CASTLEGAR NEWS Thursday, June 26, 2014
Vol.11 • Issue 26
Breaking news at
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Hot laps with
Funding announcement Provincial money for walking/bike trail. See page A2 Teachers’ strike ongoing DRIVEWAY
Local union ponders odds of summer picketing See page A2
Special car feature in the West Kootenay Advertiser located within this paper
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Mayor Lawrence Chernoff cuts the ribbon on the well-equipped kitchen at the Blueberry Creek Community School Hub last Friday. He later made a $10,000 donation to the facility on behalf of the City of Castlegar.
Jim Sinclair photo
Big event for Blueberry Creek community JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor
Last Friday was a big day at the Blueberry Creek Community School Hub, in more ways than one. For starters there was a field full of kids having all kinds of fun on June 20 so their parents/guardians were having fun, too. There was plenty of tangible proof of
the programs that have been going on at the hub, like the useful greenhouse created with elbow grease and dollars from Telus. There was the cool straw bale garden… 60 bales arranged and already sporting vegetables growing out of them. It was all part of the facility’s annual community picnic and the weather cooperated nicely. From
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3 p.m. to 5 p.m. it was mostly kid stuff going on and at 5 p.m. the pot-luck and barbecue got into high gear followed by the familiar tones of the Blueberry Bluegrass Players pickin’ in the gym. The bluegrass folks have shown a lot of appreciation for the premises they enjoy on an ongoing basis. They are contributors toward the thriving survival of the child-de-
velopment operation at the southern edge of the City of Castlegar. The bluegrassers fall into formation along with the Columbia Basin Trust, Teck, School District 20, RDCK Area J, the Union of BC Municipalities, the BC School Trustees Association, and Zellstoff Celgar.
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Thursday, June 26, 2014 Castlegar News
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Around the community
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Above left, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Coralee Oakes announces $100k infusion for trail creation in 20th St./Connors Rd. area. Above right, teachers’ pickets go for visibility on June 23.
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Jim Sinclair photos
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Future looking bright for Blueberry school
Dig Tip Ask about our customer appreciation event on July 7th, 7:30pm!
Continued from P. A1
Rebecca McDonnell is the Community Liaison NEW SUMMER HOURS: Tuesday-Saturday Sunday 10-4, CLOSED Mondays and Environmental Direc9:30-5:30, tor of the hub and guided a 250-359-5926 whirlwind mini-tour in the midst of the picnic action, speaking first about the garden. Attention Castlegar Residents “All the fresh produce Watering Restrictions Bylaw Education Project will be produced on site for Throughout the summer, Castlegar’s Water Smart Ambassaall of our children throughdor is placing yellow lawn flags on properties where watering restrictions are not being followed. These flags serve as out our summer programa gentle reminder of Castlegar’s Water Conservation Policy. ming,” declared McDonnell. The Water Smart Ambassador also provides free Lawn As for the kind of savings and Garden Water Use Assessments to help determine the green thumbing can inappropriate watering times for your landscape and assist in programming your irrigation system timer. fluence, she said “we’re more For more information on the Bylaw Education Project or to interested in the educationbook an assessment today, please contact Laura Smit at al/nutritional component… 250-304-5396 or what we can teach our chilEFFECTIVE JUNE 15 TO SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 dren and how healthy it can be to produce it. SPRINKLING AND CAR WASHING IS PERMITTED FROM 5:00 A.M. TO 11:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M. TO 11:00 P.M. “But maybe we’ll keep Water sprinkling is restricted to EVERY SECOND DAY tallies over the year because a) Residents at “odd number” addresses water on “odd it cost about a thousand number” calendar days, and dollars to put the garden in. b) Residents at “even number” addresses water on “even number” calendar days Maybe in September we’ll have an idea (of what we’ve Residents who use a water regulating ������������������������ system (e.g. underground sprinkler��������������������������������������� saved.) Certainly, snack systems with timers) shall be exempttime (particularly fresh, ored from the regulations, provided they do their outdoor watering between the ganic produce) is not cheap hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. on for so many children.” an alternating day basis. Kids definitely get a grasp Learn more at of important facets of food production and they have a 2811 Popoff Road beside the Credit Union at the Junction
Rebecca McDonnell shows off straw bale garden at Blueberry Creek Community School Hub. Jim Sinclair photo
good time doing it all along the way. “It’s called seed to plate programming,” McDonnell explained. “They planted the seeds, they’ve watched it grow… they learn so much. And when the children grow their own fruits and vegetables they always want to eat it… there’s no… ‘I
don’t want to eat my peas… etc.’” McDonnell indicated a related pilot project was done last year and there’s great excitement over this season’s continuation. Further east on the school grounds is a meadow maze that has been created for the children where
unexpected expenses. THINKING WE’LL or MAKE IT SIMPLE. loans for allMORTGAGE….. purposes a new purchase we have a loan product for
all your needs online: West Boundary Branch Castlegar 256 S. Copper, p.o. box 76, # 100 - 630 - 17th Street, Greenwood, voh Castlegar, B.C.b.c. V1N 4G7ijo Phone:250-365-7232 250-445-9900 phone: Fax:250-365-2913 250-445-9902 Fax:
Slocan valley 3014 Hwy 6, P.O. Box 39, Slocan Park, B.C. V0G 2E0 Tel: 250-226-7212 Fax: 250-226-7351
they learn about pollination, follow butterflies, and other interesting pursuits that incorporate nature and the outdoors. It was right around then that the alert was sounded over a special event indoors – the grand ribbon cutting at the newly-outfitted community-style kitchen. Mayor Lawrence Chernoff did the honours while a cheerful all-ages throng filled the kitchen for the occasion. He later handed over a cheque for a sizable amount toward the hub. The day capped off a two-year fundraising drive for the community operation, while supporter Ed Waywood orchestrated the raising of more than five thousand dollars toward the cause through bottle drives, enabling the purchase of a stove and fridge in the kitchen. “The bluegrass players fundraised for one of the stoves in there,” reported hub Operations Manager Alana Medeiros over the excited din.
Castlegar News Thursday, June 26, 2014
Castlegar City Council met Monday evening for their regular scheduled meeting. Castlegar’s Water Smart Ambassador, Laura Smit, made a presentation to Council on the ongoing work of getting Castlegar residents to break our bad watering habits. Laura is available for lawn and garden water use assessment appointments. After their assessment, residents are given a personalized watering schedule and are offered a free rain sensor for their irrigation system or a hose timer for their sprinkler. Laura will also be riding around town on her bicycle placing yellow warning flags on the lawns of residents
Laura will be riding around town on her bicycle, placing yellow warning flags on the lawns of residents not following watering guidelines Stephen Hill, former Federal Conservative candidate for our riding made a presentation to council on behalf of the Conservative party. He highlighted how the changes made to riding boundaries will affect our area. Nelson and Creston
up from last year. Updates on projects included notice that the tender for the Pioneer Arena chiller has gone out and will be awarded soon. The Millennium Ponds project is progressing. Trees have been planted, the top soil is down and turf will be installed this week. Completion is slated for mid to late July. Council also voted to appoint three community members to form a committee to conduct a review of remuneration paid to Mayor and Councillors as is required by bylaw. The Council Remuneration Review Committee members will be Kirk Duff, Jacquie Hamilton and John Waterfield. Any changes to remuneration will take place following the next election, after a new city council takes office.
are no longer in our riding, but Penticton is; thus changing the previous rural composition. In his opinion this change is more likely to produce a Conservative victory in these parts. Mr. Hill asked the Mayor and Council for input on how the Conservative party could better serve Castlegar. Councillor Chernoff responded, “Come visit here way more often then what they do. They lose touch with small communities. The only way to know a community is to talk to the people, find out what’s important to them.” Other highlights of the meeting included a report that building permit values have increased making it look like this will be a good year for construction. Business licenses are also
+ +
Castlegar News
who are not following the city’s watering restriction guidelines. She will be wearing a blue Water Smart shirt so she can be identified.
Notary Public Inc.
PHILIP KANIGAN + + + + + + + + +
News Ambassador is watching for water waste A3
Bright report on city budget
love to be, the City of Castlegar has achieved.” Castlegar News The report highlights objectives City Council presented to the from the previous year and sumpublic the Annual Report for 2013. marizes the results. Projects from A large part of the report deals 2013 included: replacement of with city finances. Auditor Don streetlights with new LED heads, Simpson from BDO Canada LLP, paving projects, South Castlegar appeared before council to sum up storm project, upgrades to the his findings. The auditor praised water treatment centre and South Director of Finance Andre Buss Sewer Treatment Plant, airport and his team for their cooperation. improvements, Sculpture Walk, He stated that everything was done Communities in Bloom, Zuckerin a very timely fashion, allowing burg Island Bridge rehabilitation, the audit team to work efficiently. a new Zamboni and sound system Mr. Simpson also said, “To Andre for the arena and the Millennium and his team, we thank you very Ponds. The city gave out $15,000 much on behalf of myself and my in grants to community clubs and staff for the excellent preparation hosted many special events includyou put together for us and the ex- ing the Winter Skate party and cellent financial statement that is Canada Day Celebrations. set before us today.” The report is full of information The report shows that Castle- and statistics on Castlegar. It ingar is in excellent financial health. cludes information on our mayor The city has $5.6 million in net fi- and councillors. The Official Comnancial assets, including reserves. munity Plan and statements from Where revenues were less than ex- Mayor Chernoff and the Chief Adpected in the budget, spending ad- ministrative Officer are also con������������������������ ��������������������������������������� justments were made and the city tained in the report. If you want to kept a balanced budget. Budgeted learn more about your community SHSS grad Danny Castle’s pic didn’t make expenses were $14.9 million and and the direction we are heading, it into last week’s supplement, so, far better actual expenses were $14.9 mil- the 2013 Annual Report is a great late than never... here it is. lion leaving a surplus of $447,292. place to get information. The reCongratulations Danny! Mr. Simpson said, “In budgeting, port can be obtained at City Hall where the Province of BC would and on the City’s website. BETSY KLINE
A place of his own
unexpected expenses. THINKING WE’LL or MAKE IT SIMPLE. loans for allMORTGAGE….. purposes a new purchase we have a loan product for
all your needs online: West Boundary Branch Castlegar 256 S. Copper, p.o. box 76, # 100 - 630 - 17th Street, Greenwood, voh Castlegar, B.C.b.c. V1N 4G7ijo Phone:250-365-7232 250-445-9900 phone: Fax:250-365-2913 250-445-9902 Fax:
Slocan valley 3014 Hwy 6, P.O. Box 39, Slocan Park, B.C. V0G 2E0 Tel: 250-226-7212 Fax: 250-226-7351
250-352-5331 June 26th - Marcus Visionary (Toronto) June 27st - Sub Bass feat. Erica Dee & guests June 28th - Sack Grabbath w/ Immune 2 Cobras June 30th - Scarlet Rose Burlesque July 5th - Wood N Soo July 11th - The Boom Booms w/ guests July 12th - Tantrum Desire (UK) w/ Slim Pickins July 17th - The Good Ol’ Goats July 18th - Stickybuds July 19th - Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 w/ Papa Roots July 22nd - Charlie Hunter w/ Scott Amendola & DJ Olive July 23rd - Great Lake Swimmers July 25rd - Kootenay Swing
July 26th - Val Kilmer & The New Coke July 29th - The Sadies
July 30th - Krafty Kuts Aug 1st - Stylust Beats w/ Digs
Thursday, June 26, 2014 Castlegar News
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Castlegar News Thursday, June 26, 2014 A5
News Is the WestJet/Castlegar issue still alive?
see your ad...
in our newspaper
Applied Leadership: Module 1
April 1
Ukulele for Beginners: Module 2: Get Going!
April 2
2 CPrenatal ASTLEGAR CASTLEGAR NEWS NEWS 250.365.6April 397 Personality and Parenting: True Colours Workshop
April 3
Editing: Writing as a Process
April 5
Fabric Play
April 5
Occupational First Aid Level 11 Applied Leadership: Module
April 52 April
Prenatal OFA Level 1 First Aid Transportation Endorsement Occupational
Castlegar News Editor
It was in the fall of 2012 with considerable fanfare that the highly successful WestJet airlines announced the imminent creation of regional service. Many people in and around Castlegar were hopeful their city/region would be included in the arrangement. To date there has been no positive announcement concerning the West Kootenay Regional Airport, but, for that matter, neither has there been a definitive denial. A deal was made with Bombardier for about 40 ultra-modern turboprop aircraft and communities across the country geared up for the possibility of attracting the right kind of attention. Delegations from many communities, including Castlegar, had made the trip to WestJet’s Calgary headquarters to state their cases in a short presentation. A handful of communities were then named as successful applicants for WestJet service. In BC those communities included Nanaimo and Penticton. Not a lot has been in the news ever since. Mayor Lawrence Chernoff has remained aware of the situation all along, and when contacted this week agreed it has been kind of a non-issue (media-wise,
April 51 April
H2S Alive Ukulele for Beginners: Module 2: Get Going!
April June 29 April 62
Personality Parenting: True Colours Workshop Beekeepingand for Beginners
April April 73
Editing: Writing as a Process
Prenatal Refresher Economics of Happiness
Fabric Play
Emergency First Aid with CPR C
April 12
Chainsaw Safety and Maintenance
April 12
Occupational First Aid Level 1 H2S Alive
S-100/S-185 Fire and Entrapment Occupational FirstSuppression Aid Transportation Endorsement
April 13
April 7 April 9
Prenatal: Breastfeeding Emergency First Aid with CPR C
April 2312 April
CPR LevelSafety C Recert Chainsaw and Maintenance
April 2412 April
S-100/S-185 Fire Suppression and Entrapment Intro to Handheld GPS Avoidance
April 26
Standard First Aid with CPR C Recert
Canadian Firearms Safety (PAL) Prenatal: Breastfeeding
at least) for an extended period. He’s as keen on the prospect, however, as he ever was. It had been he, along with former MP Jim Gouk who had made the local pitch in Calgary, a pitch which had included the promise of some $300,000 worth of locally funded airport upgrades to facilitate safe use of the airport in a wider variety of weather conditions. He said he felt good about the presentation, but time has gone on and not much more has been heard. “I’m expecting an announcement in July, to my understanding,” said the mayor on June 24. “It’s moved pretty slowly – they haven’t done a whole lot.”
April 6
Occupational First Aid Level 1
Occupational First Aid Level 1
come calling they’d be welcome. “We’re here to serve the public the best we can,” he said. According to Rempel there is no contractual obligation for Air Canada to continue serving Castlegar for any set period. “It’s forever, I guess,” said the airport manager, “as long as they choose to fly in. There’s no set agreement that they’ll fly any particular time or length of time. We have lease agreements with them for their office space, etc.” Multiple attempts to obtain information on this topic from WestJet, ahead of press deadline were unsuccessful. Watch for updates in the coming weeks.
April 5
April 12
Prenatal Refresher
His Worship conceded that in some cases no news is good news. “They haven’t said no, and they haven’t put out to a lot of places. In the original plan they were supposed to have a lot more, but they have very few places out there in reality. “I don’t know whether they’ve backed off, but we haven’t heard from them at all.” In the meantime Air Canada Jazz, the only carrier currently serving Castlegar will continue in a locally-valued relationship. Airport manager Gerry Rempel says the arrangement with Air Canada is a good one, but if WestJet, or any other carrier were to
April 5
Beekeeping for Beginners
A select number of communities will be served by WestJet’s new fleet of Bombardier Q-400 turboprop aircraft. So far as municipal officials are aware, Castlegar has not been ruled out.
April 5
April30 9 June April 5
April 12
April 26
April 13
April 29 April 23
CPR Level C Recert
April 24
Intro to Handheld GPS
April 26
Standard First Aid with CPR C Recert
April 26
Canadian Firearms Safety (PAL)
April 29
2014 Scholarship Recipients RHC Insurance Brokers wishes to congratulate the following recipients of our 2014 RHC Insurance Brokers scholarship. We wish these young graduates every success in their future endeavours.
