Caledonia Courier, July 09, 2014

Page 1


u Farmer cooks salmon - pg 2 u photo Contest - pg 7

u FSJ Farmers Market - pg 8 u Fishing Derby winners - pg 9

Publications Mail Contract #: 40007759

PHONE: 996-8482

WEDNESDAY, July 9, 2014


Sana’aih Market to benefit from fresh produce

VOL. 37 NO. 19 $1.30 inc. GST

Nak’azdli greenhouse expanding

Rebecca Watson Caledonia Courier

The Sana’aih Market is owned and operated by the Nak’azdli band. Although it is impossible for the market to replace all it’s fresh produce, this year will be the first time the grocery store offers any type of locally grown vegetable. Since opening five years ago, the market has employed over 15 full-time and part-time band members and gives a tax exempt to all status natives. Many employees and customers feel the market gives them a real sense of community including store clerk Diana Morris, who lives on the Nak’azdli reserve and has worked at the Sana’aih Market for two years. “This is a place where families meet. I have worked many jobs as a waitress, in a daycare, in an office, and I was never able to interact with people like I do here. I can talk with people about anything. New cooking recipes, or just about how they are doing in general. I love it here,” said Ms. Morris. The market not only provides people with the opportunity for work and means of finical gain for the band, it helps ensure fair prices for all residents, said store manager Jay Gregg. “Overwaitea had a monopoly for a few years. Competition is always good,” said Mr. Gregg.

GREENHOUSE GROWING: Allison Sam is seen working in the Nak’azdli band greenhouse. Rebecca Watson Caledonia Courier

For the first time in decades an effort is being made to produce fresh produce on Nak’azdli land. The Nak’azdli greenhouse, now in it’s second year, is moving forward as planned, said greenhouse manager Andrew Stairs. The project even has a small demonstration garden in front of the Nak’azdli band office to show people the growing vegetables. “We are trying to re-establish the notion that fruits and vegetables can be grown on the Nak’azdli reserve just like in the old days,” said Mr. Stairs. The operation consists of a long greenhouse,

ten raised flatbeds and three rows of ground-level flat beds. The greenhouse alone is filled with over 600 tomato plants that will be ready in 5-6 weeks. The six commercial types being grown include red and yellow cherry, two types of red beef steak, pink beef steak, and yellow beef steak. Ten plants of heritage variety are also being grown to show people what they look like. The outdoor raised and flat vegetable beds will also soon harvest potatoes, on-

ions, cucumbers, leeks and strawberries. Some of the produce will go to the Nak’azdli Health Centre while most will be sold at the local Sana’aih Market and farmers market.

Nak’azdli greenhouse With so many tomato plants, the field tomatoes will be fully replaced at the grocer with many left over to sell at the market. This means a way of financial earnings and also

provides band members with more opportunity for jobs off the reserve, said Mr. Stairs. “Commercial gain and social gain. It’s employing people and producing food,” said Mr. Stairs. Currently the greenhouse staff consists of only a few employees. Larissa George, 19, and Steven Basil, 23, of the Nak’azdli reserve, are the two newest employees who were given the opportunity through help of the Nak’azdli band’s resource co-ordinator Alexandra Lvqqi. The band was able to provide them with proper work ware including gloves and boots to

Photo by : Rebecca Watson ensure they are able to work in a safe environment. “We don’t have a lot of agriculture but since the greenhouse started last year its been a positive experience,” said Ms. Lvqqi. If everything continues as planned, greenhouse employees will soon be given the task of cleaning up the land around the greenhouse. The plan is to remove the waste left by a nearby mill to make room for a huge vegetable patch. Any unused wood pieces still in good condition will be used to create an indoor heating system to help the greenhouse sustain the winter. “These are the first steps. Next year we will see at least 10 more raised beds, and a much wider variety of crops,” said Mr. Stairs.




