Clearwater Times, June 05, 2014

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Thursday, June 5, 2014 ▼ Volume 50 No. 23 ▼ ▼ $1.35 Includes GST




Second Place Best All Round Newspaper Third Place Best Editorial Page All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2013

Local trail riders help sick kids. See page A13 inside.

Second Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2013

Orange versus orange Clearwater U13 soccer players (l-r) Parker Collins, Zara Bieber, Piet Oud and Ev LaBranche battle for the ball during the first annual Clearwater Footy Festival on Sunday, June 1. Two Clearwater U13 teams, two U10 teams and three U8 teams took on five teams from Barriere during the fun event. Also see article on page A14

Photo by Keith McNeill

Heavy rain brings high water to rivers and creeks Keith McNeill High water created a number of incidents in the upper North Thompson Valley last week but it appears that no major damage resulted. Possibly the most serious was a blocked culvert at Second Canyon Creek on the road to Wells Gray Park. The blockage threatened to wash out the road, which is the only access to and from the Upper Clearwater. It appears that the first official notification of the blockage was after schoolbus driver Bill Dowds

noticed that the canyon upstream of the culvert-and-fill crossing was nearly full of water as he drove north on Monday morning, May 26. Dowds asked the parents at his first pickup to phone highways maintenance and inform them of the situation. The schoolbus driver had the highways maintenance representative walk the crossing to verify that it was safe before Dowds drove the busload of students over it. A crane with several large hooks on the end of its cable was brought in but seemed unable to dislodge the debris piled up in front of the culvert.

A number of six-inch pumps were used to lower the water level so that an excavator could get close enough to the intake to clear it. In the meantime, ThompsonNicola Regional District issued an evacuation alert to the residents of Upper Clearwater on Tuesday evening. People were advised to locate all family members and pets, and be prepared to evacuate their residences. The evacuation alert was rescinded on Wednesday morning after the excavator cleared the culvert intake. Continued on page A2

The Clearwater River reaches near the top of the barriers protecting Clearwater Bible Camp on Tuesday, May 27 – about the peak of high water. Photo by Keith McNeill







Thursday, June 5, 2014 Clearwater Times

Hickson promotes Geopark status for Wells Gray Keith McNeill Wells Gray Park has a unique geological history that deserves designation as a UNESCO Geopark and even a World Heritage Site, according to Dr. Cathie Hickson. Some of the most valuable geological sites are located just outside the park in what Hickson calls the Three Gorges area – First, Second and Third canyons. Any logging there needs to take into consideration geological, tourism and other values, she feels. Those two points seemed to be the gist of a presentation Hickson made Saturday evening, May 31, as the windup of re-opening celebrations at the Wells Gray Infocenter. Hickson started doing research in Wells Gray Park in

1981 and did her Ph.D. thesis on the volcanoes in the park. What is really unique about the park is that the volcanoes preserve evidence of several of the Ice Ages that have occurred during the past few million years. Geologists know that there have been several glaciations but most of the evidence comes from cores taken from under the ocean. On land, each succeeding glacial period has destroyed the evidence for the previous ones – except in Wells Gray Park and a few other places. “I call Wells Gray 'Fire and Ice',” she said. “Few other places in the world have its combination of glaciers and volcanoes in its history.” The park has a 3 million year history of volcanism.

There are 22 identified volcanic vents, many of which developed under glaciers. The extensive lava flows have resulted in the many waterfalls that Wells Gray is famous for. Vulcanism and glaciation combined to create the extreme topography of the park The Three Gorges area – First, Second and Third canyons – should have a network of trails so people can visit the various volcanic features within it, Hickson felt. Buck Hill is a small volcanic cone that erupted near the end of the last Ice Age. The flat area that is sits on, which Hickson referred to as Sheep Track Bench, was formed by lava being stopped by a glacier in the Clearwater River valley.

Dr. Cathie Hickson gives a presentation on the geology of Wells Gray Park at the Wells Gray Infocenter on Saturday evening. Hickson formerly worked for the Geological Survey of Canada and did her Ph.D. thesis on the volcanoes of the park. Photo by Keith McNeill

Feds seek comments on Ruddock Creek DISTRICT OF CLEARWATER

What’s Happening WHAT’S HAPPENING?

Legion Summer Saturdays the Clearwater Legion is sponsoring a series of Bar-B-Q and Music nights this summer, on alternate Saturdays, starting June 7th and running until August 30th. Contact Loyd for information: 250-674-2695

Clearwater Canoe Regatta Committee will meet on June 9th, 2013 to get underway. If you are interested in assisting, please email

Outdoor Community Soccer (Grades 8 to Adult): Tuesdays, 5:30pm-7:00pm, CSS Field, $2 Drop In.

Indoor Community Soccer (Grades 8 to Adult): Thursdays, 7:30pm-9:00pm, CSS Gym, $2 Drop In.

FREE Community Tennis: Thursday May 22nd–June 19th, 6:00pm– 7:00pm, Rotary Tennis Courts. Wells Gray Rocks: Summer Event Series: May 31st-September 13th, 2014 celebrating Wells Gray Park’s 75th Birthday! Night market – June 19th-September 4th, at Wells Gray Information Centre

Water Restrictions:

OTTAWA/ CNW/ - As part of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Ruddock Creek Mine project. The proposed underground lead/ zinc mine is located about 30 km east of Avola near Tum Tum Lake. To assist it in making its decision, the agency is seeking comments from the public on the project and its potential effects on the environment.

The government of B.C. has requested the substitution of the provincial environmental assessment process for the federal CEAA 2012 process, if it is determined that an environmental assessment is required. The agency is also seeking comments on this request. In accordance with CEAA 2012, Minister of the Environment Leona Aglukkaq must approve the substitution request if she is satisfied that the conditions for substitution under CEAA 2012 are met and if she is of the opinion that the B.C. process would be an appro-

Water restrictions are now in effect until September 30th, 2014. Watering hours will be between 6:00am-10:00am and 6:00pm-10:00pm. Even numbered properties may water on even numbered days. Odd numbered properties may water on odd numbered days (for example: house number 366 may water on 2nd, 4th etc. of month and house number 125 may water on 3rd, 5th etc. of the month).

Fire Restrictions – Outdoor Fires: Residential: Open burning of dry garden and yard refuse is allowed during spring and fall each year without a permit (must not be larger than 1 meter by 1 meter and shall not be more than 1.5 meters high), however, open burning is banned within the District of Clearwater effective June 15th until October 1st. Commercial: Permits are required. To obtain a Burning Permit, please complete Schedule “E” of the Clearwater Volunteer Fire Department Regulation Bylaw No. 79, 2011, available at

Upcoming Events: June 8th – Free Dump Day, Clearwater Eco-Depot June 14th – Rotary Golf Tournament – Lacarya Golf Course June 28th – Canfor BBQ – Rotary Sports Park 12:00pm - 2:00pm July 1st – Canada Day

Civic address: 132 Station Road Box 157, Clearwater,B.C. V0E 1N0 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 District Office Ph: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 email address:

priate substitute for an environmental assessment of this project by the agency. A summary of the project description and more information on this project are available on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry website, reference number 80072. The government of B.C.'s request is in accordance with a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency and the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office to enable efficient and timely use of the

District of Clearwater PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING Presentation of the District’s Development Procedure Bylaw Please be advised the Council of the District of Clearwater will be holding a Public Information session to consider the freshly updated Development Procedure Bylaw #118, 2014 on: Tuesday, June 17th, 2014 at 7:00 pm In the Council Chambers 132 Station Road, Clearwater, BC Copies of the 2014 Development Procedure Bylaw will be available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Municipal Hall, 132 Station Road, Clearwater, BC. A copy has also been posted on the District’s website at This notice is given in accordance with Section 94 of the Community Charter. Leslie Groulx, Chief Administrative Officer

CEAA 2012 substitution provisions. The MOU and a backgrounder on substitution under CEAA 2012 are available on the agency's website. Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency will post a decision on its website stating whether an environmental assessment is required. A notice of the Minister's decision on the substitution request will also be posted to the agency's website if it is determined that a federal environmental assessment is required. All comments received will be considered public. Written comments must be submitted by June 19, 2014 to: Ruddock Creek Mine Project Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 410-701 West Georgia Street Vancouver, British Columbia V7Y 1C6 Telephone: 604666-2431 Fax: 604-666-6990 RuddockCreek@

Read us online at www. clearwatertimes. com

Clearwater Times Thursday, June 5, 2014 A3

Chamber of Commerce selling off Clearwater dollars Times Staff Interested in collecting coins or local memorabilia? Clearwater and District is selling off its supply of trade dollars. Originally created to promote Wells Gray’s Park 50th anniversary in 1989 and Clearwater’s 65th anniversary in 1990, the tokens are uncirculated, shiny, and 32 mm in size. Money raised by the sale will be used for highway signage. Below is an outline of their history by Chamber treasurer Anne (Goldie) Krawec: Did you know? By Anne Krawec In 1988, Jim London, Chamber president, said we should have some “Clearwater Bucks”. Being a money and coin collector, I volunteered for the project. I researched having paper money printed by the B C Lottery Commission. When it became evident that the printing of paper money was not a good idea, I then pursued the venture to make coins or tokens to be used as legal currency within the Chamber area. I eventually found the Sherrit-Gordon Mint in Fort Saskatchewan, AB. The first trade dollar or token was issued

by the Clearwater and District Chamber of Commerce in the spring of 1989. It was made of nickel bonded steel, size 32 mm. One side has an image of Jerry the Moose for Wells Gray Park's 50th anniversary. The other side has a highlighted North American moose in the centre, plus “Gateway to Wells Gray Park”. Jerry was a real moose that was raised near the park ranger station at the entrance to Wells Gray Park. In 1990 Clearwater celebrated its 65th anniversary as a post office called Clearwater Station. To commemorate this occasion a token was also minted. This coin depicts Raft Peak; on the slopes are trees, a person skiing, and a man fishing near a river. These trade dollars were used as legal currency in our area. Most businesses and the banks accepted the tokens as real currency. Now, 25 years later and with Wells Gray Park’s 75th anniversary and next year being Clearwater’s 90th anniversary, the Chamber is selling off its supply of these non-redeemable tokens as a way of making money for Chamber highway signs. If any business wishes to market these shiny uncirculated coins as tourist memorabilia or gifts, please contact the Chamber Office at or phone 250674-3530 to find out more information.

Victims' family seeks help to keep killer of six people behind bars Keith McNeill More names are needed on a petition to keep convicted killer David Shearing (Ennis) in jail, says Tsawwassen resident Shelley Boden. In 1982 Shearing murdered her uncle, Bob Johnson, along with his wife, two daughters, and his wife's parents. The killings took place north of Clearwater, just outside Wells Gray Park. “It's been a nightmare ever since, but it's getting worse when he comes up for parole every few years,” Boden said. Shearing was sentenced

to life imprisonment with no chance of parole for 25 years in 1983. He first applied for parole in 2008 but was turned down. He applied again in 2012 with the same outcome. Now he has applied for a third time, with the hearing scheduled Sept. 4 at a federal prison near Innisfail, Alberta. This time he is asking for either full parole or day parole, which would see him stay at a halfway house. “He already has the halfway house in Calgary that he wants to go to picked out,” the family spokesperson said.

Several members of the family are terrified that, if he is released on parole, he will come after them. Considering that he's already killed six family members, this is not an unreasonable fear, Boden felt. “He's a monster. He will re-offend ... that's our opinion anyway,” she said. Copies of the petition are available at several locations in Clearwater. Alternatively, there is an online petition at Boden asked that people be careful to put their names on only one, not both.

Walk With Your Doc Doctors (l-r) John Soles, Alice Gwyn and Mark Walton take part in Walk With Your Doc in Clearwater on Monday evening, May 26. Close to 20 local residents took part in a chance to walk several kilometers with the physicians. Soles has been a doctor in Clearwater for many years while Gwyn and Walton, a husband and wife team, started their practice in May. Walk With Your Doc is a province-wide initiative held to promote the benefits of daily activity. Photo by Keith McNeill

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FREE FamiLy FiSHing Day

Blockage threatens Blackpool residence Continued from page 1 Washouts of similar culvert-and-fill crossings at First and Third canyons, plus Spahats Creek on the road to Wells Gray Park in previous years resulted in Upper Clearwater being cut off for up to several days at a time. An inadequately cleared culvert also might have been involved in a situation in Blackpool. There a home's carport suffered some flooding. Sand

bags provided by the TNRD plus assistance from members of Blackpool Fire Department in clearing the culvert helped alleviate the situation. The BC River Forecast Centre issued a high streamflow advisory for the North Thompson River and a flood warning for the Clearwater River for a while. Doug Trotter, owner of Interior Whitewater and with many years of experience on the

Clearwater River, was surprised the river came up as quickly and as much as it did. The snow pillows in Wells Gray Park had been showing

below or normal snow levels all winter, he noted. Several days of heavy rain plus rising temperatures apparently made the difference.

Important Notice Clearwater ATV Club General Meeting

Agenda: Vote in new executive. If no interest is shown to keep the club going the present executive of 5 years will dissolve the club. Please attend if you are interested in saving this club. Tuesday, June 17, 2014 @ 7 PM Wells Gray Inn Banquet Room


Alpine Meadows Resort, Hallamore Lake For all ageS anD abiliTieS!

