Kitimat Northern Sentinel, May 21, 2014

Page 1










Years est. 1954

Volume 60 No. 21

Wednesday, May 21, 2014



Corinne Scott has resigned as a Kitimat councillor.

Scott resigns from council

Cameron Orr In a surprise announcement, Kitimat councillor Corinne Scott says she will be stepping down from her position. That leaves a council of six to keep the town going until the general election in November. Being so close to an election date the town will not hold a by-election to replace her. Scott first came to be on Kitimat Council following a by election in November 2010, when she beat a number of other candidates — including some who have since been elected to council — to take former councillor Richard McLaren’s seat when he stepped down due to health issues. Scott was then re-elected during the general election a year later in 2011. Scott has not specified what changes in her life have compelled her to step down but said that “personal circumstances have made a major change in mine [life].” Even so, she said she feels she’s met her commitment to her supporters, including the hiring of two new administrators for the District, working for access to water and recreational boating which is underway, and establishing a standalone committee for person with disabilities, among other accomplishments. “I’m proud that Kitimat has established good working relationships with our neighbouring communities and industry, and that our council has worked very well together over the last three years.” She said the next council term is “critical” to have good elected leadership for the town to grow and expand in “a responsible way.” She also hopes to see more younger, professional people run for council in the election. She and her partner will remain in Kitimat for retirement.

From left to right, emergency preparedness coordinator Bob McLeod, Fire Chief Trent Bossence, Mayor Joanne Monaghan and Kitimat Chief Administrative Officer Ron Poole.

New EOC opens at fire hall Cameron Orr A central, physical emergency operations centre (EOC) is officially open in Kitimat. Or at least, it’s on standby in the event of a problem that requires emergency planning. The EOC is located in the former council chambers, upstairs in the Public Safety Building, where, over the winter, the emergency cold weather response shelter would run. Kitimat’s volunteer emergency preparedness coordinator Bob McLeod was quite pleased to see the location become available for emergency management. “Up until now we’ve shared the training room at the fire hall as an emergency operations centre and the opportunity came up to have a fixed place to work out of and it just made sense to try and develop it because with the industry coming in, it’s much better to have a location where we can work in comfort and invite industry to join us in the event that anything ever happens,” he said. In the past, such as during the Oc-

“Up until now we’ve shared the training room at the fire hall as an emergency operations centre” tober 2012 earthquake, an emergency operations centre would simply be run out of a series of containers, perhaps set up in the fire chief’s office. Those boxes still exist, but only to provide flexibility. “We could pick those boxes up and go pretty much anywhere we could find room,” he said. “There is flexibility. Our secondary EOC would be in the municipal office and if that is damaged too well then we would have to find someplace else.” Kitimat’s emergency response planners meet monthly with industrial leaders to coordinate plans and capabilities. McLeod said around 20 people a month come out to those meetings. “The industries are required to have

their own emergency plans but if something did happen the major coordination would probably take place here and they would be responding to their issues and we would be responding and assisting where we can.” He said most small communities are not lucky enough to have a dedicated EOC office and that Kitimat is “very, very” fortunate to have one now. The EOC opened to a small open house at the fire hall on May 13. Meanwhile it was also recently Emergency Preparedness Week, and McLeod took the chance to point out that people need to be prepared for emergencies in their own homes. “We cannot look after everybody, people have to be prepared to look after themselves,” he said. People should have at minimum 72 hours worth of supplies to be self-sufficient, but ideally should be stocked to be self-sufficient for a week. That will give emergency responders time to become organized and start assisting the public, he said.


Students build popsicle bridges ... page 9

2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 21, 2014 K








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Even though Easter may have passed for the year we can still look back at the Kinsmen’s easter egg hunt at the Riverlodge in this photo sent in by the group. Looks like there were a lot of would-be bunnies.

Weather Watch kitimat stats

Feds announce new oil safety measures The Government of Canada announced last week that they will be implementing new tanker safety systems which were first brought forward by the Tanker Safety Expert Panel. However Skeena-Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen does not believe these new measures actually amount to improvement. In a news release the government says the new systems will “work towards preventing spills in the first place, cleaning them up quickly if they do occur, and

making sure polluters pay.” The government says that, among the recommendations, they will establish new area response planning for regions projected to have high levels of tanker traffic. The region encompassing Kitimat however is not highlighted. Among the areas are St. John and the Bay of Fundy, Port Hawkebury, Nova Scotia, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec. The announcement also sees alteration to Canada’s Ship-Source Oil Pollution Fund, including removal of the $161

million limit of per-incident liability “in order to make available the full amount of the SOPF for a single incident — currently around $400 million.” The SOPF will also now compensate those who have lost earnings due to an oil spill even if their property was not contaminated by a spill. Cullen meanwhile sees no value in the announcement and it merely attempts to soften the public ahead of a Northern Gateway decision. Continued on page 7

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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email • KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.

Election season soon The year 2014 will continue to prove to be a busy one. Later this month is the Kitimat Relay for Life on May 31. There’s the Aluminum City Telethon in October. Of course for a news reporter the cherry on top will be November when the three year term of councillors is up and we’ll forge onward into a 46 day campaign period. I say 46 because it’s the 46th day before a general election — this year being November 15 — that nominations open for candidates. I’ve inquired around to some rumoured mayoral candidates but so far none have confirmed we’ll see their name on the ballot. Well, that is except for a past facetious candidate Danny Nunes who on April 1 this year indicated his desire to run again. With nominations not yet open now, six months out, is a good time to put thought into whether you want your name on the ballot. Here’s a quick run-down on what you need to do: when nominations open, you need two people to nominate you for a run on council. The details of what needs to be on that form is found within the Local Government Act, and the District will advertise as well. Nominations open September 30, that’s the 46th day from election. There is only 10 days to be nominated though, the last day being the 36th day from the election date. As a candidate you will have to sign some disclosure documents.

The twist this year though is the provincial government will be implementing a four year term to councillors, rather than the three as has been the terms to now. So it’s an interesting question for would-be candidates. You’ll have to commit to one extra year on council, and in Kitimat specifically, depending on how you look at it, you either have to be mad to run, or mad not to run. Kitimat’s on the brink of some amazing changes if proposals for the area go through. Even now the town has notably changed. Then again, the town is going to face some unique challenges in its history. We’ve already have to debate community-based work camps and bylaws for escort services. Who knows what will come next? During controversial debates such as those, I have no envy — but it should be noted, much respect — for councillors who hear it from constituents, and then have to make a decision that definitely not everyone will like. At least, though if you don’t run, be sure to vote. In 2011, only 55 per cent of the 4,421 eligible voters actually did. We can do better. Cameron Orr

Many mysteries still left in the world It’s very well known that the United States of America is the “greatest country in the world.” Isn’t it? If you don’t believe me, just ask almost any American. They’ll be very pleased to let you in on the facts. Given any kind of encouragement they will tell you cheerfully of the many reasons why they believe just that. Freedom of speech, opportunity, education system (“anybody can be president.”), richest, highest standard of living in the world, - best at pretty well everything, baseball, basketball, hockey, running, car racing, golf, “just check the medals we win at the Olympic Games,” movies, singers, politicians, the “Constitution,” medicine, the sciences, “we landed on the moon” — it goes on and on. I’m not out to rant at the Yanks for they are hardly alone. Frankly, many Canadians will tell you much the same thing about this country and remind us frequently that one of the reasons we are so great and wonderful is that we have a different history, and didn’t copy many of the mistakes the Americans have made over the years. The Germans have quite a lengthy history too. As the initiators in the two most dreadful wars declared to be World Wars. So do the British (but, while their widespread Empire has

Under Miscellaneous by Allan Hewitson

also dwindled, the Commonwealth Games reminds us every four years of the truly faraway locations and diversity of the countries that once were in the hands of the British, thanks to its mastery of the seas, including Canada (which will be participating with a large team of athletes to Glasgow for this year’s friendly quadrennial event.) The French themselves believe they too have made a large contribution to the history of the world, and of course, consider themselves the masters of the arts, fashion and style and astronomy, as well as being the premiere wine producers and consumers in the world. (The Americans have just announced with great pomp that they are now the world’s largest consumer of wines – sorry France!) In history the Spanish had a vast conquered empire, the Scandinavian Vikings explored the far reaches of the world long before many of the people now credited with a number of prominent geographical discoveries, as the whole map of the modern

world evolved. The Italians (dressed as the Romans) held military power in virtually all of Western Europe for a thousand years from around 700BC to well past the year 1,000 AD when various armies began picking off outlying countries from the Romans as the “fall of the Roman empire” evolved. For the longest time, as a boy, I never understood that the Romans were Italians. I could go on – the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Aztecs, the Aboriginals of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the Zulus have all come in for their share of credit for survival skills, defense of their way of life, developments in the arts or construction. But, so many mysteries remain about the origin of numerous strange and perhaps still unexplained constructions like the pyramids, the Great Sphinx, the Moia stone heads of Easter Island, the jungle-buried temples of South America, the great stone balls of Costa Rica, Stonehenge in England, and there are so may and varied, myths, legends, ancient writings and scriptures, works of art, and structures from around the world to provide proof that we still are nowhere near to knowing or understanding the complete history of our own planet. Continued on page 5

Working together bringing the news to you. Community newspapers a s s o C i a t i o n

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Contents Copyrighted Canadian Publications Mail Product, Agreement No. 477761, Canada Post Corp., Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash.

Louisa Genzale Publisher

Cameron Orr Editor

Tracey Keohane Classifieds/Administration

Sarah Campbell Advertising Assistant

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 21, 2014 5

A bit of Black and forth on refinery idea David Black had written a two-part column for a number of newspapers which covered points very similar to his column in the Sentinel on April 2. Here is a response to his more recent column (which was not published in the Sentinel) and Black’s own reply. Dear Sir, Re: Columns by David Black, ‘The greatest threat to the B.C. environment in our lifetime’ (April 22) and ‘The Kitimat refinery proposal: safe pipelines, light fuels and B.C. jobs’ (April 28). Continued safe marine and pipeline transport of hydrocarbons is in everybody’s interest so Canadians can realize value for resources and oil producers can continue to deliver jobs and economic benefits. No one wants a spill of any product at any time. The performance track record over the past 50 years is good, but even still, work is ongoing to improve pre-

vention and ensure producers, transportation companies and spill-responders have the best information available to manage products safely and make the best plans possible for response, containment and cleanup in the event of an incident. Black’s articles incorrectly suggested the Canadian oil industry is not interested in the proposed refinery project and that transporting diluted bitumen is more risky than transporting other types of oil because of its chemical properties. Fact is, oil producers are seeking increased access to existing and new markets

– in Canada, the United States and internationally – to satisfy market demand for increasing Canadian oil production. All options to achieve that goal are worthy of study. And diluted bitumen – oil sands bitumen diluted with natural gas liquids that allow it to flow – is no more dangerous than other types of crude oil. Chemically, there’s nothing about diluted bitumen the transportation system cannot be prepared to manage. Whether it moves by pipelines or tankers, diluted bitumen meets all the same specifications and behaves the same as other crude oils.