Wednesday, July 9, 2014 Caledonia Courier

Cow farmer cooks salmon to defend name antagonized by friends about Month-long Events the weather Alcohol Awareness Cooking Salmon is Month being too cold not usually a National part Council of aon Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. as the reason 212-269-7797 cow farmer’s day, espefor his absence. cially during the summer Mr. Greenaway Child Abuse Prevention Month months. has tried to Prevent Child Abuse America “Usually I’m busy re-affirm that 312-663-3520 haying at time of the real reason year, but I’ll Jazz take time is because one BeaverOnGolfCourseC0804.EPS Appreciation Month out this year,”Smithsonian said Tom of his cows National Museum of American History 202-633-3129 Greenaway of Greenaway was in labour. Farms, who also sits on Continuing Hot Retail Co-op Categories Bicycles, Accessories and Supplies the Regional District of Month to be heckled, National Car Care Lawn and Garden Car Care Bulkley Nechako asCouncil the he figured he Motorcycles and Snowmobiles representative 240-333-1088 for rural would defend Outdoor Furnishings Recreational Vehicles Fort St. James. his name National Donate Life Month This year Mr. Greenby cooking Hot Manufacturer Co-op U.S. Department of Health and Human Services away will trade in his salmon. Benjamin Moore Paints 202-619-0257 Photo by : Rebecca Watson Camp Healthcare pitchfork for a regular Although he Grasshopper Mowers Tom Greenaway of Greenaway farms has entered doesn’t know a fork during the sixth COW FARMING TO SALMON COOKING: Rolex Watch Lawn at Care Month the National Historic Site’s Salmon Cook-off to defend his name. annual salmon National cook-off lot about how Whirlpool Corporation PLANET, Professional Landcare Network the Fort St. James National Having only cooked February which is a sport to cook salmon, will get the chance to be a 800-395-2522 Historic Site Saturday, judge during the tasting salmon a few times in his built more to his liking. Mr. Greenaway does AdBuilder Special Section Builder Themes July 19. The park will at noon. life, Mr. Greenaway is less He has won the race have a secret weapon; • Financial National Parkinson Awareness Month have free-admission all Foundation, a Garden than• Planning a seasoned salmon twice and come in second a filipino partner. Ross Each National Parkinson Inc. year up to seven • EarthUsually, Day weekend while800-327-4545 celebrat- teams compete for the cooker. he enters once, but last year he was Ramos, who sits on Mr. • Easter ing it’s Caledonia Days title of best cooked salmon the annual Fort St. James unable to attend to defend Greenaway’s advisory event. The first Prevention 100 guests Events sledding race in his title. He has since been planning committee at chef Month in New Caledonia. dog Special of Animal Cruelty Caledonia Courier

NCAA Men’s Final Four Championship NCAA Women’s Final Four Championship National Stress Awareness Day National Volunteer Week Week of the Young Child Boston Marathon National Jelly Bean Day Take Our Daughters/Sons to Work Day



4&6 5&7 16 19–25 19–25 20 22 23

work, has cooked salmon many times and plans to have their ingredients imported. “The rest of it is secret,” said Mr. Greenaway. The cook-off rule is that each team can bring any secret ingredients they want. Previous years have seen flavours such as sweet chutney, bourbon, DaffodilsHC0804.EPS honey glaze and maple glaze. “We get some amazing salmon recipes,” said Rene Leidl, acting product development and visiting experience officer. “It’s also become quite a grudge match against some of the teams so everyone will be defending their name.” For more information about the salmon cookoff contact Bob Grill at the Fort St. James National Historic Site at 250-9967191 ext 21. MomGirlHuggingTreeC0804.EPS

Rebecca Watson


District of Fort St. James Calendar

ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700

July, 2014

SUNDAY March 2009 M 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24 31

W 4 11 18 25


May 2009

T 5 12 19 26

Farmers’ Market! F 6 13 20 27

S 7 14 21 28






F 1 8 15 22 29

S 2 9 16 23 30

3 4 5 6 7 Every Friday - 4:00pm 10 11 11:30am 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 At Spirit Park 24 25 26Square 27 28

Municipal Website:


13 5 Palm Sunday

14 6

15 7 6-9pm Volleyball

20Easter 12

21 13

Easter Monday (Australia & Canada)

6-9pm Volleyball




9 1April10am Fool’s Food Day Bank

10:30am Preschool Reading Club 2pm Tween Reading Club 6-9pm Volleyball 7pm Council Mtg

10am Play Date @ Goodwin Park

22 14

23 15 Tax Day

10am Food Bank 10:30am Preschool Reading Club 2pm Tween Reading Club 6-9pm Volleyball

10am Play Date @ Goodwin Park



6-9pm Volleyball

22 Earth Day

10am Play Date @ Goodwin Park


10:30am Preschool Administrative Reading Club

27 Ladies Golf!28

Workers Mourning Day (Canada)


Sailing Camp

17 9 First Day of Passover

10am Play Date @ Goodwin park

19 11

18Good Friday 10 11:30-4pm Farmers’ Market

4pm Ladies Golf 8pm AA Mtg

24 16

10am Play Date @ Goodwin Park

25 17

26 18 11:30-4pm

4pm Ladies Golf

Farmers’ Mrkt

8pm AA Mtg



10am Play Date @ Goodwin park

Arbor Day 24 Reading

4pm Ladies Golf 8pm AA Mtg


August, 2014


(Australia) Clubs 25 atAnzac theDayLibrary!

Wednesdays at 10:30am & 2:00pm Call 996-7431 for more info!

