Pumped A group of Yukon bodybuilders had a good medal haul at their first big event, at the Northern Classic Bodybuilding Competition in Fort St. John.
Subtle looks A landscape painter and a jeweller share their common appreciation of the beauty of the North at Arts Underground.
Page 25
Secret YESAB changes revealed PAGE 2
malkolmboothroyd.com/Yukon News
A northern hawk owl feeds a vole to its chicks at its nest near Kluane Lake.
Casino mine review delayed PAGE 4 Consultation, schmonsultation.
Feds table changes to Yukon’s environmental assessment regime Amendments shrouded in secrecy until now Those rules allow for the board to spend a maximum of about four and a half months mendments to the Yuassessing a project at the desigkon Environmental and nated office level, not including Socio-economic Assessment Act the time it takes for proponents received second reading in the to respond to information. Senate yesterday. The timelines in YESAB’s curUntil last week the proposed rent regulations are very aggreschanges to the territory’s ensive, and among the shortest in vironmental assessment rethe country, said Rob Yeomans, gime were shrouded in secrecy. spokesperson for the board, this Aboriginal Affairs refused to week. make draft amendments public, The average designated office and groups that were consulted assessment last year took only 65 on the changes were sworn to days, including the time it took silence. for proponents to respond to But both the federal and terinformation requests, he said. ritorial governments have been The new timelines proposed hinting that the amendments in the federal amendments are would have something to do with more likely to have an impact at mandating maximum timelines the executive committee level of for assessments. screening, which is reserved for Indeed, the tabled legislaonly the most significant projects tion does include new rules with in the Yukon. respect to the time it takes to Since 2006 only 12 proposcomplete an assessment. als have been submitted to the Most projects assessed would executive committee, including be limited to a nine-month win- large mining projects and signifidow between when the proposal cant government infrastructure, is received and when the board such as the Whitehorse liquefied issues its recommendation. natural gas plant that is currently However, the clock would be before the board. stopped any time the assessment For these projects, the assessboard asked for additional infor- ment window would be limited mation from the proponent until to 16 months, excluding the time such information was provided. that it takes for proponents to That’s actually more generrespond to information requests. ous than the board’s assessment Only four projects have comtimelines under its current pleted assessment at the executive screening level to date, including regulations. Jacqueline Ronson News Reporter
#REATE !RT IN .ATURE Yukon’s Plein Air Festival is inviting visual artists to make art in the great outdoors from July 6-10th. Each day, artists will paint, draw or otherwise create at locations in and around the city. Works will be displayed at a show at the end of the festival at Yukon Artists @ Work Gallery. Artists juried into the show will receive a $500 honorarium. There’s also support for artists travelling from outside Whitehorse to attend.
To apply and get more details, go to our Facebook page, ‘Yukon Plein Air Festival’ or contact yukonbutterflies@hotmail.com Come to the opening at YAAW on July 10th from 5:00 to 8:00 PM.
Your Community Connection
the Carmacks Copper mine, the Eagle Gold mine, the Mayo B hydro project and the CarmacksStewart transmission line. The two Yukon Electrical projects took less than 16 months total for the assessment, while the two mines both took more than two years. However, when you exclude the time it took for the mining companies to respond to information request, those projects, too, were assessed within the newly-proposed 16 month timeframe. In addition to the new timelines, the proposed amendments could give significantly more power to the Yukon government when it comes to assessments. The tabled bill allows the federal minister to delegate to the territorial minister all of the federal powers under the act. The amendments would also eliminate the requirement for a new assessment for renewed or amended permits, unless the changes are deemed to be significant by the decision body, which is typically the Yukon government except when the project is located on First Nation settlement land. The new rules would also allow for the government to recoup the costs of assessments from project proponents. Contact Jacqueline Ronson jronson@yukon-news.com
Water board continues to ban Minto rock from Tatchun Creek Reconstruction of the Tatchun Creek bridge, just north of Carmacks on the Klondike Highway, he Yukon Water Board will began this spring. continue to not allow waste A recent study has found that rock from Mino mine to be used even trace amounts of copper in any government construcin salmon habitat can affect the tion projects while it deliberates fish’s ability to navigate and dewhether or not the material is tect predators. safe. Tatchun Creek is considered The board issued its order a highly productive chinook yesterday in response to conspawning stream, according to cerns raised by the Little Salmon/ the Yukon Salmon Sub-CommitCarmacks First Nation over the tee. use of waste rock from the copThe First Nation approached per mine to line Tatchun Creek the water board in late May. It as part of a bridge replacement argued that the mine rock does project. not meet the requirement for the When it comes to that particu- water licence and that testing of lar project, the Yukon governthe rock has not been adequate ment has been ordered to test the enough to prove it will not hurt waste rock more and monitor the environment. Tatchun Creek. The government countered “The manner by which the that the rock is “zero grade,” logistics, assessment licensing and which means it does not leach implementation of the Tatchun metal. Creek bridge project evolved, Previous sampling and analysis resulted in an unclear state of un- of rip-rap were done by by third derstanding of the impacts of the parties other than the Yukon project upon a valuable aquatic government, the board says in its system,” the board’s decision order. “The board considers it the document says. Ashley Joannou News Reporter
responsibility of the licensee to conduct its own sampling and analysis program, allowing for direct verification of the veracity of the results,” the decision document says. “Sampling protocols and criteria for the rip-rap in question were unclear and inadequately documented. Further, given the importance of the receiving environment and the deviation of the source material origin, the board expects all sampling to be conducted in a matter that identifies the maximum possible effect of the rip-rap within the aquatic system.” If it’s found that the rock has a negative impact on the environment, the board says it may order corrective action. For now, it needs more information. It has promised a final decision by June 18. The order will remain in place until at least that date, though the board reserves the right to extend the deadline. Contact Ashley Joannou at ashleyj@yukon-news.com
Yukon Wildland Fire Management photo
A 40-hectare fire caused by lightning burns in the Mayo wilderness district near Pirate Creek, 42 kilometres southwest of Stewart Crossing on Monday. Firefighters haven’t yet tackled the blaze, but it is being monitored.
Scheunert died from toxic drug cocktail: jury Jacqueline Ronson
were administered to her. But on the second day Scheunert was prescribed a 75 microeresa Scheunert died acgram per hour fentanyl patch, a cidentally from mixed drug highly potent opioid that in itself toxicity, the jury charged gives the equivalent of 270 mg of with finding the facts of her death morphine daily. has found. Between the patch and other Inquest jury members preprescriptions, Scheunert received sented their findings late Saturday the equivalent of between 330 afternoon after listening to five and 390 mg of morphine daily days of testimony from family between June 8 and June 19. members, health-care providers Daily doses of 200 mg and and experts. more are associated with much Schuenert, 47, was a nurse at higher risk of overdose, Greenall the Watson Lake Hospital when testified. she was admitted there for the Scheunert complained during management of severe back pain. her stay to nurses of feeling “not Staff found her dead in her hosherself,” “doped,” and “whacked pital bed two weeks later on June out.” One nurse noted on her 21, 2012. chart that Scheunert was noticeScheunert was prescribed a ably unsteady on her feet. variety of opioids and other sedBut with few exceptions ating medications over her stay in medical staff testified that they hospital. never directly witnessed ScheunJulie Greenall, a pharmacist ert showing symptoms of having with the Institute for Safe Meditoo much drug in her system. cation Practices Canada, testiRight until the night preceding fied that doctors did not exercise her death, Scheunert was able to enough caution when increasget up and go out for smokes and ing prescribed doses of opioids carry on normal conversations or switching between different with hospital staff. drugs. But staff could not have propGreenall and her team at the erly monitored Scheunert’s side institute calculated the amount of effects because she spent much opioid medication taken each day of the day at her home, on leave by Scheunert during her hospital from the hospital, Greenall said. stay, according to her medication It is very possible that Scherecords. unert could have been sleeping Scheunert was on opioid most of the day without nurses painkillers before being admitted and doctors noticing, she said. It to hospital, taking the equivais also possible that a person with lent of 75 mg of morphine daily, too much opioid in their sysGreenall testified. tem could appear alert for short On her first day in hospital the periods of time in response to equivalent of 90 mg of morphine stimulus like a conversation with News Reporter
a friend. Despite a doctor’s order to take her vital signs four times daily, that information was documented on average less than once a day. Scheunert’s vital signs were not taken in the last 48 hours of her life. The level of opioids prescribed to Scheunert took another significant jump on June 20, to the equivalent of 438 mg of morphine. That evening her dose of fentanyl was doubled, from 75 micrograms per hour to 150. Greenall testified that she has never seen a patient started on a dose of fentanyl higher than 50 micrograms per hour, and has never seen a fentanyl dose increased by more than 25 at one time. Doctors Said Secerbegovic and Tanis Secerbegovic testified that Scheunert’s continued complaints of pain were an indication that she did not have too many painkillers in her system, and needed more. But Greenall testified that it is very possible to overdose on opioids while still experiencing significant pain. Regardless of pain complaints, opioid doses must be increased gradually and their effects must be monitored closely, she said. That night Scheunert recorded in a notebook that she had a “feeling of impending doom” and circled the words “completely out” several times. She was up most of the night, and finally went to sleep some time before seven in the morning. Nurses checked on her several
times that morning and found her to be asleep and snoring. They let her sleep because she had had a bad night and needed rest, the nurses testified. Scheunert was last checked on at 10:15 a.m. Just after 11, she was found unresponsive in her bed. Efforts to resuscitate her failed, and she was declared dead at 11:34 a.m. Multiple expert witnesses testified that this is a common story with drug overdoses: someone is observed snoring and apparently sleeping peacefully, and they are found dead soon after. The toxic effects can come on quite suddenly, testified Greenall. “Everyone is very surprised when suddenly they’re not fine.” Dr. Carol Lee, the pathologist who conducted the autopsy on Scheunert’s body, testified that the additional dose of fentanyl may have been kicking in right around the time of her death. There are factors besides the drugs in her system that may have contributed to Scheunert’s death, Lee testified. For one, Scheunert had an enlarged heart and significant disease in her coronary arteries. While no evidence of a major heart attack was found at autopsy, it is possible that Scheunert suffered from a sudden irregular heartbeat related to her heart condition. The painkillers in her system could have contributed to such a sudden heart failure, and in any event would not have helped, Lee said. Experts also suggested that
Scheunert could have suffered from undiagnosed sleep apnea, a condition related to pauses in breathing during sleep. Both sleep apnea and opioid drugs have the effect of depressing respiration and lowering oxygen levels in the blood, and together would have put Scheunert at an increased risk of sudden heart failure and death. Given the observations of medical staff in the hours and days leading up to Scheunert’s death, the fact that her increased dose of fentanyl would have been starting to peak that morning, and the additional sedative drugs found in her system at autopsy, Lee found that “in combination these drugs caused her death.” Jurors have recommended that the Yukon Hospital Corporation implement a number of processes and policies related to staff training and patient management, especially with respect to opioid medications. The Yukon Hospital Corporation has already begun to act on some of the recommendations. Early this year the corporation implemented a new policy relating to high alert medications. In an emailed statement Monday, the corporation said it is fully committed to reviewing all of the jury’s recommendations. The jury also recommended that Yukon’s chief coroner work with the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada to share learnings from this case nationally. Contact Jacqueline Ronson at jronson@yukon-news.com
Casino hits pause on mine assessment
Health bursaries available to Yukon students Every year, the Yukon government offers bursaries to selected Yukon students who are continuing their education in some health-related area. The deadline to apply for these bursaries is June 30, 2014.
Nursing Bursary: Available to four students who have been accepted or enrolled into a baccalaureate nursing program. Selected students will receive $5,000 annually for up to four years. To be eligible you must be a Yukon resident or have resided in the Yukon for three of the last five years. Submit applications to: Nursing Bursary H-1, Box 2703 Health and Social Services Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Or call 867-667-8449 For more information, visit www.hss.gov.yk.ca/about/funding/bursaries Deadline is June 30, 2014.
Medical Bursary: Available to two students accepted into an approved Canadian medical education program. Students will receive $10,000 per year for four years of medical school. $15,000 per year for two years is also available to Yukon residents who are completing a medical residency in Family Medicine only. To be eligible you must have resided in Yukon for three of the past five years or have received the Yukon Grant provided by the Department of Education, and have been accepted into an approved Canadian medical education program. Submit applications to: Medical Education Bursary Selection Committee H-1, Box 2703 Health and Social Services Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Or call 867-667-8449 or e-mail yukonmd@gov.yk.ca For more information, visit www.hss.gov.yk.ca/about/funding/bursaries Deadline is June 30, 2014.
Alistair Maitland/Yukon News
Paul West-Sells, president and CEO of the Western Copper and Gold Corporation.
Jacqueline Ronson
YESAB and Casino mines to just go through the motions. It must be meaningful, and our community’s asino Mining Corp. has agreed rights must be respected.” to put assessment of its massive Now the company and the First copper-gold mine on hold to allow Nation have agreed to a six-month for additional consultation with consultation plan to resolve the the Little/Salmon Carmacks First outstanding issues. Nation. The assessment board, the The First Nation launched a Tr’ondek Hwech’in, and the Selkirk lawsuit earlier this year, alleging that First Nation have also agreed to hit the company had not conducted pause on the assessment. the required consultation before Gregory McDade, the lawyer for submitting its proposal to the Yukon Little Salmon/Carmacks, called the Environmental and Socio-economic agreement a “reasonably amicable Assessment Board. settlement” of the First Nation’s “The duty to consult with Little concerns. Salmon/Carmacks before the YESAB “Little Salmon/Carmacks process starts is a fundamental legal achieved what they wanted to and treaty obligation,” said Chief Eric achieve, which is to protect their Fairclough in a statement in April. treaty rights and to ensure that this “This isn’t just lip service – we process is done right.” bargained for these rights in our He noted that the situation final agreement, and we can’t allow does not indicate the First Nation’s Friday, June 13 to support or lack of support for the Thursday, June 19 Casino mine project itself. Instead, the concern was primarily to assert Whitehorse Yukon Cinema Whi8thorse the First Nation’s rights regarding the 304 Wood Street Ph: 668-6644 consultation process. The lawsuit is also on hold for six months, said McDade. If the First Nation is satisfied (PG) Violence – Mon, Wed-Thurs 7:00 & 9:15 PM, Tues 7:00 & 9:12 PM after that time that its concerns have been addressed, the lawsuit will be dropped, he said. If not, it will continue. Paul West-Sells, president of CaNews Reporter
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sino Mining Corp., said the company does not believe the pause will delay the project. “We’re still feeling comfortable that we would be in a position to start construction in 2016.” Full production is scheduled to begin in 2019. The company has yet to secure the $2.5 billion it needs to get the project off the ground. “We’re not aggressively pursuing that at this point in time,” said West-Sells. The company will start looking for financing partners when the project is further along in the assessment process, he said. Community support “in the Yukon is key, I think, for bringing a mine of this magnitude forward,” said West-Sells. “We had a little hiccup there but I think we’re on the right track now.” The proposed open-pit mine is located about 150 kilometres northwest of Carmacks. It is by far the largest mine proposal that the Yukon has ever seen. The plan is to process 120,000 tonnes per day over a 22-year mine life. By comparison, Capstone Mining Corp.’s Minto mine currently processes under 4,000 tonnes per day. The project would employ 1,000 people during construction and 600 people during operation, generating $274 million in economic activity for the Yukon annually, according to the company.
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Whitehorse joins call for missing and murdered aboriginal women Sam Riches News Reporter
hitehorse city council didn’t waste time on Monday night, throwing unanimous support behind a national inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women. The resolution was put forward to city council by the Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination Advisory Committee. In May, the RCMP released a report that showed a disproportionate number of female homicide victims in Canada are aboriginal. The report found that while only 4.3 per cent of the total female population is aboriginal, they account for 16 per cent of total female homicides. The report came out three months after the Native Women’s Association of Canada delivered a petition of more than 23,000 signatures to Ottawa, calling for a national public inquiry into the cases of more than 600 missing and murdered aboriginal women. “This is a national tragedy that can no longer be ignored,” association president Michele Audette said at the time. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said he’s skeptical that such an inquiry would shed any
Whitehorse Mayor Dan Curtis.
new light on the problem. However, Yukon’s Conservative MP, Ryan Leef, has thrown his support behind an inquiry, in a rare break with his party. The resolution, presented at city council, stated, “it has been clearly demonstrated that
aboriginal women in Canada are disproportionately represented in statistics of murdered and missing persons, and Whitehorse as a community has been directly affected by this tragedy.” Coun. Kirk Cameron spoke first, saying, “Whitehorse city
Last spring the RCMP announced they had identified a “person of interest” in connection to 20 suspicious fires around the comsaid Nacho Nyak Dun Chief Ed A suspected Mayo firebug may still munity between 2011 and 2013. Champion, speaking about the be on the loose, but the alleged There were five suspicious fires drop-in centre. arsonist no longer appears to be in Mayo in a month last spring. The “There are all kinds of people active. most notable was the burning of an who used that facility, from youth A suspect was arrested in abandoned home by the river. Fires to elders.” connection with a house fire last were also set at the community Mayo RCMP and the Yukon month, but RCMP Cpl. Chris fi re marshall’s offi ce investigated recycling centre and the cemetery. Hutchings said that suspect is not the blaze, and determined that an No charges have been laid in contied to the string of suspicious electrical problem was the culprit. nection with the firebug’s work, but blazes that have happened in the no new fires have been reported in community over the past couple of That was a weight off of Champion’s shoulders, he said. When he’d the case either, according to Yukon years. first heard about the blaze, he was RCMP. The house fire investigation is (Jesse Winter) ongoing to determine if charges will initially worried it may have been the work of the suspected arsonist. be laid, Hutchings said. While the community figures The house fire is also unrelated 4HEªNEWª9UKONªHOMEªOFª out how to replace the drop-in cento an apparent electrical fire that burned the Mayo drop-in centre to tre, Champion said the First Nation administration building is open as a the ground the same weekend. “It’s definitely a difficult loss,” temporary drop-in space.
Firebug not to blame for latest Mayo fires: RCMP
ting the resolution forward. “This is the first thing that the committee has brought forward and I think it’s a good thing, he said. “Our MP has stated he’s supportive of this, the RCMP are supportive, and aboriginal groups are supportive of it.” “This is not just something that is happening somewhere else. This is happening right here,” said Coun. Jocelyn Curteanu. “I really want people to see that the city of Whitehorse isn’t blind to this and sees the importance of putting this resolution forward.” Cameron added that “city has an opportunity here” to be part of something larger and more substantive and help bring change into society. “I would like to find out why, at the federal level, they’ve refused this,” said Coun. David Stockdale. “I think this is a good move on Jesse Winter/Yukon News our part.” Coun. Betty Irwin noted that violence against women affects all council supports the efforts of abaspects of society, and spoke of original women’s groups and the the city’s need for further housing RCMP to develop a plan of action and support services. to address the root causes of this “This is a great first step for epidemic and put a stop to it.” the committee,” she said. Coun. John Streicker comContact Sam Riches at sam@yukon-news.com mended the committee for put-
Yukon Women’s Transition Home Society and Kaushee’s Place Housingg Society y invite you to attend the
2014 Annual General Meetings! Wednesday June 18, 2014
at the Hellaby Hall, Christ Church Cathedral, 4th and Elliot Street 12:00PM - 1:00PM ➨ Yukon Women’s Transition Home/Betty’s Haven 1:10PM - 1:30PM ➨ Kaushee’s Place Housing Society
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Agenda items: • Guest Speaker; Cpl. Calista MacLeod, Whitehorse RCMP • Reviewing the past year’s activities and looking at future directions • Board of Directors’ election
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Watson Lake Hospital failed Teresa Scheunert Chandre Burchell, Crystal Thomas and Wanda Zimmerman
irst of all we would like to thank the coroner’s service and their council for their efforts during the inquest into the death of Teresa Scheunert. They have made this inquest publicly accessible, and open. We were also grateful for the expert witnesses that came to testify. What we were surprised by, however, was how adversarial the process became. We found that strange since an inquest is designed to not find guilt or blame. We did find, however, that there are certainly numerous ways to improve public safety. There was no clear care plan for Teresa’s main symptoms causing pain and discomfort, (problems with her abdomen, spine, numb and tingling legs, swelling, possible infection, anemia, edema, etc.). Patients in hospitals should have clear care plans. We regret there seemed to be considerable focus by hospital and physician lawyers on making Teresa look bad rather than learning from the “system gaps” about improving care. A physician testifies that Teresa had alcohol on her breath. This is hearsay, and the physician did not document it. If prescribing narcotics, the presence of alcohol should be documented. If alcohol was suspected, extra vitals and monitoring would have been warranted. There was no alcohol detected in the autopsy. We think Teresa’s death is an issue of public safety. There was no clear treatment plan, lack of consistency with standards of care, poor charting, (some by exception, some things not noted at all, only recalled later) and doctors’ notes were al-
most non-existent. The few doctors’ orders for vitals and blood sugar levels for diabetes were supposed to be done four times a day, yet those orders were never done four times a day, and several days not done at all. There was inadequate charting and monitoring of Teresa’s symptoms of back pain, abdominal distention and numbness and there was no plan at all for monitoring the side-effects of the several opioids she was prescribed and administered in hospital. Hospital policies for fentanyl were not followed. They did not document where the patch was applied on the body, or if and how the location was changed. The proper protocol for disposal of high potency narcotics was not followed, and disposal was not documented on the medical administration record or anywhere else in Teresa’s chart. This is an extremely unsafe practice by both physicians and nurses in Watson Lake’s hospital. Watson Lake had access to a 24-hour on-call pharmacist, but the available pharmacist was not called, nor consulted, regarding the multiple sedating opioid medications prescribed and administered in hospital. Doses of narcotics, or any interactions or adverse effects they may have on one another, were not reviewed by a pharmacist. We discovered that physicians and nurses at the hospital did not seem to see the importance of pharmacist oversight in their facility. We feel that was an extremely important and dangerous oversight. Policies in place that stated medication should not be left at a patient’s bedside were also not followed or enforced. Indeed, witnesses appeared to have no awareness of several policies they should have been following. We also feel that there was Publisher
Community Newspapers Association British Columbia & Yukon
Yukon News, 211 Wood Street Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2E4 (867) 667-6285 Fax: (867) 668-3755 Internet: www.yukon-news.com Classifieds: wordads@yukon-news.com
Mike Thomas
Jacqueline Ronson
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ISSN 0318-1952 Second Class Registration #0586277
a conflict of interest having a fellow staff registered nurse as a patient in hospital at that time, and Teresa was too compromised to leave on her own. There was no investigation of Teresa’s elevated heart rate, nor her bloodwork that had suggested she may have infection or inflammation. We found it troublesome that instead of immediately ordering for Teresa the MRI and subsequent tests (ultrasound, a better CT scan) she required, the doctor first blamed WCB, and then testified she advised Teresa to seek her own treatment in the private sector and pay for her required tests out of her own pocket. Regardless what the final outcome of this inquest may be, there are still many issues that need to be fixed. All Yukoners are entitled to consistent, safe care that this inquest shows Teresa Scheunert did not receive in Watson Lake Hospital. We hope that whatever the outcome is, that there will be recommendations not only made, but enforced for the safety of all. Thank you very much, The family of Teresa Scheunert.
