Heritage Week & Rodeo

11:00am Parade 12:00pm The Clinton Lions Club Beef in a Bun 1:00pm Rodeo 5:00pm The Clinton 4-H Club Steak Dinner 8:00pm Rodeo Dance Featuring Barney Bentall & Dustin Bentall May 25th 9:00am Rodeo Slack & Pancake Breakfast 1:00pm Rodeo 1 :00pm R odeo

CU Soon.

Nina would some times walk across Bancroft to visit Evelyn Cavell. Ted and Evelyn Cavell lived in the L-shaped cottage one cottage behind the corner of Bancroft and 4th. That cottage, too, is still there and very much lived in. Some of those cottages on Bancroft live and breath that “lived in”, still comfortable feeling. They not only look and feel history, they remain testament to the permanence of a place that is cared for, preserved for the next generation. Evelyn Cavell would serve tea and home made cookies. You could sit at the table at the window with the cactus flowering in all its glory on the sill. A scene reminiscent of the kind of nostalgia painted so beautifully by the illustrator-artist Norman Rockwell. You would talk about all kinds of things. But I never heard gossip at that table. Talk was more growing things, about events, past and present. Of the weather. Of pet cats and dogs. Nina maintained that cats and dogs smiled. That made me look at my own in a different way. Conclusion. Yes, by gum, they do smile. Further down Bancroft, was the cottage of the Richards sisters. They, too, never married. Like Nina and Alfie Robertson, the sisters lived in the home of their deceased parents. Richards had been the village postmaster for years. Active in many affairs, including the historical society. It kind of amazed me, that those pioneer folk like Richards, Parke and Dr. Sanson realized they were making history for generations to come. Yes, even then, back before the First World War, they formed a historical society bent on the preservation of buildings and preserving documents and memories in a village that had not yet had a museum. It was R.D. Cumming, who published The Journal and lived on Bancroft Street at the corner of 5th and Bancroft, who put together the first museum upstairs in The Journal office. They said the Cumming gardens adjacent to the two story house was the most beautiful in town. It was sad to see that house go to rack and ruin years later, and the lot that had once been filled with flowers and shrubs, go to dirt and gravel. Now, of course, the corner is graced by new homes, and flowers flourish inside the years and outside. The Richards sisters loved cats. They fed so many of them, that the neighborLytton hood soon over ran 1968 Lytton-Lillooet Road/Hwy 12 with feral cats. I can from 10am-4pm still see one of the sisters coming out of the SpenceS Bridge front door with a dish 9549 Hwy 8 • from 8am-6pm of milk in her hand, and the cats gathering on the veranda. cLinton The scene remained in the mind’s eye so 5 Boyd Pit Road • from 8am-4pm long, that I finally Loon Lake painted a picture of 1691 Loon Lake Rd • from 8am-6pm it. A night scene. The TNRD will pay for $20 of your load on Dump first I’d ever painted. Day. Any waste with a total tipping fee value And the figure of one over $20 the difference must be paid by the of the sisters, and two customer (EX. Load is $25, TNRD pays first more figures walk-

$20 Dump Day Events Sunday, May 25

Saturday, May 31

$20 and customer owes $5).

See BANCROFT on p. 11

The Journal Thursday, May 15, 2014


Some things never change ing toward Zion United church, the church windows aglow. The painting was shown in Merritt and purchased by a resident of Squamish. The Teshima family still live on Bancroft. A more charming cottage, more lovingly cared for inside and out can’t be imaged. Flowers grow on the borders, and fruit trees bloom in the front yard. The cottage has one of those tent shaped roofs, and the cottage behind, painted in the same colors and in the same lot, adds more of a dimension and character to the whole. That end of Bancroft has several fine older homes. All well kept up. It is a street with a great Dear Editor sense of place We have a serand time, that ious shortage of Street. I’ve doctors in BC and been in several of those Alberta. Walk in houses and clinics are becom-

