Lake Country Calendar, September 17, 2014

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Annual Salute to Fire Fighters inside!

Lake Country

Petrina Koltun R



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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

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September 17, 2014



Moorage proposal downsized

Aboriginal dancing


Okanagan College to host annual Youth Exhibition Powwow at Kelowna campus ...............................


Suicide prevention MP Ron Cannan praises contributions from those who attended a recent public forum held to discuss the issue and services available to those in need within the Central Okanagan. ...............................


Flyers ■ Coopers ■ Home Depot ■ RONA ■ Shoppers Drug Mart ■ Smart Source


FALL BLOOMS…Irene Bevandick, with Second Wind Farms in Oyama, arranges some

pretty flowers at the Lake Country Farmers’ and Crafters’ Markets customer appreciation day last week. There are two more farmers’ and crafters’ markets left this season, taking place Sept. 19 and 26.

The single biggest development in the history of Lake Country has changed its plans for boat moorage on Okanagan Lake in front of what will eventually be home to some 1,300 residential units. The Lakestone development is now proposing to build a 21-buoy moorage facility, a sharp downsizing from its original plans to build a full size marina that would include room for 105 boats. According to the District of Lake Country, the change in plans came about due to various factors including parking in the area and after strategy sessions with municipal councilors. The project is owned by MacDonald Lakeshore Properties. Until recently, MacDonald owned all of the land that it is building its development on. But in July, the group dedicated the 350 metres of lakefront property to the District of Lake Country. That meant the district would have to give its approval for any moorage system. At Lake Country council’s Sept. 2 regular meeting, council heard about the changes and granted its approval, sending the proposal to higher levels of government for final approval. While the councilors were concerned about the impact of the buoys on the public beach area near Lakestone, they were told that the buoys will not impact access. “For the most part the moorage system is not in front of the public beach,” said Mark Koch, Lake Country’s director of community services. “It’s an interesting series of regulatory issues for a moorage buoy system. The fact the district is now the foreshore upland owner does provide the district with some entitlement.” According to a report to council, the moorage buoy system will have less of an impact on Okanagan Lake than the original marina plan. Koch said it will reduce the potential for water intake problems, lessen the impact on the lake bed from a fish spawning perspective and also decrease the visual impacts on the area. Lakestone is now into its second phase of construction with a planned 1,365 units to be built over the entire project. The project is the largest single development to be on the books in Lake Country.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL




School district seeks billets and volunteers Part-time work available The Central Okanagan School District has made an urgent shoutout to our community. The school district still needs billets for more than 300 student

delegates for the five-day Canadian Student Leadership Conference coming to Kelowna the week of Sept. 23 to 27 and volunteers during the event. This conference will

bring more than 1,100 student and teacher delegates from every province in Canada, and it is a 30-year tradition that the student delegates are billeted with a host family to truly experience the diversity and richness of Canada. The conference organizing committee is asking for public support to welcome an amazing group of student leaders to our region with organizing time clearly running out. A district committee of more than 200 teachers, students and administrators has been busy organizing what promises to be an amazing conference. This will be the first ever CSLC hosted in the Central Okanagan, welcoming more than 650

Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 students from across the country, who will join approximately 250 students from the Central Okanagan School District. The CSLC 2014 will feature a five-day program that includes a group of keynote speakers and workshop opportunities inspiring leadership development that the delegates will take back to their schools and communities, making a positive difference in the lives of others. If you are interested in billeting one of Canada’s future leaders, please register on-line at http:// If you are interested in volunteering, contact Norm Bradley by email at Norm.Bradley@sd23.

to put on civic election

With the municipal elections comleast 19 years of age and legally able to ing up this November, Lake Counwork in B.C.; be proficient in Microtry officials are looking for election ofsoft Word with an accurate typing ficials to help with the general municispeed of at least 30 words per minute; pal election. have excellent verbal communicaDistrict of Lake tion skills and be physCountry’s Chief Election ically able to sit or stand Officer is seeking offifor extended periods at cials to work during the a time. election and applicants Previous election exTHE PREFERRED must be available to work perience is an asset. CANDIDATES WILL on Nov. 5 and 12 for adApplication forms BE AT LEAST 19 vance voting and Nov. 15 and the full job descripfor general voting. tion are available at the YEARS OF AGE As a condition of emCustomer Service CenAND LEGALLY ABLE ployment and pursutre at the Municipal Hall TO WORK IN B.C.… ant to the Local Govor on the district’s webernment Act, all election site at http://www.okastaff are required to make a solemn declaration that they will faith- mayor-council/elections/voting-locafully and impartially fulfill their duties tions-time/. Applications may be suband that they are not personally conmitted online or to the attention of the nected with any candidate in the elecChief Election Officer via mail, email tion. or fax at the above address until 4 p.m. The preferred candidates will be at on Oct. 10, 2014.


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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 17, 2014 A3


Create smiles by buying a Timmy’s cookie Tim Hortons is bringing more smiles to the Central Okanagan with the kickoff of the annual Smile Cookie campaign. This week, Tim Hortons patrons can purchase a freshly baked chocolate chunk Smile Cookie for $1 at participating restaurants across the Okanagan Valley, with 100 per cent of the proceeds proudly donated by Tim Hortons restaurant franchise owners to support the YMCA Strong Kids Healthy Snack Program. “The Smile Cookie campaign has continuously been successful year after year thanks to our loyal guests for their kindness and support,” said Chris Chapman, a Tim Hortons restaurant owner in Kelowna. “We are honoured to support the YMCA Strong Kids Healthy Snack Program with all of the proceeds raised and to share smiles with all of our dedicated Guests. Stop by a restaurant this week and purchase your freshly baked Smile Cookie to support a great cause.” This initiative resulted in a donation of more than $30,000 to the YMCA Strong Kids Healthy Snacks Program last year. In a new campaign twist this year, Canadians can share their Smile Cookie Selfies with friends and family. Simply take a picture of yourself with your delicious Smile Cookie then share via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #SmileCookie. Visit to learn more about the Smile Cookie campaign.


STILL WAITING…Teachers at George Elliott Secondary School were manning the picket line outside the school Monday morning with some

hopeful optimism that mediated contract negotiations in Richmond this week will lead to a settlement.


New artist for Signature Workshops Series With the addition of a dedicated art workshop space in the Lake Country Art Gallery’s Art House space, the Lake Country Art Gallery plans to offer the third in its Signature Workshops Series later this month. “Paint What You See with Jerry Markham” will run 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a one hour lunch

break on Saturday and Sunday, Sept 27 and 28, to coincide with Culture Days. The workshops are designed to offer participants an in depth art making experience that will take one idea and really dive into it. Markham’s workshop will focus on teaching artists to really see, which

often requires some unlearning of things that we are often totally unaware of. “Our brain fills in gaps resulting in painting what we think we see, not what is actually there,” explained Markham. In this two-day class, through demonstrations, drawing and paint-

ing exercises, as well as critiques, you will learn techniques to improve your observational skills. The beauty of learning to really see is that you can then paint anything: A still life, landscape, or the figure. There are no tricks, magic keys or fancy color combinations that will ever surpass your ability

to observe. This workshop is open to people who paint in oil, acrylic or watercolour, and any skill level. Markham is a Canadian artist and plein air painter residing in B.C. who enjoys landscape, mountain, wildlife, and figure painting. You can find out more about Jerry and his work

at The registration fee for the upcoming workshop is $225 for LCAG members, $250 for non-members, not including supplies. For a list of supplies and to register, visit


Posted swimming advisory warnings taken down Swimming advisory signs posted last month at two park beaches on Wood Lake have been taken down. The precautionary advisory affecting the Regional District of Central Okanagan’s

Reiswig Regional Park and the neighbouring District of Lake Country’s Beasley Park took effect Aug. 13 as a result of samples that indicated poor water quality due to increased levels of bacteria.

RDCO communications officer Bruce Smith said recent tests have shown the water quality has improved. “Interior Health has now indicated that recent test samples show water quality has

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again returned to acceptable, safe levels under the Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality,” said Smith. “That means the advisory has been lifted and people can once again swim at

these beaches.” For more information please visit Interior Health’s Recreational Water program webpage RecreationalWater/Pages/default.aspx.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



Celebration for Aboriginal culture The sixth annual Youth Exhibition Pow-

wow at Okanagan College will boast some new

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features this year, making it the most culturally rich event to date. In addition to the First Nation’s singing, drumming, dancing and colourful regalia that takes over the courtyard of Okanagan College’s Kelowna campus on Thursday, there will also be a traditional meal of bannock and deer stew offered to all guests and participants. “The sharing of food is an integral part of our traditions,” said Okanagan College’s Aboriginal access and services coordinator Anthony Isaac. “The elders coming to campus and blessing the food really highlights how important it is to the whole celebration.” The serving of the meal has been made possible thanks to generous donations from the com-

Donate today and help support local women’s health.

munity, including Urban Harvest, SunRype and the Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society, along with campus supporters, including culinary arts manager chef Bernard Casavant and indigenous atudies professor Bill Cohen, among many others. “It’s been a real community effort,” said Isaac. A new initiative aimed at helping students is also launching at this year’s event. A 50/50 draw is being held in conjunction with the Okanagan College Foundation. All the proceeds from the draw are earmarked for a new scholarship for Aboriginal students taking adult academic and career preparation programs at the college. Visitors will also get to enjoy craft vendors selling authentic Aboriginal artwork, carvings, and beadwork, including Dorothy Clough and Marsha King, of First Nation Crafts, Barbara Patkiw, of Native Bead Works, and Morning Dove Hall ixastcawt, who makes jewelry from shells and antlers. In addition, more than 200 youth from pri-


MAYNARD McRae brought his spirited dancing and colourful regalia to the

proceedings for the Okanagan College’s 2013 Powwow. This year’s event takes place on Thursday at the Kelowna campus on KLO Road. vate band schools across the Okanagan, including sensísyusten House of Learning, Studio 9 Independent School of the Arts, Outma Sqilx’W Cultural School and OKIB K-7 Sqilxw Cultural Immersion School, have been invited to at-

tend this year’s festivities. For the fifth time Richard Jackson brings his infectious energy as MC, Noel Ferguson reprises his role as ceremonial Whip Man—otherwise known as the arena director—and the invited drum troops are

The Shoppers Drug Mart® Tree of Life campaign supports local women’s health charities, with 100% of all proceeds going directly to women’s health initiatives in your community. Over the last 12 years, you’ve helped us raise over $23 million dollars and we’re hoping you’ll help us make a meaningful difference in women’s health again this year. Visit your local Shoppers Drug Mart between September 20 and October 17 and buy a leaf ($1), a butterfly ($5), an acorn ($10) or a cardinal ($50) to help women’s health grow in your community. Learn more at

Lake Country

Health Planning Society ... supporting Community Wellness since 1982

Take a Stand Against Elder Abuse Lake Country Health Planning Society wants older adults to come out and discuss what elder abuse is and what can be done about it. Small actions can make a big difference. Please join us at any one of these groups – registration is not required. Beverages and snacks will be provided.

Monday, September 29

Monday, October 6

7:00-8:30pm District of Lake Country 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country

10:00-11:30am Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road, Lake Country

Wednesday, October 15

Tuesday, October 21

1:00-2:30pm Oyama Community Hall 15710 Oyama Road, Lake Country

7:00-8:30pm Okanagan Centre Hall 11099 Maddock Avenue, Lake Country

For more information, call or email the Lake Country Health Planning Society. Funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program

778 – 215 - 5247

crowd-favourites Iron Mountain and Little Hawk. “The powwow is a great chance to celebrate our youth, highlight the richness of who we are, and the strengths of our culture,” noted Isaac. “The more we do to increase people’s understanding of our ways of knowing and doing, the more we create a sense of belonging for all of our learners.” The powwow festivities start at 10 a.m. and run to 2 p.m. on Sept. 19, but for those who can’t make it Okanagan College is streaming the event live at okanagan.

Autism fundraiser walk

The inaugural Central Okanagan Valley Walk Now for Autism Speaks Canada will take place Sept. 21 at Waterfront Park in Kelowna. The fundraising goal for this first event is $50,000 with all the proceeds earmarked to support the local and national work of Autism Speaks Canada, North America’s leading autism science and advocacy organization. Along with the 3 km walk, there will be a Fun Zone for kids and a Community Resources fair.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Direct to Smelter – Precious Metals Roadshow coming to Lake Country Ursa Major Gold, Silver & Coin will be in Lake Country September 22nd and 23rd during a roadshow making its way through the Okanagan. You can bring your gold, silver, coins and Canadian paper money to the Winfield Memorial Hall in Lake Country between 10am and 6pm each day. No appointment is required. Barry Dick is a precious metals buyer and President of Ursa Major Gold, Silver & Coin. “Ursa Major has the unique advantage of dealing direct with a smelter� said Dick. “That allows us to cut out one or even two middlemen. Ursa Major purchases gold and silver from other gold buyers, pawn shops, jewellers and jewellery makers as well as from the general public.� Recent price increases of precious metals have created lots of “gold buyers� including mail in companies. Many of those buyers offer pennies on the dollar to unsuspecting customers and are limited to what they buy, choosing to ignore silver and coins and only purchase gold. “Better Business Bureau complaints about mail in gold companies are extremely high, but it is hard to regulate. My advice is that you do NOT mail your precious metals to anyone you haven’t met or spoken with at length� says Dick. Ursa Major analyzes your gold, silver and coins while you watch, with the process explained to you in detail. Coins with numismatic value are set aside from those with a ‘melt’ value. Silver items such as jewellery and flatware are analyzed for hallmark identification. Items thought to contain gold will also be analyzed for hallmarks, and then confirmed using precise testing that is done while you watch. Then a cash offer is made and you decide to sell or not. Dick took out his first gold claim when he turned 16 in the 1970’s and has been involved with precious metals ever since. An ardent gold panner, he was a regular at the world championship gold panning competition with a personal best of 3rd place in 1984. Now he concentrates on building the wholesale business with jewellers and brokers while taking the roadshow out one or A5

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Executors, s Estate Sale and Coin s Collection welcome!

NO obligation NO pressure FREE analysis & quote

�� � � Paper • �Canadian �Money � � �� • platinum � � � • �earrings �� ��� • �bracelets • �rings �� � �� • gold charms ��� �gold �� • �dental �� �� �� • �broken chains • �gold nuggets �� �� � � �� � • sterling silver � �� �� � � �� � • sterling flatware COINS OINS • COINS COINS


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Millennium Winfield Carman Active Exhibition Centre Living Centre Memorial Hall 227 10th Avenue NW 10130 Wood Lake Road 47 Bottom Ed Belfour Drive Friday & Saturday Wednesday & Thursday Monday, September 22 10am to 6pm Daily 10am to 6pm Daily and & 15th June 14th June 12th & 13th

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Valid Government Photo ID Required

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Tuesday, September 23 Carman at the Carman Active Living Centre Altona at the Millennium Exhibition Centre June 12th & 13th June10am 14 & 15 Winkler atDaily the Winkler 6pmSeniors Winkler at the Winkler Centre Seniors Centre June 16 & 17 June 16 & 17 Valid Government Photo Photo IDIDRequired Valid Government Required

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Ursa Major Gold, Silver & Coin two times a month across Western Canada. “People bring in all kinds of interesting items, but for the most part it is a broken or old chain, unloved jewelry, a single earring, and out of fashion items like charm bracelets. We also accept dental gold but it should be clean. Lately I see more and more silver flatware sets, but before you bring those in please make sure it says “Sterling� on the handle. There is a lot of silver plated flatware that we can’t buy due to the low silver content� says Dick. Another valuable item is coin with

“P fo je ch sh st th ha se co w an an Pe fo

silver content. Dimes, Quarters, Half Dollars and Dollars from Canada and America can be sorted and the silver content determined in no time at all. People are encouraged to bring in any and all coins for assessment. Ursa Major also assesses and purchases Canadian and Dominion of Canada Paper Money. Ursa Major has extensive experience working with estate sales, executors, widows and widowers in a respectful and caring manner. No appointment necessary.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.


So just what is in a name anyway?


or his series of Imager science fiction novels, author L.E. Modesitt Jr. invented a religion. It had a god without a name. Because, as one of its prayers of confession stated “naming is a presumption.” Modesitt went on: “We name everything, and so often when we name it, we assume that we know it. The name becomes the identity, and it is always a limited identity… One of the great sins in life is to accept that a name is all there is to that reality…” So Joe Smith must be an ordinary kind of guy; Aeoliana Schlrmph must be strange. And if you can neither spell nor pronounce someone’s name

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Tessa Ringness Production Manager

Kevin Parnell Staff Reporter

Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688

Courtney Larkan Nancy Blow Creative Consultants Production Designers Phone 250-766-4688 Fax 250-766-4645

OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2


OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm

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Don’t look to our court system to provide answers to class size issues


hatever cease-fire emerges from the latest round in the war for control of B.C.’s public school system, the next court battle is ready to proceed. Lawyers for the provincial government and the B.C. Teachers’ Federation have filed their written submissions to the B.C. Court of Appeal. At issue is whether legislation removing union contract terms that dictated class size and teacher staff levels was a violation of members’ constitutional rights to freedom of association. When B.C. Supreme Court justice Susan Griffin found that it was, the government changed legislation again. The same judge ordered that struck down and the 2002 contract language reinstated retroactively for every contract since then, imposed or negotiated. The government says that would create chaos as well as billions in expenses, pushing out fullday Kindergarten and other allocations of space and money that have proceeded since union control was removed. Griffin’s order is stayed pending this ap-

BC Views

Tom Fletcher peal. If you think the latest strike has been disruptive, you don’t want to see what this judge’s vision would look like. Government lawyers argue that the BCTF’s constitutional right claim is “wrong in law” and amounts to a veto that blocks the province’s ability to legislate in response to changing conditions. “According to the BCTF, legislation may improve on collective agreement entitlements but cannot remove them over the objections of the union without violating (the Charter of Rights and Freedoms),” the government’s submission says. “On the BCTF’s theory, collective agreement entitlements become constitutionally protected in perpetuity.” What that would

mean to voters is when they throw out an NDP government that handed the keys to the treasury to public sector unions, the unions can veto that too. And when mandated minimum teacher-librarians sitting in rooms full of paper books become the equivalent of buggy whip weavers, they must remain as long as the union wants. BCTF’s lawyers submit that the government is wrong in fact as well as law. Its arguments are technical, dwelling particularly on the fact that the government didn’t appeal Griffin’s first ruling. For instance, there have actually been two negotiated deals since 2002. The one in 2006 pro-





vided five years of raises and a bonus to get the government past the 2010 Olympics, and in 2012 there was a pre-election truce negotiated with the help of mediator Charles Jago. The government argues that re-imposing 2002 conditions would overturn other contracts that were agreed to by the BCTF. BCTF’s lawyers say, in effect, the deleted terms covering working conditions weren’t there to negotiate. The Coalition of B.C. Businesses has entered the case as an intervener, arguing for the supremacy of elected governments when providing public services. Its submission notes that unlike private disputes, the right to strike is often curtailed in the public sector, and sometimes eliminated as in the case of police and health care.

“When critical aspects of public policy are jeopardized by employee demands, those aspects could be legislated; where a fiscal downturn or inflationary pressures required austerity measures, they could be implemented through legislation; where strikes jeopardize important public services, the legislature could pass backto-work legislation, and so on.” It’s been obvious for many years that the BCTF doesn’t function like a normal union, and isn’t much interested in starting to do so. Its leadership sees itself as an agent of “social justice,” a belief demonstrated by its promotion of flawed poverty statistics and pronouncements on everything from U.S. labour law to conflict in the Middle East. Its decades-old instruction to government is blunt: Raise taxes and give us the money. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. tomfletcherbc

Life and Faith

Jim Taylor

—such as, say, Zbigniew Brzeziński—you view him with suspicion. I hesitate to use the name “God” in most conversations. As soon as I say “God,” my hearer knows exactly what I mean by it. Even if I don’t. I mean, it’s obvious, isn’t it? God is a proper name, therefore it must refer to the same person, no matter who uses it. Doesn’t it? No, it doesn’t. Years ago, a speaker asked a group of us to draw a picture of God.


We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 17, 2014 A7


Encouraging the debate about suicide prevention


ver the past year, the Mental Health Commission of Canada has been actively encouraging all 308 MPs to shine a light on suicide prevention by holding a forum for conversation in their community. Known online as #308Conversations, my colleague Dan Albas and I, along with our MC, radio morning host Phil Johnson, and the Okanagan Suicide Awareness Society opened the doors of the Parkinson Recreation Centre in Kelowna and welcomed people in to talk about suicide. Many brave people came forward to tell their stories. Among the tears, and yes, some laughter, there were many comments about how the community needs to do more to help folks with mental health issues. In this respect it was good to see such a cross-section of our

MP’s Report

Ron Cannan community present including our school district trustees, local government representatives, as well as those from the Canadian Mental Health Association, Interior Health, and other individuals who work on the frontlines of social services. Folks need and want to talk about suicide and suicide prevention because not talking about it is not working! According to the World Health Organization, someone in the world commits suicide

every 40 seconds, that means approximately 11 Canadians will end their lives today by suicide. In B.C., approximately 500 people take their own lives every year. #308Conversations is designed to include Canadians from coast to coast to coast in a national dialogue about suicide prevention. The goal is to share best practices and work together to create lasting solutions that will serve our communities. At the local level, #308Conversations will provide citizens with information on the actions and initiatives taking place in their own communities. At the federal level, it will bring together community best practices from coast to coast to coast to inform decision making and strategy in tackling the urgent issue of suicide. The results will be gathered by the MHCC

to produce a working community model with tools and solutions that can be shared as a resource for communities across Canada. The Mental Health Commission of Canada exists as a result of the comprehensive May 2006 Senate report entitled “Out of the Shadows At Last: Transforming Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction Services in Canada.” Created and funded by our government, the MHCC works to develop a national mental health strategy, share knowledge and best practices for the benefit of Canadians, and undertake public awareness and education in order to combat the hurtful stigma associated with mental illness. I encourage constituents to go to access information and resources pertaining to mental health.

We don’t all share the same image of God TAYLOR FROM A4 She wanted us to make concrete some concepts that we tended not to think about. Judging by the discussion that followed, most participants tried to visualize some kind of being who could shape the universe and read thoughts. A few drew an old man sitting on a cloud hurling thunderbolts at sinners below. One or two drew a female figure. Clearly, we didn’t all share the same picture of God. And our ideas were changing. The man next to me muttered sardonically, “A generation from now, they’ll be trying to worship a vague oblong blur.” When I was growing up, taking the names of God or Jesus in

vain—that is, as swear words— was taboo. Today, that’s the only safe way to use their names. At least, if you’re cussin’, everyone knows what you mean! Many Jews will not write the word “God.” One of the commandments given to Moses says, “Thou shalt not make any image of me.” A name, Jews say, is an image. So they insert a symbol instead of a letter; they write “G*d,” or “G-d.” In fact, though, a name itself tells us nothing about the one it represents. God is a term that I use for a reality that I’m sure exists, but that I cannot define. I just know that it is, and that it matters. Occasionally, people will shrug off my musings about God, saying, “I don’t believe in God anymore.”

