Yukon News, August 08, 2014

Page 1

Yukon grown

Ready, aim, fire!

Researchers are coming up with the best ways to plant fruits and veggies here in the North.

John Simmons shot up to fifth place in a national shooting event over the weekend.

Page 21

Page 47







Plastic-to-oil machine produces PAGE 5

Malkolm Boothroyd/malkolmboothroyd.com

A Dall lamb nuzzles its mother on the slopes of Sheep Mountain in Kluane National Park last week.

Black bear cubs on the mend PAGE 3 Are you going to finish that plastic?






Build homes for the homeless now: anti-poverty coalition YOUR SILK SCREENING HEADQUARTERS t 5&". 03%&34 t $03103"5& "11"3&- t $6450. %&4*(/4


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Sam Riches News Reporter


ith last week’s announcement of nearly $1.8 million coming from the federal government to combat homelessness in the territory, the Yukon AntiPoverty Coalition says it’s time to restructure the way we think about the issue. The money, which is being administered by the Council of Yukon First Nations, will be spread out over five years. Though the federal government is encouraging a “Housing First� approach, it’s ultimately up to each First Nation to decide how and where the money will be spent. A Housing First approach is rooted in the idea that individuals suffering from addictions or battling mental health issues will be more likely to connect with supports if their basic needs are being met. A two-year study by the Mental Health Commission of Canada found it to be cost effective; for every $10 invested, the government recouped an average of $27.72 in savings through reduced demand for social programs, emergency shelters and hospital visits. The approach, while championed by most social groups, hasn’t gained much traction in the Yukon government. Kate Mechan, project manager with the Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition, says the language of Housing First is complex and often misunderstood. The main premise of Housing First is not that taxpayers pay to subsidize people to drink or continue a certain lifestyle, but that individuals aren’t required to engage in treatment or medication regiments from the outset to be housed – the housing is a starting point or gateway to support systems, said Mechan. So far, few details about how the government will spend the money are available, other than statements about conducting further studies. The Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition says there’s no need for further number crunching and that anecdotal evidence is widely available, one just has to look out on the streets. In 2010, a housing adequacy study produced in partnership with Health and Social Services found that more than 100 individuals identified at the time of that survey didn’t have anywhere to stay. “We know there’s at least that many people,� said Mechan. “We know it’s not going to be any less than that number. What needs to be addressed in Whitehorse, and rural communities, is a lack of infrastructure.� Knowing that a sum of $1.8 million is not going to achieve that, the coalition is hoping the money will be used for prevention work, such as a crisis prevention fund, and funneled into long-term solutions. The current approach to homelessness in the territory is a crisisbased model, or emergency solutions, said Mechan. “We don’t tend to focus on the idea that we can end homelessness.

Alistair Maitland/Yukon News

Wayne, homeless for four years, sits in front of the Salvation Army this morning.

We don’t need to reinvent the wheel here, there’s all kinds of things happening in other jurisdictions that are similar to ours. Its just getting the right heads in the room and getting a buy-in from our leaders.� Data collection, the coalition says, is a slippery slope that can lead to much-needed funding evaporating quickly. The waiting list at the Salvation Army shelter is further evidence, said Mechan. “The data is there. We have a place to start. We don’t need to not build more housing just because we think we don’t know the numbers – we do. “It’s really a manageable number. We’re not in Vancouver, we’re not talking thousands of people. We’re talking about a few handfuls of marginalized people that needed support yesterday.� Mechan believes a better understanding of how individuals end up homeless will help progress the conversation. She highlights three areas: structural factors, such as lack of affordable housing or discrimination; systemic failures, such as when an individual is transitioned out of the child welfare system into homelessness or individuals are discharged from hospitals or corrections centers without adequate planning for the next step; and individual circumstance, such as job loss, family violence, mental health, addictions or

another disability. The standard approach to homelessness puts the onus on individual circumstance, followed by structural factors and then systemic failures. Mechan says a shift in thinking is needed to address structural factors first. “It doesn’t have to be about blaming a particular minister or a particular person. It’s just about saying we haven’t been doing good enough and what can we change – how can we work with what we have now, in the interim? How can we meet people’s needs better?� Mechan said, ultimately, it boils down to community health. “If we don’t address the way systems aren’t working we’re never going to get anywhere. It doesn’t do anybody good to blame a person because they have an addiction or because they have a mental health issue.� To do that, hard conversations need to happen, and the coalition says they are ready to take that step. “We’re really keen to bring people to the table and have some conversations in an open and transparent way. There’s room to make decisions about infrastructure needs now. We don’t need to wait five years to make these decisions.� An interview request to the Council of Yukon First Nations was not returned by deadline. Contact Sam Riches at sam@yukon-news.com




Yukon Human Rights Commission can’t investigate jail: Justice dures provided for under another act,” or if “the substance of the complaint has already been dealt he territory’s Department with in another proceeding.” of Justice says the Yukon “The Department of Justice Human Rights Commishas raised this issue with the sion doesn’t have the authorYHRC in the context of comity to investigate human rights plaints brought by inmates who complaints inside the Whitecan access the process provided horse Correctional Centre. by the Investigations Standards Documents make it clear that Office (ISO), an independent multiple people have filed huoffice that undertakes investigaman rights complaints regarding tions of complaints made by their time in jail. inmates and reviews of inmate Neither side is saying exactly disciplinary appeals pursuant how many complaints there are. to the Corrections Act,” Caitlin The issue of human rights Kerwin, Justice’s acting director at Yukon’s only jail came to the of policy and planning, said in a public’s attention earlier this written statement to the News. year when an inmate filed a hu“Inmates with complaints or man rights complaint. concerns about their superviMichael Nehass was brought sion or conditions of custody in naked to a video court appeara correctional centre have a right ance, shackled and pinned to the to file a complaint. Complaints floor by jail guards in full riot are dealt with seriously and a gear. system is in place to safeguard His father has since filed a and remedy inmate complaints.” human rights complaint, allegA person who wants to appeal ing that his son has been kept a decision by the ISO can go in solitary confinement for 28 to the territory’s ombudsman months. or can go to court to ask for a The Department of Justice judicial review, Kerwin said, but denies that claim. not to the Human Rights ComNehass has since been found mission. unfit to stand trial. Julie Jai, the acting director of But human rights complaints human rights for the commisrelating to the jail are not within sion, says her office disagrees. the jurisdiction of the Human “Section 20 of the act proRights Commission, according vides a series of exceptions to the to Yukon government lawyers. general rule that complaints are “The government respondent investigated. The overall puris taking the position that these pose is to more effectively and complaints do not fall within the efficiently manage complaints,” jurisdiction of the YHRC (Yukon she said. Human Rights Commission) as “The goal is not to exclude evset out in the Human Rights Act erything for which there is an albecause they were either consid- ternative process. Human rights ered in a different review process legislation is designed to provide or there were available other an accessible process, and can review processes or procedures provide remedies not available that have not been exhausted,” through other processes.” according to a June letter. She pointed out that the act Section 20 of the Yukon Hurequires that the alternative proman Rights Act lists nine excep- cess be “reasonably available.” tions to when the commission “For example, if it requires can investigate. These include getting a lawyer and going to if “the complainant has not court, that’s probably not someexhausted grievance or review thing that’s reasonably available procedures which are otherwise to the average person, including reasonably available or proceto an inmate at WCC.” Ashley Joannou News Reporter


changes. That could mean things like ordering the WCC to limit the use of segregation or to improve mental health services, Jai said. Cases can also be voluntarily settled before it reaches a board hearing. A voluntary settlement can be made public if the parties choose to and a board of adjudication decision is public as a general rule. While the Department of Justice says inmates can turn to the ombudsman’s office for help, the Mike Thomas/Yukon News territory’s ombudsman Diane McLeod-McKay said her office A cell in the Whitehorse Correctional Centre. may refer people to the human Rather than making blanket Similarly, complaints to the rights commission. statements that complaints at ISO are also confidential. “Essentially, if someone the jail can’t be investigated by Neither Jai nor Justice will say comes to us and they have a huwhether the inmates who have the commission, Jai said it’s man rights kind of complaint, made human rights complaints important to look at each case we would generally suggest that first tried to go through the jail’s they actually go and talk to Huindividually and “keep in mind the overall goal of human rights internal complaint system. man Rights about that because According to the department, it may be a more appropriate legislation, which is to provide the ISO can respond to a coman accessible, remedial process venue to look at a human rights plaint by an inmate by either to redress human rights violaissue,” she said. confirming the decision by the tions.” For a while, the ISO’s own jail, directing the person in Meanwhile, the Auditor website said the office didn’t charge to reconsider their deciGeneral’s office is conducting have the authority to investigate an audit of correctional services sion, or substituting ISO’s decihuman rights complaints. sion in its place, said department in the Yukon. Officials there Gontard confirmed that “for a spokesperson Lily Gontard. say they expect to present their time” human rights complaints When it comes to questions report next winter, but no date were listed under the things around inmate discipline, The has been set yet. Yukon ISO did not do. Gontard As for whether the conflicting ISO can confirm the decision, said the original website was opinions over jurisdiction could confirm the decision and change based on the B.C. ISO. “Human the penalty, rescind the decision Rights Complaints” was deleted end up in front of a judge, Jai would only say that the commis- or send it back for a rehearing. from the page after staff realAn inmate can release his sion is “currently exploring the ized that this didn’t apply in the or her personal information next steps.” Yukon, she said. to other people. ISO will only Just because there are other “Despite the fact that the release an inmate’s personal inprocesses, doesn’t mean that all original webpage with inacformation with written consent processes are created equal, Jai curate information was deleted from the inmate, she said. said. from the Government of Yukon Things are different with a “There are other processes website, a Google search still human rights complaint. available, but unless they can brought up that original page, If a human rights complaint provide the same remedies and even though there was a curmakes it all the way to the deal with human rights issues, rent and accurate ISO webpage they shouldn’t preclude going to human rights board of adjuon the Government of Yukon dication, the hearing, and any the human rights commission.” website,” she said. testimony given by witnesses, is In most cases, complaints to “We were alerted to this in the ombudsperson and any rec- public. June 2014 and deleted that webUnlike the ombudsman, who page from the Internet at that ommendations by the office are confidential. The ombudsperson can only make recommendatime. ISO does accept human can make recommendations, but tions, the board of adjudication rights complaints.” those recommendations are not can order remedies like financial Contact Ashley Joannou at ashleyj@yukon-news.com compensation or systematic legally binding.

Bear cubs fall ill as they grieve mother’s death Myles Dolphin

trouble breathing, lethargy and lack of appetite. The cause of illness is he two black bear cubs at believed to be post-traumatic the Yukon Wildlife Prestress brought on by the loss of serve aren’t out of the woods their mother. yet. Conservation officers were The orphaned animals are forced to kill her on July 15 afon the road to recovery follow- ter she returned to eating garing a brief bout of illness. bage in the same Copper Ridge The four-month-old bears, neighbourhood she’d previcaptured by conservation ofously been relocated from. ficers three weeks ago, began The cubs are being cared showing signs of illness once in for at the wildlife preserve and captivity, according to a news their fate is still being deterrelease issued yesterday by mined, as they are too young to Environment Yukon. be returned to the wild. Some of the symptoms they The cubs have been treated exhibited included weakness, with antibiotics and supportive News Reporter


therapy and are on the mend, the release stated. “As of today, the male cub has almost completely recovered while the female cub remains underweight, but is responding well to treatment,” it stated. Work is still underway to find the cubs a permanent home. The Yukon Wildlife Preserve does not normally accept carnivores such as these bears and will need to find a facility for them elsewhere, if they’re going to survive. Contact Myles Dolphin at myles@yukon-news.com

YG Photo/Yukon News

The two bear cubs recover from their illness at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve on Wednesday. A new home must be found for the animals, or they will have to be put down.




Affordable housing cancellations shrouded in secrecy Ashley Joannou

communities, with the $13 million in Yukon Housing Trust money that was in the bank. n access to information The project was to use the request shows that, up until at federal money to cover some of the least the end of April, Yukon construction costs on rentals if the Housing Corporation was being told builders agreed to keep rent at an it didn’t need Yukon government’s affordable rate for 10 years. approval to move forward with the Cathers has described manageplans to build affordable rentals. ment board as “cabinet wearing a Within months, the Yukon govfinancial hat and making financial ernment’s management board would decisions,” cancel the project. That number of projects would The News made an access to eventually drop down to five. In the information request for corresponend the government would cancel all dence between Yukon Housing Cor- but the two in the communities. poration officials, including minister “We need to move relatively responsible Brad Cathers, related to quickly, so these projects can get the cancellation of the projects in going, but the reality is that as we Whitehorse. inform proponents some may The ATIPP request also asked for withdraw or we may not be able to copies of the minutes from Yukon negotiate a funding agreement (they Housing Corporation’s board meet- may not like our terms.)” Hale writes ings from January 2012 to July 2014. in the email. While many of the pages the Tubman responds two days later. News received were blank, one email “Based on what you provided that didn’t get redacted completely here, and assuming that you fit was an exchange between housing’s within the $9 (million) this year, vice president operations, Michael $4.5 (million) next year, I don’t see Hale, and Mark Tubman, deputy any particular reason to go to MB secretary to the management board. for approval per se.” In an email dated April 26, Hale Tubman goes on to say that the asks Tubman for advice on “how housing corporation has budget to approach MB (management authority and the projects fit within board.)” the corporation’s mandate. At this point, the housing He suggests that management corporation was prepared to fund board be sent an “info-item” to keep seven projects, including two in the them apprised of what is going on. News Reporter


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Alistair Maitland/Yukon News

Redacted copies of documents related to cancellation of the affordable housing projects in Whitehorse.

About two weeks later, on May 15, Cathers would make a similar statement in the legislature, insisting that the final decision on the projects would be up to the housing corporation. The minister has previously said he made a mistake when he told the legislature that the decision was up to the housing corporation. Now Tubman is doing the same thing. “The request that Michael sent me, I interpreted it from the standard operating practice that we would have, which basically is what I outlined there,” he said in an interview this week. “Everything else being equal, or in the absence of other direction from management board, the advice I gave is consistent with what we


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do. There would have been no need for the corporation to come back to management board.” However, according to Tubman, there were additional directions from management board that he didn’t find before he sent that email. “However, what had come before, which I had failed to find in my quick research, was previous direction from management board that when the results from the RFPs came in, that they were to return to management prior to making a decision.” Tubman said the housing corporation was told about the mistake on June 12. A string of emails from that day between various housing official is completely redacted. The Whitehorse projects would eventually be cancelled by the government on June 25. Tubman says he can’t provide the News a copy of the direction he says gave the government final approval on the housing projects. That’s protected under the territory’s access to information laws, he said. In fact, large chunks of the information requested by the News was withheld. The April 2014 corporation board meeting minutes – the most recent ones provided – have large blank spots where information has been taken out. On April 28, the day Tubman sent his email and four days after the housing corporation board had its

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last meeting, a 40-minute meeting was held. With the exception of listing who was present, the rest of the minutes have been redacted. Email chains from May and June, as the projects neared cancellation, are nearly completely blacked out. Liberal Leader Sandy Silver says his office also filled out a request to see the housing corporation’s minutes, only to receive the redacted documents. “We really didn’t receive any information at all. We were very, very disappointed. It was extremely heavily redacted,” Silver said. “Everything changed as of these meetings and we’re not allowed to know what happened.” When a public body blacks out information, the officials are required to say which part of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act they are relying on, to keep the information private. In the case of the housing corporation board minutes and the emails between government officials, much of the information is redacted thanks to section 16 of the act. In 2012 when the Yukon Party government introduced – and eventually pushed through – amendments to the ATIPP act, then-information and privacy commissioner Tim Koepke raised concerns about the changes, including section 16. Section 16 allows, among other things, the government to redact “consultations or deliberations involving officers or employees of a public body or a minister relating to the making of government decisions or the formulation of government policy.” At the time, Koepke told officials he was concerned by that language. “Our scan of Canadian access and privacy legislation indicates the wording ‘relating to the making of government decisions or the formulation of government policy’ has no precedent,” he wrote in a report. “I am concerned with this wording because it may conflict with other provisions of the ATIPP act.” The changes went through despite his concerns. “It’s extremely disappointing to see the Yukon Party government hiding behind the access to information act now. That’s exactly what they’re doing,” Silver said. “There’s a lot of information that the minister wants to keep a secret and this is how they can do it now, and the public is left to wonder why.” Contact Ashley Joannou at ashleyj@yukon-news.com


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Plastic-to-fuel machine proves its worth Sam Riches News Reporter


t’s been nearly two years since a partner project between P&M Recycling Depot, Cold Climate Innovation and the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency brought an innovative plastic-to-oil machine to Whitehorse. In its pilot run, the machine has proven to save money, cut down on emissions and produce oil from plastic, which can be used to heat buildings or refined to power diesel cars. The large, green machine sitting in the back corner of P&M has the ability to turn mostly worthless plastic, such as grocery bags and yogurt containers, into fuel. It can process 240 kilograms of plastic every day and produce enough oil to continuously heat 70 Yukon homes. The emissions from the machine are equivalent to a few people standing and breathing in a single room. The resulting oil is a blend of gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and some heavy oils. It can be fed directly into an oil furnace, or could be processed further into something that could go straight into a diesel car. Pat McInroy, the owner of the recycling depot, stood next to the machine recently, a full colour spectrum of granulated plastic in his hands, ready to be processed and converted into fuel. The machine, which was purchased for about $200,000 through distributor E-N-ergy comes from Japan, where it’s manufactured by a company called Blest. “In 10 years it pays for itself in saved heating costs,� said

Alistair Maitland/Yukon News

P&M Recycling Depot owner Pat McInroy holds some granulated plastic used to feed to the Blest plastic-to-oil machine on Monday, July 21.

McInroy. “It could possibly be the next oil boom. It gets rid of the plastic in the landfill and you don’t have to explore. The economics up here make it a worthwhile venture.� McInroy saves not only in annual heating costs, but in the previous labour costs for sorting and baling the plastic, and then shipping it off to be processed. Recycling centres in the south will pay for the number ones and number twos, which comprise a lot of beverage containers and related products. Alistair Maitland/Yukon News Polyvinyl chloride, Plastic containers sit in front of the the number three plastic-to-oil machine. plastic, is toxic.

The rest, which the machine deals with, are not profitable to recycle, but can be converted into fuel. Robert Cooke, project officer with Cold Climate Innovation, said the machine has proven to be economically viable, especially when considering the shipping costs of sending out plastic to be recycled. “The plan is for us to carry on working with the machine and produce a lot of oil over the next 12 months,� he said. Some issues that need to be addressed are refining the sorting methods – if the wrong type of plastic ends up in the mix, it can lead to high water content in the oil – and improving the granulation methods, a required step to get the plastic into the machine. Both Cooke and McInroy agree that similar machines could have future homes in the communities. “It would be an ideal solu-

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Contact Sam Riches at sam@yukon-news.com




tion,� said Cooke. “Rather than the communities having to ship their plastics into Whitehorse, they could do it themselves. There’s definitely a future for these machines.� The machine was modified to function in a colder climate – the cooling in the system is done with antifreeze instead of water – but McInroy said its success in Whitehorse has proven it can work anywhere in North America. “I can see it in the communities,� he said, in areas where there’s too much permafrost and rock for proper landfills. “In Old Crow, where they’ve had problems with plastic, they could produce their own heating oil, even if it’s only for a few buildings. It could be really valuable.�

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We’re on team Elias


t’s been nearly three months since MLA Darius Elias promised to seek help for his alcohol addiction. Now, freshly sentenced for refusing a breathalyzer, it appears Elias is still unwilling to face the music. “If I had known alcohol remained in my system from the night before, I wouldn’t have been driving,” Elias told a justice of the peace at his sentencing hearing last week. The statement defies logic. If Elias thought at the time there was little or no alcohol in his system, he would have gladly provided a breath sample. The only reasonable explanation is that Elias figured the amount of alcohol in his blood was high enough that the consequence of refusing the breath sample would be less severe than consequence of giving one. If he knew he was drunk when the officer pulled him over, then he knew he was drunk when he got in the car. His statements in court do not sound like someone who is ready to accept responsibility and begin to deal with his problems. A wise man once said, “When you make a mistake, the first step is to take responsibility for your actions.” Oh wait. That was Darius Elias, three months ago. He said those words reading off a statement at a tightly-controlled news conference when word first got out about the charges against him. That was a good first step, and not an easy one to make, but since then Elias appears to have retreated into his shell, aided and abetted by his colleagues in the Yukon Party. He promised back in May to seek professional help, but neither Elias nor his party has offered any details on what that might consist of. Premier Pasloski has consistently declined to speak to the matter. The Yukon Party code of ethics, provided to the News by party staff this week, unsurprisingly spells out that breaking the law is a violation of the code. No information has been

provided so far on what sanction Elias has suffered for breaching his party’s requirements of him. The code also states that members should “pursue their activities with a commitment to basic values and principles of ethical behaviour central to which are integrity, honesty, respect, humility, responsibility, fairness and compassion.” Putting Elias’s infractions aside for a moment, in our opinion the Premier’s behaviour falls short of this standard as well. As far as we can tell, the Yukon Party is more concerned with sweeping this matter under the rug than actually ensuring that Elias gets the help he needs to get better. You can’t run from your problems forever, Pasloski. Taking “responsibility” means being forthcoming with information about how the Yukon Party is handling this situation. Dealing with “honesty” means being open, transparent and accountable. And in the spirit of “compassion,” the Yukon Party must require Elias to deal with his addiction if he is to remain in its ranks. Elias has not, as far as we know, taken a formal leave of absence, and has continued to attend government functions. He deserves better. Elias deserves a party that would require him to take a break from work until he has seriously confronted his addiction. He deserves a community that says “We will support you as you confront your alcoholism, but not as you avoid it.” For the record, we’re on team Elias. Overcoming an alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult things a person can do. We hope that Elias gets the help he needs, makes a full recovery and returns to the legislature a stronger advocate and role model for the community of Old Crow than ever. When that day comes, we will raise a Shirley Temple in celebration and admiration. (JR) Publisher

Community Newspapers Association British Columbia & Yukon


Yukon News, 211 Wood Street Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2E4 (867) 667-6285 Fax: (867) 668-3755 Internet: www.yukon-news.com Classifieds: wordads@yukon-news.com

Quote of the Day


Mike Thomas

Jacqueline Ronson



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tat, which often brings them into conflict with humans. A healthy fur industry would infrastructure and private property result in prices that would make The recent removal of beavers if a dam of this magnitude were to it worthwhile for trappers to from the Meadow Lakes Golf suddenly let go a short distance uptarget them, and the population Resort was unfortunately a stream from the Alaska Highway, not would be kept at a level that necessary and responsible de- to mention the threat to human life. would greatly reduce incidents cision on the part of all parties Road washouts caused by beavers such as has occurred at Meadow involved. Exclusion cones, as can cost many hundreds of thouadvocated by the Association sands of dollars to repair. A washout Lakes Golf Resort. I would like to know how for the Protection of Furof a major highway in the Ottawa many conservation officers were Bearing Animals, are largely area in the early 1990’s cost over a involved in setting the traps for ineffective, as beavers can usu- million dollars in repairs. these beavers, and how much ally figure out how to build Live trapping and relocation of time they spent checking and their dams around them, and beavers is not an option as every resetting them until they pulled if not they simply move up or location in their North American their traps. This type of activity down the stream to another range has beavers present already. is not the officers’ core function location where sufficient food These are highly territorial animals and prevents them from being exists. and simply will not tolerate the out there on the land protecting After several years in one presence of other beavers in their our valuable fisheries and location a beaver family of five territory. wildlife resources from poachcan grow to one of eight or The current value of a prime bea- ing criminals and environmental 10, and up to as many as 20 in ver pelt is quite low. Consequently abusers. the same colony. This many most trappers don’t put a great deal beavers will rapidly deplete of effort into harvesting them from Robert Stitt their food supply and move President, Yukon Trappers elsewhere. After a year or two their assigned concessions. Beaver populations are at record high levels, Association of no maintenance, a breach forcing occupation of marginal habi- Carcross in the dam will occur and a significant volume of water can be released at one time. Beaver dams can attain enormous proportions. Several years ago a beaver dam “We’re not in Vancouver, we’re not talking thousands was located in a remote porof people. We’re talking about a few handfuls of tion of Wood Buffalo National marginalized people that needed support yesterday.” Park. It was so large that it showed up on photos taken Kate Mechan, project manager with the Yukon Anti-Poverty from outer space. Coalition, on Whitehorse’s homeless population. Imagine the damage to Page 2

Killing the beavers was the right move

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Carcross traffic and economic growth In a certain sense, however, the economy is nothing more than the sum total of everyone’s by Keith productive activities or, to put Halliday it more simply, their incomes. If more people work longer or work more productively, this total will grow. This is why the commonly held concept that there are a fixed number of jobs in the economy that can either be created, lost or stolen by someone else is false. Say that I write an extra “I got stuck in the Carcross trafcolumn, sell it to a newspaper, fic.” It’s not an excuse you get to use and then use the money to buy an advertisement for an upcomvery often. But last Wednesday ing talk I am giving. Essentially I afternoon it happened to me. I was showing the sights to a friend have traded a column for an ad. Both the newspaper and I have from Outside, and Carcross was more revenue. The gross domestic booming. product has grown. There must have been two Notice a couple of things. First, dozen cars there even before the this growth did not require a train, the buses, the cruise-ship stimulus program, central planJeeps and the German film crew ner memo or an intervention by arrived. There really was a mini anything called “the economy.” traffic snarl as we left. A decade The newspaper and I just decided ago we used to pull up right in to do more work and make a front of the Matthew Watson trade. Also, the economic growth store and have the town to ourthe newspaper and I created did selves. not come at anyone’s expense. I Fortunately we had just didn’t need to cut my spending stocked up on lattes and cransomewhere else, and neither did berry muffins at the cafe, so the newspaper. we were in a good mood as The new “Carcross Commons” we watched rookie RV drivers economic development zone manoeuvre around train cars and illustrates this process. people taking selfies in the middle First of all, more people are of the street. working. The staff at Caribou It’s an interesting example of Coffee, Frisky Fresh Fish, The what we refer to casually as “eco- Bistro on Bennett and the other nomic growth.” If you listen to enterprises there are producing the nightly news, they talk about goods and services they trade the “economy” as if it was actually with visitors and each other. some kind of tangible thing that For people who were ungrows, shrinks and “creates jobs.” employed before, they are now


generating income. That grows the economy. This includes both employees and small business owners, assuming the business owners are generating enough cash to either pay themselves a wage or to generate profits. The way the math works, having a larger percentage of your population working – that is, moving from zero income to even some income generation – has a significant impact on growth and average incomes. But it is not the only impact. People who used to work elsewhere but now work in Carcross are also growing the economy, assuming they are making more money than where they worked before (which they probably are, or they wouldn’t have moved jobs to Carcross). This might be because they are working more hours or are more productive because they are producing more value-add products or operating more efficiently. Economists have observed this labour mobility effect in many places. A big part of Chinese growth has come from young people moving from marginal farming activities to factory jobs in the cities. A person who moves from a $30,000 a year manufacturing job in Mississauga to a $100,000 a year job in Fort McMurray is doing the same thing, as is anyone who finds themselves with a higher hourly wage or more hours, or earns more tips from tourists in Carcross than they did in their old Whitehorse job. The economy can also grow

thanks to pre-existing companies that are making more profits due to the extra activity in Carcross. This effect can also be large, since lots of companies have substantial fixed costs. This means that incremental business can be quite profitable, which contributes to growth. Finally, economic activity can also grow thanks to investment. If the businesses in the Carcross Commons are optimistic about the future, then they will invest in new buildings, equipment and products. This will also grow economic activity. This would be the end of the story if the Carcross Commons were a purely private sector operation. However, various levels of government have contributed to get the project started. This means that the cost of government support, both direct and the cost of the government officials who run the programs, needs to be netted against the income generated in Carcross to get a true sense of the economic contribution of Carcross Commons. Economists will also point out that the taxes to provide this support had to come from somewhere. It is impossible to measure, but in theory if a country has higher taxes to pay for more economic development projects then that will discourage economic activity somewhere; for example, some highly productive lawyer in Toronto will decide to take a longer vacation since working any more would be taxed at more than 40 per cent. Or a company might pull the plug on a promis-

Peel protectors are hypocrites Mining has been and will continue to be the largest industry in the Yukon. It provides well-paying jobs to the region. It also produces an exportable good, which helps Canada’s balance of trade. It creates prosperity that we all enjoy. To remove large parts of the territory from potential mining would be very short sighted. There are 23 different mined minerals that make up the components of our cell phones and laptops. A large number of these minerals are found in the Yukon. Some specialty minerals such as tantalum, which is used to make cell phone and laptop batteries, are found in pegmatites in the southeast part of the Yukon. Gold, which is used for silicon chip circuitry, is found throughout the Yukon. Copper, which is used for circuitry and to build houses, is found in the central Yukon. There are five hundred pounds of copper in the average North American house. People argue that the tailings from sulphide deposit mining, namely the oxidation of the sulphides in the tailings causing acid drainage, are very harmful to the environment. Though that has been the case up until the last 20 years, there are new methods

to deal with acid drainage. The latest very promising research being done uses carbon dioxide, thus dealing with two problems at once – acid drainage and CO2 emissions – with the end product being water. So a tailings drainage argument is outdated. The Peel area has the potential to produce the minerals we want for our modern lives, minerals for products we use every day. So, do you still want large chunks of the Yukon off limits to mining? If you do, then ditch the cell phones, laptops and Priuses or you will be considered a hypocrite. Lisle Gatenby Dawson City

Feast of Farms left Yukoners well-fed Congratulations to Yukon farmers, visiting chefs, Rivendell Farm, Air North and TIA Yukon for providing The Feast of Farms on Sunday evening. It was a superb grand finale of a three day event to celebrate local food production and Yukon cuisine. I had the pleasure of representing the City of Whitehorse, and attended with family and

friends. We all enjoyed the variety of locally produced food prepared by outstanding local, national and international chefs. The setting and weather were perfect. Rivendell Farm can take some credit for the setting. More than thirty years of hard work has resulted in a beautiful farm that is an important piece of our food security. The farm produces a variety of berries and vegetables that are sold directly to Whitehorse families and through local grocery stores and the farmers’ markets. The Yukon Culinary Festival is an excellent way to show that we can produce high quality food in the Whitehorse area. Bison, elk, salmon and char were the featured meats, and there was a wide variety of vegetables, all produced here on local farms (and rivers). There is nothing better than a Yukon grown carrot, potato or parsnip, and they will be available in grocery stores soon! The festival is also an opportunity to meet the farmers who produce the food. Knowing our farmers helps us to appreciate the knowledge, patience and dedication that goes into food production. Buying local produce ensures that our farmers will be able to

make a living and will support our food security. Thank you, Yukon farmers. Mike Gladish Whitehorse City Councillor

Recent evironmental disasters are a wake-up call to Yukon Whoa! Talk about a loud alarm clock! A toxic algae bloom in Lake Erie makes the water in Toledo, Ohio undrinkable, untouchable, unusable. The dam holding back a huge tailings pond in central B.C. breaks, turning beautiful streams and rivers into poisonous run-off channels. Water is a basic building block

ing project since its returns are undermined by higher corporate taxes. This kind of thing reduces economic growth. I don’t have all the figures on taxpayer support given to Carcross Commons, or the incomes generated by the businesses there. On balance, however, it looks like a success story for governmentbacked economic development schemes. The region was economically depressed before, with a high degree of un- and underemployment. The positive effect of new jobs on aggregate income should be large. Furthermore, the location of Carcross means that the businesses can trade with a large and prosperous population of cruise-ship tourists, mountain bikers, adventure seekers and independent travellers, and sell them crafts, lattes and meals at (hopefully) quite profitable prices. This is good for the incomes of workers and businesses in Carcross. This is also good for the tourists, as evidenced by the fact they seem happy to trade their Outside cash for what Carcross Commons has to offer. Carcross is now well positioned to attract more businesses with more services to offer visitors. In a few years, hopefully there will be traffic jams in the winter, too. Keith Halliday is a Yukon economist and author of the MacBride Museum’s Aurore of the Yukon series of historical children’s adventure novels. You can follow him on Channel 9’s “Yukonomist” show or Twitter @hallidaykeith

of life. There is no substitute. And here in the Yukon, we have a corporation and a government that want to move ahead with an LNG plant, guaranteeing that precious water somewhere here in Canada will be purposely poisoned to be used for fracking, thereby removing millions of litres from our fragile life-support system. In the case of energy sources, there are substitutes. There’s hydro, wind and solar power which, when fed into a smart grid, go a long way towards getting us off our dirty power dependency. Hey guys, did you hear the alarm clock? I’d hate for the volume to be turned up any louder, because that would mean more dead fish, dead wildlife and desperate people. Open your ears. Get your hearing checked. Dianne Homan Whitehorse

Letters to the editor The Yukon News welcomes letters from its readers. Letters should be no longer than 500 words and must be signed with your full name and place of residence. A daytime phone number is also required for verification purposes only. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, length, accuracy and legality. You can send submissions to editor@yukon-news.com. They can be faxed to 867-668-3755 or mailed to 211 Wood St., Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2E4.



