Clearwater Times, May 29, 2014

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Thursday, May 29, 2014 ▼ Volume 50 No. 22 ▼ ▼ $1.35 Includes GST




Second Place Best All Round Newspaper Third Place Best Editorial Page All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2013

High water hits North Thompson. See page A3

Second Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2013

Borrow Enterprises gets septage station contract Times Staff

Crews save Second Canyon crossing Above: A crane clears debris from the intake of the main culvert at the Second Canyon crossing on Monday afternoon. Meanwhile a pump removes water from the pond formed upstream of the crossing by heavy runoff. The level in the pond was rising on Monday morning but by mid-afternoon, with better weather and work by Highways and Argo staff, it was going down. This is the only major culvert-and-fill crossing on the road to Wells Gray Park that has not washed out. Major freshets in previous years took out the others, including those at First and Third canyons, plus at Spahats. Roads area manager Bart Chenuz credited a gated culvert installed in the 1990s by his predecessor, Vern Goodwin with making the situation much easier to deal with than otherwise. Right: A photo taken Monday morning shows a large pond collecting upstream from the Second Canyon crossing on the road to Wells Gray Park before crews got to work. Photos by Keith McNeill




Thompson-Nicola Regional District has awarded a $830,000 contract to construct a septage receiving station in Clearwater to Borrow Enterprises. The TNRD board made the decision during its meeting on May 22. The station will receive septic tank sludge from the vast majority of residences in the upper North Thompson Valley that are not served by a sewer system. At present the sludge is being disposed of in pits at the former Clearwater landfill and near Blue River. However, those pits are to be shut down. Included in the contract are earthworks, concrete foundations, building and equipment supply and installation, underground plumbing and electrical, tanks, blowers, and final grading, fencing and installation of other equipment. Part of the funding for the project is coming from the federal Gas Tax. There were six bids received for the contract. The septage receiving station is to be constructed near District of Clearwater's sewage lagoons. Search and Rescue grants approved The TNRD directors also approved a $20,000 grant to Wells Gray Search and Rescue for training and equipment. This was in addition to a $10,000 annual operating grant the team receives. The Kamloops, Logan Lake, Nicola Valley, and Barriere Search and Rescue teams also will each receive a $10,000 annual operating grant. The South Cariboo Search and Rescue team was approved to receive a $3,325 annual operating grant. In addition, the following equipment and training grants were approved: Kamloops SAR — $24,000, Logan Lake SAR — $1,700.27, Barriere SAR — $1,600.




Thursday, May 29, 2014 Clearwater Times

Clearwater placed under water quality advisory and water conservation notice over weekend Times Staff District of Clearwater issued a water quality advisory and a water conservation notice on Thursday, May 22. Both were rescinded on Monday afternoon, May 26. “It's not a boil order, which is for everyone,” said District chief administrative officer Leslie Groulx at the time. “A water advisory is primarily directed at the elderly, pregnant women and their unborn, children under the age of two, people with AIDS, cancer, diabetes or kidney disease and people being treated with immuno-suppressing medications.” The municipality also asked everyone to conserve water. “That means don't water your lawn, don't brush your teeth for 10 minutes with the water running, don't take a shower for 25 minutes. Just use common sense,” Groulx said. The problem is that Well #2 was expected to be offline for several days due to mechanical issues, she said. Well #2 is located across the road from

The pump house of Well #2 is located across the road from Dutch Lake beach. Photo by Keith McNeill

Dutch Lake beach. “The variable frequency drive is not working and must be replaced ... and the replacement must come Montreal,” Groulx said. The drive is the mechanism that tells the pump when to pump, based on the amount of water in the reservoir. This put the District using Well #1 as the first priority. However, with the current community use the reservoir levels were at 56 per cent. “Therefore Well #1 cannot keep up to the current water demands

We would like to give our heartfelt thanks to all our friends and family especially Scott and Marina, who made our 50th Anniversary at Harrison Hotsprings awesome. All the cards and gifts were just amazing. Bob & Rose

Submitted Health Minister Terry Lake attended the Victoria Day parade in Clearwater, the weekend before last and at the same time announced a

Part times sales person required for the Clearwater area. PO Box 10, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N1 c/o The Clearwater Times

District of Clearwater chief administrative officer Leslie Groulx watches as public works superintendent Jared Brounstein points out the variable frequency drive in Well #2. The unit, which controls when the pump goes on and off, stopped working last week and had to be replaced. Photo by Keith McNeill

The water quality advisory was rescinded as soon as the District was able to do so. Groulx said that office staff immediately called the high risk places such as the daycare, hospital, evergreen, etc. and key businesses such as the motel/

hotels, restaurants, and fan from there. The car wash and laundromat also were contacted. People from the District also knocked on doors and handed out notices to let people know about the water advisory and notice.

$40,000 to support NT Valley Hospice House Society

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– this has prompted the water conservation notice – which is being delivered by hand to each residence on the water system, this will be widely distributed and is being hand delivered to each water user on the system,” said the CAO. Because Well #2 was not working, the District also put the surface water system online. Normally, the water from Russell and Hascheak creeks is not used at this time of year, due to sediment in the water. “As a precaution IHA has asked that we do a water quality advisory notice due to turbidity levels from freshet – these notices are being hand delivered as well as direct calls,” said Groulx on Thursday.

$40,000 grant to the North Thompson Valley Hospice House Society. “This funding will support the work of the North Thompson Valley Hospice House Society as they conduct a feasibility study to develop hospice care in the North Thompson,” said Lake. “This investment reflects government’s commitment to provide B.C. families access to end-of-life supports throughout the province.” The funding will help the North Thompson Valley Hospice House Society to review the need, and develop sustainable strategies, for the delivery

of residential hospice services in the area. The study will also help the society and area communities determine a timeline for fundraising and planning. “It is great news for the North Thompson Valley that government has provided this funding to help support hospice care in this region,” said Jean Nelson, president of the North Thompson Valley Hospice House Society. “I also thank the many volunteers and community members who have shown their dedication in working to bring hospice care to the North Thompson.” The North Thompson Valley

Hospice House Society became a registered non-profit society in 2011 to raise money and awareness around hospice care in the North Thompson Valley. All members of the society board are volunteers, and their efforts over the years have already raised $30,000 through community fundraisers like antique appraisal events and bike races. The ministry published the Provincial End-of-life Care Action Plan for British Columbia in April 2013 to support a high-quality and sustainable palliative and end-of-life care system. The plan guides health

authorities, physicians, health-care providers and community organizations in planning integrated primaryand community-care services to meet the needs of people coping with end of life, including their families and caregivers. The action plan supports quality hospice, palliative and endof-life care services throughout British Columbia and was developed through extensive consultation with clinical experts, community stakeholders, policy leaders and service providers. Learn more at: library/publications/ year/2013/end-of-lifecare-action-plan.pdf

Clearwater Times Thursday, May 29, 2014 A3

Renovated Dutch Lake School to have enormous benefits Times Staff Yellowhead Community Services and District of Clearwater are investing about $650,000 of their own and their partners' money into converting the former Dutch Lake Elementary School into a community center. That's according to figures provided by Jack Keough, YCS executive director, and Leslie Groulx, District of Clearwater chief administrative officer. “The benefits to the community will be enormous and 22,000 sq. ft of empty space will have been re-invented to meet broader community interests and needs,” said Keough. According to Keough, more than two years have been spent in the development, from identifying the investors, raising the capital, working with architect and engineers, identifying contractors and sub-contractors, working with suppliers and managing the progress of the project all on a tight, limited budget. All of the functions of the existing Community Resource Center and its tenants will be relocated to Dutch Lake within the YCS portion of the building. The YCS services will include literacy programs; family and children’s activities; trusted third party service; administration support to Thompson Rivers University and the Chamber of Commerce; Business Center component; inter-agency coordination, the Food Security Initiative as well as a few others. Tenants will be the Thompson-Nicola Regional District services coordinator for Wells Gray Country (Area A) and Thompson Headwaters (Area B); North Thompson Community Forest; Chamber of Commerce; and

Tourism Wells Grey. There will be an office for guests such as the MLA and MP that will be available for Community Futures as well. These offices will be grouped in an ‘economic incubator’, which is five offices and a meeting room with audio-visual capability. North Thompson Arts Council will operate an art gallery. Attached to the gallery will be a workshop area for member groups of the council. The council will enlist support from its members to host other activities, such as theatre and music productions. TRU will operate its classes and programs out of the Dutch Lake community center with two classrooms for the university's priority use. These classrooms will be available for other community groups and activities as well. A computer lab will be part of the TRU functions. There will be a dedicated seniors' area while youth programs will use the gym and a multi-purpose room. The multi-purpose room is approximately 1,700 sq. ft and will be used for a variety of activities, gatherings and events. Both the multi-purpose room and gym are co-managed by YCS and the District of Clearwater. “Although it will be too late for this season, in future we will be organizing a robust summer program using the field area to host open mike and music events, as were previously hosted at the Flour Meadow Bakery,” Keough said. YCS will be managing the playschool this upcoming September. However, it will need to do some renovations to the existing building adjacent to the former school. Future plans include the development of a licensed kitchen. “As we get situated

in the building we will be able to better evaluate the uses but overall we are very excited about the possibilities for this new community center and very excited to be doing this project in partnership with the DoC for the betterment of the community,” the YCS executive director said. Contributions to the renovation project coming through YCS include: Ministry of Social Development (Jobs Creation Program) - $125,000; Ministry of Social Development (Work BC) - $95,000; BC Gaming Branch $50,000; Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust $50,000; anonymous donor - $50,000; Yellowhead Community Services Society $30,000 (plus $50,000 in-kind); North Thompson Community Forest $19,000; United Way Community Fund - $10,000; Wadlegger Logging and Construction – lumber donation, and Canfor – lumber donation As outlined in last week's issue, YCS and TRU will occupy the north wing of the renovated school, while District of Clearwater will take up most of the east wing. The District has put $218,000 into the project, of which $50,000 came from Wells Gray Community Forest Grant; $92,000 from Western Diversification (federal); and $76,000 from the District itself. The new community center is expected to open sometime later this year.

Sandbags help protect the carport next to a home in Blackpool from floodwaters on Sunday afternoon. Photo by Keith McNeill

BC River Forecast Centre issues high water warnings Keith McNeill

a five-year and a 10-year flow). The river there had risen 36 cm over the previous 24 hours. The River Forecast Center predicted that flows in the North Thompson River would subside by late Monday or Tuesday.

