Rimbey Review, August 19, 2014

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Serving the communities of Rimbey, Bentley, Bluffton, Winfield, Alder Flats and Buck Lake

Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2014


Volume 16 Number 34

Weekend festivities - Pancake breakfasts took place Thursday and Saturday mornings as part of Bentley and District Agricultural Society’s Annual Town and Country Fair and Ag Rodeo Aug. 7 to 10. Here, Martin Schneider and Garry Butcher share a joke as they prepare pancakes for hungry fairgoers. See more photos by June Norvila from weekend festivities in Bentley throughout this week’s paper. June Norvila Photo

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2 The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014

The Community Calendar Proudly Presented by Rimbey Co-op and the Rimbey Review BINGO’S: @ 7 pm. BINGO Rimbey Legion, 2nd Friday of each month, Lions Bingo 1st & 3rd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. Rimbey MEETINGS: at Ponoka Bingo Plaza. New Life at the Bingo - 7atpm s Mondays Anonymou Recovery 4th Wednesday, p.m. Rimbey Curling Club Bingo Ponoka Plaza Addicts in6:00 Food for more 403-843-45 CallLodge building. Fellowship Thursdays,Church 7:30 p.m. West Pine Bingo70 in Winfi eld.stinfo. each month. 1 Wed. theopen meetings rd Wagon, Rimbey 1st and 3Sleigh, Mondays 7:30 & at Saddle HoadleyClub Hall Bingo doors at 6:30 (non smoking) (the president) at 403-704-4236 DeniseBingo, Park. CallSociety @ Pas-Ka-Poo Museum Truck 2nd Saturday, 6:00p.m. Rimbey Historical Ponoka Bingo Plaza RimbeySWSClub@gmail.com info. Email: for 3rd Saturday, Rimbey Drop-In Bingo at Ponoka Bingo Plaza Community Society 1st Tuesday each month – 7 pm @ Bluffton Hall. Bluffton nd 3rd Sunday, Rimbey LegionAuxiliary at Ponokameeting Bingo 2 Plaza Tuesday every month, 1pm Rimbey Hospital Ladies MEETINGS Hospital Conference Rm. of Commerce meeting 2nd Tuesday of each month- 1:00 pm Chamber Bluffton TOPS ( Take off Pounds Sensibly) meets Wed evenings, Rimbey United Church Bluffton Hall. basement. You are invited to an open house. Oct 17 @ 7pm Nancy 843-0067 Rimbey Fish and Game 1st Wednesday of each month - 7 pm at Super 8 Bentley Minor room. Hockey Annual General Meeting- Oct 17 at 7pm at Drop-In Centre. meeting Call 748-4838 or 748-2078 for info. s- 8:30 pm at the Rimbey Anglican Church. s Wednesday Anonymou Alcoholics Bentley Curling Club Annual Fall General Meeting- Oct 17 at 7:30pm at The 62 info. 403-843-36 rd 7:00 pm at the Agriplex. month-invited. each curlers Wednesday Curling Club Lounge.3New and Returning Ag Society Rimbey In pm the Drop 10 am in Oct s @ Meeting3rd Wednesday Meetings, Rimbey BlindmanHorticultur Valley 4_H al Beef Club Parent Oragnizational 17 at 7:30 for moreorinfo. 39748-2374 Call Centre. at Bentley Ag403-843-25 Centre. Call 748-4739. New members welcome. st Thursday of each month, 7:30 pm meeting1 LegionParent Royal Cdn.School Rimbey Rimbey Elementary Council Meeting- RES room Oct 16 at 7:00pm th St. 50 5019 Legion, Rimbey 2nd Tuesday each month 1 pm Rimbey Health52 Centre Rimbey Auxilary Hospital For Divorce Care Support call 403-872-42 1st Thursday each month, 7:30 p.m. Regular Members Meeting, Rimbey Legion Family Counselling, call 1-403-347-8844 & say you would like to be seen in #36. Rimbey. nd United Church. Call 2 Thursday each monthRimbey Society 7:00pm at the agriplex in the Rimbey downstairs 1 pmAg Thursdays meeting, Al-Alon rd 3 Tuesday01 each Caregiver Support Group 10am at Rimbey Health more info. for month403-783-28 Back INTO the WORKING GROOVE - eight weeks starting August 5 - help Centre. for those over 50 looking for employment. For more info call 403-786-0044. ACTIVITIES Bluffton Playschool Registration Meeting, Aug. 27 @ 7 pm Bluffton school, info.Oct 20, tickets now on moreplace 55 for 403-843-10 Jamie TheatreBentley Library Society Event to take CallDinner room. kindergarten

COMMUNITY Submit photos to be considered to: admin@rimbeyreview.com


sale. Call Arlene 748-4429 ACTIVITIES: Bentley Carpet BowlingWednesday mornings. 9:30 am. New Players @ nights Tuesday every Centre,Hall. Drop InBentley @ Rimbey Dances Regular Jammers’ invited. 7pm. Call Harry or Georgina 748-3404 for more info. (weather “Horseshoe Food For Fines Week” at the Bentley Municipal Library Oct evenings 22-27. Donate dry on Wednesday horseshoes play - come Pitching in the municipal courtsPantry. horseshoe Bentley thegiven foods in lieu starting of librarybyfines. Willatbe to Bentley Blessing 7 p.m. permitting) to start. equipment or @ experience cost orSupper . Free West Pine Lodge In lessons. Winfield-No Chicken Oct 19 5:00pm. necessary For more info call campground 87 or 403-748-2154 Call 403-748-37 Wendy @ 780-682-3960 13 Aug. on Lake y Van rides - from Bentley to Sylvan Communit FREE Winfi eldBentley Playground Fundraiser- Supper & Silent Auction, Oct 19 @ 4:30,Winfield & to R.D. shopping malls, Aug. 27. Call ahead @ 587-877-1002 (local call) to Rec Centre. Skating,Crafts, Clown and more. Call 682-3788 for more info reserve a seat. 5 p.m. toBentley 9 a.m. Family Halloween andhours Silent-Wednesday Auction on Oct 27 from 5-9 pm at the Sunday through summer MuseumDance Bentley always. admission, FREE weekend. Community Hall.Day Hosted by Bentley Nursery school. Call Tina 748-4407 for info. until the Labor - starting 7 p.m. at movie monthly FREEpractice LibraryStarts MunicipalChorusBentleyCommunity Rimbey forsummer Christmas, Wednesday Oct 10 PG. 21 “Muppets Most Wanted” rated On August the library. 8:45pm at United Church. New singers welcome. Annette 843-3115 Rimbey Blood Donor Clinic, Aug. 25 3:30 pm – 7:30 pm at the Rimbey Rimbey United Church is planning a Memorial Hymn sing Nov 4 at 2:00pm. Community Centre. For info call Alice 843-6732 or the church 843- 2458.

A UFO maybe? Submitted by Peggy Bayne

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The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014 3

Solid turnout for FCSS Charity Golf Tournament By Stuart Fullarton Black Press Clear skies and prime course conditions made for an ideal day of golfing Thursday, all in support of a good cause.

The fourth annual Rimbey FCSS (Family and Community Support Services) Charity Golf Tournament saw 96 golfers take to Spruce Haven Golf Resort for the event, which raised money for the wide variety of programs and services offered by Rimbey FCSS. Although the total amount raised was still being tallied at press time, registration numbers pointed toward another successful year for the organization. “Ideally, 72 is a nice, neat number, and in our first few years, we were doing that,” said Rimbey FCSS executive director Peggy Makofka. “(This year) we made a decision that we would order 10 more golf carts and open it up.” Registration quickly followed, resulting in a sold-out tournament. That, in turn, would typically mean more money raised, and as an organization that offers such a diverse range of preventive social services, FCSS is grateful for the additional financial support. Even with funding from the province, it’s still “not enough money to do all the things that Rimbey wants to do,” according to Makofka. “The board at its annual retreat and strategic planning meeting identified that we’ve got to do more for seniors,” she said. “We’re getting more and more seniors, and we’ve got to (build) up our programs a bit, but we don’t have the money. So

we decided this year we’ll do the Last year’s tournament raised golf tournament again and try to $25,000. And it may return again raise a little bit more money to add next year, depending on the board’s decision. into some of these programs.” “We’ll de-brief after this event, Parenting groups, the food bank and playgroups for children are just and see how we did,” said Makofka. some of programs offered by Rim- “The board will meet (in November), bey FCSS, which employs 40 staff and it will be on their agenda whether they want to do it again.” and has 120 active volunteers. Ensuring both staff and volunteers are BLUFFTON PLAYSCHOOL August 27, 2014 @ equipped with the reREGISTRATION MEETING Bluffton School sources necessary to do In the Kindergarten Room their jobs is vital, said 7:00 pm Makofka. Money raised, she Accepting Children Ages 3-5 added, would help First day of School is purchase some of the September 3, 2014 “little things that just aren’t funded, but (are For More Information Please needed) to make it a Call Jamie @ 403-843-1055 better program.”

Rimbey Christian School

Back to School BBQ AND

Fingerprints Playschool Open House will be held on

Thursday, August 28th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the school (4522-54th Ave) Phone 403-843-4790 Ponoka County reeve Paul McLauchlin lines up his shot in an attempt to put his team in front at the fourth annual Rimbey FCSS Charity Golf Tournament Thursday. Stuart Fullarton Photo

BENTLEY MINOR HOCKEY FALL AGM and REGISTRATION INFO Wed, August 20, 2014 at 7:00 pm Bentley Community Hall

Fingerprints offers: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday AM classes (Wednesday - drop-in space available)


From August 25 to 29 September 2 to 5 4 to 8pm


Sunset Hills Riding Club would like to send out a big THANK YOU to all our VOLUNTEERS and our loyal sponsors for making our

2014 Parade & Pancake Breakfast

September 4

a great success!



Bentley Subway

Alken Basin


Bentley Ag Society

Freeman Trucking

Bentley Rodeo Board

Altered Images

Dekalb Canola - Krista Kidd

Blue Light Liquor Store

Mark & Glenda Smale

Allen & Debbie Andersen

Please register before Aug. 19 by submitting registration forms to:


Kelly (mckinlayoilfield@gmail.com)


Please refer to bentleyminorhockey.com for more information.

Registrations welcome throughout the year.


