Lake Country Calendar, September 03, 2014

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September 3, 2014



Great cars, great day, great turnout

Artists have been busy preparing fresh collections in time for several exhibitions and sales opportunities coming up in Lake Country. ...............................



FROM high velocity sports cars to one-off customized to vintage classics, the Lake Country Customs and Classics Car Show was another hit for the region’s auto lovers.

Transit gets a boost in Lake Country with a new route servicing The Lakes and a park and ride at Beasley Park. ...............................


Flyers ■ Budget Blinds ■ Rona ■ Home Depot ■ Shoppers Drug Mart ■ Summit Tools ■ Save On Foods ■ Staples ■ Jysk

In what was the biggest Lake Country Customs and Classic Car show ever, residents and tourists showed up in good numbers to enjoy the two day event held last weekend in Lake Country. Organizer Ron Volk said they collected $8,000 in donations that will be dropped off this week at the Lake Country Food Bank towards its goal to have a new building. This year the Lake

Country Chamber of Commerce organized one of the two days at the event and Volk says he will be turning over full control of the car show to the chamber next year as it continues to grow. More details on the future of the popular event will be coming in future editions of the Lake Country Calendar but for now here are a few pics of some of the classic cars that were on display.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


Lake Country

Health Planning Society ... supporting Community Wellness since 1982

Take a Stand Against Elder Abuse Lake Country Health Planning Society wants older adults to come out and discuss what elder abuse is and what can be done about it. Small actions can make a big difference. Please join us at any one of these groups – registration is not required. Beverages and snacks will be provided.

Monday, September 29

Monday, October 6

7:00-8:30pm District of Lake Country 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country

10:00-11:30am Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road, Lake Country

Wednesday, October 15

Tuesday, October 21

1:00-2:30pm Oyama Community Hall 15710 Oyama Road, Lake Country

7:00-8:30pm Okanagan Centre Hall 11099 Maddock Avenue, Lake Country

For more information, call or email the Lake Country Health Planning Society. Funding for this project is generously provided by the Government of Canada: New Horizons for Seniors Program. New Horizons for Seniors Program

778 – 215 - 5247

Calendar Lake Country

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951


LAKE COUNTRY firefighters were hopping busy Monday, Aug. 25, responding to two vehicle fires,

With you since 1951.

both on the new Highway 97 between Winfield and Vernon. Up to 10 firefighters responded to each incident as first, a logging truck caught on fire and then later in the afternoon, a tow truck. No injuries were reported and traffic was disrupted for a time while crews battled to get the blazes under control. The preliminary investigations indicate the cause of both fires was mechanical in nature.





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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 3, 2014 A3


Local artists keep Lake Country Gallery hopping The Lake Country Art Gallery has many exciting events coming up kicking off with the annual ArtWalk Sept. 6 and 7. That’s just a kick-start for what’s coming up at the gallery this fall.


In its 21st year, ArtWalk has fast become the Okanagan’s largest art show. In conjunction with Artwalk, the Lake Country Art Gallery is pleased to present a month long ArtWalk Theme exhibition - A Step Forward, coinciding with the theme for this year’s ArtWalk. Every year since the Lake Country Art Gallery opened its doors to the public, it has enjoyed the opportunity to play host to one of the art festival’s four main sites 2014 will mark the gallery’s fifth consecutive year as an ArtWalk venue. Artists have been dropping work off at the Lake Country Art Gal-

lery for this exhibition all month long. “This is the second year where we’re inviting any and all artists to submit work for this exhibition: You don’t have to be participating in ArtWalk to submit work,” explained Lake Country Art Gallery curator Katie Brennan. “We’ve opened this up to all artists as not everyone is able to be a part of ArtWalk.” While the theme of the exhibition is A Step Forward, Brennan invites artists to interpret the theme in any manner, style or medium. “I’m alway intrigued by how folks approach a themed exhibition. I like to leave a lot of room for creativity of all sorts,” she said.

the ArtWalk Theme exhibition, the Lake Country Art Gallery has many other exciting events planned for the fall.


The third instalment of the Lake Country Art Bazaar will take place Sept. 6 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The outdoor market offers an intriguing mix of vintage wares, family activities, artisanal boutiques, glass and other giftware, art books on a variety of topics and outdoor artist galleries on the grounds of the Lake Country Art Gallery’s Art House.



The A Step Forward exhibition runs from Sept. 6 to Oct. 3 and will be open for extended hours during ArtWalk from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. In conjunction with


ARTISTS have been busy preparing new works for ArtWalk and other upcoming exhibitions and sales in Lake Country.

On Sept. 25 the Lake Country Art Gallery presents the third round of its very popular pub-styled trivia nights. Co-presented by the Okanagan Young Professionals, this quiz night will test attendees knowledge on art, culture and more.


To celebrate Culture Days, the Lake Country Art Gallery is offering one of its Signature Workshops. Paint What You See, Not What You Think You See is a two day workshop on the power of observation with Jerry Markham that will run on Sept. 27 and 28.


It may seem a bit early, but it’s time for artists to start thinking about the Lake Country Art Gallery’s annual Under 100 exhibition. This exhibition features hundreds of works available to purchase for $100 or less. The deadline for submissions is at midnight on Oct. 3. Artists interested in applying are invited to attend a free Under 100 information night to learn all about how to best prepare for the exhibition on Oct. 1. Get all the information online at

Expansion to RapidBus service rolls out across Central Okanagan

ALISTAIR WATERS Improvements to transit are rolling through several communities in the Okanaganthis fall, including Lake Country. RapidBus service has been running between downtown Kelowna and UBCO since 2010. On Sunday, Aug. 31, a major expansion to the line began, with new routes introduced in Kelowna and Lake Country. And Peachland gets better evening service. It adds a total of 15,000 more operating hours per year to the overall system. Building on the success RapidBus has experienced during its first four years of operation, this second phase is now complete. New RapidBus exchanges have been built at Boucherie Mountain and Westbank Centre in West Kelowna, with real-time digital message boards showing passenger information at each stop. The RapidBus now links with the UBC Okanagan campus via downtown Kelowna


WORK continues in Lake Country on a couple of

projects. Workers at Beasley Park (left) continue preparations for a new park and ride bus stop, while new bus stops (above) are being installed along the route that links The Lakes with the Town Centre.

along Highway 97 and to Westbank. In Lake Country, a new Route 32 The Lakes was to start in September, connecting the Lake Country Town Centre with The Lakes neighbourhood during weekday peak periods. The new route supports current and future residential and commercial growth in that residential

area, say regional transit planners. “We are very pleased to have a new transit route starting September connecting The Lakes neighbourhood with Town Centre in Lake Country,” said Mayor James Baker. “This serves to expand the service connection with existing routes in Lake Country.” In Kelowna, a new

Route 5 Gordon bus provides a direct connection via Gordon Drive to downtown Kelowna, the RapidBus corridor on Highway 97, the Capri Shopping Centre, Okanagan College and the Mission Recreation Centre. Another route, the No. 8 University will be realigned to deliver a direct connection to Kelow-

na General Hospital and Okanagan College. Meanwhile, the Route 22 bus that serves Peachland will have improved evening, Sunday and holiday service. The route will link to the recently completed Westbank Centre transit exchange in order to provide better regional transit connectivity. These additions rep-

resent an 8.5 per cent growth in transit service throughout the region. The expansion hours are being paid for by Kelowna, Peachland and Lake Country. The changes in West Kelowna and on Westbank First Nation land have been achieved using existing resources, says B.C. Transit. “The additional 15,000 annual service hours will go a long way towards meeting

the public transportation needs of Kelowna,” said Norm Letnick, MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country. “In particular, the new route in Lake Country will provide convenient, efficient service for current and future residents of the area.” For more information on the Kelowna Regional Transit system go to or call 250860-8121.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


Manipulative messenger zeros in on the mark

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.


m not particularly interested in vacuum cleaners. As a comedian at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival commented, “All they ever do is collect dust!”

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Tessa Ringness Production Manager

Kevin Parnell Staff Reporter

Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688

Life and Faith

Jim Taylor

Courtney Larkan Nancy Blow

But I am interested in the sales techniques used by their representatives. Last month, a Filter Queen sales rep dem-

Creative Consultants Production Designers Phone 250-766-4688 Fax 250-862-5275

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Bleak summer for coastal ferry remake The changes meant ferry bookings couldn’t be made until April, too late for most international travelers.


here was an uproar in the B.C. legislature this spring when Transportation Minister Todd Stone went ahead with $19 million in cuts to low-usage coastal ferry routes. The plan had been laid out in detail before last year’s election. It targeted sailings where ridership was in the low teens or even single digits. On some sailings the Transport Canada-mandated crew outnumbered the passengers. Despite the cries of doom, most of the sailing reductions have been managed—with one glaring exception. The Discovery Coast Circle Tour route saw its ferry from Port Hardy to Bella Coola replaced, using the

BC Views

Tom Fletcher smallest vessel in the BC Ferries fleet, the opendecked Nimpkish. This move wasn’t a direct response to low usage, a chronic issue with some of the minor route sailings along the coast. It was to avoid ordering a replacement for the Queen of Chilliwack, which sailed directly between Port Hardy and Bella Coola. This summer the first leg was consolidated with the Northern Expedition, the vessel that replaced the doomed Queen of the North on the Inside Passage run

up to Prince Rupert. At Bella Bella, after a layover of a couple of hours, the Nimpkish took over with space for 16 standard vehicles on its deck and a midnight arrival time in Bella Coola. The direct route had been mainly used by European tourists, who sailed from the Lower Mainland to Victoria, drove the length of the Island, ferried to Bella Coola and drove through the rugged Chilcotin to Williams Lake and back down south to complete the circle tour. The new route incorporated stops in remote outposts Ocean Falls and Shearwater, making it even longer. Warnings came early. “That’s where 90 per cent of the [BC Ferries] money is being lost, on the milk runs, and that’s the part they are keeping,” Petrus Rykes, a tourism operator at Anahim Lake for 40 years, said in March. “The part they’ve cancelled was at 70 per cent

capacity, the second highest of all the fleet routes.” Reports of a bad slump have come to pass. The changes meant bookings couldn’t be made until April, too late for most international travelers. A survey by Bella Coola Valley Tourism in mid-summer found most operators losing business, from 10 to 90 per cent. A bus tour of Canadian seniors heading west from Williams Lake was terminated after 14 years. One tourism operator on Highway 20 is considering closing down. Stone and his family took the new route themselves in early August, with the minister offering sunny reports on his blog. Stone summed up his experience this way: “At the end of the day, my assessment is that the Nimpkish is a good tourism product if tourists are made fully aware as to the type of service

it provides. If correct expectations are set, I believe the Nimpkish can be marketed as a valuable tourism component of the Discovery Coast Circle Tour. “The decision to do this rests squarely on the shoulders of the tourism industry and tourism operators who need to decide whether or not they want this service to work, to grow and to be viable in order to capture a share of the thousands of international tourists looking for exactly the kind of adventure the Nimpkish provides.” Got that, Discovery Coast tourism folks? If this milk run doesn’t work next year, it will be your fault. Heck, the Nimpkish has free snacks and drinks for your 10-hour voyage, much of it in the dark. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email:

onstrated both his product and his process at our house. “Filter Queen?” you may well wonder. “Are they still in business?” Yes, they are. And not much has changed. Thirty years ago, I got suckered into a similar demonstration. The representative showed me how his vacuum cleaner could suck up a oneinch steel ball. His sales pitch asked a series of questions, all carefully phrased so that I had to give answers favourable to his equipment. That process hasn’t changed, although the technology has. Instead of playing with steel balls, this representa-


We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 3, 2014 A5

opinion ▼ VETERANS

Dover service to commemorate Canadian efforts made September 1944


eterans are never far from our minds and this August has been a particularly poignant time of remembrance. On Aug. 4, Prime Minister Stephen Harper marked the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War which plunged Europe into conflict from 1914 to 1918. Canada’s experience in World War I became a source of deep national pride due to important victories at places like Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele and Amiens, which gave Canada a newfound standing in the world. More than 66,000 men and women from our soils gave their lives during the First World War, and an estimated 172,000 more were wounded. In his official statement, the prime minister honoured the sacrifices

MP’s Report

Ron Cannan and tremendous achievements of the more than 650,000 brave Canadians and Newfoundlanders who left their families and the comfort of their homes to serve their King and country. He also extended gratitude and appreciation to all members of the Canadian Armed Forces and their families—past and present— who courageously serve to preserve the universal values of freedom, peace and democracy that we

hold most dear. On Aug. 5, Veterans Affairs Parliamentary Secretary Parm Gill and my colleague MP Laurie Hawn, also a veteran, came to the riding and participated in a roundtable at Royal Canadian Legion Branch 26, with the Oyama Legion branch 189 president and a veterans affairs client services team manager also in attendance. We also met with the president, the service officer, and members of the Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans in Canada Unit #376, where we talked with veterans and toured the facility. The discussions gave the parliamentary secretary the opportunity to provide updates on the federal government initiatives related to veterans’ employment and the full spectrum of benefits and services available to

those who have served. In turn, the meetings allowed veterans to provide feedback on ways to help them and their families successfully transition from military to civilian life. I would like to remind local veterans that a fulltime dedicated Veterans Service Agent is available at the Service Canada office located at 471 Queensway Ave. in downtown Kelowna, open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. We have been told that few veterans are using the service with only one or no visits on any given day; however, the minister of veterans affairs is committed to providing this service. Last but not least, on Aug. 6 I received the following from a constituent hoping to get the message out about a ceremony commemorating an important time in

history during WW11: “Dear Mr. Cannan: “The events referred to in the following news item took place in Sept 1944 when the writer (a retired journalist) and I were both 15 years old and attending Dover Grammar School. When you read it I believe you will be struck by the strong Canadian connection to this unique town at a significant moment in its history. The Prime Minister consistently demonstrates his support for our people in the military and the purpose of this message is to ask if you would use your good offices to ensure that our High Commission in London is made aware of this upcoming service so that Canada might be suitably represented. I wish we could identify the army units involved! Regards, Richard Spear.” The news item to

Manipulation goes all the way to the pulpit


TAYLOR FROM A4 tive demonstrated to me how much dirt his vacuum cleaner could suck up from carpets and baseboards that had been vacuumed earlier that week. Of course, without his special test filters, we couldn’t duplicate his demonstrations with our existing built-in vacuum cleaner. Advantage, to him. His sales technique was painfully obvious— ask only questions to which the prospective victim can’t help supporting. If I get into the habit of agreeing, the reasoning goes, I will sell myself on his product. Things haven’t changed much. A friend described how he sold encyclopedias door to door over 50 years ago to pay his university fees. Same process—never give the victim an opportunity to say “No.” “Do you consider education important for your children?” “Wouldn’t you like them to have an advantage?” “Do you think knowledge is valuable?” If he could get into the house, my friend said, he could evaluate the

family’s interests, and use those to focus his questions. “When they open the door, I move forward, just a fraction,” he explained. “Everyone has a comfort zone; instinctively, they back up a couple of inches. I move forward again. It takes only a few moves before I literally have a foot in the door.” Recently, a total stranger confirmed that she had used exactly the same technique to sell

make-up door to door. Unfortunately for this particular Filter Queen rep, I recognize when I’m being manipulated. So I played along dutifully. I saved my “No” until he asked me to sign on the dotted line. But I couldn’t help comparing his sales process with the way that most of the churches and charities I know operate. Instead of approaches that encourage people to say “Yes,” we typical-

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ly try to make them feel guilty. Especially the most faithful members. You’re not doing/giving enough; you’re letting us down; we might have to shut down this program… I have occasionally joked that my church should run a travel agency called “Guilt Trips.” I wonder if the desire to avoid being manipulative pushes those of us in persuasive pro-

fessions to go too far in the other direction. Labour disputes, for example. Lobbying for justice issues. Politics. Dealing with bureaucracies. Often, negotiations start with a frontal attack on the other position. Perhaps, without copying door-to-door techniques, we could at least start by seeking common ground. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.

which Mr. Spear refers is a notice that on Sunday, Sept. 14, 2014, at 10:45 a.m., the town of Dover, UK will be holding a ser-

vice at the church of St. Mary the Virgin to com-


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Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


Citizens want gov’t transparency ▼


Strong Canadian connection to Dover, O UK at a significant moment in its history CANNAN FROM A5

The service will offer thanks and prayers for those who died. Terry Sutton, spokesman for the church and a friend of Mr. Spear says, “We are hoping that those still alive who endured those terrible September days will join us at this special service. “Perhaps those whose family members were killed by shelling would like to attend.” “We will also be giv-

memorate the devastating effects of a barrage of shelling on the town in September 1944. That shelling killed both civilians and Allied troops, and was stopped only when advancing Canadian troops, who had landed in Normandy during the June 1944 D-day invasion, captured the long-range guns of the Germans.



ing thanks to the brave Canadian soldiers who risked death, and those who gave their lives, in capturing and eliminating the German guns that in four years fired more than 2,200 shells into the town of Dover.” Further information on this event can be obtained by emailing Terry Sutton at terry.sutton@ The world wars and those fought since

may be behind us, but through commemorations like these and by talking directly to our veterans about their needs, we are confirming that their service and sacrifice will forever hold a meaningful place in our hearts and minds. Ron Cannan is the Conservative MP for Kelowna-Lake Country.



7 Pillars of Character Virtue of the Week


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15525 Greenhow Road Lake Country B.C.

Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Kindness Citizenship Conscientiousness


ne of the major reasons why I submit a weekly report and conduct summer-time listening tours, is that many citizens I hear from appreciate having the opportunity to have a firsthand conversation to hear the reasons why we as elected representatives voted on an issue of particular interest to them. This creates a direct line of accountability between individual citizens and their representative. If they disagree with the decision they will have a chance to vote accordingly at the next election. This ultimately is the essence of our democratic process. Recently an outgoing city councillor made an observation questioning the political relationships that occur in smaller municipalities between elected officials and other prominent citizens that could possibly affect their local community grants process. It

Natural gas prices When it comes to buying natural gas, it’s nice to have a choice. Compare your options: fixed rates and terms offered by independent gas marketers or a variable rate offered by FortisBC. Customer Choice: it’s yours to make.


payers with increased ease of access. To find out who has met with me or any other MP on a particular c special interest you can e go to the Office of the a Commissioner of Lob- s bying of Canada (www. t f As elected officials we v are also doing more vol- r MP’s Report s untarily disclosure as Dan Albas well as audited disclo- i sure. I know firsthand was again an uncomfort- that my annual account- i able discussion for some ability report generated P however that does not a record number of re- ( negate the validity of the sponses in support and t subject. The larger questhat is why it is now an t t tion is how can we imannual document. prove upon these things? Citizens want more C Ultimately if we are to transparency from all run for public office we levels of government—it a cannot be afraid to speak is an important principle t out and share the conand one that we can concerns of the citizens we tinue to improve upon. ▼ represent, a principle that Citizens have also shared should apply to all levels concerns that deserve to of public office. be heard even if they are Accountability also unpopular in some quarmeans transparency. As ters. elected officials we are These are some of the paid with your tax dolitems I have heard these lars—our expenses, our past few months and operating budgets, bene- look forward to hearing fits, the fiscal and policy more concerns and takdecisions including proing those concerns for- a jects and programs are ward. I welcome your b all costly. This is why comments at dan.albas@ c initiatives like open or toll free at a data ( 1-800-665-8711. l and open government Dan Albas is the l ( Conservative Member w open-government) are of Parliament for Okathere to provide more of nagan-Coquihalla. o this information to b f c m Call Teresa at 250-979-7329 y e

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Minister: Jim Hannah

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Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving


c o p s

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

p t a o 1 i L

a a h

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 3, 2014 A7



Serious matter for discussion

The Okanagan Suicide Awareness Society (OSAS) is hosting a town hall meeting on suicide and its impact in the Central Okanagan, focusing on suicide prevention, citizen concerns regarding the impact of suicide in the community and access to services. OSAS has been working with Members of Parliament Ron Cannan (Kelowna-Lake Country) as well as Dan Albas to plan and promote the town hall meeting. The Mental Health Commission of Canada issued a challenge to Parliament last April,

dubbed the #308 Conversations project. The challenge issued was for each Member of Parliament to host a town hall conversation with constituents in his/her riding before Parliament reconvenes in September, with a goal to have a wide cross section from the community to share information, concerns, wishes and suggestions on suicide. The goal of the project is to for make communities less impacted by suicidal behaviour and bereavement and to facilitate a robust and effective roll out of the national suicide pre-

vention plan legislation (Bill C-300 of 2012). Both MPs Cannan and Albas will be the official hosts of the gathering, and they will be submitting a report of the conversation to the Mental Health Commission of Canada for inclusion in their national report based on all of the #308 Conversations. The emcee for the event will be Phil Johnson, who also will be devoting air time during his radio program on World Suicide Prevention Day (Sept. 10). According to the OSAS, suicide is a very

significant public health and quality of life concern in the Central Okanagan that traditionally receives little public attention. The statistics may surprise and the stories of suicide bereavement likely will touch your heart. As the Mental Health Commission of Canada declared to Parliament, “It is time to start talking about suicide prevention.” The forum takes place Sept 8 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at Parkinson Recreation Centre, Orchard Room.


Unlocked doors and windows become easy targets for opportunistic thieves

The RCMP point to an increase in residential break and enters, specifically in the Rutland area, as being directly related to homeowners not locking their doors and windows. Police say crimes of opportunity, such as break and enters or thefts from vehicles, always increase during the summer months and this year has been no different. But homeowners could help prevent many of these crimes by simply securing their homes, say police. In the last two weeks, 63 per cent of all residential break-ins can be

directly attributed to an unlocked or unsecured home with an open window or patio door being the main point of entry. The Okanagan summers can be hot but leaving a window or a door open while you’re away is exactly what thieves are looking for. “You wouldn’t put a sign on your front lawn telling people that your home is unlocked,” said Kelowna RCMP Supt. Nick Romanchuk, “but that’s essentially what you’re doing when a window or door is left open or unlocked.” Thefts from vehicles also continue to be a problem with 55 per cent

attributable to unlocked cars and the remainder attributed to valuables left in plain sight.

Lake Country

HEALTH Planning Society

Police observed signs of impairment on the driver of the Subaru who later provided samples that were four times the legal limit. Both drivers were taken to hospital but, no one appeared seriously injured despite the severity of the crash. The Subaru driver was issued an indefinite driving prohibition and faces potential impaired driving charges. He was released on an appearance notice for court in November.

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Lucky outcome for drunk driver

A 45-year-old Prince George man is facing impaired driving charges after a serious crash snarled highway traffic last Wednesday afternoon. On August 27, at 2:53 p.m., the Lake Country RCMP responded to a two-vehicle collision on Highway 97 about 100 metres south of the intersection with Beaver Lake Road. A Subaru Legacy had apparently rear-ended a fifth wheel trailer at a high rate of speed.

Wallets and electronics tend to be the most target items from vehicles.

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Aly Powers

Are you a candidate in the Lake Country Municipal election? Whatever your needs, we can design, print & distribute your election message! Teresa Huscroft-Brown

Advertising Representative 250.979.7329, ext. 7329 fax: 250.862.5275 email:

info 250.766.5669 reservations 250.766.9309

Lake Country, BC

ArtWalk 2014 Presents:

JIM BYRNES Jim’s first love, is the blues. His evocative, smoky vocals are found in a truth that doesn’t come overnight.

His albums include: • Burnin’ • I’ve Turned My Nights into Days • That River (Juno Award 1995) • Fresh Horses • House of Refuge (Juno Award 2006)

Saturday, Sept. 6 at 7:30pm Tickets: $25 inludes all service charges



Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


UBCO gears up with pre-season road trip

The UBC Okanagan men’s soccer team suf-

fered two tight losses and earned a draw in a three-


game exhibition trip to the Pacific Northwest last week. The first game of the road trip saw the UBCO men’s soccer team fall 2-1 to the University of Puget Sound when the team’s played to a 1-1 tie. A goal just 42 seconds into the match by the host Puget Sound Loggers was answered when forward Austin Jones (5th year, Vernon). After Puget Sound went ahead 2-1, UBCO maintained the majority of possession for the game they were unable to get the tying and the winning goal in the second half. Head coach Dante Zanatta thought his

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Health Planning Society ... supporting Community Wellness since 1982

Take a Stand Against Elder Abuse Volunteers Needed

team defended well and that they were unfortunate to not get a better result. “It was a very good competitive game against a good squad, as far as our preparation goes the staff was very happy with the quality of game,” he said. “We were a little disappointed the way we came out and played,” continued Zanatta, “it could have been the two days off and the travel down, but you have to give respect to our opponent Puget Sound, the have very good program.”


A late goal and a number of missed opportunities saw the UBCO Heat to fall to the Pacific Lutheran Lutes 1-0 in their second of three games in Washington state. The only goal of the game came in the 64th minute on a long play that turned into a shamble and Jordan Downing was able to convert from close range for the Lutes when he played the ball off a UBCO defender. UBCO spent most of the game on the attack outshooting the Lutes 12-7, yet with all of the offensive pressure mustered the Heat could not get the ball across the goal line, including a missed penalty kick early in the first half. “We just weren’t very good around the net,” said Zanatta of his team,

Are you a Lake Country senior who wants to make a difference? Lake Country Health Planning Society is looking for volunteers interested in helping community members by sharing information and resources. Beginning in September, volunteers will work together and with staff to increase awareness about elder abuse. Please call or email the Lake Country Health Planning Society for more information. Funding for this project is generously provided by the Government of Canada: New Horizons for Seniors Program. New Horizons for Seniors Program

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“offensively is always the hardest thing to be good at, you can get organized defensively and get better at things [on the defensive side] quickly but offensively it’s a mindset to become very good.” Defensively coach Zanatta was happy noting that the Lutes didn’t create a whole lot of chances and overall he thought that for a preseason match “it was a good game and it tested the guys, which is very good. Some guys stepped up and played well I thought, overall it’s a very good learning experience and hopefully we will build on it.”


Facing a tough NCAA Division II school in the Saint Martin Saints the UBCO Heat came away with a 0-0 draw as the final of three games for the Heat in Washington state came to a close. Goals continued to be hard to come by for UBCO on this trip, scoring just once in the three games, yet coach Zanatta was very pleased by his team’s performance on Wednesday against a very strong foe. “A 0-0 tie against a division II school was a very good result for our team. We played extremely well and I thought we were unfortunate not to win. We had more possession, we out shot them, and their keeper made a bril-


UBCO’S Jorden Leib and his teammates played three pre-season games last week in the Pacific Northwest.

liant save late in the last minute off Austin Jones to deny us a win. Defensively we were better today and offensively we created more chances.” The Heat also just missed netting the winner when fourth year Jorden Leib, a forward from Bellingham, WA, playing close to home, had a partial breakaway and couldn’t finish, a couple of other times UBCO had the ball in the box only to not get a shot or call that was needed to notch a goal. In spite of the sputtering offense the team responded well, especially with it being the second road game in two days. “It was a good performance against a very good St. Martin’s school,” said Zanatta. “Overall we played against three schools in different positions and this was perfect for our preseason, of course you always want to win the

games, but it was a very good step forward. And other than a few niggling injuries, the trip, and the camp [August training camp in which the team practiced twice a day for most of the month] were extremely successful. We are looking forward to Prince George in a couple of weeks. We will have to get a little bit better in the next 10-14 days but otherwise it was good.” The Canada West season will get under way on the road in Prince George for a pair of games against the UNBC Timberwolves on Saturday and Sunday (Sep 6-7). The first Canada West action at the Nonis Sports Field on the UBCO campus will be Friday Sept. 12 when the Zanatta and his Heat team play host to the Fraser Valley Cascades. Action begins at 7 p.m. for the men.

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Pregnant Women and Teeth I’m Not Winning This Argument


: Dr. Jung: My wife is pregnant with our second child. She is on a mission about keeping everything safe (which I have no problem with), and has read somewhere she shouldn't see a dentist during this time because of X Rays. Also, she thinks she is going to lose a tooth with each pregnancy. Is this true?

A: A9

What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?

The first trimester is the most vulnerable time, so elective dentistry should be postponed. A good cleaning should be done half way through the pregnancy. For the limited time of a pregnancy I don't believe most women want to do anything that will encourage any problem whatsoever for their child! One thing that is very important is keeping your dental office aware of your pregnancy. If you are early on in your term they won't know, so it is the expectant mother's job to let that be known. Some moms have told me that morning sickness has caused them to skip brushing their teeth. Different flavours can make a difference. Switch to a more bland type of toothpaste instead of one that contributes to nausea. It's important to remember that this snacking is hard on your teeth. Because you're 'eating for two' your intake should increase, therefore brushing should increase (i.e. after every snack or meal). Also, the formation of your child's teeth begins at about the 3 month mark in a pregnancy. Stick to the healthier foods such as yogurt and other dairy products to provide the essential minerals which are helpful for developing your baby's gums, bones, and their teeth!

A woman's body undergoes hormonal changes during pregnancy, and certain bacteria in the mouth can become exaggerated during this time which might cause gingivitis or bleeding gums. Ensure that the regular and healthy regimen of brushing and flossing is not allowed to 'slip' during this period. Finally, if some teeth problems have developed during a pregnancy that Gum disease can indeed affect the health of an unborn baby. The 'lose a have not be handled by your dentist – it's best to have that done as soon as tooth' story is a myth. possible post-delivery. Periodontal (gum) problems can cause a great deal In terms of X-Rays – many practices (including Winfield) have switched over of damage before they actually ache at all. We need our moms to take care to digital X Rays in order to minimize the amount of electrical radiation. X of themselves, so don't forget the importance keeping your oral environment Rays do detect decay which is why they are a necessary part of dentistry healthy! today, but we always respect a woman's wishes if she does in fact not want to have any during her pregnancy period. Avoid removal of 'old black fillings' or amalgams during pregnancy. These are not to be used with children or pregnant women. A second issue that must be addressed with pregnancy is 208 - 3121 Hill Road certain antibiotics should be reduced or eliminated altogether during this Winfield, B.C. period. Use our expertise – dentists take the same first year training as medical doctors, and an entire pharmacology course later on. In Europe they do treatment on pregnant moms all the time, but we're more cautious in Canada.

Winfield Dental Centre


Dr.Paul Rollett

Petrina Koltun




What is your best suggestion for someone looking to buy or sell in this market?

The sales numbers for the Okanagan market are excellent! Competition for both buyers and sellers is very active. With the market is so busy, you need to have a professional Realtor who knows our local market, can react quickly to listing developments and who has your best interests in mind. Buyers need to be promptly notified when homes are listed. Sellers that have their home properly priced also need to be made aware of developing market conditions in order to excellent results. I know that it is now more important than ever to have a Realtor that is working diligently in our area and knows exactly what is happening on a daily basis. My recommendation for both buyers and sellers that you interview at least three professionals so that you can choose who is going to work best for you! 250-826-5660 • 250-860-1100


My child says they can see everything on the board at school - is there any reason to have their eyes checked?

It is somewhat of a misconception that 20/20 vision is all that is needed for “perfect vision” and that as long as a child can read the chart at the end of the room they will be prepped for success in the classroom. Studies in this area however have shown this to be far from the truth. While achieving clarity is important for students, there are many additional visual considerations that require evaluation. Classroom environments require long periods of dedicated near focus, coupled with constant transitions between near and distant targets. For many developing visual systems, this can be a very stressful situation that can lead to headaches towards the end of the day, focusing issues, a short attention span for near work and occasional double vision or “swimming” of words on a page. Optometrists have long recognized these as barriers to childhood learning and encourage thorough examination for all students to evaluate eye-teaming, tracking and focus. In certain cases, programs of Vision Therapy (somewhat analogous to physiotherapy for the visual system) can be designed to assist these bright children who struggle with the visual demands of learning, both in and out of the classroom. The key to remember is that when it comes to learning, success demands much more than 20/20!

49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250-766-4240

Teresa Huscroft-Brown

Advertising Representatives 250-979-7329 • 250-863-5628 email:


Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL

23.Golfing device 47.Shirt type 48.Shop sign 25.Small flaps 26.On the Pacific 49.Agent Eliot ____ 27.Leak 50.Recreational 28.Closed hand area 29.Throbbing 51.Luau necklace pain 52.The whole 30.Bright Rhonda Draper, from cash prize and a teaching experience tolight winner amount of the Okanagan Kelowna, is the inaugur- sculpture created by her Okanagan classroom. Arts54.Colorize Award for Educa35.Scratch al recipient of the Excel- Okanagan artist Ede Nominators emphation, and is president of lence in Teaching Award Axelson. sized Draper’s passion the Central Okanagan presented by the UBC “I am honoured to as an educator and as a Music Education AssoOkanagan Faculty of be receiving the inaugcommunity leader, acciation. Education. ural award,” said Drapknowledging her sucA former TEDxKeer. “Like my colleagues, I cessful strategies for inlowna speaker, Draper Draper was presented Copyright © 2014, Penny Press the award at a celebrastrive each day to nurture tegrating the arts across a founded Month of Love tion dinner earlier this 33.Winter and develop Canada’s at the Global Citizen 60.Privatevariety of subjects. hazard ACROSS summer. most precious Conference, a tool which ____ Draper is laud1. ____ of 34.Pistons and resource— The award was creatour children.” ed as the creator of the teaches social compasGibraltar Celtics 61.Inheritors ed to5.recognize the exDraper, who is a music award-winning stage sion which has raised Pointy 36.Hive-building ceptional teaching inside specialist at École Glenmusical How Canmore than $50,000 for instrument insect DOWN ada Came to Be, which and out of the classroom more Elementary, is humanitarian ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 727 aid. Drap8. Plays role 37.Shed light General’s 1. Bell sound to highlight thea educaa Governor teaches Canadian hister is currently studying 12.Smooth 39.Mouse’s kin teachtors in the valley. out award-winning ory through Canadian her master of arts with 2. Kind of She received a $2,000 40.Fool er who brings 24 yearstradition of folk songs. She was the the Faculty of Education. 13.Route 14.Cranny’s pal 41.Male voice 3. Approach 42.Cage ADVENTURES FOR KIDS 4. Bow down ▼ 15.Calling-card info 44.A single time 5. Deep 16.Be incorrect 46.In the know respect 17.Reproduction 50.Elated 6. With 18.Great joy kindness 53.Tack on Boys and girls age five 55.Brood Winfield Room in7. theOld well as a group treasurer. fices, in the Winfield 19.Netting and up are invited to join District of Lake CounTh e 1st Lake CounRoom. 21.Thin board instrument 56.Squeal up for fun adventures. try Building, from 6 to try Scouts will hold its For more informa24.Tiny bits 8. Head AGM on Tuesday, Oc57.Pesky The 1st Lake Coun7 p.m. insect tion call Kathy 250-76628.Supporter brews try Scouts will hold their 58.Heavy The Scout troop is newscaster tober 14 at 7 p.m. at the 4269 (evenings). Or visit 9. Bird 31.Grasp fall registration on Tues- 59.Runner’s looking for volunteers to cry same location—the Dis-PUZZLE the website www.scouts. CROSSWORD ANSWERS 10.Outdo USE AMERICAN 32.Delete 9 in the distance day, September help with leadership as trict of Lake Country of- SPELLING ca.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Excellence award for teacher

Register for Lake Country Scouts on Sept. 9


26.Pitcher’s stat 27.Picnic nuisance 29.Storage tank 30.Woolly female 31.Guided 34.This lady 37.Ate heartily 39.Certain vipers 41.Potent particles 42.Imprint firmly

43.Drive away 44.Mountain hollow 46.Like suntan lotion 47.Reflex-test joint 48.“Green ____ and Ham” 51.Amigo 52.Bakery item 53.Bizarre

Copyright © 2014, Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Healthy place 4. Coffeehouse 8. Prepare for traffic 12.Small goat 13.Informed about 14.Opera show-stopper 15.Obligated to repay 17.Meaning 18.Small plateau 19.Deteriorates 21.Shrunk 25.Eared seal 28.Kind of orange 32.Footed vase 33.Melba ____

35.Intimidate 36.Tennis contest 38.Swindled 40.Radiators 42.Accompany 45.Jab 49.Melt 50.Conflicting 54.Harbor 55.Damsel 56.Journey section 57.Weeded 58.Toboggan 59.Affirmative answer

DOWN 1. Type of milk 2. Soft wood

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Inserts Young bear Prone Enemy Finished Chinese temple 9. Without moisture 10.Workbench jaws 11.Has brunch 16.____ Grey tea 20.Tenant 22.Or’s partner 23.Pigeon’s cry 24.Pass, as a law 25.Total



