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2013 & 2014
David Docksteader, AMP
September 24, 2014
Camp gets makeover
Inside Back to school
Call it extreme makeover Easter Seal Winfield edition. Hundreds of volunteers showed up on Saturday morning at the Easter Seal Camp Winfield and surprised the camp with a huge makeover. It all started when Relish Transport owner Rob Ellis saw the 25 acre site was getting run down. He approached 10 friends who have played ball together for years and formed a committee to get started on this huge Easter Seals Camp Winfield extreme makeover. Within the first couple of weeks they had collected around $100,000 in donations from businesses in Lake Country, Kelowna, Vernon and Armstrong as well as companies out of
RCMP remind drivers and cyclists that the school zone speed limit is 30 km/h. Watch for children on all roads leading to schools. ...............................
Lake Country Food Bank needs young people to step up to the plate and make longterm commitments to help other people in the community less fortunate than themselves. ...............................
BRANDON Keir and Alea Wilson, of Rock Hard
Excavating, volunteer their services for landscaping.
Vancouver, Calgary, and as far as Quebec. These businesses have stepped up to donate materials, building products as well as labour. In total approximately $250,000 in materials were donated as well as all the man-power needed to pull it off. Organizers believe the total donation is around
$500,000, impressive for a group of friends with a vision to put smiles on kids faces. The makeover was a complete secret and was pulled off with great flourish by everyone involved. More details will be coming in a future edition of the Lake Country Calendar.
ANDREA SMITH (left) spruces up an obstacle on the mini putt course over the
weekend. She volunteered with more than 200 other people for the Extreme Makeover Easter Seal Camp in Lake Country.
Flyers ■ Bulk Barn
Oyama Legion granted full district tax exemption
■ Coopers
■ Hometown
After an impassioned plea from the Oyama Legion, Lake Country councillors went against a staff recommendation and have granted Legion Branch 189 a full tax exemption for the next five years. The Legion had received a 50 per cent exemption last year but appeared at the Lake County council meeting Sept. 16 to ask for the full exemption, a
■ Jysk Linen
& Furniture ■ Shoppers Drug Mart ■ Staples ■ Summit Tools
move that will save the local organization close to $1,500 a year. Staff had recommended only the 50 per cent savings due to the fact the Legion operates a pub. But Legion house and bar manager Rob Nairne said the pub serves about 10 people per day with profits allowing the Legion to continue to work on their charitable donations. “There seems to be a view that the Legion is a bunch of old folks sitting
around drinking too much,” said an emotional Nairne. “While we may have a veteran imbibe too much the odd time, we get him home safe because that’s what we do. We have taken an oath to serve our veterans and there is a huge need for services and assistance.” Housed in the Oyama Community Hall, membership in the Oyama Legion continues to decline. This year membership is down 23 per cent, to 177 in 2014 from 230 members in
2013. One of the issues raised by staff was the Legion is a pub and could be in competition with other drinking establishments that do not receive tax exempt status. Nairne said the pub acts as a gathering space where Legion members meet, hold charity meat draws and work on plans for Remembrance Day.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Legion raises funds for community organizations LEGION FROM A1
dedicated group. Our finances are fragile and a complete tax exemption would be a further $1,500 in the coffers.”
“Membership has dropped significantly,” he said. “But we have a
Nairne outlined the organization’s charity work, writing to council that the organization donates all of the
proceeds from Saturday meat draws and gaming monies generated through lottery and pull tab sales to local charities
and community organizations. He said the group donated a total of $15,300 to several organizations
2015 Voted
OYAMA Legion Branch 189 house and bar
manager Rob Nairne speaking to Lake Country council last week.
our "THANK YOU to all of ers!" stom longstanding & loyal cu
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last year including the Lake Country Food Assistance Society, Lake Country Big Band, Okanagan Humane Society, North Okanagan Pipe and Drum, Cancer Society KGH, George Elliot volleyball team, LC Seniors Bus Society, LC Health Planning Society, LC Medical Equipment Loan Society, LC Girl Guides, LC Child ID, and five different Military Cadet and Aux-
iliary Corps. Additionally the Legion raised in excess of $10,000 during its 2013 poppy campaign, all of which must be spent locally on veterans services, according to Legion bylaws. Lake Country council voted in favour of the tax exemption with councillors Penny Gambell and Barbara Leamont opposed. newsroom
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 24, 2014 A3
Food bank needs people to step up KEVIN PARNELL While food donations continue to come in to the Lake Country Food Bank, the local charity is facing hard times when it comes to the number of volunteers. Food bank manager Phyllis MacPherson says the summer months saw the number of people who step forward to help at the food bank dwindle to just a handful of about five regulars. She said people need to step up or the food bank won’t be able to continue to provide help to local families. “There are a lot of people in this town who aren’t doing anything to help the community,” said a frustrated MacPherson. “People have been on vacation or are getting older, it’s just the way things are. Now it’s the fall and we need some help. There are a half a dozen old girls like me and we just need some help.” MacPherson says the community continues to be on side with the food bank when it comes to donating food but she says the small number of volunteers at the food bank and at the relatively newly opened food bank thrift store just isn’t enough to do the work. “We could open more
LAKE COUNTRY Food Bank manager Phyllis MacPherson inside the food bank.The 800-square-foot area is
crammed to the rafters with food and eight freezers, leaving little room for anything else. days if we had more volunteers,” she said. “It seems like it is just getting tougher and tougher to get people out.” Not only is the food bank struggling to find help, it is searching for somewhere to store food that is expected to come in over the next couple of months as local programs to stock the shelves kick into high gear. Last year some food was stored in the building that is now home to the thrift store but that is no longer an option with
the store operating out of there. With the 800 square foot food bank and a few small storage sheds bursting at the seams (it’s home to eight freezers) at the Lake Country Boys and Girls Club, MacPherson says she doesn’t have many options to put the food that is expected to arrive in the fall through various programs to raise money and food leading up to Christmas. “We could use another building just
for storage,” she said. “Where are we going to put the thousands and thousands of items that are going to come in? We just don’t have any room or place to put it. We may have to rent a truck that can be left (outside of the food bank).” Another issue surrounds people leaving supposed donations at the food bank and at the thrift store. MacPherson says many things being left are just unusable as people toss out old and
dirty items. “You’ve never seen such a mess in all your life,” she said. “I could have thrown in the towel the other day, I was that upset. Nobody even wants to touch some of this stuff. You open a box and it’s filthy. It hasn’t been washed or cleaned.” The Lake Country Food Bank is open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in the Lake Country Boys and Girls Club building.
Organizers hope contest helps food bank building fund Construction of a permanent home for the Lake Country Food Bank could start as soon as this spring—if the community gets behind it. Lake Country businesses have promised around $200,000 of services and materials while Okanagan College has committed assistance from their Construction Trades program. UBC-O engineering students have gotten involved in the design phase and Lake Country council has made land available, next to the Seniors’ Centre on Bottom Wood Lake Road. Now it’s up to individual members of the community. The Rotary Club of Lake Country has taken the lead in raising funds for the new building. So far, close to $100,000 has been raised through individual and corporate donations. To raise additional funds, Rotary has entered the Food Bank project into the Aviva Community Fund process. Each year, Aviva Insurance donates $1 million to worthy projects. Communities compete by voting on-line. To make this project successful, here’s what you have to do. Go to the Aviva Fund website—https://www. -and use your e-mail or Facebook address to be eligible to vote. (Ignore the “Broker” box that comes up; enter your details on the right side of the screen.) Actual voting starts September 29. Vote every day for the next two weeks, until October 14. Get your friends, your family, your neighbours to register and vote too. Every vote counts. The more community involvement, the better. The Lake Country Food Bank serves over 600 clients every month out of cramped, inadequate quarters in the Lake Country Boys and Girls Club. Donations are always welcome, of food or of money. Donations over $25 can receive an income tax receipt. But between September 29 and October 14, what’s really needed is for every resident of Lake Country to go on-line to the Aviva website to vote. Every day. Up to $100,000 is riding on citizen participation.
Farm use in question with application to have workers live on-site An application by an Oyama farm to allow an employee to live on-site in a secondary building had Lake Country councillors voicing opposing views at its regular council meeting Sept. 16. The farm, located on Broadwater Road, used to be an alpaca farm but in 2012 started making the transition to a Christmas tree farm. A new residence is being built on the site while an old residence will be knocked down once the new one is completed. A third “farm” building is also on the land, an 8.06 acre parcel owned by Calgarians.
Earlier this year the said Coun. Penny District of Lake CounGambell. “It’s a slipTHE FOOTPRINT OF try received a complaint pery slope. If this about the number of land was something THAT DWELLING buildings on the farm, that was very intenDOESN’T CHANGE. leading to the applicasive or part of a larI CAN’T SEE THIS tion to Lake Country ger farm entity there AS SETTING council. may be some justiANY KIND OF The application was fication for a second to allow for a worker to dwelling for farm PRECEDENT. live in the existing farm help but I fail to see James Baker building, which has a the need here.” small residence upstairs The land in question and garage and storage space on the is protected in the Agriculture Land ground floor. Reserve and Lake Country coun“I have a concern when we start cil could have deferred to the Agrito use agriculture land in this way,” culture Land Commission for a de-
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cision, but decided to make the decision itself. “This could lead to another more intensive type of farm,” argued mayor James Baker. “The footprint of that dwelling doesn’t change (by having farm help live in it). I can’t see this as setting any kind of precedent.” The building was formerly approved as a farm building and has been in use on the farm, storing tractors and other farm equipment. The applicants said they need a farm worker on-site as they live in Calgary and the Christmas trees need to be protected from animals that eat
the shrubs, among other things. Coun. Jamie McEwan said the farm house wouldn’t be a viable rental and being that it has already been constructed, he voted to approve. “It is a smaller farm operation so maybe it’s valid that farm help doesn’t need to live on-site,” said McEwan. “But I see this as being a suitable use of that house. I don’t see this as a detriment (to agriculture).” In the end council voted in favour of allowing the building to be used for farm help to live on-site with Gambell and Coun. Barbara Leamont voting against.
7 Pillars of Character Virtue of the Week
“Honest differences of views and honest “Patience and the passage of time do debate are not disunity. They are the vital more than strength andfree fury.” process of cooperation among men.” -Jean De La Fontaine - Herbert Hoover
15525 Greenhow Road Lake Country B.C.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.
Listen in the silence
n one of the hikes I took this summer, I got sandwiched between two groups of talkers.
Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.
CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
Barry Gerding Editor
Tessa Ringness
Life and Faith
Production Manager
Kevin Parnell Staff Reporter
Up front, a pair of former national park wardens happily reminisced about their adventures; behind me, three friends animatedly discussed grandchildren and tomatoes. As the line of hikers spread out, I found myself in a blessed isthmus of silence between two lakes of chatter.
Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688
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Report card time for local politicians T
his November, voters will be hiring local politicians for a four-year term, rather than three. It’s a good time to ask some tough questions about the performance of councils on the job they are assigned to do, as opposed to posturing about senior government matters. Remember when it was fashionable for city councils to declare their communities “a nuclear weapons-free zone”? You can still see the signs entering Vancouver and Nanaimo. Alert voters may wonder: “Did they really think we’re that stupid?” Yes, they did. And some of them still do. To illustrate, allow me to introduce my poster child for bad local government, Victoria city councillor Ben Isitt. A long-time NDP activist, Isitt got elected three years ago after raising his name recognition with a couple of runs for mayor. His rookie term
BC Views
Tom Fletcher has been notable for a series of stunts that extend his career as a professional student, campus radical and occasional history lecturer. One of Isitt’s big studies is the influence of Soviet communism on the B.C. NDP. He was on one of his visits to Russia earlier this year when President Vladimir Putin was having his way with Crimea. Isitt’s fondness for state control was on display last fall when aboriginal protesters disrupted natural gas drilling in New Brunswick, torching several police
vehicles in the process. Isitt took to his Facebook page to decry the federal government’s use of police against the population, and suggested Canada should emulate Venezuela, where petroleum resources benefit the people rather than corporations. Venezuela sells gasoline for nine cents a gallon, the late Hugo Chavez’s gift to his people after nationalizing the oil industry. The capital, Caracas, is famous for extreme poverty, brutally suppressed riots, and a crime rate so bad it ranks among the world’s most dangerous cities. How does Isitt’s political outlook translate to his role in local government? This week local politicians gather in Whistler for the annual Union of B.C. Municipalities convention. One of Isitt’s first contributions a couple of years ago was at a UBCM workshop on how to finance local infrastructure.
Isitt proposed setting up a municipal income tax. Presumably this would be on top of property taxes. In its wisdom, Victoria council appointed Isitt as their Capital Regional District representative. In that capacity he led the charge against Canada Post’s decision to wind up door-to-door delivery for the minority of people who aren’t already using community mailboxes. After instructing Ottawa to accelerate the bankruptcy of this Crown corporation, Isitt began ordering the province to intervene in a dispute over Grace Islet, a rocky point off Salt Spring Island where an Alberta man is trying to build a retirement home. The dispute centres on aboriginal burial grounds and artifacts, and Isitt appointed himself advocate for the grievances of native people. When the B.C. government didn’t follow his instructions, he de-
manded that the CRD expropriate the land and evict the owner. Island politics being what it is, this was actually considered before cooler heads prevailed. And how are things with the CRD’s real job while the Isitt circus rolls on? The most over-governed region in B.C. remains locked in a bitter turf war over a federally mandated sewage treatment project, and is on the verge of forfeiting hundreds of millions in provincial funds. So voters should ask themselves a couple of questions this November. Is your council doing the job it was hired to do? And do you trust these individuals with your wallet until the fall of 2018? Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press.
Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email:
I could hear distant birds cry out. I could hear the earth scrunch under my boots. I could hear pine needles whisper. And I realized how rare silence is, these days. In homes and workplaces, there’s almost always some kind of audio playing. Motors whir. Microwaves beep. Furnace fans blow. Cars and trucks rumble by. Planes buzz overhead. And don’t ask for my opinion about motorcycles and powerboats that deliberately assault us with unmuffled exhausts. If that weren’t bad enough, we take noise with us when we go out. I rarely see walkers who don’t have earbuds plugged into iPods, feeding somebody’s idea of music directly into their brains. Car makers make vehicles more and more
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 24, 2014 A5
We’re all better off in partnerships with First Nations
here’s no place on Earth quite like Xeni Gwet’in. Down a gravel road, about halfway between Williams Lake and the Pacific Coast, this community in the Nemiah Valley is breathtaking: Snow-capped mountains loom over pristine, turquoise water, and moose and wild horses roam some of the world’s most undisturbed wil.derness. No wonder this place is sacred to the Tsilqhot’in people who have watched over it for centuries. They and their land may seem far away, but their concerns and priorities are urgent and cen-
Christy Clark
MLA’s Report tral to British Columbia’s future. This summer, the Supreme Court of Canada handed down its decision in a case originally brought by Chief Roger William on behalf of the Tsilqhot’in people, concerning a dispute over
logging in the Nemiah. The significance of the Supreme Court’s ruling is profound. In short, it sets out a clearly defined legal responsibility for government and industry to respect and accommodate the interests of First Nations on land where aboriginal title is claimed or proven. This presents us— all British Columbians—with a tremendous opportunity. The court decision provides welcome clarity around questions of aboriginal title. And it represents a chance to redefine the relationships between First Nations communities, government, and the private sector.
It’s an opportunity to secure genuine and meaningful social license from First Nations for responsible resource development—and sets a high bar for government and industry to ensure protection of health, safety and the environment. And it underlines the importance of welcoming First Nations as full partners in projects that create jobs and opportunity across British Columbia. Earlier this month, I visited Xeni Gwet’in to open a new chapter in the Government of British Columbia’s relationship with the Tsilqhot’in Nation. I signed a letter of understanding with
their six chiefs, including Chief William to work together in partnership for the benefit of First Nations and of all British Columbians. The next day, I had the immense privilege of convening a historic gathering: a government-to-government conference that brought my cabinet and I to meet face-to-face with leaders from 203 First Nations from throughout B.C. While there will always be areas of disagreement, the All Chiefs gathering confirmed we have much more in common than
we do keeping us apart. We all want to protect British Columbia’s splendour for future generations. We all want lasting, sustainable prosperity that allows every citizen of British Columbia to achieve his or her full potential. And we all want to live in harmony with our neighbours. Years ago, in the Delgamuukw decision, Supreme Court Chief Justice Antonio Lamer said “we’re all here to stay.” He was right. It’s up to us to find ways to build real, fair partnerships with each other.
Here in the Central Okanagan and across B.C., we will have countless opportunities to build a better province for everyone who lives here. We have proven time and again that economic development can be balanced with environmental protection and world-class quality of life. With First Nation communities at the table in an atmosphere of recognition and respect, we will all be even better off. Christy Clark is the Liberal MLA for Westside-Kelowna and Premier of British Columbia.
Minds, like lakes, need periods of calm
quiet—so that we can crank up 500-watt stereo systems. Some people listen to lectures while they drive. Others carry on endless conversations on cell phones. Why, I wonder? Are 5we afraid of missing something important? Afraid we might be wasting precious time? Increasingly, studies suggest that multitasking actually wastes more time than it saves. And the more tasks we try to handle at once, the less efficiently we handle each task. I’m not arguing for the old-fashioned notion of concentrating exclusively on one thing at a time. Kids don’t have to lock themselves into a soundproof cubicle to do homework; seniors don’t need to retreat to a monastery to do Sudoku puzzles. But I do believe we need to reduce distrac-
tions. While driving, obviously. Even glancing away from the road to adjust heating controls can precipitate an accident. But also in other situations. It’s almost impossible to balance a chequebook while a three-year-old tugs at your sleeve. Or to discuss household rules with a teenager while trying to watch the latest convolutions of The Young and the Restless. Taking a break is different from multitasking. When I write these columns, I have to keep my message at the front of my mind. Once I have a draft, though, it helps to take the dog for a walk. Or to pull some weeds. Or boil a kettle for tea. And in the middle of that different activity—sometimes in the middle of night!—I realize the point I wanted to make, the sentence I could have expressed better, the snide aside I should have left out.