Learn where, when and how to catch fish – including: • Fish identification and biology • Habitats and conservation • Tackle and rod rigging • Casting and retrieving • Fish handling and fishing ethics • Safety and fishing regulations Because this event takes place during BC’s annual Family Fishing Weekend, Canadian residents don’t even need a fishing licence.

eVenT SCHeDUle 9-10 am FREE Learn to Fish lesson 10-12pm Fishing 11:30-1 pm bbQ lunch For more information, contact: Mark Green or Chris Kreke @ the Clearwater Trout Hatchery, 250-674-2580. No experience required! Rods & boats will be available. Electric Motors only on Hallamore Lake


Thursday, June 5, 2014 Clearwater Times


“ Generally speaking, the poorer person summers where he winters.” - Fran Lebowitz, humorist

editorial by keith mcNeill

Compromise needed for Upper Clearwater logging controversy

Letter writer calls for logging moratorium Editor, The Times:

I have lived in Upper Clearwater for only two years – but in that time have come to love this valley and greatly respect its residents. I was totally dismayed to learn of Canfor's plans for our valley: first to salvage log the dead pine, and then to return to clearcut whatever is left. Even more disturbing to me is Canfor's claim that it has addressed the concerns of the local residents! This is simply not the case, and it's no wonder that so many

valley residents are outraged. A letter from Terry Lake has recently gone round the valley and makes it obvious that Canfor and the provincial government are both working with a single view in mind: fibre. I'm told that the Clearwater Valley in general and Wells Gray Park in particular contributes about $20 million to the local economy every year. Is it really possible that our elected government officials - and for that matter Canfor itself – can fail to

BC Press Council

understand that people don't come here to look at clear-cuts? Having a wilderness park like Wells Gray in our backyard is every bit as much a gold mine as Harper Creek would be. The only difference is that tourism, unlike logging and mining, is sustainable, year after year after year. Can we please have a moratorium on industrial logging north of Spahats so that we can all work this out to everyone's benefit?

P. Gregson Upper Clearwater, B.C.

The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Times THE

NORTH THOMPSON Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council

Here is a possible compromise solution to the Upper Clearwater logging controversy. Canfor-Vavenby should give up its logging rights in the west slope of Trophy Mountain and transfer them to Wells Gray Community Forest. Quite a few years ago, Weyerhaeuser had meeting after meeting after meeting with residents of East Blackpool about logging. They went on for years. Today, the community forest is logging in that same area and we haven't received a single letter to the editor about it. Perhaps the community forest isn't working in contentious areas and perhaps the more argumentative types on both sides have moved on. A more likely explanation for the lack of contention is trust. The people of East Blackpool trust those involved with the community forest more than they do those who work for a major forest corporation. A community forest has a different set of objectives than those of a major corporation. The first objective of a community forest is to help the community. If you spoil the community’s watershed by cutting corners, you haven’t achieved your objective, even if you make a little extra money to later distribute as grants. Why not just make the area of concern near the Upper Clearwater part of the park, and preserve the forest forever? Well, “forever” is a very big word. In this part of the world, if left to its natural cycles, every forest eventually burns. In 1926 a fire that started near Spahats swept north and destroyed much of what is

now called Upper Clearwater. Today, that forest is regenerating. The trees are getting bigger, and the deadfall and undergrowth are accumulating. Eventually, if it is not logged, it will burn again (and this is not to say that areas that have been logged can't burn as well – they can, but there is that much less fuel for the fire). Another factor to consider is funding. In a talk she gave Saturday evening as part of the Infocenter's grand re-opening, geologist Dr. Cathie Hickson described a network of trails on the west slope of Trophy Mountain that would allow access to the various volcanic features of the area. Where would the money come to build and maintain those trails? BC Parks doesn't have adequate funding to maintain the trails it already has in Wells Gray Park, much less take on new ones. If the west slope of the Trophies was part of Wells Gray Community Forest, then at least part of the trail network could be constructed during logging. Building the rest of the trails, and then maintaining the network, could be done, in part, with grants from the community forest. Wells Gray Community Forest already has plans to apply to the provincial government for additional tenure area. That additional tenure area should include the west slope of the Trophies – the main item in the Upper Clearwater logging debate. As with all compromises, everybody would not get everything he or she wants. It would, however, help to solve a controversy that could potentially be damaging to this community.

Crime victims deserve better Editor, The Times:

Cathy McLeod's latest mailer arrived in my mailbox a couple of days ago, aimed at promoting the proposed Canadian Victims Bill Of Rights. As I see it, the Harper government is using this bill mainly to score political points, exploiting the public's natural sympathy for victims of crime. Harper's new bill is actually more about positioning the Conservative Party for next year's federal election. Ms McLeod is just repeating her

party's line pretty much word for word. If you think that I am being cynical, read the bill for yourself. The fact is that victim services programs already exist in all Canadian provinces and territories. Any new bill to help victims of crime should provide increased funding for these existing services, as well as include new measures to reduce the worsening backlogs which so often delay trials. Harper's new bill has no commitment to funding, and it will

likely add to courtroom delays, not reduce them. Victims of crime absolutely deserve more support. But this bill won't provide the kind of assistance that really counts, no matter what Cathy McLeod's taxpayer-funded pamphlet says. This message, just like the messages in all of her home mailers, simply promotes the Harper brand. Victims of crime deserve more than that.

Murray Dickson Kamloops, B.C.

74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email:

Subscribe to the Times

Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $57.75; 2 years $110.25 Prices include GST

Clearwater Times Thursday, June 5, 2014 A5

Question of the Week


Do you think Highways should replace the culvert at Second Canyon with a bridge?

Stu Bates:

I don't think so. They just upgraded the culvert a few years ago.

Ann Bates:

Yes, I like bridges better than culverts.

Michael Dennis:

If it's going to wash out, you should have a bridge. Next year we could have even more snow.

Alta Kruger:

With the culvert, we thought it was going to end up flooding, so yes, it should be replaced.

Tammy Whelen:

It should be considered, given that it's the gateway to Wells Gray Park.

Rafting company owner supports logging freeze Editor, The Times:

I’m writing this letter to express my concern over the proposed logging of the Clearwater River corridor by Canfor. I am the owner of Interior Whitewater and, hard to believe, but we are going into our 33rd season of rafting on the Clearwater River. First off, I’m not against logging. Anybody who has lived in this town for any length of time knows that logging has been at the forefront of Clearwater’s economy for a very long time and has contributed hugely to the economic growth of Clearwater. I have many friends in that industry and by no means would I like to see it disappear in this area or for that matter this province. We can talk about the value of Wells Gray Park becoming a World Heritage Site or Geopark with UNESCO. Or that tourism this year may contribute as much as $20 million to the local economy with over half a million visitors this year. These facts can be obtained from the District of Clearwater office and I think most people

agree now that tourism will probably provide a wide range of benefits for Clearwater and Wells Gray Park in the future. Will this be enough to keep this town healthy and prosperous? Probably not. Logging and other industries will be needed. But really what I want to talk about is how logging may be affecting the Clearwater River and the valley now and in the future. I do not want to make myself sound like an expert in the subject of fallout from poor logging practices because I’m not. But what I am good at is being able to tell the story of the River Road and what I’ve seen along both sides of the river during that time. We are seeing creeks run where they’ve never run before. Small creeks in the past are turning into large creeks that flash and wash culverts out constantly. Water events are happening on the west side of the Clearwater these days at an alarming rate that we’ve never seen before. Is it the logging that has taken place in the Tree Farm License over the last few years?

Logging could threaten Upper Clearwater's water and road access Editor, The Times:

As a long-time resident of the Upper Clearwater (my parents homesteaded here in 1938), I am increasingly worried about potential threats to both our road and our water supply. There is only one access into the valley, a fact made painfully clear when we lost the road at First Canyon, Spahats, and Moul Creeks – and almost (not once but twice) at Second Canyon Creek. Many of us obtain our household, livestock, and irrigation water from the many small streams that flow from the western slope of Trophy Mountain. What impact will logging on these slopes have on our present safe water supply? And on our only road into the valley?

Ellen Ferguson Upper Clearwater, B.C.

I don’t have an answer to that but it makes one think. And that brings me to my point. I believe we need to think the Canfor deal through a little more and take a good look at the short term benefits we are trading for the potential long term ugly things that may happen because of the result of the proposed logging. The importance of our viewscapes along the Clearwater River corridor are going to be what separates us from so many other areas competing for the tourist dollar in the future and tourism is going to be here long after the blocks have been logged and Canfor has packed up and left. Sometimes when you have something magical in your backyard you tend to take it for granted. But what I know for sure is that the Clearwater River is an absolute gem in this province. I describe the Clearwater as the last big volume, free-flowing river of its kind that eventually empties into the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of North America. If there is

a river that rivals the Clearwater in water purity and visibility, wilderness feel, world class rafting and kayaking, or just plain beautiful viewscapes and site seeing, I’d like to know where. I support the moratorium on the logging with Canfor in the Clearwater Valley. With so much at stake in the future for this town, the valley, and most importantSerious Issues require ly the Clearwater Serious Lawyers River, I strongly believe more • ICBC Claims discussion is • Family Law needed with all • Real Estate stakeholders in an open and transparent pub250-674-2255 or lic process.

Doug Trotter Interior Whitewater Clearwater, B.C.

Capitalism and democracy both seem to be failing Editor, The Times:

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those others that have been tried from time to time.” – Winston Churchill Could capitalism be described in the same terms? Sadly, in the last 10 years or so, capitalism has just been terrible. Bailed out in 2008 by the biggest ever dose of 'socialism' – some $2 trillion – it is still dominated by those (to quote the irrepressible Matt Taibbi) who “... couldn't tell the truth if it sat on their laps playing the ukulele.” Congress faked finance reform and 2,000 paid lobbyists were unleashed to help gut Amendment

716, which (to quote Taibbi again) would have been “... a veritable Hiroshima to the era of greed.” However, by the time the likes of Chris Dodd (Democrat) and Richard Shelby (Republican) were done, the whole mess was watered down so badly it was virtually toothless. The Too Big To Fail – Too Big to Jail Gang emerged triumphant. They were free to dream up more Ponzi schemes – hoarding metal, etc. – designed to increase the cost to others while piling up the loot for themselves. Elsewhere on the planet, the solution to corporate banking malfeasance has been

austerity. In other words, make the peasants pay. Which brings us to the whole question of democracy. It's been utterly mind-blowing to watch those “... gerbils on Benzedrine” (to use the words of Vancouver Courier writer Geoff Olsen) stumble to the polls to cast ballots against their own interests. Whether the landslide victory of a Hindu nationalist party in India or the results of the recent European Union election – is this the wisdom or will of the people? At the present time capitalism is just plain terrible. Sadly, democracy

1-888-374-3161 Jim McCreight is on location in the Interior Savings Insurance office every Wednesday.

seems to be sliding in the same direction.

Dennis Peacock Clearwater, B.C.

Community Forest Advisory Committee Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Community Resource Center 7:00 PM

Everyone is invited to learn more about the committee, discuss concerns or ideas about our Community Forest and participate in the discussions. Any questions or comments please call Abbey at 674-2127.




New Westminster residents Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hilton took over the Wells Gray Hotel from Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knight. The Knights had owned the hotel for nine years. Art and Vi Mayer, formerly of Coquitlam, took over the Jasper Way Motel from Mr. and Mrs. Dave Phipps. The inaugural meeting of the Yellowhead Highway Association, held in Edmonton, was termed a "colossal success" by its sponsors.



Bev Buck was to teach the "Learn to Swim" classes at Dutch Lake. Peg Hess was to teach Tadpoles, Minnows and Polliwogs. Parents at Star Lake School formed a Parents and Citizens Group to assist the staff and raise funds. President was Mrs. Keith Duffy and vicepresident was Dave Maxwell.


Thursday, June 5, 2014 Clearwater Times


Presenters scheduled to appear at the Royal Commission into Uranium Mining Policy hearing in Clearwater included CSS Students' Council, Frank and/ or Eleanor Voysey, Daniel Boudreau, L.W. Sakals, Sister R. Jacek, Judy Nistor, Yellowhead Ecological Association, Registered Nurses' Association of B.C., George Briggs, Upper North Thompson Livestock Association, Dr. Robert Woollard, Warren MacLennan, Heather MacLennan, Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital, Ray Jackson and Consolidated Rexspar Minerals and Chemicals Ltd.



Ministry of Forests approved the Clearwater Airport Committee's lease application for 1,000 acres to be used as a site for an airport. The





BACK IN TIME first stage would be to build a 4,000 foot gravelled strip. Cariboo College asked School District 26 trustees for the use of the Birch Island School building as a community college center. Regular classes in the school were to finish with the end of that school year. Candidates in the Strawberry Festival Queen contest were Kenda Gerard, Veronica Hansen, Cindy Fraser, Debbie Pendergast, Louise Gebert and Michelle Turcotte.



Rob Kailley gave the valedictorian address at the CSS graduation ceremony. The class of 74 young


June is Brain Injury Awareness Month in Canada. There have been many stories about brain injuries in sports and motor vehicle crashes that result in life-long disabilities. The Brain Injury Association of Canada is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all Canadians affected by acquired brain injury and promoting its prevention. If you would like to donate, go online to Brachytherapy is a method of treating prostate cancer by placing tiny radioactive pellets near or in the tumour. Now this method of treatment is being used in women with breast cancer as an alternative to external radiation treatment. It’s a “radiation from within” method that is used after surgical removal of a tumour and results in less recurrence of the cancer. The substance called “agar” is a derivative of seaweed and was first used in culturing bacteria back in the 1880s and is still used today for the same purpose. Perhaps one of the most common causes of constipation is not heeding the urge to go. We lead such busy lives that we sometimes ignore what our bodies are telling us. Not a good idea. If you have to strain or have hard stools at least 25 per cent of the time or if you have fewer than three bowel movements per week you may have constipation. Constipation can be a troubling condition. Talk to our pharmacists for advice.

for the second year in a row. His jump of two meters was a personal best. B.C. Parks closed the Clearwater River Road due to concerns that a portion of the road might fall into the river. A washout of the culvert-andfill at First Canyon two years earlier had resulted in a large alluvial fan on the east side of the river, which was diverting the flow to the west.

men and women was the largest to that date. A half-dozen four to six pound suckers had been found in the spawning channel at Dutch Lake, said conservation officer Frank Richter. Richer speculated that some fishermen, unfamiliar with B.C. regulations, had used the coarse fish as live bait, and that some had escaped.




Clearwater River Road should be kept open for general use by the public, said MLA Fred Jackson. He had received several letters in support of keeping the 38 km long former Forestry road open, and only two against.