Oil floats on water if it has an API gravity above water’s 10 degree API gravity. Diluted bitumen has an API gravity of 20-22 degrees. Any type of oil spilled in water, eventually “weathers” and can be driven below the surface by waves or currents. Diluted bitumen behaves the same way. There have been several scientific studies completed on diluted bitumen. Earlier this year, the federal government released a research study that demonstrated diluted bitumen floats on salt water – even after evaporation and exposure to light. The study was

commissioned by Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Natural Resources Canada as part of the government’s plan to implement a world-class prevention, preparedness and response regime for marine transportation. Results of the study will be used to inform spill responders and help guide more research. Our industry is focused on responsible development of Canada’s resources. We welcome transparency on our safety and environmental performance, based on sound science. As producers, we transport oil with care and attention at all

Dear Sir, In a letter to media, Greg Stringham, on behalf of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, makes assertions about the behavior of diluted bitumen (dilbit) in salt water that are at best half-truths. He states that dilbit floats on salt water and that it is no more dangerous at sea than other types of oil. That is wrong. It is more dangerous at sea, and infinitely more so than refined fuels like diesel and gasoline. What Stringham doesn’t mention is that the same report from Environment Canada that he quotes from, goes on to say that dilbit sinks in seawater when there is sediment present. Another study by a top U.S. environmental chemist, Jeff

Short, says the same thing. It was filed by the Gitxaala Nation to the National Energy Board in March 2013, so Stringham is well aware of it. That study says animal and plant matter like plankton, as well as sediment, cause the dilbit to sink. Our entire coast has sediment and plankton in abundance. All of our rivers are glacial and full of silt. Plankton is omnipresent, which is why the whales are here, and shallow seas like Hecate Strait throw up huge amounts of sediment from the bottom in storms. Dilbit will sink in our waters if there is a spill and it will harden up like caulking material on beaches and the intertidal zone. The intertidal zone

includes large mud flats in the midcoast because the tidal range is more than 20 feet there. How would we ever get them clean again? Stringham also says our Canadian oil industry is interested in the Kitimat refinery idea. That is news to me. I have talked to all of the companies and there is no interest whatsoever. That is why I am spearheading the project. It will keep dilbit out of tankers and provide an enormous value-add for BC. Canada’s oil industry needs a west coast pipeline. Coastal First Nations, the Yinka Dene First Nations, Prince Rupert, Kitimat, Terrace, Smithers, the

provincial and federal NDP, the federal Liberals, the provincial and federal Green Party, many blue collar unions and the majority of folks in B.C. are against Northern Gateway’s idea of putting dilbit in tankers. A refinery is economically viable. Why is it so hard

for our oil industry to see that the way forward is to build a green refinery which will cut greenhouse gases by 50 per cent, create thousands of jobs, generate billions of new annual taxes, and gain acceptance for a safe pipeline? Sincerely, David Black

times. We expect all transportation providers to deliver safe services in a responsible manner.

Greg Stringham Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Calgary

District of Kitimat

Public Notice annual Water main flushing 2014 april 22 to June 6, 2014 The District of Kitimat will undertake the annual water main flushing. The scheduled dates for flushing water mains will be April 22 to June 6, 2014. This operation may cause temporary discolouration of the water supply and should clear up soon after the operation is completed. If the problem persists please contact the District of Kitimat. Thank you for your cooperation and patience in this matter. For further information please call 250-632-8930.

Black’s response to letter

Mysteries Continued from page 4 Theories abound, but no one really knows the origins or the cultures that conceived and completed them. Many countries and their citizens may boast of being the greatest at this and that in modern days. Internationally, we learn more through research in a single day than ever before.

The Internet has opened up the opportunity for more questions and answers, more study and even better understanding of man’s mysterious “lost past” that it becomes mundane to listen to a lot of self-proclamation of any single country as “the greatest or most powerful in the world.” Today, perhaps, but time continues to tick by.

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Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds Clues Across

1. Undergarments for women 5. Periods of time 9. Dramatist Henrik 14. Any thick messy substance 15. Examination 16. Japanese city 17. Daze with a blow 18. With fireplace residue 19. Synthetic acrylic fabric fiber 20. Pittsburgh University 23. Scorched 24. Potato state (abbr.) 25. Anger 26. Suitable for use as food 31. To wipe out, obliterate 35. Used of unskilled work, esp. domestic 36. Loose earth, soil

37. Petrol container 38. Great (60’s slang) 41. Conditions of balance 43. Foes 45. Sec. of Energy Steven 46. 6th day (abbr.) 47. Without qualification or exception 51. Sarah’s title 56. Leisurely stroll 57. Austr. Army History Unit 58. Bowfin genus 59. S.A. mountain chain 60. ____ Scott Case 1857 61. Mound 62. Springfield, IL candy founder Martin 63. Frambesia 64. Reduced price event

Clues Down 1. Pear variety 2. The Sator-_____ Square 3. Light purplish-blue 4. Plants of the genus Cassia 5. Shelf unit for ornaments 6. Live in 7. Arthur ___, Wimbledon champion 8. A thwarting and distressing obstruction 9. Cut off from others 10. Tree trunk outgrowth 11. Tower used for storing silage 12. Br. public boys school 13. ___ Ling mountain range 21. __ Clapton, musician 22. Mild yellow Dutch cheese 27. Peruvian province 28. Diagonal cut of cloth 29. A narrow path or road 30. Fraternal Order of ____

31. The boundary of a surface 32. Granular old snow 33. Rt. angle cleaving tool 34. Irreducible material 39. Oldest man-made rayon fiber 40. Affirmative! (slang) 41. Burial cloths 42. Surface layer of grass & roots 44. Not shaky 45. Kidney-shaped nut 48. Nursemaids in India 49. Alkali bee genus 50. Warble 51. A citizen of Denmark 52. Approves food 53. Golf ball supports 54. Pearl Harbor actress Rue 55. Coarse curly-leafed greens 56. Cancer detecting smear

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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 21, 2014

“I look at Northern Gateway and see a project that will build families and communities for generations. That’s what I’m most proud of.” - Catherine Pennington, Senior Manager, Community Benefits & Sustainability

Meet the expert:

We at Northern Gateway are committed to ensuring that jobs and business opportunities will be available to people living near the Project’s right-of-way.

IT ALL ADDS UP TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT In Catherine’s experience, removing barriers to employment has a huge impact – not just on individual job seekers, but on their communities as well. When you connect someone to a job, you also build individual and social pride, enhanced connections, dignity and ultimately, stronger sustainable communities. “As a trained social worker with experience in community development, I have found it very rewarding to work in Industry. You have the opportunity to create really meaningful outcomes that are mutually beneficial. Our model of shared responsibility for working with communities is unique and is being emulated by other companies.”

DEDICATED TO MEANINGFUL ABORIGINAL INCLUSION Catherine connects willing job seekers with existing and emerging opportunities. She is focused on helping the Project meet its goal of having Aboriginal people comprise 15 per cent of the construction workforce. “Many Northern communities are experiencing or have experienced desperate cycles of poverty, in part due to a lack of the necessary skills for the existing employment opportunities. I believe people in Northern and North Western B.C. have yet to fully realize their enormous potential. By actively investing in better education and skills training, opportunities for advancement and connections to good, steady jobs, we know we can make a real difference.”

SUCCESS ACROSS THE NORTH We have held discussions with numerous training providers, colleges, universities and employment service providers in Northern B.C. to identify programming needs to help Aboriginal and local people take advantage of the surge in energy projects in the region. We have also worked to tailor programming to the needs of individual communities. “Fundamentally, there’s nothing more powerful than helping someone make that connection to employment, because it leads to a larger, more positive and healthier social outcome.” As a company and a neighbour, we want to see Northern residents get the best opportunities because that benefits us all. It’s how we will build more than a safer, better pipeline, we will help build a better B.C.

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Working in partnership with B.C. and Alberta First Nations and Métis Communities, and leading energy companies in Canada


Catherine Pennington spearheads our community benefits and sustainability initiatives which include education and skills development. For over 10 years, she has lived and worked in Northern B.C. with First Nation and Métis communities, creating partnerships and programs that focus on improving employment and social outcomes for the long term.

Tanker safety Continued from page 2 “The announcement looks like what it actually is which is trying to soften the mood in B.C. against supertankers on the coast and oil pipelines. But when you get into the details more and more you start to get a bit more worried.” He said the upcoming decision by the federal government on the Northern Gateway proposal has put Prime Minister Stephen Harper between a “political rock and a hard place” and that Harper has to convince a reluctant public about the risks associated with oil spills. In this instance though, taxpayers are still on the hook for spills over $400 million, which is not much considering the Kalamazoo River spill in Michigan has cost Enbridge in the ballpark of $1 billion, he said. “We think the polluters should pay and that means all of it, the idea that they have this liability caps is not something we give to any other industry,” said Cullen. He calls these new oil transport rules “halfway measures.” “What it does is it really encourages bad behaviour, because if you’re never, ever going to pay the consequence for the thing then why would you be as safe as you absolutely have to?”

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 21, 2014 7

Thief takes 60 beers from golf course On May 13, the Kitimat RCMP received a complaint that there was a break and enter at the Hirsch Creek Golf & Winter Club. A suspect had broken

the glass door and stole approximately 60 beer cans. The incident occurred around 12:09 a.m. on May 13. Security video showed a male suspect dressed in a

dark coloured hoody, blue jeans and gloves. The person hid his face, and was carrying two back packs, one was a sling style pack. At this time Kitimat

RCMP are seeking the help of the public in assisting with identifying the person or persons involved. Anyone with information is asked to contact the

Kitimat RCMP at 250-6327111. If you wish to remain anonymous about this or any other crime please contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)

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8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 21, 2014

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 21, 2014 9

Bridge winners beam

Connor Parish and Aiden McKevely of Nechako Elementary with their ‘Spirit of Fire’ bridge at the popsicle stick bridge competition. Cameron Orr

Cameron Orr There were no bridges too far at the popsicle stick bridge competition, held at Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary School on May 3. Kitimat proved they knew how to make bridges in the higher categories, category three (grades eight, nine and 10) went to Kitimat as did category four (grades 11 and 12). The category three team was a Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary School team of AdMeyerable, with Hannah Durrant. Her bridge withstood 102 lbs of force before succuming to the strength test. The category four team of Dreem Team, with Brendan Sorenson, took the top spot after his bridge held back 222 lbs of force before the popsicle sticks could withstand no more. There were many teams from many schools

but Prince Rupert-based teams proved their worth. The grade four and five category went to Rupert’s Pineridge Elementary. Two teams each withstood a 132 lbs pressure to their bridges, one to Team Stickin’ It, with Jessica and Grant Slocombe, and Team Pressure Testers II, with Brandon Mah. Category two, grades six and seven, went to Prince Rupert Middle School. Team Iron Workers, of Brendan Eshorn, won overall in the whole event as well with a bridge withstanding 350 lbs of force. The most innovative award went to Prince Rupert Middle School’s Dream Island Crossing team, with Andy Chugh. Andy’s class will received $200 for the distinction. Each category winner received $450, while the overall winner gets $500.

