Golden Star, July 16, 2014

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Championships in Golden 23-year-old male still missing ....................................5


Volunteers pull out invasive weeds in town ..................................10


Good Ol’ Goats return to Golden ..................................11


Rob Clarkson of Calgary soars through the air on his way to Nicholson during the Canadian National Hang Gliding Championships. The championships, which began on July 12, will continue in Golden right through to July 19. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

Two wildfires bring smoke into the area Local racer competing in Singletrack 6...............19

Jessica Schwitek The air in Golden hung heavy on Friday, as the smoke from two different forest fires made their way into the Columbia Valley. Forest fire crews from Revelstoke spent the weekend battling a remote blaze that started


Thursday alongside the Kinbasket Lake northeast of Golden. Two three-person initial attack crews, six members of a local unit crew, 10 contract firefighters and a group of air tankers are on scene to battle the 30-hectare fire, said Jordan Turner, a spokesperson with the Southeast Fire Centre.

Come check out our new Rooftop Patio!

The cause of the fire is still under investigation, but Turner said it was likely sparked by a forestry crew working in the area. The ministry later confirmed that it was human caused. However the current fire poses no threat to any communities or structures. Continued on page 4

Now open 9 am till late.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014 The Golden Star

WildSafeBC dispels some myths around bear attractants Jessica Schwitek The summer is heating up, but so far that hasn’t stopped the bears from coming around the com-

Red Door Boutique... Coming Soon!

munity. Sightings are still high in the area, and WildSafeBC co-ordinator Sarah Osadetz is hoping that dispelling a few common myths about bears will help reduce conflict. Myth #1: Pouring bleach on your garbage will discourage bears from eating it. Truth: Bears can smell over the bleach, and will still be attracted to food and garbage. “If there is another food source close by, they will take that

instead. But if that’s the only food they smell, they will still eat it regardless of the bleach,” said Ozadetz. The bleach is very harmful to the bears, and will burn their mouths and stomachs. This could in turn make them more aggressive. Myth #2: Freezing your garbage and food waste will stop bears from smelling and/or eating it. Truth: Although freezing the food does make it harder to eat, the bears can still smell it and will

seek it out. And once the bear takes it, it starts to melt making it easier to eat. “A bear can smell food from kilometres away, whether it’s frozen or fresh,” said Osadetz. “Freezing your garbage isn’t the worst thing you can do. But it won’t keep the bears away.” Once again, bears will always choose the easiest food source that provides the highest caloric intake. If a better food source is nearby, then a bear won’t take the frozen garbage. But in the absence of that source, bears will

take what they can get their hands on. “Garbage is like an addiction, and it’s really hard to get bears to stop making that choice to eat it. The only thing we can do is to associate discomfort with humans and garbage.” Myth #3: Every time a conservation officer has a bear in a trap, it will be killed. Truth: The conservation officer will look at each individual bear, and its history before making a decision. He will then make an assessment of what is best for both the bear, and the safety of the public.

A black bear wanders around the Golden Golf Course. Star Photo Decisions are always made on a case by case basis, and sometimes relocation is the bet-

ter option. To report any bear sightings, call 1-877952-7277.

Tea at Durand Manor Golden, BC

July 19-31, 2014 Get Totally Spoked with several biking events, activities, and promotions this July in Golden BC. July 19th & 20th Kootenay Rockies Enduro Series Multiple stages of untimed climbs and timed descents on CBT, Moonraker and Kicking Horse Mountain Resort trails.

July 19th & 20th Kicking Horse Cup This annual event is a 3 stage road race with an IIT Prologue, mass-start Hill Climb and tough Australian Pursuit Circuit Road Race making for a fun, hard-racing vibe.

July 26th & 27th Western Open BC Cup Series Kicking Horse Bike Park plays host to the fastest downhill racers from Western Canada competing for $10,000 in cash and prizes.

July 29th & 30th Transrockies Singletrack 6 Golden is host to stages 4 and 5 of this exciting new race which start and finish in Spirit Square and race on Moonraker and Mountain Shadows trails. Check out the GCC Fan Zones and BBQ!

For a full schedule and more information visit

Four generations of the Crandall family were on hand at Durand Manor last week for an afternoon tea put on by Taraha Dixon. Dixon owns an event decor company and hosted the event in order to introduce her service to the community. Clockwise from top left: Madi Swaffield, Norma Crandall, Barb Crandall, Billie Fulton, Merilee Fulton. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

Eagle's Eye Cocktail Party - July 19, 2014 Mix and mingle while enjoying Canapés and Signatures Cocktails at 7700 feet! Reservation is required. Please call 1.866.SKI.KICK for more information

BC Enduro Kootenay Rockies Series - July 20, 2014 Kicking Horse Mountain Resort is thrilled to host the very first Kootenay Rockies Enduro Series. This sanctioned 2 day event will stop in Crystal Bowl and capture some of the best riding within Kicking Horse Bike Park with 3 timed stages. Don´t miss out on an epic weekend!

The Golden Star Wednesday, July 16, 2014 A3

Celebrating 60 years Town’s emergency program monitors local hazards Town of Golden Submitted

Ray and Helen Tress are pictured at their 60th anniversary party where they were joined by nearly 150 family and friends. Photo Submitted

Overall food bank use in Golden down, but not for certain groups Joel Tansey

that age bracket. According to her, however, the number of seniors who are using food banks is up across Canada. The Golden Food Bank held its annual generAltogether, the food bank distributed 790 hamal meeting July 9, the first time the facility has held pers from January to June (down from 906 at the its AGM under the guidance of Stephanie Findlat- same time last year.) er, who just moved into the general manager posOne of the most positive developments for the ition in May. food bank over the past year has been the retrieval “I was kind of of meat through a “Barb Davies did such a great variety of different overwhelmed initially,” Findlater job and those were some big means. said. “(Former dirIllegally huntector) Barb Davies ed game meat shoes to fill.” did such a great has kept the food —Stephanie Findlater— job and those were bank’s freezers some big shoes to well stocked. If that Food Bank General Manager fill.” wasn’t enough, the Findlater felt food bank was able more comfortable in her new position after to recover a truck full of chickens after an acciattending a conference where she was able to dent on the highway. “With that, I don’t think I’ve purchased meat meet with other food bank managers, which gave since I’ve been the hamper manager,” Findlater her a nice measure of reassurance. The food bank’s numbers are down somewhat said. Still, the food bank has continued to rely on the in 2014 compared to the same time period last year, but statistics are showing that there has been generosity of locals in order to keep things running smoothly, and Goldenites came through in a an increase in users in certain demographics. “Our 55 and up seniors group has gone up 30 big way during the food bank’s recent food drive. “We did 1,023 kg total, and that’s about $5,600 per cent,” Findlater said. Findlater isn’t sure why there has been an worth of food,” Findlater said. “The donations increase in usage amongst seniors, but did say that (for last year’s drive) were valued at $1,500, so it could simply be due to regular clients entering that’s way less.”

The Town of Golden administers a comprehensive emergency management program in partnership with CSRD Electoral Area A and is constantly monitoring all hazards that may affect our communities. At the time of this notice the British Columbia River Forecast Centre has NO advisories, watches or warnings issued for the town of Golden or the CSRD area A. At the time of this notice the BC Wildfire Management Branch has no fires OF NOTE within the AREA SERVED BY ITS southeast fire centre. An open fire ban is in place “The spring runoff has happened and the local rivers have peaked for the season,” said Golden and Area Emergency Management Coordinator, Kyle Hale. “With the hot summer weather comes the increased risk of wild land fire. Be diligent with your campfires and review your family’s 72 hour preparedness.” Useful definitions for reference in case of Flooding: A High Streamflow Advisory means that river levels are rising or expected to rise rapidly, but that no major flooding is expected. Minor flooding in low-lying areas is possible. A Flood Watch means that river levels are rising and will approach or may exceed bankfull. Flooding of areas adjacent to affected rivers may occur. A Flood Warning means that river levels have exceeded bankfull or will exceed bankfull imminently, and that flooding of areas adjacent to the rivers affected will result. Useful definitions for reference in case of Interface Fire: Evacuation Alert: Be ready to leave on short notice. If you leave before or during this alert, it’s called a voluntary evacuation. Evacuation Order: You are at risk. Leave the area immediately. Local police or RCMP enforce evacuation orders. Evacuation Rescinded: All is currently safe. You can return home. Stay tuned for other possible evacuation orders or alerts.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 The Golden Star

A-musement in the Square

CBT relies on community input for grant process CBT Submitted

The A-muse Troupe towered over the crowd in Spirit Square on July 9 as they entertained the audience in between sets from Wil. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

Not-so-happy hour for some pub owners Joel Tansey

The addition of happy hour drink specials in B.C. was met with applause from much of the public, but Goldenites might not see the savings they were hoping for at the local pubs. Along with the changes to liquor laws came higher minimum drink prices that will hinder some local pubs from offering much in the way of discounts. One of the most obvious issues is that the price per fluid ounce of beer remains the same, no matter how much alcohol is being purchased. Many customers might mistakenly believe they are getting a discount when buying a jug of beer to share amongst friends, but a 60 oz. jug can be sold for a minimum of $15, while a 20 oz. pint cannot be sold for less than $5. Also, according to owner Kevin Christakos, higher minimum prices are hindering The Golden Taps from offering any happy hour discounts on draft beer.

