CASTLEGAR NEWS Thursday, June 12, 2014
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Vol.11 • Issue 24
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This week’s feature:
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Gardens of earthly delight A day-full of horticultural splendour lies ahead. See page A18
Chief Rempel popped
All in good fun, and for a good cause, t’boot See page A10 DRIVEWAY Special car feature in the West Kootenay Advertiser located within this paper
Teachers’ strike vote passes
Sonic smorgasbord
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Castlegar News Editor Mountainview Realty Ltd.
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Young music lovers approve of BC/DC’s tone and volume during Sunfest 2014 show last Saturday. More Sunfest photos on page A13. Jim Sinclair
The BC Teachers’ Federation has voted in favour of escalated strike action by a margin of 86 per cent. A full fledged strike could begin as soon as Monday, June 16. The results of the strike vote by local teachers is not to be made public, Kootenay Columbia Teachers’ Union President Andy Davidoff says – that’s because of a “protocol,” but he did divulge on June 11 that the local response was “resounding.” Education Minister Peter Fassbender, whose comments were obtained from the ministry website, said, “The vote results are not unexpected. While the BCTF leadership received the mandate they sought, no one should interpret this as any kind of enthusiasm on the part of teachers to shut down schools. “I know teachers would prefer to be in their classrooms and I know that students and parents would rather finish this school year on a positive note. It is now up to the BCTF leadership to decide if they are going to move to a full walkout.” The local teachers’ union spokesperson feels there is more behind the negotiations than what’s currently on the table.
Continues on P. A18
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Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News
Excitement builds by the pond-full jim sinclair Castlegar News Editor
People are naturally interested in major improvements to their city, town, village or region, but when they anticipate an actual physical relationship with a new amenity, that interest builds exponentially. Castlegar’s Millennium Ponds project is the sort of addition a lot of folks have asked for. Councillor Dan Rye provided a brief update on the progress of the project during the regular city council meeting of June 9. He elaborated on the topic the following morning in a conversation with the Castlegar News. “Mid to late July,” he reaffirmed as to the expected date of completion. “We’re working on irrigation around the outside, and they’re spreading topsoil in the area. We’re going to have a grassy area around the ponds. “The ponds themselves are pretty well done,” he
more eagerly awaited than most, as countless hours of leisure and fun ideally await the public each summer after the work is all done. The work is fairly cutting edge – not a lot of existing models for the city to Work is ongoing at Millennium Park. have gone to school Jim Sinclair photo on. Certainly nothing the City of Cascontinued. “There’s water in tlegar has tackled. pond number three… one “This type of project is and two don’t have water something I don’t think has in them yet. We’re waiting been seen in too many placuntil the other stuff is done. es, ” Rye related. There’s electrical work to “I won’t say its an exbe done, for running the periment, but it’s kind of pumps and that kind of groundbreaking. We’ve had thing.” other municipalities lookThe project has basically ing at what we’re doing and gone ahead as planned, with taking quite an interest in a couple of weeks delay earit. ” lier this spring according to The local public is defithe councillor. There was a nitely interested. Rye says particularly wet spell in eareach time he’s been to the ly May that held things up a site alongside the Columbia bit. River he’s seen folks check“They couldn’t put the ing it out. liner down,” Rye explained, “When they did the Mil“it had to be dry for a couple lennium Park Master Plan of days.” about five years ago, before I This project is clearly
was on council, that was one of the main features everyone wanted… some sort of a water feature down in that area. That’s why it was chosen. I guess you could say it’s council’s pet project for this term.” With the Rotary outdoor gym in place and more work ahead by the service club, plus the bike park for which work is well underway, there can be many active days ahead for Millennium Park. “I get comments all the time… ‘When’s it going to open,’ ‘We can hardly wait!’ A lot of families are going to use that area down there,” said Rye. The budget, according to the councillor had been increased to a total of about $1.8 million before the work had actually begun, and has stayed within the plan. In Rye’s opinion it will provide the city with ‘good bang for the buck.’ “Im excited,” he concluded, “I know that, and I know the buzz in the community seems to be that way too.”
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Castlegar News Thursday, June 12, 2014 A3
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Castlegar mayor addresses national forum JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor
There is value in civic representatives’ attendance of regional, provincial and national events. Whatever the location, there is usually something worthwhile to be drawn from the experience even if it may take a while to put it into practice. Annual Union of BC Municpalities (UBCM) conventions and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) conference held in Niagara Falls, if nothing else, give the local reps a chance to find out how common issues are handled in other jurisdictions. In the case of the most recent (last week in May) national meeting, it also gave Castlegar the chance to be held up as an example of how positive work is being done in an important field. Mayor Lawrence Chernoff shared some of the aspects of a presentation he made to about 600 people at the conference. He did so in a verbal report to city council during the June 9 meeting. The topic was climate change and what can be done at the municipal level to mitigate its impact. A presenter from Halifax also spoke, along with
Mayor Lawrence Chernoff, centre, compares notes with other presenters at FCM conference, late May in Niagara Falls. Kevin Chernoff photo
Don Forgeron, President and CEO, Insurance Bureau of Canada and Shawn Tupper, Assistant Deputy Minister, Public Safety Canada. Here’s the session summary as contained in the FCM program: “From unpredictable seasons and rising sea levels to extreme weather and invasive species, climate change is impacting communities across Canada. Learn why your community must adapt to our changing and increasingly unstable climate. Hear how local governments are planning and implementing adaptation measures. Discover resources,and national programs to help your community build its resilience to climate change.”
Steering clear of overly specific details, Mayor Chernoff spoke on June 10 of the experience. “I think the number one highlight is how we’re doing the right things in our community, and how we’re helping the smaller communities in our surrounding areas. We’re developing plans and I think that’s the big thing, because climate change is going to be over a long term.” Storm water management was high on Chernoff ’s list of steps looked at locally. The mayor stressed the importance of preparing for extremes which are now more likely than ever. He also suggested that older, traditional models of what to expect in the way of weather patterns
not be taken as gospel. “It’s the same with the conservation of water,” he stated. “How much snow melt we get… how much flooding, those kinds of things. We’re really building for the future.” What it boiled down to for Chernoff, was the need for thoughtful cooperation between big and small communities in whatever climate-related initiatives are taken. The flip side is that too many smaller communities are doing nothing at all. “They don’t think it’s affordable to do it,” he concluded. “Without partnerships you just can’t accomplish anything.”
Homicide in Rossland
otherwise. “We did go to a number of workshops,” said Turner as the council chambers RCMP RELEASE at the Community Forum slowly emptied. On Thursday June 5 at “What we discovered about 11a.m. the Trail and were the issues that seem Greater District RCMP reto be important national- ceived a call with regards ly, that the FCM is work- to the discovery of a body ing on, we could focus on. at a residence on FeeLike the gas tax and how ney Road near Rossland. it’s being dealt with, being Upon arrival police locatrenewed, etc., very impor- ed the body of a deceased tant to all the cities across male inside the residence. the country.” This deceased is 75 year Turner said he appre- old Thomas FEENEY. ciated a tour he had of Tom was a long-time resNiagara’s so-called green ident of the area, in fact belt. the road the residence is “It was very interesting located on, is named after to see how our green areas his family. work, in relation to a bigAdditional resourcger place.” es were called in to assist Councillor’s Of particular signifi- with this investigation. contribution cance to DON’t the councillor ThethE BC PAPER. RCMP SouthMOSt cONSUMERS jUSt READ was input relating to envi- east District Major Crime tAkEissues. ActiON WithUnit, it. with the assistance Following the first city thEY ronmental council meeting since re“The workshop I really from the Vancouver Island turning from the annual enjoyed,” he concluded, Integrated Major Crime Federation of Canadian “was the one where I went Unit and the Kootenay Municipalities conference to a recycling plant… MOSt cONSUMERS DON’t jUSt READ Boundary thE PAPER.Regional Genin Niagara Falls, Coun- huge… 100,000 thEY tAkE ActiONsquare With it.eral Investigation Section MOSt cONSUMERS DON’t jUStlikeREAD PAPER. this tragcillor Gord Turner spoke feet or something arethE investigating with the Castlegar News thEY that. AtAkE tremendous ActiON tour Withicit.death. on the experience and through there to see exThe BC Coroner Service some of its highlights. actly how it works. I was was notified and an autopThe get-together ran pleased to see that they sy had been scheduled in during the last week in actually deal with plas- order to confirm the exact May, and inMOSt Turner’s tics... and DON’t glass. jUSt READ cause death. cONSUMERS thEofPAPER. opinion offered a fresh thEY “If that group can do it, Th is appears to be a tAkE ActiON With it. batch of information for or this group can do it… break and enter type incicivic officials, some they why can’t we try it? So you dent that ended in a viomight have gone a while find out those things, you lent and disturbing homiwithout finding out about get examples.” cide.
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Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News
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Castlegar News Thursday, June 12, 2014
Kootenay River emergency ends well
staff writer
Castlegar News
Nelson RCMP responded on June 10 to a call concerning an overturned boat near Shoreacres. A press release issued by Sgt. Darryl Little of the Central Kootenay Regional RCMP indicates it was about 11 a.m. in the area known as Slocan Pools, and no one was visible near the boat. Nelson Search and Rescue, Beasley Fire Department and Crescent Valley Fire Department were im-
mediately dispatched. Within a few minutes of rescue crews being deployed, Nelson RCMP received a call from a local South Slocan resident, Chris O’Gorman who advised he had pulled an elderly man from the river. The 84 year-old Glade resident was out fishing in the Slocan Pools when he discovered his boat was filling with water. Before he could bail out the boat it overturned. The man who was wearing a life jacket, was able to hold on to the overturned boat and call
for help. Mr. O’Gorman was out walking his dog when he heard the calls. He saw the boat and raced to the man’s aid by paddling his canoe out into the river with a stick he found on the shore using it as a make shift paddle. Mr. O’Gorman was able to reach the man and pull him in to shore. The elderly male was cold but otherwise un-injured. Cst. Lowing spoke with the Glade resident who advised he was starting to feel that he would not be able to hold on anymore as his hands were too cold. That’s when
he saw his rescuer on the way. The RCMP thanked Mr. O’Gorman for his heroic rescue, pointing to it as another reminder of the importance in always wearing a life jacket while boating or using any other type of watercraft. The Sergeant also took the opportunity to urge boaters to make sure to tell someone where they’re going and when they expect to return. In this case the life jacket and the timely arrival of Mr. O’Gorman prevented a potential tragedy today on Kootenay River. A5
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Major civic kudo awarded to Kris Stanbra
Jim Sinclair
Castlegar News Editor
Lifetime Castlegarian Kris Stanbra has been chosen by the local Knights of Columbus chapter as the recipient of a significant civic distinction. Stanbra has been a tireless force for good in the community for many years. She was badly injured in a car accident in the early 80s and has made remarkable progress in surmounting the after effects of a spinal injury. Stanbra had recently been honoured with a high profile “Courage to Come Back” award for her inspirational efforts, and advocacy for others. At St. Rita’s parish hall on June 4, in front of a large crowd of well-wishers including representatives from three levels of government, the wellknown and well-loved Stanbra was gracious and humble. Glowing tributes were delivered by the mayor, local MLA and spokesperson for our MP. A key address was made by Kris’s lifelong friend and nominator Gail Oglow. “What has impressed me over the years about Kris?” Oglow later asked the Castlegar News, “why I found her worthy to be Castlegar’s Citizen of the Year? As you
Castlegar’s 2013 Citizen of the Year for 2013 enjoys one of her gifts on June 4. On Stanbra’s right is Mayor Lawrence Chernoff. Pictured from right are MP Alex Atamanenko’s representative Margaret Tessman, and MLA Katrine Conroy. Jim Sinclair photo
can imagine, there is a whole list of reasons. But there are two consistent attributes: happiness and determination.” “I was aware of her long list of volunteer activities over the decades and she was always so upbeat and happy when talking about a particular project she was working on and the amazing team members she was working with. Also, if anyone has met Kris, they can sense her joy of life soon after engaging in conversation with her. “She’s worked on so many volunteer projects, with one of her biggest commitments being disability awareness. Her enthusiasm when volunteering with any organization is uplifting. Whether it was Rick Hansen projects, Red Cross swim lessons, coaching, almost 30 years of service to the City re: Abilities Aware-
ness, Parent Advisory Chair, consultant for Interior Access Network, or helping save Castlegar’s ultrasound or now supporting Special Olympic athletes...her list of service is impressive!” “Yes, she was in a horrific accident years ago, but she worked so darn hard, for years, to be the best that she can be and has never looked back. It is easy to forget that she has a physical disability because of how she fiercely yet
sensibly tackles life. Like last year when we went mountain biking on a portion of the Western Trail Railbed…Kris was right there with us on her scooter! “She is one of the gutsiest and most inspirational people I know.” Accepting the award on June 4, Stanbra took the podium. “I am very thankful to live in this wonderful community,” said Stanbra. “I’ve enjoyed every
moment of all the different avenues my life has taken. “I wouldn’t be here without the unending love and support of my husband Larry... the love of my life... my soulmate who’s been on this wonderful journey with me now for 36 years.” Stanbra also had special thanks for: “My mother Ev Clarke, who, along with my sister Patty has been my inspiration and my rock, my whole life. Our sons Clark and Cole are the joy of my life; they have turned into such loving, caring young men.” Stanbra then took a moment to focus on the influence of her parents who had arrived in Castlegar in 1926. “They showed us by example, how rewarding it can be to give back to your community.”
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Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News
Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905
Teachers and government: make a deal, soon With time left to get a deal done and put the current teachers’ job action to rest before the end of June, we can expect more of everything now that the option of a full strike has been chosen by the BC Teachers Federation. As of yesterday, a fresh arsenal of rhetoric is ready to be unleashed on the public as both sides will make the most of every opportunity to discredit the position and tactics of the other. Watching from the middle of the labour battleground are the thousands of students who would far rather be thinking about their futures and how big a role education plays. Parents and guardians are naturally directly involved and rightfully concerned... but so should everyone, to some degree, be. The health and effectiveness of our education system, and the climate in which it’s run have a huge impact on our economic and social future. As we struggle with continual labour management strife, not just between teachers and their employers, our economic competitors in other countries and provinces move ahead with the pedal to the metal. Our educational system may not be the best in the world but it’s crucial that it keeps operating while improvements are considered and implemented. There may be worse times of year for a teachers strike, but there isn’t a good time for one and the best time for a negotiated settlement to the current impasse... without question, is soon. We want to hear from you.
Letters Policy
The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Spots in Time - Gord Turner
Collector-mania trips Do you have friends who are obsessed with collecting certain things? Perhaps it’s old coins, first-edition books, navy memorabilia, or old soda pop bottles. These friends spend time on the Internet checking their sources, and often they know every website related to their special interest. Often, they travel widely to get to shows where their items are being auctioned or are for sale. My brother-in-law collects many old things, but he is primarily interested in old cars. Sometimes we joke that he bought his farm so he’d have a place to store his many vehicles. He will drive through winter storms from Alberta to southern Nevada to pick up a particular 1954 Chev, and sometimes he will make similar trips just to buy available parts for his host of vehicles. Recently, we visited his farm and viewed his collection of about 150 vehicles, all needing some form of repair. Some, of course, he has purchased for parts for the better vehicles in his menagerie. It’s an impressive display, but he will need two or three lifetimes to get them in shape. I have friends who collect unfinished old furniture and who travel widely to do so. They think nothing of shipping Theresa Hodge Office Manager
Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate
Selina Birk Creative Support
home “ancient” furniture they’ve discovered in Indian Head, Saskatchewan, or Olds, Alberta. In fact, some of what they pick up I would consider derelict furniture, hardly worth sending to the dump. These friends, however, are also adept at fixing these pieces. They know how to piece together old wood, what type of sanding is required, and which oil to use to restore wood grains. I’ve seen a chair I wouldn’t pay a dime for become a much-sought-after item after 10 days of restoration and love spent on it. My wife is one of these collectors, and her fixation is on types of glassware. She looks for four or five types of glassware, some going back to the Depression. One of these started many years ago because I acquired an Iris and Herringbone butter dish that belonged to my grandparents. Over the years, we have found every dish possible within this pattern. One of my wife’s collecting projects was for one of our daughters-in-law. She liked green Jade King glassware, but except for a few coffee mugs, she couldn’t find any. So my wife took the gathering of a 12 place set as her goal and began looking. Initially, she bought
a few pieces on Ebay. Then she decided we had to travel to complete this set. Over a couple of years, we traveled to many of the antique and collectible stores in Western Canada. We also visited major U.S. antique spots including Cashmere, WA and Kalispell, MT. Recently, we spent part of our vacation in Ontario hunting for glassware in outof-the-way collectible shops in places such as Desoronto, Belleville, Port Hope, and Niagara-on-the-Lake. It has become a bit of a joke between us as we plan our various trips throughout the year. I always set aside a week or two to travel to an area where we ramble from town to village and check out every possible antique shop. Some of these are outstanding to visit, and though we may buy nothing, we enjoy looking at the odds and ends they have acquired. Others are no better than glorified junk stores, replete with clutter and smells. Still, all the collectors I know would rather enter these shops in hopes of finding something than not. In their minds, they believe the golden grail of whatever they’re seeking could be on an isolated shelf or a deserted back lot. And finding a rare or elusive piece is always an exciting event to a collector.
