Castlegar News Thursday, June 5, 2014
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Vol.11 • Issue 23
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Chamber honours its own Annual awards handed out on May 31 See page 13
Pickets encouraged
Opposition leader makes WK swing See page 3 DRIVEWAY Special car feature in the West Kootenay Advertiser located within this paper
Castlegar church arsonist jailed two years
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St. Rita’s sanctuary (on March 25, 2013) was the first of two local churches to be targeted by arsonist Lee Wilding. Story on Page 2
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Castlegar church arsonist jailed two years
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 Castlegar News
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GREG NESTEROFF Special to the Castlegar News
The man who set two Castlegar churches on fire, destroying one and severely damaging the other, apologized but offered little explanation for his actions as he was sentenced Monday to two years in federal prison. Lee Wilding, 19, changed his plea to guilty, admitting to starting the fire at the Kinnaird Church of God that resulted in $500,000 to $600,000 damage. Almost exactly a year earlier, he set fires that destroyed St. Rita’s Catholic Church and a Red Cross van parked at Kinnaird Community Church. For those crimes he was sentenced to 14 months in jail with credit for time served. Wilding was released on March 10 and returned to Castlegar eight days later to testify at the trial of the teenage girl co-accused in the St. Rita’s fire. (The charges against her have since been dropped.) That night, he set fire to the Church of God. “It’s almost beyond belief that this series of events unfolded the way it did,” said Crown prosecutor Sunday Patola. Wilding’s jail sentence, the result of a joint submission by Crown and defense, is to be followed by three years probation with a curfew and an order to stay away from incendiary material. He still needs to perform 100 hours of community service and pay $1,700 restitution as part of his earlier sentence. In outlining the case, Patola said the Church of God fire was believed to have started in or near a rear shed after someone doused a camping-size propane tank with lighter fluid. As fire crews battled the blaze, RCMP went to the Sandman Hotel where Wilding was staying and found him awake, although he declined to make a statement. They later came
back to advise him he was a suspect. That night, the hotel desk clerk saw Wilding drop two plastic bags into a dumpster. Police seized them and found lighter fluid, candles, and burnt matches. Wilding’s father and stepmother later arrived at the hotel and he was arrested as they left the building together shortly after 6 a.m. He has remained in custody since. From video surveillance, investigators determined Wilding bought the lighter fluid at the nearby Chevron station. Although he didn’t buy the candles there, they were similar to ones the store sold. The wooden matches were of a type sold at the Dollarama across the street, although staff didn’t recall Wilding buying any. Wilding also appeared on video surveillance at Canadian Tire buying a toque and three pack of propane tanks. While no tanks were recovered from his belongings, Patola said an explosion a neighbour heard at the church was “consistent” with one of them going off. She said the joint sentencing submission followed “extensive discussion” with his lawyer and Wilding could have faced much more jail time but for his age and guilty plea, which prevented a trial that the judge and lawyers acknowledged could have lasted up to three weeks. Three victim impact statements from church members were submitted, including one from Rev. Cynthia Pelletier. “A church is more than just a building,” Judge Don Sperry told Wilding, who was dressed in a maroon shirt and matching pants. “The whole community has been greatly affected by this crime. That church has been there since at least the late 1950s and has been a focus for members of the community of Kinnaird. You took that away from them.” Before passing sentence, Sperry asked Wilding if he had anything to say. He stood in the prisoner’s box and
looked at the floor. “I’m taking full responsibility,” he said. “I try to apologize the best I can. When I got out of jail I didn’t think I would be in a situation like this. I wasn’t thinking straight. I’m not going to blame anybody else. I’m truly sorry to everyone at the church, in the community, and my family.” Earlier, his lawyer Tyleen Underwood said Wilding wants to obtain his high school diploma and told her “This stupid shit is done. This is not going to happen again.” “He wants to get out and stay out,” Underwood said. “This is still a young man with his family’s support. They want him to get counseling and treatment. We’re asking you to give him one more chance.” Sperry asked Wilding if he could explain his actions. “You don’t have to tell us but a lot of people would like to know,” he said. Wilding paused and replied “It had nothing to do with religion. I never deliberately planned on lighting that church on fire. I’m sorry.” Sperry, however, said he didn’t buy that: “You purchased or stole items necessary to do what you did.” He told Wilding he had been “well represented” by his lawyer and “more than fairly treated” by the Crown and could easily have received a prison sentence twice as long. Father David John of St. Rita’s church, who was present in the courtroom, told Mountain FM he found it “significant” that Wilding denied any anti-religious reason for his crimes but had hoped the young man would have elaborated on his motives. “It does disappoint me very much. I think it would have helped bring a certain amount of closure to the community,” he said. “It’s very sad when a young guy just goes off the rails like that. When he finishes all the supervision, he’ll be in his mid-20s and hopefully know himself a bit better and be able to go on a positive line through his life.”
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Castlegar News Thursday, June 5, 2014
News A3
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Student walk out ‘What affects our teachers affects us’ reads one of the signs held by protesting SHSS students on May 30. Jim Sinclair photo
Opposition leader touches base with Castlegar teachers JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor
John Horgan, recently acclaimed leader of the NDP provincial opposition made a Castlegar stop on Monday, meeting with picketing teachers and parents along 7th Avenue, where Twin Rivers Elementary, Castlegar Primary and Stanley Humphries Secondary are located. Horgan and his entourage which included area NDP MLA’s Katrine Conroy and Michelle Mungall, had been in Nelson earlier in the day, and had a trip to Waneta coming up after Castlegar. Horgan addressed the crowd of about 30, beginning with personal background relating to his high opinion of the public
school system. “When I was in high school I was off the rails,” he said. “I was raised by a single mother, my dad dies when I was a tot. I understand poverty, and I was going in the wrong direction. It was a public education teacher who got me back on track, and changed my life. Now I stand before you, I have a Master’s degree… I’m going to be the Premier of B.C. and it’s because of public education.” “The Liberal government, since 2002 when Christy Clark was the Minister of Education, has bargained unfairly,” Horgan later told the Castlegar News. “They tried to provoke a strike so they could legislate people back to work, and they stripped contracts on
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Special Opposition Leader John Horgan, right, speaks with picketing teachers and parents on June 2 in Castlegar. At Horgan’s right is Kootenay West MLA Katrine Conroy and fourth from right, Nelson Creston MLA Michelle Mungall. Jim Sinclair photo
issues like class size and class composition. “They had an obligation in this round of bargaining to put those issues on the table and put money on the table as well. When a government says they don’t have enough money for
this, they’re saying it’s not a priority, and I think for most British Columbians it is. If we’re not as educated as we can be, we’re not going to be able to compete in the modern economy.” Asked how the modus operandi of an NDP government
would differ in a situation like collective bargaining with teachers, Horgan concluded, “Get back to the bargaining table…get off the front pages… get off the six o’clock news and negotiate fairly. Give respect and respect will come back to you.”
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 Castlegar News
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Castlegar News Thursday, June 5, 2014
News A5
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Businesses pictured above were all victimized by armed robbery of break-in during recent local crime wave. Jim Sinclair photos
Crime spree likely work of two culprits
rested after the last robbery in Nelson, were also charged with the break-ins.” Castlegar News Editor The pair was arrested in relation to the Nelson District An RCMP spokesperson says police believe one couple is Credit Union robbery on April 25. responsible for a recent crime wave occurring in the CastlePrior to that date there had been a series of robberies datgar - Nelson - Salmo triangle. ing back to November 2013 at Simply Shoppers Pharmacy, Trail-based Corporal Kent Drover told the Castlegar formerly Paragon Pharmacy, of Castlegar. News on June 2 that for a number of reasons police are satSince the pair has been apprehended there have been, isfied they have the right parties identified with respect to with the exception of a hold up of a convenience store in all of the incidents, including Kootenay Savings hold-ups Rosemont no further incidents. in Salmo and Castlegar as well as various pharmacy breakAs for the one culprit theory, Cpl. Drover said, “It’s one ins and an armed robbery at Johnny’s Groceries and Gas in thing to believe it, it’s another thing to prove it, so we’ve Robson. completed our investigation into all the robberies. All that The prime suspect is Andrew Stevenson, 33, who was information has been sent to Crown Council up in Nelson. ������������������������ ��������������������������������������� apprehended along with his common-law spouse Kristi Whether or not we’ll get charge approval on all of them reKalmikoff in late April. mains to be seen. It’s going to be based on whether the eviCharges in all of the offences have apparently been for- dence supports those charges or not.” warded to the Crown. Stevenson, next due in Nelson Provincial Court on June “We believe the same person or people are responsible for 10, faces 15 counts including unlawfully discharging a fireall the robberies,” outlined Cpl. Drover. “There was evidence arm, robbery, and break and enter. His co-accused, Kristi that linked the two investigations together. The people ar- Kalmikoff, was released on $40,000 bail. JIM SINCLAIR
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 Castlegar News
Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905
Hard sentence to understand
It’s true that there are at least two sides to every story. And we accept that in a court of law a defendant is innocent until proven guilty. If we trust our police and judicial systems we feel confident offenders will be identified and justice done... all in a timely fashion. But the two year prison term handed to a convicted two-time local arsonist this week puts that trust to the test in a big way. Lee Wilding torched his second church (Kinnaird Church of God) earlier this year, shortly after being released from jail for lighting up the first. The 2013 arson totally destroyed St. Rita’s Church Sanctuary and the Kinnaird blaze caused about a half million dollars damage. There was no loss of life in either incident but, there could have been. The point is that local citizens will feel relatively immune from further such blatant criminal acts for only as long as the offender is imprisoned. Two years... for a 19-year old? It’s been more than a year since the St. Rita’s congregation lost its sanctuary, and it’ll quite likely be well over two years in total before they have a replacement. As detailed in Greg Nesteroff ’s front page story, the latest (Kinnaird) arson did not appear to be a random, impulsive act. Supplies were reportedly purchased ahead of time and the burning scheme was clearly formulated. Lee Wilding will have two years to ponder the wrongs he’s done, two years during which the burden of decision making will be taken off his plate. To come up with any sort of an explanation for his actions... and an assurance that it won’t happen again, will take, in our opinion, a good deal longer than two years. We want to hear from you.
Letters Policy
The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Off the Line - Karen Haviland
Sprechen sie Deutsch?
It’s always a good day for me when I learn a new word. At the age of 61 I’ve learned a lot of new words in my time and, whenever I do, I strive to incorporate them into my vocabulary. I love words! A couple of weeks ago I learned a new word – somniloquy – which simply means sleep talking, or talking in your sleep. According to sleep specialists, talking in your sleep isn’t usually a big deal. I’m certain that most of us have talked in our sleep at one time or another. The thing is though; have you ever sleep talked in a foreign language? Apparently, I did. One morning, about two weeks ago my husband asked me, “Did you dream in German last night?” Just barely awake and in need of a strong cup of java, his question hung there heavily while I tried to negotiate my way from just waking up to fully alert. Seriously, my brain had to process that odd question before it made any sense to me. “Uh, I don’t know,” I answered. After all, while I am sure that I dream, it’s seldom that I actually remember those dreams when the morning light nudges me awake. “Why do you ask?” I prodded. “Because you were talking in GerTheresa Hodge Office Manager
Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate
Selina Birk Creative Support
man in your sleep last night,” he said. Really? German? In my sleep? “Yup. German. You had quite the conversation in German,” he explained. “Are you sure it was German?” I asked. “Absolutely,” he said. Shaking my head awake, I trudged down the hall for that now badly-needed cup of coffee. As I drank the coffee I pondered what he had just told me. German. German? I am ashamedly unilingual, having escaped Canada’s mandatory French classes by moving to the States in Grade 3. When I was in Grade 7, however, I was required to study a language. I chose Latin and barely passed that class. The following year I chose German and didn’t fare much better in that class. To this day I only remember a smattering of German and even less Latin. But my great-grandparents were full-blooded Germans on my father’s side. When they (Oma and Opa) would visit I was in my preschool years and could barely (if at all) understand them as they resolutely spoke only German. So, as you can imagine, my grasp of the German language is about as firm as a 50-year-old mattress. After mulling over the sleep talking thing for a couple of days, I decided
to research online. A simple search of “talking a foreign language in your sleep” netted a bonanza. That’s when I came upon a site containing “Sleep talking associated with mental or medical illness occurs more commonly in persons over 25 years of age.” Uh oh. But what about sleep talking in a foreign language? Well, I guess the answer depends on which website you read. Some (radicals, I am sure) claim that indicates I was actually talking in tongues. Take it from a former Southern Baptist girl, I have seen and heard talking in tongues and thoroughly discount that opinion. Another website suggested it could be past life regression. While I’m fairly open-minded about such things I also tossed aside that theory. Being more logically oriented, the only thing I can chalk it up to is the extraordinary beauty of the human brain and its fascinating ability, the depths of which have yet to be fully plumbed and understood. With that sorted out, I had one more question to ask. Walking into the living room I asked my husband, “So, for a second there did you think you were sleeping with a Fräulein?” Wise man that he is, he chose to not answer .
Cindy Amaral Sandy Leonard Katelyn Hurley Marvin Beatty Creative Director Assistant Creative Director Creative Reporter
Jim Sinclair Editor
Chuck Bennett Publisher
Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397
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Castlegar News Thursday, June 5, 2014
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Editor, Earlier today, while walking my six month old Shih Tzu puppy off leash near a railway track, the sound of an approaching train terrified her and she ran off into the bush and down a bank towards the Columbia River. Frantically, for over an hour, I walked the pathway and down the bluff, calling her name. When a fellow dog walker passed me, I would describe my puppy and ask him to keep an eye out for her. Each walker assured me he would...all but one. She introduced herself as Linda and offered to help me look. After we searched for 20 minutes, Linda found my puppy far down the bluff and alerted me.