“The minimum pricing that they did for draft beer, I don’t know if it was that well thought out. It doesn’t really give us any room to have specials on and in some cases we actually have to increase the prices just to meet the minimum pricing,” he said. Where the new laws should benefit customers is with the sale of liquor. “The liquor pricing is in line with being able to offer specials, while the draft really isn’t…at least here (at Taps),” Christakos said. Another noticeable change to B.C.’s liquor laws will be that children are now permitted in pubs, as long as their parents are there to eat dinner and not simply drink at the bar. After careful discussion amongst the staff, Taps decided to follow the new regulations that will allow kids into the pub, but only until 7 p.m. (earlier than the 10 p.m. mandate.) “We’re a little bit more restrictive than the overall policy. We wanted to make sure that we don’t change the environment here and we are quite careful about that,” Christakos said.

Columbia Basin Trust is offering an exciting opportunity to Basin residents: to volunteer on its Environment Grants Evaluation Committee. Members will serve a three-year term and will review environment grant applications and make funding recommendations. For more information and to apply by July 25, visit cbt. org/egevaluation. While the Trust has always relied on a group of environmental experts from the Basin, it is now creating a new committee structure that will include more community input. This approach will ensure that project funding decisions are based on a balance of technical and community input from Basin residents. The revision is one of several changes being made to the Environment Grants program in response to input received from residents when the Trust was creating its new Environment Strategic Plan 2014 – 2019. “One of the things we heard when creating our new plan is that people would like to see deeper community involvement in the project evaluation process—so this new committee structure is a response to that feedback,” said Tim Hicks, Columbia Basin Trust, Manager, Water and Environment. “We are looking for applicants from across the region with a range of experience and perspectives—from technical and professional environmental expertise to non-profit, business and industry experience.” Through its Environment Grants program, the Trust has provided over $5 million during the past 12 years for environmental conservation, restoration, stewardship and education projects across the Basin. Learn more at cbt. org/eg. Columbia Basin Trust supports efforts to deliver social, economic and environmental benefits to the residents of the Columbia Basin. To learn more about the Trust’s programs and initiatives, visit or call 1.800.505.8998.

Fire 75 km away from Golden estimated at 5,000 hectares

Continued from page 1

Turner said the recent heat wave has caused the forests to dry out. With the heat wave expected to continue for another week to 10 days, the danger is likely to increase. There have been 34 fires throughout the Southeast Fire Centre so far this year, 27 of which were person-caused. Currently only small campfires are allowed in the southeast and Turner urged people to be careful when starting a fire. With fire activity increasing throughout the province and the rest of the country, battling human-caused fires prevents crews from being deployed where they are badly needed. There was also smoke wafting in from a wildfire burning on the edge of Banff National Park. The size of the fire is estimated at 5,000 hectares and it’s burning about 75 kilometres northeast of Golden. This fire is being managed jointly by Parks Canada and wildfire crews from the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development in Alberta. Smoky conditions were expected to continue throughout the weekend, and any increase in the size of the fire will likely increase smoke in the area throughout the week. The fire danger rating in the majority of the Southeast Fire Centre is currently “high”, with pockets of “extreme” fire danger near Invermere, Nakusp, Grand Forks, Revelstoke and near the Mica Dam. The continuing hot and dry weather that’s forecast for the region means that forest fuels will remain dry. There is a serious wildfire risk in the Southeast Fire Centre, so extreme caution must be exercised when using campfires. With files from Alex Cooper, Black Press

The fire near Banff is being battled by firefighters from Parks Canada, the Ministry of Environment, and Sustainable Resource Development Alberta. Photo Submitted

The Golden Star Wednesday, July 16, 2014 A5

RCMP Report: Search still on for missing 23-year-old man Joel Tansey The RCMP responded to 63 files over the past week, many of which were due to erratic driving complaints on Highway 1.

a noise complaint. A group of intoxicated individuals had been floating on the river and were making a significant amount of noise. Police caution anyone who is out on the river to stay sober, as situations like that can quickly turn dangerous. Missing man

Cocaine charges pending On July 7, police arrested a man for possession of small amounts of cocaine outside of a local hotel. Charges are pending against the 42 year-old Ontario man. Pet left in car Also on July 7, police responded to a complaint about a pet being left in their owner’s car. Police arrived on scene and had a discussion with the owner. RCMP are reminding pet owners that during heat waves such as this, leaving a pet in a vehicle is extremely dangerous, even if the windows are left down. Car accidents On July 8, RCMP responded to a two car accident near the intersection of 7th St. N and 10th Ave. N. Only minor damage was reported to the vehicles and the drivers were uninjured. Noise complaint Police were called to Nicholson on July 9 because of

Rescue workers are still searching for 23-year old Alex Brown. Brown, a former Golden resident who was visiting family in Kimberley was reported to have jumped into the St. Mary River on Saturday, July 5 at about 7 p.m. Kimberley RCMP Cpl. Chris Newel said that he surfaced once but then disappeared from sight. Kimberley Search and Rescue has set up a command centre at the Riverside Campground parking lot as crews work all daylight hours in the water and searching ground along the river side. “We are continuing ground searches, water searchers and helicopter searches,” said Kimberley Search and Rescue member Alison Lomon. “The Civil Air Search and Rescue is flying all the way to Koocanusa, but the ground search is from St. Mary Lake down to the campground, about a 17 to 20 kilometre stretch. We are putting in long, long hours.” Lomon says that the river is not running particularly fast right now, about 12 km per hour, which is normal for this time of year. However, like any river it can have log jams and other hazards. Search and Rescue teams from around the region have answered the call to help. “We have Revelstoke in the water with Penticton right

Alex Brown was last seen jumping into the St. Mary River on July 5 at around 5 p.m. Photo Submitted now,” Lomon said. Golden and District Search and Rescue also joined the efforts. Search and Rescue will stay on the job until told to stand down, Lomon says, and that is a call that would be made by the RCMP. This information was current at the time of publication. Check back at for updates on the situation. *With files from The Daily Townsman

The Rotary Club of Golden Proudly Presents… The Rotary Club of Golden Proudly Presents…

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Proceeds to benefit the Emergency Medical Assistance Fund



Rodeo Ramblings


Wednesday, July 16, 2014 The Golden Star

Frivolous Law Suits Editor:

While on my way into the Calgary Stampede grounds on the weekend, I saw a group of protesters gathered near one of the main entrances. I have to admit, the sight made me roll my eyes somewhat (although one clever ‘Buck the Rodeo’ sign did make me Joel Tansey chuckle). I don’t conS TAR R EPORTER sider myself an animal rights activist, and I have very little patience for hardcore animals rights groups like PETA, who famously went after U.S. President Barrack Obama for killing a fly. For PETA, their members’ hearts might be in the right place, but their heads most certainly are not. After watching Saturday afternoon’s rodeo session, however, I started to think this group outside the Stampede grounds might just have a case. For those who might not be familiar with the rodeo, one of the events, steer wrestling, involves a cowboy chasing down a steer on horseback, jumping on its back and wrestling it to the ground by the horns. It’s surely one of the most dangerous events for both the animals and the humans who participate, and that danger was evident on Saturday. Midway through the event a steer was brought down and didn’t get back up. After a quick examination, veterinarian staff picked it up on a stretcher and removed it from the main rodeo grounds. Later, to the surprise of no one, it was announced that the steer had to be euthanized. Not long after that, another steer went down and also didn’t pop back up. Thankfully, this one surprised the entire crowd and jumped out of the stretcher and trotted toward the exit, albeit gingerly. The point of steer wrestling is not to harm the animals, and accidents happen, but how many accidents is too many? I’m not a vegetarian (the corn dogs, turkey legs and the assorted number of bacon-wrapped items I consumed over the weekend are a testament to that), but I do believe we should have a healthy respect for animals and a responsibility as the (supposedly) intelligent species to not subject them to any cruel or unusual punishment. Does steer wrestling fall into that category? What about calf tying? Horse racing? It is one thing to have animals killed in a (hopefully) humane way in order to be used for meat. It’s another thing entirely, in my view, to subject them to danger in the name of entertainment. I don’t think we should be banning all stampede activities. The horses seemed to legitimately enjoy barrell racing, pole bending, and other speed-related events. While accidents surely happen in those discplines, they could also happen to wild horses as well. However, it might be time to re-think a few events. I can’t imagine bull riding is that much fun for the bull, and I certainly don’t think steers enjoy being wrestled and thrown to the ground. ‘Buck the Rodeo’ might be too much of a blanket statement, but ‘Reconsider the Rodeo’ wouldn’t be a bad idea.

