Calendar Lake Country
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July 30, 2014
Valuable lessons are learned at the pool. The Y and Across the Lake Swim Society team up to provide swimming lessons to kids throughout the Okanagan. ...............................
The Oyama Branch 189 of the Royal Canadian Legion held its Legion Day celebration on June 28. B.C. Dragoons Cpl. Evans (left) and Lt. LaFrance brought their G-wagon to the Oyama Legion for display. For more photos from the event see page A8 and A9.
Man missing from James Lake area. ...............................
Moberly Road Water Society president not happy with water dispute coverage. ...............................
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Vader running for district council BARRY GERDING Matt Vader wants to take a second crack at representing Carr’s Landing on Lake County council in the November municipal election. Vader ran for the Carr’s Landing ward in the last election, losing out to Barbara Leamont. “The last election was my first time running for public office, and since then I’ve continued to be involved in the economic and planning develop-
ment of Lake Country,’ he said. Vader works for the Canada Revenue Agency in its Kelowna office, and was an inaugural member of Lake Country’s economic planning and development committee. “My role on that committee is to collaboratively provide advice and support to the district for its economic development initiatives. I believe these initiatives are important to the sustainability of Lake Country as
its own community and not just a bedroom community for Kelowna and Vernon.” For a community of Lake Country’s 12,000 population, he says promoting the retail and service sector will be key to alleviate the bedroom community identity. “I do work in Kelowna, like a lot of people who live here, but we also live in Lake Country and I want to see a thriving small business community well supported by lo-
cal residents,” he said. Lake Country “is a viable (size) to grow the business community. With the right zoning, the right availability of land and appropriate timeless for the district to approve new business opportunities, that bedroom community stigma can start to change.” Vader points to more interest in development on Main Street as a sign SEE ELECTION A3
MATT Vader, here with his wife Emma Sarbit and
their two-year-old daughter Rebekah, is running for the Carr’s Landing ward on Lake Country council.
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Wednesday, July 30, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Coroner identifies Duck Lake accident victims Search continues for missing man The BC Coroners Service has confirmed the identities of three persons who died in the July 15 motor vehicle incident on Highway 97 between Lake Country and Kelowna. The victims were Harold Reinhardt Miller, 82, from Vernon; his wife Violet Juline Miller, 79;
and their great-grandson, Thomas Rhys Edward, 14, of Victoria. Harold Miller was the driver of a car heading northbound on Highway 97 about 4:40 p.m. on July 15 near the intersection of Parkinson Drive opposite Duck Lake, where it was involved in a three-vehicle collision.
The grandson was a front-seat passenger while Miller’s wife was in the backseat as their vehicle collided head-on with a southbound vehicvle. All three were deceased at the scene. Traffic Services continue the investigation.
Terrance Michael Landon had been living in a tent trailer on Crown land for several months and was building a small cabin in the woods by James Lake. When a friend recently went to check on him,
August 2
they found his vehicle and trailer there but could not locate him. He was last seen on Dec. 26, 2013. Landon is a Caucasian male, 57, 5 ft 7 in (170 cm), 141 lbs (64 kg), brown hair, brown eyes
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with a full, grey beard. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Terrance Landon is urged to contact their local police, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-2228477 (TIPS).
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 30, 2014 A3
Water society chair takes umbrage at claims by resident
Letter to the editor: In the past two weeks the name of the Moberly Road Water Society has appeared in your newspaper, once in a front page article (Land Owner Frustrated by Lack of Water Service on Lot, July 16 Lake Country Calendar), once in a letter (Land Owner’s Frustration Continues Trying to Solve Water Service Problems, July 23 Lake Country Calendar). Statements were made concerning the water society which are untrue and really have nothing to do with us as a private water society and which make claims about us as
a private society which do not stand up to even a minimal standard of truth. Mr. Blue, the source for both pieces, has a dry lot. He dealt with Lake Pine before Lake Country took over that system and because Lake Country did not extend Lake Pine to his property, he has chosen to blame our society. Our system has had discussions with Lake Country but those discussions are not in any way a matter that would affect Mr. Blue nor are they any of his business since he is not a member of the society and our so-
ciety is at its maximum capacity for service. I would suggest in the future that before you accept a story some fact checking would be appropriate. Had you contacted us before printing the story and the letter, you might have discovered that Mr. Blue did not give you, on either occasion, anything but his own position, while making statements about the Moberly Road Water Society which were exaggerated and untrue. Arthur E. Gans, chair, Moberly Road Water Society
THESE three youngsters have completed the YMCA Okanagan Swims program at the H2O centre (from left) Graeme Haw, 8, Landon Tew, 9, and Dray Rolleston, 8.
Latest candidate to announce Every child should learn how to swim bid for Lake Country council ELECTION FROM A1 that the business opportunity Lake Country offers will be realized. “With a university education in finance and business management, and experience as an equity trader on the stock markets, I have gained the valuable qualities of insight, good judgement and responsibility necessary to handle difficult financial situations,” Vader said. Married to a Lake Country school teacher and with a two-year daughter, Vader said while there are pros and cons to the ward system, he said no system of election is perfect and Lake Country residents have voted in support of maintaining it. He said the plus side
is that each ward can elect one person to represent its specific interests on council, however, representation can be skewed by population. For instance, Winfield has more people than Carr’s Landing. Vader sees the issues for his area being road upgrades and maintenance, and improving water quality. “If the water quality is bad, that is a huge factor on the value of property,” he said. As the second candidate to publicly announce their intention to be a civic candidate this fall—retired Lake Country psychologist Mary Dougherty has stated she will run for the Okanagan Centre seat— Vader said he thought it might be advantageous
to get his name out there early. Traditionally, candidates for an upcoming civic election announce their candidacy in September, but that has changed this year, which will be the first election where candidates will be running for four-year terms on council. In Kelowna, Coun. Colin Basran has already publicly unveiled his plan to run for mayor to succeed the retiring Walter Gray while others have stated their intent to run for council. “For me, I just thought announcing now would get my name out there earlier on, to get my message out there and for people to get more comfortable knowing what I’m all about,” Vader said.
The Across the Lake Swim Society (ATLSS) kicked off this year’s open water season by providing funding once more that will held ‘drown-proof ’ Okanagan kids. Working in partnership with the YMCA, the open water swim club makes sure children get the swim lessons they need to be confident and proficient in the water. “Since 2012, the Across the Lake Swim Society has been funding a swim program to teach young kids life-saving water safety skills,” said Peter Rudd, ATLSS president and Interior Savings Across the Lake Swim race director. “We believe every child should have access to swim lessons, but the reality is that many do not have the opportunity. “Our funding provides free swim lessons to every third grad-
The most trusted names in the Education Industry recruit using
er in School District 23 from Peachland to Lake Country.” Known as the YMCA Okanagan Swims program, this initiative provides kids with 45 min-
drowning as the second leading cause of preventable deaths in kids under 10 years old, and with recent drowning stats in the Okanagan, this program addresses an im-
utes of instruction over three weeks, followed by unstructured water activity, giving them a chance to master basic skills in the water with the objective to ensure they are safer in backyard pools, creeks, rivers and lakes. With the Lifesaving Society reporting
portant need in our community. “It is amazing to see these kids build confidence in and around the water,” said Desiree Henke, swim instructor for the Okanagan Swims Program at H2O Aquatic Centre in Kelowna. “This is an immediate
issue in our community since we live in such a water populated area. “If these kids learn early, they will know what to do if they have an unexpected fall into deep water, now or as they grow into adults.” For three kids who completed the YMCA Okanagan Swims at H2O—Graeme Haw, 8, Dray Rolleston, 8, and Landon Tew, 9—this program has been a lot of fun. The Okanagan YMCA and Across the Lake Swim Society have a collective goal to increase the number of kids accessing swim instruction every year. This past year, YMCA Okanagan Swims provided instruction to close to 1,400 kids; up from 800 the previous year. Learn more at the following websites: and
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Wednesday, July 30, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951
The eighth deadly sin
DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.
ith all due respect, I think Pope Gregory the Great got it wrong. Gregory is commonly given credit for devising the list of the Seven Deadly Sins—anger, avarice, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony.
CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
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Tessa Ringness Production Manager
Kevin Parnell Staff Reporter
Teresa Huscroft-Brown
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Jim Taylor
Courtney Larkan Nancy Blow
Gregory was right that these actions (or attitudes) are harmful and damaging. But he failed to recognize that each of
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In defence of younger drivers
recent column on the B.C. government’s decision to raise speed limits on portions of rural highways excited numerous comments from readers. Some questioned my suggestion that today’s new drivers are worse because they spend their formative years staring at screens in the back seat instead of looking out the window and grasping the grim physics of the real world. There is no doubt that B.C.’s graduated licensing system for new drivers is more difficult than what my generation faced. Those vehicle stickers with the “L” (for learner, or as teens prefer “loser”) and “N” (for novice, or in teen-speak “nerd”) have been around since 1998. The two steps make getting a full driver’s licence a longer, more difficult and expensive process. Statistics provided by ICBC show what new
BC Views
Tom Fletcher drivers are up against. First there is the written Knowledge Test to obtain a learner’s permit. From 2004 to 2008, more than half of applicants failed in their first attempt. Things improved in subsequent years, with a 46-per-cent failure rate in 2009 declining to 42 per cent by 2013. The first road test is required to go from “L” to “N” and it seems sufficiently harsh. The failure rate has been consistently around 47 per cent in the past six years. More
practise and another $35 are required to try again. Students fare better on the second road test, where the failure rate has consistently been 2122 per cent for the past decade. ICBC reports that in the first three years of the graduated licence program, the new driver crash rate dropped by 16 per cent. In 2003 the required learner and novice period were extended, and restrictions on the novice stage were increased. New driver crashes fell by another 28 per cent. Those restrictions include the number of passengers and a zero tolerance for alcohol. Impaired crash and injury statistics aren’t available for drivers in the graduated licence program, only fatalities. They grew as more new drivers were enrolled in the new system, to a high of 24 in 2007, but that declined to 14 by 2012. There will always be
young people who drive impaired, speed or make other fatal errors. But it’s difficult to argue that today’s system in B.C. is lenient. A couple of readers were concerned about the effect of higher rural speed limits on older drivers. One suggested that higher limits on rural highways are a poor mix with vacationing seniors hauling around oversized motorhomes, trailers and boats. Another cited the coming wave of retired baby boomers and added a likely increase in marijuana-impaired drivers, all emboldened by the invitation to drive faster. B.C.’s medical health officers issued a letter denouncing the decision by Transportation Minister Todd Stone to raise speed limits. Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall said the research is clear that higher speeds increase the risk and severity of incidents. Then there is the gov-
ernment’s own position, articulated in a road safety strategy released last year by Attorney General Suzanne Anton. “Research is conclusive that at higher speeds, more people are killed and injured in the traffic system,” it states. “At lower speeds, fewer are killed and injured as a direct result of the safety buffer that lowered speeds create.” The strategy notes that new technologies such as adaptive cruise control are becoming available. B.C. is also testing electronic highway speed limit signs that change with weather and traffic conditions. Next comes self-driving vehicle systems, so drivers will be able to check their phones again.
Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email:
them is a virtue taken to an extreme. Without anger, struggles for justice would fade away. Without sloth, humans would never have developed technologies that reduce physical labour and enhance health. Without avarice, no one would have had the ambition to achieve more. But the same virtues can also be taken to the opposite extreme. Pride, for example, exaggerates healthy self-esteem until it becomes destructive of the self and of others. But those with no self-esteem are equally handicapped. They will be depressed and depressing, perhaps suicidal. The opposite extreme to sloth is not a willingness to work hard but a frenetic busy-ness that SEE TAYLOR A5
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 30, 2014 A5
opinion ▼ DEADLY SINS
hOpposites to classic deadly sins not such great attributes either TAYLOR FROM A4
accomplishes nothing— uncontrolled hyperactivity. Pope Gregory did not define these opposite extremes as also being sins. That doesn’t make them “good.” Is starvation or anorexia preferable to ,gluttony? Apathy to anger? Loathing to lust? Indeed, the pattern applies to almost every
aspect of life. Everyone knows child abuse is wrong—but so is child neglect. Healthy child care lies somewhere in the middle. Too little water results in death from dehydration. Too much water causes death from drowning. Too little warmth and we freeze; too much warmth and we burn. No one ever knows
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exactly where the perfect middle lies, but we all know that it is not at either extreme. I can think of only one “sin” which does not—at least, to my mind—derive from taking a virtue to an extreme, and for which there is no similarly harmful opposite. That’s vandalism. Recently, people in the Kelowna area read news headlines about a “chain-
saw massacre.” Someone sneaked into an area where an adventure park was being developed, and cut halfway through three large trees that supported a network of rope bridges, platforms and zip lines high overhead. The trees can’t be saved. Had no one noticed the cuts, had the park opened on schedule, that part of the overhead network might have
come crashing down, killing and maiming its users. No one claimed responsibility. No one offered an explanation. Presumably, therefore, the cutting was not done to protest an injustice, real or imagined. It was not done to protect children or the environment. It was not even done to cut firewood or to gain an advantage for some
competing enterprise. Vandalism’s sole purpose, it seems to me, is to destroy. Unless I’m missing something, I can see no redeeming virtue at the core of vandalism. What beneficial attitude or behaviour, taken to an extreme, leads to killing trees, smashing windshields, mugging old ladies, overturning garbage cans, and hacking
into medical records to alter them? Vandalism is damage done for its own sake. It is its own justification— harming for the sake of harming, hurting for the sake of hurting. It has no saving grace, no redeeming virtue. Which makes it, I think, a particularly deadly sin. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Thomson: Forest fire mitigation efforts limited by ‘fiscal environment’ KATHY MICHAELS STAFF REPORTER
Funding to help local governments reduce the risk of wildfire in the for-
ests that surround their communities is running out. Since 2001 the province put $61 million into the Wildfire Protection
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Program—$1.8 million of which made its way to the Central Okanagan— but there are no plans to replenish funds in the years ahead. “There’s currently $5.5 million of projects being carried out this year and next, and we recently put an additional $500,000 into the program,” said Kelowna-Mission Liberal MLA Steve Thomson, who also is a cabinet minister in charge of the forestry portfolio. “But it’s true that the program funding has been completed. The challenge we have is the fiscal environment.” Fewer opportunities to reduce the fuel load in forests close to communities is an issue that has led to some concerns on the municipal level and is expected to be a significant talking point during the Union of B.C. Municipalities meeting later this year. From Thomson’s point of view, the conversation ahead will deal largely with sharing the
responsibility for fire mitigation efforts. “Local governments have a role to play and home owners can ‘fire smart’ their property,” he said. “This is a collective approach.” Also, Thomson pointed out that there are other ways his ministry is reducing the risk of wildfire in interface areas—250 programs, to be exact. “Our wildfire management branch routinely undertake fuel reduction in high risk areas,” he said, adding that at the moment their attention is focused on battling blazes. “We recognize the importance of doing this work and a significant investment has been made.” Moving forward, however, local governments could have a different role to play. Mayor Doug Findlater would also like to see some changes. In his municipality, all the high risk fire areas eligible for funding,
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such as parks and public lands, have already had significant work done. But the program is too restrictive. “Basically it’s impossible to enforce and require mitigation on private lands—especially when someone owns a lot of land and they won’t clean it up.” Municipal bylaws are not enforceable in a situation like that, because it creates massive liability. “So we would like more money and a change in the focus and criteria for the program, so private lands and vast tracks of public lands can be done…” That said, Findlater pointed out that there may not be much to do in areas like Smith Creek, where a raging fire put West Kelowna neighbourhoods at risk last week. “When you look at the side of the mountain there, I don’t know if you could deal with mitigation at that level,” he said.
Miffed at mothballing of Martin Mars waterbomber JEFF NAGEL
The provincial government is defending its decision to halt B.C.’s use of the veteran Martin Mars water bombers in favour of newer, smaller aircraft to fight wildfires. Campaigners had a target of 20,000 signatures on a petition urging the premier to reinstate the 1940s-era amphibious plane. Organizer Chris Alemany planned to deliver the petition last Thursday to Christy Clark’s constituency office in West Kelowna. Critics argue the province is spending more money to get less firefighting service than it had with the famous Martin Mars planes. B.C. instead has contracted the use of four Air Tractor “Fire Boss” water-scooping amphibious planes from
the Conair Group of Abbotsford for $2.5 million per season. The much smaller aircraft are said to be more flexible because they can operate from more than 1,700 lakes compared to just 113 with the Mars. The new planes can also drop water, foam or retardant on a fire, with an ability to deliver 3,025 litres on a seven-minute turnaround, compared to 19,000 litres with the Mars on a 19-minute round trip. The B.C. Wildfire Management Branch said in a statement that the new Fire Bosses delivered fire suppressant twice as fast during the recent West Kelowna fire—586,000 litres in 11.3 hours—as the Martin Mars dropped during the 2003 Kelowna fire. Separate planes can also be split up to attack multiple targets at once.
