NEWS: Water treatment plant
COMMUNITY: Tree replacement funds
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Race on for local mayor By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
ENGULFED In flames
Photo submitted
A van caught fire on the top of Six Mile Hill east of Topley at 12 p.m. Sept. 2. Sgt. Rose says it was totally engulfed in flames when police arrived, with a travel trailer detached nearby. The two occupants escaped uninjured and highway traffic was re-routed through the brake check station while the Topley firefighters extinguished the fire. The fire was caused by an engine malfunction, said Sgt. Rose.
Shane Brienen is challenging Bill Holmberg for mayor in the upcoming municipal election in November. Brienen has been on council for three terms and says he is ready for a step up, “a new challenge.” His top priority for Houston is balancing the new budget and dealing with revenue cutbacks due to the closure of Houston Forest Products. “The biggest thing is how we go about those cuts… achieving those cuts while still keeping the community appealing for people to live in,” Brienen said, adding that it won’t be easy balancing out services with cutbacks. His other top priorities are 24 hour health care and fixing and repaving roads. Getting 24 hour
The length of term for mayor and council is now four years.
health care has been an ongoing struggle since before he was on council, Brienen said. “I still feel that Houston is deserving of that... Being an industrial town, with people working through the night and people in the backcountry with the logging and mining, 24 hour health care is an important thing. And it’s hard to attract investment in your community when people know that you don’t have health care available at night.” See MAYOR on Page 2
Coastal GasLink pipeline workers based in Houston By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
Coastal Gaslink workers are in Houston working with members of the First Nations to gain knowledge about the local area. Shawn Howard, spokesperson for TransCanada, said
the project is about sharing culturally important knowledge between generations. “The program creates the opportunity for one generation to pass down to another the traditional and cultural knowledge specific to areas along our proposed pipeline
“We appreciate the support of the participating Hereditary Chiefs,”
route,” Howard said. “This knowledge is built up by First Nations through
- Shawn Howard, TransCanada spokesperson generations of living in close contact with nature. Examples include favourite
EVENT GLTOY 2836d (Houston Today).indd 1
hunting, fishing and trapping locales, traditionally used trails and travel ways.”
The program concluded last week and Howard says the study will inform Coastal GasLink for their project planning and detailed engineering design. “We appreciate the support of the participating Hereditary Chiefs in carrying out this
program on their lands, with their people… We have been working with all of the hereditary and band leadership along the proposed pipeline route and people have been notified of our work before we enter a particular area. We will continue to do so,” Howard said.
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Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Houston Today
Shane Brienen challenges Bill Holmberg for mayor
MAYOR from Page 1 With roads, Brienen says the District has been falling behind with upkeep and “it would be really nice to get caught up.” Asked about highlights from his past three terms on council, Brienen said the top one was getting respite beds at
Municipal elections are set for November 15.
the Health Centre. “To be able to have people stay here when they’re in their final days… it makes it a
lot easier for families instead of having to run into Smithers or Burns Lake all the time,” he said.
He added that the other big accomplishment was getting funding for the water treatment plant. “That was a big one for the community, for the people that live here but also for people that come in and invest. If you want to build a new hotel or a new restaurant, it’s
kind of hard to do something like that and have that dirty water pouring out of your taps,” he said. HOLMBERG’S PLATFORM Running for his third term as mayor, Bill Holmberg says his top priority is financial
stability. “The next four years are going to be crucial for the well-being of this town. I think you need somebody that’s got good financial background and strong people skills,” Holmberg said. With the $600,000 revenue loss, “you better have somebody
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in there that can make tough decisions when they need to be made.” Holmberg’s other top priorities are economic stability and infrastructure. “I think the big thing we have to bring in is some secondary industry. We’re still going to be a resource town and there’s no denying that and there’s no shame in that,” he said. “We’re working right now with the forest service and license holders to see if we can bring in some value-added sawmills. It’s still a ways away but those are the types of things that I want to work on.” He also sees c o n t i n u i n g improvements on infrastructure as a top priority, and projects like the deteriorating water reservoir. Asked what he sees as the big accomplishments from his time as mayor, Holmberg said low tax rates was a big one. “We’ve had some of the lowest property taxes in the province. We’ve fought hard to keep property taxes low and that’s been huge,” he said. The second big thing was getting funding for the water treatment plant. “That has been huge,” he said. COUNCILLORS C o u n c i l l o r Jonathan Van Barneveld said he will run again for Houston council. Michalle Jolly said she will not run, as her husband was transferred to Quesnel after the HFP closure and her family is moving. Other councillors Rick Lundrigan, Dawn Potvin and Kyle Thomson are either undecided or could not be reached by press deadline. The length of term for mayor and council changes this year into four year terms instead of three. H o u s t o n ’ s municipal election is November 15 and nominations for mayor and council are open until mid-October.
Houston Today
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
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WATER Treatment Plant
Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today
The Houston water treatment plant is set to be up and running by the end of January 2015. The primary contractor, Canadian Western Mechanical, is finishing up the light steel framing and moving into heavy steel construction, to be done by the end of September. Above are Councillors Rick Lundrigan, Michalle Jolly and Jonathan Van Barneveld with Mayor Bill Holmberg and Director of Engineering John Guenther. Council toured the site to check on progress last Wednesday.
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HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Houston Today
Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: or: Advertising:
In our opinion:
Independent inquiry needed
f the stuff in a mine’s tailing pond is benign, why does it have to be contained in secure facilities?
For whatever reason, Mount Polley Mine’s waste containing facility wasn’t secure enough, and now people’s faith in mine safety has been broken along with the breach in the dam. It’s impossible to predict the environmental consequences of this event. The economic repercussions are being felt already. In the worst case scenario, the mine won’t re-open and the gunk will do grievous damage to the environment. The best scenario would see the mess cleared up in jig time with little harm done to anything or anyone. (Dream on). Meantime the blame game is going full blast with fingers pointing in all directions. What went wrong? Was government oversight lacking? Was the mine careless? Did the devil do it? We are bombarded with conflicting information and expert opinions. Most of us believe whoever is saying what we want to hear, but the expert I know personally and trust is Jack Leggett. He was the provincial fisheries biologist here for some 30 years. His knowledge of local waterways and the fish in them is first class. I don’t have space to report all his thoughts, but he believes an independent public inquiry would “be in order” to establish what went wrong, and prevent anything like it happening again. He is right. With love and kisses to government and mine investigators, this is no time for an in-house inquiry. We need an independent body with no vested interests to look into the debacle. That’s the only way to regain the public trust. - Diana French, Black Press
Have an Opinion? Write to the Editor!
Letters should be brief and to the point, with a maximum of 300 words. We reserve the right to withhold from print any letters which may be libelous, racist or sexist, and may edit for brevity and clarity. Letters MUST include the signature of the letter writer, a mailing address and a phone number. Only the name will be reproduced in the newspaper. Send letters to: Houston Today, Box 899, Houston, BC, V0J 1Z0. Fax to 250-845-7893 or email to
Swapping the office My 11-year-old daughter Daisy asked me a few weeks ago if she could have a desk in her bedroom. I looked at her like she was insane. “Where would we put it?” I asked motioning around her small room. “There’s no space left.” “We could put it in the closet,” she replied. “It would fit perfectly in there.” She was right – that could definitely work. Since I’d recently converted my home office next door into a big walkin closet for the two of us, we no longer needed this one to store her clothes. Unprepared to do anything in that busy moment I told her I’d think about it. But I didn’t actually think about it until last week when I was in a
thrift store and a sweet wooden desk caught my eye. This thing was solid. It was in excellent shape, had three drawers and the unit was petite enough that I could easily imagine it nestled into Daisy’s little closet as she suggested. It occurred to me that taking some measurements of the space would have been a good idea, but since I’ve hesitated on potential purchases only to return and find them gone, I decided to take my chance and just buy it. After handing the clerk two $10 bills for my beautiful bargain I loaded the drawers and then the desk into the back of my truck and drove home, excited at the prospect of emptying out the
pretty blue nook and putting it in there. Before taking it out I measured it and ran upstairs to do the same to the closet. Luckily it was a few inches wider and the depth was just right. Eager to get started on my newest little decorating surprise I removed Daisy’s hoodies and hung them downstairs with the rest of her coats. I then took out her books, toys and shelving and piled them in the hallway to deal with later. I unloaded the desk, lugged it up the stairs and inserted it into the emptied out, door-less alcove. It fit like a glove. My husband and son were out, but my daughter and her friend were there as I worked away. I kept
expecting one of them to walk into the room and discover what I was doing, but they didn’t. Instead they would come and go from the backyard and enter every other room, never questioning the mess I was creating in the hallway. After I was done setting up her mini office and making it look pretty, I started cleaning up the hallway, finding places to put all the stuff I’d taken out. Finally I heard the sound I’d been anticipating: the scream of glee. Running out of her room, Daisy hugged me tight, thanked me profusely and showered me with compliments about how brilliant I was. She had forgotten this whole idea came from
On a brighter note Lori Welbourne her in the first place. She quickly took ownership of it once I reminded her though. “You know what would be super cool in the backyard?” she later asked, sitting at her desk with a cup of tea and a big smile on her face. “An in-ground pool with a slide.” She was right – that could definitely work as well. If only I could make it happen with a couple of $10 bills.
Black Press Group Ltd.
B.C. Owned and Operated
DISTRIBUTED EVERY WEDNESDAY HOUSTON TODAY published by Black Press “Member, B.C. Press Council” Reproduction of contents either in part or in whole are not permitted without prior consent Copyright Canada No. 22 Serial No. 132934
Annual Subscriptions: Local (Houston only): $38.00 (includes tax) Seniors: $28.00 (includes tax) Out of Town: $50.00 (includes tax) We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
M.A. Ruiter - Sales Manager Jackie Lieuwen - Reporter/Photographer Annamarie Douglas - Production Manager
BC Press Council - Houston Today is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith,B.C. V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Houston Today
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0
Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: or: Advertising:
On the
Street... What do you like most about being back in school?
By Jackie Lieuwen
Oliver Shane Grade 3
Alicia Bishop Grade 9
Cohen Jaarsma Grade 2
“I like school because it’s less boring. I like Math class too, because it’s kind of fun.”
“I like Math and gym. And I like to be back with my friends, I haven’t seen them much during summer vacation.”
“The best part of being back is seeing all my friends again, ‘cause it’s been a long time. They were all gone at the beginning of the summer and I was gone during the end. And I like organizing my new locker.”
“I get to see my friends more often now. And I like the free time.”
Question was asked at the Independent private Houston Christian School which is holding classes.
