Castlegar News, July 03, 2014

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CASTLEGAR NEWS Thursday, July 3, 2014

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Vol.11 • Issue 27

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This week’s feature:

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Radically new Jeep…

Strong effort on Prairies Local bowlers earn a memorable result See page A15

Art Walk profiles continue DRIVEWAY

Check out the people with the talent See page A12

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Citizens sing the National Anthem for Canada Day festivities Tuesday at the Castlegar Complex. More pictures on pages A2 & A11.


Jim Sinclair photo

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Thursday, July 3, 2014 Castlegar News

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The long and the short of it All ages and all walks of life turned out for Canada Day celebrations on July 1 at the Castlegar Community Complex. Jim Sinclair photos

Report cards on the way, but not the ones parents are used to

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Trail Times

Parents of school-aged Check weekly flyers flyers (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX Check out out weekly Grade CLIENT PROOF # 1children INTERNALand REVIEWrecent #3 (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX and and SAVE! SAVE! 12 graduates in School DisAND SAVE!

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ICATION DATE: May 9, 2014 12:13 PM OUTPUT DATE: 05/14/14

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trict 20 will receive their Copywriter: child’s report card in the x 4" BLEED: Art Director: Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers Producer: next few weeks, confirmed 0 dpi NOTES: Copywriter: -Accounts: Design the district superintendent DIELINE DIELINE C M Y K P151C Operator: CF PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK FOR ACCURACY. last Friday. PLEASE NOTE: Colour lasers do not accurately represent the colours in the finished product. This proof is strictly for layout purposes only. But the information will be basic, and only include an attendance record, grade promotion statement, or in some cases, a “standing granted” notation. The B.C. public teachers Featured Retailers dispute had school districts scrambling to issue year end report cards after a full scale Featured Retailers withdrawal of teaching serFeatured Retailers vices on June 17. Featured Retailers Although methods of delivery vary depending on each school district, locally, simplified report cards will be issued to K-7 students Visit Visit the first week of July. flyers. deals.savings savings tips. coupons. deals. tips. By July 11, an attendance Visit record, Semester One final flyers. coupons. deals. savings tips. Browse nationaland andlocal local retailers Browseflyers flyersfrom from your your favourite favourite national retailers

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Art Director:

marks, and available Semester Two grades will be issued for Grade 8-9 students. “Due to the ongoing labour dispute, we are unable to report in the usual manner,” said Greg Luterbach, SD20’s superintendent in a June 27 email to parents. “Your child has been given ‘standing granted’ or SG for all courses in which final marks have not been provided,” he explained. Since Grade 8 and 9 marks are not used for scholarship purposes or post-secondary entry, he noted there is no negative impact by the use of the standing granted mark. “The SG designates that the students will be advanced in those courses to the next grade level,” Luterbach said, adding that parents should contact the school if advancement to the next grade level in a specific course was “not appropriate.” The school district

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will email or mail report cards for Grades 10-12 by July 11, including students of J.L. Crowe Secondary, Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre (Trail campus and online learning centre) and Stanley Humphries Secondary. “Again, due to the ongoing labour dispute we are unable to report in the usual manner,” said Luterbach. The Labour Relations Board determined final marks for these grades are an essential service and teachers are required to provide the information for reporting to parents and post-secondary. “This report card therefore provides attendance information and school based final marks only.” Those final grades will be released to the Ministry of Education, combined with provincial exam results, and made available for students’ graduating transcripts.

“Ensuring that all graduation credits are documented, available for students’ transcripts and accessible by post-secondary institutions if requested,” Luterbach added. In a deal to end the strike, the province’s offer of a $1,200 signing bonus to members of the BC. Teachers’ Federation expired Monday. Class size, wages and support staff numbers are the key issues in the dispute. B.C.’s labour board ruled last week that teachers must hold summer classes for students in Grades 10 to 12 who failed courses during the year and can’t retake them in the next school year. The board had asked school districts to submit a list of courses and the number of educators needed to teach them to the teachers’ union by Wednesday of this week.

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Castlegar News Thursday, July 3, 2014

News Recreational amenity for South Castlegar

jim sinclair Castlegar News Editor

Coralee Oakes, Minister for Community, Sport and Cultural Development was in Castlegar last week to announce a $100,000 infusion for a local project. A3

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a multi-use pathway (trail) in the area pictured at right. “It’s a nice quiet route,” described the city’s Director of Civic Works Chris Barlow on July 2, “...and it’s going to be a nice wide pathway for cyclists and pedestrians.

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Barlow cited a major study (masterplan) done in the past several years on the





pledged by Minister Oakes on behalf of the provinical government. “It should be substantially complete this year,” Barlow concluded.


“It’s a nice little piece because we’ve been planning it for a long time, saving money for it.” Barlow also expressed gratitude for the grant component as

+ +

The money will go in with funds already socked away by the City of Castlegar for

topic of bicycles and pedestrians and he mentioned that this new facet is part of that plan. The City has been putting away $50,000 per year for five years.



City of Castlegar

+ + + + + + + + +

Dotted line depicts route of trail expected to be completed this year.

Matters relating to money and civic service

mayors tell a similar story. and transportation to recThe Trail mayor is given reation and environmental Castlegar News Reporter $28,000, the Nelson mayor concerns. Local governments have $45,173 while the Castlegar City councillors and the published their annual mayor receives $26,130. The mayor are also very active Statement of Financial In- difference here is a more in charities by supporting formation (SOFI) reports drastic $19,000. them with finances or by for 2013. SOFI reports are The discussion on remu- appearing at events. They required by the government neration for council and support events such as and must include a sched- mayor is timely as the city McHappy Day, Tim Horule of remuneration paid to council recently appointed ton’s Camp Day, Sunfest, elected officials. an independent committee Winterfest, the outdoor A comparison of local of community members to skating party and Canada salaries shows that Cas- examine current pay as is Day celebrations. tlegar city councillors and required by bylaw every 30A survey of councillors mayor are paid less than 33 months. showed they spend between their counterparts in Trail One thing to be gained by 35-50 hours a month on and Nelson. attending city council meet- average, with some months Councillors in Trail re- ings is an understanding of requiring 60 – 80 hours. ceive $14,005 annually, all that council and mayor This number was hard to eswhile Nelson councillors do in order to fulfil their timate however, as council������������������������ ��������������������������������������� receive on average $18,000, responsibilities. Along lors reported they also were and Castlegar council- with preparing for and at- never really off duty. They lors receive $13,065. That tending council meetings, are frequently sought out amounts to a nearly $5,000 each member sits on three by community members gap in compensation be- or four committees. These who want to discuss issues tween Nelson and Castlegar committees oversee every- when they are out to dincouncillors. Stipends for the thing from public safety ner, grocery shopping, or Betsy Kline

even at work. The councillors emphasized that their responses were not meant to be complaints; they understand it’s expected. Councillor Chernoff expressed the common sentiment, “As a public figure, it is part of the job. It is what we do.” Councillor Rye expressed similar thoughts and stated, “We enjoy it and do it willingly.” Mayor Chernoff reported that in June he put in 148 hours in his role as Mayor. This includes many obligations that take place on evenings and weekends. Mayor Chernoff stated, “I understood the hours when I ran for the position. You get out of it what you put in to it. I enjoy the position and serving the community. It is not really about salary, but service to the community.”

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Thursday, July 3, 2014 Castlegar News Kootenay Savings Credit Union,TeckTrail Operations andThe Canadian Cancer Society present The Canadian Cancer Society presents

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Saturday June 21 201 Bro/Post



CELEBRATE cancer survivors REMEMBER loved ones

6pm-6am at Kinnaird Park, Ca Schedule of Entertainment Even

Joinand us!subject to change (Times and acts are approximate










CELEBRATE cancer survivors REMEMBER loved ones

6pm-9pm – Headshaves featuring hairdresser Samantha Dembowski 3:00am – Annual Rooster Crowing Competition Silent 6:00pm – Opening Ceremony 3:30am – Fight Back Ceremony (Times and acts are approximate and subject toFantastic changei - National Anthem featuring Dawn Graham 5:00am – Zumba lead by Charlotte Soles 50/50 Raf - Survivor’s Victory Lap lead by the Kootenay Robusters 5:30am – Closing Ceremony & Last Tent Standing award 3:00am – Annual Rooster Crowing Competition 6pm-9pm – Headshaves featuring hairdresser Samantha Dembowski Silent 6:30pm – Yo-Yo performance by Kyle Law Ceremony 3:30am – Fight Back Ceremony 6:00pm – Opening Fantastic 5:00am – Zumba lead by Charlotte Soles - National Anthem featuring Dawn Graham 7:00pm – Frequent Flyers 50/50 Ra Lumin Kid’s Activities: 5:30am – Closing Ceremony & Last Tent Standing award - Survivor’s Victory Lap lead by the Kootenay Robusters 8:30pm – Ruckus 6:30pm – Yo-Yo performance by Kyle Law 6:00pm-8 Non-stop fun! 10:00pm – Luminary Ceremony 7:00pm – Frequent Flyers memory o Lumin Bouncy Castle Kid’s Activities: - featuring bag piper John McLeod 8:30pm – Ruckus Many thanks to all of our fantastic Survivors who walked in the inaugural Victory Lap and to our inspiring Caregivers: Your strength gives us hope & inspires us to continue the fight. will line th 6:00pm-8 Non-stop fun! 10:30pm – Tim Bourchier – Luminary Ceremony Special thanks to the10:00pm Kootenay Robusters Dragon Boat team. Crafts

Schedule of Entertainment Even

Thank You!

For Joining The Fight Against Cancer with the Castlegar Relay For Life!


Castle - featuring 11:30pm – Singing performance by Dawn Grahambag piper John McLeod Soccer & otherBouncy activities will line t Thank you to our Teams – you are the heart of Bro/Post Relay & Ads we couldn’tNew do it without you!Bro/Post Brite Starz ~ Bourchier Castlegar ~ CDHC ~ Christie and Friends ~ Dancing For A Cure Ads New Interfor ~ Castlegar Rotary Interact Crafts 10:30pm – Tim 12:00am – Interactive Games including: Food – Singing performance by Dawn Soccer & other activities ~ Ducks for Life ~ Glowing Ambitions ~ Granny’s Gang Supports the “Girls” ~11:30pm Lighting The Way ~ Nelson AutoGraham Repair ~ Robson Rockets ~ Shoppers Drug Mart ~ Team Brooke. Health Promotion: - Glow-in-the-dark scavenger hunt 12:00am – Interactive Games including: Thank you also to our individual participants. BBQ Burg Food Health Promotion: - Musical Chairs Cancer prevention - Glow-in-the-dark scavenger hunt Midnight Thank you to all our entertainers for great performances: Charlotte -Soles ~ Choir performers ~ Dawn ~ Natacha Perez ~ Ruckus ~ Ryan Law ~ Tim Bourchier BBQ Bur Charades - Musical ChairsGraham ~ Frequent Flyers Cancer prevention Sun sense 2am Brea Midnight Charades Sun sense - Relay races & more! 2am Fru Bre Fresh Healthy eating info & more races & more! eating info & morePostnikoff ~ Dawn Graham Fresh Fr Heartfelt thank you to our amazing volunteers for your invaluable passion & dedication- Relay in planning & promoting the event: AshleyHealthy Laurie ~ Christina ~ Jackie Fitchett ~ Janice Johnson ~ Joy Harford ~ Kendra Mann ~ Lorraine Brown ~ Stacey Cassidy. Thank you to all of the wonderful event day for your time and |energy! #WhyIRelay | #WhyIRelay

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Castlegar News Thursday, July 3, 2014