I want to know what they mean by God. Chances are pretty good that I don’t believe in that kind of God anymore, either. My friend Kim MacMillan commented, “I have a personal relationship with something that isn’t a person.” Me too. That doesn’t make me right and someone else wrong. Or vice versa. It means that none of us should assume we know what someone else means when they refer to God. Or Allah. Or Brahman. Or any other holy presence. Better we should ask questions of each other. Perhaps both of us might learn something. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.

I also acknowledge the efforts by our colleague Dr. Harold Albrecht, MP, who championed the Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention Act. More information on this initiative is available through the Public Health Agency of Canada website at Organizing community events as we did this past week is one step in an ongoing process. I’ll be sharing what we learned with our MLAs and I also hope to learn about the status of the after-hours mental health community care team that was in place in Kelowna. It is not presently active, an issue raised at our meeting by Christine Walsh, who is the social development coordinator for the Central Okanagan Regional District. Mainly, we need to keep talking to each other about suicide prevention because there are

many of us trying to deal with tough personal issues alone. Former CO of the BC Dragoons, Cliff Jamieson, who many of us know from the veterans community, recently sent out a tweet that said, “Thank you for taking this on. It’s an important topic. Many people, who are affected, fight it alone & lose.”

Whether suffering from PTSD, the stress of being a teenager, or struggling with finding a job, homelessness, physical or mental health challenges, or aging— you are our family members, our neighbours, our friends—and we want to help. Ron Cannan is the Conservative MP for Kelowna-Lake Country.

14892 Oyama Road $449,900 Private, near-lakeshore home on a quiet, secluded .361 lot in Oyama (near Wood Lake). Minutes from schools, parks, rstrts, wineries & golf. This cozy home features large living area, spacious kitchen, hardwood floors, wood F/P & large windows. Bsmt allows for ample storage. MLS®10086013


Don Rae

Real Estate Professional

250.864.7337 250.766.3300

Lake Country

Seniors’ Centre

Volunteer Fair

DO YOU HAVE EXTRA TIME ON YOUR HANDS? PUT IT TO GOOD USE! Saturday, September 27 • 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Fall is just around the corner and time to plan for cooler months of the year. There are many groups, organizations and associations in Lake Country that require the assistance of volunteers. Most work with very limited budgets and don’t have funds available to pay for help. Come down and see what the groups needs are and arrange to put your time to good use. Refreshments will be served. If your organization would like a table at the fair and/or a vendor wanting to sell your product contact the LCSC.

(Tables available for rent for $5).

Seniors’ Centre: 250-766-4220 • President - Dorothy: 250-766-4568

9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., Lake Country

The KELOWNA CHIEFS are looking for additional billets for the upcoming season The players would range in age from 17 - 20 years old and are in a controlled, disciplined environment within our Hockey Club. You can expect polite, young men who are all trying to advance in their careers. Renumeration is $450 per month per player plus Two Seasons Tickets per player.

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, PLEASE CALL THE Chiefs Billet Coordinator Corrie Janni at (778) 363-2348 or email

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


news ▼ LETTER

Labour relations professional offers insights on how to end strike To the editor: In order to put an end to the contract dispute between the BC Teachers’ Federation and provincial government, I propose the following formula to immediately end the strike/lockout and return the students back to the classroom. I have given considerable thought to how I may attract the interest and attention of the par-

ties concerned to consider my formula to resolve this dispute and have also given much thought to the concerns expressed regarding arbitration which have been expressed by the parties. I have attempted to find a fair and democratic solution for our elected government which would alleviate their hesitation regarding entering into arbitration.


My reason for using the press to propose a solution to resolve this dispute is because I am convinced it would be in the best interest of over 41,000 teachers on strike and over 550,000 of our children out of their classrooms. If my formula in some way helps the parties to resolve this very difficult dispute it is a win for everyone.

Local Squash Now Available!

Assorted Varieties

In the heart of Winfield • 250-766-2226

Are you a candidate in the Lake Country Municipal election? Whatever your needs, we can design, print & distribute your election message! Teresa Huscroft-Brown

Advertising Representative 250.979.7329, ext. 7329 fax: 250.862.5275 email: Lake Country

Health Planning Society ... supporting Community Wellness since 1982

Take a Stand Against Elder Abuse Volunteers Needed Are you a Lake Country senior who wants to make a difference? Lake Country Health Planning Society is looking for volunteers interested in helping community members by sharing information and resources. Beginning in September, volunteers will work together and with staff to increase awareness about elder abuse. Please call or email the Lake Country Health Planning Society for more information. Funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program

778 – 215 - 5247

Because of the wide ranging and negative effects on so many people, I felt it is my obligation as a citizen of B.C. to utilize the skills I have learned through my 50 years in labour relations. I am presenting this formula as a public interest and a challenge to the BCTF and the BC Public School Employers Assocation and the provincial government to accept this formula in the best interest of all concerned. My suggested contract terms are as follows: 1) The parties agree to resolve all matters involving this dispute by binding arbitration. The strike/lockout will be lifted and an orderly return to work will take place immediately. The method of arbitration will be by final offer selection which will be made by the arbitrator. 2) The parties must agree on the arbitrator’s final offer selection process which may be either

by package or each issue separately. In the event the parties cannot agree, the arbitrator will select by separate issue only and not by package. 3) When making a final offer selection the arbitrator will not modify or change any proposal or wording proposed without the written consent of both parties. 4) The parties will immediately appoint an arbitrator. If agreement of such an arbitrator is not reached within 48 hours the chair of the Mediation Division of the Labour Relations Board will appoint an arbitrator within 48 hours. 5) The parties have 48 hours to agree on the number of issues to be resolved by the arbitrator. In no event can there be more than five issues as agreed to by the parties put before the arbitrator for final offer selection. These issues must be of significant importance

and if standing alone could be considered to be a strike/lockout issue. Any proposals unresolved remaining over five but not more than 10 will be resolved by the arbitrator prior to the hearing. All other matters are either agreed to as previously settled or considered withdrawn by the parties. 6) Each side will be allowed four hours to present their position on the issues to be settled to the arbitrator. 7) After each party has presented their position and arguments the arbitrator will have up to 10 days to render a final and binding decision on each of the 5 issues presented by the parties. The final award will be comprised of the five issues in dispute as presented by the parties. 8) In the unlikely event the government cabinet decides the cost of the package as decided by the arbitrator is cost prohibitive to the tax-

payers of British Columbia, they may select one of the cost affected issues and delay by not more than 50 per cent of the cost of the implementation of the issue in dispute by up to five years from the date the agreement is signed if the delay is approved by a 2/3 free vote of all present sitting members of the Legislative Assembly. In the event a delay is approved by the Legislative Assembly the benefit will be restored by no less than 20 per cent of the original amount awarded per year until the full award is restored. 9) Each party will have 48 hours to advise the opposing party of their agreement with the terms as stipulated above. 10) The arbitrator will remain seized to resolve any matter that may arise regarding the implementation of this award. Jim Kelly, Surrey


Local author’s latest book short-listed for prestigious Vancouver Book Award Ashley Little, a graduate student of creative writing in UBC Okanagan’s Department of Creative Studies, has been short-listed for the City of Vancouver Book Award 2014 for her stark novel, Anatomy Of A Girl Gang. Set on the streets of Vancouver’s gritty Downtown East Side, Anatomy of a Girl Gang (Arsenal Pulp Press) follows the tragic exploits of a crew of deeply troubled teenagers. An independent jury short-listed nominated titles and will select a winner. The $3,000 prize is funded by the City’s Publishing Reserve, which was established in 1977 as



a permanent legacy for Vancouver writers and publishers. The 26th annual City of Vancouver Book Award will be presented at the Mayor’s Arts Awards ceremony at the Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Centre on Oct. 7. The Vancouver Book Award nomination is the latest accolade for Little, who lives in the Central Okanagan. She is notched an unprecedented dual win at last spring’s BC Book Prizes—with awards for books in different categories. Little took the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize for Anatomy of a Girl Gang, as well as the Sheila A. Egoff

Children’s Literature Prize for her young-adult novel The New Normal, about troubled teenager Tamar Robinson. Little is currently working on her fourth book. Her first novel, Prick, Confessions of a Tattoo Artist, has been optioned for a screenplay. Along with fellow B.C. author Garry Gottfriedson, Little will give a reading of her works on Wednesday, Sept. 24, 7 p.m., at the Okanagan Regional Library, 1380 Ellis St., in downtown Kelowna at UBCO’s first Visiting Authors evening of the 2014-15 season.



7 Pillars of Character Virtue of the Week


“Patience and the passage of time do more than strength and fury.”

15525 Greenhow Road Lake Country B.C.

-Jean De La Fontaine

Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Kindness Citizenship Conscientiousness


Call Teresa at 250-979-7329

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 17, 2014

W I N F I E L D A9


C A R R ’ S


to Firefighters 2 0 1 4

Your neighbourhood firefighters using equipment to...

keep us safe! In the event of a fire, remember that every second counts, so you and your family must always be prepared. Escape plans help you get out of your home quickly. In less than 30 seconds, a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire. It only takes minutes for a house to fill with thick black smoke and become engulfed in flames. Prepare and practice your fire escape plan twice a year with everyone in your household, including children and people with disabilities.

a fire safety message from

Gray Monk Estate Winery A FAMILY TRADITION SINCE 1982 1055 Camp Road, Okanagan Centre 250-766-3168 •

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


to Firefighters

A look back at the fire departments of Lake Country As the Lake Country fire department gets set to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the amalgamation of three different fire departments next year, it’s a fitting time to look back on where the department, or in this case, departments began. The fire department in Lake Country is as busy as it has ever been, responding to accidents and emergency calls as first responders in Lake Country, rescue operations with its various emergency vehicles and of course knocking down fires as they happen, whether it’s a vehicle fire on the new highway or structure fire in the area’s interface areas. The department features halls in Winfield, Carr’s Landing and Oyama, with the chief and administration office in Winfield and a host of paid-on call firefighters throughout

the area. Here’s a look back at where the three departments began.


The Oyama Volunteer Fire Department is the oldest of three fire halls that make up the Lake Country Fire Department. The first hall in Oyama was built and dedicated in 1958 with an air-raid siren used in Britain during World War II installed on the roof of the packing house and the first fire truck, a used 1937 Ford, purchased from the Rutland Fire Department. A new fire hall was soon required to accommodate the expanding needs of the Oyama Fire Protection District, so in 1970 the volunteers moved into the old United Church. In 1986 the district bought a new Ford L8000 fire truck for

$134,000 to replace the aging 1961 International purchased new 25 years earlier. The Oyama fire hall was expanded in 1988 with the help of

May 1989 a rescue craft was available for emergency use on the water and in 1995, the department merged with the LCFD.

tection. A group of 10 residents formed the Winfield Volunteer Fire Brigade and installed a siren on the roof of Al’s Cafe and residents

sisted of shovels and garden hoses carried in the trunks of the volunteers’ cars. In 1959 construction of a fire hall was undertaken to house the brand new $15,000 fire truck that arrived that year. Ben Crooks was appointed as the first Fire Chief, a position he held for 15 years. A used 1953 GMC truck was also purchased and converted into a 1,000 gallon tanker truck in 1960. By 1974 the department had added a 1973 pumper truck and a used panel truck and over the years the calls kept increasing. The first full time paid Fire Chief was Nick Tresnich.

were requested not to call the cafe if the siren sounded as the phone line needed to be free to call the volunteers. Initially the only equipment con-

Carr’s Landing

1937 Ford bought used in 1958. a B.C. Lotteries grant and that same year the fire fighters started a fund to raise more than $16,000 for the purchase of a rescue boat. By


In February of 1956 the members of the Winfield Farmers Institute decided that Winfield should have some form of fire pro-

The new residents of Coral Beach established the first unofficial fire department in the Carr’s Landing area. Volun-

teers pulled secondhand hose from a trailer that carried a Honda gas-powered water pump and built a fire hall garage on Coral Beach Road. In 1982 a new home on Schaad Road burned to the ground inspiring the community of Carr’s Landing to form a steering committee, headed by Doug Pearce, to develop a fire protection area. By July of 1984, a temporary fire shed was built using volunteer labour and a used 1958 pumper truck was purchased from the Westbank Volunteer Fire Brigade. The Carr’s Landing Fire Department was now officially a part of the Central Okanagan Regional District Fire Protection Area. A new firehall was built in 1987 before the departments merged in 1995. Visit for more info

The early years of the Winfield fire hall

If a pot catches fire, cover it with a lid to smother the flames and turn off the burner. a fire safety message from

LAKE COUNTRY LIQUOR STORE Cooper’s Village Mall #72 - 9522 Main Street


Left to Right (sitting): Henry Redecopp, Frank Baxter, Susie Taiji, Al Janzen, Dave Lodge, Randy Holitzki, Matt Kobayashi. Left to Right (standing): Murray Sheritt, Ruben Krebs, Gilbert Arnold, Art Arnold, Pete Rodall, Carl Hondl, Ben Crooks, Cliff Gunn, Line Lines, Otto Holitzki, Gilbert Berry.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 17, 2014 A11

to Firefighters Administration 71 81 91

Station 71 Lake Country Fire Department


Steve Windsor Fire Chief

Brent Penner

Deputy Fire Chief

Terry Cameron Clerk

Peter Whitfield

District Training Officer Maintenance

Eric DeGelder

LCFD (Oyama, Carr’s Landing and Winfield) is seeking applicants interested in becoming paid-on-call firefighters. Please bring your completed application to the Fire Administration Office at 10591 Okanagan Centre Road east or email to Applications are available at the address above on online at If you have any questions, please call 250-766-2327

Lieutenant Fire Inspector

Don’t use gas-fuelled appliances as alternative heating sources indoors. a fire safety message from

Woodsdale General Store Mike Gesi Lieutenant

Rob Baumann

Cory Drinkwater Lieutenant


Tyson Attrell Fire Fighter

Eric Bauld Fire Fighter


250.860.6278 1717 Harvey Avenue, Kelowna

3191 Woodsdale Rd., Winfield 250-766-4677 “Your friendly little convenience store that has it all.”

The Interior’s largest VW dealership. Making German engineering affordable since 1960 A fire safety message from Turner VW

Brady Bloomer Fire Fighter

Ben Burbine Fire Fighter

Cameron Burke Fire Fighter

Keep the underbrush trimmed around your home.

The all-new

2015 Golf

is here!

Proud to work with our community firefighters.

a fire safety message from

Rylan Carnegie Fire Fighter

250-470-7372 Give Brian a call!

Complete landscape maintenance Residential • Commercial • Condo

Lake Country RCMP Detachment

“Have your car serviced by a professionally trained mechanic. A car that is not properly maintained is more likely to perform below its full capabilities in an emergency braking or evasion situation. A well-maintained car is a safer car!”

Post emergency numbers near telephones. Be aware that if a fire threatens your home, you should not place the call to emergency services from inside the home. It is better to get out and place the call to fire authorities from a safe location outside the home. a fire safety message from the RCMP

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


to Firefighters Station 71

Kyle Davis Fire Fighter

Colin DeWolf

Karl Featherstone

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Don Glavin

Glen Gregory

Ray Hamm

Paul Hipsey

Jeremy Labelle

Trevor Lakey

Robert Lussier

Brandon Marshall

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Pet owners should post a notification near each of the entrances of their homes that detail the number of animals located inside. Additionally, when speaking with officials & security experts over the phone, be sure to tell them if pets are within the home so they can notify the fire crew.

a fire safety message from

Ruff N’ It Doggy Spa

15130 Hwy 97, Oyama • 250-548-3244 Professional grooming since 1998

Kyle Hlina Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Apply Today

Baybridge-Baltic Properties... a great place to live and work

Suites Available! Call for Details

Lake Country Lodge & Manor Proud to offer Residential Care & Independent Living

Our mission is to consistently provide excellence in care, service and housing to all within our residences. We promote wellness, implement creative approaches to care and service, and serve as a contributing member of our community.

#100 10163 Konschuh Road

“Thank you for your strong dedication & commitment you’ve been showing Lake Country, BC to this community!” – All the best, from Lake Country Lodge & Manor P: 250-766-3007 • F: 250-766-3316

Make sure all family members know what to do in the event of a fire. Draw a floor plan with at least two ways of escaping every room. Make a drawing for each floor. Dimensions do not need to be correct. Make sure the plan shows important details: stairs, hallways and windows that can be used as fire escape routes. a fire safety message from

Lesli Matsuda Fire Fighter

John Mellor Fire Fighter

If you smell smoke, roll out of bed. Stay low. One breath of smoke or gases may be enough to kill. a fire safety message from • Meat • Produce • Dairy • Deli

• Bakery • Grocery • Floral • RBC Bank Machine

Fire Fighter

Do you like to help others, enjoy working as part of a team, want to learn new skills and are physically fit? If you are interested in becoming a member of the fire department, check to see if you meet all the requirements below.

• Must reside in Lake Country (Winfield, Okanagan Centre, Carr’s Landing or Oyama) • Are in good

health and physical condition

• Must be 19 years old or older • Must have a valid BC Driver’s Licence with a good driving record

#9-10017 Main Street, Lake Country

BC interior’s LARGEST RV Dealer In your own backyard!

• Submit to a criminal record check by the RCMP



• Be able to attend Monday night practices

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 17, 2014 A13

to Firefighters Station 81

Bruce Boechler

District Training Officer

Bob Smith

Chief Medical Officer

Tim Kim


Blair Brown Fire Fighter

Terry Day Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Brian Toering Fire Fighter

You may have installed a very expensive home security system. But if you cannot escape the burning structure you have a false level of confidence.

What is S.A.F.E?

John Whitlock

Shaun Reed

The SAFE Program, which stands for Safety, Awareness and Fire Education, was developed right here in Lake Country by the Public Education Division of the Lake Country Fire Department with the aim of protecting families should they ever experience a residential structure fire. The SAFE Program itself is a 4 hour program instructed over a period of two (2) weeks in the classroom with the emphasis on home escape planning.

a fire safety message from

FAMILY Dr.DENTISTRY Jenna Baruta and Associates

Fire Fighter

250.766.4494 |

10564-B Powley Court, 3rd Floor


Winfield, BC

Conduct a family meeting and discuss the following topics: Find a way for everyone to sound a family alarm. Yelling, pounding on walls, whistles, etc. Practice yelling “FIRE!” a fire safety message from

John Mandoli 250-718-1864

Brian Wright 250-681-0198

Quality Construction Products for Over 44 Years Complete Line of Engineered Wood Products • Roof Trusses • LVL Beams • I Joists • Pre-Fab Wall Panels • Glulam Beams

Roof Trusses • LVL Beams • I Joists • Metal Roofing • Glulam Beams • Friendly & Professional Staff • Friendly & Professional Staff • Engineering Services Engineering Services • Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) • Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs) • Crane Truck

• Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs) • Crane Truck

Special thanks to the local fire department for keeping the community safe this summer!

WINFIELD - 250-766-3331 WINFIELD - 766.3331 • KELOWNA - 860.6667 • PENTICTON - 493.3307 WESTBANK - 768.0700 •KELOWNA VERNON - 545.3215 • KAMPLOOPS - 372.3443 • 1.877.545.3215 250-860-6667 • WEST KELOWNA - 778-755-5999

VERNON 250-545-3215 TOLL FREE 1-877-545-3215 •

391 Tilley Rd., 250-766-0611

Corner of Jim Bailey & Tilley, Winfield Industrial Park (One block off Beaver Lake Road)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


to Firefighters Station 91 Be alert when you cook, and keep children out of the way. Don’t wear loose fitting clothing and be careful not to reach over hot burners. a fire safety message from

ill bike ws! r u o Y eu


3175 Woodsdale Road • Lake Country, BC


Graham Kershaw

Todd Roberts

Chris Casparis

Jim Thomson

Cale Berger

Murray Davidson

Noel Harder

Cody Holtam

Tyson Kershaw

Ryan Murdain

Ken Raine

Allan Wilkes

Gary Rawsthorne

District Training Officer




Fire Fighter

Be sure generators are kept outside where exhaust doesn’t enter buildings. a fire safety message from

CraCk ElECtriC ltd. • Commercial • Residential • Controls • Design

• Hot Tub Repairs • Trenching • Fire Alarms

Office/Fax: (250)766-2594 Cell: (250)258-6707 Check smoke detectors once a month and change the batteries at least once a year. Smoke detectors sense abnormal amounts of smoke or invisible combustion gases in the air. They can detect both smoldering and burning fires. At least one smoke detector should be installed on every level of a structure. Purchase smoke detectors labeled by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or Factory Mutual (FM). a fire safety message from

Practice alerting other members. It is a good idea to keep a bell and flashlight in each bedroom. a fire safety message from

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter


4-11852 Highway 97 • Winfield (250) 766-2973

a food store

Fire Fighter

Fire Fighter

Fire Safety Tip:

of all

Proud of our own hometown heroes! 9522 Main Street, Lake Country


Fire Fighter

Rick Stoltz Fire Fighter

Alex Wilkes Fire Fighter

Fires can strike anywhere at any time. Along with installing smoke detectors in your home, you should have a fire extinguisher in key areas.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 17, 2014 A15

to Firefighters Thank you Lake Country firefighters for all your hard work and dedication.

Thank you for the many services that you provide to our community!

Lake Country Firefighters were hopping busy Monday, Aug.25, responding to two vehicle fires, both on the new Highway 97 between Winfield and Vernon. Up to 10 firefighters responded to each incident as first, a logging truck caught on fire and then later in the afternoon, a tow truck. No injuries were reported and traffic was disrupted for a time while crews battled to get the blazes under control. The preliminary investigaions indicate the cause of both fires was mechanical in nature.

Did you know? Smoke is the cause of the majority of fire-related deaths.

Know your company’s fire and emergency plans. These should be posted in a prominent location on every floor of the building. Participate in regular fire drills to ensure you are familiar with exits, pull stations and the location of fire extinguishers.

A fire safety message from 106-3121 Hill Road Lake Country 250-766-5670

Don’t tamper with the fuse boxes or use fuses of improper size. a fire safety message from

Roosters Barber Shop Get a GREAT hair cut for UNDER $20!