Yukon Just Got



The Yukon Comic Culture Society Proudly Presents:

Something for Everyone! 3 Day Passes at the door:

Con Hours:

Aug 8th 4-8pm Aug 9th 10am-7pm Aug 10th 10am-2pm

Costume Ball: Aug 9th 9:30pm-12am


$45 adults $15 youth ages 12 & under (single-day passes also available)

Yukon’s First Comic Convention is

This Weekend @ Coast High Country Inn and Convention Centre in Whitehorse

visit www.yukomicon.com for more details YUKOMICON SCHEDULED PROGAMMING AUGUST 8-10, 2014

4:30pm-5:30pm Multiple Personalities: Meet Master-level Cosplayer Vickybunnyagel. 5:45pm-6:45pm Cylons and Time Travel: Meet Caprica and Continuum's star Magda Apanowicz

2pm-3pm Spray Painting Space with Colin Alexander 2:45-3:45 Funny Animal Drawing Workshop 4pm-5pm Micro Media: Zine Trees with Amelia Merhar 4pm-5pm The Stories We Tell: Going Beyond Spandex in Comics 5pm-6pm Art in a Pixel: Digital Design with Telek Rogan

Saturday, Aug. 9th

Sunday: Aug 10th

12pm-1pm Fan Chat: Out of the Basement 1pm-2pm Long Drawn to the Yukon: a Graphic History of the Klondike 2pm-3pm Meet Hercules: Q&A with Kevin Sorbo 3pm-4pm Gold and UFOs: Writing Sci-Fi Under the Midnight Sun 4pm-5pm Heavy Metal: Full Contact Medieval Combat 5pm-6pm Lord of the Tongues: The Language Universe of J.R.R. Tolkien 5pm-6pm Reading Comics in Class with Ken and Joan Steacy

10am-11am Antique Comics Road Show: Comics Appraisal Tips. 11am-12pm Better Inking Techniques with Misha Donohoe 11am-12pm Manga Swap & Talk

Talks & Panel Discussions Friday, Aug. 8th

Sunday: Aug 10th 10am-11am Get Medieval: the Society for Creative Anachronism 11am-12pm A Foot in the Door: Inside Look into Working in Creative Industries 12:30pm-1:30pm Becoming Stan: Self-Publishing Comics

Workshops & Artist Demos Friday, Aug. 8th 4:30-5:30 Tiny Brushes: Miniature Painting Workshop 6pm-8pm Fantasy Masque-making Workshop Saturday, Aug. 9th 10am-11am So Kawaii! Manga Art with Amber Church 10:30am-1:30pm Animation 101 Workshop 1:30pm-2:30pm Ink Stain'd Wretches: Tips & Tricks with Comic Book Pros

Cosplay Contests Youth 18 & under: August 9th, 4pm Adults: August 9th, 9:30pm (at the Costume Ball)

Gaming Tournaments & Drop-ins Pokemon Trading Card Game Friday, August 8th 4-8pm Learn to Play / Build Decks Saturday, August 9th 10am-5pm Learn to Play / Build Decks Sunday, August 10th 10am-2pm Learn to Play / Build Decks Magic the Gathering Friday, August 8th 4:15pm-8pm Friday Night Magic Tournament Saturday, August 9th 10am-7pm Learn to Play / Build Decks 2pm-7pm YukomiCon Magic Championship Sunday, August 10th 10am-2pm Learn to Play / Build Decks 10am-2pm YukomiCon Youth Magic Championship Settlers of Catan Saturday, August 9th 12pm-7pm YukomiCon Settlers of Catan Championship (Finals may be held on Sunday, based on number of entrants)

League of Legends PC Gaming Tournament Friday, August 8th 4pm-8pm League of Legends 3v3 Tournament Sunday, August 10th 12pm-2pm League of Legends Tournament Semi-Finals and Finals Quake III PC Gaming Tournament Saturday, Aug. 9th 10am-7pm Quake III Tournament Sunday: Aug. 10th 10am-12pm Quake 3 Tournament Playoffs Minecraft Tournament (Youth Only) Saturday, Aug. 9th 10am-7pm Minecraft Tournament Sunday, Aug. 10 10am-12pm Minecraft Tournament Playoffs Role-Playing Game Demonstrations Try out the following great RPGs with our expert Game Masters: Dungeons & Dragons Next (5th Ed.) Pathfinder Warhammer 40,000: Dark Heresy RPG Schedule Friday, Aug. 8: 5:30pm-7:30pm Saturday, Aug. 9: 11am-7pm Sunday: 10:30am-2pm

Come Meet our Special Guests! TV Celebrities Kevin Sorbo Magda Apanowicz Comics Pros Brandon Graham Simon Roy Ken Steacy Joan Steacy Richard Forgues Jesse Davidge Jeff Martin Pro Cosplayer Vickybunnyangel

Costume Ball on Saturday Night!

$15, ages 19+ only free drink ticket at the door for YukomiCon passholders

YukomiCon Major Sponsors:

Yukon Brewing Company | What’s Up Yukon Beaulieu Graphics | J Prentice Illustration | TKS Photography




New Projects Open for Public Comment



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Old Crow Fuel Depot

Dawson City (Dawson City)

Other Industrial Activities

Flame & Moth Development and Production Program

Mayo (Mayo)

Mining - Quartz

Class 3 Quartz Exploration- BettyHayes

Pelly Crossing (Mayo)


Construction of New Home – Upper Liard

Watson Lake (Watson Lake)







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August 11, 2014

August 19, 2014



16°C  low 10°C



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05:53 Sunset: 22:18

20°C  low 11°C high

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August 15, 2014



20:36 Moonset: 03:24


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YUKON Communities



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ENHANCED LANGUAGE TRAINING Improve your English language and employability skills Many permanent residents, Yukon nominees and protected persons living in the Yukon have significant education, training and work experience. We work with participants to find matches for their skills and experiences.

 22/10






 18/9


 19/10


This FREE 15-week program features Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills Canadian workplace culture and communication Computer skills and using the telephone Employment interview techniques/mock interviews Introduction to local professional communities A variety of field trips and guest speakers Job leads and work experience placements Continuous learning and goal-setting

Next session: September 2 to December 12 Participants may enter the program at any time. Questions? Contact Joe at jbinger@yukoncollege.yk.ca or 668-5260 or Melanie at mmcfadyen@yukoncollege.yk.ca or 6685260. Transportation and childcare subsidies may be available.

Vancouver Victoria Edmonton Calgary Toronto Yellowknife

CANADA/US  23°C Skagway  23°C Juneau  18°C Grande Prairie  21°C Fort Nelson  25°C Smithers  15°C Dawson Creek

     

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NDP calls for explanation of how costs for failed smart meters will be covered months. Canadian Press The government has asked Saskatchewan’s Crown InvestREGINA ments Corp. to investigate. Two he Opposition NDP want the independent labs have been hired Saskatchewan government to test the meters. and its power company to better Watson said people shouldn’t explain how they will manage the worry in the meantime, noting expensive replacement of failed that he has a smart meter on his smart meters. own home. NDP Leader Cam Broten said He said there has only been people who live in the province one house fire and that was will foot the bill unless the govbecause of an issue with a socket ernment can recover every dollar behind the smart meter, not the spent on the program. meter itself. He also said the “What is unacceptable is for house was not properly groundSaskatchewan rate payers to pick ed. up the tab for this costly and SaskPower said it is also imdangerous error,” Broten said proving the safety of the devices, Wednesday. including how they are installed. “I know SaskPower made a “We not only will be retrainstatement saying they were sorry ing the installation staff on new for the problem, and that’s good, safety measures and additional but there needs to be an explana- safety measures, but we’ve added tion as to where the $47 million safety inspectors onto the process will come from.” so that … the process will be as Nine fires have now been resafe as possible,” Watson said ported involving the meters. The Wednesday. province has ordered SaskPower Watson said SaskPower may to remove all 105,000 of the have to delay some projects to smart meters already installed in manage expenses, but the replacehomes. ment cost won’t affect rates. Broten said the government “With a $2-billion corporaand SaskPower need to provide tion, sometimes you have issues clear information on what hapthat are beyond your control pened. and you have to fit it within your SaskPower CEO Robert budget,” he said. Watson said the utility started “The extra cost will be abthe replacement work Tuesday sorbed in our budget this year and we will not require any adand hopes to have it done in six Jennifer Graham


ditional rate increases.” The province pegs the replacement tab at $15 million, but the full cost of the program is expected to be $47 million once the defective meters are removed. Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall has said the government will go after the North Carolina-based company that makes the meters for a portion of the costs. Sensus has defended its equipment. The company said it has conducted lab tests and site inspections at the recent incidents. It said the results so far indicate that some of the fires were caused by holes in the meter boxes that allowed water in, or by power surges.



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‘Dumpcano’ action stalled by cash request Bob Weber Canadian Press

IQALUIT Nunavut official says a plan to douse Iqaluit’s dump fire which has been curling northern nostrils for months has been delayed by the city’s attempt to get someone else to pay for it. “Obviously, yes,� said Darren Flynn of the Community and Government Services Department. “The city has taken the approach that they want somebody else to pay for it and I think they were waiting to see if somebody else would pay for it. “For me to say it hasn’t delayed it, that wouldn’t be accurate at all.� The fire, dubbed the “dumpcano,� has been fouling air with chemicals that include


known toxins since May 20. City and territorial officials are considering a $2.4-million plan to finally extinguish the blaze. The city has asked for financial aid. A meeting that was to be held between city, territorial and federal officials on Friday to discuss the plan was cancelled. The territory then hand-delivered a letter to city officials that pointed out the various options Iqaluit has for financing the fire fight with its own funds. The city has $7.5 million in unrestricted reserves it could use, the letter says. “Maybe they’ve identified other purposes (for that money),� said Flynn. “But if you were saving for a car and along the way the furnace goes in your house, you’re obviously

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building a large pond walled by dirt and garbage and filled with seawater. High-extension excavators would take load after load of burning waste and dunk it in the pool. The waste would then be drained, flattened and stored in a new area. Water from the quenching pond would be pumped onto the burning section of the dump to quell the flames expected to leap up as shovels bit in. Until something is done, the fire will continue pumping smoke from untold thousands of household garbage bags as well as from all the other unsorted waste in the dump. Iqaluit Fire Department/Yukon News Last Thursday, Nunavut’s A fire smoulders at a dump in Iqaluit, Nunavut, on July 16, Health Department released 2014. Although no flames are visible, the stubborn dump air-monitoring figures that fire has been smouldering since May 20. suggested levels of most contaminants emitted by the fire going to change your budget. offered to front the city cash to remain low. “All we’re saying to the city pay for the effort. But levels of dioxins and is that you may need to adjust The job is expensive because furans – both known carcinosome of your priorities.� the combustion is smouldering gens – remain above standards Iqaluit officials did not redeep within a massive pile of set by Ontario. Children, trash about the size of a footturn requests for comment. pregnant women, seniors and ball field and as much as four Flynn said the territory has those with lung problems were storeys deep. already provided support in advised to avoid exposure to the fire’s smoke. A consultant has proposed terms of equipment. It’s also

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Nova Scotia’s fracking pioneer doubtful that province will lift ban natural gas. The wells were the first and only ones to be fracked in the province. HALIFAX They failed to produce any comhe man who pioneered hydrau- mercial quantities of gas, and the lic fracturing in Nova Scotia company is still trying to get rid of says he doesn’t expect the province two holding ponds containing 30 to lift a two-year moratorium on million litres of fracking wastewater. the contentious practice, mainly Later this month, an expert because the government is afraid of panel in Nova Scotia is expected to upsetting a vocal but misinformed release a final report on fracking, minority. and the provincial government has Peter Hill, chairman of Denver- promised to render a quick decision based Triangle Petroleum, says the on whether to lift the moratorium industry could spur Nova Scotia’s that started in 2012. stalled economy and reduce its reliThe head of the panel, Cape ance on polluting, coal-fired plants, Breton University president David but he believes fear-mongering by Wheeler, has already said the outspoken critics has spooked the province should not proceed with province’s politicians. fracking until a broader public “There’s a level of emotion that discussion is held and more studies is out there that is very difficult are completed. to dampen down and politicians Hill says he’s been impressed by will respond to that,” he said in an the 10 discussion papers produced interview from Houston. by the panel, but he adds that it “The politicians will be free to appears Wheeler has been cowed respond to the vociferous minority. by hundreds of angry citizens who … I don’t think they want to solve showed up at a series of public this thing right now. It’s too difficult meetings last month. and politically charged.” “I get very disappointed when I Triangle Petroleum drilled several test wells in central Nova Scotia in 2007 and 2008, but only golf three involved hydraulic fracturing, trophies a process that forces pressurized 207 Main St. 668-3447 water and chemicals into layers of rock to release trapped oil and Michael MacDonald Canadian Press


hear it’s got to be a longer period (of discussion) when under everyone’s feet sits a lot of gas that may be able to be pulled out of the ground in a sustainable, commercial and environmentally safe fashion,” Hill says. Barb Harris, a spokeswoman for the Environmental Health Association of Nova Scotia, attended four of the public meetings, all of which drew big crowds. “It was overwhelmingly people who were opposed, and a few people who had come to learn and one person at each meeting who was in favour of fracking,” said Harris, an environmental health researcher. The province’s energy minister, Andrew Younger, has said he’s worried anxiety over his pending decision is “tearing communities apart.” Ken Summers, a member of the Nova Scotia Fracking Resource and Action Coalition, says the meetings may have had an impact on Wheeler’s thinking, but Summers believes the real turning point came in April when an independent group of

Andrew Vaughan/The Canadian Press

Protesters gather outside the Nova Scotia legislature in Halifax to show their opposition to the use of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in 2011.

leading Canadian scientists released a report on fracking. The report, produced by the Council of Canadian Academies, concluded that even though fracking could produce big economic


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benefits across Canada, there is significant uncertainty on the risks to the environment and human health. Summers says the Nova Scotia government wants to avoid repeating the mistakes made in New Brunswick, where the provincial government has not only endorsed hydraulic fracturing but has made the issue a main plank in its bid for re-election on Sept. 22. The New Brunswick government’s stand has prompted numerous public protests, including a violent demonstration last October near Rexton in which a half-dozen police cars were burned and 40 anti-fracking protesters were arrested. “They made a miscalculation,” says Summers, who lives in Minasville, N.S., not far from Triangle Petroleum’s wells. “They thought they could ease people into this and it’s not working. … You have a government that went ahead and didn’t think it would be as politically risky as it turned out to be.”

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Tensions build in Ukraine over whether Russian army near border will step in to protect rebels Yuras Karmanau Associated Press

DONETSK, UKRAINE he steadily advancing Ukrainian army is setting its sights on the largest rebel-held city in eastern Ukraine, while Western officials on Wednesday warned that a Russian military buildup on Ukraine’s border could herald a major incursion to protect the separatists. President Vladimir Putin has resisted mounting pressure from Russian nationalists to send the army in to back the mutiny in eastern Ukraine. Even though the U.S. and NATO would be unlikely to respond militarily, the West would be certain to impose major sanctions that would put the shaky Russian economy on its knees – and could quickly erode Putin’s power. Russia already is showing signs of economic dismay from sanctions imposed earlier this year, and U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday said U.S. sanctions against Russia are straining the country’s economy. But Putin on Wednesday showed Moscow aims to fight back, calling on government


agencies to develop a list of agricultural imports from sanctions-imposing countries that could be banned for up to a year. The state news agency RIA Novosti later quoted an official from Russia’s plant and veterinary oversight service as saying all U.S. agricultural products would fall under the ban. “When you see the buildup of Russian troops and the sophistication of those troops, the training of those troops, the heavy military equipment that’s being put along that border, of course it’s a reality. It’s a threat, it’s a possibility – absolutely,� U.S. defence secretary Chuck Hagel said Wednesday. U.S. and NATO officials say there are now about 20,000 Russian troops massed just east of Ukraine. Pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine have been fighting the Kyiv government since April. Ukraine and Western countries have accused Moscow of backing the mutiny with weapons and soldiers, a claim the Russian government has repeatedly denied. The West has also accused Russia of most likely providing the insurgents with surface-toair missiles that may have been

Adding to the concern is Russia’s proposal in recent days for a humanitarian mission to eastern Ukraine. “We share the concern that Russia could use the pretext of a humanitarian or peacekeeping mission to send troops into eastern Ukraine,� NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said in an emailed statement. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said NATO secretary-general Anders Fogh Rasmussen will visit Kyiv on Thursday to meet President Petro Poroshenko and other officials. Humanitarian concerns Evgeniy Maloletka/AP Photo A pro-Russian rebel stands at a tank guarding a checkpoint in are rising as Ukrainian forces come closer to encircling the Shakhtarsk, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, yesterday. city of Donetsk and continue their fight against the proused to shoot down a Malaysia than it was a few days ago, or Russia rebels in the large city Airlines passenger jet over two weeks ago.� of Luhansk. rebel-held territory on July 17, A U.S. official told the AsMoscow has pushed for a killing all 298 people on board. sociated Press that U.S. intelcease-fire in the east, but the The prime minister of The ligence shows Russian forces Ukrainian government has Netherlands, whose nationals continue to shell Ukrainian appeared bent on riding the made up more than half of the positions from inside Rusmomentum of a series of revictims, said Wednesday that sian territory and send heavy cent military advances to crush the search for victims’ remains weaponry – including artilthe rebels. is being halted because fightlery, armoured vehicles and On Wednesday, Putin ing in the area of the crash air defence equipment – from site makes it too dangerous to a separatist training facility in ordered government agencies to draw up a list of food and continue. southwest Russia. The official agricultural products to be Polish Prime Minister Don- was speaking on condition of banned. The order indicated ald Tusk said he believed “the anonymity because he wasn’t that Russia has no inclination threat of a direct intervention authorized to discuss intelli(by Russia) is definitely greater gence matters publicly. to back down over Ukraine,

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but could show it is trying to force a resolution to the conflict by non-military means. While an overt military move into Ukraine would be deeply risky for Russia, Putin also faces agitation from nationalists who want Russia to take more assertive action. Aleksandr Dugin, a prominent nationalist ideologue, wrote on his Facebook page this week that Luhansk faces a siege like that of Leningrad in WWII – an analogy resonating in the heart of patriotic fervour. The nearly 900-day siege by the Nazis is one of Russia’s major touchstones of suffering and valour. “Luhansk has to be saved urgently, otherwise it will be the same baseness as the military aid that wasn’t shown� earlier when nationalists were

calling for Russia to intervene, he wrote. In the Kalininsky neighbourhood only 5 kilometres east of Donetsk’s central square, rebels and civilians were milling around outside after a night of what many said they believed were Ukrainian air strikes. There were eight craters at the scene that appeared to be the result of aerial bombing. In another rebel stronghold, the city of Horlivka about 35 kilometres north of Donetsk, the city council said in Wednesday’s statement that 33 civilians have been killed and 129 wounded by shelling over the past few days. The claim couldn’t be independently verified. As the Ukrainian military intensified its campaign

against the rebels, heavily populated areas have increasingly come under attack. Kyiv adamantly denies launching artillery barrage and air raids against residential neighbourhoods and accuses the rebels of firing at civilian areas. The government has offered little evidence to prove its claims, which Human Rights Watch and others have questioned. Ukrainian security spokesman Andriy Lysenko categorically denied Wednesday that Ukrainian airplanes have carried out airstrikes on Donetsk, Luhansk or other cities and residential areas. Alexander Pivko, an emergency worker at the scene, didn’t believe it. “It was an aerial attack, and two warehouse workers were injured,� he said, adding that

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no one in the neighbourhood had been killed. The only buildings damaged in this industrial neighbourhood were a warehouse, a boiler room and an auto repair shop. But one crater from an explosion was only 10 metres away from a nearby residential building. “I ran with my two children to hide in the basement after the first strike,� said Marina Sibekina, a 30-year-old teacher. “A plane was in the air and in about five minutes a second explosion rang out.� “The rebels built a base here, but we’re the ones who suffer,� she said. Soviet-era weapons in the Ukrainian military arsenals lack precision, making collateral damage in urban warfare inevitable.

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The Ukrainian government has moved in swiftly on the rebel forces, ousting them from smaller towns in the region and tightening their grip on the regional capital cities of Donetsk and Luhansk. Until recently, Donetsk saw little fighting other than a rebel attempt in May to seize the airport. But the city has come under more shelling in recent weeks, and local authorities estimate that around 200,000 people in the city of 1 million have left. The U.N. has estimated that more than 1,100 civilians have died in the conflict since April. As the rebels struggle to push back Kyiv’s forces, fears of Russian intervention have grown. Russia has denied any buildup on the border.




The 2014 Yukon Culinary Festival presented by TIA Yukon and Air North, Yukon’s Airline, kicked off on July 31st with four days of culinary activities that included events in Carcross, Whitehorse, Faro and Dawson City. This was the Yukon Culinary Festival’s second year. The number of events that sold-out well in advance, coupled with the enthusiasm and positive feedback from participants already has everyone excited for the 2015 Yukon Culinary Festival! This year’s festival featured tastes of the Pacific Northwest and included culinary experts from regions that border the Yukon, local culinary experts from various parts of the Yukon, as well as celebrity chefs from Toronto. Visiting chefs this year included: t t t t

Celebrity Chef Christian Pritchard (Toronto, ON) Celebrity Chef Ted Reader (Toronto, ON) Playing with Fire Executive Chef Eric Rogers (Toronto, ON) Former Executive Chef of Clayoquot Wilderness Resort & Owner of RedCan Gourmet, Chef Tim May (Tofino, BC) t Edible Canada President & Executive Chef Eric Pateman (Vancouver, BC) t Aurora Village Executive Chef Pierre LePage (Yellowknife, NWT) t StarFire Senior Chef Marco Desmond (Skagway, AK) For many of the chefs it was their first time visiting the Yukon. All of the chefs are keen to return and have expressed interest in participating in next year’s festival. The Yukon Culinary Festival is a true example of a grassroots initiative. The amazing thing about the Yukon and the people who live here is that any idea, no matter how small, can be developed into something with meaning and substance if the community rallies to support it. As the facilitators of the Yukon Culinary Festival, we were truly awestruck by how many individuals, businesses and organizations stepped up to the plate and pitched in to make this event the success that it was. The festival could not have happened without these generous contributions. TIA Yukon could not ask for a better partner to co-present this event than Air North, Yukon’s Airline, one of the last airlines in North America to serve in-flight meals and a company that believes in the value of using local foods as much as possible. Big thanks in particular to Deb Ryan for her tireless efforts in promoting Yukon culinary and for continuing to be a voice of encouragement and vision that has helped the Yukon Culinary Festival reach the goals that it has. Thanks as well to Chef Michael Bock for the dishes he prepared at Feast of Farms and the delicious meals he designs for us to enjoy during flights to, from and within the territory. Special thanks to our major sponsors Northern Vision Development and Yukon Brewing for their continued support of the Yukon Culinary Festival, especially NVD’s Adam Gerle and Yukon Brewing’s Jasmine Sangria for the time and energy that they devoted to helping organize events. We also appreciate the contributions of the Yukon Department of Tourism and Culture, Parks Canada and What’s Up Yukon, who were all big sponsors for this year’s festival. This year, the Yukon’s communities were well represented during the festival and this was only possible because of some key organizers on the ground. In Faro, the Town of Faro was instrumental in the planning the community’s “Wild Game Frenzy”. In Carcross, the Carcross Tagish Management Corporation, the Bistro on Bennett and Caribou Crossing Coffee coordinated the events put on in Carcross during the festival. In Dawson City, Rose Hebert (Klondike Institute of Arts and Culture) and Brian Stethem (Klondike Visitor’s Association) went above and beyond to organize two full days of culinary activities in the Klondike.

In Whitehorse, the Yukon Historical and Museums Association’s Nancy Oakley deserves recognition and commendation for the SSK Soiree that she organized in conjunction with the first ever SSK Croquet Tournament, which added a unique flare to the Yukon Culinary Festival. The organizers of the Frog Mountain Food Festival put together a great event and we were happy to collaborate with them on marketing Yukon culinary. Thanks to our culinary consultant Miche Genest, for all the time spent advising, facilitating and cooking; Art Webster for his input and efforts to engage restaurants; thanks as well to the Yukon Conservation Society, Bev Grey and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society for facilitating foraging walks in and around Whitehorse. The Feast of Farms event was a fantastic venue, hosted by Rivendell Farm. Big thanks to Mary and Rolland Girouard for being such great hosts, Potluck Food Co-op for the volunteers they provided, Holland America for providing transportation, the Alpine Bakery, the Gr8ful Spud, the Yukon Beer Festival, Aurora Village, StarFire and the Yukon Agricultural Association. Special thanks to the Fireweed Market’s Colin O’Neill who not only coordinated logistics for the Fireweed Market Cooking presentations but also played an essential role in organizing the Feast of Farms. A big thanks to all of the restaurants that participated in our Yukon restaurant tours: the Wheelhouse, Antoinette’s, the Edge, the Chocolate Claim, Café Balzam, the Downtown Grill, Aloha Taco, the Westmark Inn Dawson City and the Aurora. The Yukon Culinary Festival also recognizes the contributions of the Yukon Department of Economic Development, the Yukon Agriculture Branch, G-P Distributing, the Culture Cruiser and the Danoja Zho Cultural Centre. Thanks once again to all of the local food producers, local culinary-based entrepreneurs, local culinary experts, local chefs and local organizations that took part in this year’s festival. The Yukon Culinary Festival is built on the foods that you harvest, produce and prepare, and as the festival coordinator, TIA Yukon is proud to be able to help showcase these foods to visitors and potential visitors to the territory. Thanks once again and stay tuned for news about the 2015 Yukon Culinary Festival! Sincerely,

Executive Director, TIA Yukon A delicious dish of herb ravioli filled with pheasant confit, sage and morel mushrooms garnished with crumbled goat cheese and a pesto of lambs quarters and spinach. Created by Air North’s Chef Michael Bock and served at the Feast of Farms on August 3

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Dust explosion at car parts factory in eastern China kills 69 people, injures nearly 200 Gillian Wong

is a supplier to GM’s global supplier Dicastal,� the statement said. BEIJING Police took away five senior suspected dust explosion Zhongrong executives to assist at an automotive parts in the investigation, officials factory in eastern China that said, without providing details. supplies General Motors killed A woman who answered the at least 69 people and injured main phone line at the Zhonmore than 180 others, state grong metal company said media reported Sunday, again it is a Taiwanese enterprise. highlighting workplace safety She refused to give her name, that remains a concern. any other information or the It was China’s most serious contact numbers of company industrial disaster since a fire staffers handling the case. at a poultry plant killed 119 people in June last year. Workplace safety is a major Saturday morning’s exploproblem in China, where sion occurred when more than safety regulations are often ig200 workers were on the site nored and enforcement can be of the factory, which is in an lax. In June 2013, 119 workers industrial zone in the city of were killed when a fire raced Kunshan, officials from the through a chicken processcity said at a news conference. ing room at a poultry plant Kunshan, in Jiangsu province, in the northern province of is about 1,000 kilometres (600 Jilin. The fire appeared to have miles) southeast of Beijing. been sparked by an explosion State broadcaster CCTV caused by leaking ammonia, showed footage of large officials said. plumes of thick, black smoke Sixty-two people were rising from the plant, and AP Photo/Yukon News killed and scores injured in the news websites posted photos Medical staff move a severely burnt victim of an explosion at an eastern Chinese automotive eastern port city of Qingdao in of the dead or injured lifted parts factory from a hospital in the city of Kunshan, Jiangsu Province to a Shanghai hospital November when onto the back of large trucks, last Saturday. their bodies black, presumably a pipeline exploded. Investigafrom burns or soot. tors said the blast was caused people and injuring another tion showed that the blast was to come into contact with a The explosion occurred at by sparks from a jackhammer 20. likely a dust explosion, Xinspark, such as fire, an over7:37 a.m. at a workshop in the hua said. Chinese newspapers heated surface or electrical being used to repair a manhole The factory is operated by factory, which polishes wheel reported Sunday that workers discharge from machinery. the Kunshan Zhongrong Metal cover following an oil leak. hubs. Rescuers pulled out 44 at the factory had complained Products Company, which acSuch dust explosions have bodies at the site, while 25 over the past years about been blamed for other deadly cording to its website was set New Inventory other people died at a hospidangerous levels of dust and fires. In 2012, a dust explosion up in 1998 and has registered Arriving Weekly! tal, officials said. At least 187 inadequate cleaning practices in an aluminum lock polishing capital of $8.8 million. Its people were injured. in the facility. workshop in the eastern Chicore business is electroplating More than 120 of the inA dust explosion is caused nese city of Wenzhou killed 13 aluminum alloy wheel hubs, jured were sent to hospitals in by the fast combustion of people and injured another 15. and it supplies GM and other Kunshan and the nearby city Three years earlier, aluminum companies, the website said. of Suzhou. Burn experts from particles suspended in air powder exploded in an abanIn a statement, GM cona Shanghai hospital arrived in in an enclosed space. The doned factory being rented particles could include dust firmed that Zhongrong is part Kunshan to help, the official out as temporary housing in of its network of suppliers. 1o867o668o2137 Xinhua News Agency reported. or powdered metals such as www.drivingforce.ca the city of Danyang, killing 11 “We can confirm Zhongrong A preliminary investigaaluminum. They would have Associated Press



Yukon Human Rights Commission The Director reports to the members of the Human Rights Commission. The Director is responsible for the administration of the Human Rights Act and for the overall management of the Human Rights Commission ofďŹ ce.



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Some ambassadors who knew of brutal CIA interrogations told not to discuss them Ken Dilanian and Eileen Sullivan Associated Press

WASHINGTON Senate report on the CIA’s interrogation and detention practices after the Sept. 11,2001 attacks concludes that the agency initially kept the secretary of state and some U.S. ambassadors in the dark about harsh techniques and secret prisons, according to a document circulating among White House staff. The still-classified report also says some ambassadors who were informed about interrogations of al-Qaida detainees at so-called black sites in their countries were instructed not to tell their superiors at the State Department, the document says. The 6,300-page Senate report on the CIA’s interrogation program has been years in the making. The findings are expected to reveal additional details about the CIA’s program and renew criticisms that the U.S. engaged in torture as it questioned terrorism suspects after the 2001 attacks. A congressional official who has read the Senate report confirmed that it makes the findings outlined in the document. A former senior CIA official said the secretary of state at the time, Colin Powell, eventually was informed about the program and sat in meetings in which harsh interroga-


tion techniques were discussed. But Powell may not have been informed when the techniques were first used in 2002, the official said. A spokeswoman said Powell would not comment. The former CIA official said it would be standard practice for ambassadors informed about a covert operation to be instructed not to share it with others who did not have a “need to know,” as determined by the National Security Agency. Ambassadors in countries in which the CIA set up black sites to interrogate prisoners were usually told about it, said the official, who, like others interviewed for this story, would not be quoted by name because some of the information remains classified. It’s not entirely clear exactly which U.S. officials knew about the practices at the time they began. The four-page White House document contains the State Department’s proposed talking points in response to the Senate report. It’s not clear who wrote it or how influential it will be in tailoring the Obama administration’s

ultimate response to an investigation that has been the subject of bitter disputes. It is common practice for the White House to solicit talking points from key agencies involved in responding to a major news event,

in the coming weeks, concludes that the CIA used brutal techniques on detainees that failed to produce lifesaving intelligence, and then misled Congress and the Justice Department about the interrogation program. Current and former CIA officials hotly dispute the conclusion that the techniques – which included waterboarding or simulated drowning – failed to produce crucial information, as do some Senate Republicans. The fight over the report has poisoned the relationship between the CIA and Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee, and left the White House in a delicate position. President Barack Obama has branded some CIA techniques torture and ordered them stopped, but he also relies heavily on the spy agency, which which the release of the Senate report still employs hundreds of people who will be. This document is significant were involved in some way in the because it also reveals some of the re- interrogation program. port’s conclusions as well as the State The report does not draw the legal Department’s concerns about how conclusion that the CIA’s actions conthe program will be portrayed around stituted torture, though it makes clear the world. that in some cases they amounted to The Senate report, a summary of torture by a common definition, two which is expected to be made public people who have read the report said,

The report “leaves no doubt that the methods used to extract information from some terrorist suspects caused profound pain, suffering and humiliation. It also leaves no doubt that the harm caused by the use of these techniques outweighed any potential benefit.”

speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the still-classified document. The State Department wants to embrace the conclusions of the Senate report and blast the CIA’s past practices, according to the document. “This report tells a story of which no American is proud,” the document says in a section entitled “Topline Messages (as proposed by State).” “But it is also part of another story of which we can be proud,” the document adds. “America’s democratic system worked just as it was designed to work in bringing an end to actions inconsistent with our democratic values.” The Senate report, the State Department proposes to say, “leaves no doubt that the methods used to extract information from some terrorist suspects caused profound pain, suffering and humiliation. It also leaves no doubt that the harm caused by the use of these techniques outweighed any potential benefit.” Those methods included slapping, humiliation, exposure to cold, sleep deprivation and the near-drowning technique known as waterboarding. The document then lists a series of questions that appear to be designed to gauge what reporters, members of Congress and others might ask about the Obama administration’s response to the Senate report.

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Vancouver area woman reunites Japanese fisherman with item lost in 2011 tsunami Steven Chua Canadian Press

VANCOUVER Vancouver-area woman will board a plane on Monday to return a piece of Japanese tsunami debris that washed ashore after the deadly 2011 earthquake, ending a cleanup in British Columbia while reconnecting a fisherman half a world away with his father’s past. Twenty-three-year-old Hanako Yokota, who worked on the debris cleanup near Ucluelet, B.C., is returning a plastic fishing pallet to a Japanese man who recognized it as equipment passed down from his father after seeing the distinctive markings etched on its side. Yokota’s trip will conclude a twoyear cleanup effort by the District of Ucluelet and a student club called the Japan Love Project that removed up to 10 tonnes of tsunami debris from B.C. shores. “It’s like a final mission,” said Yokota, who is originally from Yokohama. In March, Japan Love helped a volunteer group from Japan travel to Canada’s West Coast to clean up tsunami debris that washed ashore in the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve’s Broken Group Islands. Volunteers found the 34-kilogram pallet, and writing on the equipment allowed them to trace it back to the Minami Sanriku region in Japan, which was hit hard by the 2011 tsunami. A volunteer who returned to Japan showed a picture of the pallet to a local oyster fisherman, who asked for it to be returned after he recognized the inscription on the pallet as name of his boat. The pallet was given to him by his father, who also fished for oysters. The volunteer contacted Yokota, who will be giving the fisherman back his pallet.


HO/The Canadian Press

Hanako Yokota (left) and Karla Robison hoist a fishing pallet retrieved near Ucluelet, B.C. Yokota will board a plane to Japan to return the pallet to its rightful owner.

Many fishermen in the region had their possessions swept away during the 2011 tsunami, Yokota said, and items with historical or sentimental value were lost forever. That’s why bringing the pallet back to the fisherman is so important, she said. “This pallet that he’s been using for generations means a lot to him, because it reminds him of his past,” Yokota said. Karla Robison, who also helped manage the cleanup, said the item is highly valued because most fishing gear manufactured before 2011 was lost in the disaster. “This pallet has been used for many, many years up and down the coast of Japan,” said Robison. “The

majority of the fishing gear was replaced with new material because all the older gear was swept away, and so this pallet can act as a relic.” Robison, who is the environmental and emergency service manager of the District of Ucluelet, said reuniting the fisherman with the equipment helps strengthen relationships between Canada and Japan. “It acts as a reminder to everybody to show their respects to all those affected,” she said. “It also acts as a reminder for both countries – and other countries located in that

Regular Council Meeting August 11

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At 5:30 pm in City Hall Council Chambers: Public Input into Conditional Use – 169 Titanium Way; New Options Zoning Amendment – Fir and Elm Streets; Second Quarter Capital & Operating Variance Reports; History Book Bylaw; Authorize Council Travel – Various Events.

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ring of fire – to be prepared for emergencies.” “It also helps to illustrate the strong bonds that we have between Japan and Canada, and it showcases how we’re connected by the Pacific Ocean.”

“It’s quite amazing,” said Robison. “Everybody that’s been part of these cleanup programs really hopes this fisherman and his family and the community he resides in can find peace and comfort and fond memories and inspiration from this item.” Mayor Bill Irving of Ucluelet said his district had been very active in the collection of tsunami debris. “We are pleased to participate in the return of this item to its original owner and are thankful it brings some comfort to his family in Japan,” he said in written statement. The March 2011 earthquake disaster in Japan killed about 19,000 people. The quake also triggered a tsunami and multiple meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. More than 100,000 people are still unable to go home due to fear of radiation contamination from the plant. The Japanese government said the tsunami swept an estimated 1.5 million tonnes of debris into the Pacific Ocean. The amount is equivalent to about half the solid waste produced in the Metro Vancouver area in 2010. The items have been widely dispersed by ocean currents and winds. Heavier debris sank close to Japanese shores while lighter materials have clustered in debris fields in the ocean.