John Thompson johnt@yukon-news.com
Alistair Maitland alistair@yukon-news.com
Sports Reporter
Tom Patrick tomp@yukon-news.com
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Operations Manager
Stephanie Newsome stephanien@yukon-news.com
LETTERS Given Yukoners’ propensity to take advantage of the relatively short Yukon summer to spend time outdoors, to leave town, to take holidays The good news that the select comand to pay scant attention to politmittee studying hydraulic fracturical events, it is more than conceiving has listened to Yukoners who able that these hearings examining wanted a public dialogue on this hydraulic fracturing will not receive issue and will visit most Yukon com- the participation and attention they munities is tempered by the timing so clearly need. of the visits announced to date. Doesn’t common sense, along The first hearings are scheduled with an honest desire to consult with for Monday, June 23 in Watson Lake Yukoners and a sense of fair play, and run through until Thursday, dictate that these public hearings, or June 26 when they conclude in at least those that are still unschedDawson. The remaining hearings, uled, be held after the summer break including Whitehorse, have not been when schools are back in session, scheduled yet, but it seems likely Yukoners have returned from holithat the committee will be making day and attention is focussed again haste to finish them during July or on important territorial issues? August so they can complete their report for the Yukon legislature. Rick Griffiths Therein lies the rub. Whitehorse
Delay the public hearings on fracking
Quote of the Day “I really want people to see that the city of Whitehorse isn’t blind to this and sees the importance of putting this resolution forward.” Jocelyn Curteanu on why Whitehorse City Council supports a national inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women. Page 5
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Let’s revisit the municipal voting age by Graham Lang
ver the past few decades there has been a movement internationally to reduce the voting age, at least at the municipal level, to 16. Certain states in Europe, specifically Norway and Germany, have moved to a model wherein those citizens of at least 16 years of age can vote in municipal elections and civic referendums. Recently some cities in the United States have moved this way as well. I would suggest that our local civic democracy can benefit from expanding our elector pool to include those citizens aged 16 and 17, and I encourage our municipal and territorial government to explore the matter. The decision to bring younger voters into the fold rests mainly in the services provided at the city level, as much of a city’s
infrastructure is geared for youth. Skate parks and basketball courts are examples of infrastructure predominantly used by a younger demographic. Buses and city transit are also of particular importance to that age group, as many do not yet own cars or have driver’s licences. The addition or removal of this infrastructure is a matter that is of interest to a younger demographic, while changes to mortgage rates and tax rates are issues that have yet to appear on their radar. The saying “municipal politics is close to home” perhaps applies most fully to youth, as municipal politics is perhaps the only politics of interest to that demographic. Bringing youth into the electoral equation at the municipal level gives them a say in creating common spaces for their use. Such input will result in a better idea of what youth need when it comes to the infrastructure we are going to build anyway. Further, a reduction in the voting age will give youth earlier exposure to the democratic process and (hopefully) help instill the importance of participating in the democratic system through voting. The turnout in the last federal election for the 18-24
demographic was a fairly dismal 39 per cent, when compared with a turnout of 70 per cent for those 50 and over. By starting participation in civic society in high school we provide a window into the relationship between voting and provision of public services. As municipal politics and the projects that flow from same are more visible, students will (again hopefully) see the relationship between their votes and civic governance. Plus we have most of the 16and 17-year-old citizens trapped in schools at that age, meaning that politicians will be forced to attend local high schools to give speeches and pitch platforms when looking for votes. After high school most of us don’t work with groups large enough to attract a visit from a politician. This will create a dialogue with students and, again, reveal a real connection between voters, politicians, and civic governance. Ideally we would see the rise of youth candidates to foster debate within the youth community and provide platforms and ideas that reflect the needs and priorities of that particular sector of civic society. One could argue that youth
would be irresponsible electors in that they do not pay property taxes and would, therefore, make decisions without taking monetary constraints into account. I don’t find much weight in that argument, as we adults (and our adult politicians) frequently make decisions based on immediate needs rather than cost. The current debt-to-GDP ratios of both Quebec and Ontario are an example of adults making decisions over a period of decades that accord more with immediate provision of services rather than an ability to pay. In short, paying income or property taxes does not a responsible elector make. Such arguments tying taxation to voting are more reflective of electoral rules from the 19th century, wherein only land-owners could vote. Expanding the electorate provides us with a wider viewpoint when making decisions, regardless of whether or not those individuals pay property tax. Though I am in favour of lowering the voting age at the city and town level, I would suggest that we leave territorial and federal politics threshold at the age of 18, using the municipal level as a graduated stepping
stone to wider participation. We do not consider 16 year olds to be adults for consideration pursuant to the Criminal Code, therefore it wouldn’t make much sense to have 16 years to be in a position to vote in federal elections which could affect the Criminal Code. Including 16- and 17-year-olds in the municipal political process will hopefully provide youth with a window into how politics can affect our day-to-day lives at an early stage in their lives and increase turnout going forward, while also providing a voice for youth in the direction of Yukon’s cities and townships. The requirement to be 18 to vote in municipal elections is found in the territorial Municipal Act, and not in city or town bylaws, meaning any change must occur through amendment of territorial legislation by the Yukon government. I would encourage our local MLAs, in conjunction with the Yukon Association of Communities, to investigate the lowering of the voting age at the city and township levels and perhaps look at an amendment to the Municipal Act in the future. Graham Lang is a Whitehorse lawyer and long-time Yukoner.
eat what they shoot and hunting is as much about filling their freezer as it is about recreation or “sport.” For me this is an important distinction. Open letter to Premier Darrell Pasloon the proposed LNG project the do not need to run from vehicles. on the escarpment. The money, However, most grizzlies harvested ski: Yukon people were overwhelmingly however, was spent. Based on what I have seen, I believe in Yukon are not taken for food but It was good chatting with you opposed to it. It’s time to listen to Now it is claimed that the lots that females and immature bears are rather for “sport” and are considered at your constituency barbecue last Yukoners. are safe and can be resold. Had we more likely to adapt in this way. “trophies.” So in the context of week. Thanks for the hamburger. For the sake of our children’s known that the following councils Bears that do not fl ee from an roadside grizzly hunting you have a As I mentioned to you, Dr. Mark would not meet the mandate, we approaching vehicle make for great bear that has been attracted to the Jaccard, who just spoke to the select future, please cancel this project and lead the Yukon on its renewable might still be in our homes. wildlife viewing, but become very roadside due to the forage it finds committee on fracking, believes, energy path. For anyone wishing more inforvulnerable to hunters. there and has adapted so it no longer like the vast majority of scientists, mation from this era, signed copies Tourism is the largest private runs from vehicles including the apthat we have to transition straight to JP Pinard of some of the correspondence is sector employer in the territory. The proaching hunter. renewable energy now. Whitehorse available to confirm the above. 2012 summer visitor exit survey What kind of sportsmanship is Natural gas is only a very short To the three councillors that found wildlife viewing opportunities it when you shoot an animal that bridge to renewable energy. We’re City did wrong to voted against selling the two lots on were the number one attraction for doesn’t perceive you as a threat and already at the end of that bridge. Ogilvie Street, thanks – you made escarpment residents tourists visiting the Yukon. doesn’t flee? In my opinion there We are lucky in the Yukon, we the right decision. I believe that grizzlies would is no sport in this and, with all due have no liquefied natural gas infralikely top the list of animals tourists respect, borders on the pathetic. It structure. We can still make a choice. As of late, the escarpment area has been in the news. Over and over we C.T. Stark C. and A. Repka want to see – not to mention the is simply liquidating an animal that With $42 million we can switch Whitehorse hear and read, “No one was forced to enjoyment they give to many Yukon hundreds of other people could those aging diesels to newer high sell.” This statement is less than the residents. Seeing a grizzly might well enjoy. efficiency diesels. We can use the The roadside is no half truth. be the highlight of a tourist’s trip to If someone wants the “sport” of leftover money to research and place to shoot grizzlies As we were the displaced people, the Yukon. Given the importance develop our new smart renewable shooting a grizzly, then go grizzly we would like to make the rest of the of tourism to the Yukon’s economy electricity grid. hunting where you have to find In my opinion there is no good reastory perfectly clear to the public. I think it is clear that these animals We’ll build pilot projects to and stalk a wary animal. Better yet, son to allow roadside grizzly hunting are worth significantly more to our In 1974 the federal government prove different technologies like the hunt with a camera, or go out there and several very good reasons to allocated $2 million to purchase or society than the $25 the government with a spear and a few dogs like the electric thermal storage that heats expropriate over 90 homes along the end it. These reasons are based on gets for someone to shoot one. A homes and businesses and stores Inuit used to do with polar bears. roadside grizzly can provide enjoyenergy from hydro, solar, and wind. escarpment. There was a three-year conservation concerns, economics Now that would be a trophy I would and ethics. plan. It went as follows: ment for hundreds of people or a The smart grid will manage all of respect! Worldwide grizzly bear populaYear 1: $800,000 for those who “trophy” for one individual. that. tions have declined dramatically in I am not necessarily opposed to It’s going to take a while to build were willing to sell. Mark Connor the last century. We need to respect Year 2: $608,000 to purchase all roadside hunting. Most people that next flexible hydro project, Whitehorse, Yukon those properties which appear to be these magnificent and iconic aniwhich I think is an excellent idea. mals and manage them cautiously For now we should start to add wind in the greatest danger. Year 3: $592,000 for actual expro- and respectfully. farms to the Yukon grid because this I think it is important that we will add extra energy security to our priation proceedings which would do not encourage bears to come to Aishihik Lake hydro storage facility. be initiated if properties could not The Yukon News welcomes letters from its readers. roadsides and that we ensure vegetabe acquired otherwise. These modern measures that I Letters should be no longer than 500 words and must be signed tion seeded along our highways In return the city was to ensure propose will keep our diesel use to a with your full name and place of residence. A daytime phone does not attract them. Unfortuthe escarpment was stabilized. The minimum and improve the qualnumber is also required for verification purposes only. We reserve area was to become green space “for nately some grizzlies are attracted to ity of our electricity grid. This is a the right to edit letters for clarity, length, accuracy and legality. roadsides due to the forage they find better alternative to the $42 million all to enjoy.” You can send submissions to editor@yukon-news.com. They can there. Once bears take to foraging The following city councils single-fuel LNG-electric plant that be faxed to 867-668-3755 or mailed to 211 Wood St., Whitehorse, beside a road some of them will did not complete the three-year Yukon Energy is proposing. Yukon Y1A 2E4. At all of the public sessions learn through experience that they mandate nor did they do any work
Build windmills, not natural gas plants
Letters to the editor
Alistair Maitland/Yukon News
Nunavut delegate Derek Elias marches with his northern Public Service Alliance of Canada Public (PSAC) colleagues from the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre to the future site of the worker’s memorial close to Waterfront Station. The march was held to commemorate the four members who lost their lives in 2014 and for the improvement of health and safety in the workplace.
Dease River First Nation
NOTICE OF ELECTION The Chief and Council of Dease River First Nation is calling an Election for
One Chief and Four Councillors for July 4, 2014. Nomination candidacy packages will be available by June 6th, and can be picked up at the Dease River First Nation Main Administration Building in Good Hope Lake.
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Included in the Nomination Candidacy Packages are: UĂŠ A Notice of Election UĂŠ Nomination forms UĂŠ Proxy Forms The regulations for the custom elections of the Chief and Council of the Dease River First Nation The nomination candidacy forms must be submitted to Charles McQueen (the Dease River First Nation Administrator) at the Dease River First Nation Main Administration OfďŹ ce no later than 4:30 pm on Friday, June 20, 2014. Advance Polls will be held in Watson Lake and Whitehorse, Yukon, dates and locations to be posted in the Yukon News, on the radio and in the community. Voting hours are 8 am - 8 pm. The General Election date is Friday, July 4, 2014 and said Election will be held at the Dease River First Nation Main Administration Building in Good Hope Lake, B.C.
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Ottawa will go ahead with income splitting to be popular with Canadians, the latest Broadbent study – as have others before it – shows the vast OTTAWA majority of families would see no mployment Minister Jason benefit, because they either have no Kenney says the Harper children under 18, have spouses with government has no intention similar incomes or are single-parent of backing away from its income families. splitting pledge, despite a new report The latest study breaks new concluding the plan would exacerground in finding wide regional bate income inequality and bestow disparity in how the benefits will be the most benefits to the West. distributed. Kenney made the statement in It turns out that among the target the House of Commons on Tuesday group – families with minor-age while debating an NDP motion to children – the biggest winners by far do away with the idea. reside in Alberta, where the average The report by the left-leaning annual tax saving would be $1,359, Broadbent Institute concluded that while families in Saskatchewan come income splitting would benefit the most affluent single-income families, in second at $1,070. Those two provinces, which have a combined 42 cost about $3 billion, bestow no benefits to 90 per cent of Canadians, federal ridings, sent 40 Conservative MPs to Ottawa in the 2011 election. and transfer a disproportionate Families in Prince Edward Island amount to families in Alberta and would get the least average benefit Saskatchewan, Conservative strongat $488, followed closely by Quebec holds with the strongest economies. families with children, which would “We confirm that it is absolutely average $510 in benefits. Those two our intention to keep that commitprovinces were among the least ment ‌ to introduce income tax productive for the Conservatives, fairness, to end the discrimination electing only six Tories among their against certain families, to end the combined 79 MPs in 2011. unfairness,â€? Kenney declared. By ascending order of benefits, “We will treat the family as an qualifying Nova Scotia families economic unit because it is an economic unit,â€? he added, arguing that would average $727 in benefits, a family that chooses to keep one spouse at home to care for children KLY or the elderly should not be punWEE IALS ished in the tax code for the decision. SPEC In 2011, the Conservatives pledged to allow the transfer of up to $50,000 from the higher-earning spouse in a family with children under 18 to the lower earner, thereby reducing the overall tax bite. It said it would introduce the legislation as soon as the budget is balanced. But while the proposal appears Julian Beltrame Canadian Press
followed by Manitoba ($772), New Brunswick ($787), British Columbia ($853), Ontario ($874) and Newfoundland ($925). Broadbent Institute executive director Rick Smith has no explanation for the regional disparity other than that the program as unveiled was designed for a particular type of family – the so-called “Leave It to Beaver� traditional home with a principal breadwinner and a stay at home spouse who takes care of the children. “It turns out there are few families of that type, but there are more of them in Alberta than in Quebec,� he said. To benefit the most, one spouse must make $100,000 more than the other and have a taxable income above $136,270, the highest marginal rate. Of families with children under 18, the average tax saving is calculated at $841, although that includes the 54 per cent of those households that receive no benefit at all. But for 147,000 Canadian families with a high-income breadwinner, the average benefit would be $7,128. “If the government set out to specifically design a policy to make
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inequality worse, this would be it,� Smith said. “This policy is an inequality generating machine.� The lack of broad-based benefits is expected to be a major campaign issue should the Conservatives go ahead with income splitting in next year’s budget. It was one reason cited by the late finance minister Jim Flaherty when publicly expressing doubts about the program earlier this year, touching off a fire storm among Conservative MPs who remain committed to seeing it implemented. Kenney was one of the ministers who publicly disagreed with Flaherty and said the government would keep its promise. Although polls show income splitting is popular, Smith believes one reason is that most Canadians assume they will benefit, when in fact they likely won’t. Without seeing the results of the study, which was given to The Canadian Press prior to the official release Tuesday morning, Andrea Mrozek of the Institute of Marriage and Family said income splitting can be implemented “the right way� so as to spread the benefits more
broadly. “We can implement this in a way that benefits a bigger group of families. For example, we have always looked at the French model, which allows a single parent to split with a child, so thereby benefiting from income splitting,� she said. According to the Broadbent study, which was based on analysis by Tristat Resources, that would benefit an additional 20 per cent of families. Tax policy expert Jack Mintz of the University of Calgary believes unequal benefits are unavoidable, but can be at least partially mitigated by other means, including increasing the tax credit for child-care costs. Still, Smith says there are far superior ways of delivering tax relief to hard-pressed families, such as enriching the Child Tax Benefit for lower-income families, a similar conclusion reached by the authors of the C.D. Howe study. “We wouldn’t be so concerned about this if it weren’t so darn expensive,� said Smith. “This would cost the federal treasury $3 billion a year, so we are talking about a wealth transfer from nine of 10 Canadians to the wealthiest amongst us.�
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Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
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Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Canada just more ‘frank’ than rest of the world on climate change: Harper Terry Pedwell Canadian Press
OTTAWA tephen Harper solidified his government’s like-mindedness with Australia’s hard-right Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Monday as the two meshed their views on the environment, job creation and political manoeuvring. There’s not a single country in the world that would take action on climate change at the expense of its own economy, Harper said as the two leaders held a joint news conference in Ottawa. Canada wants to deal with climate change without crippling the economy, Harper said. “No country is going to undertake actions on climate change, no matter what they say … that is going to deliberately destroy jobs and growth in their country,” he said. “We are just a little more frank about that, but that is the approach that every country is seeking.” For his part, Abbott made clear that while his government recognizes the issue, it does not consider tackling climate change a top priority. “We think that climate change is a significant problem. It’s not the only or even the most important that the world faces, but it is a significant problem,” he said. “It’s important that every country should take the action that it thinks is best to reduce emissions, because we should rest lightly on the planet.” Still, Abbott told a business roundtable later in the day that, much like the Harper Conservatives have done, he will take further actions to reduce the “regulatory
Fred Chartrand/The Canadian Press
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott (left) shares a laugh with Peter Wilkins (centre) and William Black (right) and other Canadian veterans during a tour the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa on Sunday. burden” that often gets in the way of job creation, and pointed to the number of environmental hurdles that have been overcome for Australian business by his government over the past nine months. “Our aim over time is to make it significantly less burdensome,” Abbott told the roundtable as he promoted Canadian investment in Australian businesses and his country’s increasingly privatized infrastructure. Abbott has carried an ‘open for business under new management’ sign for Australia ever since being elected to power last September, and has also made no secret of his political bromance with the Harper Conservatives. Paying homage to Harper’s
“We are such like-mind comparable countries, we are both multicultural, resource driven federations.” As he prepared to head of to Washington for talks with U.S. President Barack Obama, Abbott said he was “encouraged” by regulations introduced in the United States last week to chop carbon emissions from U.S. power plants by 30 per cent by 2030. Harper noted that Canada has actually done more to lower carbon emissions in its electricity sector than the U.S. “The measures outlined by President Obama, as important as they are, do not go nearly as far in the electricity sector as the actions Canada has already taken ahead of the United States in that particular sector,” he said. American approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, designed to move Alberta crude to the Gulf Coast, has been stalled in the U.S. while the Obama administration drops hints that Canada must do more on the environment.
newfound role as the elder statesjudicial and government systems. man – and mentor – among “We speak the same language in conservative-minded world leaders, every sense, Abbott told his audiAbbott bowed Monday to a man he ence. called an “exemplar of centre-right leadership.” The Maddison Chair in Northern Justice presents: “I cherish our first meeting back in late 2005 when you were an opposition leader, not expected to win Investigating Pinochet’s Crimes In Chile: an election,” Abbott told Harper as A Film & Discussion With Justice Juan Guzmán the two men stood at twin podiums. Justice Juan Guzmán is a retired Chilean judge who gained “But you certainly impressed me international prominence as the judge who led the on that day,” he added. investigation of Chilean dictator “Much for me to learn from the General Augusto Pinochet on human rights charges. work you’ve done.” Later, Abbott made a point of stressing the commonality between Friday, June 13 7PM Australia and Canada to encourYukon College, age Canadian business investment Lecture Hall (A2206) in Australia, if for no other reason All are welcome. Admission is free. than the two countries share similar
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Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Alistair Maitland/Yukon News
Flags stood at half mast and flowers were left in remembrance of the three RCMP officers that were killed and the two injured by a gunman in Moncton, New Brunswick last week.
Shop For Dad & Spoil Yourself too… Saxx FoR HIm!
Northern Cross (Yukon)
HaNky PaNky FoR you!
Northern Cross (Yukon) Limited is hosting a series of information sessions across Yukon to present its plans for the next phase of exploration activities at Eagle Plains. These information sessions are open to the public to attend. Using information obtained from the recently concluded 3D seismic program, the next phase of exploration activity is planned to be a targeted exploration drilling program. The format of the Open Houses will be a formal presentation by representatives of Northern Cross followed by a period of questions and answers. The entire management team at Northern Cross will be participating at the Open Houses.
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Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
The Department of Environment’s After Hours Speakers Series Presents
Deadline looms for federal government’s decision on Northern Gateway pipeline Dene Moore Canadian Press
VANCOUVER ome time in the next 10 days, the federal government is supposed to announce its final decision on the Northern Gateway pipeline – the multibillion-dollar political minefield dividing the West. Even detractors expect the federal government to give the $7-billion project the go-ahead. But the nod from Ottawa would not the crest of the mountain Northern Gateway must climb before the oil – and the money – begin to flow. The path to the British Columbia coast has many hurdles left for Calgarybased Enbridge and its partners. A joint review panel of the National Energy Board and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency recommended approval of the project six months ago, subject to 209 conditions. “The bottom line is there are 113 conditions that need to be met before construction can begin. That’s going to take a lot of time,” said company spokesman Ivan Giesbrecht. If approved, that would be merely one more step in an ongoing process, Giesbrecht said. “We have a lot of work to be done before we would be able to begin construction.” There are also the five applications before the Federal Court for judicial review of the federal panel recommendation, and further court challenges are likely. The opposition of environmental groups was always a given. Expansion of Alberta’s oil sands has become an international target for climate activists. “Approval seems obvious. At the same time, opposition is so strong,” said Nikki Skuce, a resident of Smithers, B.C., and a campaigner for the environmental group Forest Ethics Advocacy. “It’s going to be caught up in the courts for years and it’s going to be ugly on the ground. People are willing to do what it takes.” That is no idle threat in a province that saw a decade-long War in the Woods over logging of old growth forests, which ended with new government regulations. And opposition is not limited to environmentalists and First Nations. Another crippling blow to the project came from the residents of Kitimat – the B.C. city with the most to gain as the pipeline terminus – when they voted to reject the project in a non-binding plebiscite. Kitimat is no stranger to industry, born of an aluminum smelter in the 1950s, but for a
Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
33e Assemblée législative du Yukon
Le comité spécial d’examen des risques et des avantages de la fracturation hydraulique a été établi par décret pris par l’Assemblée législative le 6 mai 2013 (motion n°433). Le comité organise des audiences publiques en vue de recueillir les opinions des citoyens yukonnais.
Jonathan Hayward/The Canadian Press
A group of protesters gathers outside the Northern Gateway hearings in Prince Rupert, B.C. Monday, December, 10, 2012.
majority of those who voted the risks outweigh the rewards. Even the provincial government officially opposed the project at review hearings. Victoria appears poised to reverse itself, deploying key ministers to a flurry of recent federal announcements on marine and pipeline safety. But the Liberal government may be waiting to see which way the political wind is blowing before they change direction. “There’s a question of whether going along with the approval of the Northern Gateway pipeline will make LNG development in B.C. more challenging by angering First Nations so adamantly opposed to the oil sands pipeline,” said George Hoberg, a professor at the University of British Columbia’s school of forestry and founder of UBCC350, a group pressing for action on greenhouse gas emissions. There is deep resistance in B.C., he said. “I think it’s likely to be approved, but I would not be shocked if it was delayed or even denied,” Hoberg said. The product that the pipeline would carry is a hurdle. The pipeline west would transport molasses-like diluted bitumen. Studies and previous spills have found that dilbit sinks in turbulent water conditions. Opponents like Art Sterritt, director of Coastal First Nations, have said a tanker spill is possible – even likely – and cannot be cleaned up. His coalition of nine aboriginal communities remains vehemently opposed. The greatest obstacle is the unflagging opposition of First Nations. Hamstrung by the federal government’s failure to negotiate treaties in decades of talks, the company has been left in a legal limbo. The company said the project has 26 aboriginal equity partners and consultations continue but Clarence Innis, acting chief of the Gitxaala Nation on the North
Coast, said they haven’t heard from anyone and no talks are planned. “We’re going to do whatever we need to do to protect our territory,” said Innis, whose community is located on an island at the mouth of the Douglas Channel. The Gitxaala are already preparing a legal challenge. “We played by the rules,” Innis said. “We’ve been ignored.” The fight is far from over on either side. There are hundreds of billions of dollars at stake, the company has said. “It’s in the national interest to be able to diversify the markets that we have for our most valuable natural resource,” Giesbrecht said. “We believe the project is the right thing for Canada, we’ve felt that way right from the very beginning and that’s why we’ve pursued it.
Watson Lake
Lundi 23 juin 19 h
Morgan Chaddock Recreation Centre, Mezzanine
Mardi 24 juin 13 h
Teslin Recreation Complex
Old Crow
Mercredi 25 juin 14 h
Old Crow Community Centre
Dawson City
Jeudi 26 juin 10 h
Canada’s Best Value Inn Downtown Hotel, Salle de conférence 1026 Second Avenue
Les personnes qui souhaitent faire connaître leur point de vue au comité sont invitées à s’inscrire en remplissant le formulaire en ligne, au http://legassembly.gov.yk.ca/rbhf_public_hearings.html, ou en téléphonant au bureau de l’Assemblée législative, au 867-667-5494. Le comité accepte aussi les commentaires écrits. Le comité tiendra des audiences publiques additionnelles à Faro, Carmacks, Ross River, Haines Junction, Mayo, Carcross et Tagish conjointement, Pelly Crossing, et Whitehorse. Pour de plus amples renseignements : Site web : http://www.legassembly.gov.yk.ca/fr/rbhf Courriel : rbhf@gov.yk.ca
33rd Yukon Legislative Assembly
SELECT COMMITTEE REGARDING THE RISKS AND BENEFITS OF HYDRAULIC FRACTURING The Select Committee Regarding the Risks and Benefits of Hydraulic Fracturing was established by Order of the Legislative Assembly on May 6, 2013 (Motion #433). The Committee will be holding public hearings to receive the views and opinions of Yukon citizens.
LOGO KNIVES 207 Main Street Tel: 633-4842
Monday, June 23 7:00 p.m.
Morgan Chaddock Recreation Centre, Mezzanine
Tuesday, June 24 1:00 p.m.
Teslin Recreation Complex
Old Crow
Wednesday, June 25 2:00 p.m.
Old Crow Community Centre
Dawson City
Thursday, June 26 10:00 a.m.
Canada’s Best Value Inn Downtown Hotel, Conference Room 1026 Second Avenue
Individuals who would like to present their opinions to the Committee are encouraged to register at http://legassembly.gov.yk.ca/rbhf_public_hearings.html or by calling the Legislative Assembly Office at (867) 667-5494. The Committee is also accepting written submissions. The Committee will be holding additional public hearings in Faro, Carmacks, Ross River, Haines Junction, Mayo, jointly in Carcross and Tagish, Pelly Crossing, and Whitehorse. For more information: Website: http://www.legassembly.gov.yk.ca/rbhf.html Email: rbhf@gov.yk.ca
Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Local artists capture subtle side of northern beauty ‘I think you can find more interesting details in that aspect of nature. A lot of it is very unique, you walk down a trail and find different plants, there’s a diversity on the ground floor that isn’t in the mountains.’
Alistair Maitland/Yukon News
Left, jeweller Shelley MacDonald sets up her assortment of handmade necklaces, fur rings and cufflinks at Arts Underground last Wednesday. Above, some of MacDonald’s jewelry on display.