30.In suppor A11 31.Fill with wonder 32.____ out Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date (emptied) 34.Obtains •ChIldrEN’S PrOgraMS FOr Fall aT ThE lakE COUNTrY lIbrarY Preschool Story Time will be Fri. from 10:30 - 11:30am, starting Sept. 5 & ending on Dec. 19. Baby Time for babies 0 - 18 months will be Tues. from 10:30 - 11:00am, starting Oct. 7 & finishing on Dec. 16. All programs are FREE but children must be accompanied by a caregiver. For more info, call the library 250-766-3141. •lakE COUNTrY SENIOrS’ CENTrE We are off to another fun year. 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road, many of the programs that happened last year will be added again. Buffet - Sept. 2 at noon, LC Artists - Sept. 8 at 8:30am, Line Dancing 9:30am or 1:30am, Wood ShopCopyright - 9am,© 2014, J.O.Y. Excercise - 9 am, Tai Penny Press Chi - 2pm, Sewing - 1pm, Crib - 7pm, Crib Tournament - Sept. 20 at 10am, 57.Military 29.Uncertain ACROSS Hosp Aux - 1pm, Bus Society - 10am, Songsters - 10am, Pancake Breakfast - 8am. Call 250-766-4220 for more info. meal 1. Thin 30.Exterior Father CENTrE 33.Consented •lC5.SENIOrS’ EVENT. 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. will be hosting Lake9.Country (Prime Time) with a fun year. Come enjoy DOWN Chip Prime Entertainment 35.Night fliers the entertainment & refreshments. Starting Sept. 8 at 1pm. 1. Metric unit call Joanne: 250accompaniment 36.Angry ANSWER TO PU 766-0667 250-766-4220 2. Display 12.Do or a laundry 38.Smell •lC SENIOrS’ CENTrE VOlUNTEEr FaIr. Sept.27 job 3. Din at 10 - 2pm. Tables 39.Light rain available to groups, organizations & associations to display there needs for 13.Anytime 4. Snarl 40.Quick learn Wood Lake Rd., call Dorothy: 250volunteers. $5/table. LCSC - 9832 to Bottom 14.Important 5. Oil 766-4568 or 250-766-4220 43.Solicit span 6. Madison or 45.Cattle thief Our Open •kElOwNa SCOTTISh daNCE grOUP. House takes place on 15.Musical Park Sept. 18, please attend to obtain more information or call 250-769-1547. 47.Vegetable combo 7. Miles ____ •kElOwNa gardEN ClUb.holder Sept. 3 at 7:30pm, hour guest speaker: Ken Salvail, 16.Semester Vertical Gardens; 1st Lutheran Church 4091 Lakeshore Rd., Kelowna.Free to 49.A ways off 17.Blue above us 8. Multitude members,$2 guest donation. 51.Paddy crop 18.Oriental 9. Loathe •lC20.Shrill SENIOrSbark bUS SChEdUlE. Monday Sept. 8, 15, 22, 29 Prime Time, 52.Individual 10.Tick off Tuesday Sept. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Buffet Lunch Winfield Seniors Centre, Sept. 53.Not early 22.Seeded bread 11.Earnings 6 Salmon Arm Fall Fair, Saturday Sept. 13, Vernon Pancake Breakfast at 54.Pen fluidsSept. 2719.Watched 23.“____ Song” Schubert Centre, shopping Saturday Gellatley Nut Farm, West Kelowna, lunch, and more.To reserve seat on21.Divided bus please call Marg 250-76655.Also 25.Hogs CROSSWORD P 3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 USE AMERICAN 28.Brawl 24.Comforts 56.24th letters •ThrIFT STOrE NOw OPEN! 3250 Berry Rd. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank. Run by our friendly volunteers! Open Tues., Wed. & Thurs., 11am– 6pm. •rOYal CaNadIaN lEgION braNCh 189 Ladies Auxiliary notice of cribbage tournament on last Sun. of the month to include 4th Sun. if there are five Sun. in the month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9am. Games begin at 10am sharp. $26 per team, includes lunch. PUZZLE NO. 730 •VISIT ThE lakE COUNTrY MUSEUM aNd arChIVES at 11255 9. Okanagan Italian Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mon., traveler Wed., & Sat. from 1 to 4pm, & by appointment. 250-766-0111 or visit the website 10.Press 11.Following •lakE COUNTrY SENIOrS’ bUFFET, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Frozen 20.No longer meals available for $5. Call 250-766-4220 to arrange for these & 22.End-of-ye what is available. dances •lakE COUNTrY FOOd baNk has an URGENT need for men & women 23.Type of volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., parking Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically24.Ancient fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly25.Service at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on payment any of 26.Enthusias the days noted. •CrIbbagE. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity29.Writing Centre. liq 30.King-topp Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy card an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. For info. call John 250-766-3026. 31.Timid •wINFIEld UNITEd ChUrCh ThrIFT ShOP (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call Copyright © 2014, Penny Press 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donations. •bEaVErS/CUbS/SCOUTS/VENTUrErS rEgISTraTION 56.Season Registration is on32.Trick ACROSS going 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Venturers (boys & girls 1. for Desist before 34.Grasp firmly ages5.5-18). To register or for more info call Kathy at 250-766-4269. Easter Downturns 35.Jeans fabric •OYaMa lEgION 189 holds a meat57.Edges draw every Saturday afternoon 9. Tailor’s toolbraNCh 36.Owing at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. 12.Volcanic ANSWER TO PU 37.Florida island •lC lINE daNCErS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, output DOWN 9:30am in the Seniors’ 38.Claims Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. 13.Motel room 1. Untidy 41.Kitchen •SOCIal brIdgE Tuesdays, 7pm at wrap the Seniors’person Centre. New players 14.Metal-bearing welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. rock 44.“Tell ____ 2. Urban 15.Yaks vehicle (COSCO) is an It” OrgaNIZaTIONS •ThE COUNCIl OF SENIOrAbout CITIZENS advocacy group devoted45.Cuts to improving “The Quality of Life” 16.Stick around 3. Higher thanfor all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or 17.Bagel topper 49.Kindled 4. Chineseindividuals wishing to become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 18.Hawk, e.g. animal 50.Open or for info. wide 19.Knockout 5. Cleaning 51.Mean monster •lC OUTdOOrS outdoor enthusiasts(biking number ClUb welcomes hikers & othercrew’s & kayaking.Bring water, 52.Pub snacks/lunch; wear weather appropriate clothing; & brew 20.Refusal sturdy boots forword hiking. For info about our club, utensil contact us temporarily at: 53.Sermon 21.Authorize 6. Trainee response 24.Not at work 7. Baby grand, All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations. 54.Skirt feature e.g. 27.Hurried CROSSWORD P for all other inquiries, please 55.Health club 8. Pigpenemail USE AMERICAN 28.Vocal solos

COMMUNITY EVENTS or fax 250-762-3220


Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL

sports ▼ WHL

Rockets roster to stay much the same through pre-season games The Kelowna Rockets broke its With several Rockets set to atly happy with the young guys and Drafted players Tyrell Goulthe Rockets to attend NHL camps 2014 training camp last week and tend NHL training camps, Kelowour veterans have been excellent,” bourne (Philadephia), Madison in September. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2014 began the Western Hockey League na4, will keep its current roster virtusaid Hamilton. “They are excited to Bowey (Washington), Mitchell Also not expected back but eliexhibition season with a pair of ally intact through the six-game exget playing games.” Wheaton (Detroit), Rourke Charti- gible to return are Damon SevTSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING games this past weekend. hibition schedule. The Rockets will host Kamloops YTV er (San Jose) and Justin Kirkland erson (New Jersey) and Ryan Olsen # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 6 7 9 ; < A N P Th e Rockets are still carrying 30 Rockets GM Bruce Hamilton on Saturday at Prospera Place and (Nashville) along with invited play(Winnipeg). The Doctors The View Bookaboo CBC News Mayday 30 Rock 18 Kids Divorce Sesame Today THURSDAY, 4, 2014The Price Is The Doctors Sportsnet G. Shrinks The View CSI: Miami Wayside :00 2014 U.S. SEPTEMBER Open Tennis ” Doodlebops Right ” Connected Patrol ” ” Kid vs. Kat Now With ” Arthritis Pain 18 Kids The Divorce Street the WHL cont’d players after releasing seven players ” said the team was very happy with alsoPAW play in Vancouver on Sunday ers Tyson Baillie (San Jose), Jackson Rockets open 10 :30 cont’d: X-Weighted The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & X-Weighted Sportsnet Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Criminal Monster Carole Highway Family Feud 18 Kids Paid Prog. Dinosaur New Day :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING back to their respective minor hockthis year’s training camp. this weekend as part of the team’s Whistle (Vancouver) and Dalton regular season on Sept. 20 when the Men’s ” Denis Show Stefano Restless ” Connected Bucket-Dino News Minds Almost MacNeil Thru Hell Family Feud 18 Kids Friends Dinosaur Northwest 11 :30 News CTV% News CBC News KIRO News Noon News realBaseball PAW Patrol The` Chewschedule. Criminal Chucks CBC News Lords of the ThisMinute Medium KingA PegN Plus Cat Blazers. KING 5 #nallastNoon $ & _ ( ) six-game * 1 6Yorke 7 9 ; < P :00 Quarterfi ey or junior teams Th ursday. “It’s been a great camp, we’re exhibition (San Jose) will all be leaving team hosts the Kamloops and Men’s Hour ” Now ” Hour Central Kate and ” Minds Nerds Now With Car Hoards ThisMinute Medium King Peg Plus Cat News

12 :30 :00 10 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 2 :30 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 :00 :00 12 :30 3 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 1 :00 :30 4 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 :00 2 :30 5 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 6 11 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 7 12 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 5 1 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 6 2 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 7 3 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 8 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 12 9 :30 5 :30 :00 10 6 :30 7 :00 11 :30 :00 8 12 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014 :00 12 :30 2014 U.S. Doubles Open Tennis Semifinal cont’d: ” Men’s ” Quarterfi nal SportsCentre and Men’s ”

The Doctors Days of our ” Lives X-Weighted The Talk ” ” Noon News The Queen Hour Latifah Show

Bookaboo Republic of Doodlebops Doyle Best Recipes Steven and Stefano Chris CBC News Heartland Now ”

The Social Ellen DeGeneres ”Show Dr. Phil CTV News The View ” at Five ” The Oz CTVDr. News The Marilyn Show ” Denis Show Ellen DeGeetalk CTVBang News neres Show Big ” CTVBang News Big The Social at Five Two Men ” Saving Hope CTV News Dr. Phil ” ” Law & etalk The Dr. Oz Order: SVU Big Bang Show News-Lisa Big Bang Ellen DeGeCTV News Two Men neres Show Daily Show Saving Hope CTV News TBA ” at Five

Republic of Dragons’ Doyle Den

The Price Is The Talk Right ” Young & Let’s Make a Restless Deal KIRO News Bold ” ThisMinute

The Doctors Days of our ” Lives X-Weighted The Talk ” ” Noon News The Queen Hour Latifah Show

The View General ” Hospital KOMO 4 The Doctors News ” The Dr. Chew The Oz Show ”

CSI: Miami The First 48 ” ” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” Criminal The First 48 Minds”

Mayday Lords of the ” Car Hoards Highway Bering Sea Thru Hell Gold Lords of the How/Made Car Hoards How/Made

Big Bang Letterman The Millers Ferguson

Partners ET Canada Partners The Test Big Brother ”

Premier Sportsnet Poker Connected

The National How/Made Sleepy Funny Home Amanda TMZ Hollow Videos Lang ” How/Made Sunny Wipeout The National Fast N’ Loud Bones ” ” ” ”

Escaping Paid Prog. Alaska Paid Prog. Gypsy Sisters

Foyle’s ” War ”

Cycling Blue Jays

Meet the of Ro- Kimmel The Quest A Matter Live The First 48 mans With ” Taste Nightline ” A Matter of ” The First 48 Taste ” ”

Family Guy Heaven” Family” Guy

Big Brother ”

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Foyle’s War ”

Seahawks Show 5th Quarter Seth Meyers KING 5 News

The National Elementary ” ”

Elementary ”

Sportsnet Connected

” Snapshot

Shark Tank ”

The First 48 ”

Mr. Young Boys

CBC News ”

Gypsy Wedding

Jeffersons Jeffersons

Foyle’s War ”

Dateline NBC

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News

CBC News Rick Mercer

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Sportsnet Connected

Working Museum

News Jimmy

Killer Kids ”

Haunting Haunting

The National Yukon Men ” ”

The Arsenio Hall Show

Gypsy Sisters

Movie: “Just Like

Being Poirot ”

KING News Tonight

SportsCentre ET Canada SportsCentre The Test

22 Minutes Coronation

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada The Test

Sportsnet Connected

A Matter of Taste

Kimmel Live Nightline

The First 48 ”

Funny Home Amanda Videos Lang

How/Made How/Made

TMZ Sunny

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Heaven” ”

” ”

Show Seth Meyers

The Doctors Sportsnet ” Connected

G. Shrinks PAW Patrol

The View ”

Beyond Scared

Wayside Kid vs. Kat

CBC News Now With

Mayday ”

30 Rock 18 Kids Arthritis Pain 18 Kids

Divorce Divorce

Sesame Street

Today cont’d

KOMO 4 News

Beyond Scared

Monster Almost

Carole MacNeil

How/Made How/Made

Family Feud 18 Kids Family Feud 18 Kids

Paid Prog. Friends

Dinosaur Dinosaur

New Day Northwest

The First 48 ”

Chucks Nerds

CBC News Now With

Fast N’ Loud ThisMinute ” ThisMinute

King King

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

Big Bang Daily Show Two Men TBA

SportsCentre Elementary ” ”

Law & Order: SVU



TheMinutes Nature 22 of Things Coronation Saving Hope Doc Zone ” ”

Daily Show TBA




Tennis ” ” Doodlebops Open Tennis 10 :30 OpenSEPTEMBER FRIDAY, 5, 2014 X-Weighted The Marilyn Best Recipes cont’d: :00 cont’d: 2014 U.S.

The Doctors The View


2014 U.S.

11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 12 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 1 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014 2 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 3 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 12 :30 # $ % & _ 4 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 5 :00 :30 10 :00 2 :30 6 :00 :30 11 :00 3 :30 7 :00 :30 12 :00 4 :30 1 :00 8 :30 :00 5 :30 2 :00 9 :30 :00 6 :30 3 :00 10 :30 :00 7 :30 4 :00 11 :30 :00 8 5 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 9 6 :30 :00 10 7 :30 8 :00 11 :30 :00 9 12 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014 :00 12 :30




Denis Show



X-Weighted ”

Sportsnet Connected

Jelly Jamm Bucket-Dino

Semifinals ”

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

Doubles Final and

Noon News Hour

Best of NFL Best of NFL

PAW Patrol Kate and

” ” 2014 U.S. Open Tennis ” cont’d:”

Days of our Lives The Doctors ” Rich Bride, Poor Bride X-Weighted

The Social ” The View ” Dr. Phil ” The Marilyn

Republic of Doyle Bookaboo Doodlebops Steven and Chris Best Recipes

Women’s Semifi nals 2014 U.S. Open Tennis ” ” cont’d:

Women’s ” SportsCentre The Queen Latifah Show Semifi”nals Noon News CFL Pre Young ” Hour & CFL Restless ” Days of our Football: News 2014 U.S. The Doctors ” Lives BC Lions at ” Open Tennis ” Rich Bride, Ottawa Global Nat. cont’d:” X-Weighted Poor Bride RedBlacks CHBC” News Women’s SportsCentre The Queen Ent Semifi””nals Noon News Latifah Show SportsCentre ET Canada ” Hour CFL Pre Young & Stand Up to Days of our CFL ” Restless ” Lives 2014 U.S. Cancer Football: News ” Rich Bride, Open Hawaii FiveBC Lions at ” ” Poor Bride Tennis: 0 Ottawa Global Nat. SportsCentre Security The Queen Women’s RedBlacks CHBC News Latifah Show Semifi”nals Security ” Ent CFL Pre Young & SportsCentre CHBC News SportsCentre ET Canada CFL ” Restless Final ” Stand Up to Football: News SportsCentre ET Canada 2014 U.S. Cancer BC Lions at The ” ” Test

Denis Show The Dr. Oz Show CTV News

Stefano Heartland ” CBC News

Mixed ThisMinute ThisMinute Doubles

Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Social CTV News The View ” at Five” Dr. Phil CTV News The Marilyn ” Denis ”Show The Dr. Oz etalk CTV News Show Big Bang ” Ellen DeGeStand Up to The Social neres Show ” Cancer CTV News Dr. Phil Orphan at Five Black ” CTV News The Dr. Oz Blue Bloods ” Show ” etalk Ellen DeGeNews-Lisa Big Bang neres Show CTV News Stand Up to CTVBang News Big Cancer at Five Seth Meyers

Dragons’ Now Den Republic of CBC News Bookaboo Doyle ” Doodlebops Steven and CBC News Best Recipes Chris Coronation Stefano Heartland Murdoch CBC News ” Mysteries Now Dragons’ Stand Upof to Republic Den Doyle Cancer CBC News Steven and Music ” Chris Festival CBC News Heartland The National Coronation ” Murdoch Dragons’ CBC News Mysteries Den Mercer Rick Stand Up to CBC News Backstage Cancer ” Coronation

Judge Judy Final and Judge Judy Women’s KIRO News 2014 U.S. Semifi nals KIRO News Open Tennis ” KIRO cont’d:”News CBS MixedNews ThisMinute Ent Doubles ThisMinute The FinalInsider and Judge Judy Stand Up to Women’s Judge Judy Semifinals Cancer KIRO News ” Hawaii FiveKIRO News ” 0 KIRO News ThisMinute Blue Bloods CBS News ThisMinute ” Ent JudgeNews Judy KIRO The Insider Judge Judy Late Show Stand Up to KIRO News Letterman Cancer KIRO News Ferguson

” Connected The Queen Sportsnet Latifah Show Connected Noon News Best of NFL Young MLB Hour & Best of NFL Restless Baseball: Days of our Premier Early News Toronto Blue The Doctors Sportsnet Lives Poker Global” Nat. Jays at Connected Rich Bride, PokerstarNews Hour Boston Red X-Weighted Sportsnet Poor Bride s.Net ” Sox Connected The Queen Sportsnet Ent Noon News Best of NFL Latifah Show Sportsnet Connected ET Canada Connected Hour Best of NFL Young & MLB Stand Up to Plays/Month Days of our Premier Restless Baseball: Lives PokerJays Cancer Blue Early News Toronto Blue Rich Bride, PokerstarHawaii FiveCycling Global Nat. Jays at Poor Bride s.Net 0 Countdown News Hour Boston Red The Queen Security Sportsnet ” Sox Latifah Show Connected Security Ent Sportsnet YoungHour & MLB News Sportsnet ET Canada Connected Restless Baseball: Final Connected Stand Up to Sportsnet Plays/Month Early News Toronto Blue ET Canada Cancer Blue Global Nat. Jays Jays at The Test Connected