I am appalled by the many frivolous law suits filed against the Northern Gateway pipeline project by various interest groups. If these groups had lived in the 1850 era when the Canadian Pacific Railway tunnels were chiselled through the Rocky Mountains, and when the Trans Canada Highway, the longest in the World today, was built neither would have seen the light of day. We would still be living in the horse and buggy days today. Think of how many things these resources are used for. Gasoline, oil and diesel for transportation, build-

Veteran Affairs Editor, Our government believes it is important to remind Canadian veterans and their families about the various benefits and supports available to them if they are in need. Benefits like thousands of dollars of monthly financial income for those veterans who are seriously injured or career transition services that help a veteran apply their world class experience and training to a civilian career. Without direct advertising, vet-

ing materials, clothing and countless other items we use today. What if these conveniences were cut off to us even for a short while? Yet, how stable is the supply we get from Iraq? The Gateway Pipeline allows Canada to become an Energy Super Power by pumping an estimated 525,000 barrels of oil each day, establish self sufficiency, more jobs and vastly improved economic conditions. Developing natural resources is called progress. They are put there to be used wisely, not to be disregarded. Gertie Pool, Abbotsford

erans will never know about the benefits and programs at Veterans Affairs. Veterans simply won’t know that they can apply their experience earned during their time in the Canadian Armed Forces towards a private sector career with assistance from the federal government. Sometimes veterans can leave the Forces and have no need for benefits for five, 10 or 15 years only to have a service condition impact their ability to function later in life. Our job is to remind them that support is indeed available, espe-

cially when it comes to transitioning from the Canadian Armed Forces to a civilian career. If you know someone who has served in the Canadian Armed Forces, after thanking them for their service you should make sure they read this note and visit our Canadian veterans need to know about the programs and supports available to them and with your support we will make sure they get the message. Julian Fantino, Minister of Veterans Affairs

POLL OF THE WEEK Do you think it was a good idea for the B.C. government to raise the speed limits on certain highways?

Yes 42.9%

No 57.1%

This week’s poll question: Do you think the animals at the Calgary Stampede are treated fairly? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no

longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.

We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES

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boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone

• $43.00 per year if you pick

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• $67.00 per year outside Gold-

Michele LaPointe

Jessica Schwitek





Joel Tansey



Ali Starchuk

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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage

en’s School zone.

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10% ($43.00).

The Golden Star Wednesday, July 16, 2014 A7

Golden point of view Do you think the animals at the Calgary Stampede are treated fairly? Stingers to the vehicles who rev up their engines and blow dark black smoke into Golden’s atmosphere.

Ed Stothart

Liz Thompson

Chris Pachinsky

“Ya I think they are. The people who participate care a lot about those animals.”

“I honestly don’t know, I don’t follow it enough. But I do think it’s terrible when I hear about them putting down an animal.”

“I trust that the people working there know what they’re doing.”

Go to to have your say.

Stars to John Lush and Bill Soles for installing the Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club’s new bars! Stars to Ray from Kootenay Pumping who helped fix one of the gymnastics club’s bars.

Stars to the Dale Henderson Hauling logging truck drivers for going slow in our Nicholson Community, we appreciate it!! Thank you. Stingers to the colours blue and grey! You may look good on an industrial building, but you have turned friendly and cheery Alexander Park Elementary School into a gloomy-looking place.

Stars to the amazing knapweed removers and the burdock boys for their hard work on Friday. The Lutheran Church presents stars to the staff at Sobeys for the great assistance you gave us in our 50th Anniversary celebration. Thank you stars to Tru Hardware from the Lutheran Church.

Email your Stars and Stingers to

Jumbo assessment angers Wildsight Submitted by Wildsight One of B.C.’s most controversial projects, the Jumbo Glacier Resort, has been given the green light from the Environmental Assessment Office to proceed with development high in the Purcell Mountains with the submission of a self-report, jumping over the hurdle of 195 legally-binding conditions of their contentious Environmental Certificate without so much as a site visit. “We’ve been told over and over again that the BC government will make sure the Jumbo Resort follows the strictest environmental standards, but now approval for construction is being granted based on a completely insufficient self-report and before a site visit takes place,” said Wildsight’s Robyn Duncan. “It would be laughable if there weren’t such real consequences.” For Jumbo Glacier Resort, B.C.’s environmental standards do not require site visits or any verification of the developer’s claims before construction can proceed, so a self-report stating compliance submitted by Glacier Resorts Ltd was enough to get the green light from BC’s Environmental Assessment Office. An audits of Glacier Resorts’ compliance with the environmental certificate conditions will happen only after construction has been green-lighted. “We know that once an on-the-ground audit begins, it will be clear that the environmental certificate conditions have not been properly satisfied,” said Duncan, “but unfortunately our flawed environmental assessment process allows construction in this sensitive area to proceed until the environmental damage piles up.” Leading grizzly bear biologists have long opposed the resort for the impact to the grizzly population of the Purcell Mountains and do not believe that any proposed measures would mitigate the impacts to the interconnected grizzly population of the Purcell, Selkirk and Cabinet Mountains. Along with grizzly bears, two other species threated by the planned

development high in the mountains are mountain goats and west-slope cutthroat trout.

“Local opposition to the resort development has always been high, because locals recognize that a 6500-bed resort with 22 chairlifts is simply not appropriate for this remote and environmentally sensitive mountain area,” said Duncan. “In the past few years, under Glacier Resorts’ tenure on the Farnham Glacier, we’ve seen diesel spills, piles of garbage left behind and a failure to properly manage access to the sensitive alpine ecosystem. There’s no reason to expect any different at Jumbo.” Glacier Resorts plans to begin construction this summer, as their second 5-year environmental certificate for the proposed resort expires in October 2014. The conflict over the proposed development in the Jumbo Valley has been ongoing for more than two decades. “Local opposition remains strong and the battle to protect the Jumbo Valley is far from over,” added Duncan.

Sportsmanship Like millions of others around the globe I have enjoyed the world’s most popular sport, soccer (or football as most nations call it) as they vie for supremacy. I am struck by some fundamental difference from Canada’s national game of hockey. Hockey seems to have lost that desirable factor of sportsmanship. Note how the equally tough soccer players enter the game holding the hands of children, how they all shake hands before and after the game is over, and how very often they apologize to an opponent they have fouled. Hockey players, who certainly are no tougher physically, appear to be mortal enemies of their oppon-

ents and often fight to the delight of their fans. Unless it is a final, there is no fraternization after the game as the losers stomp dejectedly back to their dressing room. Soccer is played for 45 minutes per half. No rest, no time out and no time to visit the washroom as you might miss a goal. NHL hockey, which was definitely ‘Canada’s Game’ at one time as we supplied the majority of players, is now made of 50 per cent Canadians and 50 per cent from other countries. It is unfortunate that sportsmanship seems to have diminished as a requisite. Mike Harvey Langley

Community very supportive We are part way through one of our most beautiful times of year in Golden, and there are many positive and progressive things happening. What is equally true is that most recently, our little community has been rocked by grief and heartbreak that has taken our breath away. As I walk around town, the immense sorrow is palpable. Many of us struggle with what to say and do. We wish we could fix it somehow. But we can’t. What we can do is what I witness every time our community of Golden experiences Mayor’s Report incomprehensive loss; we love one another, we show kindness to one another, and we support By Christina Benty one another. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those in our community whose hearts are broken. May you find comfort in one another and in the fellowship of your community.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014 The Golden Star

Attention all Rod & Gun Club members: The range will be closed from Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014 until noon Monday, July 28th, 2014 for blackpowder shoot.

Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema presents: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (3D) starts Friday July 18 thru Thursday July 24 at 7pm. Late shows Friday & Saturday @ 9:20pm.

This Week GOLDEN’s new ARTS and Add booking eadli n CULTURE July 18the 12 MAGAZINE! p.m. A magazine that embodies our culture in Golden. • Our People • Our Scenery • Our Music • Our Art • Our Originalty Golden’s new source for local events!

Adam Zarachowicz


Wed, July 16

Golden Moments Have you, or someone you know, called Golden, Parson, Nicholson, or the Blaeberry home for a while? If so, we’d love to talk to you (or your friend/neighbour/family member etc.) and write a profile in our paper. Give us a call, stop by the office, or send an e-mail. We look forward to seeing you!

Golden THE

413 A 9th Ave N

A.P.E.S. After School Program Monday to Friday 3 -5:30pm. $12/day for ages 5 to 11. To register please leave a message at 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program birth-5years. Mon&Fri 12-3:30pm, Wed 2-5pm, Tuesdays&Thursdays 8:4511:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324. Flathead Wild Art Exhibit at the Art Gallery of Golden until Sept. 6. Canadian National Hang Gliding Championships will be held in Golden from July 12-19 They will launch from Mount 7 and glide to the Eco Ranch.

Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Wednesday at 10am. Call 250-344-5413 to register. The Golden Farmers’ Market Wednesdays from 12-5pm in the CP Parking Lot across from Credit Union. Kicking Horse Culture presents Summer Kicks in Spirit Square July 16 with Riccardo Tesi. Krysta and the Krybabies also play.

Thurs, July 17 Men’s Drop-in Basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Bridge Club every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at the College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New mem-

This week's achievement award goes to...

bers and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday from 3:455:30pm. Public Swim from 3-4pm at the Golden Municipal Pool. Aquafit at the Golden Municipal Pool Thursdays from 7:30-8:30pm. Summer Reading Club starts July 3 - 24 from 1:30-2:30pm at the Library. Ages 5-12.

Fri, July 18 A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:307:30pm. Mother Goose Program Fridays 10:30-11:30am at the Library. Snacks included, just drop in! Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Bridge Club every Friday at the Centre for Peace in St. Andrew’s Church, 7pm. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fridays 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call Cyra 250919-0757 for more info. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am. Call 250-344-8392. Ali K Zam appears at the Summer Reading Club at the Golden Library July 18 at 3pm.

• For more information... go to

Sat, July 19 Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Saturdays at the Golden Museum 1302 - 11th Ave S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Aquafit at the Golden Municipal Pool Saturdays from 10-11am. The Golden Farmers’ Market Saturdays from 10-3pm in Spirit Square. The Rotary Club Annual Charity Golf Tournament July 19. BC Enduro Bike Race comes through Golden on July 19/20.

Sun, July 20 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Outdoor Yoga in Spirit Square Sundays at 11am. Admission by donation. Public Swim from 3-8pm at the Golden Municipal Pool. BC Enduro Bike Race comes through Golden on July 19/20.

Mon, July 21 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12-18. Golden Community Choir, Mondays from 7:309:30pm at the Lutheran Church. Member fees $10. For info call Joyce 250-3446043. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mondays 5-7pm in the StrongStart room in APES Free program

includes dinner, discussions, and activities. Call 250-439-9665. The Cadets meet Mondays 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. Golden Youth Centre dropin every Monday from 5-8pm. Outdoor Yoga in Spirit Square Mondays from 12-12:45pm. Admission by donation.

Tues, July 22 A.A Meetings Tuesdays at the United Church 901 - 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre dropin Tuesdays from 3:307:30pm. Aquafit at the Golden Municipal Pool Tuesdays from 7:30-8:30pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Tuesdays from 1-3pm. Call 250-344-8392. Public Swim from 3-4pm at the Golden Municipal Pool. Rockwater Grill & BarR

Upcoming Events

Kicking Horse Culture presents Summer Kicks in Spirit Square July 23 with The Good Ol’ Goats. Li Jigeurs Mechif also plays. Western Open BC Cup Provincials July 27 at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. Kicking Horse Culture presents Summer Kicks in Spirit Square July 30 with The Strumbellas. Tony Bell also plays. Golden Delicious presents “Out For A Rip” Saturday Aug.2 at 10pm at the Rockwater. Tickets available at Plain Wayne & Jane. Community Weed Pull Aug.3 at Reflection Lake from 3-6pm. Meet at Rodeo Grounds.

Casey Larose for playing well with others at the spray park.

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The Golden Star Wednesday, July 16, 2014 A9

New nature tours show off Golden’s natural gems

The Edelwiss Slough will be the feature of the first nature tour. Photo Submitted Some kids enjoy the playground equipment during the Summer Fun Camp.

Photo Submitted

Kids camp in full swing for the summer Joel Tansey With summer in full swing, it can be hard for parents to find things for kids to do throughout the two month break from school. Entertainment options often include television, video games and movies, but the Golden Community Resource Society (GCRS) is offering an alternative for parents that will keep kids active and away from the television. Summer Fun Camp will run weekly from now until the end of August. The camp is led and organized by Kirby Allen and Shea Archibald-Lacasse and includes a wide range of activities, from swimming and arts and crafts to special fun days. “We send out a newsletter the week before the camp that has a schedule of different theme days,” Archibald-Lacasse said. “We have a Hawaii day, circus day, everybody’s birthday, Freaky Friday where we make them eat gross looking things,” said Allen. Among the other highlights of the day camp is

its weekly Friday cookout at the municipal campground. “The campground donates the fire pit and the firewood, we usually do hot dogs and a fruit of the week,” Archibald Lacasse said. Campers range from kids who are just out of kindergarten all the way up to 11 and 12 year olds. Allen and Archibald-Lacasse try to plan activities that reflect that age difference. “Sometimes it is hard to find ideas to suit both age groups,” Archibald-Lacasse said. “We find that a lot of the older kids will take on a leadership role towards the younger kids,” Allen said. “They’ll kind of find their buddy and help them out, which is nice to see too.” Most of all, Allen and Archibald-Lacasse strive to make the camp as fun as possible, with minimum rules. “(The main rule is) to respect each other and respect us,” Allen said. For more information on the camp, contact the organizers at

Sanne van der Ros Submitted Golden's stunning scenery and natural spaces are the perfect setting for Wild Nature Tours. This new nature-based enterprising non-profit venture takes visitors and locals off the beaten path to make a connection with the local natural environment. Wild Nature Tours, which also runs in Fernie and Invermere, is kicking off its Golden debut this coming weekend with the Explore Edelweiss Slough Nature's Nursery tour. Local naturalist and experienced tour guide Joan Dolinsky will lead a fun family-friendly walk at one of Golden's hidden natural gems that is bursting with life at this time of the year. Participants will learn about the local birds, bugs, frogs and flowers in Edelweiss Slough on this Wild Nature Tours kick-off. An evening tour will run on Saturday, July 19 from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. and a Sunday morning tour will run on July 20 from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. More programs are being planned for this summer, fall, and winter. To learn more about Wild Nature Tours and this weekend's tour, please visit and click on the Golden link. You can also find Wild Nature Tours Golden on Facebook.

Kootenay health foundation’s campaign raised $130,000 Golden Star Staff This week the Pathways to Home Community Program received some much-needed pieces of equipment thanks to donors that supported East Kootenay Foundation for Health and the 2013 Starlite Campaign. The 2013 Starlite Campaign encouraged donors to make an unrestricted donation to EKFH during the annual star light up with hopes of raising some significant dollars to help purchase many essential items for community programs across the East Kootenay. In the past, Golden residents and organizations have contributed greatly to EKFH causes. In 2012 several local donations helped with the purchase of a a new digital stereotactic mammography unit for the East Kootenay Regional Hospital, which serves local patients. And in 2013 contributions from the EKFH, along with several other local organizations (Cops for Kids contributed the largest amount, as well as the Moun-

tain Magic Quilters Guild, EZ Rock Radiothon and the Golden Paramedics Association), allowed the Golden and District Hospital to purchase a new pediatric crib. The outpouring of donations was exceptional with the Starlite Campaign witnessing an overwhelming $130,000 in financial support in both restricted and unrestricted funding. Now the true impact of those gifts takes place with many pieces of equipment being ordered and delivered to hospitals and facilities in the region. The Pathways to Home Community Program is one such program and is welcoming the arrival of bariatric equipment including a commode, four-wheeled walker, and ROHO mattress, wheelchair and pressure relief cushion. “Our program is extremely fortunate to receive funding from East Kootenay Foundation for Health. It is equipment such as this that plays a big part in our patient therapy programs,” says Diana Hoecherl, Occupational Therapist with Interior Health. The Lion’s Clubs in the region, including the Golden Lions, are also supporting the EDFH through a

walkathon. The Lions are asking the public’s support to Pledgea-Lion ($ per km) from one of the 4 clubs who are walking in each of their communities on Sunday, August 24 from 9:00 am to Noon. The combined goal is to accomplish walking a total of 232 km the equivalent of the distance Golden to Fort Steele. The Lions’ goal is to raise $15,000 with the gift directed to East Kootenay Foundation for Health in support of its Ophthalmology Care Fund. Lions International has long been known to support sight programs and services. Donors and their donations, no matter what size, make a tremendous impact in health care at the community level. Support of East Kootenay Foundation for Health helps the regional hospital foundation fund equipment that is essential to quality health care for facilities in Golden, Creston Valley, Columbia Valley, Elk Valley and Cranbrook/Kimberley. Donations can be made at Donations are also accepted at hospitals and health care facilities throughout the East Kootenay.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014 The Golden Star