Safe Boating Awareness Boating Safety Tips

Canada is blessed with more fresh water than anywhere on the planet, and our lakes and rivers are favourite places for summer recreation. The ice is barely out before millions of Canadians are taking their boats out for fishing, water-skiing, tubing or just a leisurely cruise through beautiful northern scenery. Operating a boat is tons of fun, but it is serious business too, so please consider these boating safety tips. Life Jacket required: By law you may not have to wear a lifejacket – just have one in the boat for everyone onboard – but 90% of people who drown aren’t wearing a lifejacket. Today’s lightweight, vest-style lifejackets are much more comfortable than the clumsy versions of the past. Sober second thoughts: Attitudes and rules about drinking and boating have changed significantly, but a large percentage of serious boating accidents still involve alcohol. A cold drink on a hot summer day is a great thing, but operating a boat under the influence is a mistake you could regret forever. Testing, testing: All Canadians are required by federal law to carry a boating licence when operating a powered water craft. The Pleasure Craft Operator Card is for people who operate a powered

watercraft that is used for recreational purposes. This licence is mandatory for all size motors. A little knowledge can take you a long way. On the rocks: Many Canadian lakes are full of hazards, including rocks and trees. Knowing the waters and respecting markers are essential safety tactics. No wake zone: There’s lots of room to move in Canadian waters. But smart safety means slowing down when near other boats, swimmers, and those enjoying the water.


Fishing & Charters Ltd. Kayaks • Charters for up to 12 • Full Service Custom built, fully registered, 34’ Lifetimer Call 778-631-2995 or 250-639-6479 or email us at to book your group today!

...more than just fishing!

Kitimat Search and Rescue

Weather Watch: For your safety, always check local weather conditions before departure. The radio, television and internet are good places to get information. If you notice any bad weather indicators such as darkening clouds, dropping temperatures or rougher winds while out on the water, play it safe by returning to land. Stay Seated: No standing up in your canoe, small powerboat, or any other similar watercraft. Standing can cause a small boat to become unstable and possibly capsize. Many drownings occur when men stand to urinate over the side of a boat. So please, if you feel nature’s call, head back to land just to be on the safe side.

Sink or Swim? The choice is yours... wear your lifejacket! "Search for and rescue persons in distress on land and inland water"

Phone: 250-632-8945 • Fax: 250-632-7163

Kitimat Rod and Gun Club Promoting outdoor activities in the Kitimat area. For more information call 778-631-2150

Safe Boating Fact Did you know that in Canada, if you are caught boating without a license, you will be fined? Get your Operator Card before you boat! K









626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat Tel: 250-632-6144 Fax: 250-639-9373

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Call (250)549-4444 or fax need Kitimat to fill House/Store these positions. or apply in person: 260 City Centre, Kitimat EMPLOYERS CAN’T fi nd the 250-549-4416 Opportunities For Career Advancement Are you an organized & motivated leader Visit 1446 Nalabila - House has 4to work-at-home Transtart training forMedical your work-atbdrms plus den, kitch-in Excellent BeneÄ ts & Salary who’s passionate about customer service? scriptionists they 2 full need Vernon Service Company rehome career today! ens, 2 full bath. Full baseValue Oriented Canada! Get the training you OUR KITIMAT STORECulture NEEDS YOU! quires Journeyman Service ment. to $3,500/mo. need fill Lease these positions. Plumbers/Gasfitters, $36.00/hr Send your resume & Career references: hr@Ä For 1442 Nalabila Store groOpportunities For Advancement Visit Kitimat to Call (250)549-4444 or fax House/Store or apply in person: 260 City Centre, Kitimat cery,training restaurant. C-4 work-atZone. start for- House your Excellent BeneÄ ts & Salary 250-549-4416 1446 Nalabila has 4 $5,000/mo. 1st year. Vernon Service Company reFind us on Facebook (Trimac) home career Value Oriented Culture bdrms plus today! den, 2 full quires Journeyman Service ens, 2 full bath. Full baseTrimac Transportation is North America’s premier provider of Plumbers/Gasfitters, $36.00/hr Send your resume & references: hr@Ä For Lease machines. GET vending ment.FREE $3,500/mo. services in highway transportation of bulk Our 260 City Centre, Kitimat Call (250)549-4444 or fax Kitimat House/Store or commodities. apply in person: Can $100,000 + per year. 1442earn Nalabila - Store - gro250-549-4416 1446 Nalabila House has 4 Kitimat,Terrace and Prince George locations require... All cash-retire in just years. cery, restaurant. C-43 Zone. bdrms plus den, 2 fullFull kitchProtected Territories. de$5,000/mo. 1st year. Find us on Facebook (Trimac) ens, 2 full Full basetails call nowbath. 1-866-668-6629. ment. $3,500/mo. Website Trimac Transportation is North America’s premier provider of 1442 Nalabila Store groGET FREE vending machines. services in highway transportation of bulk commodities. Our cery,earn restaurant. Can $100,000C-4 + perZone. year. Restaurant Kitimat,Terrace and Prince George locations require... $5,000/mo. 1stinyear. All cash-retire just 3 years. Find us on Facebook (Trimac) for Sale in Kitimat Excellent pay • Shared benefits • Safety equipment • Safety bonus Protected Full de52 seat Territories. turn-key operation. Trimac Transportation is North America’s premier•provider of tails call now 1-866-668-6629. Dry bulk pneumatic hauling • Shift work involved B-train and Excellent opportuGET FREE business vending machines. Website services highway transportation of bulk commodities. Our nity earn potential to expand. mountaininexperience required Can $100,000 + per year. Kitimat,Terrace and Prince George locations require... Fully licensed. in just 3 years. All cash-retire Restaurant For serious inquiries onlydeProtected Territories. Full Please send your resume to: Mark Davy, Fax: 888-746-2297 forplease Sale in Kitimat forward tails call now 1-866-668-6629. Excellent pay • Shared benefits • Safety equipment • Safety bonus E-mail: Phone: 866-487-4622 52 seat turn-key operation. contact information to: Website Dry bulk pneumatic hauling • Shift work involved • B-train and Excellent business opportuNorthern Sentinel nity potential to Box expand. 626with Enterprise Ave. 26 mountain experience required Restaurant FullyKitimat, licensed. B.C. V8C 2E4 North America’s Premier Provider Sale inquiries in Kitimatonly For for serious Excellent pay •your Shared benefitsto:• Mark SafetyDavy, equipment • Safety bonus Please send resume Fax: 888-746-2297 52 seatplease turn-key operation. forward Dry pneumatic hauling • Shift Phone: work involved • B-train and Excellent opportuE-mail: 866-487-4622 contactbusiness information to: nity with potential to expand. mountain experience required Northern Sentinel Fully 626licensed. Enterprise Ave. Box 26 ForKitimat, serious inquiries only B.C. V8C 2E4 Please send your resume to:Provider Mark Davy, Fax: 888-746-2297 North America’s Premier please forward E-mail: Phone: 866-487-4622 contact information to: Northern Sentinel 626 Enterprise Ave. Box 26 KITIMAT HUMANE SOCIETY Kitimat, B.C. V8C 2E4 North America’s Premier Provider



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experience necessary. Technician. Sullivan Motor Products Motor Products have a passion about vehiclesSullivan and RVs consider the & SMP-RV areiscurrently & SMP-RV are currently benefi ts: Our dealership located in Houston, B.C. and is the looking fordealer a full looking for a Certified largest volume • aggressive pay planin the Northwest and we now time Sales Person. No or Experienced RV just added aand RV dealership. • training product knowledge provided experience necessary. Technician. • you team focused If need a change, want a rewarding career and Our dealership is located in Houston, and isthe the • excellent benefi ts vehicles have a passion about and RVsB.C. consider largest volume dealer inathe Northwest andcreate we now benefi ts: If you want to be part of winning team and your just added RV dealership. own destiny,a drop your • aggressive pay planresume in person or email to: If you needMurray a change, want rewarding career and •Attention training and product knowledge provided Sullivan @a have a passion about@vehicles and RVs consider the • team orfocused J.C. Brown benefi ts: • excellent benefits Sullivan Motor Products • aggressive paypart plan If you want to be ofWest a winning team and create your Hwy. 16 in Houston • training and product knowledge provided own destiny, drop your resume in person or email to: •Attention team focused Best RV Deals are in Houston BC Murray Sullivan @ • excellent benefi ts or J.C. Brown @ If you want to be part of a winning team and create your Sullivan MotorinProducts own destiny, drop your resume person or email to:

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LUMBER ASSISTANT We’re on the netSALES at www.bcclassifi Hampton Affiliates, with headquarters in Portland, Oregon is seeking candidates for a position of sales assistant at its Richmond B.C. office.


Responsibilities include sales support and customer service for the Hampton Sales Canada Sales Program, Hampton Affiliates,Lumber with headquarters in Portland, Oregon shipping is seeking documentation, candidates for a inventory position ofreconciliation, sales assistant order at its entry, maintenance of Futures/Options orders, documentation Richmond B.C. office. review, invoicing, and other sales requirements. Responsibilities include support and customerOregon service Hampton Affiliates, withsales headquarters in Portland, The successful applicant should have knowledge for the Hampton Lumber Sales Canada Sales Program, is seeking candidates for a position of sales assistant atand its experiencedocumentation, with SPF lumber, strong communication skills, shipping inventory reconciliation, order Richmond B.C. office. experience with Word, Excel, Outlook orders, and 10-key. Applicant entry, maintenance of Futures/Options documentation Responsibilities include sales support and customer should have excellent problem solving skills, be service detail review, invoicing, and other sales requirements. for the Hampton Sales CanadaCollege Sales Program, oriented and able toLumber work independently. degree is The successful applicant inventory should have knowledgeorder and shipping documentation, reconciliation, preferred. experience with SPF lumber, strong orders, communication skills, entry, maintenance of Futures/Options documentation Please yoursales resume no thanApplicant experience with forward Word, Excel, Outlook andlater 10-key. review, invoicing, and other requirements. June 2,problem 2014 with confidence should Monday, have excellent solving skills, to: be detail The successful should have College knowledge and oriented and ableapplicant to work independently. degree is experience with SPF lumber, strong communication skills, preferred. Only candidates considered will be contacted experience with Word, Excel, Outlook and 10-key. Applicant for a possible interview. Pleaseexcellent forward your resume no later thanbe detail should have problem solving skills, 2, 2014 with confidence orientedMonday, and able June to work independently. Collegeto: degree is

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Northern Sentinel Wednesday, May 21, 2014 Client: 293215

Paula Almeida Pets & Livestock Employment Real Estate Real Estate Northern May39 21,HALLMAN 2014 Northern SentinelSentinel Wednesday, MayWednesday, 21,Address: 2014 A11 ST Livestock Real Estate Acreage Houses For Sale for Employment RealReal Estate Real Estate Help Wanted Pets & Livestock PetsReal&Pets Transportation Employment Estate EstateSale Rentals Ad # 721018 Requested By:Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Northern DOUGLAS Sentinel CHANNEL Kitimat Students Needed 187 Apt/Condo ft Houses Sale for Sale Help Wanted Houses ForOCEANFRONT SaleAcreage AcreagePets for Sale forEmployment Rent For Pets For Sale.99 By acre Owner Motorcycles forHelp 11 Wanted weeks at the Kitimat Employment frontage on Atkins Bay KEOHANE north TRACEY Museum & Archives to runSales Rep.: DOUGLAS CHANNEL

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Kitimat House Sale QUATSINOfor APTS Apt/Condo Rent For Sale By for Owner 15 Stikine St. Services Merchandise for Sale Phone: (250) 632-6144 KITIMAT Well maintained, updated,

side of Kildala Arm. Self suffiDOUGLAS CHANNEL Kitimat Needed Kitimat House for Sale “Museum Kidsâ€? pro1,100 sq ft, 3 bdrm house. Kitimat StudentsStudents Needed summer Kitimat2House for Sale OCEANFRONT .99 acre 187 ftQUATSINO APTS cient 4 bdrm, bath cottage, OCEANFRONT .99 acre 187 ft for11 11 at the attended Kitimat Stikine St. have 1.5 car 15 garage/storage, covforgrams. weeks weeks atMust the Kitimat 15 Stikinestove, St. frontage on wood Atkins Bay wood north Fax: appliances, frontage on Atkins Bay north Museum to run Well maintained, updated, school full& time reered deck and garden shed. Museum & Archives toArchives run and be Well Water maintained, updated, side of Kildala Arm. Self suffi- KITIMAT furnace. access. side of Kildala Arm. Self suffi “Museum Kidsâ€? summer pro1,100 sq ft, 3 bdrm house. turning school $325,000 obo. • Downtown location “Museum Kidsâ€?tosummer pro- full time in 1,100 sqRich bdrm house. cient 4The bdrm, 2ft, 3bath cottage, $325,000. Osborne Chalet Motel Need CA$H grams. Must have attended 1.5 car 250-632-5566 garage/storage, covthe fall.have Deadline for re-Class.: cient 4 bdrm, 2 bath cottage, • Balconies Rehabilitation grams. Must attended 1.5 car appliances, wood stove, PREC LandQuest Realty appliances,Springer wood stove, wood English Spaniels in Kitimat isgarage/storage, looking tocovfiwood ll • Security Entrances school and be letreered deck and Today? garden shed. sumes with school full time,full and time be are- covering ered deck and garden shed. furnace. Water access. Assistant Corp. 604-664-7633. furnace. Water access. the positions of Kitchen CKC Reg. Puppies turning to fullschool full time in $325,000 obo. ter, Monday, 26 at • Some furnished suites turning toisschool time in May $325,000 $325,000. w Helper, w w . l aWaitress n dRich qobo.u eand s Osborne tFront .com $325,000. lines, Rich tails Osborne Kitimat House for Sale Champ docked, thefall. fall. for Kitire-Start Date: 250-632-5566 4pm. 293 Deadline City A appointment Rehabilitation End Date: Nb. of HOUSE FORAssistant SALE is Own Vehicle? the Deadline for re- Centre, 250-632-5566 PREC LandQuest Realty English Springer Spaniels Desk Clerk. Please drop off Call for an PRECchecked, LandQuest Realty 5A Nass St. vet 1st shots, English Springer Spaniels sumes , with a covering letrequired in Kitimat to provide mat. Attention: Louise Avery, 250.632.4511 3300 sq ft, 4 bedroom, 2.5 sumes , with a covering letBorrow Up To $25,000 Corp. 604-664-7633. CKC Reg. Puppies resume at the Chalet Motel Corp. 604-664-7633. Well maintained, updated, guaranteed. Home raised, community rehabilitation ter,isemail is Monday, 26Reg.atPuppies or to: 2007 Suzuki Burgman bathroom house on 7.4 ter, Monday, May 26 at May CKC w w w . l afront nKitimat d qdesk. u efors Sale t . c o No Credit Checks! Kitimat House for services. w w w well . l a lines, n dsocialized. q u e tails s t . c o docked, m approx. 1,400 sq ft, Sale 3 bdrm House Champ lines, docked, 4pm. 293Centre, City Kiti-tails PO #: Champ 650cc Executive. Cherry HOUSE FOR SALE acres, minutes east ofa 4pm. 293 City Kiti- Centre, SALE Cash same day, St. local office. You must3have graduated from 5 Nass vet checked, 1st $1,200. shots,HOUSE house with large family rm. Ready May 30. 5 Nass St. vet Avery, checked, 1st shots, mat. Attention: Full job description available Like newkitchen condition. 3300 sqLake. ft,Rehabilitation 4Red. bedroom, 2.5 Burns Large mat. Attention: Louise Avery,Louise recognized Assist3300 sq ft, 4 bedroom, 2.5 Well maintained, guaranteed. Home raised, Covered deck and updated, garden The Lemare Group is acceptupdated, guaranteed. Home raised, oremail email to: the $7,900 Estate Sale. bathroom house on 7.4 ant and have interest withprogram 2 islands and Jenn-Air orat to: Museum. bathroom houseingon resumes 7.4 Well maintained, 1-800-514-9399 approx. 1,400 sq ft, 3 bdrm well socialized. shed. $285,000 obo. (250) 392-1440 for the following Publications:May 30. $1,200. well socialized. in community brain injuryeast rehabiliReasonable offers considacres, 3stove. minutes of cooktop French doors east of approx. 1,400 sq ft, 3 bdrm house with large family rm. 250-632-5566 Williams Lake acres, 3 minutespositions: tation. are competent in with large family rm. Newly renovated, Ready MayRE30. $1,200. Ready Full job description available ered. Burns Lake. Large kitchen two You bdrm leading to deck. Sunken livFull job description availablePERSON MAINTENANCE Burns Lake. Large kitchen ed house Covered deck and garden • Certifi Hand deck Fallers using Microsoft Word and Excel, Covered and garden at the Museum. 250-632-6263 with 2 as islands and Jenn-Air trailer available for two workQUIRED. ing room and family room at the Museum.This is a fulltime, permawith 2 islands and Jenn-Air as well have excellent verbal shed. $285,000 (250) 392-1440 • Office Highway Logging Paid Amount: Visa IN obo. shed. $285,000 obo. (250) 392-1440 nent position starting immediately at cooktop stove. French doors ing men. Fully in- communication withfurnished, fireplace and Balance: sliding and written skills doorsDrivers THE Truck 250-632-5566 Williams Lake cooktop stove. French our post mill and PERSON treating plant in 250-632-5566 Williams Lake leading Sunken cludes utilities and cable telein English. Adeck. reliable vehicle to doors toto deck. Maple and livtile MAINTENANCE RECRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t leading to deck. •Sunken MAINTENANCE PERSON RE- have a miniLogliv-Loader Operator Princeton, BC. Must transport client, BC 30’x40’ driver’s QUIRED. This ispermaa fulltime, permaroom andvalid family room includes weekly floors throughout. let it blockINemployment, travel, QUIRED. This a fulltime, ing room and family room Yarder Operators vision. Alsoing • Grapple mum of is10 years maintenance exlicence, ficar rst aid certifi cate and nent position starting at IN with fi2replace and attached sliding housekeeping. Total Price: Taxes: shop,$3,000/mo. garage nent position starting immediately at immediately education,THE professional, certifiwith fireplace and sliding Boat Operator perience on a and variety of production • Boom criminal record check are THE ourpostpost mill treating plant in our mill and treating plant in doors to deck. Maple and tile $1,500 damage Callthis position. to deposit. the for house. Paved drivecation, adoption property renand mobileBC. equipment,have witha strong doors to deck. Maple and tile • Chasers required Princeton, miniPrinceton, inBC. welding, Must have aMust minifl oors throughout. 30’x40’ Joy for more information: skills hydraulics and baway. Minutes from world tal opportunities. For peace of This is a part time position. floors throughout.• Hooktenders 30’x40’ mum years ex-maintenance exmum ofelectrical 10ofyears10maintenance sic Experience in a shop, car garage attached 250-639-9533 class 2mountain biking trails, mind & a free consultation call perience on ofawork. variety of production shop, 2 car garage attachedLoaders-Buckermen • 2nd perienceenvironment on a variety production mill preferred. Must be Email resume and cover letter to: to the house. incredible lakesPaved and drivethe andmobile mobile equipment, strong 1-800-347-2540. to the house. Paved drive- Duty Mechanics • Heavy and equipment, with astrongvarietywith able to handle ofand tasks, skills in welding, baway. Minutes outdoor from world most beautiful recskills in welding, andhydraulics baFulltime camp with union way. Minutes from world work well hydraulics withwork. minimum supervision FREE HEAT AND sicelectrical electrical Experience in a class mountain biking trails, reation area. Asking sic work. Experience in a rates/benefi ts. Please send reclass mountain biking trails, A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY and be part of thepreferred. team. Benefi ts be inmill environment HOT WATER mill environment preferred. Must be healthMust incredible lakesCalland the $345,000 obo. or text clude wage, fax to 250-956-4888 incredible lakes sumes and the31byDolly STORAGE CONTAINERS Varden St. ableto handle toexcellent handle atasks,variety of spendtasks, able a variety of For Rent most beautiful outdoor recing account and profisupervision t sharing. 250-692-0825/250-692-0506 or email Bachelor and 2 bedroom rec- to: Cablecar Used 20’40’45’ 53’ most beautiful outdoor work withsupervision minimum FREE1HEAT AND work well well withsubmit minimum 3 bdrm bungalow in Kitimat. FREE HEAT AND Please resumes by fax 250reation area. Asking A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY andbe part be ofpart of thets team. in- DRY and reation insulated containers all area. 5 Asking bdrm, 2.5 bath on 1 acre ofNewly renovated, includes 4 A-Benefi STEELtsSHIPPING and the team. in- mcmike@xplorAPARTMENTS HOT WATER 295-7912 or Benefi email $345,000 obo. Call or text HOT WATER clude excellent wage, health spendSTORAGE CONTAINERS $345,000 obo. Callvery orWonderful text31 private sizes in stock. Dolly Varden St. clude excellentPlease wage, healthvisit spend- our STORAGE Opportunity 2006 24’ Okanagan Trailer landscaped CONTAINERS Largest, Brightest Suites website at 31 Dolly Varden St. appliances. Avail. June 1. ing account account t sharing. Bachelor 1 and 2 bedroom UsedCablecar 20’40’45’ 53’ 250-692-0825/250-692-0506 ing and profit and sharing.forprofi SPECIAL Cablecar in a busy restaurant. PUREBRED KATAHDIN Shiny Hardwood Floors Excellent condition. Many exBachelor 1 and property. 2,600 sq2 bedroom ft. Maple$2,200/mo.250-692-0825/250-692-0506 further inforPlease submit by Used fax 20’40’45’ 250- 53’ and insulated Please submiton resumes byresumes fax 250- and containers all Unfurnished & Furnished Trades are welcome. mation the company. Sheep, lambs, adult ewes, 5 bdrm, 2.5 bath on 1 acre of tras. 250-632-7251 hardwood fl ooring, tile and insulated containers all APARTMENTS 5 bdrm, 2.5 bath on 1 acre of 295-7912 email mcmike@xplorRosario’s 250-631-7608 APARTMENTS 295-7912 or emailormcmike@xplorDaily - Weekly - Monthly sizes stock.$2500! 40’ very Containers under also Largest, mixed breeds. (250) 695very landscaped Brightest Suites laminateprivate throughout. sizes in stock. visit at our at private inlandscaped Largest, Brightest Suites The PleasePlease visit ourRIVER website POWELL andwebsite Region ABSOLUTELY NO PARTIERS Restaurant SPECIAL 6980 Shiny Hardwood Floors Also JD2,600 544sq &644 property. sq Floors ft. kitchen Maple further SPECIAL inforcharming 2,600 updated Shiny Hardwood property. ft. Maplewheel for further infor-for Society Transition is House for Rent INCLUDES HEAT! has oak openings for Unfurnished & Furnished Trades areJD welcome. mation the House company. Loaders hardwood flooring, tile block and Unfurnished & Furnished has solid butcher are welcome. mation on theon company. hardwood flooring, tile 892D and posting for a Trades full-time Daily - Weekly - Monthly Kitimat 5 bdrm executive full time/part time 40’ Containers under $2500! LC excavator Daily Weekly Monthly GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad laminate throughout. The counters and gas range. OCEANVIEW APTS 40’ Containers under $2500! laminate throughout. The POWELL RIVER and Region ABSOLUTELY NO PARTIERS “Stopping the Violence CounCOOKS, SERVERS anden-home. Twocredit? full suites. FurPOWELL RIVER and Region ABSOLUTELY NO PARTIERS Also 544 &644 TollJD free 1-866-528-7108 Bills? Unemployed? charming updated Master bdrm with 2 kitchen pc Also JD 544job &644 (250)632-2822 Kitimat updated kitchenwheel Transition House Society is wheel Ph charming sellor.â€? ForSociety a iscomplete INCLUDES HEAT! DISHWASHERS. nished Need or unfurnished. Transition House Loaders JDand 892D INCLUDES HEAT! Money? We Lend! If you Delivery BC AB has solid oak butcher block suite and walk-in closet. Loaders JD 892D MISSING from 126 Baxter Str, has solid oak butcher block postingfor please a full-time posting, Julie at and included your or not. own home - you posting a forfull-timeemail LCandexcavator counters and gasAPTS range. OCEANVIEW APTS Main Days bathOCEANVIEW hasEvenings. his/her sinksUtilities own excavator Kitimat. Black cat with a spot counters gas range. “Stopping the CounViolence No experience necessary Available June 1. Please “Stopping the Violence KITIMAT APTS Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Master bdrm with 2 pc enand a luxurious air jet soaker Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 of (250)632-2822 white on chest Kitimat and belly. bdrm with 2 pc ensellor.â€? job (250)632-2822 HOT Master TUB (SPA) as we train.Kitimat and number at sellor.â€? For aFor completea jobcomplete Delivery BC andCOVERS. AB Corp. Member BBB. 1-877suite and walk-in tub. The enormous 2closet. bed-leave name Delivery Neutered, declawed, BEST VALUEsmaller suite and walk-in posting, Julie BCatand AB Best price. Best closet. quality. All Please email Sujitra’s & Seams 250-639-0356 posting, please please emailSuds Julie atemail 987-1420. Main bath has his/her sinks rooms and family room on than average cats. Reward ofMain bath has his/her sinks • Starting at $725 shapes & colours available. Kitimat KITIMAT APTS KITIMAT APTS and alower luxurious jet soaker the levelair a 3 fered for safe return. No collar andTUB a luxurious(SPA) air jet soakerCOVERS. HOT • Balconies 1-866-652-6837 or bring resume tohosts Rosario’s has a position available a COVERS. HOT TUBfor(SPA) KITIMAT tub. The enormous 2 bedon at time of missing. Please piece bath with radiant fl oor BESTEntrances VALUE The enormous IF YOU own a home or real Best2 bedquality. All VALUE • Security in BEST Kitimat. 32’ FIBERGLASS Sujitra’s Suds &Best Seams full-time part-time price. Best quality.Best All tub.price. Sujitra’s Sudsor& Seams for Sale/Rent rooms and family room on Houseestate, contact at at 250-639-9769 heating and acalls walk-in showrooms&and family room on available. •• Starting $725 Alpine Credits can shapes colours Cameras for your safety or No phone please newspaper? FERRELL BOATlend Kitimat shapes & colours available. •easily Starting at $725 Sewing/Repairs/ Kitimat 63 Chilko St. 3 bdr, 1 bath the lower level hosts a 3 email er that fi ts two. Inthe lower level hosts a 3 • Balconies you money: It’s That Simple. 1-866-652-6837 Now includes basic New 370hp John Deere 8.1L has aAlterations position for a • Balconies 1-866-652-6837 39 Hallman St. Kitimat has a position available for available a person in excellent neighbourhood. piece with radiant oor KILL piece BED their eggs! cludesbath a• 20x24 double flgarYour Credit / Age Income is bath bugs with radiant& floor • Security cable Entrances Diesel, /updated 1500hrs on engine. full-time or part-time Entrances (Work from home is an opLarge beautifully 4 full-time or part-time has an a bigissue. fenced heating andSecurity astorage walk-in showBuy heating Harris Bed showBug Killer age, large shed,This housenot 1.800.587.2161. and a walk-in • Cameras for your safety newspaper? Trolling valve, Bow Thruster, Sewing/Repairs/ Visit our Website • Cameras for your safety tion). newspaper? Sewing/Repairs/ including two two level home, has er that easily fits two. In-backyard, bdrm, Complete Treatment covered greener that easily fits two. In- Program • Now includes basic 3Irental Stage Alterations •RV Now parking, includes basic Also looking part-time 39 Mpotential Oflower N EHallman Y Pfor R OaVSt. DKitimat E Steering. R . suite. C 2O M Alterations personfor a person beds. KILL BEDaAvailable: bugs their eggs! cludes 20x24 double gar-sheds and 39 Hallman St. Kitimat or Kit. Hardware house, araised vegetable KILL cludes 20x24 double& garcable Deep Credit lines, (Work fromLaundry is BED an bugs op-& their eggs! Phone: 250.632.APTS cable Large beautifully updated 4 $500 Loan and Hydraulic +.home No This 1,200sqft was (Work from home is anhome op- Buy Comes with F/S and W/D. Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer age, largemature storage shed, Large beautifully updated 4and Stores, Buy Online: homedepden trees. ImHarris Bed Bug Killer age, large storage shed, Visit our Website Hydraulic Puller, 3 tion).Attendant/Clothing (2787) bdrm, level home, has Visit our100% Website greenFast, Easy, 100% built in two 1983 and is Trap located tion). (250)279-8888 Complete covered RV parking, bdrm, two level home, has maculate and move- Call Refused. Complete covered RVTreatment parking, green- Program Radar,subdi2 Radios. Also looking for a part-time Finisher (ironing etc.)Treatment Program potential for aSounders, rental suite. Secure. 1-877-776-1660. on a preferred newer Also looking for a part-time or Kit. Available: Hardware house, vegetable garpotential for a rental suite. raised in-ready! $540,000 or Kit. Available: Hardware house, raised vegetable garPhone: 250.632.APTS Com-Dev Auto Laundry KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Please drop off resume at This 1,200sqft home was Phone: 250.632.APTS 2,100sqft vision. It features a large livLaundry Stores, Buymature Online: denwasand250-632-4985 mature trees. ImThis 1,200sqft home Stores, Buy Online: homedeptrees. Im-homedep(2787) Spare 8’ Dinghy. Attendant/Clothing Roachden and Tablets. Eliminate 172 Nechako Centre built in 1983 and is Prop. located ing rm w/firePilot, place, dining Attendant/Clothing and (2787) 100% movein 1983 and maculate is located and 100% move-No built Can be seen at rm. Finisher etc.) bugs-maculate guaranteed. mess, during on preferred subdirm, a family rm, newer laundry Finisher (ironingbusiness etc.)(ironinghours. in-ready! $540,000 on a preferred newer subdiin-ready! $540,000long Buy lasting. KILL ROACHES! Harris MK Bay Marina. Please drop off resume at odorless, Phone: 250-639-1670 vision. large livKILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Master It features bdrm a w/ensuite. Please drop off resume at 5 BDRM HOME IN vision. It features a large liv- 250-632-4985 Roach Tablets. Eliminate $65,000.dining 172 Nechako Centre Available 250-632-4985 at Ace Hardware ing w/fi re place, w/fire Roach Tablets. Eliminate Largerm fenced back yard, 172 Nechako Centre ing rm &w/fire place, dining TELKWA bugsguaranteed. No rm, mess, Contact Warren Poffrm. at a during hours. The Home Depot. rm, family rm, laundry bugsguaranteed. No mess, beautifully landscaped with during business business hours. family rm, laundry rm. We are accepting applicaodorless, long lasting. 250.632-6119 Phone: 250-639-1670 Master bdrm w/ensuite. odorless, long lasting. shed in the back. Two Phone: 250-639-1670 5 BDRM HOME IN FOR SALE Master bdrm w/ensuite. tions for our Purebred Lab5 BDRM HOME IN SAWMILLS FROM only Available at Ace Hardware & Large fenced back yard, Available at Ace Hardware$4,397 & decks, vinyl siding and brick rador Puppies Large fenced back yard, Make money & save KITIMAT(for Sale). 3200 sq ft, 4 bath, TELKWA Older 39 ft Cabin Cruiser. The HomeTELKWA Depot. NURSES, Foot Care Nurses, Care beautifully landscaped with a The Home Depot. exterior. New flooring, lightSire is #2 lab in Canada. beautifully landscaped with a money with your own bandmill Needs back. work kitchens and must be Aides, Home Cleaners - Bayshore includes washer & shed in the Two ing and updated FOR SALE Both parents are Champion shedonly inIn the back. Two SNOW VALLEY FORD IN KITIMAT MIDTOWN FOR SALE -onlyCut lumber anyFROM dimension. Home Health is hiringSAWMILLS casual, onFROM SAWMILLS moved by Gas May 31/14.brick No traildecks, vinyl siding and and washrooms. heat. and Grand Champions. Our fridge & bath, stove, vinyl siding anddryer, brick $4,397 - Make money &decks, save call RNs, LPNs, certified care aides stock ready to ship. Free Info KITIMAT 3200 sq ft, 4 $4,397 Make money & save er. $2,000 obo. 250-632-7958 KITIMAT NURSES, Foot Care Nurses, Care 3200 sq ft, 4 bath, has an opening for the position of exterior. New flflooring, ooring, lightNURSES,experienced Foot Care Nurses, Care All appliances and window pups have been microAPARTMENTS and cleaners. If your you exterior. New flooring, light- dishwasher money with your own bandmill & DVD: Aides, Home - Bayshore with own bandmill includes washer & Consultant. Aides, Home Cleaners - Cleaners Bayshore money ing and included. updated Ready kitchens includes www.NorwoodSaw washerdimension. & call 1-800dressings to chipped, dew claws are: personable; positive; Sales Free MIDTOWN heat & Free Hotremoved Water ing andIn updated kitchens Home is energetic; hiring casual, MIDTOWN lumberethic; InCut lumber any or Home HealthHealth isan hiringoutstanding casual, on- - Cut hot tub, natural gas, Prince Craft Aluminum and washrooms. Gas heat. possess work move in. Must be seen to be and have first shots. dryer, fridge & stove, Furnishedtheir & Unfurnished washrooms. Gas The heat. successful applicant for this position will be a callRNs,RNs, LPNs, aides ready to &ship. dryer, fridge stove, Freeand Info 566-6899 Ext:400OT. call LPNs, certifi carecertifi aides ed stockcare ready to ship. Free stock Info a passion foredsuperior client service, All appliances and window OFA HIPS Good, OFA ELappreciated. $329,000. Boat 14 Feet. w/ APARTMENTS and experienced cleaners. If you contact 1 & 2 bedrooms All appliances and window & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw dishwasher APARTMENTSenergetic dressings and experienced cleaners. vehicle, If you & pls www.NorwoodSaw and a reliable forward motivated, team player and have dishwasheror callHot1-800included. Ready STEEL BUILDINGS. sav-included. Readyhighly are:personable; personable; energetic;DVD: positive; BOWS and& CERF - Normal, 250-632-5254 FreeSecurity heat Free Hot Water Karavan Trailer. to Entrances dressings to 250-845-3315 are: energetic;c/w positive; Free natural heat & Free Hot Water your resume 2 references to or call 1-800hot tub, gas, possess an outstanding work ethic; excellent interpersonal and communication skills. move in. Must be seen to be PRA and EIC Clear $1,000. ings Spring sale! 20x24 hot tub, natural gas, Furnished possess an outstanding work ethic; 20 HP Mercury Jet Engine. 2009 PONTIAC VIBE No Pets. &NoUnfurnished Smoking move in. Must be seen to be 566-6899 Ext:400OT. Onlyservice, those Furnished & Unfurnished 566-6899 Ext:400OT. passion forclient superior client appreciated. $329,000. $4,348. 25x24 30x30 $329,000. Comecontact aapassion for superior and join the fastest growing automotive 1780-881-4722 & 2 bedrooms Mint Condition. Approx. shortlisted will beservice, contacted. appreciated. contact $4,539. 1 & 2 bedrooms excellent condition, 60,000 and a reliable pls forward 250.632.7179 and a reliable vehicle, pls vehicle, forward STEEL STEEL BUILDINGS. Hot40x46 savKitimat 250-632-5254 $6,197. 32x36 $7,746. Security Entrances BUILDINGS. Hot sav60hrs. Never seen salt 250-632-5254 team in the Northwest. KITIMAT HOME FOR SALE kms, fully loaded with a set 250-845-3315 Security Entrances yourresume resume c/w to2 references to your c/w 2 references ings - 250-845-3315 Spring sale! 20x24 $12,116. 47x72 $17,779. One No Pets. No Smoking - Spring Only thosesale! 20x24 4 bdrm Executive in bring quiet your resume to water. Covered storage. No Pets.Please No Smoking Only those ings $4,348. $4,539. 30x30 tires. Manual, end wall 25x24 included. Call Pioneer shortlisted will be contacted. $4,348. 25x24 $4,539. 30x30 $5000 OBO. Can send neighbourhood. Legal suiteof winter shortlisted will be contacted. 250.632.7179 405 Enterprise Ave. in Kitimat. 250.632.7179 $6,197. 32x36 $7,746. or40x46 Steel 1-800-668-5422 on$6,197. 32x36 $7,746. 40x46 photo’s. (1)-250-989-6833 HOME FORcarport, SALE front wheel drive. $9800 inKITIMAT basement. Double KITIMAT47x72 HOME FOR$17,779. SALE RADIUM Technologies $12,116. Inc. is One line: Ask for Todd Bellamy. 47x72cur$17,779. $12,116. One 4 bdrm Executive in quiet new windows, new roof, newCall (250) 251-4500 or 4 bdrmincluded. Executive in Call quiet Pioneer rently looking for: PIPEFITTER’S end wall end wall included. Call Pioneer neighbourhood. suite gas furnace, newLegal hot water Camp work 14/7 rotation. In Grande neighbourhood. Legal suite or on1-800-668-5422 Steelresume 1-800-668-5422 or Steel on- in basement. in basement. Doubleline, carport, tank, new water new (250) 698-7533 Cache, Alberta. Fax your to Double carport, RADIUM Technologies Inc. is curline: RADIUM Technologies Inc. is curline: 780-567-3789 or for: emailPIPEFITTER’S new windows, roof, new perimeter, newnewdeck. Two new windows, new roof, new rently rently lookinglooking for: PIPEFITTER’S gas furnace, new hot water storage sheds. Call for more Camp 14/7 rotation. In Grande gas furnace, hot water BUYING Coinnew Collections, Camp work work 14/7 rotation. In Grande tank, new water line, new Cache, Alberta. Fax your resume to information tank, Antiques, new water line,Native new Art, Cache, Alberta. Fax your resume to Estates, 780-567-3789 perimeter, new deck. Two 250-632-4616 780-567-3789 or email or email new 778-281-0030 deck. Two Silver,perimeter, Jewelry storage sheds. Call for more BUYING Coin Collections, storage sheds. Call for more BUYING Coin Collections, information Land Act: Antiques, Native Art, information Estates, Antiques, Native Art,Estates, 250-632-4616 778-281-0030 250-632-4616 Silver, Jewelry 778-281-0030Silver, Jewelry Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of