Sam Riches News Reporter
lise Bousquet and Shelley MacDonald were first brought together by a local soccer team. Now, years later, they’ve been reunited by art. The duo are sharing space at Arts Underground, in the Focus Gallery, with Frondescence, a show of fine art and jewelry. Both Bousquet and MacDonald are influenced heavily by the Yukon landscape, their pieces drawn from the pull of nature and the intricacies found in the North. Bousquet, a born and raised Yukoner, stood surrounded by her paintings last week, preparing the space for the show that opened on Friday, June 6. She points to one painting, a stream running off the Dempster Highway, and says “the Dempster is known for its big mountains but I was more interested in the little things. Not necessarily the mountain landscapes but more details within nature – the leaves, the foliage, what’s on the ground.” The stream, running down Hart River Road, would be easy to miss while travelling the highway, but Bousquet captures its fine details, making something subtle and small seem powerful and pulling the viewer into the piece. Bousquet’s journey into art began with a fascination with chil-
Carmacks for a three-month work contract, she’s now in her third year of Yukon living. She understands the love people feel for the natural elements of the North and how they can be captured by it. She wants her jewelry line to offer there’s a diversity on the ground dren’s illustration books, which grew into amateur naturalism and floor that isn’t in the mountains.” that same feeling. She twirls a silver ring around Bousquet’s paintings are scenes forged a relationship with nature. in her palm, the sides of the ring She’s still evolving as an artist but where she finds comfort and carved to represent mountains, places she returns to often. “A lot the themes remain similar: the a labradorite stone in the middle fine details that can be lost in the of it is familiarity,” she says. “It’s
Elise Bousquet and some of her work at Arts Underground.
North’s vast, often overpowering landscapes. “I think you can find more interesting details in that aspect of nature,” she says. “A lot of it is very unique, you walk down a trail and find different plants,
places I find soothing and I try to convey that.” Similarly, MacDonald uses the vibrancy of the North, the landscapes and the wildlife, as influence for her jewelry. Having originally moved to
in jewelry her teacher pulled her aside and told her “this is where you’re meant to be.” “I really like the attention to detail,” she says of the time spent working on her craft. “It’s so meticulous, and I enjoy working with my hands. The hours pass by and it seems like an hour.” MacDonald is so dedicated to her pursuit that she often works into the wee hours of the morning, creating art in the silence and stillness of the night. Not long ago, she became so engrossed with a piece – a miniature cast of a moosehead – that she worked on it for 12 hours straight. The time spent working, hunched over, ended up sending her the hospital with an injury to her tailbone. She laughs about it now and dismisses it as a small price to pay for the gift of filling her time with her passion. Her pieces hang from antlers, or rest against wooden displays. The antlers were gathered by a Carmacks resident, and spraypainted black by MacDonald, the silver and stones popping in contrast. A silver ring, coated by a whirl of fox fur, hangs at the end of one. Next to it, the moosehead Alistair Maitland/Yukon News is bathed in the gold light of the gallery. “Sometimes people take nature for granted,” she says, “and we live shining like the northern lights, a kaleidoscope of green and blue in such a beautiful country. I want hues. to show it through my art.” MacDonald originally attended Frondescence will continue at the revered Nova Scotia College Arts Underground until June 28. of Art and Design University for Contact Sam Riches at fine art but while taking a course sam@yukon-news.com
Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Plan your studies! Credit Programs and Workplace Preparation programs start september 3rd unless otherwise stated. acadeMic and career Business AdministrAtion Certificate and diploma programs preparing students for administrative management careers in business and government. CirCumpolAr studies Multidisciplinary degree program focusing on the Circumpolar World. Delivered through the University of the Arctic, an international network of colleges and universities, including Yukon College. Courses are university transferable. Computer support teChniCiAn Certificate program preparing students for a career in information technology and related fields. All courses are available online. CulinAry Arts Eight-month certificate program designed to meet the need for qualified cooks in the hospitality industry. eArly Childhood development Certificate and diploma programs providing opportunities for students to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to provide and evaluate quality early childhood experiences for young children and families. eduCAtion–yukon nAtive teACher Four-year degree program emphasizing elementary education, Yukon First
Nations and northern content. Application deadline May 24. Late applications accepted if space is available. Program start date is August 29. Call John Wright at 867.668.8833 for more information. Food And BeverAge operAtions Students in this one-year certificate program will master skills in the areas of wine, the art of eating and dining, bartending and dining room service. First nAtions governAnCe And puBliC AdministrAtion Ten-course certificate program focusing on the professional development of executive and senior management staff to enhance the operations of First Nation Governments. generAl studies Flexible certificate and diploma programs that integrate general knowledge and intellectual skills with specific occupational or professional skills. Courses are university transferable. heAlth CAre AssistAnt Nine-month certificate program providing opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to function effectively as front-line caregivers, and respected members of the healthcare team, in community and facility settings.
heritAge And Culture Certificate program focusing on Yukon First Nations heritage and culture, leading to degree work in the social sciences and humanities as well as careers in heritage and culture interpretation, management and preservation. Courses are university transferable. heritAge And Culture essentiAl skills Completion certificate program teaching employability skills through community-based heritage management and interpretation. Delivered in partnership with local First Nations. Registration throughout the year. liBerAl Arts Certificate and diploma programs in the social sciences and humanities that build transferrable skills for future career and educational pursuits, foster social responsibility and cultural sensitivity, and instil independent reasoning and critical thinking skills. Courses are university transferable. multimediA CommuniCAtion Certificate program combining ingenuity and technology to teach effective communication strategies through web, audio, video and print-based media.
career and university preparation College ACCess pAthwAys Upgrading courses offered in math, sciences, English, computers, etc. that provide the prerequisites for programs at Yukon College and other institutions.
also be eligible for elective credit at the secondary level; check with high school counsellors to determine eligibility. Dual Credit Handbook available at www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/ programs/info/dc.
drop-in Centre Academic skill development, College Preparation English and math courses, University level math 100/101/105, pre-apprentice math and science courses, and Communications 192 offered through individualized, self-paced study. GED tutoring also available. Registration throughout the year.
english As A seCond lAnguAge (esl) English language training for non-native speakers of English. Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 3-5 required for Intermediate ESL. CLB 6-8 required for Advanced ESL. Registration throughout year for non-credit section. For more information go to www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/ international.
duAl Credit Courses that allow secondary students to earn post-secondary credits while still in high school. Credits can be transferred to other Canadian universities and colleges. Courses may
skills For employment: Trades exploraTion or inTroducTion To office skills Academic skill development in numeracy and literacy is embedded in workplace skills
nAtive lAnguAge instruCtor Certificate and diploma programs offered through the Yukon Native Language Centre and conferred by Yukon College. For more information visit www.ynlc.ca or call 867.668.8820. northern environmentAl And ConservAtion sCienCes Degree program offering a northern perspective on issues such as wildlife conservation, land use and resource management under modern treaties, changes in water quantity and quality, climate change and energy needs. northern First nAtions studies Multidisciplinary diploma program raising awareness of the cultures, history, accomplishments, and political and national concerns of First Nations and other indigenous peoples of Yukon, the Canadian North, and the Circumpolar World. Courses are university transferable. northern JustiCe And Criminology Certificate and diploma programs in justice and criminology in a northern context, leading to degree programs or entry-level employment in criminology and fields related to criminal justice. Courses are university transferable.
northern outdoor And environmentAl studies Multidisciplinary diploma program offering options for exploring contemporary northern environmental issues, outdoor activities, and human/environment relationships. Customizable. Courses are university transferable. northern sCienCe Diploma program delivering a strong northern science focus. Prepares students for scientific or technical work in a northern environment. northern studies Flexible, self-directed multidisciplinary diploma program focusing on northern issues. Courses are university transferable. oFFiCe AdministrAtion Nine-month full-time certificate program providing students with the knowledge and skills required to enter the workforce as accounting clerks, administrative assistants, and general office assistants. Also available online as the Applied Business Technology Online (ABTO) program. puBliC AdministrAtion Master’s degree program preparing students for leadership at all levels of government and in non-profit organizations. Delivered via satellite and over the internet by the University of Alaska Southeast, to students in Alaska and Yukon.
restAurAnt operAtions Combines both the Culinary Arts, and Food and Beverage Operations programs with a Capstone project where students will research, plan and carry out an event that incorporates all aspects of food and beverage operations. sCienCe Courses are available in mathematics and in the earth, life and physical sciences. Certificate of Science is available for students who wish to transfer into an engineering program, or into the second year of a Bachelor of Science program at a Canadian university. soCiAl work Four-year Bachelor degree program focusing on social work practice in northern communities. Application deadline was March 28. Late applications accepted if space is available. women’s And gender studies Certificate program looking at the lives, contributions and experiences of women; the social construction of men and masculinity; and the development and impact of gender roles in a changing world. Courses are university transferable. visuAl Arts Foundation-year certificate offered through the School of Visual Arts (Yukon SOVA) in Dawson City. Transfer to a visual arts degree program at one of Canada’s major art schools. Application review date is May 15. Late applications accepted if space is available. For more information visit www.yukonsova.ca or call 867.993.6390.
trades to enhance educational and vocational opportunities. Essential skills are developed through a variety of workplace projects. tArgeted initiAtive For older workers Fifteen-week program integrating mature workers (ages 55-64) into new employment opportunities. No cost, stipend provided.
CArpentry pre-ApprentiCeship Twenty-week preapprenticeship certificate program providing students with theoretical trade knowledge and practical skill development to a level that will enable them to enter the trade as a capable and knowledgeable apprentice and entry-level worker.
eleCtriCAl pre-ApprentiCeship Eighteen-week preapprenticeship certificate program providing students with theoretical Ltradets will FULpractical can t) knowledge and p ap li aitlisskill d e fi i l w development to a (Qua put on a level that will enable them to enter be the trade as a capable and knowledgeable apprentice and entry-level worker. Program start date is October 7.
proFessionaL and personaL deveLopMent enhAnCed lAnguAge trAining Fifteen-week program designed to improve the employability for newcomers to Canada. Registration throughout the year. No cost. First nAtions Community serviCes AdministrAtion Twelve online courses providing training for
For complete program information go to
First Nation government employees in community service areas. Registration throughout the year. First nAtions leAdership trAining Five integrated courses providing the essentials of governance and public administration for First Nation leaders. Contract
training or individual tuition. Registration throughout the year. pArtners For Children Provides relevant and accessible workshops, training and support on early childhood development. Information relates to the health and development of children ages 0-6, their families and communities.
welding pre-ApprentiCeship Twenty-week preapprenticeship certificate program providing students with theoretical trade knowledge and practical skill development to a level that will enable them to enter the trade as a capable and knowledgeable apprentice and entry-level worker. heAvy equipment teChniCiAn pre-ApprentiCeship Seventeen-week preapprenticeship certificate program providing students with theoretical trade knowledge and practical skill development to a level that will enable them to enter the trade as a capable and knowledgeable apprentice and entry-level worker. Program is subject to funding.
to appLy call the whitehorse Ayamdigut Admissions office at 867.668.8710, toll free 1.800.661.0504 or go online to www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/apply
Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Polar bear neck camera shows life on ice Dan Joling Associated Press
ANCHORAGE, Alaska he first video of life on Arctic sea ice from a polar bear point of view has been released by the U.S. Geological Survey. The agency on Friday released a clip recorded by a camera attached to the collar of a female polar bear
without cubs in the Beaufort Sea north of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. The necks of polar bear males are wider than their heads and collars slide off. The clip shows the bear pursuing a seal under water, dunking a frozen seal into seawater and interacting with a male who might be a suitor.
The cameras are part of a study to find out how polar bears, listed as a threatened species, are responding to sea ice loss from global warming. Scientists in the Beaufort are generally limited to about six weeks of field work each spring, between the time it’s light enough to work and before ice begins to break up.
123RF Photo
Come early and enjoy our full weekend of Events!
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Marathon .......................................................................................... 8:00 pm Half Walk ...........................................................................................8:30 pm Half Run .............................................................................................9:30 pm 5 k Run/Walk ..................................................................................10:00 pm 10K Walk .........................................................................................10:30 pm 10 k Run ..........................................................................................11:00 pm
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“It’s all information that we wouldn’t be able to get otherwise,” said Todd Atwood, research leader for the USGS Polar Bear Research Program, from his office in Anchorage. The collars were attached in April and collected eight to 10 days later as a test run of how they eventually will be deployed for longer periods. Cameras were attached to two bears in 2013, but the batteries could not handle Arctic temperatures, Atwood said. Redesigned collars were attached to four females that already were going to be captured for blood samples on a study of behaviour and energy expenditure led by USGS research biologist Anthony Pagano. The bears already carry collars with GPS recording data and accelerometers, an activity sensor that records whether a bear is resting, walking, swimming or hunting. Scientists previously have matched accelerometer signatures with observations in zoo bears. Linking them with video clips of wild bears helps confirm the ac-
www.mayomidnightmarathon.ca for more details
Stewart Valley Community Market Galena Park - Mayo
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SaTuRday, JunE 21ST Galena Park – Mayo
curacy of the devices. It’s all part of an attempt to help scientists determine how polar bears are exerting energy as their habitats change, Pagano said. With the summer thaw, bears either stay on shore or on sea ice. In recent years, the edge of the ice has melted hundreds of miles from shore, leaving ice far from the shallow outer continental shelf waters where seals and walrus live. Scientists want to find out, for example if a bear far from shore on sea ice is resting more to save energy because it can no longer hunt. Atwood said the 38 to 40 hours of video from the neck cameras have yielded surprises – such as the female bear and a male tussling with a seal carcass in what might be courting behaviour. “The fact that they appear to be playing around with their food, we’re not sure what that means,” he said. Other footage shows a bear pursuing a seal underwater. Polar bear hunting behaviour generally is thought to consist largely of waiting beside a breathing hole or collapsing lairs of ringed seals. The female at one point drops a frozen seal carcass in seawater and scientists speculate she’s trying to thaw it out, Atwood said. The USGS is part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Polar Bear Recovery Team that will draft a Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan to meet requirements of the Endangered Species Act. The law requires the plan to guide activities for polar bear conservation.
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Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Alistair Maitland/Yukon News
Dozens of motorcyclists gathered at Whitehorse Motors for the Ride for Dad event against prostate cancer on Saturday.
SERVICE AWARDS 207 Main St. 668-3447
used vehicle sales
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Community Development Fund Applications are now being accepted for:
TIER I $20,000 or less The CDF program summary and application are available: online at www.cdf.gov.yk.ca by calling 1-800-661-0408, extension 8125 or 668-8125 You are strongly encouraged to contact a Community Development Advisor to discuss your project prior to submitting an application. For more information, or for assistance with your draft application, call 667-8125 or 1-800-661-0408, extension 8125; or email cdf@gov.yk.ca. Applications must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 15, 2014.
Sponsors Community Development Fund
• Marsh Lake Tents and Events • What’s Up Yukon • Yukon Brewing Company • Arctic Star Printing
Fonds de Développement Communautaire
Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
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Alistair Maitland/Yukon News
Colin O’Neill in Shipyards Park. Master Distiller Karlo is dedicated to making the everyday extraordinary. He personally oversees all aspects of Yukon Shine Distillery. Using pure, locally sourced ingredients and a uniquely crafted grain recipe, every aspect of creating his remarkable spirits is done by hand, one bottle at a time. All resulting in the ultimate craft distillery experience. And truly premium spirits. If you are interested in stocking Yukon Shine Distillery products in your bar or restaurant please contact us.
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If you wish to advertise in our monthly Support Local, Shop Yukon section please contact Kathleen Knight at kathleen@yukon-news.com
Pavlina Sudrich
the market has become a popular opportunity for local merchants. hursday afternoon a crowd As one vendor puts it, “We’re very proud of what we make. That descends onto Shipyards pride creates an atmosphere here Park for Whitehorse’s and that rubs off on the customweekly Fireweed Community Market. From a distance it’s a col- ers.” Montana Prysnuk has sold lection of small tents shifting in a breeze that smells like fresh sweet her handcrafted, antler-based kettle corn. Up close the market is jewelry at this market for the past a riot of activity: people are mill- three years. Over this time she’s noticed an increase in both the ing around tables stacked with local crafts, listening to fiddle mu- variety of vendors at the market, as well as the number of people sic and embracing friends. Bags stuffed with plants, baked goods, visiting. “The success of my sales here are often weather dependhats and jewelry pass by. ent,” she says laughing, “but after The Fireweed Community Christmas, this is my best revenue Market has “grown like crazy” generator.” since its beginning 14 years ago, With a population as small as says market coordinator Colin O’Neill. This year’s May 15 open- the Yukon’s, competition with ing set an all-time record with 42 big box stores is a tough battle. But Yukoners are embracing the vendors opening shop. “We have everything from hot food trucks, opportunity to purchase their to artisanal crafters, jewelers, even garden greens, bread loaves, and handcrafted furniture from not-for-profit info booths are people they can look in the eye appearing.” What makes this market’s suc- and shake hands with. After four years at the opercess unique? ational helm of the market, “We’re offering an authentic O’Neil explain that “Yukoners Yukon product,” O’Neill says. are engaged in their community. “Everything here is made in the They are interested in having acYukon and sold by the people who make it. It provides Yukoners cess to local products.” One such consumer is Sandra with an opportunity to connect Lamy, who strolls between tents directly with the people either with a caramelized onion bun buying or selling local goods.” clutched in her hand. Stopping, With an average vendor she examines a table made of wilincrease of 10 per cent per year,
low boughs. “This farmers market,” she explains, “is an opportunity for me to access tasty, high quality products I can’t otherwise find in larger shopping centres.” The proud display of contemporary Yukon life has also become a deep theme of this market. Each week Yukoners have access to free workshops that range from cooking with Yukon native products to this week’s workshop, a showcase of local farm animals which O’Neill says will include “pigs, geese, and a horse.” It’s this community showcasing that brings people like Renee Mills to the market. She has been attending for almost 10 years. “It’s become part of our family’s summer tradition,” she says as her two children, ages four and six, race excitedly between the eclectic mix of musicians and vendors. “We come down for dinner, to see friends, eat outdoors and see our community’s culture on display. Where else can you see Punjabi dancing to fiddle music?” Starting June 28, Yukoners will have an extra opportunity to enjoy the Fireweed Community Market, when the event moves to twice a week, adding Saturdays from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. as well as its regular Thursday spot from 3 p.m. until 8 p.m. Pavlina Sudrich is a locally grown freelance writer from Whitehorse.
Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
College graduates 5 First Nation language instructors Patti Flather
oris Allen has the rare gift of being proficient in teaching two distinct Yukon aboriginal languages, Gwich’in and Southern Tutchone. She grew up in Old Crow, so Gwich’in is her mother tongue. She learned Southern Tutchone through many years of residence in Haines Junction and Klukshu with her late husband, Grand Chief Harry Allen, and his extended family. She’s one of five language instructors active in communities throughout the territory who recently graduated from programs offered by the Yukon Native Language Centre at Yukon College in Whitehorse. Allen was the only instructor this year to receive her diploma, in the ceremony at the Yukon Arts Centre on May 16. “I worked hard for that, I really put every effort I have to do that, so I’m really proud of myself,” Allen says. Allen earned the two-year diploma after completing her threeyear certificate at the language centre. This year’s certificate graduates are Bella Bresse of Carmacks, Kathy Magun of Watson Lake, Cresenthia Melancon of Mayo and Marion Schafer of Old Crow. “They’re all very dedicated to their students and have a strong commitment to the revitalization of their languages,” says Mary Jane Allison, acting language programs coordinator. Allen moved to Haines Junction as an adult, where she joined St. Elias School as an educational assistant. Living in Southern Tutchone territory, Allen says she decided to take night classes three times weekly in that language for an entire winter. “That landed me at my job teaching Southern Tutchone,” she says. Allen also taught Gwich’in and assisted with Southern Tutchone in Whitehorse high schools. Last fall she returned to St. Elias, teaching Southern Tutchone in K-3 classes. “I love working with younger students. They’re just so eager to learn and so easy to work with,” she says. As part of her diploma, Allen completed a special project. St. Elias students created individual storybooks which Allen translated into Southern Tutchone. With the kindergartens, Allen led group projects on big pieces of cardboard with winter and summer themes “so they could see it on paper – they could imagine it.” She added Southern Tutchone names for everything from animals, to snow on the mountains, to flowers and berries. Kathy Magun, a Kaska teacher at Johnson Elementary, says her
Submitted photo/Yukon News
Recent YNLC and Yukon College graduates Doris Allen, Marion Schafer, Bella Bresse and Cresenthia Melancon at the Yukon College convocation ceremony held on May 16.
language is an important part of who she is as a Kaska First Nation person and residential school survivor. “Kaska language was my first language so that really helped me tremendously in my training along the way,” she says. When she began working with Kaska again, Magun says “it was like I reawakened the language that was waiting dormant within me.” Magun says some people question the value of learning aboriginal languages, but she says education in one’s minority language is a basic human right. She says various studies show numerous lifelong benefits for children who learn a second language early in life – including improved reasoning and problem-solving and ability to learn additional languages. Magun adds that First Nations children who are connected to their cultural heritage and ancestry in school have stronger self-esteem, which is vital for overall learning. Magun says she appreciates all languages and rejoices in hearing them spoken. As for Kaska, “we have a really kind language,” she says. She recounts her young students asking her how to say “shut up” in Kaska. She explained to them that there’s no phrasing for that.
“I found my language is gentle, healing is I guess the word,” she says. “It was kind of emotional for me to walk into the arts centre with a cap and gown, but it was also a special day for me,” says Marion Schafer of Old Crow, who teaches Gwich’in at Chief Zheh Gittlit School. Three of her grandchildren were there supporting her. “I felt so proud that day for completing my three years,” Shafer adds. When she arrived back in Old Crow, she received graduation cards that co-worker Randall Kendi and the students had made. “With the Grades 1, 2 and 3 it said, `I love you, Mrs. Schafer, you are a good teacher and congratulations on a job well down.’ Oh, I took that to heart.” “What really helps me in my teaching is my fluency,” says Schafer, whose parents spoke Gwich’in to her growing up. Cresenthia Melancon, 25, is among the younger generation of language instructors. She didn’t grow up speaking Northern Tutchone but took school language classes taught by her grandmother Catherine Germaine. “At school, I always enjoyed going to class because I could see her teach me,” Melancon says. “She’s also my inspiration.”
Melancon works part-time at JV Clark School in Mayo and says she still seeks her grandmother’s language tips. She says she incorporates plenty of games into her classes. “That’s the best way to learn language, when you incorporate fun with it,” she says. “I don’t want language class to be boring!” Melancon says she also speaks Northern Tutchone at home with her two-year-old son. Besides her work at JV Clark, she’s teaching a three-week language course this month with elder Mary Battaja through Na Cho Nyak Dun First Nation. Melancon says she plans to pursue her diploma next with the language centre. Her advice to young people considering a career in native language instruction: “I’d say, ‘Go for it!’” That’s an endorsement welcomed by Mary Jane Allison and language centre colleague Linda Harvey, the urban programs coordinator. Allison, 29, was the first native language instructor coming from the Yukon public school system. “I would like to see more people enroll into the entry-level certificate program,” Allison says. Allison and Harvey say the language centre offers a unique
learning experience in a small group setting. Harvey says each year she visits each certificate trainee twice in their community. Trainees also attend fall and spring workshops at the language centre, plus a literacy workshop focusing on their language. She says trainees must find a practicum placement in a school or community setting and work with a mentor or “speaker model,” but the language centre provides support to trainees who face challenges. “We don’t teach the language,” Harvey says. “But they learn it as they’re learning to teach,” Allison says. Since 1986, the language centre, administered by the Council of Yukon First Nations and funded by the Government of Yukon, has produced 103 certificate graduates (85 from the Yukon) and 34 diploma graduates (31 from the Yukon). Ten instructors have gone on to complete associate of applied science degrees in native language education with the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
This article was provided courtesy of the Yukon Native Language Centre. Information on YNLC’s training programs can be found at www.ynlc.ca.
Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Alistair Maitland/Yukon News
Members of the Yukon army cadet regiment received various honours and promotions on the Front Street wharf this past Saturday.
Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
MAE BACHUR ANIMAL SHELTER operated by Humane Society Yukon Fostering a caring, compassionate atmosphere; promoting a humane ethic and responsible pet ownership; and preventing cruelty to domestic animals.
Thank You!
The Shelter relies heavily on donations from generous Yukoners. We couldn’t do it without you!