Weed pull volunteers collect 35 bags of invasive weeds in Golden Jessica Schwitek Golden volunteers got together to remove 35 bags worth of invasive weeds from Golden’s shoreline. The annual event, hosted by Wildsight, gets volunteers out to remove some of the invasive plant species that grow in Golden. For the past seven years the weed pull has targeted a stretch along the Kicking Horse River shoreline, and organizer Sadie Parr says she can see the impact it is making. “There’s less and less coming out each year, so it’s definitely working,” said Parr. The event targets two priority species, knapweed and burdock. Although not the only two invasive species growing in the area, these two were chosen to target because their roots secrete things that inhibit other plants, and they grow and spread at an exponential rate. The awareness in the community around invasive species is rising, and getting on top of these species early is making a huge difference. As part of the Community Weed Program, a partnership between Wildsight-Golden and the Town of Golden, there have been informational signs placed around town, and Parr can arrange for a free invasive plant survey of private residences. The Golden Library got involved as well, and put up a display about knapweed and its effect. There will also be a second community weed pull event on Aug. 3 near Reflection Lake. Anyone wanting to participate can meet with the group at the Rodeo Grounds from 3 to 6 p.m. Everything you need will be provided, including bags, gloves, and a free meal. For more information, or to arrange for a survey of your yard, Parr can be contacted at

Shelby Dawn Klassen

March 5, 1996 – July 5, 2014

Volunteers hold bags of the knapweed and burdock they helped remove from the shores of the Kicking Horse River as part of Wildsight Golden’s annual Community Weed Pull on Friday July 11. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

New guided hike explores famous Burgess Shale Golden Star Staff

Shelby Dawn Klassen (aka SD) is survived by her loving parents, Cheryl and Barry, family, extended family, friends and the town of Golden. Shelby’s life is one to be celebrated. Although we will miss her every day, especially her laughter, smile, hugs and “I love yous”, she will remain forever in our hearts. A celebration of life was held at the Golden Civic Centre on Monday, July 14, 2014 followed by interment in the Golden Community Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the British Columbia Lung Association at www. Messages of condolence may be sent to the family by visiting Shelby’s obituary notice at Arrangements were in the care of Hindman Bowers Funeral Home, Golden, B.C.

David Wilks, Member of Parliament for Kootenay-Columbia, on behalf of the Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Canada’s Environment Minister and Minister Responsible for Parks Canada, has announced new hiking and camping opportunities in Kootenay National Park. “Building on the success of the awardwinning guided hikes to the Burgess Shale in Yoho National Park, Parks Canada now offers guided hikes to the Burgess Shale fossil deposit near Stanley Glacier in Kootenay. This exciting new visitor offer highlights our Government’s commitment to the protection and presentation of this global fossil heritage, and a strong research partnership with the Royal Ontario Museum,” said Wilks. Guided hikes are now available to the world renowned Burgess Shale fossil site near Stanley Glacier in northern Kootenay National Park. This hike guides visitors through expansive fire swept forests, crosses a turquoise river, passes by waterfalls and gives close-up views of the Stanley Glacier. Hold a piece of earth’s history in

From left, Kurt Schroeder, Banff Lake Louise Tourism, Phil Wallace, Friends of Kootenay National Park, Michael St-Denise, Parks Canada, David Wilks, and Melanie Kwong, Superintendent for Lake Louise, Yoho and Kootenay national parks. Photo Submitted your hand and make a fossil rubbing to take home. Visitors will learn about the “Stan animal,” a 505 million year old predator recently discovered here. Guided hikes to the fossil site near

Stanley Glacier are 12 km round-trip. Parks Canada’s popular award-winning hikes to the Burgess Shale sites in Yoho National Park will continue again this summer

The Golden Star Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Star entertainment A11

Wil performs in the sunshine It was a hot and sunny evening for singer/songwriter Wil as he performed in the Spirit Square on Wednesday July 9 for the Summer Kicks series. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

Ronald McDonald House BC is growing. ®

The new Ronald McDonald House BC opens in June. A home away from home for seriously ill children receiving treatment at BC Children’s Hospital, the new and bigger House has enough room to welcome 73 families every day, keeping 2,500 families per year together when it matters most.

Good Ol’ Goats return for Summer Kicks

The Good Ol’ Goats from Cranbrook perform in Spirit Square on July 23. Photo Submitted

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The Good Ol’ Goats, an ensemble folk group from Cranbrook, are set to perform in Golden once again after a pair of February shows during the weekend of the Snow King Masque Parade. “It was great, we had a lot of fun playing in Golden,” said lead vocalist Nolan Ackert. “It’s fun to get out and play in any community and get out of town.” The Goats will headline the July 23 Summer Kicks show at Spirit Square. The group plays a very fast-paced brand of folk music that will surely infuse the audience with a dose of energy. “It’s pretty high-energy,” said Ackert. “We have some slower songs but in general we’re faster.” The Goats’ released their debut album, The Train, and are currently working on the follow up album. Most of what the band plays now is

material from their forthcoming album, but they’ll mix in tunes from their original release as well. The group formed in 2011 while they were all attending Mt. Baker Secondary in Cranbrook. Ackert is now in grade 12 while most of the rest of the band has since graduated. He admits that folk is an interesting genre for high school students to play. “I think lots of us just got into it through music we listened to as we were raised,” Ackert said. The young artiststs aren’t sure what the future lies, but there is no doubt where their passion lies. “We’ve got to make some decisions and it’s kind of a waiting game right now, but we’re hoping for the best,” Ackert said. “I think if any of us can make music a career we totally will.” Performing the in between set for the Golden Ol’ Goats will be Li Jigeurs Mechif. The show starts in the Spirit Square at 7 p.m.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 The Golden Star

Golden Life expresses happiness through “Happy” video

This video still shows Golden Life residents dancing to the song “Happy.” Image Submitted Barry Coulter Black Press Hundreds of seniors in southern B.C. and Alberta have given the world a definition of happiness, thanks to a globally popular song and a video that was launched Friday, July 11. Golden Life, a seniors’ housing, care and service provider in the region, is releasing a video dub showing residents

and staff expressing their inner happiness to the accompaniment of “Happy,” a hugely successful song by American singer Pharrell Williams. The idea for the video came from Landon Elliott, a marketing director with Golden Life, after he noted that the song had been licensed by the United Nations for the International Day of Happiness, so that different versions could be created in different nations

and cultures, expressing the happiness and joy that the song represents. “I thought it would be really interesting to see how our residents and staff expressed happiness,” Elliott said. Golden Life set about securing the licensing rights for their own video, which would involve hundreds of seniors and staff dancing along and acting out joyously for the cameras while the song played. Golden Life operates 12 seniors housing sites across southern B.C. and Alberta, with about 1,300 residents in total, and Elliott and the video crew visited them all — including the newly opened site in Calgary. “A lot of driving,” he said. The whole process of making the film took a month. Jason Beauchene, of Cranbrook’s Audiotomic Video Production, did the videography and editing. “We went to all the sites — two a week” Elliott said. “I brought a boom box, gathered residents and staff together, and asked, what’s it like to be happy at (whichever site the crew was at).” Elliott said he led the way by dancing along behind the camera, but the subjects in front of the camera set to with gusto. “We gave the option for every senior to participate — not everybody did,” he said.