2pm Snrs Mtg

2pm Tween Reading Club

Every Thursday at 4:00pm At Stuart Lake Golf Course

11:30-4pm Farmers’ Market Sailing Camp

8pm AA Mtg

Professionals Day




4pm Ladies Golf

6-9pm Volleyball



10am Play Date @ Goodwin Park

10:30am Preschool Reading Club 2pm Tween reading Club 6-9pm Volleyball Sailing Camp

16 8


20 Taurus




Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution.

S 1 8 15 22 29


11:30-4pm Farmers’ Mrkt

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, July 9, 2014 A3

Courier Fort St. James residents gear up to walk 100 km for transplant awarness

Rebecca Watson Caledonia Courier

Imagine walking further than you ever walked and raising more money than you’ve ever raised. These words represent reality for Fort St. James resident Tina Auchstaetter 44, and her daughter Kara 17, who have committed to walking 100 km over three days from Kananaskis Country to Calgary, in support of the Kidney Foundation’s fifth annual Kidney March September 5-7. “Right now we are walking two hours a day but closer to the time we will start walking five,” said Ms. Auchstaetter. “The hard part is asking people for donations.” One in ten Canadians have Kidney disease and 15 people a day are diagnosed with kidney failure. Right now, over 2,500 Canadians are on a waiting list for a kidney transplant. Not only is the waiting list long, typically a patients kidney transplant will only last 10-20 years before a new one is needed. A person may need 2-3 transplants throughout their lifetime. “I see patients all the time at risk of getting kidney disease right here in Fort St. James,” said Ms. Auchstaetter, who is a registered nurse at Stuart Lake Hospital. “It effects us all.”

Photo by: Rebecca Watson

KIDNEY MARCHERS IN FORT ST. JAMES: Kara and Tina Auchstaetter have committed themselves to walking 100 km over three days in support of the Kidney Foundation’s Kidney March September 5-7

The mother-and-daughter duo are a part of a team of four called The Sole Sisters, which includes their cousin Renee Colthorp, and friend Tanya Work. Each one of them must raise at least $2,200 to meet the required donation amount to enter the march. In support of their $8,800 goal, the foursome is holding a pub night fundraiser Friday, July 25 at the North Arm Pub and Grill at 6:30 pm, as well as a family garage sale Saturday, July 19 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 490 Elm Street in Fort St. James. In October 2001, Ms. Auchstaetter’s aunt needed a kidney transplant and, her other aunt stepped in and become an organ donor. The aunt who had the transplant is still alive today, however the one who gave her kidney passed away from bowel cancer in 2011. “My aunt Denise wouldn’t be here with us if it weren’t for her sister-in-law donating her kidney,” said Ms. Auchstaetter. “This is not only to create awareness for the importance of organ donation, but in memory of my aunt Faye who was so giving and courageous. In a small way she is still living and we are following in her footsteps.” For more information visit the FaceBook group at


Carpentry Foundation Program Call today to find out how to register for this fulltime program. Start Date: Monday, September 15th

Email: Website: CNC Campus @ 179 Douglas, Fort St. James Phone: 250-996-7019 1-800-371-8111 Local 7101 Summer hours for CNC campus are 9 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday



Wednesday, July 9, 2014 Caledonia Courier

Editorial Page

The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British

Distributed every Wednesday in Fort St. James

Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body

Publisher: Pam Berger

governing the province’s newspaper industry. The

Office: Anne Stevens office@

council considers complaints

Editorial: Rebecca Watson Jesse Cole newsroom@

newspapers. Directors oversee

Production: Julia Beal Wendy Haslam wendy@

holder. If talking with the

from the public about the conduct of member the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment,

Address: Box 1298 Fort St. James, BC VOJ 1P0

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For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

• Column

• Letters

Welcome to beautiful BC

What a difference three years makes

A surreal drive through the mountains Dear Editor, Rebecca Watson Caledonia Courier

From the moment I drove over the invisible line from Alberta to British Columbia, something definitely changed. Instead of flat land and slight rolling hills stood gigantic mountains so high their peeks could not be seen over the clouds. Dusty sand storms turned into white water rafting. Open cow-filled farm fields were now forests filled with moose and mountain sheep. The dry-mouth parries were gone and a cool mountain air served like a cold beverage on a hot summer day. The scenery was absolutely breathtaking as we climbed further up the mountainous terrain. It’s no wonder hundreds of tourists flickered their cameras at the chance to capture even a part of the natural beauty. Up and up we drove. The elevation made my ears pop, but nothing could sidetrack me from the allure of the mountains. Now, standing at the top of a birds eye platform, I marvelled at how big the mountains were and how far they stretched over land. It was so peaceful and calming I reached a state of nostalgia. One big breath in and I knew I was in the right place. Driving through Jasper park will now and forever be one of my most favourite things I have ever done.

