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Councillor wants city expense accounts made public
FRIDAY, FRIDAY, MAY MAY 16, 16, 2014 2014
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Masked robber gets 411 days Court: James Enright wore a mask and brandished a machete-like blade in Willow Point robbery Paul Rudan Campbell RiveR miRRoR
KRisten douglas
A man who robbed a private liquor store is going to jail and will also pay restitution. James Enright, 26, wore a mask and brandished a machete-like weapon when he robbed the Willow Point Liquor Store of cash and cigarettes on Feb. 27. Enright had recently arrived in Campbell River when he committed the heist. Mounties arrested him a few days later after identifying him through the video surveillance footage. A search of his residence also turned up some of the stolen items.
Campbell RiveR miRRoR
Ever wonder where city councillors are when they go away on business? What hotels they stay in? Where they’re eating? Or how much public money they’re spending? Well, it’s possible that information may be publicly available in the near future. At Tuesday’s council meeting, Coun. Andy Adams served notice that at the May 27 council meeting he will put forth a motion asking city staff to look into making expense reports public. Adams took his cue from the B.C. government, which will post MLAs’ expense receipts on a public provincial government website starting this fall. “Following up on finance minister Mike De Jong’s initiative that all provincial politicians publish their expense receipts – including (for) food, travel and accommodations – online, I’ll be making a notice of motion for staff to investigate the city of Campbell River doing the same,” Adams said. An all-party committee voted last week to publish itemized MLA
Egg-cellent race
Rod Semkiw balances an egg on a spoon while all dressed up for the Red Shoe Shuffle – a men’s obstacle course team that entertained the crowds at the Royal LePage garage sale which raised more than $3,000 for the North Island Transition Society. The event was held in tandem with similar garage sales put on by Royal LePage businesses across Canada to raise money for women’s shelters. See page 22 for more photos.
Continued on Pg. 3
On Tuesday, in Campbell River provincial court, Enright pleaded guilty to robbery and wearing a disguise. He received a jail sentence totaling 411 days and was also ordered to pay restitution of $1,407.16. Enright will also pay a $400 victim fine surcharge and will be on probation for two years following his release. As part of the probation, Enright cannot be within two blocks of the Willow Point Liquor Store, is to have no contact with the clerk he robbed, cannot possess or drink alcohol, and cannot possess any weapons. He also agreed to enter counselling for substance abuse.
We asked: Do you want to see John Duncan leave the riding?
You said: Yes – 69 (81.2%) No – 16 (18.8%)
Today’s question: Are you in favour of salmon farming? Vote at campbellrivermirror.com
Kristen Douglas/the Mirror
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Expenses: Councillor wants city to follow the province Continued from Pg. 1
expenses in the interest of full disclosure to B.C. taxpayers. Currently, MLA expenses are released on a monthly and quarterly basis but they do not go in-depth and are not listed item by item. De Jong argued there needs to be more transparency when it comes to
Paul Rudan/The MiRRoR
Helping hands
The City of Campbell River has received an honourable mention for its efforts to increase awareness about local government land use planning and regulations. The recognition highlights the city’s new initiatives that share information with
residents, business owners, building and developers, including: n The LUKE cartoon series in City Currents newspaper ads and on the website. n How-to video clips posted on the City’s YouTube channel building and development lunch time forums, printed and online fact sheets with detailed information about building near steep slopes, waterways, eagle trees and other environmentally-sensitive areas a development permit handbook and
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Firefighter David Lagos assists an ambulance paramedic in fitting a man with a neck brace while other firefighters attend to a pregnant woman in the passenger’s seat following a two-car fenderbender on Monday. The accident occurred just after noon on the South Island Highway in Willow Point. The injuries did not appear to be serious.
Planning Institute of BC recognizes City of Campbell River community connections tools
MLAs spending public money, after questionable spending by Linda Reid, the speaker of the B.C. legislature. Reid issued an apology in March and re-paid more than $5,500 she billed the government to take her husband on a business trip to South Africa last year as well as for the purchase of a new desk.
a guidebook for city council. The city’s efforts were considered in the Excellence in Planning Practice (Small Town & Rural Areas) category
and will be acknowledged in Planning Institute of BC’s Planning West publication as well as at the institute’s annual general meeting later this year.
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FRIDAY, maY MAY 16, 16, 2014 2014 || Campbell CAMPBELL RiveR RIVER miRRoR MIRROR || 55 FRiDaY,
Council’s got time for Tim Hortons Kristen Douglas Campbell RiveR miRRoR
C ouncil approved plans for a new Tim Hortons Tuesday night despite concerns from one councillor that noise from the drive-through may disturb nearby residents. The store is expected to be built on the empty lot next to Woofy’s Pet Foods along the South Island Highway in Willow Point. A few homes along Dalton Road line the back of the proposed Tim Hortons site and city staff are concerned the 24-hour drive through could become a problem. “Most of those houses have bedrooms that face that site and if one can imagine a 24-hour scenario where there is background noise,” said Ross Blackwell, the city’s land use manager, at Tuesday’s council meeting. “It could reach a proportion over time that could become irritating to residents.” However, staff are unsure of the actual impact. “That may be the case, it may not be the case, but I think from staff ’s perspective the interface issue is significant enough that we view a minor piece of research be undertaken,” Blackwell said. Alex Taylor, agent for
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Tim Hortons and Tim Hortons co-owner Dave Paquin disagreed that a sound attenuation report was necessary. Taylor said the sound coming from the speaker would be at roughly 54 decibels, a reasonable level according to Health Link BC. “It’s about the same decibel level as a normal conversation or background music,” Taylor said. Paquin noted that Tim Hortons has changed its drive-through speakers from an analog to a digital system which requires less volume for the customer to hear the order taker. He also pointed out that the speaker is aimed away from the residences and that inside the store the volume of the speaker can be manipulated manually. “We can adjust the mic volume was well as the speaker volume internally if we did have any issues,” said Paquin who noted there is a day and a night time volume. “But it is true that Tim Hortons has done an awful
lot of these and there’s locations where there’s residences and parks way closer to the drive-thrus than this is, so we don’t anticipate any problems at all with the distance we have.” Still, Coun. Claire Moglove said she didn’t want to see council end up in a situation similar to the pole peeler debacle two years ago. In that case, the pole peeling operation set up shop close to residential homes in the Gordon Road area and the noise from the peeler prompted several complaints and protests at city hall. “I think council has had some experience with the issue of noise,” Moglove said. “And of course I’m talking about the pole peeling plant. I want to be sure that noise isn’t a problem, and I appreciate the comments made by the applicant, but as a councillor I need to make sure that the residents who are in that area, whose bedrooms or living rooms are facing that building, I need to
JJ’s has been renovated, come down and check it out.
be more sure.” Coun. Andy Adams said he was confident a Tim Hortons civil report on noise levels from the drive-through speaker addressed the noise issue and that if not, staff and Tim Hortons could work together to resolve any remaining issues. Coun. Larry Samson suggested the city needs to do less nit-picking when it comes to new developments. “I find that when we start asking for these little things because we’re trying to be so careful and crossing the t’s and dotting all the i’s, it can be daunting for the developer,” Samson said. “I think Tim Hortons is not re-inventing anything here and they’ve had stores across Canada back on to residential and commercial (properties).” In the end, council approved the development permit for Tim Hortons which is expected to face the street, with a patio area out front and rear parking.
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VOLUNTEERS WANTED Campbell River Shoreline Arts Society presents the 18th Annual
Transformations on the Shore Help needed for cleanup and set up,raffle draw, join in the fun and be a part of the buzz
COMMUNITY CALENDAR CR Newcomer’s Meeting. 7pm. Ironwood Centre, 1351 Ironwood St. For women new to the area. Sandy 250-923-7471. 1st Tuesday
Contact Lorna Hastings 250-287-8037
Open Mic: 6-9p.m. Serious Coffee. 250-9231312.
Sing For Pure Joy! 3:00-4:30 p.m. Quadra Community Centre. All voices welcome. Mary: 250 285-3764. CoEd Touch Rugby 6:308pm. Southgate Middle School. For adults and teens ages 13+. All experience levels welcome!
Crib: CR Legion. Registration 6:30pm. Game: 7pm. 250-286-6831 Pool & Darts: Eagles Lounge 250-287-4990 Weight Watchers Meeting Quadra Community Centre, 6-7pm.
Therapeutic Relaxation Appointment Free for those dealing with illness, grief or Caregivers. CR Hospice Society 250- 2861121 for appt.
Archery Range Open Fish & Wildlife 6:30-8pm. FMI 250-923-1838.
Seniors’ Centre Sportsplex 12:00 – 2:30pm Mexican Train, lunch, cards Community Centre 8:30 –11:30am. Line Dancing. For more: 250-914-4401.
OPT(Options for Sexual Health) Drop In Clinic 7-9pm. Health Unit in Tyee Plaza.. Education & Info. Low cost birth control. All ages welcome. 250-830-7603 Drop-In Meditation-All Levels 7-8p.m. Ocean Resort, 4384 Island Hwy. Lucas@ oceanresort.ca. 250-792-3165 TOPS #BC 4935 Bethany Lutheran Church. Weigh-In 7:45am-8:50am. Meeting 9:05 to 10:00am. Acoustic Jam CR Lodge, 7pm. 250-287-7446
Taking Off Pounds Sensibly – TOPS BC #3671 1441 Ironwood Street Weigh-In 8:30 to 9:35 am Meeting 9:50 to 11:00am. Family Gym-Walking7yrs. 10:30-11:30am. Community Centre Gym. Drop in. Free. Family Place Drop In 8:30-11am Willow Pt. Neighbourhood(corner of Eardley & Larwood. AND Robron Cenre. 1-3pm. Free. Parent & Tots: Quadra Community Ctr, 9:30am12pm. Lost Families Found 7-9p.m. CR Genealogy Society Library hours. Help available. Maritime Museum. Janice: 250-2030585
Spring! Tire Sale
Family Gym-Walking-7yrs. 10:30-11:30am. Community Centre Gym. $3 Drop in. Family Place Drop In 9-11:30am. 1048 A Hemlock St. Free. 250-286-1161 AND 1-3pm. Community Centre. Free. 250-286-1161 CR Auction Viewing Day 1358 Marwalk Cres. 9am-5pm. Seniors’ Centre Sportsplex Lunch, 12:-2:30. Cards – 2:00pm. 250-914-4401.
Campbell River Friendship Quilters’ Guild meeting. 7:00pm. Community Centre Lounge. 2nd Wed of month. Everyone welcome. Diabetic Drop In 3-4p.m. CR Hospital, Sunshine Wellness Centre Jam Night 6:30-8:30p.m. Serious Coffee. 250-9231312 Meaningful Media 3:308:30pm. Robron Centre. Movie, discussion & meal. Debbie 250-830-0171 ext.812. 3rd Monday Al-Anon 12:00-1:00 p.m. St Patrick’s Church, 34 S Alder St. Barb: 250-9235537 or Judy: 250-923-1653
Weight Watchers Mtg: Maritime Heritage Centre 11am & 6pm, 250-286-3161
BPWN - 5:30-9pm. Carriage WEDNESDAYS Room - Royal Coachman. 4th Tues. of the month. RSVP@ CR Toastmasters 7-8:30pm bpwn.org Community Centre, Room 1. Sarah: 250-830-3839. Tennis Club 6:00-10pm. smkannspeak@gmail.com Willow Point Park tennis CR Paddlers - Evening Sea courts. Everyone welcome!! Kayaking 6-8pm. FMI call: Joan 250 923-8134 250-203-9953 Seniors’ Centre Sportsplex Sing for Pure Joy! 6:30 Lunch, 12:00 – 3:00 Crib, - 8:00 p.m. The Lions Den cards. For more info please (across from Thrifty’s), 1441 call 250-914-4401. Ironwood Rd. Mary, 250 285Discovery Toastmasters 3764. 12:00-1:00 p.m. Community Centre-Rm 1. Contact The Heart Support Group Lorraine: 250-286-4273 meeting 7pm. CR Community Centre.. 4th Wed of month. Family Place Drop In 8:30-11am Discovery Passage, Ken: 250-923-3466 2050 Pengelly Rd. Free. Midnight Shuttles Guild of spinners and weavers meeting. Lost Families Found 10a.m.-3p.m. CR Genealogy 7:30-9:30pm. Sybil Andrews Cottage, 2131 S. Isl. Hwy. 1st Society Library hours. Help Wed. each mnth. avail. Maritime Museum. 250-203-0585 CR Parkinson self help support group 1:30 pm. Weight Watchers Mtg. Maritime Heritage Museum. Room 201, CR Baptist Church Newcomers welcome. Contact 11:30am & 6:30pm Pat at 286-1354. 2nd Wed of Al-Anon on Quadra 7-8p.m. the month. 972 West Road Quadra Isl. Children’s Centre Lost Families Found: 1:304p.m. CR Genealogy Society Library hours. Help avail. Maritime Museum. 250-2030585
C.R. Healing Rooms 11:00 a.m.-1:00p.m. 684 Isl. Hwy 250-923-2312.
FRIDAYS Ripple Rock Gem and Mineral Club General Meeting 7:30-9pm. General information on rocks and lapidary skills. Visitors welcome. Seniors’ Centre Sportsplex Lunch, 12:003:00 Mexican train, cards, 50/50 draw. For more info: 250-914-4401. Archery Range Hours 6:30-8pm. FMI 250923-1838. CR. Fish & Wildlifehttp://www.crfw.net Family Gym-Walking-7yrs. 10:30-11:30am. Sportsplex. Free. Drop In. 250-923-7911 Open Mic Nite: Serious Coffee 7-10pm. 250-9231312
C.R. Seniors’ Centre Sportsplex Lunch, 12-3pm. Bingo. 250-914-4401
Gamblers Anonymous 7-9pm, St.Patrick’s Church, 34 S. Alder Street.
CR Ultimate 6:30pm Southgate Middle School, Corner of Alder & Holm Rd. campbellriverultimate.com
CR Legion Fun: 5:30pm. Free Bingo, karaoke, meat & paddle draw. 7:30pm. 250286-6831
Weight Watchers Meeting Maritime Heritage Museum 11:30am
Family & Teen Centre Drop In Program 7-10:30pm. Community Centre. New “Youth Zone” for 11-18 year olds. 250286-1161.
Tennis Club 6:00-10pm. Willow Point Park tennis courts. Joan 250 923-8134 CR Networking Association Lunch 12pm. Royal Coachman Carriage Room. www. campbellrivernetworking.ca Alzheimer’s & Dementia Caregivers’ Support Group 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Mitlenatch Room - CR Hospital. First Thurs. of the month. Jane Hope: 1-800-462-2833. In the Know Sessions & Parent Networking 7-9pm. Robron Centre. 3rd Thurs. every month. FMI: colleen@forcesociety. com. 1-855-887-8004. www.forcesociety.com C.R. Healing Room11a.m.-1p.m. & 7-9p.m. 684 Isl. Hwy. Confidential prayer. No charge or appointment. 250-923-2312 Al-Anon- 1pm & 7:30pm. 7th Day Adventist Church. Barb: 250-923-5537 or Judy: 250-923-1653. Campbell River Auction 1358 Marwalk Cres, 6pm. 250-287-3939. www. crauctions.ca Lost Families Found: 1:30-4p.m. CR Genealogy Society hours. Maritime Museum. 250-203-0585.
Live Music 9:30p.m.2am Quinny Pub. wwwquinsamhotel.com
SATURDAYS Weight Watchers Mtg 9:30am Maritime Heritage Museum Outdoor Quadra Island Community Market & Bazaar 10am-2pm. Just at the top of the hill from the ferry terminal. Lots of homeade island creations. Until Sept. 13. Tennis Club 10:00am1:00pm.. Play is at Willow Point Park tennis courts. Everyone welcome!! 250923-8134 Super Saturday Drop In Art Workshop 1-3 pm (every other Saturday) CR Art Gallery. Admission is by donation. crartgallery.ca for schedule. 250-287-2261. Open Mic with Mo Davenport 9pm. Heriot Bay Inn on Quadra Island. 250285-3322. 1-888-605-4545. Family Fun 5 Pin Bowling 5:30pm. ~ Rock n’ Bowl 9p.m.12a.m. CR Bowling Centre. 250-286-1177.
Campbell River Children’s Choir
SUNDAYS Center for Spiritual Living Meditation: 10:00am & Celebration: at 10:30am. Willow Point Hall. Pickle Ball 10:30am-1pm. Sportsplex. Free for 50+ members. $2 Drop-In. 250-923-7911 Pier Street Farmers’ Market 10am-2:30pm. CR Fishing Pier parking lot. Fresh produce, tasty treats, local artisans, live music & entertainment. Al-Anon 7:30p.m. 7th Day Adventist Church, 300 Thulin St. Barb 250-923-5537 or Judy 250-923-1653
UPCOMING EVENTS CR Ripple Rockets Square Dancle Club Blast Off. May 16-18. Quinsam Hall Discover Old Time Gospel Singing Sat. May 17. 7:00pm. Discovery Community Church, 250-10th Ave. Gospel specials too. Everyone welcome to come sing with us. Free Community Recycling Event Sat. May 17-18 Sat/Sun. Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex. 10am-6pm. 250-2874224. www.islandreturnit.com Walk Away from Homophobia Sat. May 17. Spirit Square. 3-8 pm. Help promote acceptance of sexual diversity in our community. Music and more. Advance Care Planning Workshop Tues. May 20. CR Library, 1240 Shoppers Row. 2-4pm. Reserve spot: 250-2873655. Presented by CR Hospice. www.advancecareplanningvi.ca Dingle to Dublin: Tara Dancers Perfomance Association. Sat. May 24. Tidemark Theatre. 2pm & 7pm. Irish dance, music & storytelling. Tickets avail at box office. 250-287-7465. Giant Fundraising garage sale, plant and bake sale. 9am2pm. Black Creek Mennonite Brethren Church. S. Island Hwy. AKA the annual Mennonite Central Committtee World Relief Fair Musical Fundraiser Sat. May 24. Community Centre. 7 -9:30pm. River (Birgit) Kuit, Inclusion & Rock the Room. Proceeds to homeless programs. All ages welcome. By donation. 5th Annual Upper Island Safety Conference & Trade Show: CR Sportsplex, May 26 - 27th. For more info and to register: 250.923.7911 Email: SBullock@strathconard.ca CR Christian School Spring Carnival Sat. May 24. Baptist Church, 250 S Dogwood St. 11am-3pm. Salmon BBQ from Marine Harvest, bouncerama, petting zoo, pony rides and games. Composting 101 Workshop Sat. May 24. Compost Education Centre, 228 S.Dogwood St. 10-11am. 250-287-1625. www.cswm.ca 2nd Annual Defeat Depression 2.5km Walk Sun. May 25. Robert Ostler Park. 9:30am. Pre-walk activities. Walk at 11am. defeatdepression.ca Bike to Work Week!! May 26th–June 1st. Head to www. biketowork.ca for special event schedule. Blood Donor Clinic May 27~2:15-8:15pm. May 28~12-8pm. May 29~12-6pm. Commuity Centre, 401, 11th Ave. Make appt or drop in. 1-888-2-DONATE. Kalebs Journey to NAIG fundraiser Thurs. May 29. Laichwiltach Family Life Society Gym, 441 4th Ave. He will be repesenting BC in boc lacrosse North American Indigenous Game Fun Fair / Silent Auction Fri. May 30. Ecole Mer at Montagne, 1102 S. Alder St. 5:00-8:00pm. Games, food and lots of fun! CR Community Foundation Annual Swing for Charity Sat. May 31. Storey Creek Golf Course. For tickets call 250-2027500 or register online: swingforcharity.ca Quadra Island Studio Tour 2014 Saturday, June 7, 10:00am. Sun June 8- 10:00am. $5. 250-285-2103 kamanry@gmail.com. www.quadraislandarts.com Ripple Rock Gen & Mineral Club Show Sat. June 14 10am-5pm. Sun. June 15.-10am-4pm. Timberline Gym .Dealers, Demos, Displays, Kids Corner. Adm. $3. Kids under 12 Free w/ adult. ripplerockgemandmineralclub.com
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or email: communitycalendar@ campbellrivermirror.com
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May 16 May 22, 2014
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Strike may escalate, super warns www.CampbellRivermirror.com www.CampbellRiverMirror.com
Be prepared for more job action from teachers’ union Paul ruDan Campbell RiveR miRRoR
Local schools may close on a rotating basis and extracurriculars could be cancelled if teachers’ job action escalates. “Unfortunately, due to the current and poten-
tial escalation of strike action, field trips and other year-end activities may need to be changed or cancelled,” wrote Tom Longridge, superintendent of the Campbell River school district, in letter sent out Thursday to all parents and guard-
FRiDaY, MAY maY 16, 16, 2014 2014 || CAMPBELL Campbell RIVER RiveR MIRROR miRRoR || 7 7 FRIDAY,
ians. At this point, he added, graduation ceremonies for secondary students are still a go, but those plans may change. If schools do close on a rotating basis, the B.C. Teachers’ Federation is required to provide the district with 48 hours notice. There’s also the possibility of a province-wide teachers strike. If that
occurs, 72 hours notice will be provided to the district. “Should the strike action continue into the summer, Summer School many also need to be cancelled,” wrote Longridge, who added that some courses would be available online. The teachers’ union and the province are attempting to work out a new contract, but appear
far from an agreement. In April, teachers began the first phase of job action by curtailing communication with administration and not supervising students outside school hours. Longridge has promised to keep parents and guardians informed of any news and directed those with questions to e-mail: jobaction@sd72. bc.ca
and make too difficult for commercial trucks to make the turn onto the Petersen Road hill. But Atkinson’s suggestions were too late. Council already approved the $250,000 for lights and other improvements including sidewalks and turn lanes during budget planning in January. Coun. Claire Moglove wasn’t even sure why the topic was back on council’s agenda when the project has already been approved and city staff have the work ready
to go out to tender. The item had been added to the agenda by Mayor Walter Jakeway under “New Business.” “I’m confused as to why this is here on the agenda,” Moglove said. “There’s no request for action, so I’m not sure why we’re having a discussion in a vacuum.” Jakeway said the item was simply on the agenda as a follow-up to Atkinson’s comments and that it was an opportunity to either confirm or change the project. Coun. Ron Kerr said it
was time for council to move forward. “I suggest we move on,” Kerr said. “The train has long since passed. We’re not traffic designers and I think we shouldn’t be involved in this. “I think it’s one of the worst intersections in town. The conditions and lack of sidewalks in the area and in the whole Campbellton area is disgraceful, and especially in front of that particular property; I would say trucks and machines rule and I don’t think it’s appropriate.”