News SD No. 20 board hears passionate pleas

liz bevan Trail Times

A large turnout at the final School District 20 board meeting forced the board to answer some tough questions and change the venue to accommodate the vocal crowd. Over 25 SD20 teachers and parents were on hand Monday at the Kootenay-Columbia Learning Centre in Trail, hoping to have their questions answered and thoughts heard. One of the main points of contention at the meeting was the board’s lack of an appearance of support for striking teachers. At the meeting, Andy Davidoff, president of the Kootenay-Columbia Teachers’ Union, wanted to know why it took so long for the board and senior management of the district to show outward support for the teachers currently engaged in legal job action. “We appreciate [the letter] on the board’s agenda,” he said, addressing the board. “What we cannot appreciate is that it took unbelievable pressure on this board by the public, the teachers, and everyone else for the board to even look at writing a letter. We honestly believe this is an afterthought that this board has taken this long to do this. We appreciate that you have finally arrived at a place where the letter is important, but not saying that we didn’t have the time to write a letter is a little frustrating for us to hear.” The details of the letter, drafted in the moments before the meeting commenced, will address the concerns the SD20 school board has with a lack of bargaining, what the trustees sitting on the board would need from the provincial government – namely more funding – and asks the different groups involved to restart face-to-face bargaining, appoint a mediator

for future talks and keep the bargaining out of the media. Teacher Teaching On Call, Sasha Lesonen wanted to know when the letter was going to be sent out and expressed a need for more open communication between the board and the teachers in the district. “I would hope that moving forward that this board would send their letter in a timely manner and make an effort to come to the schools and find out what is happening,” she said during the question and answer period of the evening meeting. “I know the summer has just started, but I want to see more communication happen and open communication be a key in this issue. Since this is the last meeting before the summer happens and you aren’t meeting again until September, when is that letter going to go out?” Darrell Ganzert, chair trustee of the board, assured the crowd of concerned teachers, a final draft of the letter would be sent to the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation, the Minister of Education and the British Columbia Teachers College by the end of this week. Many in the crowd were wondering why the board and upper management made the decision to take away the teachers’ keys to all school buildings at the start of the job action and, as Davidoff pointed out, was the only school board he knew of that had chosen to take that action calling the move, “highly demoralizing, unprecedented and disrespectful.” The question was directed to Greg Luterbach, superintendent of schools, to answer. “This was a decision made by me,” he said. “[The keys were taken] due to the uncertainty of the length of the strike. The last time [there was a strike], it was three days. There was a start date and a legislated end date. eye care professionals

There was no debate on how long it was going to go for. This time, it is open ended. We have no CUPE support staff members cleaning buildings or to respond to issues in an emergency. We needed to minimize access to the buildings.” It seemed Davidoff was not satisfied with the answer he received. “Some of our members have been a part of this school board for over 40 years,” he responded. “Nobody can ever remember getting their keys taken away over past job actions, long term medical leaves or for any reason whatsoever except when someone retires or leaves the district. So, I won’t ask again. I will comment. This was incredibly demoralizing and incredibly disrespectful.” Ten per cent pay cuts were also on the minds of teachers attending the board meeting and Cindy Fry, a teacher in SD20, says the cuts were hurtful. “You are my employer and that is a relationship I take very seriously,” she said to the panel of trustees. “I just completed my 30th year of teaching in this district. I have held up my part of that relationship and to have my pay cut by 10 per cent by you? I started work on the 15th of August this year. I worked for 50 hours before students even arrived. That’s typical. I didn’t hear a word from any of you to protest what was done to me with my pay cut. It was very very hurtful.” As a way of explanation, Luterbach says the cuts were done to make sure there were no issues in the future with having to dial back pay that would have already been paid out. “We looked at the situation and we were careful not to overpay people and have to claw back,” he said. “At that time, it was the reality. Choices were made. People were not working either on

rotating strikes and then on an anticipated full withdrawal of service, we paid people accordingly to what they had worked as of that day.” J.L. Crowe teacher Terry Jones wanted to know what the board was going to do about their lack of funding and buildings that were falling apart. “Look at [J.L. Crowe],” he said. “It is a brand new school, only five years old and our lawns are ridiculous. Stuff is breaking down. These are just examples of underfunding. What has this board done over the last three years about underfunding? Why are we fighting the fight? We elect you to represent us and to represent students and I am not seeing it. I am not seeing it from you guys. None of you visited us on the picket line. It’s disheartening and disrespectful. What have you done and what can you do? I don’t mind fighting the fight for our students but I do wonder why we are the only ones who are.” After applause form the crowd for Jones’ comments died down, Ganzert responded. “It is inaccurate to portray the board as doing nothing,” he said. “The board has continually written to the ministry asking for increased funding for education. We have sent motions to our AGM on that basis. Eighty to 90 per cent of the motions at the AGM are on increased funding. It may not be what you wished for but it is not correct to say that we have done nothing.” Ganzert agreed with Jones about the state of schools in the district and says the current condition of the buildings comes from decisions on funding cuts they can’t avoid. “You are absolutely right,” he said. “When kids enter a school that is well maintained, their academic standards increase.

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Thursday, July 3, 2014 Castlegar News


Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

It’s great to be Canadian

With an occasion that only comes around on the first of July the chances are always pretty good that a good time will be had by a good many. That’s the story with Canada Day. It’s tidy too, because the hockey playoffs are wrapped up and the football season has barely gotten off the ground. The best part of our patriotic focal point is that – whatever city, town, village or hamlet we may call home – we all get together to whoop it up. We share cuisine, art, the news we may not have had a chance to share in the past year, and even some red and white face paint. This is Canada Day and there’s a good reason committees get such a head start on planning it every year. Here’s a bit of history for anyone who wasn’t around or out of diapers around 30 years ago: “On July 1, 1867, Canada became a self-governing dominion of Great Britain and a federation of four provinces: Nova Scotia; New Brunswick; Ontario; and Quebec. The anniversary of this date was called Dominion Day until 1982. Since 1983, July 1 has been officially known as Canada Day.” By the time Canada Day rolls around next year, why not do like some of the rest of us and make it a point to learn an interesting fact from our history. Heaven knows we’ve got enough to check through even though it’s well under 200 years. It’s a habit we can borrow from our southern neighbours, and one that many of us can make some good progress with. For example, how many Prime Ministers come to mind when we really put our minds to it? There will be no quiz, just a fun way to think of Canadian stuff each year on the day that Canada itself is in the national spotlight. We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Off the Line - Karen Haviland You know, there are some things that are just nobody’s business. Sometimes you have to wonder if some people were raised with wolves, and therefore lack common courtesy and couth. The other day I was online when a chat room contributor commented that some people felt free to voice their opinion on how many children she has. Apparently, and according to those people, the correct and ideal number of children per family is a maximum of two. Someone should have sent a memo because the writer chose to have four children. In other words, her personal reproductive decisions are up for discussion and comment whether she asks for such or not. But here’s a newsflash: She wanted a big family. Deal with it folks. It’s her body and her decision whether you agree or not. Yes, I know it’s unusual to see a family with more than two or three children nowadays. Even I am guilty at sneaking peaks at larger families. I’m not sure why I do this. Maybe it’s just because it’s not commonplace to see “large” families. But if I have an opinion I keep my thoughts to myself unless that opinion is favourable. We all know that raising children is a challenge. I can’t begin to Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate

Selina Birk Creative Support

Why do you ask?

imagine what a challenge it must be in today’s world. So, if we are dining out and there is a family at a nearby table with wellraised children, I usually go over after my meal and let the parents know how much we appreciate their efforts at raising well-behaved and well-mannered children. People, even parents, need to know when they are doing a good job and I think that kindness and encouragement go a lot further than narrow-minded, judgmental comments. For those other parents, here are some hints: if you are bringing your child to a restaurant, a nap prior would probably be a good idea. As well, hungry children want food immediately. They don’t want it in 45 minutes. Hungry children=crabby children. Either feed your child a light snack beforehand, or bring some goodies in your purse. You would be surprised how following those few hints would change your dining experience from horrific to pleasant. As to how many children you have, that’s not my business. When I was growing up many families had four or more children. In fact, my parents were proud that they had five children, and they were especially prideful that we were “stair step” children; meaning, that when we stood

together our varying heights, from the youngest to the oldest, resembled stair steps. And if people thought we were a large family at five children, they had yet to meet the Pipers down the street who boasted 13 kids. Even back then, when large families were the norm, the Pipers were almost considered like a sideshow. Families, no matter what their size, or makeup should be honoured. Times are hard enough for families, what with the shrinking economy, and worldwide uncertainty. Those young people who are raising children (young to me) for the most part are doing it thoughtfully and with real purpose. In fact, in my opinion, it seems that I see more of those types of parents than I did when I was raising my son. I don’t care how many children you have chosen to raise. Instead, I ask you to raise the kind of children in whose hands we will feel free to leave the future. To the young parent I offer this advice. My father taught me that when nosy people ask questions, the best answer is to look them straight in the eyes and say, “Why do you ask?” It stops them in their tracks every time.

Cindy Amaral Sandy Leonard Katelyn Hurley Marvin Beatty Creative Director Assistant Creative Director Creative Reporter

Jim Sinclair Editor

Chuck Bennett Publisher

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Your Community News Team

Jennifer Cowan Operations Manager

Castlegar News Thursday, July 3, 2014 A7



Celebrating Retirement Editor, After 23 years serving as the minister of Castlegar United Church, I celebrated my retirement this past weekend. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the community, and in particular of the church, who have made my time here such a good and fulfilling one for me. I am grateful for the peo-

ple I have met, the friendships I have formed, the chances I have had in some small way to contribute to the life of the community and for all that support and care that has been offered to me. I am thankful, too, for all the best wishes and gifts on the occasion of my retirement. I am not sure yet what that is going to look like, or where

I will end up, but no matter what happens, Castlegar will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you for everything, and may God continue to bless you as you go on working to make this community a good place to live and grow. Ann E. Pollock, Castlegar

Call off the dogs Editor, To the dog owners in Robson who let their three dogs run at large, chasing deer near 3950 Broadwater Road; after they stopped chasing deer they tried to kill four alpacas

around 3 p.m. on Saturday June 21. If you own a part husky, part shepherd or part retriever, all medium sized dogs - keep them at home before they injure or kill an innocent farm or wild animal that

cannot defend itself against a roaming pack of dogs. Conservation Office, RCMP & local dog control are aware of your dogs running amok! Donna Smith, Robson

Over 37 years at the same location with the same owner! We’ll be here when you need us.

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why is our Liberal government so afraid of investing an additional $1000 per student in your children just to bring us up to the Canadian average of what other provinces and territories are already investing in their children? British Columbia currently has the second lowest level of funding of public education per student in Canada next to PEI. If Premier Clark and her government really believe in a “Family First” agenda

and making substantial investments in improving our economy, why don’t they start by investing $1000 per public education student just to bring us up to the Canadian average? Isn’t your child worthy of that investment? Respectfully submitted, Andrew M Davidoff President Kootenay Columbia Teachers’ Union

Thanks & Spanks Have a complaint? Or has someone brightened your day?



Thanks to all the volunteers over the Canada Day celebrations, it would not happen with out you.

Thanks to all the wonderful people in our community for your smiles. Smiles keep tourists coming back.

Thank you for the wonderful service I receive everytime I dine at our local restaurants.

Thanks to the fireworks jockies in Robson, my Mastiff needs a couple of new eardrums.

KINNAIRD CHURCH OF GOD - UNDER CONSTRUCTION WE’RE STILL HERE! While our building is under construction, Kinnaird Church of God is meeting at Castlegar Christian Fellowship 1801 Connors Rd. (behind the DQ).