Cindy Amaral Sandy Leonard Katelyn Hurley Marvin Beatty Creative Director Assistant Creative Director Creative Reporter
Jim Sinclair Editor
Chuck Bennett Publisher
Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397
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Jennifer Cowan Operations Manager
Castlegar News Thursday, June 12, 2014 A7
Sculpture Talk Welcome to our regular feature introducing the artists behind the sculptures in this year’s Castlegar SculptureWalk.
Dee Clements Eye the Wind (bronze)
Perennial favourite Dee Clements displays another of his inspiring sculptures this year and, as always, his work reveals the range of his sculpting talent. Originally drawn to abstract work, he has moved to figurative sculpture over the years – what impresses is the scope of his subject matter. Previously, he displayed two pieces in the 2011 competition, both from his Americana series, Going For the
public art, thanks to Sculpturewalk’s the talented artists who contribute to check them out!
012 tlegar Exit to
011 tlegar Regional
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ky Family
AC arm
Basin Trust ntary
AC arm
Peace Sign
Denis Kleine
People’s Choice Award 2010 Purchased by City of Castlegar Location: West Kootenay Regional Airport
Patrick Field
Purchased by Communities in Bloom and donated to the City of Castlegar Location: Castlegar RCMP
Going for the Goal Dee Clements
Purchased by Chris & Kathy Sykes Location: Tim Hortons
Huge and Foolish Rabi’a
Purchased by Columbia Basin Trust Location: Columbia Basin Trust
Natural Wonders
Michelle Moushey Dale
Purchased by the Yule Family In Memory of Adele Yule Location: 6th St & Columbia Ave.
Goal and Passing It Along. Last year he showed us his comfort level sculpting animals rather than humans. End of Day was a lovely portrayal of a family of sand hill cranes settling in for the evening, the mother sheltering her brood protectively. This year his entry is titled Eye the Wind. It is figurative and dynamic. Leaving the bottom of the bronze deliberately relatively abstract, a ripped, muscular windsurfer crests a wave with one hand hard on his sail. The board tilts dramatically upwards as he fights with the elements of wind and sea, his other hand dangling loose for balance. Muscles straining to remain upright, he points into the eye of the wind – a term of the sport that describes surfing headlong into the exact direction the wind is blowing from. Board at a precipitous angle, the wind surfer’s struggle are apparent but he is ecstatic too. It’s man versus the elements, and Clements captures the joy and challenges of the sport wonderfully. It was created as a private commission and appropriately sits surrounded by water. Clements has explored various sporting themes in his sculpting
career. Many will remember his charming Going for the Goal which he displayed here in 2011. A novice hockey player with oversized stick skates unrelentingly towards the goal in a game of shinny. That piece – in keeping with the relative style of his Americana body of work – was part of an eight piece commission of his skating sculpture collection that now resides in Paramount, California. Eye the Wind is less folksy, more in keeping with Leap of Faith, which shows a ski jumper at the moment of touch down. The downslope is all smoothness and angularity, the figure displays Clement’s exactness to detail while capturing the action inherent in the landing. This sculpture cantilevered out into the atrium from between two escalators at the Salt Lake City Olympic headquarters in 2001. All of Clements’ work is full of fine detail. Whether it is an athlete like the wave rider in Eye of the Wind, a family enjoying the quietude of a park bench (Sunday Afternoon), a miner with his trusty mule (The Gold Panner) or a musician in tune with his instrument (The Cellist), he captures the moment, and their expressiveness, superbly. “Since that first sculpture (after moving from abstraction to figurative) a main thread in my life has been to portray the content of a person,” he explains on his website. “[I aspire] to capture through the face and figure the spiritual essence of the individual.” With the exciting Eye the Wind, Clements reconfirms his bronze mastery while displaying the SUPPORT SCULPTUREWALK breadth and depth of his range. It Purchase Got a favourite sculpture? Make itisyours! current sure All to of bethe a hit with the voting sculptures are available for purchase, with prices ranging from public, even if relatively few of us $3,000-$36,000. Payment plans are available. have taken to the board and sail.
D. E. McDermott
Joy of Dance II (bronze)
Dan McDermott returns to Castlegar Sculpturewalk with another of his elegant, flowing figurines. Or in this case, two figures making up one undeniably stunning sculpture. The Virginia-based sculptor has received global accolades – to say nothing of placements and commissions – since he took up sculpting in 1986. Although largely self taught, he has been influenced through interactions with a couple of notable American sculptors. McDermott gained knowledge and technique from his personal contact with the great animal sculptor Anna Hyatt Huntington. Prominent among his formal studies was his work with the California sculptor and art teacher Richard Miller. Those two, along with other influences - including several years
working from a studio in Spain were the basis for the development of McDermott’s distinctive fluid style, perfected over years of practice and adaptation. “I honed my style over the years, as every sculptor does,” he says. “In my work, I aim to create a sense of abstraction within the figurine framework. I use an oil-based clay for modelling, which allows me to re-work and change lines much better than a water-based clay does. “What I try to achieve in every piece I create is an emotional connectivity with the viewer. I love long flowing lines and hope that in addition to an emotional response, the viewer appreciates the sculptural “lines” within the relative abstraction of the figure.” He has succeeded spectacularly with Joy of Dance II. The two figures are positioned at slightly different angles, accentuating the different lines while recognizably similar in their poses. Both convey the joy and ecstasy of unfettered abandon. The duo dance en pointe,They are fluid and expressive, each with the familiar narrow torsos and slender limbs atop a golden-lined flared skirt/lower body. This is a trademark feature of McDermott’s sculptures; there is abstraction but overall cohesiveness, leaving little doubt of what the sculpture portrays. The beauty of Joy of Dance II is McDermott’s skill in emoting within the relative abstraction of the sculpture. The subtle curves of the lines, the high raised feet and the outstretched arms convey the title splendidly. The two figures project a shared rhythm and pleasure.
Lease All of the sculptures are available for lease, for between $ $3000/year (beginning in May 2015). Move the sculpture to your place of business and capture the public’s attention! Sponsor For $1000/year you can sponsor a sculpture and support our artists. Your name will be featured on the sculpture nameplate, our brochure, and our website.
McDermott uses high quality patinas once a piece is cast and then applies numerous coats of wax to give all his works their lustrous shine. His last piece here, 2011’s Reflections, utilized the same flowing lines found in Joy of Dance II. That work was a favourite of the voting public as part of the People’s Choice aspect of Sculpturewalk Castlegar. McDermott is pleased to be showing again this year. “While I haven’t been able to get to the show yet, I’ll make every effort to do so this year. It’s great that a small city can mount such a varied and exciting collection of sculptures on an annual basis.” McDermott’s sister piece to this year’s entry – Joy of Dance – is on permanent display in Shinji, Japan. His eight foot high Dance of Life was commissioned as part of a major expansion of Central DuPage Hospital in Chicago where it is the centrepiece of a four story atrium. Other works are displayed throughout the United States and around the world. They attest to his talent and the appreciation his stylized, usually female, figures receive from individual collectors and institutions alike. Joy of Dance II is certain to receive that same appreciation here this year. SPONSORED by
Dr. Larocque & Dr. Keith Merritt
TOURS If your group is interested in taking a guided tour of Sculpturewalk, please contact the office at
SPONSORED Castlegar Sculpturewalk would like to thank the following by organizations and companies that have provided special support for the project:
Exodus Carl Sean McMahon
Purchased by the 2009 Grad Class Location: Stanley Humphries
Secondary School
Don’t Look ... Listen Jacob Tolmie
Donated to Castlegar Chamber of Commerce Location: Castlegar Chamber of
photo by David R. Gluns
photo by David R. Gluns
Commerce CastlegarSculpturewalk
Community Calendar
ALL summer:
Castlegar Concerts in the Park. All shows start, 7 p.m. at Kinnarid Park June 18 – Trail Pipe Band June 25 – Twin Rivers Chorale July 2 – Besse Wapp & Friends July 9 – That Girl and Earl July 16 – Dawn Graham Inspirations July 23 – Melody Diachun & Jazz Combo July 30- Sunshine Drive Aug. 3 - Clinton Swanson Quartet
Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an upto-date version with contact details to, drop off at our office at Unit 2 - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or give us a call at 250-365-6397. Thank you.
down the garden path, let your imagination run wild . . . inspire, engage, flourish. Gardening Beyond Borders celebrates the diversity of gardens and gardeners. Admission by donation. Brochures available locally or by email. Information: Nora Jukes 250.365.6753 or june 28: Royal Canadian Le-
gion, Castlegar-Robson Br. 170 will celebrate Legion Week with a pancake breakfast from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. All are welcome. Proceeds to “Toonies for Troops.”
heads-up peony lovers: Next year Castlegar will host a BC Peony Show with the blessing of the Canadian Peony Society. 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955
Discovery Centre, across from the airport. Robson Flea Market Sundays 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Breakfast offered until food runs out (usually about Noon). Wide variety including collectibles, homebaked goodies, jams, crafted items, household goods. Loonie table has some great bargains. Tables are $5 each, please call Kathy (250) 365-3796 to book. The “Bridge,” – Do you have questions? Join us for music, discussion, refreshments; 1st Tues. ea. month, 7 p.m, Kinnaird Church of God, 2404 Columbia Ave, Castlegar – held tfn at CCF, 1801 Connors Rd. Call Donna at 250-304-2929. Community Harvest food bank & Drop-in centre: Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. -1:30
1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208
dinner pot at Cadet Hall, 8th Ave, Castlegar (2 blocks from library) Tues. at noon. All About Breastfeeding informative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlegar, Tues. 10:30noon More info: 250-365-3662, tops group meets every wednesday 8:30-10 a.m. Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 365-7956. Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena Sun. at 10 a.m. Mike, 250-399-4417; Tues. at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wed. at 7 p.m., (Fay at 250-687-0484. Thurs. at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m (Len at 365-7805).
BC Senior Games Slo pitch teams will practice at Haley park Sunday nights at 6 p.m. all summer. Anyone who will be 55 years old by Dec 31, 2012 is eligible. Please bring a ball glove and ball shoes (running shoes are acceptable but not advisable)
FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELLING for problem gambling; Castlegar Community Services Call 250608-2254.
New to Canada? Settlement services provides eligible newcomers with information about community services or preparing for citizenship. Call 250-687-4714 or email
Legion Meat Draws Saturdays Royal Canadian Legion Castlegar/
This Community Calendar brought to you by ‘Your Hometown Realtors’ Our dedicated and highly skilled Agents specialize in offering an array of resources to help you with all your real estate needs.
Simon Laurie 250-365-1585
Val Koochin 250-365-1846
Matt McCarthy 250-304-4831
toll free: 877.365.2169 | 250.365.2166 |
Aug. 10- Mountain Station Band Aug. 17 – Ray Boulaine Band Aug. 23 – Motes & Oates
The dates are June 27-28, 2015. For info call your local Communities in Bloom – 250-3657227.
june 12: Community Founda-
Saturdays – TFN
tion of Castlegar & District Annual General Meeting – 6 p.m. at Castlegar Chamber of Commerce Board room, 1995 6th Ave. Coffee and donuts provided. Everyone welcome.
june 15: A memorial service
for the three RCMP members who lost their lives recently in Moncton, NB, will be held this Sunday morning at the New Life Church, 602 7th Street. All are welcome. The service will begin at 10:30, and a free barbecue will follow.
june 18: Pass Creek Neighbour-
hood Association AGM at the Pass Creek Community Hall. Doors open at 6 p.m., meeting starts at 6:30. All community members welcome to attend.
Castlegar Special Olympics AGM. 2-5 p.m. at Pass Creek Park.
June 22: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 13th
Annual Castlegar & Area Garden Tour. As you meander
James Kereiff 250-304-7828
Castlegar Farmers’ Market at the Station Museum. Call Deb at 365-6440 to book a spot. Bring your own tent, tables and chair. Spots are only $5. The treasure shop: Excitement
is in the air! The Treasure Shop is now open complete with a new second floor, elevator and staircase. Featuring many items of interest for Father’s Day, graduation and weddings. Beautiful quality summer clothing, jewelry, furnishings, etc. We are located at 210 - 11th Avenue, downtown Castlegar. 250-365-7317. Open Mon-Thur 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Fri-Sat 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Donations are accepted Wed & Sat. Selkirk WeaVERS AND SPINNERS GUILD meets the third Wednesday of each month, 10-noon followed by bag lunch and show & tell. Anyone new to the craft or to the
area is welcome at the Doukhobor
Please send community calendar items to
Carmen Harris 250-365-1520
Phil Poznekoff 250-365-4679
Charissa Hackett 250-304-4373
Chad Williams 250-304-5241
Pat Klohn 250-365-1731
Larry Peitzsche 250-608-3017
Tammy Peitzsche Connor McCarthy 250-365-9640 250-304-4781 | 1761 Columbia Avenue Castlegar |
eligible 1x per month; closed the Monday after cheque issue and statutory holidays. Lunch served from 11 – 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 -1:30 Friday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 – 1:30 Coffee and baked goodies from 10 a.m. on! Located in the basement of St. David’s Anglican Church 614 Christina Place, around the back and down the stairs. Donation cheques payable to Community Harvest Food Bank can be mailed to: 301 32nd Street V1N 3S6. Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St David’s Church – 250-608-2227. ALPHA COURSE: The Alpha Course is being offered at Kinnaird Park Community Church, Thursdays at 6-8 p.m. starting April 24. All are welcome. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TREASURE SHOP is open Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Accepting donations on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Phone: 250-365-7317. The kinnaird Church of God: Located at 2404 Columbia Ave. will hold all services (Sundays at 10 a.m. and first Tuesdays at 7 p.m.) at the Castlegar Christian Fellowship Building at 1821 Connors Road for the next several months. free hot meal at the sharing
al-anon meets every Monday night for people whose lives have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8-9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) More info: Donna 250-365-3168 or Eileen 250365-3674. Operation Feast All invited for home-cooked meals Thurs. at New Life Assem. Church, 602 - 7th Street. Doors open at 4 p.m, dinner until 5:30 p.m. Entrance to dining area at back of Church. More info: Carol at 365-5734. free pool - Every Saturday at the Royal Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. Bring friends and have an afternoon of fun. friday youth program at Blueberry Creek Community School. Fun, safe night for a movie, games/ sports/hanging out. Grades K - 5, 6:30 - 8 p.m. and grades 6 up, 8 - 10 p.m. See B.C.C.S. facebook page for more info or phone 250-365-7201. USCC Cultural Interpretive Society meets Mon. & Wed., 9 a.m. 1 p.m. at the Doukhobor Arts and Crafts Centre, 820 Markova Rd., beside Brilliant Cultural Centre. Mom’s Support Group All moms welcome to this loosely structured group supporting challenges of being a mom. No referral required. More info: Sandi McCreight 250365-2104 ext. 34
Marnie Pettit 250-304-3564
Robson Branch #170, 248 Columbia Avenue, 4-6 p.m. Guests welcome and must be signed in by a member. Darts: 4 p.m. on Thursdays, new signed-in players welcome.
W.K. Yoga For MS Support Group. Mondays, 1:30 - 3 p.m., Castlegar Library, lower level. Free. Sponsored by WK MS Society for its members/care providers. Call Lonnie Facchina 1-866-352-3997.
or email or Janice Ferraro, at 250365-5428, email
English as a Second Language programs Classes for adults, Conversation Club, Family Dropin for families with young children, 1 to 1 tutoring. Free. More info call Alana at 250-304-6862.
Families Cooking Together. Register for free program where families have fun preparing, cooking and eating dinner together. Third Wed. of the month (Nov-Mar) at Kootenay Family Place from 5 to 7 p.m. To register, call 1-877-2584133 or email
Ongoing: KPKids is a free program for kids in Kindergarten to Gr. 4 Wednesday from 6:30-8 p.m. at Kinnaird Park Community Church (behind Kinnaird Park). We also offer a program for youth Gr. 5 - 7 called KPJY at the same time and location. Registration upon arrival, drop in’s welcome!
Castlegar News Thursday, June 12, 2014 A9
Stop manufacturing controversy
Editor: I have resided in Castlegar since sept. of 2011, and I can honestly say I have never witnessed nor heard of ‘oppression’ against any minority or ‘special interest group’ since I moved here. This rainbow sidewalk issue CREATES division by creating an issue where there is none! Indeed, one has to ask why create a problem where there is no conflict..? This is divisive in nature. This newspaper and town council are doing the people here no service at all by trying to creat a social problem where one doesn’t exist. Jill Beach, Castlegar
Proud to live in rainbow country
Editor: I have been following the discussion surrounding the welcoming and inclusive action made by the members of Castlegar City Council to create a rainbow crosswalk. It makes me sad, in 2014 that there still exits so much hatred and ignorance that lead to discrimination based on racism and homophobia, but I am proud of those who stand up and defend equality, justice and human rights in the face of that hatred. And then there are those
who state that no problem exists just because they have never seen examples of it and criticize council’s decision. Just because I have never seen Antarctica does not mean it does not exist and just because I have not seen the shrinking of the polar icecaps, it does not mean that we will escape the negative impact of climate change. For those who think that city council is creating a division where none exists, you are mistaken. What council did was make a statement of
affirmation; that all people in this community can expect their human rights to be respected. The rainbow calls out to those who have felt the sting of ignorance because of who they are and who they love. It says clearly that in this community, they can expect equal treatment by the elected leaders and the administration they run.
Reminding you to Recycle!
