I N S I D E : Ashcroft Terminal looking good. Page 3
Volume 119 No 22 PM # 400121123
Thursday, May 29, 2014
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Resident says he’ll fight ROW demand The Village of Cache Creek says it won’t budge in telling resident Jim Douglas to take out a statutory Right of Way on his property along the Bonaparte River in exchange for the Development Permit he asked for. However, Coun. Herb Hofer said at the May 26 Council meeting that he would no longer support it. “I’ve given this a lot of thought,” he told Council, “and I believe we’re asking way too much of applicant. We should remove the condition.” “It may take us decades to get (all of the property along the river),” said Ranta. He said the only time the Village would have the opportunity to add to the riverside walking path is to take it when propertyowners ask for a development permit. The Bonaparte River was added as Developent Permit Area A in the most recent revision of the Official Community Plan, and applies to all property along the river. Douglas said he planned to run the matter past his lawyer.
Oasis Plaza declared unsightly Clinton Rodeo Loads of action at last weekend’s rodeo in Clinton. Clockwise, Top Left: Keely Durrell (Riske Creek) in the Barrell “Jumping”; Ryland DeRose (Kamloops) with a 70 point ride on a Saddle Bronc; Katrina Ilnicki (Williams Lake) scores a 3.2 second Breakaway Roping; the teen’s footrace; Regan Charleyboy (Alexis Creek) about to hit the ground in Jr. Steer Riding.
Cache Creek Council is giving Oasis Plaza owner Joe Carhoun another 30 days to respond after it declared his property “unsightly” under their Unsightly Premises Bylaw at their May 26 meeting. The declaration carries a daily fine with it for each day the property is left “unsightly”, however Mayor John Ranta convinced Council to give the owner more time - even though Carhoon still hasn’t responded to the Village’s March 27 request for a meeting. Council agreed to an amendment suggested by Ranta directing staff to pursue options in order to have property comply with unsightly premises bylaw. Instead of “going too heavy handed” and having staff advise him of the fines for non compliance, he suggested that they send the owner a copy of the bylaw and ask him to contact the Village. He said he was concerned about damaging any co-operation between Carhoon and the Village. “When I’m out of town,” said Ranta, “people who don’t even live here ask me about it.”
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Thursday, May 29, 2014 The Journal
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The Ashcroft and District Lions Club are proud sponsors of the ASS Senior Girls Soccer Team. Lion President Nick Lebedoff and Lions Arlene Lebedoff and Vivian Edwards presented a cheque from the Lions Club to cover the cost of two sets of jerseys for the Team. The girls have been doing very well - they recently placed 5th in the Okanagan tournament and have qualified to go to the provincials in Vancouver. Good luck, girls! Back Row: Glory Holt, Alexa Davidson, Selina Ambler, Kelsey Ambler, Danika Paulos, Kendell Chenier, Caitlyn Debert, Haley Schroeder, Leeza Schroeder, Chelsea Stephenson Front Row: Coach Brian Carmichael, Chantal Husa, Monica Lim, Kate Curran, Maryn William-Paul and Breana Paulos. Drowsy driver
May 22 at 8:07 pm police attended a single vehicle accident on Hwy 1 east of Cache Creek by the Perry Ranch. The 50 year old Kamloops man nodded off at the wheel and drove his pickup off the highway and down an embankment. The man was treated in Kamloops for minor injuries. His pickup was towed.
Truck collides with office
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May 23 at 5 pm police attended a collision at the corner of Hwy 97C and Barnes St. after a driverless bucket truck rolled down the hill and collided with Ashcroft Electric as well as a few parked cars. The truck had been used to trim trees. It was sent for inspection to determine why it began moving. The building had some minor exterior damage.
The lure of cinnamon buns
Terry Daniels Publisher Office: 250-453-2261 Fax: 250-453-9625 e-mail: publisher@accjour nal.ca 402 - 4th Street, Ashcroft, BC • V0K 1A0 www.blackpress.ca
Dave’s Golf Club Re-gripping & Repairs Shoe Re-spiking
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May 23 at 2:10 pm police received a complaint from staff at the OK Stop who wanted police to speak to an ex employee who had been seen leaving the store without paying for merchandise. The Ashcroft woman denied the theft at first and was shown a picture from the video surveillance of her putting a cinnamon bun in her purse. She
Ashcroft rcMP DetAchMent
was told that she was no longer welcome in the store.
Not sober enough
May 25 at 12:15 am a Traffic Services officer on routine patrol noticed a pickup truck at a pullout on Hwy 97 at Valley Rd. north of Clinton. He spoke to the man inside the truck who said he had decided to pull over and sleep for the rest of the night. The officer smelled liquor on his breath but the 22 year old man from 108 Mile denied having anything to drink. He was given a roadside test and blew two Warns. He was given a three day driving prohibition. His girlfriend was called to come and retrieve him and the truck.
Buyer beware
May 25 at noon police received a complaint from a woman in 16 Mile who said she had answered her front door to find three young adults of MidEastern heritage standing there trying to sell her some jewellry. They told her they needed gas money to get back to
Egypt. She described their vehicle as a gray Ford SUV with Alberta plates but did not get a licens plate number.
Truck stolen during favour
May 25 at 12:30 pm a 62 year old Cache Creek man called to report that his truck had been stolen by a 32 year old female acquaintance. He said he had been working in his yard when the woman saw him and stopped in. They had a beer together and then she asked if he could drive her to the intersection of Hwy 1 and 97C so she could hitchhike to Merrit. He made a stop at the Oasis beer store first, and she drove off with his truck while he was inside the store. At 2:52 pm Merrit RCMP were called to a single vehicle accident in Lower Nicola involving the man’s truck. The woman left the scene before police arrived, but was located and arrested for impaired driving and being in possession of a stolen vehicle. Other charges may be pending.
Stuck sheep
May 26 at 2:30 pm police received a report of a herd of big horn sheep near Hwy 1 east of Cache Creek. The caller said that one of the sheep had its head stuck in a barbed wire fence and couldn’t get free. He said he would wait there while officers came to assist. PoN’ MI SLAM 2 people, 18 holes, with power cart lice notified the area’s Conservation Officer. SAMMY’S plus taxes The man called back SEMLIN a short time later and VALLEY 2 people, 9 holes, with power cart advised that the sheep SPECIAL! had managed to free plus taxes itself and the herd had continued on its way. 250-457-6666 One km East of Cache Creek on Highway 1 www.semlinvalleygolf.com
Semlin Valley Golf Course $69.00
The Journal Thursday, May 29, 2014
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Latest phase of AT expansion complete Contractors, shippers, politicians, executives, bureaucrats and many interested people gathered at the Ashcroft Terminal on May 21 to watch the ribbon cutting that signified the completion of a $7 million expansion project that added 1,500 metres of railroad track with switches at either end which will allow CP and CN to leave their cars behind to be loaded or unloaded. Ashcroft Mayor Andy Anderson was part of the ribbon-cutting crew. He has been an active supporter and promoter of the terminal for the past six years, introducing owner Bob Landucci to politicians who might be able to help. He told his Council at their meeting this week that he talked to a trucker he knew at the ribbon cutting ceremony, who said he was going to start bringing his loads to the terminal for loading, and he was planning to persuade others to give the terminal business as well. “I think economic development is well under way in Ashcroft,” he said. Coun. Jerry Fiddick added that he was talking to a Williams Lake contractor at the ceremony who got a contract with Trimac because of the terminal. He was impressed at how far reaching the employment effects. This joint investment of $7.15 million from the Government of Canada and Ashcroft Terminal will provide lasting economic improvements throughout the region. The federal government contributed over $3.57 million from the Mountain Pine Beetle Program within the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Transportation Infrastructure Fund (APGCTIF), while Ashcroft Terminal provided matching funds. Construction of the Ashcroft Terminal expansion project began in February 2013 with the promise of up to $5 million in federal grants that would be matched by AT owners and partners. Owner Bob Landucci said they couldn’t finish everything they wanted to and still meet the grant’s deadline, so they did what they could. He said there is still a lot left to do, including looping the tracks around the property, which is located near the end of Evans Rd.