Maybe minds are like lakes. Multitasking is like thrashing around in the shallows, stirring up the water. Lakes and minds need periods of calm to let the sediments settle, for clarity to return. Songwriter Linnea Good penned a simple chant: “Listen, in
the silence…listen to the sound of the Spirit’s voice.” Perhaps it’s only in silence that we clear away enough distractions to hear that voice.
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Calendar Lake Countr y
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Nominations must be received at the Chamber Office by Oct. 6, 2014 Send by fax 250-766-0170 or Nominate Online Lake Country Chamber of Commerce • 106-3121 Hill Road, Lake Country, BC
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
SD 23 ‘super’ Gloster details opening process
Dear Parents and Guardians: Thank you for the patience that you have shown as we have waited for a resolve to the provincial labour dispute. It now appears that we are very close to being able to open our schools. The purpose of this letter is to give you details to help you plan for the immediate future. As has been reported in the media, the membership of the BC Teachers’ Federation will be reviewing the terms of the tentative agreement
and holding a ratificavote in favor of ratifying tion vote on Thursday, the terms of the agreeSeptemment, then ber 18th. we will be [Editor’s opening our Note: schools on THERE ARE Which Monday, NO PLANS TO was September EXTEND OR ADD passed.] 22nd. All 60 The first INSTRUCTIONAL Boards day of the DAYS THIS YEAR. of Eduschool year Hugh Gloster, cation will folSD23 were low the norsuperintendent given mal openuntil 3 ing day prop.m. on cedures with Friday, September 19th students attending for to go through the same a half day. (Please note process. If the parties that Kelowna Secondary School will be operating for a full day on the first day of the year, and will be scheduling their half day on Wednesday, September 24th.) This will give schools the opporWinfield United Church tunity to conduct enrolment counts and to ad3751 Woodsdale Road 250-766-4458 just classes and staffing levels. Schools will post Sunday Worship their opening day start and Children’s Church
Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387
Winfield Community Church
Sunday Morning Service for All Ages
10:15 a.m. PASTOR SEAN HARDER 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753 To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688
Calendar Lake Countr y
Proudly Serving Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Quality, value and savings! specials sTaRT FRiDaY! SpecialS in effect Sept 26 - Oct 2 Mon.-fri. 9am-6pm • Sat. 9am-5pm
all Beef pizza coil.... euRopean wieneRs ....
ges. 3. Elementary schools will be contacting the parents of their Kindergarten students with information about the plan for the ‘gradual entry’ of these students. 4. Secondary schools will be adjusting the dates for the end of the first and the beginning of the second semesters to balance instructional time and to align with the new examination dates in February, 2015. Further updates will be provided as new information is available. In the interim, please continue to consult the District’s website, as well as the appropriate school websites.
where, even if a school isn’t nearby. School zones are good reminders to slow down but there will be still be children running around, darting in and out of traffic outside of school zones. Slowing down doesn’t just apply to 8:30 in the morning and 3:30 in the afternoon (or whenever school lets out in your area). Children who live near school might go home for lunch. Or, children might be late getting to school or going home early. Don’t forget, it’s not just children you have to watch out for, as school buses are back in service. A school bus displaying its stop sign and flashing red lights means you must stop until the lights
and signs are deactivated, regardless of which direction you are headed. School buses also tend to be an obvious indicator that children will be nearby. It’s crucial that drivers slow down in school zones, watch for crosswalks, and be mindful of School Traffic Safety Patrollers. “Be alert and watch for kids riding to school on their bikes,” says Regional Traffic Safety Officer Dave Gibson. “We all want our children to arrive at school and home safely.” Members of the RCMP Central Okanagan Traffic Services and speed watch volunteers will be stepping up their presence, making
road so you can see, hear and respond safely. 2. Use designated crossing points and follow pedestrian traffic signs and signals. Make eye contact with drivers, so you both know you see each other. The most common road safety error made by kids is not finding a safe place to cross. Teach your child to cross at intersections that have a pedestrian crossing light or a marked crosswalk whenever possible. 3. Dress to be seen. War bright or light coloured clothing. In dark or bad weather, wear reflective material on clothes or accessories. 4. Always walk on the
7 $ 35 1 $ 55 1 $ 45 1
A little later than usual but local schools have greeted some 21,000 students in the School District 23, who are arriving in many ways. As the school year begins anew, children will be travelling to and from their local schools by public or private transportation as well as on bikes, rollerblades, skateboards and foot. As a motorist, what does that mean for you? It’s simple: When you’re driving, slow down and watch for children. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re in a school zone as kids have to walk from their neighbourhood to get to school so there are going to be children every-
Country Lake
Beef $ 70 Rouladen ............... $16.90/kg LB wiesswuRst ....................
Ministry of Education ges are being made to will provide a second set holiday periods or other of provindays when cial examschools ination will not be dates at in session. FOR SECONDARY the begin2. Many COURSES ning of schools OPERATING ON February may wish to accomto make A SEMESTER modate adjustSYSTEM, SCHOOL this opments to DISTRICTS HAVE tion. The their inTHE OPTION TO remaindividEQUALIZE THE der of the ual school 2014/2015 calendars LENGTH OF THE provinthat were SEMESTERS cial exam published Hugh Gloster schedule at the end will stay of March, the same. 2014. It is anticipated The impact of these that there may need to Ministry decisions for be changes made to the the Central Okanagan dates for each term, as School District includes: well as to the dates for 1. The District Calreport cards and parendar that was approved ent-teacher interviews. at the end of FebruIf this is the case, school ary, 2014, and is posted administrators will conon our website, remains sult with their parents, in effect for the balance staff and community reof the year. No changarding proposed chan-
Hugh Gloster, Superintendent of Schools, Central Okanagan School District 23, Kelowna
Children and buses back on the road
9:50 a.m.
and end times on their websites by the end of this week. For information about bus routes, please refer to the School Bus Transportation link on the District’s website (www. The Ministry of Education confirmed the following information with Superintendents today [Sept. 17]: 1. There are no plans to extend or add instructional days this year. It is their expectation that school districts will be able to deliver their educational programs and meet all learning outcomes in the curriculum within the remaining school calendar timeframe. 2. For secondary courses operating on a semester system, school districts have the option to equalize the length of the semesters and the
100 GR
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Open: Tues., Wed., Thurs. 11 am - 6 pm • 100% Volunteer • All profits go to the LC Food Bank • We accept CLEAN donations during regular business hours • We do not distribute food • Always looking for Volunteers!
3250 Berry Road, Winfield • 778-480-3250
school zones a priority. School zone speed limits are 30 km/h between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. “We strongly encourage students and their parents to consider walking or cycling to school to reduce traffic congestion around the schools and increase student safety,” comments Officer Gibson, “or consider dropping students off at a safe drop spot close to the school but not right at the school, giving your children the opportunity for a little exercise.”
1. Remove your headphones; put away your phone, MP3 player or other gadgets when crossing a street. Focus your full attention on the
Valleyview Dignity Memorial For us, there is no higher honour than to be chosen to bring loved ones, friends and a lifetime of memories together of a Aron Meier in celebration Glen Whittaker special life. Assistant Manager Funeral Director Proudly offering reward miles on all pre-arrangements
Valleyview Funeral Home 165 Valleyview Road • 250-765-3147
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 24, 2014 A7
Lake Country
Health Planning Society
... supporting Community Wellness since 1982
Be aware of kids outside school zones SCHOOL’S IN FROM A6 inside edge of the sidewalk—away from the road. This way, you’re further away from the traffic. If there is no sidewalk, always walk facing traffic so you can see oncoming vehicles and drivers can see you. 5. Be aware of parked vehicles in parking lots and on the road. Drivers may not see you between parked vehicles and you may not see them moving. Before crossing or walking through a parking lot, stop and look left-right-left around the parked vehicle and avoid taking unnecessary shortcuts through parking lots.
When school is in session, a 30-km/h school zone speed limit is in effect from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every school day, unless otherwise posted. 1. Plan ahead and be alert. Driving routes with less traffic in the summer may now face con-
gestion, so give yourself extra time to get to your destination. Take your time and don’t rush - especially through intersections. Look for children especially near or around crosswalks and intersections close to schools. 2. When dropping off children in a school zone stop and allow them to exit onto the sidewalk side of the car. Never allow a child to cross midblock. 3. If a vehicle is stopped in front of you or in the lane next to you, they may be yielding for a pedestrian, so be prepared to stop. 4. Always watch for pedestrians when you’re backing up. Before you get into your vehicle, make it a habit to walk around your vehicle to ensure no small kids are behind it. And remember, children will notice your driving behaviour as well as your pedestrian behaviour, so please set a good example for them.
Under the BC Motor Vehicle Act: • Speed in school/playground zone —$196-$253 • Fail to stop for school
Take a Stand Against Elder Abuse Lake Country Health Planning Society wants older adults to come out and discuss what elder abuse is and what can be done about it. Small actions can make a big difference. Please join us at any one of these groups – registration is not required. Beverages and snacks will be provided.
bus —$167 • Fail to yield to pedestrian —$167 • Pass vehicle yielding to pedestrian —$167 • Disobey school guard/ patrol —$167
Monday, September 29
14191 Moberly Rd.
• Panoramic Okanagan Lake Views • 1.27 acres • Double car garage + triple detached garage • Approx. 3362 sq ft MLS® 10086577 $829,900
3687 Redecopp Rd. • 0.83 of an acre flat land • Potential to subdivide D L • Rancher home,S3O bedT rooms, 2 bathrooms S JUto Wood Lake & • Walk Beasley Park
7:00-8:30pm District of Lake Country 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country
10:00-11:30am Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road, Lake Country
Wednesday, October 15
Tuesday, October 21
1:00-2:30pm Oyama Community Hall 15710 Oyama Road, Lake Country
7:00-8:30pm Okanagan Centre Hall 11099 Maddock Avenue, Lake Country
For more information, call or email the Lake Country Health Planning Society. Funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program
MLS® 10081584
Monday, October 6
778 – 215 - 5247
Watch for kids in school zones
Aly Powers
we want to hear from you The BC Electoral Boundaries Commission is reviewing provincial electoral districts and making proposals to the Legislative Assembly on the area, boundaries and names of electoral districts to be used for the next two provincial general elections.
Now is the time to have your say and shape your province.
The commission wants to hear your views on provincial electoral districts to help inform a preliminary report to the Legislative Assembly.
the commission at a local public hearing between September 22 and November 7, 2014 EMAIL:
current electoral district maps
about the commission
and provide your input by Sunday, November 16, 2014.
Visit for information about the commission’s work and commissioners, BC Electoral Boundary Commission history, a schedule and location of public hearings, an accessible online submission form, links to legislation and more.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Top talent at tennis season wrap-up There were 11 teams entered in the Lake Country Tennis Club’s season finale.
100 250-766-0294
106 250-766-5670
Dr. Walter Sokolowski D.M.D.
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The Lake Country Tennis Club held its year-end tennis tournament on Sunday under beautiful sunny skies after another busy season of hard hitting tennis action. The event was a mixed doubles round robin format which attracted many of the top tennis talent from throughout the Okanagan Valley. There were 11 teams entered in the event and at the end of the day the dynamic duo of Darryl Harrison and Andrea Bertram of Lake Country vanquished all challengers and took the title with gusto, playing like unstoppable tennis ma-
chines. In 2nd place was the team of Stevan Pastor of Kelowna and Darlene Homenchuk of Oyama; both played amazingly well and very fast on their feet. Third place went to hard hitting Jay Thomson and Karen Forsberg of Kelowna followed in fourth place by Kirby Lockhart and Suppha Phon of Vernon, Marnie Perrier and Greg Bishop in 5th, Shannon Monssen and Ben Johnson of Winfield in 6th. Overall winner Darryl Harrison was ecstatic about his victory. “The competition today was very stiff,” he said. “But I managed to keep my eye on the ball and keep it out of the net most of the time and luckily my partner Andrea Bertram carried me through.” Second place winner Stevan Pastor add-
MIXED doubles champions Darryl Harrison and An-
drea Bertram after the year end tennis tournament in Lake Country, held this past Sunday.
ed: “Darryl and Andrea played very well today, Darryl was serving like crazy and made tons of aces and both of them were making very hard shots.” Organizers wanted to thank its generous sponsors: Aspen Grove Golf Course, Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza, Kees Tae Kwon Do studio, Kerry Bourdon, Lake Country Coffee House, Latinesque Dance Studio, Marnie Perrier, Mission Sports, Oyama Alpaca Farms, Seca Surf + Marine, Smart Seller Realty, Woodsdale General Store and Woody’s Pub. In the meantime, there is still plenty of tennis playing time left this year. For more information on Lake Country tennis club and their meeting times phone Shannon at 250-7660318 or check out www.
KNOW THE NEW RULES 2014 GENERAL LOCAL ELECTIONS THIRD PARTY ADVERTISING Third party advertising is any election advertising not sponsored by a candidate or elector organization. If you advertise as a third party from September 30 to November 15 in the 2014 Local Elections, you have new rules to follow under the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act.
■ You must register with Elections BC as a third party sponsor before
conducting any advertising.
■ You must include your name and contact information on all advertising. ■ You must not sponsor advertising by, or on behalf of, a candidate or elector
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More information on the new rules is available at Registration forms and the Third Party Sponsor Guide to Local Elections in B.C. can be downloaded at the Third Party Sponsors page. Media outlets cannot publish or transmit election advertising on General Voting Day, Saturday, November 15, 2014. 1- 8 5 5 - 9 52- 0 2 8 0
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 24, 2014 A9
What’s the big deal about concussion? It’s a brain injury
n recent years, concussions have become a popular topic of discussion in the world of sports. The NHL has changed its rules to prevent concussions and the NFL now analyzes each hit to see if it has the potential to cause a concussion and determine if a player needs to come off the field. What’s the big deal you ask? A concussion is a form of brain injury and can have serious effects on the lives of those living with it. So as we gear up for fall sports, concussions should be in the back of our mind. There are many misunderstandings and misconceptions about concussions so lets review the facts: A concussion is a form of a mild brain injury caused by in impact on the brain. A concussion does not necessarily have to be caused by a blow to the head; it can also be caused by a blow to the neck, face or body. As long as the impact has enough force to cause the brain to move within the skull, a concussion can result. Although some people pass out or forget what happened before or after the impact, this does not happen with everyone who has a concussion. Neurological symptoms can show up instantly or evolve with time. This means that an athlete who has just been hit with a force able to cause a concussion should be removed from the game and monitored in order to assess if symptoms begin to develop. So what do you look for after an injury that may indicate you’ve had a concussion? Common symptoms can include: headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, poor concentration, sleep disturbances, memory loss, light and noise sensitivity, and difficulty completing tasks. With a concussion a small part of the brain has been damaged, therefore more parts of the brain have to be used to complete simple tasks. If you try to do every-
utes and then move on to something else when the timer goes off. Once symptoms start to resolve it is important to start a graduated return to school, work or sport. It can be helpful to have a healthcare professional involved with your return to activity to ensure the transition is Laura Snyder Keeping You Fit smooth. After having one concussion, you are at a thing that you did before greater risk of having the injury, your brain will another. This risk is inget tired and have a more creased if you return to a dangerous activity bedifficult time healing. If you have had a con- fore your brain has had a chance to heal from the cussion let your brain original injury. This is heal by giving it a rest. why an athlete’s graduYou will want to reated return to sport prostrict mental tasks such gram should not be inas TV watching, comitiated until symptoms puter work, reading, have resolved. cell phone usage, school Many symptoms can work, sports, and excesresolve spontaneously in sive socializing. If you a few weeks but in some cannot remove an accases they can be protivity from your schedlonged and one can deule, try not to perform it velop post-concussion for long periods of time. syndrome. Recognize when you Post-concussion synstart experiencing sympdrome means you have toms and stop the activsymptoms for a much ity before you reach this longer period after your point. Some people will concussion than is exset timers to help them to achieve this. If you get pected. In this case a a headache after 20 min- physiotherapist trained to treat concussions can utes(MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX of watching TV, set a timer for 10 or 15 min- teach you exercises and
Check weekly flyers flyers (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX Check out out weekly (MJHP TZY \JJPQ^ Ć^JWX and SAVE! and SAVE! AND SAVE! Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers
strategies to help reduce and manage your symptoms while slowly returning your life to normal. Laura Snyder is a registered physiotherapist at Sun City Physiotherapy in Winfield.
Are you a candidate in the Lake Country Municipal election? Whatever your needs, we can design, print & distribute your election message! Teresa Huscroft-Brown
Advertising Representative 250.979.7329, ext. 7329 fax: 250.862.5275 email:
Be WaterWise all year long
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?
Call Teresa at 250-979-7329 to be part of this informative feature.
Mary Dougherty M. Sc., Registered Psychologist
One of the most frequent questions I am asked is: Are you analyzing people when you are not working – or are you “on” all the time?
Believe it or not Psychologists are pretty much normal people. As a professional I have analytic skills that I do use when working with clients. However much of the time – even when in a therapy session with a client – I am not analyzing but empathizing. I truly believe that attentive listening is the primary catalyst to healing and see my job as assisting clients to come to an understanding of their own emotions, their own challenges and then together we can find some resolution. Sometimes it is just the letting go that does the healing. So the short answer is no – when I am off duty I am not analyzing anyone or anything. Lake Country Health Planning society is holding a Health and Wellness Fair on October 4th at Winfield Memorial Hall. I will be available there from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm to answer questions and provide information about what psychologists do.
250-766-7295 •
Browse nationaland andlocal local retailers Browseflyers flyersfrom from your your favourite favourite national retailers
Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers Browse flyers from your favourite national and local retailers
Cam Manning
Professional Realtor ®
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Slow down in school zones
Darla Cooper
Professional Realtor ®
What is in a Name Change ? As of Sept 1st 2014 our Real Estate Brokerage dropped our American based franchise name of (Realty Executives) and launched our own Independent Brokerage, we are now called Sage Executive Group Real Estate.