Snow levels in the mountains have been average or even below average this winter, but heavy rains and warming temperatures resulted in a flood watch for the Clearwater River and a high streamflow advisory for the North Thompson late It’s not what you earn, it’s what you keep last week. BC River Forecast Centre ended a high CONTACT US TO DISCUSS streamflow advisory for Blue River on Sunday, • Your goals and dreams but was maintained one issued for the North • Your issues and obstacles Thompson River. A flood watch was main• Your success and quality of life tained for the Clearwater River as well. BRUCE MARTIN & ASSOCIATES The forecast centre said on Sunday that the BUSINESS ADVISERS & CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Blue River water gauge was reporting a flow of 68 cubic meters/sec, which is below the two-year Clearwater (250) 674-2112 Kamloops (250) 374-5908 flow level (expected every two years). The Clearwater River near its ence with the North Thompson was at 142 cubic meters per second (between a with apsule five-year and a 10-year MICHELLE flow) on Sunday. LEINS Rainfall of 25 to 30 omments mm was predicted over the next 24 hours. In Australia, in February each year they have a ‘FebFast’. It’s a charity movement The Clearwater was which challenges you to take a 28-day break from alcohol and raise funds for youth predicted to peak on addiction. It’s a great idea to give up one thing in your life for a good cause. You don’t Tuesday, depending on have to wait till February to try it and the person to benefit from this fast would be you the actual rainfall in and your health and the charity of your choice. the basin. If you are over 65, getting a pneumonia shot is a good idea. This is especially important Also on Sunday, if you have chronic illness. Those under 65 who have compromised immune systems or the North Thompson a chronic disease should also receive a pneumonia shot. River at McLure was Those who experience muscle pain from taking cholesterol-lowering ‘statin’ drugs flowing at 2192 cubic may have an alternate therapy in the future. Researchers are looking at creating meters/sec (between

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Thursday, May 29, 2014 Clearwater Times


“ The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.” - Flannery O'Connor, writer editorial by keith mcNeill

Valley should have better interface fire protection

Leave ALR as it is for the sake of B.C. Editor, The Times:

An open letter to Health Minister and Kamloops-North Thompson MLA Terry Lake: I am a farmer. I haven’t always been a farmer. In fact, I’ve done many things — some important, some notso-important — but, without question, the most important thing I’ve done in my life is to be involved with food. And not just any food, but the food we produce right here in our province. What makes it special is that someone many years ago decided it might be a good idea to reserve some land so we might have local food today. I believe we were on the right track, but the trouble is we are now faced with a situation that could very well see us lose the

very land we thought would feed us for generations to come. This concerns me. If we lose this land, how do we feed our people of tomorrow? I know you and your ministerial friends are concerned the people of B.C. aren’t living the economic dream. Maybe if more land was available to exploit resources or be available for development, it might make their lives a little bit better, but land lost is opportunity lost. Our future lies in the capacity of our Agricultural Land Reserve to feed this province. Splitting it up only compromises the original intent of the ALR, which was to establish a land trust for future generations of farmers. Your support of Bill 24 indi-

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cates to me you have no interest in how we feed ourselves, our children or their children. We have very little arable land in B.C. (four per cent of the province a last count). Perhaps we should make it count as some of the best agricultural product in this nation comes from our province. Why would we sabotage that? I ask you as a person who obviously holds the health and well-being of the citizens of our province dear to his heart to consider what a detrimental effect changing the spirit of the ALR will have on all of us. I would like to know you, as our health minister, recognizes health begins with the land. Please don’t give it away.

Dieter Dudy (Thistle Farm) Kamloops, B.C.

Wells Gray Country (Area A) director Tim Pennell is proposing a scaled-down version of a valleywide fire protection service that failed to get adequate voter support last year. Pennell's new version would be for the area between the Clearwater and Vavenby fire protection areas – in other words, Birch Island. Residents of the area will get to vote on the proposal this November on local government voting day. Whether it will pass remains to be seen. There appears to be some strong opposition by some of those concerned. Be that as it may, there still seems to be merit in the idea of a valley-wide fire protection service, but one that targets interface fires. We often classify fires into two major types: structure fires and forest fires. There is a third kind of fire, however, the interface fire, which combine the first two. In 1926 a forest fire swept north from Spahats and destroyed the farms and homes in the Clearwater Valley. In 2003 the McLure Fire tore through Louis Creek, destroying or damaging 72 homes and nine businesses – and very nearly taking the community of Barriere with it. It would be interesting to see a statistical comparison of the danger to a home of an individual structure fire versus that of an interface fire in a rural, forested area such as this. Every few years we get a structure fire that typically takes out one house or other building. Every few decades or (hopefully) centuries we

can expect get an interface fire with the potential to destroy dozens or even hundreds of homes. A forest fire can seem like a force of nature, and that nothing can stand in its way. Sometimes that is true. Quite often, however, a few simple precautions and preparations can greatly reduce or even eliminate the damage that a forest fire can do to homes and other buildings. Sometimes we hear it said that, between the BC Forest Service and the private forest fire contractors based in the North Thompson Valley, we have more than enough trained personnel and equipment to deal with any eventuality. That might be true in winter. During a hot, dry summer, however, we can count on those resources being stationed anywhere in the province – and not necessarily here. Union of BC Municipalities has a system of sprinkler lines mounted on trailers, ready to be hauled to wherever they are needed. Again, this is a good resource, but not one we should rely on 100 per cent. If the choice is to save Kelowna or to save Clearwater, it's easy to guess what the decision would be. The North Thompson Valley should have its own sprinkler system and associated forest firefighting equipment, centrally located where it can be used to protect valley communities. And we should have a force of trained volunteers ready to operate that equipment.

Wells Gray corridor logging needs more public review Editor, The Times:

I am adding my voice to the call for a moratorium on logging in the Wells Gray Park corridor until social, economic, and environmental values have been addressed in an open, all-stakeholder process. I have been blessed to

call Clearwater home for my entire life. My Dad came here in 1959 to work for Frank Capostinsky as a faller and cat skinner (bulldozer operator) so it was logging that supported us growing up. In ways it still supports the four of five sisters that stayed and raised our families here.

Logging plays an important role in our community and will continue to do so. But times are changing and, as the trees go the way of the cod fish and the timber supply runs out, we seek sustainable practices that include other values for economic stability. Or we face own

“Make and Break Harbor,” as the Stan Roger’s song goes. Last year tourism brought Clearwater close to $20 million. That could continue for each year in perpetuity, especially if we achieve GeoPark status for Wells Gray. Continued on page A5

74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email:

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Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $57.75; 2 years $110.25 Prices include GST

Clearwater Times Thursday, May 29, 2014 A5

Question of the Week


Do you think teachers dispute should go to binding arbitration ?

Darryl Oulton When I was a negotia(Moncton, New tor (for North Thompson Brunswick): Lorne Wright:

teachers),we met with people we knew and we could come to an agreement with. As for binding arbitration, I'm sitting on the fence ... it hurts either way.

Yes. I think that compulsory mediation can help, but both sides need to have their points heard.

Narinder Heer:

It's been going on too long. It's hard on the kids. I support the teachers. The premier could tell them to settle it.

Mike Savage:

Yes, settle it one way or the other. Otherwise the kids are caught in the middle and it's too close to the end of school.

Linda King:

They should do that. They need to settle. It's hard on the kids and the teachers.

McLure resident to count birds for 24 hours straight Editor, The Times:

I am hoping this might be of interest to you and your readers. I am participating in the Baillie Birdathon, the oldest sponsored bird count in North America. We are raising money for bird research and conservation. The challenge is to identify as many bird species as possible within a 24 hour period during the month of May. The money raised benefits Bird Studies

Canada, the James L. Baillie Memorial Fund, participating migration monitoring and conservation organizations. More than 7000 people from across Canada (and from several other countries around the world) participate and/or sponsor the Birdathon every year. The team I belong to (created by the B.C. Breeding Atlas) is called The Un Twitchables. There are five of us on this team that hail from various areas throughout B.C.

I will be doing my count soon, most likely from Heffley Creek to Little Fort. Being as I need to spend the night outdoors I am waiting for a bit nicer weather. Participants can be sponsored by a dollar amount per species, or a lump sum. I’ve been checking out my proposed area and hope to count at least 100-plus species. This link is for my own personal fundraising page for the Baillee Birdathon (each team member has their own page): searchTeamPart.asp?ievent=1097743&lis= 1&kntae1097743=772F4D3D0F054247B9 584FCFAA681AB5&team=5922688 This link is the “Home Page” for the Baillie Birdathon: 743&lis=1&kntae1097743=772F4D3D0F 054247B9584FCFAA681AB5 Thank you,

All stakeholders should get to be heard Continued from page A4 A forest, once cut, is gone for our lifetimes. Not to ignore the fact that an old growth forest stores carbon and helps maintain the climate we need for life on Earth. I think that is a value worth preserving for our grandchildren. Logging the entrance to Wells Gray Park would ruin the most stunning roadaccessible viewscapes in the area. It would distance Clearwater from the Wells Gray experience. It would take away opportunities for future generations to make a living here in a diversified economy that values our number one attractions – wilderness, wildlife, clean water and fresh air. If Canfor succeeds in severing Clearwater’s wilderness link to Wells Gray, then tourist and other businesses will likely follow the untouched

wilderness experience and relocate in Upper Clearwater, effectively transforming it into the ‘gateway to the park’. Clearwater will be some gas stations, a grocery store, an infocentre and a roundabout sign pointing north to the ‘new’ gateway to the park: Upper Clearwater. Clearwater loses its focus and Upper Clearwater loses its lifestyle. Nobody wins. With no roots on the steep slopes above the Clearwater Valley road to stabilize the banks, the soil all washes downstream, causing stress and strain and destroying people's water source. And it may be even worse considering recent mud slides elsewhere in B.C. The year we moved to the upper valley to build our home was the year the high slopes just below the Trophies was logged (the

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clearcut known as Big Bertha came later). Dad, who was road foreman for Clearwater Timber Products and had 30+ years in the logging world, sat at my table with a direct view of those north slopes and said it was wrong. It took hundreds of years to grow. Logging it was mining it. He was right. Thirty-two years later that upper block still has no visible regeneration on it. I think of his words every time I look at it. Please, no logging in the Upper Clearwater Valley until such a time as the effects on community values, wildlife, and tourism have been fully addressed for the wide range of stakeholders.

Sharon Neufeld Upper Clearwater, B.C. Cc: Don Kayne, president and CEO Canfor If You Currently Subscribe to the

Clearwater and District Food Bank

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B.C. Hydro had installed about twothirds of Clearwater Improvement District's 51 new streetlights. Interference from an American station was causing the local TV signal to have sound but no picture, said CFCR representative Howie Mjolsness. Residents were surprised to see stations from South Dakota and New York on their sets.



A meeting was planned for June 13 to form a minor

Thursday, May 29, 2014 Clearwater Times

hockey association for Clearwater, according to Stan Saari. Other organizers were Dave Tremblay of Birch Island, Bill Flegel of Vavenby, and Ken Ladd of Clearwater. Jack Neufeld, Lawrence Giesbrecht, John Elliot and Ken Elliot won the team trophy at the CNT Rod and Gun Club's annual Shoot-enanny. A notice from the province reminded employers that the minimum wage had gone up to $2.50 per hour for workers 18 years and older, and $2.10 for those 17 and under.

HISTORICAL Perspective




A telephone booth at Safety Mart was completely destroyed in an explosion. Gunpowder and a butane tank were used. The blast occurred at 10:30 p.m. Holly Baker was chosen Miss Chuckie at Raft River Elementary School's second annual Chuckwagon Days.

Clifford Goodwin became Cowboy Chuck. Herb George, speaking for a delegation from Avola, asked the School District 26 board for action on $30,000 worth of renovations to the Avola School. Residents there wanted students to attend school in Avola until Grade 6 or 7, when they would be bussed into Clearwater.


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The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.


Clearwater Improvement District asked residents to use a new house numbering system. The RCMP, ambulance service and fire department were using a map with the new numbers. The province gave approximately 3.3 hectares of Crown land next to Eleanor Lake in Blue River to the TNRD for a park. Clearwater resident Danielle White Frog de Lacs Vonn Gablehaus was somewhat confused when the principal viewers and owners of the Jolly Roger Inn on the Sunshine Coast suddenly walked out of her one-woman show of Indian art. She was then informed that her entire show had been sold to the Inn.

