Invermere Valley Echo, May 28, 2014

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The Invermere



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May 28 2014

Vo l . 58 Iss Incumbent Akisqnuk chief re-elected


BERNIE RAVEN CHRIS RAVEN 1-866-598-7415 TEAMRAVEN.CA Offices in Panorama, Invermere & Fairmont


New look for classic peace proverb




Maxwell Realty Invermere


Outside the district school board office in Invermere, Rocky Mountain School District 6 teachers (left to right) Robyn Oliver, Heather English, Andrea Dunlop and Becca Wright along with concerned grandmother Margaret O’Sullivan (far right) took to the picket lines for the first day of the province-wide rotating strike on Monday, May 26th. PHOTO BY STEVE HUBRECHT

Heavy snowpack prompts regional warning DAN WALTON Over the course of the winter months, mountains throughout the Kootenays have accumulated 135 per cent of the normal snowpack, prompting the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) to issue a seasonal flooding reminder. The current conditions have the potential to increase the severity of possible flooding, but the impact of a heavy snow pack depends largely upon the intensity of the runoff. “It’s important to understand that the level of the snow pack is less significant than the way the melting occurs,” said RDEK Communications Manager Loree Duczek. “For example, if we have a stretch of warm days and cool nights, the melt will be completely different than if we go into a string of really hot days, warm nights and rain.” In Fairmont Hot Springs, flooding

caused by the seasonal runoff resulted resort continues to work with the rein a precautionary state of emergen- gional district to find new ways to concy last June, and a landslide caused a tain sediment flowing down the creek, state of emergency in July 2012. “if and when it comes,” said Mr. Derpak. The Fairmont community and FairThe resort monitors its hot and cold mont Hot Springs Resort have both un- springs on a daily basis to measure the dergone significant restoration by ap- flow and colour, which can indicate future plying many of the recommendations conditions, he added. from a report published Shadybrook Resort in early in 2013 titled the Windermere has also The level of Fairmont Creek Dehad to adjust its operasnowpack is less tions because of floodbris Flow Hazard and Risk Assessment, said significant that the way ing in recent years, and Fairmont Hot Springs melting occurs. owner Mike DuBois is LOREE DUCZEK expecting more floodResort president Ken RDEK COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER Derpak. ing again this year. The pedestrian Because of a recent bridge taken out by the landslide in shift in the route of Windermere Creek, 2012 was supported by columns in the the creek channel is susceptible to creek bed; it has since been replaced clogging with sediment, and the 11-acre by a 190-foot freestanding bridge lead- property has become more vulnerable ing to the resort’s RV park. There are to flooding. now oversized culverts and reinforced “The flooding problems in Winderbanks along Fairmont Creek while the mere Creek are not caused by too much

VJ (Butch) Bishop Owner/Operator 4846 Holland Creek Ridge Rd. Invermere, BC V0A 1K0

water,” Mr. DuBois said. “The water overflows the banks because the channel is filled with gravel. This process will happen every summer and winter for the next 20 years unless the government fixes the upstream problem.” Mr. DuBois said the resort will prepare as best it can with sandbags. In the regional district press flooding notice, Ms. Duczek reminds anyone affected to stay away from fast-moving water, reinforce properties situated in vulnerable regions, and report sudden changes in turbidity by calling 1-800-6633456 — a provincial co-ordination centre that will garner the quickest response. “If people notice creeks or rivers become suddenly chocolatey brown with large chunks of debris or if the flow suddenly decreases or stops, they should report it as soon as possible so the situation can be properly assessed by Provincial Flood Assessors,” warned Ms. Duczek.

• Excavators • Mini-Excavators • Bobcats • Dump Trucks • Water Trucks • Snow Plow • Sanding Equipment • Crane Truck • Road Building • Land Clearing • Controlled Burning • Rock Walls • Rip Rap • Top Soil • Sand & Gravel CONTRACT OR HOURLY MACHINE RENTALS AVAILABLE


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Valley Echo




NERD ALERT!... ‘An Evening of Dance’ presented by local dance studio Peak Danceworks on Friday (May 23rd) night packed the stands in the DTSS gym, where a giant dance floor platform served as the stage for the incredible talent displayed by the dozens of young dancers. ‘Nerds’ was the second act involving 24 show-stopping performers. PHOTO BY NICOLE TRIGG

Don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity. You’ll have a great time, eat some fantastic food, and learn about yourself and others while gaining some valuable leadership skills. COME JOIN US! Rotary Club of Invermere Attn: Andy Stuart-Hill P.O. Box 76 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0

4992 Fairmont Frontage Rd. 250-345-6133

Adoption Fee: $100 (to help offset spay/neuter and vet bills)


Saturday, June 7 First bout at 6 pm • Second bout at 8 pm Elkford recreation centre RECREATION CENTRE $10 at the door, $5 for kids, 5 and under free bring a donation for the food bank! After party at Lamplighter Pub

Sponsored by:


Photo courtesy of Tanya De Leeuw Photography

Oh no

We don’t have! a companion this week!

To have your pet featured, send in your companion’s name, age and photo, along with a fun fact or story about them! Be sure to include your name. Email


Applications will be accepted until June 6th, 2014. Applications should include your resume, two references and a brief statement as to why you would like to participate in the program. Please call if you have any questions or need any assistance.



It’s easy to qualify. You must be between the ages of 18 and 25, have graduated from high school, and have demonstrated leadership skills.

Derek the hanDyman 250-341-2126

The Invermere

If you would like further details or wish to talk to someone who attended this camp in the past, please call your local Rotary Club member, Andy Stuart-Hill, at 250-342-0186.



Hi, I’m RUSSIA. You may remember me, ‘cause I’m still here at ICAN. I am a timid girl, but have grown leaps and bounds in overcoming my fears. Once comfortable with new people and places, I am an affectionate 2.5 year-old, who delights in belly rubs and grooming. Will YOU help me overcome my shyness?

The Rotary Club of Invermere would like to offer you the opportunity to attend a one-week leadership training program, with all expenses paid. The camp will be held from June 28th - July 5th, 2014, at the Selkirk College Campus in Castlegar, B.C. The program will include a variety of excellent speakers and group participation on a wide range of leadership topics (e.g. goal setting, problem solving, group dynamics human relations and international relations). This is great camp and great for your resume. Ask anyone who has attended!

You CAN have it all!


Available for Adoption


ICAN – Invermere Companion Animal Network


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Valley Echo A3


Behind the

Wh ee


Update your Driving Skills and Knowledge Consider the Simple Traffic Sign

Consider the simple traffic sign or signal. It stands by the side of the highway doing it’s job regardless of the season. We rely on it to tell us when to stop, how fast to go, which way to turn or whether we can travel in a certain direction, as well as many other controlling functions. This is a reliance that we might not consider until we run into trouble because it is lacking. What happens when vandals knock down one of the stop signs at a four way stop, and the intersection is approached by a driver who doesn’t know there should be a sign there? Cross traffic is expecting him to stop.....the rest is up to your imagination.

Artist’s concept (above) of the revitalized “The Mountains Shall Bring Peace to the People” sign structure in Radium Hot Springs (original sign below) by Inwood Robert & Associates Design. image submitted

Radium shall bring new signage to the valley Dan Walton

Radium Hot Springs has upgraded the esthetics of its communal greeting, but the message is remaining the same. After exiting Kootenay National Park and entering the Village of Radium Hot Springs, the wooden sign reading “Mountains shall bring peace to the people” has been greeting valley-bound motorists since 1928. Until recently, the sign dangled from chains on a basic wooden frame — two vertical pillars with a horizontal beam on top. Its replacement sees every aspect of the sign upgraded. “[Radium council] decid-

ed, after the sign posts had been broken one too many times, that it needed a more permanent home,” said Radium mayor Dee Conklin. “The entrance signs we have coming into Radium have served us well so we thought that a similar design with proper landscaping would be a fitting answer.” The new concept has the sign supported horizontally from giant wooden pillars, and sheltered by a metal roof with a standing seam. The sign itself has been refurbished, and at its base is a stone planter. A few minor changes were made that are different from the artist’s concept, said Mayor Conklin. The new sign was erected on Friday, May 16th.


Two charged in trap tampering not present for first court appearance Sally MacDonald Cranbrook Daily Townsman

Two men charged for tampering with deer traps in Kimberley earlier this year had brief court appearances in Cranbrook on Tuesday, May 20th. Neither Devin Kazakoff nor Lucky Sikora were personally in court on May 20th for their first appearance on charges of mischief and disguising the face to commit an offence. Legal counsel represented each man, and the cases were put over until June 16th. Kazakoff, a founder of the Invermere Deer Protection Society, and Sikora were arrested in February after RCMP alleged they were involved in an incident in Kimberley where deer traps were damaged.

Police said that two men were arrested early on February 27th in Kimberley after they were observed damaging a clover trap and fleeing the scene on foot and then in a vehicle. Police tracked the vehicle to a side road south of Kimberley and took the two men into custody. A police dog found netting from traps nearby, and a search of the vehicle found items police believe were used to tamper with the traps. Four traps in total were damaged. The City of Kimberley called off its cull after the traps — owned by the B.C. government — were taken out of commission. The incident came a few weeks after 10 clover traps were stolen from a government compound in Cranbrook. Police found seven of the traps in a bush nearby, six of which had been destroyed by fire.

Those who interfere with traffic signs and signals may be dealt with in a variety of ways. The most serious of these are found in the Criminal Code. In the case of simple damage, the mischief provisions might apply. If death or bodily harm to a person results, the criminal negligence provisions could be used. The Motor Vehicle Act also contains three sections, 135, 136 and 137 that apply to traffic signs and signals. Section 135 makes it an offence to erect or maintain a device on or near a highway that resembles or interferes with a traffic control device. Section 136 forbids placing of commercial advertising on a traffic control device. Finally, section 137 deals with altering, injuring or removing a traffic control device or any part of it. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

101A 1028 7 Avenue PO Box 130 Invermere BC • Phone: 250-342-2175 • Fax: 250-342-2669

Tuesday to Friday: 9:00 – 12:30 and 1:00 – 5:00 • Saturday: 9:00 – 2:30


ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 10 a.m. – Saturday, May 31, 2014 Windermere Community Hall 4726 North Street, Windermere Pot luck lunch to follow To contribute, call Gracie Boake at 250-341-1548.

September 9 - 13

Over 3500 BC 55+ Seniors expected to attend.

What’s happening in your region?

