Golden Star, July 23, 2014

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VOLUME 124 ISSUE 30 $1.35



Bakery & Deli Open Mon - Sat 6:00 am - 6:00 pm 250-344-2928

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Showtime in Spirit Square

Banff wildfire still burning, bringing in smoke ....................................2


Strumbellas take the stage at Summer Kicks ..................................10


New tea company in the community ..................................12


Campers and camp leaders from Le Petit Tournosol’s French art camp pose in Spirit Square with the puppets and puppet stages that they created at the camp. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

Council Notes: WildSafe BC proposes new contest Biking couple to take on Singletrack 6 .......................................19

Jessica Schwitek Reporting Software Town Council has voted to purchase new reporting software, that will make a significant impact on the amount of staff time spent. “This reporting software will compliment

the accounting software we already have,” said Lisa Vass, chief financial officer for the Town. Vass is already familiar with the Caseware Working Papers software, and after initial installation and code writing, expects it to save countless hours of time spent on reporting. “This seems like a no-brainer, it makes complete sense,” said Mayor Christina Benty.

Council voted to purchase the software for $27,855. WildSafe BC WildSafe BC co-ordinator Sarah Osadetz went before Council last week presenting her idea to help motivate residents to be more responsible with their garbage practices. Continued on page 3

Western Open BC Cup Provincials July 26 & 27 A Classic – Kicking Horse Mountain Resort is preparing for the upcoming 2014 mountain bike race season and is pleased to be presenting the return of The Western Open BC Cup and Alberta Downhill event. Kicking Horse Mountain Bike Park will play host to the fastest downhill racers from Western Canada competing for $10,000 in cash and prizes. Cultivating the MTB trend and initiating the little wheels – Don’t miss out on the Shimano Kids Race! ON LINE REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 The Golden Star

Golden under smoke advisory Golden Star Staff Golden residents are being advised to take the air quality into consideration while wildfire smoke is still present in the valley. The Ministry of Environment in collaboration with Interior Health has continued a Smoke Advisory for Golden and surrounding areas because of forest fire smoke that is affecting some areas. Smoke concentrations will vary widely as winds, fire behaviour and temperatures change. Smoke transport models suggest that periods of smoke are expected to persist and this advisory remained in effect on Monday at the time of publication. Current hourly average PM2.5 concentrations are 47 micrograms per cubic metre, and the 24 hour average is 35 micrograms per cubic metre. Avoid strenuous outdoor activities. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, contact your health care provider: difficulty in breathing, chest pain or discomfort, and sudden onset of cough or irritation of airways. Exposure is particularly a concern for infants, the elderly and those who have underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, and lung or heart disease. People with heart or lung conditions may be more sensitive to the effects of smoke and should watch for any change in symptoms that may be due to smoke exposure. If any symptoms are noted, affected individuals should take steps to reduce their exposure to smoke and if necessary see their physician. People with symptoms should go to their health care provider, walk in clinic or emergency department depending on severity of symptoms. The smoke is the result of a pair of forest fires that have brought smoky conditions to the Columbia Valley. For more information on current air quality, see: www.bcairquality. ca Although the smoke cleared out over the weekend, the fires are still burning, and smoke may still be making its way into the area.

Golden, BC

July 19-31, 2014 Get Totally Spoked with several biking events, activities, and promotions this July in Golden BC. July 19th & 20th Kootenay Rockies Enduro Series Multiple stages of untimed climbs and timed descents on CBT, Moonraker and Kicking Horse Mountain Resort trails.

July 19th & 20th Kicking Horse Cup This annual event is a 3 stage road race with an IIT Prologue, mass-start Hill Climb and tough Australian Pursuit Circuit Road Race making for a fun, hard-racing vibe.

July 26th & 27th Western Open BC Cup Series Kicking Horse Bike Park plays host to the fastest downhill racers from Western Canada competing for $10,000 in cash and prizes.

July 29th & 30th Transrockies Singletrack 6 Golden is host to stages 4 and 5 of this exciting new race which start and finish in Spirit Square and race on Moonraker and Mountain Shadows trails. Check out the GCC Fan Zones and BBQ!

For a full schedule and more information visit

The Spreading Creek wildfire in Banff National Park continues to burn, and may continue throughout the summer. Parks Canada Photo

Wildfires still burning near Banff Golden Star Staff Golden can expect smoky conditions to continue as multiple fires continue to burn. Fire activity has decreased on the Spreading Creek Wildfire in Banff National Park, however the fire still burns, and is bringing smoke into the Columbia Valley. As of Friday July 18, the size of the Spreading Creek wildfire in Banff National Park is estimated to be 2,500 hectares and is decreasing in activity following a successful ariel ignition that burned up 800 hectares of forest fuel on Saturday evening. The fire operations are being managed separately by Parks Canada and Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, as the fire is covering a large geographic area in both jurisdictions. Both agencies are committed to sharing resources and support as needed. Currently there are 40 people on the Banff National Park Spreading Creek Fire Team. This includes four Initial Attack Crews (some from other national parks and the Province of Ontario), the Command Team, support staff and five helicopters that are supporting the operation. As the unseasonably hot and dry conditions persist, the Spreading Creek Wildfire could remain actively managed on the landscape throughout the summer. The wildfire activity has forced the park to close certain recreational areas. Check the Parks Canada website to see the current closures. The Southeast Fire Centre is also busy this July, as they are currently responding to two lightning-caused fires east of Highway 6 in the Slocan Valley. Although these fires are highly visible due to their proximity to Highway 6 and local communities, there is currently no threat to any structures or communities. The Enterprise Creek fire is 1.5 kilometres east of Highway 6 and 8.5 kilometres south of the village of Silverton. Multiple airtanker groups and helicopters worked on this fire throughout the day and late into the evening on Thursday, July 17. Three helicopters are supporting a 20-person Unit Crew that has established pump sites and is working to contain this fire, which is currently estimated at 10 hectares.

The Monument Creek fire is 10 kilometres east of Highway 6 and 11.5 kilometres southeast of Slocan City. Helicopters are supporting 18 firefighters who are working to contain this fire. Airtanker groups and helicopters worked late into the evening on Thursday to slow its rate of spread. This wildfire is estimated at 3.5 hectares. Crews have actively responded to 27 naturally occurring wildfires in the past week and have also had to respond to seven fires that were person-caused and therefore preventable. The fire danger rating in the majority of the Southeast Fire Centre is currently “high”, with areas of “extreme” fire danger near Invermere, Cranbrook, Nakusp, Kaslo, Revelstoke and Grand Forks. Considering the hot and dry weather experienced over the past week, these conditions mean that forest fuels are very dry and the risk of fire is serious. The rest of the province is also dealing with some significant fire risks. A new fire at Soda Creek north of Williams Lake was reported in its early stages, allowing crews with 10 air tankers, three helicopters and heavy equipment to be deployed Sunday while it covered only 12 hectares. The fire is close to Highway 97 and the cause was still under investigation Monday. A new lightning-caused fire at Chelaslie Arm in a remote northwest region south of Smithers was at 5,000 hectares and threatening one building by Sunday, with 10 firefighters and two helicopters deployed. Efforts continued for a second week to contain the Red Deer Creek fire that has caused the evacuation of three oil and gas camps near Tumbler Ridge. It has 160 firefighters, 12 helicopters and 31 pieces of heavy equipment building fire breaks, with plans to set controlled burns to contain it as conditions permit. Another fire only six kilometres east of Mackenzie was burning uphill in steep terrain and spreading east, with more help on the way as it reached 80 hectares in size. Like many remote fires, the B.C. Wildfire Management Branch reported that this fire was receiving “modified response” to protect infrastructure and timber values, with many parts being monitored but not actively fought. To report a fire or smoke sighting, call 1-800663-5555 or *5555 on a mobile phone.

The Golden Star Wednesday, July 23, 2014 A3

Golden Dolphins Giveaway Low-income energy savings offered Staff Writer Black Press

Golden Dolphins Raffle winner Amber Brunner (centre) is presented with a cheque from Dolphins Breck Nolin, Lucy Wilson, Madison Sherriff and Ella Janes. Other winners were Greg Dory-Overwaitea, Chelsea Ludtke–Alpine Helicopter ride, Jim Fair–Gas card. Photo Submitted

BC Hydro and FortisBC are expanding their lowincome energy conservation programs to reduce the impact of rising electricity costs. One program offers free energy saving kits, including compact fluorescent light bulbs, weatherstripping, thermometers to optimize operation of the fridge and freezer and a high-efficiency shower head. The other offers free home energy evaluations to see if they home qualifies for an energy-efficient refrigerator or extra insulation. Energy Minister Bill Bennett said the government changed regulations to increase the low-income cutoff to qualify for the programs. A family of four earning up to $57,200 can now qualify, up from $44,000, a change Bennett said will almost double the number of households who are eligible. The threshold for a two-person household is $38,300. Customers of the two utilities have to apply and provide proof of income to take advantage of the programs. Bennett said last November he would seek ways to provide extra help for lower-income customers when he unveiled a new BC Hydro rate plan. That plan will see electricity rates rise by 28% over the next five years, with further increases to be determined at that time. BC Hydro has other energy-saving incentives that are not income-tested, including a rebate program for installation of insulation, draftproofing, heat pumps and water heaters. Those require homeowners to pay for assessment to see if they qualify for rebates. Bennett said BC Hydro spends $160 million a year on its whole range of energy efficiency programs, including those for commercial and industrial customers. The utility has set an “aggressive” goal to meet 78% of its demand growth through energy conservation, reducing the need to build new generating capacity, he said.

