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Connector Vol. 8 No. 31
• free distribution throughout The South Cariboo • May 16, 2014
Village of Clinton gets economic opportunity
The provincial government signed a community forest agreement with the Village of Clinton on May 1. The new community forest covers 62,000 hectares and will have an allowable annual cut of up to 20,000 cubic metres. The community forest is in the 100 Mile House Timber Supply Area and the agreement has an initial term of 25 years. A community forest is a forestry operation managed by a local government, community group or First Nation for the benefit of the entire community. Community forest agreements are long-term, area-based tenures designed to encourage community involvement in, and management of, local forests. Community forests are great way to make more timber available, while diversifying British Columbia’s forest sector and create local employment opportunities, says Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister of Steve Thomson. “Getting a community forest is really important to the area. Harvesting from a community forest can support locally determined objectives and interests, such as infrastructure upgrades, volunteer group projects and grants to community groups,” says Clinton Mayor Jim Rivett. Community forests provide local jobs and give rural communities a stronger, more diverse economic base, CaribooChilcotin MLA Donna Barnett notes. She adds this new community forest agreement means sustainable employment for people in Clinton and creates long-term opportunities for collaboration between the Village of Clinton and local First Nations. “We congratulate Clinton on its Community Forest Agreement award,” says Community Forest Association president Don Brown. “Clinton has been a member of the BC Community Forest Association since it first received the invitation to apply, and we look forward to working with [the village] as it implements its plans to maximize the social, environmental, cultural and economic benefits that these tenures provide.”
Carole Rooney photo
Simon Becker, left, his mother, Sarah Dumantier, and his brother, Shawn Becker, were spotted sauntering down Cedar Avenue in a light drizzle of rain recently.
100 Mile House and Surrounding Area
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Friday, May 16, 2014 Cariboo Connector
areaS g, h and l
public hearing
We want you! DID YOU KNOW: If you own a business in the south Cariboo, or are a manager you can join Rotary. Check out our website. Contact a local Rotarian and find out more about our club and how you can become a Rotarian and help out your community.
100 Mile House Rotary (Since 1976)
JacK FrOST laKe – area l
public hearing
Text amendment – South cariboo area
rezoning amendment – 7340 Thomas road
7:00 pm, May 20, 2014 in the Valley room of the 100 Mile house lodge and conference centre
7:00 pm, May 21, 2014, at lone butte community hall
The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) has received an application to amend Cariboo Regional District South Cariboo Area Zoning Bylaw No. 3501, 1999 by rezoning the property described below:
The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) is proposing amendments to the text of the Cariboo Regional District South Cariboo Area Zoning Bylaw No. 3501, 1999 as follows:
Bylaw No. 4824 The Fractional Southwest 1/4 of District Lot 4494, Lillooet District, from Resource/Agricultural (RA 1) zone to Special Exception RA 1-1 zone (minimum lot size – 32 ha) (maximum density - 1 lot. Proposed dwelling density equivalent to four 11.9 ha lots.)
Bylaw No. 4873 The amendments propose to allow for the keeping of Laying Hens and Hobby Beekeeping. Bylaw No. 4828 The amendments propose to introduce a minimum lot area for lots subdivided pursuant to Section 946, define uses under Acreage Reserve Zone, increase Bed and Breakfast Accommodation units, and to allow an ancillary building maximum size and height in residential and rural zones, with or without a principal dwelling.
This Victoria Day, treat yourself to Royal Tea. With Royalty. Join Queen Victoria for High Tea at the Wake Up Jake Restaurant in honour of Her Majesty’s birthday, Monday, May 19.
Site admission is by donation to the end of May!
Purpose for Rezoning: To permit a maximum of 4 additional single-family dwellings for occupation by family and guests at no charge, for not more than 180 days per year. The subject property is located at 7340 Thomas Road, as shown on the sketch plan below, and is owned by Robert, Dean, Craig and Todd Sutton.
Public hearings are for all persons who believe their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaws. The public hearings are to be held by a delegate of the Cariboo Regional District Board. A copy of the CRD resolution is available for public inspection.
Public hearings are for all persons who believe their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaws. The public hearings are to be held by a delegate of the Cariboo Regional District Board. A copy of the CRD resolution is available for public inspection.
Written submissions regarding the proposed bylaw will also be received. These submissions may be submitted at the public hearing or should be received in the Cariboo Regional District office at 180 D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 2A4, (fax number 392-2812) fortyeight hours prior to the hearing. No further information or representations can be considered by the CRD Board after the public hearing. All verbal and written submissions will become the public record.