Open Ottawa Tennis: RedBlacks Women’s ” Semifi nals SportsCentre

Orphan CTV News Black ” Blue etalk Bloods ” Big Bang

Music CBC News Festival Coronation The National Murdoch ” Mysteries

Hawaii FiveKIRO News 0 CBS News Blue Ent Bloods ” The Insider

Hawaii FiveNews Hour 0 ” Security Ent Security ET Canada

Cycling Boston Red Countdown Sox Sportsnet Connected

CBC StandNews Up to Cancer Rick Mercer

KIRO Stand News Up to Cancer Late Show

News Stand Hour Up to Cancer Final

Sportsnet Plays/Month BattleDoc Martin Blue Jays ” Connected Bagpipes

Hawaii Five- Big Orphan Music Hawaii FiveET Canada Bang Backstage Letterman 0 BlackMeyers Coronation Festival 0 The Test Seth Ferguson Security Blue Bloods The National Blue Bloods Security ” ” ”

Hawaii FiveET Canada 0 The Test Security Security

Cycling Sportsnet Countdown Connected Sportsnet Connected

George Doc Martin Gently” ” Park

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Sportsnet Connected

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada The Test

Sportsnet Connected


Hawaii FiveGlobal Nat. 0 CHBC News Security Ent Security ET Canada

SportsCentre CHBC News ” Stand Up to News-Lisa Stand Up to 2014 U.S. Cancer Cancer ” Final CTV News Open SportsCentre Tennis: ” Women’s Semifinals

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Test



CBC News Rick Mercer

Big Bang Backstage Seth Meyers Coronation




10 :00 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014 :00 2 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 3 :30 11 :00 :30 # $ % & _ 4 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 1 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 3 :30 1 :00 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 2 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 3 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 4 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 5 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 8 6 :30 :30

CHAN ( Days of our

Lives The Doctors ” Rich Bride, Poor Bride X-Weighted


SNP ) Premier

Poker Sportsnet Connected Pokerstars.Net Sportsnet


Chew KNOW The KOMO ” * ` Astroblast General

Dragon G. Shrinks PAW Patrol Bucket-Dino Curious Jelly Jamm

WTBS A Community

Undercover Cloudy With Next Star Meatballs

The National Mayday Highway Amanda Thru Hell Lang ” ” Don’t Drive Here

Bones TMZ Sunny” News Mod Fam

Four Vacations Weddings Paid Prog. Four Weddings

Amer. ”Dad Amer. ”Dad

Next Star CBC News Cache Craze ”


News Jimmy

Criminal Minds

Assembly Boys

The National Mayday ” ”

The Arsenio Hall Show

Gown Gown

Doc Martin ”

Kimmel Live Nightline

Criminal Minds

Cloudy With Meatballs

Amanda Lang

TMZ Sunny

Vacations Paid Prog.

KNOW KOMO * ` Wild Kratts Wild Kratts

Corner Gas Corner Gas

Amanda Lang


Plays/Month Great Parks Best of NFL Great Parks

Junk Raiders SickKids ” Foundation Amazing Paid Prog. Race The Social The Marilyn SportsCentre Denis Show ” SickKids The Social Foundation Corner Gas etalk Corner Gas Paid Prog. CTV News The Social Junk Raiders ” SportsCentre ” W5 ” ” Amazing Corner Gas Race Amazing Corner Gas Race The Marilyn Junk Raiders Denis Show Movie: ” “My The Life Social Amazing etalk Without Me” Race ” CTV News The Marilyn ” News Denis Show CTV W5 News The Social Movie: etalk ” “Partition” Amazing CTV News Race ”

Dragons’ Doc Zone Den ” Rick Mercer theMinutes fifth 22 estate Equestrian: Best RolexRecipes Grand Stefano Doc Zone Prix - CHIO ” Amanda Aachen Lang the fifth The National estate Dragons’ Marketplace Best Recipes Den Reaching Stefano Blue Mercer Rick Amanda 22 TheMinutes Best Lang Laid Plans Equestrian: Dragons’ Rolex Grand Camelot Den ” Prix - CHIO Rick Mercer Aachen News 22 Minutes Movie: The National Equestrian: Marketplace “Barrymore” Rolex Grand ” Reaching Prix - CHIO Blue ” Aachen Gags The The Best National Laid Plans Marketplace

” Fish’n” Real Fishing Ancients BePowerboat having Badly Driving TV Simpsons News Hour Simpsons PGA Fish’nTour Simpsons Real Fishing Golf Global Nat. ” Powerboat News Hour Driving TV ” News ”Hour 16x9 PGA Tour ” BeAncients Golf having Movie: Badly ” “Love to Simpsons ” Simpsons Kill” ” ” Simpsons Ancients BeGlobal Nat. Triage having Badly News ”Hour Simpsons ”Final News Simpsons Saturday 16x9 Simpsons ” Nat. Night GlobalLive ” Movie: News Hour “Love ”to

PokerstarMLB s.Net Baseball: Sportsnet Giants at Connected Tigers MLB ” Baseball: MLB ” Toronto Blue Baseball: Plays/Month Jays at Best of at NFL Giants Boston Red Tigers PokerstarSox s.Net ” Sportsnet ” Connected Sportsnet Plays/Month Connected PokerstarBest of NFL s.Net MLB PokerstarBaseball: Blue s.NetJays Plays/Month Toronto Blue Sportsnet Jays at Sportsnet Connected Connected Boston Red MLB Sox Sportsnet Baseball: Connected Sportsnet Toronto Blue Connected Sportsnet Jays at Connected PokerstarBoston Red s.Net Sox

College Football

A&E 1 Extreme Builds

MacNeil ” ” CBC News

How/Made Family Steve Feud How/Made Fast N’ Loud Harvey ThisMinute DISC KAYU Daily Planet Bethenny ” ThisMinute 9 ; ” ” Fast N’ Loud Law & Don’t Drive Two Men Mayday 30 Rock ” Order: SVU Here ” Two MenPain Arthritis Yukon Men Family Feud Highway Simpsons How/Made ” Family Feud Thru Hell Mod Fam How/Made Family Feud How/Made Steve Mayday Bang Fast N’ Loud Big ThisMinute How/Made Harvey ” Big Bang ThisMinute Daily Planet Bethenny Mayday Fast N’ Law &”Up to ” Loud Stand Order: SVU ” Cancer Don’t Drive Two Men Yukon Men Family Feud Highway Bones Here Two Men ” Family” Feud Thru Hell Highway Simpsons How/Made Steve Don’t Drive News Thru Hell Mod Fam How/Made Harvey Here Mod Fam Mayday Big Bang Daily Planet The Bethenny Mayday Arsenio ” Big Bang ” ” Hall Show Mayday Stand Up to Don’t Drive Two Men Mayday TMZ ” Cancer Here ” Two Men Sunny Undercover The National Highway Bones Sam & Cat The National Highway Simpsons Next ”” Thru ” EveryStar Witch Thru Hell Hell Mod Fam Next Star Don’t Drive News Cloudy With CBC News Mayday Big Bang Cache Craze ” Here ” Mod Fam a Chance of Big Bang

18 Kids Gown Gown Gown

Friends The Middle Mod King Fam

Amanda Now With Lang Reshmi Nair CBC News ” ” Now With Power & The National Carole Politics ” MacNeil ” CBC News ” ” Now With Amanda The National Reshmi Nair Lang ” CBC News Power & The National ” Politics ” The National ” CBC News ” ” CBC News Amanda The National Lang ”” The CBCNational News Amanda Lang ””

Gown Gown Gown Four 18 Kids Gown Weddings 18 Kids Gown Four 18 Kids Gown Weddings 18 Kids Gown Four Gown Gown Weddings Gown Gown Four Gown Gown Gown Weddings Four Gown Four Weddings Gown Weddings Four Gown Four Weddings Gown Weddings Four Gown Weddings Gown Four Four Vacations Weddings Weddings Paid Prog.

Big KingBang Big Bang Community Browns Divorce Community Payne Divorce Seinfeld Browns PaidMiddle Prog. The Payne Friends The Middle Mod King Fam Mod Fam Seinfeld King Big Bang Family Guy Community Big Bang Community Family Guy Browns Seinfeld Amer. Dad Payne The Middle Amer. Dad Browns The Middle Jeffersons Payne Mod Fam Jeffersons Mod Fam Big Bang Movie: Seinfeld Big Bang “Daredevil” Family Browns ” Guy Family Payne” Guy

Four Four Weddings Weddings Four Weddings

Amer. Dad Browns Amer. Payne Dad Jeffersons Mod Fam Jeffersons Seinfeld

Dinosaur Ed Sullivan’s Northwest Katie Top ”5 Peg Plus Cat KING KCTS KING Performers Peg Plus Cat Ellen NewsDeGeN P 1966-1969 neres Show Super Why! Days of our Business KING Sesame Today 5 Thomas Lives World Street News News cont’d Sesame St. Dr. Phil PBS Nightly Dinosaur New Day Cat in the ” News NewsHour News Dinosaur Northwest Ed Sullivan’s Katie Washington Peg Plus Cat News KING ”5 Top Charlie Rose Peg Plus Cat Evening News Performers Ellen DeGeDoc Martin Up to Super Why! Stand Days of our 1966-1969 neres Show Thomas Lives ” Cancer Business KING 5 Sesame St. Dr. Phil Moments to Dateline World News News Cat in the Remember: NBC ” PBS Nightly News Ed Sullivan’s Katie ” My Music NewsHour News Top ” ” Washington News Performers Ellen DeGe” KING News Charlie Rose Evening 1966-1969 neres Show The Big Tonight Doc Martin Stand Up to Business KING 5 Band Years Show ”News Seth Cancer World NewsMeyers (My Music) Moments to Dateline PBS Nightly News Remember: NBC NewsHour News My Music Washington News ” ” Rose Evening ” Charlie

Movie: Family Guy Family Guy “Daredevil”

” Doc Martin ” The Big

KING Stand News Up to Cancer Tonight

Jeffersons Jeffersons

Moments to Band Years Remember: (My Music) My Music ”

Dateline Show NBC Meyers Seth ” ”

Movie: “Daredevil”

” The Big

KING News Tonight

Band Years (My Music)

Show Seth Meyers

YTV 6 Rabbids Bread

Wahlburgers Turtles Wahlburgers Sanjay

Marine Wild Kratts Machines Wild Kratts Waterfront Mister Maker Cities Martha Titanic’s NuDogs/Jobs clear Secret Dogs Wild Kratts Meet the RoWild Kratts Great Parks mans With Great Mister Parks Maker Hope for Martha Marine Wildlife Dogs/Jobs Machines HammerDogs head Waterfront Great Parks Cities Heartbeat Great Parks ” NuTitanic’s Marine clear Secret A Touch of Machines Frost Meet the RoWaterfront mans With Cities ” ” Hope for Titanic’s NuWildlife Waterfront clear Secret Cities HammerMeet the Rohead A Touch of mans With Frost Heartbeat Hope for ” Wildlife

Stanford College ” Football ” cont’d ” ” Countdown Football NASCAR College Racing: Football Football: Sprint Cup: USC cont’dat Federated ” Stanford Auto Parts Football ” 400 College ” Football: ” Nascar USC at Pac-12 Countdown Stanford NASCAR Wheel ” Jeopardy! Racing: ”Cup: SprintNotice Burn ” ” Federated Countdown Auto Parts News NASCAR Castle 400 Racing: Sprint ”Cup: Burn Notice Nascar Federated Pac-12 Auto Parts



Days of our Lives Today cont’d Dr. Phil ” New Day

Thomas Sesame Street Sesame St. Cat in the Dinosaur

Wahlburgers Cloudy With Epic Ink a Chance of

A&E 1


Community Divorce Divorce Seinfeld The Paid Middle Prog.

Mister Maker cont’d Martha ”

KNOW Football: KOMO USC at * `

KCTS N Super Why!

Dateline Football: NBC Green Bay

Gown 18 Kids 18 Kids Gown Gown 18 Kids

Dogs/Jobs Dogs

Football College


Dr. Phil 2014 Today ” NFL cont’d Ellen DeGeFootball: New Day neres Show Green Bay Northwest KING News Packers at KINGKickoff 5 NFL Seattle News 2014 Seahawks Days of our NFL 5th Quarter Lives KING 5 Football: Dr. Phil News Green Bay ” Dateline Packers at Ellen DeGeNBC Seattle neres Show KING News Seahawks KING News Tonight 5th NFLQuarter Kickoff Show 5 KING 2014 Seth Meyers News NFL

Order: SVU 30 Rock ArthritisFeud Pain Family Family Feud Family Feud



NEWS 7 CBC News Now With Christine Birak ” ”

GoodFellas ”

Meatballs ”


NEWS ” ” 7

” Extreme ” Builds ” Wahlburgers A&E ” Wahlburgers Criminal 1 Wahlburgers Minds Epic Ink Extreme Criminal Builds GoodFellas Minds ” Wahlburgers Criminal Wahlburgers Minds” Wahlburgers ” Criminal Epic Ink Minds” GoodFellas ” Criminal ” Minds Criminal Minds ” Criminal ” Minds Criminal Minds ” Criminal ” Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds

Kung Fu Rabbids Kung Fu Bread Kung Fu Turtles Kung Fu Sanjay Odd Parents Cloudy With Odd Parents a Chance of Rabbids Odd Parents Bread Meatballs Odd Parents Turtles” Assembly Sanjay Kung Fu Undercover Cloudy Kung FuWith Funny Home a Chance of Videos Kung Fu Meatballs Kung Movie:Fu ” “Dolphin Odd Parents KungParents Fu Odd Tale” Kung Fu ” Odd Parents KungParents Fu Odd ” Kung Fu Boys Assembly Odd Parents Undercover Haunting Odd Parents Haunting Funny Home Odd Parents Videos Dolphin Tale Odd Parents ” Movie: Assembly “Dolphin Undercover

The National CBC News Issue Now With The National Christine Mansbridge Birak True Crime ” Canada ” CBC News the fifth Now With estate” ” Christine The National Birak The National Marketplace Issue ” Cocaine ” WarsNational The ” Mansbridge Doc Zone ” ” True Crime The National Canada The National Issue Mansbridge the fifth The National estate Cocaine Mansbridge Wars The National True Crime Marketplace The National Canada Issue Cocaine the fifth Wars The National estate Mansbridge Doc Zone The National ” Marketplace


” Mayday Yukon”Men ” How/Made

TLC < Gown Gown Gown


Shark Tank Kimmel Live Criminal ” Nightline Minds 20/20 Criminal ” Minds



DISC KAYU 9 ; Fast N’ Loud Law &


The Arsenio Stand Up to Gown Four Cancer Weddings Hall Show Gown

News Hour PGA Tour



The National Mayday ” ”

cont’d: Men’s

” 2014 U.S. ” Open Tennis Jamie Oliver cont’d: Changers Men’s All In Semifi Sportsnals Stars ” 2014 U.S. KIRO News Open Tennis KIRO ”News cont’d:” CBS News Men’s KIRO ”News Semifi”nals Steve Raible ” The Insider Jamie Oliver ” Changers Person of ” Interest All In ” Stars Sports 48 Hours ” KIRO ”News Jamie News Oliver KIRO 48 Hours Changers ” CBS News All In KIRO SportsNews Stars EntertainSteve Raible KIRO News The Insider ment ’Night KIRO News She’s Having Person of CBS News Interest KIRO News


Assembly Meatballs Boys ”

the fifth estate

” Fish’n” Real Fishing Ancients BePowerboat having Badly Driving TV Simpsons News Hour Simpsons PGA Fish’nTour Simpsons Real Fishing Golf Global Nat. ” Powerboat News Hour Driving TV ” News ”Hour 16x9 PGA Tour ” BeAncients Golf having Movie: Badly ” “Love to Simpsons ” Simpsons Kill” ” ” Simpsons Ancients BeGlobal Nat. Triage having Badly News ”Hour Simpsons ”Final News Simpsons Saturday 16x9 Simpsons ” Nat. Night GlobalLive ” Movie: News Hour “Love ”to

Fast N’ Loud News ” Mod Fam

Criminal Minds

Paid Prog. The Social

” 2014 U.S. ” Open Tennis SportsCentre cont’d:” Men’s CFL Semifinals Football: ” 2014 U.S. Calgary Open Tennis ” Stampeders cont’d:” at Edmonton Men’s ” Eskimos Semifi”nals MLS Soccer: ” United at SportsCentre ”” Whitecaps ” FC CFL ” Football: SportsCentre ” ” Calgary SportsCentre Stampeders SportsCentre ” ” at Edmonton CFL Eskimos SportsCentre Football: ” MLS Soccer: Calgary United at SportsCentre Stampeders ” Whitecaps at Edmonton FC Eskimos

Foyle’sPoirot War KING Packers at Being News Seattle ” Tonight

20/20 Wheel ” Jeopardy!