Grand Forks Secondary David Hecht LV Rogers, Nelson Danielle Solari Tobin Eberle Stanley Humphries, Kelsey Matson Castlegar Lucas Zaytsoff JL Crowe, Trail Emma Foyle Jesse Galay Salmo Secondary Kyle Mitchell Mt. Sentinel, South Slocan Matthew Stockerl JV Humphries, Kaslo Kathryn Haegedorn
West Kootenay Glacier Challenge August 16 & 17, 2014 2 days – 222 km! Gear up and help us find a cure for multiple sclerosis! Join us for an amazing weekend cycling through some of the most historic areas along our lakes and mountains. Enjoy a route that is coveted by local riders. Meals and refreshment stops are included and you’ll be supported along the way. With a start and finish in New Denver, and an overnight in Nelson, this ride will take you on an experience well worth the journey.
reGister now
City of Castlegar 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 Phone: 250.365.7227 Fax: 250.365.4810 Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday except statutory holidays IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT YOUR 2014 CITY OF CASTLEGAR PROPERTY TAX NOTICE
Your City of Castlegar 2014 Property Tax notice has now been mailed. If you have not received your Property Tax notice or have recently purchased your property and have not received a Property Tax notice, please contact the City of Castlegar at (250) 365-7227. Payments must be received in our office by 4:30 PM, July 2, 2014 to avoid penalty. THE POSTAGE DATE STAMP IS NOT CONSIDERED AS DATE RECEIVED. All unpaid 2014 taxes (including unclaimed home owner grants) are subject to a 10% PENALTY AFTER JULY 2, 2014 ELIGIBLE TAXPAYERS ARE URGED TO APPLY FOR THEIR HOME OWNER GRANT AS SOON AS THEY RECEIVE THEIR TAX NOTICE. It is not necessary to make a payment in order to claim the grant. You can claim your home owner grant online by visiting and selecting Home Owner Grants in the top menu. You will need your Roll number and your 6 digit access code found on your Property Tax Notice. You can pay using Internet, telephone or ATM banking – Please ensure your 8 digit account number appears in your payment information – do not include the 201 or the decimal, eg: 201 01234567. Bank payments must be stamped or deposited July 2, 2014 or earlier. NOTE: If your bank is paying your taxes through your mortgage and you qualify for the Home Owner Grant, you must fill in the grant application at the bottom of your 2014 Property Tax Notice and mail or drop off to City Hall. If paying in person, we accept cash, cheque or debit at City Hall, 8:30am to 4:30pm. CREDIT CARDS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. Cheques postdated to July 2, 2014 will be accepted in advance.
Thursday, June 26, 2014 Castlegar News
Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905
A bonus for pedalers and walkers The recent visit to Castlegar by provincial Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Coralee Oakes was timely. The Minister’s announcement was also very much appreciated by the growing number of people who recognize the value of a lifestyle that includes meaningful and effective excercise. Minister Oakes shared the news that a hundred thousand dollars is being handed over by the provincial government for the construction of a walking/bike trail in the City of Castlegar. The importance of such activities to a community are huge in terms of the overall health of our citizens. But putting together appealing infrastructure of this sort will also serve to cater to potential visitors with that kind of activity in mind. It’s a win-win in terms of fitness, both physical and fiscal, and it comes in as green a package as we could hope for. Glowing examples of areas getting on this kind of bandwagon exist in ever-growing numbers. One that comes to mind is Whistler, with an impressive network – hundreds of kilometres of trails – that beckons tourists from around the world. Our setting may not be as well-known as Whistler but the beauty of our region takes a back seat to no area. This kind of development is exactly where continuing energy and resources ought to be directed. The smattering of folks on hand for the announcement were uniformly upbeat about the presentatation, and why not? A prime asset is on the way to complementing what we already have in this community... something that almost all of us can enjoy. We want to hear from you.
Letters Policy
The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Spots in Time - Gord Turner
A long trip to graduation We’ve been to the Stanley Humphries graduation ceremonies many times over the years. We’ve also been to Selkirk College’s graduation every spring for about 25 years. But those events were nearby, and all we had to do was drive for not more than ten minutes. This year our oldest granddaughter was graduating from high school. She was graduating, however, from George M. Dawson Secondary in Masset, B.C. on Haida Gwaii. We’re talking about what was once called the Queen Charlotte Islands, a long way from Castlegar. In fact, if you look at a map, you will think twice about driving there. As our granddaughter had been accepted into Selkirk College this fall, we were asked to help move her belongings back to Castlegar. So, four days before her graduation we were on the highway heading north in my van. Truly, it takes three full days to get there. The first day, you have to get as far as Prince George. Over to Kelowna, up to Vernon, across to Kamloops, on to Cache Creek, and then all the way up the Cariboo Highway to Prince George—13 hours. The second day you have to get as far as Prince Rupert. The reason for Theresa Hodge Office Manager
Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate
Selina Birk Creative Support
that is you have to take the B.C. Ferry on the third day, and you have to have that booked well before you get there. Prince George to Prince Rupert seems an endless journey because Highway #16 is such a winding road. You pass through Vanderhoof, Fraser Lake, Burns Lake, Houston, Smithers, New Hazelton, and Terrace for nine hours. The B.C. Ferry experience occurred on the third day of our trip, and we were required to be at the dock by 8 a.m. for a 10 o’clock departure. We managed to get on board with our vehicle by 9 a.m., and then we watched the rest of the vehicles being loaded. Unfortunately, this ferry only loads and unloads from one end, so all the freight and tanker trucks had to back down the long winding ramp and then be wedged in place. Of course, some of the drivers couldn’t back up straight, so B.C. Ferries personnel had to take over. Needless to say, we left Prince Rupert at 12:15, more than two hours late. Arriving in Queen Charlotte City at about 6 p.m., we picked up my eldest son and my six year-old granddaughter, who had arrived in Sandspit earlier by air. Then we drove for two hours on a twisting under-repair highway
to Masset. Fortunately, being so far north, Haida Gwaii had lots of evening light. The graduation itself was a snap in contrast to the trip to get there. In particular, we enjoyed the grand march with each of the 28 students dressed in their finery. Graduates came into the hall separately walking to music they had personally selected, so we listened to everything from “Wild Thing” to “Sesame Street”. It was neat that the grads selected their escorts, and most of them chose family members, either grandparents, parents, or a big brother or sister. Our lovely granddaughter walked up the aisle accompanied by her six year-old sister from Castlegar, one in a blue gown, the other in a yellow one. Upon arrival at the stage, the escorts departed, and the graduate had to face the audience and listen to a brief statement about his or her life and future prospects. These write-ups were prepared ahead of time by the happy parents. The four hour graduation was enjoyable and different. A couple of days later, however, we had to think about the gruelling three day trip back home to Castlegar.
Cindy Amaral Sandy Leonard Katelyn Hurley Marvin Beatty Creative Director Assistant Creative Director Creative Reporter
Jim Sinclair Editor
Chuck Bennett Publisher
Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397
Your Community News Team
Jennifer Cowan Operations Manager
Castlegar News Thursday, June 26, 2014 A7
We’ve got a
Teachers want a deal: local union head Editor A record high, 33,387 BC teachers exercised their democratic franchise and voted 86 per cent in favour of escalating our job action up to and including full withdrawal of services, if needed. I want to express my deepest gratitude and respect for the resounding support and solidarity shown by Kootenay Columbia teachers by their vote in our local. We have received numerous
emails from parents and other concerned community members thanking us for standing up for public education and for better supports for kids. We want to thank parents, students, our CUPE and other union colleagues, and everyone else who have stood with us, “shoulder-to-shoulder” to “hold the line” for increased funding for public education in our province. We echo our BCTF president’s comment, that, “There
Large selection!
is no reason why a province as rich as BC should be second last when it comes to funding education.” Local teachers want Premier Clark to release the resources necessary that her negotiators need to effect a deal at the bargaining table. We want a deal not a fight, before the end of June.
Camo, Spirit, Golf, and Sandals
Andy Davidoff Pres. Kootenay Columbia Teachers Union
Thanks & Spanks Have a complaint or has someone brighten your day?
You are welcome to extend complements or less pleasant messages, but please remember, no person or business to be identified by name... no threats or mean-spirited diatribes, and no political propaganda.
Bring this ad in for an extra regular priced items!
20% off
Valid until June 30th 2014.
Spanks to everyone who leaves up outdated signage. They make this beautiful city look trashy. Thanks to the young men who helped me push may truck those last 20, or so, feet into my driveway. The hernia (I didn’t have) thanks you as well. Thanks to the people who take on stretches of road to keep tidy and look after. Send Thanks or Spanks to
1128 3rd St, Castlegar |
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Stock quotes as of closing
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Notice of Correction
The date of the Gospel Music Festival written up last week... is SATURDAY, JULY 19
5N Plus ............................. 4.13 BCE Inc. .......................... 49.56 Bank of Montreal ............. 76.89 Bank of Nova Scotia......... 71.01 CIBC .............................. 97.64 Canadian Utilities ............ 39.87 Canfor Corporation ......... 24.09 EnCana Corp. ................. 26.66 Enbridge Inc. ................... 51.96 Finning International.......... 29.29 Fortis Inc. ........................ 32.08 Husky Energy .................. 36.50
Manitoba Telecom ........... 31.40 Mercer International ........... 9.17 National Bank of Canada . 45.99 Onex Corporation ............ 66.20 Royal Bank of Canada...... 75.18 Sherritt International ............ 4.49 TD Bank .......................... 54.59 TELUS Corp...................... 41.24 Teck Resources ................. 23.27 TransCanada Corp ........... 51.15 iPath S&P 500 VIX ............ 30.67
M����� F���� CIG
Portfolio Series Balanced ... 28.25
Signature Dividend ........... 14.54
Portfolio Series Conservative 15.58
Manulife Monthly High ... 14.478
C����������, I������ � C��������� CADUSD Canadian / US Dollar ...... 0.921
Light Sweet Crude Oil ..... 106.23
Gold............................ 1270.70
Silver ............................... 19.72
Let’s talk INVESTING Want to know more about managing your money? The Financial Planners at Kootenay Savings MoneyWorks are the people to ask. They’ll explain it all, in a language you’ll understand. For information about wealth management, retirement, insurance or estate planning, call today.
Garden guy Twenty eighth Avenue resident Lou Bouillane (L) gets ready to call it a day on June 22. It was 3:30 p.m. and he still had guests showing up in his garden which was part of the Castlegar Garden Club’s annual tour. Lou said there were about 150 people who stopped in over the course of the day. Jim Sinclair photo
1.877.691.5769 Mutual Funds are offered through Qtrade Management Inc., Member MFDA. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. This report is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. This report is furnished on the basis and understanding that Qtrade Asset Management Inc. is to be under no responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect thereof.
Community Calendar
ALL summer:
Castlegar Concerts in the Park. All shows start, 7 p.m. at Kinnarid Park on Wednesdays. July 2 – Besse Wapp & Friends (Clinton Swanson)Funk, blues & Folk July 9 – That Girl and Earl fun, classic tunes July 16 – Dawn Graham Inspirations - Barbra Streisand tribute July 23 – Melody Diachun w/Tony Ferraro & band - jazz classics July 30 - Sunshine Drive blues, funk, rock Aug. 3 - Clinton Swanson w/
Thursday, June 26, 2014 Castlegar News This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an upto-date version with contact details to, drop off at our office at Unit 2 - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or give us a call at 250-365-6397. Thank you. 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955
JULY 2: Free skateboard coaching through Kootenay Family Place’s Summer at the Skatepark. Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Castlegar Rotary Skatepark. Free boards and safety equipment. July 2 to August 29.
time. Phone 250-365-7317 or visit
St. David’s & United Church Thrift Shop, downstairs at 605 Columbia Ave. Clothing, shoes, bedding, linen, books & household items. Now on sale - ladies tops and long pants two for one. 10 a.m. to l p.m. from July 2 to Sept. 2; Tuesday to Saturday (Closed Mondays). $5 Bag Sale (grocery size)
Robson Flea Market Sundays 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Breakfast offered until food runs out (usually about Noon). Wide variety including collectibles, homebaked goodies, jams, crafted items, household goods. Loonie table has some great bargains. Tables are $5 each, please call Kathy (250) 365-3796 to book.
Selkirk WeaVERS AND SPINNERS GUILD meets the third Wednesday of each month, 10-noon followed by bag lunch and show & tell. Anyone new to the craft or to the area is welcome at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre, across from the airport.
The “Bridge,” – Do you have ques-
1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208
The kinnaird Church of God: Located at 2404 Columbia Ave. will hold all services (Sundays at 10 a.m. and first Tuesdays at 7 p.m.) at the Castlegar Christian Fellowship Building at 1821 Connors Road for the next several months. free hot meal at the sharing dinner pot at Cadet Hall, 8th Ave, Castlegar (2 blocks from library) Tues. at noon. All About Breastfeeding informative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlegar, Tues. 10:30noon More info: 250-365-3662, tops group meets every wednesday 8:30-10 a.m. Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round
More info: Sandi McCreight 250365-2104 ext. 34
BC Senior Games Slo pitch teams will practice at Haley park Sunday nights at 6 p.m. all summer. Anyone who will be 55 years old by Dec 31, 2012 is eligible. Please bring a ball glove and ball shoes (running shoes are acceptable but not advisable)
FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELLING for problem gambling; Castlegar Community Services Call 250608-2254.
New to Canada? Settlement services provides eligible newcomers with information about community services or preparing for citizenship. Call 250-687-4714 or email
This Community Calendar brought to you by ‘Your Hometown Realtors’ Our dedicated and highly skilled Agents specialize in offering an array of resources to help you with all your real estate needs.
Kelly Fawcett R&B Aug. 10- Mountain Station Band - bluegrass Aug. 17 – Ray Boulaine & Don Birch - country, blues Aug. 23 – Motes & Oates award winning folk duo
june 28: Royal Canadian Le-
gion, Castlegar-Robson Br. 170 will celebrate Legion Week with a pancake breakfast from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. All are welcome. Proceeds to “Toonies for Troops.”
June 29 Slocan Valley Art and
Garden Tour - Sunday, June 29, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eight venues between the Passmore Lodge and Slocan City. Tour brochures available at local garden centres and on community bulletin boards.
juLY 2: Castlegar and District
Community Justice Forum Annual General Meeting, 6 p.m. at Castlegar Community Services – 1102 2nd St. Anyone interested in finding out more about this worthwhile program is invited to attend. We are always looking for new volunteers. Contact Inga Lamont (program Coordinator) at 365-7500.
Simon Laurie 250-365-1585
Val Koochin 250-365-1846
Matt McCarthy 250-304-4831
James Kereiff 250-304-7828
toll free: 877.365.2169 | 250.365.2166 |
on all clothing & shoes (except tagged items) on July 2 - 12; Aug. 5 - 9. We accept clean donations and thank the community for support. heads-up peony lovers: Next
year Castlegar will host a BC Peony Show with the blessing of the Canadian Peony Society. The dates are June 27-28, 2015. For info call your local Communities in Bloom – 250-3657227. Saturdays – TFN
Castlegar Farmers’ Market at the Station Museum. Call Deb at 365-6440 to book a spot. Bring your own tent, tables and chair. Spots are only $5. The treasure shop: Visit 210 11th Avenue downtown Mon Thurs 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Fri - Sat 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Our second floor complete with elevator and staircase is up and running. Choose from furniture, ladies, children’s and men’s clothing, jewelry, etc. Housewares, linens, lamps, wall hangings and more. Future silent auction items displayed. Please observe “no donations at this time” signage on our door from time to
Please send community calendar items to
Carmen Harris 250-365-1520
Phil Poznekoff 250-365-4679
Charissa Hackett 250-304-4373
Chad Williams 250-304-5241
Pat Klohn 250-365-1731
Larry Peitzsche 250-608-3017
Tammy Peitzsche Connor McCarthy 250-365-9640 250-304-4781 | 1761 Columbia Avenue Castlegar |
tions? Join us for music, discussion, refreshments; 1st Tues. ea. month, 7 p.m, Kinnaird Church of God, 2404 Columbia Ave, Castlegar – held tfn at CCF, 1801 Connors Rd. Call Donna at 250-304-2929. Community Harvest food bank & Drop-in centre: Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. -1:30 eligible 1x per month; closed the Monday after cheque issue and statutory holidays. Lunch served from 11 – 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 -1:30 Friday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 – 1:30 Coffee and baked goodies from 10 a.m. on in the basement of St. David’s Anglican Church 614 Christina Place, around back and down the stairs. Donation cheques payable to Community Harvest Food Bank can be mailed to: 301 32nd Street V1N 3S6. Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St David’s Church – 250608-2227. ALPHA COURSE: The Alpha Course is being offered at Kinnaird Park Community Church, Thursdays at 6-8 p.m. starting April 24. All are welcome. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TREASURE SHOP is open Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Accepting donations on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Phone: 250-365-7317.
table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 365-7956. Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena Sun. at 10 a.m. Mike, 250-399-4417; Tues. at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wed. at 7 p.m., (Fay at 250-687-0484. Thurs. at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m (Len at 365-7805). al-anon meets every Monday night for people whose lives have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8-9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) More info: Donna 250-365-3168 or Eileen 250365-3674. free pool - Every Saturday at the Royal Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. Bring friends and have an afternoon of fun. friday youth program at Blueberry Creek Community School. Fun, safe night for a movie, games/ sports/hanging out. Grades K - 5, 6:30 - 8 p.m. and grades 6 up, 8 - 10 p.m. See B.C.C.S. facebook page for more info or phone 250-365-7201. USCC Cultural Interpretive Society meets Mon. & Wed., 9 a.m. 1 p.m. at the Doukhobor Arts and Crafts Centre, 820 Markova Rd., beside Brilliant Cultural Centre. Mom’s Support Group All moms welcome to this loosely structured group supporting challenges of being a mom. No referral required.