Age-friendly data already being used Behind

Continued from page 1

Osadetz is seeing some non-compliance with the bylaws around garbage, and wants to start a contest that uses positive motivation, as opposed to negative motivation such as ticketing. “What I want to do is hold a contest where a homeowner can win their taxes for a year,” she said. The contest will ask participants to get the education regarding best practices to avoid human/animal conflict, alter their homes and their habits, and then get certified through Osadetz, which may include some sort of decal to display on their home. Every home that is certified will be entered to win. The Town indicated that comping someone’s taxes was not feasible, however Osadetz said VP Waste said they would be interested in sponsoring two homes for garbage pick-up. Osadetz will be working towards this contest throughout the summer, which has been a busy one so far. UBCM Members of Town Council will be attending the UBCM Conference in September, and have already discussed who they would like to meet with, and what community priorities they want to discuss while there. Priority discussions will include the Resort Municipality Initiative, the New Canada Building Fund, highway upgrades, Golden’s Early Learning and Care Centre (which, if a provincial grant comes through by then, will be a meeting just to say thank you), and a meeting with the Minister of Environment to talk about the burden of small municipalities being the dyking authority. Age-Friendly Survey Ryan Watmough with the Golden Community Resource Society presented to Council the findings from the Age Friendly Community Survey. The survey, which had a very impressive participation rate, looked into what Golden’s strengths are, and what is missing in the communitiy. The Town’s operations department is already taking this data into consideration when determining priority routes for maintenance of things like sidewalks (which was identified as a major priority in the survey). It was also suggested by Coun. Chris Hambruch that this information be used during budget deliberations to help determine where the money is needed. Now that the data is compiled, and priorities have been identified, Watmough says that one of the next steps would be to set up an organization with a paid employee to make sure this demographic has somewhere to go to discuss concerns. A local organization that already has a similar structure, and would be a good one to emulate, is the Early Childhood Development Coalition says Watmough.

the Wheel

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I can Rationalize That Behaviour

I glanced at the driver stopped beside me at a red light today. He was busily chatting with someone via the cell phone that he was holding to his ear with his right hand. A marked police vehicle pulled up to our right and stopped to wait for the red as well. The driver beside me noticed, put his phone on speaker, held his hand below dash level and kept on with his conversation. The police vehicle departed on the green and when it was our turn this driver was rolling into the intersection well ahead of the light changing. Coincidentally, I also watched a YouTube video this evening created by the Abbotsford Police Department. It’s two minutes of the best and worst driving excuses for the past year as heard by the officers at roadside. It is abundantly clear that some drivers do not accept any responsibility for their behaviour on our highways. I’ve often described this as the philosophy of “I’m important, you’re not. I’m in a hurry, get out of my way!” These people really do not care about sharing the road with you and me. Both of these incidents started me thinking about my own experiences in traffic law enforcement. It would appear that our government has introduced new legislation to control hazardous driving behaviour and there is more public advocacy for safer behaviour but there is still no shortage of drivers willing to put themselves first. It’s curious that our system also allows them the opportunity to be the only instructor for a new driver, but I digress. This article is the only action that I felt comfortable about taking to counter the driver on the cell phone. Catching his attention and showing disapproval could invite road rage. Waving like a maniac to attract attention of the officer at the intersection was not likely going to be that successful. In the end, it looks like he won. Maybe you really can’t legislate against stupidity. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

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Wednesday, July 23, 2014 The Golden Star

APES bids farewell Downtown gets a boost Joel Tansey

A special farewell event was held for Vicci Nelson, longtime principal of Alexander Park Elementary School, who is retiring this year. From left, Lori Baxendale, Kat Hadford, Vicci Nelson, Pamela Tetrault, Karen Archibald, Mia Cholo, and Anna Cholo (All parents members of the Parents Advisory Council). Photo Submitted

The Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce is hoping to improve the vibrancy of Golden’s downtown by introducing live musical performances on select evenings. The initiative was scheduled to begin Tuesday night (July 22) with a performance from local artists Colin Shields and John Kaiser. Performers will be located near the post office and along some of the wider portions of sidewalks along 9th Avenue North. The initiative has been in the works for some time and was put in place to improve the atmosphere of downtown Golden during the evening. “It all goes back to our focus of keeping it local, and encouraging people to spend their money locally,” said Lori Baxendale, acting manager of the Chamber. “The Chamber of Commerce can assist

by creating a sense of place downtown.” The middle of the week was chosen to hold the live tunes in order to spread out that vibrancy across the week. “On weekends, people are busy with activities and are here for other things anyway,” Baxendale said. According to Baxendale, 70 per cent of consumer spending happens after 6 p.m., which is why the Chamber has continued to promote longer hours for downtown businesses. Many businesses have complied with that initiative and are now remaining open later into the evening. The Chamber is looking to have a wide range of performers so that it isn’t always the same music from week to week. The performances will be funded by Columbia Basin Trust and performers will also receive a busking license from the Town. Interested participants should contact Baxendale at 250-344-7125.

Environmental groups asking for BC parks bill to be repealed Jessica Schwitek

Environmentalists across the province took Canada Parks Day, July 19, as an opportunity to protest the passing of the Park Amendment Act (also known as Bill 4) this past spring. In Vancouver last week a petition was unveiled with 167,000 names on it, calling on the provincial government to repeal the act. “Our parks are in some serious trouble as a result of this new legislation, so today we stand up for them,” said Joe Foy, the Wilderness Committee’s national campaign director. Critics of the bill say that it allows for industrial research to be conducted in BC Parks, which could open the door to development down the road. No industrial activity is allowed in the parks, however there is a formal process in place to adjust parks boundaries. “Pipeline giant Kinder Morgan already has a permit to conduct research in Bridal Veil Falls Park, and it’s just one of five protected areas that are threatened by the company’s proposed tar sands pipeline. Rather than clearing the path for pipelines and other industrial projects, our provincial government should be stepping up to expand and improve the world-class park system that British Columbians have worked so hard to establish,” said Foy. Environment Minister Mary Polak says the concerns are completely unfounded. “I want to be absolutely clear, the Park Amendment Act does not allow, promote or otherwise enable industrial projects in provincial parks and protected areas. Suggestions that future industrial operations will be allowed in parks are simply not true. There will be no drilling, no mining, no forestry, no transmission lines and no gas wells in our parks,” she said. “What the Park Amendment Act does is formally authorize low-impact research activities to take place so that we can gain a better of understanding of potential impacts to parks.”

Some environmentalists took this year’s Parks Day as an opportunity to protest the Park Amendment Act, which they worry will put parks like Bugaboo Provincial Park, pictured, in danger. HelloBC Photo Polak also says that the process for boundary adjustment in the parks is quire rigid, and that nothing has changed that would make it easier for businesses or industry to move in on protected areas. “There is a rigorous process in place for reviewing boundary adjustments which includes consultations with

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First Nations, the public and stakeholders,” said Polak. “British Columbia has the highest percentage of its land base dedicated to protected areas of all provincial Canadian jurisdictions, and is one of the largest protected area systems in North America. This percentage will only continue to increase.”

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The Golden Star Wednesday, July 23, 2014 A5

RCMP Report: Bench honouring former mayor vandalized Golden Star Staff Virk bench vandalized One of the benches on the south side of the pedestrian bridge was vandalized for the second time between July 8 and 9. The offenders scratched expletives into the wood and removed the seat portion of the bench. The bench is dedicated to the late Aman Virk. Anyone with information regarding the vandalism is asked to contact the RCMP. Domestic dispute in Nicholson Police arrested a man on July 12 after a domestic dispute with his girlfriend on July 12. The 22-year-old man was charged with assault and a breach of his probation (he was previously charged after a break and enter). He was initially released on conditions that he wouldn’t have any contact with his girlfriend upon release. He immediately broke those conditions and returned to the house in Nicholson. He was immediately re-arrested and is currently being held in jail while awaiting a hearing. Motorcycle fatality An Alberta man is dead after crashing his motorcycle in a snowshed on the Trans-Canada Highway in Glacier National Park the morning of July 16. The incident happened just east of the Rogers Pass summit at around 7 a.m. on July 16.

RCMP say the 61 year-old, who has been identified as John Alexander MacFarlane from High River, was heading eastbound on a 1989 Honda Gold Wing motorcycle when he struck the concrete divider just before the entrance to the Tupper snowshed, causing him to lose control of his motorcycle. The man succumbed to his injuries at the scene. The crash is being investigated by the RCMP Trans Canada East Traffic Services, however initial indications are that speed and alcohol were not factors. Minor accident at Hwy 1/95 intersection On July 16, RCMP responded to a minor accident that involved two Alberta vehicles at the junction between Hwy 1 and Hwy 95. The accident occurred after a driver went too far into the intersection, reversed, and then struck the vehicle behind. No injuries were reported to occupants in either vehicle, and a ticket was given to the driver of the lead vehicle for unsafe backing. Fight at Selkirk party On July 17, police received a report of an assault that had happened weeks earlier at a party on Selkirk Hill. Alcohol was determined to be a factor in the fight, which involved two young females. Police are investigating the allegations and charges are pending. Missing Boaters The search for two men who went missing on Kinbasket Lake was concluded after more than a week with-

Teacher strike may continue in new school year if agreement not reached Staff Writer Black Press The B.C. Teachers’ Federation had better not expect an imposed settlement to keep the beginning of the school year from being disrupted, Finance Minister Mike de Jong said last week. Every other sector of the public service has been able to find agreements within the government’s balanced budget mandate, but the teachers’ union might be expecting a legislated settlement as has taken place in the past, de Jong said as he presented the public accounts that show B.C.’s budget balanced as of this spring. “You cannot send negotiators into a bargaining session with other public sector workers, hammer out agreements that include very modest settlements, and then because another group decides to make a little more noise, provide more, because you are taking from one group in order to satisfy the demands of another within the context of a balanced budget,” de Jong said. The BCTF strike for the last two weeks of June saved the provincial treasury about $12 million a day, while year-end studies and exams were disrupted. The two sides haven’t communicated since early July, when B.C. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Kelleher said they are too far apart for mediation to be effective. However BCTF president Jim Iker says they would like to keep lines of communication open. “At this point, with the government maintaining entrenched positions that are unfair and unreasonable, mediation will not be able to move forward. We will keep the lines of communication open in July to restart bargaining if the government is ready to make a real effort and bring the necessary funding to the table. If not, B.C. teachers will try again in August, with the new school year looming, to reengage Justice Kelleher and the government in meaningful and fair mediation,” he said. Education Minister Peter Fassbender said the BCTF has to reduce its demands, in particular improved benefits he said represent an additional $225 million a year. Those include increases to preparation time, pregnancy and parental leave, extended health and dental care and substitute teacher compensation. De Jong said the lesson of imposing settlements is that they haven’t worked. “Every other sector of the public service is able to negotiate an agreement,” he said. “What is it about this one area, and is it the expectation that the government will step up and simply legislate an agreement? I hope that’s not the expectation, because that’s not the plan.”