Buist Motors Weinder Motors Heritage Chrysler

Bentley Hotel Alan Baumbach - tables And our judges, for the parade


4 The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014


Asia holds great opportunities for Alberta Connie Johnson Sales


Treena Mielke Editor


Michele Rosenthal Publisher


Letters to the Editor Policy The Rimbey Review welcomes letters to the Editor, especially those dealing with topical or local issues. Letters should be a maximum of 500 words in length and must have the writer’s signature over printed name, along with the writer’s address and telephone number. The address and telephone number will not be printed. This newspaper reserves the right to edit letters for length and legal considerations. Deadline is noon the Thursday prior to publication. Send your letter to: The Editor, Rimbey Review, Box 244, Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 or email: reporter@ rimbeyreview.com

Copyright Notice All printed material, including photographs and articles, is the sole property of The Rimbey Review. No reproduction of this material is permitted without permission of the publisher.

Subscriptions: In Canada $45 + gst Outside Canada $60 + gst

Contact Us: P.O. Box 244 5001 - 50 Avenue (Main Street) Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0

Phone: 843-4909 Fax: 843-4907 Display deadline: Thursday at 12 noon Classified deadline: Thursday at 12 noon Proofing Deadline Friday at 10 a.m.

Production: Red Deer, Alberta Published every Tuesday by PNG Prairie Newspaper Group in community with: Publisher: Fred Gorman

By Verlyn Olson Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development Minister There is no shortage of opportunities for Alberta’s agriculture sector on the world stage, especially in Asia. China and Japan are our second and third largest agricultural export markets, worth a combined $2.8 billion annually, and there is plenty of room for growth to meet the needs of their surging populations and economies. I had the chance to witness that potential firsthand during a trade and investment mission to Asia earlier this year. The mission targeted key financial centres and market access points in Hong Kong, Singapore, China and Japan. We met with companies interested in doing business with Alberta, particularly in the grains and meat sectors. We also met with government officials to discuss how we can better strengthen our trade relationships. There is clearly a real appetite for Alberta’s high-quality food products including beef, pork, grains and oil seeds. What is also clear is that our province has to continue to aggressively promote itself to make the most of these opportunities. The competition in the global market-

place is fierce and Alberta is fighting for a place on Asian menus with other suppliers like Australia and the United States. Alberta’s international offices will have an important role in keeping our province front and centre in the minds of Asian consumers and businesses. As well, trade missions, such as this recent one, also reinforce Alberta’s commitment to increased trade as well as create opportunities for Alberta companies to make connections with potential clients and investors. On this mission, we were able to bring about a dozen agriculture and energy companies together with approximately 175 potential investors at business “matchmaking” seminars. While it is still too early to assess the full extent of the results of the mission, I know the agriculture companies who participated have reported at least 20 solid investment leads that were generated through these meetings. I’m hopeful some of these new food connections will turn into long and prosperous relationships. While the trade mission was an eye-opener about the market possibilities we need to pursue in Asia, it also drove home the point that there are challenges here at home that we must overcome. Our recent troubles

moving last year’s record harvest to market by rail has resulted in a fair amount of angst among our international customers, who are concerned about the long-term dependability of our rail service. In order for Alberta and Canada to avoid any permanent damage to our reputation as a reliable global supplier of energy, food and other goods, we have to continue to aggressively seek and implement improvements to the transportation system for all commodities. Recently passed federal legislation that set minimum quotas for grain

delivery has certainly helped. We are also pleased that the federal government is expediting the review of the Canada Transportation Act to identify additional measures. We are strongly encouraging representatives from all commodity sectors to participate in the review process to ensure that their concerns and suggested solutions are put on the record. Our reputation as a world class supplier of highquality food and other commodities relies on our ability to deliver those goods to market in a timely manner.

Surviving new surroundings on campus: Tips from those who’ve been there Submitted by University of Alberta Lesson number one for new students arriving on campus to start university studies: make a few friends. Arriving on a large campus such as the University of Alberta can be a scary idea for new students coming from small communities — or even large ones, but having a buddy system helps. “Be really open to people and make friends as much as you can,” said Brock Richardson, the University of Alberta’s Assistant Dean of Students, Residence Life. By building a circle of friends — classmates, roommates, fellow club members — first-year students, especially those from small communities or who are the first in their families to attend university — can lean on one another for support when they feel overwhelmed by post-secondary life, Richardson said. Juggling homesickness, a new environment and academic studies can feel daunting, but knowing others are going through the same thing makes coping easier, Rich-

ardson said. “By making friends, you get people you can rely on, that you can bounce ideas off of, and because university is such a diverse place, you have the opportunity to make friends with people who didn’t exist in your high school. Here we have people from all over the world, so get to know them and open yourself up to that,” Richardson advises. Coming from a small Alberta town to start university at age 17 two years ago, Samantha Kondor was worried about finding her place on a campus of thousands. “The U of A campus was eight times bigger than my hometown population. I wondered where my classes were, if I could meet people, would I have anything in common with them?” As a lifelong swimmer, Kondor decided to seek out people who had the same interest, and eventually joined the U of A water polo team — one of 400 clubs and groups on campus. She soon had a circle of friends. “That was a huge confidence-booster — I got to do something I liked and I got to know people.”

Richardson advises students to think about arriving on campus more than a day or two before classes start. At the U of A, its BaseCamp program welcomes new students to residence a week early, so they have time to settle in. “Everyone is more relaxed because they don’t have classes in three days and they have time to make a few friends and get to know campus, as well as find groups or community projects they can get involved in. That gives a sense of belonging,” Richardson said. To keep from being overwhelmed by her overall course load, Kondor planned her schedule a week at a time, breaking it into manageable chunks. And when she needed help, she asked for it, tapping into campus services and approaching professors. “Don’t be nervous talking to a professor — they are not there to fail you.” Classmates also helped Kondor tackle needed new study habits. “I was a good high school student so I though the transition to university would be easy, but I had to re-adjust my writing and learn-

ing style to be more independent and study on my own time.” To cope with stress, Kondor also gives herself the occasional night off with popcorn and a movie. “It’s a distraction from worrying.” Phone calls to family and chats with friends also help put things like failed exams into perspective, she added. “University is a time of finding yourself. Don’t give up, university is so worth it, it is a fun and exciting time and if you give up, you don’t get that experience.” Richardson advises students to keep a few things in mind as they begin class this fall: • Figure out a healthy balance of sleeping and eating that works for you • Attend classes even if you are tired; you will get something out of it • Ask for help • Don’t worry about failure. “It is how you react that counts. Face adversity with others, ask for help, and stay positive. If you fail a class that doesn’t mean university overall isn’t right for you.”


The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014 5

Doubles - Kay Born pitches horseshoes against Ray Prevost in horseshoe doubles play Aug. 10. June Norvila Photo

NOTICE OF NOMINATION DAY Local Authorities Election Act (Section 26)

LOCAL JURISDICTION: Town of Rimbey, PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Notice is hereby given that Nomination Day is Monday, September 8, 2014 and that nominations for the election of candidates for the following offices will be received at the location of the local jurisdiction office set out below between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon on Nomination Day. Number of Vacancies

Offices Councillor


Ward or Electoral Division Number


Location (Address) of Local Jurisdiction Office: Town of Rimbey Administration Office 4938 - 50th Avenue Rimbey, AB DATED at the Town of Rimbey, in the province of Alberta, this 12th day of August, 2014. Lucien Cloutier (Returning Officer)

6 The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014


Off to the races - A small group of cars took part in the Oval Race IMCA Hobby and Mini Stock Race at Central Alberta Raceways on Saturday, August 9.

APN Photo

Rimbey RCMP dealing with crystal meth ‘almost on a weekly basis’ By Treena Mielke The concept of having no borders and being open and welcoming to strangers and friends alike is simple and, in a perfect world, makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, it is a less than perfect world, and drug dealers and users have a way of slipping across borders, abusing the spirit of friendliness and crashing down foundations built of trust and honesty. Sgt. Mark Groves and the officers at the Rimbey RCMP detachment work tirelessly to keep drugs such as crystal meth out of the communities in which they serve, but like thieves in the night, these drugs get in, destroying innocence and finally destroying lives.

“We see it (crystal meth) here almost on a weekly basis,” said Groves. “We work hard at keeping it out, but it has found its way to Rimbey in the last few years.” Groves notes transient workers often come to Rimbey, and those individuals, who are here today and gone tomorrow, can quietly make a drug deal and slip away, leaving only devastation in their wake. “I wouldn’t say it’s easy to get, but it’s out there,” he said. Crystal meth, also known as a designer drug, does not require specialty ingredients from foreign countries for its manufacturing. In fact most of its ingredients come from every day household items like lye, battery acid and lantern oil.

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Then comes the crash. Coming off of meth is like going through the hell of an ultimate hangover. The user will experience dehydration, diarrhea, extreme fatigue and hunger. And then comes the depression and a keen desire to experience, once again, the beautiful, wonderful high. But the next high is never quite as good, but, still it is a high and, worse, it is an addictive high. “It is a highly addictive, dangerous drug,” said Groves. Soon the user can think of little else. Food and sleep become less important and unhealthy rapid weight loss begins. The story then goes from bad to worse. The user can look forward to prolonged periods of increased blood pressure, heart disease, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of limb control, seizures and a rise in body temperature. An addict will suffer hallucinations, paranoia, violent and erratic behavior and experience the horrible feeling that his or her skin is crawling with bugs. And the body, once so receptive to the drug, will have built up such a tolerance that the methamphetamine that once produced such a powerful high, will provide little or no euphoria. Meanwhile, with yet another addict to deal with, RCMP officers such as Sgt. Groves continue to deal with the trickle down effect. Addicts steal cars, break into businesses, sell drugs or even their own bodies, just to get the money to buy the drug. “Addicts will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to support their habit,” said Groves. The Rimbey RCMP, as with police officers everywhere, wages a constant battle against drugs such as crystal meth. However, here in EMPLOYERS ARE SEEKING Rimbey the RCMP PAYROLL PROFESSIONALS are joined by Rimbey Wellness Group and Rimbey and District Victim Services Unit. Groves said those agencies provide a This project will provide successful participants wonderful resource. with the skills, knowledge, practical experience, 14083RR1 “The police does and certification to seek employment as a Payroll the enforcement work, Administrator. Successful participants will be certified but they help cast a as a Payroll Compliance Practitioner including a oneyear membership to The Canadian Payroll Association. broad net out there to You may qualify for income support during training. help us fight drugs by Program Starts Sept 14, 2014 providing education Application Deadline Sept 5, 2014 and support. We all Métis Training to Employment Services work together. We all 1-888-48-MÉTIS (1-888-486-3847) do what we can.”