HAFI Funds Home Modifications for Disabled Man When Lorie and Walter bought their home in Port Alberni 13 years ago they slowly began renovating the unfinished basement to accommodate Walter’s changing needs as his muscular dystrophy advanced. “The basement was a black hole when we moved in,” recalled Walter. “After 12 years of skimping and saving, we made the downstairs completely wheelchair accessible, except for the bathroom. It was way too small. I could only stand for about a minute and a half without collapsing in the shower stall and I could no longer pull myself out of the tub in the upstairs’ bathroom, even with Lorie’s help.” Through funding from BC Housing’s Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI) program, Walter and Lorie were able to work with a contractor to transform the space. A wall was removed to make room for a wheelin shower with benches, grab bars were installed, and the vanity and fixtures were relocated.
“ I just slide into the shower now,” said Walter. “I feel safer and no longer dread trying to wash myself. What was previously a dangerous chore for me is now a welcome treat.” Walter and Lorie hope to spend the rest of their lives in their home. The HAFI program provides financial assistance to help eligible low-income seniors and people with disabilities adapt their homes so they can continue to live independently.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 30, 2014 A7
Summer’s first bazaar a hit; next up Aug. 9
The mix of vintage wares, family activities, artisanal boutiques, glass and other giftware, art books on a variety of topics and outdoor artist galleries were a magical mix at the Lake Country Art Gallery’s first installment of its Lake Country Arts Bazaar. Despite the foreboding looking clouds, attendees, and vendors alike, were undeterred and had a wonderful time. “I was really delighted at the turn-out of 5our very first Arts Bazaar. It was such a diverse and fun environment. Visitors were swept from curiosities to art items, to face painting, baking, baubles, and even a big blue bus filled with beautiful vintage wear,”, said organizer Jody DeSchutter. Wares and vendors included children’s watermelon and strawberry shaped cotton knitted hats from Ladybug Creations; handcrafted 3D
paintable puzzles in the shapes like cats, rabbits, dragons and even Ogopogos from Valcraft; sparkle for every corner of your home, garden and person from Jazz Yaz’s; face painting and rock painting activities for all ages, plus a wonderful selection of ready-painted rocks to surprise your garden visitors from Elaine’s Creativity; and beautifully crafted glassware from Glass Roots Creations and Norbert Spyth. Artist Leane Spanza created her own outdoor gallery studio of large canvas paintings, including one she was actually working on right
at the Bazaar. Greeting cards with reproductions of her original paintings made taking home her unique landscapes an easy treat. Winfield Church bakers towered two tables high with delicious cakes and pastries that disappeared faster than free umbrellas on a rainy day. Come early if you want to snag your favourites. Interest in this new event sparked not only the interest of visitors and passersby, but also new vendors. “We’ve had a lot of interest from new vendors since the first Lake Country Arts Bazaar. In addition to the many vendors who will be returning, we’ve also got a number of new vendors booked for Saturday, Aug. 9,” said gallery manager Petrina McNeill. New Vintage Theatre will also be on hand Aug. 9, performing a Queen of Hearts skit at 10 a.m.
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This small troupe of professional actors bring a little more frivolity and a bit of the bizarre to the grounds which is sure to delight. And if this isn’t enough for you, add what the Lake Country Art Gallery offers on a day-to-day basis to the Lake Country Art Bazaar: Fine art exhibitions in the main gallery, a gallery gift shop that features original art gifts and cards from 37 local artists and the only art used book store in the Okanagan Valley—the Artshelf. The next Lake Country Arts Bazaar runs from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 9, at the Lake Country Art Gallery, 10356A Bottom Wood Lake Rd., next door to the Lake Country Coffee House—purveyors of coffee for this fine event. Vendor spots are still available. Visit for more info.
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FARMERS Summer is Delicious at our Farm! Farm Tours Everyday!
Vine ripened Melons, Tomatoes, Sweet Corn & more!
Open Daily
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Royal Canadian Legion Day The Royal Canadian Legion, Oyama Branch 189, celebrated Legion Day on June 28. Members of the B.C. Dragoons were in attendance (see page A1), while local Girl Guides, Child ID and Citizens on Patrol were all on hand. The Oyama volunteer firemen brought their big new firetruck and helped out by “burning” over 100 delicious hamburgers, with supplies provided by Oyama Sunblush Bakery.
Winfield United Church PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED
3751 Woodsdale Road 250-766-4458
VERN WEBB (left, above) brought a treasured photo and donated a couple of old
Sunday Worship and Children’s Church
Quality, value and savings! specials sTaRT FRiDaY!
9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387
SpecialS in effect JUlY 25 - JUlY 31 Mon.-fri. 9am-6pm • Sat. 9am-5pm
Winfield Community Church
Center Cut $ 94 LB Pork ChoPs ............ $10.90/kg
Sunday Morning Service for All Ages
10:15 a.m. PASTOR SEAN HARDER 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753 To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688
Proudly Serving Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?
Call Teresa at 250-979-7329 to be part of this informative feature.
CITIZENS on Patrol (above) Bill Reichelt and Kevin Bowles brought the speed
watch van to demonstrate the set up for showing drivers their actual speed, with a sign indicating what the speed limit actually is.
4 toP sirloin $ 21 7 steak or roast all fresh Pork sausage $ 09 1 hunter $ 29 1 sausage .. $15.90/kg
(Chorizo, Bavarian & italian Bratwrust)
100 GR
Lake Countr y
uniforms to add to the veterans display. On Webb’s chest, the medals on his left (over the heart) are for his military service, while the medals on the right are for community service with the Legion.
100 GR
Just 10 minutes north of the airport at
530 Beaver Lake Rd., Winfield • 250-766-4463
Darla Cooper
Ken Goodwin
Professional Realtor ®
We are renovating our mudroom to include a dog bath/shower for our two large dogs. Will this affect our resale value if we decide to sell the house at a later date?
The one room most coveted, the most desired, and the most necessary is often the room that is missing from modern home designs. A mudroom is traditionally located off the kitchen or laundry room. A handy sink in the mudroom is perfect for washing up when coming in from playing and gardening, and it is a great area to bathe pets. If your home is missing a mudroom, it isn’t difficult or expensive to create one. When creating the dog bath/ shower it is a good idea to make it usable for both people and pets that way it will appeal to both pet and non-pet owners. There are many great designs on Pinterest for a dual purpose dog/people shower or let us show you some ideas! Please let us give you a free quote on your mudroom renovation. Goodwin and Company are qualified Plumbers and tilers and can do the entire job for a much more comPETitive price.
The first step to purchasing a home is making sure all your financing has been pre-approved and that you understand the mortgage rates, terms and conditions, being informed can save you thousands in the long term, don’t be disappointed or worse yet, miss out on your dream home because you’re not prepared. Use the expertise of your ABR (Accredited Buyers Representative) toindicates help you navigate This this This indicates this your way through the process and determine the to market Q&Aisisgood good togo. go. value of the home. Q&A Knowing all the costs associated with your purchase, such as legal fees, transfer taxes, future monthly utilities, and other potential costs will be very helpful in determining what you can comfortably afford. Not only do you want to love your home, you want to know you can afford it.
Because Your Move Matters
778-363-0533 • 250-766-0535
band—Carrol Williamson, Nyla and John Hirsch—played popular war time songs from the 1940s on, entertaining visitors and exhibitors at the Oyama Legion Day.
First Time or Experienced, are you ready?
THE Out In Left Field
Darla 250-215-3315
www.lake country calendar. com Call Teresa to place your ad: 250-979-7329
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 30, 2014 A9
Oyama Legion Day
EVA WINDSOR and Vern Webb (above) manned
the veterans display table at the Oyama Royal Canadian Legion Day display. Eva and Vern recently attended the D Day remembrance dinner in Vancouver, held to honour the veterans from 70 years ago. The gala dinner was sponsored by Canada’s Minister of Defence.
Local Corn Now Available!
100 250-766-0294
106 250-766-5670
Dr. Walter Sokolowski D.M.D.
LOCAL politicians (right, above) Lake Country Mayor James Baker and Kelowna-Lake Country MP Ron Cannan, stepped in to meet BC/Yukon Legion Zone commander Glen Hill.
Lake Country Health & Wellness Fair October 4th, 2014 10 AM – 3 PM Winfield Memorial Hall All ages are welcome. There will be door
In the heart of Winfield • 250-766-2226 S E C O N D
prizes and fun activities. If anyone wants to be an exhibitor or sponsor, contact LCHPS via email Or phone 778 – 215 - 5247
Dr. Derek Townsend & Dr. Timothy Killip
ke Country La Fa
m il y D e n t i s t r y
Winfield Dental Centre Dr. Lina Jung & Dr. Greg Kosar 208
Lake Country 210 Chiropractic 250-766-3155
214 • Acne • Face lifting • Medical treatment for fat & cellulite • Laser hair removal • Veins and skin tags • Nail fungus • Weight loss/nutrition
Free parking in the back!
Lake Country
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road
Sex: Female Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 339014
Nursery owners give water conserving tips
A Little Bit About Me I’m Precious, and that truly describes me. I may be a better fit in a quiet home without any other animals, as all the changes in my life have been a bit stressful for me. However, that could change once I am adopted to my forever home. If you are interested in meeting me, please ask the Staff at the Kelowna SPCA.
Without water, John and Maria Byland would be out of business. As the owners of Bylands Nurseries—a major supplier of plants to garden centres throughout the Okanagan— water is vital to their work. As a result, they’re more aware than some people of the importance of the resource, so they’ve taken steps both around their business and their home to conserve water. The family business has been in operation since just a few years after John’s father Adrian arrived here from Holland in 1953 and began growing trees for the orchard industry. Today, the family actively farms 400 acres in the Okanagan, in addition to acreage in the Fraser Valley. And while the Bylands have earned international attention for their environmental stewardship and water conservation practices, this commitment shows
Ronald McDonald House BC is growing. ®
The new Ronald McDonald House BC opens in June. A home away from home for seriously ill children receiving treatment at BC Children’s Hospital, the new and bigger House has enough room to welcome 73 families every day, keeping 2,500 families per year together when it matters most.
Help us continue our work by donating at
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Art Director:
Cool Gray 11U
in their personal lives as well. The landscape around their West Kelowna home has evolved during the 17 years they’ve been there, but there are still native mature pines and mahonia (Oregon grape) which form a part of it, along with non-native, drought-tolerant plants such as the rugged pink rugosa roses interspersed with blue clouds of Russian sage which line the driveway. But reducing water use doesn’t mean they don’t grow their own vegetables, most of which require regular watering to produce a crop for the kitchen. In fact, John is particularly proud of the veggie patch. He mostly waters by hand so plants
Art Director: Copywriter: Producer: Accounts: PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK FOR ACCURACY.
PLEASE NOTE: Colour lasers do not accurately represent the colours in the finished product. This proof is strictly for layout purposes only.
We’re looking for photographs for our annual Lake Country Calendar ‘2015 Calendar’! We’d like to fill the pages with local photography, taken by Lake Country residents,
or visitors, that have memorable shots they wish to share. Pictures should showcase the community, lifestyle, or the wonderful scenery of Lake Country. We need at least 14 photographs to fill the pages of the calendar. Photos need to be at least 8” wide, full colour and have a resolution of at least 300dpi.
needing more water get it, and those needing less receive less. Rows of kale and cucumbers are watered using a drip irrigation line so evaporation and waste are minimized. He points out that even his row of cedars JOHN and Maria Byland, owners of Bylands has become relatively waterwise, because he Nurseries, take steps to conserve water use both at uses drip irrigation for home and at their business. them as well as mulching sonal requirements is drip irrigation now into retain soil moisture. stead of overhead, and Once established, they also important, notes John. the nursery makes its need less water too as “An improperly-man- own compost from disthe roots go deep into aged irrigation system carded plants, which is the soil. can waste a lot of water used as mulch or as a soil An exposed bank has and cause problems for amendment. been planted in juniplants,” he adds. “We take a more-scipers which are very But plants that receive entific approach today, drought-tolerant and yet just the right amount of ensuring each plant gets present a green, living water are more resistthe appropriate amount wall along the driveway. ant to diseases such as of water, delivered at the Maria points out that appropriate time,” says knowing your soil type is root rot (a common disease caused by too much John. essential. Clay soils can He’s proud to say Bylead some people to over water). Back at the nursery, lands has the most agwater, and gravelly soils gressive water conservcan lead to under-water- all runoff is collected in recycling ponds where ation program of any ing. it is mixed with fresh nursery in the country, Amending the soil so water and used to irrigand the couple has apit has proper structure ate again. plied what they’ve learnto retain moisture is imThe system has saved ed to their home landportant, she explains. the Bylands one-third scape as well, with winAnd water manageof the water they used ning results. ment, including conto use. ••• trolling your automatic Larger plant containWith 24 per cent of sprinkler system so it’s ers are watered using all Okanagan water used adjusted based on sea(MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX on household lawns and gardens, and less water available per person than Check weekly flyers Browse flyers fromout your favourite national and local retailers anywhere in Canada, val(MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX Check out weekly flyers ley residents are encour(MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX and and aged to reduce outdoor Browse nationaland andlocal local retailers Browseflyers flyersfrom from your your favourite favourite national retailers water use this summer. Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers Take the pledge to Make Water Work at Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers www.MakeWaterWork. ca and enter to win $5,000 in WaterWise yard upgrades. Take the pledge to: • Water plants. Not pavement. • Water between dusk and dawn. • Leave lawn five to eight centimetres (two to three inches) tall. Featured Retailers • Leave grass clippings as Featured Retailers mulch Featured Retailers • Top dress with compost • Change out some lawn Featured Retailers for drought-tolerant turf Featured Retailers and/or native and lowwater variety plants Make Water Work is an initiative of the Okanagan Basin Water Board and its Okanagan WaterWise Visit Visit program.
Compliments of the
Calendar Lake Countr y
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Photo by Chrissie Cole
Photographers whose pictures have been chosen will receive a $10 gift card courtesy of...
Lake Country Building Centre Jpeg submissions may be sent to: Teresa Huscroft-Brown, Advertising Representative 1.250.979.7329
flyers. deals.savings savings tips. coupons. deals. tips. Visit
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 30, 2014 A11
coMMunITy eVenTS
copy deadline Thursday, 1 pm before issue date
Be safe boating on our lakes this summer
•Kelowna garden club. September 3, speaker: Ken Salvail, Vertical Gardens; 1st Lutheran Church 4091 Lakeshore Rd., Kelowna at 7:30 pm. Free to members, guests donate.
The Pleasure Craft Operators Card (PCOC) gets you out on the water and the Power Squadron gets you back. As that sentence indicates, it’s important to have as much knowledge as possible when out on the water. With the boating season well under way and a mid-summer long weekend almost upon us it’s a great time to review some basic safety precautions before heading out with family and friends. Number one priority is to make sure you have age appropriate life jackets for everyone on board. There are many choices based on what you doing out on the water so make sure to do
THE PLEASURE Craft Operator Card is required by
all boat operators, acquired by passing a course offered by the Canadian Power & Sail Squadron. the research and get the right one. And don’t forget to include the family pooch. Check out the website for more information. The list of do’s and don’ts is long, and to some a bit daunting, but a bit of time spent before heading out can go a long way to ensuring the
day goes smoothly. I have taken a few tips from the old boat safety manual that was printed by Transport Canada. It is only available online now if you don’t have one of the previous printed copies. Here are a few things to make sure your day goes well.