out signs of the missing boaters. Allen Healy, 60, of Osoyoos, B.C., and Michael Murphy, 55, of Mission, B.C., were reported missing after they didn’t return from a fishing outing on Monday, July 7. They left in their 4-metre aluminum boat from the Mica Dam boat launch at around 6:30 p.m. and when they didn’t return to their rooms that night, their coworkers reported them missing and a search was initiated. Revelstoke RCMP, Search & Rescue and family, friends and co-workers of the two men searched the lake and the shoreline for three days, turning up only a few signs of the two men — a cooler and some sandals. Last Friday, July 11, the search turned into a recovery mission, with the two men presumed drowned in the vast reservoir. The search proved very challenging, with the lake bottom filled with trees that were not removed before the reservoir was filled in the 1970s. “Over the four days of operation, the lake bottom has been partially mapped and contains heavily forested and rocky terrain,” said Staff-Sgt. Kurt Grabinsky of the Revelstoke RCMP in a news release earlier this week. “This type of lake bottom provides great difficulty for the team. The sonar device has been caught up in these flooded trees at depths of 500 feet. The Ralstons persist to locate the bodies of the two males as well as the boat.” On Thursday, Ralstons concluded their search and left the area. A missing person file remains open, said Grabinsky. With files from the Revelstoke Times Review

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Level of Service


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 The Golden Star

Pension issues

Which services in this town are important to you, and which ones aren’t? What facilities do you use regularly? Which ones do you think the community could do without? Although it won’t be for a long time, at some point down the road, the Town of Golden may be - I SURMISE asking you these quesBy Jessica Schwitek tions. At a Finance Committee Meeting at Town Hall last week, Town Council opened up a discussion surrounding what it costs the municipality to maintain all of the facilities, and what it will cost down the road to replace them. “We have a lot of assets for a small community,” said Mayor Christina Benty during the meeting. They include all the outdoor recreation sites (the pool, spray park, tennis courts, soccer fields etc), service sites like the airport , public works site and fire hall, as well as buildings like the Civic Centre. These facilities are a great asset to the community, but they do take a significant chunk out of the municipal budget every year to keep them going. And all these facilities at some point will need to be replaced. Do we want to keep paying for it? The discussion in the meeting was cut fairly short, as too many members of council were not present, and has been referred to a future meeting. That is not to say that any decision will be made in the near future. And if/when they do, the process will include extensive public consultation as well as discussions with the regional district regarding cost sharing of these facilities. In other words, the community is going to get a say in this. “If there are possible changes to the level of service we provide, the community will have to be involved,” said Benty. A report has been compiled by Town staff outlining all of the Town’s facilities, their life expectancy, their current condition, their current replacement cost, as well as their annual operational budget. It’s quite eye opening to see just what it costs to keep these places running. The report is available at https://golden. aspx?ID=75987. Those of you interested in participating in any future consultation may want to take a look. Asset management is a high priority for the council, and when decisions need to be made regarding, maintaining the current level of service, increasing the standard of service, or possibly disposing of certain facilities, they want your opinion. Don’t let these decisions be made for you.

adians who are traveling abroad for work and still plan to retire in Canada in some distant future. Predicting what regulations will be in force 30 years from now is impossible but it is always better to plan ahead. If you immigrated to Canada as a child on your parents’ passport or visa, you might want to start looking for that old passport. Even if you obtained Canadian citizenship in the meantime, you will still be required to submit the document showing when you first landed in Canada with your pension applications. If you do not have your original landing document, you will need to request a Verification of Entry from Citizenship and Immigration Canada. It might take some time to get the document, especially if Immigration is required to do a manual search through its records—if you arrived to Canada before computers were put to official use for record keeping. Service Canada advises people to apply for their Old Age Security benefits and the Guaranteed Income Supplement up to 11 months before they turn 65. In April 2013 Service Canada implemented a process to automatically enroll seniors who are eligible to receive the OAS pension. If you can be automatically enrolled, Service Canada will send you a notification letter the month after you turn 64. If you do not receive this letter, you must apply for your OAS. If you have always lived in Canada and have kept your personal records in a safe place, no problem. Otherwise, you might want to start looking for those old immigration documents and get a head start on what can be a lengthy process.

Editor, Recent conversations with constituents who are just starting their application process for Canada Pension and Old Age Security benefits are bringing to light issues that younger members of the Canadian workforce should keep in mind sooner rather than later, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises when retirement time comes. Mr. and Ms. Boomer have always been well regarded wherever they have lived. They even spent some time working in another country for Canadian and foreign employers before they decided to come back home and settle down. When the Boomers applied for their Canada Pension and Old Age Security benefits they had many obstacles to overcome before they saw their first cheque or direct deposit. Suddenly they had to start a frantic search for the old documents that proved when they left Canada, where they worked, for how long and when they returned. They wished they kept their old passports stamped with all the necessary dates. It would have been helpful if they had kept those old airplane tickets or other documents that showed the dates they entered the foreign country and when they returned to Canada. Keeping old pay stubs or staying in touch with their foreign employer would have been helpful, too. Now it is crunch time—trying to retrieve any useful documents from 35 to 40 years ago, especially from a foreign country, before their savings run out (if they still have some left). This scenario should come as a warning to all Can-

Alex Atamanenko is the MP BC Southern Interior

POLL OF THE WEEK Do you think the animals at the Calgary Stampede are treated fairly?

Yes 71.4%

No 28.6%

This week’s poll question: Did you experience any difficulties because of the smoky air in town last week log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Letters to the Editor policy

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Michele LaPointe

Jessica Schwitek





Joel Tansey



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The Golden Star Wednesday, July 23, 2014 A7

Golden point of view Did you experience any difficulties because of the smoky air in town last week? As was requested by a local reader, this week’s selection of Stars & Stingers are in tribute to Shelby Klassen, and therefore no stingers will appear in this issue. Any stingers that were submitted will appear in next week’s paper. Stars to Cheryl and Barry Klassen for raising a beautiful, talented and loving daughter. Shelby will be missed, remembered and loved by all who knew her.

Dawn MacLeod

Rory Mells

Julia Khafizov

“I have asthma so I have been a bit wheezy, my daughter as well.”

“Yeah I had some trouble breathing there for a couple days.”

“Yes I had itchy eyes from all of the smoke.”

Go to to have your say.

Carbon Emmissions Do you feel secure with the tiny sample we’ve so far experienced with climate change? There is much more of it to come. How could it be otherwise when those in control of our destiny remain determinedly ignorant about this and firmly fixed on economic growth at any cost? ‘Economic growth’ especially, is the mantra of death, but so are some other kinds of growths we’ve been encouraged to admire: population growth in an already over-crowded world; energy growth in a world

crammed with excess stuff and movement; and the growth of an Orwellian culture of mind control and a rapidly growing trend toward untrammeled police states. In these circumstances, escalating the production and burning of carbon based fuels should be deemed ‘a crime against life on Earth,’ with the highest possible sanctions, starting now. There was a time, not long ago when the term ‘profiteer,’ specifically ‘war profiteer,’ implied the strongest public sanctions. I see a strong parallel with pushing carbon emissions as our

Stars to the Choir of 2014, the music director and the friends who paid tribute to Shelby. Your poise, strength of character, dignity and compassion in the face of adversity was an inspiration to all. Well done.

world slides rapidly into climate crisis. In all coming elections, we must detect and remove apparent sociopaths and others driven primarily by greed and false glory and put intelligent and honourable people in charge who will act in the true public interest. Meanwhile think more about our predicament. We’ve a long way to go to find viable solutions, starting with determining what is likely to be viable in the long term. Norman Mogensen Oak Bay

Stars to the family, friends and community members of Golden who rallied around Cheryl and Barry in their time of sorrow and a huge thank you. Your kindness and support was tremendous. Stars to Brenda at Cal Gas for always doing a great job! A Sunday morning ride full of stars to the fellow motorcycle enthusiasts who offered company

Recycling Editor, I used to pride myself on the number of blue bags I could get outside on the curb every two weeks. Just throw everything into it. Easy! I have watched older neighbours struggle with these blue boxes when before they could adjust the weight of the bags by not filling them as much. As much as I squish and squash, my paper bin is overflowing within a week. I am now ashamed to say that I am throwing my glass out into the regular garbage as they wouldn't take my nice-

and assistance after my encounter with a deer on July 6. Stars to Kyle at Cal Gas for getting our hot water back on! Many stars to the Golden ambulance and EMTs who provided medical attention after my encounter with a deer south of Parson. It was very much appreciated. Thanks to Dr. Acton and the staff at the Golden Hospital as well.

ly cleaned, tied-up bag of glass. And no lids? I actually laughed at the stupidity recently as it poured Wednesday morning filling the boxes to the top with water. I really detest this "new and improved" system. It will only increase garbage in the landfills as, come on let's admit it, most people will not work to make this work. Not me of course. I will continue to squish, squash, heave and ho my way to the curb. I think anyways....... Michelle Howe Vernon

Mayor wraps up a season of Golden Community Conversations Imagine living in a community where: • Civic engagement is expected • High voter turnout is normal • Dialogue is chosen over diatribe • Disagreements don’t get disagreeable • People talk to each other instead of about each other Municipal government is the most accessible level of government. Elected officials live, work and play in the communities they serve. Community Conversations was created to be a low-cost, low-tech, high-contact way for a community to engage in healthy dialogue about local issues. I started the Community Conversations events to combat some of the negative energy that surrounded the last by-election. I did not want some of the sentiments expressed against the staff and council to impact the passion and enthusiasm of the governing body. If people chose not to run because they feel that being vilified is not worth it, then our community may risk losing quality and dedicated leaders in the next election. Citizens of Golden may differ on their definitions of

quality of life and value for money, but under the surface, they care deeply about the health and wellbeing of their community. Community Conversations created a venue to look at each other and recognize the common goal we all share: building a healthy, vibrant, prosperous community. Successful community engagement has a number of tangible and intangible benefits for the community. Many conversations served to raise awareness, others generated ideas that were put into action immediately, while others depend on resources and politic will. These were the topics covered over the seven events: How do you want to be engaged in civic affairs? What does quality of life mean to you? Who contributes to making that happen? What makes a good citizen? How can i be a good citizen in 2014? What factors do you look at to see if you’re getting value for your money from municipal government? What are our key opportunities for the future, and how can we capture/achieve them?