The drug can be produced anywhere; in mobile homes, in basements, even in motel rooms. Recipes for crystal meth can be accessed as easily on the Internet as a recipe for chocolate cake. That fact alone makes the drug extremely dangerous. “You never know who’s cooking it,” said Groves. “We have seized cooking equipment and recipes (from many different places).” Some ingredients used to make meth are ephedrine, hydriotic acid, hydrochloric acid, lead acetate, drain cleaner, battery acid, lantern fuel, lye and anti-freeze. Doesn’t sound particularly appealing, does it? And to make matters even worse, drug dealers, anxious to make a fast buck out on the street may not worry about measuring exact amounts or even what ingredients they use. Some meth labs may even add urine from an addict, as up to 40 per cent of the methamphetamine can be filtered and reused in this manner. Truly, there are no guarantees and the drug comes with no warning label attached. Consequently, a meth user, desperate for a high, could end up with a bad overdose leading to permanent brain damage or death. But still the deadly cycle goes on. The allure of the drug pulls in people as young as 15, said Groves. “And it is devastating what it does,” he added. But the high! Oh, the high! That first time the drug is injected can result in a burst of energy and a rush of euphoria. The user’s heart rate increases along with the body temperature. Life is good. In fact it is better than good. It is wonderful.


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The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014 7

RIMBEY & DISTRICT DROP-IN SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING All members are Rimbey Drop-In September 3, 2014 invited to attend this general meeting At 2:30pm Following the general meeting a BBQ will take place for the attending members at 5:00pm

Maria Meston of Tees rounded the barrel with speed in the 12-and-Under Barrels event at the 48th annual Bentley Rodeo Aug. 8. Stuart Fullarton Photo


Bentley Rodeo successful in 48th year By Stuart Fullarton Black Press Just two years shy of its 50th year, the 48th annual Bentley Rodeo held Aug. 8 and 9 was again a success attracting spectators and contestants from all over the province. “We had a really good show here this year, and we were happy with everything,” said rodeo committee chair Jeremy Park, attributing a large part of the event’s success to solid numbers seen over the two days of competition. Rodeo entries were up from last year, with much of the increase coming from the bull riding event. Attendance numbers were also steady both days. “We haven’t got (attendance numbers) totaled yet, but judging by our income, we did fairly well,” said Park. “We usually get good crowds both nights.” At the mid-point of both nights, empty seats were hard to come by, he added. It’s that kind of support organizers need to keep the event go-

ing in the future. “We get good support from the locals and from the business community, and lots of volunteers,” said Park. “As long as the volunteers are there to help, and we keep getting the support of the Quintin Kozak community and the businesses, I think we’re going to carry on.” Sturgeon County, AB. Because of Bentley’s proximity to outdoor recreational hubs such as Sylvan Lake and Gull Lake, a large part of the rodeo’s crowd is made up of visitors to those two areas. The rodeo provides them an exciting way to spend their evenings, potentially escaping inclement weather in the process. That’s just one of the benefits of The Bentley Rodeo Committee holding the rodeo inside, as has been the case since its inception nearly 50 would like to thank all of our volunteers, sponsors and years ago. rodeo fans who helped make this year’s rodeo a success. Continued on page 8

48TH ANNUAL BENTLEY RODEO August 8 & 9, 2014

A BIG thank you goes out to the Town of Bentley, for donating the High Point Saddle and the arena staff for all of their hard work. The Rodeo committee would also like to thank the Bentley AG Society for their cooperation and for sponsoring the CARA Championship Saddle. Congratulations to this year’s Rodeo Volunteer Award Recipients: Shirley Christiansen, Sunset Hills Riding Club, Lawrence Pengelly & Pengelly Rodeo Special thank you’s also go out to: Cross Eyed Giraffe, Ross Moore – Moore’s Backhoe Services, Bentley Fire Department & Mandy’s - Rimbey, Bentley Subway Congratulations to the winner of the Saddle Raffle: Jaynie Williamson – Rimbey, AB High Point Saddle Winner – Quintin Kozak, Sturgeon County, AB Junior High Point Buckle Winner – Courtney Holtkamp, Rimbey, AB

THANK YOU TO OUR 2014 RODEO SPONSORS: GOLD SPONSORS: • Alken Basin Drilling • Red’s Trucking • TR Transport • BT Bar Ranch • Servus Credit Union • Altered Images • Monkey Top Saloon • ConocoPhillips

• Moore’s Backhoe Services • Crossfire Drilling • Outlaw Electric • Town of Bentley • A-Star Rentals • Teamworks Fabricating

• Potty-Go Rentals • Cross Eyed Giraffe • Gibsons Energy • Bentley Shell • Trent Baumbach • SMACK Safety Services • Bentley Subway

SILVER SPONSORS: • Kim & Doug Rogers • Barry Neumeier Seeds • Current Contracting • Montgomery Auctions • Bentley Agencies • Sunset Hills Riding Club • Bentley Shell • Magnum Hydrovac

• Velocity Hydrovac • LA Courier • Hunter Hydrovac • Thunder Welding • Ace in the Hole Ventures • Simply Country • Sekura Livestock

- Rimbey • Hydrodig • D.G Thompson Resources • Crop Production Services • Howes Inc. • Baker Hughes

BRONZE SPONSORS: • Clear Image Inspections

• Bentley IDA

8 The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014


Ponoka’s Jesse Hatala and teammate Jesse Quast worked together to compete for the fastest time in Team Roping at the Bentley Rodeo, which ran Aug. 8 and 9. Stuart Fullarton Photo

Bentley Rodeo Continued from page 7 “We’re not usually affected by weather, either being too hot or raining,” said Park. “(Holding it inside) makes it a lot easier for the committee to not have to make any last-minute decisions on whether to cancer or not. “We’ve never had to cancel a rodeo yet, and being indoors is the biggest part of that.” The rodeo’s timing in the summer, he added, couldn’t be any better. “It’s right in the middle of summer holidays, so we get lots of the lake traffic, and then lots of people are on holidays, so we do get good crowds every year.” Though not available at press time, official rodeo results were expected to eventually be posted on the Central Alberta Rodeo Association website at www.cararodeo.com.


The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014 9

Thousands raised through second annual Run Around the Zone By Stuart Fullarton Black Press The tally is in from this summer’s second annual Run Around the Zone, which took place at Pas-Ka-Poo Park June 15. Through the event, more than $8,500 was raised by 100 participants who ran, walked or volunteered in support of local healthcare

fundraising initiatives. That money will help fund a new therapy pool at the Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre, with the current one marred by damages so severe that it now falls short of required safety standards. Also slated for purchase are additional overhead patient lifts to benefit continuing care residents. One lift

currently serves about 15 residents, often creating wait times for those who require its use. Upgrades in both areas will cost just over $600,000. David Thompson Health Trust development officer Ashlee Hamblin was glad to see strong support shown for such an important cause through the June event, which attracted community members from all walks of life. “Some of them were there just to support health care, some were just avid runners looking for an event to do,” she said. “A lot of the people that ran and walked collected pledges and donations from their friends and family, and dropped them off at the run, so that was a big revenue source for the event.” Further proceeds came from event registration fees, cash donations and sponsor contributions,

she added. To support the upgrades, the run and other events like it will continue to take place over the next couple of years, said Hamblin. Next year’s is already being planned for May, and she’s hoping to see an even larger turnout for that one. The first one last year raised the same amount of money as this year, although with nearly twice as many participants. “I think the biggest difference this year was it wasn’t a very nice weather day, and we did it in June when people were already camping,” said Hamblin. “Next year, we’re planning on doing it in May to see if that helps us to keep those numbers up.” Donations will continue to be accepted until then, and may be made online at www.rimbeyhealthdonations.com.

Rimbey Denture Clinic 30 years of experience to better serve you

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Danny Jones

The second annual Run Around the Zone was a success, bringing in more than $8,500 for local health initiatives. Submitted Photo

Community Centre Open House & Curling Club Registration The Rimbey Curling Club has been invited to showcase our facility located in The Peter Lougheed Community Centre at a special Open House sponsored by Keyera Corp. This event will take place on Friday, August 22nd from 4:00pm to 8:00pm. There will be a barbeque dinner and tours of the entire Community Centre facility, giving everyone a chance to meet all of the tenants of the Centre. All curling club members are invited to attend this opportunity to show off our club and lounge. At the same time we will also be taking registrations for the 2014-15 curling season for all leagues: juniors, mixed, mens, ladies, seniors, and stick league. Please register at the lounge as individuals or teams. You are also welcome to register if you are a beginner or just want to come out and learn the game. Volunteers from the curling club are needed to work this Open House event in our club lounge area, the ice area and at the curling registration desk. Phone any club director to sign up before August 20, 2014. Curlers – lets take this opportunity to show off our club!

403.843.2777 4915 – 50 Ave, East of Rimbey Value Drug Mart

Alberta’s new minimum wages •

On September 1, 2014, Alberta’s general minimum wage will increase from $9.95 to $10.20 an hour.

The liquor server minimum wage will increase from $ 9.05 to $ 9.20 per hour.

Minimum wages are reviewed annually. Increases are based on changes to Average Weekly Earnings and the Consumer Price Index in Alberta.

For more information about employment standards, call 1-877-427-3731 or visit work.alberta.ca/es 14083DG0

10 The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014


A New Bundle of


Share it with family & friends in the



Directory Directory Dir D irectory ir ctory tory ory ry y Grace Lutheran Church Bentley - ELCIC

Worship 11:15 a.m. 4th Sunday of the month 5 p.m. Reverend David Holmes 403-843-2502 5 miles west, 1.5 miles south, 1 mile west of Bentley

“Sharing New Life in Christ”

Rimbey New Life Fellowship Sunday 10:30 a.m. Children’s Church 11:30 a.m. Midweek Service - Wednesday 7 p.m. Ladies Meeting Friday 2 p.m. Pastor Reg Darnell 403-843-3336 (Office) 403-782-2694 (Home) 5038 - 49 Ave.