My puppy sleeps in a chair next to me as I type but I am almost certain she would not be here now had this stranger not taken the time and energy to walk up and down paths, calling the puppies name and giving her time to us. Linda found the puppy in a place I would not have looked since I had already been there three times within an hour. “I think I’ll look one more time” she said. And that is how my sweet, little shih Tzu was found. Thank you Linda! Your empathy for me, caring for a little dog lost and kindness to a stranger is appreciated more than words can say. Rhonda-Jo and Cherie Parker
Hospice help acknowledged
Editor: On behalf of the Board of Directors of Castlegar Hospice Society and myself, I would like to thank everyone who came out to the Castlegar Hospice Garage Sale. It was a very busy and successful day thanks to Gwen ChernenkoffPegg who spent many long hours organizing the day and all of her team of volunteers who sorted, priced and sold! What a great outpouring of support from the community! A very, very special thank you to Andy Roberts and his staff at Mountain Transport Institute for allowing hospice to use his trailers and parking lot for the sale as well as helping with setting things up and taking things down! Andy, thank you for your continued support of Castlegar Hospice.
“ “
Megan Read, on the story suggesting recent robbery wave over in light of suspects being apprehended, “The convenience store in Rosemont was robbed last weekend.”
Editor: Re: Looking for rainbow reversion, May 29. Recently, my dear friend from Mexico stood upon that rainbow crosswalk and had his picture taken because he was so proud to be connected, even only as a visitor, to a country full of people who showed their appreciation for diversity and minorities through the rainbow symbolism of the crosswalk. I am so very grateful that he left a few days before your letter was printed. It would have shamed me to have him read that not all Canadians are open-minded and open-hearted. Might I add, I am also very grateful that I will not find myself shopping in downtown Castlegar and run into you for as long as that beautiful rainbow crosswalk is there. In fact, if it fades, I just might offer to cover the cost to repaint it. Cherie Parker Castlegar
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Rainbow booster
Dale Ady Planidin, on Kris Stanbra being named Castlegar’s Citizen of the Year for 2013. “Congratulations, Kris.”
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Community Calendar
June 6-7: Gigantic Sunfest Book
sale, hosted by Friends of the Castlegar Library. Come in for a great selection of adult and children’s books and magazines. Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Proceeds to support lower basement renovation. Info : 250-365-6611
june 6-13: The West Kootenay
Camera Club is proud to host its 24th Annual Photo Show from June 6-13. The show is an annual juried event of photographic art for both members and non-members alike. Another great turnout of wonder-
Thursday, June 5, 2014 Castlegar News This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an upto-date version with contact details to, drop off at our office at Unit 2 - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or give us a call at 250-365-6397. Thank you.
Kinnarid Park June 11 – Trail Maple Leaf Band June 18 – Trail Pipe Band June 25 – Twin Rivers Chorale July 2 – Besse Wapp & Friends July 9 – That Girl and Earl July 16 – Dawn Graham Inspirations July 23 – Melody Diachun & Jazz Combo July 30- Sunshine Drive Aug. 3 - Clinton Swanson Quartet Aug. 10- Mountain Station Band Aug. 17 – Ray Boulaine Band Aug. 23 – Motes & Oates june 12: Community Founda- 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955
heads-up peony lovers: Next year Castlegar will host a BC Peony Show with the blessing of the Canadian Peony Society. The dates are June 27-28, 2015. For info call your local Communities in Bloom – 250-3657227. Saturdays – TFN
Castlegar Farmers’ Market at the Station Museum. Call Deb at 365-6440 to book a spot. Bring your own tent, tables and chair. Spots are only $5. The treasure shop: has summer clothing for the entire family. Surprise sales, table and chairs and a retro chest of drawers are also featured. Visit or website
1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208
cheques payable to Community Harvest Food Bank can be mailed to: 301 32nd Street V1N 3S6. Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St David’s Church – 250-608-2227. ALPHA COURSE: The Alpha Course is being offered at Kinnaird Park Community Church, Thursdays at 6-8 p.m. starting April 24. All are welcome. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TREASURE SHOP is open Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Accepting donations on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Phone: 250-365-7317. The kinnaird Church of God: Located at 2404 Columbia Ave. will hold all services (Sundays at 10
Street. Doors open at 4 p.m, dinner until 5:30 p.m. Entrance to dining area at back of Church. More info: Carol at 365-5734.
free pool - Every Saturday at the Royal Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. Bring friends and have an afternoon of fun.
friday youth program at Blueberry Creek Community School. Fun, safe night for a movie, games/ sports/hanging out. Grades K - 5, 6:30 - 8 p.m. and grades 6 up, 8 - 10 p.m. See B.C.C.S. facebook page for more info or phone 250-365-7201.
USCC Cultural Interpretive Society meets Mon. & Wed., 9 a.m. 1 p.m. at the Doukhobor Arts and Crafts Centre, 820 Markova Rd., beside Brilliant Cultural Centre.
This Community Calendar brought to you by ‘Your Hometown Realtors’ Our dedicated and highly skilled Agents specialize in offering an array of resources to help you with all your real estate needs.
ful images is expected for this year’s event – taking place at Castlegar’s Kootenay Gallery.
June 7 – 2014 Castlegar Area Spring Bird Count. To take part, either in counting from your home or birding an assigned area, please contact Peter McIver at 250-3651191.
June 7: Orienteering event at
Selkirk College. 2-3 p.m. outside the main gymnasium entrance. Beginner and intermediate courses offered. No fee.
june 7: Kootenay Mountain-
eering Club 50th Anniversary event. Old Castle Theatre on Columbia Ave. 8 p.m. – presentation by CBC’s outdoors guy Dave Quinn.
june 9: The anticipated re-open-
ing date for the Castlegar Hospital Auxiliary Treasure Shop. Hours of operation: Monday thru Thursday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please keep informed of the Treasure Shop activities via the website
Starting On June 11:
Castlegar Concerts in the Park. All shows start, 7 p.m. at
Simon Laurie 250-365-1585
Val Koochin 250-365-1846
Matt McCarthy 250-304-4831
toll free: 877.365.2169 | 250.365.2166 |
tion of Castlegar & District Annual General Meeting – 6 p.m. at Castlegar Chamber of Commerce Board room, 1995 6th Ave. Coffee and donuts provided. Everyone welcome. Castlegar Special Olympics AGM. 2-5 p.m. at Pass Creek Park. june
James Kereiff 250-304-7828
June 22: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 13th Annual Castlegar & Area Garden Tour. As you meander down the garden path, let your imagination run wild . . . inspire, engage, flourish. Gardening Beyond Borders celebrates the diversity of gardens and gardeners. Admission by donation. Brochures available locally or by email. Information: Nora Jukes 250.365.6753 or june 28: Royal Canadian Le-
gion, Castlegar-Robson Br. 170 will celebrate Legion Week with a pancake breakfast from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. All are welcome. Proceeds to “Toonies for Troops.”
Please send community calendar items to
Carmen Harris 250-365-1520
Phil Poznekoff 250-365-4679
Charissa Hackett 250-304-4373
Chad Williams 250-304-5241
Pat Klohn 250-365-1731
Larry Peitzsche 250-608-3017
Tammy Peitzsche Connor McCarthy 250-365-9640 250-304-4781 | 1761 Columbia Avenue Castlegar |
Selkirk WeaVERS AND SPINNERS GUILD meets the third Wednesday of each month, 10-noon followed by bag lunch and show & tell. Anyone new to the craft or to the area is welcome at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre, across from the airport. Robson Flea Market Sundays 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Breakfast offered until food runs out (usually about Noon). Wide variety including collectibles, homebaked goodies, jams, crafted items, household goods. Loonie table has some great bargains. Tables are $5 each, please call Kathy (250) 365-3796 to book. The “Bridge,” – Do you have questions? Join us for music, discussion, refreshments; 1st Tues. ea. month, 7 p.m, Kinnaird Church of God, 2404 Columbia Ave, Castlegar – held tfn at CCF, 1801 Connors Rd. Call Donna at 250-304-2929. Community Harvest food bank & Drop-in centre: Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. -1:30 eligible 1x per month; closed the Monday after cheque issue and statutory holidays. Lunch served from 11 – 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 -1:30 Friday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 – 1:30 Coffee and baked goodies from 10 a.m. on! Located in the basement of St. David’s Anglican Church 614 Christina Place, around the back and down the stairs. Donation
a.m. and first Tuesdays at 7 p.m.) at the Castlegar Christian Fellowship Building at 1821 Connors Road for the next several months. free hot meal at the sharing dinner pot at Cadet Hall, 8th Ave, Castlegar (2 blocks from library) Tues. at noon. All About Breastfeeding informative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlegar, Tues. 10:30noon More info: 250-365-3662, tops group meets every wednesday 8:30-10 a.m. Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 365-7956. Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena Sun. at 10 a.m. Mike, 250-399-4417; Tues. at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wed. at 7 p.m., (Fay at 250-687-0484. Thurs. at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m (Len at 365-7805). al-anon meets every Monday night for people whose lives have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8-9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) More info: Donna 250-365-3168 or Eileen 250365-3674. Operation Feast All invited for home-cooked meals Thurs. at New Life Assem. Church, 602 - 7th
Marnie Pettit 250-304-3564
Mom’s Support Group All moms welcome to this loosely structured group supporting challenges of being a mom. No referral required. More info: Sandi McCreight 250365-2104 ext. 34
BC Senior Games Slo pitch teams will practice at Haley park Sunday nights at 6 p.m. all summer. Anyone who will be 55 years old by Dec 31, 2012 is eligible. Please bring a ball glove and ball shoes (running shoes are acceptable but not advisable)
FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELLING for problem gambling; Castlegar Community Services Call 250608-2254.
New to Canada? Settlement services provides eligible newcomers with information about community services or preparing for citizenship. Call 250-687-4714 or email
Legion Meat Draws Saturdays Royal Canadian Legion Castlegar/ Robson Branch #170, 248 Columbia Avenue, 4-6 p.m. Guests welcome and must be signed in by a member. Darts: 4 p.m. on Thursdays, new signed-in players welcome.
W.K. Yoga For MS Support Group. Mondays, 1:30 - 3 p.m., Castlegar Library, lower level. Free. Sponsored by WK MS Society for its members/care providers. Call Lonnie Facchina 1-866-352-3997.
Castlegar News Thursday, June 5, 2014 A9
Show Stopper!
Starting June 13th
Six-voice A cappella group, part of the Twin Rivers Chorale, wraps up its rendition of Billy Joel’s The Longest Time to wild applause on June 1. The concert was held for a large turnout at the Old Castle Theatre. Pictured from left are: Jo-Anne Stoltz, Cathy Bogle, Greg Archibald, Chris Sykes, Megan Edwards and Dave Allen. Jim Sinclair photo
all WINE
SAVE $5.00 $25.00 to
New kits to choose from WINE KITS from $42.95 601A - Columbia Ave. Castlegar BC
250.365.3839 (below RHC insurance)
Mon. to Fri. 10-5:30 Sat. 10-2
Springboard to Sunfest
It all kicks off tomorrow, (Friday) and here’s a quick rundown of what’s coming up with Castlegar’s Sunfest this year. Every town, city, village and hamlet likes to say so, but here in Castlegar (and outlying areas), not only do we really know how to party, but we know WHEN! The Spring Fling has got the party reflex twitching and Sunfest is about to Miss Castlegar Pageant goes at 6:30 p.m., Friday at Stanley Humphries give it free rein. Secondary. Like the Fling, the Fest is Best…for the attractions to make Oh… did someone tomorrow through the most of… who say… parade? whole family! Sunday. Look for a Get involved in this schedule of events at Live rock at it’s doesn’t love an outfinest in Kinsmen door pancake break- year’s Sunfest. Fes- www.castlegarsunfast heaped on by lo- tivities began with the Park… a la BC/DC! The crowning of cal Rotarians? How naming of the Citizen Then start making Miss Castlegar at about beautiful an- of the Year, Kris Stan- plans for the KooSHSS… and all the tique cars and sport- bra, this past Wednes- tenay Festival, July Applied Leadership: Module 1 April 1 ing component fur- day St. Rita’s Parish 26 on Heritage Way, related hoopla. Ukulele for Beginners: Module 2: Get Going! April 2 Hall. They now kick across from the airThere’s plenty of nished by slo-pitch Prenatal April 2 and roller derby. into high gear from port. other tried and true Personality and Parenting: True Colours Workshop April 3 Editing: Writing as a Process
April 5
Fabric Play
April 5
Occupational First AidModule Level 11 Applied Leadership:
April April5 1
H2S Alive Ukulele for Beginners: Module 2: Get Going!
April April5 2
Prenatal Occupational First Aid Transportation Endorsement
April6 2 April
OFA Level 1
Microsoft Excel 2010: Core Certification
Coordinatingand ourBeginners Response for Child & Youth Victims Personality Parenting: True Colours Workshop Beekeeping for Editing: Writing as a Process Motivational Interviewing
Prenatal Refresher
Fabric Play
June 1
June 2
June April743 April April6 5 June April 9 April 5
Emergency Standard FirstFirst AidAid with CPR C
April June127
ExcelAlive 2010 Expert Class H2S
Chainsaw Safety and Maintenance
April June129
June129 April
Restricted Firearms Occupational First Aid Level 1
June139 April
Prenatal: Microsoft Breastfeeding Excel Expert Certification Emergency First2013: Aid with CPR C
April June 1112 April23
CPR LevelSafety C Forest Recert Chainsaw and Bladerunners FireMaintenance Fighter Training Program
April April24 June 1612
S-100/S-185 Fire Suppression and Entrapment Intro to Handheld GPS Traffic Control/Flagging Avoidance
April 26
Occupational OFA Level 1 First Aid Level 1
April2213 June
Occupational First Aid Level 1
S-100/S-185 Fire Suppression and Entrapment Occupational Aid Transportation Endorsement Non-RestrictedFirst Firearms Beekeeping for Beginners Prenatal Refresher
April 5 April 5 April 6
April 7 April 9
June April2012
Standard First Aid with CPR C Recert
April 26
Canadian Firearms Safety (PAL)
OFA Level 1
April 29 April 23
Economics of Happiness
June 30 April 26
Prenatal: Breastfeeding CPR Level C Recert
Intro to Handheld GPS
An authentic live tribute to Don Messer’s Jubilee hosted by Canadian Fiddle Champion Scott Woods & Band and featuring Cape Breton Tenor Tommy Leadbeater (as Charlie Chamberlain). Old Time Fiddle Music, Step Dancing, Trick Fiddling, Family Humour and More!