Letters to the
Dear Editor, I have a beef to share. Too many people are inaccurately using the term “acute toxicity” when talking
Malachi Verbeek Grade 7
about Polley Lake. Not only is their use of the term inaccurate, it’s also recklessly misleading. Acute toxicity
Polley Lake not dead, just a hangover results from a single or short exposure to a poisonous substance which then causes severe biological harm or even death. An example of acute toxicity would be a
lethal dose of common alcohol, aka “booze.” At Polley Lake there is an “elevated” level of substances, not “acute toxicity.” A suitable analogy would be a hangover
from having consumed too much alcohol. As everyone knows, a hangover is painful but can be remedied, or remediated, if the source of the contaminant (alcohol)
is removed or stopped, allowing the body to recover naturally. So, Polley Lake is not dead, folks! It just has a hangover. Let’s stop saying it’s dead, let nature take
its course, and let Polley Lake get over this hangover while we figure out how to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Jessica Marte Burnaby, BC
Province eyes longer school year to offset strike By Jeff Nagel Black Press
Education Minister Peter Fassbender says the province may take extraordinary steps to ensure senior secondary students’ school year is not cut short by the teachers strike. That could mean adding days to the school calendar later in the year, he said, to ensure Grade 12 students in particular complete their courses and get all the marks they need. “Do you put it on the end of the year? Do you take it out of Spring Break? Do you take it out of Christmas holidays? My staff are looking at all of the options,” Fassbender said. “It’s going to depend on how long this drags out. Whatever length of time it takes to get this settled, we will do
everything we can to make sure the school year is kept whole for those students.” It’s unclear how the government would finance adding extra days of classes later when all of the $12 million per day in strike savings may be consumed by the province’s offer of $40-a-day payments to parents. “If they were accumulating the savings, that would be one thing – they would have a fund,” Vancouver School Board chair Patti Bacchus said. “But they’re giving away the budget right now to parents that would be otherwise available to pay for that.” As of Thursday, 63 per cent of parents of eligible public school children under 13 had signed up for the $40 payments, which are expected to be made as
a lump sum after the strike ends.
union locals ratify new contracts.
Other costs that the province continues to incur while schools are closed include salaries for school administration as well as support staff with other unions that are eligible to be compensated for pay lost for not crossing teacher picket lines. Support staff costs could hit $5 million a day once all their
Education ministry officials said school districts would be consulted on any potential changes to the school year to mitigate the strike. But Bacchus said she’s heard nothing so far and predicted it would be disruptive to families that have booked vacations and made other commit-
ments far in advance. “It’s not going to be easy,” she said, noting changes would also require exemptions from School Act requirements. Talk of calendar adjustments is another sign of possible longterm implications from the strike, even though it has only disrupted the first few days of the new school year. Parents have scrambled for limited space for child care, day camps, tutors and even private school placements for their children. Stepping up to meet the demand have been independent schools and, increasingly, public school teachers no longer drawing a regular paycheque who are advertising “tutor” services online. “I work for the Surrey School District and I am willing to tutor your child in
the comfort of your own home,” reads one Craigslist post from an elementary school teacher. Distance learning through independent online schools is another option. The B.C. Online School run out of Kelowna by Heritage Christian Schools has been swamped with three times the normal number applications for distributed learning from students across the province as a result of the strike. “We are overloaded with kids coming to us, particularly those in Grade 12 who want to get a particular course and get their requirements for university,” said superintendent Greg Bitgood. The online school, which is half funded by the province, instructed 3,400 students in its summer school – three times the normal number – and turned
away another 6,000. Demand has surged again now that the strike has spilled into September and pushed back the scheduled start of classes. Bitgood is weighing whether to hire more teachers in response. But it’s risky because a deal or government legislation could send teachers back to work and students back to regular classes, said Bitgood, who emphasized he also wants the public school shutdown to end quickly. There’s only four such independent schools that offer distributed learning to students in the public system, Bitgood said, adding “there’s no way” the industry can meet the demand created by the strike. Another independent online school based in Surrey declined to comment, saying the issue was “too sensitive.”
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Houston Today
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Household, Tools, and many items too numerous to mention. Camping Gear. Bailey Spooner than Turcotte Broth ks ers
TREE Funding
Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today
The Bulkley Valley Credit Union gave the District of Houston a $6,000 grant for the downtown tree replacement program this summer.
Topley 4-H Members to thank anks root th ht G t t e r B sbrec Jeff Gie
hanks phen t d e t S y d l Gra trimbo Tony S
s n thank e w E c Tyrell M ific Truck Pac
Rebeka Andy M h Groot thank eints Co s ntractin g
Carli Wardrop thanks Bulkley Valley Credit Union
s s thank n e m ie Jody S osco Hauling R LVN /
Sammy S poone Bell Bro r thanks thers
Houston Today
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Council to adopt ticket bylaw for enforcement By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
The District of Houston is reviewing a ticket bylaw, set to be adopted September 16. The bylaw empowers the Bylaw Enforcement Officer, Building Inspector and RCMP to enforce municipal bylaws by issuing tickets. “Before this there was no mechanism for council to enforce bylaws,” said Chief Administrative Officer Michael Glavin. “This is a complaint-driven process, with the exception of parking and some of the noise bylaw issues.” The bylaw includes tickets for everything from failures to have a business licence for $100, to noise that
disturbs or driving a noisy vehicle for $200, to obstructing authority for $1,000. There are unsightly premises tickets ranging from $150 for allowing garbage to build up, to $250 for dumping trash in open spaces, to $500 for placing graffiti. For business licence or sign infractions, tickets range from $50 to $100, and for screening and landscaping failures fines are $100. Violations of the development bylaw may lead to tickets of $100 to $500. Parking tickets are $100, obstructing a street is $100, and interfering with traffic is $500. More tickets include failure to remove snow from sidewalk for $100,
“ and impeding snow removal for $200. Owners of unlicensed dogs could
standards of maintenance bylaw is $150 fine, including failure to keep a rental
that the biggest fine is $1,000 for obstructing authority. “The numbers that
“It’s a complaint-driven policy . . . The goal is to make people more responsible for what they’re doing.”
be fined $100, having pets at large is $100, allowing a dog to bark excessively is $200 and failure to muzzle a dangerous dog is $100. All garbage disposal violations could lead to $100 fine, from having unlawful containers, to depositing animal feces waste, to having an overweight container. Violating the
- Mayor Bill Holmberg place weather tight or rid it of pests, to failure to maintain locks or supply proper water. Director of Engineering John Guenther said the dollar amounts were determined by surveying other municipalities. “These are more in the higher range rather then average range,” Guenther said, adding
are given are meant to be a deterrent. It’s not meant to be a money gathering mechanism,” he said. CAO Glavin said the fines also cover administration costs and staff time. “It does cost the district a fair bit of money to issue these tickets,” he said. Guenther added that issuing a ticket is very rare.
“We won’t be issuing lots of tickets… most of the time it’s a warning,” he said. If a violation happens, the ticket process begins with warnings, then a ticket is personally delivered or left at a person’s home. The person has fourteen days to pay the fine and accept liability for the offence, or to notify the local government that they will dispute the ticket. Ticket disputes go to court. “It’s not a cash generating system, it’s a complaint-driven policy,” said Mayor Bill Holmberg. “We’re not going to make any money off these tickets.The goal is to make people more responsible for what they’re doing.” Police are enforcers
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for the traffic bylaw, animal control and noise bylaws. RCMP Sergeant Stephen Rose says most of their enforcement will be complaint driven, and noise tickets are what they will issue most to deal with repeat offenders. “Up to this point, all we’ve been able to do as police is respectfully ask people to turn down their music or move their party inside so that their neighbours can sleep. However, if they refused to do so there was no enforcement action that could be taken,” Sgt. Rose said. “It’s important because it allows us to begin making people accountable for being nuisances to their neighbours,” Sgt. Rose said.
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By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
Regional District Director Rob Newell will run again in RDBN elections this fall. “There were two major reasons why I ran for election originally. The first being that this region and this area specifically has the potential to provide a future for our children and grandchildren. The second, that with my business background I
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
could help build a vibrant, diverse and sustainable regional economy,” Newell said. “Over the past three years I believe I have achieved the short term goals. However, in order to move forward and establish the long term objectives already started, I will be letting my name stand for another term.” In the elections for school trustees, Les Kearns said he will run again.
0 84 %
YEARS/40,000 KM
District staff fix a water valve leak on 12th Street and Copeland Avenue. Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today
0% 84 FOR
2014 YUKON
Call Sullivan Motor Products at 250-845-2244, or visit us at 2760 Yellowhead Highway, Houston. [License #5631]
Houston Today
Representatives run in regional district election, school trustees A trustee for the last nine years, Kearns says he’s not ready to fully retire. “I think that I’ve got lots of experience both as a trustee and in the education field, and I think I can still contribute to the school system,” he says. Current Trustee Sheryl Yaremco could not be reached by press deadline. The Bulkley Valley Regional District election is November 15.
1,500 †
2014 SIERRA 1500†*
2014 TERRAIN ¥
2014 TERRAIN ^^
2014 TERRAIN‡ *
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2014 SIERRA 1500
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Clubs Day on September 11 By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
Clubs Day is back. The Houston Community Hall will be open 3 to 7 p.m. Sept. 11 for anyone wanting to learn about or get involved in Houston clubs. Over 12 Houston clubs will feature, including figure skating, minor hockey, the horse club, Search and Rescue, ringette, ACT, HOPE, and more. There will also be information tables for the Public Library, the Houston Leisure Facility, Work BC and mental health and addictions services. “Sometimes it’s hard for people to know where to go to register for certain programs or leagues,” said Ryan Coltura, Director of Leisure Services. He added that the District wants to “give residents an opportunity to have a one-stop shop of things that they can get themselves or their kids registered for in the community,” he said. “We encourage all
of the public to come out and check out what programs and services the different groups are offering, and maybe try out a new activity or get involved in a new organization.” Coltura says Houston used to host a Clubs Day, and they’re trying to resurrect the event.
“We recognize how many great organizations and clubs we have in town and we’re trying to get them as much exposure as we can,” Coltura said. Tables are still available for clubs to use and registration is free. Contact the Leisure Facility at 845-7420.
HOUSTON CLUBS SERVICES & SOCIETIES DAY Thursday, September 11th, 2014 3:00-7:00pm at the Houston Community Hall
• Register for upcoming programs/seasons • Become a member or volunteer of an amazing organization • Get involved in your community • Learn about the great services and programs offered in Houston Call 250-845-7420 or stop by the Leisure Facility to reserve a free table for your club, service or society.
District of Houston
AIR BRAKES COURSE B.V. Driving School Ltd.
is offering an air brakes course in Houston on
Friday (evening) September 19th, Saturday, September 20th & Sunday, September 21st, 2014.
Anyone interested in taking the course or wants more information about the air brakes course, please call
250-845-3288 or Cell 250-845-1112 Email:
Toll Free: 1-888-644-3555 •
Spaces are limited so call ASAP
PosiƟon Overview:
The Sawmill Supervisor is responsible for exceeding targets in quality, cost control and employee engagement with an uncompromising focus on safety standards. This key posi�on reports to the Sawmill Superintendent and works closely with maintenance and other staff to ensure safety, produc�on and overall plant efficiency. The successful incumbent will require superior leadership skills to deliver on World Class results and possesses a comprehensive knowledge of manufacturing opera�ons, OH&S and industrial rela�ons.
Carroll Family
we would like to say thank you to everyone for all the support, cards and flowers given to us with the recent loss of our son Tim Carroll. ~ Bob & Carroll
• Three to ve years related supervisory experience, preferably in a manufacturing environment; • Post-secondary educa�on in forestry, business, engineering or related eld; • Self-mo�vated individual with well-developed organiza�onal, �me management and analy�cal skills; • Demonstrated ability to work and contribute in a team environment; • Superior computer applica�on skills; • Technical knowledge of sawmill equipment and log and lumber scanning systems is a denite asset.