Marnie Pettit 250-304-3564
Legion Meat Draws Saturdays Royal Canadian Legion Castlegar/ Robson Branch #170, 248 Columbia Avenue, 4-6 p.m. Guests welcome and must be signed in by a member. Darts: 4 p.m. on Thursdays, new signed-in players welcome.
W.K. Yoga For MS Support Group. Mondays, 1:30 - 3 p.m., Castlegar Library, lower level. Free. Sponsored by WK MS Society for its members/care providers. Call Lonnie Facchina 1-866-352-3997. or email or Janice Ferraro, at 250365-5428, email
English as a Second Language programs Classes for adults, Conversation Club, Family Dropin for families with young children, 1 to 1 tutoring. Free. More info call Alana at 250-304-6862.
Families Cooking Together. Register for free program where families have fun preparing, cooking and eating dinner together. Third Wed. of the month (Nov-Mar) at Kootenay Family Place from 5 to 7 p.m. To register, call 1-877-2584133 or email
Ongoing: KPKids is a free program for kids in Kindergarten to Gr. 4 Wed. from 6:30-8 p.m. at Kinnaird Park Community Church. Also offer a program for youth Gr. 5 - 7 called KPJY at the same time and location. Registration upon arrival, drop in’s welcome.
Castlegar News Thursday, June 26, 2014
Community A9
Build your business with a consistent advertising campaign in the Castlegar News. Build your business with a consistent Advertise each week for 6 months with one of these great Build your business with a consistent advertising campaign Castlegar News.and packages. Pricing starts at 75%inoffthe during your first month advertising campaign in the Castlegar News.Advertise progressively month,with by month 6 you great still are eachchanges week foreach 6 months one of these receivingPricing a 25% discount! Advertise each week for 6 months with one of these great packages. starts at 75% off during your first month and packages. Pricing starts at 75% off during your first month and progressively changes each month, by month 6 you still are progressively changes each month, by month 6 you still are receiving a 25% discount! receiving a 25% discount!
This unprecedented offer is for new business or new to the Castlegar News businesses! Chose one of the following available packages that best suit your advertising needs and budget:
This unprecedented offer is for new business or new to the Castlegar News businesses! 24available WEEK CAMPAIGN Chose one of theNews following packages that best suit your advertising needs and budget: This unprecedented offer is for new business or new to the Castlegar businesses! Chose one of the following available packages that best suit your advertising needs and budget:
24 WEEK CAMPAIGN 2 col x 2” 2 col x 2”
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2 col x 4”
2 col x 5”
First month $88.64 2 col x 4” Last month $265.60
First month $110.80 2 col x 5” Last month $332.00
2 col x 4” 2 col x 5” First month $44.32 First month $66.48 First month $88.64 First month $110.804- 0 SAVE $530.56 SAVE $795.84 SAVE $1061.12 SAVE $1326.
First month $44.32 Last month $132.80
First month $66.48 Last month $199.20
Last month- $132.80First monthLast month- $199.20 First month $88.64 $110.80 Last month $265.60 Last month $332.00 SAVE SAVE
Last month $265.60
Last month $332.00
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month month- $498.00 First monthLast $199.44 - $398.40First monthLast $232.68 Last month $597.40 Last month $697.20 SAVE SAVE
Last month $597.40
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$530.56 SAVE 3$1061.12 3 col xSAVE 4” $1326.$795.84 34col col x 6” SAVE $1326. 3 col x 47”0 SAVE $530.56 SAVE $795.84 SAVE $1061.12 0 x 5” First month $132.96 First month $166.20 First month $199.44 First month $232.68 3 col x 4” 3 col x 5” 3 col x 6” 3 col x 7” Last month $398.40 Last month $498.00 Last month $597.40 Last month $697.20 3 col x 4” 3 col x 5” 3 col x 6” 3 col x 7” First month $132.96 First month $166.20 First month $199.44 First month $232.684- 4 SAVE $1591.68 SAVE $1989.60 SAVE $2387.52 SAVE $2785. $1591.68 $1989.60 SAVE $2387.52 SAVE $2785.44 SAVE $1591.68 SAVE $1989.60 SAVE $2387.52 SAVE $2785. 4 Sign up 4today and SAVE!!!
Sign up today and SAVE!!! Sign up today and SAVE!!!
Presentation made by:____________________________________________________________________________
Presentation accepted by:_________________________________________________________________________ Christine Esovoloff Presentation made by:____________________________________________________________________________ Company Name:________________________________________________________________________________ Presentation made by:____________________________________________________________________________ Presentation accepted by:_________________________________________________________________________ Title:_________________________________________________________________________________________ Presentation accepted by:_________________________________________________________________________ Company Name:________________________________________________________________________________ Rotary Interactors get in the bloomin’ spirit June 22, helping spread soil and generally Ad campaign commitment to begin:________________________________________________________________ Company Name:________________________________________________________________________________ Title:_________________________________________________________________________________________ being helpful to Communities in Bloom volunteers in the Kinnaird area. Today’s date:___________________________________________________________________________________ Title:_________________________________________________________________________________________ Jim Sinclair photo Ad campaign commitment to begin:________________________________________________________________ Ad campaign commitment to begin:________________________________________________________________ Today’s date:___________________________________________________________________________________ Today’s date:___________________________________________________________________________________
Pitching in gets it done quickly
Castlegar Relay for Life recap
Together, the 12 teams registered for Castlegar’s 2014 Relay for Life raised more than $19,000 in donations (according to the Canadian Cancer Society website). The teams varied in size from a single person team up to 12 or so members. The top fundraiser team was the Brite Starz with over $5,500 in donations raised. Top individual fundraiser went to Kelly McCreight, with approx $2,500 raised herself! There was a lot of live entertainment, lots of tears, and lots of laughter. This year’s event was by far not the best turnout I have seen in the last five years
2 Castlegar Koote 2011 2011 July 26, 2014 Castlegar Kootena 2011 Kootenay Featuring live music, 2011 July 26, 2014 Castlegar Castlegar let’s cultures represented celebrate! Kootenay 2011 July 26, 2014 July 26,dance, 2014 cultural event! Kootenay Featuring live music, dance, perf Featuring live music, performances and cuisine from the divers let let Christine Esovoloff
* Pricing is for black and white advertising only. Regular colour rates of +25% apply. No guaranteed placement. Campaign based on 24any weeks, if cancelled prior If you have marketing to completion, a discount of 20% off open rate will be applied to all advertising questions, please feel free that has been published. * Pricing is for black and white advertising only. Regular colour rates of +25%
F F estival F e F estival Kootenay FestivalCALL to contact me.
* Pricing is for black and white advertising only. Regular colour rates of +25% apply. No guaranteed placement. Campaign based on 24 weeks, if cancelled prior to completion, a discount of 20% off open rate will be applied to all advertising that has been published.
apply. No guaranteed placement. Campaign based on 24 weeks, if cancelled prior to completion, a discount of 20% off open rate will be applied to all advertising that has been published.
culturesBerepresented in the Koot cultures represented inlet’s the Kootenay region. a part of this exciting celebrate! Featuring Featuring live live music, music, dance, dance, performa performa culturalfrom event! Featuring live music, dance, performances and cuisine the diverse cultures represented inin the cultures represented the Kootenay Kootenay let’s celebrate! let’s celebrate! www.kootenayfest cultures represented in the Kootenay region.cultural Be a part of this exciting event! cultural event! Featuring from the Featuring live live music, music, dance, dance, performances performances and and cuisine cuisine from the diverse diverse EXHIBITOR BOOTHS & rec Castlegar Encouraging the appreciation Exhibitors are encourage cultures Kootenay region. Be a part of this exciting cultures represented represented inin the the July Kootenay region. Be a part of this exciting community diversity through artistic 26, 2014
demonstration and prese let’s celebr entertainment & cuisine. EXHIBITOR BOOTHS Encouraging theliveappreciation & recognition craftsmanship is cuisine expecte Featuring music, dance, performances and fr Exhibitors are encouraged towith provide Exhibitors are encouraged to provide an “experience” for festival attendees through community diversity through artistic expressi Any exhibitors impor cultures represented in the Kootenay region. Be a part oa let’s celebrate! demonstration and presentation. If you EXHIBITOR BOOTHS BOOTHS andentertainment presentation. If you are selling a product, a highseveral qualitypictures ofof Encouraging appreciation &&include recognition Encouraging the appreciation recognition of o &EXHIBITOR cuisine. cultural event! Featuring livedemonstration music, dance, performances and the cuisine from the diverse craftsmanship is expected and your pr Exhibitors are encouraged to provide an Exhibitors are encouraged to provide an “exp craftsmanship is expected and your product must be crafted, grown or produced lo community diversity through artistic expression diversity through artistic expression“exp cultures represented in thecommunity Kootenay region. Be a part of this Exhibitors areAny encouraged towith provide an “experience” forbeexciting festival attendees through • EXHIBITOR BOOTHS Any exhibitors with imported products demonstration and presentation. If you are se demonstration and presentation. If you are sP exhibitors imported products will asked to remove them immediately. entertainment entertainment && cuisine. cuisine. FOOD VENDOR BOOT demonstration and presentation. If you are selling a product, a high quality of
include several pictures your work w craftsmanship isis expected and your product craftsmanship expected andof your product include several pictures of your work with your booking form applicable. $40.00 The spirit and atmosphere, as usual, were inspiring at the 2014 Relay Theifcommittee will be loo • FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS craftsmanship is expected and your product must be crafted, grown or produced locally. Exhibitors are encouraged to provide an “experience” for festival attendees through Exhibitors are encouraged to provide an “experience” for festival attendees through Any exhibitors with imported products will be Any exhibitors with imported products will b for Life. Photo and text: Lana McCreight EXHIBITOR BOOTHS Encouraging the appreciation & recognition of Food vendors must provid • EXHIBITOR BOOTHS Any exhibitors with imported products will be asked to remove them immediately. Please demonstration and If you are selling a product, a high quality of demonstration and presentation. presentation. If you are selling a product, a high quality of include several pictures of your work with yo Exhibitors are encouraged to provide an “experience” for festival at include several pictures of your work with yo FOODEXHIBITOR VENDOR BOOTHS community diversity through artistic expression FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS and abide bya their rules a • NON-PROFIT BOOTHS demonstration and presentation. If you are selling product, a high of participating. We next year’s event. Re- craftsmanship amazing event hadpictures a and include several of your work with your booking form if applicable. $40.00 isis expected your product must be crafted, grown or produced locally. craftsmanship expected and your product must be crafted, grown or produced locally. entertainment & cuisine. will bemust looking for a va The committee will•beFOOD looking forcraftsmanship a variety ofisThe localcommittee cuisines as well as family favour VENDOR BOOTHS expected and your product be crafted, grow ••must EXHIBITOR BOOTHS hope to see many gardless, those who Any blast, and made it a toproducts EXHIBITOR BOOTHS exhibitors with imported be to them immediately. Please Any exhibitors with imported products will be asked asked to remove remove them immediately. Please Food vendors must provide permit fr2 Exhibitors are encouraged provide an will “experience” forTo festival attendees through FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS please contact Audrey Polov FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS Food vendors provide a permit from the Interior Health Authority bytoaJune 15, Anyapply exhibitors with imported products will be asked remove them NON-PROFIT EXHIBIT new teams sign up for did take part in this include fabulous time anyway. several pictures of your work with your booking form if applicable. $40.00 includeFOOD several pictures of your work your booking form if applicable. $40.00 demonstration and presentation. If you with are selling a product, a high quality of abide include several pictures of your work with your booking form if app VENDOR BOOTHS and by their rules and regulation The committee will be looking for a variety o • NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR BOOTHS The committee will4105 be looking forare a variety and abide by•their rules and regulations. $60.00 250-365-3386 ext. FOOD BOOTHS FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS These booths for infoo craftsmanship is expected and• your product VENDOR be crafted, grown or produced locally. The committee will be looking for a must variety of local cuisines as well as family favourites. Food vendors must provide a permit from Food vendors must provide a permit from thm • EXHIBITOR BOOTHS Any exhibitors with imported products will be asked to remove them immediately. Please items tothe be given awaythe or download and submit applicatio FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS To apply contact Audrey Polovnikoff at vendors must provide aNON-PROFIT permit from theplease Interior Health Authority by June 15, 2011 FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS FOODFood VENDOR BOOTHS include several pictures of your work with your booking form if applicable. $40.00 and abide by their rules and regulations. $60 and abide by their rules and regulations. $60 • NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR BOOTHS • EXHIBITOR BOOTHS NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR BOOTH The committee will be looking for a variety of local cuisines as well NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR BOOTHS • aFOOD VENDOR BOOTHS and abidewill by be their rules for and $60.00 The looking variety of cuisines as well as favourites. The committee committee will be looking forare aregulations. variety of local local cuisines asproducts well as family family favourites. Food must provide afood permit fromfor the Interior 250-365-3386 ext. 4105 These booths are information only. These booths for information only.vendors No or items are to beHealth soldAuthor andA To apply please contact FOOD VENDOR BOOTHS and abide by their rules and regulations. $60.00 • NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR BOOTHS To apply please contact Audrey Polovnikoff at Food provide a permit from the Interior Health Authority by June 15, 2011 To apply please contact Audrey Polovnikoff at Food vendors vendors must must items provide a permit from the Interior Health Authority by June 15, 2011 items to be given away must be appro orofdownload and submit the application form fo a NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR BOOTHS to be given away must be approved by the Festival Committee. $25.00 submit theBOOTHS application The committee will be looking for a variety local cuisines as well as family favourites. Provides and by their and $60.00 Deadline submission isonly. June 30 and abide abide byvendors their rules rules and regulations. regulations. $60.00 NON-PROFIT BOOTHS 250-365-3386 ext. 4105 250-365-3386 ext. 4105 To apply please contact Audrey Polovnikoff atinformation Food must EXHIBITOR provide a permit from the Interior Health Authority by June 15, for 2011 These booths are for No pro These booths are for information only. No pr NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR BOOTHS Service in and abide by their rules regulations. $60.00 These booths forand information only.Audrey Noext. products or food items areplease to be contact sold and any 250-365-3386 4105 To apply Audrey These booths are for information only. No products or food itemsby ar items to be given away must be approved items to be given away must be approved by Toare apply please contact Polovnikoff at 250-365-3386 ext. 4105 or download or download and submit the application form at or download and submit the application form atPolovn Dead Robson and NON-PROFIT items to be given away must be approved by the Festival Committe or download and submit the application form at items to be given away must be approved by the Festival Committee. $25.00 EXHIBITOR BOOTHS NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR BOOTHS submit the application form at http://w submit the application form at KEY NOTE NON-PROFIT EXHIBITOR BOOTHS Deadline for submission isand June 30, 2014 Ootischenia These are products or food items are to be sold any These booths booths are for for information only.NoNo No products or food items are toAudrey becontact sold and any To please Audrey Polovnikoff To apply please contact Audrey Polovnikoff SPONSOR These booths areinformation for information only. only. products or food items are toapply be contact sold and any To apply please Polovnikoff at 250-365-3386 ext.a4a Toitems apply please contact Audrey Polovnikoff atCommittee. 250-365-3386 ext. 4105 or download and for less! to be given away mustbe be approved by by the Festival $25.00the items be given away must approved the Festival Committee. $25.00 items to to be given away must be approved by the Festival Committee. $25.00 submit the application form at submit application form at http://www.ko submit the application form at http://www.k Deadline Deadline for submission submission isisMay 31, 2011 Deadline for submission is June 30, 2014 Deadline for June 30, 2014 Deadline 30, 2014 for su submit the application form at KEY NOTE for submission is June Area I and J To apply please contact Audrey Polovnikoff at 250-365-3386 ext. 4105 or download and for submission is May 31, 20 Deadline SPONSOR To please Audrey at or and To apply applysubmit please contact Audrey Polovnikoff at 250-365-3386 250-365-3386 ext. ext.4105 4105 or download download and for thecontact application form at Polovnikoff Deadline KEY NOTE Deadline for submiss submis submit the application form at SPONSOR submit the application form at KEY Deadline for submission is May 31, 2011 KEY NOTE NOTE Deadline SPONSOR for submission is May 31, 2011 Area I and J SPONSOR
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DOUG’S Deadline for for submission submission isis May May 31, 31, 2011 2011 DISPOSALDeadline
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A10 Reminding you to Recycle!
Thursday, June 26, 2014 Castlegar News
KINNAIRD CHURCH OF GOD - UNDER CONSTRUCTION WE’RE STILL HERE! While our building is under construction, Kinnaird Church of God is meeting at Castlegar Christian Fellowship 1801 Connors Rd. (behind the DQ). Have you caught yourself wondering…about God…if He exists, and if He does, what He is
really like? YouCHURCH are not alone, whether we recognize it as suchCONSTRUCTION or not, most people have a NNAIRD OF GOD - UNDER deep longing for intimacy with God. A.W. Tozer wrote, “What comes to our minds when we
TILL While building is under of you Godtoiscome meeting at thinkHERE! about God is theour most important thingconstruction, about us.” ThisKinnaird summer,Church we invite r Christian Fellowship 1801 Connors Rd. (behind the DQ).
discover…again…or for the very first time… “GOD As He Longs for You to See Him”.
caught yourself wondering…about God…if He exists, and if what He isinreally areFood not alone, Starting Julylike? 6th -You “Soul Café”whether a “Coffeewe House Style” e itgathering as such with or not, most people have aa deep longing forfollowed refreshments, worship, 25 minute video with God. A.W. Tozer wrote, “What comes to our minds by small group discussion & prayer. We’d love to have youwhen join us! about God is the most important thing about us.” This summer, you to come discover…again…or for the very first time… Sundays @ 9:30 a.m. – Muffins ‘n More with Worship/Bible Study @ 10 He Longs for You to See Him”.