See that your boat is in good shape and all the mechanical bits are working as they are supposed to. This sounds like a no-brainer but there is no point in heading out if any of the gauges for the engine don’t work, especially the gas gauge. The rule for the latter is 1/3 out 1/3 back and 1/3 reserve. Depending on the length of your craft, you are required by law to have a fire extinguisher or two on board and it has to be the right type. The list shows what you are required to have beyond just the fire extinguisher so double check your inventory of safety items. The RCMP is out there checking boats and SEE SAFE A12
9. Enthusiastic 10.Notation 11.January forecast 19.Past 21.Log 22.Bend 23.Distance measure 25.Hurdle 27.Carriage 29.Counseling 30.Battle of rivals 31.Remove from print
34.Coming to a halt 39.Tarzan’s chum 41.Greeting word 43.Play divisions 44.Apple remainder 45.Exposed 46.Marsh plant 48.Join 51.Couple 53.Londoner’s beverage 54.Pig enclosure
•lc SenIorS buS ScHedule. Saturday August 9 Vernon Pancake Breakfast at Schubert, shopping; Sunday August 17 Garlic Festival and lunch, Grindrod/Enderby; Saturday August 30 Penticton Farmers Market. To reserve seat on bus please call Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 •THrIFT STore now oPen! 3250 Berry Rd. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank. Run by our friendly volunteers! Open Tues., Wed. & Thurs., 11am– 6pm. Now accepting clean summer clothing! •royal canadIan legIon brancH 189 Ladies Auxiliary notice of cribbage tournament on last Sunday of the month to include 4th Sunday if there are five Sundays in the month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9am. Games begin at 10am sharp. $26 per team, includes lunch. •laKe counTry SenIorS’ cenTre would like to host day time bridge on Sunday afternoon from 1:30 enabling those that wish to play but don’t want to drive at night. Please call the centre and leave your name or tell someone on the Tuesday night group. Call 250-766-4220. •laKe counTry SenIor’S cenTre 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road have started all their regular programs. Art, Tai Chi, Zumba. JOY Fitness, wood shop, line dancing, lunches, Prime Time, crib and bridge. Call 250-766-4220 for more information. •VISIT THe laKe counTry MuSeuM and arcHIVeS at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 1 to 4pm, and by appointment. 250-7660111 or visit the website at •laKe counTry SenIor’S buFFeT, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Frozen meals available for $5. Call 250-766-4220 to arrange for these and what is available. •laKe counTry Food banK has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all three days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •PrIMe TIMe IS a MuSIcal enTerTaInMenT eVenT. It takes place every Monday from 1pm-3pm at the Lake Country Seniors Centre, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., Lake Country. Tea and coffee is served. There is no charge for this event. If you need transporation, the seniors’ bus is available. For more information call Jimmie at 250-766-2513. Prime Time is sponsored by Lake Country Health Planning Society. •crIbbage. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize and enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. For info. call John 250-766-3026. •wInFIeld unITed cHurcH THrIFT SHoP (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding appropriate donations. •beaVerS/cubS/ScouTS/VenTurerS regISTraTIon Registration is ongoing for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-7664269. •oyaMa legIon brancH 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome.
Copyright © 2014, Penny Press
ACROSS 1. Citrus beverage 4. Impulse 8. Engine parts 12.Trim 13.Mr. Julia 14.Microwave, e.g. 15.Island necklace 16.Supreme Court count 17.Star’s car 18.Lip 20.Grassland 22.Unhealthy mist 24.Fair
26.Black ____ spider 28.Picnic crasher 29.Find a sum 32.Pub drink 33.Serious 35.Rightful 36.Affirmative 37.Toothpaste option 38.Untangle 40.Sworn promise 42.Mound 43.Oak nuts 47.Wool growers 49.Make do 50.Out of action 52.Part of TGIF
55.Genealogy chart 56.____ and void 57.Gain 58.Broadcast 59.Virtuous 60.Chipper
DOWN 1. Each part 2. Buck’s companion 3. Occurrences 4. Coffee containers 5. Increase 6. Rifle, e.g. 7. Component 8. Soft drink
Find all the answers! • Tues 10-6 • Wed 10-8 • Thurs 10-6 • Fri & Sat 10-5 • Closed Sun & Mon
#2-10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.
•lc lIne dancerS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •SocIal brIdge Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •THe councIl oF SenIor cITIZenS organIZaTIonS (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-5769733 or for info. •lc ouTdoorS club welcomes hikers and other outdoor enthusiasts(biking and kayaking.Bring water, snacks/lunch; wear weather appropriate clothing; and sturdy boots for hiking. For information about our club, please contact us temporarily at: All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.
for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Valleyview Dignity Memorial
Power Squadron offers boating safety course online
For us, there is no higher honour than SAFE FROMA11 ducting a voluntary safeto be chosen to bring ty check on Aug 16 at loved ones, friends a missed item can put a the Kelowna Yacht Club. and a lifetime of dent in your wallet and Boaters who particimemories together THURSDAY, JULY 31, your day. pate get a compliance in celebration of a 2014 Aron Meier Glen Whittaker is the linkSNP to the KNOW special life. CIVT sticker which will goA&E a Assistant Manager FuneralCBC Director KIROHere TSN CHBC CHAN KOMO list— long ensuring1 # $ % & _ ( ) * way to` documents/marinesafethey willThe have Doctors Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors MLB Arthur Viewno probCriminal Proudly offeringThe reward miles The on allView pre-arrangements :00 Boxing: ” ” Doodlebops THURSDAY, 31, 2014 10 :30 Chris Algieri JULY
” Baseball: ty/TP-511e.pdf. Museum Chicago
:00 note thatSNP the 11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT Home CBC KIROPlease CHAN Valleyview Funeral :00 Canadian Power Squad$ % & _ ( ) 12 :30 # ron volunteers are con:00 165 :00Valleyview Road • 250-765-3147 1 :30 10 :00 :00 2 :30 11 :00 :30 THURSDAY, JULY 31, 2014 :00 3 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP 1 :00 :30 # $ % & _ ( ) :00 5 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 10 6 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 7 4 :30 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 8 5 :00 :30 1 :30 9 :00 6 :00 :30 2 :30 10 :00 7 :30 :30 :00 3 11 :00 :00 8 :30 4 :30 12 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 5 :00 :00 10 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 2014 :00 11 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP 12 :30 # $ % & _ ( ) The Marilyn Denis Show
Best Recipes Young & Stefano Restless
G. Shrinks White Sox at Clifford-Dog
” Noon News Sportscentre Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
Detroit Tigers
Baseball Boxing: Tonight Chris Algieri Off Record vs. Ruslan Interruption Provodnikov SportsCentre ”” Sportscentre CFL Baseball Football: Tonight Blue Off Record Bombers at Interruption Boxing: Tiger-Cats SportsCentre Chris Algieri ” ” vs. Ruslan SportsCentre Provodnikov CFL ” Football: ” Sportscentre Off BlueRecord Bombers Baseball at NASCAR
Days of our The Doctors Lives ” The Talk Museum ” Secrets The Queen Noon News Latifah Show Hour Young & Days of our Restless Lives News The Talk ” ” The Doctors Global Nat. The Queen ” News CHBC Latifah Show Museum Ent Secrets Young & ET Canada Restless Noon News Engels Hour The Millers News ” our Days of Big Brother
The Social The View ” ” Dr. Phil The Marilyn ” Denis Show The Dr. Oz CTV News Show ” Ellen DeGeThe Social neres Show ” CTV News Dr. Phil at Five ” The View CTV News The Dr. ” Oz Show The Marilyn etalk Denis Show Ellen DeGeBig Bang neresNews Show CTV Big Bang ” Two CTV Men News at Five The Social Gang
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Dinosaur Ella the Ele. G. Shrinks Rob Robot Clifford-Dog Dive, Olly PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Bucket-Dino Maya Bee Mister Arthur Maker Dragon Martha Ella Ele. Wildthe Kratts Rob Robot Arthur Canada Dive, Olly Dinosaur ” PAW Patrol G. Shrinks Planet Earth Clifford-Dog Maya Bee ” Arthur PAW Patrol Greatest Bucket-Dino Cities Martha Wild Kratts Mister Maker Rocksteady: Dragon The Roots of Canada ” Ele. Ella the Reggae Rob Robot ” Earth Planet ” That Dive, Olly What’s PAW Patrol About? Greatest
” The Doctors KOMO” 4 News The Dr. Oz The Chew Show ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital News The Doctors World News ” The View KOMO 4 The Dr. ” Oz News Show KOMO Wheel 4 News KOMO 4 Jeopardy! News The Chew Quest News ” World News General Rookie Blue Hospital ”4 KOMO News TheMed Doctors NY Wheel” Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz News Show Jimmy The Quest
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Wayside Wayside Sidekick Sidekick League/Evil Squirrel Kid vs. Kat Nerds Almost SpongeBob Monster Rabbids 6TEEN Odd Parents Wayside SpongeBob Sidekick Spliced Thunder Squirrel Wayside Every Witch Nerds Sidekick Mr. Young League/Evil SpongeBob ” Rabbids Kid Kat Justvs. Kidding Almost Gags Odd Parents SpongeBob Monster Movie: 6TEEN the “Harriet Thunder Every Witch Wayside Spy: Blog Sidekick Wars” Mr. Young ” Squirrel Vampire Nerds Haunting Just Kidding
Strangest Naked and Overhaulin’ Afraid ” How/Made Fool’s Gold How/Made Fool’s Gold How/Made Mighty Ships How/Made ” Car Sharks Naked and Car Sharks Afraid World’s Overhaulin’ How/Made Strangest Top 10 How/Made Overhaulin’ How/Made Top 10” How/Made Fool’s Gold How-Made Fool’s Gold How-Made Car Sharks Car Sharks Mighty Ships Car Sharks ” Car Sharks Overhaulin’ Top 10 and Naked Overhaulin’ Afraid Top 10 Overhaulin’ Top 10 How/Made Overhaulin’ How/Made Top 10 How-Made Gags ” How-Made SpongeBob How/Made Daddy Day Lang & How-Made Rabbids How/Made Care O’Leary How-Made Movie: The National Car Sharks Odd Parents “Harriet the CBC News ” Car Sharks SpongeBob ” Car Sharks Spy: Blog CBC News Overhaulin’ Thunder The National Overhaulin’ Wars” ” Top 10 Every Witch ” Top 10 Vampire The National Overhaulin’ Mr. Young CBC News Overhaulin’ Haunting ” Top 10 ” ” Top 10 Daddy Day Lang & How-Made Just Kidding O’Leary The National How-Made How-Made Care Gags ” How-Made
Stop Pain Family Feud Family Family Feud Feud Family Feud Steve ThisMinute Harvey ThisMinute Bethenny Law &” Order: SVU Two Men Family Feud Two Men Family Feud 30 Rock Simpsons Steve Stop Fam Pain Mod Harvey Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Bethenny Big Bang ” ThisMinute Sleepy ThisMinute Hollow Two Men Two Law Men & Gang Order: SVU Related Simpsons Mod Fam Family Feud News Family Feud Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Steve The Arsenio Harvey Hall Show Sleepy Hollow Bethenny TMZ Sunny” Gang
Counting Say Yes 19 SayKids Yes 19 Kids Extreme Medium Extreme Medium Leah Remini: Say Yes Leah Remini: Say Yes Here Comes Say Yes Here Comes Say Yes 19 Kids and Here Comes Extreme Counting Here Comes Extreme 19 Kids Leah Remini: 19 Kids Leah Remini: Leah Remini: Medium Here Comes Medium Here Comes Here Comes Say Yes Leah Remini: Say Yes Leah Remini: Here Comes Here Comes Say Yes Here Comes Say Yes Here Comes Leah Remini: Leah Remini: Extreme Leah Remini: Extreme Leah Remini: Here Comes Here Comes Leah Remini: Paid Prog. Leah Remini: Paid Prog. Leah Remini:
Two Men Related Two Men News Simpsons Mod Fam Mod Fam The Arsenio Big Bang Hall Show Big Bang TMZ Sleepy Sunny Hollow
Here Comes Leah Remini: Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Leah Remini: Leah Remini: Remini: Leah Leah Remini: Paid Prog. Here Prog. Comes Paid Here Comes
Now With Power & Carole Politics MacNeil ” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Reshmi O’Leary Nair ” CBC News Power”& Politics CBCNational News The ” Now With ” Carole CBC News MacNeil Lang & ” O’Leary CBC News The National Now With ” CBC News ” Nair Reshmi The National ” The National ”& PowerNews CBC Politics ” CBC News ” The National ” The National
Divorce Seinfeld Judge Alex The Middle Judge Alex The Middle King Mod Fam King Big Bang Community Big Bang Community Browns Seinfeld Payne The Middle Divorce Browns The Middle Divorce Payne Mod Fam Judge Alex Mod Fam Judge Alex Big Bang Seinfeld Big Bang King Family Guy King Family Guy Browns Payne Community Amer. Dad Community Amer. Dad Browns Payne Seinfeld Jeffersons The Middle Jeffersons Mod Fam Seinfeld The Middle Nick and Mod Fam Norah’s Family Guy
Street Charlie Rose Daniel” Tiger Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts Antiques Wild Kratts Roadshow Quest Antiques Expeditions Roadshow Business Charlie Rose World News ” Sesame PBS Wild Kratts Street NewsHour Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger Rick Steves Daniel Quest Check Tiger Expeditions Antiques Foyle’s War Roadshow ” Business World News Antiques Midsomer Roadshow Murders PBS NewsHour Charlie Rose Vera ” Rick Steves Check Wild Kratts ” Wild Kratts Tales Foyle’s War
cont’d Dr. Phil New Day ” Northwest Katie KING ”5 News Ellen DeGeDays of our neres Show Lives KING 5 Dr. Phil News ” Today News Nightly Katie cont’d News ” New Day News Northwest Ellen DeGeEvening neres Show KING 5 Hollywood News 5Night Game KING News Days of our Welcome to Lives News Engels Nightly News Dr. Phil Last Comic ” Standing News Evening Katie News KING ” Tonight Hollywood
Family Guy Big Bang Infinite Big Bang Playlist Amer. Dad Browns Amer. Dad Payne Jeffersons Browns Jeffersons Payne Nick and Mod Fam Norah’s Seinfeld Infinite Family Guy Playlist Family Guy
Quest Austin”City Expeditions Limits Midsomer Business Murders World News Vera PBS ” NewsHour ” Rick TalesSteves Check Austin City Foyle’s War Limits ”
Game Night Ellen ShowDeGeneres Show Seth Meyers Welcome to KING 5 Engels News Last Comic Nightly News Standing News KING News News Tonight Evening Show Hollywood Seth Meyers Game Night
Leah Remini: Amer. Dad Leah Remini: Amer. Dad
Midsomer Murders
Welcome to Engels
Early News ” Global Nat. Elementary News ”Hour ” News Hour Ent Final ET Canada ET Canada Engels The Test The Millers
Cities Maya Bee KOMO” 4Live Rocksteady: Kimmel Arthur News Blue The Roots of Nightline Rocksteady: Rookie MLB Martha Dodgers The Roots of News ” Baseball: Wild Kratts World News Sportsnet Reggae NY Med Toronto Blue Canada KOMO” 4 Connected ” Jays at ” News Party Poker What’s That News Houston Planet Earth Wheel ” About? Jimmy Astros ” Jeopardy! Sportsnet Rocksteady: Kimmel Live MLB Greatest The Quest Connected The Roots of Nightline Baseball: Cities ”
48 ” The First 48 ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” After the After 48 the First First 48 Beyond Beyond Scared Scared The First 48 The First 48 ” ”
Big Brother ”
Big Brother ”
Braves at Dodgers
Rocksteady: Rookie Blue The Roots of ”
The First 48 ”
Movie: “Harriet the
The National Car Sharks ” Car Sharks
Gang Related
The National Elementary ” ”
Elementary ”
Sportsnet Connected
Reggae ”
NY Med ”
After the First 48
Spy: Blog Wars”
CBC News ”
News Mod Fam
Here Comes Jeffersons Here Comes Jeffersons
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Party Poker ”
What’s That About?
News Jimmy
Beyond Scared
Vampire Haunting
The National Overhaulin’ ” Top 10
The Arsenio Hall Show
Leah Remini: Nick and Leah Remini: Norah’s
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada The Test
Sportsnet Connected
Rocksteady: Kimmel Live The First 48 The Roots of Nightline ”
Daily Show CommonSeth Meyers wealth
10 :00 :30 FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 2014 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 1 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 2 :30 :00 FRIDAY, 11 3 :30 AUGUST 1, 2014 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 4 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & 1 5 :30 :00 :00 10 6 :30 2 :30 :00 11 :30 7 :00 3 :30 :00 12 8 :30 :30 4 :00 :00 1 :30 9 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 :00 2 :30 10 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 12 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 5 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 12 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 10 :30 SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 2014 :00 11 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :30 # $ % &
A&E 1
Daddy Day Care
Lang & O’Leary
Overhaulin’ Top 10
How-Made How-Made
TMZ Sunny
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
19 Kids 19 Kids
Infinite Playlist
Last Comic Standing
KING News Tonight
Show Seth Meyers
Tales Austin City Limits
The Doctors The View ” ”
Bookaboo Doodlebops
The Doctors Sportsnet ” Connected
Arthur Dinosaur
The View ”
Longmire ”
Spliced Wayside
CBC News Now With
Mayday ”
30 Rock Stop Pain
Divorce Divorce
Sesame Street
Today cont’d
Amazing Race
Museum Secrets
The Marilyn Denis Show
Best Recipes Young & Stefano Restless
Museum Secrets
Sportsnet Connected
G. Shrinks Clifford-Dog
KOMO 4 News
Longmire ”
Sidekick League/Evil
Carole MacNeil
How-Made How-Made
Family Feud 19 Kids Family Feud 19 Kids
Judge Alex Judge Alex
Daniel Tiger Daniel Tiger
New Day Northwest
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
Baseball Central
PAW Patrol The Chew Bucket-Dino ”
Longmire ”
Zoink’d! Zoink’d!
Car Sharks Car Sharks
ThisMinute ThisMinute
Say Yes Say Yes
King King
Norway Passage
KING 5 News
The Talk ” The Price Let’s MakeIsa Right Deal
Days of our Lives The Talk Doctors The ””
CBC News Now With
Republic of Doyle Bookaboo Steven and Doodlebops Chris
Zoink’d! Zoink’d! Spliced Zoink’d! Wayside Zoink’d!