Church of the Nazarene, Rimbey Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. (on Radio 93.3 FM) 5214-51 Street, Phone: 403-843-2029 Pastor Grant Rainey


Service & Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. 4th Sunday Family Service: 11:00 a.m. Reverend David Holmes: 403-843-2502

Stuart Adams: 403-843-6164 or Arlene Edwards: 403-843-6077 www.churchofepiphany.ca

Th e Rimbey Seventh-Day Adventist Church Saturdays

Evangelical Missionary Church 1/2 mile East of Hoadley on Highway #611

Sabbath School at 9:45 a.m. Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.

Worship Service 10:30 a.m.

Pastor David Beaudoin 403-783-2499

Pastor: Rev. Barry Klassen 403-843-6461

Zion Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Canada Divine Service at 10:30 4521 - 54th Ave. Rimbey Pastor Mark Schultz Office - 403-843-2767 Home - 403-843-4420

Rimbey Christian Reformed Church 5506-51 Ave Service at 10:00 a.m.

Nursery Provided

403-843-2585 Pastor: Bill Nieuwenhuis

Rimbey Alliance Church 4620 - 54th Avenue, Rimbey 403-843-3727 10:30 a.m. Worship Service with Children’s Church Last Sunday of the month, service held at Parkland Manor at 10:00 am

Roman Catholic Church Mass Times:

Saturday Evening: Sunday Morning: Sylvan Lake - 5:00 p.m. Rimbey - 9:00 a.m. Sylvan Lake -11:00 a.m. Last Sunday of every month: Sylvan Lake 9:00 a.m. Rimbey 11:00 a.m. Parish Priest: Father Gabriel Udeh Administration Offi ce: 403-843-2126; Aft er Hours Emergency Cell: 403-963-0954

Rimbey United Church 403-843-2458

4931 - 51st Ave.

Rev. Deborah Laing Sunday Worship / Children’s Programs - 10:30 a.m.

Cars of all shapes and sizes put the Ponoka Industrial Airport to good use last weekend during the second annual Ponoka 1/8 Mile races. Jeffrey Heyden-Kaye Photo

Race enthusiasts put airport runway to the test By Jeffrey Heyden-Kaye Racers put the Ponoka Industrial Airport runway to good use during the second Ponoka 1/8 Mile Drag Racing Association event last weekend. Junior racers and seasoned veterans showed how heavy their feet could get putting the pedal to the metal, which resulted in high speed race times. By the time official racing began, the stands had filled filled quickly with spectators eager to see a variety of vehicles, some of them ethanol-fueled, travel at high speeds. There were four categories of racers with their times closely monitored by members of the Central Alberta Raceways group from Rimbey: ju-

nior, sportsman, professional and super professional. The junior category was for young drivers still gaining experience but that did not stop them from travelling at speeds in excess of 128 km/h on the one eighth mile stretch of runway. Brad Adie, 14, has been racing out of Drumheller for the last year and his ethanol-fueled rail car can travel at speeds of 150 km/h. Why does he do it? “I like how I can go really fast.” His grandfather Paul Barry says most junior racers are not allowed to travel faster at races due to their age and reaction time. On the back of his car is a time flag that shows 7.9 seconds, which marks the fastest he is allowed to travel on the track.

State of the Environment 2014 Supplemental Report Lacombe County is pleased to announce the completion of its State of the Environment 2014 Supplemental Report. The State of the Environment (SOE) is an important tool for the County, as it provides a snapshot of the current condition of the environment and the pressures that affect it. The report focuses on community perception, scientific data, current environmental legislation and environmental extension programs. It is a compilation of information gathered from various sources, and provides us with a baseline from which we are able to undertake future environmental planning. The very first SOE report for Lacombe County was released in the winter of 2013 with the promise of annual updates to track changes. The 2014 Supplemental Report provides updated or supplemental information that is now available since the release of the initial SOE report in winter 2013. This document is a snapshot in time; it represents only the data that is available at the time of writing. For more details, or to request paper copies of either publication, please feel free to contact Cajun Paradis, Acting Environmental Coordinator, at the Lacombe County office - 403-782-6601. To download electronic copies of either publication for free, please visit www. lacombecounty.com.

Being on an acreage may have been one incentive for the young driver, who learned how to ride ATVs at an early age. Barry says his granddaughter won last year in Ponoka as well. “It’s a family event.” The sportsman category was for vehicles racing with little to no modifications and the professional and super professional were rated on their times. Vice-president of operations Colin Smith said the group’s focus this year was ensuring a safe weekend of racing for spectators and drivers. Crews kept strict safety guidelines for drivers and did not let them race if they were not wearing necessary safety equipment. Smith used the example of a recent incident in Rimbey, where a driver lost some fingers after colliding into some water barriers. “We’re all coming here for fun but at the end of the day we want to return home safe to our families,” said Smith. “We’re more stringent on teching,” he added. Tickets were relatively cheap at $10 per person or $20 per family and Smith says their goal was to make it affordable for spectators. A donation is going to be made to Central Alberta Raceways for their help over the weekend and any profits made will go to improving future races in Ponoka. “We want to continue growing the event. This year we were lucky to enough to get the bleachers from the Calnash Ag Event Centre,” explained Smith. The bleachers gave spectators a better vantage point when watching racers and were bought at a discounted rate from the ag centre. There were 112 cars that competed in the Saturday races and 100 on Sunday. Saturday winners: Junior Dragsters: Ava “Muffin” Smith, Red Deer Sportsman: Corey Adams, Red Deer Pro: Keith Villeneuve, Camrose Super Pro: Mike Black, Bluffton Sunday winners: Junior Dragsters: Brad Adie, Drumheller Sportsman: Cindy Long, Stettler Pro: John Brown, Rimbey Super Pro: Shaun Schnurer, Hanna


Minor delays expected with highway paving

The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014 11 By Stuart Fullarton Black Press Area motorists are being asked to prepare for minor delays with paving now underway on highways surrounding Rimbey. About 30 kilometres of highway are being rehabilitated west of Rimbey on Highway 53 and on Highway 771 to the east. A construction advisory issued by Alberta Transportation notes that three different techniques will be utilized in the paving of Highway 53. Those will include full-depth reclamation and coldin-place recycling — techniques that Alberta Transportation says

will “recycle most of the existing asphalt” on that particular road. Standard paving and milling techniques will be used on Highway 771. Jamie Friesen of Alberta Transportation said paving will be done in segments, with the entire project expected to be wrapped up by the beginning of November. He added it’s important for drivers to

k n a Th u! Yo

Milestones Share with your community


It’s been a great 12 years for us at the Feed Store (T&S Feeds). It is now time for us to say goodbye and move on and enjoy other things.

Clayton Cross & Kyla Schwingel

Mikayla had her brain surgery iin T Texas one month ago and is doing fantastic. Mikayla and her family would like to thank every single person that stepped forward to help with the ‘Mending Mikayla’ fundraisers. The kindness and compassion that was shown to our family through this difficult journey will always be remembered. Please know that each one of you hold a special place in our hearts.

along with their parents are pleased to announce their upcoming marriage on September 27, 2014

We’d like to thank you all and hopefully we’ll see you around town. Best of luck to the new owners (The Howe Family).

be aware of changes to speed limits during that time, and to obey all signs, signals and instructions on site. Speeding fines, he noted, double when incurred within a construction zone. Traffic will be reduced to one lane, alternating in both directions, with the speed limit decreased to 50 km/h. The total cost of the project is said to be around $10,000,000.

Love: Sheldon, Angela, Mikayla and Ella Curran, Dennis & Karen Bryanton, Howard & Alice Steele

– Terry & Shirley Wilson

Keyera and The Peter Lougheed Community Centre

Invite you to an

Open House and Barbecue at The Peter Lougheed Community Centre

There will be free food and entertainment for the whole family!

Friday, August 22, 2014 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Dinner served from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. 5109 - 54th Street, Rimbey, Alberta If you plan on attending please help us plan our catering numbers by emailing us at rsvp@keyera.com

12 The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014


Kidz Korner

Plates - Harry Stuart from STU-ART Productions and Jackie Stratton from Scratchin’ the Surface have created these license plates to show off Alberta’s beautiful wild rose. Money raised from the sale of plates goes to Little Warriors, an organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment and education of child sexual abuse. The license plates are available at STU-ART Productions and Scratchin’ the Surface. The local businesses have entered one of the designs into the contest sponsored by the Wildrose Party. Treena Mielke Photo

BUYING OR SELLING? We do it all!

Multiple listing service

OFFICE: 403-843-7736 11.14 acres, GREAT set uo for horses or Hobby Enthusiast! Located on pavement. Close to Rimbey & Bluffton.5 bdrms, tub, covered 2 bath, woodstove, OL&hotD Swindows deck, new MORE!! Nicely landscaped, many ouitbuildings, fenced & crossfenced. crossfenced $359,900 $359 900 Call Wendy. Wendy

EXCELLENT FAMILY HOME! 4 bdrms, 3 bath, all appliances, deck, corner lot, great location! Quick Possession! Nicely landscaped, RV parking. $289,900 Call Wendy.

11.98 acres Close to Rimbey, Ponoka & South End Of Gull Lake. 2 bdrm home, comes with all appliances, woodstove, wrap around deck. 36 x 36 heated shop / barn, 16 x 25 Pole Shed. Excellent set up for horses.

Located On Pavement! 60.47 acres, pond, well treed, walking trails, fenced & cross fenced, greenhouse, tack G shed, huge deck, hot woodstove.3 IN Dtub, bdrms,2 BRAND NEW HEATED bath.N PE SHOP 40 x 60. $499,900 Call Wendy for more info.

Very Nice home on Park Ave. with tons of upgrades and a heated workshop. Quick Possession $269,000. Call Jeff.

Beautiful home Great location. Walkout basement,double garage fenced yard, finished up and down. Front driveway. Well kept, covered deck and more. $365,000. Call Jeff.

105 100 Sunnyside Place, 1/2 y acre lot, well treed, minutes to Beach & Golf Course! bdrms, D2around OLwrap wood fiS replace, deck, all services. Move In & $259,900 Wendy. Enjoy! $259 900 Call Wendy

STUNNING ACERAGE 2 minutes to town paved driveway 6 car garage guest suite completely finished Beautiful Home and so much more. $749,000. Call Jeff

260 acres with stunning home with shop, and guest house. Lots of grass, close to pavement $1,350,000. Call Jeff for details.