126 Tlingit Street | 633-6019 | shelter@northwestel.net www.humanesocietyyukon.ca
r u o j n o B
La St-Jean au Klondike Kate’s Restaurant
Performances musicales et menu spécial pour la Saint-JeanBaptiste. Le 24 juin, à partir de 17 h, au coin de la 3e avenue et de la rue King à Dawson. Josée Savard 993-6527 – info@klondikekates.ca
Artistes recherchés pour les Cafés 5 à 7 de juillet
L’Association franco-yukonnaise est à la recherche de solistes, de duos ou de trios qui veulent se produire dans le cadre des Cafés 5 à 7 du Baked Café, les jeudis 3 ou 24 juillet. Il s’agit d’une excellente opportunité pour les musiciens émergents de se faire connaître. Cachet offert. Virginie Hamel 668-2663, poste 221 – vhamel@afy.yk.ca
WHERE DO I GET THE NEWS? The Yukon News is available at these wonderful stores in Whitehorse:
Airport Chalet Airport Snacks & Gifts
Bernie’s Race-Trac Gas Bigway Foods
Coyote Video Goody’s Gas Green Garden Restaurant Heather’s Haven Super A Porter Creek Trails North
38 Famous Video Super A Riverdale Tempo Gas Bar
Canadian Tire Cashplan The Deli Edgewater Hotel Extra Foods Fourth Avenue Petro Gold Rush Inn Home Hardware Klondike Inn Mac’s Fireweed Books Ricky’s Restaurant Riverside Grocery Riverview Hotel Shoppers on Main Shoppers Qwanlin Mall Superstore Superstore Gas Bar Tags Well-Read Books Westmark Whitehorse Yukon Inn Yukon News Yukon Tire
Kopper King Hi-Country RV Park McCrae Petro Takhini Gas Yukon College Bookstore
Construction d’une école secondaire francophone
La Commission scolaire francophone du Yukon souhaite consulter la communauté avant de procéder à la première levée de terre. Votre opinion compte et c’est votre dernière chance de la partager! Un petit déjeuner sera offert. Le 14 juin, de 9 h à 12 h, à l’École Émilie-Tremblay. CSFY 667-8680 – info@csfy.ca
La Caravane boréale des dix mots
Projet artistique et linguistique tournant autour de dix mots de la langue française et présenté par l’artiste Marie-Hélène Comeau. Lors du vernissage qui aura lieu le 12 juin, de 17 h à 19 h, vous pourrez découvrir des œuvres créées par des membres de la communauté, assister à la première du film La Caravane boréale des dix mots et même réaliser vos propres œuvres! L’exposition se tiendra du 12 juin au 7 octobre, au Centre de la francophonie. Geneviève Gagnon 669-2663, poste 850 – ggagnon@afy.yk.ca
Bénévoles recherchés
Joignez-vous à notre équipe et aidez-nous à promouvoir la sexualité saine et consensuelle dans les festivals et événements d’été! Recevez un laissez-passer pour les festivals de musique Sunstroke, Atlin et Dawson en échange de bénévolat. Natasha Harvey 668-2663, poste 840 projets@lesessentielles.ca
Solstice Saint-Jean
L’Association franco-yukonnaise vous invite à l’événement culturel de l’été! Ne manquez pas cette occasion unique de voir des artistes francophones en concert. Le 24 juin, dès 16 h, au parc Shipyards, à Whitehorse, et dès 22 h, au bar le Pit, à Dawson. Virginie Hamel 668-2663, poste 221 – vhamel@afy.yk.ca
Dernier café-rencontre de la saison
Les membres du réseau Franco50 vous invitent à souligner la Journée internationale de sensibilisation pour contrer les abus envers les personnes aînées lors du dernier café-rencontre de la saison. Jeux, prix et surprises pour ceux et celles qui porteront du mauve en appui à la cause. Invitez vos amis! Le 13 juin, à 17 h, au Centre de la francophonie. Julie Plaisance 668-2663, poste 560 – jplaisance@afy.yk.ca Présentée par l’Association franco-yukonnaise 302, rue Strickland, Whitehorse (Yukon) Y1A 2K1 Tél. : (867) 668-2663 Courriel : afy@afy.yk.ca www.afy.yk.ca
Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Gift of DNA swab kits is relatively unwelcome by Judith Martin
DEAR MISS MANNERS: A family member recently arranged to have two DNA swab kits sent directly to my husband and me from a wellknown scientific organization. The organization apparently is in the process of conducting a worldwide hereditary study. We have no association with this organization and have
never mentioned any interest in this study to the family member. From online research I did, the kits are quite pricey and also help provide revenue to the organization. We have no intention of sending our DNA to this organization. These kits came out of the blue, as we haven’t exchanged gifts with this
Thank You WildWise Yukon would like to thank all the businesses and individuals for their generous donations and support that helped make the
person in over 20 years and really have very little contact — maybe a note or call every few years. How do we respond to the gift? Do we simply send a note saying we received the packages and thank you for thinking of us and then throw them away? I would never re-gift this item, nor donate it to a charity for resale, such as one might do with a sweater or fruit bowl. Do we return the gift to the sender with a thank-you note, but point out that we will not use the kits and perhaps someone else she knows would value them? Do we return them to the scientific organization so the charged
account can be credited? GENTLE READER: Just don’t leave any fingerprints or stray hairs on that kit when you donate it back to the organization. And ask for its discretion in not refunding the giver’s account. Send your family member a note thanking her and leave it at that. Miss Manners has to admit that she would relish knowing what this person hoped to find out, but respectfully defers to your lack of interest. (Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website, www. missmanners.com; to her email, dearmissmanners@gmail.com; or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.)
Wildlife Apprecia tion Event
Attention Post-Secondary
on Sa turday, May 31s t a huge success!
Art Competition Sponsors & Volunteers Scot t Price Jen Jones
White Pass Railway Shanti Yoga (Sabu Chaitanya) Amy Ryder (Arbonne Independent Consultant) Coast Mountain Sports Erik’s Audiotronic Brenda Lee Katerenchuk (4onSix.com) The Cabin & Kluane Ecotours Mac’s Fireweed Books Aroma Borealis Riverside Groceries Kanoe People Up North Adventures Wolf Adventure Tours Staples Staying Safe in Bear Country Society Alpine Bakery
Paul Davis Yukon Electrical & the ATCO Eagle Cam Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre Yukon Wildlife Preserve
Baked Cafe & Bakery for hanging Phil’s incredible photograph during our online auction
Artists who entered artwork for the Living with Yukon Wildlife art contest.
Deadline to apply for funding to attend Fall Semester: June 16, 2014 (early bird) July 15, 2014 (final deadline) Applications received after July 15th will be deferred to the October 31stdeadline. Contact the Employment & Training Office for your funding application.
Applications can be sent to Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in C/O The Education Committee Box 599, Dawson City, YT Y0B 1G0 Phone: (867) 993-7111 Fax: (867) 993-6553 Email: melissa.atkinson@trondek.ca
author MEET THE
Friday, June 13 from 11 - 1 pm & 4-6 pm
Art Competition Judges Remy Rodden Minister Currie Dixon Sandi Coleman
Our new members and those who came out and supported us at the event!
This event was made possible than ks to the suppor t of:
Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Students
Phil Timpany
Dawn Kostelnik The White Girl and Adventures of Audrey Eleanor
Finally, to the wildlife w ho inspire us and put up with us humans
Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Yukoners compete in first bodybuilding competition
Sam Riches News Reporter
leven Yukoners climbed into a bus and made the 18-hour drive to Fort St. John, B.C. this past weekend to flex their muscles. The crew of amateur bodybuilders, a group of nine women and two men, were led by trainers Tanja McPherson and Lee Anne Henderson. The Whitehorse contingent traveled to Fort St. John to compete in the Northern Classic Bodybuilding Competition, hosted by the BC Amateur Bodybuilding Association. It was the first competition for the team. Of the 11 athletes, five took home prizes. The importance of the competition extends far beyond trophies however, said McPherson. “This was a life-changing event for a lot of them. A lot of personal struggles they had throughout their life went away this weekend. It’s been an emotional journey.” McPherson spoke of those who struggle with body image and fitting into a body type and the stigma around bodybuilding, that if you pick up a weight you’ll suddenly turn into a lump of muscle. One competitor had never donned a bathing suit before the weekend’s competition because of issues with body image. “The transformation they’ve taken so far from where they started to where they are today, I can’t even explain it,” McPherson said. “A lot of tears were shed at the competition.” The team began training at Better Bodies eight months ago, taking people with no previous experience in weightlifting and
David Aboody/Twixpix.com
Tanja McPherson of Whitehorse at the 13th Annual Northern Classic bodybuilding competition in Fort St. John.
bodybuilding and fine tuning their bodies. McPherson and Henderson, each personal trainers, laid out the programs, the routines and
the diets, while also juggling their other clients and working towards their own goals. It paid off. McPherson placed first
overall in both the master’s and open categories. She was quick to deflect attention back onto the team though, when asked about her success.
“It was just a really gratifying feeling to go down there and see your competitors place and know that it made a difference in their life,” she said. McPherson watched over the team carefully during the training, making sure workouts and diets were being followed, exchanging text messages late in the night, sending encouragement and helping the team avoid pitfalls and overcome food cravings. In Fort St. John the togetherness of the group was noted by other competitors. “The whole team is being talked about,” said McPherson, “because of their attitude and their positivity and their approach to the competition. Lee Anne and I are proud mommas.” The team, which started with just one member eight months ago has now grown to 17. McPherson and Henderson use a simplified program, with much of the focus being on clean eating and staying active. McPherson also said one of the best suggestions they offer for those interested in getting into the gym is to find a training partner. “It’ll give you extra motivation and support,” she said. “Often it’s taking that first step, just getting into the gym, that’s the hardest part. Once you’re there it gets easier.” In July, Henderson will be taking the national stage at the Canadian Bodybuilding Championships and McPherson plans on returning to the Fort St. John event next year and for the foreseeable future. “As long as people want to give it a shot, we’re going to be around for a long time,” she said. Contact Sam Riches at sam@yukon-news.com
Yukon News
Polarettes wrap up season with Yukon Championships
House Hunters
issues Advertise your Home in(3 3consecutive weeks)
for only $60+GST PHONE: 867-667-6283
Sam Riches
athlete of the year. News Reporter “All the girls did really well,” said O’Donovan. ukon gymnasts were on “I’m pretty happy we came the floor against a club out with the top title in five from Juneau over the of the six categories. You can’t weekend in the annual Yukon ask for much more than that.” Championships. The club will now be takThe Polarettes Gymnastics ing a break from competition Club put a wrap on their com- but will be training hard in petitive season with the event. preparation for the upcoming The visiting Alaskan squad 2015 Canada Games in Prince brought about 20 athletes to George, B.C. Whitehorse, with another 20 “We’re moving athletes competing for the Polarettes. up to get ready for that,” said Anisa Albisser led the O’Donovan. “We’ve got lots of Whitehorse contingent with work to do to get ready for a a “phenomenal” performance big upcoming year.” said head coach Catherine In July, members of the O’Donovan. club will have an opportunity Competing in Level 4, the to train with Kyle Shewfelt’s highest level of the compecoach as they prepare for the tition, Albisser placed first Games. overall. It was her first year in Shewfelt won Canada’s the Level 4 category and she first gold in the 2004 Athens was also the youngest athlete Olympics in the men’s floor in that field. exercise competition. It was In total five Yukon athletes the first medal ever by a competed in level 4, which Canadian in an artistic bodes well for the future of gymnastics event. the program. Contact Sam Riches at The day saw athletes comsam@yukon-news.com pete across six categories, split into a morning and afternoon Morning session results session. Yukon took gold in five of the six events. P1 - Group A: “It’s a really friendly competition and a great oppor1. Maude Molgat - YT tunity for some of my higher 2. Ava Blue Jampolsky - YT level athletes to showcase 3. Megan Miller - JNU some of their harder skills that 4. Ella Paldy - YT they may not want to risk out5. Riley Boland - YT side at a bigger competition,” said O’Donovan. P1 - Group B: “It’s a great example of the work they’ve put in all year 1. Aryanna Lavanderos - YT and an opportunity for their 2. Ruchi Haight - JNU friends and family to watch.” 3. Cady Naegle - JNU The event was followed by 4. Hailey Sherman - YT a year-end awards ceremony, 5. Kelsey Barker - JNU where Albisser was crowned
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
P2 - Group A: 1. Bianca Berko-Malvasio - YT 2. Molly Brocious - JNU 3. Alexis Benson - YT 4. Keelyn McDonald - JNU 5. Sasha Kozmen - YT
Afternoon session results P2 - Group B: 1. Sage Walker - JNU 2. Robyn Poulter - YT 3. Karmen Funderburk - JNU 4. Matisse Robertson - YT 5. Audrey Welling - JNU
P3 1. Emily King - YT 2. Sydney Strong - JNU 3. Megan Lujan - JNU 4. Anna Whisenant - JNU 5. Renee Urriuta-Winn - JNU
P4 1. Anisa Albisser - YT 2. Caitlyn Venasse - YT 3. Reena Coyne - YT 4. Megan Banks - YT 5. Fayne O’Donovan - YT
PROCLAMATION AIR CADET LEAGUE OF CANADA NATIONAL AGM June 12 – 14, 2014 WHEREAS the Air Cadet League of Canada provides leadership support and air training opportunities for Air Cadets, aged 12 to 19 years of age; and WHEREAS representatives of the thousands of volunteers across Canada need to meet annually to administer and plan their continued support of the organization’s good works and to determine a winner of the annual Effective Speaking Contest; and WHEREAS the Pan-Territorial Air Cadet Committee, serving 110 youth in Nunavut, Northwest Territories and Yukon, has been chosen to host its National Annual General Meeting in Whitehorse, the first time North of 60; NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Dan Curtis, do hereby proclaim that the delegates and guests of the Air Cadet League of Canada are welcome and appreciated in the City of Whitehorse.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Yukon News
by Leigh Rubin
Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
By The Mepham Group
Sudoku Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk.
To solve Kakuro, you must enter a number between 1 and 9 in the empty squares. The clues are the numbers in the white circles that give the sum of the solution numbers: above the line are across clues and below the line are down clues and below the line are down clues. Thus, a clue of 3 will produce a solution of 2 and 1 and a 5 will produce 4 and 1, or 2 and 3, but of course, which squares they go in will depend on the solution of a clue in the other direction. No difit can be repeated in a solution, so a 4 can only produce 1 and 3, never 2 and 2. © 2013 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All rights reserved.
WORD SCRAMBLE Rearrange the letters to spell a word Hint: a kiss; to kiss.
Puzzle A
Rearrange the letters to spell a word Hint: to treat with excessive indulgence; to pamper.
CLUES ACROSS 1. Short for leopards 6. Heroic tales 11. About chronology 14. Crafty 15. No. Algerian city & province 16. A tube in which a body fluid circulates 18. Deprive of by deceit 21. A light informal meal 23. The flower of a plant 25. Cigar
26. Foots 28. A way of joining fabric 29. Portraying 31. An employed position 34. Male parent 35. Droop 36. Disunites 39. Adheres to strict religious principles 40. Heavy cavalry sword 44. Not closed
45. Fathers 47. Stable populations (Ecology) 48. Hollow-horned ruminants 50. ___ Lanka 51. The way something is arranged 56. ___ Lilly, drug company 57. Checking account reconciler 62. Make an emergency landing on water 63. Good Gosh!
20. Male turkey 21. Quantitative facts 22. A genus of bee 24. Million barrels per day (abbr.) 25. Small time unit 27. A closed automobile 28. Flanks 30. Hit lightly 31. Long and mournful complaint 32. A way to state clearly 33. “Psycho” motel 36. Of surpassing excellence 37. Radioactivity unit 38. Not happy 39. Pea containers
41. Gateway (Arabic) 42. Tokyo 43. Corvus coraxes 46. Watery sediment 49. Drill instructor 51. 68776 NE (abbr.) 52. Ethiopia 53. Teaching assistant 54. SW Indian tribe 55. Replaces a missing leg 58. Atomic #28 59. Knight (chess) 60. Partner to Pa 61. -__, denotes past
CLUES DOWN 1. Leachman TV show “______s” 2. One of the six noble gases 3. Egyptian pharaoh 4. Dunn & Bradstreet (abbr.) 5. The sun (Spanish) 6. Surface layer of lawn 7. Honorable title (Turkish) 8. An enlisted person 9. Atomic #89 10. Attacking violently 11. A heavy stick or bat 12. Fifty-one 13. Shoe cording 14. Master of Science 17. Supports the rudderpost 19. PO moving form (abbr.)
Puzzle B
WORD SCRAMBLE Rearrange the letters to spell a word Hint: to move in waves.
Puzzle C
Yukon News
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
WINNERS... Up to five years
Tamlyn Giesbrecht Six to eight years
WINNERS… Up to five years
Faren Kienzler Six to eight years
Hannah Phillips Nine to twelve years
Madelyn Wheeler Congratulations to our winners and runners-up and good luck to those of you entering next week’s competition.
Name: _____________________________ Address: ____________________________ __________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Age Up to five Six to eight Nine to years years twelve years Group:
Cameron Hodge Nine to twelve years
Entries for both contests should be dropped off or mailed to:
211 Wood Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2E4.
Open to kids up to age 12. Entries for this week’s contests must be received by 12 pm next Monday in order to appear in next week’s paper. If your entry arrives late (which may happen with out-of-town entries), it will be judged along with the contestants from the following week. Please limit entries to ONE PER CHILD PER WEEK. The contests are divided into three age groups: Up to five years, Six to eight years, Nine to twelve years. Drawings for the drawing contest must be on a separate piece of paper and reproducible on a photocopier to win. (Black and white drawings on white paper are easier to reproduce.) Winners will receive their prizes by mail so be sure to include your complete address! Please note that only winning entries will be returned. WINNERS RECEIvE GIft CERtIfICatES fOR “AngelinA’s Toy BouTique”.
Yukon’s Unique Children’s Boutique!
Front & Main Street 867.393.4488 | yukonkids.com
No Entries
RainBoots Full range of sizes and colours in stock Additional information can be found on our facebook page.
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DEADLINES 3 PM " 9 for Wednesday 3 PM 7 - 9 for Friday
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30 Words
ĂœĂœĂœÂ°ĂžĂ•ÂŽÂœÂ˜Â‡Â˜iĂœĂƒÂ°VÂœÂ“ĂŠUĂŠĂ“ÂŁÂŁĂŠ7œœ`ĂŠ-ĂŒĂ€iiĂŒ]ĂŠ7Â…ÂˆĂŒiÂ…ÂœĂ€Ăƒi]ĂŠ9/ĂŠĂŠ9ÂŁ ĂŠĂ“ {ĂŠUĂŠ*…œ˜i\ĂŠÂnĂˆĂ‡ÂŽĂŠĂˆĂˆĂ‡Â‡ĂˆĂ“nxĂŠUĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠÂnĂˆĂ‡ÂŽĂŠĂˆĂˆn‡ÎÇxx For Rent ATLIN GUEST HOUSE Deluxe Lakeview Suites Sauna, Hot Tub, BBQ, Internet, Satellite TV Kayak Rentals In House Art Gallery 1-800-651-8882 Email: atlinart@yahoo.ca www.atlinguesthouse.com WEEKEND GET AWAY Rustic Cabin-45 minutes from town Hiking Trails in the summer Skiing in the winter Includes sauna. Reasonable rates. Rent out by the week or for a weekend. 867-821-4443 HOBAH APARTMENTS: Clean, spacious, walking distance downtown, security entrance, laundry room, plug-ins, rent includes heat & hot water, no pets. References required. 668-2005 ARE YOU New to Whitehorse? Pick up a free Welcome to Whitehorse package at The Smith House, 3128-3rd Ave. Information on transit, recreation programs, waste collection & diversion. 668-8629 SKYLINE APTS: 2-bdrm apartments, Riverdale. Parking & laundry facilities. 667-6958 2-BDRM DUPLEX, Hillcrest, washer/dryer, oil heat, available immed, N/P, $1,000/mon. 667-6113
OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE, downtown Ogilvie St, 1,350 sqft, reasonable rent, 667-7144 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 2nd storey of building in Marwell. 340-sqft & 190-sqft spaces. Quiet, reasonable rent. 334-7000 or 667-2917 3-BDRM 2-BATH duplex, Copper Ridge, 1-car garage, 5 appliances, lots of storage, avail June 1, refs & dd reqĘźd, $1,700/mon + utils. 334-1907 2-BDRM 2-BATH new townhouse, Hillcrest, N/P, N/S, no parties, min 1-yr lease, refs reqĘźd, $1,500/mon. 335-9977 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Various sizes available, 400-750 sq ft Central location Second Avenue or 4th Avenue One year lease - deposit required Call 633-4136 3-BDRM 2-BATH condo, Takhini, avail immed, N/P, N/S, DD&refs reqĘźd, $1,700/mon + utils, 335-5248 SMALL 1-BDRM furnished cottage for short-term rental (week, weekend) for Yukoner in Haines Alaska, room for RV parking for multi-family stay, great yard for kids, cozyhomeforu@gmail.com SMALLER CABIN/HOME @ Carcross cutoff, elec/plumbing/monitor heater, bdrm, living room, full bathroom, & kitchen area w/stove/fridge, 15 min from downtown, N/S. 667-6970 4-BDRM 3-BATH townhouse, Ingram, new, fenced yard, N/S, N/P, dd&refs reqĘźd, avail June 16, $2,000/mon + utils. 335-5248 ROOM IN Ingram, N/S, N/P, heat, electricity, interntet included, 668-2848 after 4:30 pm or lv msg LOOKING FOR roommates, beautiful 3-bdrm 1.5-bath townhouse, Riverdale, great landscaped backyard, N/S inside, laundry room, parking, avail July 1, $650/mon. 335-5037
Beautifully ďŹ nished ofďŹ ce space is available in the Taku Building at 309 Main Street. This historic building is the ďŹ rst L.E.E.D. certiďŹ ed green building in Yukon. It features state of the art heat and ventilation, LAN rooms, elevator, bike storage, shower, accessibility and more.
Call 867-333-0144 Available Now Newly renovated OFFICE SPACE & RETAIL SPACE Close to Library & City Hall A short walk to Main Street Phone 633-6396 1-BDRM SPACIOUS Suite, Hidden Valley, 2.5 acres & trails, includes all utils (sat, int, h eat) except small power bill, $1,300/mon + dd, avail June 1, pets negotiable. 335-6335 1-BDRM APT downtown, avail June 1, N/S, no dogs, no partying, active seniors in the building, $850/mon + dd, incl utils. 633-3940 2-BDRM LEGAL bsmt suite in CR, sep ent & driveway, w/d, fridge/stove, free satellite, avail immed, refs & dd reqĘźd, $1,150/mon + utils. 668-6446 or 336-1406 2-BDRM LOWER level of Crestview home, N/P, N/S, on-site laundry, lots of parking, refs reqĘźd, avail July 1, $1,200/mon + utils. 667-4858
2-BDRM 2-BATH condo on greenbelt, avail July 1, granite counters, 6 appliances, 5 min to downtown, N/S, N/P, refs reqĘźd, $1450/mon + utilities & security dep, 334-4484 or 335-4484 1-BDRM APT downtown, $1,100/mon single person, $1,200/mon 2 persons, power incl, first & last monthĘźs rent reqĘźd, 335-9008
3-BDRM GARDEN suite, available July 1, country residential, large fenced yard for dogs, primary heat wood/propane backup, greenhouse, wood shed, on water delivery, $1,600/mon. 633-5499 2-BDRM LOWER level suite, Copper Ridge, avail July 1, on-site laundry, N/P, N/S, refs reqĘźd, $1,200/mon + utils. 667-4858 2-BDRM DUPLEX, Copper Ridge, on green belt lot, 1-yr lease, dd&refs reqĘźd, responsible tenants, N/S, N/P, no parties, $1,400/mon + utils. 333-9993 3-BDRM, 2-BATH condo, Porter Creek, new, N/P, N/S, dd&refs reqĘźd, avail July 16, $1,700/mon + utils. 335-5248 2.5 BDRM upper level of house, Riverdale, fireplace, car port, covered sundeck, avail immed, heat incl, $1,500/mon. 334-6214 3-BDRM 1.5 bath townhouse-style condo, Takhini, parking, fridge, stove, d/w, microwave, freezer, w/d, N/S, pets negotiable, $1,600/mon + utils. 668-5713 FURNISHED BACHELOR bsmt suite, PC, full kitchen, private ent, responsible tenant, N/S, N/P $875/mon + $500 dd, refs reqĘźd, 633-5625 1-BDRM, 1-BATH 800 sq ft in-law suite in Copper Ridge, $900/mon + utils. Tracey 334-9777 or Trevor 336-4301 1-BDRM W/VIEW in Takhini mobile. Responsible tenant, N/P, furnished optional, $1,200/mon + utils. 336-1577 3-BDRM, 2-BATH 1400 sq ft Copper Ridge house, $1,700/mon + utils. Tracey 334-9777 or Trevor 336-4301 SPACIOUS ROOM w/heat, lights and water. Sat tv inclĘźd for $300/mon. Text 456-5252 or email: supermanjules1973@hotmail.com 3-BDRM DUPLEX in Copper Ridge avail July 15. Security deposit, refs & yearly lease reqĘźd. A small pet may be considered, $1,800/mon. 780-591-5340
PLACER GOLD Property Atlin Proven gold properties on major creeks, virgin ground. 250-319-5848 2-BDRM HOUSE, Atlin BC, on 2 lots 50x100, below appraised value, $109 000. 250-651-7743 or leigh@atlin.net 4-BDRM 1-BATH log home on .7 acre lot, Crag Lake, wood and oil heat, large insulated garage/workshop, see Property Guys #143637. 821-6011 3.9 ACRES, Haines Junction, Lot 1026 Nygren subdivision, partially cleared and firesmarted, driveway and house pad installed, semi-refurbished mobile home, no services, $80,000 obo. 867-334-6065 3-BDRM 2-BATH house on large corner treed lot, full basement suite, across from greenbelt near schools and bus stop, view at 49 Redwood Street. 633-6553 CONDO SUITE NANAIMO, B.C. Quality construction+materials, partially furnished, w/kitchen appliances, well organized 300 sq ft. Quiet residential area near transit, shopping, & park. Low condo fees+utilities. Asking $85,000. Call: 867-660-4516. MT. SIMA acreage with 936 sq ft 2-bdrm, 1-bath rancher, built in 2012, located at 6 Talus Drive, $376,900. 336-1549 2HA WITH small 1-bdrm cabin in Hamlet of Mt Lorne, fully serviced with power, telephone, high speed internet, $253,000. 668-2769
House Hunters
ROOM IN Riverdale, utils incl, shared kitchen, bathroom, laundry & LR, N/P, $650/mon. Call Rick 332-6030
3-BDRM BASEMENT suite, downtown, avail June 20, N/P, $950/mon. 667-4485
Great investment opportunity. 2.5 acres of service industrial property. Two new buildings from past 6 years totalling over 9500 square feet. Multiple divided shop bays with ofďŹ ces, large overhead doors. Also includes a 1 bdrm caretaker’s suite & 2 wells. 1500 sq.ft. steel cold storage shelter. 1 long term tenant, 1 monthly tenant currently in space. With potential monthly income of over $10,000, tenants pay the mortgage!
Wanted to Rent
Help Wanted
OFFICE SPACE 936 sqft, 3 attractive offices plus large reception Minutes from Law Centre & City Hall $24 per sq ft includes Janitorial, heat, a/c & electricity 335-3123 or 667-2063
HOUSESITTER AVAILABLE Mature, responsible person Call Suat at 668-6871 HOUSESITTER AVAILABLE year-round, professional, non-smoking, non-partying, mature female, offering unequaled care for pets, plants, yards, and house. References. Call Tracy 334-2882
ROSIEĘźS DAYHOME has opened for children 18 months and older 15 years experience, downtown location Low rates 633-4318
2-BDRM 2-BATH energy efficient condo, Ingram, avail July 1, $1,500/mon. 333-0383
Real Estate
LAKE LABERGE house 30 minutes from downtown open concept 1-bdrm, washer/dryer, possible furnishings and rustic guest cabin, N/S, refs reqĘźd, $1,600/mon + utils, 334-9238
LAKEFRONT ACREAGE; approx 9.7 acres & 1000 ft waterfront on beautiful Crag Lake. Treed & sloped with several good building sites. $230,000. 821-6011
2-BDRM BSMT suite, Copper Ridge, avail immed, $1,450/mon incl utils. 668-6446 or 336-1406
LARGE 3-BDRM trailer, Takhini, attached workshop, large Arctic entrance, completely renovated inside, new appliances, must see. 335-0218 for info
1-BDRM SUITE in Copper Ridge, available July 1st, incl w/d, dishwasher, fridge, stove, microwave, N/S, N/P, $1,200/mon. 393-4730 3-BDRM SUITE, Crestview, avail July 1, newly renovated, incl heat, elec, satellite TV, wireless internet, private ent, laundry, dishwasher, $1,700/mon. 336-0306 2-BDRM CONDO, downtown, ground floor, access to community garden, avail July 1 or sooner, N/S, N/P, $1,300/mon + utils + dd. 393-3924
3-BDRM DUPLEX, Copper Ridge, avail. July 15, dd, refs & yearly lease required, small pet considered, $1,800/mon. 780-591-5340
PCL ENERGY - Now Hiring Journeyperson Pipefitters ($40+/hr) and Scaffolders ($38+/hr) For an industrial project in Vanscoy, SK. LOA of $145/day worked and bonuses! We offer competitive wages and benefits. Send resume to: pclenergyjobs@pcl.com.
The Town & Mountain Hotel 401 MAIN STREET Whitehorse, Yukon info@townmountain.com
THERE IS STILL A HUGE DEMAND FOR CANSCRIBE Medical Transcription graduates. Medical Transcription is a great work-from-home career! Contact us today at www.canscribe.com 1.800.466.1535 info@canscribe.com. PART-TIME DENTAL HYGENIST required at Whitehorse Dental Clinic Please send resume to 406 Lambert Street Fax: 867-667-4488
2-BDRM, 2-STOREY cabin, Marsh Lake, power, water, satellite TV, telephone, furnished or not, wood/propane heat, avail July 1, $900/mon + utils. 660-4806
3-BDRM, 2-BATH, 1,800 sqft downtown condo, N/P, N/S, $2,000/mon & utils & 1 mon deposit, 334-3575
Gold Village Chinese Restaurant Looking for experienced full-time kitchen helper and server Apply with resume to 401 Craig Street, Dawson City, YT Y0B 1G0 Fax resume to: 867-993-2336
CHEEKY MONKEYĘźS DAYCARE is hiring a Toddler Teacher & a Supported Childcare Worker. Looking for mature, responsible, fun-loving individuals to join our dynamic team. Competitive wages & benefits. Drop off resumes to: 95 Lewes Blvd cheekymonkeysdaycare@gmail.com 334-4665
CALL FOR expressions of interest. The Mae Bachur Animal Shelter is currently seeking interested candidates to fill the upcoming vacancy Shelter Administrator If interested, please apply to lpandbp@gmail.com MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT to start training for your work-at-home career today! HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC to work in private shop on farm. We have several semi trucks hauling farm products as well as farm tractors. Job would include maintenance on all equipment, as well as repairs as necessary, clutch, wheel seals, some welding, etc. This is a full time year round position. 250 838-6630. leolorie@uniserve.com.
Miscellaneous for Sale BETTER BID NORTH AUCTIONS Foreclosure, bankruptcy De-junking, down-sizing Estate sales. Specializing in estate clean-up & buy-outs. The best way to deal with your concerns. Free, no obligation consultation. 333-0717 WORKROOM FULL of miscellaneous hand and power tools both woodwork and mechanical tools, view at 49 Redwood Street. 633-6553
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 2014 We will pay CASH for anything of value Tools, electronics, gold & jewelry, cameras, furniture, antiques, artwork, chainsaws, camping & outdoor gear, hunting & fishing supplies, vehicles & ATVs. G&R Pawnbrokers 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY • SELL • LOANS 3 TON chain hoist, never used, view at 49 Redwood Street. 633-6553
:) = full woodshed. Super-dry straight-grained lodgepole pine, $200/cord delivered in Whitehorse. Text or call Doug Martens/Teslin @ 334-7364
Delivery Drivers
Part-time, Flexible hours after 4:00PM
GLASS ENTRANCE door, metal frame, used, steel tracks for 5th wheel hitch, basic cash register. 667-7144
Excellent wages. Must have own vehicle.
CHEST WADERS, 5mm neoprene, Browning size LT menʼs, like new, $75 firm. 821-6011
2220 2nd Ave
Apply in person Karen to Tony
METAL SHELVING unit, 8 bolted adjustable shelves, 61.25”Hx30.25”Wx11.5”D, $25. 821-6011
CANDY FLOSS machine, commercial, new, c/w Ringmaster Cart & accessories to have you up and running, $2,650 obo. Katherine 393-2611 SONY DCR-SR45 Handy Cam, 30 GB, 40X Zoom, low pro case, $200 obo. 668-5748 OFF-GRID 3-DEEP cycle Eliminator batteries, new, $350 ea, Nautilus marine multi-charger, 2000W inverter and al cables, all for $900. 336-0686 3 NEW boxes of Shingle Vent II, good for new roofing, paid $420 new, asking $200. 333-0717 WOOD MISER LT 40 bandsaw mill, 30 blades, blade sharpener, all accessories, $9,000. 633-6603 INSULATED CHIMNEY pipes, 2”, good cond, 3-pc, 7.5ʼ, $100. 633-2837 130 GAL Tidy Tank, 12 volt pump, 399-3201 MOVING OUT, round dining table w/6 chairs, $119, new 5 cu ft compact chest freezer, $130, cocktail table & end table, $99. 667-2676 STEEL WHEELBARROW, mid 40ʼs era, ideal flower planter, $100. 633-2837 3M PORTABLE overhead projector, 2 bulbs, fold down arm, $48. 668-3381 TANNING BED, clean, gently used, $1,000 obo. 335-7052 WHIRLPOOL GOLD Dehumidifier w/options for heating & fan, c/w use & care guide, barely used, we no longer require it, $200 obo. 456-4870 WINDOW GLASS, 2 large panes, 44 1/2" x 6'6', intact, but no frames, $25 ea. 668-7845 FILING CABINET, legal size, 4-drawer, less than 1/2 price, $90 obo. 393-2055 2 7ʼ weeping fig trees with nice large decorative pots, healthy, $250 for both. 633-4135 1 1/2” Homelite water pump and 2 1/2” Briggs and Stratton water pump, view at 49 Rewood Street. 633-6553 4600W YAMAHA Generator EF4600DX, 120 & 240 volt, 30 amp 120 volt and 20 amp 240 volt, Eco (auto) idle, low oil alert, 21L tank, good cond, $1,200 obo. 332-2113 ANTIQUE B O A T anchor, approx 38”Hx24”W, for decoration or use, $240. 633-4135 DEARBORNE TWO bottom plow for three point hitch, $500 obo. 633-6502 “C” Clamp Roof & Floor Truss Plant (presses roof trusses up to 55 feet) Complete with: •2 Dewalt 14” radial arm saws •Connector plates •Engineered roof designs Asking $5,000 or best offer Phone: 334-1483 or 633-3057 OCCIDENTAL LEATHER beltless carpenters apron, hardly used, $200. 335-9510
ABS PIPE, 8 pieces 10ʼ length, 3”, threaded at both ends, $80. 821-6011 SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.
Experienced Child-Care Worker for a Unique Daycare s s
Work with infants/toddlers and provide life skills to teen parents. A minimum of a level-2 Early Childhood Education Certificate, plus work experience. s The daycare operates from August 25 until June. s Wage Scale from $20.75-$23.50/hr “depending on educational qualification” Please email resume to: kathy.heinbigner@gov.yk.ca Fax: (867) 667-3423 Closing Date: June 19, 2014 (All resumes must be in hand by June 19th.)
Opportunity in a time of change Let the magic of the midnight sun and the northern lights entice you towards an exciting professional opportunity. The Yukon Registered Nurses Association (YRNA)–the regulatory body and professional voice for Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners in the Yukon–is seeking a dynamic individual to serve as our new Executive Director, working in one of Canada’s last frontiers. The Yukon’s updated Registered Nurses Profession Act was enacted in 2012 and the Standards for Practice in 2013. A new territorial Clinical Services Plan was just released in 2014. These legislative enhancements provide the opportunity for a courageous leader to guide the development of a renewed vision for the role of nursing at a time of transformation in the delivery of healthcare, using a collaborative approach. Significant and relevant experience and education in governance and management will be key assets in supporting this policy-driven, Board-led operation. The YRNA enjoys an ongoing, mutually beneficial relationship with the Canadian Nurses Association where the Executive Director serves in an advisory role. The Executive Director also serves on the Board of the Canadian Council of Registered Nurse Regulators. The ability to partner with stakeholders on health policy is integral to this role, as is an understanding of legislative and regulatory issues. The successful candidate will be expected to possess the capability for highlevel thinking, attention to detail and the ability to motivate others to strive towards nursing excellence. Applicants need to excel at creating strong inter-personal and interprofessional relationships, to be competent leading independent projects, to actively serve on committees and to utilize a team approach. Résumés with cover letters, addressed to the President of YRNA, must be received by June 20, 2014. Please submit by mail, email, or fax.
Are you looking for volunteer opportunities? Please check www.volunteeryukon.ca to find more volunteer opportunities.
PA Announcer – 2014 Junior Men’s World Softball Championship Announcements over the PA system during games at the Pepsi Softball Centre in Whitehorse, in both English and French – script will be provided Must be bilingual; some knowledge of the game of softball would be considered an asset, but not a requirement Arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the game; announce starting lineups before the game; thank sponsors, announce batters and update scores after each inning. Script, including all player names for teams, to be provided. The championship runs July 11 to 20 in Whitehorse, with games scheduled both morning and evening. Volunteers must be available for a minimum of one game/shift during the tournament, which is approximately 2 hours. Volunteers who complete three shifts/games will receive a free tournament pass, good for all games at the world championship including medal rounds; every volunteer receives free admission to that day’s games, as well as a volunteer vest and the opportunity to learn new skills while meeting new people! Volunteers report directly to Volunteer Coordinators, Jennifer Johnstone and Cody Hougen. *For more information on the event, including a full game schedule, please visit the official website, available in both English and French (http://www.worldfastpitch2014. com- July 11 to 20) Contact: Jennifer or Cody, jennifer@outsidethecube.ca or cody@outsidethecube.ca or 867-456-7483
TELIYA International Society Up-Coming Event: A Night of Africa TELIYA International Society is looking for the following volunteers: t t t t t t
General helpers Front desk Safety and Security persons Technician Booth Services Selling tickets before the event
HOT TOWEL warmer, warm up towels for facials/massages, new, moving away sale, $150. 633-6245 for info
A Night of Africa: Friday, June 13th 2014 at Jarvis Street Saloon (202) from 7 pm to 1 am.
MOVING BOXES & clean lightly used wrapping paper, the lot, $60 obo. must dispose of immediately, 633-6351
You work for a non-profit organization and you would like to add your volunteer opportunities? Please click on http://www.volunteeryukon.ca/.
Contact: Leonard @ 335 8510 or info@theteliya.org
STAINLESS STEEL double bowl sink, new in box, $75. 456-7880 COLUMBIA NORTH Glacier 14' screen tent, good cond, only dusty with pollen, $75. Terry or Michele 633-6081
Yukon Registered Nurses Association 204 - 4133 4th Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 1H8 p: 867.667.4062 f: 867.668.5123 w: yrna.ca e: admin@yrna.ca
JOIN US FOR A TRULY NORTHERN EXPERIENCE The Village of Teslin is the gateway to the Southern Lakes and is strategically located where the Nisutlin River flows into Teslin Lake. It is a scenic community rich with cultural history. Teslin is a unique rural community that serves a population of 450 people of which roughly 2/3 are of Inland Tlingit First Nations ancestry. The area boasts great hunting and fishing and the community has fantastic infrastructure which includes a recreation complex that has an exercise facility, arena and curling rink with artificial ice, public dock and marina, and playgrounds; and an exciting future.
Mayor and Council of the Village of Teslin invite applications for RECREATION PROGRAMMER The Recreation Programmer reports to the Chief Administrative Officer and is responsible for the planning, delivery and administration of recreation programming for the community of Teslin for all age groups, tots to seniors. A key responsibility of the position is to determine the recreation, creative and sporting activities needs of the community. Developing a budget and tracking and monitoring costs are part of the job. The successful candidate will be expected to work irregular hours in order to coordinate activity on weekends, general holidays and in the evenings. He or she will be highly organized, energetic and motivated in the area of recreation. Be a positive role model through a fun approach to active living. The successful candidate will have a degree or diploma in recreation planning and delivery or in a related field and a minimum of one year related experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Experience instructing various programs such as fitness, cultural, sports, and preschool will be an asset. Knowledge of the local and northern cultural and political environment is important to establish context for many activities.
A complete job description is available by calling 867-390-2530 or email f.thomas@teslin.ca Please submit your application by email to the above address or fax 867-390-2104 by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, June 16th, 2014. For more information on the position and our organization, please visit our website at www.teslin.ca
Community Services
Ta’an Kwäch’än Council 117 Industrial Road Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2T8 Telephone: 867.668.3613 Facsimile: 867.667.4295
WOOD STOVE, 2ĘźX2Ęź, c/w 14Ęź pipe insulate, $400. 867-862-7047
STAINLESS STEEL prep table, 3ĘźX5Ęź, $200. 333-0943
IRONING BOARD and cover, exc cond, $10. Terry or Michele 633-6081
DOMETIC FRIDGE/FREEZER, propane, ac/dc, $450. 335-9510
24 - 14"X36" new burlap bags, great for soil samples, open to offers. Proceeds to Mae Bachur Animal Shelter. 667-7288
WILLOW TREE sculpture "Promise", new in box $15 obo. 667-7288
YOGURT MAKER, $30. 633-6803
240ʟ OF 3 1/2�X20ʟ lengths of victaulic pipe with clamps, $600. 332-6565
To access the job description please call Human Resources Department or contact by e-mail rkufeldt@taan.ca This position is open to Ta’an Kwäch’än Citizens only.. Closing date: Monday, June 16, 2014
GE RANGE hood, 32�, stainless steel, superior quality, like new, lights, filters, etc. $200. 668-2771 100ʟ OF 3/4� cable with loops on ends, offers. 332-6565 LARGE 667-7144
O U T D O O R air conditioner,
NIKON F80 plus variety of lenses, 668-4587
Warehouse Manager/ Customer Service Representative (CSR)
Term Full Time for approximately 3 months Äą TKC wage scale Level 4
The Ta’an Kwäch’än Council (TKC) is continuing the Community Stewardship program in 2014, funded through the Yukon River Panel Restoration and Enhancement Fund. This program is intended to facilitate TKC in conducting a variety of the salmon related work. The technician will work closely with the Lead Steward and the Project Supervisor to carry out required activities. The position will involve a variety of training, salmon related research and other ďŹ eldwork. I t will include ďŹ sh sampling, habitat monitoring access maintenance, clearing riparian, waste clean-up, monitoring/ maintenance of restoration works, data entry and reporting.
Steel products manufacturer seeks a Customer Service Representative with ability to drive a fork-lift to oversee receiving of inbound product, warehouse management, & shipping to end customer various strata-control support products to meet production and delivery deadlines for our customer base in the mining and tunneling industries. Warehouse Manager Duties are: daily operations oversight; coordinate & track material flow & warehouse daily receiving, shipping, logistics; maintain/report stock item inventory; operate forklift to load/unload trucks. CSR duties are: Effectively deal with telephone enquiries requesting quotations for products; Liaise between plant & customers to efficiently answer general enquiries; Liaise with Field Rep’s regarding information related to the accounts.
Peacemaker This position is appointed by the Teslin Tlingit Justice Council (s. 8 of the Teslin Tlingit Council Peacemaker Court& Justice Act)
Position requires: secondary school diploma with min 2 yrs warehouse/customer service or related experience; proficient knowledge of French/English; solid math & computer skills; knowledge of Ross ERP software or similar, a plus; valid clean driver’s license. The right individual has personable, outgoing communication skills; is dependable, well organized, and detail-oriented with ability to multi-task and prioritize. This opportunity requires total visual field, verbal interaction, manual dexterity, multiple limb coordination & physical conditioning with ability to sit for extended periods & lift 22.5kg (50 lbs). Salary is commensurate with experience. Excellent benefits include medical, dental, retirement. Send your resume to HR@jennmar.com
'03 .03& */'03."5*0/ 1-&"4& $"-- Georgina Sydney, Justice Implementation Coordinator at 867.390.2532 ext 400 To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to Teslin Tlingit Justice Council c/o: Justice Implementation Coordinator TESLIN TLINGIT COUNCIL Box 133, Teslin, Yukon Y0A 1B0 Email: georgina.sydney@ttc-teslin.com Closing Date: Tuesday, June 17th, 2014 no later than 4:00 PM. 55$ )*3*/( 10-*$: 8*-- #& */ &''&$5
CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Source List for Construction Trades Kwanlin Dßn First Nation (KDFN) is seeking Expressions of Interest from qualiÀed individuals or businesses wishing to be part of a Source List for the following upcoming labour service contract opportunities: • • • • •
Flooring covering installation and repairs RooÀng replacement; inclusive of shingle removal and disposal Chimney replacement, including removal and disposal Door and Window removal and replacement, including disposal Front and back exterior stairs and landing replacement and repair
Submissions must include the following: • Businesses: Description of business including trade designation information, proof of active business license, summary of experience in the above-noted areas plus two relevant and current client references. •
Individuals: Submit a resume and cover letter that includes information on any certiÀcations, training or trade designations and past relevant work experience in one of the above noted areas plus two relevant and current references.
Requirements: • Must have own transportation and vehicle to get to/from job site(s) and own tools and equipment to complete contractual obligations; • Must meet occupational health and safety speciÀcations at all times during contract. Eligibility: Submissions will be accepted from ALL qualiÀed individuals and businesses. Preference will be given to KDFN members and immediate KDFN family members who meet the stated requirements. Questions may be directed to Vincent Smarch, Manager Property Management at 633-7847 or Peter Marangu, Director of Community Services at 633-7800. The deadline to submit proposals is: Tues., June 17th by 4:30p.m. Att’n: Community Services, 65 McIntyre Drive, via fax to 633-7848 or email: community.service@kdfn.net.
MENĘźS HIKING boots, size 10.5 or 11, 667-7144 ODDS AND sods from old mining camp, drip heater, chain, tools, bolts and lots more. Open to offers. 667-7288 CANADIAN TIRE 2-person indoor sauna, $350. 633-3048 ASSORTED WOMEN'S summer blouses and miscellaneous clothing size 18, new/nearly new. $2 obo. 667-7288
DAQ-12 ELECTRIC Long Arm Quilt machine w 12' adjustable steel table, just serviced, good working order, we are downsizing, $3,000 obo. 334-9868 ELECTRIC DRYER, exc working cond, hardly used, $250, 336-2866, lv msg SALTON MICROWAVE oven, stainless steel, 19�X12�, $75 obo. 668-2771 LARGE CAPACITY Whirlpool washer & dryer, great working order, $200. 633-2548
BATH TUB glass, 60�X56�, sliding enclosure doors with frame, $150. 332-6565
UPRIGHT FREEZER, $350, fridge, $300, Tyler or Holly, 336-3830
LARGE COFFEE Cambro (120) cups, $425, 3 stainless coffee pumps - $60 ea, 668-2972
CUSINART PROFESSIONAL popcorn maker 1/3 cup yields 8 cups of popcorn, $75 reg, asking $129.99. 667-4526
ANTIQUE RCA Victor radio, great furniture piece, $1,000. 668-2972 BROTHER WIRELESS printer, fax, scan, photo prints up to 12�X16�, incl paper & ink, $75. 668-4587 VARIABLE S P E E D wood lathe, 60�LX15�WX45.5�H, $500 obo. 456-2633 ANTIQUE O A K umbrella stand, 6ʟHX3ʟWX16�deep, $1,500. 456-2633 RSF 65 wood heating stove with enamel panels on exterior, 334-1715 2 METAL/STEEL posts to hold ceilings, new, $80 ea new, asking $110 for both. 668-2659 2 SETS moose antlers, 47� & 56� wide, $119 and $159, wildlife permit #5362/5349. 668-3381 POLAR HOT/COLD water dispenser, childproof lock for hot water, indicator lights, extra compartment holds cold beverages, 33.8� high, $48. 668-3381
TVs & Stereos Paying cash for good quality modern electronics. G&R Pawnbrokers 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY • SELL • LOANS TECH CRAFT 48" TV stand with mount and black glass shelves, model# TRK50B, exc cond, $80 firm, 667-7288
SCOTTS FERTILIZER spreader $20 obo. 667-4892 SLIDING MIRRORED brass closet doors for an opening 72�WX80�H, best offer, 668-2863 PLYWOOD TRUCK box for full size truck, good cond, $140. 335-9510 BRAVETTI PROFESSIONAL slow cooker w/buffet server, $60. 668-2031 2 TVS, 36� & 20�, computer desk & chair, various size lumber, all free, 336-1406 or 668-6446 LA PAVONI Expresso coffee and cappuccino machine, as new, mod. EP-EPL, can be used with coffee capsules, stainless steel body, $225. 867-863-5404 CHIMNEY CLEANING brushes and extension rods, 6", 7", 8" brushes, 1 of each, all near-new, lv msg at cjconstable@gmail.com ENTERPRISE WOOD cook stove, working order, warming shelf, oven, water reservoir, metal-clad floor pad, metal wall protector, indoor stovepipe, good cond, $1,000 obo. Lv msg at cjconstable@gmail.com ISI CLASSIC Glass Mesh Soda Siphon, new, incl 11 Co2 cartridges, $65, call 867-863-5404
MARLIN 336SS lever action rifle, stainless steel barrel and receiver, checkered wood, exc cond, George 660-5858 eves
Computers & Accessories
WINCHESTER REPLICA Model 70 stock w/sling swivels, Model 710 Cooey (Model 70 replica) barreled action, 30-06 with mounts (no bolt), both for $45. 393-2545
CHIMNEY PIECE, two 3ʟ sections, 6� inside diameter, $50 ea obo. 456-4926 PORTABLE PROPANE BBQ with full 20lb tank, 633-3053
DESK, good shape, $50.
Musical Instruments We will buy your musical instrument or lend you money against it. G&R Pawnbrokers 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY • SELL • LOANS PIANO TUNING & REPAIR by certified piano technician Call Barry Kitchen @ 633-5191 email:bfkitchen@hotmail.com IBANEZ HOLLOW body electric guitar, c/w hard shell travel case, like new, $1,400. 334-3009 GRETCH HOLLOW body electric guitar, c/w Gretch custom hard shell travel case, like new, $1,250. 334-3009 IBANEZ CUTAWAY electric/acoustic guitar, thin body, nylon strings, built-in tuner, c/w hard case, nice cond, $390 obo. 334-1012 SAMICK UPRIGHT piano, Model SU121, Canadian maple, made in Korea, 48�H, 59�W, c/w upholstered bench, 334-1715 PIANO, BELL, made in St. Therese Que, approx 50-yrs old, Spinnet style, small with low back, recently tuned, $1,200. Tim 667-7973 eves FENDER 212 R 10 watt guitar amp, very loud, $275. 333-9084
1 BOX down ceiling suspension system 12Ęź, 1 box 2Ęź, $100 obo. 334-8736
2-BURNER BBQ, full propane tank, $100. 667-7440 or 333-9306
3 X 20v B&D Li driver/drills, 5 x 20v batteries, 3 chargers, 2 carrying cases, almost new, bought for project now completed, lyndsey_larson@yukonbirch.ca
Electrical Appliances INFRARED SAUNA for 2 people, 48"x36", like new, easy to assemble, or I can assemble for you $450, hardly used. 334-4787
6.5 MM Swedish Mauser $500 obo, FAC required. 667-4892
Wanted WANTED TO buy: FIREARMS. All types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. 1.866.960.0045 www.dollars4guns.com.