Kids welcome too! Age appropriate activities & childcare available.
inMore July Info? 6th - “Soul Food Café” a “Coffee House Style” 250.365.5300 with refreshments, worship, a 25 minute video followed by up discussion & prayer. We’d love to have you join us!
@ 9:30 a.m. – Muffins ‘n More with Worship/Bible Study @ 10
ome too! Age appropriate activities & childcare available.
Introducing our new advice columnist
Miss Sensibility
Pictured from left: Castlegar Hospice Society Exec. Director Suzanne Lehbauer with lowest scoring team: Dustin Kingsep, Gord Brown, Noel Veitch and Allan Matthews. Jim Sinclair photo
Hospice finds support on the links Hi Sensibility, I have recently had a falling out with a very close friend. We rented our basement suite out to her and her husband for a few months when she needed a place to stay and she has just recently moved out. Upon inspecting the place, we realized that there are several things that were left damaged, including a hole in the bedroom wall. When we confronted her about it, she got very defensive and didn’t even apologize. I don’t want to lose 15 years of friendship but I am feeling very hurt and angry that she has left us with this mess. How would you deal with this? Sincerely, Hurt and resentful
Dear Hurt and Resentful, This is definitely a damaging situation. It is probably a good idea to keep yourself from imagining what was going on that caused that hole in the wall! While your friend should have apologized and paid for the repairs, we cannot control the behavior of others, we can only control our own. A friend is someone who sees your faults, and loves you anyway. This is your opportunity to be a true friend. Shakespeare said, “Words are easy, like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find.” The key to how to respond to this situation is found in your statement that you do not want to lose 15 years of friendship. Losing a long-time friend is not worth the few hundred dollars the repair will cost. A good dose of forgiveness will help cure the disease of resentment that has taken root. As someone famous recently sang, “Let it go”. Do y o u h av e a qu e st io n fo r M iss Sen sibilit y ? Email your inquiries to and Miss Sensibility will answer it in the paper! Names will not be published, but must be included with inquiries. Please include your desired anonymous signature ex: Fed up! (Castlegar News reserves the right to refuse publication. ”The advice offered in this column is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. Use of this column is not intended to replace or substitute any financial, medical, legal, or other professional advice. This column does not reflect the opinion The Castlegar News.)
jim sinclair Castlegar News Editor
The fundraising effort orchestrated by Mountain FM (now, the GOAT) on behalf of the Castlegar Hospice Society is pretty much a can’t miss kind of deal. Hardcore golf fanatics are going to be keen for any number of excuses to tee off, and even folks who may play once or twice a year are likely to agree that time spent at the Castlegar Golf Club is tough to beat. When the beneficiaries turn out to be the folks helped by the Castlegar Hospice Society, it has thankfully turned out to be well supported over the past half dozen years it’s been held. This year the weather was perfect for the day-long event on June 22, and by the time the post-golf supper had been enjoyed and awards presented, it had filled the bill as the society’s major revenue generator of the five fundrais-
ers it holds each year. “It’s always a great time for everyone who comes out,” said society executive director Suzanne Lehbauer after a hard-earned day off following the fun-yet-demanding tournament. With exact final figures unavailable as of Tuesday morning Lehbauer was able to disclose the amount raised to be in the neighbourhood of five to six thousand dollars. The value of hospice is far-reaching. Hospice and palliative care is a priceless comfort for anyone and everyone when that time of need comes up for them. Thanks to events like the golf tournament and others the future looks bright for the local hospice society. Property for a stand-alone facility (east of the Columbia Avenue Foresty offices) has been provided by the City of Castlegar and, according to Lehbauer, “we have a consultant working on getting the major capital funding for it right now.”
2014 Local best in Bike to Work BC
During the week of May 26 to June 1 Zellstoff Celgar employees participated in the Bike to Work Kootenays Challenge. the squad pedaled their way to the top – Most Kilometres Cycled by a team: 1,348.40. The Kootenays had a total of 170 riders who cycled 7,280 km. The 13 teams saved a
total of 1578 kg Green House Gases. Zellstoff was awarded the Most Km’s Cycled by a Team being 1,348.40 km which saved 292 kg Green House Gases Saved. Zellstoff Celgar will be donating two bike racks to the Millennium Park for all the efforts put forward by the team. Zellst-
Pictured (L-R) are: Kevin Olesen, Mike Spear, Mike Skinner, Steven Millar.
off Celgar has participated in this event for 3 years and this is
their third award for Most km’s Cycled by a Team.
Castlegar News Thursday, June 26, 2014
Community A11
Castlegar and Dist. Community Justice Forum Annual General Meeting Date: Wed. July 2nd Time: 6:00pm Location: Castlegar Community Services (1102 2nd St. Castlegar)
Castlegar ArtWalk 2014 April Cuffy Castlegar ArtWalk Editor
The Castlegar Art Walk Opening Celebration was held this week held at the Castlegar & District Community Complex, featuring a mini-show, reception and entertainment.
Castlegar Art Walk 2014 is now underway, running to September 14 and featuring more than 30 local and regional artists and artisans, displaying work at 26 venues around Castlegar. Maps for this self-guided art tour are available at the Castlegar Visitor Centre.
Contact Inga Lamont (Program Coordinator) at 365-7500
Each week, The Castlegar News is featuring biographies from different artists in the show.
? h t r o W s d r o What are W hey mean
Name: Bill & Adrienne Lovely
Company: Kootenay Rocks Venue: Glacier Honda (#11) Medium: Whimsical Pebble Art Current residence: Pass Creek, BC Contact:
Artist statement and Bio: Creating art is when we feel most alive. Being involved in markets and cultural events throughout the Kootenays allows us to meet amazing, generous, interesting people. We never planned on becoming “artisans”: our way of life is to do what we can by figuring out how to make or fix it, for ourselves. The best part of being an artisan is sharing what we had such fun creating, with others. Our inspirations come from where we live in Pass Creek. The valley has such beauty, nature and peace that living among it allows us to reflect and appreciate the simpler things, which
Anyone interested in finding out more about this worthwhile program is invited to attend. We are always looking for new volunteers!
For more information, please visit castlegar-art-walk.
we then incorporate into our art. Bill creates his birdhouses from discarded license plates and pallet wood he finds on the curb, and Adrienne creates her pebble art with natural elements found along the Kootenay’s beautiful beaches. Up-cycling these items and making them into quirky and functional objects is, to us—art. Creating whimsical art is a way for us to share a piece of ourselves, and the Kootenays, with others. We appreciate your interest in our work and can be reached at our Facebook page. We are also happy to discuss custom pieces.
gs - what t be. in y a s r la u p Po came to y e h t w o h d an
“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” This proverb refers back to mediaeval falconry where a bird in the hand (the falcon) was a valuable asset and certainly worth more than two in the bush (the prey).
Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386 Public Swim at the Castlegar Community Complex Mon/Wed/Fri Mon/Wed Tues/Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday
6:30-9:00am 1:30-4:00pm & 7:30-9:00pm 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm 10:00-8:30pm 10:00-6:00pm 1:00-6:00pm
Canada Swim
Artist Name: Kate Bridger
Tuesday July 1st Aquatic Centre 1;30-4:30pm “Clifford The Big Red Dog” in the pool
Summer Programs
Registration Now for:
Summer Red Cross Swim Lessons Session 1 July 7 – 18 (Mon-Fri) Session 2 July 21 – Aug 1 (Mon – Fri) Session 3 Aug 5 – 15 (Tues – Fri)
Venue: Fireside Inn (#13) Medium: Fabric Art Current residence: Nelson, BC Contact:
Bio: My foray into fabric art began in the early 1980s, when I lived with my husband and two small children in a remote “pulp and paper town” in Northern Ontario. The winters were long and nasty, and the summers were short and buggy—there was plenty of time to pursue new interests. Having always enjoyed working with fabrics I began making wall hangings for my children’s rooms. When their walls were amply covered, I fine-tuned my techniques, tested the marketplace and developed the art form that I have remained committed to ever since. In 1994, my family and I moved to Nelson. Two years later, I opened an art and furnishing gallery business downtown, which I operated for almost a decade. Since then—in addition to exploring a variety of vocations, including retail, ad sales and real estate; travelling and successfully launching my two sons into the world—I have continued to work in fabric art, selling my work locally and through my website.
Early Bird Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim
My work has appeared in magazines, won awards, and can be seen in businesses and homes around the world. I have created well over 200 original pieces, featuring landscapes, wildlife, house portraits, vintage cars, household and abstract objects. In 2013, I published an art book “The Fabric of Nelson,” featuring some of my favourite fabric art pieces depicting life in, and around, Nelson, BC. Artist Statement: My sources of inspiration include Northern Ontario, the Kootenays, English countryside, Tuscan villages, Greek Islands, Nelson, New Zealand, and my own backyard. I am as excited about classical architecture and pastoral vistas, as I am about unkempt alleys, rusty trucks and crumbling barns. My palette is comprised of minute pieces of fabric carefully selected for their colour and texture. Meticulous stitching provides the finer details that add dimension and credibility to my finished work.
SUMMER COOL CAMPS 2014 (6-8yrs & 9-12yrs) Are you ready for another fantastic year? (Mon – Fri 8:30am – 3:00pm) CDRD and Robson Community School are pleased to offer 7 weeks of Summer “Cool” Camps for your child! A jammed packed Summer full of adventure, games, sports, arts, craft projects and More! Week One – July 2,3,4, (Wed,Thur, Fri) Summer Camp Samplers-Robson Community School location $25.00 per day (Subsidies available) Register Early by phoning 250-365-3386 ext 0 Limited space. For more information about the camps go online at www.! Or drop by the Recreation Office for our Summer Leisure Guide. Lots of great activities in store for the entire family for the summer!
Community News Concerts in the Park have started! Wednesdays 7:00pm • Kinnaird Park July 2 – Bess Wapp & Friend July 9 – That Girl & Earl “Bring a Toonie – Great Entertainment”
Canada Day Celebrations Tuesday July 1st 6:00-11:00pm Complex Field BBQ, Entertainment, Games, Movie “Bring your lawn chair and come celebrate”
Fall Instructors Needed Do you have a talent you would like to share and make a few extra dollars doing it! We are looking for instructors for our Fall Programs. Give Audrey a call at 250-365-3386 ext 4105
Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations.
If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.
Thursday, June 26, 2014 Castlegar News
Community Seniors show up for advocate’s forum jim sinclair Castlegar News Editor
There are 7 BILLION people. There are 14 BILLION pounds of garbage per year being dumped into the ocean. There are 9000 blue whales.
Help by recycling
& reducing waste.
HOURS Common Grounds Monday to Friday 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Stats 7 to 7. The Borscht Hut 10-6 (or later) 7 days a week Contact Christine to post your summer hours here! 250.365.6397
T hank you to all those who helped to make Sunfest 2014 a huge success! • Zellstoff Celgar
• Trowelex Rental & Sales
• Fortis BC
• Kalawsky GM
A story in last week’s Castlegar News gave a one-day notice of a June 20 session with B.C. newly appointed Seniors’ Advocate at the local community complex. It was standing room only last Friday for the town hall style meeting as Isobel Mckenzie fielded a range of questions in a meeting room adjoining the seniors’ centre. This was the last stop on a tour which had taken the advocate to 15 communities around the province and, as hinted at in the preview, issues relating to health care dominated the 90-minute event along with points made about cognitive tests involved seniors drivers licence renewals. Local seniors’ association president Mac Gregory moderated the proceedings. “The office is new,” said Mckenzie following an introduction by Mr. Gregory which outlined her fairly extensive background in the field of seniors’ issues. Her position
is apparently the first such provincial government portfolio in the country. “I’ve been at it now for a couple of months,” she continued, “and one of the first tasks I set about doing was to inform myself about British Columbia’s seniors and their wide variety of issues depending on where they live in the province. I come from Greater Victoria, from south Island, which gives me one perspective.” Before taking questions Mckenzie took a moment to give a nod to the work done by local MLA Katrine Conroy in her capacity as the opposition critic for seniors affairs. “I know a little bit, from Katrine about Castlegar,” said the advocate. The first question came from a man concerned over wait times for procedures like MRIs and knee replacements. “What can be done,” he asked, “to give seniors better access to health care? Right now we have a year and a half waiting
in this area, probably longer in others. That is unacceptable. In my lifetime of working I have spent more than $180,000 in income taxes, sales taxes, etc. I want my money’s worth right now.” Mckenzie responded. “The issue of wait lists for a whole litany of health care services is very complicated,” she said. “Part of it is getting the practitioners, doctors, the skilled people who can provide the services. Part of it can be the challenges found in rural communities… and some of it can be related to funding.” A statement was made, and question asked on the topic of the treatment of seniors in the healthcare system. An incident from some time back was cited, where a couple in their nineties was separated leading to one dying within 48-hours, the other within two weeks. “We had hoped after the uproar, that that would cease,” said a woman who described herself as
• Mike’s RV • Heritage Credit Union
• Kootenay Market
• United Rentals • Tim Horton’s
• Element Bar & Grill
• Waste Management • Columbia Basin Trust
• Sandman • RDCK
• Enormous Productions, staff and crew
• Castlegar Recreation Department
• Chinook Scaffolding
• Castlegar News
• MTN FM/The Bridge
• Ootischenia Fire Department
• City of Castlegar
• Tanya and Martin Whitehead, for the use of their RV
• Columbia Power • Castlegar Chamber of Commerce
• Teck Metals
• Selkirk College
• Kootenay Savings
• Joe, for his clean up efforts.
EFFECTIVE JUNE 15 TO SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 SPRINKLING AND CAR WASHING IS PERMITTED BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 5:00 A.M. TO 11:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M. TO 11:00 P.M. Water Sprinkling is Restricted to Every Second Day (a) Residents at “odd number” addresses water on “odd number” calendar days; and (b) Residents at “even number” addresses water on “even number” calendar days.
Summer can present special problems for Castlegar's water system. During the summer season, daily residential water use can increase by as much as 200% primarily because of lawn and garden watering as well as car washing. Our residential water is pumped from the Arrow Lakes to reservoirs, from which water is supplied to residents. Excessive sprinkling during summer months reduces the water contained in our reservoirs. Even if the system has adequate supply, it may not be able to pump the water fast enough during this peak demand period to maintain storage for firefighting purposes. Castlegar is attempting to stop the increase in water usage by restricting use during the summer months. This year citizens are being asked to sprinkle on odd or even days, according to their residential address. Watering will be permitted from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. each day. Residents who use a water regulating system (e.g. timers and underground sprinkler system with timers) shall be exempted from the regulations, providing they do their outdoor watering between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. on an alternating day basis. The reasoning behind this exemption is that timers and underground sprinkling systems allow the user to water during the coolest part of the day, hence less water is required and their sprinkling times should be shorter. Please advise City Hall at 365-7227 if you have a water regulating system. A fine of $50.00 will be levied for non-compliance to the water regulations. However, under special circumstances, an exemption permit can be obtained at City Hall, 460 Columbia Avenue during regular office hours. Reasons for exemption include the following: a new residential lawn, a means of controlling dust, watering within a construction or building project.
a past member of an outfit called the SPCS, the society for the prevention of cruelty to seniors. After describing a similar case, she said the practice was “unacceptable, and still haunts me.” Mckenzie agreed with the speaker, and gave the non-specific example of what may be adopted around the province. “What I’ve been able to see in Victoria is an unbelievable support system for people to remain at home. “I hear from seniors who are very clear: ‘I want to be as independent as possible as long as possible.’ And I see a whole suite of tools that can be provided to facilitate that, that aren’t being necessarily provided in all parts of the province.” Mckenzie expressed empathy for seniors who face the cognitive tests associated with drivers’ licence renewals, and said she is taking related input seriously, and into account before taking relaying those concerns to government. At one point a man interrupted the advocate during one of her lengthy answers. “Excuse me, but could you speed it up so more people can make their points?” said Balfour resident Craig Gray. The advocate apologized and did her best to accommodate Gray’s request. All told there were more questions unasked than asked, but the group appeared satisfied the advocate had its best interests at heart. In a brief interview before Mckenzie’s departure she told the Castlegar News the one constant was people’s desire for independence... and the most striking revelation during the tour was the “different experience in the more rural areas.”