SportsCentre Best Recipes Semifinals ” Stefano ”


Mod Fam Movie: Seinfeld “Just Like

News Stand Up to Cancer Jimmy

Coast ” Park ”

News Hour PGA Tour

CHAN ” (

NEWS 7 Reshmi Nair

Jeffersons Browns Jeffersons Payne

Hathaways Nerds Thunder Squirrel Assembly Wayside Rated A for Hathaways Kid vs. Kat Monster Sam & Cat Monster Sidekick Every AlmostWitch 6TEEN Cloudy ChucksWith Chucks a Chance of Nerds Hathaways Meatballs Squirrel Thunder Rated”A for Assembly Monster Undercover Hathaways Sidekick Next Star Sam & Cat 6TEEN Next Star Every Witch ChucksCraze Cache Cloudy With Hathaways Assembly a Chance of Thunder Boys Meatballs Assembly Cloudy With ” Hathaways Meatballs

Powerboat Driving TV

” ”

YTV 6 Squirrel


Gypsy Wedding Sisters

Big Bang The Arsenio Gypsy Big Bang Wedding Hall Show Sisters

Almost 6TEEN Chucks Chucks

Semifinals ”

A&E 1 The First 48


News Simpsons Mod Fam

Sesame BusinessSt. Sesame Cat in News the World Street The PBSBig Dinosaur Band Years NewsHour Dinosaur (My Music) Foyle’s War Peg Plus Cat ” Peg Plus Cat Business Foyle’s War Super Why! World ”News Thomas Foyle’s War PBS Sesame St. ” NewsHour Cat in the Foyle’s War The Big ” Band Years Being Poirot Foyle’s War (My Music) ””” ” War Foyle’s Business ” World ”News Foyle’s War PBS ” NewsHour

Scared Storage Storage The First 48 A&E Criminal ” 1 Minds The First 48 Criminal Beyond ” Minds Scared After the Criminal Beyond First 48 Minds Scared Storage Criminal The First 48 Storage Minds ” Criminal Criminal The First 48 Minds Minds ” Criminal After the Criminal Minds First 48 Minds Criminal Storage Criminal Minds Storage Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Minds

Bucket-Dino News Dive, Olly The Dr. Oz Jelly Jamm Show PAW Patrol The Chew KNOW KOMO Kate and KOMO” 4 * ` Magic Bus News Astroblast General Jack News G. Shrinks The View Dragon Hospital Wild World ”News PAW Kratts Patrol Bucket-Dino The Doctors Working KOMO” 4 Jelly Jamm Curious Museum Bucket-Dino News Dive, Olly The Dr. Oz Coast Wheel PAW Jamm Patrol The Chew Jelly Show ” Jeopardy! Kate and ” Kate and KOMO 4 Doc Martin Stand Up to Astroblast General Magic Bus News Dragon Hospital ” Cancer Jack News Bucket-Dino The Doctors George Shark Tank Wild Kratts World News Curious Gently ” Working KOMO 4 Dive, Olly The Dr. Oz ” 20/20 Museum News Jelly Jamm Show ” Park Coast Wheel Kate and KOMO 4 BattleNews Jeopardy! Magic”Bus News Bagpipes Jimmy Doc Martin Stand to Jack Martin News Up Doc Kimmel Live ” Cancer Wild Kratts World News ” Nightline George Shark Tank Working KOMO 4 Gently Museum News ”

cont’d: Men’s

” ”

A&E 1


Seinfeld Browns Divorce The Middle Payne Divorce The Middle Browns Paid Fam Prog. Mod Payne Friends Big ModBang Fam KingBang Big Seinfeld King BrownsGuy Family Community Payne Family Guy Community Amer. Dad Browns Seinfeld Amer. Payne Dad The Middle Jeffersons Mod Fam The Middle Jeffersons Seinfeld Mod Fam Movie: Guy Family Big Bang “Just Like Family Guy Big Bang Heaven” Amer. Dad Browns ” Amer. Payne Dad

” CBC News Now With Power & Politics Carole

2014 U.S. Fish’n MLB Open Tennis Real Fishing Baseball:

” ”

CBCNational News The Yukon Men ” ”

KING Days of our KING News Lives NFL Kickoff

Say Yes Gypsy 18 Kids Say Yes Sisters 18 Kids Extreme Gypsy 18 Kids Extreme Sisters 18 Kids To Be Gypsy Medium Announced Wedding Medium Gypsy Escaping Say Yes Sisters Alaska Say Yes Gypsy Say Yes Sisters Say Yes Gypsy Extreme Wedding Extreme Gypsy Escaping To Be Sisters Alaska Announced Paid Prog. Gypsy Gypsy Paid Prog. Sisters Sisters

Rated A for Wayside Kid vs. Kat Monster Sidekick Monster

Doc Zone ”

Giants at Tigers

Sam & Cat Haunting Victorious Haunting


Family Feud Two Men 30 Rock Family Feud Two Men Arthritis Pain Steve Simpsons Family Feud Harvey Mod Fam Family Feud Bethenny Big Bang ThisMinute ” Big Bang ThisMinute Two Men Sleepy Law & Two Men Hollow Order: SVU Bones Simpsons Family Feud ” Mod Fam Family Feud News Big Bang Steve Mod Fam Big Bang Harvey The Arsenio Sleepy Bethenny Hall Show Hollow ” TMZ Bones Two Men Sunny” Two Men

” Beyond Scared After the First 48 Beyond

2014 U.S. Fish’n SickKids Open Tennis Real Fishing Foundation

Powerboat Driving TV

Hospital The View ” The Doctors KOMO” 4

Mr. Young Thunder Boys Every Witch

Killer Kids ”


KCTS Super Why! (My Music) Thomas ”

Today Days of our cont’d Lives New Day Dr. Phil Northwest ” KING 5 Ellen DeGeNews Show neres

Working Museum


WTBS Community Big Bang Community Big Bang

Sesame Super Why! Street Thomas Dinosaur Sesame St. Dinosaur Cat in the Peg Plus Cat The Big Peg Plus Cat Band Years

Sportsnet Connected

Monster Odd Parents Wayside Sidekick SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat 6TEEN Thunder Monster Nerds Every Witch Almost SpongeBob Sam & Cat Chucks Rabbids Victorious Nerds Odd Parents Funny Home Squirrel SpongeBob Videos Rated A for Wipeout Thunder Monster Every ”Witch Sidekick Mr. Young Sam & Cat 6TEEN Boys Victorious Nerds Haunting Funny Home SpongeBob Haunting Videos Rabbids Funny Home Wipeout Odd Parents Videos” SpongeBob


Say Yes To TLC Be Say Yes Announced

Divorce Community Divorce Community Paid Prog. Seinfeld Friends The Middle King The Middle King Fam Mod

Ent News Hour ET Canada Final


KAYU Law & Bethenny Order:” SVU

18 Kids Say Yes 18 Kids Say Yes 18 Kids Say Yes 18 Kids Say Yes Medium Extreme Medium Extreme

Ent KIRO News The Insider Late Show

Seahawks Partners SportsCentre ET Canada Partners SportsCentre The Test ” Big Brother SportsCentre ”

The First 48 ”

NEWS DISC Reshmi Nair Lords of the Amanda Daily Planet ” Car Hoards Lang ” 7 9 Power & Bering CBC News Fast N’ Sea Loud CBC News Mayday Politics Gold ” ” Now With ” ” How/Made The National Fast N’ Loud Carole”” Highway How/Made ” MacNeil Thru Hell Amanda Daily CBC News YukonPlanet Men CBC News Lords ”of the Lang ” Now With Car Hoards CBCNational News Fast N’ Loud The How/Made Reshmi Nair Lords of the ” ” How/Made ” Car Hoards The National Fast N’ Loud Power & Bering Sea ” ” Politics Gold CBC News Fast N’Men Loud Yukon ” How/Made ” ” ” How/Made The National National How/Made Yukon Men The Amanda Daily Planet ” ” How/Made Lang ” ” Amanda How/Made The National Fast CBC News Fast N’ N’ Loud Loud Lang ” How/Made ”” ” CBC News Fast N’ Loud The National ” ”

30 Rock Law & Arthritis Pain Order: SVU Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud ThisMinute Steve ThisMinute Harvey

Murdoch CBC News Mysteries Rick Mercer

Wheel News Jeopardy! Jimmy

YTV Squirrel SpongeBob Rated A for Rabbids

CBC News Reshmi Nair Now With ” Carole Power & MacNeil Politics CBC News ” Now With ”

The Elementary CBCNational News KIRO News ” ” Coronation CBS News


A&E The First The First 48 48 ”” 1 The The First First 48 48 CSI: Miami ”” ” The First 48 The First 48 Criminal ”” Minds The KillerFirst Kids48 Criminal ” Minds The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First Killer Kids48 The First 48 ” ” KillerFirst Kids The The First 48 48 ””” The First First 48 48 The The First 48 ”””

Wayside Squirrel Kid vs. Kat Rated A for Monster Monster Almost Sidekick Chucks 6TEEN Nerds Nerds

Packers at Ent etalk SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa Seattle ET Canada CTV Big Bang ” Final News

Days Bride, of our Rich Lives Bride Poor

SNP Premier MLB League Baseball:

G. Shrinks Astroblast PAW Patrol Dragon Jelly Jamm Bucket-Dino Bucket-Dino Curious PAW Dive, Patrol Olly Kate Jamm and Jelly

SportsCentre Elementary Law Football: Global Nat. CTV & News Green” Bay CHBC” News Order:” SVU

The Talk Judge Judy Judge”Judy Steven and KIRO Let’s Make CBC News Newsa Bookaboo The Price Is Chris Deal ” KIRO News Doodlebops Right Heartland Bold CBC News KIRO News Best Recipes Young & ” ThisMinute Coronation CBS News Stefano Restless Dragons’ Judge Judy Murdoch Ent CBC News KIRO News Den Judge Judy Mysteries The Insider Now ” CBCNature News KIRO News The Big Bang Republic of The Talk ” KIRO News of Things The Millers Doyle ” Doc Big Brother CBCZone News KIRO News Steven and Let’s Make a ” ” Coronation CBS News Chris Deal The National Elementary Murdoch Ent Heartland Bold ” ” Mysteries The Insider ” ThisMinute CBC News KIRO News The Nature Big Bang Dragons’ Judge Judy Rick Mercer Late Show of Things The Millers Den Judge Judy 22 Minutes Letterman Doc Zone Big Brother CBC News KIRO News Coronation Ferguson ”” KIRO ”News


Sportsnet Premier Connected League Sportsnet Darts Connected Best of NFL Baseball Sportsnet Central Connected

KNOW KOMO Astroblast General Kate and KOMO 4 Dragon Hospital Magic Bus News * ` The Talk The Doctors Early News Darts Toronto Blue Bucket-Dino Jack News The Doctors Sportsnet G. Shrinks The View ” Nat. Best of ”News Global Jays at NFL Curious Wild Kratts World ” Connected PAW Patrol ” The Queen Sportsnet Dive, Olly The Dr.4Oz News Hour Tampa Bay Waterfront KOMO X-Weighted Sportsnet Jelly Jamm Jamm KOMO 4 Latifah Jelly Show ” Show Connected Rays Cities News ” Connected Bucket-Dino News Rich Bride, MLB Kate and KOMO Ent Sportsnet Working Wheel 4 Noon News Baseball: Baseball PAW Patrol The Chew Poor Bride Magic Bus News ET Canada Connected Museum Jeopardy! Hour Central Kate and ” Early News Premier Toronto Blue Meet Jack the Ro- The News Partners Quest Days of our Premier Astroblast General Global Nat. Poker Jays at Wild Kratts World Partners mans With ”News Lives League Dragon Hospital Big Brother Cycling A Matter of News Hour Tampa Bay Waterfront KOMO” 4 The Talk Darts Bucket-Dino The Doctors ” Blue Taste Rays Jays Cities News ” ” Best of NFL Curious ” Elementary Sportsnet ” Shark Tank Ent Working Wheel The Queen Sportsnet Dive, Olly The Dr. Oz ” Connected Snapshot ” ET Canada Museum Jeopardy! Latifah Show Connected Jelly Jamm Show News Hour Sportsnet Working News Partners Premier Meet the Ro- The Quest Rich Bride, MLB Kate and KOMO 4 Final Connected Museum Jimmy” Partners Poker mans Poor Bride Baseball: MagicWith Bus News ET Canada Sportsnet A Matter Matter of of Kimmel Live Big Brother Cycling A ” Early News Toronto Blue Jack News The Test Connected Taste Nightline Blue Taste Global” Nat. Jays Jays at Wild Kratts World ”News Elementary Sportsnet ” Shark News Hour Tampa Bay Waterfront KOMOTank 4 ” Connected Snapshot Rays Cities News ”

Doubles Days Bride, of our NFL Insiders Rich Semifinal Lives Bride Football Poor The Talk Night ” News 2014 U.S. The Doctors ” NFL ”” Open Tennis ” SportsCentre The Queen Football: Global Nat. cont’d:” Bay X-Weighted Latifah Show Green CHBC News Men’s ” NFL Insiders Rich Bride, Packers at Ent Quarterfinal ET Noon News Football Poor Bride Seattle Canada and Men’s Hour Night News Seahawks Partners Doubles Days of our NFL ” SportsCentre Partners Semifinal Lives ” Big Brother Football: Global Nat. ” The Talk SportsCentre Green Bay CHBC” News ” ” SportsCentre Elementary Packers at Ent SportsCentre The Queen ” ” Seattle ET Canada ” Latifah Show SportsCentre CHBC News Seahawks NFL Insiders Partners Rich Bride, ” Final SportsCentre Partners Football Poor Bride SportsCentre ET Canada Big Brother Night ” News SportsCentre The Test SportsCentre ”” NFL


The View The Social ” ” The Marilyn Dr. Phil Denis Show ” CTVDr. News The Oz Show ”


Mayday ”



Mayday ”

MLB Baseball:

Mayday ”

Regional Coverage

Megaspeed ”


” ”


TLC < To Be Announced

High School Musical 3



Wild Kratts Wild Kratts

Gardening Notre Dame Reborn Stewart

” ”

Movie: “Race to


Witch Mountain”


Perlmutter PGA Tour 30 Days to a Golf

Movie: “28 Days”

Younger Heart-Masley


KING ” ” P

” High School ” Musical 3 Community Movie: Community “Race to King Witch King Mountain” High School The Middle Musical 3 Movie: The Middle “28 Days” Movie: Movie: “Race to “Drive”” Witch ” ” Mountain” ” Community Movie: Community Family Guy “28 Days” Family Guy King King ” Seinfeld ” Seinfeld The Middle Community The Middle Zombieland Community Movie:” King “Drive”” King D.O.A.: ” The Middle ” Dead or The Middle Alive Family Movie: Guy Family “Drive” Guy

End Dieting Wild Kratts Forever! Wild Kratts ” BrainThe Big ChangeBand Years Perlmutter (My Music) 30 Days to a Wild Kratts ” Wild Kratts Younger Moments to Heart-Masley BrainRemember: ChangeEndMusic Dieting My Perlmutter Forever! ” 30 Days to a ” Younger The Big 60s 50s and Heart-Masley Rock Band Rewind Years End Music) Dieting (My (My Music) Forever! ”” ” Moments to Ed TheSullivan’s Big Rock and Remember: Band Years My Music Roll Classics (My Music) ”” ” ” Top Moments to Performers 50s and 60s Remember: Rock Rewind My Music

” Gardening ” Notre Dame Justin Time Reborn Tree Fu Tom Stewart Biz Kid$ PGA Tour College Golf Gardening Football: Notre ”Dame Michigan at ” Reborn Notre Dame Stewart ” PGA Tour ” ” Golf Justin ”Time ” Tom Tree Fu 2014 NBC ” Backroads Biz Kid$ ” College Tapping” Happ Football: Justin Time Michigan at Dateline Tree Fu Tom NBC Notre Dame Biz Kid$ ”News KING College Saturday ” Football: ” Night Live Michigan at ” 2014 Notre NBC Dame Backroads ”

Paid Prog. Kids News


TLC ” ” <

Highway Mayday Thru Hell ” How/Made Mayday How/Made ” How/Made Megaspeed How/Made ” Mayday Overhaulin’ ” Don’t Drive ” Here Mayday Don’t Drive ” Highway Here Megaspeed Thru Hell Don’t Drive ” Here How/Made Don’t Drive How/Made BBQ Pit Here Wars How/Made Highway How/Made Don’t Drive Thru Hell Here Overhaulin’ How/Made ” Don’t Drive How/Made Here Don’t Drive How/Made Here Overhaulin’ How/Made ” Don’t Drive Overhaulin’ Here ” Overhaulin’ ” BBQ Don’t Pit Drive Wars Here

Old House MLB College FOX Baseball: Pregame Regional College Coverage Football: ” Michigan MLB ” State at Baseball: Paid Prog. Oregon Kids News Regional ” Coverage Old House ” ” FOX College Paid Prog. ” Two Men Pregame Paid Prog. College Mod Fam Kids News Big Bang Football: Old House Michigan Mod FOX Fam College Big Bang State at Pregame Oregon News College Wanted ” Football: ” Animation Michigan Domination Paid Prog. State at Two Men The Arsenio Oregon Hall Mod Show Fam ” Big Bang ”

” To Be ” Announced ” TLC ”” ” ” < ”” To Be ” Dateline: Announced ” Real Life ” Dateline: ” ” Real Life ” Dateline: ” Real Life ” ”” Dateline: ” Real Life ” ”” Dateline: ” Real Life Dateline: ” Real Life Dateline: ” Real Life Dateline: ” Real To BeLife ” Announced Dateline: Dateline: Real Peter Popoff Real Life Life Paid Prog. Dateline: Dateline: Real Real Life Life


” ”


” ”

Don’t Drive Here






:00 3 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2014 :00 5 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 6 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & _ :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 8 10 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 9 11 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 12 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 1 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 2 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 3 8 :30 :30 :00 :00 4 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 10 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 11 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 12 11 :30 :30 :00 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 :00 3 :30 10 :00 11 4 :30 :00 12 5 :30 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 :00 1 :30 6 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 2 :30 # $ % & _ 7 :00 :00 3 8 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 :30 9 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 10 12 :30 :00 :00 :00 6 :30 :30 11 1 :30 :00 :00 :00 7 :30 :30 12 2 :30 :00 8 :30 :30 :00 3 :00 9 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2014 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 10 :30 :00 11 :30 10 :00 12 11 :30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2014 :00 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :30 # $ % & _ :00 2 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 :00 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2014 1 :30 :30 :00 6 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 # $ % & _ 3 :00 :30 8 :30 :00 10 4 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 11 5 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 6 :30 12 :00 11 :00 7 :30 1 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 8 :30 2 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 3 :00 :00 10 :30 4 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 :00 # $ % & _ 11 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 10 6 :30 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 9 :00 :00 2 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 4 :30 :30 12 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30

Football: Lorna Dueck Marketplace Dr. Football: Lorna Dueck rLake 10Country :30 Football TV-Torrens ”” Movie: Chris-Vet Calendar Wednesday, September 3, 2014 TV-Torrens :00