Written submissions regarding the proposed bylaw will also be received. These submissions may be submitted at the public hearing or should be received in the Cariboo Regional District office at 180 D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 2A4, (fax number 392-2812) fortyeight hours prior to the hearing. No further information or representations can be considered by the CRD Board after the public hearing. All verbal and written submissions will become the public record.
The bylaws may be inspected at the Cariboo Regional District office, 175 Airport Road, 100 Mile House, BC, V2J 2B8 between 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, from May 14, 2014 to May 20, 2014 inclusive (excepting public holidays). This information may also be inspected at the Cariboo Regional District office at 180 D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake, BC, between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, from May 14, 2014 to May 20, 2014 inclusive (excepting public holidays). Telephone inquiries should be directed to the Planning Department of the CRD at 1-800-665-1636.
BARKERVILLE: Gold and new since 1862. 1-888-994-3332 • www.barkerville.ca A NATIONAL H IS TO R I C SITE of C ANADA
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Karen Moores, B.Sc., P.Ag. Manager of Development Services
Karen Moores, B.Sc., P.Ag. Manager of Development Services
building communities together www.cariboord.bc.ca
building communities together
Please contact Chris Nickless: 250-395-2219 CANADA’S CONSERVATION COMPANY
Cariboo Connector
Distributed free of charge throughout the South Cariboo from Lac La Hache to Clinton, to Canim Lake and the Interlakes area. To advertise in the Connector please call Martina, Lori or Chris at 250-395-2219.
The bylaw and an information package may be inspected at the Cariboo Regional District office, 175 Airport Road, 100 Mile House, BC, V2J 2B8 between 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, from May 14, 2014 to May 21, 2014 inclusive (excepting public holidays). This information may also be inspected at the Cariboo Regional District office at 180 D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake, BC, between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, from May 14, 2014 to May 21, 2014 inclusive (excepting public holidays). Telephone inquiries should be directed to the Planning Department of the CRD at 1-800-665-1636.
Visit Us On The Web: www.100milefreepress.net This Week’s Flyers in
the Con
nector • Save-On-Foods • Safewa y • Sears • Pharmasave • BrandSource • London D rugs • Red Apple • Walmart • Real Canadi an Wholesale Club Only in the
Connector Connector The Cariboo
Cariboo Connector Friday, May 16, 2014
Help needed for Lone Butte Rocks community celebration
250 644-1555
Karen Schuurman
Craft market Spaces are filling up quickly for the May 31 craft and flea market in Lone Butte. If you would like to sell your wares at the next Lone Butte sale, please give Pat McKay a call at 250-395-2114 sooner than later to
book your spot, inside or out. News needed If you have any family events or celebrations that you would like me to include in the column, please feel free to give me a call at 250644-1555.
Well it feels like spring is actually here! The snow seems to have officially ended, though the other night on the way home from our local Lone Butte dance, it was -4 C, so maybe I better not say that too loud! We’ll enjoy it while we can, and look forward to the hatching of spring mosquitoes as the weather warms. Entertainers sought The Lone Butte Rocks community celebration is fast approaching and will be held on July 5 this year. I am scouting for entertainers who would like to share their talents at this fun community party. If you would like to sing or play and have the gumption to share your talent, please give the writer a call at 250644-1555. Lone Butte Rocks Speaking of Lone Butte Rocks, if you have an organization or community group that you would like to represent at the annual celebration, please give Heather Nelson a call at 250-395-3588 to see where we can put you in. Anyone who would like to lend a hand to make this event a seamless success with an hour or two of volunteer time, it would be greatly appreciated.
100 Mile Elementary PAC 2nd Annual
Spring Carnival
New to the Area? New Parent? Call Jan Simpson 250-395-1380 or 250-945-9744 to request a visit
Friday, May 23 • 4-6pm 100 Mile Elementary Rain or Shine
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Parade Starts at 10am on Birch Ave. at Save-On-Foods THE BIGGEST COMMUNITY EVENT OF THE YEAR! Celebrating our Western Heritage!
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Clip this coupon and bring it to South Cariboo Theatre for a $1.00 discount on the admission price. Coupon must be original and must be for current movie playing. Photocopies not accepted. Limit one coupon per person.
LOTS OF LOC AL Local Rodeo WEST E R N THEME Excitement! FLOATS! at the 100 Mile Rodeo Grounds Saturday, May 17 42nd Annual
LITTLE BRITCHES RODEO Sun. & Mon., May 18 & 19 BCRA RODEO ACTION! Bulls, Broncs & Cowboys!