But hundreds of seniors did participate. “We came away with between 600 and 800 clips,” Elliott said. “But we only had the licensing for four minutes. So we had to edit it down to about 130 clips.” Those 130 clips were edited into a brisk four minute video — a portrait of Golden Life residents, staff and happiness. Since most of the clips are group shots, the video involves hundreds and seniors and Golden Life staff, dancing and emoting to this catchiest, happiest of songs. All aspects of life at Golden Life are captured, from the kitchens at Joseph Creek Village in Cranbrook to the Senior Prom at Castlewood Village Castlegar. “We’ve given people a chance to get up on stage, show off, and show people what happiness is,” Elliott said. While the published version of the video is only four minutes long, an extended version was created, so that every person who participated in the video could have some screen time. The extended version was made available to each of Golden Life’s facilities, and will be shown on the facilities’ big screen theatres. The video launches today, Friday, July 11, on Golden Life’s website and YouTube. To view the video, go to At the bottom of the webpage is a banner, which when you click on it will direct you to the video.

Whitecaps organization continues to expand further into B.C. Trevor Crawley Black Press With Western Canada as their backyard, the Vancouver Whitecaps have focused on expanding their presence in British Columbia and is actively running academies across the province. While the club has had a presence in the West Kootenay with

a prospect centre in Nelson, the time has come to have a permanent presence in the East Kootenay. Brett Adams, the regional coach who is based out of Nelson and runs one such academy, has been working in the East Kootenay, assessing the viability of setting up a year-round prospects centre in Cran-

brook. It’s moved from a vision to reality, with tryouts beginning next fall. “We’ve sustained a very good program through the fall, winter and spring phases, we always have good numbers,” said Adams. “On the back of that, we gave KEYSA some technical direction, which assist-

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ant coach Sam Heap took on, and that was very successful. We got great feedback from the KEYSA board. “So much so, that we’ve identified that there needs to be a prospects group within this area.” While it will be based on tryouts, Adams says the exclusivity of the program will only help the players who make the cut. “We want to give some of these kids more opportunity to go to Vancouver, go to a [MLS] game, to go and be trained by some of the more elite staff,” Adams said. That became all the more tangible this past week when some Whitecaps celebrities came to Cranbrook to take part in a skills camp, as current Whitecaps forward Omar Salgado and Whitecaps executive Sam Lenarduzzi were on hand for a Q&A and autograph session on Wednesday. Lenarduzzi, a former professional soc-

Omar Salgado (centre) is a professional soccer player for the Vancouver Whitecaps, while Sam Lenarduzzi, (right) is a member of the Canadian Soccer Hall of Fame who manages regional development for the club. Brett Adams (left) is the regional coach for the same organization and is based out of Nelson. Trevor Crawley Photo cer player with the Whitecaps and a member of the national team, has moved into an executive role with the club where he oversees regional development programs across the province. “I think when you put on camps like this,

you’re always looking to find that diamond in the rough, and you have to go everywhere to find it,” Lenarduzzi said. “Just because this is out-of-town, doesn’t mean that there not here. “In areas even outside of Vancouver such as Squamish or

even up in Williams Lake, some of our national team players have come from those areas, so I think it’s valuable for us to do it. “…The big thing we’re trying to do is create a pathway for those kids out there that really want to be at this level.”

The Golden Star Wednesday, July 16, 2014 A13

The Muzzillo family came to Golden in the late 1800s The first of the children to marry was my grandmother Fiorina. On April 22, 1917 she married Giosue (Bruno) Daniele in the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Golden. They had three children, Joseph born in Golden in 1922, Anne in 1924 and Robert in 1926. Anne and Robert were both born in Field. Ernestina Micieli of Revelstoke became the bride of Antonio in 1924. They had two children, Albert born in Golden and Irene. William married next in 1930 to Janet Elizabeth Storie and they had one child, a son, William Jr. born in 1931. In 1932 Janet contracted tuberculosis and passed away at the Sanitarium at Kamloops the fol-

lowing year at age 25. William would later marry Ella Osbaldeston of Vermillion. 1940 saw both Frank and Joseph married. Frank in April to Isobel Piatelli of Revelstoke and Joseph in July to Dorothea Huhn of Bruno, Sk. Frank and Isobel have one daughter Brenda. Dorothea and Joe have three children, Ron, Celestine and Delano. On the evening of May 11, 1940, after playing Bridge at the “Y” in Field, Salvatore passed away suddenly at his home. He was interred in the Pleasant Street Cemetery in Kamloops. Marietta sold the hotel and moved to Kamloops later the same year and remained there until her passing in 1954. In 1961 Joe passed away in Penticton,

Tony and Flora in Kamloops in 1967 and 1977 respectively and Bill in 1986 at Sicamous. Frank and Isobel still live in Revelstoke. As with so many Italians the Muzzillos were joined by other family members in the ensuing years. Sam’s brother Giovanni (John) and his family would also come to Canada and live in Field as would five of Marietta’s cousins, two of whom would not see Italy again. Her cousin, Francesco Perri, was the groundskeeper at the “Y” in Field and is buried in the Field Cemetery. Francesco’s brother, Salvatore, rests in the Golden Cemetery. Marietta was also related by marriage to several other Italian families in Field.

Adam Zarachowicz is the...

Phantom of the “AD-pra” William Muzzillo is pictured with Billy Muzzillo. The Muzzillo family came to Golden from Spezzano Grande, Italy, in 1898. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum

- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo

The following story was written by Norm Daniele for 2000 Golden Memories – copies still available at the Golden Museum.

My great-grandfather Salvator (Sam) Muzzillo was born in Spezzano Grande, Province of Cosenza, Italy, February 7, 1872. Leaving his wife, Marietta(nee Perri, born in 1874) in Spezzano Piccolo and infant son, Antonio behind, he embarked on his journey to Canada. Arriving in Golden in 1898 he, like so many other Italian immigrants, found

work with the C.P.R. through in later years he was employed by the C.R.L. Company. In 1899 and again in 1906 he returned to his homeland. His family would not join him in Golden until 1912. By now the Muzzillos had three children. The eldest, son, Antonio, was born in 1897, daughter Fiorina ( Flora) in 1900 and son Guglielmo William in 1907.

They were blessed by two more children who were born in the family home at 525-12th St.- Frank in 1914 and Joseph in 1916. During the years 1912 through 1923 Sam acquired several properties in Golden. At the encouragement of Antonio he purchased the Strand Hotel in Field and the family took up residence there in 1923.

Call today to discuss your advertising options! Our Arts & Culture Magazine Deadline is July 18th! 250-344-5251


Wednesday, July 16, 2014 The Golden Star

Hometown swimmers host very successful summer meet Golden Dolphins Swim Club Submitted

After a sweltering hot weekend in Golden, the Dolphins held their annual swim meet having an astonishing 73 swimmers attend from the club. Standing on the podium (all pictured on the left) this weekend with Bronze medals in their divisions were, Thorin Malaka, Emma Russell, Hannah LaRoy, Emily King, and Rochelle Bertrand. Ahead with Silver medals in their divisions were, Kaelan Malaka, Zara Johnson and Hayley Plonka. Standing on top of the podium with the Gold was Josh Hiraoka who managed to turn up the heat and improve his time in 50 Freestyle. Alongside him was Aaron Evison who got a Gold medal in his division achieving great times for his first swim meet! The Golden swim meet was the first meet for many of the swimmers attending this weekend. There was a high attendance from the youngest swimmers in the club who are part of the Goldfish program. Many of them achieved amazing times for their first swim meet of the year. Some shining stars from the Goldfish program were, Devon Murphy, Roxy Coatesworth, Breck Nolin, Katrina McClean, Braxton and Danica Gulliford, Evan Tsadilas, Carter and Hunter Thorne and Madison Sherriff. Coaches Caprice and Hailey, along with the Jr. Coaches, Zara, Hayley, Hannah and Emily, are extremely proud of the effort and performance from all the Goldfish swimmers at this weekend’s meet. The Dolphins also had many swimmers from the Jr. Program who were excited and ready with positive attitudes to swim at this weekend’s meet. With lots of hard work and practice on technique this year, many best times were achieved this weekend in the Jr. group. Achieving best times and executing great swims were, Alan Struthers-Ward, Elyssia McClean, Kayla Lush, Kamille Von Niessen, Meghan Oslund, Enzo Soret, Taylor Lundstrom, Tatum Cochran and Leah Michener. The effort and performances executed from the Jr. group were incredible and the Coaches look forward to more improvement this year. The Coaches and Executive board would like to thank all the parent volunteers, lifeguards and sponsors for their help this weekend. The swim meet wouldn’t have been able to run without your help and patience. Coming up next is the Salmon Arm swim meet where the Dolphins will continue to achieve best times and smoke the competition.

