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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 21 $1.35
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Swiss Alphorn Resounds Highway corridor project moves ahead ....................................2
Golden resident celebrates 100th birthday ....................................5
Redneck comedy show coming to town ..................................13
The traditional Swiss Alphorn was blown on Sunday morning in downtown Golden to announce the opening of the Farmers’ Market, which was part of the town’s inaugural Golden Mountain Festival, put on by Tourism Golden. See more about the festival on page 4. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Several wildlife sightings in town this May Gymnastics club had a busy season ..................................16
Jessica Schwitek Spring has brought the animals out in Golden, and conservation officer Alex Desjardins is asking residents to keep their eyes open when on the trails around town. Multiple cougar sightings on the Rotary trail network near the baseball diamonds and the high school track have been reported in recent
weeks. “It’s a cougar that is exhibiting normal behaviour in an abnormal area,” said Desjardins. “It’s not exhibiting any threatening behaviours or any behaviours of concern, but we’re definitely monitoring it.” Authorities aren’t positive of the reason the cougar is hanging around the community, but Desjardins said that possible reasons could include health problems, following a food
source (90 per cent of a cougar’s diet is deer), or perhaps a young cougar was pushed away by its mother before it was ready. “If you see a cougar while you’re out, you should walk away slowly, running could trigger an instinctual response from the cougar to hunt and to go after the prey. Always know where the animal is, back away slowly and don’t turn your back on it. And keep your pets on leash,” said Desjardins. Continued on page 5
CHI KUNG & MOVING ENERGY 5 Sessions - KinHut Tuesdays - 11:00 am to 12:30 May 27 - June 24
The development and cultivation of the body’s energy circulation, both to increase and to control it. For more information contact Lil Cacaci @ 250-348-2363 or
Wednesday, May 21, 2014 The Golden Star
This conceptual beautification design for the pod near Tim Hortons on Highway 1 was drawn up by MMM Group, the engineering firm hired by the Town of Golden for the project. The concept came from a stakeholders meeting of Highway business owners last fall. This will be the first phase of the Highway 1 Corridor project to begin this year. Image provided by MMM Group
Highway will see changes this year SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO $ $ DURING $140 140 DURING THE OWNERS’ THE OWNERS’ EVENT. EVENT. Jessica Schwitek
The largest Resort Municipality Initiative (RMI) project the Town of Golden has ever been a part of is ready to get underway this year. The Highway 1 Corridor Enhancement Project, originally budgeted at $1.1 million, is a beautification project that will make the highway strip, and Golden, look more inviting. The first phase, which the Town of Golden is very close to tendering out, will include enhancement of the pod near Tim Hortons, which already contains a welcome sign (see photo). "At the other end of the strip, where the weigh scales used to be… we're going to completely redo that boulevard there as well," said Jon Wilsgard, chief administrative officer for the Town of Golden. A portion of the project's budget will also go to an extension of the Golden Hill Pathway, which runs parallel to Highway 1. "Last summer when we were going through the public process for the highway project, one of the things that came out of it was the desire for a pathway into the downtown. There's still a disconnect between the strip and the town," said Wilsgard. He approached the Ministry of Highways and requested that the path, which currently stops dead near the overpass, be extended. They
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were able to come to an agreement. "Highways did the detailed design, and will build an extension of the Golden Hill Pathway across the overpass, and down to Jepson Petroleum," he said. It will be paved, and a metre and a half wide. The Town is covering the paving and fencing, which is coming from RMI funds. "It's underway right now, and it could be done before summer, in the next eight weeks." Since the bid for tender for the rest of the project has not gone out yet, the municipality doesn't know what the exact cost of the project will be. However, if there are funds left over, they are also looking into enhancing the meridians along the strip. But the Town received a pleasant surprise recently when they were told how much RMI money they would be getting this year. "It was more than we were expecting," said Wilsgard. The Town has been budgeting RMI projects with the expectation that they would be receiving $500,000 a year. But this year their cheque says $613,236. "That means tourism is up, so we could be getting a third more than that ($500,000) every year, which is great. We're back to where we were in 2008 in terms of the amount of money we're getting every year." The Town had hoped to break ground on two projects in 2014, the highway enhancement and a Spirit Square Amenity Hub, but the cash flow didn't allow for both in the same year. They are going to continue with conceptual and detailed design of the hub, which will include a permanent stage, over the fall and winter, and will aim to start building it in 2015. There are a few other RMI projects in the works for upcoming years, including a new public art program, for which the terms of reference are currently being drawn up. "We haven't got it off the ground yet. But what we're looking at is putting giant photographs on buildings," said Wilsgard. As a way to showcase Golden, and all the talented photographers who live here, the public art program will place large frames on the side of buildings with open sides. There will be a competition to see which photographs are chosen, and the program will pay the photographer, and pay for the printing. "Each one could be replaced every two years, and they would rotate which ones change every year. We could have five to 10 of these all around town," said Wilsgard. The first location for the new project will be the Columbia Valley Credit Union building, which is currently undergoing renovations.
The Golden Star Wednesday, May 21, 2014 A3
Opening weekend at the pool
Join us for a Celebration of Marry Morris 100th Birthday Sunday May 25th 2 - 4pm at the Seniors Centre Tea & Snacks provided
From left: Anouk Porter, Molly Caldwell and Amelia Hudson were among those who made it out for the pool’s opening weekend despite some subpar weather. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Golden constable honoured on Alexa’s Team Golden Star Staff
A Golden RCMP Detachment officer is being honoured as part of Alexa’s Team. Alexa’s Team has delivered on their promise to the family of Alexa Middelaer, and other families that have lost loved ones to drinking and driving, by significantly reducing the number of alcoholrelated motor vehicle deaths in B.C. To recognize the members, ICBC, the Justice Institute of BC
and the Middelaer family are honouring the 313 officers, including Golden’s Cst. Nicki-jo Wolfram who removed 22 impaired drivers from the road in 2013, who form the 2013 Alexa’s Team at four events around the province. In 2010, the Middelaer family challenged the RCMP, Municipal police officers, and the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General of British Columbia to reduce the number of deaths caused by alcohol
impaired driving by 35 per cent by the end of 2013, the year Alexa would have turned 10-years old. The 52 per cent decrease in alcoholrelated motor vehicle deaths announced by the Ministry of Justice in February, represents 190 lives saved. Drinking and driving fatalities have dropped significantly over the past three years and Alexa’s Team members were responsible for almost 50 per cent of the impaired driving enforcement in B.C. in
2013. In 2012, Beirness and Associates Inc. conducted their bi-annual roadside survey to measure alcohol and drug use among BC drivers. The findings indicated that the levels of drinking and driving were the lowest ever recorded with 8.3 per cent of drivers testing over .05 blood alcohol content. The study also indicated that patterns of drug use by drivers were more consistent than alcohol use with
BC teacher negotiations continue Staff Writer Black Press
The B.C. government is offering teachers an undisclosed signing bonus and reducing its proposed contract length from 10 years to six. Education Minister Peter Fassbender said the details of the offer and the amount of the proposed bonus will be disclosed Friday when it is presented to the B.C. Teachers’ Federation by Peter Cameron, chief negotiator for the province’s 60 school districts. There was no indication of a change to Cameron’s latest general wage proposal, a 6.5 per cent increase over six years. BCTF president Jim Iker termed that a “lowball offer” that B.C.’s 40,000 teachers would be unlikely to accept. Fassbender and Cameron have maintained that the government’s wage offer is consistent with settlements with other public sector employee groups. The new term length is a small modification of the earlier proposal, which was for a 10-year deal with wage negotiations to resume for the final four years. That proposal would have meant the BCTF couldn’t strike after six years if they didn’t accept
the wage extension, because they would still be under contract. Iker said Thursday the 10-year term was never workable, and after 16 months of Premier Christy Clark’s promises, he’s pleased to see it off the table. “The government has put various offers on the table, but we’ve also been listening to the feedback,” Fassbender said. “The premier and I have been talking and we are absolutely committed to long-term stability, to a decade of labour peace in our school system.” The latest BCTF proposal is for a four-year term with wage and cost of living increases Iker estimates at 13.25 per cent over the term. Unions representing 47,000 health care workers announced Thursday they are recommending their members accept a five-year settlement that includes a 5.5 per cent wage increase. Workers in hospitals, residential care facilities, emergency health services and supply and logistics will begin voting on the settlement next week. The BCTF began work-to-rule action in April, refusing supervision outside classrooms and communication with school management. A March strike vote gives the BCTF a mandate to begin rotating strikes at any time.
7.4 per cent of drivers testing positive for drug-impairment. Alexa’s Team members removed 231 drivers impaired by drugs from the roads in 2013.