Castlegar News Thursday, June 26, 2014 | A13
Welcome to the driver’s seat
Visit the Lincoln MKC gallery at
Lincoln luxury at a non-premium price Santa Barbara, Calif. - The MKC is the first can be matched with standard, made (luxury) compact utility vehicle from Linin Scotland, Bridge of Weir “Deepsoft” coln and, while related, it’s very different leather upholstery. The premium car exfrom the Ford Escape. perience actually starts as you approach Development of both vehicles started the MKC with an accent welcoming with Ford’s global “C” platform, but lighting feature that’s automatically acother than its base 2.0 litre turbo-engine, tivated (by the key fob) when an owner the MKC has little else in common with Lincoln may be a is within 2.4 metres (8-ft). its Ford counterpart. Our 320-kilometre-plus route took us All-wheel-drive is standard (in Canada) little late in joining away from the coast along the scenic the booming compact Jacento Reyes Byway. This lightly travon all three editions of the MKC and a start price just under $40,000 is also luxury utility club, but elled twisty two-lane road gets narrow inviting compared to other luxury CUVs in sections. It also presented some the MKC is certainly spectacular vistas along the way and such as the Acura RDX ($41,390) and an impressively well BMW X3 ($42,800). some intimidating cliff faces and rock (A top-line Ford Escape, by the way, is formations. put-together new listed at $35,699). I was impressed with the MKC’s predictmember and it’s The MKC is the second of four all-new able handling characteristics through priced to sell. product launches intended to redefine the twisty sections. It was stable, very Lincoln. The first being the Lincoln MKZ Bob McHugh forgiving at higher speeds and generally last year, an all-new MKX is expected more agile than expected for a utility next year and a, so-far unnamed, full-sized sedan will vehicle - especially after I finally figured out how to follow. The new Lincoln styling theme includes smooth set-up the driving modes, called Lincoln Drive Control. clean lines a slick shape (described as “graceful athThe normal, comfort and sport settings for the susleticism”) and up front, there’s a contemporary take pension and steering are preset (via vehicle settings on the traditional Lincoln split-wing grille. on the instrument panel and customizable to a limited Another eye-catching feature of the MKC is around extent) by a driver to function with “D” and “S” back, a huge wraparound lift gate includes full-width transmission selections. It’s a different and somewhat LED rear lighting assemblies. This unique one-piece complex way of providing this feature. hydro-formed steel door opens like a clamshell and Push-button transmission selection is another feature allows complete access to the cargo area. An optional that I wouldn’t get excited about. I get the space-savhands-free feature also allows it to open with a kicking functionality and the historic connection to Lining motion below the rear bumper. coln, but still prefer a shift lever. Manual operation of The MKC also has a roomy feel to its interior, particuthe transmission’s six speeds can be done via paddle larly for front seat occupants. A dash that slants away, shifters on the steering wheel. The shifts, however, towards the windshield, adds to its airy ambiance. It’s could be crisper and the system tends to be very proalso a much quieter cabin than its stable mate, with tective of the engine (over-revving) on downshifts. numerous built-in sound deadening features that inOnly MKC vehicles with the new 2.3-litre twin-scroll clude a noise control system that eliminates unwanted turbo engine were available to drive at this U.S. event, sound waves and enhances others. which would price tag them close to $50,000 in CanAvailable inside accent trims include brushed alumiada. An impressively smooth and quiet performer (in num or open-pore Zebrano and Santos Rosewood that this application) this engine can produce 285-horse-
power compared to the base 2.0-litre’s 240-horsepower, which is the top engine in an Escape. As you might expect, the 2.0L engine gets better fuel economy, but the difference is minimal and both can run on regular grade fuel. All the latest driver-assist technologies are available with MKC including, adaptive cruise control, a collision warning system, blind-sport alert, cross-traffic alert and park assist, with a unique new wrinkle... park-out assist. This added feature can now autonomously steer that MKC out of that tight parallel parking spot into which it put the MKC! Lincoln may be a little late in joining the booming compact luxury utility club, but the MKC is certainly an impressively well put-together new member and it’s priced to sell. Quick Specs and Pricing: Sticker price: Lincoln MKC Premiere (2.0L): $39,940 Lincoln MKC Select (2.0L): $42,200 Lincoln MKC Reserve (2.0L): $47,700 Lincoln MKC Reserve (2.3L): $49,650 Power: 2.0-litre I4 turbo, 16-valve, DOHC with variable timing: 240 horsepower @ 5500 rpm Fill-up: 2.0-litre city/highway fuel economy: 12.4/9.0 L/100km (EPA estimated) Power: 2.3-litre I4 turbo, 16-valve, DOHC with variable timing: 285 horsepower @ 5500 rpm Fill-up: 2.3-litre city/highway fuel economy: 12.9/9.2 L/100km (EPA estimated)
AM FORD’S Show You The Money
Customer Appreciation Event ENDS SATURDAY JUNE 28, 2014 With the purchase of a new or pre-owned vehicle you have the choice of 3 gifts 1 $300 Gift Certificate to the golf course of your choice 2 iPad Mini
Authorized Representative of:
Bob McHugh in his review of the Lincoln MKC reveals there is a new technology called “park out assist” which gets your vehicle out of the tight parking sport that the “park assist” shoehorned you into! Is this kind of technology in danger of diminishing a driver’s control skills? Go to to submit your answer. QUESTION
Safety Tip: As the summer BBQ season and Canada Day celebrations kick off, it’s important to remember how deadly of a combination drinking and driving can be. Arrange for a designated driver or use other options to get home safely.
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ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. Offers apply to the purchase or lease of a new or demonstrator 2014 Chevrolet Cruze 1LS/1LT (1SA/MH8), 2014 Chevrolet Equinox LS FWD (1SA), 2014 Chevrolet Trax LS FWD (1SA) equipped as described. Freight ($1,600) and PDI included. License, insurance, registration, administration fees, PPSA and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer trade may be required. See dealer for details. *Offer available to retail customers in Canada between June 3, 2014 and June 30, 2014. Applies to new 2014 Chevrolet models, 2015 Chevrolet Silverado HD Pickups and 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe and Suburban models, excluding Chevrolet Corvette, at participating dealers in Canada. Employee price excludes license, insurance, registration, dealer administration fee, fees associated with filing at movable property registry/PPSA fees, duties, and taxes. Dealer may sell for less. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. ≠0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank or RBC Royal Bank for 36/60 months on new or demonstrator 2014 Sonic, Malibu/Cruze (excl Diesel), Camaro (excl Z28). Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $278/$167 for 36/60 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. 0% financing offer is unconditionally interest-free. ‡0.9%/2.9%/0.9% for 48 month lease available on all 2014 Cruze (excl Diesel)/2014 Equinox/2014 Trax based on approved credit by GM Financial. Tax, license, insurance, registration, applicable provincial fees, and optional equipment extra. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. Monthly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. Example: 2014 Cruze 1LT/2014 Equinox LS FWD/2014 Trax LS FWD lease pricing including Freight and Air Tax is $19,679/$25,801/$19,436 at 0.9%/2.9%/0.9% APR, with $600/$2,400/$2,050 down payment, bi-weekly payments are $99/$139/$99 for 48 months. Total obligation is $10,913/$16,977/$12,408 plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $9,284/$10,949/$7,509. ‡‡0% for 36 month lease available on 2014 Cruze (excl. Diesel) , Sonic, Malibu, Impala, Trax, or Encore based on approved credit by GM Financial. Tax, license, insurance, registration, applicable provincial fees, and optional equipment extra. ¥$1,500/$500 manufacturer to dealer lease cash available on 2014 Cruze LT/Equinox LS and has been applied to the offer. †$500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit has been applied to the purchase, finance and lease offers, and is applicable to retail customers only. An additional $1,350 manufacturer to dealer cash delivery credit has been applied to the cash purchase offer. Other credits available on select models. Offer ends June 30, 2014. >Based on 2012 Upper Small segment, excluding Hybrid and Diesel powertrains. Standard 10 airbags, ABS, traction control and StabiliTrak. *^U.S. Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are a part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program ( WBased on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. xComparison based on 2013 Polk segmentation: Compact SUV and latest competitive data available and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. ++Comparison based on 2013 Polk segmentation: Compact SUV and latest competitive data available and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. ~Visit for coverage map, details and system limitations. Services vary by model and conditions. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. After complimentary trial period, an active OnStar service plan is required. <> Insurance Institute for Highway Safety awarded all Equinox models the 2014 Top Safety Pick Award. Equinox LTZ model awarded the 2014 Top Safety Pick + Award. ^Whichever comes first. See dealer for details. ^^Whichever ailable to 2014 Cruze 1LS and has been applied to offer. See dealer for details. comes first. Limit of four ACDelco Lube-Oil-Filter services in total. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc., are not covered. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ><$750 credit available
Pick of the Week:
The BMW GINA Light Visionary Model was first conceived in 2008 but still looks very futuristic. It is one of 17 concept cars from across Europe and the US to be displayed at “Dream Cars: Innovative Design, Visionary Ideas” at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta. The GINA Light Visionary Model features a virtually seamless outer skin, consisting of a flexible fabric material stretched over a movable substructure. Furthermore, functions are only enabled when they are actually needed. The most striking example of this is the headlight design. In normal position, when the headlights are not active, they are hidden under the special fabric cover. As soon as the driver turns on the lights, the contour of the front end changes.
2014 CRUZE
< <>
With Optional Forward Collision Alert available on 2LT; Standard on LTZ models
6.1 L/100 KM HWY | 9.2 L/100 KM CITYW
99 0
excludes Corvette
99 0 AT
< <>
All Equinox models.
YEARS/40,000 KM
YEARS/160,000 KM
W A R R A N T Y^
Thursday, June 26, 2014 Castlegar News
Drives-U-Crazy . . . Dip don’t dazzle, buddy!
Reader Yvonne Logan thinks there should be a universal hand signal that would alert a following car’s driver that they have left on their high beams. “I’ve tried sticking my hand out the window and waving and even hitting my brake lights three times as some sort of signal,” Logan writes. “Never any luck with that, so I end up just praying that an oncoming car will flash their lights.It’s blinding and obviously dangerous . . . I feel like I’m being chased by a jet!” What drives-u-crazy?
ICBC Safety Tip
Distracted driving is the top factor in youth crashes in B.C. It’s one of the top factors for experienced drivers, too. If you’re an experienced road user, be a role model for the next generation of drivers by limiting your use of all electronic devices behind the wheel.
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Castlegar News Thursday, June 26, 2014
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Thirsty Duck
‘Great Food & Funʻ Wing Night Wednesday A15
Tails from the
Lion’s Den
from the lions head!
We have Savage Blade - Kootenays own big stadium Rock band! June 27th at 10
Friday is AAA Steak Sandwich Daily Drink and Food Specials
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Happy Canada Day July 1st, come join us in celebrating 5 years with a pig roast, fireworks, and the band Windborn As always, enjoy our sweet patios, house-smoked meats, and varied menu
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Recipe of the Week...
Jalapeno and Tuna Potato Salad Ingredients
1/4 cup (60 mL) chopped fresh parsley
5 Yukon Gold potatoes
1/4 cup (60 mL) wine vinegar
1/2 red onion, thinly sliced
1 jalapeño pepper, seeded and minced
2 cans (each 6 oz/170 g) chunk tuna,
1 tbsp (15 mL) capers, minced
drained 1/3 cup (75 mL) extra virgin olive oil
1/4 tsp (1 mL) salt 1/4 tsp (1 mL) pepper
In large pot of boiling salted water, cover and cook potatoes until tender, about 25 minutes. Drain and let cool. Peel and cut into 1-inch (2.5 cm) cubes.
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In large bowl, combine potatoes, onion and tuna. In small bowl, whisk together oil, parsley, vinegar, jalape?capers, salt and pepper; pour over potato mixture and toss to coat. (Make-ahead: Cover and refrigerate for up to 2 days.) Additional information : Substitution: Substitute 2 tbsp (25 mL) minced pickled jalapeno peppers for the fresh jalapeno Variations: Jalapeno Chicken and Potato Salad: Omit tuna; add 2 cooked boneless skinless chicken breasts, cubed. Jalapeno Salmon and Potato Salad: Omit tuna; add 2 cans (each 6.5 oz/184 g) sockeye salmon, drained.
Thursday, June 26, 2014 Castlegar News
Happy Canada Day! I want to wish all of you a safe and fun Canada Day as we take time to reflect on the privileges and pleasures of living in Canada.
L'amusement pour toute la famille! Un BBQ, les spectacles, les jeux et le activités. Le gâteau d'anniversaire gratuit et un film en plein air sur un écran de 40'! L’amusement pour toute la famille! Un BBQ, les spectacles, les jeux et les activités. Le gâteau d’anniversaire gratuit et
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un film en plein air sur un écran de 40’!
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NEWSPAPERS WORK DID YOU KNOW? • Ads in newspapers are the most acceptable compared to out-of-home, radio, magazine, TV and online ads.
Le premier juillet, 2014
Pour plus d’informations, téléphonez 250-365-7227
Le premier juillet, 2014 Pour plus d'informations, téléphonez 250-365-7227
• Ads in newspapers are deemed to be the most truthful (compared to other media). FOR MORE INFORMATION ON NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AND HOW IT CAN WORK FOR YOU, CALL CHRISTINE ESOVOLOFF. Statistics from
Christine Esovoloff If you have any marketing questions, please feel free to contact me.
The Heritage Society will hold their annual pancake breakfast at 8am at the Museum.
That Girl and Earl will be playing from 6 for about an hour and a half.
The BBQ runs from 6-8 pm. Miss Castlegar candidates and a local youth group will be helping with kids’ games, face painting and other activities.
… and The Lego Movie starts at dusk.
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Find your place in the sun! Great local destinations only minutes away. Transit Passes available at the following locations:
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Rossland Municipal Hall
Trail City Hall
Village of Slocan
Shoppers Drug Mart
Mountain Valley Gas Station
Regional District of Kootenay Boundary
Warfield Municipal Hall
Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Regional District of Central Kootenay City of Nelson
Castlegar News Thursday, June 26, 2014 A17
2000 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC 250.365.7737
Happy Canada Day!
Happy birthday, Canada!
Happy birthday, Canada!
Canada celebrates its 147th birthday in 2014. Even though many things have changed since 1867, the year the Canadian federation was created through the British North America Act, taking pride in being Canadian is still alive and well. That is why it’s no surprise that people love to gather together to celebrate Canadian values, successes, identity, and heritage.
ALMOST 150 YEARS The year 2017 will mark the 150th anniversar sary of Canada. In the time leading up till then, Canadians across the country ntr are invintry ted to share how they intend to celebrate the event. If you’d like to share your plans, simply l go to the section “Have your say!” at ly
Canada celebrates its 147th birthday in 2014. ALMOST 150 YEARS Even though many things have changed since The year 2017 will mark the 150th anniver1867, the year the Canadian federation was sary of Canada. In the time leading up till created through the British North America then, Canadians across the country are inviY u can learn more about Canada Day Yo to sharebyhow they intend to celebrate Act, taking in and being Canadian stillyour ted For this occasion, all the pride provinces terriactivitiesis in community visiting tories will alive vibrateand to the rhythm cele- it’ well. Thatof isthewhy no surprise the event. If you’d like to share your plans, bration, which takes place from ocean to that gather to cele- simply go to the section “Have your say!” at ocean on July lly 1.people Did you love knowto that it was together in 1879 that Parliament adopted a law making values, successes, identity, the first ofbrate July l anCanadian ly official holiday? and heritage. Every year, the Celebrate Canada event groups together festivities over a period of You can learn more about Canada Day 11 days a . National Aboriginal Day ays a kicks ay k things ks occasion, all the provinces and terri- activities in your community by visiting off on JuneFor 21,this followed by St-Jean-Baptiste Day on June andvibrate Canadian Multicultories24,will to the rhythm of the cele- turalism Day on June 27. Canada Day tops off all the bration, cerrem ce emo onie nies s on Jullyytakes 1. Gatplace herings,from ocean to which shows, games, and more are on the menu for Gatherings r rings , shows, games, and more rre ocean was rre on in the menu fo f r Ca C nada d Day da ay. ay y. this eventful day. on July 1. Did you know that it are 1879 that Parliament adopted a law making the first of July an official holiday?
appy Bir H Every year, the Celebrate Canada event thday groups together festivities over a period of Canada ! 11 days. National Aboriginal Day kicks things
off on June 21, followed by St-Jean-Baptiste Day on June 24, and Canadian Multicul- July 1st 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. turalism Day on June 27.Castlegar Canada Day tops Pancake breakfast Heritage Society Pancake breakfast! off all the ceremonies on July 1. Gatherings, at the Castlegar Station Museum shows, games, and more are on the menu for Gatherings, shows, games, and more are on the menu for Canada Day. this eventful day.