Economic development in golden and CSRD Area A ‐who should be responsible for all aspects? How can we make this next election the best election ever? Community Conversations has served as a model for other communities around the basin and Golden should feel proud that they were part of the Mayor’s Report upsurge! By Christina Benty Thanks to each and every one of you for your participation and contributions to this series of discussions. THANK YOU to CBT for their financial support by providing facilitators Leslie Taylor and Katherine Hamilton, and meeting recorder, Andrea Sherriff. I could not have done this without them.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 The Golden Star

Attention all Rod & Gun Club members: The range will be closed from Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014 until noon Monday, July 28th, 2014 for blackpowder shoot.

Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema presents: Hercules (3D) starts Friday July 25 to Thursday July 31 at 7pm. Late shows Friday & Saturday @ 9:10pm.

This Week We would like to thank the wonderful community of friends, family and Golden for helping us celebrate the life of our girl Shelby Dawn Klassen. To all our friends who have sent cards, called, spoken to us and continue to give us support of all kinds, we give our heartfelt thanks. You have made a difficult time more bearable. Although we will miss Shelby for the rest of our lives, we take comfort and strength in your love and support. Thank you all so much. Love from Shelby’s Mom and Dad.

A.P.E.S. After School Program Monday to Friday 3 -5:30pm. $12/day for ages 5 to 11. To register please leave a message at 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program birth-5years. Mon&Fri 12-3:30pm, Wed 2-5pm, Tuesdays&Thursdays 8:4511:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324. Flathead Wild Art Exhibit at the Art Gallery of Golden until Sept. 6.

Wed, July 23

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Job Skills Workshops at the Work BC office every Wednesday at 10am. Call 250-344-5413 to register. The Golden Farmers’ Market Wednesdays from 12-5pm in the CP Parking Lot across from Credit Union. Kicking Horse Culture presents Summer Kicks in Spirit Square July 23 with The Good Ol’ Goats. Li Jigeurs Mechif also plays.

Thurs, July 24 Men’s Drop-in Basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Bridge Club every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at the College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are

This week's achievement award goes to...

open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday from 3:455:30pm. Public Swim from 3-4pm at the Golden Municipal Pool. Aquafit at the Golden Municipal Pool Thursdays from 7:30-8:30pm. Summer Reading Club starts July 3 - 24 from 1:30-2:30pm at the Library. Ages 5-12. Bordeen play at the Rockwater July 24.

Fri, July 25 A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:307:30pm. Mother Goose Program Fridays 10:30-11:30am at the Library. Snacks included, just drop in! Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Bridge Club every Friday at the Centre for Peace in St. Andrew’s Church, 7pm. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fridays 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call Cyra 250919-0757 for more info. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am. Call 250-344-8392.

Sat, July 26 Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Saturdays at the Golden Museum 1302 - 11th Ave S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Aquafit at the Golden Municipal Pool Saturdays

• For more information... go to

from 10-11am. The Golden Farmers’ Market Saturdays from 10-3pm in Spirit Square. Haley Blais plays at the Golden Taps Pub July 26.

Sun, July 27 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Outdoor Yoga in Spirit Square Sundays at 11am. Admission by donation. Public Swim from 3-8pm at the Golden Municipal Pool. Western Open BC Cup Provincials July 27 at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort.

Mon, July 28 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12-18. Golden Community Choir, Mondays from 7:309:30pm at the Lutheran Church. Member fees $10. For info call Joyce 250-3446043. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mondays 5-7pm in the StrongStart room in APES Free program includes dinner, discussions, and activities. Call 250-439-9665. The Cadets meet Mondays 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. Golden Youth Centre dropin every Monday from 5-8pm. Outdoor Yoga in Spirit Square Mondays from 12-12:45pm. Admission by donation. The Golden Museum in

partnership with The Legion and The Town of Golden are putting on a ceremony of recognition at the Golden Cenotaph July 28 at 6:30pm. Coffee and cake will be served at The Legion after.

Tues, July 29 A.A Meetings Tuesdays at the United Church 901 - 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre dropin Tuesdays from 3:307:30pm. Aquafit at the Golden Municipal Pool Tuesdays from 7:30-8:30pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Tuesdays from 1-3pm. Call 250-344-8392. Public Swim from 3-4pm at the Golden Municipal Pool. Transrockies Singletrack 6 Mountain Bike Race 2014 starts and ends at Spirit Square July 29 & 30. Rockwater Grill & BarR

Upcoming Events

Kicking Horse Culture presents Summer Kicks in Spirit Square July 30 with The Strumbellas. Tony Bell also plays. Golden Delicious presents “Out For A Rip” Saturday Aug.2 at 10pm at the Rockwater. Tickets available at Plain Wayne & Jane. Matthew Colin & Dirty Luke play at the Golden Taps Pub Aug.2. Community Weed Pull Aug.3 at Reflection Lake from 3-6pm. Meet at the Rodeo Grounds. Golden Sound Festival Summer Block Party Aug.23. Tickets and info at www.goldensoundfestival. com.

Colbin Armstrong for being courageous. Stop in by July 30, 2014 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •

The Golden Star Wednesday, July 23, 2014 A9









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Wednesday, July 23, 2014 The Golden Star

Strumbellas will headline next week’s Summer Kicks show Joel Tansey The Strumbellas formed in an unorthodox manner, but perhaps that is only fitting for a band that describes itself as folk-pop, rock-grass and altcountry all wrapped up into one. When Strumbellas lead singer and guitarist Simon Ward moved to Toronto from the small town of Lindsay, Ontario, he didn’t have many friends but had an urge to start a band. His solution? Craigslist. “I didn’t really have any friends that I knew that were interested in starting a band so Craigslist was just an option I tried,” said Ward. “I had a bunch of people come to my apartment and it just worked out.” Most of his Craigslist recruits have since dropped out, but two remain, violinist Isabel Ritchie and pianist/organist Dave Ritter. The rest of the group, drummer Jeremy Drury, guitarist Jon Hembrey and bassist Darryl James all hail from Ward’s hometown and joined up soon after to give the Strumbellas their current lineup of six. The band’s self-titled EP was released in 2009 and they have since released follow up albums in 2012 and 2013, with their latest titled We Still Move

on Dance Floors. The song End of an Era was a particular challenge for the group after Ward sent out a demo version of the tune with some lyrical issues. “I have had the book Love in the Time of Cholera on my bookshelf for years and I’ve never read it. I’ve watched movies and TV shows until the cows come home and it just struck me as odd that I never took the time to pick up this prize winning book,” Ward said. Ward’s first draft of the song included the title of the book in the chorus, but his version had the wrong pronunciation for cholera, and the correct pronunciation simply didn’t fit into the song. “I don’t know how I didn’t know (the correct way to say cholera) but I didn’t,” Ward laughed. His fellow bandmates wouldn’t stand for the wrong pronunciation, but Ritter saved the song when he came up with the line “Love at the end of an era” to replace it. The Strumbellas will be performing in Golden on July 30 as part of Kicking Horse Culture’s Summer Kicks series. It’ll be just one of the many stops for the Juno-nominated group on its summer festival tour. “Festivals are definitely at the top of the list. Not only are you TNEVE EVAS & HCTARCS 4102 ,13 - 2 yluJ

July 2 - 31, 2014

The Strumbellas formed after lead singer Simon Ward (front, centre) put out a Craiglist ad looking for bandmates. Photo Submitted playing for a lot of people but usually it’s nice weather and big stages, but just the vibe is great,” said Ward. Ward says the band is look-

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ing forward to its Western Canadian gigs and that the midsummer audience at Spirit Square can expect to hear some high energy music from

the folk group. For more info and to hear sample music from the group, log on to www.thestrumbellas. ca.

Ceremony honours WW1 contributions Golden Star Staff July 28 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of a very significant part of modern history, one that touched the entire world. July 28, 1914 was the start of the First World War, a war that reached out and touched almost everyone alive on the earth in some way. Canada officially joined the war a week later when Britain declared war on Germany. Loss of life during this conflict amounted to 10 million soldiers and 7 million civilians. More than 20 million people were wounded and those not wounded were affected by food shortages the likes the world had never seen before. Canada’s total casualties, by the end of the war, were 67,000 killed and 250,000 wounded out of a total armed forces of 620,000 people (soldiers, nurses and chaplains). The Golden Museum, in partnership with the Golden Legion Branch 122 and the Town of Golden invite you to take part in a short ceremony of recognition at the Golden Cenotaph on July 28 at 6:30 p.m. Not only will we be taking part in the ceremony but also in the unveiling of the new plaque on the cenotaph. There were many Golden men and fam-

Local First World War Veteran George Soles was fortunate to return home. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum

ilies who gave of themselves during the conflict, and some who never returned home. Coffee and cake will be available at the Legion following the ceremony and the Legion memorabilia room will be open for visitors.