CLEARWATER, 250-674-3122


The Wells Gray Country services committee approved spending up to $2,000 to bring in crushed red material for the infield at the Vavenby ball park. Author Roland Neave reported that the fifth edition of his perennial classic, "Exploring Wells Gray Park," was now on sale. The CSS Girls Rugby team finished


CSS student Jeremy Meehan won the high jump at the B.C. High School Track and Field Championships



After 20 or 30 years, swimming lessons would once again be held at Dutch Lake. “Red Cross swimming lessons have been held in private swimming pools in the community over the past few years,” said Community Resource Center manager Sylvia Arduini. “However, insurance concerns have made it more and more difficult.” It appeared that senior levels of government were stepping in to help the upper North Thompson Valley. One of the first phone calls Mayor Harwood received after learning about Canfor’s announcement that it planned to close its Vavenby sawmill indefinitely was from M.P. Cathy McLeod. “She wanted to let us know that she’d do whatever she could to help,” said the mayor. Another early phone call of support

was from Terry Lake, the newly elected MLA for KamloopsNorth Thompson. Rental rates for school facilities were on the rise in Kamloops-Thompson School District for all user groups. Over the next two years, School District 73 would incrementally increase its rates for classroom, large room, cafeteria and gymnasium use, making them competitive with other districts.



World famous ethnobotanist and writer Wade Davis opened the Well Gray World Heritage events for 2013. He spoke to a capacity crowd of over 260 people in the CSS Pit, and the next day helped start two Golden Skull treasure hunts at Trevor Goward's home in Upper Clearwater. A study sponsored by Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing and the provincial Ministry of Environment showed that helicopter skiing had little or no impact on mountain caribou. The study was carried out by TRU grad student Katharina Huebel.

Extension sought by Trans Mountain Submitted Trans Mountain filed a notice of motion on May 28 with the National Energy Board (NEB) requesting an extension to the June 4 deadline to respond to Round 1 information requests from intervenors. “Since receiving more than 10,000 questions earlier this month, the company has worked, and continue to work, diligently to provide full and adequate responses to all information requests that we believe are relevant to the List of Issues identified by the NEB,” said a company media release. Despite these efforts, because

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the season with a fourth place finish at the provincial championships. "We've been going for three years, but this is the best we've ever done," said Justin McMain, one of the coaches.

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of the large number of information requests posed, Trans Mountain simply cannot respond with full and adequate responses and is asking for the deadline to be extended to June 27. Trans Mountain expects to complete responses from about half of the 117 intervenors who chose to submit questions, by the original deadline of June 4. “Our team has been working around the clock to answer every question within the scope of the NEB review thoughtfully and with care. The questions cover a variety of subjects including marine operations, environment, engineering,

Watch next weeks paper for our

North Thompson Star/Journal Monday, June 18, 2012 A11

Nature plays a large part in Art by Ecki By Elli Kohnert North Thompson Star/Journal The small settlement of Vavenby is home to Ecki Manthei, a gifted artist who‘s artwork grows out of his connection to nature, and his drive to follow every new idea with a passion that moves him to create what is in his imagination, without delay. Ecki’s home stands out from all others in the Vavenby trailer park where it cannot be missed. Two large life-like eagles formed from wood, seem to be guarding his property. Varieties of creatures also made from wood, line the path to the house; and the ambiance of this place leaves no doubt that an artist lives here. Ecki, and his life partner, Marilyn, arrived in the North Thompson Valley about five years ago. When they saw the trailer court in Vavenby, they “liked it right away and bought it”; a comfortable, quiet place that allows his creativity to flourish. Ecki says he emigrated with his parents from Austria when he was a very young boy in 1945. He has lived and worked in various northern locations in

Canada, and eventually came to live in Cloverdale, B.C. It is there that he began his artistic career. Seashells were his medium then, tells Ecki as he explains how they lend themselves to be made into clocks for instance, or be used as a canvas for his paintings. When the couple eventually settled in the community of Vavenby, it is here that Ecki took on art as his life work. Ecki has transformed one room of their home into an art gallery, where he now displays the numerous ‘Art By Ecki’ creations. The variety of his work is remarkable; it ranges from usable art, like wooden spoons and clocks, to wildlife and nature paintings. Ecki uses antlers for many of his carvings that depict wildlife, especially wolves, in their habitat. “When I am walking in the forest, or along a stream, I often see something that gives me an idea for a project,” says the artist, “I may pick up a rock that would be just right to paint something on, or maybe I am lucky to find a moose or deer antler, and I know right away what I want to

carve on it!” He notes that nearly all the materials he uses in his creations are natural; giving the artwork its special character. Sometimes a person may come into the gallery to view Ecki’s work, and they may purchase a special item of art for their own home. Most of the time though, Ecki and Marilyn market the art work by taking part in craft fairs. “At some I do well, with others I do not,” commented the art-

ist on selling his work through craft fairs. The couple say they have a few tentative ideas in mind for marketing; such as going on the road to sell their creations. But right now, they have no immediate plans that they want to follow. “We like it here in Vavenby,” says Ecki, “We feel comfortable around here, and we do enjoy to be with the friends we have made in the area. For now, ‘Ecki’s Art’ will have its home in the North Thompson Valley .”

(Above) Ecki Manthei of Vavenby shows one of the many antlers he has carved that are displayed in his home gallery. (Top left) Ecki’s life

STAR/JOURNAL photos: Elli Kohnert

finance and emergency and spill response and in some cases, are very detailed and involved,” said Scott Stoness, Kinder Morgan Canada’s vice president of regulatory and finance. “Our motion proposes an extension to this deadline, but we’re hopeful it won’t impact the overall review period set out by the NEB.” Information requests are an opportunity for the NEB or an intervenor to ask written questions or request additional information about the project or Trans Mountain’s application – both the questions and the responses are posted on the NEB’s website.

Clearwater Times Thursday, June 5, 2014 A7

ASPEN Bonne Chance to all! Stay fit and healthy Congratulations Robert & Liana 250-674-0001

Service Centre

Good luck in the future to all grads

Good luck, Congratulations you did it!!


Have a successful life!

True Service

Congrats to the 2014 Grad Class



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Good luck in whichever path you choose in life

Congrats to Shai Richardson and all the 2014 Grad Class. All the best in your Future

Best of luck in your future Old Hwy #5 Clearwater B.C. 250 674-3768


Wishing my lovely daughter Tori and all of her Grad Class all the best in their future endeavors ~ Marilou Roy ~

Westwin Realty 250-674-1974


Congratulations Love Mom & Jimmy Janie’s General Store Blue River 250-673-0011

All the best to 2014 Grads

Congrats to Celina Trainer. Best Student! Best Employee! I am going to miss her

M. W. Sharke Contracting 250-674-2146

Good luck in the future!


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Congratulations to all the Grads You did it Larissa!

May the Lord bless your steps and watch over you Class of 2014 Cal: 250-674-3578 • 250-674-8586 NEW LOCATION: 1240 Bain Road

Congrats 2014 Grads! All The Best

Congrats Celina Trainer All the best in your future endeavors

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Clearwater/Wells Gray KOA 373 Clearwater Valley Road


~ Manny Dhillon

We wish the Grad Class of 2014 continued success in their future endeavours

Page 1


Dream Big!


3:44 PM


Lee Johnston

Congrats Larissa!! You Did It!!


of Blue River

All the best to you in your future endeavors

The AIR& MILES Program, another gre Donna Dean & Family ®

A.O.K Medical Services 250-571-3778 • 250-674-8851


TAYLOR RHODES on your achievement. We are very proud of you Love Nanny & Poppy

Congratulations Taylor Rhodes and Grads of 2014

Clearwater Towing Ltd.


Congratulations Taylor Rhodes We are so Proud of you Love Mom, Dad, Colby, Brit & Dylan

Way to go Grads of 2014 Wadlegger Specialty Forest Products (250) 674-3522




Love Cathy & Ashley

We love you! Mom & Ashley


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Demolition - Land Clearing - Site Prep ExcavationDemol - Backhoeion -ServiLandceCl-eSkiaridnStg -eSierte- Snow Prep Removal All YouritGravel - Sand - Top Soil Needs ng - CraneServiTruck ExcavatioTrucki n - Backhoe ce - Ski- Watd Steeerr --Dump Snow Removal Paul Al l Your Gravel Sand Top Soi l Needs WE BELI E VE I N SUPPORTI N G OUR COMMUNI 250.819.3205 Trucking - Crane Truck - Water - DumpTY! 250.6Paul 72.5733 3%AlofleachYourinvoiGravel ce wil be-donat tilesNeeds & bursaries SandedNto-GlTopoOURcal chariSoiCOMMUNI WE BELIEVE IN SUPPORTI TY!


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Thursday, June 5, 2014 Clearwater Times

l be donatRealty edNtoGloOUR cal chariCOMMUNI ties & bursariTeY!s Solutions WE3% ofBELIeachEinVEvoiIcNe wiSUPPORTI

3% of each invoice wil be donated to local charities & bursaries BEST OF LUCK ON YOUR JOURNEY

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Larissa Hadley Ph: 250-674-3999 Cell: 250-674-1514 2-32 Old N Thompson Hwy

On of a kind Jairus! So Proud! Congrats ! Love you so much! Mom & Dave xoxo

Grads 2014 You’re on your Way! Congrats!


OLE KJENSTAD 250-674-1653

Congrats class of 2014

Corner Café & Catering



you need us, we’re close by” 250-674-2955 343 Clearwater Valley Rd 250-674-3310

When a death occurs, I’m here to help you, every step of Hard... You have a the way. 24 hours a day,Work every day. Congratulations If you have made pre-arrangements elsewhere and would pension plan to maintain AND DRIVE like to discuss having your local funeral home “When you need us, we’re close by” takeSAFELY care of you, please feel free to call. ICBC / M.V. OFFICE


All the best to the Grads of 2014 “”When


V0E 1N2

Congratulations Jairus! Love Roger, Cindy & Chris xoxo

Call Drake at 250-674-3030 or 1-877-674-3030 day or night. Drake Smith, MSW

(Funeral Director/Owner)

Hope to see you all achieve your dreams! Congrats to the class of 2014 Yellowhead Community Services 250-674-2600 •

Congratulations to Taylor Rhodes & graduating class of 2014. All the best in your future plans

52 Ridge Restaurant

373 Clearwater Valley Road 250-674-3918

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GRADS OF 2014 All the best in your future plans McFive Enterprises Ltd.

a door!

T/F: 250.674.0071 73 Taren Drive, Box 2404 RR2 WWW.NEST-TIMBERHOME.CA Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N0 Tel: 250-674-3030 or 1-877-674-3030

CONGRATULATIONS 318 Eden Road, Clearwater, BC

Highway 5 Clearwater, BC 250-674-3148

Congratulations to the grad class of 2014. May all your dreams come true

Congrats Wyatt!! Today is your day, take the time to reflect on what you’ve done and relish in your accomplishment. Wishing you all the best for what life now has in store for you! Love you!! Auntie Tammy and Uncle Glen and Dustin xxoo

Congratulations Grads 2014 Highway 5 Little Fort, BC 250-677-4441

#1 Real Estate Resource

North Thompso Good Luck Funeral Servic

73 Taren Drive,

4638 Barriere Town Road, Box 859 Barriere, BC, V0E 1E0 Tel: 250-672-1999 or 1-877-674-3030

you need us, we

When a death occurs, I’m here to he the way. 24 hours a day, every day. If If you have made pre-arrangements opportunity like to discuss having your local funer doesn’t take care of you,knock, please feel free to call build

Clearwater, BC, Funeral Services

Congratulations Kendall! We’re very proud of you for accomplishing this milestone. Now go out, be brave and believe in yourself. Love Mom & Jared



grad class of 2014 on your new adventure!



117 Clearwater Station Rd., Clearwater • 250-674-2663

Clearwater Times Thursday, June 5, 2014 A9

Way to Go Grads of 2014 Congratulations of 2014 ~Grizzly Engraving 250-674-2383

~ MacDonald Lowbed

Love Mom, Dad, John & Brooke

Congratulations to Wyatt & all the grads of 2014 250-674-8181

Congrats Wyatt!

So proud of you! Love you so much!

So awesome to see you achieve your goals! Love you and very proud of you! ~Love Grandma Janet & Grandpa Ken

~ Love mom & dad


Congratulations Maya!

We are so proud of the wonderful young lady you have become and know that you will accomplish all that you set your mind to!

Way To Go Wyatt!


Congratulations to the 2014 Grad Class


CLEARWATER SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 Commencement Ceremonies CSS Gym Friday June 6, 2014 • 7:00pm

Each student will be given 10 invitations that will be taken at the door. These invitations entitle the holders to seating in the chairs provided. Other limited seating will be available on the bleachers. Only students who are in good academic standing will be participating in the graduation ceremonies.

PROM PARADE & GRAND MARCH CLEARWATER SECONDARY GYM Saturday June 7th • 5:00 pm depart Catholic Church – Prom Parade to CSS - Grad Arrival by 5:15pm 6pm - Grads start to line up • 6:15pm - Grand March in the gym

We invite the community to attend the pre-prom festivities and Grand March at CSS to applaud the Grad Class of 2014. Please support this as a family and community event. No alcohol on the premises or outside areas.


Thursday, June 5, 2014 Clearwater Times

Hospital Auxiliary members donate to the hospital Marg. Anderson Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital Auxiliary's annual general meeting (AGM) was held this year on May 1. It was nice that we had excellent representation from the hospital in Lorelei Rogers – nursing service and care leader; Bernadine Easson – community integration health services administrator – ThompsonCariboo rural; Margot Venema – administrative assistant and a quick and nice visit from our two doctors – Dr. J. Soles who

introduced a new doctor – Dr. Steven Broadbent along with his wife. One of our guests was Joanette Goddard, past president of BCAHA, who so kindly did the initiation of our officers for the coming year. With our 2014 Garden Party coming a few days after the AGM and knowing that our fundraising for this event in 2013 was very successful, allowed us to donate over $29,000 to the hospital for some needed equipment – one being a stretcher (a radiographic with scale to be used in the trauma

area) and costing approximately $13,000. Our Garden Party for this year was held on May 4 and very successful. We thank all of you who contributed to this event. This year the event was held at the Wells Gray Inn and we have heard nothing but positive remarks. The food was exceptional and the decorations on the tables was something out of a story book (beautiful). Our auctioneer, Gordon Murison from Hinton, Alberta kept the afternoon lively with his never ending humor.