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#101-9685 Hwy. 97 • 250-766-1050

“We Thank & Support Our Local Fire Fighters”


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Visit Call (250) 766-4255

Proud to support Station 91 Oyama Fire Department and all the Lake Country Firefighters

Your willingness to serve keeps our families and communities safe… Thank-You!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



Volunteer drive underway to benefit Sunshine Foundation The BMO Okanagan Marathon has kicked off a volunteer drive in support of the 20th anniversary of this family fitness and active lifestyle festival. More than 300 volunteers are needed to

fill positions over the Thanksgiving race weekend, Oct. 11and 12, which benefits the Sunshine Foundation of Canada. All volunteers will take part in an orientation, receive a volunteer

John Mandoli B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A. Licenced REALTOR®


250-860-7500 mand dolli@

t-shirt, and celebrate at an appreciation party. Rick Simpson and his partner Gael, volunteers for over 30 years, have also recruited and managed volunteer activities themselves. Last year, they took part in the BMO Okanagan Marathon and loved the experience. “It’s the first time we ever participated in a marathon and it was wonderful to get out and see the runners close up and personal and be there to cheer them on,” said Simpson. “We appreciate how hard and grueling the race can be and we

clapped and encouraged them every step of the way towards the finish line. It was an exhilarating experience for us and one of the best events we have volunteered for and one of the best organized volunteer events we’ve participated in.” Volunteer coordinator Cindy LaRue says BMP Marathon volunteers enjoy the atmosphere of race weekend. LaRue says there are plenty of opportunities for individuals to help on race day as a course marshal, water station volunteer, or in advance of the race in runner support services.

“We have also established a Volunteer-In-Kind program for local charities that helps build awareness of their organization while they provide volunteers to support this community event,” she said. Businesses, clubs, sports teams or not-forprofit groups can also get on board by sponsoring a water station. LaRue explained. “It’s a great way for sponsors to raise their profile in the community by wearing company t-shirts and by letting runners know they are there to show support on behalf of their group,” she said. “There is no cost to sponsor a water station and all supplies and training are provided.” The BMO Okanagan

Marathon has an event for everyone—from the recreational, advanced and competitive runners to children and adults. Every registered participant will receive a BMO Okanagan Marathon Bag, along with a t-shirt and a finisher’s medal. To volunteer for the


Better at Home program comes to Lake Country The Central Okanagan Better at Home Program is now offering services to seniors 65 and over who are living independently and could benefit from receiving non-medical home sup-

Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road

250-861-7722 Sex: Male Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 343964 If you love the Beagle breed, you’ll love Lou. He is a young and exuberant. Lou will need a family who is very active as he will not be content in just ‘hanging around in the yard’ for extended periods of time. Please, if you are considering adopting this boy, either have experience with the Beagle breed, or do right by both Lou and yourself and do extensive research on his breed. Please ask the Kelowna SPCA Staff for a backyard meeting with Lou.

HEALTH AND WELLNESS FAIR Think Well, Live Well, Be Well!

Winfield Memorial Hall

corner of Berry Rd & Bottom Wood Lake Rd

Saturday, October 4, 2014 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Bring the Family - All Ages Welcome




Check weekly flyers Browse flyers fromout your favourite national and local retailers (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX Check out weekly flyers



Browse nationaland andlocal local retailers Browseflyers flyersfrom from your your favourite favourite national retailers

Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers


Educational Speakers Nutritious Food and Refreshments Admission by Donation


Lake Country Health Planning Society and community partners

LEARN ABOUT Eye care Financial planning Nutrition Mobility aids Personal care Dental care Excercise and fitness Stress reduction Natural Products

BMO Kelowna Marathon please register online at Anyone wishing to help who doesn’t have access to a computer can contact Cindy LaRue at 250-681-5895. For more info, email LaRue at cindy.

ports. The Better at Home program is funded by the provincial government, managed by the United Way of the Lower Mainland and coordinated by local agencies. The Seniors Outreach & Resource Centre in Kelowna is the lead agency for the Central Okanagan. The services that are available in the Central Okanagan at this time include light housekeeping, light yard work, and minor home repairs. The service fees are assessed on a sliding scale. This is a great program, especially for seniors with lower incomes who would not be able to access these services otherwise. The program is also accessible to residents of Peachland, Lake Country and West Kelowna as well as Kelowna. The services that are available vary in each area, so please contact the agency in the specific area to learn more: The contact for more information locally is the Lake Country Health Planning office at 778215-5247.

Thrift store donations Featured Retailers Featured Retailers

Featured Retailers

Featured Retailers Featured Retailers

Visit Visit flyers. deals.savings savings tips. coupons. deals. tips. Visit

In an effort to improve the flow of donations staff and volunteers are able to process, the Kelowna Women’s Shelter Thrift Store is setting specific days and times it will now accept donations from the public— between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. All proceeds from the Thrift Store support the Kelowna Women’s Shelter.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 17, 2014 A17


Okanagan’s own xeriscape maven shares her wisdom JUDIE STEEVES

Growing up in a family of gardeners, Gwen Steele had her own garden at the age of five, triggering a lifelong passion for growing things. In 1992, working for Burnett’s Garden Centre in Kelowna, customers would often ask which plants make water work best, growing in the Okanagan’s hot summer sun with a minimum of water. She took the queries to heart and began researching. Out of that research came a list which she carried in her pocket to answer questions at work, and a new term for gardening with nature—“xeriscape.” “I have always loved dhelping people garden successfully. It connects you to the earth and feeds your spirit. The Principles of Xeriscape provide an easy guide to success.” Steele says. “Personally, I want to get the maximum benefit -from my gardening time, so I use plants that do well without a lot of care. “A plant requiring exs tra care doesn’t get to ostay in my garden. Also, I’ve always been keen on the environment and living in harmony with nature.” Although conserving water was not a consideration decades ago

when the valley was less populated, she says, “I hated dragging hoses, so xeriscape suited me better for many reasons.” Another benefit of creating colourful gardens using plants that thrive under local conditions turned out to be their resistance to disease and insect pests. “It’s magical to watch an infestation of aphids disappear once the ladybugs move in,” she notes. For more than 20 years, Steele has continued her quest to learn which plants do best in our valley’s challenging climate. Her xeriscape research has included growing plants and recording how they grow, once established, with little more water than falls naturally during an Okanagan summer. Today, she is executive director of the non-profit Okanagan Xeriscape Association (OXA). The group offers workshops and has a website ( rich with photos and details about plants and techniques for growing in the dry Okanagan. With support from the Okanagan Basin Water Board, the group also created the ‘UnH2O” xeriscape demonstration garden in front of Kelowna’s H2O Fitness Centre.


GWEN Steele, executive director of the Okanagan

One of the suggestions of the Water Board’s Make Water Work program is to change-out at least a portion of the waterthirsty lawn surrounding our home or business with drought-tolerant turf and/or native and low-water variety plants. Alternatives include ground covers such as junipers or thyme; mulched shrubbery such as ninebark, potentilla, saskatoons and lilacs; ornamental grasses; or colourful perennials. “Fall is an ideal time to plant,” says Steele, but she cautions that it’s important to group plants by their water needs. “Don’t add a drought

tolerant plant to a garden bed that contains 2 Go outside. plants requiring regular watering. Neither will be happy or healthy.” For more information on turf-removal and Call FortisBC’s 24-hour xeriscape, visit the OXA 3 emergency line at website or sign up for an upcoming workshop. 1-800-663-9911 or 911. Details at *** Natural gas is used safely in B.C. every day. But if you With 24 per cent of all Okanagan water used smell rotten eggs, go outside first, then call us. on household lawns and gardens, and less water Learn more at available per person than anywhere in Canada, valley residents are encouraged to reduce outdoor FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (14-117.2 03/2014) water use. Learn more at the 3/3/2014 11:02:44 website MakeWater- 14-117.2_FOR806_GasOdourPrint_P1.indd 1 Make Water Work is an initiative of the Okanagan There’s a lot to keep people busy in Lake Basin Water Board and Country as summer draws to a close! Be its Okanagan WaterWise program. sure and visit the Farmer’s Market Fridays

First Day of Autumn is Sept 23!

Winfield United Church Sunday Worship and Children’s Church

9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387


Wide range of legal services to Lake Country. FREE CONSULTATION

Winfield Community Church

Sunday Morning Service for All Ages

10:15 a.m. PASTOR SEAN HARDER 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753 To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688

200-1455 Ellis Street, Kelowna 250-861-5678

Smell rotten eggs? It could be natural gas.

Xeriscape Association, deadheads flowers in her WaterWise garden, an area that was formerly a lawn.

3751 Woodsdale Road  250-766-4458

David P. Yerema


Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

from 3-7 pm in Swalwell Park where a variety of vendors sell fruits, vegetables, eggs, crafts, sewing, art, plants, flowers, food, etc. The last day to visit the Farmer’s Market is Friday, Sept. 26 - be sure and check it out before the season ends! The Lake Country Calendar’s annual ‘Salute to Firefighters’ is in this issue. The Lake Country Calendar is proud to support the emergency and support personnel in Lake Country that keep us safe 24/7. Look to the pages of the Lake Country Calendar for more information about all the great events happening in our community!

It’s been great getting out into the community to meet with so many of you! If you’d like me to drop in for a visit, please call or email me and I’d be delighted to meet with you.



Advertising Representative 250.766.4688, ext. 7329 fax: 250.862.5275 email:

47.Shirt type 26.On the Pacific 23.Golfing 25.Small flaps 43.Cougars thedevice rear of 48.Shop ____ A18 www.lakecountrycalendar.com22.To 49.Agent Eliot sign 27.Leak 26.On the Pacific 45.Restaurant 25.Small flaps a ship 50.Recreational ____ 27.Leak 47.ShirtEliot type 28.Closed 26.On thehand Pacific 49.Agent 50.Recreational Lake Country 23.Golfing device area ____ 48.Shop sign 28.Closed hand 27.Leak 29.Throbbing 25.Small flaps 51.Luau area necklace 50.Recreational 49.Agent Eliot 29.Throbbing pain 28.Closed 51.Luau necklace 26.On thehand Pacific 52.The whole area ____ pain 30.Bright light since 29.Throbbing 52.The whole amount 27.Leak ... supporting Community Wellness 1982 necklace 51.Luau 50.Recreational 30.Bright light amount pain 35.Scratch 54.Colorize whole 28.Closed hand 52.The area Creating a healthier community for young and old. 35.Scratch 54.Colorize 30.Bright light amount 29.Throbbing 51.Luau necklace 35.Scratch pain 52.The- whole • 778 –54.Colorize 215 5247 30.Bright light amount 35.Scratch 54.Colorize

Health Planning Society

Community eVentS Copyright © 2014, Penny Press

Copyright © 2014, Penny Press

Friday, 1 pm before issue date 60.Private nterCopy hazard deadline Copyright ©60.Private 2014, Penny Press 33.Winter hazard ____ tons •LCand HeaLtH SoCiety - VoLunteer. Are you a Lake Country ____ 34.Pistons andPLanning 60.Private Winter hazard tics 61.Inheritors Senior who wants to make a difference? Volunteers will work together Celtics 61.Inheritors Copyright © 2014, Penny Press ____ Pistons & with and staff to increase awareness about elder abuse. For info email e-building 36.Hive-building Celtics or call 778-215-5247 61.Inheritors 60.Private 33.Winter ect DOWN insect hazard DOWN ANSWER TOgrouP. PUZZLE NO. NO. 727 •LC HeaLtH PLanning SoCiety FoCuS Take a stand Hive-building ____ ANSWER TO PUZZLE 727 against 34.Pistons and ed light light 1. Bell 37.Shed 1. sound Bell sound elder abuse - Monday., Sept. 29 from 7 - 8:30pm at 10150 Bottom Wood insect Celtics 61.Inheritors DOWN use’s 2. Kind 39.Mouse’s PUZZLE NO. 727 2. of Kind For of moreANSWER Lakekin Road,kin Lake Country. info callTO 778-215-5247 Shed light 1. Bell sound ol36.Hive-building tradition 40.Fool tradition •KeLowna SCottiSH DanCe grouP. Our Open House takes place on insect kin Mouse’s 2. DOWN Kind of le voice18, Sept. please attend to obtain more information or callNO. 250-769-1547. 41.Male voice 3. Approach ANSWER TO PUZZLE 727 3. Approach 37.Shed light ProgramS Fool 1.tradition Bell sound •CHiLDren’S For FaLL at tHe LaKe Country Library 42.Cage ge 4. Bow down 4. Bow down 39.Mouse’s kin 3.Time Male voice Story 2.Approach Kind of Fri. from 10:30 - 11:30am, starting Sept. 5 & Preschool will be 44.A single ingle timeon time Deep 5. 4. Deep ending Dec. 19.5.Bow Baby Time 40.Fool tradition Cage down for babies 0 - 18 months will be Tues. from 46.In the- 11:00am, know respect respect he know 10:30 starting 41.Male voice 3. Approach A single time 5. Deep Oct. 7 & finishing on Dec. 16. All programs are 50.Elated 6. With FREE but children must be accompanied by a caregiver. For more info, call ted 6. With 42.Cage 4.respect Bow down Inthe thelibrary know 250-766-3141. kindness 53.Tack on kindness kElated on single time 6. 44.A 5.With Deep Centre We are off to another fun year. 9832 •LaKe Country SeniorS’ Old 55.Brood 7. Old7.kindness od 46.In the know respect Bottom Wood Lake Road, many of the programs that happened last year Tack on instrument 56.Squeal instrument ueal will be added again.LC Artists - Sept. 8 at 8:30am, Line Dancing 9:30am or 50.Elated 6.OldWith 7. Brood 8. -Head 57.Pesky 1:30am, Wood 9am, J.O.Y. Excercise - 9 am, Tai Chi - 2pm, Sewing 8. Shop Head sky insectoninsect kindness 53.Tack instrument Squeal newscaster 58.Heavy brews 1pm, Crib 7pm, Crib Tournament - Sept. 20 at 10am, Hosp Aux - 1pm, Bus newscaster 7.Head Old avy brews 55.Brood Pesky insect 9. Bird cry Society - 10am,8.Songsters - 10am, Pancake Breakfast - 8am. Call 250-76659.Runner’s CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS instrument 9. Birdnewscaster cry 56.Squeal nner’s Heavy brews CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 4220 for more info. 10.Outdo USE AMERICAN SPELLING distance Head 57.Pesky insect 10.Outdo SPELLING tance 9. 8.Bird cry •LC SeniorS’ Centre eVent. USE 9832AMERICAN Bottom Wood LakeANSWERS Rd. will be hosting Runner’s PUZZLE newscaster CROSSWORD 58.Heavy brewsPrime Lake Country Entertainment (Prime Time) with a fun year. Come enjoy 10.Outdo USE AMERICAN SPELLING distance

the entertainment 9. & refreshments, atCROSSWORD 1pm. call Joanne: 250-766-0667 or Bird cry 59.Runner’s PUZZLE ANSWERS 250-766-4220 10.Outdo USE AMERICAN SPELLING distance •LC SeniorS’ Centre VoLunteer Fair. Sept.27 at 10 - 2pm. Tables available to groups, organizations & associations to display there needs for volunteers. $5/table. LCSC - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., call Dorothy: 250766-4568 or 250-766-4220 •LC SeniorS buS SCHeDuLe. Monday Sept. 22, 29 Prime Time, Tuesday Sept.23, 30 Buffet Lunch Winfield Seniors Centre, Shopping Saturday Sept. away 26.Pitcher’s stat 43.Drive 27 Gellatley Nut Farm, West Kelowna, lunch, and reserve seat on 43.Drive away 26.Pitcher’s statmore.To 27.Picnic 44.Mountain bus please call Marg 250-766-3227 26.Pitcher’s or Marian 250-861-4131 43.Drive away stat 44.Mountain nuisance hollow 27.Picnic •tHriFt Store now oPen! 3250 Berry Rd. All proceeds go to the Lake 27.Picnic 44.Mountain 29.Storage tank 46.Like suntan nuisance hollow Country Food Bank. Run by our friendly volunteers! Open Tues., Wed. & 43.Drive away 26.Pitcher’s stat nuisance hollow lotion 30.Woolly female 29.Storage tank Thurs., 11am– 6pm. 46.Like suntan 27.Picnic 44.Mountain 29.Storage tank 46.Like 47.Reflex-test •royaL CanaDian Legion branCH 189 Ladies Auxiliary noticesuntan of cribbage 31.Guided lotion 30.Woolly female nuisance hollow tournament on last Sun. of the month to include 4th Sun. if lotion there are five joint 30.Woolly female 34.This lady 31.Guided 29.Storage tank47.Reflex-test 46.Like Sun. in the month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legionsuntan after 48.“Green ____ 47.Reflex-test 31.Guided 37.Ate heartily joint 34.This lady lotion 30.Woolly female 3pm. Registration is at 9am. Games begin at 10am sharp. $26 per team, and Ham” joint 34.This lady 39.Certain vipers 48.“Green ____ includes lunch. 37.Ate heartily 47.Reflex-test 31.Guided 51.Amigo 48.“Green ____ 41.Potent 37.Ate heartily •ViSit tHe LaKe Country muSeum anD arCHiVeS at 11255 Okanagan and Ham” joint 34.Thisvipers lady 39.Certain and Ham” 52.Bakery item particles Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mon., 39.Certain vipers 51.Amigo 48.“GreenWed., ____ 37.Ate heartily 41.Potent & Sat. from 1 to 4pm, & by appointment. 250-766-0111 or visit the website 42.Imprint firmly 53.Bizarre 51.Amigo 41.Potent and Ham” 39.Certain vipers 52.Bakery item particles 52.Bakery item particles 51.Amigo 41.Potent •LaKe Country SeniorS’ buFFet, 9832 Bottom Lake Rd. Frozen 42.Imprint firmly Wood 53.Bizarre 42.Imprint firmly 53.Bizarre meals available for $5. Call 250-766-4220particles to arrange for these & whatitem is 52.Bakery available. 42.Imprint firmly 53.Bizarre •LaKe Country FooD banK has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with Copyright © 2014, Penny Press the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the3.rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of 35.Intimidate Inserts © 2014, Penny Press the daysCopyright noted. Copyright ©4. 2014, Penny Press 36.Tennis contest Young bear •Cribbage. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. 38.Swindled 5. Copyright © Prone 2014, Penny Press midate 3. Inserts Intimidate Inserts Playing 8 games3.with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy 40.Radiators 6.Young Enemy nis 4. 4. Young bear Tennis contest ancontest evening out with and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only bear 35.Intimidate 3. fun Inserts 42.Accompany 7. Finished indled $2.50. For info. call John 250-766-3026. 5. Prone Swindled 5. Prone 36.Tennis contest 4. Young bear ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 729 •winFieLD 6. uniteD CHurCH 45.Jab 8.Enemy Chinese tHriFt SHoP (3571 Woodsdale Road), is diators Enemy Radiators 6. 38.Swindled Prone open from Tues. to5.Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call temple 49.Melt company 7. for Finished Accompany 7. Finished 40.Radiators 6. Enemy 250-766-3387 info regardingANSWER appropriate donations. TOTO PUZZLE NO. ANSWER PUZZLE NO.729 729 9. Without 50.Conflicting 8. 8. Chinese Jab 42.Accompany 7.Chinese Finished •oyama Legion branCH 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 729 moisture 54.Harbor temple at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. lt45.Jab temple Melt 8. Chinese 10.Workbench 55.Damsel •LC Line DanCerS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Without Without temple nflicting Conflicting 9. 9. 49.Melt jawswelcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. 56.Journey Centre. Beginners always moisture moisture 9. Without Harbor 50.Conflicting bor brunch •SoCiaL Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players section briDge 11.Has moisture 10.Workbench 10.Workbench 54.Harbor Damsel msel welcome. Eunice, 16.____ 250-766-3982. Grey 57.Weeded jaws 55.Damsel Journey •tHe CounCiL jaws oF10.Workbench Senior urney tea CitiZenS organiZationS (COSCO) is an 58.Toboggan jaws 11.Has brunch advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. section 56.Journey 11.Has brunch tion 20.Tenant 59.Affirmative Senior organizations/associations 11.Has brunch wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing section 16.____ Grey Weeded 16.____ Grey eded 22.Or’s partner answer to become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 16.____ Grey tea 57.Weeded Toboggan tea boggan 23.Pigeon’s cry or for info. tea 20.Tenant 58.Toboggan Affirmative 20.Tenant rmative •LC outDoorS CLub welcomes 24.Pass, as a hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts(biking DOWN 20.Tenant 22.Or’s partner 59.Affirmative answer &Type kayaking.Bring water, snacks/lunch; wear weather appropriate clothing; & 22.Or’s partner wer law 1. of milk CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 22.Or’s partner answer 23.Pigeon’s cry about sturdy boots for hiking. For ourAMERICAN club, contact us temporarily at: cryinfo 25.Total USE SPELLING 2. Soft wood23.Pigeon’s 23.Pigeon’s cry 24.Pass, as a WN 24.Pass, as a 24.Pass, as a at no charge to all non-Profit organizations. DOWN All Community of milk EvEnts CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS lawlawwill be placed eType of milk CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS law 1. Type of milkfor 25.Total USE AMERICAN SPELLING Soft wood CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS all other inquiries, please email 25.Total USE AMERICAN SPELLING t wood 25.Total USE AMERICAN SPELLING 2. Soft wood or fax 250-762-3220

wonder 40.Skirt shape stole L 30.In support 31.Fill with 28.Halloween 47.Feathery Wednesday, September 17, 2014ofLake Country Calendar 46.Clip 44.Garden green 41.Bushel partsstop wonder 32.____ out 31.Fill with items 48.Tourist’s 47.Feathery stole 46.Clip 42.Ringlet (emptied) wonder 32.____ out of 48.Tourist’s 50.Office 30.In support stop 47.Featherygreen stole 44.Garden (emptied) 32.____ out 34.Obtains machine 50.Office 31.Fill with 48.Tourist’s stop 46.Clip 34.Obtains machine (emptied) wonder 50.Office 47.Feathery stole 34.Obtains machine stop 32.____ out 48.Tourist’s (emptied) 50.Office 34.Obtains machine


Okanagan water board adopts ambitious wetlands restoration strategy projects JENNIFER SMITH