Get involved. We’ll show you how.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Valley Echo


First Nation elects incumbent chief, three new councillors Steve Hubrecht

The Akisqnuk First Nation re-elected its chief and elected three new councillors last week. The May 20th election had 96 out of 206 eligible voters turn out and saw incumbent chief Lorne Shovar keep his position. Mr. Shovar will be joined on the Akisqnuk council by two new full four-year-term councillors, Allan Nicholas and Rosemary Phillips, and by another new councillor Don Sam, who will serve a half-term as he is taking over from a councillor who stepped down mid-term. The five-member council is rounded out by Lucille Shovar, who was elected to a four-year term in 2012. The Akisqnuk typically hold two staggered elections to determine the First Nation’s council, with just two or three councillors voted in for any given election. The re-

maining positions are then decided in another election a couple years later. This year was different, because of the councillor who was voted in at the 2012 election then stepped down mid-term, which in effect created a by-election situation. Two incumbent councillors Lorne Shovar (Beatrice Stevens and Marguerite Copper) and three other candidates (Jason Nicholas, Jennifer Nicholas-Hall and Lillian Rose) were on the ballot, but did not win a council seat. The previous council will continue to operate for a month with the new council sitting in to learn how things run before taking over.


Heart of the Rockies introduces chip timing for 32nd edition Steve Hubrecht

the Rockies as their first triathlon, since it’s not intimidating,” said organizer Bruce Stroud, speaking about the race’s popularity. “There’s not a lot of hype and there are The long-standing Heart of the Rockies is back once not a lot of egos, even though we do get some professionals coming down to vie for the cash prizes.” again to test the mettle of valley triathletes. 4-3” x 4” This year’s edition of the adult’s race is slated for SunThe race has been around in various guises and on different day, July 13th while the Young Hearts triathlon for kids courses for 32 years now, and aged 4 to 14 will take place the day before on Saturday, Let us know your thoughts on the draft this time, for the first time ever, July 12th. Watershed Action Plan for the Upper Kootenay River, which includes Koocanusa Reservoir. On Sunday, there will be the normal Olympic distance will use chip timing. race and the Spring distance (half the Olympic distance) “We cater to beginner and novJoin us on June 3 in Cranbrook or online. as well as the ever-popular relay, which allows particiices. A lot of people use Heart of IN PERSON (no registration required) pants to compete as a team. • Open house: 3 – 6:30 p.m. “We have the full range when it • Presentation: 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. comes to participants, everybody • Cranbrook Public Library, 1212 2nd Street N. from four year olds right up to people • Snacks and prizes available! in their seventies,” said Mr. Stroud. ONlINE PRESENTATION (registration required) “It’s often a family affair, with kids rac• 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. ing one day and their parents racing • Pre-register for the online presentation by the next.” June 2 at There is a loyal following of participants — many of them have been doRead the draft plan and learn more at ing the race for years, according to Mr. Stroud. Funded in partnership by: Discounted early bird rates end this Competitive Heart of the Rockies participants can Saturday, on May 31st. To learn more look forward to more accurate timing with the introduc- about the race or to sign up, check out tion of chip timing to the 2014 events. FILE PHOTO Play With WithUs” Us” “Come Play


SUBSCRIPTION RATES Annual Subscription Rates (incl. tax)

• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $45.30 • Office Pick-Up $34.50 • Canada $62.60 / International $182.00 • Seniors (local) $34.50 / Seniors (Canada) $56.00



Six Month Subscription Rates (incl. tax)

• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $29.40 • Seniors (local) $22.80

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Valley Echo A5


WEEKLY Beat Have an event you’d like listed? Email it to: production@ invermerevalleyecho. com

MAY 28th - JUNE 3rd 28TH : WEDNESDAY

• 2:15 p.m.: Seniors’ Day at the Invermere Library on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Bus provided. For more information or to pre-register, contact 250-342-6416 or visit • 4 - 9 p.m.: Open mic at the Summit Youth Centre. • 7 p.m.: Meeting of the Catholic Women’s League at Columbia Garden Village. • 7 - 9 p.m.: Artist’s opening at Pynelogs Cultural Centre. Show features artists from the Purcell Mountain Painters and the Headwaters Art Society. Show runs May 27th - June 8th. • Community Appreciation Day at Kootenay Insurance Services. Stop by for cookies and coffee. • Windermere Ladies Golf Club every Wednesday. Tee-times beginning at 2 p.m. for May and June. Please arrive at 1 p.m. to be put in a group. No experience necessary - enjoy the golf and social activity.


• 7:45 - 8:45 a.m.: Sun Riser Yoga at the Community Greenhouse, presented by Groundswell. By donation. Thursdays through to June 26th. Visit: events-calendar. • 11 a.m.: Glass-blowing demonstrations at Bavin Glassworks, every Thursday until July 3rd. Come in for a chance to win the demo piece. For more info, check out • 12 - 1 p.m.: Ask a Librarian / Drop-in tech support at the Invermere Public Library. Every Thursday. For more info, go to • 5 - 9 p.m.: Paper plane competition at the Summit Youth Centre.


• 5 - 9 p.m.: Hang out Night/Bring your ideas at the Summit YC. • 7 p.m.: The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon, a comedy by Don

Zolidis, performed by the DTSS senior theatre class. At the DTSS theatre. Also Saturday, May 31st. See the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm turned on their heads! Tickets $10 or $5 for students at The Book Bar or D.T.S.S.

• 6 p.m.: Adults Only MiniGolf Tournament and Silent/Toonie Auction at Copper City Amusement Park. 18 holes. 4 - 6 people per team, $25 per person. Hot dog and goodie bag included. Live music by Marty & Eli. Kinsmen Club of Windermere Valley fundraiser ST : ATURDAY for future charitable requests. Call 31 S • 8 a.m.: Invermere Legion Car Ral- Trisha to register: 250-688-0711. ly. Learn about the history of the • 6 - 11 p.m.: Documentary night Columbia Valley while taking a re- at the Summit Youth Centre. laxing drive in your car and locating monuments, statues, plaques 1ST : SUNDAY and information boards. Starting • Windermere Valley Museum belocation is the Invermere Legion. gins its summer hours: open every After completing an odometer day 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. This summer’s check, receive a map and clues to theme is WWI: Columbia Valley Insend you on your way. Teams must volvement. Contact: 250-342-9769 or be back by 6 p.m. 70% of entry fees distributed as prizes. For more information or to enter, go to car- 3RD : TUESDAY • 7:45 - 8:45 a.m.: Yoga for the Ear• 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.: Fairmont & ly Bird at the Community GreenDistrict Lions’ Garage Sale at Real house, presented by Groundswell. Storage, Windermere. Close out By donation. Tuesdays through to sale. No early birds please. June 24th. Visit: groundswellnet• 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Billy’s BigAss Community Garage Sale at the • 5 - 9 p.m.: Hang out night/bring Community Greenhouse, present- your ideas at the Summit YC. ed by Groundswell. You are invited • 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.: OPT clinic at the to clear out your garage, man shed, Invermere Health Unit. 1st and 3rd attic etc. rent a table and join in the Tuesday of each month. Confidenfun. Tables are $20 and there will tial service: low-cost birth control, be cob-oven pizza, birthday cake, and STI testing. music, plants for sale and a prestigious but as yet undetermined JUNE 4th - 10th prize for best-dressed Garage Seller. Visit: 4TH : WEDNESDAY events-calendar. • 4 - 9 p.m.: “Minute to Win it” at • 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.: Invermere Musethe Summit Youth Centre. um Open House, commemorating the beginning of WWI. Presentation 5TH : THURSDAY will be followed by refreshments. • 5 - 9 p.m.: Hang out night/bring • 12 - 6 p.m.: Spilli Chili Cookoff in your ideas at the Summit YC. Spillimacheen. $5/adults, 12 and • 7 p.m.: Canal Days Bingo at the under enter free of charge. Chili Canal Flats Civic Centre. $500.00 cookoff competition, people’s Bonanza, $500.00 Free Game, Door choice voting, artisan market, beer Prizes. Call 250-349-5447 for info. garden, all day entertainment. For more information, check out www. 6TH : FRIDAY • 6 - 11 p.m.: Animation studio at the Summit Youth Centre.


• 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.: Radium Days 2014 “Get your British on!” in Radium. Free event. 8:30 a.m. Pancake breakfast; 9:30 a.m. Parade; 9:45 10:15 a.m. Door prizes and cake by Canfor; 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Brits Best Car Show, Artist’s and Farmer’s market; 12 - 5 p.m. Scottish afternoon tea at Fireside Tea Shoppe; 12:30 p.m. Kid’s Zone. Plus live music in the Band Shell, Rotary Lunch at Brent’s Shack, wood carving

demo and auction, and Gerry’s Gelati will unveil a new flavour. • 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.: Angela Morgan exhibition at Artym Gallery. Artist will be in attendance. Show continues until June 13th. Check out • 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.: Multi-media artist Connie Geerts will show new work while creating on-site at Effusion Art Gallery. For more info, go to • 6 - 11 p.m.: Seated basketball at the Summit Youth Centre. • 7:30 p.m.: Knox Presbyterian Church Choir and St. David’s United Church Chamber Choir from Calgary perform Franz Schubert’s Mass in G, with masterworks by Byrd, Elgar and Mozart, at Christ Church Trinity. Tickets at hte door, $20 / adults, $10 / students and children. For more info, call 250-342-6644. • Willi Schmidt Memorial Rifle Shoot at the Lake Windermere District Rod & Gun Club. Visit www. for more details.


• 7 p.m.: Columbia Valley Community Foundation AGM at Pynelogs. Join us to celebrate our 12th year of building legacies in our communities. For more info, contact or 250-347-6404. • 7 p.m.: Conrad Kain Centennial Society AGM at the Windermere Valley Museum. New members welcome.


• Tuesday - Saturday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Wednesdays: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.


• Tuesday: 6 - 8 p.m. • Wednesday - Thursday: 1 - 4 p.m. • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. • Sunday: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.


• Tuesday: 12 - 4 p.m. or by appointment: 250-342-9769


• Thursday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. • Friday and Saturday: 1 - 4 p.m.


• Thursday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Friday and Saturday: 12 - 4 p.m.



The Invermere


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Valley Echo

HUMOUR Something on your mind?

#8, 1008 8 Avenue • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-341-6299

The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to editor@



Rose-Marie Fagerholm

Nicole Trigg





Steve Hubrecht



Dean Midyette





Silena Ann Ewen

Renice Oaks




Cheryl Williams

Natural paradise a natural resources dream


remier Christy Clark recently wrapped up her fifth international trade mission in Asia where she has been unfailing in her promotion of what’s predicted to be an almost $300 billion dollar industry should B.C. position itself correctly and on time on the international stage. Two international LNG conferences have taken place in Vancouver so far this year with a third planned for October, and, according to a May 23rd government press release, British Columbia is poised to be a player in the global LNG market with 13 LNG proposals currently


NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

CMCA AUDITED We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

2009 2009 WINNER

tion B.C.’s powerful environmental advocacy groups that will never come to terms with the toxic fracking wastewater that’s the necessary product of LNG extraction — and a booming B.C. LNG industry starts to look more like a pipe dream than a reality. A strategy of sustainable development that takes into account the province’s current greenhouse gas reduction policy could create the buy-in needed to make this industry work, but the first priority would be to determine what the landbase can handle. And according to a 2013 Forest Practices Board warning, the cumulative impacts of increasing resource development in B.C.remain unknown — and unmanaged. An about-face in natural resource management is needed, pronto.