Have you caught yourself wondering…about God…if He exists, and if He does, what He is really like? YouCHURCH are not alone, whether we recognize it as suchCONSTRUCTION or not, most people have a KINNAIRD OF GOD - UNDER deep longing for intimacy with God. A.W. Tozer wrote, “What comes to our minds when we WE’RE STILL While building is under of you Godtoiscome meeting at thinkHERE! about God is theour most important thingconstruction, about us.” ThisKinnaird summer,Church we invite Castlegar Christian Fellowship 1801 Connors Rd. (behind the DQ). discover…again…or for the very first time… “GOD As He Longs for You to See Him”. Have you caught yourself wondering…about God…if He exists, and if He does, what He isinreally areFood not alone, Starting Julylike? 6th -You “Soul Café”whether a “Coffeewe House Style” recognize itgathering as such with or not, most people have aa deep longing forfollowed refreshments, worship, 25 minute video intimacy with God. A.W. Tozer wrote, “What comes to our minds by small group discussion & prayer. We’d love to have youwhen join us! we think about God is the most important thing about us.” This summer, we invite you to come discover…again…or for the very first time… Sundays @ 9:30 a.m. – Muffins ‘n More with Worship/Bible Study @ 10 “GOD As He Longs for You to See Him”.

Kids welcome too! Age appropriate activities & childcare available.

Starting inMore July Info? 6th - “Soul Food Café” a “Coffee House Style” 250.365.5300 gathering with refreshments, worship, a 25 minute video followed by




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Suggesting priorities Editor, What is more valuable than all of the proposed LNG plants, pipe-lines, Transit Lines, Hydro Projects, any precious metal mining, real estate or resort development, combined? Your child. The economic welfare of the whole world is not worth sacrificing the life, well-being and education of your child. Therefore, if we all agree that your children are our most valuable “commodity”,

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Manitoba Telecom ........... 30.94 Mercer International ......... 10.50 National Bank of Canada . 45.26 Onex Corporation ............ 66.02 Royal Bank of Canada...... 76.28 Sherritt International ............ 4.32 TD Bank .......................... 54.93 TELUS Corp...................... 39.77 Teck Resources ................. 24.36 TransCanada Corp ........... 50.93 iPath S&P 500 VIX ............ 28.60

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Portfolio Series Balanced ... 28.16


Signature Dividend ........... 14.46


Portfolio Series Conservative 15.53


Manulife Monthly High ... 14.435

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Light Sweet Crude Oil ..... 105.42

Gold............................ 1328.00


Silver ............................... 21.05


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Community Calendar


july & August

Seniors’ Activities at Castlegar Community Complex

Mon: 10 a.m. Darts 1 p.m. Whist Tue: 9:30 a.m. Floor Curling/Carpet Bowling; 1 p.m. crafts 7 p.m. pool Wed: 9:30 a.m. floor curling 7 p.m. rummoli Thur: 9 a.m. floor curling 1 p.m. bingo 1 p.m. crib/bridge Open weekdays 9-4 for coffee

ALL summer:

Castlegar Concerts in the

Thursday, July 3, 2014 Castlegar News This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an upto-date version with contact details to, drop off at our office at Unit 2 - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or give us a call at 250-365-6397. Thank you.

year’s theme is “Incrediworld Amazement Park.” Kids will enjoy songs, crafts, games, goodies, dramas, Bible lessons and more.


St. David’s & United Church Thrift Shop, downstairs at 605 Columbia Ave. Clothing, shoes, bedding, linen, books & household items. Now on sale - ladies tops and long pants two for one. 10 a.m. to l p.m. from July 2 to Sept. 2; Tuesday to Saturday (Closed Mondays). Five dollar bag sale (grocery size) on all clothing & shoes (except tagged items) on July 2 - 12; Aug. 5 - 9. We accept clean donations and 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955

unteers are always needed and coming on board can be a personally rewarding experience. Applications at the Treasure Shop. Our website: Selkirk WeaVERS AND SPINNERS GUILD meets the third Wednesday of each month, 10-noon followed by bag lunch and show & tell. Anyone new to the craft or to the area is welcome at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre, across from the airport. Robson Flea Market: Summer

schedule – Sundays 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. - plan is to be open every weekend through the summer with great homestyle breakfast offered until food runs out (usually about Noon). Vendors

1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208

Wednesday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 -1:30 Friday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 – 1:30 Coffee and baked goodies from 10 a.m. on in the basement of St. David’s Anglican Church 614 Christina Place, around back and down the stairs. Donation cheques payable to Community Harvest Food Bank can be mailed to: 301 32nd Street V1N 3S6. Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St David’s Church – 250608-2227. ALPHA COURSE: The Alpha Course is being offered at Kinnaird Park Community Church, Thursdays at 6-8 p.m. starting April 24. All are welcome. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TREASURE SHOP is open Monday to Thurs-

ing. Mondays 8-9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) More info: Donna 250-365-3168 or Eileen 250365-3674.

free pool - Every Saturday at the Royal Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. Bring friends and have an afternoon of fun.

friday youth program at Blueberry Creek Community School. Fun, safe night for a movie, games/ sports/hanging out. Grades K - 5, 6:30 - 8 p.m. and grades 6 up, 8 - 10 p.m. See B.C.C.S. facebook page for more info or phone 250-365-7201.

USCC Cultural Interpretive Society meets Mon. & Wed., 9 a.m. 1 p.m. at the Doukhobor Arts and Crafts Centre, 820 Markova Rd., beside Brilliant Cultural Centre.

This Community Calendar brought to you by ‘Your Hometown Realtors’ Our dedicated and highly skilled Agents specialize in offering an array of resources to help you with all your real estate needs.

Park. All shows start, 7 p.m. at Kinnarid Park on Wednesdays. July 9 – That Girl and Earl fun, classic tunes July 16 – Dawn Graham Inspirations - Barbra Streisand tribute July 23 – Melody Diachun w/Tony Ferraro & band - jazz classics July 30 - Sunshine Drive blues, funk, rock Aug. 3 - Clinton Swanson w/ Kelly Fawcett R&B Aug. 10- Mountain Station Band - bluegrass Aug. 17 – Ray Boulaine & Don Birch - country, blues Aug. 23 – Motes & Oates award winning folk duo.

JULY 4: The African Children’s

Choir melts the hearts of audiences with its charming smiles, beautiful voices and lively African songs and dances. They’re bringing the compelling experience to Castlegar’s New Life Church, 7 p.m. on Friday, July 4. No admission charge, donations welcome.

JULY 28 - August 1: A Free Vaca-

tion Bible School for grades 1-6 from 9 a.m. to noon at Castlegar Baptist Church, 419 7th Ave. You can register now on-line at www.castlegarbaptistchurch. com or call 250-365-7373. This

Simon Laurie 250-365-1585

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heads-up peony lovers: Next

Saturdays – TFN

Castlegar Farmers’ Market at the Station Museum. Call Deb at 365-6440 to book a spot. Bring your own tent, tables and chair. Spots are only $5. The treasure shop: Visit 210 11th Avenue downtown Mon - Thurs 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Fri Sat 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Half price rack – quality men’s, ladie’s and children’s clothing. Everyday drinking glasses now eight for $1.00 Pocket books – three for $1.00. Donations are accepted Wednesdays and Saturdays during open hours. New vol-

Larry Peitzsche 250-608-3017

day 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Accepting donations on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Phone: 250-365-7317.

summer at the skatepark: Free

year Castlegar will host a BC Peony Show with the blessing of the Canadian Peony Society. The dates are June 27-28, 2015. For info call your local Communities in Bloom – 250-3657227.

Pat Klohn 250-365-1731

Tammy Peitzsche Connor McCarthy 250-365-9640 250-304-4781 | 1761 Columbia Avenue Castlegar |

thank the community for support. drop-in skateboard coaching at Castlegar Rotary Skatepark. Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. July 2nd - August 29th Free helmets, pads and skateboards FMI

Chad Williams 250-304-5241

offer a wide variety including collectibles, homebaked goodies, jams, crafted items, household goods and more. Loonie table has some great bargains. Tables are $5 each, please call Elke (250) 365-7022 to book or leave a message with phone number on our Facebook page

The “Bridge,” – Do you have questions? Join us for music, discussion, refreshments; 1st Tues. ea. month, 7 p.m, Kinnaird Church of God, 2404 Columbia Ave, Castlegar – held tfn at CCF, 1801 Connors Rd. Call Donna at 250-304-2929.

Community Harvest food bank & Drop-in centre: Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. -1:30 eligible 1x per month; closed the Monday after cheque issue and statutory holidays. Lunch served from 11 – 1:30 p.m.

The kinnaird Church of God: Located at 2404 Columbia Ave. will hold all services (Sundays at 10 a.m. and first Tuesdays at 7 p.m.) at the Castlegar Christian Fellowship Building at 1821 Connors Road for the next several months. free hot meal at the sharing dinner pot at Cadet Hall, 8th Ave, Castlegar (2 blocks from library) Tues. at noon. All About Breastfeeding informative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlegar, Tues. 10:30noon More info: 250-365-3662, tops group meets every wednesday 8:30-10 a.m. Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 365-7956. Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena Sun. at 10 a.m. Mike, 250-399-4417; Tues. at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wed. at 7 p.m., (Fay at 250-687-0484. Thurs. at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m (Len at 365-7805). al-anon meets every Monday night for people whose lives have been affected by someone’s drink-

Marnie Pettit 250-304-3564

Mom’s Support Group All moms welcome to this loosely structured group supporting challenges of being a mom. No referral required. More info: Sandi McCreight 250365-2104 ext. 34

BC Senior Games Slo pitch teams will practice at Haley park Sunday nights at 6 p.m. all summer. Anyone who will be 55 years old by Dec 31, 2012 is eligible. Please bring a ball glove and ball shoes (running shoes are acceptable but not advisable)

FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELLING for problem gambling; Castlegar Community Services Call 250608-2254.

W.K. Yoga For MS Support Group. Mondays, 1:30 - 3 p.m., Castlegar Library, lower level. Free. Sponsored by WK MS Society for its members/care providers. Call Lonnie Facchina 1-866-352-3997. or email or Janice Ferraro, at 250365-5428, email

English as a Second Language programs Classes for adults, Conversation Club, Family Dropin for families with young children, 1 to 1 tutoring. Free. More info call Alana at 250-304-6862. Please send calendar items to newsroom@ or post them at

Castlegar News Thursday, July 3, 2014 A9


Giving animals a better chance

Support was offered last Friday as Chances Gaming Centre turned over $1,067 to the Kootenay Animal Assistance Program (KAAP). Flanking KAAP’s Laurel Mathew are Chances’ general manager Fred Ramgren and manager Charmaine Aberdeen. The donation came from a ‘found money fund’ which is dispensed by the gaming centre within the community on a quarterly basis.

Jim Sinclair photo

Pictured from left: Nick Morgan, Desmond Frost, Colton Low (drums), Reid Wigin, Rhyan Johnstone, Cole Habuza rock out at recent fundraiser: a collaboration between Supercat Studios, The Old Theatre and the Castlegar Mountain Bike Society.

It’s time to place your ad!





PHARMASAVE C apsule C omments


Kevin Ralloff

Some children experience motion sickness while traveling in cars. There are ways to minimize this by having the child focus on things outside the car, using a pillow to keep the head still, providing adequate air ventilation. Depending on the child’s age, some medications may help. Some people swear by those acupressure wrist bands. They are non-medicated. Check with our pharmacists for advice. If a nose bleed occurs while traveling (or at anytime), tilt the head forward and pinch the soft part of the nostrils for 5 minutes. If the nosebleed still hasn’t stopped, do it for another 5 minutes and if it still hasn’t stopped, get medical attention. One tip to see if your body has been getting enough fluid is to check the colour of your urine. If it’s a dark yellow, you probably need to drink more water. During the hot days of summer, it’s important to drink more water since we lose a lot of fluid through sweating. People who have adopted a slovenly lifestyle for decades often feel it’s too late to change their health for the better. Not so! Just paying attention to four key healthy habits can change your health for the better no matter what your age. These habits are: eating five or more fruits and vegetables daily, not smoking, exercising (even walking) 30 minutes per day five days per week, and keeping your weight in the healthy range. When you think of it, it’s not much. But your heart will thank you!