The idea behind The Sage Group is that we are 100% locally owned and operated. The Sage Group offers a completely new “local” alternative for real estate buyers and sellers, we are not driven by a head office down South or out East. Sage’s head office is situated on Cooper Road in Kelowna. The Sage Executive Group has new offices downtown on Bernard Avenue and in West Kelowna. We also have our existing offices in Vernon and next to the Tim Horton’s right here in Lake Country. We have seen a massive change in how people search for a home since the inception of the internet. The days of driving around the neighborhoods or having your Realtor thumb through photocopies of listings is gone. is the “Google” to buying or selling a home today. The Buyers and Sellers we work with today are very educated and informed as to what is happening in the market. We have seen numerous Realtors & Brokerages make the shift to smaller boutique style offices rather than the big boardrooms and little office cubicles of the past. Having a Sage office close to the local coffee shop or right downtown is more fitting with our buyer’s and seller’s lives. Being our own entity “Sage Executive Group” allows us to be more flexible and creative to serve the needs of our clients. Darla & I are excited to see our Brokerage grow into a local Okanagan brand, one that introduces the Okanagan to the world. Constantly 25% of our buyers will come from out of province or out of the country. Our marketing at The Sage Group will be to focus on finding and attracting those families to experience living here in the Okanagan. Our Sage Lake Country office is 50 steps from the Lake Country Tim Horton’s; stop in and have a coffee with us.
Cam Manning & Darla Cooper
Sage Lake Country • Suite 12, 11852 Hwy 97 - Lake Country
250-861-5122 •
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Plant a water-wise garden GWEN STEELE The autumn’s cooler air and warm soils create ideal conditions for plant root growth. Roots of new plants grow until frost and begin again as soon as
the ground thaws in spring. By next summer’s dry heat, fall plants will have a much larger root system than those planted in the spring, making them drought-resistant. At this end of the
season, garden centres often carry fall blooming plants and ornamental grasses that may not have been available when you shopped in the spring. Now is the time to find fall colour to add to
your garden. This is also the season of plant sales. To take best advantage of these, plan ahead. How much room do SEE STEELE A11
CARYOPTERIS ‘Dark Knight’ is a magnet for pollinators when it blooms in fall.
HEALTH AND WELLNESS FAIR Think Well, Live Well, Be Well!
Winfield Memorial Hall
corner of Berry Rd & Bottom Wood Lake Rd
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Saturday, October 4, 2014 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Bring the Family - All Ages Welcome
Educational Speakers Nutritious Food and Refreshments Admission by Donation
Lake Country Health Planning Society and community partners
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, September 24, 2014 A11
Lake Country
Health Planning Society
Always allow space for plants to grow STEELE FROM A10
you have for new plants? Always allow space for a plant (especially shrubs and trees) to grow to mature size so it can look its best and you avoid needless maintenance pruning. Is the planting location in full sun, part sun, or shade? R Check plant tags for light requirements before making a purchase. How much moisture is there in the garden? How much water do existing, nearby, plants need? To water efficiently, plants need to be grouped by water needs. Are you looking for plants to add bloom colour at a particular time of year? Does the new plant have a long season of in-
Natural Garden
Gwen Steele terest? Does it bloom for a long time and/or have attractive foliage all growing season? Foliage colours and textures can add as much or more than bloom colour to a garden. Do you want to attract birds, butterflies, or hummingbirds? If you have deer problems is the plant deer-resistant?
Can this plant become invasive by roots or seeds? If you want to control erosion, these qualities could be desirable but will cause maintenance headaches in a regular garden. The plant database at is a great resource for water-wise plants. It has 23 search categories including all of the above. Each plant can be opened to a full page of information and photos. For successful planting in the fall, it is essential to: Fill the planting hole with water twice, allowing it to drain between soakings. Soak the root ball of the plant in a bucket of water until bubbles stop coming out.
Loosen the root ball. This will likely require cutting four, 1/4-inch deep, vertical slits and an ‘X’ on the bottom, with a utility knife. Plant the plant so top of root ball is slightly lower than surrounding soil. Soak again. Cover ground with mulch. Keep plant watered until ground freezes. To learn more about water-wise gardening I invite you to join me for my next two night xeriscape class ‘Introduction to the Principles of Xeriscape’ on Wednesday, Oct. 1 and 8, 7 to 9 p.m. Details and registration information available at the OXA website Gwen Steele is executive director of the non-profit Okanagan Xeriscape Association.
9. Sought office 10.Perform onstage 11.Toodle-oo! 16.Yeas 20.Long, long time 22.Expected to arrive 24.Pasture 25.Wrongdoing 26.Put faith (in) 27.Hospital division 28.Field of study 30.Wooden pin
33.Shopping malls 35.Ushered 38.Convened 40.Clock’s noise 43.Dos and ____ 45.____ dot 47.Summit 49.Excelled on 50.Attaches a button 51.Sign of the zodiac 52.Boat propeller 53.Exercise 55.Weep
Copyright © 2014, Penny Press
ACROSS 1. Playmates 5. Sock front 8. Snatch 12.Disregard 13.Roadside stop 14.Having fancy trim 15.Squeezed 17.Card game stake 18.Conger’s kin 19.Begonia’s beginning 21.Mimicked 23.Evader 27.Battle 29.Dine in the evening 31.Boldness
32.Elaborate melody 34.Wiggly creature 36.Fence bar 37.Provide new weapons 39.Obtain 41.Slick 42.Cut a rug 44.Immerses 46.Over 48.Soft drinks 51.Deafening 54.String of beads 56.Lighten 57.Roofing material 58.Recognized
59.Unrefined minerals 60.Star’s locale 61.Includes
DOWN 1. Literary work 2. Bullets and bombs 3. Book minder 4. Belt 5. Muscle spasm 6. Small numbers 7. Open-____ 8. Happier
... supporting Community Wellness since 1982
Creating a healthier community for young and old. • 778 – 215 - 5247
Community eVents Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date
•Royal Canadian legion BRanCh 189 - VeteRans’ dinneR Sat., Oct. 4, Special entertainment by Sally Evens & Molly Boyd, Oyama Community Hall. Doors open 3pm, Entertainment starts at 4, Dinner at 5. Veterans Free, others $10. Reservations requested, let us know if you need a ride. Call 250-548-3521 after 3pm or email Everyone Welcome. •lC health Planning soCiety - VolunteeR. Are you a Lake Country Senior who wants to make a difference? Volunteers will work together & with staff to increase awareness about elder abuse. For info email or call 778-215-5247 •lC health Planning soCiety - FoCus gRouP. Take a stand against elder abuse - Mon., Sept. 29 from 7-8:30pm at 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd, Lake Country or Mon., Oct. 6 from 10-11:30am at 3751 Woodsdale Rd., Lake Country. For more info call 778-215-5247 •ChildRen’s PRogRams FoR Fall at the lake CountRy liBRaRy Preschool Story Time will be Fri. from 10:30 - 11:30am, starting Sept. & ending on Dec. 19. Baby Time for babies 0 - 18 months will be Tues. from 10:30 - 11:00am, starting Oct. 7 & finishing on Dec. 16. All programs are FREE but children must be accompanied by a caregiver. For more info, call the library 250-766-3141. •lake CountRy senioRs’ CentRe We are off to another fun year. 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road, many of the programs that happened last year will be added again.LC Artists - Sept. 8 at 8:30am, Line Dancing 9:30am or 1:30am, Wood Shop - 9am, J.O.Y. Excercise - 9 am, Tai Chi - 2pm, Sewing 1pm, Crib - 7pm, Crib Tournament - Sept. 20 at 10am, Hosp Aux - 1pm, Bus Society - 10am, Songsters - 10am, Pancake Breakfast - 8am. Call 250-7664220 for more info. •lC senioRs’ CentRe eVent. 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. will be hosting Lake Country Prime Entertainment (Prime Time) with a fun year. Come enjoy the entertainment & refreshments, at 1pm. call Joanne: 250-766-0667 or 250-766-4220 •lC senioRs’ CentRe VolunteeR FaiR. Sept.27 at 10 - 2pm. Tables available to groups, organizations & associations to display there needs for volunteers. $5/table. LCSC - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., call Dorothy: 250766-4568 or 250-766-4220 •lC senioRs Bus sChedule. Monday Sept.29 Prime Time, Tuesday Sept.30 Buffet Lunch Winfield Seniors Centre, Shopping Saturday Sept. 27 Gellatley Nut Farm, West Kelowna, lunch, and more.To reserve seat on bus please call Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 •thRiFt stoRe noW oPen! 3250 Berry Rd. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank. Run by our friendly volunteers! Open Tues., Wed. & Thurs., 11am– 6pm. •Visit the lake CountRy museum and aRChiVes at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mon., Wed., & Sat. from 1 to 4pm, & by appointment. 250-766-0111 or visit the website •lake CountRy senioRs’ BuFFet, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Frozen meals available for $5. Call 250-766-4220 to arrange for these & what is available. •lake CountRy Food Bank has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •CRiBBage. Friday evenings starting 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. For info. call John 250-766-3026. •WinField united ChuRCh thRiFt shoP (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donations. •oyama legion BRanCh 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. •lC line danCeRs Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •soCial BRidge Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •the CounCil oF senioR CitiZens oRganiZations (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for info. •lC outdooRs CluB welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts(biking & kayaking.Bring water, snacks/lunch; wear weather appropriate clothing; & sturdy boots for hiking. For info about our club, contact us temporarily at: All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.
for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Okanangan College, UBCO collaborate in nursing training program The UBC Okanagan B.C. (CRNBC). “UBC has an excelthe Interior and we look School of Nursing colThrough an agreelent relationship with forward to exploring new laborative bachelor of ment between UBC and Okanagan College and opportunities to work THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 science in nursing (BSN) Okanagan College, the this collaborative proclosely with our regional program withTSN Okanagan 2+2 CIVT UBC/OCCBC BSN al- KIRO gram CHAN is a wonderful ex- KNOW partners,KOMO including OkaCHBC SNP A&E College has received the$ lows students to& take the _ ample of( the partnership nagan # % ) * College.” ` 1 SportsCentre Rachael Ray View Rachael Ray deputy Sportsnet G. Shrinks View CSI: Miami longest:00 possible length firstThetwo yearsBookaboo of study The Price weIsenjoy,” says UponThe successful com” ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Connected PAW Patrol ” ” 10 :30 of approval without towards a UBC nursing vice-chancellor and prinpletion of the fi rst two THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & Pitchin’ In Sportsnet Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Criminal :00 SportsCentre Pitchin’ In ” Debt/Part Denis Show Stefano Restless Debt/Part Connected Bucket-Dino News Minds 11or :30conditions from terms degree at the college, incipal Deborah Buszard. years of the UBC OkaNoon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News NHL Special PAW Patrol The Chew Criminal :00 SportsNation TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E the profession’s creasing “Institutional collabSchool ”regulaHour ” the accessibility Now ” Hour Blue Jays Katenagan and ” of Nursing Minds 12 :30 # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 Premier Days of our The Social opportunities Republic of The Talk Days of our MLBin Astroblast General The First 48 tory body, College of training oration is essential BSN curriculum at Oka:00 the Pack Rachael Lives ” Doyle ” Lives Baseball: Dragon Hospital ” 1 :30 Match SportsCentre Ray The View Bookaboo The Price Is Rachael Ray Sportsnet G. Shrinks The View CSI: Miami :00 of10 Registered Nurses of for local students. promoting innovation in nagan College, O.C. stuBaseball The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk Seattle Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First ” ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Connected PAW Patrol ” ” 48 :00 :30
2 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 3 :00 :30 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 12 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 5 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 2 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 10 7 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 8 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 9 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 6 :30 10 :00 :00 2 7 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 8 :30 12 4 :00 9 :30 :00 5 :30 10 6 :00 :30 11 :00 7 :30 :30 12 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 SEPTEMBER 26, 2014 FRIDAY, 10 :00 :30 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 11 :30 TSN # $ % & _ :00 12 :00 :30 10 :30 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 1 :00 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 10 :30 :00 3 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014 :00 4 :30 12 :00 :30 5 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & _ :00 6 :30 2 :00 :30 7 :30 10 3 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 11 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 12 5 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 1 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 2 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 3 :30 8 :00 :30 4 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :00 :30 6 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 8 :30 9 :00 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 11 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 10 :30 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 11 4 :30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014 12 5 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 6 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 7 :30 2 10 :00 :30 8 :30 3 :00 11 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 4 12 :00 :30 10 :30 5 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 Tonight SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsNation Countdown ” College Premier Football: Match Pack Texas Tech Baseball at Oklahoma Tonight State SportsCentre ”” SportsCentre Countdown SportsCentre ” College ” ” Football: SportsNation SportsCentre Texas ”Tech ” at Oklahoma Premier SportsCentre Match Pack State ” Baseball ” SportsCentre Tonight SportsCentre 2014 Ryder
” Pitchin’ In The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless Days of our News Lives ” The Talk Global” Nat. CHBC News The Meredith Rachael Ray Ent Vieira ”Show ET Canada Young & Pitchin’ In Bones Restless Debt/Part ” News News Noon Elementary Hour ” ” Global Days ofNat. our Parenthood Lives News CHBC ”
” The Marilyn Ellen DenisDeGeShow neres Show CTV News The Dr. ” Oz Show The Social CTV News ” at Five Dr. Phil CTV News ” ” Ellen DeGeThe View etalk Show neres ” Big Bang The Marilyn Dr. Oz Grey’s Show Show Denis Anatomy CTV News Saving Hope at Five” ” CTV News The Social Get Away ” With Murder The Talk Dr. Phil Ent CHBC News etalk News-Lisa ” ” ET Canada Big Bang Final CTV News
Chris Best Recipes Heartland Stefano ” CBC News Dragons’ Now Den Republic of CBC DoyleNews ” Steven and CBC Chris News Coronation Heartland Bookaboo Murdoch ” Doodlebops Mysteries Dragons’ Best Recipes The Nature Den Stefano of Things CBC News Doc Zone Now ” ” CBC News Republic of The National Doyle Coronation ” Steven and Murdoch CBC News ChrisMercer Mysteries Rick
SportsCentre ” Cup: Day One ” Countdown SportsCentre College ”
TheCanada Meredith Bones ET Vieira ”Show The Doctors Young & Elementary Restless ”
Ellen DeGe- Heartland Grey’sShow TheMinutes Nature Daily 22 neres Show of ” Anatomy Things Seth Meyers Coronation The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Saving Hope Doc Zone Show ” Den ”
Football: SportsCentre Texas ”Tech at Oklahoma SportsCentre State Ryder 2014 ” Cup: Day SportsCentre One ” ”
News Parenthood ” Global News Nat. CHBC CHBC News Final
CTVAway News Get at Five With Murder CTV News News-Lisa ” CTV News
CBCNational News The ” CBC News CBC News Coronation Rick Mercer Ent ET Canada etalk Daily Show Murdoch 22 Minutes ET Canada Big Bang Mysteries The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Bones Grey’s The Nature ” Anatomy of Things
Deal Young & Bold Restless CBS News KIRO News News ” NFL Kickoff The Talk NFL Kickoff ” NFL Let’s Make a Football: Deal Giants at Bold The Price Is Redskins CBS RightNews ” News & Young KIRO 7 Post NFL Kickoff Restless Game Show NFL Kickoff KIRO News News NFL ” ” Football: The Talk Raible’s ” at Giants Scouting
” Pitchin’ In The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless Days of our Early Lives News Global Nat. The Talk News ”Hour ” The Meredith Rachael Ray Ent Vieira ”Show ET Canada Young & Pitchin’ In Bones Restless Debt/Part ” Early News Noon News Elementary Global Nat. Hour ” News Hour Days of our Parenthood Lives ” ” Let’s Make a The Talk Redskins Ent KIRO News News Hour Deal Show ” ” ET Canada Late Final Bold Meredith KIRO 7 Post The Bones Letterman ET Canada CBS News Vieira Game Show ”Show Ferguson The Doctors
A&E 1
Sidekick Monster 6TEEN Almost Nerds Chucks SpongeBob Nerds Rabbids Squirrel Odd Parents Rated A for SpongeBob Monster Thunder Sidekick Every Witch 6TEEN Wayside Sam & Cat Nerds Kid vs. Kat Victorious SpongeBob Monster Funny Home Rabbids Almost Videos Odd Parents Chucks Wipeout SpongeBob Nerds ” Thunder Squirrel Mr. Young Rated Witch A for Every Boys Monster Sam & Cat Haunting Sidekick Victorious Haunting
Politics Carole ” MacNeil ” CBC News Amanda Now With Lang Reshmi Nair CBC News ” ” Power & The National Politics ” ” CBC News CBC News ” Now With ” Amanda Carole The LangNational MacNeil ” CBC News The National ” Now With ” The National Reshmi Nair CBC News ” ” Power & CBC News The National Politics ””
Gold Highway How/Made Thru Hell How/Made Yukon Men Daily Planet ” ” Car Sharks Fast N’ Loud Car Sharks ” Bering Sea Fast Gold N’ Loud ” How/Made Mayday Yukon Men How/Made ” ” Daily Planet Highway Street” Thru Hell Outlaws Fast N’Men Loud Yukon Fast N’ Loud ” ” Fast N’ Loud Car Sharks Fast N’ Loud Car Sharks ” ” Bering Sea Yukon Yukon Men Men Gold ””
Family Feud Family Feud Steve Family Feud Harvey Law & The Meredith Order: SVU Vieira Show Law & Name Order: Game SVU Name Game Family Feud Two Men Family Feud Mod Fam Steve Raising Big Bang Harvey Arthritis Pain Big Bang The Meredith Family Feud Bones Vieira FamilyShow Feud ” Name Law & Game Sleepy Name Game Order: SVU Hollow Two Law Men & News Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Family Feud Big MikeBang Family Feud Big Bang Mike
Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes Medium Breaking Medium Amish Say Yes Gypsy Say Yes Sisters Say Yes Gypsy Say Yes Sisters Say Yes and 19 Kids Breaking Say Yes Counting Amish Breaking 19 Kids Escaping Amish 19 Kids Alaska Gypsy Medium Breaking Sisters Medium Amish Gypsy Say Yes Gypsy Say Yes Sisters Sisters Say Yes Breaking Gypsy Say Yes Amish Sisters
The Middle Judge Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Hot Bench Big Hot Bang Bench Big Bang King Browns King Payne The Middle Browns The Middle Payne Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Fam Mod Divorce Seinfeld Big Bang Judge Family Guy Big Bang Judge Family Guy Browns Hot Bench Amer. Dad Payne Hot Bench Amer. Dad Browns King Jeffersons King Payne Jeffersons The Middle Mod Fam Movie: The Middle Seinfeld “Head of
Cat in the Dinosaur Rick Steves Dinosaur Europe Peg Plus Cat Marathon Peg Plus Cat ” Super Why! Business Thomas World News Sesame St. PBS Cat in the NewsHour Rick Steves Sesame IN Close Europe Street (scitech) Marathon Dinosaur Foyle’s” War Dinosaur ” Business Peg Plus Cat Midsomer World News Peg Plus Cat Murders PBS Super Why! Midsomer Thomas NewsHour Scott & Sesame IN Close St. Bailey Cat in the (scitech) Moone Boy
” New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 KING News 5 News Days of our KING Lives 5 News Dr. Phil Nightly” News News Ellen TodayDeGeNews Show neres cont’d Evening KING 5 New Day The Biggest News Northwest Loser KING 5 ” News ” Nightly Days ofNews our Parenthood Lives News ” Dr. Phil News KING News ” Evening Tonight
Steve Grey’s Live The Kimmel The First First 48 48 Harvey ”” Anatomy Nightline KOMO 4 The First 48 Scandal News ” ”
6TEEN ” Funny Home Home The National Funny Amanda Nerds Videos Videos Lang ” SpongeBob Amanda Wipeout The National Rabbids Lang ” ”
How/Made Street Street How/Made Outlaws Outlaws
Steve Bones Anger Harvey ” Cougar Daily Planet The Meredith Fast N’ Loud Sleepy Vieira ” HollowShow
Say Escaping PaidYes Prog. Say Alaska PaidYes Prog. Breaking Amish
Seinfeld Family State” Guy Mod Fam Family ” Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad
Rick Steves Foyle’s War Echoes of Europe ” Creation Marathon Midsomer ” Murders
Ellen DeGeThe Biggest Show neres Show Loser Seth Meyers KING ”5 News ”
NFL Kickoff Raible’s NFL Scouting Football: KIRO News Giants at Late Show
Early News Parenthood Global” Nat. News Hour Hour News Final ”
NFL Sportsnet Football: Connected New York Premier Giants at Poker
Gypsy Sisters Gypsy Gypsy Sisters Sisters
Yukon Street Men ” Outlaws Street Outlaws
Big Bang Anger Big Bang Cougar Bones ”
Breaking Paid Prog. Amish Paid Prog. Escaping Alaska
Browns Jeffersons Payne Jeffersons Browns Movie: Payne of “Head Mod Fam State” Seinfeld ” Family Guy Family Guy
Business Midsomer World&News Scott PBS Bailey NewsHour Moone Boy IN Closeof Echoes (scitech) Creation Foyle’s War ”
KING 5 Parenthood News ” NightlyNews News KING News Tonight
Washington Sportsnet Redskins Connected ” Sportsnet
OddYoung Parents CBC News Mr. SpongeBob ” Boys Thunder The National National Haunting The Every Witch Haunting ”” Sam & Home Cat CBC News Funny Amanda Victorious Videos Lang ” Funny Home The National Videos ”
Name Game News Name Game Mod Fam Two Men Mike Mod Fam Mike
Ent ET Canada ET TheCanada Doctors Bones ”
News Get Away The First 48 WorldMurder News ” With KOMO 4 The First News Killer Kids48 News Jimmy ”” Wheel Kids48 Kimmel Live Killer The First Jeopardy! ”” Nightline Grey’s The First 48 Anatomy ”
Fast N’ Loud ” Fast N’Men Loud Yukon ””
Redskins Letterman ” Ferguson KIRO 7 Post Game Show
Jack Pollock? Wild Kratts Snapshot Waterfront Park Cities Our Part Park Who Is JackGrand Tours son Pollock? Ancient Egypt
Elementary ”
Sportsnet Connected
Who the... Is Scandal Jackson ”
Parenthood ”
Sportsnet Connected
Pollock? Snapshot
CHAN ( ET Canada
Premier Poker
SNP ) Sportsnet
Park Our Part
Get Away The National Raible’s With Murder ” Scouting
The First 48 ”
Get Away The First 48 With Murder ”
News Show Evening Seth Meyers The Biggest Loser
Wipeout ”
The National Fast N’ Loud Sleepy ” ” Hollow
Breaking Amish
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Midsomer Murders
Mr. Young Boys
CBC News ”
Fast N’ Loud News ” Mod Fam
Gypsy Sisters
Jeffersons Jeffersons
Midsomer Scott &
Parenthood ”
Gypsy Sisters
TLC Paid< Prog.