Behind the Wheel
Dwayne & Lorrina Paul of Golden, B.C. along with Kornie & Mary Friesen of Worsley Ab. are pleased to announce the engagement of their children
Brittany Kay Paul to
Nathaniel Paul Friesen Wedding to take place on June 21, 2014 in Golden
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Johnston Meier
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National Road Safety Week - May 13 to 19, 2014 Welcome to Canada’s National Road Safety Week 2014. In case you missed it, this campaign runs from May 13 to May 19 and includes the Victoria Day long weekend. Here in B.C. we will likely see 1,700 crashes, 490 people injured and 2 people killed. I’m sure that you will agree, this is not acceptable level of safety on our highways. ICBC and the police send out press releases, the media mentions the campaign and highlights the tragedies and road users for the most part carry on as if it were just another week. Unless you are in one of the 1,700 crashes or realize that 80% of your ICBC premium is spent directly on crash costs, that’s probably as much thought as you will spare. We should be more involved in road safety as each one of us can make a difference if we try. Carmen Cohoe, Steve Wallace, Paul Hergott and Karen Bowman are four examples of BC residents I know who are committed to road safety on a personal level. In fact, they make every day part of their road safety week. The four are also publicly committed to helping you become a safer driver through their blogs and other unique efforts. Please take a moment to look them up, it’s time well spent if it keeps you out of the long weekend statistics, away from a traffic ticket or just helps you become a more aware driver. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
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Wednesday, May 21, 2014 The Golden Star
Golden Mountain Festival THANK YOU MAY 17-18 2014 The first annual Golden Mountain Festival was a great success! Tourism Golden would like to thank our sponsors and volunteers, without GOLDEN, BC whom this event could not have happened: EvEnt SponSorS:
Columbia Basin Trust Columbia Valley Credit Union Golden Cinema Consulate General of Switzerland in Vancouver
voluntEErS, DonorS anD SupportErS:
Apostoles Restaurant Kay Nagao Art Gallery of Golden Kicking Horse Chamber of Commerce Barbara Friedli Le Beausoleil B&B Bean Bag Coffee Roasters Lori Baxendale Bill Urqhart Louisiana Pacific Corporation Golden Join usHouse in Golden BC as we& celebrate our Swiss-Canadian heritage and the influence of the Cedar Chalets Restaurant Lynn Moffat Swiss Guides on our modern-day mountain lifestyle. A schedule of events is planned for a Chatter Creek Lodges Marianne Hamilton number of locations in Golden to commemorate over 100 years of Swiss Guides In Golden. Colani Bezzola Megan Brattebo Some key events include: Colleen Palumbo Roger Vernon • Interactive talks on Golden’s Swiss Guides & • Movie showing “Swiss Guides in the Canadian Dacey Ruth Hamilton RockiesChaluck - Beyond Adventure” their families • Official Swiss Guides Exhibit Denice Derbyshire Gertsch •Rudi Swiss themed entertainment and fun for all ages in the Spirit Square, downtown Golden • Guided tours of the private Walter Feuz house ELEVEN22 Grill & Liquids Sandra Falbo at the Edelweiss Village • Presentation on the construction of the GSS ‘Leader In from Me’theClass Sigi Liebmann Kicking Horse Pedestrian Bridge • Exhibition of photos private collection of Syd Feuz •Town Golden Farmers Market, raffle and lots more! Holiday Inn Express Kicking Horse of Golden • Restaurants featuring traditional Swiss dishes • A selection of Swiss mountaineering movies and Karen Flewin Valbella Gourmet Foods Canmore guest presenters. • Exhibition of Bruno Engler photos Karen Jolivet Whitetooth Bistro For a full schedule of events visit Karen Smedley 5 Peaks Adventures to And to Many the thanks community of Golden for supporting and enjoying the weekend’s events!
The rain didn’t keep people away at this past weekend’s Golden Mountain Festival, which featured a downtown Farmers’ Market with a Swiss food truck (above) and an exhibit of Swiss Mountain Guide Syd Feuz’s photo collectin at the art gallery. The exhibit will stay at the gallery until June 14. Jessica Schwitek/ Star Photo
our sponsors
Golden resident celebrates a century Golden Star Staff
SUNDAY JUNE 1ST 2014 @ 8AM PANCAKE BREAKFAST @10am race starts
to spectators
farmers’ market vendors on site
JACKPOT Buckle Sponsors for 2014
Gottler Brothers contracting Dog tooth Log &Timber Products Weir Consolidated ltd Whiskey Jack Logging Ltd Northern Lights Wildlife M&H Logging
Brisco Riding Club Kicking Horse Janitorial Kicking Horse Resort Kootnay Hauling Henderson Hauling
One of Golden’s longest standing residents has a very special milestone coming up, her 100th birthday. On May 26, 2014, Mary Morris will turn 100 years old, and celebrate the life that brought her to Golden with her family. Growing up in Scotland, Mary always dreamed of the mountains, both the Alps and the Rockies. The Canadian Rockies seemed like a far off dream, until 1943 when she met her husband Ed, who was in Europe during the Second World War. They were married the following year, and Mary joined Ed in Golden in 1946. The couple spent their first year in Golden, and then bought the Syrene farm above the Swiss Village and moved there in November of 1947. As the years rolled by, they had a son, David (Scot-
Mary Morris, centre, who is celebrating her 100th birthday this week, is pictured with, from left, her great great grandson Kegan, her great granddaughter Angeleahna, her son Scotty, and her granddaughter Twyla. Photo Submitted ty), and then a daughter, Rosemary. In the late 1950s and early ‘60s their field hill was know as the “Golden Ski Hill” and was enjoyed by many skiers in the area. The first tow was powered by a small motor on a
toboggan, and then later on an old car was used to accommodate the growing number of skiers. Mary has been given grandchildren, and great grandchildren from David and his wife Maxine, and
Rosemary and her husband Wayne. There will be a birthday celebration at the Golden Seniors Centre on Sunday May 25, everyone is welcome to come by and wish Mary a happy 100th birthday.
The Golden Star Wednesday, May 21, 2014 A5
Kicking it into high gear as soccer heats up Rylee-Jo Skawski winds up for a strike during a Golden Minor Soccer game at Keith King Memorial soccer fields last Thursday. Youth teams practice and play games on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Sydney & Jacob Rollheiser are excited to announce the arrival of their first baby cousin William Robert Kenneth Bardarson Born May 13 2014 7 lbs 5 oz Proud parents Karla & Bill Bardarson
Golden Campus May/June Course Listings OFA Level 3
May 26 - June 6
Foodsafe OFA Level 3 Recert Get Your Camera Off Auto Mode Red Cross CPR C Red Cross Standard & CPR C TW OFA Level Client: Ministry of Forests, Lands and1Natural Resource Operations Campaign: Visual quality objectives in Golden area (APO# A2413) Size: 4.3125” x 5.3381” Golden Star
Abducted girls safe, mother arrested Golden Star Staff Trina Meisel has been arrested and taken into police custody after she abducted her two daughters from their Vulcan, Alta. school on Monday May 12. Trina, who doesn’t have legal guardianship over the girls, was spotted in Golden on May 14 and was presumed to be heading towards the coast. RCMP in B.C. and Alberta issued an Amber Alert and grew fearful for the two
girls’ safety. Trina, along with six-year-old Taya and 12-year-old Talisha were later found unharmed in Boston Bar, about 3 hours from Vancouver. The RCMP credited the public with helping them locate the girls. “With the assistance of public tips and information, police were able to locate them in Boston Bar, BC and all three were taken into police custody and care without issue,” RCMP said in a statement issued Wednesday evening.
Poacher near Heather Lodge charged Continued from page 1
“Then as soon as you’re in a safe place, call the RAPP line (1-877-952-7277). It’s very important that we get reports as soon as they happen so that we can act on it.” The bears are also out and about for the season, and there have been more reported sightings than last year. Already this year, one bear unfortunately had to be destroyed. And just as with cougars, it is very important to call in any and all bear sightings as soon as they happen. “The vast majority of the problem comes from habituated bears that have access to an unnatural food source. Once they get into that habit, it’s hard to break,” said Desjardins. “There’s a common belief that calling the COs means that the bear will be killed, and that can’t be further from the truth. If we’re made aware of it as soon as the bear moves into an area, we can take preventative measures…shoot him with rubber bullets, make him know he’s not welcome, and he’ll move on. If I only learn of a bear in the area a week after he’s moved in, he’ll be anchored there. He knows there’s a food source and it will be extremely difficult to make him move on.” Aside from the recent wildlife sightings, conservation was also involved in an investigation regarding poaching last week. A skinned bear carcass was spotted near Heather Mountain Lodge. The investigation led to several charges of poaching offences under the Wildlife Act. As with any wildlife sightings, the public are asked to call in any indications of poaching they see to the RAPP line (1-877-952-7277) as soon as they see them.
May 28 June 2 - 6 June 7 June 14 June 15 June 17
1305 - 9th Street S., Golden BC V0A 1H0 • Phone 250-344-5901 • email: •
For more information call: 250-344-5901 Please register early to avoid disappointment!! COMMENTS INVITED ON VISUAL QUALITY OBJECTIVES IN GOLDEN AREA The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations invites the public to review and comment on proposed visual quality objectives and scenic areas near Golden in the Selkirk Natural Resource District. • Scenic areas are established under the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Government Actions Regulation, Sections 7(1) and (2), and define broad geographic areas where scenic values are considered to be a priority. • Visual quality objectives are defined under the Forest and Range Practices Act’s Forest Planning and Practices Regulation. They range from ensuring that no logging activity is visible from a given point to allowing logging activity to be fully visible. A map and details about proposed visual quality objectives and scenic areas in the Golden area are available for viewing at the Service BC office in Golden (837 Park Drive) and the Revelstoke office of the Selkirk Natural Resource District (1761 Big Eddy Road). The map is also available online at:!publish/Golden%20VLI%20 2014/ Comments must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on Monday July 7, 2014 to stewardship officer Kevin Lavelle at the Selkirk Natural Resource District office (1761 Big Eddy Road, Revelstoke, B.C. V0E 3K0), by email at or by fax at 250 837-7626. For more information, contact stewardship officer Kevin Lavelle at 250 837-7628 or
The Tipping Point
Wednesday, May 21, 2014 The Golden Star
Wolf Management Plan Editor,
If you talk to any random group of people in the workforce, and ask them about their work history, I’m sure you’ll find that a handful of them have worked in a restaurant or bar. Regardless of what the minimum wage was when this group of people served, bar- I SURMISE tended or cooked, they By Jessica Schwitek would all agree that the real payoff came from the tips. But a Vancouver Island restauranteur is trying to change that. Instead of relying on inconsistent tips from patrons, Smoke ‘N Water restaurant owner David Jones will be offering his employees a living wage. He plans on paying his service staff $20 to $24 an hour and his cooks $16 to $18 an hour. To make this happen, the price of meals in the Parksville restaurant will be on average 18 per cent higher, and the patrons are asked not to tip. In theory, the cost to the restaurant goers would end up being exactly the same. The money that would have gone to tipping, is just transferred to the bill. As someone who has served in a restaurant in the past, I love this idea. This will eliminate competition among servers to get the “good tippers” when they come in, and will also get rid of the tension between the servers and customers when tips to not reach expectations. There are some people who will not be happy to see this trend spread throughout the province. Tipping is one of the best ways to ensure good service. And the quality of service is what makes or breaks a restaurant experience. However there are a lot of service industry positions that do not rely on tipping (fast food service, tech support, etc.) and I personally find that the level of service is the same. Some is phenomenal, and some is terrible. And I have definitely seen some terrible servers make some great tips. Ideally if someone is not providing acceptable service, he or she will not remain employed in that position. I consistently receive some absolutely exceptional service from the pub and restaurant workers in Golden. They work very hard to give us a positive dining out experience. And I would like to see them make a proper wage. I realize that this trend has an uphill battle. It will take a long time to change the culture of tipping in Canada that seems to only be growing. Almost every establishment you enter now has a tip jar, or tip function on their debit/credit card machines. This one restaurant is taking the first step, and I truly hope it is successful.