NOTICE NOTICE The City of Castlegar will be installing approximately 20 Water Distribution System Valves in North Castlegar. This work is being performed to facilitate the The City of Castlegar will be installing 20 Water Distribution Uni-Directional Flushing program in the fall approximately of 2014. The valve installation project System Valves in North Castlegar. is being performed facilitate the will be commencing June 4, 2014 This and work is anticipated to last untiltoAugust 2014. Uni-Directional programininNorth the fallCastlegar of 2014. can The expect valve installation During this timeFlushing frame residents a periodic project loss in will be pressure, commencing June 4,water 2014 outages, and is anticipated to last until August 2014. water complete and water discoloration. Effected During thiswill time framenotification residents the in North Castlegar expect a periodic loss in residents receive day prior to workcan commencing. water pressure, complete water outages, and water discoloration. Effected residents will receive notification the day prior to work commencing. You may experience some loss of water pressure and discoloration during and after this work. If discoloration persists after running the water tap for 15 minutes, You may some loss of water pressure and discoloration during and please callexperience (250) 365-5979. after this work. If discoloration persists after running the water tap for 15 minutes, please call (250) 365-5979. The City of Castlegar Civic Works Department regrets any inconvenience that this work may cause you. Your patience will be greatly appreciated. The City of Castlegar Civic Works Department regrets any inconvenience that this work may cause you. Your patience will be greatly appreciated.
Cindy McCallum Miller, Castlegar
Thanks & Spanks
Gluten-free! Gluten-free! Gluten-free!
Come check out our large selection of gluten-free products!
Have a complaint or has someone brighten your day?
Thanks so much to my great neighbour for taking the clothes off the line when it started to rain Thanks to the friendly Castlegar folk who wave to me in the morning and and extra thanks to the people who say “Good morning.” It sure puts a spring in my step while walking to work.
age Saus s r e arm l
ly for on
Spanks to the quad riders who have sprayed gravel all over our paved street.
BC spray-free strawberries are ready! Come in for a taste of summer!
For all online orders go to: and add the app to your home page. 250.365.3373 Located in the Kootenay Crossing Mall
Two for the road One more highlight from Sunfest parade which was held last Saturday morning along Columbia Avenue in Castlegar. Applied Leadership: Module 1
Jim Sinclair photo
Ukulele for Beginners: Module 2: Get Going!
April 2
April 2
Personality and Parenting: True Colours Workshop
April 3
Editing: Writing as a Process
April 5
Fabric Play
April 5
Occupational First Aid Level 11 Applied Leadership: Module H2S Alive Ukulele for Beginners: Module 2: Get Going!
Thursday, June 19, 2014 6:00pm @ Kootenay Society for Community Living
2224- 6th Ave., Castlegar
April 52 April April June 16 April 62
Personality Parenting: True Colours Workshop Beekeepingand for Beginners
April April 73
Editing: Writing as a Process
Prenatal Refresher Traffic Control/Flagging
Fabric Play
April 5
April20 9 June April 5
Emergency First Aid with CPR C
April 12
Chainsaw Safety and Maintenance
April 12
Occupational First Aid Level 1 H2S OFAAlive Level
April 5
April June 22 5
April 6
April 12
Occupational OFA Level 1 First Aid Level 1
Prenatal Refresher
April June 13 29
Prenatal: Breastfeeding Emergency First Aid with CPR C
April 2312 April
CPR LevelSafety C Recert Chainsaw and Maintenance
April 2412 April
S-100/S-185 Fire Suppression and Entrapment Intro to Handheld GPS Avoidance
April 26
Beekeeping for Beginners
Economics of Happiness
Standard First Aid with CPR C Recert
Occupational First Aid Level 1
Canadian Firearms Safety (PAL) Prenatal: Breastfeeding
EFFECTIVE JUNE 15 TO SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 SPRINKLING AND CAR WASHING IS PERMITTED BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 5:00 A.M. TO 11:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M. TO 11:00 P.M. Water Sprinkling is Restricted to Every Second Day (a) Residents at “odd number” addresses water on “odd number” calendar days; and (b) Residents at “even number” addresses water on “even number” calendar days.
April 51 April
Prenatal Bladerunners Forest FireTransportation Fighter TrainingEndorsement Program Occupational First Aid
S-100/S-185 Fire and Entrapment Occupational FirstSuppression Aid Transportation Endorsement
38th Annual General Meeting
April 1
April 7 April 9
June 30
April 12
April 26
April 13
April 29 April 23
CPR Level C Recert
April 24
Intro to Handheld GPS
April 26
Standard First Aid with CPR C Recert
April 26
Canadian Firearms Safety (PAL)
April 29
Summer can present special problems for Castlegar's water system. During the summer season, daily residential water use can increase by as much as 200% primarily because of lawn and garden watering as well as car washing. Our residential water is pumped from the Arrow Lakes to reservoirs, from which water is supplied to residents. Excessive sprinkling during summer months reduces the water contained in our reservoirs. Even if the system has adequate supply, it may not be able to pump the water fast enough during this peak demand period to maintain storage for firefighting purposes. Castlegar is attempting to stop the increase in water usage by restricting use during the summer months. This year citizens are being asked to sprinkle on odd or even days, according to their residential address. Watering will be permitted from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. each day. Residents who use a water regulating system (e.g. timers and underground sprinkler system with timers) shall be exempted from the regulations, providing they do their outdoor watering between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. on an alternating day basis. The reasoning behind this exemption is that timers and underground sprinkling systems allow the user to water during the coolest part of the day, hence less water is required and their sprinkling times should be shorter. Please advise City Hall at 365-7227 if you have a water regulating system. A fine of $50.00 will be levied for non-compliance to the water regulations. However, under special circumstances, an exemption permit can be obtained at City Hall, 460 Columbia Avenue during regular office hours. Reasons for exemption include the following: a new residential lawn, a means of controlling dust, watering within a construction or building project.
Starting June 13th
Sale SAVE $5.00 $25.00 to
New kits to choose from WINE KITS from $42.95 601A - Columbia Ave.2.833 Castlegar x 5” BC
250.365.3839 (below RHC insurance)
Mon. to Fri. 10-5:30 Sat. 10-2
Become a front line health care worker HEALTH CARE ASSISTANT PROGRAM Our program will support you in developing the confidence, knowledge and skills required to provide safe care and contribute to the physical, emotional, and social well-being of clients in a variety of health care settings. As a graduate, you will be a respected member of the health care team and work under the direction and supervision of a health professional. Register today for September 2014 entry! Phone 1.888.953.1133 or visit selkirk/program/hca
Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News
Embetsu or bust for 25th anniversary jim sinclair Castlegar News Editor
Castlegar’s venerable exchange arrangement with Embetsu, Japan may be tried and true, but the thrill of heading across the Pacific to represent their city is as intense as ever for a group of fresh ambassadors. Representatives of the City of Castlegar and Selkirk College visited Embetsu in 1989 to sign a sister city agreement. Since then there have been continuing exchanges between the two cities. The Student Exchange Program has been a great success since 1998. The eight youngsters who will make the trek next month took turns addressing city council on Monday night. Their comments were greatly enjoyed by council, staff and onlookers. Andrew Voykin was the first of the group to speak, and after a Japanese lan-
Pictured is a combination of Castlegar and Japanese students at City Hall last year. File photo
guage introduction he thanked council for the opportunity to appear before it. “I’m really excited to learn about the Japanese people, their culture, their technology and their food,” he stated. “My goal as an ambassador is to represent Castlegar and Canada the best I can, by being respectful and kind
to everyone I meet.” Gemma Van Doesburg told the assembly it’s an honour to be among the ambassadors for the upcoming excursion. “As the days go by I actually realize that this is happening. Every day I become more excited and just a little bit more nervous. I’m
just overjoyed to be able to tour Japan, learn about their culture, develop many new friendships… and then being able to share my feelings with others. As an ambassador of Castlegar, I can show what Castlegar has to offer our friends overseas. Most of all I want to represent the kind, friendly people of Castlegar, by being my best-behaved self.” The other travellers to speak were: A.J.Roberts, Chloe Ahlefeld, Christina Maida-Cook, April Gariepy, Alexia Kardash and Andrea Smithies. Mayor Chernoff, himself a veteran of more than one Japanese visit, vouched for the value of the experience, and assured the youngsters they would not forget the journey. He thanked them on behalf of the city, and wished the best on their upcoming adventure.
Jail & Bail coming up On Monday night, in front of his peers and council, Fire Chief Gerry Rempel succumbed to the long arm of the law. Sergeant Laurel Mathew brought forth an urgent matter of ‘uttering threats’
(all in the name of charity). “It’s alleged the Fire Chief has threatened that he may retire in the near future,” the sergeant stated. The police take these kinds of ‘threats’ seriously. He was re-
leased with a promise to appear at Boston Pizza on Monday June 23. C o i n c i d e n t a l l y, Cops for Kids and Boston Pizza Castlegar will host their first annual Jail & Bail fundraiser on June 23. Suspects will be arrested by off-duty police officers and taken to Boston Pizza where they’ll be tried by the presiding judge and face some time behind bars to fundraise their bail. Money raised from this event will help Cops for Kids fund much needed medical equipment, therapy, learning and mobility aids for local children. “I’m proud to be a part of Cops for Kids as a rider and local RCMP member,” said Cst. Rob Gardner. Cops for Kids are grateful for the generosity shown by our community. If you, or someone you know might be deserving of a “summons,” please email
Castlegar News Thursday, June 12, 2014
Young Entrepreneur—Dean Steblyk & Lowell Bradley ( Old Castle A11
Professional Business—Castlegar Fire Department Blueberry Creek Bridge
Notice of ofUpcoming Construction Contractor the Year—Venture Mechanical Systems and Temporary Closures Tourism Award—Communities in Bloomthat Blueberry CreekDevelopment residents and motorists are advised
the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has awarded a contract to rehabilitate the Blueberry Creek Bridge to B.G. Macdonald Services Ltd.
Community Impact—Castlegar Harvest Food Bank
Construction will begin in late June or early July, excluding holidays and long weekends, and will require periodic closures of the bridge each day during the following times:
Business Excellence—Mitchells Supply
• •
Business person of the Year—Dan Rye Kootenay Market
One 30 minute interval between 10: 00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. One 60 minute interval between 8: 00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Congratulations all of the winners
! occur. Intermittent five minute closures will also Construction will be performed in compliance with the City of Castlegar’s noise bylaw and is scheduled to be complete by September 30, 2014.
Saturday May 31st, 2014, Chances Castlegar 2014 Motorists should plan their schedules accordingly. Miss Castlegar Pageant last Friday evening.
Betsy Kline photo
Miss Castlegar crowned at SHSS Betsy Kline Black Press
Ten lovely and talented young ladies wowed the full house at the Miss Castlegar Pageant last Friday evening. The contestants showcased their talents, gave memorable speeches and exhibited great poise when given an impromptu question to answer. The glitz and glamour of the evening shined when the girls were escorted on stage by a Mountie in full red serge dress uniform during the evening gown presentations. Emotions ran high with anticipation as the announcement of the 2014 Royalty drew nigh. Alexanderia D’Onofrio, Miss Sunrise Rotary, was crowned Castlegar Princess
and Sophie Jansen, Miss Rotary, was crowned Miss Castlegar. Sophie summed up her feelings by stating, “I feel in shock, like it is not real at all.” When asked about her favorite part of the Miss Castlegar process, Sophie answered without hesitation, “Being able to bond with all these girls, there are ten gorgeous girls up there it and it was amazing to spend all this time with them.” Princess Alexanderia expressed similar sentiments, “I’m super excited. The best part was getting to spend time with the ten other girls and getting to become friends with them.” The speech award was given to Sophie Jansen for her speech, “A mentor, a teacher, a
The Castlegar & District Chamber Business Awards 2014
The pedestrian bridge will predominantly be in service throughout construction.
For more information, please contact Regional Project Manager Rob Kalabis, by telephone at 250 354-6448 or by e-mail at
role model” which highlighted her experiences as a volunteer swimming coach. Samantha Skinner was awarded runner up for her speech, “I really do love you,” which showcased her love for her siblings. The Talent Award went to Lisa Leffalaar for her piano piece by Rachmaninoff. The 1042A - Blueberry Overhead.indd 1 2014-06-04 12:03:57 runner up was Gabrielle Fitchett for her crowd pleasing saxophone rendition of “Don’t Stop Believing.” The Perseverance Award was given to Tayler Wolinski. Samantha Skinner won the Friendship Award and Sophie The Castlegar & District Chamber Business Awards 2014 Jansen received the Training award. 2014 Saturday May 31st, 2014, Chances Castlegar Look for Sophie and Alexanderia throughout the year Congratulations all of the winners! as they represent Castlegar at Business person of the Year—Dan Rye Kootenay Market local public events. Business Excellence—Mitchells Supply Community Impact—Castlegar Harvest Food Bank
Tourism Development Award—Communities in Bloom Contractor of the Year—Venture Mechanical Systems Professional Business—Castlegar Fire Department Young Entrepreneur—Dean Steblyk & Lowell Bradley ( Old Castle Theatre)
When: Monday, June 23, 2014 Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Location: Castlegar & District Community Complex 2101 6th Avenue, Castlegar
Customer Service—Central City Shoes The Green Award—Pinnacle PAC Congratulations to all the Nominees! Thank you Dale Donaldson MC
BC Hydro will host an operations update open house to provide information on: BC Hydro Columbia operations including Arrow Lakes Reservoir
Local projects and initiatives
Other local BC Hydro activities
For more information, please contact Sabrina Locicero at 250 365 4565.
Thank you to all the Auction Sponsors
Thank you to our Award Sponsors! BC Hydro, Heritage Credit Union, The Kalawsky Group, Trowelex Rentals & Sales, Kootenay Savings Credit Union, Zellstoff Celgar, City of Castlegar, 4234
Fortis BC, Teck Metals Thank you to all the people that put forth nominations for local businesses/organizations and took the time to vote!
Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News
St. Rita’s Catholic Church looks toward re-build
Aa r
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Father David John in the church hall that is serving as the temporary location for delivery of his sermons at St. Rita’s Catholic Church.
28th St
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Chairs M int o MULTI FAMILY Rd TV 36” Sony Bluebe 2209 Pass Creek Rd rry Rd MUCH MORE!
22 - 14th Items for sale: June 13th Small Up Freezer Lower C Fri 8am - 6pm Pearing hina Cdown, reek Rd Sorting & Selling Sat 8am - 3pm Furniture, Antiques, Tools,
June 13th - 14th Items for sale: desk 16th Ave Fri 3pm - 6pm Corner Grandview Drive 8am - noon Oak Dinning Table & 6 d ry RSat
Architects Ltd. of Nelson). He’s working on the detailed design which will then go for study by structural, electrical and acoustic engineers.” “We’re expecting quite soon to get to a point where we’ll say, ‘Yes, this is what we want to build. Then we’ll need to go to the civil authorities and church authorities to get the permission to do that. Once that is done we can put the project out to tender.” That tendering process could happen as soon as July.
Fri - Sat
Av e
Fri - Sat
15 th
There are many considerations that go along with the decision to build something. When the project is a new church and committees, rather than an individual who are making the decisions, the process becomes quite involved. Father David John is the priest at Castlegar’s St. Rita’s Church, which lost it’s sanctuary in early 2013 as the result of an arson fire. Weekly
Av e
Castlegar News Editor
went to the parish for votes on various things and we had 216 people turn out to vote, which I thought was quite amazing.” A whirlwind of work has gone into the process before a physical step has been taken. This much is known so far - the new sanctuary will sit where the old one did, but will be oriented in a northsouth, rather than east west fashion. “We had the basic idea and took it back to the architect (Allan MacLeod - Fairbank
Mass has been held in the neighbouring parish hall in the interim, and parishioners are looking forward to a rebuilding effort to begin soon. “We had to specify exactly what we wanted, and make a number of design decisions. We’ve done all that and we’ve got an outline design,” informed Father John on June 10. “We got the parish very involved, as well as the 28 people involved with the various committees looking at different aspects of it. We
Castlegar News Thursday, June 12, 2014
2014 Fun had by all. A13
An authentic live tribute to Don Messer’s Jubilee hosted by Canadian Fiddle Champion Scott Woods & Band and featuring Cape Breton Tenor Tommy Leadbeater (as Charlie Chamberlain). Old Time Fiddle Music, Step Dancing, Trick Fiddling, Family Humour and More!
OR CALL - 1-855-726-8896 FOR TICKETS & INFO
Natural gas. Good for outdoor living. Entertain all year long with a natural gas barbecue. Add a patio heater or fire pit for cosy warmth and ambience. Transform your outdoor living space with natural gas.
Endless Summer Nights Contest
Win a $10,000 natural gas dream patio
FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (14-106.5 04/2014)
14-106.5_NGEndlessSummer-Print-4.3125x7-P2.indd 3
5/8/2014 4:42
Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News
Castlegar News Thursday, June 12, 2014 A15
Millennium Park M emorial S ponsorship P rogram
The City of Castlegar invites applications from any individual, organization or service group to be made towards park and public space improvements, including park benches, picnic tables, bike racks, trees, dog pet stands or other park improvement projects for the Millennium Park.
Millennium Park Memorial Sponsorship Program Millennium Park M emorial S ponsorship P rogram
City ofin Castlegar invitestoday applications from any individual, organizationthrough or servicethe groupgenerosity to be made Many of the amenities The located our parks were previously sponsored The City and of Castlegar invites applications including from any park individual, organization or service group trees, to be towards park public space improvements, benches, picnic tables, bike racks, of individuals or organizations. made towards park and public space improvements, picnic tables, bike racks, dog pet stands or other park improvement projects for theincluding park benches, Millennium Park. trees, dog pet stands or other park improvement projects for the Millennium Park.