Reshmi Nair ” CBC News Power & Now With Politics
Overhaulin’ Top 10 Mayday Overhaulin’ Top 10”
Sidekick Zoink’d! League/Evil Zoink’d! Zoink’d! Hathaways Zoink’d! Thunder
Carole” MacNeil ” CBC News Lang & Now With O’Leary
How-Made How/Made How-Made How/Made Car Sharks Salvage Car Sharks Hunters
Law & Order: SVU 30 Rock Family Feud Stop Pain Family Feud Family Steve Feud Family Feud Harvey
Say Yes Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes 19 SayKids Yes 19 Kids Say Yes
Community Community Divorce Seinfeld Divorce The Middle Judge Alex The Middle Judge Alex Mod Fam
Masterpiece Classic SesameRose Charlie Street” Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts
Days of our Lives Today Dr. Phil cont’d ” New Day Katie Northwest ”
ThisMinute Bethenny ThisMinute ”
Say Yes Say Yes
KingBang Big KingBang Big
Norway Quest Passage Expeditions
KING DeGe5 Ellen News Show neres
Sesame PBS Charlie Rose Street” NewsHour Daniel Tiger Washington Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger Charlie Rose Wild Kratts Norway Doc Martin Quest Passage ” Expeditions Masterpiece Reel NW Business Classic World ”News Charlie Rose PBS ” ” Boy Moone NewsHour Wild Kratts Vicious Washington Wild Kratts Red Dwarf Charlie Rose Quest Live From Doc Martin Expeditions Artists Den ” Business Reel WorldNW News ” PBS ” NewsHour Moone Boy Washington Vicious Charlie Rose Red Dwarf Doc Martin ” Live From Artists Den Reel NW
Days of KING 5 our Lives News Today Nightly Dr. Phil News cont’d ” News New News KatieDay Northwest Evening ” KING 5 Dateline Ellen DeGeNews NBC neres Show Days of our Hannah KING 5 Lives Anderson News Dr. Phil Crossbones Nightly News ” News ” Katie KING News ”News Tonight Evening Ellen DeGeShow Dateline neresMeyers Show Seth NBC KING 5 Hannah News Anderson Nightly News Crossbones News ” News KING News Evening Tonight Dateline NBC Show Seth Meyers Hannah
Baseball Tonight Score Golf Off Record Fins Interruption
Days of our The Social Lives ” The Talk Doctors Dr. ThePhil View The ”” ”” Amazing Museum The Dr. Marilyn SportsCentre The Queen The Oz Race ” Secrets Denis Latifah Show Show Show
World Series Young Noon News CFL & of Poker Hour Football: Restless
Best Recipes Heartland Stefano ” CTV News CBC News Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Now neres ”Show Den
Baseball Toronto Tonight Argonauts at Score Golf Montreal Off Record Fins Alouettes Interruption
The Social CTV News at Five” The View CTV News Dr. Phil ””
Amazing CFL SportsCentre Race ” Football: World Series BC at CFLLions of Poker Calgary Football: Baseball Stampeders Toronto Tonight ” Argonauts at Off Record SportsCentre Montreal Interruption ” Alouettes SportsCentre SportsCentre CFL ” ” Football: CFL SportsCentre BC Lions at Football: ” Calgary Toronto Stampeders Argonauts at ” Montreal SportsCentre Alouettes ” CFL SportsCentre Football: ” BC Lions at Calgary SportsCentre ” Stampeders ”
Days of our News Lives ” The Doctors Global Nat. The Talk CHBC”” News Museum Ent The Queen Secrets ET Canada Latifah Show Noon Bones YoungNews & Hour ” Restless Days ofFiveour Hawaii News Lives 0 ” The Talk Crossbones Global Nat. ” CHBC” News The Queen CHBC News Ent Latifah Show Final ET Canada Young & ET Canada Bones Restless The Test ” News Hawaii” Five0 Global Nat. Crossbones CHBC News ” Ent CHBC News ET Canada Final Bones ” ET Canada The Test Hawaii Five0
SportsCentre Crossbones ” ”
Young Bold & Restless ThisMinute KIRO News Judge Judy Judge”Judy
KIRO The Talk KIRO News _ KIRO ”News
Pokerstars.Net Sportsnet Darts Connected ” Museum Sportsnet The Queen Sportsnet Secrets Connected Latifah Show
Noon News Young & Hour Restless
CHAN Days of our Early News ( Lives Nat. Global
KNOW KOMO General * ` Hospital
Mister Maker Dragon Arthur Ella the Ele. Dinosaur Rob Robot G. Shrinks Dive, Olly Clifford-Dog PAW Patrol
Baseball PAW Patrol The Chew Plays/Month Maya Bee KOMO 4 Central Bucket-Dino News ” Blue Jays Arthur
SNP PokerstarMLB ) s.Net Baseball:
KNOW KOMO Mister Maker News General Martha * ` Dragon Hospital Wild Kratts World News
Longmire Criminal Minds”
A&E Criminal 1 Minds
Blue Bloods ”
The National Blue Bloods ” ”
Crossbones ”
Sportsnet Connected
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
World Poker Emergency Tour ”
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada The Test
Sportsnet Connected
Doc Martin ”
Criminal Minds
Fish’n Sportsnet Real Fishing Connected
Wild Kratts Martha
Born-Explore Big Smo Sea Rescue Big Smo
Marco Polo Wildlife Docs Movie: Finding Stuff Exped. Wild “Walking
Big Bang CommonSeth Meyers wealth
Shorts Fish’n SickKids Sportscentre Real Fishing Foundation
Shorts Boxing:
Powerboat Driving TV
It Is Written Corner Gas
the fifth estate
PGA Tour Golf: WGC
Friday Night Fights
News Hour PGA Tour
SportsCentre Best Recipes Bridgestone ” Stefano Invitational,
” MLS Pre.
Golf: WGC Bridgestone
The Social ”
2014 Commonwealth
KIRO _ ”
Canada’s Games: Worst Driver Magical-Day 10 SickKids Cash Cab George Foundation Cures S Celebrity 22 Minutes It Is Written the fifth Celebrity Zone Corner Gas Doc estate The Social ” SportsCentre Best Recipes etalk ” Land & Sea Stefano App Central Mansbridge The Social 2014 ComSickKids Magical-CTV News The National ” monwealth Foundation Cures ” Marketplace Canada’s Games: It Is Written How the fifth W5 a Worst Driver Day 10 Corner Gas estate ” People Live Cash Cab George S SportsCentre Best Recipes Amazing The Best Celebrity 22 Minutes Stefano Race ” Laid Plans Celebrity Doc Zone The Social 2014 ComThe Camelot The Listener Social ” ”” monwealth ” etalk Land & Sea Canada’s Games: Bitten News App Central Mansbridge Worst Driver Day 10 ” Movie:
CTV CashNews Cab News ” Celebrity CTV News
” PGA TOUR Paid 2014Prog. Changers PGA Tour All In WGC Golf: Sports Stars Bridgestone KIRO News Invitational, KIRO News Third Round PGA TOUR CBS News ” 2014 KIRO News ” PGA Tour Entertain” Golf: WGC ment ’Night Paid Prog. Bridgestone 48 Hours Changers Invitational, ” All In Round Third Hawaii FiveSports” Stars 0 KIRO ”News 48 Hours KIRO ”News ” The National CBS News George S Paid Prog. “Edwin KIRO News Marketplace KIRO News 22 Minutes Changers Boyd: The Insider
SportsCentre CFL SportsCentre Football: ”” Roughriders WTA Tennis: at Open, Citi
W5 Celebrity Movie: The Social ” “Anthrax” etalk Amazing App Central Race
How a Doc Zone Citizen ” Live People Gangster” LandBest & Sea The Mansbridge Laid Plans
EntertainAll InProg. Paid Sports Stars ment ’Night Paid Prog. KIRO News 48 Hours KIRO ”News
” ” Canada
Powerboat Driving TV
Plays/Month Animals Premier Animals
CHAN ( Invitational,
League Darts
SNP ) Countdown
Parks Parks
Third Fish’nRound Ancients BeReal Fishing having Badly Powerboat Simpsons Driving TV Simpsons News Hour Simpsons PGA Tour Global Nat. Golf: WGC Fish’n News Hour Bridgestone Real Fishing ” Invitational, Powerboat Snake Third Round Driving TV Monster: Ancients BeNews Hour Titanoboa! having Badly PGA Tour ” Simpsons Golf: WGC Psych Simpsons Bridgestone ” Simpsons Invitational, Psych Global Nat. Third Round ” News Hour Ancients BeNews Final having” Badly Saturday
Snake Simpsons Night Live Simpsons Monster: ” Simpsons Titanoboa! Global” Nat.
The Longmire KOMO 4 Criminal The View Doctors News ”” Minds” KOMO Longmire Wheel Criminal The Dr.4Oz News Jeopardy! Minds” Show The Chew Shark Tank KOMO 4 News ”” General What News Would Hospital You Do? World News The Doctors 20/20 KOMO 4 ” News ” The Dr. Oz News Wheel Show Jimmy Jeopardy! KOMO 4Live Kimmel Shark News Tank Nightline ” News What WorldWould News You Do? KOMO 4 20/20 News ” Wheel News Jeopardy! Jimmy Shark Tank ” Live Kimmel Nightline What Would
Longmire Criminal Criminal Minds Minds” Criminal Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal
YTV Zoink’d! Assembly 6 Zoink’d! Sam & Cat
Spliced Sam & Cat Zoink’d! Wayside Every Witch Zoink’d! Sidekick Movie: Zoink’d! League/Evil “My Zoink’d! Zoink’d! Babysitter’s Hathaways Zoink’d! a Vampire” Thunder Zoink’d! Undercover Assembly Zoink’d! Next Sam Star & Cat Zoink’d! Cook’d Sam & Cat Zoink’d!Craze Cache Every Witch Zoink’d! Assembly Movie: Zoink’d! Boys “My Hathaways My Babysitter’s Thunder Babysitter a Vampire” Assembly Undercover Sam & Cat Next Star Sam & Cat Cook’d Every Witch Cache Craze Movie: Assembly “My Boys Babysitter’s a Vampire” My Babysitter Undercover
NEWS Reshmi Nair CBC News 7 ”
CBC News The National Power & Now With ” Politics Carole CBC News ” MacNeil ” CBC News The LangNational & Now With ” O’Leary Reshmi Nair The CBCNational News ””” PowerNews & CBC The National Politics ”” ” The CBCNational News ””” Lang & & Lang The National O’Leary O’Leary ” CBC News The National ” ” The National CBC News ” ” CBC News The National ” ” The National ” Lang & O’Leary The National
You Do?
Next Star
20/20 ”
Criminal Minds
Cook’d CBC News Cache Craze ”
News Jimmy
Criminal Minds
Assembly Boys
Live KNOW Kimmel KOMO Nightline * `
News Hour PGA Tour
Third Round Golf: WGC ” Bridgestone
MLS Soccer: Invitational, Toronto FC Third Round Shorts Fish’n at Montreal Ancients BeSportscentre Real Fishing Impact having Badly Shorts Powerboat CFL Simpsons Boxing: Driving TV Football: Simpsons Friday Night News Hour Roughriders Simpsons Fights PGA Tour at Global Nat. ” Golf: WGC Shorts Fish’n RedBlacks News Hour MLS Pre. Bridgestone Sportscentre Real Fishing ” ” MLS Soccer: Invitational, Shorts Powerboat SportsCentre Snake Toronto FC Third Round Boxing: Driving TV ” Monster: at Montreal Ancients BeFriday Night News Hour WTA Tennis: Titanoboa! Impact having Badly Fights PGA Tour Citi Open, ” CFL ” Simpsons Golf: WGC Second Psych Football: Simpsons MLS Pre. Bridgestone Semifi nal ” Roughriders Simpsons MLS Soccer: Invitational, SportsCentre Psych at Global Nat. Toronto FC Third Round ” ” RedBlacks News Hour at Montreal Ancients BeSportsCentre News Final Impact”” having” Badly Saturday
Arthur What’s Ella theThat Ele. Dinosaur About? Rob Robot G. Shrinks Coast Dive, Olly Clifford-Dog ” PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Doc MayaMartin Bee Bucket-Dino Arthur” Mister Maker Miss Marple Martha Dragon ” Wild Kratts Ella the Ele. What’s” That Rob Robot Canada About? Dive, Olly Emergency CoastPatrol PAW ”” MayaMartin Bee Doc Doc Martin Arthur ” ” Martha Miss Marple Wild Kratts ” What’s That ” About? Canada Coast Emergency ” ” Doc Martin ” Doc Martin ” Miss Marple
A&E 1
Criminal Minds The View Longmire The Doctors Criminal ”” Minds” KOMO Longmire The Dr.4Oz Criminal News Show Minds”
The Doctors Sportsnet News Hour Toronto The Talk Darts Blue Connected ”” Jays at ” Museum Ent Houston The Queen Sportsnet Sportsnet Secrets Connected ET Canada Astros Latifah Show Connected Noon Baseball Bones Sportsnet YoungNews & Plays/Month Hour ” Central Connected Restless Blue Jays Days of our PokerstarHawaii Five- Blue Early News MLB Jays Lives s.Net 0 Plays/Month Global Nat. Baseball: The Talk Darts Crossbones Sportsnet News Hour Toronto Blue ”” ” Connected ” Jays at The Queen Sportsnet News Hour World Poker Ent Houston Latifah Show Tour Connected Final ET Canada Astros Young & Plays/Month ET Canada Sportsnet Bones Sportsnet Restless Blue Jays The Test Connected ” Connected Early News MLB Hawaii FiveBlue Jays Global Nat. Baseball: 0 Plays/Month News Hour Toronto Blue Crossbones Sportsnet ” Jays at ” Connected Ent Houston News Hour World ET Canada Astros Poker Final Tour Bones Sportsnet ” Connected ET Canada Sportsnet The Test Connected Hawaii Five- Blue Jays
10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 2014 12 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 2 :00 :30 10 :30 SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 2014 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 4 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 10 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 2 :30 11 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 3 :30 12 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 :00 4 1 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 5 2 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 3 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 7 12 :30 Snake Simpsons Night Live Simpsons Monster: ” Simpsons Titanoboa! Global” Nat.