The province of B.C. has spent the past 16 months to develop, seek input on, and further refine a wolf management plan. An overwhelming response against the proposed plan was put forward by the public, as well as non-governmental organizations. Since the release of the plan April 17, scientists and conservationists have called the plan deeply flawed, saying it contains many scientifically unsound and uninformed objectives. It has been called sanctioned torturing, inhumane, primitive and brutal. The published plan amounts to a government sponsored torture and kill program for wolves. It allows trapping of lactating females and does not meet international standards for humane trapping according to the B.C. Trappers Association. It allows baiting, shooting from helicopters, using neck snares that can catch animals by the neck, midsection, or a limb so the wire tightens as the animal struggles, resulting in a slow painful death. Given the evidence that this kind of indiscriminate killing, combined with years of sterilization experiments, results in smaller and more unstable packs that lead to increased conflicts with humans, it is completely out of sync with protecting B.C.’s wilderness, cattle and caribou,
BC Farmland To the editor, I am writing to add my voice to the chorus of British Columbians strongly opposed to Bill 24. Farmland is a precious and irreplaceable commodity. In fact, it is not a commodity; it could be more accurately called a birthright of British Columbians. We live in a province blessed with many natural
as government would have us believe. Despite B.C.’s relaxed hunting policies, as well as hiring of trappers to kill wolves, despite government having engaged in sterilization experiments and government control kill for more than a decade, government officials admit these programs have not resulted in any measurable benefits for caribou despite nearly all the wolves being killed in caribou recovery area. The only way to truly protect caribou as well as all wildlife is to set aside large tracts of wilderness where animals can live according to their nature. The only way to protect privately-owned cattle grazing on provincial Crown land is for ranchers to shepherd their animals, not to kill all wild animals who live in that habitat. The restoration of wolves in Yellowstone National Park is proof that wolves benefit ecosystems. According to Sadie Parr, of Wolf Awareness, “Wolves maintain biodiversity and balance and contribute to critical natural processes such as carbon storage, disease control, stream morphology, vegetation growth, mesopredator control, and more.” If wolves and other wild animals are to continue to exist in B.C., it is time for B.C. to start conserving instead of killing. Huguette Allen Rural Lumby
resources: lakes, forests, minerals, gas and oil, fish, farmland. Farmland is limited in this mountainous province. Unlike oil and gas, it is, or should be, renewable and inheritable from one generation to the next. Agricultural land, already classified as such due to the foresight of politicians and the public in the 1970s, does not need to be re-classified to meet the oil and gas or real estate industries’ demands. It
is non-transferable. It exists where geologic processes created it over thousands of years. We as a culture must learn to operate our other (non-farm) businesses around agricultural land. We must have the option to grow more food in this province. It is unconscionable to impair the ability of future generations to feed themselves. Continued on page 7
Do you take any extra precautions now that wildlife is active again?
Yes 14%
No 86%
This week’s poll question: Do you think that the Amber Alert system used for child kidnappings is effective? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
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The Golden Star Wednesday, May 21, 2014 A7
Golden point of view
Do you think that the Amber Alert system used for child kidnappings is effective? Stingers to people who jumped on the loser rumour wagon when it went around. Just because a lot of people are saying something about a person, doesn’t make it true! Ruth and Earl Griffin
Kirby Lemieux
“Yes I do. I’ve seen it work in the past. It’s the best system that we have right now.”
“Yes. I’ve read lots of stories where it has been very successful.”
Danny & Katrina Nickel “Not really. I think there should be more to it. Block Parents used to be good but it’s hard to trust that now.”
Stars to Greg at Taps for service that goes above and beyond! Cheers! Stars to Public Works at the town of Golden
Go to to have your say. Continued from page 6 A front-page article in The Province on April 30 clearly states that BC farmland will be in ever-greater demand as global food shortages and the effects of climate change become more serious. Foreign companies, pension funds and other investors are buying up B.C. farmland for agricultural purposes because they realize that agriculturally-productive land is in limited supply globally. Governments of various political stripes have upheld the protection of farmland under the Agricultural Land Reserve since the introduction of the ALR in the early 1970s. Changing the protection of agricultural land was not part of the BC Liberals’ last election platform and as the majority of farmers are now saying publicly, it was not requested by them, either. Reviews of historical requests to remove land made to the Agricultural Land Commission indicate that on a case-by-case basis, some land has been removed at the request of farmers or non-farmers. The majority of requests made to remove land from the ALR was made by non-farmers. We need to ensure that farmland is protected at least as well as it currently is in this province. David Beringer Nelson
for picking up the refuse from some seniors on Alexander Drive. Stingers to the terrible weather over the Victoria Day weekend! An Alpenhorn full of stars to Joanne Sweeting & her team from Tourism Golden for an excellent weekend of mountain activities, you did Golden proud with a wide
variety of well thought out activities, executed with Swiss precision! Stingers to online stores who take forever to deliver their products! I don’t think I’m ever going to get those shoes I bought! A donut sprinkled with stars to the anonymous stranger who paid for my drive-thru Tim Hortons order.
Email your Stars and Stingers to
Oil Refinery Dear editor, It was interesting to read David Black’s position against shipping bitumen in pipelines and tankers, a position I share with him. However, he then described how a refinery of said black sludge, aka bitumen, could be safely refined in Kitimat and turned into so-called harmless light crude oil, which, he said, is much “safer” and would evaporate and just disappear like a cloud of harmless dust. Just ask the people in Appledale how fast the oil spill evaporated harmlessly into the air. It’s oil, folks, and it doesn’t just go away. Isn’t it time to realize nothing just “goes away” it goes from here to somewhere else. There is no such thing as a pipeline that doesn’t eventually leak. So, let’s just keep all that nasty icky oil in Alberta, and let them refine it for Canada, not risk our environment for Asia. Frankly, I think these oil leaks, spills, explosions (think BP in New Orleans and the Exxon Valdez) are the revenge of the dinosaurs against the humans who are digging up their graves deep down in the ground. Bonnie Baker Nelson
Hospice palliative care provided to those in need of any age Golden Palliative Hospice Group Submitted Hospice is one of the things people do not think about or even talk about. Probably because it is centered around death. There are many myths that exist about hospice and the services provided. People often think that hospice palliative care is offered only for seniors with advanced illness which is not the case. In fact, hospice palliative care is provided to people of all ages – from chil-
dren, teens to younger, older and senior adults. There is a need to help all ages when faced with a life threatening diagnosis and to being prepared for and eventually facing the final stage of life. The job of both local volunteer groups and the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association is to continue to advocate for and make sure that all people have access to quality skilled hospice palliative care services no matter their advanced diagnosis, age or location. These services should include physical,
psychological, social, spiritual and practical support for people with life threatening illness and for their families focusing on what people need and want at any given time both prior to death and during bereavement. Hospice palliative care can be offered in a variety of settings including the home. Many wish to die at home but often that is not possible due to need for special nursing care and medications. The Golden Palliative Hospice group is comprised of caring, confidential and
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trained persons who volunteer their services when needed. There is no compensation for the volunteers who feel that assisting a family in need is gratifying and a privilege. However, donations to the society can be accepted and will be used for further training of the volunteers which may include travelling to conventions or recruiting more volunteers. For more information, contact the president of the local Hospice group, Julia Cundliffe at juliaseven@gmail or call 250 344-6300
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Wednesday, May 21, 2014 The Golden Star
Golden & District Historical Society Annual General Meeting at the Golden Museum 1302 - 11th Ave S
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 @ 6:30 pm Presentation on the 40th Anniversary of the building of the Golden Museum will follow the meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend!
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Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents: Neighbors plays Wednesday May 21 and Thursday May 22 at 7pm. Godzilla starts Friday May 23 at 7pm. Late shows on Friday & Saturday at 9pm.
This Week A.P.E.S.After School Program Monday to Friday 3 -5:30pm. $12/day for ages 5 to 11. To register please leave a message at 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program bir th-5years. Mon&Fri 12-3:30pm, Wed 2-5pm, Tuesdays&Thursdays 8:4511:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324. Mountain Memories The Art Gallery of Golden presents photos from Swiss mountain guide Syd Feuz’s private collection. Now through June 14.