” Blue Jays MLB Sportsnet Night Simpsons “Harry Pets.TV Simpsons Hamilton Joel Osteen Cash Cab ” Our Regional Joel Osteen Connected Baseball: Tiger-Cats at Paid Prog. ” Vancouver Coverage Paid Prog. Toronto Blue NFL Simpsons First Story Potter and KIRO News Simpsons Soccer: Montreal News Hour Land & Sea News Hour Jays atEuro Football: CHBC News Steele” the Order of ” Global Nat. UEFA Alouettes PGA Tour ” Mansbridge ” PGA Tour Boston Red Indianapolis Global Nat. CTV News the CBS News News Hour 2016 CFL Golf SportsCentre Q With Jian ” Golf Sox Colts at CHBC News ” Phoenix” KIRO News ” Qualifier Football: ” NFL Football Ghomeshi 2014 U.S. ” MLB Denver Simpsons Big Bang Heartland 60 Minutes Simpsons Sportsnet Roughriders Simpsons ” ” The Nature Open ” ” Baseball: Broncos Cleveland ” Simpsons Connected at Blue ” ” of Things Tennis: ” Astros at CFL ” Ancestors NFL Football Country Coronation NFLBrother Ancestors Blue Jays Big Brother UnforgettaBig Big Brother PokerstarBombers Battle ”Castle Steven and Women’s Battle ”Castle Athletics Football: Lorna Dueck ble ” Marketplace Football: Lorna Dueck s.Net MLB SportsCentre Music ” ” ” ” Chris Final ” ” ” Family Guy Castle” Association UnforgettaFamily Guy Blue Jays Hamilton Joel Osteen Our Regional Joel Osteen Baseball: Football TV-Torrens Movie: Dr. Chris-Vet Simpsons TV-Torrens Sportsnet SportsCentre ”” Awards ble Plays/Month Tiger-Cats at Simpsons Paid Prog. Vancouver Coverage Paid Prog. Toronto Blue Night Simpsons Cash Cab “Harry Pets.TV Simpsons Connected SportsCentre Reckless Shark ”Tank The Reckless Sportsnet Montreal News Hour LandNational & Sea Reckless ” News Hour Jays at NFL ” Simpsons First Story Potter ”and KIRO ”News PGA Simpsons Soccer:Red ” ” ” Connected Alouettes PGA Tour Mansbridge Tour Boston Football: CHBC News Steele the Order of ” Global Nat. UEFA Euro SportsCentre News News CBC News News Final Sportsnet CFL Golf Final SportsCentre Q With Jian KIRO ”News Golf Sox Indianapolis Global” Nat. CTV Football News the fifth CBS News News ”Hour 2016 ” Ancestors CTV News the KIRO News Ancestors Connected Football: NFL Ghomeshi 2014 U.S. MLB Colts at CHBC News ” Phoenix” KIRO News ” Qualifier SportsCentre The ” estate Face/Nation PGA Golf Sportsnet Roughriders PGA Golf ” The Nature Open ” Baseball: Denver Simpsons Big Bang Heartland 60 Minutes Simpsons Sportsnet ” Paid Prog. Mentalist Canadian Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Connected at Blue ” ” of Things Tennis: ” Astros at Broncos Simpsons Cleveland ” ” Simpsons Connected Bombers Battle Castle ” Steven and Women’s Battle Castle Athletics ” Big Brother UnforgettaCountry Big Brother Big Brother Pokerstar” ” ” Chris Final ” ” SportsCentre ” ble Music ” ” s.Net Football TV-Torrens ” Movie: Dr. Chris-Vet TV-Torrens Sportsnet ” Family Guy Castle Association UnforgettaFamily Guy Blue Jays Night Simpsons Cash Cab “Harry Pets.TV Simpsons Connected SportsCentre Simpsons ” Awards ble Simpsons Plays/Month NFL Simpsons First Story Potter and KIRO News Reckless Simpsons Soccer: SportsCentre Reckless Shark Tank The National Reckless Sportsnet Football: CHBC” News Steele” the Order of Global” Nat. UEFA Euro ” ” ”” Connected Indianapolis GlobalFinal Nat. CTV News the News CBS News News Final Hour 2016 SportsCentre News News CBC KIRO News News Sportsnet Colts at CHBC News CTV News ” Phoenix” KIRO News News Ancestors ” Qualifier ” Ancestors the fifth KIRO Connected CFL

Denver SportsCentre Broncos ” ” SportsCentre

” Ancestors

Simpsons PGA Golf Simpsons Paid Prog. Big Brother ”

” Chris NFL Football Coronation

Final NFL

” Ancestors



Wildlife Wild Kratts Little Prince Edwardian Farm Little Prince Annedroids Ancient Animals Worlds Animals Working Waterfront Museum Cities Mystery Working Gorilla Museum Wild Kratts Monarch of Hope for Little Prince the Glen Wildlife Waking the Little Prince Edwardian Dead Annedroids Farm Waking Animalsthe Ancient Dead Animals Worlds HammerWaterfront Working head Cities Museum Monarch Working of Mystery the Glen Museum Gorilla Hope for Monarch of Wildlife the Glen Edwardian Waking the Farm Dead

Sea Rescue Brandi Rescue GoodFellas Jack Hanna Wildlife Docs Brandi” Exped. Wild Duck D. Ocean Mys. Movie: World of X “Black News Duck D. GamesNews Duck Hawk D. World WNBA Down” KOMO 4 Duck-Before Basketball: ” News Duck-Before Finals, Game ” Children’s Wahlburgers 1: Teams ” Hospital Wahlburgers TBA Epic Ink Rescue GoodFellas Wipeout Brandi Born-Explore Epic Ink Jack Hanna ” ” Brandi Sea Rescue Brandi D. Ocean” Mys. Duck Movie: Wildlife BrandiD. ”ofDocs Duck World X “Black Exped. Wild Duck D. Shark Duck-Before GamesTank Hawk News ” Duck D. Duck-Before WNBA Down” World News Duck D. News Wahlburgers Basketball: ” KOMO 4 Duck-Before Red Carpet Finals, Game Wahlburgers ” News Duck-Before Castle Brandi” 1: Teams Children’s Wahlburgers ” Brandi TBA Epic Ink Hospital Wahlburgers Born-Explore Epic Ink Wipeout Brandi Sea Rescue Brandi ” Brandi Wildlife Docs Brandi ” Duck D. Exped. Wild Duck Duck D. D. ”

Ancient the Waking Worlds Dead

News Tank Shark World ”News

Working HammerMuseum head

KOMO 4 News NewsCarpet Red Children’s Castle Hospital ” Wipeout ”


Big Bang The Cleveland Mentalist Unforgettable

Heartland estate ” Canadian Country Music

60 Minutes Face/Nation ” Paid Prog. Big Brother ”

Simpsons PGA Golf Simpsons Paid Prog. Big Brother ”

Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected Pokerstars.Net

” Family Guy SportsCentre Simpsons

Castle ”

Association Awards


Family Guy Simpsons

Blue Jays Waking the Plays/Month Dead

SportsCentre Reckless ” ”

Shark Tank ”

The National Reckless ” ”

Reckless ”

Sportsnet Connected

SportsCentre News Final ” Ancestors CFL Football The Doctors cont’d ” SportsCentre PGA Golf ” X-Weighted Paid Prog. ” ”

News CTV News The View The ”

CBC News the fifth Bookaboo Doodlebops estate

KIRO News KIRO News The Price Is Right Face/Nation

CHAN ( News Final

SNP ) Sportsnet

Mystery of Monarch Gorilla the Glen Monarch of the Glen

” ”

KNOW Shark KOMO Tank ” * ` HammerNews Waking the Dead



Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest

NFL ” Football: ”

Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Deadliest Catch Catch Deadliest Deadliest Catch Catch ” Deadliest ” Catch Deadliest Deadliest Catch Catch Overhaulin’ Deadliest Deadliest Top 10 Catch Catch Overhaulin’ Deadliest Deadliest ” Catch Catch Overhaulin’ Deadliest Deadliest Catch ” Catch Overhaulin’ Deadliest Top 10” Catch ” Deadliest Deadliest Catch Catch Deadliest Overhaulin’ Catch Top 10

The OT Minnesota Vikings at Trout TV St. Louis Livin’ Dream Rams Two Men ” Big Bang NFL Two Men Football: Gotham 49ers at NFL Utopia Cowboys Football: ” ” ” Minnesota ”” at Vikings The OT News St. Louis Trout TV Bones Rams Livin’ Dream ” Two Men TMZ NFL Big Bang ” Football: Two Men Paid Prog. 49ers at Gotham Cowboys Utopia ” ” ” ” The OT ”



Big PaulBang Blart:

African Sid Science

Zou Kids News

Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Angels Medium Angels Medium Medium Medium Medium Angels Medium Medium Angels Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Paid Prog. Medium Angels Paid Prog. Medium Angels Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Angels Medium Angels

Big Bang Movie: “Dan in Real Mod Fam Life” Fam Mod ” Movie: Movie: “Knocked “Charlie’s Up” Angels” ” ” Paul Blart: ” Big MallBang Cop The Closer Big Bang Movie:” Big Bang The Closer “Dan in Real Big Bang Life” ” Mod Fam Movie: ” Mod Fam “The Time Movie: Movie: Machine” “Charlie’s “Knocked ” Angels” Up” There ”Yet? ” Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer

Many Rivers McLaughlin Moyers African African Americans: Americans Many Rivers African Americans: Americans: Many Rivers African Sid Science Secrets of Americans Wild Kratts Westminster African Masterpiece McLaughlin Americans: Mystery! Moyers Many Rivers ” African African War Foyle’s Americans Americans: ” African Many ”Rivers Americans: African Many ”Rivers Americans: Foyle’s War African Many Rivers Americans Secrets of African Westminster Americans: Masterpiece Many Rivers Mystery!

Night in PGA Tour Golf America NFL ” ” Football: ” Indianapolis ” Colts at ” Denver ” Kids News Broncos LazyTown Ryder Cup 5th Quarter Zou KING 5 PGA Tour Football News Golf Night in Dateline ” America NBC ” NFL KING ”News Football: The 206 ” Indianapolis TBA ” ColtsProg. at Paid ” Denver LazyTown Broncos Zou 5th Quarter Football KING 5 Night in News

America Dateline NFL NBC

Medium MallBang Cop Wild Kratts Ryder Cup Medium Big Americans: Football A13






Duck D. Hears a Duck-Before Japanizi Duck D. Who! Duck-Before Boys Duck-Before Haunting Movie: Wahlburgers Duck-Before Haunting “The Wahlburgers

Cocaine Deadliest 102 Minutes Overhaulin’ Wars Catch ” That The National Overhaulin’ Deadliest Changed ” Catch ” The World

Trout TV Medium News Medium Livin’ Dream Medium Medium Bones Two Men Medium ” Medium Big Bang Medium TMZ Medium

Mod Fam ” Mod Fam Movie: Movie: “The Time “Knocked Machine”

African ” Americans: Foyle’s War Many ”Rivers African ”

Wahlburgers Brandi Wahlburgers Brandi Brandi Brandi

Adventures Adventures of Tintin Tintin” of ” Undercover

102 Minutes ” The National Overhaulin’ That ” Top 10” Changed Deadliest The World Catch

Two Men ” Gotham Paid Prog. Utopia ”

Angels Paid Prog. Angels Paid Prog. Medium Medium

Up” ” There ”Yet? ” The Closer

Americans: ” Many Rivers Foyle’s War Secrets of Westminster

Duck D. Duck D.

Next Star Next Star

The National Overhaulin’ ” Top 10

Angels Angels

” The Closer

Masterpiece KING 5 Mystery! News

A&E 1 Wahlburgers

YTV 6 Haunting

NEWS 7 Changed

DISC 9 Overhaulin’

” ”

Duck-Before Japanizi Duck-Before Boys

102 Minutes Overhaulin’ That ”

News Bones

KAYU ; ”

Medium Medium

TLC < Medium

WTBS ” Movie: A “The Time

The ” CBCWorld News Mayday Now With ” The National Overhaulin’ Carole” Highway Top 10 MacNeil Thru Hell

TMZ 30 Rock Paid Prog. ”

Medium 18 Kids 18 Kids Paid Prog.

Machine” Divorce Divorce ”

Family Feud Paid 18 Kids Paid Prog. Prog. Family Feud 18 Kids ThisMinute ThisMinute

Medium Medium

Law & Order: SVU


Football: KING News Indianapolis The 206 Colts at TBA Denver Paid Prog. Broncos 5th Quarter


” Foyle’s War

Dateline NBC

The 206 Today cont’d TBA

Paid Prog. There Yet? Friends

” Sesame Street ” Dinosaur Foyle’s War Dinosaur

King King

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

The Marilyn Mentalist Denis Show

Our Canadian Vancouver

Young & Paid Prog. Restless

JellyGlen Jamm KOMO” 4 the Bucket-Dino News

Wahlburgers Haunting CSI: Miami Wayside Kid vs. Kat Brandi” Adventures Criminal Monster Brandi of Tintin Minds Almost

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News ”

Noon News Hour

UEFA Euro 2016

PAW Patrol Kate and

The Chew ”

Criminal Minds

Chucks Nerds

CBC News Now With

CFL Football Days of our ” Lives

The Social ”

Republic of Doyle

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Qualifier ”

Astroblast Dragon


The First 48 ”

Squirrel Rated A for

Reshmi Nair NeverEver ” NeverEver

Say Yes Say Yes

Community Community

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

2014 U.S. Open

The Talk ”

Premier Poker

Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First 48 Curious ” ”

Monster Sidekick

Power & Politics

MythBusters Family Feud Say Yes ” Family Feud Say Yes

Seinfeld The Middle

Sesame St. Cat in the

Dr. Phil ”

Heartland Bookaboo ” Doodlebops

Tennis: The Price Is Men’s Right Final

The Meredith Doctors Sportsnet Vieira ”Show Connected

Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Jelly PAW Jamm Patrol

Storage CSI: Miami Storage ”

6TEEN Wayside Chucks Kid vs. Kat

” CBC News ” Now With

How/Made Mayday How/Made ”

Steve 30 Rock Harvey Paid Prog.

The Middle Divorce Mod Fam Divorce

Being Poirot Sesame Street”

Ellen TodayDeGeneres cont’d Show

SpongeBob Monster Almost Bread

Amanda Carole MacNeil Lang

Daily Planet Highway Thru Hell ”

The Meredith Family Feud To 18 Be Kids FamilyShow Feud Announced 18 Kids Vieira

The Oz NewDr. Day Northwest Show


” ”

The Talk ”

” The Meredith Dr. Oz CFL Football Doctors The View Vieira ”Show Show ” cont’d ”



Red Carpet The View Castle”

Horton Thunder Mr. Young Hears a Undercover Who! Cook’d Movie: Next “The Star Next Star Adventures Movie: of Tintin” “Dr. Seuss’ Victorious ” The Cat in Hathaways Undercover the Hat” Next Star Thunder Dr. Seuss’ Next Star Mr. Young Horton Japanizi Undercover Hears a Boys Cook’d Who! Haunting Next Star Movie: Haunting Next Star “The Adventures Movie: Adventures of Tintin “Dr. Seuss’ of Tintin” The Cat in ” the Hat” Undercover Dr. Seuss’ Next Star Horton Next Star

” CBC News Nowfifth With the estate Christine Birak Cocaine Wars ” ” The National ” ” 102 Minutes That ” Marketplace CBC News Changed Doc Zone NowWorld With The ” The National Christine the fifth ” Birak estate 102 Minutes ” Cocaine That ” Wars Changed ” The National The World ” ” The National ” 102 Minutes ” Marketplace That Doc Zone Changed ” The World the fifth The National estate”

Ancestors The Doctors Connected Sportsnet ” Connected PGA Golf Sportsnet X-Weighted Plays/Month Paid Prog. Connected ” Soccer:

head G. Shrinks PAW Patrol Monarch of

A&E 1

the Hat” Victorious Hathaways Dr. Seuss’

KNOW Hospital KOMO * ` Steve The View Harvey ”

A&E 1



NFL ” ” Football:

Young & X-Weighted ” Restless

Ellen DeGe- Dragons’ The Marilyn Our Denis Show Den Vancouver neres

Young”& Restless ”

Young & X-Weighted ” Restless

MLB and KOMO 4 Plays/Month Kate Jelly Jamm Soccer: Bucket-Dino Baseball: Magic Bus News

Duck D. Criminal MindsD. Duck

” New York TBA Giants at

Noon News News Hour ”

CTV News at Five”

CBC News Now ”

KIRO News KIRO ”News

Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global

UEFA Euro Chicago 2016 at Cubs

The Chew News World ”News

Criminal Chucks Wahlburgers Odd Parents CBC News Minds Nerds Now With Wahlburgers SpongeBob ”

CFL Football Days ofNat. our CTV The Social Detroit Lions Global News Lives News ” CHBC ”

The First 48 Sam Squirrel Uncomforta& Cat ” Rated Witch A for ble Every

NFL ” ” Football: ” San Diego CFL Football ” Chargers at cont’d NFL Arizona ” Football: Cardinals ” New York ” Giants” at SportsCentre TBA Detroit Lions SportsCentre CFL Football ”” ” NFL SportsCentre Football: ”” ” San Diego

PAW Patrol Jack Kate Kratts and Wild

Republic of CBC News Doyle Coronation

The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News

Days of our News Hour Lives ”

QualifierBlue Animals Astroblast Toronto Dragon Jays ” Animals

General4 KOMO Hospital News

Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang The Dr. Oz MasterChef The View Show ” ” Ellen DeGe” The Marilyn neres ”Show Denis Show CTV News Castle CTV News at Five ” ” CTV News News-Lisa The Social ” CTV News ” etalk Show Daily Big Bang Dr. Phil Seth Meyers ” MasterChef

Steven and Murdoch Chris Mysteries Heartland Murdoch Bookaboo ” Mysteries Doodlebops Dragons’ Cracked Our Den ” Vancouver CBCNational News The CBC News ”” Now CBC News CBC News Republic of Coronation Rick Mercer Doyle Murdoch 22 Minutes Mysteries Steven and Coronation Chris Murdoch

2014 U.S. Ent Open The Insider Tennis: Big Bang The Price Is Men’s Final Mom Right ” Two Men Young ”& Two Men Restless KIRO News Under the KIRO Dome News ” KIRO News KIRO News The CBSTalk News Late Show ” Ent Letterman The Insider 2014 U.S. Ferguson Open Big Bang

Bucket-Dino Hope for Curious Wildlife Dive, Olly Ancient G. Shrinks Jelly Jamm Worlds PAW Patrol Kate and Eames: The Jelly Jamm Magic Bus Architect & Bucket-Dino JackPainter the PAW Patrol Wild Kratts Window Kate and Animals Hope for Astroblast Animals Wildlife Dragon Hope forThe Eames: Wildlife Bucket-Dino Architect Curious Ancient

” Oz The Dr. Show ”

Mysteries Heartland ” Cracked

Mom Tennis: Men’s Final Two Men

The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith Running Wild The Doctors Vieira ”Show ” YoungHell & Hotel X-Weighted Restless ” ” Early News Under the Noon News Global Dome Nat. Hour News Hour News Hour Days of ” our Final Lives Ent Canada ET ET Canada The Talk Weird ” Wild Running ” The Meredith Vieira Show Hotel Hell

Premier Sportsnet Poker Connected Sportsnet Blue Jays Sportsnet Connected PokerstarConnected MLB s.Net Plays/Month Baseball: Cycling Soccer: Chicago Sportsnet UEFA Euro Cubs at Connected 2016 Toronto Blue UEFA Euro Qualifi Jays er Matchday ” Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Premier Connected PokerJays Blue