In praise of the Columbia Valley’s festivals


on the table. The release goes on to state that development of the industry will result in unprecedented economic growth and has the potential to create more than 100,000 jobs. A few hurdles on the horizon are complicating the BC Liberals’ ambitions, such as the $400 (US) billion natural gas deal between China and Russia announced last week that is now causing one of B.C.’s LNG suitors — Malaysia’s stateowned energy company, Petronas, that signed a letter of intent earlier this month with Clark — to suddenly demand a more “reasonable” tax rate or its pulling its plans for a B.C.-based LNG export terminal.Add inadequate skilled labour and First Nations’ opposition to the threat of cut-throat global competition — not to men-


n my continuing discusthe passion of our volunteers Regional UNDOWN U sions about socio-econom— pass this on to others. This ic development in the valley, I year, when Wings bookings think about the success of the were posted online, many of Wings Over the Rockies Festhe events were sold out in the tival. In my opinion, it is one first week. model to follow as we work This “sense of place,” which is toward further economic difundamental to the success of versity in the valley. the Wings Festival, is a key eleERRY The visionary Wings foundment in the Columbia Cultural ers wanted to create a better Tourism Association (CCTA)’s awareness of the importance study of the socio-economic of protecting and celebrating our renowned importance and benefits of arts and culture Columbia Wetlands and the valley’s envi- in the Columbia Valley. The CCTA has been ronment. By engaging volunteers from our working on this concept for several years communities and the business sector, the and, last year, contracted one of Canada’s Wings philosophy was to create a long- foremost cultural tourism consultants, Steterm vision of sustainability “balancing the phen Thorne, to study and report on the needs of human and natural systems” and a place-based tourism potential of the valley. boost to local businesses at a slow time of [Editor’s note: See this Friday’s Pioneer for the year. By itself, Wings attracts only a few the news story on this report.] Mr. Thorne hundred people a year, but those visitors — reported on his findings a few days ago at astounded by the beauty and biodiversity of a meeting at the Copper Point Resort and the valley, the range of our businesses, and is enthusiastic about the development of



this tourism strategy in the valley. Over the past year, he met with many people and organizations and was impressed with their passionate comments about our valley environment, heritage, culture, and economic opportunities. Just as in nature, where biodiversity enriches ecosystems and ensures resilience, the more economic diversity we establish, the more sustainable our socio-economic future. I urge you to learn about the CCTA’s initiative. More place-based than any other event is the Salmon Festival in Invermere. Managed by our Ktunaxa Nation neighbours and held in September when the Kokanee are spawning, the festival reminds us that salmon, which were an important food source for the Ktunaxa, came up the Columbia River to Athalmer to spawn prior to the construction of the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington. The festival celebrates this memory, and provides an opportunity to learn about Ktunaxa culture and the possibility of re-introducing See A11

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Valley Echo




What’s your reaction to the government countering the teachers’ rotating strike action with wage rollbacks and a partial lockout?

“I support the teachers’ side. Even though the strike is inconvenient, it is important for teachers to be heard.” Bronwyn Richards (mom) with kids (l-r) Lukas Grieve, Emmy Lou Grieve and Kathryn Richards


Liam O’Sullivan & Leigh Thompson

“We’re from the UK where there’s cuts everywhere. If there’s no money, people can’t ask for higher wages. At the same time... there shouldn’t be any reduction or cutting of wages.” Roger & Barbara Sercombe

LETTERS Making the most of multi-use

Public rejects BC Liberals plan to privatize forest lands T

“The government could just end it if it wanted to. They said it wouldn’t affect the students, but it is. The whole thing is ridiculous.”

Dear Editor:

MLA ply Committee, I know exactly his last week, my email inEPORT E what the committee recombox has been fuller than mended. And our recommendaat almost any other time since tions in no way align with what I was elected in 2005. The issue this government is proposing. on people’s minds is the governOver the last week, I have rement’s plan for the privatization ceived more than 1,200 emails of our public lands. The governfrom British Columbians sayment intends to convert replaceing no to TFL rollovers. And the able forest licences into tree ORM emails keep coming in. farm licences (TFL), which will But I’m not just hearing from effectively grant private corporaBritish Columbians. I’m hearing tions long-term, exclusive rights to publicly-owned timber. from people from all over the world. And that As the Opposition Critic for Forests, Lands is where the larger issue comes in. The path the B.C. government is taking us and Natural Resource Operations, people are including me in their communications with down could shake the confidence of global the Minister of Forests, telling him that they markets that forest products from British Costrongly oppose this move. And the govern- lumbia are coming from forests that are manment cannot provide a shred of evidence that aged to a proper environmental standard. And many markets are not interested in buying any public good will come from the change. The Minister of Forests likes to say that there from a jurisdiction that cannot prove that it is is proof of benefit, and he likes to say that he managing its forests sustainably. There is still time to let the government know is acting on the recommendation of the Timber Supply Committee. But both of these state- your position on this important issue. Send an email to, FLNR. ments are categorically untrue. A Freedom of Information request for any min- and norm.macdonald.mla@ istry documents that state any public benefits Make sure your voice is heard. Norm Macdonald is the NDP MLA for Cofrom this TFL rollover scheme turned up nothing — the ministry doesn’t have a single piece of lumbia River Revelstoke. Contact him at norm. paper that states there is any public good., 1-866-870-4188, or And as the Deputy Chair of the Timber Sup- visit



The new multi-use facility, which will be a replacement and expansion of the existing Lake Windermere Memorial Hall, is still in the conceptual and planning stage. The new facility will likely exceed 15,000 square feet, and provide space to almost all of the existing user groups in the current community hall, as well as offer expanded main hall space, which will allow many functions to grow and the performing arts sector to have an exciting new venue. There will also be multi-purpose flexible use rooms — we are also considering 4,000 +/square feet of fitness centre space, which represents less than one third of the total new building space. The process the District of Invermere (DOI) council has used in planning and funding the new facility is unique: instead of investing a significant amount of time and money into a detailed design first and then requesting support from the community, we choose to bring a basic concept and a somewhat urgent need (the failing of the structure of the existing community hall) to the public and, if support for a new multi-use facility was gained (which it was), then we would figure out of all of the details about specific design, exact



Are you in favour of local non-profit, the Columbia Valley Fitness Centre, managing the new multi-use centre planned for Invermere and the valley? NEXT WEEK’S QUESTION:

Do you support the B.C. teachers’ rotating strike action despite the disruption it is creating for students in school districts across the province?

size, exact budget, and which groups would get dedicated space, and which groups would have the opportunity to share space. Although the exact specifics were not known before the referendum last November, we did clearly articulate at the two open houses that a potential partnership with the non-profit Valley Fitness Centre (VFC) was being explored, and that a new municipal library would only be considered in future phases, and that we were hoping not to include municipal offices in the new facility in any phase (especially if we could find a more viable option for managing the facility). The VFC is not a business. The VFC is a non-profit society that provides both standard fitness gym operations as well as programming in, but not limited to, aerobics, yoga and spin — very similar to recreation programs offered by many towns and cities across Canada. The VFC pays a large number of independent contractors to provide these services. Rather than compete with private business, they help to support it! Unlike many other public institutions (i.e. ice arenas and libraries), the VFC does not receive direct operating funding from government, but rather relies on membership or user fees to cover their operaSee A11 tional costs.






Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Valley Echo


Valley’s landscapes captured by oil painting master dan walton

needs to portray her vibrant visions, she said. And though she often works with bold colouring, Denise most enjoys creating paintings that give off feelings Valley-based oil painter Denise Lemaster brings of warmth. The qualities of the oil paint itself — butnew life to the Columbia Valley’s favourite land- tery and slow drying — allow her to create strong scapes, taking their basic frameworks and pouring layers of depth, said Denise. After growing up around the valley, Denise gained her version of colours and shapes onto the canvas. “When you live here, you feel inspired by your sur- a firm understanding of the artistic landscape while roundings,” said Denise, citing the many weekends studying at the University of British Columbia and the she’s spent soaking in Mount Nelson from Panorama University of Calgary. She earned a bachelor’s degree Mountain Village that spanned the years when her in fine arts and education, and a subsequent degree in environmental design. As a young professional, she ski-racing sons were growing up. lived in Calgary working as a city She continues to absorb the Rockies When you live here, planner before returning to the and Purcell landscapes from all anKootenays in the early 1980s when you feel inspired gles, gaining inspiration on her feet as Panorama Resort hired her duran avid hiker — and she sometimes by your surroundings. paints right on site. But because the denise lemaster ing its transition into Panorama artist Mountain Village. true scenery isn’t always within arms’ Denise’s landscapes, particureach, her work is often based off larly the locally-inspired pieces, will be part of an multiple pictures and sketches of her subjects. Through her vibrant imagination, Denise trans- exhibit at the Artym Gallery that begins this fall on fers her perception of the mountains onto canvas Saturday, October 11th and will also feature Roger through stylized and simplified images, rather than Arndt and Branko Marjanovic. All three artists will be photorealistic, she said. While everyone can appreci- at the show’s opening day between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. And, for the first time in her career, Denise will be ate the natural beauty of her mountainous subjects, featured in exhibits in the U.S. She’ll be busy tourinterpreting them in a painting is always unique. “It’s the way that each artist processes the image,” ing this summer through galleries in Calgary and the northwestern United States. she says. To get a taste of her work before the Artym exhibit, To best communicate her creative ideas, her tool of choice is oil paint, which offers the versatility she check out her website at

Oil painter Denise Lemaster uses her interpretation of the valley’s landscapes to create bold and vibrant works of art — make sure to appreciate her work when she’s featured at the Artym Gallery this October. Photo by dan walton


Helping Kootenay bats hold on

Juliet Craig Kootenay Community Bat Project


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Want to learn more about the unique world of bats? Do you want free mosquito control? Whether you want to promote bats in your garden or need advice to safely evict them from a building, the Kootenay Community Bat Project (KCBP) can help. The KCBP provides educational programs on bats, works with landowners who have bats in buildings, and promote the annual bat count to monitor bat populations. Of the sixteen species of bats in B.C., over half are red or blue-listed, meaning that their populations are declining and they could become endangered. There are many threats to these amazing creatures of the night including habitat loss, intentional extermination (which is illegal under the BC Wildlife Act), wind farm development, and most recently, White Nose Syndrome — a devastating introduced fungus that has already killed approximately six million bats in North America. Basically, bats need all the help they can get. Funded by the Columbia Basin Trust, the KCBP seeks information from the public on where bats roost, provides site visits and advice to residents with bats in buildings, and requests help from the public to act as Citizen Scientists to help count bat populations. A local biologist can visit your property to assess your bat situation, identify the bat species, and provide you with information on safe evictions and bat-houses.