Our final unit meeting for the season was on June 3 and except for a couple of volunteer meetings, we will have a rest until September, when we begin to make plans for our upcoming Dessert Extravaganza to be held on Oct. 18 at the KOA. The Hospital Auxiliary is always looking for new volunteers (either male or female). If you feel you could donate a few hours a week or month, we ask you to please call either Leslie at 250-674-3205 or Marg. At 250674-3554. The Gift Corner (located just

inside the hospital front doors) or the Thrift Store in Vavenby would love to see new faces. You might even like to attend some of our meetings and enjoy socializing with our busy 'crew'. You may also visit us on our website: On Auxiliary Day (usually May 10) we try and get out in the community to visit all businesses, etc. who so kindly contributed to these fundraising events. This year on May 9 the Auxiliary members delivered chocolate goodies with a special "Thank You".

Parents warned of dangers at grad house parties and bush parties By Tom Fletcher, Black Press

ment is sticking to education to keep grad parties safe this spring, rather than increasing

penalties for "party bus" companies. Officials are more concerned about


The B.C. govern-

VACATION GUIDE Showcase your business with our Award Winning Magazine Our design team will build your ad at

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The guide to summer in the North Thompson is distributed throughout the Province of BC & Alberta, as well as Washington, Oregon and Idaho states

For more information call the North Thompson Star/Journal at 250-672-5611 or the Clearwater Times at 250-674-3343

under-aged drinking at house parties and bush parties than alcohol served in limousines and buses that have become a popular way for young people to go out on the town. Transportation Minister Todd Stone said party bus operators have been reminded that no open liquor is allowed in any vehicle, and inspections will continue with violators risking loss of their licences. Party bus operators have changed their websites and advertising to emphasize that no drinking is allowed on board. At a graduation safety event in Victoria, RCMP and ICBC representatives stressed that there are grad-related fatalities every spring, and the problem extends to adult-sanctioned parties. Inspector Ted Emanuels, officer in charge of the B.C. RCMP's enhanced traffic services, said any event or transportation where alcohol is served to minors is not a safe grad. "The misuse and abuse of drugs and alcohol are the

Police officer removes open liquor from a vehicle at a roadside check. Black Press files

underlying factor in grad events where the police get involved, including physical assault, sexual assault, fights and accidental injuries," Emanuel said. "We know from experience that bad things happen to good kids in these environments. There are also criminal and civil liabilities that you need to be aware of." On average, there are four teens killed in graduation-related vehicle incidents each year in B.C., with another 1,140 injured. Jill Blacklock,

RCMP Insp. Ted Emanuels

ICBC's road safety manager, said parents need to discuss transportation plans with teens before every event they go to, giving them more than one option. Programming taxi numbers into their

phones and checking transit schedules before they go out are recommended. After grad is over, the summer ahead is a time of parties that need the same kind of planning, Blacklock said. Emanuels said one of the most difficult jobs in policing is knocking on somebody's door in the middle of the night to report a fatality. "Answering that door is worse," he said. "Our objective is that your kids wake you up at four in the morning and not us."

“When you need us, we’re close by”

It’s not what you earn, it’s what you keep

When a death occurs, I’m here to help you, every step of the way. 24 hours a day, every day. If you have made pre-arrangements elsewhere and would like to discuss having your local funeral home take care of you, please feel free to call.



Call Drake at 250-674-3030 or 1-877-674-3030 day or night.

Drake Smith, MSW (Funeral Director/Owner)

• Your goals and dreams • Your issues and obstacles • Your success and quality of life


Kamloops (250) 374-5908

Clearwater Times Thursday, June 5, 2014 A11

Students stand with teachers


Salads: Green & Potato Desserts, Cakes and more... Door Prizes Indoor / Outdoor seating

Youngsters (l-r) Cassidy Tucker, Rose Thon and Claire Arduini stand on the picket line at Raft River Elementary on Wednesday, May 28 to show support for their teachers. Rotating strikes are continuing across the province, with School District 73 (KamloopsThompson) scheduled to go out again today (Thursday, June 5). Photo submitted

June 15, 2014 12pm-2pm $12 for Adult $6 for kids (12 and under)

The money we raise goes towards our Halloween Fire Works Show and to provide funds to people of our community who have been affected by fire to buy basic needs


Getting Organized Getting organized means more than making sure you have all the things you will need to find and start work as soon as possible. It also means using your time and energy efficiently and effectively.

We can help!

Passengers aboard Japanese steamer were prevented from entering Canada by a naval vessel in May 1914. City of Vancouver archives

B.C. marks Komagata Maru 100th anniversary Black Press Premier Christy Clark and NDP leader John Horgan joined forces Wednesday of last week to mark the 100th anniversary of the Komagata Maru incident, when a ship carrying 376 Indian immigrants was turned away from Vancouver harbour. Members of the Khalsa Diwan Societies of Vancouver and Nanaimo and descendants of passengers aboard the Komagata Maru, a

Left: Advanced Education Minister Amrik Virk (right) joins Premier Christy Clark and descendants of the Komagata Maru passengers in proclaiming an annual day of remembrance for the incident. Black Press photo

Japanese steamship carrying mostly Sikh veterans of the British armed forces to B.C. in 1914. Clark called the incident "a stain on

the history of Canada" that reflected the racist attitudes of the time. Federal and provincial officials and courts took the position that Indian immigrants

were not culturally compatible with Canadian society. The legislature unanimously endorsed a formal apology for the incident in 2008.


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Workshops will include: Effective Communication Skills; Positive Behaviours; Budgeting Techniques that Work; Accepting, Starting &Maintaining Employment; Networking, Cold Calls & Dress for Success Please contact us for information on how to register for these free workshops

_________________________________________________ CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES CENTRE 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250- 674-2928 Fax: 250- 674-2938 Hours of operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 – 4:00 Email: Operated by Yellowhead Community Services

The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.


Thursday, June 5, 2014 Clearwater Times

Bike Train to Raft River Elementary School Particpants in a Bike Train that travelled from Rotary Sports Park to Raft River Elementary on Friday morning, May 30. The event was part of Bike to Work Week and was followed by a Bike Rodeo at the school with Clearwater RCMP and Victims Services. Several youngsters biked to school every day during the week, despite rainy weather. Photo by Keith McNeill



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Yes, Third Canyon did wash out

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We recently had a reader question statements in the May 29 issue of the Times that culvert-and-fill crossings at Third, First and Spahats had washed out in previous years. There never was a culvert at Third Canyon, the reader said. In fact, checking our files, there was a culvert at Third Canyon, but it was a while ago and it didn’t last long. According to the May 14, 1969 issue of the newspaper, a culvert-and-fill crossing at Third Canyon on the road to Wells Gray Park had washed out the previous Saturday and was replaced by a Bailey bridge the following day. The culvert-and-fill crossing had been installed the year before. Times file scan

flyers. coupons. deals. savings tips.

Visit Visit flyers. coupons. deals. savings tips. flyers. coupons. deals. savings tips.

NHL Playoffs at the OLD CABOOSE PUB Keeping Hockey Alive

Enjoy a the game with good eats - good people - good beer


Clearwater Times Thursday, June 5, 2014 A13

Helping sick kids’ wishes come true Dan Moss on a mule leads two other riders as they take part in the Children’s Wish Trail Ride put on by Wells Gray Riders Association on Saturday. More than $2,000 was raised for the Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada. Photo by Keith McNeill

Workers check out the damage after debris blocked the culvert under the road to Wells Gray Park at Second Canyon last week. The water rose to close to where they are standing. A line on the rock on the left side of the photo gives an indication of how deep the blockage was. Photo by Keith McNeill

Culvert blocked at Second Canyon Left: One of several large pumps brought in for the situation pumps water from a pond formed upstream of the Second Canyon crossing last week. Photo by Fritz Schaer

(L-r) Candus Graffunder signs up for the Children’s Wish Trail Ride as Rachel Elliot and Christy Dobi handle the registrations. Photo by Keith McNeill

Seeking more support for National Health and Fitness Day

Josh Hemond

Please consider supporting National Health and Fitness Day (NHFD). NHFD is an initiative to raise awareness to all Canadians about the need for everyone to have a fitter lifestyle to counteract the cost of inactivity estimated at $7 billion per year. NHFD is not THE solution but a part of the

solution, since going to the gym once might make one feel good, but the long-lasting results are created by consistently exercising. MP John Weston has created fitness initiatives for parliamentarians and Canadians since 2009, and he introduced NHFD to his colleagues in the House of Commons in the fall of 2012. By 2013, Senator Nancy Greene Raine began to involve

100 Canadian Senators and introduced a Bill to create NHFD in the Senate in fall 2013. Legislators are encouraged to support their local mayors and councillors of cities and towns across the country to proclaim a day to promote health and fitness for their citizens. This enactment motivates their cities and towns to proclaim the national movement of

Highway 5 Little Fort, BC 250-677-4441

proclaiming the first Saturday in June every year as “National Health and Fitness Day.” Recently, National Health and Fitness Day was endorsed by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and its 2,000 members, in Niagara Falls. So far, 132 cities officially proclaimed the day. is our official portal and we have

Highway 5 Clearwater, BC 250-674-3148

Located on Highway 5

several events listed leading to the day. The movement is gaining a lot of momentum and we are happy to see more people involved in creating more events and raising awareness about the benefit of being active. – Josh Hemond is director of communications for John Weston, MP for West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country.


Thursday, June 5, 2014 Clearwater Times


Horse Awareness Ride coming on Saturday Times Staff Wells Gray Riders Association plan to hold their second annual Horse Awareness Ride and Walk on Saturday, June 7 starting at 9 a.m., says club spokesperson Elysia McClennon. Purpose of the ride is to promote safety for horses, riders and pedestrians on the road. “Police will be behind us as escort and a pilot car will be at the front to provide safe arrival from Clearwater New Life Assembly to the Clearwater Stop and back again,” she said. (L-r) Jackson Graffunder, a Barriere player, Gabrielle Mann and Owen Sim take the ball up the field as the Clearwater Crushers take on the Barriere Bears in a U8 game at the first annual Clearwater Footy Festival on Sunday, June 1. Photo by Keith McNeill

Footy Festival is fantastic fun Times Staff The first annual Clearwater Footy Festival was a great success, according to a report from Barb Coates, president of

Clearwater Youth Soccer Association. “A huge part of the day being a success was the great setup we had,” she said. “We are so fortunate to have the field house

and bathrooms that Rotary built, Sherri Elliott from School District 73 maintenance had the fields in excellent shape, the lining equipment we purchased with

Clearwater Rotary Club’s Annual Fun Golf Tournament Date: Saturday, June 14th 10AM Lacarya Golf Course & R.V. Park Best ball shot format Teams or Individuals welcome Lunch and Dinner provided 18 hole tournament Cost is $60 per person Lots of Fun prizes, duck races, etc. To Register call Sandy MacKenzie 5876434, Kevin Podbisky 674-3919, Eilleen Sedgewick 674-2400 or Lacarya @ 587 -6100. Proceeds go towards: Local Community Projects

the grant from the North Thompson Communities Foundation made it possible to make different sized fields for each age group, and we couldn't have hosted the tournament without the goals we purchased with money from Wadlegger Logging and our Clearwater Community Forest grant.” Coates added that having Mel Romeo, District of Clearwater's sports coordinator, help organize the event lightened the load for Clearwater Youth Soccer's already overextended volunteers. “Finally, the CYSA is fortunate to have a great group of parents who pitched in to help set up and clean up,” the president said. Clearwater Rebels won first place in the U13 Division and Barriere Destroyers won the U10 Division. “We are super pleased with our first home tournament and look forward to hosting the Footy Festival next year,” Coates said.

McClennon noted that there is a high population of horse riders in this small community. The ride also helps towards the goal of a Horse Friendly Community that the Wells Gray Riders Association is working very hard at. People will be wearing high visibility vests to provide more education for riders and pedestrians on the importance of being visible to motorists. “Hoping for a successful second year! Thank you for all your support,” the Wells Gray Riders spokesperson said.

Learning bicycle safety

Cst. Michelle Hall gives directions to Cleo Coates during a Bike Rodeo put on by Clearwater RCMP and Victims Services on Friday at Raft River Elementary School. There were 122 participants with bikes and another 146 went through the course without bikes.

Tyler MacDonald gets directions from Cst. Tyson Bruns during the Bike Rodeo at Raft River Elementary. Photos by Keith McNeill

Clearwater Times Thursday, June 5, 2014 A15

Craftsmanship still earns admiration James Murray - Salmon Arm Observer Often have I stood and cast my line to the unknown – to some momentary flash of silver in the waters out of the corner of my eye – all in the hopes of hooking and catching a fish. I have spent long hours standing on a stream bank alone with my thoughts. I have watched a mayfly’s wings fluttering in the light of early morning and listened to the distant sound of autumn leaves rustling the wind. I have spent time on the water without a single nibble and felt the day well worth the effort. Some of my fondest memories are of days spent sitting out on a lake somewhere with my old dog, Duff. She was a devoted fishing partner, the likes of which I will probably never see again. So be it. Fishing was a part of my growing up – it is a part of who I am. I make no excuses for finding simple pleasure in catching fish. And, while I have been asked by my critics why I fish – what possible pleasure can anyone get out of catching a creature simply for the pleasure of playing it to the net and then releasing – my answer remains: if I have to explain, you probably won’t understand.