Top, all the Dolphins who made podium finishes got together for a picture. Right, Goldfish Madison Sherriff competes hard in her event, and far right, Josh Hiraoka smiles after finishing first in his event. Jessica Schwitek/ Star Photo

Gymnastics club taking advantage of their newest equipment Kicking Horse Gymnastics Submitted Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club is pleased to announce that our new uneven bars, made possible by a Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) Grant have now been installed and are being used for our summer camps. The gymnastics club has performed in competition for the previous four seasons on uneven bars without having a set in the gym to practice on. The athletes have made due with pretending to be on the low bar (a box) and jumping to the high bar. This particular set of bars has been built especially to assist gymnastic clubs with small spaces as the earlier versions of the layout have taken too much room for our small gym to consider installing. This amazing state of the art piece of equipment will help the competitive athletes perform more repetitions of their bar routines prior to competition and will also allow them to learn more complex and challenging skills. All of the club’s athletes from 2 year-olds to adults, beginners to advanced will get to use the bars as part of our daily programming. This will enhance strength, coordination and overall athleticism.

Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club is very thankful for the hours of hard work and dedication from John Lush and for the handiwork of Bill Soles. Without these fine helpers, the bars would not have been installed so perfectly! The Club is so thankful to the CBT for its generosity to the club, this year and in previous years. With more than 300 members, the community is benefiting from the physical literacy with the fun, fitness and fundamentals that gymnastics offers as a foundational sport and is part of the long-term athlete development that occurs as children, youth and adult participate in a variety of activities. Summer Camps are now taking place with spots still available. July 21-25: 11 am-12 pm 4 yearolds; 1-2 pm 3 year-olds; 2-4 pm school-age advanced. July 28-31: 9-10 am 3-5 year-olds; 10-11:30am 6-10 year-olds; 1-3 pm advanced. August 19-22: 9-10 am 3-5 yearolds; 10-11 am 6-10 year-olds; 1:30-3 pm advanced. August 25-29: 9-10 am 3-4 yearolds; 10-12 am advanced. Email if you have an interested athlete either for our summer programming or for our 2014-15 season.

Kayla Lush tests out the new uneven bars at the Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club. Photo Submitted

Star business directory

The Golden Star Wednesday, July 16, 2014 A15

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 The Golden Star

British soccer coaches bring expertise to young Golden players Mark Baxendale Submitted On Sunday July 6, three British soccer coaches arrived in Golden on a wet Sunday afternoon. On Monday they started coaching 26 kids from four years old and up the skills that they have acquired over the years coaching and playing in the UK. Paul Moffat from Coventry (a physical education teacher), Chloe Lewis from Merthyr Tydfil in Wales (also a physical education teacher), and Shannon Brannon a previous coach at Liverpool Football club academy, came together as new coaching team and made the whole week fun and exciting for the kids. Skills definitely improved and the kids an coaches had a great time. Kids were heard saying on the last day of camp “I wish we could come to the camp on Saturday” and “I will miss coach Shannon”. What great compliments to the coaching team.

Soccer coaches who came to Golden from Britian, put on a soccer camp for 26 young soccer players in town last week. Photo Submitted


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EXPERIENCED PARTS Person required for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses working 5 day work week, plus moving allowances. Our 26,000 sq.ft. store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at: Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email:

SEEKING MEDICAL Transcriptionists to work from home! We are currently recruiting experienced MTs to work from home. CanScribe graduates preferred. Positions available immediately. Email:

New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.

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LITTLE BADGER EARLY LEARNING PROGRAM in WINDERMERE, BC is now accepting application for an immediate opening for the position(s) of: • Early Learning Program Educator • Facility/Program Manager. These positions will be F/T permanent (40 hours per week). The successful candidates will possess: • Current Early Childhood • • •


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Proof of compliance with BC immunization schedule • Montessori diploma or related experience (will train). If interested please forward your cover letter, resume & three character references to the attention of Wendy Cullum, Band Administrator or Fax: 250-342-9693. Deadline: July 31, 2014, 4:30pm. Only applications selected for further consideration will be contacted.

✱The Little Badger Early Learning Program is a division of Eva Joseph. ✱Learning and Culture Society operated by Akisqnuk First Nation, 3046 Hwy 93/95, Windermere, BC V0B 2L2

EMPLOYERS SEEKING Canscribe medical transcription graduates. We can’t meet the demand! Medical Transcription is a great work-from-home career! Contact us today at, 1-800466-1535. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

Trades, Technical

F/T Journeyman Plumber/Gas Fitter req’d for Kardash Plumbing & Htg. Skilled in service/residential/ commercial work. Competitive wages, benefits. Fax resume to: (250)344-2854 or Email:

SALMON ARM Home Building Centre in beautiful Salmon Arm BC has an immediate opening for experienced Cabinet and Flooring Sales Professional. Looking for a highly motivated, customer service driven, possessing a high degree of knowledge in all aspects of flooring and cabinet sales. Competitive Wage and Benefit package offered. Send resume:

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Trades, Technical

Trades, Technical


Ronald William (Bill) Dainard March 29, 1934-July 6, 2014

Calling all


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Help Wanted

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Farm Workers

An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051. Bolico Holdings Ltd. o/a Tim Hortons 1020 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H1 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H2 Food Counter Attendant Full Time/Part Time/Shift Work Nights/Overnights/Early Mornings/Weekends Some high school education $11/hr + Benefits(extended health/vision/dental) Wage based on experience/availability Apply via fax 250 439 1963 or In Person: 1421 Trans Canada Hwy, Golden, BC V0A 1H2

Box 600 Golden, BC V0A 1H0 250-344-6784

Be part of building British Columbia & Alberta’s landmark projects!

Come grow with us! Bill passed away in High Prairie, AB at the age of 80 years. He is survived by his wife Kaye, children Wes (Shelley) Dainard, Donnie (Del) Williscroft, Phillip Dainard and Ivan Dainard, brother Alan Dainard, 5 grandchildren, three great grandchildren and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. The family wishes to extend heartfelt thanks to the compassionate staff at the High Prairie Hospital and the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Health Institute. In respect of his wishes there will be no final ceremonies, his body has been donated to the Anatomical Gifts Program at the UofA. In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to a charity of choice, do something nice for someone or just take time to stop and smell the flowers.

Our Residential & City infrastructure could not be built without YOU!

Check us out: and Facebook Contact us with your interest/resume: OR Fax: 604.572.6139 Quote: “LMS-July2014” in the subject line. We thank all applicants for their interest, however only those who clearly outline the application requirements above will be contacted toward future screening. A18

Wednesday, JulyJuly 16, 2014 The Golden Golden Star Star Wednesday, 16, 2014




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For Sale By Owner

Apt/Condo for Rent

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The Dry End Supervisor is accountable for the safe producƟon of the veneer drying and the plywood layup processes that are consistent with Company objecƟves and standards. Experience in the plywood manufacturing processes, knowledge of the associated plywood manufacturing equipment and employee relaƟons skills as the Supervisor are desired. • Working knowledge of Employment Standards & Safety LegislaƟon • Excellent organizaƟonal, problem solving, and interpersonal skills; • Ability to handle mulƟple tasks; • Total conĮdenƟality is a requirement for this posiƟon; • Post-secondary educaƟon in a relevant Įeld; or • A combinaƟon of a post-secondary degree or related experience; • The applicant must possess excellent wriƩen and oral communicaƟon skills and be able to work in both a team and a self-directed environment. • ProĮciency with Excel, Word and Power point;

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Real Estate

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Downie Timber Ltd. (part of the Gorman Group of Companies) located in Revelstoke BC is requesting proposals from qualified “stump to dump” Cable Logging Contractors. The proposal is for the harvesting and delivery of approximately 60,000 m3 annually within the Revelstoke Timber Supply Area. Potential contractors must possess a strong safety record and be “Safe Certified” with the BC Forest Safety Council. The contractor will be required to dedicate a full-time crew located in the Revelstoke area. Strict adherence to environmental and log quality standards along with efficient operating practices are mandatory. Please forward proposals with detailed company information including equipment compliment, safety records and references to: Mike Johnson Woodlands Manager PO Box 70, Canoe BC V0E 1K0

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RV Sites



512 6th St. South. 1760 sq ft bi-level. Two bdrm w/ 4 pc bath up & two bdrm w/ 4 pc bath down. 75’ frontage. Dble. garage, dble carport. In-law suite. Many upgrades. Email: Appraised at $278,000.00 Asking $273,000.00

