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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 28 $1.35
Bakery & Deli Open Mon - Sat 6:00 am - 6:00 pm 250-344-2928
344-6623 w w w.kickinghorseford.
Beat the Summer Heat RCMP Report: Accident on TCH ....................................5
Swim club powers through mile-long swim ..................................10
Italian musician makes Golden debut ..................................11
■ SPORTS: Seth Corcoran and Zoe Francisco get some relief from the July heat at the town’s Spray Park on Sunday July 6. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Golden chosen as test site for the province Enduro race to showcase bike trails............16
Joel Tansey The Early Learning and Care Stakeholder Action Group (ELCSAG) is celebrating a win this week after Golden was chosen to receive an Early Years Centre by the Province and the Provincial Early Years Office. The site will be one of only 12
test sites across the province. “We are extremely grateful to the Early Years Office for selecting us and we’re very excited about the opportunity to provide this service to our children and families,” said Joanne McCullough, ELCSAG’s coordinator. The centre will be an all encompassing facility for early childhood development that promises
to have benefits for parents and children alike. “This place will be family friendly, it will be a place where parents and children can go to get information, to mingle with their peers, to play with some toys that are there and speak with early learning professionals,” McCullough said.
Eagle's Eye Cocktail Party - July 19, 2014 Mix and mingle while enjoying Canapés and Signatures Cocktails at 7700 feet! Reservation is required. Please call 1.866.SKI.KICK for more information
BC Enduro Kootenay Rockies Series - July 20, 2014 Kicking Horse Mountain Resort is thrilled to host the very first Kootenay Rockies Enduro Series. This sanctioned 2 day event will stop in Crystal Bowl and capture some of the best riding within Kicking Horse Bike Park with 3 timed stages. Don´t miss out on an epic weekend!
Continued on page 4
Wednesday, July 9, 2014 The Golden Star
Highest elevated spinner
Congratulations Class of 2014 A Special Congratulations and Thank You to.... Naomi Carlson, Michaela Dunn, Carley Frasca, Sara Oatway, Dani Poitras and Jordan Trotter For Choosing
Kicking Horse Embroidery Call: 250-272-2222 Email:
Patty’s GREENHOUSE & Market Garden
End of Season Sale Closing July 13th Perennials 30% off Annuals $2.00 Shrubs 15% off
Brisco & Golden locations PH: 250-346-3399
Open 10-6, Sundays 10-4 Renee Pape of the High Country Spinners took her wheel up to the Eagle’s Eye Restaurant on Canada Day to have an especially elevated spinning experience. Photo Submitted
Speed limits raised all around the province Jessica Schwitek
We would like to thank the people of Golden for helping us raise over $10000 for Lisey and the Romani family. A special thank you to the Rotary Emergency Medical Assistance Fund, L.P, Sobeys, Overwaitea, The Golden Bakery, Off The Wall, and D.J’s for their help and all of the businesses and people who donated auction prizes and helped out with the event. What a fantastic community we live in!
Ronald McDonald House BC is growing. ®
The new Ronald McDonald House BC opens in June. A home away from home for seriously ill children receiving treatment at BC Children’s Hospital, the new and bigger House has enough room to welcome 73 families every day, keeping 2,500 families per year together when it matters most.
Help us continue our work by donating at
Certain sections of Highway 1 between Golden and Revelstoke are going to be moving a little more quickly, or at least that’s what the proposed speed limit increases are meant to accomplish. After a recent review by the Province, the government has increased speed limits on 35 sections of B.C. highways, totalling about 1,300 kilometres. Excluding the sections of highway that go through the national parks, the stretch of Highway 1 between Highway 23 North near Revelstoke, and Anderson Road near Golden will see an increase from 90 km/h to 100 km/h. Highway 95 south of Golden has not been affected at all by the changes. The most significant increase will be seen on the Coquihalla where sections will be increased to 120 km/h. Transportation Minister Todd Stone said limits are being raised where traffic studies show the vast majority of traffic is already going faster than the posted limit. The recent provincial review, which surveyed residents, showed that 61 per cent of drivers wanted the speed limit increased between Golden and Revelstoke, while only two per cent wanted it decreased. A pilot project will test variable speed limits depending on volume and weather conditions. Digital signs
These new signs, asking slow drivers to pull over and let cars pass them, is part of a signage pilot project. Image Submitted that can display different limits will be tested on sections of the Trans-Canada, Coquihalla and Sea-to-Sky highways. In northern B.C., 52 per cent of people taking part in public consultation did not support speed limit increases, and that region will not see changes. All other regions had support, the highest in the Lower Mainland at 81 per cent. RCMP opposed increasing speed limits on rural highways. ICBC representatives also expressed safety concerns, and will monitor areas with higher limits to see if the severity of crashes increases. Ministry statistics show the number of serious crashes on provincial highways has decreased 28 per cent since 2003, from a combination of
improved vehicle technology, driver education and enforcement. Based on RCMP recommendations, there will also be a new signage program, with better signage regarding mandatory winter tire use, more signs asking slower drivers to stay in the right hand lane, and a pilot project where signs advising motorists with more than five vehicles following to pull over. “Safety on our highways is our number one priority, and is the foundation for every decision that has resulted from this review. The actions we’re taking were the subject of a thorough technical review by our engineers, and the ministry is committed to ongoing monitoring and evaluation of speed limits and other highway safety measures,” said Stone.
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 9, 2014 A3
New Rotary President 911 service provider in
Golden has changed Golden Star Staff
The Rotary Club of Golden’s new president Chris Hambruch, left, chairs the club’s AGM for the first time. He is pictured with the club’s newest member, Phil Armstrong, centre, and Rotarian Eddie Leigan. Michele LaPointe/Star Photo
Women’s centre seeking local input Jessica Schwitek The Golden Women’s Resource Centre is inviting Golden women and girls to be part of a very important project. The centre is looking for women to volunteer their time as contributors, and join its Panel of Women (POW). A Status of Women Canada-funded project called the Community Coordination for Safety in Relationships (CCSR) is looking for ideas and perspectives to help guide the direction of its programs and activities. And they want Golden women to provide that perspective. The POW is comprised of women from different backgrounds and bring different experiences to the table. These women should be concerned community members who want to see legitimate change happen around violence in relationships through prevention and increased service support. They are also looking for women who have been through and/or are living with violence, are at risk of violence and sexual assault, have experience working with social services (as providers or as clients) or are survivors of family violence, intimate partner violence, and/or sexual assault.
The panel will be review current project activities and provide feedback and action ideas based on recommendations made in the Gender-Based Analysis Report. The analysis was conducted in Golden in the fall of 2012, and identified 17 recommendations and four key activities to addressing the issue of violence in our community. Feedback and ideas from the POW will be considered by the CCSR Team when implementing priority items. There will be an information session and luncheon on July 24 from noon to 2 p.m. to review project activities and outcomes thus far. There will be a lot of room for participation. If you would like to participate, contact Sarah Wegelin at 250-344-5317 or Women will be allowed to participate anonymously if they wish. To date the CCRS team has developed the Golden Integrated Case Assessment Team to provide increased safety for women who are living in violent relationships where her life or the lives of her children are at risk; worked with Youth to develop a Youth Media Project. Currently the team is working on a program for boys titled: Coaching Boys Into Men and is looking into community prevention and awareness training.
Gas tax agreement renewed for 10 years Jessica Schwitek The Town of Golden Council voted to renew their Gas Tax Agreement with the federal government after the original 10-year agreement expired. Golden had been receiving about $203,000 annually through the agreement, which was to be spent on a variety of infrastructure needs in the communities, subject to conditions. A Renewed Gas Tax Agreement was announced earlier this year, and Golden received the written agreement. There are some small changes, but essentially the spirit, intent, format, and ongoing reporting requirements are much the same. “It’s actually loosened a bit. The Gas Tax can be used for pretty much everything now, it used to be restricted,” said Jon Wilsgard, chief administrative officer with the Town of Golden.
This fall, 9-1-1 call answer services for nine interior regional districts, including the East Kootenays, will move to a new service provider. Starting Nov. 18, 9-1-1 calls placed from the Regional Districts of Central Okanagan, North Okanagan, Okanagan-Similkameen, ThompsonNicola, Columbia-Shuswap, Squamish-Lillooet (North), Central Kootenay, East Kootenay and Kootenay-Boundary will be answered through E-Comm, the emergency communication centre located in the Lower Mainland. The Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) provides initial 9-1-1 call response services to the nine regional districts throughout the B.C. Interior. The RDCO currently has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for initial Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) service, which is provided out of the Southeast District Operational Communications Centre (OCC) in Kelowna. That is where all 9-1-1 calls placed within the nine regional districts are answered by a Telecommunications Operator who determines the nature of the emergency call and quickly transfers the caller to the appropriate first responder agency (Police, Fire or BC Ambulance). In addition, by having E-Comm provide initial emergency call handling service, the regional districts believe they’ll be in a better position to take advantage of Next Generation 9-1-1 technology. Until the change this fall to E-Comm, 9-1-1 PSAP calls will continue to be answered by staff in the Southeast District Operational Communications Centre. Within the service area of the nine regional districts during 2013, a total of 226,796 9-1-1 calls were received and answered by the OCC based in Kelowna. “We are pleased to partner with the Regional District of Central Okanagan and are committed to ensuring residents of all nine regional districts continue to receive high-quality, responsive 9-1-1 public safety answer point service 24-hours a day,” says E-Comm President & CEO David Guscott. “E-Comm is focused on helping to create safer communities in B.C. through excellence in public-safety communication, and we believe that an integrated approach is a key element in achieving that vision.”