Movie: “Head of
WTBS A State”
Bailey Moone Boy
KCTS Nof Echoes
KING News Tonight
KNOW KOMO `Live Who* Is Jack- Kimmel
A&E The1 First 48
Haunting Haunting
YTV NEWS 6 7 Funny Home Amanda
DISC 9 Street
Mike Mike
The Doctors Connected Rachael Ray Sportsnet ” Connected
son Pollock? Nightline G. Shrinks The View PAW Patrol ”
” The First 48 ”
Videos Wayside Kid vs. Kat
Lang CBC News Now With
Outlaws Mayday ”
Cougar Paid Prog. Raising 19 Kids and MemoryLoss Counting
” Divorce Divorce
Creation Sesame Street
Show Seth Meyers Today cont’d
Best Recipes Young & Stefano Restless
Pitchin’ In Debt/Part
Sportsnet Connected
Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino News
The First 48 ”
Monster Almost
Carole MacNeil
Street Outlaws
Family Feud 19 Kids and Family Feud Counting
Judge Judge
Dinosaur Dinosaur
New Day Northwest
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
Baseball Central
PAW Patrol Kate and
The First 48 ”
Chucks Nerds
CBC News Now With
Fast N’ Loud Law & ” Order: SVU
Say Yes Say Yes
Hot Bench Hot Bench
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
The Social ”
Republic of Doyle
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
Blue Jays Astroblast NHL Special Dragon
The First 48 ”
Squirrel Rated A for
Reshmi Nair Fast N’ Loud Law & ” ” Order: SVU
Say Yes Say Yes
King King
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
Dr. Phil The View ” ” Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show The Dr. Oz CTV News Show ” CTV News The Social at Five ” CTV News Dr. Phil ” ” etalkView The Ellen DeGeBig Bang ” neres Show The The Amazing Marilyn The Dr. Oz Race Denis Show Show Orphan CTV News Black CTV News ” at Five Blue Bloods The Social ” CTV News ” ” News-Lisa Dr. Phil CTV etalk News ” Big Bang Bang Big Ellen DeGeSeth Meyers The Amazing neres Show Race The Dr. Oz Orphan Show Black CTV News at Five Blue Bloods ” CTV News
Steven and Bookaboo Chris Doodlebops Heartland Best Recipes ” Stefano Dragons’ CBC News Den Now CBC News Republic ” of Doyle CBC News Steven and Coronation Chris Murdoch Bookaboo Heartland Mysteries Doodlebops ” William & Best Recipes Dragons’ Kate Stefano Den Halifax Com. CBC News Halifax Com. CBC Now News ” The National Republic of ” CBC DoyleNews Coronation CBC News Steven and Rick Murdoch ChrisMercer Mysteries Backstage Heartland Coronation William ” & Kate Dragons’ Halifax Com. Den Halifax Com. CBC News ” The National ” CBC News
Let’s Make a The DealPrice Is Right Bold Young & ThisMinute Restless Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy ” KIRO News The Talk KIRO News ” KIRO News Let’s News Make a CBS Deal Ent Price Is The Bold The Insider Right ThisMinute The Amazing Young & Judge Judy Race Restless Judge Judy Hawaii FiveKIRO News 0 KIRO ”News KIRO News Blue Bloods The Talk KIRO ””News CBS News KIRO Newsa Let’s Make Late Ent Deal Show The Insider Letterman Bold Ferguson The Amazing ThisMinute Race Judge Judy Hawaii FiveJudge Judy 0 KIRO News KIROBloods News Blue KIRO ”News
The Talk Rachael ” Ray ” The Meredith Pitchin’ In Vieira Show Debt/Part Young & Noon News Restless Hour Early News Days ofNat. our Global Lives News Hour The Talk ” ” Ent Rachael Ray The Meredith ET Canada ” Vieira Show NCIS Pitchin’ In Young”& Debt/Part Restless Hawaii FiveNoon News 0 Early Hour News Global Nat. Security Days of our Security News Lives Hour ”Hour News The Talk Final Ent ” ET Canada Canada ET The Meredith The Doctors NCIS Vieira Show ” Young & Hawaii FiveRestless 0 Early News Global Nat. Security Security News Hour
Premier Sportsnet Poker Connected Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected MLB Baseball Baseball: Central Baltimore Blue Jays Orioles at NHL Special Toronto Blue Premier Jays Poker Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected Misplays Sportsnet MLB Jays Blue Connected Baseball: NHL Top Baseball 100 Baltimore Central Orioles at Sportsnet Blue Jays Connected Toronto Blue NHL Special Jays Sportsnet Premier Connected Sportsnet Poker Connected Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Misplays Connected Blue Jays MLB NHL Top Baseball: 100 Baltimore Orioles at Sportsnet Connected Toronto Blue
Bucket-Dino G. Shrinks Curious PAW Patrol Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm Jelly Jamm Bucket-Dino Kate and PAW Patrol Magic Bus Kate and Jack Astroblast Wild Kratts Dragon Park Bucket-Dino Our Part Curious Coast G. Shrinks Dive, Olly ” PAW Patrol Jelly Jamm Doc Jelly Martin Jamm Kate and ” Bucket-Dino Magic Bus George PAW Patrol Gently Jack Kate and Wild Kratts ” Astroblast Park Dragon Our Part Black Coffee Bucket-Dino ” Coast Curious ” Doc Martin Dive, Olly ” Doc Martin Jelly Jamm ” Kate and George Magic Bus Gently Jack Wild Kratts ” Park Park
The Doctors The View ” ” Steve KOMO Harvey 4 News KOMO 4 The Chew News ” News General World News Hospital KOMO 4 The Doctors News ” Wheel The View Steve Jeopardy! ” Harvey Shark KOMOTank 4 KOMO” 4 News News ” The Chew News ”” World News 20/20 General ”4 KOMO Hospital News News The Doctors Jimmy Wheel” Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Steve Nightline Shark Tank Harvey ” KOMO 4 News ” ” News World News 20/20 ” KOMO 4
The First The First ” ” Criminal The First Minds ” Criminal The First Minds ” Criminal The First Minds ” Criminal The First Minds ” Criminal The First Criminal Minds” Minds Criminal The First Criminal Minds ” Minds Criminal The First Minds Criminal ” Minds Criminal The First Minds Criminal ” Minds Criminal The First Minds Criminal ” Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal
Monster Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat 6TEEN Monster Chucks Almost Hathaways Chucks Thunder Nerds Assembly Squirrel Hathaways Rated A for Sam & Cat Monster Every Witch Sidekick Movie: Wayside 6TEEN “Ever Kid vs.After: Kat Chucks A Cinderella Monster Hathaways Story” Almost Thunder ” Chucks Just Kidding Assembly Nerds Hathaways Cook’d Squirrel Cache Craze Sam Cat Rated&A for Every Witch Assembly Monster Boys Movie: Sidekick “Ever After: Ever6TEEN Cinderella A Cinderella Chucks Story” Hathaways ” Thunder Just Kidding Assembly Hathaways Cook’d Cache Sam & Craze Cat
Power & CBC News Politics Now With ” Carole” MacNeil Amanda CBC News Lang Now With CBC News Reshmi ” Nair ” The National Power”& Politics CBC News ” Now With ” The National Carole Amanda ” MacNeil LangNational The CBC News ” CBC News Now With ” CBC News Reshmi Nair ” The National ” ” The National Power & ” CBC News Politics ” Amanda ” Lang The National ” ” Amanda The LangNational ” CBC News ” CBC News ” The National
Coronation CBC News Rick Mercer Murdoch
CBS News KIRO News Late Ent Show
News ”Hour Final Ent
Jays Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet
Our Part Black Coffee Coast ”
News Jimmy Wheel
Minds Criminal Minds Criminal
Mysteries Backstage Coronation William & Kate
The Insider ET Canada Sportsnet Connected Letterman Ferguson The Doctors Misplays Connected The Amazing NCIS Race ” Blue Jays
” Doc Martin ” Doc Martin ”
Jeopardy! Minds Kimmel Live Criminal Nightline Minds Shark Tank Criminal ” Minds
CBC News Rick Mercer
KIRO News Late Show
Cup: Day ET Canada Daily Show One The Doctors Seth Meyers SportsCentre Rachael Ray The View ” ” ”
22 Minutes Coronation Bookaboo Doodlebops
Letterman Ferguson The Price Is Right
SportsCentre Pitchin’ In ” Debt/Part
The Marilyn Denis Show
30 for 30 ”
Noon News Hour Days of our Lives
The Talk Rachael ” Ray ” The Meredith Pitchin’ In Vieira Show Debt/Part Young & Noon News Restless Hour News Days of ” our Lives Global Nat. The Talk CHBC News ” Ent Rachael Ray TheCanada Meredith ET ” Vieira Show NCIS In Pitchin’ Young”& Debt/Part Restless Hawaii FiveNoon News 0 News Hour ” Security Days of our Security Global Lives Nat. CHBC News News CHBC The Talk Final Ent ” ET Canada Canada ET The Meredith The Doctors NCIS Vieira Show ” Young & Hawaii FiveRestless 0 News ” Security Security Global Nat.
RedBlacks SportsCentre CFL ”
CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV Ent etalk News Football: 2014 Ryder ET Canada Big Bang Cup The Doctors The SethAmazing Meyers Roughriders NCIS at Eskimos ” Race Hawaii Five- Orphan 0 Black
Blue Bloods ”
News Hour Final
Halifax Com. Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- NHL Top Halifax Com. 0 0 100
The National Blue Bloods ” ”
Security Security
Sportsnet Connected
The Chew ”
KNOW General KOMO Hospital * `
George Gently ” Park
A&E 1
48 48
48 48
A&E48 1 48 48 48 48 48 48
Payne of Rules Engagement Mod Fam
NewsHour Lincoln Center Washington
News News KING Tonight News
Big Bang Anger Cougar Utopia ”
Weddings Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Four Weddings
Seinfeld ” Family” Guy Family Guy
Charlie Evening ” Rose Show SethMysterMeyers Father” The Brown ies of Laura DCI Banks ”
YTV Assembly Boys 6
NEWS The National ” 7
” Live From
WTBS Lincoln KCTS Rules of Engagement Center A N
KING KING News Tonight P
EverRabbids Cinderella Bread
Amanda CBC News Lang CBC News
Mayday Mayday ” ”
Anger MLB Cougar Baseball
Paid Prog. Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes
” Duplex ” ”
” American ” Graduate
Show 2014 Ryder Seth Meyers Cup: Day
Extreme Builds
Turtles Sanjay
Now With Christine
Mayday ”
” ”
Say Yes Say Yes
Movie: “Paul Blart:
Day cont’d ”
Movie: “Charlotte’s
Birak ”
Megaspeed ”
” ”
Say Yes Say Yes
Mall Cop” ”
YTV ” Kung Fu 6 Kung Fu
NEWS DISC ” Here The7 National Highway 9 Issue Thru Hell
Don’t Drive
College Football:
KAYU Stanford ; at Washington
Outrageous 911
CBC News Mayday The National How/Made CBC News ” Mansbridge How/Made NowNature With Mayday The How/Made Christine ” of Things How/Made
MLB ” Baseball ” ”” Extra ”
Say Yes Extreme Say Yes Extreme
Noon News Hour
SportsCentre The Nature ” of Things
Col. Football Noon News College Hour
Toronto Blue Dogs/Jobs Jays Dogs
Football College
Movie: “Face/Off”
Racing ”
Simpsons Simpsons
Corner Gas Corner Gas
Amanda Lang
Football: Simpsons Arkansas vs. Simpsons
Misplays Hope for NHL Special Wildlife
Dragons’ Den Absolutely Rick Mercer Canadian 22 Minutes Doc Zone Zone Doc ””
Texas A&M ” Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. ” Sports All In Spectacular Sports Stars
A&E ” ” 1 ”
KNOW KOMO Black Coffee News ” Jimmy * `
A&E Criminal Minds 1
Kimmel Live Criminal Born-Explore Extreme Nightline Minds Sea Rescue Builds
KNOW KOMO ” Frontiers ” * of ` Construction ” Wild Kratts Waterfront Wild Kratts Cities
DISC Mayday ” 9
KAYU Mike Mike;
TLC Say Yes Say < Yes
Dateline NBC ” ”
” ”
” ”
KCTS ” ” N ”
KING ” ” P ”
Duplex First Family ” ce Box Offi Say Yes Movie: Extreme Community Say Yes “Paul Blart: Cheapskates Community Say YesSto- Mall Cop” Untold The Middle Say ” ries Yes of ER The Middle
American Dr. Graduate Fuhrman’s Day cont’d End Dieting ” Forever!