File: SWY_TM_Horz_2W.eps Description: Safeway TM Horizontal Signature 2 Color on White Date: March 23, 2005
6:00 – 11:00 p.m. Station Museum BBQ * Live Entertainment * Games and Activites * 8:00 - 11:00a.m. Music by That Girl* and EarlCupcakes and Popcorn * Cotton Candy Free an Outdoor Movie on a 40’ screen! BreakfastRecreation cooked and served by councilSoccer field At the Castlegar Complex
$6.00 includes coffUn ee or juice L'amusement pour toute la famille! BBQ, les spectacles, les jeux eggs sausage and pancakes. les activités. Le gâteau d'anniversaire gratuit et un film en plein 1721 Columbia Ave, Castlegar, BC (250)et365-7771 air sur un écran de 40'!
635 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC 250.365.2024
Happy Canada Day
from the staff at
Happything Eight Canada Day! abo
During Canada Day festivities on Ju 1602 Columbia Ave., Castlegar SERVICE ple& SALES all across the country will be ce their pride in being Canadian. Thes ties are also an ideal occasion to re some of the major events of our hi
1.The name “Canada” was used off the first time in 1791. It was crea an aboriginal word meaning “villa 2.The British North America Act w ted in 1867, making Canada a dom the British Empire. 3.In 1921, King George V decreed red and white to be the colours of Canada.Our national symbols are the beaver, the maple leaf, the maple tree, and the maple leaf tartan. In addition, the RCMP in their red jackets are emblems of Canada for people around the world. 4.The red and white maple leaf
1 Email for the spam folder, probably 5 Comparable 9 Indy participant 14 __ socks 15 Fiddling emperor 16 Drop names, maybe? 17 Flightless flock 18 Swarm member 19 Nodding off at a meeting, say 20 Ballplayer’s home renovation advice about the bare hallway floor? 23 Caution to drivers 24 Flamenco cheer 25 “... but I could be wrong” 27 Tech’s home renovation advice about a dark basement? 32 Bygone TV control 33 Reef denizen 34 Small drink 35 Autumn bloom 38 Nursery rhyme fiddler 39 Pleasing to the palate 41 Luau bowlful 42 Wheels 43 Limit 44 Housekeeper’s
home renovation advice about a cheap fourposter offer? 50 Joyous hymn 51 Lee follower 52 Cold War jet 54 Bartender’s home renovation advice about the tiny kitchen sink? 58 Capital on the 30th parallel 60 Mill site 61 Sticky stuff 62 Day one 63 Aquatic predator 64 Catches 65 Mild cheese 66 Bucks, perhaps 67 Hook’s right hand
1 Mother May I? movements 2 Fluffy clouds 3 Lie alongside 4 Monument Valley sight 5 Sharp-cornered 6 Boxer’s hotel 7 Caspian Sea land 8 Sticky writing? 9 Energized anew 10 In the vicinity 11 They may be
political 12 Chicago-to-D.C. dir. 13 Former Riverfront Stadium player 21 Chopper topper 22 Provoke 26 Flibbertigibbet 28 Ewe or doe 29 Pay attention in class 30 Drizzly 31 Many a character in TV’s “The Americans” 35 Quick on the uptake 36 Opposite of nuts? 37 Italian dessert 38 Raucous call 39 Popular exercise regimen 40 LAPD alert
42 Cold Stone Creamery purchase 43 It may be extra sharp 45 Came closer to 46 Territory divided in 1889 47 Spell 48 Infiniti’s infinity symbol, e.g. 49 Weaken 53 Formation fliers 55 Apple product 56 Zoomed 57 Fleece-lined boot brand 58 Gear tooth 59 Mayo to mayo
Thursday, June 26, 2014 Castlegar News
PRIME Grant presented
“The new Community Foundation of Castlegar & District has completed its first granting process, allocating funds to five successful applicants,” foundation president Bob Jackson is quoted in a June 24 press release. “One successful applicant will use the $1,200 grant for a PRIME program to benefit seniors.” Community Response Network contact Sandi McCreight explains, “PRIME means Personal Records In Medical Emergency. PRIME provides a consistent central location of essential medical information for emergency responders. A medical fact sheet is located inside a plastic vial and stored in the fridge door. An eye-catching fridge magnet alerts emergency personnel to the fact that the person is a PRIME participant and has the medical information on hand at this location.” PRIME enables faster responses with better outcomes, plus a consistent and reliable source of information for first responders including health conditions, allergies emer-
CFCD President Bob Jackson delivers cheque to successful grant applicants Community Services ED Kristein Johnson and Community Response Network staff Sandi McCreight.
gency contacts and more. The Castlegar & District Community Services Seniors Outreach & Support program staff will be available to assist in form completion and answer questions. The goal is to distribute 500 packages in the first year. The vision of the Foundation is “to build a better community – now and forever” and our mission is “to improve the quality of life in Castlegar and Electoral Areas
I and J” according to Jackson. “The Foundation will receive and invest donations in a capital fund and distribute the income generated via an application process to eligible organizations with programs and activities that conform to our vision.” Learn more about Foundations at the national website or www.communityfoundationofcastlegar. org. Questions? Call Jackson at 365-6113.
Certain messages need to be repeated several times
Thank You!
Max Ice would like to thank the following businesses for their support in 2014: • 7-11 Trail • Acklands Grainger • Andre’s Electronic Experts • Bella Tire • Best Western Tera Nova • Black Rooster Bar & Grill • Boston Pizza Castlegar • Brandt Tractor • Bubblee’s Liquor Store • BV Tool Rentals • Canadian Tire - Castlegar • Canyon Plumbing & Heating • Castlegar Toyota • Century Vallen • Coastal Corrosion • Fortis BC Inc. • Frito Lay • Gerrick Cycle and Sport - Trail
• Glacier Honda • Glacier Tree Service • Glacier Valley Landscape Supply • Guillevin International Ltd • Home Hardware - Trail • Impact Equipment • K2 Contracting • Kal Tire - Castlegar • Kootenay Savings C. U. Castlegar • Lordco Parts Ltd. Castlegar • Lord General Contracting • Maglio Building Centre - Trail • Main Jet Motorsports • Mallard’s Source for Sports • Mitchell Supply Ltd.
• Mountain Transport Institute • NAPA Auto Parts • Nealy O’Briens Pub • Overland West Trucking • Paradise Pool and Spa • Rocky Mountain Esso • Sandman Hotel • Selkirk Beverage • Selkirk College • Selkirk Paving • Shoppers Drug Mart Castlegar • Steve’s NoFrills • The Brick - Castlegar • Venture Mechanical Systems Ltd. • Waneta Auto Repair • Waneta Equipment
“Good dog!”
The more often a consumer sees your advertising message, the better your chances are that they will remember you when they’re ready to buy!
Castlegar News Thursday, June 26, 2014 A19
Sculpture Talk Welcome to our regular feature introducing the artists behind the sculptures in this year’s Castlegar SculptureWalk.
Eluisa Altman
Next Generation (bonded aluminum) Inspiration comes from many sources for artists. Dreams, thoughts, shapes, studies, memories, peers, friends and a million more lend themselves to creative processes and, eventually, finished works of art. For Eluisa Altman, her eightmonth-pregnant niece was the creative spark. “I truly believe the bulge of pregnancy is the most amazing miracle of nature,” says the Brazil-born and raised sculp-
tor. “When I saw her, she was radiant. Her stomach was lusciously rounded, full of the impending miracle of birth. I knew right then how I would capture the joy and promise there.” Next Generation is in keeping with many of Altman’s public sculptures. She favours circles as central aspects of her work, and they are the prominent feature of the beautifully stark, moving piece she displays here. The round, slightly bowed, featureless head acts as a counterbalance to the swell of the distended belly. The narrow, close breasts are minimized comparatively in relation to the full rotundity of the stomach. The mother’s hands are on either side of her swollen womb, cradling her unborn child. As Altman indicates, there is distortion of the body but it is a distortion that is beautiful and full of joyful portent. “I would call my style contemporary with a deliberate lack of detail. I feel the absence of detail and embellishment of any kind gives my sculptures enhanced meaning. The work should be able to convey its message as it is.” Circles, ovals and spheres are an integral part of her developed style. Inner Strength is a stun-
ning example, made of steel and composed of five rounded, eggshaped disks. Inside each disk is the cutout of a person; the oval represents the human body, the human shape the invisible soul. Inner Strength was Altman’s first public sculpture. It is permanently installed at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Mother and Child features two spheres, one larger than the other on either end of an unbalanced crescent mounted on a pyramid. An angled linear line connects the two, the mother’s arms enveloping her child. The child is the extension of the mother - as she starts to slip away the mother stretches her arms to hold her. Simple and sublime, the bronze is on permanent display in Suwanee, Georgia. It won the People’s Choice award there in 2011, replicating the success of another version three year’s earlier in Blue Springs, Missouri. Here Comes The Sun is equally as basic and full of conveyance at the same time. Three long vertical rods pierce a round sphere, spreading slightly as they rise above it. The entire piece is done in brilliant orange. WonderBird is a plump, almost circular body with the faintest hint of a beak and eye worked from the natural colours of the soapstone. Altman left Brazil in 1968 during the years of the military dictatorship. She became an American citizen in 1980, the year after marrying her husband. They reside in Bogota, New Jersey. She has studied sculpture and fine arts at both the Art Students League of New York and at the Hastings Academy of Art in Hudson, New York, and has been sculpting for over twenty years. She is excited about her first showing in Canada. “I have heard great things about the Castlegar program,” she says. “Even after all these years of sculpting, it is gratifying to see your work on public display. I hope the simplicity and sanctity of my subject resonates with the audience there.” There is little doubt both the external and inner beauty conveyed in Next Generation will do exactly that.
Greg Jones
Echino II (steel)
In its ever-improving four year history, Castlegar Sculpturewalk has seen entrants who are memorable for how different they are: works that might baffle, puzzle and confound the viewer. Think of 2012’s Sack Race by Roger Golden, or last year’s In Between, a collaborative wood sculpture by area artists Ian Johnston and Shayne Brandel. You might consider adding Echino II to them, Calgary sculptor Greg Jones’ intriguing
entry this year. grader pegs are arranged carefully Jones’ sculpture is squat and low, and deliberately to capture the dense in its composition. He has delicacy of the creature itself and taken used grader ice pegs (he its distinctive patterning. To emuacquired a thousand pound barrel late that relative delicacy using the of used ones for next to nothing) bulkiness of manufactured metal and painstakingly arranged them parts and welding equipment is in a spherical pattern, carbide tips no mean feat but Jones’ sculpture outward-facing over a dome-like has managed just that. Echino subsurface. The pegs are tightly II possesses a peculiar splendour packed together in a discernable – it is enigmatic perhaps, but eyearc, row upon row. The rows curve catching and impressive. and undulate, creating flowing Jones has worked world-wide delines of symmetry. Echino II is signing and building props and tactile and grounded, resembling sets for movies and musical prothe sea urchin it is named after. A ductions. He pursued his artistic delicately scalloped base compli- side through initial studies at rements his impressive work. gional colleges in Alberta, then “I combine my background as a the Victoria College of Art and the machinist and welder with my ar- Alberta College of Art and Design tistic training to sculpt works that located in Calgary. He graduated are derived from patterns found in from the latter with a diploma in nature,” he says. “I Castlegar tend to utilize sculpture andwould painting, fur- t Sculpturewalk likethen to thank recycled mechanical parts or engithered his talents at the organizations and companies thatworking have provided neered components that can take CanadianforMuseum of Making, as the project: the form or shape of natural items. well as assisting world renowned “Things like pine cones, seed sculptors Katie Ohe and Brian heads, blossoms and eroded wood Cooley. or stone fascinate me. They are the Now he runs his own company – basis for my sculptures. Always, Greg Jones Sculpture and Design – the symmetry and design that and has ramped up the sculptural occurs naturally are what I try to side of his many working endeavimitate using metal and steel.” ours. “My comfort with industrial He has succeeded nicely with metal parts, things like tubing, Echino II. The spiny rows of pipes, plates and other manufactured discards, lends itself to my vision. Taking the relative coldness and rigidity of them and working them to mimic naturally occurring compositions is rewarding. I like to think that anyone looking at one of my works could probably identify the corresponding inspirational element. “For this piece, I was trying to achieve the “golden ratio” that you can find in flower heads like sunflowers, for example. I didn’t really For special Sculpturewalk Ratesofuse Promo Co achieve that degree perfection, but I’m happy with the work as a whole.” As he should be. Echino II is a fine example of Jones’ sculptural approach - a distinctive creation inspired by and simulating one of nature’s small brilliant designs.
Special than
photo by David R. Gluns
photo by David R. Gluns CastlegarSculpturewalk
Thursday, June 26, 2014 Castlegar News
Gallery attraction During the opening reception of the latest exhibition at the Kootenay Gallery entitled Memento Mori: Remember you must die, by Rachel Yoder, visitors take part in the provocative interactive wall that asks them to consider the difficult questions around knowing we all will someday die. The exhibit runs until August 2. The Gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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Garage Sale on the Map!
Advertise your Garage Sale for
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3rd St
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June 28th 8am - 1pm
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8th Ave
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June 27th - 28th Fri: 11am - ?pm Sat: 9am - ?pm
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June 27th -28th 8am - 2pm
Fri - Sat
Fri - Sat
Call or come into the Casltegar News office 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar
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Prairie Rd
Columbia Rd
Castlegar News Thursday, June 26, 2014
Castlegar Aquanauts The Castlegar Aquanauts competed in mid-June at the Trail and Area Invitational Swim Meet. A total of 45 swimmers competed, along with many other swimmers within the KO Region. Head Coach Nick Welychko and Assistant Coach Michaella Yang were extremely pleased with the way each and every swimmer competed. “I was very impressed with everyone’s focus and determination. Every swimmer was on top of their game. They took the advice Michaella and myself gave them before each race and they applied perfectly. Swimming is
not only such a physically demanding sport, there is a high mental factor to it as well. If a swimmer has a perfect balance of physical and mental focus, it will only translate into each swimmer achieving their very best,” said Welychko. With this being the third meet of the season, both Welychko and Yang are looking forward to many more successful weekends. “As a coach, it was so rewarding and satisfying to see the smiles on the swimmers’ faces as they finished each race and looked up at their times,” said Yang. Continues on P. A27
SUMMER YOGA Columbia River Studio A Magical Setting 815 5th Ave July 7th ---August 20th
Monday : private lessons 8:30am - 12:30 pm Yoga for MS 1:30 - 3:00pm Tuesday : Stay Strong Yoga for Older Women & Men 8:45 am - 10:15 am All Levels Yoga for Women & Men 10:30 am - 12:00 pm All Levels Yoga for Women & Men 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Wednesday : Private Lessons 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
815 5th Ave. Castlegar, BC Tel: 250-365-5428 please visit our website for more info
HANDLE WITH CARE conserve • reduce • recycle HANDLE WITH CARE conserve • reduce • recycle
Trail Meet Results: Div 1 Boys: 1st: Reid Quintanhila
“O” Cat 1 Boys: 1st: Carson Ogloff
Overall Points: 7th Colville Sharks – 274
Div 2 Girls: 3rd: Avery Cooke 1st: Claire Cartwright
Div 4 Girls: 1st: Emma Lawczynski
6th Creston Waves – 307
Div 2 Boys: 3rd: Lynden Hanvold 2nd: Ayden Quintanhila 1st: Bryce Anderson Div 3 Boys: 3rd: Simon Laroque 2nd: Cayden Cooke 1st: Ethan Lawczynski
Div 5 Girls: 1st: Sierra Buchanan Div 6 Boys: 3rd: Torrin Wilson 1st: Jeffrey Ashton Div 8 Boys: 1st: Nick Welychko
5th Nelson Neptunes – 317 4th Kimberley Seahorses – 415 3rd Grand Forks Piranhas – 496 2nd Trail Stingrays – 618 1st Castlegar Aquanauts - 996
Thursday, June 26, 2014 Castlegar News
Coming Events
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Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
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Help Wanted
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Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway Line Haul Drivers based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training.
Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.
The Castlegar Golf Club and RV Park has an immediate opening for a Bookkeeper/Administrative Assistant. The primary function of this position is to perform a variety of accounting, administrative, and clerical tasks, including the preparation of monthly ¿nancial statements, handling of correspondence, minutes, invoices, customer statements, daily cash reconciliations, updating our website and social media, sending out weekly newsletters, building and maintaining database records, accounting reports, accounts payables and ¿les, and to provide support for our Golf Shop and RV Park. Experience in a similar position is necessary and the candidate must have excellent computer skills including web experience, pro¿cient use of Simply Accounting, MS publisher, word, excel, outlook, and, strong written and verbal communication skills, effective minute taking and typing skills, solid ¿nancial understanding, including accounting, cash handling and banking skills, familiarity with POS systems and customer statements, a strong customer service background, and must be a participating team player. Con¿dentiality is imperative for this position. The Club offers an attractive bene¿ts and wage package. Please send resumes by June 27th to Brian Miller, General Manager, Castlegar Golf Club. Email:, Mail:1602 Aaron Rd, Castlegar BC, V1N 4L6. Only applicants to be interviewed will be contacted.