$529,900 Call Wendy.

23.48 acres Close to Gull Lake,well treed, pprivate, rollingg hills, Excellent Building Sites, D IMMEDIATE Possession! SOL $199,900 Call Wendy.

Large family home with huge garage/shop double lot, LOW TAXES recent upgrades and more. $289,000. Call Jeff.

Nice Starter Home on huge lot 93 x 201 ft Quick Possession. Some upgrades include newer furnace and water heater.

$149,900. Call Jeff.


Jeff Collins Cell: 403-783-0216 Home: 403-843-2193

2.20 Acres close to town, with large home over 3000 sq. Ft. Of living space. Beautifully finished 5 beds 2 baths, heated shop, and a 22 x 26 barn, or storage shed. Well treed and more $449,000 call Jeff.

Bare acreage close to pavement in gated subdivision. Services to property line, lots of possible building locations. Driveway already put in, private location. $119,900. Call Jeff.

Brought to you by: Rimbey & Area Early Child Development Coalition Dear Kidz Korner, what’s the deal with bug spray and sunscreen? Is it better to put one on before the other? Sincerely, confused According to Alberta Health Services, you should always try to have your child wear a hat when going outside, and sunglasses if possible. Apply children’s SPF 30 or higher on all exposed skin, especially when on or near water. For children 2-12 years old use a repellant (with 10% deet or less) no more than three times a day. Avoid putting repellant on faces and hands and put repellant on AFTER sunscreen for the best effectiveness. please submit your questions to: rimbeynp@telus.net Remember to play! (3 - 5 years) 1.Milk jug golf: write numbers on three to five empty milk jugs,

place in your yard 5-10 feet apart. Have your child roll a ball to try to hit a jug, like golf, repeat! 2.Talk about the feeling of being angry. What is okay to do when you are angry(to talk about it) and what not to do(hit, yell, throw things etc.) 3.Read a book with your child outside on a blanket in the shade. Use different voices for the different characters in the book. Good To Know: Hi. I am your 3- to 5-year-old child. Behaviour and Emotions Thinking, Feeling and Doing I can learn, think, reason and solve simple problems. I can be very social with other people. I probably love to talk. I know how to play with other children and can share, take turns and do group activities. I like going on trips. I will probably change the way I act if 403-843-2217 Office I get a new brother or Shirley Hough sister. Cell: I can be aggressive REAL ESTATE (A Division of Eskdale Holdings Ltd.) 403-783-1961 Multiple Listing Service and might fight to get my own way someAdult Living Unit times. 1 bedroom, 1 den, 1 bathroom, attached garage, I can make jokes appliances and a shed. West of Co-op Center. Available August 1, 2014 and laugh at funny 96 acres with a very nice 1600 sq. ft. 2009 modular with things other people handicapped access and a great huge deck might just be say. what you want. All high land with approximately 60 acres I want to help with of hay. Located N.E. of Rimbey, North of Crestomere area. All for $380,000. Bring an offer! household chores. Immaculate 5.7 acres just west of Sundre. Nearly 1900 I don’t like going sq. ft. bungalow, garage, etc. $634,900. to bed. PENDING! I can focus on a Main street commercial building currently $99,900. task and finish it. All Canvas Art pieces offered at 50% off retail. Still a I like more comselection to pick from. plex stories.


Large Family Home finished basement, garage, and heated shop. Fenced yard newer deck, open floor plan, loads of upgrades and more. Quick Possession. $269,000. Call Jeff.


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Property is currently being used as a hair salon, can be used as a home as well. If home is removed it will be used for commercial use! MANY Possibilities! Owner highly motivated! Open to Offers!

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17.57 acres, just off of pavement, well treed, private, no exit road, no restrictions! Excellent building sites. Call Wendy for more info.

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EXCELLENT Building sites, great views of the countryside, 11.98 acres, 40 x 60 Quonset, 28 x 90 Barn. Has natural gas & a well. Close to Rimbey, Ponoka & Gull Lake. Immediate Possession! $259,900 Call Wendy.


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The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014 13

Lacombe County taking steps to address Pink Bridge damage issues by Stuart Fullarton Black Press Lacombe County councillors have taken steps to resolve a damaged bridge issue affecting traffic in an area south of Bentley. Bridge 00627 (referred to by the county as the Pink Bridge), was heavily damaged by a large piece of machinery in May. The damage was so severe that the bridge was promptly closed to traffic. A number of inspections and assessments followed, and it was found that damage was more extensive than initially thought. After completing a Level II inspection of the bridge, Bow Valley Bridge Services determined that the bridge must, for the time being, remain closed. Lacombe County Commissioner Terry Hager described the nature of the damage. “It was a piece of equipment that went through and just caught onto it, and unfortunately, as it went through the bridge, it caught onto a number of locations and kept on doing damage,” he said. “The structural integrity of the bridge has been jeopardized.” At council’s July 24 meeting, Hager was given authorization to negotiate a cash settlement with the insurance company, and to investigate alternatives for the bridge’s repair or replacement. Repairs could include everything from straightening and painting, to removing steel pieces and putting new ones in, he said. “It’s quite a variety as to what would have to be done.” Hager said the closure has affected traffic in the area — before the incident, an estimated 133 vehicles used

the bridge every day. Area drivers, however, have been understanding for the most part, he added. “People seem to understand and have not complained too much, although the longer it stays closed, the more we’ll hear from it. Certainly, it is an inconvenience for those individuals in the immediate area needing to get across the river.” The future of the bridge depends on the outcome of insurance negotiations, said Hager. Options to be presented could include repairing the bridge, permanently closing it, performing only minimum repairs on it, performing only urgent repairs on it, or designing and building a new bridge altogether. The latter option would come with an estimated $2.5 million price tag. A new bridge could be constructed by fall 2015, according to a county estimate. Assistant Public Works Supervisor Brandon Maier noted in a report for council that there are several factors to take into consideration when discussing the bridge’s replacement. “The complicating factor is we won’t really know the complete cost of replacing the bridge until the design is complete and we see how much equipment time is required to do the associated road work and if the bids that we receive are close to the estimate,” he said. The county’s Bridge Management Plan marked the bridge for replacement in 2013, based on its initial life expectancy. Recent inspections, however, showed it could have been capable of lasting until 2020. The county notes that the issue with this particular bridge was brought

to them “a few years earlier than anticipated”. Another bridge in the vicinity, the ‘Green Bridge’, is also nearing the end of its anticipated lifespan, although it still remains in service. That

bridge is scheduled for replacement in 11 years, despite being older than the ‘Pink Bridge’. “That’s just through normal wear and tear,” said Hagar. “It’s nearing the end of its useful life.”


Bob & Rhonda

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Bob’s Cell: 403-704-0110 Rhonda’s Cell: 403-704-0408

! ATE L O TO SEEING IS BELIEVING! Newer bungalow, 4 bdrm, 3 ba., o/s garage, loaded with extras, unobstructed view to south. $395,000

WHAT A VIEW! 1.23 acres, with 1972 sq’ bungalow, att’d garage, det’d shop, 4 bedrooms plus den, 2 ½ baths, fireplace, only 2km from town. $525,000

YEAR ROUND GETAWAY! 975 sq. ft. 2 bdrm pine tongue & groove cottage. 24x32 garage, gazebo and more. $335,000

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FABULOUS FAMILY HOME! 5 Bdrm, 3 Bath, Deck, Patio, Fenced, Rv Parking, Large Back Yard, Hop Skip To School! $350,000


WINFIELD CHARMER on .7 Acres! 3 bdrm 1.5 storey home with amazing garage/ shop/hobby room structure $199,000

BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME 1.66 acre lot sloping from west to east, view of Gull Lake. $115,500

LIKE NEW SENIOR’S CONDO 947 sq’, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 6 appliances, oak cabinetry, laminate flooring, single garage. $209,900

1360 SQ, 4 BDRMS, 3 BATH BUNGALOW, Hardwood floor, vaulted ceiling, large deck with view, 6 appliances. $369,900

DECK DWELLERS DELIGHT! 3 bdrm, 2 bath, o/s garage, on ½ acre lot backing on lake reserve land overlooking lake. $425,000

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COMMERCIAL LOTS AVAILABLE! Central location, 1 block south of main street, $97,000 High profile location on main artery with service road access In high traffic area $165,000



PONOKA HOME. Well maintained 4 bdrm, 3 ba, main fl laundry, solarium, deck, room for RV, landscaped. $295,000








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28 ACRES! Reno’d 4 bdrm, 3 bath bi-level, horse barn/ shop, beautiful yard site, quick access to Central AB communities. $539,900

2 ACRE RESIDENTIAL LOT 2km south of Rimbey. Build your dream home! $90,000

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RESIDENTIAL LOTS with view to north. 58x130 $60,000 plus GST. 74x130 $86,500




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Website: www.mrandmrsrealestate.ca Recent damage caused by a large piece of machinery is visible along Bridge 00627 (the Pink Bridge) near Bentley. Lacombe County Photo



N.W. corner Gull Lake. Prime lot with trees, water, power and in a well established resort community. ONLY $159,000! This ½ acre has pavement to property and gas to property line. SPECIAL INSENTIVE IF BOUGHT Just a short walk to the lake, marine, BEFORE OCTOBER 2014 golf course and more.


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ONLY $159,000!

This ½ acres is in Sunnyside Subdivision N.W. Corner of Gull Lake comes complete with water, septic (2 drains) decks, and a 2006 Open Road trailer with 3 slide outs in mint condition. Close to lake marina, golf, swimming and so much more. Pavement to property line and minutes away from Rimbey. This ½ acres is in Sunnyside Subdivision N.W. Corner of Gull Lake comes complete with water, septic (2 drains) decks, and a 2006 Open Road trailer with 3 slide outs in mint condition. Close to lake marina, golf, swimming and so much more. Pavement to property line and minutes away from Rimbey. SPECIAL INSENTIVE IF BOUGHT BEFORE OCTOBER 2014


ONLY $375,000!

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This is a Diamond in the rough, with so much to offer! With a bit of cosmetic work and love and care this is one of the premium homes in the subdivision. There is over 1500 sq. ft., loft with 4-pce bath, huge open style main floor, developed basement, double attached garage with tandem shop, decks off master and well treed!