For the Record Times Staff In the article “Rotating school strikes to start Monday” in our May 15 issue it was stated that teachers' pay could be cut by 1 per cent if schools begin to be shut down. In fact, the figure should have been 10 per cent. We apologize for the error.



Albert Siemens of Wildwood Motel and Doug Vogan of Dutch Lake Resort objected to the board of School District 26 about unfair competition. A large number of trailers spent the weekend around the school district office building as their owners took part in the Shuffling Shoes' annual square dance event. Local bagpiper Bill Liebe won the aggregate trophy in novice piping at the Highland Games in Kamloops.



A hole approximately eight feet in diameter by 12 feet deep and located at 21 km on Clearwater River Road was a bone of contention. "I think a lot of people out there want that road open. It's not just the raft companies. A lot of people use if for fishing and hiking," said Doug Trotter, owner-operator of Interior Whitewater. Trotter wanted to put a temporary bridge across the gap. It would cost $360,000 to bring the road to Ministry of Forests' standards for public safety, said Clearwater Forest District operations manager Max Tanner. More than 225 people raised over $10,000 for a new highways rescue van by assisting Slocan's Vavenby Division in planting the former Camp Two mill site.



There were 25 entries in Clearwater’s May Day parade, up from 15 the year before. Most of those who watched the parade stayed to take part in a May Day

Festival at Raft River Elementary School, also organized by the local Rotary Club. Warm weather during the Victoria Day weekend, followed by several days of cooler weather, left officials cautiously optimistic that the high snowpack might melt without any disastrous flooding. “This is actually ideal,” said Provincial Emergency Program local coordinator Tracy Wynnyk.


YEARS AGO: The first annual Wells Gray RoundUp cowboy festival in Upper Clearwater featured local singer Matt Johnston, a top10 finalist in two events at the Academy of Western Artists awards. CN had worked with Fisheries and Oceans Canada as well as the local landowner to construct a dyke across a channel of the North Thompson River east of Birch Island, said railway spokesperson Graham Dallas. The barrier was intended to limit erosion of the railroad’s main-line, but still allow some water to flow through the channel. Interact began construction of a laminated beam facility at the former Weyerhaeuser mill-site near Vavenby. The company was employing 15 people from the area, most of them working at its operation in Golden. Interact expected initially to hire 50 employees at the new facility, with the number to increase to over 100 once it became fully operational, reported spokesperson Tina Cable. Five candidates were campaigning to represent the Kamloops-ThompsonCariboo riding as the federal election got underway. Incumbent M.P. Betty Hinton of the Conservatives was being challenged by Liberal John O'Fee, New Democrat Brian Carroll, the Green Party's Grant Fraser and independent Arjun Singh.



Canfor regional manager Keith McGregor told workers at Canfor-Vavenby that the company had decided to close its Vavenby operation indefinitely. The closure was to take place after all the logs in the yard had been processed and shipped. According to the company, 198 employees would be affected in the sawmill, planer mill and woodlands operations. Greyhound wanted to cut back on its bus service to and from Kamloops but Thompson-Nicola Regional District directors said it was time to end the bus company’s monopoly. “If they decrease their service, then the monopoly should end,” said Tim Pennell, director for Wells Gray Country (Area A).



Clearwater town council awarded the maintenance contract for the municipality's roads to Borrow Enterprises. “I'm happy that a local contractor is getting it. That means the money will stay in town,” said Mayor John Harwood. The provincial Environmental Assessment Office told Yellowhead Mining to go back to the drawing board with its application for a proposed copper-goldsilver mine at Harper Creek southwest of Vavenby. “The request for additional information and clarification was not unexpected,” said Charlene Higgins, Yellowhead vice-president. A commercial Vehicle Safety Enforcement (CVSE) officer impounded a Greyhound bus that had been travelling at 110 km/hr in a 50 km/ hr construction speed zone near Blue River. About 19 passengers had to wait at a restaurant for a relief bus to arrive. The incident occurred at 3 a.m.

Clearwater Times Thursday, May 29, 2014 A7

Music events interest town council Keith McNeill A group of local musicians plan to present weekly music events during the summer in Clearwater, Gerda Faber told Clearwater town council during its May 20 meeting. The events will be held every Thursday evening at the Wells Gray Infocenter starting in June, she said. The events will be a revival of similar outdoor musical evenings held at the Flower Meadow Bakery for several years. Holding them on Thursday evenings should minimize conflicts with other events in and around the community, she felt. District of Barriere has be hosting Music in the Park for several years, Faber noted. There is a stage and sound equipment, and a municipal employee helps organize. Acts are paid $50 for a halfhour or $100 for a full hour. They need to audition to perform. Although Faber was not asking that the musicians be paid for this summer's events, she asked that council consider it for the future. Similar outdoor musical events are held in Kamloops, Revelstoke and Salmon Arm. Government reviewing forest tenure alternatives Clearwater council member Barry Banford, a longtime employee of BC Forest Service before he retired, proved his

value during a recent public input session on the province's review of forest tenure changes, mayor John Harwood reported. “He knew everyone at the table,” the mayor said. Banford suggested during the session that there needs to be a conversation with local governments about tenure reform. Those companies that contribute to rural British Columbia should benefit, while those that do not should have their annual allowable cuts rolled back. Converting more of the province's forest lands from volume-based forest licenses to area-based tree farm licenses could have important benefits, Banford said. However, he felt the 60 days the provincial government has allocated to the review was too short. Weather station to open in June Environment Canada will be activating a weather station for Clearwater at the end of June, according to a report given during a recent infrastructure committee meeting. District of Clearwater chief administrative officer Leslie Groulx is working with the federal agency on a data sharing agreement. The District will be responsible for ground maintenance while Environment Canada will be responsible for equipment maintenance. There will be a launch with radio, CBC and Global once the station is functional.

Apply now for child-care funding assistance

The weather station will be located near the eco-depot. Having a weather station in the community is felt to be important for more accurate forecasts, which will help tourism, forestry and agriculture, as well as local residents. Grass not short enough Councillor Jon Kreke told council that he and his family are celebrating 25 years of owning Dutch Lake Resort. Recently, he saw something that he hadn't seen during those 25 years, he said. A woman in an RV staying at the resort got out a small lawn mower and mowed the grass around the vehicle. Shorts not short enough Clearwater Secondary School is reviewing its dress code for students, Junior Council representative Robyn Kreke reported to town council. The present dress code requires that girls wear shorts that extend past their finger tips, she said. Unfortunately, stores no longer sell shorts that long. Mayor John Harwood recalled that when he first started teaching in local schools, the code required that female students wear a dress to school, even if it was 50 below. The school librarian (who happened to be the principal's wife) got it changed so the girls could wear slacks to school – and then change into dresses.

Chuck and Marg Emery check some of the entries in the Kids Art Contest being put on by North Thompson Arts Council. The display was at the Interior Whitewater building during last Saturday’s Farmers Market. The two-dimensional artworks by local elementary students also will be on display during the official opening for the season of Wells Gray Gallery and Infocenter on May 31. Photo by Keith McNeill


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North Thompson Star/Journal May 29, 2014 A8

A13 Thursday, 29, 2014 Clearwater Times





‘Trekkers’ from Louis Creek joined 1933 protest Deplorable living conditions and pay for workers in ‘relief camps’ sparked action By Carson Stone Through my research of the Louis Creek region, every now and again I come across an event in Canadian history that has been tied to this North Thompson community. One such event is about a “camp” that was situated here in the Louis Creek canyon location. During the “Great Depression” of the 1930’s, The B.C government set up “relief camps” to give married and single men an opportunity to have an income. These camps were usually out in a wilderness setting and the men were put to work repairing roads, bush work, and other types of labor employment. When the “camps” started (1931 and ending in 1936) the wage was $2.00 a day. When the Federal Government got involved under Prime Minister R.B. Bennett, the wages were reduced to $7.50 a month. In 1933, the Department of National Defense took over and further reduced the pay to $.20 cents per day, eight hour shifts, forty-four hour work week. The camps were deplorable for the workers, their living accomodations, food, and state of well being became a nightmare for them all. Protests began to happen as a result. Many of these

workers banded together and decided that things had to change. Under the leadership of approximately 12 individuals, they began to rally the workers in these camps. There were many public protests to get attention to their needs, and for the most part, the population of B.C. gave them as much support as they could. To carry their message to the governments, the workers started a union, the RCWU (Relief Camp Workers Union) while being led by a left wing trade union run by communists. This union was achieved in Kamloops in July of 1933. With the workers commitment to change things in these camps, a plan was set forth to travel to Ottawa by train to meet with the Prime Minister. Prime Minister Bennett, however, had other plans. On June 3, 1933, the “Trekkers” as they became known, started their travel by train to Ottawa while being perched on top of the train box-cars. Two of these trains left from Vancouver. The train then stopped in Kamloops, where still more boarded the train. It is believed that the total of these “Trekkers” was 1,600. The trains stopped in Regina, Saskatchewan, but that would

be as far as they got. The Prime Minister placed the city under siege by the police and other enforcement departments. While holding a massive support rally, the relief camp workers and the enforcement troops collided and an historical riot ensued. There is much more to this story, and if anyone would like to read further on it, “google” the words “relief camp”. It has been established that there was a relief camp here in Louis Creek, and the location has been researched. To be positive of this, a historical atlas has this confirmed, as well as a “passage” from the B.C. Government Legislature in 1936, to which “Louis Creek” is mentioned of the relief camps. The members of this camp worked on the “old” road through here, and the total “person days worked” were 17,543. The camp had been here for awhile it seems.

(Above) The relief camp workers, or “Trekkers”, while boarding the train in Kamloops, B.C., on their way to Ottawa to meet with the Prime Minister of the day, R.B. Bennett, in June of 1933. (Submitted photos:) (Below) Stopping in Regina, Saskatchewan, the “Trekkers” held a massive support rally that quickly turned into an historical riot as they clashed with police and enforcement troops.

Carson Stone’s family are pioneers of Louis Creek, where he and other family members still reside today. He is currently collecting together the history of Louis Creek in the North Thompson Valley. His Facebook page ‘Louis Creek BC’, is filled with information, interesting facts, and surprising revelations. Stone welcomes all additions to the site that relate to the community.

Proud supporter of the

North Thompson Star/Journal Monday, June 18, 2012 A11

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email: • Nature plays a large part in Art by Ecki By Elli Kohnert North Thompson Star/Journal

Canada, and eventu- carve on it!” ist on selling his work ally came to live in He notes that near- through craft fairs. Cloverdale, B.C. It is ly all the materials he The couple say they

Clearwater Times Thursday, May 29, 2014


Trail ride to help Children's Wish Foundation Times Staff

1-800-222-TIPS Clearwater RCMP Report

Criminal harassment

On Tuesday, May 20, Clearwater RCMP responded to a complaint of criminal harassment. The victim reported that her ex-partner had tried to run her off the road. Police had been investigating other complaints that had recently occurred between the two parties, including harassing text messages and other arguments. Clearwater RCMP located the male subject and arrested him for criminal harassment. The male will appear in court at a future date.

Domestic assault

On May 22, Clearwater RCMP responded to a report of domestic assault. Police attended the scene and discovered that the male subject had since left the residence to an unknown location. Police took statements from all the parties. The male subject turned himself in to police. He was arrested for assault and released on documents of no contact with the victim. The male has court in Kamloops in the future.