The Wetland Strategy is a grand interviews and photographs, the undertaking pulling together as group determined there are 3,587 The Okanagan Wetlands Strat- many forms of data and informawetlands from the United States © 2014, Penny Press egy the Okanagan Basin Water tion Copyright as possible toPenny provide border to the edge of the SimCopyright © 2014, Press a clear Board is overseeing will foster picture of57.Military the number and qualilkameen Valley and up through 29.Uncertain ACROSS © 2014, Penny Press 57.Military 29.Uncertain ACROSSintended to improve three ity ofCopyright wetland habitats remaining the North Okanagan. Some 88 meal 1. projects Thin 30.Exterior mealIt will identify 1. Thin 30.Exterior or restore wetlands before March, in the Okanagan. per cent of those were determined 57.Military 29.Uncertain 5.ACROSS Father 33.Consented members of the Water Stewardwhich habitats are at risk to be unprotect. 5. Father Copyright © 2014, Penny Pressand set 33.Consented meal 1. Chip Thin 30.Exterior DOWN ship9.Council were told Th35.Night ursday. a course to restore these environWhat was and was not confliers DOWN 9. Chip 35.Night fliers 5.ACROSS Father ambitious target 57.Military 29.Uncertain 33.Consented 1. Metric unit It’s aaccompaniment highly as ments in logical order. sidered protected within the def1. Metric unit accompaniment 36.Angry 36.Angry ANSWER TOPUZZLE PUZZLE NO. 728 DOWN meal 9.1. Chip Thin ANSWER TO NO. 728 30.Exterior the12.Do project has only moved from Th e initial three projects will be initions of the study is compli35.Night fliers 2. Display a laundry 2. Display 12.Do a laundry 38.Smell 38.Smell 1. Metric unit accompaniment 5.job Father the data collection phase to the followed by three more in 2016. cated as even wetlands contained 33.Consented 36.Angry 3. Din job 3. Din ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 728 39.Light rain 39.Light rain action phase alaundry week ago, leaving Th e term “project” is loose in with in conserved parkland were 2. Display 12.Do a DOWN 9. Chip 35.Night fliers 38.Smell 13.Anytime 4. Snarl 13.Anytime Snarl just over six months to identify the to this case.3. Th ere will be projects considered at risk if other forms 40.Quick learn job 1. Metric unit Din accompaniment 40.Quick to learn 36.Angry 39.Light 14.Important 14.Important 5. Oil ANSWER of TOland PUZZLE NO. 728the immediate projects to tackle and complete the rain geared more toward policy work use within 2. Snarl Display 13.Anytime 12.Do a laundry 4. 43.Solicit 43.Solicit 38.Smell span 40.Quick to learn Madison or 6. Madison or mission.span and others geared more to comvicinity put the health of the habijob 3. Oil Din 14.Important 5. 45.Cattle thief 45.Cattle 39.Light thief rain 15.Musical Park “Th ose projects will probably munication initiatives, like signage, tat in question. 15.Musical Park 43.Solicit 13.Anytime span 4. toMadison Snarl 6. or res47.Vegetable 47.Vegetable The Okanagan Wetlands Stratbe some of the simpler ones were thief addition actual____ habitat combo combo 40.Quick toinlearn Miles 7. Miles ____ 45.Cattle 14.Important 15.Musical 5. Oil Park holder egy is a multi-phase undertaking there are partners in place who toration. holder 16.Semester hour 43.Solicit 16.Semester hour 47.Vegetable span combo 6. Madison or 7. Miles ____ with the BC Wildlife Federation, are ready to go,” said Jillian TamTh e fi ndings of the work thus 49.A ways off 17.Blueabove above us 49.A waysthief off 8. Multitude 45.Cattle 8. Multitude holder Park 16.Semester the Regional District of the Cenblyn17.Blue of15.Musical Water’s Edgeus Consulting, far are alarming. hour 51.Paddy crop 18.Oriental 9. Loathe 51.Paddy 47.Vegetable 9. Loathe off After pulling combo tral Okanagan and the Okanagan the18.Oriental contractor spearheading thiswayscrop in data 7. Multitude Miles ____sources 17.Blue above us 49.A 8. 52.Individual 20.Shrill bark 10.Tick off holder 52.Individual Basin Water Board. phase. from government and academia, 20.Shrill bark 10.Tick off 16.Semester 51.Paddy crop hour 18.Oriental 9. Loathe 53.Not earlyoff 22.Seededbread bread 53.Not 11.Earnings 49.A ways early 22.Seeded 11.Earnings 17.Blue above us 8. Multitude 52.Individual 20.Shrill bark 10.Tick off 54.Pen fluids 23.“____ Song” 54.Pen 19.Watched 51.Paddy crop fluids 18.Oriental 9. Loathe 23.“____ Song” 19.Watched 53.Not early 22.Seeded bread 11.Earnings 55.Also 25.Hogs 21.Divided 52.Individual CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 20.Shrill Song” bark 10.Tick off 55.Also 25.Hogs 21.Divided 54.Pen fluids 23.“____ 19.Watched CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS AMERICAN SPELLING 28.Brawl 24.Comforts 56.24th letters Bulman Road bridge, located south of Shadow ing of theUSE bridge and a raised deck elevation. 53.Not early 22.Seeded bread 11.Earnings USE AMERICAN SPELLING 28.Brawl 24.Comforts 56.24th letters 25.Hogs 21.Divided Ridge Golf Course, is now55.Also open to motorists. Project costs of $550,000 included design and conCROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 54.Pen letters fluids 23.“____ Song” 56.24th 19.Watched AMERICAN SPELLING 28.Brawl 24.Comforts Construction of the two-lane, steel, multi-plate struction.USE For more information on the project visit 55.Also 25.Hogsbegan in mid-July 21.Divided arch structure and included widenthe website CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING 28.Brawl 24.Comforts 56.24th letters

Bulman Bridge replacement completed



Copyright © 2014, Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Desist 5. Downturns ACROSS ACROSS Tailor’s tool 1.1.9.Desist Desist ACROSS 5.5.12.Volcanic Downturns 1. Downturns Desist outputtool 9.9.5.Tailor’s Tailor’s tool Downturns 13.Motel room 12.Volcanic 12.Volcanic 9. Tailor’s tool 14.Metal-bearing output output 12.Volcanic rock 13.Motel room 13.Motel room output 15.Yaks 14.Metal-bearing 14.Metal-bearing 13.Motel room 16.Stick around rock rock 14.Metal-bearing 17.Bagel topper rock 15.Yaks 15.Yaks 18.Hawk, e.g. 15.Yaks 16.Stick around 16.Stick around 19.Knockout 16.Stick around 17.Bagel topper 17.Bagel topper number 17.Bagel topper 18.Hawk, e.g. 18.Hawk, e.g. 20.Refusal word 18.Hawk, e.g. 19.Knockout 19.Knockout 21.Authorize 19.Knockout number number 24.Not at work numberword 20.Refusal 20.Refusal 27.Hurriedword 20.Refusal word 21.Authorize 21.Authorize 28.Vocal solos 21.Authorize 24.Not work 24.Not atat work 24.Not at work 27.Hurried 27.Hurried 27.Hurried 28.Vocal solos 28.Vocal 28.Vocalsolos solos

33.Clock feature 9. Italian 33.Clock feature 9. traveler Italian 34.Up-to-date 10.Press 33.Clock feature 9. Italian traveler 36.Become 34.Up-to-date traveler 11.Following 34.Up-to-date 10.Press darkerfeature 36.Become 9. Italian 10.Press 20.No longer are 33.Clock 11.Following 36.Become 39.Embarrass darker traveler 34.Up-to-date 11.Following 22.End-of-year darkerthrough 20.No longer are 40.Move 39.Embarrass 10.Press dances 20.No longer are 36.Become 39.Embarrass water through 22.End-of-year 11.Following 40.Move darker 23.Type of 22.End-of-year dances 41.Signal 40.Move 20.No longer are 39.Embarrass waterthrough parking dances 23.Type of water 42.Slick 22.End-of-year 41.Signal 24.Ancient 40.Move through 23.Type of parking 41.Signal dances 43.Bit of gossip water 25.Service 42.Slick parking 24.Ancient 23.Type of 42.Slick look 46.Flirty payment 41.Signal 24.Ancient 43.Bit of gossip parking 25.Service 43.Bit ofand gossip 47.____ 26.Enthusiast 42.Slick 25.Service 46.Flirty look payment 24.Ancient proper 46.Flirty look 29.Writing paymentliquid 43.Bit of gossip 47.____ and 25.Service 26.Enthusiast 48.Matched 30.King-topping 47.____ and 26.Enthusiast 46.Flirty look payment proper 29.Writing liquid groups card liquid properand 29.Writing 26.Enthusiast 48.Matched 30.King-topping 47.____ 31.Timid 50.Lassie 48.Matched 30.King-topping proper 29.Writing groups card liquid groups card 48.Matched 30.King-topping Lake Country Seniors’ Centre 31.Timid 50.Lassie 31.Timid 50.Lassie groups card 31.Timid 50.Lassie

Rent Our Hall!

56.Season 32.Trick A great space for different occasions: Copyright © 2014, Penny Press Penny Press before 34.Grasp firmlyCopyright © 2014, weddings, memorials, meetings, etc. Easter Copyright © 2014, Penny Press 56.Season 32.Trick $100 for 4 hours • $200 for 8 hours 35.Jeans fabric 56.Season 32.Trick ($300 damage deposit, no additional charges). 57.Edges before 34.Grasp firmly before 36.Owing 34.Grasp 56.Season 32.Trick firmly Full kitchen with dinnerware. Alcohol can be Easter Easter servedTO butPUZZLE with a permit & insurance. before 35.Jeans fabric ANSWER NO. 730 37.Florida island 35.Jeans 34.Graspfabric firmly DOWN 57.Edges 57.Edges Easter For more info call 250-766-4220 38.Claims 36.Owing 35.Jeans fabric 1. Untidy or Bob at 250-766-4568 57.Edges 41.Kitchen wrap ANSWER TOPUZZLE PUZZLENO. NO.730 730 37.Florida island 36.Owing island ANSWER TO person DOWN DOWN 44.“Tell ____ 2. Urban ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 730 37.Florida island 1. 38.Claims 1. Untidy Untidy DOWN vehicle About It” 38.Claims wrap 41.Kitchen wrap 1. person person Untidy 3. Higher than 45.Cuts 41.Kitchen ____wrap 2. 44.“Tell person Urban 2. Urban 4. vehicle Chinese 49.Kindled 44.“Tell About____ It” 2. Urban vehicle animal 50.Open vehicle Aboutwide It” 3. Higher 3. Higherthan than 45.Cuts 5. Cleaning 51.Mean 3. Chinese Higher than 45.Cuts monster 4. 4. Chinese 49.Kindled crew’s 4. animal Chinese 52.Pub brew animal 49.Kindled wide utensil 50.Open wide animal 5. Cleaning 53.Sermon 5. Cleaning 50.Open monster wide 6. Trainee 51.Mean 51.Mean monster 5. crew’s Cleaning response crew’sgrand, 51.Mean monster 7. Baby 52.Pub brew 52.Pub brew crew’s utensil utensil 54.Skirtbrew feature e.g. 52.Pub CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 53.Sermon utensil 6. Trainee 53.Sermon 6. Trainee USE AMERICAN SPELLING 55.Health club 8. Pigpen 53.Sermon response 6. Baby Trainee 7. grand, response 7. Baby grand, response 7. e.g. Baby grand, 54.Skirt feature 54.Skirt feature CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS e.g. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 54.Skirt feature e.g. USE AMERICAN SPELLING 55.Health club 8. Pigpen CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING 55.Health club 8. Pigpen USE AMERICAN SPELLING 55.Health club 8. Pigpen

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 17, 2014 A19


Liaison therapist to help choose healthy exercise options The City of Kelowna and In“This program bridges the “Being active is one of the navigator are available to anyterior Health are making active gap between acute care services most important things clients one in need of encouragement living more accessible for evthat you find in the medical sys- involved in rehabilitation can do and direction towards approprieryone. tem and community services,” for their recovery,” added Norate fitness programs. A liaison therapist (navigasaid Louise Roberts, IH comman Embree, Interior Health A doctor’s referral is not necTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, tor) is now on-site Monday to munity and2014 neighbourhood ser- board chair. “By exercising in a essary as appointments are on a Friday at theTSN Parkinson Recre- CIVT vices manager. environment, clients are im- A&E first come, first serve basis. DISC CHBC CBC KIRO CHAN safeSNP KNOW KOMO YTV NEWS ation Centre in Kelowna$ to help % “The navigator acts # & _as a re-( proving ) their health * and overall ` 1For more 6information 7 about9 citizens find appropriate recresourceBookaboo for residents to help ItG.also helpsThe manage Living & Culture SportsCentre Rachael Ray The View The Price Is Rachael Raywellbeing. MLB 162 Shrinks View CSI: Active Miami Wayside CBC NewsproMayday THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 :00 ” ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Misplays PAW Patrol ” ” Kid vs. Kat Now With ” 10activities :30 ation to support betthem manage their health escalating health care costs.” grams or the navigator service, X-Weighted Darts: Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Criminal Monster Carole Highway :00 SportsCentre X-Weighted The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E YTV NEWS DISC ” ” Denis Show Stefano Restless ” BDO Bucket-Dino News Minds Almost MacNeil Thru Hell ter health. through physical activities.” The services provided by the call 250-469-8800. 11 :30 # $ % & _ 12 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 1 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 2 :30 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 :00 :00 12 :30 3 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 1 :00 :30 4 # $ % & _ :00 :00 2 5 :30 10 :00 :30 3 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 4 12 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 5 1 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 6 :00 2 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 7 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 8 :00 4 :30 12 :30 5 :30 9 :00 :00 6 :30 10 7 :00 :30 11 :00 :00 8 :30 12 :00 :30 9 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2014 :00 12 :30 SportsNation ” SportsCentre To Be ” Announced SportsCentre Baseball ” Tonight

Noon News Hour Rachael Ray Days of our ” Lives X-Weighted The Talk ””

CTV News ” The View The Social ”” The Marilyn Dr. Phil Denis ”Show

CBC News Now Bookaboo Republic of Doodlebops Doyle Best Recipes Steven and Stefano Chris

KIRO News ” The Price Is The Talk Right ” Young & Let’s Make a Restless Deal

SportsNation SportsCentre ”” To Be Around Announced Hockey

Noon News The Meredith Hour Vieira Show Days of&our Young Lives Restless

CBC News Heartland Now ” Republic of Dragons’ Doyle Den

KIRO News Bold ” CBS News

Baseball College SportsCentre Tonight Football: ” SportsCentre Teams TBA SportsCentre ” ” Around ” SportsNation ” Hockey ” SportsCentre College To Be ” Football: Announced SportsCentre Teams TBA Baseball ” ” Tonight SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ””” SportsCentre SportsCentre Around ”” Hockey SportsCentre SportsCentre College ”” Football:

The Talk News Rachael ” Ray ” The Meredith Global Nat. X-Weighted Vieira Show CHBC News ” Young & Ent Noon News ET Canada Restless Hour Movie: News Days of our “The ” Lives

CTVDr. News The Oz Show ” The Social Ellen DeGeneres ”Show Dr. Phil CTV News The View ” at Five ” The Oz CTVDr. News The Marilyn Show ” Denis Show Ellen DeGeetalk CTV News Big Bang neres Show ” Big CTVBang News The Social Two Men at Five ” Saving Hope CTV News Dr. Phil ”” ” Law & etalkDr. Oz The Order: SVU Big Bang Show News-Lisa Big Bang Ellen DeGeCTV News Two Men neres Show Daily Show Saving Hope CTV News Seth Meyers ” at Five

Amazing Global Nat. The Talk Spider-Man” CHBC” News ” Ent Meredith The ” ET Canada Vieira Show CHBC News Movie: Young & Final “The Restless ET Canada Amazing News The Doctors Spider-Man” ”

Teams TBA Global” Nat. CTV & News SportsCentre Law ” CHBC” News Order:” SVU ” SportsCentre ”” SportsCentre SportsCentre ”” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ”

Ent etalk CHBC News News-Lisa ET Canada CTV Big Bang Final News Movie: Bang ET Canada Big Daily Show “The The Doctors Two SethMen Meyers Amazing Saving Hope Spider-Man” ” ” ”

Law & Order: SVU

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News




CBCNational News The Coronation ” Murdoch CBC News Mysteries Rick Mercer The Nature 22 Minutes of Things Coronation Doc Zone ”

Football: Raible’s Buccaneers Scouting at Falcons KIRO News ” Late Show

The National Raible’s ” Scouting CBC News Rick Mercer


Bookaboo Doodlebops


News ”Hour ” Ent News Hour ET Canada Final

KIRO 7 Post Movie: Letterman ET Canada Game Show “The Ferguson The Doctors News Amazing ” Spider-Man” ” ”


Tampa Bay Sportsnet Buccaneers Connected



CBC News Now With CBC News Reshmi Nair Now With ” Carole Power & MacNeil Politics

Yukon Men ” Mayday Car Sharks ” Car Sharks Highway Bering Sea Thru Hell Gold

PAW Patrol Dive, Olly Kate Jamm and Jelly

The Chew Steve ” Harvey

Criminal The First 48 Minds” The First First 48 48 The ””

Chucks 6TEEN Nerds Nerds

CBC News ” Now With ”

Yukon Men How/Made ” How/Made

KNOW KOMO KOMO General 4 Hospital News * `

Astroblast Kate and DragonBus Magic Bucket-Dino Jack G. Shrinks Curious Wild Kratts PAW Patrol Dive, Olly Waterfront Jelly Jamm Jelly CitiesJamm Bucket-Dino Kate and Park PAW Patrol Museum Magic Bus Kate and Meet Jack the Astroblast Romans with Wild Kratts Dragon Reel Injun Waterfront Bucket-Dino ” Cities Curious Pushing-ArtPark Olly Dive, Reservations Museum Jelly Jamm Park Meet the Kate and Museum Romans with Magic Bus Reel Injun Reel Injun Jack ” ” Wild Kratts

The Doctors News The View ”News World ” Steve KOMO 4 KOMO 4 Harvey News News KOMO 4 Wheel The Chew Jeopardy! News ” Grey’s News General Anatomy World News Hospital

Scandal KOMO 4 The Doctors News ”” Scandal Wheel Steve ” Jeopardy! Harvey News Grey’s KOMO 4 Jimmy Anatomy News Kimmel Live Scandal News Nightline World ”News

An Intimate PBS Sesame St. History NewsHour Cat in the The From Billions Unleash the Roosevelts: to None Power of the An TheIntimate Female Brain History Roosevelts: Dr. D. Amen The QuanAn Intimate Business tum Activist History World News PBS The NewsHour Roosevelts:

Mod Fam Tyler Perry’s SeinfeldGoes Madea Family to Jail Guy Family” Guy

Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet Connected

The National CBC News Fast N’ Loud ” ” CBCNational News The Yukon Men ”” ””

Days of our

Dinosaur Cat in the Peg Plusthe Cat Unleash Peg Plus Cat Power of the Super Why! Female Brain Thomas Dr. D. Amen Sesame St. Business Sesame Cat in News the World Street Unleash the PBS Dinosaur Power of the NewsHour Dinosaur Female Brain From Billions Peg Plus Cat to None Dr. D. Amen Peg Plus Cat The Business Super Why! Roosevelts: World News Thomas

Northwest ” KING DeGe5 Ellen News Show neres






DaysDr. of Oz our The Lives Show Dr. Phil KING 5 Today News ” cont’d Ellen DeGeNightly News New Day neres News Show Northwest The Dr. Oz News KING 5 Evening Show News The Biggest KING 5 Days of our Loser News Lives

” Nightly Dr. Phil News News ”” The MysterNewsDeGeEllen ies of Laura Evening neres Show KING News The Dr. Biggest The Oz Tonight Loser Show Show ” KING 5 Seth ” NewsMeyers

The The First First 48 48 ”” The First 48 ”

Escaping Paid Prog. Alaska Paid Prog. Gypsy Sisters

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Pushing-Art- Scandal Reservations ”

The First 48 ”

Mr. Young Boys

CBC News ”

Amish: Brooklyn

Jeffersons Jeffersons

The Roosevelts:

The Mysteries of Laura

The National Yukon Men ” ”

Fast N’ Loud News ” Mod Fam

News Hour Final

Park Museum

News Jimmy

Killer Kids ”

Haunting Haunting

How I Met The Office

Gypsy Sisters

Tyler Perry’s An Intimate Madea Goes History

KING News Tonight

ET Canada Sportsnet The Doctors Connected

Reel Injun ”

Kimmel Live Nightline

The First 48 ”

Funny Home Amanda Videos Lang

Street Outlaws

30 Rock Paid Prog.

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

to Jail

The Quantum Activist

Show Seth Meyers

Rachael Ray Sportsnet ” Connected

G. Shrinks PAW Patrol

The View ”

The First 48 ”

Wayside Kid vs. Kat

CBC News Now With

Mayday ”

30 Rock Paid Prog.

19 Kids and Counting

Divorce Divorce

Sesame Street

Today cont’d

Jelly Jamm Bucket-Dino

KOMO 4 News

The First 48 ”

Monster Almost

Carole MacNeil

Street Outlaws

Family Feud 19 Kids and Family Feud Counting

Judge Judge

Dinosaur Dinosaur

New Day Northwest

The First 48 ”

Chucks Nerds

CBC News Now With

Fast N’ Loud Law & ” Order: SVU

Hot Bench Hot Bench

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News


The Price Is Right




The Social ” The View

Republic of Doyle Bookaboo

” Dr. Phil ” The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show CTV News Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Social CTVView News The ” at Five” Dr. Phil CTVMarilyn News The ” Denis ”Show The Dr. Oz CTV etalk News Show ” Big Bang Ellen DeGeThe Social Criminal neres Show Minds” CTV News Dr. Phil Orphan at Five” Black CTV News The Oz BlueDr. Bloods Show ””

Doodlebops Steven and Chris Best Recipes

Heartland Stefano ” CBC News Dragons’ Now Den Republic of CBC News Bookaboo Doyle ” Doodlebops Steven and CBC Recipes News Best Chris Stefano Coronation Heartland CBC News Murdoch ” Now Mysteries Dragons’ Republic William &of Den Doyle Kate 1st CBC News Steven and Halifax Com. ” Chris Halifax Com. CBC News Heartland The National Coronation ”

The Talk ” The Price Is Right Let’s Make a Deal Young & Bold Restless ThisMinute KIRO News Judge”Judy Judge Judy The Talk KIRO The Price Is ”News KIRO News Right Let’s Make a KIRO News Young & Deal Restless CBS News Bold KIRO News Ent ThisMinute ” The Insider Judge Judy The Talk Big Brother Judge Judy ” KIRO News Let’s Make a Hawaii FiveKIRO News Deal 0 KIRO News Bold Blue Bloods CBS News ThisMinute ”

Murdoch Dragons’ CBC News Mysteries Den Mercer Rick William & CBC News Backstage Kate 1st ” Coronation

Ent JudgeNews Judy KIRO The Insider Judge Judy Late Show Big Brother KIRO News Letterman ” KIRO News Ferguson

Ent YoungHour & News ET Canada Restless Final

Sportsnet MLB Premier Connected Baseball: Poker Big Brother MisplaysBlue Early News Sportsnet Toronto ET Canada ” Blue Global Nat. Jays Jays at New The Doctors Connected Halifax Com. Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Triathlon CBC News KIRO News News Hour York Halifax Com. 0 0 ” Coronation CBS News ” Yankees

Coast Kate and Black Coffee Magic””Bus Doc Martin Martin Jack Doc Wild Kratts ””

CHAN ( Days of our

SNP ) Chicago

Lives Rachael Ray ” The Talk ” X-Weighted

Cubs Sportsnet Connected MLB 162 NFL Game. MLB

The Meredith ” Vieira Show Noon News Young Hour & Restless Days of our Early News Rachael Ray Lives Global” Nat. The Talk News ”Hour X-Weighted ” The Meredith Noon News Ent Vieira Show Hour ET Canada Young & Days of our Big Brother Restless Lives ” Early News The Talk Hawaii FiveGlobal” Nat. 0 News Hour The Meredith Security ”Show Vieira Security