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Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar

Eleanor Wachtel hosts CBC Radio’s Writers & Company, awarded the NY Festivals Award for the World’s Best Radio Programs.

Douglas Gibson is possibly Canada’s most distinguished book editor, assisting Alice Munro, Robertson Davies and dozens of others.

Donna Morrissey Her latest novel, The Deception of Livvy Higgs, has been shortlisted for the Ontario Evergreen Library Award

Sid Marty

was short-listed for a 2008 Governor General’s Literary Award and he won the Grand Prize at the 2008 Banff Festival of Mountain Books.

Also featuring... Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm

• Gail Bowen • Deryn Collier • Garry Gottfriedson • Angie Abdou • Mary Pinkoski • Craig Shemilt INTERSECTIONS: Genre, Geography, Genius

• Opening Social & Evening Reading • An Evening with Gail Bowen & Eleanor Wachtel • Youth Storytelling Workshop • Indigenous Publishing in Canada Panel • Stories About Storytellers • Mystery Writing Panel • Self-Publishing Presentation

See website for accommodation, tickets and other information.

The Elephant Mountain Literary Festival

• July 10 -13



Local youth accepted by prestigious program


Jacob Lunn to attend SHAD

10lbs or more... pay only



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Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386 Public Swim at the Castlegar Community Complex Mon/Wed/Fri Mon/Wed Tues/Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday

Thursday, July 3, 2014 Castlegar News

6:30-9:00am 1:30-4:00pm & 7:30-9:00pm 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm 10:00-8:30pm 10:00-6:00pm 1:00-6:00pm

BIGFriday DOG Summer Programs

Early Bird Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim Public Swim

Friday July 4th 1:30-4:30pm

Registration Now for:

Castlegar’s Jacob Lunn, a 2014 graduate of Stanley Humphries Secondary School, has been selected to pursue his potential and participate in the award-winning SHAD Valley science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) program this month. Lunn was chosen from a list of more than 1,200 applicants across Canada. The life-changing, life-directing experience has taken Lunn on a four-week journey designed to push his intellectual, creative, and leadership skills to the next level. Shad Valley is a four week summer enrichment program. Students spend a month living in residence at one of a number of host university campuses across Canada. “Centred on STEM and innovation, SHAD is where Canada’s top youth achievers are exposed to great ideas, inspired to look at things differently, and challenged to reach for the highest levels of excellence,” says Barry Bisson, SHAD President. “SHAD sparks personal growth and healthy self-confidence in Canada’s next generation of

Certain messages Lunn was chosen from a list of more than 1,200 applicants across Canada. need to12be Certain host uniSTEM leaders and change one of SHAD’s repeated messages coast to coast. makers – a group that needs versities from bright youth special attention and support “SHAD exposes several need and takes beyond regular high school to advanced topics to be times them out of their comfort classroom settings.” Lunn is among only 620 youth selected to spend July immersed in the rewards and rigors of higher learning at


zones. SHAD supports them several to discover new ways to learn, times Certain engage, experiment and ex“Sit” cel,messages ” says Bisson.

need to be Certain “Sit” repeated messages severalneed times

SUMMER COOL CAMPS Week #2 6-8yr 9-12yr

Chef Camp Mad Science Camp

Week #3 6-8yr 9-12yr

Mad Science Camp Chef Camp

Registration Fee: $119/wk Mo – Fr 8:30-3:00pm Subsidies available Red Cross Babysitting Mo & Tu 10:00am – 2:00pm July 7 & 8

“Sit” Canada CANADA Japan JAPAN

“Bring a Toonie – Great Entertainment”



Skate at the Skate Park Mo – Fr 9:00am – 2:00pm FREE

Kootenay Festival – Let’s Celebrate Saturday July 26 10:30am – 7:00pm Adjacent to the Doukhobor Discovery Centre

Fall Instructors Needed Do you have a talent you would like to share and make a few extra dollars doing it! We are looking for instructors for our Fall Programs. Give Audrey a call at 250-365-3386 ext 4105

Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.




Softball City, Cloverdale Athletic Park and Sunnyside Park, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

July 11 – 21


“Good dog!”


Community News Concerts in the Park have started! Wednesdays 7:00pm Kinnaird Park July 9 – That Girl & Earl


celebrate bra br rrate ate te inspire spire youth you yo ou Futures (U19) Showcase (16U)


Girls and boys ages 8 to 16

LEARN TO PLAY CLINICS Girls and boys ages 5 to 10 Spend time with top players


Facebook “f ” Logo


to be repeated “Sit” several “Sit” times

CMYK / .ai

Facebook “f ” Logo


“Good dog!”

The The more more often often a consumer consumer sees sees a your advertising “Sit” message, message, the the better better your your chances are that “Good dog!” chances are that they will they willyou remember The more often remember you when a consumer seesthey’re when they’re ready to buy! your advertising message, ready to buy! the better your chances are that “Good dog!” they will A11





Was once the home of a pool, now named after fungi?





Castlegar News Thursday, July 3, 2014


Want to Perfect weather for patriotic occasion Above left – Canada Day breakfast at the Station Museum, right – Trish Chernoff offering cupcakes. Pictured below: Miss Castlegar and her cohorts take a break from directing children’s games during Canada Day celebration at Castlegar Complex. Jim Sinclair photos

win $10

a Tims Card?

The Castlegar News has hidden a $10 Tims Card somewhere in town for one lucky person to grab! Check out this photo clue or follow the GPS co-ordinates to help you find it! GPS coordinates Latitude 49.285436 Longitude -117.649353

Post a photo of you and the Tims Card to our Facebook page

SD 20 board meeting filled to capacity Continued from P. 1

We have made a conscious decision that when we are faced with cuts, to make those cuts as far away from the classroom as possible and sadly, that is our buildings. It is a reality that we face.” The British Columbia Teachers’ Federation began its strike on June 17 with teachers picketing until what would have been the last day of classes on June 27. The future of talks is unclear and it is unknown whether there will be school in September.

Thank you ... CASTLEGAR & DISTRICT HOSPITAL AUXILIARY SOCIETY The Castlegar & District Hospital Auxiliary Society sincerely thanks the following grantors who kindly supported the Second Floor Expansion of the Hospital Auxiliary Treasure Shop. The Treasure Shop opened its doors on Monday, June the 9th. Columbia Basin Trust Kootenay Savings Community Foundation

$ 60,000.00 10,000.00

Zellstoff Celgar Limited


Teck – Trail Operations


RDCK Area I – Andy Davidoff


________________________________________________________________________________ The Auxiliary acknowledges the following: City of Castlegar Kootenay Savings Credit Union Peter Somerville Jeff Godfrey WSA Ventures Ltd. Tony Kabatoff Cyril Sookachoff Zaytsoff Holdings Rotary Interact Students Thank you to our community and surrounding areas for their support. Thank you to all of the volunteers that were there to help the Auxiliary during the course of construction and who continue to do so. Thank you everyone!

e nlin o r r ou test at e t En con com o t . pho nstar so nel

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s d car rs

o s t n f o i sp g g n i 0 az

$5from our am Toby’s Doggy Do


see your ad... in our newspaper CASTLEGAR CASTLEGAR NEWS NEWS 250.365.6397


Castlegar ArtWalk 2014 April Cuffy Castlegar ArtWalk Editor




Thursday, July 3, 2014 Castlegar News

Castlegar Art Walk 2014 runs until September 14, featuring more than 30 local and

regional artists and artisans, displaying work at 26 venues around Castlegar. Maps for this self-guided art tour are available at the Castlegar Visitor Centre. For more information, please visit www.

Each week, The Castlegar News is featuring biographies from various artists in the show.

Name: Barbara Legg

VENUE: Castlegar News (#14) MEDIUM: Acrylic & Pastel Paintings CURRENT CITY: Castlegar, BC


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™DEPOSIT ANYWHERE is a trademark of Central 1 Credit Union, used under license.

BIO: I started painting in my teens as a form of expression, never realizing it would develop into a life-long activity. My first medium was oil, until I later began using acrylics and eventually chalk pastel after taking a portraiture course in the 1990s. I’m fascinated with how chalk pastel can portray light and texture in hair and skin; and also reflections in glass and metallic surfaces. What began as a simple way of expressing my feelings in my youth has continued into my retirement as a way of communicating how I feel about the people in my life and the beauty surrounding me. I hope my paintings convey the joy of these relationships. ARTIST STATEMENT: My paintings’ inspiration comes from my

community activities and experiences in everyday life. Nathan plays the Blues, was inspired by a fellow band member from the Stanley Humphries High School Band, where I play the clarinet and tenor saxophone. Family also serves as subject matter and in Embracing the Light, I have tried to symbolize and depict the accepting spirit of children. The act of painting has always been more important to me than the finished product. Pond at Kohan Gardens, for example, was painted after I found myself needing to relax after an intense morning of clarinet practice. In Eagleeye View of Brilliant, I have expressed the everchanging vista I see on my daily walks near my home at the convergence of the Kootenay and Columbia Rivers.

ARTIST NAME: Diane Robinson

VENUE: West’s Fashions and Gifts (#2) MEDIUM: Rock & Wire Trees CURRENT CITY: Robson, BC

BIO & ARTIST STATEMENT: I am an avid “rock-hound” and a member of the local Selkirk Rock and Mineral Club. I collect the base rocks for my trees myself and I’m always ready to go look for new specimens. I “grow” my

trees from the roots up and every tree is unique. Each tree comes with a description of the powers associated with the stones used to create the tree. Trees may be special-ordered with specific semiprecious stones for birthdays and family trees.

Castlegar News Thursday, July 3, 2014 A13


“Let me be the princess of your heart.”

State’side swim dubbed a success The Castlegar Aquanauts competed at the Colville Valley Sharks Invitational Swim Meet over the past weekend. All of the competitors raced hard even with difficult weather conditions. Both Head Coach Nick Welychko and Assistant Coach Michaella Yang were proud of the team. “This past weekend was definitely one to remember. It was rainy, windy and cold yet all of our swimmers competed so hard.

PrMeet records were broken by some of our swimmers, and best times were swum by many. I could not be any happier with everyone’s performances,” said Yang. Both coaches commented on how hard everyone has been training in practices, and the amount of effort everyone puts into excelling that much more. Both Yang and Welychko are looking forward to the Aquanauts’ home meet on the weekend of July 12-13.

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July 1 - July 31, 2014 Aquanaut entourage poses following Colville competition.

Colville Meet Results: Div 1 Boys: 3rd: Reid Quintanhila

Div 6 Girls: 2nd: Sophie Jansen

Div 2 Girls: 2nd: Claire Cartwright

Div 7 Girls: 1st: Ashlee Martini

Div 2 Boys: 2nd: Bryce Anderson 1st: Lynden Hanvold

Div 8 Boys: 3rd: Ron Anderson 1st: Nick Welychko

Div 3 Boys: 3rd: Cayden Cooke 1st: Ethan Lawczynski

O Cat Boys: 1st: Carson Ogloff

Div 4 Girls: 1st: Emma Lawczynski Div 4 Boys: 1st: Harper Shaman Div 5 Girls: 1st: Sierra Buchanan Div 6 Boys: 3rd: Torrin Wilson 2nd: Jeff Ashton

O Cat 2 Boys: 2nd: Noah Robertson Team Results: 8th: Creston Waves – 1221 7th: Trail Stingrays – 1356.5 6th: Nelson Neptunes – 1539.5 5th: Kimberley Seahorses – 1863.5 4th: Colville Valley Sharks – 1939.5 3rd: Penticton Pikes – 1951 2nd: Grand Forks Piranhas – 1982 1st: Castlegar Aquanauts – 3170

Meet Records: Meet records were broken by the Div 2 Boys Freestyle Relay by Bryce Anderson, Hunter Hansen, Ayden Quintanhila, and Lynden Hanvold. Individual meet records were broken by Carson Ogloff in his O Cat division.