The Isa KIRO News Let’sPrice Make RightNews CBS Deal The Dr. Marilyn Best Recipes Young & etalk Rick Mercer Ent The Oz Heartland Bold Denis Show Stefano Restless Big Bang Gags ” The Insider Show ThisMinute CTV News CBC News KIRO News CSI: Crime Mr. D CSI: Crime Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Judge Judy Now James Scene” Scene neres ”Show Ron Den Judge Judy The Social Republic of The Talk Criminal Winnipeg Hawaii FiveCTV News CBC News KIRO News ” Doyle ” Minds Comedy 0 at Five CBC News KIRO News Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Bloods Make a Blue Bloods The National Blue CTV News CBC News KIRO News Chris ” Deal ” ””” Coronation CBS News The Dr. Oz Heartland Bold News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO etalk Rick Mercer Ent ShowNews ” S ThisMinute CTV George Late Show Big Bang Gags The Insider Ellen DeGe- CommonDragons’ Judge Judy Big Bang Letterman CSI: Mr. CSI: Crime neresCrime Show wealth DenD Judge Judy Seth Meyers Ferguson Scene Ron James Scene CTV News CBC News KIRO News Criminal Winnipeg Hawaii Fiveat Five CBC News KIRO News Minds Comedy 0 CTV News CBC News KIRO News Blue Bloods The National Blue ” Coronation CBS Bloods News ” ” ” etalk Rick Mercer Ent News-Lisa CBC KIRO News Big Bang GagsNews The Insider CTV News George S Late Show CSI: Crime Mr. D CSI: Crime Scene Ron James Letterman Scene Big Bang CommonSeth Meyers wealth Ferguson Criminal Winnipeg Hawaii FiveMinds Comedy 0
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test
Republic of CBC News DoyleNews CBC Bookaboo CBC News Steven and Doodlebops Coronation Chris
The Price Is Right
The Millers Young & ET Canada Restless The Test Big Brother
Score Golf Fins
World Series Noon News of Poker Hour
” Minds lems with the authorities KOMO 4 Criminal News Minds out on the water. KNOW The KOMO A&E PAW Patrol Chew The First 48 Dates to` remember. Bucket-Dino ” ” * 1 Mister Maker General The First 48 are disposArthur Marine The fl View Criminal Dragon Hospital ” Dinosaur
vs. Ruslan Museum Provodnikov Secrets
al at Dockside Marine Squadron is always availFor more information in Kelowna on Aug. 8, 3 able online at atcps-ecp. about Kelowna Yacht to 5 p.m., and Aug. 9, 2 ca. Club sailing courses, to 5 p.m., at a new locaIn Kelowna, the check online at kelowtion on Westside’s Shelcourse is not offered in a terYTV Bay. NEWS DISC classroom at thisWTBSAsKCTS part of theKING boating KAYUsetting TLC Registered7 Vessel 9 time.; oper6 < Afraternity, Nall boat P Courtesy Check on SatFor more 19 information should also look Spliced CBC News World’s 30 Rock Kids and Divorce atorsSesame Today Wayside Now With Strangest Stop Pain Counting Divorce Street cont’d urday, Aug.Carole 16, at theOverhaulin’ Ke- about the local Power Judge out for each other and Sidekick Family Feud 19 Kids Alex Daniel Tiger New Day League/Evil MacNeil ” Family Feud 19 Kids Judge Alex Danielsafety Tiger Northwest lowna Yacht Club. Squadron course calenpromote when YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING Kid vs. Kat CBC News Gold ThisMinute Medium King Antiques KING 5 The PCOC courseFool’s ofcheck website out on the atP every Almost Now7 With Fool’s Golddar, ThisMinute Medium KingA Roadshow News 6 9 ; the < Nwater Monster Reshmi Nair Mighty Ships Law & Say Yes Community Antiques Days of our fered by Canadian Spliced CBC News Power World’s 30 Rock 19 Kids and Divorce opportunity. Sesame Today 6TEEN ” ” Order: SVU Say Yes Community Roadshow Lives
A&E 1
DISC Overhaulin’ Vegas Rat 9 Top 10 Rods Mayday Mayday Overhaulin’ Top 10””
How-Made Mayday How/Made How-Made ” How/Made Car Sharks Mayday Salvage Car Sharks ” Hunters Overhaulin’ Mayday Vegas Rat Top 10” Rods Overhaulin’ Vegas Rat Mayday Top 10 Rods ” How/Made Mayday Mayday How/Made ”” Salvage Mayday Mayday Hunters ” ” Vegas Rat Mayday Rods ” Mayday Vegas”Rat Rods Mayday Mayday ” ” Mayday ” Mayday ” Mayday ” Vegas Rat Rods
The National Mayday ” ”
KAYU Law Men & Two ; Order: SVU Two Men
TLC Say Yes < Say Yes
30 Rock Simpsons Family Feud Stop Fam Pain Mod Family Feud Family Feud Big Bang Steve Family Feud Big Bang Harvey
WTBS Community Browns A Community Payne
KCTS Masterpiece Business N ClassicNews World
19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Curvy Brides SayKids Yes 19 SayKids Yes ThisMinute Say Yes MasterChef Say Yes Bethenny Say Yes ThisMinute Say Yes ”” Say Say Yes Yes Law & Say Yes Bones Curvy Brides Two Men Say Yes Order:” SVU Say Say Yes Yes Two Men Say Yes Family Feud Say Say Yes Yes News Simpsons Say Yes Family Feud Say Say Yes Yes Mod Mod Fam Fam Say Yes Steve Say Yes Yes The Arsenio Say Big Bang Curvy Brides Harvey Say Yes Yes Hall Show Say Big Bang Say Yes Bethenny Say Yes TMZ Paid Prog. MasterChef Say Say Yes Yes Sunny” Paid Prog. ” Say Yes Two Men Say Yes Bones Curvy Brides Two Men Say Yes ” Say Yes Simpsons Say Yes News Say Yes Mod Fam Mod Fam Say Yes Big Bang Curvy Brides The Arsenio Say Yes Big Bang Hall Show Say Yes MasterChef Say Yes Say Yes TMZ ” Paid Prog. Sunny Paid Prog. Bones Curvy Brides ” Say Yes
Divorce Browns Seinfeld Divorce Payne The Middle Judge Alex Mod Fam The Middle Judge Alex Seinfeld Mod Fam
News Mod Fam
Say Yes Say Yes
Jeffersons Jeffersons
” Moone Boy
Crossbones ”
The Arsenio Hall Show
Say Yes Say Yes
Movie: “Biker
Vicious Red Dwarf
KING News Tonight
King Family Guy Big Bang King Family Guy Big Bang Community Amer. Dad Browns Community Amer. Dad Payne Seinfeld Jeffersons Browns The Middle Jeffersons Payne The Middle Movie: Mod Fam Fam Mod “Biker Seinfeld Big Bang Boyz” Family Guy Big Bang ” Family Guy Browns Amer. Dad Payne Amer. Dad Browns Jeffersons Payne Jeffersons Mod Fam Movie: Seinfeld “Biker Family Guy Family Guy Boyz” Amer. ”Dad Amer. Dad
My Babysitter
Lang & O’Leary
Mayday ”
TMZ Sunny
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
Live From Artists Den
Sanjay Bread
CBC News Now With
Mayday ”
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
To Be Announced
I Know What Thomas You Did Last Bob Builder
Show Seth Meyers
Gardening Paid Prog.
Chucks Christine BeyWarriors Birak cont’d
Mayday ”
Kids News Old House
” ”
Movie: “Biker
Heart of Perfect
Paid Prog. MLS Soccer:
Pokémon Power
” ”
Yukon Men ”
WeightLoss Butt Lift!
” ”
Portland Timbers at
of X Movie: KNOW World KOMO A&E Games “The * ` 1 Marine ESPN Sports Scorpion
YTV 6 Japanizi
” NEWS ” The7 National
DISC 9 Mayday
KAYU ; Champions
” TLC ” < ”
The Next Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected PokerstarMLB s.Net Baseball: Plays/Month Toronto Blue Premier Jays at League Sportsnet Houston Darts Connected Astros Countdown PokerstarSportsnet The Next s.Net Connected Sportsnet Plays/Month Red Bull X Connected Premier Fighters MLB League Blue Jays Baseball: Darts Plays/Month Toronto Blue Countdown Sportsnet Jays at The Next Connected Houston Sportsnet PokerstarAstros Connected s.Net
Machines Wild Kratts Canada Martha ” Marco Polo CannibalFinding Stuff Stone Animals Greatest Animals Cities Parks Wild HopeKratts for Parks Martha Wildlife Marine Marco Polo Nat’l Machines Finding Stuff Geographic Canada Animals Heartbeat ” Animals ” CannibalParks A Touch of Stone Parks Frost Greatest Marine ” Cities Machines ”
Saturday Born-Explore ” Sea Rescue ” Wildlife Docs Cash Cab Exped. Wild UW 360 Paid Prog. News Paid Prog. World News World of X Born-Explore KOMO 4 Games Sea Rescue News ESPN WildlifeSports Docs Wheel Saturday Exped. Wild Jeopardy! ” Paid Prog. Agents ” of Paid Prog. S.H.I.E.L.D. Cash Cab World of X 20/20 UW 360 Games ” News Sports ESPN 20/20 World News Saturday ” KOMO 4 News ” News Castle”
King” Big Smo Criminal Big Smo Minds Movie: Criminal “Walking Minds Tall” Criminal ” Minds Movie: Big Smo Criminal “The Big Smo Minds Scorpion Movie: Criminal King” “Walking Minds Criminal Tall” Criminal Minds” Minds Criminal Movie: Criminal Minds “The Minds Criminal Scorpion Criminal Minds King” Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds
Japanizi Sanjay Japanizi Bread Japanizi Chucks Cook’d BeyWarriors Cook’d Pokémon Cook’d Power Cook’d Yu-Gi-Oh! Sanjay Assembly B-Daman Bread Undercover Japanizi ChucksCraze Cache Japanizi BeyWarriors Cook’d Japanizi Pokémon Knights Japaniziof Power Bloodsteel Cook’d Yu-Gi-Oh! Cook’d” B-Daman ” Cook’d Japanizi Japanizi Cook’d Japanizi Boys Assembly Japanizi Haunting Undercover Japanizi Haunting
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Cache Cook’d Craze Knights of Cook’d Bloodsteel Cook’d of the fifth Knights ” Cook’d estate” Bloodsteel
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
Hope for Canada Canada Wildlife ””
News of Agents World News S.H.I.E.L.D.
Tall” ”
A&E 1
Yu-Gi-Oh! B-Daman
Vegas Rat Rods
Soccer: International
WTBS A Series of Lemony Snicket’s
Rick Steves Europe
Marathon Marketplace ” Cup Unfortunate ” CBC News Mayday Paid Prog. To Be ” I Know What Thomas The National How/Made ” Community A Chef’s Life Now With ” Paid Prog. Announced You Did Last Bob Builder Mansbridge How/Made Bones ” Community A Chef’s Life Christine Mayday Kids News ” Movie: Heart of True ” ” King A Chef’s Life BirakCrime cont’d How/Made ” Old House “Biker Perfect Canada How/Made Two Men ” King A Chef’s Life ” Yukon Men WeightLoss ” Boyz” Healththe fifth Overhaulin’ How Lift! I Met Untold” StoThe Middle Old House ” ” Butt ” Watson estate Top 10 How I Met ries of ER The Middle Old House ” Vegas Rat Soccer: ” Lemony Rick Steves CBC News Mayday Paid Prog. To Be I Know What Thomas The National Deadliest Mod Fam Untold” StoMovie: Antiques ” Rods International Snicket’s Europe Now With Paid Prog. Announced You Builder Marketplace Catch ” Big Bang ries of ER “TheDid Last Bob Roadshow The National Mayday Champions ”” Series Marathon Christine Mayday Kids Fam News Movie: of Heart of Tabloid: Sex Chrome Mod Sex Sent Me Beaver” Roger Marketplace ”” Cup ”” Unfortunate ”Moore Birak cont’d Old House “Biker Perfect in Chains Underground Big Bang to the E.R. ” ” The National How/Made Paid Prog. ” Community HealthA Chef’s Life ”” Yukon Men WeightLoss ” Boyz” Close Brooklyn Untold” StoFamily Guy American Mansbridge How/Made Bones Community A Chef’s Life ”” Butt Lift! Watson Close ” Brooklyn ries of”ER Family” Guy Masters True Crime How/Made ” King A Chef’s Life ” Vegas Rat Soccer: ”” Lemony Rick Steves The National Deadliest Gang Sex Sent Me Seinfeld Movie: Canada How/Made Two Men ” King A Chef’s Life ” Rods International ” Snicket’s Europe Mansbridge Catch Related to the E.R. Seinfeld “Monkey the fiNational fth Overhaulin’ Champions How I Met Untold Sto- Series The Middle Old House The Marathon Tabloid: Sex Mayday Chrome News Untold” StoMovie: of Business” estate Top 10” How I Met ries of ER The Middle Old House Marketplace Cup Unfortunate ” in Chains Underground Wanted ries of”ER “Beyond a Reel-Shorts The National Deadliest Mod Fam Untold StoMovie: Antiques How/Made Paid Prog. Community Masterpiece A Chef’s Life ” Overhaulin’ Animation To Be ” Reasonable Marketplace Catch Big Bang ries of”ER “The Roadshow Mansbridge How/Made Bones Community Mystery! A Chef’s Life ” Top 10 Domination Announced Doubt” Tabloid: Sex Overhaulin’ Chrome Mod Arsenio Fam Sex Sent Me Paid Beaver” Roger True National Crime How/Made ” ” King Prog. A Chef’s Life The The Paid Prog. ”Moore Canada How/Made Two Men ” King A Chef’s in Chains Underground Big Bang to the E.R. ” ” Life Mansbridge ” Hall Show Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Roadtrip
Overhaulin’ Close Top 10 Close
How I Met Brooklyn How I Met Brooklyn
Untold Stories of ER
The Middle Family Guy The Middle Family Guy
Old House American Old House Masters
Los Angeles Galaxy Horse Racing Gardening
JustinProg. Time Paid Tree Fu Tom Paid Prog. Exploration MLS Soccer: Kids News Portland KING 5 at Timbers News Los Angeles Gardening Nightly News Galaxy Paid KINGProg. News Horse Paid Prog. Traveler Racing MLS Soccer: Backroads Justin Time Portland Dateline Tree Fu Tom Timbers at NBC Exploration Los Angeles ” Kids News Galaxy ” KING 5 Horse The Blacklist News Racing ” Nightly News Justin News Time KING KING News Tree Fu Tom Saturday
Traveler Exploration Night Live Kids News Backroads ” KING 5 Dateline News NBC
:00 3 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 SUNDAY, AUGUST 3, 2014 :00 5 :30 12 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 6 1 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 7 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 10 8 :30 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 9 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 11 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 2 :30 12 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 4 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 2014 :00 9 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 10 :30 # $ % & :00 11 :30 :00 10 :00 12 :30 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 2014 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 10 3 :30 11 :30 4 :00 :00 MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 2014 12 5 :30 :00 1 :30 6 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :30 7 :00 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 8 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 4 :30 9 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 10 12 :30 :00 :00 :00 6 :30 :30 11 1 :30 :00 :00 :00 7 :30 :30 12 2 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 :30 3 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 8 :30 TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 10 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 11 :30 TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014 :00 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :30 # $ % & :00 2 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014 1 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 # $ % & 3 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 10 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 9 11 :30 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 12 6 :30 :00 :00 11 1 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 2 :30 8 :30 :00 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2014 9 :30 3 :00 10 4 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 11 :30 5 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 10 6 :30 :00 11 7 :30 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 9 :00 :00 2 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 4 :30 :30 12 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30
Racing Lorna Dueck Handyman Marketplace Hydroplane 10Country :30 World Series TV-Torrens The Social Games Calendar Wednesday, July 30, 2014 ” rLake :00 ” Joel Osteen W5 Our Race cont’d NASCAR ”
Ancestors ”
Worst Steele
Coronation monwealth
Seafair ”
of Poker ” NFL ” Preseason ” Football: Hall of” Fame Sportscentre Game -- Bills World Series vs. Giants of Poker NASCAR SportsCentre Racing SportsCentre ” ” 30 for ”30 World ””Series of Poker ” SportsCentre NFL ”” Preseason ” SportsCentre Football: Sportscentre ” Hall of Fame World Series SportsCentre Game of Poker ”-- Bills vs. Giants SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” World Series 30 for 30 of Poker ” NFL SportsCentre Preseason ” Football: SportsCentre Hall of Fame ” Game -- Bills SportsCentre vs. Giants ” SportsCentre ”
Simpsons Paid Prog. Simpsons News Hour CHBC News PGA Tour Global Nat. Golf: WGC CHBC News Bridgestone Simpsons Invitational, Burgers Final Round Ancestors Big Brother Lorna ”Castle Dueck Battle ” Joel Osteen Family Guy Paid Prog. TV-Torrens Amer. Dad Simpsons News Hour Reckless Simpsons PGA Tour ” CHBC News Golf: WGC News Final Global Nat. Bridgestone Ancestors CHBC News Invitational, Paid Prog. Simpsons Final Prog. Round Paid Burgers Battle Castle Big Brother ” ” TV-Torrens Family Guy Simpsons Amer. Dad Simpsons Reckless CHBC News ” Global Nat. News Final CHBC News Ancestors Simpsons Paid Prog. Burgers Paid Prog. Big Brother ”
” ” Amazing Movie: Race “The CTV News Wedding ” Singer” Big Bang Cash Cab Cleveland etalk Worst UnforgettaHandyman First Story ble Steele W5 Rising Star ”” The Social ” Movie: Castle Amazing “The ” Race Wedding News CTV News News Singer” CTV ” Cash Cab The Big Bang etalk Mentalist Cleveland First Story UnforgettaSteele ble The Social Rising” Star ” Amazing Castle Race ” CTV News News ” CTV News Big Bang The Cleveland Mentalist Unforgettable
” Vancouver Beethoven’s Land & Sea 2nd Mansbridge ” 2014 Com” monwealth Heartland Games: ” Day 11 Coronation The Great Marketplace 2014 ComWar monwealth Our True Crime Vancouver Games Canada ” LandNational & Sea The Beethoven’s Mansbridge ” 2nd 2014 News ComCBC ” monwealth the fifth ” Games: estate Heartland Day 11 Canadian ” 2014 ComThe Great monwealth War Games True Crime ” Canada Beethoven’s The 2nd National ” ” CBC News ” the fifth Heartland estate ” Canadian The Great War
” ” KIRO News ” ” CBS News KIRO ”News ” 60 Minutes ”” ” Seafair Big Brother Hydroplane ”” ” Race cont’d Unforgetta” ble ” ” Reckless KIRO ””News ” KIRO ”News CBS News ”News KIRO KIRO News ” Face the 60 Minutes ” Nation ” ” Big Brother ” ” ” Unforgetta” ble KIRO News Reckless ” ” CBS News KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News 60 Minutes Face the ” Nation Big Brother ”
Ancestors ” Lorna Dueck TV-Torrens Joel Osteen Simpsons Paid Prog. Simpsons News Hour Global Nat. PGA Tour News Hour Golf: WGC ” Bridgestone Simpsons Invitational, Burgers Final Round Ancestors Big Brother Lorna ”Castle Dueck Battle ” Joel Osteen Family Guy Paid Prog. TV-Torrens Amer. Dad Simpsons News Hour Reckless Simpsons PGA Tour ” Global Nat. Golf: WGC News Final News Hour Bridgestone Ancestors ” Invitational, Paid Prog. Simpsons Final Prog. Round Paid Burgers Battle Castle Big Brother ” ” TV-Torrens Family Guy Simpsons Amer. Dad Simpsons Reckless Global Nat. ” News Hour News Final ” Ancestors Simpsons Paid Prog. Burgers Paid Prog. Big Brother ”