14 The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014


False alarm calls an ongoing concern for fire department By Stuart Fullarton Black Press Rimbey firefighters are reminding home and business owners to be aware of the ease with which false alarm calls may inadvertently be placed, often resulting in the unnecessary consumption of firefighters’ time and energy. Rimbey Fire and Rescue Brigade is required to treat all calls seriously, meaning a false alarm call could delay or prevent firefighters from attending another serious situation unfolding at the same time.

“It sends a lot of emergency services people out there,” said Rimbey fire chief John Weisgerber. “We have to respond to the call when it comes in. We can’t just assume it’s a false alarm.” Rimbey Fire is manned by volunteers who also work full-time jobs. A false alarm may cause a firefighter to leave his or her workplace, only to find out that the call was mistakenly placed. Weisgerber said there are a number of reasons why alarms may be set off. Regardless, he assured each case is treated the same way by the firefighters who attend. And he’d like to see action taken to encourage people to ensure

they’re part of the solution, not the problem. “We did have something in place years ago, but it just kind of fell away as time went on,” he said, adding talks were being planned to look at “putting something back into place.” It’s not clear what that something would be, although some departments from other municipalities in the region are suffering from the same problem. One municipality, Red Deer County, passed first reading earlier this month of a bylaw that would see fines imposed for every second and subsequent false alarm calls placed within the same calendar year. Those fines would range from $200 to $400, should the bylaw be approved. Ponoka County assistant CAO Tom Webber said there are no plans for Ponoka County to implement such measures in the near future. Although false alarms happens occasionally throughout the county, he said, they’re not yet frequent enough to justify actions such as those being pursued by Red Deer County. “A lot of these big dairy barns and hog barns have alarm systems in them, but generally speaking they call off the emergency response before it leaves the hall,” he said. Regarding false alarms in residential areas, he said: “There’s the odd one, again, but it’s not overwhelming by any sense of the imagination.” Nonetheless, the problem persists in Rimbey, according to Weisgerber. “We’re all volunteers, and we’re all leaving our jobs to go to what could be a call,” he said. “It could be a fire, and it could be an emergency.” Volunteers with daytime availability are currently being sought after, he added. Those interested in finding out more about the role are asked to leave a message at the fire hall by phoning 403-843-2404.


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The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014 15

Bright - Fireworks lit up the sky in Bentley Aug. 9.

Magic - A Kyle Key magic show was well attended in Bentley Aug. 7.

Successful Bentley fair and rodeo weekend saw only one rainy day By June Norvila

Society on Saturday this year were a “jousting” station and bungee run. An art show was again staged in the old community hall. There was a very well attended car show with over 140 entries, due in part to the wonderful weather on Saturday, and it had the firefighter’s concession on hand. On Saturday afternoon, bikers escorted by RCMP rolled into town under the watchful eye of a police helicopter that circled overhead. The regular Saturday afternoon Farmer’s Market was bustling more than usual. There was a two-day CARA indoor evening rodeo and an adult cabaret and dance. Saturday night ended with wonderful fireworks that could be seen from

Once again Bentley and area volunteers and participants were kept busy with the annual August fair and rodeo Aug. 7 to 10. The theme this year was “Salute to the Bentley District Fire Department.” Things kicked off on Thursday morning with Bentley Minor Ball serving a pancake breakfast, followed in the afternoon by a 40-minute parade that included not only one, but two marching bands this year. Seniors flocked to the seniors pie social hosted by the Outlet Get-Together Club and floral, baking, arts and crafts, and photography displays opened in the curling rink. One category, sewing and stitchery, was not present this year due to lack of a volunteer to act as a convener and oversee that area. Some who brought enNEED A tries for the sewing category were disappointed. Various activities Check status of Government included kids Wool BusGrants/Assistance each worth tin’, concerts, face painting, a magic show, and $5000 or more a variety of children’s CHECK BIG IRON’S WINTER SPECIALDISCOUNT DISCOUNTPACKAGE PACKAGE activities throughout the Worth more than: $5000 town during the weekPLUS FREE “KONTINUOUS SHOK” CHLORINATOR end. Friday morning’s 10 YR. TIME PAYMENT PLAN O.A.C t NO DOWN PAYMENT Sunset Hills Riding Club pancake breakfast was rained out, very uncommon they say, but the Saturday breakfast saw a huge crowd that made up for it. View our 29 patented and patent pending inventions New free family aconline at www.1800bigiron.com tivities hosted by the Ag


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almost anywhere in town, and many say outside of town as well, followed by a drive-in movie shown on the side of the grain elevator. The horseshoe tournament had a good attendance for its two days of competition and Sunday morning saw the interdenominational church service at Bentley Community Church followed by a potluck lunch. Most events are run by volunteers who work together each year to host a successful four-day fair and rodeo that supports and draws business to the town. Both the young and older attendees, and both residents and visitors, in fact anyone, can enjoy four days of activities and family fun on a shoestring budget.


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16 The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014


Victim Services golf tournament a success; program advocates needed By Stuart Fullarton Black Press A vital community organization received much needed support when Sylvan Lake and District Victim Services’ Annual Golf Tournament was held at Sylvan Lake Golf and Country Club last Wednesday.

Covering the same area as the Sylvan Lake RCMP detachment — an area that, as well as the Town of Sylvan Lake, includes Bentley, Eckville and Benalto — the reach of Sylvan Lake Victim Services extends all over Central Alberta. For that reason, fundraisers such

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as the golf tournament are particularly important. “It’s our major fundraiser for the year,” said Victim Services assistant co-ordinator Angela

Kinzel, adding funds raised help sustain the Victim Services program. “The main proceeds of the (tournament) funding go towards Victim Services advocate recruitment and training and towards the program in general.” At a time when demand far exceeds supply, recruiting advocates for the program is more important now than it’s perhaps ever been. Currently, only four advocates serve the entire Sylvan Lake RCMP detachment area. Those advocates are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Having more would allow for greater flexibility among the advocates, and lighten their individual workloads, according to Kinzel. Eight, she feels, would be an ideal number. “Our goal is to have enough advocates that you only have to be on call one week of the month, but obviously when there’s only four of us, we can’t do that,” she said. “We are in major need of advocates.” Victim Services advocates are volunteers who respond to situations dealt with by the RCMP where their information, support or assistance may be of help to victims of crisis. Potential advocates are required to undergo a security check before undertaking training in more than 20 different areas of trauma, grief and crime. Once fully trained, they may be called to assist Vimal Pillay of Red Deer Lions Club watches the RCMP with any number of different situations. his putt neared the hole at Sylvan Lake and The wide spectrum sees them doing everything District Victim Services’ Annual Golf Tournafrom offering support to victims of domestic vioment last Wednesday. lence, to notifying loved ones of a sudden death. Stuart Fullarton Photo “They brush on a lot of different topics,” said Kinzel. “It’s anything the RCMP deals with.” Compassion, good listening skills and a caring personality are the most important personal traits required to become a Victim Services advocate, she added. It wasn’t known by press time how much money had been raised through the golf tournament. Kinzel said, however, that participation numbers were up from the last time the tournament was held in 2012, with 144 golfers taking part. “In the last few years, we’ve averaged around 120 to 130,” she said. “This year it was sold right out.” More information about becoming a Victim Services advocate is available by calling 403-858-7255. Because of the vastness of the area covered by the SylFor continued great service, call: van Lake detachment, volunteers may come (h) 403-843-2840 from any part of the Central Alberta area. “It’s Sylvan Lake (c) 403-704-5224 and district,” said Kinzel. “We cover (Truck cell for Steve Schrader) Bentley and Eckville for the small towns, and then all the summer villages and everything in To book our septic cleaning tank between — all the rural and urban. service & port-a-potties “We’re always looking for volunteers.”

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The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014 17

African food, music enjoyed by dozens as part of library cultural series By Stuart Fullarton Black Press Visitors to Pas-Ka-Poo Park on Friday night were taken on a trip to Africa. Though not in the literal sense, Rimbey Municipal Library’s Cultural CafĂŠ: Focus on Africa provided perhaps the next best thing. The gathering, which saw about 70 guests enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of African culture, was part of a three-part series being put on by the library with the aim of increasing multicultural awareness in Rimbey. “Rimbey is rather homogeneous, and the library board feels that it’s important to have multicultural awareness,â€? said library manager Jean Keetch. “Everybody that spoke to me (afterward) thoroughly enjoyed it.â€? A group of African musicians performed a modern take on traditional African music, while food from across the continent was served. “We had food that was from Nigeria and food that was from Sudan,â€? said Keetch. “There were five people at my house all day on Friday cooking African food. It was fun.â€? Keetch was pleased with the positive turnout, which materialized despite less-than-ideal

weather conditions present throughout the evening. A car crash on Highway 2 also threatened to put a damper on the night by delaying the band, which traveled from Edmonton for the occasion. Yet, the event was a success in the end, and Keetch is glad that both Cultural CafĂŠ sessions so far — the first of which focused on Korea — seem to have been greatly enjoyed by everyone who’s attended. “The Korean one was more formal — they’re a more formal society, and they were on stage and people stayed and sat and watched,â€? said Keetch. “With the African music, people came and went, and a lot of people were dancing. It was a different kind of performance — way more casual.â€? She’s hoping the third and final installment in the series will see the same level of enthusiasm and involvement from the community. Though final details such as location have yet to be determined, that event, which will offer a look into Mexican culture, will take place on Sept. 6.