The first step in making Many an application is located reviewing located on our of the amenities in our the parksProgram today wereGuidelines previously sponsored through the website generosity at of Many of the amenities located in our parks today were previously sponsored through the generosity individuals or the organizations. and contacting City of Castlegar Transportation & Civic Works Department. Our of individuals or organizations. staff will work with you to discuss and review your memorial options. The first step in making an application is reviewing the Program Guidelines located on our website at
The first step in making an application is reviewing the Program Guidelines located on our website at
Celebrate dad and some history this Father’s Day and contacting City Hall 250-365-7227. Our staff will & work youDepartment. to discuss and and contacting the at City of Castlegar Transportation Civic with Works Our reviewstaff will work with you to discuss and review your memorial options. your memorial options.
FIND THE PERFECT GIFT FOR HIM Mountain Sky massage bars & body butter mens’ board shorts tanks and t-shirts sunscreen
Tanning | Accessories 2-1502 Columbia Ave|Esthetics | Castlegar
JUNE 15th
MEMORIAL ITEMS PARK BENCH – NEW -‐ 2,500PARK BENCH – NEW - $2,500 PARK BENCH – NEW -‐o 2r ,500 A park bench will be placed along the walkway around the ponds. A park bench will be placed along the w alkway around the ponds. orThe commemorative A park bench will plaque be placed the into walkway or around tof he the ponds. The commemorative The commemorative is along inlaid the backrest bench. plaque is inlaid into the backrest of t he b ench. A pproximately 1 6 b enches a vailable. plaque is inlaid into the backrest of the bench. Approximately 16 benches available. Approximately 16 benches available. PICNIC TABLE – NEW - $4,000
PICNIC TABLE – NEW -‐ $4,000 Father’s Day has been celebrated in one form or another since the beginning of the nineteenth century. Perhaps the most driving force behind Father’s Day was Senora Commemorate a picnic table (seats up to 6 people) around the PICNIC TABLE – NEW -‐ $4,000 Commemorate a picnic table (seats up to 6 people) around the ponds. The ponds. The commemorative is inlaid into the top ponds. of the table. into the top of the table. Wheelchair tables Commemorate a picnic table commemorative plaque (seats up to is inlaid 6 plaque people) around the accessible The Dodd, who thought of the idea of a day to honor fathers while listening to a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909. Having been raised by her father, Dodd wanted to honorcommemorative plaque the sacriWheelchair accessible tables are boptional; some sites may be designated are optional; some sites may e designated as accessible table locations. Approximately is inlaid into the top of the table. Wheelchair accessible tables 5 tables are available for sponsorship. as accessible table locations. Approximately 5 tables are available for are optional; some sites may be designated as accessible table locations. Approximately fices that fathers make. Father’s Day was not formally considered a holiday until 1972, when a Congressional Act officially designated the third Sunday in June Father’s Day. sponsorship. 5 tables are available for sponsorship. PLAQUE ADDITION OR REPLACEMENT REPLACEMENT -‐ $400 PLAQUE ADDITION OR - $400 a second or update the existing a new Add a Add second plaque,plaque, or update the existing with a with new inscription. inscription.
Families celebrate Father’s Day in many ways. This year Father’s Day falls on Sunday, June 15. Dads who are history buffs may want to celebrate this year’s holiday by rem- OR REPLACEMENT -‐ PLAQUE ADDITION $400 TREE PLANTING - $400 TREE PLANTING -‐ $400 Approximately 26 Green Ash trees Add a second plaque, or update the existing with area available new for sponsorship around the ponds area. Approximately 26 Green Ash trees are available for sponsorship around the ponds area. Donors iniscing about the notable events that have occurred on June 15 through the years. Here are just some of the many historical events that took place on June 15.inscription. Donorsreceive receive a Certifi cate of Appreciation,choose or canto have choose to have mailed to a certificatesloved mailed a Certificate of Appreciation, or can certificates one to a loved one as a gift. Location of tree not specified or tracked. as a gift. Location of tree not specified or tracked.
TREE PLANTING -‐ $400 BIKE RACK - $1,000 BIKE RACK -‐ $1,000 A bike to rack be placed a park, beach or or along tthe he ttrail. rail. Cp ommemorative plaque included. A bike rack beto placed atfor sponsorship aat park, beach Commemorative plaque included. Approximately 26 Green Ash trees are available aalong round the onds area. Donors receive a Certificate of Appreciation, or can c hoose to have c ertificates mailed to a l oved one PET STAND -‐ $300 PET STAND - $300 as a gift. Location of tree nAot ‘Pet specified or tracked. A ‘Pet Stand’ dispenser be installed along walkway. Applicants can can choose choose to Stand’ dispenser to beto installed along thethe walkway. Applicants to have have a photo of their favourite pet(s) included on the dispenser. (Note: this item
* 1752: Ben Franklin performs his famous kite-flying experiment to test the electrical power of lightning.
a photo of their ffavourite pet(s) included on the dispenser. (Note: this item includes as includes as ive year maintenance agreement). BIKE RACK -‐ $1,000 five year maintenance agreement). A bike rack to be placed at a park, beach or along the trail. Commemorative plaque included.
* 1924: Native Americans are proclaimed U.S. citizens. * 1934: The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is dedicated.
* 1775: George Washington is appointed Commander in Chief of the American Army. * 1878: The first attempt at a motion picture takes place. Twelve cameras, each taking one picture, focus on horses’ hooves to see if they will leave the ground.
* 1940: France surrenders to German forces as Nazi troops city of Paris.
PET STAND -‐ $300 PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS – Various osts PARK IMPROVEMENT –cVarious costs can choose to A ‘Pet Stand’ dispenser to be installed along PROJECTS the walkway. Applicants Sponsor towards a naew park improvement project. Examples include ginclude azebos, gazebos, Sponsor towards new park improvement project. Examples have a photo of their favourite pet(s) included on the dispenser. (Note: this item park sshelters, helters, playground equipment, landscape development and m ore. O r, sponsor park playground equipment, landscape development and more. includes as f ive y ear m aintenance agreement). an e nTre p roject a nd t he p roject w ill n amed o n b ehalf o f t he s ponsor. A ll s ponsors are occupy the Or, sponsor an entire project and the project will named on behalf of the sponsor. recognized on are a Project DedicaTon All sponsors recognized on palaque. Project Dedication plaque. ! PlaTnum SSponsor ponsor -‐ $-10,000 x Platinum $10,000 ! Gold SSponsor ponsor -‐ $-1,000 x Gold $1,000 ! Silver Sponsor -‐ $500 x Silver Sponsor - $500
* 1968: John Lennon and Yoko Ono plant an acorn at Coventry Cathedral. * 1977: General elections are held in Spain for the first time since 1936.
* 1887: The New York Giants baseball team beats the Philadelphia Phillies 29 -1.
Sponsorships are project is ompletely funded; Tme time restricTons may amay pply apply depending on the Sponsorships arecollected unTl the collected until the project cis completely funded; restrictions depending project. on the project. For more guidelines and and an applicaTon form, pform, lease vplease isit our visit website www.castlegar .ca or call the City or of For moreinformaTon, information, guidelines an application ourat website at Castlegar at 250-‐365-‐7227 call the City of Castlegaror at250-‐365-‐5979. 250-365-7227 or 250-365-5979.
* 1985: The Russian space probe Vega 2 lands on Venus. * 1916: The Boy Scouts of America receives its congressional charter. * 1992: Vice President Dan Quayle famously misspells the word “potato” * 1918: An inch of snow falls in northern Pennsylvania.
Fathers Day Contest! Do You Know Of An Amazing Father?
GO ONLINE And Enter A Photo Of
Him And His Family For The Chance To Win!
Father’s Day JUNE 15TH, 2014 The Greek Oven
Authentic Greek Cuisine
open Father’s Day
Authentic Chinese & Japanese Cuisine
Father’s Day Experts!
WIN 2 ROUNDS OF GOLF WITH A CART at Castlegar, Granite, and Balfour golf courses!
A value of over $500!
Contest Runs: June 2nd to June 13th
Father’s Day Special Buffet June 15th - $21.95 +tax
Phone ahead to book 1 of 3 RESERVATION times 4:30 - 6:00, 6:00 - 7:30, 7:30 - 9:00
June 15th
from 4:00 - 8:30pm
Reservation Required. Call Now!
Special Father’s Day Buffet
for all of the dad’s
Limited Seats Available
400 Columbia Ave., Downtown Castlegar
Featuring New Dishes
Phone 250.365.2311
1721 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC | 250.365.7771 Pantone 186
File: SWY_TM_Horz_IFL_2W.eps Description: Safeway TM Horizontal Signature with Ingredients for life. 2 Color on White Date: March 23, 2005
Chopsticks Restaurant 789 Columbia Ave. Castlegar 365-5330
250.365.5006 |
Go to and CLICK on CONTESTS to enter
Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News
Castlegar News Thursday, June 12, 2014 A15
Millennium Park M emorial S ponsorship P rogram
The City of Castlegar invites applications from any individual, organization or service group to be made towards park and public space improvements, including park benches, picnic tables, bike racks, trees, dog pet stands or other park improvement projects for the Millennium Park.
Millennium Park Memorial Sponsorship Program Millennium Park M emorial S ponsorship P rogram
City ofin Castlegar invitestoday applications from any individual, organizationthrough or servicethe groupgenerosity to be made Many of the amenities The located our parks were previously sponsored The City and of Castlegar invites applications including from any park individual, organization or service group trees, to be towards park public space improvements, benches, picnic tables, bike racks, of individuals or organizations. made towards park and public space improvements, picnic tables, bike racks, dog pet stands or other park improvement projects for theincluding park benches, Millennium Park. trees, dog pet stands or other park improvement projects for the Millennium Park.
The first step in making Many an application is located reviewing located on our of the amenities in our the parksProgram today wereGuidelines previously sponsored through the website generosity at of Many of the amenities located in our parks today were previously sponsored through the generosity individuals or the organizations. and contacting City of Castlegar Transportation & Civic Works Department. Our of individuals or organizations. staff will work with you to discuss and review your memorial options. The first step in making an application is reviewing the Program Guidelines located on our website at
The first step in making an application is reviewing the Program Guidelines located on our website at
Celebrate dad and some history this Father’s Day and contacting City Hall 250-365-7227. Our staff will & work youDepartment. to discuss and and contacting the at City of Castlegar Transportation Civic with Works Our reviewstaff will work with you to discuss and review your memorial options. your memorial options.
FIND THE PERFECT GIFT FOR HIM Mountain Sky massage bars & body butter mens’ board shorts tanks and t-shirts sunscreen
Tanning | Accessories 2-1502 Columbia Ave|Esthetics | Castlegar
JUNE 15th
MEMORIAL ITEMS PARK BENCH – NEW -‐ 2,500PARK BENCH – NEW - $2,500 PARK BENCH – NEW -‐o 2r ,500 A park bench will be placed along the walkway around the ponds. A park bench will be placed along the w alkway around the ponds. orThe commemorative A park bench will plaque be placed the into walkway or around tof he the ponds. The commemorative The commemorative is along inlaid the backrest bench. plaque is inlaid into the backrest of t he b ench. A pproximately 1 6 b enches a vailable. plaque is inlaid into the backrest of the bench. Approximately 16 benches available. Approximately 16 benches available. PICNIC TABLE – NEW - $4,000
PICNIC TABLE – NEW -‐ $4,000 Father’s Day has been celebrated in one form or another since the beginning of the nineteenth century. Perhaps the most driving force behind Father’s Day was Senora Commemorate a picnic table (seats up to 6 people) around the PICNIC TABLE – NEW -‐ $4,000 Commemorate a picnic table (seats up to 6 people) around the ponds. The ponds. The commemorative is inlaid into the top ponds. of the table. into the top of the table. Wheelchair tables Commemorate a picnic table commemorative plaque (seats up to is inlaid 6 plaque people) around the accessible The Dodd, who thought of the idea of a day to honor fathers while listening to a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909. Having been raised by her father, Dodd wanted to honorcommemorative plaque the sacriWheelchair accessible tables are boptional; some sites may be designated are optional; some sites may e designated as accessible table locations. Approximately is inlaid into the top of the table. Wheelchair accessible tables 5 tables are available for sponsorship. as accessible table locations. Approximately 5 tables are available for are optional; some sites may be designated as accessible table locations. Approximately fices that fathers make. Father’s Day was not formally considered a holiday until 1972, when a Congressional Act officially designated the third Sunday in June Father’s Day. sponsorship. 5 tables are available for sponsorship. PLAQUE ADDITION OR REPLACEMENT REPLACEMENT -‐ $400 PLAQUE ADDITION OR - $400 a second or update the existing a new Add a Add second plaque,plaque, or update the existing with a with new inscription. inscription.
Families celebrate Father’s Day in many ways. This year Father’s Day falls on Sunday, June 15. Dads who are history buffs may want to celebrate this year’s holiday by rem- OR REPLACEMENT -‐ PLAQUE ADDITION $400 TREE PLANTING - $400 TREE PLANTING -‐ $400 Approximately 26 Green Ash trees Add a second plaque, or update the existing with area available new for sponsorship around the ponds area. Approximately 26 Green Ash trees are available for sponsorship around the ponds area. Donors iniscing about the notable events that have occurred on June 15 through the years. Here are just some of the many historical events that took place on June 15.inscription. Donorsreceive receive a Certifi cate of Appreciation,choose or canto have choose to have mailed to a certificatesloved mailed a Certificate of Appreciation, or can certificates one to a loved one as a gift. Location of tree not specified or tracked. as a gift. Location of tree not specified or tracked.
TREE PLANTING -‐ $400 BIKE RACK - $1,000 BIKE RACK -‐ $1,000 A bike to rack be placed a park, beach or or along tthe he ttrail. rail. Cp ommemorative plaque included. A bike rack beto placed atfor sponsorship aat park, beach Commemorative plaque included. Approximately 26 Green Ash trees are available aalong round the onds area. Donors receive a Certificate of Appreciation, or can c hoose to have c ertificates mailed to a l oved one PET STAND -‐ $300 PET STAND - $300 as a gift. Location of tree nAot ‘Pet specified or tracked. A ‘Pet Stand’ dispenser be installed along walkway. Applicants can can choose choose to Stand’ dispenser to beto installed along thethe walkway. Applicants to have have a photo of their favourite pet(s) included on the dispenser. (Note: this item
* 1752: Ben Franklin performs his famous kite-flying experiment to test the electrical power of lightning.
a photo of their ffavourite pet(s) included on the dispenser. (Note: this item includes as includes as ive year maintenance agreement). BIKE RACK -‐ $1,000 five year maintenance agreement). A bike rack to be placed at a park, beach or along the trail. Commemorative plaque included.
* 1924: Native Americans are proclaimed U.S. citizens. * 1934: The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is dedicated.
* 1775: George Washington is appointed Commander in Chief of the American Army. * 1878: The first attempt at a motion picture takes place. Twelve cameras, each taking one picture, focus on horses’ hooves to see if they will leave the ground.
* 1940: France surrenders to German forces as Nazi troops city of Paris.
PET STAND -‐ $300 PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS – Various osts PARK IMPROVEMENT –cVarious costs can choose to A ‘Pet Stand’ dispenser to be installed along PROJECTS the walkway. Applicants Sponsor towards a naew park improvement project. Examples include ginclude azebos, gazebos, Sponsor towards new park improvement project. Examples have a photo of their favourite pet(s) included on the dispenser. (Note: this item park sshelters, helters, playground equipment, landscape development and m ore. O r, sponsor park playground equipment, landscape development and more. includes as f ive y ear m aintenance agreement). an e nTre p roject a nd t he p roject w ill n amed o n b ehalf o f t he s ponsor. A ll s ponsors are occupy the Or, sponsor an entire project and the project will named on behalf of the sponsor. recognized on are a Project DedicaTon All sponsors recognized on palaque. Project Dedication plaque. ! PlaTnum SSponsor ponsor -‐ $-10,000 x Platinum $10,000 ! Gold SSponsor ponsor -‐ $-1,000 x Gold $1,000 ! Silver Sponsor -‐ $500 x Silver Sponsor - $500
* 1968: John Lennon and Yoko Ono plant an acorn at Coventry Cathedral. * 1977: General elections are held in Spain for the first time since 1936.
* 1887: The New York Giants baseball team beats the Philadelphia Phillies 29 -1.
Sponsorships are project is ompletely funded; Tme time restricTons may amay pply apply depending on the Sponsorships arecollected unTl the collected until the project cis completely funded; restrictions depending project. on the project. For more guidelines and and an applicaTon form, pform, lease vplease isit our visit website www.castlegar .ca or call the City or of For moreinformaTon, information, guidelines an application ourat website at Castlegar at 250-‐365-‐7227 call the City of Castlegaror at250-‐365-‐5979. 250-365-7227 or 250-365-5979.
* 1985: The Russian space probe Vega 2 lands on Venus. * 1916: The Boy Scouts of America receives its congressional charter. * 1992: Vice President Dan Quayle famously misspells the word “potato” * 1918: An inch of snow falls in northern Pennsylvania.
Fathers Day Contest! Do You Know Of An Amazing Father?
GO ONLINE And Enter A Photo Of
Him And His Family For The Chance To Win!
Father’s Day JUNE 15TH, 2014 The Greek Oven
Authentic Greek Cuisine
open Father’s Day
Authentic Chinese & Japanese Cuisine
Father’s Day Experts!