Mental Health Act

On May 24, Clearwater RCMP responded to a report of a suicidal male in Blue River. The male, originally from Edmonton, had taken a bus to Blue River. Once in Blue River, he decided that he was going to wander the wilderness and succumb to the elements. The male called 911 few days later, after having no food and being completely soaked. Police attended with an ambulance. The male was escorted back to Clearwater and placed into the hospital’s care.

New summer jobs for youth in KamloopsThompson-Cariboo Submitted

Students in Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo will have access to summer jobs to help them gain valuable skills and work experience, says Cathy McLeod, MP for Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo, on behalf of the Honourable Candice Bergen, Minister of State for Social Development. “This region is receiving over $454,351 in Canada Summer Jobs funding to hire 100 young Canadians,” said McLeod. “Canada Summer Jobs helps students gain the skills and experience they need to be successful, now and in the future, while earning money for the upcoming school year.” Canada Summers Jobs provides funding to notfor-profit organizations, public-sector employers and small businesses with 50 or fewer employees to create summer job opportunities for young people aged 15 to 30 years who are full-time students intending to return to their studies in the next year. In 2014, the Canada Summer Jobs program is expected to create approximately 35,000 jobs, while helping employers address skills shortages. Since 2006, the Youth Employment Strategy has helped more than 555,000 young people develop skills, to the benefit of the Canadian economy. “Creating summer jobs for students benefits not only youth and employers, but also local economies across the country. Canada Summer Jobs is yet another excellent example of how our government is creating jobs and economic growth,” concluded McLeod.

Wells Grey Riders Association would like to remind everyone that they will host a Children's Wish Trail Ride this year. The ride will be on Saturday, May 31 at Candle Creek Ski Trails (at the end of Barber Road in Clearwater). Registration will be at 10 a.m. with the ride starting at 11 a.m. The route will follow some of the ski trails and then onto ridges and some logged areas with great views. Bring your cameras. The ride should last two to three hours with a barbeque after. There will be prizes for riders that raise pledges. Children's Wish is seeking volunteers, participants, donors and sponsors. Those interested are asked to contact Bill Dowds at 250-674-4083 or email Trail Ride has long history This summer will mark the 18th anniversary of the provincial Children's Wish Trail Ride. The ride has raised more than $1 million for the Children's Wish Foundation of

Canada – BC and Yukon Chapter. The late Walter White and a dedicated group of volunteers started the Wish Trail Ride, growing the event year after year. The concept was simple: collect pledges in support of Children's Wish and enjoy time out on the trails. Through Walter's vision and the hard work of countless volunteers, the ride has grown into a multi-province event, also running in Alberta. “My dad's passions were horses and Children's Wish and I want to continue this dream for him,” says Irene White, Walter's daughter. Each year, thousands of Canadian children between the ages of three and 17 are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Since 1984, the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada has worked tirelessly to grant exceptional wishes to more than 20,000 children and their families. This year, the foundation expects to grant over 1,000 new wishes and is proud to have never refused a wish to an eligible child. Each wish is an individual adventure, carefully structured to meet the needs of a particular child and family.

Making beautiful music Geoff Ellen plays jazz guitar during the Clearwater Farmers Market held on May 24. The markets are held every Saturday morning during the season. Photo by Keith McNeill

WorksafeBC – Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C. hereby gives notice of proposed amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (BC Reg. 296/97, as amended)

The proposed amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (“OHSR”) being taken to public hearings pertain to the following items: • General Conditions, section 4.1.1 Snow avalanche assessment – Resolve the implementation issues with the avalanche risk assessment regulations • General Conditions, section 4.69 Emergency lighting – Update the reference to the BC Fire Code

Public Hearings You are invited to provide feedback on the proposed regulatory amendments. Your views may be presented orally at the public hearings and/or submitted in writing. Please register if you wish to make an oral presentation at the public hearings by telephoning 604.232.7744 or toll free in B.C. 1.866.614.7744 prior to the hearing.

• Chemical Agents and Biological Agents, sections 5.3 Application and 5.27 ignition – Update references to repealed Acts

Information on the proposed amendments and the public hearings, including details of registration/participation procedures, are on WorkSafeBC’s website at

• Tools, Machinery and Equipment, new sections – Adopt ANSI standard and add requirements for the safe use of roll on/roll off containers

Public Hearing Details

• Ladders, Scaffolds and Temporary Work Platforms, section 13.32 Work in high risk situations – Update the reference to CSA Standard Z271



June 3, 2014

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June 5, 2014

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June 5, 2014

Via video conference Community Futures 110A Slater Road NW, Cranbrook, B.C.

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Session Times:

3:00 pm to 5:00 pm 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

• Ladders, Scaffolds and Temporary Work Platforms, section 13.5 Position and Stability – Review the safe positioning and stability requirements of portable ladders • Construction, Excavation and Demolition, section 20.26 Inspections – Clarify when a professional engineer must inspect and certify a gang form • Construction, Excavation and Demolition, section 20.112 Hazardous materials – Clarify the responsibilities of employers, owners and qualified persons for the safe containment or removal of hazardous materials • Diving, Fishing and Other Marine Operations, section 24.40 Minimum crew – Clarify the conditions that must be met for a surface supply diver to serve as a standby in the water • Forestry Operations and Similar Activities, section 26.65 Bullboards – Add new construction, inspection, removal and return to service requirements • Agriculture, section 28.12 Biohazards exception – Remove an obsolete provision • Rope access, new Part 34 – Ensure comprehensive requirements The proposed Respirable Crystalline Silica (“RCS”) regulation will not proceed to the 2014 public hearing. It is intended that WorkSafeBC will work with industry stakeholders to develop acceptable compliance tools, and that the proposed RCS regulation will be introduced at the next scheduled public hearing.

Written Submissions The deadline for receipt of written submissions is 4:30 pm on Friday, July 11, 2014. Written submissions can be made online or via e-mail, fax, mail, or delivered at the public hearings during the session times. Online: via the WorkSafeBC website at E-mail: Fax:

604.279.7599; or toll free in B.C.: 1.877.279.7599


OHS Regulation and Policy Policy, Regulation and Research Division WorkSafeBC – Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C. P.O. Box 5350, Station Terminal Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5L5

Notice of proposed amendments to the occupational health and safety regulation And Notice of Public Hearing Pursuant to sections 225 and 226 of the Workers Compensation Act of British Columbia.


Thursday, May 29, 2014 Clearwater Times

Wells Gray Infocenter and Art Gallery to hold official opening this Saturday Submitted

A wet day at the office A somewhat damp-looking deer looks out from between the trees near Blair Place in Clearwater on Sunday. The animal was one of a small herd moving together through the area. Photo by Sandra Holmes

e n i D 9&

Lacarya will be closed to the public on

May 31 from 9 am - 3 pm

for the Dorothy Findlay Tournament.

We will Re-open to the public after 3 pm Watch four our upcoming Father’s Day Special 250-587-6100 | 1480 Old N. Thompson Hwy

Are you interested in the geology of the Wells Gray Park? Ever wondered how the forest in the upper valley recovered after the devastating fires? Would you like to spend some time listening to First Nations storytellers? If so, then come take in the new displays at the Wells Gray Park Information Center. Over the winter BC Parks and the Ministry of Environment worked with local experts and a Vancouver design firm to develop the stunning displays. Come and see for yourself on Saturday, May 31, starting at 12:30 when the Information Center has its official grand opening for the season. If fun arts demonstrations are more to your interest, the Wells Gray Gallery is also celebrating its grand opening for the season. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet the people behind the amazing creations in the gallery. Doris Laner, a wellknown local artist, will unveil the first painting in her Treasure Hunt series at the gallery (wildlife artist Robert Bateman has

t and u o e m o C me a g e h t y enjo of golf

(L-r) Wells Gray Infocenter guide Adam Van der Zwan helps Paul and Gill Lilly plan their stay. The couple, who are from Suffolk, England, came to see the waterfalls and do some hiking, and intended to stay for two nights. Although the Infocenter is now open, an official opening will be held on Saturday, May 31. Photo by Keith McNeill

donated a painting of an eagle as first prize in two treasure hunts happening in the park this summer. Laner is donating one of several of her paintings as second prize). The World Heritage committee and the North Thompson Arts Council will take advantage of the grand openings to kick off their sum-

mer event series, Wells Gray Rocks. Come pick up a flyer to put on the fridge. There will be walks, talks, workshops, arts and cultural events all summer long. Dr. Catherine Hickson will be answering questions about geology and the World Heritage Society's push for Geopark status for

Wells Gray Park. Blackwell Park Operations, the company that looks after the park, will be offering free lunch and BC Parks is bringing Jerry the Moose and some great BC Parks memorabilia. Information for the summer event series and treasure hunts can be found at www.

NHL Playoffs at the OLD CABOOSE PUB Keeping Hockey Alive

Enjoy a the game with good eats - good people - good beer


Clearwater Times Thursday, May 29, 2014 A11

Kids-Wild Treasure Hunt coming this summer to Wells Gray Park Submitted There are seven things you’ll need to know about the KidsWild Treasure Hunt. The first thing is that two prizes are up for grabs, both awesome. First prize is an original painting by famed wildlife artist Robert Bateman or a cash equivalent: $3,000. Second prize is one of six paintings by landscape artist Doris Laner or a cash equivalent: $700. The second thing to know is that KidsWild is designed for the whole family: mom and dad and auntie and uncle and grandma and granddad and friends and of course kids themselves. If there’s a young person in your life who would benefit from spending time out on the trail, now’s the time to build Wells

Robert Bateman

This 17 cm by 10 cm painting of a bald eagle by world famous wildlife artist Robert Bateman is the first prize in this year's Wells Gray treasure hunt. The first place winner will have the choice of the painting or $3,000 cash. Times file photo

Gray into your travel plans this summer. The third thing you’ll need to know is that working through the Kids-Wild Treasure Hunt will involve hiking 10 short trails

situated along a 55 km stretch of park road. In total you’ll need two, three or possibly four days to mange this – a perfect focus for a family camping trip.