Bylaw Readings: 2014-28 – History Book Bylaw (1st & 2nd); 2014-27 – Fir & Elm Zoning Amendment (1st).

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Yukon-grown veggies don’t skip a beet Researchers are diligently testing varietals and fertilizers to come up with the perfect recipe for sweet summer treats.

Alistair Maitland/Yukon News

Agrologist Matt Ball address agricultural enthusiasts at the Yukon government research farm on Wednesday.

Myles Dolphin News Reporter


ust fifteen minutes from dowtown Whitehorse, researchers are excited about the latest crop of haskaps, agrias, linzers, caribes and Detroit Supremes. Agrologist Matt Ball and other members of the Yukon government’s agriculture branch welcomed the general public to its research farm on Wednesday, located at the Gunnar Nilsson and Mickey Lammers Research Forest. The experimental farm has a number of plots where researchers are studying which varieties of crops can survive in Yukon’s harsh climate. Beets, potatoes, currants and apples are among the plants and trees being grown at the site. The big news this year, Ball said, was the growth of Detroit Supreme beets across multiple rows. “You can’t really see any dif-

ference across these five rows,” he said to a group of roughly 30 attentive guests. “No matter if you’re adding organic fertilizer, blood meal, bone meal, sulphate of potash or compost – you can get really good yields. It just takes a few years for the soils to build up.” Now in the fifth year of production, the beet greens looked lush and healthy. Ball said the key is to make sure gardeners amend their soils, as Yukon soils are generally low in organic matter and carbon. He pointed to a row of beets where nothing had been added to the soil and their size paled in comparison to the healthier ones. Weed management was another topic of discussion. The weeds are all hand picked and usually easier to get rid of if they’re old, said Ball. Researchers use a Quadivator, a cultivator implement that attaches to the back of an ATV,

for marketability. Barton is looking at different varieties, such as the rode, linzer and agria, to determine their size and taste. The potatoes will be presented at the North of 60 banquet at the end of the year and were more recently showcased during the Yukon Culinary Festival. Another highlight of this year’s crops is the haskap fruit, a cross between a blueberry and a grape. Tony Hill, director of the Yukon’s agriculture branch, told the group the fruit is high in antioxidants and rich in flavour. “It has the same maturing Alistair Maitland/Yukon News period as the strawberry and I Tony Hill, director of Yukon’s agriculture branch, think we’ll be seeing a lot more demonstrates proper pruning technique. of it in the future,” he said. More than 30 acres of the be diligent with weed manageas a method for weed control. fruit have been planted around ment.” “The timing is important as the territory this year, he added. Brad Barton, another reyou have to catch those weeds A barbecue featuring Yukonsearcher at the site, talked about when they’re young,” he said. grown foods was held prior to potato yields and the impor“Lambsquarters (an annual the tour of the research farm. tance of understanding how summer weed) can produce Contact Myles Dolphin at about 50,000 seeds. You have to they grow and their potential myles@yukon-news.com




Newfoundland: a bee haven that offers research clues as global hives struggle Sue Bailey

haven. Jennings said there are now about 38 beekeepers with PARADISE, N.L. hundreds of colonies. There ewfoundland’s healthy has been growing interest in honeybees are an increas- Labrador but long winters ing draw for researchers in the with extreme cold pose a marace to understand why colojor challenge, he explained. nies across much of the globe It’s a tiny sector are struggling or dying off. compared to other “There is definitely interplaces in Canada est in what’s happening here,” but Newfoundland said Dave Jennings, a director produces a growwith the provincial Natural ing array of beesResources department. wax products. The “There are fewer and fewer honey is a particuplaces as we look around the larly pure wildworld now that can claim to be flower variety that free from the major bee pests. sells out quickly to local consumers, And we’re one of the few.” Jennings said. Honeybees are crucial polThere are no recorded cases linators for fruit, vegetables of predominant bee parasites and other crops. But stressors such as Varroa destructor or blamed for decimating hives Nosema ceranae that have around the world include plagued honeybees elsewhere. invasive parasites such as And the absence of massive the Varroa destructor mite, corn and soybean farms on the climate change and the use of rocky island with its comparapesticides. The Canadian Honey Coun- tively short growing season means neonic pesticides are cil has estimated that the bee population across the country hardly used, Jennings said. An international panel of has dropped by about 35 per 50 scientists last month called cent in the past three years. for tighter regulations and an The island of Newfoundultimate phase-out of such land, however, is gaining attention as an increasingly rare products. The group calling Canadian Press


itself the Task Force on Systemic Pesticides compared so-called neonics or neonicotinoids, a type of insecticide that’s chemically reminiscent of nicotine, to the use of DDT in the 1960s. It said a study of 800 re-

to keep the pests out.” The province relies on the co-operation of beekeepers and is also assessing its control of bumblebee imports used to pollinate cranberry and blueberry crops, he added. “It’s something we’re keeping our eye on.” Recent studies highlight how different species can pass on parasites, said Geoff Williams, a senior research associate at the Institute of Bee Health at the University of Bern in Switzerland. “Certainly with any type of import, whether or not it’s a honeybee or a bumblebee, there’s the threat of this transmission of pathogens.” Williams said Newfoundland can help researchers gauge the toll of the rampant Verroa destructor mite and other parasites elsewhere. “There’s really only a handful of locations across the globe that don’t have this mite,” he said. “It gives you great baseline data of what honeybee populations were like … before Verroa.”

“There are fewer and fewer places as we look around the world now that can claim to be free from the major bee pests.” search papers offers conclusive evidence that neonics sprayed as a preventive pesticide over crops or to coat seeds are killing bees and other insects on a massive scale. As for mites, Newfoundland’s sheer distance from infected mainland bees means they would most likely only be introduced if imported. “You basically can’t import honeybees in this province without getting a permit,” Jennings said. “We very much restrict that because we want

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Williams visited Newfoundland in 2010, collecting samples from hives around Corner Brook and St. John’s for research that was part of an article last month in PLOS ONE, an international, peerreviewed online scientific journal. He laughed when asked about reports that even the bees in Newfoundland are friendly. “It depends on the day,” he said. “Certainly when I was over there I didn’t have any issues with really aggressive bees.” Beekeeper Aubrey Goulding and his wife, Viola, run Paradise Farms Inc., selling beeswax candles, skin balms and honey in Paradise, N.L., outside St. John’s. His bees are among the healthiest on the planet, he said. But he dreads that mites will somehow be brought to the island. He called for ongoing vigilance when it comes to bee imports and said residents can also help. “Honeybees do visit people’s lawns, clover and even dandelions. So if you can refrain from using pesticides, that’d be a great plus for the bees.”




First Nation says report shows government played down scope of mercury poisoning Paola Loriggio Canadian Press

TORONTO or years, the federal and provincial governments have known members of a northern Ontario First Nation suffered from mercury poisoning but failed to provide adequate compensation or health care, band members said last week. The Grassy Narrow First Nation said it has obtained an unreleased government report that found there is “no doubt� people in the community of roughly 1,600 near Kenora, Ont., suffered from mercuryrelated neurological disorders – something the band said officials have never formally acknowledged. “The government has been sitting on this report since 2009,� Grassy Narrows Chief Roger Fobister Sr. said in a news conference in Toronto. Meanwhile, the Mercury Disability Board, which includes both levels of government, “continues to overlook the sick people of Grassy Narrows,� Fobister said. The report was commissioned by the board, which administers compensation for those whose health suffered as a result of mercury poisoning. The board could not immediately be reached for comment. A spokesman for the Ontario Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs said members of Grassy Narrows sit on the board and would have reviewed the report when it was presented in 2010. The board also held an open house in


the community to discuss the report, Scott Cavan said. Both provincial and federal governments said they continue to work to address the issue of mercury contamination. A spokeswoman for Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada said Ottawa has contributed more than $9 million in compensation to Grassy Narrows and Wabaseemoong First Nations for economic and social development initiatives. Critics nonetheless called for the report to be publicly released. “A coverup involving the poisoning of an entire community is not something you expect to hear about here in Ontario,� NDP Aboriginal Affairs critic Sarah Campbell said in a statement. “The government owes it to residents to release any information they have about the issue, and to take con-

crete steps to address ongoing health, nutrition and environmental issues stemming from the industrial waste.� Water around Grassy Narrows has been contaminated with mercury since a local paper mill dumped an estimated 10 tonnes of neurotoxins into the system between 1962 and 1970. Grassy Narrows and the Wabaseemoong Independent Nations negotiated an out-ofcourt settlement with Ottawa, the province and two paper companies in the 1980s. The board was created as part of the settlement. The report compared the board’s decisions in several cases with diagnoses made by Japanese experts on Minamata disease, a neurological syndrome caused by mercury poisoning, who examined the community between 1975 and 2004. It found the board recognized only 38 per cent of the

cases identified by the experts, noting the discrepancies “are due to different criteria used for evaluations.� “The approach used by the Mercury Disability Board to assess whether or not an applicant has signs or symptoms consistent with mercury poisoning was designed based on the state of science and knowledge of the impact of mercury on human health in the 1980s,� it reads. Judy Da Silva, a Grassy Narrows member and activist, said people are being turned away by the board and forced to file appeals, only to remain unsuccessful. “Everyone should have gotten automatic compensation forever,� she said. “For us to go and beg for pennies is ridiculous.� The band is calling for the government to formally apologize for allowing its people to suffer from mercury poisoning and step up com-

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pensation and care. It also wants the government to clean up the water and block clearcutting projects that could exacerbate the situation. The province established a mercury working group more than a year ago, but Da Silva, who is part of the group, said progress has stalled without participation from Ottawa. Cavan said the group, which includes several provincial ministries as well as First Nations members, continues to meet and develop strategies to address mercuryrelated issues. “They are researching economic development opportunities for the community, including commercial fishing and guiding with further discussions to take place later this summer,� he said, adding the group is also looking at educational opportunities for youth.

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Army Corps agrees to disclose oil pollution from dams in historic settlement Nigel Duara Associated Press

PORTLAND, ORE. or the first time in its history, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will have to disclose the amount of pollutants its dams are sending into waterways in a groundbreaking legal settlement that could have broad implications for the Corps’ hundreds of dams nationwide. The Corps announced in a settlement Monday that it will immediately notify the conservation group that filed the lawsuit of any oil spills among its eight dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers in Oregon and Washington. The Corps also will apply to the Environmental Protection Agency for pollution permits, something the Corps has never done for the dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers. The settlement filed in U.S. District Court in Portland ends the year-old consolidated lawsuit by the conservation group Columbia Riverkeeper, which said the Corps violated the Clean Water Act with unmonitored, unpermitted oil discharges from the eight hydroelectric dams. No one outside the Corps knows how much pollution is being flushed into waterways every day. The agency doesn’t have to track it and, before Monday, no one with sufficient authority compelled them to do so. The settlement reflects the recent tack of the EPA regulating the environmental impacts of energy. The agency recently came up with regulations of mountaintop removal for coal and fracking for oil and gas. As part of the settlement, the Corps admits no wrongdoing but will pay $143,000 in attorneys’ fees. The consolidated cases were dismissed. “This is the right thing to do,� said Brett VandenHeuvel, Columbia Riverkeeper’s executive director. “There have been several large, high-profile spills in the last decade that made it harder for them to ignore this issue of oil on the river.�


to say what the impact (of pollution) on water was,� Powers said. Nationally, the settlement could force all unpermitted dams to obtain National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits from the EPA. The eight dams affected by the settlement are the Bonneville, the John Day, The Dalles and McNary in Oregon and the Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, Little Goose and Lower Granite in Washington state. Environmentalists will closely watch the type of permit issued by the EPA, Powers said. A “sitespecific� permit likely would include limits that the Corps would have to meet on the amount of oil discharged. If the EPA instead issues a general permit, environmenJackie Johnston/AP Photo talists would be less sanguine The Ice Harbor dam on the Snake River in Pasco, Wash., in 2006. about its prospects, Powers said. General permits are less effective The Corps’ Northwest and report its day-to-day pollution, law, they have been engaged in compelling change because national offices on Monday in unpermitted discharge for but it must report spills. That’s they are issued without specific referred questions to the U.S. years,� said Melissa Powers, an what happened in January 2012, metrics that must be met, she environmental law professor at Department of Justice, whose when it detected slow leaks of said. Lewis & Clark Law School in attorneys negotiated the settle1,500 gallons of oil from its In 2009, the EPA found a host Portland. “They should have ment. Ice Harbor dam into the Snake of toxins in fish on the Columlong ago said, ‘This is how much River near Pasco, Washington. Justice Department attorney bia River, including polychlowe’re discharging. Here are the Wyn Hornbuckle indicated the The spill included toxic PCBs, rinated biphenyl, a potentially environmental impacts.�’ agreement applies to the eight an industrial insulator that has carcinogenic synthetic that was Monday’s settlement will dams in question, but he did not been shown to be harmful to banned from production in the immediately respond to follow- force the Corps’ hand. To dishumans. U.S. in 1979. charge pollutants into waterup questions concerning the In July 2013, Columbia The eight dams use turbines ways, the polluters must obtain national impact of the deal. Riverkeeper sued and demanded that have shafts and hubs filled permission from state and The settlement will allow to know what the Corps was with oil or other lubricants. The federal governments. Before the sending into the water and how oil leaks to the surface, along oversight of the dams by the EPA, a responsibility the agency settlement, the EPA knew about much of it was going in. with oil from drainage sumps, the unpermitted discharges from has sought but never obtained. “When you’re not regulated transformers and wickets that the dams, but the Corps said in EPA representatives did not under a permit, you don’t have control water flow. immediately return messages or letters to state agencies that it is not accountable to the EPA. emails seeking comment. The Corps argued in the The EPA had the authority to regulate the dams’ pollution be- same letters that disclosing the fore the settlement, but it could mechanical workings of the not compel the Corps to file for dams as part of an oil-discharge summary could compromise a pollution permit. The Corps Champaign and Aishihik First Nations also will be forced to switch to a their security. The Corps doesn’t have to biodegradable lubricant for its dam machinery if an internal study finds it financially feasible. The Corps isn’t just a polluter, NOTICE DATE - AUGUST 7, 2014 however. It also is a regulator of AN ELECTION WILL BE HELD FOR: pollution under the Clean Water One (1) Chief Act. The act grants the Corps the authority to issue permits One (1) Elder Councillor for the discharge of materials One (1) Youth Councillor excavated from or put into U.S. Four (4) Councillors waterways. “Under the letter of the Thursday, October 16, 2014 from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Notice of Election

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Nomination forms can be picked up at the CAFN Administration Office in either Haines Junction or Whitehorse or downloaded from the CAFN website: www.cafn.ca All nomination forms must be submitted by 4:30 p.m., Thursday, September 4, 2014 to the Chief Returning Officer and can be: t delivered in person at the CAFN Administration OfďŹ ce: in Whitehorse from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm or in Haines Junction from 2:00 – 4:30 pm, Sept 4th. t delivered by contacting the CRO through the information listed below. Georgina Leslie, Chief Returning Officer Po Box 130 108 Elliott St, Whitehorse, YT, Y1A 6C4 867 332-0501 Cafnelection2014@gmail.com




Free shipping may soon be the new normal as retail competition intensifies Linda Nguyen

retailers to see how they can compete either by adding extra value, better customer service.” TORONTO While a behemoth retailer hen Walmart Canada like Walmart may be able to introduced free shipping absorb the costs of shipping, it on all online purchases last would be a challenging task for year, it was a clear message to smaller retailers to its rivals that it was gearing up be able to offer the for a fight. same without raisCraig Patterson, an analyst ing prices, he said. who runs the online news The head of emagazine Retail Insider, said commerce at Walthe move by one of the world’s mart Canada says largest retailers was bold, setit wanted to offer a ting a new standard in going seamless transition the extra mile for consumer between online and dollars. in-store shopping “This means war. It’s a decla- by eliminating any ration of war, no question,” he minimum pursaid from Vancouver. chase requirement. For the last few years, a “It’s not about an e-combattle has been waging among merce channel, or about a store retailers trying to set themchannel anymore,” said Simon selves apart, as entrants such as Rodrigue, vice-president and U.S. giants Target and Nordgeneral manager of Walmart.ca. strom arrive to compete for the “It’s really about the customer same customers. in the middle. If they want to “What this comes down to is buy online, if they want to buy building trust with the custom- on the phone, if they want to er,” said Patterson. “Walmart buy in store, we want to make knows that if they offer free sure we’re servicing them.” shipping, they are coming out Retailers have long struggled punching. When someone like with free shipping in Canada, Walmart does it, there is gogiven the size of the couning to be scramble from other try and the cost of shipping Canadian Press


quickly to remote areas. The compromise, it seems, is to offer free shipping on minimum purchases, which can offset some of those costs. Rodrigue said Walmart’s ability to offer free shipping

which allows Ontario customers to buy items online and pick them up - with a special access code - from lockers at 10 designated stores or at the company’s head office. Last month, online retailer Amazon announced that it was offering unlimited free shipping for six months to students in Canada through its Amazon Prime Program. After that, students pay half price for the annual service, which is regularly $79.99 in Canada. “We designed to 97 per cent of the country, this by thinking about our cusand even free next-day shiptomers and finding a segment ping to most big cities, has of our customers that have helped it lure customers who interesting needs that we can either didn’t know they could fulfil,” said Alexandre Gagnon, purchase online the same items country manager for Amazon. found in the store, or were reca. luctant to try shopping on the The offer is aimed at stuwebsite. dents who live in residences or The Walmart Canada website dormitories, who usually don’t now lists more than 175,000 have access to transportation, items and gets about 400,000 but still need regular deliveries visitors a day. Next month, of groceries, household items Walmart is preparing to launch and stationary supplies. The its new click and collect service, hope is that the service will be

“This means war. It’s a declaration of war, no question. … Walmart knows that if they offer free shipping, they are coming out punching.”

so valuable that these students will turn into long-time customers. Gagnon said Canadian consumers are coming to expect low-cost and free shipping with their purchases, but they still expect retailers to offer the whole package: a wide product selection, competitive prices and excellent customer service. With more consumers opting to shop on their mobile phones, tablets and laptops, retailers are quickly realizing that they must be able to offer the same kind of experience online that customers receive in-store, said marketing strategist Brynn Winegard. “It’s a growing expectation among consumers, especially around heavy shopping times like Christmas, that there’s free shipping,” she said. “Everyone’s busy so it becomes increasingly required and valuable for retailers to give them their time back and online shopping is a way to permit that.” CHECK OUT THE JOB SECTION IN THE

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Pastor Deborah Moroz pastor.tlc@northwestel.net


Riverdale Baptist Church 15 Duke Road, Whse 667-6620 Sunday worship Service: 10:30am REV. GREG ANDERSON


Quaker Worship Group RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Meets regularly for Silent Worship. For information, call 667-4615 email: whitehorse-contact@quaker.ca

Christ Church Cathedral Anglican

1609 Birch St. (Porter Creek) 633-5385 “We’re Open Saturdays!” Worship Service 11:00 am Wednesday 7:00 pm - Prayer Meeting All are welcome.

4th Avenue & Steele Street • 667-2437 Masses: Weekdays: 12:10 pm. Saturday 5 pm Sunday: 9 am - English; 10:10 am - French; 11:30 am English

2060 2ND AVENUE • 667-4889

Pastor Mark Carroll Family Worship & Sunday School

at 10:30 AM

St. Nikolai Orthodox

Christian Mission

Saturday Vespers 5:00 pm Sunday Liturgy 10:00 am FR. JOHN GRYBA 332-4171 for information www.orthodoxwhitehorse.org

403 Lowe Street Mondays 5:15 to 6:15 PM

Seventh Day Adventist Church

Sunday 10:00am Prayer / Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Wednesday Praise & Celebration 7:30 pm Pastor Roger Yadon


Meditation Drop-in • Everyone Welcome!

www.vajranorth.org • 667-6951

149 Wilson Drive 668-5727

Baptist Church

Vajra North Buddhist Meditation Society

website: quaker.ca

Sacred Heart Cathedral

First Pentecostal Church

Rigdrol Dechen Ling,

(Roman Catholic)

Bethany Church

Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Family Service 10:30 am - Noon Filipino Service 4:00 - 5:00 pm Sunday School Ages 0-6

91806 Alaska Highway Ph: 668-4877

4TH AVENUE & ELLIOTT STREET Services Sunday 8:30 AM & 10:00 AM Thursday Service 12:10 PM (with lunch)


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For more information on monthly activities, call (867) 633-6594 or visit www.eckankar-yt.ca www.eckankar.org ALL ARE WELCOME.

Church of the Northern Apostles

An Anglican/Episcopal Church Sunday Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School during Service, Sept to May

THE REV. ROB LANGMAID 45 Boxwood Crescent • Porter Creek 633-4032 • All Are Welcome

OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9:00 AM to 12 Noon

Bahá’Í Faith

TAGISH Community Church

Box 31419, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 6K8 For information on regular community activities in Whitehorse contact:

Meeting First Sunday each Month Details, map and information at:


www.tagishcc.com 867-633-4903

Calvary Baptist

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Meeting Times are 10:00 AM at 108 Wickstrom Road

1301 FIR STREET 633-2886

Northern Light Ministries

Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Pastor L.E. Harrison 633-4089



The Temple of Set


Religion of the Light and Sound of God

St. Saviour’s

Anglican Church in Carcross

Regular Monthly Service: 1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month 11:00 AM • All are welcome. Rev. David Pritchard 668-5530

Dale & Rena Mae McDonald Word of Faith Ministers & Teachers. check out our website!

or call 456-7131 Yukon Muslim Association 1154c 1st Ave • Entrance from Strickland

www.yukonmuslims.ca For further information about, and to discover Islam, please contact: Javed Muhammad (867) 332-8116 or Adil Khalik (867) 633-4078 or send an e-mail to info@yukonmuslims.ca




Cybersleuth offers to help cops nab Russian thieves who stole 1.2 billion passwords Holden’s announcement. “Alex isn’t keen on disclosing his methods, but I have seen his research and data firsthand and can say it’s definitely for real,” said Krebs. “Without spilling his secrets or methods, it is clear that he has a first-hand view on the day-to-day activities of some very active organized cybercrime networks and actors.” More than a day after his discovery was revealed in a New York Times report, Holden said he had not heard from any law enforcement agencies. He said he hopes investigators do contact him and added that his firm would be happy to co-operate. Chase Cunningham, lead threat intelligence agent for cloud security company Firehost, spent years tracking Russian crime syndicates with the

Martha Mendoza Associated Press

LAS VEGAS he hackers are a tight knit group, ten or 11. They live in a Russian town, and have real jobs. But in their down time, the cybercriminals have spent the past seven months gathering a hoard of personal data, stealing 1.2 billion user names and passwords in a series of Internet heists affecting 420,000 websites, according to Alex Holden, chief information security officer for Hold Security, whose firm uncovered the breach. The Russian hackers had been collecting databases of personal information for years, but Holden told the Associated Press Wednesday that in April the group began deploying a new online attack technique that quickly shot from computer system to computer system as unwitting infected users visited random websites. “Their cache of stolen goods grew quite quickly,” said Holden, who has not revealed details about the websites that were breached or the names of other victims. A native of Kyiv who now lives in Milwaukee, Holden has conducted research that contributed to other exposures of major hacks, including a breach at Adobe that exposed tens of millions of customer records. He said he had been tracking the Russian criminals for seven months, but only was able to begin reviewing their massive cache of databases during the past few weeks. He timed his announcement to coincide with


FBI and the NSA. At Black Hat on Wednesday, he said Hold Security has “uncovered one of the largest caches of data ever seen.” To date, Hold Security says it has only seen the Russian hackers use the personal data to spam social media, for example, hijacking a Twitter account and posting a weight loss ad. And Holden said he’s only seen payments ranging from $200 to $1500 – although he’s unsure if that’s per person or for the entire group – for creating that spam. Cunningham said he expects the Russian criminals will do much more with their illicit collection, which could prove lucrative. “They can make money hand over fist with this,” he said.

Attention MINERS

Murdoch’s Gem Shop is now accepting mining gold for melt. David Becker/AP Photo

Chief information security officer Alex Holden of Hold Security, LLC appears during the Black Hat USA 2014 cyber security conference on Wednesday, in Las Vegas. Russian hackers have stolen 1.2 billion user names and passwords in a series of Internet heists affecting 420,000 websites, according to Holden, whose firm uncovered the breach.

the annual Black Hat USA cybersecurity conference this week in Las Vegas, where it created quite a buzz. Brian Krebs, who investigates

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online cybercrime and blogs about it, said his phone and email were inundated while he was at the conference Wednesday with people asking about

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Author cuts off Internet, hides cellphone to write book about tech addiction He’d apparently violated an unspoken rule by not immediately responding to his TORONTO pal’s text. Ignoring it wasn’t an ichael Harris hit his option, as the insistent pings breaking point during an would just keep coming. all-too-typical day at the office. Fed up with the relentless Hunkered down in front of barrage of distractions that his dual-monitor computer punctuate a life lived almost setup, populated with dozens entirely online, Harris vowed of web browser tabs fighting to go a month without his for his attention, he peered phone and any Internet access. down at the third glowing He documents the experiscreen in his periphery, a cellment in his new book, The phone urgently demanding a End of Absence – Reclaiming response. What We’ve Lost in a World of “Are you alive or what?� Constant Connection, which explores the consequences of read a friend’s text message. Michael Oliveira Canadian Press


Hey Dawson! The Yukon News is available Fridays and Sundays at the Dawson City General Store and Maximilian’s Gold Rush Emporium.

being too plugged into technology at the expense of deep thought and self reflection. It was sobering to quickly realize just how addicted he was to his digital soothers and the instant gratification of reading social media streams, using Google to look up facts in a blink, and idly conversing by text messaging. “I experienced what I called withdrawal symptoms,� says Harris, who admits that his month of going without the web – which largely consisted of quiet walks in the woods and reading Leo Tolstoy’s tome “War and Peace� – didn’t cure him of his addictions.

“I would dream about texting people and had constant compulsions to go check my email and a kind of anxiety around it. “The closest to epiphany that I got was realizing how deep that addiction and compulsion really is. (Now) every moment that I go online has to be a choice, and if it’s not a choice, I have to be aware of how passive I’m being.� As the title of the book implies, Harris does urge people to consider spending a little less time online to get reacquainted with their inner voice. “If you’re looking at Face-

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book every 30 seconds you aren’t managing the same kind of thinking and the same kind of critique that you can manage with longer pieces of attention. In those moments of absence we find a way to develop a richer interior life,� he says. “If you don’t have moments of solitude or reverie or daydreaming you’re not going to develop a rich interior life, you’re not going to break away from groupthink in a meaningful way. “It’s about finding a healthy media diet.� As difficult as his digital detox was, he imagines it’d be even tougher for members of today’s younger generation who have never lived without the Internet. “We’ve got this rare, rare opportunity to witness a huge technological shift,� Harris says. “I think it’s important, because we get to – if we take the chance – put down for future generations in books or however what it was that came before, what absence and solitude (were like), what the value of that was.� The Yukon home of

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For more information, please visit whitehorse.ca/ amendments Email comments by noon on August 11, 2014 to publicinput@whitehorse.ca Attend the Public Input Session at City Hall Council Chambers on August 11 at 5:30pm Contact Roy Neilson at 867-668-8334 or roy. neilson@whitehorse.ca for details.





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Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial UpďŹ t Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). †Ford Employee Pricing (“Employee Pricingâ€?) is available from July 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014 (the “Program Periodâ€?), on the purchase or lease of most new 2014/2015 Ford vehicles (excluding all chassis cab, stripped chassis, and cutaway body models, F-150 Raptor, F-650/F-750, Mustang Shelby GT500, 50th Anniversary Edition Mustang and all Lincoln models). Employee Pricing refers to A-Plan pricing ordinarily available to Ford of Canada employees (excluding any Unifor/CAW negotiated programs). The new vehicle must be delivered or factory-ordered during the Program Period from your participating Ford Dealer. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. *Until September 30, 2014 purchase a new 2014 F-150 STX Regular Cab 4x2 (200A package)/F-150 XLT Super Cab 4x4 with 5.0L engine/F-150 XLT Super Crew 4x4 (300A package) for $22,390/$30,901/$33,035 after total Ford Employee Price adjustment of $7,809/$11,348/$11,114 is deducted. Total Ford Employee Price adjustment is a combination of Employee Price adjustment of $2,059/$4,598/$4,864 and delivery allowance of $5,750/$6,750/$6,250. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after total Ford Employee Price adjustment has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,800 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel ďŹ ll charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any eet consumer incentives. **Until September 30, 2014, receive [$3,585/ $4,630]/ [$3,505/ $5,255]/ [$2,510/ $4,516]/ [$1,755/ $3,977]/ [$7,747/ $9,895]/ [$1,640/$4,275]/ [$735/$14,393/$14,911] / [$10,141/ $13,459]/ [$10,407/ $13,781]/[$1,280 /$1,809/ $2,175] / [$3,675/ $5,814] / [$1,370/ $3,457]/ [$1,870/ $4,344] / [$2,680/ $8,637]/ [$1,595/ $6,188]/ [$2,085/ $2,645] in total Ford Employee Price adjustments with the purchase or lease of a new 2014 C-Max [Hybrid SE/Energi SEL]/ E-Series [E-150 Commercial Cargo Van/ E-350 Super Duty XLT Extended Wagon]/ Edge [SE FWD/ Sport AWD]/ Escape [S FWD/ Titanium 4x4]/ Expedition [SSV 4x4/ Max Limited 4x4]/ Explorer [Base 4x4/ Sport 4x4]/ F-150 [Regular Cab XL 4x2 6.5’ box 126â€? WB/ Super Crew Platinum 4x4 5.0L 5.5’ box 145â€? WB/ Super Crew Limited 4x4 6.5’ box 157â€? WB] / F-250 [XL 4x2 SD Regular Cab 8’ box 137â€? 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Delivery allowances are not combinable with any eet consumer incentives. ‥F-Series is the best-selling pickup truck in Canada for 48 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales reports up to December 2013 †††Remember that even advanced technology cannot overcome the laws of physics It’s always possible to lose control of a vehicle due to inappropriate driver input for the conditions Š2014 Sirius Canada Inc “SiriusXMâ€? the SiriusXM logo channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc and are used under licence Š2014 Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited All rights reserved



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Native DJs bring a beat and a message A Tribe Called Red will play Whitehorse and Dawson next week

Submitted Photo/www.atribecalledred.com

A Tribe Called Red will perform in Whitehorse at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Tuesday at 7 p.m. and at the KIAC Odd Fellows Ballroom in Dawson City at 8 p.m. on Wednesday.

Alistair Maitland News Reporter


Tribe Called Red is back. The critically-acclaimed DJ crew gained many fans on its last visit to the territory two years ago, when they played Frostbite in Whitehorse and a Moosehide Gathering fundraiser in Dawson. The innovative artists will play both towns again next week. The group has been mixing electronic dance music with traditional pow wow vocals and drumming since 2010. They call their unique blend Electric Pow Wow, and it’s been bringing audiences to their feet across Canada and internationally. But it’s not all about the dancing. The group promotes indigenous people taking control of representations of indigenous people. Group member Ian Campeau, a.k.a. Deejay NDN, successfully led the charge to have the Nepean Redskins Football Club change its name and logo. The group is a fitting pick for upcoming shows, organized by local

organizations that promote the empowerment of First Nation youth. Earlier this year when the organizers of Moosehide Gathering put out the call on Facebook to help put together the Whitehorse show, Stephanie Chevalier was tagged in the post. Chevalier, working as a management consultant with the Northern Cultural Expressions Society, brought the idea to the organization and it was quickly adopted. The NGO is all about youth and their empowerment. It has done so through its well-known Sundog carving program as well as its cultural resilience programming, funded through the federal National Crime Prevention Strategy. The culturally relevant programming focuses on at-risk aboriginal youth between the ages of 12-18. “The more challenging, bring it on,” says NCPS program supervisor, Naomi Crey. From student to instructor to her current role, Crey has been managing the program for the past four years.

She is used to thinking outside the box when it comes to engaging youth. Traditional forms of artistic and professional development, such as the carving program, is a success but NCES doesn’t shy away from incorporating contemporary art and artists. Last year, program funding was used to organize a community tour for the contemporary indigenous audio-visual collective, Skookum Sound System. But community tours, workshops and camps are not the same as a full production performance. NCES wanted the A Tribe Called Red show to be big but focused: streamlined with the organization’s target on aboriginal youth engagement, empowerment and reconnection with their traditional roots. To bring the project to fruition, NCES sought the collaboration of the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre to host the show and the staff of the Adaka festival for their expertise. Summer students fresh from their experience with the festival in

July put their skills to use for the A Tribe Called Red show. “One of our biggest strengths is our relationships. If we didn’t have all our relationships we wouldn’t have gotten as far as we did,” said Crey, speaking of the success of NCES. “I think it’s important to have A Tribe Called Red because up here in the Yukon, with only 30,000 people, it’s good to inspire those kids. And they get to network with the film crews, they get to network with the hip hop dancers, so they know there’s more going on out there,” says Crey. Sundog Carving Studio coordinator Colin Teramura puts it simply, “I think another thing with A Tribe Called Red is it’s the same thing when we go to communities, Mayo or Faro, carving isn’t traditional there – we’re not trying to make them into carvers. “These kids, the example that they set, they found something and they dedicated time and energy and passion all into it. So now after all that effort, all that time, this is what

they’re producing. “So when you walk kids through that process, and the hard work that they do to get there, they can see that there’s light at the end of the tunnel. If you stick to something you can find it. “Maybe it’s carving, maybe it’s, y’know, your passion is hip hop. Whatever it is, find it, follow it.” When asked what it is these youth will find at the end, the answer was, “fulfillment.” The NCPS funding is going to end this November. Instead of lamenting the end of the associated programming, Crey thought it preferable to celebrate its successes at the show. NCPS support staff and 15 youth will canoe to the KDCC and receive a traditional welcome to honour their achievements. The Whitehorse show will take place Tuesday, August 12 at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre. A Tribe Called Red plays the KIAC Odd Fellows Ballroom in Dawson on the next day.