30 for 30 ”
Family Guy Amer. Dad
Rising Star ”
True Crime Canada
Family Guy Amer. Dad
SportsCentre Reckless ” ”
Castle ”
The National Reckless ” ”
Reckless ”
SportsCentre News Final NHRA” Drag Ancestors The Doctors Racing: ” SportsCentre Paid Prog. ” Paid O’Reilly Auto WeirdProg. or
News CTV News The View
CBC News the fifth Bookaboo
KIRO News KIRO News The Price Is
The ” Mentalist The Marilyn
Doodlebops estate Canadian Our
Right the Face Nation Young &
News Final Sportsnet Ancestors The Doctors Connected ATP Tennis ” cont’d: Paid Prog. Sportsnet Paid Prog. Connected Weird or Rogers Cup:
Dinosaur of Monarch the Glen G. Shrinks
Red Carpet The View Castle” KOMO” 4
Denis Show
Men’s First
Northwest Nationals
Noon News Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News KIRO News Marketplace ”
Noon News Hour
Round ”
SportsNation Days of our ” Lives
The Social ”
Republic of Doyle
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
Off Record Interruption
Dr. Phil ”
Steven and Chris
Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”
Bookaboo Heartland Doodlebops ”
The Price Is Bold Right ThisMinute
Doctors ATP Tennis: Tennis ArthurOlly The Queen Dive, cont’d: Cup: PAW Dinosaur Latifah” Show Rogers Patrol
Young Judy & Judge Restless Judge Judy
Weird or Young & What? Restless
The Talk ”
NHRA Drag The Queen Doctors The View SportsCentre Dr. Oz Racing: ” Latifah” Show Show ” O’Reilly Auto Young Weird or MLB & Parts What? Baseball: Restless Northwest Detroit Nationals Tigers at SportsNation New York ” Yankees
Off Record SportsCentre Interruption ” SportsCentre NHRA” Drag ” Off Record Racing: MLB Motoring O’Reilly Auto Baseball: Score Parts Golf Detroit SportsCentre Northwest Tigers” at Nationals New York SportsCentre SportsNation Yankees ”” SportsCentre SportsCentre Off Record ” ” Interruption ” SportsCentre Off Record ” Motoring MLB Score Golf Baseball: SportsCentre Detroit” Tigers at SportsCentre
The Marilyn Our Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Denis Show Den Vancouver neres
Noon News News Hour ”
CTV News at Five” Days of our The Global Nat. CTVSocial News Lives ”” CHBC News The Talk Dr. Phil Ent etalk ” ” ET Canada Big Bang The Queen The Dr. Oz Running Wild MasterChef The Doctors The View Latifah” Show Show ” ” ” YoungHell & EllenListener DeGeHotel The Weird or The Marilyn Restless neres ”Show ” What? Denis Show News the CTV News Under Mistresses Noon News CTV News ” at Five Dome ”” Hour Global Nat. CTV News CHBCofNews News-Lisa Days our The Social CHBC News CTV News ” Final Lives ” Ent etalk ET Daily Show TheCanada Talk Dr. Phil ET Canada Big Bang The Test Seth Meyers ” ” Running Wild MasterChef The Queen The Dr. ” ” Oz Latifah Show Show Hotel Hell The Listener Young”& Ellen DeGe” Restless neres Show Under the Mistresses News CTV News Dome ” at Five CHBC” News News-Lisa
” Final New York Global Nat. Yankees CHBC News SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test SportsCentre Ent ” ET Canada
CTV News ” Daily Show
CBC News Marketplace CBC News Republic of CBC News Doyle Coronation Steven and Rick Mercer Chris Gags
Running Wild MasterChef ” ”
Motoring Score Golf
Hotel Hell ”
Murdoch Mysteries
Wild Kratts Wildlife Little Prince Edwardian Little Prince Farm Marco Polo The Manor Dogs/Jobs Reborn Dogs What’s That Rivers About? Rivers Journey to Planet Earth Europa ” Wild Kratts Monarch of Little Prince Hope for the Glen Wildlife Little Prince Waking the Marco Polo Edwardian Dead Farm Dogs/Jobs Waking the The Manor Dogs Dead Reborn Rivers Nat’l What’s That Rivers Geographic About? Planet Earth Monarch of Journey ” to the Glen Europa Hope for Monarch of Wildlife the Glen Edwardian Waking the Farm Dead The Manor Waking Reborn the Dead What’s That Nat’l About? Geographic Journey to Monarch of Europa the Glen Monarch of the Glen
Rescue ” Paid Prog. Cash Cab Paid Prog. Cash Cab Paid Prog. News Cash Cab World News Cash Cab KOMO 4 Paid Prog. News Paid Prog. Wipeout The Assets ” ” Rescue Wipeout Paid Assets Prog. The ” ” Paid Prog. Rising Star Paid CashProg. Cab ” Cash Cab Cash Cab Castle News Cab Cash ” World News Paid Prog. News KOMO 4 Paid Prog. Red Carpet News The Assets Castle Wipeout ”” ” The Assets Wipeout ” ” Cash Cab RisingCab Star Cash ” News Castle World News ” KOMO 4 News News Red Carpet Wipeout Castle ” ” Wipeout ”
Longmire Duck D. ” Duck D. Longmire Duck D. ” Duck D. Longmire Duck D. ” Duck D. Big Smo Duck D. Big Smo Duck D. Big Smo Duck D. Big Smo Longmire Duck D. ” Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Longmire Duck D. ” Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Longmire Duck D. Duck D. D. ” Duck Duck D. Big Smo Duck D. Duck D. Big Smo Duck D. Duck D. Big Smo Duck D. Duck D. Big Smo Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D.
Assembly ” Mr. Young Movie: Undercover “Knockout” Cache Craze ” Cook’d ” Japanizi Movie: Next Star “Nicky Just Kidding Deuce” Movie: That’s-Weird “Bailey’s Assembly Cache Craze Mr. Young Billions” Undercover ” Undercover Next Star Cache Movie: Craze Cook’d “Knockout” Cook’d Japanizi ” Japanizi Boys ” Next Star Haunting Movie: Just Kidding Haunting “Nicky Movie:Deuce Nicky Deuce” “Bailey’s ” That’s-Weird Billions” Cache” Craze Undercover Movie: Next Star “Knockout” Cook’d ” Japanizi ” Boys Movie: Haunting “Nicky Haunting Deuce” Nicky Deuce That’s-Weird ” Cache Craze Undercover
CBC News ” Now With the fifth Christine estate Birak cont’d The Nature ” of Things ” The National ” ” Movie: ” “The Dark Marketplace CBC News Matter of Now Zone With Doc Love” ” Christine The National Birak cont’d the fifth ” estate Movie:” The Nature ” “The Dark of Things Matter” of The National Love” ” ” ” The National Movie: Marketplace ” “The Dark Doc Zone Matter” of Love” the fifth The National estate ” The Nature Movie: of Things “The Dark The National Matter of ” Love” Movie: The National “The Dark ” Matter of Love”
” ”
Waking the Dead
Rising Star ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Next Star Cook’d
The National Megalodon: Family Guy ” The Monster Amer. Dad
Waking the Dead
Duck D. Duck D.
Japanizi Boys
Movie: “The Dark
Shark Lives ”
Nat’l Geographic Arthur
Duck D. Duck D. Criminal
Haunting Haunting Air Bud
Matter of Love” CBC News
Naked and Afraid Mayday
MindsD. Duck Duck D. Criminal Minds
Movie:Deuce The NowNational With Nicky ” “Air Bud: Carole” Golden MacNeil
PAW Patrol The Chew Bucket-Dino ”
Longmire ”
Receiver” Movie:
CBC News Now With
Mister Maker General Dragon Hospital
Longmire ”
“Air Bud: World Pup”
Reshmi Nair Manufact. ” NeverEver
Ella the Ele. Rob Robot
Longmire ”
Air Bud: Seventh
Power & Politics
The View Dr. Oz Show ”
Criminal Minds
RogersFirst Cup: Maya G. Shrinks Men’s Bee Men’s First Clifford-Dog Round Arthur
KOMO 4 News
Round” ” ”” ”” Sportsnet ” Connected ” ATP Tennis: MLB ATP Tennis Rogers Cup: Baseball: cont’d: Men’s First Angels at Rogers Cup: Round Dodgers Men’s First ” Sportsnet Round” Connected ” ” Premier ” Poker ”” ” Sportsnet Sportsnet ” Connected Connected MLB ATP Tennis: Baseball: Rogers Cup: Angels at Men’s First Dodgers Round Sportsnet ” Connected ” Premier
PAW Kratts: Patrol Wild Bucket-Dino Back Mister Maker Canada Dragon ” Ella the Ele. Canada Rob Robot ” Dive, Olly Canada Arthur PAW Patrol ” Dinosaur Maya Bee Canada G. Shrinks Arthur” Clifford-Dog Wild Kratts: Canada PAW Back Patrol ” Bucket-Dino Canada Canada Mister”Maker ” Dragon Canada Canada Ella the ” Ele. ” Rob Robot Canada Dive, Olly ” PAW Patrol Canada Maya Bee ” Arthur Canada Wild Kratts: ” Back Canada
The Chew News World ”News General KOMO 4 Hospital News The Doctors Wheel ” Jeopardy!
Poker ” ” Sportsnet
” Canada ” Canada ” Canada ”
Jimmy ” KOMO 4 Criminal News Live Longmire Minds Kimmel Nightline ” Wheel Longmire Jeopardy! ”
MoveStar Next Undercover
Canada ”
Bachelor in Paradise
Just Kidding The National How/Made Gags ” How/Made
Sportsnet Connected
” SNP )
Sportsnet Connected
Ferguson Ent The Insider
The Test Ent ET Canada
Broke Girl Mom
Running Wild MLB ” Baseball:
KNOW Castle KOMO ” * ` News
A&E 1
A&E 1
Paid Prog. 30 Rock Two Men Trout TV 30 Rock Livin’ Dream The Office Two Men PaidBang Prog. Big Youthful Two Men Glee Big Bang ” Amer. Dad Glee Burgers ” Paid Prog. Simpsons Two Men ThisMinute Simpsons 30 Rock 30 Rock Family Guy The ce TroutOffi TV Amer. Dad Livin’ Dream Paid Prog. News Two Men Youthful Bones Big Bang Glee ” Two Men ” TMZ Big Bang Glee ” Amer. ”Dad Paid Prog. Burgers ThisMinute Simpsons 30 Rock Simpsons Trout TV Family Guy Livin’ Dream Amer. Dad Two Men News Big Bang Bones Two Men ” Big Bang TMZ Amer. Dad ” Burgers Paid Prog. Simpsons Simpsons
KAYU ; ”
News Bones
American Big Bang
Sid Science Bombeck
Dog Zou
Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium Escaping Medium Alaska Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium Medium Medium Escaping Medium Long Island Alaska Medium Medium Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Medium Medium Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Medium Medium Paid Prog. Escaping Medium Paid Prog. Alaska Medium Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Escaping Medium Alaska Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Escaping Paid Prog. Alaska Paid Prog. Long Island Medium
Big Bang “17 Again” Mod Fam ” Mod Fam ” Movie: Movie: “Miracle” “The House ” Bunny” ” ” American ” Wedding Big Bang The Closer Big Bang Movie:” “17 Big Again” Bang The Closer Big Bang ”” Mod Fam ” Movie: Mod Fam Movie: “The Ring” Movie: “The House ” “Miracle” Bunny” ” There ””Yet? ” Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Mod Fam ” Mod Fam Movie: Movie: “The Ring” “Miracle” ” ” ” ” There Yet? ” The Closer
formances Moyers ” Great ”Performances at Weekend the Met Moyers ” Footsteps of ” St. Paul ” Sid Science Last Tango Cyberchase ” in Halifax Bombeck McLaughlin Masterpiece Moyers Great PerMystery! formances Great ”Per” formances at Vicious ” the MetBoy Moone Weekend ” Roadtrip Moyers ” Front and Footsteps of ” Center St. Paul ” Last Tango Bombeck in Halifax Great PerMasterpiece formances Mystery! ” ”” Vicious Weekend Moone Boy Moyers Roadtrip Footsteps of Front and St. Paul Center Last Tango in Halifax
Nightly News Dealmakers NFL Red Bull SigPreseason nature Series Football: K. Busch Hall of Fame Global RalGame -- Bills lyCross Seavs. Giants son Recap Dog Evening Challenge LazyTown ” Zou Mecum: The Dog Dealmakers Traveler Challenge Nightly News Red Bull SigWrestleNFL 30 nature Series Mania Preseason K. Busch KING News Football: Global RalThe 206 Hall of Fame lyCross SeaBensinger Game -Bills son Recap Paid Prog. vs. Giants LazyTown Evening Zou ” Traveler Dog Nightly News Challenge NFL WrestlePreseason Mania 30 Football: KING News Hall of Fame The 206 Game -- Bills Bensinger vs. Giants Paid Prog. Evening ”
Escaping Alaska
” The Closer
Masterpiece Dog Mystery! Challenge
Long Island Medium
” Movie:
” Vicious
WrestleMania 30
Long Island Medium 19 Kids
“The Ring” ” Divorce
Moone Boy Roadtrip Sesame
KING News The 206 Today
19 Kids Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 19 Kids and
Divorce ” There Judge Yet? Alex Judge Alex
Streetand Front Center Daniel Tiger
cont’d Bensinger Paid New Prog. Day
Daniel Tiger
ThisMinute ThisMinute
Medium Medium
King King
Masterpiece KING 5 Classic News
Law & Order: SVU
TMZ 30 Rock ” Paid Prog. Megalodon: ” The Monster Paid Prog. Don’t Drive Family Feud Here Family Feud Pyros
Medium Wedding Cyberchase Challenge Long Island Big Bang Great PerTravelerA13 Medium Movie: McLaughlin Mecum: The
Say Yes Say Yes
Community Community
Footsteps of Days of our St. Paul Lives
Dude, You’re Family Feud Say Yes Screwed Family Feud Say Yes
Seinfeld The Middle
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”
Air BudFetch CBC News Inning ” Movie:” Now With ”
Mayday How/Made ” How/Made
Divorce The Middle Divorce Mod Fam
Sesame Wild Kratts Street Wild Kratts
Today Katie cont’d ”
Criminal Minds
“Air Bud: Chucks Golden Bread
Carole Lang & MacNeil O’Leary
Don’t Drive Family Feud Undercover 19 Kids and Canada’s Bethenny Here Driver Family” Feud Boss Counting Worst
Judge Alex Big Bang Judge Alex Big Bang
Daniel Tiger American Daniel Tiger Expeditions
New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show
Receiver” Odd Parents Movie: SpongeBob “Air Bud: Sam & Cat World Pup” Every Witch
CBC News Now With ”
Longmire Criminal Minds” Longmire Criminal Minds”
Masterpiece Business ClassicNews World Footsteps of PBS St. Paul NewsHour
Longmire Longmire ””
Air Bud: Next Star Seventh Undercover
King Browns King Payne Community Browns Community Payne Seinfeld Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld
The Dr. Oz Bachelor The View in Show Paradise ” KOMO” 4 KOMO 4 News ” News News Mistresses The Chew World ””News KOMO 4 News General News Jimmy Hospital Wheel Kimmel Live The Doctors Jeopardy! Nightline ” Bachelor in The Dr. Oz Paradise Show ” KOMO” 4 News Mistresses News ” World News News
Criminal Longmire Criminal Minds” Minds Criminal Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Longmire Minds Minds ” Criminal Longmire Longmire Minds” ” Longmire Longmire Longmire ” ”” Longmire Criminal ” Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Longmire
Inning Fetch Just Kidding Air Bud ” Gags Movie: Chucks Movie: “Air Bud: Bread “Air Bud Golden Odd Parents Spikes Receiver” SpongeBob Back” Movie: Sam & Cat Vampire “Air Bud: Every Witch Haunting World Pup” Next Star Her Best Air Bud: Undercover Move Seventh Just Kidding Inning Fetch Gags ” Movie: Chucks “Air Bud Bread Spikes Odd Parents Back” SpongeBob Vampire
KNOW KOMO The Doctors * ` ”
A&E 1
Longmire ”
Haunting Sam & Cat Every Witch Her Best
Pyros How/Made ” How/Made Reshmi Nair Manufact. The National MythBusters ”” NeverEver ” PowerNews & Dude, You’re CBC Auction Politics Screwed ” Auction ” How/Made The How/Made CBCNational News Mayday How/Made ”” How/Made Now With ” Lang & Canada’s The National Don’t MythBusters Carole Drive O’Leary Worst ”Driver ” MacNeil Here CBC News How/Made The Auction CBCNational News Pyros How/Made ”” Auction Now With ” The National MythBusters The National How/Made Reshmi Nair Manufact. ” ””” How/Made NeverEver CBC News Auction Lang MythBusters Power& Dude, You’re ”& Auction O’Leary ” Politics Screwed The National How/Made How/Made ”” How/Made ” How/Made The National MythBusters Lang & Canada’s ” ” O’Leary Worst Driver The National Auction CBC News How/Made ” Auction ” How/Made The National How/Made
30 Rock Steve Paid Prog. Harvey
ThisMinute Two Men ThisMinute Two Men Law & Simpsons Order: SVU Mod Fam
19 Kids Extreme 19 Kids Extreme
Medium Undercover Medium Boss Say Yes Undercover Say BossYes
Family Feud Undercover Say Yes Big Bang Family Feud Boss Say Yes Big Bang Steve Extreme MasterChef Undercover 30 Rock 19 Kids Harvey Extreme ” Boss Paid Prog. 19 Kids Bethenny Undercover Hotel Hell Undercover Family Feud 19 Kids and ” Boss ” Family Feud Boss Counting Two Men Undercover News Undercover ThisMinute Medium Two Men Boss Mod Fam Boss ThisMinute Medium Simpsons Undercover The Arsenio Undercover Law & Say Mod Show Fam BossYes Hall Order: SVU Boss Say Yes Big Bang Undercover TMZ Paid Prog. Family Feud Boss Say Yes Big Bang Sunny Prog. Family Feud Paid Say Yes MasterChef Undercover Steve ” Extreme Boss Harvey Extreme Hotel Hell Undercover Bethenny Undercover ” Boss ” Boss News Undercover Two Men Undercover Mod Fam Boss Two Arsenio Men Boss The Undercover
” How/Made Show The National MythBusters Hall Simpsons ” Mod Fam MythBusters TMZ ” Sunny Auction Big Bang Auction Big Bang
” Lang & O’Leary CBC News ”
MasterChef ”
Boss Undercover BossProg. Paid
The Middle Family DivorceGuy Mod Fam Family DivorceGuy Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Alex Big Bang Amer. Judge Dad Alex Browns Jeffersons King Payne Jeffersons King Browns Movie: Community Payne “Shaft” Community Mod Fam ” Seinfeld Seinfeld ” The Middle Family Guy The Middle Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Jeffersons Browns Jeffersons Payne Movie:
KING 5 News Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News Charlie Rose News Dr. Phil Old House ” ” Antiques Evening Wild Kratts Katie JFK: Running Wild Sesame Today Wild Kratts ” American Street cont’d ” American Ellen DeGeExperience American Daniel Tiger New Day Expeditions neresWarrior Show Daniel” Tiger Ninja Northwest Business KING ”5 POV Masterpiece World ”News KING News ”5 Classic News PBS NightlyNews News In PerformKING Footsteps NewsHourof Days News of our ance... Tonight St. Paul Lives Old House News Steve JobsCharlie Rose Show Dr. Phil Antiques Evening One ” Seth Meyers ” JFK: Running Wild Wild Kratts Katie ” American Wild Kratts ” Experience American American Ellen ” Ninja DeGeWarrior Expeditions neres Show POV ” Business KING ”5 ” World News KING News News In Perform-
“Shaft” Browns Payne”
ance... PBS NewsHour Steve Jobs-
Tonight Nightly News News Show
Paid Prog. Undercover Boss
” Mod Fam Seinfeld
OneHouse Old Antiques
Seth Meyers News Evening
Undercover Boss
Family Guy Family Guy
JFK: American
Running Wild ” American Ninja Warrior
Hotel Hell ”
Angels at Dodgers
Canada ”
Movie: “Air Bud
The National MythBusters Hotel Hell ” ” ”
Criminal Minds
Spikes Back”
The National Auction ” Auction
News Mod Fam
Experience ”
Canada ”
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Sportsnet Connected
Undercover Boss
Under the Dome
KNOW Mistresses KOMO ” * `
Criminal Minds
The National Under the ” Dome
Undercover Boss
Jeffersons Jeffersons
SportsCentre Motoring ” Fishing-Flats SportsCentre Triathlon ” Shorts
News-Lisa The View CTV News ” Daily Show The Marilyn Seth Meyers Denis Show
CBC News Bookaboo George S Doodlebops 22 Minutes Best Recipes Coronation Stefano
KIRO News The Price Is Late Show Right Letterman Young & Ferguson Restless
News Hour The Doctors Final ” ET Canada Weird or The Test What?