A large colony of Yuma bats in attic of a house (above); a cluster of the rare Townsend’s big-eared bats (below). Photos courtesy of juliet craig One of the areas of focus this year is on the B.C. Bat Count. Residents are encouraged to count bats leaving a roost site on their property for four nights in order to monitor populations. This long-term monitoring information is very valuable since there is very little known about local bat species and their population numbers. If you have bats living in your buildings, if you would like to join the B.C. Bat Count, or if you need information on how to build a bathouse, visit or call 1-855-9BC-BATS.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Valley Echo A9


Learning about waterways from the “Yellow Fish”


he David Thompson Secondary School Leadership class and Lake Windermere Ambassadors are teaming up to bring “Yellow Fish” to our community on Thursday, May 29th.

Beneath the



What are Yellow Fish? The fish symbols are part of a national conservation education initiative developed by Trout Unlimited Canada. The yellow fish symbol — painted on stormdrains — reminds passersby that stormdrains are the doorways to our streams, lakes and rivers. In most municipalities, including Invermere, stormdrains flow directly into the local waterbody without being treated. Water, and anything it comes in contact with as it flows over our lawns and roads, will end up in Lake Windermere. This includes soap used to wash cars in the driveway, excess fertilizer, pesticide and herbicide spread onto lawns, dog feces left on the ground, oil and car fluids leaking onto roads, as well as construction and landscape debris. These substances can have a negative impact on the aquatic ecosystem by harming

fish and wildlife, and also reduce recreational water quality for people.

Is this Deja Vu? You might have seen these yellow fish before. That’s because, in 2010, the J.A. Laird Grade 7 Leadership Class painted the fish near Invermere’s stormdrains. Over time, the symbols have faded, meaning that it’s time to complete the IRSTEN project once again. This spring, a group of students from that very class, now in the Grade 11 Leadership at DTSS, will be hitting the streets to let our community know that the importance of protecting water quality has not faded. If you come across any of the yellow fish painted near storm drains or hanging on doorknobs around town, take a moment to think about what goes down our drains and how to keep our lake clean. Kirsten Harma is the program co-ordinator for the Lake Windermere Ambassadors. She can be reached by phone at 250341-6898 or by email at

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Mineral survey expands to gas industry Tom Fletcher Black Press

Encouraged by its success in finding mineral deposits, the B.C. government is extending aerial geological surveys to search for water in the natural gas region of B.C. Energy and Mines Minister Bill Bennett announced a $3 million extension of provincial funding for non-profit research organization GeoscienceBC at the Minerals North conference in Vanderhoof last week. The economy of the small community west of Prince George is historically based on farming and forest products, but one of B.C.’s largest gold mines is in development near there. Huckleberry Mine south of Houston has extended its operaBennett said New Gold’s Blackwater mine projtion by finding a new ore body (above); GeoscienceBC uses aerial ect, 110 km southwest of Vanderhoof, is a direct magnetic surveys to refine maps for geological formations that may result of the GeoscienceBC survey that started contain minerals or water (below). Photos submitted in 2005 and identified the region as having metal mine potential. New Gold is continuing drilling maintained for drinking and irrigation uses. this summer and proceeding with environmental assessBennett said the magnetic survey may also help underment, hoping to start construction next year. stand the seismic effects of natural gas activities. Another New Gold expects the application is searching mine to generate 1,200 for gravel deposits, which construction jobs and 500 are used all over the provoperations jobs. ince for road and other GeoscienceBC extendconstruction. ed its survey last year to GeoscienceBC is the search for water aquifers only public non-profit around the major shale gas geological research orgadevelopments in the northnization in Canada. east. Deep salt-water aquiIts exploratory work fers can be used as sources narrows the search area of water for hydraulic fracfor mineral exploration turing and for disposal of companies. contaminated water that Bennett credited its comes up with gas. work for locating a new The survey can also demetal ore deposit at the tect shallow fresh water Huckleberry Mine south of aquifers, so they can be Houston, extending its exavoided in gas drilling and pected operation to 2021.

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A10 |

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Valley Echo

Welcome to the driver’s seat

Visit the Mustang project photo gallery at

Restoring a rare Mustang to magnificence Everybody remembers their first car but very few people hold onto that set of wheels long into adult life. Tsawwassen resident Laura Ballance still has her 1967 Ford Mustang T5 but it has not turned a tire in years and has fallen into a state of disrepair. The public relations executive’s passion for automobiles began at an early age, growing up in a household with a father who was very interested in cars four, she and particularly the Ford marque. By age fou and, as she already knew what a Ford Mustang was and approached 16, she wanted to own and drive driv one. mid-80s father “In the mid-80 0s my fa and I started starteed looking look for Mustangg to re restore a Mustan togetherr and in 1986 I found a ‘67 Mustang M in the local loocal paper,” pa says Laura, Lauura, the th president off the Laura L Ballancee Media Med Group. “The next neext day, day we went too Surrey Surre to look at the ‘67 ‘67 notchback no that thaat was for sale for $600. $6 My dad negotiatn ed it for $450

Question of the Week

get her wish to parade the beauty at and we began working nights and weekends restoring it. My dad was not upcoming Mustang 50th anniversary a body man or mechanic and was selfcelebrations. trained but was handy, so we figured it The car will have its grand unveiling out as we went along. at the Vancouver Collector Car Show “I spent many hours passing tools to and Auction at the Pacific National my dad as he worked on the car. It is Exhibition grounds in June. some of the best hours of my life, true Over the next few weeks, we will quality time with my dad. I officialreveal that this is not just any Mustang ly received the car as a graduation By age four, Laura (one of only 453 built in 1967) and present.” Ballance already walk you through its restoration proLaura drove the car throughout grade cess. One that is a daunting experience 11 and 12 and during her early years as knew what a Ford a journalist. Mustang was and, as for many seasoned car collectors let “Eventually I purchased a new car alone a proud mother with a passion she approached 16, and my Mustang went into storage as for her old car. The world of automoshe wanted to own old cars often do. I got married, had tive restoration is fraught with probchildren and a 1967 Mustang wasn’t and drive one. lems; the one that comes to mind is conducive to car seats and strollers. the final invoice. An old rule of thumb by Nigel Matthews “The 50th anniversary of the Mustang for the realists has been to get an coincides with my oldest daughter estimate and then double or triple it! receiving her driving license in 2014, so for the past We will see how this exciting project plays out five years I’ve been looking for someone or a compabetween now and mid-June. ny to restore my Mustang.” One of her clients, Jason Heard, of the Vancouver Nigel Matthews is the director of sales and Classic Car Show and Sale, recommended 360 marketing for Hagerty Insurance Canada. Fabrication in Abbotsford. The boys at 360 are now working their magic on this rare car and Laura will



Which car from your youth would you like to restore and drive? Go to to submit your answer.



Safety Tip: As high school seniors prepare for graduation, it’s important that parents make sure their teens are also planning for a side ride home after all of their festivities. Grads often treat themselves to limousine rides but make sure they have a plan if they’ll be going to any other celebrations.

Find more online at

Laura Ballance, President at Laura Ballance Media Group

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tellin it like it iZ · live Comedy at Pynelogs Friday May 30 at 8 pm - tickets at the door

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Valley Echo PRAISE from A6

salmon to all reaches of the Columbia River. I have to mention the third annual Steamboat Mountain Music Festival being held on Saturday, July 5th in my home place — Edgewater. With a backdrop of the wetlands, Steamboat Mountain and the Rockies, well-known groups headline the mix of folk, ethnic and bluegrass music. An important aspect of this festival is the opportunity for local musicians to participate. This year, nine local musicians will take to the stage. Here’s to a festive year! Gerry Wilkie is the Regional District of East Kootenay director for Area G, and can be reached at A11 MAKING from A7

In addition to full annual memberships, there are also “punch card” and promotional membership available that make it more affordable for some people. It was not that many years ago that the Invermere library was not a municipal library, and they used to charge fees for library cards. Perhaps, in the future, there is the opportunity for the fee structure for VFC to change, if they get some public support in the form of new space? There are many public facilities and services that are operated by non-profit societies (i.e. Eddie Mountain Arena) or by private companies (i.e. Columbia Valley Landfill). Any suggestion that public services can only be done by union employees is factually incorrect. The library, as an example, has only been unionized for one year now. Any future building improvements for the Invermere library will need regional financial support, as over 55 per cent of the library usage is from outside of Invermere. The regional support that the DOI has secured from the RDEK for the new multi-use facility is from recreation tax, and

cannot be used to create library space. There is work that needs to be done on the future of regional library services in the Columbia Valley. This is going to take a considerable amount of time and effort before there is regional funding for new library space. If a citizen or group wants to be part of the decision-making process, write letters to DOI council, show up at meetings and open houses, ask questions — find out as much information as you can, maybe even talk to individual members of council to understand the background behind certain decisions. Writing letters to the editor or posting on Facebook opinions that have incorrect or only partial information and seem to criticize a local non-profit and/or council is probably the least effective way to participate in the process. Let’s work together to ensure the new facility will be the best that it can be, while still keeping in mind what is realistic and possible based on a limited budget and an unlimited list of potential uses and user groups! GERRY TAFT, MAYOR DISTRICT OF INVERMERE

EMEMBER WHEN? R A look back through The Valley Echo's archives over the last 55 years

2007 — Despite a brief weather hiccup that dumped snow in the valley on May 24th, the Purcell Mountains still offered picturesque vistas. BRAM ROSSMAN PHOTO


years ago (1959): Mr. and Mrs. Norman Marples of Invermere received the congratulations of some 80 friends on the occasion of their Diamond Wedding Anniversary. They received a telegram that read “The Queen sends you warm congratulations and good wishes on your Diamond Wedding Day.”


years ago (1964): The Invermere Boy Scout patrol placed sixth out of 41 patrols and third for East Kootenay at the Cal-Brook Camporee held near Banff on May 16th to 18th. The patrols were given points for pioneering, projects, obstacle courses, Scouting knowledge, games, cooking, maintenance of camp sites and general appearance.


years ago (1969): Robert L. Campsall won the Summer Session Association prize of $100 for proficiency in the graduating year at the University of British Columbia. At the time, Mr. Campsall was the princi-

pal of the Windermere Elementary School for the second consecutive year and, before that, for five years at DTSS.


years ago (1974): Daryl Joseph Fuller, 21, was one of two valley graduates from the University of British Columbia. Born and educated in Invermere, Mr. Fuller had graduated from DTSS four years earlier (1970). He had been attending the Faculty of Science at UBC.


years ago (1984): Gary Gallagher of Invermere demonstrated his teaching and ambulance skills during a training program at Emergency Health Services Academy. Mr. Gallagher was one of thirty selected from around British Columbia by the Emergency Health Services Commission to represent them as Community Instructor of the Emergency Medical Assistant Level 1 Program.


years ago (1994): At the Carral Classic meet in Calgary from

May 20th to 22nd, Radium Silver Fins swim club member Karen Fahrni received two silver medals and three bronze. Kyler Mather picked up two silver and one bronze and Matt Quick won two silver and one bronze.


years ago (1999): Columbia Valley RCMP reported a busy, but largely uneventful May long weekend.


years ago (2004): The village of Radium Hot Springs voted to support the Jumbo Glacier Resort project, in responses to an Environmental Assessment Office invitation for comment. Invermere had earlier voted against the project.


years ago (2009): Canfor announced the Radium sawmill would be closing. The company blamed a strong Canadian dollar and low demand. *Oops — In last week’s 2004 Remember When?, Jo Anne Willox was mistakenly called Anne Wilcox. Apologies.






Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. Figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers named, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!



Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Valley Echo


CLUES ACROSS 1. Extremely severe 6. Doctors’ group 9. Impetuous 13. Parks, Salazar and Blasi 14. Islamic leader 15. Shallowest great lake 16. A function to be performed 17. Bosnian border river 18. Boys 19. Midsummer derby 22. Rice wines (var. sp.) 23. College entrance exam 24. The first state 25. Payment (abbr.) 28. Fishing fabric 29. Short line after a character 31. Liquid dish 33. Evel Knievel 36. Progressive bodily wasting 38. Convert into leather 39. Gland secretion 41. Rundown apartments 44. A stratum of ore 45. Fathers 46. Goddess of the dawn 48. Feel regret 49. Bone component element 51. Steeped beverage 52. Set into a surface 54. 360 host 59. Southern annoyance! 60. Paths 61. Yemen monetary unit 63. Musician Clapton 64. Supplements with difficulty 65. Lofty nest of a bird of prey 66. Duct or masking 67. Used to be United ___ 68. 18th Hebrew letter (var. sp.)

14. Exasperates 17. Faked an opponent 20. Delivery vehicle 21. Counterbalances 25. CA local time 26. Trench 27. Toothpaste containers 29. Word strings 30. A cotton filament 32. Regret for wrongdoing 34. Functioned 35. Hawaiian Feast 37. More dried-up 40. Woman (French) 42. Childhood contagion 43. Individual performances 47. __ Paulo, city 49. Officer trainee 50. Frogs, toads, tree toads 52. Located further inside 53. Belgian city destroyed in WWI 55. Flow in drops 56. Acorn trees 57. Tayra genus 58. Surprise attack 62. So. General 65. Indicates position

Answers to May 14:

CLUES DOWN 1. Honeymooners actor Carney 2. Outer covering 3. Former Soviet state 4. Bangladeshi currency 5. Spanish be 6. Out of order 7. Head of hair 8. Built up 9. Kins 10. Distilled Middle Eastern beverage 11. Took sides 12. Siddhartha author

W eekend WEATHER Friday

May 30

Isolated showers Temp: 20oC o

Feels like 20 C

Low: 4oC

Saturday May 31 Isolated showers Temp: 22oC o

Feels like 22 C

Low: 6oC


June 1

Mainly sunny Temp: 22oC o

Feels like 22 C

Low: 8oC

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Interaction with an elder is something to cherish this week, Aries. Listen closely to the good advice you are offered, as it will pay dividends down the road.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, thoughts of returning to school may have floated around in your mind in the past. This week you are energized to investiage your educational options.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Do your best to turn a negative into a positive, Sagittarius. It may require a little creative thinking to pull this off, but you are up to the task. Start by smiling more often.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, a new coworker may come to you with questions. This is your opportunity to serve as a mentor and use your experience to help the next generation.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Your creativity is on display this week, Virgo. You have ideas, and you need to put your thoughts in motion, whether through an art project or entrepreneurial venture.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Family matters will fare better this week than business matters, Capricorn. Focus more of your energy on your home life than happenings at the office that are beyond your control.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you are intent on purchasing an expensive item sometime this week, but make sure it can be returned. Hold on to the receipt and carefully survey your finances.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Your ability to compromise is a big asset in the workplace, Libra. This alone can propel your career to new heights. You’ll take a few steps in the right direction this week.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, pay attention to all of the little details this week. If you can keep your eyes open, you may find new opportunities coming your way in the next few days.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 It is time to get out of a rut, Cancer. Explore a new fashion choice or dine on a different type of ethnic food. The idea is to step out of your comfort zone.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Your ability to stay informed helps you to feel in touch with your surroundings, Scorpio. You will enjoy socializing with friends this week and may host a gathering.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, don’t let your emotions get the best of you when making an important decision this week. Let logic reign.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, 2014 Echo Wednesday, May 28, 2014May The28, Valley A13 A13

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Deepening Community for Collective Impact Workshop with Paul Born, Tamarack Institute, CBT 2013 Symposium Key Note Speaker Thursday, June 12th, 8:30 am - 4 pm. Nelson Prestige Lakeside Resort. $50 per/person Register online at or call 250-352-6786. Sponsors include SPAN Nelson, Interior Health, CBT and the REACH Program

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cerned about or affected by someone else’s drinking? If so, please join us. Al-Anon meets EVERY Monday in Invermere at 7:15 PM at the Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church, 712 - 12th Ave, (behind the Invermere hospital). For information, please call 250-342-8255 reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


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Coming Events




ALCOHOLICS Anonymous If alcohol is causing problems or conflict in your life, AA can help. Call 250-342-2424 for more information. All meetings are at 8 p.m. Invermere: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday groups - Columbia United AA at the BC Services building, south end, 625 4th Street Invermere. Radium Friendship Group: Friday, Catholic Church. All meetings are open with the exception of Tuesdays.


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Hairstylist required for a busy well established salon in Invermere BC. This is an excellent opportunity for a motivated stylist. It is very easy to build clientele during busy summer months. Please call/leave message 250 342 9863

An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051. Dehart Sewer and Drain is looking for a truck driver/pump truck operator. Job is seasonal. May to October. $18 - $22 per hour. Must have a good driver abstract. Willing to train. Contact Bruce at 250-347-9803 or send resume to 250-347-2274. FAST AND Reliable Plumbing Repairs, 24/7. Call Parker Dean for your next plumbing job. Present this ad and get $50 off. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.



Summer Student Visitor Centre Counselor The Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce is seeking an individual with an outgoing personality, good computer skills, knowledge of the Columbia Valley and transportation to and from work. Retail experience is an asset. Must be a fulltime student (Secondary or Post-secondary) and returning to full-time studies in the fall. Must be able to work weekends. Term of employment June 1st to August 31st. Please send resume with cover letter to Kathy@cvchamber. ca, drop off at Visitor Centre or call 1-250-342-2844.

Now Hiring A&W Restaurant, Invermere, has immediate openings for FULL-TIME permanent Food Counter Attendants.

In Memoriam:

4 Full-Time Day & Evening Positions – Kitchen and Front Counter (up to 40 hours/week)

Jason Ashley Slovack 1968 – 2014

$10.25 - $11.50/hr (based on experience) We offer a friendly work environment, shared benefits plan, scholarship program and opportunities for advancement.

Please join family and friends in a Celebration Of Jason’s Life on:

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

2:00 pm Waterton Park United Church

108 - Clematis Avenue Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at:

Wanted Full Time Experienced Framing Carpenter. Contact Ken @ 250-341-1886

Strand’s Restaurant is looking for a trainee chef and line cook to start immediately. Full time evenings. Apply in person or to Tony Wood at 250-342-6344 or

Help Wanted

• CertiďŹ ed Home Study Course • Jobs Registered Across Canada • Gov. CertiďŹ ed / 604.681.5456 or 1.800.665.8339

Business Opportunities


Successful applicants will be required to perform the following duties: •t $PPL BOE BTTFNCMF GPPE TVDI BT TBOEXJDIFT IBNCVSHFST Cook and assemble food such as sandwiches, hamburgers, salads, milkshakes, portion and wrap food or place it on plates for service to patrons, package food for take-out orders, clean production area. area. cleaning of production •t 4FSWF DVTUPNFST BU DPVOUFS BOE JO ESJWF UISV IBOEMF QBZNFOU Serve customers at counter and in drive-thru, handle payment transactions, clean dining counter area. transactions, cleaning of dining andand frontfront counter area. •t Stock 4UPDL refrigerators SFGSJHFSBUPST and BOE follow GPMMPX A&W " 8 and BOE BC #$ Provincial 1SPWJODJBM standards for food safety and quality, and record keeping. •t 1MFBTBOUMZ BOE IPOFTUMZ JOUFSBDU XJUI DVTUPNFST BOE GFMMPX Pleasantly and honestly interact with customers and fellow team members. Please apply in person or online at

CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION Of OF INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Pastor Rev. fraser Fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. David Morton 250-426-7564

WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY ANGLICAN-UNITED 250-342-6644 100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin

Sunday, June 1st 9:00 a.m. Worship at All Saint’s, Edgewater. 9:30 a.m. Bacon, Friends & Faith at Christ Church Trinity 10:30 a.m.: Worship at Christ Church Trinity, Invermere

CANADIAN MARTYRS CATHOLIC CHURCH Roman Catholic Parish Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-6167 Invermere 250-344-6328 Golden Confession: 1/2 hour before Mass Canadian Martyrs Church 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Saturday at 5 p.m. Sunday at 9 a.m. St. Joseph’s Church Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs Sunday at 11 a.m. Sacred Heart Parish 808 - 11 Street, Golden Saturday at 7 p.m. Sunday at 10 a.m. St. Anthony’s Mission Corner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats

Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)

RADIUM CHRISTIAN fELLOWSHIP FELLOWSHIP For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334 Loving God, Loving People #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Sundays at 10 a.m. Bible Studies #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Kids’ Church Edgewater Hall Thursday 6:30 p.m.


326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 REV. TREVOR HAGAN Senior Pastor

Sunday, June 1st 10:30 a.m. Worship And Life Instruction “Love Love In “Love IsIs A A Verb Verb ... ‌.. Love Actionâ€? Church elders will In Actionâ€? ‌ Pastor Trevor be leading the service. ministering. Please note: There will be no K.I.D.S. Church for the months of June, July and August.

VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Hwy. 93/95 1 km north of Windermere Pastor: Murray Wittke Sunday Service 10 a.m. Worship & Word Kid’s Church Provided Call the office at 250-342-9511 for more information.