Bancroft from p. 10


Call MP, MLA about doctors

ing more and more common. I think that they are a very poor substitute for a family doctor, who knows his or her patient’s history and can base treatment on that knowledge and also send patients to specialit when necessary. I think that the government should pay half the tuition cost, so that young people can afford to become doctors with the proviso that they stay in Canada for at least five years after they are trained. Phone Mark Strahl’s office at 1-604-847-9711. He is the Federal representative for this area. Also you can go to Jackie Tegart’s office on Railway Ave. between 10 and 4 on week days. Her office phone number is 250-4539726. Let these people know how you feel. Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease! Pat Baker Ashcroft

known their owners. Interviewed and wrote the personal histories of two of the residents. People who had contributed so much in the way of building the character of the village. Teachers, a cannery manager during the 30s and 40s, when the big cannery on Railway produced canned tomatoes, catsup and pumpkin for many years. Yes, a town and a village can change over the years. Change quite dramatically. Newer buildings mushroom. Modern. But the past is still very much visible in Old Ashcroft. At the end of Bancroft, buildings no less part of the growing history still stand. Are still looked after. I recall the building that was a dry cleaning and laundry establishment when we first moved to Ashcroft. It is now a private dwelling. The tall house of the Copeland family is at the corner of 3rd and Bancroft. And across the street, the tallish former Methodist manse is beautifully preserved. A stone walk leads into an intimate garden setting. The octagonal window on the south end of the manse always intrigued me, and figured in one or two of my paintings. These houses face the clay cones of the slopes across the Thompson. Even the backs of those houses are full of char-

acter. Ross Darlington and I lived for many pleasant months in the cottage next to the manse. The interior of that cottage is so much roomier than appearances outside. Those old timers who built these cottages knew exactly where the light would be the best for house plants. And some of them hold fire places made of stones from our river shore. Those round stones with such subtle coloring, depending on the time of day. Once in a while, I hear somebody complain that “There is nothing to see in Ashcroft.” Nothing to see? Where are they looking? That Community Hall on Bancroft Street, was once a busy school house. Then it became the Village office. And now it is a completely refurbished hall for all kinds of events. I knew pioneer folk, now deceased, who went to school in that building. It would be wonderful to have the exterior restored some day. To its original siding. There are photographs available, I’m sure, if we ever had the finances to do that. Walking tours of Ashcroft have been in place during the summer for some time. Bancroft Street and Brink street houses all have a history. Living history remains one of the Village’s most attractive features.


Local, non-profit groups are invited to post their events on The Journal’s online COMMUNITY CALENDAR submit/

Do you have the Welcoming Touch?

If so, be an ambassador to Ashcroft visitors this summer by volunteering at the Ashcroft Visitors’ Centre. You will enjoy meeting new people and making a positive difference to their experience while visiting Ashcroft. A few hours training and a few hours once a week is all that it takes to be part of the team to share the best of Ashcroft with our summer visitors. For information call Alice Durksen at 250-453-9864 or email

Coming Events

May 20-23: Ashcroft Secondary School Grad 2015 bottle drive fundraiser, May 20 - 23. Drop off any recyclable bottles at the high school (435 Ranch Road) between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, and support the 2015 grads! May 22: AES Fun Fair from 4-8 pm at the school. Inflatables, games, entertainment, raffles and food. Entry by donation.

! Y A D L SA


HAZARDOUS Household Waste Round-Up Saturday May 24, 2014 9am-12pm

Residents can drop-off these items FREE of charge. Items collected will be safely disposed of, or recycled.

CACHE CREEK: Visitor Information Centre Parking Lot, 1270 Stage Rd.