Sean McCullagh
The parents, family and friends of Sean McCullagh offers Congratulations on achieving his Electrical Engineering Degree with Distinction from the University of Victoria. He is currently employed with Primar y Engineering and Construction in Calgary, Alta
Happy 50th Birthday Love from Your whole Family
Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) is responsible for the on-going planning and delivery of community supports and services for adults with developmental disabilities and their families throughout the province. We have an auxiliary Contracts Clerk position available in Castlegar. The Contracts Clerk prepares, tenders for, awards, administers and monitors contracts for the delivery of CLBC supported services and funding in accordance with current legislation, contract specifications, and agency policy and procedures within a regional area. The role also provides reception and administration support. Please see competition #2014.059 posted on our website for full details, and mention you saw the ad in this paper. Closing date is July 9th, 2014.
Based out of Grand Forks, BC. If this is a position you are interested in, please send your current resume, in Microsoft Word format, to by July 13, 2014. No phone calls please.
Contact: Daryl Zibin Fixed Operations Manager 250-365-7241
To join our team of professional drivers, please send off a resume and current driver’s abstract to: For more info about Line Haul, call Bev, 604-968-5488
The Difference: Preventing occupational diseases and illnesses
Start something that lasts
We Offer Above Average Rates!
Boundary Electric
Kristina Malekow graduated on June 6, 2014 from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Chemistry with Honours. Kristina received an Associate Degree of Science in Biology with Honours from Selkirk College in 2011. She is currently employed at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. Kristina is the daughter of Steve and Elaine Malekow of Shoreacres, B.C. and the granddaughter of Emma Stoochnoff and the late Bill Stoochnoff of Shoreacres, B.C., and the late Mike and Polly Malekow of Crescent Valley, B.C. Congratulations Kristina. We are all very proud of you and wish you great success in your future endeavours.
For more information on this and all other available positions, visit our website:
SNIFF out a new
Castlegar News Thursday, June 26, 2014
Help Wanted
Seeking highly motivated employee Must be willing to learn Computer Service and Sales. Computer knowledge is an asset but not required. Full time Monday-Friday Wage negotiable Please drop off resume to: Valu Office Supplies 801 Farwell Street Trail, BC V1R 3T8 email: ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1
An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051. Full Times Sales Representative. Andreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Electronic Experts in Castlegar is looking to grow their sales force. Looking for individuals with sales experience and knowledge of cellular/ electronic and appliances. Full time salary/commission plus benefits. Drop off resumes to 200 - 1965 Columbia Ave Castlegar. Or email
Hiring: Assistant Operator, Lead Hand, Supervisor Oilfield = opportunity = job = income = career Recruiting rep. coming to these locations: Vernon â&#x20AC;&#x201C;July 10, Kelowna â&#x20AC;&#x201C;July 11, Castlegar â&#x20AC;&#x201C; July 13, Kamloops â&#x20AC;&#x201C;July 18. Contact: for details Silver Birch Clinic and Spa requires a Licenced Esthestician. Please apply in person at 621 Columbia Ave, Castlegar, BC
Medical/Dental â&#x20AC;˘ Registered Nurses â&#x20AC;˘ Licensed Practical Nurses Resource Ability is hiring RNs, LPNs and Certified Care Aides to work nights, midnight to 8am, 1:1 in home with a medically fragile child in the Nelson area. Pediatric exp. preferred.
Union Wages, BeneďŹ ts & Full Support Provided. Send resume & cover letter to Debra Leverrier: Fax: 1.250.762.9898 or
Professional/ Management PRINCIPAL, St. Christopherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Montessori School, Victoria, BC, beginning August 2014. One of Victoriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oldest and most established Montessori Schools. Quaint two-classroom school house caters to 80 Pre-K and K children. Current BC teaching cert. or equiv.; min 5 yrs teaching; team & admin. leadership; excellent interpersonal skills; computer, budget & supervisory experience. Montessori cert. highly desirable. Send CV by July 11, 2014 to A23
YRB Yellowhead Road & Bridge
Yellowhead Road & Bridge (Kootenay) Ltd. is looking for a Mechanic for our New Denver facility. Applicants will need to hold a valid TQ for Heavy Duty or Commercial Transport, class three driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s licence and Motor Vehicle Inspection licence would be an asset. Resumes can be faxed to 250-352-2172 or e-mailed to IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for a Journeyman Heavy Equipment Technician (Mechanic) with truck experience and also a trailer mechanic. Fax or email resume and references to: Calnash Trucking, Lac La Biche, 1-780-623-4051;
Health Products
OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil
Buy One Get One
Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750 RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Visit: Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660.
Financial Services
Misc. for Sale
Apt/Condos for Sale
Apt/Condo for Rent
Apt/Condo for Rent
UNFILED TAX Returns? Unreported Income? Avoid Prosecution and Penalties. Call a Tax Attorney First! 1855-668-8089. (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)
KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate bugs- guaranteed. No mess, odorless, long lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot. SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw or call: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:
TWO bedroom, two bathroom condo for sale, within 100 feet of Lakeside Park in Nelson. This lovely setting overlooks the kiddies playground at the park. It is completely wheelchair accessible, no stairs. It is 1300 square feet of living space plus a sundeck. It includes all appliances, plus a gas fireplace, and a jet tub. It has natural gas forced air heating and gas hot water. It includes a covered carport for one vehicle plus an extra storage locker. The address is 829 Nelson Avenue, and the main entrance is on the south side of the building. The asking price is $350,000 and we welcome offers. Call 250-5090961 for a viewing.
Castlegar, Large bright 2 Bdrm Apt in quiet Bldg close to downtown & Kootenay Market. Complete renovated with new floors, windows bathroom & appliances. Laundry on site, N/S, N/P $675 + utilities,250-505-3609
SELKIRK MANOR CEDAR MANOR 1 & 2 Bedroom Apt Call 250-304-3026 250-365-3034
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Garden & Lawn INTERESTED in Organic Lawn Care? Fuel-free mowing? Find out more at 250.505.2404
Home Repairs FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.
Auctions AUCTION. Commercial Picture Framing Equip & Inventory. July 5th, 11 AM, On Site Kelowna. (250)545-3259
Furniture 4 pc Birch Bedroom set $450 BBQ $75, 250-365-0033
Garage Sales GARAGE Sale at 3007 Charleston Ave, Robson on June 28 & 29. 9AM-5PM
Misc. for Sale
IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; & 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;45â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 53â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Containers under $2500! DMG 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB FIREARMS. ALL types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. 1-866-9600045, HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online:
Financial Services ARE YOU $10K Or More In Debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-3511783. BANK DECLINED LOAN? WE APPROVE. Now you can get up to $3.5M business/personal consolidation loan with rate starting from 1.99% with min. of $35K. Bad credit or Bankruptsy welcome. Apply now at 1-866-249-1055 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420
DATE: TUES., JULY 15 â&#x20AC;&#x201C;10 AM PLACE: 3760 HWY #3 - ROCK CREEK, BC Preview: Monday, July 14th, 9am to 5pm th
(4) CRANES: 1988 Grove AT422 AT, 22 ton, Certified; 2005 Ford F-750, diesel, 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; F/D w/ Terex BT-3470 17 ton crane, Certified; Broaderson 8.5 ton carry deck, certifiable; P & H 20 ton RT; LOADER/BACKHOE: 2001 Case Backhoe, model 580 Super L, 4x4, 4138 hours, Extendahoe, s/n JJG0273015; (2) SKID STEERS: (2) 2005 Bobcat T-180, track drive, attachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s - 2 snow blades, forks, bucket (2) FORKLIFTS: Clark diesel, 10,000#; Toyota 404F625 5500#, prop., air tire â&#x20AC;˘ (12) PICKUPS: most diesel, 4x4; 2002 GMC 3500 diesel service truck, C Cab, winch; 2005 GMC Yukon SCHOOL BUS: 2003 Freightliner, diesel, 32 pass. GOOSENECK TRAILER: tri-axle, 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; w/ ramps 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; X 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PORT. OFFICE TRLR.: (12) 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; SEACANS: good condâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;n; (16) WELDERS: (5 port. Gas), plasma unit; oxy-acet. Units, carts; rod & wire supplies; leads SUPPORT EQUIP: (3) equip. skate kits; compressors, generators (gas/diesel), pumps, mag drill, Climax mill, lasers, levels; Rigid equip.; Power tools â&#x20AC;&#x201C; drills, Hilti, c/o saws, hand saws, gas auger, chain saws, Sawzalls, air nailers, air hose; slings, shackles, beam clamps, bottle jacks, vises, blocks, plate clamps; fire extâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s., water cans, safety harnesses, (30) 16 channel radios CONSUMABLES: welding rod & wire, gloves, spill kits, lubes, air nails, etc. OVER 1000 LOTS OF GOOD EQUIPMENT!
Photos & Specs â&#x20AC;˘ Abbotsford, BC - Edmonton, AB
PH. 604-308-8040
Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158
Misc. Wanted BUYING Coin Collections, Estates, Antiques, Native Art, Silver, Jewelry 250-499-0251
Real Estate Acreage for Sale WATERFRONT LOG Home with Acreage Lone Butte Area photos and contact at
Legal Notices
For Sale By Owner
2 storey 6 yr old cabin 4 km from Ashram, Riondel, beach and golf course. Needs: elec., plumbing, H2O pipe or well, insulation, cabinets. On 2.8 nicely treed acres. Good bench(es) for building second home with lakeview. Appraised at $170,000 but old vendor is quite flexible. Great starter home especially for handy person(s). Call : 780-566-0707 or : 780-222-2996 or
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Re: Estate of David Edwin Coxford late of 25-3969 Broadwater Road Castlegar, B.C. V1N-4V5 Notice is given that creditors and others having claims against the Estate are required to send them to the administratrix, Brian Coxford, at 3359 Chesterfield Ave., North Vancouver, B.C., V7N-3N2, on or before August 1, 2014, after which date the Estate assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims that have been received. Administratrix: Brian Coxford
In loving memory of a Special Husband, Father, Grandpa, Great Grandpa
Herman Mehrer They say memories are golden, Well maybe that is true, We never wanted memories, We only wanted you. A million times we needed you A million times we cried; If love alone could have saved you, You never would have died. In life we loved you dearly, In death we love you still: In our hearts you hold a piece No one could ever ďŹ ll. But now we know you want us To mourn for you no more, And to remember the happy times Life still has much in store. Since youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll never be forgotten We pledge to you today; A hallowed place within our hearts Is where youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll always stay. Our family chain is broken, And nothing seems the same; But as God call us one by one, The chain will link again. Olga, Nova, Les, Mark and Families.
In loving memory
Al Frauley
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION City of Castlegar Millennium Ponds Service Contract Reference No.:
The Owner invites Tuotations from TualiÂżed landscaping/mechanical Âżrms for the Âżrst class seasonal maintenance of the Millennium Ponds. Complete maintenance details can be found in the Tuotation documents. R)4 'ocuments are available for pick up during normal business hours between : 0 am and 4: 0 pm local time at: Address:
Castlegar Civic :orks 4 00 Minto Road Castlegar, BC V1N 4B
The RFQ Closing Date, Time & Location are as follows: RFQ Closing Time: 2:00 pm local time RFQ Closing Date: Thursday, July rd, 2014 at: Address:
Castlegar City +all 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7
,nTuiries should be directed to Chris Barlow, 'irector of Transportation Civic :orks City of Castlegar Phone 2 0 6 7
A young man named Al Frauley Was loved by us all In todays order of things thatšs an order quite tall As a friend or a ďŹ sherman He liked to have fun Whether a hockey player Or as your Barber He was an exceptional, #1 Al was compassionate Al was kind Al always had time To hear about your day And to say youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d be ďŹ nd. As a family we weep -the pain still so deep For the hole in our lives very real. But, Alâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life was his, To live as he would, And we know that he lived it, All he possibly could. We miss you, Al And our hearts hold you dear. Much love, your family.
Commercial/ Industrial
Thursday, June 26, 2014 Castlegar News
Auto Financing
Cottages / Cabins
Legal Notices
Cabin rental weeks available: late June to July 13 & August 28 to early Sept. ($1100-$1200/week) Includes tin boat for access
NOTICE OF DISPOSAL Name of the Tenant: Jerry Weston Davis, deceased. In the Matter of Part 6 of the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Regulation B.C. Reg. 481/2003 Description of the property to be disposed of: Manufactured Home # 034506, 1975 Bendix Model # Leader Address of the Manufactured Home Site: 102, 12th Avenue, Genelle, British Columbia V0G 1G0 Name and Address of the Landlord: Crockett’s Alamo Mobile Home Park Ltd., 102, 12th Avenue, Genelle, British Columbia V0G 1G0
John & Louise Harder 403-809-4811
Suites, Lower CASTLEGAR SOUTH 1 Bdrm Basement suite in quiet 4-plex Clean, spacious & bright Laundry available, N/S, N/S $650/mth incl utilities 250-352-5659
Suites, Upper Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apartment, Bright & Spacious F/S, Laundry on site,close to amenities, N/S, N/P $725/mth + utilities Call 359-7819 Downtown Castlegar upstairs suite, 2 Bdrm completely renovated new bathroom, kitchen, flooring & freshly painted. Close to bus route & Kootenay Market Shopping Centre, No smoking & pet nego, References required, $650/mth + utilities 250-368-9144
Auto Accessories/Parts
Auto Financing
Call Holly for Pre-Approval
1-844-364-FORD (3673)
July 10, 1938 June 23, 2014
Castlegar 1976 Travel air 18’ single axle, completely restored in & out, new plumbing & flush toilet, new gravel guard, Call 250-304-2766
Beautiful Christina Lake B.C. Lakefront Cabin property for rent and/or partial ownership sale. Three bedroom, spacious fully furnished private cabin (boat access directly across from marina).
Palmira “Mira” Zanrosso
2006 Chrysler Sebring Touring, 191,000 km, full set of winter & summer tires both only used one season. $2000 OBO. Call 250 505-2639 for more info
Approx 500 sq ft of office space & 1500 sq ft of shop. Ideal location for contractor plumber, etc who needs safe and easy access/ storage, 10’ Door. Please call Tim 250-6874716 or John 250-304-9419 for more information.
Cars - Domestic
Jean Fitzpatrick January 31, 1921 – June 14, 2014 The family of Jean Fitzpatrick sadly announces the passing of our beloved mother Jean, who passed away suddenly at the age of 93 at Trail Regional Hospital. Jean was born in Dauphin, Manitoba. She grew up in Saskatoon, and met her husband Ernie when he was stationed there in the armed forces just prior to shipping off to Europe in WW2. When Ernie returned from the war, they married and moved to Trail, where Ernie worked at West Kootenay Power. In 1950 they built their family home in Kinnaird where they raised their family. Sadly, Ernie passed away in 1978. In 1991, Jean moved to Silver Birch Trailer Park and lived there happily for many years. Only recently Jean had moved to Castlewood Village where she was enjoying her new home and the wonderful meals. Jean had many interests and loved camping, swimming, golf and curling. She was a lifetime member of Castlegar United Church, UCW, Legion, Kootenay Society for Community Living and Castlegar Seniors Association .She really enjoyed her bridge, crib and socializing with friends. Jean is survived by four children, Ed (Sydney), Rod, Carol Mackereth (Ron) and Keith. Grandchildren Bryan (Shiran), Laura (Edgar), Alan, Christopher (Patrice), Jennifer(Matthew), Andrew. Great grandchildren Angelica and Stella. Predeceased by her sisters Frances, Margaret, husband Ernie and beloved granddaughter Cassie Jean. Special thanks to all of the wonderful staff of Kootenay Society for Community Living, also to Sid and Lynda Floyd. .That Keith was well taken care of and loved once she could no longer provide his care, just meant everything to her. Also, we sincerely thank Jean’s home support workers, Handy Dart driver Don Cameron, Castlewood Village staff, Dr. Smart, and hospital staff for your compassionate care. Should anyone wish to send a memorial donation, it could go to the Kootenay Society for Community Living. Bill Strilaeff of Castlegar Funeral Chapel entrusted with arrangements. We are having a Celebration of Life on Wednesday, July 2nd at the Castlegar Legion Hall at 2:00 p.m. All friends, please join us.
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Faye Joan Tench on April 9th, 2014, and of Gordon Gregory Tench on May 18th, 2014. A memorial service will be held in Rossland, at the Miner’s Hall on Sunday, June 29th at 3:30pm. Please contact Mike Tench at (250) 362-6900 or at if attending.