Wed, May 21 Parent and Tot Play lets parents and kids from birthfive enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am12pm. Badminton Wednesdays 7-9pm at the Rec Plex. Adults $7, students/seniors $5. Need your own racket. Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Wednesday at 10am. Call 250-344-5413 to register. The Medicine of the Future presentation May 14 7:158:30pm at Sunstone Studio (above Body Quest). Golden Secondary School Career Night May 14 from 7-9pm. Grade 7-12 and their parents welcome. Special Olympics BC Golden AGM May 21 at the Golden Family Center at 7pm. Golden Citizens on Patrol AGM May 21 from 7-8pm in the Ramada meeting room.
Thurs, May 22 Men’s Drop-in Basketball
Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Bridge Club every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at the College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday from 3:45-5:30pm. Beavers & Scouts meet every Thursday from 6-8:45pm at the Legion or Keith King Park soccer fields until the end of June.
Fri, May 23 A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:30-7:30pm. Mother Goose Program Fridays 10:30-11:30am at the Library. Snacks included, just drop in! Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Bridge Club every Friday at the Centre for Peace in St. Andrew’s Church, 7pm. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fridays 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call Cyra 250-9190757 for more info. Food Fridays at the Golden Legion 6:30-8:30pm. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, bank-
• For more information... go to
ing, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am. Call 250-344-8392. Spaghetti Dinner May 23 at Lady Grey Elementary from 5-7pm to raise funds for Free the Children. Tickets at the door. $5 (13 under) $10 (14 over) free (5 under). Soup Day at the Golden Seniors Centre May 23 from 11:30am-1pm. $5 each.
Sat, May 24 Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Saturdays at the Golden Museum 1302 11th Ave S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm.
Sun, May 25 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment.
Mon, May 26 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12-18. Golden Community Choir, Mondays from 7:30-9:30pm at the Lutheran Church. Member fees $10. For info call Joyce 250-344-6043. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mondays 5-7pm in the StrongStart room in APES Free program includes dinner, discussions, and activities. Call 250-439-9665. The Cadets meet Mondays 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Badminton at the Mount 7 Rec Plex Mondays
7-8:30pm. Need your own racket, $7 (or $5 for seniors/students). PAC AGM May 26 at 7pm in the GSS Library.
Tues, May 27 A.A Meetings Tuesdays at the United Church 901 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Volleyball Tuesdays at the Rec Plex 7-8:30pm $5. Golden Youth Centre dropin Tuesdays from 3:307:30pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Tuesdays from 1-3pm. Call 250-3448392. Rockwater Grill & BarR
Upcoming Events
Creating Abundance Retreat May 31 from 10am4pm at Munay Holistics. $75. Call 250-344-5203 for info. Delbert Johnson Memorial Barrel Jackpot May 31 (1pm)&Jun.1 (10am) at the Rodeo grounds. Outdoor Yoga in Spirit Square starts Sunday June 1 at 11am. Admission by donation. Honours & Awards Celebration Dinner June 6 at 6:30pm at the Royal Canadian Legion. Charlie Russell “50 Years of Living with the Great Bears” June 7 at the Golden Cinema $20, doors at 1pm. RCMP Charity Golf Tournament June 9 from 9-3pm. Rotary Club Annual Giant Silent Auction & BBQ June 14 from 10-4pm at the Civic Centre. Father’s Day Breakfast June 15, 10-12pm at Mountainside Gardens.
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The Golden Star Wednesday, May 21, 2014 A9
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Wednesday, May 21, 2014 The Golden Star
Golden Moments: Younger’s involvement in sports a constant Joel Tansey
Russ Younger, who grew up in Oregon, stands in front of his Blaeberry Valley home. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Russ Younger spent a lot of time at the YMCA throughout his childhood and he turned that into a life that has included coaching and mentoring youth in a variety of activities, from golf to ballroom dancing. “(Working with youth) has really been an important thing for me…I love seeing people learn, especially young people,” said Younger. Younger was born in Idaho but grew up in Oregon. He attended the University of Oregon and earned a degree in physical education and recreation. After graduation he worked as a YMCA camp director before serving for six years in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War. “I enlisted before I was drafted. I didn’t
open house Friday, May 30
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“This community is an absolute gem.” — Russ Younger —
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believe in the Vietnamese War but I felt an obligation to serve,” he said. Eventually, Younger and his wife, Ann, decided they wanted a change. Moving from the city to the wilderness and enjoying beautiful, natural surroundings was a common wish of many young people at the time. The Youngers looked into numerous different towns and communities, including some as far away as the Yukon. “We ended up (in Golden) and it’s probably a good thing because after we were here for a short time we realized we were actually people, people,” said Younger. “It wouldn’t have worked (in the Yukon.) We’d proably have spent all of our time trying to find friends.” Younger’s extroverted personality led him to be involved in numerous activities and clubs in the community and, not surprisingly given his degree, most of them involved sports. Over the years, he led cross country skiing camps out of his Blaeberry home, taught the junior golf program at the Golden Golf Club, led ballroom dancing classes and coached the swim team when the municipal swimming pool opened. The couple’s home in the valley was originally without power or running water. Ann, a nurse at the hospital, would bring home containers of water in the evenings and flashlights, candles and kerosene lamps helped light up the Younger home for the couple and their two children, Mark and Kimberly.
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Mark wasn’t sure what to make of their new environment when they eventually got electricity. “The first night we had electricity we were sitting at the table eating and I remember him saying ‘Dad, I’m not sure I’m going to like this’,” Young said. “That was his life and he didn’t know anything else.” Younger held numerous jobs throughout his time in the area, including work at the lumber mill and as a cross country tour operator. The cross country tours took place along a route in between two yurts that he built near Spillimacheen. That operation came to be too much work for just himself, so he teamed up with a partner and they decided to build a backcountry chalet. That chalet turned out to be the enormous Purcell Lodge (now known as Purcell Mountain Lodge). “It ended up being a little bigger than a little chalet but it became the Cadillac of backcountry huts,” he said. The lodge, accessible only by helicopter, gained a considerable amount of acclaim from travel and lifestyle magazines, including a cover story in a 1992 issue of National Geographic Traveler. Younger got out of that business in the late ‘90s. Now, Younger continues to golf whenever he can and he and his wife have taken numerous trips all around the world, including an upcoming trip to the Galapagos Islands. For Younger, however, there’s no question where home is. “This community is an absolute gem,” he said. “It’s been a great place to live.”
The Golden Star Wednesday, May 21, 2014 A11
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Wednesday, May 21, 2014 The Golden Star
Young athletes get a jumpstart
Be the One to Name GOLDEN’s new ARTS and CULTURE MAGAZINE!
Think of a name that embodies our culture in Golden.
Dan Walton Black Press
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Adam Zarachowicz
The countless benefits that come with putting kids in sports shouldn’t apply only to those whose parents can afford it. To extend the opportunity, Canadian Tire’s Jumpstart program levels the playing field across the country. The next Ben Thomsen skiing prodigy or future star player of the Rockies may be here in the valley, but he or she won’t realize their potential without practice. And Canadian Tire advocates that no matter where their futures take them, their child- hoods shouldn’t be deprived of sports – and that’s where Jumpstart comes in. “With all of the poor diet options in the market- place, with the increase in video games and sedentary lifestyle of youth, health is becoming more and more of a concern,” said Invermere Canadian Tire owner Craig Knapp. “Sometimes finances can be a challenge, and sporting may not be the first place you can spend your money, and that’s where the Jumpstart charity comes in and can help.” Every year since 2006, each Canadian Tire location takes time during May – Jumpstart Month – to raise money through the sale of different sporting balls, branded with the company’s trademark red. This year, Canadian Tire will be swaying away from the standard spherical shapes and selling red pucks. Customers will be able to support the cause when going through the till, with all donations staying in the val- ley. All costs associated with marketing and administration are covered by Canadian Tire head office. “We see it as equipping kids for life because quality physical activity in kids does more than improve health and well-being,” reads the
Jumpstart web page. “It helps build confidence, leadership, productivity and creativity.” And rather than funding a league or organization, monies raised through Jump- start will allow the young recipients to pursue any sport of their liking. “He or she could be a hiker, play soccer, be a skier, kayaker — it doesn’t matter, as long as it’s an active sport,” Mr. Knapp said. Depending on the childs’ need, the financial support can go towards the cost of sporting equipment, transportation, or registration costs. “Children select their own activities reflecting their individual interests and physical needs,” reads the website. “We have supported involvement in 73 sports and recreation activities includ- ing: hockey, swimming, soccer, basketball, dance, yoga, climbing and martial arts.” To benefit from Jumpstart, aspiring athletes must be between four and 18 years of age from a financially dis- advantaged family. The application process is started by phoning 1-877-6166600 or dropping by the local store. All information is kept confidential. And there’s already a healthy surplus in Invermere. After supporting 28 kids in 2013 with roughly $300 to $600 each, there was still $2,000 left over. And with this year’s donations — plus a $5,000 Jumpstart Award for last year’s coverage of the program in The Pioneer — there is an expected total of $15,000 to be split among young sportsters in the valley. Make sure to pick up a puck next time you’re at Canadian Tire. They’ll be for sale at $2 each, though donations of any amount will be accepted. Those who give more than $20 will be eligible for a charitable tax receipt. Read more about the Jumpstart program at www.jumpstart. .
This May, DONATE $2 and get your RED ball or puck
Your donation helps Invermere area kids get in the game.