The Golden Star Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Star entertainment A11

The Krybabies and Banditaliana storm Spirit Square

Local act Krista & the Krybabies, left, and Ricardo Tesi & Banditaliana from Italy, right, entertained a crowd in the scorching sun on Wednesday July 16 as part of Kicking Horse Culture’s Summer Kicks series in Spirit Square. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Ontario siblings set to play Rockwater show

Bordeen will take to the stage tomorrow (Thursday) for a show at the Rockwater. Photo Submitted Joel Tansey After spending time as a solo artist, Ryan Bordeen found his two bandmates in his own backyard, literally. Ryan, Bordeen’s lead guitarist and vocalist, enlisted the help of his brother Daniel and sister

Brianna, and together they make up the lineup of Bordeen, a Newmarket, Ontario pop/rock band that is definitely making some waves in Eastern Canada. Bordeen’s debut album was released in February of last year and their live shows use a mix of that material and some

unreleased songs that the group is preparing to use for its follow up album. Ryan is the principle song writer for the group, and because of that, one of the band’s favourite tunes happens to be one that they wrote together. “Our favourite song to play live, and I

think the most meaningful track for us is ‘Out of the Dark,.” Ryan said. “It’s a song that we wrote more collectively…we were kind of all there and coming up with the structure and the overall melody.” The Bordeens grew up around music in Newmarket, their father played trumpet and their mother the piano, and they surrounded Ryan, Daniel and Brianna with music from a young age. Ryan believes that Bordeen has certain advantages compared to other bands as a result of their unique lineup. “It works pretty well, we have a pretty good relationship with each other. We’re not like the brothers in Oasis,” Ryan laughed. “For us, it just works and it just makes sense. It’s a really great dynamic.” Bordeen also benefits from having Brianna as a backing vocalist to compliment Ryan.

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“It gives us a nice characteristic to what our sound is. I think it definitely is a core part of what makes us sound like Bordeen,” Ryan said. “It’s great that we’re siblings because you can hear it in our voices. Our voices work well together.” Bordeen will be performing at The Rockwater on Thursday July 24. To hear a sampling of their music, log on to

The new Ronald McDonald House BC opens in June. A home away from home for seriously ill children receiving treatment at BC Children’s Hospital, the new and bigger House has enough room to welcome 73 families every day, keeping 2,500 families per year together when it matters most.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2014 The Golden Star

New tea company growing at the Golden Farmers’ Market Jessica Schwitek The organic ingredients may come from all over the world, but Golden's newest tea company is definitely a local operation. Even the names of the individual blends feature local areas like the Blaeberry or Bugaboos. Canadian Rockies Tea Co. founder, Jocelyn Evans Ewing, decided to take the plunge and start the business when she saw the gap in the local market. "There used to be a tea shop in town… and I really liked the product," said Ewing. "I was looking for something to do in the summer, and I realized that everywhere else has a little tea store. So I decided to go for it." Her organic loose leaf tea blends include a large variety of black, white, green, maté, chai, rooibos, tulsi, as well as herbal and health blends. All of the ingredients come from an organic wholesaler based out of Nelson. Ewing had originally wanted to grow some of her herbs in town, but the limited growing capability would have held back her products too much. She also would have been

limited to the growing season, whereas this way she can offer her products all year. Certain herbs however, like peppermint and camomile, she plans to grow herself. But once the herbs get here, that's when the excitement starts for Ewing. "I'm just having fun with it at home, trying different mixes. I've got some friends who try them out for me," she said. "It's funny how people have different tastes. Some people will try one blend and love it, and others will try the same blend and not be a fan. I find with tea you can get so carried away. There's so many different flavours and so many different health benefits." Canadian Rockies Tea Co. can be found at the Farmers' Market every Wednesday, and occasionally on Saturdays in Golden. She has also ventured out a bit to other communities this summer, but has found the best reception right here. "It's been awesome, Golden has been great. Most people are pretty excited about it and very interested." Customers certainly have different tastes, making it difficult to narrow down a best selling item. But Ewing has a few

Jocelyn Evans Ewing will be selling her organic loose leaf tea (called Canadian Rockies Tea Co.), as well as samples of iced tea, at the Farmers’ Market all summer. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo favourites of her own. "Right now my favourite is probably the hibiscus. It's really tart on its own, which I like, but you can sweeten it up. I work at

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The Island and was also mixing it with martinis and liqueurs. It's a really fun summer one, and it's got a great colour. You can't beat it," she said.

Ewing has not current plans of expanding, but she is seeing how the summer season goes and hopes she can continue with her new found passion.

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Columbia Wetlands Adventures received official word for Guiness that their 18.5 m-long paddle has been officially recognized as the World’s Largest. The centre will soon receive an official certificate and will have their record listed in next year’s edition of the record book. Dave Best/Photo Submitted

The Golden Star Wednesday, July 23, 2014 A13

Aman Virk Memorial Golf Tournament a success

The annual Aman Virk Memorial Tournament took place under mostly cloudy (and near the end of the day, rainy) skies on Saturday. In the left photo, Peter Virk delivers a speech alongside Rotary Past President Greg Ehman. On the right, a group of golfers poses before teeing off for their final hole of the day. From left: Joe Matthews, Luigi Testani, Chris Sherriff and Ken Hiroaka. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

Golden Sound Fest returns with summer block party in August Joel Tansey After a successful debut last summer and an even better follow up this winter, the Golden Sound Festival is ready to up the ante even more with its second summer block party on Aug. 23. The festival will once again take place at the Rockwater, the Golden Taps and the Riverhouse, with a potential all ages show taking place outdoors at Spirit Square, although that plan has yet to be finalized. Artist applications were received by the festival’s organizers over the past few months and the lineup has now been confirmed. “The lineup is basically bands that consist of up and coming talent and bands that are making waves in Western Canada,” said Jeremy Green, one of the festival organizers. While the choices were tough, organizers knew exactly what they were looking for when filling out this year’s schedule. “We’re very particular when we pick all of our bands…we’re bringing bands where their music and their stage presence has to be stellar,” said Green. Continuing with the festival’s policy, all of the acts performing this summer will be Golden Sound Festival rookies. Featured acts will include Vancouver’s Bend Sinister, psychedelic rock

Vancouver’s Bend Sinister will headline the second summer edition of the Golden Sound Festival on Aug. 23. Photo Submitted group Stellar Radio Choir and punk rockers Mobina Galore. “Diversity is a big thing for us. We have a little bit of rock, a little bit of country,” Green said. Sound Festival organizers are still hoping to make the festival an outdoor

event, as was originally intended. “We’re aiming (to get it outdoors) for summer 2015,” said Green. “The great thing about the Block Party is that it gets the name ‘Golden Sound Festival’ out there, so when it does come time for us to do an outdoor

festival next summer, our network will be much larger.” Keep up to date with festival news and information as it’s released at or through the festival’s Facebook page at GoldenSoundFestival.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 The Golden Star

Local couple reached their diamond milestone anniversary

- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo

It was my pleasure this week to sit down with Ray and Helen Tress, who on July 12, 2014, celebrated their Diamond Anniversary with family and friends, including their five children, 11 grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. For those of you not familiar with the Diamond Anniversary – that’s 60 years! Ray was born in the valley in a little log cabin behind the Brisco Store. Helen was born in Lashburn, Saskatchewan and first

The above photo is of Helen and Ray and their family. From left to right back row, Glen, Kiera, Camela, Murray, Erin, Maxine, Tiana, Hailey, Jason, Ed, Raylen,Rayanne,Gerry, Susie,Kevin, Hailey, Cole, Randy, Roger, Kerrie and Matt. Front row, Mykayla, Hailey, Helen, Jaxsyn, Tyrel and Megan. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum came into the valley with her brother and their parents in a covered wagon, settling in Fort Steele in 1938. Times were hard in the 1930s and

Helen’s parents were looking for a place that would accommodate their needs and provide the basics, so they picked up some odd jobs on their



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journey. During their journey they were accompanied by four horses and two goats. Things were not what they had hoped for and they pointed the wagon back to Saskatchewan, spending the first winter in Alberta. In 1951, the Hogans headed back to the valley, this time settling in Harrogate. Helen went to school in Parson for Grade 9 with Miss Rosen before her father took a job at the Giant Mascot Mine up above Spillimacheen and then Grade 10 was by correspondence. She returned to Parson to write her exams. In the meantime Ray was working with his parents on the farm and was sawmilling. In his off time Ray became the volunteer projectionist for the movies at the Parson Hall. He had about 15 minutes of training for the job and had to learn how to fix the film when it broke but it was something he enjoyed doing. Ray, and Helen’s brother Rola became friends and a group

of young people planned to go to the movie in Golden one Saturday night so Ray said to Rola, “Why don’t you bring your sister along?” That event started three years of courtship, which was a bit difficult due to the distance they had to travel to see each other, and it was expensive too! Ray had a car but gas wasn’t always available so he sometimes used his expert marksmanship to poach a deer and then trade it with someone who had gas. Seemed like a good trade to Ray and it meant that he got to see his girl up at the mine. Ray and Helen were married July 17, 1954 at the home of Mr & Mrs McCool at the Giant Mascot Mine and had a reception and dance at the Community Hall. Their first home after marriage was a trailer in what is now the Golden Community Campground while Ray worked with his own truck for Dawson and Wade Construction on the Trans Canada Highway. In November of

1954 they moved to the Roosdahl place staying until Feb 1955, when they moved to Parson for a month before moving to the Giant Mascot where they lived in their trailer while Ray worked there. In 1956 they came back to Golden and Ray worked for Selkirk Spruce Mills. They moved to a logging camp at Cummins Creek in 1958 which was quite a challenge with nine feet of packed snow on the ground and in the spring the mosquitos and moose were a problem. Next they moved to Field to work for Scott Lumber Co in 1960 and then up the Blaeberry to work for Ken Sloan. By this time their oldest son, Roger, had become old enough to attend school and they moved into Armstrong’s Trailer Court in Golden. This meant that Helen could no longer move around to the places that Ray went and he spend a lot of years in camps beginning in 1963 and lasting for 15 years. It was during this time that the part-

nership of Magoon and Tress Bros was begun. In 1975 Ray bought his own truck and moved on from the Magoon and Tress Bros partnership. In 1978 he went to worked in Fort St John for two years. Ray quit trucking in 1987 to sawmill for a few years but gave that up in 1991. Ray has always collected things – especially old or unusual things and as his collection grew so did the house. They have added on several times to create space for the prized items in Ray’s Museum. Ray continues to collect and really can’t think of anything he would turn down. Helen began selling Avon in 1978 and continues to do that today because she enjoys the friendships she has formed over the years. When I asked them what the secret to their successful relationship was Ray said “We’ve had some disagreements but have never thought about separation, because after three years of courting I wasn’t about to leave her behind.”