Lights are a go for bad intersection Kristen Douglas
Campbell RiveR miRRoR
New $250,000 traffic lights for 14th Ave. and Petersen Rd. are already approved, but a longtime resident tried to persuade councillors to change their minds. “I don’t believe this is going to help the situation any more than two more stop signs on 14th Avenue,” said Dave Atkinson at Tuesday’s council meeting. “From the perspective of a taxpayer, the traffic lights to me would work no differently than stop signs, other than the fact stop signs come with a heck of a smaller price tag.” Atkinson is the owner of Wacor Holdings and for the last 20 years has owned a commercial building adjacent to the intersection. Atkinson noted the problem with that particular stretch of roadway is there is no break in the traffic travelling east to west along 14th which makes it difficult for vehicles coming off Petersen to turn onto 14th Avenue. He said a four-way
stop would be sufficient to allow traffic to safely and easily turn without spending a significant amount of money. Drew Hadfield, the city’s transportation manager, said the city recommended council proceed with lights because of the amount of traffic that passes through the intersection. The city also intends to put dedicated left-hand turn lanes on all four sides of the intersection, as well as a right-hand turn lane on the north side of Petersen for cars turning right onto 14th towards Maple Street. Atkinson, however, is concerned that adding extra lanes will make the roadway too narrow
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Our View
Speak before the dam breaks A spike in domestic violence in B.C. this year is a stark reminder that more must be done to address the reasons why men focus their emotional disturbance on women they know. More often than not, it’s women We say: Call to who suffer at the hands of their male arms to act before partners in cases of domestic violence. There are certainly studies and case violence breaks files of why men become violent and their inappropriate actions towards out women and others. This isn’t an attempt to analyze what is going through someone’s mind when a relationship ends or life’s stresses become almost
unbearable. It’s a call to politicians, activists, health care professionals and law enforcement agencies to not just leap to the defence of victims after the fact, but to provide resources to anyone when they need help dealing with massive and unwelcome change — ideally before the dam breaks. It’s also a call to parents, family and friends to confront emotions and uncomfortable situations with their loved ones head-on and change attitudes about how men deal with it. This is not responding to violence with violence — it’s simply a request to be willing to talk about life with a
friend or partner instead of avoiding it, keeping it balled up inside and allowing it to fester. It’s about eliminating the concept of shame when to indulge in it is not appropriate for an individual or their social circles. It’s also about an individual being responsible for their reactions to any given situation, stressful or not. Only the individual can control how they react and if we want them to avoid violence, they need the tools in their lives to take a better path than the one that leads them to violence against another person. Everyone needs to speak up — if they feel threatened or if they are in crisis — men and women. – Black Press
Taking issue with energy
Filed for publication with the Mirror Dear Editor, I am forwarding a copy of a letter sent to the government, if and when a response is made I will forwarding that text to your good office. Dear Representatives; There are many regulatory issues concerning the costs of energy and many other non optional services in B.C. With this in mind I like to take issue with a few of them and request independent responses from both of your offices. Requests in the past have always led to redirects or finger pointing. I hope that format can be avoiding in this request. First of all the prices being charged at retail outlets in B.C. for gasoline are not logical when viewed in the marketing perspective. Today the lowest price for regular gasoline in B.C. is $1.30.9 a litre and that is usually at Costco in several different regions. The rest of B.C.’s retailers are charging amounts above the $1.39.9 mark. Gasoline is selling for $1.10.9 cents in Edmonton and reflects a more reasonable charge rate when you exclude the metro Vancouver region which is subject to a whole waft of addition transit taxes. Case in point, Grande Prairie Alberta is 80 miles from Dawson Creek with gas prices posted at $1.15 and $1.40 Continued on Pg. 9
We welcome your opinions on stories and issues published in our pages as well as issues of broader concern encountered elsewhere. Please keep your letters brief. We reser ve the right to edit for length and liability. E-mail them to editor@ campbellrivermirror.com
Fish farmers can take criticism, but not the B.S.
Paul Rudan No, really
Sunday dinner probably wasn’t sitting well in the stomachs of local fish farmers when they sat down to watch 60 Minutes. You never know how these things will go when you’re under the microscope of an American “newsmagazine” program. In a way it’s like taking a fresh salmon to a new friend’s home to be barbecued: Are they going to cook it to perfection on a cedar plank or will they skewer and burn it to an inedible crisp? I’m thinking that after the 60 Minutes course was served, it wasn’t unpalatable, but I doubt the fish farmers were asking for second helpings. They had every right to have that knot of nervousness before the program aired because fish farming is an important business to Campbell River and much of the North Island – and Americans are the biggest buyers of our farmed salmon.
If the CBS producers put a “positive spin” on finfish aquaculture, sales might go up, but if the industry is vilified, well, layoff notices may follow. The segment seemed balanced enough, but I doubt that Americans really know, or care, too much about where their salmon is coming from. What they want is fresh fish when they go out to their favourite restaurants and our local salmon farms can provide that product year-round. The industry has come a long way since I first started writing about fish farming in the late 1990s. Back then it was more a wild west show than the polished corporate structure of today. The majority of the changes have been for the better, but there will always be concern about siting fish farms along the migratory routes of wild salmon, the
spread of disease – back and forth – and the possible proliferation of sea lice. Fish farmers are rightly concerned about these things as well and have taken a variety of steps to mitigate negative effects. As well, the industry steps up like few others to address the criticisms launched in their direction. I’m not an advocate or critic of salmon farming, but one falsehood that keeps coming up is galling – the assertion that escaped farmed salmon are living in many island rivers and streams. The latest so-called study, “Occupancy dynamics of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon in Canadian Pacific coastal salmon streams: implications for sustained invasions,” suggests that fish farmers underestimate the number of escapees and these rogue salmon are living in local streams for multiple years.
I say B.S. I didn’t pay $39.95 to read the entire report, but the abstract makes it clear the data used for the study is far from reliable or accurate. It’s guesswork at best and it ignores the best evidence that Atlantic salmon don’t survive out here. In the early part of the 20th century millions of Atlantic salmon were introduced into many B.C. rivers in the hope of creating another viable wild salmon fishery. It never happened. Let me repeat: Never happened. If the researchers want to take another approach, they should visit my old stomping grounds along the Credit River in Mississauga. There, they’re trying to reintroduce native Atlantic salmon. It’s a real struggle because this species competes against introduced Pacific chinook and coho which thrive. Go figure.
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Your community news team: PaulRudan Rudan Paul
MarnieNeaves Neaves Marnie
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MichelleHueller Hueller Michelle
DaveHamilton Hamilton Dave
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Energy: Give BC Hydro autonomy Reporter Reporter
Continued from Pg. 8
respectively. To show proof of price fixing the government must order wire taps to flesh out collusion. This was done in Ontario and several companies were found to be conspiring to price fix and were heavily fined. The government seems to have little interest in lowering fuel costs as the more retailers charge the more taxes are collected, talk about the fox guarding the henhouse. Secondly, BC Hydro’s budgetary shortfall and long term debt is in part created by the government itself. The government has for some time now been tapping into BC Hydro net revenues to supplement their own monetary needs, this is not what BC Hydro was set up for. If left to operate at arms length as originally intended BC Hydro would have enough cash to maintain low utility rates, provide maintenance of older facilities, finance its own projects and manage its own debt. The dispersal of key
Just Gas Phone 830-WOOD (9663) 151 Dogwood, Campbell River
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BC Hydro administrative agencies to private corporations has increased the operating overhead and relegated BC Hydro to a lesser responsibility in providing energy to enhance B.C.’s future. The government must sever its revenue milking demands on BC Hydro and let that corporation fulfill its mandate as originally intended. Other encumbrances on BC Hydro are, the privatization process the government seems to be committed to, the obligation of BC Hydro to buy power from IPPs at three times the cost they can produce it for themselves. All these negative impacts are having horrific impacts on consumers and your attention to deal with these issues are paramount. I worked on the preliminary exploration and design of the then proposed Site C project in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, that your government is now entertain-
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CirculationMgr. Mgr. Circulation
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ing once again as a viable project. Our final design, socio-economic report, and e nv i ron me nt a l assessment reports were all completed back in the early 1980s with construction proposed to start in 1984. The cost then was a whopping $1 billion dollars. Continuous government meddling deferred and delayed this project to the point at which the costs have now escalated to $10 billion dollars. I know the public release says $8 billion but internal estimates advise costs to be much higher. All this meddling by government and regulatory agencies has caused cost escalation and an allusion of cash shortfalls for which the finger points at BC Hydro because they have to raise utility rates and they aren’t allowed to manage the business of energy provider without outside monetary and regulatory demands. Utility rates should
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never become a tax by another name and that conflict introduces a cavalcade of unwanted and unneeded complications orchestrated by the governments greedy appetite for revenue. In conclusion, the cost of transporting fuel from Edmonton in no way amounts to 30 cents per litre as the comparative differential in fuel pricing indicates, therefore the retail price of fuel in B.C. is either being fixed or has to many taxers lined up at the price gate. BC Hydro has to be given autonomy to do its business free from monetary stripping by governments and regulatory agencies.
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2x4 COMMUNITY INFORMATION SESSION The North Island Hospitals Project (NIHP) is hosting a community information session to provide an update on the new 95-bed Campbell River Hospital slated for completion in late 2017.
Thursday, May 29th, 2014, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Maritime Heritage Centre, 621 Island Highway Campbell River, BC The meeting will start with a presentation, followed by a question-and-answer session related to the procurement, design and construction of the new facility. The NIHP team will be on hand to answer questions and gather input. For more information visit the new NIHP website at: nihp.viha.ca
Bike to Work Week 2x6
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2x2 Marias Aging
The vision of a public power provider in B.C. was created because the private power company of the day refused to supply ample volumes of power so as to encourage industrial growth. The government of the day saw the writing on the wall and created the crown corporation that served us so well through the latter part of the previous century. A return to that mandate and the supervision of fuel prices is way beyond necessary and your intervention and withdrawal from the revenue stream is in dire need. Ray Fortier Campbell River
Cashier Supervisor 5 yearws
KimCook Cook Kim
How well are your current vitamin and supplements working?
2x1.75 John Duncan
(some exce
Editor Editor
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Thrifty Foods honours May as Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month Thrifty Foods in Campbell River, Comox and Courtenay are collecting donations at their tills during the month of May. Managers Doug Reiderer, Campbell River, Andy Carter, Courtenay and Jeff Ackinclose, Comox locations have joined together in supporting the fight against cystic fibrosis. Through their years of participation and support of the Rod Brind’Amour Cystic Fibrosis Golf Classic they have learned a great deal about cystic fibrosis
and the impact it has on the people who have it, their families and friends. “I recently met little two-and-a-half year old Maysa Milligan who is the poster child for our Thrifty Foods/ Cystic Fibrosis fund raiser – she is an adorable youngster and it breaks my heart to know how sick she has been,” Reiderer said. “I was really impressed when Maysa thanked me for helping her – she struggled with the words cystic fibrosis but gave it her best effort. Really it is me who should be
thanking her. She made me realize it is so easy to take health for granted.” Cystic Fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease affecting Canadian children and young adults. It is a multi-system disease that affects mainly the lungs and the digestive system. In the lungs, where the effects are most devastating, a build-up of thick mucus causes severe respiratory problems. Mucus and protein also build up in the digestive tract, making it difficult to digest and absorb nutrients Doug Reiderer, manager, and Chelsea Young, cashier, at Campbell River’s Thrifty Foods urge everybody to come down to the store and make a donation to Campbell River’s chapter of Cystic Fibrosis Canada.
from food. As improved therapies have helped to address the malnutrition issues, ultimately, most deaths related to cystic fibrosis are due to lung disease. Currently, there is no cure. Maysa takes many medications, uses a nebulizer several times a day and under goes physiotherapy at least twice a day to help loosen the secretions in her lungs. She struggles
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with gaining weight and is on a special diet. Her parents take her to Victoria every few months for check ups with the specialized cystic fibrosis clinic at Victoria General Hospital. Sarah Milligan, Maysa’s mother said, “when Maysa was first diagnosed a few weeks after her birth, my heart ached for my daughter, so tiny and facing a life of struggle. I alternated between raw emotion
and deep gratitude – for the doctors and nurses caring for her and for the friends, family and strangers who are giving so much to help find a cure – I am so grateful to Thrifty Foods for everything they are doing to help.” All funds raised from the donations you make at Thrifty Foods till go to Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s Campbell River/ Comox Valley chapter. They are used to fund
vital research into finding a cure or control for CF and to high quality clinical care. Jo-Ann Wallis, president of the chapter joins in the praise for Thrifty Foods and reminds people “please be sure to mention you wish to make a donation as you go through the check out. Every dollar you add to your bill will make a difference to the lives of children with CF.”
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CR DanceXtreme invites you to be their guest at year-end shows
R DanceXtreme’s talented dancers are hard at work preparing for their year-end performances at the Tidemark Theatre June 5, 6 and 7. Be Our Guest will feature dance styles ranging from hip hop to ballet, jazz, tap, lyrical and much more! Dancers will include members of the awardwining Showteam, the Prep Team, Fresh Groove and the recreational program, featuring every age range from young children to adults. Come see all the new and exciting routines that the studio’s recreational students have worked on this year, as well routines that the Showteam has been performing at topnotch competitions in B.C. and the U.S. The students would
love you to ‘be their guests!’ CR DanceXtreme is preparing for two separate year-end shows at the Tidemark. The Thursday, June 5 show at 7 p.m. and the Saturday, June 7 show at 3 p.m. will feature the studio’s recreational students, aged 12 and under, as well as the Showteam, Prep Team and Fresh Groove Hip Hop Team. The Friday and Saturday 7 p.m. shows, June 6 and 7, will feature recreational students aged 12 and up, and will also feature the Showteam, Prep Team and Fresh Groove Hip Hop Team. Tickets are selling extremely quickly! To purchase tickets, call the Tidemark Ticket Centre at 250-287-7465 or visit www.tidemarktheatre. com It’s been a great year
for CR DanceXtreme’s competitive students. Earlier this month, Showteam dancers competed at the Shine Dance Festival in North Vancouver, where they received the Studio Excellence Award for having the highest overall score out of the 24 participating studios. Dancer Emiko Koizumi was named ‘Most Promising Dancer - 12 and Under’, and the Showteam’s variety of solos and group numbers received numerous gold awards as well as many platinum awards. The Showteam also competed at the Peak Invitational Dance Competition in Burnaby in April, the Synergy Dance Competition and Convention in Maple Ridge in March and the Tremaine Dance Competition and Convention in Vancouver, Washing-
CR DanceXtreme’s young performers are finalizing their routines in time for year-end performances of their year-end show Be Our Guest.
ton in February. They returned home with armloads of great marks, trophies and
prizes from each of these major events. Come see what all the excitement is about at
Arrrh, be sure to catch Treasure Island, me hearties!
The youth of RainCoast are suited up and ready to perform Treasure Island.
Avast ye sailors and pirates, there be adventure ahead! Come join Long John Silver, Jim Hawkins and a host of pirates, sailors and other characters as they search for buried treasure in the South Pacific. RainCoast Creative Performing Arts students are putting on the musical version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic tale Trea-
sure Island at the Tidemark May 31, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets: $14 Adult, $12 Students and Seniors. Students ages 9-16 have been working many months preparing the singing, acting and choreography for the show. RainCoast’s younger students, ages 5-8 will also be putting on their own mini musical Hats. Come watch as they help
Ima Milliner find just the right hat for all their friends – Chief Maquinna, Captain Sam, and more. RainCoast is a unique musical theatre school here in Campbell River focusing on classic and family friendly Musical Theatre repertoire as the kids sing, act and dance their way through the year. For more, visit raincoastcreativeperformingarts.com
Be Our Guest Thursday, June 5 to Saturday, June 7 at the Tidemark
Theatre. Go to www. tidemarktheatre.com for all the details.
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Paws & Claws For people who
While pets can provide comfort and companionship, they remain a significant responsibility. Seniors should find an animal that will fit in with their lifestyles. This is an important consideration for those seniors who travel frequently or have mobility Pets often make ideal Seniors facing an empty companions. They are nest or the loss of a spouse issues. In addition, men around when a person may find pets can buoy their and women living in senior needs support, they can spirits. Studies have shown communities or assisted provide protection for those that seniors can benefit both living facilities should determine if there are any living alone, they’re always mentally and physically willing to lend an ear to from having a pet around. pet restrictions in place. Those seniors who have problems, and many tend Pets can alleviate anxiety, decided that a dog will to offer unconditional love. depression and boredom. be the best fit can choose among several breeds that may be a good match for SPRING IS HERE!! their needs. When selecting - Shedding out of control? a dog, consider both size - Dog playing in the puddle? and temperament. Smaller - Need a Spring cut? dogs tend to be easier to Let Meetz’s experienced groomer take care of your pet! handle and will need less Large to small dogs are welcome. maintenance. They are We also do cat grooming. easily carried and won’t To get your pet looking it’s best call: (778) 346-3388 “I wish I could take as long to bathe and go to Meetz” groom. Smaller dogs also – Scruffy McBarkerson consume less food than larger breeds, reducing the expense of dog food and 950 Ironwood Street • www.meetzgrooming.com the hassle of wrangling
These dog breeds are especially compatible with seniors
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The loyalty and intelligence of Schnauzers makes them ideal companions.
large, heavy bags of chow. Temperament is also important, as some breeds tend to be more easygoing than others. Larger breeds may be preferable to a smaller breeds, which tend to be hyperactive. However, always remember there are pros and cons to each breed, and each dog will demonstrate his own personality traits. The following are some dogs that can be especially compatible with seniors. * Pug: Equally playful and willing to be a lap dog, the pug requires little exercise and grooming. The breed is typically nonaggressive and submissive. Pugs are goodnatured and playful; they don’t often bark and are easy to train. * Shih Tzu: The Shih Tzu lives for attention, but this breed can be dominant
and difficult to train. The Shih Tzu will be alert to its surroundings and, despite its small stature, can be a good watchdog. * Pomeranian: Pomeranians look like big balls of fur and can bring a smile to an owner’s face. The breed tends to be perky, can display dominance and can be difficult to train. Because Pomeranians can be dogaggressive, they may be best as the only pet in the house. * Yorkshire terrier: The Yorkie is a diminutive breed in size only, as they tend to have exuberant personalities that dwarf their stature. The ideal lap dog, Yorkies want to lie around and lounge, though some do like to bark. If the fur is kept short in a “puppy cut,” the dog can be easy to maintain. * Pembroke Welsh Corgi: This medium-sized dog hails
from Wales and typically requires only moderate exercise and little grooming. They are easy to train and moderately dominant. They don’t bark excessively, and they often get along with other dogs. * Schnauzer: Available in three sizes, Schnauzers are good companions and protectors. This is an intelligent and loyal breed and will need to be kept amused to stave off boredom. * Brussels Griffon: These dogs do not shed, but they will require professional grooming at least once every 3 months. If socialized early, the Griffon can be a good companion but will likely remain wary of strangers. They are good watchdogs and devoted to their owners.
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How to keep cats out of your garden beds
Experiment with different deterrents to keep cats out of garden beds.
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* Make the garden uncomfortable to cats. Many cats do not like the feeling of hard materials under their paws. Therefore, you can bury any number of items in the soil to deter padded feet. Some gardeners prefer to use chicken wire or rolled mesh around plants before covering the soil with mulch. The cats step on the dirt and feel the metal underneath, then move on. Branches, brambles, spiky holly leaves, or even rocks may keep cats from finding the garden bed hospitable. * Employ natural scented deterrents. Some say that cats will be repelled by human hair. Visit a salon and ask for hair clippings to distribute throughout the garden. Urine from predators, like coyotes, may scare cats off, as well. Some cats may not like the smell of marigolds, which can be planted alongside other flowers in an attempt to keep cats at bay. * Erect barriers around the garden. Barriers can keep cats out of gardens. Erect a fence of lattice or metal to make it more difficult for cats to get inside the garden. * Make other areas of your property more attractive to cats. Homeowners who don't mind the presence of cats on their property but want them out of the garden can take the unusual step of making another area on the property more cat-friendly. Plant catnip far away from the garden, giving cats a place to hang out without putting your garden in jeopardy.
Cats make for wonderful pets, especially those that are content with life indoors, where they can spend hours lounging on a windowsill watching the world go by. But some cats spend a significant amount of time outdoors, where they forage for food and take refuge in and around a neighborhood. Frequently, outdoor cats will return to the same place over and over again. If that place is your flower bed, you may grow aggravated by your uninvited guest. Once a cat has found a place to call its own, it can be difficult to persuade the animal to move. Cats can be attracted to planting beds because the soil is soft underfoot and may seem like the ideal environment to turn into an outdoor litter box. However, over time cat urine and feces can leave behind an offensive odor and damage plants. Other cats also may be attracted to the garden, creating territory "wars" or even more odor and activity. But homeowners can employ a variety of techniques to keep felines from digging in the garden. * Keep leftover citrus peels. Orange, lemon and lime peels scattered around the garden may be offensive to cats, who will likely opt to go elsewhere rather than ignore the odor. Over time, the peels can be removed or allowed to break down into a natural fertilizer. * Employ technology to surprise or startle the cats. Motion detectors that trigger lights or a sprinkler system can startle cats and keep them away from your garden.
14 || CAMPBELL CaMPBELL RIVER riVEr MIRROR Mirror || FRIDAY, FriDaY, MAY MaY 16, 16, 2014 2014 14
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Carihi cast brings Bonnie & Clyde to life Larissa MeLviLLe Carihi Mirror
“The best thing about the play is watching every piece come together,” says Rowan Milligan, a cast member of Carihi’s latest production. It’s that time of year again, when Carihi showcases their musical talents on stage and the residents from all over come to enjoy the show, and this year Carihi has chosen to take on Bonnie and Clyde. It will
be on the 21st to the 25th of May when the cast and crew put all of their hard work on the stage, with tickets only costing $12. Both cast and crew have put many hours into the wellbeing of this production, by either painting sets, working tech, and moving props on stage as crew, or learning lines and presenting on stage as an actor. No matter what the position, many students at Carihi love the environment of the theatre and enjoy the
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work they do. “I love the people and the atmosphere they create,” Says Kevin Wilson, another member of the cast. “It’s fun to be involved in a musical and to be part of a team,” agree two members of the crew, Sheldon Clapham and Maeve Milligan. They enjoy the work, but both feel that with so few members, the workload becomes much harder. “Trying to manage everything at once is one of the most difficult things of being crew. There aren’t a lot of people here – we’re spread very thin,” Says Clapham, “But in the end it doesn’t matter, because this is going to be such a great play.” The director of the musical, Christine Knight, is excited for the show to begin. “People should come to Bonnie
and Clyde because it’s the best play that Carihi has ever done,” says Knight, “the music has a lot of different feelings and styles, and the story is a fairly accurate por-
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The cast and crew of Bonnie & Clyde are gearing up for opening night on May 21.