Would your business or group like to be in the parade? Contact Allan at 250-395-3665 or 250-395-4421
Friday, May 16, 2014 Cariboo Connector
Around the South Cariboo
Chris Nickless photo
Eclectica Community Choir’s Spring Sing had people clapping their hands and tapping their toes at Martin Exeter Hall on May 10. Cathryn Aune, left, Barbara Hooper and Margot Shaw had a lot of fun singing Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, which the Andrew Sisters sang to entertain the troops during the 1940s.
Carole Rooney photo
A little rain didn’t dampen the spirits of Gordon Laity, left, Wendy Diu and “The Garden Fairy” Bonnie Reith at the South Cariboo Farmers’ Market grand opening on May 9. It runs every Friday all summer long from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Birch Avenue and Third Street in 100 Mile House.
Chris Nickless photo
Three generations of a local family were serenaded by Bob Dalrymple, left, at The Hills Health Ranch on Mother’s Day. Alexa Ohlund, in pink, also celebrated her seventh birthday with, clockwise, her grandmother Hilda Jones, mother Jennifer Ohlund, grandmother Carol Ohlund and brother Josh Ohlund.
Gaven Crites photo Chris Nickless photo
Shelan Tessaro, left, Louise Hughes, Sally Gimse and Carl Gimse celebrated the opening of the 108 Mile Supermarket’s garden centre on May 9, just in time for Mothers’ Day.
Caroline Sharpe, a volunteer with the 100 Mile District Hospice Palliative Care Society, test drove a truck with Corey Wells of Sunrise Ford during a “Drive 4 UR Community” Hospice fundraiser in 100 Mile House on May 10.
Chris Nickless photo
Julie Merrick from Williams Lake appeared to be giving her golf ball some instruction on which way it should be turning during the 108 Ladies Club’s annual Icebreaker Tourney. The event was held at the 108 Golf Resort on May 11.
Did our Free Press photographer take YOUR picture? If you don’t see the picture you want, please come into the Free Press office as we have many more available for reprints.
Cariboo Connector Friday, May 16, 2014
Visit Royalty at Victorian G N O L Royal Tea in Barkerville WEDEEKAELNSD
On Victoria Day (May 19), visitors to Barkerville Historic Town are invited to enjoy Royal Tea with Royalty, as Queen Victoria visits the world-famous Wake Up Jake Restaurant. In addition to the classic English warm-steeped beverage, delectable treats worthy of the Queen will be on offer, along with the opportunity to interact with Her Majesty, who will delightfully engage with her royal subjects in two official sittings. Patrons will have the opportunity to enjoy one-on-one audiences with Queen Victoria and her Scottish consort, John Brown, as well as British Columbia’s Chief Justice, Matthew Baillie Begbie. Red Serge-clad members of the Royal Constabulary are expected to be in attendance to keep the peace and ensure the safety of the Monarch of Great Britain and Ireland, also known as the Empress of India. The Queen, who celebrates her birthday on May 24, is reported to be in a remarkable state of fitness and vigour, especially considering her advanced age of 195. When reached for a statement, Her Imperial Majesty Queen Empress indicated she was “very much looking forward to her annual visit to Barkerville. While I often eschew excessive pomp and ceremony, my birthday celebration, coming as it does near the outset of each new season, is an event that I cherish, especially as it gives me the opportunity to hear the desires and concerns of the citizens of the Colony.” There are two official sittings at the Wake Up Jake Restaurant for the Royal Tea – at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Tickets for the event can be purchased at the Visitor’s Reception Centre upon entry into
Barkerville Historic Town. Barkerville opened for the new season on May 15 with an all-new street interpretation program, along with expanded mining dis-
courses that describe the workings involved with hydraulic mining in Barkerville. Visitors will also, for the first time since 1864, have the opportunity to meet Billy
Flat, good for horses, great starter, retirement or income potential. Fully fenced. Just under 1 acre. Minutes from 100 Mile. Great piece of property with nice views. $117,500
108 Mile Ranch - 100 Mile House Give me a Call if I can help My Meet and Greet Office
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Limits may be in effect. While quantities last. See store for details.
Barker himself. From season opening until the end of the month of May, admission to the Historic Site is by donation. For more information, visit barkerville.ca.