In August 2011 Enbridge Northern Gateway conveyed a message that it had attained all the oil and condensate shipping agreements it needed in support of their pipelines project. Janet Holder, Enbridge’s Vice President Western Access and now Project Leader, said the shipping agreements were a “major step forward” for the project. The ink had barely dried on the federal government’s approval of the pipelines project last week when the company submitted their first condition-related filing to the National Energy Board (NEB). Requirements of Conditions 20 and 21 are that Enbridge Northern Gateway must file with the NEB the long-term, firm Transportation Service Agreements (TSAs), also known as shipping agreements, executed with shippers to demonstrate that it has secured sufficient commercial support for the Project.

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In their filing the company stated “As of July 2014, Northern Gateway has not executed firm TSAs with its prospective shippers. While Northern Gateway is not in a position to provide a date upon which it anticipates TSAs will be executed, Northern Gateway will continue as required to update the NEB under conditions 20 and 21. ” You might be wondering why the company’s funding partners identified as oil producers haven’t signed TSAs. One reason was alluded to in their filing to the NEB; they are presently developing a Class 3 Cost Estimate of their pipelines project to be completed in late 2014 or early 2015. Considering the cost to build the pipelines has increased from an estimated $5.5 billion in 2010 to $7.9 billion in 2013, it might be understandable for the funding partners to not sign TSAs until they know what they are going to have to pay to ship their products. In addition, four of the funding partners, Nexen, Suncor, Inpex Can-

ada and Total E&P, are experiencing financial and operational challenges with some of their tar sands properties. Total E&P, in partnership with Suncor and Inpex, announced recently they are putting their Joslyn property on hold indefinitely citing that economics aren’t good enough to go ahead. Nexen is laying off staff and looking to cut costs by 21%, that is attributed to operational difficulties at their Long Lake flagship property. A combination of Enbridge Northern Gateway’s escalating costs, their funding partners’ troubles in the tar sands, 209 federal conditions, 4 of 5 Province of BC conditions, numerous First Nations’ land title claims, several present and forthcoming law suits, and increasing public opposition are all undoubtedly having an influence. The probability that this project will never be built is very, very real. Brenda Gouglas

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, July 9, 2014


New Brahmas bring feel-good atmosphere Rebecca Watson Caledonia Courier

A new batch of chickens started racing this month at the Fort St. James National Historic Site. The historic site bought the Light Brahmas in March and the coup of 23 racers started training June 1, said Rene Leidl, acting product development and visiting experience officer. “Every two years we get a new batch because once they start laying their not really keen on racing anymore,” said Ms. Leidl. The former Hudson’s Bay Company fur-trading post is now home to an interactive exhibit showcasing life in the 1800s. Daily chicken races have become an imbedded part of the site’s culture and started five years ago as a way of entertaining tourists and guests. Although this type of sport is not authentic to the time period, horse racing and betting is, said Terri-Ann Houghton, one of the site’s period dressed historic interpreters. “The fact they are chickens is just for pure entertainment purposes,” said Ms. Houghton. Enticed with ginger snap cookies, the chickens are lined up in the coup and a countdown alerts them of their duty. Each onlooker is given a ‘chicken buck’ to bet with and five heats allow each chicken a chance at glory. The people with winning bets receive a souvenir button which affirms they chose a winning chicken. A new brace of ducks have also been recently welcomed at the site but the birds can not be trained until they are at least sixweeks-old. “They are actually better racers than the chickens,” said Ms. A5

Fort St. jameS DIStrICt PaGe Go to our Municipal web site at: Follow us on Twitter: @DFSJames

Red Cross Water Safety Lessons When: July 21 – Aug 1st Cost $50.00 Where: Cottonwood Park Ages 4 to adult ***Minimum 50 students needed!!!*** Register at the Municipal Office For more information contact Tyler at 250-964-3565 or email Photo by : Rebecca Watson

RACING LIGHT BRAHMAS: Number three chicken is seen winning the race at the National Historic Site in Fort St. James.

Leidl. “But they are only four-and-a-half weeks right now.” Chicken races are every day at 11:30 a.m.

and 2:00 p.m. during special events. For more info, call the Fort St. James National Historic Site at 250-996-7191.


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Photo by : Rebecca Watson

DUCKS: New baby ducks at the National Historic Site


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Wednesday, Wednesday, July 9, 2014 Caledonia Courier


July 1, 2014

Canada Day 2014 in Fort St. James Canada Day in Fort St. James was another huge success this year, with more attendance and better weather than can be recalled in quite some time! Over 50 volunteers helped pull off the event which welcomed Comedic Ventriloquist Val Hilliker, a Helicopter Drop and Community Dinner! The District of Fort St. James would like to thank all of the volunteers and sponsors who contributed to this year’s events! Photos by Mel Chesnutt

Happy Birthday Canada!!!