Ashcroft Mayor Andy Anderson raises his fist in victory as the ribbon is cut, signifying the completion of the Ashcroft Terminal/Federal government’s jointly-funded $7 million expansion last week. He joined Member of Parliament Mark Strahl, Consul General Johannes Vervloed from the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Dr. David Fung, and Bob Landucci, President and CEO of Ashcroft Terminals in the ribbon cutting.
The next generation of Ashcroft tomatoes Communities in Bloom members were at Ashcroft Elementary School again this week doing a project with Ms. Charlee Marlow’s Grade 4/5 class. This is the third year that this project has been done with this grade level and Communities in Bloom members were enthusiastically welcomed by the students.
The project has the students learning about different tomato varieties and how they grow in different sizes and colors. Students learn how the small hairs on the stems will turn into roots if planted in the soil and they learn how to transplant the tomatoes from the four inch pots into a one gallon container. The tomatoes the students plant are
a patio variety that are started from seed in the Walker’s greenhouse. Once large enough, they are transplanted into fourinch pots and grown until they are approximately one foot tall. Patio tomatoes are the variety of choice, as all students may not live in a home where a vegetable garden is planted; thus, they are able to grow the tomatoes in the one gallon pot if desired. Once the students have transplanted their tomatoes they are able to take them home and care for them. Students from previous years are always eager to relate how their tomatoes grew and how they enjoyed picking and eating the fruit from them. The final piece of the project is carried out by Kathy Paulos from the Ashcroft Museum. She visits the classroom and tells students how the tomato was an important part of the history of Ashcroft and about the tomato cannery that was located on Railway Avenue and employed many local people. Andrea Walker
Ms. Charlee Marlow’s (Right) Grade 4/5 class with their potted tomatoes, and Communities in Bloom members Doreen Rondquist and Andrea Walker.
A 4 www.ash-cache-journal.com Published every Thursday in Ashcroft by Black Press Ltd. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber
The Editor’s Desk
Thursday, May 29, 2014 The Journal
Casting pebbles into the water As much as we measure this and quanify that and survey every person on the planet, we can never be absolutely sure what effect our actions will have. A kind word to this person may sink like a rock into the pit of their depressed soul; a kind word to that person may change their life around - or your own. Likewise with businesses. In the two years I worked for the BC government, they had us detailing every fact and possibility in order to measure the outcomes. Of course, we spent more time studying and documenting the details and had little time in offering the programs that would yield the outcomes. A “POTATO LEAF” TOMATO LEAF catches the raindrops But entities like the Ashcroft Terminal... If I was betting on a horse, I’d call this one a sure bet. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of today’s economy and transportation issues have been scratching their heads Yard sales Isn’t it amazing what the averfor years, wondering why it hasn’t taken off age household accumulates after a as it should. few short years? Do you ever wonHowever, as Mayor Anderson said this der, as you contemplate your garweek, it looks like the terminal’s time has age, possessions, inside and out, come. The tracks are laid, the players are Esther however you managed to acquire all this? I think most of us do. That signing up and the world is starting to take Darlington is why Ashcroft is alive with yard notice of the Ashcroft Terminal. MacDonald sales through May and even into Not just Ashcroft. Not just Vancouver June. Every neighbourhood sprouts (and Delta). Not just B.C. Consul Generwith signs, coloured balloons, disI had two yard sales this month. We al Johanes Vervloed from the Netherlands plays of every kind of everything sold a good many things. I say “we”, spoke at last week’s ribbon-cuttiung cerefrom soup to nuts. Some of it is usenot the Queen Victoria “we”, but the ful. Some isn’t; books long ago read by we that is Bob and Kirsten who sortmony of how he hosted the Landuccis on yourself and others many times over, ed, priced, displayed, so much of what a trip to his home country to look at how all manner of useful household items Sherman and I had accumulated in two they transported goods. There was an exand some you’ve forgotten the function short years here at No. 46, Mesa Vista change of ideas and information that went of. “What is this?” It’s been in a drawer Court. What I hadn’t realized after the both ways. for years and years. first yard sale, was the stuff in SherAnd like the kind word, you can’t acLet’s face it. We are a Consumer man’s puttering ground, the metal shed curately forecast the ripple effects. But you Society. That is our function. To conbehind our home. It was full of tools of sume. That is what makes the world go every shape and description. can guess. Contractors from Princeton and around. That is what makes the comMany people came, despite the Williams Lake have commented on how AT modity markets boom on Wall Street spotty weather. They came from miles has had a positive influence on their work. and at the Vancouver Stock Exchange. around. The posters I put up on RailAs with all things, most people are affectWhen sales go down, the economists way Avenue did their work well. Bob ed but don’t comment. You can count on gloom and doom. When sales revive, said they were the best yard sale postall is well again. We will continue to another 10 per cent at least as being affecters he’d ever seen. Hmm. Have I live and produce and spend for anmissed my calling? Should I have been ed. So... 10 per cent of the Interior? BC? other while. We are ant hills of produca sign painter? Years ago, when I was Canada? Perhaps the planet. That’s a lot of tivity. We never stop. Not even when a teen, my dad used to go to the Bus positive influence! an elephant steps on us, or a Tsunami Depot Cafe for his weekly Newsweek It’s likened to casting a pebble into the swamps us temporarily, destroying so mag and his cigarettes. The proprietor water and watching the ripples spread out much of what we need and use. We knew Isaac’s daughter was a budding continue to go on. Of course, we do. far beyond the original pebble’s influence. artist. Would she make some signs for What else can we do? me? “You know, Hamburgers, sandIt feels good to see it happen.
Selling off years of accumulated possessions CAKEWALK CHRONICLES
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A division of Black Press Est. 1895
402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625
Terry Daniels
Wendy Coomber
Anne Blake
Barbara Roden
wiches, - that sort of sign”? Dad came home and asked me. Sure. I cut out pieces of card, got some poster colour and pens, and made the signs. And do you know what I got the most satisfaction from? It wasn’t the $2 I received. It was going into the Bus Depot Cafe with my buddies, seeing those signs over the mirror across from the stools and the counter.