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Photo by Larissa MeLviLLe/Carihi Mirror
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trayal of history.” After many months of hard preparation, the scenes and acts are finally com-
ing together as one. Knight hopes that many people are intrigued by the story and come for
a couple hours of pure entertainment. “This is the best part of my job,” says knight.
Is Campbell River Prepared for the Next Big Quake? Larissa MeLviLLe Carihi Mirror
It was the night of the 23rd of April that we were fitfully reminded that we may not be prepared if we were struck by a massive quake. What if the earthquake happened while students were at school? Have the schools taken the right precautions in order to safely asses all given situations in the event of a quake? Are the students prepared? Generally, from elementary through high school, students will undergo many tedious practices for earthquakes. The one thing
that every student knows to do is to hide under a desk, count to 60, and follow the rest of the class out into designated places out in the open. On the day of an earthquake drill, usually both the students and the teachers know when it’s going to happen, and can prepare for it. In a perfect world, an earthquake would happen as practiced in the classroom, but this is not a perfect world. “There are many things that I wouldn’t know what to do in, in an earthquake,” Says Madeline Howarth a Carihi student, “Classrooms only have posters that
say to go under our desk, count, then leave.” Since Vancouver Island has been expecting a big quake for a long time now, the people of Campbell River could perhaps be more prepared and informed about the steps needed in the case of an emergency. “I wouldn’t be prepared at home either, because we don’t have a kit, or an escape plan,” Howarth says “I think the schools are doing well enough, but some common information lacks. Generally students know the protocol for earthquakes and other emergencies,”
Cont. page 15
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Hundreds of Carihi students pledge to go tan-free your skin. Last week, the Tan-Free Grad Committee blitzed the school with information about skin cancer. They visited classrooms, Sirois shared her story, and they showed a moving video called Dear 16-Year-Old Me which features real people who battled skin cancer. The students set up an information table and asked all students, not just graduates, to pledge not to deliberately tan indoors or outdoors and to get to know their skin and watch it for changes. “The goal was to get 100 pledges,” Sirois said. “On the first day, we had 222.” At the end of the week, the students had collected 253 pledges and handed out hundreds of tattoos, bracelets, information packages and more. Students added paper hands to a banner saying ‘Tanning is Out.” Sirois said she is hoping that by telling others about her experience, her peers will choose to protect themselves this summer, and throughout
their lives. According to the Canadian Cancer Society: 1. There’s no safe way to get a tan. Tanning beds cause skin cancer. 2. Melanoma skin cancer is one of the most common and deadliest forms of cancer in young people between the ages of 15 and 29. 3. Tanning bed use before the age of 35 significantly increases your risk of developing melanoma skin cancer. 4. UV rays from tanning beds can be five times stronger than the mid-day summer sun. 5. Tanned skin is damaged skin. Even when the tan fades, the damage is still there. For more information, go to www.cancer. ca and click on ‘Sun and UV.’
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From Pg. 14
says Gurleen Mann, another Carihi student, uncertain whether or not schools could handle an extreme situation. There are some places though, which has the information necessary for emergency preparedness. On the website for Campbell River, under public safety, they have included information on the best possible actions to take during an emergency situation. Perhaps it’s time to create a family safety plan and learn the right precautions to take during an earthquake, and take action before it’s too late.
The Carihi Tan-Free Grad Committee blitzed the school with information about skin cancer in support of fellow student Elena Sirois (front row, centre) who is now recovered from a bout of melanoma that struck her last year.
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Some mature content, violence and language.
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A four-day pledge week campaign at Carihi Secondary last week, aimed at raising awareness about skin cancer and sun protection, resulted in more than 250 students promising not to deliberately tan this summer. Organizer Elena Sirois, 17, was diagnosed with malignant melanoma, a serious form of skin cancer, in January. The news came as a huge shock, particularly because she had not spent much time tanning. Sirois had surgery to remove the skin cancer and is now cancerfree, but the experience has motivated her to educate others, particularly young people, about how vital it is to protect your skin. With support from Carihi staff, particularly counsellor Jane Kolmatycki, and 12 fellow Carihi graduating students who joined with her to form a Tan-Free Grad Committee, Sirois has devoted recent months to raising awareness about the potentially deadly effects of not protecting
Canadian Tire helps kids get in the game 16 | | CAMPBELL CAMPBELLRIVER RIVER MIRROR MIRROR || FRIDAY, FRIDAY,MAY MAY 16, 16, 2014 2014 16
HealtH: Jumpstart program encourages kids to get exercise
AlistAir tAylor/the Mirror
Campbell River Canadian Tire employees Ashley Abbott (left) and Meghan Kern encourage their customers to help bring back play for youths in the community through support for the Jumpstart pgrogram. Donate $2 and receive a Jumpstart Red Ball as a gift of appreciation.
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pring is finally here and with it, the sounds of laughter and kids playing are in the air once again. Bike rides, shooting hoops and playground fun are just some of the ways kids get active in the spring and summer months. It’s a good thing too, because recent reports show that Canadian kids just aren’t getting enough exercise. According to the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology, kids should get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every single day. Unfortunately, for many children that simply isn’t the case. This spring and summer, consider enrolling your child in an organized sport or
physical activity, such as soccer, baseball, swimming or cricket. Freida Rubletz, Regional Manager, Jumpstart Programs Greater Toronto Area, Canadian Tire Jumpstart, explains that in addition to the physical benefits, organized play also helps to: n Increase self esteem and self confidence n Develop leadership skills n Improve academic performance n Teach healthy lifestyle habits “As important as physical activity is for our young people, the reality is that 1 in 3 families in Canada can’t afford to enrol their kids in organized sports or physical activity programs,” continued Rubletz. “Charities like Jumpstart remove some
of those financial pressures so all kids can have the opportunity to get in the game.” Help bring back play in your community this May by supporting the Jumpstart Red Ball campaign. Head into your local Canadian Tire, Mark’s, Sport Chek, Atmosphere or National Sports store and donate $2 in exchange for your own Jumpstart Red Ball, representing the gift of play you are giving to a deserving child. One hundred per cent of your donation helps kids in your community. To learn more about how Jumpstart is making an impact in your community or to make a donation, visit canadiantire. ca/jumpstart. Campbell River’s Canadian Tire helped 385 kids get involved in sports and activities last year through Jumpstart bringing the total to 1,712 since 2001.
Berwick 3x8
Campbell River
Photos above and to the left are courtesy of Mennie Memories.
“One day after dropping my husband off at city hall I discovered the gorgeous pink cherry blossoms were in bloom on the front lawn. I just had to photograph them! I put out the call on facebook with the idea of Mommy and Me sessions prior to Mothers Day, and with 8 families participating, captured so many beautiful moments of Campbell River Mommies and their munchkins!� ~Ludy M. www.menniememories.com
Taylor Family
Campbell River Families work at the
Wood Family
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Neaves Family
Baker Family
What is an RDSP? People with disabilities and their loved ones face a unique set of financial issues throughout their lives. In 2008, the Government of Canada introduced the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), designed to help build long-term financial security for disabled persons. The RDSP allows for anyone with a qualified disability to have a pension income at age 60. Of even greater benefit, to BC residents, is that there is no clawback on disability payments from other sources providing the savings is set to pay out for the disabled beneficiary. To help you save, the Canadian government will pay a matching Canada Disability Savings Grant (CDSG) of up to $3500 a year on your contributions. The federal government will also pay a Canada Disability Savings Bond (CDSB) of up to $100 a year into the RDSPs of low-income and modest-income Canadians. If the beneficiary of the plan is over 18 years old, the grants and bonds will be based on their income. If the person’s income is low (ie if they are receiving “Persons With Disability” income) no contributions are necessary to receive the bond. As a tax-deferred savings plan, that also benefits from government contributions, small deposits over time added to the compounded growth, can enable you to save for your retirement, or for the future of your loved one. The grants and bonds can add up. Further, if the disabled person is over age 18, they qualify based on their for all gradeown levels income, meaning a higher grant. So, although RDSPs are complicated to set up, they are well worth the effort.
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Upcoming Workshop Saturday May 24th, 2014 10am - 11am
Pictured above from left to right: Riley Cerny, Odin Benoit & Evan Platt
Getting kids to
GO GREEN Composting 101 Do you have fruit flies, smells or rodents in your composter? You should not have any of these issues. Join us as Elaine, the Compost Diva, presents an informative workshop on composting. Learn how easy it is to correct challenging problems and make composting easy for the whole family. * This is an outdoor workshop Campbell River Compost Education Centre 228 South Dogwood Street, (Across from Strathcona Gardens recreation complex) Campbell River BC Wednesday - Friday 10am - 3pm Saturday 9am - 1pm Tel: 250-287-1625 For more information about composting visit: www.cswm.ca/composting
The Comox Strathcona waste management’s (CSWM) education centre in the Campbell River is open for the season. Our on-site educator Elaine Jansen will give you a facility tour and answer any of your composting, organic gardening and conservation questions.
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StrathconaRiver Gardens Campbell at the Recreational Complex Strathcona Gardens Recreational Complex
May 17 & 18 May 17 & 18
Eco-friendly lifestyles aren’t just for adults. Encouraging kids to go green at a young age can set them up for a lifetime of making decisions with the environment in mind. The following are just a few ways parents can impart a sense of responsibility to the • Ride bicycles more often. Reducing fuel consumpenvironment on their youngsters. tion is one of the most effective ways to reduce your • Lead by example. Many kids try to mimic their carbon footprint, and even though kids can’t drive, parents’ behaviors, and moms and dads can take ad- that doesn’t mean they can’t pitch in to conserve fuel. vantage of that by making sure kids see them as they Children who attend school close to home can ride recycle, conserve water or make other eco-conscious their bikes rather than taking the bus or hitching a choices. If kids want to know why you’re separating ride with mom or dad. Explain to youngsters the imtrash or opting for tap water over bottled water, ex- pact that such a choice can have on the environment, plain to them the positive impact that such behav- and ride bikes with your kids whenever possible, be it on trips to the park or to visit friends and famiiors can have on the health of the planet. • Encourage eco-friendly hobbies. Today’s young- ly members. Many kids love to ride their bikes, and sters have a host of technology at their disposal, they might like it even more if they understand the and parents know full well that such access can be positive impact that such a hobby is having on their both good and bad. While technology can enhance planet. learning in the classroom and beyond, gaming systems and other electronic devices have made it easy for kids to forgo outdoor activities in favor of more sedentary hobbies. Many medical researchers believe that such hobbies are contributing to higher rates of childhood obesity. But they also can harm the environment. Gaming systems, whether played on televisions, computers or handheld devices, use a substantial amount of energy. Parents who encourage more eco-friendly activities, such as reading or playing outside, can get the best of both worlds, as kids will be getting out and about and embracing activities that don’t harm the planet.
• Teach kids to reuse products. Waste is a significant environmental issue, but reusing products is a great way to cut back on waste. Items that would once be tossed into the trash after serving their purpose can be repurposed when tackling projects around the house, and kids can get in on the act, too. Rather than purchasing store-bought decorations for holidays like Halloween or Chanukah and Christmas, reuse old products to craft homemade decorations. Birthday gifts or items exchanged during the holidays can be wrapped in old newspaper instead of storebought wrapping paper. Many products that would otherwise be discarded can be reused, and kids might enjoy finding new ways to make use of old items.
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From skateboarder to neuroscience researcher ACHIEVERS: Dustin Anderson brings a fresh perspective to brain knowledge JUDY MONCHUK UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY
oxious bugs, indie-folk music, electrical brain currents and neurological disorders: Dustin Anderson’s eclectic brew of passions has led him on a fascinating path to life as a scientist and medical doctor. “If there was something I wanted to learn I just buried myself in it,” says Anderson, who graduates from the University of Calgary’s Leaders in Medicine
Renaissance man Dustin Anderson — who plays guitar with a med school band — graduates this spring with a PhD and an MD from the University of Calgary Leaders in Medicine program.
program with a PhD in neuroscience, a medical degree, and an armful
of accolades and awards including the Governor General’s Gold Medal
and a Killam Doctoral Scholarship. Anderson, 32, gradu-
ated from Campbell River’s Carihi Secondary in 1999, but at the time had little idea of where he was heading. “I was more focused on, well, being a skateboarder and hanging out with my friends, and just being a kid,” Anderson said during 2011 interview. “I was by no means an excellent student.” He did have a knack for math and physic, and “squeaked into” engineering school. After getting a BA in applied science and electrical engineering, Anderson as an engineer for about a year-and-a-half, but decided he didn’t enjoy the work as much as the learning, so went back to school, and got his second BA and then a PhD.
Looking back, Anderson’s discovered his “lust for learning” during his first visit to Calgary for a tour of the university’s Hotchkiss Brain Institute. He cites Dr. Ray Turner, Dr. Gerald Zamponi and Dr. Paul Beck among his mentors. “They really sold me on the idea that I could be this different critter,” says Anderson, who wants to combine research and patient care. “If I could take things from my lab to my patients…is that realistic? No. Can I be part of that? Yes.” Anderson’s research found two classes of ion channels that are essential for the cellular electrical function in the brain to work in concert, not independently as
previously thought. His work examined how the channels interact to produce novel signalling mechanisms in the central nervous system. The finding could lead to advances in treatments for brain injuries and neurological disorders. Turner, a professor with the Hotchkiss Brain Institute, says Anderson has the rare ability to see the big picture and longterm potential while developing and following through on shortterm research specifics. Creative vision “He’s driven to follow his passions,” says Turner, noting that Cont. page 22
Thank You
Cameryns cause Thank you ad The Cameryn’s Cause For Kids Society’s 7 Annual Gala 7x7 dinner, silent auction and dance held on April 26 , 2014 th
raised $31,800 to help local families with children facing a life-threatening or acute illness or injury. A special thank you to our many volunteers that made this event happen. A huge thank you to our donators and contributors:
Carol Chapman Advanced Marine Power Ltd. All in One Party Shop Ambleside Land Ltd. Andrew Sheret Ltd. Bailey Western Star Trucks Inc. Balloons ‘n More Party Shop (Paula Marks) BC Fishing Charters (Brian Collins) Beat-On Music Bev’s Custom Cleaning Bird in Bloom (Heather Yon) Broadstreet Properties Ltd. Burp it Up Boutique Butchart Gardens Campbell River Auctions Ltd. (Jason Fitzgerald) Campbell River Home Brew Factory Cap-it Campbell River Carrie & Travis Dashkewytch Chad Braithwaite City of Campbell River Coastal Bliss Day Spa (Marie Paquin) CR Dance Xtreme Ltd. CR Firefighters
CR Lawyers Crochet Gert Curtis Wilson Dave Hunchak Derek Lorentz Diane Faurot & Debbie Sharko Discovery Chiropractic (Dr. John West) Dogwood Pet Mart Dolphins Resort Eden Street Salon and Day Spa Eiko Jones Photography Envy Beauty Den Epic Design Studio Ltd. Epicure (Stefanie Block) Epicure (Tracey Ordano-Roenicke ) Fits to a T Fashions Flow Yoga (Orsi Foldesi) Georgie’s Signature Home Furnishings Gerrit Dooris Gloria Caplette Homalco Wildlife Tours Jamberry (Adria Cowan) Jim’s Clothes Closet Judy Kratzmann & Colette Bouchard Kathleen Harold
Kidz Connection Daycare Krylea Creations Larry Stefanyk Lindsay’s Usborne Books (Lindsay Trumbley) Merle Norman Cosmetics & Day Spa Michael Boulet Moxies Grill & Bar Nicki Mackenzie Nicki’s Photography Nigel Nikolaisen Odyssey Computers Organic Glow Tans (Nicole Mellett) Party Lite (Jill Killin) Pat Rosse Plumbing Pookanooks Daycare Quality Foods Quay West Kitchen and Catering Ltd. Revived, Furnishings By Joanna Royal Lepage Advance Realty (Deanna Collins) Safety Net Security Save-On-Foods Secrets of Asia Imports Seymour Pacific Developments Ltd.
Shane Einarson Shoppers Drug Mart Shoreline Orthodontics (Dr. Paul Helpard) Something Special Gifts Starbucks Steve Marshall Ford Strathcona Gardens Sure Print & Copy Centre Sweet Tweet (Lisa Nicholas) Swicked Cycles Ltd. Tangles Hair Salon and Day Spa Tania Close The Robinson family Thea Stratton Tom Skillman Two Rivers Specialty Meats United Rentals Vancouver Aquarium Vancouver Island Insurance Centres Windsor Plywood Wise & Wonderful Toys Zudora Home Parties (Lindsey Boulter )
www.CampbellRiverMirror.com www.CampbellRiverMirror.com
Kristen Douglas/the Mirror
Realtors lend a hand
Far left, Royal LePage realtor Stephen Grant tries to balance his tricycle during the first leg of the Red Shoe Shuffle obstacle course. Centre, Darryn Striga carries a spoon holding an egg while walking through the obstacle course in wooden high-heel shoes. Shimmy Mod turned out to perform a flash mob in honour of World Belly Dance Day at Saturday’s garage sale in support of the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation which is dedicated to supporting women’s shelters and ending family violence. The garage sale was held in the parking lot next to Perk’s donuts.
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» Riding in Campbell River Campbell River City Cycling Club members are always up for a good ride.
have signed a Partnership Agreement for the trails in the Snowden Demonstration Forest. This means that the RCCC will provide trail maintenance services and ensure the trails are safe to ride and MoTCA will ensure that the RCCC is included in any recreation decisions that may affect the Snowden Forest. Snowden is also the home of The Campbell River 50 km Trail Challenge. This annual event features some of the best trails we have to offer and is a test of any rider’s stamina, both physical and mental. Comprised of two loops, the actual loop length is 27km for a total of 54km.
Pump House The Pump House Trail was the first true mountain biker’s area in Campbell River, built by riders for riders. Suitable for the beginner with a little experience, yet with some challenging sections for the more seasoned rider.
River City Riding Story and photography by the River City Cycling Club
he River City Cycling Club is all about riding in Campbell River. The club boasts re c re at i o na l riding in the area fea-
SNOWDEN Tuesday evenings at 6:30PM
turing both road cycling and mountain biking. The purpose of the club is to promote bicycling as well as encourage and facilitate touring, races, bicycle outings, and all forms of recreational bicycling activities. The club hosts group rides, trail days, organized rides to other communities, and good times for all. The River City Cycling Club has a unique working relationship with BC Parks land managers and works directly with them for mutual stewardship and maintenance goals of the existing trails that exist in the parks area.
trails, and remember, “Ride, don’t slide!”
hours. Be prepared and ride within your limits!
Riding Areas
Snowden Demonstration Forest
In Campbell River we have three main riding areas, Snowden, Pump House and The Beaver Lodge, and a couple of lesser used areas, Menzies Mt., McIvor Lake and Woods Creek. There are numerous other areas of trails, however most are not bike friendly, either because of terrain or use restrictions. We are fortunate that our trails remain snow free most years except for a couple of weeks mid-winter. In the summer there can be a shortage of water for our four legged riding partners.
This is our largest area with over 100 kms of trails. This is a cross country and all-mountain area, well suited to 5” travel bikes. Although Snowden Forest trail difficulties range from Green Circle to Black Diamond, these trails are not well suited to the absolute beginner rider, as most of the trails are challenging with technical features. The trails traverse a variety of terrain, from dense forest to open rock bluff with incredible views. Unique to this area is the almost total absence of roads. Most of the trails are signed and marked for the preferred direction of travel, although most can be ridden in the reverse direction by a strong climber. The trails of the Snowden Forest are designated for non-motorized use, so leave the quads at home.
Trails are in forest and on open rock bluff, the entire area is within Elk Falls Provincial Park and the trails are recognized by Parks for bike use. A competent rider with a knowledge of these trails could cover them all in a couple hours easily.
The Beaver Lodge Quite flat and with many of the “trails” built on very old rail grades, this is the area most suitable for the family or complete beginner. A strong rider with area knowledge can ride everything “the Beav” has to offer in a little over an hour. There are a few hidden gems in the “Beav” with technical features that will challenge most riders.
Pick up your copy Riders meet at the logging bridge over the Campbell River (lights mandatory September – April). Show up at the bridge and head out for a ride with some locals.
RCCC BEGINNER RIDES Second Tuesday of each month (May–Sept) Remember to bring refreshments and anything you would like to cook over the fire afterward.
RCCC WOMEN’S ONLY RIDE Thursday evenings at 6:00PM. Meet at the Lost Lake Parking Lot (aka the Rectangle).
Thursday evenings 6:30PM - meet at the corner of Dogwood and Hilchey Roads (lights mandatory September – April). Beginner rides the last Thursday of each month.
Riding on the Wet Coast
If you have to ride during periods of sustained precipitation, choose trails that are rocky and well drained. The Pumphouse trails are well suited to wet conditions and are underrated for their fun factor. Check them out if you haven’t been in there in a while. Enjoy the
It is not uncommon to see deer, elk, bear and occasionally a cougar in any of our riding areas. Please be respectful of the inhabitants and carry out any litter. Also be aware that in most of the Snowden and on Menzies Mountain, help is many hours away in the event of serious injury. In the event of an unrepairable mechanical, the walk out can take
The River City Cycle Club and the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts (MoTCA)
Other Areas McIvor Lake/Skidmarks. This area comprises mostly intermediate trails. Woods Creek has a small network of fairly easy trails with little elevation gain. Woodsman’s Wilderness Trails on Menzies Mountain are Campbell River’s newest and most remote riding area that contrasts the mountain’s rugged “working forest” character with its pristine subalpine meadows, mountain views and exhilarating descents on the way down. If you are pedaling up, expect a long, steep and rough access road climb of an hour and half to the start of the trail. The descent is a long XC and technical DH trail from the end of the road access back to the starting point, with some optional but highly recommended trails in the lower elevations, such as Fauxhawk. The trails vary in difficulty throughout the descent, but riders should be very comfortable with technically difficult DH trails before attempting to ride this remote area. Many riders take over five hours to complete the round trip, however a seasoned rider can complete a loop in half that time. Woodsman Wilderness Trails are not maintained by the River City Cycle Club. Trail conditions (including snowpack) and hazards will vary with the season. Ride within your limits and at your own risk! (Note: Mohawk will NOT appeal to any but the most skilled and risk tolerant riders.)