Rob Ford musical casts Sheldon Bergstrom of Saskatchewan as lead Victoria Ahearn

When they agreed, he sent them “love letters� as well as a video of him singing “Mustang Sally� and what he calls “a Rob Ford version� of Amy Winehouse’s “Rehab.� He later sent them more videos and had friends, family members and fellow actors from across Canada campaign for him via Facebook and Twitter. Producers say he ended up winning the role over nearly 100 other hopeful actors, including one who’s starring on Broadway. “He’s kind of like a Shakespearean cartoon character,� Bergstrom said at the Factory Theatre, wearing a Ford-esque suit complete with a red tie and a handkerchief to wipe the perspiration off his forehead. “I am so lucky to be playing him.� Bergstrom said he was also keen on getting the part because he wanted to work on a new musical and had long been wanting to collaborate with book/lyrics writers Brett McCaig and P. Joseph Regan, as well as composer Anthony Bastianon. The portly performer also bears a resemblance to Ford – something he’s further emphasized by cutting his brown hair short and dyeing it blond. McCaig said that resemblance, as well as Bergstrom’s talent, got him the part. “Sheldon has been very

Canadian Press

TORONTO fter campaigning nearly as hard as a candidate in Toronto’s mayoral race, Sheldon Bergstrom of Prince Albert, Sask., has landed the role of Rob Ford in an upcoming new musical comedy about the city’s embattled mayor. “I’ve been fascinated by him for a long time,â€? the actorsinger-comedian told the Canadian Press on Tuesday. “All across Canada, all throughout the world, people are watching this man, this mayor of ‌ Canada’s greatest city, and he has managed to pull off some amazing things and pull off some crazy things in his time as mayor.â€? “Rob Ford the Musical: Birth of A Ford Nationâ€? is set to debut at Toronto’s Factory Theatre from Sept. 16 to 28. The 90-minute show has 10 original tunes and sees a “spiritual guideâ€? leading Ford through the past year of his tumultuous life – including his admitted drug use and stint in rehab. Bergstrom, 42, said he was starring in the musical “Hairsprayâ€? in Edmonton when auditions for the role of Ford were held earlier this summer, so he wrote to the producers and creators “and begged them and pleadedâ€? for an opportunity to try out.


added. “I’d love Rob to come down and give the opening-night speech or the closing-night speech. This is not 90 minutes of Ford bashing. It’s a balanced look at the whole year, of all the players in it.â€? Bergstrom is happy the script gives Ford “a fair shake.â€? “I don’t want him to feel like he’s been picked on and made fun of. It’s not about that,â€? he said. “This is a musical comedy, so there’s certainly some jabs, but the best thing about the script is that nobody is safe.â€? Chris Young/AP Photo McCaig said he’s hoping the Actor Sheldon Bergstrom poses for a photo in Toronto on show will have an extension, Tuesday, Aug. 5 as he prepares for the role of Toronto Mayor and he has ambitions of going Rob Ford in the upcoming musical “Rob Ford the Musical: off-Broadway with the proBirth of A Ford Nation.â€? duction – depending on how the mayoral race turns out. they’ll show him exploding genuine. We looked all over “The story dies if Rob in the middle of a city meetCanada and we saw a ton of doesn’t get voted back in,â€? he ing and just scaring people to people and he was the perfect death, and I would think: ‘First said. “If Rob gets voted back Rob Ford.â€? in, I think we’ve got legs for a Liz Gilroy directs the show, of all, that guy looks like me, which has several other recog- and second of all, he’s kind of continued run, for sure.â€? crazy, someone should write a nizable characters, including councillor brother Doug Ford show about him.â€?’ McCaig said they only reand novelist Margaret Atwood. She’ll be played by Lisa cently wrote the last few pages of the script, as they were Horner, who recently made a splash as Madame Thenardier waiting to see if Ford’s life would take yet another unexin a Toronto production of pected turn. “Les Miserables.â€? “We’ve got the ending ‌ Bergstrom said before landing his part, he was mostly fa- but we’re leaving room for possible antics,â€? he said. miliar with Ford’s “dark sideâ€? He also put a “shout outâ€? – the “crazy anticsâ€? he’d catch on the news in Saskatchewan. to the Ford brothers to see the Request for Bids show but hasn’t heard back, he “Every once in a while

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The City of Whitehorse will be holding a bid process for one mixed-use commercial development lot located at 708 Ogilvie Street. Bid Packages will be available as of 9:00 am August 5 at City Hall, 2121 Second Avenue. Please note that the package is not available at the Municipal Services Building. The deadline for applications to be received at City Hall is before 2:00 pm on Tuesday, August 26, 2014. Bid opening will occur at 2:30 pm on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 at the City Hall Council Chambers. The minimum upset price for this lot is $395,000 (not including GST). Only bids above $395,000 will qualify. All enquiries to: land@whitehorse.ca Phone: 867-668-8346 For more information visit: whitehorse.ca/ogilvie



Yukon News

Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

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Yukon News

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Sale ends Sun Aug 10

Prices in effect until Sunday Aug 10, 2014 at the Whitehorse location only. If any advertising error is discovered, the Whitehorse Sports Experts will make corrections and notify customers as soon as possible. We reserve the right to limit quantities purchased. ®Registered trademark of FGL Sports LTD. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owner(s).








and WIN! All those who like our new Facebook Page by August 31st will be entered into a draw to win one of 3 $100 Gift Certificates! Go to www.facebook.com/SportsExpertsYukon




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If the shoes fits: Keke Palmer to be Broadway’s 1st black Cinderella Tony-nominated Laura Osnes, then put on by “Call Me Maybe” Canadian pop star Carly NEW YORK Rae Jepsen and currently worn ike many girls, actress and by Paige Faure, who launches singer Keke Palmer grew a national tour in the title role up dreaming of meeting a this fall. prince who would whisk her Palmer, who will be making away to a life of love and hap- her professional stage debut, piness. In her case, it’s going will rely on a host of skills to happen – eight shows a she’s developed from film – week on Broadway. including “Barbershop 2: Back Palmer said she’ll be stepin Business” and “Akeelah and ping into the title role in the Bee” – her BET talk show, “Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “Just Keke,” and on TV in Cinderella” starting Sept. 9 Showtime’s “Masters of Sex.” at the Broadway Theatre. She Her albums include the 2007 will become the first AfricanCD “So Uncool” and a selfAmerican to play the part on titled 2012 EP. the Great White Way. She has played Chili in “It’s honestly one of those “CrazySexyCool: The TLC things that I can’t believe is Story” and starred in Nickelreally happening,” Palmer odeon’s “True Jackson, VP.” said by phone Friday from Palmer also appeared opposite her Los Angeles home. “I’m Cicely Tyson and Vanessa Wilvery excited. Very excited and liams in Lifetime’s “A Trip to nervous as well – a bunch of Bountiful,” which was nomifeelings all at once.” nated for an Emmy Award. Palmer, 21, is stepping into “She acts beautifully, she the sparkly shoes first worn by dances, she sings – she’s an Mark Kennedy Associated Press


amazing young woman,” Tony Award-winning producer Robyn Goodman said. “I think she’s going to be just so lovely.” The Illinois-born actress’s parents, Sharon and Larry Palmer, both worked as professional actors, and young Keke said she grew up watching theatre and welcomes the discipline it will give her. “Theater offers so much more than I haven’t been able to access doing film and TV and everything like that,” she said. “I’m very excited to learn all that it has to offer – that focus and that dedication to perform at a certain level every night.” One of Palmer’s heroines growing up was the singer and actress Brandy Norwood, who played Cinderella in a 1997 TV movie opposite Whitney Houston. “I feel like the reason I’m able to do this is definitely because Brandy did it on TV,” Palmer said. “In me doing this, it shows everybody that everything is possible.” The producers of “Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella” have always been colourblind about casting the show, which Actors Equity honoured for excellence in diversity on

Good Night! Wind up your day with everything you need. 867-667-6283

Broadway last year. “We’ve always just cast the best people for the parts. Sometimes they’re AfricanAmerican, sometimes they’re Latino, sometimes AsianAmerican,” Goodman said. “It’s wonderful when it works out and we’ve finally found our Cinderella.” The traditional fairy tale has been given a sly and witty makeover by Douglas Carter Beane, who updated the story for a new generation. The songs by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II include “In My Own Little Corner,” ‘’Impossible/It’s Possible“ and ‘’Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful?“ “Every girl’s dream is that story so to be able to play is going to be a dream come true for me. Not to mention that Stuart Weitzman made the glass slippers I’ll be wearing,” Palmer said, laughing. Winning the role of Cinderella is the latest breakthrough for African-Americans on Broadway, joining Norm Lewis as the first black man to play the title role in “The Phantom of the Opera,” Nikki M. James playing Eponine in “Les Miserables,” James Monroe Iglehart as the manic Genie in “Aladdin” and Condola Rashad as Juliet opposite Orlando Bloom’s Romeo. “Look around America. Broadway is a little behind America,” Goodman said.

Northern Cultural Expressions Society

Little Footprints, Big Steps was founded to provide ongoing care and protection for the children of Haiti. We welcome and greatly appreciate your support. Please check our website to donate, fundraise or to get involved.


Back to the Land SUMMER CAMP August August August August

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NCPS Canoe trip and celebration Haines Junction Hike Fishing and Berry picking Art and climbing

These workshops are for youth ages 12-18 years of age interested in Wilderness Survival, Culture and Heritage, Wellness, out on the Land Activities. www.littlefootprintsbigsteps.com

This ad sponsored by the

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call Naomi at 335-5920 or workshops@northernculture.org

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Dying homeless find treatment, comfort through mobile palliative care program Sheryl Ubelacker Canadian Press

TORONTO hey’re too often the forgotten people – or the ones many of us turn a blind eye to as we pass a street corner where they might implore us for extra change: the homeless living rough outside through all kinds of weather or those precariously housed in a cotfor-the-night shelter or a decaying rooming house. But what happens when these people are dying? Where do they find care in their final days? “Being sick is hard. Being sick and homeless can be even harder,� Dr. Naheed Dosani, a palliative care specialist at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, says with obvious understatement. Dosani, a member of a large network of inner-city health physicians, is part of a new program that takes end-of-life care to the homeless and vulnerably housed wherever they are situated. Called PEACH – for Palliative Education and Care for the Homeless – the watchword of the mobile program is to give individuals the dignity of choosing where they receive medical and supportive care, and hopefully where they will able to die. “Most people want to pass away at home with family around them,� says Dosani. “That sentiment is no different for the patients PEACH aims to treat. The only difference is that our patients’ homes are often a shelter and their families may be other shelter clients and staff.� A visit to one of his patients


Chris Young/The Canadian Press

Dan Thibideau sits in his room with Dr. Naheed Dosani (right) at Toronto’s Fred Victor transitional housing centre on Wednesday, July 30, 2014.

brings home that desire with poignant clarity: Dan Thibideau has two wishes – he wants to live out his final days in his furnished unit at the Fred Victor transitional housing centre in downtown Toronto, close to the people who share his world, and to reconnect

Appreciation Night at the Whitehorse Rapids Fishway

with the children he hasn’t seen for almost 20 years. “They made me an offer of going into a hospice, but I said I had my own friends and people to support me,� says Thibideau, who at 59 has advanced lung cancer and at about 100 pounds, is less than half the weight he once was. “My wishes are I didn’t want to be alone. I didn’t want to spend

what I have left alone,� he says softly weeping, sitting on a sagging brown couch that has seen better days. “There’s some people I’ve known for years, they keep an eye out for me and they’re there when I need help,� Thibideau explains, adding that the nurses who check on him and give him his medications are “kind to me.�

“I’m happy they gave me a place to come to that’s close to the people I know. I don’t know any other people that love me.� Life wasn’t always like this for the New Brunswick native, who has lived in Toronto for the last two decades. Back then, the father of two young daughters worked for the Ontario government in the

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FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 2014 ministry of skills development as a senior purchasing officer. “Then I became addicted to drugs. I became addicted to life itself, I guess,� he says wistfully of getting hooked on heroin and cocaine, and ultimately losing his family, job and home. Thibideau admits he’s still on and off the drugs, and his partly filled ashtray is a testament to an ongoing tobacco habit. And although the PEACH program operates on the principle of harmreduction, its practitioners take a non-judgmental approach to their clients. “Good palliative care takes a holistic view of the person who is receiving that care,� says Dosani. “And it’s truly meeting all the biological, psychosocial needs that a patient really requires along their disease journey. “Sometimes when I’m speaking to patients, I describe it as the mind-body-soul specialty.� Besides being treated for cancer-related symptoms – shortness of breath, nausea and pain – Thibideau is on blood thinners

for a severe blood clot in one leg, which Dosani was able to get diagnosed at a local ultrasound clinic, thereby honouring his wish to stay out of the ER and the hospital. The program also helps people like Thibideau, who may have had little or no regular contact with doctors for years, to navigate the health system at a time of greatest need. “It’s hard for ordinary, housed Canadians, it’s hard enough for them to understand, for example, the cancer system and how to access a tertiary palliative care clinic,� say Dosani. “Can you imagine how hard that might be for someone who is vulnerably housed or homeless? For someone who might have comorbid mental illness or substance use? “It’s a huge issue.� Indeed, many of those who end up on the street are there because of a psychiatric disorder or substance abuse, or both. While life expectancy for the average Canadian is about 81, for the homeless it’s estimated at 34

to 47. The rate of premature death among this population is roughly four to seven times higher than that of the general population. Dr. Jeff Turnbull, medical director of the Inner City Health Project for the homeless in Ottawa, says the likelihood of living to age 75 in a shelter is a dismal 25 per cent. “They die of problems that are generally a consequence of addiction and mental health,� says Turnbull, who is also chief of staff at the Ottawa Hospital. “For example, if you’re addicted to alcohol, you may die of end-stage liver disease; if you’re a smoker, you’re going to die of lung cancer; if you’re an IV drug user, you may die of HIV or hepatitis C.� In Ottawa, an 18-bed hospice at the Union Mission provides palliative care for the homeless, who may be transferred there from another shelter or brought in by

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with family from whom they may have been estranged for many years. That’s Thibideau’s other dying wish – to see his two now-grown daughters, who each have children of their own. One lives in Calgary, the other in Shanghai. “I haven’t seen my family, my girls, for 19 years and then we got in touch,� he says, racked by quiet sobs, as Dosani lays a comforting hand on his shoulder. “My brother came from New Brunswick and my other brother from Oshawa (Ont.). And my kids are supposed to come. “My girls finally got in touch with me,� says Thibideau, pointing out a photo of the daughters he regrets leaving “when they were babies� and the grandchildren he has never met. “They love me. I want to see them, that’s all. “That would mean my life would be complete.�

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friends on the street or even the police. Turnbull says many of the people who come to the hospice are lonely and afraid, worried about whether they will linger and die in pain and who will be there to care for them. “To take somebody and say, ‘We will always look after you. We will always be here and you will not be in pain and we will support you,’ most of the time, that’s all you have to say,� he said. “And the sense of relief that they get from just that is dramatic – just the fact that they know that somebody they trust will say, ‘Fine, you’re ours. You will always be ours.�’ Besides providing medical care and a home where individuals can be supported by staff and others in the homeless community, programs such as the Ottawa hospice and PEACH in Toronto will also try, if asked, to connect patients

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American couple with 12 kids living in an RV bring their road trip to Canada Lauren La Rose

trips to Colorado, where their kids still visit their dentist and orthodontist. Dan continues TORONTO his work as a software engineer n less than two years, Dan on the road and the children and Susie Kellogg have are homeschooled, much of it logged tens of thousands of done from books with considkilometres in their RV, and erable focus on reading and they’ve had plenty of company writing, Susie said. along for the ride: their 12 “Everything else from diesel children. mechanics to history to geogWith their eldest child, raphy is done on the road. You Kerry, 20, currently working in learn so much just stopping Colorado, the remaining kids in various places and meeting aged between 18 years to 20 new people.” “We call it road schooling. months have kept on rolling, It’s like hands-on learning,” with the latest leg of the famDan added. “Instead of just ily’s lengthy journey bringing reading about something in a them north of the border. book, you actually get to see it Joined by their three-yearand touch it and experience it.” old golden-doodle, there is no Susie said what has surend in sight to the road trip prised them the most about that has spanned more than the trip is how much closer it’s 91,000 kilometres. made her family. The Kelloggs are kayak“It’s amazing just watching ing enthusiasts, and the sport the kids just with their ability helped in part to inspire their Frank Gunn/The Canadian Press to open their hearts and have journey. The Kelloggs pose for a photo as 11 of their 12 children ham it up in the window of their RV compassion for other people “We were in Tennessee for and each other now that we’ve a kayaking competition… and in Toronto last Friday. been living in a close space someone said: ‘We should do on wheels, Susie said they The family has visited a wide for so long, and travelling and this forever – we should not go more than two dozen states, and document their advenstill have all of their familiar range of destinations, from meeting new people and seeing home,”’ recalled Susie seated tures on their website www. comforts. camping in the sand in Califor- new places and learning about alongside Dan at their campsite kelloggshow.com. To help with “Everybody knows when nia to a recent first-time visit other cultures.” in Toronto. to Niagara Falls. Enthusiasm for the trip has “We started talking about it the planning of their Canadian you’re travelling with kids, “We’ve been to really remote translated to the younger Keland we realized nobody wanted travels, the Kelloggs partnered they have to go to the bathloggs. with Go RVing Canada, a non- room every five minutes and places where we’re dry campto go home.” “It’s just so much better profi t association comprising not everybody goes at once. ing to remote rivers and canSusie said they returned to than being at the house,” said RV manufacturers, component And so you’re stopping more yons and amazing places in the Colorado, had a baby, tried to Maddy, nine, who said their sell their home and hit the road suppliers, dealers and campthan you’re driving. And that mountains,” said Dan. visit to Cascade, Idaho helped grounds. They’re slated to – all within 30 days. doesn’t happen with the RV,” The family is particumake stops in Quebec, Nova Travelling in a RV emblashe said. larly fond of the Ottawa River, take away her fears of kayaking. Eldest son Grady said he and zoned with the words “Kellogg Scotia and New Brunswick. “They’re hungry, they open which is among their planned his brother Brody are looking While their home is now Show,” the family has visited the fridge. They have to go to stops. into the possibility of getting a the bathroom, they go to the “It’s just big water and I love small RV themselves. bathroom. The journey bethe waves that I can surf there, “I like travelling way more comes part of the memory. It’s and it’s really safe,” said Kady, since we’ve been doing it, and not just about the destination 15. I definitely feel that I’ve found any longer.” Susie said they make return what I want to do in life with video editing and game programming as well as kayaking.” Dan and Susie feel that RV The Northern Fund Committee life has afforded them more flexibility and the luxury of of the Pacific Salmon being able to travel at a more Commission seeks proposals gradual pace – and at a cost for salmon related projects in that’s budget-friendly. S.E. Alaska, Northern & Central “We hadn’t taken a family Contributing to a sustainable farm and agriculture community B.C., and the Yukon vacation to the beach in about that involve: seven years before we had Do you have a farm project or agricultural idea bought this because we were 1. Data collection and stock assessment for salmon harvests, just priced out of it. We literthat you would like to make a reality? ally have to stay in three hotel escapement, forecasting of returns, and determining Through Growing Forward 2, the Government of Canada and the rooms or rent a house,” Susie stock composition. said. “To stay on the sand, on Government of Yukon are providing funding to develop agricultural 2. Rehabilitation, improvement or restoration of the beach … a couple of steps projects that enhance regional economic development. A wide range salmon habitat. and you’re in the ocean was of activities are eligible, such as expanding commercial agriculture, $60 a night. That’s unbeatable.” 3. Salmon enhancement through low technology techniques. community gardens or infrastructure and irrigation projects. Susie said there’s a misperFor the 2015 project season, funding will be available for new Contact the Agriculture Branch for more information or to request your ception that individuals need projects in the Northern Boundary and Trans-boundary areas to be outdoorsy to go RVing. copy of the programming guide. that are consistent with Fund goals. “You can enjoy all of the Phone: 867-667-5838 things of camping like the Deadline for “Project Concept” forms to be submitted to the PSC Toll-free: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5838 campfire and the swimming is September 1, 2014. www.agriculture.gov.yk.ca and the time with family, and then when you’re done and it’s More information and “Project Concept” forms available online raining, you go inside and you at www.psc.org or call Angus Mackay in Vancouver, B.C. at have all of the comforts of your 604-684-8081. own home. You’ve got your bed and your A/C and your kitchen. It’s for anybody.” Canadian Press





Women bare bellies in bikinis to support Edmonton mom mocked over stretch marks

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Jason Franson/The Canadian Press

Tanis Jex-Blake, centre, takes part in a bikini protest along with supporters in Edmonton on Wednesday.

Chris Purdy

Jex-Blake said Wednesday at a “Bare Your Bellyâ€? rally in Edmonton. EDMONTON Amid cheers, she doffed a sunfter having five kids, Tanis dress to reveal a pink string bikini, Jex-Blake bravely decided it then joined about two dozen womwas time to head to the beach in a en walking and dancing around bikini. in their swimsuits near a fountain It had been 13 years since the and wading pool outside city hall. Edmonton woman pulled on a Many held signs encouraging two-piece, but didn’t expect her people to love all body shapes. bare belly and stretch marks were Some, like Amanda Lanctot, so extraordinary that they would said Jex-Blake inspired her to put become a topic of conversation on a bikini for the first time in a around the world. decade. The 33-year-old said that she “I saw her story on Facebook was lying on a beach west of the and was just crushed by it,â€? said city last week when two young the 35-year-old mother. “I couldn’t men and a woman pointed and believe someone would do that to laughed at her stomach, and called another human being.â€? her “nastyâ€? and “gross.â€? Carmen Vickery said she was She rolled over and ignored angered by what happened to Jexthem, but tears later gave way to Blake and decided to also show up anger and she posted an open letin a bikini – the first time she’s put ter on her Facebook page describ- one on in a few years. ing the encounter, along with “I used to rock a bikini on a regphotos of her mommy tummy. ular basis,â€? said Vickery, 33. “Then She has since received hunI had kids and it’s like, oh, it’s not dreds of messages, even pictures quite as pretty as it used to be. from other women showing their “But you know what? That’s imperfect mid-sections. Her story because of other people’s opinions has also made news in several getting rubbed off on me. And now countries, including Germany and ‌ it doesn’t matter. I’m beautiful Australia. just the way I am.â€? “It kind of went crazy. I was just Jex-Blake said she’s overexpecting to reach local people,â€? whelmed by the support and Canadian Press


happy to be empowering women to love their bodies. The special education assistant said some of the positive Facebook responses she’s received are from men, even a 16-year-old boy. “He said, ‘I saw your message and I’m so proud of you and I think you’re beautiful.�’ She said she also heard that the three bullies make crude remarks to two other people on Alberta Beach that day – a grandmother wearing a swimsuit and a foreign woman in a thong bikini. She believes her campaign

will make it easier for her to relax on a beach in a bikini again this summer, and hopes other women won’t feel like they have to look like supermodels in magazines. “That’s not what most people look like,� said Jex-Blake. “Just because we don’t look like that, doesn’t mean we should be viewed as any less beautiful.� A Bean North day is a good day.

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Group says saboteur is preventing rescue of cat with head stuck in bird feeder Canadian Press

scare Butterscotch away. They say they’ve moved their BRANDON, MAN. traps onto private property, but earchers who have been their traps have been found and trying to rescue a cat with purposely damaged. a bird feeder stuck on its head They say volunteers have in Manitoba say their efforts to spotted a man at night moving trap the hapless animal are being around the traps and shining sabotaged. bright lights, but that he moves The Brandon and Area Lost back onto his own property by Animals group began setting out the time police arrive. traps over a week ago after the “Police have advised us to call cat, nicknamed Butterscotch, was them when we need to. Police spotted with the feeder on its officers on duty have been suphead in a Brandon neighbourportive and assisted however hood. they could,” said Toni Gramiak, The cat couldn’t be easily an organizer with the group, in captured because it could see out an email. of one eye and was still able to “Police have suggested we run, and even jump, to evade the move the trap away from the rescuers. man’s sights, which we did. The The group set traps, but says man searched for, and found the a man in the neighbourhood has new location each time.” shone lights, clapped his hands While the cat can move, and used other techniques to searchers fear it cannot eat or


Colleen Gareau/The Canadian Press

A cat with its head stuck in a small bird feeder, nicknamed Butterscotch, sits on a fence in Brandon, Man., on Wednesday, July 23.

drink with the feeder on its head. Butterscotch, who was given the name because of his gingerand-white colouring, is believed

to be a stray and is frightened of people. For that reason, the rescue group has asked that people keep away from the traps.

They’ve also asked anyone who spots the cat to stay clear and report the location to them. The traps have been baited with tuna, sardines and cat food, but Butterscotch has so far avoided them. The rescue group said it had to use larger traps to enable the cat to enter with the feeder on its head. It said volunteers were devastated to return to the traps and find they had been toppled over and damaged. It said its most expensive trap will need to be repaired before it can be used again. Anyone who spots the cat is asked to refrain from posting the location on social media sites or other public forums. No one was immediately available to comment Saturday from the Brandon Police Service.

Family credits hungry cat with saving them from burning home in Cape Breton Canadian Press

NORTH SYDNEY, N.S. rian Young gave his cat Berkeley a hearty scratch on the back and a few extra cans of tuna after the hungry feline awakened him just before a fire raced through his home, leaving little time to get his family out. Young, a former Nova Scotia politician who lives with his wife and two adult sons in North Sydney, said the cat woke him up at about 5 a.m., mewing


to be fed and let outside. Young said he fed the eightyear-old tabby some of the tuna he keeps in the fridge for him, let him out and returned to bed where he drifted off to sleep before waking up to a whooshing sound of flames and the crackling of burning floorboards about an hour or so later. He said he went downstairs to find flames and smoke rolling off the kitchen ceiling and rushed his wife and son out of the house while calling 911 as the fast-moving fire destroyed

part of the home. “I got to the bottom of the stairs and looked and there was a wall of flame and I screamed, ‘Oh my God,”’ Young said from the hotel where he and his family are staying. “But we all got out safely and the cat is safe.” Berkeley, a stray who appeared at their home as a scrawny kitten eight years ago, took off after the fire but has since returned and is being cared for by a neighbour until the family determines what will

happen to their home. Young, who served in the Progressive Conservative governments of former premiers John Buchanan and Donald Cameron, credits the cat with getting him up, preventing him from falling back into a deep sleep after that. He said a couple of people at the local mall had heard the story and their first question was, “Did you find your cat?” Young said the hefty brown cat, known for its six toes on each paw, was a little miffed by


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the whole ordeal. “He showed up and he was really put out because his house had been burned and his regular haunts were gone,” he said with a laugh. “We got him staying with a neighbour and they’re feeding him tuna as well, so he’s happy with that.” He said the fire engulfed the deck and went into the kitchen wall, forcing firefighters to poke holes in the roof to try to extinguish it. But he said the blaze left a big hole where the dining room and kitchen once were. Young, 64, said it’s not clear whether they can salvage their home. He said they may have lost many of their possessions, including memorabilia from his daughter Carmen who died in 1992 after an unsuccessful double lung transplant. “That’s life – you can’t predict it, you can’t control it, you just have to roll with the punches,” he said.

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Expect public comments when private news is announced by Judith Martin


MANNERS DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband and I are both in our early 30s and have been married for three years. Finally, we have been able to get the engagement ring we have always wanted. We are not wealthy by any means. We work very hard; we both have two jobs after deciding that our priority was to pay down all our debts and live below our means (which means severely limiting going out to dinners and the movies). At first, it did bother me when I saw from my friends’ social media posts and pictures how much fun they were having, but our method has allowed us to start saving toward building a house overseas. I knew that there would be mixed emotions from people in our social circle once the ring became public news, and since then we have received the wonderful and expected congratulations. Unfortunately, we have also been met with sarcasm and critical remarks, such as, “Of course you guys were able to afford a ring — you don’t have kids!” This comment hurts me deeply, as we have secretly struggled with miscarriages in the past. It also makes me feel that I am an outsider and like my hard-earned

happiness is being trampled on. I have made mistakes in my life, financial and otherwise; but it seems that because I did not make the same choices my friends have (such as starting a family at a very young age, job hopping every few months, or consistently going out every weekend) that my happiness is somehow not substantiated. I am not sure how to respond without being rude when comments of this nature are directed at me, but I am tired of being beaten down for my success. GENTLE READER: Exactly how did your buying a ring become “public news”? DEAR MISS MANNERS: At a recent bridal shower, I was dismayed when the bride received a duplicate of the gift that I had selected from her registry. As it turns out, she had intentionally registered for some of the exact same items from multiple stores, hoping that it would result in duplicate gifts. Her goal is to be able to return the duplicates for store credit, which she can amass and apply to even more expensive items (presumably that she thought she might as well not bother including in her registry). Sadly, this was her mother’s idea! I had thought that the purpose of a registry was to help gift-givers ensure that their gifts were, in fact, things that the bride wanted and to prevent duplications. As a gift-giver, I like to think that I am giving something that will be used and perhaps even remembered as having come from me. Now, I’m left feeling that I might as well have given cash. What do you think of this ma-

REQUEST FOR BOARD MEMBERS The Council of Yukon First Nations is requesting applications from Yukon First Nation Citizens for nominations on the following Boards and Committees:

CYFN Selection Committee (1 Elder seat and 1 community member seat)

Teacher Certification Board (1 seat)

Yukon College Board of Governors (2 seats)

Yukon Development Corporation Board of Directors (1 seat) For application forms and/or for more information, please visit our website at www.cyfn.ca or contact Jennifer Ward at (867) 393-9236 or by e-mail at jennifer.ward@cyfn.net.

DEADLINE for applications is Sept. 5, 2014 at 4:30 PM

nipulation of the registry system? GENTLE READER: Oh, a new scheme for bilking friends and relations! No doubt this family is congratulating itself on how subtly it launders the money. As you say, you might as well hand over the cash, as many such

people blatantly demand. You point out that it is a perverted use of the gift registry, but Miss Manners maintains that the gift registry itself perverts the custom of giving presents, which are supposed to be chosen, and voluntarily given, as a symbol of

thoughtfulness and good wishes. Even without the duplication scheme, this bride would have been unlikely to associate you with your present. You didn’t choose it; she did. Your only choice was which item on her shopping list to buy.


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Tracks across Greenland ice, 60 years apart by Ned Rozell




n top of an ice body more than two miles thick, Chris Polashenski last summer hoped to find a candy wrapper that might have fallen from Carl Benson’s pocket 60 years ago. As he repeated the Alaska glaciologist’s measurements on the Greenland ice sheet, Polashenski realized that six decades of snowfall, windstorms and glacier movement had wiped out evidence of Benson’s passage. “Carl’s footprints were entombed in the snow some 30 to 300 feet beneath us as we walked around,” said Polashenski, who works for the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. “The ice moved a few hundreds of yards since Carl was there. These errors in exact positioning are all insignificant for our temperature-measurement replication, but pretty serious for our hopes to bring up candy bar wrappers from a two-inch diameter borehole.” Carl Benson, 87, is no litterbug, but something was bound to escape his mitts while he zigzagged across the Greenland ice cap in a caravan of tracked vehicles from 1952 through 1955. With five skilled and trusted companions, he traveled across wind-hardened snow the distance from Minnesota to Maine. With a No. 10 grain scoop, he dug 150 snow pits along the way. Benson, a professor emeritus at the University of Alaska Fairbanks’s Geophysical Institute, is a co-author on Polashenski’s new paper about pronounced warming on the Greenland Ice Sheet. In the 1950s, Benson was a young man who knew a lot about ice and snow from his studies in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California and on the North Slope of Alaska. Air Force officials building a large base at Thule, Greenland, needed someone to help them determine where on the ice cap would be good places for manned radar stations. They chose Henri Bader, chief scientist at the Snow, Ice and Permafrost Research Establishment. Bader enlisted an ambitious snow scientist who worked for him. “I was very fortunate during the Cold War,” Benson said during a recent interview in his office at the Geophysical Institute, located on the Fairbanks campus of the University of Alaska. “That base was important, and they had no idea about anything regarding the ice sheet. “Henri gave me the freedom to design what I wanted to do and the support to do it.”

Ned Rozell Photo/Yukon News

Carl Benson in 2014.

Benson supervised the refurbishing of “Weasels,” amphibious tracked vehicles built during World War II. He found a team of interested colleagues to help him drive four of them across the backbone of Greenland ice. At the end of each season, he returned to a room he rented in Wilmette, Illinois for $10 a week. He said his bunk in a hut towed by a Weasel over Greenland felt more like home. Wilmette, near Chicago, was the home of the Snow, Ice and Permafrost Research Establishment, which is

now the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Polashenski, 29, was a fan of Benson’s iconic 1962 report on his Greenland traverse studies. He has spent much time on the snow with glaciologist Matthew Sturm, a former University of Alaska student mentored by Benson. Sturm, a UAF professor, has traveled continental distances on snowmachine in the far north. Benson always wanted someone to re-measure the snow temperatures along his route. That was

the point, he said, to compare those temperatures over time. “There are two ways to do it,” said Benson. “You could use a time machine and go back 60 years, or make measurements and then go back in 60 years and check them.” Polashenski got a chance to revisit Benson’s route in 2013, when he and a team used snowmachines to follow Benson’s path and repeat his snow-temperature measurements, as well as collect new measurements of ice reflectivity. He found many of the temperatures in the compacted snow beneath the surface had changed since Dwight Eisenhower was president. “The ice sheet melted more and at higher elevations than Carl described everywhere we traveled,” Polashenski said. He also saw great evidence of Greenland’s extreme melt summer of 2012, when snow even above 10,000 feet became wet, an event that has happened just a few times in 1,000 years. And, just like Benson did, Polashenski drilled 30 feet down into the ice sheet each night to measure temperatures so deep they would not be affected by recent changes on the surface. In the recent paper, published in Geophysical Research Letters, the authors showed a warming since the 1950s of as much as 5 degrees C at lower elevations and little or no warming higher on the ice sheet.

While providing long-term evidence of the Greenland warming drama studied by many, Polashenski and Benson shared a unique camaraderie. They spoke often in person and over the phone, and Polashenski thought of Benson every time he cut his engine at the co-ordinates of Benson’s test points. With much time to reflect, Polashenski thought of the similarities of their trips – both moved by tracked vehicles and despite their splendid isolation both could contact the outside world (Benson by Morse code radio signal, Polashenski by satellite phone). The biggest change during the 60-year gap was the development of handheld GPS receivers. Benson’s caravan included a “navigation Weasel” that carried a theodolite so a crewmember could use the sun’s position to determine where they were and also a rotating gyroscope that helped them move in a straight line even when it was storming. “We had a couple four-ounce plastic boxes with screens that gave us position within a few feet in any weather,” Polashenski said. Since the late 1970s, the director of the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska Fairbanks has supported the writing and free distribution of this column to news media outlets. 2014 is Ned Rozell’s 20th year as a science writer for the Geophysical Institute.