The Art Exhibition
On May 2/3, an exhibition of my paintings was held in St. Alban’s Hall in Ashcroft. Friday night sales were brisk. I’d priced them very low. To decrease my inventory. This was essential. Moving into the seniors’ apartments at Thompson View Manor, meant I had to really pare down what I had. Friends Martina and Jim urged me to get more work and they would hang it. We brought eight more paintings into the hall. They looked grand against the white wall. All the color and movement came out under all that indirect lighting. Thirteen paintings were sold in all. A very successful exhibition for six hours of viewing time. Now people have an Esther Darlington Ashcroft streetscape, or a lanescape, or a landscape, or a still life. I am hoping to find a permanent home for the rest of the work dating back to the 1960s. It is portrait and figure work mostSee CAKEWALK on p. 5 Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
The Journal Thursday, May 29, 2014
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Memories and imaginations create rich images ly. Somebody in the bakery recently asked me if I had painted nudes. ‘Yes, but they sold’. Merritt was the main market for my work for well over a decade. Cakewalk from p. 4
How often have I been asked, ‘Why don’t you write about your own life?’ Yes, I’ve written countless biographies of the lives of others in the Cariboo. But writing about your own life is an entirely different challenge. I have more or less completed the first drafts of my childhood. What emerges has fascinated me. The major influences. The events that colored our times, the houses we made homes. Our life liv-
Buried treasure in Cache Creek Landfill Dear Editor At some time or other everyone of us has wondered about the location of the famed treasure of “Cache Creek.” Well, we need wonder no more: Councillor Rick Glumac of Port Moody in an apparent straight-faced attempt to undermine Metro Van’s proposal to stop sending garbage to us - is reported to have said (Journal, May 22) that burying garbage is so much better than using it to create usable energy because landfilled plastics, in particular, remain buried “and could be mined as a resource in the future.” Amateur archeologists may never find the hidden gold of Goldrush days, but the many millions of tonnes of garbage buried in Cache Creek will yield us bountiful treasures far into the future. So thanks for the reminder Councillor Glumac and go ahead and groan with envy, Barkerville.
Ermes Culos Area I
ing with our grandparents in 1939, at the height of the Great Depression, and just before the Second World War was declared. I was old enough to recall the effects that Depression had on all our lives. On my uncles particularly. Work was practically impossible to find. And even if you did, you received so little. One uncle complained that the only work he could get was delivering groceries on his bike for $5. a week. A strong, handsome young man he was, too. Another uncle worked as a theatre usher for $2.50 a week. I’m sure there are still a few of my readers around who have experienced the Depression. Many will have their own stories to tell about those years. People certainly knew the value of the dollar in those days. Every penny counted. It is impossible for younger people today to imagine a time like that. Let us hope it never happens again! The outbreak of the Second World War had my uncles join up immediately. They were able to marry, finally, after years of courtship. Army, navy and airforce. They had finally found work. But what work! Uncle Jim fought in France and Germany. He never wanted to talk about those years. Four of them. And so, life moves on.
The textures of the world that we build around us, and call “neighbourhood” is what provides the colour and beauty for our eyes, minds and hearts. I have walked the back lanes of Ashcroft for many years, looking at the fence boards and the backs of cottages, the overhanging branches of lilacs bushes and honeysuckle. The odour of lilacs in the spring is thick. The air in Ashcroft in the spring after a day or two of rain is pure sweetness. You can smell the earth in peoples’ gardens. The sunflower hanging over a high board fence is one of my favourite sights. The fence is grey and weatherbeaten. The sunflower is fresh, yellow, its long stalk drooping over the fence boards, looking down on the gravel of the lane. I’ve been in other towns as small as Ashcroft, and every one of them
has its own textures. Red brick walls. Striped awnings over a shop. Tall elms, dark trunks, apricot laden trees in back yards. Every town is unique in its textures and colours. You can walk from one end of Ashcroft to the other in less than 10 minutes. But the colour and variety you will find is infinite. Now, lay all that against a backdrop of burnt sienna and burnt umber mountains that change colour as the light moves over them... and you have the stuff that artists paint.
My family in Maui is recovering from the aftermath of the near fatal illness of my grand daughter after the birth of her third child this month. Nalani is up and around again. For her recovery, we are supremely grateful. I am receiving a steady stream of pictures of my great grandchildren. The pictures usually come on week end mornings. What a wonder it is to see them grow and develop. The Internet is a great bounty isn’t it? It unites families who are separated by oceans. To think how the world has changed in 25 years. One generation has brought unparalleled changes we couldn’t imagine. The speed of communication is almost instant. Incredible! I sign off this column with the hope that you are all enjoying this wonderful spring weather. That your gardens are showing those first signs of bloom. That you are visiting our local farms and hanging your flower baskets. That you are enjoying your coffee and munchies in our local bistros and cafes. God bless!
THOMPSON-NICOLA REGIONAL DISTRICT SPENCES BRIDGE COMMUNITY PARK & RECREATION FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION SERVICE AREA ESTABLISHMENT REFERENDUM NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO VOLUNTEER AS A SCRUTINEER On Saturday June 21, 2014 qualified electors within the proposed Spences Bridge Community Park and Recreation Financial Contribution Service Area will be voting on the following question: “Are you in favour of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District adopting Bylaw No. 2461 that will: • establish the “Spences Bridge Community Park and Recreation Financial Contribution Service Area” within a portion of Electoral Area “I” (Blue Sky Country); and • annually requisition the greater of $8,000 or $0.411/$1,000 of net taxable value of land and improvements for the service?” Scrutineers for and against the question must be appointed if applications are received from persons who wish to volunteer for the positions. Only persons entitled to vote as electors on the question shown above are entitled to act as scrutineers. One scrutineer for and one scrutineer against the question will be appointed for each voting place if sufficient applications are received. In the event that there are two (2) or more applications received for or against the question, scrutineers will be determined by lot to be drawn at the TNRD Administration Office, 4th Floor, 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC at 2 PM on June 9, 2014. Applications to act as a scrutineer will be only be received by the Chief Election Officer during the following period: 9:00 AM, Monday May 26, 2014 to 4:00 PM, Friday, June 6, 2014 Application forms are available at the Regional District office (visit, phone, fax or email your request for an application form) or may be downloaded from the TNRD website at www.tnrd.ca Interested persons can obtain information on the requirements and procedures for making an application by contacting: Carolyn Black, Chief Election Officer or Agnese Saat, Deputy Chief Election Officer Thompson-Nicola Regional District Office 300 – 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, B.C. V2C 2A9 Telephone (250) 377-8673 Toll free in BC 1-877-377-8673 Email: referendum@tnrd.ca Fax: (250) 372-5048
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$20 Dump Day Events Saturday, May 31 Clinton
5 Boyd Pit Road • from 8am-4pm
loon lake
1691 Loon Lake Rd • from 8am-6pm TNRD will pay for $20 of your load on Dump Day. Any waste with a total tipping fee value over $20 the difference must be paid by the customer (EX. Load is $25, TNRD pays first $20 and customer owes $5).