If you are unsure if an item will be accepted contact the TNRD at: 1.877.377.8673

What is accepted? • Adhesives • Aerosols • Antifreeze • Batteries • Corrosive/toxic liquids • Gasoline • Kerosene • Mercury and mercury containing items (i.e. old thermostats) • Paint • Paint thinner • PCB ballasts • Pesticide/Herbicides • Pool chemical • Propane tanks • Oil • Oil filters & plastic containers less than 30L • Cleaners • Compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs • Fluorescent light tubes • Fertilizer • Expired fire extinguishers • Grease & tar

May 24: Spring Clean Sale - Ashcroft Legion, 300 Brink Street. 10 am to 1 pm. For information Loraine 250-4539248 May 24: 16 Mile Community Yard Sale 10:00am - 3:00pm. At the Community Lot on Hills Frontage Rd. Bring your own tables. For information call 250-457-9975 . May 31: Ashcroft Secondary School Travel Club Yard and Bake Sale at the high school 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Please drop off donations at the high school Mon. - Fri. 9 - 3; if you need items picked up call Colleen (250-453-9144) or Deanna (250-453-9794), or e-mail deannahorsting123@ Tues. evenings: Trap shooting now open at 4:30 at the trap range above the airstrip in Cache Creek. Beginners welcome: no shotgun required. For info call 250-453-570. Ashcroft - Cache Creek Seniors’ Group meets on the third Thursday of the month at 1:00 pm at the Seniors’ Centre, Village Office, Ashcroft.

Add your community events to our online calendar at

Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion FRI., MAY 16th • 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Roast Chicken Dinner $10/plate

MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm

Small electrical appliances and electronic waste now accepted!

Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts every Thursday at 7:30 pm

* Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre, first & third Sunday of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August)


Thompson-Nicola Regional District

250.377.8673 1.877.377.8673 email:

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm



Take me out to the ball game

During my 10-yearold daughter’s baseball practice I made a quick trip to Starbucks, where I bought myself an overpriced chai tea latte. Arriving back at the park it was announced that I was just in time for a game – parents against kids. “That’s okay, I’ll just watch,” I said, holding up my venti-sized cup. “This was five bucks.” “I’ll give you the five bucks,” the coach responded. “Now grab a glove.” “But I’m afraid of the ball,” I said earnestly, trying to appeal to his compassionate side. It didn’t work. “Get out there, Welbourne,” he barked. “You’re playing.” “If I can do it you can too,” one of my friends said empathetically.

ON A BRIGHTER NOTE LORI WELBOURNE Other parents and kids chimed in as well. “Come on Mom,” my daughter hollered. “It’ll be fun!” I knew it wouldn’t be, but the peer pressure, combined with the request from Daisy quickly wore me down. I reluctantly did as I was told and walked out somewhere near the third base. I prayed to the baseball gods that the hard little round thing wouldn’t

May • Week 3 ARIES - Aries, your thoughts are distant right now, almost as if you’re living in a fantasy world. This is creatively beneficial but not so helpful for practical tasks. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, if you’re not careful, you could find yourself debating family and friends this week. Instead, try to sit back and listen rather than fostering debate. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, a realization about what is really important to you instills a renewed sense of confidence this week. You will be focused on important things. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, if your finances seem like they are in a state of upheaval, it could be because you have not looked at everything in black and white just yet. Make some changes. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 You come on too strong sometimes, Leo. Those who know you best can handle this approach, but you can scare off potential new friends if you do not ease up. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Be patient and do not demand too much of yourself during the next few days, Virgo. You need to keep your workload light; otherwise, you may get easily overwhelmed. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 This is a time to discover the value of others, Libra. A willingness to try new things and delegate some responsibilities will free up your calendar. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Certain personalities don’t always click, Scorpio. Don’t feel the need to overcompensate for a strained relationship. Spend more time with those with whom you connect. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Flexible thinking is key, Sagittarius, especially as you face a few new challenges this week. There are some opportunities to reconnect with family later in the week. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 A rush of activity fills your calendar and keeps your phone ringing off the hook, Capricorn. Your challenge will be separating the pressing events from others. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, paperwork has built up and requires more time than you had originally planned. There is no way to avoid this task, but a helper can make it move more quickly. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Moderation is your mantra for the week, Pisces. Do not let the pendulum swing too far in either direction.