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Wandering weed puzzles as it heals difference. “Everything that we had was all identical!” There was no hard, fast answer to whether Plantago major L. or Plantago major var. pilgeri was recently introduced or if Erling Friis-Baastad they’d long ago cushioned the footsteps of Arctic mammals. rom her temporary home More advanced genetic sequenin Copenhagen, Canacing techniques may soon be dian PhD student Natalie brought to bear on this northEva Iwanycki is searching the ern distribution conundrum. world for traces of “white man’s Bennett found the planfootprint.” tain in the Far North when he Over millennia, this “footfirst visited Old Crow in 1995. print,” which is also known as “It was interesting that there Plantago major, has reached weren’t any other introduced every continent except Antarcplants found in the community tica, Iwanycki says. The broadat that time. Usually, if someleaved plantain has acquired thing is introduced there are a plethora of names in the other non-native plants associprocess. ated with it,” he says. North American First Nation Back in 1995, in many (far people noticed that the comnorthern) places he could find mon weed apparently flourPlantago major but he couldn’t ished in the wake of European find any other introduced spetravellers, hence the “footprint” cies. tag. “So when Natalie contacted Bruce Bennett/Yukon Conservation Data Centre Iwanycki’s thesis, “Planme and said that she’s interThe plantago major var. pilgeri. tago major L. Travel tales of a ested in how Plantago spread worldwide weed, ” is designed North and South America, Eur- contains more of the genetic to determine distinct varieties around the world, looking at to answer some fascinating and ope, Asia, Africa and Australia. information required for surwithin the species. It can be dif- archeological and anthropopressing questions. As the botAmong the researchers out vival there than a plant recently ficult to determine if a variety logical data, as well as doing anist says in an email, she hopes collecting for the project is introduced. “At least that’s what is native to a region or has been some detailed genetics work on “to reveal just where in the Yukon botanist Bruce Bennett. the belief is. And things that introduced. it, I thought, ‘Wow! This would world this species came from Bennett enthusiastically supare native tend to be of more Did plants arrive in North be great!’” and approximately where it plies one reason the plant may conservation concern.” America with Europeans from More than 40 varieties of landed and became established have been carried from place While Iwanycki’s research the east or from the west? From Plantago major have been in new parts of the world.” to place by human pioneers: “If targets the hows and whys of both directions or neither? Are described, primarily by the “I hope to be able to answer ever you are stung by a wasp, Plantago major peregrinathey native in one part of Can- German botanist Robert Pilger the question of native versus you pick a leaf. It sucks the tions, she is also investigatada – or even the Yukon – and in the early 20th century, says introduced status for some of poison out and takes the pain ing the diversity of medicinal not another? Iwanycki. the varieties – like the putaaway.” compounds produced by the “Some speculate that Vikings “That said, most botanists tively native variety (Plantago “I’ve used it many times with plant – wherever it appears. used common plantain as one and taxonomists only recognize major var. pilgeri) in Canada,” many people. It works better “We are collecting soil samples of their herbal medicines … It a small number of varieties,” she adds. “I believe this type of than anything I’ve ever seen,” from each site around the world is possible that the plant folshe stresses. “We hope that this information will really assist he adds. along with other habitat data so lowed Vikings around Europe project will shed some light on plant conservation strategies “If something evolved in the that we could explore whether and potentially travelled with the real diversity of the species.” and priorities in the North.” Yukon, and was here along with it is the plant’s genetics (i.e. the them all the way to eastern One of the first things a botIwanycki’s goal is to gather mammoths and what not, it is genotype) or if it is the local North America,” says Iwanycki. anist learns upon tackling Plancollections of these plants and probably genetically adapted,” habitat (environment) that ex“Whether this transport was tago major is that laypersons samples of the soil they grow says Bennett. A plant well plains leaf-chemical diversity.” intentional (as part of their can be confounded by the fact in at 50 sites world-wide – in adapted to a specific locality The plant produces these medicine kits) or unintentional these Plantago varieties are leaf chemicals to discourage (as a hitchhiker getting a ride referred to as plantains. “When herbivores, “so there is a wider on shoes or tools) we don’t I told my mother I would be ecology angle to this part of the know. There is some thought studying common plantain, the study,” she says. that Russians could have first thing she thought of was Plantago major can create brought common plantain to green bananas!” says Iwanycki. headaches for scientists hoping western North America during Her mother is not alone in their early visits in the 1740s.” her confusion. Bennett has been collecting Plantain is the common EngJackson Lake Land-Based Plantago major from all over lish name for the weedy healer bronze the North. He has found several of the genus Plantago, but it is Healing Program plaques apparent variations, but when also applied “to tropical plants he subjected the plants to genthat produce starchy green 207 Main St. 668-3447 etic bar coding, there was no bananas in the genus Musa,” the Women’s Camp botanist says. “Musa and PlanSeptember 2nd to 26th tago are classified in completely different plant families…”. Are you, or someone you know, ready to heal When confronted by a healfrom the effects of violence or trauma, from addictions or ing plant that has picked up as many as 140 names during its from the impacts of residential school? travels, one has to be grateful Building A Path To Wellness is an intensive land-based for the trusty, if dry, Latin binomials. When confronted by a program that integrates traditional First Nation and SPECIALIZING IN ROMANCE, LOSS, EMOTIONAL HEALING AND INNER DIRECTION bee, one has to thank goodness contemporary approaches to healing. for this hearty and widespread It is open to all Yukon citizens over 19 years old. weed, whatever the locals – or scientists – may call it. For Rates & Inquiries, please Contact Rebecca: To learn more, or to apply, please contact: This column is co-ordinated by the Email: angelnelken@gmail.com Yukon Research Centre at Yukon Jackson Lake Wellness Team, Kwanlin Dun First Nation College with major financial support Text: 403-891-4827 Phone: 867-633-7850 • Cell: 867-334-4697 • Fax: 867-633-7855 from Environment Yukon and Yukon Or Join me on Facebook: Email: colleen.geddes@kwanlindun.com College. The articles are archived at Rebecca’s Angel Card Readings 35 McIntyre Drive, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5A5 http://www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/re-


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They were the men that didn’t fit in HISTORY

HUNTER by Michael Gates


M. Offer Photo/M. Gates collection

A young man working in the goldfields on Middle Dominion Creek visits ‘Bohunk John,’ one of the old timers living in the area. He lived like a hermit on his claim, but made enough from mining to go into town occasionally to buy supplies and get drunk.

subsided, they remained and became part of an unusual demographic bulge that consisted of hundreds of aging single men who spread out across the Yukon (but especially in



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the goldfields around Dawson City). They remained for the rest of their lives. Many of pre-gold rush prospectors couldn’t leave because they were in debt to the traders who grubstaked them, but in the years following, it was something else that held them. I think it was the freedom of spirit that the Yukon had to offer. The men (and a few women) who chose this lifestyle could have made a better living at something else, but that wasn’t what held them here. More than a few were well off. Geologist Hugh Bostock met one man who had saved up enough from his mining that he was able

to go home and set up his sisters in comfort for the rest of their lives. He could have done the same, but he chose to return to the Yukon. Where else, he asked, could you step out of your cabin to have a pee and have such a spectacular view? Another was Pete Nazarino, who lived on his claim on Dominion Creek. He made $3,500 a year and could have made a lot more, but he chose not to. When he went to town, he wisely bought his grubstake for the following year, before going on a spree of mythic proportions. When asked why he didn’t choose to make more from his claim – there was certainly enough gold on it. “But why?

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generation ago, my first impressions of the Yukon included the iconic image of the grizzled miner hunkered down over his gold pan on some unnamed creek. One of my favourites was of an old-timer with an abundant white beard and the grandfatherly smile, teaching visitors how to pan for gold. While the image was a stereotype, there was much truth in it. Even before the gold rush, there was a strange breed of men who had come North, many remembered for their eccentricities. Cannibal Ike liked to eat his meat raw. Howard Hamilton cut away the walls of his log cabin from the inside for kindling and joked that the thin walls gave him more light inside. Another, known as The Old Maiden, lugged stacks of old newspapers with him, wherever he prospected, to refer to when settling arguments with his neighbours. Some came to escape the law, others, civilization. Most claimed they came North to get rich, and that’s as good an excuse as any. They later made up that unique part of the community that Jim Robb came to label The Colourful Five Per Cent. They were caught up in the euphoria of the Klondike Gold Rush, and it left an indelible imprint upon their psyches. After the gold rush

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he asked. “I’d only burn it up in one weekend there in Dawson.� Another was Jimmy Lanoff, a Russian miner who worked as a dredgeman during the summers and spent his autumns in Dawson playing cards and being sociable. After Christmas, he would retreat to his claim on Gold Run Creek to hand mine for gold with a partner. One year, he was called back to work on the dredges in the spring, and never had the chance to sluice his winter’s pile of paydirt. He never did. It just didn’t seem important. Bob Fraser and George Rusk ran a roadhouse on Dominion Creek long after the gold rush had waned. As a young man, Pierre Berton met them while he was working for the Yukon Consolidated Gold Corporation on the thawing crew. Fraser hadn’t been to Dawson in 17 years, while his partner hadn’t been to town since the gold rush 40 years before! There were plenty of old-timers who didn’t come into Dawson for years at a time. They would send their orders into town and have the goods delivered to them. They left a suit at one of the hotels to wear during their infrequent visits. One retailer in Dawson City remembered an old-timer paying for his supplies in money that was years out of date. One man had a son living Outside, who was doing well, who tried to convince him to leave the North. He wouldn’t, and was content to mine his claim and live in his cabin on Bonanza Creek – and got around his claim on his hands and knees! As one long-time Dawson City resident told me, “They were very independent; they were self-minded and they weren’t going to accept welfare. They were just as happy to eke out their existence, barely scraping by, but doing it on their own.� And they lived in solitude. One such man, who lived in the Kluane region, fell ill in his cabin on Bullion Creek in the Kluane district in April of 1918 and died. His remains weren’t found until the following August. But he probably preferred the life where he was, to that in town. Some could not stand the isolation, and were occasionally taken away to Vancouver and institutionalized. Geologist Hugh Bostock encountered one man who engaged in conversations with his chimney. But living in the North, he probably wasn’t doing anyone any harm with his eccentricities. That generation of old-timers is now gone, but their stories survive. Most of them were happy with their lives. How many people could say that today? There are still a few people around who came North for the personal freedom, but it seems that civilization is creeping into the territory and there isn’t much room left for independent souls. So I ask you, do you think that we have lost the independent spirit of the old days? Michael Gates is a Yukon historian and sometimes adventurer based in Whitehorse. His latest book, Dalton’s Gold Rush Trail, is available in stores. This column originally ran in March 2012. You can contact him at msgates@northwestel.net




Simmons blasts into fifth place at IPSC nationals

Tom Patrick/Yukon News

Whitehorse’s John Simmons shoots through a port at the Whitehorse Rifle and Pistol Club on Tuesday. Simmons placed fifth at the 2014 IPSC Canada Nationals over the weekend in Pitt Meadows, B.C.

Tom Patrick News Reporter


ohn Simmons shot up the standings as he shot up the targets over the weekend. The Whitehorse handgun shooter placed fifth overall out of 66 shooters in the open division at the 2014 IPSC Canada Nationals at Pitt Meadows, B.C. in Metro Vancouver. “I was pretty calm and collected for a change,” said Simmons. “I made one mistake, instead of multiple mistakes, which I’ve done in the past. “Calming down, focusing more, focusing faster. Instead of shooting really fast, I slowed it down a little bit and made sure I got my good hits.” In addition to producing his highest finish at the nationals, Simmons was the top master shooter, with four grandmasters ahead of him. His previous best finish was 17th last year.

“From 17th last year to fifth the next year, at a nationals, is pretty good. I’m pretty impressed with that,” said Simmons. “This year (I shot at) 95.39 per cent, so I was beaten by four per cent, which is very little between first and fifth. It was tight at the top.” Simmons won three of the 16 stages, each with 100 per cent shooting accuracy, and placed third in two others at the International Practical Shooting Confederation competition, in which speed, power and accuracy are measured as competitors move through an obstacle course. “I had one really bad (stage),” said Simmons. “For some reason I just couldn’t hit one last piece of steel. I emptied my gun at it and that cost me time, and because of that time, it just killed me on that stage. It was bad.” Simmons’ fifth place finish is a great confidence booster for a pair of major competitions com-

ing up. Early this year Simmons received an invite to represent Canada at the IPSC World Shoot. Simmons is one of only 60 Canadians selected for the triennial IPSC world championships to compete against shooters from about 80 countries. The championship will be the first held in North America, scheduled to take place at the Universal Shooting Academy in Polk Country, Florida, this October. “The worlds is going to be huge. I’ve never been to a worlds,” said Simmons. “Apparently it’s so big, they had to get more property to make a giant parking lot and will be shuttling shooters to the range from the parking lot.” Up next he will take aim at another top spot at the IPSC B.C. Provincial Championships over the September long-weekend in Kelowna. Simmons shot his way to a seventh place finish in the

open division at the 2013 IPSC B.C. Provincial Championships last September, up from 13th the year before. “I know they are going to be hard,” said Simmons. “The head guy for IPFC Kelowna at that club is Nick King, he’s the Canadian national champion. When he thinks up stages, he makes sure they are well thought out and he makes them hard. He’s not into the easy stuff.” “If I do well at the (B.C.) provincials, I pretty much guarantee myself a spot on the Gold Team for next year’s nationals,” he added, referring to the squad of top Canadian shooters. “I’d like to make the Gold Team again.” Needless to say, Simmons has been having a good year. He placed first and second at a double-qualifier for the IPSC B.C. in Terrace, B.C., at the end of April. He produced two first-place

finishes at an IPSC B.C. doublequalifier in October, which, having taken place following the B.C. championship, is considered part of the 2014 season. The six-time Yukon steelshooting champion placed 22nd in 2012 and 25th in 2011 at the IPSC nationals. “I need to practise more,” he added with a laugh. “I learned a couple things. I was slotted with some really top shooters: the open division national champion, the former open division national champion, a national steel shooting champion, then me and another master. “Three of the guys on the squad beat me – it was a top squad, for sure, to be on. I saw a couple things, learned a couple things, they pointed out a couple things. So I do have things to practise now.” Contact Tom Patrick at tomp@yukon-news.com




Yukon golfers miss the cut at amateur open Tom Patrick

amateur open, Kulych carded a 76 and 80 to finish plus-14. “The 76 put me in the top half hree Yukon golfers teed off of the field of 248 top amateur on one of the newest and golfers in the country, which then one of the oldest courses in surpassed my goals in my head,” Winnipeg, Man., at the start of said Kulych. “I didn’t think I the week. could be that far up the field. Whitehorse players Landon “On the second round, I Kulych, Dan King and Steve played the last five holes six over Estey took on the best amateur par to shoot an 80. I wasn’t really golfers in the country at the hitting it that poorly, they just Canadian Men’s Amateur Cham- have some really difficult closing pionship. holes in that golf course.” The three missed the cut after King, who, as this year’s two rounds. Yukon men’s champ, was captain “It was fantastic. It was a first of the Yukon team, had a bad class event the whole way,” said opening round with 93. He then Kulych. “It wasn’t like anything cleaned it up with an 81 on TuesI’ve ever been to before in my day. entire golf career. “I really was happy to see “The tournament itself is over him pull it together the second a hundred years old, which is day,” said Kulych. “He’s a great amazing to start with.” golfer and I know he’s capable of The amateur open put the shooting lower than he posted. It players’ versatility to the test. They first played the three-year- was nice to see him post the 81 old, par 72 course at Southwood the second day.” Estey, who moved to WhiteGolf and Country Club on horse from New Brunswick last Monday. fall, put up an 83 and an 87 over On Tuesday they played the the two rounds. par 70 course at Elmhurst Golf The amateur championship, and Country Club, which celewhich was first held in 1895, brates its 100th anniversary this includes a team component. The year. Willingdon Cup, introduced in “We were essentially playing on two different golf courses that 1927, goes to the province or terwere complete polar opposites,” ritory with the two lowest scores over the first two rounds. said Kulych. “One was a wide Yukon placed ahead of Newopen links style golf course and the other one was this really old foundland to finish second last. “It made us hungry for the golf course with huge trees and event next year,” said Kulych. fast greens that were less forgiv“I’m already thinking about next ing than I would have liked.” year’s qualifier and I know some “I really feel I became a way of my competitors are as well. better golfer in the week spent I think next year it’s out in Tothere between my practice rounds and my two competitive ronto somewhere, which would be a lot of fun. rounds than before I left,” he “And again, we have to put added. out a huge thanks to the Yukon Kulych, the 2007 Yukon Golf Association and to Mounchamp who placed second at this year’s championship, led the tain View Golf Club, our head pro (Jeff Wiggins) and our asYukon team in Winnipeg. sistant pro (Graham Frey). If it Playing in his first Canadian News Reporter


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Whitehorse’s Landon Kulych at the 2014 Yukon Golf Championships last month. Kulych led the Yukon team at the Canadian Men’s Amateur Championship this week in Winnipeg.

wasn’t for them, golf wouldn’t be heading in the direction it’s heading here in the Yukon. We’re just incredibly grateful for that.” This year was just the second time Yukon sent players to compete in the amateur open. The three Whitehorse players were selected over three rounds, including the two rounds of the

Yukon Golf Championships last month. “The one big thing about this one was it stirred up a lot of interest in it, so I expect next year to have a deeper field contending for the spots,” said Wiggins, the director of Whitehorse’s Mountain View Golf Course. “I think our performances are

going to escalate now that the training, the exposure and all the groundwork has been set up for these guys to qualify for the Canadians … There are now eight or nine guys at the club and in town who want to go and are hungry to go.” The amateur championship wrapped up Thursday with New Zealand’s James Beale taking first with a six-under after four rounds. Ontario’s Taylor Pendrith and California’s Jonathan Garrick tied for second. Contact Tom Patrick at tomp@yukon-news.com








by Leigh Rubin





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Sandor@yukon.net or C: 333.9966

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For more information call Greg


HOBAH APARTMENTS: Clean, spacious, walking distance downtown, security entrance, laundry room, plug-ins, rent includes heat & hot water, no pets. References required. 668-2005 SKYLINE APTS: 2-bdrm apartments, Riverdale. Parking & laundry facilities. 667-6958 WEEKEND GET AWAY Rustic Cabin-45 minutes from town Hiking Trails in the summer Skiing in the winter Includes sauna. Reasonable rates. Rent out by the week or for a weekend. 867-821-4443

SHOP/OFFICE/STUDIO Multi-Use Building with space available to rent Shop/Office/Studio Various sizes, will modify to suit Washroom on site, friendly environment whserentals@hotmail.com Phone 667-6805 VERY LARGE room, Porter Creek, private ent, $750/mon & dd, includes heat, utils, satellite TV, avail Aug 1. 334-4568 after 5pm HOUSE ON Long Lake Road, on river, 3-bdrm, 2-bath, N/S, N/P, $2,000/mon + utils. 667-2144 (work) or 668-3146 (home) 1-BDRM SUITE, bright, spacious, fully furn incl big-screen TV, N/S, N/P, no parties, ample parking & storage, avail Sept 1, $1,200/mon, all utils incl. 633-2293

WATERFRONT, 5-6 bdrm large beautiful home on large lot in Marsh Lake for long term lease, avail immed, $1,850/mon, first & last dd. Lucy 867-334-6852 2-BDRM 1-BATH bsmt suite, Riverdale, on bus route, N/S, N/P, DD reqʼd, avail now, 1-yr lease, $1,200/mon + utils, 332-2370 or 667-8773

2-BDRM HOUSE, Riverdale, avail for 10 mon lease Oct 1, large fenced backyard, walking distance to downtown, refs reqʼd, N/S, $1,400/mon + heat & utils. Call/text 647-471-2027

RVDALE, 2-BDRM apt, quiet bldg, ample storage, laundry, new kitchen, floors, c/w plug-in parking space. N/S, N/P. Refs & DD reqʼd. Available Sept 1, heat & hot water inclʼd, $1,250/mon. 334-2269

BASEMENT SUITE in Riverdale. Separate entrance, laundry, parking. Incls utils & heat. Available immediately. DD & refs reqʼd. N/P, N/S inside apartment, $1,100/mon. Call/text 334-9087

1-BDRM CONDO d/t, ground floor, bright, fenced patio, avail Sept 1, N/S, N/P, $1,200 + utils & dd. 393-3924

1-BDRM SUITE in Porter Creek, all brand new, N/P, N/S, incls heat/utils. Responsible tenant, $1,400/mon. 335-0218

RIVERDALE, 4-BDRM, 2.5- bath house, quiet, N/S, N/P, 1 mon dd & refʼs reqʼd, avail Sept 1, $1,750/mon & utils. 332-8184

FOR RENT 30ʼX46ʼ Industrial Shop 3-phase power Kulan Industrial Subdivision $1,000 per month Phone 668-6886 or 335-2406 (cell)

BACHELOR STUDIO, downtown, clean, bright, refs & dd reqʼd, N/S, N/P, no parties, $750/mon + utils. 334-9938

ROOM IN new home, Ingram, N/S, N/P, $650/mon. 335-6628 or 456-2880

Offices in CAPITAL Hotel at 103 Main. Heat, Power, Security System included. Reasonable Rates 170-245 sq ft. Archie 668-2648

3-BDRM 2-BATH townhouse, Porter Creek, newer open concept, 1,800 sq ft, furnished optional, storage, laundry, low utils, dd reqʼd, N/S, N/P, avail Sept 1, $1,600/mon. 334-6547

2-BDRM APT, Riverdale, resonsible tenant, N/P, no parties, big balcony, heat, lights & water incl, avail Aug. 1, $1,400/mon. 668-5558

1-BDRM HOUSE with carport, quiet country living 15 mins from downtown, exceptional cond, washer/dryer, avail Oct 1, N/P, $1,200/mon + utils. 668-3146 (h) or 667-2144 (w)

2.5 BDRM main floor legal suite, Riverdale, laundry facility hook-up, refs reqʼd, N/S, N/P, $1,400/mon + utils + $1,400 dd. 667-2452

2-BDRM SUITE, Porter Creek, open & bright, N/S, N/P, avail Sept 1, $1,500/mon. 335-3660


This historic building is the first L.E.E.D. certified green building in Yukon. It features state of the art heat and ventilation, LAN rooms, elevator, bike storage, shower, accessibility and more.

1,600 square foot. Excellent location. 3rd & Jarvis Street AVAILABLE JUNE 1, 2014 Please call Ivan @ 668-7111 for information and to view.

1-BDRM BSMT suite, full bath, Porter Creek, avail Aug 1, washer/dryer, close to bus route, N/S, N/P, responsible tenants, parking, $1,000/mon + dd, incl heat & light. 456-7729 3-BDRM HALF-DUPLEX, Granger, avail Aug or Sept, bright, clean, spacious, large kitchen, 1 pet ok, $1,400/mon incl heat. 867-334-8001 LARGE 1-BDRM loft apartment in quiet location downtown, fridge, stove, w/d incl, open concept vaulted ceilings, propane fireplace, avail immed, refs reqʼd, $1,250/mon. 333-0012 FURNISHED BEDROOM/FAMILY room, Valleyview, shared bath, kitchen & laundry, 2 min walk to CGC, ski trails, bus, close to downtown/ college, avail Sept 1, N/S, N/P, no parties, $850/mon. 333-0983 SHARED ACCOMMODATION in home with mellow guy & 2 dogs, internet, close to College, dd required, N/P, $550/mon + 1/2 utils. 336-3833 3-BDRM 2-BATH first level apt, Riverdale, laundry, avail immed, $1,600/mon + utils $1,600 dd. 668-2998 or 336-0125 SMALL CABIN 25 mi from town, electricity, no running water, peaceful area, fridge & stove, partially furnished, no dogs, $400/mon. 667-2750 2-BDRM TRAILER, Porter Creek, unfortunately no dogs, avail Aug 15, dd & refs reqʼd, $1,250/mon + utils. 334-9903

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4-BDRM 2-BATH house, Riverdale, avail Sept 1, lease, refs, dd & oil deposit required, $1,800/mon + utils. 633-2482

1-BDRM LAKE front suite on MʼClintock bay, 30 mins from Whitehorse, great area for land, water recreation, furnished, $1,250/mon incls utils. 334-5055 or 333-0050

16ʼ TRAVEL trailer on private wooded lot, no water, power, fridge, stove, near bus route, avail Aug 1 to Oct 15, $500/mon. 334-2365

2-BDRM LOWER level suite in Crestview laundry, parking, plug-in, 3/4 bath, N/S, no dogs, dd&refs reqʼd, $1,200/mon + utils. 667-4858

BACHELOR SUITE, separate kitchen, private parking, laundry facilities, utilities included, responsible tenant, available September 1st. 335-4712

AVAIL SEP 1, 3-bdrm 2-bath Riverdale house, green belt, N/S, N/P, no parties, dd & refs reqʼd, $1,750/mon + utils. 335-5976

2-BDRM BASEMENT suite in Riverdale. Separate entrance, laundry, parking. DD & refs reqʼd. N/P, N/S inside the apartment. Available Sept 1st, $1,000/mon + elec. Call/text 334-9087

1-BDRM FURNISHED apt downtown, all utils incl, N/P, no parties, responsible tenant, avail immed, $950/mon 1 person, $1,000/mon for 2 persons. 668-5558

MARSH LAKE waterfront, 1200 sq ft house w/beautiful view, Judas Creek sub, sand beach, wood/oil heat, W/D, BBQ, decks, greenhouse, garage w/wood stove, workshop, rec trails, $1,200/mon + utils. energynanne@gmail.com

3-BDRM 2-BATH townhouse, Porter Creek, avail Sept 1, curtains, storage, 2 parking stalls, N/P, 1-yr lease, refs & dd reqʼd, $1,650/mon + utils. 633-5129

Available Now Newly renovated OFFICE SPACE & RETAIL SPACE Close to Library & City Hall A short walk to Main Street Phone 633-6396

Beautifully finished office space is available in the Taku Building at 309 Main Street.

Call 867-333-0144

3-BDRM TRAILER home in Lobird trailer park, N/S, $1,280/mon + utils & dd, long term welcome, sunlu1685@yahoo.com or 604-295-5587 lv msg

>f kf nnn%plbfe$e\nj%Zfd Xe[ Zc`Zb fe k_\ :cXjj`Ô\[ c`eb Xk k_\ Yfkkfd f] k_\ _fd\ gX^\ Xe[ Ôcc `e k_\ fec`e\ ]fid% C`jk`e^j ile ]fi + Zfej\Zlk`m\ `jjl\j% K_`j j\im`Z\ `j ]fi `e[`m`[lXcj Xe[ efe$gifÔk fi^Xe`qXk`fej fecp%

1-BDRM APT, Riverdale, N/S, N/P, avail Aug 15, refs & dd reqʼd, $1,000/mon. 668-3887 CABIN AT Takhini Gas Station, water, elec, $800/mon incl utils. 334-5384 DOWNTOWN APT w/shared yard & garden, clean, corner of 8th & Alexander, avail Sept 1, one pet ok, $1,600/mon incl heat & elec. 334-8001 2-BDRM APT at Takhini Gas Station, $1,200 incl utils. 334-5384 2-BDRM 2-BATH, 195 Northland, bright, clean, newer, next to park, rent to own option, 1 dog welcome, fully fenced, $1,600/mon + heat & elec. 334-8001 206 SQUANGA, Crestview, avail Oct 1st, 3-bdrm, playroom, office, large yard/garden, garage, wood stove/oil heat, $1,700/mon + utils. 668-4042 3-BDRM 2-BATH bi-level house, 2,000 sq ft, fenced yard, sundeck, storage shed, greenbelt, w/d, stove, dishwasher, microwave, dd & refs reqʼd, avail Sept. 1, $1,700/mon + utils. 335-1830 3-BDRM 2-BATH townhouse, Takhini, energy efficient, avail Oct 1, 1,750 sq ft, w/d, dishwash, plug-in parking, N/S, responsible tenants, $1,735/mon + elec. 604-500-1555 1-BDRM NEWER Riverdale bsmt suite, clean & bright, sep ent, laundry, heat, N/S, N/P, avail Sept 1, $950/mon + shared electricity. 334-4965 1-BDRM APT, Takhini North, new, smaller unit, 6 appliances, parking, modern, convenient, N/P, N/S, responsible tenant, $1,045/mon incl utils. 334-4541 email for pics greggerhale@gmail.com ROOM IN shared 4 bedroom home, Copper Ridge, seeking easy going, clean & responsible tenants, lots of storage, $600/mon, N/P, dd reqʼd. 335-6462 2-BDRM HOUSE in Mayo, large, available now, full basement, fenced yard, detached garage, heated by 2 super-efficient oil monitors, downtown location, close to everything. 668-4073 2+ BDRM, 1.5 bath townhouse condo, Riverdale, avail Sept 1, lots of renovations, $1,500/mon + utils. 633-6711 1-BDRM BSMT suite, Riverdale, clean, natural light, shared laundry, utils incl, N/S, N/P, no parties, refs & dd reqʼd, $1,000/mon. 335-8817

Wanted to Rent HOUSESITTER AVAILABLE Mature, responsible person Call Suat at 668-6871

FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 2014 LOOKING FOR 2 year house rental starting September 15, 2014, working professionals with 2 new borns and 2 non-shedding dogs, within 30 minutes of Whitehorse. 250-716-1983 WANTED: ROOM for October 1st in Whitehorse, non-smoker, no children, have 8-lb dog, near bus stop, 30-yr resident. 668-7503 lv msg

Real Estate LAKEFRONT ACREAGE, approx 9.7 acres & 1,000Ęź waterfront on beautiful Crag Lake, treed & sloped, several good building sites, $230,000. 821-6011 2-BDRM 1-BATH mobile, completely upgraded in 2013, located on nice greenbelt lot in Takhini, $105,000. 334-2906 for info

Brand New Single Family Homes starting at $349,900. Certified Green. Show Home Open Daily 1-85 Aksala Dr. Visit www.homesbyevergreen.ca for more details or call Maggie 335-7029 ATLIN LAKE VIEW PROPERTIES FOR SALE www.lemke-realty.com Phone 250-651-2112 REMOTE TRAPLINE #381, 600 sq mi, several hotsprings on line, good marten country, 750 sq ft main cabin, 3 line cabins, turn-key operation, all equipped, $100,000. 393-2714 LOOKING FOR small lot, 30 to 40 minutes from Whitehorse, will consider anything challenging or needing innovation/creativity. 332-0235

FOX LAKE, cabin on .144 ha water front lot, 720 sq ft with loft, solar power, propane lights, fridge, stove some furniture, $249,900. 633-5540

OPEN HOUSE August 23 & 24, 2014, 12-4 pm, rare 3-bdrm 2-bath bi-level Riverdale house on bigger lot, visit 43 Hart or call 335-5976

RIVERDALE LOT, 100x50, new water/sewer services, south-facing backyard, alley, 3-mins to trails, quiet street, 21 McQuesten, 2nd floor views, $169,900. wallymaltz@mac.com or 335-9385

UNIQUE 2-BDRM 2-bath Victorian-style house on 3 acres, Watson River Subdivision, Carcross, truly incredible view property, just listed & priced to sell, $299,000, Propertyguys.com, ID #143659

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Help Wanted Gold Village Chinese Restaurant Looking for experienced full-time kitchen helper and server Apply with resume to 401 Craig Street, Dawson City, YT Y0B 1G0 Fax resume to: 867-993-2336 Wanted: English-speaking live-in housekeeper beginning August 2014. Meal preparation, shopping, etc, for one senior. Light housekeeping, laundry, etc. Estimated 25-30 hours per week. Knowledge of German required. Knowledge of French and music an asset. Room & board provided with own room, private bathroom. Wage negotiable. 633-3638


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Employment Opportunity www.yukoncollege.yk.ca

Tlicho Engineering & Environmental Services Ltd. (TEES) has a number of challenging career opportunities as part of the Faro Mine Remediation Project. We are searching for the right people to ďŹ ll key roles in our dynamic fast-paced work teams. We invite you to join our team providing care and maintenance services at the abandoned Faro Mine site in Faro, Yukon


ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR TEES requires an Environmental Coordinator responsible for performing / supervising ďŹ eld activities related to water quality, hydrology, geotechnical monitoring, meteorological, terrestrial, data management, lab analytics, reporting and assessment programs. Duties include (but are not limited to) managing ďŹ eld staff, surface water sampling, groundwater sampling, ow monitoring, seepage and groundwater monitoring, and instrumentation maintenance. Ideally this candidate will have a BSc in Civil/Environmental/Geological Engineering, but the following will also be accepted: t Environmental Engineering Technologist Diploma, Environmental science or other related technician/technologist diploma; t 5+ years of environmental experience in conducting ďŹ eld work in a similar setting would be an asset; and t Experience in planning and conducting environmental investigations. Tlicho Engineering & Environmental Services Ltd (TEES) is committed to developing capacity of local impacted communities, providing to local business and preserving lands for future generations. TEES works in the most remote locations and extreme environments in the world, where we continually complete projects on schedule and under budget. TEES is contracted by Government of Yukon to provide care and maintenance services at the Faro Mine Complex as part of the Faro Mine Remediation Project. For more information on the Faro Mine Remediation Project, please visit www.faromine.ca. APPLICATION PROCESS & FOR MORE INFORMATION Deadline for submission is August 20, 2014 by 6:00 pm. Please submit your resume to: jboyd@tlichoeng.com or by mail Faro Mine Complex PO BOX 400, Faro Yukon Y0B 1K0 By fax 867-994-2378

Providing leadership through our strengths in programming, services and UHVHDUFK <XNRQ &ROOHJH¡V PDLQ FDPSXV LQ :KLWHKRUVH DQG FRPPXQLW\ FDPSXVHV FRYHU WKH WHUULWRU\ $ VPDOO FROOHJH <& SURYLGHV D VWLPXODWLQJ and collegial environment. We work with Yukon communities, Yukon First Nations, local governments, business and industry, to promote a FRPPXQLW\ RI OHDUQHUV ZLWKLQ D YLEUDQW RUJDQL]DWLRQ &RPH MRLQ XV DV ZH FRQWLQXH WR HQKDQFH WKH <XNRQ¡V FDSDFLW\ WKURXJK HGXFDWLRQ DQG WUDLQLQJ

&DPSXV +RXVLQJ $GPLQLVWUDWRU Student & Infrastructure Support $\DPGLJXW &DPSXV :KLWHKRUVH Salary: $57,583 to $68,559 ,QLWLDO 5HYLHZ 'DWH $XJXVW &RPSHWLWLRQ 1R

This is an exceptional opportunity for a motivated, enthusiastic, and dependable person with excellent customer service skills. We are looking for a dynamic individual who enjoys working with students, staff, and the public. <RX ZLOO EH SURYLGLQJ D EURDG UDQJH RI DGPLQLVWUDWLYH ÀQDQFLDO and student centered services which will include, collecting fees, SURYLGLQJ EXGJHW DQG ÀQDQFLDO VXSSRUWV ZRUNLQJ ZLWK &ROOHJH VHUYLFHV H[WHUQDO DJHQFLHV DQG UHVSRQGLQJ WR D YDULHW\ RI &ROOHJH and housing inquiries. You will be coordinating the application and admission process for campus housing and managing housing move ins and outs. The ideal candidate is a strong team player and will have related administrative post-secondary education and demonstrated ability to multi-task in an environment with competing priorities. You will KDYH H[SHULHQFH ZRUNLQJ LQGHSHQGHQWO\ LQ DQ RIÀFH HQYLURQPHQW ZKHUH \RX KDYH FUHDWHG LQQRYDWLYH RIÀFH SURFHGXUHV DQG ZLOO KDYH H[FHOOHQW FRQà LFW UHVROXWLRQ VNLOOV VRXQG MXGJPHQW DQG VWURQJ bookkeeping/accounting skills. Our three on-campus Housing units are home to over 150 people. 2XU &DPSXV +RXVLQJ XQLWV DUH ORFDWHG ZLWKLQ D ÀYH PLQXWH ZDON to classes, athletic facility, library, dining, and outdoor facilities. <XNRQ &ROOHJH RIIHUV VWXGHQW KRXVLQJ RSWLRQV IRU IDPLOLHV FRXSOHV and single occupancy. Activities are planned on and off campus for WKRVH LQ &DPSXV +RXVLQJ DQG WKH &DPSXV +RXVLQJ WHDP ZRUNV WR support students in their success. Students who live on campus have opportunities to learn new skills, consider different ideas, discover new aspects of themselves and explore new cultures. A security clearance is required. Go to: http://yukoncollege.yk.ca/about/employment for more information on all job competitions. Quoting the competition number, please submit your resume and cover letter to: Yukon College, Human Resources Services, Box 2799, 500 College Drive, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 5K4 Fax: 867-668-8896 Email: hr@yukoncollege.yk.ca

Apply to careers@ whitehorse.ca by 11:59pm August 12, quoting 083-FIN-14. For more details, please visit: whitehorse.ca/careers


TAGS food & gas 24 HRS/7 Requires

Gas Attendant $12/hr NOC# 6621

t (3"7&:"3% t -0/(5&3. 104*5*0/ t 8*--*/( 50 5&"$) Mail or Drop off Resume to:

5BHT 'PPE (BT UI "WF 8IJUFIPSTF :VLPO : " , 867-667-2203

Your Community Newspaper. One Click Away.






food & gas 24 HRS/7 Requires

Food Counter Attendant

Office Administrator – Junior Accountant Waterfront Station Permanent Position (80 hrs. biweekly) Salary: negotiable - based on experience Comprehensive benefit package available

Be a part of Yukon’s most dynamic company, working with an energetic, progressive organization! Are you looking for a challenging and rewarding experience where you can expand your professional administrative and accounting skills? If so, then look no further as an exciting opportunity awaits you at Northern Vision Development!