Top, Back: Steve Drynock, Bobby Elliott, Tina Edwards, James Walkem, Doreen Harry and Sam Gush. Middle: Ranger Oppenheim, Ariel Swayze, Ian Adams and Anastasia Pittman. Front: Frank Clarke, Lena Nicholson, Alan McNeil (Instructor Vancouver Island University), Morgan Jumbo (with net) and Tamara Campbell.
Cariboo Country Mobile Veterinary Services
Our pets do look like us You often hear that pets resemble their owners and in some ways that’s happening more and more. Not too many years ago, puppies and kittens frequently died in the first months of life due to infectious disease. Many more were lost to accidents or injury. Professionals involved with dogs such as bird dog trainers or those involved with dogs showing, would not even consider paying for a puppy until it was nearing adulthood because so many succumbed to distemper or parasitic infections as young puppies. Few pets suffered from cancer, as most never lived long enough to get it. Most cats earned their keep by keeping pests under control, a risky occupation that exposed them to parasites, predators and disease. Working and hunting dogs were not routinely vaccinated and, without access to antibiotics, many would not survive infections from what we would today consider to be a minor injury. The same was true for their owners--farming and occupational accidents, polio and even the flu took countless human lives. With advances in both human and veterinary medicine, many previously devastating diseases are now virtually unheard of due to widespread vaccination. In almost 20 years, I have seen canine distemper only twice in my career--once as a brand-new graduate (my boss at the time had been in practice since the 80’s and even he had never seen a case), and again when I did volunteer work in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. Sadly, many animals in that part of the United States are not vaccinated or on heartworm prevention, so these diseases are much more prevalent than in other parts of the U.S. and Canada. In parts of northern Canada, rabies and distemper are maintained in the wild canine population and can be
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Photos Marilyn Bueckert
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www.cariboomobilevet.com transmitted to unvaccinated domestic animals. Now, however, the picture is changing. And still, pets do resemble their owners. Not too many years ago, few veterinarians would have seen cases of diabetes in pets. It is now relatively common in both cats and dogs. Pets and their owners are increasingly being diagnosed and treated for chronic conditions that were much less common a few years ago. Low thyroid function (hypothyroidism), heart, kidney and liver disease, torn cruciate ligaments, allergies and arthritis are diagnosed with increasing regularity. There are many schools of thought as to why this parallel shift is being observed. . . Is it simply because our lives are longer and safer than they have ever been before, so less fatal maladies now have opportunity to take hold? Or is it a reflection of our diet in combination with a more sedentary lifestyle for both us and our animals? Other people speculate that increasing exposure to chemicals, pollution or stress may play a role in development of chronic disease. What can pet owners to to help their pets stay healthy? No surprises here--essentially the same advice your doctor gives you for your own health. Choose nutritious foods that are low in fat, salt, artificial flavors and colors. Limit snacks, maintain a healthy body weight and exercise. Get regular check ups, maintain good oral hygiene and spend quality time socializing with others. The best news of all? Studies show that pet owners who make a concerted effort to help their pets lose weight and become healthier usually improve their own health as well. Now that’s a win-win situation!
Instructor Alan McNeill with the electrofisher, Tamara Campbell with the scoop net and Ranger Oppenheim on the pole seine.
Barnes Lake schoolroom
by Marilyn Bueckert Alan McNeill, of Vancouver Island University, was at Barnes Lake on May 21 with 14 students from the Aboriginal Environmental Technician Program. The course would eventually lead to certification by the B.C. Government to safely sample fish and check the environment. Today they were learning about Electrofishing. First, minnow traps were set in both Barnes and Willard Lakes but no minnows were found in either of the lakes. They then moved to a nearby stream and used an electrofisher (run by batteries) to temporarily stun the fish, who were then caught in a scoop net or a pole seine. When they were placed into a bucket, they were measured and checked before being released back into the stream. Safety was paramount and all
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the students had to wear electrical linesmen gloves and rubber waders so they were not shocked. Those without protection had to maintain a distance of five feet from the stream. Some of the trout were up to 36 cm in length. One of the students reported that a lot of the fish were spawning. Knowing that now, the instructor would not do a lot of sampling due to the spawning but the creek served well to demonstrate the effectiveness of the electronic gear. Further down the Thompson, northern squawfish were caught, along with a redside shiner and a sucker. One of the young students will be working up at Highland Valley checking on the fish there. Many of the others are hoping to find work in BC in this new profession.
Call a Recruitment Specialist
The Journal Thursday, May 29, 2014
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Spences Bridge Community Yard Sales Saturdy, May 31 and Sunday, June 1 9 am - 4 pm Having a Garage Sale? Advertise here $12.25 + GST.
Coming Events
AES Fun Fair Photos: Wendy Coomber
ChurCh DireCtory ZION UNITED
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zuc@coppervalley.bc.ca • http://ashcroftunited.ca
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Thompson Valley Funeral Home
GOLF TOURNAMENT in support of
Ham & Scalloped Potatoes $10/plate
St. Alban’s
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Crossroads Pentecostal Assembly
Christ Centered People Centered 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. • 250-457-6463 crossroadspentecostalassembly.org
Pastor David Murphy Worship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. Everyone welcome
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14-106.5_NGEndlessSummer-Print-10.3125x2-P2.indd 1
June 22, 2014
18 hole Tournament with a Steak or Chicken Dinner to follow. 4 Person Teams playing 4 ball best ball. $60 per person, all proceeds will be going to the Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. Shot gun start 10 a.m. To register and reserve carts please contact Dave at Semlin Valley Golf Course 240-457-6666
Natural gas. Good for outdoor living. FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (14-106.5 04/2014)
Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion FRI., MAY 30th • 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Anglican Church of Canada
May 29: “Stained Glass” 5:30 – 6:30pm at the Cache Creek Library. May 31: Ashcroft Secondary School Travel Club Yard and Bake Sale at the high school 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Please drop off donations at the high school Mon. - Fri. 9 - 3; if you need items picked up call Colleen (250-453-9144) or Deanna (250-4539794), or e-mail deannahorsting123@msn.com May 31: Cache Creek Market at the main intersection, 9 am to 1 pm. Held every Saturday until October. May 31: Social Networking course at the Ashcroft Library, 1011:30 am. Seating is limited, call 453-9042 to register. June 3: Zion UCW meets at 2 PM in the Church Hall at 401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft. All ladies welcome. New members would be much appreciated. Last meeting until September. June 3-14: Book sale at the Ashcroft Library during library hours. June 5: Cache Creek Gartden Club Meeting 6 - 7pm at the Cache Creek Library. June 9: Cache Creek Council meeting at 7pm in the Village Office. June 12: Minute-to-Win-it (for bragging rights) 5:30 – 6:30pm at the Cache Creek Library. June 19: Photography Speaker Series: 5:30 – 6:30pm at the Cache creek Library. June 26-27: The BC Cancer Agency’s Screening Mammography mobile service will be visiting the Ashcroft District Hospital. Call 1-800-663-9203 to book an appointment. Tues. evenings: Trap shooting now open at 4:30 at the trap range above the airstrip in Cache Creek. Beginners welcome: no shotgun required. For info call 250-453-2570. Ashcroft - Cache Creek Seniors’ Group meets on the third Thursday of the month at 1:00 pm at the Seniors’ Centre, Village Office, Ashcroft. Ashcroft Farmer’s Market every Saturday 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, June 7 to Sept. 27. Railway Ave., Ashcroft, across from Safety Mart.
MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts every Thursday at 7:30 pm
* Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre, first & third Sunday of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August)
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm
Endless Summer Nights Contest
Win a natural gas dream patio
fortisbc.com/summercontest 5/8/2014 4:52:00 PM
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BUSINESS SERVICES Reserve your space!
Call The Journal
John Bundus & son Ltd.
Welding • Fabrication • Machining chain SaWS • laWn & gar den equipMent
Celebrating 21 Years Two licenced techs, no apprentices Come to the place with experience
488 Trans Canada Hwy, Ashcrof -457-6698 albert44@telus.net
Foster Families Needed Help abandoned, neglected & abused animals! Bond Lake Road Hwy 20
A walk in the park I started out this year extremely depressed, low on energy and reluctant to get out of bed. Like an alcoholic falling off the wagon, I had once again succumbed to my junk food addiction, knowing full well I was making my situation far worse. I’d gained weight and felt sick, both physically as well as mentally. I was also avoiding people because I didn’t think I had much to offer in my darker state. When I finally agreed to meet up with one of my best friends for coffee, she confessed to me that she was feeling some of the same things that I was. Like me, her stress and anxiety were taking a toll and she was also self-sabotaging with junk food and not taking good care of herself. We decided to help each other, but we weren’t sure how to go about doing that. At first, we’d just talk about our troubles and support each other’s efforts to eat clean, get more active and do things that would improve our well being. But despite our
ON A BRIGHTER NOTE LORI WELBOURNE loriwelbourne.com mutual desire to shape up, nothing much was happening for either one of us. After several weeks of healthy eating and exercising separately,
m p y ’s u t S Stump Grinding
June • Week 1 ARIES - Aries, your energy is contagious this week, and others flock to you as if you have a magnetic pull. Enjoy the attention, but don’t forget to seek some solitude as well.
-791-6497 Colin Nivison ~ Phone: 250 -706-7220 250 l: Cel ~ ail: nivison@shaw.ca
TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Take precautions as you prepare for an important project, Taurus. If you rush through things, you are bound to make mistakes that could negatively impact your career.
ing the South Cariboo Remove unwanted stumps • Serv
GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Everything you touch turns to gold this week, Gemini. You could set many things into motion with your clever ideas and infectious charisma. Stay grounded.
CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 An unexpected encounter stirs up some old feelings, Cancer. Enjoy your trip down Memory Lane and take advantage of this opportunity to reconnect with an old friend.
Golden Country Real Estate Services Ltd. Kelly Adamski - Bob Cunningham - Cindy Adamski 250-453-2225 • Toll Free 1-800-557-7355 www.goldencountry.ca Loon Lake’s premier fishing and hunting resort has been in operation for over 30 years with the same owners. Consists of 14 RV Sites, campground, store, manager’s residence with huge covered deck. Numerous docks, 10 cabins and some permanent trailers. The property is 21.4 Acres and approx 1400 feet of prime lakeshore. Development opportunities have been looked into. Package available!! Example 1) The potential for 10 – 12 freehold lots . 2) RV strata resort, 3) Share ownership RV resort. Contact us for full details. $ 1,599,900.00 Lindel Cedar A-Frame with large 16 x 20 Living room Addition. This is a package deal, you get the home on one lot .45 Acres and the shop on one other lot .31 Acres. Treed landscaped 180 degree views on the ranch lands below. Lots of opportunity here, two legal lots!! $154,900.00 Unique Loft Style home with a 40’ X 80’ barn/shop, 20 x 10 Storage building all located on 4.68 Acres of privacy backing onto Crown Land. Privacy and nature. Full unfinished basement with bedroom sized windows. All usable land in a park-like setting. Hobby farm that could support horses, fence poles are in and ready for rails or wire. $259,900.00 View photos of these properties and more at www.goldencountry.ca 250-453-2225 1-800-557-7355
we saw little to no change and decided to try walking together to see if that would help. It did. My first stroll with Kim was by the lake
Thursday, May 29, 2014 The Journal
in Peachland and she walked so fast I had a flashback to being a little kid trying to keep up with my dad. I couldn’t believe someone the same height as me was able to make strides as though their legs were twice as long, but she walked that way the next time we met as well. I hadn’t thought of this simple form of exercise as being much of a workout, but with Kim it definitely was. It wasn’t too strenuous though. I used to work really hard running and lifting weights, and I never considered walking – even speed walking – enough of an aerobic challenge to make any significant changes to my body. Yet it is all I’ve been doing for exercise the last few months, and I’ve lost 35 pounds as a result. I can thank Kim for get-
ting me started on all this, but she’s no longer my only fitness friend. From the moment I get up, my ridiculously excitable dogs start following me around the house visibly eager to go for their morning hike. Witnessing their unmistakable glee as they frolic in the woods has been an amazing and healing way to start the day, no matter what the weather might be like. I’m not lying in bed reluctant to get out of it anymore. I’m now enthusiastic about moving my legs and breathing in the fresh outdoor air, just as much as the dogs are. Many of my friends that I’d typically sit and have coffee with have become my walking-talking partners as well. Even my husband and kids are joining me and the pups. I feel ready to intensify my exercise routine, and I have plans to do that, but I don’t imagine I’ll ever stop going on my wonderful non-workout feeling walks. Besides helping me slim down, they’ve been inexpensive and effective therapy sessions for my depression and anxiety. They’ve also been so enjoyable that this whole experience has felt easy. Turns out I like easy. It seems to like me too. Lori Welbourne is a syndicated columnist. She can be contacted at LoriWelbourne.com
Speaking for Animals www.spca.bc.ca
LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, tread lightly this week when working on an important project. Expect scrutiny in all you do and plan accordingly. Keep working hard, and your efforts will be noticed. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Expect the unexpected this week, Virgo. Things might seem as if they are going according to plan, but a few complications may arise so be prepared. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 A great idea has sidetracked you for some time now, Libra. But now it’s time to get back into your normal routine and focus on the tasks at hand. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, embrace unique ideas concerning your future this week. Consider all possibilities no matter how out of the ordinary they may seem. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Practical concerns could temporarily stall plans that are a bit fantastical, Sagittarius. But don’t fret, you will have an opportunity to put some plans in motion soon enough. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 You may experience a conflict with others at work this week, Capricorn. It is best to roll with the punches instead of causing a stir. Allow the situation to unfold. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, a hectic few weeks at work have proven distracting. It might seem overwhelming right now, but things will settle down in a matter of days. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, you may want to be invisible in the crowd this week, but that scenario simply isn’t in the cards. Grin and bear the attention.