come anywhere near me. Thankfully, it didn’t at first. The ball kept going up the middle toward a couple of grandparents. Watching them run for it and trying their best helped me connect with the “if I can do it, you can too” sentiment. My friend, who was also nervous about playing, was making an effort as well. Whenever the ball came near

her she’d cry out “oh no, oh no,” but she’d still try to catch it. At this point in the game, I hadn’t had much to do but sneak sips of my tea. When the ball finally came whipping in my direction it flew right at me and almost landed in my glove before I realized what was happening. If only I’d been paying more attention, I thought to myself, when it bounced off the inside of my borrowed mitt. All I had to do was close my hand and I would have caught the darn thing. After that I decided to stop worrying that the ball might come towards me and I started to expect that it would. I even envisioned myself catching it. But just as I began to

feel semi-confident that I could do this, the kids ran out to the field and it was the parents’ turn at bat. Walking up to the home plate, I thought about the last time I played softball almost 20 years ago. I had joined a beer league team because my husband, who was my athletic baseball player boyfriend at the time, thought it would be an enjoyable thing to do together. It wasn’t. Not for me anyway. The team was so competitive that many of the players would get mad when someone messed up, and I made mistakes all the time.

Thursday, May 15, 2014 The Journal

Playing parents against kids was a completely different experience, though. And just knowing my daughter was on the field watching me go up to bat made me want to swing to see what would happen. Who knows? Maybe I’d actually hit it. Shockingly, I did. On the first pitch I swung and hit the ball so hard and so fast it went flying right out of the ballpark, and with cheering fans and bases loaded I got a home run. Just kidding. There were no fans and I have no idea if anyone was on base. I hit

the thing just past the pitcher, anxiously ran to first base and prayed I wouldn’t trip, break a nail or get whacked in the head with the ball. Once I reached the plate my excited little girl ran in from outfield and gave me a high five. “Way to go Mom!” she yelled. “You did it!” It felt good to get a hit and make Daisy proud, but I knew she would have been pleased no matter what. It wasn’t about my performance, but my participation. I have now bought my own glove. Lori Welbourne is a syndicated columnist. She can be contacted at

The Journal Thursday, May 15, 2014


Ladies prepare for service Logan Lake Lions walk for guide dogs Seven ladies answered the Roll Call at the May meeting United Church Women of the United Church Women on May 6. Phyllis Gray President Reta Robertson welcomed ports were next: Dorothy Pears everyone. Joyce Freeman lead the for sunshine, Phyllis Gray for devotional from a booklet There publicity and in the absence of Is A Season by Betty Radford- Hilda Drinkwater, Reta reported Turcott. The theme was “come about archives. Reta reported ready to be changed.” The scrip- verbally on our Outreach proture was from Isaiah 64: 4-8. We gram which is collecting Campare the clay - God is the potter. We bell labels and used stamps for are fashioned to be useful in our Christian work, and the latest lives. We need to open ourselves news about Soups On. Thank you to the loving hand of God the pot- to those who save the labels and ter. Joyce closed with prayer. used stamps which are sent in for Old Business was next on Christian work elsewhere. Keep the agenda and the first item was them coming! planning for our church service We then paused for refreshon June 1. Reta spent consider- ments and fellowship. able time putting together the New Business was next and parts for some of us to read. Other new Our Daily Bread booklets items were dealt with. were handed out. The memorial Correspondence was gone tea for the Lehman’s service was through. Thank you cards were planned for. Jacky Desrosiers will received from some whom we be attending the BC Conference have remembered at special times for UCWs with Lynn Lancaster, in their lives. A spring news- past president, later this week. letter from 1st United in VancouThe next meting will be June ver about their work, and an up- 3 at 2 pm. We welcome any ladies date from Carmen the missionary who would like to come as a viswhom we help with her work. itor or join us to see what we are A written report was hand- all about. The meeting adjourned ed out by our treasurer Colleen and we repeated the UCW BeneMireau and voted on. Verbal re- diction.