The fourth thing to know is that there are two sets of clues. One set appears in the pages of Treasure Wells Gray, a natural history guidebook by Trevor Goward. The

other set is designed for the geocache crowd and appears in the companion geology guidebook Wells Gray Rocks, by Cathie Hickson. While the coordinates and gener-

that will help inspire you and your family to make wholesome foods a part of your daily routine. Don’t be afraid to ask for helping hands More hands in the kitchen means more help with preparation, set up and clean up. Ask for involvement or set up a weekly schedule that works for each helper. Sharing basic kitchen skills with your family is good for everyone. The kitchen is also a great place for families to catch up and connect. Planning goes a long way Planning meals for the

week helps provide variety and makes getting meals on the table so much easier. Keep a grocery list near the fridge and write down items that you need as the week goes by. While you are cooking, try cutting up extra vegetables or grating extra cheese and then storing it in air tight containers. They will come in handy next time you toss a salad, stuff a sandwich, pack a lunch or need to quickly steam or sauté a side of veggies. Run out of ideas? Simply ask your family for favourite requests and have fun taking turns!

al information for the geocaches are posted on line (geocache. com), geocache fans will need to get a copy of Wells Gray Rocks for details. The fifth thing to know is that both Treasure Wells Gray and Wells Gray Rocks will be available from the Wells Gray Information Centre in Clearwater starting in early June. Cost is $10 each. For more information, please call(MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX the Info Centre at


Check weekly flyers flyers (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX Check out out weekly (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX and SAVE! and SAVE! AND SAVE! Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers

How to save time while cooking at home Do you love the idea of home cooked meals but struggle with time? Could you use some easy ideas and tips for bringing tasty lunches to work and school? Well, you are not alone! Simply Cook and Enjoy was this year’s Nutrition Month theme in March. Simply Cook and Enjoy focuses on helping families get back to the basics of preparing foods at home. Cooking from scratch does not need to be complicated. Combine a few basic ingredients with a little preparation time and you can enjoy tasty meals in no time! Food prepared at home tastes way better and saves money. Nothing beats yummy homemade food. Here are some simple tips

250-674-3334. The sixth thing to know about Kids-Wild is that you’re looking for a special word hidden in the clues. To come up with the correct word, you’ll need to solve 10 clues, each convertible to a letter of the alphabet. The seventh thing to know is that while there’s no entry fee for the Kids-Wild Treasure Hunt, the official entry forms are tear pages from Treasure Wells Gray and Wells Gray Rocks; no other entries can be accepted. (This helps to fund the treasure hunt.) Finally, proceeds from Kids-Wild go to help kids connect with wild nature at the Thompson Rivers University Wilderness Centre, near the southern entrance to Wells Gray.


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Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers

Be creative with leftovers Food made for dinner can be enjoyed again the next day. Leftover roasted chicken can be used in a wrap or sandwich, added to soups, or used as a topping for salads. Save time by cooking a little extra and freezing it in small containers for quick, wholesome lunches to go. If these ideas whet your appetite for home cooking you can find more practical cooking tips and quick, easy recipes at or visit www. and download the Dietitians of Canada’s free iPhone and iPad app. – author Tatjana Lauzon is a communiy nutritionist with Interior Health.

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Thursday, May 29, 2014 Clearwater Times

Sports District elementary track meet cancelled Kamloops This Week The KamloopsThompson school district elementary track and field meet has been cancelled due to the ongoing labour dispute between teachers and government. The annual event sees students advance to the big meet from school and zone competitions. It was set for Wednesday, May 28, but had to be moved due to the teachers’

strike in Kamloops. The KamloopsThompson school district then rescheduled the meet and the 1,500-metre championships for Monday, May 26, and Tuesday, May 27. However, in an automated call to parents on Sunday, May 25, schooldistrict Supt. Terry Sullivan said both events had to be cancelled because the district was told by the KamloopsThompson Teachers’ Association that

teachers would not be supervising during recess or noon at Hillside Stadium. “Given the additional duties school and district administration have had to assume since this job action began, we will not be able to provide the supervision levels necessary at these events to ensure the safe supervision of the children involved,” Sullivan said in the phone call. “Regretfully, we must cancel.”


Enjoying recreational soccer Jared Walker plays with the ball while Lochlan Wilson watches. Clearwater recreational soccer has begun another season. The fields are in great shape and the new nets are awesome, organizers report. Also see the photo on page A20. Photo by Keith McNeill

Cariboo Country Mobile Veterinary Services

Our pets do look like us You often hear that pets resemble their owners and in some ways that’s happening more and more. Not too many years ago, puppies and kittens frequently died in the first months of life due to infectious disease. Many more were lost to accidents or injury. Professionals involved with dogs such as bird dog trainers or those involved with dogs showing, would not even consider paying for a puppy until it was nearing adulthood because so many succumbed to distemper or parasitic infections as young puppies. Few pets suffered from cancer, as most never lived long enough to get it. Most cats earned their keep by keeping pests under control, a risky occupation that exposed them to parasites, predators and disease. Working and hunting dogs were not routinely vaccinated and, without access to antibiotics, many would not survive infections from what we would today consider to be a minor injury. The same was true for their owners--farming and occupational accidents, polio and even the flu took countless human lives. With advances in both human and veterinary medicine, many previously devastating diseases are now virtually unheard of due to widespread vaccination. In almost 20 years, I have seen canine distemper only twice in my career--once as a brand-new graduate (my boss at the time had been in practice since the 80’s and even he had never seen a case), and again when I did volunteer work in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. Sadly, many animals in that part of the United States are not vaccinated or on heartworm prevention, so these diseases are much more prevalent than in other parts of the U.S. and Canada. In parts of northern Canada, rabies and distemper are maintained in the wild canine population and can be

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Guest golfer cleans up on Ladies Night Submitted

Michelle and Pam transmitted to unvaccinated domestic animals. Now, however, the picture is changing. And still, pets do resemble their owners. Not too many years ago, few veterinarians would have seen cases of diabetes in pets. It is now relatively common in both cats and dogs. Pets and their owners are increasingly being diagnosed and treated for chronic conditions that were much less common a few years ago. Low thyroid function (hypothyroidism), heart, kidney and liver disease, torn cruciate ligaments, allergies and arthritis are diagnosed with increasing regularity. There are many schools of thought as to why this parallel shift is being observed. . . Is it simply because our lives are longer and safer than they have ever been before, so less fatal maladies now have opportunity to take hold? Or is it a reflection of our diet in combination with a more sedentary lifestyle for both us and our animals? Other people speculate that increasing exposure to chemicals, pollution or stress may play a role in development of chronic disease. What can pet owners to to help their pets stay healthy? No surprises here--essentially the same advice your doctor gives you for your own health. Choose nutritious foods that are low in fat, salt, artificial flavors and colors. Limit snacks, maintain a healthy body weight and exercise. Get regular check ups, maintain good oral hygiene and spend quality time socializing with others. The best news of all? Studies show that pet owners who make a concerted effort to help their pets lose weight and become healthier usually improve their own health as well. Now that’s a win-win situation!

It paid to visit Clearwater on Ladies Night on May 22. Sheila Rowbottom from Hinton won most of the Flight #2 skills holes. We had 18 members out despite the threat of rain. When the rain finally came it was a gentle shower that lasted only a few minutes. In Ireland they would call it a “soft day”. Welcome back Carol Pastorek. Congratulations to Joan Streadwick for doing so well in the Flight #3 skills holes. So, to the winners of the week: Low gross score – Carol Hindle, Joan Slingsby, Joan Streadwick; Low net score – Deb Pearce, Sheila Rowbottom, Linda Miller (well done Linda); Long drive on #9 – Deb P., Sheila R., Daisy Hystad; KP on #5 – Carol H., Joan Slingsby; Long putt on #4 – Deb P., Sheila R., Joan Streadwick; Long putt for all

Club captain Debbie Pearce tees off on #9 during Ladies Golf Night on May 15. Photo submitted

flights on #7 – Jane Olson; Least putts – Joan Streadwick; Most putts – Eileen Sedgwick; closest to windmill – Larissa Hadley; Lost balls in water (RIP) - Larissa H., Stephanie Turner, Rosemary Harley; Hidden score gameAnna Mae Dee. Thank you to our sponsors for the week: Home Hardware,

Wells Gray Inn, Rona, TNT, Caboose, Pharmasave, O’Bryans Café, Clearwater Computers, Century 21 Realty, Painted Turtle, Absolute Hair, and Safety Mart. See everyone next Thursday. Remember to book your tee time and call Abbey at 674-2127 if you want to start earlier than 1 p.m.

Clearwater Times Thursday, May 29, 2014 A13

B.C. amends recycling regulation to help small producers Ministry of Environment

New buses for local students School District 73 employees (l-r) Mark McAssey, Karen Nielsen, Herb Weninger and Bill Parman check out one of four new buses that will be working out of the schoolbus yard in Clearwater. The buses arrived on Tuesday of last week. Photo by Keith McNeill

Rivers often foretell skeeter season Cam Fortems – Kamloops This Week Behaviour of the North Thompson River as it peaks will help determine how many slaps are made to exposed legs, arms and necks this season. “We’re hoping the river will peak in the next few days and next week we’ll be launching a massive campaign from Vavenby to Kamloops,” said BWP Consulting owner Cheryl Phippen, who conducts mosquito control for the ThompsonNicola Regional District. The river, which typically peaks in late May or early June, is days away from reaching its maximum volume and will then begin to decline, she predicted. “The river is shooting straight up.” The control program will be more effective

if the river peaks only once, Phippen said. BWP staff have already seeded snowmelt areas with a naturally occurring larvicide, including in Pinantan, Pritchard, Knutsford and Lac Le Jeune. That program began on April 15. “We finished up there,” Phippen said. “Now we’re waiting for the river to flood.” Despite waiting for the river to peak before beginning the helicopter program, Phippen said some riverside areas that flooded earlier are already producing larvae, forcing early application of larvicide by air. Once rivers peak, particularly the North Thompson, the program uses larvicide on areas of standing water left behind that become breeding areas for mosquitoes. A helicopter is used for the river-based program.

“When you need us, we’re close by” When a death occurs, I’m here to help you, every step of the way. 24 hours a day, every day. If you have made pre-arrangements elsewhere and would like to discuss having your local funeral home take care of you, please feel free to call.


Call Drake at 250-674-3030 or 1-877-674-3030 day or night.

Drake Smith, MSW (Funeral Director/Owner)

The larvicide must also be applied so it coincides with the correct stage of larval development. BWP uses a larvicide contained within kernels of corn. The product, BTi, is a naturally occurring bacteria. It has no known affect on humans, plants, honeybees, birds or beetles, according to the Ministry of Forests and Natural Resource Development. Phippen said an

ideal peak for the North Thompson is over two to three days, followed by a steady decline. Using the helicopter, the company broadcasts the material over one to two days in key areas. “And we hope it’s not pouring rain,” Phippen said. A one-centimetre rise in the North Thompson River corresponds with a onehectare area of fields flooding with water.

