Invermere Valley Echo, June 11, 2014

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The Invermere







June 11 Vo l .

Meet the new faces of the summer season


g th e

b lum




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Restoration work continues at Lake Enid


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A dragonfly takes a well-deserved break on the handy finger of photographer Kristian Rassmuseen while he was fishing at Echo Lake on Saturday, June 7th. PHOTO BY KRISTIAN RASSMUSSEN

Paraglider, infant rescued in two separate incidents DAN WALTON Two lives were saved in the valley last week after two separate rescue operations took place on Mount Swansea in Windermere and then on Dutch Creek in Fairmont Hot Springs. Both rescues required victims to be flown by helicopter to the Invermere Hospital, and a subsequent airlift to Calgary. On Sunday, June 1st, an experienced hang gliding pilot was learning how to paraglide during a lesson with Flying Max, owned and operated by Windermere resident Max Fanderl. Before the incident, the paragliding pilot, Jamie Hurschler, was atop Mount Swanswea preparing for takeoff. His wing had been properly checked, said Mr. Fanderl, but a slight hesitation during the launch caused half of the wing to give way, forcing Mr. Hurschler

to drop onto a rocky patch of the moun“He had a lot of help, (his) compantain twenty metres below the launch. ions had accessed him and stabilized “Just before he actually became air- his position so he wouldn’t slide down borne, there was kind of a hesitation, the hill any further,” said Panorama which made him slow down and go deputy fire chief and Columbia Valley back, but the wing continued forward,” Search and Rescue manager Martin Mr. Fanderl said. “The wind picked him Caldwell, who led the Columbia Valley up and carried him, but at the same Search and Rescue team that attended time one part of the the incident. He dewing collapsed.” scribed the injuries Like anything else The crash caused as serious. you do, whether Mr. Hurschler to Golden and Disbreak his pelvis, mountain biking or driving, trict Search and Reswhich required a he- sometimes there is risk for cue Association’s licopter lift to safely Helicopter External a small little error. remove him from MAX FANDERL Transport Systems FLYING MAX OWNER/PILOT long-line the mountainside. A rescue miscommunication team was needed, with dispatch led Mr. Hurschler to wait said Mr. Caldwell. The long line team atthree and a half hours on the top of tached Mr. Hurschler to the helicopter Swansea, according to Mr. Fanderl. Be- before flying to the Invermere hospital. fore emergency crews had arrived, Mr. From there, he was flown to Foothills Fanderl and other gliders tended to Mr. hospital in Calgary. Hurschler to stabilize his position. It was the first accident atop Mount

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Swansea in Mr. Fanderl’s 20 years flying in the area, according to Mr. Fanderl. “Like anything else you do, whether mountain biking or driving, sometimes there is risk for a small little error,” he said. Wind conditions at the time were around 10 kilometres per hour, which Mr. Fanderl said is favourable for gliders. Three days later on Wednesday, June 4th, Mr. Caldwell led a second search and rescue operation in the valley. Shortly before 2 p.m., Columbia Valley RCMP were contacted about an infant who had become separated from her mother during a float down Dutch Creek in Fairmont Hot Springs, after the dinghy capsized. The one-year-old female victim was carried out of sight by a strong current down the creek. She was fortunately wearing an infant-sized personal floatation device. The victim’s mother, from Radium Hot See A3

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo



STARS members on the helipad at the Invermere & District Hospital prepare to transport the one-year-old girl rescued from Dutch Creek on Wednesday, June 4th to Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary. VALLEY ECHO PHOTO



KickOff Party

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Saturday, June 21, 2014 Invermere Community Hall Doors open at 5:30 p.m.


Buffet Dinner catered by Anne Riches Catering. Desserts lovingly prepared by the ladies of the Columbia Valley Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society.


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Many wonderful services, items and gift certificates generously donated by individuals and businesses throughout the valley. Live auction by Tex Lortscher. Tickets $45/person or $80/couple Available at The Book Bar, Invermere • Cash Bar •

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Graduation is upon us!

If you or your business would like to send a special shout-out to a certain special graduate, you will have your chance in To book, contact our upcoming “Congratulations Grads” Cheryl Williams 250-341-6299 Keepsake Feature! advertising

Got something to say?

Send your comments and letters to:

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo A3



Cultural tourism grant Ford succeeds Chevy at contingent on additional funding Invermere Public Works Steve Hubrecht The Columbia Basin Trust’s Columbia Valley community directed funds program has given the Columbia Cultural Tourism Association $100,000 in funding over the next three years to help the association hire an executive director. “The Columbia Cultural Tourism Association (CCTA) is taking the lead on developing a valley-wide identity for tourism in the region. This objective fits perfectly with the Columbia Valley Community Priorities Plan and the (directed funds) committee’s desire to promote the unique identity and exceptional amenities of the area through coordinated marketing and branding efforts,” said directed funds committee chair Wendy Booth in a press release. “This should also help support our other goals of expanding the arts and culture sector and addressing shoulder season impacts on the valley’s economy.” The funding is contingent on the association raising an additional $20,000 per year for the executive director position and the renewal of the community directed funds program beyond its current term, which ends in 2015. The extra $20,000 must be raised by September 1st. “So there is a catch to it. Inside of 90 days we


“In this case, the water was moving just a little bit too fast to do a relaxing float,” he commented. Cpl. Simpson said police had considered pressing charges, but that they probably wouldn’t. “We realized it will be really tough to pursue charges after we consulted with Crown. It’s quite unlikely,” he said. According to Cpl. Simpson, hospital and medical staff do not update police on patient conditions unless there is significant and life-threatening changes but, from what he knows, the girl should be okay. “From what I understand, she’s expected to make a full recovery,” he said. STARS also does not receive an update on patient conditions once they leave the care of the rescue organization, said Mr. Heke. The Valley Echo contacted the Alberta Children’s Hospital for an update on the girl’s conditions, but was unable to get comment by Monday’s press deadline. Neither the RCMP nor STARS are allowed to disclose the names of those involved in the incident or give detailed information on injuries and treatment. Mr. Caldwell said that, from a Search and Rescue standpoint, both operations were performed extremely well. “We train together regularly. Nice to see it work when needed,” he said. “It’s nice to have those teams work together — we used multiple teams to get both jobs done.” Police and rescue workers commended the civilian help in both incidents. — With files from Steve Hubrecht

Dan Walton Out with the old and in with the new — the District of Invermere (DOI) has recently replaced an aging member of its maintenance fleet. A new Ford pickup truck will be active in Invermere yearround, after a 1980s Chevy pickup was costing the district more to maintain than the vehicle was worth, said DOI mayor Gerry Taft. Dubbed by Mayor Taft as the “flower truck,” the old vehicle was often be spotted near public flower beds, with district employees hydrating the vegetation. The new truck will serve the same purpose – and a few extra. The Chevy was a one-ton flatbed that was used only in the summer months. Because the new truck is compatible with snowplow attachments, it will be able to take service into the winter and, in suitable situations, will prevent funding the use of a heavy duty snowplow. “It’s a more usable vehicle than the old truck,” Mayor Taft said. The new vehicle arrived in early April, and the cost of about $90,000 came out of one of the district’s reserve funds. That reserve fund accumulates money each time the public vehicles are utilized, said Mayor Taft. “We charge ourselves usage of the vehicle,” he said. “The concept is that over a period of time, there will be enough money to replace the vehicles without billing the district through regular taxation.” See A13

Behind the

Wh ee

Update your Driving Skills and Knowledge


Springs, was able to prevent her threemonth-old son from also being swept away by the water. The RCMP activated members of the local detachment, in addition to the Columbia Valley Search and Rescue, Swiftwater Recovery Team, Windermere Fire Department, Invermere Fire Department, Panorama Fire Depratment the BC Ambulance Service, and the Columbia Valley Conservation services. Many passerbys also assisted in the rescue. “We brought boats from the Windermere and Pano (fire departments), Windermere has a power boat and Pano has a whitewater raft,” said Mr. Caldwell. “In this case, we ended up just using swimmers and ground teams.” A civilian spotted the child, who was wearing a lifejacket, caught in debris on a sandbar in about a metre of water, and directed emergency service workers her way. After removing the young girl from the river, she was airlifted to the Invermere Hospital. She was then taken by a STARS helicopter to the Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary, arriving in what STARS spokesperson Cam Heke described as critical condition. “Our crews worked with the Invermere staff to provide the best possible care,” said Mr. Heke. “It was certainly a challenging call.” The victim arrived at the Invermere hospital about an hour after the RCMP were contacted, said Cpl. Grant Simpson of the Columbia Valley RCMP.

have to come up with $20,000,” said CCTA chair Pat Bavin. “But we’re optimistic. We will do everything we are able to do.” The CCTA has been actively applying for other grants, and a few have come back negative, but many are still pending, said Mr. Bavin. “It’s a jungle out there; there is a lot of competition for grants among non-profits,” he said. “But we are taking a unique approach and we’ve already developed an investment planning committee that is looking for funding partners.” Those partners may be private businesses, but also could be public organizations, said Mr. Bavin. The executive director position was referred to as a cultural tourism co-ordinator job in the directed funds committee press release, but Mr. Bavin says the association has changed the title to better reflect the job. “The word ‘co-ordinator’ is a bit too soft. The word executive director carries more weight to it. This person is going to have a substantial role to play,” he said. “Our real intent with the association is to build strong cohesion and networking for cultural tourism in the valley; it’s about building an industry. It’s no small task.” The association already has 21 projects lined up for the executive director to tackle.