From everyday support to finding help when it’s needed most, Dog Guides are a central part in helping many Canadians with disabilities step towards independence, including some living in Logan Lake. Participants in the Logan Lake Purina® Walk for Dog Guides on Sunday, June 1 can help provide Dog Guides at no cost to those who need it most. This 5 km walk takes place at Maggs Park and begins at 11 a.m. There is no registration fee and all of funds raised

OMG! BFF! OMG!It’s It’s your your BFF! And suchaaQT! QT! AndFYI: FYI:he’s he’s such OMG! It’s your BFF! And FYI: he’s such a QT!

go towards providing Dog Guides. For more information, to register, or donate, please visit The Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides has provided specially trained Dog Guides since 1983 at no cost to qualified applicants across Canada. Each Dog Guide costs approximately $25,000 to raise and train. The Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides relies solely on the support of

Community Volunteer Groups The Royal Canadian Legion #113

301 Brink St., Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 Phone: 250-453-2423 Fax # 250-453-9625

South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society

601 Bancroft St. Box 603, Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 250-453-9656

Ashcroft and District Fall Fair Contact Person: Janna 250-457-6614 Contact Person: Jessica 250-457-7128

Ashcroft Soup’s On

District Commissioner: Marcie Down

Ashcroft-Cache Creek Rotary Club

Contact Person: Karin Magnuson Phone 250-457-6629

Desert Spokes Cycle Society Phone 250-457-9348

Ashcroft Curling Club Phone 250-453-2341 Ashcroft & District Rodeo Association

Ducks Unlimited Canada

Ashcroft Volunteer Fire Department

Ashcroft/Cache Creek Volunteer Chapter Phone 250-374-8307

Ashcroft and Masonic Lodge Zarthan Lodge No#105 Contact Person: Fred Dewick

Phone 250-453-2415

Ashcroft & District Tennis Association Contact Person: Maria Russell Martin Phone 250-453-9391

Ashcroft & District Lions Club

Contact Person: Lion Vivian Phone 250-453-9077

Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors Assc.

601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9762

601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9944

347 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp Contact Person: Lt. (N) Curran 250-319-3461 Alexine Johannsson 250-453-2661 email:

Ashcroft Communities in Bloom

Contact Persons: Andrea Walker 250-453-9402 or Marijke Stott 250-453-0050

Taoist Tai Chi Contact Person: Danita Howard

Phone 250-453-9907 e-mail:

Ashcroft Hospice Program Shirley 250-453-9202

Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society

Sage & Sand Pony Club

St. Alban’s Anglican Church Hall, 501 Brink Street Tel: 250-453-9909 or 250-453-2053 - All Welcome

The Ashcroft & District Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Store

Fetch aa Friend Fetch Friend Fetch a Friend from today! from theSPCA SPCAtoday! today! fromthe the SPCA

fundraising events, as well as donations from service clubs, corporations, foundations and individuals throughout Canada. Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides trains six different types of Dog Guides: Canine Vision Dog Guides; Hearing Ear Dog Guides; Service Dog Guides; Seizure Response Dog Guides; Autism Assistance Dog Guides; and Diabetic Alert Dog Guides. Submitted

Contact Person: Nadine 450.453.9100

Canadian Red Cross - Health Equipment Loan Program (H.E.L.P.) Ashcroft Hospital - 250-453-2244

Desert Bells Handbell Choir Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119

Sage Sound Singers Adult Community

Phone: 250-457-9390

Phone 250-453-2233

Cache Creek Volunteer Fire Department Phone 250-457-9967

South Cariboo Sportsmen Assc. #3366 Attn: Marian Pitt, Box 341, Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0