VICTORIA – Coinciding with the new recycling program, which began in most B.C. communities this week, B.C. has updated the Province's recycling regulation to ensure small producers of packaging and printed paper are exempt. This means the vast majority of businesses and organizations that put packaging and printed paper into the residential waste stream are exempt from any reporting or recycling costs associated with the program. An exemption is granted if any one of the following four criteria is met: * Under one million dollars in annual revenues. * Under one tonne of packaging and printed paper supplied to B.C. residents. * Operate as a single point of retail sale and are not supplied by or operated as part of franchise, a chain or under a banner. * Is a registered charity. As well, where a typical franchise has locations in B.C., the reporting and financial responsibilities for recycling paper and packag-

ing, which end up in residential blue boxes, lie with the parent corporation, not with the individual franchise owners. Less than 3,000 businesses in B.C. are affected by this program. This is less than one per cent of the total number of business in the province. The Province also has successfully urged Multi-Material British Columbia (MMBC), the industry-led stewardship organization responsible for the new recycling program, to give small- to mediumsized businesses the option of an annual flat

“an Independent” congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area. (Behind Fields Store)


3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational

St James Catholic Church

Sunday Service Mass • 11am - 12pm Tuesday & Thursday 10am 324 Clearwater Village Road 250-672-5949 Father Don O’Reilly



Saturday, May 31, 2014 9am - 12pm

Catholic Church of St. James

336 Clearwater Village Rd. (Beside Fire Hall)

Your places of worship

Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive

On the Web: For information 250.674.3841 or 250.674.2912


Church Directory

Clearwater Christian Church

Sunday Worship Service 10 am

fee if the business is a low-volume producer of packaging and printed paper. Businesses producing between one and five tonnes can pay a pre-determined recycling fee, saving the administrative burden of detailed reporting. These initiatives respond to requests from B.C.'s businesses for creative solutions to meet the intent of the regulation, while avoiding inadvertent costs or administration. For more information visit B.C.'s product stewardship site for packaging and printed paper:

Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor Bill Kelly Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468

CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James


Sunday 9am

Rev. Brian Krushel

250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615

Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 5:00pm

Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations

CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am

(Kids church during service)

Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study Thursday 3-5pm Kids Club

Phone: 250-674-2345

308 W Old N Thompson Hwy

COMMUNITY BAPTIST 24E Old North Thompson Hwy

Worship Service 10:30 Pastor Mike Kiewitt 250.674.1332


Thursday, May 29, 2014 Clearwater Times

Business & Service Directory Directory Rd

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Eden Rd

ICBC Agent

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YOUR FRIENDLY REPAIR MAN 250-674-2733 WATER SERVICES 132 Station Road, BoxWELL 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0

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Sma ll Rd

40 years experience

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S Ka outh m 12 loo to 5 k ps m

Hydro Rd

on D mps

Excavation Eden Rd


Ent. Clearwater, BC

Park Drive

Clearwater Information Centre Area SKIDSTEER SERVICES

Portable Screening, Bobcat, Dump Truck, Land Clearing, Driveway Construction, Topsoil, Gravel

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Entrance to Wells Gray Park) Phone Jager Garbage 250-674-3798

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Webber Rd

Lower Clearwater


Davoron Rd


Containers construction sites, Sat.: 10am - 4pmavailable • Sun.: 11:30for - 4pm 343 Clearwater Valley Rd. yard clean-up, industrial sites etc. (Beside O’Bryan’s in the Laundromat at the TNT Building

Defossee Pl

Red Seal Carpenter

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Capostinsky White Rd


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Park Drive Clearwat er Village

Construction and Home Renovation

st Fore ice Rd Serv


Pl son Rob


Demolition - Excavation - Backhoe Service

Jenkins Rd

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North Thompson Provincial Park

Mt. View Rd

Paul 250.819.3205

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Azure Dr

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Rd Roy


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Construction & Renovations from Foundations Septic - Installation - Service - Pumping to Roof

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Fa wn Rd

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Gl en Rd

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Ferry Rd


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Hern Rd

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Steve Noble

Richie Rd

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Construction Murtle Cr

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Kindly refer to our website:

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ley Rd

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To Wells Gray Park

Kennedy Rd

Rison Realty • 32 E Old N. Thompson Hwy.

Automotive Repair Upper Clearwater

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Clearwater Times Thursday, May 29, 2014

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every first Friday of each month. Charges for septic pumps start at $250 plus tax. Charges are subject to pump volume, location of the tank and dumping fees. We do require a minimum of 3 appointments to be to service area. AVAILABLE 24able HOURS • 7your DAYS A WEEK

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Forestry sector needs federal support to grow Central Interior Logging Association The federal government needs to offer money, training and incentives to ensure a technological revolution in the forestry industry creates well-paid jobs at home rather than abroad. Canada’s traditional forestry products – softwood lumber and pulp-and-paper – have struggled in recent years, as American housing construction fell sharply after the 2008 global meltdown and as more consumers get their information digitally rather than on paper. The bio-fuels and bio-materials industries offer fresh opportunities for Canadian producers to make up for the losses – but the high-tech equipment to produce them are increasingly coming from abroad. A report by Groupe DDM says Ottawa and the provinces should start offering incentives for mills to buy Canadian technology rather than looking to foreign manufacturers. The federal government also needs to provide more worker train-

ing, and to finance marketing campaigns to help sell these new hightech Canadian products to more customers. “Canadian wood transformers … heavily rely on foreign-made equipment, even in those fields where Canada seems to have equivalent equipment,” says the study from March. “Canadian forest equipment manufacturers are competing against world giants in spite of their relatively smaller size. High-tech, well-paid jobs in innovation and development are provided to other countries, especially Sweden, Finland, Germany, Austria and the United States.” There are an estimated 365 Canadian firms in the forestry-equipment manufacturing sector, employing more than 57,000 people and worth about a $1-billion annually. Canada’s traditional expertise is in sawmill-equipment manufacturing, but many firms have struggled in the wake of the American housing downturn. Even with recent improvements in housing construction south of the border, and rising demand from China, South Korea, India and

elsewhere, the sector remains battered, says the 38-page report. “One of the Canadian anchor forest industries, the sawmill equipment manufacturers, finds itself in a dire situation, as their traditional customers, saw mills, do not seem capable of investing and upgrading their assets,” says the document. “One of the reasons comes from the fact that lenders have been recently hurt by the sector and commercial credit has become hard to obtain.” The authors suggest Ottawa should help these struggling manufacturers get better access to bank credit. A softwood-lumber deal with the United States, which reduces duties on exports, expires in October next year. Quebec says it has been treated unfairly by the deal and wants better terms for itself in the next extension to the agreement. The 2014 federal budget earmarked $90-million over four years to help forestry companies become more efficient and environmentally responsible, and to develop new products.

Jumping rope for healthy hearts Grade 6/7 teacher Kevin Bamsey jumps high as he takes part in the annual Jump Rope for Heart at Raft River Elementary School on Wednesday afternoon, May 14. Coordinator Laura Pickering, a Grade 3/2 teacher, reported that students had fun, mingled with other grades and staff, and improved their fitness and knowledge of heart-healthy activities. Each student was asked to bring a loonie for the Heart and Stroke Foundation (similar to the Terry Fox Run) and received a booklet about heart-healthy snacks and habits. Photo submitted


Thursday, May 29, 2014 Clearwater Times

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.



Foodsafe Level 1 Do you want to work in the food industry? Are you currently working in the food industry but desire a greater understanding of safe food handling practices? This program is appropriate for food handlers, kitchen staff, and dining room attendants. You will learn about the purchase and storage of potentially hazardous foods, personal hygiene, the causes of food borne diseases, and maintaining a sanitary food service operation. Students must bring their BC CareCard to class in order to complete the examination form. Certificates will not be issued from the Health Unit without the completed form. FIRST AID courses Tis the season for first aid certification or re-certification…….check the expiry date on your current tickets. Please call 250-674-3530 if you need a first aid course for your employment or personal use. We are working with several dates in May – don’t hesitate to call if the dates listed below do not suit you. We may be able to fit you in elsewhere. Wilderness Medical Associates The definitive wilderness course in medical training, leadership, and critical thinking for outdoor, lowresource, and remote professionals and leaders – please call 250674-3530 for further information.


Wells Gray Country UPCOMING EVENTS

May 31: Wells Gray Riders Assoc trail ride at Candle Creek Ski trails, reg 10am, ride 11am. 250-6744083, email May 31: Wells Gray Information Centre and Wells Gray Gallery grand reopening celebration. History displays, artist demonstrations, food, 11am5pm May 31: NTAC Elementary Art Contest submissions will be on display at the Information Centre, 11am-5pm. Vote for your favourite submissions. June 8: $20 Free Dump Day and Hazardous Waste Round-up. Clearwater Eco-Depot June 12: Women In Business Luncheon, 12 – 2 pm, Wells Gray Inn,


June 14: Free Family Fishing Day, Hallamore June 14: Rotary Golf Tournament, Lacarya Golf Course June 18: Community Forest Advisory Committee AGM, 7 pm, CRC. Info Abby 250-674-2127 June 19-Sept 4: Wells Gray Night Market every Thursday, 5:00 - 8:30 pm at Wells Gray Information Centre. June 27: - NTFF&R Ambassador Program, Speech, Talent & Fashion Show. 7pm Barriere Lions Hall $5 July 25 – 27: Wells Gray Man Tracker Invitational, Nakiska Ranch Aug. 22: NTFF&R Ambassador Coronation

OFA Level 1 First Aid

June 28, July 28



May 26 & June 2


Foodsafe Level 1

June 20 & 21

Transportation Endorsement

June 29


WMA – 1st Responder Bridging

June 6 - 9


WMA 1st Responder Re-cert

June 6 - 9



TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 224 Candle Creek Rd. EMAIL: •


HEALTH & HEALING • AA Meetings: every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Dr, 250-587-0026 anytime • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest • Tuesday Morning Coffee (TMC): Meets 10am – 11:30 @ House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-587-6373. Clearwater Community Baptist Church. All women and children • Connections Healing Rooms - Fridays 1-3pm (except stat. welcome. (9:30-10 am Bible Study). Info 250-674-3624 holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams • Raft River Rockhounds: 3rd Sat of the mth. Clw Lodge 1pm Christian Church. 250-674-2700 • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt • Women in Business Luncheon: 2nd Thurs. of the mth at Wells (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Kim 250-674-0224 Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion 778-208-0137. • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church RECREATION • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 2:00 • Ladies Golf Night. Every Thursday @ Lacarya. April – Sept. Info Debbie 250-674-0260; Abby 250-674-2127 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-674-3703 for more info. • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Clearwater Farmers’ Market May – Oct. Saturdays 9am– Noon. • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors CenFor more info please call Anne at 250-674-3444. tre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-3675 • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250-676-9414 1pm: 250-587-6503 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – 2nd Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Volleyball: Tues. Jan. 14 - Apr. 8, 7:30 - 9:00 PM, at Clearwater • Clearwater Elks Bingo - every 2nd Thurs. Elks Hall. open 5pm Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. Info: 250-674-1878. • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie.pomme@ • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-674-0001 CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Drop-in Curling: Fri. Jan. 11 - Mar. 8, 7:00 PM, $5. Brooms and • Racoon StrongStart - Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, sliders available. Thurs & Fri 8:45-11:45am • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 • Racoon StrongStart - Vavenby Elm school days Wed 8:50drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 11:50am • Drop in Basketball: Fri., Jan. 10 - Apr. 11, 7 - 8:30PM, $2 drop in at Clearwater Secondary School Gym. Info: 250-674-1878 • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Slo-Pitch: Clearwater mixed Slo-Pitch league May – July. Contact Carmen Archibald 778-208-1773, 250-674-2632 • Mother Goose - Monday mornings, reg. Kerry 250-674-3530 SENIORS • NT BC Home Schoolers: Meets Fri. afternoons. Call Leanna 250• Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the 674-0057 for details Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Kids Club: Clearwater New Life Assembly. Meets every Thur. 3-5 • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of pm. Ages 5-12. For info contact Bobbi @ 250-674-3346 the mth 2pm at the library. All seniors welcome. • Indoor Market: 1st Saturday of month, 9 am – 2 pm, Elks Hall, info - 250-674-3763



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Clearwater Times Thursday, May 29, 2014 A17

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APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship for Women to attend Journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Application deadline May 31, 2014. Send applications: More information online at : our-programs/scholarship THERE IS still a huge demand for Canscribe Medical Transcription graduates. Medical Transcription is a great workfrom-home career! Contact us today at: call 1.800.466.1535 or email:

Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051. Customer Service Rep • Full Time • Knowledge of Hardware & Building Supplies an asset. • Basic computer knowledge. • Please drop resume at Rona, 213 W. Old N. Thompson Hwy, Clearwater. No phone calls please. FAST AND Reliable Plumbing Repairs, 24/7. Call Parker Dean for your next plumbing job. Present this ad and get $50 off. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928. Vernon Service Company requires Journeyman Service Plumbers/Gasfitters, $36.00/hr Call (250)549-4444 or fax 250-549-4416

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PCL ENERGY - Now hiring Journeyperson Pipefitters ($40+/hr) and Scaffolders ($38+/hr) for an industrial project in Vanscoy, SK. LOA of $145/day worked, travel and bonuses paid! We offer competitive wages and benefits. Send resume by email to:

For Sale: 218 cubic foot chest freezer (Deep Freeze). Good condition. $100 obo 250-6729258

Free Items English Springer Spaniels CKC Reg. Puppies Champ lines, tails docked, vet checked, 1st shots, guaranteed. Home raised, well socialized. Ready May 30. $1,200. (250) 392-1440 Williams Lake




The link to your community

Work Wanted HAFI GRANTS Notice to low income seniors and persons with disability. You may qualify for a grant up to 20,000. to modify and adapt your home for improved safety and accessibility. For details contact your local HAFI expert Hans Ounpuu, Building contractor @ 250-674-3875.