Premier ATP Tennis Poker cont’d: Sportsnet Rogers Cup: Connected Men’s First/
Canada Arthur ” Dinosaur Canada G. Shrinks ” Clifford-Dog
Longmire Criminal ” Minds Longmire Criminal ” Minds
Vampire Spliced Haunting Wayside Her Best Sidekick Move League/Evil
The National CBC News ” Now With Lang & Carole O’Leary MacNeil
How/Made Highway How/Made Thru Hell MythBusters How/Made ” How/Made
The Arsenio 30 Rock Hall Show Paid Prog. TMZ Family Feud Sunny Family Feud
Undercover 19 Kids and Boss Counting Paid Prog. 19 Kids Paid Prog. 19 Kids
Movie: Divorce “Shaft” Divorce ” Judge Alex ” Judge Alex
In PerformSesame ance... Street Steve JobsDaniel Tiger One Daniel Tiger
KING News Today Tonight cont’d Show New Day Seth Meyers Northwest
SportsNation Noon News ” Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
Second Round
PAW Patrol The Chew Bucket-Dino ”
The First 48 ”
Kid vs. Kat Rated A for
CBC News Now With
MythBusters ThisMinute ” ThisMinute
Long Island Medium
King King
My Wild Affair
KING 5 News
Baseball Tonight
The Social ”
Republic of Doyle
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
KNOW KOMO * The` Doctors
Days of our Lives
Steven and Chris Bookaboo
The Talk Dr. Phil ” ” The Doctors The View Fishing-Flats ” ” Oz SportsCentre The Queen The Dr. ” Latifah Show Show Triathlon Weird or The Marilyn Shorts What? & DenisDeGeShow Hockey Young Ellen Sportscentre Restless neresNews Show SportsNation Noon News CTV Hour ” 30 for ”30 News CTV News ” ” our The at Five Baseball Days of Social Tonight Lives Nat. ” ” Global CTV News ” CHBC News Dr. Phil ” Off Record The Talk Interruption Ent ” SportsCentre etalk ” ” ET Big SportsCentre TheCanada Queen TheBang Dr. Oz Latifah ”” NCIS Show Show Anger Motoring The Doctors The Off Record ”& Goldbergs Hockey Young EllenView DeGeFishing-Flats ” Sportscentre NCIS: Restless neres ”Show Amazing Los Amazing Triathlon Weird or The Marilyn Race Angeles Race 30 for 30 News CTV News Shorts” What?” Denis at FiveShow SportsCentre Remedy Person of SportsNation Noon CTV ” Nat. Interest ” GlobalNews CTV News News ” Hour ”” ” CHBC News SportsCentre News Hour News-Lisa Baseball Days of our The SportsCentre Ent etalkSocial ” Final CTV News Tonight Lives ” ” ET Canada Big Bang SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Off Record Talk Dr. Phil ” NCIS Anger The Test Seth Meyers Interruption ” ” Off Record Goldbergs
Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ” The Price Is The Doctors Doodlebops Right ” Heartland Bold The Queen ” ThisMinute Latifahor Show Best Recipes Young & Weird Stefano Restless Dragons’ Judge Judy What? Young & Den Judge Judy Restless CBC News KIRO News Noon News Now CBC News KIRO ”News Hour Early News CBC News KIRO News Days GlobalofNat. Republic of The Talk our Doyle CBC News KIRO ”News Lives News Hour Coronation CBS ” Steven and Let’s News Make a The Talk ChrisMercer Ent Deal ” Rick Ent World Cup The ET Heartland BoldInsider TheCanada Queen ” ThisMinute Latifah Women’s NCIS NCIS Show Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors Soccer ”Judy ”& Dragons’ Judge Young Doodlebops Right ” Den ” Judge Los Judy NCIS: Restless NCIS: Los Best Recipes Young & Weird or ” Angeles Angeles CBC News KIRO News Early News Stefano Restless What? CBCNational News KIRO News Global Nat. The Person of Remedy CBC KIRO ” Interest ”Hour CBC News News KIRO News News Noon News News Now ” Hour Coronation CBS News CBC News KIRO News News ”Hour Republic The Days Rick Mercer Ent Talk Ent of our George Sof Late Show Final Doyle ” Lives World Cup The Insider ET Canada 22 Minutes Letterman ET Canada Steven and Let’s Talk Women’s NCISMake a The NCIS Coronation Ferguson Test Chris Deal ” ” Soccer
Amazing NCIS: Los Amazing SportsCentre The Queen The Dr. Oz Race ” AngelesShow Show Race Latifah
” Heartland ”
” SNP ” )
News The View Jimmy ” Kimmel Live KOMO 4 Nightline News
A&E 1
A&E 1
Mister Maker General Dragon Hospital
The First 48 ”
Monster 6TEEN
Reshmi Nair Auction ” Auction
Sportsnet Connected ATP Tennis
Ella the Ele. Rob Robot Arthur
The First 48 ” Criminal
Wayside Sidekick Spliced
Power & Politics CBC News
cont’d: ATP Tennis: Rogers Cup: Cup: Rogers Men’s First/ Second Second
Dinosaur Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm G. Shrinks Clifford-Dog Maya Bee ArthurPatrol PAW
Wayside Squirrel Nerds Sidekick League/Evil SpongeBob Chucks Kid vs. Kat
Now With ” Carole” MacNeil Lang & O’Leary CBC News
Rated A for Odd Parents SpongeBob Monster 6TEEN Assembly Every Witch Wayside Sidekick Cook’d Undercover Squirrel Nerds Just Kidding Spliced Gags SpongeBob Wayside Chucks Movie: Sidekick “Air OddBud: Parents League/Evil SpongeBob Golden Kid vs. Kat Receiver” Assembly Rated A for Every Witch Vampire Monster Cook’d Haunting 6TEEN Undercover Are We Wayside Just Kidding Done Yet? Sidekick Gags
Now CBC With News ” Nair Reshmi ” The National Power”& Politics CBC News ”” ” The National CBC ” Lang News & Now With O’Leary The National Carole ” CBC News MacNeil ” CBC News CBC News ” The National Now With ” The National
” The View ” Oz The Dr. Show 4 KOMO News KOMO 4 News The Chew
Minds Storage Storage Criminal Minds Storage Storage The First 48 Round Bucket-Dino ” Martha News ” Storage Wild Kratts World News The Storage ”” Mister Maker General First 48 ”” Dragon Hospital ” Highway KOMO 4 Storage ” Secrets of News Sportsnet Ella the Ele. The Doctors Storage The First 48 Connected Rob Robot ” ” Marine Wheel” Shipping ” Machines Jeopardy! Shipping ATP Tennis: Dive, Olly The Dr. Oz Storage Rogers Cup: Jelly Jamm Show Storage MLB Apocalypse: CMA Music Storage ATP Tennis Arthur The View Criminal Baseball: Festival: Storage Men’s First/ WWI Maya Bee KOMO 4 cont’d: Dinosaur Minds Second Arthur News ” Storage Rays at Movie: Country’s Storage Rogers Cup: G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Criminal Athletics “Herb and Night to Storage Round Martha News Men’s ”First/ Clifford-Dog News Wild Kratts World News Minds Storage Sportsnet Dorothy” Rock Storage Second PAW Patrol The Chew The First 48 Connected Take Me ”4 Storage ” Highway KOMO Round” Bucket-Dino ” ” Secrets of News Storage Premier Marine News Shipping Mister The First 48 MarineMaker General Wheel Poker ” Machines Jimmy Shipping ” Dragon Hospital ” Machines Jeopardy! Shipping Sportsnet Herb and Kimmel Live Storage Sportsnet Ella the Ele. Nightline The The First 48 MLB Apocalypse: CMADoctors Music Storage Connected Dorothy Connected Rob ” ” Baseball: WWIRobot Festival: Storage
A&E 1
How/Made Mighty Ships ” MythBusters
KING ” ” P
Days of our Lives
Daniel Tiger American Expeditions My Wild
Northwest Ellen DeGeneres 5 Show KING
Affair Business World News Captain Cook PBS NewsHour Charlie Rose ” American Tales Wild Kratts Wild Kratts JFK: Sesame American Street Expeditions Experience Daniel ” Tiger Business Daniel Tiger World News Cuban My WildCrisis Missile PBS Affair NewsHour Last Tango
News KING 5 News of our Days Lives Nightly News News Dr. Phil News ” Evening Katie Food ” Today Fighters Ellen DeGecont’d neres Show America’s New Day Got Talent KING 5 Northwest News ” KING ”5 News Nightly News News News KING
America’s Katie Got Talent ”
Say Yes Say Yes
Community Community
Captain Cook
Say Yes Say Yes and 19 Kids
Seinfeld The Middle Divorce
Counting Extreme Extreme 19 Kids Family Feud 19 Kids Bethenny Extreme ” Extreme ThisMinute Long Island ThisMinute Medium Two Men Next Great Two Men Baker Law & Say Yes Order: SVU Say Simpsons NextYes Great Mod Fam Family Feud Baker Say Yes Family Feud To SayBe Yes Big Bang Big Bang Announced Steve Extreme Harvey Extreme Family Guy Next Great 30 Rock 19 Kids and Brooklyn Baker Bethenny Extreme Paid Prog. Counting ” Extreme New Girl To Be Family Feud 19 Kids Mindy Announced Two Men Next Great Family Feud 19 Kids Two Men Baker News Next Great ThisMinute Long Island Mod Fam Baker Simpsons Next Great ThisMinute Medium Mod Fam Baker The Arsenio Extreme
Divorce The Middle Mod Fam Judge Alex Judge Alex Big Bang Big Bang King
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” Sesame Today ” Street cont’d Wild Kratts Katie Wild Kratts ” Daniel Tiger New Day
Law & Big Bang Hall Show Order: SVU Big Bang TMZ Family Feud Guy Sunny Family Feud Brooklyn
Say Yes To Be Extreme Say Yes Announced Paid Prog. Say NextYes Great Paid Prog. Say Yes Baker
King Browns Payne Community Community Browns Payne Seinfeld The Middle Mod Fam Seinfeld The Middle Mod Fam Family Guy Divorce Family Guy Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Alex Amer. Dad Browns Judge Payne Alex Jeffersons King Jeffersons Browns King Payne of Rules
New Girl Steve Mindy Harvey
MythBusters Family Feud ” Family Feud Highway 30 Rock Thru Hell Paid Prog. How/Made Steve How/Made HarveyFeud How/Made Family
” Ice Cold Gold Auction Auction Deadliest Catch MythBusters ” Deadliest Catch How/Made How/Made ” Highway Mighty” Ships Thru Hell ” Deadliest How/Made Catch Ice Cold How/Made Gold Deadliest MythBusters Catch Deadliest Catch ”” Reshmi CBC News Deadliest ” Nair Auction ” ” Auction Catch Lang & Ice Cold Power & MythBusters The National ” O’Leary Gold Politics ” ”
Law & Order: SVU
Community Mod Fam Engagement Community Seinfeld ” Seinfeld Family” Guy The Middle Family Guy
Captain American in Halifax Cook Tales Doc Martin Charlie JFK: ” Rose ” American
Days News of our Tonight Lives Evening Show Dr. Phil Food Seth Meyers ” Fighters
NCIS: Los RaysTennis: at Movie: The Queen ATP Dive, Olly AngelesShow Rogers AthleticsCup: Jelly “HerbJamm and Latifah
Country’s The Dr. Oz Night to Show
Storage Storage
Movie: Squirrel “Air Bud: Nerds
The National Deadliest ” How/Made Catch ” How/Made
To Be Extreme Announced Extreme
Amer. Dad The Middle Amer. Dad Mod Fam
Experience Wild Kratts ” Wild Kratts
SportsCentre Remedy Hockey Young & ” ” Sportscentre Restless
Person of The National Person of Ellen DeGeDragons’ Judge Judy Interest Interest neres Show Den ” Judge Judy
Remedy Young & ” Restless
Sportsnet Men’s First/ Connected Second
Dorothy” Maya Bee Take Me Arthur
Rock KOMO 4 News ”
Storage Storage
Golden SpongeBob Receiver” Chucks
CBC Lang News & ” O’Leary
Deadliest Mighty Ships News Bethenny Catch ” Mod Fam ”
Next Great Extreme Baker Extreme
Jeffersons Big Bang Jeffersons Big Bang
Cuban ” American Ellen DeGeMissile Crisis neres ”Show Expeditions
SportsCentre News Hour 30 for 30 Final ” ” SportsCentre ET ” Global Nat. Golf Talk TheCanada Doctors ” The Test CHBC Score ”Golf ” News
News-Lisa CTV News CTV News at Five
News Hour Early News Final Global Nat. ET News Hour TheCanada Doctors The Test ”
Premier Round Poker ” Sportsnet ” ATP Tennis Connected cont’d:”
Marine Martha Machines Wild Kratts Herb Highway Arthurand Dorothy Secrets Dinosaurof
Shipping Storage Shipping Storage Kimmel KOMO 4Live Storage Storage The View Criminal Nightline Storage News ” Storage Minds
Vampire Odd Parents Haunting SpongeBob Are We Assembly Spliced Done Yet? Every Witch Wayside
The CBCNational News ”” Lang & The CBCNational News O’Leary ” Now With
” Ice Cold ” 9 Gold Ice Cold Deadliest Mighty Gold Catch Planes
The Two Arsenio Men Hall Two Show Men TMZ Simpsons 30 Rock Sunny Mod Paid Fam Prog.