Chargers at ” ” Arizona

The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith Running Wild The Doctors Vieira ”Show ” YoungHell & Hotel X-Weighted Restless ” ” News the Under Noon News Dome” Hour Global News Nat. CHBC Days our CHBCofNews Final Lives Ent Canada ET ET Canada The Talk Weird ” Wild Running ” The Meredith Vieira Show Hotel Hell

PokerstarSportsnet Connected s.Net

Worlds Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm Eames: The

The First 48 Love Prison ” Steve Storage Bachelor in Love Prison The View CSI: Miami Harvey Storage Paradise ” ” ” KOMO” 4 Duck D. Wahlburgers KOMO Criminal News ” 4 Duck D. Wahlburgers News Minds News Tank Wahlburgers Shark UncomfortaThe Chew Criminal World Wahlburgers ”News ble ” Minds KOMO 4 UncomfortaNews Love Prison General The 48 News ble First Jimmy ” Hospital ” Wheel Live Love Love Prison Prison Kimmel Jeopardy! ” The Doctors The First 48 Nightline ” ” ” Bachelor in Love Prison Paradise ” Steve Storage Harvey Storage ” Wahlburgers

Cardinals NFL Football: ” SportsCentre New York Giants at SportsCentre Detroit” Lions ” SportsCentre NFL ”

Young”& Restless Under the Dome News CHBC” News Final Global Nat. CHBC News ET Canada Weird Ent

” Ellen DeGeneres Show Castle ” CTV News at Five News-Lisa CTV CTV News News

” Dragons’ Den National The ” CBC News ” CBC News Rick CBC Mercer News

Two Men ” Under”the Dome KIRO News KIRO News News KIRO Late KIROShow News

Young”& Restless Under the Dome Early News GlobalHour Nat. News Final News Hour

CBS News Letterman Ferguson Ent

” ET Canada Weird Ent

Cycling MLB Baseball: Sportsnet Connected Chicago Cubs at UEFA Euro Matchday Toronto Blue Jays Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet

Architect Kate and & Magic Bus the Painter Window Jack Wild Kratts Hope for Wildlife Animals Animals Eames: The Architect Hope for



KNOW Wheel KOMO The Doctors ” Jeopardy! * `

KOMO” 4 News Tank Shark News ” World News News Jimmy KOMO 4

A&E 1

Wahlburgers Duck D. Duck D. Uncomfortable Wahlburgers Wahlburgers Love Prison ” Uncomforta-


Monster Next Star Sidekick Assembly 6TEEN Funny Home Wayside Chucks Videos Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Wipeout Monster Bread” Almost OddYoung Parents Mr. Chucks SpongeBob Boys Nerds Sam & Cat Haunting Squirrel Every Witch Haunting Rated A for Next Star Funny Home Assembly Monster Videos Sidekick Funny Home Videos 6TEEN Chucks Wipeout


ET Canada


Running Wild Blue Jays ” Pokerstar-

Ancient Worlds

Bachelor in Paradise

Arizona Cardinals

Hotel Hell ”

” ”

Cracked ”

Two Men Two Men

Hotel Hell ”

s.Net Cycling

Eames: The Architect &

” Under the SportsCentre Dome

Castle ”

The National Under the ” Dome

Under the Dome

Sportsnet Connected

the Painter Window

SportsCentre Fishing-Flats 30 for ”30 SportsCentre ” ”

News-Lisa The View CTV News ” Daily Show The Marilyn Seth DenisMeyers Show

CBC News Bookaboo Rick Mercer Doodlebops

22 Minutes Letterman Best Recipes Young & Coronation Ferguson Stefano Restless

News Hour The Doctors Final ” ET Canada X-Weighted Weird ”

UEFA Euro Sportsnet Matchday Connected Sportsnet Plays/Month Connected Soccer:

Hope for G. Shrinks Wildlife PAW Patrol Eames: The Jelly Jamm Architect Bucket-Dino

News Love Prison The View CSI: Miami Jimmy” ”” Kimmel4Live Criminal Love Prison KOMO Nightline News Minds”

Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Monster Videos Almost

World Poker Noon News Tour Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News ”

Noon News Hour

UEFA Euro 2016

PAW Patrol Kate and

The Chew ”

Chucks Nerds

To Be Announced

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Republic of Doyle

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Qualifier ”

Astroblast Dragon

The First 48 ”

Squirrel Rated A for

Reshmi Nair Don’t Drive ” Here

Off Record Interruption Fishing-Flats SportsCentre 30 for 30 ” ”

The Talk ” The Doctors The Meredith ” Vieira Show X-Weighted

Dr. Phil ” The View The Dr. ” Oz Show The Marilyn

Steven and Chris Bookaboo Heartland Doodlebops ” Best Recipes

Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is Bold Right ThisMinute Young &

The Talk ” The Doctors The Meredith ” Vieira Show X-Weighted

Premier Poker Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected Plays/Month

Bucket-Dino Curious G. Shrinks Dive, Olly PAW Patrol Jelly Jamm Jelly Jamm

” The View Steve ” Harvey KOMO 4

The First 48 ” CSI: Miami Storage ” Storage Criminal

Monster Sidekick Wayside 6TEEN Kid vs. Kat Nerds Monster

Power & Politics CBC News ” Now With ” Carole

Overhaulin’ Top 10 Megaspeed How/Made ” How/Made MythBusters

Minds Brandi Storage Criminal

Almost SpongeBob Chucks Chucks

MacNeil Amanda

” Daily Planet ” Airplane

KIRO News The Price Is Late RightShow



KNOW General KOMO Hospital * The` Doctors

To Be ” Young”& Announced World Poker Restless Noon News Tour ” Hour News ” our To Be ” Days of

DenisDeGeShow Stefano Ellen Dragons’ neres Show Den CTV News CBC News ” Now News CTV News CBC at Five ” of The Social Republic

Restless Judge Judy Judge Judy KIRO News

Young”& Restless Noon News

Soccer: MLB Baseball: UEFA Euro

Bucket-Dino Kate and Magic Bus PAW Patrol

News KOMO 4 News The Chew

KIRO ”News KIRO News The Talk

Hour News Early GlobalofNat. Days our

2016 Chicago Cubs at Qualifi er

Kate and Jack Wild Kratts Astroblast

News ” World News General

Announced ” ” Off Record

” CTV News ” Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang The Dr. Oz Show Criminal Minds The EllenView DeGeneres ”Show Amazing Race The CTVMarilyn News Denis at FiveShow Person of

KIRO ”News CBS Let’s News Make a Deal Ent The Insider Bold ThisMinute Big Brother ”Judy The Price Is Judge Right Judge Judy Fashion Rocks Young & KIRO News Restless KIRO ”News KIRO ”News CBS News ”News KIRO Late Show Ent Talk The The Insider ” Letterman Ferguson Big Brother Let’s Make a Deal ”

Lives News Hour ” The Talk

” Blue Toronto Jays Premier Poker Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet Connected Plays/Month Blue Sportsnet MLB Jays Connected Baseball: Cycling Countdown Plays/Month Chicago Soccer: Cubs at Sportsnet Connected Toronto Blue UEFA Euro Jays Euro 2016 UEFA Matchday Sportsnet Qualifier Connected ” Sportsnet Connected Plays/Month Premier Blue Jays Poker

Dragon Hope for Wildlife Bucket-Dino

Interruption ” ” SportsCentre ”” Fishing-Flats To Be ” 30 for ”30 Announced

Lives Nat. Global CHBC News The Talk ” Ent ET TheCanada Meredith Vieira Show Big Brother ”& The Doctors Young ” Restless Fashion

SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre World ”Poker ” Tour SportsCentre To Be ” ” Announced SportsCentre

Rocks X-Weighted News ”” ” Nat. GlobalNews Noon CHBC News Hour Hour News Final Ent Days of our ET Canada Canada Lives ET

Doyle CBC News Coronation Steven and

Chris Murdoch Mysteries Heartland ” Rick Mercer 22 Minutes Bookaboo Dragons’ Doodlebops Den Air Arctic ” Best CBC Recipes News Stefano ” The National ” CBC News Coronation Now News CBC Rick Mercer Murdoch Republic of Mysteries Doyle 22 Minutes

Interest CTV News ” News-Lisa CTV News etalkSocial The Big Bang ” Daily Show Weird Seth Meyers Coronation ” Big Brother Criminal Rick Mercer Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and ” Minds” 22 Minutes Interruption ”” Chris ” Fashion Amazing Arctic Air SportsCentre The Meredith The Dr. Oz Heartland SportsCentre Rocks Race ” Vieira Show Show ”” SportsCentre Person of The National To Be Young”& Ellen DeGeDragons’ ” ” Interest Announced Restless neres Show Den ” SportsCentre News News-Lisa CBC ” News Hour CTV News CBC News News Final ” CTV News Rick Mercer ”” at Five ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre ” To Be ” Announced ” ”” ”” ”

Weird Big Brother The Talk ”” Fashion The Meredith RocksShow Vieira Young”& ” Restless

Cycling Sportsnet Countdown Connected

News Hour Early News Final Global Nat.

UEFA Euro Chicago Matchday Cubs at

Line The First Bucket-Dino World War Curious Movie: Dive, Olly “Crossing Jelly Jamm the Line” Shark Kate and KOMOTank 4 Chung Magic Bus News ” KNOW News KOMO Marine Jack News Machines Jimmy ` Wild* Kratts World News


Sportsnet MLB Connected Baseball:


Jeffersons Jeffersons

Roll Classics ”


KING ” P ”

The MythBusters I Met CBCNational News Megaspeed How 30 Rock ” ”” The ce Now With Paid Offi Prog. Amanda How/Made 30 Rock Carole MythBusters Family Feud Lang How/Made Sunny Feud MacNeil ” Family

” 18 Kids ” 18 Kids Peter Popoff 18 Kids Paid Prog. 18 Kids

Movie: Divorce “Eurotrip” Divorce ” Paid Prog. ” Friends

Ed Sullivan’s Sesame Top Street Performers Dinosaur 1966-1969 Dinosaur

KING Today News Tonight cont’d ShowDay New Seth Meyers Northwest

CBC News Now With

ThisMinute ThisMinute

Medium Medium

King King

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

Law & Order: SVU


Say Yes Say Yes

Community Community

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

Family Feud Family Feud 30 Rock Steve Paid Prog. Harvey Family Feud

Say Yes Say Yes 18 Kids Extreme 18 Kids Extreme 18 Kids

Seinfeld The Middle Divorce The Middle Divorce Mod Fam Paid Prog.

Sesame St. Cat in the Sesame 50s & 60s Street Party Songs Dinosaur

Dr. Phil ” Today Ellen cont’dDeGeneres Show New Day

Family Feud Little 18 Kids The Meredith People, Vieira Show Big World ThisMinute Medium ThisMinute Medium Two Men 19 Kids and Two Men Counting Law & Say Yes

Friends Big Bang Big KingBang King Browns Payne Community

Dinosaur Northwest (My Music) The Dr. Oz ” Peg Plus Cat Show KING 5 Peg Plus Cat KING News 5 Business World News News of our Super Why! Days

A&E 1

Order: SVU Say Yes Simpsons 19 Kids Mod Fam Family Feud 19 SayKids Yes Family Feud Little Say Yes Big Bang People, Big Bang Big World Steve Extreme Harvey Extreme Utopia 19 Kids ” 19 Kids 30 Rock 18 The Meredith Little People, Paid Prog. 18 Kids Vieira Show Big World Hotel Hell Little People, ” Big World Family Feud 18 Two Men 19 Kids and Family Feud 18 Kids Two Men Counting News 19 Kids and

Community Browns Payne Seinfeld

Thomas PBS NewsHour Sesame St.

Lives Nightly News News Dr. Phil

Cat in the End Dieting Forever! 50s & 60s Party Songs ” 30 Days to a Sesame (My Music) Street” Younger Heart-Masley Dinosaur Business Dinosaur World News Frontline ” PBSPlus Peg Cat NewsHour Peg Plus Cat Ed Sullivan’s Rock and End Dieting Super Why! Forever! Thomas Roll Classics

News ” Evening Ellen DeGeneres Food Show Fighters Today The Dr. Oz cont’d Show America’s

” St. Sesame 30 Days Cat in theto a Younger 50s & 60s Heart-Masley Party Songs Frontline (My Music) ””

Seth Meyers Food Dr. Phil Fighters ” America’s Ellen DeGeGot Talent neres Show ” Oz The Dr. Show ”

Storage Brandi Storage Storage



Lang CBC News Nerds Now With Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob Reshmi ” Nair Squirrel Rated A for ” Assembly The National Every Witch Monster Power”& Sidekick Politics Sam & Cat CBC News Victorious 6TEEN ”” Nerds ” Funny Home The National Videos ” Wayside News SpongeBob CBC Amanda Kid vs. Kat Now With Chucks LangNational Wipeout The



” Monster Odd Parents Almost SpongeBob Mr. Young Boys Assembly Chucks Every Witch Nerds Haunting Haunting Sam & Cat Squirrel Victorious Rated A for Funny Home Videos Funny Home Monster Videos Sidekick

” Carole CBC News MacNeil ” CBC News ” The National CBC News ” NowNational With The ” Nair CBC News Reshmi ” Amanda

Wipeout 6TEEN Nerds”

Airplane Repo


Repo Sea Bering Gold Drive Don’t Here Highway Thru Overhaulin’


Top 10 Highway Thru Hell How/Made How/Made Don’t Drive Here Megaspeed Daily Planet ” Highway Thru MythBusters Bering Sea ” Gold Highway

Thru Hell Highway Airplane Thru Drive Repo Don’t Here Highway Don’t Drive Thru Hell Here Bering Sea

Lang Gold The National Don’t Drive Power & Overhaulin’ ” Here10 Politics Top The National Highway ” How/Made Thru ”” How/Made

Don’t BeringDrive Sea Here Gold

News The Meredith Mod Fam Vieira Show KAYU How I Met Two Men The Offi ce ; Two Men

19 Kids and Little People, Counting Big World TLC Little People, 19 Kids and Big World < Counting

Jeffersons Big Bang Jeffersons Big Bang WTBS Movie: Browns “Biker A Payne

Bering Sea Mighty Highway Gold Planes Thru Bering Sea Highway Gold Thru Hell Highway Don’t Drive Thru Here

30 Rock 30 Rock Simpsons Sunny Paid Prog. Mod Fam Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang ThisMinute Utopia ThisMinute ”

Paid Prog. 18 19 Kids Paid Prog. 18 19 Kids 18 Kids Little People, 18 Kids Big World Medium 19 Kids Medium 19 Kids

Boyz” Divorce Browns ” Divorce Payne Paid Prog. Mod Fam Friends Seinfeld King Family Guy King Family Guy

Law &

Little People, Amer. Dad Say Yes Community Big World Amer. Dad

Say Yes


Say Yes 19 SayKids Yes and

Seinfeld Jeffersons The Middle


Kimmel The View KOMO 4Live Nightline News ” KOMO Wheel 4 News Jeopardy! The Chew Extreme ” Loss Weight

Storage CSI: Miami Storage Storage ” Storage Criminal Brandi Minds Cement Criminal Storage Minds Storage

Funny Home Wayside Assembly Videos Kid vs.Witch Kat Every Monster Sam & Cat Almost Victorious ChucksHome Funny Nerds Videos

Amanda CBC News The National Lang Now With ” Carole CBC News MacNeil ” CBCNational News The Now With ”

Days of our

Amazing ” Race

The Social

Arctic Air Doyle ”

Republic of

Fashion ” Rocks

The Talk

Fashion Lives Rocks

Days of our

Cycling Premier Countdown


Movie: Dragon “Crossing


General ” Hospital

Storage ” Storage

The First 48

Wipeout Rated A for ”


The National Highway ” Thru Hell ” Thru



Young &

SportsCentre Canada MLS Soccer: ET Restless ” Weird Los Angeles News Galaxy at ”

CTV News

Heartland CBC News ”

Rick Mercer

Ellen DeGe- Dragons’

Daily Minutes neresShow Show 22 Den Seth Meyers Coronation

Bold KIRO News ThisMinute

Late Show



Letterman Judge Judy Ferguson

ET Canada Restless Weird

Sportsnet Baseball: Connected

Judge Judy

CBC News ”

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News ”

CBC News Coronation

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour ”

Murdoch Mysteries

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

etalk Big Bang


Young &

CTV News at Five

MLS Soccer: Ent Earthquakes ET Canada


The Meredith Sportsnet News Hour UEFA Euro Vieira Show Connected

Early News Global Nat.


Chicago Cubs at


The Doctors The First 48 Shark ”Tank Storage ”


Monster Mr. Young Sidekick


Dive, Olly Marine Jelly Jamm

Steve News Harvey

Storage Brandi Storage

Kate and


Wahlburgers SpongeBob




6TEEN Haunting Chucks


Reshmi Nair Highway

Power & CBC News Politics

Bering Sea Highway Gold

Thru Hell




Ed Sullivan’s KING Business KING News 5 Rock Worldand News Tonight News Roll Classics Show Sesame Today PBS Nightly News ” Seth Meyers Street cont’d NewsHour News Dinosaur End Dieting New NewsDay Dinosaur Northwest Forever! Evening Peg Plus Cat KING 5 ” Food PegDays Plusto Cat News 30 a Fighters Super Why!

Days of our

Sesame St. Frontline Cat in the

Dr. Phil ””

Younger America’s Thomas Lives Heart-Masley Got Talent ”

Big Bang Boyz” Big Bang

Roll Classics The Dr. Oz Roll Classics Show ” Show

Two Men Two Men

Daily Planet

Bering” Sea Gold Yukon Men ”

The Office

Big World


Ed Sullivan’s Ellen DeGeEd Sullivan’s KING News Rock and neres Show

Rock and


Paid Prog.

Man-Half Body

Browns Payne

Business World News


Seth Meyers

News World News

Duck D. Duck D.

Toronto Blue Marine Jays Machines

KOMO 4 News

Duck-Before Hathaways Duck-Before Every Witch

The National Car Sharks ” Car Sharks

Simpsons Mod Fam

To Be Announced

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News News

Sportsnet Connected

Wheel Jeopardy!