2014 JustinRyder Time Cup: Day Tree Fu Tom TwoKid$ Biz ” Kids News
TLC “Witless WTBS Outrageous Protection” < A 911 ”
Born-Explore ” Sea Rescue ” Mister Maker Football Prehistoric KOMO 4 Martha Scoreboard Hunters News Toronto Blue Dogs/Jobs Football Minnesota Ancient College Jays Dogs College Twins at Egypt Football:
Extreme Criminal Builds Minds Extreme Criminal Builds Minds Movie: Criminal “Face/Off” Minds
Rabbids Kung Fu Bread Kung Fu Turtles Kung Fu Sanjay Kung Fu Movie: Kung Fu “Charlotte’s Kung Fu
” Criminal Minds”
Web” Assembly ” Undercover
” Don’t Drive The National ” Here Marketplace
College Baylor at Football: Iowa State
Outrageous Untold Sto911 ries of ER
Movie: “Witless “Old
” Weekend ” IN Close
Nightly” News KING ”News
” Criminal Extreme Minds” Builds Criminal Extreme Minds Builds Criminal Movie: Minds “Face/Off” Criminal Criminal Minds Minds” ” Criminal Criminal Minds Minds” ” Criminal Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Minds
Kung FunnyFu Home Rabbids Videos Kung Fu Bread Movie: Kung Fu Turtles “Fantastic Kung Fu Sanjay Mr. Fox” Kung Fu Movie: ” Kung Fu “Charlotte’s Japanizi Kung Fu Web” Boys Kung Fu ” Haunting Assembly Kung Fu Haunting Undercover Kung Fu Fantastic Mr. Funny Home Kung Fu Fox Videos Kung Fu
The National Movie: CBC Newsof “Revenge Issue CBC News the TheElectric National Now With Car” Mansbridge Christine The National Nature Birak Mansbridge of Things ” Movie: Politics of ” “Revenge of Polar Bears ” the TheElectric National The National Car” Marketplace Issue The National Movie: The National Mansbridge “Revenge of Mansbridge
Stanford ” at MLB ” Washington Baseball Postgame ” ”” Paid Prog. ” Mod Fam ” ” Big Bang Extra ” News College College Wanted Football: Football: Animation Baylor at Stanford at Domination Iowa State Washington Mike ” How I ””Met ”
Outrageous Say Yes Outrageous 911 Say Yes Untold StoExtreme Say Yes ries of ER Extreme Say Yes Outrageous Extreme Say Yes Outrageous Cheapskates Say Yes Untold Untold StoStoOutrageous ries ries of of ER ER 911 Extreme Untold StoOutrageous Cheapskates ries of ER 911 Peter Popoff Outrageous Extreme Paid Prog. Outrageous Extreme
Protection” School” Duplex” ” Family Guy First Family Movie: Family Box OffiGuy ce “Paul Blart: Seinfeld Community Mall Cop” Seinfeld Community ” King The Middle Movie: King The Middle “Witless Movie: Movie: Protection” “Rogue” “Old ” ” School” First Family ”” Box Office
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” Paid Prog. 2014 Ryder Paid Prog. ” Cup: Day Movie: Justin Time Two “Dirty Tree Fu Tom ” Rotten Biz Kid$ ” Scoundrels” Kids News ” Saturday KING 5 ” Night News Live ” KING NightlyNews News Saturday KING ”News ” Night Live Paid Prog. Justin ”Time Paid Prog. Tree Fu Tom
Pre-Race Blue NASCAR Bombers
Noon News ” Hour Nat. Global
SportsCentre The The Social LandNature & Sea of Things etalk ” Mansbridge
Racing ” CFL ”
Simpsons News Hour Simpsons ”
Corner Gas CTV News Corner” Gas
Amanda Simpsons The National Football: CBS News News Hour Lang vs. Simpsons Marketplace Arkansas KIRO News ”
Misplays Hope for Detroit NHL Special Wildlife Tigers
” Football: MLSLions Soccer: BC at SportsCentre Portland Calgary ” Timbers at Stampeders CFL Toronto FC ” Football: Pre-Race at SportsCentre Tiger-Cats NASCAR SportsCentre Blue Racing ” Bombers ” SportsCentre ” CFL ” SportsCentre SportsCentre Football: ” BC Lions at CFL
Simpsons 16x9 Fish’n” Movie: Real Fishing Crimetime “The Karate Powerboat Saturday Kid” Driving TV Crimetime ” Noon News Saturday ” Hour Crime” Simpsons Stories Global Nat. Simpsons News News Final Hour Simpsons Saturday ” Movie: Night Live 16x9 “The Karate ”” Kid”
Junk OnceRaiders Upon Children a Time” etalk Amazing It Is Written Race The Social Saving Hope The Marilyn SportsCentre Denis ”Show ” Saving Hope The Social Corner etalk ” Gas Corner Gas News CTV News Junk News Raiders CTV ” ” Source Code Once Upon Amazing a Time” Race
Dragons’ Short Film Absolutely Face Off Den Canadian Gags Rick Mercer Doc Zone Ron James 22 Minutes ” Just for Doc Zone The Nature Laughs ” of Things News Land & Sea Amanda Movie: Mansbridge Lang “The Bourne The National Dragons’ Supremacy” Marketplace Den Short ”Film Rick ” Face Mercer Off 22 Minutes
NHL Top Sportsnet MLB Connected 100 Baseball: Blue Jays Sportsnet Baltimore NFL Game. Connected Orioles at European MLB Toronto Blue Poker Tour Baseball: Jays Sportsnet Minnesota Misplays Connected Twins at NHL Special Sportsnet Detroit NHL Top Connected Tigers 100 Sportsnet Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected Connected
Simpsons 16x9 Fish’n” Movie: Real Fishing Crimetime “The Karate Powerboat Saturday Kid” Driving TV Crimetime ” Noon News Saturday ” Hour Crime” Simpsons Stories Global Nat. Simpsons News News Final Hour Simpsons Saturday ” Movie: Night Live 16x9 “The Karate ”” Kid”
Weddings Say Yes Say FourYes
” Thru Hell The National Mayday ” ” CBC News Mayday “Ever After: Amanda ” ” EverMayday Cinderella LangNational Mayday ” A Cinderella The Story” ” ”
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Mister Maker Football Martha Scoreboard
Texas A&M Steve Raible Paid Insider Prog. The ” Paid Prog. To Be ” Sports” Announced Spectacular To All Be In Col. Football Announced Sports Stars College 48 Hours KIRO News Football: ” KIRO News Arkansas vs. KIRO News CBS News Texas A&M Scandal KIRO News ” ” Steve Raible ” Ent The Insider ”
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Every Witch Assembly Boys Movie:
Jeffersons Jeffersons
Powerboat Driving TV
Dr. Phil Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGeNew Day neres Show Northwest KING 5 KING 5 News News KING 5 Days of our News Lives Nightly News Dr. Phil News ” News Today Ellen DeGeEvening cont’d neres Show The NewMysterDay KING 5 ies of Laura Northwest News Dateline KING 5 NBC KING News 5 News ” Days of our Nightly Lives ” News News News KING Dr. Phil Tonight News ” Evening Show Ellen DeGeSethMysterMeyers The neres Show ies of Laura KING 5 Dateline News NBC KING 5 News ” Nightly” News
Four Weddings
Sports Spectacular
Col. Football KIRO News Noon News ” College KIRO News Hour Global Nat.
Sesame St. Sesame Cat in the Street Heart of Dinosaur Perfect Dinosaur HealthPeg Plus Cat Watson Peg Plus Cat Business Super News Why! World Thomas PBS Sesame St. NewsHour Cat in the Washington Sesame Heart ofRose Charlie Street Perfect Father Dinosaur HealthBrown Dinosaur Watson DCI Peg Banks Plus Cat ” Business Peg Plus Cat World ”News Super Why! Live From PBS Thomas NewsHour Lincoln Sesame St. Center Washington Cat in the Charlie Rose Heart ”of Father” Perfect Brown HealthDCI Banks Watson ” Business World ”News Live From PBS
19 Kids and Counting
It Is Written The Social
Fish’nKarate MLB “The Sportsnet Real Fishing Baseball: Kid” Connected Powerboat Baltimore ” MLB Driving Orioles at ” TV Baseball:
The Middle Divorce The Middle Divorce Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Hot Bang Bench Big Hot Bench Browns King Payne King Browns The Middle Payne The Middle Mod Fam Divorce Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Family Judge Guy Big Bang Family Guy Judge Big Bang Amer. Dad Hot Bench Amer. Dad Browns Hot Bench Payne Jeffersons King Jeffersons Browns King Payne of Rules The Middle Engagement Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld ” Seinfeld ” Guy Family Mod Fam Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Browns Payne Jeffersons Jeffersons Browns
Gotham ”
Powerboat Driving TV
Simpsons Junk Raiders Movie: ” Fish’n Children “The Karate Amazing Real Fishing etalk Kid” Race Timbers at Powerboat It Is Written Football: ” The Marilyn Toronto FCat Driving The Social Tiger-Cats ” TV Denis Show
Say Yes 19 SayKids Yes and Counting Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes and Counting Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes 19 Kids and Say Yes Counting Say Yes Four Say Yes Weddings Say Yes Four 19 Kids and Say Yes Weddings Counting Say Yes Four 19 Kids and Say Yes Weddings Counting Say Yes Four Say Yes Weddings 19 SayKids Yes and Counting 19 SayKids Yes and Counting Four Say Yes Weddings Say Yes Say Yes Say Four Say Yes Yes Weddings Paid Prog. Say Yes Paid Prog. FourYes Say Weddings Say Yes FourYes Say Weddings 19 Kids and Counting 19 Kids and Counting Four
News Mod Fam
Timbers at Toronto FC
” SportsCentre MLS Soccer: ” Portland CFL
Family Feud Raising Family Feud MemoryLoss Steve Family HarveyFeud Family Feud The Meredith Law &Show Vieira Order: SVU Name Game Law & Game Name Order: SVU Two Men Family Feud Mod Fam Family Feud Big Bang Raising Steve Big Bang MemoryLoss Harvey Utopia Family Feud The Meredith ” Feud Family Vieira Show Gotham Law & Name Order:”Game SVU Name Game News Law & Mod Fam Two Men Order: SVU Mod Fam Mike Family Feud Mike Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Anger Steve Cougar Utopia Harvey ” The Meredith Gotham Vieira Show ” Name Game Name Game News Mod Fam Two Men
Don’t Drive Here
Doc Martin Wild Kratts ” Wild Kratts
SNP NHL) Top 100
Yukon Men Mayday ” ” How/Made Street How/Made Outlaws Daily Planet Fast N’ ” Loud ” Don’t Drive Fast N’ Loud Here ” Highway YukonHell Men Thru ” Mayday How/Made ” How/Made Mayday Street Daily Planet ” Outlaws ” Highway Fast N’ Loud Thru Don’tHell Drive ” Here Don’t Drive Fast N’ Loud Here Highway ” Thru Hell Mayday Yukon Men ”” Mayday ” Mayday How/Made ” Mayday How/Made ” Daily Planet Highway ” Thru Hell Don’t Drive Here Drive Don’t Here Highway
” The National Highway Just Kidding ” Thru Hell
ET Canada Sportsnet Fish’n MLB The Doctors Connected Real Fishing Baseball:
CHAN Simpsons ( Movie:
Cook’d CBC News Cache Craze ”
Letterman Paid Prog. Ferguson Paid Prog.
Baltimore Orioles at
Criminal Minds
KIRO News Late Show
Doc Zone ”
Criminal Minds
2014 Ryder ET Canada Big Bang Backstage MLS Soccer: Fish’n Children Absolutely Cup The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Portland Real Fishing etalk Canadian
CBC News Rick Mercer
The National Yukon Men ” ”
” ” 20/20
CHAN News Hour Final (
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News
SNP Sportsnet Connected )
News Jimmy
KAYU ; Anger
” ”
Killer Kids ”
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa 2014 Ryder Final CTV News
” ”
” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” The First 48 The First ” 48 ” The First 48 The First ” 48 ” The 48 CSI: First Miami Killer Kids ” ” The First Criminal 48 The First 48 Minds” ” The First 48 Criminal The First 48 Minds” ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 Killer Killer Kids Kids ””
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Young & Elementary Restless ”
Saving Hope Doc Zone ” ”
Baseball SportsCentre Tonight ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” CFL 30 for 30 Football: ” Montreal ” Alouettes at ” Ottawa Baseball RedBlacks Tonight CFL SportsCentre SportsCentre Football: ” ” Roughriders SportsCentre CFL at Eskimos ” Football: 30 for ”30 ”” Montreal Alouettes at SportsCentre ” Ottawa ”” RedBlacks SportsCentre Baseball ” CFL Tonight Football: 2014 Ryder SportsCentre Cup Roughriders ” at Eskimos CFL ” Football: ” Montreal Alouettes at SportsCentre ” Ottawa
Curious Jelly Jamm Dive, Olly Bucket-Dino Jelly Jamm PAW Patrol Kate and Magic Bus Astroblast Jack Dragon Wild Kratts Bucket-Dino Waterfront Curious Cities Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Park Jamm Jelly PAW Patrol Grand Tours Kate and Jelly Jamm Ancient Magic Bus Bucket-Dino Egypt Jack Patrol PAW Who the... Is Wild Kratts Kate and Jackson Waterfront Astroblast Pollock? Dragon Cities Snapshot Bucket-Dino Park Park Curious Grand Tours Our Part
News NFL Kickoff ”
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dents have guaranteed BSN program at UBC es. A seven-year approvadmission to the UBC Okanagan. al by CRNBC, with no Okanagan nursing proCompletion of the terms or conditions, is gram to complete third four-year BSN prothe highest endorsement and fourth-year clinic-DISC gram qualifies TLC graduatesWTBS we can receive from our YTV NEWS KAYU KCTS KING al and regulatoryP body 6 classroom 7 stud- 9 to write ;the examina< AnursingN Wayside CBC Mayday Raising andasDivorce Sesame ies and earn a News UBC BSN tion needed 19 to Kids apply a and is a tributeToday to faculty Kid vs. Kat Now With ” Arthritis Pain Counting Divorce Street cont’d degree. registered nurse in B.C. and students at both inMonster Carole Highway Family Feud 19 Kids Judge Dinosaur New Day Almost Kids pro-Judge stitutions,” Dinosaur saidNorthwest The firstMacNeil group of Thru OCHell Family “TheFeud 2+2 19 BSN Patricia Chucks CBC News Yukon Men Law & Medium Bench Peg Plus Cat KING 5 YTV transfer NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING nursing gram will meet Hot Marck, director of UBC Nerds Now Withstudents” Order: SVUhelp Medium Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat News 6 7 9 ; < A N P Squirrel Reshmi Nair Car SharksB.C.’s Law &growing Say need Yes King Super Why! Days ofof our just entered their fourth Okanagan’s School Rated A for CBC News ” Car Sharks Raising Order: SVU 19 SayKids Yes and Divorce King Thomas Lives Wayside Sesame Today and final year of& the Mayday forArthritis professional nurs- Divorce Nursing. Monster Power Bering” Sea Family Feud Say Yes The Middle Sesame St. cont’d Dr. Phil Kid vs. Kat Now With Pain Counting Street
KNOW Football KOMO Notre Dame ” vs. Syracuse * `
Frontiers of Nat’l Wild Kratts Geographic Construction Wild Kratts Heartbeat Waterfront Mister Cities ”Maker Martha A Touch of Prehistoric Dogs/Jobs Frost Hunters Dogs ” Ancient Hope ” Egypt for Wildlife Waterfront Hope for Frontiers Cities Wildlife of Construction A Touch of Nat’l Waterfront Frost Geographic Cities
” Born-Explore ” Sea Rescue ” Football Pac-12 ” Scoreboard Movie: KOMO 4 Football “The NewsIdes of College March” College Football ” Football: ” News Notre Dame ” Castle vs. Syracuse ” ”” ”” Burn Notice ”
A&E 1
Birak Politics of ” Polar Bears
Megaspeed ” Fast N’ Loud College ” ” Football:
Highway Airplane Mayday RepoHell Thru ” BBQ Pit How/Made Mayday Wars How/Made ” Don’t Drive How/Made Megaspeed Here How/Made ” Airplane Fast N’ Loud Don’t Repo Drive ” Here Fast Loud Don’tN’ Drive Highway Here ” Thru Hell Overhaulin’ Airplane How/Made Repo ” How/Made
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NFL Football Coronation ” Ghomeshi
NFL Changers
Regional Pets.TV Coverage KIRO News ”” AAA 400 Hour ” Mansbridge ” New Orleans Global Nat. CTV News ” CBS News Ice Pilots Steven” and NFL Post. Saints” at CHBC News NFL Overrun ” KIRO News ” NWT NFL Football Chris NFL Post. Dallas Security Saving Hope Heartland 60 Minutes ” Simpsons The Nature Bull Riding Cowboys Simpsons ”” ” ” ” Simpsons ” of Things ” NASCAR Block NFL Football Coronation NFL ” Madam Once Upon Canada’s Madam SportsCentre Secretary Simpsons Q With Jian Secretary Changers Prerace Lorna Dueck a Time” Marketplace Football: SportsCentre Smartest ” Movie: ” Ghomeshi Changers NASCAR Joel Good Osteen Resurrection ” Our Regional SportsCentre The Person The Good Football “The Prog. Other Backstage Pets.TV Racing: Paid Vancouver Coverage SportsCentre Wife ”” ” Wife Night Guys” Cash Cab Mr. D Pets.TV Sprint Cup: Family Noon News ” LandNational & Sea CSI: Crime ” SportsCentre Guy CSI: Crime The NFL 400 First Story Movie:” KIRO ”News AAA Hour ”” ” Mansbridge ” Scene Scene Football: CHBC News Steele “WALL-E” ” ” Ice Pilots NFL Overrun Steven and NFL Post. SportsCentre News Final News CBC News KIRO News New Orleans Global Nat. CTV Football News CBS Post. News ”” NWT NFL Chris ” NFL Block CTV News Movie: KIRO News Saints at CHBC News ” ” KIRO News ” Simpsons The Nature Bull Riding SportsCentre Paid Prog. Castle” “One Week” Face/Nation Dallas” Security Saving Hope of Heartland 60 Minutes Simpsons Things ” Paid Prog. ” ” Scandal Cowboys Simpsons ” ” ” SportsCentre Simpsons ” Q With Jian Changers Madam Once Upon Canada’s Madam ”” Movie: ” Ghomeshi Changers SportsCentre Secretary a Time Smartest Secretary Football “The Other ” Backstage Pets.TV SportsCentre The Good Resurrection Person The Good Night Guys” Cash Cab Mr. D Pets.TV SportsCentre Wife ” ” Wife NFL ” First Story Movie: KIRO News SportsCentre Family Guy CSI: Crime The National CSI: Crime Football: CHBC” News Scene Steele “WALL-E” ” ” ” Scene New Orleans News GlobalFinal Nat. CTV News ” CBS News SportsCentre News CBC News KIRO News Saints” at CHBC News ” ” KIRO News Block CTV News Movie: KIRO News
MLB Connected Baseball: NHL Joel Osteen Preseason Baltimore Guys” Paid Prog. Orioles at ” Hockey: Noon News Toronto at Blue Global Nat. Sabres Hour Jays News Hour Maple Leafs Ice Pilots Baseball ” Sportsnet NWT Blue Jays Security Sportsnet Simpsons MLB Simpsons Connected Simpsons Specials Block MLB Madam European Simpsons Sportsnet Lorna Dueck Baseball: Secretary Poker Tour Movie: Connected Joel Good Osteen Blue Baltimore The Jays “The Prog. Other NHL Paid Orioles at Wife Plays/Month Guys” Preseason Noon News Toronto Blue Family Guy Sportsnet Hockey: Hour ”” Jays Connected Global Nat. Sabres at Ice Pilots Baseball News Final Sportsnet News Hour Maple Leafs NWT Blue Jays Block Connected ” Sportsnet Simpsons MLB Paid Prog. Sportsnet Security Sportsnet Simpsons Specials Paid Prog. Connected Simpsons Connected Simpsons Sportsnet Madam European Movie: Connected Secretary Poker Tour “The Other NHL The Good Blue Jays Guys” Preseason Wife Plays/Month ” Hockey: Family Guy Sportsnet Global” Nat. Sabres at Connected News Final Hour Maple Leafs News Sportsnet ” Sportsnet Block Connected
Dallas Security SportsCentre Paid Prog. Cowboys Simpsons ” Paid Prog. ” Madam SportsCentre Secretary
Saving Hope “One Heartland Castle Week” ”” ”” Once Upon Canada’s a Time Smartest
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Resurrection Person ” ”
The Good Wife
The Good Wife
Blue Jays Waking the Plays/Month Dead
Resurrection Duck D. ” Duck D.