Situated at an eleva�on of 595 meters (1950 feet) above sea level, Merri� tends to experience mild winters with li�le snowfall and warm, dry, sunny summers; Merri� is a 3 hour drive from Vancouver, 1.5 hours from Kelowna, 45 minutes from Kamloops. There are airports in both Kamloops and Kelowna if you are looking to travel further aeld. At a popula�on of 8,000 inhabitants, Merri� is able to provide you with all your daily living needs in a convenient and compact city core. We’re large enough to have what you need, we’re small enough that the clerks will soon remember and address you by name.
Our tradi�on of excellence is built on strong company values, a challenging environment, and con�nuous development. To explore current career opportuni�es and become a part of our community, apply at today.
Apply today to work over the winter months earning great money and benefits! Sanjel – an employee focused, safety first Oilfield Service Company – is looking for experienced Class 1 drivers with clean driver’s abstract.
If you are interested in exploring this opportunity and being a part of our community please submit your resume by Sunday September 14th, 2014. We thank all candidates for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
For more information, or to submit resumes and abstracts, e-mail or call 1-800-972-6535.
are HERE!
When you join Tolko Industries, you are signing on with an industry leader in world markets that has built success through three genera�ons with over 3000 employees and growing. We provide a dynamic environment with compe��ve compensa�on where people succeed as our most valuable resource. Our structure and culture encourage innova�on, growth, and change in an open environment, and we believe in and prac�ce environmental sustainability.
Nicola Valley Division – MerriƩ, BC
On behalf of the entire
Looking for your next great career opportunity?
T hank you
Build Your Career With Us Do you thrive in a dynamic and challenging environment with opportuni�es for con�nuous growth and development?
Houston Today
Apply Today!
HOPE forToday
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Houston Today
First Things First
I woke up in the middle of the night. It was pitch dark. I could not see my hand in front of me. I groped around for the light switch on the lamp beside the bed. “Click”, still no light. The power was out. I needed to find a flashlight, where had I put it the last time I had used it? After stumbling around feeling my way around and bumping into things I finally found the flashlight. It worked and everything around me was visible. I was able to see where I was going. I have a friend who is a believer in Jesus Christ. She told me that before she was a believer, she would to try to understand what the Bible was saying and when she would read it, nothing made sense to her. It was just a jumble of words, just like groping in the dark with the power off. Sometimes people tried to convince her of spiritual things but they also did not make sense to her. The day she surrendered to Jesus Christ everything changed, the lights came on in her heart, she picked up her Bible and it made sense. She was able to understand God’s word and apply it to her life. She has been growing in her walk with God ever since. When we try to live without God, we are really walking without any real direction in our lives. We grope in the dark and do not understand. By trying to find our own way, ultimately nothing really makes sense. We do not see the way God has created for us to walk in. Without Jesus, even those who think themselves “spiritual” grope in the darkness. “They are blind guides leading the blind, and if one blind person guides another, they will both fall in the ditch.” Matthew 15:14 NLT Yet he created us for a reason and that reason is to follow him with all our heart. (Proverbs 3:5,6) Jesus said “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” John 8:12 NLT. What are we going to do? Are we going to continue to stumble around groping in the darkness or will we trust Jesus to be our light, first, before we step out into this dark world? Jesus said “I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark.” John 12:46 NLT Submitted by Ken Penner Sponsored by Riverside Gardens
FUN FOR Tadpoles
Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today
Casey and Sydney enjoy the free play time at Tadpoles. Tadpoles is a program run by the Houston Friendship Centre for kids under five years old. It runs every Thursday 10 to 11:30 a.m. and includes things like snack time, crafts, circle time and free play. It is a parent-interactive group that runs year round as a drop in program.
we want to hear from you The BC Electoral Boundaries Commission is reviewing provincial electoral districts and making proposals to the Legislative Assembly on the area, boundaries and names of electoral districts to be used for the next two provincial general elections.
Now is the time to have your say and shape your province.
The commission wants to hear your views on provincial electoral districts to help inform a preliminary report to the Legislative Assembly.
the commission at a local public hearing between September 22 and November 7, 2014 EMAIL:
current electoral district maps
about the commission
and provide your input by Sunday, November 16, 2014.
Visit for information about the commission’s work and commissioners, BC Electoral Boundary Commission history, a schedule and location of public hearings, an accessible online submission form, links to legislation and more.
Houston Today
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Police report By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
On Aug. 28 police helped SPCA with a search warrant on Perow Loop. RCMP Sgt. Stephen Rose says they seized an insecure and unsafely stored firearm at the home. The case is still under investigation and charges are expected. *** Police stopped three drunk drivers at a road check on Highway 16 Aug. 31. The first was a class seven driver who was screened and found
to have alcohol levels below the legal limit but above the limit on his licence. The driver was issued a 12-hour driving prohibition. The second driver failed the roadside screen and had a 90-day driving prohibition in 2014, so was arrested for impaired driving. Police suspended the drivers licence for 24 hours and served them another driving prohibition, charging them for impaired driving and driving with alcohol level over 0.08. The third driver
failed the roadside screen and police issued him a 90-day driving prohibition and impounded the vehicle for 30 days. *** Police are investigating a theft at Jamie Baxter Park at 2:20 p.m. Sept. 2. Sgt. Rose says a male and female were both drunk, got in a fight and the male stole the female’s cell phone. Charges are expected. *** Police called Search and Rescue at 10:30 p.m. Sept. 2 to look for some overdue campers who had gone boating on Lamprey Lake. Sgt. Rose says SAR used a fixed wing aircraft and found the campers
SPCA seizes over 50 animals Police and the SPCA seized over 50 animals from a home on Perow Loop Aug. 28. The seizure came after numerous complaints and SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) orders demanding that the owners fix problems such as insufficient food and water and lack of shelter. SPCA and police seized 18 horses, 18
dogs, 15 birds and two cats, as well as a dirty tank of fish, said Cst. Thom. “The horses were kept in unclean and substandard conditions. Many were underweight and several had overgrown hooves and suspected parasites,” says Marcie Moriarty, chief prevention and enforcement officer for the BC SPCA. “There was no food present in any of the
enclosures and most of the horses had no access to water.” There were German shepherds, poodle crosses, Chinese crested dogs, a Newfoundland cross, a pit bull, a Maltese cross and a bloodhound cross. The 15 birds included cockatiels, love birds, quail, budgies and a conure, said Moriarty. SPCA investigation continues.
safe and sound. The campers and those who reported them overdue had a miscommunication. *** Police checked a group of young males walking past the station with beer at 9:55 p.m. Sept. 3. Sgt. Rose says one male lied about his identity, was given an opportunity to be truthful, but declined and was arrested for obstruction. After searching the male, police found
identification and discovered the male was wanted on warrant. The male was arrested on warrant and faces two new charges for obstructing a police officer and breaching conditions. *** In the past six days, police have dealt with seven traffic complaints, three noise bylaw complaints, two abandoned 9-1-1 calls, and one false alarm.
It’s time for the
Annual Helen Sullivan Memorial Fun Run/Walk September 20, 2014 - 10:00am Whether you go it alone or as a team, make a pledge to raise your heart rate as well as funds!
All proceeds go to the Houston Retirement Housing Society All participants - Pledge sheets can be picked up at the Houston Chamber of Commerce Monday to Friday 9-5 & the Houston Leisure Facility
What are your priorities for the next provincial budget? The all-party Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services will be holding province-wide public consultations on the next provincial budget. British Columbians are invited to participate by attending one of 17 public hearings or by making a written submission, sending an audio or video file, or completing an online survey.
W E W A N T T O H E A R F R O M YO U ! The deadline for submissions is Friday, October 17, 2014. To register to appear at a public hearing or for more information, please visit our website at: or contact: Parliamentary Committees Office, Room 224, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4; tel: 250.356.2933, or toll-free in BC: 1.877.428.8337; fax: 250.356.8172; e-mail: Susan Sourial, Committee Clerk
Qui Take o z & ur WIN !
are HERE!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Houston Today
Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.
250.845.2890 fax 250.845.7893 email
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
AL-ANON Are you affected by someone’s drinking? Al-Anon meetings are Monday, 7pm at the Houston United Church. Contact number: (250) 8457774. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meetings are at the Houston United Church, Monday and Thursday at 7:00pm. Contact number is:1-877-644-2266 BENEFIT GROUP - Suffering from a Disability? The Canadian Government wants to give you up to $40,000. For details check out our website: or Call us today toll-free 1-888875-4787.
FOY SPA RV Resort has more winter fun for less! Hot mineral springs, events, activities, fitness, entertainment, Canadian friends in southern California, or 888-800-0772.
PARTS Counter Position Campbell River Equipment Sales (CRES) Ltd. is a locally owned and operated NAPA Auto Parts associate store servicing the automotive, logging, mining, and fishing industries, as well as retail sales. CRES is seeking a quality counter person for a full time position. Send resume to
TUG SKIPPER Full time senior & junior positions available. Minimum Limited Master <60GT Certificate required. Apply via email: or by fax: (250) 974-5216
An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051.
Personals MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. no Risk Program stop Mortgage & Maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248
Employment Help Wanted ROCK Construction & Mining requires a Heavy Duty Mechanic for work at various job locations across Canada. The successful candidate must be experienced with hydraulic systems and CAT engines. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in Terex Reedrill and Atlas Copco drills. Must have the ability to work independently and diagnose problems. Competitive wage and benefits package. Please send resumes to: or fax to (250) 828-1948 Resident caretaker wanted with hotel management experience. Duties include front desk, housekeeping and restaurant supervision. Please apply with resume at 551-11th Ave, Kamloops or email: or fax: 250-372-9444
Pleasant Valley Restaurant Phone: 250-845-2232 Fax resume to: 250-845-3650 Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0
dĆ&#x152;Ä&#x201A;Ä?Ć&#x;ŽŜ dĹ?Ć&#x152;Ä&#x17E; Ĺ&#x161;Ä&#x201A;Ć? Ä&#x201A;Ĺś Ĺ˝Ć&#x2030;Ä&#x17E;ĹśĹ?ĹśĹ? ĨŽĆ&#x152; Ä&#x201A; Ĩƾůů Ć&#x;ĹľÄ&#x17E;
TIRE SERVICE TECHNICIAN Ç&#x2020;Ć&#x2030;Ä&#x17E;Ć&#x152;Ĺ?Ä&#x17E;ĹśÄ?Ä&#x17E; Ĺ?Ć? Ä&#x201A;Ĺś Ä&#x201A;Ć?Ć?Ä&#x17E;Ć&#x161;Í&#x2DC; tÄ&#x17E; Ä&#x201A;Ć&#x152;Ä&#x17E; Ç Ĺ?ĹŻĹŻĹ?ĹśĹ? Ć&#x161;Ĺ˝ Ć&#x161;Ć&#x152;Ä&#x201A;Ĺ?ĹśÍ&#x2DC; Please apply in person with resume to:
2216 Nadina Ave. North, Houston, B.C. Phone: 250-845-2700
Everyone Welcome! 3KRQH
Houston Canadian Reformed Church SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 AM & 2:30 PM Pastor Carl VanDam 2IĂ&#x20AC; FH 3KRQH ~ Everyone Welcome ~ 3797 Omineca Way, Box 36, Houston, BC
Houston Christian Reformed Church 1959 Goold St., Box 6, Houston 250-845-7578
3DVWRU 0DUWLQ 9HOOHNRRS ~ Everyone Welcome! ~
Services: 10:00 am & 3:00 pm
Houston Today 250-845-2890 Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Job Title: Band Administrator JOB DESCRIPTION: The Moricetown Band Administrator will be responsible for the administration of all Band Programs and will ensure programs are administered within the budget allocated. The Band Administrator will ensure that Band policies and regulations are adhered to, and supervise all Band Program Managers and Contractors. Job Duties: â&#x20AC;˘ Ability to manage, supervise and provide support to staff in addressing programming requirements. â&#x20AC;˘ Advisor to Chief and Council on all areas of Band Management â&#x20AC;˘ Knowledge working with provincial and federal funding agencies including: programs, regulations, procedures of AANDC, and other funding arrangements. â&#x20AC;˘ Good knowledge of financial accounting principles for budget planning and monitoring of expenditures. â&#x20AC;˘ Develop and implement annual strategic plans. â&#x20AC;˘ Ability to write funding proposals, preparation of reports and correspondence. â&#x20AC;˘ Attend monthly Council Meetings and Committee meetings (as required). â&#x20AC;˘ Provide the council with monthly reports on band programs and operations. â&#x20AC;˘ Possess strong administrative and computer skills. â&#x20AC;˘ Ability to communicate effectively verbally and written. â&#x20AC;˘ Must submit a criminal record check. â&#x20AC;˘ Experience working within a First Nations Community. JOB QUALIFICATIONS: â&#x20AC;˘ A Degree in Business Administration or Management â&#x20AC;˘ Project Leadership, Project Management and/or Community Development experience â&#x20AC;˘ 4-5 years experience working with First Nations in a management role. â&#x20AC;˘ Ability to write funding proposals. â&#x20AC;˘ Accounting experience. â&#x20AC;˘ Salary to commensurate with qualifications and experience. â&#x20AC;˘ Knowledge of Wetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;suwetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;en culture will be an asset. Please direct any questions or resumes complete with a cover letter and three references to: Personnel Committee Chief Barry Nikal, Des McKinnon & Duane Mitchell Cc: Monica Michell, Assistant Band Manager email: or Phone (250) 847-2133 Fax (250) 847-9291 Closing Date: September 12, 2014 at 4:30 pm Only those applicants considered for this position will be notified.