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Office/Retail Office Space for rent. Approx. 350 sq. ft. above Body Quest. Call 250-344-7876.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 The Golden Star A19

July jam packed with world class biking events around Golden Joel Tansey

There’s no question that Golden is continuing to solidify its place in the mountain biking world, and Tourism Golden is hoping to further cement that fact by creating a festival, Totally Spoked, that will take place around four major bike events this July. The festivities will get underway on July 19 with the Kicking Horse Cup and the Kootenay Rockies Enduro Series races taking place across town. Those events will wrap up on July 20, but the biking events will return to town from July 25-27 with the Western Open BC Provincials before wrapping up with two stages of the Transrockies Singletrack 6 event, starting on July 29. Joanne Sweeting, marketing manager at Tourism Golden, felt it was important to create Totally Spoked

in order to make this a true celebration of Golden’s varied and vast trail network, and to encourage more race organizers to look at Golden in the future. “In the last few weeks, with all of these races being absolutely confirmed…as Tourism Golden I suddenly thought…we should do something with this,” Sweeting said. The Singletrack 6 event will provide locals with the best opportunity to get involved and have fun, as the Golden Cycling Club will be putting on a Fan Zone BBQ around lunch time of each race and both days of the race will start and end in Spirit Square. According to Sweeting, Singletrack 6 organizers, Transrockies, were especially keen to engage the host community over the course of the race. “We’ve had other bike races in the past, and they come, they are there for the competitors and they go, and quite often the local community, unless they are

bike enthusiasts, don’t really know much about it,” she said. The Rotary Club and the Lions Club are also planning to team up on July 30 to offer a free pancake breakfast for the community. That night, Summer Kicks and a free show at the Rockwater will bring the two day race, and the entire festival, to an end. Sweeting hopes to build some momentum for Totally Spoked in its first year and make it an annual event that will become another reason for bikers to make Golden a part of their plans when choosing biking destinations. “I hope it will stand alone in people’s mind as an event that is repeated every year,” Sweeting said. “I want biking enthusiasts and athletes, in future years, to be saying, ‘Are you going to Totally Spoked?’” For a full festival schedule, visit

Local biker taking on the best in the Singletrack 6 series

Local mountainbiker Shane Kroeger will have the home advantage when he competes in the Singletrack 6 series at the end of the month. Jamie Kroeger/Photo Submitted Joel Tansey Shane Kroeger grew up in Saskatoon, but it’s safe to say that his heart was always in the mountains. Even as a youth, Kroeger spent much of his winters in Western Canada as a competitive skier. After finishing high school, he moved to Golden to be closer to the mountains and all of

the sporting activities that this area offers. Kroeger has taken full advantage of his new environment, epitomizing what it means to be an adventure-seeker in the Columbia Valley as a mountain biker, heliski guide and whitewater kayaker. On Monday, two days after he finished third in the second race of the Kootenay Rockies Enduro Ser-

ies, Kroeger said he was planning to take a break from biking. For most, that might mean a day on the couch to recover from a gruelling weekend race, but Kroeger was planning to go whitewater kayaking later in the afternoon. The word ‘relax’ appears to be mostly absent from his vocabulary. It’s mountain biking that will be his main focus over the

next couple weeks, however, as he competes in both the local leg of the Enduro Series and the Singletrack 6 series (which will include two stages in Golden). Kroeger started out as what he calls an “urban” mountain biker while living in Saskatoon where he would ride the river banks of the South Saskatchewan River. Biking has

remained a mostly recreational pastime for him up until this summer. “I’ve always been a fairly competitive person, right from ski racing as a kid,” Kroeger said. “I think the big emphasis to do some of these races is because they are actually in Golden, as well.” Having races staged in Golden is not just convenient, but could offer Kroeger and other local athletes a distinct advantage over their fellow, outof-town competitors. “(Knowing the trails) could potentially be a little bit of an advantage,” he said. Kroeger says the biking community in Golden is full of friendly competition, and he often competes with others through an app called Strava which logs and tracks times along the trails around town. “The real competitors are some of my good friends so we go out for training rides together and we’re always pushing each other on the training rides, which is great for training,” Kroeger said. “You

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can push each other parts of bike racing to get yourself strong- is to keep your bike er. Everybody wants to running,” Kroeger keep up or push and laughed. “Jon Simpthere’s always that lit- son at Derailed has tle bit of competition been really good at in there.” keeping me on the Similar to how any trail.” car owner places a To track how premium on find- Kroeger is doing with ing a good mechan- both his training and ic, Kroeger knows his races, log on to that his race results totallyspokedgoldwouldn’t be the same and click on the ‘Get An Athlete’s without some help. Inside View” tab. “One of the hardest (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX


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$321,600 2 baths

2328 Holmes Deakin Road


$329,900 1695 Golden Donald Upper Road

3bdrms 1 bath 1,230sqft

5 acres

5 bdrms

2 baths

3,032 sqft


3 bdrms 3 baths 2,500sqft 5.28 acres

1 bath

839 sqft

$289,900 503 - 5th Street

6 Bedrooms

2.5 Baths

71’ x 173’

$177,500 #6, 1215 - 9th Street

2 bedrooms

1 bath

$389,000 #404, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail

3 bedrooms

3 baths

956 sqft



1016 King Crescent

3 bedrooms

1 bath

$449,500 5 bdrms 3.5 baths

NEW 4bdrms

3 baths

$699,000 509 Main Street

Land & Building Fully Rented

5 acres

1.5 Baths


605-9th Street

3+2 bedrooms

3+2 baths





6bdrms 4 baths 4,056sqft 3.19 acres

$299,900 2bdrms 2 baths 1,296sqft 2.87 acres

$359,900 4 bdrms

1327 Selkirk Drive 3.5 baths


$410,000 904 McBeath Road

3bdrms 2 baths 1,500sqft 3.6 acres

$569,600 1501 Quartz Crescent

4 bedrooms 2.5 baths 1,833sqft



3029 Birchlands Road

Land & Building

$249,000 505 - 10th Street

4 bedrooms


Lot 3, 3495 Highway #95, South 36.33 Acres

611 - 9th Avenue

Land & Building with Renter

2 baths


$362,500 405 Riverglen Drive

5 bedrooms



551 Highway #95, South


4 bedrooms 2 baths 1,856sqft

735 Kinsey Road



1,600 sqft


519 - 10th Street


2.5 baths


DanDan Veselic Veselic (250) (250) 344-1435 344-1435

919 - 10 th Street

Rural Propery with 2 Homes


4 Bedrooms

3 bedrooms

$279,900 3071 Tegart Road

3,000sqft 11.6 acres

3897 Highway #95, South

3 bedrooms 2.5 baths 3,447sqft



2145 Mitchell Road

$579,600 1500 Quartz Crescent

#10, 411 - 5th Avenue




$99,000 1007 King Crescent

60 acres

1556 Quartz Crescent

$539,000 4905 Castledale Heights

2 bdrms

Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451

502 - 6th Street

3 bedrooms

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 The Golden Star

3 baths


$239,900 #111, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail

2 bedrooms

2 baths


RURAL ACREAGES 2310 Campbell Road

19.87 acres


Lot 1, Golden Donald Upper Road

1.06 acres


985 McBeath Road

40.52 acres


Lot 3, Forde Station Road McMurdo Road

3 acres 3 acreages available

$89,900 from $79,000 to $125,000

2393 Kettleston Road Lot 2, Campbell Road 576 Habart Road Lot 2, 2116 Highway #95, South Black Bear Drive Lot 1, Olive Road 4151 Thomas Road

9.76 acres 2.5 acres .4 acre 2.72 acres 2 acreages available 4.45 acres 30 acres

$219,900 $120,000 $94,900 $129,000 from $110,000 to $220,900 $149,600

1359 Black Bear Drive 3362 Highway #95, South Lot 1, Blaeberry Road Lot 2, Blaeberry Road

2.4 acres 30.27 acres 8.11 acres 8.11 acres

$199,000 $135,000 $199,000 $189,000 $189,000

$269,000 #1, 1338 Kaufmann View

2 bedrooms

1 bath


$765,000 1631 Purcell Woods Close

4 bedrooms


1 bath

$285,000 2 bedrooms

$230,000 1 bedroom


#21, 1345 Aemmer Way

1596 Columbia Valley 1.871 acres

#17, 1333 Aemmer Way

3 baths


1 bath

770 sqft

$149,300 476 Champagne Road

3 bdrms 1 bath 1,100sqft

1.54 acres

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