Sportsnet Baseball: Connected Los Angeles MLB Dodgers at Baseball: Chicago Toronto Blue Sportsnet Cubs Jays at New Connected MLB 162 York Game. MLB NFL Baseball: Yankees Sportsnet Los Angeles Sportsnet Connected Dodgers at Connected MLB Chicago Misplays Baseball: Cubs Blue Jays Toronto Blue MLB 162 Triathlon Jays at New NFL Game. ” York Sportsnet Yankees Connected



Chew KNOW The KOMO ” * ` Astroblast General

A&E 1

A&E The1 First 48

Dragon Hospital ” G. Shrinks The View The First 48 PAW Patrol ” ” Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First 48 Curious ” ” Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 The First 48 Dive, Olly Steve Storage Bucket-Dino News ” Jelly Jamm Harvey Storage KNOW KOMO A&E PAW Patrol The Chew The First 48 Kate and KOMO” 4 Criminal ” * ` 1 Magic Bus News Minds Astroblast General The First 48 Jack News Criminal G. Shrinks The View The First 48 Dragon Hospital ” Wild Kratts World ”News Minds” PAW Patrol Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First 48 Park Criminal Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 The First 48 Curious ” ” Bucket-Dino News Museum Minds” Dive, Olly Steve Storage PAW Patrol The Chew The First 48 CoastJamm Wheel Criminal Jelly Harvey Storage Kate and ” ” Jeopardy! Minds” Kate and KOMO 4 Criminal Astroblast General The First 48 Doc Martin Last Man Criminal Magic Bus News Minds Dragon Hospital ” Last Man Minds” Jack News Criminal Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First 48 George Shark Tank Criminal Wild Kratts World ”News Minds” Curious Gently Minds Park KOMO 4 Criminal Dive, Olly Steve Storage ” 20/20 Criminal Museum News ” Minds Jelly Jamm Harvey Storage Park Minds

NEWS 7Nair Reshmi


King Divorce Divorce The Middle The Middle Judge

Thomas Sesame Street Sesame St. Cat in the Dinosaur

6TEEN Almost Chucks Chucks Hathaways Nerds Thunder Squirrel Assembly Wayside Rated A for Hathaways Kid vs. Kat Monster Sam & Cat Monster Sidekick Almost Every Witch 6TEEN Chucks Judy Moody Chucks Nerds and the NOT Hathaways Squirrel Bummer Thunder Rated A for Summer Assembly Monster Undercover Hathaways Sidekick Next Star Sam & Cat 6TEEN Cook’d Every Witch Chucks Cache Craze

” MacNeil ” NEWS CBC News Amanda Now With 7 Lang Reshmi Nair CBC News ” ” Now With Power & The National Carole Politics MacNeil ” ” CBC News ” Now With ” Amanda Reshmi Nair The National Lang ” CBC News Power & The National ” Politics ” The National ” CBC News ””

How/Made Outlaws How/Made Fast N’ Loud Daily Planet ” ” Fast N’ Loud Don’t Drive Mayday ” Here ” Yukon Men Highway Street ” Outlaws Thru Hell How/Made Fast N’ Loud Mayday How/Made ” Daily Planet Fast N’ Loud Mayday ” ” Don’t Drive Yukon Men Highway Here ” Thru Hell Highway How/Made Don’t Drive Thru Hell How/Made Here

Steve Family Feud Harvey Law & The Meredith Order: SVU Vieira Show Law & TwoRock Men 30 Order: SVU Two Men Paid Prog. Family Feud Simpsons Family Family Feud Feud Family Feud Mod Fam Steve Law & Big Bang Harvey Order: SVU Big Bang The Meredith Law & Utopia Vieira Show Order:” SVU Two Men Family Feud Red Band Two Men Family SocietyFeud Simpsons Steve News Mod Fam Fam Harvey Mod

Say Yes Counting Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes 19 SayKids Yes and 19 Kids Counting Say Yes Four 19 Kids Say Yes and Counting Weddings Say Yes Say Yes FourYes Say Say Yes Weddings Say Yes Say Yes Four Say Yes Say Yes Weddings 19 Kids Say FourYes 19 Kids Say Yes Weddings FourYes Say 19 Kids Weddings Say Yes 19 Kids

Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Hot Bench Big Hot Bang Bench Big Bang King TBA Divorce King TBA Divorce The Middle TBA Middle Judge The Judge TBA Seinfeld Hot ModBench Fam Mod Fam Hot Bench Seinfeld Big Bang King Family Guy Big Bang King Family Guy TBA The Middle Amer. Dad TBA The Middle Amer. Dad TBA Seinfeld Jeffersons TBA Fam Mod Jeffersons

Dr. Dinosaur Fuhrman’s Peg Plus Cat End Dieting Peg Plus Cat Forever! Super Why! Business Sesame Thomas World News Street Sesame St. PBSin the Dinosaur Cat Dinosaur NewsHour Dr. Peg Plus Cat James Fuhrman’s Peg Plus Cat McNeill End Dieting Super Why! The Forever! Thomas Roosevelts: Business Sesame St. An Intimate World Cat in News the History PBS Dr. The NewsHour Fuhrman’s Roosevelts:

Big Bang The Meredith How I Met Big Bang Vieira Show The Offi ce Utopia Two Men 30 Rock ” Two Men Paid Prog.

FourYes Say Weddings Say Yes Four 19 Kids Grill-Pro Weddings 19 Kids Paid Prog.

ModBang Fam Big Movie: Seinfeld Big Bang “The Time Family Guy TBA Machine” Family TBA ” Guy

James End Dieting An Intimate McNeill Forever! History

Red Band Simpsons Society Mod Fam

Four Weddings

Amer. TBA Dad Amer. TBA Dad

An Intimate PBS History NewsHour

Big Bang News Big Bang Mod Fam

Four 19 Kids Weddings 19 Kids

Mod Fam Jeffersons Seinfeld Jeffersons

James The McNeill Roosevelts:

News ” Evening ”

Utopia How I Met ” ce The Offi

Family Guy Movie: Family Guy “The Time

TheIntimate An Roosevelts: History

Running Wild KING News ” Tonight

Amer. Dad Machine” Amer. ”Dad Jeffersons Jeffersons

An Intimate Echoes of History Creation The Roosevelts:

Dateline Show NBC Meyers Seth ” ”



Shark KOMOTank 4 News ”

Criminal Minds

Wheel 20/20 Jeopardy! ”

Criminal Minds

Judy Moody CBC News Cook’d and theCraze NOT Cache ”

Toronto Big Brother SportsCentre CHBC News Argonauts at Final ” ” BC Lions Hawaii FiveSportsCentre ET Canada ”” 0 The Doctors SportsCentre Security ” Security

Criminal News-Lisa Minds CTV News Orphan Big Bang BlackMeyers Seth Blue Bloods ”

William & CBC News Kate Mercer 1st Rick

Big Brother News Hour Final ”

Misplays Premier Blue Jays Poker

Criminal Minds Minds

Bummer Assembly Summer Boys

Halifax Com. Letterman Hawaii FiveBackstage Halifax Com. Ferguson 0 Coronation The National Blue Bloods ” ”

Hawaii FiveET Canada 0 The Doctors Security Security

Triathlon Sportsnet ” Connected Sportsnet Connected

Doc Martin Last Man Black Coffee News Last Man ”” Jimmy George Shark Tank Doc Martin Kimmel Live Gently” ” Nightline Park

CBC News Rick Mercer

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Premier Poker

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada Sportsnet The Doctors Connected




The Business Echoes of Roosevelts: World News Creation


News The Dr. Oz KING News Evening Show Tonight Running KING 5 Wild Show ” NewsMeyers Seth Dateline Nightly News NBC News

Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Minds

Red Band 30 Rock Society Paid Prog. News Mod Fam

FourYes Say Weddings Say Yes Four Grill-Pro Weddings Paid Prog. 19 Kids 19 Kids

Black Coffee News ” Jimmy

Criminal Minds

Assembly Boys

How I Met The Office

Say Yes Say Yes

Movie: “The Time

An Intimate History

KING News Tonight

Doc Martin ”

Criminal Minds

Judy Moody- Amanda Summer Lang

30 Rock Paid Prog.

Grill-Pro Paid Prog.

Machine” ”

Echoes of Creation

Show Seth Meyers


Kimmel Live Nightline


Fish’n SickKids Real Fishing Foundation

Absolutely Canadian

Lucas Oil Off Road

Fish’n English Pre- Wild Kratts Real Fishing mier League Wild Kratts

cont’d: Teams TBA

Powerboat Driving TV

It Is Written The Social

Doc Zone ”

Soccer Matchday

Mister Maker World of X Martha Games

Noon News Hour

SportsCentre The Nature ” of Things

Col. Football Noon News College Hour

Bull Riding ”

Powerboat Driving TV

Misplays Blue Jays

Dogs Dogs

SportsCentre Moves ” Simpsons

Corner Gas Corner Gas

Amanda Lang

Football: Florida at

Moves Simpsons

MLB Baseball:

Parks Parks

MLS Soccer: College Whitecaps Football FC at cont’d: Timbers Teams TBA CFL ” Football: College TBA Edmonton Football SportsCentre Eskimos at cont’d:” Hamilton Teams TBA Tiger-Cats MLS Soccer: ” Whitecaps SportsCentre TBA FC at ” SportsCentre Timbers To Be ” Announced CFL MLS Soccer: Football: SportsCentre Whitecaps ” Edmonton FC at Eskimos at SportsCentre Timbers ” Hamilton CFL Tiger-Cats SportsCentre Football: ” SportsCentre Edmonton SportsCentre ” at Eskimos ” To Be Hamilton Announced Tiger-Cats

Junk Raiders SickKids ” Foundation Amazing It Is Written Race The Social To Be SportsCentre Announced SickKids ” The Social Foundation Corner Gas etalk It Is Written Corner Gas CTV News The Social ” Junk Raiders SportsCentre ” Once Upon ” a Time Amazing Corner Gas Race Amazing Corner Gas Race To Be Junk Raiders Announced Big Bang ” Anger The Social Amazing etalk Mike Race Cleveland CTV To BeNews ” News Announced CTV News Once Upon The Social Imaginarium a Time etalk ” Amazing CTV News Race ”

Dragons’ Absolutely Den Canadian Rick Mercer Doc Zone 22 Minutes ” Doc Zone The Nature ” Absolutely of Things Land & Sea Canadian Amanda Mansbridge Doc Zone Lang The National ” Marketplace Dragons’ The Den Nature Short Film of Things Face Off Rick Mercer Amanda 22 Minutes Gags Lang Ron James Doc Zone Dragons’ ” Just Den for Laughs Land & Sea Rick Mercer Mansbridge News 22 Minutes Movie: The National Doc Zone Marketplace “The Bourne ” Identity” Short Film Land & Sea ” Face Off Mansbridge ” Gags The National Ron James Marketplace

Alabama Lucas”Oil Off Road ” Bull Riding ” ” All In Col. Football Sports Stars Lucas Oil College KIRO News Off Road Football: KIRO News Bull Riding Florida at CBS News ” KIRO News Alabama Col. Football ” Steve Raible College The Insider ” Football: NCIS ” at Florida All In ” Alabama SportsLos Stars NCIS: ” Angeles KIRO News ” KIRO News 48 Hours ” ” CBS All In News KIRO News Sports Stars Scandal Steve Raible KIRO News ”News The Insider KIRO Ent NCIS CBS News KIRO ”News

Simpsons Fish’n Simpsons Real Fishing Simpsons Powerboat Movie: Driving TV “Step Noon News Brothers” Fish’n Hour ” Real Fishing Moves Global Nat. Powerboat Simpsons News Hour Driving TV ” Simpsons Noon News Simpsons 16x9 Hour ” Simpsons Moves Movie: Movie: Simpsons “Truth” “Step Simpsons Brothers” ” Simpsons ”” Simpsons Global Nat. Crime Movie: Stories News Hour “Step ”Final News Brothers” Saturday 16x9 ” Night ” Nat. GlobalLive ” Movie: News Hour “Truth””

Toronto Blue English PreJays at New mier League York Soccer Yankees Matchday MLB Misplays Baseball: English PreBlue Jays Detroit mier League MLB Tigers at Soccer Baseball: Kansas City Matchday Royals Toronto Blue Misplays Jays at New Sportsnet Blue Jays Connected York MLB Yankees Blue Jays Baseball: NFL MLB Game. Toronto Blue Baseball: European Jays at New Poker DetroitTour York Tigers at Sportsnet Yankees Connected Kansas City MLB Royals Sportsnet Baseball: Connected Sportsnet Detroit Sportsnet Connected Tigers at Connected Blue Jays Kansas City NFL Game. Royals

Marine Wild Kratts Machines Wild Kratts Waterfront Mister Cities Maker Martha Vampires in Dogs Venice Wild Kratts Dogs Meet the Wild Kratts Parks Romans with Mister Maker Parks Hope for Martha Wildlife Marine Dogs Machines Egypt Dogs Underworld Waterfront Parks Cities Heartbeat Parks ” Vampires in Marine Venice A Touch of Machines Frost Meet the Waterfront Romans with Cities ” ” Hope for Vampires in Wildlife Waterfront Venice Cities Egypt Meet the A Touch of Underworld Romans with Frost Heartbeat Hope for ” Wildlife


Mayday Don’t Drive Here ”


cont’d Dr. Phil ” New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 The Dr. Oz News Show Days of our KING 5 Today Lives News cont’d Dr. Phil Nightly New Day ” News Northwest News Ellen DeGeKING News 5 neres Show News Evening The Dr. Oz Days of our Running Wild Show Lives ” KING 5 Dr. Phil Dateline News ” NBC Nightly News Ellen DeGe” News ”Show neres

The National Mayday ”” ”” Undercover The National Mayday Highway Judy Moody- Amanda Next Star Thru Hell Summer Lang ” ” Cook’d CBC News Don’t Drive Cache Craze ” Here

College Football



Days of our Lives Today

SayKids Yes and 19 Counting Say Yes Say Yes 19 Kids and

Coast ” Park ”


KCTS N Super Why!


Order: SVU 30 Rock Paid Prog. Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud

George Park Gently Museum




” Mayday Yukon”Men Street”

Sportsnet Connected

10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014 :00 2 :30 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 3 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 # $ % & _ :00 4 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 5 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 1 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 2 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 5 :30 12 :00 :30 8 6 :30

TLC Say < Yes

Say Yes Say Yes


” CBC News Now With Power & Politics Carole

Ent Security ET Canada Security



Rated A for Wayside Kid vs. Kat Monster Sidekick Monster

Murdoch Ent Bloods The National Blue Mysteries The Insider ” ”



DISC KAYU Fast9 N’ Loud Law; &

etalk Bloods Blue Big Bang ”


Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds

YTV 6 Squirrel


CFL Ent SportsCentre Security Football: ET Canada ” Security

Big Brother KIRO News ” Late Show

Wheel KOMO 4 News Jeopardy! News Jimmy Last Man News Kimmel Live Last Man World News Nightline


Judy Moody The CBC News Mayday Hathaways Amanda Daily Planet Assembly National Mayday and the NOT Lang ”” Thunder Boys ”” Bummer The National Mayday Assembly CBC News Don’t Drive Judy Moody- Amanda Mayday Summer ” Hathaways Here ”” Summer Lang Undercover The National Highway Sam & Cat Next ” Thru Hell EveryStar Witch

Simpsons Fish’n Simpsons Real Fishing Simpsons Powerboat Movie: Driving TV “Step Noon News Brothers” Fish’n Hour ” Real Fishing Moves Global Nat. Powerboat Simpsons News Hour Driving TV ” Simpsons Noon News Simpsons 16x9 Hour ” Simpsons Moves Movie: Movie: Simpsons “Truth” “Step Simpsons Brothers” ” Simpsons ”” Simpsons Global Nat. Crime Movie: Stories News Hour “Step ”Final News Brothers” Saturday 16x9 ” Night ” Nat. GlobalLive ” Movie: News Hour “Truth””

Return to to Return Amish Amish

TBA Jeffersons TBA Jeffersons

Meet the Grey’s Reel Injun Kimmel Live Romans ” with Anatomy Nightline Reel Injun Scandal ” ”

To Be Days of our Announced Rachael Lives SportsCentre Ray ” ” Baseball The Talk Tonight ” SportsCentre X-Weighted SportsCentre The Meredith ” ” ” Vieira Show SportsNation Noon News Around Young ” Hour & Hockey Restless To Be Days of our Off Record News SportsCentre Rachael Ray Announced Lives Interruption ” ” Baseball The Talk TBA Global Nat. SportsCentre X-Weighted Tonight ” ” CFL Pre CHBC” News SportsCentre The Meredith SportsNation Noon CFL ” Ent Vieira News Show ” Hour Football: ET Canada Around Young & To Be Days of our Toronto Big Brother Hockey Restless Announced Argonauts at Lives ” Off Record News Baseball The Talk BC Lions Hawaii FiveInterruption ”” Tonight ” 0 TBA Global Nat. SportsCentre Security The Meredith CFL Pre CHBC News ” Vieira Show Security


Law & Steve Order: SVU Harvey

Super Why!

Thomas Lives Dinosaur Day Sesame St. New Dr. Phil

Amish: Gypsy Brooklyn Sisters

” Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet Connected

Los Angeles PAW Patrol Dodgers at Kate and

Peg Plus Cat News

King King Judge The Middle Judge The Middle

Return to Divorce Sesame Today 165 Valleyview Road • 250-765-3147 Amish Divorce Street cont’d

Nightly News The MysterNews ies of Laura From Billions KING News News An Intimate to None Evening History Tonight The The Biggest The QuanShow Roosevelts: tum Activist Loser Seth Meyers An Intimate ” History ”

MLB Baseball:


Hot Bench

Return to Amish Return Return to to Amish Amish


KCTS Northwest KING PegN Plus Cat KING 5 P

Big Bang How I Met Big Bang The Office Funny National Street Sleepy Funny Home Home The Amanda Street 30 Rock Videos Outlaws Hollow Videos Lang ” Outlaws Paid Prog. Wipeout The National Fast N’ Loud ” ” ” ” ”

Noon News Hour


Order: SVU 30 Rock Law & Arthritis Pain Order: SVU Family Family Feud Feud Family Feud Family Feud

Valleyview Funeral Home

Gypsy Amish: Sisters Brooklyn

Sam & Cat Haunting Victorious Haunting

X-Weighted ”



New Day

Simpsons News Mod Fam

Thunder Mr. Young Every Witch Boys

KIRO News ”



Dinosaur Dinosaur

WTBS Hot A Bench

Gypsy Return to Sisters Sisters Amish Amish: Amish: to Return Brooklyn Brooklyn Amish Gypsy Escaping Return to Sisters Alaska Amish Paid Prog. Gypsy Paid Prog. Sisters

Killer Kids ””


SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang Backstage ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation


TLC Return <to

” Simpsons Family Feud ” Mod Fam Family Feud News Big Bang Steve Mod Fam Big Bang Harvey How I Met Sleepy The Meredith The Office Hollow Vieira Show 30 Rock ” Two Men Paid Prog. ” Two Men



Judge Judge

KAYU Law; &

The First 48 The First 48 ”” ” The KillerFirst Kids48 The First 48 ”” ” Killer Kids The The First First 48 48 ”” The The First First 48 48 ””

The First First 48 48 The CSI: Miami ” ” The First 48 Criminal ” Minds The First Killer Kids48 Criminal ” Minds The First 48 The First 48 ” ”



Family Feud Return to Family Feud Amish

Law Meredith & Return to to The Return Order:Show SVU Amish Amish Vieira Family Feud Gypsy Return to Two Men 30 Rock Family Feud Return Amish to Two Men Sisters Arthritis Pain Amish Steve Return Simpsons Gypsy to Family Feud Amish Return to Harvey Mod Fam Sisters Family Feud Amish The Meredith Return Big Bang Amish: to Law & Return to Big Bang Brooklyn Vieira Show Amish Order: SVU Amish Sleepy Escaping Two Men Gypsy Law & Return to Hollow Alaska Two Men Sisters Order: SVU Amish


Squirrel SpongeBob Rated A for Rabbids

The First 48 ”

CBC News Now

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News


Reshmi Nair Daily Car Sharks Amanda Planet Car Sharks Lang ” ” Monster PowerNews & Bering Odd Parents CBC Fast N’ Sea Loud Wayside CBC News Mayday Sidekick Politics Gold ” SpongeBob ” Kid vs. Kat Now With ” 6TEEN ” How/Made Thunder The National Fast N’ Loud Monster Highway Nerds How/Made Every Witch Carole” ” Almost MacNeil Thru Hell SpongeBob Amanda Daily Planet Sam & Cat CBC News Yukon Men Chucks CBC News Yukon Men Victorious ” ” Rabbids Lang Nerds Now With ” Funny Home The National Street Odd Parents CBC News Fast N’ Loud Squirrel Reshmi Nair Car Sharks Videos ” Outlaws SpongeBob ” Rated A for ” Car Sharks Wipeout The National Fast N’ Loud Thunder Monster Power & Bering Sea ”Witch ”” ”” Every Sidekick Politics Gold Mr. Young CBC Fast N’Men Loud Sam & Cat CBC News News Yukon 6TEEN ” How/Made Boys ”” ”” Victorious Nerds ” How/Made Haunting National Men Funny Home The The National Yukon Street SpongeBob Amanda Daily Planet Haunting ” ” Videos Outlaws Rabbids Lang ” ” Funny Home Amanda Street Wipeout The National Fast N’ Loud Odd Parents CBC News Videos Lang ” Outlaws ” ” SpongeBob

A&E 1

Waterfront KOMO 4 Pushing-ArtScandal Cities News ” Reservations Wheel Park News Museum Jeopardy! Museum Jimmy


Hawaii Five- Orphan Global Nat. CTV News 0 CHBC News Black ”


Proudly offering reward miles onSesame all pre-arrangements Divorce Today

Hot Bench Seinfeld Hot Bench Mod Fam KingBang Big KingBang Big The Middle TBA Divorce The Middle TBA Divorce Seinfeld TBA Judge Mod TBA Fam Judge Big ModBang Fam Hot Bench Seinfeld Big Bang Hot Bench Family Guy TBA King Family Guy TBA King Amer. Dad TBA Middle The Amer. Dad TBA The Middle Jeffersons Mod Fam Seinfeld Jeffersons Seinfeld Mod Fam Tyler Perry’s Family Guy Big Bang Madea Goes Family Guy Big Bang to Jail Amer. Dad TBA ” Amer. TBA Dad

at Atlanta Sportsnet Falcons Connected

CTV News ”

Ent etalk DeGeYoung & Ellen CHBC News News-Lisa ET Canada CTV Big Bang Restless neres Show Final News Big Canada Brother Big Criminal News CTV News ET Bang ” Minds at Five The Doctors Seth Meyers


Chucks Nerds Wayside Squirrel Kid vs. Kat Rated A for Monster Monster Almost Sidekick

Denis Show

CFL Around SportsCentre Football: Hockey ” Toronto Off Record SportsCentre Argonauts at Interruption ” BC TBALions ” CFL Pre


Criminal Minds CSI: Miami The First 48 ”” Criminal The First 48 Minds”

SportsNation Noon News ” Hour


The Chew ” The View General ” Hospital KOMO 4 The Doctors News ”


30 Rock Return to Arthritis Pain Amish

Letterman Ferguson

11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 12 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 1 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2014 2 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 3 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 12 :30 # $ % & _ 4 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 5 :00 10 :30 2 :30 11 :30 6 :00 :00 :00 3 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :00 4 :30 1 :30 8 :00 :00 5 :30 2 :30 9 :00 :00 6 :30 3 :30 10 :00 :00 7 4 :30 :30 11 :00 8 :00 :30 5 12 :30 :00 9 :30 6 7 :00 10 :30 8 :00 11 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 12 :00 :30 10 :30 11 :00 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014 12 :00 :30 ”


PAW Patrol Kate and G. Shrinks Astroblast PAW Patrol Dragon Jelly Jamm Bucket-Dino Bucket-Dino Curious

For us, there is no higher honour than to be chosen to bring loved ones, friends and a lifetime of memories together of a Aron Meier in celebration Glen Whittaker special life. Assistant Manager Funeral Director KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING

KIRO News Late Show

10 :30 SEPTEMBER 19, 2014 FRIDAY, :00 SportsCentre X-Weighted The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & SportsCentre Rachael Ray The View ” ” ”


UEFA Europa MLB 162 League Misplays Soccer Darts: Premier BDO Poker

Noon News Sportsnet UEFA The Meredith Hour Show Connected Europa Vieira The Talk Days of&our NHL League News Young ” Lives Soccer NFL Kickoff Restless NFL Football Steven and Let’s Make a Early The Talk Premier CBC News ” News NFL Bookaboo The Price Is Rachael Ray MLB Chris ” Deal Poker162 NFL Global” Nat. Football: Doodlebops Right ” Misplays Heartland Bold The Meredith Sportsnet CBC News Football: News Hour Tampa Bay Best Recipes Young & X-Weighted Darts: ” CBS News Vieira Coronation Buccaneers ”Show Connected Buccaneers Stefano Restless ” BDO Dragons’ News Young & NHL Murdoch at Falcons Ent at Atlanta CBC News KIRO News Noon News UEFA Mysteries ” ET Canada Falcons Den NFL Kickoff Restless NFL Football Now ” Hour Europa The Nature KIRO 7 Post Movie: CBC News ” Early News NFL ” Republic of The Talk Days of our League of Things Game NFL ”Show “The Global Nat. Sportsnet Football: Doyle ” Lives Soccer Doc News Amazing Sportsnet CBCZone News Football: News Hour Tampa Bay Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk Premier ” ” Spider-Man” Connected Coronation Buccaneers ” Buccaneers Chris Deal ” Poker The National Raible’s ” Sportsnet Murdoch at Falcons Ent Meredith Sportsnet at Atlanta Heartland Bold The ” Scouting ” Connected Mysteries ” ET Canada Falcons ” CBS News Vieira Show Connected CBC News KIRO News News Hour Sportsnet The Nature KIRO Dragons’ News 7 Post Movie: Young & NHL ” Rick Mercer Late Show Final Connected of Things Game Show “The Sportsnet Den NFL Kickoff Restless NFL Football 22 Minutes Letterman ET Canada Sportsnet Doc News ” Amazing CBCZone News Early News Sportsnet NFL Coronation Ferguson The Doctors Connected ” Spider-Man” Connected NFL ” Global Nat. Football:

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation



Noon News Hour Rachael Ray Days of our ” Lives X-Weighted The Talk ””

Valleyview Dignity Memorial

Born-Explore Love Prison Sea Rescue ”

Football College

KNOW Football KOMO ” * ` KNOW *

A&E 1

” Born-Explore ” Sea Rescue ” World KOMO ”of X Games KOMO 4 ` Football News Born-Explore College College Sea Rescue Football World ”of X ” Games ” Football ”” College ” Football ” ”” Pac-12 KOMO 4 ” News Wheel ” Jeopardy! College ” Football Town Hall ” Meeting KOMO” 4 News News ” Castle ” College ” Football Burn Notice ”” Pac-12 ”


The National Mayday ” ”


Mayday ”


Turtles Sanjay

Now With Christine

Mayday ”

” ”

Untold Stories of ER

Movie: “Witless

Heart of Per- Soccer fect Health- Goal Zone

Judy Moody Birak and the NOT ”

Megaspeed ”

” ”

Untold Stories of ER

Protection” ”

Watson Super Brain

Bummer Summer

Don’t Drive Here

Paid Prog. Two Men

Untold Stories of ER

Movie: “Transporter

With Dr. Rudy Tanzi

Highway Mayday Thru Hell ” How/Made Mayday DISC How/Made ” How/Made 9 Megaspeed How/Made Mayday ” Fast N’ Loud ” Don’t Drive ” Mayday Here Don’t Drive ” Here Highway Megaspeed Thru Hell Airplane ” Repo How/Made Don’t Drive How/Made BBQ Pit Here Wars How/Made Highway How/Made Don’t Drive Thru Hell Here Fast N’ Loud How/Made ” Airplane How/Made Repo Don’t Drive How/Made Here Fast N’ Loud How/Made ” Airplane Fast N’ Loud Overhaulin’ Repo ” ” BBQ Pit Don’t Drive Wars Here

Kids News MLB Old House Baseball Big Bang ” KAYU FOX College ” Pregame ; ” College MLB ” Football Baseball Paid Prog. ” ” Two Men ”” ” Kids News ” Old House ”” ” Big Bang Paid FOX Prog. College Paid Prog. Two Men Big Bang Pregame Kids News College Mod Fam Old House Big Bang Football Big Bang ” News FOX College Wanted ” Pregame ” Animation College Domination ” Football Bones”” ” Paid Prog. ” Big Bang ”

Untold StoUntold Stories of ER ries of ER Untold StoUntold StoTLC ries of ER ries of ER Untold Sto< Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER ries of ER Untold StoUntold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER ries of the Untold StoUntold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER ries of ER Untold StoUntold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER ries of the Untold StoUntold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER ries of ER Untold StoStoUntold ries Untold Stories of of ER ER ries of ER Untold StoUntold StoPeter ries the ries of ofPopoff ER Paid Prog. Untold StoStoUntold ries of ER

3” Heart ” Condition First Family Movie: WTBS Box Office “Witless Community A Protection” Community Heart ” The Middle Condition Movie: The Middle Movie: “Transporter Movie: “Witless “From Paris 3” Protection” ” With Love” ” ” First Family Movie: Box OffiGuy ce Family “Transporter Family Guy Community 3” Community Seinfeld ” Seinfeld The Middle First Family The Middle King Box Office King Movie: Community “From Paris Movie: Community “Charlie’s With Love” The Middle Angels” ” The Middle ” Family Movie: Guy Family Guy “From Paris

KCTS 9 Wild Kratts Cooks for Wild Kratts the Holidays Heart of KCTS ” Perfect Health” N Watson ” Wild Kratts Super Brain ” Wild Kratts With Dr. ” Heart Tanzi of PerRudy Weekend fect HealthHistory KCTS 9 Watson Cooks for Robin Brain Super Williams the Holidays With Dr. ” The Tanzi Rudy Roosevelts: ” KCTS 9 ” An Intimate Cooks for History ” the Holidays The ”” Roosevelts: Weekend ” History An Intimate ” History Robin ” BrainChange Williams ” ” The Weekend Roosevelts: History

” Love Prison ” ” SuperCement A&E mensch: Cement Legend 1of Movie: Shep Love Prison “Gladiator” Criminal ” Minds” Cement ” Criminal Cement Minds” Movie:” Criminal “Gladiator” Minds Super” mensch: Criminal ” Minds Legend of ” Shep Criminal ” Minds Criminal SuperMinds Criminal mensch: Minds Criminal Legend of Minds Criminal Shep Minds Criminal Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds

Odd Parents Rabbids Odd Parents Bread Odd Parents Turtles YTV Odd Parents Sanjay SpongeBob 6 Judy Moody SquarePants Rabbids and the NOT SpongeBob Bread Bummer SquarePants Turtles Summer Assembly Sanjay Next Star Odd Parents Judy Moody Odd Parents Funny and theHome NOT Videos Odd Parents Bummer Odd Parents Movie: Summer “Peter Pan” SpongeBob Odd Parents SquarePants ” Odd Parents ” SpongeBob Odd Parents SquarePants ” Odd Parents Boys Assembly SpongeBob Next Star Haunting SquarePants Haunting Funny Home SpongeBob Movie: Videos SquarePants “Peter Pan” Movie: Assembly “Peter Pan” Next Star

The National CBC IssueNews CBC News The National Now With NEWS Mansbridge Christine The7 Nature Birak of Things CBC News ” the fifth CBC News estate” Now With ” The National Christine Marketplace The National Birak Issue The Last Se” crets of The National ” Mansbridge The Nature ” of Things The Nature The National of Things The National Issue Mansbridge the fifth The National estate The Last SeMansbridge crets of The Nature National The Marketplace The National of Things Issue The the fiLast fth SeThe National crets of estate Mansbridge The The Nature National of Things Marketplace




Wild Kratts Wild Kratts


Cement Cement


Heart Condition


Movie: “Gladiator”

NEWS ” ” 7

Untold Stories of ER


CBC News CBC News


MLB Baseball


Rabbids Bread

A&E ” ” 1

Mayday ”



English Premier League

Boxing ”

KING ” ” P

Auto Racing English ” Premier League Justin Time Soccer KING Tree Fu Tom Goal Zone Biz Kid$ P Boxing Kids News English ” PreKING 5 mier League News ” Soccer ” News Nightly Goal Zone KING News Auto Racing Boxing” Paid Prog. ” Paid JustinProg. Time ” Tom Tree Fu American ” Ninja Warrior Biz Kid$ Auto Racing Kids News ”” KING ”5 Justin Time News ” Tree Fu Tom ” Nightly Biz Kid$News KING News Kids News Saturday Paid KINGProg. 5 Night Live Paid NewsProg. ” American Nightly News Ninja KING Warrior News

3 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 5 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 :00 6 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & _ :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 8 10 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 11 4 :00 :30 :00 10 12 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 1 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 2 7 :00 :30 :00 3 8 :30 :30 :00 :00 4 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 10 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 11 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 12 11 :30 :30 :00 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 :00 3 :30 10 :00 4 :30 11 :00 5 :30 12 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 :00 1 :30 6 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 2 :30 # $ % & _ 7 :00 :00 3 8 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 9 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 12 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 :30 11 1 :00 :00 :00 7 :30 :30 12 2 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 :30 3 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :00 10 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 10 :30 :00 11 :30 10 :00 12 11 :30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 :00 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :30 # $ % & _ :00 2 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 :00 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 :00 1 :30 :30 6 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 2 :30 :30 7 :00 # $ % & _ 3 :30 :30 :00 8 :00 10 4 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 11 :30 5 :00 10 :30 :00 12 6 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 7 :30 1 :00 12 :30 :00 8 :30 2 :00 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2014 9 :30 3 :00 10 :30 4 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 :00 # $ % & _ 11 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 10 6 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 12 :30 5 :00 :30 6 :00 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 ”

Movie: Block

” Ghomeshi NFL Football Coronation

NFL ” Football: ”

Tourist” Joel Osteen Paid Prog. ”

Cash Cab ”

Mr. OurD Vancouver Movie:

Seahawks Regional Coverage KIRO News

“Babe” Land & Sea Mansbridge ”

” ” CBS News KIRO ”News NFL 60 Minutes

Football: Lorna Dueck Marketplace A20 :30 Football “The ”” Backstage :00 CFL

Night Calgary Stampeders NFL

Movie: Block Lorna Dueck “The Tourist” Joel Osteen Paid Prog. ”

Connected MLB Baseball: English Premier Toronto Blue Jays at New League

Wildlife Wild Kratts Little Prince Edwardian Farm Little Prince Annedroids Ancient

Series Rescue Paid Prog. Wildlife Docs Exped. Wild Paid Prog. Paid Prog. News

Global Nat. Noon News Hour Hour News

Soccer York Yankees NHL Top

Worlds Animals Animals Highway

World News Paid Prog. Paid Prog. KOMO 4

Epic Ink Movie: “Gladiator” Duck D. Duck Cont’dD. ” Duck D.

Bride” Victorious Hathaways Movie: “Shrek Thunder Mr. Young Forever

of Things CBC News CBC News the fifth estate Now With Christine The Nature

Cash VegasCab Rat

21 Day Fix NFL

Life Say Yes

Big Bang Witch Mount Architect Sid Science

Zou Gardening

How/Made Life Fast N’ Loud Trout GreenTV Bay Britain’s Packers at Fattest Man Livin’ Dream Medium Two Men Detroit Lions Medium Britain’s ” Fattest Man Big Bang Long Island

Big HighBang School Musical 3: Mod Fam

Night Track in and

“Collateral” Movie: “Fools”Rush

Rods Football: Say600-Lb. Yes ”Lake Shakespeare Wild Kratts Ryder Cup L Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Country Calendar How/Made 30 Rock My Big Bang Football

Steelers at CFL Football: Carolina

” First Story CHBC News Steele” Noon News Hour Nat. ” Global CTV News CHBC News NFL Overrun ” Ice Pilots NWT NFL Football Security Saving Hope

” ” NFL Football Amazing Race ” ” After the ” Race ” Cash Cab CSI: Crime ” First Story Scene ” Steele News NFL Overrun CTV News CTV News NFL Football ” Castle” Saving” Hope ” ” Amazing ” Race ” After the Cash Cab Race First Story CSI: Crime Steele Scene CTV News News ” CTV News

Football: ” Regional NFL Madam Coverage Football: Secretary ” The Good Regional ” Wife Coverage Seahawks Madam ” KIRO ”News Secretary ” KIRO ”News CBS News KIRO News NFL KIRO News Face/Nation Football: 60 Minutes Scandal Regional ” Coverage Madam ” Secretary ” The Good Seahawks Wife KIRO News Madam ” Secretary CBS News KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News

” Ice Pilots NWT Security Simpsons Simpsons Block Madam Simpsons Lorna Dueck Secretary Movie: The Joel Good Osteen “The Prog. Wife Paid Tourist” Simpsons Noon News Family Hour ” Guy Global Nat. News Final Ice Pilots News Hour Block NWT ” PGA Simpsons Security Paid Prog. Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Madam Movie: Secretary “The The Good Tourist” Wife ” Simpsons Global Nat. Family Guy News Hour News Final Block ”

Museum Waterfront Cities Prehistoric

Simpsons Simpsons Block Madam Simpsons Lorna Dueck Secretary Movie: The Joel Good Osteen “The Prog. Wife Paid Tourist” Simpsons Noon News Family Hour ” Guy CHBC News News Final Ice Pilots Global Nat. Block NWT CHBC News PGA Simpsons Security Paid Prog. Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Madam Movie: Secretary “The The Good Tourist” Wife ” Simpsons CHBC News Family Guy Global Nat. News Final CHBC News Block

Steven” and Chris Heartland The Nature ” of Things Coronation Movie: Q With Jian Marketplace “Brave” Ghomeshi Our ” Backstage ” Vancouver Mr. D The LandNational & Sea Movie:” Mansbridge “Babe” CBC News Steven and ” the fifth Chris ” estate The Nature Heartland Canadian of Things ” Q With Jian Movie: Ghomeshi “Brave” Backstage ” Mr. D ” Movie: The National “Babe” ” ” CBC News ” the fifth

100 MLB Baseball Sportsnet

RedBlacks Panthers at CFL ” Roughriders Football: SportsCentre ” ” Calgary Football SportsCentre Stampeders Night SportsCentre at Montreal NFL ” Alouettes Football: SportsCentre CFL Pittsburgh ” Football: Steelers at SportsCentre RedBlacks Carolina ” at Panthers Roughriders ”” SportsCentre Football ” Night SportsCentre NFL SportsCentre Football: ” Pittsburgh SportsCentre Steelers ” at

NHL Top Connected 100 MLB English Sportsnet Baseball: Premier Connected League Toronto Blue English Soccer Jays at New Premier Sportsnet York League Connected Yankees Soccer Sportsnet MLB NHL Top Connected Baseball 100 Sportsnet NHL Top Sportsnet Connected 100 Connected Sportsnet English Connected Premier English League Premier Soccer League Sportsnet Soccer Connected NHL Top Sportsnet 100 Connected

Park Hunters Museum Wild Kratts Monarch of Hope for Little Prince the Glen Wildlife Waking the Little Prince Edwardian Dead Annedroids Farm Waking Animalsthe Ancient Dead Animals Worlds Egypt Waterfront Highway Underworld Cities Museum Monarch of Park Prehistoric the Glen Museum Hunters Hope for Monarch Wildlife of the Glen Edwardian Waking the Farm Dead Ancient Waking the Worlds Dead Highway Egypt Museum Underworld

Duck D. After” Movie: Movie: “Black “Ella ” Duck-Before News Duck-Before Next Star Wipeout Hawk Enchanted” ” Down” ” Funny Home Duck D. The Next World of X ” Movie: Videos Duck D. Star Games ” “The Rescue Movie: Victorious Once Upon Duck ” Timbersports Epic Ink Princess Paid Prog. “Gladiator” Hathaways a Time Dynasty Sam & Cat Series Epic Ink Bride” Resurrection Duck Just Kidding Paid Prog. Cont’dD. Thunder Wildlife Movie: ” Docs Duck D. Cook’d Paid Prog. ” Mr. Young Exped. Wild Duck D. “Shrek Revenge Duck-Before Japanizi Paid Prog. Movie: Movie: NewsProg. Duck D. Forever ” Duck-Before Boys Paid “Black “Ella World News Duck D. After” News Duck Haunting Wipeout Hawk D. Enchanted” KOMO” 4 Duck-Before Castle Duck D. Haunting Down” ”” News Duck-Before Next Star Duck ” Shrek World ”of X Movie: Funny Home Dynasty Duck D. The Next Paid Prog. Forever After Games ” “The Videos Duck D. Star Timbersports Epic Ink Princess Once Upon Duck ” Series Epic Ink Bride” a Time Dynasty Sam & Cat Wildlife Docs Duck D. Movie: Resurrection Duck D. Just Kidding Exped. Wild Duck D. “Shrek ” Duck D. Cook’d News Duck D. Forever Revenge Duck-Before Japanizi World News Duck D. After” ” Duck-Before Boys KOMO 4 Duck-Before Haunting ” News Duck D. News Duck-Before Next Star Castle Duck D. Haunting

Carolina SportsCentre Panthers ” ” SportsCentre

Security PGA Simpsons Paid Prog. Madam Secretary

Saving Hope Castle ”” Amazing Race

Heartland estate ” Canadian Movie: “Brave”

60 Minutes Face/Nation ” Scandal Madam Secretary

Security PGA Simpsons Paid Prog. Madam Secretary

Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected English Premier

Prehistoric Monarch of Hunters the Glen Monarch of the Glen

Funny”Home Videos Paid Prog. Once Upon a Time

The Good Wife

The Good Wife

League Soccer

Waking the Dead

Resurrection Duck D. ” Duck D.

Simpsons Family Guy

Sportsnet Connected

Waking the Dead

KNOW Revenge KOMO ” * ` Egypt News

Duck-Before Japanizi Duck-Before Boys

YTV 6 Haunting

Movie: “Revenge of

NEWS 7 the Electric

Beasts of the Bayou

News Bones

Medium Medium

WTBS ” Nick and A Norah’s

Connected Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected

Underworld Castle G. Shrinks The View PAW Patrol ” Monarch of ” Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 the Glen Paid Prog. Bucket-Dino News

DuckMiami D. CSI: Duck ” Criminal Dynasty Minds

Haunting Wayside Kid vs. Kat Shrek Monster Forever After Almost

Car” News CBC Now With The National Carole” MacNeil

Afraid Mayday Beasts” of Highway the Bayou Thru Hell

Anger Raising Paid Prog. How I Met Family RaisingFeud Family Feud

LifeKids 19 19 Kids Paid Prog. 19 Kids and Paid Prog. Counting

Jacked! ”

Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU

Football: at Montreal Alouettes Pittsburgh



A&E 1

Duck D. Duck Duck D. Dynasty Duck Dynasty


The Next Shrek Star Forever After ” Sam & Cat





” “Revenge of Marketplace CBC News the Electric The CBCNature News Car” of Things The NowNational With the fifth ” Christine estate Movie: Birak The Nature “Revenge of ” of Things the Electric ” The National Car” ” ” The National ” Movie:” Marketplace “Revenge of The Nature theThings Electric of Car” the fifth The National estate ” The Nature Movie: of Things “Revenge of The National the Electric Car” ”

Dangerous Afraid Flights VegasDrive Rat Don’t Cash Rods Cab Here Cash Cab Beasts of Fast N’ Loud How/Made the Bayou ” How/Made Beasts of Don’t Drive Beasts of the Bayou Here the Bayou Naked and Airplane Beasts Afraid Repo of the Bayou Beasts of Dangerous Naked and the Bayou Flights Afraid Cash Cab Don’t Cab Drive Cash Here How/Made Beasts of How/Made the Bayou Beasts of Beasts of the Bayou the Bayou Beasts of Naked and the Bayou Afraid

Two Men Medium The OT My 600-Lb. Auto Racing Angels Life Burgers ” My 600-Lb. Simpsons Angels ” Life NFL Say Yes Simpsons Long Island ” Guy My Football: Say600-Lb. Yes Family Medium 21 Day Fix Life Family Guy Angels Green Bay Britain’s 30 Rock My 600-Lb. Amer. Dad Angels Packers at Fattest Man Trout TV Life News Detroit Lions Medium Britain’s Livin’ Dream Bones Medium ” Fattest Man Two Men Medium ” My 600-Lb. The OT Big Bang Long Island Anger Auto Racing Life Two Men Medium How I ”Met Paid Prog. My 600-Lb. Burgers Angels Raising Paid Prog. ” Life Simpsons Angels ” My 600-Lb. Simpsons Long 21 Day Fix Life Island Family Guy Medium 30 Rock My 600-Lb. Family Guy Angels Trout TV Life Amer. Dad Angels Livin’ Dream Medium News Medium Two Men Medium Bones Medium Big Bang Long Island ” My 600-Lb. Two Men Medium Anger Life

Movie: The National “Revenge of ” the Electric Car”

Naked and Beasts of Afraid the Bayou Don’t Drive Here

Burgers How I Met Simpsons Raising Simpsons Family Guy

Angels Paid Prog. Angels Paid Prog. Long Island Medium

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Angels Angels

” The Good SportsCentre Wife

After the Race

SportsCentre Simpsons ” Family Guy

CSI: Crime Scene

The National Madam ” Secretary

SportsCentre News Final ” Block SportsCentre Rachael Ray ” SportsCentre PGA ” SportsCentre Pitchin’ In ” Paid Prog. ” Debt/Part

News CTVView News The Castle”

CBC News the fifth Bookaboo Doodlebops estate

KIRO News KIRO News The Price Is Right Face/Nation

The Marilyn ” Denis Show

Our Canadian Vancouver

Young & Scandal Restless

Block Rachael Ray PGA ” Pitchin’ In Paid Prog. Debt/Part

SportsNation Noon News ” Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News ”

Noon News Hour

Baseball Central

PAW Patrol Kate and

The Chew ”

Criminal Minds

Chucks Nerds

CBC News Now With

Numbers Never Lie

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Republic of Doyle

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Premier Poker

Astroblast Poppy Cat


The First 48 ”

Squirrel Rated A for

Reshmi Nair NeverEver ” NeverEver

Baseball Tonight

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

Misplays UFC Fights

Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First 48 Curious ” ”

Monster Sidekick

Power & Politics

MythBusters Family Feud Say Yes ” Family Feud Say Yes

Heartland Bookaboo ” Doodlebops

Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right

The Meredith Rachael Ray Sportsnet Vieira ”Show Connected

Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Jelly PAW Jamm Patrol

Steve The View Harvey ”

Storage CSI: Miami Storage ”

6TEEN Wayside Chucks Kid vs. Kat

” CBC News ” Now With

How/Made Mayday How/Made ”

Steve Raising Harvey Paid Prog.

Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil

Daily Planet Highway ” Thru Hell

The Meredith Family Feud 19 Kids and Vieira FamilyShow Feud Counting

SportsCentre Rachael The Meredith Dr. Oz Ray The View Monday Vieira ”Show Show ” ”

” ”


Beasts” of of Things the Bayou Birak Don’t Drive ” Here The National Beasts of ” the Bayou Airplane ” Repo Movie: Naked and

CHAN ( News Final


SNP ) Sportsnet


KNOW Hospital KOMO * `

A&E 1 Duck D.

A&E 1

Just Kidding The National Beasts of Cook’d ” the Bayou



Night Young &In SportsCentre Pitchin’ Countdown Restless ” Debt/Part

EllenMarilyn DeGe- Our Dragons’ The neres Show Vancouver Den Denis

Judge Judy Young & Judge Judy Restless

Young &In Pitchin’ Restless Debt/Part

MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Connected

Kate Jamm and Jelly Magic Bus Bucket-Dino

KOMO 4 News

Love Prison Criminal Minds”

SpongeBob Monster Bread Almost

” News News SportsNation Noon NFL ” Hour ”

CTV News at Five”

CBC News Now ”

KIRO News KIRO ”News

Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour

Seattle Baseball Mariners at Central

Jack Patrol PAW Wild Kratts Kate and

News The Chew World ”News

Duck D. Criminal Duck D. Minds

Odd Parents CBC News Chucks SpongeBob Now With ” Nerds

Football: Numbers Chicago Never Lie

Global News Days ofNat. our CTV The Social CHBC ” Lives News

CBC News Republic of Coronation Doyle

KIRO News The Talk CBS News ”

News Hour Days of our Lives ”

Toronto Premier Blue Architects Astroblast of KOMO General4 Jays Change News Poker Poppy Cat Hospital

Baseball Bears at Tonight New York

The Talk Ent ” ET Canada

Dr. Phil Big Bang ” Big Bang

Steven and Murdoch Chris Mysteries

Let’s Make a Ent The Talk Ent DealInsider ” The ET Canada

SportsCentre Jets SportsCentre Monday SportsCentre ” Night SportsCentre SportsCentre Countdown ” ” ” SportsCentre SportsNation NFL ” ” Football: SportsCentre Numbers Chicago ” Never Lie Bears at SportsCentre Baseball New York ” Tonight Jets SportsCentre Monday SportsCentre

The Meredith Under the Rachael Ray Vieira Show Dome ” Young & Sleepy Pitchin’ In Restless Hollow Debt/Part News The Blacklist Noon News ”” Hour Global News Nat. CHBC Days our CHBCofNews Final Lives Ent Canada ET The Talk ET Canada The Doctors ” Under the The Meredith Dome Vieira Show Sleepy

The Dr. Oz Gotham The View Show ” ” Ellen DeGeSaving Hope The Marilyn neres ”Show Denis Show CTV News Forever CTV News at Five ” ” CTV News News-Lisa The Social ” CTV News ” Big Bang Daily Show Dr. Phil Big Bang Seth Meyers ” Gotham

Heartland Murdoch Bookaboo ” Mysteries Doodlebops Dragons’ Cracked Our Den ” Vancouver CBCNational News The CBC News ”” Now CBC News News CBC Republic of Coronation Rick Mercer Doyle Murdoch 22 Minutes Steven and Mysteries Coronation Chris Murdoch



Wahlburgers & Cat The First 48 Sam Squirrel Wahlburgers Every ” Rated Witch A for

A&E 1

Bucket-Dino The Doctors Love The First 48 Hope for Wheel Prison Curious ” ” Wildlife Jeopardy! Dive, Olly Vikings G. Shrinks Jelly Jamm ” PAW Patrol Kate and Dangerous Jelly Jamm Magic Bus Edge: A Life Bucket-Dino Jack Coffee Black PAW Patrol Wild Kratts ” Kate and Architects Hope for of Astroblast Change Wildlife Poppy Cat Hope for Dangerous Bucket-Dino WildlifeA Life Edge: Curious Vikings

Bold Big Bang The Price Is ThisMinute Big Bang Right Judge Judy Scorpion Young & Judge”Judy Restless KIRO News Under the KIRO News KIRO News Dome ” KIRO News News KIRO The CBSTalk News Late Show ” Ent Letterman Let’s Make a The Insider Ferguson Deal Big Bang The Dr. Heartland Bold ” Oz Mysteries Big Bang Show ” ThisMinute Saving Hope Cracked Scorpion Hollow ” ” Night ” Young & Ellen DeGeDragons’ Judge”Judy Countdown Restless neres Show The Den National Under Judge Judy SportsCentre The Blacklist Forever the ” ” Dome ” News ” CTV News CBC News KIRO News NFL at Five ” KIRO News News SportsCentre CHBC” News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO ” Final CTV Rick Late Football: Global Nat. CTV News News CBC Mercer News KIROShow News Chicago CHBC News Daily Show ” Coronation CBS News SportsCentre ET Canada 22 Minutes Letterman The Meyers Coronation Ferguson Bears ”at Ent Doctors Seth Big Bang Murdoch Ent New York ET Canada Big Bang Mysteries The Insider

The Meredith Under the Rachael Ray Vieira Dome Show ” Young & Sleepy Pitchin’ In Restless Hollow Debt/Part EarlyBlacklist News The Noon News Global” Nat. Hour News Hour Hour News Days of ” our Final Lives Ent Canada ET The Talk ET Canada The Doctors ” Under the The Meredith Dome Vieira Show Sleepy Hollow Young & Restless The Blacklist

Sportsnet Giants at Sportsnet Connected Dodgers Connected MLB ” Sportsnet Baseball: ” Connected Seattle Sportsnet Baseball Mariners at Connected Central Toronto Blue Sportsnet Premier Jays Connected Poker MLB Sportsnet Misplays Baseball: Connected UFC Fights Giants at Sportsnet Dodgers Connected ” MLB ” Baseball: Sportsnet

” Early News GlobalHour Nat. News Final News Hour ” ET Canada The Ent Doctors ET Canada

Connected Seattle Mariners at Sportsnet

Jets Under the SportsCentre Dome

Gotham ”

Big Bang Big Bang

Under the Dome

Giants at Dodgers

SportsCentre Sleepy ” Hollow

Saving Hope Cracked ” ”

Scorpion ”

Sleepy Hollow

Murdoch Mysteries


Misplays MLB UFC Fights Baseball:

Dive, Olly ” Jelly Jamm Dangerous

Steve Dancing The View Harvey With the ” KOMO 4 Stars KOMO News ” 4 News News Forever The Chew World ”News ” KOMO 4 News General News Jimmy Hospital Wheel Live Kimmel The Doctors Jeopardy! Nightline ” Dancing

Steve With the Harvey Stars Edge: A Life KOMO” 4 Kate and Magic Coffee Bus News Black Forever Jack ” News ” Wild Kratts World News Hope for News

Storage Love Prison CSI: Miami Storage ” ” Love Prison Duck D. Criminal ” Duck D. Minds Duck D. Wahlburgers Criminal Duck D. Wahlburgers Minds Wahlburgers Love Prison The First 48 Wahlburgers ” ” Love Prison Prison Love The First 48 ”” ” Love Prison

6TEEN Funny Home Wayside Chucks Videos Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Wipeout Monster Bread” Almost OddYoung Parents Mr. Chucks SpongeBob Boys Nerds Sam & Cat Haunting Squirrel Every Witch Haunting Rated A for iCarly Home Funny Monster Assembly Videos Sidekick Funny Home Storage 6TEEN ” Videos Storage Chucks Duck D. Wipeout Duck D. ” Love Prison SpongeBob ” Bread Wahlburgers Mr. Young Wahlburgers Boys Duck D. Odd Parents Duck Prison D. SpongeBob Love Haunting

” ”

CHAN The Blacklist ( ”

SNP Sportsnet ) Connected Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected

Dr. Phil ”

Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Divorce

BrainSesame ChangeStreet

Ellen TodayDeGeneres cont’d Show

Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge

Perlmutter Dinosaur Europe Dinosaur

KING 5 New Day News Northwest

TBABench Hot TBABench Hot

Business Peg Plus Cat KING 5 World News Peg Plus Cat News

Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids


TBA King TBA King

PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas

Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives

PowerNews & CBC Politics ”

MythBusters Family Feud 19 SayKids Yes Don’t Drive Big Bang Family Feud 19 SayKids Yes Here ” Big Bang

The Middle Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld

Sesame St. Old House Cat in the Antiques

Dr. Phil News ” Evening

” The National CBC News ” Now With Amanda The National Carole Lang ” MacNeil CBC News CBC News ”” Now With The National National The Reshmi ”” Nair ” CBC News Amanda Power Lang ”& Politics The National ” ” The National

How/Made Mayday How/Made ” Daily Planet Airplane Highway ” Repo Thru Hell MythBusters Don’t Drive Jacked! Here ” ” Airplane MythBusters NeverEver Repo ” NeverEver Don’t Drive How/Made MythBusters Here How/Made ” How/Made

How/Made How/Made Airplane

Steve Gotham Raising Harvey ” Paid Prog. The Meredith Sleepy FamilyShow Feud Vieira Hollow Family Feud Name Game News Law & Name Game Mod Fam Order: SVU Two Men Mike Law Mod & Fam Mike Order: SVU Big Bang Anger Family Feud Big Bang Cougar Family Feud Gotham

Say Yes 19 Kids 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids 19 Kids 19 Kids and 19 Kids and Counting Counting 19 Kids and Medium Counting 19 Kids Medium 19 Kids Kids 19 Say Yes 19 Kids Kids 19 Say Yes 19 Kids Peter Popoff Say 19 Kids PaidYes Prog. Say Yes 19 Kids

BrainAntiques Sesame ChangeRoadshow Street Perlmutter Robin Dinosaur Europe Williams Dinosaur Business POV Peg Plus Cat World ”News Peg Plus Cat PBS ” Super Why! NewsHour Underground Thomas Old House Younger Sesame St. Antiques Heart Cat in the Antiques

Ellen DeGeThe Voice Today Show neres ” cont’d KING ”5 New Day News ” Northwest KING 5 The Blacklist KING News ”5 News NightlyNews News KING Days News of our Tonight Lives News Show Dr. Phil Evening Seth Meyers ” The Voice

” Amanda Lang News CBC

Repo Daily Planet ” Don’t Drive

Harvey Sleepy Hollow The Meredith Vieira News Show

Say Yes 19 Kids and Counting 19 Kids and Counting 19 Kids

Seinfeld Family Guy Divorce Mod Fam Family Guy Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge TBA Jeffersons Hot TBABench Jeffersons Hot Bench TBA Movie: King TBA Mist” “The King Mod Fam ” The Middle Seinfeld ” The Middle Family Guy Seinfeld Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Big Bang Big Bang Jeffersons

ChangeRobin Williams Perlmutter Europe POV

neres ”Show KING ”5 News The Blacklist

” CBC News

Here Fam MythBusters Mod Name Game ” Name Game MythBusters Mike ” Mike Airplane Two Men Repo Mod Fam How/Made Anger How/Made Cougar Don’t Drive Big Bang Here Big Bang

19 Kids and Counting 19 Kids

Jeffersons TBA TBA Movie:

19 19 Kids Kids 19 Kids Peter Popoff Paid Prog. 19 Kids 19 Kids

“The TBA Mist” TBA ” ” Mod Fam Seinfeld

” Business World ”News Underground PBS NewsHour Younger Heart Old House Antiques

KING ”5 News News KING Tonight Nightly News News Show Seth NewsMeyers Evening The Voice ”




Steve ”

19 SayKids Yes 19 SayKids Yes



Say Yes 19 Kids





Ellen DeGe”

Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Monster Videos Almost

The National MythBusters CBC News Megaspeed ” ”” Now With Amanda How/Made Carole MythBusters Lang How/Made MacNeil ”

Mike Raising Mike Prog. Paid Anger Feud Family CougarFeud Family

19 Kids 19 Kids 19 Kids 19 Kids Peter Popoff 19 Kids and Paid Prog. Counting

Movie: Divorce “The Mist” Divorce Judge” Judge”

” KING Sesame Today News Underground Tonight Street cont’d Younger ShowDay Dinosaur New Heart Seth Meyers Dinosaur Northwest

The Chew ”

Criminal Minds

Chucks Nerds

CBC News Now With

Law & Order: SVU

Medium Medium

Hot Bench Hot Bench

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

KNOW General KOMO Hospital * The` Doctors

The First 48 ”

Squirrel Rated A for

Reshmi Nair Don’t Drive ” Here

Law & Order: SVU

Say Yes Say Yes

King King

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

KNOW KOMO * ` Harvey Dancing

A&E 1 Storage

Monster Sidekick Wayside 6TEEN Kid vs. Kat Nerds Monster SpongeBob Almost Chucks Chucks Odd Parents Nerds SpongeBob Squirrel Rated A for Assembly Every Witch Monster

Power & Politics CBC News ” Now With ” Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang CBC News CBC With News Now ” Reshmi Nair ” The National ” Power &

Overhaulin’ Top 10 Megaspeed How/Made ” How/Made MythBusters Daily Planet ” ” Airplane Bering Sea Repo Gold Don’t Drive Here Highway Thru Overhaulin’

Family Feud Family Feud Raising Steve Paid Prog. Harvey Family Feud The Meredith Family Feud Vieira Show Law & Name Game Order: SVU Name Game Law & Order: SVU Two Men Mod Fam Family Feud

Say Yes Say Yes 19 Kids 19 Kids and Counting 19 Kids and 19 Kids Counting 19 Kids Medium 19 Kids Medium 19 Kids Say Yes Say Yes and 19 Kids Counting Say Yes

The Middle The Middle Divorce Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Judge Big Bang Hot Bench TBABench Hot TBA King King TBA TBA The Middle

Sesame St. Cat in the Sesame 30 Days to a Street Younger Dinosaur Heart-Masley Dinosaur Heart Peg Plus Cat Business Peg Plus Cat World News Super Why! Thomas PBS NewsHour Sesame St.

Dr. Phil ” Today Ellen cont’dDeGeneres Show New Day KING 5 Northwest News KING 5 KING 5 News News Days of our Lives Nightly News News Dr. Phil

Sidekick Sam & Cat Victorious 6TEEN Nerds Funny Home Videos Wayside SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Chucks Wipeout

Politics CBC News ””

Top 10 Highway Thru Hell How/Made How/Made Don’t Drive ” Here CBC News Megaspeed Amanda Daily Planet Now With ”” LangNational The Highway ” ” Thru Monster MythBusters Odd Parents Carole CBC News Bering Sea Almost MacNeil ” SpongeBob ” Gold Mr. Young CBC News Highway Boys ” Thru Hell Chucks CBC News Airplane Assembly The National Highway Nerds NowNational With Repo Every Witch The ” Thru Drive Haunting Don’t Haunting ” Here Squirrel Reshmi Nair Don’t Drive Sam & Cat CBC News Highway Victorious Thru Hell Rated A for Amanda ” Here Funny Home Bering Sea

Family Feud Big Bang Big Bang Steve Harvey Utopia ” Raising The Meredith Paid Prog. Vieira Show New Girl

Say Yes Little People, BigKids World 19 and Counting 19 Kids and Counting 19 Kids 19 Kids 19 Kids Kids 19 Little People,

The Middle Mod Fam Seinfeld Seinfeld Mod Fam Family Guy Family Guy Divorce Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad

Cat in the American Outd’r Idaho 30 Days to a Younger Finding Your Roots Sesame Heart-Masley Street Heart The Boomer

News ” Evening Ellen DeGeneres Show The Voice Today KING ”5 cont’d ” News

Mindy Family Feud Name Game Family Feud Name Game News Mod Fam Law & Two Men Order: SVU Mod Fam Mike Mike Law & Big Bang Big Bang Order: SVU Anger Cougar Utopia Feud Family Family” Feud

BigKids World 19 and Counting 19 Kids Kids 19 19 Medium 19 Kids Kids and Medium Counting 19 Kids 19 Kids Say Yes Little People, Big World Say Yes Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 19 Kids and Say Yes Counting Say Yes

Amer. Judge TBA Dad Judge TBA Jeffersons Jeffersons Hot TBABench Hot TBABench Movie: “Just Like King Mod Fam Seinfeld King Heaven” ” Guy Family The Middle Family Guy The Middle

List: AmeriDinosaur Business Dinosaur World News can Masters Castro Peg PBSPlus Cat Peg Plus Cat NewsHour Tapes Life onWhy! Line Super American Outd’r Idaho Thomas BrainChange ” Your Finding Sesame St. Roots Cat in the

”5 New KINGDay Northwest News Chicago Fire KING Nightly”5 News News News KING Tonight Days News of our Evening Lives Show Seth Meyers ThePhil Voice Dr. ”

A&E Wahlburgers 1 Wahlburgers

The Social ”

Republic of Doyle

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Premier Poker

Astroblast Dragon

The Talk ” Rachael Ray The Meredith ” Vieira Show Pitchin’ In Young & Debt/Part Restless Noon News News Hour ” Days of our Lives Nat. Global CHBC News The Talk

Dr. Phil ” The View The Dr. ” Oz Show The Marilyn Ellen DeGeDenis Show neres Show CTV News CTV News ” at Five The Social ” CTV News ” Dr. Phil

Steven and Chris Bookaboo Heartland Doodlebops ” Best Recipes Dragons’ Stefano Den CBC News CBC News Now ” Republic of Doyle CBC News Coronation Steven and

Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is Bold Right ThisMinute Young & Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO ”News KIRO News The Talk KIRO ”News CBS Let’s News Make a

The Talk ” Rachael Ray The Meredith ” Vieira Show Pitchin’ In Young & Debt/Part Restless Noon News Early News Hour Global Nat. Days of our Lives News Hour ” The Talk

Blue Jays Misplays Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected Sportsnet MLB Connected Baseball: Baseball Seattle Central Mariners at Premier Poker Toronto Blue Jays Blue Jays

Bucket-Dino Curious G. Shrinks Dive, Olly PAW Patrol Jelly Jamm Jelly Jamm Kate and Bucket-Dino Magic Bus PAW Patrol Jack and Kate Wild Kratts Astroblast Dragon Hope for Wildlife Bucket-Dino

Tonight ” To Be Ent Announced SportsCentre ET TheCanada Meredith Vieira Show ” NCIS ” SportsCentre Rachael Around Young”& Ray ” ”New Hockey Restless SportsCentre NCIS:

etalk ” Big Bang The Dr. Oz Show Forever ” The View Ellen DeGeneres ”Show Agents of

Chris Murdoch Mysteries Heartland ” Rick Mercer 22 Minutes Bookaboo Dragons’ Doodlebops Den Air Arctic

Deal Ent The Insider Bold ThisMinute NCIS ”Judy The Price Is Judge Right Judge New Judy NCIS: Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. ” Orleans Pitchin’ The Best Young & News In CTVMarilyn News CBC Recipes News KIRO News Debt/Part Stefano Restless ” Fire Denis at FiveShow ” KIRO News Chicago Person of The National Person of ” Nat. Interest ” Interest Noon CTV News CBC News KIRO News GlobalNews Hour ” Now ”News CHBCHour News News-Lisa Coronation CBS News News CBC News KIRO Final CTV News Rick Mercer Late Show Days Republic of The Ent of our The etalkSocial Murdoch Ent Talk ET Canada Canada Daily Big Bang Mysteries The Insider Lives ” Doyle ” ET Show 22 Minutes Letterman The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Ferguson NCIS Forever Rick Mercer NCISMake a The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s 22 Minutes ” ” Chris Deal ”

” Ent ET Canada The Meredith Vieira NCIS Show Rachael Young”& Ray ”New Restless NCIS:

Misplays NHL Preseason Sportsnet Connected Hockey: Sharks at Sportsnet MLB Connected Baseball: Canucks

Curious Marine Machines Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm The First World War G. Shrinks Kate and PAW MagicPatrol Bus Fallen City

With Stars The View KOMO 4 News ” of Agents

Storage CSI: Miami Brandi Brandi” Storage

Orleans Pitchin’ In Early News Debt/Part Global Nat. Chicago Fire ”Hour Noon News News Hour ”Hour News Final Days Ent of our ET Canada Canada Lives ET The Doctors NCIS The Talk ”

Sportsnet Seattle Connected Mariners at Sportsnet Connected Baseball Toronto Blue Central Jays Sportsnet Connected Premier NHL Preseason Poker Sportsnet Connected Hockey: Blue Jays Sharks at Misplays

” Jelly Jack Jamm Bucket-Dino Wild Way Kratts This of Life PAW HopePatrol for Kate and Wildlife Marine Machines Astroblast Marine Machines Dragon Fallen City ” The First Bucket-Dino World War Curious

S.H.I.E.L.D. KOMO News 4 News World News Forever ”4 The Chew KOMO News ” News Jimmy General Wheel Jeopardy! Hospital Kimmel Live Nightline Dancing The Doctors With Stars ”

Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage Storage Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage Brandi Brandi The First 48 Brandi Brandi” Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ”

NCIS: New The Meredith Orleans Vieira Show Chicago Young & Fire ” Restless

Canucks Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected

FallenOlly City Dive, ” Jelly Jamm

Agents of Steve S.H.I.E.L.D. Harvey

Storage Storage

Sportsnet MLB Connected Baseball: Sportsnet Seattle Connected Mariners at

This Kate Way and of Life Magic Bus Marine Jack Machines Wild Kratts

Forever KOMO 4

Storage Brandi Storage Brandi Brandi Storage Brandi Storage

A&E 1

The First 48 ” ” The View CSI: Miami Steve ” Storage ” Harvey Storage KOMO 4 Criminal KOMO 4 Brandi News Minds News Brandi The Chew Criminal News ” Storage Minds World News Storage General The First 48 Hospital ” KOMO 4 Storage News The Doctors Storage The First 48 Wheel” Brandi” Jeopardy! Brandi Steve Storage

YTV Mr. Young 6 Boys



NEWS CBC News 7 ”


NEWS 7 ” The National

DISC Don’t Drive 9 Here

Airplane Repo



Videos Gold Funny Home Lang The National Don’t Drive Monster Power & Overhaulin’ Videos ” Here10 Sidekick Politics Top

KAYU News Mod; Fam



SportsCentre Pitchin’ In To Be Ent ” Debt/Part Announced ET Canada

The etalkMarilyn Denis Show Big Bang

Best Recipes Young & Murdoch Ent Stefano Restless Mysteries The Insider

Pitchin’ In Ent Debt/Part ET Canada

Baltimore NHL Orioles at Preseason

Jelly Jamm Marine Bucket-Dino Machines

KOMO Wheel 4 News Jeopardy!