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SEASON OPENER OFFER Buy a set of four elegible Yokohama Tires between now and June 30, 2014 and we’ll sign you a cheque for $40 to $70, with our compliments of the season.
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June 29
April 24
Standard First Aid with CPR C Recert
April 26
Canadian Firearms Safety (PAL)
April 29
Locally owned and operated by Woody’s Auto Ltd. 1995 Columbia Ave 1507 Columbia Ave, Trail Castlegar 250-364-1208 250-365-2955
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For all online orders go to: and add the app to your home page. 250.365.3373 Located in the Kootenay Crossing Mall
Thursday, June 5, 2014 Castlegar News
38th Annual General Meeting Thursday, June 19, 2014 6:00pm @ Kootenay Society for Community Living
2224- 6th Ave., Castlegar
Bladerunners Forest Fire Fighter Training Program Selkirk College, Castlegar June 16-July 4, 2014 Monday to Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm Program includes Forest Fire Safety, Chainsaw Safety, ATV Training, First Aid and Transportation Endorsement, WHMIS, Construction Safety Training System, and Employment Success Foundations. There is no fee for this program. To qualify participants:
must be 15-30 years old not in high school (out at least 6 months) no post secondary not working not EI attached
If you are interested in this program and would like to register, please contact Continuing Education and Workplace Training at Selkirk College, Castlegar 250-365-1261.
At the presentation were (L-R) SEG Instructor Rena Vandenbos, ASTTBC Regional Manager Bruce Stevens AScT, award winner Laura Smit, award winner Suzanne Fordyce and Chair of Selkirk College’s School of Environment & Geomatics Dr. Brendan Wilson (missing award winners Carly Bastien and Rob Fox). Submitted photo
Selkirk students excel in science
Come join C j i us in i celebration l b ti off Marguerite Hinde’s 30 years of service to our community
What: Retirement Celebration Place: Castlegar Community Services 1007 2nd Street When: Thursday June 12th, 3-5 pm Everyone is welcome. Snacks and refreshments will be served. Your presence is a gift and if you wish bring a story, poem, smile or hug.
Four graduating Selkirk College students have been recognized for projects aimed at expanding knowledge in applied science. At the recent convocation ceremony on the Castlegar Campus, the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC (ASTTBC) presented the four students with its Student Excellence in Technology Awards. “Selkirk College’s School of Environment & Geomatics (SEG) has a very unique and exceptional student conference model which enables graduating students to present a summary of their final projects to a gathering of all students in the school,” said Bruce Stevens AScT, regional manager for ASTTBC who presented the awards. At the SEG annual student conference held in early April, students from the multi-disciplinary program got to present projects before peers, instructors and
invited members of the industry. Out of that conference, SEG and ASTTBC chose its four winners. Integrated Environmental Planning student Rob Fox was chosen for his project entitled Climate Change, Terrain Stability and Infrastructure Risk. Forest Technology student Carly Bastien was recognized for her presentation of Managing Forests to Maintain Fungal Habitat for the Pine Mushroom. Laura Smit, a graduate in the Recreation Fish and Wildlife Program, caught the eye of ASTTBC for her work on Assessment of the Impacts of Urbanization on Fish and Fish Habitat in Lower Cottonwood Creek. Geographic Information Systems student Suzanne Fordyce was successful in her presentation of Falling Amazônia: Measuring Deforestation Trends in Rondônia, Brazil. “The presentations were, without exception, clear examples of the level of un-
derstanding these students have of their subjects and the efforts they make to prepare and present in a very professional manner,” said Stevens. Among other criteria, the winners each demonstrated a strong recognition of ASTTBC’s primary values, which are, “to serve the public by technology professionals’ commitment to a safe, healthy, and sustainable society and environment.” The Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC is a self-governing professional association operating under provincial statute to regulate and register technology professionals in British Columbia. With more than 10,500 registered members ASTTBC represents the vanguard of technology in all corners of the province. Along with the recognition, students received a scholarship award of $150 each.
It’s not too late to join our Castlegar Relay For Life! REGISTER as a fundraising team or individual VOLUNTEER on event day – every hour helps! CELEBRATE with us as a cancer survivor or caregiver SUPPORT our event as a donor or sponsor PLUS for every $350 each registered participant raises by July 1, they will receive an entry into a draw to win 1 of 5 iPad minis!
Event date: Sat June 21st 6pm-6am @ Kinnaird Park
Contact Christina and Stacey at 1-888-413-9911 or visit:
Castlegar News Thursday, June 5, 2014 A11
Ely’s Bridal Boutique & Gift Shop
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We carry a selection of AG & Pravana products. Book an appointment with Lanette, Alexa,Colleen or Christine Evenings by appointment.
401A 13th Ave. Castlegar BC • 250.365.2886
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Please note: the images above have been cropped. You can view the whole image by opening up the corresponding Jpeg.
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 Castlegar News
Sarah Kline and Leah Smith kiss the frog in the Sculpturewalk sculpture “Zodiak Totem” hoping he will turn into a prince. Betsy Kline photo
Transformation continues as work advances on Millennium Ponds project.
Besty Kline photo
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Repelled by report
I have resided in Castlegar since September of 2011, and I can honestly say I have never witnessed nor heard of ‘oppression’ against any minority or ‘special interest group’ since I moved here. This rainbow sidewalk issue creates division by creating an issue where there is none. Indeed, one has to ask why create a problem where there is no conflict? This is divisive in nature. This newspaper and city council are doing the people here no service at all by trying to create a social problem where one doesn’t exist!
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Castlegar News Thursday, June 5, 2014
Chamber Awards
Christine Esovoloff photos
STAFF WRITER Castlegar News
The Castlegar Chamber of Commerce held court at Chances Gaming Centre on Saturday, May 31. Festivities and recipients are pictured above in no particular order. What follows are the names of people and businesses to take home the commercial hardware for 2014:
Businessperson of the Year Dan Rye - Kootenay Market
Professional Service Castlegar Fire Dept.
Business Excellence Mitchell Supply
Contractor of the Year Venture Mechanical
Customer Service Excellence Central City Shoes
Tourism Development Castlegar Communities In Bloom
Green Award Pinnacle PAC
Young Entrepreneur Castle Theatre
Community Impact: Community Harvest Food Bank A13
Thursday, June 5, 2014 Castlegar News
Available space has basically tripled for the local guild, thanks to the Doukhobor Discovery Centre. Jim Sinclair photo
What an intricate work they weave JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor
The Selkirk Weaver And Spinners Guild invites you to an open house in their new space at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre.
You’re welcome this Saturday, June 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. “Our members are thrilled with the transformation of the renovated larger space, and would like to express our grati-
tude to the staff of the Doukhobor Discovery Centre for making this possible” says Guild spokesperson, Sandra Donohue. There is a tea towel project on the loom for all to see the process
of weaving threads into useful cloth, and the spinning wheel will be well-oiled and ready to to roll. As well, there will be a beautiful array of fibre treasures to browse through.
Our apologies for including incorrect information with the photo of the Doukhobor men singers in the May 22 issue. The photo was not of the Victoria Doukhobor choir, as suggested, whose director is Andrei Sherstobitoff (pictured here, middle). Andrei, Evan Negreiff (left), and Carlin Horkoff (right) are also in this group The group in the May 22 photo is “Bratstva,” consisting of members from various cities in B.C. and Colorado. Both the Victoria Doukhobor Choir and Bratstva had exceptional performances at this year’s festival!
Jim Sinclair photo
Children’s Program Saturdays Ages 8-12....10:00am - 11:15am Stay Strong Yoga for older adults Tues and Thurs 8:45am - 10:15am Women’s Group (all levels) Tues and Thurs 10:30am - 12:00pm
Yoga Levels I,II,III Tues 6:00pm - 7:30pm & 7:35pm - 9:15pm - or Thurs 4:30pm - 6:00pm & 6:00pm - 7:45pm Yoga for MS Monday 1:30pm - 3:00pm Friday 1:30 - 3:00 In the library. Wheelchair accessible. (This class is free for members of the MS Society)
NEW Saturday yoga class (all levels) 11:30 - 1:00 pm - Columbia River Studio 815 5th Ave. Castlegar, BC Tel: 250-365-5428 please visit our website for more info
Castlegar News Thursday, June 5, 2014 A15
Community Universal topics examined at exhibition
The exhibition, Memento Mori: Remember you must die opens June 20 at the Kootenay Gallery. This series of paintings by Rachel Yoder explores not only her personal struggle with, and admitted fear of death but also allows the viewer to contemplate their own feelings about this often uncomfortable subject. This Ymir based artist has a background in the construction industry and her paintings which are structured using grids, lines and blocks of colour are a natural progression. The viewer initially will simply see panels of red and green squares but a closer look will reveal a question about death, dying and living, partially or wholly obscured by the paint. An interactive component of the exhibition gives the viewer an opportunity to respond to the questions Yoder poses. By reducing it to a series of questions with yes/no answers the otherwise challenging subject becomes more manageable. As Yoder states, “There is no right or wrong answer. Every individual’s response is unique.” This thoughtful exhibition was supported by a Major Project Grant from the Columbia Basin Trust/Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance. The Kootenay Gallery would also like to thank the Kootenay Savings Credit Union for their sponsorship of this exhibition. In the West Gallery, Pauline Dupas, Sherlin
Hendrick and Diane Burt, members of the Nelson-based Studio Focus Group ask the question, ‘What happens after the body dies?’ In medieval times remains or objects associated with a person, were held in a container or shrine referred to as a reliquary. Each of these artists interprets, using their own mediums, how this practice may be honoured in a more contemporary way. Hendrick’s creation of four ceramic busts uses the traditional concept of a reliquary to show respect for what she considers to be an important contemporary concern, that of the state of the environment. Drawing from personal experience, Burt refers to her reliquaries as ‘spirit-houses’ in which physical as well as spiritual remains are honoured. Dupas’s large oil paintings use the flower metaphor to represent the journey to death or renewed life. The opening reception for these two exhibitions will be held on Friday, June 20 at 7 p.m. with all artists in attendance. The exhibits will run until August 2. The Kootenay Gallery, located across from the Castlegar Airport adjacent to the Doukhobor Discovery Centre, is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information visit
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ium Park M emorial S ponsorship P rogram
r invites applications from any individual, organization or service group to be nd public space improvements, including park benches, picnic tables, bike racks, or other park improvement projects for the Millennium Park.
Millennium Park Memorial Sponsorship Program Millennium Park M emorial S ponsorship P rogram
City ofin Castlegar invitestoday applications from any individual, organizationthrough or servicethe groupgenerosity to be made es The located our parks were previously sponsored The City and of Castlegar invites applications including from any park individual, organization or service group trees, to be towards park public space improvements, benches, picnic tables, bike racks, anizations. made towards park and public space improvements, picnic tables, bike racks, dog pet stands or other park improvement projects for theincluding park benches, Millennium Park. trees, dog pet stands or other park improvement projects for the Millennium Park.
ing Many an application is located reviewing located on our of the amenities in our the parksProgram today wereGuidelines previously sponsored through the website generosity at of Many of the amenities located in our parks today were previously sponsored through the generosity individuals or organizations. d contacting the City of Castlegar Transportation & Civic Works Department. Our of individuals or organizations. ou to discuss and review your memorial options. The first step in making an application is reviewing the Program Guidelines located on our website at
The first step in making an application is reviewing the Program Guidelines located on our website at and contacting City Hall 250-365-7227. Our staff will & work youDepartment. to discuss and and contacting the at City of Castlegar Transportation Civic with Works Our reviewstaff will work with you to discuss and review your memorial options. your memorial options.
MEMORIAL ITEMS 500PARK BENCH – NEW - $2,500 PARK BENCH –be NEW -‐o 2r ,500 A park bench will placed along the walkway around the ponds. aced along the w alkway around the ponds. orThe commemorative A park bench will plaque be placed the into walkway or around tof he the ponds. The commemorative The commemorative is along inlaid the backrest bench. e backrest o f t he b ench. A pproximately 1 6 b enches a vailable. plaque is inlaid into the backrest of the bench. Approximately 16 benches available. Approximately 16 benches available.
Sponsorships are project is ompletely funded; Tme time restricTons may amay pply apply depending on the Sponsorships arecollected unTl the collected until the project cis completely funded; restrictions depending project. on the project. For more guidelines and and an applicaTon form, pform, lease vplease isit our visit website or call the City or of For moreinformaTon, information, guidelines an application ourat website at Castlegar at 250-‐ 365-‐7227 or at250-‐ 365-‐5979. call the City of Castlegar 250-365-7227 or 250-365-5979.
Richard Askew 250-365-4788
Dan Rywaczuk 250-304-7466
Jo-Ann Bursey 250-304-8681
Nikita Malloff 250-365-9440
Kelsey Ozeroff 250-608-9981
Greg Gritchin 250-365-9791
Kirby Wayling 250-304-8476
Joni Askew 250-365-4731
Rick Miller 250-365-9422
Shirley Kosiancic 250-265-8040
PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS – Various osts PARK IMPROVEMENT –cVarious costs can choose to r to be installed along PROJECTS the walkway. Applicants Sponsor towards park improvement project. Examples include ginclude azebos, gazebos, Sponsor towardsa naew new park improvement project. Examples favourite pet(s) included on the dispenser. (Note: item park sshelters, helters, playground equipment, landscape development and mthis ore. O r, sponsor park playground equipment, landscape development and more. intenance agreement). an e nTre p roject a nd t he p roject w ill n amed o n b ehalf o f t he s ponsor. A ll s ponsors are Or, sponsor an entire project and the project will named on behalf of the sponsor. recognized on are a Project DedicaTon All sponsors recognized on palaque. Project Dedication plaque. ! PlaTnum SSponsor ponsor -‐ $-10,000 x Platinum $10,000 ! Gold SSponsor ponsor -‐ $-1,000 x Gold $1,000 ! Silver Sponsor -‐ $500 x Silver Sponsor - $500
Brian Euerby 250-365-9340
have a photo of their favourite pet(s) included on the dispenser. (Note: this item
a photo of their ffavourite pet(s) included on the dispenser. (Note: this item includes as includes as ive year maintenance agreement). five year maintenance agreement). at a park, beach or along the trail. Commemorative plaque included.