Wahlburgers Sam & Cat Epic Ink Victorious

CBC News ”

Big Bang Big Bang

The 132-lb. Scrotum

Mod Fam Seinfeld

Tommy Emmanuel and

News Evening

Waterfront Cities

Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob ”


Extreme The Middle Little People, Mod Movie: Extreme Fam

Got Talent New Day KING 5 Northwest News ” Nightly”5 News KING News News KING Tonight News of our Days Evening Lives Show

The Meredith To Be 30 Rock Paid Prog. Vieira Show Announced

Bering Sea Gold

Movie: “Mirror

Dragons’ Den

Big Brother ”

Big Brother ”

Stop at The Story of The Middle Nothing: The India Goldbergs

Epic Ink Epic Ink

Funny Home The National Highway Videos ” Thru Hell

Mirror” ”

Republic of Doyle

Under the Lights

Remedy ”

Lance Armstrong Story

Movie: “The Magic

Mod Fam Mod Fam

Duck D. Duck D.

Wipeout ”

SportsCentre Extant ” ”

” Big Bang

The National Extant ” ”

Extant ”

Sportsnet Connected


Shark Tank ”

Duck-Before Mr. Young Duck-Before Boys

CBC News ”

CBC News Rick Mercer

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

UEFA Euro Matchweek

” Chung

News Jimmy

Wahlburgers Haunting Epic Ink Haunting

The National Bering Sea ” Gold

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada Weird

Sportsnet Connected

The Story of Kimmel Live India Nightline

Daily Show 22 Minutes Seth Meyers Coronation

Mod Fam




SportsCentre Remedy ” ”

SportsCentre ET Canada ” Weird

Family Feud News Family Feud



Steve How I Met Harvey

at Whitecaps Big Brother FC ”

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News

Hotel Hell Order: SVU ”


Running Wild ”

” How/Made The National Don’t Drive ” How/Made

Crossing the Kimmel Live Storage Home Amanda Magic Bus News Wahlburgers Funny Kung Fu Lang Line Nightline Storage Videos Lang Jack Wild Kratts


The Middle Mod Fam Seinfeld The Middle Mod Fam Family Guy Family Guy Divorce Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Paid Prog. Browns Friends Payne Jeffersons Mod Fam Counting Jeffersons Simpsons 19 Kids Browns ThisMinute Medium King Mod Fam 19 Kids Payne ThisMinute Medium King How I Met Little People, Movie: The Offi Big World “Biker Big Bang Little People, Community Mod Fam Law & ce Say Yes BigRock Bang Big World Seinfeld Order: SVU Say Yes Community 30 Paid Prog. Boyz” Sunny Prog. Utopia Feud Paid 19 Kids Family” Guy Family Say Yes Seinfeld 19 Kids Family Guy Family” Feud Say Yes The Middle Hotel Hell Little People, The Amer. Dad Steve Extreme Middle ” Big World Amer. Dad Harvey Extreme Mod Fam

Highway Daily Planet Thru Hell ”

Crossing G. Shrinks Hope for the Line Patrol PAW Wildlife Jelly Jamm Marine Bucket-Dino Machines PAW Patrol The First Kate and World War




Sportsnet Countdown Toronto Blue Connected MLB Jays Baseball: Sportsnet Baltimore Connected Orioles at Plays/Month Boston Red Blue Jays

Poker Bucket-Dino Sportsnet Line” Plays/Month the Curious





ET Canada The Doctors News Hour Weird ” X-Weighted Ent ” ET Canada Noon News Big Brother Hour ”

Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk The ”” ChrisNational Deal ”


News Mod Fam

CBC News Amanda Lang ” Haunting Odd Parents The CBCNational News Haunting ”” SpongeBob

Letterman The Price Is KIRO News Ferguson Right CBS News Young & Ent Restless The Insider KIRO News Big Brother ””

Dr. Phil Person ” of

” ”

Brandi Storage Cement Storage

A&E 1

Mr. Young SpongeBob Boys Chucks


Don’t Drive Here

22 Minutes Bookaboo CBC News Coronation Doodlebops Coronation Best Recipes Murdoch Stefano Mysteries CBC Mercer News Rick Now 22 Minutes

SportsCentre The Meredith The Dr. Oz SportsCentre News ” Vieira Hour Show News-Lisa Show

Montreal Impact


Curious Marine Machines Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm The First World War G. Shrinks Kate and PAW MagicPatrol Bus Movie: “Crossing Jelly Jack Jamm Bucket-Dino Wild Kratts the Line” Chung HopePatrol for PAW Wildlife Kate and Marine Machines Marine Astroblast Machinesthe Dragon Crossing

TLC ” < ”

Ed Sullivan’s American Rock and Ninja Warrior

Daily Show The CTVView News Seth Meyers ” The Marilyn etalk Denis Show Big Bang CTV News Criminal Minds”

Off Record The Talk SportsCentre ”” Interruption

Judge”Judy Judge”Judy KIRO KIRO News News Late KIROShow News

Rocks X-Weighted Early News Global”” Nat. ”Hour News News Noon Hour ”Hour News Final Ent Days of our ET Canada Canada Lives ET


(My Music) ”

ET Canada The Doctors Global Nat. Weird ” CHBC News X-Weighted Ent ” ET Canada Noon News Big Brother Hour ”

” Fashion ” Lives SportsCentre Rocks


Fashion Bold Rocks ThisMinute


” Ent ET Canada The Meredith Vieira Show Big Brother ”& The Doctors Young ” Restless Fashion

Minds Storage Storage The First 48 Hospital ” KOMO 4 Storage News Storage The Doctors The First 48 Wheel” Brandi” Jeopardy! Cement Steve Storage Harvey Storage Extreme Storage Weight Loss Storage The View CSI: Miami KOMO 4 Brandi ” News ”” Storage Storage ” Storage KOMO Criminal News 4 Storage News Minds World News Storage Shark Tank Storage ”4 Storage KOMO The Chew Criminal News ” Storage Minds News Brandi Jimmy Cement Wheel Brandi General The First 48 Jeopardy! Cement Hospital ” Kimmel Live Storage Nightline Extreme The Doctors Storage The First 48 Weight ” Loss Storage ” Storage Steve ” Storage ” Storage Harvey Storage


Rock Rewind Evening

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

CBC News ”



” ”

Uncomforta- Mr. Young ble Boys

MasterChef ”

Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News

Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen DeGeRunning Wild Today neres ”Show cont’d The Dr. Oz American New Day Show Ninja Warrior Northwest KING ”5 KING News ”5 News NightlyNews News KING Days News of our Tonight Lives News Show Evening Dr. Phil Seth Meyers ” Wild Running ” ” Being Poirot Ellen DeGe” neres Show Ed Sullivan’s American Rock and NinjaDr. Warrior ” The Oz ” Show Roll Classics ” ” Business KING ”5 World News KING News News Ed Sullivan’s Top Tonight PBS Nightly News NewsHour News Performers Show 1966-1969 Seth Meyers 50s and 60s News

Family Guy Family Guy

The National Airplane ” Repo

A&E 1


” ”

Wahlburgers Wipeout Wahlburgers ”

Criminal Minds

Super Why! PBS Thomas NewsHour

Funny Home The National How/Made Videos ” How/Made

The Insider

A&E 1


Sesame St. 50s and 60s Cat inRewind the Rock Being Poirot (My Music) Sesame ”” Street ” Ed Sullivan’s Dinosaur ” Rock and Dinosaur Business Roll Classics Peg Plus Cat World ”News Peg Plus Cat PBS Ed Sullivan’s Super Why! NewsHour Top Thomas 50s and 60s Performers Rock Rewind Sesame St. 1966-1969 Cat in the (My Music)

Big Bang Mom

KNOW KOMO Shark Tank * ` ”

Community Browns Community Payne


Seinfeld Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld Extreme The Middle ” Family Guy 18 Kids Divorce Extreme Mod Fam ” Family Guy 18 Kids Divorce To Be ” Big Bang Amer. Dad 18 Kids PaidBang Prog. Announced Big ” Amer. Dad 18 Kids Friends Browns ”” Jeffersons Medium King Payne ”” Jeffersons Medium King ”” Browns Movie: Say Yes Community Payne ”” “Eurotrip” Say Yes Community ” Mod Fam Peter Popoff ” ” Say Yes Seinfeld Paid Prog. ” Say Yes The Middle ” Family Guy ” How/Made ” Family Guy Steve ” Extreme The Middle ” How/Made Harvey Extreme Mod Fam The National Airplane ” ” Amer. Dad ” ” Repo Planet The Meredith ” Amer. Dad SpongeBob Amanda Daily To Be ” Big Bang Bread Lang News ” Vieira Big Bang Mr. Young CBC Don’t Drive News Show Announced ” Jeffersons Boys ” Here Fam ”” Jeffersons Odd Parents CBC News MythBusters Mod Two Men Browns SpongeBob The National ” ” Two Men Payne Haunting MythBusters How I Met ”” Movie: Haunting ” ” The Office ”” “Eurotrip” Sam & Cat The National Airplane Simpsons Browns Every Witch ” Repo Mod Fam ” Funny Home Amanda How/Made 30 Rock Peter Popoff Payne” Videos Lang How/Made Sunny Paid Prog. ” Next Star CBC News Don’t Drive Big Bang ” Mod Fam Assembly ” Here Big Bang ” Seinfeld

Murdoch Mysteries


” Dinosaur Dinosaur ”

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Business Peg Plus Cat News World News

Say Yes ” Say Yes ”

ET Canada


King Browns King Payne

Say Yes ” Say Yes ”



Big PaidBang Prog. Friends Big Bang

Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Steve MasterChef 30 Rock Harvey ” Paid Prog. The Meredith ” Family”Show Feud Vieira Family Feud Two Men News ThisMinute Two Men Mod Fam ThisMinute Simpsons How I Met Law & Mod Offi Fam The ce Order: SVU BigRock Bang 30 Big Bang Family Feud Sunny Family Feud MasterChef


MythBusters Don’t Drive Here ” How/Made How/Made Mayday How/Made How/Made ” Daily Planet Airplane Highway ” Repo Thru Hell MythBusters Don’t Drive Jacked! Here ” ” Airplane MythBusters NeverEver Repo ” NeverEver Don’t Drive How/Made Here MythBusters How/Made ” How/Made


New Prog. Day Paid Northwest

Medium ” Medium ”

Law & Simpsons Order: SVU Mod Fam


Running Wild MasterChef ” ”


Extreme 18 Kids Extreme 18 Kids

PowerNews & CBC Politics ” ” The National CBC News ”” Now With Amanda The National Carole Lang ” MacNeil CBC News News CBC CBC News ”” Now With The National The National Reshmi ”” Nair ” CBC News Amanda Power Lang ”& Politics The National

San Diego Chargers at

” ”


Reshmi Nair Airplane NeverEver The National NeverEver ” Repo


Love Prison ”


Jacked! ThisMinute MythBusters Two Men ThisMinute ” Two Men

News Live Love ble Prison Kimmel Nightline ” Wheel Love Prison Jeopardy! ”

CHBC News The Doctors Final ” ET Canada X-Weighted Weird ”

” Coronation Daily Show 22 Minutes Seth etalk Meyers Coronation Murdoch Big Bang Mysteries


Jacked! ”

Epic Ink Epic Ink

The National Yukon Men ” ”

Funny Home Amanda Videos Lang

Car Sharks Car Sharks

Highway Thru Hell

Hell’s Kitchen

KING 5 News

To Be Announced

Family Guy Family Guy

Friends: Live America’s Celtic Got Talent

The 132-lb. Scrotum

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Thunder Heritage

America’s Got Talent

News Mod Fam

Man-Half Body

Jeffersons Jeffersons


Taxi Brooklyn

How I Met The Office

To Be Announced

Movie: “The Mist”

Unleash the KING News Power of the Tonight

30 Rock Sunny

Peter Popoff Paid Prog.

” ”

” ”

Female Brain Show Dr. D. Amen Seth Meyers

A14 A14

Wednesday,September September3,3,2014 2014 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,

Your community. Your classifieds.



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July 24, 1930 ~ August 20, 2014 Ted was predeceased by his wife, Sally, son Dave and granddaughter Sarah. Survived by daughter, Lynn (Don) Owens, daughter Laurie Barry (Terry Montague), daughter in law, Karen Barry (Dan Obzera). Grandchildren: Dave (Carmen) Owens, Steve (Shyla) Owens, Kenneth Monture, Tyler Montague, Emily Montague, James Barry, Alex Barry, Travis Barry. Great Grandchildren: Austin Owens, Caiden Owens, Megan Owens, Kenya Owens, Kyndra Owens, Mitchell McLellan. Brother, Pat (Joan) Barry, Sister, Helen Bouck. A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, August 30, 2014 at the golf course in Holiday Park, Winfield BC, at 1pm.

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EDMONTON BASED Company seeks qualified & experienced Mulcher Operators. Seasonal work in Fort McMurray and area. Camp work. Safety tickets and drivers abstract required. Work to commence the last week of September approximately. Fax 780-488-3002; or email:

TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

Home Improvements FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928

Moving & Storage DAN-MEL Moving Services Local & Long Distance. 4 Ton, Power Tailgate 250-215-0147

Help Wanted

We Care is currently recruiting Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Care Aides for shift work in a seniors care home in Vernon. We Care is a nationally accredited Canadian company. We offer: diversity of work benefit packages unionized environment regular salary increases advancement opportunities supportive team environment If you have a love of working with the elderly and would like to be part of our caring team of professionals, please bring resume to: Carol Odagiri, Facility Coordinator We Care Home Health Services 3907 - 27th Street, Vernon or fax: 250-545-9729 or email:

Hunting Season Kick Off & Customer Appreciation Day. Saturday Sep. 6th, 10am-6pm. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths. The Okanagan’s Friendly Gunshop. 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel. 250-762-7575 Tues-Sat. 10-6 WeberMarkin

Fruit & Vegetables FRESH LOCAL

Blueberries, Garlic, Peppers, Tomatoes & Corn

Phone Bruce Duggan 250-766-2628 Kids Welcome!

Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? KILL BED bugs & their eggs! Buy Harris bed bug killer complete treatment program or kit. Available: Hardware Stores, buy online:

A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

KILL ROACHES! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. Eliminate bugs- guaranteed. No mess, odorless, long lasting. Available at Ace Hardware & The Home Depot. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online:

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Misc. Wanted Collector Buying Coin Collections, Native Art, Estates, Gold, Silver + 250-863-3082

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,September September3,3,2014 2014

Merchandise for Sale


Misc. Wanted

Auto Financing A15

Three million Canadians have a hearing loss.

FIREARMS. ALL types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed dealer. 1-866-9600045 PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670

I’m one of them.

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at

The Hearing Foundation of Canada funds the only nationally coordinated medical research program to find the cause and cure of hearing loss.

Sporting Goods Hunting Season Kick Off & Customer Appreciation Day. Saturday Sep. 6th, 10am-6pm. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths. The Okanagan’s Friendly Gunshop. 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel. 250-762-7575 Tues-Sat. 10-6 WeberMarkin

To learn more about our programs and how you can help, call 1-866 HEAR YOU, toll free or visit our web site,


Auto Financing

Don Harron


Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue!




Roosters Barber Shop

Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man! Tuesday to Friday 9-6 (Sr’s discount days)

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Frank Geber • 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Horton’s


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Josef Kalis


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250.765.1180 1.866.207.4444 NBEHFSPPĂ OH DPN $BMM UPEBZ GPS ZPVS '3&& &45*."5&

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Josef Kalis 250.766.1234 Serving the Okanagan since 1988


Serving Lake Country, Kelowna & Vernon • Call 778-214-7181 Residential & Commercial Properties • Portable Toilet Rentals • RV & Travel Trailers

Available 24 hrs./7 days a week CALL ANYTIME


RT Ranch Sausage & Custom Cutting Wild & Domestic OPEN AUG 15 TO MAY 15

250.547.0129 Cel: 250.306.0064


Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


Tuesday, September 16, 2014 | 7:00 pm Council Chambers Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd

Council has been asked to consider a Land Use Contract Discharge (Greenwell Waller) Bylaw 897, 2014 which would: 1. Discharge Land Use Contract 231 on the two subject properties. 2. The properties would be left with RR3 (Rural Residential 3) zone and the general requirements of the District of Lake Country Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007 would apply to the subject properties (See map below).  


Lot 6 Section 33 Township 20 ODYD Plan 29791 Lot 7 Section 33 Township 20 ODYD Plan 29791

Visit the online regional mapping system at and search by civic or legal address.

NOVEMBER 2014 LOCAL ELECTION The next BC General Election is November 2014. Look inside this newspaper for the Notice of Nomination for both local government offices of Mayor and Council and School District No. 23 School Trustee. Want to vote but won’t be in the community during Election time? Contact us to find out about registering to receive a Mail Ballot package so you can mail in your vote.  Reyna Seabrook, Chief Elections Officer, phone: 250-766-5650 ext 206  Willene Perez, Deputy Chief Elections Officer, Phone: 250-766-5650 ext 203 Visit the Election section of the Municipal website for more information at Public Skating

While the BCTF strike continues, Winfield Arena is open for public skating during specific weekday sessions while the public schools are not in session during September. Details at:

Council has been asked to consider a Zoning Amendment (DLC) Bylaw 898, 2014 which amends the District of Lake Country Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007 by: 1. DC3 (Direct Control 3) Deleting Section 19.3.4.(d)(i) of Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007 in its entirety and replacing with the following: (i) Maximum Lot Coverage is 40% and together with driveways and parking areas, shall not exceed 50% 2. DC4 (Direct Control 4) Deleting Section 19.4.5.(e) of Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007 in its entirety and replacing with the following: (e) Maximum Lot Coverage Maximum Lot Coverage is 40% and together with driveways and parking areas, shall not exceed 50%

Everyone Welcome

Otherwise the regular Public Skate schedule starts October 1, 2014.

Changing the current Maximum Lot Coverage requirement for both DC3 and DC4 Direct Control zones will improve ease of implementation and regulation understanding as well brings the DC3 and DC4 Direct Control Zones similar to other zones in the District Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007. GET MORE INFORMATION Copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents can be viewed at the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, Community Services Department (2nd Floor) from Wednesday, September 3, 2014 to Tuesday, September 16, 2014 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding weekends and statutory holidays. Call the Community Services Department at 250-766-6674. HAVE YOUR SAY Mail to 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 Email Speak at the Public Hearing

Lake Country Public Art Commission: PUBLIC ART CALL Project: Lake Country entrance signs Proposal Submission extended: Sept.15, 2014 Selection of Design: Sept. 2014 Completion & Installation: March 2015

Find out more:

Written submissions are included in the Public Hearing package and will be posted on the District of Lake Country website. Council may not receive any submissions after the Public Hearing has been closed. For more information on the public hearing process visit Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer

September 3, 2014

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