CHURCH DIRECTORY Anglican Church of St. Clement
2324 Butler Ave., Box 599, Houston, BC
HOUSTON PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 2024 Riverbank Drive, Box 597, Houston Phone: 250-845-2678 â&#x20AC;˘ Pastor: Mike McIntyre
Phone: 250-845-4940
Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 am Sunday Prayer Meeting: 7:00 pm Sunday School: During the Service Everyone Welcome
Services are: 10:30 a.m. Sundays 2106 Butler Ave. Houston, B.C. Contact: 250-845-2282
Santokh Singh Manhas 250-845-2705 Houston, B.C. V0J lZ0
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
3428 - 9th Street, Houston â&#x20AC;˘ email: â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
Customer service - making subs, pitas, pizzas. Kitchen work as required. Must be able to work weekends and nights as required. Must be able to work split shifts as required. Part time also accepted but must work weekends & nights. Full time is 40 hours per week.
Rate: $10.25 - $11.50 per hour
5th Street, Houston Industrial Site, Houston
OFFICE WORKER NEEDED â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
Should have some basic computer skills Regular office duties Support to management and assisting customer Work hours are: Tuesday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Apply in person, with resumĂŠ.
WELDER West Fraser Mills Ltd. requires a Journeyman Welder for shift work at Pacific Inland Resources in Smithers, BC. West Fraser offers a comprehensive benefits package. Please submit resume in person, by mail or by fax before October 8th, 2014 to: Dean MacDonald Pacific Inland Resources Box 3130 Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Fax: 250-847-5520
District of Houston
CASUAL (1) & PART-TIME (1) REFRIGERATION OPERATOR I The District of Houston is now accepting applications for both a Casual and a Part-time Refrigeration Operator I at the arena from September 15, 2014 to March 22, 2015. This is a CUPE Union position at a rate of pay of $28.56 per hour. Preference will be given to individuals possessing the following qualifications: â&#x20AC;˘ Training in the area of refrigeration operations â&#x20AC;˘ Mandatory Certification in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Safety Awarenessâ&#x20AC;?, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ice Facility Operatorâ&#x20AC;? OR Power Engineer - Class 5 with Refrigeration Endorsement A complete job description can be picked up at the Municipal Office. A positive attitude and ability to work in a team environment is a must! Applications will be received at the District of Houston Municipal Office until Friday, September 12, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. Interested persons should direct all inquiries to: John J. Guenther, Director of Engineering & Development Services Phone: (250) 845-2238 â&#x20AC;˘ Fax: (250) 845-3429 e-mail: 3367, 12th St. Houston, BC V0J 1Z0
A healthy local economy depends on you
Houston Today Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Employment Business Opportunities GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website SOON GOVERNMENT Law will mandate every bar provide a breathalyzer. Learn how to be the first in your area to cash in. Call 1-800-287-3157 ext. 3; breathalyzerineverybar .com 13
Education/Trade Schools
$10,000 Signing Bonus for qualified applicants!! Picker Operators, Winch Tractor Operators, Lowbed Hands, Heavy-Duty Mechanic needed. Apply with resume and abstract to or call Jeremy at 778-256-4258
Accounting/ Bookkeeping FORT St John business has opening for full time Bookkeeper, must have 3 years related job experience. Good understanding of Sage 50, Excel, accounts payable, payroll, bank rec, government remittances. Wage based on experience, benefit plan. Possible relocation assistance. Email:
or fax 778-471-4002
Career Opportunities EXPERIENCE IS an asset We offer free recruitment services for people aged 45 and over across Canada. Register now at: or call toll-free: 1-855-286-0306.
MANAGERIAL POSITIONS We’re growing on Vancouver Island! If you have multiple years’ experience in a managerial role in the grocery business and want to join an innovative & creative group then we would love to hear from you. We offer exceptional benefits, Group RSP and many other incentives. Please send your resume to: Lyall Woznesensky QF Director Professional Development.
Houston Today 250-845-2890
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!
Financial Services
Financial Services
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
Houston Today 250-845-2890
LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
Financial Services ARE YOU $10K or more in debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-351-1783
Continuous Aluminum Gutters 250-846-5509
Bulkley Valley Eavestroughing Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
Build Your Career With Us
Looking for your next great career opportunity?
Do you thrive in a dynamic and challenging environment with opportuniƟes for conƟnuous growth and development?
Lakeview Lumber Division, Williams Lake, B.C.
The KDL Group is currently looking for Independent Owner Operator Logging Trucks Configured to Handle CTL for its Fort St. James operations. Trucks are required immediately and for the winter 2014/2015 season with deliveries into Conifex Fort St. James. Camp / accommodations will be provided.
Please contact Jeff Holland at (1)-250-996-4013 for details. Send resumes via email: or fax to 250-996-8742
PosiƟon Overview: The Lakeview Lumber Division Planer Supervisor will be responsible for conƟnuous improvement in the areas of quality, cost control and employee engagement with an uncompromising focus on safety standards. This key posiƟon reports to the Planer Superintendent and works closely with maintenance and other staī to ensure safety, producƟon and overall planer eĸciency. The successful incumbent will require superior leadership skills to deliver on World Class results and possesses a comprehensive knowledge of manufacturing operaƟons, OH&S and industrial relaƟons. QUALIFICATIONS: • A strong commitment to safety • Three to Įve years related supervisory experience, preferably in a manufacturing environment • Post-secondary educaƟon in forestry, business, engineering or related Įeld will be considered an asset • Self-moƟvated individual with well-developed organizaƟonal, Ɵme management and analyƟcal skills • Well-developed coaching and team building skills • Enjoys being creaƟve and innovaƟve, with the drive to improve eĸciencies through process improvements • Demonstrated working knowledge of lumber manufacturing operaƟons is an asset • Good computer skills will be considered an asset APPLY TODAY! Our tradiƟon of excellence is built on strong company values, a challenging environment, and conƟnuous development. To explore current career opportuniƟes and become a part of our community, apply online today at ApplicaƟons will be accepted unƟl September 14, 2014. We thank all candidates for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Apply Today!
The biggest names in the Forestry Industry recruit using
TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
Pets & Livestock
Home Improvements
FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928
DORPER Cross Sheep flock for sale. 15 ewes and 25 lambs. $4500. Phone 250397-4126.