WANTED: WATER tank to use for garden, small preferred. 633-6313 WANTED, SMALL outboard kicker boat motor. 633-4322 WANTED: OUTBOARD boat motor, long shaft in the 40 to 70 hp range. 633-4322 WANTED: SEEKING outside door and two windows that open. 456-7490 WANTED: HYDROPONIC system in good working condition, 668-5188 WANTED: OLD, white toilet to use as planter. 456-7490 WANTED: UTILITY quad bike for a farm, any condition, will pay cash up to $3,000. 334-8444 WANTED: TWO tickets for Atlin Music Festival. 334-7490
WANTED: GAS lawn mower with bag to cut weeds in my backyard. 668-5644 WANTED: TO buy or use, reasonable paint ball gun. 250-566-1346 WANTED: CORRUGATED steel 30�x8ʟ or small pieces, 456-4926 WANTED: ROOF tin 2ʟ lengths or longer, used or not. 456-4926
WANTED: ROCK saw with sliding tray, water feed and 14� blade. 668-2802
Cars 2012 HONDA Civic EX. Automatic w/sunroof. Low km, city & highway driven. Interior in great shape, c/w winter & summer tires, $20,000. Serious inquiries only please. 334-5713 2010 DODGE Journey, warranty, 53,000km, command start, A/C, PW, PL, tilt steering, 5-passenger, rear spilt seats, cargo area, c/w roof rack, window/front deflector, mates, $15,000 obo. 456-4696
2002 KIA Sedona Minivan grey leather interior, power windows, power driver's seat, sunroof, lots of storage, command start, 159,190km $3,400. 334-6628 2000 FORD Taurus Station wagon, V6 auto, new battery, 30 mpg on highway, runs great, $3,750 obo. 333-0380 1999 CHEV Cavalier, good for parts, $500. 335-1853
2010 VW Golf TDI Comfortline wagon, great cond, sunroof, block heater, leather heated seats, A/C, power/heated mirrors, Satellite radio, remote start, 147,000 km, auto, 6 liter/100km, $17,800 obo. 667-7324
1999 FORD Taurus sedan, V6 auto, new battery, new alternator, summer and winter tires on rims, 30 mpg on highway, runs great, $3,500 obo. 333-0380
2009 NISSAN Maxima Sport, low mileage, exc cond, bose, remote start, heated seats/ steering, motivated for quick sale, 335-9976
1998 CHEV Lumina, 236,000kms, newer alternator & battery, tires for both seasons, $1,400 obo. 456-4533
2009 TOYOTA Corolla ĘťBĘź pkg, $10,500 obo. 336-2205
1996 BUICK Regal 4 dr, nothing fancy but will get you there, $800 obo. 335-1681
2008 CHRYSLER 300 touring model, silver, c/w sunroof & 2 sets of tires, very well maintained, 53,000kms, $10,500. 333-9966
1992 MERCURY Topaz, low kms, starts & runs great, c/w summer/winter wheels & tires, $900 obo. 393-3638
2008 HONDA CRV LX AWD 58,500km, exc cond, auto, ABS, air bags, P/W, P/D, P/M, remote entry, winter tires/rims, winter kit, roof rack, hitch, stereo iPod input, $18,750, 335-4393
1989 TOYOTA Corolla, 4-dr auto, CD player, new battery/alternator/CV joint, runs great, recent inspection, $1,000. 633-2837
2008 MAZDA 5, std trans, really gd tires, clean cond, 80,000 kms. Cool minivan w/sturdy roof rack, $7,500. 667-4463 or 334-9436 2007 CHEVY Cobalt, very good cond, P/W, P/L, new windshield, 149,000 kms, $5,200. 334-4800
2006 FORD Mustang coupe, 6-cyl, 73,000kms, burgundy colour, exc cond, easy on fuel, $7,500 obo. Ken 668-7366
Cheque, Cash
EVF FUELWOOD ENT Year Round Delivery • Dry accurate cords • Clean shavings available • VISA/M.C. accepted Member of Yukon Wood Producers Association Costs will rise. ORDER NOW 456-7432
2010 NISSAN Altima 2.5 SL, 34,000 km, 4-cyl, ocean blue/black leather, command start, fully loaded, winterized, incl winter tires/rims (used once) & balance of warranty, $19,000 obo. 993-6754
WANTED: 40Ęź of eavestrough for greenhouse, 668-3984
WANTED: 1 sheet of concrete board 2Ęź long or longer, 456-4926
S.A. vouchers accepted.
2010 KIA Forte, blue, clean, runs great, 78,000 kms, $9,000 obo. 667-7578
2006 DODGE Caravan, 3.3L, 44 mpg, new battery & trailer hitch, receiver installed for $460, no middle or rear seats, $4,500. 333-9084
WANTED: BOYS bicycle, 16� frame and training wheels, phone/text 867-332-6898
2010 HONDA Fit LX, 52,000kms, 2 sets tires, 3-yr ext warranty, 1 driver, like new, 668-6810
WORKFORCE TRAINING options this May and June in Atlin: Occupational First Aid, Transportation Endorsement, and Traffic Control Person for certification in BC! Email Sarina at sdelange@nlc.bc.ca
Store (867) 633-3276
✔ Beetle-killed spruce from Haines Junction, quality guaranteed ✔ Everything over 8" split ✔ $250 per cord (2 cords or more) ✔ Single and emergency half cord deliveries ✔ You-cut and you-haul available ✔ Scheduled or next day delivery
2002 HONDA Civic sedan, great cond, manual, 227,000kms, summer/winter tires on rims, $3,600. 332-5829
2007 FORD Focus 4-dr sedan, 2 sets of tires, 57,000km, $6,500. 633-3116
WANTED: 2 tickets to Atlin Mustic Festival, left it too long & now sold out, we go every year, please and thanks! 333-0744
Dev (867) 335-5192 Carl (867) 334-3782
2002 C H R Y S L E R Concorde LX, 118,000kms, glass & body spotless, leather, a/c, clean, runs great, $3,600 obo. 335-3868
WANTED: DOG-SITTER in your home for 8 lb dog, no other pets, please, for June, July & Aug, Monday through Thursday overnight. Will pay well. 335-0009 for info
HONDA EU3000 IS generator, quiet, good condition, 334-1876 IDENTICAL 9000W Power Easy generators by BE, 1 is 3 years old & needs new voltage regulator, other almost new w/80 hrs run time, sold together. Lyndsey_larson@yukonbirch.ca
SW MP40 full range kit package, under 400 rounds through it, c/w ammo pouch, speed loader, holster, and 4 mags, $600 obo, must have valid restricted license, 334-1500
CORNER ENTERTAINMENT centre, holds approx 39� TV, nice unit, $100. 667-7440 or 333-9306
12ʟ LONGARM quilt frame, $500, 17� Longarm sewing machine, $1,500, quilts & crafts, 667-7440 or 333-9306
2 P L A S T I C water tanks, new, 3ʟHX2.5ʟWx5.5ʟL, $400 ea, one 300ʟ roll 3� lay flat hose, new, 120ʟ 3� green suction hose & fittings, 334-6101
BRITISH LEE Enfield No. 1 Mk. III, made 1916, full wood, not hacked, $500 firm. 335-2182
REMINGTON 870 Marine Magnum, exc cond, P.A.L. required, $400. 335-0801
COMPUTER 668-2972
LAUNDRY CABINET & tub c/w faucets & fittings, exc cond, $75 obo. 667-4892
Case cutlery, high quality hand-crafted pocket and hunting knives available at G&R Pawnbrokers 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY • SELL • LOANS
CAN ANYONE fix the eject function on my VCR? Happy to pay. 456-7490
METAL 500 gal tank, $60. 633-4018
2003 VW Jetta, blue, 4-dr, auto, pwr everything w/switchblade keyless entry, well maintained, good cond, sun/moon roof, c/w summer/winter tires, 115,000 mi, great on gas, $6,500 obo. 334-4149
Guns & Bows
32� SONY Trinitron, exc cond, works great, c/w wireless headphones, $50. 334-6908
HP PORTABLE hard drive 1TB, new in unopened package, paid $80, asking $50 firm. 667-7288
2003 SUBARU Outback wagon, AWD, 147,700km, perfect running condition, new clutch kit/gasket set, 2 sets of tires on rims, at Wal Mart parking lot, $7,500. 333-9604
DUKEĘźS FIREWOOD Standing Dry Beetle Killed Spruce Wood Prices: 6-cord load - $210/cord $230 for multiples of 2 cords Cut your own - $75/cord 8-cord loads of 20ft dry logs $1,300 per load Cash and Debit Accepted 334-8122
REMINGTON 887 12 gauge 3 1/2", $350, 1943 Mosin Nagant cw bayonet and sling, exc cond, $350, 1954r SKS, exc cond, c/w sling & 1300 rds ammo, $550. 668-2769
VINTAGE HUDSON Bay mink coat, tag attached, waist length, 10-14 size, gorgeous, $400 obo. 668-2972
130 YEAR old cast iron tub, 5Ęź length, inside needs refinishing, legs have be dipped in chrome, $2,000, serious inquiries only. 668-2972
2007 PONTIAC G5, silver, 64,344 kms, 2.2L engine, $4,900. 336-2607
2005 CHEVROLET Impala sedan, V6 auto, air, cruise, tilt, power windows, locks & seat, AM/FM/Cd, $5,000 obo. 660-4220 2005 MONTE Carlo, auto, 3.4L 6-cyl, 77,200kms, power doors/windows, remote start, extra winter tires on rims, mechanically/cosmetically great, $5,999 obo. 667-0407 2005 TOYOTA Camry sedan, 4-cyl auto, air, cruise, tilt, power windows/locks, AM/FM/CD, $5,000 obo. 660-4220 2004 FORD Focus ZX3, 240,000 kms, 2 dr hatchback, auto, red, second owner, well maintained, great car, need more room, $3,450. 667-7535 2006 V O L K S W A G E N Jetta TDI, 180,000kms, good cond, 399-3201 2004 PONTIAC Grand Prix, 4-dr, auto, P/S, P/W, brakes, leather interior, sun roof, heated seats, new tires, $5,800 obo. 334-4210 2004 PONTIAC Vibe (like Toyota Matrix), very good cond, dark blue, FWD hatchback, P/L, P/W, 138,000kms, $6,600. 393-2929 2003 NISSAN Xterra, single owner, winter/summer tires, manual, A/C, 165,000 miles, 2WD, tow pkg, speedometer in miles with kms smaller, $3,800 obo. 668-6666
Cummins Diesel, Auto Tran, Cruise A/C, Mechanic’s Deck, & Electric Crane, 227,000km
1981 FORD Granada, 4-dr, 6-cyl, in running condition, good tires, $200 obo. 668-2006 RED 1992 Honda Civic VX hatchback, 50mpg drives straight 5-spd standard, air, good glass & interior, body fair, 328,000k, solid engine, 2-dr, on winters, $2,000. 334-6087
✔ ! ! ✔ " " $ ✔ $ # ! ✔ ! % ✔ $ ✔ & ✔ ✔ "
Trucks 2007 T O Y O T A Sienna XLE AWD top-of-the-line 7-pass minivan, 93,000 km, exc cond, power everything, sunroof, roof rack, heated front seats, extended warranty to Jan. 2017 or 160,000 km. 634-2828 or 336-1016
2000 FORD F-550 (2 TON) XL SUPER DUTY DUALLY Flat Deck 7.3 LT Diesel 6 speed o/d Manual Tranny Radio/Tape - AC- CRUISE etc. 14 ft. Factory Deck c/w Trailer Hitch. Was $16,000
Reduced to
667-7777 336-2029
Pet of the Week!
1991 FORD F250 Super Cab, rebuilt engine in 2003, not used often, good tires, good cond, needs battery, $1,800. 393-4912
2011 Ford F350 XLT Super Duty FX4 Offroad
I’m Attila. I’m an older guy waiting for the perfect retirement home. I’m still active and love playing outside.
Come on down and say hi soon!
126 Tlingit Street
Pet Report 633-6019
1985 F250, 6-cyl 4-sp, new motor, carb, battery, exhaust, tires & more, $1,500 obo. 334-1564
2010 FORD F150, 4X4, 5.4 Triton V8, good cond, remote start, new rotors and brakes, box liner, hitch, side step rails not mounted, well maintained, $10,000 obo. 334-3398 2009 CHEVROLET Silverado 1500 LT truck, silver exterior, still under warranty, offers. 333-9020
FULL SET of 4 all-season tires from 2010 GMC Sierra, 60% tread left, P265/70 R17, $400. 335-0907
2008 TOYOTA Tundra 4X4 crew cab, 5.7L, V8 6-spd auto w canopy & sliding deck, many more features, 129,000 kms, $26,000. 333-0451
2007 GMC Yukon XL Denali, fully loaded, mint condition, low mileage. $24,999 obo, Doug after 6pm, 660-5570 or 778-772-1215
Any items you wish to donate can be dropped off at the animal shelter during regular hours.
July 26th & 27th t 9:00AM-3:00PM
@ the Mae Bachur Animal Shelter parking lot BARBEQUE & FREE Pet Cuddles! Come by and shop for an assortment of household goods and animal equipment. All proceeds go towards the care of our homeless Yukon animals.
2006 CHEV 3/4 ton 4X4, good running cond, 200,000kms, $11,500. 399-3911 2006 CHEVY Sierra 4X4, ext cab, 190,000kms, high-rise canopy, auto, gd shape, small crack in windshield, full tow pkg, Carmacks area, lowered to $10,500 obo. 867-863-5069
We Sell Trucks! 1-866-269-2783 • 9039 Quartz Rd. • Fraserway.com
LOST t Downtown area, 4 yr old, DSH, brown and grey stripes, no collar, answers to Macha, Contact Meghan @ 336-4221. ( 30/05/14) t Copper Ridge (Valerie Cres), Chihuahua/pomX, 1-2 yrs old, male, black on back, brown, white belly, no collar. Answers to Bubbles, Contact Calvin @ 867-689-1727 (03/06/14) t Burma Rd, mile 8 on Mayo Rd, Black Lab and Brown Corgi X, both wearing red collars, Contact Jim @ 335-6260 (03/06/14) t Takhini Hotsprings Rd, Blue Bell Gardens, Chihuahua, white with tan on back and face, answers to Poco, Male, around 4yrs, wearing brown collar, contact 633-2119 (04/06/14)
t Hillcrest, small white terrier X, closely shaved, no collar, answers to Homer, Contact Dianne @ 335-2962 (10/06/14)
FOUND t McIntyre area, 4 months old, Husky/Lab X, white, no collar, Contact Barb @ 336-0862 (30/05/14) t On Rainbow in Crestveiw. Male neutered. Black lab X w white toes on back feet. no collar. Contact Jane @ 633-3664 (04/06/14)
RUNNING AT LARGE... If you have lost a pet, remember to check with City Bylaw: 668-8382
IN FOSTER HOMES DOGS t 3yr old, neutered male, Akita, grey and white (A.J.) t 3 yr old, neutered male, GSD/Rottie, black and brown (Tristan)
t 3 yr old, spayed female, Lab X, Black (Meraai) t 6 mo old, female, Corgi X, Brown (Aurora)
CATS t None at this time.
AT THE SHELTER DOGS t 7 yr old, neutered male, Great DaneX, tan and white (Spot) t 5yr old, male neutered, GSDX, black and tan (Moe) t 7 yr old, male, GSD, black and tan (Atilla) t 10 yr old, female, labX, black, (Catnis) t 7 yr old, female spayed, rottie X, brindle (Daphne) t 1 yr old, female spayed, staffie/labX, black (Peanut) t 7 month old, female spayed, black and tan (Birdy) t 3 yr old, female, black and tan (Breezie) t 2 yr old, female, cream, husky (Darby)
t 11 weeks old, female, husky, black and brown (Wiggles) t 15 weeks old, female, husky and GSDX, black and brown (Button) t 3 yr old, male neutered, Bear dog X, Black and White (Chandler) t 3 mo old, female, Husky X, Black and White (Monica)
CATS t 11 wk old, DSH, grey tabby, all spayed/neutered (Theo, Daria, Sansa, Tye) t 1yr old, black, DLH, male neutered (Mufasa)
SPECIAL t Homes needed for retired sled dogs. They would make excellent pets. Please contact 668-3647 or kennelmanager@muktuk.com If your lost animal has been inadvertently left off the pet report or for more info on any of these animals, call 633-6019 or stop by 126 Tlingit Street.
Pets will be posted on the Pet Report for two weeks. Please let us know after that time if you need them re-posted.
You can also check out our award winning website at:
350 CHEVY Classic 3/4-ton flat deck, new battery, alternator, power steering, hose, tranny flush kit, new tires all around, exc shape, $2,800 obo. 633-5130
2008 FORD F150 XLT 4x4 crew cab short box, loaded w/options, in very clean cond, gd tires, 130,000 kms, $11,000. 667-4463 or 334-9436
Help control the pet overpopulation problem
1979 F250 4x4, box rust, cab ok, engine needs rebuild, drive train good, $500. 332-6565
FORD VAN classic, high top, mid 80s, needs TLC, elec problems in engine, $500 obo. 633-2837
2007 DODGE Laramie 3500 diesel, c/w 2 sets of tires on rims, only 90,000kms, $36,500 obo. 336-1701
have your pets SPAYED OR NEUTERED.
1982 GMC Jimmy Sierra Classic 4x4, 300,000kms, runs but needs a tuneup (fluids, grease, etc), some rust, $1,000. 335-9875
2009 DODGE Grand Caravan, 142,000kms $10,000 firm. 333-0264 or 332-5322
1989 FORD 250 Super Cab 4X4 c/w canopy, 7.3 diesel, 5-spd trans, new grip tires & spare set tires/rims, $3,000 obo. 334-6101 1986 TOYOTA pick-up, not running but has some life in it for handy person, good for parts, $400 obo. 668-2807
2011 DODGE Ram 2500 diesel 4X4 crew cab, 8Ęź box w/canopy & sliding deck, many features, 129,000kms, $34,500. 333-0451
1990 TOYOTA Hiace, AWD, diesel engine, auto, exc mileage, 8 passenger or great camping/handicapped vehicle, 128,000 kms, offers or trades considered. 333-9020
Gas, 80,000 KM. Great shape with aluminum headache racks, tidy tanks, tool boxes & radios. $38,0000.
2012 NISSAN XTerra, 20,000km, trail green colour, trailer package, hatch tent, loaded, like new, $28,500. 336-0375
I love to play fetch and go out for short walks.
2005 FORD Ranger, 85,000kms, good cond, 399-3201 5-TON GMC chassis & frame, 67,477 mi, ex-govʟt vehicle, well maintained, great tires w/mounted spare, 5-spd Fuller trans, 366 V8, GVW 27,500, spare parts, $5,500. 335-3570 2005 TOYOTA Sienna, 100,000kms, $11,000. 334-6510 2004 CADILLAC Escalade V8 auto, AWD, loaded, must see, $12,000 obo. 660-4220 2003 FORD E-350 1 ton cargo van, clean, with shelves & separator, gas, 5.4l engine, auto, good 4 season tires, new battery, 210,000 km. $7,000. 335-3674 2003 GMC Duramax, 7� lift, like new rims/tires, 37� tires, Efi live tuning and new injectors, fully loaded, leather, sound system, runs great, $18,000. 335-0514 2002 AVALANCHE 4x4, fully loaded, 20'' wheels, lowered, $6,500. 333-0186 2001 SIERRA 1500 4x4 ext cab, Vortec 5300 SFI V8, exc cond, fully loaded, off road pkg, HD trailering equip, custom box cover, 90,000 km, $13,500 obo. 667-4573
JEEP LIBERTY 03 Sport, 4x4, 4 cyl, 108,000km, clean, no rust, great shape but cracked windshield, $5,800. 335-4246 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER Minivan, trouble free, passed inspection, good gas mileage on highways (10L/100 kms), V6 3.0L, 4-spd auto, 163,000 km, $2,500 obo. 336-3808
Auto Parts & Accessories
MOOSE SCRAPS to give away for sled dogs. 456-7490 EXCEPTIONAL GERMAN Shepherd puppies, health tested, titled parents on site, ready to go July 14, 2014, for work, sport, SAR, service/therapy, active companion homes, approved homes only, $1,800. 333-9770 MEDIUM SIZE Vari Kennel $20, 633-6134 7-YR OLD mini mare and mini cart, package deal for $1,000. 456-7720
Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 2007 CAN-AM ATV 800cc, 600 kms, gently used, 668-6931 or 332-9355 RONĘźS SMALL ENGINE SERVICES Repairs to Snowmobiles, Chainsaws, Lawnmowers, ATVĘźs, Small industrial equipment. Light welding repairs available 867-332-2333 lv msg TAITĘźS CUSTOM TRAILER SALES 2-3-4- place snowmobile & ATV trailers Drive on Drive off 3500 lb axles by Trailtech - SWS & Featherlight CALL ANYTIME: 334-2194 www/taittrailers.com
Hi-Rise & Cab Hi - several in stock View at centennialmotors.com 393-8100 THULE ROOF rack parts, set of 4ʟ to fit factory roof racks, $120, set of 4ʟ and false gutters to fit truck canopy, $150 (50% of price on Thule website). 633-2348 aft 7pm TIRES! TIRES! TIRES! Seasonal Changeover Good used tires–15�,16�,17�,18�,19� and 20�–lots to choose from. $25 to $150 a tire. $25 to mount and balance per tire. Mechanical Services Call Art 334-4608 TONNEAU COVER, silver/grey fits GMC p/u, 5ʟ8� box, paid $1,500, asking $750. 333-0914 REAR WINDOW glass for ʝ80s Chev or GMC truck, comes out of ʝ81 GMC 1/2 ton, $50. 334-4206 ENGINE STAND, good cond, $30 firm. 821-6011 STEEL WHEELS, original equipment GM 6 bolt steel wheels, 2 avail, 16"x 6.5" like new. $50 firm ea. 821-6011 4 17� tires mounted on aluminum rims to fit Dodge 1/2 ton p/u, 5-hole, size LT265/70R17�. 668-2968 4 H A N K O O K winter tires on rims, 205/65R15 94T, very good cond, only used 1/2 winter, $250 obo. 456-4870 6-DISC CD player out of fully loaded GMC, works perfectly, $100. 335-0514 4 STEEL rims 80's model Toyota pick-up/4-Runner, $10 ea. 667-7684
2000 RAM 1500 SLT 4x4 auto, shortbox, 4� lift, new motor 3000km ago, performance exhaust, canopy, 3/4 ton springs, new brakes, 2 12� subs/wamp, pioneer deck, $8,500 obo. 335-8657
WANTED: TOW hitch to fit a Toyota Sienna 2004-2010. 667-7848 8Ęź METAL utility rack for p/u, black in colour, good for hauling lumber, ladders, kayaks & canoes, 633-6114
1999 CHEV Suburban LT 4x4, V8, loaded, must be seen, $6,000 obo. 660-4220
4 NEW Firestone tires for 3/4 or 1-ton truck, sz 275/70R18, $850 obo. 334-8736
1997 F150, 3-door 4X4 pick-up w/canopy, standard, low mileage, 667-2046
2003 TOYOTA Echo engine and transmission, 50,000km, running. 668-2802
1996 DODGE 3/4 ton, Cummins diesel, 5-spd standard, 10-ply tires, driving lights, $5,000 obo. 633-3857 or 604-219-3903
4 RADIAL tubeless tires, Goodyear Wrangler HP, P265/70R17, standard load, driven 4,000kms, all 4 for $80. 633-6263
1994 CHEV 3/4 ton 4x4, great shape, new tires with spare, new windshield, tool box, banks exhaust, rear air bags & hitch included, $5,500. 668-2972
1989 FORD 350 cube van, has blown head gasket, $2,000. 333-0943 for info
LOST MY best friend Benji. Carmel and white coloured male dog, lots of long thick fur, red collar. Last seen May 31st Takhini North. 332-4232
TRUCK CANOPIES - in stock * new Dodge long/short box * new GM long/short box * new Ford long/short box
2000 F350 super duty 4 door super cab long box 2-wheel drive, 7.3 diesel, island blue exterior, 157,000kms super clean condition, one non-smoking owner, $16,500 obo. 335-3868
1991 FORD Explorer (RWD), red, new thermostat, all new gaskets, runs well, $900 obo. 335-1876
IT'S A DOG'S LIFE BOARDING KENNEL New, clean, safe, family friendly. Heated indoor kennels with covered outdoor runs. Large play area in natural setting, daily walks. 131 Empress Rd, Golden Horn Subdivision 333-9841
CLUTCH 335-1853
FOR Chev Cavalier, $400.