NOC# 6641

If you have a strong work ethic, attention to detail, with a high level of accuracy, and a great communicator‌. we’d like to talk with you about joining our team at Waterfront Station.

Mail or Drop off Resume to:

5BHT 'PPE (BT UI "WF 8IJUFIPSTF :VLPO : " , 867-667-2203

Miscellaneous for Sale BETTER BID NORTH AUCTIONS Foreclosure, bankruptcy De-junking, down-sizing Estate sales. Specializing in estate clean-up & buy-outs. The best way to deal with your concerns. Free, no obligation consultation. 333-0717

Reporting to the Corporate Controller, this position is responsible for the integrity and accuracy of the financial information for Northern Vision Development LP, specifically relating to the data entry of Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable, which includes NVDLP corporate accounts. This position is pivotal in managing the day to day activities of the corporate office and the first point of contact for our clients, shareholders and board members. Qualifications t #BTJD "DDPVOUJOH PS CPPLLFFQJOH DPVSTFXPSL t &YQFSJFODF JO CPPLLFFQJOH PS BDDPVOUJOH t 4USPOH BENJOJTUSBUJWF FYQFSJFODF JO BO PĂłDF TFUUJOH t &YDFMMFOU QSPĂśDJFODZ JO &YDFM 8PSE BOE 0VUMPPL t 8PSLJOH LOPXMFEHF PG 2VJDL#PPLT JT BO BTTFU t "CJMJUZ UP QSJPSJUJ[F XPSLMPBE BOE BEKVTU UP TIJGUJOH QSJPSJUJFT t "CJMJUZ UP XPSL JOEFQFOEFOUMZ BT XFMM BT JO B HSPVQ FOWJSPONFOU t &YDFMMFOU PSHBOJ[BUJPOBM TLJMMT t "UUFOUJPO UP EFUBJM BOE B IJHI MFWFM PG BDDVSBDZ t 4USPOH XPSL FUIJD SFTQFDUGVM BOE USVTUXPSUIZ Please submit your cover letter and resume to: HR@nvdlp.com Check out our website nvdlp.com - Careers for detailed job description

We will pay CASH for anything of value Tools, electronics, gold & jewelry, cameras, furniture, antiques, artwork, chainsaws, camping & outdoor gear, hunting & fishing supplies, vehicles & ATVs. G&R Pawnbrokers 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY • SELL • LOANS GLASS ENTRANCE door, metal frame, used, steel tracks for 5th wheel hitch, basic cash register. 667-7144 240ʟ OF 3.5� x 20ʟ Victaulic pipe w/clamps, $600, 50ʟ of 2� copper pipe, offers. 332-6565 MOUNTAIN EQUIP womenʟs gear, waterproof jacket XS, $150, hydrofoil pants, med, $80, hiking pants sz 8 & 10, $25/pr, Marmot down jacket, med, $45. 311B Hanson St, eves CHEST WADERS, 5mm neoprene, Browning size LT menʟs, like new, $75 firm. 821-6011 BASIC OLDER cash register, $150. 667-7144 ABS PIPE, 8 pieces 10ʟ length, 3�, threaded at both ends, $80. 821-6011 SOLID CORE unfinished maple door, new, 1 3/4� door 32" x 80" with window 24"x30" and fire rated door frame, complete $200 obo. 335-2648 WINDOOR RECYCLER We buy & sell new & used triple/double/single windows. We have wooden, vinyl and metal windows available. Check out our selection of brand new exterior doors/frames as well as vinyl windows. Cheapest in town. 333-0717 LARGE SPIDER plant, $40; DVDs, $3 - $8. 311B Hanson St eves MENʟS VASQUE hiking boots, size 10.5 or 11, 667-7144 BATH TUB glass, 60�X56�, sliding enclosure doors with metal frame, $125. 332-6565 CAN THE fellow who has my 6 John Lyons VHS videos come forward and call me. I have lost your number. Deb at 333-0744 GYPSY WAGON built on 16ʟ flat trailer, tandem axle, unfinished, must see. 456-4755 ADJUSTABLE METAL bed frame, $25. 668-4082 TINY HOUSE on trailer. 144 sq ft main kitchen/dining/living/bath + 72 loft w/dormers. Bright, charming, healthy, R-40. Triple-pane windows, propane F/P, shower, incinolet, on-demand hot water, $69,900. wallymaltz@mac.com

The successful candidate will be processing shipments of general gift merchandise and jewellery for retail sale at Murdoch’s. Shipments arrive in boxes and require physical handling. An eye for detail is an asset to ensure product has arrived in saleable condition. Some jewellery experience is also an asset. The position also requires some front-end customer service. Competitive wage and beneďŹ ts package. Please apply in person with resume to

Murdoch’s, 207 Main Street

Closing date: August 10, 2014


t (3"7&:"3% t -0/(5&3. 104*5*0/ t 8*--*/( 50 5&"$)



The Arctic Edge Skating Club is seeking applications for the Position of,


Join our team. Whitehorse Minor Hockey Associa on has 2 posi ons to fill:

Concession Coordinator

Compensa on/Salary Nego able, D.O.E. Considera on will be given to educa on, training and experience. Resumes accepted un l end of business day August 15, 2014

OďŹƒce Manager

30-40 hrs/week. $22-$25/hr D.O.E. Considera on will be given to educa on, training and experience.

For both posi ons please send inquiries and Resumes to:


Be a part of one of Canada’s most dynamic environmental and socio-economic assessment processes; working with an energe c, progressive organiza on. We are commi ed to the well-being of our employees and encourage their personal and professional development. Our commitment is to be an impar al, eec ve and eďŹƒcient organiza on that provides assistance to all involved in the assessment process.

Organization Description Arctic Edge Skating Club is a not-for-proďŹ t organization afďŹ liated with Skate Canada. It is managed by a volunteer board of directors. The purpose of the club is to encourage the instruction, practice, enjoyment and advancement in all aspects of skating in accordance with Skate Canada guidelines.

Job Description The position will require on average 20 hours/week. The work schedule will be exible. Pay is at an hourly rate of $20/hour. The Sport Administrator works under the direction of the board and will: t $PNNVOJDBUF QSPHSBN JOGPSNBUJPO XJUI QBSFOUT BOE QBSUJDJQBOUT t *O DPOTVMUBUJPO XJUI UIF CPBSE BTTJTU JO UIF QMBOOJOH BOE PSHBOJ[BUJPO PG skating programs, and other club events and activities, t .BOBHF "SDUJD &EHF 4LBUJOH $MVC BOE 4LBUF $BOBEB SFHJTUSBUJPOT t "TTJTU JO QSFQBSBUJPO PG CVEHFU BOE GVOEJOH QSPQPTBMT t .BOBHF BDDPVOUT QBZBCMFT BOE BDDPVOUT SFDFJWBCMFT BTTPDJBUFE XJUI operating the club t 3FQPSU PO SFWFOVFT BOE FYQFOTFT SFMBUFE UP DMVC BDUJWJUJFT BOE QSPKFDUT


ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Haines Junc on Designated OďŹƒce Permanent, Part-Ć&#x;me 40 hours biweekly

This posi on oers a salary of $26.30 per hour. Located in Haines Junc on, this posi on reports to the Manager, Designated OďŹƒce and is responsible for providing recep on and administra ve support to the sta of the Designated OďŹƒce. Applicants should demonstrate their ability to work independently in a confiden al environment, with frequent interrup ons, and their ability to mul -task and priori ze their workload while maintaining a posi ve a tude with both co-workers and the public. Applicants must have experience with Microso Outlook, Word, Excel and Access. If you feel you have the qualifica ons and desire to meet the challenges of this posi on please forward a cover le er and resume outlining how your experience and qualifica ons relate directly to the posi on. A job descrip on is available at the Haines Junc on Designated OďŹƒce, 100 Steele Street, Haines Junc on YESAB Head OďŹƒce, Suite 200 – 309 Strickland Street, Whitehorse or on our website at www.yesab.ca. Please submit applica ons to: Finance and Administra on Manager, YESAB Suite 200 – 309 Strickland Street, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2J9 Ph: 867.668.6420 Fax: 867.668.6425 or email to yesab@yesab.ca Toll free: 1.866.322.4040 Resumes must be received by August 19, 2014.







(Legal Aid)

Position Type: Full-time, Permanent Department: Justice Closing: Wed., Aug 13, 2014 Salary: Level 6 - $66,107 to $79,328 plus benefits

V, THE complete series, The Final battle + the original miniseries, $30. Serge @ 667-2196 eves

Permanent position to start September, 2014

CHICKEN PEN or dog pen, 5' high x 4Ęź x 8Ęź. New. Need pick up at Marsh Lake. Will need 2 guys to load, $200 obo. 660-4084

The Yukon Legal Services Society (Legal Aid) is looking to hire a new staff lawyer. The successful candidate will be responsible for providing legal representation to eligible Yukoners referred to them by the Legal Aid Administration Office. The ideal candidate will have experience and/or a desire to pursue expertise in the areas of family, child protection, criminal and mental health law.

West Fraser’s, Westpine MDF located in Quesnel, BC is looking for an exceptional:

CERTIFIED INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN Preferred candidates are industrial Electricians possessing dual certification as a journeyperson. Electrician and Industrial Instrumentation Mechanic with proven experience in any of the following: Delta V, A+B PLC, Wonderware HMI ABB DC Drives, Mitsubishi VFD, A+B VFD, 60/13.8kV Distribution, Ethernet Networks. Fisher valves and Rosemount transmitters. Understanding of process systems is an asset and attention to safety and efficiency is a must. Good Interpersonal and communication skills rout out your qualifications. Quesnel has a population of approximately 25,000 and features all major conveniences, including its own airport. Quesnel offers affordable housing, modern recreational and educational facilities, regular community events, as well as unlimited recreational activities for the outdoor enthusiast. It doesn’t take long to feel part of Quesnel’s welcoming community. Interested applicants should forward a resume to: westpine@westfraser.com by August 22, 2014. For more information on West Fraser and other career opportunities, visit our website at: www.westfraser.com/jobs We thank all candidates for their interest, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Desired qualifications: • • • • • •

HOUSEHOLD W I R E , 3-conductor, 14-gauge, min 75Ęź (probably more), $40. 633-2106 after 4pm


For complete details, visit www.kwanlindun.com/employment

Are you ready to discover opportunity with one of North America’s most successful forest companies? Rated one of Canada’s 10 Best Companies to Work For and as one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers two years in a row, we are a growing Company looking for talented people to be part of our team.

JACK LALAINE power juicer elite mod #MT-1066, good cond, $40 obo. 633-2106 after 4pm

Ability to prepare clear, thorough, and grammatically correct written documents Ability to establish trust with clients and maintain confidentiality Ability to meet deadlines in a multiple task environment Possess strong time management and communication skills Coordinate time and workload with a legal assistant Strong interest in Supreme Court Family Law

We encourage recent calls. All applicants must be members of good standing of a Bar in Canada, and eligible to be called to the Yukon. Compensation is based on years of relevant experience. We offer a competitive salary, excellent compensation packages and a flexible working environment. Our staff lawyers have diverse work loads and gain access to learning and development opportunities that provide pathways to professional growth. We thank all applicants; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. APPLICATION DEADLINE: AUGUST 15, 2014 Please submit your resume and expression of interest by email or fax to:

KITCHEN/BATHROOM CABINET pulls & hinges, 45 cabinet pulls, white enamel & gold, 90+ cabinet door hinges, $50 for all. 393-2341 WINDOW VALENCES, lined, multi-colored, 4 window panel toppers, 25"x30"wide, swag styled valences, 2, 50�–55" wide, 3, 30�-34", $60 for all, incl curtain rods & installation brackets. 336-2341 AROUND 1,000 vinyl records, all 78s, rock, country, pop, blues, etc from 1970s to 1980s, $2,000 obo after 5pm 3 GOOD used wood stoves. 668-1053 after 6pm INTERIOR DOOR passage handles, 8 sets, white enamel and gold, 3 privacy sets $ 5 passage sets, $40 incl all plates & hardware. 336-2341 DIAMOND RING, 10 Cdn diamonds, white gold, never been worn, all paperwork incl, new $1,800, asking $1,000. 334-7405 COMPLETE DO-IT-YOURSELF kit 30' x 44' x 13' with base plate connectors, galvalume 22 gauge, 30 years perforation Warranty, Future Steel Garage. 334-4787 CFA APPROVED wood stove, glass doors, exc cond, insulated chimney w/cap, 7�, like new, 2-gal jerry can, 5hp compressor, 20-gal. 334-9017 7-SLED DOG houses, $25 ea; 1 pr womenʟs black bunny boots, size 8, like new, $50. 668-7691 MEDICAL CHAIR, unused, in exc cond, $650 obo. 633-4079 SMALL DRUM, horse halters, 4-hole camp stove w/oven, 1/2� manilla rope, 200 feet. 867-399-3171

Yukon Legal Services Society Administration Office Attention: Shannon Rhames Email: srhames@legalaid.yk.ca Fax: (867) 667-8349

MISC KITCHEN appliances, slow cooker, electric frypan, etc, call 633-4079 to view KING SIZE sheet sets, 4 sets, king size duvet covers, 2 units, $100. 660-4806

Employment Opportunity


STOCK POT $60.633-4375


Providing leadership through our strengths in programming, services and UHVHDUFK <XNRQ &ROOHJH¡V PDLQ FDPSXV LQ :KLWHKRUVH DQG FRPPXQLW\ campuses cover the territory. A small college, YC provides a stimulating DQG FROOHJLDO HQYLURQPHQW :H ZRUN ZLWK <XNRQ FRPPXQLWLHV <XNRQ First Nations, local governments, business and industry, to promote a community of learners within a vibrant organization. Come join us as we FRQWLQXH WR HQKDQFH WKH <XNRQ¡V FDSDFLW\ WKURXJK HGXFDWLRQ DQG WUDLQLQJ

Casual, Part-time, Temporary: Graphic Designer College Relations $\DPGLJXW :KLWHKRUVH &DPSXV +RXUO\ 5DWH HVWLPDWHG KRXUV EL ZHHNO\


&RPSHWLWLRQ ,QLWLDO 5HYLHZ 'DWH $XJXVW As a member of the College Relations division, this position is an integral part of a six person marketing and communications team. The position delivers graphic design services, primarily for the School of Continuing Education and Training as well as assisting with other marketing related activities. Marketing duties include: creating e-newsletters, developing targeted marketing plans and updating the website and planning new web development. The ideal candidate will have a post-secondary degree in a UHOHYDQW Ă€HOG DQG ZLWK D PLQLPXP RI \HDUV¡ H[SHULHQFH LQ graphic design, with some background in marketing. Previous experience in a post-secondary and/or adult education environment, and familiarity with Yukon media would be considered assets. Candidates with an acceptable combination of education, training and experience may also be considered. Go to: http://yukoncollege.yk.ca/about/employment for more information on all job competitions. Quoting the competition number, please submit your resume and cover letter to: Yukon College, Human Resources Services, Box 2799, 500 College Drive, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 5K4 Fax: 867-668-8896 Email: hr@yukoncollege.yk.ca

PEX 1/2" crimping tool, like new, crimps 1/2" copper ring type, c/w Go-No Go gauge, $50. 634-2631 cooker,


VINTAGE BROWN Tupperware Canister set, 4pcs with lids, $10. 668-5882

PLANNING TECHNICIAN Location: Dawson City, Yukon Start Date: September 2, 2014 (negotiable) Term: September 2 to December 31, 2014 (possibility of extension dependent on funding) Salary: $61,603 - $74,348 per annum (based on 37.5 hours/week) CLOSING DATE: AUGUST 10, 2014 Reporting to the Acting Senior Planner, the Planning Technician is responsible for implementing a variety of communications initiatives, providing technical analysis and expertise, and assisting with all aspects of production of a land use plan for the Dawson region. We are a small but hardworking team that strives to find creative solutions to complex issues. Do you have a background in land use planning, environmental sciences, geography, or natural resource management? Do you have excellent communications skills and value community engagement? Do you have graphics design, publishing, website management, and/or GIS experience? Are you known for your organizational skills and attention to detail? Are you self-motivated and set a high standard of excellence for yourself? Then we look forward to hearing from you! A complete job description is available at the DRPC office in Dawson (2nd Avenue next to Home Hardware), or on our website at http://dawson.planyukon.ca If you feel you have the qualifications and desire to meet the challenges of this position, please forward a cover letter and resume on or before the closing date to: Monica Krieger, Acting Senior Planner Dawson Regional Planning Commission PO Box 8010 Dawson, YT Y0B 1G0 Ph. (867) 993-4400 Email: monica@planyukon.ca All responses will be acknowledged and kept strictly confidential, but only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

100 GALLON fuel tank on stand, $200. 335-9510 FILES. SCHOOL is soon back, exc cond, all sizes, all colours, $1/ea. 335-7535 HYDROPONIC GROW kit, 8 lights incl, everything you need to start growing, $150. 335-1515 MASTERCRAFT BAND saw, like new, used very little, $90. 393-2055 YOUNG GIRLʟS clothing, ages 11 to 14, 667-6616 WII U 32 GB with controller and game, like new, $400 value, asking $200. 633-3053 3000 WATT Briggs & Stratton generator, exc running order, 334-8555 after 5pm INTERLOCKING METAL bed frame, interlocks to various sizes, $60 obo. 456-4766 INDUSTRIAL REBAR, 30 pieces 1/2�, 40ʟ length, 20 pieces of 1/2�, 12ʟ length, 5 pieces 3/4'�, 60ʟ length, numerous 1/2� angle pieces, will not piece out, $1,000 takes all. 335-2648 POOL TABLE 4X7, good shape, c/w 5 cues, 3 long, 2 short, all the balls for 8-ball, $50. David 333-9100 SCHLAGE COMMERCIAL door lock sets, new, in box, brushed chrome, 4 complete sets, $100 ea. 335-2648 12' X 14' canvas wall tent, 40" walls, 10oz canvas, no chimney hole, $1,200 retail, asking $575. 334-6605 CUB BLACK bear rug, offers. 334-8555 after 5pm OLDER FREEZER, works well, $40, vintage York 4-pc stereo, $25, vintage Electrahome turntable, $35, Scott fertilizer spreader, $15, convection oven, $15, child car booster seat, $10. 668-4082 FREE TO give away, cut-off saw, key cutting machine, childʟs bike, 2 small TVs, older but work, 668-4082 AQUARIUM WITH some new accessories, $100. 667-4090

FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 2014 CAMPING PORT-A-POTTY, $25, West King garburetor, new in box, $50, programmable radio scanner, $20, 5-hole 4.80X12 trailer wheel & tire, $15. 668-4082

DANBY APARTMENT-SIZE dishwasher, c/w all sink hookups & manual, great cond, $100. Call or text 334-4215

WRIGHT-DITSON GOLF clubs with bag & folding cart, $75. 668-3968

WALL OVEN, $100 obo, Cooktop, $100 obo, over-the range microwave, $200 obo. 393-3122

DINOSAUR DIARAMA, 667-7144 VERY HIGH-END Foosball table, $250 firm. 668-4775 LIVESTRONG LSPRO2 TREADMILL 3.25 CHP motor, speeds 5-12 mph Belt size: 60 inches User capacity: 400 lbs 0-15% incline range Less than 1 year old, barely used Perfect working condition New: $4,000 Asking: $800 Moving & wonĘźt have room for it Email: treadmill4sale2@gmail.com

TVs & Stereos Paying cash for good quality modern electronics. G&R Pawnbrokers 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY • SELL • LOANS

Musical Instruments We will buy your musical instrument or lend you money against it. G&R Pawnbrokers 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY • SELL • LOANS PIANO TUNING & REPAIR by certified piano technician Call Barry Kitchen @ 633-5191 email:bfkitchen@hotmail.com YAMAHA CVP 509 digital piano, check many features on Internet, $9,000 value, asking $6,700. Serge @ 667-2196 after 5pm


Electrical Appliances

General Manager

KENMORE CLOTHES dryer, new model, very quiet, $100. 633-2837

Operations Manager

KITCHEN STOVE, working cond, 4 burners & oven, $50 obo. 633-2106 after 4pm

Certified Journeyman Mechanic

SEARS BEST fridge, good working order, $150. 633-2580

School Bus Drivers-Training Provided

DRYER, HARDLY used, $200. 335-6042 lv msg FREE TO good home, functional dryer. 633-4018 WHITE 18 cu ft fridge, top freezer, split cantilever shelving, white self-cleaning kitchen range, built-in dishwasher, sm microwave, white, turntable, 333-9020 CROSLEY ELECTRIC clothes dryer, works great, $75, 335-7711

Please contact Pat Jamieson for full job descriptions.

OfďŹ ce Hours Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm #9 Linderman Road, Whitehorse, Yukon ­nĂˆĂ‡ÂŽĂŠ{xĂˆÂ‡Ă“Ă‡{xĂŠUĂŠ­nĂˆĂ‡ÂŽĂŠĂˆĂŽĂŽÂ‡x™nÂŁ 8\ĂŠ­nĂˆĂ‡ÂŽĂŠĂˆĂŽĂŽÂ‡x™nĂ“

WHIRLPOOL WASHING machine, front loading, like new, $200. 334-8555 after 5pm

yukon hospital foundation

Career Opportunity

Yukon Hospital Foundation has the following position that it is recruiting for:

PRESIDENT, Yukon Hospital Foundation Full Time, Permanent The Yukon Hospital Foundation is seeking an experienced, dynamic and enthusiastic President to provide leadership, vision and direction for the organization. Established in 2005, the Yukon Hospital Foundation works under the direction of its volunteer Board of Directors to raise funds through events and individual and corporate giving to help the Yukon Hospital Corporation enhance the quality of healthcare Yukoners receive at the Whitehorse, Watson Lake and Dawson City hospitals.

Position Overview: Reporting to the Board of Directors, you are a proven leader who has demonstrated strategic and operational skills, with an ability to develop and execute fundraising programs. You will continue to enhance tools for tracking fundraising revenue and donor prospects, while leading a small team of contractors, volunteers and community leaders towards the achievement of our annual fundraising goals.

Experience and Competencies: • • • • • •



A minimum of five years of fundraising experience with at least two years in a leadership capacity The ability to lead, motivate, coach and inspire staff with a sense of mission in a team environment Strong budgetary and financial experience and a history of developing appropriate strategies Experience as a fundraising generalist with a track record in major gift and planned giving cultivation and solicitation, ideally in the context of capital campaign Expertise in developing and implementing donor stewardship strategies with multiple stakeholder groups Has an understanding of working with First Nations groups

Interested candidates are invited to submit their resume to: Curtis Shaw Chair, Board of Directors Yukon Hospital Foundation Email: curtisshaw@mac.com This competition will remain open until a suitable candidate has been recruited. For information on the Yukon Hospital Foundation please visit our website at www.yhf.ca We would like to thank all those candidates that have applied and advise that only those candidates selected for further consideration will be contacted.

Here is your opportunity to work in a diverse and dynamic environment for an evolving sport organization in the YUKON THE WHITEHORSE CURLING CLUB IS SEEKING A

Club Assistant The Club Assistant position is a full time seasonal position running from September to April with the option to return each year. This position supports the ďŹ nancial and operational requirements of the Club by planning and administering speciďŹ c Club functions and activities. Responsible for scheduling of bar staff and ordering of supplies. This work is performed in a diverse and dynamic environment, which demands exibility, adaptability and high caliber interpersonal skills on the part of the successful candidate. The position reports to the WCC Manager. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL REQUIREMENT. The successful candidate will have a passion for customer satisfaction and excellent skills in event coordination, normally acquired through a combination of education and experience, recreation and sports leadership, and some time spent working with non-proďŹ t organizations. The required strengths include strong planning, organizational, motivational, negotiation, and reporting skills. As well, the Club Assistant will have an excellent working knowledge of Microsoft OfďŹ ce, Excel, and the ability to independently perform all required duties. Thank you in advance to all applicants; however only those selected for the interview process will be contacted. Deadline for application is Friday August 15th. For further information on this posting or to apply please contact Sandy Miller at info@whitehorsecurlingclub.com


Executive Director 2 YEAR TERM FULL-TIME SALARY: $84,242 - $105,302

QUALIFICATIONS: Completion of Grade 12, or four to five years working in a senior position in First Nation public administration or, successful completion of a degree in Public or Business Administration, preferably in a First Nations environment or an equivalent combination of training and experience; knowledge of Yukon and LSCFN government systems and Land Claims and other related agreements; knowledge of LSCFN history, culture, demographics, goals and aspirations; knowledge of general management practices; knowledge of Human Rights Legislation; knowledge of Federal Labour Laws; knowledge of contract negotiation. DUTIES: t %JSFDUT UIF BDUJWJUJFT PG UIF EFQBSUNFOU CZ t 1SPWJEJOH EJSFDUJPO UP BMM EFQBSUNFOUT JO DBSSZJOH PVU UIF BOOVBM goals, objectives, priorities and strategies of Chief and Council; t %FWFMPQJOH JNQMFNFOUJOH NPOJUPSJOH BOE FWBMVBUJOH EFQBSUNFOUBM policies and procedures and assisting with the development of laws and regulation as directed; t &OTVSJOH UIBU BOZ MBXT QPMJDJFT QSPDFEVSFT BOE SFHVMBUJPOT SFHBSEJOH governmental activities are enforced and adhered to; t 8PSLJOH DMPTFMZ XJUI UIF 'JOBODF %JSFDUPS SFHBSEJOH UIF NPOJUPSJOH and control of budgets within the office. t "DU BT B MJBJTPO GPS $IJFG BOE $PVODJM UISPVHI DPNNVOJDBUJPO XJUI other First Nations, organizations, boards and committees, agencies and officials of Federal and Territorial Governments. Ensuring the LSCFN citizens are aware of Council’s plans, directives and policies; t .FFUJOH XJUI 1SPHSBN %JSFDUPST PO B SFHVMBS CBTJT UP SFWJFX QSPHSBN activities, establish priorities, and any other items of concern t 3FQPSU BOE MJBJTPO XJUI $IJFG BOE $PVODJM PO UIF EBJMZ PQFSBUJPOT PG the First Nation, provide Chief and Council with all relevant information and briefings on all on operations through comprehensive reports in writing and orally; t ,FFQ $IJFG BOE $PVODJM BQQSJTFE PG BMM JTTVFT BOE DPODFSOT UIBU SFMBUF to the functioning and priorities of the FN operation; t "TTJTU %JSFDUPST JO UIF EFWFMPQNFOU BOE DPPSEJOBUJPO PG QSPHSBN goals and objectives, operational plans and program indicators for a variety of programs; t 1FSGPSNT PUIFS SFMBUFE EVUJFT LSCFN hire policy will apply Must provide a criminal records check Valid class 5 driver’s license If you are interested, please submit your expression of interest along with your resume by 4:30P.M. Sept.1, 2014 to: "UUFOUJPO %PSJT $BPVFUUF )VNBO 3FTPVSDF 0óDFS 10 #PY $BSNBDLT : 5 : # $ Phone: (867)863-5576 ext 280 Fax: (867)863-5710 Email: resume@lscfn.ca While LSCFN thank all applicants, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.




LOWER & higher end electric & acoustic guitars, Guilds, Corts, custom Larevee, etc. Call for info 334-3009

2 Bar Managers

12-STRING SIGMA guitar, vg cond, $500. 334-8392


Firewood FIREWOOD FOR SALE Beetle killed Approximately 20-cord logging truck loads $150 per cord Delivered to Whitehorse Call Clayton @ 867-335-0894

The Town and Mountain Hotel has an opening for a working Bar Manager for a 200 seat cabaret. As well we are looking for a working Bar Manager for an 80 seat upscale cocktail Lounge. This is a high volume business that requires an experienced, motivated, self-starting individual. Please apply by email with references kayle@townmountain.com website www.townmountain.com.

EĒĕđĔĞĒĊēę OĕĕĔėęĚēĎęĞ



Until illed Whitehorse 37.5 hours per week full time Level 7

Job Summary: The Council of Yukon First Nations shall support a Navigator position to provide assistance to eligible First Nation and Inuit individuals with access to Non-Insured Health Bene its (NIHB) in the Yukon; to advocate and support YFN individuals and communities with gaining an increased understanding of existing health services, jurisdictions and the NIHB Program and to exchange, gather and collate information on health access issues, and to identify ways of improving health access for Yukon First Nations. Additional Information: Only those candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted. For further information and job description, please contact Renie Bruton at 867-393-9206 or email at renie.bruton@cyfn.net. Please submit applications and/or resumes to: Name: Renie Bruton Address: Council of Yukon First Nations, 2166 2nd Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 4P1 Phone: (867)393-9206 Fax: (867)668-6577 E-mail: renie.bruton@cyfn.net


Closing Date: Location: Hours: Salary:

Until illed Whitehorse 37.5 hours per week full time, Level 6

Job Summary: Under the supervision of the Health and Social Director the Regional Education, Employment and Early Childhood Development (REEES)/ Regional Health Survey (RHS) Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating and assisting in the implementation of several research, information management and data collection initiatives including: the First Nations Regional Education, Employment and Early Childhood Development Survey and the Regional Health Survey other related data collection projects that may be developed by the regional CYFN of ice. Additional Information: Only those candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted. For further information and job description, please contact Renie Bruton at 867-393-9206 or email at renie.bruton@cyfn.net. Please submit applications and/or resumes to: Name: Renie Bruton Address: Council of Yukon First Nations, 2166 2nd Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 4P1 Phone: (867)393-9206 Fax: (867)668-6577 E-mail: renie.bruton@cyfn.net


Closing Date: Location: Hours: Salary:

Until illed Whitehorse 37.5 hours per week full time Level 7

Job Summary: Reporting to the Self Government Secretariat Director, this position is responsible for the development and coordination of the implementation of the “Walking Together to Revitalize and Recognize Yukon First Nation Languages” program. The position is responsible for supporting and coordinating efforts toward language revitalization for all Yukon First Nations; including all service providers. This position will assist in the development and implementation of a Strategic Sustainability Plan to support community level language programming delivered by individual First Nation Governments. Additional Information: Only those candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted. For further information and job description, please contact Renie Bruton at 867-393-9206 or email at renie.bruton@cyfn.net. Please submit applications and/or resumes to: Name: Renie Bruton Address: Council of Yukon First Nations, 2166 2nd Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 4P1 Phone: (867)393-9206 Fax: (867)668-6577 E-mail: renie.bruton@cyfn.net

Dev (867) 335-5192 Carl (867) 334-3782

✔ Beetle-killed spruce from Haines Junction, quality guaranteed ✔ Everything over 8" split ✔ $250 per cord (2 cords or more) ✔ Single and emergency half cord deliveries ✔ You-cut and you-haul available ✔ Scheduled or next day delivery


Cheque, Cash S.A. vouchers accepted.

DONʼS FIREWOOD Proudly Supports *Protect the Peel* Daily Deliveries City Limits, $260/cord 393-4397 DIMOK TIMBER 6 CORD OR 22 CORD LOADS OF FIREWOOD LOGS BUNDLED SLABS U-CUT FIREWOOD @ $105/CORD CALL 634-2311 OR EMAIL DIMOKTIMBER@GMAIL.COM EVF FUELWOOD ENT Year Round Delivery • Dry accurate cords • Clean shavings available • VISA/M.C. accepted Member of Yukon Wood Producers Association Costs will rise. ORDER NOW 456-7432

Guns & Bows Case cutlery, high quality hand-crafted pocket and hunting knives available at G&R Pawnbrokers 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY • SELL • LOANS

LEE ENFIELD No. 1 Mk III, 303 British, sporterized, very nice bluing, good bore, scope rail instead of rear sight, 10 rd mag, $300 firm. PAL reqʼd. 667-2276 AYA (AGUIRRE y Aranzabal) 12-gauge shotgun, vg to exc cond, to trade for similar cond/quality 16 gauge sxs. 633-2443



Store (867) 633-3276

WINCHESTER MODEL 67 .22 single shot rifle, very good cond, $175. 633-2443

An Experience in Canada’s True North



THE JOB Reporting to the Executive Director this position directs the Health and Social Department team in delivering programs and services in the areas of wellness, health, social assistance, family & child welfare, addictions and personal counseling, personal and home care for Elders and clients with disabilities, health promotion and justice programs. The Director also represents the VGFN in health and social related business with governments, partners, and professionals, develops and implements strategic goals and work plans, and serves as a member of the Senior Management Team. THE CANDIDATE The ideal candidate will hold a degree or diploma in a field related to health and social services or the equivalent in experience and relevant training; Broad knowledge of government legislation regarding health and social services; Knowledge of health and social issues affecting First Nation peoples both locally and nationally. The ideal candidate will also have extensive management experience that includes financial and supervisory skills with at least two years at a senior level either in private or public sector and previous experience in a First Nation community is an asset.

WANTED: IMR 4831, IMR 3031 & CCI 200 primers. 633-3738 LEE ENFIELD shtle III, 303 British, sporterized wood, very good bore/metal finish, 10 rd mag, sights & scope rings installed, $300 firm, PAL reqʼd. 667-2276 NEW STEYR-MANNLICHER 30-06 Mod. Safebolt Synthetic Stock, $980. 633-4375 BAUSCH & Lomb Discoverer model spotting scope, 25X200, $150; Dall sheep cape, $450, located in Haines Junction. 250-566-1346 JR CARBINE, 9mm, c/w carrying case, 3 clips & tactical scope, must have PAL, $1,000 firm. 250-651-0073 REMINGTON MODEL 788 .308 rifle c/w Leupold base & rings, clip, Bushnell 3x9 scope, shortened stock to fit youth, sighted in, $400. 335-3656 after 5 TWO CHARTER Arms AR-7 .22 semi auto survival rifles, barrel & action fit in stock and they float, surprisingly accurate, $250 for both. 335-3656 after 5 NEW STEYR-MANNLICHER 300 Win. Mag Mod. Safebolt Synthetic Stock,$980. 633-4375

A detailed job description is available @ http://www.vgfn.ca/employment.php

NON-RESTRICTED FIREARMS course presented by Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club Aug 23 & 24. For more info call 667-6728 or 334-1688

PAY RANGE $79,806 - $103,748 plus an excellent benefits package.