Star business directory

The Golden Star Wednesday, July 23, 2014 A15

Golden Business Directory R SE FR









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Wednesday, July 23, 2014 The Golden A17 Star


It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement.


In Memoriam cannot be responsible for errors after the first In Memoryofof any adday of publication Michael Notice Antonio vertisement. of Oddy errors on ~ fiOne Dayshould Closerimmediately To You ~ rst day the sometimes ask the Lord be Icalled to the attention of the why He took you before Classifi ed Department to beme, corandfor though he has edition. never rected the following answered, I guess it was the meant toreserves be. right revise, you’re edit, classify or reI telltomyself watching jectthat anyyou’re advertisment and to renever far away, tain any answers directed to the I sometimes feel the slightest bcclassifi Box Reply Sertouch when I bow my head vice and to repay the customer to pray. the sum heaven paid formust the advertisI know have a ment andwith box no rental. window curtain to hide the view, I know you must stand there often and watch DISCRIMINATORY me missing you. LEGISLATION I know you’re helping me go Advertisers are reminded that on you’re guiding me through Provincial forbids the the pain,legislation I somehow sense publication of any you’re telling meadvertisement there’s more which discriminates against sunshine now than rain.any person because of race, religion, Each newnationality, day now dawns sex, color, ancestrywith or place of new origin,meaning... or age, unless the Something so condition is inside justifiedme byrings a bona today willforslipthe intowork fide true, requirement yesterday and I’ll be one day involved.closer to you! Rhonda Groves Love Always; COPYRIGHT Mom, Cole, Jordan & Ash. Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly CANADA BENEFIT Group or in part and in any form what- Do you particularly or someonebyyou know soever, a phosuffer fromora off disability? Get tographic set process in up a topublication $40,000 must from be theobtained Canadian in Government. Toll-free writing from the publisher.1-888Any 511-2250 or reproduction visit us online: unauthorized will www.canadabenefi be subject to recourse in law.





Gloria (Darlene) Stadfeld Breton

It is with deep sadness that we must announce the peaceful passing of Gloria (Darlene) fax 250.344.7344 email classiďŹ Stadfeld Breton at the age of 67 on the 3rd of July 2014 at the Announcements Announcements Travel Employment home of her son Bart with family by her side. Business In Memoriam Personals Travel Darlene was born September 21, 1946 in Kimberly B.C. Opportunities In Memory of MEET SINGLES right now! No FOUNTAIN OF Youth Spa Darlene was predeceased by her parents Henery &Lillie Michael Antonio Oddy paid operators, just real peoand RV Resort Offers more GET FREE vending machines. ~ One Day Closer To You ~ ple like you. Browse greetings, vacation for less money, hot Ingerbigtson her biological mother Beth Gibbs her step Can earn $100,000 + per year. exchange messages and conmineral springs, events, acI sometimes ask the Lord father John Evans and her brother Leonard Ingebrigtson All cash-retire in just 3 years. nect live. Try it free. Call now: tivities, fitness, entertainment. why He took you before me, Protected Territories. Full de1-800-712-9851. or 888-800and though he has never Darlene is survived by her children Bart (Sandy) Stadfeld tails call now 1-866-668-6629. 0772. answered, I guess it was A17 Website of Enderby B.C. meant to be. I tell myself you’re watching FIND A FRIEND Announcements Announcements that you’re never far away, Holly Brake Partner(Kevin Goertzen) of Kelowna B.C. Your community. Your classiďŹ eds. I sometimes feel the slightest Levi (Bobby)Smith of Peace River Alberta touch when I bow my head Obituaries Obituaries to pray. Darlene Has 8 grandchildren 2 great grandchildren I know heaven must have a In Memoriam In Memoriam Darlene is survived by her brothers & sisters window with no curtain to hide the view, I know you must Daugherty of Terrace B.C Penny Ingebrigtson of stand there often and watch Gloria (Darlene) Shirley me missing you. Florida Bruce (Cathy) Ingerbigtson of Salmon Arm. Tom I know you’re helping me go Stadfeld Breton (Marianne) Ingerbigtson of Sicamous B.C. Charlotte on you’re guiding me through the pain, I somehow sense (Terry)Phillips of Parson B.C.Jackie ( Gordon) Franzen It is with deep sadness that we of Golden B.C. Steven Gibbs & partner (Diane Douville) you’re telling me there’s more sunshine now than rain. must announce the peaceful of Kimberly B.C. Carolyn Davidson of Kimberly B.C. Each new day now dawns with passing of Gloria (Darlene) new meaning... Numerous Nieces and nephews. Darlene always put her Something inside me rings faxso250.344.7344 email classiďŹ Stadfeld Breton at the age of 67 children first, and was a great mom. true, today will slip into on the 3rd of July 2014 at the yesterday and I’ll be one day Announcements Travel Employment home of her son Bart with familyA celebration of life service for Darlene was held at closer to you! Rhonda Groves Bowers Funeral Chapel on Friday July 11, 2014 at 2pm. A by her side. Love Always; reception followed the service in the Mountainside room Business Travel Mom, Personals Cole, Jordan & Ash. Darlene was born September 21,allowing 1946 in Kimberly B.C. friends and family to continue sharing memories. Opportunities MEET SINGLES right now! No FOUNTAIN OF Youth Spa Darlene was predeceased by her Online parents condolences Henery &Lilliemay be sent through Darlene’s Information paid operators, just real peoand RV Resort Offers more GET FREE vending machines. ple like you. Browse greetings, vacation for less money, hot Ingerbigtson her biological mother Beth Gibbs her step Can earn $100,000 + per year. obituary at CANADA BENEFIT and Group exchange messages con-mineral springs, events, acfather John Evans and her brother Leonard Ingebrigtson All cash-retire in just 3 years. Do someone nectyou live.orTry it free. you Call know now: tivities, fitness, entertainment. Protected Territories. Full desuffer from a disability? Get up in the care of Bowers Funeral service, 1-800-712-9851. or 888-800Darlene is survived by her childrenArrangements Bart (Sandy)are Stadfeld tails call now 1-866-668-6629. to $40,000 from the Canadian 0772. Salmon Arm, BC. Website Government. Toll-free 1-888of Enderby B.C. Travel 511-2250 or visit us online: FIND A FRIEND www.canadabenefi Holly Brake Partner(Kevin Goertzen) of Kelowna B.C. It’s a great, big, broad land ‘way up yonder.of Peace River Alberta Levi (Bobby)Smith Timeshare Mary’s Motel now has its It’s the forests where silence has lease; Roy Lloyd Short outdoor pool open to the Darlene Has 8 grandchildren 2 great grandchildren community! CANCEL YOUR TimeshareIn Memoriam In It’s Memoriam beauty that thrills me with wonder, Darlene is survived by her brothers & sisters No Risk Program, Stop MortRoy Lloyd Short, It’s the stillness that fills me with peace. New to town? Having a baby? gage & Maintenance PayShirley Daugherty of Terrace B.C Penny Ingebrigtson of surrounded by his Getting married? Call Ellen ments Today. 100% Money Hatlevik, your local Welcome Back Guarantee. Free ConsulFlorida Bruce loving family, passed In loving memory of son, brother, and (Cathy) friend Ingerbigtson of Salmon Arm. Tom Wagon Representative! tation. Call Us Now. We Can (Marianne) Ingerbigtson of Sicamous B.C. Charlotte peacefully away in 250-344-4799. Help! 1-888-356-5248. Lenny Gary McLaren (Terry)Phillips of Parson B.C.Jackie ( Gordon) Franzen Revelstoke, B.C. on July of Golden B.C. Steven Gibbs & partner (Diane Douville) In Memoriam In Memoriam 5th, 2014 at the age of of Kimberly B.C. Carolyn Davidson of Kimberly B.C. 87. He is predeceased Numerous Nieces and nephews. Darlene always put her by his brother Ted and In Loving Memory children first, and was a great mom. parents Grover and Agnes. A celebration of life service for Darlene was held at Bowers Funeral Chapel on Friday July 11, 2014 at 2pm. A 7 Nov, 1992 - 21 July, 2010 was born inroom Birch Hills, Saskatchewan and reception followed the service inRoy the Mountainside remained a farmer at heart, living and raising his allowing friends and family to continue sharing memories. A million times we needed you, family on farms in Langley and Celista, B.C. He A million times we cried, Online condolences may be sentloved through Darlene’s people and was a lifelong entrepreneur. He obituary at If love alone would have saved you, owned Macleods hardware stores in Chase and