YUKON KENNEL CLUB Agility Workshop & Agility Match June 16th, 8:00am-4:00pm No experience necessary Non-members welcome Call Bonnita 867-399-3400 or 867-335-8135
2005 SUZUKI BOULEVARD 800cc. 17,000 km, Excellent Condition, $4,500.
867-335-4486 Recreational Powersports and Marine (RPM) Repairs Service, repair and installations for snowmobiles, ATVs, motorcycles, chainsaws, marine and more Qualified and experienced mechanic Great rates! Call Patrick at 335-4181 2005 SUZUKI Boulevard, 800 cc, exc cond, shaft drive, electronic fuel injection, well maintained, easy to drive, maneuverable, great on gas, $4,500. 335-4486 2012 YAMAHA Super Tenere XT 1200Z, 1200 cc, shaft drive adventure touring motorcycle, many after-market accessories, very good cond, 26,500kms, $12,000. 660-4711 2005 HARLEY Sportster 883, 11,800 km, windshield, saddlebags, custom seat, roll-bars, hywy pegs, $6,000 obo. 667-4019 or text 335-1996 4 ATV/UTV tires, never used, from 2013 Ranger, 2@ 25x11x12, and 2 @ 25x9x12, $500. 334-4206 2 POLARIS 2-wheel drive 4-wheelers, 250cc, in running condition and 1 more for spare parts, $2,800. 633-4643 2008 HONDA Shadow VT750C, incl bike cover, 2 helmets, leather saddle bags, 1 owner, gently driven, heated handles, full windshield, 4,400 km, $5,500. 332-0270 1992 YAMAHA Venture Royale, exc cond, 1,300 cc 4-cyl, great touring motorcycle, 56,000 kms, $4,200. 334-3775 2006 HONDA Shadow, 750cc, black, c/w windshield, saddle bags, weather cover, low mileage, moving, must sale, $3,500 obo. 334-8929 2004 ARCTIC Cat Bear Cat 570 long track, approx 1800 mi, reverse and hand/thumb warmers, 2-up seat, $3,600. 867-634-2350 2006 URAL 750 with sidecar, 5,833kms, $10,000. 668-6716 2006 ARCTIC Cat Bear Cat 570 long track, exc cond, under 1500, electric start/reverse, hand/thumb warmers, w-up seat, $4,900. 876-634-2350 2004 YAMAHA V-star 1100cc, like new, 5000km, call 336-4887 2001 YAMAHA XT350 great all around bike, good on gas, good cond, ready to ride, $2,500. 335-9785, or jodyover@gmail.com 16Ęź SKIDOO trailer with wood side rails, $1,700. 668-2972
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 2014 2@ 2007 CBR 125's, under 500 kms on each, new cond, $1,700 each or $3,200.00 obo for both, 334-1564 2001 YAMAHA Raptor 660, blown engine, new tires, c/w lots of after-market parts, $700 obo. 1994 XR80R for parts or fixer-upper, $400 obo. 689-2545 2005 HONDA CRF450X, great shape plus extras, street legal kit (not installed) $3,850, 2002 Honda XR200, great shape, $1,850. 334-4296 2006 HONDA CRF, 150F, electric start, new battery, fancy exhaust, good cond, $2,000. 867-335-6814 1995 1100 Virago, low kms, new rubber, $3,500. 335-0894 2004 SUZUKI Burgman 400, low mileage, $3,500, view at 42 Teslin Rd. 335-3952 2010 POLARIS Ranger 6X6 side by side, EFI 800, only 190kms, c/w winch, windshield roof & side racks for box, spare tire & misc, $13,500 firm. 334-6101
Marine PROFESSIONAL BOAT REPAIR Fiberglass Supplies Marine Accessories FAR NORTH FIBERGLASS 49D MacDonald Rd Whitehorse, Yukon 393-2467 21ʼ CAMPION cabin cruiser, 350 Chev engine with Volvo legs, fridge, stove, sink, toilet, 15hp Yamaha kicker, must see at 7220-7th Avenue. 667-2344 16ʼ VANGUARD boat, 60HP Mercury & trailer, 399-3201 SOLO WHITEWATER canoe, Dagger Ovation, 12ʼ, incl foam pedestal seat, thigh straps, float bags, exc cond, $1,600. 821-6011 1999 CAMPION 552 Explorer, 19ʼ, 4.3 inboard, 5hp Merc kicker, 2 manual d/riggers, rod holders, stereo, VHF, full top/trl tarp, new spare, ex shape, Tagish. $11,000 obo. 587-335-7133 19ʼ WELDED aluminum hull jet boat, 350 Chev, 773 Hamilton Jet, 3/4 top and travel top, approx 160 hrs run time, c/w custom built trailer, $16,000 obo. 821-6011 12ʼ HARBORCRAFT aluminum boat, good shape, car topper, c/w 2 rod holders, $750. 333-9084 18FT V-HULL speed boat and tubes, 70hp outboard, trailer, with controls & tanks $7,500 obo. 456-4926 10.5ʼ TITAN inflatable boat, 3-yrs old, c/w 2 oars, anchor, aluminum floor air pump, used total 10hrs fishing, rated for 7.5hp engine, $1,600. 333-0717 24ʼ CABIN cruiser c/w full canvas, c/w electronics, electric downriggers many extras, new galvanized tandem axle trailer, 165hp inboard, runs well, upgraded to bigger boat, 668-4593 1985 FAIRBANKS 32ʼ boat, Spring Fever III, must see, $40,000, in Skagway. 907-612-0323 DF 60HP Suzuki outboard 4-stroke & day tank, good running cond, $2,700. 399-3911 14ʼ SPORTSPAL canoe, aluminum, 333-0914 2006 YAMAHA 4hp 4- stroke outbard engine, never used, like new, very good cond, new $1,800 asking $1,200. 393-2110 HOT DOG shaped water toy to pull behind boat, great fun, $175. 668-2972 23ʼ FIBRECRAFT boat, Penta Volvo turbo diesel, 6-cyl, low hours, $10,000 worth of spare parts included in price, asking $15,000. 393-4890 CHILDRENʼS LIFEJACKETS, sizes 30-80lb and 60-90lb, like new, $10 ea. 633-3053 LIVINGSTON TRI-HULL 7ʼ boat, fibreglass, will fit in 8ʼ truck box, good cond, $250. 689-2545 9.6ʼ FIBERGLASS boat, Typ Horizon, used as tender on a yacht, good for lake fishing, $1,000 obo. 393-2110 1992 STARCRAFT Elite, 17.5ʼ, 190 hp, Mercury V6, stainless steel, low hrs, deep fish finder, very good cond, well maintained, $8,800. 393-4912 2000 JOHNSON 15hp 2-stroke outboard engine, new propeller, short shaft, very good cond, $1,500. 393-2110 18FT V hull, twin 35hp, fuel tank, and controls, tubes, tow ropes, $7,500 obo. 456-4926 17ʼ FIBREGLASS Qucksilver canoe, $550. 668-3584 34ʼ BAYLINER Sport Fisher, lots of extras, good cond, for sale or trade for smaller boat, 633-5606 1982 32ʼ Bayliner Explorer “Puffin” docked in Skagway. $20,000. For info 633-6134
YUKON NEWS Heavy Equipment HIGHLANDS IRRIGATION Supplying miners since 1974 Aluminum Pipe - New and Used Diesel Pumps Hoses - Fittings info@thewaterpeople.com 1-800-665-5909 www.thewaterpeople.com 1998 PETERBILT highway tractor, estate sale, $14,900. 30ʼ Jeep (trailer for fuel), $7,900. 1989 Freightliner parts, good tires, $5,900. 6,000ʼ irrigation pipe, estate, $3,500. Patriot street sweeper, ex-City, $17,900. 333-0717 AIR ROTARY drill rig, everything needed for water wells & exploration, $45,000, atlinmech@outlook.com 1991 BABY Kenworth cabover, long frame, single axle, excellent shape, 667-2046 2000 INTERNATIONAL Eagle, big sleeper, newer N14 Cummins engine, 667-2046 WOODBUG POWERSAW mill c/w 3-10ʼ sections log dogs, dimension stops, two saws, 2 bars, $2,800. Norwood portable edger w/13hp Honda, located in Haines Junction, $2,800. 334-6101 1997 CAT D6M LGP 6-way blade with ripper Brand new undercarriage $75,000 Phone 867-536-2265 in Watson Lake
TAITʼS TRAILERS www.taittrailers.com taits@northwestel.net Quality new and used Horse * Cargo * Equipment trailers For sale or rent Call Anytime 334-2194 Southern prices delivered to the Yukon 2000 COACHMEN Mirada 30ʼ motorhome, 66,122 kms. Triton V10, mechanical inspection in May/14, Onan 4000 gen, A/C, separate shower, walk-around queen bed. $21,500, phone 335-5506 45ʼ TANDEM axle van trailer, insulated, office/living space, 4-pc bath, kitchen sink, wood stove, certified electric panel outlets, directonal lights throughout, $27,500. 335-5046 2009 VERY low mileage, easy towing, 15' Hi-LO travel trailer, 3-way fridge, propane furnace & stove, Everything works perfectly, $12,000 obo, must be seen. 335-2223 2007 GOOSENECK flat deck trailer. 20,000 GVR, 20ʼ long + 4ʼ w/ramps, triple axles, electric brakes. In great cond. Have installed an 8,500-pound winch, $8,000. 334-3393
2002 KENWORTH T300 FLATDECK 3126 Cat engine, Eaton 10-speed air brakes, 27 ft deck, new tranny, clutch, radiator and rubber. $25,000 obo Phone 867-536-2265 in Watson Lake
7ʼX14ʼ BLACK tandem axle cargo trailer, spray foam insulated, exc cond, $6,500. 334-4206
2002 GMC 7500 5-ton 24ʼ van body with power tailgate 6 speed transmission, 3126 Cat engine New rubber, very low kms $20,000 obo Phone 867-536-2265 in Watson Lake
30ʼ RAINBOW Gooseneck trailer w/flip over ramps, 3-7,000lb axles, $10,500 obo, 18ʼ heavy car haulter trailer w/hideaway ramps, $4,000 obo, single axle enclosed trl, 6ʼx10ʼ, 3 outside tool boxes/roof rack, $2,500. 334-6101
50 HP MFWD tractor with loader, $6,500. 668-2769
2012 THOR Ace 29ʼ motorhome, slide-out, island bed, front electric bunk, leather int, elec awning/steps, levelling jacks, 4 kw gen, back-up camera, hitch, 32,500 km, 5-yrs on warranty, $79,900. 633-6804
AIR DRILLS & hammer stopers, jack legs, rods & bits, 633-4643 2 STONE boat drilling platforms you pull behind excavator, 633-4643 150 Y/H trommel, 48X7 ft, hvy duty, dble layer, 250 KW Daiwa gen w low hrs, 6" water pump (2), hopper with feeder, finance avail $199,000, obo. 604-862-8636 2014 KUBOTA BX25D 4X4 backhoe loader, 3-point hitch, only 7 hrs, value $22,000, asking $18,500, see at Pine Valley Lodge, 867-862-7047 KUBOTA GEN set, 24 kw, new gasket, starter, alternator, etc, $4,000. 867-862-7047 INSULATED SHED, 8ʼX8ʼ, used for staff, good for camp, $1,500. 867-862-7047 METAL SHED with security door, good cond, 5ʼX5ʼ, $1,500. 867-862-7047 DIESEL TANK, 12ʼ, 3,000L, good cond, $1,200. 867-862-7047 1998 SKYJACK articulated boom lift, 4x4, gas/propane in gd working cond with only 2050 hrs work. Can reach 40' high to platform, $19,000 obo. Show by appointment. 334-3393 PARTING OUT D8H Cat Serial 46A5974, new pup motor, 4 of 14:00x24 tires on cat grader rims, 4 of 29.5x29 loader tires, 6 of 18:00x25 tires on Euclid rims, 250-651-7773 MASSEY FERGUSON 165 diesel loader 540 PTO, 3PH, chains, rotary mower Ford 60” 951B post hole digger, 6” augers, 7ʼ new snow blade, bottom plow, exc cond, package only, 250-695-6670
Aircraft PROJECT - HAS CRACKED SPAR 1946 AERONCA CHIEF 90HP (no electrics) 2408 TTAF 4 new cylinders roughly 500 hrs ago. Will include very new Federal 1500 skis as well as good shape EDO 1400 floats with airplane all for $10,000 Phone: 867-536-2265 in Watson Lake
Campers & Trailers 2007 8ʼX12ʼ RT type quad trailer, $2,400, 1 home-made utility trailer, 4X8 with truck rear end in it, $700. 336-1701
2011 WILDWOOD travel trailer, 28ʼ, big slide, most systems never used, still factory winterized, good cond, good family unit w/bunks, $19,000 obo. 335-4103
Coming Events YNKLUKE ARTS Society AGM on June 23 at 6:30 at Canada Games Center ATLIN GUEST HOUSE Deluxe Lakeview Suites Sauna, Hot Tub, BBQ, Internet, Satellite TV Kayak Rentals In House Art Gallery 1-800-651-8882 Email: atlinart@yahoo.ca www.atlinguesthouse.com
27ʼ V-NOSE snow machine trailer or other toy hauler, fully insulated w/spray foam, 3 fold-down beds & 1 table, good bison hunting rig, $9,000. 334-4206 2009 30' Citation trailer, polarpak pkg, enclosed valves tanks, thermopane windows dualpane skylights, 50amp power baseboard heaters, slide awnings, 16" wheels, shocks, equalizer hitch/antisway, $32,900 obo. 633-3339 or 334-9634
2 PORTABLE Wikki diamond drills, 20X10ʼ rods & 40X5ʼ rods, plus core barrels, bits & tripods, 633-4643
VANGUARD OKANAGAN camper, older but in good shape, 11ʼ, c/w fridge, stove, furnace & bathroom, $2,900 obo. 334-6101
ATLIN - GLACIER VIEW CABINS “your quiet get away” Cozy self contained log cabins canoes, kayaks for rent Fax/Phone 250-651-7691 e-mail sidkatours@ atlin.net www.glacierviewcabins.ca THE ALZHEIMER/DEMENTIA Family Caregiver Support Group meets monthly. A group for family/friends caring for someone with Dementia. Info and register call Cathy 633-7337 or Joanne 668-7713 YEU LOCAL Y010 special general meetings to select delegates to YEU Convention in October, YEU Hall, May 21 and June 17, 5:30-6:00. Contact Tammi at 335-1329 for more info HOSPICE YUKON: Free, confidential services offering compassionate support to all those facing advanced illness, death and bereavement. Visit our lending library @ 409 Jarvis, M-F 11:30-3:00, 667-7429, www.hospiceyukon.net YUKON PRIDE: 24 (more!) Hours of Gaylight, June 11 - 15, 2014, Whitehorse. Parade, picnic, dance and more. Visit www.queeryukon.com for details.
2004 PIONEER travel trailer, overall length 28ʼ, large bath, queen bed, full kitchen, stereo, large awning, $12,500. 633-2580
1980 INTERNATIONAL DUMP TRUCK DT466 engine, 13-speed Tandem axle Old but reliable $5,000 obo Phone 867-536-2265 in Watson Lake
1”X250 PSI red water hose or air, 1000ʼ, 633-4643
5TH WHEEL 1999 Citation 24RKS, great camping/mine site unit, single slide, black water, queen mattress, hide-a-bed, rear cargo rack, deep cycle batteries, 2-30# propane tanks, flipped axles, $10,900. 334-9258
50 Years
Alan & Myrna Green Celebrated in Yuma, AZ with Family & Friends
January 24, 1964 - 2014 lice, a dice It’s been a s lienne, and lots of ju t before but, the bes e date ha s com to end. and it’s time
20ʼX8ʼ WIDE tandem axle cargo trailer, spray foam insulated, 2 new axles, exc cond, $7,500. 334-4206
1994 FORD Rockwood motorhome, 27ʼ, sleeps 6, very good condition, queen size bed & full bath, 138,000km, must sell, $12,900. 334-3252 2004 28ʼ Class C motorhome, exc cond, V-10, lots of power, walk around queen bed, built in gen, good tires, well maintained, $28,500. 334-2466 or 334-2355 2009 8' x 20' Haulmark Car Hauler, tandem 3,500 lb axles, spare tire, electric brakes, loading ramp, tire covers, like new, $8,000. 334-6332 1987 FORD 27ʼ Royal Coach motorhome, 110,600 kms, good cond, exc rubber, everything working, $11,500. 668-6931 eves, 332-9355 days 4X8 LIGHTWEIGHT utility trailer, great to tow behind any vehicle, 1,000lb capacity, $1,500 obo. 334-6298 2006 24.5ʼ Springdale 5th wheel, slide, outside shower, queen bed, lots of storage, new floors/battery, beautiful cond, $16,500 obo. 334-1012
35 Years of Teaching Food and Nutrition - F.E.A.S.T., F.H. Collins Secondary School Come help
Pat McKenna mark the occasion of retirement
Afternoon Tea 4pm-6pm Friday, June 13, 2014 CYO Hall - basement of Sacred Heart Parish Steele Street All welcome: Friends and Colleagues, Present and Former students, FHC staff, YTA
“If you’re in a good profession, it’s hard to get bored, because you’re never finished - there will always be work you haven’t done.’ - Julia Child
2008 CORSAIR Excella 29.5 RKDS Polar PAC 5th wheel, loaded, many extras, 867-536-7626 or 867-689-4590 1994 COLEMAN Fleetwood tent trailer, 10ʼ box, sleeps 6, icebox, indoor/outdoor stove, forced air furnace, cargo box, Light & in good cond, $4,000. 334-9939 1991 ROCKWOOD motorhome, 34ʼ, white & green, 63,000 mi, $28,800. 393-4912 1977 CHEV camper van, everything works, 3-way fridge, oven, water tank, new furnace, good quality futon mattress, good tires, air bags & hitch, great deal, $3,200. 336-2492 2010 31' Jayco travel trailer, exc cond, 2 slides, inside/outside stereo, TV, satellite dish, electric awning, outside grill, 2 years left on warranty, $24,000. Owen at 633-6617 after 6pm
Begins & Ends at Robert Service Campground
24ʼ COUGAR trailer, exc cond, slide out, sofa, dinette, rear kitchen, walk around queen size bed, much more, $22,000, 334-2693
Registration - 1 hour before each event’s start time 10:00am - 50km Bike Ride 11:30am - 5 km Cycle/Run/Walk
1994 B26 Terry travel trailer, a/c, ducted heat, microwave, hot water, fridge, tv, stereo, stove, oven, large awning, charging system, hitch, stabilizer bars, everything works great, $7,500 obo. 335-3868
BBQ to follow @ noon Robert Service Campground
1998 ROADTREK 200 Versatile f/s, washroom, rear bed/table, built in generator, numerous upgrades, $15,000. Call to view. 335-3148
PARTICIPATION BY DONATION Pledges $35 or more and receive a pair of Autism Yukon cycling socks!
THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS: Pierre M. Lacasse Midnight Sun Drilling Inc. Meadia Solutions Robert Service Campground Icycle Sports Shirley Chua-Tan Coldwell Banker
PH: 667-6406
CAMP YUKON Kids Camp (ages 8-12): June 29-July 5 and July 6-12. Teen Camp (ages 13-18): July 13-19. Cost $285. Register Now: www.camp-yukon.com, 668-4817, 91806 Alaska Highway. Sponsored by Bethany Church FREE CHILDREN'S summer programs, weekdays at Whitehorse Public Library from June 16 to August 1, ages 4-12. For more info or to register call 667-8900 YUKON TOURISM EDUCATION COUNCIL (YTEC) AND MULTICULTURAL CENTRE OF THE YUKON (MCY) offices will be relocating as of June 2nd, 2014. The new offices are located at the corner of 4th Avenue and Jarvis Street or 4141-4th Avenue, 2nd Floor (Performance Centre Building). Phone numbers and email remain the same YTEC 667-4733 / MCY 667-6205 THURSDAY NIGHT Salsa Dancing in the Park, every Thursday night 7:00pm to 9:00pm, Rotary Peace Park , dance lesson at 7:00pm. salsayukon@gmail.com YUKON ORIENTEERING Association events June 4 on Riverdale map, call Ross 633-3154. June 11 on Lewes Lake map, call Bruce 668-5032. Start at 6:30pm for both events. All are welcome ARE YOU a coach interested in forming a Northern International Coach Federation Chapter? Join fellow coaches interested in support and professional development by contacting Tanya Lanigan at ktlanigan@northwestel.net. STEINER STUDY group meetings 7:30pm Tuesday nights, exploring and conversing over a range of metaphysical subjects, free. Josef for info/location, 335-2300 ARCTIC EDGE Skating Club Annual General Meeting. Monday, June 16, 2014. 7:00pm, Sport Yukon Building (4061-4th Avenue) Meeting Room #2. Website: arcticedge.ca CAMP YUKON Kids Camp (ages 8-12): June 29-July 5 and July 6-12. Teen Camp (ages 13-18): July 13-19, $285.00. Register Now, www.camp-yukon.com, 668-4817, 91806 Alaska Highway. Sponsored by Bethany Church
PORTER CREEK Secondary School Council Regular Council Meeting June 11, 2014, 6:30pm in the School Library. Everyone is welcome
SAT JUNE 14: A Day of Quiet Retreat at Hospice Yukon. Remember your loved one with writing, painting, collage or simple reflection. 667-7429 info@hospiceyukon.net
CARCROSS COMMUNITY Garage Sale, Sunday, June 22 10am-2pm at The Tutshi. Bring your own tables or sell from your truck.
CAMP YUKON Kids Camp (ages 8-12): June 29-July 5 and July 6-12. Teen Camp (ages 13-18): July 13-19. Cost $285.00. Register Now: www.camp-yukon.com, 668-4817, 91806 Alaska Highway. Sponsored by Bethany Church
THE MADDISON family invites you to celebrate the life of Mr. Justice Harry Maddison on Saturday, June 14, 2014 from 2-5 p.m., Yukon Arts Centre. Contact: 633-3363 or sidneyukon@hotmail.com SKOOKUM JIM Friendship Centre AGM June 30th, 2014 at Skookum Jim Basement at 6pm, Agenda: constitution amendments, annual audit, other business as required YUKON ORIENTEERING Association meet on June 18. Magnussen Trail map. Start at Magnussen ski trail on the Grey Mountain Road at 6:30 p.m. For info call Karen 393-1906
MAE BACHUR Animal Shelter Dog Wash every 3rd Saturday of the month at The Feed Store/Pet Junction from 10 - 2. Next one is June 21, 2014 TOASTMASTERS – Tue, June 17, 5-8, former Whitehorse Toastmastersʼ is hosting a barbecue. Others welcome. Bring food items to barbecue and share. RSVP George 668-7715 ESCARPMENT PARKS Society AGM, June 23, 6pm at Cook Street Park. Yummy BBQ after record breaking fast meeting. All welcome. Info 393-2977
INTERESTED IN strengthening your core? Creating better posture? Achieving long lean muscles? Pilates Classes for everyone from beginners to advanced. email for more information longleanmean@hotmail.ca
MANY RIVERS AGM June 18, 4071 - 4th Ave. Open house 6:00 pm. Staff Presentation: “The Year That Was” 7:05 pm. 667-2970
THE SWAZILAND Educational Trust Society AGM will be held Wednesday, June 18 at 7pm in Hellaby Hall at the corner of 4th & Elliott
EXHIBITION LA Caravane boréale des dix mots. Opening: June 12, 5-7 pm. Centre de la francophonie. Presented by artist Marie-Hélène Comeau. Information: www.afy.yk.ca
CONTEST JUNE 1-30, check out one or more e-books online with valid Yukon Public L i b r a r y c a r d a t www.elibraryoverdrive.gov.yk.ca. and be automatically entered for a chance to win great prizes. 667-5239
THE RIVERDALE Community Association Annual General Meeting Tuesday June 24 at 7 pm, Riverdale Baptist Church. All Riverdale residents are welcome. Please come and join the discussion
SUMMER GUN & hobby show, July 26, Goldrush Inn, 10am-4pm, for Info Donovan at 667-2278
YUKON BIRD Club with MacBride Museum free presentation on Tuesday, June 17th, 7:30pm with Ione Christensen at MacBride Museum, 1st Ave and Wood Street. Birds of Spring
SENIORʼS POTLUCK picnic, Robert Service Campground, June 15 at 1:00pm, call Rob 667-7202, Stan 667-4016, or Ron 633-4638 for info & bus schedules
THE YUKON Lung Association Annual General Meeting will be held Thursday June 26th at 7:00 pm at Riverdale Baptist Church. Come and see what we do
YUKON PRIDE: 24 (more!) Hours of Gaylight, June 11-15, 2014, Whitehorse. Parade, picnic, dance and more, visit www.queeryukon.com for details. Everyone is welcome - LGBTQ and allies!
YUKON SCIENCE Institute & Environment Yukon present Surviving the Third Millennium with Bob McDonald, Sunday, June 15, 7:30pm, Yukon Arts Centre, Whitehorse. Free
CELEBRATION OF LIFE for Mr. Justice Harry Maddison Saturday, June 14, 2014 from 2-5pm. Yukon Arts Centre Lobby Contact: 633-3363 or sidneyukon@hotmail.com
BIRDS OF Spring Special Presentation, MacBride Museum, June 17 7:30pm, Jim Hawkins from the Yukon Bird Club presents the sights and sounds of Yukonʼs birds. www.macbridemuseum.com or call 667-2709 HOOTALINQUA FIREHALL annual garage sale, Saturday June 14, 10am-2pm, Takhini Gas parking lot, move to firehall if raining, call Sharilyn 633-4837 to reserve table, fire trucks will be on display CELEBRATE CANADA Garden Days, Whitehorse Community Garden, 7th Avenue & Ray St, Saturday June 14, 1pm-3pm, garden tours, pot luck social, Food Bank donations welcome
WHERE DO I GET THE NEWS? The Yukon News is available at these wonderful stores in Whitehorse:
DOWNTOWN: Canadian Tire Cashplan The Deli Edgewater Hotel Extra Foods Fourth Avenue Petro Gold Rush Inn Home Hardware Klondike Inn Mac’s Fireweed Books Ricky’s Restaurant Riverside Grocery Riverview Hotel Shoppers on Main Shoppers Qwanlin Mall Superstore Superstore Gas Bar Tags Well-Read Books Westmark Whitehorse Yukon Inn Yukon News Yukon Tire
Kopper King Hi-Country RV Park McCrae Petro Takhini Gas Yukon College Bookstore
Airport Chalet Airport Snacks & Gifts
Coyote Video Goody’s Gas Green Garden Restaurant Heather’s Haven Super A Porter Creek Trails North
38 Famous Video Super A Riverdale Tempo Gas Bar
GRANGER Bernie’s Race-Trac Gas Bigway Foods
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 2014 ARCTIC EDGE Skating Club Annual General Meeting, Monday, June 16, 2014 at 7pm, Sport Yukon meeting room (4061-4th Ave)
IF YOU own a home or real estate, ALPINE CREDITS can lend you money: It's That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is NOT an issue. 1-800-587-2161.