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Land Act: Land Act: DROWNING IN debt? Cut 7DNH QRWLFH WKDW International Forest for Products Ltd IURP Campbell Notice of Intention a Disposition of River, debts more than 60% & debt Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Notice of Intention to Apply for a Dispositionto of Apply BC KDYH DSSOLHG WR WKH 0LQLVWU\ RI )RUHVWV /DQGV DQG 1DWXUDO 5HVRXUFH free in half the time! Avoid Crown Land 2SHUDWLRQV )/152 6PLWKHUV IRU WKH IROORZLQJ Crown Land Crown Land DROWNING IN debt? Cut bankruptcy! Free DROWNING IN debt? Cut Consultation. 7DNH QRWLFH WKDW International 7DNH QRWLFH WKDW International Forest Products Ltd IURP Campbell River, Take notice that International Forest Products Ltd from Campbell River,Forest Products Ltd IURP Campbell River, debts or debts moremore than 60%than & debt 60% & debt BC KDYH DSSOLHG WR WKH 0LQLVWU\ RI )RUHVWV /DQGV DQG 1DWXUDO 5HVRXUFH required at the Kitimat Northern Sentinel ƒ to the /DQG $FW DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU D Licence of Occupation IRU Industrial purposes BC KDYH DSSOLHG WR WKH 0LQLVWU\ RI )RUHVWV /DQGV DQG 1DWXUDO 5HVRXUFH Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource free in half the time! Avoid Toll BBB OR TH BC, have applied2SHUDWLRQV )/152 6PLWKHUV IRU WKH IROORZLQJ free in Free half the 1-877-556-3500 time! Avoid F VLWXDWHG RQ 3URYLQFLDO &URZQ /DQG FRYHULQJ ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN PART-TIME (14-16 hrs/wk) 2SHUDWLRQV )/152 6PLWKHUV IRU WKH IROORZLQJ Operations (FLNRO), Smithers, for the following: e to: bankruptcy! Free Consultation.PART-TIME (14-16 Rated hrs/wk) bankruptcy!A+ Free Consultation. Duties: m u s re OF GRENVILLE CHANNEL, or with BEING PART OF THEofBED n/DQG $FW DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU D Licence oƒ FORESHORE orTRACK! Bad rs e p required at the Kitimat Northern Sentinel purposes Occupation IRU Industrial GET BACK ON • Receive and record fl yer distribution in WRIGHT SOUND, AND CRIDGE PASSAGE, ALL RANGE 4 COAST required for a Licence ƒ /DQG $FW DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU D Licence of Occupation IRU Industrial purposes l for Industrial purposes TollFreeFree 1-877-556-3500 BBB at the Kitimat Northern Sentinel nofeOccupation Apply ƒ Land Act application Toll 1-877-556-3500 BBB ntiCONTAINING SeLand credit? THAT CROWN rnCrown E4.HECTARES, DISTRICT, MORE ORUNSURVEYED LESS, )DUUDQW ,VODQG heVLWXDWHG RQ 3URYLQFLDO &URZQ /DQG FRYHULQJ ALL 213.6 THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN situated covering ALLCTHAT UNSURVEYED CROWN Rated A+ Bills? Unemployed? rton Provincial • Collate and strapVLWXDWHG RQ 3URYLQFLDO &URZQ /DQG FRYHULQJ ALL newspapers C o 8 N Duties: V Rated A+ B Duties: t,BEING Need Money? We Lend! If you FORESHORE PART OFAND THE BED OF GRENVILLE CHANNEL, 7KH /DQGV ILOH QXPEHU WKDW KDV EHHQ HVWDEOLVKHG IRU WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ LV FORESHORE BEING PART OF THE BED OF GRENVILLE CHANNEL, FORESHORE BEING OF DOUGLAS CHANNEL KitOFimTHEaBEDS . PART e v A Fill drop boxes located around town e GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad • Receive and record fl yer distribution s own your own home you WRIGHT SOUND, AND CRIDGE PASSAGE, ALL RANGE 4 COAST ri GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad • Receive and record flyer distribution RANGE 4 COAST DISTRICT, CONTAINING 18.05 WRIGHT SOUND, AND CRIDGE PASSAGE, ALL RANGE 4 COAST 26 EnterpVERNEY PASSAGE, 6 credit?Bills? Pioneer Bills? qualify. Acceptance DISTRICT, CONTAINING HECTARES, MORE OR LESS, )DUUDQW ,VODQG Provideand clerical credit? Unemployed? Unemployed? ƒ /DQG $FW DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU D Licence strapsupport. newspapers DISTRICT, CONTAINING 13.6 HECTARES, MORE OR LESS, )DUUDQW ,VODQG HECTARES, MORE OR LESS, Hawkesbury Island. The Lands13.6 file number that of Occupation IRU Commercial purposes • Collate and strap newspapers • Collate Need Money? Corp. Member 7KH /DQGV ILOH QXPEHU WKDW KDV EHHQ HVWDEOLVKHG IRU WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ LV Need Money? We Lend! BBB. IfWe you Lend! If you VLWXDWHG RQ 3URYLQFLDO &URZQ /DQG FRYHULQJ ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN 7KH /DQGV ILOH QXPEHU WKDW KDV EHHQ HVWDEOLVKHG IRU WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ LV has been established for this application is 6408694. Heavy lifting is required. • Fill drop boxes located around town own your own home you • Fill drop boxes located around town 1-877-987-1420 own your own home - you ern FORESHORE BEING PART OF THE BED OF UNION PASSAGE, RANGE 4 rth No Computer and orginizational skills are an asset qualify. Pioneer Acceptance • Provide clerical support. ƒ /DQG $FW DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU D Licence of HECTARES, Occupation IRU Commercial purposes qualify. Pioneer Acceptance • Provide clerical support. COAST DISTRICT, 5.28 MORE OR LESS, )DUUDQW for Commercial purposes ƒ /DQG $FW DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU D Licence of Occupation IRU Commercial purposes ƒ Land Act application for a Licence of OccupationCONTAINING Corp. Member BBB. Corp. Member BBB. VLWXDWHG RQ 3URYLQFLDO &URZQ /DQG FRYHULQJ ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN Hours: lifting Tues. &is Wed. 9am to 1pm ,VODQG 7KH /DQGV ILOH QXPEHU WKDW KDV EHHQ HVWDEOLVKHG IRU WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ LV Heavy required. VLWXDWHG RQ 3URYLQFLDO &URZQ /DQG FRYHULQJ ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN situated on Provincial Crown Land covering ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN IF YOU own a home Heavy or real lifting is required. 1-877-987-1420 1-877-987-1420 FORESHORE BEING PART OF THE BED OF UNION PASSAGE, RANGE 4 FORESHORE BEING PART OF THEare BED OFan UNIONasset PASSAGE, RANGE 4 FORESHORE BEING PART OF THE BEDS OF KISKOSH INLET AND estate, Alpine Credits can lend until finished and3:15pm orginizational skills and orginizational skillsComputer are an assetThurs. you really COAST DISTRICT, Got COAST DISTRICT, CONTAINING 5.28 HECTARES, MORE OR LESS, )DUUDQW VERNEY PASSAGE, RANGEsomething 4 COAST DISTRICT,CONTAINING CONTAINING 14.32 5.28 HECTARES, MORE OR LESS, )DUUDQW money: It’s That Computer Simple. 9amoff to 1pm ,VODQG 7KH /DQGV ILOH QXPEHU WKDW KDV EHHQ HVWDEOLVKHG IRU WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ LV sell?Island. Put Hours: Wed. 9am to 1pm Hours: Tues. & Wed. IF YOU arealhome or real want Your Credit / Income HECTARES, MORE OR :ULWWHQ FRPPHQWV FRQFHUQLQJ WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ VKRXOG EH GLUHFWHG WR WKH LESS,to Hawkesbury The it Landsinfile front number that ,VODQG 7KH /DQGV ILOH QXPEHU WKDW KDV EHHQ HVWDEOLVKHG IRU WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ LV Drop resumĂŠ at: IF YOU own a own home/ orAge estate, Alpine Credits can lend &RDVW 0RXQWDLQV /DQG 2IILFHU )/152 DW 6XLWH Âą .HLWK $YH 7HUUDFH of forthe faces of hundreds of Thurs. 3:15pm not an 1.800.587.2161. until finished has been established this application is 6408695. estate, Alpineissue. Credits can lend Thurs. 3:15pm until finished Northern Sentinel youmoney: money: It’s That Simple. %& 9 * / &RPPHQWV ZLOO EH UHFHLYHG E\ )/152 XS WR June 26, 2014 readers in the Classifieds. you It’s That Simple. UNFILED TAX returns? Unre )/152 PD\ QRW EH DEOH WR FRQVLGHU FRPPHQWV UHFHLYHG DIWHU WKLV GDWH 3OHDVH :ULWWHQ FRPPHQWV FRQFHUQLQJ WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ VKRXOG EH GLUHFWHG WR WKH Your / Age / Income is Drop off resumĂŠ at:BC V8C 2E4 :ULWWHQ FRPPHQWV FRQFHUQLQJ WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ VKRXOG EH GLUHFWHG WR WKH Written comments concerning this application should beyour directed toad! the Your CreditCredit / income? Age / Income is Avoid Call today to place Ave., Kitimat, ported prose- Drop off resumĂŠ at:626 Enterprise &RDVW 0RXQWDLQV /DQG 2IILFHU )/152 DW 6XLWH Âą .HLWK $YH 7HUUDFH not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. IRU YLVLW WKH ZHEVLWH DW KWWS ZZZ DUIG JRY EF FD $SSOLFDWLRQ3RVWLQJ LQGH[ MVS &RDVW 0RXQWDLQV /DQG 2IILFHU )/152 DW 6XLWH Âą .HLWK $YH 7HUUDFH Coast Mountains Land Officer, FLNRO, at Suite 200 – 5220 Keith Ave. Terrace, not an issue.and 1.800.587.2161. cution penalties. Call a tax Northern Sentinel Northern Sentinel %& 9 * / &RPPHQWV ZLOO EH UHFHLYHG E\ )/152 XS WR June 26, 2014 PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ %& 9 * / &RPPHQWV ZLOO EH UHFHLYHG E\ )/152 XS WR June+ No 26, 2014 BC V8G 1L1. Comments will be received by FLNRO up to June 28, 2014. Collecting! UNFILED TAX returns? Unreattorney first!Unre855-668-8089 UNFILED TAX returns? be able%H DGYLVHG WKDW DQ\ UHVSRQVH WR WKLV DGYHUWLVHPHQW ZLOO EH FRQVLGHUHG SDUW RI )/152 PD\ QRW EH DEOH WR FRQVLGHU FRPPHQWV UHFHLYHG DIWHU WKLV GDWH 3OHDVH FLNRO may not)/152 PD\ QRW EH DEOH WR FRQVLGHU FRPPHQWV UHFHLYHG DIWHU WKLV GDWH 3OHDVH to consider comments received after this date. Please Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 Deposit ported income? (Mon-Fri 9-6 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, 626 BC V8C Enterprise 2E4 + Direct Pay! ported income? AvoidET) prose- Avoid proseIRU WKH SXEOLF UHFRUG )RU LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDFW WKH )UHHGRP RI ,QIRUPDWLRQ $GYLVRU DW for YLVLW WKH ZHEVLWH DW KWWS ZZZ DUIG JRY EF FD $SSOLFDWLRQ3RVWLQJ LQGH[ MVS IRU visit the websiteYLVLW WKH ZHEVLWH DW KWWS ZZZ DUIG JRY EF FD $SSOLFDWLRQ3RVWLQJ LQGH[ MVS at Northern cution and penalties. Call a tax cution and penalties. Call a tax PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ + W ednesday & Friday Deliveries. PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ more information.0LQLVWU\ RI )RUHVWV /DQGV DQG 1DWXUDO 5HVRXUFH 2SHUDWLRQVÂś 2IILFH LQ 6PLWKHUV attorney fi rst! 855-668-8089 attorney first! 855-668-8089 classifieds %H DGYLVHG WKDW DQ\ UHVSRQVH WR WKLV DGYHUWLVHPHQW ZLOO EH FRQVLGHUHG SDUW RI %H DGYLVHG WKDW DQ\ UHVSRQVH WR WKLV DGYHUWLVHPHQW ZLOO EH FRQVLGHUHG SDUW RI Be advised that response to this advertisement will be considered part of (Mon-Fri (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)9-6 ET) WKH SXEOLF UHFRUG )RU LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDFW WKH )UHHGRP RI ,QIRUPDWLRQ $GYLVRU DW the public record.WKH SXEOLF UHFRUG )RU LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDFW WKH )UHHGRP RI ,QIRUPDWLRQ $GYLVRU DW For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at 0LQLVWU\ RI )RUHVWV /DQGV DQG 1DWXUDO 5HVRXUFH 2SHUDWLRQVÂś 2IILFH LQ 6PLWKHUV 626 Ave.,Office Kitimat 0LQLVWU\ RI )RUHVWV /DQGV DQG 1DWXUDO 5HVRXUFH 2SHUDWLRQVÂś 2IILFH LQ 6PLWKHUV Available Ministry of Forests, LandsEnterprise and Natural Resource Operations’ in Smithers. Routes in Kitimat K