Extreme Next Great Extreme Baker Paid Prog. Next Great 19 Kids Paid Prog. Baker 19 Kids
Rules of Browns Engagement Payne ” Browns Divorce ” Payne Divorce
Last Tango Business in Halifax World News Doc Martin PBS Sesame ” NewsHour Street
KING News 5 Tonight News Show Nightly Today News Seth News cont’dMeyers
Amazing Weird or SportsCentre Ent Race ” What? ET Canada
The Marilyn etalk Denis Show Big Bang
Best Recipes Young & Rick Mercer Ent Stefano Restless World Cup The Insider
Weird or Ent What? ET Canada
Rogers Shrinks ” Cup: G. Marine Men’s ” Clifford-Dog Machines
KOMO Wheel 4 News Jeopardy!
Sidekick Cook’d League/Evil Undercover
19 Kids To Be 19 Kids Announced
Judge Alex Mod Fam Judge Alex Seinfeld
Daniel Tiger American Daniel Tales Tiger
New NewsDay Northwest Evening
CTV News Anger ” Goldbergs
CBC News Women’s Now Soccer
Noon News NCIS Hour ”
Second MLB Round Baseball:
PAW Patrol The Chew Apocalypse: CMA Music Bucket-Dino Festival: ” WWI
The First 48 Storage ” Storage
Carole Ice Cold CBC News Deadliest MacNeil Gold ” Catch Kid vs. Kat CBCNational News Deadliest Just Kidding The ” Almost Now With Catch ” Gags ”
Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang
Sportscentre Noon News ” NCIS Sportscentre Hour ” Off Record Baseball Days of our Amazing NCIS: Los Tonight Lives Race Angeles
ThisMinute Family Guy ThisMinute Brooklyn
Medium Next Great Medium Baker
King Family Guy King Family Guy
Broadway: JFK: Musical American
KING 5 Food News Fighters
The Social Amazing Race ”
Republic ” of Doyle ”
The Talk NCIS: Los ” Angeles
Days of our NCIS: Los Lives Angeles
” Rays at ” Athletics
Mister Maker Country’s General Movie: Dragon Hospital “Herb and Night to
The First 48 Storage ” Storage
Monster Movie: 6TEEN “Air Bud:
Reshmi Nair Deadliest Deadliest The National Catch ”” Catch
Law & New Girl Order: SVU Mindy
Say Yes To Be Say Yes Announced
Community Amer. Dad Community Amer. Dad
All-Star Experience Orchestra ”
Days of our America’s Lives Got Talent
Off Record The Talk SportsCentre Remedy Interruption ” ” ”
Dr. Phil Person of ” Interest
Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk The National Person of Remedy Chris Deal ” ” Interest ”
Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected
Ella the Ele. Dorothy” Rob Robot Take Me
Wayside Golden Sidekick Receiver”
Power & CBC News Politics ”
Family Feud Say Yes News Next Great Family Feud Say Yes Mod Fam Baker
Seinfeld Jeffersons The Middle Jeffersons
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Cuban ” ” ” Missile Crisis ”
George S
The Test
CBC News George S CBC News
Daily Show 22 Minutes CTV News CBC News The View Bookaboo Seth Meyers Coronation ” Coronation Doodlebops
SportsCentre The Queen The Dr. Oz SportsCentre News ” LatifahHour Show News-Lisa Show
KNOW KOMO News Jimmy * ` World News
A&E 1
Criminal Shipping Minds Shipping
The Doctors The First 48 Rock Storage ” ” ” Storage
Naked and Deadliest Afraid Catch
The Queen ATP Tennis: Dive, Olly News LatifahHour Show Premier Rogers Cup: Marine PAW Patrol
The Dr. Oz News Show
Big Smo Shipping Big Smo
Squirrel Vampire Chucks
” How/Made The National ” ” How/Made
Steve The Arsenio Harvey
Extreme Extreme Extreme
The Middle Rules of Mod Fam
Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ Daily Minutes neresShow Show 22 Den
Judge Judy Letterman Judge Judy
Young & ET Canada Restless
KOMO 4 Kimmel Live News
Duck D. Storage Duck D.
SpongeBob Are We Nerds
Lang & Lang & O’Leary
Bethenny TMZ ”
To Be Paid Prog. Announced
Big Bang ” Big Bang
CTV News
The Test
Seth Meyers Coronation CTV News at Five
CBC News CBC News
of Poker Global Nat. CTV News MLS Soccer CHBC News ”
Late Show Ferguson
Early News Global Nat.
Men’s Sportsnet Second Round ”
Maya Bee Herb Arthurand Martha Wild Kratts
News World News
Shipping Storage Duck D. Duck D.
Done Yet?
Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob ”
CBC News Coronation
KIRO News CBS News
News Hour ”
” ”
Marine Machines
KOMO 4 News
Duck D. Duck D.
Hathaways Every Witch
” ”
Ent ET Canada
etalk Big Bang
Rick Mercer Gags
Ent The Insider
Ent ET Canada
” ”
Canada ”
Wheel Jeopardy!
Duck D. Big Smo
Japanizi CBC News Cache Craze ”
” ”
Big Brother ”
So You Think You
Dragons’ Den
Big Brother ”
Big Brother ”
MLB Baseball:
Secrets of Wild India
The Middle Goldbergs
Big Smo Duck D.
SportsCentre Extant ” ”
Can Dance ”
Republic of Doyle
Extant ”
Extant ”
Dodgers at Angels
Mendelssohn Mod Fam Gala The Middle
SportsCentre Rookie Blue ” ”
Motive ”
The National Criminal ” Minds
Rookie Blue ”
Sportsnet Connected
” Concierto
Nashville ”
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Premier Poker
Canada ”
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada The Test
Sportsnet Connected
Secrets of Wild India
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test
Bold KIRO News ThisMinute
of Poker News World Series ”
KIRO News Late KIROShow News Letterman KIRO News The Price Is Ferguson CBS RightNews
Heartland CBC News ”
Hockey Young & SportsCentre Canada World Series ET Restless
NCIS: Los Bold Angeles ThisMinute
” ”
A&E 1
Mistresses ”
Off Record Interruption Motoring
Mike Two Men
Connected ” ”
VegasCab Rat Cash Rods Manufact. Overhaulin’ Manufact. Top 10 Megalodon: Deadliest The Monster Catch Shark Lives Chrome ” Underground Naked and Dangerous Afraid Flights Rat Vegas MythBusters Rods Cab Cash ” Cash Cab Overhaulin’ Megalodon: Top 10 Manufact. The Monster Manufact. Deadliest Shark Lives Megalodon: Catch ” The Monster Chrome Naked and Shark Lives Underground Afraid ” Dangerous Megalodon: Naked and Flights The Monster Afraid Cash Cab MythBusters Cash Cab ” Manufact. Megalodon: Manufact. The Monster Megalodon: Shark Lives The Monster ” Shark Lives Naked and ” Afraid Naked and Megalodon: Afraid The Monster MythBusters ”
SportsCentre Under the ” Dome
CHBC News The Doctors Final ” ET Canada Weird or The Test What?
The Listener Secrets & ” Lies
KIRO News KIRO ”News The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News
Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global Days of our News Hour Lives ” Let’s Make a Ent The Talk Ent DealInsider ” The ET Canada Heartland Bold Girl The Queen Murdoch Broke Running Wild Bookaboo The Price Is The Doctors ” ThisMinute Latifah Show Mysteries Doodlebops Mom Right ”” Dragons’ Judge Judy Young & Secrets & Mike & Hotel Hell Our Young Weird or Den Judge Judy Restless Lies Two Men Vancouver Restless What?” CBCNational News KIRO News Early News The Under the Under the CBC KIRO Noon CBC News News KIRO News News Dome GlobalNews Nat. ” Dome Marketplace ” Hour CBC News KIRO News News Hour CBC News KIRO News Days News of Hour Republic of The Talk Coronation CBS Show News ” our George Late Final Doyle S ” Lives Rick Mercer Ent Ent 22 Minutes Letterman ET Canada Steven and Let’sInsider Make a ET TheCanada Talk Gags The Coronation Ferguson The Test Chris Deal ” Murdoch Broke Girl Running Wild Heartland Bold The Queen Mysteries Mom ” ” ThisMinute Latifah Show Secrets & Mike Hotel Hell Dragons’ Judge Judy Young”& Lies Two Men Den Judge Judy Restless The National Under the Under the CBC News KIRO News Dome Early News ” Dome CBC News News KIRO News News News GlobalHour Nat. CBC KIRO George S Late CBC News KIROShow News Final News Hour Coronation CBS News ” 22 Minutes Letterman ET Canada
Seth Meyers Rick Coronation etalk Mercer Big Bang Gags
” Off Record
Plays/Month Connected Blue Jays Scout’s MLB Honor Baseball: Plays/Month Toronto Blue Blue Jays Jays at PokerstarHouston s.Net Astros IndyCar Blue Jays Series Plays/Month Plays/Month ” Blue Jays Sportsnet ” Connected MLB ” Baseball: Scout’s ” Honor Toronto Blue Sportsnet Plays/Month Jays at Connected Blue Jays Houston Sportsnet PokerstarAstros Connected s.Net Blue Jays Sportsnet IndyCar Plays/Month Connected Series Sportsnet ” Connected ” Scout’s Honor” ” Plays/Month Sportsnet Blue Jays Connected PokerstarSportsnet s.Net Connected IndyCar Sportsnet Series Connected ” ”
Daily Show 22 Minutes Seth Meyers Coronation
Don’t Drive Ice Cold Here
Fool’s Gold Fool’s Gold
The National Deadliest ” Catch
Hall Show Sunny
Two Men Two Men
Paid Prog.
Wild Kratts
Last Wild Tango Kratts Engagement in Halifax ”
KING ”News Tonight
American Ellen DeGeDoc Martin Show Travels-Edge neres Show
Who Do You Browns ” Payne
Business World News
Seth Meyers KING 5 News
Simpsons Mod Fam
Who Do You Browns ” Payne
PBS NewsHour
Nightly News News
Naked and Afraid
Big Bang Big Bang
Who Do You Mod Fam ” Seinfeld
Captain Cook
News Evening
Just Kidding Gags
The National How/Made ” How/Made
So You Think You
Who Do You Family Guy ” Family Guy
My Wild Affair
America’s Got Talent
Duck D. Duck D.
Movie: “Air Bud:
The National Fool’s Gold ” Fool’s Gold
Can Dance ”
Who Do You Amer. Dad ” Amer. Dad
America’s Got Talent
Duck D. Duck D.
World Pup” ”
CBC News ”
News Mod Fam
Who Do You Jeffersons ” Jeffersons
Sex in the Wild
Taxi Brooklyn
News Jimmy
Duck D. Big Smo
Vampire Haunting
The National Naked and ” Afraid
The Arsenio Hall Show
To Be Announced
KING News Tonight
Kimmel Live Nightline
Big Smo Duck D.
Baby Geniuses
Lang & O’Leary
TMZ Sunny
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
Globe Trekker
Show Seth Meyers
Highway Thru Hell
How/Made How/Made
Movie: “Hardball” ” ”
Wednesday,July July30, 30,2014 2014 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,
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Misc. for Sale
Misc. for Sale
A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
UNFILED TAX Returns? Unreported Income? Avoid Prosecution and Penalties. Call a Tax Attorney First! 1855-668-8089. (Mon-Fri 9-6 ET)
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Legal Services
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Merchandise for Sale
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Information Obituaries While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
Home Repairs FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928.
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Merchandise for Sale
Financial Services
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Education/Trade Schools
CHEVALLIER GEO-CON Ltd. of Rocky Mountain House, Alberta requires experienced Cat and Hoe Operators, Class 1 Lowbed Driver, Heavy Duty Mechanic and Mechanic’s Helper. Safety tickets required. Please email resume to: or fax to 403-844-2735. RIVERCITY Fibre a whole log chipping company located in Kamloops is currently seeking a Licensed BC Interior Log Scaler. We offer a competitive compensation package. Please e-mail a cover letter & resume to or fax to 250-374-9506.
Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!
GARRY BIGAM With his wife at his side, Garry passed away on July 13, 2014 at the age of 63. He is survived by his wife verley, children (Troy, Jarrett, Draya) and granddaughter (Faith). Garry was born and raised in Alberta, but for the last 40 years has called Lake Country home. The family will respect Garry’s request that no formal funeral service will be held. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the SPCA.
The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!
Lake Country CountryCalendar Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,July July30, 30,2014 2014 rLake
Real Estate
Acreage for Sale
Auto Financing
Auto Financing A15
FOR SALE: 4 Bed, 3 Bath 2008 two-story home on Chase-Falkland Road, 3.5 km from Falkland, BC. 2420 sq ft incl finished basement. 240 sq ft deck, and double attached garage complete the home. Asking $419,000. Call 780723-4132 or email
Rentals Commercial/ Industrial 5000 & 2500sqft bldgs. fenced outdoor storage in Kelowna. Together/indiv. 250-878-6455
Community Newspapers Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re at the heart of thingsâ&#x201E;˘
Homes for Rent 1BDRM suite. Winfield. Clean, airy, newer style, Lake view. WD, int, cbl, PVR. Near bus & UBCO $750 incl utils. NS, NP. 250-766-0318, 250-878-9858
Auto Accessories/Parts Quit. Before your time runs out.
Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue!
Roosters Barber Shop
Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man! Tuesday to Friday 9-6 (Srâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discount days)
Saturday & Sunday 9-4 Closed Mondays
Frank Geber â&#x20AC;˘ 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Hortonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Burnâ&#x20AC;Ś Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788
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Oyama Services
Professional automotive & light truck maintenance, diagnostics, & repair. Neil Love - Owner
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Josef Kalis
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Available 24 hrs./7 days a week CALL ANYTIME
Only $15
and the creative department will design it for free! CONTACT Teresa Huscroft-Brown 250-979-7329 or
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Farmers & Crafters Market Fridays 3pm-7pm at Swalwell Park 10070 Bottom Wood Lake Road
Tuesday, August 5, 2014 | 7:00 pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd
Council has been asked to approve a Temporary Permit to allow for a counter top manufacturing and cutting services business (+/- 120m2) to operate in an existing 126m2 accessory building. A Temporary Permit may be used for a maximum period of three years, and may be renewed once. After that time they may reapply for a new Temporary Permit. Council may specify conditions under which the Permit may be carried on.
APPLICANT/OWNER: Ken Sukoveoff PERMIT: TP2014-001 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 11471 Reiswig Road LEGAL: Lot B, District Lot 117, ODYD, Plan 16345
Tuesday, August 5, 2014 | 7:00 pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd
Council has been asked to consider a zoning text amendment bylaw. Zoning Amendment (0954418 BC Ltd) Bylaw 896, 2014 (Z2014-005) is a zoning text amendment to the C1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Town Centre Commercial zone to specifically allow a drive-in food services restaurant on the subject property. (See Map Below)
SUBJECT PROPERTY: Main Street/Highway 97 LEGAL: Lot 1, Section 10, Township 20, ODYD, Plan KAP76989 Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.
Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.
GET MORE INFORMATION Copies of the proposed permit, the application and relevant background material can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday, July 23, 2014 to Tuesday, August 5, 2014 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250-766-6674.
Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1
GET MORE INFORMATION Copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday, July 23, 2014 to Tuesday, August 5, 2014 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250-766-6674.
Speak at the Council Meeting Written submissions are included in the Regular Council Meeting Agenda Package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer
July 23, 2014
Lake Country Public Art Commission: PUBLIC ART CALL Project: Lake Country entrance signs Proposal Submission extended: Sept.15, 2014 Selection of Design: Sept. 2014 Completion & Installation: March 2015
Find out more:
Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 Email Speak at the Public Hearing Written submissions are included in the Public Hearing package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Council may not receive any submissions after the Public Hearing has been closed. For more information on the public hearing process visit Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer
July 23, 2014