Rimbey Municipal Library’s Cultural CafÊ - Focus on Africa was enjoyed by dozens of people at Pas-Ka-Poo Park Friday night. APN Photo

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Hunter, Hilda Dec. 4, 1947 - Aug. 8, 2014 Hilda Hunter passed away with the same class and dignity that embodied her life on August 8, 2014 at the Carewest Hospice Calgary Alberta, surrounded by her husband, family and friends who loved her dearly. She is survived and will be greatly missed by her soulmate and best friend Ian Hunter, her siblings; George (Pat) Schwieger of Olds, Grace (Bernard) Booth of Rimbey, Violet (Barney) Oldfield of Rimbey, Victor (Wanietta) Schwieger of Blackfalds, Irene (Wayne) Bilton of Didsbury, Birdie Schweiger of Calgary, †numerous nieces and nephews, and many friends. Hilda was predeceased by her parents, Richard and Isabella Schwieger, her mother-in-law Mamie Hunter, Father-in-law John Hunter and sister-in-law Ginny Hunter. She was born on December 4, 1947 in Rimbey Alberta. She later moved to Calgary where she fell in love with Ian Hunter, and they shared 41 years of wonderful marriage. They shared a passion for golf, camping and traveling. Hilda had her own special love for Africa. A Memorial Service will be held at EDEN BROOK FUNERAL HOME (17 Avenue South West and Lower Springbank Road) on Thursday August, 14th at 12:00 P.M. with a celebration of life to follow in the reception lounge. Condolences may be forwarded to the family by visiting www.edenbrookcemetery.ca. If desired, donations may be made in Hilda’s memory to www.povertyreliefafrica.ca or to The Stephen Lewis Foundation. Arrangements entrusted to EDEN BROOK FUNERAL HOME AND RECEPTION CENTRE {24223 Township Road 242, Calgary AB, (17th Avenue SW and Lower Springbank Rd)}, Tel: 403-240-4032.

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Arts & Crafts Shows ..................50 Class Registrations....................51 Coming Events ..........................52 Lost ............................................54 Found ........................................56 Companions ..............................58 Personals...................................60 Bingos........................................64 Fitness & Sports ........................66 Happy Ads .................................70

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CLASSIFIEDS LABOUR DAY Hours & Deadlines OFFICE & PHONES CLOSED MONDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 Red Deer Advocate Publication dates: SAT. AUGUST 30 TUES. SEPT. 2 Deadline is: Fri. August 29, 5 p.m. Central AB Life Publication date: THURS. SEPT. 4 Deadline is: Fri. August 29, 5 p.m.

TEAM COORDINATOR – Various Locations At AFSC, everything we do is focused on providing value to our clients. We recognize that the key to our success is our people. As a progressive and rapidly changing organization, we continue to develop and nurture our reputation as a great place to work and are always looking for skilled individuals to join our team in one of our 50+ offices located throughout Alberta. We are currently looking for Team Coordinators in various locations across the province.

Ponoka & Lacombe Express Publication date: WED. SEPT. 3 Deadline is: Thur. August 28, 5 p.m.

RESPONSIBILITIES: As a Team Coordinator you will be responsible to manage a team of Client facing staff, from Client Service Representatives to Product Specialists to Relationship Managers. You will be required to oversee different offices and coordinate the allocation of work and resources in your area. You will be asked to ensure your team has the right skills, knowledge, tools and resources to excel in their job.

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Stettler & Weekender

You will also cooperate with senior management staff, in looking for new ways to improve and excel as an organization.

Publication date: WED. SEPT. 3 FRI. SEPT. 5 Deadline is: Fri. August 29, NOON Sylvan Lake News & Eckville Echo Publication date: THUR. SEPT. 4 Deadline is: Fri. August 29, 5 p.m. Bashaw Publication date: WED. SEPT. 3 Deadline is: Wed. August 27, noon Castor - Regular deadline



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The Rimbey Review, August 19, 2014 19



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WRITERS REQUIRED Do you have a passion for uncovering interesting stories in your community? Talking to people and crafting compelling articles which provide information to our readers? Sylvan Lake News/Eckville Echo requires one or more people to write stories and take pictures for holiday coverage, throughout the summer.



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20 The Rimbey Review, August 19, 2014




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The Rimbey Review, August 19, 2014 21

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Buy & Sell #1500 - #1990 Aircraft ..............................1510 Antiques & Art ..................1520 Auctions ............................1530 Bicycles ............................1540 Building Supplies ..............1550 Business Machines ..........1560 Cameras & Accessories ..1570 Children’s Items ................1580 Clothing ............................1590 Computers ........................1600 Concert & Event Tickets ..1610 Equipment - Misc. ............1620 Equipment - Heavy ..........1630 Tools ................................1640 Farmers’ Market & Food Basket......................1650 Firewood ..........................1660 Lumber ............................1670 Garden Supplies ..............1680 Lawn Tractors ..................1690 Health, Dietary, Beauty ....1700 Household Appliances......1710 Household Furnishings ....1720 TV’s, Stereos, VCR’s ........1730 Hot Tubs & Accessories ..1740 Jewellery ..........................1750 Kid’s Deals........................1755 Misc. For Sale ..................1760 Musical Instruments..........1770 Music Lessons..................1780 Piano & Organs ................1790 Office Supplies ................1800 Pets & Supplies ................1810 Pet Services ....................1820 Cats ..................................1830 Dogs ................................1840 Sports Cards ....................1850 Sporting Goods ................1860 Collectors’ Items ..............1870 Swap, Barter & Trade ......1880 Travel Packages ..............1900 Wedding Supplies ............1910 Recycled Products............1920 Wanted to Buy ..................1930 Items to Give Away ..........1940



BIG STRAPPER AUCTIONS LAST WEEKLY SALE July 30. Resuming Weekly Sales Wed. Sept. 24 @ 6 pm. Moose Hall 2 miles south of Ponoka on 2A WE BUY FOR CASH. 403-304-4791 ESTATE AUCTION. 4619-50 Ave. Mirror, AB. Sun. Aug. 24, noon. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, large selection of antiques, collectibles, household and tools. Check website for full listings www.bigstrapperauctions.net New items added daily.


Glen & Lauraine VOLLMIN (Bluffton, AB) Friday, August 29, 2014 @ 11:00 a.m. Dir: From Hwy #2 & 611 (Maskwacis Turnoff, Exit 469), 39 km west to Rge Rd 22, north 2 km. From Hoadley (Hwy 20 & #611), east 11 km to Rge Rd 22, north 2 km. From Junc. of #13 & #771 (Provincial Park Rd), 8 km west to Rge Rd 22, south 8 kms TRACTORS/TRUCKS/ATV’s/SEACAN: RACTORS/TRUCKS/ATV’s/SEACAN: • 2001 JD 6605, CAHR, FWA, 3 pth, dual hydraulics, c/w 2002 JD 740 ldr, grapple/joystick, reverser. (4700 hrs) • JD 4010, dsl, Boss ldr, totally rebuilt (1000 hrs ago), add-on 3 pth. • Cockshutt 50, gas, power steering, loader, running • IHC 660, dsl, duals, running • 2002 Dodge Ram, dually, 5.9 Cummins motor, 6-speed, 4 x 4, quad cab, c/w aluminum tool box/fuel box combo (156,000 kms). Premium Unit! • 1980 Ford gravel truck, single axle, telescopic hoist, aluminum box • 1985 Ford ž ton, 6.9 dsl engine • Dodge ž ton, 4 x 4 • 2011 Arctic Cat Side-By-Side, soft top, winch, outside cover (28 hrs) • Honda 200 quad • Arctic Cat Cougar snow machine • Polaris 500 snow machine • (2) Yamaha Exciter snowmachines • 40’ seacan unit

EQUIPMENT: • Highline 6800 bale processor • JD 530 baler, 1000 PTO, gauge wheels • JD 530 baler, 540 PTO • (2) NH 850 balers • NH 490 haybine, 12’ • NH 469 haybine, 9’ • NH 488 haybine, 9’ • Lil Augi Silage feed wagon • Heavy Hitter post pounder w/13 hp Honda motor • Vers. 400 swather, 12’ PU reel, w/conditioner • Vers. 400 swather, 15’ PU reel, w/conditioner • Reil 28’ flat deck trailer, gooseneck, ball hitch & king pin hitch, c/w bale deck • 3 pth 5’ rotary mower • (2) cultivators • harrows • (2) Utility truck box trailers • Allied PTO auger • 7’ and 6’ 3pth blades

Farm Custom Work

COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION! 7th Annual Red Deer Fall Finale. September 19 - 20, Westerner Park. Consign today. 1-888-296-0528 ext. 103; egauctions.com. MEIER GUN AUCTION. Saturday, August 30, 11 a.m., 6016 - 72A Ave., Edmonton. Over 150 guns - Handguns, rifles, shotguns, hunting and sporting equipment. To consign call 780-440-1860. UNRESERVED AUCTION. Surplus, tools, household and more. Saturday, August 23 starting 11 a.m. Scribner Auction. New location 6 kms West of Wainwright, Alberta Hwy 14. 780-842-5666; www.scribnernet.com WHEATLAND AUCTIONS HUGE FALL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION. Sept. 6 in Cheadle, Alberta. Farm equipment, construction equipment, vehicles, RVs, tools and much more! Phone 403-669-1109; www.wheatlandauctions.com

Building Supplies

PLEASE NOTE: The Vollmins have sold their property and will be moving, therefore this sale. Pay special attention to the John Deere tractor and Dodge truck – both like new!. For more information, please contact GLEN @ (403) 843-3574.

Complete Listing w/photos: www.zimmermanauctions.com TERMS OF SALE – cash or cheques ONLY.





(780) 352-4994





STEEL BUILDINGS. “Steel Overstock Sale!� 20x20 $4,055. 25x24 $4,650. 30x32 $6,586. 32x34 $7,677. 40x48 $12,851. 47x70 $17,899. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422; www.pioneersteel.ca.

Misc. for Sale


EVERY WATER WELL on earth should have the patented “Kontinuous Shok� Chlorinator from Big Iron Drilling! Why? Save thousands of lives every year. www.1-800bigiron.com. Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON

Travel Packages

Grain, Feed Hay


HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup� Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252. LACOMBE COUNTRY FEED STORE, Come see us at: 4836 45A St. Lacombe, Ab ALL THE FEED YOUR ANIMALS NEED! 403-782-3333 Dealer of Masterfeeds STRAW WANTED. Large square 4X8 bales. $60 metric ton for 20,000 bales. Please call Kevin Paskal at 403-330-9147.

This paper is

Farm Equipment ..............2010 Haying Equipment ............2020 Tractors ............................2030 Combines & Headers ......2040 Fertilizer Equipment..........2050 Misc. Farm Machinery ......2060 Equipment Wanted ..........2070 Farm Custom Work ..........2080 Farm Auctions ..................2090 Livestock ..........................2100 Livestock - Exotic..............2110 Sheep ..............................2120 Poultry ..............................2130 Horses ..............................2140 Horse Boarding ................2150 Riding Supplies ................2160 Horse/Stock Trailers ........2170 Pasture Wanted ................2180 Grain, Feed, Hay ..............2190 Seed Grain ......................2200 Seeding & Tillage ............2210


JF-STOLL FCT-900 SILAGE CUTTER, like new cnd. $19,900. 780-877-2339 or 780-877-2326

Grain, Feed Hay


FEED BARLEY. Paskal Cattle Company in Picture Butte area is looking for Feed Barley. Put more $$$ in your pocket. Sell direct to us. Please call Main Office for details. 403-317-1365.