As a newspaper columnist, I try to put information out there and let people make up their own minds. I certainly do not expect readers to agree with all of my personal opinions all the time. Even Duff didn’t always agree with me. My beliefs and opinions are nothing more than my own. In fact, I have learned much from some of my critics. In certain cases, they have opened my eyes and allowed me to see things differently. For that I am thankful. On the other hand, if all goes well, I plan to keep on fishing until that day comes when my weary old legs can no longer take me into my favourite lakes and streams. Let’s hope that’s a long way off. I do, however, realize that the world around me is continuously changing. Some changes are for the better. Others – well let’s just say that I embrace some changes and try to avoid others. Cane rods have been replaced by ultra high modulus graphite rods. The Pflueger reels I use to buy with my hard-earned allowance at Gerlovin’s Hardware Store as a kid, have been replaced with hand-crafted, machined aluminum reels that cost more than some of the vehicles I’ve owned. Gone are the wooden plugs

with their glass eyes. Gone too are lures with names like Chubb Creek Minnow and flies like the Lady Amhurst and Silver Doctor. We now have Killer Crank Baits, Buzz Bombs, and Hawg-busters. Electronic fish finders and GPS (Global Positioning Systems) devices have made the sport of fishing into a serious business. When an angler goes fishing now, it’s almost as if they are at war with nature itself. I remember, as a kid, rifling through my father’s tackle box and sort of helping myself to a fair number of his bright new wooden plugs. I remember just holding them in my hand, feeling their glass eyes and admiring all the painted detail. I always made a point of taking the ones that were still in cardboard boxes. I used to line them up, one by one, and read all the delightful details about how each individual lure was specially designed to entice fish into biting. I loved looking at the logos on the top and sides of the boxes of a fish jumping out of the water to inhale the lure that was in each box. As a kid, I envisioned those lures on the end of my line and a fish inhaling my lure. In time, I did catch fish on some of the lures. Others I have simply admired – for the better part of half a century.

Concert for extended care residents Raft River Elementary teacher Laura Pickering leads students from her and Elizabeth Shook's classes as they play a recorder concert for the residents of Forest View Place on Wednesday, May 14. For several years Ms. Pickering has taught all Grade 3 students to play recorder, giving them fundamental training in reading and playing music. These May concerts are the culmination of the year's practice. Photo submitted

Free, online textbooks developed for skills training Ministry of Advanced Education VICTORIA – British Columbia is now developing 20 open, online textbooks specifically for post-secondary skills training and technical programs. "British Columbia's open textbooks are already being used by students all over the province who are studying science, arts and business," said Advanced Education Minister Amrik Virk. "Now students taking skills and technical training programs like electrical, oil and gas, tourism, nursing and others will also be able to get some of their textbooks online for free, saving hundreds of dollars. This is another way we're matching education with jobs, ensuring students are getting affordable, accessible training to move from learner to earner."

The open textbooks for skills training and technical programs support the priorities in B.C.'s Skills for Jobs Blueprint to align training with the labour market, and a total of 20 open textbooks will be developed for: * High-demand foundational trades programs, such as carpentry, pipefitting, electrical and plumbing. * Oil and gas programs supporting the LNG industry. * Tourism and hospitality programs. * Adult basic education programs linked to giving students essential skills for trades and technical training. * Mining-related programs. * Health-care programs, such as health-care assistant, practical nursing and registered nursing. The online textbooks will be devel-

oped based on an open call for proposals, and will be available online starting September 2015. The 20 online textbooks for skills training and technical programs are in

addition to the 19 made available in 2013 and the 21 others expected to be ready by September 2014 for 40 highly enrolled first-year and secondyear post-secondary subjects.

Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada and the Wells Grey Riders Association appreciate and wish to thank all who made the Children’s Wish Ride a success. We thank all the riders, all who collected pledges, and all who gave pledges. We also wish to thank the ladies at the Royal Bank for all the paperwork they did without the fun of the ride and Daniela for her mastery of the BBQ.

Our Sponsors

The Horse Barn Greenhawk Hazel’s Housing Home Hardware Mountain Terrace Collectibles & Antiques A&W Jim’s Food Market Tammy Harbidge & Family Noble Quarter Horses

Church Directory

Clearwater Christian Church

“an Independent” congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area.

Your places of worship

Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive (Behind Fields Store)

Sunday Worship Service 10 am On the Web: For information 250.674.3841 or 250.674.2912


3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational

St James Catholic Church

Sunday Service Mass • 11am - 12pm Tuesday & Thursday 10am 324 Clearwater Village Road 250-672-5949 Father Don O’Reilly

Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor Bill Kelly Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468

CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James


Sunday 9am

Rev. Brian Krushel

250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615

Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 5:00pm

Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations

CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am

(Kids church during service)

Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study Thursday 3-5pm Kids Club

Phone: 250-674-2345

308 W Old N Thompson Hwy

COMMUNITY BAPTIST 24E Old North Thompson Hwy

Worship Service 10:30 Pastor Mike Kiewitt 250.674.1332


Thursday, June 5, 2014 Clearwater Times

Home from a 40-day Cousin Quest

Public complaints about forestry summarized in new report

Eleanor Deckert

practices and adequacy of both public involvement processes and government enforcement of the law. Complaints have come from many sources including individuals, water users, environmental and community groups, First Nations, trappers, ranchers and recreationalists. The report findings show that in 70% of cases, provincial legislation is appropriately followed but there is usually room for improvement, particularly when it comes to communication between those carrying out forest and range practices and those affected by them. The board was created in 1995 to ensure industry follows provincial forest and range legislation and government adequately enforces it. The board can investigate public complaints and make recommendations for improvement, but it also tries to help resolve issues and improve resource stewardship whenever possible. All complaint investigations are available on the board's website, along with this latest report: www.

Forest Practices Board VICTORIA – Nearly 20 years of public concerns and complaints about forestry and range practices on B.C.'s Crown land were summarized in a report released by the Forest Practices Board on May 29. "Complaints and concerns provide a barometer of public acceptance of forest and range management, identifying trends and issues that the board will sometimes examine in more detail," said board chair, Tim Ryan. "They provide a measure of how well B.C.'s forest and range lands are being managed and how much confidence the public has in industry and government practices." Since 1995, the board has responded to over 1,100 concerns and 300 complaints, leading to 181 formal recommendations for improvement to forest and range planning, practices and public consultation. Topics most commonly complained about are conservation of forest values such as water, soundness of forest planning and

At some point one becomes aware or one's mortality. For me, that moment is now: my mother is turning 80, my dad is already gone. My husband has outlived his father and I am older now then many photos of my own grandmother. Several aunts and uncles have left this world. It all makes me want to be with my extended family, to reminisce, to laugh, to catch up, to better understand my own family tree. And so, I embarked on a "Cousin Quest." Booking Greyhound, Amtrak and airplane tickets on-line, whipping out my Visa card, paying it all off with on-line banking, I spent many February hours at my computer clicking away, writing lists, making phone calls to ask and then confirm with my children, siblings, cousins, mother, aunts and uncles. Then, over the past few weeks, through 21 states, making 22 stops, sleeping in 29 Sweetnam’s Integrity Realty different beds, for 40 days, I collected hugs from 58 relatives. Interesting famGet The ily history: Good Stuff.Oma my Phil Ransome maternal grandmother, emigrated from Germany when her older sister became 672-9233 ill and gave up her ticket! Opa, her husMurray Purcha band was a chauferton Lambfirst he COUNTRY STOREfeur whenJiem The Times “Th Rambling Man” ANTIQUES arrived in the USA. Paternal grandmother 250-674-2213 Grammie buried her STATION HOUSE MARKET l’s GARDEN Carthe Don’tmother, miss wonders of daughter FRUIT STAND Wells Gray Park! Nature at its best!

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Louis Creek Area


Mountain Rd

or Delivery

Mountain Rd


Power Rd

eal Cutlets • Wraps & More


loop sS





751 Clearwater Village Road Clearwater, BC

Rd ver er Ri


Trau b Rd

Caro line Rd

Harby Rd

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Little Fort General Store


Ford Rd

Small Rd




Gaggin Rd

h Rd

Clearwater 4347 Yellowhead HighwayVillage • BoxRd 889, Barriere BC, V0E 1E0 Phone: 250-672-9423 • Toll Free: 1-888-672-9423 Liquor Store: 250-672-5252 • Fax: 250-672-5586


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It Seems To Me… By Eleanor Deckert

and sister within a year. Grampa moved the family again and again looking for translating and editing and proofreading work. Many of my cousins (like Opa) are selfemployed. I was able to tour and pester them with questions. I trimmed bamboo in Washington to feed elephants, toured a maple sugar bush in Vermont, gathered eggs and held baby turkeys in Colorado. In North Carolina I helped corral horses

who knew the electric fence was off. Physical fitness is high on the to-do list of many cousins and together we hiked Haystack Mountain in Vermont, Pilot Mountain in North Carolina and to the Cascade Falls in Colorado. I attended NIA, Silver Sneakers and Tai Chi classes. Food! We had Mexican, sushi, Italian, tacos, steak, grilled veggie wraps, BBQ, family favourites, cheese cake (I don't know how

many times) and a fabulous Mother's Day brunch prepared by my son in Atlanta. I laughed with my first grandchild, cried when my youngest graduated with a degree in architecture, filled my heart with choir music, remained silently still in the Adoration chapel, and cheered while my mother blew out her 80 birthday candles. Visiting widowed aunts and an uncle who will be leaving the world soon drew me closer to the cousins I share sweet memories with. It seems to me that cousins are my favourite people. Generous, skilled, focused on faith and family traditions, bonded through our story, name and character qualities. Each and together I love them all.

McLure BC • 250-672-9366


Hillside Rd

Park Drive Clearwate r Villag


Blair Pl


Azure Dr

Kidd Rd

Heywood Rd

Candle Creek Rd

Murtle Cr


7:00 AM - 10:00 PM

East. The valley can be reached in an easy day’s drive from the large city of Edmonton in the North East and from North to the metropolis kmVancouver in the West. Blue River 100of Defossee 314 km & JasperColumbia’s Pl British fourth largest city, Kamloops is t Rd Email: Web: Gran Webber Rd the Southern gateway to the North Thompson Valley on Rd ans Sw Honourable Kevin Krueger, MLA OPEN 24 HOURS via Highway 5 (The NORT H TH Sc OM FUEL • CAR WASH ott Yellowhead). Blue River Kamloops - North Thompson PSON Rd RIVER CONVENIENCE STORE is the most Northern Raft Ri TRUCK STOP - SHOWERS ver Rd town of the valley and GREYHOUND BUS SERVICE 9-111 Oriole Road, is nestled in the shadow of the spectacular Kamloops, BC V2C 4N6 FRIENDLY COURTEOUS STAFF Rd Monashee Mountain Lake Dunn Range. Between these Toll Free towns lies a valley with 250-314-6031 for calls from Darfield to Kamloops a natural setting ranging from gentle to rugged; a countryside filled with PHONE: 250-672-5624 vacation possibilities. HWY 5 • BARRIERE, BC Planning/Installing Cleaning The North Thompson Portable Toilets Valley is home to a stress free lifestyle and offers nature Sanding Snow Removal Dump Truck Bobcat at its best for outdoor pastimes as varied as the tourists Backhoe Excavator who visit. Lakes and rivers throughout the valley provide Sand & Gravel Top Soil opportunities that the whole family can enjoy. One can Call Wally or Shawn, R.O.W.P. CERTIFIED experience everything from the rush of white water rafting 250.672.9747 Automobile Service & Parts Wells Gray Golf Lacarya Golf Wells Gray Inn to jet boat tours, or the serenity of paddling a canoe on a Ball Fields North Valley RONA Dairy Queen lake so calm the skyline is mirrored in its waters. Gas Municipal Office Clearwater Times Our back country provides both simple hiking ventures Golf Resource Centre Pharmasave for the novice and rock climbing and mountain biking for Groceries & Produce Old Caboose Bayley’s Bistro Yellowhead Hwy. the more experienced and adventurous. Store Hours: Information Esso Card Lock Safety Mart • Cash Machine • Liquor Store For those who prefer to explore the area from the back Library Supersave Gas Summer: 7 AMCN -Railway 10 PM of a good horse the Barriere area offers over 400 kilometers Lodging• Diesel • Ice • Food • Gas Century 21 Subway Hours: of mapped and maintained trails, with plenty of horse trailer Medical Services • Canada Post Office parking and overnight facilities. North Thompson Sportsplex Summer: 8 AM - 9:30 PM Internationally renowned Wells Gray Provincial Park Pharmacy • Fishing Licenses Agency Hours: lies just north-west of Clearwater, the largest settlement in Picinic Grounds • All Fishing Supplies Summer: 9 AM - 10 PM the valley. This and other Provincial Parks offer camping on Police (RCMP) Office Fort, BC • (250) 677-4224 Fax (250) 677-4231 your own or guided tours, the pace can be set by you. View the Highway 5,Post Little Pl

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Murtle Cr Rd ken Rd Helmc bson Ro


arwater CleTAXI

Phillips Rd S Ka outh m 12 loo to 5 k ps m

Rd Clearwater Valley

Rd Clearwater Valley

Heather Rd

Station Road & Hwy 5 BARRIERE BC

Wildwood Rd Eden Rd

Welcome to


The Times


Foote Rd

Barber Rd


Davoron Rd Jenkins Rd

Raft Peak Rd




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To Wells Gray Park

Kennedy Rd

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Mt. View Rd

Hern Rd

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Wyndhaven Pl

Dutch Lk Rd Lake Rd

aw Kersh

Sunset Rd

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Yellowhead Hwy.


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it Rd mm

Ridge Dr

g Rd un e Dr Yo Lodg

pson Highways • Streets • Parks • Points of Interest om th Th Rd Nor idt Canada Post Offices • Libraries hm Old Sc Hospital & Medical Centers Quality Businesses & Services Plus Much More!

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Brookfield Rd

K Rd EE CR rvice t Se IELD Fores OKF BRO

Ta re nD r

ley Rd ne Val Sunshi y Hw

“Just a Walk In the Park” Come & enjoy the Wilderness.


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Area Code for Barriere & area is 250

Sweetnams North Thompson Star/Journal

Eric Putoto

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Little Fort General Store

Su Buck Rd Deutsch!” ke Your Hosts:LaThe Blanke Family, “Wir sprechen

Rd p2 Cam Mileen Dr

Dunlevy Rd

Ogden Rd

Wadlegger Rd

Elliot Rd

Richie Rd

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Gill Creek Rd

broughtContained to courtesy of Dining Area •

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NAPA Auto Parts ials Spec Barriere 1000 PetroCanada

Take one d gR un Yo

Brookfield Mall Area

Overlooking picturesque Dutch Lake, we are centrally located, close to all shopping and recreational facilities. Start your exploration of the splendour of the Wells Gray Provincial Park from here. Experience whitewater rafting, kayaking, mountain biking, hiking, golfing, fishing, shopping and sightseeing. Return to enjoy our courtyard hot tub, a nice dinner in our dining lounge and then finish the evening off with a fun-filled night in our pub! Let our friendly and hospitable staff make your vacation a relaxing and enjoyable experience!