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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, July 9, 2014 A7



Hurry into your local business - identify your local business person and play for a chance to win prizes

The winner will be chosen from a draw box of all the correct entries received. The promotion ends July 31, 2014. The draw will be August 6, 2014. To participate you must be 19 years or older and not an owner or employee of a participating business, local entries only. Write the number corresponding with the photo in the key box provided on the ads. Once the key box is completed correctly mail to Omineca Express, Box 1007, Vanderhoof, BC, V0J 3A0 or drop off your entry at 150 West Columbia, Vanderhoof. One entry per person on newsprint from the Caledonia Courier PHOTOCOPIES AND FAXES WILL NOT BE ENTERED.






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Draw Deadline: July 31, 2014 Rosa Anne Howell Manager

Fort St. James Chamber & Visitor Centre 1151 Douglas Ave. Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0 Phone: (250) 996-7023 Fax: (250) 996-7047




Wednesday, July 9, 2014 Caledonia Courier

Fort St. James Farmers Market calls all youth Rebecca Watson

Square. Some items already being sold include woodworkings, organic soaps, locally grown meat, homemade baked goods, handmade crafts, homemade greeting cards and coffee. Coralie’s Whispering Herbs is one of the new vendors. Run by Fort St. James resident Coralie Eva Parker, 49, AKA Corrie, her items for sale include lotions, ointments, and soaps to name a few. “My aches-and-pain salve and bugoff cream seem to be doing very well,” said Ms. Parker. If you are a junior entrepreneur, or anyone with a crafting, growing, baking, sewing, carving or mixing idea, call Ms. Barnes at 250-996-7633.

Caledonia Courier

Each year the Fort St. James farmers market gets a little bigger but there is still room for growth, said Charlotte Croquet, co-president of the farmers market. “There are three new vendors this year but we would like to have more. We would like to have more produce vendors,” said Ms. Croquet. That’s why this years market has started a junior entrepreneurs program. The idea is to allow children aged 8-16 the ability to sell things they have made.

FREE EVENTS going on can be

submitted to the Caledonia Courier online calendar, visit: and see the calendar on the bottom right and click on add your event.

The program will allow youth to benPhoto by: Rebecca Watson efit from a reduced rate of membership JUNIOR ENTREPRENEURS: Program co-ordinator Bea Barns is seen at her crafting booth in and requires them the farmers market and encourages all youth to make, bake or grow their own products. to make, bake or grow their product farmers market participant. Ms. Barnes. entirely themselves. They must how“It gives them a chance to get involved Every Friday from 11:30-4:30, ever have an adult working with them and test the market. If they have a vendors and customers alike at their booth said Bea Barnes, the junior particular craft or are growing produce, can enjoy in the gathering of the entrepreneur program organizer and they can see what its like to sell it,” said various home-made items in Spirit


DL 9069


Photo by: Rebecca Watson

NEW VENDOR: Corrie’s home-made salves and lotions are showcased at this years farmers market. Residents can enjoy many organic and homemade products in Spirit Square on Fridays from 11:30-4:30.

4174 COWART RD. Prince George


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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Courier A9

Fort St. James 2014 Fishing derby winners!!! Wants You! What is your Interest? ❚ Do you have a passion to write, cover sports, photography? ❚ Are you a student, retired? Interested in English/Journalism? ❚ We are looking for LOCAL writers, photographers, contributors in Fort St. James. Interested? Please call Pam


1 PLACE WINNER: Frank Costello from Fort St. 4 PLACE WINNER: Kall Cloarec from Prince George won $1,000 for James won $10,000 for his 10.8 pound rainbow. his 5.3 pound rainbow.

"I was surpised by the level of generosity in the community." - Rosa Anne Howell, manager of the Chamber of Commerce and first time derby runner. Photos supplied by Chamber of Commerce

Community Events

Community Events are free of charge as they are sponsored by the Caledonia Courier

3 PLACE WINNER: Todd Sawtell from Prince George won $1,000 for his 6.1 pound rainbow.

FORT ST. JAMES PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS Tuesday 11:30-8:00 Wednesday 11:30-4:30 Thursday 11:30-4:30 Friday 11:30-8:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00

2 PLACE WINNER: Doug Jolin from Victoria won $5,000 for his 7.1 pound rainbow.

If you Currently Subscribe to You can NOW READ Full Page Views Including ALL ADVERTISING!!! “ON LINE” go online to or call 250-567-9258 169 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James