Photography / Video Need a professional

photographer? Portraits, weddings, special events, pet portraits, commercial. Affordable memories that last a lifetime. Seniors rates. Book now avoid & disappointment. Sorry no passport photos Jill Hayward 250-319-8023/250-672-0055

Good Dog Obedience Classes Starting June 5! * NEW DATES! * Basic Obedience - A 6 week course in good manners & canine behaviour begins June 5, 7pm at the Fall Fair Hall in Barriere for all dogs at least 6 months old & up. Cost $100. Novice Class - 6 weeks of fun as we take you & your dog to the next level of obedient behaviour. Participants must have successfully completed a previous Basic Obedience course to qualify. Class starts on June 5, 8pm. Cost $100. To register or for more information contact Jill Hayward at 250-319-8023


by Keith McNeill

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Barriere Seniors Society Flea Market June 7, 2014, 10am - 2-pm Barriere Seniors Hall Table Rental - $10 Call Liz at 250-672-9337

Misc. for Sale For Sale: 4 drawer filing cabinets, round wood coffee table, glass coffee & end tables, double pedestal desk, patio swing & office tables & desks. 250-672-5848. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? KILL BED bugs & their eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate bugs- guaranteed. No mess, odorless, long lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot.

Career Opportunities

Graymont’s Pavilion Plant is accepting applications for an Industrial Electrician. Candidate must possess current B.C. Red Seal certification. Preference will be given to well-rounded individuals willing to also perform other nonelectrical maintenance work as part of the maintenance team. A background in lime or cement industry along with computer and or PLC skills is preferred as well as a proven track record of developing and maintaining a safe work culture. Additional skills required: • Electrician with Red Seal certification and with construction or industrial experience required to work at the Graymont Pavilion Lime Plant. • Must become engaged in continuous improvement and willing to work in a team environment. • Regular shifts will be 8 hrs/day from Monday to Friday – steady day shift. • Must be willing to work overtime when required. • Located in Pavilion B.C. situated between Cache Creek and Lillooet, B.C. Wages And Benefits As Per The Collective Agreement. Qualified applicants please submit your resume to: or Graymont Pavilion Plant Attn: Dan Buis P.O. Box 187 Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0

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Free collection of ancient history and biography books, you pick up. 250-672-2101

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Merchandise for Sale

Thursday, May 29, 2014 Clearwater Times





Misc. for Sale

Suites, Lower

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SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.

Clearwater: 1 bdrm suite located on Clearwater River. Complete kit with F/S. Rent incl util & wireless internet. Avail now. NS. NP. $600/mo Please ph for appoint to view 250-674-3275.

Misc. Wanted BUYING Coin Collections, Estates, Antiques, Native Art, Silver, Jewelry 778-281-0030 FIREARMS. ALL types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. Please call 1.866.960.0045 or visit us online: Used Postage Stamps

Clearwater: Newer 2-bdrm 1200 sq ft daylight bsmt suite. 6 app. Prvt entry. NS/NP. Ref. req. $975/mo. Elec/heat incl. 250-674-3109

Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land


Take notice that Hans Albert Wadlegger from Clearwater BC has applied to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Thompson Okanagan, for a Crown Grant for an extension of holdings situated on Provincial Crown land located at Clearwater.

Auto Accessories/Parts

Support International Scouting by donating used stamps which are sorted & sold to raise money for the International Development Fund of the International Scout & Guide Fellowship. This fund pays for training for Scouters in the third world. Drop stamps off at front counter of the Star/Journal in Barriere, or call Margaret at (250)672-9330.

Real Estate

The Lands File for this application is 3412888. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Senior Land Officer, Thompson Okanagan, MFLNRO, at 441 Columbia Street Kamloops BC. Comments will be received by MFLNRO up to July 3, 2014. MFLNRO may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website for more information.

Auto Financing

For Sale By Owner

Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ Office in Thompson Okanagan.

5 BDRM HOME IN TELKWA FOR SALE 3200 sq ft, 4 bath, includes washer & dryer, fridge & stove, dishwasher hot tub, natural gas, contact 250-845-3315

Quit. Before your time runs out.

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent Newly renovated 1bdrm apartment $700/mth, inc. all utilities. Ideal for single or elderly person. Near amenities. 778-2202148

Homes for Rent 3 bdrm house located at the end of quiet street in Blackpool. Lg yd, garage, garden shed incl. $800/mo + dd. Ref. req. NP, NS. Ph 250-587-6469 CWR 4brm Log House on land with a pool. Capped Utilities included for $1800/m. DDs and Refs. NS, Avail Apr 15. 250-851-3858 or 674-1313.

Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!


Auto Financing Dream Team - or call 1.800.961.7022

Scrap Car Removal Free pick up of scrap metal & vehicle removal, also dump runs & yard clean-up. 250672-0152

Trucks & Vans 1992 Mazda truck, 4 cyl, head gasket missing only, canopy, liner, 4 new studded tires used 1 yr. Asking $450.00 obo. Ph 250-674-3616

This Crossword Sponsored by

Kidney disease strikes families, not only individuals.




M A pa yr i 2l 9 2-3 J u - n2e9 4, , 22001124 Family matters This week is all will this aboutfare givebetter and take, week thanDo business Capricorn. for matters, others, andCapricorn. they will Focus moreA special of your do for you. energy onfor your event calls some home life than extra-special gifts.hapDecember 22– penings at the office January 19 that are beyond your control.

January 20– February 18

February 19– March 20

Aquarius, atSome habitspay are hard tention all of the to break, to Aquarius. little details thisto Look to a mentor week. If you youwill can help and keep your eyes open, succeed. A fitness you findachieved new goal may is easily opportunities with a new piececomof ing your way in the equipment. next few days. Pisces, let The oddsdon’t may be your emotions get stacked against you, the bestbutofthat youdoesn’t Pisces, when making an mean you won’t come important decision out on top with a little this week.A Let logic ingenuity. weekend reign. endeavor requires a leap of faith.

March 21– April 19

April 20– May 20

May 21– June 21

Aries, your thoughts Speak up, Aries, and interaction with the problem will be an elder solved.isAsomething little miracle toat home cherish thisforweek, makes an Aries. Listen closely interesting weekend. toTravel the plans goodcome advice you are offered, as it together. will pay dividends down the road. Taurus, new coCast asidea all doubt, worker mayoffer come Taurus. The is to you withandquestions. genuine will bring This is your opporyou many rewards. A tunity to serve as a test of faith begins— mentor use woes your be strong.and Money experience to help ease. the next generation. Gemini, you are inFeeling blessed tent purchasing theseon days, Gemini? an Payexpensive it forward. item A sometime week, compromisethis at home but make sure it can raises everyone’s be returned. Hold spirits and fun ensues on the receipt all to weekend long! and carefully survey your finances.

June 22– July 22

ItA business is time relationship to get out of a rut, Cancer. blossoms with an Explore a new fashion addition. A larger-thanchoice or dinedrops on a life personality different of ethby with an type offer you nic The can’tfood. refuse. Oh idea boy, is to out of your oh step boy, Cancer. September 23– comfort zone. October 22

Your ability to comLady Luck smiles on promise a big asyou, Libra,isand there set in thebeyond workplace, is nothing your Libra. alone can reach. AThis treasured propel career to heirloomyour resurfaces, new heights. You’ll bringing back many take few steps in fond amemories. the right direction this week.

July 23– August 22

Leo, of Oops,thoughts Leo. You fall returning school behind on a to project, may have raising somefloated around inNot your eyebrows. to mind worry. in Youthe willpast. get This week are back on trackyou sooner energized to investithan you think, thanks age educational October 23– to anyour innovation. options. November 21

Your ability The tiniest of to stay informed helps you changes make a vast to feel in touch improvement in a with your surroundings, project. A rejection is Scorpio. will a blessing You in disguise. enjoy socializing Be grateful for what with this you’refriends given, Scorpio. week and may host a gathering.

Your Spendcreativity less, save more isand onyou’ll display this definitely week, Virgo. get more, Virgo.You More have ideas, and in your bottom lineyou need to put your and more peace of thoughts in motion, mind. Flowers provide whether through a great pick-me-up. an art project or entreAugust 23– September 22 preneurial venture.


Do your best turn News from afarto gets athe negative creative into juicesa positive, Sagittarius. flowing, and you Itaccomplish may require more athan little creative thinkyou have in some time, ing to pullAthis Sagittarius. gameoff, of but you are up to wits at the office task. Start by November 22– the proves challenging. December 21 smiling more often.

Clearwater Times Thursday, May 29, 2014 A19



Joseph Peter Toth March 6, 1935 - May 19, 2014

Lena (Vi) Mayer 1931 - 2014

Vi left us peacefully to join Art on May 19, 2014. She was born August 17, 1931. She is survived by sons: Doug (Carol) of Revelstoke, Roger (Debbie) of Clearwater, Wes (Sandy) of Dawson Creek, grandchildren: Jeff (Jenna), Dan (Rae-Anne), Josh, Brody (Brandy), Coral (Bryan), great grandchildren: Alyssa and Caylee, Ella, Emma and Owen, brother; Cliff (Dorothy) sister; Bonnie, brothers in law; Wally (Clara), and Paul, sisters in law; Irma, Anne and Frieda (Elmer) and a great many nieces and nephews. Vi was predeceased by her parents Cornelius and Mary Dueck, parents-in-law Daniel and Olga Mayer, her brother Jake and her grandson Gord. Vi was fond of telling the story of how she was born under a tree in Manitoba during the Depression and like many families of that era her

family struggled. Food and shelter were scarce and as the oldest child of four she was forced into a parental role early in her life. Her family moved to B.C. in 1943 to catch up to her dad, who moved there seeking work. The family found success through hard work, a trait she passed on to her children. She met Art on a blind

date in 1950 and they married in 1951. Doug was born in 1952, Roger in 1956 and Wes in 1961. In 1969 Art and Vi moved to Clearwater and purchased the Jasper Way Motel on Dutch Lake. In 1974 they sold the motel and started Mayer Backhoe Service. Vi ran the books, the household and began becoming involved in local groups. She joined the Hospital Ladies Auxiliary and was a member for over 40 years. She was a driving force behind the construction of Evergreen Acres, served on the Improvement District board, two terms on the School Board and joined the Chamber of Commerce. Vi enjoyed being involved in her community but her greatest joy came when grandchildren started arriving and then great grandchildren. In later years she devoted a great deal of time to genealogy and traced

both her and Art's family back over 200 years, and then wrote the history which she passed on to children and grandchildren. A funeral service was held for Vi on Saturday, May 24, 2014 at noon at the Clearwater United Church in Clearwater, BC. A graveside service followed at Riverview Cemetery, Clearwater with family and friends gathered afterward back at the church. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, 640 Park Drive, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N1. Funeral arrangements entrusted to North Thompson Funeral Services, Clearwater, BC, 250-674-3030. On-line condolences may be sent to the family at

Joe passed away in Hospice in Kamloops after a short illness. He came to Canada in 1957 from Hungary. He worked at plumbing, electrical, carpentry and ranching, etc. in Saskatchewan, Alberta and B.C. After coming to Clearwater about 38 years ago he mainly worked for Clearwater Timber until retirement. He was predeceased by his Canadian partner May Stopyra in 2004. He is survived by his Canadian family: Jane (Ray) Arneson and family and Shirley (Les) Bannert and family. Cremation has taken place and abiding by Joe's wishes there will not be a service. Arrangements were done by North Thompson Funeral Services. Thank you, Drake.