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nest, ctacular, emember!

McLure Wildfire Monument

Play Grounds Police (RCMP) Post Office Real Estate

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pson Valley ead HighwayWells Gray Golf Resort ßnd & RV Park

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n Rd




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Haggard Rd

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wich Bar oduce Meat Department sh Flowers much more!




, !

Saul Rd

Gibbs Rd

Carlstrom Rd


Bartlett Rd

a Rd




Gray Pl

Barkley Rd

d tR ue uq Fo



Town Rd

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Staines Rd

Barriere Kivi Cr

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Hall Rd




th to s Sou loop Kam

Dunsmuir Rd

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Barriere Town Rd



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Barriere, BC Aug 30 - Sept 1








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Dixon Creek Rd


Genier Rd

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Dunsmuir Rd





Birch Lane


Relatives of Avola's Eleanor Deckert gather in Green Mountain Falls, Colorado on May 18 for the 80th birthday of Deckert's mother, Elisabeth Tatusko. Pictured are (back, l-r) Colin Lord, Shelby and Mackenzie Odhner, Emily and Sean Lord, Jason, (middle, l-r) Renee Tatusko, Eleanor Deckert, Howard and David Hotson, Anna Lord, Rachel Odhner, Tom Lord, (front, l-r) Johnathan and Rachel Deckert, Elisabeth and Joseph Tatusko, Hannah and David Deckert. Photo by Eleanor Deckert

Your Closest Drug Store to Wells Gray Park


9am - 6pm Brookfield Centre Clearwater, BC

250-674-3122 Have some fun Golfing at Lacarya Golf Course or Wells Gray Golf Course!

spectacular scenery from horseback o r helicopter, your destination is limited only by your imagination. Modern accommodations are conveniently located along the route, as well as resorts and camping places which are all accessible from Highway #5. If your tastes lie in Bed and Breakfast, or if you own a horse Bed, Bale and Breakfast – we can accommodate. You have the option to enjoy five star hotels at Sun Peaks and Blue River, secluded top of the line resorts, hotels and motels, or stay at guest ranches in Clearwater. Major settlements along the way have a variety of retail outlets to serve the needs of travelers. Restaurants range from fine dining to fast food. Grab a quick snack or relax over dinner after a day’s travel. For a once in a lifetime experience try a gourmet helipicnic at 7,000 feet above sea level in Blue River. Why not golf your way through, or go antiquing in Heffley Creek, Louis Creek, and Clearwater. Throughout July and August tourists can enjoy free Music in the Park in Kamloops, enjoy an original Cowboy Concert at the North Thompson Fall Fair and Rodeo in Barriere on August 31st, spend time at the Festival of Wildfire Art and Music in Louis Creek on July 26th, or take in the symphony at Sun Peaks. Enjoy festivals? Music, Art, Alpine Flowers, and Mountain Bike Festivals are just a few highlights throughout the region. If you’re looking for fast paced action, or nostalgic sights, sounds, and smells try the 59th Annual Fall Fair and Rodeo held on August 30, 31, and September 1, in Barriere. Eco tours are available in Wells Gray Park, and Blue River offers a Yoga Retreat. There really is something for everyone in our North Thompson Valley. Come on in. You’ll be glad you did.

Do you have a news story? We'd like to hear from you. Call us 250.674.3343



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DEARBORN FORD Jody Gyger CELL 250-571-9609 Tel 250-372-7101

2555 East Trans Canada Hwy - Kamloops

HOME TOWN girl with HOME TOWN service

Clearwater Times Thursday, June 5, 2014 A17

MLA Terry Lake replies to Upper Clearwater concerns Submitted Editor's Note: The following is a letter sent recently by MLA Terry Lake to a resident of Upper Clearwater. Thank you for your message regarding Canfor’s application for a cutting permit in the Clearwater Valley. I have had an opportunity to get some background from staff at the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations and have reviewed the 1999 Guiding Principles for the Management of Land and Resources in the Upper Clearwater Valley. The current proposal focuses on salvage harvesting of timber affected by the mountain pine beetle which appears to be consistent with the guidelines for Area G in the plan. MFLNRO staff are committed to honouring the principles of the plan. I understand Canfor has been

able to re-engage with the Upper Clearwater Community with the assistance of Tom Dickinson the Dean of Science at TRU. At their last meeting, Canfor presented their field work results from last summer demonstrating a number of changes to their original proposal. I am told that this new draft proposal clearly shows that Canfor has heard the community concerns from earlier conversations. The company’s next step will be to continue to conduct additional field work to further define the details of their plan followed by a return to the community with their final proposal. Canfor is looking to finalize their plans this spring and summer with an expectation to harvest on issued authorities this fall and into the winter. Harvesting is likely to occur over a number of years on any authorities, as Canfor is looking to address the Mountain Pine Beetle attacked stands in

the short term with harvest of non- attacked timber over future years. Within the community conversation Canfor has exhibited a commitment to the Upper Clearwater agreement and in fact are using some of the principles to the east of Area G – outside the agreement area I understand the Upper Clearwater community is looking for additional information with respect to the definition of salvage, the role of the Statutory Decision Maker in this process and a clearer picture of where the original agreement is placed on the landscape. Thompson Rivers District staff of the Ministry will be assisting Canfor in these three areas.

Sincerely, Terry Lake, DVM MLA Kamloops North Thompson Minister of Health

Trawin: Zero per cent tax hikes are expensive Jessica Klymchuk Kamloops This Week Although a zero per cent tax increase sounds positive, many municipalities are sacrificing their future to do so. So said City of Kamloops CAO David Trawin as he addressed members of the Canadian Home Builders’ AssociationCentral Interior (CHBA-CI) recently. “Municipalities that have a zero per cent tax increase are sometimes selling their future for a quick and easy gain in the present and I don’t believe that is the way to go,” he said. Trawin suggested municipalities are achieving a zero per cent tax increase by borrowing, depleting their reserves and producing their capital reinvestment in their assets. He noted Kamloops has a $152-million operating budget, with 51.3 per cent coming from real property taxes. Of the $93 million in capital,

Sinkhole in Brookfield Mall A sinkhole four-or five-feet deep looms in the parking lot of Brookfield Mall on Tuesday afternoon, June 3. According to a witness, no one was injured and no vehicles damaged when the hole opened up without warning at shortly after 3 p.m. Staff from the nearby credit union office quickly cordoned off the area. As of press-time, cause of the sinkhole had yet to be determined, but recent heavy rains might have been a factor. Photo by Keith McNeill

Ashcroft Terminal could be a boon for North Thompson economic development Bill Humphreys, mayor of Barriere

Dave Trawin

property taxes represent 52.6 per cent. Trawin noted the provincial property tax average on a standard house in 2013 was $2,903. In Kamloops, it is was $2,717. He noted 2012’s citizen-satisfaction survey on balancing taxation-service delivery levels indicated 53 per cent of respondents were in favour of increasing taxes to enhance, expand or maintain services, while 34 per cent favoured cutting services to maintain or reduce taxes. However, fewer people are in favour

of increasing or maintaining taxes, as a 2003 survey found 60 per cent of respondents in favour. “There is that time where council will have to be aware it will be in the other direction, where other sources of revenue are going to become more important,” Trawin said. Although many communities resort to cutting city staff, Trawin called it the “easy way out,” arguing cutting staff leads to inefficient operations across the board. For the CHBA-CI, he said, this would be reflected in building-

permit processing times. Trawin noted an organizational audit showed staff levels at the City of Kamloops were 8.6 per cent higher than other communities, but operating costs were 9.5 per cent lower. “I don’t care if I have more staff,” he said. “If we can get it done cheaper, we’re going to get it done cheaper.” “I think our future isn’t bad. It’s not perfect. I think we’ve still got a long ways to go and, hopefully, I can help move that way.”

rail and then by sea if needed, countless loads of goods without the hassle of sending trucks into the Delta Port Terminal. By loading the goods in Ashcroft it is estimated that at least 500,000 truck trips per year on our highways and through Delta will be avoided. By scheduling delivery of rail cars to the port there will be less wait time and fewer costs to the users of the terminals. This equates to a greater return on investments and sustainability of the various manufacturing companies and industrial entities here in the Interior of B.C. In order to attract investors to Barriere, one of the problems that needed to be solved was the lack of a viable shipping plan for their goods. The Ashcroft Terminal provides a possible solution to this problem. Now we are able to provide known costs that can be used to calculate the viability of a future project wanting to locate here in our community.

Over the past few weeks in my role as chair of the Thompson Nicola Regional District (TNRD) I have been attending information meetings in a number of communities throughout the regional district. One of these was the opening of the inland port in Ashcroft. The Ashcroft Terminal is a private inland trans-loading, container storage and distribution centre and is a member of the Canadian Government’s Asian Pacific Corridor Initiative (APGCI). On Oct. 11, 2006, Prime Minister Harper announced the APGCI with an initial investment of $5-million in federal funding. As a result of this investment opportunity, Ashcroft Terminal was able to realize their vision of an inland port. The terminal contains 8.7 km of rail track serviced directly off of CPR and CN mainlines, and is serviced daily by CPR. Facilities include a 350,000 sq. ft. covered warehouse, manufacturing capacity, container capacity, ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 600 railcar storage spots “Supportive Services for a Healthier Community” and 20 km of internal TIME: 7 p.m. storage and marshaling DATE: Thursday June 19, 2014 tracks. PLACE: YCS – Lower level at 612 Park Drive What this all means Memberships may be renewed or purchased at the door to Barriere is that within for $1/year easy reach there is now Everyone Welcome! a facility able to provide Light Refreshments will be served a method of shipping by


Thursday, June 5, 2014 Clearwater Times

Business & Service Directory Directory

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Eden Rd

ICBC Agent

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District of Clearwater

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Davoron Rd


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st Fore ice Rd Serv


Pl son Rob

Park Drive Clearwat er Village


North Thompson Provincial Park

Mt. View Rd

Jenkins Rd

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Construction and Home Renovation

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Sunset Rd

Paul 250.819.3205

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Ferry Rd


Hazel Dowds


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Hern Rd

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Steve Noble

Brookfield Rd



Dunlevy Rd

Richie Rd

EEK e Rd CR ervic st S ELD Fore KFI OO BR

Gill Creek Rd

g Hazel’s Housing

Wadlegger Rd

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Hours: 9:30 am to Noon, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

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ley Rd

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Clea rwa t



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Clearwater Times Thursday, June 5, 2014

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Service Center

Trespass on property

A local resident attended the Clearwater RCMP Detachment to report a trespass complaint near Vavenby. A male suspect, known to police, was said to be squatting on the property. Police attended property and confirmed a tent and other belongings were on the property. The suspect male was later located on Highway 5, where he was arrested for possession of a controlled substance. The suspect advised that he would remove his tent and belongings off the property. Possible charges being investigated include a trespass property civil charge, which has a fine of up to $2,000, or a Criminal Code charge of mischief to property.

Impaired driver incident

Clearwater RCMP responded to a report of a single vehicle collision on Old North Thompson Highway near Highway 5. The vehicle caused property damage to a

Traffic Contro

Advertise your business for as low as $16/week

Will She Find Your Business?

Clearwater RCMP responded to an assault incident in which a local male reported that he was attacked at his residence by being punched several times. The suspect was later located at a neighbour’s residence. The suspect was arrested for assault and released on an undertaking with no contact conditions and on a promise to appear at the Clearwater courthouse in July.


Construction, Renos & Demos & Towin Septic Service - Pumper Truck Backhoe & Bobcat Call Certified Traffic Control & Tow Truck - 24 Hours 250-674-1869 Traffic Control/Certified Portable toilet rentals Chimney Sweep – Saturday 8am – 5pm RON ROTZETTER Tuesday Plumbing 250-674-0145 / 250-318 | 851 Yellowhead Hwy S. Repair

His Mom Is Looking for a Hairdresser. Assault at his home

Call for more information or come in to the Times #14-74 Young Road



1-800-222-TIPS Clearwater RCMP Report local business. Investigation revealed that the driver was impaired by alcohol. The driver was issued a 90-day immediate roadside prohibition and the damaged vehicle was impounded for 30 days.

Impaired driving is not tolerated in BC.

If your blood alcohol concentration is over 0.08, this is the Fail range for breath samples tested with a roadside screening device. Fail and you can expect to face: • immediate 90-day driving ban • $500 fine • $250 driver’s licence reinstatement fee • 30-day vehicle impoundment – minimum $700 • Responsible Drivers program - $880 • one-year ignition interlock-$1,730 Total for a Fail is at least $4,060 plus possible criminal charges and any legal fees, court ordered fines or penalties.


Gas Tax funding allotted to Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo Submitted Cathy McLeod, Member of Parliament for Kamloops-ThompsonCariboo provided details of the newly announced Gas Tax Fund that will support local infrastructure priorities in nine communities within her riding, including the District of Clearwater. “The agreement for the renewed federal Gas Tax Fund will provide predictable, stable funding for public infrastructure throughout nine municipalities and districts of Kamloops– Thompson–Cariboo,” said McLeod. “The funding will provide local governments with the flexibility to choose and plan infrastructure projects based on

their specific priorities. The agreements will govern the flow of federal funds over the next 10 years, from 2014-2015 to 2023-24.” The New Building Canada Plan will provide $53 billion in funding to communities across the country over the next decade. For British Columbia, this represents almost $3.9 billion in dedicated federal funding, including almost $1.1 billion under the New Building Canada Fund, with approximately $109 million allocated for projects located in communities of fewer than 100,000 residents through the Small Communities Fund, and an estimated $2.76 billion under the federal Gas Tax Fund.


Thursday, June 5, 2014 Clearwater Times

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Painting from nature is not copying the object; it is realizing one’s sensations.

Paul Cezanne


ED2Go – On-line courses Online Learning Anytime, Anywhere... Just a click away! Ed2go courses begin the 3rd Wed. of each mth & start at $125 each. Ed2go offers a wide range of highly interactive courses that you can take entirely over the Internet. Our online courses are affordable, fun, fast, convenient, and geared just for you. Comprehensive online courses in a convenient six-week format Expert instructors lead each course Interactive learning environment Engaging student discussion areas New sessions starting monthly FIRST AID courses Tis the season for first aid certification or re-certification…….check the expiry date on your current tickets. Please call 250-674-3530 if you need a first aid course for your employment or personal use. We are working with several dates in May – don’t hesitate to call if the dates listed below do not suit you. We may be able to fit you in elsewhere. Wilderness Medical Associates The definitive wilderness course in medical training, leadership, and critical thinking for outdoor, lowresource, and remote professionals and leaders – please call 250674-3530 for further information.


Wells Gray Country UPCOMING EVENTS

June 8: $20 Free Dump Day and Hazardous Waste Round-up. Clearwater Eco-Depot June 12: Women In Business Luncheon, 12 – 2 pm, Wells Gray Inn,

OFA Level 1 First Aid

June 28, July 28, Aug 28

Foodsafe Level 1

June 20 & 21

Transportation Endorsement

June 29


WMA – 1st Responder Bridging

June 6 - 9


WMA 1st Responder Re-cert

June 6 - 9




June 19-Sept 4: Wells Gray Night Market every Thursday, 5:00 - 8:30 pm at Wells Gray Information Centre.

June 18: Community Forest Advisory Committee AGM, 7 pm, CRC. Info Abby 250ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT

Aug. 22: NTFF&R Ambassador Coronation Sept 9 – 13: BC Seniors Games, Langley 2014,


HEALTH & HEALING • AA Meetings: every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Dr, 250-587-0026 anytime • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest • Tuesday Morning Coffee (TMC): Meets 10am – 11:30 @ House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-587-6373. Clearwater Community Baptist Church. All women and children • Connections Healing Rooms - Fridays 1-3pm (except stat. welcome. (9:30-10 am Bible Study). Info 250-674-3624 holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams • Raft River Rockhounds: 3rd Sat of the mth. Clw Lodge 1pm Christian Church. 250-674-2700 • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt • Women in Business Luncheon: 2nd Thurs. of the mth at Wells (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Kim 250-674-0224 Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion 778-208-0137. • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church RECREATION • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 2:00 • Ladies Golf Night. Every Thursday @ Lacarya. April – Sept. Info Debbie 250-674-0260; Abby 250-674-2127 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-674-3703 for more info. • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Clearwater Farmers’ Market May – Oct. Saturdays 9am– Noon. • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors CenFor more info please call Anne at 250-674-3444. tre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-3675 • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250-676-9414 1pm: 250-587-6503 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – 2nd Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Volleyball: Tues. Jan. 14 - Apr. 8, 7:30 - 9:00 PM, at Clearwater • Clearwater Elks Bingo - every 2nd Thurs. Elks Hall. open 5pm Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. Info: 250-674-1878. • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie.pomme@ • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-674-0001 CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Drop-in Curling: Fri. Jan. 11 - Mar. 8, 7:00 PM, $5. Brooms and • Racoon StrongStart - Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, sliders available. Thurs & Fri 8:45-11:45am • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 • Racoon StrongStart - Vavenby Elm school days Wed 8:50drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 11:50am • Drop in Basketball: Fri., Jan. 10 - Apr. 11, 7 - 8:30PM, $2 drop in at Clearwater Secondary School Gym. Info: 250-674-1878 • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Slo-Pitch: Clearwater mixed Slo-Pitch league May – July. Contact Carmen Archibald 778-208-1773, 250-674-2632 • Mother Goose - Monday mornings, reg. Kerry 250-674-3530 SENIORS • NT BC Home Schoolers: Meets Fri. afternoons. Call Leanna 250• Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the 674-0057 for details Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Kids Club: Clearwater New Life Assembly. Meets every Thur. 3-5 • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of pm. Ages 5-12. For info contact Bobbi @ 250-674-3346 the mth 2pm at the library. All seniors welcome. • Indoor Market: 1st Saturday of month, 9 am – 2 pm, Elks Hall, info - 250-674-3763



TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 224 Candle Creek Rd. EMAIL: •

June 27: - NTFF&R Ambassador Program, June 12: Rotary Youth Exchange information Speech, Talent & Fashion Show. 7pm Barmeeting at CSS at 7:00 P.M. For more info riere Lions Hall $5 please phone 250-674-1674 July 25 – 27: Wells Gray Man Tracker InvitaJune 14: Free Family Fishing Day, Hallamore tional, Nakiska Ranch June 14: Rotary Golf Tournament, Lacarya Golf Course


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Bayley’s Bistro

in the Brookfield Shopping Centre in Clearwater Eat in or Take out Fried Chicken


Clearwater Times Thursday, June 5, 2014 A21

Your community. Your classifieds.

250.674.3343 fax 250.674.3410 email

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am -5pm Brookfield Mall, Clearwater Ph: 250.674.3343 • Fax: 250.674.3410

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Cards of Thanks Barriere and District Hospice Society would like to let the Barriere Lions Club know that we appreciate their support very very much. We, at Barriere & District Hospice, Thank You very much for your donation of $100 toward our WalkA-Thon Fund Raiser.

Information Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Call 250-674-2135.


Located across the railway tracks in Vavenby, B.C. Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Great deals - low prices


Career Opportunities







Business Opportunities

Help Wanted


Ofce Support

Customer Service Rep • Full Time • Knowledge of Hardware & Building Supplies an asset. • Basic computer knowledge. • Please drop resume at Rona, 213 W. Old N. Thompson Hwy, Clearwater. No phone calls please.

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: to start training for your work-at-home career today!

LEGAL assistant required. Conveyance and/or property development experience preferred but will consider all applicants. Email resume to

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Clearwater: AA Meetings Every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Drive, side door. Call 250-587-0026 anytime May apologies to anyone I might have offended during my recent psychotic brake. Gordon M. Brown MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851

Lost & Found Lost, 3 year old, short haired, black cat in the McLure area. If found please call 250-6721067


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AUSTRALIA, NEW Zealand, and European dairy, crop, sheep, beef farm work available for young adults. Apply now for fall AgriVenture programs. Don’ t Just Visit! Live It! 1-888-598-4415

Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051. Bookkeeper: P/T or F/T. Must be familiar with Quickbooks and have experience of all aspects of bookkeeping (incl payroll, GST, reconciliations and journal entries). Experience of Financial Statement preparation and tax returns an advantage. Essential skills are excellent customer service, independent self-organization and a positive attitude. Email resume to:

GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website

BRABY MOTORS Service Department- Salmon Arm has 2 full time positions - experienced Service Advisor and Tower Operator. Must possess automotive mechanical knowledge, ability to work in fast paced environment. Strong work ethic, organizational skills, ability to multi task a must. Exceptional wage/ benefit package. E-mail resume or fax 250-832-4545.

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Employment Business Opportunities

INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN Graymont’s Pavilion Plant is accepting applications for an Industrial Electrician. Candidate must possess current B.C. Red Seal certification. Preference will be given to well-rounded individuals willing to also perform other nonelectrical maintenance work as part of the maintenance team. A background in lime or cement industry along with computer and or PLC skills is preferred as well as a proven track record of developing and maintaining a safe work culture. Additional skills required: • Electrician with Red Seal certification and with construction or industrial experience required to work at the Graymont Pavilion Lime Plant. • Must become engaged in continuous improvement and willing to work in a team environment. • Regular shifts will be 8 hrs/day from Monday to Friday – steady day shift. • Must be willing to work overtime when required. • Located in Pavilion B.C. situated between Cache Creek and Lillooet, B.C. Wages And Benefits As Per The Collective Agreement. Qualified applicants please submit your resume to: or Graymont Pavilion Plant Attn: Dan Buis P.O. Box 187 Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0

FAST AND Reliable Plumbing Repairs, 24/7. Call Parker Dean for your next plumbing job. Present this ad and get $50 off. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.

Vernon Service Company requires Journeyman Service Plumbers/Gasfitters, $36.00/hr Call (250)549-4444 or fax 250-549-4416



Service Clubs Non-Profit Groups Students Seniors

Looking for new ways to make money? Want to deliver Wednesday flyers? Routes available:


Ph 250-674-3343 for more information

Lifeguard - Blue River, BC

Temporary, full-time position from June 26- September 4, 2014 Competition #2014-05 Encompassing an unparalleled geographic region in the heart of British Columbia, the ThompsonNicola Regional District (TNRD) offers the best of both worlds. Urban life within vibrant communities and outlying rural regions that showcase the region's beauty - pristine but rugged mountains, rolling grasslands, lush evergreen forests and both historic and modern areas, all within approximately 45,000 square kilometres. Headquartered in the City of Kamloops - the Tournament Capital of Canada - the TNRD provides a wide range of local government services, including Library services, to a population of 130,000 located within its 11 diverse municipalities and 10 electoral areas. Our Role The Thompson-Nicola Regional District is seeking a Lifeguard/Swim Instructor for the Eleanor Lake Public Beach in Blue River, BC for temporary employment starting June 26, 2014 – September 4, 2014. The schedule for this position is 8 hours per day (10:00am to 6:30pm), 5 days per week (Thursday thru Monday). Reporting to the Services Coordinator, the Lifeguard is expected to provide: x Lifeguard and waterfront beach supervision x Lesson instruction x Other responsibilities including performing basic maintenance functions and customer service x Water Safety instruction based on the Red Cross curriculum Our Ideal Candidate The successful candidate must be/have: x 19 years or older x Able to work under minimal supervision x Applicants must be National Life Guard Service certified (NLS Waterfront and current certification as a Red Cross Water Safety Instructor are preferred but not requirements) x Considerable knowledge of swimming instruction techniques x Ability to instruct all age groups and all levels of swimmers x Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and ability to deal with people in a professional manner x In sufficient physical condition to ensure strength and stamina in water Previous experience as a Lifeguard and instructor is preferred. The position is subject to the provisions of the Collective Agreement with the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 900. The hourly wage for this position is $21.49 plus 14% in lieu of benefits, vacation and statutory holidays. The TNRD requires all positions undergo a Criminal Record Check. Please email your application to by 4:00 p.m. on, June 11, 2014 quoting Competition #2014-05. Applications must include a cover letter, and a resume outlining qualifications, experience and identifying at least two references. Thank you for considering the Thompson-Nicola Regional District as a place to share your talents!

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HORSE Wrangler / Apprentice Guide needed for Yukon Outfitter July to October 867-6336188

Classifieds Get Results!

While we appreciate the interest of all applicants, only those candidates under consideration will be contacted.

Visit our Website



Merchandise for Sale

Thursday, June 5, 2014 Clearwater Times

Merchandise for Sale





Auto Financing

Auto Financing

Auto Financing

Trades, Technical

Garage Sales

Misc. for Sale

Apt/Condo for Rent

GORD’S MAYTAG Kamloops BC. H.A.C Operations. Requires F/T Service Tech. Email: cameron.wilson@

Barriere Seniors Society Flea Market June 7, 2014, 10am - 2-pm Barriere Seniors Hall Table Rental - $10 Call Liz at 250-672-9337

STEEL BUILDINGS. Hot savings - Spring sale! 20x24 $4,348. 25x24 $4,539. 30x30 $6,197. 32x36 $7,746. 40x46 $12,116. 47x72 $17,779. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or online at:

Newly renovated 1bdrm apartment $700/mth, inc. all utilities. Ideal for single or elderly person. Near amenities. 778-2202148

Misc. Wanted

Very attractive 14x70 2 bdrm manuf hm, s/f, w/d, d/washer, deluxe bathroom w/separate shower and soaker tub, sunken lvg rm w/feature window. Attached w/shop / util rm. Garden shed. $800/mo. Avail mid June, #24 Thompson Crossing, Blackpool, Clearwater, BC. Ph 250-587-6151

JOURNEYMAN Glazier, Lake City Glass in Williams Lake now hiring. Fax resume to: 250-392-5369 or email: PCL ENERGY - Now hiring Journeyperson Pipefitters ($40+/hr) and Scaffolders ($38+/hr) for an industrial project in Vanscoy, SK. LOA of $145/day worked, travel and bonuses paid! We offer competitive wages and benefits. Please send your resume to:

Work Wanted HAFI GRANTS Notice to low income seniors and persons with disability. You may qualify for a grant up to 20,000. to modify and adapt your home for improved safety and accessibility. For details contact your local HAFI expert Hans Ounpuu, Building contractor @ 250-674-3875.


Financial Services ARE YOU 10K or more in Debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-3511783. DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. UNFILED TAX returns? Unreported income? Avoid prosecution and penalties. Call a tax attorney first! 855-668-8089 (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)

Photography / Video Need a professional

photographer? Portraits, weddings, special events, pet portraits, commercial. Affordable memories that last a lifetime. Seniors rates. Book now avoid & disappointment. Sorry no passport photos Jill Hayward 250-319-8023/250-672-0055


by Keith McNeill

Digital and film photographs. Phone 250-674-3252 or

Pets & Livestock

Pets Good Dog Obedience Classes Starting June 5! * NEW DATES! * Basic Obedience - A 6 week course in good manners & canine behaviour begins June 5, 7pm at the Fall Fair Hall in Barriere for all dogs at least 6 months old & up. Cost $100. Novice Class - 6 weeks of fun as we take you & your dog to the next level of obedient behaviour. Participants must have successfully completed a previous Basic Obedience course to qualify. Class starts on June 5, 8pm. Cost $100. To register or for more information contact Jill Hayward at 250-319-8023

Merchandise for Sale

Huge Block Garage Sale 500 Oriole Way Saturday, June 14 9am - 3pm Sunday, June 15 10am - 2pm

Misc. for Sale A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders JD 892D LC excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB For Sale: 4 drawer filing cabinets, round wood coffee table, glass coffee & end tables, double pedestal desk, patio swing & office tables & desks. 250-672-5848. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? KILL BED bugs & their eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate bugs- guaranteed. No mess, odorless, long lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot. SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT

Legal Notices

BUYING Coin Collections, Estates, Antiques, Native Art, Silver, Jewelry 778-281-0030 Used Postage Stamps

Support International Scouting by donating used stamps which are sorted & sold to raise money for the International Development Fund of the International Scout & Guide Fellowship. This fund pays for training for Scouters in the third world. Drop stamps off at front counter of the Star/Journal in Barriere, or call Margaret at (250)672-9330.