Your donation helps Invermere area
SINCE 2005
Donate today at your local Canadian Tire
480 Sarah Road, Invermere Canadian Tire Jumpstart
The Golden Star Wednesday, May 21, 2014 A13
Lucas Myers set to present Randy the Redneck to Golden Joel Tansey
Lucas Myers will be performing as Randy the Redneck at The Island on May 24. Photo Submitted
Randy the Redneck is coming to Golden and he’s looking to change your perception of rednecks everywhere. Randy is the creation of Nelson comedian Lucas Myers. The character made appearances in a few of Myers’ previous shows, including Deck and Hello Baby (both of which he performed in Golden). This is Randy’s first solo venture. “I finally just thought it was time to give him his own show and let him say what he has to say,” Myers laughed. He’ll be hoping to break down some misconceptions on rednecks and redneck lifestyle. “The concept behind the show is that he wants to reclaim the term redneck. Randy feels that it has become disparaged and has taken on a negative connotation of bigoted, conservative, racist people.” Myers said. The show is much closer to a traditional standup performance compared to Myers’ previous
shows and will feature plenty of Myers’ unique brand of observational humour, but he does mix in some music as well. Myers has drawn influences from Canadian sketch comedy group Kids in the Hall as well as Steve Smith, best known for his work as the bumbling do-it-yourself title character on the The Red Green Show. “(Red Green’s) good because he is kind of the benevolent version of the redneck,” Myers said. When writing Randy’s show, Myers felt it was important to centre the humour around things that everyone experiences, and then finding a specific angle to it. “For example, Randy going to physiotherapy and his perspective on that. A lot of people have experienced physiotherapy before but then to have somebody like Randy go to that, and hear his take on it…I think the more personal you get and the more specific you get, the more the humour comes out,” Myers said. Myers will be performing upstairs at The Island Restaurant on May 24. Tickets are $10 at the door and the show will start at 8 p.m.
A Reel Review: Nothing original about Costner movie 3 Days to Kill
Kevin Costner stars as a CIA agent in 3 Days to Kill. Relativity Media Joel Tansey You’d be hard pressed to find an action flick as rife with clichés as 3 Days to Kill. From car chases, absurd fight scenes and one particularly gruesome death, to a father trying to balance his work with his family, 3 Days has it all minus, thankfully, the snappy one liners. At the film’s outset, veteran CIA agent Ethan Renner (Kevin Costner) finds himself in Belgrade chasing down the Albino, a weapons trafficker who works for a kingpin known as the Wolf. After a failed CIA sting operation, the Albino barely manages to escape after Ethan is hampered by a terrible, wheezing cough. Ethan’s cough turns out to be a result of terminal brain cancer that has spread to his lungs. He is
given just months to live. With time running out, Ethan tries to reconnect with his estranged wife and daughter, who live in Paris. His inability to balance work with his home life was the reason for their estrangement, and he successfully convinces them both that he isn’t in that business anymore (while they remain unaware of what his actual job was). Meanwhile, Ethan predictably gets drawn back in when a CIA agent, Vivi Delay (Amber Heard) contacts him about finishing the job with the Wolf and the Albino. Ethan initially refuses but then complies when Vivi reveals she has an experimental drug that could cure Ethan of his cancer. One of the biggest issues I have with 3 Days to Kill is that it tries to do too much and almost feels like two separate films as a result. There is the sick father re-connecting with his family and the CIA agent chasing down a dangerous criminal. The two stories just don’t seem to properly connect, and like its main character, the film has trouble juggling both. Still, there is some entertainment value here if you are in the mood for a mindless, straight forward action movie. The car chase scene is done well enough and Costner’s attempts to establish a relationship with his teenage daughter is, at times, both funny and slightly touching. This is by no means a good movie, but it isn’t a complete disaster either. For that reason I’ll give it 7 dancing hot dogs out of 10. 3 Days to Kill is now available at Kicking Horse Movies.
GOLDEN May 24, 2014 @ 8:00 pm
PG-13 Language and Adult Content “Myers is Brilliant” - Globe and Mail
Randy the Redneck: Tellin It Like It Iz WRITTEN AND PERFORMED BY LUCAS MYERS
Golden-Island Resturant May 27, 8:00 pm Tix $10 at the door Come into a world of simple truths, good times, and poor impulse control. A world where “party” is spelled with a “d”, where the smoke is always thick and the riffs are always heavy. Come into the world of Randy. As an “altered ego” of Nelson based writer/
performer Lucas Myers, Randy has been seen offering advice in various Pilotcopilot Productions including DRESS, East, and HELLO BABY. Now he is going to be sharing some of his redneck truisms in RANDY: Tellin it Like it Iz, an entire evening dedicated to the Randster. Topics will range from “What Is a Redneck?” to “Why Hockey Still Matters (a Parable)” to “How to Actually Have Sex in a Canoe, Fer Real” as well as his recent conversion to becoming a dedicated “Environmentalistic”. Featuring original music and Myers’ unique brand of observational humour, this is a live comedy event not to be missed!
802-10 Ave. S 250-344-5510
Wednesday, May 21, 2014 The Golden Star
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COLUMBIA SHUSWAP REGIONAL DISTRICT INVITATION TO TENDER Scale and Site Attendant Operation CSRD Transfer Stations and Refuse Disposal Sites The Columbia Shuswap Regional District is inviting Tenders for a three year term for the Scale and Site Attendant Operation at the Regional District’s Transfer Stations and Refuse Disposal Sites in the following communities: • Salmon Arm Waste Shed Area: Seymour Arm, Scotch Creek, Skimikin, Glenemma, Falkland and Salmon Arm • Sicamous Waste Shed Area: Sicamous • Revelstoke Waste Shed Area: Malakwa, Revelstoke and Trout Lake • Golden Waste Shed Area: Parson and Golden Sealed Tenders clearly marked “Tender - Scale and Site Attendant Operation”, will be accepted until 2 PM local time on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at the office of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, 781 Marine Park Drive NE, PO Box 978, Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 4P1. Tender documents and further information are available online at the Columbia Shuswap Regional District website at news-notices/opportunities/tenders, on the BC Bid website at www., on the Civic Info website at and at the office of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District at the above address during regular office hours. All Tender submissions will be evaluated after the closing date and time. Successful Tenderers are required to attend a mandatory training session to be held on Wednesday, June 18, 2014, 1 PM at the Columbia Shuswap Regional District office in Salmon Arm. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Tenders and to waive any informality in the Tenders received, in each case without giving any notice. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept the Tender which it deems most advantageous. Faxed submissions will not be accepted. The lowest or any Tender will not be necessarily accepted. For further information, please contact: Ben Van Nostrand, Team Leader, Environmental Health Services T: 250.833.5940 E:
Golden 250-344-5251 THE
The Blakely family is pictured with their car at Radium Hot Springs. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum
Transportation pioneers had no easy job This past weekend we went to Kelowna. It took us about four hours to get there. The idea of traveling that distance in that short time would have been unthinkable to our early pioneers. The following story is about one of our early transportation pion- - Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo eers who moved in the steps of his father. John Blakley was born in 1889 in Bruce County, Ontario, son of Capt. Alexander Blakley, a steamboat captain on Lake Huron. When John was 10, his father moved to the Upper Columbia where he became well known as a navigator and boat builder. Young John got to know such men as Capt. McLennan, Capt. Bacon, Capt. E.N. Russell, and in particular, the renowned Capt. F.P. Armstrong. By the time he was 22, following years of apprenticeship under his father and as mate under Capt. Armstrong, he worked up to his captain’s papers. In 1911, he took command of his first boat, the Selkirk, a 62 foot sternwheeler recently acquired by his father. The following year his father built the steamer Invermere, and father and son operated their boats until 1913. The boats left Golden at 4 a.m., running only in the daylight, and tied up at Windermere 16 hours later if the water was favourable. Otherwise, owing to shifting bars and changing channels, it was quite common to run aground, incurring delays of up to a week in some extreme cases. Shorter delays were frequent for refueling, since the wood-burning steamers had a heavy appetite for four foot chunks of cordwood, which is what fed the firebox. In 1913, the Blakleys sold out to Capt. Russell. In November of 1913, on the Invermere’s last trip, Capt. A. Blakley met with misfortune. He was transferring from the “Invermere” by dory to check some trouble with the barge ahead when he fell into the water and was drowned. After the death of his father, John continued on the river, although only one more year of commercial navigation was left. The Kootenay Central Railway was paralleling the river and outmoding the sternwheelers.
For Capt. John Blakley, 1914 was his final year on the river and his busiest. He commanded the new sternwheeler, F.P. Armstrong, built by the railway contractors, Burns and Jordan. With the Armstrong, he handled barges loaded with steam shovels and other heavy equipment, for the construction of the K.C.R. The era of steamboating suddenly ended on the Columbia River. Capt. John Blakely enlisted in the First World War. Of his war experiences, he often mentioned the time his tug was blown up while he was with the Royal Engineers towing barges from Dover to Calais. He was one of six survivors to reach French soil. On his return home after the war, he worked in the post office in Golden, and as a timekeeper at the sawmill. He inherited a relative’s car, an old Willys Knight, which had been lying in pieces for two years. He reconstructed it and was soon driving passengers from Golden to the hot springs at Radium. In 1923, John Blakley built the Radium Hot Springs Hotel, which he and his wife operated for many years. John Blakley grew restless, and, in 1929, he took to the air, becoming owner of the first private airplane in the district. Landing fields were scarce, but in the early days a pilot learned to land where he could. One spring day in 1948, he ordered some lumber from his friend, Harry Moore, of Edgewater, to build a sternwheeler. With the help of his three sons, the vessel was finally completed. The boat was launched by Mrs. Blakley and christened the “Radium Queen,” and with Capt. Blakley in the whee1house she churned out into the edging currents of the river on her maiden voyage. As she passed the bends in the Columbia River, familiar to so many vanished boats -Duchess, Marion, Cline, Gwendoline, North Star, and many others, it was as if she were surrounded by a fleet of old friends. Capt. Blakley knew them all. Capt. Blakley would point out the remains of the second “Duchess” near Fairmont; the skeleton of the F.P.Armstrong where she had been abandoned on completion of the K.C.R.; and beside the pilings of the old sawmill at Golden, the bones of the Nowitka enfolding the ancient engines which once served the first Duchess. Capt. John Blakley, unique holder of pilot’s licenses for both-airplane and sternwheeler, has passed away.