COMING EVENTS... Will appear as space is available, free of charge in this section. Coming events are available to non-profit organizations only. This area is not intended for thank you submissions or selling products. It is simply a place for nonprofit organizations a place to announce upcoming free activities. You can e-mail your item to advertising@ or by fax: 567-2070. Your organizations’ announcement can also be dropped off at our office located at #111250 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James. Decision of the publisher is final. *** ST PaTrICk’S aNGlICaN ChurCh...Services at St Patrick’s Anglican Church will now take place only on the first Sunday of the month except for special occasions. *** FORT ST JAMES CHRISTIAN OUTREACH GROUP FOOD BANK SCHEDULE 10.00am to 12.00noon..., Wednesday, July 16, Wednesday, August 13, Wednesday, September 17, Wednesday, October 15, Wednesday, November 12, Wednesday, January 14, 2015, Wednesday, February 11, Wednesday, March 11, Wednesday, April 15, Wednesday, May 13 *** uNTOlD seeks contributions from nonFirst Nations students and staff who experienced Catholic residential or day schools abuse in Northern BC. For more info email *** FIrEwEED STOPPING ThE VIOlENCE & OuTrEaCh SErVICE For those who believe all is possible!...Provides free Confidential, Safe, and Supportive counselling and outreach services for women. Hours of Service: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and every other Friday. Location: Room 203, 349 Stuart Drive, Fort St James, BC Phone: (250) 9961214 Fax: (250) 996-7647 Email: *** ST PaTrICk’S aNGlICaN ChurCh... hosts a free lunch

every Tuesday from 11.00am 1.00pm. All are welcome. This lunch is made possible through the generous giving of time and resources,by many people in the region, including The Roman Catholic Church, Camp Living Water, E-Free Church and many other individuals. We wish to thank all those who contribute their labour to this program as well as those who provide food and other necessities. We also run a small food bank on Tuesday morning, and are very thankful for all who contribute to this endeavor. For further information please call Gwen Andrews 567-6744. *** SErVICE TIMES... at St Patrick’s Anglican Church, Fort St James, will be 10:30 am every Sunday. Free lunch every Tues between 111pm with music and Prayer. Please come and join us. *** FIrEwEED ClOThES DrIVE...The Fireweed Safe Haven is doing a winter clothes drive. We are looking for jackets, boots, snow pants, mitts, hats, scarves, fleeces, etc, for men, women and children. The items will then be given to families in the community that need them. If you do not have anything at home that you can part with but still wish to contribute, you can purchase mitts, socks, or thermal underwear. Please drop items off at the Fireweed Safe Haven. For more information please contact Talia at (250) 996-8081. Every little bit helps. *** auxIlIary TO STuarT lakE hOSPITaL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. *** FOrT ST. JaMES PuBlIC lIBrary hOurS... Tuesday 11:30-8:00 Wednesday 11:30-4:30 Thursday 11:30-4:30 Friday 11:30-8:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00 *** NEChakO VallEy COMMuNITy SErVICES SOCIETy...Child and Youth Mental Health and Counseling

Services available at no cost. Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 996-7645 for appointment. *** FOrT TraP aND haNDGuN CluB... meets last Sunday of every month. Contact (Sue) at 250996-7728 (h) for more information. *** FOrT ST. JaMES SEarCh & rESCuE... steering committee meetings first Tuesday of every month. 7:00 p.m. above the Fort St. James Firehall. Training is the third Tuesday of every month at the Firehall at 7 p.m. New members welcome. For more information please contact Paul at 250.996.7478 or Rod at 250.996.7269 *** MuSIC MakErS...New members always WELCOME. Not everyone has to be on stage, there is lots of work behind the scenes. Call Heike Fonda at 250-996-7006 for more info. *** ThE ThrIFT STOrE... has a new name! “The Bargain Basement”. We are still at the same location, across from Shoppers Food Mart. Donations of clean clothing and small housewares are greatly appreciated. Please, no books or magazines. Proceeds are used for community needs. Open Wed-Sat, 12 noon to 4pm. *** PuBlIC SErVICE aNNOuNCEMENT...If you know anyone, including a child, who has been abused or harmed by a psychiatrist call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at: 1-800-670-2247. *** aa MEETINGS...Thursdays at 8:00pm. United Church on 2nd Ave West. call 250-996-8290 for more information. *** FIrEwEED SaFE haVEN...a safe place for women and their children leaving violence or abuse. 24 hour access - please call 9968000. *** FOrT ST. JaMES ParENT aDVISOry...3rd Tuesday every month 7 p.m. at High School. ***


Wednesday,July July9,9,2014 2014 Caledonia Wednesday, Caledonia Courier Courier

Your community. Your classifieds.

250.567.9258 fax 250.567.2070 email

Announcements P.O. Box 1298 Fort St. James, B.C. V0J 1P0

E-Mail: wendy@ ominecaexpress. com Caledonia Courier published every Wednesday Stuart/Nechako Advertiser published every Friday ADVERTISING DEADLINES Courier -- Friday, 11-noon Advertiser -- Tuesday, 12-noon

TERMS & CONDITIONS Advertisements should be read on the first publication day. We are not responsible for errors appearing beyond the first insertion. NO CASH REFUNDS AGREEMENT: It is agreed by any display or classified advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event that errors occur in the publishing of any advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and there will be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. DISCRIMINATION LEGISLATION: Advertisers are reminded that provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminated against any person because of race, religion, sex, colour, nationality, ancestry, place of origin, or age unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved. COPYRIGHT: Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all advertisements and in all other advertising material appearing in this edition of the Omineca Express. Permission to reproduce wholly or in any part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.

Merchandise for Sale


Help Wanted

Home Repairs

Misc. for Sale

THE SALMON Arm Curling Centre in British Columbia, is accepting applications for Head Ice Technician. Successful applicant starts mid August for 2014/2015 season. Preference Level 2 certification or better, with ice making experience. Position includes ice installation, care/maintenance throughout season and year-end removal, along with some facility care duties. Season normally runs from first week of September to March. A competitive wage based on experience is being offered. Send resumes/questions directly to President, Salmon Arm Curling Centre, Darcy Seghers

FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.

A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB




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Employment Automotive EXPERIENCED PARTS person required for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses working 5 day work week, plus moving allowances. Our 26,000ft2 store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email:

Business Opportunities



F/T, perm. 12 hour shifts, 4 on 4 off. Must be available evenings and weekends. Req: High School Diploma or GED, Security and valid Class 5 drivers licence. Apply with resume: careers

GET FREE Vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866668-6629.

Trades, Technical

Education/Trade Schools

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INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

Help Wanted

HELP WANTED The View Hotel

for housekeeping immediately. Applicants can apply by email to or in person.

Newhaven Construction Ltd. Now looking to fill the above positions. This is a F/T. 18mth Project located on the Nadleh Whut’en Reserve outside Fort Fraser EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY, Available Immediately!! Please send resume: or call 604-990-1130

Merchandise for Sale

Bicycles CANNONDALE RUSH 29 1 L - 2014 Mountain Bike Its brand new bike still in its original box, never been assembled. All parts are still in the protective packaging. SPEC: Frame Rush 29, 100mm, Optimized 6061 Alloy, 1.5 Si head tube Forks RockShox XC30 Gold TK 100mm, Solo Air, remote lockout, rebound, 1.5 Rear Shock RockShox Monarch RL, 100mm Headset Tange Custom 1.5 Handlebars Cannondale C3, 700x5mm, 6061 double-butted alloy Stem Cannondale C4, 1.5, 31.8, 7 deg. Shifters 30 Speed SRAM Deore Front Mech Shimano Deore, 34.9 clamp Rear Mech Shimano XT Shadow Chainset Shimano M522 Hollowtech, Octalink, 42/32/24 Bottom Bracket Shimano BB-ES25, Octalink Chain KMC X10, 10-speed Cassette SunRace 11-36 10-speed Front Brake Shimano M446 hydraulic disc, 180mm Rear Brake Shimano M446 hydraulic disc, 160mm Rims Maddux DC3.0 29, double wall w/eyelet, 32-hole Front Hub Formula DC20 Rear Hub Formula DC22 Spokes DT Swiss Champion, 14g Tyres WTB NineLine, 29X2.0 FrontWTB NineLine, 29X2.0 Rear Seatpost Cannondale C3, 31.6x350mm (S,M) 400mm (L,X) For more inquire please contact me.

Education/Tutoring GOING to COLLEGE or UNIVERSITY this year or next year? We can help with all of your questions. Web Site:

Financial Services ARE YOU $10K Or More In Debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-3511783. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

Only qualified applicants will be contacted for interviews.

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051.

UNFILED TAX Returns? Unreported Income? Avoid Prosecution and Penalties. Call a Tax Attorney First! 1855-668-8089. (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)

Misc Services



BAM BAM Heavy Duty Bumper Fits older Dodge or newer Ford. $700 250-649-8004 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate bugs- guaranteed. No mess, odorless, long lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot.

Trades, Technical

Oil & Lube


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Small Business Bookkeeping

Personal Income Tax

241 Omineca Street (Alley Access) - Payroll PO Box 1445, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 - Accounts Receivable - Accounts Payable Vanderhoof, BC - Government Remittances 250-567-8851 phone - Bank Reconciliations 250-567-4215 fax - Monthly Financial Statements



Misc Services

Serving Fort St. James and area since 1972 Pam Berger Publisher

Be part of a landmark project, recognized throughout Vancouver, then Come back to grow with us at LMS Reinforcing Steel Group! Our City infrastructure could not be built without experienced professionals like YOU!