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For Sale By Owner

•• Downtown location Some furnished suitesEquipHUGE Burnaby Restaurant

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2007 Suzuki Burgman 650cc Executive. Cherry Red. Like new condition. 2007 Suzuki Burgman $7,900 obo. Estate Sale. 650cc Executive. Cherry Reasonable offers considRed. ered. Like new condition. $7,900 obo.Home Estate Sale. 250-632-6263 Executive for Sale Reasonable on preferredoffers street.considFour ered. bedroom, 2.5 bath. New windows, 250-632-6263 siding, roof, doors, marble tiling and rear and front facing decks. Large private fenced backyard, 3 patios, newly paved driveway with RV parking. 17 Deville Cres. Kitimat Asking $364,000 250-639-9643

2 Misc for Rent Newly Heavy renovated,Duty two bdrm trailerMisc available two workforforRent Machinery ing men. Fully furnished, in-


Newly renovated, bdrm cludes utilities and two cable teleA-STEEL SHIPPING DRY trailer available for two weekly workvision. Also CONTAINERS includes STORAGE ing men.20’40’45’53 Fully furnished, housekeeping. $3,000/mo. Used in stock.includes anddeposit. cable tele$1,500 utilities damage Call SPECIAL vision. includes Shop weekly Joy for 44’more xAlso 40’ information: Container housekeeping. $3,000/mo. 250-639-9533 w/steel trusses $13,800! $1,500Sets damage deposit. up in one day! Call Joy40’ forContainers more information: under $2500! 250-639-9533 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders ForLC Rent JD 892D Excavator 3 bdrm in Kitimat. Ph. bungalow 1-866-528-7108 NewlyDelivery renovated, includes BC and AB 4 ForAvail. Rent June 1. appliances. 3$2,200/mo. bdrm bungalow in Kitimat. Newly renovated, includes 4 250-631-7608 appliances. Avail. June 1. $2,200/mo. House Rent AT LAST! Anfor iron filter that 250-631-7608 KitimatIronEater! - 5 bdrmFully executive works. patenthome. Two full suites. Fured Canada/U.S.A. Removes House Rent manganished or forsmell, unfurnished. iron, hardness, Kitimat 5 bdrm executive Utilities included or not. nese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 home. Two inventions; full suites. FurAvailable June 1. Please innovative Phone nished or andunfurnished. leave name 1-800-BIG-IRON. Ornumber online at at: Utilities included or not. 250-639-0356 Available June 1. Please CENTRAL RV.and New and used leave name number at KITIMAT sea containers. Best prices in 250-639-0356 House for Sale/Rent B.C. Can Deliver. 20’ New 63 Chilko - 3 bdr, 1 bath $3800. UsedSt.$2800. Other sizKITIMAT in available excellent neighbourhood. es call for pricing. House for Sale/Rent This house has a big fenced (250)314-9522. 63 Chilko St.including - 3 bdr, 1 bath backyard, two HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. in excellent neighbourhood. sheds and Best flower beds. Best price. quality. This house has and a big fencedAll Comes with W/D. shapes & F/S colours backyard, includingavailable. two Call (250)279-8888 1-866-652-6837 sheds and flower beds. with F/S and W/D. paper? Call (250)279-8888 KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy a Harris Bed Bug Kit, Complete Room Treatment Solution. Odorless, Non-Staining. Available online (NOT IN STORES). STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

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Transportation Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic


excellent condition, 60,000 Misc. Wanted kms, fully loaded with a set 2009 PONTIAC VIBE Local Coin Collector Buying of wintercondition, tires. Manual, excellent 60,000 Collections, Olympic Gold & front Coins wheel drive. $9800 Silver etc 778-281-0030 kms, fully loaded with a set

(250) tires. 251-4500 or ofCall winter Manual, front wheel $9800 (250) drive. 698-7533


FIND24’EVERYTHING YOU 2006 Okanagan Trailer Excellent condition. Many exNEED IN THE CLASSIFIEDS tras. 250-632-7251 2006 24’ Okanagan Trailer Excellent condition. Many extras. 250-632-7251