WIN 2 ROUNDS OF GOLF WITH A CART at Castlegar, Granite, and Balfour golf courses!
A value of over $500!
Contest Runs: June 2nd to June 13th
Father’s Day Special Buffet June 15th - $21.95 +tax
Phone ahead to book 1 of 3 RESERVATION times 4:30 - 6:00, 6:00 - 7:30, 7:30 - 9:00
June 15th
from 4:00 - 8:30pm
Reservation Required. Call Now!
Special Father’s Day Buffet
for all of the dad’s
Limited Seats Available
400 Columbia Ave., Downtown Castlegar
Featuring New Dishes
Phone 250.365.2311
1721 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC | 250.365.7771 Pantone 186
File: SWY_TM_Horz_IFL_2W.eps Description: Safeway TM Horizontal Signature with Ingredients for life. 2 Color on White Date: March 23, 2005
Chopsticks Restaurant 789 Columbia Ave. Castlegar 365-5330
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Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News
Looking for a Bright Worker?
Call a Recruitment Specialist
Recruit the right Candidate here…
Recipe of the Week.....
Hello folks
PU B •
‘Great Food & Funʻ
Patio season...
is in full swing with views of the river and rock on the front and back patios. For entertainment coming up we have Kootenays own SAVAGE BLADE JUNE 27TH.
Wing Night Wednesday Friday is AAA Steak Sandwich Daily Drink and Food Specials
4370B Minto Road, Castlegar 250.365.0035 • Open 11am Daily
Come to the Lions Head, home of artisan smoked meat and BC Craft Beer
CHEERS 250 365 BREW (2739) 2629 Broadwater Rd Robson, BC
We’ve been told by many our food is a new addiction.
Ge of am t “Twisted azing in our h & goo ome made Thyme” dness s on the andwiches fly. • Pork Punch • Burley Beef • Big Turk • Chick’n Thyme ....Lemon thyme chicken, roasted red pepper, portabello mushrooms, spinach pesto, & melted provolone on a ciabatta bun.
OPEN: Mon-Fri 8-4 | Sat 11-3 1335 Columbia Avenue (on top of Sherbical Hill)
Thirsty Duck
NT •
Lion’s Den
Tails from the
full menu
In a hurry? Call ahead 250.687.1636
Last week for Creston Asparagus! Final bedding plant sale on now!
Across from Castlegar Airport (250)365-1009 Open Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 6pm
Mom’s ‘Sweet ‘n’ Sours’ Pork Ribs
Baked Kale Chips
Ingredients 1 cup white sugar 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard 2 cups water 1/2 cup soy sauce 1/2 cup vinegar 2 pounds pork spareribs, cut into bite size pieces 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 2 cloves garlic, chopped
1. In a bowl, mix the sugar, flour, salt, pepper, and mustard. Stir in the water, soy sauce, and vinegar. 2. Place the ribs in a pot with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil, cook 10 minutes, and drain. 3. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat, and brown the ribs on all sides. Mix in the sauce mixture. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer 30 minutes. Mix in the garlic, and continue cooking 15 minutes, or to desired doneness.
Pork Side Ribs (sweet and sour cut)
Ingredients 1 bunch kale 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon seasoned salt
1. Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line a non insulated cookie sheet with parchment paper. 2. With a knife or kitchen shears carefully remove the leaves from the thick stems and tear into bite size pieces. Wash and thoroughly dry kale with a salad spinner. Drizzle kale with olive oil and sprinkle with seasoning salt. 3. Bake until the edges brown but are not burnt, 10 to 15 minutes.
Organic Green or Black Kale
$2.49 each
B.C Grown fresh Asparagus
Castlegar News Thursday, June 12, 2014 A17
Introducing our new advice columnist
The Glory of Fatherhood
“Children’s children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.” – Proverbs 17:6 God’s design from the beginning for the blessing and provision of man, is the family. That is why it is so sad that the devil has effectively undermined the family in our society today. Frankly, I am amazed that more people are not alarmed by the obvious correlation between the decline of traditional families and the increase of a dysfunctional society. Instead, society seems to go out of its way to encourage that which challenges the home. As we see from the verse above, God meant for children and grandchildren to be the rewarding crown of old men. As families become more fragmented, however, old men today tend to take more pride in their achievements on the job, or in material things such as cars, houses, gardens, fishing boats or in hobbies rather than in their children. To be honest, many fathers see disappointment and frustration or just have a hard time understanding their children and perhaps even more the grandchildren. Perhaps it is because they put more of their life in their job or their hobby than they did in their child? It is not my intention for this to be a negative essay but I feel the need to remind us as fathers that investing in the lives of your children, grandchildren and in your family as a whole is infinitely wiser than devoting your energies in things that will disintegrate soon after you’re gone. Dad, your greatest legacy and the most lasting contribution you can make to this world is your children! The Apostle John wrote, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” Children learn first and foremost from our example. You must be committed to walking in the truth of God if you hope to have the joy of seeing your child live consistent with God’s truth. Notice also the end of the verse, “the glory of children are their fathers”. If you are a father (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX with children still in the home, let me remind
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Miss Sensibility
Dear Miss Sensibility, My neighbour is driving me nuts with their loud music at all hours of the night! I have tried asking them politely to quiet down after 9 pm but it still keeps happening. What should I do? Signed: Fed up! D o y o u h av e a q u e s t i o n fo r M i s s S e n s i b i l i t y ? E m a i l y o u r inquiries to and Miss Sensibility will answer it in the paper! Names will not be published, but must be included with inquiries. Please include your desired anonymous signature ex: Fed up!
Pastor Tom Kline Castlegar Baptist Church
F e F e F e F estival Festival Kootenay Festival Kootenay Festival
2011 2011 2011 20 CastlegarCastlegar Kootenay Kootenay Castlegar 2011 2011 2011 Castlegar Castlegar Kootenay let let’s celeb Koote 2011 let let Kootenay Kootenay
(Castlegar News reserves the right to refuse publication.) you that if you want to rejoice in your grandchildren some day you need to be the type of dad your children can glory in today. Be a man they can look up to and find the leadership and example they need to guide them through July 26, 2014 July 26, 2014 this changing world. Be a man they can trust, July who is loyal and faithful to the home. Be a man July 26, 26, 2014 2014 July 26, 2014 they can confide in and know that they’ll alFeaturing music, dance, Featuring live music, dance,live performances andperforma cuisine ways find love and respect. Children want to Featuring live music, dance, performan Featuring live music, dance, performa cultures represented in the Kootenay cultures represented in the Kootenay region. a part Featuring live Be music, da glory in their father; his wisdom, his strength, cultures represented in the Kootenay cultures represented in represented the Kootenayinr culturalfrom event! his Featuring guiding example, hisFeaturing faithful dependability. culturalfrom event! live music, dance, and cuisine thecultures diverse live music, dance, performances andperformances cuisine the diverse cultural Christian Dad, you can be that kind of fatherdance, performances and cuisine Featuring live music, the diverse cultural event! Featuring live music, dance, performances and from the diverse cultures in the region. Becuisine a partfrom ofevent! this exciting cultural event! cultures in Father therepresented Kootenay Be a part of this exciting Featuring live Kootenay music, dance, performances and cuisine from the diverse as you look torepresented your Heavenly and gloryregion. cultures represented in the Kootenay region. Be a part of this exciting represented the Kootenayinregion. Be a part of thisBeexciting in Him. Have a happy cultures Father’s Day. culturesin represented the Kootenay region. a part of this exciting EXHIBITOR BOOTHS EXHIBITORthe BOOTHS Encouraging & recognition of Encouraging the appreciation &appreciation recognition ofwww.kootenayfestiv
let’s celebrate! let’s celebrate! let’s let’s celebrate! celebrate! let’s celebrate!
Exhibitors areBOOTHS encouraged to provide an “ex EXHIBITOR Exhibitors are encouraged to provide an for festiva Encouraging the appreciation & recognition of community diversity through artistic expression diversity through artistic expression EXHIBITOR BOOTHS Encouraging the appreciation & “experience” recognition of EXHIBITOR BOOTHS Encouraging the appreciation & reco demonstration and presentation. If you are Exhibitors are encouraged to provide an “exp demonstration presentation. you are selling a product, a hs diversity through artistic expression Exhibitors areIfencouraged toare provide an “exp entertainment &and cuisine. entertainment community & cuisine. community diversity through artistic expression Exhibitors encouraged community diversity through artistic e craftsmanship is expected and your product demonstration and presentation. If you are se craftsmanship expected and yourand product must be Ifcrafted, demonstration presentation. you aregro s entertainment &&iscuisine. demonstration and present entertainment cuisine. Exhibitors are encouraged to provide an “experience” for festival attendees through entertainment & cuisine. Exhibitors are encouraged to provide an “experience” for festival attendees through Any exhibitors with imported products will b isis expected and product Any exhibitors with craftsmanship imported products will be asked to remove craftsmanship expected and your your productthm
DID YOU and KNOW? craftsmanship is expected VENDORS demonstration andare presentation. If CALL you are selling a FOR product, aexhibitors quality of Exhibitors are to an “experience” for attendees through CALL VENDORS demonstration presentation. you selling a FOR product, a high quality offestival include several pictures of your work withifbe ya Any with imported products will include several pictures ofhigh your work with your booking form Exhibitors areIfencouraged encouraged to provide provide an “experience” for festival attendees through
Any exhibitorsfor with imported products will be Exhibitors are encouraged tomust provide an “experience” festival attendees through Any exhibitors with importe craftsmanship isproduct expected and product crafted, grown or produced locally. demonstration and presentation. IfIfcrafted, you are selling product, aalocally. high quality of craftsmanship is expected and your must beyour oraabe produced include several pictures of your work with yo demonstration and presentation. you aregrown selling product, high quality of a high include several pictures of your work with demonstration and presentation. If you are selling a product, quality of include several pictures ofyo •Any Adsexhibitors in newspapers are the most •to EXHIBITOR BOOTHS • EXHIBITOR BOOTHS Any exhibitors imported products will be asked to remove them immediately. Please isiswith expected and your product must be crafted, grown or produced locally. with craftsmanship imported products will be asked remove them immediately. Please craftsmanship expected and your product must be crafted, grown or produced locally. FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS FOODand VENDOR BOOTHS craftsmanship expected yourtoproduct must be crafted, grown or produced loca acceptable compared out-of-home, ••iswork EXHIBITOR BOOTHS include several pictures of your with your booking form ifthem applicable. $40.00 Any exhibitors with imported products will asked remove immediately. Please include several pictures oftoyour work with your booking form ifbe applicable. $40.00 EXHIBITOR BOOTHS Any exhibitors with imported products will be asked to remove them immediately. Please The committee will be looking for a variety FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS The committee will be looking for a variety of local cuisines asPle wo • EXHIBITOR BOOTHS Any exhibitors with imported products will be asked to remove them immediately. FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS •BOOTHS FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS • FOOD VENDOR FOOD VENDOR BOOTH radio, magazine, TV and online include several pictures of your work with your booking form ififcommittee applicable. $40.00 include severalads. pictures of your work with your booking form applicable. $40.00 Food vendors must provide a permit from th The will be looking for a variety of Food vendors must provide a permit from the Interior Health Auth include several of your work withThe your booking form ifcommittee applicable. $40.00 committee will be looking forwill a variety o ••pictures FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS The be look VENDOR BOOTHS FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS EXHIBITOR • FOOD VENDOR FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS and abide byBOOTHS their rules and regulations. $6 Food vendors must provide aa permit from the and abide by their rules and regulations. $60.00 • FOOD NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR BOOTHS • NON-PROFIT BOOTHS Food vendors must provide permit from the Food vendors must provide The committee will be of looking forNON-PROFIT a variety of local cuisines as well as their family favourites. VENDOR •The Adscommittee in newspapers are deemed toBOOTHS be will FOOD be looking for a variety local • cuisines as well as EXHIBITOR family favourites. and by rules and regulations. $60 BOOTHS FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS and abide abide by theirand rules and regulations. • NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR BOOTHS FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS abide by their rules$60 and • NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR BOOTHS To apply please contact Audrey Polovnikoff at Food vendors must provide a permit from the Interior Health Authority by June 15, 2011 committee will be looking for a variety of local cuisines as well as family favourites. To apply please contact Audrey Polovnikoff at Food vendors must The provide a permit from the Interior Health Authority by June 15, 2011 the most truthful (compared to other The committee will becommittee looking forwill a variety of local cuisines as well as family favourites. 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No products orJune food items To ext. apply please contact Audrey Polovn Food vendors must provide aInterior permit from the Interior Health Authority by 15, NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR BOOTHS NON-PROFIT EXHIBITO and abide by their rules and regulations. $60.00 250-365-3386 ext. 4105 and abide byortheir rules and regulations. $60.00 items to be given away must be approved b These booths are for information only. No pro or download and submit the application form at items to be given away must approved by the Festival Comm download and submit the application form at 250-365-3386 ext. 4105 and abide by their rules and regulations. $60.00booths These are4105 for information only. pro 250-365-3386 ext. 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Area AreaIIand andJJ
31, 2011
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City of Castlegar 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 Phone: 250.365.7227 Fax: 250.365.4810 Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday except statutory holidays IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT YOUR 2014 CITY OF CASTLEGAR PROPERTY TAX NOTICE
Your City of Castlegar 2014 Property Tax notice has now been mailed. If you have not received your Property Tax notice or have recently purchased your property and have not received a Property Tax notice, please contact the City of Castlegar at (250) 365-7227. Payments must be received in our office by 4:30 PM, July 2, 2014 to avoid penalty. THE POSTAGE DATE STAMP IS NOT CONSIDERED AS DATE RECEIVED. All unpaid 2014 taxes (including unclaimed home owner grants) are subject to a 10% PENALTY AFTER JULY 2, 2014 ELIGIBLE TAXPAYERS ARE URGED TO APPLY FOR THEIR HOME OWNER GRANT AS SOON AS THEY RECEIVE THEIR TAX NOTICE. It is not necessary to make a payment in order to claim the grant. You can claim your home owner grant online by visiting and selecting Home Owner Grants in the top menu. You will need your Roll number and your 6 digit access code found on your Property Tax Notice. You can pay using Internet, telephone or ATM banking – Please ensure your 8 digit account number appears in your payment information – do not include the 201 or the decimal, eg: 201 01234567. Bank payments must be stamped or deposited July 2, 2014 or earlier. NOTE: If your bank is paying your taxes through your mortgage and you qualify for the Home Owner Grant, you must fill in the grant application at the bottom of your 2014 Property Tax Notice and mail or drop off to City Hall. If paying in person, we accept cash, cheque or debit at City Hall, 8:30am to 4:30pm. CREDIT CARDS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. Cheques postdated to July 2, 2014 will be accepted in advance.
Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News
Gardens growing gloriously staff writer Castlegar News
Garden lovers: set aside June 22 for the Castlegar and Area Garden Tour. Other discretionary appointments can have another date as you take in the fruits of area green-thumbs’ labors of love. The tour will encompass gardens in Castlegar, Robson and Ootischenia and run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, June
An example of one stop on the 2013 garden tour.
22. Admission to the self-guided event is a by donation to the Castlegar Friends of Parks and Trails. This year marks the
Present: The 6th Annual 18 holes DINNER
shotgun start at 1pm
$10,000 hole-in-one prize
SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 2014
13th anniversary of the tour arranged by the Castlegar Garden Club, and the theme is ‘Gardening Beyond Borders.’ The tour, as the club puts it, “celebrates the diversity of gardens and gardeners with a dazzling blend of horticultural joy. Anyone can garden and everywhere is a potential gardening site. All that’s needed is a passion for gardening.” The passion ought to be easily transferrable as tour-takers take in the work completed at locations including: Castle Wood Village, Dawn’s Early Rising Sunshine Café, and Windborne B & B, proving that gardening is not limited to a residential front and/or back yard. Tailor your itinerary to get you to Zibin’s Ootischenia oasis between 10 and noon and you’ll enjoy the Wind River Flute Quartet. See artists at work at Windborne B & B in Robson. Discover the plant lover’s courtyard and new art gallery at Dawn’s
File photo
Early Rising Sunshine Café. Innovation and the magic that’s sparked by serendipity highlight this year’s Garden Tour. As you meander down the garden path, let your imagination run wild . . . inspire, engage, flourish. Images will linger long after the Garden Tour is over. For pure pleasure and a fresh perspective on the magic of art and gardens savour the wonderfully original and richly imaginative sculptures in this year’s Castlegar Sculpture Walk. It is sure to capture the hearts of both gardeners and art lovers. Sculptures grace the entrance to Castle Wood Village; across Columbia Avenue; City Hall abounds with a multitude of sculptures and ornamental grasses. Tour brochures and maps available at local businesses or by email. For further information: castlegargardenclub@shaw. ca or Nora Jukes
Teachers vote Continued from P. A1
“I’m just waiting for more information on this, but we’re starting to understand that the government’s motivation is not so much to get a deal with us, but to make the lawsuit go away.” Davidoff refers to a legal action launched against the government by teachers over issues including class sizes.
A court had ruled back in January, awarding $2 million plus costs as part of a judgment in favour of the BCTF. The government has since appealed that judgement. But a far greater amount, yet to be determined, could yet be awarded to the teachers. Davidoff says the two sides are only “inches apart” on the issue of salary.