Sharing Truth Showing Love Following the Spirit

250.341.6299 250.341.6299 A14 A14



Home Care/Support

Financial Services

1ST & 2nd mortgages - residential, commercial & agricultural - good, bad and no welcome - rates start at 2.89% - ResCom Mortgage Solutions - Call (855)585-2080 or inFAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS

NURSES, Foot Care Nurses, Care Aides, Home Cleaners - Bayshore Home Health is hiring casual, oncall RNs, LPNs, certified care aides and experienced cleaners. If you are: personable; energetic; positive; possess an outstanding work ethic; FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS a passion for superior client service, andCOMMUNITY a reliable ANNOUNCEMENTS vehicle, pls forward your resume TRAVEL c/w 2 references to Only those CHILDREN shortlisted beCare contacted. NURSES, will Foot Nurses, Care Aides, Home Cleaners - Bayshore EMPLOYMENT Home Health is hiring casual, onSERVICES call RNs,BUSINESS LPNs, certifi ed care aides and experienced cleaners. If you PETS & LIVESTOCK are: personable; energetic; positive; MERCHANDISE FORwork SALEethic; possess an outstanding a passion forREAL superior client service, ESTATE and a reliable vehicle, pls forward your resume RENTALS c/w 2 references to AUTOMOTIVEOnly those shortlisted will be contacted.




Home Care/Support

Trades,MARINE Technical

PCL ENERGY - Now hiring AGREEMENT Journeyperson Pipefitters It is agreed by any Display or ($40+/hr) and Scaffolders Classified Advertiser requesting ($38+/hr) forthe an liability industrial space that of prothe paper the eventSK. of failure ject in inVanscoy, LOA toof publish anworked, advertisement $145/day travel shall and be limitedpaid! to theWe amount by bonuses offerpaid comthe advertiser for that portion petitive wages and benefiof ts. the advertising space occupied Send resume by email to: by the incorrect item only, and PCL ENERGY Now hiring that there shall be- no liability in Journeyperson tters any event beyond thePipefi amount ($40+/hr) Scaffolders paid for suchand advertisement. The publisher for shallannot be liable profor ($38+/hr) industrial slight typographiject in changes Vanscoy,orSK. LOA of cal errors that do not lessen the $145/day worked, travel and value of an advertisement. bonuses paid! We offer competitive wages and benefits. cannot be reSend resume byafter email to: sponsible for errors the first day of publication of any ad-

Trades, Technical

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Announcements INDEX IN BRIEF

Services COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Coming Events FinancialINServices DROWNING TRAVEL debt? Cut

debts than 60% &- debt 1ST &more 2ndCHILDREN mortgages resifree in commercial half the time! Avoid EMPLOYMENT dential, & agriculbankruptcy! Free consultation. tural - good, badSERVICES and no creditBUSINESS or welcomePETS - rates start at 2.89% & LIVESTOCK Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB - ResCom Mortgage Solutions MERCHANDISE FOR SALE Rated A+(855)585-2080 - Call or inDeepening for REALCommunity ESTATE Collective Impact GET BACKRENTALS ON Workshop with TRACK! Paul Born,Bad credit? Bills? DROWNING IN Unemployed? debt? Tamarack Institute, CBT Cut AUTOMOTIVE Need Money? We 60% Lend! If debt you debts more than 2013 Symposium Key & Note MARINE own yourhalfown home - Avoid you free Speaker in the time! Thursday, June qualify. bankruptcy! Free 12th,Pioneer 8:30 am consultation. -Acceptance 4 pm. AGREEMENT Corp. Member BBB. or Prestige It Nelson is agreed by anyLakeside Display or 1-877-987-1420 Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Resort. $50 per/person Classifi ed Advertiser requesting Rated A+ space Register that the online liabilityat of the or call to paper in the event of failure publish an 250-352-6786. IF YOU ownadvertisement a home or shall real GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad be limited to the amount paidlend by Sponsors include SPAN estate, Alpine Credits can credit? Bills? Unemployed? the advertiser for that portion of Nelson, Interior CBT you money: It’s That Need Money? WeHealth, Lend!Simple. If you the advertising space occupied and the REACH Program own Credit your own - you Your / Agehome / Income is byan theissue. incorrect item only, and qualify. Pioneer Acceptance not 1.800.587.2161. that there shall be no liability in Corp. Member BBB. any event beyond the amount paid for1-877-987-1420 such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corAl-Anon Are you conrected for the- following edition.

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Financial Services

Legal Services

UNFILED TAX returns? Unreported income? Avoid prosecution and penalties. Call a tax attorney first! 855-668-8089 (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)

Announcements Services WHERE DO YOU TURN Coming Personals Events Financial Services

Deepening Community for Collective Impact Workshop with Paul Born, Tamarack Lost: BrandInstitute, new CBTwhite 2013 Symposium KeyInNote Iphone5C with case. InverThe link to your community Thursday, June250mereSpeaker or Windermere. 12th, 8:30 am 4 pm. 688-0790. Nelson Prestige Lakeside Lost:Resort. Copper bracelet. Has six $50 per/person pennies on it.RECORD? Has a very senRegister online at Don’t CRIMINAL timental value to me. If found or let it block employment, call travel, please 250-352-6786. callprofessional, 250-342-6168. education, certifiIfno Sponsors answer please leaveren-a include SPAN cation, adoption property YOUR NEWSPAPER: message. Interior Health, CBTof talNelson, opportunities. For peace The link to your community and the REACH Program mind & aKinsmen free consultation call Lost: Beach/park 1-800-347-2540. area. Pink Ralph Lauren Progressive Tir-line prescription sunglasses. Call 1-780-4863077 or email kcgc78@hotCRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

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no risk program, stop mortgage & maintenance payAl-Anon - Are you conments money cerned about or affected by cerned today. about or100% affected by back guarantee. someone else’s reserves drinking?the If someone else’s Free drinking? If tation. Call join us now. We can rightplease to revise, edit,us. classify or reso, join Al-Anon so, please us. Al-Anon help! 1-888-356-5248 ject any advertisment and to remeets EVERY Monday in meets EVERY Monday in tain any answers directed to the Invermere atNETWORK 7:15 at Serthe INFRASTRUCTURE Invermere at 7:15 PM at the Box PM Reply Canadian Martyrs Catholic Canadian Martyrs Catholic vice and to repay the customer Church, -for 12th (be- COLUMBIA Church, 712 BASIN - 12th Ave, (bethe sum 712 paidMANAGER, theAve, advertishind the box Invermere hind the Invermere hospital). ment and rental. hospital). BROADBAND CORPORATION For information, please call For information, please call 250-342-8255 250-342-8255 DISCRIMINATORY


Career Professional/ Management opportunity LEGISLATION

This position provides management coordination support to the Advertisers areand reminded that FULL Time Regulated Phar-ALCOHOLICS Anonymous ALCOHOLICS Anonymous forbids the macy Technician Full IfProvincial alcohol legislation is causing problems If alcohol is causing and problems design, implementation and NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE Time Pharmacy Reorpublication conflict inof any youradvertisement life, AA can or confl ict in yourAssistant life, AA can operation CBBC network which discriminates againstof any quired for Residential help. Call 250-342-2424 for help. Callgrowing 250-342-2424 for MANAGER, COLUMBIA BASIN person because of race, religion, This Care Compounding Pharmore information. All meetings more information. All meetings infrastructure. is aand permanent, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or BROADBAND CORPORATION macy Kimberley, BC. SaturPrefare at 8 p.m. full-time Invermere: position Saturare at in 8 out p.m. Invermere: based of our place of origin, or age, unless the erenceSunday, will be given to experiday, Sunday, Tuesday and day, Tuesday and condition is justifi ed by a bona Castlegar or Cranbrook offices. ence with PACMED, Catalyst Wednesday groups ColumWednesday groups ColumThisforposition fide requirement the workprovides management and United Kroll. AAExperience with bia United AA at the BC Serbia at the BC Serinvolved. and coordination tocare the by June 2014. residential workflend, ow, data vices building,Apply south end, 625 16,support vices building, south 625 entry and checking. Wage will 4th Street Invermere. Radium 4th Street Invermere. Radium design, implementation and COPYRIGHT be based on Group: Position and exFriendship Group: Friday, Friendship Friday, operation of CBBC network Copyright and/or properties subperience. Church. Position Available Catholic Church. All meetings Catholic All meetings sist in all advertisements and in infrastructure. This is a permanent, immediately. Resume to: are open with the exception of are open withSend the exception of all other material appearing in with us Gray’s Tuesdays. position Tuesdays. basedConnect out of our this edition offull-time Compounding Pharmacy Permission to Castlegar reproduce wholly or Cranbrook offices. Remedy’s Rx, ph: 250-427or in part and in any form what-

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soever, particularly by a phoSOAR or Magazine. Apply byThis June tographic off set process in a attractive business & in publication must be obtained tourism writing frompublication the publisher. is Any unauthorized publishedreproduction bi-monthlywill be subject to recourse in law. (six times a year).

Great for your ON impact THE WEB: BC Business. More than 280,000 passengers y PaciďŹ c Coastal Airlines. Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 or email ďŹ

Auto Accessories/Parts TENDER ZEHNDER BEEF email email Natural local beef, free of

Misc. for Sale

Announcements Employment Services Business Personals Legal Services MEETOpportunities SINGLES right now! No

Misc. for Sale

75 Grey cement patio blocks (24x30) and 50 cinder blocks, $3.00 each. Phone 342-0612.

Employment Merchandise for Sale Education/Trade Business Misc. for Sale Opportunities Schools

A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL 75 Grey cement patio blocks Trades areCAN’T welcome. EMPLOYERS APPLY and NOW: Pennywise find the (24x30) 50 under cinder blocks, 40’ Containers $2500! work-at-home Scholarship for Medical Women toTranat$3.00 each. Phone 342-0612. JD 544 &644 wheel scriptionists tendAlsoJournalism they need certificate in Loaders JD 892D Canada! course atGet Langara the training College in A- STEEL SHIPPING DRYyou LC excavator need Vancouver. to fillApplication these positions. deadSTORAGE CONTAINERS Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Visit line May 31, 2014. Send applito Used 20’40’45’ Delivery BC your and 53’ AB start cations: training for work-atand insulated containers all home career information online at : sizestoday! in stock. SPECIAL Firewood bagged or bulk, our-programs/scholarship Trades are welcome. free THERE IS local still adelivery. huge$2500! demand 40’ Containers under 250-342-3040 or for Also Canscribe Medical JD 544 &644 scription graduates. Loaders JD 892DMedical Transcription is a of great workWe’re atLC the excavator heart things™ HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Ph Toll freecareer! 1-866-528-7108 from-home Contact us Best price. Best quality. All BC and AB today Delivery at: shapes & colours available. call 1.800.466.1535 or email: 1-866-652-6837 Firewood newspaper? bagged or bulk, free local delivery. PUT BED YOUR to 250-342-3040 or eggs! KILL bugsexperience & their work The job service peoBuy Harris Bed Bugfor Killer An Alberta Oilfi eld Company is ple aged 45 and over across Complete Treatmentdozer Program hiring experienced and HOT (SPA) COVERS. Canada. Free for candidates. or Kit.TUB Available: Hardware excavator operators, meals Best price. Best quality. All Register online at: Stores, Buynow Online: homedepand lodging provided. Drug shapes colours1-(780)723available. or Call testing &required. 1-866-652-6837 Toll-Free: 1-855-286-0306. 5051. KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach newspaper? DehartTablets. Sewer and Eliminate Drain bugs- isguaranteed. No looking for&a their truckmess, KILL BED bugs eggs! odorless, long lasting. driver/pump truck operator. Buy Harris Bed Hardware Bug Killer Available at Ace & Job is seasonal. May to Complete Treatment Program The Home Depot. $18 - $22 per hour. or October. Kit. Available: Hardware MustBuy haveOnline: a FROM goodhomedepdriveronly APARTMENT/CONDO SAWMILLS Stores, abstract. Willing to train. MANAGER TRAINING $4,397 - Make money & save Contact Bruce ed money with your• CertiďŹ own atbandmill ROACHES! Buy Harris or send Study -KILL Cut250-347-9803 lumber anyHome dimension. In Roach Tablets. Eliminate resume toto250-347-2274. Course stock ready ship. Free info bugsguaranteed. No mess, • Jobs & FASTDVD: AND www.NorwoodSaw Reliable Plumbing odorless, long lasting. Registered 1-800-566Repairs, at24/7. Call Parker Available Ace Hardware & Across 6899 Ext:400OT. DeanHome for Depot. your next Canada plumbing The • Gov. CertiďŹ ed job. Present this ad and get /FROM 604.681.5456 SAWMILLS $50 off. Vancouver area. only Call or- 1.800.665.8339 $4,397 Make money & save 1-800-573-2928. money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