License #312638


IN RIMBEY $500/mo. 403-704-6397 Leave a message


DOWNTOWN Red Deer Business Center. NOW renting offices as low as $460/Month, Includes receptionist and furniture. Call or email to arrange a viewing. bboles@maclab.com 587.521.6004


Real Estate #4000 - #4190

Acreages/Farms ..............3010 Houses/Duplexes ............3020 Condos/Townhouses........3030 Manufactured Homes ......3040 Four Plexes/Six Plexes ....3050 Suites ..............................3060 Cottages/Seasonal ..........3070 Roommates Wanted ........3080 Rooms for Rent................3090 Motels/Hotels ..................3100 Offices ..............................3110 Stores/Commercial ..........3120 Industrial ..........................3130 Warehouse Space............3140 Garage Space..................3150 Storage Space ................3160 Land ................................3170 Pasture ............................3180 Mobile Lot ........................3190 Misc. for Rent ..................3200

Wanted to Rent #3250 - #3390 Acreages/Farms ..............3255 Houses/Duplexes ............3260 Suites ..............................3270 Rooms..............................3280 Manufactured Homes ......3290 Housesitting Wanted ........3300 Garage Space..................3310 Storage Space ................3320 Stores/Commercial ..........3330 Office Space ....................3340 Industrial ..........................3350 Warehouse Space............3360 Resorts & Cottages..........3370 Pasture/Land....................3380 Mobile Lot ........................3390

Houses/ Duplexes


Realtors & Services..........4010 Houses for Sale................4020 Houses Wanted ................4030 Condos/Townhouses ........4040 Acreages ..........................4050 Acreages Wanted ............4060 Farms/Land ......................4070 Farms/Land Wanted ........4080 Manufactured/ Mobile Homes ..................4090 Income Property ..............4100 Commercial Property ......4110 Industrial Property ............4120 Cottages/Resort Property ..4130 Businesses for Sale..........4140 Buildings for Sale ............4150 Lots for Sale ....................4160 Out of Town Property ......4170 Investment Opportunities ..4180 Mortgages Bought/Sold....4190





10 min to Rimbey. 3 bdrm, bi-level home on 15 acres, with creek through property. Barn, large storage shed, greenhouse & other buildings. Appliances included. Move In Ready.


$379,000 OBO 1-587-409-4258 Manufactured Homes




Immediate possession.



le Recyclab

For Rent #3000 - #3200 Agricultural #2000 - #2290

Rooms For Rent



FOY SPA RV RESORT HAS MORE WINTER FUN FOR LESS! Hot mineral springs, events, activities, fitness, entertainment, Canadian friends in southern California; foyspa.com or 1-888-800-0772.

Farm Equipment

Sprayer for Hire

Money To Loan

Building Supplies





Gerald Zimmerman, Auctioneer Wetaskiwin, AB


LOOKING FOR A SHOP? Post Frame Buildings. AFAB Industries has experience, expertise, reliability and great construction practices. For a free quote, contact Ryan Smith 403-818-0797 or email: ryan.afab@gmail.com METAL ROOFING & SIDING. Very competitive prices! Largest colour selection in Western Canada. Available at over 25 Alberta Distribution Locations. 40 Year Warranty. Call 1-888-263-8254 STEEL BUILDINGS/ METAL BUILDINGS 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100, sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206; www.crownsteelbuildings.ca

LIVESTOCK EQUIP: 20’ stock trailer; 30’ calf shelter w/catch pen; tractor tire silage feeders; 30’ silage bunk; cattle oiler; Hi-Qual maternity pen; bale feeders; vet supplies; etc. MISC: Tidy tanks; culverts; gates; extension ladders; ladder jacks; 22 rifle; good assortment of miscellaneous tools; 48� round oak antique table; office chairs; household items; Bradley smoker; cream separator; aquariums; deep freezers; plus more.


Newly renovated 1 & 2 bedroom units in Ponoka: 3724-45 Street. 403-357-0287

FOR SALE. To be moved. 1496 sq. ft. Mobile Home with addition. 4 appliances. 2 furnaces. Oversize Whirlpool tub. Four bedrooms. Large mudroom. Asking $15,000. 780-632-7169. 780-603-0170

SHOWHOME SALE. Substantial savings to be had! Need room for whole new display! Visit Grandview Modular Red Deer to see the quality and craftsmanship that set us apart. 1-855-347-0417; www.grandviewmodular.com; terry @grandviewmodular.com

22 The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014 Buildings For Sale


FOR SALE 12x20 Skid Shack Totally Finished $ 14,000 OBO



Coming Events Obituaries 403-597-0079


Pets Lost/Found Classes Vacation Homes Personals Fitness Arts/Crafts Realtors Babysitters Condos Financial Volunteers #4400 - #4430 Career Planning Investments ......................4410 Money Wanted ................4420 Legal Aid Money to Loan ................4430 Tutors Oilfield Money Announcements To Loan Trades DO YOU NEED TO Vehicles BORROW MONEY - NOW? If you own a home Public Notices or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend Rentals you money - It’s that simple. 1-877-486-2161. Acreages Motorcycles GET BACK ON TRACK! Business BAD CREDIT? BILLS? Unemployed? Need money? Opportunities We lend! If you own your Cottages own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Livestock Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420; Grain/Feed/Hay www.pioneerwest.com Tractors Pasture land Campers/RVs Extra Income Security Registrations Transportation Meetings #5000-5300 Automotive Services ........5010 Repairs Antique & Classic Autos ....5020 Farmers Markets Cars ..................................5030 SUV’s................................5040 Trade Fairs Trucks ..............................5050 Heavy Trucks....................5060 Rodeos Vans/Buses ......................5070 Motorcycles ......................5080 & MUCH MORE! Campers ..........................5090


Motorhomes......................5100 5th Wheels........................5110 Holiday Trailers ................5120 Tent Trailers ......................5130 Utility Trailers ....................5140 ATV’s ................................5150 Boats & Marine ................5160 Snowmobiles ....................5170 Tires, Parts & Accessories ......................5180 Auto Wreckers ..................5190 Vehicles Wanted ..............5200 Car/Truck Rental ..............5210 Recreational Vehicle Rental ..............................5220 Trailer Rental ....................5230 Misc. Automotive ..............5240 RV’s ..................................5300



2010 - 2500 Silver Ram Dodge SLT Short box, Crew cab, 5.7L Hemi, Leather Seats, 67,000 kms $29,900



ON NOW AT YOUR ALBERTA GMC DEALERS. AlbertaGMC.com 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. * Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered between August 1 and September 30, 2014. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 84 months on all new or demonstrator 2014 GMC vehicles. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $20,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $238.10 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $20,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight and air tax ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Dealer trade may be required. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. † Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer vehicle that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013/2014 MY GMC vehicle and 2015 MY GMC Sierra HD, Yukon, Yukon XL, Acadia models delivered in Canada between August 1 and September 2, 2014. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on all eligible GMC vehicles. Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any Pontiac/Saturn/SAAB/Hummer/Oldsmobile model year 1999 or newer vehicle or Chevrolet Cobalt or HHR that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013/2014 MY GMC vehicle and 2015MY GMC Sierra HD, Yukon, Yukon XL, Acadia models delivered in Canada between August 1, 2014 and September 2, 2014. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $1,500 credit available on eligible GMC vehicles. Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer pick-up truck that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive): $1,000 credit available towards the retail purchase, cash purchase or lease of one eligible 2013/2014 or 2015 MY GMC light or heavy duty pickup delivered in Canada between August 1, 2014 and September 2, 2014. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited by law. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. †* The Automotive Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC) comprises professional journalists, writers and photographers specializing in cars and trucks. They provide unbiased opinions of new vehicles to help consumers make better purchases that are right for them. For more information visit www.ajac.ca. ‡* The GMC Terrain received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among compact SUVs in the proprietary J.D. Power 2014 Initial Quality StudySM. Study based on responses from 86,118 new-vehicle owners, measuring 239 models and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of owners surveyed in February-May 2014. Your experiences may vary. Visit jdpower.com. ^* Insurance Institute for Highway Safety awarded all Terrain models the 2014 Top Safety Pick Award. Terrain models with Optional Forward Collision Alert was awarded the 2014 Top Safety Pick Plus Award. ^^ The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. ** The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who purchase, lease or finance a new eligible 2014 Model Year vehicle with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 KMs, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details.

COMMUNITY The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014 23




YEARS/40,000 KM











14083MB0, 14083MN1, 14083MS1


0% 84














2014 TERRAIN^*



0% 84


2014 TERRAIN^^



2014 TERRAIN‡*

0% 84 FOR


2014 SIERRA 1500



0% 84 MONTHS*


0% 84






24 The Rimbey Review, Aug. 19, 2014


Get up to $18,537 in consumer cash & dealer rebates 0% APR Financing Available

BETTER THAN EMPLOYEE PRICING! ’14 Ford ’14 Ford F150 Fiesta SE Stk.#C0656 Reg Cab Stk.#T0696


125BW(7) $16,977





’14 Ford ’14 Ford Escape Fus sion S E Stk.#C0453 SE 4W Fusion SE WD Stk.#T0454 4WD


172BW(7) $23,855


194BW(7) $26,965

’14 Ford F150 ’14 Ford F150 S/Cab XLT 4X4 St C/Ca ab X TR 4 X4 C/Cab XTR 4X4

’14 Ford F250 XLT 4X4 C/Cab bX LT T4 X4

’15 Ford F350 C/Cab XXLT LT Di Diesel iesel 4X4






214BW(7) $29,965


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296BW(7) $41,975

Win $10,000 in cash plus instant prizes! PLUS Get a Trip to Las Vegas with every vehicle purchase!*


349BW(7) $49,985

* 4.99% oac, 84 mths , example C0656 cost of borrowing $3621 total obligation $22840 All prices reflect applicable incentives, $18537 discount applies to #T0182

www.LegacyFordWinner.ca *See dealer for information

“Let your Legacy start here.”





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