GARAGE SALE • FOOD • FUN Open 7 days a week 10am - 4pm
Prices in effect May 16 - 22, 2014
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Place of Worship BE with the Cariboo Simple Home Church online, In the Upper Room, see calendar at: www.the-upper-room.webs.com
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Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051. FLAGGERS IN HIGH DEMAND: Training 100 Mile May 10/11. WL May 17/18. $210. For info call 1-866-737-2389 roadsafteytcs.com HAY FARM/RANCH: Caretaker wanted at Little Fort, BC. Duties include operating irrigation system, haying help, yard maintenance, etc. Some mechanical aptitude would be beneficial. Salary commensurate with experience, but we can train. Ideal for semi-retired farmer/rancher. Good housing available. Reply by email to: fschlueter@xplornet.ca or phone Frank at 250-456-2387 or 250-706-9005. WANTED: Cook & server needed for busy restaurant. Please apply either by email at perkilady@gmail.com or in person at the Little Horse Resort. For more information call Lynn at 250-456-7524.
Home Care/Support F/T Live-in Caregiver req for a female in wheelchair. Min wage in 100 Mile House area. jrobertson@bcinternet.net
Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com
Painting & Decorating CARIBOO PAINTING SERVICES AND REPAIRS. Residential and commercial. Call Chris 250-644-4033.
Friday, May 16, May 201416,100 Mile House Connector Free Press Friday 2014 Cariboo
Feed & Hay Excellent quality cow & horse hay, large round & large square bales. Phone early a.m. & evenings. Deliveries available (250)398-2805
Livestock 2 ANGUS yearlings for sale. Call 250-397-2890. BEEF by the side. Locally grown, naturally raised. Ready for this fall. 250-397-2890.
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders JD 892D LC excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper? MOVING MUST SELL: Sony 52” console style TV, 10yrs old, $200, obo. Maple buffet & hutch, 1.75” tops, come with 2 arm chairs, 4 reg. chairs, $1000 obo. Antique couch & chair from Ottawa, $500. 16.5ft K&C Thermoglass boat, 150 HP Mercury “Black Max” motor. Runs great. Comes with extras. $3500, obo. Call 250-791-5605. PINE seedlings: Ready to plant, 300 per box. $60 per box at Hungry Valley Ranch, 250-395-3539.
Misc. Wanted WANTED: GANDY or equivalent dry fertilizer applicator for potato planter. 12 volt. Call 250-706-9305. WATER tank on trailer and stock trailer (for 2-3 animals). Call 250-397-2890.
Real Estate Acreage for Sale LOWER RANCHETTES, 6167 Lakeshore Drive .65 Acre, partial lakeview, niceley treed, flat. $65,000.00 OBO. Call 250-395-4198
Houses For Sale BRIDGE/SHERIDAN Lake Area, Large family home on Hwy 24. 10 acres w/barn, arena, chicken coop, fenced and cross fenced, many decks, great gardens, landscaped, Xlarge shop & carports. $369,900. 10 acres next door also for sale. Call 250-6444242
Apt/Condo for Rent 100 Mile Hse Bachelor suite above store on Hwy. 97. NS. NP. Working person. $495./mo plus hydro. Call Dave 250395-3106. CALEDONIA MANOR: Two bdrm apts for rent. Quiet building, with elevator. 100 Mile House. Call for appointment: 250-706-2336 or 250-3950565.
108 MILE Moving Sale, everything must go, Hunting, fishing, household items, May 16, 17, 18 & 19 starts 9 am 4860 Cumsu Place 108 MILE: Two family sale on Sat. & Sun. May 17 & 18 from 9-2 at 4899 Tattersfield Place. Treasures galore! 108 RANCH: Sat. May 17 from 8am - 6pm at 5027 Mein Rd. Various items for sale will accept offers! BRIDGE LAKE: Sat. & Sun. May 17 & 18 from 9-3 at 8368 Bridge Lake North Rd. DEKA LAKE: Sat. May 17 from 8-2 at 7583 Beazley Road. Lots of household items, etc. DEKA LAKE: Sun. May 18 from 9-3 at 7647 Beazley Rd (corner of Beazley & Sangster) Household goods and more! GATEWAY: Moving Sale. Sat. May 17 from 8-2 at 5501 Kennedy Road.
2 BEDROOM mobile for rent on 3/4 acres. $850/mth (negotiable). Fully fenced yard, large deck, storage shed, 10 mins from 100 Mile. Walking distance to Horse lake. Avail. June 1st. Call Cindy 250-5934533 between 8 - 9 am, or 5 9 pm. Or Brad 1-403-818-0467 anytime.