Soccer Association Contact: Tom Watson

Phone 250-457-7178

Minor Hockey Association

Contact: Lewis Kinvig Phone 457-7489 or 299-3229 or

Historic Hat Creek Ranch Contact: Jack Jeyes

Phone 250-453-2259

Kinsmen Club of South Cariboo Contact Person: Dave 250-453-9062

Cache Creek Recreation Society Contact Person: Jackie

Phone 250-457-9122

Bridging to Literacy

Contact Person: Ann Belcham 250-453-9417

The “Purpose of Sunday” Car Club President: Tom Lowe 240-457-6564

SCI Thompson River, B.C. Chapter Ken Brown - Phone: 250-453-9415

Ashcroft Yoga Group

Call Marijke - Phone: 250-453-0050

Second Time Around

201 Railway Ave., Ashcroft BC Anne Bonter 250-457-9781

Cache Creek Market and Cache Creek Garden Club Marcie Down 250-457-9630

Ashcroft Royal Purple Phone 250-457-9122

Choir Michelle Reid 250-457-9676

BC Lung Association Carolyn Chorneychuk, Director 250-453-9683

Cache Creek Beautification Society and Cache Creek Communities in Bloom

Ashcroft Cache Creek Better at Home

Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119

405 Railway Ave. 250-453-9911 - Sandy


A 14

BUSINESS SERVICES Reserve your space!

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Thursday, May 15, 2014 The Journal

Rural lifestyle skills encouraged by Fall Fairs As grocery stores - and even Big Box stores - take over providing us with all of our food needs, we become less concerned with growing and preparing our own. It’s a little frightening. I’m glad that gardening was important in my family’s life. We moved from the city to the country on purpose: we wanted country living - close knit community, neighbour helping neighbour, winter evenings beside a wood heater, and months spent considering how to, when to, what to garden. Seed catalogues arriving in January and February roused our interest in new vegetables and varieties while snow was still on the ground. Spring meant shovels, rototiller, hoe, and garden shoes were dusted off and hoses unwound when the water turned on. When he was three of four, one of my sons brought freshly pulled carrots and beets to me in the kitchen. He was helping to get dinner ready. We went back outside where he was delighted to learn he could play with the water hose while cleaning them. All of the children helped to peel tomatoes and peaches, wearing their little aprons while standing on a chair at the sink. As they got older, the tasks grew

more difficult and involved more responsibility: slicing the peaches for pie and placing them into freezer bags. The local Fall Fair was the icing on the cake of garden and food saving chores. One year we succumbed to the desire for huge pumpkins and had giants that we donated to the decoration of the hall for Hallowe’en. Took several men to get them there in a truck. I was glad I didn’t have to make that much pumpkin pie. All over North America, where fall fairs have been happening for over 200 years, hardworking neighbors come together to talk about their gardens and to share their handicrafts: blankets, quilts, mittens, jackets, dresses, pictures, and more. Children receive ribbons for their efforts at raising vegetables, flowers and livestock and creating things with their hands. I know a wonderful fall fair when I see one. There’s a great group of people here - young ones, too! - who spend some winter evenings around a table planning this one day of celebration for Ashcroft and area. They are concerned that every detail is done well and that the entertainment is really good and that the children have a safe place (times have changed!) to play while the adults have a chance to visit and wander through the displays and begin to imagine GARAGE SALE: May 17 - 18, 9 am to 4 pm, 2985 Loon Lake Rd. Tools, furniture, outboard motors, microwaves, table and chairs, wiring, what they might create during plumbing, 450 sq ft of tile, 2 sets roof racks and towing mirrors, the winter. 150 sq ft of aluminum soffit, lamps. For info call (250) 459-2460 And now it’s springtime. Spring Clean Sale - Ashcroft Legion - 300 Brink Street New seasons of TV shows May 24, 2014 -10 am to 1 pm begin or old ones end, hockey For information call Loraine 250-453-9248 playoffs and golf games are on the schedule. But it’s spring16 Mile Community Yard Sale ~ Sat. May 24, 10:00am - 3:00pm time and children and their At the Community Lot on Hills Frontage Rd. - Bring your own tables parents and their grandparents For information call 250-457-9975 may need a reminder that they Having a Garage Sale? Advertise here $12.25 + GST. need to schedule in soil preparation in the early morning before school or work begins, 250-453-2261 or weed pulling in the evening