Behind the Wheel
Sponsored by:
Johnston Meier
Insurance Agencies Ltd. 510B - 9th Avenue N., Golden, B.C. (250) 344-5201
Electronic Device Use for Class 7 and 7L Drivers Can we all agree that driving while distracted is a bad thing? Probably. Would we also consider that this would be more important for an inexperienced driver than a practiced one? Very likely. Did you know that our laws concerning the use of electronic devices while driving actually reflect this thought? Surprise! The holder of a class 7L (learner) or class 7 (novice) driver’s licence must not use an electronic device while driving, period. No telephone calls, texting, iPods, GPS maps or adjustments, mobile radio conversations, computers or televisions. The only way for a GLP driver to use one of these legally is to be parked properly or making a call to emergency services about an emergency. This does reflect more restriction than the rules that apply to holders of a full privilege class of driver’s licence. Remember that the word “use” means holding it in your hand in a position that would allow it’s use, actually operating one of the device’s functions, watching the screen of an electronic device or communicating orally with it. Oddly enough, the same thing does not apply to a class 8L (motorcycle learner) or class 8 (motorcycle novice) driver’s licence holder. They must obey the same rules as the driver with a full privilege driver’s licence. Perhaps the lawmakers felt that these GLP drivers would not use electronic devices because of the nature of the vehicle. If this is the case, they are not correct. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more please visit
The best insurance rates. Have a Commercial Insurance Question?
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Wednesday, July 9, 2014 The Golden Star
Museum exhibit building has been restored Funding ready Colleen Palumbo Director of the Golden Museum
Built in in the early 80s, the Golden Museums Outdoor Exhibit Building was built on wooden footings that over the last 30 years had deteriorated so much the front face of the building was twisted and the doors no longer lined up or would shut. We are pleased to announce that thanks to grants from the Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Program and CKCA the building has been completely restored. At 30 plus years the old building was close to the end of its life. Water would run through the building during normal spring runoff and was causing damage to the artifacts inside Local contractor Will Cunningham Construction began the work in early May. The artifacts were removed and safely stored and then the real work began. The large doors in the front of the building were removed and Cunningham created braces to steady the building while the whole thing was lifted to make room for the footings to be dug by hand. Once the footings were dug forms were built and concrete poured that would act as footings as well as sills for the front of the building. Once the concrete cured work started to realign the front of the building including changing the placement of
for trail groups Golden Star Staff
The Golden Museum’s outdoor exhibit building, interior picture, has been restored. Photo Submitted the doors. The entire front and both ends of the building had to be sheeted with new plywood as the old plywood was too weather damaged. Next the entire interior of the building was sheeted to allow us to use the walls for display purposes. Viewing platforms surrounded by ¾ minus gravel were installed in each of the three exhibit rooms allowing for a smooth transition into each room. To finish it off both the interior and the exterior of the building were painted. The interior was painted a
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bright white that brightens the areas for the viewing public. The exterior has been painted to match other buildings on the museum grounds making it all much more cohesive. Thank you to our major grantors; CKCA and Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Program, for their contributions as well as to those who donated to the project Golden Truck Loggers Association and the Columbia Valley Credit Union. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Kootenay Columbia MP David Wilks and the federal government announced $10 million in funding for a trails program and $8 million for accessibility programs this week. The National Recreational Trails Program invites local trail organizations to submit funding requests to the National Trails Coalition until Aug. 15. 150-200 projects are expected to be supported across Canada. The National Trails Coalition is a partnership between the Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations, the Canadian OffHighway Vehicle Distributors Council and the Canadian Trails Federation. Applications can be e-mailed to The Enabling Accessibility Fund has been established to support projects that increase accessibility community facilities for Canadians with disabilities. The funding can be used for projects like widening doorways and hallways, installing elevators, installing automated power doors, installing wheelchair accessible washrooms and more. The deadline for proposals is Aug. 1. More information can be found at eng/disability/eaf/
New centre will provide added space
Continued from page 1
ELCSAG partnered up with the Early Childhood Development Coalition (ECDC) and Golden Community Resources Society (GCRS) for the successful bid. ELCSAG will now receive $52,000 per year from the B.C. government as part of the agreement to host the test centre, which will allow for the hiring of a parttime facilitator to oversee the facilities programming. The facility could also benefit programs that are currently running already but are in need of more space. “For example Bubbly Babies is a program that is run through public health, and they offer a great program that parents love to attend,” McCullough said. “But it’s now being run in the hospital and they find their numbers are declining and they believe it is because parents don’t want to go to the hospital. So this is going to be a really warm and welcoming and friendly place for families to go. It’s like a family drop-in centre.” McCullough isn’t sure when the facility might open its doors, but hopes that it will be
The Early Years Centre will be located in the Patlar building downtown. The centre is scheduled to open sometime this fall. Joel Tansey/Star Photo up and running sometime this fall. The news of the test centre comes just over a week after ELCSAG sent in its $500,000 grant application to the Province for its early learning and child care hub. A decision for that application isn’t expected until next month,
but McCullough doesn’t believe the successful bid for the Early Years Centre will hinder the grant application for the early learning hub. “I think if anything it strengthens our application. It shows that our community is dedicated to the early years,” she said.
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 9, 2014 A5
RCMP Report: Strange incident causes disturbance at motel
of the train. The male was located and identified as a Grand Forks resident. He was escorted off the property. Incident at local motel Shortly after 1 a.m, on June 29, a male arrived at a local motel and asked to see one of the rooms. He was taken to view the room and promptly shut the door locking himself inside. The clerk called police explaining that it was not unusual for a person to see the room before paying but the male had locked himself inside without paying and was refusing to open the door. When police arrived and entered the room the male had already departed. The bedding was found disturbed but no other damage was noted. Bar fight Also on June 29, police responded to a disturbance at a local pub at 2 a.m. It was reported that six males were fighting outside the establishment. When officers arrived they located one male who was bleeding from his nose. Witnesses described a verbal confrontation between two males, one of whom was dressed as a pirate. It was reported that the pirate sucker punched the other male resulting in the bloody nose. With the situation diffused the person involved quickly decided it was best to make his way home and call it a night. No charges were laid. Dog in danger
On June 30, a single vehicle struck a traffic pole near Tim Hortons on Highway 1. The car was reportedly swerving to avoid another vehicle when it went off the road. No injuries were reported at the scene. Joel Tansey/Star Photo Golden Star Staff CP trespasser On June 28, Golden RCMP responded to a reported trespassing on CP rail property at 3 a.m. The train master had noted a male carrying a guitar case at the tail end
Police responded to a reported dog in distress which had been left inside a parked vehicle on July 1. Police located the vehicle and dog, whose owner arrived on scene within moments. The dog was found to be okay. The officer spoke with the owner and discussed the poor judgment of having left the dog in the vehicle on a very hot day. Male found deceased on Moonraker trails On July 2, Golden RCMP were notified that a male had been discovered deceased on the Moonraker trails south of Golden. Police and Golden and District Search and Rescue responded to the area, which is a popular mountain biking trail, and located the 38 year old male, a resident of Golden. The man was later identified as Sean Schacher. He had been known to be riding the trails that evening and was familiar with the area. The death does not appear suspicious and the resulting investigation has been passed on to the B.C. Coroners Service.