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Thursday, July 3, 2014 Castlegar News


U-18 Boys Soccer

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Christine Esovoloff If you have any marketing questions, please feel free to contact me.


Attention Castlegar Residents Watering Restrictions Bylaw Education Project

The Castlegar U-18 boys soccer team headed into the Kootenay South Youth Soccer playoffs with a strong first place finish in the regular season. The final game of the playoffs determining gold and silver was played by Castlegar and Rossland. In an exciting game where both teams played their hardest, the score was tied when the whistle blew. This took the game into overtime which also ended in a tie. The decision finally came down to a shoot-out with Rossland ending up with the gold and Castlegar with silver. Submitted photo

Netminder excited to be Nanaimo-bound JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor

With seven years experience in the game of soccer, 12 year-old goalie Carson Pottle is no stranger to the rigors of competition. Being the last line of defence he’s also well-acquainted with pressure. The Castlegar athlete will be guarding his net for the Zone 1– Kootenay squad when it takes to the pitch during the BC Summer Games, July 17-20 in Nanaimo. Carson is a well-rounded athlete who likes to stay busy with basketball and hockey interest as well. He enjoys every challenge that comes his way. In the past couple of weeks the versatile competitor has drawn inspira-

tion from the World Cup which he’s been keeping up with on TV. He’s got two teams to support, host Brazil and Germany, both highly-rated groups. Annual trips to Sandpoint, Idaho are sporting highlights for Carson and his teammates – sizable tournaments held in September as soccer season wraps up. The upcoming trip to the Island is something he’s eager to be a part of. “This is my first BC Summer Games,” he informed during a June 27 phone conversation, noting the trip has a lot of appeal. “It’s nice because they’re (Zone 1 Carson Pottle will backstop his squad at the roster, kind of like an all-star as- BC Summer Games, July 17-20. sortment) all strong players.” Submitted photo

Throughout the summer, Castlegar’s Water Smart Ambassador is placing yellow lawn flags on properties where watering restrictions are not being followed. These flags serve as a gentle reminder of Castlegar’s Water Conservation Policy. The Water Smart Ambassador also provides free Lawn and Garden Water Use Assessments to help determine appropriate watering times for your landscape and assist in programming your irrigation system timer.

We are looking for members for our environment grants evaluation Committee.

EFFECTIVE JUNE 15 TO SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 SPRINKLING AND CAR WASHING IS PERMITTED FROM 5:00 A.M. TO 11:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M. TO 11:00 P.M. Water sprinkling is restricted to EVERY SECOND DAY a) Residents at “odd number” addresses water on “odd number” calendar days, and b) Residents at “even number” addresses water on “even number” calendar days Residents who use a water regulating system (e.g. underground sprinkler systems with timers) shall be exempted from the regulations, provided they do their outdoor watering between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. on an alternating day basis. Learn more at


Join Our Committee

For more information on the Bylaw Education Project or to book an assessment today, please contact Laura Smit at 250-304-5396 or

as a member of this group you will evaluate and provide recommendations on funding applications to our environment grants Program. apply by July 25, 2014. 1.800.505.8998

Connect with us

Common Grounds Monday to Friday 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Stats 7 to 7. The Borscht Hut

10-6 (or later) 7 days a week

Contact Christine to post your summer hours here! 250.365.6397

Castlegar News Thursday, July 3, 2014


Castlegar Bowlers Close to Medal in Saskatoon It was a fun weekend on the Prairies, full of cheering, laughing, close wins and closer losses. On June 21- 22 the five-player women’s BC team from Castle Bowl made up of Dorothy Scott, Mae Perepolkin, Tina Fomenoff, Lisa Lesy and Lori Bakken competed in the National Classifieds tournament. The ladies competed at the National Level against seven other provinces. Though the ultimate prize proved elusive, there were some pretty impressive numbers. Their first game of the two-day 14-game tournament, was won by a measly two points on BC’s total score. Two points would be a theme on this tournament as there was another game won by a deuce, and match lost by four points and many standing two pins. In fact, Team BC lost third place by only two points, with the winning team from Quebec. “For me to have the chance to go to Provincials and place first in BC was amazing,” said class-1 bowler Dorothy Scott who scored the most match points on the team with 8.5. “Then to bowl at national level and meet so many friendly people was amazing. Anyone can tryout to have this fantastic experience!” Tina Fomenoff echoed Scott’s sentiments. “It was an amazing time with every team cheering each other on,” said Fomenoff, a Class 3 bowler. Mae Perepolkin was excited to have shared the experience with an “amazing” team. Lisa Lesy in class 4 had an All Star weekend. Game three on day one was the highest single bowled by any 5-pin lady with a

341. And it didn’t stop there. Lisa averaged 223.14 through the weekend earning her the All Star award in her class, which is the person with highest average at the end of the tournament. “I set out with the goal of going All Star this weekend,” said Lesy. “I couldn’t control what any other person or team could do, only myself. So I focused on each ball and took it one game at a time. Also our team couldn’t have done any of this with out our captain Lori Bakken who kept us going, kept us cheering, and kept us motivated. She was definitely our glue!” Saskatoon native Bakken was happy to be home. She gathered family and friends to cheer the BC team on. A born coach and competitor, Lori scored six match A15

Going through a



or separation

Free help with doing your own separation agreement … and more Castlegar bowlers, from left: Dorothy Scott, Mae Perepolkin, Lisa Lesy, Lori Bakken and Tina Fomenoff.

points over the tournament. “Although I was disappointed in my bowling, I couldn’t have asked to bowl with a better team,” the captain reflected. “Between my girls and all of the other bowlers, the experience was amazing!” Ask any of the girls and they will tell you this is the best tournament 5-pin bowling has to offer. It doesn’t

matter what average you have, or how long you have been bowling, there is a place for you on a team. The friendships and memories made this weekend will last a lifetime, and truly span across all of Canada. Now they are all going to enjoy a summer break before leagues start up in September, and there are always spots open on teams any day of the week.

4.31” x 3.5”

Introducing our new advice columnist

Miss Sensibility

Miss Sensibility, I have recently started dating a man who is considerably older than me (17 years) and I am struggling with it. All of our family and friends are very supportive and accepting of our age gap but there is some part of me that keeps worrying that I will end up nursing an old man when I am still young. What do you think? -Reverse cougar

Dear Reverse Cougar, This Romantic situation is definitely a problem of the ages. Examples of couples with large age differences can be found all over the Hollywood scene. However, I would not recommend using these couples as role models as the track record for long term relationships among celebrities is not exceptionally good and their ability to make sizeable alimony payments much better than your average person. The truth is, with that large of an age gap; your fear of needing to care for your partner is likely to come true. If your relationship is built on the kind of love that will endure a lifetime, the for better or for worse, in sickness and in health kind, then caring for your spouse could be seen as an act of love, not something to be feared. If this is not the kind of relationship you think you have, then some serious contemplation is in order. If an exit from the relationship is needed, it is better to do so before the ages go by. Sensibly Yours,

Miss Sensibility

Do you have a question for Miss Sensibility? Email your inquiries to and Miss Sensibility will answer it in the paper! Names will not be published, but must be included with inquiries. Please include your desired anonymous signature ex: Fed up! (Castlegar News reserves the right to refuse publication. ”The advice offered in this column is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. Use of this column is not intended to replace or substitute any financial, medical, legal, or other professional advice. This column does not reflect the opinion The Castlegar News.)


Thursday, July 3, 2014 Castlegar News



Advertise your Garage Sale for

Garage Sale on the Map!


Call or come into the Casltegar News office



5th Ave







Short answer: YES. Answer: OMG YES! e Ridg


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With the financial demands of school loans, living expenses, and finding a career path, Castlegar many young people struggle to Golf Club purchase their first home. Often, parents and grandparents are very sympathetic. They’ve enjoyed the financial benefits of long-term home ownership themselves, and see how hard it is today to make that important first step into the real estate market. So should you give them a boost? First, consider your own financial situation. Your first responsibility is to your own financial security, so you need to consider what kind of help you can afford. If you loan the money and it is never repaid, will it affect your own financial security? Can you afford to gift the money, and if so, how much? Take some time to think about family dynamics. Are there siblings or other family members to consider? Will there be an issue of fairness that you need to manage? Some families work well with a structured loan arrangement with a modest interest rate that gives the young family member an opportunity to buy the home – but also sets out the expectations for loan repayment. It can foster good borrowing habits and minimize family friction later. Home ownership is a big financial responsibility. You know there are more costs to homeownership than just paying the monthly mortgage payment: like heat, hydro, insurance, cable, taxes, and of course repairs and upkeep. Before you offer your child a boost to home ownership, consider whether they’re ready for the financial responsibility. Sometimes, the best advice is to keep renting for a while and take more time to get ready for the responsibility of a large mortgage. If your child is married or living with a partner, consider property law. Experts advise parents to structure a loan to a child if there is a spouse or partner to consider. Should a marriage break up, for example, you may discover that 50 per cent of the money went free and clear to your child’s partner as part of a settlement of family property. A fairly simple fix is to structure a loan – even with 0% interest or with no regular payments – but with the ability to call the loan at any time. In that way, the loan would be subtracted from the family property before being divided. Always put it in writing. If it’s a loan, you’ll want a written record of your shared expectations. If it’s a gift, you must put it in writing for the lender that the child is not required to pay the money back at any time.


We still have one or more computers Rd in our office runningo Windows XP. Should I be worried? n


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As a coach, I hear this over & over from people who are tired about feeling so stuck Castlegar in their lives & business, with Long Golf Club their income bracket, even with the best efforts & strong desire to have more $$$.

Microsoft retired Windows XP on April 8, 2014. What this means is that no further security updates, patches or system updates will be release to protect you from viruses, malware, spyware, crashes, or theft of personal information. An Urgent Security Warning For Any Business Still Running Windows XP If your organization is currently running Windows XP on one or more computers in your office, then you need to be aware that you are exposing your computers and network to a dangerous security threat that MUST be addressed immediately. Running Windows XP means your business network is now exposed to hackers who can: • Take control of your network • Steal your data • Crash your system • Cripple your business. If you have one XP computer on your network, then you are at risk, and need upgrade ASAP. This is such a serious threat that U.S. companies housing financial and medical information are being required by law to upgrade any and all computer systems running XP because firewalls and antivirus software will NOT be sufficient to completely protect them. While Canada does not have a similar “LAW” yet, not upgrading from XP would be extremely irresponsible. Contact me for further information and to learn about the upgrade process.

Are you working harder, but not reaping the reward of it? Are you using the Law of Attraction to create more wealth and wondering why it’s not working for you? If you are willing to explore how past events have created your current view of money and learn how to release them, you CAN create more security & wealth in your life. Your ‘inner personal’ financial system is built on rules, beliefs, ways of operating that are out dated, not yours and are full of heavy emotion. If you want to increase your wealth, it requires you to look within for answers & find what’s really blocking the flow of $$$ to you. It requires you to face emotions that have been buried for many years & really feel your true feelings about $$$. Once you acknowledge your true feelings, the power to earn, manage & save shifts to your control. This is the 1st step in transforming your $$$ situation and the key to increasing your wealth. Here’s a quick exercise for testing money emotions: Write down your actual current income, in BIG numbers on a blank paper. Focus on the number, say it out loud “I’m earning $____per wk/month. Look at the # and say out loud ‘It’s not enough!’ let yourself FEEL what’s happening in your body when you say that. How true is this statement, ‘It’s not enough’?