CARIBOO GARDENS Clean, large, bright 1&2 bedrooms Seniors Welcome For reliable service call Drew
1200 SQ FT, 3 bdrm plus add mobile home, w/d, f/s, $700 to $750/mo plus util. 250-3954602 or 250-706-9701
250-395-0809 or 250-395-0168
3 BDRM house, 103 Mile, references req. $1000 per month. Wood heat. 250-791-7306.
PARKVIEW APTS: 1 BDRM apt for rent renovated, downtown 100 Mile. $550/mo, 2 bdrm $650, bachelor $450. Includes heat. (250)395-3660 or (250)706-9144
Commercial/ Industrial 1250 sq. ft. commercial retail space, street level, in Rosewood Building, for rent or lease. Across from Donex. 250-396-7334 or 604-5304224. 750sq.ft. retail space available in 108 Mall. Phone 250-3967334. NEWLY renovated retail space available. #1 & #2 355 Birch Ave. 100 Mile Hse appx 1100 sq ft per unit, formerly the Tip Top bldg. Avail Apr 15 call Janet 250-395-2545 for more info RETAIL area: 44’x54’ with overhead door at 750 Exeter Rd. 250-397-2182 $1100./mo
Duplex / 4 Plex 2 & 1 BDRM unit newly renovated, in 100 Mile. Call 250397-2041 for details. 3 BDRM duplex, Gateway area, $600/mo. Avail. Apr 15 250-395-1098, 250-3954913. 3 BDRM suite. $900/mon. includes utilities. No pets. Avail. June 1. Phone 778-485-0043. LARGE 1 bdrm $510 plus util. N/S. N/P. 10 min. to 100 Mile. Avail. June 1st. 250-397-0128 QUIET updated 1 bdrm $500. Laundry included. Gateway area. 250-395-2080.
Mobile Homes & Pads 2 BDRM, 2 bath mobile, Travellers’ Trailer Park, #58, 100 Mile. Avail. soon. $770/mon plus util. N/P. N/S. Call 250395-4125 for info. 2 BDRM mobile home in 103 Mile MHP. Washer & dryer. Sm. pets neg. New water system. $600/mon. 250-395-3178. MOBILE pad for rent at Park Dr. Estates. Available immediately. 250-395-3268.
GARAGE SALES 100 MILE: Sat. May 17 from 9-3 at 430 Balsam St. Rain or shine!
Mobile Homes & Pads
FAWN LAKE moving sale Wed, May 14 - Sat May 17 8am - 2pm at 6845 Fawn Lake Rd. X-country skis & poles, glass fishnet floats, books, antiques, dishes, 6 ft. sliding glass door - wood framed & metal clad, a steal at $250, obo, 2 new 24” x 48” vinyl windows - sliders with screens at $100 each, obo, and more treasures! GREEN LAKE, 5818 N. Greenlake Rd, 1 km east of the Firehall on the Northside of the Lake at Farmer’s Bull Pasture. Multi-family Sat, May 17 - 8am HORSE LAKE: Sat. & Sun. May 17 & 18 from 9-3 at 6175 Hunt Rd. bottom of Fallsway. household, tools, toys & more! WATCH LAKE - NORTH GREEN LAKE VFD AUXILIARY BAKE & GARAGE SALE Sat. May 17 from 9-1 at Sonny Johnson Memorial Fire Hall (Hall #2) on 5771 North Green Lake Road. Breakfast & lunch will be served. Breakfast 9-11:30 and lunch 11:30 1pm.
Homes for Rent
Senior Assisted Living
Assisted Living Suites Wheelchair accessible.
One & Two bedroom and studio suites available. 55+, quiet, pet friendly, secure environment, laundry facilities, and many activities to choose from. To view call Laurette at 250-305-3318.
Williams Lake Seniors Village
Homes for Rent 6298 MOOSE POINT DRIVE, across from Watch Lake Access, 2 bdrm house, gas fireplace, electric baseboard heaters, w/d, insulated hobby shop. $795/mth. 250-456-7503. EAGLE CREEK ROAD 2 bdrm, furnished NS NP Appl incl Ref req. Avail. immed $700/mon. 250-397-2935. HOMES: For rent or maybe for sale: 2-5 bdrm homes ranging from $650 - $1160 per mon. plus utilities. 250-395-4602 or 250-706-9701.