The Rotary Club of Golden Proudly Presents… The Rotary Club of Golden Proudly Presents…
The The Annual Aman Virk Annual Aman Virk Memorial GolfGolf Memorial Tournament Tournament
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2014 Time: Shot Gun start at 1:00 pm Where: Golden Golf Club Date: July 17, 2010 Date: July 17, 2010Price: $100 includes golf, cart and food and beverage voucher
Time: Tee Off’s 8:00am Time: Teestart Off’sat start at 8:00am Prizes • Secret Silent Auction • Games • Hole in One Where:Where: Golden Golf Club Golf Space Clubis limited and filling up quickly. Book individually or Golden as a team today! Please email Bob Finnie at orMembers call theMembers golf course at Price:Price: = $50 =250-344-2700. $50 Non –Non Members = $95= $95 Be a Sponsor... – Members
Platinum Sponsor - $1000 Gold Sponsor - $500 * Exclusive hole sponsorship
* Shared hole sponsorship (maximum 2 sponsors per hole)
Silver Sponsor - $250
* Shared hole sponsorship (maximum 5 sponsors per hole)
Bronze Sponsor - $100
* Shared hole sponsorship (maximum 10 sponsors per hole)
Tournament fee includes power Tournament fee includes golf, golf, power cart, cart, * 1 golfing spot * 12”x12” sponsor sign with your logo of at hole. * 4 complimentary food & beverage a ladinner, cart dinner, prizes, and tonnes of fun. a la cart prizes, and tonnes fun. * 2 complimentary food & beverage * 1 complimentary food & beverage tickets ticket * 1/8 page ad in the event program tickets This is an opportunity to gather together * 24”x48” sponsor sign with your This is an opportunity to gather together * 16”x24” sponsor sign with your * 24”x24” sponsor sign with your logo at hole. * Bronze recognition in all logo atour hole. dear friend advertising. logo at hole. and honour his element: and honour our dear friend in hisinelement: * Team photo * Half page ad in the event program * 1/4 page ad in the event program * Full page ad in the event program thecourse golf course and giving to charity. on theongolf and giving to charity. * Silver recognition in all * Gold recognition in all * 4 golfing spots
* Platinum recognition in all advertising
* 2 golfing spots
Proceeds to benefit the Emergency Medical Assistance Fund
Slow Drivers
Wednesday, July 9, 2014 The Golden Star
BC Hydro
Motorists on B.C. highways are going to be driving a little bit faster this summer as the speed limit increases are rolled out throughout the next two months. Drivers heading west towards Revelstoke will see the limit increased to 100 km/h in the sections that don’t go - I SURMISE through the national By Jessica Schwitek parks. I don’t expect to see much of an impact, as many drivers are exceeding that already anyway. But there are a few other changes that I am quite happy to see. Even the section on the Coquihalla that has been increased to 120 km/h, the only place in the province with such a high limit, won’t make much of a difference. Many parts of that highway are three lanes, and cars zip past you like you’re crawling if you go 120. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has made a commitment to improve regulations regarding slower moving vehicles. The ministry’s safety review revealed this to be a risk on B.C. highways. To mitigate the risk, they will “Bring forward changes to the Motor Vehicle Act to give police better tools, through clearer language, to enforce the requirement for slower vehicles to keep right.” If they follow through with this commitment, I believe it will have a real impact on highway safety. I don’t want to imply that slow drivers are to blame for most highway is the frustrated drivers who are stuck behind slow drivers who are taking the biggest risks. However if we remove the source of frustration, or at least reduce it as much as possible, then the dangerous and downright stupid risks these drivers take will also reduce. To do this, the ministry will be putting up more, and clearer signage asking motorists to keep right. And for the first time, there will also be a pilot project in which they put signage on Highway 4 asking motorists with five or more vehicles following them to pull over and let them pass. With the many kilometres of B.C. highways that are windy and single lane, this will hopefully take the road rage down a few notches. Being the last car in a line of 20, stuck behind a car going 20 below the speed limit throughout the entire curvy section of highway is one of the most frustrating experiences ever. That in no way justifies trying to pass that vehicle over a double solid line. But hopefully now, those frustrating situations will become less frequent, and make our highways safer for everyone.
Dear editor, Earlier this year I phoned BC Hydro over billing me for hydro use. The lady at Hydro told me that they were just taking averages and that they would be reading my meter in the future. As it turns out they read my meter in late May or early June of this year.
I received a letter the other day saying I have a $150 credit. What I don’t like here is that if I did not pay those bills, I would have been charged interest. How many people are in the same scam as me? Look at the extra money that Hydro is using that does not belong to them. Anne Anderson Courtenay
Speed Limits
To the editor:
I just heard about the new increase to a certain amount of provincial highways in B.C., and as much as I support the idea I believe that they should have a sign that reads: ‘Seasonal Maximum’ and have the limit (on highways like the Coquihalla (both 97C and 5) from Westbank/Kamloops to Merritt/ Hope) be increased to 140 km/h for the months that can handle the speed. As being able to do that limit (and I’ve had others pass me at 160 km/h+) when the roads are bone dry, with no other vehicles or rigs in sight, and being capable of stopping a lot quicker than how it would be with doing 140 at Thanksgiving. I agree with how that could/should be ruled as a seasonal speed limit, the same way that they have the flashing ambers warning you to put your chains on and make sure you have decent tires for when there are massive winter conditions ahead. So, if you can legally do 70 km/h (by using your road sense) in the winter time with or without chains, why not legally use your road sense and do 140 km/h while driving in the summer time with no need to ‘constantly’ think more than twice about what’s ahead. Luke Topham, Kelowna
The very recent decision by the federal government approving the Enbridge Pipeline that will transport bitumin, flies in the face of the majority of British Columbians that are opposed to this project. Apparently, Stephen Harper and his government have chosen to ignore the wishes of many to satisfy the few. Hopefully, Canadian voters will remember this arrogant action the next time they cast their votes. Rod Chilton Saanichton
POLL OF THE WEEK Are you concerned with all of the bear and cougar sightings in town this spring/summer?
Yes 20%
No 80%
This week’s poll question: Do you think it was a good idea for the B.C. government to raise the speed limits on certain highways? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Letters to the Editor policy
The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no
longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.
We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES
• $47.00 per year for postal
boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone
• $43.00 per year if you pick
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Michele LaPointe
Jessica Schwitek
Joel Tansey
Ali Starchuk
administration classifieds
Adam Zarachowicz advertising
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage
en’s School zone.
• LOCAL Senior’s Discount
10% ($43.00).
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 9, 2014 A7
Golden point of view Do you think it was a good idea for the B.C. government to raise the speed limits on certain highways? A boat load of stars to the newlyweds that dropped off there beautiful flowers to Durand Manor for the residents to enjoy.
Abner Inzunza
Rob Magnusson
Michele Wherry
“Sometimes a slower speed limit is good in certain sections, but as long as the raises are safe areas I am fine with it.”
“I’m not sure. There are some highways where I wouldnt want to see the limit raised but I think I’m okay with it.”
“People don’t seem to be taking notice of the speed limits as it is. They are already driving too fast.”
Go to to have your say.
A sky full of multicolored stars to the Town of Golden for the awesome fireworks display. Stingers to those people who took June 30 as a holiday and then worked July 1. The day off is supposed to be to commemorate the
beautiful country that we live in!
town without knowing the facts.
Stingers to the B.C. gov’t for allowing children in pubs. That’s supposed to be a nice place to escape children!
Stars to the Golden Taps for their new menu that includes butter chicken!
Stars to all the amazing volunteers that made the Canada Day festivities in town such a wonderful success. Stingers to people who spread rumours around
Stars to Carmen at the Overwaitea deli for excellent customer service!
Email your Stars and Stingers to
Comparing school systems
Recycling system
Dear editor,
Dear editor,
I would like to put today’s classroom into perspective, and compare to a classroom 30 years ago. The size hasn’t changed, but 30 years ago, kids who didn’t meet the requirements failed. Someone decided that failing is bad for your self-esteem, so year after year students keep getting pushed through. That accounts for a third of the average classroom. Among that third are the “individual education plan.” The kids who need help, the kids who without the support of teachers’ assistants would learn nothing at all. The next third are ESL students. These kids have also been pushed through. How can you graduate, but not speak English? So that leaves the other third – they’re the forgotten “normal” kids, who are squeaking by with a bit of education after the teacher is done with the rest of the class. The first third just simply needs parents to learn accountability both for themselves and their kids, and the second group should come to school with a good command of the English language. And the third group – good luck to you. Another big difference between now and 30 years ago is that the people who used to fail high school could go get a job and make a living. You can’t do that now. Even high school grads will only ever qualify for minimum wage jobs and need subsidies from the taxpayer. And the last major difference between today’s classroom and one 30 years ago is respect. Kids used to respect their teachers. Now they don’t respect much. Shannon Lightfoot Mission
Stingers to the redplated driver who was driving unsafely on the highway! Thanks for cutting me off, jerk!
I used to pride myself on the number of blue bags I could get outside on the curb every two weeks. Just throw everything into it. Easy! I have watched older neighbours struggle with these blue boxes when before they could adjust the weight of the bags by not filling them as much. As much as I squish and squash, my paper bin is overflowing within a week. I am now ashamed to say that I am throwing my glass out into the regular garbage as they wouldn’t take my nicely cleaned, tied-up bag of glass. And no lids? I actually laughed at the stupidity recently as it poured Wednesday morning filling the boxes to the top with water. I really detest this “new and improved” system. It will only increase garbage in the landfills as, come on let’s admit it, most people will not work to make this work. Not me of course. I will continue to squish, squash, heave and ho my way to the curb. I think anyways....... Michelle Howe Vernon
Those who suffer from mental illness should not need to hide Staff Writer Black Press Few can argue that mental illness touches everyone. There are, of course, those with the diagnosis. Then there are their children, siblings, parents, friends and co-workers. Even complete strangers are often hit with the ripples, as society is forced to bear the burden of missed work days, medical visits, inadequate treatment options, etc. It doesn’t matter that research has led to many strategies and treatments that, when adhered to, can help sufferers live productive, even normal, lives.
Perhaps if it felt easier to talk openly about mental illness, things would be different. For those directly affected, it can feel simpler to try to ignore the reality – to keep the door closed and the windows shuttered, so to speak. Not the healthiest approach, really, but common nonetheless. And while time has led to strides in the realm of mental illness, it has done less for society’s acceptance of it as a disease. Many worthwhile stories do not get told in these pages because of the stigma attached to mental illness; the fear people have of being branded by going public with their struggle.