Ootichenia Rd

JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor

There is nothing new about art, then again, new art arrives on the scene daily, and that’s what drives programs like Castlegar Art Walk to be consistently successful. A fresh assortment of art is carefully distributed through town, waiting to be enjoyed. Castlegar’s 18th annual Art Walk is a celebration of exploration and inspiration by local artists working in a variety of media. The Art Walk has 26 stops and brochures are likely available at each of them. A proven strategy is to pick up your copy of the map/ brochure at the Chamber of Commerce Info Centre (1995 6th Avenue) or the Castlegar News office and enjoy the


Email: Website:

toll free 1-844-231-0210



Art Walk 2014 artists • USCC Cultural Interpretive Society • Diane Robinson • Kari Burk • Walter Kanigan • Jacquie Hamilton • Robson Painters • Andy Samure • Margo Saunders • Shelley Lebeau • Mirja Vahalla • Adrienne Lovely • Sandra Donohue • Kate Bridger • Barbara Legg • Lee Anne White

Any negative feelings that came up will block your best efforts to increase your wealth. Let’s change that! Contact me for a FREE strategy session let’s move you from where you are, to where you want to be!

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summer art tour at your own pace. Make your way to all or some of the 26 different venues throughout the beautiful area of Castlegar any time between now and September 14. Listed below are the talented individuals making the Art Walk possible. Watch for an artist profile or profiles elsewhere in this edition.

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Leni announcing Art Walk 2014.

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Should we give our child a boost to home ownership?



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Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator

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Items for sale:

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R R A A G G E E L L T T S S A A C C July 5th 8am - 1pm

1810 8th Ave. Castlegar

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Get your

Gathering at Art Walk opening.

Castlegar News Thursday, July 3, 2014 A17


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Thursday, July 3, 2014 Castlegar News

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Castlegar News Thursday, July 3, 2014 A19

Sculpture Talk Welcome to our regular feature introducing the artists behind the sculptures in this year’s Castlegar SculptureWalk.

cably in Sea Swimmer. with a major in Visual Commuup with in Minnesota, but again Career-wise, he has always been Depicting a green sea turtle in nication and a minor in Painting. this year he has gone to the human a sculptor. Notwithstanding forshiny plate steel, Wall’s sculpture She has owned her own business form. The end result is a shift, and ays into television – building sets is streamlined and elegant, just ever since graduating, working on splendid. and directing – and teaching. “ as its subject is in the water. There commercial projects of every stripe Heel Grab & Spin is the figure of I studied metal sculpture at the is something almost prehistoric while creating and occasionally an ice dancer performing a signa- University of Minnesota and have about turtles of course, and Wall displaying her own paintings. ture move. Through Nelson’s use of been creating ever since, or at least doesn’t overlook this fact. She cap- In 2003, she was hired by Parks spaces and form the work is alive instructing when I’m not actually tures the slightly beaked mouth, Canada as a designer, illustrator and full of motion, exactly as he making something,” he says with bulbous head, hooded eyes, longish and project manager. Adept at a intends. “ I’ve tried to capture the a smile. neck and curved flippers in lovely variety of essential computer prograce and complexity of the skater “I teach metal fabrication to teenplates of steel that fit perfectly and grams, Wall worked as part of a and the discipline itself. I want the agers and young adults in Minharmoniously. team on a multitude of major inforviewer to be able to incorporate netonka throughout the school The highlight though, is the gor- mational and interpretative projthe gestures and presentation of year. In the summer I teach a class geous detail of the shell. Rather ects/exhibits including the Bar U the skater, which is challenging in Grand Marais, near my cottage than adhere to the standard mark- Ranch and Rocky Mountain House when working in steel. So there up by the Canadian border. The ings and pattern, Wall has created Historical Sites in Alberta, the Mais an abstract quality to the piece, flora and fauna in Minnesota have individual scalloped shells – each a rine Discovery Centre in Hamilton, but there is movement and a sense always inspired me and, especially thing of beauty on their own - and Ontario and the Wikaninnish Cenof motion inherent in the finished up there, there is plenty to study Sea Swimmer Heel Grab & Spin overlapped them in a defined, pat- tre on Vancouver Island. work.” and interpret in my own style.” (plate steel) (forged steel) terned mass. The detail in the body She also designed and illustrated His sculpture portrays an ice While best known for his animal of the shell, encircled by delicately countless smaller projects for the dancer, back arched and head sculptures, his works displayed Minnesota-based sculptor Judd flung back. Her hair streams be- this year and last indicate he is The federal government’s loss is etched pieces making up the rim, is department in her nine years there. Nelson showed at Castlegar Sculp- hind her as her right hand clutches broadening his horizons, and his Sculpturewalk’s gain. Former Parks the exclamation point on an excep- Unfortunately, Wall was made returewalk for the first time last year. reaches for the skate boot of repertoire. Canada interpretative designer, tionally appealing work. So too is dundant along with 1500 of her He returns with another delightful her bent right leg. The left leg is “I’ve been working with a plasma graphic artist and project man- the fantastic detail – starfish, coral fellow employees as part of governPurchase Castlegar fulldisplays of wonderful art, thanks to Sculpturewalk’s steel work in 2014 that showcases straight and anchored, while her cutter as well as torches, and creatager HeatherisWall Sea and a public cascade of fish, each hand cut ment cutbacks in 2012. UndauntGotartistic a favourite Make the it yours! of the current sales & leasing program, and the talented arti sts who contribute to his substantive ability and sculpture? Swimmer here – only her second and torch bent in mild steel - on ed, she took the opportunity to releft arm compliments move- All ing more works based on the hucreativity. sculptures are available sculpture since herTake unintended purchase, withman prices fromthe our program. a drivethe tobase. check them out!it’s a train and opted to take up welding It’s hard to believe ment shefor executes. Nelson has form. ranging Just like animals, Last year he presented Letting Payment career change in 2012. It is appar- sophomore effort. at Vancouver Island University folgiven her skirtplans some slight wavi- opportunities are almost infinite $3,000-$36,000. are available. CASTLEGAR’S PERMANENT COLLECTION Go, the figure of a young woman ness, which enhances the sense of in stylization. Every individual is ent from the beautiful work she So how did it come about so win- lowing her and her husband’s move reaching overhead to a bird, her motion and relative effortlessness just that, so it opens up a whole has fashioned that sheent has Hunter a stellar ningly? It’s really no mystery. Wall Peace Pati Sign to Powell River. Lease Previous as she twirls. The mottled dark and new avenue of subject matter. Kleineoffered at the satellite fingertips outstretched. sculpting futureKevin ahead Kratz of her. & SheJames has Karthein been an artist for her entire ca- Denis “The options People’s 2012 People’s Choice Award 2010 works have beenof dedicated almost gold hues combines her new foundChoice weldingAward All the sculptures areNelson available for lease, for between $1500ever since graduating from the Purchased campus here of limited,” has achieved add “Hockey is almost a religion in the Purchased by City ofreer, Castlegar by were City kind of Castlegar exclusively to the animals he grew to the effect. skills with her Locati artists on: eye Columbia impec- Alberta College she says laugh. “So I figured state so I’ve crafted lots to of players Ave. Exit to of Art and Design Locati on: with Westa Kootenay $3000/year (beginning in May 2015). Move the sculpture your Grand Forks Regional I’d learnAirport to weld and explore the poses. Heel Grab & place of business and capture the public’s in attvarious ention! possibilities of metal sculpting. Spin might well reflect my atLinotype Wapiti Rainbow Carl Sean McMahon Patrick Fieldout great although I It’s turned tempt to encapsulate the beauty People’s Choice Award 2011 Purchased in Bloom still have abylotCommuniti to learn, ofes course. of the feminine form, as opposed Sponsor Purchased by City of Castlegar and donated to the City of Castlegar Relative aside, I think my to guys in equipment, Location: West Kootenay Regional Locati on: newness Castlegar RCMP For $1000/year you can sponsor a sculpture andswathed support our ” he Airport design background is an excellent says with a chuckle. artists. Your name will be featured on the sculpture nameplate, foundation. I’ve got lots of great True or not, there is no doubt Nel-our Jack’s Story Time Going for the Goal brochure, and our website. ideas that will marry my computer son will continue to make beautiGregory Johnson Dee Clements Purchased by Chris Kathy graphic skills with&my welding ful sculptures of the animals he Purchased by Kootenay Savings Sykes Location: Kootenay Savings training and initial creative eff orts. ” grew up with while expanding Location: Tim Hortons TOURS Crossroad Her illustration and design talents his oeuvre. Heel Grab & Spin If your group is interested in taking a guided tour Sculpturewalk, are showcased in another artistic might just of be the beginning of a Nokhom Maskwa Huge and Foolish please contact the offi ce at vein. Wall has written and drawn new phase in his lengthy sculpting Stewart Steinhauer Rabi’a a children’by s book called Basin Elephant career. At the very least, it captures Purchased by the Kalawsky Family Purchased Columbia Location: Kalawsky GMC Trust Shoes. Lavishly and exquisitely ilthe gracefulness of ice dancing Location: Columbia Basin Trust lustrated, she is shopping it to poand its flowing movement with tential publishers as she builds up aplomb and style. Natural Wonders Is This Love? Castlegar Sculpturewalk would like to thank the following her welding shop and continues to Michelle Moushey Dale Osamede Obazee run her design business. organizati ons and companies that have provided special support Purchased by Pinnacle PAC Purchased by the Yule Family seemsYule to suit the Location: Castlegar Art Farm In Multi-tasking Memory of Adele for the project: Locati on: 6th & well. Columbia Ave. talented Ms. St Wall Sea Swimmer shows remarkable maturity The Dreamer Exodus and obvious vision in its composiPeter Vogelaar Carl Sean McMahon tion and inspired detail. Her tastePurchased by Columbia Basin Trust Purchased by the 2009 Grad Class ful steel rendering of a favourite Location: Kinnaird Elementary Locati on: Stanley Humphries School subject promises Secondary Schoolmany more interesting sculptures are sure to come.

Heather Wall

Judd Nelson





Don’t Look ... Listen

Purchased by Pinnacle PAC Location: Castlegar Art Farm

DonatedSPONSORED to Castlegar Chamber of by Commerce Location: Castlegar Chamber of

Daniel Kloc

Jacob Tolmie




Douglas Walker

Purchased by the City of Castlegar Location: City Hall


photo by David R. Gluns

photo by David R. Gluns

Three Ring Circus

Summer Distractions

Leased by Derek Sherbinin Location: Century 21 Mountainview

Leased Marlowe-Yeoman Limited

Tamara Schweigert

Lee Leuning & Sherri Treeby CastlegarSculpturewalk


Thursday, July 3, 2014 Castlegar News


Your community. Your classifieds.


bc email

How to place a

Classified Ad with 250.365.6397

Call Or Drop by our office at Unit #2, 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar, BC 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday ClassiďŹ ed Deadline 4pm Monday



Cards of Thanks


Many thanks to The City of Castlegar who responded to my broken water line on Sunday evening. Although it took longer than I wanted to shut off water (48 Hrs) they stayed with the job until completed. Many thanks to neighbours Mark Guido & Mike LaHue who spent hours digging a trench, without them I would have had an indoor pool. Thanks to Clean Scene for prompt arrival & Andrew Sheret for lending me pipe to divert water. Luckily my wife wanted new basement flooring anyways. I wish I had a picture of city staff using witching rods & employee Steven B limping through 2 days of gout. If you don’t know where your shut off value is, please locate asap. Dr. Jon


MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851.