Help Wanted
Trucks & Vans
Trucks & Vans
Blue Lake Campground is open. No reservation required for just camping; except for large groups, cabin rental or 5th wheel. $25 per night or $1000 for the year. Come enjoy! Leave message 250-2675198 or 250-392-2721
1979 FORD 1/2 ton 4X4, strong 351M, V8, standard $1500.00 604-860-9437
98 Diesel Chevy Silverado 4x4, 4 door pickup truck. Automatic, 359,000 k’s. 8 ft box. M&S tires 85%, blue cloth interior. A/C, Asking $4,250. OBO. 250-395-0479 hughesranch1@yahoo.ca
Trucks & Vans
Want to Rent OLDER cabin or house in the country between Cache Creek & 100 Mile. Wood heat. By June 15 or July 1. Will repair if needed. 250-457-6234. Email: tedwillowlane@hotmail.com
1991 DODGE CAMPER VAN Sleeps 4 Stove/Oven Fridge Toilet Furnace 318 V8 Engine Automatic
Recreational/Sale 1994 24’ Aljo Travel Trailer. Spacious bunkbed style, sleeps 6, making it perfect for families. Very clean, nonsmoking. $7000. 250-3955252.
$1,200.00 Call Bob 250-396-4764
16 FT aluminum fishing boat with 4 rod holders and oars, 9.9 mercury kicker. $600.00 OBO Call 250-395-4198
Cariboo Regional District
“The Only Ministry of Environment Approved Scrap Car Recycler.”
Toll Free: 1-877-395-1133
100mileautoparts@telus.net *Certain restrictions apply. Call for details
Boat without outboard motor. Custom made bimini top and clip on travel tarp, upholstery and tarps are in great shape, comes with wired trailer.
Scrap Car Removal
100 Mile New & Used Auto Parts Ltd.
14 ft KenCraft
Sealed Tenders clearly marked “Cariboo Regional District – Gateway Water System Improvements” will be received aƚ ƚŚe aribŽŽ ZeŐiŽnal isƚricƚ Kĸce͕ SƵiƚe ϭϴϬ E͘ TŚird venƵe͕ tilliams >ake͕ ͘ ͘ sϮ' Ϯ ϰ͕ ƵƉ ƚŽ Ϯ͗ϬϬ Ɖm lŽcal Ɵme͕ TŚƵrsday͕ Day Ϯϵ͕ ϮϬϭϰ͘ Tenders will be ŽƉened in ƉƵblic in ƚŚe aribŽŽ ZeŐiŽnal isƚricƚ Kĸce aƚ Ϯ͗ϬϬ Ɖ͘m͘ Žn ƚŚe ƚender clŽsinŐ daƚe͘ TŚe ƉrŽũecƚ cŽmƉrises ƚŚe ĨŽllŽwinŐ wŽrks and aƉƉrŽdžimaƚe ƋƵanƟƟes͗ ͻ ͻ
2006 Honda 50 Dirt Bike with a spare engine. $1500.00 Looking for used size 2 boots. (250)398-0641
ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ
Retail sales position available immediately for well-established Plumbing, Heating and Electrical company in 100 Mile House, BC. Qualifications: Excellent customer service skills, strong knowledge of plumbing, heating and electrical products, self motivated, positive attitude, ability to work flexible schedules, cashier experience an asset. Competitive wage & benefits plan. Ph: 250-392-3301 • Fax: 250-392-6737 or Email: rick@burgessphe.com Company profile at www.burgessphe.com
ŽnsƚrƵcƚ ϭϱϬϬ m ŽĨ ϭϬϬ mm diameƚer Ws waƚermain ŽnsƚrƵcƚ ƚwŽ ϮϱϬ mm diameƚer ƚrencŚless rŽad crossings onsƚrƵcƚ eigŚƚ ϳϱ mm diameƚer ƚrencŚless road crossings onsƚrƵcƚ a Ϯϰ sƋƵare meƚre ;Ϯϱϲ sƋ͘Ō͘Ϳ insƵlaƚed concreƚe Ĩorm ƉƵmƉŚoƵse ͬ cŚlorinaƟon bƵilding͘ SƵƉƉly and insƚall varioƵs mecŚanical ƉiƉing͕ valves͕ elecƚrical͕ conƚrols͕ and cŚlorinaƟon eƋƵiƉmenƚ͘ omƉleƚe groƵndwaƚer well inclƵding Ɖiƚless adaƉƚor and ϵ͘ϯ kt ;ϭϮ͘ϱ ŚƉͿ variable ĨreƋƵency drive sƵbmersible ƉƵmƉ͘ SƵƉƉly and insƚall backͲƵƉ Ɖower generaƟon sysƚem͘ onsƚrƵcƚ ϭϲϱ m oĨ barbed wire Ĩencing and ϱϬ m oĨ cŚain link Ĩencing͘