The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned, abandoned and abused animals each year. Volunteers are urgently needed to care for animals and assist with SPCA events. If you can help, please contact your local shelter today.
The Journal Thursday, May 29, 2014
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 9
Successful activities breed plans for more Ah, May. It’s the precurser to summer; river swimming and bbqs, camping and gardening. Are you ready?
Clean and sparkly
Our Spring Clean – Up went very well. There was a great turn out, the weather was good and the town was cleaned of all litter in no time. Then some relaxing over lunch was enjoyed by all. Thanks everyone fore chipping in and getting the job done!
Farmer & Fleas
Our Farmer’s / Flea market is surpassing all expectations. Each weekend has seen many varied vendors and pretty good crowds to come and shop. Some of the local businesses have seen an increase in business and that’s what we want; everyone to benefit from folks “driving the loop’ as they check out the market, and the restaurants, pub, thrift stores, and the road side fruit stands! Come check us out every Sunday 10-2 ‘till October!
Movie Night
The last movie night only saw a few folks come out, but ‘The Sisterhood of the Traveling pants “was a great little movie! We’ll try one more and see what kind of turn out we get. So Thursday, May 27th at Clemes’ Hall we will be showing “Iron Road”. This is a locally filmed movie not only exploring the history of building the railroad through the Canadian Rockies – but is a “sweeping story of forbidden love, bravery and courage.” Directed by Davis Wu, and starring Peter O’Toole,
tion organized in partnership with the Cook’s in Spences Bridge Ferry Wisdom Keepers and the New Mavourneen Horizon’s Varcoe-Ryan Elders Council. What fun! There Sam Neil, Sun Li, and Luke was fantastic MacFarlane, rated PG. Pop- food, creative and hilarious corn, door prize, and FREE! hats (and prizes), and much Everyone welcome. laughter. Please join us for the next gathering planned Music in the Desert for the full moon in June Desert Daze planning is 12. It is a Hawaiian themed coming along; this is when potluck, and as for details, you really know that sum- that’s all I know right now, mer is fast approaching as so please watch for posters! the timelines for festival planning start running tight! Park referendum Keep watch for the line-up Although not a SBCC and details re volunteering. venture, as it will greatly imVisit our Desert Daze web- pact the social / recreationsite. www.desertdaze.ca al events in the town, I am mentioning the Park Refer-
Soggy campsites
Madden Island (the unofficial free campsite) is looking close to being flooded now, but a special thanks to Pat Jackson and Alec Kinasewich for working so hard on the mowing and weed whacking prior to the long weekend – it looked so much better!
endum here. An information meeting was held on May 21, regarding the change of status of the old school property to one of a service area park. The referendum is on June 21. Please look at the TNRD website for more information, and do come out and vote on this important issue. www.tnrd.ca/content/ spences-bridge-referenduminformation
September 9 - 13
Community Club AGM
The Community Club will be holding its AGM on Sept. 10. The $2 membership fee is due at that time, and we will hold elections for our executive. Please consider getting involved in some of the planning and organizing of the great things this community does. Come check it out at Cleme’s Hall at 7 pm.
Over 3500 BC 55+ Seniors expected to attend.
What’s happening in your region?
Get involved. We’ll show you how.
Stanley Kenneth Bennewith
August 8, 1927 - May 20, 2014t It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Stanley Bennewith, in his 86th year, on May 20, 2014 at Ashcroft Hospital. Stanley will be lovingly remembered by his wife Joan, and children Mark (Eileen), Alan (Janice), Diane (Tom), and Brian (Bonnie), grandchildren, Brian, Brandalyn, Nicole, Sean, Griffin, Elizabeth, Catherine and Willie, and his 7 great grandchildren. Born in Chilliwack, the second youngest of 10 children, he is survived by sisters, Frances, Barbara and Margaret and brother Gerald. He was preceded by his parents James and Florence, brothers Leslie, Bill and James, and sisters Joyce and Grace. He started out his working life as a telegrapher for the CP Railway, followed by 7 years with the Ministry of Highways before moving on to the Village of Ashcroft where worked until 1993 when he retired. A Celebration of Life will be held on May 31st, 2:00 pm at the Ashcroft Community Hall, 409 Bancroft Street. Come and bring your stories. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Cancer Society of BC. Thompson Valley Funeral Home Ashcroft entrusted with arrangements.
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THOMPSON-NICOLA REGIONAL DISTRICT PROPOSED SPENCES BRIDGE COMMUNITY PARK & RECREATION FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION SERVICE AREA ESTABLISHMENT NOTICE OF OTHER VOTING (REFERENDUM) PUBLIC NOTICE is given to the electors within the proposed Spences Bridge community park and recreation financial contribution service area (detailed on the map) within Electoral Area ‘I’ (Blue Sky Country) of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District that a vote will be held on the following question:
Electors may vote by mail if they: • have a physical disability, illness or injury that affects their ability to vote at another voting opportunity; OR • expect to be absent from the Regional District on general and advance voting days; OR • who reside in a remote location not readily accessible by road.
“Are you in favour of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District adopting Bylaw No. 2461 that will: • establish the “Spences Bridge Community Park and Recreation Financial Contribution Service Area” within a portion of Electoral Area “I” (Blue Sky Country); and • annually requisition the greater of $8,000 or $0.411/$1,000 of net taxable value of land and improvements for the service?”
REQUESTING A MAIL BALLOT PACKAGE: Before 4:00 pm on Thursday June 19, 2014 electors must submit the following information to the Regional District office in person, by mail, fax or email on the APPLICATION TO VOTE BY MAIL form available from the TNRD:
VOTING DATES AND LOCATIONS GENERAL VOTING will be held on: SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2014 8:00 AM TO 8:00 PM Spences Bridge (Archie Clemens) Community Hall 3641 Highway 8, Spences Bridge, BC ADVANCE VOTING OPPORTUNITY will be held on: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 2014 8:00 AM TO 8:00 PM Thompson-Nicola Regional District Office 300-465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC
SYNOPSIS OF PROPOSED BYLAW The following is a synopsis of the proposed bylaw only and is not intended to be an interpretation of the bylaw. The bylaw may be inspected at the Thompson-Nicola Regional District offices at 300465 Victoria Street, Kamloops BC between the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday (except holidays) and on the TNRD website at www.tnrd.ca. Copies of the bylaw will be posted at the polling place on voting day. BYLAW NO. 2461 – Spences Bridge Community Park and Recreation Financial Contribution Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 2461 establishes a service within a portion of Electoral Area ‘I’ (Blue Sky Country) of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District to allow for an annual contribution for the operation of a park and recreation service within the community of Spences Bridge. The bylaw provides for an annual requisition of $8,000 or $0.421/$1,000 of net taxable value of land and improvements (whichever is greater) within the service area.