Castlegar News Thursday, June 12, 2014 A19
G IANT Toy Blowout
SAVE up to 90% off
Talented chorus Members of the Robson Choir, pictured from left: Eve Reddicopp, Deb Martens, Jo-Anne Stoltz, Cathy Bogle, Sue Buckley, Dawn Graham, Jeannie Tellier, April Tellier.
on selected toys
Jim Sinclair photo
Catch us online, anytime. 1128 3rd St, Castlegar • Visit Visit Visit
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Stock quotes as of closing
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Women’s Group (all levels) Tues and Thurs 10:30am - 12:00pm Yoga Levels I,II,III Tues 6:00pm - 7:30pm & 7:35pm - 9:15pm - or Thurs 4:30pm - 6:00pm & 6:00pm - 7:45pm Yoga for MS Monday 1:30pm - 3:00pm Friday 1:30 - 3:00 In the library. Wheelchair accessible. (This class is free for members of the MS Society)
NEW Saturday yoga class (all levels) 11:30 - 1:00 pm - Columbia River Studio 815 5th Ave. Castlegar, BC Tel: 250-365-5428 please visit our website for more info
5N Plus ............................. 4.20 BCE Inc. .......................... 50.47 Bank of Montreal ............. 77.21 Bank of Nova Scotia......... 70.83 CIBC .............................. 96.75 Canadian Utilities ............ 39.00 Canfor Corporation ......... 24.06 EnCana Corp. ................. 25.66 Enbridge Inc. ................... 50.65 Finning International.......... 29.85 Fortis Inc. ........................ 31.79 Husky Energy .................. 35.97
Manitoba Telecom ........... 32.34 Mercer International ........... 8.73 National Bank of Canada . 46.02 Onex Corporation ............ 66.69 Royal Bank of Canada...... 75.23 Sherritt International ............ 4.68 TD Bank .......................... 54.99 TELUS Corp...................... 41.10 Teck Resources ................. 23.77 TransCanada Corp ........... 50.44 iPath S&P 500 VIX ............ 30.21
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Children’s Program Saturdays Ages 8-12....10:00am - 11:15am Stay Strong Yoga for older adults Tues and Thurs 8:45am - 10:15am
250-352-5331 June 13th - DJ Hoola Hoop
Portfolio Series Balanced ... 28.32
Signature Dividend ........... 14.59
Portfolio Series Conservative 15.61
Manulife Monthly High ... 14.533
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June 14th - The Grove - Threadroots - Pre Shambhala Party
CADUSD Canadian / US Dollar ...... 0.917
Light Sweet Crude Oil ..... 104.56
June 20th - Neighbour - Home Breakin’ Records
Gold............................ 1260.60
Silver ............................. 19.195
June 21th - D.O.A w/ Drunk On Purpose & Dealer June 26th - Marcus Visionary (Toronto) June 27st - Sub Bass feat. Erica Dee & guests June 28th - Sack Grabbath w/ Immune 2 Cobras June 30th - Scarlet Rose Burlesque July 5th - Wood N Soo July 11th - The Boom Booms w/ guests July 12th - Tantrum Desire (UK) w/ Slim Pickins July 17th - The Good Ol’ Goats
Let’s talk INVESTING Want to know more about managing your money? The Financial Planners at Kootenay Savings MoneyWorks are the people to ask. They’ll explain it all, in a language you’ll understand. For information about wealth management, retirement, insurance or estate planning, call today.
July 18th - Stickybuds July 19th - Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 w/ Papa Roots July 22nd - Charlie Hunter w/ Scott Amendola & DJ Olive July 23rd - Great Lake Swimmers July 25rd - Kootenay Swing
1.877.691.5769 Mutual Funds are offered through Qtrade Management Inc., Member MFDA. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. This report is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. This report is furnished on the basis and understanding that Qtrade Asset Management Inc. is to be under no responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect thereof.
WK Minor Lacrosse
City City of Castlegar Cityof of Castlegar Castlegar
Annual Report for the Ended December 31, Report theYear Year Ended December 31, 2013 AnnualAnnual Report forfor the Year Ended December 31, 2013 2013 is hereby given that pursuant to the Community Notice Notice is hereby hereby givenCitythat that pursuant to the the Community Notice is given pursuant to Charter, Castlegar Council will receive the Community City’s Charter, Castlegar City Council will receive 2013 Annual Report, including Audited Financial Charter, Castlegar City Council will receive the the City’s City’s Statements, atReport, the Regularincluding Meeting of Council to be held 2013 Annual Audited 2013 Annual Report, including Audited Financial Financial Mondayat June 23, 2014 at Meeting 7:00pm in of Council Chambers, Statements, the Council to Statements, the Regular Regular Council to be be held held 445 13that Avenue, Suite 101,Meeting Castlegar, of British Columbia. Monday June 23, 2014 at 7:00pm in Council Chambers, Monday June 23, 2014 at 7:00pm in Council Chambers, th 445 13 13The Avenue, Suite 101, Castlegar, British Columbia. th Avenue, annual report is 101, available for inspection at City Hall 445 Suite Castlegar, British Columbia.
The The and and
and on the City’s website at
annual report annual report is is available available for for inspection inspection at at City City Hall Hall City of Castlegar on the City’s website at Avenue at on460 theColumbia City’s website Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 City of ofEmail: Castlegar City Castlegar (250) 365-7227 Fax (250) 365-4810 460 Columbia Columbia Avenue Avenue 460 Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 Email: Email: (250) (250) 365-7227 365-7227 Fax Fax (250) (250) 365-4810 365-4810
Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386 Public Swim at the Castlegar Community Complex Mon/Wed/Fri
Early Bird
1:30-4:00pm & 7:30-9:00pm
Public Swim
2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm
Public Swim
Public Swim
Public Swim
Public Swim
Summer Programs
Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News
Registration Now for:
Summer Red Cross Swim Lessons Session 1 July 7 – 18 (Mon-Fri) Session 2 July 21 – Aug 1 (Mon – Fri) Session 3 Aug 5 – 15 (Tues – Fri) “Summer Cool Camps” 7 weeks of Fun • Great Instructors • Lots of Fun • Speciality Camps (Cooking; Science, Art, Sports and more) • Subsidies available • $119 for the week 8:30-3:30 daily • Leisure Guides available at the Recreation Office or on line at
The West Kootenay Minor Lacrosse tyke / novice team took part in an early June tournament this in Salmon Arm. In the first game, played against Kamloops they lost 7-1. Their second game, against North OK 1 was tied 5-5. The West Kootenay lads won the Third game, against Shuswap, 5-4.
Fourth game, against Kamloops they lost 4-2. The squad finished in fourth place over all. “It’s great how well they are doing, everyone of them. The tykes aren’t afraid to rock the house,” said team Manager Laura-Lynn Mackinnon of the effort. The Bantam lacrosse boys were in Kelowna recently and played their first game against
Old Grizzly, now a Saint
The Selkirk College Men’s Hockey program is pleased to announce a playing commitment from forward Tyler Kerner (Taber, AB) to attend Selkirk College and compete for the Saints beginning in the 2014/15 B.C. Intercollegiate Hockey League season. Kerner is a 5-foot-11, 205 pound winger who spent the last three seasons in the Alberta Junior Hockey League playing with the Lloydminster Bobcats, Drumheller Dragons and Olds Grizzlys. He split the 2013/14 campaign between Drumheller and Olds, where he scored once while adding nine assists and 85 penalty minutes in 36 regular season and playoff games. Over the course of his Junior A career, Kerner scored nine goals and totaled 32 points and 255 penalty minutes in 112 AJHL games. “Tyler is a hard-working, physical winger who plays the game with lots of energy and competes hard,” says Saints head coach Jeff Dubois. “He really fits the profile of the type of player we were looking to add to what is shaping up as a very skilled group. We see Tyler being a guy who sets a physical tone for us and who makes himself and his line difficult to play against, particularly versus top players on other teams.” Kerner plans to enter Selkirk’s Business Administration program. “I’m very excited to start my post-secondary career with the Saints and join a winning organization,” says Kerner, who describes himself as playing a physical, simple, role game while taking pride in taking care of his own zone
Community News Concerts in the Park have started! Wednesdays 7:00pm • Kinnaird Park June 18 – Trail Pipe Band June 25 – Twin Rivers Chorale “Bring a Toonie – Great Entertainment”
Notary Public Inc.
+ +
Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations.
If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.
PHILIP KANIGAN + + + + + + + + +
Volunteers Needed 2014 Kootenay Festival • Saturday July 26th (go on line and fill out a volunteer form or contact Audrey for More information)
their hosts, winning 10-1. In their second game, against Delta they lost 6-4. They played their third game against Port Moody and won 8-4. Their fourth game was against Port Coquitlam and they finished in a 3-3 draw, missing the gold medal round by one point. The bantams finishing the tournament in third place.
first. “I think of myself as a leader who is willing to do whatever it takes to win. I work very well beneath the crease protecting the puck while trying to find players to set up in the offensive zone.” “I’m looking forward to moving to the community of Castlegar, as it reminds me of the town I was raised in. The small classes are also a huge benefit, knowing that there will be more attention to help me get the most out of my schooling. My academic goal this year will be to achieve a GPA of 3.5 or higher. On the ice, I want to develop my game while helping my team capture a third straight BCIHL championship.” Olds Grizzlys head coach Brett Hopfe expects Kerner to be a key energy forward for the Saints. “Tyler is a tremendous player who buys into every role he is put into,” Hopfe explains. “He was a late pick-up for us this season and he instantly made an impact both on and off the ice. Tyler is a true leader and we’re very excited that he will have an opportunity to continue his career at the college level.” Kerner is the Saints’ ninth commitment for the 2014/15 season, joining forwards Ryan Edwards (Beaver Valley, KIJHL), Jamie Vlanich (Nelson Leafs, KIJHL), Alex Milligan (Peninsula Panthers, VIJHL), Matt Martin (Ontario Avalanche, WSHL) and Connor Beauchemin (Castlegar Rebels, KIJHL), as well as defencemen Curtis Toneff (Campbell River Storm, VIJHL) and Danny Vlanich (Surrey Eagles, BCHL), and goaltender Steven Glass (Nipawin Hawks, SJHL).
Castlegar News Thursday, June 12, 2014
Aquanauts show their stuff in Nelson pool
The Castlegar Aquanauts participated recently in their first competitive swim meet of the season in Nelson. A total of 36 swimmers competed for the Aquanauts. Along with them, teams from Nelson, Trail, Grand Forks, Kimberley, Creston, Colville and Revelstoke also competed. This swim meet consisted of six individual events and two team relay events over the course of both Saturday and Sunday. Head coach Nick Welychko and Assistant coach Michaella Yang were both very pleased and proud of their swimmers. “Every swimmer that attended and competed for the Aquanauts swam very well and there were many best times achieved over the weekend,” said
Welychko. With this being the first swim meet and having only been training for four weeks, both Welychko and Yang could tell everyone was putting in a lot of hard work. “With this many best times being achieved with so little training, it is awesome to see. We can tell each swimmer is determined at practice and ready to work. This translates to fast swims at meets. We cannot wait to see where everyone will be further into the season,” said Yang. The Aquanauts will be traveling to Grand Forks for the second meet of the season on June 7. Both Welychko and Yang are expecting many more great swims and best times to be achieved at this meet. Nelson Meet Results:
Div 1 Girls: 3rd Kennedy Cartwright and Georgia Anderson Div 1 Boys: 2nd Reid Quintanhila 1st Ethan Marshall Div 2 Girls: 3rd Bella Kues 2nd Avery Cooke 1st Claire Cartwright Div 2 Boys: 3rd Ayden Quintanhila 1st Bryce Anderson Div 3 Boys: 3rd James Marshall 2nd Cayden Cooke 1st Ethan Marshall Div 4 Girls 1st Emma Lawczynski Div 5 Girls: The Castlegar Aquanauts are proud to award Corbin Anderson with Swimmer of the Meet. Corbin was a huge leader at the meet. He not only swam best times and got prepared for his own races, but he also helped others get excited for theirs. “Nick and I are very proud that he took initiative and set a great example for our swimmers,” said Yang. In subsequent action this past weekend, a total of 20 Aquanauts competed in their second competitive swimming meet of the season, the Grand Forks Piranhas Invitational. This event is considered a “B” TIME swim meet – swimmers who have not yet met a certain time standard are only allowed to compete. Head coach Nick Welychko and assistant coach Michaella Yang were very pleased with everyone’s performance. “Almost all of our swimmers achieved new best times in the four events. This is a great feeling from a coach’s perspective because it means all of the swimmers’ hard work is already paying off for them,” said Welychko. “The Grand Forks meet was a huge success for all of the swimmers. There were 54 best A21
2nd Sierra Buchanan Div 6 Girls: 3rd Sophie Jansen Div 6 Boys: 3rd Torrin Wilson 1st Jeffrey Ashton Div 7 Girls: 3rd Ashlee Martini Div 8 boys: 2nd Nick Welychko Overall Points: 8th Colville Sharks – 125 7th Creston Waves – 149 6th Revelstoke Aquaducks – 167 5th Kimberley Seahorses – 186 4th Nelson Neptunes – 246 3rd Trail Stingrays – 255 2nd Grand Forks Piranhas – 318 1st Castlegar Aquanauts - 636
times from just a single day, not to mention that there were only 18 swimmers who attended. Nick and I are looking forward to the rest of the season with all of the improvements that are being seen so early on in the season,” said Yang. The Aquanauts will compete in Trail this weekend. GF Results: Div 1 girls: 1st - Kennady Cartwright, Div 1 boys: 1st - Reid Quintanhila, Div 2 boys: 3rd - Ayden Quintanhila , Div 3 boys: 1st - James Marshall, Div 4 girls: 1st - Emily Ashton, Div 6 girls: 1st - Kennedy MacInnis, Div 6 boys: 1st Dante Enwold. This week’s Castlegar Aquanaut Swimmer of the Meet is going to Reid Quintanilha. Swimmer of the Month for the Month of May: Bella Keus. Bella is always ready to work and giving 110 per cent at practices. She is a great leader and shows improvement at every practice. Congratulations Bella!
see your ad in our newspaper
1 A Swiss Army knife has many of them 5 Halley’s __ 10 Crow calls 14 Peel in a cocktail 15 Stylish 16 Nueve preceder 17 “Please let me get my beauty rest” 20 Half of a 45 21 Title for a superior 22 Loosens, as restrictions 23 Place for a massage 25 Hymn finale 27 Kitchen amts. 30 “Too much noise” 36 Need to remit 37 Shopping aid 38 “My __ Amour”: Stevie Wonder hit 39 __ toast 41 Warning that often precedes 17-, 30-, 49and 65-Across 43 Remove from the board 44 Bistro, e.g. 46 Ages and ages 48 Joe and Rose Kennedy’s youngest 49 “No one can know” 51 Exceedingly 52 Burn a lot ... or
slightly 53 Pink or purple 55 Wyoming neighbor 58 Altar agreement 61 Make a case 65 “Junior needs his nap time” 68 Fashion designer Marc 69 “Super!” 70 U.S. native 71 Like the ground after a campfire 72 Climbing rope material 73 Bard’s instrument
1 Israeli guns 2 Truck stop rig 3 Storefront sign abbr. 4 Emotional strain 5 Long-running TV crime drama 6 Possesses 7 O. Henry’s “The Gift of the __” 8 Lure into a crime 9 Ref’s decision 10 Lettuce-washing aid 11 Poker “bullets” 12 Sledding shout 13 Soaks (up) 18 Run off at the
mouth 19 Does a slow burn 24 Wanted poster initials 26 Audio jack label 27 Marisa of “The Wrestler” 28 Workout output 29 Trapper’s goods 31 “This can’t wait” hosp. areas 32 Bygone anesthetic 33 Speak with pomp 34 More sage 35 Down-and-out 37 Where models stand by models 40 Plastic shovel, for one 42 Soil chopper
45 Supporting vote 47 Ultimate degree 50 “Holy moly!” 51 Spoken 54 Seven-member Mideast fed. 55 Overhead exclamation point, in comics 56 HMO staffers 57 Egyptian royal cross 59 Business agreement 60 “Beetle Bailey” bulldog 62 Like wild boar meat 63 Over, in Germany 64 Brontë’s Jane 66 Cape NNW of Cod 67 Dearie
Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News
Painting & Wallpaper in Castlegar, Nelson, Trail & area
Emily Grey Campbell
West Kootenay Dealer for
Journeyman with Red Seal
North America’s premier vinyl decking system Honest appraisals • Meticulous workmanship
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Garth Hanson 250-352-1814
Kootenay Containers
Cheryl Vandergaag
Administrative Consultant Robson BC Phone: 250-365-7638
1875 Robson Access Rd. (Brilliant) Castlegar, BC
Administrative services for individuals or businesses. Filing, organizing, and much more
Ph: 250.365.3014
Dr. Brandy Grantham & Associates LONG TERM DISCOUNTS
• Interior, Exterior, Commercial, Residential • Texturing, Patch in Texture • Re-paint stippled ceilings • Complete wood finishing and refinishing • Airless Spraying • Free Reasonable Estimates We Appreciate Our Customers.
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Toby’s Doggy Do
50% off Cellular Shades
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Ely’s Bridal Boutique & Gift Shop
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Pre-finished, engineered multi ply $3.99 SF PLT 35 Year Garantee. Maple & Birch Over 200+ choices Solid wood smooth 31/2”x3/4” Prefinished Maple & W Oak $4.79 SF PLT Also Cork, Bamboo, and Slate in stock.
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HAIR CARE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! We carry a selection of AG & Pravana products.