Star business directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, May 21, 2014 A15
Golden Business Directory N
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students who will be attending the Golden *Limited time offer. Offer good for up to 6 additional papers. Secondary School or Golden Alternate School during the 2014/15 school year. rent the Pa *Joince and helop voi tribute t con Public BC tion* Educa
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Wednesday, May 21, 2014 The Golden Star
Gymastics club ends season with Coconut Cup Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club Submitted
The gymnastics season is coming to its close with 22 athletes representing Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club at the Coconut Cup in Kimberley on May 31-June 1. It has been a good year for the club. On March 1-2, 17 athletes competed at the Fiesta Invitational in Cranbrook. In Provincial Level 2 Open Category Kelsey Lloyd placed 1st on Vault, 2nd on Beam and Floor, 3rd on Bars and came in 2nd All-Around; Jasmine Wan placed 4th on Vault, 5th on Beam, Bars and Floor and 4th All-Around. In Provincial Level 1 Tyro Category Ayra McCarthy placed 1st on Bars, 5th on Vault and Floor, 6th on Beam and 4th All-Around; Kayla Lush placed 2nd on Beam and Floor, 3rd on Vault, 5th on Bars and 2nd All Around. In the Provincial Plus Walker Lapins, Sierra Crowe, Mara Parkinson, Morgan Wharton, Marika Sutter, Sydney McLean, Rylee-Jo Skawski, Emilie Lessor scored Gold, Silver and Bronze on their routines. In Interclub Scarlett McLean, Sarah Watson, Reggie Watson, Cora Robertson all performed their routines very well and Anouk Porter was awarded Best Beam Choreography by the judges. Jasmine Wan and Kelsey Lloyd made the team for the Provincial Championships held in Kamloops on March 14. In Provincial Level 2 Open Category Jasmine Wan placed 15th on Floor and Beam, 20th on Bars and Vault and came in at 18th All-Around in the Province; Kelsey Lloyd placed 2nd on Beam, 4th on Floor, 5th on Bars, 25th on Vault and 6th All-Around in the province.
Zone Championships were held on May 3rd and 4th, at Glacier Gymnastics in Nelson. Seven athletes competed. Sarah Watson performed spectacularly in the Interclub Division. Reggie Watson competed in Men’s Performance Plus and received Gold on Parallel Bars, Silver on Floor, Rings and Vault, Bronze on Pommel Horse and Horizontal Bar and Bronze All-Around. He brought home Kicking Horse Gymnastics First Men’s Trophy as 4th Place Provincial Men’s Team. Sierra Crowe and Mara Parkinson competed in Women’s Performance Plus and both achieved Gold on Bars, Silver on Vault, Beam and Floor and Silver All-Around. At the Women’s Provincial Level 1 Tyro Division Ayra McCarthy placed very well receiving 2nd on Bars, 4th on Beam, 7th on Floor, 9th on Vault and 4th All-Around. Kayla Lush had a magnificent 1st place on Floor, 4th on Bars, 6th on Vault, 9th on Beam and 8th All-Around. Kelsey Lloyd brought home Gold in Provincial Level 2 as she placed 1st on Vault, Bars and Beam and 2nd on Floor coming in at 1st All-Around! It was a great way to cap off her competitive years with Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club, Kelsey goes to University next year and she will be missed as an amazing and accomplished gymnast, an excellent coach and an awesome role model! Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club held a Gym-a-thon on April 24. It was a successful event with more than 50 athletes completing 100 skills each, the club raised $2,101. Danica Gulliford brought in the most sponsors and dollars of the club. Thanks to all who supported the club for
Kelsey Lloyd took 2nd place on the beam at the provincials in Kamloops. Joel Tansey/Star Photo this event! The funds raised will help us purchase the mats that will be used for underneath the new uneven bars that were made possible through CBT. The athletes are anxiously awaiting the new bars. As the spring session wraps up we are currently taking intention forms from our members and the public so that our Summer and Fall Programming are suited to the communities desire. It was great fun for the club to have 175 Lady Grey students each participate in a 1.5 hour gymnastics lesson.
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Cards of Thanks
Business Opportunities
Lill Dewar passed away on April 26th, 2014. Her family wishes to extend our deepest gratitude to the nursing staff and the Golden Hospital, Dr. Clark, the Golden Hospice Society and her many friends for the support and care given to Lill during her long illness. We thank also members of The Order of the Eastern Star, members of the Canadian Legion Women’s Auxiliary and Royal Canadian Legion Branch #122 for their roles in creating a truly memorable Celebration of Lill’s Life.
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Information IN-FLIGHT Magazine... SOAR Magazine. This attractive business & tourism publication is published bi-monthly (six times a year). Great impact for your BC Business. More than 280,000 passengers fly Pacific Coastal Airlines. Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 or email New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.
Education/Trade Schools APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship for Women to attend Journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Application deadline May 31, 2014. Send applications: More information online at: our-programs/scholarship INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853
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Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051.
A&W Golden is now hiring for all shifts, full time/part time, kitchen and front end staff, benefits. 250-3444784. Please apply in person to the manager. Bolico Holdings Ltd. o/a Tim Hortons 1020 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H1 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H2 Food Counter Attendant Full Time/Part Time/Shift Work Nights/Overnights/Early Mornings/Weekends Some high school education $11/hr + Benefits(extended health/vision/dental) Wage based on experience/availability Apply via fax 250 439 1963 or In Person: 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H2 Days Inn Golden seeks the following positions for the restaurant: 1 manager, 1 kitchen helper, 1 kitchen supervisor, 4 servers, 2 bartenders, 2 cooks, 1 head cook. Also seeking 4 housekeepers. Apply in person or email, no phone calls please. FAST AND Reliable Plumbing Repairs, 24/7. Call Parker Dean for your next plumbing job. Present this ad and get $50 off. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928. Legendz Diner seeks full/part time Dishwasher and prep. Apply in person.
Tired of the same old thing? At Canadian Pacific you can be part of something historic. You have a chance to make a difference, to see Canada, and build a future.
KGM Distributors is currently seeking a self motivated individual for full/part time work in warehouse with deliveries. Must have a valid Class 5 license. Please send resume and inquiries to or fax 250-344-7846 or call 250-344-0593. MAINTENANCE PERSON REQUIRED. This is a fulltime, permanent position starting immediately at our post mill and treating plant in Princeton, BC. Must have a minimum of 10 years maintenance experience on a variety of production and mobile equipment, with strong skills in welding, hydraulics and basic electrical work. Experience in a mill environment preferred. Must be able to handle a variety of tasks, work well with minimum supervision and be part of the team. Benefits include excellent wage, health spending account and profit sharing. Please submit resumes by fax 250295-7912 or email Please visit our website at for further information on the company.
Canadian Pacific is one of Canada’s most iconic companies. We move the goods that keep the world turning, and we’re on our way to doing it better than anyone else. To get there, CP is looking for some adaptable, hard-working, safety-conscious, and results-driven people to join our Maintenance Team. You don’t need: Railroading experience Connections You do need: Provincial certification as a Heavy Duty Mechanic, Diesel Repair Technician or Millwright Safety oriented work ethic To work in and around Revelstoke Competition closes on May 30, 2014 For additional information on Canadian Pacific and this career opportunity, visit us online at Only those candidates contacted will be considered. All communication will be directed to the email address you use on your online application form. The journey has begun but is far from over.
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Lost & Found
This position will perform a range of communications, media, eventplanning, research, report-writing and office administration activities. This is a one-year term position based out of our Golden office.
Lost around May 6th up at Fas Gas - a pair of tan driving glasses. If found, please call 250-344-7442 or 250-769-4288.
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Wednesday, 21, 2014 Wednesday, MayMay 14, 2014 The Golden Golden Star Star
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Homes for Rent
Auto Financing
Spectacular timber frame mtn. home near Golden. Check mls 2392392. Call Glenn Pomeroy Maxwell Realty Invermere. 250-270-0666.
1100 sq. ft furnished/unfurnished Basement Suite. Util, w/d incl. *Power not incld. $750/mth. Avail immdly. Shared accmd $400/mth.
Spacious older 4 bdrm home 48kms south of Golden on acreage. Furnished/unfnshd. Prefbly no pets. 250-344-5002 Leave name & ph. number. This fully furnished, all-inclusive home has 3 bdrs, 2 full baths, lrg laundry room and lrg covered deck. Willing to rent unfurnished to long-term renters. A must see! N/S. Great backcountry access. Just 10 mins south of Golden. Avail now. 344-0110.
Auto Accessories/Parts
Ponderosa Motor Inn requires Housekeepers and Front Dest, Full/Part time. Exp. preferred, but will train. Apply in person with resume 1206 Trans Canada Hwy. POWELL RIVER and Region Transition House Society is posting for a full-time “Stopping the Violence Counsellor.� For a complete job posting, please email Julie at
required for busy dental office in Invermere. Strong computer and math skills required. All applications kept confidential. Please send resume to:
drkanan.ofďŹ cemanager@ Only successful will be contacted.