Mental illness are still two words that, despite socalled progress, few afflicted with the likes of depression or schizophrenia or paranoia dare to mutter outside – sometimes even inside – their immediate family. Many of these individuals are parents, siblings, friends or colleagues of those living with a mental illness. A few are those individuals themselves, who have taken that brave step into the spotlight. No one should feel the need to hide something they cannot control. The reality is, many of us share the blame for the fact so many people do.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 The Golden Star
Events & Entertainment Calendar
Thanks to the
Town of Golden for all the work that went into the removal of the trees from our property. A special thanks to Dave, Reeves, Blair and Chris. The place looks great! Al West
Attention all Rod & Gun Club members: The range will be closed from Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014 until noon Monday, July 28th, 2014 for blackpowder shoot.
GOLDEN FIGURE SKATING CLUB PRE SKATE, CAN SKATE, STAR SKATE, and GLIDERS Pre-Register byJuly 15th, 2014 to be entered into 2 $375 draws! One for new members and one for existing members. $100 non-refundable to be mailed to GFSC Box 244 Golden, BC, V0A 1H0. Draw will be on July 22nd. Contact Chantalle Schacher for more info:
GOLDEN’s new ARTS and Add booking eadli n CULTURE July 18the 12 MAGAZINE! p.m. A magazine that embodies our culture in Golden. • Our People • Our Scenery • Our Music • Our Art • Our Originalty Golden’s new source for local events!
Adam Zarachowicz
Golden Cinema presents: Tammy starts Friday July 11 to Thursday July 17 at 7pm. Late shows Friday & Saturday @ 9:10pm.
This Week A.P.E.S. After School Program Monday to Friday 3 -5:30pm. $12/day for ages 5 to 11. To register please leave a message at 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program birth-5years. Mon&Fri 12-3:30pm, Wed 2-5pm, Tuesdays&Thursdays 8:4511:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324. Flathead Wild Art Exhibit at the Art Gallery of Golden until Sept. 6.
Wed, July 9 Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Wednesday at 10am. Call 250-344-5413 to register. The Golden Farmers’ Market Wednesdays from 12-5pm in the CP Parking Lot across from Credit Union. Kicking Horse Culture presents Summer Kicks in Spirit Square July 9 with Wil. A-muse Troupe is also preforming. Food Bank AGM July 9 at 1pm at the Food Bank 1115 9th St S.
Thurs, July 10 Men’s Drop-in Basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Bridge Club every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at the College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday.
This week's achievement award goes to...
A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday from 3:455:30pm. Public Swim from 3-4pm at the Golden Municipal Pool. Aquafit at the Golden Municipal Pool Thursdays from 7:30-8:30pm. Beavers & Scouts meet every Thursday from 6-8:45pm at the Legion or Keith King Park soccer fields until the end of June. Summer Reading Club starts July 3 - 24 from 1:302:30pm at the Library. Ages 5-12.
Fri, July 11 A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:307:30pm. Mother Goose Program Fridays 10:30-11:30am at the Library. Snacks included, just drop in! Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Bridge Club every Friday at the Centre for Peace in St. Andrew’s Church, 7pm. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fridays 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call Cyra 250919-0757 for more info. Food Fridays at the Golden Legion 6:30-8:30pm. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am. Call 250-344-8392. 7th Annual Weedpull July 11 from 9am-noon at the
• For more information... go to
Pedestrian Bridge.
Sat, July 12 Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Saturdays at the Golden Museum 1302 - 11th Ave S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Aquafit at the Golden Municipal Pool Saturdays from 10-11am. The Golden Farmers’ Market Saturdays from 10-3pm in Spirit Square. Canadian National Hang Gliding Championships will be held in Golden from July 12-19 They will launch from Mount 7 and glide to the Eco Ranch. Gord Light preforms at the Golden Taps Pub July 12 at 10pm no cover.
Sun, July 13 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Outdoor Yoga in Spirit Square Sundays at 11am. Admission by donation. Public Swim from 3-8pm at the Golden Municipal Pool.
Mon, July 14 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12-18. Golden Community Choir, Mondays from 7:309:30pm at the Lutheran Church. Member fees $10. For info call Joyce 250-3446043. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mondays 5-7pm in the StrongStart room in APES Free program
includes dinner, discussions, and activities. Call 250-439-9665. The Cadets meet Mondays 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. Golden Youth Centre dropin every Monday from 5-8pm.
Tues, July 15 A.A Meetings Tuesdays at the United Church 901 - 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre dropin Tuesdays from 3:307:30pm. Aquafit at the Golden Municipal Pool Tuesdays from 7:30-8:30pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Tuesdays from 1-3pm. Call 250-344-8392. Public Swim from 3-4pm at the Golden Municipal Pool. Rockwater Grill & BarR
Upcoming Events
Kicking Horse Culture presents Summer Kicks in Spirit Square July 16 with Riccardo Tesi. Krysta and the Krybabies also play. Ali K Zam appears at the Summer Reading Club at the Golden Library July 18 at 3pm. The Rotary Club Annual Charity Golf Tournament July 19. BC Enduro Bike Race comes through Golden on July 19/20. Golden Delicious presents “Out For A Rip” Saturday Aug.2 at 10pm at the Rockwater. Tickets available at Plain Wayne & Jane. Western Open BC Cup Provincials July 27 at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort
Kairi Nishioka for being a super speedy runner. Stop in by July 16, 2014 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 9, 2014 A9
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Wednesday, July 9, 2014 The Golden Star
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Jessica Schwitek The Golden Dolphins Swim Club hosted their annual Mile Swim last week. The event allows the entire club the opportunity to swim a mile (64 laps) as quickly as they can, which is quite a feat for some of the younger swimmers, who were asked to swim as many lengths as possible in an hour (most didn’t quite make 64). The combined number of lengths swam by the three groups (Goldfish, Juniors and Seniors) was 3922 lengths. That is the equivalent of 61.3 miles or approximately 99 kilometres … which is just under the distance between Golden and Radium (103 kms). Parents, coaches, swimmers and volunteers came down to the pool on Thursday July 3 to help out with the event. This weekend, July 12 and 13, the Dolphins are hosting their own swim meet, and are expecting clubs from all over the Okanagan.
Top, Goldenfish swimmer Rylan Brunner swims laps during the Golden Dolphin’s annual Mile Swim. Volunteers, above, help out by counting laps for the swimmers. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
2014-06-26 10:18 AM
156 Athletes and 35 Coaches from the Kootenays (Zone 1) will be at the Nanaimo 2014 BC Summer Games July 17- 20.
Star entertainment
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 9, 2014 A11
Early Canada Day festivities in Spirit Square
Orange hawkweed
heiracium aurantiacum
SPOtted knaPweed
centaurea BieBerSteinii
The Pickups (left) and Holly and Jon performed for an all ages crowd at the June 30 Summer Kicks concert in Spirit Square. Wil will take to the stage tonight (July 9) for the fifth of the 10 show summer series. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Golden will get a taste of Italy when Riccardo Tesi and Banditaliana take over Spirit Square
Riccardo Tesi and his group, Banditaliana, will bring over 20 years of experience to the stage when they perform at the July 16 Summer Kicks concert. Photo Submitted Joel Tansey Golden will get a taste of Italy on July 16 when Riccardo Tessi and Banditaliana pump out some smooth jazz and traditional Italian tunes at Spirit Square. Over its 20 plus years as a group, Banditaliana has earned itself a place among the top Italian groups
in the world. While Tesi believes their sound has evolved, the ensemble also hasn’t abandoned its roots. “Each of us have become more and more of an expert with our own instruments,” he said. “We have changed, but we are also not completely different from the beginning.” The group com-
bines a range of different sounds that results in fresh, upbeat music that doesn’t limit itself when it comes to innovation, while also sticking to its Italian roots. “We don’t just play a traditional Italian style,” Tesi said. “It’s more of a personal mix of many different things.” Tesi, an inter-
nationally renowned artist, plays the diatonic button accordion, also known as the melodeon. Tesi taught himself how to play after struggling with the guitar. “It was good to be a bad guitar player, because then I had to learn how to play another instrument,” he laughed. “Sometimes you can’t imagine how quickly life can change.” Over the years, Banditaliana has taken part in some of the biggest festivals in the world and has released four albums. Their eponymous debut album was named Album of the Year by the Folk Bulletin referendum and they have gained worldwide acclaim for their enthusiastic live performances. Despite the fact that their songs are sung exclusively in Italian, Banditaliana has developed a strong following outside of Italy, including in many Anglophone countries. They have
Golden’s 7th Annual
toured through much of Eastern and Western Canada in the past, although this will be their first show in Golden. “I think (anglophones) like us because our music sounds a bit exotic,” Tesi said. “They appreciate music from Italy.” Riccardo Tesi and Banditaliana will be joined by local band Krista & the Krybabies.
COMMUNITY WEED PULL Friday, July 11th 9am-12pm.