Business trio secures air, land and sea
Shannan will speak to us about her experiences in Tanzania supporting women to become entrepreneurs and share with us how women can empower each other in business and life! Networking, great food and sampling of Shelter Point Distillery’s amazing vodka and whiskey products are just a few of the exciting things planned for this event! Stay tuned for more details! Please RSVP to rsvp@ypcampbellriver.com Should you have additional questions please feel free to email info@ypcampbellriver.com
Anderson... Continued from Pg. 1
Anderson’s unique undergrad background in electrical engineering and bio-science gave him a fresh perspective. “And he finds a way to bring everyone around him to a new level.” That passion is infectious. Anderson’s professors say he brings the same enthusiasm to the lab, to patient care and when he is in a classroom setting. He once did a talk discussing weird bugs that create toxins to kill other animals and related it to the possibilities this may open up for patient treatment. “He’s a guy who can come up with really creative ways to look at things,” says Beck, director of the Leaders in Medicine program. “He asks questions that the average person doesn’t ask. He thinks the way an average person doesn’t think. “He works really hard. I expect he will be the one to come up with something groundbreaking.” Even Anderson’s hobbies become high level. Bugs, boards and a band In high school, he focused on becoming a professional This week’s eek’s feature:
skateboarder. At 23, he picked up a guitar and learned to play as a stress outlet, a pastime that morphed into a second career as a musician/songwriter. Four albums later, his band Heart Failure Research Unit is filled with professors and doctors from the University of Calgary. In July, Anderson begins a five-year residency program in neurology at the University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton. There, he will work with people recovering from strokes and brain injuries, as well as those suffering with disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. He’s hoping patient care leads to the “aha” moment of “I want to fix THAT!” that will focus his research dreams. While many would be thrilled to leave school after 14 years of postsecondary education, Anderson’s excitement for learning hasn’t waned. “I’d recommend everyone do the same thing if you can,” he says. “You want to learn what you love. Find what turns your crank.” Judy Monchuk is a writer for the the University of Calgary magazine UToday.
Driveway Genesis esis 2x1 DrivewayCanada.ca Hyundai ndai
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young! g n i k o r car lo
u Keep yo Send your results to:
Cres 3x1.5
1033 Ironwood St. 250-287-7121
The Peewee A Ravens pose with their gold medals in Victoria after winning the Captain Cook lacrosse tournament for a second straight year.
Ravens claim gold in Victoria
Barrel dash
Sue Sheppard of Errington rounds the barrel on her horse Sugar during Island Barrel Racing jackpot stakes Saturday night at Innes ranch in Oyster River. Barrel racing is back at Innes ranch this Saturday night, starting at 6 p.m.
For the second year in a row the Campbell River Pee Wee C Ravens won gold at the Captain Cook Tournament in Victoria. The Ravens went through the tournament undefeated with games against Comox, Saanich, and VictoriaEsquimalt. There was a very spirited game against our friendly rival to the south, Comox, which earned the Ravens a spot in the gold medal
game versus their nemesis Saanich. In a ver y exciting, hard fought, and sportsmanlike game, the Ravens emerged victorious. During the tournament nearly every Raven figured in the scoring with more than one player getting their first ever goal. Congratulations R av e n s on s om e extremely good play, low penalty minutes, and great team spirit.
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Careful, Not so High! Before you start building your fence, remember there are regulations that effect height. These are intended to help create “good neighbour relations”. Residential front yard maximum fence heights are generally 1.2m (4 ft) and side and rear yards are 1.8m (6 ft). Come in to City Hall and talk with the Land Use Services staff about additional height information. You can call us at 250-286-5726 or check out the City website at www.campbellriver.ca/planning-building-development.
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Fishing Corner
of attractant or stink bait are fairing well in the catch d e p a r t m e n t . Th e s t i n k attractant has worked for a number of anglers and a number of locals are testing it out the moment. Steve from Renuable Resources said that you may need a bigger boat, local tackle shops have another mixture on hand that works with the right combination. It all stinks to me and I will try it on lures this summer. Every week I get inquiries asking where do I go to catch salmon or fish on the rivers? In Campbell River, local guides know where and when to fish and they are your best bet to catch a keeper. A number of people will shore fish on the Campbell River especially during the pink run. I had the chance to get on the Quinsam River and the anglers casting out floats with a fly or lure were catching fish; all wild trout and salmon have to be released. Water levels have been ideal on the Campbell and Quinsam rivers, and the Oyster is a little fishable in the upper pools. Trout fishing has been superb in most areas around Campbell River and shore fishing at McIvor Lake has been also good with anglers casting out spoons. Anglers are still getting down deep, trolling wedding bands and
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spoons. On the fly, a blackbodied fly is working and the evening fish are surfacing to take a dry fly. Some smaller fish feed close to the shore just before dusk.
Painters Lodge Women’s Fishing Derby June 19-23 Campbell River. Roberts Lake Family Fun Fishing Derby September 20.
Perry Assu and Charlie Henderson Memorial Trout Derby Buttle Lake, June 7-8.
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Blair McLean took his grandson Owen salmon fishing on April 29. They caught three fish in half an hour jigging.
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Stinky gets the fish. A number of saltwater anglers going after salmon are getting fish in the boat and the better fishing is a few weeks away. The Hump is a great spot and some anglers are getting three fish to the boat in less than an hour. Blair McLean went jigging with his grandson Owen on The Hump near low slack tide. Springs are feeding on needlefish just off the bottom. Fish size range from 9-16 pounds and already the bigger fish go 19-21. Campbell River anglers will be watching reports from Bates Beach – then the frenzy will begin. Shelter Point is still producing salmon and the smaller plugs fished deep has been productive in the past week with the bait being scattered the hunt can sometimes be unpredictable and can change at a moment’s notice. A good fishing season is anticipated for Campbell River saltwater fishermen. Those anglers going out for prawns have already had good success to the north of Campbell River. Those fishermen who have mixed cat food and pellets with the right amount
WEDNESDAY 05-21 Time
THURSDAY 05-22 Time
Tidal predictions come from Fisheries & Oceans Canada Reference Station #8074 Campbell River http://www.tides.gc.ca
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Monster trucks at Saratoga this weekend
Round one of the drifting competition took place at Saratoga Speedway on Saturday. Five cars, from all across the North Island, put on an amazing display of drifting, with reigning champion #26 Alex Davidson eventually driving his 440 horse-powered Nissan 240 SX to the winner’s circle, taking home the first round of drifting at Saratoga. The drifting format works as follows: all cars
qualify through a points system based on their control, technique, risk of the run and speed. From that point, two cars are matched together to do side by side drifting with one slightly trailing the other, trying to “mock” his or hers run. The cars then switch, with the one who was trailing now leading, trying to out due the other’s run. The judges will then decide, based on the points system, who has out drifted the other and
Cars work the corner just past the starting gate during racing action at Saratoga Speedway last Saturday. The monster trucks are in town this weekend at the race track.
the winner then moves on to the semi’s and
the loser to the loser’s bracket.
After a few runs and a bunch of eliminations,
Davidson would find himself in the finals with #4 Andrew Ottosen. After some back and forth drifting, the judges decided that Davidson would be the winner of the first round of drifting. #14 Kyle Fallowfield took on #15 Tom Flagel for third with Fallowfield just barely narrowing out Flagel. Extra laps...The first app e ar anc e of t he monster trucks is this weekend. Rockstar and California Kid will once
again put on yet another amazing monster truck performance. In previous years, these trucks have hit incredible air and both trucks have even rolled over. Accompanying the monster trucks on Saturday will be the Crash to Pass cars, hornet cars, roadrunners and the figure 8’s, with the I.M.C.A mo dif ieds and the bomber cars joining the action on Sunday with both nights running rain or shine.
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Kristen Douglas/the Mirror
On the run
Kristen Douglas/the Mirror
A Bantam B Raven, right, chases down his Victoria-Esquimalt opponent during a lacrosse match last Saturday at Rod Brind’Amour Arena.
Above, the Royals’ Aaron Badovinac, bottom right, slides into second base during a Saturday morning game against Ridge Meadows at Nunns Creek Park.
CR Comets on fire Royals split double-header North Island Royals Bantam AAA entertained under sunny skies on Mother’s Day at Nunns Creek Park before good crowds with Ridge Meadows in town. Game one of a double-header saw Royals pitcher Bryce Casorzo on the mound, earning the 9-1 victory, pitching five solid innings, with Brayden Baker coming in to close. Aaron Badovinic was exceptional catching behind the plate for the Royals. The defence was solid, with the bats from the full line-up driving in runs. In game two, the Royals had Griffin Mallicoat and Ben Swing pitching. Ridge Meadows got the early lead then the Royals started to claw back. Kieran Finn was solid in the outfield with
Although the weather wasn’t hot in Victoria on Mother’s Day weekend, the Comets were on fire. Five athletes from the Campbell River Comets track and field club attended the Dogwood Track Meet at UVic May 10-11. Every Comet claimed one or more top five fin-
Kristen Douglas/the Mirror
Austin Rickson Brown is safe at first after sliding back to first base in a pick-off attempt by the Ridge Meadows Royals pitcher (not pictured).
the infield of Kieran Bowles, Thomas Green and Noah Fatur making plays on defence. In the seventh inning, with the Royals down four,
the team had the bases loaded but failed to advance as Ridge Meadows shut them down 6-2. The North Island Royals have this weekend off
but mark your calendars for their return to Campbell River’s Nunns Creek Park on Saturday, June 22 when Victory Red come to town.
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ishes against a very competitive field. The results Trent Perras: first shotput, first discus, and second javelin Fergus Hall: second 100m, second 200m, second 300m, second 80m hurdles, second long jump, fourth shotput, and sixth discus
Jaci McPhee: first triple Jump, fourth long jump, fifth 200m, seventh 100m, and seventh shotput Jane Nighswander: fourth 300m, and thirteenth 100m Jordan Williamson: third 1500m steeplechase, and fifteenth 400m
Crime Stoppers Shredding 3x7
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A Celebration of Life for
will be held outside at her pond at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 25th, 2014 at 433 Alder Place, Quadra Island.
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Ferry departs Campbell River at 1:10 p.m. Directions will be posted on the Quadra side.
Norman Fortin August August 30, 30, 19471947May 12, May 12, 2014 2014 ItIt isis with with sadness sadness that that we we announce announce the the passing passing of of Norm Norm Fortin in the Campbell River Fortin in the Campbell River Hospital Hospital after after aa short short battle battle with with cancer. cancer. Norm was born bornin inNoranda, Noranda, Quebec to William and Fortin. Violet Norm was Quebec to William and Violet Fortin. He is predeceased by his Violet motherand Violet and step-mom He is predeceased by his mother step-mom Pauline. Pauline. to mourn aredad, his dad William(Bill); (Bill);sisters sisters Betty Betty and Left to Left mourn are his William and Marlene; Marlene; brothers brothers Shane Shane and and Edward; Edward; step-sister step-sister Martha; Martha; each each of of their their families families and and many many nieces nieces and and nephews. nephews. He He will will also also be be dearly dearly missed missed by by his his friends; friends; particularly particularly the the Davis, Davis, Murray Murray and and Anderson families and his step-children Ben, Al and Hanna. Anderson families and his step-children Ben, Al and Hanna. Norm Norm worked worked as as aa hard hard rock rock miner miner for for 20 20 years years at at Nystar Nystar Myra Myra Falls. Falls.Those Those he he worked worked with with were were important important to to him him and and he he prided prided himself on his dedication and hard work. himself on his dedication and hard work. Norm Norm loved loved aa good good story, story, particularly particularly those those he he told. told. His His growing growing up up in in the the town town of of Lively, Lively, Ontario, Ontario; the the hippy hippy days days on on Read Read Island, Island, kayak kayak trips, trips, and and aa short short foray foray into into logging, logging, were were told told in in his his flamboyant flamboyant and and expressive expressive way. way. Norm Norm loved loved the the outdoors, outdoors, fishing, fishing, and and the the bounty bounty of of fresh fresh seafood. seafood. Yes, Yes, Norm Norm was was aa food food guy guy -enjoying enjoying aa good good meal meal and and aa good good visit. visit. He He liked liked the the free free feeling feeling of of riding riding his his motorcycle, motorcycle, enjoyed enjoyed aa good good game game of of crib, crib, the the beauty beauty of of aa sunset sunset on on Stories Stories Beach, Beach, aa hearty hearty handshake, handshake, and and sincere sincere smiles smiles and and hugs. hugs. Special Special thanks thanks to to Dr. Dr. Jacobs Jacobs and and the the home home nursing nursing staff staff for for your your care, care, and and to to Colette Colette for for your your time time and and dedication. dedication. At At Norm’s Norm’s request request there there will will be be no no service. service. Tip Tip aa glass, glass, have have aa cheer cheer and and ifif you you like, like,make make aa donation donation in in his his memory memory to to the theAltrusa Altrusa Club Club of of Campbell Campbell River River or or the the Children’s Children’s Health Health Foundation Foundation of of Vancouver Vancouver Island, Island, 2390 2390 Arbutus Arbutus Rd, Rd, Victoria, Victoria, BC BC V8N V8N 1V7. 1V7.
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Pat Bezaire
LISKE, Barbara Jean
September 22, 1949 - May 7, 2014 Our mother, Barbara Jean Liske, was taken from us on May 7, 2014, after a sudden and unexpected illness. Barb was born on September 22, 1949 in Prince Albert. Saskatchewan to Edwin and Hannah Lindoff. The youngest of five children, Mom was also a twin. Mom grew up in Lake Cowichan, B.C. and moved to Manitoba after she married. Upon returning to Lake Cowichan with her three children, Laura, Mark and Sue, Mom became a devoted, single mother whose main focus was raising her kids. As the kids got older and left home, Mom moved to Nanaimo to start a new life. It was there that she started working at the Nanaimo hospital as a housekeeper. In 2004, Mom moved to Campbell River, where she remained working at Yucalta Lodge until her passing. Mom loved her job and took great pride in her work. The residents of Yucalta were very special to her, and she loved them like family. Mom enjoyed the stories they had to tell, and felt a lot of compassion towards them. As her 25th year of employment with VIHA was nearing, Mom was talking about retiring. Mom had five grandchildren, Jonathon, Jeremy, Jeffrey, Jessica, and Joshua, who she loved dearly. She had recently proudly stepped into the role of “GG�, to Sophie and Noah, and was awaiting the arrival of the newest great-grandchild due in August. Mom loved being a great-grandma even more, because she used to say the kids had a mom and a grandma, therefore she could just be great. Mom and Sophie were good friends, and anytime Sophie would visit Mom at work, she was taken around to the staff and residents, so Mom could show her off. Mom was a life-long believer in Christ, and felt it was her duty to teach her children Christian values. Mom was a quiet person who kept to herself. She was not lovey-dovey or mushy, but we knew she loved us. She was a good mother and we didn’t tell her that enough. She taught us compassion, kindness, honesty, and how to work hard in life. She always knew the right thing to say when we had a problem. We will all miss her in our own different ways and she will never be forgotten. The family family would would like like to to thank thank the the paramedics, paramedics, the the staff staff in in The CR emergency, emergency, dietary, dietary, Yucalta Yucalta Lodge, Lodge, and and especially especially the the ICU ICU CR nurses. A A special special thank thank you you to to Christy, Christy, for for being being with with us us when when nurses. our mother mother passed. passed. You You helped helped us us allow allow our our mother mother to to die die our with dignity, dignity, something something our our mom mom so so firmly firmly believed believed everyone everyone with deserved. Words Words cannot cannot express express our our gratitude gratitude to to our our family family deserved. and friends friends for for all all the the flowers, flowers, phone phone calls, calls, prayers, prayers, tears tears and and and hugs you you have have given given us us during during this this very very painful painful time. time. hugs A casual casual gathering gathering to to celebrate celebrate our our mother’s mother’s life life will will be be held held A at her her daughter daughter Laura’s Laura’s home home in in Cumberland, Cumberland, B.C. B.C. on on May May 31, 31, at 2014 at at 1:00 1:00 pm. pm. 2014 “Be Still, Still, and and Know Know That That II Am Am God.� God.� Psalm Psalm 46:10 46:10 “Be
Elk Falls
Crematorium Crematorium
#6-1040 #6-1040 9th 9th Ave., Ave., Campbell Campbell River River BC BC 250-287-2240 250-287-2240 Condolences Condolences may may be be left left for for the the family family at: at: www.campbellriverfunerals.com www.campbellriverfunerals.com
Island Funeral Funeral Services Services Island
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John David Kragen December 13, 1948 ~ May 10, 2014 We are sad to announce the passing of John David Kragen on May 10th, 2014. He leaves behind his wife Linda Lessard, his children Sadie Watson and Gabriel and Celeste Lessard-Kragen, his two brothers Robert and William and his sister Patricia as well as many friends. John was born in New York City, where he attended Columbia College. He then moved to British Columbia where he resided on Denman Island, in the Kooteneys, and on Vancouver Island before finally settling on Quadra Island in 1991. John was a silviculturist who had a passion for the forests in all the places he lived in. He contributed massively to the reforestation of parts of the interior of British Columbia as well as many areas on Vancouver Island. In the past ten years John developed Huntington’s Disease; although his cognitive and physical abilities were diminished, he remained an optimistic, compassionate man who touched all those he met. He will be remembered as a talented, caring, and generous man who loved his family, wood working, skiing, the outdoors, and playing music with friends. We will miss him.
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Campbell River Mirror Fri, May 16, 2014
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In memory of NATHAN SWAN
SEARY, Louise Patricia (nee Rosenbury)
January 29, 1993 – May 17, 2009
Dear Nathan As we hold you close in memory, Although we are apart, Your beautiful spirit will live on within our hearts.
August 26, 1917–April 27, 2014 Louise was born in Hamilton, Ontario and raised in Swift Current, Sask. She moved to Victoria in 1948 as a young woman to work as a legal secretary at the Parliament Buildings. She married Claude Seary in 1952 and spent 48 years as a homemaker at their Glen Lake Rd. residence. In 2000, to be close to her daughter, she bought a lovely condo overlooking Discovery Passage here in Campbell River where she was able to stay until 94 years of age. Her final 2 years were at Yucalta Lodge. Thank you to all that looked out for her at the condo and to all her care-workers over the years. She felt very fortunate to have met each of you. Special hearts to Edie and Judy. Louise enjoyed reading, sewing, cooking, going out for drives, and had been a member of Greater Victoria Geranium & Fuchsia Society. She liked nothing more than checking out the craft bazaars and antique shops wherever she might be. Louise is survived by her only child, daughter, Karen King and son-in-law, Rick. grandsons Jason King (Darlene) and Brian King (Tiare) and great-granddaughter Jayden King, all of Campbell River. There will be a garden tea party at the home of her daughter with friends and family in her memory mid July. The geraniums should be blooming. We hope those that attend will take one of her treasured teacups or china home in exchange for a donation to CR women’s centre. Others may wish to make a donation to their local women‘s charity. Her ashes will be placed with her mother at Royal Oak Burial Park in Victoria.
Doreen McKay (nee Dougan)
Born May 27, 1918 Cobble Hill, BC, deceased May 7th, 2014 Cumberland BC. Predeceased by her husband Bill in 1991 and her son Moray in 1990. She is also predeceased by her brothers; Ray, Charlie, Garth, Norm and Jim. Doreen is survived by her grandson Muskie, granddaughter Sam, daughter-in-law Linda, brother Dave (Lol), sister Roma, sisters-in-law Mary and Daphne and by many nieces, nephews and other family and friends. Doreen lived her entire life on Vancouver Island. She was born to the pioneering Dougan family of the Cowichan Valley. She helped raise her younger siblings and cooked in her father’s logging camp in Anderson Bay on Texada Island where she met her husband Bill. They were married in 1943 and her son was born in the Pender Harbour hospital in 1946, delivered by an Army doctor and several men holding Kerosene lanterns. During her married life she lived in many remote coastal logging camps, which is well documented by home movies and many photos. Doreen was very adventurous and travelled to many places including flying to Scotland in 1948 in a Northstar and later to Egypt, Greece, Hawaii, Mexico, Korea, Italy, England, Cuba and cruising the Panama, the Mediterranean and the Nile. Bill and Doreen travelled extensively in their motorhome, hunting, trap shooting, gambling and entertaining. Doreen was an avid reader, who read anything and everything, continuing to keep up on world events by reading her daily TC, despite poor vision in recent years. She golfed well into her eighties, achieving a hole-in-one in 1987 and golfing as a competitor in the BC senior games. Doreen loved to cook and was always ready to try out a new recipe while entertaining family and friends. The family wishes to thank Dr. Potter Cogan, the staff at Cumberland Lodge and CV Senior’s Village, her hairdresser Shirley and her “Pusher� Karen. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the Campbell Rivers Shrine Club: 639 Yorkshire Drive, Campbell River V9W 7S6 or BC Children’s Hospital: 4480 Oak Street, Vancouver, V6H 3V4 There will be an informal celebration of life Sunday May 18th at 2:00pm at the family home in Deep Bay.
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Wrohan, Gerald Alfred alfred WROHAN, Gerald away atat home home ininCampbell Campbell Passed away on May May 7th, 7th, 2014. 2014. He He isis River on survived by by his his wife wifeJean; Jean;children children survived Ian Wrohan, Wrohan, Adam Adam Wrohan, Wrohan, and and Rebecca Bjorklund, Bjorklund, as as well well asas Rebecca step-children Phil Phil Roth Roth and andRobin Robin step-children McKenna, and and brother brother Michael Michael McKenna, Wrohan. His His grandchildren grandchildren Devin, Devin, Wrohan. Connor, and and Erik Erik were were special special Connor, treasures, and andhehelooked looked forward treasures, forward to to spoiling them.HeHeisispredeceased predeceased spoiling them. his mother mother Audrey Audrey Wrohan Wrohan by his (“Toots�), Wrohan. (“Toots�), father father Harold Harold Wrohan, and brother Tony Wrohan. Gerald ways. After After aa degree degree inin restaurant restaurant Gerald lived lived life large in all ways. management owned and and managed managedOrange OrangeJulius Julius management from BCIT, he owned stores before he he acquired acquired the the Dairy Dairy stores in in Duncan and Nanaimo before Queen He had had completed completed35 35years yearsinin Queen in in Campbell Campbell River in 1996. He the the business business to toretire retireinin2004. 2004.His His the food food industry industry when he left the favourite his 37’ 37’ Seabird, Seabird,the theBald BaldPate Pate favourite times times were spent sailing his Too, spending happy happydays daysdiscovering discovering Too, in in the the coastal waters and spending new the Island. Island.He Healso alsoloved lovedcars cars new anchorages anchorages on both coasts of the of 57 of any anykinds, kinds,but butespecially especiallyhis his“girls,� “girls,�two two6868GTOs, GTOs,and andthethe MGA which he he completely restored. TheThe latter 57 MGA which completely restored. latterwas wasfeatured featuredin Hemmings Sports and Exotic magazine. Always a loveraoflover history, in Hemmings Sports and Exotic magazine. Always of he was gifted thewith barrel the original lifesaving cannon history, he waswith gifted theofbarrel of the original lifesaving from the from west the coastwest of the island. Afterisland. months of research, he cannon coast of the After months of was able toherestore the to cannon, the help friend research, was able restoreand thewith cannon, and of with the Barry help Ritchie, anRitchie, authentic flaking box complete with accurate of friendbuild Barry build an authentic flaking boxthecomplete line made byline a rope UK. Itmaker is now on display withhand the accurate handmaker madeinbythe a rope in the UK. It inis the Museum in Victoria. He loved to spend nowMaritime on display in the Maritime Museum in Victoria. Hewinters loved on Mt. Washington, where he was active on skiing, Strata cooking Council, to spend winters on Mt. Washington, enjoyed and Tourism Mt Washington, skiing, included cooking fabulous fabulous dinners for friends enjoyed which usually oysters dinners for friends which usually included oysters Washington, Washington, and building model ships when the weather kept and himbuilding indoors.model ships when the weather kept him indoors. Gerald’s in touch touch with with his hisfamily familyand and Gerald’s greatest greatest love was keeping in friends. advisor to to his his children, children,fielding fielding friends. He He was truly the wiser advisor calls world, and and giving giving cooking cooking oror car car calls from from all parts of the world, mechanics phone. His His enthusiastic enthusiasticapproach approachtoto mechanics lessons lessons over the phone. life and his his loud loud laugh laughwill willbe bemissed missed life was was his his greatest gift to all, and by by everyone everyone who who knew knew him. The South Home Home Care Care team, team,Josie Josie The family family wishes to thank the South of Sullivan who who made made Gerald's Gerald's last last of Charcare, Charcare, Drs. Ness and Sullivan days declined, donations donationstotothe the days comfortable. comfortable. Flowers gratefully declined, Campbell Gerald’s name namewould wouldbe bemost most Campbell River River Hospice Society in Gerald’s appreciated. appreciated. Sail Sail on on Captain. “The To make make itit palatable, palatable,we wehad hadtoto “The water water was was not fit to drink. To add learned to to like likeit� it�––Sir SirWinston Winston add whiskey. whiskey. By diligent effort, I learned Churchill Churchill “There nothing –– half half so so much much worth worth “There isis nothing – absolutely nothing doing in boats� boats� –– Kenneth KennethGrahame, Grahame, doing as as simply messing about in from from the the “Wind “Wind in in the the Willows�.