In Memory of
Grace Betty Miner March 5, 1946 June 14, 2014 It is with deep sadness and extremely heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our dearly beloved Mom and Grandma Grace Betty Miner. She left this earth to be with Dad on June 14, 2014 surrounded by her family after a courageous battle with cancer at the age of 68. She was born on March 5, 1946 to Dorothy and Henry Gilbertson in Garden Bay, B.C. She married her best friend and soul mate Art Miner on Sept 6, 1963. Mom and Dad moved 18 times in their 47 years together. Mom got so good at packing, she could be boxed up and ready to go in less than a day! Mom worked initially as a hair dresser but gave that up to raise her family. She was a hard worker at home inside and out. She loved to fill the house with the fragrance of her days spent cooking. Mom was an amazing cook and was notorious for her mile high pizzas and Norwegian dumplings to name a couple! She was passionate about her posies, her yard and her garden. She was an excellent seamstress and a talented painter. She loved to swim, she loved the ocean and painted sea side scenes from her memories of Sechelt where she grew up. Her greatest gift was her ability to make people not only smile or chuckle but to belly laugh! In amongst all her suffering she never gave up her sense of humour even until her last breath. As she laid in the hospital, knowing she had only hours left, she tried to lift the spirits of her children and grandchildren. She joked and sang songs even hours before she passed most of which she made up as she went, just to make us smile! Mom will be greatly missed and fondly remembered by all that met her for her kindness and her never ending ability to make people laugh! She was blessed with a loving and tight knit family that always moved close together. She spoke to all her children daily, we will miss that so very deeply! She was so proud of her children and grandchildren, the lights of her life. Our world is forever diminished, yet we are overflowing with her love. She created many wonderful memories that will be forever cherished and remembered deep in our hearts. God bless you mom, may you be resting in peace with dad at your side. Grace is survived by her children, Dean Miner (Cheryl Speerbrecker-Miner), Dee-Ann Miner- Evans (Bob Evans), Terri-Lin Miner, her grandchildren, Mitchell, Levi, Jacob, Gracie and Gabriel as well as her sisters Francis Betts, Joyce Richardson and Esther Dyke. A celebration of her life will be held at 2912 4th ave, Castlegar, BC on June 28th at 2:00pm. Please bring a funny story or joke to share at her celebration, mom would want to hear us all belly laughing! For more information contact Dean by email at or (250)365-8399.
ith heavy hearts, the family of Palmira “Mira” Zanrosso of Castlegar wishes to announce her passing at her home on Sunday, June 15, 2014. Mira was blessed with 75 years of life. Mira was born in Anguillara Veneta, Italy on July 10, 1938. Extraordinary wife, unbelievable mamma, tough nonna, loving and loyal friend and master chef, Mira “La Pevera” travelled from Italy in 1962 to start a new life in Canada with her true love, Aldo Zanrosso. She lived a full and joy-filled life, raising two daughters, pampering Aldo, canning everything in sight and loving everyone whom she considered family or friend. Mira left behind Aldo, her loving husband of 52 years, her two daughters Katya (Shawn) and Amy (Dave), her grandson Seamus and her many beloved relatives and friends. Mira’s passing was celebrated by Fr. David John at St. Rita’s Catholic Church on Monday, June 23, 2014.
Words cannot express how much she will be missed. Ti vogliamo tanto, tanto bene mamma e non ti dimentichiamo mai.
Thomas Stuart MacIntyre Sadly the family, of Thomas Stuart of Robson, wishes to announce his peaceful passing at Castleview Care Centre on Tuesday, June 17, 2014, after a wonderfully full 94 years of life. Tom was born in Blackville, New Brunswick on March 31, 1920 to parents Sidney and George MacIntyre. In 1937, at the age of 17, he joined the Royal Canadian Navy as a boy seaman and after 26 years of service and surviving 2 wars, in 1963, Tom retired at the rank of Chief Petty Officer. In 1948, he married Florence Hall in Victoria, BC and the couple raised 3 children. After another 12 years of working for the Federal Government, Tom and Flo retired to Oliver, BC where they enjoyed their favorite past time of playing golf. After the passing of Flo, in “99 he moved to Castlegar, BC. Tom was an active member of the Castlegar and Little Bear Golf Clubs and enjoyed playing well into his 90’s. He was predeceased by his loving wife of 50 years Flo and his brother George. Left to mourn his loss are his sons Sid (Peggy) of Castlegar and Ross of Victoria; his daughter Arlene Donat of Phoenix, Arizona; his sister Betty Connors; his brother Norman (Shirley) and numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and nieces and nephews across the country. Cremation has taken place in care of Castlegar Funeral Chapel. There will be no service or flowers by request. The family wishes to extend their heartfelt gratitude to the staff of Castleview Care Centre for their care and compassion over the 2 years that he was with them.
Book Your Classified Ad 250-365-6397 Now!
Castlegar News Thursday, June 26, 2014 A25
Patsy Polly Horkoff
November 10, 1942 - June 7, 2014 His friends and family loved him. Dave was a kind and caring ordinary guy who did so much for others and asked nothing in return. A loyal brother in the IBEW for more than 50 years, no one lived up to the values and principles of his union more than Dave. His home and surroundings in Robson gave him peace. He was always building or growing something in his backyard. Thank you so much to the many nurses, doctors and staff at Kootenay Regional Hospital in Trail for their continuing care and kindness when our brother needed it the most. He appreciated everything you did to give him peace when there were no miracles left to save his life. Can’t thank you enough. Dave is survived by his sister Janie Hyrsak and her family in Calgary and his brother Brian and his family in North Vancouver. To his other family, best friends Phyllis and John Russell, our brother thanks you for your unconditional love, kindness and trust. If you wish, please donate to in Dave’s name to the B.C. Cancer Society. May every death, Dave’s and his dad’s before him lead to a deeper understanding of the cause and a cure. A celebration of Dave’s life will come at a later date. We miss you everyday. Thank you big brother for inspiring us and enriching so many lives. Rest in Peace.
We’re on the net at In Loving Memory of
Mina Bertha Lee November 16, 1924 to May 28, 2014 Born in Gals, Switzerland, Mia Mina worked in the family potato, wheat and flower fields. At the age of 4, she spent a year in the hospital after a car left the road and ran over her in the flower fields. After she left school, she worked for a time in Brussels in the French Embassy. She moved to Canada in 1961 to join relatives in the Greenwood area and there she met and later married Morris Peterson, a miner and diamond drill contractor. She had 20 happy years with him, cooking and helping in the camps, until he died of cancer. Some time later she met Ray Lee, they married and had many happy years together. Mina enjoyed the outdoors, and liked to hike, hunt and fish. She enjoyed the Pistol Club along with Ray, and competed in competitions. She won several trophies with her pistol and rifle skills. She was a longtime member of Deborah Rebekah Lodge #13. With failing health, they moved to Castlegar Village in 2007. After Ray died in 2012, Mina could not manage alone, and moved to Talarico Place a few months later. She leaves her cousin Willi Zimmerman, wife Patricia, and family; stepson Ron Lee, 4 step grandchildren, and longtime friends Alex and Carol Kranz. There will be no funeral by her request.
24/7 • anonymous • confidential • in your language
Patsy Polly Horkoff was born on April 22th, 1936 in Grand Forks, B.C. to the Doukhobor family of Vasya and Polly (Novakshonoff) Pudmoreff. The Pudmoreff family lived in the Doukhobor Ootischenia Community of the Kootenay area and that is where Patsy grew-up and received her upbringing. She was the middle child of a family of three children – sisters Mary and Lucy. Their family lived in the village which was located in the middle of their Ootischenia Community and in that village lived the families of Gretchens, potapoffs, Zarikoffs and Masloffs. Patsy received her limited English language education in the school which was located not too far from their village and also studied the Russian language which was provided by their community members. Her memorable Russian teachers were Laura Makortoff and Alexsandar Fyodordvich Zuckerberg. There were many neighbouring villages in their community, therefore Patsy grew-up with many friends her age. Within their midst, older boys and girls were always present from whom they observed and received guidance. From an early age she took part in sports and cultural activities. In her teen years Patsy participated in their community evening youth meetings and it’s choir. She was also a member of a specially organized choir, “Khor Priziva”, which performed at local communities and for the English public in Trail, B.C. In her younger years, Patsy worked at different places – picking cherries in Robson, B.C., gathering berries in Creston, B.C., and working in the vegetable Àelds in Grand Forks, B.C. Patsy also worked for three years at the facility for elders – Mt. Saint Frances in Nelson, B.C. In 1958 Patsy met a young lad named, George William Horkoff. They fell in love and on April th, 1959, they were united in marriage. For the Àrst years together, they lived with George’s parents; Bill and Mary Horkoff, while they were building themselves their home on Carson Road in Grand Forks, B.C. They were blessed with three daughters – Gail, Nina and Tammy. Patsy together with George looked after their home, yard and garden. After their children were grown and set out on their own, Patsy worked at several places – Malloff Hardware Store, Yale Restaurant and as a custodian at the Grand Forks school system. She was a life-long member of the Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ and a member of their local community Christyakoyoe, where she took part in their youth evening meetings and other activities. In earlier times, Patsy served on the children Sunday school committee and for two years dedicated her time as a teacher at their spiritual meetings. For many years, Patsy together with George were members in the youth choir which later was renamed the ‘Friendship Choir’. The choir preformed locally, yearly at the Youth Festivals, also performed concerts in Calgary, Vancouver and in the Okanagan. The choir recorded several long-playing albums. Patsy served on the U.S.C.C. Ladies Cooking Group and Ladies Bread Committee. In later years, her and George were members of the U.S.C.C. Psalmist Choir, where they took part in different organizational activities and assistance at funeral services. In 1981, Patsy and George were faced with an even of tragic proportions when their daughter Tammy suffered life changing injuries after a car accident with her friends. Patsy and George put all their efforts into helping Tammy acquire the best treatment for her including a suggestion to seek help from doctors in Moscow, Russia. The family was able to make success and after consultation with specialists, it was recommended that Tammy live in Vancouver where she will be close to her doctors and the special care she requires. In the year of 2000, Patsy retired. Her and George sold their home on Carson Road and moved to the Riverside Apartments. In her retirement, on many occasions she visited her daughter Tammy and also the rest of her children and grandchildren. Patsy devoted twelve year, serving for the Boundary Community Hospice Society. George and Patsy were fortunate to visit the Hawaiian Islands and regional and provincial localities. In the month of September 2013, Patsy felt ill and was diagnosed with a serious illness. A week ago her health worsened and she was admitted to Boundary Hospital, where in the morning of June 13th, 2014, with her family by her side, Patsy peacefully passed away. She was 78 years of age. She was predeceased by her parents William and Polly Pudmoreff. She is survived by her husband George with whom she lived for 55 years, her children – Gail (Humberto Galvao) of Grand Forks, B.C., Nina Smith and Tammy Little; both of Vancouver, B.C., 5 grandchildren – Khea (Tetsu), Cassidy, Shaye, Holly and Tasha, 2 great-grandchildren Missha and Hyugd. She also lives behind her sisters Mary Voykin and Lucy Jmieff both of Castlegar, B.C. and numerous nephews, nieces, other relatives and friends. Patsy was a kind and gentle wife, mother and grandmother. She was a hardworking a peace-loving lady. She will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by her family, relatives and friends. The funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Baker family of Grand Forks Funeral Home May God accept her soul into His heavenly abode, and may she rest in peace. I Have a Place in Heaven Please don’t sing sad songs for me, My life on earth was very good, Forget your grief and fears, As earthly lives can go, For I am in a perfect place, But paradise is so much more Away from pain and tears … Than anyone can know … I’m far away from hunger, My heart is Àlled with happiness, And hurt and want and pride. And sweet rejoicing, too. I have a place in heaven, To walk with God is perfect peace, With the Master on my side. A joy forever new.
Pete Samarodin March 15th, 1923 June 4th, 2014 Pete Samarodin passed away peacefully at Talarico Place in Castlegar, British Columbia on Wednesday June 4, 2014. Blessed with 91 years of age. Pete was born on March 15, 1923 in the town of Ronalane, Alberta to parents Steve and Martha Samarodin. He was the second eldest of four siblings: Anita, Pete, Nancy and Mary. In his childhood years in the 1920’s Pete grew up in the village Koch Siding near Slocan Park and attended the Slocan Park elementary school, and attained a grade 7 education as the style was back then. Pete landed his first sawmill job in Nelson at the Patterson sawmill. Here he worked with his father, and they would often stay in Nelson at the motel during the work week. At the age of 24, Pete met Vera Nichvolodoff at a Ball game. It was the first time she had ever caught his eye. He brought her back to Koch Siding in his truck to introduce her to his family. Vera was very shy, though Pete was very bold. On December 18, 1949 Pete and Vera were married. They moved to Waneta, where they lived for about a year while Pete was employed as a Teamster driving a truck at the Waneta Dam. Soon after, in 1956 they built their home in Strawberry village, where they began to raise their family. They had 3 sons: Peter, George and Steve. After Waneta, Pete got a job with Erickson Lumber at the Passmore mill. In time, he quickly moved up to be sales coordinator. The lumber company changed hands three more times: from Pacific Logging, to Triangle Forest Products, to Slocan Forest Products. He stuck with them to the end and worked his way up to sales manager and eventually general manger. He travelled diligently every day for many years, one hour each way, from Castlegar to Slocan City. In 1973, Pete went on a new adventure and started his own wholesale lumber business, Samarodin Lumber Sales, which he operated for several years. He then returned to the Slocan mill and stayed until retirement. Pete and Vera also had a chance to travel together to Disney Land, Montreal and San Francisco, and they loved their excursions to Spokane. A major part of Pete’s life was his involvement and commitment to the USCC organization, which eventually became a priority in his life. In 1949 Pete became the first chairman of the Union of Youth Council and also served his term on the Executive Committee. He was a valuable member of the Kootenay Mixed Choir and spent many years learning new hymns and psalms and leading the psalmist group, prayer meetings and funerals. He would never miss a memorial service, and often would travel to Grand Forks while on the Executive Committee. In 2001 he was honored by a recognition banquet for the 12 years that he served in the psalmists group. In 1980 a new challenge came his way. His second eldest son George suffered a brain injury after a car accident. George became a number one priority in dad’s life. They stuck together for 33 years. Pete was predeceased by his sister Anita Samarodin, parents Steve and Martha Samarodin, his wife Vera and son George. He is survived by his two sisters Nancy Pereverzoff and Mary Hoodicoff ; his two sons Peter (Jean) and Steve; four Granddaughters; Melanie, Elysia, Jessica and Maddison Samarodin; fi ve greatgrandchildren; Cody, Wyatt, Rian, Liv and Grace.
Stand up. Be heard. Get help.
Thursday, June 26, 2014 Castlegar News
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Sports Boys Div. 2 medley relay team that set a new meet record. Back left - Hunter Hansen, back right-Lynden Hanvold, front left - Bryce Anderson, front rightAyden Quintanhila.
This past weekend the Castlegar Aquanauts competed at the Creston Waves Invitational Swim Meet. The 28 swimmers in Creston swam incredibly fast and even set some meet records. Head Coach Nick Welychko and Assistant Coach Michaella Yang were very impressed with the way each and every swimmer competed this past weekend. “I was very pleased with all of our swimmers. Everyone had a successful weekend and left me speechless by the end of the meet,” said Yang. With this much success early on in the season,
both coaches are looking forward to seeing where everyone will be by the end of the season. “Creston was a great example of the hard work and determination each swimmer is applying to practice. There were many all time best-times achieved this past weekend, as well as many swimmers applying new stroke techniques to racing. As a coach, you like to see the little things being done, along with the major focuses as well,” said Welychko. The Aquanauts will be on their way to the Colville Swim Meet this upcoming weekend. Both Welychko and Yang are looking forward to this meet and hope to see many more successful weekends in the future.
Creston Meet Results: Div 1 Boys: 3rd: Ethan Marshall 1st: Reid Quintanhila Div 1 Girls: 3rd: Kenna Cartwright Div 2 Boys: 3rd: Ayden Quintanhila 2nd: Bryce Anderson 1st: Lynden Hanvold Div 2 Girls: 3rd: Madison Kehoe 2nd: Avery Cooke 1st: Claire Cartwright
Div 3 Boys: 3rd: James Marshall 2nd: Cayden Cooke 1st: Ethan Lawczynski O Cat: 1st: Carson Ogloff Div 4 Boys: 3rd: Corbin Anderson Div 4 Girls: 1st: Emma Lawczynski Div 5 Girls: 1st: Sierra Buchanan
Div 6 Boys: 2nd: Torrin Wilson 1st: Jeff Ashton
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Div 7 Girls: 2nd: Ashlee Martini Div 8 Boys: 1st: Nick Welychko
Overall Points: 3rd: Creston Waves - 343
2nd: Kimberley Seahorses – 364 1st: Castlegar Aquanauts – 783
Meet records were broken by Lynden Hanvold, Claire Cartwright, Bryce Anderson, Carson Ogloff, Emma Lawczynski and Jeff Ashton. A Div 2 Boys Medley Relay record was broken by Ayden Quintanhila, Bryce Anderson, Lynden Hanvold, and Hunter Hansen.
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Castlegar News Thursday, June 26, 2014
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Thursday, June 26, 2014 Castlegar News
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ANDRES CAR AUDIO WEST KELOWNA 1881 Harvey Avenue (250) 860-1975
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101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000
#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600
2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600
Villiage Green Mall (250) 542-1496
ANDRES WIRELESS Cherry Lane Mall (250) 493-4566
#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600
2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600
WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600
745 Notre Dame Drive (250) 851-8700
200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000
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