Rand Wayling 250-365-1984
BIKE RACK - $1,000 BIKE RACK -‐ $1,000 A rack bike rack be placed a park, beach oror along tthe he tttrail. rail. ommemorative plaque included. A bike to beto placed atfor sponsorship aat park, beach plaque included. Ash trees are available aalong round he CpCommemorative onds area. Donors f Appreciation, or can c hoose to have c ertificates mailed to a loved one PET STAND -‐ $300 PET STAND - $300 e nAot ‘Pet specified or tracked. A ‘Pet Stand’ dispenser be installed along walkway. Applicants can can choose choose to Stand’ dispenser to beto installed along thethe walkway. Applicants to have
Bryan Wilson 250-365-9377
REPLACEMENT -‐ $400 TREE PLANTING - $400 TREE PLANTING -‐ $400 Approximately 26 Green Ash trees , or update the existing with area available new for sponsorship around the ponds area. Approximately 26 Green Ash trees are available for sponsorship around the ponds area. Donors Donorsreceive receive a Certifi cate of Appreciation,choose to have or can choose to have mailed to a certificatesloved one mailed a Certificate of Appreciation, or can certificates to a loved one as a gift. Location of tree not specified or tracked. as a gift. Location of tree not specified or tracked.
Derek Sherbinin 250-365-9499
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PICNIC TABLE – NEW - $4,000 PICNIC TABLE – NEW -‐ $4,000 Commemorate a picnic table (seats up to 6 people) around the 4,000 Commemorate a picnic table (seats up to 6 people) around the ponds. The ponds. The commemorative plaque is inlaid into the top ponds. of the table. into the top of the table. Wheelchair ic table commemorative plaque (seats up to is 6 inlaid people) around the accessible The tables Wheelchair accessible tables are optional; some sites may be designated are o ptional; s ome s ites may b e d esignated as accessible table locations. Approximately is inlaid into the top of the table. Wheelchair accessible tables 5 tables are available for sponsorship. as accessible table locations. Approximately 5 tables are available for may be designated as accessible table locations. Approximately sponsorship. sponsorship. PLAQUE ADDITION REPLACEMENT -‐ $400 PLAQUE ADDITION OROR REPLACEMENT - $400 a second or update the existing a new Add a Add second plaque,plaque, or update the existing with a with new inscription.
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 Castlegar News
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Stock quotes as of closing
5N Plus ............................. 4.18 BCE Inc. .......................... 50.51 Bank of Montreal ............. 76.60 Bank of Nova Scotia......... 70.21 CIBC .............................. 96.22 Canadian Utilities ............ 38.89 Canfor Corporation ......... 22.89 EnCana Corp. ................. 25.62 Enbridge Inc. ................... 51.89 Finning International.......... 29.09 Fortis Inc. ........................ 32.27 Husky Energy .................. 36.49
Manitoba Telecom ........... 32.55 Mercer International ........... 8.56 National Bank of Canada . 45.64 Onex Corporation ............ 67.63 Royal Bank of Canada...... 74.56 Sherritt International ............ 4.77 TD Bank .......................... 54.35 TELUS Corp...................... 41.94 Teck Resources ................. 24.19 TransCanada Corp ........... 50.47 iPath S&P 500 VIX .......... 33.497
Community Next phase arrives for caring worker up her work. “It’s just another way of Castlegar News Editor spreading the message… take care of our kids… take care of Compassion, understandour youth… our families. Paring and energy are three inenting is an extremely challengdispensable components in ing role.” community work and MarCiting personal history, Hinguerite Hind has plenty of de said the job outline of the each. parent was one she was “least In the wake of about three educated or trained for.” decades of local employ- High points in Hinde’s career The social worker makes a ment, the supportive worker have been “…the people who good point. All sorts of careers, has reached the point where have allowed me to walk beprofessions and vocations rea change is in order although side them at some point in their quire accreditation, not so for, she has no plans to disappear journey, when it was difficult.” arguably, one of the most imfrom the scene. JIm Sinclair portant roles of all. Marguerite has turned the Residual rewards are some of the most treapage on a multi-faceted 14-year stint with Cassured perks that have come with Hinde’s work, tlegar and District Community Services. Prior in particular, when a young adult may get in to that she worked with the school district for touch with Marguerite, sharing positive mem15 years. She now has a primary scheme to take ories from their childhood dealings with the some time for a bit of a rest, but she’s got too worker. It provides a lot of satisfaction strong a work ethic for a life of leisure. “What it meant to them,” she reflected, “… “I’ve developed a number of workshops over what they got out of it… sort of creating that the years,” she related in a late-May chat at a safe place for them to come if they were strugpicnic table near the Rotary skatepark at the gling. The same thing for parents.” community complex, “and presented quite a Looking back some more, Hinde indicated few of them in the school district. Then I have that what stands out the most have been, “… a number of parenting workshops I’ve develthe people who have allowed me to walk beside oped. So I’m planning on doing those.” them at some point in their journey, when it Hinde’s experience and expertise will not be was difficult. ” squandered as the months ahead will actually A celebration of Marguerite Hinde’s retiresee a revised working arrangement rather than ment is set for Thursday, June 12, from 3 p.m. a discontinuation. to 5 p.m. at the Castlegar and District Commu“It’s an extension of what I was doing. I’m nity Services location: 1007 2nd St. just not going to be doing individual kind of Everyone is welcome. “Snacks and refreshwork.” ments will be served. If you wish, bring a poem, Hinde says the feedback she’s received over story, smile, or hug. ” the years has helped her in the decision to keep jim sinclair
M����� F���� CIG
Portfolio Series Balanced ... 28.03
Signature Dividend ........... 14.43
Portfolio Series Conservative 15.51
Manulife Monthly High ..... 14.42
C����������, I������ � C��������� CADUSD Canadian / US Dollar ...... 0.917
Light Sweet Crude Oil ..... 102.80
Gold............................ 1246.40
Silver ............................... 18.81
Windborne B&B is locarted at 3900 Broadwater Road.
File photo
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1.877.691.5769 Mutual Funds are offered through Qtrade Management Inc., Member MFDA. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. This report is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. This report is furnished on the basis and understanding that Qtrade Asset Management Inc. is to be under no responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect thereof.
Robson has world class accommodation to boast Windborne B&B of Robson has once again been recognized as a top performing bed and breakfast. The 2014 kudo comes from and the distinction is the result of positive input by travellers on the world’s largest travel site. The B&B, located at 3900 broadwater Road has received a similar award in the past. “The accolade, which honours hospitality excellence,” as stated in TripAdvisor lit-
erature, “is given only to establishments that consistently achieve outstanding traveller reviews on TripAdvisor, and is extended to qualifying businesses worldwide. Establishments awarded the Certificate of Excellence are located all over the world and represent the upper echelon of businesses listed on the website.” “Winning the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence is a true source of pride for
us and we’d like to thank all of our past guests who took the time to complete a review on TripAdvisor,” said Marc Conacher, owner of the B&B “There is no greater seal of approval than being recognized by one’s customers. With the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence based on customer reviews, the accolade is a remarkable vote of confidence to our business and our continued commitment to excellence.”
Castlegar News Thursday, June 5, 2014 A17
sk of diabete diabetes etes (fami(fam esity, y, y and high high blood ur doctor can c che check heck if en any loss offeeling offee ffee ffeeling as of the foot.
Massage Therapy and Common Sports Injuries: By: Anna McCullagh, Registered Massage Therapist
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The Kootenays is a summer playground with hiking, golfing, running, biking, kayaking and a plethora of other activities available right outside your front door. All this fun, games and increase in activity leaves the body susceptible to some repetitive strain injuries such as Runner’s Knee, Golfer’s Elbow and Shin Splints. I’m going to outline the effects these common issues can have on the body and how self-care and Massage Therapy play an important role in prevention and recovery. Runner’s knee (RK) usually causes aching and pain around and behind the knee cap. Although it is a common injury amongst runners; other activities such as biking, walking and jumping can cause it. Runner’s knee is not a condition itself but actually can involve a few different issues, over-use and weak thigh muscles being the most common. Massage Therapy (MT) can be used preventatively to keep the hamstring muscles loose, and the quads stretched out. A good stretching routine at home as well as some strengthening exercises for specific knee muscles will also take some of the pressure off the knee joint. When Runner’s Knee is flared up it is best to rest it, use ice and compression, and stretch the surrounding structures. An orthotic shoe insert may also be useful in RK prevention as well as not running on hard surfaces such as concrete. Golfer’s Elbow (GE) is identified by pain at the medial border of the elbow where tendons meet the humerus bone. GE pain can increase with activity and is sometimes accompanied by numbness and tin-
gling down the arm to fingers. It is important to stretch and warm up the forearm muscles pre-activity as this allows the muscle to work at an optimal level (you’ll get a better swing too!) and leaves them less susceptible to injury. Massage Therapy can be used to decrease hypertonicity with in the large group of forearm flexor muscles as well reducing fascial adhesions between layers of tissue which in turn can help with numbness and tingling. A strap can sometimes be used around the forearm during activity to decrease stress on the common forearm flexor tendon. Shin Splints (SS) are often caused by irritated or swollen muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg, occasionally they are also caused by stress fractures in the Tibia. Pain with SS is usually worse in the morning and at the beginning of exercise, the pain typically decreases after a warm up and then increases again post exercise. A tightness or cramping may also be felt with SS. Once again Massage Therapy is used to break up fascial and muscular adhesions in the anterior compartment of the leg, trying to create extra space for muscle and blood flow. The muscles surrounding the leg such as the gastrocnemius and quads are also treated. Tibialis Anterior and calve muscle stretches are used to warm up and cool down the limb pre and post exercise, rest and then gradual return to exercise is also indicated. Now that summer is just around the corner it’s time to get out and enjoy the great outdoors, just make sure you stretch first!
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1 A rather long time 5 Be of use to 10 Greenside golf shot 14 Kauai cookout 15 Alabama civil rights city 16 Titled nobleman 17 Baby book milestones 19 Baghdad’s country 20 Even if, briefly 21 Prepares, as a violin bow 23 Backup player’s backup 27 Dusk-dawn link 28 Steeped brew 29 Low mil. rank 31 Commotions 35 Actor Kilmer 37 Road Runner chaser __ Coyote 39 Hershey’s chocolate-and-peanut-butter products 43 Prepare beans, Mexican-style 44 Square dance lass 45 Island in a computer game 46 NHL tiebreakers 47 Zadora of “Hairspray” 50 “Wait a __!”
ea Joy rolled out of roller crew Kitty Karnage
52 Bliss 58 Fill with bubbles 59 Purple flower 61 Cold War country: Abbr. 63 Penultimate bowling game division 66 Hired hood 67 Baseball bobble 68 Sport __: family cars 69 Sharpen 70 Steed stoppers 71 Spanish muralist José María
1 __ Romeo: Italian sports car 2 Feeling of remorse 3 Target in alien-attack films 4 Japanese fish dish 5 Long-eared beast 6 Doggie doc 7 On the ball 8 Non-domestic beer, e.g. 9 Film collie 10 Hang on (to) 11 Boisterous behavior 12 Savings option, briefly 13 ASAP kin
18 Lawsuit basis 22 Amazed 24 Distinguished soprano, say 25 Pole or Croat 26 Campground users, briefly 30 Driver’s license prerequisite 31 Frizzy do 32 Loses on purpose? 33 Summer, at ski resorts 34 Orchestra sect. 36 Chair support 38 Tech co. known as Big Blue 40 All keyed up 41 Poet Ogden
42 Peter Fonda title role 48 More absurd 49 Clothes 51 Young cow 53 Sci-fi pioneer Jules 54 Artist Rousseau 55 Computer invader 56 Tickle pink 57 Snitch, when identifying the bad guys 60 “__ la vie!” 61 “That smells disgusting!” 62 Jack of “Barney Miller” 64 Freight measure 65 Baseball round-trippers: Abbr.