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Help Wanted Help Wanted Our classifi ed ads are on Our classifi ed ads are on IF YOU own a home or real the net! Check it out at the net! Travel Check it out at estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

vertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition.



Wednesday, 2014 The ValleyEcho Echo Wednesday, MayMay 28, 28, 2014 The Valley Merchandise for Sale Merchandise for Sale Transportation

IN-FLIGHT Magazine... 0038

SOAR Magazine. This 16, 2014.

attractive business & Business tourism publication is Opportunities published bi-monthly (six times with a year). Connect us GET FREE vending Great impact formachines. your Can earn $100,000 + per year. More BC Business. All Cash-Retire in just 3than years. 280,000Territories. passengers Protected FullydePaciďŹ Coastal Airlines. tails call cnow 1-866-668-6629. Website Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 or email ďŹ

paid operators, just real peoEMPLOYERS CAN’Tgreetings, find the ple like you. Browse work-at-home Medical exchange messages and Tranconscriptionists they need in nect live. Try it free. Call now: Canada! Get the training you 1-800-712-9851 need to fill these positions. Visit to start training for your work-athome career today! Lost: Brand new white Iphone5C with case. In Invermere or Windermere. 250688-0790. Lost: Copper bracelet. Has six pennies on it. Has a very sentimental value to me. If found please call 250-342-6168. If no answer please leave a message. Lost: Kinsmen Beach/park PUT Pink YOUR experience to area. Ralph Lauren Prowork - TheTir-line job service for peogressive prescription ple aged 45 Call and over across sunglasses. 1-780-486Canada. candidates. 3077 or Free emailforkcgc78@hotRegister now online at: or Call Toll-Free: 1-855-286-0306.

Career Opportunities Pets & Livestock


Travel Education/Trade PetsTimeshare & Livestock Schools CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. no risk program, Pets stop mortAPARTMENT/CONDO gage & maintenance pay-

Career Opportunities Help Wanted

Education/Trade Schools

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Valley Echo antibiotics and hormones. Government inspected, custom-cut, wrapped and delivered. Raised on the open range west of Lake Windermere. Now taking orders for required halfs andfor quarters. Hairstylist a busy Hairstylist required for a busy Wanted Full Time W Call John Zehnder well established salon BEEF in Inverwell established in InverTENDER ZEHNDER Experiencedsalon Framing Exp APPLY NOW:is anPennywise 250-342-6781 mere BC. This excellent mere BC. ThisContact is an Ken excellent Natural local free to of atCarpenter. @ Carpe Scholarship for beef, Women opportunity for a certifi motivated opportunity for a motivated antibiotics and hormones. 250-341-1886 tend Journalism cate stylist. ItatisLangara very inspected, easy to build stylist. It is very easy to build Government course College in clientele during busy summer clientele during busy summer custom-cut, wrapped and Vancouver. Application deadmonths. call/leave months. Please call/leave delivered. Raised on the BUYING Collections, line May Coin 31,Please 2014. Send applimessage 250 342 9863 message 250 342 9863 openAntiques, range west of Lake Estates, Native Art, cations: Windermere. Now taking Silver, Jewelry 778-281-0030 More information online at : orders for halfs and quarters. FIREARMS. ALL types wantStrand’s Restaurant is Strand’s Restaurant is Call John Zehnder single our-programs/scholarship ed, estates, collections, looking for a trainee chef looking for a trainee chef 250-342-6781 items, military. We handle all THERE IS still a huge demand and line cook to start and line cook to start paperwork and Medical transportation. for Canscribe immediately. Full time Tranimmediately. Full time Licensed call scription graduates. Medical evenings.Dealer. Apply inPlease person or evenings. Apply in person or 1.866.960.0045 or onTranscription a visit great to TonyisWood at usworkto Tony Wood at line: from-home career! Contact us BUYING Coin Collections, 250-342-6344 or 250-342-6344 or today at: Estates, Antiques, Native Art, call 1.800.466.1535 or email: Silver, Jewelry 778-281-0030 FIREARMS. ALL types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. An AlbertaDealer. Oilfield Please Companycall is Licensed Gorgeous Views, 1260 sq ft hiring experienced dozer 1.866.960.0045 or cabin, visit us and ontwo bedroom excavator operators, meals line: beautifully and lodging landscaped, provided. Drug testing over-looking required. Lake 1-(780)723Windermere. All appliances The Columbia Valley Chamber of CommerceThe is seeking Columbia anValley individual Chamber with ofanCommerce is seek 5051. included. Over-sized single outgoingnew personality, goodfreshly computer skills, knowledge outgoing personality, of the Columbia good computer Valley skills, knowle garage, fl ooring, Dehart Sewer and Drain painted. Yours and and transportation toalive and from work. Retailand experience transportation is an asset. to andMust frombework. Retail exper is looking forto truck vacation year round. truck operator. adriver/pump fulltime student (Secondary or Post-secondary) a fulltime andstudent returning (Secondary to full-time or Post-secondary) Gorgeous Views, 1260 sq ft Job is$429,900.00. seasonal. May to Contact 403-890-9646. studies the Must be able to work weekends. studies Term in theoffall. employment Must be able Juneto work weekends. twoinbedroom cabin, October. $18fall. - $22 per hour. beautifully have31st. alandscaped, good driver 1stMust to over-looking August Please send resume with 1st cover to August letter to31st. Kathy@cvchamber. Please send resume with cover le abstract. WillingLake to train. Windermere. All appliances Bruce at or call 1-250-342-2844. ca, dropContact off at Visitor Centre ca, drop off at Visitor Centre or call 1-250-342-2844 included. Over-sized single 250-347-9803 or send garage, flooring, freshly resumenew to 250-347-2274. painted. Yours to live and FAST vacation AND Reliable Plumbing round. INVERMERE - year Beautiful condo Repairs, 24/7. Call Parker close to $429,900.00. downtown. 3 bdrms, 3 DeanContact your next plumbing baths, 5forappl, large storage room 403-890-9646. and fastget @ job. attached Presentgarage! this Will ad go and $1150/mo plus utilities.area. Call Kevin $50 off. Vancouver Call for evening showing 780-982-1140. 1-800-573-2928.

Employment Merchandise for Sale Education/Trade Help Wanted Misc. for Sale Schools

Employment Transportation Help Wanted Auto Accessories/Parts



Misc. Wanted


Auto Financing

Misc. Wanted


Auto Financing

Real Estate

Houses For Sale Summer StudentSumme Help Wanted

Visitor Centre Counselor

Visito Cou

Real Estate

Houses For Sale

Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!



English Springer Spaniels MANAGER TRAINING ments today. 100% money Reg. •Puppies CertiďŹ back CKC guarantee. Free ed consulChamp lines, tails docked, Home Study tation. Call us now. We can checked, 1st shots, Course help!vet 1-888-356-5248 guaranteed. Home raised, • Jobs well socialized. Registered Ready MayAcross 30. $1,200. Canada • Gov. CertiďŹ ed (250) 392-1440 / 604.681.5456 Lake orWilliams 1.800.665.8339 English Springer Spaniels CKC Reg. Puppies Champ lines, tails docked, vet checked, 1st shots, FULL Time Regulated Pharguaranteed. Home raised, macy Technician and Full INVERMERE - Beautiful condo has A&W well socialized. A&W Restaurant, Invermere, immediate Restaurant, openings Invermere, for has imm TimeReady Pharmacy Assistant close to downtown. 3 bdrms, 3 May 30. $1,200.ReFULL-TIME permanent Food CounterFULL-TIME Attendants. permanent Food Counter Atten quired for growing Residential baths, 5 appl, large storage room and attached garage! Will go fast @ Care and Compounding (250) 392-1440 Phar$1150/mo plus utilities. Kevin Positions 4 Full-Time Day & Call Evening 4 Full-Time – Kitchen Dayand & Evening Front Positions – macy inWilliams Kimberley, BC. PrefLake th evening showing 780-982-1140. erence will be given to experiSeptember 4th, 1922 – Mayfor24 , 2014 Counter (up to 40 hours/week) Counter (up to 40 hours/week) ence with PACMED, Catalyst and Kroll. Experience with - $11.50/hr (based $10.25 - $11.50/hr (based on experience Ray Hemmelgarn was born on $10.25 September 4, 1922 in on experience) residential care workflow, data entry and checking. Wage will St. Walburg, Saskatchewan to parents Charles and Elizabeth We offer a friendly work environment, We offer shared a friendly benefitswork plan,environment, s be based on Position exPlease joinandfamily and friends Please in family and friends in a24, and scholarship scholarship for advancement. program and opportunities fo perience. Position Available Hemmelgarn. Rayajoin passed away peacefully on program May 2014opportunities immediately. Send Resume to: Celebration Of Jason’s Life on: Celebration Life on: in Invermere, BC. He was 91. Of Jason’s Successful applicants will be required Successful to perform applicants the following will be required to p Gray’s Compounding Pharmacy duties: duties: Remedy’s Rx, ph: 250-427At the age of 12, Ray moved with hist $PPL BOE BTTFNCMF GPPE TVDI BT TBOEXJDIFT IBNCVSHFST family from St. Walburg t $PPL BOE BTTFNCMF GPPE TVDI BT TBOE 0038


Professional/ Management Obituaries


Apt/Condo for Rent Rentals

Obituaries Apt/Condo for Rent

OMG! It’s your BFF! Raymond Hemmelgarn In Memoriam: InJoseph Memoriam: And FYI: Slovack he’s a QT! Jason Ashley Jasonsuch Ashley Slovack 1968 – 2014 1968 – 2014 OMG! It’s your BFF! And FYI: he’s such a QT! Tuesday, July 1, 2014Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!