For Sale By Owner
For Sale By Owner
For Sale by Owner
*Home-based business opportunity
Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at
4000 sq.ft. warehouse
5 bedroom house
5855 Lake Kathlyn Rd, 4km west of Smithers: 5 bedroom house, 4 room office/studio and 4000 sq ft heated warehouse with 3 phase power on 1.59 acres, fully gated compound, fantastic mountain and lake view, for an appointment to view - call 250-877-3479, serious inquiries only
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
“A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN OUR REGION” 37, 3RD Avenue, PO Box 820, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 PH: 250-692-3195 TF: 800-320-3339 • FX: 250-692-3305 •
Notice No. 3-1
NOTICE OF NOMINATION Public Notice is given to the electors of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako that a general election will be held on Saturday, November 15, 2014, to elect seven (7) Directors for a 4-year term commencing December, 2014 for the following Electoral Areas: One (1) Director to be elected for Electoral Area “A” (Smithers Rural) One (1) Director to be elected for Electoral Area “B” (Burns Lake Rural) One (1) Director to be elected for Electoral Area “C” (Fort St. James Rural) One (1) Director to be elected for Electoral Area “D” (Fraser Lake Rural) One (1) Director to be elected for Electoral Area “E” (Francois/Ootsa Lake Rural) One (1) Director to be elected for Electoral Area “F” (Vanderhoof Rural) One (1) Director to be elected for Electoral Area “G” (Houston Rural) Nominations for qualified candidates will be received by the Chief Election Officer (or designate) at the Regional District Office, P.O. Box 820, 37-3rd Avenue, Burns Lake, B.C., between the hours of 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 and 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 10, 2014, and during that period the nomination documents shall be received during regular office hours, excluding Statutory holidays and weekends. Nomination documents may be delivered by hand, mail, facsimile or other delivery service. Originals of faxed nomination documents must be received by the Chief Election Officer by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, October 17, 2014 or the nomination is deemed to be withdrawn. THE DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF NOMINATIONS IS 4:00 P.M. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014
QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE A person is qualified to be nominated, elected, and to hold office as a member of local government if they meet the following criteria: • Canadian citizen; • 18 years of age or older; • resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed; and • not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or from being nominated for, being elected to, or holding office. Nomination documents are available at the Regional District Office, 37-3rd Avenue, Burns Lake, B.C. from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, excluding Statutory holidays and weekends, and may also be picked up at the following Municipal Offices during regular business hours: • Town of Smithers, 1027 Aldous Street, Smithers, B.C., V0J 2N0 • Village of Telkwa, 1415 Hankin Ave., Telkwa, B.C., V0J 2X0 • District of Houston, 3367 - 12th Street, Houston, B.C., V0J 1Z0 • Village of Granisle, 1 McDonald Avenue, Granisle, B.C., V0J 1W0 • Village of Fraser Lake, 210 Carrier Crescent, Fraser Lake, B.C., V0J 1S0 • District of Vanderhoof, 160 Connaught Street, Vanderhoof, B.C., V0J 3A0 • District of Fort St. James, 477 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James, B.C., V0J 1P0 **Nomination Papers will not be accepted at the Municipal Offices** FURTHER INFORMATION on the foregoing may be obtained by contacting: Cheryl Anderson, Chief Election Officer Geraldine Craven, Deputy Chief Election Officer 1-800-320-3339 or (250) 692-3195
r A Free Call Today Fo ing Quote dvertis Recruitment A
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August would never want a big to-do about himself 23, and 2014 kept life simple. If you needed Tim, he was always B there to lend a hand, and make all laugh and laugh laugh Wasusborn November 17, and 1958 in some more. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. entrance with a wood stove. When you saw Tim coming Revelstoke, up the road,BC. you knew you would either beBest learning something new or All $ price. Best quality. x 20 garage, storage and wood shed. 14• Wednesday, September 10,Wednesday, 2014 Houston September Today Wednesday, September 2014 Houston Today10, 20 shapes & sad, colours having a good true belly laugh. himand veryCaroll much and when feeling try andavailable. hear 10, First We bornwill sonallofmiss Robert $ 1-866-652-6837 what he would say… ‘you can’t take life too seriously or it won’t be fun no more’ has three brothers and Announcements Announcements Carroll. TimAnnouncements Merchandise for Sale 1-800-222-TIPS Announcements Merchandise for Sale Real Estate NEW LIS NEW newspaper? sisters. grew up a his logger’s LISTING! Tim is survived by his parentsfour Robert andHe Caroll Carroll; eldest son Tierney (Cordella); daughter Kali TING! son and farm boy. There was never (Jamie); brothers Jordy (Rosie), Bill (Teri), Daryl (Lonny); Sisters Chris (Pete), Jody (Ray), Donna (Loren), STEEL BUILDINGS. “GiftAcreage forSale Sale A Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Misc. Obituaries for Sale20x22 Misc. for Wanted a dull moment in Tim’s life,Jacob fromand a Luke; as card Shawna (Dave); Grandchildren Brody, Terrance, George, well as give-away!” many aunts, uncles, $4,358. 25x24 $4,895. 30x30 youngfriends. age he was always busting Collector Buying Coin Collecnieces, nephews and many, many A- STEEL SHIPPING LOOKING A- STEELfor SHIPPING acreageDRY with LOO $6,446. 32x32 $7,599. DRY 40x46 R tions, Native Art, Estates, himself up and laughing it off. At STORAGE CONTAINERS lake STORAGE or river CONTAINERS frontage: Relake $12,662. 47x72 $18,498. One Family waiting on the otherthe side;age his of youngest grandparents George and Ruby Carroll, Gold, Silver +20’40’45’ 778-281-0030 Used 20’40’45’ 53’ mote/semi-remote, Used well 53’ treed, mote 22, Timson andGeorge, Shannon end wall included. Call Pioneer BEAU and insulated containers quiet, and insulated no buildings containers preferred. all quie Orval and Betty Egan, (Uncle) Bill Egan. Steel 1-800-668-5422 or all visit started a family and had three LAKE FIREARMS. ALL typesselling? wantsizes in stock. Do yousizes consider in stock. Do online rious ed, estates, collections, single children, Tierney, George and Kali. SPECIAL Please email: SPECIAL info@wemovePlea Life is not a journey to the grave with intents of arriving in a well preserved body, but do in items,Trades military. We handle all Trades are welcome. or call: are 1-250-285-3037. welcome. on.c He always lived his life his way with 2.5 STEEL BUILDINGS/metal rather to skid in sideways thoroughly used up, totally worn out, paperwork and transportation. amen 40’ Containers 40’ Containers under $2500! buildings 60% under off! $2500! 20x28, many adventures and always looked forward to what he could learn next. Licensed Dealer. 1-866-960pools and a patio. Great mountain views. Laundry on the main.
• Vinyl siding & windows. Nicely landscaped lot, fencedmaster back yard backingwith righta huge walk in closet and an en-suite. • Huge bedroom onto a neighbourhood park. Sundeck with aluminum railing as well as a patio. Basement • Fire pit and storage under the deck. Move in• ready home!features a cozy family rm, 3rd bath, lots of storage & a big
Timothy Timothy Robert Carroll Robert Carroll Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Houston Today (Tim) (Tim) Announcements Announcements Merchandise for Sale RealQuit. Estate Before your time November 17, 1958 November 17, 1958 COMMUNITY CALEND Acreage Obituaries Obituaries Misc. Sale runs for out.Sale August 23, 2014 August 23,for 2014 Top Timothy 1-800-222-TIPS Robert Carroll Misc. Wanted Revenue Property (Tim)
WELL LOCATED, WELL WELLBUILT LOCATED, WELL BUILT Whiskey in hand and yelling ‘Wow! What a30x40, ride!’ DMG40x62, 40’ containers MILLION DOLLAR VIEW! 45x90, under 50x120, AND WELL MAINTAINED!! AND WELL MAINTAINED!! 14 If you wanted to know something, just ask Tim. He usually had an answer for you but when he didn’t, 60x150, $2,000 80x100each. sell for bal• Spacious, custom built home with some unique features - 9 ft ceilings, Also JD 544 &644 wheel ance owed! Call 1-800-457he would have one soon. The past years were spent loving life, working on ventures and a lot of time HOME! skylights, tonnes of windows & sunken living rm withWELCOME a gas fireplace. Loaders 2206 or visit us online at: Announcements
DMG 40’ containers under 0045, Call 2 $2,000 each. Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB LOOKING for acreage with 7:00 PM.TUBriver(SPA) lake frontage: ReHOT or COVERS. $ • Concrete driveway,$ RV parking, 2 storage sheds, single garage. Revelstoke, (faxed orormailed or Revelstoke, delivered) isBC. 4 p.m. Thursday. At the Used 53’ mote/semi-remote, treed, Bowling Alley: Seniors bowling $ Best BC. price. 20’40’45’ Best quality. AllWednesday Best price. Best well quality. All what he would say… ‘you can’t takeDeadline life too seriously it won’t be fun no more’ • Great mountain views as an added bonus! All appliances included. and insulated containers all quiet, no& buildings preferred. Items are printed or alternated as space permits. Items 1:30 PM. shapes & colours available. shapes colours available. At the Swimming Aquafit, FirstTierney born son of Robert and Caroll First born sonHouston of Robert and Caroll Pool: Do sizes in stock. you consider selling? $ Tim is survived by his parents Robert will and be Caroll Carroll;viahisfax, eldest daughter 1-866-652-6837 1-866-652-6837 accepted emailson or dropped(Cordella); at the office. No Kali Carroll. Tim has(Ray), three brothers and Carroll. Monday, Wednesday and brothers Friday 9-10 Willow email: Tim has three and AM. AtPlease SPECIAL Structural Firefighting/Hw (Jamie); brothers Jordy (Rosie), Bill (Teri), Daryl (Lonny); (Pete), Jody phone calls please.Sisters More Chris calendar items are listedDonna online(Loren), Trades areup welcome. or call: 1-250-285-3037. newspaper? newspaper? four sisters. He grew up a logger’s sisters. He grew agolf logger’s Grove Golf Course: Senior’s (in season) every Topley Volunteer Fire Dept Shawna (Dave); Grandchildren Brody,and Terrance, Jacob and Luke; as well as many aunts, uncles, four can beGeorge, submitted or viewed at 40’ Containers under $2500! son and farm boy. There was never son and farm There Coin was under never Thursday 10 AM. STEEL BUILDINGS. “GiftCollector Buying CollecSTEEL tions. BUILDINGS. “Gift- neces nieces, nephews and many, many friends. DMGboy. 40’ containers No experience Buck Flats Communitya dull Development Society, moment in Tim’s life, from a a dull card moment in Tim’s life, from20x22 a give-away!” tions, Native Art, each. Estates, card give-away!” 20x22 $2,000 ron F/C 250-696-3348 or Family waiting on the other side; hismeets youngest son George, grandparents George and Ruby Carroll, $4,358. 25x24 $4,895. 30x30 Gold, Silver + 778-281-0030 $4,358. 25x24 $4,895. 30x30 • Spacious, tastefully decorated 5 bdrm completely finished & updated home in Also JD 544 &644 wheel young age he was always busting youngCommunity age he was always busting Services Association - no every 3rd Sat. evening at 6pm at Andy Houston BEAUTIFULLY the popular Avalon Subdivision! Recently updated kitchen features dark cherry $6,446. $7,599. 40x46 $6,446. 32x32 $7,599. ThursFURNISHED @ 19:0040x46 hrsON(7pm). Loaders Orval and Betty Egan, (Uncle) Bill Egan. himself andRd. laughing it off.longer At himself up and32x32 laughing it off. At has$12,662. furniture available for persons in need. LAKE OKANAGAN Turn-key, luxucabinets & heated tile floors. Very open concept. Pollack’s house (17642) on BuckupFlats All Buck FIREARMS. ALL types want47x72 $12,662. 47x72 $18,498. One Wanted to buy$18,498. 300 size One rious,wall immaculate, ft. con• Beautiful rock corner fireplace in the living room. the age ofpreserved 22, we Timdiscuss and Shannon the age 22,included. Timcollections, and Shannon ed,ofestates, single Topley1000 Fire Protection So end wall Call Pioneer end included. Callsq.Pioneer hydraulic excavator Flats residents arearriving welcome towell attend, Life is not a journey to the grave with intents of in aNovember body, but do in West Kelowna. 