The dust has settled and the smoke has cleared, and Castlegar’s Dam City Rollers have emerged, once again, victorious! Last Saturday the Dam City Rollers swept into Trail for what was being anticipated as ‘the bout of the season,’ going up against the Nelson Killjoys WKRD’s undefeated champs from last season. Both squads had worked hard toward this game all season, and fans were not disappointed when these two powerhouse forces took to the track in Trail’s Cominco Arena. In the very first jam of the game, the Dams gave the Killjoys a glimpse of what they were up against, building a strong solid purple wall that forced Nelson to go for a star pass in the first corner, while DCR jammer Lady MacDeath bowled the opposing blockers out of her way, taking lead jammer, and setting the tone for what was still to come. The two WKRD teams went back and forth in points, staying pretty close on the scoreboard, until partway through the first half when the Dams pulled ahead, which they continued to do steadily, right through to the end of the game. The bout was a real test of teamwork and strategies, with both sides throwing power into every play, trying to best each other. The Killjoys didn’t
make it easy for the purple jammers, forcing Peacemaker and Ursula Aggress to work hard for every point scored, but the experienced players kept their feet moving, attacking the green walls, disengaging, and trying again, breaking holes for themselves and winning points for their team. Rollers’ captain Kitty Karnage threw up some formidable blocking, despite playing with an injury, and with Jinjoe Fight-Us at her side, managed to keep the opponents at bay during a Killjoy power jam. During the second half, the Dams continued to build on their scoreboard lead, despite a furious onslaught by the Killjoys. Irish Whipskey, the DCR ‘voice’ on the track, helped to keep her team aware at all times of where the jammers were, and managed to throw down a killer hit on Killjoy jammer Concrete Cindy, knocking CC out of the air as she attempted to jump the apex. Dam City blocker Brutsie Roll used her booty to sit on the opponents and own their space, setting them up for smack-down hits from teammates Pantsoff and shyRAMASAURUS Wrex. Missy Helliott lived up to her name, raining hell down on the opponents with her shattering sweeps, while Pro-Pain Paula and Darth Danger anchored the walls that held the Killjoys
back. Despite the emotions involved, the Dam City Rollers played a fairly clean game, staying out of the penalty box and on the track. It was a hard-hitting bout with lots of action and lots of effort being thrown down by both teams, and in the end, the Killjoys just couldn’t overcome the strength and teamwork of the Dam City Rollers, getting swept out of first place by a purple tidal wave. Final score of the last regular season bout this year – 276 Nelson Killjoys, 358 Dam City Rollers – which pushes Castlegar’s Dam City Rollers into first place. The Dams are now preparing for the WKRD semi finals, where they will face off once again against the Rossland Trail Roller Girls on June 7, in Castlegar. The team has its sights set on the Golden Boot, and RTRG will have a real battle on their hands to hold the Dams back. Then finals go down on June 28 in Nelson, where the WKRD champion will be crowned. Will the Dams sweep the league this year, and remain undefeated? Don’t miss the hard hitting action still to be had during the WKRD playoffs – information and tickets can be found online at
YOU’RE INVITED: BC HYDRO OPERATIONS UPDATE OPEN HOUSE When: Monday, June 23, 2014 Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Location: Castlegar & District Community Complex 2101 6th Avenue, Castlegar BC Hydro will host an operations update open house to provide information on: •
BC Hydro Columbia operations including Arrow Lakes Reservoir
Local projects and initiatives
Other local BC Hydro activities
For more information, please contact Sabrina Locicero at 250 365 4565.
Thursday, June 5, 2014 Castlegar News
Castlegar News Thursday, June 5, 2014 A19
Building PermitsBuilding Permits Do You Do You need needone? one?
Fisheries deals with pike problem Jim Bailey Trail Times
Fish biologists took a major bite out of the pike population on the Columbia River this month. Biologists from the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and Mountain Water Research (MWR) netted close to 100 adult pike in Robson Reach over five days in a recent effort to suppress the spread of the invasive species on the Columbia River. “Pike are non-native potentially invasive species that we’ve been concerned about for a while,” said Senior Fish biologist Jeff Burrows. “So the purpose was to check out the feasibility of suppression netting to reduce pike numbers. We don’t expect we’re going to be able to eradicate pike, there is probably a chronic supply of them coming from upstream.” The source of the alien species is believed to have emerged from the United States and Lake Pend d’Oreille system about five years ago. Since then, the Kalispell Tribe in Spokane and Washington State Fish and Wildlife have been very successful in reducing pike numbers in the Box Canyon Resevoir of the Pend d’Oreille River using nets, so Kootenay fisheries biologists and Jeremy Baxter from MWR utilized the same process in catching Columbia River pike. The nets are designed with different mesh sizes to trap pike at various stages of their lifecyle, yet in the Columbia, mysteriously, no juvenile pike were caught. “All we did catch was adults,” said Burrows. “So who knows what’s going on there.” Although most of the pikes’ stomachs were empty, one mammoth pike that measured 90 centimetres and weighed about 19 pounds had a 40-cm. rainbow trout in its stomach. But what is perhaps more alarming is that
the netted pike were also spawning. “That’s an issue, that there could have been successful spawning, but we’re not sure in past years. Probably they’ve tried to spawn in the Robson Reach that’s downstream of Celgar . . . but it’s not clear that smaller pike or the bigger ones are from colonizers or from entrained fish upstream. But sure it’s a concern.” Despite catching spent and ripe spawners dripping with milt, Burrows believes the population may be smaller than at first anticipated, as the team also netted five of the tagged pike from MoE’s recent Pike Reward program. “It’s not a very robust estimator, because populations can move around, but there might be 500 adults in that lower half of the Robson Reach, so we caught a good proportion of them.” The numbers taken in the nets also decreased over theweeks, suggesting a definite depletion in stock. The catch rates
Fisheries technician Clint Tarala of Mountain Water Research displays one of 92 pike netted during a recent pike-suppression initiative on the Columbia River undertaken by the Ministry of the Environment this month.
nearly halved with every netting, said Burrows, an excellent indicator that the team of biologists and technicians were killing a good portion of the population. And yet another major concern for fisheries is the potential spread of the alien species into the Arrow Lakes. “I think the jury’s out as to whether its a big problem. If that’s all it is in that reach, we can suppress them, and if we get on top of them we can really
minimize it, however, if they get into the (Keenleyside Dam) lock and colonize the Arrow that would be a big problem.” While netting has proven to be a useful and successful tool in suppressing pike populations, local fisheries will need funding to continue the process. With Ministry resources unavailable, Burrows hopes to access funds from various environmental groups to continue the pike-suppression efforts, but, for the time being, will rely on local anglers to help keep the population in check. There is an unlimited retention quota for pike on the Columbia and anglers are encouraged to kill all pike caught. More importantly, Burrows encourages anglers to report catches of pike outside the Robson Reach, Seven Mile, and Waneta Reservoirs, indicating time, location, date, length, and a photo if possible to confirm species. Call the Fish and Wildlife office at 3546333.
Building permits are required for any newforconstruction within the Regional District Central Building permits are required any new construction withinofthe Kootenay. A building is requiredKootenay. before starting new building construction projects, as Regional Districtpermit of Central A building permit is required well as addition or alteration projects such as: before starting new building construction projects, as well as addition or alteration projects such as: - Decks - Placing manufactured homes -- Decks Carports, garages and sheds -- Placing homes Modifying manufactured or adding to plumbing systems - Carports, garages and sheds All building permit applications aretoreviewed for health and safety related design details, as - Modifying or adding plumbing systems regulated by the BC Building Code. This review will save you time and money through the construction process. The applications cost of a permit isare 1% to 1.5% of thefor construction the project All building permit reviewed health value and ofsafety related design regulated by the BC Building Code. This (material and labourdetails, at marketas rates). review will save you time and money through the construction process. Applications for building permits are also reviewed for compatibility with land use regulations The cost of a permit is 1% to 1.5% of the construction value of the relating to(material the Provincial Reserve, floodplain management, and Regional Disproject andAgricultural labour atLand market rates). trict zoning bylaws.
Applications for building permits are also reviewed compatibility Applications for permits and other construction-related information can befor obtained at the Regional with useKootenay regulations thenearest Provincial Agricultural Land For Districtland of Central Buildingrelating Inspectiontooffice you, or online at Reserve, floodplain and Regional District zoning bylaws. further information, pleasemanagement, contact: Building Inspection Services Applications for permits and other construction-related information can Regional District of Central Kootenay be obtained at the Regional District of Central Kootenay Building Box 590, 202 Lakeside Inspection office nearestDrive you, or online at For further Nelson, B.C. V1L 5R4 information, please contact: Phone: (250) 352-8155 Toll Free: 1-800-268-7325 Fax: (250) 352-9300 email: Building Inspection Services Office hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.mKootenay - 4:30 p.m. Regional District of Central
Box 590, 202 Lakeside Drive Nelson, B.C. V1L 5R4 Building Healthy Community Phone: (250) 352-8155 TollaFree: 1-800-268-7325 Castlegar Recreation Complex Fax: (250) 352-9300 email: Office hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m 4:30 p.m. 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC
Public Swim at the Castlegar Community Complex Mon/Wed/Fri
Early Bird
1:30-4:00pm & 7:30-9:00pm
Public Swim
2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm
Public Swim
Public Swim
Public Swim
Public Swim
Sunfest Celebrations June 6-8 • Queens Pageant; Entertainment; Parade; Venders; • Photo Show, Festival in the Park, Slo Pitch Tournament • Childrens Parade, Strawberry Tea • Fireworks; Family Day at Pass Creek Park
Summer Programs
Toonie Swim Sunday June 8th 1:00-3:00pm Castlegar Aquatic Centre
Registration Now for:
Red Cross Swim Lessons Session 1 July 7 – 18 (Mon-Fri) Session 2 July 21 – Aug 1 (Mon – Fri) Session 3 Aug 5 – 15 (Tues – Fri) “Summer Cool Camps” 7 weeks of Fun • Great Instructors • Lots of Fun Building permits • Speciality Camps (Cooking;main Science, Art, Sports and more) • Subsidies available • $119 for the week 8:30-3:30 daily • Leisure Guides available at the Recreation Office or on line at
Community News Kootenay Gem & Mineral Show June 7 & 8 • Castlegar Complex Volunteers Needed 2014 Kootenay Festival Saturday July 26th (go on line and fill out a volunteer form or contact Audrey for More information) Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations.
If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.
Thursday, June 5, 2014 Castlegar News
Your community. Your classifieds.
bc email
How to place a
Business Opportunities
Classified Ad with 250.365.6397
Call Or Drop by our office at Unit #2, 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar, BC 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday
Includes Training...
Call Dave for Home Inspection Presentation. 1.855.301.2233
Classified Deadline 4pm Monday
Coming Events
Business Opportunities
will be held on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Education Room at the Castlegar & District Community Health Centre 709 - 10th Street, Castlegar. ALL RESIDENTS OF CASTLEGAR & DISTRICT ARE WELCOME!
Deepening Community for Collective Impact Workshop with Paul Born, Tamarack Institute, CBT 2013 Symposium Key Note Speaker Thursday, June 12th, 8:30 am - 4 pm. Nelson Prestige Lakeside Resort. $50 per/person Register online at or call 250-352-6786. Sponsors include SPAN Nelson, Interior Health, CBT and the REACH Program The West Kootenay Camera Club invites the public to come out & enjoy a FREE DISPLAY of 189 Awesome Spectacular Photo’s. There will be 40 local photographers displaying their photo’s at the Kootenay Gallery in Castlegar June 6 - June 13. Meet & greet the photographers Friday Evening June 6th 7:00 9:00. The photos will also be at the Visac Gallery in Trail June 24 - July 3. Meet & greet the photographers Tuesday evening June 24th 6:00 - 8:00. The photos have been judged by 4 excellent judges & ribbons, scores & comments of the photos will be of interest to the public. A must see experience for all. See you there.
Information Hockey Pool Winners Emanuel Sequeira Chelsea Markin Mitch Dolman please contact Theresa @ Castlegar News 250-365-6397
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KOOTENAY based Transportation Company seeks experienced Driver Trainers. This is a position for individuals who have an interest in playing an active role in the development of new drivers to the transportation industry. Selected candidates will play a supportive role throughout an extensive on the job training program. This position requires a minimum 5 years experience as a commercial driver, good communication skills written and verbal, and a strong desire to teach and share industry knowledge with new comers to our industry. For more information visit us on line at or call 1-888-357-2612 ext 230
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
CLASS 1 LINE HAUL COMPANY DRIVERS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway Line Haul Drivers based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training.
We Offer Above Average Rates! To join our team of professional drivers, please send off a resume and current driver’s abstract to: For more info about Line Haul, call Bev, 604-968-5488
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Education/Trade Schools
INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853
Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway linehaul Owner Operators based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package.
Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.
To join our team of professional drivers, email a detailed resume, current driver’s abstract & details of your truck to: Call 604-968-5488 Fax: 604-587-9889 Only those of interest will be contacted.
Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.
In Memory Of:
Florence Nevokshonoff February 8, 1919 May 17, 2014
TEINDL, Craig Was born on August 10, 1963 in Trail, BC and passed away suddenly at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital on May 30, 2014. He is predeceased by his mother Patti-Anne. Craig is survived by his loving wife Julie and their daughter Isabel, his father Herb, siblings: Tracy (Daan), Tim (Linda), Mark (Michelle), Leanne (Aaron) and Jennifer (Gord), also by his mother-inlaw Nancy, his sisters-in-law Stephanie and Sarah (Kelly), plus numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. Craig was a devoted and much loved man. He loved life, lived life, and loved people.
Sadly the family of Florence Nevokshonoff of Castlegar wishes to announce her passing at Talarico Place Care Centre on Saturday, May 17, 2014 blessed with 95 years of life. Florence was born in Ootischenia on February 8, 1919 to parents Martha and Mike Makeiff. She married Fred Nevokshonoff and they raised three children. Florence enjoyed gardening, knitting, quilting and embroidering. She loved to travel and went to different parts of Canada and the U.S. and she wintered in Mexico for many years. Florence was a member of the Ladies Cooking Group, she was an active member of the Brilliant Choir and of the Ootischenia Psalmists and a lifetime member of the USCC. Florence was predeceased by her husband of 63 years, Fred, in 2002, her son Fred in 1962 and her two brothers William and Alec Makeiff.
A Memorial Service will be held at Holy Trinity Parish in Trail on Friday, June 6, 2014 at 10:30am. The celebration of Craig’s life will continue at the Colombo Lodge in Trail following the service. Gwen Ziprick of Alternatives Funeral and Cremation Services™ has been entrusted with the arrangements. You are invited to leave a personal message of condolence by visiting the family’s register at www.
Left to mourn her loss is her son Harold, her daughter-in-law Sheryl, her daughter Shirley (Gerry) Martin, 5 grandchildren, 6 great-grandchildren and a large extended family.
As an expression of sympathy, your donations to either the KBRH Health Foundation www. or the Canadian Kidney Foundation would be greatly appreciated.
Donations in Florence’s memory may be to Iskra, 1816 Brilliant Road, Castlegar, BC V1N 4K2.
“The man is a success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children; who leaves the world a better place than he found it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had.” Robert Louis Stevenson
Funeral Services were officiated by Peter Zaytsoff at the Ootischenia Community Hall on Friday, May 23, 2014 followed by interment in the Ootischenia Cemetery.