Tender ocƵmenƚs are available elecƚronically on ƚŚe ariboo Zegional isƚricƚ websiƚe͘ Wrinƚed coƉies are available Ĩrom ƚŚe oĸces oĨ TZh onsƵlƟng aƚ a cosƚ oĨ ΨϭϬϬ͘ϬϬ͕ wŚicŚ is nonͲreĨƵndable͘ WlanŚolder ZegisƚraƟon &orm mƵsƚ be comƉleƚed and Ĩadžed ƚo TZh onsƵlƟng in order ƚo receive any addendƵms andͬor addiƟonal inĨormaƟon regarding ƚŚis ƚender͘ /ƚ is ƚŚe sole resƉonsibiliƚy oĨ ƚŚe WlanŚolder ƚo ensƵre ƚŚaƚ ƚŚe ZegisƚraƟon &orm Śas been received by TZh onsƵlƟng͘ Tenders mƵsƚ be accomƉanied by ƚŚe Ĩollowing͗ ;ϭͿ / KE ͕ S, WKS/T͕ ZT/&/ , Yh or /ZZ sK > > TT Z K& > E Z /T in ƚŚe amoƵnƚ oĨ ƚen Ɖercenƚ ;ϭϬйͿ oĨ ƚŚe Tendered Wrice͘ ;ϮͿ /Ĩ a id ond is Ɖrovided͕ a KES ET K& ShZ Tz relaƟng ƚo sƵbseƋƵenƚ secƵriƚy arrangemenƚs Ĩor W Z&KZD E and > KhZ E D T Z/ >S W zD ET 'h Z ET S͘
Pharmacy and Department Store
/Ĩ ƚŚe inĨormaƟon sƟƉƵlaƚed above is noƚ enclosed wiƚŚ ƚŚe Tender aƚ ƚŚe Ɵme oĨ oƉening͕ ƚŚe Tender will be reũecƚed͘
We have an immediate JOB OPPORTUNITY in the Screamin’ Reel.
Tenders received aŌer ƚŚe closing Ɵme will be reƚƵrned ƵnoƉened͘ TŚe lowesƚ or any Tender will noƚ necessarily be acceƉƚed͘
145 Birch Ave. 100 Mile House
building communities together
This is a part time position that could lead to full time. Some fishing and hunting knowledge would be an asset. Please drop off resume with Joanne or John.
TZh onsƵlƟng SƵiƚe ϭϬϲͲϭϵϳ Ϯnd ve E tilliams >ake͕ sϮ' ϭ ϱ WŚone͗ ;ϮϱϬͿ ϯϬϱͲϲϲϬϱ &adž͗ ;ϮϱϬͿ ϯϬϱͲϲϲϭϱ
ariboo Zegional isƚricƚ SƵiƚe Ͳ ϭϴϬ E TŚird ve tilliams >ake͕ sϮ' Ϯ ϰ WŚone͗ ;ϮϱϬͿ ϮϱϬͲϯϵϮͲϯϯϱϭ &adž͗ ;ϮϱϬͿ ϮϱϬͲϯϵϮͲϮϴϭϮ
Cariboo Connector Friday, May 16, 2014
Happy Victoria Day!
(MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX AND AND SAVE! SAVE! Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers
June 22
Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers Browse flyers fromyour yourfavourite favourite national and local retailers Browse flyers from national and local retailers
Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers
Due to the Victoria Day holiday we will be
CLOSED MONDAY, MAY 19th and our new HOLIDAY DEADLINES are as follows… DISPLAY ADVERTISING Thursday, May 15th at noon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Friday, May 16th at 2:00pm
Hardware #3 Pinkney Complex, 536 Horse Lake Road, 100 Mile House Phone: 250-395-2219 Fax: 250-395-3939 mail@100milefreepress.net • www.100milefreepress.net Voice Of The South Cariboo Since 1960
The Watch Lake / Green Lake 27th Annual Fishing Derby
June 7th & 8th
$500 cash for the biggest fish over all $200 cash for the second biggest
Media Sponsor
Sunday, June 22
Join us! At the 108 Heritage Site for our 3rd Annual Community Bike Ride. Registration $35.00, includes t-shirt and BBQ! For More Event Info: www.ridedonthide.com
Featured Retailers
Tons of prizes with lots of random entry draws
(must be present at awards ceremony to receive prizes)
$5.00 Pancake breakfast to start out each day
Refreshment Garden & Concession on site Fish either Watch Lake or Green Lake
As per sample on left - photo with message - maximum 15 words.