Lost & Found Found in Robson Glass case with contact lenses Call 250-365-3271


Sunday, July 27th, 2014 8 am to 3 pm set up time 7 am Space rental call Helen @ 250-355-2354





Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Education/Trade Schools

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

CLASS 1 LINE HAUL COMPANY DRIVERS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway Line Haul Drivers based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training.

We Offer Above Average Rates! To join our team of professional drivers, please send off a resume and current driver’s abstract to: For more info about Line Haul, call Bev, 604-968-5488 Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.


Employment Business Opportunities


Call Dave for Home Inspection Presentation. 1.855.301.2233

HIGHWAY OWNER OPERATORS $3500 SIGNING BONUS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway linehaul Owner Operators based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee beneďŹ ts package.

To join our team of professional drivers, email a detailed resume, current driver’s abstract & details of your truck to: Call 604-968-5488 Fax: 604-587-9889 Only those of interest will be contacted. Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.

CANCEL YOUR TimeshareNo Risk Program, Stop Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Free Consultation. Call Us Now. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Coming Events 14th Annual New Denver Antique & Collectible Street Fair


Help Wanted DRIVERS & Owner Operators (Teams & Singles)

Safety Conscious, Professional Drivers Req. 5-8 Axle End Dump Configurations. Min. 3 years winter mountain driving &/or construction trucking exp. Must be selfmotivated, mechanically inclined, efficient, accountable & a team player. $70,000+/year + Bonuses & BeneďŹ ts! Send resume, current abstract & indicate position. Fax: (1)403-236-8216

Saturday Night Live Comedy Camp & Rock & Rock Music Camps for ages 7 & up for more info.

GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website:

Community Newspapers

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

We’re at the heart of things™

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

Help Wanted ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051. TUG SKIPPER Full time senior & junior positions available. Minimum Limited Master <60GT Certificate required. Apply via email: or by fax: (250) 974-5216

Publisher/ Editor The Princeton Similkameen Spotlight is looking for the right person to be the Publisher/Editor. Princeton is located in the Similkameen Valley‌.truly an outdoor lover’s dream with world-class hunting, fishing, hiking and snowmobiling. In addition to having a strong understanding of news gathering and meeting deadlines, the successful candidate will represent the Spotlight at social and client functions. They will also have strong organizational skills and be able to work without direct supervision.

Based in our Castlegar office, this position provides confidential, executive secretarial and administrative support services to the Trust CEO and Board.

•Produce 10-15 stories per week, plus photos as necessary •Allocate print space for story, text and photos according to space parameters and copy significance. •Plan the contents for the Spotlight according to the publication’s style, editorial policy and publishing requirements. •Verify facts, dates and statistics using standard reference sources •Develop story and feature ideas •Read, evaluate and edit press releases, Letters to the Editor and other materials submitted for publication. •Upload stories to the website

Based in our Cranbrook office, this position provides procurement, analytical, admin and clerical support to the Operations department, as well as reception and administrative services.

•Participate in community events Please e-mail resume by July 8, 2014 to: Don Kendall, Regional Publisher, South Okanagan Email:

SPOTLIGHT The Similkameen 1.800.505.8998

Connect with us


Based out of Grand Forks, BC. If this is a position you are interested in, please send your current resume, in Microsoft Word format, to by July 13, 2014. No phone calls please.


• Great Work Environment • Dealer Paid Training Programs • Fantastic Benefits Package • Industry-Leading Pay Plan with Incentive Bonuses • World-Class Equipment

Castlegar Toyota is looking for apprentice and Licensed Technicians. We are committed to having the best on-going training available. Toyota is the world’s largest auto company and is one of the most respected brands. Join the team at Castlegar Toyota and start having the career you have always wanted. Contact: Daryl Zibin Fixed Operations Manager 250-365-7241 Start something that lasts

career opportunity

•Create a newspaper that represents the community


Apply by July 21, 2014.


•Work closely with the sales consultant to develop new sources of revenue

•Manage all expenses and wages


is taking resumes for

Key responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

•Account for all business activities in a prompt manner

Career opportunities

Boundary Electric


Information Systems and Records Technician - Temporary Reference Number 1408 Reporting to the Manager, IT & Records Management, the Information Systems and Records Technician assists in maintaining an effective records and information program (RIM). The Technician, works to organize, classify, and update the filing and retention of corporate records, conducts records research and analysis, and assists in the development of RIM procedures and processes. The ideal candidate will have post-secondary education, preferably in records management, archival studies, library or information science or related discipline and/or several years’ experience in electronic records management. The candidate will be proficient in Microsoft Office 2010/2013 and be able to work cooperatively in a team environment. Qualified applicants interested in joining a dynamic team are encouraged to visit the Careers section of for the detailed job description. Closing date for this position is July 11, 2014 Please refer to Job #1408 when submitting your application.

Castlegar News Thursday, July 3, 2014



Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

Delivery Driver

Castlegar B.C. #1401822 The delivery Driver is responsible for the timely delivery and sales of our coffee and related products to our customers in the West Kootenay area. To apply on this job please go online at Reg Number 1401822 Forester/Log Buyer Vaagen Fibre Canada, ULC is seeking an experienced log buyer for its Midway sawmill operation. Required Qualifications: Registered Forest Technician Designation, 5 years of relevant experience Competitive wages and benefit package. Send resume


YRB Yellowhead Road & Bridge

Yellowhead Road & Bridge (Kootenay) Ltd. is looking for a Mechanic for our New Denver facility. Applicants will need to hold a valid TQ for Heavy Duty or Commercial Transport, class three driver’s licence and Motor Vehicle Inspection licence would be an asset. Resumes can be faxed to 250-352-2172 or e-mailed to


The BetterBook requires a responsible and reliable person(s) to deliver phone books to residences and businesses in Nelson, Castlegar and Grand Forks. Reliable vehicle (van or covered pickup) is required and the ability to lift heavy bundles of phone books. This is a great summer job! Contact Linda in our distribution department at 1-800-663-8555

Vancouver Island Company requires a machinist immediately. Must be proficient in the operation of boring mills and lathes. Union position with comparable wages and excellent benefit package. Submit resumes via fax to: 250-656-1262 or email to:



• Registered Nurses • Licensed Practical Nurses Resource Ability is hiring RNs, LPNs and Certified Care Aides to work nights, midnight to 8am, 1:1 in home with a medically fragile child in the Nelson area. Pediatric exp. preferred.

Health Products

Union Wages, Benefits & Full Support Provided. Send resume & cover letter to Debra Leverrier: Fax: 1.250.762.9898 or

Help Wanted A21


Buy One Get One



Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate For Sale By Owner

Financial Services

Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

ARE YOU $10K Or More In Debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-3511783.

Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014

STEEL BUILDINGS. Summer meltdown sale! 20x20 $5,419. 25x26 $6,485. 30x30 $8,297. 32x34 $9,860. 40x48 $15,359. 47x68 $20,558. Front & back wall included. Pioneer Steel 1800-668-5422 or online at:

DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. UNFILED TAX Returns? Unreported Income? Avoid Prosecution and Penalties. Call a Tax Attorney First! 1855-668-8089. (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)

Garden & Lawn INTERESTED in Organic Lawn Care? Fuel-free mowing? Find out more at 250.505.2404

Home Repairs OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil

Merchandise for Sale

FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.

Merchandise for Sale


A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?

Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158

Misc. Wanted BUYING Coin Collections, Estates, Antiques, Native Art, Silver, Jewelry 250-499-0251

KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online:

Real Estate Lakeshore

QUESNEL Lake waterfront home. Near Likely, B.C. Refer to Kijiji Ad ID 577141020 for info.

2 storey 6 yr old cabin 4 km from Ashram, Riondel, beach and golf course. Needs: elec., plumbing, H2O pipe or well, insulation, cabinets. On 2.8 nicely treed acres. Good bench(es) for building second home with lakeview. Appraised at $170,000 but old vendor is quite flexible. Great starter home especially for handy person(s). Call : 780-566-0707 or : 780-222-2996 or

Mobile Homes & Parks 4 BDRM, 1 bath located in Penticton family park, nice fenced yard on corner lot completely reno, includes all appliances, + jacuzzi tub, lrg shed, close to Skaha Lake & shopping, pets ok, $70,000 OBO, Call 250-770-2910

KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate bugs- guaranteed. No mess, odorless, long lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot. SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online:

4 pc Birch Bedroom set $450 BBQ $75, 250-365-0033

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Thinking of a Career Change?

Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) is responsible for the on-going planning and delivery of community supports and services for adults with developmental disabilities and their families throughout the province. We have an auxiliary Contracts Clerk position available in Castlegar. The Contracts Clerk prepares, tenders for, awards, administers and monitors contracts for the delivery of CLBC supported services and funding in accordance with current legislation, contract specifications, and agency policy and procedures within a regional area. The role also provides reception and administration support. Please see competition #2014.059 posted on our website for full details, and mention you saw the ad in this paper. Closing date is July 9th, 2014. For more information on this and all other available positions, visit our website:

Due to the recent growth, our Nelson Branch at the mall is looking for a Auto Customer Service Representative. Preference will be given to those candidates that possess a level 1 Insurance Brokers Licence; however, we are willing to train the right applicant. The right candidate will posses the following skills: • Excellent Customer Focused Attitude • Experience in Customer Service or Office Administration • Reliable Transportation & Drivers Licence ( Possible Mobile Road Service to Local Auto Dealers) • Proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel • Excellent Oral and Written skills RHC Insurance Brokers have been in business for over 100 years in the West Kootenay Region. Through our 8 locations we provide a full range of Insurance Brokerage Services. For more details please visit our web site at RHC Insurance Brokers offers a competitive Salary and Employee Benefits package. Please forward your resume to:

Sam Cowan Email: We would like to thank all the candidates that apply; however, we will only contact those who will receive an interview.

Closing Date: July 16, 2014 for all applications

Insurance Brokers Ltd.

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Visit our Website


Thursday, July 3, 2014 Castlegar News


Apt/Condo for Rent

Auto Financing


Castlegar, Large bright 2 Bdrm Apt in quiet Bldg close to downtown & Kootenay Market. Complete renovated with new floors, windows bathroom & appliances. Laundry on site, N/S, N/P $775 + utilities,250-505-3609


Approx 500 sq ft of office space & 1500 sq ft of shop. Ideal location for contractor plumber, etc who needs safe and easy access/ storage, 10’ Door. Please call Tim 250-6874716 or John 250-304-9419 for more information.


Commercial/ Industrial


YOU’RE APPROVED Call Holly for Pre-Approval

1-844-364-FORD (3673)






Legal Notices

Castlegar 1976 Travel air 18’ single axle, completely restored in & out, new plumbing & flush toilet, new gravel guard, Call 250-304-2766

NOTICE OF DISPOSAL Name of the Tenant: Jerry Weston Davis, deceased. In the Matter of Part 6 of the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Regulation B.C. Reg. 481/2003 Description of the property to be disposed of: Manufactured Home # 034506, 1975 Bendix Model # Leader Address of the Manufactured Home Site: 102, 12th Avenue, Genelle, British Columbia V0G 1G0 Name and Address of the Landlord: Crockett’s Alamo Mobile Home Park Ltd., 102, 12th Avenue, Genelle, British Columbia V0G 1G0

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

1988 fully furnished Travel trailer with lrg steel roof 12 x 30 deck, new fridge extra fridge & freezer in attached shed, permanent parked at Cedar Glen Campground at Balfour Landing behind Bakery $13,000 OBO owner have moved. Call 306-525-5045 or 250-229-6804




COURT BAILIFF SALE The Court Bailiff will offer for sale by sealed tender, the interest of the Judgment debtor Parr Holdings Ltd., in the following goods and chattels, which are purported to be as follows:

2007 JOHN DEERE Skid Steer 325 Loader VIN: T00325B135738

Cottages / Cabins Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!