Now Hiring


milkshakes, salads, foodmilkshakes, or place it on portion and wra to Nut Mountain, SK. He was industrious from a young age andportion and wrap 2:00 pm 2:00 pm salads,

plates for service to patrons, package platesfood for for service take-out to patrons, packa Business workedChurch on the family farm. Waterton Park United Waterton Park Unitedorders, Church cleaning of production area.orders, cleaning of production area. Opportunities t 4FSWF DVTUPNFST BU DPVOUFS BOE JO ESJWF UISV IBOEMF QBZNFOU t 4FSWF DVTUPNFST BU DPVOUFS BOE JO ESJWF 108 - Clematis Avenue 108 - Clematis Avenue

Ray met Elsie Potter at a dance, and after dating and engagement they were married in 1946.

transactions, front counter cleaning area. of dining and fr GET FREE Waterton vending machines. Lakes National Park, Alberta Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta cleaning of dining and transactions, They lived in Nut Mountain until moving to Invermere in December, 1954, where they remained Can earn $100,000 + per year. t 4UPDL SFGSJHFSBUPST BOE GPMMPX t " 8 4UPDL BOE SFGSJHFSBUPST #$ 1SPWJODJBM BOE GPMMPX " 8 All Cash-Retire in just 3 years. standards for food safety and2003 quality, standards and record for keeping. food safety and quality together thereafter. Kowasaki Vulcan 1500 Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Arrangements Funeral entrusted Service. to McPherson Funeral Service. Protected Territories. Full det 1MFBTBOUMZ BOE IPOFTUMZ JOUFSBDU XJUI DVTUPNFST BOE GFMMPX runst 1MFBTBOUMZ BOE IPOFTUMZ JOUFSBDU XJUI D excellent with extras. tails call now 1-866-668-6629. 33,000 team km, members. $4,850.00. 250members. Website After moving to Invermere, hadcan a long career at Radium sawmill, retiring after Condolences for theRay family beCondolences offered at:thefor the family canteam be offered at:over 20 342-5264.

Motorcycles years in 1987. He was also an avid woodworker and enjoyed making furniture for hisapply family. Please in person or online at Please apply in person or online a

Garage Sales Career Ray was dedicated to the community. He was a member of the Invermere volunteer fire Motorcycles department for over 20 years, including several years as fire chief. He was also a member of Lions opportunity CHURCH CHURCH SERVICES SERVICES DIRECTORY Club for over 25 years, including terms asDIRECTORY club president. ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere

9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 2003Saturday, Kowasaki MayVulcan 31, 20141500 runs excellent with Lions extras. Fairmont & District 33,000 $4,850.00. 250Annualkm, Garage Sale at Real 342-5264. SPECIAL INITIATIVES INTERN Storage, Windermere. LAKE WINDERMERE WINDERMERE WINDERMERE ST. PETER’S VALLEY WINDERMERE CANADIAN VALLEY MARTYRS CANADIAN RADIUM CHRISTIAN CHRISTIAN VALLEY CHRISTIAN VALLEY Ray’s greatest source of prideMARTYRS and accomplishment RADIUM was his family. He was survived by hisLAKE Close-out sale. Everything must go. Furniture, ALLIANCE CHURCH ALLIANCE CHURCH LUTHERAN SHARED MISSION MINISTRY SHARED CATHOLIC MINISTRY CHURCH CATHOLIC FELLOWSHIP CHURCH FELLOWSHIP ASSEMBLY AS wife of 67 years, Elsie and by his four children and their spouses: Donna and Doug Biggar of This position will perform a range collectibles, tools, sporting 326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 OF ANGLICAN-UNITED INVERMERE ANGLICAN-UNITED Roman Catholic Parish Roman Catholic Parish goods, household items. Salmon Arm; Darlene and Dale Beddie of Penticton; Gregg and Sandi Hemmelgarn, of Invermere; of communications, media, event93/95 1birds km north Hwy. 93 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. REV. TREVOR HAGAN REV.Hwy. TREVOR HAGAN Pastor: Father Gabriel Pastor: 250-342-6644 250-342-6644 ForFather more Gabriel information For more information No early please. planning, research, report-writing ofSaturday, Windermere of W and Gordon and250-342-6167 Shannon Hemmelgarn, of Red Deer. He is also by hisPastor nine grandchildren Invermere Invermere Senior Senior PastorMay 31, 2014 100-7th Avenue, Invermere 100-7th250-342-6167 Avenue, Invermere Worship Services call 250-342-6633 callsurvived 250-342-6633 Fairmont & District Lions Huge garage sale! Antiques, 250-344-6328 Golden 250-344-6328 Golden Pastor: and office administration activities. Annual Garage Sale at Real and eighteen great grandchildren. He was pre-deceased by his parents and 12 of his 13 siblings. He collectibles, tools, household every SundayINITIATIVES INTERN or 250-347-6334 or 250-347-6334 SPECIAL Storage, Windermere. Wittke Mur Reverend Hermakin Reverend Laura andMurray miscellaneous. Too much Confession: 1/2Hermakin hour before Confession: 1/2always hour before Mass is Laura a one-year term position atThis 1:30 p.m. will beMass missed, and we will have fond memories of his kindness and love. to Close-out mention. 1sale. kmEverything down HaulSunday, June 1st Sunday, June 1st Loving God, Loving People Loving God, Loving People based out of our Golden office. go. Furniture, Canadian Martyrs Church Canadian Martyrs Church at Christ Church Trinity perform a range grave must Rd. behind Lake Lillian. This position collectibles, Junewill 1st Sunday, June 10:30 SatSunday May a.m. 31stService 9tools, a.m.sporting to 3 p.m. 712 - 12 Ave, 1st Invermere Sund Memorial Service712will- 12 be Ave, held Invermere at 2 pm, on Friday, May 30th at the 10:30 Catholic a.m. Church of Canadian 110 Sunday, - 7th Avenue, goods, household items. Rain or shine! Apply by June 6, 2014. of communications, media, eventSaturday Saturday at Main 5 p.m. Street W, #4Worship - 7553 Main W, Legion, 9:00 a.m. 9:00 5 p.m. AndatStreet Life Instruction Worship Life 10And a.m.No Worship &please. Word 10 a.m. W earlyInstruction birds Invermere Martyrs, 1210 9th #4 St. Invermere, BC. Tea Service will follow- 7553 immediately the Canadian

Career opportunity

Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today! Fetch a Friend from the today!

Garage Sales

9 a.m. Sunday atRadium 9 a.m. planning, research, report-writing “LoveRadium Is A Verb ‌.. Love “Love Kid’s IsHuge A Verb ‌.. Love Church Provided Kid’s Ch Worship at All Saint’s, Worship Sunday at All at Saint’s, garage sale! Antiques, 525 13th St. Invermere BC. Sundays at 10 a.m. Sundays at ‌ 10 a.m. and office administration activities. St. Joseph’s Church St. Joseph’s Church In Actionâ€? Pastor TrevorIn Actionâ€? ‌ Pastor Trevor collectibles, tools, household Edgewater. Edgewater. Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs and miscellaneous. Too much ThisDavid is a one-year position ministering. with us Pastor Rev. David Morton Pastor Rev. Morton termConnect As an expression ofSunday sympathy, memorial sent ministering. to the Hospice Society of theCall the to mention. km down HaulSunday at 11 a.m. at 11 a.m. contributions may beBible office at1 250-342-9511 Call the offic Bible Studies Studies based out of our Golden office. grave Rd. behind Lake Lillian. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 1.800.505.8998 Columbia Valley orSacred a#4charity of your choice. for information. Sacred Heart Parish Heart Parish 7553 Main Street W, #4 7553 Main Street W, Satmore May 31st 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for mor 250-426-7564 250-426-7564 Please note: Please note: 1-800-222-TIPS Bacon, Friends & Faith at Bacon, Friends & Faith at Rain or shine! Apply by June 6, 2014. 808 - 11 Street, Golden 808 - 11 Street, Golden www.valleyc Radium Radium There will be no K.I.D.S. There will be no K.I.D.S. Saturday Trinity at 7 p.m. Saturday at 7 p.m. Christ Church Trinity Christ Church Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Sunday at 10 a.m. Sunday at 10 a.m. Church for the months of Church for the months of Sharing Truth Shar 10:30 a.m.: 10:30 a.m.: June, and August. June, July and August. St. Anthony’s Mission St. Anthony’s Mission Kids’ Church Kids’ July Church Connect with us Corner of and Dunn, Canal Flats Corner of Luck Edgewater and Dunn, Canal Flats Worship at Christ Church Worship atLuck Christ Church Showing Love Show Hall Edgewater Hall 1.800.505.8998 Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Trinity, Invermere Trinity, Invermere Thursday 6:30 p.m. Thursday 6:30 p.m. Following the Spirit Followi (served from Kimberly) (served from Kimberly)

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Valley Echo A15

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SERVING THE VALLEY The WaTer & air Company! Water Treatment: filtration and purification Furnace and Duct cleaning

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Sales ~ Service ~ Installation

Business of the Week Quality Bakery was established in 1956 by Dutch Baker, Jan Van Driel, followed by Austrian Baker, Rudy Laresser in 1964. In 1981, Peter Banga of Switzerland became the current owner of Quality Bakery (now The Invermere Bakery). Peter received his Journeyman credentials as Baker and Pastry Chef in Zurich, Switzerland from the Baeckerei Steiner and then immigrated to Canada. Peter has carried on the fine baking tradition in this small mountain town and continues to improve products and their availability. It is a popular destination for those in search of the best in freshly baked breads, pastries, cakes, pies, cookies, and all the good things that come out of an oven. Sponsored by:

To advertise, call: 250-341-6299



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Complete line of aggregate products for construction and landscaping Office:

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Valley Echo

The Valley Echo and The Hospice Society of the Columbia Valley present

Giving Back Community

Golf Tournament

Sunday, June 22, 2014 at 1 p.m. at the Windermere Valley Golf Course Four Person Scramble. Entry fee is $125/person $500/team. Includes golf, dinner, tee gift, and prizes! Not a golfer? Join us for dinner and the silent auction for only $40/person. Long Drives • Closest to the Pin • Chipping and Putting Contests Hole in One Prizes • Mulligans • Silent auction • A Great Meal

Our player-friendly format is a four-person scramble with only three tee shots needed from each player.

Fees must be paid at time of entry. Please contact the Windermere Valley Golf Course Pro Shop at 250-342-3004 to register. Space is limited so register early! Call Dean at The Valley Echo with any questions at 250-341-6299.






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