2 bedrooms, • 3 big bedrooms on the main, 2 in basement. Laundry on the main. 17, 1958 items, military. We handle all Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit Houston’s “Love by the Bowl” Soup Kitchen serving started a family and had three started a family and had three Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 2.5 bathrooms with fabulous • Flooring has been updated, main bath just completely updated. second Tuesday of the mon issues concerning the Buck flats area, with an rather to skid in sideways thoroughly used up, totally worn out, paperwork and online online Delivery BC transportation. and AB amenities: private beach, marina, • Huge mudroom in the basement just in the door from the double garage. children, Tierney, George August 23, 2014and Kali. children, Tierney, George and Kali. hot dogs and homemade instead of Licensed Dealer.salads 1-866-960pools and so much more! $325,000. • Vinyl siding & windows. Nicely landscaped lot, fenced back yard backing right emphasizes on ‘Wow! road conditions through Buck Whiskey in hand and yelling What a ride!’ He always lived hisour life his way with He always lived hisinlife hisdifferent way withseatings,STEEL STEEL BUILDINGS/metal 0045, BUILDINGS/metal Call 250-826-4267 onto a neighbourhood park. Sundeck with aluminum railing as well as a patio. through the summer two 11:00 Was born November 17, 1958 in user group, fire prevention and protection • Fire pit and storage under the deck. Move in ready home! buildings 60% off!COVERS. 20x28, buildings 60% off! 20x28, HOT TUB (SPA) many adventures and always looked Flats forward manyroad adventures to what heand could always learn looked next. forward to what he could learnand next. -12:00 12:00 -1:00 on Wednesdays. Revelstoke, BC. 30x40,price. 40x62,Best 45x90, 50x120, 30x40, 40x62, 50x120, $ Best quality. All through our volunteer fire department group, and Houston Today 45x90, 250-845-2890 If you wanted to know something, justIf ask youTim. wanted He usually to know had something, an answerjust forask youTim. but He when usually he didn’t, had an answer for you&80x100 but when he didn’t, 60x150, sell for bal60x150, 80x100 sell for balshapes colours available. First born son of Robert and Caroll •• Spacious, custom built home with some •unique Spacious, custom - 9 basement ft built ceilings, home with some unique features - 9 ft ceilings, planning of a community/ fire hall. Please call Chris Custom built in 1994, this rancher styled homefeatures with a full The Houston Legion Branch 249: Meeting: 2nd ance owed! Call 1-800-457ance owed! Call 1-800-4571-866-652-6837 he would have one soon. The past years he would were spent haveloving one soon. life, working The past on years ventures were spent and aloving lot of time life, working on ventures and a lot of time skylights, of windows & sunken living skylights, rm with tonnes a gasof fireplace. windows & sunken living rm with a gas fireplace. features 5tonnes bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms. Granisle and District Carroll. Tim has three brothers and 2206 or visitis Executive, online 4th 2206 visit us Owner online at: Seni Newell 250 Quit. thepossibly month Perfect farm set up yard. on this 20door acre parcel a recently ForisorSale by ding withrenovated, quad will ding beatmissed with845-3564 family more than and for friends. hemore could Heinformation. possibly will be have missed known. moreMonday than He he could haveus known. He at: Monday •• Oak cabinets in kitchen, garden door off••doors the Oak dining cabinets room in to kitchen, a deck garden off quad thewith dining room tofamily a deckand friends. He Laundry on main, oak cabinets, garden tohobby private, fenced newspaper? four sisters. He grew up a logger’s cozy, tastefully decorated 4 bedroom home! Sunday of the month at 7 Spacious, tastefully tastefully decorated decorated 55 bdrm bdrm completely completely nished & updated updated home in inbdrm completely finished & updated home in •• Spacious, • Spacious, fifinished tastefully & decorated home 5 the popular popular Avalon Avalon Subdivision! Subdivision! Recently Recently updated updated kitchen features features dark cherry cherry Recently updated kitchen features dark cherry the the popular kitchen Avalon Subdivision! dark cabinets & heated heated tile flfloors. Very open open concept. & tile Very concept. cabinets & heated tileafldeck oors. Very open concept. quad ding with family and friends. He will be missed more than he could possibly have known. He • cabinets Oak cabinets in kitchen, door off the dining room to Wanted to buy 300 size Customrock builtcorner in 1994, this in rancher styled home with a full basement Beautiful rock rock corner corner fifireplace replace in in the the living living room. room. •• Beautiful ••Beautiful fireplace the living room. and a patio. Great mountain views. Laundry on the main. hydraulic excavator would want a big to-do about himself and kept life simple. If you needed Tim, he was always big bedrooms bedrooms on on the the main, main, 22 in in basement. basement.• Laundry Laundry on5the the main. bedrooms and 32 full bathrooms. •• 33 big 3features big bedrooms on main. on the main, in basement. Laundry never on the main. • Huge master bedroom with a huge walk in closet and an en-suite. Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 • Flooring has been updated, main bath just completely updated. • Flooring has been updated, main bath just completely ••Flooring updated. has updated, main bath just completely updated. Laundry onbeen main, oak cabinets, garden doors to private, fenced yard.make us all laugh and laugh and laugh some more. there to lend a hand, and Basement features a basement cozy family 3rddoor bath, lots of double storage &basement a big just in the door from the double garage. Delivery BC and AB Huge mudroom in the the basement justrm, in the the from the double garage. ••• Huge mudroom in just in •door mudroom the in and the garage. •Huge Allfrom new flooring paint in the completely finished basement. entrance a woodNicely stove.landscaped Vinyl sidingwith & windows. windows. Nicely landscaped lot, lot, fenced back yard backing rightlandscaped lot, •• Vinyl siding & • Vinyl fenced siding back &yard windows. backing Nicely right fencedyou backsaw yard Tim right up the road, you knew you would either be learning something new or When coming • Pellet stove in the huge rec-room. New high efficiency gasbacking furnace ASTEEL SHIPPING DRY onto neighbourhood park.and Sundeck with aluminum railing as as well well as aspark. patio. neighbourhood park. Sundeck aluminum onto a neighbourhood railing aa patio. Sundeck with aluminum railing as well as a patio. • onto 18 xaa20 garage, storage woodwith shed. born November 17, 1958hear in Was November 17,and 1958 in Please keep him yourvery announcements as feeling brief assad, possible. 10:00 AMborn • Cards Monday Thursday andpithome! hot tank. Shingles replaced inhaving 2010.home! a good true belly laugh. We will all miss much Was and when try and Fire pit pit and and storage storage under under the the deck. deck. Move Move in in ready home! •• Fire • ready Fire andwater storage under the deck. Move in ready STORAGE CONTAINERS HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS.
229,900 235,000
Before your time runs out.
a patio. Greatand mountain Laundry and on the patio. main. Great including mountaina 24x38 views. wired Laundry on the main. • and All new flooring paint inviews. the completely fianished basement. General Meeting. would want a flbig would himselfnever andfor kept want life a big simple. to-do IfHouston about you needed himself Tim, andSeniors hekept waslife always simple. If you needed Tim, he was always Seniors inson the • Several outbuildings Quonsetnever with a concrete oor to-do aboutActivities and farmatboy. There was never •• Huge a huge New walk•high inand Huge closet and an bedroom en-suite. with a huge walk in closet and an Pelletmaster stove inbedroom the hugewith rec-room. effimaster ciency gas furnace Centre. STEEL BUILDINGS. “Gift10’ door. Well-built barn features a concrete floor, water, power andand a make us all there there tokeep lend a en-suite. hand, laugh toand lend laugh a hand, and and laugh make some usmore. all laugh and1:00 laughPM andThursday laugh some7:00 more. Centre: Carpet Bowling Tuesday and Friday PRIVATE SALE - BY OWNER - GREAT INVESTMENT!! Please your announcements as brief as possible. 10:00 AM • Cards Monday and give-away!” • Basement features a cozy family rm, 3rdin •bath, Basement lots of features storage a & cozy a big family rm, 3rd bath, lots of storage & a big and hot water tank. Shingles replaced 2010. a dull moment in Tim’s life, from a meat cooler as well as a loft. Storage shed, feed shed, large chicken house & card Seniors Bingo every Tuesday20x22 at 7:00pm at Granisle Volunteer Fire D outbuildings! Fenced & cross fenced. Deadline (faxed or mailed or delivered) a wood entrance with garage. a wood stove. • entrance Concretewith driveway, RVstove. parking, 2 storageother sheds, single is 4 p.m. Thursday. $4,358. 25x24 $4,895. 30x30 •When Floor Curling Monday Poolhe any afternoon th young was always When you saw Tim coming up the road, youyou knew sawyou Timwould coming either upPM the be•age road, learning you something knew youbusting new would or either be learning something or out & enjoy a LARGE 3 Bedroom At 1:00 the Bowling Alley: Seniors bowling Wednesday 4951 - 4Entry Ave, $ •• Beautiful from the topand field. Nice sized Cottonwood Manor. Come •• 18 x 20mountain garage, storage 18Allx appliances 20 views garage, storage wood area and fire pit! Great views asand an wood addedshed. bonus! included. $6,446. 32x32 is $7,599. 40x46 fire practices every Tues., 7
Items are printed alternated Items himself and laughing it off. At and Smithers having awith good trueorbelly laugh. as Wespace will having allpermits. miss a good him true very belly much laugh. and We will feeling allHouston sad,him trySwimming very and much hear feeling47x72 sad, try and hear • Extremely well kept and tidy! Spacious country kitchen garden to schedule call; Adrian-250-845-2338 •miss Breakfasts1:30 PM.when Atup the Pool:when Aquafit, $12,662. fun prize filled evening. Lots$18,498. of prizes!One doors off dining rm to$ a deck. Wood electric furnace &accepted wood fireplace. will behe via fax,‘you email or dropped atSaturday the office.of No the age 22, and Shannon what would say… can’t takefirst what life too he seriously would say… orthe it won’t ‘you can’t be fun take noof life more’ tooTim seriously or won’tAM. be fun no more’ month, community invited. • it 9-10 wall included. Call Firefighting/Hwy Pioneer Monday, Wednesday and Friday Atend Willow • If your dream is a hobby farm in a friendly, rural area, here it is! Appl. included. Structural
229,900 199,900
Home with Garage
229,900 & Workshop Granisle Church of the Wa Rescue. Interested? phone calls please. More calendar items are listed online Steel 1-800-668-5422 visit started a family andof had three 1-800-222-TIPS 1-800-222-TIPS Houston Secondary School - orKali webpage: http:// BONUSSoup Sandwich luncheonthird Thursday the 11:00am. Groveson Golf Course: Senior’s golf (in season) every Tim can is survived by his or parents Robert and TimCaroll isand survived Carroll; by his his eldest parents Robert Tierney and(Cordella); Caroll Carroll; daughter his eldest Kali son Tierney (Cordella); daughter $ Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applicaonline and be submitted viewed at children, Tierney, George and Kali. 219,900 MORTGAGE month. invited. Pleasant Valley Village, (Jamie); brothers Jordy (Rosie), Bill (Teri), (Jamie); DarylCommunity brothers (Lonny);Jordy Sisters (Rosie), ChrisAt(Pete), Bill (Teri), JodyDaryl (Ray), (Lonny); Donna Sisters (Loren), Chris (Pete), Jody (Ray), Donna (Loren), Thursday 10 AM. tions. No experience necessary please contact By-