Real Estate For Sale By Owner 5 BDRM HOME IN TELKWA FOR SALE 3200 sq ft, 4 bath, includes washer & dryer, fridge & stove, dishwasher hot tub, natural gas, contact 250-845-3315

Mobile Homes & Parks RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.

Legal Notices

Modular Homes

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at Homes for Rent 3bdrm house in rural Darfield. 5 appliances. $650/mth + DD. Ref. req. 250-672-5660 3 bdrm house located at the end of quiet street in Blackpool. Lg yd, garage, garden shed incl. $800/mo + dd. Ref. req. NP, NS. Ph 250-587-6469 Clearwater: Completely renovated 2 bdrm hm, 6 appl, high efficiency furnace w/heat pump. Lots of prkg, on bus route, $900/mo + util. NS, NP Free Sat TV. Ph 250-674-2677 Clearwater: Nice 2bdrm townhouse. Close to all amenities. W/D. NS, $900/mo + util. DD Available July 1. Call Julie 250-674-0188

Suites, Lower Clearwater: 1 bdrm suite located on Clearwater River. Complete kit with F/S. Rent incl util & wireless internet. Avail now. NS. NP. $600/mo Please ph for appoint to view 250-674-3275.

Legal Notices

Free pick up of scrap metal & vehicle removal, also dump runs & yard clean-up. 250672-0152

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Scrap Car Removal


for the use of Municipal Hall, 132 Station Road, Clearwater

The District of Clearwater is calling for interests specific to “Not for Profit” group(s) that may wish to locate in the Municipal Hall at 132 Station Road. There are severseveral offi ceswill thatbe will be available after31st, July 2014, 31st, 2014. The successful group(s) al offices that available after July The successful group(s) would would be responsible the maintenance and utilities of the portion of the in be responsible for the for maintenance and utilities of the portion of the facility facilitythey in which they are located. which are located.

Submissions of Expressions of Interest are to be received by NOON on June 16th, 2014. Please mark your submission as CONFIDENTIAL: Municipal Hall; Attention: Leslie Groulx, Chief Administrative Officer, and either drop it off at 132 Station Road or mail to Box 157, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N0. For more information on this contract please feel free to contact Leslie Groulx, at 250-674-2257 or by emailing to


Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land Take notice that Hans Albert Wadlegger from Clearwater BC has applied to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Thompson Okanagan, for a Crown Grant for an extension of holdings situated on Provincial Crown land located at Clearwater.


Thursday June 19, 2014 1:15 p.m.

For info & submissions

The Lands File for this application is 3412888. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Senior Land Officer, Thompson Okanagan, MFLNRO, at 441 Columbia Street Kamloops BC. Comments will be received by MFLNRO up to July 3, 2014. MFLNRO may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website for more information.

#300 465 Victoria St Kamloops, BC V2C 2A9

Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ Office in Thompson Okanagan.

(250) 377-8673


The Board of Directors of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District gives notice it will hold a Public Hearing in the TNRD Boardroom, 4th Floor, 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC, to consider proposed Bylaw Nos. 2469 and 2470. What is Clearwater OCP Amendment Bylaw 2469, 2014 & Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2470, 2014? Both concern the land at 1142 Old North Thompson Highway (legally described as Lot 1, District Lot 1729, KDYD, Plan 41617) as shown outlined in bold below. Bylaw 2469 amends the Clearwater Official Community Plan by re-designating the northerly part of the parcel from Rural Resource to Rural Residential; and, Bylaw 2470 rezones this part from RL-1: Rural to CR-1: Country Residential, all in order to facilitate a proposed two lot subdivision.


Email Fax (250) 372-5048

All persons who believe that their interest in property may be affected by the proposed Bylaws shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing. Additionally, they may make written submissions on the matters of Bylaws 2469 and 2470 (via the adjacent options) which must be received at our office prior to 4:00 p.m. on the 18th day of June, 2014. The entire content of all submissions will be made public and form a part of the public record for this matter. How do I get More Information? Copies of the proposed Bylaws and supporting information can be inspected from 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m., Monday- Friday (except statutory holidays) at our office, from June 9th, 2014 until 1:15 p.m. the day of the Hearing; or please contact us via any of the adjacent options.

For Sale: 218 cubic foot chest freezer (Deep Freeze). Good condition. $100 obo 250-6729258

Free collection of ancient history and biography books, you pick up. 250-672-2101

Trucks & Vans 1992 Mazda truck, 4 cyl, head gasket missing only, canopy, liner, 4 new studded tires used 1 yr. Asking $450.00 obo. Ph 250-674-3616

Thompson-Nicola Regional District


Free Items

Utility Trailers 1999 U-Built 17ft Hay Trailer. Flat deck with tandem/heavy duty axle in Barriere. Asking $2000 OBO. Call Bonnie 604322-9204


No representations will be received by the Board of Directors after the Public Hearing has been concluded. R. Sadilkova, Director of Development Services

Clearwater Times Thursday, June 5, 2014 A23

Fun and finagling with family – Australian trip, part 5 It’s not a bad thing Clearwater Times Thursday, June 5, 2014 to holiday a short stroll from water and beaches, but time in a more natural setting in my native land is also good for the soul. Consequently, for a fabulous day in the country, my brother and sister-in-law took us to O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat in Lamington National Park. Brilliant red and boardwalk letting us green King Parrots watch birds scrabble greeted us from the in the underbrush and roof of the cafe/gift flit through the trees shop. We were soon sit- and vines. Leaving ting with our meals at that, we entered a wild one of the outermost garden. Most of the tables, under cover, but time this timid person open on all sides. My (me), walked behind sister-in-law left briefly someone but I briefly to fetch something, got ahead of the gang her meal opposite me. at a crucial moment: Suddenly a swoop of on the other side of wings flashed in and a low concrete wall, out, leaving her plate all coiled up, was a much emptier than snake. My childhood it had been! We later memories suggested a identified it when carpet snake, harmless, watching several await- but my instant reaction ing an opportunity to had me racing back to gain more groceries the group in consternafrom other customers. tion. Yes, indeed, that’s For our next jaunt what it was, but my we needed our walkbrother felt it his duty ing sticks. Two young to protect me: “I’ll girls stared to see stand between you and three oldies hobbling it,” he suggested, “and up the path towards you go past behind my them. Our walk into back.” With his large the bush started on a person between me and

Trekking Tales By Kay Knox it, I poked my head around under his arm so he could show me the head, almost invisible in the centre of the coil. “Look at the bulge!” I said. Part way along one of its several loops was something being digested. The snake was having its after-dinner nap, and not at all interested in the passing parade. The resort where we were staying had a lap pool, which I used almost every day. When our first overnight visitor came, she patiently coaxed me to exercise my recently mended knee. Gradually I built up my endurance and increased the number of laps. I had just returned to our apartment from my early

morning swim when my brother saw me and stopped, aghast. I expected some comment about its being before 8 a.m., but what he said was “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a dress before!” Fourteen years younger than me, he was about seven years old when I left the nest. On various travels, shorts and slacks served as my attire of choice, but that morning I was wearing a plain beige, ankle-length cover-up for my wet swimsuit. Packing up time eventually had to come. Not even counting our luggage, a trolley was needed to take the piles of stuff brought for our convenience by sister Alice back down to her car. Two blokes loaded the buggy to the gunnels and I went for a camera. Alice, thoughts on her beach towels being laundered, asked, “Is the washing machine going?” Quick as a flash, my brother-in-law responded, “Nope. There’s no room on the trolley!” Such fun we had....



Elmer was born December 31, 1919 in Schleswig, Iowa to Albert and Lilly Feddersen. During the 1930’s the family moved to Alberta and settled around the Tilley area. Elmer worked on farms doing various jobs including driving teams of horses. In 1943 he married Helen Hoeck and they had three children, Kay, Carol and Clifford. The family lived in several places in the USA from 1947 to 1951 before returning to Canada and settling in Southern Alberta. He worked on a number of ranches and farms before buying a ranch and moving to Clearwater in 1961, where he spent the remainder of his life. He and Helen were avid square dancers and Elmer was active in the Raft River Riders gymkhana club. Helen passed in 1966 and he married Polly Johnston in 1970. Shortly thereafter he sold the ranch and he and Polly spent winters in Arizona. They continued with square dancing several times a week. Elmer was a champion horseshoe player in Arizona and a carpet bowler here in Clearwater. He and Polly also enjoyed playing bridge. Polly passed in 1997 and Elmer joined with his current


partner, Theo Irvine, in 1999. The two of them enjoyed carpet bowling and playing bridge. He liked to do the yard work and kept this up until the last year. Elmer passed away on May 25, 2014 with members of his family at his bedside. He is survived by his sister Marcella, his son Clifford, daughters Kay (Tyler) Lindberg and Carol (Lloyd) Wurm, grandchildren Sherri, Gerald and Lindsay, seven great grandchildren, and one great great grandchild, as well as several nephews and nieces. He was predeceased by his two brothers and a sister. A Celebration of Life will take place on Saturday, June 14, 2014 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Banquet Room at the Wells Gray Inn. Cremation arrangements entrusted to North Thompson Funeral Services, Clearwater, telephone 250-674-3030. Condolences for the family may be sent to www.


JAu pn re i 5l -2 3J u-n e2 91 1 , , 2 2001124 You This may week experiis all ence conflict with aboutagive and take, others at work Capricorn. Do forthis week, others, Capricorn. and they will It isdobest to roll with for you. A special the punches event calls for instead some ofextra-special causing agifts. stir. December 22– Allow the situation January 19 to unfold.

January 20– February 18

February 19– March 20

Aquarius, hectic Some habitsaare hard few weeks at work to break, Aquarius. have dis-to Look proven to a mentor tracting. It might help and you will seem overwhelmsucceed. A fitness ing now, but goalright is easily achieved things willpiece settle with a new of down in a matter equipment. of days. Pisces, The oddsyou maymay be want toagainst be invisible stacked you, in the crowd Pisces, but that this doesn’t week, but that scemean you won’t come nario out onsimply top with isn’t a littlein the cards.AGrin and ingenuity. weekend bear the requires attention. endeavor a leap of faith.

March 21– April 19

Aries, your energy Speak up, Aries, and isthecontagious problem willthis be week, others solved.and A little miracle flock to makes you asforifan at home you have aweekend. magnetic interesting pull. the atTravelEnjoy plans come tention, together. but don’t forget to seek some solitude as well.

April 20– May 20

Take precautions Cast aside all doubt, as you prepare for isan Taurus. The offer important genuine and project, will bring Taurus. you rush you manyIfrewards. A through things, you test of faith begins— are boundMoney to make be strong. woes mistakes that could ease. negatively impact your career.

July 23– August 22

May 21– June 21

Everything you Feeling blessed touch turns to gold these days, Gemini? this Gemini. Pay itweek, forward. A You could set many compromise at home things into motion raises everyone’s with clever spiritsyour and fun ensues ideas and infecall weekend long! tious charisma. Stay grounded.

Expect thesave unexSpend less, more pected this week, and you’ll definitely Virgo. Things get more, Virgo. More might if in your seem bottomasline they are going and more peace ofaccording to plan, but mind. Flowers provide aafew greatcomplications pick-me-up. may arise so be August 23– September 22 prepared.

June 22– July 22


An unexpected A business relationship encounter stirs blossoms with an up some oldAfeelings, addition. larger-thanCancer. Enjoydrops life personality your trip by with an down offer you Memory Lane and can’t refuse. Oh boy, take advantage oh boy, Cancer. of this opportunity to reconnect with an old friend.

ALady great idea hason Luck smiles sidetracked you for you, Libra, and there some timebeyond now,your is nothing Libra. now it’s reach. ABut treasured time to get back heirloom resurfaces, into yourback normal bringing many routine and focus on fond memories. September 23– the tasks at hand. October 22

Leo, lightly Oops,tread Leo. You fall this week behind on a when project, working on an raising some important project. eyebrows. Not to Expect scrutiny worry. You will get in all you plan back on do trackand sooner accordingly. than you think,Keep thanks working hard, and to an innovation. your efforts will be noticed.

Scorpio, The tiniestembrace of unique ideasaconchanges make vast cerning yourinfuture improvement a this week. Consider project. A rejection is all possibilities no a blessing in disguise. matter how Be grateful forout whatof the ordinary they you’re given, Scorpio. may seem.

October 23– November 21

Practical News fromconcerns afar gets could temporarily the creative juices stall plans flowing, andthat you are aaccomplish bit fantastical, more than Sagittarius. Buttime, you have in some don’t fret, A you will Sagittarius. game of have opportunity wits atanthe office put some plans November 22– toproves challenging. December 21 in motion soon enough.

This Crossword Sponsored by




Thursday, June 5, 2014 Clearwater Times

Grand re-opening held for Infocenter and Art Gallery Left: Members of Simpcw First Nation and Canim Lake Indian Band drum and sing at the start of a ceremony held Saturday to officially re-open the Wells Gray Infocenter and Wells Gray Art Gallery. The displays at the Infocenter have been totally renewed and now include more about local First Nations history and culture. All photos by Keith McNeill

Left: Members of the Canim Lake Indian Band (l-r) Chantil Frank, Ryan Christopher and Joseph Archie check out a new interactive display about the band in the Wells Gray Infocenter. Right: Doris Laner (l) smiles as geologist Dr. Cathie Hickson unveils a painting by Laner of Pyramid Mountain. The painting will be raffled off this summer to help pay for celebrations for Wells Gray Park's 75th anniversary.

Left: Canim Lake Indian Band Chief Mike Archie address the audience. Behind him is Simpcw First Nations council member Shelley Loring. Right: Clearwater Mayor John Harwood welcomes visitors. The infocenter and art gallery are important assets for the community, he says.

Looking for a Bright Worker?

Right: Erica Massey (l), a UBC-Okanagan student who hopes to do her Master's thesis on the geology of Wells Gray Park, discusses a pillow lava from Second Canyon with Dr. Cathie Hickson. Massey plans to compare volcanic rocks from Wells Gray Park with similar rocks from Iceland.

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