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ACCOUNTANT Long Term Care Facility
Local long term care facility is expanding and requires a Staff Accountant. This is a new position, approximately 30 hours per week. The successful applicant will be a self starter who is highly responsible and demonstrates attention to detail. Requirements: Education equivalent to three years of an accounting designation & several years experience in a bookkeeping/staff accounting position. Knowledge and experience with: •Multi level payroll •AR/AP and inventory •GST •System development •Simply Accounting Flexible work hours, wages and benefits are dependent on back ground and exp. Please submit your resume care of: deborah@ deborahewartcga.com Before May 16, 2014
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Love you WR LQĂ€ QLW\ Grandma Diane
Wenuk (Barr) Elva Mae April 15, 1921 - May 18, 2013
Born on April 15, 1921 in Victoria, B.C., passed peacefully May 18, 2013 in North Vancouver, B.C. Retired Librarian of 35 years with the Lynn Valley Library. Predeceased by her loving husband William John Wenuk, her father Harold Elgin Barr of Wilkesport, Ontario and her mother Wilmina (Minnie) Barr (McGregor) of Victoria B.C. Loved mother of John William Wenuk, daughter-inlaw Cathy and grandmother of Shawn William Wenuk. Sister to James Barr of Surrey, B.C. and Robert Barr of Penticton, B.C. If desired, donations may be made to the charity Mom supported, Canadians Sharing Locally and Globally www. canadianssharing.org or by mail to 130 Wren St., RR1, Ottawa, Ontario K0A 1T0. Condolences and tributes may be sent to info@canadianssharing. org or mailed to the above address. “It has been a year since your passing. We miss your warm and gentle spirit everyday�
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MASTER INSTRUCTOR Non Restricted & Restricted. C.O.R.E. Contact, Sign up & Pay at TYEE MARINE 250-287-2641 250-334-2942 or GUN SMOKE Doghouse Plaza 250-286-0986 CONTACT SID NIELSEN 250-203-4444 2 Courses for May HAIRCARE PROFESSIONALS
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Contact The Kelsey Centre at 250-282-5500 ask for Darlene THE LEMARE Group is accepting resumes for the following positions: Boom men, Off Highway Logging Truck Drivers, Hydraulic Log Loader Operator, Processor Operators, Chasers, Coastal Certified Hand Fallers, Machinists, Millwright, Heavy Duty Mechanics. Full-time with union rates/ benefits. Please send resumes by fax to 250-956-4888 or email to office@lemare.ca
HOME CARE/SUPPORT COMMUNITY SUPPORT WORKER: Milieu Family Services We are looking for enthusiastic people who have a great deal of common sense and can work well under pressure. Successful candidates will work with young people in their homes and in the community. We offer competitive wages and a benefit package and will provide required training. Please send Resumes and Cover Letters to lori.cochrane@milieu.ca
MEDICAL/DENTAL RN REQUIRED for fast-paced medical clinic. Experience in pediatrics, immunizations and wound care an asset; ability to multitask and work without supervision a necessity. This position is for casual and relief coverage. Please drop resume off in person to Alder Medical Centre. Attention: Anne or Sandy.
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Volunteer Requests for May 14, 2014 CR Community Foundation is hosting their 9th Annual Golf Tournament and volunteers are needed to work as a hole-in one witness on Sat. May 31 from 11-6. No golf experience necessary. Bag lunch is provided.
The Salvation Army is looking for creative cooks to prepare great lunches for 70-100 people at the Lighthouse Soup Kitchen. Shifts are Mondays or Wednesdays from 9-11am. CR Transition Society needs volunteers to do weeding and other maintenance gardening for July, August, & September. Schedule determined by the volunteer’s availability.
Cape Mudge Band Head Start/Preschool Program in Campbell River is looking for ECE Teachers. The successful applicant will need to be very reliable, energetic, motivated and of course like to have fun with both children and their families. Experience working with First Nation families an asset but not a requirement. Great starting wage, benefit package, and summers off. ECE Certification required or working toward 500 hrs Full time and part time teacher positions available. Only those short listed will be contacted. For further information please call 250-286-1672. Please fax resume to 250-286-1687 or mail to 664A Head Start Cres. Campbell River, B.C. V9H 1P9 Attention: Pamela Lewis Deadline for Application is May 30th, 2014.
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Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land
Take notice that Victor McLaggan and Kathy McLaggan of Heriot Bay, BC, Intends to make application to Ministry of Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), West Coast Service Centre, for a Licence of Occupation - ShellÄsh (oysters , mussels and scallops on rafts) situated on Provincial Crown land located at Cortes Island. The Lands File Number that has been established for this application is 1406569. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Section Head, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations at 1422080 Labieux Rd., Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6J9, or emailed to AuthorizingAgency.Nanaimo@gov.bc.ca. Comments will be received until May 20, 2014. MFLNRO may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website: http://arfd.gov.bc.ca/ApplicationPosting/ index.isp for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the FOI Advisor at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations regional ofÄce.
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Pacific Sleep Care, a busy sleep therapy clinic located in Courtenay, is seeking a Patient Coordinator to join our team on a part time basis in Campbell River. Candidates must be willing to work in both our Courtenay and Campbell River clinics. Candidates must also be willing to cover periodically vacations at our clinics in Nanaimo and Duncan. Flexible candidates should be able to work in a fast paced medical customer service environment. Basic duties include reception, scheduling of appointments and customer care. A background working in medical, complimentary care clinics or designation as a Certified Dental Assistant, would be an asset. Please drop your resume off at our office at 1255B Cliffe Ave. Courtenay during regular office hours before May 21st addressed to Simone Lamont. email: info@pacificsleep.ca 1-866-210-6585 HOTEL, RESTAURANT, FOOD
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Campbell River Mirror Fri, May 16, 2014
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EVELYN M. Interior Painting: Interior prep to completion. I always use low odour paint. Colour consulting available, free estimates. No muss, no fuss! 250-204-4417.
LARGE SHOP Rider Scooter and a Bruno Lift, Aqua-tech bath lift and Roho cushion. Delta band saw, Delta 12� planner w/dust collector. Large map drill press w/metal bits, horizontal metal band saw, Settling torch and cart, 4 tool boxes, numerous other tools too much to list! Call (250)3381689. MOVING. MUST SELL. Queen bed, mattress & headboard $180. 2 solid wood dressers: $120./ $75. Dbl bed & mattress $50. 2 computer tables $35./ $25. Glass coffee table $100. Lamps, end tables, chairs, futon. Great prices. Call (250)923-0008, C.R. RENO SALE: Whirlpool Gold dishwasher & microwave. Kitchen table & 4 chairs. Sofa and love seat. Treadmill. Lawnmower. All items for sale by “Best Offer�. Please call 250-898-8859
• Grades K - 12 & College. • All subjects.
1975 DAVID BROWN Tractormodel #995, comes with front end loader, 3. hitch and PTO, good running order. 64HP diesal. $5700. obo. Call (250)897-2997.
FRIENDLY FRANK ELECTRIC TREAD mill. Variable speed control. $55.00 250-830-0011 SEARS MOWER. 21� c/w bag. As new condition. 1 yr old. $95.00. 250-830-0011
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com
Spring Is Here
Gardening, Pruning,Top Dressing, Small Landscaping Designs & Rubbish Removal Gabriele (250)205-0661
HANDYPERSONS Not Just another Handyman! 23 yrs experience. Specializing in roofs/repair, fencing/repair, drywall/repair, framing/rot repair, door & window replacement, crawlspace repair & dump runs. Seniors Discount. Call Reno at 250-203-3315
HOME IMPROVEMENTS Finishing and Renovations Interior Renovations Professional Painting Drywall & Mudding Repair Finish Carpentry, Trim work Custom Fir Kitchens, Fireplace Mantels Husband & Wife Team Free Estimates
BEAUTIFUL PECAN China Cabinet. 56� x 17� original. $1500, selling for $500. Solid Oak Pedestal. table extends to 59’ with the 18� leaf in it, + 4 matching chairs $300. 250890-3458.
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 1985 500cc Honda Shadow M/C good condition $1500. Troybilt rototiller, ramps & hiller/furrower $500. Cabart wooden oboe $650. Vito clarinet $100. Suzuki 3/4 size violin $125. Please call for more info 250-336-8423. 2004 PONTIAC Sunfire 4 cyl standard 120,420k - $3000. 5X10 Utility Trailer covered sides + roof, roof racks - $600. 16’ Frontiersman Canoe $400. Call 250-335-2048. BREMSHEY TREADLINE Scout Treadmill, 5 years old, excellent condition, safety features, multiple programs, automatic deck adjustments. $700 phone 250-335-0534. BRIDAL GOWN, sleeveless, full figure with chapel train. Satin with beading on front & back never worn $600. 250-339-4551. HITACHI 2-TON electric hoist $1,250.obo. Inglis programmable stove $200.obo. Frigidaire 16.5 cu.ft. fridge w/freezer $125.obo. Kenmore HD large capacity over/under W/D $100.obo. Woodstove 18� fire box + 2 stove pipes $300. 250-890-1071 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper?
ADAMS TREE SERVICE. Hedge trimming, tree pruning & removal. Stump grinding/removal. Mini excavation. Lawn and garden. 250-203-5324
INDUSTRIAL SERGER, high speed, Siruba 757 B, straight needle, over lock, five thread, safety stitch machine, self oiling. Comes w/table. In like new condition. Owner retiring. $999.99 OBO. Beautiful Oak Electric Fire Place, in as new condition. Comes with hearth, works well New was $1500 without hearth. Asking $550 OBO. Call 250-339-1033
Design House 250-204-4417 www.DesignHouseBC.com
“JUST RURAL ENOUGH� 5 bdrm, 3 bath 3200 sq.ft. home on 2.79 acres 2131 Schulz Road Black Creek Large country kitchen with custom oak cabinets, Hardwood floors kitchen/dining. Heat pump, air cond., wood stove, 7 skylights, central vac, Large wrap around deck. Dbl garage, excellent well system, large basement with suite potential. Great family home in private setting backing onto Saratoga Golf course, near schools and beaches. $559,000. 250-337-8450
1369sqft. PATIO HOME. 2bdrm. In a location that can’t be beat. Mntn. view Quiet neighborhood in a beautiful setting. Bareland strata. 2 minutes to Merecroft Village. $282,000. 250-287-8570 or 250-202-7717
BRIGHT COZY 2bed 2bath home on sunny 2+acres $284,000. England Rd. Courtenay. See more craigslist or contact shrugun@yahoo.com for details. Country living w/city convenience
MOVABLE COTTAGE. Brand new, built to code. 160 sq.ft. Open & bright. Enclosed deck. $8500. (778)585-2287. traceykehler@hotmail.com
TOWNHOUSE . #2-2697 Mine Road, Port McNeill. Quiet strata complex, convenient to schools and hospital. 3-bdrm, 1.5 bath home, approx. 1250 sq.ft. Open plan main floor. Kitchen with built-in dishwasher, fridge, stove. Upper level has master bedroom with walk-in closet, storage room, laundry alcove with full-sized washer/dryer. Electric baseboard heat. Single attached garage with remote controlled door opener. Tidy, fenced back yard with patio, greenhouse and tool shed. Price reduced to $144,500. Quick occupancy. Phone 250-956-9875 or email: windonthemoon3@hotmail.com for appointment to view.
COURTENAY RANCHER for sale, 1800sqft, in floor heat, 3 bdrm, 2 living rooms, 2 full baths, hot tub & RV Parking. 250-338-5962 250-897-4465
Perfect Condition & Less than 3 yrs old for our new consignment room opening June 1
250-286-0028 divasdressescampbellriver@gmail.com
OPEN HOUSE. 2947 York Rd. Must see! Beautifully updated rancher on .86 of an acre, just off Hwy. May 19 & 25, 3-5pm. CR-2700 sqft. Ocean & mountain views. 3bdrm, 2.5 bth. 7 yrs old. Lrge kitch. Open concept. Gorgeous fnc’d bkyrd. Fruit trees & shrubs. Must be seen to enjoy all extras. $424,900. 180 S. Birch St. 250-287-7006. By appt. only.
OPEN HOUSE 2896 Apple Dr. Saturday 10:30-12:00pm. 1400+ sqft. 4 bd. 2 bth. Prvte fnc’d bkyrd w/ patio. Excel. Willow Point Location. Walking distance to beach & all levels of school. Updated w/ laminate flooring throughout, newer roof Realtors welcome offering a full buyers commission. 250923-6503.
FREE MOBILE Home - Brentwood.Age unknown, 55X11ft approx. Would suit refurbishment. Serious viewers only. Must collect. 250-813-0562
AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 1. BA, 1 & 2 BR suites. 2. Newly renod suites & building 3. Moving Incentives 4. Heat, H/W, prkg included Call Building Manager Call 250-204-3342.
2 BDRM available at the Cedarbrook Apts. Heat & hot water included. Adult oriented. Indoor cat welcome. On-site laundry. Refs Req. $725. Call 250-202-2187 to view.
CAMPBELL RIVER: 2 bdrm condo, top floor, spectacular ocean and mtn views, lrg deck (BBQ allowed), adult oriented building, 5 appl’s, in suite laundry/storage. NS/NP. Ref’s req’d. June 1. $900/mo. Call 250-287-0481. CAMPBELL RIVER: 2 B/R Condo. 55+. Grd fl, 5 appls, F/P, U/G parking. Avail. now $875/mo. Call 250-830-7069. CAMPBELL RIVER: Quiet 2 bdrm near town (881 Greenwood St), adult oriented, June 1. $665/mo. (250)923-3635 ROTARY BEACH- Excellent location. Ocean views. Bachelor $600., 1-bdrm $680., 2-bdrm $700. N/S, N/P. Call (250)286-1175.
RENTALS APARTMENT/CONDO 1 BDRM Orchard Park Apts. Secure bldg. Lrg, quiet, privt yard. New carpet. On-site laundry. Indoor cat welcome. Ref’s required. $595/mnth. w w w. m e i c o r p r o p e r t y. c o m . 250-202-2187.
FREE MOBILE Home/Trailer, age unknown, 38X8ft approx. Scrap or animal storage. Serious viewers only. Must collect. 250-813-0562
Realty & Property Management Inc.
• • • • • • • • •
For more rentals call 250-286-0110
#16-2520 Quinsam - 2 bdrm, 1 bath, trailer June 1st $895/mo. #16-940 S Isl. Hwy - 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 4 appl, May 15. $785/mo. 154-701 Hilchey - 3 bdrm, 2 bath. May 15. $1200/mo. 146-701 Hilchey - 3 bdrm, 2 bath. June 1. $1175/mo. 2900 Quinsam - 3 bdrm, 3 bath on 4’ riverfront acreage, June 1.$2400/mo. #4-4811 Croyden - 2 bdrm, 1 bath, woodstove, Oyster River $700/mo. #4-595 Evergreen - Adult oriented patio home. Apr 1. $1100/mo. SAYWARD RENTALS - 2 bdrm, 1 bath, all inclusive. $895/mo. 1226 Sayward Rd - 3 plus bdrm, woodstove. $575/mo.
GARAGE SALES Call 1-855-310-3535 to place your garage sale ad and receive FREE balloons and signs.
GORGEOUS RANCHER in Willowpoint. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathrooms, Double Car Garage with tons of extras. Must be seen to be appreciated. Asking $289,900. Phone 250 923-8093. NEW INSIDE - RANCHER. 1505 Hobson, Courtenay. 2-bdrm, 1 bath, all new appliances. Asking $268,000. Call (250)334-7335 or email kj.mcgrath@hotmail.com
bcclassiďŹ ed.com ANTIQUES/VINTAGE
WHOLE DUPLEX for sale1280sq ft per side, 3.5 bdrms, 1.5 bath. 9498 McDougall Rd, Port Hardy, BC. $225,000. Call (250)334-8474.
Wednesday Deadline: Monday 3pm. • Friday Deadline: Wednesday 3pm
North • North past the Campbell River bridge
FREE MOBILE Home/Trailer two together, age unknown, 42X11ft 44X9ft approx. Scrap or animal storage. Serious viewers only. Must collect. 250-813-0562
Central • From the C.R. bridge to Rockland Rd. South • Rockland Road to York Road.
PORT HARDY 3 bdrms, 1 bath on own corner lot. #105 Cedar Hts. TAP. Storage shed, workshop, fenced backyard, 2 car parking. $66,900. Cell 949-0950, 949-6843, 9496597. CUSTOM 3BDRM,2 bth, 1850 sq ft home in Cambridge Estates, well maintained, one owner, Asking $349,900. 250923-8452/250-203-3912
Bridal & Prom Gowns
PORT HARDY #61 Highview TP. Completely renovated, CSA electrical certification, certified woodstove with baseboard heat, new insulation and drywall. Other details are posted at the trailer. Starting at $68,000 obo. Call 250-9495131 or 250-902-9114.
ALERT Bay 1/2 acre semi-waterfront property w/5400 sq ft commercial bldg, 1200 sq ft warehouse, 1800 sq ft 4 bdr house. FSBO $285,000. 250-974-5843 or 250974-2602 blulinegh@gmail.com
$$ NEED CASH $$ Now Accepting Consignments
587 S. MURPHY St. Spacious 4bdrm, 3bth, 3500sqft. Centrally located. Ocean view. Low maint yrd w/ 2 lg. decks in back. Oversize dble garage + RV prkng. Must be seen to appreciate. $519,900. 250-2877709 or 250-203-5160. CR
2 BDRM near hospital. Quiet, 1000 sq.ft., N/S. New renos. $700. Call (250)287-3990. 2 BDRMS- Large townhouse style apts, close to hospital, 3 schools, on site W/D. Small pets ok. Available June 1. $750. Call 250-202-0656. 3-BDRM OCEANVIEW condo. 5 appls, in suite laundry. $1200. Rent negotiable. Avail June 1. Call 778-420-4295.
Oyster River/Black Creek • York Road to Black Creek Store Out of Town • All other outlying areas
2750 APPLE DR, Sat. 9am-? Sun. 9-12pm. Furniture, tools, kids’ games + books, 2 old clocks & household items. Vendors Fri. evening. 5-9pm.
PIER STREET Billiards, #201938 Island Hwy., (behind Casino). Friday, 3pm-10pm. Sat., noon to 10pm.
3744 ISLAND HWY. (close to Jubilee Parkway) Sat. May 17. 8am-3pm. For the Chikondi One Heart Angels Orphanage Fundraiser. Early birds welcome. Fresh coffee served. www.chikondiorphanage.com
SOUTH-162 REEF CRES. Sat. May 17. 8am-2pm. Furn, fishing rods, household, Tour Master rain jacket, 2002 Sidekick ZR2. Tow ready. Low KM. SOUTH-2425 GALERNO Rd. Sat. May 17. 8am-1pm. Somthing for everyone. Lots of stuff! Rain or shine.
Gold & Silver Jewelry • Coins • Furn • China All Sterling Items • Most Items of Value Free Secure Housecalls ~ Estate Liquidators
589 Edgewood Drive, Campbell River, BC - May 17th 8 am to 2 pm. Tools, work station, file cabinets, dishes, freezer, snorkel gear, fan and much more. 250-850-0849
Oddball Antiques
779 SOUTH ALDER St. Sat. May 17. 9am-2pm. Computer stuff and household items.
WILLOW POINT- 323 WestGate Rd, Sat, May 17, 9-3pm. New HD Loudspeaker system, scaffolding, new lrg dog bed, English saddle, poker table top, tools, household items.
CENTRAL- 321 South Thulin St, Sat, May 17, 8-12noon. Little bit of everything.
WILLOW POINT. Sunday May 18th, 9am-1pm. 2780 Fairmile Road.
652-11th Ave., Campbell River • 1-250-204-1237 Also servicing Comox & Courtenay • oddballantiques@shaw.ca
32 | CAMPBELL RIVER MIRROR | FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2014 A32 www.campbellrivermirror.com
Don’t miss out! Only 9 Units left
1 bdrm, avail June 1 N/P, N/S, all appl. includ. Ocean view S.McLean $700 250-286-1248
1990 Ford F250 4x4, good mech cond, new brakes, tires, fuel system - $2500. 1998 Chev Cavalier 2 door, auto, Excell cond, 171000km $2400. 2004 Chev Cavalier 2 door, 5 spd, 124000km - mint - $4500. 2004 Pontiac Montana Van, auto, excell cond $4800. Call 250-339-5808.
Phone 250-926-5501 ST. ANDREWS Village. 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments, updated recently, close to schools & buses, Non smoking, pets are negotiable, near the hospital. (250) 287-3556. C.R.