RAMADA INN requires a HOUSEKEEPER. Full time or part time. Drop off resume or email to 1311 12 St. N. 250-439-1888 Rocky Mountain Cold Beer & Wine requires Part Time shift work store clerk. Drop off resume at the beer store 1049 Trans Canada Hwy. Vernon Service Company requires Journeyman Service Plumbers/Gasfitters, $36.00/hr Call (250)549-4444 or fax 250-549-4416
Trades, Technical RADIUM Technologies Inc. is currently looking for: PIPEFITTER’S Camp work 14/7 rotation. In Grande Cache, Alberta. Fax your resume to 780-567-3789 or email
Financial Services DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. UNFILED TAX returns? Unreported income? Avoid prosecution and penalties. Call a tax attorney first! 855-668-8089 (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)
Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
$30/yd delivered in Golden area. Pick up at the yard - $25/yd, we load you. Also mature fine mulch & forest wood chippings. Call John 439-9798, Samples available. Golden’s Best! Premium Topsoil Now Available Great for gardens or lawns 100% organic - ph $20 per cu. yard loaded Lots of references! We can arrange delivery. Call Bernie - 344-4646.
English Springer Spaniels CKC Reg. Puppies Champ lines, tails docked, vet checked, 1st shots, guaranteed. Home raised, well socialized. Ready May 30. $1,200. (250) 392-1440 Williams Lake
Merchandise for Sale Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.
Mobile Homes & Parks For Sale 2001 Mobile Home. All appliances incld. 2 bdrm 2 bath + deck, shed, carport. K.H.M.H Park. Reduced $54,900. Please contact 250-290-0078
Modular Homes $82,900.00 + GST 2 bdrm, 2 bath home delivered and set up. Only 2 lots available in KHV MHP. Call TARNOW HOMES 250-832-9500 or Kicking Horse Village MHP 250-344-6935
Homes for Rent
FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings
Garage Sales
Garage Sale 8am-2pm Sat. May 24 1435 Birch Cr. Garage Sale May 24th from 9-noon, 1114 9th St S!! Saturday May 24th 703 10th St South 10am (no early birds)
Apt/Condo for Rent
Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell)
Misc. for Sale A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders JD 892D LC excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? John Deere Ridem lawn mower, complete with front mount snowblower. Heavy duty eco weed eater with three attachments. Misc. antiques including singer sewing machine. Call 250-344-7017. KILL BED bugs & their eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate bugs- guaranteed. No mess, odorless, long lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot. SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS. Hot savings - Spring sale! 20x24 $4,348. 25x24 $4,539. 30x30 $6,197. 32x36 $7,746. 40x46 $12,116. 47x72 $17,779. One end wall included. Call Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or online:
Misc. Wanted Bored? I’m looking for activities person(s) to hike, bike, travel, etc. Call Vanda-250-439-8225 BUYING Coin Collections, Estates, Antiques, Native Art, Silver, Jewelry 778-281-0030
Real Estate Acreage for Sale 11 & 1/2 acre parcel 10 mins
south of Golden, east side of the Rockies, spectacular views! Drilled well, flat building site, good access. Survey plan available. 1-250-769-4288.
Houses For Sale
2 bdrm 4 plex 6th St S. Inclds fridge, stove, laundry hookup, storage. $650/mnth. close to town, groceries, shopping, PO, clinic. Call 250-344-8266. 2 bdrm w/ storage close to all amnts. Hydro, hot water and heat incld. Security entrance and laundry factls, sorry no parties or smoking indoors. $760/mnth 250-344-8113. LARGE newly reno’d 2 bdrm apt., NS,NP, no parties, laundry close to all amen., DD req. 1-250-344-0780 MOUNTAINEER Lodge at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, 3rd Floor mountain view, 2 bedroom (with lock-off). $750/month, furnished, all utilities, TV, internet, etc. included. Available immediately through Nov 30/12. Contact Hans: or 403-616-4691. Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.
Each ofďƒžce is independently owned & operated.
1, 2, and 3 bdrms cabins/apts 5 mins from Golden furnished pet friendly $700-$850/mnth 250-272-4674. Chalet 2 bdrm+loft, quiet NE loc., carport, sat. tv, WD, FS, wood+elec heat, NP, NP, 2 mature people maximum. $1000/mnth + hydro, furnished $100 extra. 344-5064.
For Sale By Owner
For Sale By Owner
1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. FOR RENT: (2) bedroom all inclusive fully furnished apartments. $750-$950 per month. Visit our Website @ Call or Text 250-344-1825 for more information or to arrange viewing.
Commercial/ Industrial 2600 sq ft commercial space for rent. 5000 sq ft for rent. Both avail now. 250-344-1599. Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
Cottages / Cabins
Move in ready House for Sale!
512 6th St. South. 1760 sq ft bilevel. 2 bdrm & two 3 pc baths up & down. 75’ frontage. Dble. garage, dble carport. In-law suite (?) Many upgrades. :Email: Asking $280,000.00
REDUCED! 2 homes and a shop in Golden for sale. Phone 250344-0553.
Auto Financing
Shared Accommodation
Approx 1400 sq ft townhouse, 2 bdrm, 2 full bath, large kitchen, large dining/living rm w/ gas fireplace covered private patio and single garage. Now asking $279,900!! Phone 250-439-9899.
S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.
The link to your community
Cars - Domestic
Suites, Lower 2 bdr basement suite. N/S, no parties, no pets. Fully furnished. References. D/D. 344-0094 or 344-2144. Avail. now. 3 Bedroom/ 1 Bath apt with a HUGE yard, w/d, new kitchen. Close to schools and downtown. Newly renovated, clean. N/S, no parties. $950 plus shared utilities. Avail immediately! Email: Sunshine basement suite. 2 Bdr newly reno’d. Centrally located. Large fenced back yard w/ garden plot. Private covered entrance. Walk-in closet. Very cool rental suite, a must see! W/D. Avail June 1. No pets, N/S. 1 yr lease min. $775/mth. Please call Mike 250-
Auto Loans. Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Approval. 1.877.680.1231
RM for rent in shared house for summer ph 403-431-2641 email ROOM for rent for summer. Share house with one other person. In town. $450 inclusive. 250-344-1058
Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!
1 bdrm chalet furnished full kitchen, sat. tv, high speed internet, utls incld, fire place, NS, min. 6 months, avail. June 1st. $650/single $750/double. 250-344-7874 (evenings). 2 bdrm house on acreage at Castledale on Hwy 95 South. $895/month + utls. No parties, no illegal activities, long term mature reliable tenants pref’d. Refs and DD req’d. Please call 250-344-6710. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 3 bdr ground level. 1105 13 St. F/S, W/D, NP. Refs. Avail June 1. Call 250-344-5691, Frank. 3 Bdr Home Direct access to Mt 7 trails, just 4 mins. from downtown Golden. 1800 sq. ft, 2 full baths. Deck off kitchen. New floors. Brand new approved wood stove with electric backup. Newly painted. Incl F/S/W/D. Huge fenced yard. 1 yr min lease. Avail May.1 $1275/mth. Call Mike 250-344-8385. 3 Bdr house in town with fridge & stove. No pets. Avail now. Call 344-1599. Also, 1 bdrm furnished no pets. Call. 344-1599. 4 bdrm house in downtown Golden $950/month + utilities. Family preferred. Damage deposit & references required. 250-344-6710. Immaculate newly reno’d 2 bdrm for rent in town, NS, NP, no parties, large yard $750/mnt +utls. Free wifi/sat. tv. Avail now, nice landlords! Call 250-344-6879. Recently reno’d 3 bdrms, 2.5 baths bungalow located in desirable neighborhood on Selkirk Hill. Incl. Fridge, stove, dishwasher, W/D. Avail July. 15. N/S. Ref’s required. $1000/ mo. + util. Call 250-344-7604.
Apartment Furnished
OfďŹ ce/Retail OfďŹ ce Space for rent. Approx. 350 sq. ft. above Body Quest. Call 250-344-7876.
4 wheel drive lady driven 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee 6 cylinder 181,000kms 4 mud&snow tires, w/ 4 new studded winter tires $5000. 250-344-6471.
Cars - Sports & Imports 96 Subaru Legacy GT sedan, immaculate condition in and out, lots of engine work done by Kicking Horse Mechanical. Comes with 16� winter tires on rims, limited lifetime warranty and a specialty shop rate for service and repair, including 96 Subaru Legacy GT emergency roadside sedan, immaculate condiassistance. $6700 obo.of tion in and out, lots engine work done by Please call 344-1540 for details.
Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!
Auto Financing Dream Team - or call 1.800.961.7022
344-8385 or Lee 250-348-2242.