Pig Roast Dinner Saturday night !! Y ONL LE P SAM
available at: Watch Lake Lodge, Tall Timbers Resort, Ace High Resort & the 70 Mile Store. For details call 456-7741 or see www.CaribooVacations.com
Congratulations Angela on your great achievement Mom & Dad XOX
NEW DATE ! Canadian Mental Health Association - South Cariboo Branch
June 12, 2014 at 11:30am (includes lunch) at the CMHA Clubhouse
555B Cedar Ave.
All members are welcome to attend! The AGM will be followed by an Open House and refreshments to say goodbye to Maggie Patterson-Dickey For information or membership contact: CMHA Board Chair Jeanne Best 250-395-6247 southcariboo@cmha.bc.ca
tions Congratula st Becky! Be ur yo in ck lu of future. hn Jo , ve Lo & Jane
Visit Visit flyers. deals.savings savings tips. flyers.coupons. coupons. deals. tips. Visit
flyers. coupons. deals. savings tips.
Visit Visit flyers. coupons. deals. savings tips. flyers. coupons. deals. savings tips.
Get ted! ec n Cariboo Co n
including tax
Dinner Tickets $15 ($7.50 for kids under 10)
Featured Retailers
Featured Retailers
Featured Retailers
Register at www.ridedonthide.com
Proud of a special graduate? Spread the news loud and clear with a Grad Ad!
Derby entries $10 ($7.50 for kids under 16)
Featured Retailers
Maximum 15 words without photo
including tax
Message __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________________________________________ Visa Master Card Card# ____________________ Expiry Date ____________________________________
BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cariboo Pet Crematorium Est. 1997
Compassionate Caring for your best friend
Hand Crafted Urns complete with name plate
250-395-3330 Private or Group
CENTENNIAL LAW Lawyers & Notaries Public Douglas E. Dent, Caroline Plant* & Chris Dunsmore Proudly providing legal services to the Cariboo
PO Box 2169, #1 - 241 Birch Ave. Telephone: 250-395-1080 Fax: 250-395-1088 (across from Fields) ded@centenniallaw.com 100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0
Wir sprechen deutsch Nous parlons français *Maternity Leave
Water Wel Weston Licenced Drillers ls Ltd. Specializing in Residential Wells
Just fill out this form and drop it off at the Free Press or send with a cheque, Visa or Master Card number along with the expiry date to: The Free Press #3 Pinkney Complex, 536 Horse Lake Road P.O. Box 459, 100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0
Published Wednesday, June 4, 2014 Deadline Friday, May 30, 2014
You paid how much!? #ShouldaUsed100Mile
Environmentally Friendly • Free On-Site Consultation • Guaranteed Workmanship
Inquiries call 250-593-4307 Jerry Weston Office: 250-593-4306 • Toll Free: 1-866-448-5592
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BUSINESS DIRECTORY $ .92 per issue
Minimum 12 insertions. No copy changes allowed.
Friday, May 16, 2014 Cariboo Connector
Shave a veterinarian for Cancer
A long mane of curly locks will soon hit the deck to raise funds for cancer research. Dr. John Atkinson will have his head shaved at 5:30 p.m. on May 26 at Lakeland Veterinary Clinic, where donations for the Canadian Cancer Society are now being collected. Free chili and buns will be provided and further donations accepted at the Shave My Head for Cancer event at #3, 150 Horse Lake
Road (in the Pinkney to the same thing that Complex near took my father Total Pet). – leukemia.” “We are While April also taking was Daffodil donations in Month for Lillooet, where the Canadian I work down Cancer Society, there, so we’ll Atkinson see if 100 Mile explains he John can do better wanted to wait Atkinson than Lillooet.” for the weather Atkinson says to warm up. he is doing this because, “I didn’t want a cold sadly, everyone is head. Plus, I’m going touched by cancer at some point. “I recently lost a friend
camping [beforehand] and I don’t want a mosquito head either.” The veterinarian has four dogs now, but lost his previous two beloved canines to cancer, and says he often treats pets with cancer, some of which cannot be saved. Atkinson says nobody is going to get near his beard with any trimmers – it will stay untouched.
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Let’s make the Relay for Life
CONTAGIOUS Have you been bitten by the Relay bug? Register your team online relaybc.ca
Chemical Free Car Detailing Mobile steam detailing
Teams & Volunteers…
JUNE 7, 2014 Centennial Park in 100 Mile House For more information on the Canadian Cancer Society’s RELAY FOR LIFE in 100 Mile House, call
Alaina Fryer at 250-706-8082