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Saturday Markets
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Running until the end of August
Wednesday, July 9, 2014 The Golden Star
The Virk family got together for a photo at last year’s Aman VIrk Memorial Golf Tournament. Photo Submitted
Virk golf tournament coming up Golden Star Staff
Invitation to Tenderers Town of Golden Contract:
Highway 1 Boulevard Improvements
Reference No.: RFQ 2014-003 The Owner invites tenders for:
• Clearing and Grubbing • Construction of Concrete, Sidewalk, Landscape Aprons and Curb and Gutter • Associated Landscape Planting and Irrigation Installations • Rock Wall Features and Earth Berm Instalation • Landscape Lighting Installation • Roadway Restoration Work • Traffic Control and Management
Tender Documents are available to download at: ( BC Bid Website) or (Merx Website) The Tender Documents are available for viewing at: Address: MMM Group, 540 Leon Aveune, Kelowna, BC Town of Golden, 810 9th Aveune, Golden, BC Tender Closing Time:
2:00 PM local time
Tender Closing Date:
Thursday July 17, 2014 at:
Tender Closing Location:
MMM Group Limited 540 Leon Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 6J6
For additional information, please contact: Joe Mocilac, Project Manager MMM Group Limited Telephone: (250) 869-1334 ex. 4302 Fax: (250) 862-4849 Email:
The Rotary Club of Golden is hosting their annual golf tournament, which honours former Golden mayor and rotarian Aman Virk. The Aman Virk Memorial Golden Tournament, which is taking place on July 19, is going to support the Rotary Club’s very important Emer-
gency Medical Assistance Fund. The fund helps local families who have to travel for medical reasons and need accommodations, and have lost wages. Spots are still open for the tournament, but are filling up fast. Email Bob Finnie at bobfinnie21@, or call the Golden Golf Club at 250344-2700 to register. The cost includes your round of golf, cart, and your dinner and drink voucher.
BC liquor law changes have begun Golden Star Staff The B.C. government has begun allowing "happy hour" discounts for alcoholic drinks, imposing minimum drink prices that force some outlets to raise their prices. Effective this week, the minimum price for draft beer or cider in B.C. is 25 cents per fluid ounce, which puts a 12-ounce sleeve at $3, a 20-ounce pint at $5 and a 60-ounce jug at $15. Using a one-ounce minimum, the lowest permitted price for any alcoholic drink is $3. The release of the regulations Friday was greeted with protests from some pubs that were offering drink specials below that price. The regulations also give licensed restaurants the ability to serve drinks without a food order, although their licence still requires them to offer a full food menu. The B.C. government's liquor policy review also levels the field between pubs and restaurants by allowing families with children into pubs at mealtimes. The B.C. Restaurant and Foodservices Association issued a statement reminding its members that the new rules also allow customers to carry a drink from a lounge to an adjoining restaurant. Licensees are also allowed to transfer small amounts of stock from one to the other if they run out of a particular product. In a policy directive to industry associations, local governments and police agencies, the government's Liquor Control and Licensing Branch says the lower price may be applied selectively for "ladies night" specials or "team night" for players in uniform. Minimum prices do not apply to catered events, or special occasion licences. Minors are also permitted in pubs and similar establishments that wish to permit family-friendly dining. These establishments will be able to allow minors in until 10 p.m. at night. However, businesses that don’t wish to change their current operating models don’t have to. In January, the provincial government endorsed 73 recommendations in a report on B.C. liquor laws. Those changes include increasing the variety of alcohol available at sporting events and allowing mixed-spirit drinks at music festivals and in sports venues. The province will also allow liquor sales at grocery stores. So far, 17 of the 73 recommendations have been implemented. Government aims to have most in place by next spring. With files from Tom Fletcher
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 9, 2014 A13
Empower the tower at Kicking Horse Ford
Robin Beckett and Brent Johnson pose in front of Kicking Horse Ford’s new tower. Goldenites are invited to sign the tower and for every signature, the local dealership will make a donation to a yet to be determined charity. The dealer is also asking for recommendations on which charity should be chosen for the donation. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Province wants more information Golden Star Staff
You “mustache” me how to promote your business...
The government is asking for answers from the company that wants to build an expanded pipeline. The Province of British Columbia has filed a motion with the National Energy Board requesting that Kinder Morgan provide more detailed information about the proposed Trans Mountain Expansion project. As part of the National Energy Board's review of Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain Expansion project, the Province submitted more than 70 information requests dealing with maritime and land-based spill response, prevention and recovery systems. In a number of cases, Kinder Morgan's responses to the information requests do not provide sufficient information. That makes it difficult for the Province to evaluate whether the Trans Mountain Expansion project will include world-leading marine and land oil spill systems. World-leading marine and land oil spill systems are two of the five requirements that must be satisfied for B.C. to support any heavy oil pipeline.
BC Assessment trying something new Dan Walton Black Press Evaluating properties has become much more efficient in Radium Hot Springs, where BC Assessment has surveyed the village with a cameramounted van. Comprehensive photos were taken by the innovative technology of 435 single family homes in Radium on Thursday, June 26th. The van has successfully surveyed many regions of the province, and used Radium as its pilot project for the Columbia Valley. The van produced imagery of properties in Radium. BC Assessment’s data bank will update its database of Radium properties, which will now contain more comprehensive info. “When you are trying to map a town onto a piece of paper, you need certain points surveyed proper,” said Village of Radium Hot Springs chief financial officer Karen Sharp.
“It basically gives you a visual aspect of the community.” The data will include civic addresses, public utility locations, and the village’s geographical terrain. Information gathered will be shared between the Village of Radium and BC Assessment. “As the Crown corporation responsible for accurately valuing all properties in B.C., we are always looking for innovative ways to provide more timely, accurate, equitable and fair assessments to all property owners,” said Scott Sitter, an assessor with BC Assessment. Images depicting people on the property, private signage other than street addresses, or the inside of a residence — through either a door, window, or garage — will be altered or excluded from the database. Municipalities all over the province have expressed frustration with BC Assessment’s process, including Golden.
Because I “nose” about sales! Call Adam Zarachowicz 250-344-5251
Wednesday, July 9, 2014 The Golden Star
Turning back the pages: Couple wed 24 hours after first meeting
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
The following article was prepared by Clara Graham for Golden Memories. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were an interesting couple. They ran the stopping place at Wapta. They had met first at Donald during the town‘s heydey as a construction camp on the C.P.R. mainline many years before. Mrs. Johnson was Swedish and could not speak a word of English when she met her husband, an Irish Canadian. They were married twenty-four hours after their first meeting. Promptly the bride and groom went farming and opened this stopping place. One of Mrs. John-
son’s earliest accomplishments after her marriage was the use of plenty of swear words. As she knew no English, she was sure that what “Yon son” taught her was alright, and so, when people went to the house, she invariably swore at them, not because they were unwelcome but because it was the proper thing to do, so it seemed to her. Even in later years she laughed about her early efforts with the English language and still continued to punctuate her speech with plenty of fireworks. Her expletives were meant for inspiration, emphasis, or maybe just force of habit. While his wife cooked the meals and served the travelling public, “Yon son” played the host, regaled his audiences with clever boyhood episodes or the last installment of the current serial running in the weekly newspaper. Mrs. Johnson ate in the kitchen while the guests were served meals,
This car was owned by Charlie Warren (at the wheel). It may well have been the first car in the Columbia Valley to be used as a rental. Two new cars were added to the fleet and a rental service, perhaps the first in B.C., was established. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum family style, in the dining room. When someone required a
second or third cup of coffee, Mr. Johnson called her by hit-
Notice of Public Hearing
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1337, 2014 – Park Model What is proposed? Town of Golden Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1337, 2014 – Park Model CSAZ241 proposes to amend the text of the Zoning Bylaw to allow for an existing Park Model Recreational Unit on site 84 of Kicking Horse Village Mobile Home Park (906 11th Street North), while simultaneously prohibiting the future uses of Park Models for residential use as well as seasonal campground use. How can I find out more? Background material may be viewed at the Town Hall from Monday, July 2 to Tuesday July 15, 2014 from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. For more information contact: Phil Armstrong, Planning Tech at 250.344.2271 ext 236 or How can I give feedback? Anyone who considers themselves affected by the proposed bylaws and wishes to register an opinion may do so: a) By forwarding written submissions for Council consideration (attention of the Manager of Legislative Services) by post (P.O. Box 350, Golden B.C V0A 1H0) or by email to viv.thoss@ (only emails sent to this email address will form part of the Council Agenda). Any submissions must be received by 12:00 pm (noon) on Wednesday, July 9, 2014; and / or b) By appearing before Council at the Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 1:15 PM at the Town Hall Council Chambers (810 9th Ave South).
ting his spoon sharply against his cup and she came running. The big dining room, always clean, and in the winter warm and comfortable, did not contain much in the way of decoration. A calendar and two stuffed crested mergansers mounted on a stone, adorned the walls. The travellers’ horses were fed and stabled in the adjoining barn by the two Johnson boys. Upstairs, where the guests slept, cotton partitions separated the sleeping rooms. Everybody went to bed by lamp or candlelight. Modem bathrooms hadn’t caught up with the majority of folk in those days but each room was equipped with a hand basin, jug, of water, towels, etc. Their fare was
plain and wholesome homemade bread, plain cake, home grown vegetables, pork fried, boiled, and roasted. None of the Johnson family went hunting therefore we got no wild goat which appeared to be the staple food of many of the neighbors. During the winter they occasionally got ling. The boys chopped a hole in the ice of the Columbia, suspended some hooks previously baited with pork, and left a lighted lantern by the hole. Next morning there would be a ling on one of the hooks so we all promptly had a change of diet. Early in the fall of 1909, Earl Grey, the Governor General of Canada, and his party, including his daughters and Lord Lascelles, made a trip from Golden to
Windermere on the little river steamer, “Isabel”. Mrs. Johnson had the contract of supplying the boat with butter. They took this commodity down to the Columbia and waited on the bank until ten o’clock that night, but the boat did not appear. It must have been stuck on a sand bar. Earl Grey’s destination that night was Edenhouse, a beautiful summer home, on Windermere Lake owned by Professor Adami of Montreal and his wife, daughter of Lord Strathcona. The Royal Box, a small building somewhat resembling a garage in shape, was Earl Grey’s special abode. He loved the mountains and travelled through them, and once traversed Earl Grey Pass.