FEDERAL AMMUNITION 300 WSM, 1 box Premium 180gr Soft Point + 13 rounds 180gr Triple shock for $50. 668-6808

CLOSING DATE August 8th, 2014

HORNADY AMMUNITION, 450 Marlin, 15x350gr FP Interlock + 20 (1box) 325gr Evolution, $ 50. 668-6808

Please forward your resumes to: Brenda Frost Manager, Human Resources P.O Box 94, Old Crow, YT Y0B 1N0 Ph: (867) 966-3261 ext. 256 Fax: (867) 966-3800 Email: hrd@vgfn.net

LEUPOLD SCOPE VX-3, 4.5 14x40, not used, ballistic turret, matte black, $820. 668-6808 LEUPOLD SCOPE Vari-X 3, 2.5-8x40, matte black, very good, $240. 668-6808 WINCHESTER AMMUNITION, 300 Win. Short. Mag., 4 boxes @ 20 rounds 180gr, Powerpoint + 15 rounds SuperX 180gr PHP for $100. 668-6808

FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 2014 1953 TULA SKS, 7.62x39, unfired since arsenal refurb, numbers matching, incl sling, bayonet, clips, grease pouch, cleaning kit, hardwood stock, exc cond, $220. 335-3349 CROSSBOW, EXCALIBUR Ecomax, c/w all the extras, scope, quiver, bolts, cocking aid etc, exc cond, $750 for all. 335-1515 RUGER M77 Mark 2 243, $800. 335-3416 MAUSER 1908 DWM w Brazilian crest, 7 mm calibre, pristine cond, appears unfired, $1,000, will consider reasonable offers. 633-2443 RUGER SUPER Blackhawk .44 mag, 7.5� barrel, stainless steel, $450. 333-0564

2007 DODGE Caliber SXT, 4cyl auto, fwd, loaded, well maintained, recent work/parts, 94,000 km, $8,700. 334-4965

2003 CAVALIER 4-cyl auto, air, P/W, P/L, AM/FM/CD, 96,000km, $3,500 obo. 660-4220

2007 HONDA Civic, great on gas, c/w 2 sets tires/rims, remote start, manual 5-sp, clear glass, new battery, power locks & windows, maintenance records, detailed, 78,000 kms, $12,500. 335-2648

2003 GRAND Am, low mileage, 150,000, spoiler, fog lights, air, cruise, exc cond, $4,900. 332-7054 334-3456

2007 PONTIAC G5, red w/black&grey interior, 67,000kms, mint, $6,500. 667-6185 2007 PONTIAC Grand Prix, silver, loaded, second set of tires, 90,000kms, $6,500 obo. 668-6961 or 332-8918


2007 PONTIAC Torrent, awd, leather heated power seats, sunroof, command start, new windshield, 149,000kms, $9,500 obo. 334-3153

WANTED: SCRAP steel 1.5� angle iron, 1� square tubing, 3� x2� C-channel for adding support to ATV trailer. 456-4492

2006 CHEV Equinox AWD V6, black, p/l, p/w, pwr/heated seats, 6 disc changer, sunroof, new windshield, brakes, recent maintenance, 168,000 kms, $7,600 obo. 334-7842

DISABLED MAN requires vehicle for motor vehicle road test, will pay for time, call John @ 456-7448

2005 CHRYSLER Sebring convertible, 4-cyl, 75,000 mi, P/S, PDL, P/W, $7,250. 668-6961 or 332-8918

LOOKING FOR a hand cranked rolling mill for metal work/jewelry doesn't need to be fancy. 335-9925

2004 CHRYSLER Sebring convertible, low kms (50,000), $7,900. 334-4687

LOOKING FOR one or two pairs of old telegraph porcelain insulators for an art project. 633-6109 WANTED: 6X6 pressure treated 8ʟ, 12ʟ or 16ʟ. 668-6481 WANTED: 2-DRAWER oak filing cabinet, 660-4806 WANTED: USED tires 30�X9.5, 15� rims. 633-4493 WANTED: MODEL train sets and/or accessories. 332-6467 WANTED: CHARIOT baby carriage with all the covers, 668-5188 lv msg



2005 IMPALA V6 auto, AM/FM/CD, air, cruise, tilt, P/W, P/L & seat, 105,000 km, $5,500 obo. 660-4220 2004 CHRYSLER Intrepid, showroom cond, 46,000km, stored inside, new tires/wipers/battery, $6,000 obo. 334-8555 after 5pm 2004 PONTIAC Grand Prix, 4-dr, auto, P/S, P/W, brakes, leather interior, sun roof, heated seats, new tires, $5,800 obo. 334-4210 2004 TOYOTA Sequoia, V8 4WD, tow ready w/pod trailer brakes, moonroof, power windows & seats, A/C, temp and compass display seats 7+ driver, exc cond, dealer maintained, $16,900. 334-3138

2003 HONDA Odyssey, red, seats 7, runs well, cloth seats, rear windows tinted, non-smoking, no accidents, aftermarket CD player, decent windshield, p/w, p/l, 192,000km, $6,400 obo. 335-1509 2003 SATURN GM, 2.2L auto, new timing chain & battery, good tires, 171,000km, $3,500 obo. Dave or Gus at 393-4796 2002 PONTIAC Sunfire, standard, 180,322 km, comes with an extra set of winter tires on rims, $3,500 obo. 335-6677 2002 TOYOTA Echo, 220,000 kms, vg cond, except a bit a rust & the paint on the hood. Set summer tires & set winter tires, $4,500. 393-2518 2001 VW Jetta, sporty car, great cond, power everything, sunroof, alloy wheels, a/c, Sony stereo, standard, 252,000km, 4,000km on professionally rebuilt engine, $4,700 obo. 334-6807 1997 CHEVY Lumina, well maintained, exc cond, command start, 2 sets tires/rims, very reliable, $3,000. 334-8347 1997 DODGE Neon, 240,000 kms, runs well, $1,500 obo. 334-5032 1996 CADILLAC Seville STS, auto, 153,000km, leather interior, fully loaded, keyless-entry, sunroof, mechanic inspected, rear suspension is going but if driven responsibly on dirt roads itĘźs fine, $7,000. 668-7141 1995 D O D G E Neon, automatic, 268,000kms, new paint job, $1,500 obo. 667-7057

1991 TOYOTA Previa, 4WD, 320,000 kms, vg cond, No repairs needed, well maintained, head engine changed. Good all seasons, vg studded tires, hitch, $2,200 obo. 335-7535 1990 MAZDA MX6 coupe, Japanese import, 181,000km, regularly serviced, mechanically A-1, body good, interior excellent, $950 obo. 393-2162


✔ ! ! ✔ " " $ ✔ $ # ! ✔ ! % ✔ $ ✔ & ✔ ✔ "

1987 FORD Tempo, runs but needs work, new winter tires. Good for parts, $200 obo. 336-0893 1986 BUICK Park Ave, V6, 3.8L, exc cond, 173,000 km, everything power, loaded, $3,000 obo. 335-7711 1978 GRAND Marquis, all original, body in prime shape, interior in good shape, drive train in good shape, great classic and driver. 668-3229 REGULARLY MAINTAINED, single owner vehicle, great for winter driving, new all season tires, new clutch, bit of rust. non-smoking owner, $3,500. 668-7659


We Sell Trucks! 1-866-269-2783 • 9039 Quartz Rd. • Fraserway.com

2012 GMC Sierra 2500HD, 6L, crew cab, 4X4, 24,000kms, $25,500 obo. 668-6961 or 332-8918 2011 RAM 1500 crew cab 4X4 Hemi, 2006 Ram 3500 mega cab 4X4 diesel, 2005 GMC 2500 crew cab 4X4 diesel, with our without pilot car equipment. 660-4220 2009 CHEVROLET Silverado 1500 LT extĘźd cab, 4-dr, silver exterior, black interior, new tires, still under warranty, $13,800. 333-9020

WANTED: OLD boards sitting in your yard unused, needed for horse shelter, itĘźs good to recycle. 333-0744

2008 FJ Cruiser, 103,000km, great cond, very clean interior, $19,000. 336-0790

A Celebration of Life

Don Knutson

Cars 2007 SUBARU Impreza SE, 5-speed manual, 145,000 km, blue, excellent summer/winter tires on alloys, heated seats, AWD, sunroof, fog lamps, 5 CD player, 60/40 flat folding rear seats, $12,000. 335-1426

1989 DAYTONA 190,000km, black with grey race stripes, needs some work, runs and drives, Kenwood deck, 2 12� subs, $500 obo, need gone. 336-0502

for will be held on Thursday August 14 at 2pm at the Mount McIntyre Recreation Centre

13 DENVER ROAD in Mc$3"& t Ĺą

Custom-cut Stone Products

Please join us afterwards at Don’s favourite watering hole, the Royal Canadian Legion, 503 Steele St.

)&"%450/&4 t ,*5$)&/4 t #6*-%*/( 450/& t "/% .03&

2010 KIA Forte, black, 120,000 km, mainly highway, well maintained, manual, P/L, P/W, Bluetooth, airbags, no rust, $8,000. Laurence 418-262-3435



New Location


Headstone Potlatch

Lesley McDiarmid


(nee Smith)

April 29, 1951 – November 19, 2012

(June 11, 1968-August 19, 2013) 2 0 1 1 N I S S A N Sentra, 4-cyl, auto, AM/FM/CD, P/W, P/L, 40,000km, $11,500 obo. 660-4220 2008 CHRYSLER 300 touring model, silver, c/w sunroof & 2 sets of tires, very well maintained, 53,000kms. Price reduced to $8,500. 333-9966 2008 GMC Acadia, 120,000km, seats 7, rear DVD, heated leather, loaded, 20" summer wheels, new ultra ice grip winter tires, $18,000. 334-4500 2008 HONDA Pilot SUV, seats 8, P/W, A/C, AWD, no accidents, serviced regularly at Yukon Honda, AWD, 112,400kms, great family/winter vehicle, no accidents, $16,500. 633-6336

WHERE DO I GET THE NEWS? The Yukon News is available at these wonderful stores in Whitehorse ☛ THE YUKON NEWS IS ALSO AVAILABLE AT NO CHARGE IN ALL YUKON COMMUNITIES AND ATLIN, B.C.

The Headstone placement will take place Th

At 2 p.m. Saturday, August 30, 2014 At the Lake Laberge Cemetery Turn off at Horse Creek. A barbeque will follow at the family cabin at East Point, JackďŹ sh Bay. Follow the signs/balloons/

Everyone Welcome!

For more info call 633-3169

Airport Chalet Airport Snacks & Gifts


Bernie’s Race-Trac Gas Bigway Foods


Canadian Tire Cashplan The Deli Edgewater Hotel Extra Foods Fourth Avenue Petro Gold Rush Inn


Coyote Video Goody’s Gas Green Garden Restaurant Heather’s Haven Super A Porter Creek Trails North Home Hardware Klondike Inn Mac’s Fireweed Books Ricky’s Restaurant Riverside Grocery Riverview Hotel Shoppers on Main Shoppers Qwanlin Mall

Potlatch to follow at Kwanlin DĂźn Cultural Centre at 3:00 p.m. For more information 334-4553 Judy or 335-1825 Darlene


Saturday, Saturd Satur S at rday y August 9, 2014 Unveiling at 1:00 p.m. At Marsh Lake Cemetery

RIVERDALE: 38 Famous Video Super A Riverdale Tempo Gas Bar

Superstore Superstore Gas Bar Tags Walmart Well-Read Books Westmark Whitehorse Yukon Inn Yukon News Yukon Tire



Kopper King Hi-Country RV Park McCrae Petro Takhini Gas Yukon College Bookstore



Pet Report 633-6019



Help control the pet overpopulation problem





2009 DODGE Caravan, exc cond, body in great shape, asking $5,900. Call or text 867-336-2607 2008 F150 4X4 supercab, 70,000 km, great shape, A/C, power window/door, remote start, tow package, auto, 2 sets of tires, tonneau cover, etc, $17,500 obo. 667-7324


t TLINGIT ST, 1-2 yr old, DSH, Brown tabby, no collar. Contact the Mae Bachur Animal Shelter @ 633-6019 t JACKAL STREET, Tabby, female spayed, very light orange and white, answers to Tigger, Contact Shawna @ 334-2503 ( 25/07/14) t HILLCREST, DMH, neutered male, grey, no collar, answer to Daihi, Contact Murphy @ 334-5919(26/07/14) t DEMPSTER HWY, Chocolate Lab, neutered male, wearing a black collar and harness with a bell, answers to Grizzly Contact Bert @ 250-219-8678,250-261-3669 (26/07/14) t CRESTVIEW, DSH, 8 months old, male neutered, black with white chin and on chest and paws, Contact Nikki @ 334-6122 (31/07/14) t JOHNSTON CROSSING, Collie X, female spayed, black and white, 7 years old, wearing a purple collar, answers to Kit Contact Theresa @ 633-4370 (01/08/14) t KEEWENAW, DSH,9 months old, male, neutered, black and white, no collar, Contact Angela @ 332-3444 ( 05/08/14) t CRESTVIEW, DSH, 9-10 years old, female spayed, black on top and white under belly, no collar, answer to Posche Contact Martin @ 335-9025 (05/08/14)

t BARONOV ESTATES, DSH,white and orange and black, wearing a pink collar, answer to Duchess, Contact Belinda @ 332-5089 (06/08/14) t TIGEREYE, 9 years old, calico, female spayed, no collar, answer to Sweetheart, Contact Amy @ 334-4968 (06/08/14)


t FOUND BETWEEN DAWSON & STEWART. Husky X, white and black with a curly fluffy tail, female, 7-8 months old no collar, Contact @ Ashley @ 336-4557 (02/07/14) t FALCON, DSH, female, black and white with white on all its paws, no collar, Contact Kethry @ 613-857-5989 ( 08/07/14) t FOUND IN RIVERDALE, small little female dog, tan and white paws, wearing a black collar, Contact Julia @ 336-0494 ( 12/07/14) t FOUND IN COWLEY CREEK, male, Tortie, grey and black, no collar Contact Michaela @ 335-0097(22/07/14) t FOUND ON BALSAM, 5yr old, shepx, dark brown or black, male neutered, no collar, Contact Valerie @ 393-3630 (05/08/14)

RUNNING AT LARGE... If you have lost a pet, remember to check with City Bylaw: 668-8382




t 3yr old, neutered male, Akita, grey and white (A.J.) t 3 yr old, neutered male, GSD/Rottie, black and brown (Tristan)

t None at this time.

AT THE SHELTER DOGS t 7 yr old, female spayed, Rottie X, brindle (Daphne) t 2 yr old, spayed female, cream, Husky (Darby) t 6 mo old, neutered male, Lab/Husky X, blonde (Sven) t 1 yr old, neutered male, HuskyX, white and brown (Miloo) t 1 yr old, neutered male, BoxerX, brindle and white (Nikolaos) t 1 yr old, neutered male, Husky X, black and white ( Mario) t 2 yr old, neutered male, LabX, black ( Warrio) t 2 yr old, spayed female, BeardogX, black (Jackie) t 13 weeks old, male, Husky X GSD, black and white (Buddy)

t 13 weeks old, female, husky x GSD, black and blonde (Zummi) t 13 weeks old, male, Husky x GSD, black and tan (Artie) t 13 weeks old, male, Husky x GSD, black and blonde ( Bobo) t 13 weeks old, male, Husky x GSD, black and white ( Cavin) t 6 mo old, male, white, Husky x, (Epic)

CATS t 3 yr old, male neutered, DSH, black and white ( Cheeks) t 3 yr old, male neutered, DSH, black and white ( Rock) t 1 yr old, female, DSH, brown (Peach) t 11 yr old, male neutered, DSH, black (Mingus)

SPECIAL t Homes needed for retired sled dogs. They would make excellent pets. Please contact 6683647 or kennelmanager@muktuk.com If your lost animal has been inadvertently left off the pet report or for more info on any of these animals, call 633-6019 or stop by 126 Tlingit Street.

Pets will be posted on the Pet Report for two weeks. Please let us know after that time if you need them re-posted.

You can also check out our award winning website at:


1995 GMC Safari awd, 4.3L, recent front pads & rotor, rear shoes & drums, alternator, plugs, wires, $1,500 obo. 334-5408

TRUCK CANOPIES - in stock * new Dodge long/short box * new GM long/short box * new Ford long/short box Hi-Rise & Cab Hi - several in stock View at centennialmotors.com 393-8100

2008 FORD XLT F350, superduty diesel, headache rack, driving lights, 170,000kms, good cond, $19,750 obo. Gary 335-9596

1994 DODGE 1-ton, 12-valve diesel, new injector pump & new clutch, needs turbo, $3,500 obo. 336-3570

ENGINE STAND, good cond, $30 firm. 821-6011

2008 JEEP Patriot North, 4wd, 4-cyl, P/W, P/L, a/c, Pioneer stereo, usb port, alternative power source, 116,000km, $9,700 obo. 334-7842

1994 FORD E250 van, runs, needs TLC, $200 obo, 1995 Ford Aerostar, needs TLC, will run, $200 obo. 333-9358

STEEL WHEELS, original equipment GM 6 bolt steel wheels, 2 avail, 16"x 6.5" like new. $50 firm ea. 821-6011

1993 CHEVY Suburban, blue, c/w 8,000lb winch, 180,000kms, clean & well maintained, $3,000 obo. 334-7797

TRUCK C A N O P Y , white, high rise, 80�LX60�WX28�H, $200. 660-4806

2007 GMC Sierra 2500HD 6L Vortex gas, ext cab, 8ʟ box, new tires, toolbox, complete front end repair last Aug, 161,000 kms. $17,000. 633-5665 after noon 2006 2WD Ford Ranger Sport Manual, blue, 119,608kms, 4.0L, exc cond, incl new set of all season winter rated tires/custom 20� rims/tires, $7,000 obo. 633-3946


1995 FORD Ranger XLT Lariat Pickup Truck, 4 cylinder, 2WD, extra cab, long box w/canopy, red, great cond, $3,500 obo. 335-0233 text anytime, call after 5pm

2005 FORD F350 super duty diesel w/canopy, 247,000km, ext cab, long box, power everything, a/c, towing pkg, $9,700 obo. 334-7842 2005 GMC 2500 SLE diesel crew cab, short box, leather, fully loaded except sunroof, well maintained, not winter driven. 335-7455 2005 T O Y O T A Sienna awd van, 139,000kms, can be viewed behind T&M, $11,000. 668-7644 2004 CADILLAC Escalade V8 auto, fully loaded, vg cond, $11,900 obo. 660-4220

1991 31Ęź school bus, seats removed. Good running order, gas. Suitable for moving, storage, camping or work shop. 633-5155 1991 CHEVY Astro Van, 307,000km, needs fuel pump, tires, take it away for $300. 335-7711 1990 DODGE Caravan Grande, blue, automatic, cruise, a/c, 220,000kms, 3.3L V6 cyl, body & interior in good cond, great family vehicle around town, $925. 667-2174 1990 FORD F250 4-spd manual, comes with canopy, $2,000. 456-4567 1990 GMC Suburban, great cond, 290,000 km, well maintained, runs good, 4x4, auto, 5.7L V8, new battery & belt, full option, big roof rack, 9 passengers, safety inspection, $2,000. 336-1502

2004 LAND Rover Discovery HSE, loaded, 4WD, new tires, tow pkg, 162,000 kms, $9,500 obo. 335-4341

1990 TOYOTA Hiace, 8-passenger, camping or handicap minivan, 2/4 wheel drive, 4-cyl diesel, auto, 130,000 kms, great on gas, ofers or trades, 333-9020

2003 GMC 4X4 Envoy, very clean, $7,200. 668-4775

Auto Parts & Accessories

1999 CHEV Suburban 4X4 LT, V8, auto, fully loaded, vg cond, $6,900 obo. 660-4220 1999 CHEVROLET Tahoe LS 4X4, 5.7 liter, 4-dr, power windows, locks, a/c, cruise, front bucket seats, newer BFG tires, good shape, 175,000km, $5800. 668-2262 1992 DODGE Dually 250 5.9 Cummins, in great shape. 668-3229

GABRIEL ULTRA G Force struts & KYB Excel-G gas shock absorbers, new, model # struts G52035, shock absorbers 344296, look online to see if they fit, $240. 334-6628 2 GOODYEAR tires, P255/65R18 with 20% tread remaining, 2 Goodyear tires P255/65R18 with 90% tread remaining, $350 for all 4. 633-2324




‘05 Polaris Sportsman 800 ..................................... SOLD $5,999 ‘08 Kawaski 450 Sport/Race .................................................$4,999 ‘09 Yamaha Big Bear 250 ......................................................$3,499


‘00 Yamaha 650 Vstar ............................................... $3,499 $2,999 ‘04 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 (7800km). ......................................$5,999 ‘08 Honda Shadow 750..........................................................$4,999 ‘08 Yamaha BW50 Scooter .................................................. $1,699 ‘09 Yamaha WR450 Off-Road .............................................. $4,799 ‘09 Ducati 696 Monster..........................................................$7,499 ‘10 Yamaha YZ250F ...............................................................$4,999 ‘13 Yamaha WR250F..............................................................$7,499



(867) 668-2101 or 1-800-661-0430

1 KM south of Robert Service Way, Alaska Highway, Whitehorse, Y.T.

Pet of the Week!



I’m Peach. I’m a active young girl but for a home for me would be a home with older kids not with young kids, I love to cuddle and play. Come on down a meet me today.

TOYOTA ALLOY wheels, fits Tacoma or Tundra, 16X7, retail $490 ea, asking $200 ea or 4 for $700, near new condit, 633-3053 WANTED: RIMS for Dodge Grand Caravan. 668-6481 TRAILER AXLE with 5 lug hubs, 7 leaf springs, 70� spring to spring centre measurement, hydraulic brakes not working, $100. 821-6011 UNDERCOVER HARD tonneau truck bedcover, model 2121, fits Ford F25-350 8ʟ long box, 1999 to current without tailgate step, $400 obo. 334-2314 CHROME CHECKERED plate box liner, fits any truck with 8ʟ box, $250. 633-6200 4 TIRES, all season, P195/70 R14, lots of tread left, $35 ea. 335-7711 4 HANKOOK Dynapak tires, 265/65 R18 (10,000kkm) mounted on 2008 Chev Tahoe, polished alloy rims w/centre caps, $1,000 obo. 393-4397 CHALLENGER ALUMINUM truck tool box w/butterfly lid, fits standard truck box, $150 obo. 393-2055 2 TIRES, 265/75 R16 on 8-bolt Ford rims, $100. 334-5408

Pets 2 MALTESE/TERRIER pups, 1 female, 1 male, kennel trained, $200 ea, great personalities, will come with toys & food. 334-2627 GORGEOUS POMERANIAN puppies, CKC registered, vaccinated, 2 males, 2 females, orange, red and cream sable, wonderful temperaments, socialized with kids, cats and dogs, $2,500. 333-9770 to view THE YUKON KENNEL CLUB will be having the following summer/fall classes: Puppy Kindergarten Aug 19 Agility Fundamentals Aug 19 Building Obedience and Relationship through Play Aug 21 Instructor: Niomi Smith, FCI Certified Training Director To register please contact Wendi Arcand, 633-4952 www.Facebook.com/YukonKennelClub CANINES & COMPANY DOG OBEDIENCE SCHOOL Group lessons Aug 12, Sept 30 Puppy Fundamentals Obedience Level 1 Private lessons, home visits, behavioural modification FCI Certified Bronze Master Trainer 333-0505 caninesandcompany@northwestel.net New! ON POINT Hunting Dog Training and Nutrition Providing Pets with Canadian and locally sourced raw food. Why Feed Raw? Lecture/Demo on Aug 9th, 5pm. $20 333-0404 onpointyukon@icloud.com

Motorcycles & Snowmobiles TAITĘźS CUSTOM TRAILER SALES 2-3-4- place snowmobile & ATV trailers Drive on Drive off 3500 lb axles by Trailtech - SWS & Featherlight CALL ANYTIME: 334-2194 www/taittrailers.com 2004 POLARIS 500 H.O. ATV 4-wheeler, $3,750. 334-4687 RONĘźS SMALL ENGINE SERVICES Repairs to Snowmobiles, Chainsaws, Lawnmowers, ATVĘźs, Small industrial equipment. Light welding repairs available 867-332-2333 lv msg

633-6019 126 Tlingit Street


Recreational Powersports and Marine (RPM) Repairs Service, repair and installations for snowmobiles, ATVs, motorcycles, chainsaws, marine and more Qualified and experienced mechanic Great rates! Call Patrick at 335-4181 2008 HARLEY Davidson Sportster 883L, 3,000km, snap-on windshield, rollbars, highway pegs, passenger seat & sissy bar, extra shocks & oil, red in colour, $8,000. 634-2412



YUKON NEWS MINING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE -Simplicity 5' x 14', 2 deck Grizzly Feeder -Slurry Tank and 100hp pump (frequency drive cabinet) -Belt Feeder Email for info @ thescottyb@hotmail.com-emailed 8ʼ READING mechanicʼs service box, sliding trays, $1,000. 667-6185

2006 - 350 Honda Fourtrax

2005 Yamaha V Star 1100

1500 Km, Snowplow, Winch, Cargo Carriers. $4800.

15000KM. Red on Black. $4800.



2012 ARCTIC Cat 550 ATV, 900km, power steering, winch, windshield, h/t warmers, $8,500 obo. 668-6961 or 332-8918


1997 HONDA Goldwing GL 1500 Aspencade, ready to go, a great ride. 668-3229 XM 2013 Summit X 800 in awesome condition, asking $10,500 obo. 335-9712 1998 POLARIS 250, new struts & shocks, new drive belt, new rear tires, serviced, tuned, runs great, $1,800. 250-651-7877 or rpj@atlin.net 1994 POLARIS Indy XLT 580 triple, recently serviced, new skis, new trailing arm, new belt, fully tuned & synched. In great shape, $1,800 obo. 250-651-7877 or e-mail rpj@atlin.net 2008 SUZUKI RM250 Motocross, 2-stroke, low hours, like new, never raced, used for trail riding, $3,500 obo. 334-8347 2009 YAMAHA TTR125, this bike goes, in top condition, less than 300 kms, $2,800. 332-4232 HONDA TRIKE, high range, low range & reverse, rebuilt engine, good cond, in Whitehorse, $600 obo. 250-793-6137 ATV TIRES, 2 each Dunlop KT411 (25x8x12) and KT415 (25x10x12) ATV tires, about 50% wear, $125 takes them all. 633-2981

ATV & UTV Rentals Our Honda ATVs & Side by Sides are available at any time Trailer Rentals Delivery Service For more information call: (867) 393-2111 info@yukonwide.com


1985 HONDA Shadow 1100 cc, lots of new parts, beautiful bike, exc cond, $3,500 firm. 633-4246 lv msg 2008 HONDA VTX 1800, less than 6,000 km, like new cond, powerful, $10,000 all my helmets jackets and gear. 335-1515 2009 POLARIS IQ touring snow machine, 4-stroke electric start, block heater, reverse, 2-person seat, exc cond, low miles, $7,500. 333-9020 2003 ARCTIC Cat 900 Mountain Cat snow machine, 151” track, low mileage, exc cond, double wide trailer available extra, $4,100. 333-9020 2009 POLARIS Razr 800 ATV, 4,500lb Warn winch, roof, snorkel intake, upgraded shoulder harness seat belts, spare tire mount, upgraded mag rims, low hours, $7,500. 333-9020 BEAR CAT 440, 120kms on new engine, new skis and track, all work done professionally at Listers, incl cover & new adult helmet, $2,999. 335-2648 2003 YAMAHA WR450F, Recluse, FMF, Renthal, extras include plastics, original clutch, tubes, Klim pants etc, top end strong, $2,500 neg. 867-393-2828 lv msg 2009 YAMAHA 950 VStar, very clean, low miles, 8,200kms on the clock, $6,000. Mark @ 334-5196 2007 YAMAHA Phazer RTX 4-stroke, 4,300km, elec start & reverse, new skis w/carbides & piped, a true rocket, $3,500 obo. 393-4397

L-SHAPED ALUMINUM fuel tank & tool box combination w/electric fuel pump, 10' hose & nozzle, like new, 48"W31"D26"H, 380 litres, can be delivered to Whitehorse, $1,275. 250-651-7880 3 8V71 Detroit engines w/pump drives & hydraulic pumps from 1900 Warner Swazey excavators, $1,800 ea, mid 70ʼs Fiat Allis 945 loader parts, old Euclid rock truck parts, equipment tires. 250-651-7773

PROFESSIONAL BOAT REPAIR Fiberglass Supplies Marine Accessories FAR NORTH FIBERGLASS 49D MacDonald Rd Whitehorse, Yukon 393-2467 2002 16.25ʼ Harbercraft boat & trailer, 50 hp Johnson & 9.9 hp Yamaha, down rig, new winch, life jackets, exc cond, $13,500. 334-8912 lv msg 19ʼ WELDED aluminum hull jet boat, 350 Chev, 773 Hamilton Jet, 3/4 top and travel top, approx 160 hrs run time, c/w custom built trailer, $16,000 obo. 821-6011 24.5ʼ CRESTLINER, welded aluminum, 225hp, c/w tandem trailer, all rigging, $16,500 obo. 668-6961 or 332-8918 BOAT TRAILER, suitable for 14ʼ boat, w/large tires, $200. 633-2837 17ʼ REINELL tri-hull boat, motor & trailer, $3,000 obo. 668-4240 SEA-EAGLE, 8ʼ10” inflatable w/all accessories, weighs 55lb, floats 600lbs, uses up to 4hp motor, used twice, new $1,350, asking $800. 667-2607 or 334-1102 NISSAN 10ʼ inflatable boat w/aluminum flooring, 950 lb max load, 5-person, w/Nissan 8hp outboard motor, 1 tank & extras, exc cond, $2,000. 668-7026 24ʼ STARCRAFT cabin cruiser c/w full canvas, electronics, buss heater off engine, must see, has been on ocean & lakes, reduced price to $10,000 obo. 668-4593 or 335-1283 17.5ʼ FIBERFORM boat & trailer, 1980 4 cyl Chevy 140 hp inboard/outboard omc. leg, good cond, $3,000 obo. 399-3904 FISHERMAN'S DREAM, 16.5 Legen full canvas, 50 hp Mercury, with trailer, exc cond, $8,500. Bob at 633-4781 or 334-2660 20' CHESTNUT Freighter canoe, professionally fiberglass-covered incl transom, vg cond, completely watertight, exc Northern Icon watercraft, trailer not included, $3,500. 334-6605 14ʼ ALUMINUM Harbercraft with 15 hp Evinrude fuel tank and trailer, all together $1,000. 335-1515

BRENTʼS HYDRAULICS Portable line boring Bore welding, we go anywhere Torque nuts up to 30,000 ft lbs General machining, lathing, milling Phone 334-3027

TAITʼS TRAILERS www.taittrailers.com taits@northwestel.net Quality new and used Horse * Cargo * Equipment trailers For sale or rent Call Anytime 334-2194 Southern prices delivered to the Yukon 1998 COLEMAN tent trailer, clean canvas, sleep 7+, king&queen; pullouts, table to bed, couch to bed, indoor/outdoor cooking surfaces, indoor toilet/ outdoor shower, 2 awnings, approx 3500lb, $6,300 obo. 334-7842 2004 PIONEER travel trailer, overall length 28ʼ, large bath, queen bed, full kitchen, stereo, large awning, $9,800. 633-2580 2009 30' Citation trailer, polarpak pkg, enclosed valves tanks, thermopane windows dualpane skylights, 50amp power baseboard heaters, slide awnings, 16" wheels, shocks, equalizer hitch/antisway, $31,900 obo. 633-3339 or 334-9634

1990 GMC StarCraft Conversion Van good tires, good body, clean interior, tow package, couch converts to queen bed. $3,500 or trade. 633-5177 1995 SPORTSMAN 5th wheel travel trailer, 26.5ʼ, well maintained, everything in clean and working condition, c/w AMFMCD player, microwave, large awning,new spare tire, 5th wheel hitch, $8,500. 633-4656 1981 VANGUARD 8ʼ camper, 3-burner stove, oven, furnace, c/w 1 new propane bottle, 1-pc tin roof, good shape inside & out, $1,000 obo. 334-5408

Coming Events ATLIN GUEST HOUSE Deluxe Lakeview Suites Sauna, Hot Tub, BBQ, Internet, Satellite TV Kayak Rentals In House Art Gallery 1-800-651-8882 Email: atlinart@yahoo.ca www.atlinguesthouse.com

1991 TERRY travel trailer, exc cond, $5,500 obo. 332-9491

16ʼ VALCO flat bottom river boat, c/w 40hp Johnson outboard on trailer, $1,300 obo. 334-4687

2009 15ʼ Hi-Lo travel trailer, low mileage, cheap & easy to tow, 3-way fridge, propane furnace/stove, a/c, awning, everything works perfectly, must be seen, $12,000 obo. 335-2223

MATH TRAINING: Orton-Gillingham Math Teacher Training in Whitehorse, August 8-11 and 13-16 (www.mathworkshops.com). Contact Stephanie at LDAY, 668-5167 or ed@ldayukon.com for details and registration CRIME PREVENTION Victim Services Trust Fund application deadline Aug 15. Visit www.justice.gov.yk.ca/CPVSTF.html or call 667-8746 or 1-800-661-0408, ext 8746 to find out more GUILD SOCIETY Annual General Meeting. August 16th at 1pm Meeting only at this time. BBQ to be announced at a later date. All are welcome. SAFETYPALOOZA, OCCUPATIONAL Health & Safety Committee Training, September 17th & 18th at the Coast High Country Inn, Whitehorse. For more info contact: www.healthandsafetybc.ca 888-223-5669 or the YFL at 456-8250 HEART OF Riverdale Community Party/Flea Market, Discover the Heart, Sat Aug 16 9am-2pm, parking lot at 38 Lewes & Klondike, email info@theheartofriverdale.com or Susie Anne 335- 3442 for info & to register for a table/car space-$10 CRIBBAGE FUN event, Fridays July 25, August 1, 8 & 22, register at 1pm, games 1:30-4pm. 633-5023

ATLIN - GLACIER VIEW CABINS “your quiet get away” Cozy self contained log cabins canoes, kayaks for rent Fax/Phone 250-651-7691 e-mail sidkatours@ atlin.net www.glacierviewcabins.ca

WHITEHORSE CONCERTS AGM: Tuesday August 26, 7 pm at the Heritage Board Room at City Hall, 2121 2nd Avenue. All music lovers are welcome. For information call Steve. 668-6694

SINGLES NIGHT; interested in joining an adult singles group for campfire & music, beautiful setting on Annie Lake Rd July 26 & Aug 9, 7pm, free to join. 667-6429

ACTIVE TRAILS Whitehorse Association meeting Tuesday August 12, 7pm, Sport Yukon boardroom. Bring your trail issues. All welcome. www.activetwa.org

Matthew Nefstead was called to the Bar by the Supreme Court of British Columbia on June 5, 2014. Matthew graduated in 2013 from University of Victoria Law School. He articled with and is now employed by the firm of Devlin Gailus in Victoria.