SUITES, UPPER 3-BDRM, 2 bath. Beaver Lodge Road. F/S, D/W, W/D. Inclds garage, private driveway. NS/NP. $1150./mo. 250709-5403
Turnkey Ocnfrt. 1 Bd. Avail. immed. N/S,N/P. $1,100-1,250 /mnth. Randy 250-830-4222
DALMATION TOWERS One bdrm. Close to town, elevator, N/P, pay laundry, manager on site. Ref’s req’d. Avail Immed. Call Bill at 250-914-0309
CAMPBELL RIVER: 2bdrm apt in centrally located 4-plex. Freshly painted. No Pets. N/S. Refs $700+util. 250-830-4686.
VERY CLEAN, view, close to parks, schools & amens. Great neighborhood, 4bdrm, 3bths, rec rm., patio, lg fncd yard. N/P. Ref’s required. $1111. 250-286-6672
Today’s Answers
WILLOW POINT: 4bdrm duplex, 2812B Fairmile, NS/NP, $1050. Leah (250)286-3293.
HOMES FOR RENT HILCHEY Rd. 3Bed 2 1/2Bath Craftsman 1764 sq.ft. 5 appliances. N/S Refs. 1 year lease (kijiji.ca # 584862761) $1500/mo 250-9234768
OFFICE/RETAIL CAMPBELL RIVER: 750 sq. ft. 2nd floor (3 offices and reception) and 1300 sq. ft. ground floor (2 offices with large workspace) short/long term lease opportunities. Campbell River downtown location. Call 250-204-4761. LEASE: 900/1200/3474 sqft, 220 Dogwood Plaza. Reno’d, reasonable rate 250-286-6865
1989 DODGE truck & 10’ Wilderness camper fully equipped in good running cond. 188,000km. 318 Engine Everything works. $3500.obo Call 250-336-8371
Sites available at Great Rates. Daily, weekly, monthly. Pool, Hot tub, exercise room, laundry, putting green, hiking, fishing, Pickle Ball Court. Free coffee in one of the best clubhouses on the island. Nanaimo area. www.resortonthelake.com 250-754-1975 or admin@resortonthelake.com
SHARED ACCOMMODATION FURNISHED ROOM- $400Includes cable/wireless, laundry. Oceanview. 1/2 block to bus. NS/NP. 250-287-3616.
2000 WINDSTAR Van. Great shape. Good tires. Great van. 208,000km. $2,200. 250-8955439
1993 CLASS A WINNEBAGO 23’. Excellent condition. $10,500. Call 1-250-752-6484, Qualicum Beach.
1966 FORD RANCHERO Good condition, good driver $5000 O.B.O. 250-287-3345 1974 JEVELIN- 304 motor, automatic, motor and transmission removed but available. Car to view is in Port Hardy. Call (250)902-8016 or 250-937-0391.
LARGE DELIGHTFUL 2BR. suite attached to our home. $695/mnth. Avail. now or month ends 250-286-3888
1989 BUICK LeSabre. Mechanics Special. Good 3.8 engine, newer battery, 4 good tires. Needs brake line repair $850.00 O.B.O. For more information please call 250-339-3512
LG ROOM Incl all util (wifi, cable etc) Near Merecroft. Sep. entr. $500. 250-527-1000
#,!33)&)%$Ă–!$3Ă–7/2+ $BMM
2002- 32FT. Southwind Motorhome. Triton V-10 bank exhaust, 5,500 w generator, near new Toyo tires, back-up camera, awnings and many extras. $34,000. obo. 250-758-4093, Nanaimo.
4&-- :063 $"3 '"45 XJUI B DMBTTJmFE BE
BOAT FOR Sale w/Trailer 18.5ft Lund Fiberglass. Make A Offer - 250-338-6236 after 6:00pm or weekend 9:00am-7:00pm. 2001 4x4 Dodge Dakota P/U Crew cab. 243,000 kms. $7,900. obo. Call 250-3375565 after 7 pm.
FOR RENT – 345 Dogwood - Madison Apts. Under New Ownership and Management LEASE INCENTIVES! Newly renovated. Bachelor, 1 and 2 bedrooms. Application needed before Showing.
Contact Brenda Morgan-Janes Coast Realty Property Management 1211 Cypress Street • 250-287-2000 www.coastrealty.com
IAP Supply supplying automotive, marine & industrial parts for the north island. Full engine and component machine shop. Supplier for Dayco Hydraulic hose.
I.A.P SUPPLY INC. Industrial Automotive Parts
1393 SPRUCE ST., Campbell River
Sudoku To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number 1 to 9 must appear in: • Each of the nine vertical columns • Each of the nine horizontal rows • Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes
Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, Remember no number can column or box. occur more than once in any row, column or box.
27. Capital of Yemen 23. Actress Lupino 29. Tayra genus 24. Constitution Hall 30. Mandela’s party org. 31. Vestment 27. Plant fluids 32. Eye exam 28. Small social insect instrument 29. Shade tree 39. Plural of 47 down 31. Model Carol 41. Ingest 32. Classical singing 42. Coneless volcanic dramas craters 33. Swiss river 43. The woman 34. Atomic #62 44. Make a mistake ACROSS 35. Felines 1. Thyroid-stimulating hormone 29. Tayra genus 45. Horse gait 4. Spigot 36. Paddling 30. Mandela’s party 46. Father of Lot 31. Vestment 7. Military mailbox 37. beyond 32. Eye exam instrume 8. Electric autoEstablished company 48. The destroyer 10. Fastest man alive doubt 39. Plural of 47 down (Hindu) 41. Ingest 12. Expressed pleasure 38. 42. Coneless volcanic c 13. Venice beachPersonal property 49. Remove 43. TheArthur woman 14. Teletypewriter (abbr.) great 39. Tennis 50. Remains after 44. Make a mistake 16. A young man ____ 45. Horse gait 17. Evade deductions 46. Father of Lot 19. Volcanic mountain 40.Japanese Stock certificate 51. Clairvoyance 20. Danson, Turner & Kennedy 48. The destroyer (Hin ACROSS Pointhormone midway 49.Tayra Remove 21. March44. holiday 29. genus 1. Thyroid-stimulating 52. Gourde (abbr.) NE and Eded 50. Remains after 25. Fruit drink between 30. Mandela’s party 4. Spigot 51. Clairvoyance DOWN 26. Come about 31. Vestment 7. Military mailbox 47. Egyptian cobra 52. Gourde (abbr.) 27.8. Capital Yemen 32. Eye exam instrume Electricofauto company 1. Contents lists
Crossword Sudoku
ďŹ l here please Today’s Solution
2858 BAYLINER Ciera, boathouse kept, all bells/whistles, low hours, quality boat, possible smaller trade, reduced to $40,000. 250-745-3700
ďŹ l here please
39. Plural of 47 down 10. Fastest man alive 41. Ingest 12. Expressed pleasure 42. Coneless volcanic c 13. Venice beach 43. The woman 14. Teletypewriter (abbr.) 44. Make a mistake 16. A young man To solve 17.aEvade Sudoku puzzle, 45. Horse gait 46. Father of Lot 19. Volcanic 1 Japanese every number to mountain 9 20. Danson, Turner & Kennedy 48. The destroyer (Hin must appear in: 49. Remove 21. March holiday • Each of25.the nine vertical columns 50. Remains after ded Fruit drink • Each of26.the nine horizontal rows 51. Clairvoyance Come about Gourde (abbr.) Capital ofnine Yemen 3 x 3 52. • Each of27. the boxes
Today’s Answers
New Luxury 2 & 3 Bedroom Units 6 appliances. Ready For Occupancy Non-smoking. No pets. Rents start at $850.
CAMPBELL RIVER- Priv, lrg own entry patio, 1 bdrm+ den, NS/NP. $750 inclds utils. Furnished? (250)830-0868.
ACROSS 1. Thyroid-stimulating hormone 29. Tayra genus 30. Mandela’s party 4. Spigot 31. Vestment 7. Military mailbox 2003 28� Travelair, $24,900. 2004 FORD FREESTAR van. Ford E450,cab & chassis,V10 8 passenger. Good tires. En32. Eye exam instrument 8. Electric auto company Motor, 82K. Excel. Cond., Isl. tertainment centre. Good bed. Consider Class B/camp145,000km. $3900. 39. cel Pluralshape. of 47 down 10. Fastest man alivetrade 250-285-2030. er/van 250-895-5439 250-203-0750, Quadra Island. 41. Ingest 12. Expressed pleasure MARINE 42. Coneless volcanic craters 13. Venice beach 43. The woman BOATS 14. Teletypewriter (abbr.) 1996 PONTIAC Grand Prix. $1200. New brakes & tires. 44. Make a mistake Call (250)339-4225. 16. A young man 45. Horse gait 17. Evade ACROSS 2. Condition of inedible DOWN 19. Volcanic Japanese mountain 46. Father of Lot food 2005 33’ MONTANA 5th, 1. Thyroid-stimulating 10.5 ft. AB dinghy hard bottom 24. Constitution Hallrobbery org. Contents lists designed for full-time live-in. 48. The destroyer (Hindu) inflatable with nearly new 1.Su20. Danson, Turner & Kennedy hormone 3. Armed Polarpack, large bright living zuki 15 hp 4 cycle outboard space. W/D, lots of storage, 2. Condition of inedible food27. Plant4.fluids and like new EZ Loader trailer. 49.wasRemove 21. March holiday 4. Spigot Traditional Asian generator. New $4,500. Call 250-339-3264. $65,000. Asking $24,000. beverage insect 7. robbery Military mailbox 28. Small social 25. Fruit drink obo. (250)202-5820. 50. Remains after deductions 3. Armed 5. Scarlett’s first love 29. Shade tree 8. Electric 2005 PT Cruiser 26. Convertible 4. Traditional Asianauto beverage 51. Clairvoyance Come about Touring Edition. $5,500. Red SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES company 6. Beg and black. 225,000 km but of Yemen 31. Model Carol 5. Scarlett’s first love 52. Gourde (abbr.) 27. Capital garage kept and in excellent 1997 SUZUKI SIDEKICK10. Fastest man alive 8. Scotland’s longest condition. 250-335-0565. brand new tires+ 1 yr old win32. Classical singing dramas 6. Beg river ter tires, 4 cylinder. $3700. 12. Expressed pleasure 12ft380 QUICKSILVER inCall (250)204-6166. 8. Scotland’s longest river 33. Swiss9.river flatable (made by Mercury). Sums up 13. Venice beach Removable floor boards and 9. Sums14. up Teletypewriter 34. Atomic wheels. Good condition. $750. 11.#62 People of southern obo. (250)758-4093, Nanaimo 11. People of (abbr.) southern India 35. Felines India 14. Expression of 16. A young man 36. Paddling 14. Expression of 95 FORD Crown Victoria. 4.6 litre. Cruise, Power locks/windisappointment 1997 TOYOTA Tacoma pick 17. Evade dows. Air Conditioning. New disappointment 37. Established beyond doubt up truck, 5 speed manual 4 tires. 95,000 kms. $1600. 25015. Japanese wheel drive, extra cab, V6, 3.4 19. Volcanic Japanese 923-1618 15. Japanese electronics firm 38. Personal property liter and new body paint. electronics firm mountain $8500. Call (250)204-4441. 19’ FIBERGLASS boat with 18. And, Latin trailer. 200hp and 8hp Mercury 39. Tennis great Arthur OFF-ROAD VEHICLES 18. And, Latin____ 20. Danson, Turner & outboards. $6,900. obo. Call TRUCKS & VANS 250-337-5565 after 7pm. 19. Highest card in a suit 40. Stock19. 2005 POLARIS QUAD Silver certificate Kennedy Highest card in a Anniversary. New fuel pump, suit between NE and battery, bearings, front hub & 20. Paper bark 21.Mulberry March holiday 44. Point midway shaft. Armour all around. 20. Paper $5500. 250-923-1372 Fruit drink 22. Cattle25.farmer 47. Egyptian cobra Mulberry bark RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 26.Lupino Come about 23. Actress FOR SALE 22. Cattle farmer
Today’s Answers
PaciďŹ c Wynd Residences 808 South Island Highway
Fri, May 16, 2014, Campbell River Mirror
Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.
Campbell River’s Tourism Guide
Things to do, places to go
It’s HERE! Campbell River
We have it all! Your guide to fun times and adventures in Campbell River!
Check for it at these locations:
470 Health Centre 7-11 Willow Point AJ’s Laundry A&W Discovery Harbour A&W Merecroft Alder Medical Clinic Anchor Inn Baba Gannouj Balance Bodyworx Natural Spa Banners Beijing Restaurant Best Western Austrian Chalet Best Wok Big Rock Husky Big Rock Motel Bill Howich Chrysler BLACK CREEK Black Creek Country Market Boston Pizza Campbell River Health & Drug Campbell River Honda Campbell River Hospital Campbell River Hyundai Campbell River Lodge Campbell River Veterinary Hospital Campbell River Whale Watching Canadian Tire Store Carihi School Chamber of Commerce Cheries Hair Salon CIBC City Office of Campbell River Coast Community Credit Unions (both locations) Coast Discovery Inn Coast Realty Coastline Mazda Comfort Zone Foods Community Centre Co-op Gas Corner Cafe @ Bus Depot C.R. Christian School C.R. Husky Market Crabby Bob’s Seafood @ Pier Curves for Women Dairy Queen Dogwood Dental Discovery Community College Discovery Foods Dr. Janis Guthy Dukes Grill Evergreen Seniors Home Express Convenience Ferry Terminal Freddie’s Pub Fusilli Grill Ginger Beef House Gourmet Java Great Canadian Oil Change Haida Inn Beer & Wine Haida Inn Pub Heron’s Landing Hotel Ideal Café Java Shack John Duncan’s Office John Howard Society Jolly Giant Store KFC - Pier Street KFC - Island Highway Local @ C.R. Lodge London Drugs Lubex Mac’s Convenience - Rockland Mae Mae Motel
McDonald’s / Esso (Tiger Mart) McDonald’s Restaurant Merecroft Liquor Store Merville General Store Mohawk Campbellton Mountain View Seniors Home Moxie’s Mudslingers MVP Restaurant N.I.E.F.S Nesbitt Island Coffee Nite Time News North Island College North Island Nissan OK Tire On Line Gourmet Papa Murphy’s People’s Drug Store (W.P.) People’s Drug Store (Seymour) Perk’s Donuts Petro Can (Campbellton) Petro Can (Merecroft) Plaza Bakery Popsey’s Quality Foods Quay West Restaurant Quinsam Beer & Wine Quinsam Medical Centre Quinsam Restaurant RCMP Ricky’s Ridgerider Riptide Liquor Store Riverfront Motel Robron Centre Royal Coachman Pub Royal Coachman Beer&Wine Salmon Point Resort Save-On Foods Sears Serendipity In The Garden Shar-Kare Feeds & Pet Supplies Shoppers Drug Mart - Downtown & Timberline Village Shot In The Dark Spice Hut Sportsplex Steiner Bakery Steve Marshall Ford Storey Creek Golf Course Strathcona Gardens Strathcona Toyota Subway - Discovery Harbour Subway - Dogwood St. Subway - Timberline Village Sundance Java Bar Target Thrifty Foods Thunderbird R.V. Park Timberline Secondary Town Centre Inn Travelodge Tyee Chevrolet V.I. Library V.I. Fitness Video Works Visitor Info Centre Walmart Lotto Wendy’s White Spot Restaurant Willow Point Shell Station Willow Point Supportive Living Willow’s Pub
Gas prices prices making making you you gasp? gasp? Gas …seestory storyand andchance chanceto to …see
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Visitthe theHyundai HyundaiGenesis Genesisgallery galleryat atDrivewayCanada.ca DrivewayCanada.ca DrivewayCana da.ca DrivewayCana aada.ca Visit Visit the Hyundai Genesis gallery at DrivewayCanada.ca DrivewayCana ada.ca
Hyundai raises the bar with Question Question Hyundai raises raises the the bar bar with with world world class Genesis Genesis Hyundai class the Week Hyundai raises the bar with world class Genesis ofQuestion Gas prices m of the Week
sleepiness until it’s too late, while German Masters at a– price lus not be available for the long VERNON – There is little chance of VERNON Theresegment is little expect to pay for the Euswitches to are reluctantswitches to let in to that below what would expect to wheel distance driver, there is a nifty little falling asleep at theiswheel …see stor active wheeldrive drive(AWD) (AWD)system. system.Says Says VERNON There islittle littleof the expect payothers forthe the Euswitches tolow lowbeams beams when anone oncomchance of falling asleep ropean leaders. Will they ing vehicle active VERNON ––There expect totopay for Euwhen an oncomcold mountain air during a winter pay for the European leaders. Will gadget below the glove box. An 2015 Hyundai Genesis, even on Would a 10 cents Hyundai: “Performance of the vehicle’s chance of falling asleep ropean leaders. Will they ing vehicle is detected. Other options at the wheel of the 2015 their price inaresale? include a pa active wheel drive (AWD) VERNON – There is little expect pay for theing Eu-vehicleswitches to lowOther beams when an oncom10 cents Hyundai: “Performance of the system. vehicle’sSays hold Would chance of falling asleep ropean leaders. Willtothey is detected. options jaunt. hold Hyundai their price in resale? industry-first sensor control system one of long summer driving all-new platform wasvalidated validated some – Likely thethose wheel the 2015 hold theirprice price resale? includeaapanoramic panoramic sunroof, heated Would a 10 cents “Performance of the chance of falling asleep ropean leaders. Will include they ing vehicle they issunroof, detected. Other options Genesis, even Hyundai: onplatform not during this steering wh all-new was ininvehicle’s some atatthe wheel ofofthe 2015 hold their ininresale? aaheated per litre increase per litre increase Drivew Count me in that group. – Likelyfront not during generation, detects when CO2 levels are too not vacations. theall-new world’splatform mostdemanding demanding driving HyundaiGenesis, Genesis,at even on of the 2015 Likely notduring during this steeringwheel, wheel, ventilated front seats, was validated in some generation, the on wheel hold their price in resale? includeventilated a panoramic sunroof, athis heated one of those longofofsummer but if theincrease amtri-zone aut the world’s most driving Hyundai even ––Likely this steering seats, per litre in the price of gas in the price of gas Gadgets aside, there is much to but if the ambitious high and boosts the cabin with The twisty route around the Okanaof the world’s most demanding driving environments, including Germany’s Hyundai Genesis, even on – Likely not during this steering wheel, ventilated front seats, oneofofthose thoselong longsummer summer generation,but butififthe theamamtri-zoneautomatic automaticclimate climatecontrol, control, and drivingand vacations.environments, including Germany’s bitious in Koreans rear door w one generation, tri-zone thecontinue price ofcause gas Germany’s one oftothose generation, butsenses if the rear amtri-zone climate control, andreliability stimulate the in door the all-new Koreans continue to prove fresh air. Research by Hyundai engigan lake vacations. country, chosen showlong summer famedenvironments, Nürburgringincluding Nordschleife and atreliability the pump driving vacations. bitious Koreans continue door windowautomatic blinds. Driver-assist The twisty route around to prove and safety techn famed Nürburgring Nordschleife and at the pump cause driving bitious Koreans continue rear window blinds. Driver-assist famed Nürburgring Nordschleife at pump cause driving vacations. neers determined that drowsiness bitious Koreans rear door window blinds. Driver-assist Genesis. and quality then they off thetwisty agilityroute of this new luxury Korea’s Yeongam Formula racing and The twisty route around provereliability reliability and continue safetytechnologies technologies arealso also available the Okanagan coun-Yeongam qualityyou thenthe they will. Korea’s Formula 11racing The around totoprove and safety are available ininwill.lake to cancel a you to cancel aaabundance Korea’s Thecountwisty route around prove reliability andabundance technologies arethe alsoowner available in circuit.” DrivewayCanada.ca | Welcome to driver’s seat Yeongam Formula 1 racing Its eye-catching design, with safety giant Meanwhile, an is going to increases when CO2 concentrations sedan from the Korean manufacturtheOkanagan Okanagan lake qualitythen thento they will. forthose those who like car tothe youan to cancel try, chosen to show off circuit.” the Meanwhile, owner is circuit.” do some thi the lake counquality they will. abundance for who like the car to the off Okanagan lake counquality thenisthey will. abundance forthem. those who like the acar to The large variety of proving grounds driving vacation? front grille, would not look of for enjoy yearsagility of driving perforinside the cabin exceed 2,000 parts an er,try, guaranteed behind the driving vacation? try, chosentotoall show thewheel Meanwhile, an owner dosome someout thinking for of this new luxury going to enjoy years of The large variety of proving grounds The new Ge chosen show off the Meanwhile, owner is driving vacation? do thinking them. The large variety of proving grounds try,tochosen to show off Meanwhile, an owner isa BMW,do some thinking for them. in comfort and Its eye-catching place parked Audi perthe million. Of course, cracking mance oriented kept theirofofeyes the road offeredby bythe thenorthern northern Okanagan agility thisglued newluxury luxury goingatotoenjoy enjoy years of next to Thenew newGenesis Genesis isalso alsoaastatement statement of the Korean offered Okanagan sedan from driving a performance intent: it he agility this new going years of The is of offered by the northern Okanagan agility of this newIts luxury going to enjoy years of The new Genesis is also a statement of Itswindow eye-catching GototoDrivewayCanada.ca DrivewayCanada.ca eye-catching or Merc, which is precisely in- what works same way but aaperformance style. The andlook finish inside rivals was muchmore more appealing And ahead. Itsthe eye-catching Go sedanfrom fromthe theKorean Korean driving performance design, with ame. intent:ititthe heralds will befit the Gointocomfort DrivewayCanada.ca was much appealing totome. And manufacturer, and of the sedan driving intent: heralds will be the was much more appealing togiant me. And oriented ? seven QUESTION sedan from the Korean driving a performance intent: itwhat heralds what willlook be the lookguaranteed toto submit your answer. QUESTION OF THE WEEK! QUESTION with giant submit answer. especially the car equipped with many dodesign, not detect the onset of a inincomfort those withallwhich it chooses to comBut should such guaranteed external stimu- design, tent. It’sand benchmarked against such OF THE WEEK! submit your answer. products manufacturer, guaranteed oriented comfort the seven new less-premium Hyundai with aagiant especially sosofront ininthe with with aoriented giant behind the wheel kept fit andyour finish ex especially so incar theequipped car equipped with style.toThe manufacturer, ofofthe seven new less-premium Hyundai grille, would manufacturer,design, guaranteed orientedand in comfort and of the seven new less-premium Hyundai the 311 horsepower, 3.8-litre GDIGDI V6V6 pete for the dollars inglued the wallets of allbehind behindthe thewheel wheel kept thefront style. The fit and finish products expects to grace our showfront grille,front would the 311 horsepower, 3.8-litre the 311 horsepower, 3.8-litre GDI V6 their eyes to the inside rivals those with rooms befo all behind wheel grille, kept style. The fit and finish all kept style. The fit and finish products expects to grace our showproducts expects to grace our showgrille, would would not look out of place engine. Flipping between theNormal, Normal, the2016. well-heeled. The subtle engine. use of engine. theireyes eyesglued gluedtotheir tothe theeyes glued to the insiderivals rivalsthose thoserivals withthose with roomsbefore before 2016. Flipping between the Normal, which it chooses to Flipping between the inside road ahead. rooms before When it com their inside with rooms 2016. notlook lookout out oflook place not out of place not of place Ecoand and Sport modes and tapping thethe compete for the dollars leather and micro isa classy; next to athe EcoSport andparked Sport modes and tapping roadahead. ahead. whichititchooses chooses Whenititcomes comes driving, it’s really areally road ahead. whichtoto it chooses to When When to ittocomes to it’s driving, it’sasuede Eco modes and tapping But should such external tale of two road which driving, really parked nextparked a gear-changing paddles onthe the steering gear-changing paddles on the steering in the wallets of the with Napa leather and wood parked totoaa next tocompete Butshould shouldsuch suchexternal external compete forcompete thedollars dollars But should such externalnext for the dollars taleofoftwo two cars. The top-of-the-line tale of two cars. The top-of-the-line gear-changing paddles on stimulus not real be available BMW, Audi orsteering Merc, model offer But for the tale cars. The top-of-the-line for an enjoyable drive. Little wheelwheel mademade foran an enjoyable drive. Little trim available as an option. Double stimulus not be available inof the wallets of the model offers Audi orininMerc, model offers big V8power 5-litre power stimulusnot notbe beavailable available thewallets wallets ofthe the BMW, AudiBMW, Merc, big V8a5-litre 5-litre power wheel made for enjoyable drive. Little for the long distance well-heeled. Thetaking subtlea road plant, stimulus the BMW, Audi ororMerc, model offers aabig V8 If you’re taking trip this If you’re road trip thiswith which is precisely the lean the corners and sprightly up you’re taking a road trip this lean in theincorners corners andsprightly sprightly uphill. hill.hill. use ofIf leather th well-heeled. for the long distance stitched leather always lookin plant, 420 at horses at itsseats disposal. forthe thelong longdistance distance well-heeled. Thesubtle subtle The subtle plant,with with 420with horses its disposal. lean the and up which is precisely the driver, there is a nifty little and micro Ironically, for well-heeled. The May long weekend, be realistic which is precisely the plant, 420 horses at its disposal. Maylong longweekend, weekend,be berealistic realistic it is precisely the use of leather Both engines are coupled to an 8-speed May driver, there iswhich a nifty little useand of leather intent. it’s best jogged Both engines arecoupled coupled an 8-speed good butenjoyed it’s what’s insidethe that