Star business directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 9 2014 A15
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Wednesday, July 9, 2014 The Golden Star
Enduro bike race a showcase for Golden’s mountain bike trails Joel Tansey Golden’s extensive mountain bike trails are getting ready to be showcased to riders across Western Canada. The Kootenay Rockies Enduro Series will be making a stop in Golden on July 19-20 in the series’ third of five races. Enduro is a fairly new format for biking that includes un-timed climbs and timed descents along a series of different courses. David Gagnon, owner of Higher Ground Mountain Sports, is part of a local group that is helping to organize the event. According to Gagnon, the exposure that Golden’s trail network will get from this event will be a big boost to the tourism industry on a whole. “It’s awesome, we need to promote more and more races to attract more people in here. We’ve got such an amazing playground,” said Gagnon. “It’s good for the industry, from A to Z. It’s good for the town, good for the bike shops…the more people that know about our amazing trails the more we can develop them.” Megan Rose, and a competitive biker herself, started the Enduro series this year. “I have (an) event degree background so it kind of all fell in line…I thought I would jump on
this opportunity while the new format is still kind of getting out there and starting up,” Rose said. Rose chose Golden as a race site after testing out the terrain last fall, and is planning to return to the area for next year’s series. “(The trail system) is great…I would have liked to have checked out Mt. Shadows and Mt. Seven, but I think that is definitely going to be on the schedule next year,” she said. On the first day of the two day event, riders will start at Cedar Lake and compete along the Moonraker trails before racing at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort the following day. Times from across the weekend will be added up to determine the winners. The top male competitor will receive $400 and the top female competitor will take home $300 from the $1500 prize pool. Separate categories are available for Masters (age 40+) and Juniors (19 and under) and top runners in those categories will receive gear and equipment as prizes. Volunteers are needed to help marshall at various points along the course and will receive a t-shirt, lunch and snacks for their help. For registration information or to find out how to volunteer, visit The newly formed Kootenay Rockies Enduro Series will be making a stop in html or contact Rose at megan@ Golden on July 19-20. The event will bring in competitors from across Western Canada and will have a $1,500 prize pool for the top class. Photo Submitted
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The Golden Wednesday, 9, 2014 Golden Star Star Wednesday, July July 9, 2014 A17 A17
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In Memoriam In Loving Memory
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Carl Ewald Huebert 9/21/66 - 7/18/85 Erich Arthur Huebert 9/9/68 - 7/6/98 Words are few, thoughts are deep, memories of you we’ll always keep. Loved and always remembered
Dad, Mom, Kurt, Katrina, Kara, Ryder, Max, Nathalie and Bastien.
Information New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.
Personals MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851.
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR TimeshareNo Risk Program, Stop Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Free Consultation. Call Us Now. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.
Employment Automotive EXPERIENCED PARTS person required for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses working 5 day work week, plus moving allowances. Our 26,000ft2 store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email:
Business Opportunities
DRIVERS & Owner Operators (Teams & Singles)
Safety Conscious, Professional Drivers Req. 5-8 Axle End Dump Configurations. Min. 3 years winter mountain driving &/or construction trucking exp. Must be selfmotivated, mechanically inclined, efficient, accountable & a team player. $70,000+/year + Bonuses & Benefits! Send resume, current abstract & indicate position. Fax: (1)403-236-8216
• Certified Home Study Course • Jobs Registered Across Canada • Gov. Certified / 604.681.5456 or 1.800.665.8339
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Malwa Motels Inc o/a Days Inn in Golden is hiring: Reqd 2 Cooks $15.00/hr 40 hrs wk Exp: 2-3 years, Edu: None, Duties:Cook full course meals (Continental & Italian) & individual dishes, plan menus, ensure quality, determine food size & proportions. Reqd 4 servers $11.00/hr 40 hrs wk Exp & Edu: None, Duties: Greet and Serve food and beverages to guests; present menus & recommend food; prepare tables; take orders; present bills to guests; Reqd 4 Kitchen Helpers $11.00/hr 40 hrs wk Exp : 1-2 years & Edu: High School, Duties: assist cook, wash, cut and peel vegetables fruits and meats; remove trash, clean working area EMAIL RESUMES, or apply in person.
Husky Travel Centre in Golden is seeking a full time cook and server. Benefits after 3 months. Some experience required. Drop off resume at 1050 Trans Canada Hwy or email
Malwa Motels Inc o/a Days Inn in Golden is hiring: 6 Full Time Housekeeping Room Attendants - no exp needed, duties incl. sweeping, mopping, dusting, vacuuming, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, etc. $14.00/hr, 40hrs/wk FAX RESUMES 250-344-6673 EMAIL RESUMES
Bolico Holdings Ltd. o/a Tim Hortons 1020 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H1 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H2 Food Counter Attendant Full Time/Part Time/Shift Work Nights/Overnights/Early Mornings/Weekends Some high school education $11/hr + Benefits(extended health/vision/dental) Wage based on experience/availability Apply via fax 250 439 1963 or In Person: 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H2
F/T Journeyman Plumber/Gas Fitter req’d for Kardash Plumbing & Htg. Skilled in service/residential/ commercial work. Competitive wages, benefits. Fax resume to: (250)344-2854 or Email:
Classifieds Get Results!
Help Wanted
GET FREE Vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866668-6629.
An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051.
“Gerry” Connolly died on June 17, 2014 in Kamloops, B.C. at the age of 88 years. Born in Golden, BC, he served the community of Golden as a bookkeeper until his retirement in 1992. Upon retirement, Gerry moved to Kamloops with his wife, Olga Zuk. Gerry was a member of the Sons of Norway Heimdal Lodge #141 for the past 17 years and a member of the Royal Canadian Legion for the past 67 years. Gerry was predeceased by his mother, Irene Connolly; his father, Joseph Connolly; and his brother, Edward Connolly. He is survived by his loving wife, Olga Zuk, his brothers, Carl Connolly, Victoria, B.C. and Joseph Connolly, White Rock, B.C. and many nieces and nephews. Special thanks to the doctors/nurses at Royal Inland Hospital, the members of Sons of Norway Heimdal Lodge #141 and the Royal Cdn Legion #52. No service by request. Cremation has taken place. Donations may be made to the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation.
Malwa Motels Inc o/a Days Inn Golden seeks full time permanent Executive Housekeeper, Sal: 14.00 p/h Exp:1-2 years, Duties: supervise daily activities;supervise and schedule housekeeping staff; purchase, reorder supplies; maintain budget email:, Mail/In Person 1416, Golden View Rd. Golden BC V0A1H1
Prestige Inn requires Housekeeping staff Please apply in person with resume. 1049 Trans Canada Hwy.
Required for Mary’s Hotel Hotel front desk clerks Sal: $13/hour Duties: Register arriving guests and assign rooms. Answer enquiries. Present statements of charges to departing guests and receive payment. Housekeeping room attendant Sal:$13/hr Duties: Sweep, mop, wash, wax and polish floors. Dust furniture and vacuum carpet. Make beds. Attend to guests’ requests for extra supplies.
Location:Golden BC
Ruth Alvina Marlene (Bjorkman) White
Frances Maxine Charest (nee Jones) 1938 - 2014
INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!