SportsCentre Family Guy ” ”
CSI: Crime Scene
The National CSI: Crime ” Scene
Revenge ”
CBC News Movie: Bookaboo Doodlebops “One Week” Our ” Vancouver
KNOW KOMO * ` Nat’l News
Duck-Before Japanizi Duck-Before Boys
News CTV News The View Castle” ” The Marilyn Denis Show
SNP ) Sportsnet
Waking the Dead
News Final Block Rachael Ray ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Pitchin’ In Debt/Part
CHAN ( News Final
Sportsnet Connected
SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre Pregame
Family Guy ”
KIRO News The Price Is Right Face/Nation Scandal Young & Restless
Block Rachael Ray ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Pitchin’ In Debt/Part
Connected Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet Connected MLB Central ”
Geographic G. Shrinks PAW Patrol Monarch of the Glen Jelly Jamm Bucket-Dino
English Premier
Noon News Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
MLB Baseball:
League Soccer
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Republic of Doyle
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
Teams TBA ”
NFL PrimeTime
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Steven and Chris
Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”
The View Ellen DeGeneres ”Show The The Marilyn Dr. Oz Denis Show Show CTV News News CTV at Five”
The Price Is Bold Right ThisMinute
The Social CTV News ””
Bookaboo Heartland Doodlebops ” Our Dragons’ Vancouver Den CBC News News CBC Now ” Republic of CBC News Doyle Coronation
Young & Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO News KIRO ”News The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News
Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang Ellen DeGeGotham The View neres ”Show ” The Dr. Oz Forever The Marilyn Show Denis ”Show CTV News Castle CTV News at Five ”” CTV News News-Lisa The Social ” CTV News ” etalk Daily Show Dr. Big Phil Bang Seth Meyers ” Gotham ” Ellen DeGeneres Show Forever
Steven and Coronation Chris Coronation Heartland Prince Bookaboo ” George Doodlebops Dragons’ The HonourOur Den able Woman Vancouver CBC News The CBCNational News ” Now ” CBC News CBC News Republic of Coronation Rick DoyleMercer Coronation 22 Minutes Steven and Coronation Coronation Chris Prince George Heartland ” The Honour-
SportsCentre Hollow Countdown Young & ” Restless SportsCentre The Blacklist ” News ” NFL SportsCentre CHBC” News ” Final Football: Global Nat. Patriots at CHBC News SportsCentre ET Canada The Chiefs” Ent Doctors ” ET Canada
” Oz The Dr. Show Castle ” CTV News at Five News-Lisa CTV CTV News News ” Daily Show Seth etalk Meyers
able Woman Judge”Judy Dragons’ Den National NCIS: Judge Los Judy The ” Angeles CBC News KIRO News ” KIRO News News CBC News KIRO Rick Late CBC Mercer News KIROShow News Coronation CBS News 22 Minutes Letterman Coronation Ferguson Coronation Ent
Big Bang
The Insider
ET Canada
Coyotes at
” NCIS: Los SportsCentre Angeles
Gotham ”
Prince George
Big Bang Mom
NCIS: Los Angeles
Canucks Sportsnet
SportsCentre Sleepy SportsCentre Hollow
Forever ”
The Honour- Scorpion able Woman ”
Sleepy Hollow
Connected Misplays
:00 4 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 6 1 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 7 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 10 :30 8 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 9 4 :00 :30 :00 12 10 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 1 11 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 2 12 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 3 8 :30 :30 :00 :00 4 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 :00 9 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 10 :30 # $ % & :00 11 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 10 3 :30 :00 11 4 :30 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 5 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 6 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 2 :30 :30 # $ % & 7 :00 :00 :00 3 :30 8 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 4 :30 :30 9 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 10 12 :30 :00 :00 :00 6 :30 :30 11 1 :30 :00 :00 :00 7 :30 :30 12 2 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 :30 3 :00 9 :30 :30 :00 4 :00 10 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 8 :30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 10 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 12 11 :30 :30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 :00 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :30 # $ % & :00 2 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 1 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 # $ % & 3 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 10 4 :30 :00 :00 9 11 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 6 :30 12 :00 :00 11 7 :30 1 :30 :00 12 :30 8 :00 :30 2 :00 9 :30 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2014 3 :00 :00 10 :30 4 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 # $ % & 11 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 6 :30 10 :00 11 7 :30 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 4 :30 :30 12 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30
11 :00 :30 NFL ” First Story SUNDAY, 28,Movie: 2014 Sprint SEPTEMBER Cup: Noon News Land & Sea :00 Football: CHBC News Steele” “WALL-E” 5 :30 NASCAR Night Racing:
Joel Osteen Guys” Paid Prog.
SportsCentre The Rachael Ray Monday Meredith Night ” Vieira ”Show SportsCentre Pitchin’ Countdown Young &In Pregame Debt/Part ” Restless English Noon News ” News Premier Hour ” NFL League Days ofNat. our Football: Global Soccer at Lives News Patriots CHBC NFL The Talk Chiefs Ent PrimeTime ” ” ET Canada Monday ” SportsCentre Night SportsCentre ” Countdown SportsCentre SportsCentre ” SportsCentre Pregame ” SportsCentre English NFL ” Premier Football: SportsCentre League Patriots at ” Soccer Chiefs SportsCentre NFL ” ” PrimeTime ” SportsCentre Monday Night SportsCentre
The Meredith NCIS: Los Rachael Ray Vieira Show Angeles ” Young & Sleepy Pitchin’ In Restless Hollow Debt/Part News The Blacklist Noon News ” Hour ” Global Nat. CHBC News Days our CHBCofNews Final Lives Ent ET Canada The Talk ET Canada The Doctors ” NCIS: Los Angeles The Meredith Vieira SleepyShow
” Cash Cab ”
OurD Mr. Vancouver
Rachael Ray The Meredith Vieira ”Show Pitchin’ Young &In Debt/Part Restless Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global Days of our News Hour Lives ” Let’s Make a Ent The Talk Ent DealInsider ” The ET Canada Bold The Meredith Big Bang NCIS: Los The Price Is Rachael Ray ThisMinute Vieira Show Mom Angeles Right ” Judge Judy Sleepy Young & Scorpion Young & Pitchin’ In Judge”Judy Restless Hollow Restless Debt/Part KIRO News Early News NCIS: Los The Blacklist KIRO KIRO News News Noon GlobalNews Nat. Angeles ” Hour ” KIRO News News Hour KIRO News News Hour The Days of CBSTalk News ” our Late Show Final ” Lives Ent Ent Letterman ET Canada Let’s Make a The Talk The Insider ET Canada Ferguson The Doctors Deal ” Big Bang NCIS: Los Mom Angeles Bold The Meredith ThisMinute Vieira Scorpion SleepyShow
SportsCentre The Blacklist Castle ” ” ”
The National ”
KIRO NCIS: Los Angeles _
SportsCentre CHBC News SportsCentre Rachael Ray Final ” ”” SportsCentre Pitchin’ ET Canada SportsCentre In The Doctors ”” Debt/Part
CBC News Bookaboo Rick Mercer Doodlebops
KIRO News The Price Is Late Show Right
News-Lisa The View CTV News ”
Block Movie:
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Republic of Doyle
The Talk ”
Baseball Tonight SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” Around Hockey Canucks Lunch Off Record Interruption To Be Announced SportsCentre ” Baseball Tonight MLS Soccer:
The Talk ” Ray Rachael ” The Meredith Vieira Show Pitchin’ In Debt/Part Young & Restless Noon News Hour News ” our Days of Lives Nat. Global CHBC News The Talk ” Ent
Dr. Phil ” The View ” Ellen DeGeneres Show The Marilyn Denis Show The Dr. Oz Show CTV News ” CTV News at Five The Social ” CTV News ” Dr. Phil etalk ”
Steven and Chris Bookaboo Doodlebops Heartland ” Best Recipes Stefano Dragons’ Den CBC News Now News CBC ” of Republic Doyle CBC News Coronation Steven and Chris Coronation
Teams TBA SportsCentre ”” SportsCentre ” Around ” Hockey ” Off Record SportsCentre ” Interruption SportsCentre Canucks SportsCentre ” Lunch” SportsCentre MLS To BeSoccer: ” Teams TBA Announced SportsCentre ” Baseball ” Tonight
ET TheCanada Meredith Vieira Show NCIS Rachael Young”& Ray ” Restless NCIS: New Pitchin’ News In Orleans Debt/Part ” Chicago Fire Noon News Global ” Nat. Hour News CHBC News Hour Ent Days of our Final ET Canada Lives ET Canada NCIS Talk The Doctors ”
Big Bang Ellen DeGeneres Show The Flash The ” Oz The View Dr. Show ” of Agents The CTVMarilyn News S.H.I.E.L.D. Denis at FiveShow Person of CTV News Interest ” News-Lisa etalkSocial The CTV News Big Bang ” Daily Show ThePhil Flash Dr. Seth Meyers ”
Coronation Heartland Prince” Harry NCIS Bookaboo The Price Is at 30 ”Judy Dragons’ Judge Doodlebops Den Honour- Right Judge New Judy The NCIS: Best Recipes Young & CBCWoman News KIRO News able Orleans Stefano Restless ” KIRO News The National Person of CBC News KIRO News ” Interest Now ” Coronation CBS News CBC News KIRO News Coronation Ent Talk Republic of The Rick Mercer Late Show Coronation The Insider Doyle ” 22 Minutes Letterman Prince Harry NCISMake a Steven and Let’s Coronation Ferguson at 30 Chris Deal ”
” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” SportsCentre Around ” Hockey
NCIS: New The Meredith Orleans Vieira Show Chicago Young & Fire ” Restless
The HonourHeartland able Woman ” The National Dragons’ Den ”
SportsCentre Off Record ” Interruption SportsCentre SportsCentre ””
News News Hour Final ”
Agents of Ellen DeGeS.H.I.E.L.D. neres Show Person The Dr. of Oz Interest Show News-Lisa CTV News CTV News at Five
CBC News Polar Bears CBC News the fifth Now With estate Christine The Nature Birak of Things ” The National ”” ” Flight ” MH370 Marketplace CBCNature News The Politics of CBC News of Things Polar Bears NowNational With The the fifth Christine ” estate Birak Flight The Nature ” MH370 of Things ” of Politics The National ” Polar Bears ” ” The National Flight Marketplace ” MH370 Politics of The Nature Polar Bears of Things the fifth The National estate ” The Nature Flight of Things MH370
VegasCab Rat Cash Rods How/Made Fast N’ Loud How/Made ” 747: DefiniDon’t Drive tive Guide Here Mighty Airplane Planes Repo SpecialDangerous Hercules Flights VegasDrive Rat Don’t Cash Rods Here Cab Cash Cab Fast N’ Loud 747: Defi niHow/Made ” tive Guide How/Made Don’t Drive Mighty 747: DefiniHere Planes tive Guide Airplane SpecialMighty Repo Hercules Planes Dangerous 747: DefiniSpecialFlights tive Guide Hercules Cash Cab Don’t Drive Cash Cab Here How/Made 747: DefiniHow/Made tive Guide 747: DefiniMighty tive Guide Planes
Architects of Nat’l Change Geographic Prehistoric Monarch of Hunters the Glen
KOMO 4 News News Castle Once Upon ” a Time Burn Notice
Duck-Before Wahlburgers Duck-Before Wahlburgers Wahlburgers Love Prison Wahlburgers ”
Journey 2: Haunting The Haunting Mysterious Journey 2Island Myst
The National Politics of ” Polar Bears Flight The National MH370 ”
Mighty SpecialPlanes Hercules Special747: DefiniHercules tive Guide
Monarch of the Glen
Once Upon a Time
Love Prison ”
League/Evil Undercover
The Nature of Things
Don’t Drive Here
McLaughlin ” Moyers Doc Martin Live From ” Lincoln Weekend Center Moyers ” Kehinde Wiley ” Stafford Sid Science Masterpiece Great PerWild Kratts Classic formances McLaughlin Masterpiece ” Moyers Mystery! ” Live From ” Doc Martin Lincoln Agatha ” Center Christie Weekend ” Katmai Moyers ” Front and Kehinde Stafford Center Wiley Great PerMasterpiece formances Classic ” Masterpiece ” Mystery! Doc Martin ” ” Agatha
Anti-Aging Night in Wen Hair America Red Bull NFL Signature Football: Series New Orleans Auto Racing Saints at Dallas” ” Gardening Cowboys LazyTown Beauty 5th Quarter Zou Anti-Aging KING 5 Football Wen Hair News Night in Red Bull Dateline America Signature NBC NFL SeriesNews KING Football: Auto Racing The 206 New Orleans ” Bensinger Saints” at Paid Prog. Dallas LazyTown Cowboys Zou 5th Quarter Football KING 5 Night in News America Dateline NFL NBC
Football: KING News New206 Orleans The Saints at Bensinger Dallas Paid Prog.