for time to reflect about the day just finished, or a way to be near the children as they play and get a bit of exercise by planting seeds and creating the excitement of a growing garden. It needs to be done now if you’re going to have carrots ready for the fall fair or a zucchini so large it fills your arms like a baby. How will you have dill pickles or sweet ones, pickled beets or jam ready if you don’t plant now? Consider putting something into this year’s Fall Fair. It’s not really a competition although ribbons are given out. It’s a celebration of creativity, purpose, food reliability, life-skills that are becoming fast forgotten, and imagination that brings out the community to wonder and applaud and feel skillful and hardworking. Surrounded by all the displays that say ‘we can feed ourselves with good food grown by ourselves locally and put our winter hours to constructive use,’ the entertainment is relaxing and happy, surrounded by our neighbors. It’s true, we can buy anything cheaply now without any effort - it seems amazing, actually. But we give up so much by doing so. Consider supporting the Fall Fair by entering just one thing that demonstrates your creativity and your self-reliance to provide your own food or clothing. Share it with your neighbors. Times are continuing to change but one day we may need those skills once more. Let’s keep them alive. Does the Fall Fair need any new display categories? Let Jessica know at 250-457-7128. I wonder at how attending the Fall Fair brings us all together to relax and learn together. I can’t wait to see what entries the community, young and old, will provide this year at the Ashcroft & District Fall Fair on Sunday, Sept. 14. Alice Watson

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal Thursday, May 15, 2014 A15

Your community. Your classifieds.

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Merchandise for Sale




Misc. for Sale

Apt/Condo for Rent

Auto Financing

AL-ANON ASHCROFT: Does someone’s drinking bother you? Meets Tuesdays, 8:00pm at St. Alban’s Church, 501 Brink. Val 250.453.9206

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Help Wanted

WORD CLASSIFIEDS Friday - 3:00 pm the preceding issue

Vernon Service Company requires Journeyman Service Plumbers/Gasfitters, $36.00/hr Call (250)549-4444 or fax 250-549-4416

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?

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DISPLAY ADVERTISING Friday - 3:00 pm the preceding issue INDEX IN BRIEF Family Announcements Community Announcements Employment Business Services Pets & Livestock Merchandise for Sale Real Estate Rentals Automotive Legals AGREEMENT It is agreed by any display or classified advertised requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event to failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors after the first day of publication any advertisement. Notice or errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention on the classified department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement and to retain any answers directed to the Box Replay Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisement and box rental. DISCRIMINATORY LEGISLATION Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, colour, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved. COPYRIGHT Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.

Ph: 250-453-2261 Fax: 250-453-9625 Sales: Editorial: Production: 402-4th Street P.O. Box 190, Ashcroft, B.C.

If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s ours. PH 250.457.0786


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Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051. HAY FARM/RANCH: Caretaker wanted at Little Fort, BC. Duties include operating irrigation system, haying help, yard maintenance, etc. Some mechanical aptitude would be beneficial. Salary commensurate with experience, but we can train. Ideal for semi-retired farmer/rancher. Good housing available. Reply by email to: or phone Frank at 250-456-2387 or 250-706-9005.

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Merchandise for Sale

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Thursday, May 15, 2014 The Journal


A 16

Museum opening starts Western Heritage Week Newest Eateries in Clinton

There are more choices for eating our in Clinton these days. The Cordial Restaurant, although not new to Clinton now has new owners. Drop in and welcome them. Gardenside Teatime has opened beside Gardenside Pottery and Gifts (Pottery Shop) and welcomes guests for a light lunch, or light tea with goodies, tea or coffee. Also new this year is The Ramblin’ Tastebud, a food cart type of kitchen on wheels. Parked in the lot at the Nomad Motel, they invite you to pick up take out sandwiches, wraps and smoothies.