“Gerry” Connolly
Help Wanted THE SALMON Arm Curling Centre in British Columbia, is accepting applications for Head Ice Technician. Successful applicant starts mid August for 2014/2015 season. Preference Level 2 certification or better, with ice making experience. Position includes ice installation, care/maintenance throughout season and year-end removal, along with some facility care duties. Season normally runs from first week of September to March. A competitive wage based on experience is being offered. Send resumes/questions directly to President, Salmon Arm Curling Centre, Darcy Seghers
It is with deep sorrow that the family of Frances Charest announce her passing at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital in Cranbrook on Saturday, June 28, 2014. Frances was a long time resident of Golden. She loved the mountains and camping. Frances attended many country music festivals with her husband Ray and was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother. Frances was predeceased by her husband Raymond. She is survived by their children Diane, Louise, Colleen, Ray and Bonny and their families. Frances loved all her grandchildren and great grandchildren. A Celebration Of Frances’ Life was held on Thursday, July 3, 2014 at 1:00 pm at the Golden Seniors Centre. A Memorial Tea will be held at: 31 - 7th Avenue South in Cranbrook on Sunday, July 20, 2014 at 7:00 pm (across from Jackson’s Heating). In lieu of flowers, those wishing to make a memorial donation in honour of Frances may do so to the: Canadian Cancer Society, #200, 325 - Manning Road NE , Calgary, AB, T2E 2P5 or the: Canadian Diabetes Association, PO Box 12013, Stn BRM B, Toronto, Ontario, M7Y 2L3. Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at:
Ruth Alvina Marlene (Bjorkman) White passed away peacefully in the East Kootney Regional Hospital in her seventy seventh year. Born in Canal Flats in nineteen thirty six Ruth married John, the love of her life in nineteen fifty four. Ruth and John had five children, who gave them nine grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren, their children were their whole world. Ruth devoted her life to her family, and to Ruth anyone that came to her home was family, always offering a warm meal, a place to sleep and never hesitating to speak her mind when she thought you needed to hear it. In her younger years Ruth was an avid bowler spending her winters at the bowling alley and as soon as the sun was shining and there was no snow on the ground you would find Ruth with her fishing pole, camping at the lake. Ruth lived her life to the fullest, and made each moment count, especially when it came to her grandkids, who always knew they could count on her to be there for anything, never missing a big moment in their lives. Well known within her communities, Ruth was never a stranger when someone needed a hand, or a homemade cookie. Ruth will be greatly missed by those she has left behind, and whose lives she has touched. Devoted wife to the late John White, Beloved Mother of Betty (Ed), Doug (Wendy), Debbie (Mike), Darrell (Karen) and Don (Jodie), Proud Grandmother of Tammy (Sean), Melody (Vincent), Michael (Joanne), Stephanie, Bailey, Kelsie (Devon), Rylee, Seth and Olivia, Proud Great-Grandmother of Kennedi, Zakk, Ava, Zoe and Dylan. Ruth was predeceased by her loving son in law Frank (Betty/Tammy) and her husband John. Ruth’s family would like to extend their gratitude for those at the East Kootney Regional Hospital for the care and time given to her during her hour of need. In leiu of flowers, donations can be made in Ruth’s honour to the Heart and Stroke foundation. A18
Wednesday, JulyJuly 9, 2014 The Golden Golden Star Star Wednesday, 9, 2014
Home Repairs
Misc. for Sale
GOING to COLLEGE or UNIVERSITY this year or next year? We can help with all of your questions. Web Site:
AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.
A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
Financial Services ARE YOU $10K Or More In Debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-3511783. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. UNFILED TAX Returns? Unreported Income? Avoid Prosecution and Penalties. Call a Tax Attorney First! 1855-668-8089. (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)
Career Opportunities
$30/yd delivered in Golden area. Pick up at the yard - $25/yd, we load you. Also mature fine mulch & forest wood chippings. Call John 439-9798, Samples available.
Pets & Livestock
Pets PennAcres Boarding Kennel reminds you to please book space early for the August long weekend and the Labor Day Long Weekend. By Appt. only. Thanks. Grace (250-344-8904)
Merchandise for Sale
Free Items Golden’s Best! Premium Topsoil Now Available Great for gardens or lawns 100% organic - ph $20 per cu. yard loaded Lots of references! We can arrange delivery. Call Bernie - 344-4646.
Career Opportunities
1994 Polar 200 11” Camper needs work FREE! Call Cal 403-336-3214
Fruit & Vegetables U Pick/We Pick Raspberries Creston 250-428-0211. Also available fresh frozen whole berries & jam pkgs. No spray.
Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.
Misc. for Sale
Client Care Associate Golden, British Columbia
We offer you, x Extensive opportunities to train, company sponsored extended health and dental benefits x Vacation time available upon the first year of hiring x Working in an established, reputable company, a friendly and respectful work environment x Investment and saving opportunities, competitive compensation package x A path to a career in Insurance What would you bring to the table? x Your ability to build and maintain relationships with our clients x Exceptional customer service skills x Mature, responsible, strong work ethic x Level 1 Insurance license is an asset, but we are willing to train the right individual Don’t wait any longer, we look forward to receiving your application at:
KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate bugs- guaranteed. No mess, odorless, long lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online: STEEL BUILDINGS. Summer meltdown sale! 20x20 $5,419. 25x26 $6,485. 30x30 $8,297. 32x34 $9,860. 40x48 $15,359. 47x68 $20,558. Front & back wall included. Pioneer Steel 1800-668-5422 or visit online:
1997 Terry Travel trailer, 26’. Large slide out, separate bdrm with Queen sized island bed, sleeps 6, roomy kitchen, 2 door. Good condition. $12,000 OBO. 250-344-6731. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? KILL BED Bugs & Their Eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: Owl’s Roost log cabin located at the Golf Course. Must be moved $25,000. Call 250-3448133 for details.
Help Wanted
Trades, Technical
Be part of a landmark project, recognized throughout Vancouver, then Come back to grow with us at LMS Reinforcing Steel Group! Our City infrastructure could not be built without experienced professionals like YOU!
Acreage for Sale 11 & 1/2 acre parcel 10 mins south of Golden, east side of the Rockies, spectacular views! Drilled well, flat building site, good access. Survey plan available. 1-250-769-4288.
For Sale By Owner
501 - 10th St. South Corner lot, lge fenced yard, close to all ammnts. Walk in basement, 3 bdrm up & 2 down, 2 baths plus full en-suite, single car garage, and garden shed. Propane fireplace, vacu-flo, walk-in closet & en-suite off master bdrm, built in microwave/fan, dishwasher, stove and fridge incld. Great family home! Asking $326,000. 250-344-2187 Email
Houses For Sale
RV Sites
Help Wanted
Come work with us!
R.V. lots - titled, year round, 70 amps, Columbia River and wetlands access, storage, security fenced. $35,000 each. or 250-348-2094
Apartment Furnished FOR RENT: (2) bedroom all inclusive fully furnished apartments. $750-$950 per month. Visit our Website @ Call or Text 250-344-1825 for more information or to arrange viewing.
Commercial/ Industrial Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
Cottages / Cabins 2BR Cabin 8 mi S of Golden. Secluded acreage. N/S. Refs req. $750/mo. 403-461-4090, 403-286-3391.
&uůůͲƟme reŐuůĂr ƉosiƟoŶ Family Support worker/Child & Youth Care worker/MCFD liaison - 35 hrs./week WĂrtͲƟme mĂterŶitLJ ůeĂǀe ƉosiƟoŶ Child & Youth Care worker - 16.25 hrs./week For Đomplete ũoď desĐripƟons and ũoď reƋuirements͕ ĐheĐk the lisƟnŐs on www.ekemployment.orŐ Job ID: #52782 and #52783 OR contact the Golden Family Center at 25Ϭ-3ϰϰ-2ϬϬϬ / ŐĨcΛŐoldenĨ ClosinŐ date Ĩor both posiƟons: Monday, July 14, 2014 at noon
2 bdrm w/ storage close to all amnts. Hydro, hot water and heat incld. Security entrance and laundry factls, sorry N/S, and no parties. 250-344-8113
Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.
Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.
Help Wanted
Shifts: 1) Day = 7am to 7pm; OR 2) Night = 7pm to 7am (premium rate paid)
Based in our Castlegar office, this position provides confidential, executive secretarial and administrative support services to the Trust CEO and Board.
Beneŵts: • Accommodation (if you reside out of North Vancouver area) • Meals provided (During shifts) • Completion Bonus (if all 7 days of 12 hour shift is completed).
ANALYST, OPERATIONS Based in our Cranbrook office, this position provides procurement, analytical, admin and clerical support to the Operations department, as well as reception and administrative services.
Application requirements: Send your Letter of intent/interest and point form Resume (outlining your previous experience & transferable skills) and preferred shift (Day or Night) via: OR Fax: 604.572.6139 – Quote: “SILO-July2014” in the subject line.
Apply by July 21, 2014. 1.800.505.8998
Connect with us
Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.
Suites, Lower 2 bdr basement suite. N/S, no parties, no pets. Fully furnished. References. D/D. 344-0094 or 344-2144. Avail. now. 2 bdrm suite, w/d, hydro, carport, NS/NP, pets considered. Long term prefd. Avail Aug 1 $750/mnth. 250-344-2604.
Townhouses 4 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month ($1395/month) plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Auto Accessories/Parts
Modular Homes Lots available now! For new or newer homes. Contact Kicking Horse Village MHP 250-344-6935.
Homes for Rent
Auto Financing
Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofce is independently owned & operated.
Apt/Condo for Rent
Project Duration: Monday, July 21st - Monday, July 28th, 2014 Number of Vacancies: 50 Requirements: Looking for DEPENDABLE and HARD working professionals who can commit to: seven (7) to eight (8) straight days (Monday to Monday) of twelve (12) hour shifts (see below for either Days OR Nights).
We thank all applicants for their interest, however only those who clearly outline the application requirements above will be contacted toward future screening.