The family wishes to extend their heartfelt gratitude to the staff of Castle Wood Village, the staff at Talarico Place Care Centre and the staff at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital for the kindness and care shown to their mother/grandmother, to the Ootischenia Ladies Cooking Group, to the Ootischenia grave-diggers, to Peter Kazakoff for looking after the hall, to Peter Zaytsoff for officiating the service and to Castlegar Funeral Chapel for their service.
Housekeeper for Motel Experienced or will train 250-365-5613
Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1
An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051.
FAST AND Reliable Plumbing Repairs, 24/7. Call Parker Dean for your next plumbing job. Present this ad and get $50 off. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.
Help Wanted
Ann Thomson Rodgers (Urquhart) March 18, 1949May 29, 2014 Beloved wife of Lloyd Skiboff Amazing mom to Susan Slade and Todd Rodgers, stepmom to Blake (Meagan) Skiboff, Proud Grandma to Allyson Hetland, Jordan Slade and Olivia Slade, Great-Grandma to our beautiful Amyllia Hetland. Ann leaves behind her mother Audrey Urquhart, sister Margie (Bob) Walker-Lefebvre, brothers John (Dianne) Urquhart, James (Judy) Urquhart, numerous nieces and nephews all of whom held a special place in her heart, as well as her very special cousin Arthur (Janet) Cavacuitti. Ann was eldest daughter of James and Audrey Urquhart. She spent her childhood in Trail BC before moving to Alberta in 1967 where she met and married Phil Rodgers in 1969, they moved to Claresholm in 1975 Ann lived there until moving back to Trail in 1989, where she met her husband Lloyd eventually moving to South Slocan where she resided until her passing. Mom had many wonderful friendships throughout her life some that started in childhood that remain just as strong today and others that have built over time all of these friendships were filled with love, laughter and joy. She will be greatly missed by her cherished life long friends Don and Dorothy Linton and their children and Jean-Paul Guilbeault who is a true angel that walks upon this earth. Mom was always the champion for the underdog always trying to make someone else’s life just a little bit better. Mom was a wonderful cook and loved to hold dinner parties that anyone who came always wanted a second invite. Mom was famous for her shopping and loved nothing better than to find that special gift. She loved to travel especially to her second home in Newfoundland. Her grandchildren were the apples of her eye. One of the last trips she ever took was to see her first great grandchild. Words cannot express the profound sadness we feel, mom is now free from pain and is peaceful looking down upon us with her father James Urquhart and stepdaughter Desiree Skiboff beside her. A Memorial Service will be held at the Trail United Church on June 7, 2014 @ 11 am. Gwen Ziprick of Alternatives Funeral and Cremation Services has been entrusted with the arrangements. In lieu of flowers please donate to Ann’s favorite childhood memory Camp Koolaree campership c/o Trail United Church 1300 Pine Ave Trail BC V1R 4E6
Castlegar News Thursday, June 5, 2014 A21
Makayla Rose Nephin Jaida, Megan, Emma Nephin are excited to announce the birth of their baby sister Makayla Rose Nephin Makayla was born at KLH on March 8, 2014 weighing 7lbs 7.4 oz’s
Baby Thursday, June 5, 2014 Girl
Proud parents are Emmett and Christina Nephin Thanks to Dr. Sawyer & all the nurses Castlegar News on the maternity ward at KLH
Your classifieds.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853
Help Wanted Housekeeper for Motel Experienced or will train 250-365-5613
MANAGER, COLUMBIA BASIN ARE YOU EXPERIENCING BROADBAND CORPORATION FINANCIAL DISTRESS? This provides management Relief is only a callposition away! Call Shelley andCameron coordination support to the Estate Administrator design, implementation and at 877-797-4357 today, to set upoperation your FREE of CBBC network infrastructure. This is a permanent, consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP full-time position based out of our 33 yearsCastlegar experience. or Cranbrook offices. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee inApply Bankruptcy. by June 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1
An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and 1.800.505.8998 lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051.
FAST AND Reliable Plumbing Repairs, 24/7. Call Parker Dean for your next plumbing job. Present this ad and get $50 off. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.
16, 2014.
Connect with us
Ian Morrison
this position are Monday to Friday from a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with one hour for March 18,8:30 1949lunch. Jan 3, 1948 - May 27, 2014
May 29, 2014
Ian Morrison passed away at Summary of Position: Beloved wife of Lloyd Skiboff Operates central Regional telephone and radio systems. Provides advice and assistance to Kootenaythe Boundary “Sit” Amazing mom to Susan Slade Processes outgoing the general public. Sorts and counts money. mail. Prepares Hospital on Mayand 27,Todd 2014.Rodgers, Ian was stepmomand to Blake correspondence and reports. Purchases maintains office supplies. Assists with born on January 1948 insystems. Lashburn, Saskatchewan. the records management Prepares (Meagan) Skiboff , 3, Proud Grandma to Allyson Hetland,correspondence, memorandums and reports various departments as our Jordan for Slade and Olivia Slade, Great-Grandma
Ian arrived in Castlegar in 1992 with his family and beautifulhisAmyllia started trailerHetland. towing service in 1996. Ian had Further particulars job an responsibilities may beMargie obtained by viewing a copy of the aAnn radiant personality with everlasting smile that leaves behind herofmother Audrey Urquhart, sister position description City or (Dianne) on the web-site at (Bob) Walker-Lefebvre, Urquhart, always brought out at thebrothers bestHall, inJohn others. He City’s was a happy James (Judy) Urquhart,man. numerous nieces and nephews all “Sit” and positive-minded Essential Qualifications: His honesty, dependability, of whom held a special place in herhim heart, asorher very willingness to help, proved toasbewell a valuable xandApplied Business Technology Certificate equivalent special cousin (Janet) xfriend Completion of Grade 12Cavacuitti. to all. Arthur x Ann BCwas Drivers License of Class eldest daughter James5andofAudrey Urquhart. She is survived by his loving 47 years Marjorie, xHeGood officewife procedures, English, keyboarding and spent her knowledge childhood inof Trail BC before moving business to Alberta in hiscomputerized son Douglas (Dawn-L), his daughter Wanita office applications. 1967 where she met and married Phil Rodgers in 1969, they x(Ken), Ability to4 communicate effectively, both verbally his grandchildren; Caleisha, Taylor, Jaden and in writing, with staff, outside moved to Claresholm in 1975 of Ann thereGood until moving agencies and members thelived public. interpersonal skills.
and sisterwhere Marion McDougall, hisLloyd brothers backAbigail, to Trail inhis1989, she met her husband and Helen.
“Good dog!”
Mom manyposition wonderfulreporting friendships heroflifeCorporate Services. The salary is This is had a union to throughout the Director $26.63 perstarted hour (March 1, 2012) for a 35 work As an that expression sympathy donations inhour nameweek. some inofchildhood that remain just asIan’s strong The more often todaybeand others built over all of Hospital these may made tothat the have Castlegar andtime District
a consumer sees
be greatly her cherished life long friends Don and 2H7 or online Dorothy and Hospice their children andPersonnel Jean-Paul Guilbeault Officer or to the Linton Castlegar Society.
message, the better your chances are that they will remember you when they’re ready to buy!
Applications from be submitted by 4:30 p.m., Friday, friendships were filledqualified with love,candidates laughter and should joy. She will Foundation at 709 your advertising June 13, 2014 to: – 10th Street, Castlegar, BC, V1N
who is a true angel that walks upon thisCity earth. of Castlegar
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
BRABY MOTORS Service Department- Salmon Arm has 2 full time positions - experienced Service Advisor and Tower Operator. Must possess automotive mechanical knowledge, ability to work in fast paced environment. Strong work ethic, organizational skills, ability to multi task a must. Exceptional wage/ benefit package. E-mail resume or fax 250-832-4545.
HOME SHARE/RESPITE PROVIDER Kootenay Society for Community Living supports individual with developmental disabilities and/or spectrum disorders. We currently have openings for Home Share and Respite Providers in the West Kootenays. Qualifications include: experience working with
Housekeepers wanted for Castlegar Better At Home Program for Seniors Please send resume & references to
The Kootenay Society for Community Living seeks casual employees to work in the West Kootenay. Casual employees provide services for persons with developmental disabilities and/or spectrum disorder in residential settings and in the community. For more information please visit our website at
HORSE Wrangler / Apprentice Guide needed for Yukon Outfitter July to October 867-6336188 Vernon Service Company requires Journeyman Service Plumbers/Gasfitters, $36.00/hr Call (250)549-4444 or fax 250-549-4416
individuals with developmental
disabilities and the desire to provide a safe and welcoming home that offers individuals the opportunity for inclusion. For more details please visit our website at or call 250-365-2624 To apply, please forward your resume to or by fax 250-365-5679
School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) PAYROLL - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE POSITION:
Payroll – Accounts Payable (REGULAR) PLACE: School Board Office, Trail, BC HOURS OF WORK: 35 hrs/wk - Monday to Friday MONTHS PER YEAR: Twelve (12) RATE OF PAY: Payroll (25.0 hrs/wk) @ $26.29/hr -Accounts Payable (10.0 hrs/wk $24.44/hr) STARTING DATE: immediately For full position details including qualifications please refer to the Careers with SD20 section of our website at This position is covered under our CUPE Local 1285 Collective Agreement.
Certain messages need Celebration of LifeAnn for Thomson to be JOB POSTING Rodgers repeated REGULAR FULL-TIME RECEPTIONIST (Urquhart) several The City of Castlegar is seeking a regular full-time receptionist. Thetimes hours of work for
Neil (Pat) moving and Allen as well as numerous and Desirable Qualifications: eventually to South Slocan where she nephews resided until xnieces. Previous clerical Ian was municipal predeceased by hisexperience. parents Donald her passing.
Help Wanted
Career opportunity il Education/Trade Schools
A Graveside Service was held on460 Friday, May 30, 2014 Columbia Avenue Mom was always the champion forCastlegar, the underdog BCalways V1N 1G7 at 2:00 pm at Park Memorial Cemetery, Castlegar. Al trying to make someone else’s life just aFAX: little bit365-4810 better. Mom Grywacheski of Alternatives Funeral and Cremation was a wonderful cook and loved to hold dinner parties that PHONE: 365-7227 Services™ was entrusted with arrangements. E-mail: anyone who came always wanted a second invite. Mom was You are for invited to leaveand a personal message ofthan to famous her shopping loved nothing better Pursuant toatthe Municipalonline Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the condolence register find that specialthe’s She loved to travel especially to her information collected will be utilized solely for the selection of candidates. atsecond home in Newfoundland. Her grandchildren were the Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
Cover letter, resume and completed district applications (available on the district web site or at our office) should be sent to Mrs. Marcy VanKoughnett, Director of Human Resources, School District #20 (KootenayColumbia), 2001 Third Avve, Trail, BC V1R 1R6 (Fax: 250-364-2470) by 12:00 Noon on Friday, June 13, 2014. Please submit electronic applications to: hr@ It is understood that applicants agree to confidential reference checks of all previous employers. The successful applicant will be subject to a Criminal Record Check. We appreciate your interest but regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
or submit to office at 1007 - 2nd St, Castlegar, BC V1N 1Y4 The BetterBook requires a responsible and reliable person(s) to deliver phone books to residences and businesses in Nelson, Castlegar and Grand Forks. Reliable vehicle (van or covered pickup) is required and the ability to lift heavy bundles of phone books. This is a great group fundraiser! Contact Linda in our distribution department at 1-800-663-8555
To apply please email your resume to or fax 250-365-5679
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: to start training for your work-at-home career today!
Are you looking for a career with a Company that has been growing in the .ootenay·s for over 100 years? Due to recent growth and promotions, RHC Insurance Brokers Ltd. has the following career opportunities available:
Trail Branch: Team Leader Nelson Baker Street Branch: Team Leader The successful candidate will have at least 5 years experience in the Insurance Brokerage Business. Preference will be given to those candidates that have a CAIB or CIP designation, but consideration will be given to a level 2 broker who is willing to complete their designation. The successful candidate will have the following attributes: • Proven Leadership Skills • Proven Mentoring and Coaching Skills • Customer Service Focus • Great communicator (oral and written) skills • Experience with Broker Management Systems, Word, Excel and Power Point • Excellent team management skills RHC Insurance Brokers offers a competitive Salary and Employee Benefits package. Please deliver your resume in person to Sam Cowan at 601 A Baker Street Nelson BC, or by email at We thank everyone that has shown interest in these postings, but we will only be contacting those candidates that qualify for an interview.
Closing Date: June 11, 2014 for all applications
Insurance Brokers Ltd.