Michael Antonio Oddy

You would have never died. In life we loved you dearly, Travelwe love you still, In death In our hearts you hold a It’s place, a great, big, broad land ‘way up yonder. Timeshare Mary’s Motel now has its ON THE WEB: 1o one can ever Ă€ ll. It’s the forests where silence has lease; outdoor pool open to the community! A light from our householdIt’sisbeauty gone,that thrills me with wonder, CANCEL YOUR TimeshareNo Risk Program, Stop MortA voice from our love is stilled, It’s the stillness that fills me with peace. New to town? Having a baby? gage & Maintenance PayGetting married? Call Ellen mentsA place Today. 100% Money in our vacant home, Hatlevik, your local Welcome Back Guarantee. Free ConsulIn loving memory of son, brother, and friend Wagon Representative! tation.:hich Call Us never Now. Wecan Can Ee Ă€lled. 250-344-4799. Help! 1-888-356-5248. Some may think you are forgotten, Lenny Gary McLaren Though on earth you are no more, In Memoriam In Memoriam But in our memory you are with us, As you always were before. In LovingOddy Memory Michael It broke our hearts to lose you, Michael Antonio Oddy But you did not go alone, Four years have 7 Nov, 1992 21 July, 2010 A part of us went with you, gone by and I still The day God called you home. miss you as times much we needed you, A million Your precious memories are for keepsakes, today as ever. A million times we cried, with which we If love alone would have saved you, never part, Love you always. God has you safely in his keeping, You would have never died. But we have you forever in our hearts In Miss life we loved you dearly, you. In death we love you still, Nana In our hearts you hold Forever a place, loved and missed with every beat of our hearts, 1o one can ever Ă€ll. A light from our household is gone, Gigi, Ash and Karsen. A voice from our love isDad, stilled, All your family and friends. A place in our vacant home, :hich never can Ee Ă€lled. Some may think you are forgotten, Though on earth you are no more,


Golden, B.C., as well as the Golden Mohawk Arrangements are in the care of Bowers Funeral service, service station until his retirement in 1989. Salmon Arm, BC.

Roy’s favourite pastimes were travelling and spending time with his family. He enjoyed playing horseshoes was an avid bowler, winning a Roy Lloydand Short gold medal in the BC Senior Games. For many years Lloyd he had been a member of the Golden Lion’s Roy Short, Club and was a trustee surrounded by his for School Board 89 during the years he lived in Celista. loving family, passed

peacefully away in Roy is survived by Phyllis, his wife of 64 years, Revelstoke, B.C. on July whom he married June 30, 1950 in Langley B.C. 5th, at thedearly age ofand lovingly remembered by He2014 is missed 87.hisHechildren: is predeceased Steve (Gail) Short, Cheryl Clark, byCindy his brother and Kari (Les) Orme, Brian (Gord)Ted Boettger, parents (Sonja) Grover Short andand Bob (Kiri) Short; and lives on Agnes. in the hearts and lives of his 17 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. Roy was born in Birch Hills, Saskatchewan and remained a farmer at heart, A living and raising his life will be held at a later celebration of Roy’s family on farms in Langley date. and Celista, B.C. He loved people and was a lifelong entrepreneur. He owned Macleods hardware The stores in Chase family wouldand like to thank the many careGolden, B.C., as well as the Golden Mohawk givers at Mount Cartier Court in Revelstoke for service station until his retirement in 1989. the excellent care and many kindnesses extended to Roy during his time there. Roy’s favourite pastimes were travelling and spending time with his family. He enjoyedofplaying Messages sympathy may be sent to Roy’s horseshoes and was an avid bowler, winning a family by viewing his obituary at gold medal in the BC Senior Games. For many years he had been a member of the Golden Lion’s Club and was a trustee for School Board 89 arrangements during Cremation are in the care of the years he lived in Celista. Brandon Bowers Funeral Home, Revelstoke. Roy is survived by Phyllis, his wife of 64 years, whom he married June 30, 1950 in Langley B.C.

The Golden Star Wednesday, July 23, 2014 A18 A17 Wednesday, July 23, 2014 Golden Star



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Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale



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Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

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Employer: Chatter Creek Mountain Lodges Ltd. Employment Type: Seasonal Full Time Start date: August, 2014 – May, 2015 Job Description: We are looking for a well-organised, guest orientated individual to join our office team for the winter season. The Client Reservation and Support role is responsible for all aspects of guest care, including pre-trip planning, reservation, payment, and ultimately rebooking. This individual will be based in the office in Golden, and work closely with our Lodge to ensure guest needs are met. The right individual will be able to function effectively in a fast-paced, often stressful environment, will be able to multi-task, and embrace the many different facets of ensuring the seamless experience of our guests, from computer work to grocery shopping. Job Responsibilities: • Booking cat ski tours. • Processing payments. • Ensuring guest questions, concerns, and complaints are dealt with professionally and efficiently. • Assisting with the general running of the operation as required. Job Qualifications: • Excellent computer skills (a proven ability to work across a variety of software platforms, with social media, etc). • Excellent written and interpersonal skills (experience with front line guest service preferred). • Excellent organisational ability and attention to detail. • Ability to learn and respond quickly in a dynamic, ever changing environment. • Experience with reservation software (hotel industry) would be preferred. Details: • Full time for the season (August through May). • Guaranteed end of season bonus (if work the full season). • Potential for continued employment (at discretion of Chatter Creek). Please apply to, deadline for application is July 31st, 2014.

Legendz Diner for sale. For serious inquiries call Surinder 250-344-5059.



Downie Timber Ltd. (part of the Gorman Group of Companies) located in Revelstoke BC is requesting proposals from qualified “stump to dump” Cable Logging Contractors. The proposal is for the harvesting and delivery of approximately 60,000 m3 annually within the Revelstoke Timber Supply Area. Potential contractors must possess a strong safety record and be “Safe Certified” with the BC Forest Safety Council. The contractor will be required to dedicate a full-time crew located in the Revelstoke area. Strict adherence to environmental and log quality standards along with efficient operating practices are mandatory. Please forward proposals with detailed company information including equipment compliment, safety records and references to: Mike Johnson Woodlands Manager PO Box 70, Canoe BC V0E 1K0

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Invitation to Tender College of the Rockies invites tenders for:

Janitorial Services Golden Campus

Sealed tenders, clearly marked "JANITORIAL SERVICES – GOLDEN CAMPUS" will be received until 2:00 pm (MST), Friday, August 15, 2014 at tKe oI¿ce oI: Allan Knibbs, Manager Facilities College of the Rockies 2700 College Way, PO Box 8500 Cranbrook, B.C. V1C 5L7 Phone: (250) 489-8227 Tender dRcuments and sSeci¿catiRns will

be available to interested contractors at the Golden Campus. A mandatory site visit will take place at the Golden Campus located at 1305 - 9th Street South, Golden, BC at 10:00 am (MST) on Tuesday August 12, 2014. College of the Rockies reserves the right to waive informalities in, or reject any or all tenders, or accept the tender deemed most favourable in the interest of College of the Rockies. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. For further information please contact: Karen Cathcart, Campus Manager College of the Rockies, Golden Campus 1305 - 9th Street South,Golden, BC V0A 1H0 Phone 250-344-5901 email:


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 The Golden Star

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate






Misc. for Sale

For Sale By Owner

Apt/Condo for Rent

Homes for Rent

Homes for Rent

Auto Accessories/Parts

Auto Financing

STEEL BUILDINGS. Summer meltdown sale! 20x20 $5,419. 25x26 $6,485. 30x30 $8,297. 32x34 $9,860. 40x48 $15,359. 47x68 $20,558. Front & back wall included. Pioneer Steel 1800-668-5422 or visit online:

Misc. Wanted Collector Buying Coin Collections, Native Art, Estates, Gold, Silver + 778-281-0030 FIREARMS. ALL types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. 1-866-9600045. Looking for an occasional light duty housekeeper in residential environment. 250-344-2182.

Real Estate Acreage for Sale Spectacular Views on 11 & 1/2 acre parcel 10 mins south of Golden, east side of the Rockies, Drilled well, flat building site, good access. Survey plan available. 1-250-769-4288.

501 - 10th St. South Corner lot, lge fenced yard, close to all ammnts. Walk in basement, 3 bdrm up & 2 down, 2 baths plus full en-suite, single car garage, and garden shed. Propane fireplace, vacu-flo, walk-in closet & en-suite off master bdrm, built in microwave/fan, dishwasher, stove and fridge incld. Great family home! Asking $326,000. 250-344-2187 Email FOR sale by owner duplex lot in Golden B.C. with old timer rental house. Go to for pix and more info. Contact me at 604377-5439 or $288,000.

Houses For Sale TIMBER FRAME HOME Near Golden Call Glenn Pomeroy Maxwell Realty Invermere 250-270-0666

For Sale By Owner

512 6th St. South. 1760 sq ft bi-level. Two bdrm w/ 4 pc bath up & two bdrm w/ 4 pc bath down. 75’ frontage. Dble. garage, dble carport. In-law suite. Many upgrades. Email: Appraised at $278,000.00 Asking $273,000.00


2 bdrm w/ storage close to all amnts. Hydro, hot water and heat incld. Security entrance and laundry factls, sorry N/S, and no parties. 250-344-8113


Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.

Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. FOR RENT: (2) Bedroom furnished apts. starting @ $750 per month. Includes: Utilities, Internet & Satellite TV. Visit our Website @ for details & availability. Call 250-344-7299 / Text 250-344-1825 to arrange viewing.

Commercial/ Industrial 3 acres in town w/ 2 separate buildings on property. Both avail now. 250-344-1599.

2.5 ACRE LOTS, LUMBY, BC Mabel Estates 5 mins from town, pristine lush views. Designed and ready to build. Wells & power at lot. Starting, $139,000, $50,000 below assessed value. 250-317-2807.

Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710

RV Sites

Modular Homes

R.V. lots - titled, year round, 70 amps, Columbia River and wetlands access, storage, security fenced. $35,000 each. or 250-348-2094

Lots available now! For new or newer homes. Contact Kicking Horse Village MHP 250-344-6935.

Visit our website for complete rental listings

Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofce is independently owned & operated.

3 Bdr Home Direct access to Mt 7 trails, just 4 mins. from downtown Golden. 1800 sq. ft, 2 full baths. Deck off kitchen. New floors. Brand new approved wood stove with electric backup. Newly painted. Incl F/S/W/D. Huge fenced yard. 1 yr min lease. Avail May.1 $1275/mth. Call Mike 250-344-8385. 4 bdrm house in downtown Golden $950/month + utilities. Family preferred. Damage deposit & references required. 250-344-6710.

Auto Financing


Auto Loans Guaranteed or We Pay You! 1-888-375-8451 or apply at: www.

Cars - Domestic

Office Space for rent. Approx. 350 sq. ft. above Body Quest. Call 250-344-7876.

1998 Mercury Sable. $1500, well maintained and very clean! Runs very well. 4 new all season tires. Call 250-3446046 to view. TRUCK FOR SALE!$2000 04 Dodge Ram - 15004x4 / 4 doorlined- long box+canopy 359,000 km.250-343-6723


2 Bdr bsmt suite 1116 12 St. Newly renovated. W/D, F/S. No pets, no parties. Avail. now. 250-344-5626. 2 Bdr lower suite for rent, Fridge & stove incl., laundry rm, w/d hookups. For more info, call Chuck 250-344-1064 2 bdrm house on acreage at Castledale on Hwy 95 South. $895/month + utls. No parties, no illegal activities, long term mature reliable tenants pref’d. Refs and DD req’d. Please call 250-344-6710. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 3 Bdr house in town with fridge & stove. No pets. Avail now. Call 344-1599. Also, 1 bdrm furnished no pets. Call. 344-1599.


S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.


Suites, Lower 2 bdr basement suite. N/S, no parties, no pets. Fully furnished. References. D/D. 344-0094 or 344-2144. Avail. now. 2 bdrm suite, w/d, hydro, carport, NS/NP, pets considered. Long term prefd. Avail Aug 1 $750/mnth. 250-344-2604.

Townhouses 4 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month ($1395/month) plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.

CURRENT GAS GAS Enduro Motorcycles for sale. Contact (250)427-7690, Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!

1.800.910.6402 or stop in at Meadow-

brook Motors in Kimberley. CURRENT SHERCO Enduro 2 & 4 Stroke Motorcycles for sale. Used demos also available. Contact (250)4277690,, or stop in at Meadowbrook Motors in Kimberley.

Want to Rent Employed woman w/ refs seeks cabin/place to rent in Blaeberry/North Bench, in wooded, private area. L/M at: 250-439-8225

Tell us what you're up to!

250 344-5251

www.the Your Community Newspaper Since 1891 LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS

Wednesday, July 23, 2014 The Golden Star A19

Plenty of mountain biking success this year for Golden couple

Rich Marshall and Julie Perkins, sponsored by Derailed Sports, have achieved a great deal of success in the Enduro Series. Joel Tansey/Star Photo Joel Tansey A healthy sense of competition keeps Rich Marshall and Julie Perkins pushing to be better and that extra motiv-

ation has led the couple to achieve some excellent results in the Kootenay Rockies Enduro Series races. Marshall works as a mountain guide yearround and is fresh off a

win in the Masters (40+) category at this past weekend’s Enduro race in Golden, adding to his collection of victories that also includes races in Canmore and Kimberley. Perkins, a back-

country chef, was working and unable to participate this past weekend, but earlier this season she took home the top prize for women in Canmore and Penticton. Marshall has lived in Golden his entire life and took up mountain biking when the sport was still taking off. Perkins is newer to biking and has been riding for about 10 years, but both athletes get a similar satisfaction from the sport. “To me it’s similar to skiing, it’s a gravity based activity, it’s fast, exciting and it allows you to travel through terrain really quickly,” Marshall said. “I got into it because it was something you can always do by yourself. I used to climb a bit more and you always needed a partner…(I enjoy) the simpleness of getting on your bike and going for a ride by yourself,” Perkins said. The friendly competition between husband and wife was evident earlier this season when Marshall got off to a slower start with his training.

KR Enduro Series in Golden

Local competitor Jean-Francois Labrecque finishes up his final run of last weekend’s two-day KR Enduro Series race in Golden. Labrecque finished 4th in the Open category for men. Stu Dickson of Revelstoke took top honours in the Pro/Elite class, while Rich Marshall of Golden finished 1st in the Masters (40+) category. Tara Walmsley and Evan Wall won in the women’s and under 19 categories respectively. Joel Tansey/Star Photo

“At the start of the season, I didn’t get started super early with training and Julie was really strong and had just got a new bike and was really doing well with that. She pushed me quite hard…that push was really nice to have,” Marshall said. “We push each other, it’s like chasing each other up and down,” Perkins said. Both Marshall and Perkins are new to the idea of competing in actual races and happened to be in Penticton the day of one of the Enduro Series races. The feeling of organized competition turned out to be rather addicting. “It’s a really neat state of mind that you get into,” Perkins said. “You get into this really cool zone of just pushing yourself to the absolute limit.” “The intensity of the focus steps up to a different level,” Marshall added. “You want to ride smooth and flowy but you also want to push it to the edge.” Marshall used his knowledge of the trails in Golden to his advan-

tage over the weekend For Perkins, she’ll be and will hope to do the working during the Sinsame when he competes gle Track 6 race and the in the Transrockies’ Sin- next Enduro Series race gle Track 6 race begin- in Rossland, but hopes ning on July 26 (stages 4 to compete in the seaand(MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX 5 will be in Golden.) son finale in Revelstoke.


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Wednesday, July 23, 2014 The Golden Star


1202 Alexander Drive

5 bedrooms

2 baths


$159,900 #10 Parkland Gardens

3 bedrooms

1 bath

$190,000 914 - 10th Street

3 bedrooms 1 bath 1,619sqft

1130-8th Street 3 baths


#15 Parkland Gardens

3 bedrooms

1.5 baths




Rural Propery with 2 Homes

3 bedrooms 1.5 baths 1,480sqft




2.03 acres

$299,000 592 Habart Road

3 bedrooms

1.5 baths



3 Bedrooms

1055 King Crescent

2 bedrooms

1 bath


716 - 7th Street

3 bedrooms

2 baths


#74 Kicking Horse Village MHP 3 bedrooms

407 Riverglen Drive

4 bedrooms

3 baths

1502 Poplar Street

3 bedrooms

2.5 baths


$239,000 904 - 14th Street

3 bedrooms 1.5 baths 1,251sqft


2 bedrooms

3 baths


$85,000 .45 acres


616 - 11th Street

5 bedrooms 4 baths 2,676sqft

$289,000 5 bedrooms

2 baths

$309,900 508 - 5th Street

4 bedrooms

2 baths




Pcl A, 3067 Wiseman Road 70 acres

3 bedrooms 2 baths 2,336 sqft 28 acres


$349,900 1309 Pine Drive

3 bedrooms

3 baths




1596 Columbia Valley 1.871 acres

$469,900 2461 Seward Road

$224,000 3411 Highway 95 South

4 bedrooms

1 bath

2,385 sqft



Lot 8, 592 Habart Road


1334 - 10th Street

1330 - 10th Street

5 bedrooms


#62 Kicking Horse Village MHP


DanDan Veselic Veselic (250) (250) 344-1435 344-1435



SOLD 1,181sqft




$36,900 #1 Kicking Horse Village MHP



1374 Black Bear Drive

$239,000 2039 Birchlands Road


$299,900 1217 - 11th Street

3071 Tegart Road

3bdrms 1 bath 3,320sqft



$319,900 3 bdrms

Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451

$899,000 1632 Purcell Woods

3 bedrooms 4 baths 2700sqft

$110,000 1472 Black Bear Drive 4 acres

MOBILE HOMES #22 Golden Mobile Home Park....................3 bedrooms.................................$55,300 #10 Swiss Village MHP.................................3 bedrooms.................................$65,000

#22 Kicking Horse Village MHP...................4 bedrooms................................$47,500 #4, 1437 Lafontaine Road............................2 bedrooms................................$38,600

IN TOWN LOTS 522-11th Street.......................................50’ x 130’..................................$76,000 506-8th Street........................................50’ x 130’.................................$76,300 1608 Gareb Road....................................71’ x 180’ ................................$89,900

1409 Granite Drive................................ .47 acre.....................................97,000 1402 Deere Ridge Road.......................... .35 acre........................................ $99,000 1512 Granite Drive....................................1.35 acre.............................. $199,900

RURAL ACREAGES Lot 1, Mitchell Road...............................2 acres............................................... $99,900 866 Highway #95 South........................101 acres................................................. $569,900 Kettleston Road...........................2 acreages available......from $249,500 to $349,500 Nicholson Creek Road......................3 acreages Available......from $249,500 to $349,500 Lot 1, Golden Donald Upper Road........4.99 acres........................................ $129,900 1735 Short Road....................................4.94 acres....................................... $129,9000 Lot 3, Forde Station Road..............................3 acres .................................................... $89,900

1556 Adolph Johnson Road..............5.73 acres...................................... $199,000 Lot 1, Castledale Heights....................4.94 acres...........................................188,500 Blaeberry Valley Estates..................4 acreages available...... from $135,000 to $255,000 Cromac Ridge..................................4 acreages available......from $210,000 to $260,000 532 Anderson Road.........................155 acres.......................................$449,900 Lot A, 3495 Highway #95, South..........5.8 acres..................................................$189,000 Lot 1, Homes Deakin Road...................2.4 acres.........................................$109,900

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