Real Estate
BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH Bungalow, four years old, Sunshine Coast. Low yard maintenance, low running costs, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, ocean & mountain views. Information and pictures, 604.485.8321. TIMBER FRAME HOME Near Golden Call Glenn Pomeroy Maxwell Realty Invermere 250-270-0666
Trades, Technical
Misc. Wanted BUYING Coin Collections, Estates, Antiques, Native Art, Silver, Jewelry 778-281-0030
Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!
2 Bdr bsmt suite 1116 12 St. Newly renovated. W/D, F/S. No pets, no parties. Avail. July 1. 250-344-5626. 2 bdr house. N/S, no parties, no pets. Avail July 1. Sat. tv, utls, all incl. $1100/mth. 250439-1055. 403-497-9303(cell) 2 bdrm house on acreage at Castledale on Hwy 95 South. $895/month + utls. No parties, no illegal activities, long term mature reliable tenants pref’d. Refs and DD req’d. Please call 250-344-6710. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 3 bdr. 1 bath beautiful home. Centrally located close to shopping, schools, and parks. Situated on a large lot with fenced back yard, perennial flowers, fruit trees and veggie garden. Maple & fir flooring throughout and full bsmnt. Nice open kitchen and lots of natural light. W/D incl. $1200/mth + utls. Call 250-344-0316. 3 Bdr Home Direct access to Mt 7 trails, just 4 mins. from downtown Golden. 1800 sq. ft, 2 full baths. Deck off kitchen. New floors. Brand new approved wood stove with electric backup. Newly painted. Incl F/S/W/D. Huge fenced yard. 1 yr min lease. Avail May.1 $1275/mth. Call Mike 250-344-8385. 4 bdrm house in downtown Golden $950/month + utilities. Family preferred. Damage deposit & references required. 250-344-6710.
Office/Retail Office Space for rent. Approx. 350 sq. ft. above Body Quest. Call 250-344-7876.
Cars - Domestic 2008 Smart ForTwo Passion Coupe, auto, A/C, heated seats, glass roof, stereo, power windows & doors, 4 winter tires on rims, one owner, kept in garage. 10,819 kms $9000. 250-344-6088. TRUCK FOR SALE!$2000 04 Dodge Ram - 15004x4 / 4 doorlined- long box+canopy 359,000 km.250-343-6723
Wednesday, July 9, 2014 The Golden Star A19
Golden Dolphins have great showing at Revelstoke meet Golden Dolphins Submitted The Golden Dolphins really turned up the heat this weekend in Revelstoke. With 43 swimmers attending the swim meet, almost all swimmers were able to get best times and a handful achieved a spot on the podium. Receiving a Gold medal in his division, a Provincial Qualifying time, and breaking a Revelstoke Meet record for the event, 50 Fly with a 27.49 was Josh Hiraoka. Also standing on the podium was Talon and Thorin Malaka, Zara Johnson and Rochelle Bertrand. Placing second in 4 out of 5 events was Kaelan Malaka, which prevented him from reaching the podium. Lucy Wilson was one of our newer swimmers that completed all of her events with best times and a smile on her face. Another new swimmer, Enzo Soret, completed his very first swim meet reaching finals in 2 freestyle events and bettering his time each race. Along side was teammate Kayla Lush who took a summer off and managed to crush her previous times. Our youngest swimmers at the meet, Rylan Brunner, Ella Janes, Thane Malaka, Katrina McClean and Malcolm Russell, all were willing to step outside their comfort zones by taking on challenging races and completing them successfully with best times. Setting a good example was Devon
The Golden Dolphins returned from Revelstoke with some hardware. From left, Thorin Malaka (Silver), Zara Johnson (Silver), Josh Hiraoka (Gold), Rochelle Bertrand (Bronze), and Talon Malaka (Bronze). Photo Submitted Tress, who willingly provided assistance to younger swimmers and was able to better all of his times at the meet. Division 4 girls relay, Neva Dalinghaus, Meghan Oslund, Ash-lee Tress, and
Quinn Morgan, came together to show team sprit, hard work and determination by medaling in the Medley and Freestyle relays. Coaches Caprice Rosentreter and
Hailey Kehler are extremely proud of all the swimmers who attended this weekends swim meet and look forward to more time crushing swims this coming weekend in Kamloops.
Sean Richard Schacher
1976 - 2014
February 29, 1976 - July 2, 2014
Sean Schacher, Senior CNC operator.
It is with great sadness that Sean left us suddenly at the tender age of 38. Sean was born and raised in Parson, B.C., graduated high school at GSS in 1994, and went to school to be a small engine mechanic and lived in Golden. Sean loved the outdoors and all it offered. We can all take solace in knowing he died doing something he loved, mountain biking. Sean leaves behind the loves of his life his wife Chantalle and two daughters Ryla and Tia. He also leaves behind his parents Anna & Rick, sister Paige, grandparents Art & Marie Chapman, in-laws Joanne & Rudy Hetu, sisterin-law Corrine (Calvin), brother-in-law Daniel (Jamie), nieces & nephews, numerous aunts, uncles, cousins and life long friends. There will be a celebration of life for Sean on Friday, July 11 at 7:00 p.m. at the Civic Centre. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the trust account at CVCU.
It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the sudden passing of our colleague and friend, Sean Schacher. Sean’s commitment to our organization for over 10 years contributed greatly to our success within our valley, and throughout North America. Sean’s smile and unwavering positive attitude will be greatly missed, and we will remain grateful for the opportunity to have worked alongside of him. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, he will be greatly missed.
"We can only imagine the celebration as two brothers Ryan & Sean meet again".
Wednesday, July 9, 2014 The Golden Star
RE/MAX RE/MAX ofof Golden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
Garry Oddy Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234 (250) 344-7234
$305,600 4 bedrooms
1308 Pine Drive 3 baths
1611 Lafontaine Road .52 acres
$299,000 3 bedrooms
521-9th Street 2.5 baths
614-8th Street 1 bath
5 bedrooms
2 baths
4 bdrms
2 baths
1,650 sqft
3 bedrooms
3 baths
1213 - 10th Avenue 1+ baths
921 - 14th Street
5 bedrooms
3 baths
3 bedrooms
1 bath
$479,000 2016 McMurdo Road
2 bdrms 2 baths 2,300sqft 3.71 acres
3 baths
$314,500 959 McAllister Road
2 bdrms 1.5 baths 2,160sqft 4.03 acres
917 - 14th Street
1361 Pine Drive
4 bedrooms
919 Ryter Road West
Manufactured with Revenue Property
2 bedrooms 2 baths
$362,000 5256 Ben Hynes Loop Road
2 baths
1,500 sqft 67 acres
4 bedrooms
3 baths
4 bedrooms
2 baths
4 bedrooms 3 baths 3,081sqft
4 bedrooms
2 baths
3 bedrooms
2.5 baths
3 bdrm Home w/ 1 bdrm Legal Suite
36.33 Acres
4 bedrooms
3 baths
1 bath
3 Bedrooms
3 Baths
916 - 14th Street
$545,000 730 Nicholson Road
6bdrms 5 baths 4,500sqft 1.38 acres
517 - 11th Street 2 baths
$254,000 5 bedrooms
2 baths
1998 Campbell Road
$249,500 2 bedrooms
554 Day Road 2 baths
1,350sqft 1 acre
$359,000 4 bedrooms
3 baths
4 bedrooms
3 baths
$260,000 1215B Alexander Drive
4 bdrms
2 baths
1,650 sqft
$395,000 605-9th Street
3+2 bedrooms
3+2 baths
$699,000 1741 Seward Frontage Road
4 bdrms 2 baths 3,438sqft 14.22 acres
2732 Golden Donald Upper Road
4bdrms 3 baths 3,700sqft 7 acres
1338 Selkirk Drive
1615 Gareb Road
$329,000 4 bdrms 2.5 baths 3,000sqft 2 acres
813 sqft
1208 Alexander Drive
3 bedrooms 1 bath 1,340sqft
1 bath
3 bedrooms
1510 Poplar Street
1115 - 10th Street
4 bedrooms
2 bedrooms
Lot 3, 3495 Highway #95, South
1,600 sqft
527 - 12th Street
$430,000 909-14th Street
$169,900 #107, 521 - 8th Avenue
$279,900 #10, 411 - 5th Avenue
$338,300 517 - 12th Street
Dan Veselic Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435 (250) 344-1435
$499,999 523 – 5th Avenue
701-12th Street
1445 Granite Drive
$299,000 3 bedrooms
1401 Granite Drive
$325,000 1613 Gareb Road
$260,000 1215A Alexander Drive
$249,000 712 - 8th Street
$289,000 5 bedrooms
Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451
$209,900 2bdrms
1235 Horse Creek Road 1 bath
1.03 acres
SOLD $53,600
#5 Kicking Horse Village MHP 2 bedrooms
$835,000 1521 Adolph Johnson Road
2 baths
5.56 acres
2328 Holmes Deakin Road
5 bdrms
2 baths
3,032 sqft
60 acres
$990,000 1402 Adolf Johnson Road
9 bdrms 9 baths 5,929sqft 12.2 acres
$599,9000 2036 Blaeberry School Road Home and 3 Cabins
4.99 acres