Non-resident property electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the property, and, if applicable, written consent from the majority of other property owners.
Full Moon
There was good turnout for the May 14 full moon Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, a celebra-
Play With WithUs” Us” “Come Play
ELECTOR REGISTRATION Elector Registration: Registration of all electors for voting will take place at the time of voting. In order to register to vote on the question, a person must be eligible to vote as either a Resident Elector or a Non-Resident Property Elector (there is no corporate vote). RESIDENT ELECTORS must: • be 18 years of age or older on voting day; and • be a Canadian citizen; and • be a resident of BC for at least 6 months immediately preceding voting day; and • be a resident of the proposed Spences Bridge Park and Recreation Financial Contribution Service Area for at least 30 days immediately preceding voting day, and • not otherwise de disqualified by law from voting. Resident electors will also be required to produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and identity. NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY ELECTORS must • not be eligible to vote as a resident elector; and • be 18 years of age or older on voting day; and • be a Canadian citizen; and • be a resident of BC for at least 6 months immediately preceding voting day; and • be a registered owner of real property in the proposed Spences Bridge Park and Recreation Financial Contribution Service Area for at least 30 days immediately preceding voting day, and • not otherwise be disqualified by law from voting.
1. Full name and mailing address; 2. Birthdate or last 6 digits of Social Insurance Number; 3. Ballot being requested 4. Address of the property (for non-resident property electors); 5. Reason for request 6. Method of delivery of mail ballot package: (a) pick up at Regional District office; (b) regular letter mail through Canada Post to residential address or alternate address; OR (c) courier address (at elector’s expense). APPLICATION TO VOTE BY MAIL forms are available for download from the TNRD website or by requesting a copy by mail, fax or email. The Regional District will send out mail ballot packages commencing on or about June 2, 2014. To be counted, your mail ballot must be received by the Chief Election Officer no later than 8:00 pm on June 21, 2014.
FURTHER INFORMATION For further information on the bylaw, the voting process or to arrange for a mail ballot package, please contact: Carolyn Black, Chief Election Officer or Agnese Saat, Deputy Chief Election Officer Phone Toll-free: 1-877-377-8673 Fax: 250-372-5048 Email: referendum@tnrd.ca
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Thursday, May 29, 2014 Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal
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Coming Events
Career Opportunities
FREE TRAM RIDES Hell’s Gate Airtram in the Scenic Fraser Canyon presents
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Information AL-ANON ASHCROFT: Does someone’s drinking bother you? Meets Tuesdays, 8:00pm at St. Alban’s Church, 501 Brink. Val 250.453.9206 If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s ours. PH 250.457.0786
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Pets & Livestock
Help Wanted
An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051.
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Misc. for Sale
Apt/Condo for Rent
FAST AND Reliable Plumbing Repairs, 24/7. Call Parker Dean for your next plumbing job. Present this ad and get $50 off. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.
KILL BED bugs & their eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: homedepot.com
Ashcroft Apartment & Motel
Trades, Technical
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PCL ENERGY - Now hiring Journeyperson Pipefitters ($40+/hr) and Scaffolders ($38+/hr) for an industrial project in Vanscoy, SK. LOA of $145/day worked, travel and bonuses paid! We offer competitive wages and benefits. Send resume by email to: pclenergyjobs@pcl.com.
English Springer Spaniels CKC Reg. Puppies Champ lines, tails docked, vet checked, 1st shots, guaranteed. Home raised, well socialized. Ready May 30. $1,200. peterandskye@gmail.com (250) 392-1440 Williams Lake
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Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders JD 892D LC excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper?
Career Opportunities
SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw mills.com/400OT 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.
Misc. Wanted BUYING Coin Collections, Estates, Antiques, Native Art, Silver, Jewelry 778-281-0030 FIREARMS. ALL types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. Please call 1.866.960.0045 or visit us online: www.dollars4guns.com.
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent ASHCROFT: 1 bdrm reno’d apt, great view of village & river, well maintained, avail immed, full-size appliances incl. W/D. 1- 604-220-0623 or stevebmason@telus.net
Career Opportunities
Convenient Downtown Location across from Beautiful Heritage Park 715 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts. Mature Persons Includes heat & hot water MOTEL UNITS All units have full Kitchenettes, air conditioning, Cable TV and Internet access Nightly - Weekly - Monthly On-site Managers Contact Carolee 250-453-9129 Cache CRK:Aptments: Bach suites, 1 bdrm 2 bdrm units avail imm. Cable incl, Laundry facilities in bldg. Available for viewing: Call 250.457.7374 LOGAN LAKE large 1 bdrm main floor, partly furnished, hot water, TV incl. Outside metal storage shed. $600/mo NS Avail. July 1 Call 250-3952906 or cell 250-395-6533.
Career Opportunities
INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN Graymont’s Pavilion Plant is accepting applications for an Industrial Electrician. Candidate must possess current B.C. Red Seal certification. Preference will be given to well-rounded individuals willing to also perform other nonelectrical maintenance work as part of the maintenance team. A background in lime or cement industry along with computer and or PLC skills is preferred as well as a proven track record of developing and maintaining a safe work culture. Additional skills required: • Electrician with Red Seal certification and with construction or industrial experience required to work at the Graymont Pavilion Lime Plant. • Must become engaged in continuous improvement and willing to work in a team environment. • Regular shifts will be 8 hrs/day from Monday to Friday – steady day shift. • Must be willing to work overtime when required. • Located in Pavilion B.C. situated between Cache Creek and Lillooet, B.C. Wages And Benefits As Per The Collective Agreement. Qualified applicants please submit your resume to: careers@graymont.com or
Help Wanted
GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All Cash-Retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website www.tcvend.com
Merchandise for Sale
Graymont Pavilion Plant Attn: Dan Buis P.O. Box 187 Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0
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ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NOTICE Application for Approval Under The Provisions of the Environmental Management Act
ASHCROFT Hillside Manor
We, Koppers Ashcroft Inc., PO Box 1510 Ashcroft, BC VOK 1A0, intend to submit this application to the Director to amend Waste Discharge Permit PA-7248 to: 1) Authorize the discharge of particulate matter (PM) in the form of sawdust from a wood preservation facility controlled by a cyclone (flow rate and loading provided below); 2) Increase operating conditions listed in Authorized Discharge 1.6.1 from 16 hrs/day, 5 days/wk to 16 hrs/day, 6 days/wk. The source of the discharge is cutting and milling operations occurring in the cross tie and bridge timber mills at the facility.
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The land upon which the facility is situated and the discharge will occur is the North and Northeast portion PT Frac LS 3 Secl Lying South of Thompson River TWSP 21 R24 W6M; and the South and Northwest portion LS 14 Sec 36, TP 20 R24 K.D.Y.D except Plan 203; Parcel Identifier (PID): 006437-486; and 006-437-737, respectively. The property is located at 1425 Evans Road, approximately 7.8 km northwest of Ashcroft along the south bank of the Thompson River.