Medium Medium
” The Closer
Masterpiece Cowboys Classic 5th Quarter
Just Kidding The National 747: DefiniCook’d ” tive Guide
Family Guy ”
Angels Angels
” The Closer
Masterpiece KING 5 Mystery! News
A&E 1 Wahlburgers
YTV 6 Haunting
Flight MH370
NEWS 7 Politics of
Mighty Planes
DISC 9 Special-
News Bones
KAYU ; ”
Long Island Medium
TLC < Gypsy
” Movie:
” Agatha
Dateline NBC
Castle The View ”” Burn Notice KOMO 4 News
Wahlburgers CSI: Miami ” Love Prison ” Criminal Minds
Haunting Wayside Kid vs. Kat Journey 2Myst Monster Almost
Polar Bears CBC News NowNational With The Carole” MacNeil
Hercules Mayday ” ni747: Defi tive Guide Highway Thru Hell
Anger Raising Paid Prog. How I Met Raising Family Feud Family Feud
Sisters 19 Kids and Counting Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 19 Kids 19 Kids
Tuxedo” Divorce Divorce ” There Yet? Judge Judge
Katmai Sesame Street Front and Center Dinosaur Dinosaur
KING News The 206 Today cont’d Bensinger Paid Prog. New Day Northwest
PAW Patrol Kate and
The Chew ”
Criminal Minds
Chucks Nerds
CBC News Now With
Jacked! ”
Law & Order: SVU
Medium Medium
Hot Bench Hot Bench
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
Astroblast Dragon
The First 48 ”
Law & Order: SVU
Say Yes Say Yes
KCTS N Christie
King King
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
MythBusters Family Feud Say Yes ” Family Feud Say Yes
The Middle The Middle
Sesame St. Cat in the
Dr. Phil ”
Sportsnet Connected
G. Shrinks Dive, Olly PAW Jamm Patrol Jelly
CSI: Miami Storage ” Storage
Wayside 6TEEN Kid vs. Kat Chucks
CBC News ” Now With ”
Mayday How/Made ” How/Made
MLB MLB Central ” Specials MLB Central MLB Baseball: ” Teams TBA NHL ” Preseason
Jelly Kate Jamm and Bucket-Dino Magic Bus PAW Jack Patrol Kate Kratts and Wild
Criminal Storage Minds Storage Criminal Duck D. MindsD. Duck The First 48 Wahlburgers ” Wahlburgers
Monster SpongeBob Almost Bread Chucks Odd Parents Nerds SpongeBob
Highway Daily Planet Thru Hell ” Jacked! MythBusters ””
Raising Steve Paid Prog. Harvey Family Feud The Meredith FamilyShow Feud Vieira Law & Name Game Order: Game SVU Name
Sesame TodayDeGeMasterpiece Ellen Street cont’d Show Classic neres Dinosaur New Day ” KING 5 Dinosaur Northwest ” News Peg Plus Cat KING 5 World News KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News News Business
Lords of the Airplane Car Hoards Repo
Law Men & Two Order: SVU Mod Fam
19 Kids Say Yes and Counting Say Yes 19 Kids Little People, 19 Kids Big World Medium Little People, Medium Big World Say Yes Little People, SayWorld Yes Big
Divorce Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Judge Big Bang Hot Bench Browns Hot Bench Payne
Squirrel Sam & Cat Rated Witch A for Every
Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang CBC News News CBC Now With ” Diana Swain The National ””
King Browns King Payne
Super Why! PBS Thomas NewsHour
Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News
The First 48 Love Prison ”” Steve Storage Dancing Love Miami Prison The View CSI: Harvey Storage With the ”” ” KOMO 4 Storage Stars Duck D. KOMO Criminal News ” 4 Storage Duck D. News Minds News Duck D. Castle Wahlburgers The Chew World News Criminal Duck D. ”” Wahlburgers Minds KOMO 4 Wahlburgers News Love Prison General The First 48 News Wahlburgers Jimmy ”” Hospital Wheel Love Prison Kimmel Live Love Prison The Doctors The First 48 Jeopardy! ” Nightline ”” ” Dancing Love Prison With the ” Steve Storage Harvey Storage Stars Duck D. Duck D. KOMO” 4 Storage News Storage Castle Wahlburgers
Monster iCarly Sidekick Assembly 6TEEN Funny Home Wayside Chucks Videos Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Wipeout Monster Bread Almost” Odd Parents Mr. Young Chucks SpongeBob Boys Nerds Sam & Cat Haunting Squirrel Every Witch Haunting Rated A for iCarly Funny Home Monster Assembly Videos Sidekick Funny Home Videos 6TEEN Chucks Wipeout
PowerNews & CBC Politics ” ” The National CBC News ”” Now With Amanda The National Carole Lang ” MacNeil CBC News CBC CBC News News ” ” Now With The National The National Diana ”Swain ”” CBC News Amanda Power”& Lang Politics The National ” ” The National
MythBusters Don’t Drive Here ” How/Made How/Made Mayday How/Made How/Made ” Daily Planet Airplane Highway ” Repo Thru Hell MythBusters Don’t Drive Jacked! ” Here ” Airplane MythBusters Lords Repo of the ” Car Hoards Don’t Drive How/Made MythBusters Here How/Made ” How/Made How/Made How/Made Airplane
Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Steve Gotham Raising Harvey ” Paid Prog. The Meredith Sleepy FamilyShow Feud Vieira Hollow Family Feud Name Game News Law & Game Name Mod Fam Order: SVU Two Men Mike Law Mod & Fam Mike Order: SVU Big Bang Anger Family Feud Big Bang Cougar Family Feud Gotham Steve ” Harvey Sleepy
Say Yes Little People, SayWorld Yes Big Say Yes Little People, 19 Kids Say Yes and Big World Counting Little People, Little People, 19 Kids Big World BigKids World 19 Little People, Little People, Medium Big World Big World Medium Little People, Little People, Say Yes Big World Big SayWorld Yes Little People, Peter Popoff Say Yes Big World Paid Prog. Say Yes Little People, Big World Say Yes Say LittleYes People,
The Middle Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld Seinfeld Family Guy Divorce Mod Fam Family DivorceGuy Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Browns Jeffersons Hot Bench Payne Jeffersons Hot Bench Browns Movie King Payne King ” Mod Fam ” The Middle Seinfeld ” The Middle Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld Mod Fam Amer. Dad
Sesame St. Old House Cat in the Antiques Masterpiece Antiques Sesame Classic Roadshow Street ” Hispanic Dinosaur ” Heritage Dinosaur World News POV Peg Plus Cat Business ” Peg Plus Cat PBS ”Why! Super NewsHour Underground Thomas Old House Great PerSesame Antiques St. formances Cat in the Antiques Roadshow Masterpiece Classic Hispanic
Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen DeGeThe Voice Today neres ”Show cont’d KING ”5 New Day News ” Northwest KING 5 The Blacklist KING News 5 News ” Nightly News KING News Days News of our Tonight Lives News Show Dr. Phil Evening Seth Meyers ” The Voice ” Ellen DeGeneres ”Show
” SpongeBob Bread Mr. Young Boys Odd Parents SpongeBob Haunting Haunting Sam & Cat Every Witch Funny Home Videos iCarly
” Amanda Lang News CBC ” CBC News ” The National ” The National ” Amanda Lang CBC News
Repo Daily Planet ” Don’t Drive
Hollow Big World The Meredith Little People, Vieira World News Show Big Little People, Mod Fam World Name Game Big Little People, Name Game Little Big World Mike People, Mike Big World Two Men Little People, Mod Fam Big World Anger Peter Popoff Cougar Paid Big Bang Little Prog. People, Big Bang Big World
Amer. Dad Big Bang Big Bang Jeffersons
Heritage ” POV ”
KING ”5 News The Blacklist
Jeffersons Browns Payne Movie ” Browns Payne” ” Mod Fam
World ”News Business ” Underground PBS NewsHour Great Performances Old House Antiques
KING ”5 News News KING Tonight Nightly News News Show Seth NewsMeyers The Voice ”
SNP Sportsnet Connected )
KNOW Hospital KOMO * ` The View Steve ” Harvey
KOMO KOMO 4 4 News News The Chew News World ”News Astroblast of KOMO General4 Architects Dragon Hospital Change News Bucket-Dino The Doctors Hope for Wheel Curious ” Wildlife Jeopardy!
A&E 1
A&E 1
Antiques Roadshow
Emily Carr ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Wipeout ”
Sleepy Hollow
Little People, Amer. Dad Big World Amer. Dad
Hispanic Heritage
Hope for G. Shrinks Wildlife PAW Patrol
News The View Jimmy”
Love Prison CSI: Miami ””
Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat
Little People, Movie 19 Kids Divorce BigKids World ” 19 Divorce Peter Popoff Judge” 19 Kids Paid Prog. 19 Kids Judge”
” KING Sesame Today News Underground Tonight Street cont’d Great PerShowDay Dinosaur New formances Seth Meyers Dinosaur Northwest
KNOW KOMO Black Coffee Castle ” ” * `
A&E Wahlburgers Wahlburgers 1
EmilyJamm Carr Kimmel4Live Criminal Love Prison Jelly KOMO ” Nightline Bucket-Dino News Minds” The Chew ”
” The View Steve ” Harvey KOMO 4 News KOMO 4 News The Chew News ” World News General Hospital KOMO 4 News The Doctors Wheel”
KNOW KOMO Engineering Jeopardy! Dive, Olly Steve * ` Jelly Jamm Harvey
Sportsnet The First Misplays G. Shrinks Connected World War Blue Jays Kate and European Patrol MLB Central PAW Magic Bus Premier The Manor Poker Jelly MLB Tour Jack Jamm ” UEFA Bucket-Dino Baseball: Wild Kratts Sportsnet ShadowChampions PAW Patrol Teams TBA Chief Hope for Connected League Kate and ” Wildlife Sportsnet Ultimate ” Ultimate Soccer Astroblast Connected Engineering Engineering ” Dragon Sportsnet The Manor Sportsnet The First Darts Bucket-Dino Connected ” Connected World War ” Curious
ET Canada Sportsnet News Hour TBA Rachael Ray Teams Sportsnet The Doctors Connected ” ” Connected
Little People, Family Guy Big World Family Guy
Curious G. Shrinks PAW Patrol Dive, Olly Jelly Jelly Jamm Jamm Bucket-Dino Kate and Magic Bus PAW Patrol Kate and Jack Wild Kratts Astroblast Dragon Hope for Wildlife Bucket-Dino Curious Ultimate
Letterman KIRO News The Price Is Ferguson CBS RightNews
Gotham ”
” Misplays European Sportsnet Connected Poker Tour UEFA Blue Jays MLB Central Champions League MLB Baseball: Soccer Teams” TBA Darts ” ””
ET Canada Daily News Show 22 Minutes Global Nat. CBC News Rachael Ray CTV The View Bookaboo The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation CHBC ” Coronation ” News Doodlebops
Funny Home The National How/Made Videos ” How/Made
The First 48 ”
CBC CBC News News Rick Mercer ”
Love Prison ”
Selfie The View Manhattan KOMO 4 News ” of Agents KOMO News 4 S.H.I.E.L.D. News World News Forever The Chew KOMO ”4 News ” News Wheel General Jimmy Jeopardy! Hospital Kimmel Live Selfie The Doctors Nightline Manhattan ” Agents of Steve S.H.I.E.L.D. Harvey Forever KOMO 4 News ”
YTV Mr. Young Boys 6
Here MythBusters ” MythBusters ” Airplane Repo How/Made How/Made Don’t Drive
Dancing With the
KNOW General KOMO Hospital * Bucket-Dino The` Doctors
Premier Sportsnet Poker Connected Sportsnet Blue Jays Connected MLB Central SNP Sportsnet MLB Connected ) Baseball:
PAW Patrol Kate and
NCIS: New The Meredith Orleans Vieira Show Chicago Young & Fire ” Restless
Vikings ”
Astroblast Dragon
NCIS: New Bold Orleans ThisMinute Person of Judge Judy Interest Judge Judy KIRO KIRO KIRO News News Late Show _ KIRO News
Wahlburgers Duck D. Duck Prison D. Love ” Wahlburgers Wahlburgers Love Prison ” Love Prison
SNP ) Darts
SNP ” Sportsnet ) Connected
News ” World News News Jimmy KOMO 4 News Live Kimmel Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!
Champions League
DealPrice Is The Right Bold ThisMinute Young & Restless Judge Judy Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO ”News KIRO News The Talk KIRO ”News CBS Let’s News Make a Deal Ent
” Big Bang ” Mod Fam Movie: Mod Fam “The Firm” Movie: “300” ” ” ” ”” ” A.I.: Artifi ” cial Big Bang Intelligence The Closer Big Bang ”” Big Bang ” The Closer Big Bang Movie:” Mod Fam “The Firm” Movie: Mod Fam “The ” Movie:” Tuxedo” “300” ” ” There ”Yet? ” Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Mod Fam ” Mod Fam Movie:
Power & Politics
Soccer ”
News Hour Early News Final Global Nat.
Gypsy Sisters Sisters Long Island Gypsy Medium Sisters Medium Gypsy Medium Sisters Angels Gypsy Angels Sisters Gypsy Medium Gypsy Sisters Medium Sisters Gypsy Angels Gypsy Sisters Angels Sisters GypsyIsland Long Long Island Sisters Medium Medium Gypsy Gypsy Medium Sisters Sisters Medium Gypsy Paid Prog. Angels Sisters Paid Prog. Angels Gypsy Medium Sisters Medium Gypsy Angels Sisters Angels Long Island Long Island Medium Medium
Weekend Christie Moyers Katmai Kehinde Front and Wiley Center
” Kate and Magic Coffee Bus Black Jack ” Wild Kratts Hope for Wildlife Architects of Change Emily Carr ” Hope for
NCIS Rachael Young”& Ray ” Restless NCIS: New Pitchin’ In Early News Orleans Debt/Part Global Nat. Chicago Fire Noon News News ”Hour Hour ” News Hour Ent of our Days Final ET Canada Lives ET Canada NCIS Talk The Doctors ”
Gardening Zou
Movie: “The “300” Tuxedo” ”” There ”Yet?
Hollow Misplays Young & MLB Restless Specials The Blacklist Sportsnet ” Connected Early News MLB Central GlobalHour Nat. ” News Premier Final Poker News Hour NHL ” Preseason ET Canada Sportsnet The Ent Doctors Connected Hockey:
CHAN ET Canada The Meredith ( Vieira Show
A.I.:Bang Artificial formances Sid Science Big
Medium Gypsy Medium Sisters Angels Paid Prog. Angels Paid Prog.
Dive, Olly Vikings G. Shrinks Jelly Jamm ” PAW Patrol Kate and Emily Carr Jelly Jamm Magic ”Bus Bucket-Dino Jack Black Coffee PAW Patrol Wild Kratts ” Kate and Architects of Hope for Astroblast Change Wildlife Dragon Hope for Emily Carr Bucket-Dino Wildlife ” Curious Vikings ” Dive, Olly Jelly EmilyJamm Carr
” Ray Rachael ” The Meredith Vieira Show Pitchin’ In Debt/Part Young & Restless Noon News Hour News Early GlobalofNat. Days our Lives News Hour ” The Talk ” Ent
Gypsy Sisters
Sisters Intelligence Wild Kratts Beauty A13 Gypsy Big Bang ” Football
Simpsons How I Met Mike Raising Simpsons Brooklyn
” Hockey: ” at Coyotes Sportsnet Canucks Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet Connected MLB Connected MLB Central Specials Misplays ” MLB Central Sportsnet MLB ” Connected Baseball: NHL Premier Teams TBA Preseason Poker ” Hockey: Sportsnet ” at Coyotes Connected ” Canucks Sportsnet Connected Connected
CHAN The Blacklist ” (
A&E 1
NFL ” Football: ” Green The OTBay Packers at Paid Prog. Chicago Trout TV Bears Livin’ Dream ” Big Bang NFL Simpsons Football: Mike Eagles at NFL Simpsons 49ers Football: Brooklyn ” Green Bay Family Guy Packers ”” at The OT Chicago News Paid Prog. Bears Bones Trout TV ”” Livin’ Dream NFL Anger Big Bang Football: How I Met Simpsons Eagles at Raising Mike 49ers Simpsons ” Brooklyn ” Family Guy The OT ” Paid Prog. News Trout TV Bones Livin’ Dream ” Big Bang Anger
Diana Swain Lords of the ” Car Hoards
of our KIRO Days CHAN Lives Let’s_ Make a The( Talk
KIRO The Insider Bold _ ThisMinute
Victorious ” Hathaways Journey to Thunder the Center Mr. Young of the Earth Just Kidding ” Funny Home Journey 2: Videos The Movie: Mysterious “Zathura” Island ” Victorious League/Evil ” Hathaways Undercover ” Thunder Just Kidding Journey to Mr. Young Cook’d the Center Just Kidding Japanizi of the Earth Funny Home Boys ” Videos Haunting Journey 2: Movie: Haunting The “Zathura”2Journey Mysterious Myst ” Island ” League/Evil ” Undercover Journey to Just Kidding the Center Cook’d of the Earth Japanizi ” Boys
Monster Sidekick
Noon News Hour
Noon News Hour
Movie: Duck D. “Face/Off” Duck D. Cont’dD. Duck ” Duck D. Movie: Duck D. “Gladiator” Duck-Before ” Duck-Before ” Wahlburgers ” Wahlburgers ” Movie: Love Prison ”” “Face/Off” Duck D. Cont’dD. Duck Duck D. D. ” Duck Duck D. Movie: Duck-Before Duck D. “Gladiator” Duck-Before Duck D. ” Wahlburgers Duck-Before ” Wahlburgers Duck-Before ” Love Prison Wahlburgers ” Wahlburgers ” Love Prison Duck D. ” Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck-Before Duck D. Duck-Before
Squirrel Rated A for
DailyMarilyn Show 22 Minutes Letterman The Best Recipes Young & Seth Coronation Ferguson DenisMeyers Show Stefano Restless
To Be Announced
Rescue Series Wildlife Docs KOMO 4 Exped. Wild News Paid Prog. News Paid Prog. World News Paid Prog. KOMO 4 Thurs-ABC News Resurrection Once Upon World a Timeof X Games Rescue Once Upon Timbersports Wildlife a Time Docs Series Exped. Wild Resurrection KOMO Paid Prog. ”4 News Paid Prog. Revenge NewsProg. Paid ” World News Thurs-ABC News KOMO 4 Resurrection Castle News World ”of X Once Upon Games Burn Notice a Time Timbersports Once Upon Series a Time KOMO 4 Resurrection News ” News Revenge World ”News
Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First 48 Curious ” ”
SNP ” ) ”
News Hour Rachael Ray Premier Misplays Final ” Poker European ET Canada Sportsnet Pitchin’ In Poker Tour The Doctors Connected Debt/Part UEFA
Canucks Lunch
Wild Kratts Wildlife Little Prince Edwardian Little Prince Farm Annedroids Vikings Animals ” Animals Architects of Waterfront Change Cities Prehistoric Park Hunters Our Part Wild Kratts Monarch of Hope for Little Prince the Glen Wildlife Little Prince Waking the Edwardian Annedroids Dead Farm Animalsthe Waking Vikings Animals Dead ” Waterfront Nat’l Architects of Cities Geographic Change Park Monarch of Prehistoric Our Part the Glen Hunters Hope for Monarch of Wildlife the Glen Edwardian Waking the Farm Dead Vikings Waking the ” Dead
The National Airplane ” Repo
NEWS CBC News ” 7
DISC Don’t Drive Here 9
KAYU News Mod; Fam
The MythBusters CBCNational News Megaspeed Mike Raising ” ”” Mike Now With Paid Prog. Funny Home Carole Amanda How/Made Anger Feud Monster MythBusters Family Videos Lang How/Made CougarFeud Almost MacNeil ” Family
TLC WTBS Little People, Jeffersons Big World Jeffersons < A
” ”
KING The Blacklist ” P
Criminal Minds
Chucks Nerds
CBC News Now With
Airplane Repo
Law & Order: SVU
Little People, Hot Bench Big World Hot Bench
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
A&E The1 First 48
Squirrel Rated A for
YTV 6 Monster
Diana Swain Don’t Drive ” Here
NEWS 7 Power &
DISC 9 Overhaulin’
Law & Order: SVU
KAYU ; Family Feud
Little People, King Big World King
TLC WTBS < Little People, TheA Middle
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
” CSI: Miami ” Storage Storage Criminal Minds Brandi Brandi Criminal Minds Storage Storage The First 48 ” Storage Storage The First 48 Brandi”
Sidekick Wayside Kid vs. Kat 6TEEN Nerds Monster Almost SpongeBob Chucks Chucks Nerds Odd Parents SpongeBob Squirrel Rated iCarly A for ” Monster Sidekick Sam & Cat
Politics CBC News Now With ” Carole” MacNeil Amanda Lang CBC News Now With CBC News Diana ”Swain ” The National
Top 10 Megaspeed ” How/Made How/Made MythBusters ” Daily Planet ” Airplane Repo Sea Bering Gold Drive Don’t Here Highway Thru Overhaulin’ Top 10 Highway
Family Feud Raising Paid Prog. Steve Harvey Family Feud Family Feud The Meredith Vieira Law &Show Order: SVU Name Game Name Law & Game Order: SVU Two Men Mod Fam Family Feud Family Feud Big Bang
BigKids World 19 19 Kids Little People, Big World 19 Kids 19 Kids Kids 19 19 Kids Little People, BigKids World 19 and Counting Little People, Big World 19 Kids 19 Kids Little People, Big World Little People,
The Middle Divorce Divorce Seinfeld Mod Fam Judge Judge Big Bang Big Hot Bang Bench Hot Bench Browns Payne King King Browns Payne The Middle The Middle Mod Fam
Sesame St. Cat in the Sesame Street Masterpiece Classic Dinosaur Dinosaur Masterpiece Classic Peg Plus Cat Peg Plus Cat World News Business Super Why! Thomas PBS NewsHour Sesame St. Cat in the American
Dr. Phil Today ” cont’dDeGeEllen neres Show New Day Northwest KING 5 News KING 5 News 5 KING News of our Days Lives Nightly News News Dr. Phil News ”
Thru Hell How/Made How/Made Don’t Drive Megaspeed Here Daily Planet ” Highway
Big Bang Steve Harvey Utopia Raising ” The Meredith Paid Prog. Vieira Show New Girl
Big World Little People, Big World 19 Kids 19 Kids Kids 19 19 Kids Little People, 19 and BigKids World 19 Kids Counting 19 Kids and Little People, 19 Kids Counting BigKids World 19 19 Kids Little People, 19 Kids Big World Paid Prog. 19 Kids Little People, Paid Prog. 19 Kids Big World
Seinfeld Mod Fam Family Guy Divorce Family Guy Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad
Outd’r Idaho Masterpiece Classic Finding Your Sesame Roots Masterpiece Street Classic Makers Dinosaur World ”News Dinosaur Business Frontline Peg Plus Cat PBS ” Peg Plus Cat NewsHour ” American Super Why! Chef Outd’r Idaho Thomas Globe Finding Your Sesame St. Trekker Roots Cat in the
Evening Ellen DeGeneres Show The Voice Today ”5 KING cont’d News ” New KINGDay ”5 Northwest News Chicago Fire KING ”5 News Nightly News KING News News of our Days Tonight Evening Lives Show ThePhil Voice Dr. Seth Meyers ”
Little People, Big World World Big 19 Kids Kids and 19 Counting 19 Kids TLC 19 19 Kids Kids and 19 Kids < Counting
Amer. Dad Seinfeld Amer. Dad Mod Fam Jeffersons Big Bang Jeffersons Big Bang WTBS Movie Browns ” A Payne
Makers Masterpiece ” Classic Frontline Masterpiece ” Classic
” Ellen DeGeneres ”Show Chicago KING 5 Fire News ” KING KING News 5 Tonight News
Anger Two Men Raising Cougar Mod Paid Fam Prog.