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Castlegar News Thursday, June 12, 2014
Your community. Your classifieds.
bc email
How to place a
Classified Ad with 250.365.6397
Call Or Drop by our office at Unit #2, 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar, BC 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday Classified Deadline 4pm Monday
Cards of Thanks
This a heartfelt “Thank You” to all of those who helped me on the afternoon of May 12th after I was involved in a motor vehicle accident on Highway 3 near Tarrys Road To my neighbors and drivers who were first on the scene, paramedics, and 1st responders - Thank You for your immediate assistance. To the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital Emergency, X-ray, OR and 2nd floor staff - Thank you for such wonderful care. Special thanks to Dr. Sibbald and Dr. McVicar. I am on the road to recovery and I truly appreciate all that everyone has done. Lucy Evdokimoff & Family
CANCEL YOUR TimeshareNo Risk Program, Stop Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Free Consultation. Call Us Now. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.
The link to your community
Employment Business Opportunities
CLASS 1 LINE HAUL COMPANY DRIVERS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway Line Haul Drivers based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training.
We Offer Above Average Rates! To join our team of professional drivers, please send off a resume and current driver’s abstract to: For more info about Line Haul, call Bev, 604-968-5488 Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.
HIGHWAY OWNER OPERATORS $3500 SIGNING BONUS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway linehaul Owner Operators based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training.
Call Dave for Home Inspection Presentation. 1.855.301.2233
Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.
Found dresser drawer, Sat night, June 7th, exit to Robson off Hwy 3A. Call 250-365-6397
GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629 Website:
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
Steve Koozma Harshenin July 11th, 1932 - July 14, 2011
Happy Father’s Day Dad, With Much Love. Even though you left us almost three years ago, your spirit lives on with us. There isn’t a day that goes by that you aren’t thought of. Every sunrise and sunset, we thin k of you and know you are with us, loving , caring and sharing every moment of this beautiful life. With much blessings and love. Your family. We miss you. xoxoxo
In Memory Of:
Beryl Gibson
In Memoriam
Byron Jackson October 29, 2006 & June 12, 2008 “Jackxie”
Dec. 23, 1953 ~ June 30, 2006
A true cowboy to the end Once in a lifetime, Everyone should be so blessed!
Charlie Roberts
August 4, 2013
July 6th, 1940 June 11th, 2011
A Lady, Wife, Mother, Partner and Friend It’s three years since you left us never to return. But never, ever, to be forgotten. By her husband John C, son John A., daughters Jackie (Ken) Martin and Jenny Rogers, Grandsons Bruce, Twins Nick and Chris Martin and Damien Rogers. And by family and friends in England, Canada and around the world.
In Memory of
Leo Harry Hoodicoff Nov 12, 1953 - May 19, 2014 The devastated family of Leo Harry Hoodicoff wishes to announce his unexpected passing at this home on Monday, May 19, 2014, blessed with 60 years of life.
Doing our best to “cowboy A blended familyup” - you made it work. Our void - filled with remembered Forever and for always joy and love forever.
in our hearts
Brenda, Cara, Nicole, Brenda, Cara, Jason, Lori, Jessie, Kyla, Tannis, Dan, Jennine, Corrine Nicole and families & families
We’re on the net at In Loving Memory
We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package.
In Memoriam
Jack & Bev Chernoff
To join our team of professional drivers, email a detailed resume, current driver’s abstract & details of your truck to: Call 604-968-5488 Fax: 604-587-9889 Only those of interest will be contacted.
MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851.
Lost & Found
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Leo was born in Nelson on November 12, 1953 to parents Helen and Harry Hoodicoff. He worked for CP Rail for 20 years. During his working life he had a business making cedar shakes, learned to be a mechanic and held numerous other jobs. Leo enjoyed hiking, fishing, snowmobiling, camping and making excursions to the Valhallas. Unfortunately he contracted a debilitating illness that took everything away from him. He was predeceased by his parents Helen and Harry. Left to mourn his loss are his sons Chris and Sean Hoodicoff. Cremation has taken place in care of Castlegar Funeral Chapel. For Funeral Service details, please contact Chris (250 304-9276) or Sean (250 304-3804). The family will always miss all the get togethers in Krestova and the ping-pong tournaments that led to all night jam sessions. Let’s remember Leo before his MS got to him, when he was healthy and strong, the tough man that he was. A great father and a guy who would give his shirt right off his back in order to help someone out. “Love ya dad, we’ll miss ya, you are in a much better place now.”
Joshua Evin
April 15, 1981- June 13, 2010 Grieve not for me Nor mourn the while, For Happier would I be to see you smile. Let no tears fall since I have passed away. But miss me and remember me Each and every day. Live your lives As I would want you to And treat thy fellowman As I would do. And when the time has come Your lives be through I shall be Waiting here For each of you..... “I take with me; all your love And leave with you; all my love;” We will carry you in our hearts forever We “Love” You Josh Lorne & Lillian Evin Christina Amelio
In honour of our son Josh Evin We have donated $500.00 to Skate Boarding events in the area. $200.00 -Ty Smith for Skate Park Event June3,2012 [Complex].And $300.00 to go to the Indoor Skate Park.
In Loving Memory of
Ann Markin It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our mother Ann Markin, on June 5, 2014 at the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital. Ann was blessed with 83 years of life, well lived. She was raised in Brilliant and moved to Thrums, at 17 years of age, where she lived until the death of her beloved husband Alex in 2013. Ann enjoyed gardening, camping and spending time, on the family farm, with her children and friends. She was predeceased by her beloved husband Alex, her parents Sam and Mary Rilkoff, her brother Pete Rilkoff and her sisters Mary Konkin, Polly Holuboff and Nellie Rilkoff. Ann is survived by her sisters Nora Makaroff and Francis Olzewski; her sons Philip (Elizabeth) and Allen (Kathy); her daughter Patricia (Kerry); her grandchildren Carrie Markin (Walter), Kristy Daniels (Russ), Johanna Markin (Adam), Chelsea Markin, Alana Markin (Shane) and Chad Frass and her great-grandchildren Wyatt Daniels and Kara Markin Mendelson. Private Funeral Services were officiated by Peter Zaytsoff at Castlegar Funeral Chapel on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 and cremation followed. “ANN WAS A WIFE, A MOTHER, A GRANDMOTHER AND A FRIEND AND WILL BE DEARLY MISSED, BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN.”
A24 In Memory Of
Florence “Joy” Pye March 26, 1933 May 29, 2014 Sadly the family of Florence “Joy” Pye wishes to announce her passing at Talarico Place Care Centre on Thursday, May 29, 2014 blessed with 81 years of life. She was born March 26, 1933 in Fort Langley, BC to parents Gertrude and John Welford, weighing 3.3 lbs. at birth and kept warm in her parent’s oven. She was so tiny at birth that her fist could fit through her mother’s wedding ring. Raised in Vancouver, that was where she met and married her high school sweetheart George Francis Pye (deceased). They started their married life in White Rock BC, where they had 4 children, Denice, Theresa (Terry), Shane and Laird (deceased). Later they moved to Ocean Park, BC. She enjoyed her interests of camping, travel, cooking and a wide circle of friends and family. In her later years, while living in Christina Lake, BC she developed a loving friendship with Emerson and they enjoyed camping and travelling throughout BC until he passed away. She then moved to Castlegar to live with her daughters Terry and Sue (adopted). In her last years she travelled extensively on many trips with her family and friends. When not travelling, she enjoyed her 5 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren and 1 highly anticipated great-great grandchild.
Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News
Education/Trade Schools
Education/Trade Schools
THERE IS still a huge demand for Canscribe Medical Transcription graduates. Medical Transcription is a great workfrom-home career! Contact us today at Call 1.800.466.1535 or email:
• Certified Home Study Course • Jobs Registered Across Canada • Gov. Certified / 604.681.5456 or 1.800.665.8339
Haircare Professionals
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: to start training for your work-at-home career today!
Looking for Hair Stylist to rent out chair for beginning of August, Call Amy 250-304-4809
Help Wanted
Classifieds Get Results!
Hairlines 6th Ave is accepting resumes for a part time hair stylist with at least 1 year experience Drop off resume to 2327 - 6th Ave
Marguerite Marie (LeBlanc) Webster
She passed away at Talarico Place Care Centre in Castlegar, where she received great respect and care from the staff.
June 7,1929 – June 8, 2014
In Memory Of:
Kelly Elias January 3, 1962 May 28, 2014 It is with heavy hearts that the family of Kelly Elias announce his passing on May 28, 2014. Kelly passed away after a lengthy battle of cancer, at the Hospice House, in Kelowna, B.C. with his Dad at his side. He was 52 years old. Kelly was born on January 3, 1962, in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, to parents Isabel and Jack Elias. After graduation, Kelly attended the Okanagan College and earned his Red Seal in Carpentry. In 1991, he married Kathleen (nee Sexsmith) and they were blessed with two boys, Colin (13 yrs) & Sean (10 yrs). Kelly worked for various construction companies, including Crossroads Construction, Western Industrial Contractors Ltd., and finally IDL Projects, all of Prince George. Kelly & Kathleen came to Castlegar in summer of 1990 with Western Industrial Contractors Ltd. for the Celgar mill expansion. After many years as Foreman and Superintendent, Kelly advanced to eventually become a Regional Manager for Western Industrial Contractors Ltd & finally IDL Projects. Although he always worked for a Prince George company, he loved the Kootenays and never had any desire to make his home anywhere else. Kelly loved boating, fishing, camping, golfing, and motorcycling. Kelly was proud of building his last family home in Ootischenia on the Little Bear Golf course. He put a gate in the back yard so he could golf the Par 3 with his 2 boys, who now also love golf. Kelly & his family travelled many times to Mexico, Hawaii, as well as Portugal. He loved to be with family and friends and will always be remember for being very hospitable. Left to mourn his loss is his separated-wife Kathleen; sons Colin and Sean of Castlegar; parents Jack and Isabel Elias of Kelowna; brother Roger (Liz) of Lac La Hache; plus numerous aunts, uncles, cousins and a large extended family and friends. We would like to extend a special thank you to Dr. Shepard and the nurses & counsellors at the Hospice House in Kelowna. It’s a beautiful setting and it gives people dignity during their last days. We’ll be forever grateful for the care that Kelly received there. A Celebration of Kelly’s Life will be held at the Castlegar Golf Club, June 16, 2014 at 11:30am.
Marguerite was born in Drummondville, Québec. The family moved to New Brunswick where she grew up. She took nurse’s training and became an RN. Marg worked in Goose Bay, Labrador and then became a stewardess for TransCanada Airlines. She married Stewart Wright Webster on October 13, 1956. They lived in Québec, California, and BC. She is survived by her husband, her son Gordon (Ruth), daughter Vicki, grandsons Brennan and Matthew, brother Herman (Doris) sister Marie Anne (Harvey) Breau, and brother Leonard. She was an avid hiker, skier and loved the mountains. Funeral at 10:30 Thursday, June 12 at St. Rita’s in Castlegar.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
FAMILY Support Counsellor (23 hours per week) Salmo is looking for a person with a degree in counselling, social work, or related field. The desired applicant will have experience in a variety of counselling practices, most notably family systems therapy and related support services for families who are experiencing challenges. Candidate will help families with developing parenting skills, mediation and family preservation. The desirable candidate will also have the ability to handle crisis situations. Deadline: June 16th For a complete job description:
Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1
An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051. Housekeepers wanted for Castlegar Better At Home Program for Seniors Please send resume & references to or submit to office at 1007 - 2nd St, Castlegar, BC V1N 1Y4
PORT HARDY-Available immediately on North Vancouver Island working Body shop Manager. Also need Painter and Bodyman, one with management experience. Assets include computer literacy, ICBC estimating certification, customer service skills. Send resumes and coverletter to:
Vernon Service Company requires Journeyman Service Plumbers/Gasfitters, $36.00/hr Call (250)549-4444 or fax 250-549-4416
School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) PAYROLL - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE POSITION:
Payroll – Accounts Payable (REGULAR) PLACE: School Board Office, Trail, BC HOURS OF WORK: 35 hrs/wk - Monday to Friday MONTHS PER YEAR: Twelve (12) RATE OF PAY: Payroll (25.0 hrs/wk) @ $26.29/hr -Accounts Payable (10.0 hrs/wk $24.44/hr) STARTING DATE: immediately For full position details including qualifications please refer to the Careers with SD20 section of our website at This position is covered under our CUPE Local 1285 Collective Agreement. Cover letter, resume and completed district applications (available on the district web site or at our office) should be sent to Mrs. Marcy VanKoughnett, Director of Human Resources, School District #20 (KootenayColumbia), 2001 Third Avve, Trail, BC V1R 1R6 (Fax: 250-364-2470) by 12:00 Noon on Friday, June 13, 2014. Please submit electronic applications to: hr@ It is understood that applicants agree to confidential reference checks of all previous employers. The successful applicant will be subject to a Criminal Record Check.
The BetterBook requires a responsible and reliable person(s) to deliver phone books to residences and businesses in Nelson, Castlegar and Grand Forks. Reliable vehicle (van or covered pickup) is required and the ability to lift heavy bundles of phone books. This is a great group fundraiser! Contact Linda in our distribution department at 1-800-663-8555
Professional/ Management
FINANCIAL Advisor Opportunity. Credit Union Services Organization (CUSO) represents various C.U.’s across BC. We are seeking professional financial advisors to work with our members. Our advisors have unlimited earning potential and can be partially vested in their book of business. Contact:
Trades, Technical
HEAVY DUTY Mechanic to work in private shop on farm. We have several semi trucks hauling farm products as well as farm tractors. Job would include maintenance on all equipment, as well as repairs as necessary, clutch, wheel seals, some welding, etc. This is a full time year round position. Call 250-838-6630 or email: HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC WANTED
YRB Yellowhead Road & Bridge
Yellowhead Road & Bridge (Kootenay) Ltd. is looking for a Mechanic for our New Denver facility. Applicants will need to hold a valid TQ for Heavy Duty or Commercial Transport, class three driver’s licence and Motor Vehicle Inspection licence would be an asset. Resumes can be faxed to 250-352-2172 or e-mailed to
PCL ENERGY- Now Hiring Journeyperson Pipefitters ($40 +/hr) and Scaffolders ($38+/hr) for an industrial project in Vanscoy, SK. LOA of $145/day worked, travel and bonuses paid! We offer competitive wages and benefits. Email resume:
Health Products
We appreciate your interest but regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) The School District is seeking applications from qualified persons for the On-Call List in the following area: Custodian: • Building Service Worker Course Certificate or equivalent, minimum of two (2) years of work experience as a custodian or building service worker in a commercial or industrial setting, or an equivalent combination of training, education or experience. Rate of Pay: $21.60/hr. General Qualifications: • Grade 12 or equivalent • Valid WHMIS Certificate • Valid Class 5 Driver’s License For full position details including qualifications please refer to the Careers with SD20 section of our website at Salary will be in accordance with CUPE Local 1285 Collective Agreement. Completed district applications (available on the district web site or at our office) should be sent to Mrs. Marcy VanKoughnett, Director of Human Resources, School District #20 (Kootenay-Columbia), 2001 Third Ave, Trail, B.C. V1R 1R6 (Fax: 250-364-2470) by 12:00 pm (Noon) on Friday, June 13, 2014. Please submit electronic applications to: It is understood that applicants agree to confidential reference checks of all previous employers. We appreciate your interest but regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil
Buy One Get One
Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750
Financial Services
ARE YOU $10K Or More In Debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-3511783. Bookkeeping Services 23 Years Experience Please call Liza @ 365-7743 or 304-5500
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. UNFILED TAX Returns? Unreported Income? Avoid Prosecution and Penalties. Call a Tax Attorney First! 1855-668-8089. (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)
Castlegar News Thursday, June 12, 2014
Merchandise for Sale
Legal Services
Misc. Wanted
Home Repairs
Cash paid for OLD postcards, calendars, license plates. guns, swords, military medals, pulp magazines, tins, toys, silver coins {10x}, fruit box labels, misc. antiques. Larry 250 545-7140
FAST AND Reliable Plumbing Repairs, 24/7. Call Parker Dean for your next plumbing job. Present this ad and get $50 off. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.
FIREARMS: ALL types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. Call 1-866960-0045 Or visit online at:
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Farm Equipment
For Sale By Owner
FARM & Ranch Paige Wire Fencing, 48” Tall, Lowest Prices in BC. All City Auctions 604-514-0194
1 brdm + den. 1-1/2 bath, walking distance to town
or 250 505-4277
Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158
Legal Notices
2 storey 6 yr old cabin 4 km from Ashram, Riondel, beach and golf course. Needs: elec., plumbing, H2O pipe or well, insulation, cabinets. On 2.8 nicely treed acres. Good bench(es) for building second home with lakeview. Appraised at $170,000 but old vendor is quite flexible. Great starter home especially for handy person(s). Call : 780-566-0707 or : 780-222-2996 or
Open Houses Open House!!