driver,there thereisisaanifty niftylittle little micro and micro Ironically,Ironically, it’sbest bestenjoyed enjoyed jogged Both engines are totoan 8-speed gadget below glove suede is classy; with about travel times as highways along at low driver, use of leather and micro Ironically, it’s jogged intent. about traveltimes timesasasat highways transmission a Visit SHIF- the Hyundai intent. Genesis gallery DrivewayCa the glove suedewith is classy; with about travel highways along at low speed ona the highway, automatic transmission withwith SHIFcounts lengthy trip! The foamautomatic gadgetbelow belowthe thegadget glovebelowintent. suedeisisclassy; classy; alongatatlow lowspeed speed on theon highway, automatic transmission with aaSHIFwillbe be busier. Plan rest stops box. An industry-first Napa will leather and realPlan where it ha gadget glove suede with Keith Morgan along on the highway, TRONIC manual mode. busier. rest stops box. An industry-first Napa leather and real has the feelinofthis an old-fashwill be busier. rest stops Keith Morgan TRONICmanual manualmode. mode. beneath offerssystem both box.An Anindustry-first industry-first Napaleather leather andreal real every 1.5 to 2Plan hours to avoid where it where hasthe theitfeel feel anold-fashold-fashTRONIC KeithMorgan Morgan sensorcase control trim available ioned big fa box. Napa and ofofan The base price is $43,000, $48,000 gets woodevery 1.5 to 2 hours to avoid sensor controlKeith system wood trim available where it has ioned big family sedan. (It’s not a lot 1.5 tofatigued 2 hours while to avoid The baseprice priceisis$43,000, $43,000,$48,000 $48,000gets gets as anevery support and comfort in the right becoming sensorcontrol controlsystem system woodtrim trimavailable available The base ioned big family sedan. (It’s not a lot detects when CO2 levels option. Double you the Luxury version, and $53,000 ofdriving fun on th sensor wood ioned big family sedan. (It’s not a lot becoming fatigued while driving detects when CO2 levels as an option. Double of fun on the twisting lakeside roads ofyou becoming fatigued while driving Ironically, it’sand best enjoyed jogged the Luxury version, and $53,000 and check drive.ca for road and places. Both front seats offer 12detects when CO2 levels as an option. Double you the Luxury version, $53,000 of fun on the twisting lakeside roads of up the with tech features. If you want areroads too high the cabin stitched leather seatsand always look good for road the and Okanag detects when CO2arelevels as an option. Double of fun on the the Okanagan.) twisting lakeside of and boostsloads too high and boosts the cabin with stitched leather seats always look good check drive.ca drive.caconditions for road and along at lowtospeed on the highway, and checkweather loadsup upthe the tech features. Ifyou you want way power adjustment and there’s are too high and boosts the cabin with stitched leather seats always look good loads tech features. If want the V8, get ready spend $62,000. the Okanagan.) fresh air. Research by Hyundai engineers but it’s what’s inside that counts on a conditions st boosts Cars destine are too high and cabin with stitched leather always look good fresh air.the Research by Hyundai engineers butseats it’s what’s inside that counts onthe a Okanagan.) Cars destined for the Canadian market weather before setting out. Place Prize weather conditions Tons oflengthy Hidden Weight Prizes! where ittohas the$62,000. feel of an old-fashtheV8, V8,get getready readyto spend $62,000. a power-adjustable thigh freshair. air.Research Research byHyundai Hyundai engineers but it’swhat’s what’s inside thatThe counts on the spend Cars destined forthe the Canadian market determined thatextension drowsiness increases lengthy trip! The foam beneath in drive thissetting determined that drowsiness increases trip! foamon beneath in this will come w fresh by engineers but it’s inside that counts aaVERNON with an all-new HTRAC for Canadian market before out. active wheel (AWD) system. Says –Cars There destined is littlewill come expect to pay forkeith.morgan@drivewaybc.ca the Eu-ioned switches to low beams when an oncombefore setting out. big family sedan. (It’s not a with sideHTRAC bolsters that’s available determinedthat that when drowsiness increases insidelengthy lengthy trip!The Thefoam foam beneath inthis this will come withan anall-new all-new keith.morgan@drivewaybc.ca CO2 concentrations the trip! case offersbeneath both support and comfort in come when CO2 concentrations inside the case offers both supportHyundai: and comfort in of the vehicle’s “Performance determined increases in chance of & falling asleepwith ropean leaders. Will they ing vehicle is detected. Other options will HTRAC keith.morgan@drivewaybc.ca Largest drowsiness Saltwater Fish • Special Pricing on all Boats Motors lot of include fun onathe twisting lakeside for the long-legged. whenCO2 CO2concentrations concentrations inside the caseoffers offersboth both support andBoth comfort all-new platform cabin exceed 2,000 parts per million. Of thesupport right places. frontin seats offerof the 2015 atin the wheel hold their price in resale? sunroof, a heated cabin exceed 2,000 parts per million. Of panoramic the right places. Both front seats offerwas validated in some when inside the case and comfort of the Okanagan.) $4100 Value of the world’s most demanding driving A new power trunk lid goes a Hyundai Genesis, even on – Likely not during this roads steering wheel, ventilated front seats, course, cracking a window works the 12-way power adjustment and there’s a cabin exceed 2,000 parts per million. Of the right places. Both front seats offer • Six day in-store sale course, cracking a window works the 12-way power adjustment and a Eco cabin exceed 2,000 parts per million. Of the right places. Both front seats offerone of those long summer Find more online at thethere’s Normal, and Sport environments, including Germany’s buttoif the amtri-zone automatic control, and between Cars destined for the climate Canadian step further thanway thegeneration, newmany trend way but manythe the power power-adjustable thigh extension with course, cracking awindow window works 12-way adjustmentand and there’s a vacations. T9.9 Power Tilt 4-stroke same but docontinue not detectrear thedoor window power-adjustable thigh extension with Nordschleife course, cracking asame works thedo not detect 12-way power adjustment there’s a famed Nürburgring modes and tapping the gear-changdriving bitious Koreans blinds. Driver-assist Find more online at DrivewayCanada.ca Seen Store Pricing FindKorea’s more online at 1 racingand market will come with an all-new onsetdo ofnot a sleepiness until it’s toopower-adjustable late,• Never side Before bolsters that’s available for the enable opening youruntil sameway waybut butmany many detectthe the thighextension extension with Yeongam The twisty route around prove reliability andit’s too safety also available in available onset by of swinging atosleepiness late, technologies sidearebolsters that’s for thetheFormula same do not detect power-adjustable thigh with ing paddles on steering wheel active wheel drive whileuntil othersit’sare reluctant in that long-legged. DrivewayCanada.ca leg under while the rear toquality pop trunk. circuit.” the Okanagan lake counthen they will.toHTRAC for those who(AWD) like the car to DrivewayCanada.ca onsetofofaasleepiness sleepiness too late, to letside side bolstersthat’s available forthe the •that’s Free Coffee &goes Donuts others arethe reluctant let inabundance that long-legged. onset it’s too late, bolsters available for st cold until made for anvariety enjoyable drive. Little mountain air during a winter jaunt. A new power trunk lid a step The large of proving grounds system. Says Hyundai: “Performance try, chosen to show off the Meanwhile, an owner is do some thinking for them. Place Prize Tired of standing on one leg with whileothers othersare arereluctant reluctanttotolet letininthat that long-legged. cold mountain air during a winter jaunt. A new power trunk lid goes a step while long-legged. lean in the corners and sprightly offered by the northern Okanagan agility of this new luxury going to enjoy years of new Genesis is also a statement of Count me in that group. further than the new trend to enable of theThe vehicle’s all-new platform • On-site BBQ arms Count full of groceries? Itstwo eye-catching coldmountain mountainair airduring duringaawinter winterjaunt. jaunt. Anew newpower powertrunk trunk lid goesaaTexas step sedan medriving in that group. to enable was much more appealing to me. And from the a performance cold step intent: it heraldsfurther what willthan be thethe looknewuptrend hill. Gadgets aside, there isFish much toAstimuopeninglidbygoes swinging your leg under theKorean Largest Freshwater was validated in some of the When your pocketed key nears the design, with a giant especially so in the car equipped with Countme meininthat thatgroup. group. furtherthan thanthe thenew newtrend trendtotoenable enable manufacturer, guaranteed orientedthere in comfort and to stimuof the seven new less-premium Hyundai Both Gadgets aside, is much opening by swinging your leg under Count further engines are the coupled to an late the senses in the all-new Genesis. rear to popfor the trunk. Tired of standCall Details! most expects demanding driving the 311 horsepower, 3.8-litre GDI V6 automatically opens all behind the wheel kept front trunk, style. The fitafter and finish world’s products to grace our showgrille, itwould $1100 Value Gadgetsaside, aside,there there muchtotostimustimuopeningby byswinging swinging your legunder under the late the senses in the all-new Genesis. rear to pop the trunk. Tired of standGadgets isismuch opening your the Its eye-catching design, with giant ing on one legleg with two arms full of 8-speed automatic transmission engine. Flipping between the Normal, their eyes glued to the th inside rivals those with rooms before 2016. environments, including Germany’s three-seconds. not look out ofItsplace $1 0 the per registration June 9 latethe thesenses sensesin infront theall-new all-new Genesis. pop the trunk. Tiredofofstandstand-before eye-catching on one twoEco arms F2.5 msH grille, would not look out rear ofrear place groceries? and full Sportof modes and tapping the late the Genesis. totopop trunk. Tired a SHIFTRONIC manual mode. road ahead. which it design, chooses towith giantWhen it comes ing toNordschleife driving, it’s leg reallywith a with famed Nürburgring A High-Beam Assist (HBA) function a grille,compete Itseye-catching eye-catchingdesign, design, withto giant ingon on oneleg leg withregistration twopocketed armsfull fullkey gear-changing paddles on the steering But should such external the look dollarsout of tale parked with next a BMW, Audi or ing Merc, When your the June wouldfornot place of two cars.groceries? The top-of-the-line $25 per after 9 th parked next tofront Its giant one with two arms ofofnears The base price is $43,000, $48,000 Yeongam Formula 1 low beams when anof the and Korea’s made for an enjoyable drive. Little stimulus in the Audi ortoparked Merc, model offers a big V8 5-litre frontgrille, grille,would would notlook look outofofplace place groceries? which is precisely the intent. It’sgroceries? benchtrunk, it automatically opens afternot be available BMW,switches next to wallets a BMW, Audi or Merc, When yourpower pocketedgets keywheel nears the front not out Weigh in Times: you Luxuryand version, and lean inthe the corners sprightly up hill. circuit.” for the long distance with 420 horses at its disposal. oncoming vehicle is well-heeled. detected. The subtle racingplant, which is precisely the parked next to a BMW, Audi or Merc, When your pocketed key nears the marked against such German Masters at three-seconds. which is precisely the intent. It’s benchtrunk, it automatically opens after parked next to a BMW, Audi or Merc, When your pocketed key nears the driver, $53,000 loads up techtofeatures. Both engines are the coupled an 8-speed Mon-Fri: 8:30am – 5pm there is a nifty little use of leather and micro Ironically, it’s best enjoyed jogged The large variety of proving grounds include a panoramic price segment below what one would A High-Beam Assist (HBA) function intent.Other options whichisisprecisely preciselyathe the intent. It’sbenchbenchtrunk, automatically opens after automatic transmission marked against Masters at three-seconds. below the glove suede is such classy;German with which intent. It’s trunk, ititautomatically opens after at low speed the highway, If you want the V8, get with readya SHIFto Saturday: 9amgadget – 4pm offeredalong by the northernonOkanagan sunroof, a heated steering wheel, TRONIC manual mode. marked against such German Masters at three-seconds. box. An industry-first Napa leather and what real one would where it has theAfeel of an old-fashKeith Morgan a price segment below High-Beam Assist spend (HBA) function marked against such German Masters at three-seconds. $62,000. All Proceeds to: The base price is $43,000, $48,000 gets appealing to not a lot ventilated front seats, tri-zone auto- was much wood trim available ioned more big family sedan. (It’s pricesegment segmentbelow belowwhat whatone onewould would High-BeamAssist Assist(HBA) (HBA) function sensor control system aaprice AAHigh-Beam you the Luxury version, and $53,000 Mid-Vancouver Island function Habitat Enhancement Society detects when CO2 levels as and an option. of fun on the twisting lakeside especially so in the car roads of matic climate control, rear Double door me. And loads up the tech features. If you want keith.morgan@drivewaybc.ca are too high and boosts the cabin with stitched leather seats always look goodequipped the Okanagan.) with the 311 horsepower, windowbut blinds. Driver-assist safety the V8, get ready to spend $62,000. fresh air. Research by Hyundai engineers it’s what’s inside that counts on a Cars destined for the Canadian market NEW & USED SALES • FULL BOAT BROKERAGE GDI V6 engine. Flipping technologies available in in this 3.8-litre determined that drowsiness increases lengthyare trip!also The foam beneath will come with an all-new HTRAC keith.morgan@drivewaybc.ca when CO2 concentrations inside theabundance case for offers both who support comfort in those likeandthe cabin exceed 2,000 parts per million.car Of to dothesome right places. Bothfor front seats offer thinking them. course, cracking a window works the 12-way power adjustment and there’s a The newpower-adjustable Genesis is alsothigh a statement same way but many do not detect the extension with of intent:side it heralds whatavailable will beforthe onset of it’s too late, bolsters that’s the Gaassleepiness & Diesuntil el to let in that whileSothers are reluctant long-legged. look of the seven new less-premium ales/S e rv ic e cold mountain air during a winter jaunt. new power trunk lid goes a step HyundaiAproducts expects to grace Official Dealer For Count me in that group. further than the new trend to enable our showrooms 2016. Gadgets aside, there is much to stimuopening bybefore swinging your leg under the late the senses in the all-new Genesis. to pop trunk. Tired of standWhen itrear comes tothe driving, it’s really Its eye-catching design, with giant a tale ofing on cars. one leg with two arms full of two The top-of-thefront grille, would not look out of place groceries? offers a big V8key 5-litre parked next to a BMW, Audi or Merc,line model When your pocketed nears the power plant, 420 horses atafter its which is precisely the intent. It’s benchtrunk, itwith automatically opens marked against such German Masters at three-seconds. disposal. 1300 Springhill Road
of the Week
WIN a $
1st Annual
Safety Tip: SafetyTip: Tip: Safety
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Ju ’’ ’’ ’’
Weigh in Anything Hyundai raises the bar with world class Genesis
250-947-9666 a price segment below what one would
A High-Beam Assist (HBA) function
It was truly a Buick like no other The all-new 2011 model year edition of Regal was built in Germany and based on a rigid Euro-car chassis, and could be ordered with a turbocharged engine and had a driver-selectable suspension system. It would also be the first Buick to offer a manual transmission, since the 1980s. Not since the days of Grand National, a big engine rocket, last produced in 1987 (and still cherished by Buick enthusiasts), had we seen a hard-core sports version of the Buick Regal. Yet, this Regal is a very different beast. While it may not possess the awesome straight-line power of its ancestor, it’s a hoot to drive for different and probably better reasons. It was based on the German designed Opel Insignia, which was the 2009 European Car of the Year. The 2011 Regal was made in Germany but then (2012 and on) all production was switched to Oshawa, Ontario. The overall design profile of this Regal is coupe-like, even though it has four doors. Up front, there’s a modern version of Buick’s traditional “waterfall” grille and an extra-large version Buick’s tri-shield emblem. At the rear, the sloping roofline connects to a short deck with distinctive and large wraparound taillights. The turbo engine versions of Regal should definitely be on the checklist of buyers looking at midsized sporty front-drive premium sedans such as the Volvo S60 or Acura TSX. Regal has a longer wheelbase (a more comfortable ride) and comes with a larger trunk. The base CXL trim comes with a 2.4L direct-injected engine rated at 182 horsepower (136 kW) mated with a six-speed automatic transmission. It’s a drive combination that provides decent power and very good highway fuel economy, rated at 6.5L/100 km. The CXL Turbo trim, on the
other hand, comes with a 2.0L turbocharged directinjection engine that’s rated at 220 horsepower (164 kW). The auto transmission is a crisper-shifting six speed unit and its 6.9L/100 km highway fuel economy is still good, considering the extra power. Buick expanded the Regal line to four for the 2012 model year, with the addition of eAssist and GS editions. The eAssist edition has a mild-hybrid powertrain that uses an electric motor/lithiumion battery pack combo to boost power to road wheels when needed, and conserves fuel. It’s the most economical edition of Regal with a frugal city/ highway fuel economy rating of 8.3/5.4 L/100km respectively. The GS edition is a more potent version of Turbo that rides lower and comes with Brembo front disc brakes and 19-inch or 20-inch (optional) wheels. Under hood its turbocharged engine can produce 255-horsepower and 295 ft-lb of torque. Acceleration to 100 km/hour is under 7-seconds and its highway fuel economy is 7.4 L/100 km. The base (CXL/2.4-litre engine) edition was dropped for the 2013 model year and trim levels offered were eAssist, Turbo, Turbo Sport, and GS. On the safety front, standard equipment includes a stability control system and the OnStar emergency service. It comes with six air bags and rear seat side air bags were an option and standard on GS. Regal’s crash test performance was also outstanding and earned it a “top safety pick” rating from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. So far, overall reliability has been “average” according to Consumer Reports, but it did get a “recommended buy” rating and is one of the top-rated vehicles in its class.
Safety Recalls: 2011 to 2013 Buick Regal: 2011: The spare tire size was listed incorrectly, with
Price Check: 2011 - 2013 Buick Regal (May 2014) Year Edition Expect to Pay Today 2011 Regal CLX Turbo $19,000 to $23,000 2012 Regal Turbo $22,000 to $26,000 2013 Regal Turbo $26,000 to $30,000 Prices vary depending on a used vehicle’s condition, mileage, usage and history. A complete mechanical check should always be performed by a reliable auto technician prior to purchase.
the letter “T” missing on the Tire Pressure Label. The label should properly indicate the spare tire size as T125/80R16. Since this does not pose any risk to vehicle safety, no corrective action is required. 2012: On vehicles equipped with High Intensity Discharge (HID) headlamps, the Body Control Module (BCM) may have been incorrectly programmed during the manufacturing process, thereby preventing parking lamp activation. Dealers will reprogram the Body Control Module. 2012/2013: Vehicles
PLEASE READ THE FINE PRINT: Offers valid until June 2, 2014. See toyota.ca for complete details on all cash back offers. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on toyotabc.ca and that contained on toyota.ca, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted. 2014 RAV4 Base FWD LE Automatic ZFREVT-A MSRP is $25,689 and includes $1,819 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. †Lease example: 3.9% Lease APR for 60 months on approved credit. Semi-Monthly payment is $139 with $1700 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $18,380. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. ††Finance example: 1.9% finance for 48 months, upon credit approval, available on 2014 RAV4. Applicable taxes are extra. 2014 Corolla CE 6M Manual BURCEM-A MSRP is $17,544 and includes $1,549 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, and battery levy. *Lease example: 2014 Corolla CE 6M with a vehicle price of $17,269 (includes $275 Toyota Canada Lease Assist, which is deducted from the negotiated selling price after taxes, and $1,549 freight/PDI) leased at 0.9% over 60 months with $0 down payment equals 120 semi-monthly payments of $87 with a total lease obligation of $10,715. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.07. **Finance example: 1.9% finance for 84 months, upon credit approval, available on 2014 Corolla CE 6M. Applicable taxes are extra. 2014 Tacoma Double Cab V6 4x4 Automatic MU4FNA-A MSRP is $33,289 and includes $1,819 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. ‡Lease example: 3.9% Lease APR for 60 months on approved credit. Semi-Monthly payment is $165 with $3,150 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $22,890. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. ‡‡Finance example: 0.9% finance for 48 months, upon credit approval, available on 2014 Tacoma. Applicable taxes are extra. ‡‡‡Up to $1000 Non-Stackable Cash Back available on select 2014 Tacoma models. Non-stackable cash back on 2014 Tacoma Double Cab V6 4x4 Automatic is $1,000. Applicable taxes are extra. Down payment, first semi-monthly payment and security deposit plus GST and PST on first payment and full down payment are due at lease inception. A security deposit is not required on approval of credit. Non-stackable Cash Back offers may not be combined with Toyota Financial Services (TFS) lease or finance rates. If you would like to lease or finance at standard TFS rates (not the above special rates), then you may be able to take advantage of Cash Customer Incentives. Vehicle must be purchased, registered and delivered by June 2, 2014. Cash incentives include taxes and are applied after taxes have been charged on the full amount of the negotiated price. See toyota.ca for complete details on all cash back offers. ‡‡‡‡Semi-monthly lease offer available through Toyota Financial Services on approved credit to qualified retail customers on most 24, 36, 48 and 60 month leases (including Stretch leases) of new and demonstrator Toyota vehicles. First semi-monthly payment due at lease inception and next monthly payment due approximately 15 days later and semi-monthly thereafter throughout the term. Toyota Financial Services will waive the final payment. Semi-monthly lease offer can be combined with most other offers excluding the First Payment Free and Encore offers. First Payment Free offer is valid for eligible TFS Lease Renewal customers only. Toyota semi-monthly lease program based on 24 payments per year, on a 60-month lease, equals 120 payments, with the final 120th payment waived by Toyota Financial Services. Competitive bi-weekly lease programs based on 26 payments per year, on a 60-month lease, equals 130 payments. Not open to employees of Toyota Canada, Toyota Financial Services or TMMC/TMMC Vehicle Purchase Plan. Some conditions apply. See your Toyota dealer for complete details. Visit your Toyota BC Dealer or www.toyotabc.ca for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may lease/sell for less.