2009 WILDWOOD 29ʼ travel trailer, like new, used twice, front kitchen, dining/LR, slide, walk around queen bed, ducted a/c, incls equalizer hitch, view at Fireweed RV, $22,000 obo. 393-2652

24ʼ SEARAY, 2 470” engines, works fine, needs minor TLC, $4,000. 333-0564


2014 RAINBOW 19ʼ tilt deck trailer, tandem 3,500lb axles, new, $5,250 obo. 334-0578

1996 TRAVELAIR Rustler 5th wheel RV275, fully equipped with front queen bed, dinette, rear lounge, full bathroom and kitchen, $7500. 393-2629 lv msg

HOME MADE 3/4-ton utility trailer, 16” tires, great for hauling firewood, trash, etc, $750 obo. 334-4568 after 5pm

1970S KOEHRING excavator, good D330 Cat engine, machine is operational, 10ʼ7” wide, weight is 20 tons, $5,000. 333-0564

COMMUNITY SAFETY Awards: Nominate a group or individual who works for community safety. Deadline for nominations Sept 5, 2014. More info 867-667-3656; www.justice.gov.yk.ca/prog/cjps/CommunitySafetyAwards.html

2008 14" cargo trailer by Interstate, near new, 3,500lb axles, low miles, LED lights, plywood floor, checker-plated front, spare, greasable hubs, all in exc cond. 335-1509

24ʼ BAYLINER cabin cruiser, fully equipped for fresh or salt water, VHF & sounder, $19,000 obo. 668-2771

HIGHLANDS IRRIGATION Supplying miners since 1974 Aluminum Pipe - New and Used Diesel Pumps Hoses - Fittings info@thewaterpeople.com 1-800-665-5909 www.thewaterpeople.com

HOME BUILT Camper, plywood construction, polystyrene insulation, peaked metal roof, lots of headroom, solid design and construction. $2,000. 335-9510

2004 34ʼ Class A Coachmen motorhome, under 50,000 kms, V/10 Ford auto, P/S, 4 disk brakes, new rear tires, camera, GPS, c/w 2014 car dolly. 334-4299

1983 GLENDALE motorhome, 460 motor, new water tank, passed inspection last Aug, only in town August 3-6, $5,000 obo. 587-435-3350

Heavy Equipment

THE ALZHEIMER/DEMENTIA Family Caregiver Support Group meets monthly. A group for family/friends caring for someone with Dementia. Info and register call Cathy 334-1548 or Joanne 668-7713

27' SILVERSPORT toy hauler, all aluminum frame for easy towing, interior lighting and venting, perfect for storing and hauling your toys all winter, $11,000 obo. 333-0375

Campers & Trailers

18ʼ SANGSTER, 120 Mercruiser inboard, needs work on starter & some electrical, c/w e-zy load trailer, $2,500 obo. 633-5540

1995 18ʼ Bayliner Capri model lake boat, c/w 90hp Suzuki 4-stroke (2004) outboard engine, cuddy cabin, $7,500. 334-4687

2005 NORTHERN Lite truck camper, 9'6" Classic Queen model, light enough for 3/4 ton, 2 awnings, electric jacks, stove/oven, large fridge/freezer, bathroom, storage, sleeps 4, great cond, $18,000 obo. 332-1691

Congratulations, Matthew! Much Love, Mom

Happy 95th Birthday to our “Most Senior” Volunteer

Amanda Rendell

And thank you for your help in our chapter raising $40,000 this May!!

1979 BIGFOOT 17' trailer, new propane tanks, good rubber, flipped axle for more clearance, fridge, stove, furnace, $4,500. 334-7664 SHORELAND`R 20.5ʼ boat railer, only used once, everything in top cond, V-Frame, bunk, breakaway tongue, rlectric brakes, $1,100. 668-6808

Looking forward to your help with the food tent services next year!!

from all your “CF Family” Cystic Fibrosis Canada Yukon Chapter

1972 INTERNATIONAL school bus, partially camperized, manual, converted to propane, good for hunting or mining camp, best offer. 634-2631 1975 FORD F250 2WD truck with camper, good cond, rebuilt 390 engine, runs well, extremely clean, storage, kitchen, bed area & windows that open, $3,500. 336-0790

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What do you want to sell?

photo credit Todd Sjodin TKS photography

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211 Woodd S Street, Whitehorse



+ gst


2003 Big Do

g Pitbull

Pro Street C Black & C ho lassic Fla me in colo pper OHV 45-D ur. egree V-T win - 1750 Cubic Inch cc 107 S& Transmissi S Motor 6 Gear B aker on. 5000k. $1 3, 900 obo. Call or tex t 000-000-0 000

60 YUKON TERRITORIAL Championship Tennis Tournament. Matches run Tues-Fri Aug 19-22, 5-9 pm, with S/S Aug 23/24. Mens/Womens/Seniors//U18/U16/U14 and U12 divisions. www.tennisyukon.com or tennisyukon@gmail.com

BUSY BEAVERS Painting, Pruning Hauling, Chainsaw Work, Yard Cleaning and General Labour Call Francois & Katherine 456-4755

YUKON ORIENTEERING Association August 13 event MacPherson map. Start at Old Alaska Highway (turn right off Alaska Highway 1600 m past turn off to North Klondike Hwy.) Darren 667-6116 for info

LOG CABINS: Professional Scribe Fit log buildings at affordable rates. Contact: PF Watson, Box 40187, Whitehorse, YT, Y1A 6M9 668-3632

Septic Systems: New, Repairs & Perc Test Land Clearing: Stump Removal, Grubbing & Stripping #BTFNFOUT t 5SFODIFT t %FNPMJUJPO %SJWFXBZT t "OE .PSF Senior

PAINTING DONE RIGHT! Interior/exterior, oil, staining. Professional work at reasonable rates. 17 years in Yukon. Also serving the communities. (Williamson Yukon) Phone 456-2043 or 333-0403

Call or text anytime (867) 335-2628

INVASIVE SPECIES workshop August 11 at 1pm. 2 hours outdoors in partnership with the Teslin Renewable Resources Council. Meet at 1pm at the Teslin Tlingit Administration building. www.yukoninvasives.com WHITEHORSE G E N E R A L Hospital Women's Auxiliary Mon, Aug 11th, 7:30 pm at WGH. New members welcome. Info: 667-7185 YUKON QUEER Film Alliance annual general meeting, 6:30 pm August 20 at 75 Ponderosa Dr. Members will be asked to approve a special resolution amending YQFA's bylaws. Info: outnorthqff@gmail.com YRTA (YUKON Retired Teachers) Breakfast Tues, Aug 12th, 9:30 am at Ricky's. Guests welcome. Info: 667-2644 YUKON ECONOMIC Developers Conference Sept 10-12, Dawson City, for people involved in community economic development. Info/registration: www.cned2014conference. com GEOCACHERS, COME to Atlin Saturday Aug. 16 for meet & greet with Atlin geocachers at Tarahne Park at noon for the day or stay the weekend, info on www.geocaching.com, GC59PV7 F.H. COLLINS School Council regular meeting @ 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 20, 2014, in the Fine Dining Room at the school. Everyone welcome. CANADIAN CELIAC Association Yukon Support Group with Community Dietician Kim Neufeld, R.D., Whitehorse Library Community Room (Ground Floor) Thursday, August 21 from 6pm-7:45pm

Services - INSULATION Upgrade your insulation & reduce your heating bills Energy North Construction Inc. (1994) for all your insulation & coating needs Cellulose & polyurethane spray foam Free estimate: 667-7414 BACKHAULS, WHITEHORSE to Alberta. Vehicles, Furniture, Personal effects etc. Daily departures, safe secure dependable transportation at affordable rates. Please call Pacific Northwest Freight Systems @ 667-2050 SHARPENING SERVICES. For all your sharpening needs - quality sharpening, fair price & good service. At corner of 6th & Strickland. 667-2988

HOUSECLEANING, SPRING Cleaning, Detailing! Safe, reliable, bondable RCMP check available on request For into call 334-7405 TITAN DRYWALL Taping & Textured Ceilings 27 years experience Residential or Commercial No job too small Call Dave 336-3865 THOMAS FINE CARPENTRY • Construction • Renovation • Finishing • Cabinets • Tiling • Flooring • Repairs • Specialty woodwork • Custom kitchens 867-633-3878 or cell 867-332-5531 thomasfinecarpentry@northwestel.net Licensed and Professional Automotive Repairs 20-year Journeyman Mechanic Monday - Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Call Brian Berg 867-633-6597 NORTHRIDGE BOBCAT SERVICES • Snow Plowing • Site Prep & Backfills • Driveways • Post Hole Augering • Light Land Clearing • General Bobcat Work Fast, Friendly Service 867-335-1106 CITYLIGHT RENOS Flooring, tiling, custom closets Painting & trim, kitchens & bathrooms Fences & gates Landscaping & gardening Quality work at reasonable rates Free estimates Sean 867-332-1659 citylightrenos@gmail.com S.V.P. CARPENTRY Journey Woman Carpenter Interior/Exterior Finishing/Framing Small & Medium Jobs “Make it work and look good.â€? Call Susana (867) 335-5957 susanavalerap@live.com www.svpcarpentry.com

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TOPSOIL Call Dirtball


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PASCAL PAINTING CONTRACTOR PASCAL AND REGINE Residential - Commercial Ceilings, Walls Textures, Floors Spray work Small drywall repair Excellent quality workmanship Free estimates pascalreginepainting@northwestel.net 633-6368 ELECTRICIAN FOR all your jobs Large or small Licensed Electrician Call MACK N MACK ELECTRIC for a free estimate! Save 10% until September 30 867-332-7879 Home Support/Respite Care Available Certified nursing-home attendant/ home-care worker Available days, evenings & weekends Recent RCMP check Valid drivers licence Tender, loving care 334-7405 YELLOW TRUCK EXCAVATING 393-3667 or 333-0972 Residential and Commercial Gravel - Sand - Concrete - Topsoil Dump Truck and Excavator Rentals Bobcat Services Excavating - Landscaping Road Construction Simply Seamless Eavestroughing Free Estimates Leaf Guard Avalanche Guard Installation, Cleaning & Repair of 5� continuous eavestroughing Phone 867-334-3195 simplyseamlessyt@gmail.com ANGYʟS MASSAGE Mobile Service. Therapeutic Massage & Reflexology. Angelica Ramirez Licensed Massage Therapist. 867-335-3592 angysmassage@hotmail.com 8 Versluce Place Whitehorse YT, Y1A 5M1 MC RENOVATION Construction & Renovations Laminated floor, siding, decks, tiles Kitchen, Bathroom, Doors, Windows Framing, Board, Drywall, Painting Drop Ceiling, Fences No job too small Free estimates Michael 336-0468 yt.mcr@hotmail.com FINISHING CARPENTRY & RENOVATIONS For Clean, Meticulous & Tasteful Quality Work INTERIOR Design & organization of walk-in closets, laundry & storage room, garage Kitchen & Bathrooms, Flooring, Wood & Laminate, Stairs. EXTERIOR Decks, Fences, Insulation, Siding, Storage Shed DIDIER MOGGIA 633-2156 or cell 334-2156





Anonymous MEETINGS: Wednesdays 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm #2 - 407 Ogilvie St. <BYTE> Fridays 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm 4071 - 4th Ave. <Many Rivers>


MONDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 8:00 pm New Beginnings Group (OM,NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. TUESDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 7:00 pm Juste Pour Aujourd’hui 4141B - 4th Avenue. 8:00 pm Ugly Duckling Group (CM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. WEDNESDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St.. 8:00 pm Porter Crk Step Meeting (CM) Our Lady of Victory, 1607 Birch St. 8:00 pm No PufďŹ n (CM,NS) Big Book Study Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. THURSDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Grapevine Discussion Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 6:00 pm Young People’s Meeting BYTE OfďŹ ce, 2-407 Ogilvie Street 7:30 pm Polar Group (OM) Seventh Day Adventist Church 1609 Birch Street (Porter Creek) FRIDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Big Book Discussion Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 1:30 pm #4 Hospital Rd. (Resource Room) 8:00 pm Whitehorse Group (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. SATURDAY: 1:00 pm Sunshine Group (OM, NS) DETOX Building, 6118-6th Ave. 2:30 pm Women’s Meeting Whitehorse General Hospital (room across from Emergency) 7:00 pm Hospital Boardroom (OM, NS) SUNDAY: 1:00 pm Sunshine Group (OM, NS) DETOX Building, 6118-6th Ave. 7:00 pm Marble Group Hospital Boardroom (OM, NS)

NS - No Smoking OM - open mixed, includes anyone CM - closed mixed, includes anyone with a desire to stop drinking

www.aa.org bcyukonaa.org AA 867-668-5878 24 HRS A DAY

CELEBRATE! Births! Birthdays! Weddings! Graduations! Anniversaries!

1 column x 3 inches ............. Wed - $ s &RI $35.10 2 columns x 2 inches ........... Wed - $ s &RI $46.80 2 columns x 3 inches ........... Wed - $ s &RI $70.20 2 columns x 4 inches ........... Wed - $ s &RI $93.60



Beaver Creek Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Carcross Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Carmacks Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Dawson City Y.T. Thursday - 6pm (summer only) New Beginners Group Rm 2160 @ Hospital Friday - 1:30pm Unity Group Rm 2160 @ Hospital Saturday - 7pm North Star Group Community Support Centre 1233-2nd Ave.

Destruction Bay Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Faro Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre Haines Junction Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Mayo Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre Old Crow Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Pelly Crossing Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Ross River Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Telegraph Creek B.C. Tuesday - 8:00 p.m. Soaring Eagles Sewing Centre

Teslin Y.T. Wednesday - 7:00pm Wellness Centre #4 McLeary Friday - 1:30p.m. Health Centre Watson Lake Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 2014 EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS looking to work in the Mt Lorne and Golden Horn area. Will build houses and other things. References available. Contact lornemountainbuilding@gmail.com or 334-2994

Lost & Found FOUND: LARGE Golden Retriever type dog on Alaska Highway Monday July 28 around noon. 335-2063 FOUND: PROPANE camp stove at Jackson Lake, call and describe. 332-4070 LOST: PAIR of glasses in a big black case on Monday morning at either Shipyards Park or Fourth and Strickland. If found, please call 335-2322 LOST CAT in Hillcrest area since Wed July 23, medium-length grey-haired neutered male, no collar but microchipped, very friendly, reward offered, any information greatly appreciated. 334-5919

LIVESTRONG LS PRO2 TREADMILL 3.25 CHP motor, speeds 5-12 mph Belt size: 60 inches User capacity: 400 lbs 0-15% incline range Less than 1 year old, barely used Perfect working condition New: $4,000 Asking: $800 Moving & wonĘźt have room for it Email: treadmill4sale2@gmail.com

Livestock FOR RENT: farm equipment, aerator, plough, manure spreader, mower, and no-till-drill. View online at www.yukonag.ca (Equipment). Call 668-6864 or email admin@yukonag.ca


CAMP YUKON lost & found will be on display at Bethany Church until Aug. 22nd. Feel free to stop by Monday to Friday between 9am-5pm to claim your items.


BEADWORK FOUND near fish ladder. Call 667-6996 to identify

Project Description: Provide photography of students for the Yukon Student Information System and optional packages for families to purchase. Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is August 26, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Shannon Trott at (867) 667-3483. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

Business Opportunities

Looking for NEW Business / Clients? Advertise in The Yukon News ClassiďŹ eds!

Take Advantage of our 6 month Deal... Advertise for 5 Months and


8YR OLD gelding quarter horse, trail rides, packs, loads well, $2,000 obo. 332-1691 HORSE HAVEN HAY RANCH Dev & Louise Hurlburt Irrigated Timothy/Brome mix Small square & round bales Discounts for field pick up or delivery Straw bales also for sale 335-5192 • 668-7218


Have you always wanted to ride? Find a complete list of all the great horse activities in Yukon! www.HorsinAroundYukon.com

GROUND SEARCH & RESCUE BASIC TRACKING TRAINING Project Description: Provision of nationally recognized training in Ground Search and Rescue Basic Tracking skills. Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is August 28, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Michael Templeton at (867) 667-5220. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

Community Services

TREADMILL, HARDLY used, like new, paid $400 new asking $200. 335-1515 3 SETS of cross country skis/shoes/poles, $50 ea. 335-1515

PUBLIC TENDER LANDSCAPING – YHC UNIT 490000 RETAINING WALL AND GRADING – YHC UNIT # 870700 FARO, YUKON Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is August 26, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. If documents are available they may be obtained from Yukon Housing Corporation, 410 Jarvis Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Laura Vanderkley at 867-667-8114.

QUALITY YUKON MEAT Dev & Louise Hurlburt Grain-finished Hereford beef Domestic wild boar Order now for guaranteed delivery Payment plan available Samples on request 668-7218 335-5192


NOTICE OF DEFAULT This is to notify the following customers that they are in default of payments for storage facilities: Tim Tizya ...................Mac..................... #1 Leslie Peach ..............Mac................... #37 Victoria Coates...........Mac................. #132 Cassandra Ostlund.....Mac................. #145 David Surgenor ..........Mac................. #167 Pat Magnuson............Mac................. #168 Ron Stack .................North...................D-5 Stacey McDiarmid ....North.................E-21 Art Langstaff .............North.....G-20 & C-28 Susan Morberg ......... Sima ...................A-9 Bonnee Bingham ...... Sima .................B-17 If the above-noted customers do not settle their debt by Friday, August 22, 2014 the contents of the above-noted storage units will be removed and sold for compensation. Please contact 633-5402 or 113A Platinum Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5M3 to arrange for debt settlement.


NEW BODY Sculpture Magnetic recumbent bike RC-3110-H. Paid over $400. Sacrifice at $120. 668-7369 POWER ICE Auger, new in box, never been used, $700 new, c/w 2 blades 10� + 8� & extension, asking $400. 335-2648

HAY FOR SALE Dry bales kept under a shelter Great quality, $12/bale. 633-4496 or astra@northwestel.net


4 s & E: wordads@yukon-news.com

Sports Equipment






Project Description: To provide registrar services for the Yukon Human Rights Panel of Adjudicators, including executive secretariat services Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is August 28, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Luda Ayzenberg at (867) 6675615. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

Project Description: Construction of a 2.545km temporary winter road in order to provide seasonal access into Operating Unit 18 of the Pine Canyon Timber Harvest Plan. Work involves construction of a road, salvage of timber and clearing of the road, associated right-of-way and landings. Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is August 28, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Jennifer Platz at (867) 456-3838. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

Project Description: Transportation of household solid waste from various unincorporated communities to the City of Whitehorse Solid Waste Management Facility. Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is August 26, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Monti Patterson at (867) 3320026. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html


Energy, Mines and Resources

Community Services

The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html




YUKON NEWS LEBARGE RANCH HAY Premium three grass horse blend, available in small square and netted round sizes. Also taking orders for fall oat bundles. Call 334-4589

YUKON HAY Quality Timothy / Brome mix



USED FARM MACHINERY Mower Conditioner, Round Bailer, Square Bailer, Seed Drill, Swather Disc, Hay Rake Machinery is older in working condition 335-5192 or 668-7218 Quality weed free brome hay bales for sale. 830 lb round bales and also small square bales Phone 668-2407 FRESH CUT 1,000 lb hay bales In the field $100 each 867-633-3388 Please leave a message


Baby & Child Items CHILDRENĘźS CLOTHING in excellent condition, given freely the first & third Saturday monthly at the Church of the Nazarene, 2111 Centennial. 633-4903 GRACO DOLL stroller, double with canopy, doll swing, rocks and plays a tune, and doll high chair, $35 obo. 633-6895 HEAVY DUTY child swing set, $125, large 3Ęź deep swim pool with pump, cover, $60 obo, bikes $10. 668-4082

Childcare WANT THE BEST FOR YOUR KIDS? This is your opportunity to enrol your kids in BubbleĘźs Preschool, downtown. We offer a great environment, excellent programs and highly qualified teachers. Call Now 393-2577

FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 2014 Furniture LOVESEAT. KROEHLER brand; high quality foam & construction. Smoke & pet-free home. Factory Scotchguard protection. L 65.5", W 35", H 35.5". Antique-type pattern w/light jade/salmon/cream colours, $290. 821-6011 ANTIQUE DUNCAN Phyfe double drop-leaf table, $225. Maple rocking chair, $80. 311B Hanson St eves MAPLE 7-DRAWER desk, $75, 311B Hanson St eves DOUBLE BED, higher end Simmons pillow top, c/w bed frame, exc cond, clean, $200. 333-9020 WOODEN KITCHEN table, $65. 335-6042 lv msg CONTENTS OF 1-bdrm apt, ongoing until itĘźs all gone, by appointment only, 332-5337 downtown, thebigcontentsdeal@gmx.com COUCH, VERY clean, $75 obo. 334-1732 SOLID OAK storage/TV unit, exc cond, measures 48"Hx55"Wx17"D, $80. 336.2341 LOVESEAT, BLUE in colour, exc cond, fairly new, $450 obo. 633-4079



HAND CRAFTED log bed, made from standing dead poplar, very unique, $800 obo. 399-3904 CHESTERFIELD, FULL size, $200, armoires, 2 units, walnut, $40 ea, oak book case 40�X48�, $25, oak high rise swivel bar stool, $40, oak end tables, 2 units, $20 ea. 660-4806 DOUBLE 633-4079

BED with frame, $250 obo.

KITCHEN TABLE, gd cond. Very convenient, rounded on two sides, $12. 335-7535 SINGLE BOXSPRING, exc cond. Deluxe, white, $40. 335-7535 LOVESEAT COUCH for sale, off-white colour, non-smoking home, exc cond, $200 obo. 456-4766 CHILDĘźS 4-POSTER bed, $100. 667-4090 ROUND IVORY table w/4 captain chairs, c/w leaf to fit 6 comfortably, purchased from country house 5yrs ago, exc cond, $550 obo. 334-8392 SEARS ARMCHAIR/RECLINER, rose on white print, vg cond, $50. 336-0534 HEAVY WOOD bistro type table, table top solid wood has minor scratches, 4 wooden chairs has distressed wood look, good cond, $300. 334-8392 BAR STOOLS with revolving top and back support, solid wood, metal pipe foot-rest, $42 ea or $75 for 2. 393-2588

LIQUOR ACT Yukon Energy is inviting quotations from qualiďŹ ed contractors for substation installation work at Yukon Energy’s power generation and LNG storage and vapourization facility located in Whitehorse. This tender consists mainly of the electrical supply and installation associated with the new 4,160/34.5 kV substation for the new facility. This work is scheduled for the 2014 construction season, with a planned start October 13, 2014 and with a completion date of December 12, 2014. Sealed tenders, clearly marked “ITT# 2014-0035 LNG Facility Substation Installationâ€? will be received up to 4:00:00 p.m. Yukon time, September 3, 2014, at Yukon Energy’s corporate ofďŹ ces, #2 Miles Canyon Road, Box 5920, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y1A 6S7 or via e-mail. To obtain an Invitation to Tender package contact Matthew Sills at (867) 393 5335 or email matthew.sills@yec.yk.ca.

TAKE NOTICE THAT Binkillmar Enterprises Limited of 2220 2nd Ave., Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 1C8, is making application for a Food Primary - Beer/Wine Liquor Licence, in respect of the premises known as Pizza Hut situated at 2220 2nd Ave. in Whitehorse, Yukon. Any person who wishes to object to the granting of this application should ďŹ le their objection in writing (with reasons) to: President, Yukon Liquor Corporation 9031 Quartz Road Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 4P9 not later than 4:30 p.m. on the 27th day of August, 2014 and also serve a copy of the objection by registered mail upon the applicant. The ďŹ rst time of publication of notice is Friday, August 8, 2014. The second time of publication of notice is Friday, August 15, 2014. The third time of publication of notice is Friday, August 22, 2014.

SUPPLY 15000 LITRE DOUBLE WALL FUEL STORAGE TANK Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is September 2, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to David Knight at (867) 667-3114. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

Any questions concerning this speciďŹ c NOTICE are to be directed to the Licensing & Development Branch at 667-5245 or 1-800-661-0408, local 5245.

Highways and Public Works

Tender Notice The City of Dawson will be accepting sealed bids for the:

Mary McLeod Road Subdivision Construction Tender Packages are available for Pickup at the City of Dawson Office. Sealed Bids, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the tender, are to be delivered to The City of Dawson OfďŹ ce located at: 1336 Front Street, Box 308, Dawson City, Y.T. Y0B 1G0

No later than 10:00 AM Local Time on August 19, 2014. The City of Dawson reserves the right to accept or refuse any or all bids.

Inquiries by bidders are to be directed to:

General Inquiries: Mark Wickham Across the River Consulting Dawson City, Yukon Y0B 1G0 Phone: (867) 993-2306 Email: acrosstheriver.mark@gmail.com

Technical Inquiries:

Christine Benedek Yukon Engineering Services 1-151 Industrial Road Whitehorse, Y.T. Y1A 2V3 Phone: (867) 668-2000 Email: cbenedek@yes-group.ca

PUBLIC TENDER SOIL REMEDIATIONS 502B GRANT AND 925-7TH AVENUE DAWSON CITY, YUKON Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is August 19, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. If documents are available they may be obtained from Yukon Housing Corporation, 410 Jarvis Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Laura Vanderkley at 867-667-8114. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL VARIABLE RETENTION TIMBER HARVESTING Project Description: Variable retention timber harvesting in three blocks in the Lewes Marsh area, south of Whitehorse for the winter of 2014/15. Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is August 28, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Aldo Van Eyk at (867) 456-3811. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

Energy, Mines & Resources

PUBLIC TENDER HEATING FUEL FOR OLD CROW Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is August 27, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to David Knight at (867) 667-3114. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. This tender is subject to Chapter Five of the Agreement on Internal Trade. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

PUBLIC TENDER FURNACE AND HEAT RECOVERY VENTILATION INSTALLATION YUKON HOUSING UNIT #867700 PELLY CROSSING, YUKON Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is August 19, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. If documents are available they may be obtained from Yukon Housing Corporation, 410 Jarvis Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Raymond Mikkelsen at 867-6675718. Site Visit: August 12, 2014 at 1:00 p.m.

Highways and Public Works

The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 2014 ARE YOU MÉTIS? Are you registered? Would you like to be involved? There is a Yukon Metis Nation that needs your support Contact 668-6845




DRUG PROBLEM? Narcotics Anonymous meetings Wed. 7pm-8pm #2 - 407 Ogilvie St. BYTE Office




Personals CITIZENS ON PATROL. Do you have concerns in your neighborhood & community? Be part of the solution! Volunteer valuable time to the C.O.P.S. program. With your eyes & ears we can help stomp out crime. Info: RCMP 867-667-5555 TO SEAN Sidney: This is to notify you that you have until August 15 to pick up your furniture and other items or they will be disposed of. Zumer Property Management, 633-3940 or 333-0147 WHITEHORSE DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB Aug 5, 2014 1st - Mark Davey & Chris Bookless 2nd – Bruce Beaton & Lynn Daffe 3rd - Jan Ogilvy & Darwin Wreggitt We play every Tuesday at 7:00 pm at the Golden Age Society. New players are welcome. For more information call 633-5352 or email nmcgowan@klondiker.com

Feel like a small fish in a big pond? Stand out from the crowd and be seen!

Advertise your business in the Yukon News.




FRI. 7pm-8:30pm 4071 - 4th Ave Many Rivers Office

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE is hereby given that Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of

JOHN TANNER SINCLAIR, of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Deceased, who died on July 15 2014, are hereby required to send them to the undersigned Administrator at the address shown below, before the 15th day of August, 2014, after which date the Administrator will distribute the Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which they have notice. AND FURTHER, all persons who are indebted to the Estate are required to make payment to the Estate at the address below. BY: Whitney Sandulak c/o Lackowicz & Hoffman Suite 300, 204 Black Street Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2M9 Tel: (867) 668-5252 Fax: (87) 668-5251

Project Description: Provision of nationally recognized training in Ground Search & Rescue Team Leader. Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is August 28, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Michael Templeton at (867) 667-5220. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is August 27, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Wayne Beauchemin at (867) 667-8039. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. This tender is subject to Chapter Five of the Agreement on Internal Trade. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is August 26, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Lester Balsillie at (867) 667-8168. Site Visit Scheduled for August 14, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

Community Services

Highways and Public Works

Highways and Public Works

Garage SATURDAY, AUGUST 9TH COPPER RIDGE M 150 FALCON DR, Copper Ridge, Saturday August 9, 9am-Noon, cancelled if raining M 137 PUEBLO CRESCENT, Copper Ridge, (off Iron Horse) Saturday August 9, 9:30am-Noon, book shelves, lamps, kitchen items, girls toys, clothing etc M 118 NORTH STAR DR, Copper Ridge, Saturday August 9, 9am-1pm, multifamily, household items, child poster bed, art, wicker items, smoker, aquarium & more

M 808 WHEELER ST, downtown, Saturday August 9, 9am-noon M CORNER OF 5TH & BLACK, downtown, in front of Electrical Shop behind Ford Motors, Saturday August 9, 9am-1pm, DVD/ BlueRay, electronics, kitchen items etc

GRANGER M 91 WILSON DR, Granger, Saturday August 9, 9am-1pm, lots of items for everyone


SALES M 1407 ALDER PL, Porter Creek, across the highway from Super A, Saturday August 9, 8am-noon, multi-family M 72 TAMARACK, Porter Creek, Saturday August 9, 8am-11am, beds, chairs, futon, pots, extension cords, misc other household, shop & garden



M UNIT 221, MOUNTAINVIEW PLACE, Range Rd across from Northlands, Saturday August 9, 8am-3pm, furniture, household items, clothing etc. 332-2318 M 44, 46, 49 CARPIQUET RD, Takhini North, Saturday August 9, 9am-12Noon, multi-family, Christmas items, bikes, books, misc household items etc


M 53 FINCH CRES, Logan, August 9, 9am1pm, Party Lite supplies, clothing, regular & Plus sizes, shoes, kitchenware etc

M 5 KLONDIKE RD, Unit 23, Riverdale, Saturday August 9, 9am-1pm, tread mill, movies, books, clothing, small furniture etc, rain or shine

M 132 RAINBOW RD, Crestview, Saturday August 9, 9am-2pm, odds and ends, everything must go

M 4 MAGPIE RD, Logan, Saturday August 9, 9am-Noon, cancelled if raining, furniture, toys, sports equipment

M 31 ALSEK RD, Riverdale, Saturday August 9, 9am-12noon, household items, jewelry, clothes, shoes etc


M 403 KUSAWA RD, Crestview, Saturday August 9, 9am-12noon, crafting supplies, household/Christmas items, toys, games, books, some furniture, etc


M 18 STEWART RD, Riverdale, Saturday August 9, 9am-Noon, men’s golf shirts XL, misc furniture, misc camping equip, luggage etc

M 67 ALSEK RD, Saturday August 9 & Sunday August 10 starting at 9am, clothes, toys, antiques, etc

M #4 - 18 AZURE RD, Crestview (Old Mackenzie RV park), Saturday August 9, 8am-2pm, multiple family sale, furniture, household goods, camping equip, rain or shine

DOWNTOWN M 609 COOK ST, downtown, Saturday August 9, 9am-Noon, various household items, no early birds please M 609 COOK ST, downtown, Saturday August 9, 9am-1pm, multi-person, lots of great items

M 95 FIREWEED DR, Mary Lake subdivision, Saturday August 9, 10am3pm, tools, household items, children’s clothing

PORTER CREEK M 21 CEDAR CRES, Porter Creek, Saturday August 9, 9am-12noon, TVs, household items, dresser, trampoline M 32-11TH AVE, Porter Creek, Saturday August 9, 9am-1pm, multi-family M 1413 HOLLY ST, Porter Creek, Saturday August 9 starting at 8am, upholstery fabric, yarn, household furnishings, set of R16 winter tires as new, treadmill etc

M 2 VANGORDA PL, Riverdale, Saturday August 9, 8:30am-1pm, indoor/outdoor plants, rabbit cage, golf bag, “free� table, etc M 3 VANGORDA PL, Riverdale, Saturday August 9, 8:30am-12Noon, multi-family, electronics, wine bottles, dell computer screen, fabric, women’s clothing, books, vinyl records, rugs, tools, etc M 72 - 100 LEWES BLVD, Riverdale, Saturday August 9, 9am-12noon

M 56 NORTHLAND, Northland Trailer Court, Saturday August 9, 9am-1pm, kid’s sporting items, camping, tools, bikes, tires, etc


REMEMBER.... WHEN placing your Garage Sale Ad through The Yukon News Website TO INCLUDE: t "%%3&44 t "3&" t %"5& 4 t 5*.& 0' :063 ("3"(& 4"-& XPSET PS MFTT '3&& $MBTTJmFET 3FDFQUJPO wordads@yukon-news.com or 667-6285

Deadline: Wednesday @ 3pm




Clearance SALE

Now’s the time to get more than you dreamed, but for less than you imagined. 2014 Springdale 179 stk #37887


20,673 + doc & gst

This unit features an east/west Was $24,076 bed, rear dinette booth, threepiece bath and a dry weight of only 3991 pounds for easy towing with a smaller vehicle.

2014 Springdale 189 stk #37888


21,855 + doc & gst

Built with the young family Was $23,900 in mind, this unit features Jack-n-Jill bunk beds, front lounge area, mid-ship kitchen and a rear dry bath.


2014 Springdale 202 stk #37889

21,423 + doc & gst

Experience the great outdoors Was $24,627 indoors with all the vista-view windows in this unit! Relax in the grandeur of a queensize walk-around bed, large dry bathroom and huge rear dinette.


2014 Springdale 202 stk #37035


22,224 + doc & gst

Experience the great outdoors Was $24,627 indoors with all the vista-view windows in this unit! Relax in the grandeur of a queensize walk-around bed, large dry bathroom and huge rear dinette.

our View alclhines a time mAT


2014 Springdale 282 stk #37893


29,543 + doc & gst

A sleeping capacity of nine is made possible with double bunks Was $34,836 sized to accommodate four adults comfortably; dual entrances, large dinette, queensize walk-around bed and a full kitchen make this unit a dream come true.

Buy a vacation certified truck and get a

$1,000 fuel coupon!

2012 Ford XLT Shortbox Colours may not be as seen above. stk #33834


44,569 + doc & gst

9039 Quartz Road (ac ros the road from Kal-Tire) (across (acros M Mon on FFri 8:3 Mon M on -- Fri Friri 8:30 8:30 8:3 -- 5:00 5:00 // Sat Sat 9:00 9:00 -- 4:00 4:00 // Sun Sun CLOSED CLOSED

Toll Free: 1-866-269-2783

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