School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) The School District is seeking applications from qualified persons for the On-Call List in the following area: Custodian: • Building Service Worker Course Certificate or equivalent, minimum of two (2) years of work experience as a custodian or building service worker in a commercial or industrial setting, or an equivalent combination of training, education or experience. Rate of Pay: $21.60/hr. General Qualifications: • Grade 12 or equivalent • Valid WHMIS Certificate • Valid Class 5 Driver’s License For full position details including qualifications please refer to the Careers with SD20 section of our website at Salary will be in accordance with CUPE Local 1285 Collective Agreement. Completed district applications (available on the district web site or at our office) should be sent to Mrs. Marcy VanKoughnett, Director of Human Resources, School District #20 (Kootenay-Columbia), 2001 Third Ave, Trail, B.C. V1R 1R6 (Fax: 250-364-2470) by 12:00 pm (Noon) on Friday, June 13, 2014. Please submit electronic applications to: It is understood that applicants agree to confidential reference checks of all previous employers. We appreciate your interest but regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Thursday, June 5, 2014 Castlegar News
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Ofce Support
Garage Sales
Misc. for Sale
LEGAL assistant required. Conveyance and/or property development experience preferred but will consider all applicants. Email resume to
Estate & garage Sale, electric scooter & many other things 315 Martin St, West Trail Sat & Sun, June 7 & 8, 8-4
Garden Equipment Trades, Technical
GORD’S MAYTAG Kamloops BC. H.A.C Operations. Requires F/T Service Tech. Email: cameron.wilson@ HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC WANTED
YRB Yellowhead Road & Bridge
Yellowhead Road & Bridge (Kootenay) Ltd. is looking for a Mechanic for our New Denver facility. Applicants will need to hold a valid TQ for Heavy Duty or Commercial Transport, class three driver’s licence and Motor Vehicle Inspection licence would be an asset. Resumes can be faxed to 250-352-2172 or e-mailed to
JOURNEYMAN Glazier, Lake City Glass in Williams Lake now hiring. Fax resume to: 250-392-5369 or email:
PCL ENERGY - Now hiring Journeyperson Pipefitters ($40+/hr) and Scaffolders ($38+/hr) for an industrial project in Vanscoy, SK. LOA of $145/day worked, travel and bonuses paid! We offer competitive wages and benefits. Please send your resume to:
Health Products
OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil
Buy One Get One
Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750
Craftsman Rotary Lawn Mower, 160cc, Honda engine power propelled, 22” multi cut brand new, 250-365-7179
Misc. for Sale Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders JD 892D LC excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? KILL BED bugs & their eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate bugs- guaranteed. No mess, odorless, long lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot. SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT STEEL BUILDINGS. Hot savings - Spring sale! 20x24 $4,348. 25x24 $4,539. 30x30 $6,197. 32x36 $7,746. 40x46 $12,116. 47x72 $17,779. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or online at:
Real Estate For Sale By Owner
Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158
Misc. Wanted Cash paid for OLD postcards, calendars, license plates. guns, swords, military medals, pulp magazines, tins, toys, silver coins {10x}, fruit box labels, misc. antiques. Larry 250 545-7140
Real Estate
Trail (Sunningdale) A perfect starter, retirement or rental home. 750sq.ft. main floor, 1 full bath, gas heat and fireplace, a/c. Full basement (350sqft finished). Large carport (500sqft), workshop (100sqft). South facing fenced backyard/garden. Quiet locale close to all amenities. $179,990. Call 250-364-1940
Lots FRUITVALE, building lot, 40’x140’ level, backs on park. $49,000. 250-368-6076 TRAIL, huge view lot, possible to subdivide, 360’x280’ irregular. $59,000. 250-368-6076
Mobile Homes & Parks
For Sale By Owner
RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.
1 brdm + den. 1-1/2 bath, walking distance to town
or 250 505-4277
Rent To Own
Duplex/4 Plex TRAIL, Tri-plex. $1900/mo. income. One block to town. $190,000. 250-367-0274
Rent to Own New Denver, Trail, Nelson & Grand Forks. If you have a small down payment I have a nice home for you. Less then perfect credit OK call Jessica @ 250 505-7420
2 storey 6 yr old cabin 4 km from Ashram, Riondel, beach and golf course. Needs: elec., plumbing, H2O pipe or well, insulation, cabinets. On 2.8 nicely treed acres. Good bench(es) for building second home with lakeview. Appraised at $170,000 but old vendor is quite flexible. Great starter home especially for handy person(s). Call : 780-566-0707 or : 780-222-2996 or
Apt/Condo for Rent 1500 Sq ft on Meadowbrook N/S, N/P, 2 Bdrm, 1 1/2 bath Avail July 1st, $890/mth + utilities, 250-478-2728
SELKIRK MANOR CEDAR MANOR 1 & 2 Bedroom Apt Call 250-304-3026 250-365-3034
Duplex / 4 Plex
JOB POSTING REGULAR FULL-TIME RECEPTIONIST The City of Castlegar is seeking a regular full-time receptionist. The hours of work for this position are Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with one hour for lunch. Summary of Position: Operates the central telephone and radio systems. Provides advice and assistance to the general public. Sorts and counts money. Processes outgoing mail. Prepares correspondence and reports. Purchases and maintains office supplies. Assists with the records management systems. Prepares correspondence, memorandums and reports for various departments as needed. Further particulars of job responsibilities may be obtained by viewing a copy of the position description at City Hall, or on the City’s web-site at Essential Qualifications: x Applied Business Technology Certificate or equivalent x Completion of Grade 12 x BC Drivers License Class 5 x Good knowledge of office procedures, business English, keyboarding and computerized office applications. x Ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, with staff, outside agencies and members of the public. Good interpersonal skills. Desirable Qualifications: x Previous municipal clerical experience. This is a union position reporting to the Director of Corporate Services. The salary is $26.63 per hour (March 1, 2012) for a 35 hour work week. Applications from qualified candidates should be submitted by 4:30 p.m., Friday, June 13, 2014 to: Personnel Officer City of Castlegar 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 FAX: 365-4810 PHONE: 365-7227 E-mail: Pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the information collected will be utilized solely for the selection of candidates. Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
Newly renovated 2 bdrm Duplex, Avail Immed, N/S, N/P $1000/mth, 250-304-1737
OMG! It’s your BFF! And FYI: he’s such a QT!
CITY OF CASTLEGAR PUBLIC NOTICE Disposition of Land pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter The City of Castlegar is intending to dispose of land legally described as “that portion of road directly adjacent to Lot 9 District Lot 4598 Kootenay District Plan 1520” as shown on Schedule A.
Financial Services
ARE YOU 10K or more in Debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-3511783.
Schedule A
Bookkeeping Services 23 Years Experience Please call Liza @ 365-7743 or 304-5500
DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420
IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
UNFILED TAX returns? Unreported income? Avoid prosecution and penalties. Call a tax attorney first! 855-668-8089 (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)
Misc Services KOOTENAY CABLE TECH: satellite installation, service & repair, Shaw/Telus/Bell/ Xplornet etc, LTSS Program. home theater audio/video systems, 5+ yrs quality expertise. James 250-226-7236
Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!
to: the property owners of 270 Columbia Avenue (Lot B District Lot 4598 Kootenay District Plan 4730) The transaction will be a lease of 2 parking stalls for a ten year term ending in 2024. In consideration for the disposition the City of Castlegar will receive $667.00 per year during the ten year term (a total of $6,670.00). Thereafter, the annual rent payable to the City by the property owners of 270 Columbia Avenue will be adjusted each year based on the consumer price index. Phil Markin Director of Development Services 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7
Castlegar News Thursday, June 5, 2014 A23
Homes for Rent
Auto Financing
Cars - Domestic
4 Bdrm newly reno house, quiet Kinnard location, lrg yard, carport, N/S, W/D, pets are ok, Avail July 1st, $1200/mth, 250-551-4906 Castlegar DT 2 Bdrm House $900/mth + utilities, Avail Immediately, 250-365-6075 Mobile Home in Thrums 2 brms, deck, F/S, W/D small pet ok 250-304-9273 or 250-359-7178
Legal Notices
2006 Chrysler Sebring Touring, 191,000 km, full set of winter & summer tires both only used one season. $2000 OBO. Call 250 505-2639 for more info
2012 Ford SHELBY SVT VT Mustang Mu Must 2 door convertible s/n 1ZVBP8KS6C5239607 2 9 9607 ed Fully loaded - 6 Speed 5978 kms As is where is. Viewing byy appoint appointment Offers subject to approval
Notice is Hereby Given that all persons having claims against the Estate of Verna Shingler, Deceased, formerly of the City of Castlegar, Province of British Columbia, who died on November 28, 2013, are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the undersigned Administrator, on or before August 10, 2014, after which date the Estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received.
Must sell 2004 Chrysler Concord LXI, 173,000 kms Excellent Condition full load, leather, never winter driven, $3,750, call Karl 250-226-7489
Suites, Lower
Legal Notices
CASTLEGAR 1 Bedroom Basement Suite, Clean & Cozy, Close to all Shopping & College, Available Immed Separate driveway & entrance $700/mth incl Utilities no laundry included. or could be 2 Bdrm for $900/mth Please call or 250-365-1519 Castlegar DT, 1 Bdrm Suite N/S, N/P, bus route, $700/mth incl utilities & shared laundry Avbl June 1st, 250-365-2784
Call Bob 250.365.6516
Notice of Sale
Under Repairers Lien Act Due to unpaid indebtedness by Caleb Hurry, Glacier Honda will sell a 1998 Acura 3.5RL, serial # JH4KA9651WC800440 on June 18th 2014 @ 1602 Columbia Avenue Castlegar B.C. unless the unpaid balance of $2313.58 is received.
Dee Roddy Casler, Administrator c/o LEWIS J. BRIDGEMAN McEWAN & CO. LAW CORPORATION 1432 Bay Avenue Trail, B.C. V1R 4B1
For information contact Al Sanders c/o Glacier Honda 1602 Columbia Avenue Castlegar B.C. V1N 1H9 250-365-4845
Want to Rent
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Castlegar Golf Club
Thursday, June 5, 2014 Castlegar News
Sculpture Talk Welcome to our regular feature introducing the artists behind the sculptures in this year’s Castlegar SculptureWalk.
Daniel Kloc Sova (bronze)
In a nod to his Eastern European heritage, Kootenay sculptor Daniel Kloc presents Sova this year. Sova is the Czech word for female owl. Kloc’s sumptuous detail displays this night time habitué in a manner that is demonstrative of his individual creativity and style. Small and compact, the sculpture’s fine detail is personified in the ruffled, dense feathers that fan artistically around the vertical slash of a beak and the rounded, black, recessed eyes. Talons gripping an ancient piece of snailencrusted wood, Kloc’s sculpture stands poised and aware, a forest sentinel full of watchful alertness. Sova is endearing yet impassive; modern and ancient all at once. “Owls are one of the oldest verte-
brate animals in existence,” Kloc process there. It’s complex and deexplains in his nameplate. “Fossils manding, but the finished result dating back 60 million years ago is well worth the effort,” he says. show the bird has changed very “Bronze stands the test of time very well. Maybe not sixty million little since that time.” It is that stately regal bearing and years like fossils, but thousands timelessness that Kloc captures so of years probably. There is a nice exactingly in Sova. The intricacy permanency to it.” and stylization of the plumage A graduate of the Kootenay works in counterbalance with the School of the Arts, Kloc is also an lovely detailed lines of the branch accomplished graphic artist. His she sits on. Sova is accurate and intricate, imaginative drawings precise, yet Kloc somehow man- mirror his sculpting influences, ages to instill mysticism in the with a bit more of an edge to them figurative sculpture. Much as he perhaps. did with Raven. That work was “When you’re working in bronze honoured with a first place in the you’ve got to know what you want Artistic Merit category in 2011. It and how you’ll achieve it,” he says. features the same attention to fine “There is room for adaption of detail, as well as a similar sense of course, but with pencils and charthe totemic and the supernatural. coals there is a lot more opportu“My key influences in my sculp- nity for flights of imagination and tures are a real polyglot,” says fancy.” Kloc. “Nature is always prevalent. Kloc’s inventive imagination is Architectural styles, and the his- nicely realized in Sova. His intertorical scope I’ve observed and pretation is dynamic, precise and experienced in my travels. Add in captivating. It winningly showmy interest in primitive cultures cases the many influences that and old world European vestiges feed his abundant creative talent. and there you have it.” Sova somehow seems to con- tain traces of them all, not unlike Raven and his entry here last year titled Green Man. Like those works, Sova is finished in SPONSORED by lustrous bronze. It’s a skill Kloc is intimately familiar with, having spent four years at Pyramid Bronzeworks foundry in Kelowna before returning to the Kootenays. WHAT IS SCULPTUREWALK? “I learned a lot about the bronze Sculpturewalk is an outdoor exhibit of original sculptures by local
David Hunwick
Rebirth (steel & fibreglass resin) Educated in London, England, a country where many of his evocative sculptures reside in both public and private collections, David Hunwick has made his mark since moving to Victoria in 2001. He owns and operates The Sculpture Studio, located in the Point Hope Shipyard area off downtown Victoria. It is dedicated to sculpting, molding and casting work areas for himself and other local artists while offering classes
and international artists, located on a pleasant walking tour in downtown Castlegar. Now in its fifth year, our 2014 program brings 32 works of art to the city. Viewers are encouraged to vote for their favourite sculpture via ballot, and the winner of The People’s Choice Award is purchased for permanent display in the City.
SCULPTURE TOUR IN THE KOOTENAYS Sculpturewalk is expanding regionally! See the following sculptures from Sculpturewalk now featured in Rossland and Nelson, BC:
and workshops. In 2013, Hunwick created an exhibition space within the studio - the Blue Whale Gallery – which showcases a wide range of local artists and varied mediums on a rotating monthly basis of exhibitions/performances. The gallery was named following his exhaustive work in recreating the skeleton of a blue whale with other artists and curators. The complete skeleton is displayed in the Beaty Biodiversity Museum at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Rebirth is an offshoot of that lengthy project. “The blue whale we worked from washed up on a beach in Prince Edward Island some time ago,” he says. “I’ve taken casts of two of the larger ribs and sculpted them so they form the shape of a heart or an opening. Rebirth symbolizes that there is new life even in death.” The 12 foot long molded “ribs” are reminders of the size and majesty of the largest of all the animals on the planet. What Hunwick has created is simple, graceful and stark. It is powerful too, a telling caution that blue whale numbers are in severe decline worldwide. it is now ranked as a red-listed (endangered) species at risk by
SCULPTURE CAPITAL OF CANADA Castlegar is full of wonderful public art, thanks to Sculpturewalk’s sales & leasing program, and the talented artists who contribute to our program. Take a drive to check them out! CASTLEGAR’S PERMANENT COLLECTION Patient Hunter
Peace Sign
People’s Choice Award 2012 Purchased by City of Castlegar Location: Columbia Ave. Exit to Grand Forks
People’s Choice Award 2010 Purchased by City of Castlegar Location: West Kootenay Regional Airport
Kevin Kratz & James Karthein
Linotype Wapiti
People’s Choice Award 2011 Purchased by City of Castlegar Location: West Kootenay Regional Airport
Purchased by Communities in Bloom and donated to the City of Castlegar Location: Castlegar RCMP
Carl Sean McMahon
Going for the Goal
Purchased by Kootenay Savings Location: Kootenay Savings
Purchased by Chris & Kathy Sykes Location: Tim Hortons
Nokhom Maskwa
Huge and Foolish
Purchased by the Kalawsky Family Location: Kalawsky GMC
Purchased by Columbia Basin Trust Location: Columbia Basin Trust
Stewart Steinhauer
Natural Wonders
Purchased by the Yule Family In Memory of Adele Yule Location: 6th St & Columbia Ave.