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20 ACRES FREE! Own 60 acres for 40 acre price/payment $0 Down, $198/mo. Money Back Guarantee, No Credit Checks. Beautiful Views, West Texas. Call 1800-843-7537. 32’ FIBERGLASS FERRELL BOAT New 370hp John Deere 8.1L 32’ FIBERGLASS Diesel, 1500hrs on engine. FERRELL BOAT Trolling valve, Bow Thruster, New 3 370hp Deere28.1L StageJohn Steering. Diesel, 1500hrs onlines, engine. Hydraulic Deep Trolling valve,Trap BowPuller, Thruster, Hydraulic 3 FREE HEAT AND 3 StageRadar, Steering. 2 Sounders, 2 Radios. HOT WATER Hydraulic Deep lines, Com-Dev Auto Hydraulic 3 Bachelor and 2Puller, bedroom Pilot, Spare1 Trap Prop. 8’ Dinghy. Sounders, Radios. Can Radar, be seen2 at APARTMENTS Com-Dev Auto MK Bay Marina. Largest, Brightest Suites Pilot,Shiny Spare Prop. 8’Floors Dinghy. Hardwood $65,000. Unfurnished & Furnished Can be seen at at Contact Warren Poff Daily Weekly Monthly MK Bay Marina. 250.632-6119 ABSOLUTELY NO PARTIERS $65,000. HEAT! OlderContact 39INCLUDES ftWarren Cabin PoffCruiser. at Needs work and APTS must be 250.632-6119 OCEANVIEW moved by May 31/14. No trail(250)632-2822 Kitimat Older 39 obo. ft Cabin Cruiser. er. $2,000 250-632-7958 Needs work and must be KITIMAT APTS moved by Craft May 31/14. No trailPrince Aluminum er. $2,000 obo. 250-632-7958 BEST Boat - 14VALUE Feet. w/ • Starting at $600 Karavan Trailer. •Prince Craft Aluminum 20 Balconies HP Mercury Jet Engine. • Mint Security Entrances Boat - 14 Feet. w/ Condition. Approx. • 60hrs. Cameras for your Karavan NeverTrailer. seensafety salt • 20 Now includes basic HP Mercury Jet Engine. water. Covered storage. cable Mint Condition. Approx. $5000 OBO. Can send Visit our Website 60hrs. (1)-250-989-6833 Never seen salt photo’s. water. Covered storage. Phone:OBO. 250.632.APTS $5000 Can send (2787) photo’s. (1)-250-989-6833

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ER P A P S EW Help Wanted HelpN Wanted Services RS Services Financial Services E F F U ST Help Wanted Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Financial D ONS. Financial ServicesServices MAILROOM Help CLERK E D E E O PART-TIME (14-16 hrs/wk) N AFTERN MAILROOM CLERK MAILROOM CLERK URSDAY Services

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250-632-6144 + Nalabila Townhouses, Duncan, Anderson (100) + Okanagan, Omenica (100) + Eagle, Egret, Drake (60) + Liard, Lillooet, Nadina, Ochwe, Nass (100) + Moore (42)

Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Land CrownAct: Land Take notice that International Forestfor Products Ltd from Campbell Notice of Intention to Apply a Disposition of River, BC, have applied to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Crown OperationsLand (FLNRO), Smithers, for the following:

Take notice that International Forest Products Ltd from Campbell River, BC, haveAct applied to the for Ministry of Forests, Lands andfor Natural Resource ƒ Land application a Licence of Occupation Industrial purposes Operations for covering the following: situated on (FLNRO), Provincial Smithers, Crown Land ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN FORESHORE BEING PART OF THE BEDS OF DOUGLAS CHANNEL AND ƒVERNEY Land Act applicationRANGE for a Licence of Occupation for Industrial purposes PASSAGE, 4 COAST DISTRICT, CONTAINING 18.05 situated on Provincial Crown Land covering ALL THAT CROWN HECTARES, MORE OR LESS, Hawkesbury Island. TheUNSURVEYED Lands file number that FORESHORE BEING for PART THE BEDS OF DOUGLAS CHANNEL AND has been established this OF application is 6408694. VERNEY PASSAGE, RANGE 4 COAST DISTRICT, CONTAINING 18.05 HECTARES, MORE ORfor LESS, Hawkesbury Island. The Lands file number that ƒ Land Act application a Licence of Occupation for Commercial purposes has beenon established this application is 6408694. situated Provincial for Crown Land covering ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN FORESHORE BEING PART OF THE BEDS OF KISKOSH INLET AND for Commercial purposes ƒVERNEY Land Act applicationRANGE for a Licence of Occupation PASSAGE, 4 COAST DISTRICT, CONTAINING 14.32 situated on Provincial Crown Land covering ALL THAT CROWN HECTARES, MORE OR LESS, Hawkesbury Island. TheUNSURVEYED Lands file number that FORESHORE BEING PART OF THE BEDS OF KISKOSH INLET AND has been established for this application is 6408695. VERNEY PASSAGE, RANGE 4 COAST DISTRICT, CONTAINING 14.32 HECTARES, MORE ORconcerning LESS, Hawkesbury Island.should The Lands file number Written comments this application be directed to thethat has been established this application is Suite 6408695. Coast Mountains LandforOfficer, FLNRO, at 200 – 5220 Keith Ave. Terrace, BC V8G 1L1. Comments will be received by FLNRO up to June 28, 2014. Written application shouldafter be directed the FLNRO may comments not be ableconcerning to considerthis comments received this Please Coast Mountains Officer, FLNRO, at Suite 200 – 5220 Keith Ave. Terrace, for visit the website atLand BC 1L1. Comments will be received by FLNRO up to June 28, 2014. moreV8G information. FLNRO may notthat be able to considertocomments received will after date. Please Be advised any response this advertisement bethis considered part of for at visit the website the public record.atFor information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor more information. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ Office in Smithers. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ Office in Smithers.










650 Re $9,



Call the Northern Sentinel today! Call 250-632-6144, or email K

197 Be con nev ma rec Ma

More info at

12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Sports & Leisure

Kids pedal hard in Riverlodge bike race A crowd of children came to the Riverlodge on May 3 to compete in a bike race challenge. It was a nice day for a race and the children were all keen to burn up the pavement. The results are as follows: Runner Bikes 1st Lauryn Meeds 2nd Louie Quinn 3rd Emma Quinn 12”-14” Wheel Heat 1 1st Hudson Medeiros

2nd Tatianna Bailey 3rd Julian Teves Heat 2 1st Sebastian Edwards 2nd Nolan Cartie 3rd Gavin Goncalves Heat 3 1st Josh Silva 2nd Camilla Rego 3rd Ethan Ferris 16” Wheel Heat 1 1st- Aiden McCormick 2nd William Kaines 3rd Molly Mertin 4th Braxton Sevigny Heat 2 1st Jake Quinn

COMING EVENTS May 30 Come down to the Kitimat Public Library on your day off of school. Lego Creations happen between 10:30 – 11:30 am and Just Dance Wii is from 1:00 – 2:30 pm. For children of all ages. Please register for these fun free activities by calling 250 -632-8985 Ongoing THE KITIMAT Public Market is looking for vendors and performers. Contact Willow at 250-632-9107 for more information. GARDEN beds are available for the Kitimat Community Garden. Call Denise at 250-632-9107 for more information. PICKLE BALL. Every Tuesday and Thursday, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Riverlodge. For those aged 50+. Call the Kitimat Seniors’ Centre at 250632-3475 for further information. KITIMAT FIBRE ARTS GUILD: Interested in knitting, spinning, weaving, or any other fibre? For more information phone Maureen 250-6325444. KITIMAT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS - I have M.S. but M.S.

does not have me. You are not alone, male or female, and the Kitimat M.S. group would

2nd Chanel Hall-Handle 3rd Claire DeMelo 4th Sofie Ferris 5th Preston Rego 20” Wheel Heat 1 1st Raphael Audy-Bilodeau 2nd Evan Watt 3rd Cade Cartie Heat 2 1st Michael Barnard 2nd Connor Young 3rd Mateo Goncalves Heat 3 1st Chad Silva 2nd Cory Mertin 3rd Corbin Hartmann like to be here for you. Total confidentiality. For more information contact Mary at 250639-6016. AGLOW OF KITIMAT - All are welcome

Kitimat Museum & Archives AnnuAl GenerAl MeetinG Kids grab their helmets for a day of fun competition at the Riverlodge. Submitted at our Care Group and Bible Study for men and women, singles or married, Thursday at 7:00 P.M. For information phone Brenda at 250-632-1616.

and Museum Photo Collection Presentation Tuesday, May 27 at 7:00pm

293 City Centre, Kitimat, Upstairs Gallery, Museum Museum Members are eligible to nominate and be nominated to the Board of Directors, and to vote at the Annual General Meeting.

For more information, please contact the Kitimat Museum & Archives at 250-632-8950

NOTICE OF HAISLA NATION COMMUNITY RATIFICATION VOTE Notice is hereby given that the Haisla First Nation has called a Vote in accordance with the Haisla Nation Community Ratification Process on the matter of determining if Registered Voters approve the Haisla Nation Land Code and Individual Agreement. The following question will be asked of the Registered Voters of Haisla Nation by Ballot: “Do you approve the Haisla Nation Land Code dated for reference January 31st, 2014 and the Individual Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada?”


Trade connects us. Trade



Hilton Vancouver Metrotown 6083 McKay Avenue Burnaby, BC

Haisla Nation Administration Office 500 Gitxsan Avenue Kitamaat, BC

Copies of the Background Documents, the Ratification Documents and Ratification Process may be obtained from Whitney Lukuku, the Lands and Resources Manager, at the Haisla Nation Administration Office, 500 Gitxsan Avenue, Kitamaat, BC - Telephone 250-639-9361. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all Members of Haisla Nation, 18 years of age and older as of the date of the Ratification Vote are eligible to vote, PROVIDED THAT SUCH MEMBERS MUST COMPLETE A VOTER REGISTRATION DOCUMENT TO BE PLACED ON THE LIST OF REGISTERED VOTERS. Voter registration documents will be sent to all Eligible Voters whose address is on record with the Haisla Nation. VOTER REGISTRATION documents are also available from Lawrence Lewis, Ratification Officer at the website and contact information appearing below. Please Note: Any Registered Voter may vote by Mail-in Ballot. If an Eligible Voter has not received a Voter Registration Document by May 29th, 2014 please contact Lawrence Lewis, Ratification Officer so that the necessary form can be provided to you. Eligible voters may also obtain a Voter Registration Document at the Vote locations as indicated above. Dated at Victoria, Province of British Columbia this 27th day of March, 2014.


Farming Families like Greg, Mélise, Maya and Megan in Sexsmith, Alberta depend on the Port Of Prince Rupert. Our gateway connects their agricultural products to overseas markets, which means jobs and prosperity for people in Farming families like Greg, Mélise, Maya and Me western Canada. Our terminals may be located in depend the Port connections of Prince Rupert. Our Prince Rupert, but on we’re building clear across thegatewa country - and the globe. Learn about the value of trade at products to overseas markets, which means jobs

Trade connects us.

Canada. terminals be located in Farming families like western Greg, Mélise, Maya andOur Megan in Sexsmith,may Alberta depend on the Port ofbuilding Prince Rupert. Our gateway clear connects their agricultural connections across the country—a products to overseas markets, which means jobs and prosperity for people in the value of trade at western Canada. Our terminals may be located in Prince Rupert, but we’re building connections clear across the country—and the globe. Learn about the value of trade at

Lawrence Lewis, Ratification Officer:

For more information please contact Lawrence Lewis, Ratification Officer Ph/Txt: 250 889-1582 TF: 1-855-458-5888 Fax: 250 384-5416 Email: PO Box 35008 Hillside, Victoria, British Columbia V8T 5G2 WWW.HFN-ELECTIONS.CA Trade ad drafts.indd 2

10/18/2013 1:56:40 PM

Trade ad drafts.indd 2

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