Rent includes heat, hot water & cable TV (valued at over $100/month)
The maximum rate of air emissions discharged from the cyclone at this facility will be 285 cubic metres per minute (m3/min). The operating period for this facility will be five to six (5 - 6) days per week, up to sixteen (16) hours per day. The characteristics of the waste discharged are as follows:
Walking distance to hospital and schools.
Total particulate matter (TPM): Particulate matter less than 10 um (PM10): Particulate matter less than 2.5 um (PM2.5:
Please give our Resident Manager Bill Manton a chance to impress you. 250-457-0433
0.82 Tonne/year; 0.154 kg/hr. 0.036 Tonne/year; 0.007 kg/hr. 0.018 Tonne/year; 0.003 kg/hr.
The discharge of the sawdust form the source will be controlled by a cyclone designed to collect and remove the particulate matter from the exhaust airstream to the levels listed above.
Seniors Discount available.
Any person who may be adversely affected by the proposed discharge of waste and wishes to provide relevant information may, within 30 days after the last date of posting, publishing, service or display, send written comments to the applicant, with a copy to the Regional Manager, Environmental Protection at The Cariboo Southern Interior Regional Office, at 400 - 640 Borland Street Williams Lake, BC V2G 4T1. The identity of any respondents and the contents of anything submitted in relation to this application will become part of the public record.
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Thursday, May 29, 2014 The Journal
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STRIKING A BALANCE Left: Evelyn Dempster, Charlie Coldwell, Joyce Freeman and Jackie Tegart at the Century Farm Award ceremony.
Photo by Susan Swan
WorksafeBC – Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C. hereby gives notice of proposed amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (BC Reg. 296/97, as amended)
The proposed amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (“OHSR”) being taken to public hearings pertain to the following items: • General Conditions, section 4.1.1 Snow avalanche assessment – Resolve the implementation issues with the avalanche risk assessment regulations • General Conditions, section 4.69 Emergency lighting – Update the reference to the BC Fire Code
Public Hearings You are invited to provide feedback on the proposed regulatory amendments. Your views may be presented orally at the public hearings and/or submitted in writing. Please register if you wish to make an oral presentation at the public hearings by telephoning 604.232.7744 or toll free in B.C. 1.866.614.7744 prior to the hearing.
• Chemical Agents and Biological Agents, sections 5.3 Application and 5.27 ignition – Update references to repealed Acts
Information on the proposed amendments and the public hearings, including details of registration/participation procedures, are on WorkSafeBC’s website at worksafebc.com/2014publichearings
• Tools, Machinery and Equipment, new sections – Adopt ANSI standard and add requirements for the safe use of roll on/roll off containers
Public Hearing Details
• Ladders, Scaffolds and Temporary Work Platforms, section 13.32 Work in high risk situations – Update the reference to CSA Standard Z271
June 3, 2014
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June 5, 2014
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June 5, 2014
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June 10, 2014
Coast Inn of the North 770 Brunswick Street, Prince George, B.C.
June 12, 2014
Executive Airport Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre 7311 Westminster Highway, Richmond, B.C.
Session Times:
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
• Ladders, Scaffolds and Temporary Work Platforms, section 13.5 Position and Stability – Review the safe positioning and stability requirements of portable ladders • Construction, Excavation and Demolition, section 20.26 Inspections – Clarify when a professional engineer must inspect and certify a gang form • Construction, Excavation and Demolition, section 20.112 Hazardous materials – Clarify the responsibilities of employers, owners and qualified persons for the safe containment or removal of hazardous materials • Diving, Fishing and Other Marine Operations, section 24.40 Minimum crew – Clarify the conditions that must be met for a surface supply diver to serve as a standby in the water • Forestry Operations and Similar Activities, section 26.65 Bullboards – Add new construction, inspection, removal and return to service requirements • Agriculture, section 28.12 Biohazards exception – Remove an obsolete provision • Rope access, new Part 34 – Ensure comprehensive requirements The proposed Respirable Crystalline Silica (“RCS”) regulation will not proceed to the 2014 public hearing. It is intended that WorkSafeBC will work with industry stakeholders to develop acceptable compliance tools, and that the proposed RCS regulation will be introduced at the next scheduled public hearing.
Written Submissions The deadline for receipt of written submissions is 4:30 pm on Friday, July 11, 2014. Written submissions can be made online or via e-mail, fax, mail, or delivered at the public hearings during the session times. Online: via the WorkSafeBC website at worksafebc.com/2014publichearings E-mail: ohsregfeedback@worksafebc.com Fax:
604.279.7599; or toll free in B.C.: 1.877.279.7599
OHS Regulation and Policy Policy, Regulation and Research Division WorkSafeBC – Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C. P.O. Box 5350, Station Terminal Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5L5
Notice of proposed amendments to the occupational health and safety regulation And Notice of Public Hearing Pursuant to sections 225 and 226 of the Workers Compensation Act of British Columbia.
WCB-P42053.03 File: !WCB344_7.3125x8.5 Rev: May. 23, 2014 – 2:02 PM
7.3125 x 8.5"
Susan Swan 459-2224 or 2325
countrysquire@ bcwireless.com
One hundred years of ranching celebrated The BC Government honoured the Coldwell Ranch in Jesmond on Friday, May 23 with the presentation of a Century Farm Award. In a small ceremony in the Clinton Memorial Hall Fraser-Nicola MLA Jackie Tegart presented the award to present owner Charlie Coldwell, his mother, Joyce Freeman and Charlie’s Aunt Evelyn Demptster who had actually been born in the Coldwell house. Ms. Tegart thanked the Coldwell family on behalf of the BC Government for their strong contribution to the provincial agriculture industry and its history. She then outlined the history of the ranch with the arrival of Henry (Harry) Coldwell and his wife Louise who settled in 1913 in what was then known as Mountain House. The land was officially registered to Harry and his brother, Robert in 1914. In the early years the Coldwell family raised cattle and chickens and tended a large garden. In 1919, Mountain House was officially renamed Jesmond after the English town where Harry had been born. The Coldwells operated the Jesmond post office until the 1960s and also owned a store and gas station until 1970. Harry’s grandson Charles Coldwell now owns the ranch, and the third-generation rancher has approximately 100 cattle and 250 horses on 480 acres of land. Charles continues the family tradition of ranching, guiding and trapping and is involved with the Clinton Agriculture Society and the Clinton Rodeo. Century Farm Awards honour agricultural organizations that have been active for a century or more as well as the pioneers whose farms and ranches have been in families for 100 years or longer. Each Century Farm Award celebrates the rich heritage of farming and ranching families and organizations in BC. MLA Tegart noted, “Pioneer farm families are such a big part of our British Columbia history and the Century Farm Awards are a great way to recognize their achievements. I want to congratulate and thank the Coldwell family on 100 years of ranching in our local community, your dedication is admired and appreciated”. Mayor Jim Rivett and most of Clinton Council were on hand for the presentation as well as numerous family and friends of the Coldwells. Congratulations to the Coldwell family.
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