Advertising: News: Website:

Project Duration: Monday, July 21st - Monday, July 28th, 2014 Number of Vacancies: 50 Requirements: Looking for DEPENDABLE and HARD working professionals who can commit to: seven (7) to eight (8) straight days (Monday to Monday) of twelve (12) hour shifts (see below for either Days OR Nights).

Serving Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake


Pam Berger Publisher

Shifts: 1) Day = 7am to 7pm; OR 2) Night = 7pm to 7am (premium rate paid) Beneŵts: • Accommodation (if you reside out of North Vancouver area) • Meals provided (During shifts) • Completion Bonus (if all 7 days of 12 hour shift is completed). Application requirements: Send your Letter of intent/interest and point form Resume (outlining your previous experience & transferable skills) and preferred shift (Day or Night) via: OR Fax: 604.572.6139 – Quote: “SILO-July2014” in the subject line. We thank all applicants for their interest, however only those who clearly outline the application requirements above will be contacted toward future screening.

150 W. Columbia St Box 1007, Vanderhoof BC V0J 3A0

Tel: 250-567-9258 Fax: 250-567-2070 Email:

Caledonia Courier Wednesday, Wednesday,July July9, 9,2014 2014

Merchandise for Sale A11 A11

Misc. for Sale STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online: STEEL BUILDINGS. Summer meltdown sale! 20x20 $5,419. 25x26 $6,485. 30x30 $8,297. 32x34 $9,860. 40x48 $15,359. 47x68 $20,558. Front & back wall included. Pioneer Steel 1800-668-5422 or visit online:

It takes 11 muscles to read this ad.

Misc. Wanted BUYING Coin Collections, Estates, Antiques, Native Art, Silver, Jewelry 778-281-0030

Real Estate Houses For Sale BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH Bungalow, four years old, Sunshine Coast. Low yard maintenance, low running costs, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, ocean & mountain views. Information and pictures, 604.485.8321.

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent HILLCREST Apartments - Fort St. James - Lg. 1 & 2bdrm suites. Clean and quiet. Adult oriented,Security system,Strict Management,No Pets ph# 250-996-7170 or 250-944-0558 Lakeview Apartments 752 Stuart Dr. W. Fort St. James. 2bdrm apt. Newly renovated. Quiet, clean building. Adult oriented. no pets R.R. Avail. 250-996-8044

Homes for Rent Bachelor Suite, Single Occupancy. No Smoking, No Pets. References Required. $600/month plus utilities. 250-996-7989

Townhouses Stuart Lake Townhouses Newly renovated, family oriented, 3 bdrm, 2 bath with basement, 2 parking stalls, No dogs. Ref Req’d 250-996-8044


Cars - Domestic

Don’t take your muscles for granted. Over 50,000 Canadians with muscular dystrophy take them very seriously. Learn more at


excellent condition, 60,000 kms, fully loaded with a set of winter tires. Manual, front wheel drive. $9800

Call (250) 251-4500 or (250) 698-7533

Sport Utility Vehicle 1997 EXPEDITION Eddy Bower. $3000 (250) 251-0887




Wednesday, July 9, 2014 Caledonia Courier

New Reporter in town The Omineca Express and Caledonia Courier are pleased to welcome the latest addition to our newsroom, reporter and photographer Rebecca Watson. Watson comes to us from Courtice, a small town east of Toronto, Ont. As an honours graduate of Durham College's pre-media and print-journalism programs, Watson is known for her feature writing and photography. She has been published in numerous magazines and newspapers including Metroland Media Corporation's Oshawa This Week, Pickering News Advertiser and Durham Parent Magazine. For the past two years, Watson has taken on a humanitarian role. Working with local Rotary clubs, she produced pro-bono content for Snapd, a community-driven photography newspaper in Durham Region. She was able to work closely with Rotary International members from all over the world wial writing and advocating for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Watson has been recognized with a pillar of the community award, and her enthusiasm shows with eagerness to spread feel-good and inspirational stories.

Photo by : Rebecca Watson

FUN IN THE SUN: Jewel Paul and Riley Knight having fun at Cottonwood Beach



"Since arriving two weeks ago I can already tell the sense of family here is charished. I am excited to learn and be apart of such fascinating and growing communities." - Rebecca Watson

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Ronald McDonald House BC is growing. ®

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The new Ronald McDonald House BC opens in June. A home away from home for seriously ill children receiving treatment at BC Children’s Hospital, the new and bigger House has enough room to welcome 73 families every day, keeping 2,500 families per year together when it matters most.

Featured Retailers Featured Retailers

Photo by : Rebecca Watson

LIGHT BRAHMA CHICKEN: New chickens are racing at the National Historic Site, see page 5.

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150 Athletes and 37 Coaches from the North West (Zone 7) will be at the Nanaimo 2014 BC Summer Games July 17- 20.


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