Sealed offers marked “7816” will be received at the Court Bailiffs Office located at 3120 - 30th Avenue, Vernon, B.C. V1T 2C2 up to and including 11:00 am July 17, 2014.


Beautiful Christina Lake B.C. Lakefront Cabin property for rent and/or partial ownership sale. Three bedroom, spacious fully furnished private cabin (boat access directly across from marina).

Sold on as is, where is basis. The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted.

For legal notations, Terms of Sale and Conditions of Sale, please visit for more information. Peter Van Bodegom, Court Bailiff Area 8

John & Louise Harder 403-809-4811


Homes for Rent Genelle 3 Bdrm House big yard, F/S, W/D, N/S $1000/mth + utilities + damage deposit, Avail Aug 1st, Call 250-365-3918 or 608-1637

Re: Estate of David Edwin Coxford late of 25-3969 Broadwater Road Castlegar, B.C. V1N-4V5

Suites, Lower

Notice is given that creditors and others having claims against the Estate are required to send them to the administratrix, Brian Coxford, at 3359 Chesterfield Ave., North Vancouver, B.C., V7N-3N2, on or before August 1, 2014, after which date the Estate assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims that have been received.

CASTLEGAR SOUTH 1 Bdrm Basement suite in quiet 4-plex Clean, spacious & bright Laundry available, N/S, N/S $650/mth incl utilities 250-352-5659

Suites, Upper Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apartment, Bright & Spacious F/S, Laundry on site,close to amenities, N/S, N/P $725/mth + utilities Call 359-7819

Want to Rent

Answers for Last Weeks

The goods and chattels are located in Salmo, B.C. for viewing.

Cabin rental weeks available: late June to July 13 & August 28 to early Sept. ($1100-$1200/week) Includes tin boat for access

Legal Notices

Administratrix: Brian Coxford


PROFESSIONAL COUPLE seeking 4-5 bedroom well maintained executive home. Trail/ Rossland/ Castlegar. 250-362-5867


Auto Accessories/Parts autocredit

Inspire. Perspire. Participate in an event to help the 4 million Canadians living with arthritis.



Castlegar News Thursday, July 3, 2014 A23

In Loving Memory

Erhart Koch

Obituaries and Memorials

Funeral for Erhart Koch will be held on July 8, 2014 at 2:00pm at St. Peter Lutheran Church, 713 4th street Castlegar. No flowers Please Obituary to follow

Terrence(Terry) Schulte Terry born in Trail, BC in 1940, son of Henry (1984) and Jean (2014) Schulte; younger brother to Carolyn (Cook; Blueberry Creek BC) and older brother to Robert (Nepean Ont), always with time to share, a story to tell or wisdom to bestow of his experiences growing up in Blueberry; driving heavy equipment as a young man, to build and maintain roadways throughout BC; one of the first solo parents to study and graduate from Selkirk College of Nursing and then take his knowledge to remote the areas of Wakeman Sound/Kingcome Inlet and Wells/Barkerville where he provided compassionate aid to loggers, tourists and the townsfolk of each community; development of a hobby farm in Passmore/Slocan Valley, teaching others how to build a log home, raise goats and chickens and grow vegetables and fruit and produce honey, will be dearly missed by his children, Glenn (Victoria), Jennifer (Vancouver) and grandchildren Zoe (Perron; Nelson), Chelsea (Calgary), Kendra and Michaela (Woods; Vancouver) as well as niece Colleen (Doug Weir; Blueberry), grand niece Caryn (Blueberry) and great grand nephew Osiris. After an exhausting and lengthy struggle to breathe and ‘the thrill of living had gone’ Terry’s last request for his farewells, be a quiet gathering of family and friends in Monica Meadows (August 2014) where we can share remembrances and take in the beauty of one of his favorite places. Thank you to staff and residents of Castleview and Silver Kettle; you made his last months enjoyable. Thank you to all the care staff at Trail hospital; you made his last days peaceful. Thank you to Colleen, Doug, Caryn and Si; your help was mentioned often with great appreciation. He was happy.


March 16, 1940 April 26, 2014


Forever loved, forever missed... July 31, 1988 – July 5, 2013.

In Memory of our beloved, Nolan Michael Saliken, Son, Brother, who left us too soon.

In Memory of

Amymarie Fornelli (nee Simpson)

Nov 9, 1943 - June 24, 2014 It is with great sadness the family announces the passing of Amymarie Fornelli (nee Simpson) in Wetaskiwin, AB on June 24, 2014. She is survived by her loving husband Robert John; daughters Angela, Suzanne and Valerie; grandchildren Amber, Penelope and Scott; great-grandson Nolan; and sister Joan. Amymarie was born on November 9, 1943 in Willowdale, ON. She is remembered for her strong sense of family, her work within rescue groups of dogs, and her extraordinary culinary skills. She was a dedicated wife for 49 years and a loving mother with a sense of humor that she carried with her always. Amymarie is predeceased by her parents Amy and Maurice Simpson, and her brother Irvine. A Memorial Service will be held on Thursday, July 3, 2014 at the Serenity Funeral Service Chapel, 4715 – 50 Avenue, Wetaskiwin, AB at 2:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers, the family wishes donations be made in Amymarie’s name to your local SPCA or Humane Society.

In Loving Memory of

ANNE WOROBEY Anne Worobey (nee Evanoff ), of Castlegar B.C., passed away peacefully at the Castleview Care Centre on Tuesday, June 24th 2014 at the age of 94, surrounded by her loving family. Anne was born near Biggar, Saskatchewan on March 14th, 1920 and grew up as a farm girl on the family homestead with her four brothers and two sisters. She lived briefly in San Francisco while her father, a metalsmith, built a metal organ there, before her family returned to rural Saskatchewan where they ran a thriving wheat farm through the Depression years. Anne married George Worobey in November of 1939, and the two were married for 66 years. The couple moved to Castlegar, in 1939, where they welcomed their son George, in 1940, and their daughter Patricia, in 1942. Starting in the 1950’s, Anne worked as a sales person at Eremenko’s store and then at the Eaton’s catalogue and sales office for many years. She had a ‘green thumb’ and long before organic farming became fashionable, she cultivated the most vibrant vegetable and flower gardens imaginable as well as a beautiful rock garden at her home on Arrow Lakes Drive. Our dear Anne made everyone welcome in her lovely home. Any visitor, family member, or friend was treated to the most delicious food. Anne was an excellent cook and will be remembered for her wonderful vareniki and succulent borscht - invariably served, to the bewilderment of those enjoying it, with copious self-criticism and regret. She loved to walk everywhere and every day, often with her dogs Freckles and Blackie. Anne was fiercely devoted to her family and her greatest delight was her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. She was also actively involved in charity work and volunteered into her 90’s through the Castlegar and District Hospital Auxiliary Society Treasure Shop and Talarico Place. In 1995, she was recognized as Castlegar’s Citizen of the Year by the Castlegar Kiwanis Club. Anne is survived by her sister Alice; son George; grandchildren Lisa, Paul, Daniel, Teresa, David, Michael, Blair, and Daryl; great-grandchildren Clint, Alex, Nick, Nathan, Noah, Clare, Hazel, Iris, Kate, and Maresa; and other family and friends. Anne was predeceased by her husband George and her daughter Patti. Losing her beloved Patti in 1998 was the greatest sorrow of Anne’s life. The family is extremely thankful for the very special care Anne received at Castleview Care Centre for the last year of her life. She made many friends while there who will miss her way of lifting spirits with her hugs and dancing to the very end. Vincenzo Antignani and Yvonne Magee shared a special bond of love with Anne. A special thanks to the medical staff of the Castlegar Emergency and especially Dr. Ankenbauer for the compassionate and expert medical attention provided to our mother and granny for the last years of her life. Also, to the many friends that visited Anne and helped her on a regular basis as she struggled for the last 5 years of her life. It was very much appreciated and will be remembered. Donations in her memory can be made to the Castlegar and District Hospital Auxiliary Society at the Treasure Shop on 11th Ave. in Castlegar. At her request there will be no formal memorial service; however, Anne’s life will be celebrated with family and friends in October of this year and her ashes will be placed on the Evanoff family farm in Saskatchewan, her favourite place in the world.

This beautiful feisty lady will be missed by all the people whose lives she touched.


Thursday, July 3, 2014 Castlegar News

Your Body is a Garden By Chris Mansbridge, RTCMP, Reg. Acupuncturist The summer is the perfect time to observe growth. And there is no better place to see it than in the garden. It’s a place where you can see the changes in living organisms and how easily and drastically changes in the environment affect them. In good growing seasons, plants flourish, in poor growing seasons, they need to be given extra attention by their gardener. Though their work can allow a dying plant to survive, gardeners are only caretakers, not growers. They can’t make a plant grow – you can’t pull on a seed until it’s stretched out into a healthy flower. One can only adjust the environment to make it the best possible for their plants. Light can be increased or decreased, soil can be enriched, and water can be added. But in the end, the only thing that can make a plant grow is the plant itself. Most gardeners would also rather work with plants that work on their vehicle. With a car, you can’t adjust its environment. There is only repair and replace. Remove what is not working and replace it with something that does. The car can’t become better given the right environmental factors. It’s inanimate. It becomes better only because you make it better. So when it comes to our own health, are we cars or are we plants? Is our health affected by the factors around us, or do we just go for a certain distance until we start breaking down? We’re more like our plants than we think. Both are living and breathing organisms whose self is an outcome of our parents and our experiences. Our lives are dynamic, with health being a balance of all the right elements in our lives, and disease being an imbalance of these elements along with things that are harmful. This metaphor works well when looking at disease prevention. Too commonly we go see a health practitioner the same way we take our car to the shop. Something isn’t working and we want to get it fixed in a cost-effective and timely

manner. Instead we need to treat ourselves like the garden we are. And every good gardener knows that once a plant is looking sad, it takes a lot of work to get it healthy again. You’re better off keeping the healthy plant healthy than addressing it once a problem occurs. When you’re seeking help from a health practitioner, they are your gardener and you are their plant. They are using their skills and expertise to determine what elements in your (internal) environment need addressing. They are looking for, and aiding the correction of, potential problems before they occur. Excluding surgery, no one can really “fix” you. They can only decrease the body’s stress responses, help increase digestive function and blood formation to nourish tissue, or something else which only helps adjust your internal environment. In the end, it’s your body fixing itself. The right people can create an environment that will increase or decrease your healthy growth, but being healthy is up to you. I recently went to a conference where I was told of a study stating that by the time an area of the body shows symptoms of a problem, its function is decreased by seventy-five percent. This is an incredibly high number. So high I’m not sure I believe it. However I do believe illness occurs far before noticeable symptoms do, when environmental conditions are unhealthy, just like in plants. So as you work in your yard and address your plants, think of the importance of preventing their illness and the factors that go into maintaining their health. And every time you attend to them, be sure you’re doing the same to yourself. Give attention to what makes you blossom before you start to wilt and you’re more likely to flourish with your garden.

Chrysalis Registered Massage Therapy Megan Lazaruk, RMT of

Chrysalis Registered Massage Therapy is pleased to announce her new location.

Megan Lazaruk, RMT

Preventative & Rehabilitative Health Care Pain Free Vibrant Health 1464 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC (across from Tim Hortons) 250.231.0129

Family Wellness - Massage Therapy - Laser Therapy - Orthotics

Dr. David Bzdel DC

Chris Mansbridge, Reg. Acupuncturist


Anna McCullagh, Reg. Massage Therapist

1020 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC | 250.365.3365 |

Silver Birch

Massage Therapy & Spa

Wendy Makortoff RMT Lara Podmorow, RMT Hongtong Seneyavong, RMT

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