Townhouses 4 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month ($1395/month) plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Want to Rent Employed woman w/ references seeks simple, private, cabin/place in North Bench or Blaeberry area now or future. 250-439-8225
Kicking Horse Mechanical. Comes with 16� winter tires onRecreational/Sale rims, limited lifetime warranty and a specialty shop rate service repair, 25 ft. for 2011 Wind and River travel including trl. Excellent cond. throughout. emergency roadside 12assistance. ft. slide cont. couch and $6700 obo. dinette. Lge fridge/freezer Call 344-1540 for details.& microwave& dual sinks. Lge rear window with 2 lounge chairs. TV/stereo with 4 spkrs + sub + 2 ext. spkrs. Lge awning, power tongue jack, 2 deep cycle batts. + dual propane tanks. TV antenna, air cond. Bedroom has queen bed with wardrobes + closet + drawers. Bath has porcelain toilet, & shower/tub. Alum. wheels. Sleeps 6. GVW 6900 lbs. Transferable warranty good until Apr. 2018. $22,500. Ph. 250-520-0228. email:
Wednesday, May 21, 2014 The Golden Star A19
● Corporate Administration - Jon Wilsgard, Ext 237 ● Operations, Public Works - Chris Cochran, Ext 226 ● Recreation Services - Jordan Petrovics, Ext 225 ● Planning - Phil Armstrong, Ext 236 ● Building - John Mirehouse, Ext 231
810 9th Ave. S Golden B.C. V0A 1H0 250 344-2271 ● Fax 250 344-6577 Minor Changes to Your Curbside Recycling Program By now, you’ve probably heard and read at least something about MMBC and changes to the recycling landscape across the province. Well, here’s the short story from our end: The BC Government wrote new provincial regulations that are meant to shift the cost of recycling PPP (packaging and printed paper) from you – the consumer – to the big companies who produce it. In response to this, the major PPP producers created MMBC – a non profit umbrella organization to contract with municipalities to ensure curbside recycling services , depot services, and transport of accepted materials back to large recycling facilities either start or continue on a local area basis. Municipalities have had the choice to: 1. Opt out of the MMBC program and meet the new regulations on their own by collecting and then brokering their own deals with major recycling facilities and transporting their materials there; 2. Opt in partly - continue with their own curbside collection program but have MMBC deal with transporting the material to recycling facilities. 3. Opt in fully and have MMBC do everything; We chose Option 2 because we already have a good program in place but didn’t want to be responsible for the cost and administration of brokering deals and transporting material to other places in the province. Plus, MMBC gives us a cash incentive which we then apply to your annual fee (which was lowered this year). Also, Option 3 would have required us to surrender our bins to MMBC which we already own and there was no guarantee we could keep our collection service local, which is important to us. It’s important for you to know we are ahead of the curve in this. Most communities still deal with those little blue boxes – can’t fit much in them, things blow out or get wet, and animals get at them. And many communities have never had curbside recycling.
What Stays the Same in Golden?
Your pickup schedule, and rules around keeping your bin lid fully closed, how it’s placed, generally what goes in it, with some minor changes described below. Glass remains completely prohibited but can be taken to the big bins at the Bottle Depot as well as large cardboard items.
So What’s Changed?
The only changes are what can or can’t be put in your blue bin. Before we get to that, here’s what is important to understand: • It’s MMBC and the large recycling facilities that decide what can be recycled, not us! • MMBC can audit and fine us for prohibited materials found in what is sent to them. That can be as much as $5,000 each time! If we get fined, we take it out of the incentive, and your rates start going back up. So please – put ONLY what is accepted in those blue bins! Have a look again at the information placard on your blue bin lid. Here’s the changes.
● Corporate Services - Viv Thoss, Ext 224 ● Finance - Lisa Vass, Ext 227 ● Fire Department - Ken McClure, 250.344.6401 ● Mayor’s Office - Christina Benty, Ext 229 Appointment hours - Tuesday 9:30 am to 12:00 pm
Town of Golden – Regular Open Council Meeting: April 29th, and May 13th, 2014 Council and Administrative Representation on the Golden Backcountry Recreation Access Plan Advisory Committee Council appointed Councillor Oszust as Council’s local government representative on the GBRAP advisory committee with and as alternate to the CAO. CP Rail Parking Lot Lease Renewal Council approved execution of a three year amending renewal agreement to the lease with CP Rail for the land commonly known as the CP Parking Lot for the amount of $9,000 per annum plus GST and a yearly 3% escalation. 2013 Draft Audited Financial Statements Council accepted statements as presented by the Town’s independent auditor Adams Wooley. Development Variance Permit Application – Arena Garage 2014 Council approved a DVP (providing a floodplain exemption) for a new garage for arena operations needs. Keith King Memorial Park – Youth Soccer Rate Amendment Council agreed to amend the bylaw to adjust fees for this facility. Loader Purchase Council approved short term borrowing of up to $185,000 for a replacement loader. 9th Street North Area Rezoning 2014 Council approved the terms of reference for this project including $11,000 for streetscape design work.
Now Accepted
Now Prohibited (Landfill only)
Parks Storage Tent Replacement – Recommendation for Award A replacement tent will be supplied and installed by Cover Star Structures Ltd. for a total price of $21,910 plus tax.
Hot and cold paper beverage cups Plastic lids Plastic clamshells (for baked goods) Microwaveable bowls and cups Empty aerosol cans and caps
Paperback and hard cover books Any type of plastic film, bags, and overwrap (includes grocery bags, vegetable and bread bags, any kind of platic wrappers, furniture overwrap, zip-lock bags, cellophane, cling wrap or film)
Temporary License of Occupation Policy Amendment A TLO policy amendment that contemplates a Farmers Market fee of $3.50 per parking stall per day will begin in 2015.
Empty plastic chemical containers Spiral wound paper cans and lids Cardboard (so long as it fits!)
Any type of styrofoam (includes meat trays, egg cartons, take-out containers, peanuts, packaging or insulation)
We’ll be putting this and other information on our website so please check it out. From it you’ll get a better understanding about the new regulations, MMBC, and our own program. Any other questions, give us a call!
Utility Bills and Business Licenses – Now Past Due
Everyone has by now has long received their annual utility bills (water/sewer/garbage/ recycling) for the year. They’re due June 4th or you get dinged a penalty. Remember, your utility fees are not connected to taxes. What you pay is what it takes to run them. Annual Business License’s were due April 30th. Our business licence fees are amongst the lowest in the province and they are an important authorization tool to ensure compliance with provincial regulations and local bylaws. They also are part of a database we can give to potential investors to show our business profile. Overdue accounts will be forwarded to collections after 90 days.
Town of Golden Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1332, 2014 - Craft Brewery The above bylaw was given second and third readings. Town of Golden 2014 Tax Rates Bylaw No. 1334, 2014 for adoption The above bylaw was adopted. Town of Golden 2014-2018 Five-Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1335, 2014, amending Town of Golden 2014-2018 Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1329, 2014 The above bylaw, was adopted.
Garry Oddy Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234 (250) 344-7234
Wednesday, May 21, 2014 The Golden Star
RE/MAX RE/MAX ofof Golden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
1500 Quartz Crescent
3 bedrooms 2.5 baths 3,447sqft
$159,000 3 bdrms
2 baths
1,650 sqft
1 bath
$260,000 4 bdrms
2 baths
523 – 5th Avenue
$430,000 909-14th Street
3 bdrm Home w/ 1 bdrm Legal Suite
$395,000 605-9th Street
3+2 bedrooms
3+2 baths
2 bdrms
1007 King Crescent 1 bath
4 bdrms 2 baths 1,500 sqft 67 acres
5 bedrooms
1233 Golden Donald Upper Road 1 bath
1,698 sqft 3.7 acres
1638 Purcell Woods
3 bedrooms
2.5 baths
2,682 sqft
4 baths
$545,000 730 Nicholson Road
6bdrms 5 baths 4,500sqft 1.38 acres
#406, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
3 bedrooms
4.45 acres
3 baths
2 bedrooms
#5, 1595 Whitetooth Trail
3 bedrooms
3 baths
2 bdrms 1.5 baths 2,160sqft 4.03 acres
3029 Birchlands Road
1 bath
$699,900 3 bedrooms
3 baths
.58 acre
1 bath
2 bedrooms
#26 Parkland Gardens
1501 Quartz Crescent
4 bedrooms 2.5 baths 1,833sqft
$525,000 1510 Poplar Street
3 Bedrooms
3 Baths
$309,900 508 - 5th Street
4 bedrooms
2 baths
1445 Granite Drive
4 bedrooms
3 baths
#15 Parkland Gardens
3 bedrooms
1.5 baths
3 bedrooms
2.5 baths
$449,900 4 bedrooms
3 baths
1256 Horse Creek Road
$699,000 4 bdrms 2 baths 3,438sqft 14.22 acres
$249,500 2 bedrooms
554 Day Road 2 baths
1,350sqft 1 acre
$259,900 #27, 1357 Aemmer Way
1 bedroom
1 bath
1445 Black Bear Drive
$319,900 4 bdrms 3 baths 2,568sqft 1.15 acres
1361 Pine Drive
$299,000 521-9th Street
#4, 1437 Lafontaine Road
$55,000 1564 Quartz Crescent .289 acre
1592 Golden Avenue
1632 Purcell Woods
3 bedrooms 4 baths 2700sqft
3 bedrooms
3 baths
$945,000 1618 Purcell Woods Close
4 bdrms 2 baths 2,541sqft
.52 acre
3 bedrooms 3 baths 2,532sqft
Home with Mobile Home on 1.03 acres
#203 - 1545 Kicking Horse Trail
2 bedrooms
2 baths
$345,000 853 Oster Road
$299,900 602 Habart Road
$160,000 1.5 baths
3 baths
#1, 1338 Kaufmann View
2 bedrooms
SOLD 3 bedrooms
4 bedrooms
$245,000 1,236sqft
813 sqft
Dan Veselic Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435 (250) 344-1435
2bdrms 2 baths 1,296sqft 2.87 acres
1 bath
1308 Pine Drive
959 McAllister Road
SOLD #16, 1595 Whitetooth Trail
$169,900 #107, 521 - 8th Avenue
888 Canyon Creek Road
1429 Granite Drive
$209,000 3 bdrms
839 sqft
$362,000 5256 Ben Hynes Loop Road
1,650 sqft
Lot 1, Olive Road
1,732 sqft
1215B Alexander Drive
$499,999 4 bedrooms 3 baths 3,081sqft
1052 King Crescent
$260,000 1215A Alexander Drive
4 bdrms
Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451
$620,000 #15 Whitetooth Trail
3 bedrooms
3 baths
$399,000 759 Musaph Road
3bdrms 1.5 bath 1,860sqft 9.2 acre