SHARPENING SERVICES. For all your sharpening needs - quality sharpening, fair price & good service. At corner of 6th & Strickland. 667-2988
BACKHAULS, WHITEHORSE to Alberta. Vehicles, Furniture, Personal effects etc. Daily departures, safe secure dependable transportation at affordable rates. Please call Pacific Northwest Freight Systems @ 667-2050 GET RESULTS! Post a classified in 125 newspapers in just a few clicks. Reach more than 2 million people for only $395 a week for 25-word text ad or $995 for small display ad. Choose your province or all across Canada. Best value. Save over 85% compared to booking individually. www.communityclassifieds.ca or 1-866-669-9222. THOMAS FINE CARPENTRY • Construction • Renovation • Finishing • Cabinets • Tiling • Flooring • Repairs • Specialty woodwork • Custom kitchens 867-633-3878 or cell 867-332-5531 thomasfinecarpentry@northwestel.net NORTHRIDGE BOBCAT SERVICES • Snow Plowing • Site Prep & Backfills • Driveways • Post Hole Augering • Light Land Clearing • General Bobcat Work Fast, Friendly Service 867-335-1106 MC RENOVATION Construction & Renovations Laminated floor, siding, decks, tiles Kitchen, Bathroom, Doors, Windows Framing, Board, Drywall, Painting Drop Ceiling, Fences No job too small Free estimates Michael 336-0468 yt.mcr@hotmail.com - INSULATION Upgrade your insulation & reduce your heating bills Energy North Construction Inc. (1994) for all your insulation & coating needs Cellulose & polyurethane spray foam Free estimate: 667-7414
JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER/PAINTER 30 years experience No job too small. Free quotes. References available. 335-8924 BUSY BEAVERS Painting, Pruning Hauling, Chainsaw Work, Yard Cleaning and General Labour Call Francois & Katherine 456-4755 LOG CABINS: Professional Scribe Fit log buildings at affordable rates. Contact: PF Watson, Box 40187, Whitehorse, YT, Y1A 6M9 668-3632 PAINTING DONE RIGHT! Interior/exterior, oil, staining. Professional work at reasonable rates. 17 years in Yukon. Also serving the communities. (Williamson Yukon) Phone 456-2043 or 333-0403 PASCAL PAINTING CONTRACTOR PASCAL AND REGINE Residential - Commercial Ceilings, Walls Textures, Floors Spray work Small drywall repair Excellent quality workmanship Free estimates pascalreginepainting@northwestel.net 633-6368 HOUSECLEANING, Spring Cleaning, Detailing! Safe, reliable, bondable RCMP check available on request For into call 334-7405 JOSEF GRAF PAINTING Certified Journeyman for 20 seasons Residential & Commercial Free estimates and consultations 335-2300 Master quality in the Yukon
FROGGY SERVICES PEST CONTROL For all kinds of work around the house Windows & Wall Cleaning & Painting Clean Eavestroughs Carpentry Yard Work etc. References available 867-335-9272
S.V.P. CARPENTRY Journey Woman Carpenter Interior/Exterior Finishing/Framing Small & Medium Jobs “Make it work and look good.” Call Susana (867) 335-5957 susanavalerap@live.com www.svpcarpentry.com
OW! N e l lab Avai
TOPSOIL Call Dirtball
AL-ANON MEETINGS contact 667-7142
“YOUR COMMUNITY CONNECTION” WEDNESDAY • FRIDAY The Yukon News is also available at no charge in all Yukon communities and Atlin, B.C.
Has your
life been
12:00 noon Hellaby Hall, 4th & Elliott
affected by someone’s drinking ???
7:00 pm Lutheran Church Basement Beginners Mtg ( 4th & Strickland ) 8:00 pm Lutheran Church Basment Regular Mtg ( 4th & Strickland )
Anonymous MEETINGS: Wednesdays 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm #2 - 407 Ogilvie St. <BYTE> Fridays 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm 4071 - 4th Ave. <Many Rivers>
Beaver Creek Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Carcross Y.T. Wednesday - 7:30 p.m. Library Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre Carmacks Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Dawson City Y.T. Thursday - 8:00 p.m. New Beginners Group Richard Martin Chapel Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre Saturday 7:00 p.m. Community Support Centre 1233 2nd Ave.
Destruction Bay Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Faro Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre Haines Junction Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Mayo Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Old Crow Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Pelly Crossing Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Ross River Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Tagish Y.T. Monday 7:30pm Lightwalkers Group Bishopâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cabin, end of road along California Beach Telegraph Creek B.C. Tuesday - 8:00 p.m. Soaring Eagles Sewing Centre
Teslin Y.T. Wednesday - 7:00pm Wellness Centre #4 McLeary Friday - 1:30p.m. Health Centre Watson Lake Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre
Mondays 7:30 p.m. 4071 4th Avenue PBZVLPO!HNBJM DPN t XXX PB PSH
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MONDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 8:00 pm New Beginnings Group (OM,NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. TUESDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 7:00 pm Juste Pour Aujourdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;hui 4141B - 4th Avenue. 8:00 pm Ugly Duckling Group (CM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. WEDNESDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St.. 8:00 pm Porter Crk Step Meeting (CM) Our Lady of Victory, 1607 Birch St. 8:00 pm No PufďŹ n (CM,NS) Big Book Study Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. THURSDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Grapevine Discussion Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 6:00 pm Young Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Meeting BYTE OfďŹ ce, 2-407 Ogilvie Street 7:30 pm Polar Group (OM) Seventh Day Adventist Church 1609 Birch Street (Porter Creek) FRIDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Big Book Discussion Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 1:30 pm #4 Hospital Rd. (Resource Room) 8:00 pm Whitehorse Group (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. SATURDAY: 1:00 pm Sunshine Group (OM, NS) DETOX Building, 6118-6th Ave. 2:30 pm Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Meeting (OM) Whitehorse General Hospital (room across from Emergency) 7:00 pm Hospital Boardroom (OM, NS) SUNDAY: 1:00 pm Sunshine Group (OM, NS) DETOX Building, 6118-6th Ave. 7:00 pm Marble Group Hospital Boardroom (OM, NS)
NS - No Smoking OM - open mixed, includes anyone CM - closed mixed, includes anyone with a desire to stop drinking
www.aa.org bcyukonaa.org AA 867-668-5878 24 HRS A DAY
Project Description: To provide professional slaughter service in a mobile abattoir unit that will allow inspected red meat product to reach the Yukon market place at the retail level. Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is June 18, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Kevin Bowers at (867) 667-3043. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Project Description: The Next Generation Hydro and Transmission Viability Study will address the key criteria of the Government of Yukon Hydroelectric Power Planning Directive. Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is July 3, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Ryan Hennessey at (867) 393-7075. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Energy, Mines and Resources
Energy, Mines and Resources
PUBLIC TENDER REPAIRS AND UPGRADES UNIT 141401 - 506A TAYLOR WHITEHORSE, YUKON Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is July 2, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. If documents are available they may be obtained from Yukon Housing Corporation, 410 Jarvis Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Laura Vanderkley at 867-667-8114. Site Visit: June 18, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Site Master Plan â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Yukon Place (Ayamdigut Campus) Closes: Noon PST, June 18, 2014 The College requires a Site Master Plan for its operations that will help us implement our strategic directions in land planning (including the newly established reserve land), in planning for future growth (construction), in participating in community/ economic development, and in ensuring sustainability on the Yukon Place (AyamdigutCampus) site. The Plan will consider all existing operations on the site and develop recommendations with a focus on the requirements of Yukon College.
SHINGLE ROOF UPGRADE YUKON HOUSING UNIT 470100 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 60 SELKIRK WHITEHORSE, YUKON Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is July 3, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. If documents are available they may be obtained from Yukon Housing Corporation, 410 Jarvis Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Raymond Mikkelsen at 867-6675718. Site Visit:June 23, 2014 at 11:00a.m.
Complete packages are available on MERX service at www.merx. com or by emailing Procurement and Contracts at purchasing@ yukoncollege.yk.ca (867-668-8864).
The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Yukon Water Board â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Application Notice Office des eaux du Yukon â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Avis de demande Application Number NumĂŠro de la demande
Applicant/Licensee Demandeur/Titulaire
Right Fork Mining Right Fork Mining YG â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Community Services â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Infrastructure Development Branch
Water Source Location Point dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;eau/Lieu
Type of Undertaking Type dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;entreprise
Deadline for Comments 4:00pm Date limite pour commentaires, avant 16 h
Mechanic Creek
Placer Mining
July 7, 2014
Revenue Creek and Whirlwind Pup
Placer Mining
July 7, 2014
Ground Water
June 23, 2014
Any person may submit comments or recommendations, in writing, by the deadline for notice. Applications are available for viewing on the Yukon Water Boardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s online registry, WATERLINE at http://www.yukonwaterboard.ca or in person at the Yukon Water Board office. For more information, contact the Yukon Water Board Secretariat at 867-456-3980.
Toute personne peut soumettre ses commentaires ou ses recommandations Ă lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Office avant la date limite indiquĂŠe sur le prĂŠsent avis. Pour voir les demandes, consultez le registre en ligne WATERLINE au http://www.yukonwaterboard.ca ou rendez-vous au bureau de lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Office des eaux du Yukon. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec le secrĂŠtariat de lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Office au 867-456-3980.
38 KLONDIKE INSULATION Spray foam insulation Competitive Prices - Price Match Phone 867-335-6886 Licensed and Professional Automotive Repairs 20-year Journeyman Mechanic Monday - Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Call Brian Berg 867-633-6597 FINISHING CARPENTRY & RENOVATIONS For Clean, Meticulous & Tasteful Quality Work INTERIOR Design & organization of walk-in closets, laundry & storage room, garage Kitchen & Bathrooms, Flooring, Wood & Laminate, Stairs. EXTERIOR Decks, Fences, Insulation, Siding, Storage Shed DIDIER MOGGIA 633-2156 or cell 334-2156
YUKON NEWS MOD CONSTRUCTION New Construction • Renovations Flooring • Siding Fencing • Decks No job too small Fast, friendly service Ticketed carpenter with Red Seal reg_andrews@hotmail.com Call Reg @867-335-3690 TITAN DRYWALL Taping & Textured Ceilings 27 years experience Residential or Commercial No job too small Call Dave 336-3865 ANGYʼS MASSAGE Mobile Service. Therapeutic Massage & Reflexology. Angelica Ramirez Licensed Massage Therapist. 867-335-3592 angysmassage@hotmail.com 8 Versluce Place Whitehorse YT, Y1A 5M1
Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is July 2, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Alex Jobin at (867) 393-6259. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is July 2, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Alex Jobin at (867) 393-6259. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Highways and Public Works
Highways and Public Works
MAN WITH 3/4 TON TRUCK for hire for Yard clean-up, garbage, et cetera Phone 668-3534 INTERESTED IN FREE JEWELLERY and having fun with friends!? Park Lane Jewellery is perfect for you! Either host your own party or join our amazing Yukon team! Phone 334-4944 PAST LIFE REGRESSIONS Inner Journeying • Reiki • Energy Healing Reflexology • Flower Remedies Tune into your bodyʼs birthright, wisdom, awareness & healing Shift issues & regain your vitality Susan 660-4224 WINDOOR RECYCLER We buy & sell new & used windows & doors Have Triple Pane double & single pane vinyl, wood and metal Now carrying new oak kitchen cupboards Package deals on green house glass 333-0717 LANDSCAPING 25 years experience Mowing • Pruning • Edging • Trimming Fertilization program • Aeration Overseeding • Power Washing • Hauling Trail Blazing Quick, reliable service 333-9596 SANI-BLAST WATER TANK CLEANING & SANITIZING (867) 633-3784 WE PROVIDE! Manual cleaning of interior surface (up to 2hrs) 15 minutes of spherical impingement wash cycle with extraction of residues 30 minutes shock treatment with ozonator 15 minutes of extensive impingement rinsing 100 gallons of fresh potable water CALL TODAY TO HAVE YOUR POTABLE WATER TANKS CLEANED & SANITIZED BY PROFESSIONALS! TAIGA TILE & STONE Ceramic, porcelain, glass, slate, stone & cultured stone kitchens, bathrooms, backsplashes, fireplaces and exteriors 6 years in the trade Excellent references Contact Adam, 867-335-6526 ELECTRICIAN FOR all your jobs Large or small Licensed Electrician Call MACK N MACK ELECTRIC for a free estimate! 867-332-7879 MILLENNIUM GENERAL SERVICES -Spring Yard Cleaning -Power Raking -Aerating -Cut and Vacuum -Fertilizer -Install New Lawns -General Bobcat Work Make a Reservation First-Come, First-Served 633-3404 / 334-4474
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 2014 GENERAL SERVICES & CARPENTRY • New Construction • Renovations • Decks • Siding • Fencing • Yard Work + Cleaning • Painting CALL–867-336-1610 CEDAR CONNECTION Bulk lifts at sale prices! Cedar decking, siding, fence materials and more! Located in Marsh Lake Phone: 867-335-1088
CLEANING SERVICES 22 yrs experience. Reliable, honest, professional attitude, Car detailing, organizing, my own supplies or yours, . Reasonable rates, references. Commercial, industrial, apartment buildings & residential. Cheryl 667-2882 Home Support/Respite Care Available Certified nursing-home attendant/ home-care worker Available evenings & weekends Recent RCMP check Valid drivers licence Tender, loving care 334-7405 LEEʼS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Specializing in shoebox receipts, payroll, small & large businesses Using Sage 50/Simply Accounting and Excel Good for truckers/small contractors $30 per hour Phone Lee at 334-7625
Lost & Found FOUND: SET of 2 keys on Millenium Trail, one key has red and blue flower decal, pick up at Whitehorse Ambulance Station LOST: INDOOR cat, neutered male Siamese, brown face, body is cream, grey & brown, lives on North Star Dr in Copper Ridge, reward offered, Julie at 335-2205 GARY JOHNSON, I found your CD case on the Carcross Rd Monday evening, call me to arrange return, Joel, home 821-4717, cell 332-8992 LOST: SUNDAY or Monday between airport and Crestview, gold chain necklace and gold heart, sentimental value, reward. 667-7288 LOST: 3 year-old chocolate lab, black collar, answers to Lucy, lost behind Bell Crescent on the green belt in Riverdale, she's my family, missed very much, reward offered, 633-6242 LOST: PAIR of hearing aids on “Ride for Dad” motorcycle ride on June 7th, Alaska Highway near Transportation Museum or parking lot of Whitehorse Motors. Please call 867-390-2244 LOST: TUESDAY June 3, Main St, jewelry in small pouch, swan ring, earrings, flat gold chain, nugget necklace, 667-7080
FOUND: MAY 23rd in Whitehorse airport short term parking lot, Canon camera in case, call 867-334-4364 to describe and claim FOUND: PRESCRIPTION sunglasses in white, hard case, found on Tay St. on June 7, 668-3887
Business Opportunities
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Sports Equipment BACKPACK, OSPREY luna 70L, exc cond, $125. 633-6803 RALEIGH SERENGETI mountain bike 20" frame. $250 335-9510 5 PERSON Escort dome tent, never used, $50, queen size airbed Broadstone, 80x60x8.5, never used, $35, or both for $65. 668-7001 RECUMBENT EXCERCISE bike, like new, $50; new, still in box manual treadmill, $40. 668-2031 2007 MENS Giant Reign Three Mountain Bike , like new, great reviews/hard to find bike, ridden 7 times, immac cond, must sell, $1,250 obo. 604-619-9324
Livestock TRACTOR WITH front end loader, $6,000. 335-2034 QUALITY YUKON MEAT Dev & Louise Hurlburt Grain-finished Hereford beef Domestic wild boar Order now for guaranteed delivery Payment plan available Samples on request 668-7218 335-5192
Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is June 26, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Marion Morrison at (867) 6675972. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is July 3, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Jenny Richards at (867) 393-6387. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. This tender is subject to Chapter Five of the Agreement on Internal Trade. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is June 26, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Marion Morrison at (867) 6675972. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is July 2, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Alex Jobin at (867) 393-6259. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is July 2, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Alex Jobin at (867) 393-6259. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Highways and Public Works
Highways and Public Works
Highways and Public Works
Highways and Public Works
Highways and Public Works
HAY FOR SALE Dry bales kept under a shelter Great quality, $12/bale. 633-4496 or astra@northwestel.net Hay & Straw For Sale Excellent quality hay Alfalfa mix 60-65lb $14.50 Timothy/grass mix 60-65 lb $14.50 Brome hay 50-55 lbs $12 Straw bales $7 Nielsen Farms Maureen 333-0615 or yukonfarm@gmail.com Do you have a horse-crazy child who would like to learn more about the care of horses and riding? Registration open now for beginner workshops for children ages 6 - 12 Workshop 1: May 23 - 25 Workshop 2: May 30 - June 1 Friday 6 - 8 Saturday and Sunday 9 - 12 Northern Tempo Equestrian Centre 633-5047 or northerntempo@gmail.com 19â&#x20AC;? BATES Caprilli all purpose saddle, all leather dark chestnut, changeable gullet and Cair system, c/w stirrup leathers and girth, $1,200, e-mail for pictures. 334-2799 15â&#x20AC;? EAMOR Western Saddle, dark chestnut with black suede seat, fits medium-wide horse, great little saddle for local shows and everyday riding. E-mail for pictures, 334-2799
Baby & Child Items CHILDRENĘźS CLOTHING in excellent condition, given freely the first & third Saturday monthly at the Church of the Nazarene, 2111 Centennial. 633-4903 2-SEATER BIKE trailer in new cond, $225 obo. 393-2630 GREEN 667-7288
MOBY Wrap new $30 obo.
2 66"H x 24" w brown bookcases $25/ea, 1 telephone table with drawer (dark brown) $15, 1 white microwave stand with microwave $40, 1 white microwave stand $15. 334-2639 FREE-STANDING STEREO cabinet 49"W x 65 1/2" H, wood laminate, good cond, $25. 668-7845 Z-LINE DESIGNS Gen-X desk, c/w user guide, bought in 2012, $400 new, asking $200 obo. 456-4870 46â&#x20AC;?X 22â&#x20AC;? coffee table, Espresso colour, $20. Terry or Michele 633-6081 LARGE DARK wood desk, 6 filing drawers and matching 6 drawer, 1 double drawer credenza, good condition, view at 49 Redwood Street. 633-6553 EXTRA LARGE loveseat with large pillows, mustard/beige color, $100. 689-7339 BEDSIDE TABLE 24HX20W X18D, exxc cond, $20. Terry or Michele 633-6081 PILLOW TOP queen size 2-pc matching mattress & boxspring, spotless, like new, first $100. 668-2771 BEDROOM SUITE (2 dressers & 2 end tables), $750 obo. 633-6619 after 5:00pm SOLID HARD wood mirror and braces to be attached to chest of drawers, or remove braces and fix on wall, 42â&#x20AC;?X36â&#x20AC;?, $25. Michele or Terry 633-6081 SOLID OAK rolltop desk (no veneer), med oak color, 4 bottom drawers, multiple cubbies above desktop, exc cond, $675. 633-4135 DINING ROOM suite, buffet, hutch & table with 6 chairs, $1,250 obo. 633-6619 after 5:00pm LARGE METAL cabinet wit 5 shelves and double locking doors, view at 49 Redwood Street. 633-6553
ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE, nearly new, paid $200, asking $50. 668-2659 COMPUTER DESK, teak, exc cond, $75. 668-2771
2 CHILDRENĘźS bicycles in good repair, $20 ea. 633-4018
MODERN COMPUTER style desk, like new, cherry color top, metal frame, keyboard tray + 2 shelves, $50 obo. 633-2096
INFANT/TODDLER CAR seat, new cond, asking $100 obo, for info call 393-2630
SOLID OAK single pedestal plant stand, medium oak colour, exc cond, $100. 633-4135
1890 MISSION-STYLE desk, all solid quartered oak, medium oak colour, 2 desk drawers, 2 shelves on each side, exc cond, $1,100. 633-4135
BOOKCASES, 5 shelves, decorative trim, light oak, some with doors, $35 ea. 668-3381 FILE CABINETS, 2-drawer, $10-$29, 4-drawer $55. 668-3381 SWIVEL TV stand, 31â&#x20AC;?WX24â&#x20AC;?H, 2 storage slide doors, shelf/underneath storage, light oak, good cond, $42. 668-3381
PUBLIC TENDER BATHROOM RETROFITS YUKON HOUSING UNITS #815001 AND 815002 OLD CROW, YUKON Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is June 25, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. If documents are available they may be obtained from Yukon Housing Corporation, 410 Jarvis Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Raymond Mikkelsen at 867-6675718.
4-PC 1950ĘźS bedroom set, Bonnet by Sears, desk, dresser, end table, bench c/w matching headboard, not Bonnet, good cond but damaged end table, $250 obo. Call/text 668-3103 LOVESEAT W/CHAISE lounge cushion, good cond, $50, TV cabinet for 27â&#x20AC;? TV, fair shape $25. 633-6134. DINETTE SET, hexagonal table 42â&#x20AC;?x42â&#x20AC;? w/17â&#x20AC;? extension leaf, 4 chairs w/upholstered seats, good cond, $75, 2 matching bar stools, $20. 668- 3381
Personals DRUG PROBLEM? Narcotics Anonymous meetings Wed. 7pm-8pm #2 - 407 Ogilvie St. BYTE Office FRI. 7pm-8:30pm 4071 - 4th Ave Many Rivers Office ARE YOU MĂ&#x2030;TIS? Are you registered? Would you like to be involved? There is a Yukon Metis Nation that needs your support Contact 668-6845 CITIZENS ON PATROL. Do you have concerns in your neighborhood & community? Be part of the solution! Volunteer valuable time to the C.O.P.S. program. With your eyes & ears we can help stomp out crime. Info: RCMP 867-667-5555
Feel like a small ďŹ sh in a big pond?
FARO AERODROME OBSTACLE LIMITATION SURVEY Project Description: Government of Yukon, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch requests bids for Survey Services for the Airport Operations Manual (AOM) and the Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) at Faro Aerodrome, Faro, Yukon. Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is June 19, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Michael Kearney at (867) 633-7931. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is July 3, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Elise Bingeman at (867) 393-6417. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. The Yukon Business Incentive Policy will apply to this project. Bidders are advised to review documents to determine Certificate of Recognition (COR) requirements for this project. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
LARGE METAL 5 drawer filing cabinet, view at 49 Redwood Street, 633-6553
1960'S DOLL carriage, $75. 668-2972
ANTIQUE OAK hutch, newly refinished including glass doors, 6Ęź long, exc cond, $1,000. 633-6244
1 6-SHELF bookcase, $20, 1 5-shelf bookcase, $20. 667-4526
SOLID HICKORY wood 7-pc bdrm set, made in Quebec, mint shape, natural stain, $650. 668-2972 COMPUTER 334-8205
DESK, very solid, $65.
SMALL CHINA cabinet, $40. 667-7440 or 333-9306
PUBLIC TENDER INTERIOR RETROFIT YUKON HOUSING - UNIT 084007 APT # 1B â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2004 CENTENNIAL STREET WHITEHORSE, YUKON Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is July 2, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. If documents are available they may be obtained from Yukon Housing Corporation, 410 Jarvis Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Raymond Mikkelsen at 867-6675718.
Joint Tender Closing in Dawson City
Site Visit: June 19, 2014 at 11:00 a.m.
The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted.
The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted.
View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Stand out from the crowd and be seen!
Highways and Public Works Community Services
Advertise your business in the Yukon News.
Puzzle Page Answer Guide
Sudoku: 1IPOF t 'BY
Project Description: Complete Demolition and Removal of Hazardous Building Materials Including Asbestos Abatement. Project Includes Excavation and Burial of Waste at the Dawson Landfill. Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is June 17, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Lester Balsillie at (867) 667-8168. Dual Opening with Dawson City Regional Office. Documents can be picked up and submitted to Property Management Division at 396 4th Ave. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. The Yukon Business Incentive Policy will apply to this project. Bidders are advised to review documents to determine Certificate of Recognition (COR) requirements for this project. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
INDOOR AIR QUALITY EVALUATION Interested parties are invited to submit expressions of interest relating to The Public Service Commission is seeking Information regarding Indoor Air Quality testing from qualified companies. This is to establish an inventory of services needed to satisfy regulatory requirements for Indoor Air Quality in Yukon Government facilities. Written submissions clearly marked with the above project title, will be received up to July 2, 2014, at Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 0M2. Technical questions may be directed to Ken Schamber at (867) 456-5560. The responses will not be ranked or used to pre-qualify or assess the respondentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ability to provide goods or services. Interested parties may obtain the information package from www. gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html or by contacting the Procurement Support Centre. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html
Public Service Commission
Word Scramble A: Buss B: Cosset C: Undulate
HORSE HAVEN HAY RANCH Dev & Louise Hurlburt Irrigated Timothy/Brome mix Small square & round bales Discounts for field pick up or delivery Straw bales also for sale 335-5192 â&#x20AC;˘ 668-7218
Highways and Public Works
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40 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 2014