By Bob McHugh
equipped with eAssist, the Generator Control Module (GCM) may not function correctly and cause a gradual loss of battery charge. This will illuminate the malfunction indicator lamp and eventually the engine may stall. In addition, there may be a burning or melting odour, smoke and possibly a fire in the trunk. Dealers will inspect and, if necessary, replace the Generator Control Module. bob.mchugh@ drivewaybc.ca
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Recognizing the importance of mining in our communities.
Proud to support our local area Mines.
Mining Week
MAY 11-17
Proud to support Mining week
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Celebrating Mining Week
Thank you Quinsam Coal for your support of quality Healthcare for Campbell River and North Vancouver Island.
The importance of mining to Canada’s economy First celebrated in 1996, National Mining Week recognizes the importance of the Canadian Mining industry to the economic development of Canada. It is a chance to celebrate the important role that mining plays in the lives of Canadians. It is hard to imagine a life without minerals and metals — every day, we all use and rely on products made from them. Top Fundraisers for Canada Day Bed Race 2011, 2012 & 2013!!
Mining takes place in almost every province and territory in Canada — creating jobs and business opportunities, and supporting industries and workers from rural, remote and Aboriginal communities to our large urban centres. British Columbia’s mining and mineral exploration industry has a rich history and a promising future. B.C. has been one of the world’s major mining regions since the mid-1800s and to this day is a key international player. Encompassing the largest part of the Canadian Cordillera, a mountain belt rich in minerals and coal, B.C. produces and exports a significant amount of copper, gold, silver, lead, zinc, molybdenum, coal and industrial minerals every year.
Wire Rope & Fittings • Splicing Facilities Chains • Industrial Supplies • Hydro Testing Fire Extinguisher Recharging 2860 North Island Hwy, Campbell River • Phone: 250-286-1027 • Fax: 250-286-1024
259 Puntledge Road, Courtenay • Phone: 250-334-3707 • Fax: 250-334-3721
Historically, B.C.’s vast mineral resources have contributed extensively to the province’s growth and development. The Hudson’s Bay Company first started producing coal on Vancouver Island in the 1840s, and the discovery of gold along the Fraser River in the 1850s sparked a major gold rush, which was ultimately responsible for the settlement of many parts of that region. As B.C.’s population increased, the provincial infrastructure improved, and miners were able to explore more and more of the province’s terrain, leading to many new mineral deposit discoveries. Throughout the century following the Fraser River Gold Rush, most mining activities in British Columbia took place underground. But in the early 1960s, the feasibility of open-pit production increased tremendously, and as a result, several huge copper mines opened, including Highland Valley Copper—the largest openpit operation in all of North America.
Mining Week
BC is Canada’s single largest exporter of coal, largest producer of copper and the only producer of molybdenum.
MAY 11-17
What are these used for?
Coal, Carbon [C]
Molybdenum [Mo]
Copper [Cu]
Coal has many important uses worldwide. The most significant uses of coal are in electricity generation, steel production, cement manufacturing and as a liquid fuel. Around 6.6 billion tonnes of hard coal were used worldwide last year and 1 billion tonnes of brown coal.
Currently, the main use of Molybdenum is in the commercial and industrial industries where it plays a large role in manufacturing. Due to its relative strength and heat resistance it is also used used in manufacturing of armour, aircraft parts, industrial motors, filaments, electrical contacts and space exploration.
Presently, copper is used in building construction, power generation and transmission, electronic product manufacturing, and the production of industrial machinery and transportation vehicles. Copper wiring and plumbing are integral to the appliances, heating and cooling systems, and telecommunications links used every day in homes and businesses. Copper is an essential component in the motors, wiring, radiators, connectors, brakes, and bearings used in cars and trucks. The average car contains 1.5 kilometers (0.9 mile) of copper wire.
British Columbia’s Seven Key Mined Commodities Coal - Copper - Molybdenum - Gold Silver - Lead - Zinc
Acklands Grainger is Canada’s largest distributor of industrial, safety and fastener products and are proud to support the mining industry in Campbell River. We offer our customers the largest selection of in-stock brand-name products from the world’s top manufacturers and the largest exclusive private-label offering in the industry.
1620 Island Highway, Campbell River
Proud to support the Mining Industry Without Mining there would be fewer jobs to maintain strong families and build sustainable, healthy communities. The Flower Shop at Willow Point Campbell River Florist 250-923-3122 • Toll Free 1-800-338-6580
Willow Point Village Plaza • #4-2231 S. Island Hwy. email Fran Jones: franj@shaw.ca www.campbellriverflorist.com
Proud supporters of the mining industry
A-1 Radiators 1961 Island Highway, Campbell River
Mining Week
MAY 11-17
A Brief History of British Columbia Coal Mine Disasters
arly coal mining history in BC started under ground fire that miners had been trying on Vancouver Island around 1849 to control since the 15th of the month evenwith small amounts being mined by tually led to an explosion in ten levels that the Hudson’s Bay Company. It wasn’t killed 11 men. until 1874 that production began With primitive mining conditions it was to ramp up with 81,000 tons being pretty well inevitable that these types of produced that year. Production continued to incidents would occur and sure enough on increase yearly until 1891 when this number reached over a million tons. Over half of the 1891 production was shipped to California, a state that used almost two million tons of coal that year. Mines in the Comox and Nanaimo Basins continued to expand to meet these huge production demands and with this aggressive expansion and production pressure came significant increases in loss of human life. Diagram of a horse powered whim for raising coal from mine. There were dozens of ways that an early coal miner could lose his life February 22, 1884 another explosion occurred underground back then but some of the more at Wellington in Number 3 shaft taking 23 disastrous events that occurred periodically led men with it. Explosions underground were to tragedies on a scale that left whole comalmost always deadly with the violence of the munities numb with grief. The first significant initial blast killing most in its path and later loss in BC’ s history came on April 17, 1879 in the life-snuffing afterdamp (carbon monoxide) the Wellington Colliery in Nanaimo where an robbing the more remote miners of life-giving
Mining supports 40 jobs at York Machine Shop. proudly sponsored by:
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Mining Week
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Mining Week oxygen. It was only three short years later that Vancouver Island that took 83 out of the 102 No.1 Esplanade mine in Nanaimo was to expeminers lost that year to accidents. The first, rience BC’ s worst mining disaster and Canada’s on Feb 15th, resulted in the suffocation of 64 second worst overall. Shortly after 6pm May 3, men, then on June 30 a pump ~an, and two 1887 smoke and timbers burst from both the Chinese tracklayers were lost to a fire that the hoisting and mine fought ventilation for two weeks shafts from after. Once explosions so again on Sept. In 1901 there were three separate incidents deep in the 30 a fire broke mine that out on a curon Vancouver Island that took 83 out of the they were tain (sacking 102 miners lost that year to accidents. barely percepmaterial called tible on the brattice used surface. The for redirectlong blast of the mine whistle announced the ing or blocking air flow) and raced up a slope bad news and when all was said and done 147 overcoming 16 men who could not find their of the 154 men on shift were lost, mostly to way ahead of the fire safely. asphyxiation. Some were sealed in side shafts The next year the Elk Valley became an and died waiting for rescue, etching messages unfortunate part of this early mine disasin the ground with their shovels as their oxyter legacy by recording Canada’s third worst gen ran out. mining disaster. While early records indicated Incredibly only one year later Number 5 128 men lost subsequent detailed research has Pit in Wellington was struck by yet another upgraded this number to 130. It was a classic deadly explosion that took a further 77 lives. example of the shotgun effect. Gas deep in the That made 247 men lost in three separate mine in Macdonald’s level was ignited which explosions in less than four years. One has to then ignited the heavy suspension of coal dust wonder how and when officials would finally that ran all throughout the mine. The explostep back and consider this horrific consesion replicated itself through all areas quence. Yet the inquests and usually laconic until it burst from the entry to the descriptions by area inspectors typically read: outside. Again most men were “With respect to all the accidents, I have not found in pairs in their discovered that any blame or negligence could working places killed be attached to anyone ... “ The verdict of the silently by inquiries was sadly always the same. afterdamp. British Columbia wasn’t the only province to be stricken in such a way. Nova Scotia has a longer history of such disasters with the first large scale loss coming a year before BC’ The next year s coal history began to develop in a serious Union Colliery in way The Drummond Mine in Westville, NS lost Cumberland lost 16 to 60 men to an explosion in 1873. Ironically, in an explosion, the first disas1891, the year Vancouver Island exceeded the ter of this scale to the mining million ton production number, Nova Scotia area around Comox. That same year was witness to Canada’s fourth worst mining here in the Elk Valley, Morrissey disaster, one that took 125 men and boys at No. 1 Mine suffered a nasty gas outburst on the infamous Springhill Mines. Oct.15 that took four men. Morrissey outbursts The turn of the century did not bring much were a phenomenon that would haunt this relief to these periodic heartbreaking disasmine in its short life and the very next year ters and in the process the Elk Valley mines on Nov. 18 it occurred again this time taking made a terrible entrance into this theater. In 1901 there were three separate incidents on
MAY 11-17
14 lives. The wife and family of one of those lost, Thomas Jenkins, had only just arrived at Morrissey the day of the disaster. What heartbreak. While the severity of annual losses were reduced by more modern mining practices and safety measures they never the less continued to plague both the Island and interior mines up until the 1930’s. Mines like Reserve Nanaimo, No. 3 Michel, Coal Creek and Comox No. 4&6 mines were dealt fatal hands at the whim of gas, coal dust and even lightening strikes. The last major event was at Blakeburn in the Tulameen District in 1930 in which an explosion took 45 men. The losses of three men or more mercifully died down after the Michel No.1 East Mine bump of 1938 and lasted for almost thirty years. Then came Balmer North in 1967, just when everyone thought the days of major losses in underground mines were a thing of the past. All were reminded then that the deadly recipe of methane and coal dust was ever present and if it was not handled properly it could transform an underground mine into a killing field. BC mining disasters of three men or more were commemorated with a series of pillows at the Hillcrest Memorial Monument in the year 2000. While space restricted the acknowledgment of all men there is no doubt that every single miner lost across Canada in coal mines is in itself a disaster. The days of major underground mine losses are long gone and today, mercifully, the coal mines of British Columbia boast one of the finest safety records of any major industry in Canada.
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Mining is a major contributor to our social and economic development.
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Mining Week
MAY 11-17
n May 11 Nyrstar Myra Falls with Quinsam Coal and the rest of the mining industry in British Columbia, we will start celebrating mining week 2014. Mining week gives both the industry and the public an outlet to share and receive information on the many benefits and rewards that are created by having a mine in their community. Most of the residents in the Campbell River area are aware that there is mining done locally but may not be aware of the beneficial impact on residents and community. It is said that there are 4 “spin off” jobs created for every one mining job. If we consider that Nyrstar Myra Falls and Quinsam Coal, both located within 90kms of Campbell River, employ approximately 500 people directly that
Between wages, direct operating costs and purchases the two companies combined inject roughly 150 million dollars into the local and regional economy.
can create upwards of 2000 supporting jobs locally. Between wages, direct operating costs and purchases the two companies combined inject roughly 150 million dollars into the local and regional economy. If you consider that in 2014 mining is projected to employ around 16,000 men and women in British Columbia, it is not hard to quickly realize the positive impact this resource based industry throughout the province.
the safest large underground mines in the province; as well Myra Falls has been awarded the John T Ryan award in 2012 and 2013 for being the safest mine in BC and the Yukon Territory. Both mine sites have championship mine rescue and first aid units which play a large role in promoting and upholding the safety of not only their fellow co-workers but the safety of all miners in the province through mutual aid.
Mining in BC not only has a strong financial impact on our communities but has also stepped up and become the safest heavy industry in the province, having fewer accidents and fatalities than any other industry in the resource based sector. Quinsam Coal and Nyrstar Myra Falls were both recognized in 2012 by the Ministry of Mines for being
Mining is not only committed to ensuring the safety of its employees but is also a leader in upholding and raising the bar in protecting the environment. Mining takes environment legislation, regulation, social responsibility and compliance very seriously using continual upgrades and implementation of innovative solutions to safeguard against environmental
We are proud to support mining in our community.
Proud to Support Local Mining
Thiessen Team 1954-2014 BC owned and operated
BARRIE’S SEPTIC SERVICE 24 HOURS • 4790 Lewis Rd, Campbell River Also serving Black Creek and Merville
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Mining Week
Both mine sites have championship mine rescue and first aid units
adversities, dedicating and devoting large amounts of time and money to the full reclamation of mine sites once the mining cycle has reached its full potential.
MAY 11-17
The mining industry creates a wide assortment of employment opportunities for all levels of education in a variety of fields and expertise. For more information about mining locally or within the province visit the Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC) website at: www.mining.bc.ca, www.nyrstar.com or www.hillsboroughresources.com.
Together Myra Falls and Quinsam mine over a million tonnes of ore each year. Once processed the final products are transformed into products regularly used in everyday life ranging from metals supplying water to your home to creating the concrete used in construction and many other things that are taken for granted. It is difficult to name all the products that are a direct result of mining but be certain that without the mining industry our lives would be very different.
On Behalf of all the employees at Nyrstar Myra Falls and Quinsam Coal we would like to thank the community and businesses for their continued support and urge you all to join us in celebrating Mining Week 2014. “If it can’t be grown it has to be mined”. - Todd Gonsky, Nyrstar Myra Falls
Proud supporters of the mining industry
Proud to Support the Mining Industry. SERVICES
1440 Redwood St., Campbell River
• We specialize is high angle rescue • Confined space rescue & rescue equipment • Scaffolding • Shrink wrapping • Residential, Commercial / Industrial • Erection and Dismantle • Rolling, Running and Hanging • Hoardings & Enclosures • Rental & Sales of Scaffolding • Custom Manufacturing • Sales of Fall Protection Equipment • Training in Fall Protection • Training in Scaffolding Contact us for your affordable scaffolding solutions. 1390 Homewood Road, Campbell River Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00am-4:30pm
MAY 11-17
Women in Mining Who we are?
Women in Mining (WIM) Canada is a national not-for-profit organization formed in 2009 focused on advancing the interests of women in the minerals exploration and mining sector. In collaboration with Canadian WIM branches we support grassroots initiatives in the realm of personal and professional development, while providing a national voice within the global minerals and mining community. Our membership is composed of passionate men and women who actively support the minerals and mining industry and represent a variety of occupational trades and professions.
Why are we here? The minerals exploration and mining industry (or minerals sector) is one of the most important sectors to the Canadian economy. As Canadians we are concerned about the future this valuable, high-tech, safe, environmentally and socially responsible industry. WIM Canada encourages young women to explore a career within the minerals sector; and helps established professionals connect and navigate their way through a successful career in the minerals sector. These initiatives contribute to the positive footprint our industry is making. WIM Canada also seeks to improve the general public’s perception of this vibrant and needed economy.
We support Mining in Campbell River Guillevin International specializes in fire, construction, safety & industrial supplies. Our team of specialists are trained to provide technical support and expertise to ensure our customers meet local requirements and achieve satisfaction.
As a national organization we encourage our peers to engage in the issues long term with our members through mentorship, networking, educational forums, advocacy, topical debates, and industry speaking opportunities to ensure a sustainable minerals industry in Canada. www.wimcanada.org
1690K Maple Street Campbell River 250-287-2186 http://www.guillevinsafety.com
Mining Week
Natalie Clark is the Human Resources Superintendent with Nyrstar Myra Falls. She hired on in 2006, originally working in Administration for the Mine, Engineering and Geology departments. Within 3 short months, she successfully applied to the HR Coordinator position, and has not looked back since. With the support of Myra Falls, she completed her HR Management studies and reached her goal of obtaining her HR professional designation. Natalie found her passion in Mining, and has devoted her life’s work to Human Resources and developing her skills and talent in this exciting field. “Mining has given me the opportunity to achieve my personal and professional goals, and I love the constant variety and challenge that this industry presents. I enjoy working directly with the employees, and being a trusted resource for all other departments. I am truly grateful for the opportunities that Nyrstar Myra Falls has given me and I am proud to say that I am a “Woman in Mining””.
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Mining Week
MAY 11-17
Mine Reclamation Mining activities cover less than one per cent of B.C. land base. Companies are legally required to reclaim all lands they disturb by mining, or through exploration. To ensure that reclamation projects respect local and provincial needs, dedicated government staff: • conduct detailed technical reviews and ensure that reclamation responsibilities are met; • organize activities and participate in committees supporting technology transfer, reviewing ministry practices and enhancing cooperation among government, industry, First Nations, academia and the public; and • participate in national and international committees conducting research and technology transfer.
Looking north toward the Kemess South mine development project, July 30, 1996. The cleared area in the centre is now an operational airstrip.
Industry Best Practices: The Kemess South Mine The Kemess South Mine in north central B.C. is one of the largest-scale reclamation projects now being implemented. The mine is in remote, mountainous terrain. Native plant species are not easily purchased and vegetation growth is limited by a severe climate and minimal soil resources.
750,000 stems of various native species have been planted, and progressive reclamation has been completed on approximately 250 hectares. The reclamation project has earned several awards, including the 2010 Jake McDonald Annual Reclamation Award and the 2010 Mining and Sustainability Award.
Despite these challenges, the site has been extensively replanted with native species. Local communities have become involved with annual native-seed collection campaigns. To date, over
- BC’s mineral exploration and Mining Strategy 2012
Mine reclamation is a fundamental part of the mining life cycle in British Columbia. -The Technical & Research Committee on Reclamation
The Top Drawer Romance Boutique ...where it all begins
Our business is focused solely on serving surface and underground mining operations with superior equipment and direct service that achieves the lowest cost per unit of production over the life cycle.
“Top Drawer Romance Boutique proudly supports the mining industry. The dedication has not gone unnoticed and we give thanks to all of the men and women whose hard work has strengthened our communities.”
Our reach is global, with facilities and service centers that span six continents and more than twenty countries. But our focus remains local. Our people and services are close to the mines to provide better decisions and solutions.
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Mining Week
MAY 11-17
A Brief History of Mining in Our Region Catherine Gilbert Not too long after gold fever had sent thousands rushing off to the Klondike, the Campbell River region experienced its own mini boom. Stakes were claimed in Shoal Bay, in nearby East Thurlow Island as early as 1884 and by 1897 there was a population of about 1500. Gold was also found on Quadra Island, with the earliest stakes being claimed in 1901, resulting in the development of the Lucky Jim Mine, which was in operation until 1911. Small amounts of gold were also discovered in Bedwell Sound on Vancouver Island around the turn of the last century, but were deemed not worth exploiting. Pictured above: Lucky Jim Mine Museum of Campbell River Presents
'The Miners Legacy Collection' From Keychains to Pins & Pendants, this exclusive series has been created to honour the Mining Industry of today & the past. These gold & silver replicas are hand finished to the exacting standards of Legacy Goldsmiths.
470 Island Hwy | 250.287.3103 Store hours until May 18th: 12-5pm (closed monday)
SUMMER HOURS: 7 Days a week » 10am – 5pm
Orecan Dock, Menzies Bay
Later in the 1930s, gold was mined in Zeballos and operations continued up to the commencement of World War II. With miners leaving to fight in the war, the mines closed in 1942. But gold wasn’t the only mineral of value to be found in the region. Rich veins of zinc, copper, lead and silver ores, and coal were discovered in several locations; and iron ore, which was mined by Orecan Mines near Kelsey Bay and resulted in the Argonaut Mine at Upper Quinsam Lake. Today, coal is mined at Quinsam Lake by Quinsam Coal where development of coal mining had started in 1978 and expanded in the 1980s. Claims had been staked in Strathcona Provincial Park beginning in 1918, but it wasn’t until 1961 that Western Mines started a large mining development at the south end of Buttle Lake, working the zinc, copper, lead, gold and silver deposits found there. This initiated the building of a road to transport goods and workers to and from the mine. It was completed by 1968, and links with the Gold River Highway. Today, the mine has about 300 employees and is operated by Nyrstar.
Mining Week
MAY 11-17
Mining for Miracles Mining for Miracles, BC’s mining community’s longstanding fundraising campaign for BC Children’s Hospital. Mining for Miracles is the BC mining community’s longstanding fundraising campaign in support of the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. Mining for Miracles comprises numerous mining industry volunteers who work together to raise money to improve the quality of health care for children in our province. Over the past 25 years, Mining for Miracles has raised more than $20 million in areas of critical needs at the BC Children’s Hospital. In 2014 Mining for Miracles will be raising funds to support the BC Children’s Hospital BioBank. Biobanking is a new and indispensable research tool with the potential to improve treatments and find cures for diseases affecting millions of children around the world. It will be the first institutional pediatric biobank in Canada and will facilitate breakthrough medical discoveries to improve the lives of children suffering from debilitating and lifethreatening diseases. for more info visit: www.miningformiracles.org
and we are proud to support our local industry.
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Without Mining there would be no steel or aluminum. We are proud to support Mining Week May 11-17 MINING BUILDS COMMUNITIES
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Mining Week
MAY 11-17
myra f a lls
MINING WEEK 2014 Supporting Campbell River & The Comox Valley
On behalf of all the employees at Quinsam Coal and Nyrstar Myra Falls, join us in celebrating Mining Week 2014. We look forward to a long and prosperous future for all of us!
is i st industr t ial tr
sur face technologies inc.
A Division of Russel Metals Inc. METAL SERVICES CENTRES Dependability since 1908
Campbell River Florist The Flower Shop at Willow Point MICHAEL
The Top Drawer Romance Boutique