Criminal Brandi Minds Brandi

SportsNation Noon ” NCIS News ”” Hour ” Numbers Days of our SportsCentre NCIS: New Never Lie Lives

CTV News Forever ””

CBC News Rick Mercer Now 22 Minutes


Noon NCIS News Hour ”

New York Hockey: Yankees Sharks at

PAW Patrol The First Kate Worldand War

The Chew Dancing ” With Stars

Criminal Storage Minds Storage

The National Highway New Girl ” How/Made Steve Thru Mindy ” How/Made Harvey Mr. Young CBC News Highway News SpongeBob Amanda Daily Planet The Meredith Boys Thru Hell Mod Fam Chucks Lang ” ” Vieira Show Haunting Don’t Mike Odd Parents The CBCNational News BeringDrive Sea Name Game Haunting ” Here Mike SpongeBob ” Gold Name Game Funny Home CBC Amanda Bering Sea Raising Anger Wayside News Mighty Assembly The National Highway Two Men Videos LangWith Gold Cougar Kid vs.Witch Kat Now Planes Paid Prog. Every ” Thru Mod Fam Monster Carole Bering Sea Family Feud Sam & Cat CBC News Highway Big Bang Almost MacNeil Gold Family Feud Victorious ” Thru Hell Big Bang Chucks CBC News Highway Law & Funny Home The National Don’t Drive Utopia Nerds Now With Thru Order:”SVU Videos ” Here

The Social Agents of ”

Republic of Arctic Air Doyle

The Talk NCIS: New ”

Days of our NCIS: New Lives

Misplays Canucks Countdown

The First 48 Storage ”

Letterman The Price Is KIRO News Ferguson Right CBS News

Days of our Lives

Sesame St. Cat in the


News Love Prison The View CSI: Miami Jimmy” ”” Kimmel4Live Criminal Love Prison KOMO Nightline News Minds”

” KNOW KOMO Black Coffee Forever * ` ” ”

Days of our Lives

ET Canada DailyView Show 22 Minutes Rachael Ray The Bookaboo Global Nat. CTV News CBC News The Doctors Coronation ” News Seth Meyers ” Doodlebops CHBC Coronation

Super Why! Thomas

The Middle The Middle

Robin Williams

Baseball Tonight SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre Around ” Hockey SportsNation Off Record ” Interruption Numbers Never Lie SportsCentre ” Baseball


King King

Antiques Roadshow

Numbers Never Lie


Say Yes Say Yes

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

PAW Patrol Kate and

News Hour Early News Final Global Nat.

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

Family Guy Family Guy

Baseball Central

The National Person of Dragons’ Judge Judy Interest Den ” Judge Judy CBC KIRO CBC News News KIRO News News Rick Mercer Late ” KIROShow News

Hot Bench Hot Bench

19 Kids and Counting

Sportsnet Connected

Person of Ellen DeGeInterest neres Show News-Lisa CTV News CTV News at Five

Medium Medium

19 Kids 19 Kids

Noon News Hour

News News Hour Final ”

The 206 Today cont’d Bensinger New Day Paid Prog. Northwest

Sleepy Hollow

KIRO News ”

SportsCentre Off Record ” Interruption SportsCentre SportsCentre ””

Europe Sesame Street Marathon Dinosaur ” Dinosaur

Gotham ”

CBC News Now

NCIS: New Bold Orleans ThisMinute

Infinite Divorce Divorce Playlist Judge There Yet? Judge



The National Airplane ” Repo

22 Minutes Letterman Best Recipes Young & Coronation Ferguson Stefano Restless

Arctic Air Heartland ”

Dateline NBC

Wipeout ”

CTV News ”

Agents The Dr. of Oz S.H.I.E.L.D. Show

KCTS N Rick Steves

Funny Home The National How/Made Videos ” How/Made

SportsNation Noon News ” Hour

New SportsCentre NCIS: The Meredith Orleans ” Vieira Show SportsCentre Chicago Around Young & Fire ” ” Hockey Restless

” News Masterpiece ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Hope for G. Shrinks Wildlife PAW Patrol Dangerous Jelly Jamm Edge: A Life Bucket-Dino

” SportsNation SportsCentre ” SportsCentre Numbers To Be ” Announced Never Lie SportsCentre ” Baseball ” Tonight

” The Closer

Love Prison ”

News Hour Rachael Ray Final ” ET Canada Pitchin’ In The Doctors Debt/Part

” SportsCentre Off Record ” Interruption SportsCentre

” The Closer

Steelers at Bensinger Carolina Paid Prog. Masterpiece Panthers Mystery! 5th Quarter


CBC News Bookaboo Rick Mercer Doodlebops



Auto Racing Carolina ” Gardening Panthers LazyTown Ryder Cup 5th Quarter Zou News Track and Football Field ” Night in Dateline Women’s America NBC Rugby NFL KING News Cycling Football: The 206 ” Pittsburgh Bensinger Auto Racing Steelers Paid Prog. ” at Carolina LazyTown Panthers Zou 5th Quarter Football News Night in ” America Dateline NFL NBC Football: KING News Pittsburgh The 206

Mystery! ”

MythBusters Law Name 19 Kids and Jacked! & Game Medium Name Game Counting ” Order: SVU Medium Two Law Men & Mod Fam Order: SVU


” Paintbox ” ” Witch ”Mount Masterpiece Sid Science Big ” ” Wild Kratts TheBang Closer Mystery! Big Bang Architect ” ” High School McLaughlin Big Bang Shakespeare The Closer Masterpiece Musical 3: Moyers Big Bang Uncovered Senior” Year Mystery! Great PerMod and Fam Doc Martin Nick ” ” formances at Mod Fam ” Norah’s Rick Steves Movie: the Met Movie: Weekend Infi nite Rush Europe “Fools ” “Collateral” Moyers Playlist Marathon In” ” Royal ” There ””Yet? ” Paintbox Big Bang ” ” Masterpiece Big Bang Architect The Closer Mystery! Big Bang Shakespeare ” ” Big Bang Uncovered The Closer Masterpiece Mod Fam Doc Martin ” Mystery! Mod Fam ” Nick and ” Movie: Weekend Norah’s Rick Steves “Collateral” Moyers Infinite Europe ” Royal Playlist Marathon Paintbox There ”Yet? ” In”

Dancing With the

The National Under the ” Dome



TLC < My 600-Lb.

Field America NFL Great ”PerWomen’s formances at Football: Rugby Weekend Moyers Pittsburgh the Met Cycling ” ” at Royal Steelers

Dangerous Edge: A Life

News-Lisa The View CTV News ” DailyMarilyn Show The Seth Meyers Denis Show


KAYU ; ”


Uncovered McLaughlin Moyers Doc Martin

Vikings ”

SportsCentre CHBC News SportsCentre Rachael Ray Final ” ”” ET Canada SportsCentre Pitchin’ In The Doctors ” Debt/Part



The National Reshmi Nair Airplane NeverEver ” Repo NeverEver

” The National Connected ” Haunting ” Toronto Blue Wildlife Architects of Jimmy KOMO 4 Wahlburgers Sam & Cat The National Jays Change News Wahlburgers Every Witch ” Sportsnet Dangerous Kimmel Live Love Prison Funny Home Amanda Connected Edge: A Life Nightline ” Videos Lang MLB Hope for Wheel Love Prison iCarly CBC News Baseball: Wildlife Jeopardy! ” Assembly ”

SportsCentre The Blacklist Forever ” ” ”

KIRO News The Price Is Late Show Right


Monster iCarly Sidekick Assembly

DISC 9 Naked and

Mod Fam Senior Year Movie:”

” KNOW News KOMO News News Jimmy * ` World News

A&E 1

ET Canada Sportsnet Fallen City Rachael Ray MLB Shrinks News Hour Toronto Blue G. Hope for The Doctors Connected ” ” Baseball: PAW Patrol Jays Wildlife

Kimmel Storage The View Miami KOMO 4Live CSI: Storage Nightline Storage ” ” News Storage

Wipeout 6TEEN Nerds”





TLC 19 Kids < 19 Kids



WTBS Jeffersons A Jeffersons






” ” KING The Blacklist P ”



Little People, Amer. Dad 19 Kids and Seinfeld Big World Amer. Dad Counting Mod Fam 19 Kids Kids Jeffersons 19 Big Bang 19 Kids Kids Jeffersons 19 Big Bang TLC WTBS 19 Movie: 19 Kids Kids TBA 19 “Just Like < 19 Kids Kids TBAA Paid Prog. Heaven” Extreme 19 Kids and Divorce TBA Paid Prog. Extreme Divorce Counting TBA ”

BrainChange Today Show News Sesame PBS Nightly ” Seth Meyers Street cont’d NewsHour News

Extreme Little People, Judge Mod Fam Extreme Judge Big World Seinfeld

Dinosaur New American NewsDay Dinosaur Outd’r Idaho Northwest Evening

Extreme 19 Kids and Extreme Counting


Tapes Business Life onNews Line World


KING KING News 5 Tonight News

Astroblast Fallen City Dragon

General Agents of Hospital

Squirrel Wipeout Rated A for

Reshmi Nair Highway The National Highway ” Thru Hell

Law & New Girl Order: SVU

Extreme King Little People, Amer. Dad Extreme King

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Finding Your The Voice Peg Plus Cat News ” Roots Super Why! Days of our The Boomer ” Thomas Lives

Baseball The Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentre Chicago Tonight ” Fire Person ” of

Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk Premier The National Deal Person of Chicago Sportsnet Chris ” Fire Poker

Bucket-Dino This Way of Curious

The Doctors The First 48 Forever Storage ” ”

Monster Mr. Young Sidekick

Power & CBC News Politics

Bering Sea Highway Gold

Family Feud News Feud Family

Extreme 19 Kids Extreme

The Middle Jeffersons The Middle

Sesame St. Dr. Phil can in Masters Chicago Cat the ” Fire

SportsCentre The Meredith The Dr. Oz SportsCentre News Show Hour News-Lisa ” Vieira Show

Heartland CBC News ”

6TEEN Haunting Chucks


Steve Mike Harvey

Extreme 19 Kids Extreme

Seinfeld Movie: Mod Fam

Suze OrEllen DeGeTapes Finan- neres KING Show News man’s


S.H.I.E.L.D. Interest

CTV News

” ”


Daily Show 22 Minutes neres Show Den The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation

Rick Mercer

Orleans Interest

Orleans ”





” ”

Thru Hell


Mod Fam

Big World 19 Kids

Amer. Dad Jeffersons

List: Ameri-


Judge Judy Letterman Judge Judy

Young & ET Canada Restless


Kate and Fallen Bus City Magic

KOMO 4 Wahlburgers SpongeBob Amanda Kimmel Live Wahlburgers Storage FunnyFu Home Lang Amanda News Kung

Daily Planet Bering” Sea

The Meredith Extreme Big Bang AngerShow Cheapskates Paid Prog. Heaven” Vieira Big Bang

cial SoluKING 5 BrainChange Show tions for You News

Jack Wild Kratts

News World News

Duck D. Odd Parents CBC News Duck-Before SpongeBob ”

Yukon Men ”

Name Game Extreme Name Game Extreme

Business World News

KING 5 News



CTV News at Five

CBC News ”


Early News Global Nat.

Seattle Mariners at


Sportsnet Baseball: The Doctors Connected

Machines ”






Steve News Harvey

Late Show

Storage Brandi Storage

Dive, Olly Marine Jelly Jamm

Teams TBA ” ” ”


The Meredith Sportsnet News Show Hour Sportsnet Vieira Connected

Ellen DeGe- Dragons’



Bold KIRO News ThisMinute

MLB Young & SportsCentre Restless ET Canada Baseball: News

Hot Bench Family Guy Hot Bench Family Guy

TheDays Boomer ” 30 to a Ellen DeGeList: AmeriYounger neres ”Show can Masters KING Chicago Heart-Masley 5 Fire Castro Heart News ”


The National Don’t Drive ” How/Made ” Here





19 Kids


Paid Prog.

“Just Like


Life on Line ”


Seth Meyers

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News ”

CBC News Coronation

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour ”

Toronto Blue Marine Jays Machines

KOMO 4 News

Duck-Before Hathaways Duck-Before Every Witch

The National Car Sharks ” Car Sharks

Two Men Mod Fam

Extreme TBA Cheapskates TBA

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News News

MLB Baseball:

Chicago PD ”

etalk Big Bang

NHL Preseason

Ent The Insider

Chicago PD ”

MLB Baseball:

Waterfront Cities

Wheel Jeopardy!

Wahlburgers Sam & Cat Epic Ink Victorious

CBC News ”

Big Bang Big Bang

Outrageous Outrageous

Operation Maneater

News Evening

Teams TBA ”

Survivor ”

The Mysteries of Laura

Hockey: Coyotes vs.

Survivor ”

Survivor ”

Giants at Dodgers

The Story of The Middle India Goldbergs

Epic Ink Epic Ink

Hell’s Kitchen

Extreme Family Guy Cheapskates Family Guy

Penguins: Spy

The Mysteries of Laura

” Big Brother

Law & Order: SVU

Flames ”

” Big Brother

” Big Brother

Waldbuhne 2012:

Duck D. Wipeout Duck-Before ”

The National Yukon Men ” ”

Red Band Society

Outrageous Outrageous

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad


Law & Order: SVU

Criminal Minds

The National ”

News Mod Fam

Extreme Extreme

Jeffersons Jeffersons

Secrets of the Dead

Chicago PD ”

Mike Mike

Extreme Movie: Cheapskates “The Italian

Chas. Churchill

KING News Tonight

Anger Cougar

Peter Popoff Job” Paid Prog.

Heart of Per- Show fect Health Seth Meyers

” ”

SportsCentre ”

” ”

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada ” Ent

CBC News Rick Mercer

Daily Show 22 Minutes Seth Meyers Coronation

” ”

” ”

” ”

Mod Fam black-ish

Bering Sea Gold

Funny Home The National Highway Videos ” Thru Hell

Sportsnet Connected

Tchaikovsky Nashville Park ”

Duck-Before Mr. Young Duck-Before Boys

CBC News ”

Wahlburgers Haunting Epic Ink Haunting

The National Bering Sea ” Gold

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Sportsnet Connected

Waterfront Cities

News Jimmy

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada Ent

Sportsnet Connected

The Story of Kimmel Live India Nightline

Epic Ink Epic Ink

Funny Home Amanda Videos Lang

Car Sharks Car Sharks

Highway Thru Hell

Mod Fam Seinfeld

Wednesday,September September17, 17,2014 2014 rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, A21

Your community. Your classifieds.



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Career Opportunities

RESTLESS LEG syndrome & leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Website: Mon-Fri 8-4 est 1-800-765-8660.

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Personals MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. no Risk Program stop Mortgage & Maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248

Travel FOY SPA RV Resort Canadian winter special $9.95/day. All new fitness center, hot mineral springs, events, activities, entertainment. New guests, Call for info 888-800-0772,


Drivers/Courier/ Trucking




Financial Services

Help Wanted

Health Products

Financial Services

Coral Beach Farms Ltd. is looking for a Tractor Operator/Field Worker to work full time, year-round at our orchard. Applicant must have Tractor Operator ticket, experience hauling and operating various tractor implements, and be able to complete physically demanding tasks. Position may also require general orchard labour including pruning, planting, grafting, spraying, irrigation etc. in all weather conditions. Position is 5-6 days per week, 40-50 hours per week, wage is $12.50/hour. Please apply by sending your resume to

PAINS & aches? Arthritis, Rheumatism, joints/muscles. try +Arthri-Plus. Canadian made all natural topical spray pain reliever- non sticky pleasant scent. Now at Walmart. or call 1-855-597-8240

ARE YOU $10K or more in debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-351-1783

Education/Tutoring STUDENTS - Getting stressed out about university applications? Check this out:

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

OMG! It’s your BFF! And FYI: he’s such a QT!

EXPANDING OILFIELD Trucking company requires immediate Class 1/Class 3 Drivers, Boiler Operators, Labourers and Mechanics. Experience in oilfield service or hauling dangerous goods preferred. Please send an email to:

Education/Trade Schools APARTMENT/CONDO MANAGER TRAINING • Certified Home Study Course • Jobs Registered Across Canada • Gov. Certified 35 Years of Success!

Automotive PARTS PERSON required for a growing progressive auto/industrial supplier. Experienced applicant will receive top wages; full benefits and RRSP bonuses working 5-day work week, plus moving allowances. See our community at Send resume to: Sapphire Auto & Industrial, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email:

Business Opportunities


EXPERIENCE IS an asset We offer free recruitment services for people aged 45 and over across Canada. Register now at: or call toll-free: 1-855-286-0306.


GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website:


Class 1 Advanced Pro. Driver Training Program • 4 Week Class • One - On - One Training • We train with a standard style transmission 104 total hours of training for $7,390.00. Extra training time it will be billed at a rate of $103.00 per hour.

For more info. visit: www.taylor or call 1-855-549-6122

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!

Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051. An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051.


Wednesday, Wednesday,September September17, 17,2014 2014 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL


Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale



Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

Auto Financing

FARM AND RESIDENTIAL FENCING. 30 Years exp. Serving the Thompson/Okanagan. Fawndale Farms Ltd. 250-679-2813

A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Home Improvements FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928

Moving & Storage DAN-MEL Moving Services Local & Long Distance. 4 Ton, Power Tailgate 250-215-0147

ELECTRONIC cigarettes provide an alternative to traditional tobacco products.

Painting & Decorating

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?


(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299,

STEEL BUILDINGS. “Giftcard give-away!� 20x22 $4,358. 25x24 $4,895. 30x30 $6,446. 32x32 $7,599. 40x46 $12,662. 47x72 $18,498. one end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or online:

2 Coats Any Colour

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Merchandise for Sale

Free Items FREE kittens, looking for a good home, can deliver. 250859-9441.

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online:

Keep your child safe in the car.


Learn how to teach your child car safety. Call 1-877-247-5551 or visit

‌show it! Misc. Wanted


Collector Buying Coin Collections, Native Art, Estates, Gold, Silver + 250-863-3082

Fruit & Vegetables FRESH LOCAL

FIREARMS. ALL types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed dealer. 1-866-9600045,

Table Grapes,Garlic, Peppers (hot & sweet), Tomatoes, Corn, Nectarines.

Phone Bruce Duggan 250-766-2628 Kids Welcome!

PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670


Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue!

Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man! Tuesday to Friday 9-6 (Sr’s discount days)

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 17, 2014


How Do I React To Comments About My ‘New Teeth’?


: Dr. Jung: I am considering having my smile redone. I’ve been hiding my teeth for years because they are unsightly. Only after I admitted that did I find the courage to do something about it. My dentist is providing me with new crowns, and whitening the remainder of my teeth. He also wants to straighten the lower teeth with Invisalign. I’m presuming I am going to look great, so how much information should I volunteer if someone comments on my teeth?

A: You may get comments, and some people won’t be able to figure out exactly what is different. My patients tell me that their friends ask them if they have lost weight – or joined a gym. There are a couple of things to be aware of when people blurt things out. Firstly, if you invest in a new car everyone expect comments and gets them. People comment on a new hairdo – as well as a new suit or coat. You thank them, and often the discussion leads itself to a discussion of that same topic. When it comes to cosmetic enhancement (non-dental) – people don’t usually come up and say that they noticed you ‘had some work done’, but they may look on your neck or ears for tell-tale signs of a face lift. The goal is to produce a result that blends in well as opposed to standing out. In dentistry – patients often brag about their teeth whitening, but seldom brag about implants. I think that if something is repaired or adjusted, that qualifies as bragging rights.

Winfield Dental Centre 208 - 3121 Hill Road Winfield, B.C.


Dr.Paul Rollett Optometrist



Being a member of the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing is a professional designation that recognizes special skills and competencies necessary to provide exceptional service in the fine homes and estates marketplace. This also means that you will benefit from a customized lifestyle marketing plan, have access to an international network of Luxury Home agents around the globe and will have a highly specialized list of special tools available when marketing your home. The market advantages of this outstanding designation commits to working with you to provide the professional service, marketing and attention to detail. To learn more about how Petrina Koltun, a member of the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing, can provide you with insight in the current state of the luxury market, and to benefit from a real estate buying and selling experience that you can trust, call for more information today! 250-826-5660 • 250-860-1100

What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?

If something is out and out replaced then it takes on a new meaning. I don’t know what your teeth look like now, but it is likely some folks will notice. We’ve provided patients with cosmetic dentures, and our goal is to make them look and feel as natural as possible. It takes additional time and work, but patients like that result. There are certain topics our society doesn’t often verbalize – and complimenting someone on their new dentures isn’t ften done. In my opinion, your dental work is your business, whether it is implants, crowns, veneers, orthodontics, or even complete dentures. What you choose to share with someone is your choice, so I would keep some details to myself. People haven’t noticed your teeth nearly as much as you think, and may not specifically mention it. They are simply part of the overall ‘you’. I might comment that I finally found a dentist I liked and trusted, and got my teeth ‘fixed’. Say that with finality (because it is the END of that discussion) and move on to something else. You are participating in a conversation, so switch the topic to their suit, dress, hairdo etc. Most people would rather talk about themselves anyway – so why not just open that door for them!

Petrina Koltun What is Luxury Home Marketing all about? A23


For the past month I’ve noticed that as soon as I put my contact lens in my eye, it turns red? I’ve never had a problem before though, so what should I do?

Whenever we hear about an issue of redness immediately after a contact lens is placed on the eye, one of our first suspicions is the contact lens solution. Sit back and think about what exactly a contact lens solution does for a lens. It cleans, disinfects, removes protein and moisturizes – all while still being safe enough to be put onto the most sensitive area in the human body. It actually may be one of the most impressive liquids you have in your household! Despite their safety however, there are certain components in contact lens solutions that people can develop hypersensitivities to over time. If we suspect this to be the case, we would most likely recommend a different brand with a different formulation be used, or steer you in the direction of a preservative-free option.

49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250-766-4240

Teresa Huscroft-Brown

Advertising Representative 250-979-7329 • 250-863-5628 email:


Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL

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