David John Waversek, born April 4, 1932 in Walthemstowe, England, passed away peacefully on the evening of May 20, 2014 after bravely battling cancer. Dave came to Canada with his father William Wilfred Waversek and his younger brother Leonard Arthur Waversek in 1954 from England on the M.V. Georgia. The three of them landed in Halifax and took the train out west to Smithers, B.C. Dave, his brother and father worked at an experimental farm for a season until they decided to move to the coast and became floor layers. Working as floor layers they had the dream of earning enough money to buy a farm of their own. They managed to buy land at Buffalo Lake near 100 Mile House, where they farmed from 1968 to 1995. The three of them had all kinds of critters from cattle, cats, dogs, pigs and the occasional moose. Dave and Len really enjoyed the sense of community that farming brought, especially in the 100 Mile area. Dave always spoke fondly of all their neighbors, especially Ted and Rita Pincott and their four boys, Barry and Lynn Bush, Lilly Waller, Anne Bashall, and the Horn family. They were always more than happy to lend Dave and Len a helping hand, which they are eternally grateful for.

After selling the farm at Buffalo Lake in 1995 to Ainsworth Lumber Company they moved to Little Fort. This was going to be their retirement farm, which was supposed to be a five-year plan. They farmed there from 1995 to 2013 with the last few years having some help from a very dear friend and neighbor, Michelle Hauser. They finally did retire, sold the farm and moved across the river. They then had time to go on the ocean fishing trip they always dreamt about and just enjoyed not doing early morning irrigation. Some of Len’s fondest memories with Dave included laying in one of the cow pastures in the shade on a hot day with the cows coming over to them. He was sure the cows were saying “Hey, why aren’t you

busy making us hay?” Or last summer going on the salmon fishing trip together and constantly bugging each other by saying, “Keep your tip up!” Dave is survived by his brothers Stanley William Waversek, wife Doreen Betty Waversek (England), Leonard Arthur Waversek (Little Fort), niece Dawn Florence Mary Waversek, and husband Tony, great niece Gemma, and great nephew Jamie, nephew Mark Waversek (England). Dave is predeceased by father William Wilfred Waversek 1984 (100 Mile) and mother Isabell Mary Waversek (White) 1952 (England). Len Waversek and Michelle Hauser would like to thank all the staff at Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital for their unwavering support in attending to Dave in his time of need, for which they are eternally grateful. Memorial Service A service will be held for Dave on Saturday, May 31, 2014 at the Little Fort Cemetery at 11 a.m. with a celebration of his life at Len Waversek’s home to follow. All friends welcome to attend and tell stories of their fond memories of Dave. In lieu of flowers, please make a donation in Dave’s name to the BC Cancer Foundation.

featured Job Opportunities



David John Waversek 1932 - 2014 Lifeguard - Blue River, BC

Temporary, full-time position from June River, 26- September Lifeguard - Blue BC 4, 2014 Temporary, full-time position from June 26- September 4, 2014 Competition #2014-05 Competition #2014-05

Encompassing an unparalleled geographic region in the heart of British Columbia, the ThompsonNicola Encompassing Regional District (TNRD) offers the region best of both worlds. Urban life within vibrant an unparalleled geographic in the heart of British Columbia, the Thompsoncommunities outlying rural (TNRD) regions offers that showcase region's beauty - pristine but rugged Nicola and Regional District the best the of both worlds. Urban life within vibrant mountains, rolling grasslands, andthe both historic and -modern areas, all communities and outlying lush rural evergreen regions thatforests showcase region's beauty pristine but rugged within approximately 45,000 squarelush kilometres. in historic the Cityand of modern Kamloops - the mountains, rolling grasslands, evergreenHeadquartered forests and both areas, all within Capital approximately 45,000 square kilometres. the City of Kamloops - the Tournament of Canada - the TNRD provides Headquartered a wide range ofinlocal government services, Tournament Capital of Canada the TNRD provides a wide range of local government services, including Library services, to a population of 130,000 located within its 11 diverse municipalities and 10including electoralLibrary, to a population of 130,000 located within its 11 diverse municipalities and 10 electoral areas. Our Role Our Role The Thompson-Nicola Regional District is seeking a Lifeguard/Swim Instructor for the Eleanor The Thompson-Nicola District is seeking employment a Lifeguard/Swim Instructor for the Eleanor Lake Public Beach in BlueRegional River, BC for temporary starting June 26, 2014 – Lake4, Public in Blue River, BC for temporary employment June 2014 –5 September 2014.Beach The schedule for this position is 8 hours per day starting (10:00am to 26, 6:30pm), September 4, 2014. thru The schedule days per week (Thursday Monday).for this position is 8 hours per day (10:00am to 6:30pm), 5 days per week (Thursday thru Monday). Reporting to the Services Coordinator, the Lifeguard is expected to provide: Reporting to the Services Coordinator, the Lifeguard is expected to provide:  Lifeguard and waterfront beach supervision  Lifeguard and waterfront beach supervision  Lesson instruction  Lesson instruction  Other including performing basic maintenance functions  responsibilities Other responsibilities including performing basic maintenance functionsand andcustomer customer serviceservice  Water SafetySafety instruction based on the Cross curriculum  Water instruction based on Red the Red Cross curriculum Our Ideal OurCandidate Ideal Candidate The successful candidate must must be/have: The successful candidate be/have: 19 years or older or older  19 years to under work under minimal supervision  toAble work minimal supervision  Able be National Guard Service certified (NLS Waterfrontand andcurrent current  Applicants must must be National Life Life Guard Service certified (NLS Waterfront  Applicants certification as a Red Cross Water Safety Instructor preferred butnot notrequirements) requirements) certification as a Red Cross Water Safety Instructor areare preferred but knowledge of swimming instruction techniques  Considerable knowledge of swimming instruction techniques  Considerable to instruct allgroups age groups all levels of swimmers  Ability to instruct all age and and all levels of swimmers  Ability interpersonal communication skills ability dealwith withpeople people in in aa  Excellent interpersonal and and communication skills andand ability to todeal  Excellent professional manner professional manner physical condition to ensure strength and stamina in water  In sufficient physical condition to ensure strength and stamina in water  In sufficient Previous experience as a Lifeguard and instructor is preferred. Previous experience as a Lifeguard and instructor is preferred. The position is subject to the provisions of the Collective Agreement with the Canadian Union of Public The position is subject the The provisions of theforCollective Agreement Union ofvacation Public Employees, Localto900. hourly wage this position is $21.49 with plus the 14%Canadian in lieu of benefits, Employees, Local 900. The hourly wagerequires for thisallposition $21.49 aplus 14% Record in lieu of benefits, vacation and statutory holidays. The TNRD positionsisundergo Criminal Check. and statutory holidays. The TNRD requires all positions undergo a Criminal Record Check. Please email your application to by 4:00 p.m. on, June 11, 2014 quoting Please Competition email your application to by letter, 4:00 and p.m.a on, June 11, 2014 quoting must include a cover resume outlining qualifications, #2014-05. Applications Applications include a cover letter, and a resume outlining qualifications, Competition #2014-05. experience and identifying at leastmust two references. experience and identifying at least two references. Thank you for considering the Thompson-Nicola Regional District as a place to share your talents! Thank you for considering the Thompson-Nicola Regional District as a place to share your talents! While we appreciate the interest of all applicants, only those candidates the under consideration will be contacted. While we appreciate interest of all applicants, only those candidates under consideration will be contacted.


Thursday, May 29, 2014 Clearwater Times

Youth Soccer has good spring Participants in Clearwater Youth Soccer Association’s spring program for 2014 pose for a group photograph. There are over 147 young players participating this year, about 18 coaches and a crew of teen and volunteer refs. Clearwater Youth Soccer will hold its first tournament on June 1. The tournament is being done with the assistance of Wells Gray Community Forest, Wadlegger Logging, North Thompson Communities Foundation and Melody Romeo – sports coordinator for District of Clearwater. Soccerquest from Kamloops will offer a skills mini-camp during the tournament. Photo by Theresa Braaten

FREE FamiLy FiSHing Day


Alpine Meadows Resort, Hallamore Lake For all ageS anD abiliTieS!

Learn where, when and how to catch fish – including: • Fish identification and biology • Habitats and conservation • Tackle and rod rigging • Casting and retrieving • Fish handling and fishing ethics • Safety and fishing regulations Because this event takes place during BC’s annual Family Fishing Weekend, Canadian residents don’t even need a fishing licence.

eVenT SCHeDUle 9-10 am FREE Learn to Fish lesson 10-12pm Fishing 11:30-1 pm bbQ lunch For more information, contact: Mark Green or Chris Kreke @ the Clearwater Trout Hatchery, 250-674-2580. No experience required! Rods & boats will be available. Electric Motors only on Hallamore Lake

Enjoying the best of both worlds during the third annual Art Crawl Charlene Lau I experienced the best of both worlds this year during North Thompson Arts Council’s third annual Art Crawl on Saturday, May 10 and Sunday, May 11 – as a host and as a visitor. I opened my studio to art crawlers from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on the Saturday, welcoming new and returning visitors into my studio. It was really rewarding to be able to share my process with people and experience their enthusiasm of the day. On Sunday I packed a picnic and took off in search of some fantastic local art. It was the first year I was able to explore the Art Crawl as a visitor, rather than just a host. Starting in Blackpool, I visited Helen Knight’s amazing art retreat, flipped through her inspira-

Helen Knight displays her triptych mural of the Barriere area landscape post-forest fire. The Blackpool resident was one of several local artists who opened up their homes and studios for the third annual Art Crawl on May 10 and 11. Photo by Charlene Lau

tional scrapbooks and took in walls full of paintings. My second stop was Joanne Wright’s wonderful textile studio, where she showed me her 90-something year old loom with its current project as well as new felted pieces. A beautiful drive towards Wells Gray Park took me to a display of local artists and craftspeople at

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the Upper Clearwater Community Hall. I completed the day at Doris Laner’s shop, Harvest Studio. Laner is one of the Art Crawl’s principal organizers. For those who are not familiar with the Art Crawl, each year artists and artisans of the North Thompson Valley invite the public into their shops and studios to see

and learn about the creative process, giving visitors a wider understanding and appreciation of what is involved in creating art in any form The organizers appreciate everyone who participated in the Art Crawl and the North Thompson Communities Foundation for sponsoring this fantastic cultural community event.

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