Do We Trust Too Much? I was walking to my vehicle after work yesterday and watched the woman on the sidewalk ahead of me approach the intersection. She did not hesitate to step into the crosswalk even though a vehicle on her left had stopped halfway across it waiting to enter traffic. The driver was watching intently to her left waiting for a gap in traffic. The pedestrian checked her stride and I thought that she was going to wait for the driver to notice her before she crossed in front of the vehicle. Not so. She walked around the front of the vehicle and just about became another statistic. The driver had found her gap and began to roll forward at the same time as she looked to her right to make sure that she had a gap to enter. Finding a pedestrian just inches ahead of her hood ornament must have been quite a surprise, but her reflexes were good. She managed to jam on the brakes and come to a stop without touching the pedestrian. Our pedestrian should have stopped where she checked her stride and waited to make eye contact with the driver. Once the driver had seen her and she evaluated her safety to cross the driver’s path, she may or may not have proceeded forward. Instead it was either no thought at all or complete trust in the driver looking both ways again before moving and allowing the pedestrian to cross. I’ll give her the benefit of a doubt and assume the latter. Giving your trust to the other road user is something that must be calculated very carefully before you do it. Obviously, if you do and the other road user doesn’t merit that trust the outcome can be significant. I must be a bit more on the paranoid side because I stopped at the curb and waited for the driver to clear the intersection before I looked around and then proceeded because it was safe The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

101A 1028 7 Avenue PO Box 130 Invermere BC • Phone: 250-342-2175 • Fax: 250-342-2669

Tuesday to Friday: 9:00 – 12:30 and 1:00 – 5:00 • Saturday: 9:00 – 2:30


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo

RECYCLING REMINDER... The Regional District of East Kootenay has unveiled the newest member of its fleet, and it will be easy to spot around the region. The fuel efficient van replaces a large pick-up truck and will be used in the Environmental Services Department at its transfer station sites. Residents will also see the new blue van (pictured here with the Regional District of East Kootenay Board of Directors), with its logos reminding everyone to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, in community festivals and parades this summer. PHOTO SUBMITTED

Regional District of East Kootenay BYLAW 2520 & 2521

BYLAW 2520 & 2521

Bylaw Amendment - Elkhorn Ranch Ltd.

Covenant Release - Elkhorn Ranch Ltd.

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering an application by Elkhorn Ranch Ltd. to amend the Lake Windermere Official Community Plan and the Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw. If approved, the bylaws will amend the OCP and Zoning designations of the subject properties to accommodate a proposed subdivision creating approximately 37 parcels between 1.0 ha and 2.5 ha in size (Area 1). The amendment will also “downzone” an area where no subdivision is proposed (Area 2).

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering a request by Elkhorn Ranch Ltd. to release two restrictive covenants currently registered on title. The two covenants require the provision of community water and community sewer services to any parcels created by subdivision. If the release of the covenants is approved, the RDEK servicing requirements for parcels created by subdivision will be in accordance with Subdivision Servicing Bylaw No. 1954. The area subject to the covenants is shown below.

The subject properties located on Windermere Loop Road and Kootenay No. 3 Road as shown on the attached map are legally described as: •

Sublot 111, District Lot 4596, Kootenay District, Plan X32 except Parcel A (Ref. Plan 73775I) and Plans NEP20959, NEP61871 and NEP69058 – Area 1; and

The RDEK Board of Directors has authorized a public hearing to gather the views of the public. The public hearing will be held in conjunction with the public hearing authorized for Bylaws 2520 and 2521.

That part of Lot C, District Lot 108, Kootenay District, Plan 1386 except part included in Plan 18737;

A public hearing will be held at:

That part of Lot B, District Lot 108, Kootenay District, Plan 1386;

That part of those parts of District Lots 19, 41 and 218 included in Explanatory Plan 26302I, Kootenay District, except from District Lot 19, Parcel A(Reference Plan 101916I) to be hereafter known as Parcel 1 (See W4380) – Area 2

Bylaw No. 2520 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Lake Windermere Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2061, 2008 – Amendment Bylaw No. 16, 2014 (Windermere / Elkhorn Ranch Ltd.)” will amend the designations of the subject properties as outlined on the attached Schedule A, which is incorporated in and forms part of this Bylaw, from R-SF, Residential Low Density, R-MF, Residential Multi-Family, OSRT, Open Space, Recreation and Trails and RR, Rural Resource to SH, Small Holdings and RR, Rural Resource. Bylaw No. 2521 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900, 1992 – Amendment Bylaw No. 292, 2014 (Windermere / Elkhorn Ranch Ltd.)” will amend the designations of the subject properties as outlined on the attached Schedule A, which is incorporated in and forms part of this Bylaw from R-1, Single Family Residential Zone, R-5, Multiple Family Residential – Community (Cluster) Zone, P-2, Public Parks and Open Space Zone and A-2, Rural Residential (Country) Zone to SH-2, Small Holding Semi-Rural Zone and A-2, Rural Residential (Country) Zone. A public hearing will be held at:

Windermere Community Hall 4726 North Street Windermere, BC Wednesday, June 18, 2014 at 7:00 pm

Windermere Community Hall 4726 North Street Windermere, BC Wednesday, June 18, 2014 at 7:00 pm

The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Director for Electoral Area F, Director for Electoral Area G and the District of Invermere. If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: • inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; • mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/numbers shown below; or • present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. Submissions cannot be accepted after the public hearing. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Jean Terpsma, Planning Technician, at 250-489-0314, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email

The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Director for Electoral Area F, Director for Electoral Area G and the District of Invermere. If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: • inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; • mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/numbers shown below; or • present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. Submissions cannot be accepted after the public hearing. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Jean Terpsma, Planning Technician, at 250-489-0314, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email

19 - 24th Avenue South, Cranbrook BC V1C 3H8 Phone: 250-489-2791 Toll Free: 1-888-478-7335 Email: Website:

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo A5


Above: As part of a B.C. studentwide staged walkout in protest of the ongoing labour strife between B.C. teachers and the provincial government on Wednesday, June 3rd, David Thompson Secondary School students Jake Krebs, Charles Nadon, Beau Nadon, Alex Challis, Luke Persson, Andrew Strain and Katie Young left class before 10 a.m. and marched to the cenotaph in downtown Invermere, carrying protest signs. “It’s ridiculous, we have a right to eduction,” said Jake. Right: Teachers Heather English (far left), Maegan Stanbury, Natalie Lang and Robyn Oliver (third, second and first from right) enjoy some support in the form of fresh-baked cookies from David Thompson Secondary School Grade 11 students Emily Paget, Montanna McIlwain and Micaela Mauthner (second, third, fourth from left) on the picket line outside the school district office during the one-day rotating strike on Friday, June 6th. PhotoS BY STEVE HUBRECHT


Province moves to make exams, grades essential Jeff Nagel Black Press

The province wants completion of secondary school exams and report cards declared an essential service to protect students in the ongoing B.C. teachers strike. The application to extend essential services and avoid “serious and immediate damage” to students was filed Friday with the Labour Relations Board by the B.C. Public School Employers Association. The proposed widening of the existing essential services order so Grade 10 to 12 students can finish the school year and get their final grades would only apply if the B.C. Teachers Federation escalates to a full strike from one-day-a-week rotating strikes in each district. Teachers are voting Monday and Tuesday on a move to a full strike, which could come as soon as June 16. The requested order would cover not just teachers but support staff represented by CUPE and other unions that would not cross teachers’ picket lines. That would also ensure new special needs students are designated and payroll processing continues. The request covers all services needed to prepare, run and mark all provincial and school-based exams as well as compile and enter final grades.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Annual Subscription Rates (incl. tax)

• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $45.30 • Office Pick-Up $34.50 • Canada $62.60 / International $182.00 • Seniors (local) $34.50 / Seniors (Canada) $56.00

Education Minister Peter Fassbender had previously insisted – without explanation – that exams and final grading would not be disrupted. The application says failure to deliver final grades would leave graduating students ineligible for scholarships and potentially unable to apply to post-secondary institutions or employers. “Depriving Grade 12 students of post-secondary opportunities which may not be replaceable would clearly threaten the welfare of these students.” Grade 10 and 11 grades are also needed for access to bursaries or scholarships and appropriate placement in the next year’s classes, it said. The BCTF has warned its members that its strike pay fund is virtually empty. Teachers have already been subject to a 10 per cent pay cut as a result of a partial lockout restricting their hours that was imposed by school employers and upheld Wednesday by the LRB. Premier Christy Clark, questioned by Black Press in Pitt Meadows Friday, said she first wants a settlement on wage increases for teachers ahead of further consideration of changes to class size and composition. “Teachers deserve a raise too,” Clark said. “I think we can get there. But we have to decide we’re going to roll up our sleeves, be serious about bargaining and decide that there is a will to get this done without putting kids in the middle of the fight.” – With files from Monisha Martins



Six Month Subscription Rates (incl. tax)

• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $29.40 • Seniors (local) $22.80



The Invermere


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo

HUMOUR Something on your mind?

#8, 1008 8 Avenue • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-341-6299

The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to editor@



Rose-Marie Fagerholm

Nicole Trigg





Steve Hubrecht




Dean Midyette



Silena Ann Ewen

Renice Oaks




Cheryl Williams




t was a tense scene at The Valley Echo office last Wednesday afternoon.The tail end of our three-day Echoneer (Echo + Pioneer) production cycle is normally a welcome respite from the pressure of two back-to-back newspaper deadlines; but this day was different. When it came over the scanner that a one-year-old infant was floating on her own down Dutch Creek, time seemed to stand still for our staff before ticking by ever so slowly as bits and pieces of news by local RCMP and emergency crews — spaced out by what seemed like agonizingly long periods of silence — floated over the airwaves, informing

Sheila Tutty

NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to


potentially lethal combination. That the victim ended up on a sandbar and not pinned against or under any obstacles is truly a miracle. And testimony to the level of Search and Rescue skills we have in the Columbia Valley is the speed at which the girl was spotted and saved. Harrowing rescues such as this one — especially this one, since it involved a helpless, vulnerable baby — take their toll on the frontline responders, from Swiftwater rescue technicians to the nurses and doctors involved, who have to hold it together while the rest of us have the luxury of wringing our hands and holding back tears. Their emotional strength is commended as much as their physical strength and skills.

Renewed sign to promote renewed peace



us of any developments in the rescue. Amid our fears, a STARS air ambulance arriving at the Invermere & District Hospital gave us hope for the baby’s survival,which grew when the helicopter took off — with the young victim inside — bound for Calgary. Thankfully, this rescue story has a happy ending as the young girl is expected to make a full recovery. How absolutely incredible that a child so young was able to survive such an ordeal. The exact details of the rescue will really only ever be known by the Search and Rescue personnel who attended the scene, but it goes without saying that the early June water temperature, the force of the current and any debris in the river channel make for a


We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

An amazing rescue all around

very small town has as the entrance to Kootenay Regional UNDOWN U something they like to National Park. His personal say is special and sets them motto of “The Mountains Shall apart from others. The Village Bring Peace to the People” was of Radium Hot Springs is no inscribed on the archway.Thirty different! By the nature of our years later, with a much greater name alone, we are set apart volume of traffic, the archway by the hot springs that we have was torn down and the motto all come to know so well and was forgotten for years. Phyllis EE look forward to basking in after Jackson, a long-time resident of a long day of work or play. But Radium and a first time Counthere is something else that, as cil member, remembered seeMayor, I have had more conversations about, ing the sign in old family albums and got the and that is our cherished sign “The Moun- ball rolling to once again resurrect it as we tains Shall Bring Peace to the People.” The know it today. partial phrase is from Psalm 72, a psalm of Last month, the sign finally got a new home Solomon. Back in the 1920s, James Bernard and hopefully will last there for many deHarkin, known as the father of National cades to come. The reason for my flashback Parks, was a huge promoter of tourism and in history is what the sign actually means to the National Parks and all they had to of- us all. On a weekly basis, I hear people say fer. In 1923 as the first road built across the that when they drive by the sign they autoRockies was opened, Mr. Harkin erected an matically feel the stress fall off their shoulA-framed archway for cars to pass through ders. Mr. Harkin tirelessly promoted the area



as a place where people could experience amazing scenery and find a sense of balance. That has not changed even today in the fast-paced world we have created. We had Radium Days this weekend and it was wonderful walking the streets chatting with folks from so many different places. Everyone was happy! The weather co-operated, fabulous old cars were in town to remind us of our younger days, and no one was in a rush to go anywhere! Sometimes we need to stop, think, and remind ourselves how lucky we are to live here. I have never been busier, but I have never been less stressed! Fresh air, cool mountain mornings and a sign that constantly reminds me that “the mountains shall bring peace to the people” are all the inspiration we need to get up in the morning with a smile and a positive attitude. Dee Conklin is the mayor of the Village of Radium Hot Springs and a Regional District of East Kootenay director for the Columbia Valley.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo




Do you support the teachers’ union using a full walk out as a negotiation tool?

“On one hand, I support the teachers but, on the other hand, I think kids need to be in class learning. Also, I think that at some point an agreement needs to be made.”

“I don’t support the teachers because I think kids need to be in class learning.”

Jacob Smedstad

Jessica Freeman

Kate Gibbs


Will BC receive full value for its natural gas?


“Yes, I think it’s better than what they are doing right now.”

MLA Liberals continue to bank the provremier Christy Clark has stated EPORT E ince’s entire future on this plan. that our province is in a race As a province that is rich in rewith the rest of the world, a race sources, we have many experiences to develop our Liquefied Natural with what happens when a governGas (LNG) industry and retire Britment mismanages the development ish Columbia’s debt with the royaland sale of them. As the owners of ties. But when it comes to governthese resources, which we hold in ment completing the work that common as British Columbians, needs to be done, the BC Liberals ORM are barely out of the starting gate. we can be enriched tremendously One of the critical things that govthrough proper use and manageernment must accomplish immement. But we can also be left impovdiately is to establish the Tax and Royalty regime erished when our government miscalculates the under which LNG will be produced, and no cor- needs of the global market. poration is going to make any commitments until One recent example was the privatization of these key questions are settled. B.C. rivers for run-of-river hydro power producMindful of the need to move quickly, the Pre- tion (or independant power projects — IPPs) to mier promised that legislation to establish tax feed presumed global demand for electricity. and royalty rates would be before the House in BC Hydro was forced by the government to pay September 2013. But, instead, the Legislature did for the construction of private power projects not even sit in the fall of 2013. through over-priced, long-term energy purchase Next, the Premier promised that the legislation agreements. As a result, BC Hydro will pay out would be ready for the 2014 spring session. On $55 billion over the next 30 years for power we May 29th, we wrapped up the spring sitting, and don’t need. And reduced demand for electricity the BC Liberals are now promising the LNG tax due to the increased availability of natural gas and royalty rates will be ready for the House in means there is less interest outside of BC in buyfall 2014. This is no way to win a race. ing our surplus electricity. Since BC Hydro is a Meanwhile, things are continuing to shift in glob- Crown Corporation, that $55 billion comes out al LNG markets, and the projections on which the of your pocket. Will LNG development be a similar story? government is basing its promises of LNG prosperity are getting less and less realistic. But the BC See A14





Past, present and future


Each of us has a ach year, I keep Grow Your IFE garden full of memoa written journal ries from the years we that highlights when have been blessed to the leaves begin to be on this earth. We blush on the trees; tenhave had countless der, young fiddleheads opportunities to crebreak through the soil; ate our own reality by the beautiful sight and making choices every aroma of the lilacs apLIZABETH step of the way. If you pear; and the seeds are like me, there were go into the vegetable many choices I made garden. It felt like we had a longer, colder winter this year in the past that I now believe did and, indeed, the dates are slightly not serve me or nurture my happiness, health and long-term growth. different from last. I shake my head, saying to myself: This was my forty-ninth experience of spring this year and, as I “What was I thinking?” Dr. Milton Erickson, a foundationremember a number of them, I feel a sense of gratitude and curiosity al pioneer in the field of psychiatry upon my reflection of not only na- and the power of the unconscious ture, but my own life. mind, based his practice and teachI know I cannot change any ele- ings on five principles: 1. People are ments of the past events and expe- okay as they are. 2. People already riences, and I get to choose how I have all the resources within them react or respond to my memories. to achieve what they want. 3. People This quote from the late Maya An- always make the best choice they gelou is a powerful reminder: “We can at the time. 4. Every behaviour cannot change the past, but we can has a positive intention. 5. Change change our attitude toward it. Up- is inevitable. These are interesting to consider, root guilt and sow forgiveness. Tear out arrogance and seed humility. even though you may or may not Exchange love for hate — thereby agree with all of them. It is a remaking the present comfortable minder that, today, we get to choose and the future promising.” See A14




Are you happy with the government’s handling of Bill 24, which it just passed, that divides the ALR into two zones? NEXT WEEK’S QUESTION:



Do you support the B.C. teachers’ strike action despite the disruption it is creating for students in school districts across the province?




Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo


WEEKLY Beat Have an event you’d like listed? Email it to: production@ invermerevalleyecho. com

JUNE 11th - 17th 11TH : WEDNESDAY

• 2:15 p.m.: Seniors’ Day at the Invermere Library on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Bus provided. For more information or to pre-register, contact 250-342-6416 or visit invermere. • 5 - 9 p.m.: Hang out night at the Summit Youth Centre. • 6 p.m.: PJ Story Time at the Invermere Library. Runs the second Wednesday of each month. For more information or to pre-register, contact 250-342-6416 or visit


• 7:45 - 8:45 a.m.: Sun Riser Yoga at the Community Greenhouse, presented by Groundswell. No experience required, bring a mat, a blanket, a sense of humour, a friend and some water. By donation. Thursdays through to June 26th. Visit: groundswellnetwork. ca/events-calendar. • 5 - 9 p.m.: Ultimate frisbee at the Summit Youth Centre.


• 6 - 11 p.m.: Hang out night at the Summit Youth Centre. • 7 - 9 p.m.: Artist’s Opening for REACH: DTSS Student Art Show at Pynelogs. Show runs from June 10th - 22nd.


• 12 - 7 p.m.: Fairmont and District Lions Club’s 25th annual Charity Golf Fun Day (golf and BBQ) at Coys Par 3. All ages welcome. Please register at Coys prior to the 14th. Cost $30. For more information, visit sites/fairmontbc. • 4 - 8 p.m.: 3rd annual Beer Festival at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort. More that 50 beers to sample, live music by Oak Republic, free souvenir tasting glass. Individual tickets, Lodging and Camping Packages available at fairmon- • 6 - 11 p.m.: Glow bowling with the Summit Youth Centre. $5. • 7 - 9 p.m.: Legend Nights at Lakeshore Resort and Campground. Listen to Ktunaxa legends as told by a First Nation Elder. Free, open to the public, traditional food available for purchase. Also June 28th, July 12th and 26th, and August 2nd, 23rd and 30th.


• 3 - 5 p.m.: EK Senior Caregiver’s Network in the Columbia Garden Village dining room. Caregiver support group meets the third Thursday of every month. For info call Darla at 250-342-2808. • 5 - 9 p.m.: Hang out night at the Summit Youth Centre. • Lake Windermere District Rod & Gun Club Windup BBQ and General Meeting. For more info, visit or call 250-341-3254.

the Summit Youth Centre.


• 1 p.m.: Giving Back Community Golf Tournament at Windermere Valley Golf Course. Presented by The Valley Echo and The Hospice Society of the Columbia Valley. Four person scramble, entry is $125/person or $500/team. Includes golf, dinner, tee gift and prizes. Silent auction, long drives, closest to the pin, chipping and putting contests, hole-in-one prizes, mulligans, and on-course mas20TH : FRIDAY • 4 - 7 p.m.: Dance for the grade sage by High Altitude Therapy. sevens of the Columbia Valley at Proceeds go to The Hospice Socithe Invermere Community Hall, ety. Register at 250-342-3004. hosted by the Summit Youth Centre. $5 entry fee. For more info, 23RD : MONDAY call 250-342-3033 or email summit. • 9 a.m.: Ram into Summer Golf Tourney at Radium Resort. • 4th annual Branch Out Bike Tour as scramble. 9 a.m. registration, at Panorama. Help make sense of shotgun start at 10 a.m. $99 plus neurological nonsense. 1 day 100 GST. Dinner, prizes and more. km bike ride. $110 registration. Contact radiumproshop@radiumFor more info, visit panoramare- or 250-347-6299. • 7 p.m.: Windermere District cial Services Society AGM, lower level of 1210 9th Avenue, Inver21ST : SATURDAY 17TH : TUESDAY • 8:30 - 9 a.m.: 108 Sun Salutations mere. Please contact Donna Jeffer• 7:45 - 8:45 a.m.: Yoga for the Earfor Summer Solstice at the Radium son at 250-342-3699 for more info. ly Bird at the Community GreenBall Diamond. Free event, no expehouse, presented by Groundswell. rience necessary. Bring a yoga mat 24TH : TUESDAY No experience required, bring a and water, snacks and tea provid- • 5 - 9 p.m.: Hang out night at the mat, a blanket, a sense of humour, ed. If possible, please register by Summit Youth Centre. a friend and some water. By donacontacting thismomentisyours@ • 7 p.m.: Columbia Valley Greention. Tuesdays through to June ways Trail Alliance AGM at the Drop-ins welcome. 24th. Visit: groundswellnetwork. • 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Invermere Farmer’s Lions Club Hall / Columbia Valley ca/events-calendar. Market opens for the season! Every Chamber of Commerce. Please • 5 - 9 p.m.: Hang out night at the Saturday in downtown Invermere. RSVP to on or Summit Youth Centre. • 9 a.m. -1 p.m.: ICAN’s 6th an- before June 17th. • 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.: OPT clinic at the nual Garage Sale at Deck PropHOURS Invermere Health Unit. 1st and erties. Proceeds go towards the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Conoperation of the ICAN Rescue and NVERMERE LIBRARY fidential service: low-cost birth Adoption Facility. Also Sunday, I control, and STI testing. • Tuesday - Saturday: June 22nd. Visit • 7 - 8:30 p.m.: Competent Com10 a.m. - 5 p.m. • 1 p.m.: Shuswap Band National posting workshop at the ComAboriginal Day Celebration. Un- • Wednesdays: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. munity Greenhouse, hosted by der the Big Top next to Three Groundswell. Monthly, April ADIUM LIBRARY Voices of Healing Treatment Cen- R through September. $30. Registratre on Capilo Way. Dance perfor- • Tuesday: 6 - 8 p.m. tion is available online at groundmances 1 - 6 p.m. Drum group • Wednesday - Thursday: 1 - 4 p.m. Crow Lodge from Lethbridge, Al• 7:30 p.m.: JUNO Award winning • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. berta. Magician “The Amazing JerBrandi Disterheft Trio, featuring loemy” at 5:30 p.m. Indian Tacos for • Sunday: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. cal drummer, Morgan Childs, live at sale. Bingo starts at 7 p.m. Door Pynelogs. Tickets $20 at the door. WINDERMERE VALLEY MUSEUM prizes, vendors and crafts. • 5:30 p.m.: Summer KickOff Party at • Daily: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. JUNE 18th - 24th the Invermere Community Hall. Dinner catered by Anne Riches, dance INVERMERE THRIFT STORE to the sounds of Will C Productions, • Thursday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. 18TH : WEDNESDAY • 4 - 9 p.m.: Substance Abuse Aware- live and silent auction. All proceeds • Friday and Saturday: 1 - 4 p.m. ness Evening at the Summit YC. to the Canadian Cancer Society. • 6 p.m.: Facebook for Beginners at Tickets $45/person or $80/couple, RADIUM THRIFT STORE the Invermere Public Library. Con- available at The Book Bar, or from • Thursday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Friday and Saturday: tact 250-342-6316 to register. Sheila Tutty at 250-342-9059. 12 - 4 p.m. • 6 - 11 p.m.: Cooking quiches at

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo A9


Wildsight and Pynelogs bring in fresh faces

The Columbia Valley will be graced with the presence of two young professionals this summer who came to Invermere for work that they love. Andrea Smillie is the new outreach coordinator for Wildsight, and Chloë Danielle Marson has filled the summer curator position at Pynelogs Cultural Centre. Both women will occupy their respective roles for the duration of the summer. Hailing from Calgary, Andrea graduated from the University of Calgary in December where she studied environmental science. She became aware of the opening at Wildsight through her friend, Luke Wonneck, who preceded Andrea in her position. While she’d heard good things about the valley from Luke and others, Andrea had no first-hand experience in the area before her arrival in February. “I really like the slow pace. People are super friendly, and there are lots of community organizations,” she said. “It’s a really social community and easy to connect and fit into. People are really welcoming.” Andrea is planning to spend free time

this summer kayaking on the waterways and hiking the valley’s impressive trails. Before her time is over, she hopes to lower the average membership age of Wildsight. “Wildsight is a really good organization; really well-established, but right now it doesn’t have a big young person involvement,” she said. “I want to get more people in their 20s and 30s involved.”

Chloë — the new right-hand help at Pynelogs — was also lured to the region by the natural and pristine beauty. “I wanted to be surrounded by nature. That was hard to accomplish in Toronto,” she said. [Editor’s note: See page 10 for the story of her most recent project.] She came to the valley on April 19th to begin work as a farm hand at the Saunder’s Family Farm. But as a painter, Chloë found her skillset better matched an opening at Pynelogs. She still spends a few hours each week at Saunder’s, but works the lion’s share at the home of the Columbia Valley Arts. Because, as she puts it, “painting is how I speak,” Chloë has begun replenishing her collection of painting supplies, which she’ll be putting to use in the ideal setting. “It’s refining here in the valley; no distractions — there’s a deeper opportunity to connect with my inner voice in the solitudes of glorious nature.” It’s easy to meet Chloë by stopping in for a browse at Pynelogs. Manning the entrance, she’ll be building rapport with clients and artists. And because of Pynelogs’ inclusivity, she especially enjoys working with artists. See A14

Andrea Smillie (above) is the new outreach co-ordinator at Wildsight, and Chloë Danielle Marson (left) has filled the 2014 summer curator position at Pynelogs Cultural Centre. Photos by Dan Walton

Imagine Invermere OCP Update

OCP in a week: June 16-20, 2014 - right in the heart of Invermere Over the next few months, The District of Inveremere will be updating its Official Community Plan. Drop by and see us throughout the week to learn more and to share your thoughts on Invermere’s future growth.


Monday June 16th to Friday June 20th

Monday 10am

Tuesday Drop in

General OCP info 10am-5pm


Drop in

The Lake Auto Garage - 1005 7th Avenue

General OCP info 10am-1pm

Walk & Talk 12pm-1pm

We encourage you to stop by to discuss Invermere’s future growth at your convenience.

Wednesday Drop in

Energy & sustainability 10am-5pm

Thursday Drop in

General OCP info 10am-11:30am


Join us for lunch 11am-2pm

Drop in

General OCP info

Check our schedule for drop in times and community events.

Drop in


Energy & sustainability 2pm-5pm

Find us outside Sobeys

Find us outside IGA

Walk & Talk

For more information, email




Drop in

Downtown & Athalmer areas 4pm-7pm

Friday Drop in

Downtown & Athalmer areas 10am-12pm

We look forward to seeing you throughout the week...



Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo


Portion of Lake Enid restored by Wildsight ENTER

Dan Walton

for your chance


Two 18-hole green fees at EACH of the following eight courses ... Copper Point Golf Club Eagle Ranch Resort Mountainside Golf Course Radium Resort Golf Riverside Golf Course The Ridge at Copper Point The Springs at Radium Windermere Valley Golf Course Tickets $10 each or 3/$25

Only 200 tickets printed Tickets available at The Book Bar

Draw date: Saturday, June 21, 2014 at the Summer KickOff Party For more info, or for tickets, please call

All proceeds to the

Canadian Cancer Society

BC Gaming Licence #64179

Sheila Tutty 250-342-9059

All Things Racing! The Valleys Echo’s upcoming June 18th “All Things Racing” special feature is the perfect opportunity to promote your upcoming event! From marathons and obstacle courses to rally car racing, the valley has it all!

For more information, contact

The damaging effects of off-road motorized vehicles are continuing to take a toll on Lake Enid, and Wildsight fought back again with restoration work on Sunday, June 7th. During the Lake Enid Work Party, members of Wildsight were joined by Randy Harris, a professional forester who’s been with the provincial government since 1976. He spoke about off-road vehicles causing habitat loss in areas like Lake Enid, and the growing need for restoration efforts. “Lake Enid is a really good educational tool in a lot of ways. Because it’s been so heavily damaged by off-road vehicles, it’s such a good example of what can go wrong,” said Andrea Smillie, outreach co-ordinator for Wildsight. “It’s so close to the community, it’s a good way of teaching people what’s going on.” Joined by local high school students, the group then headed into the bush with dozens of seedlings native to the local ecosystem — clippings from four species of plants were collected by the leadership class from David Thompson Secondary School last fall, which were brought back to the school. “They took rooting hormone, planted them in dirt plugs over the winter, kept them in the [Groundswell Network Community] Greenhouse, and most of them started rooting,” Ms. Smillie said. “The part that was cut started growing roots.” The types of native plants reinforced in the habitat were snowberry, red osier dogwood, willow, and water birch. Ms. Smillie said Wildsight’s end goal is to have marked trails for hikers and off-road motorists. “Trails that won’t cross through the lake, but will protect all the species that use the riparian zone.” And if the organization receives sufficient funding,

Ecologist Randy Harris was invited to the Wildsight’s Lake Enid Work Party on Saturday, June 7th, where he shared his knowledge on relevant ecological concerns before taking the shovel to the bush, where the team planted native species around the area. Photo by Dan Walton cleaning, seeding, and planting events will be planned in the fall. Wildsight also has its sights set on installing interpretive signs this summer, although the process is fraught with administrative obstacles. “Hopefully the lake is going to be more accessible for families — not just people on their quads,” Ms. Smillie said.

Cheryl Williams

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FOLLOW THE YELLOW FISH ROAD... On Thursday, June 5th, DTSS students Colin Ross and Kelsey Frank assisted with the Lake Windermere Ambassador project of painting yellow fish next to Invermere’s storm drains as a reminder that preventing pollutants from entering our stormdrains is critical to protecting and improving our watersheds, water quality and aquatic habitat. Photos by kirsten harma

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo A11


Endangered frog takes a leap forward Penny Ohanjanian Contributed

build up depleting wild populations before they become extinct in B.C., while also strengthening an assurance population.” Last year, the Vancouver Aquarium successfully bred The endangered northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens), the most at-risk amphibian in British Columbia, the B.C. northern Leopard frogs in captivity for the first is taking a leap forward on its path to recovery, largely time. For the second year in a row these captive bred due to the coordinated work of the Northern Leopard and hatched tadpoles will be released into the wild as a step towards bringing northern leopard frogs back to Frog Recovery Team. “These are exciting days and it has taken much effort their historic range in British Columbia. Although once found at many sites in the Kootenay and by many partners to get here,” says Dr. Purnima Govindarajulu, chair of the Recovery Team and Small Mam- Okanagan regions, northern leopard frog populations had mal and Herpetofauna Specialist with the B.C. Ministry dwindled to the point where only one wild population of Environment. “The collective effort is bearing fruit. existed — in the Creston Valley. As part of the recovery Two thousand captive bred and hatched tadpoles (were) effort for this species, a second population was reintroduced in the Upper released into the CoKootenay Floodplain, lumbia Marshes on near Bummers Flats May 26th.” in 2004. Last year a In the 1970s, populathird reintroduced tions of northern leoppopulation was startard frogs across wested at a site in the ern Canada declined Columbia Marshes, sharply, especially in representing another British Columbia. Scismall step in the speentists are still workcies recovery. ing to determine the The funding for the cause of these sharp extensive survey, asdeclines in the Rocky sessment and moniMountain population toring work that went which is listed as EnTwo thousand captive bred and hatched northern leopard frog taddangered by the Com- poles — the most at-risk amphibian in B.C. —were released into the into starting a reinmittee on the Status marshes of the Columbia Wetlands on May 26th. Photo submitted troduced population of northern leopard of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). The species is also on the pro- frogs in the Columbia Marshes was provided by the residents of the Upper Columbia Valley who voted in 2008 vincial Red List. Since 2009, a small number of northern leopard frog to direct a portion of their tax dollars to the Columbia eggs from the wild were brought to the Vancouver Aquar- Valley Local Conservation Fund. This is a landmark for ium to create an “Assurance population” in case the pop- citizen-funded conservation, where local taxpayers support conservation projects in their region. The next step ulation in the wild went extinct. “The Rocky Mountain population of the northern leop- will be to monitor the reintroduction program to deterard frogs is yet another example of an amphibian species mine its long term success. “There are still challenges to face before the northern experiencing steep population declines during the past few decades. This is a concern because amphibians are leopard frog can be down-listed from its current ‘red’ key indicators of the health of the ecosystems in which status of conservation concern,” added Govindarajulu. they live, and the decline of one species can dramatically “However, with the tremendous work and dedication of affect others,” says Dr. Dennis Thoney, Vancouver Aquar- all the partners involved, we do believe that the northern ium’s director of animal operations. “The Vancouver leopard frogs will, once again, be hopping across their Aquarium is committed to breeding these frogs to help historic range in B.C.”

CBEEN hosts eco-expo in Nelson CBEEN Contributed The Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) hosted their first ‘Soirée and Expo’ wine and cheese event in Nelson on May 22nd. This event showcased the amazing environmental education programs on offer in the local area while underlining the incredible value this plays in developing a healthy community. Twenty-two local environmental educators were on hand to share their programs with invited guests as part of the Expo trade show style event. Local groups included Wildsafe BC, Wildsight, the Kootenay Community Bat Project, Kootenay Native Plant Society, Friends of Kootenay Lake, Seniors Economic Environment Development Society, Selkirk College, Columbia River Basin Biodiversity Atlas, Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program, Living Lakes Canada, Crawford Bay School, GreenLearning Canada Foundation and the Tipi Camp Nature Retreat.

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Photo courtesy of Tanya De Leeuw Photography


The Invermere


UPCOMING FEATURES Showcase your products and services in any or all of these popular features in JULY • July 2nd: Congratulations Grads! • July 9th: In and On the Water • July 16th: Valley Appreciation • July 23rd: Summer Camping


Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network Board of Directors (Invermere-based executive director Duncan Whittick to the far left) and staff at the Hume Hotel in Nelson on May 22nd. Photo submitted

For more information or to book an ad, contact Cheryl Williams 250-341-6299




Imagine Invermere

Community Sustainability Plan

GRANT OPPORTUNITIES Invermere – What kind of community would you like Invermere to be in the future? How can we get there together? What are the steps we can take right now? These questions were used to create Invermere’s Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, known as Imagine Invermere. The plan was adopted in 2011, and a committee was formed to help move it forward. This committee, called the Imagine Invermere Implementation Team, has been working hard, and several exciting projects have been completed or are underway. One of the Team’s goals is to develop partnerships within the community with engaged citizens and community groups who are inspired to work together on initiatives that create a sustainable future. To help these partnerships happen, the Team, along with the District of Invermere, is excited to announce the second grant stream intake of the Imagine Invermere granting program aimed at providing funding for projects that support the initiatives of the Imagine Invermere vision. Funding is available and will be awarded annually to registered not-for-profit societies or unincorporated local community associations, groups and service clubs who wish to further sustainability as outlined in the Imagine Invermere plan. The Imagine Invermere Implementation Team is now accepting Letters of Intent from groups interested in accessing the partnership fund. It is important that any proposals align well with the priorities in Imagine Invermere. The complete document can be found online at http:// Letters of Intent will be accepted up to June 30, 2014 at the District office, Box 339, 914 8th Avenue, V0A 1K0, or by email at For more information, please contact Rory Hromadnik at the District of Invermere, 250-342-9281, extension 1235,, or Councillor Spring Hawes DISTRICT OF INVERMERE

914 – 8th Avenue, PO Box 339 Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Tel: (250) 342-9281 • Fax: (250) 342-2934

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo

FUN FOR ALL AGES From top: Barry Tremblay celebrates the ending of another school year at the traditional Pie-in-theFace Fundraiser for Dry Grad on Thursday, June 5th (Photos by Steve Hubrecht); Eileen Madson Primary School Grade 3 students get the low down on how fire trucks work from Invermere deputy fire chief Jason Roe during their tour of the District of Invermere on Wednesday, June 4th (Photo by Steve Hubrecht); The Columbia Valley Twirlers hosted a mainstream square dance in Radium Hot Springs on Friday June 6th and Saturday, June 7th. The Community Hall was packed full of square dancers, who were kept well-entertained by callers Gary Winter and Dustin McGifford (Photo by Dan Walton); Aleshia MacLean celebrates Radium Days with a fuzzy friend on Saturday, June 7th (Photo by Dan Walton).

David thompson school

stUdent art sHoW

art opening June 13 from 7 to 9:30

What does ART JUNO Award Winning brandi Disterheft trio mean to you? LIVE JAZZ at Pynelogs Tuesday June 17th Doors open at 7:30 pm · Tickets at the door

Visit for our current events calendar, or call 250-342-4423.

Happy BirtHday to pynelogs! 1914 - 2014 · Celebrating 100 years

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo A13


A LUSH Groundswell Con-Verge-ance Brings Resilience to Our Community


commit to the vision when LUSH Canada anor the past two years, Groundswell Network Like the Way You’re HINKING nounced $25,000 in financial support for the Society has been forging some interesting and Groundswell Permaculture Garden and Renewproductive alliances with leading organizations in able Energy Education Programs at the Commuthe development of the sustainability programs it nity Greenhouse. LUSH Canada is committed to offers locally and throughout Western Canada. sustainability, and permaculture and renewable Verge Permaculture, based in Calgary and energy are currently two focal program priorities headed up by Rob and Michelle Avis, specialfor the LUSH Charity Pot Program. Groundswell’s izes in a systems-design approach to sustainable work popped right off the page when they saw human habitat and a focus on interconnected ILL what Groundswell is advancing and there’s exelements: low energy buildings, water managecitement around a possible visit here by LUSH ment, waste re-use, renewable energy and food staff. As part of their support, LUSH works directly production systems. Verge’s courses and consulwith projects by involving their staff in site visits and work bees. tancy are in demand across North America. With such closely aligned objectives, it was a match made in Just what the heck is Permaculture? heaven when Groundswell and Verge began working together On Saturday, June 14th from 3 to 5 p.m., you are invited to find in 2013 on continued development of the 12,000 square foot out at Groundswell’s Permaculture Garden Open House and Permaculture Garden outside the Community Greenhouse. Verge and their energetic Verge Design Graduates have, to- Tours.Verge Permaculture, their design graduates and Groundgether with Groundswell leaders, invested well over 3,000 hours swell leaders will be on hand to provide you with guided tours of volunteer labour and expertise in the Permaculture Garden of the Permaculture Garden. Come see the work achieved thus that now features a food forest, mulch basins, community pro- far and what the long-term development of the site holds. Atduction beds, a built wetland, rainwater harvesting systems, and tendance is free of charge and refreshments will be served. Kids are welcome and we’ll have doggie water bowls in the a central teaching area that features a cob pizza oven. “Almost everywhere I go to speak or work in professional and shade outside the garden fence. informal networks, I hear about and talk about the GroundThe collaboration continues this summer swell Community Greenhouse. It is an outstanding facility in As part of their Distinguished Speakers Series, Groundswell your community that is a tangible, living project that has walked the talk, providing people with hands-on experience with the will be hosting three visiting experts during June and July principles and practices of community sustainability,” says Avis. who will deliver hands-on workshops that are sure to inspire “Verge is excited about developing and working with this gar- and energize you. Don’t pass up these opportunities — these den and Groundswell in the years ahead as we bring students folks are in-demand and hard to book! First up on Tuesday (June 17th) evening, is Greg Fisher of Top from around the region and the world to learn here.” “Working with Verge has been an outstanding alliance,” says Crops Garden, Farm and Pet. With more than thirty years experiAlison Candy of Groundswell.“Their knowledge, passion and ence, Greg will be here to share his know-how on timed irrigacommitment have brought so much to the Permaculture Gar- tion systems for use in gardens and greenhouses. Learn how to save water and boost your horticultural production.s. den project and ultimately our community.” M.P. M. Nair worked for thirty plus years in advanced computer science, but just ask him about his love of lemon trees LUSH Canada Onboard The collaborative approach has been a hallmark at Ground- and orchids! What’s more amazing is his almost forty years exswell for the past fourteen years and has resulted in both lo- perience growing and breeding these plants in his home and cal and outside organizations investing in our community. at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. Join Nair in the This month saw another alliance confirmed and an investor morning and afternoon on Saturday,June 21st for two workshops — Orchids and Indoor Air Quality and Indoor Food Production FORD from A3 including Micro Lemon Trees and Window Ledge Food Systems. Charlie Schultz and his team from Lethbridge University In addition to the snowplow attachment, the new are considered the go-to regional experts on aquaculture and Ford has a dump box, more seating, and an automatic aquaponics — indoor systems for combining fish and protransmission. “The replacement vehicle is multi-purduction of vegetable crops you can construct and operate uspose — a full dumptruck or snowplow won’t need to ing off-the-shelf supplies. In this two-day course (July 25th to be pulled out for medium-sized job.” 26th), you’ll learn by building and running these systems for The old vehicle was donated to the Columbia Valley year-round food production right at home. Rockies, who will be putting the truck to use through Visit more detheir firewood service. Mayor Taft said that repairing tailed information and to register online for these great courses. the Chevy was becoming evermore expensive – parBill Swan is the Executive Director at Groundswell Network ticularly the clutch – and was only in use a few times Society and also operates Greenman Sustainable Solutions each summer. specializing in renewable energy.



Veteran's Lunch June 16th, 12 p.m.

Invermere Legion, Branch # 71 Free for all Veterans Spouses & Guests, $10 Call Louise 250-342-6044 by June 15th for reservations. Windermere Valley Minor Hockey Association


for the 2014/2015 Hockey Season

Thursday, June 19th, 2014 Eddie Mountain Arena Lobby

5 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Register for the 2014/2015 season before June 30th, 2014 and save $50 Forms available online at:

September 9 - 13

Over 3500 BC 55+ Seniors expected to attend.

What’s happening in your region?

Get involved. We’ll show you how.

Play With WithUs” Us” “Come Play

To have your pet featured, send in your companion’s name, age and photo, along with a fun fact or story about them! Be sure to include your name. Email

Oh no!

We don’t have companion thisa week!



Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo WILL from A7


Will British Columbia receive full value for its natural gas? Or will BC follow the example of Australia and heavily subsidize construction of LNG plants while receiving little in return? These are the questions I want Premier Clark to answer. If you are also curious, send the Premier an email at premier@gov. Norm Macdonald is the NDP MLA for Columbia River Revelstoke. He can be reached at 1-866-870-4188 and by email at norm. PAST from A7


On Friday, June 6th, the Canadian flag at the Columbia Valley RCMP detachment flew at half-mast to honour the three RCMP officers shot dead in Moncton, New Brunswick on June 4th. PHOTO BY NICOLE TRIGG

what we create and how we respond; and we can choose our perception of our memories. That’s powerful! Elizabeth Shopland is a horticulturist for Homefront Essentials Gardening, a Certified Solution Focused Coach, author and speaker, and the owner of Banyan Tree Solutions. She can be reached at 250-342-8978 or

“We have an eye for refinement, but try to include as many artists as we can,” she said. “Acting as an inclusive gallery is inspiring; helping artists to display their work and be proud of it at Pynelogs.” Chloë’s looking forward to the Invermere MusicFest on Sunday, August 3rd, when the Boom Booms will be headlining a day packed with Canadian talent. She also hopes to share some ideas with Pynelogs, including new food and music festivals.

EMEMBER WHEN? R A look back through The Valley Echo's archives over the last 55 years

2006 — Blayr Lightfoot, along with Japhy Hunt (glasses)starred in TNT Theatre Company’s Palindrome Power at Pynelogs Cultural Centre. ECHO FILE PHOTO


years ago (1959): Ten graduates were presented with their diplomas by School Inspector Matheson of Kimberley. The graduates were Pat Dean, Cathy Fleetham, Douglas Lim, Stuart Lloyd, William Locke, Anne Mackill Marlene Roder, Louise Solinger, Doreen Warner and Siegfried Hromadnik.


years ago (1964): The Radium Hot Springs Hotel closed its doors. The lodge’s hostelry was built by Captain and Mrs. John S. Blakley in 1923. That week, the door was to be locked and another landmark of the “Springs” was struck down in the name of progress.


years ago (1969): A group of 12 students from DTSS traveled to Trail as part of the East Kootenay track and field team. Carol Blakley ran second in the 1500 meter and this qualified her to represent the Kootenay team at the Provincial finals in Vancouver.


years ago (1974): Radium Elementary School was on the way to having an Adventure Playground. Head teacher Carol Johnson, with advice and help from residents, designed a piece of equipment that combined the tire climb, rope climb, chinning bar and swing made from trees.


years ago (1984): On May 13, 1984, Susan Marie Routson received her Bachelors degree with honours in Science and Psychology from the University of Boise, Idaho. Susan is the granddaughter of Mrs. Anna Hecher of Invermere.


years ago (1994): Rhiannon Tutty, a Grade 10 student at David Thomson Secondary School, was selected to attend the Rotary Club sponsored event at the University of Wisconsin for a week-long conference focusing on international politics in the post-Cold War world. This event brought together 1,250 students

from around the world.


years ago (1999): On June 5th the Lake Windermere Resort Ltd. Vice president and managing director announced that the company expected to receive a development permit which would allow for the first phase of the resort to be constructed that summer.


years ago (2004): The first municipal election for Canal Flats was planned for Saturday, June 12th. Voters had a solid selection of candidates and two strong choices for mayor in John Tilley and Emile Morin.


years ago (2009): A family from France made a stop in Windermere as they continued their bike trip around the world. The family had already covered 13,000 kilometres and planned to travel 20,000 km in total. While in the valley, the family stayed with Bill Dubois and his wife.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, 2014 Echo Wednesday, June 11, 2014June The11, Valley A15 A15 Employment Employment

<our community. <our classiÂżeGs.


Help Wanted






Fuze Food Truck is looking for a friendly, fun, OUTGOING individual to take orders and cash at the window while making smoothies! Needs to be able to multi task, keep a clean working space, work hard but have fun in the coolest new food truck in town. F/T or P/T wage based on experience. Email or call 250-270-9011.


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Al-Anon - Are you con-

CDA EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY in INVERMERE Our Team is looking for a CertiďŹ ed Dental Assistant to join us in September 2014. We are looking for a gentle, organized and motivated person to work 4-5 days per week. Please fax/e-mail your resume to Dr. Pat O’Sullivan at 250-342-3561 or

Dehart Sewer and Drain is looking for a truck driver/pump truck operator. Job is seasonal. May to October. $18 - $22 per hour. Must have a good driver abstract. Willing to train. Contact Bruce at 250-347-9803 or send resume to 250-347-2274.

Coming Events

Coming Events

Business Opportunities


cerned about or affected by someone else’s drinking? If so, please join us. Al-Anon meets EVERY Monday in Invermere at 7:15 PM at the Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church, 712 - 12th Ave, (behind the Invermere hospital). For information, please call 250-342-8255

ALCOHOLICS Anonymous If alcohol is causing problems or conflict in your life, AA can help. Call 250-342-2424 for more information. All meetings are at 8 p.m. Invermere: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday groups - Columbia United AA at the BC Services building, south end, 625 4th Street Invermere. Radium Friendship Group: Friday, Catholic Church. All meetings are open with the exception of Tuesdays.

Vernon Service Company requires Journeyman Service Plumbers/GasďŹ tters, $36.00/hr Call (250)549-4444 or fax 250-549-4416


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR TimeshareNo Risk Program, Stop Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Free Consultation. Call Us Now. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Employment Business Opportunities GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629 Website:


• CertiďŹ ed Home Study Course • Jobs Registered Across Canada • Gov. CertiďŹ ed / 604.681.5456 or 1.800.665.8339

INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: to start training for your work-at-home career today! THERE IS still a huge demand for Canscribe Medical Transcription graduates. Medical Transcription is a great workfrom-home career! Contact us today at Call 1.800.466.1535 or email:

Help Wanted An Alberta OilďŹ eld Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051.

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

In Loving Memory of Our Parents, Lawrence and Vi Sholinder Our Sister, Georgina DuBois Locked in our hearts, You will always be Loved and remembered, For all eternity

We miss you. Carol, Arlee, Ralph, Larry, Linda, and our families. Obituaries


LAWRENCE LOUIS ROMAN November 24, 1930 – Camperville, MB June 3, 2014 – Golden, BC Lawrence passed away peacefully surrounded by family at the age of 83. Lawrence is survived by his children Steve, Larry (Kathy), Brad (Lucy) and Dionne; as well as, granddaughters; Shannon (Dean), Ashley, Lindsey and great-granddaughter Lillian and several nephews and nieces. He lived by and instilled the belief to his family that “We can do anything, the impossible just takes a little longer.� Lawrence started his own transport refrigeration repair company, Reefer Service (Calgary) Ltd, which operated for over 30 years. Lawrence loved the outdoors and retired to the Columbia Valley in BC where he spent his time camping, fishing, dirt biking and snowmobiling. He was always there to help out his community and was great neighbour and friend to many. A special thank you goes out to the staff of Durand Manor in Golden, BC for their compassion, support and exceptional care they provided to our Dad, Grandpa, Great-Grandpa and Friend. Online condolences may be sent through Lawrence’s obituary at

is currently accepting applications for full time and part time employment. Apply in person to 185 Laurier Street, Invermere, BC between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Business Opportunities

The concession at the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena is available for lease for the 2014-2015 skating season. r The concession is operated for hockey school during two weeks in August, all Rockies games, weekend Minor Hockey games, figure skating shows and any other special events during the lease period. r ÎF NBJO TFBTPO SVOT GSPN NJE 4FQUFNCFS UP NJE .BSDI r 1SJPS UP PQFSBUJPO UIF TVDDFTTGVM BQQMJDBOU XJMM CF SFRVJSFE to purchase liability insurance, obtain a health permit, pay a damage deposit and pay the first month’s lease fee.

Lordco Auto Parts in Invermere is looking for a shipper/receiver. F/T with beneďŹ ts. Must have valid class 5 drivers licence. Apply in person with resume and drivers abstract.

Fri, Sat, Sun, June 20, 21 & 22, 9am-4pm, 3578 Island Pond Rd, by Premier Lake, watch for signs. Little bit of everything




Personals MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851.

Help Wanted

Dick Damron and The Stoney Creek Band Los Morenos The Static Shift The Cumberland Brothers Combo Akimbo Siofri The Bruise Brothers The Halfsacks Cousins


Bill Cropper Beard’s Creek Mickey Maione Masters of Nun The Pickups Abby Wells Emily Rawbon Sheberdeen Paige Ellerton

July 5th TICKETS:

Interested parties can pick up an information package, which contains a sample lease, at the arena between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday - Friday. Deadline for submissions is 12 p.m. on Monday, June 16th, 2014.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Now Hiring A&W Restaurant, Invermere, has immediate openings for FULL-TIME permanent Food Counter Attendants. 4 Full-Time Day & Evening Positions – Kitchen and Front Counter (up to 40 hours/week) $10.25 - $11.50/hr (based on experience) We offer a friendly work environment, shared benefits plan, scholarship program and opportunities for advancement. Successful applicants will be required to perform the following duties: t $PPL BOE BTTFNCMF GPPE TVDI BT TBOEXJDIFT IBNCVSHFST salads, milkshakes, portion and wrap food or place it on plates for service to patrons, package food for take-out orders, clean production area. t 4FSWF DVTUPNFST BU DPVOUFS BOE JO ESJWF UISV IBOEMF payment transactions, clean dining and front counter area. t 4UPDL SFGSJHFSBUPST BOE GPMMPX " 8 BOE #$ 1SPWJODJBM standards for food safety and quality, and record keeping. t 1MFBTBOUMZ BOE IPOFTUMZ JOUFSBDU XJUI DVTUPNFST BOE GFMMPX team members. Please apply in person or online at

$35 adults / $5 youth

0911611 BC LTD o/a Tim Hortons 496 Highway 93/95 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K2


Part and Full-time Positions Available

Pip’s Country Store Meet on Higher Ground Bliss Hair Studio Hoodoo Service Station The Purple Cow Essentials Department Store Kicking Horse Coffee Kootenay Coffee Be Gifted ...and online through PayPal

Start date: ASAP

Food Service Supervisor Permanent, Shift

Job Description Available in Store 7 positions available No education required One to two years experience required. Nights/early mornings/weekends $12.12/hour + medical/dental/group benefits.

Food Counter Attendant Permanent, Shift

Job Description Available in Store 12 positions available No education or experience required. Nights/overnights/early mornings/ weekends. $11.05/hour + medical/dental/group benefits.

Apply in person, via email ( or by fax (250-341-3177) for both positions.


A16 Help Wanted Trades, Technical Love Golf? Honest, hardworking, outgoing person required for part time sales work at local golf course. Flexible hours. 250-308-1163. Strand’s Restaurant is looking for a trainee chef and line cook to start immediately. Full time evenings. Apply in person or to Tony Wood at 250-342-6344 or Wanted Full Time Experienced Framing Carpenter. Contact Ken @ 250-341-1886

Professional/ Management FINANCIAL Advisor Opportunity. Credit Union Services Organization (CUSO) represents various C.U.’s across BC. We are seeking professional financial advisors to work with our members. Our advisors have unlimited earning potential and can be partially vested in their book of business. Contact: FINANCIAL Advisor Opportunity EKC MoneyWorks (Credit Union) is looking for an entrepreneurial professional financial advisor with a passion for helping individuals and families achieve and succeed with their financial and retirement goals. The successful candidate will hold the CFP and (preferably) the CLU designations and be eligible for Level II insurance licensing. Three to five years of financial planning experience is a minimum requirement. We operate in a leads based environment; earning potential is not capped, planners can and do earn in excess of six figure incomes and can qualify to be partially vested in their ‘book’. If you are results orientated, goal centric, and enjoy one to one personal relationships and take pride in utilizing your skills above standard norms, please send your resume to: . Thank you for your consideration. Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted.

Trades, Technical

HEAVY DUTY Mechanic to work in private shop on farm. We have several semi trucks hauling farm products as well as farm tractors. Job would include maintenance on all equipment, as well as repairs as necessary, clutch, wheel seals, some welding, etc. This is a full time year round position. Call 250-838-6630 or email:


Financial Services ARE YOU $10K Or More In Debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-3511783. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. UNFILED TAX Returns? Unreported Income? Avoid Prosecution and Penalties. Call a Tax Attorney First! 1855-668-8089. (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Misc. for Sale A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders JD 892D LC excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB Firewood bagged or bulk, free local delivery. 250-342-3040 or HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate bugs- guaranteed. No mess, odorless, long lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot. SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT.

Help Wanted

Misc. for Sale TENDER ZEHNDER BEEF Natural local beef, free of antibiotics and hormones. Government inspected, custom-cut, wrapped and delivered. Raised on the open range west of Lake Windermere. Now taking orders for halfs and quarters. Call John Zehnder 250-342-6781

Misc. Wanted BUYING Coin Collections, Estates, Antiques, Native Art, Silver, Jewelry 778-281-0030 FIREARMS: ALL types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. Call 1-866960-0045 Or visit online at:

Real Estate Houses For Sale

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo Apt/Condo for Rent Auto Financing Auto Financing RADIUM - Cozy 1 bdrm, 1 bath condo over 800 sq ft for rent at the Peaks available July 1st. 7 appliances, underground parking, pool, indoor and outdoor hot tub. NS, Deposit required. Asking $800/ month. 403-880-9719, 403-291-4804

Commercial/ Industrial In Invermere - For rent 503 7th Ave., currently Valley Spas, 1950 sq. ft., call 250-342-0603 or 250-341-5845.

Want to Rent Wanted furnished condo to rent, long term for Aug 1st, 2014. Excellent references. Call 250-341-3541.

Auto Accessories/Parts

Gorgeous Views, 1260 sq ft two bedroom cabin, beautifully landscaped, over-looking Lake Windermere. All appliances included. Over-sized single garage, new flooring, freshly painted. Yours to live and vacation year round. $429,900.00. Contact 403-890-9646.

Help Wanted

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent INVERMERE - Beautiful condo close to downtown. 3 bdrms, 3 baths, 5 appl, large storage room and attached garage! Will go fast @ $1150/mo plus utilities. Call Kevin for evening showing 780-982-1140.

Photography / Video FAMILY Portrait Sale! $200. Up to 6 people. 50 photos with print release. $50 print credit. 778-517-2772

Home Repairs FAST AND Reliable Plumbing Repairs, 24/7. Call Parker Dean for your next plumbing job. Present this ad and get $50 off. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.

Merchandise for Sale

PCL ENERGY- Now Hiring Journeyperson Pipefitters ($40 +/hr) and Scaffolders ($38+/hr) for an industrial project in Vanscoy, SK. LOA of $145/day worked, travel and bonuses paid! We offer competitive wages and benefits. Email resume:

FARM & Ranch Paige Wire Fencing, 48� Tall, Lowest Prices in BC. All City Auctions 604-514-0194

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

PO Box 159, Canal Flats, B.C. V0B 1B0 Phone: 250-349-5462 Fax: 250-349-5460

The Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce is seeking an individual with an outgoing personality, good computer skills, knowledge of the Columbia Valley and transportation to and from work. Retail experience is an asset. Must be a fulltime student (Secondary or Post-secondary) and returning to full-time studies in the fall. Must be able to work weekends. Term of employment June 1st to August 31st. Please send resume with cover letter to Kathy@cvchamber. ca, drop off at Visitor Centre or call 1-250-342-2844.

Bylaw Enforcement Officer Part-time Position

Legal Assistant Wanted in Invermere Rockies Law Corporation requires a Legal Assistant for our Invermere location. The successful candidate will have 3 to 5 years of general office experience and preference will be given to those with experience in real estate conveyancing. Candidates should have a high level of competency in Microsoft Office and the ability to work in a fast paced environment. Rockies Law Corporation offers competitive remuneration and provides a progressive and flexible work environment. Please forward your resume with cover letter to Rockies Law Corporation, #201 – 290 Wallinger Avenue, Kimberly, B.C. V1A 1Z1, Attention Steve Brine, or by email, Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Farm Equipment

Summer Student Visitor Centre Counselor

Help Wanted

Reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer, the Bylaw Enforcement Officer is responsible for conducting inspections, investigations, mediation and resolution of bylaw violations. The Bylaw Enforcement Officer will coordinate the development and implementation of the Municipal Ticketing Bylaw (MTI Bylaw) and will be expected to assist with the prosecution of offences on behalf of the Village of Canal Flats. The focus is providing bylaw compliance services on Unsightly, Noise, and Zoning Bylaws. Customer relations and conflict management skills form key components of the position requiring that the Bylaw Enforcement Officer interprets bylaws, regulations and applicable rules to the public. Training will be available and necessary skills and qualifications include:




This position is an on-call basis, non-standard work week including evening and/or weekend shifts. The wage is $20 per hour up to a maximum of $400 per month.


Interested individuals are encouraged to submit a cover letter, resume and references, in confidence OP MBUFS UIBO QN PO +VOF 8F UIBOL BMM BQQMJDBOUT IPXFWFS POMZ UIPTF CFJOH DPOTJEFSFE will be contacted. Village of Canal Flats 10 #PY Canal Flats, BC V0B 1B0 'BY e-mail:


CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. David Morton 250-426-7564

WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY ANGLICAN-UNITED 250-342-6644 100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin

Sunday, June 15th 9:00 a.m. Worship at All Saint’s, Edgewater. 9:30 a.m. Bacon, Friends & Faith at Christ Church Trinity 10:30 a.m.: Worship at Christ Church Trinity, Invermere

CANADIAN MARTYRS CATHOLIC CHURCH Roman Catholic Parish Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-6167 Invermere 250-344-6328 Golden Confession: 1/2 hour before Mass Canadian Martyrs Church 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Saturday at 5 p.m. Sunday at 9 a.m. St. Joseph’s Church Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs Sunday at 11 a.m. Sacred Heart Parish 808 - 11 Street, Golden Saturday at 7 p.m. Sunday at 10 a.m. St. Anthony’s Mission Corner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats

Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)

RADIUM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334 Loving God, Loving People #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Sundays at 10 a.m. Bible Studies #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Kids’ Church Edgewater Hall Thursday 6:30 p.m.


326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 REV. TREVOR HAGAN Senior Pastor

VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Hwy. 93/95 1 km north of Windermere Pastor: Murray Wittke

Sunday, June 15th FATHER’S DAY Sunday Service 10 a.m. Worship & Word 10:30 a.m. Kid’s Church Provided Worship And Life Instruction “Love Is A Verb ... Call the office at 250-342-9511 Love Is Not...� for more information. Pastor Trevor ministering.

Sharing Truth Showing Love Following the Spirit


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo




Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. Figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers named, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!




CLUES ACROSS 1. The woman 4. New Rochelle college 8. If not 12. Rotating mechanism 13. Strong sharp smell or taste 14. Squash bug genus 15. Eggs 16. S. African Anglican bishop 18. Draws taut 20. One who tears down 21. Killed 22. Focus during yoga 26. Boxing referee declares 27. Morning 28. Make very hot and dry 29. At right angles to the keel 31. Basalt layers of earth 35. Most abundant rare-earth 36. Possessed 37. __ Hess, oil company 39. They __ 40. 17th state 41. Actress Sarandon 42. Nostrils 44. Speech defect 47. Atomic #73 48. Chewing treat 49. Determines time 53. An edict from the tsar 56. Lariate 57. Dreary 58. Cruise/Nicholson movie 62. 7th Greek letter 63. Tubings 64. “Blue Rider” artist August 65. Trent Reznor’s rock group 66. Recess 67. Picnic playwright Wm. 68. Turner or Danson A17

14. Used to cut and shape wood 17. __ King Cole 19. Japanese deer 22. Vitrines 23. Princely area 24. Mother-of-pearl 25. A___ - is in accord 29. Get _ _ of 30. Bay of All Saints state 32. Supernatural forces (N.Z.) 33. Promotional material 34. Rubicund 38. 12th Greek letter 39. Military weapon 43. No. diving sea birds 45. Place emphasis on 46. P. Reubens’ Herman 50. Dawdles 51. 1st Japanese Prime Minister 52. Ruth’s Mother-in-law (Bib.) 54. “Socrate” composer Erik 55. African antelope 57. Ice hockey fake 58. Expression of triumph 59. Dandy 60. Actor Aykroyd 61. Microgram

Answers to June 4th:

CLUES DOWN 1. People of the lochs 2. Czech playwright Vaclav 3. Gave forth 4. Frozen drinks 5. Many not ands 6. Matchstick game 7. Embellish 8. Goes into 9. Twin Peaks actress Piper 10. Very fast airplane 11. Cologne 13. Benign glandular tumors

W eekend WEATHER Friday


Scattered showers Temp: 18oC o

Feels like 18 C

Low: 8oC

Saturday June 14 Scattered showers Temp: 19oC o

Feels like 19 C

Low: 8oC

Sunday June 15 Cloudy with showers Temp: 19oC o

Feels like 19 C

Low: 7oC

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Focus your energies in a positive way, Aries. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to, and now is the time to put your attitude to work.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Expect to reach a milestone in your life, Leo. This may have something to do with your family or career. Either way, the praise you will receive is warranted.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, something will bring a smile to your face early in the week, and there’s pretty much nothing that can put you in a bad mood. This is an ideal time to get things accomplished.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you are ready for something or someone new. Right now is a good time to reach out and connect with a new passion. Things will get more interesting rather quickly.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Sometimes it can be easy for you to get fixated on a certain way of doing things, Virgo. There are really many different paths to the same outcome when you are open to ideas.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 You are never one to walk away from a challenge, Capricorn. This week you will be presented with a big obstacle, and you will have to step up to tackle the hard stuff.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 You need to focus and get back to work this week, Gemini. Things have slipped out of your fingers, and it could take a little while before you get back on a schedule.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, do not panic when a glitch arises in your plans. Just approach the situation from a different angle, and you will find a solution in no time.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Keep your eyes open and you just may stumble on something new and fascinating this week, Aquarius. This is a good time to explore new ideas and apply them to your daily life.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Shop around for the best deals before making a big purchase, Cancer. A little extra work can lead to substantial savings. There are deals to be had, so be patient.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Try not to push yourself too hard this week, Scorpio. This is a good time to maintain a low profile. Drawing too much attention to yourself might ruffle the wrong feathers this week.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Someone gets bent out of shape over something that seems laughable to you, Pisces. You may need to adjust your view.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo



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Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo A19

Looking for a Bright Worker?

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Sheblime Roofing Ashphalt Shingles Repairs - Replacement – New Insured Call for Quote

Phone: 250-341-8009

P.O. Box 678, Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0

The WaTer & air Company! Water Treatment: filtration and purification Furnace and Duct cleaning

Purify the water you drink and the air you breathe! Kerry Colonna


Located in the Diamond Heating & Spa building in Athalmer

Lambert-Kipp Pharmacy Ltd. J. Douglas Kipp, B. Sc. (Pharm.) Laura Kipp, Pharm D. Irena Shepard, B. Sc. (Pharm.) Your compounding pharmacy Come in and browse our giftware! Open Monday - Saturday • 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 1301 - 7th Avenue, Invermere • 250-342-6612

24 hours a day • 7 days a week

Business of the Week



Three Bears Gift Shop Open 7 days/week - year round. We carry home decor, art, and accent furniture pieces to freshen up your home along with unique gifts for every occasion. You might even find something fun for your garden! Be sure to stop by often... we have new treasures arriving weekly. When opening the store we decided to keep our prices low so everyone could shop at Three Bears. Nothing makes us more happy than to hear someone say... “this is my favorite store”. This July 1st we will be celebrating 5 years in business. Thank you so much to all our wonderful customers! We are located in Parkside Place - Downtown Invermere - next to Details by JoAnne. Sponsored by:

Dwight Nelson

Arnold Scheffer


Industrial ~ Commercial ~ Residential 651 Highway 93/ 95, P.O. Box 1019, Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0

Painting the Columbia Valley

Paint Specialists in:

Interior/Exterior • Commercial • Residential Custom Woodwork Finishes



• Complete sewer/drain repairs • Reasonable rates - Seniors’ discount • Speedy service - 7 days a week • A well-maintained septic system should be pumped every 2-3 years • Avoid costly repairs

• CAA approved automotive repair •

MECHANICAL REPAIRS AVAILABLE 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 7 Days A Week


Sand & Gravel

Complete line of aggregate products for construction and landscaping Office:

7507 Main Street West


Proudly serving the Valley for over 50 years. For competitive prices and prompt service call:

Box 2294 Invermere, BC V0A 1K0

Sholinder & MacKay

Bruce Dehart 250-347-9803 or 250-342-5357

• Gas • Propane • Diesel • Automotive Repairs • Tires & Batteries • Greyhound

Office 250-342-6886 Cell 250-409-4700



Up to 3,000 PSI Line snake with crawler nossle Culvert steaming Up to 350 F Environmental cleanup

Sales ~ Service ~ Installation

Septic Tank Pumping Portable Toilet Rentals


To advertise, call: 250-341-6299

250-342-3268 (plant) 250-342-6767 (office)

250-342-6452 • 250-342-3773 Cell: 250-342-5833


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Valley Echo

The Valley Echo and The Hospice Society of the Columbia Valley present

Giving Back Community

Golf Tournament

Sunday, June 22, 2014 at 1 p.m. at the Windermere Valley Golf Course Four Person Scramble. Entry fee is $125/person $500/team. Includes golf, dinner, tee gift, and prizes! Not a golfer? Join us for dinner and the silent auction for only $40/person. Long Drives • Closest to the Pin • Chipping and Putting Contests Hole in One Prizes • Mulligans • Silent auction • A Great Meal On-course massage therapist

Our player-friendly format is a four-person scramble with only three tee shots needed from each player.

Fees must be paid at time of entry. Please contact the Windermere Valley Golf Course Pro Shop at 250-342-3004 to register. Space is limited so register early! Call Dean at The Valley Echo with any questions at 250-341-6299. 1988






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