Clinton Farmers Market Opens

The Clinton Farmers Market opens


The Village of Clinton Western Heritage Week kicks off with countrysquire@ the opening of the Clinton seum from noon to 8 p.m. on Friday, May 16 and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday, May for the season on Thursday, May 15 at 17 and 18. 9:30 a.m. It runs every Thursday from The week from then until the end 9:30 to 2:30 until mid-October. of the rodeo on Sunday, 25 is a time to Drop by for the opening and enjoy celebrate the Western Heritage that is so coffee, meet the vendors and pick up much a part of Clinton and it’s history. some fresh produce, plants and goodies. If you grow it, bake it, make it or raise Clinton Annual Ball it and you would like to set up at the marThe 147th Clinton Annual Ball will be

On June 19 the Journal will be publishing a special Graduation section honouring the graduates from Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Clinton and Lytton. The section will include full colour photos of the graduates as well as congratulatory messages from local businesses. This is the perfect opportunity for you to show your pride and support for your favourite grad by purchasing a congratulatory ad in this keepsake edition. 2 sizes available: 1 col. x 2” (below) $12.50 +GST 2 col. x 3” (right) $30.00 + GST All ads are full colour go

da We’reAso proud of you! tions tulaadventure! Enjoy your next a r t n Co

Love, Mom, Dad John and Brenda

Western Heritage Week

459-2224 or 2325

2014 Graduation Special Edition

to Congrats Way m Tom!

ket you can drop into the Country Squire Gift Shop or email: for information.

Congrats Theresa! We wish you all the best in your future endeavours Much love from Auntie Kay and Uncle Dave

Don’t miss out! Deadline is June 12, 2014 at 12 noon. To book your ad or for more information call the Journal at 250-453-2261.

held on Saturday, May 17 in the Clinton Memorial Hall amidst the pomp and circumstance surrounding the attendance of the Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of BC. Watch for photos and information on this event in the next week’s column.

Heritage Week Dress Up

As in recent years, the Clinton & District Economic Development Society will host a Heritage Week dress up contest with judging to be done on Friday, May 23. There will be prizes awarded for the Best Business with a Heritage Theme; Best Business Individual and Best Individual Costume.

Old Timers’ Tea

Also on Friday, May 23 is the Old Timers’ Tea where one can renew old acquaintances, make new friends and enjoy refreshments prepared

by some of Clinton’s many volunteers. The Tea runs from 1:30 to 4 p.m. in the Clinton Memorial Hall.

Clinton Annual Parade

The Annual Parade will start at 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 24. There is still time to put together a float. Entry forms can be picked up and returned to Integris Credit Union, Country Squire Gift Shop, Clinton Coffee House or the Village of Clinton Office. The more floats the better. The Parade Committee is also looking for some musical entries so if you are part of a band or know of one please let the Village Office know.

Food Stops After Parade

The famous Lions Club Beef in a Bun will be available beside the Clinton Health Centre following the parade. The Clinton Volunteer Fire Department will also be providing hot dogs and drinks to the younger set at the fire hall following the parade.

Clinton May Ball Rodeo

The rodeo events begin at 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 24 after the parade. The Clinton rodeo is a BCRA sanctioned event and is actually the eighth stop on the BCRA circuit. It promises some fast, exciting events for everyone to enjoy from the covered stands. There will be a concession running throughout the two-day rodeo and the local 4-H Club Steak Dinner will be available at approximately 5 p.m. on Saturday. The beverage garden will be open all day until the dance, which starts at 8 p.m. Music this year will be provided by Barney Bentall with Dustin Bentall joining him. The rodeo organizers invite everyone to come and kick up their heels and leave the driving to the shuttle bus, which will be available at night. A designated driver will also be available during the day. Rodeo begins at 1 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday with slack rodeo at 9 a.m. Sunday for those extra contestants who are not in the performance.

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