4020 Park View Drive Sat June 14th 1 pm - 4:30 pm Incredible Family Home! Located on .84 acres, within walking distance to fantastic family park! Home is located at the end of a very quiet cul-de-sac & features 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths, living room & family room, skylights, fully developed walk-out lower level, attached garage, covered deck & patio, Geothermal Heating & Cooling, Underground Sprinklers. DROP BY YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED!! MLS#2397129 More info call Peggy Scott 250 777-4177 Fair Realty
Legal Notices
Auto Financing
Cars - Domestic
Open Houses
Homes for Rent
Auto Financing
OPEN HOUSE EVENT!! 3 bdrm, 2 bath home (private sale) large lot centrally located. #813, Tamarack St. Castlegar, June 14th, 1-3pm
Mobile Home in Thrums 2 brms, deck, F/S, W/D small pet ok 250-304-9273 or 250-359-7178
Suites, Lower
CASTLEGAR 1 Bedroom Basement Suite, Clean & Cozy, Close to all Shopping & College, Available Immed Separate driveway & entrance $700/mth incl Utilities no laundry included. or could be 2 Bdrm for $900/mth Please call or 250-365-1519
Apt/Condo for Rent 1500 Sq ft on Meadowbrook N/S, N/P, 2 Bdrm, 1 1/2 bath Avail July 1st, $890/mth + utilities, 250-478-2728
SELKIRK MANOR CEDAR MANOR 1 & 2 Bedroom Apt Call 250-304-3026 250-365-3034
Cottages / Cabins
Cabin rental weeks available: late June to July 13 & August 28 to early Sept. ($1100-$1200/week) Includes tin boat for access
YOU’RE APPROVED Call Holly for Pre-Approval
1-844-364-FORD (3673)
2006 Chrysler Sebring Touring, 191,000 km, full set of winter & summer tires both only used one season. $2000 OBO. Call 250 505-2639 for more info
Cars - Sports & Imports
2002 Nissans, 4cyl 2.5 & 1.8, Altima 187,000km & Sentra, auto & 5 speed, both 4dr and new snow tires. $3,100 & $4,900. 250-442-0122 or 250493-1807. Run and look excellent. Sentra one owner, non smoker, 5 speed. Grand Forks
Suites, Upper
Beautiful Christina Lake B.C. Lakefront Cabin property for rent and/or partial ownership sale. Three bedroom, spacious fully furnished private cabin (boat access directly across from marina).
Misc. for Sale
Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders JD 892D LC excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate bugs- guaranteed. No mess, odorless, long lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot. SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT.
CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Real Estate
Services A25
Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apartment, Bright & Spacious F/S, Laundry on site,close to amenities, N/S, N/P $725/mth + utilities Call 359-7819
Recreational/Sale Castlegar 1976 Travel air 18’ single axle, completely restored in & out, new plumbing & flush toilet, new gravel guard, Call 250-304-2766
Trucks & Vans
Auto Accessories/Parts
1987 Dodge Dakota, reg cab, long box, auto, V6, one owner, 169,000km, very clean, canopy, 2 wheel drive, $1,800/obo. 250-442-0122 or 250-4931807. Grand Forks
John & Louise Harder 403-809-4811
Legal Notices
Homes for Rent
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
4 Bdrm newly reno house, quiet Kinnard location, lrg yard, carport, N/S, W/D, pets are ok, Avail July 1st, $1200/mth, 250-551-4906
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Notice is Hereby Given that all persons having claims against the Estate of Verna Shingler, Deceased, formerly of the City of Castlegar, Province of British Columbia, who died on November 28, 2013, are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the undersigned Administrator, on or before August 10, 2014, after which date the Estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received.
Disposition of Land pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter The City of Castlegar is intending to dispose of land legally described as “that portion of road directly adjacent to Lot 9 District Lot 4598 Kootenay District Plan 1520” as shown on Schedule A. Schedule A
Dee Roddy Casler, Administrator c/o LEWIS J. BRIDGEMAN McEWAN & CO. LAW CORPORATION 1432 Bay Avenue Trail, B.C. V1R 4B1
COURT BAILIFF SALE to: the property owners of 270 Columbia Avenue (Lot B District Lot 4598 Kootenay District Plan 4730) The transaction will be a lease of 2 parking stalls for a ten year term ending in 2024. In consideration for the disposition the City of Castlegar will receive $667.00 per year during the ten year term (a total of $6,670.00). Thereafter, the annual rent payable to the City by the property owners of 270 Columbia Avenue will be adjusted each year based on the consumer price index. Phil Markin Director of Development Services 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7
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Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News |
Welcome to the d driver’s riiver’s seat
I think it has the goods and confidence to play ball with the rest of the pack. Alexandra Straub
Visit the Subaru Legacy gallery at
Subaru has a longer Legacy than most know…
Question of the Week
Lafayette, Indiana – The Subaru Legacy could be considmained calm, collected, and stayed on the straight and hospitality. A modern infotainment system, an unclutered the wallflower of the midsize sedan pack. tered cabin, and soft seats make a day’s drive quite narrow, even in the ultra low traction environment. Front-runners like the Toyota Camry, Honda Accord, favourable. For the times when it wasn’t pouring cats and dogs, Chrysler 200 and Mazda6 constantly battle it out for While the Legacy might not be at the forefront of taking the twisty turns was quite a lot of fun. Despite their share of the limelight. All while this consumers’ minds, Subaru is a renowned brand. And it’s its electric power steering – a steering humble four-door sits on the sideline. renowned for its reliability and safety. This generation of type that can be done either really well In fact, some people don’t even know it’s product should be any different. On some models, you or not at all – there’s a good weight to it. in the game! According to the Japanese have the ability to outfit it when EyeSight, a system that It’s not lazy or sleepy at highway speeds, brand’s market research, many of those includes pre-collision braking, pre-collision brake assist, but won’t give you an arm workout if you surveyed in major Canadian cities didn’t pre-collision throttle management, adaptive cruise need to change lanes. even know they had such a car available. control, lane departure warning, lane sway warning, It’s not jerky either. Moving the wheel in Well, they do. And it’s great. and lead vehicle start alert. either direction won’t make the vehicle by Alexandra Straub For those not familiar with the Legacy, The 2015 Subaru Legacy, with the manual transmission suddenly jump aggressively. Think of it here are a few key points: Subaru’s Symmetrical full-time All-Wheel Drive starts at like Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The It’s now in its sixth generation – yes, sixth – and has impressive MSRP of $23,495. Shoot all the way to the steering isn’t too hard, or too soft. It’s just right. been around since 1989. It is 25 years young and looks top, and you’ll get the 3.6 Limited trim with TechnolAs for the ride and handling, the imperfections of nice for its age. ogy Package Option for $35,395. Of course, there are the road aren’t met with abrasion or hesitance. The The 2015 model comes with the option of two engines: offerings in between. undulating country roads were a great testing ground, a 2.5L, 4-cylinder (175 horsepower and 174 lb-ft of As for its wallflower status, I think it has the goods and especially with all the debris. But even with a fair share torque) and a 3.6L, 6-cylinder (256 horsepower and 247 confidence to play ball with the rest of the pack. of highway cruising, I have no qualms with the setup. lb-ft of torque.) Inside the cabin, you’ll be welcomed by Japanese Contact What’s great about the 4-cylinder, Subaru offers it with a 6-speed manual. Our friends to the south don’t have access to such awesomeness. But on the flip side, it’s only available on the base model. Aside from the 6-speed manual, Subaru offers their version of a Continuously Variable Transmission, aka the Lineartronic CVT. While some might not be a fan of this type of transmission, don’t knock it until you try it. Subaru does an excellent job with the gear simulations and I didn’t feel the drone of the system under hard acceleration, even with the 4-cylinder. While I’d pick a manual any day, the CVT is darn good. So is the Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive system, a standard feature on all Legacy trims. It came in handy in the backcountry roads of rural Indiana. Freak thunderstorm with torrential downpour where you can’t see two metres in front of you? No problem! The windshield wipers were doing their “The Subaru Legacy is now in its sixth generation and has been around since 1989.” darnedest to keep up with precipitation but the car re-
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Castlegar News Thursday, June 12, 2014 A27
Optima SX Turbo AT shown Δ
hwy / city 100km: 5.7L/8.9L
Rio4 SX with Navigation shownΔ
hwy / city 100km: 5.3L/7.3L Forte SX shownΔ
hwy / city 100km: 5.3L/8.0L
2014 2014
69 0 0
Offer includes delivery, destination, fees and $2,918 IN CASH BONUS §. Offer based on 2014 Rio LX MT with a purchase price of $15,502.
STANDARD FEATURES Steering Wheel Audio Controls
Aux & USB Input Ports
Satellite Radio1
80 0 0
Offer includes delivery, destination, fees and $2,918 IN CASH BONUS §. Offer based on 2014 Forte LX MT with a purchase price of $17,502.
STANDARD FEATURES Bluetooth Connectivity°
Steering Wheel Audio Controls
Aux & USB Input Ports
125 0 0
Offer includes delivery, destination, fees and $3,500 IN CASH BONUS§. Offer based on 2014 Optima LX AT with a purchase price of $26,302.
Air Conditioning
6-Speed Automatic
WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED *5-year/100,000 km worry-free comprehensive warranty.
Offer(s) available on select new 2014 models through participating dealers to qualified customers who take delivery by June 30, 2014. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. All offers are subject to change without notice. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,665, other fees and certain levies (including tire levies) and $100 A/C charge (where applicable) and excludes licensing, registration, insurance, other taxes and variable dealer administration fees (up to $699). Other dealer charges may be required at the time of purchase. Other lease and financing options also available. 0% financing offer for up to 84 months available O.A.C to qualified retail customers, on approved credit for the new 2014 Forte LX MT (FO541E)/2014 Optima LX AT (OP742E)/2014 Rio LX MT (RO541E) with a selling price of $14,584/$22,802/$12,584 and includes delivery and destination fees of $1,485, tire tax of $15, A/C charge ($100 where applicable) and a cash bonus of $2,918/$3,500/$2,918 (which is deducted from the negotiated price before taxes). Bi-weekly payments of $80/$125/$69 for 84 months with $0 down payment. Credit fees of $0. Total obligation is $14,584/$22,802/$12,584. See retailer for complete details. ∞Cash purchase price for the new 2014 Forte LX MT (FO541E)/2014 Optima LX AT (OP742E)/2014 Rio LX MT (RO541E) is $14,584/$22,802/$12,584 and includes a cash bonus of $2,918/$3,500/$2,918 (which is deducted from the negotiated price before taxes). Retailer may sell for less. §Cash Bonus amounts are offered on select 2014 and 2015 models and are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. $4,000 cash bonus only available on the 2014 Optima Hybrid LX (OP74AE). Offer ends June 30, 2014. See your dealer for complete details. ΔModel shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2014 Forte SX (FO748E)/2014 Optima SX Turbo AT (OP748E)/2014 Rio4 SX with Navigation (RO749E) is $26,395/$34,795/$22,295. Highway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2014 Rio LX+ ECO (A/T)/2014 Forte 1.8L MPI 4-cyl (M/T)/2014 Optima 2.4L GDI (A/T). These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. °The Bluetooth® wordmark and logo are registered trademarks and are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 1Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Sirius XM Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.
Thursday, June 12, 2014 Castlegar News
100% LEATHER SOFA & LOVESEAT Other OtherColours Colours
Available Available
Other OtherColours Colours
Available Available
EURO-TOP APPLIANCES AND GET$ This bed will exceed your expectations and provide you
THIS MATCHING OTR with the best in comfort, support, durability and longevity with features such as Silk & Wool Fiber, Store Unicased FoamDetails *See Your Local SOFA For Edge Support and Smart Latex.
With Beautyrest Pocketed Coil® technology, Aircool® Memory Foam and innovative TruTemp™ Gel for temperature regulation. This mattress is for those who LOVESEAT are serious about the quality of their sleep, and take ultimate to the extreme. CHAIR KING SIZE ALSO AVAILABLE ON SALE
Other OtherColours Colours
Available Available
• Twin Cooling Plus System ™ uses two different cooling systems • Slimmer, svelte water
$1699 1799
• EZ Open II ™ handle
GALANTE II EURO-TOP KETTERING II This bed will exceed your expectations and provide you
The Ultimate Sleeping Comfort with 2000 individual pocket coils wrapped underneath a Natural Cashmere topper. Tired of waking up sweaty and uncomfortable?SOFA The AirCool system mixed with Gel Infused Memory Foam keeps this mattress cool in any situation.
• Full Stainless Steel tub • Lowest noise level and energy usage in its this Sealy class
POSTURPEDIC EURO PILLOWTOP with the best in comfort, support, durability and longevity The mattress with such pocket in Wool the mattress and pillow with features ascoils Silk & Fiber, Unicased Foam top topper! Enjoy ultra Edge Support andconformance Smart Latex. with the combination of ProGel Memory Foam AVAILABLE and Smart Latex. Sleep comfortable KING SIZE ALSO ON SALE with Silk & Wool Fibres providing better breathability. KING SIZE ALSO AVAILABLE ON SALE
27.8 cu. ft. French Door Refrigerator
5.7 cu. ft. 30” Self-Clean Range $
$599 QUEEN
and cleans easily
$ 1999799 $
shelves • 2 clear humidity controlled crispers • Ice maker ready • Gallon door storage
2 DRAWER • 14 piece place setting • OrbitClean™ spray arm • Sanitize cycle • Quick clean
Tall Tub Built-In Dishwasher
• Easy Clean oven • Ready-Select controls • Store-More Storage Drawer
• Delay Start to schedule your cleaning • SpaceWise ™ Silverware Basket • High temperature wash
• 2The lift-out storage Ultimate Sleeping Comfort with 2000 individual pocket coils wrapped underneath baskets • Power light topper. Tired of waking up sweaty and uncomfortable? The AirCool a Natural Cashmere
system mixed with Gel Infused Memory Foam keeps this mattress cool in any situation. KING SIZE ALSO AVAILABLE ON SALE
15 cu ft
Upright Freezers
• Adjustable door bins • Tall tilt-out shelf • Lock with pop-out key
$649 21 cu ft
$549 17 cu ft
Upright Freezer
• 3 evaporator
shelves BROOKWOOD • 1 lower basket
$1200 $449
13 cu ft
Perfect for those who like a firm mattress with its Droptop pillowtop, STEARNS & heavy FOSTER reinforced duty coil support system and high density foams. DROPTOP PILLOWTOP DROP KING SIZE ALSO AVAILABLE ON SALE An unbelievable price for an even more unbelievable mattress. The Stearns & Foster name with
contouring with Smart Latex. KING SIZE ALSO AVAILABLE ON SALE
1919 Columbia Ave. Castlegar
Mon. - Thurs. 9 am - 6 pm Fri. 9 am - 8 pm Sat. 9 am - 6 pm • Sun. 11 am - 5 pm Visit us online at
$200 $1799
20 cu ft DOUBLE
Gel Visco Memory foam ontop of Individually Encased Pocket Coils will give unparalleled comfort. Proudly QUEEN made locally in BC.
4.8 cu.ft Coil Top Range
$699 $199
5 PC SOLID WOOD DINING SET $ Also available with padded seats 799 for the same price
Tall TubQUEEN Dishwasher
6 PC SECTIONAL WITH 2 RECLINERS & CHAISE 18.2 cu.ft Top Mount Refrigerator • 2 sliding glass
• SpaceWise® expandable elements 5 DRAWER 6 DRAWER KETTERING II TOTAL • Even baking POSTURPEDIC EURO PILLOWTOP technology SAVINGS The mattress with pocket coils in the mattress and pillow • Quick clean top topper! Enjoy ultra conformance with the combination of • Warm Memory zone ProGel Foam and Smart Latex. Sleep comfortable with Silk & Wool Fibres providing better breathability. KING SIZE ALSO AVAILABLE ON SALE
ROME WORLD CLASS HI-LOFT PILLOWTOP SURI With Beautyrest Pocketed Coil® technology, Aircool® Memory Foam and
169 $900
1099 1799
levels QUEEN QUEEN • Mixed Load Bell indicates which items are dry • 7 drying cycles
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SAVE $800 $1000
Applicable only $on Fridgidaire Gallery and Professional Series MIRROR
WORLD CLASS BEAUTYREST EURO PILLOWTOP innovative TruTemp™ Gel for temperature regulation. This mattress is for those The Ultimate Comfort 2000 coils wrapped underneath who areSleeping serious about thewith quality of individual their sleep,pocket and take ultimate to the extreme. KINGCashmere SIZE ALSO AVAILABLE SALEup sweaty and uncomfortable? The AirCool a Natural topper. Tired ofON waking system mixed with Gel Infused Memory Foam keeps this mattress cool in any situation.
• Internal heater provides a high-heat sanitizing cycle SIZE ALSO AVAILABLE • Vibration Reduction ON SALE Technology ™ lessens the noise output • PureCycle ™ keeps drum fresh and clean • 8 wash cycles
DORAL $799
Brand mattress set offers exceptional support and comfort at a 7.3 cu.ft Front 4.1 cu.ft Front tremendous price! Exclusive high density foam to ensure Load Dryer years of comfort, fully Load Washer foam encased to heighten the durability and longevity; this bed is perfect for any • Sensor Dry detects moisture
300 1199
• SteamQuick ™ cleans oven in about 20 mins • Easy-To-Clean ™ ceramic glass cooling surface • 5 burners with warming centre • Stay-Anywhere ™ door
$499 $$
Tall Tub Built-In Dishwasher
Other OtherColours Colours POWERLIFTAvailable Available LEATHER RECLINER SAVE
5.9 cu.ft Electric Range
25.6 cu.ft 3-Door French Door Refrigerator
With Beautyrest Pocketed Coil® technology, Aircool® Memory Foam and innovative TruTemp™ Gel for temperature regulation. This mattress is for those who are serious about the quality of their sleep, and take ultimate to the extreme. KING SIZE ALSO AVAILABLE ON SALE
POWER RECLINER Other OtherColours Colours Available SAVE
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