Peter Vogelaar
Leased by the City of Nelson Location: Capitol Theatre
Leased by the City of Nelson Location: Baker St
Serge Mozhnevsky
Nathan Smith
To Love Is To Be
Fir Cone
Leased by the City of Nelson Location: Baker St
Leased by the City of Nelson Location: Baker St
Martin Eichinger
Kevin Kratz
Rythym of Being
QR Code
Leased by the City of Nelson Location: Baker St
Purchased by the City of Nelson Location: Railtown
Regine Neumann
Carl Schlichting
photo by David R. Gluns
Dancing Myself
Man in Motion
Donated to the City of Nelson by Rabi’a Location: Ward Street
Leased by the McDonnell Family Location: Civic Complex
Denis Kleine
Purchased by Pinnacle PAC Location: Castlegar Art Farm
The Dreamer
Dee Clements
Is This Love?
Osamede Obazee
To See & To Say
Patrick Field
Jack’s Story Time Gregory Johnson
Denis Kleine
Purchased by Columbia Basin Trust Location: Kinnaird Elementary School
Michelle Moushey Dale
Carl Sean McMahon
Purchased by the 2009 Grad Class Location: Stanley Humphries
Secondary School
Don’t Look ... Listen
Purchased by Pinnacle PAC Location: Castlegar Art Farm
Donated to Castlegar Chamber of Commerce Location: Castlegar Chamber of
organizations and companies that have pro
for the project:
Daniel Kloc
the World Conservation Union. Ordinarily displayed in downtown Victoria, Rebirth is eyecatching: wonderfully balanced and thought-provoking. Hunwick’s many sculptures run the gamut of styles. He works often in bronze, sculpting everyday animals (hares, squirrels and cats are favourites) in playful and/or contented poses. He also creates lovely bronze wall plaques along with detailed busts (Midas, Scottish poet Robbie Burns, among others) and provocative torsos/ figures. The latter includes powerful works like Broken Dreams – where a stylized female figure displays a jagged, gaping hole in her stomach – and Living Hope. Here a breast cancer survivor, head shorn and scar distinct following her mastectomy, cradles her remaining healthy breast protectively. Silent Memories is the head and torso of a woman framed by stylized metal and suspended by a circle of chain links. Hunwick’s repertoire is varied and always interesting. He has recreated Adam and Eve as antelope-like figures with human features, designed a stylized emblem for Vancouver Islandbased Muse Winery and created beautiful totem sculptures which pay respectful stylistic homage to generations of west coast First Nation carvers. A recurring theme in many of his figurative sculptures is one hand open behind the back. This enables an actualSCULPTUREWA apple to sit enSUPPORT ticingly in the serene female of Purchase Got a favourite sculpture? Make it yours! A Forbidden Fruit, fresh-picked sculptures are available for purchase, with flowers to be placed in theplans handareofavailab $3,000-$36,000. Payment the breast cancer survivor of LivLease ingAllHope. The contrast is always of the sculptures are available for lease, $3000/yearand (beginning in May 2015). Move illuminative imaginative. place of business and capture the public’s a Whether it is the starkness and Sponsor natural beauty of Rebirth, the $1000/year you can sponsor a sculptur fineFor detail of his animal studies artists. Your name will be featured on the s andbrochure, busts, orandthe ourrelative website.abstractionTOURS of works like Warrior or Adam, is an inundeniIf your Hunwick group is interested taking a guide ce at castlegarsculpt ableplease talentcontact who the hasoffiadded greatly to the Victoria art scene. Rebirth willSPECIAL do the sameTHANKS here. Castlegar Sculpturewalk would like to thank
Jacob Tolmie
Douglas Walker
Purchased by the City of Castlegar Location: City Hall
Three Ring Circus Tamara Schweigert
Leased by Derek Sherbinin Location: Century 21 Mountainview
Summer Distractions
Lee Leuning & Sherri Treeby
by Marlowe-Yeoman photoLeased by David R. Gluns Limited Location: Castleaird Village
Spirit of Family
Leased by Pat and Val Field Location: Kootenay Gallery
Leased by Krueckl Financial Services Inc., Linda Nephin, PMC Development Corp. Remax Home Advantage Location: Krueckl Financial Services Inc.
Spring Shine Salmon
Denis Kleine CastlegarSculpturewalk
Castlegar News Thursday, June 5, 2014 | A25
Welcome to the driver’s seat
“According to Google Maps, the drive to some tasty yet simple food fare will take approximately 6 hours and 5 minutes, and is about 684 kilometres.” Alexandra Straub
Visit the Audi gallery at
How far would you travel for a home cooked meal? Munich, Germany – There’s no shortage of places to chow down here in Bavaria but that’s not really what I had in mind. Sometimes you just by Alexandra Straub hanker for some good ol’ fashioned home cooking and the desire makes distance no object. According to Google Maps, the drive to some tasty yet simple food fare will take approximately six hours and five minutes, and is about 684 kilometres. One way. That’s not including the approximately 8,300 kms travelled to get to Munich, Germany. The destination: Budapest, Hungary, where I’ll have one night to spend with my grandparents – grandma Ilona and grandpa Pál Lencsés. I’ve got the use of a bright red 2015 Audi A3 and a full tank of gas, so why not? Considering I’ll be there less than 24 hours, words like “ambitious” or “motivated” or even “crazy” might describe my reasoning. But heck, if it means I get a home cooked meal, I’d travel all night. Relatively speaking, I’m so close to them. I couldn’t let the opportunity go to waste. And anyone who loves their grandparents’ cooking will sympathize.
drive is. Especially on the most, direct route. Knowing Getting me there doesn’t involve security screenings, boarding passes, the hospitality of flight attendants or that I would get to spend some quality time with my the company of an Airbus. With my bag tucked away grandparents, and the A3, kept me going. With the in the trunk, my destination set into the GPS, it was go speed limits decreasing and the flow of traffic considertime. ably worsening, I knew I was getting close. It was just This particular A3 came equipped with Audi’s new nearing dinner. Perfect. MMI Touch with hand-writing recognition infotainBefore devouring my grandma’s famous crepes – ment system and the MMI Navigation plus. Instead of complete with homemade apricot jam with apricots spelling out the address using the dial and twisting the that grew in their summer home’s backyard. My wrists back and forth, you can just trace out the letters grandparents tightly embraced me. I’m not sure who with your finger on the dial’s face. I will warn you, if you was more excited to see whom, though their attention have bad penmanship like me, the system might pick up was split between hugs and admiring the red chariot on a different letter than the that brought me to their one you had intended! home in one piece. I can’t Grandma’s Famous Regardless, getting the hang blame them. It is quite the of it is relatively easy, and sedan in regards to styling. really kind of fun, too. And that colour just can’t Ingredients: 2 eggs Throughout the drive in be missed. Pinch of salt Germany, I shaved a few As I walked through the 1 teaspoon of sugar minutes off here and there. courtyard and along the 6 heaping spoonfuls of flour The speed limitless zones path to their apartment, (can be substituted with rice flour for gluten free!) certainly helped. Perhaps I caught a faint whiff of Dash of baking powered that’s why I opted to take what had been baking 300ml milk the car rather than fly. throughout the day. I knew 300ml soda water A chance to drive quickly – 50ml Oil that the crepes, and myself, in certain sections - AND get would soon be gone. Mix and let it sit for 10 minutes a delicious meal at the end. In this case, you can’t help Fry in pan on medium heat The A3’s swift characteristics buy devour yet appreciate Makes 20-25 hail from its 1.8L, direct the goodness a “home” injected and turbocharged cooked meal can have. The 4-cylinder engine. With a family then gathers around the dinner table, says grace, healthy dose of 170 horsepower and 199 lb-ft of torque, and digs in. I had everything I needed. Was it worth it? That’s obvious of an answer as is the The competency of its front MacPherson Strut with response to, “Do you want seconds?” Lower Wishbones and 4-link rear suspension with sepThe meal was priceless but the 2015 Audi A3 1.8 TFSI arate spring/shock absorber arrangement at highway has a starting of $31,100. speeds is confidence inspiring. It doesn’t waver with Check out the Question of the Week and if you want the speed and feels firmly planted. And for a small-ish more info about the A3, visit vehicle, that’s always a good thing. The Audi A3 itself isn’t boring by design, but the long
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 Castlegar News
Optima SX Turbo AT shown Δ
hwy / city 100km: 5.7L/8.9L
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hwy / city 100km: 5.3L/7.3L Forte SX shownΔ
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Offer(s) available on select new 2014 models through participating dealers to qualified customers who take delivery by June 30, 2014. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. All offers are subject to change without notice. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,665, other fees and certain levies (including tire levies) and $100 A/C charge (where applicable) and excludes licensing, registration, insurance, other taxes and variable dealer administration fees (up to $699). Other dealer charges may be required at the time of purchase. Other lease and financing options also available. 0% financing offer for up to 84 months available O.A.C to qualified retail customer, on approved credit for the new 2014 Forte LX MT (FO541E)/2014 Optima LX AT (OP742E)/2014 Rio LX MT (RO541E) with a selling price of $14,584/$22,802/$12,584 and includes delivery and destination fees of $1,485, tire tax of $15, A/C charge ($100 where applicable) and a cash bonus of $2,918/$3,500/$2,918 (which is deducted from the negotiated price before taxes). Bi-weekly payments of $80/$125/$69 for 84 months with $0 down payment. Credit fees of $0. Total obligation is $14,584/$22,802/$12,584. See retailer for complete details. ∞Cash purchase price for the new 2014 Forte LX MT (FO541E)/2014 Optima LX AT (OP742E)/2014 Rio LX MT (RO541E) is $14,584/$22,802/$12,584 and includes a cash bonus of $2,918/$3,500/$2,918 (which is deducted from the negotiated price before). Retailer may sell for less. §Cash Bonus amounts are offered on select 2014 and 2015 models and are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. $4,000 cash bonus only available on the 2014 Optima Hybrid. Offer ends June 30, 2014. See your dealer for complete details. ΔModel shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2014 Forte SX (FO748E)/2014 Optima SX Turbo AT (OP748E)/2014 Rio4 SX with Navigation (RO749E) is $26,395/$34,795/$22,295. Highway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2014 Rio LX+ ECO (A/T)/2014 Forte 1.8L MPI 4-cyl (M/T)/2014 Optima 2.4L GDI (A/T). These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. °The Bluetooth® wordmark and logo are registered trademarks and are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 1Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Sirius XM Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.
Castlegar News Thursday, June 5, 2014 A27
Father’s Day Experts! Dad gets to be king of his castle at least one day during the year. Come mid-June, children near and far scramble for ideas to treat their fathers to a special day and award him with gifts for being a role model, provider and confidante. Father’s Day activities should be centered around Dad’s interests. With that in mind, the following are some ideas to honor Dad or another special man in your life. * Sports Sunday: If Dad is a sports fan, his idea of spending a fun-filled afternoon very well may be cheering on his favorite players. Whether your father enjoys golf, tennis, baseball, soccer, or another sport like hunting or fishing, chances are there is a television broadcast on that you can watch together. Otherwise, you can surprise Dad by purchasing tickets to a sporting event and making a day of it at the ballpark.
* Beach bound: A relaxing day at the beach may be the perfect way to spend Father’s Day. Dad can enjoy the entire family while sitting back in his beach chair and watching the waves roll in. Pack a picnic lunch with his favorite foods and a cold beer, and Dad may just say this was his best celebration yet. * Adventure seeker: If yours is a father who enjoys living on the edge, a Father’s Day activity built around action and adventure should be a winner. Take Dad base jumping, rock climbing, scuba diving, or race car driving. Any of these activities is bound to get Dad’s adrenaline pumping. * R&R: Dad’s idea of the perfect Father’s Day may be an afternoon free of obligations and deadlines. A relaxing day in the yard swimming laps in the pool or hitting a few grounders to your waiting baseball mitt may be all the excitement he needs. Toss a few steaks on the grill to give Father’s Day a truly perfect ending.
The Kootenay South Youth Soccer Association (KSYSA) Under 14 Boys Rep team took a silver medal at a recent Nelson Tournament. Future games include potential qualification for the Provincial B Cup hosted in Richmond, BC in July. Pictured from left to right, are, Front: Ben Fogal, Kody Babakaiff; Middle: Michael Schlender, Aiden Jenner, Brandon Costa, Keenan Crossman (goalkeeper), Alex Sucra, Julian Jinjoe; Back: Rob Fogal (coach), Joshua Fogal, Noah Larocque, Garrit Ciardullo, Spencer Zappavigna, Jake Pottle, Darrin McBee, Steve Crosman (coach).
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 Castlegar News
2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600
200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000
1881 Harvey Avenue (250) 860-1975
101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. (250) 493-3800
101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000
#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600
2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600
Villiage Green Mall (250) 542-1496
ANDRES WIRELESS Cherry Lane Mall (250) 493-4566
#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600
2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600
WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600
745 Notre Dame Drive (250) 851-8700
200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000
745 Notre Dame Drive (250) 851-8700
Aberdeen Mall (250) 377-8880
215 - 450 Lansdowne Mall (250) 377-8007
200-1965 Columbia Ave. 101 Kootenay St. North (250) 365-6455 (250) 426-8927
Chahko Mika Mall (250) 352-7258
300 St. Paul Str. (250) 377-3773
2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600
154 Victoria Str (250) 314-9944
WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600