He always lived his life his way with Misc.BUILDINGS/metal Wanted Misc. Wanted Buck Society, ShawnaFlats (Dave);Community Grandchildren Development Brody,3603 Shawna Terrance, (Dave); George, Jacob and Luke; Brody, asMonday well Terrance, as many George, aunts,Jacob uncles, and Luke; STEEL as well as many uncles, 11th St.: Grandchildren Senior Exercise, and Friday - aunts, F/Coff! 250-696-3348 or come to HELPER!! a Fire Practice buildings ron 60% 20x28, many adventures and always looked forward to at what he could learn next. Houston Services Association no meets every 3rd at 6pmnephews Andy Collector Buying Coin CollecCollector Buyingfinished Coin Collecnieces, nephews and Sat. many,evening many friends. nieces, and many, many Community friends. Newly large 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, Revenue Property Thurs @ 19:00 hrs (7pm). R tions, Native Art, Estates, tions, Native Art, Estates, 2 bedroom suite with longer has furniture available persons in 60x150, need. 80x100 sell for balIf you wanted to know something, justFlats ask Tim. He usually had an answer for you but when hefordidn’t, Pollack’s house (17642) on Buck Rd. All Buck Family waiting on the other side; hisCommunity Family youngest waiting son George, on theproudly other grandparents side; his George youngest sonRuby George, Carroll, grandparents George and Ruby Carroll, • Spacious, custom built home with some unique features - 9 ft ceilings, Gold, Silver + 778-281-0030 Gold, Silverseparate +meetings 778-281-0030 Calendar sponsored by and ® entrance. ance owed! Call 1-800-457Topley Fire Protection Society every he would have one soon. The past years were spent loving life, working on ventures and a lot of time Flats residents are welcome to attend, we discuss BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ON BEAU skylights, tonnes of windows & sunken living rm with a gas fireplace. Orval and Betty Egan, (Uncle) Bill Egan. Orval and Betty Egan, (Uncle) Bill Egan. visit us online at: Basement appliances included. suite (900 sq.ft.) Quit. “Love by thehave Bowl” SoupHeKitchen 2206 servingor All LAKE OKANAGAN Turn-key, luxuLAKE FIREARMS. ALL Tuesday types wantFIREARMS. ALL types wantquad ding with familythe and Buck friends.flats He will be missed more Houston’s than he could possibly known. • Oak cabinets in kitchen, garden door off the dining room to a deck second of the month at 7:30 pm. issues concerning area, with an rious, immaculate, 1000 conrious Large landscaped lot,single garden area, patios. 2 minute walksq.toft. ed, estates, collections, ed, estates, collections, single and a patio. Great mountain views. Laundry on the main. hot dogs and homemade salads instead of soup would never want a big to-do about himself and kept life simple. If you needed Tim, he was always Before your time Life is not aonjourney to the grave with Life isintents not aBuck journey of arriving to the in agrave well preserved with intents body, of arriving but in a well preserved body, but do in West Kelowna. 2 bedrooms, do in emphasizes road conditions through our Smithers Golf & Country Club. Very safe neighbourhood. items, military. We handle all items,bathrooms military. We handle all • Huge master bedroom with a huge walk in closet and an en-suite. 2.5 with fabulous 2.5 there to lend a hand, and makeinussideways all laugh and laugh andused laugh some more. through summer in two different 11:00 tofire skid rather to skid up, totally inthe sideways worn thoroughly out, usedseatings, up, totally worn out, paperwork andMORE transportation. paperwork and out. transportation. • Basement features a cozy family rm, 3rd bath, lots of storage & a big runs FOR INFORMATION: Call Ryan 250-877-0657 amenities: private beach, marina, amen Flats road userrather group, prevention andthoroughly protection Licensed Dealer. 1-866-960Licensed Dealer. 1-866-960entrance with a wood stove. -12:00 and 12:00 -1:00 on Wednesdays. pools and so much more! $325,000. pools Whiskey in hand and yelling ‘Wow! Whiskey What in a ride!’ hand and yelling ‘Wow! ride!’ or Terry 778-210-1703 email: When youour sawvolunteer Tim coming the road, you knew you would either be learning something new orWhat a0045, through fireupdepartment group, and 0045, Call 250-826-4267 Call 2 • 18 x 20 garage, storage and wood shed. having a good true belly laugh. We will all miss him very much and when feeling sad, try and hear planning of a community/ fire hall. Please call Chris The Houston Legion Branch 249: Meeting: 2nd $ what he would say… ‘you can’t take life too seriously or it won’t be fun no more’ Newell at 250 845-3564 for more information. Monday of the month is Executive, 4th Monday is Granisle and District Seniors meeting every 2nd • Perfect hobby farm set up on this 20 acre parcel with a recently renovated, 1-800-222-TIPS HOUSTON &Tierney DISTRICT BRANCH • cozy, Custom built decorated in 1994, this rancherhome! styled• home Custom with built a full in 1994, basement this rancher styled home with a full basement tastefully 4 bedroom Sunday of the month at 7:00pm at the Seniors Tim is survived by his parents Robert and Caroll Carroll; his eldest son (Cordella); daughter Kali General Meeting. Activities for Seniors in Houston at the2365 Seniors • Several outbuildings including 24x38 wired Quonset a concrete and floor 3 full bathrooms. features 5 bedrooms and 3 afull bathrooms. featureswith 5 bedrooms Copeland P.O. 1480, Centre. (Jamie); brothersfenced Jordyyard. (Rosie), Bill (Teri), Daryl (Lonny); Sisters ChrisAve. (Pete), JodyBox (Ray), DonnaHouston (Loren), 10’ door. Well-built featuresgarden a concrete floor, power and cabinets, a • and Laundry on main, oakbarn cabinets, •doors Laundry to water, private, on main, fenced oak yard. garden Centre: doors to private, Misc. Wanted Carpet Bowling Tuesday and Friday 1:00 PM cooler as welland as a paint loft. Storage feed shed, large chicken house & in the completely Ph: 250-845-7117 Shawna (Dave); Grandchildren Brody, Terrance, George, JacobSeniors and Luke; as well as many aunts, uncles,at 7:00pm at Granisle Volunteer Fire Department meetings & Bingo is every Tuesday • meat All new flooring in the shed, completely • All fi new nished flooring basement. and paint finished basement. other outbuildings! Fenced & cross fenced. • Floor Curling Monday 1:00 PM • Pool any afternoon • Pellet stove in the huge rec-room. New • high Pellet effi stove ciency in gas the furnace huge rec-room. New high effi ciency gas furnace Collector Buying Coin Collecnieces, nephews and many, many friends. • Beautiful views from the top field. Nice sized garden area and fire pit! Cottonwood Manor. Entry is $1. outAM & enjoy a Monday Property Please keep call; your announcements asPlease brief keep as possible. your announcements brief Monday as possible. fireArt, practices every Tues., Revenue 7:00pm Fire Hall. 10:00 AM •asCards andCome Thursday 10:00 7:00 • Cards PM. and Thursday PM. at the and hot water tank. replaced in 2010. and hotwith water tank. Shingles replaced in Lia Long Native Estates, • Extremely well kept andShingles tidy! Spacious country kitchen garden to2010. schedule Adrian-250-845-2338 BreakfastsPlease keep your announcements asyoungest brief• as possible. Monday of the month7:00 is Executive, 4th Monday is as well asfilled theGeorge arena for those wishing to tions, register fun prize evening. Lots of prizes! • doors Concrete driveway, parking, storage • Concrete sheds, driveway, RV parking, 2 storage sheds,waiting single garage. off dining rm to RV a deck. Wood2electric furnace & single wood figarage. replace. Family on the other side; his son George, grandparents and Ruby Carroll, Deadline (faxed or mailed or delivered) Deadline is 4 p.m. (faxed Thursday. or mailed or delivered) is 4 p.m. Thursday. Gold, Silver +Seniors 778-281-0030 At the Bowling Alley: Seniors bowling Wednesday 250-845-1147 At the Bowling Alley: bowling Wednesday first Saturday of the month, community invited. • Granisle Church of the Way services are Sunday,ON Deadline (faxed or mailed or delivered) is 4 p.m. •• IfGreat your dream is a hobby a friendly, rural area, here it is! Appl. included. General Meeting. sooner. as space permits. Items mountain viewsfarm as anin added bonus! • Great All appliances mountain included. views as an added bonus! All appliances included. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED Orval and Egan, (Uncle) BillasEgan. Items are Betty printed or alternated space Items permits. are printed Itemsor alternated 1:30 PM. Secondary At the Houston Swimming Pool: PM. FIREARMS. At Aquafit, the Houston Pool: LAKE Aquafit, OKANAGAN Turn-key, luxuHouston School - 1:30 webpage: http:// ALLSwimming types wantSoup Sandwich third Thursday of the Thursday. Items arefax,luncheonprinted alternated as space 11:00am. Re/Max Houston $ $ will beand accepted via email orordropped at the office. No will be accepted via fax,Buck emailFlats or dropped at the office. No Seniors Bingo isAM. every Tuesday at 1000 7:00pm Community Development Society, meets immaculate, sq. coned, estates, collections, single Monday, and Fridaybut 9-10 Monday, AM. At Wednesday Willow and Friday 9-10 Atrious, Willow Life calls isCommunity notplease. aBC journey to the grave with intents of arriving in aWednesday well preserved body, Structural Firefighting/Hwy Rescue. Structural Firefighting/Hw permits. Items will be accepted fax, email or dropped in West Kelowna. bedrooms, month. invited. Atvia Pleasant Valley Village, phone More calendar items phone are calls listed please. online More calendar items are listed online items, military. We handle allEntrydo 2436 Poulton Ave., Houston, Cottonwood Manor. isevery $1. Come outInterested? &2enjoy a every 3rd Sat. evening at 6pm at Andy Pollack’s house 2.5 bathrooms with fabulous Grove Golf Course: Senior’s golf (in Grove season) Golf Course: every Senior’s golf (in season) at the office. No phone calls please. More calendar rather to skid in sideways thoroughly used up, totally worn out, Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applicaTopley beach, Volunteer Fire Dept paperwork and transportation. 3603 St.: Senior Exercise, Monday Friday or(17642) and can11th be submitted or viewed at and can and be submitted viewed aton amenities: private marina, e-mail: prize filled evening. Lots of prizes! Buck Flats Rd. All Buck Flats residents are fun Licensed Dealer. 1-866-960pools and please sotions. muchNo more! $325,000. items are listed onlineWhiskey and can be submitted viewed Thursday AM. Thursday 10 AM. tions. in hand and or yelling ‘Wow! What a10 ride!’ No experience necessary contact experience By- neces welcome to attend, we discuss issues concerning 0045, Call 250-826-4267 Buck Flats Community Development Buck Flats Society, Community Development Society, Houston Secondary School - ron webpage: http:// Locally owned and operated at ron - F/C 250-696-3348 or come to a- Fire F/C 250-696-3348 Practice or Community Calendar proudly sponsored by the Buck Community flatsat area, an emphasizes Houston Association Houston on Community -road no Services Association - no ® meets every 3rd Sat. evening at meets 6pmevery at Andy 3rd Sat. evening 6pm with atServices Andy Library Events: Come out to the library Tues., Sept. 16 conditions through our Buck Flats road user group, Thurs @ 19:00 hrs (7pm). Thurs @ 19:00 hrs (7pm). longer furniture available longer has in need. furniture available for persons in need. Pollack’s house (17642) on BuckPollack’s Flats All Buck (17642) onhas Buck Flats Rd. All Buckfor persons Salvation • Custom built in 1994, this rancher styled home with a full basement @ 1:00PM for our 2nd “No School” Activity!! Kids ages fire prevention and protection through our volunteer Topley Fire Protection Society Topley meetings every Protection So Army –Fire Food Flats residents are welcome to attend, Flats residents we discuss are welcome to attend, we discuss features 5 bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms. 6 and up. Keep a lookout for posters around town for Houston’s “Love by the Bowl” Soup Houston’s Kitchen “Love serving by the Bowl” Soup Kitchen serving bank Donation fire department group, and planning of a community/ • Laundry on main, oak cabinets, garden doors to private, fenced yard. second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 second pm. Tuesday of the mon issues concerning the Buck flats area, with an Buck flats area, with an more details!!! • Adult Book Club issues - Come concerning grab your the • All new flooring and paint in the completely finished basement. hot hall. dogsPlease and call homemade salads instead dogs of andsoup homemade salads instead of soup & Coats, Mitts fire Chris Newell at hot 250-845-3564 for emphasizes on road conditions through emphasizes our Buck on road conditions through our Buck • Pellet stove in the huge rec-room. New high efficiency gas furnace & Hats copy ofkeep “Burial Rites” by Hannah Kent. Read,asread, read. more through the• summer in two different through seatings, the 11:00 summer information. Please yourgroup, announcements asFlats brief possible. AM Cards and Thursday 7:00 PM. in two different seatings, 11:00 over $650 in and hot water tank. Shingles replaced in 2010. Flatsthen road join user prevention and road user group,10:00 fire prevention andMonday protection And usmailed for afire discussion and anprotection Icelandic Structural Firefighting/Hwy Rescue. Interested? -12:00 and 12:00 -1:00 on Wednesdays. -12:00 and 12:00 -1:00 on Wednesdays. • Concrete driveway, RV parking, 2 storage sheds, single garage. Deadline (faxed or or delivered) is 4 p.m. Thursday. the Bowling Alley: Seniors donations. Activities for Seniors in Houston at Wednesday the Seniors through on ourThurs., volunteer fire @department throughgroup, our volunteer and At fire department group, andbowling • Great mountain views as an added bonus! All appliances included. delicacy 25 7:00PM. Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applicaItems are printed orSept. alternated as space permits. Items 1:30 PM. At the Houston Swimming Pool: Centre: Carpet Bowling Tues. & 249: Fri.The 1:00 PM Aquafit, • Floor HOUSTONfire & hall. DISTRICT BRANCH planning of a community/ planning Please call of aChris community/ fire hall. Please call Chris The Houston Legion Branch Meeting: Houston 2nd Legion Branch 249: Meeting: 2nd $ will be accepted via registration fax, email or is dropped at the office. No Houston Ringette open for 2014/2015 tions. No and experience necessary please contact Granisle District Seniors meeting Granisle every and2nd District Seni Monday, Wednesday and AM. At Curling Mon. 1:00 PM Pool 9-10 any afternoon 2365 Copeland P.O. Box Houston Firefighting/Hwy Interested? Newell 250 845-3564 forAve. more Newell information. at1480, 250 845-3564 for more information. Monday of the month is •Friday Executive, Monday 4th Monday of Willow the to month is Structural is Executive, 4th Monday isRescue. Perfect hobby hobby farm farm set set up up on on this this 20 20 acre acre parcel parcel with aahobby recently renovated, •• Perfect • Perfect with recently farm renovated, set up on this 20 acre parcel with calls aat recently renovated, phone please. More calendar items listed online Sept. 30.are Registration Byron F/C 250-696-3348 or come to atheFire cozy, tastefully tastefully decorated decorated 44 bedroom bedroom home! home! cozy, tastefully decorated 4 bedroom home! season, Ice time begins cozy, Sunday of the month at 7:00pm Sunday at the of Seniors month at 7 schedule call; Adrian-250-845-2338 • BreakfastsGrove Golf Course: Senior’s golf (in season) every Ph: 250-845-7117 Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applicaGeneral Meeting. General Meeting. and can be submitted or viewed at Activities for Seniors in Houston at the Seniors Activities for Seniors in Houston at the Seniors Several outbuildings outbuildings including including aa 24x38 24x38 wired wired•Quonset Quonset with aa concrete concrete oor a 24x38 wiredforms •• Several Several outbuildings with including flfloor Quonsetare with available a concrete floorand fees can be dropped off Thursday Centre. Centre. Practice Thurs @ 19:00 hrs (7pm). first Sat. of 10the AM.month, community invited. • Soup tions. and 10’ 10’ door. door. Well-built Well-built barn barn features features aa concrete concrete oor, water, power and and and and flfloor, 10’ water, door. Well-built power barn aa features a concrete floor, water, power and a No experience necessary please contact ByCentre: Carpet Bowling and Centre: 1:00 PM Bowling Tuesday and Friday 1:00 PM at Emberson Plumbing & Heating orFriday on Carpet Clubs day Buck Flats Community Development Society, meat cooler cooler as as well well as as loft. Storage Storage shed, feed feedCredit shed,cooler largeUnion chicken house &Storage shed, feed meat aa loft. shed, meat shed, large as chicken well house a loft.& shed, large chicken house & Tuesday LiaasLong Bulkley Valley July 2007 Seniors Bingoluncheonis every third Tuesday Seniors atof 7:00pm atis ron every Tuesday at 7:00pm at Granisle and Sandwich Thurs. theBingo month. - F/C 250-696-3348 come tomeetings a Fire Practice Granisle Volunteer Fireor Department meetings Volunteer & Fire D other outbuildings! outbuildings! Fenced Fenced & & cross cross fenced. fenced. other outbuildings! Fenced & cross fenced. • Floor Curling Monday 1:00 PM • Pool other Topley Fire Protection Society every • Floor any Curling afternoon Monday 1:00 PMCommunity • Pool any afternoon at community hall Thurs., Sept. 11th. Deadline for Houston 250-845-1147 Services Association - noa Entry meets every 3rd Sat. evening at 6pm at Andy Beautiful views views from from EPS the top topLogos eld. Nice Niceto sized garden areaviews and fifrom fire re pit! be supplied topit! Newspapers •• Beautiful the fifield. sized •garden Beautiful area and the top field. Nice sized garden area and fire pit! Cottonwood Manor. At Entry is $1. Come Cottonwood out & enjoy Manor. is $1. Come out & enjoy a fire Community invited. Pleasant Valley Village, 3603 Thurs @ 19:00 hrs (7pm). fire practices every Tues., 7:00pm at practices the Fire Hall. every Tues., 7 second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm. Extremely well well kept kept and and tidy! tidy! Spacious Spacious country country kitchen with with garden •• Extremely • Extremely kitchen wellgarden kept and tidy! Spacious country kitchen with garden to schedule call; Adrian-250-845-2338 to schedule • Breakfastscall; Adrian-250-845-2338 • Breakfastsdraw of $100.00 off fees for early registration is Sept. furniture available infilled need. Pollack’s house (17642) on Buck Flats Rd. All Buck longer fun prize filled evening. Lots prizes! fun prize evening. Lots of prizes! Houston 11th St.:has Senior Exercise, Mon.of&for Fripersons 10:00 AM • Cards doors off off dining dining rm rmRe/Max to aa deck. deck. Wood Wood electric electric furnace & wood wood replace. doors to furnace doors & off diningfifireplace. rm to a deck. Wood electric furnace & wood fireplace. Topley Fire Protection Society meetings every of the Wa firstarea, Saturday ofarethe month, community first Saturday of •theMon. month, community invited. • Granisle Church of the Way services Granisle are Sunday, Church 12. Come has beento scheduled forinvited. first two your dream dream isis aa hobby hobby farm farm in in aa friendly, friendly, rural rural area, here itit is! is! Appl. included. •• IfIf your • If area, your here dream is aAppl. hobby included. farm in a friendly, rural here try it is!Ringette Appl. included. Flats residents welcome attend, we discuss & Thurs. 7:00 At the Soup Bowling Alley: serving Seniors 2436 Poulton Houston, BC Pantone 287 weeks PantoneAve., colours: Blue Houston’s “Love by PM. theSchool Bowl” Kitchen Houston Secondary - Houston webpage: Secondary http:// second SchoolTuesday - webpage: http://at 7:30 Soup and Sandwich luncheonthird Soup Thursday andwith Sandwich of the third1:30 Thursday of the onconcerning the ice. If you areBuck interested in trying ringette of the month pm. 11:00am. 11:00am. issues the flats area, an luncheon$ $ bowling Wed. PM. At the Houston Swimming e-mail: hot dogs and homemade salads instead of soup Pantone 356 emphasizes Green month. Community invited. month. Valley Community At Pleasant Valley Village, please encourage them toAt Pleasant attend during regular on road conditions through ourVillage, Buck invited. Pool: Aquafit, Mon., Wed. &different Fri. 9-10seatings, AM. At Willow through theMonday summer in two 11:00 Locally owned and operated Pantone 139 Flats practice? They bring aprevention parentMonday to sign the waiver/ 3603 11th St.:must Senior Exercise, 3603 and St.: Friday Senior Exercise, and Friday Harvest road user group, fire and11th protection Grove Golf Course:-1:00 Senior’s golf (in season) every Granisle and District Seniors meeting every -12:00 and 12:00 on Wednesdays. registration and wear mask,group, neck guard through ourform volunteer firea helmet, department and Thurs. 10 AM. 2nd Sunday of the month at 7:00pm at the and gloves. planning ofCalendar a community/ hall.Community Please Chris proudly Community proudly sponsored by callCalendar sponsored by The Houston Legion Branch Meeting:- 2nd ® ® fire Houston Community Services249: Association no Seniors Centre. Granisle and District Seniors meeting every 2nd Houston Christian Hockey will be participating in Newell at 250 845-3564 for more information. Monday the month is Executive, 4th inMonday • Perfect hobby farm set up on this 20 acre parcel with a recently renovated, longer hasoffurniture available for persons need. is Salvation cozy, tastefully decorated 4 bedroom home! Sunday ofVolunteer the monthFire at 7:00pm at the Seniors ‘clubs day’ on Thurs. Sept. 11 at the Community Hall Granisle Department meetings General Meeting. Army – Food Activities for Seniors in Houston at the Seniors Houston’s “Love by the Bowl” Soup Kitchen serving • Several outbuildings including a 24x38 wired Quonset with a concrete floor Centre. and will be excepting registrations from 3pm to 7pm. and 10’ door. Well-built barn features a concrete floor, water, power and a bank at Donation the Fire Centre: Carpet Bowling Tuesday and Friday 1:00 PM hot dogs and homemade salads instead of soup & fire practices every Tues., 7:00pm meat cooler as well as a loft. Storage shed, feed shed, large chicken house & & Coats, Mitts& We encourage those wanting to register to take this Seniors Bingo is every Tuesday at 7:00pm at Granisle Volunteer Fire Department meetings other outbuildings! Fenced & cross fenced. Hall. • Floor Curling Monday 1:00 PM • Pool any afternoon through the summer in two different seatings, 11:00 • Beautiful views from the top field. Nice sized garden area and fire pit! opportunity to come and do so as the deadline for Cottonwood Manor. Entry is $1. Come out & enjoy a fire practices every Tues., 7:00pm&atHats the Fire Hall. • Extremely well kept and tidy! Spacious country kitchen with garden to schedule call; Adrian-250-845-2338 • Breakfasts- -12:00 and 12:00 -1:00 on Wednesdays. $650 in Granisle Church of the Wayover services are registrations this year will be Sept. 30. File Registrations fun prize filled evening. Lots of prizes! doors off dining rm to aBlack/Grey deck. Wood electric furnacefile & wood fireplace. Logo Colour Logo donations. first Saturday of the month, community invited. • The Houston Legion Branch 249: Meeting: 2nd Granisle Church of the Way services are Sunday, • If your dream is a hobby farm in a friendly, rural area, here it is! Appl. included. will also be available at the Houston Christian School Houston Secondary School - webpage: http:// Sunday, 11:00am. HOUSTON & DISTRICT BRANCH HOUSTON & DISTRICT BRANCH Soup and Sandwich luncheonthird Thursday of the 11:00am. $ 2365 Copeland Ave. P.O. Box 2365 1480, Copeland Houston Ave. P.O. Box 1480, Houston month. Community invited. At Pleasant Valley Village, Community Calendar proudly sponsored by Ph: 250-845-7117 Ph: 250-845-7117 3603 11th St.: Senior Exercise, Monday and Friday
MILLION DOLLAR TheVIEW! Hometown Experts
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CALENDAR uston COMMUNITY Valley HoBulkley Topley Granisle Topley
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The Hometown Experts Lia Long
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Bulkley Valley CREDIT UNION Bulkley Valley
Community250-845-1147 Calendar proudly sponsored by
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Locally owned and operated Locally owned and operated HOUSTON & DISTRICT BRANCH
2365 Copeland Ave. P.O. Box 1480, Houston
Call 250-845-7325 Call 250-845-7325 Ph: 250-845-7117 HOUSTON & DISTRICT BRANCH 2365 Copeland Ave. P.O. Box 1480, Houston
Bulkley Valley Lia Long 250-845-1147
Ph: 250-845-7117 Bulkley Valley
Salvation Army – Food bank Donation & Coats, Mitts Salvation & Hats– -Food Army over $650 in bank Donation donations. & Coats, Mitts & Hats over $650 in donations.
Houston Today
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Houston Today
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
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