Paid Prog. 19 Kids Paid Prog. 19 Kids
” Browns Divorce ” Payne Divorce
World ”News Chef Business Globe PBS Sesame Trekker NewsHour Street
A&E Uncomfrt. Storage 1 Storage
Storage CSI: Miami Storage Brandi Brandi” Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage Brandi Brandi The First 48 Uncomfrt. Uncomfrt. ” Storage The First 48 Storage Storage ” Storage Storage Storage Storage Brandi Storage Brandi A&E Brandi Storage Uncomfrt. 1 Storage
The Manor Dive, Olly ” Jelly Jamm ShadowKate and Chief Magic Bus KNOW News KOMO Ultimate Jack News Engineering Jimmy ` Wild* Kratts World News The Manor Kimmel4Live Storage Storage Hope for KOMO G. Shrinks The View CSI: Miami ” Nightline Storage Wildlife News Storage PAW Patrol ” ”
YTV Victorious 6TEEN 6 Nerds
Funny Home Wayside Videos SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Chucks Wipeout Monster Odd Parents ” Almost SpongeBob Mr. Young Chucks iCarly Boys Nerds” Haunting Sam & Cat Squirrel Haunting Victorious Rated A for Funny Home Funny Home Monster Videos Videos Sidekick
Power”& Politics CBC News ” ” The National CBC News ” Amanda Now With LangNational The Carole CBC News ” MacNeil ” CBC News CBCNational News The ” Now With ” The National CBC News Diana ”Swain ” Amanda The National Power & Lang ” Politics
MythBusters Bering Sea Thru Gold ” Highway Airplane Highway Thru Hell Repo Thru Don’t Drive Highway Don’t Here Drive Thru Hell Here Bering Sea Don’t Drive Overhaulin’ Gold Here10 Top Wipeout The National Highway 6TEEN ” How/Made ” ” Thru Nerds ” How/Made Mr. Young CBC News Highway SpongeBob Amanda Daily Planet Boys Thru Hell Chucks Lang ” ” YTV NEWS DISC Haunting Don’t Odd Parents The CBCNational News BeringDrive Sea Haunting ” Here 6 7 9 SpongeBob ” Gold Funny Home Amanda Bering Sea iCarly The Highway Wayside CBCNational News Dangerous Videos Lang ” Gold Thru Kid vs.” Kat Now With Flights
Judge Browns Amer. Dad Judge Payne Jeffersons Hot Bench Browns Jeffersons Hot Bench Payne Movie Mod Fam King ” Seinfeld King ” Family The Middle ” Guy Family Guy The Middle
Show Nightly Today News Seth Meyers News cont’d
The etalkMarilyn Denis Show Big Bang
Best Recipes Young & Coronation Ent Stefano Restless Coronation The Insider
Pitchin’ In Ent Debt/Part ET Canada
Plays/Month Jelly Jamm ” Ultimate UEFA ” Bucket-Dino Engineering
KOMO Wheel 4 News Jeopardy!
Criminal Brandi Minds Uncomfrt.
Monster Sam & Cat Almost Victorious
Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang
19 Kids Little People, Judge Mod Fam 19 Judge BigKids World Seinfeld
Dinosaur New American NewsDay Dinosaur Outd’r Idaho Northwest Evening
Canucks ” Lunch”
CTVFlash News The ””
CBC News KIRO News Prince Harry NCIS Now at 30 ”” Republic of The Talk The HonourNCIS: New Doyle ” able Woman Orleans
Noon News NCIS Hour ”
Champions Sportsnet League Connected
PAWFirst Patrol The Kate and World War
The e Chew Selfi ” Manhattan
Criminal Storage Minds Storage
ChucksHome The CBCNational News Highway Funny Don’t Drive Nerds Now With Thru Videos ” Here
Law & Utopia Order:” SVU
Medium 19 Kids Medium 19 Kids
Peg Plus Cat The KING 5 Finding Your Voice Peg Plus Cat News ” Roots
Astroblast The Manor Dragon ”
Squirrel Wipeout Rated”A for
Diana Swain Highway Highway The National Thru Hell ”” Thru
Law & New Girl Order: SVU Mindy
Say Yes King Dad Little People, Amer. SayWorld Yes King Dad Big Amer.
Monster Mr. Young Sidekick Boys
Power & CBC News Politics ”
Family Feud Say Yes News 19 Kids and Family Feud Say Yes Mod Fam Counting
The National Don’t Drive ” How/Made ” Here
To Be ” Days of our NCIS: New Announced Lives SportsCentre Orleans
Days of our NCIS: New Lives Orleans Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk The National Person of Chicago Fire Chris Deal ” ” Interest ”
Soccer Premier Poker ”
Baseball The Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentre Chicago Fire Person of Tonight ” ” ” ” Interest
The Social Agents of ” S.H.I.E.L.D.
SportsCentre News Hour ” Vieira Show ” Final
Rick Mercer
Premier Sportsnet Poker Connected
SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Heartland News-Lisa CBC News neres Show ”
Bold KIRO News ThisMinute
The Meredith Sportsnet News Hour Sportsnet Vieira Show Connected
Around Young & SportsCentre ET Canada Hockey Restless
Judge Judy Letterman Judge Judy
Young & ET Canada Restless
Off Record Interruption
CTV News
The Dr. Oz Daily ShowShow
Dragons’ 22 Minutes Den
The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation News
CTV News at Five
CBC News ”
SportsCentre Global Nat. CTV News ” CHBC News ”
CBC News Coronation
Murdoch Mysteries
Ent ET Canada
Survivor ”
etalk Big Bang
Late Show Ferguson
Generalof The First 48 Agents Storage Hospital ” S.H.I.E.L.D. Storage Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First 48 ShadowForever Storage Curious ” ” Chief ” Storage
Dive, Olly Ultimate Jelly Jamm
Plays/Month Kate and Sportsnet Manor MLB Central The Magic Bus
The Doctors Connected
Storage Brandi Storage
6TEEN Haunting Chucks
Steve Mike Harvey
KOMO 4 Kimmel Live News
Duck D. Storage Duck D.
SpongeBob Amanda Funny Home Amanda Kung Fu Lang
Daily Planet Bering” Sea
The Meredith Outrageous Anger Show Outrageous Paid Prog. Vieira
Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob ”
Yukon Men ”
News World News
Uncomfrt. Storage
Early News Global Nat.
MLB Baseball:
Jack Wild Kratts
KIRO News CBS News
News Hour ”
Teams TBA ”
Ultimate Engineering
KOMO 4 News
Duck-Before iCarly Duck-Before ”
Ent The Insider
Ent ET Canada
Waterfront Cities
Wheel Jeopardy!
Wahlburgers Sam & Cat Epic Ink Victorious
” ”
Bering Sea Highway Gold Thru Hell
Steve News Harvey
Extreme 19 Kids Extreme
19 Kids
Hot Bench Family Guy Hot Bench Family Guy
The Middle Jeffersons The Middle Jeffersons
Super Why! Makers Thomas ”
Days of ” our Lives ”
Sesame St. Frontline Cat in the ”
Dr. Phil Chicago Fire ” ”
Seinfeld Movie Mod Fam
Masterpiece Ellen DeGe” KING News Classic neres Show
Big Bang ” Big Bang
Masterpiece KING 5 Globe Show Classic News
Name Game Extreme Browns Name Game Cheapskates Payne
Paid Prog.
World News Business
KING 5 News
The National Car Sharks ” Car Sharks
Two Men Mod Fam
Extreme Extreme
Browns Payne
PBS NewsHour
Nightly News News
CBC News ”
Big Bang Big Bang
Outrageous Outrageous
Mod Fam Seinfeld
Operation Maneater
News Evening
Bering Sea Gold
Seth Meyers
The Mysteries of Laura
Dragons’ Den
Survivor ”
Survivor ”
Sportsnet Connected
Duck Dynasty
Funny Home The National Highway Videos ” Thru Hell
Hell’s Kitchen
Extreme Extreme
Family Guy Family Guy
Penguins: Spy
The Mysteries of Laura
SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ”
Criminal Minds
Republic of Doyle
Criminal Minds
Chicago PD ”
Blue Jays Only When I Mod Fam NHL Special Dance black-ish
Duck D. Duck D.
Wipeout ”
The National Yukon Men ” ”
Red Band Society
Outrageous Outrageous
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Law & Order: SVU
SportsCentre Stalker ” ”
Law & Order: SVU
The National Stalker ” ”
Stalker ”
Sportsnet Connected
Nashville ”
Duck-Before Mr. Young Duck-Before Boys
CBC News ”
News Mod Fam
Extreme Jeffersons Cheapskates Jeffersons
Black Pharaohs
Chicago PD ”
CBC News Rick Mercer
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Sportsnet Connected
Waterfront Cities
News Jimmy
Wahlburgers Haunting Epic Ink Haunting
The National Bering Sea ” Gold
Mike Mike
Outrageous Outrageous
Chas. Churchill
KING News Tonight
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada Sportsnet The Doctors Connected
Anger Cougar
Peter Popoff Paid Prog.
” ”
Globe Trekker
Show Seth Meyers
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News
SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation
The Story of The Middle India Goldbergs
Duck D. Duck D.
Bering Sea Highway Gold Thru Hell
Family Feud Name Game Mindy Family Feud Name Game News Law Men & Two Mod Fam Order: SVU Mod Fam Mike Big Bang Law & Mike Big Bang Order: SVU Anger Utopia Feud Family Cougar Family” Feud New Girl Steve Mindy Harvey News The Meredith Mod Fam Vieira Show KAYU Mike Name Game Mike ; Name Game
SportsCentre In MLS Soccer: Pitchin’ Ent Teams” TBA Debt/Part ET Canada
Noon News NCIS Hour ”
Carole CBC News MacNeil ”
The Story of Kimmel Live India Nightline
Duck Dynasty
Funny Home Amanda Videos Lang
Car Sharks Car Sharks
Highway Thru Hell
Wednesday,September September24, 24,2014 2014 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,
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Trades, Technical
Financial Services
PCL ENERGY - Now hiring Journeyperson: Millwrights ($40+/hr) and Scaffolders ($38+/hr) for immediate shutdown work on an industrial project in Vanscoy, SK. LOA of $145/day worked, travel and bonuses paid! We offer competitive wages and benefits. Call 780-468-8026, email:
LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online
Home Improvements
Free Items
FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928
FREE kittens, looking for a good home, can deliver. 250859-9441.
Moving & Storage DAN-MEL Moving Services Local & Long Distance. 4 Ton, Power Tailgate 250-215-0147
Painting & Decorating
Legal Services
(1) 250-899-3163
3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour
(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
Merchandise for Sale
Auctions Personals MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851
MASSIVE September 27th Food Equipment Auction Hobart Mixers & Meat Process, Bunn Coffee, True Refrigeration, Cambro Smallwares, over 800 lots! Online bidding available via BidSpotter.
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Keep your baby safe in the car.
Education/Trade Schools
Business Opportunities GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website
Fruit & Vegetables FRESH LOCAL
Table Grapes,Garlic, Peppers (hot & sweet), Nectarines.
Phone Bruce Duggan 250-766-2628 Kids Welcome!
Misc. for Sale
A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?
“We’re having a baby!”
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. no Risk Program stop Mortgage & Maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248
FOY SPA RV Resort Canadian winter special $9.95/day. All new fitness center, hot mineral springs, events, activities, entertainment. New guests, Call for info 888-800-0772,
Merchandise for Sale
Class 1 Advanced Pro. Driver Training Program
Career Opportunities
• 4 Week Class • One - On - One Training • We train with a standard style transmission
EXPERIENCE IS an asset We offer free recruitment services for people aged 45 and over across Canada. Register now at: or call toll-free: 1-855-286-0306.
104 total hours of training for $7,390.00. Extra training time it will be billed at a rate of $103.00 per hour.
For more info. visit: www.taylor or call 1-855-549-6122
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!
Help Wanted An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051.
Community Newspapers
Learn how to choose the right child car seat. Call 1-877-247-5551 or visit
We’re at the heart of things™
Financial Services ARE YOU $10K or more in debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-351-1783. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
Drive to Save Lives
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,September September24, 24,2014 2014
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Auto Financing A15 A15
Three million Canadians have a hearing loss. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m one of them.
STEEL BUILDINGS. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Giftcard give-away!â&#x20AC;? 20x22 $4,358. 25x24 $4,895. 30x30 $6,446. 32x32 $7,599. 40x46 $12,662. 47x72 $18,498. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or online at: STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:
The Hearing Foundation of Canada funds the only nationally coordinated medical research program to find the cause and cure of hearing loss.
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
To learn more about our programs and how you can help, call 1-866 HEAR YOU, toll free or visit our web site,
TO LEARN WHATâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ON SALE?
Give life .... register to be an organ donor today!
The link to your community
Don Harron
Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082. Local. PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670
for more information 1-800-663-6189
Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue!
Roosters Barber Shop
Serving the community since 2005 Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man! Tuesday to Friday 9-6 (Srâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discount days)
Saturday & Sunday 9-4 Closed Mondays
Frank Geber â&#x20AC;˘ 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Hortonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Burnâ&#x20AC;Ś Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788
R&R HOE SERVICE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 25 years experience â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
â&#x20AC;˘Design & manufacture of custom furniture, cabinets, wall units & entertainment centres â&#x20AC;˘Antique furniture restoration & repairs â&#x20AC;˘Specialty & regular millwork â&#x20AC;˘Hardwood & laminate flooring â&#x20AC;˘Tile setting â&#x20AC;˘Renovating/building kitchens & bathrooms
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August 23, 2015 ...................................................... from $3335 US per person April 17, 2015 .......................................................... from $2415 US per person
Prices are per person, cruise only. Based on availability and subject to change. Book now fares by 31Oct/14
contact your local virtuoso travel consultant:
Josef Kalis 250.766.1234 Serving the Okanagan since 1988
Serving Lake Country, Kelowna & Vernon â&#x20AC;˘ Call 778-214-7181 Residential & Commercial Properties â&#x20AC;˘ Portable Toilet Rentals â&#x20AC;˘ RV & Travel Trailers
Available 24 hrs./7 days a week CALL ANYTIME
RT Ranch Sausage & Custom Cutting Wild & Domestic
Josef Kalis
Kathy Wilton 250.317.9204 or
Cel: 250.306.0064
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL