Castlegar News, September 25, 2014

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CASTLEGAR NEWS Thursday, September , 

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Vol. • Issue 

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Phil (PJ) Poznekoff


Phil (PJ) Poznekoff

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This week’s feature:

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A Sparkling...

Trains roll at all hours

Fall Fair, fun in the sun

Evening rail traffic has upset Castlegar residents.

19th Pass Creek Fall Fair was a sunny success.

See page A2

See page A3

250.365.0484 Driveway Special car feature in the West Kootenay Advertiser located within this paper

Back to books Back to

Jo-Ann Bursey

monkey bars

Mountainview Realty Ltd.


Full story on page A4 Principal Doug Hickey of Twin Rivers Elementary with active students in the background.

Jim Sinclair photo

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JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News

A trip from the West Kootenays to the East Coast is lengthy no matter how you want to measure it. But when a series of airport delays kicks in like a movie script, a traveler, like Castlegar city councillor Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff, can only tilt her head and laugh it off. The main reason it’s easy to shrug off the extended travel marathon is that her city won an international award at the annual Communities in Bloom presentations this past weekend in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.


What a great time to shop for beautiful new home furnishings!

Coming and going, it seemed every kind of mixup that could happen with airline schedules did. It was exhausting to even hear about. On the bright side, though, the award in the International Challenge (Small) was indeed won by Castlegar, marked by a moment of disbelief from Heaton-Sherstobitoff. After an ordeal of a day and a half that caused her to miss many of the events she had looked forward to, the Castlegar rep snuck into Charlottetown in the wee small hours, long after her expected arrival time. When she walked up to the

podium to accept the award, she truthfully told the crowd she had nothing prepared in the way of an acceptance speech. She told the Castlegar News she winged it, because she really thought it would take a few years of trying before her city could earn a win. But win it did, leading to a euphoria that not even jet lag and sleep deprivation could spoil. “We go up and got our big granite award. I said a few words on behalf of the city,” Heaton-Sherstobitoff recalled. “I just kind of made them up because I actually was not expecting that we would win. I said ‘We have 8,200 people in

our community. The heartbeat of our community is volunteers, and you really notice that when volunteers stop volunteering; your community starts slowly dying like a flower in fall when it gets frost.’” There will likely be more to this saga, but for now, suffice to say that the councillor and her accomplice, Roxy Riley-Poznikoff, got what they went for. Congratulations volunteers, including, of course, the vacationing Darlene Kalawsky, whom the Castlegar News was unable to connect with in time to include her comments in this write-up.

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Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff (L) and Roxy Riley Poznikoff with Communities in Bloom award in Charlottetown, PEI.

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Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar News

Trains will roll, whenever JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News

A CP Rail spokesperson in Calgary responded to a Castlegar News question about the changing of local train schedules. The media relations person explained that if it does it is simply a result of providing better service to its customers. The recent move to evening rail traffic has been unsettling to a number of Castlegar residents. “All of our rail traffic is based around the needs of our customers,” said the spokesperson. “We operate 24/7, every day of the year. If people have seen trains solely during the day, our hours of operation can change at any time.” Information gleaned from the CP Rail’s website reinforces the autonomy of the railroad. “Freight trains do not run on a set schedule like passenger trains do. We pride ourselves on being available at all times for our customers so when

It appears as though those living near railroad tracks have little choice but to accept train traffic in any amount, at any time.

their demands change, we change with them.” Another CP Rail spokesperson, Salem Woodrow, later related: “CP has made an operational change in the Castlegar area that now sees our switching operations take place at night. We made this change to improve efficiency for our customers.” Castlegar city councillor Sue

Heaton-Sherstobitoff, on behalf of herself and many people she had heard from on the matter, had contacted CP Rail, only to hear the same company line. She says she pressed, however, for an answer to why to railroad does not give advance notice of changes in traffic schedules, to give the public a chance to prepare. She says she again was told it’s just not CP Rail’s policy to do so. There is another avenue open to local governments: a Transport Canada Whistle Cessation policy, wherein trains can hold off on the horns, leaving local government 100 per cent liable for any collisions with vehicles of pedestrians on the tracks. Heaton-Sherstobitoff said the City would not likely be prepared to go that route. People with questions or concerns can contact CP Community Connect line at 1-800766-7912 or

Local reaction to teachers’ settlement

Following a Thursday night vote in which about 86 per cent of B.C. teachers accepted a six-year contract, Andy Davidoff, President of the Kootenay Columbia Teachers Union has expressed (by way of a letter to area media outlets) his thanks to those who had supported teachers during the ordeal that lasted about five weeks, on both ends of the summer break. Davidoff ’s letter reads as follows: Dear Editor, Please accept our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who supported us in “holding the line” for public education in this province. This has been a difficult time but the challenge to improve our students’ learning conditions was a struggle that was worth fighting for. It was for the future of public education and our students that we took such a strong and unprecedented

stand. We will continue to be resolute in advocating for additional support for every student that requires it! We will continue to be resolute in advocating for adequate funding of public education in our province! We will continue to be resolute in advocating for improvements in our student’s learning conditions! We will continue to be resolute in advocating for

justice in the highest courts of our land to return the language that was illegally stripped from our collective agreements to enable us to better support our students. We will continue to be resolute in advocating for our students. We look forward to returning to our classrooms... to do what we love…to teach our students. Again, thank you for your support.

Darrel Ganzert, Board Chair of School District 20, Kootenay Columbia seemed no less relieved to have what looked (pending province-wide ratification) like a done deal. He spoke with the Castlegar News the morning following the teachers’ vote. “We’re certainly very pleased. We know the teachers have ratified and our own board has ratified, but it will take all school boards… a majority of them, and I don’t see a problem with that. “But we’re very pleased that school is back in session and there’s been a collective agreement achieved. We’re really looking forward to the next six years, moving forward in a positive way and stressing all of the positive things our school system is able to accomplish, making the changes we need, to improve.”

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Castlegar News Thursday, September 25, 2014 A3


Blazing sun and big smiles at Fall Fair Derek kaye Castlegar News

With the popcorn popping, the pizza baking, the horses jumping, hotrods humming and stars singing, the 19th Pass Creek Fall Fair was an event that proclaimed success. The smiles and warm tummies proved it. With dogs behaving their best at the dog show, kids had the chance to go crazy digging dirt with the Dirty Diggers and their machines at the lower end of the fair. And after a few moments of trepidation, the kids, with the help of their adult apprentices, were swinging dirt around like there was no tomorrow. Th entertainment was a fine display of Kootenay talent with country and bluegrass from the likes of The Blueberry Pickers and Stone Willie. Hillbilly Trucker and Little Dave and the Blues Busters demonstrated the different styles of blues music. Saturday saw Two For Tripping as they wandered down melody lane and Nina Amelio teamed up with Yanive Feiner from Supercat Studios to deliver some acoustic renditions of the bluesy power pop off her recently released CD. Russel’s Blue Rose sang gospel tunes in the early Sunday morning. It was a great family affair and communitybuilding experience. A feeling of welcomeness was readily apparent. Whether you were a Scottie’s School of Highland Dance dancer, a blacksmith, clown, a horse jumper, a bass player or the farmer who grew a prize winning pumpkin, you were all part of the broad range of culture in the Kootenays that comes together in one day to make the Pass Creek Fall Fair an award winning event that grabs broad recognition. The Pass Creek Fairground has been under the long-term volunteer care of a dedicated couple on the verge of retirement. The Pass Creek Regional Exhibition Society, which organizes and is responsible for the fair, would like to see the Regional District hire paid caretakers to look after of the fairground. The society is worried that without caretakers the event might be in jeopardy. A petition was circulated to gather signatures to show support for this proposal, and it will be given to the Regional District to pursue the matter. With some luck and local political maneuvering the fall fair will hopefully be celebrating its 20th birthday next year with the same group of animal shenanigans and their human partners, larger then life vegetables and kids with smiles so broad that if you were a dentist you wouldn’t have to say, “Open wider please.”


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Top: Shane Williams, a chainsaw artist, gazes at an eagle while a fish gazes at him. Photo by Derek Kaye Middle: Shade and shaved ice treats. Photo by Betsy Kline Bottom: Emil Garay cruises away in his 1957 Ford Fairlane after winning first place in the fair’s Show and Shine. Photo by Derek Kaye

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Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar News



CityofofCastlegar Castlegar City City of Castlegar

No bear banquets

Bears don’t need calendars to remind them that this is the time of year to get busy looking for food ahead of hibernation. Contract: Sewer Sanitary Line Sewer Line Camera Inspection Services Services Sanitary Camera Inspection nitary Sewer Line Camera Inspection Services WildSafeBC Coordinator Jenny Wallace is Reference No.: 2014-12 worried about the amount of poorly stored gar2014-12 bage around town. A wide range of complaints The Owner invites quotations from experienced and qualified bidders for the supply of CCTV 14-12 have been reported over the last two weeks, camera inspections within the City of Castlegar’s sanitary sewer collection system. tes quotations from experienced and qualified bidders for thefrom supply CCTV bears of getting into unlocked dumpsters to RFQ Documents are available for download on quotations from and qualified bidders for system. the ofand CCTV illegalsupply dumping, the more common issue ons within the Cityexperienced of Castlegar’s sanitary sewer collection The RFQ Closing Date, Time & Location are as follows: of residential garbage being stored improperly. within the City of Castlegar’s sanitary sewer collection system. “I’ve been a bit shocked this season, to be hons are RFQavailable Closing Time: for 2:00download pm local time on est,” said Wallace. “In my time as the coordinator e available for download RFQ Closing Date: Wednesday, Octoberon 1, 2014 at: in Castlegar, I have never seen so much garbage ng Date, Time & Location are as follows: left out totally accessible to wildlife. This past Address: City of Castlegar Public Works week, I had a call about garbage being dumped 4500 Minto Road Date, Time & Location are as follows: ime: 2:00 pmCastlegar, local BC time V1N 4B3 beside a community mailbox and I also found garbage bins that had been put on the curb for Facsimile: (250) 365-0594 :ate: 2:00 pm local time 1, 2014 at: Wednesday, October collection five days early.” Wallace suggests that Inquiries should be directed to Jesse Reel, Utilities Manager - City of Castlegar if residents are going to be out of town on gar- (250) 365-5979 bage day, they could ask a neighbour to put their : PhoneWednesday, October 1, 2014 at: City of Castlegar Public Works garbage out for them, or simply wait until the 4500 Minto Road next week rather than put their bins out so early. Castlegar, BC V1N 4B3Works City of Castlegar Public Luckily, bear activity has been relatively quiet 4500 Minto Road again this season, with approximately the same (250) 365-0594 Castlegar, BC V1N 4B3 number of reports as this time last year (2012 was the quietest season for bear conflicts in a d be directed to Jesse Reel, Utilities Manager - City of Castlegar decade). This relative lack of bears may actually (250) 365-0594 65-5979 be part of the reason there is so much garbage being left unsecured, according to Wallace. directed to Jesse Reel, Utilities Manager - City of Castlegar “With so little activity so far, people may not see the need for managing attractants. However, 5979 proactive attractant management is the only long term solution to human-bear conflict in Castlegar. Don’t wait until a bear gets into your garbage to consider more secure storage.” Once a bear finds food in town, it is only a matter of


PPWC Local #26, Selkirk College, will be holding a labour rally in order to create awareness about ongoing and continuous budget cuts to post-secondary education. Please come out and support our cause which affects not only rural colleges but their surrounding communities. Date & Time: September 30th at noon Place: Selkirk College Gymnasium

Great photo, maybe, but the sort we can do without around our homes. Photo by Kirk Friederich

time before it becomes a problem. Food conditioned bears lose their natural fear of human sights and sounds and may become dangerously brazen in their search for food. These bears are often destroyed as a result of this conflict cycle. Wallace encourages residents to do an “attractant sweep” of their properties, taking a quick look to see if there are any potential wildlife attractants that could be more securely stored. “Now is the time to be especially vigilant with things like garbage and birdseed to ensure your property isn’t contributing to human-wildlife conflict,” said Wallace. Reports of bears getting into garbage and other attractants have been picking up in the last couple of weeks and will escalate quickly if these attractants are left accessible. For more information on local wildlife activity, contact Jenny Wallace at 1-250-365-8971 or You can also find updates on local wildlife activity on Facebook: WildSafeBC Castlegar. To report a wildlife conflict, call the Conservation Officer hotline at 1-877-952-7277.

Back to school, back to books Jim Sinclair Castlegar News

The expression “better late than never” seemed to apply on Monday, September 22 at Twin Rivers Elementary, and similar feelings were likely expressed across the province. Principal Doug Hickey was noticed watching over a playground full of laughing, shouting children during lunch time. Hickey appeared to have a certain serenity about him. The aura of contentment may have been dismissed as the imagination of the photographer, had the principal not commented on the atmosphere following intense negotiations

The main City Ofcials recruit using

between teachers and government which had delayed the launch of the school year by two weeks. Another week had been missed prior to the summer break. “The sight and the sound is so uplifting,” said the administrator. “We probably missed a couple of beats but we’re starting school today, I met with all the children… it’s been really positive.” Hickey was well aware that each happy child on the school grounds also represented a relieved parent or guardian. “I’m sure parents are pretty excited too,” he said. “They’ve worked hard in the last weeks, as far as providing child care,

keeping their kids engaged in some sort of academics. It’s just a terrific day for kids here. They don’t really worry about what happened over the last two weeks; they’re just ready to go.” The excitement among the youngsters seemed obvious, but maybe it also had something to do with the long pause since school was let out last June. Whatever the case, it looked the principal and pupils were ready to “strike” the resolved labour dispute from their memories, have some fun and get down to learning. “Everybody’s got a big smile on today,” said the principal, “and that’s really what it’s all about.”

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Castlegar News Thursday, September 25, 2014 A5


Community Appreciation Open House

Hospice hopes high as usual Jim Sinclair Castlegar News

The local hospice society has found much encouragement and practical information by looking at existing hospice facilities, such as the Kamloops facility pictured here.

cordially invites one and all to a “There are numerous steps “Community Appreciation Open House� with each organization we apon Saturday, September 27, 2014 ply to. I wish things were goat the Doukhobor Discovery Centre (across from the Castlegar airport) ing faster but, as with any large from 10am to 5pm. project you have to take it step Come out and see the newly installed monument commemorating by step.� the Doukhobor Migration to BC from Saskatchewan. What is certain is that time Bring family, friends, a picnic lunch and enjoy a leisurely day viewing the various displays in has been spent productively and around the grounds of the museum. by hospice society members Light refreshments and open mic entertainment will be available throughout the day. and their colleagues. An idea for a design is being nurtured Admission is free but donations are gratefully accepted. although Lehbauer says it can’t Although the museum will remain yet be made public. The direcopen to September 30th, this is our season closing event. tor divulged that the society We look forward to seeing you all in 2015. has gone to school on successful existing hospice houses, for inspiration and for practical tips to keep on the back burner until building time arrives. “We do have a strategic plan in place for funding,� Lehbauer concluded. “We have found by of 3:00 – 7:00 researching all of the other SAT. SEPT. $30 / TICKET free-standing hospices in B.C., CASTLEGAR 27TH, 2014 for example Kamloops, Kelowna and Penticton, they were practically up and running before they were able to get their THE LIONS Kootenay Savings Credit Union, Operations andSociety TheCancer Canadian Cancer Society present Kootenay Savings Credit Union, Teck Trail Operations andTeck TheTrail Canadian present Kootenay Credit Union, TeckTrail Operations andTheCancer Canadian Society present operating funding in place. SoSavings Canadian Cancer Society presents: Kootenay Savings Credit The Union, TeckTrail Operations andThe Canadian Cancer Society present CASTLEGAR HEAD that’s something we have to CHAMBER PUB BACK take into consideration.� will host PARKING LOT










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worth it. There’s a lot of excitement in the area, that we’re finally going to have something for the region. Because it is an essential service.� A three-year time frame had been established around the time of the land donation, leaving about two years on the clock. Part of the task of getting things happening has been to assemble a qualified team and Lehbauer has recruited an important member. “We do have a consultant in place,� she said. “The Honourable Roger Simmons, who is working on getting capital funding for us. He was in politics for close to 30 years and was Canadian Consul-General in Seattle, so he certainly has all of the connections we need to get the larger amounts of funding.� Beneficial projects are well worth the necessary procedures that come with them, even if there are a lot of them. “Of course it’s a long process,� Lehbauer continued.

The Kootenay Doukhobor Historical Society


It was just over a year ago the Castlegar Hospice Society received word that the civic government was prepared to provide it with some no-charge real estate. Vacant properties in question are located at 836 and 862 Eight Avenue. The local non-profit group received the news with a lot of gratitude. “Getting the land is huge,â€? said hospice society executive director Suzanne Lehbauer back in the summer of 2013. “We’ve always had the support of mayor Chernoff and council and this just huge. I’m so excited and this is overwhelming to me.â€? Checking in with the director as the summer of 2014 drew to a close, the Castlegar News asked for an update. Orchestrating this sort of project is very complex and, as of September 22, Lehbauer said about a dozen funding applications were being considered by various potential supporters. Needless to say the people involved in getting a stand-alone hospice house for Castlegar are keeping busy. “It’s the‌ ‘hurry up and wait,’â€? Lehbauer laughed. “But the end result will definitely



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was a teenager. After and, frankly, I have 16 years. We add to that, church became a hard time under- those services other even more the centre standing those who special meetings, of my life. It is where I don’t feel as I do. I Bible Institute classes gained the knowledge just can’t understand and many group ac- Saturday June 21 2014 of saving and sancti- Christians who want tivities for families 6pm-6am at Kinnaird Park, Castlegar us! fying truth, where I a brief service once and individuals. CELEBRATE cancer survivors Join REMEMBER loved ones & FIGHT BACK can exercise my spiri- a week just to feel Why so much em- Schedule of Entertainment Events I love the local tual gifts and have they’ve done their phasis on the local church! It has been my service for Christ duty and seem eager church? The answer very significant in my enhanced by all of the to get away from the is simple: because life since childhood. other members of the church as soon as it is that’s how God intends it. The idea of My parents saw to it body. I met my wife over. Christians trying to that our whole family in church. We raised When we started ������������������������ ��������������������������������������� went to church every our children, and Castlegar Baptist live the Christian life Everyone is welcome! Every step we take at Relay helps | 1 888 939-3333 | 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3333 time the doors were have made lifelong Church we began independent of the | 1 888 939-3333 ZELLSTOFF open. Due to that friends and partners, having four services local church is totally CELGAR foundation, I received in the ministry in our each week and have foreign to the New | 1 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3333 the Lord Jesus Christ local church. Yes, I continued in that pat- Testament. as my Saviour while I love the local church, tern for more than Bro/Post

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GOLF (Times and actsRESTAURANT are approximate and subject to change)

6pm-9pm – Headshaves featuring hairdresser Samantha Dembowski 6:00pm – Opening Ceremony - National Anthem featuring Dawn Graham - Survivor’s Victory Lap lead by the Kootenay Robusters 6:30pm – Yo-Yo performance by Kyle Law 7:00pm – Frequent Flyers 8:30pm – Ruckus 10:00pm – Luminary Ceremony - featuring bag piper John McLeod 10:30pm – Tim Bourchier 11:30pm – Singing performance by Dawn Graham 12:00am – Interactive Games including: - Glow-in-the-dark scavenger hunt - Musical Chairs - Charades - Relay races & more!

3:00am – Annual Rooster Crowing Competition 3:30am – Fight Back Ceremony 5:00am – Zumba lead by Charlotte Soles 5:30am – Closing Ceremony & Last Tent Standing award

Silent Auction:

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Kid’s Activities:

Luminary Sales:

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Bouncy Castle Crafts

Soccer & other activities

Health Promotion: Cancer prevention Sun sense

Healthy eating info & more

Food & Beverage

BBQ Burgers & Hot Dogs by Kal Tire Midnight Chili by Kal Tire 2am Breakfast Sandwiches by Kal Tire Fresh Fruit by the Castlegar Sunrise 2000 Rotary Club | #WhyIRelay


The Brick Zellstoff Celgar The City of Castlegar Kootenay Savings Credit Union

continued on page A11


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Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar News


Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

The night train noise

We empathize with local residents who may have been jolted awake by the newly scheduled night trains going though town this week. Any change in a person’s schedule is best coped with if they have advance notice of the change. CP Rail had apparently informed our mayor, but issued no press release of its own. They’re in the business of moving freight, after all, and not likely to be losing any sleep over pubic relations concerns. One glance at the current bare-knuckle brawl the company has going with the City of Vancouver ought to indicate that any sort of concessions from it would be as hard-earned as they are unlikely. Being around as long as it has been, having the history of being so instrumental in the building of the country, and enjoying special stature and privilege other companies can only dream of, makes CP Rail a most daunting opponent in any kind of contest. Kudos to Councillor Heaton-Sherstobitoff for having gone “toe-to-toe” with a CP communications person over the issue this week. It was a plucky move and allowed her to blow off a little steam — she does, after all, live just a stone’s toss from the rails, herself. If CP Rail is cynical and weary after more than a century of dealing with complaints along its more than 22,000 kilometres of track, it’s no surprise. They’ll do what they’re going to do, and it looks like they’ll do so, unshackled by the yoke of compassion for the public. In closing, it should also be suggested that the public needs to be aware of what it means to live close to a railroad. We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Off the Line - Karen Haviland

Beauty, what is it? According to Wikipedia, beauty is defined as: “A characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction.” Therefore if we accept that perception is merely a matter of interpretation then the next step is to acknowledge that beauty, as they say, truly is in the eye of the beholder. I recently watched a video produced by BuzzFeed called “Photoshopping Real Women into Cover Models.” In the video, four women agreed to allow themselves to be professionally made up complete with meticulously applied makeup and perfectly coiffed hair. They were then professionally photographed. These four women are what society, for the most part, would deem as being average. There was nothing that stood out that would elevate them to society’s general definition of beautiful. In fact, if one walked past one of these women it Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate

is likely that five minutes later her face wouldn’t be remembered. After the photo shoot the women were then, with their permission, photoshopped to perfection. Every imperfection, right down to freckles and laugh lines were quickly and magically eradicated thanks to modern software. I think it might be fairly safe to say that most people, at some stage in their life, daydream about that sort of perfection and what it might be like. But reality sets in and we know that life is not about runway looks, more money than one could ever spend in a lifetime or other such frivolities. My mother was a beautiful young woman. She truly had movie star looks; silky, creamy skin and beautiful legs to die for. As life trudged on the years took their toll. That flawless skin gradually gave way to wrinkles and those gorgeous legs grew varicose veins. My mother mourned the passing of her youth and thus

Selina Birk Creative Support

Sandy Leonard Creative Director

her beauty. I well remember one time when visiting her, I stood styling her hair as she gazed into the mirror. Almost with surprise she said, “All I see looking back at me is an old woman with wrinkles.” I was appalled. Was that really all she could see? Had society been so harsh and demanding of beauty that my mother saw nothing else but that in her face? When I looked at her, sure, I saw those wrinkles, but I also saw beauty. Her bone structure was still stunning and her eyes… they are hard to describe. There was a depth to them that was quite remarkable and their colouring was quite unusual. Where she saw a broken down body I saw magnificence. After all, those eyes had looked at me my whole life. Yes, beyond the wrinkles I saw real and true beauty. I occasionally think about that moment and feel sadness for my mother that in the end she placed

Katelyn Hurley Creative

Marvin Beatty Reporter

Jim Sinclair Editor

a good deal of her value on her face and its perfection. It makes me ponder a society which idealizes such things. I do, however, believe we are progressing. Such things as the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty which honours individuality in every woman no matter what size, colour or age she is. That campaign came about in 2004 after a survey indicated that only two per cent of women considered themselves beautiful. How sad is that? Thanks to such campaigns, I do believe those efforts are working. The four women mentioned above finally got to see their perfectly photoshopped image and each one of them was repulsed by the cookie cutter, falsified beauty saying they preferred their natural looks right down to their very imperfections. It is those imperfections, they said, which make them individuals. To them, that individuality is worth more than all the beauty in the world. Chuck Bennett Publisher

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Your Community News Team

Jennifer Cowan Operations Manager

Castlegar News Thursday, September 25, 2014 A7


Statement in Parliament by MP Atamanenko Mr. Speaker, the tragedy continues to unfold in Iraq. The Bush invasion of 2003 has left a toll of hundreds of thousands dead, millions of people displaced and infrastructure destroyed. According to an editorial in the Chicago Tribune, if Bush and the neo-conservatives had not pushed to topple Saddam, the Islamic State would not have

been born. So here we have it. Bush created this mess and the U.S. is now asking other countries for help. No Arab country has offered boots on the ground, and Turkey has refused to let coalition warplanes fly bombing missions from its territory. As Jeffrey Simpson stated in today’s Globe and Mail: “The West, once again, has stepped into these mine-

fields without having properly identified the nature of the struggle, the ends sought by military intervention and the means necessary to bring those ends about.” Our troops should only be put into harm’s way as a very last resort. The terms of the current mission are unclear. Deployment of our military to a war zone requires full debate and a vote in Parliament. Canadians deserve better.

Editor: It really is unfortunate that the City of Castlegar and its representatives seem to feel that to misinform the public is acceptable. The Connors Road Pathway project has turned into something that it was not supposed to be and what it has become. The City of Castlegar and

its representatives would like us to believe that if we wait until it is finished it will look beautiful. It will be a welcome addition to the neighborhood and the community at large. One thing that I learned from working throughout Canada was a very apt expression. “You can dress a pig in as many clothes as you

want. But, a pig is still a pig!” I’m not sure whether we, the citizens of Castlegar, were misinformed or misled by the City of Castlegar or its representatives regarding the Connors Road Pathway. Whichever it was, those actions were not acceptable. John Shirley, Connors Road Castlegar, B.C.

Editor: I’m getting tired of all the negative focus on the Polley Lake tailings pond breach. Can someone please show me an industry, any industry, that has a 100 per cent perfect record with no accidents or problems to speak of? Accidents are part of progress. And without progress, where would we be? We would still be chasing down our dinner with stone-tipped spears instead of topping up parking metres from our cellphones while we dine at a favourite restaurant. Risk and reward are an in-

herent part of progress. They underpin our entire economic system. The mere fact that risk is involved in progress means that there is no 100 per cent: At some point, something will go wrong regardless of the precautions taken. Even the rocket scientists at NASA don’t have a 100 per cent record. They’ve experienced all manner of unforeseen events, right up to and including exploding space shuttles and rocket misfires! We can’t let fear stop us from balancing and managing risks and benefits. And

we can’t stop extracting the metals and minerals from the ground that are essential to our way of life. When I look around at the material goods we take for granted and make use of every day, and the metals that are essential to these goods, I see the positive side of the risks we have carefully balanced with the benefits. So let’s not get mired in the negatives. There is much that is positive to be found if we just stop for a moment and put things into proper perspective. Jason Walters, Burnaby, B.C. continued on page A9

STUDENT FOR A DAY Are you in grade 11 or 12? Thinking about applying to Selkirk College and want to make sure the program is right for you? Spend a day testing out programs that interest you and experience what student life is really like.

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ground coffee 284 g Regular Price $11.99 SALE Price


whole bean coffee 1lb Regular Price $15.99 SALE Price


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Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar

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Stock quotes as of closing



5N Plus ............................. 2.89 BCE Inc. .......................... 47.77 Bank of Montreal ............. 84.06 Bank of Nova Scotia......... 70.98 CIBC ............................ 105.44 Canadian Utilities ............ 39.39 Canfor Corporation ......... 25.06 EnCana Corp. ................. 23.70 Enbridge Inc. ................... 55.15 Finning International.......... 32.30 Fortis Inc. ........................ 34.31 Husky Energy .................. 31.67


Manitoba Telecom ........... 28.97 Mercer International ........... 9.92 National Bank of Canada . 52.03 Onex Corporation ............ 61.35 Royal Bank of Canada...... 81.51 Sherritt International ............ 3.30 TD Bank .......................... 56.89 TELUS Corp...................... 39.30 Teck Resources ................. 21.97 TransCanada Corp ........... 59.60 iPath S&P 500 VIX ............ 29.23

M����� F����

Have you been treated unfairly by a provincial or local government agency?


Portfolio Series Balanced ... 28.46


Signature Dividend ........... 14.74


Portfolio Series Conservative 15.71


Manulife Monthly High ... 15.001

C����������, I������ � C��������� CADUSD Canadian / US Dollar ...... 0.903


Light Sweet Crude Oil ....... 91.42

Gold............................ 1223.70


Silver ............................... 17.80


The B.C. Ombudsperson may be able to help

Let’s talk INVESTING Ombudsperson’s staff will be in your community on the following dates, and are available by appointment to discuss your complaint: • • • • • •

Osoyoos Grand Forks Trail Castlegar Nelson Creston

Monday, Sept 29 Tuesday, Sept 30 Wednesday, Oct 1 Wednesday, Oct 1 Thursday, Oct 2 Friday, Oct 3

For an appointment

call 1-800-567-3247 (toll-free)

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Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar News

Community Calendar

This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an up-to-date version with contact details to newsroom@, drop off at our office at Unit 2 - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or give us a call at 250-365-6397. Thank you.


For more info call 250-3656057.


The Violence Against Women in Relationships Committee presents the 15th Annual Take Back The Night march – 5:30 p.m. from the parking lot at Canadian Tire, 2000 Columbia Avenue. Everyone is invited to march in support of women and children’s safety. The police-escorted march will proceed to the Safeway parking lot for more activities including speakers, music and refreshments.

Mon 10 a.m. Darts 1 p.m. Whist Tue 9:30 Floor Curling/ Carpet Bowling; 1 p.m. Crafts 7 p.m. Pool Wed 9:30 p.m. Floor Curling 9:30 p.m. Coffeetalk (3rd & 24th) 10 p.m. (17th) Raspberry Hi Coffee 1 p.m. Bingo (3rd only) Thur 9:30 p.m. Floor Curling 9 p.m. Zone 6 meeting (18th) 1 p.m. Bingo (not on 4thz) 2 p.m. General Meeting (Sept 4th) 2 p.m. (18th) Tea dance 7 p.m. Rummoli Zone 6 Dinner Fri 10 p.m. Qi Gong 1 p.m. Crib & Bridge Sat 1:30 p.m. -2 p.m. Soup Day OPEN WEEK DAYS: 9-4 Coffee

october 2: take back the night

October 9: The alpha course

A 7-week series that explores the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, open environment. It starts on Thursday, October 9, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Kinnaird Park Community Church. Each session includes food, a short talk and discussion. There’s no pressure, no follow-up and no charge. For more info call (250)365-3430 or email 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955

1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208

Legion meat draw: at the Castlegar-Robson Legion, Branch 170 every Saturday, 4-6 p.m. Everyone welcome. Guests must be signed in

by bag lunch and show & tell. Anyone new to the craft or to the area is welcome at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre.

St. David’s & United Church Thrift Shop: Downstairs at 605

9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Great homestyle breakfast offered until food runs out (usually about noon). Vendors offer a wide variety including collectibles, homebaked goodies, jams, crafted items, household goods and more. Loonie table has great bargains. Tables are $5 each, please call Elke (250) 365-7022 to book or leave a message with phone number on our Facebook page RobsonFleaMarket.

Columbia Ave. We sell clothing,shoes, bedding, linens, books and household items. Open Tues to Thurs. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Fri & Sat. 10 a.m. to 1p.m. Check our many winter coats and jackets now for sale. Closed Oct. 20-21 for stock changeover. We are having a $5.00 Bag sale for summer clothing clearance from Oct. 1-18. We accept clean donations but cannot accept baby items such as high chairs, cribs, car seats, buggies and booster seats for safety reasons. Thanks for your support. Saturdays – TFn: castlegar farmers market Every Satur-

day at the Station Museum. Call Deb at 365-6440 to book a spot. Bring your own tent, tables and chair. Spots are only $5.00. Fresh veggies, baking,

Robson Flea Market: Sundays

Community Harvest food bank & Drop-in centre: Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. -1:30 eligible 1x per month; closed the Monday after cheque issue and statutory holidays. Lunch served from 11 – 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 -1:30 Friday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 – 1:30 Coffee and baked goodies from 10 a.m. in the basement of St. David’s Anglican Church 614 Christina

House in Castlegar, Tues. 10:30noon More info: 250-365-3662,

tops group meets every wednesday 8:30-10 a.m. Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 365-7956.

Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena Sun. at 10 a.m. Mike, 250-304-2330; Tues. at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wed. at 7 p.m., (Fay at 250-687-0484. Thurs. at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m (Len at 365-7805).

al-anon meets every Monday night for people whose lives have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8-9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) Info: Donna 250-365-3168.

free pool - Every Saturday at the Royal Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. Bring friends and have an afternoon of fun.

friday youth program at Blueberry Creek Community School. Fun, safe night for a movie, games/

This Community Calendar brought to you by ‘Your Hometown Realtors’ Our dedicated and highly skilled Agents specialize in offering an array of resources to help you with all your real estate needs.

September 27: Special Olym-

pics is holding a start up pot luck BBQ on Saturday Sept 27 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. for our Special Olympics athletes, volunteers, coaches and board members. The group is also are in need of athletes, coaches, volunteers and board members. For more information contact Julie Dembowski at

September 30: sharing dinner pot will reopen for its weekly

hot meal program. It has been closed for the summer. The dinner is served Tuesdays at 12 noon in the Cadel Hall downtown. No charge.

OCTOBER 1: REtiree Curlers

Registration for the upcoming season will be held, 10 a.m. in the curling rink. New members are always welcome. Curling is a great winter sport so come out and enjoy the fum.

Simon Laurie 250-365-1585

Val Koochin 250-365-1846

Matt McCarthy 250-304-4831

James Kereiff 250-304-7828

toll free: 877.365.2169 | 250.365.2166 |

blueberry bottle drive

The Blueberry Community School Hub has a pressing need for major work to its youth room. Another fundraising drive is underway and, as always, any help is tremendously appreciated. Please consider dropping off any excess refundable bottles and cans to the Blueberry School, at the front... anytime. And, thanks!

Ongoing PEONY LOVERS: Heads up Peony lovers because next year Castlegar will host a BC Peony Show with the blessing of the Canadian Peony Society. The dates are June 27-28, 2015. For info call your local Communities in Bloom – 250-365-7227.

Carmen Harris 250-365-1520

Phil Poznekoff 250-365-4679

Charissa Hackett 250-304-4373

Chad Williams 250-304-5241

Pat Klohn 250-365-1731

Larry Peitzsche 250-608-3017

Tammy Peitzsche Connor McCarthy 250-365-9640 250-304-4781 | 1761 Columbia Avenue Castlegar |

jams, crafts, loofa soaps and much more. See you there! Billets: Castlegar Rebels looking for billets families for their players (16 - 20). Please contact Mel Rinas 250-365-5596. The treasure shop: (210 11th

Avenue) Featuring fall and winter clothing for men, women, children and infants. Watch for specials, and visit the Gift Shop in the Castlegar Health Centre featuring beautiful clothing for the wee ones. Volunteer application forms are available at the shop. Donations are accepted Wednesdays and Saturdays only. Hours of operation: Mondays - Thursdays 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Website www. Selkirk WeaVERS AND SPINNERS GUILD meets the third Wednesday of each month, 10-noon followed

Place, around back and down the stairs. Donation cheques payable to Community Harvest Food Bank can be mailed to: 301 32nd Street V1N 3S6. Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St David’s Church – 250-608-2227. The kinnaird Church of God: Located at 2404 Columbia Ave. is holding services on Sundays (10 a.m. and 6 p.m.) at the Castlegar Christian Fellowship Building – 1821 Connors Road until further notice. At the same location: The “Bridge” – Do you have questions? Join in for music, discussion, refreshments at 6 p.m. on the second Sunday of each month. free hot meal at the sharing dinner pot at Cadet Hall, 8th Ave, Castlegar (2 blocks from library) Tues. at noon. All About Breastfeeding informative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood

Marnie Pettit 250-304-3564

sports/hanging out. Grades K - 5, 6:30 - 8 p.m. and grades 6 up, 8 - 10 p.m. See B.C.C.S. facebook page for more info or phone 250-365-7201.

USCC Cultural Interpretive Society meets Mon. & Wed., 9 a.m. 1 p.m. at the Doukhobor Arts and Crafts Centre, 820 Markova Rd., beside Brilliant Cultural Centre.

FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELLING for problem gambling; Castlegar Community Services Call 250608-2254.

W.K. Yoga For MS Support Group. Mondays, 1:30 - 3 p.m., Castlegar Library, lower level. Free. Sponsored by WK MS Society for its members/care providers. Call Lonnie Facchina 1-866-352-3997. or email or Janice Ferraro, at 250365-5428, email

Please send items to

Castlegar News Thursday, September 25, 2014


Editor: Wow, thank you Castlegar! I am so proud of my community and the support it gave us this weekend in raising money for the Bate family. We put it out there last week that we wanted to raise some money for the family but never did I think we would get the kind of

support that we did. In the two days at the Dirty Digger For A Day event. We raised a whopping $1,934.65. Remember folks, that was raised in eight hours! After Dirty Diggers matched it, we were able to hand over $3,869.30 to the Bates. Thank you to our sponsors:

Brandt Tractor, Interfor, Power Paving, United Rentals, Sandman Hotel, Castle Theatre, Boston Pizza, Shoppers Drug Mart, The Source, Nero Enterprises Inc., Racoon Carpentry and HTR Designs. And to my crew of guys and the city workers who came out to help.

Dear Constituents, This fall the citizens of Kootenay West have the ability to participate in a number of public consultations and services. I wanted to make sure that all of these opportunities were highlighted to have as much participation as possible from our region. Each fall, the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services holds province-wide public consultations on the next provincial budget. The Committee holds public hearings in 17 communities across the province. British Columbians are invited to attend hearings or to register to make a presentation to the committee on how they feel the Province should spend money and on what services. They will be in Castlegar on Monday, September 29 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Kootenay Room of the Sandman Hotel. If you would like to make a presentation to the committee or are a part of a group or agency that would like to present please call 1-877-428-8337 to register. You can also email Make sure to include the name of the presenter and your orga-

nization’s name and contact information. For more information please visit www.leg. On Wednesday, October 1, 2014, the Office of the Ombudsperson will be visiting the area. The Ombudsperson can assist any constituent who believes that a provincial government ministry or public agency has treated them unfairly. The role of the Ombudsperson office is to investigate complaints to determine whether public agencies have acted fairly and reasonably and whether their actions and decisions were consistent with relevant legislation, policies and procedures. You need to call ahead of time to book an appointment to discuss your complaint. The staff will be in both Castlegar and Trail on Wednesday, October 1. Please call 1-800-567-3247 to book and visit www.ombudsman. for more information. On Wednesday, October 8, the B.C. Electoral Boundaries Commission will be in the Kootenay West constituency asking for public input on the area and boundaries of provincial electoral districts. This is an opportunity to participate in this important

process. The B.C. Electoral Commission is an independent and non-partisan group that makes decisions regarding electoral boundaries in the province. The commission will be in Trail on October 8 at the Best Western Plus hotel at 10:30 a.m.. There is no pre-registration required for an in-person submission. You can also make a submission online or through email. All of this information can be found at Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) is hosting drop-in community workshops in communities around the basin from September to January. The CBT want your input on how the trust can support residents and communities in the future. They are renewing their strategic priorities to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Please visit the “Our Trust, Our Future” website — www. — for more information and the dates and locations of these workshops. I hope many of you can take advantage of these opportunities and participate. Sincerely, Katrine Conroy, MLA Kootenay West

YOGA CLASSES September 15 - December 19 Yoga for MS Monday and Friday 1:30 - 3:00

250-352-5331 Sep 24th - Beach House w/ guests Sep 25th - YukYuk’s Comedy Sep 26th - The Wooden Sky w/ High Ends Sept 27th - DJ Bryx Oct 1st - Deconstructing Dinner Film and Oyster Fest Oct 4th - Mat The Alien Oct 14th - Maceo Parker Oct 15th - Maceo Parker Oct 16th - Zion I w/ Aileron & VS. Oct 18th - Harpoonist & The Axe Murderer early show w/ Miss Quincy Oct 18th - Cass Rhapsody - Late show A9

Stay Strong Yoga for Older Adults Tuesday and Thursday 8:45 - 10:15 Yoga All Levels Tuesday and Thursday 10:30 - 12:00 Beginners Tuesday 6:00-7:30, Thursday 5:00-6:30, Intermediate and Advanced Tuesday 7:30-9:00, Thursday 6:30-8:00 Children’s Yoga age 6 -16 Wednesday 3:15-4:15 Restorative Yoga Therapy Friday 10:30-12:00 Private class 1Hour session Monday am, Wednesday 8:00-5:00


Minor Soccer Association is please to announce the formation of a Winter Futsal League. The League will run every Sunday at Selkirk College in Castlegar starting Nov 2 - Nov 30 between 3:00-8:00, and then take December off, and start again January 4 - February 1. Teams, age groups, and games times will not be known until such time that registration closes and we can break down the numbers, this info should be available in early to mid October. Items needed: Non marking indoor running shoes, shin pads required for U/6 and up

Kids born in: $50.00 ............. 2008-2011 ............. $60.00 $75.00 ............. 2004-2007 ............. $85.00 $100.00 ............. 1997-2003 ............. $110.00

Early Bird Registration: Sept. 2-16

Late Registration: Sept. 17-30

Registration will be CLOSED after September 30th. Register now at:

Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386 Public Swim at the Castlegar Community Complex:



Early Bird


10:00-4:00pm & 7:30-9:00pm

Public Swim


2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm

Public Swim



Public Swim



Public Swim



Public Swim

Rink Use:

Sticks & Pucks Skating Tues – Fri Public Skate

Tues/Thurs/Sat Sunday Mon Fri

Lunch Hour Hockey

9:30-11:00am 2:00-3:45pm 4:15-5:45pm 1:15-2:15pm 12:00-1:00

Program Registration: 55+ Adult Recreational Hockey Sept 29 – Dec 8th



Parent & Tot Aqua Fit Oct 7 – Nov 25



Red Cross Babysitting Course Oct 7 – 28



Free Family Activity Night Wednesdays Oct 1 – Nov 19 Castlegar Primary Sponsored by Zellstoff Celgar


Community News

Hockey Action

Seniors Soup Day

Rebels vs Sicamous Friday Sept 26 Game 7:00pm

Complex Sat Sept 27 10:00-1:00pm

Selkirk Saints vs Grant MacEwan University Sat Sept 27 Game 7:00pm Sunday Sept 28 Game 11:00am

Oct 25th - Electro Swing Club’s Dirty Gramophones Oct 31st - Vinyl Richie Hallowe’en Spooktacular w/ Cass Rhapsody Nov 4th - The Smalls - Reunion Tour

815 5th Ave. Castlegar, BC Tel: 250-365-5428

Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations.

If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.



Castlegar firm lands lucrative Creston contract

Provides Service in Robson, Brilliant and Ootischenia for less!

Improvements to the Pine Street-Railway Boulevard intersection with Highway 3 are moving ahead, with the award of the major construction works contract to Maglio Industries Ltd. of Castlegar. The intersection at Pine Street and Railway Boulevard will be realigned to create a cross intersection and traffic signals will be installed. This will improve safety for motorists travelling on Highway 3 through Creston, and improve access to and from the highway for Creston residents. Construction is scheduled to begin in early spring 2015 with completion anticipated by the end of June 2015. The total project value is approximately $5.4 million, with funding coming from the Province of B.C. and the Town of Creston. “The ministry understands the importance of



Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar News

Susan Bell,

Brad Nault,

MCSA, MCTS Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator


When choosing a computer consultant, is the best option the one who offers the lowest price?


A cheap price usually means a cheap job. Really good technicians do NOT work cheap because they are in high demand just like every other professional service category. The only technicians that will work cheap are those that are just starting and they are grossly inexperienced. Hiring cheap can end up costing you more because: 1. They improperly diagnose problems, which means you’re paying them to fix the WRONG thing and they STILL won’t resolve your problems. 2. They could take 3 to 5 times as long to do the same repair an experienced technician could fix quickly. Again, you’re paying for those extra hours. 3. They could do MORE damage, costing you more money and downtime. With your client data, accounting records, e-mail and other critical data at stake, do you REALLY want the lowest-priced shop working on your machine? That leaves me with a final note: When choosing a computer consultant, make sure they offer a moneyback guarantee. In my view, a good consulting firm should be accountable for their services and fixing things RIGHT. If you aren’t pleased with a job that was done, they should (at a minimum) make it right; and if they simply cannot resolve an issue to YOUR satisfaction, you shouldn’t get stuck with the bill.



Notary Public


Introducing our new advice columnist

Miss Sensibility

What services does a BC Notary Public offer?

Almost everyone has used the services of a Notary Public at one time or an other. Usually, though, they aren’t clear on the breadth of services we are able to provide. Our duties have evolved, somewhat, over the years and we continue to be governed by the Notaries Act of British Columbia. Below is a partial list of the services BC Notaries provide: • •

Powers of Attorney Proof of Identity for Travel Purposes • Representation Agreements • Statutory Declarations • Wills Preparation • Affidavits for All Documents required at a Public Registry within BC • Authorization of Minor Child Travel • Certified True Copies of • Documents • Estate Planning • Execution/Authentications of International Documents • Health Care Declarations • Insurance Loss Declarations • Letters of Invitation for Foreign Travel • Manufactured Home Transfers • Mortgage Refinancing • Documentation • Notarizations/Attestations of Signatures Ask you can see there is more to it than just stamping papers!! Sometimes it’s difficult for clients to find the time to get their notarial needs addressed, due to scheduling conflicts with ordinary office hours. That can be overcome as I offer flexible scheduling that can include after hours and/ or weekend appointments. Home & hospital visits are always available. While the main focus of my work lies in that of Estate Planning and Notarization, I also offer services in Real Estate conveyance in association with another Notary office. The goal is to offer a higher level of client service where we come to the client and on their schedule. If we can assist you please give me a call or have your Real Estate Agent contact me for more information. I look forward to working with you!!!


Highway 3 as a major trade and tourism route across southern B.C.,” said Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Todd Stone of the announcement. “This partnership with the Town of Creston to upgrade the Pine and Railway intersection will improve safety for all Highway 3 users travelling in, through and around the community.” Minister of Energy and Mines, and MLA for Kootenay East, Bill Bennett also weighed in on the occasion. “Highway 3 is a vital link for communities throughout the Kootenays,” said Bennett. “This improvement project is not just welcome news to residents in Creston, travellers on the highway will benefit from improved safety and better access to the Crowsnest.”

Email: Website:


Dear Miss Sensibility, I really enjoyed the column you wrote that included a couple of your favourite recipes. I am always looking for new things to try and with Thanksgiving approaching, I was wondering if you have any favourite holiday recipes that you’d be willing to share? -Having 12 for dinner

Dear Having Twelve for dinner, Preparing holiday meals is something I truly enjoy. Thanksgiving is one of my favourites as it is such a great time to spend with family and reflect on all of the blessings in our lives. The star of the meal is of course, the turkey. I would love to share my recipe, but it is top secret, and I would not want anyone in town to be able to make a turkey as good as mine. However, I will share my method for ensuring my turkey is moist and flavourful. Carefully loosen the skin all over the turkey. After softening a stick of butter, mix in some seasoned salt and pepper. Spread 2/3 of the butter between the skin and the meat. Place fresh herbs like parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme between the skin and meat also. Rub remaining butter over the outside of the skin. This is best done the night before, but also works at the last minute. I will give you a recipe for a salad my family loves. I am not sure if this should really be called a salad, because it tastes somewhat like dessert, but we call it a salad so we can justify eating it with a meal and then still having dessert later. This has become a staple at every holiday meal since the first time I made it. Raspberry Jello Salad 1large box raspberry jello 2 c. hot water 1 c. cold water 16 oz. frozen raspberries

8 oz. Cool Whip 8 oz. cream cheese 1/3 c. sugar

Combine jello and hot water. Stir until dissolved. Stir in cold water. Add raspberries. Cool until mixture is partially set up. Blend cream cheese and sugar, fold in Cool Whip. Gently combine the two mixtures. Refrigerate 3 hours or until set. I hope you enjoy your holiday meal Sensibly yours,

Miss Sensibility D o you have a question for M iss Sensibility ?

Email your inquiries to and Miss Sensibility will answer it in the paper! Names will not be published, but must be included with inquiries. Please include your desired anonymous signature ex: Fed up! (Castlegar News reserves the right to refuse publication. ”The advice offered in this column is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. Use of this column is not intended to replace or substitute any financial, medical, legal, or other professional advice. This column does not reflect the opinion The Castlegar News.)

Castlegar News Thursday, September 25, 2014 A11


Literacy impacts lives Thousands of British Columbians do not possess the literacy skills needed to succeed, impacting everything from healthcare to employment. In British Columbia, 40 per cent of adults have difficulty reading a newspaper, filling out a work application form, reading a bus schedule, or understanding a lease. Close to 50 per cent of adults do not have the skills necessary to calculate a tip, create a budget or understand credit card interest rates. Even more concerning is the fact that almost four in 10 youths aged 15 have insufficient reading skills and 16 per cent of B.C. youths are not graduating from high school. These statistics have serious implications on society, as literacy rates impact every aspect of our lives: healthcare, education, crime rates, employment and economic status. This month, Black Press and the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) are joining forces to raise funds and awareness about the importance of literacy with the 4th Annual Reach a Reader campaign. The

campaign will culminate with community leaders and volunteers hitting the streets across the Columbia Basin and Boundary to distribute special editions of local papers and collect donations in support of community-based literacy programs. The Reach a Reader campaign coincides with Decoda Literacy Solutions’ inaugural Literacy is Life Campaign — a province-wide fundraising and awareness campaign designed to create a new, modern understanding of literacy and raise funds to ensure that communitybased literacy programs across British Columbia can support the people who depend on them. CBAL’s executive director, Ali Wassing, says “We have been gratified to see the high level of support and enthusiasm for CBAL’s annual partnership with Black Press on the Reach a Reader campaign. This fall, in tandem with the launch of Decoda’s Literacy is Life provincial campaign and the hugely successful Raise-aReader campaign in the Lower Mainland we look forward to a banner year for literacy.” For more information visit

Bible truths continued from page A5

Every New Testament epistle was addressed to the members of a local church or to key leaders in a church. Throughout the New Testament the assumption is always the same: that the people of God are faithfully gathering together in a local assembly where the Word of God is being taught. That unified gathering — not just the invisible worldwide church, but the local, visible congregation — is at the heart of Christianity. Sadly, many churches today have felt a need to compromise truth and standards in order to appear more in sync with the culture. In their

attempt to look relevant they have become irrelevant. A church should feel timeless, not trendy. In a world where lives are being tossed about by a current of constant change, people have the need to connect with something enduring and firm. I believe the church is designed to meet that need by representing an eternal kingdom and ageless truth with no need to imitate the culture. I don’t think a church should be old-fashioned, as in 50 years ago but timeless, as in 2,000 years ago. Come and find that reassuring foundation of timeless truth and the fellowship of others whose lives have been touched by the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.


• TOMATOES (Grand Forks) - 40lb /$25 box



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T is he




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Ambrosia apples 5 lb bag $6 Prune plums - 20lb box/$15 Organic Sweet onions - 20lb box/$24

Everyone is a teacher, and we are all learners.

For all online orders go to: and add the app to your home page. 250.365.3373 Located in the Kootenay Crossing Mall

crab cakes - 3 pack/$13

Where to donate:to Where List locations donate: List locations Where to


Castlegar 10 am - 2 pm Kootenay Market, Safeway, and Castlegar & District Public Library.

Online: Online: Phone: (insert #) Phone: Email:#) 250-304-6862 (insert (insert email) Email: (insert email)


REACH A READER REACH A READER The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) and

The Columbia Basin Alliance for (local paper name) partnering to raise(CBAL) funds for The Columbia Basinare Alliance for Literacy Literacy (CBAL) and th and Castlegar News are partnering to raise funds for literacy programs in the 4 Annual Reach a Reader (local paper name) are partnering to raise funds for th event. programs literacy Reach aa Reader Reader Annual Reach literacy programsininthe the4th 4 Annual event. event. Buy a paper from one of our volunteers on October Buy aapaper from volunteers on October October 9 (date) to make a one difference our community. Buy paper from oneof ofour ourin volunteers on to(date) makebe a difference in ouronline community. Can’t there?aDonate at to make difference in our community. Can’t Can’tbe bethere? there?Donate Donateonline online at at All funds raised will go to support (community name) literacy All funds raised will go go totosupport support(community the Castlegar All fundsprograms. raised will name) literacyprograms. programs. literacy Visit to learn more. Visit to learn more.


Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar News


A change in the. . . complex Jim Sinclair Castlegar News

A major upgrading of amenities has been arranged at the Castlegar Recreation Centre; at the pool to be exact. Thanks to a sevenmember partnership, an electric, adjustable change table has been purchased which will be a great help for physically challenged pool patrons and their caregivers. The Castlegar Selkirk Lions Club was instrumental in getting the $4,000 item into the complex for the benefit of local users. The table has actually been in operation at the pool since June, but with certain other events grabbing a high profile, the official unveiling was postponed until September 16. On rollers, the unit is easily movable and its adaptable height can

greatly ease the production of getting ready for the pool, or leaving the pool. Stepping up to the donating plate along with the Lions were: • The Carpenters’ Union Local 2300; • School District No. 20 Kootenay Columbia; • The Regional District of Central Kootenay; • The West Kootenay Toy Run; • The Pulp and Paperworkers of Canada, and, • CUPE Local 2262. “Today is bringing awareness to the excellent community partnership,” said RDCK aquatic/fitness programmer Chris Briggeman as folks arrived for a photo op. “We are just going to display the table and show how it’s used. There are about 18 school-aged chil-

The official introduction of the durable new apparatus at the pool’s family room on September 16 were, from left, Castlegar Selkirk Lions Secretary Joanne Baker; Mark Miller of the Carpenters’ Union Local 2300; Chris Briggeman, Castlegar District Recreation Commission Aquatic/Fitness Programmer; Katherine Shearer, SD 20 District Principal of Learning; and CDRC Recreation Manager Jim Crockett. Photo by Jim Sinclair

dren who have been using it right off the bat. This project is long overdue because many of them (children) are


Energy efficiency. Good for smaller footprints. Install a programmable or smart thermostat and

September 25th – Registration Blitz – 7:00 pm for ALL leagues – Men’s, Women’s, Mixed & Retirees. October 2nd – Annual General Meeting – 7:00 pm October 18th – Open House & Fun Night – 7:00 pm. Bring your friends and neighbours for free curling! Pizza, wings and maybe even some dancing for everyone’s pleasure. Existing members are asked to notify their Club President if they are attending. October 25th & 26th – Curl Canada. For more info, call Alison at (250) 304-8090 November 10th – Junior Registration – 3:00pm – 5:00pm

in wheelchairs. Some of our users cannot lie down flat, so the adjustable headrest really helps them.”

Certain messages need to be repeated several times

Join our Fun League on Tuesday nights!

Please come out and support your Curling Club! “Sit”

save up to 15%* on your natural gas heating bill.


“Good dog!”

Give energy waste the boot! Enter our weekly draw to win a

$250 RONA gift card to winterize your home.

*When programmed/set to 20 °C when home and 17 °C for 14 hours per day when out and asleep. Maximum savings achieved on colder days. FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (14-239.8.3 08/2014)

Boot season is upon us, come in and inquire about our shoe repair 411 Hall St Nelson (250) 352-6261

The more often a consumer sees your advertising message, the better your chances are that they will remember you when they’re ready to buy!

Castlegar News Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar Better At Home Program A13


Castlegar Better At Home Program

! Provides non-medical supports to seniors,

Now accepting new clients

in their homes. (Housekeeping, transportation, etc.)

Provides non-medical supports to seniors, in their homes. (Housekeeping, transportation, etc.)

! Services by screened contractors and volunteers.

! Sliding scale fee schedule: fees based on income.

Castlegar Better At Home Program ! Provides non-medical supports to seniors,

Services by screened contractors and

in their homes. (Housekeeping, transportation, volunteers. etc.) For more info please contact Sandi McCreight, Program Coordinator Phone: Phone: 250.365.2104 Ext. 27 Email: 250.365.2104

Sliding scale fee schedule: fees based 1007 2nd St., Castlegar, BC on income. 1007 2 St., Castlegar, BC 1Y4 ! V1N Sliding scale fee schedule: fees based on income. V1N 1Y4 Phone: 250.365.2104 For more info please contact For more info please contact Sandi McCreight, Program Coordinator Sandi McCreight, Program Coordinator Phone: 250.365.2104 Ext. 27 Email: Phone: 250.365.2104 Ext. 27 1007 2 St., Castlegar, BC V1N 1Y4 Email: ! Services by screened contractors and volunteers.



Phone: 250.365.2104

Preventing gang activity in BC A rockin’ good time Expertly secured by Bob Sawyer of Rossland, Avery Leeworthy of Robson takes a zipline ride during September 20 festival staged by the Association of West Kootenay Rock Climbers.

Cooperation and commitment by C of C Jim Sinclair Castlegar News

Representatives of chambers of commerce from across the southeast converged on Cranbrook early this month for a regional meeting. In the opinion of the Castlegar chamber’s executive director Tammy Verigin-Burk, the experience was inspiring and productive. Also making the trip east was local chamber president Stuart Ady. Personnel from Rossland, Trail, Castlegar, Nelson, Cranbrook, Fernie, Sparwood, Elkford, Radium and Golden populated the get-together. The early September event was a follow-up to a session held about six months ago. “We were looking to see if there was value in all the East and West Kootenay chambers meeting on a semi-annual or annual basis,” said Verigin-Burk, “so we could really work together on issues we’re all facing.” Also to be determined during this kind of forum, as organizers decided, would be whether there are issues of a provincial nature that the southeast

chambers could put their collective weight behind. “… that we could actually send in our recommendations,” as Verigin-Burk put it during a September 23 interview. One of the critical issues facing our neighbours to the east, and quite possibly our own communities before too long, pertains to foreign workers. The Castlegar contingent heard, for example, of tourism-related businesses being hurt by the challenge of finding enough employees. “They need a lot of help,” said Verigin Burk, “and sometimes it’s seasonal.” Airport access was another key topic addressed by the group of about 20 attendees, specifically, making every effort to ensure this area is as accessible as possible. “What can we do to support initiatives that are already on the go?” Perhaps the biggest issue tackled by the brainstorming group related to the so-called “trades-drain” from across the region, how to counteract the exodus of important, qualified workers to the allure of lucrative northern employ-

ment. “It’s a real tough one,” Verigin-Burk agreed. Another part that goes along with that is young folks, entering the workforce, are joining the northern shift. “It’s not just the journeymen tradespeople,” she pointed out. “It’s people right from the get-go.” Steps such as government recruitment measures, like the effort made to attract nurses some years back, are being promoted by the collective regional chambers of commerce, described Verigin-Burk. All things considered, the journey and the involvement were well worth it according to to the Castlegar chamber’s executive director. “I know we all found incredible value in the meetings,” she said of the sessions. “The sharing of information,” said Verigin when asked for a closing comment on what inspired her in Cranbrook. “Any idea that comes up, someone has probably had it before. So rather than re-inventing the wheel, we can share resources and great ideas.”

▾ MYTH: Gangs are only a “lower-class”, ethnic, or male problem: Reality: Gang members in B.C. come from every socio-economic background and all ethnicities. While racial, ethnic, and gender composition can vary by locality or type of gang, gangs are often as diverse as our communities and many do not restrict who joins as long as they can make money for the gang.

BC’s ng a Anti-lG Po ice Report: mmunity 2014 Co n

io Prevent agement lic Eng and Pub

Read more by downloading your copy of the CFSEU-BC Community Report at and on your Black Press website at:




Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar News

Castlegar News Thursday, September 25, 2014


Hockey Equipment We Know Our Stuff

Castlegar, BC • 250-365-5588 660 18th St, Castlegar, BC

Nelson • 250-352-3200 532 Baker St, Nelson, BC





Ryan Teslak- Defence

Dylan Bowerman - Defence

Travis Wilkie - Defence

Brett Leidl - Defence

Age: 17 Hometown: Castlegar BC Pre-game ritual: My pre-game meal

Age: 16 Hometown: Cranbrook. BC Biggest Influence in life: My Dad

Age: 20 Hometown: Cochrane, AB Biggest Influence in life: My parents

Age: 19 Hometown: 100 Mile House, BC Pre-game ritual: 1-on-1 sewer ball with Bryan Lubin

Age: 20 Hometown: Fort St. james, BC Little known fact: Graduated a year early







Diego Bartlett - Right WIng

Ed Lindsey - Forward

Age: 20 Hometown: Castlegar BC Pre-game ritual: Always eat the same meal on home games

Age: 16 Hometown: Castlegar BC Pre-game ritual: pre-game nap


Carson Wornig - Defence

Ren Mason - Defence

Lindan Calliou - Right Wing

Bryan Lubin- Center

Yannis Soukas- Left WIng

Age: 19 Hometown: White Rock, BC Pre-game ritual: Drink a redbull before each game

Age: 16 Hometown: Castlegar BC Biggest Influences in life: My Mom

Age: 19 Hometown: Beaverlodge, AB Biggest Influences in life: Myself

Age: 20 Hometown: commerce Twp, MI Biggest Influences in life: My family and friends

Age: 18 Hometown: Banff, AB Pre-game ritual: Have to have skittles before the game

Jesse Dorrans



Coach and GM


Keegan Little


Patrick Zubick - Goaltender

2014 - 2015 Team...








Jeremy McNeil - Center

Austin Wells - Center

Age: 18 Hometown: Sturgeon County, AB Pre-game ritual: Visualization

Age: 19 Hometown: Calgary, AB Pre-game ritual: Chewing watermelon Hubba Bubba during warm-up

Age: 19 Hometown: Calgary, AB Biggest life influence: Batman, friends, and family

Aaron Petten - Left Wing

Darren Mederios - Right Wing

Mike Bhatoa - Left Wing

Dawson Haines - Left Wing

Age: 20 Hometown: Fort McMurray, AB Pre-game ritual: Sewer ball

Age: 19 Hometown: Castlegar BC Pre-game ritual: I love to crank the tunes

Age: 19 Hometown: Prince George, BC Pre-game ritual: Wear my Buffalo Sabres hat every game

Age: 16 Hometown: Duncan, BC Pre-game ritual: Fresh tape job before each game

x o B t Gif

Assistant Coach

GO REBELS! 1465 Columbia Ave., Castlegar, BC


Bennet Vida - Defence


Proud sponsor of the,




Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar News

Castlegar News Thursday, September 25, 2014


Hockey Equipment We Know Our Stuff

Castlegar, BC • 250-365-5588 660 18th St, Castlegar, BC

Nelson • 250-352-3200 532 Baker St, Nelson, BC





Ryan Teslak- Defence

Dylan Bowerman - Defence

Travis Wilkie - Defence

Brett Leidl - Defence

Age: 17 Hometown: Castlegar BC Pre-game ritual: My pre-game meal

Age: 16 Hometown: Cranbrook. BC Biggest Influence in life: My Dad

Age: 20 Hometown: Cochrane, AB Biggest Influence in life: My parents

Age: 19 Hometown: 100 Mile House, BC Pre-game ritual: 1-on-1 sewer ball with Bryan Lubin

Age: 20 Hometown: Fort St. james, BC Little known fact: Graduated a year early







Diego Bartlett - Right WIng

Ed Lindsey - Forward

Age: 20 Hometown: Castlegar BC Pre-game ritual: Always eat the same meal on home games

Age: 16 Hometown: Castlegar BC Pre-game ritual: pre-game nap


Carson Wornig - Defence

Ren Mason - Defence

Lindan Calliou - Right Wing

Bryan Lubin- Center

Yannis Soukas- Left WIng

Age: 19 Hometown: White Rock, BC Pre-game ritual: Drink a redbull before each game

Age: 16 Hometown: Castlegar BC Biggest Influences in life: My Mom

Age: 19 Hometown: Beaverlodge, AB Biggest Influences in life: Myself

Age: 20 Hometown: commerce Twp, MI Biggest Influences in life: My family and friends

Age: 18 Hometown: Banff, AB Pre-game ritual: Have to have skittles before the game

Jesse Dorrans



Coach and GM


Keegan Little


Patrick Zubick - Goaltender

2014 - 2015 Team...








Jeremy McNeil - Center

Austin Wells - Center

Age: 18 Hometown: Sturgeon County, AB Pre-game ritual: Visualization

Age: 19 Hometown: Calgary, AB Pre-game ritual: Chewing watermelon Hubba Bubba during warm-up

Age: 19 Hometown: Calgary, AB Biggest life influence: Batman, friends, and family

Aaron Petten - Left Wing

Darren Mederios - Right Wing

Mike Bhatoa - Left Wing

Dawson Haines - Left Wing

Age: 20 Hometown: Fort McMurray, AB Pre-game ritual: Sewer ball

Age: 19 Hometown: Castlegar BC Pre-game ritual: I love to crank the tunes

Age: 19 Hometown: Prince George, BC Pre-game ritual: Wear my Buffalo Sabres hat every game

Age: 16 Hometown: Duncan, BC Pre-game ritual: Fresh tape job before each game

x o B t Gif

Assistant Coach

GO REBELS! 1465 Columbia Ave., Castlegar, BC


Bennet Vida - Defence


Proud sponsor of the,




Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar News

Community Lending a helping hoof, or four

Therapy horses Khadeez and Domino with program coordinator Jessica Smith. Photo by Betsy Kline BETSY KLINE Castlegar News

After hosting successful equine empowerment camps this summer, the Arrow Lakes Therapeutic Riding Association (ALTRA) is trying to do some fundraising in order to provide further camps and lessons. ALTRA is hosting an online auction at The therapeutic riding program hopes to keep the cost of riding lessons as low as possible. The money raised will go to pay for the purchase and upkeep of their therapy horses Domino and Khadeez. Items for the auction have been provided by local artisans and businesses including Oso Negro, Castlegar Golf Course, Lion’s Head Pub, Crumbs Bakery, Endless Adven-

Committing to our planet’s future means properly recycling our electronics of the past. That’s why the EPRA, an industry-led not-for-profit organization, works to keep 100,000 metric tonnes of end-of-life electronics out of landfills each year through convenient and regulated e-recycling programs. Technology advances fast, but we only get one earth.

Learn more and find out what you can recycle and where, at: For collection site locations, visit:

This program is funded through Environmental Handling Fees that are applicable to new electronic products sold in the province.


EPE-P52287.02 File: !EPE021_Various Rev: Sep. 3, 2014 – 10:51 AM

EPE021 Various


tures and Harmonic Arts Botanical Dispensary. The fall session of lessons is currently underway and full. ALTRA will offer another session of lessons in the spring. They are always looking for volunteers and donations to subsidize the costs. Program coordinator Jessica Smith explained, “The lessons and camps are all therapeutic; we meet the individual riders where they are at. Whether it is physical, emotion or mental differences that they have.” Domino and Khadeez were at the Pass Creek Fall Fair last weekend to greet the community and raise awareness about the therapeutic riding program. The auction lasts until October First and payments or donations can be made through PayPal or credit card.


we want to hear from you The BC Electoral Boundaries Commission is reviewing provincial electoral districts and making proposals to the Legislative Assembly on the area, boundaries and names of electoral districts to be used for the next two provincial general elections.

Now is the time to have your say and shape your province.

The commission wants to hear your views on provincial electoral districts to help inform a preliminary report to the Legislative Assembly.



the commission at a local public hearing between September 22 and November 7, 2014 EMAIL:

current electoral district maps


about the commission



and provide your input by Sunday, November 16, 2014.


Visit for information about the commission’s work and commissioners, BC Electoral Boundary Commission history, a schedule and location of public hearings, an accessible online submission form, links to legislation and more.


Castlegar News Thursday, September 25, 2014 A17

Myra Duff


Yoga Instructor




At - Kootenay Society for Community Living 2224 6th Ave. Tuesday & Thursday classes start September 16th 6pm-7pm (Come early to pre-register)

Pre-register - Call 250-365-6369 or email

S ilver B irch Massage Therapy & Spa Book now for our

How is this accomplished? – through meditation, breathing, relaxation and movement through the body. Over time we can restore and learn how to relax our body and our mind. In my Hatha yoga class you do what you are able to do and hold as long as you can. It’s your body and you are the only one who knows your limits. The same goes for the alignments of the body in a pose, do what feels comfortable. I do not make adjustments to your body instead I give verbal cues. No matter what body type you have or physical or emotional issues you may be experiencing in your life yoga will help provide you with the path forward for both body and mind. Some of my cli-

Let’sclasses face it ents have arthritis which is very painful needs or circumstances. Tuesday & Thursday start September 16th to move freely throughout the joints. Movement through we all want to be able6pm-7pm early to pre-register) find something to the body by moving the joints whether it without pain and(Come help with our daily stress and mobility. be in the fingers or toes is crucial. YogaPre-register - Call 250-365-6369 Myemail favorite yoga poses are restorative movements done slowly with rhythmic or breathing helps to release physical and poses which are restful and passive emotional tension by providing the body poses with the body lying still and and brain with oxygen. The regular daily supported with props. Restorative use of deep relaxation is restorative to poses give us the opportunity to be quiet and still the mind. So this will every cell of the body. Yoga helps to provide strength and be physically, mentally and emotionflexibility to maintain our indepen- ally relaxing. The longer you stay in a dence as we move gracefully into our restorative pose the more your body senior years. Yoga comes in all styles and mind are able to access deeper and movements either done on the levels of relaxation and experience floor, chair or with props. Props can what can be described as divine rest. be a bolster, blocks, or straps. Yoga If you have any questions you can ecan be tailored to meet your personal mail me at

Chrysalis Registered Massage Therapy Unsurpassed Ser vice, Lifelong Suppor t

Fall Special Aromatherapy Spa Massage with Esthetic Facial



minute $85 (90 treatment)

Silver Birch Clinic welcomes Pamela Rempel,

Certified Esthetician from Marvel College. Pamela is available for all spa treatments. REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPY • REGISTERED ACUPUNCTURE PCA SKIN SPA FACIALS • ACUPRESSURE MASSAGE Book online at 621 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250 365 6538

Pain Free & Vibrant Health!

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Megan Lazaruk, RMT

Do You Snore? Are You Tired?

Preventative & Rehabilitative Health Care

We can help!

Mon -Thurs 10am - 6pm Online booking


1464 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC (across from Tim Hortons) 250.231.0129

Office Locations Throughout the West Kootenay/Boundary area

Ready for a Smile Makeover? If you’ve ever wanted a more attractive, confident smile, this is your chance!

Book a dental cleaning to receive $50 off

a take home teeth whitening kit


Independent Dental Hygiene Clinic 2709A Columbia Ave. Castlegar • 250-365-8024

Family Wellness - Massage Therapy - Laser Therapy - Orthotics

Dr. David Bzdel DC

Chris Mansbridge, Reg. Acupuncturist


Anna McCullagh, Reg. Massage Therapist

1020 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC | 250.365.3365 |



Notary Public Inc.






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Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar News

Celebrate National Forest Week September 21-27, 2014

It’s National Forest Week, a time for all Canadians to celebrate our forests. Plant a tree, tour a local mill or take a walk in the woods – these are just a few ways you can take part in National Forest Week. For a list of events happening around the province, check out our website: or find us on Facebook: BC’s National Forest Week

Notice of Tax Sale Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the Community Charter and the Local Government Act, the City of Castlegar will be conducting the Annual Tax Sale of lands for delinquent taxes at 445 13 th Avenue, Suite 101, Castlegar, British Columbia commencing at 10:00am on Monday September 29, 2014. The following is a list of properties within the City of Castlegar subject to tax sale as at September 19, 2014. Folio

Property Address

00287.000 00332.000 00489.000 00614.000 00630.000 00672.000 01001.020 01023.000 01051.000 01312.000 01506.000 01696.010 01890.400 70589.141 70589.171

619 11th Avenue 761 10th Avenue 613 7th Avenue 1216 1st Street 1114 4trh Street 1404 Arrow Lakes Dr. 3805 Columbia Avenue 2804 5th Avenue 2916 4th Avenue 3433 9th Avenue 2314 11th Avenue 2609 10th Avenue 3500 16th Avenue 14-1370 Columbia Avenue 17-1370 Columbia Avenue

Legal Description

Lot 4, Plan NEP2390, DL 181, PID 015-238-768 Lot A, Plan NEP5570, DL 181, PID 014-486-067 Lot 9, Plan NEP2539, DL 181 and 11975, PID 010-612-025 Parcel A, Plan NEP1520, DL 4598, PID 015-778-126 Lot 3, Plan NEP2029, DL 4598, PID 010-939-571 Lot 10, Plan 2323, DL 7182, PID 015-303-322 Lot 1, Plan NEP4520, DL 4598, PID 014-793-512 Lot 8, Plan NEP2293, DL 4598, PID 015-326-471 Lot A, Plan NEP11366, DL 4598, PID 011-360-755 Lot 2, Block 6, Plan NEP2594, DL 7170, PID 011-010-509 Lot 3, Plan NEP2598, DL 7174, PID 007-487-363 Lot 1, Plan 15101, DL 7175, PID 009-692-746 Lot 4, Plan NEP22831, DL 12359, PID 023-335-084 Manufactured Home reg. #B15007 Manufactured Home reg. #B11396

Further information pertaining to the Annual Tax Sale can be found at the following web site: The city does not provide information specific to properties or other tax sale information. For information concerning paying your delinquent property taxes please contact: Chief Financial Officer Email:

(250) 365-7227 Fax (250) 365-4810

Castlegar Skating Club, STARSkaters

Brand new blade schedule begins The skating season is underway and the Castlegar Skating Club is proud to provide two nationally recognized skating programs: CanSkate and STARSkate. The dynamic skating programs are led by certified, professional coaches Rachel Stewart and Andrea Poznikoff. Their combined experience and enthusiasm provide a solid foundation for all skating club members. CanSkate is the entry level learn-to-skate program in which children learn basic skating skills. The newly revised program provides group lessons in a fun, safe and positive environment. Sessions are kept lively and energetic through the use of teaching aides, music and a wide variety of activities. Children progress at their own rate through the CanSkate levels, earning badges and receiving progress reports. CanSkate prepares skaters for virtually all ice sports such as figure skating

and hockey. CanSkate runs every Wednesday starting October 15 until March 4, from 4:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.. STARSkate is an advanced program providing skaters who have completed CanSkate levels with the opportunity to further develop fundamental figure skating techniques in different disciplines. Lessons are given in group and private formats. As skaters progress they have the opportunity to take Skate Canada tests and participate in competitions, earning badges and awards in recognition for their hard work and self-discipline. For fun and recreation or for more advanced figure skating training, the Castlegar Skating Club provides programs to meet the young skater’s needs. For more information or to print out a registration form, please visit:


The Rebels now do children’s birthday parties! Call Jean @ (250) 304-2949 for info



DATE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 26 2014 @ 7:00PM LOCATION: CASTLEGAR COMPLEX Game Night sponsor is Mallard’s Player of the Game is Brian Lubin The player of the game will be in the lobby after for pictures and to sign autographes!



Castlegar News Thursday, September 25, 2014 A19



Photo by Derek Kaye

Rebels win one on the road



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Moving Sale

7th Ave stuff Garden


18th St

Marshall Rd

10th Ave A copy of the proposed bylaw may be inspected at City Hall, 460 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. i on regular business days (Monday to Friday except for statutory holidays) between the hours of 8:30 r outh a.m.s and 4:30 p.m. from September 25, 2014 to October A6,ve2014 inclusive. 9th Submissions 9th Ave received after the close of the Public Hearing will not be considered by Council. Columbia Ave Dated Castlegar, B.C. this 25 day of September, 2014. 8thatAve


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2075 PassCreek Rd Household to

Pass Creek Fairgrounds

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for cheapWoo

Knight Rd

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PASS Sat - Sun 3 Items for sale: Sept 27th-28th CREEK

Items for sale:

Lots of music



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Sept 27th-28th 9am - ?

This Public Hearing is being held in order to afford all persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by these amendments to Zoning Bylaw 800 an opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in these amendments.

6th Ave


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14th Ave

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All enquiries should be directed to the Development Services Department at City Hall Phone: 250-365-7227 Email:

Sat - Sun


Call or come into the Castlegar News office 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar


Relkoff Rd

k Dr.

28th St

14th Ave

LAST garage sale map until Spring

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Advertise your Garage Sale for

sp Ra




c) To require all parking facilities adjacent to a road to be screened with a buffer strip or barrier screen.

5th Ave





4th A


Link Rd

Wild Rose Rd



a) To permit steps, eaves, canopies, sunlight control projections, Rot H porches and wy balconies to encroach 1.2 metres into the rear lotdline rooar - area; owbsetback

Shannon Marshall Planning Technician II


2108 PassCreek Rd


L T S A C Cr ow s

City of Castlegar







Hil ld




t b) To increase the minimum width of buffer strips from as 1.8 metres to 2.0 metres; C and

14th Ave

k Cree Pass

Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held in the Community Forum, 445 – 13th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. on Monday, October 6th, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. to consider the following:


Pa s

de R d


ate adw



9am - 4pm





Publication: Castlegar News (BCNG) Size: 5.8125" x 77 lines InsertionItems date: for September sale: 18, & 25, 2014

Park si

Marshall Rd

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PASS CREEK Sept 26th-27th-28th Fri-Sat-Sun

Relkoff Rd

The Castlegar Rebels lost a nailbiter on Friday, September 19 to the Spokane Braves. The score was 4-3 in their first home game in regular season play. “We came out sleeping and Spokane capitalized on it,” as captain Aaron Petten described it. The Braves scored less than a minute into the game and then another two goals to create a three goal lead. Petten scored with seven seconds left in the first period before the Rebels took the intermission to reorganize and come out for the second and third periods as a much tighter, disciplined hockey team. Out-shooting the Braves by 25 per cent in the second and third, they were able to bridge the scoring gap to one. Whether by luck or talent, however, the Braves goalie Patrick Rd Kasper was able to keep the puck Knob out of his net to help Spokane on its way to the win.

Up-to-date information regarding the Hugh L. Keenleyside Dam is available 24 hours a day by calling BC Hydro’s toll-free number at 1 877 924 2444. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sabrina Locicero at 250 365 4565.


Castlegar News


Derek Kaye

The Navigational Lock is open on weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and on weekends from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Saturday in Creston the Rebels earned a 3-2 overtime win. Goal scorers included Konnor Madsen, Bryan Lubin and Petten with the winner. The Rebels could not keep up with the Kimberley Dynamiters as they continued on their three game win streak. The Dynamiters’ Sawyer Hunt scored once and had two assists, becoming the top player in points for the game. Kimberley won 7-4 on Sunday afternoon, September 21, the last day of summer at the Castlegar Complex. The Dynamiters got on the scoreboard three and half minutes into the game when Rebels goalie Patrick Zubick was caught out of his net fielding a pass to a teammate. With momentum in their favour the Dynamiters blasted in three Knight Rd more goals in quick succession and were up 4-0 midway through the first period. Pass Creek Aaron Petten scored Fairgrounds the first Rd Castlegar goal soon after to break rs Wate the Dynamiters onslaught. They adwa ter Rd would outshoot theBroRebels 40-25.

Wild Rose

Rebels drop two at home, win one on the road.

Please be advised that the Navigational Lock at Hugh L. Keenleyside Dam will be closed from 4:00 p.m. Thursday, September 18 to 6:00 a.m. Tuesday, October 7. The closure is a safety precaution and will allow crews to complete maintenance work on the Navigation Lock system and prevent unplanned outages.


Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar News

British Columbia

Don’t miss the Special Olympics BC – Castlegar barbecue Come out and join the fun this Saturday as SOBC – Castlegar kicks off the season with a potluck barbecue! Get to know your local SOBC athletes and amazing coaches and volunteers. Athletes can register here for SOBC programs. Support our bottle drive! Drop off your bottles at 2908 Columbia Avenue until September 30 and get behind a great cause.

DATE Saturday, September 27 TIME 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. PLACE Pass Creek Regional Park

Looking for a life-changing experience? Become a Special Olympics athlete, coach, or volunteer! SOBC – Castlegar always welcomes athletes, coaches, and volunteers to join our inspiring community, and Logo Standards New Car Dealers Association BC we are currently seeking volunteers for rewarding roles onofour Executive Committee. For more information, please contact Elaine Paulson at or 250.365.0288. Minimum size - For legibility, the logo must not be reduced smaller than shown - 32mm width

Our thanks to Special Olympics BC’s valued provincial sponsors, including: Grey shading indicates Clear Space. This area must be kept clear of other elements.


Pantone 280 C100 M85 Y5 K20

Black K30

Black K100

Black K30

Pantone 280 Pantone 280 BRITISH COLUMBIA C100 M85 Y5 K20


The logo should ideally always be on a white background, but if necessary, can be used as above, completely reversed out of a background colour. FONTS USED IN LOGOTYPE

Impact Roman (angled 14°)

Museo Slab 500 Italic

1234567890!@#$%^&*()_=+ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

1234567890!@#$%^&*()_=+ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Facebook specialolympicsbc


Twitter @sobcsociety

Castlegar News Thursday, September 25, 2014 A21



RENTALS • SALES • DELIVERY 1875 Robson Access Rd. (Brilliant) Castlegar, BC

Ph: 250.365.3014

Dr. Brandy Grantham & Associates LONG TERM DISCOUNTS

Phone: 250-304-4401

401A 13th Ave. Castlegar BC • 250.365.2886

Play Times: Monday-Friday • 8am-6pm •

HANSON DECKING West Kootenay Dealer for


Juans Flooring Hardwood Floors Wholesale 100% Canadian - Maple & R Oak 2 1/4 x 3/4 pref Bistro $4.39/SF North Plank 3 1/4 x 3/4 $5.39/SF Import Eng H/S (Smooth) from $3.99/SF Cork click or glue down from $2.49/SF Bamboo - Slate

At Juan’s, 1503 Hwy 3A Thrums (Castlegar) B.C. Mon to Sat 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (250)399-6377

HAIR CARE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! We carry a selection of AG & Pravana products.

North America’s premier vinyl decking system Honest appraisals • Meticulous workmanship

Book an appointment with Lanette, Alexa,Colleen or Christine

Garth Hanson 250-352-1814 The Best Defense Is An Intense Defense Nelson Fence, Fence Company

Walk-Ins Monday 9:30am - 2pm | Tues - Sat 9:30am - 5pm Welcome! 2327 6th Ave. | 250-304-6933

The Best Defense Is An Intense Defense Fence, Fence Company

Evenings by appointment.


• Interior, Exterior, Commercial, Residential • Texturing, Patch in Texture • Re-paint stippled ceilings • Complete wood finishing and refinishing • Airless Spraying • Free Reasonable Estimates

Everyone has a Honey-To-Do list that just isn’t getting done... That’s where we come in, not just building fences but building relationships. Chainsaw work Fencing House/property maintenance, Labour contracts Wood construction Landscaping, and whatever else you can think of Crispin WankelShaw: 250-304-7732

We Appreciate Our Customers.

250.365.2725 COMPLETE PAIR OF SINGLE VISION GLASSES * frame, lenses and scratch resistance included




Upgrades available: Anti-reflection coatings $80 • UV400 & tinting $28 each • Progressives $200

351 Baker Street Nelson BC (250) 354-3931

Ely’s Bridal Boutique & Gift Shop

Formal & Causal

DRESSES FOR THE SUMMER 295 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC • 250-365-2432


BE FEATURED HERE Call Christine Today! 250.365.6397

Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar News



Your community. Your classifieds.


bc Employment



Career Opportunities

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851



Help Wanted

Help Wanted

An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051.

Weekend Driver needed to Haul Propane Class 1 or 3 Please send resume to

Join our Nursing team! CVCC is focused on Resident-First, Person-Centered Care. We welcome individuals interested in making a difference

CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. no Risk Program stop Mortgage & Maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248

Esthetician for full-time and part time employment. Busy and upbeat work environment with a large potential client base.

Employment Business Opportunities

GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website

CLASS 1 LINE HAUL COMPANY DRIVERS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway Line Haul Drivers based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training.

We Offer Above Average Rates! To join our team of professional drivers, please send off a resume and current driver’s abstract to: For more info about Line Haul, call Bev, 604-968-5488 Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.

Career Opportunities

EXPERIENCE IS an asset We offer free recruitment services for people aged 45 and over across Canada. Register now at: or call toll-free: 1-855-286-0306.

HIGHWAY OWNER OPERATORS $3500 SIGNING BONUS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway linehaul Owner Operators based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package.

To join our team of professional drivers, email a detailed resume, current driver’s abstract & details of your truck to: Call 604-968-5488 Fax: 604-587-9889 Only those of interest will be contacted.


Contact Nicole at (250)365-2224

West Coast Reduction LTD

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking


FOY SPA RV Resort Canadian winter special $9.95/day. All new fitness center, hot mineral springs, events, activities, entertainment. New guests, Call for info 888-800-0772,

Education/Trade Schools MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

Help Wanted

Journeyman Automotive Technician Wanted Immediately Would consider 2nd or 3rd year apprentice We are offering a very competitive pay rate and benefit package with an exceptional work environment to the qualified candidate. Give us a call, you might be surprised what you’re worth in today’s market 250-364-9988 Send resume and cover letter attn: Justin

SUMMIT SUBARU Old Waneta Rd Trail, BC


Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.

Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1



Reminding you to Recycle! Congratulations !

Jen Datchkoff


Email: Only successful applicants will be contacted.

Now hiring!



Help Wanted

PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS Care Aide: Certificate in Long Term Care Aide Current BCCA Registration Number LPN: Current LPN License CPR & First Aid Certificates Geriatric Experience


The link to your community

Help Wanted

Castleview Care Centre is seeking casual Care Aides and LPN’s. We offer competitive H.E.U. wages and benefits.




Care Aides and LPN’S




Bachelor of Business Administration Human Resource Management With Honours Thompson Rivers University Jen currently works for FortisBC

Home Goods Furniture

a leading retailer of Home Furnishing and Major appliances has an opening for a

Request for Qualified Applicants: Specialized Business Consultants

If you want to grow with a successful and expanding company, are passionate about your work and love to sell, then we are looking for you. Retail experience is a plus as is an ability to use a computer. We offer a competitive commission based salary and a great team environment in which to work. Please mail your resume to:

Community Futures invites consultants interested in providing on-call consulting services for the Basin Business Advisors program.

Sales Associate

Home Goods Furniture PO Box 397 Trail, BC V1R 4L7

or email to No phone calls please. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Client Services Coordinator Castlegar, BC Independent Respiratory Services is a BC-owned and operated full service respiratory company that has been providing sleep apnea and home oxygen therapy to British Columbians since 1996. We are currently looking for a highly motivated individual to join our Castlegar Team. The • • • • • • •

successful candidate must be: Committed to Customer Service Comfortable in a dynamic team environment Meticulous and detail oriented Organized, Efficient Confident, Outgoing, Independent Professional in Approach and Appearance Skillful in all forms of Communication

Education and Background: • Strong computer skills • In-depth knowledge of Microsoft Office applications • Certificate in Business Administration • 1 to 2 years of general office experience Our company offers competitive remuneration and benefits. To launch an exciting career with Independent Respiratory Services today, forward your resume in confidence to Closing date is October 4, 2014. We sincerely thank all applicants for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. For more information about our company, please visit:

This successful program helps small and medium businesses including social enterprises. We are seeking consultants with skills in, but not limited to the following areas: · · · · · ·

human resources; financial; new technology; social enterprise; sales / marketing; and other business related specialities and skill as needs arise

Learn more at


The Castlegar News has an immediate opening for a full-time multimedia journalist/reporter.

Candidates will have outstanding, diverse writing abilities, and can generate and write compelling stories for use in print and online. Photography prowess, social media best practices and creative layout skills are an asset. Candidates must be willing to work various shifts, including evenings and weekends.


The successful applicant for this position will be a key contributor to the print and online product. • You should have a diploma / degree in journalism, and / or related experience. • Knowledge of basic Photoshop and InDesign are a must. A valid driver’s licence and reliable car are required. The Castlegar News is part of Black Press, Canada’s largest private, independent newspaper company, with more than 1,500 community, daily and urban newspapers in B.C., Alberta, Washington State, Ohio and Hawaii. Those interested should submit a resume, writing and photography samples along with a cover letter to: Kevin Mills at

Castlegar News Thursday, September 25, 2014 A23





Help Wanted


Trades, Technical

Trades, Technical

Full Times Sales Representative. Andre’s Electronic Experts in Castlegar is looking to grow their sales force. Looking for individuals with sales experience and knowledge of cellular/ electronic and appliances. Full time salary/commission plus benefits. Drop off resumes to 200 - 1965 Columbia Ave Castlegar. Or email



Trades, Technical


PCL ENERGY - Now hiring Journeyperson: Millwrights ($40+/hr) and Scaffolders ($38+/hr) for immediate shutdown work on an industrial project in Vanscoy, SK. LOA of $145/day worked, travel and bonuses paid! We offer competitive wages and benefits. Call 780-468-8026, email:

RN’S & LPN’S Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses Bayshore Home Health is currently seeking Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses for night shifts (with the possibility of day shifts in the future) in the Castlegar area working with children with complex care needs. If you are an RN or LPN & love working with children and their families, we would appreciate hearing from you. Pediatric experience is an asset and we do offer client specific training.

Financial Services

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online


Health Products

Please send your resume & cover letter to: pedsvancouver@ or fax: 1-866-686-7435

Help Wanted

West Kootenay Crisis Line is looking for volunteers to help answer crisis and support calls. Our organization is very flexible with your schedule and offers free training For more info please call 250-364-0274 or email


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil

EXPERIENCED GRAPPLE Yarder Operator Full time 10 mths/yr. Competitive rates Email or fax resume 604-485-6380

Classifieds Get Results!

Buy One Get One


Legal Services


Imagine a job that fits your life. Flexible hours Health benefits Full and Part-time Scholarship program Incentive programs

Day and Evenings Shifts Available Apply in person at 1465 Columbia Ave. Castlegar or fax to 250-365-2980

HIRING YOUR WINTER EQUIPMENT! EMCON SERVICES INC. is interested in hiring your winter equipment for the 2014/2015 winter season to supplement our own fleet of snow removal equipment. Equipment must be in good mechanical condition and capable of plowing and sanding roads within the Birchbank Foreman Area. You must be registered and in good standing with WorkSafe BC and have sufficient insurance coverage for plowing on Highways. This work is on an as and when required basis and will require both day and night shifts including weekends. Please submit your equipment description in writing to: Emcon Services Inc., 6150 2nd Street, Grand Forks, B.C., V0H 1H4.

Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750



Service Advisor Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC seeks an energetic, customer-focused and professional service advisor. Duties include scheduling maintenance and repair work, providing estimates, selling service and parts, coordinating technicians and embracing administrative tasks. Strong communication and multitasking skills required. Our standards are high because our customers deserve the best treatment when entrusting their vehicles to us. We offer excellent benefits, bonuses and a positive working environment. This is a full-time position. If you have sales or service experience outside the auto sector, we will also seriously consider your application. Mitch Rinas, Controller Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC 1700 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 2M8 Fax: (250) 365-3949 Email:


Casual Residence Workers (24 hour live in shifts as needed)

Successful applicants must be able to follow behavior plans/protocols, be positive role models and mentors. For further information on these positions refer to our website under jobs. Resumes with cover letters can be faxed to (250) 851-2977 or emailed to Only those shortlisted will be contacted.

SEASONAL TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED! EMCON SERVICES INC., Road and Bridge maintenance contractor in the Castlegar, Rossland, Trail & Fruitvale Areas, are looking for professional drivers for part time employment for the upcoming winter season. Qualifications for these positions are: • BC driver’s license (minimum Class 3/Air) • Proven on highway trucking experience • Experience driving tandem axle vehicles and experience on a variety of transmissions including 13 speed. Both men and women are invited to apply for these rewarding positions. Please submit your application along with a photocopy of driver’s license, a driver’s abstract and references to substantiate driving experience to: Emcon Services Inc. 6150 2nd Street Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H4 Or fax (250) 442-2677 or by email:

Financial Services ARE YOU $10K or more in debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-351-1783. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.



Please send your resume with cover letter to:

Call for Expressions of Interest

- Snow Removal Service for Maranatha Court, Riverview Court, and Pineridge Court Canadian Mental Health Association for the Kootenays is looking to engage the services of a seasonal Snow Removal contractor for three properties in Castlegar BC:

JOIN THE AXIS TEAM IN CASTLEGAR AND/TRAIL! We are seeking candidates who are skilled, experienced and flexible to work in our various residential programs throughout the West Kootenays. Potential candidates must have experience dealing with behavior challenges. If you are passionate about working with youth at risk or youth with special needs and want to make a difference in their lives, consider joining our team in the following position:

Education/Tutoring TUTORING for BC Chemistry 11 or 12. Very experienced in teaching and tutoring. $20/h (1st session free). Email



1700 Columbia Avenue Castlegar | (250)365-2155


If you seek a career, not just a job, step up and apply to Castlegar Hyundai.

Product Advisor

Listen to customers, ask questions and help them select the right vehicle. Become familiar with one of the world·s most e[citing automotive lineups. Build your own business with unlimited potential in this sales position. Step into a career position with continuous training, beneÀts, e[cellent pay for a job well done, the opportunity to advance and a supportive team. :e want people who wake up each day e[cited to work hard and achieve their goals. A track record of success in your work, education or other pursuits is an asset. Take that ÀUst step and apply today. Contact Keith Kalawsky



1) Maranatha Court; located at 601 8th St, Castlegar BC V1N 4B4. 2) Riverview Court; located at 1449 Arrow Lakes Dr. Castlegar BC V1N 1B9 3) Pineridge Court; located at 420 11th Ave. Castlegar BC V1N 1J5 The term of the contract is November 01, 2014 – March 31 2015. Responsibilities will vary however in general the contractor will include the following: all standard snow removal maintenance tasks such as plowing, sanding, salting, shoveling, and normal winter maintenance of the entry road way, parking lot area, and sidewalk structures in accordance with city bylaws. This service is based on an as required basis. Should you or your organization , have an interest in responding to this Call for Expressions of Interest you are asked to submit responses to myself, Michelle Truscott, Housing Manager (email address mtruscott@ on or before October 10, 2014: Response packages should include: A. Letter of introduction B. Project Experience C. References D. Schedule of Fees E. Copy of Liability Insurance F. Copy of Work Safe Clearance letter The Association wishes to thank you in advance for your interest and wishes to advise that only short listed applicants will be notiÀed.



Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar News

Real Estate



Legal Notices


Merchandise for Sale

Appliances White Stove 30” $100. Call 250-365-6904

Auctions MASSIVE September 27th Food Equipment Auction Hobart Mixers & Meat Process, Bunn Coffee, True Refrigeration, Cambro Smallwares, over 800 lots! Online bidding available via BidSpotter.

Misc. for Sale Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 A- STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’ 53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’ Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 &644 wheel Loaders Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB Dynamic is having a Clearance Sale, misc wood products,excess landscape material, tools, sawmill equipment, large trucks forklifts & much more we are located in Castlegar 1839 Brilliant Rd. Sale starts Sept 15th runs to Oct 15th HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? STEEL BUILDINGS. “Giftcard give-away!” 20x22 $4,358. 25x24 $4,895. 30x30 $6,446. 32x32 $7,599. 40x46 $12,662. 47x72 $18,498. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or online at: STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158 Rubber Tire Backhoe, Mini Excavator & dump truck service

Misc. Wanted Cash Paid for old guns, signs, tins, toys, military medals, swords, coin collections, cowboy, railroad & mining items, Bottles, license plates, estates. Larry 1 250 545-7140 Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-499-0251. Local.

Musical Instruments Musical Instruments Guitars, Amplifiers, Drums, Keyboards, P.A., Music books and Accessories BAY AVENUE MUSIC DOWNTOWN TRAIL 250-368-8878

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent ROSSLAND, 1 Bdrm ground level, lrg yard, quiet, clean, parking, W/D. NS/NP. $550+ utils. (250)509-0906.


Houses For Sale TRAIL, 1134 Marianna Cres. Spotless, bright, updated, move-in ready 2bdrm. home in desirable location. Won’t last long at $189,900. Photos at kijiji ID# 1011459826. Call to view 250-364-1940.


YOU’RE APPROVED Call Holly for Pre-Approval

1-844-364-FORD (3673)


Home Improvements FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928


Commercial/ Industrial Castlegar Light industrial Office/Warehouse for rent 1600 sq ft, nego Call 250-365-3059

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Notice is Hereby Given that Creditors and others, having claims against the Estate of Lloyd Anthony Geronazzo, also known as L.A. Geronazzo, and Tony Geronazzo, formerly of #129 525 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 1G8 Deceased are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the undersigned Executor c/o Diane Robinson Box 126, Robson, B. C. V1N 1X0 on or before September 29, 2014, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received. Diane Robinson, Executor




Duplex / 4 Plex 2 Bdrm, 2 bath, Grandview Age 55+ $1200/mth + utilities Jon 250-365-3168

Housesitting House Sitter available in

Castlegar senior mother & daughter, between selling & purchasing a home - looking to house sit Nov 1st through Feb 28th, flexible, responsible/ references 250-365-4909

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at

Answers for Last Weeks

Mobile Homes & Pads Taking applications for mobile homes for rent in Robson references required Call 250-304-4862

Homes for Rent Castlegar South 2 Bdrm House, 900 sq ft, gas heat, F/S, W/D, Ref reqd $700/mth + utilities Avail Oct 1st, 250-362-5468 Mobile Home in Thrums 2 brms, addition, deck, F/S W/D, small 15 unit park small pet ok, 250-304-9273

Suites, Lower Castlegar 1bdrm lower suite new and spacious, Woodland Park area, W/D, Avail soon N/P, $750/mth, utilities incl Call 250-365-6327 CASTLEGAR SOUTH 1 Bdrm Basement suite in quiet 4-plex Clean, spacious & bright Laundry available, N/S, N/P $650/mth incl utilities 250-352-5659 Lrg bright 2 bdrm suite overlooking Castlegar, 5 appl N/S, N/P Available Oct 1st $800/mth incl utilities 250365-8386 after 6:00 pm

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Unit Price TENDERS INVITED by AM FORD SALES LTD from bone fide Contractors to construct: PARKING LOT AND RETAINING WALL At AM Ford Plus located on Highway 3B at Waneta Mall on: Lot 1, Plan EPP12291, DL 4598, KD Work consists of: 1. Excavation and removal of approximately a. 900 cubic meters topsoil b. 6,300 cubic meters of subsurface soil 2. Supply and installation of approximately 202 Concrete Block Retaining Wall Tender documents and instructions to tender may be obtained from the Project Manager: Elmer Verigin, BE., P.Eng., E Verigin Consultants (EVC) 145 – 4200 Grandview Drive Castlegar, B.C. V1N 4X6 (250) 304 2801 (O) (250) 608 2215 (Cell) Tenders close at the offices of EVC at 1:00 P.M., September 30, 2014. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. All Contractors must schedule a site visit with the Project Manager.



Pursuant to Section 403 of the Local Government Act, following property will be offered for sale by public auction to be held at the Council Chambers, Midway Municipal Hall, 661 8th Avenue, Midway, BC on Monday September 29, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. Folio Number Legal Description PID Civic Address Upset Price 14.000 Lot 4, Blk 18, Plan KAP3, 012-842-982 670 Palmerston $ 2517.47 DL 501 Ave Any person upon being declared the successful bidder must immediately pay by cash or certi¿ed cheTue a minimum of not less than the upset price. )ailure to pay this amount will result in the property being offered for sale again. Any balance must be paid by cash or certi¿ed cheTue by 1:00 p.m. of the ne[t day. )ailure to pay the balance will result in the property being offered for sale again at 10:00 a.m. on October 1, 2014. 7he 9illage of Midway makes no representation e[press or implied as to the condition or Tuality of the properties being for sale. Prospective purchasers are urged to inspect the properties and make all necessary inTuiries to municipal and other government departments, to determine the e[istence of any bylaws, restrictions, charges or other conditions which may affect the value or suitability of the property. 7he purchase of a ta[ sale property is subMect to ta[ under the Property 7ransfer 7a[ Act on the fair market value of the property. Penny )eist Collector

Castlegar News Thursday, September 25, 2014 A25

Obituaries and Memorials Peter William Schaprickyn August 20, 1926 - September 18, 2014 Peter passed away peacefully at Talarico Place in Castlegar, where he was a resident for a few years. Peter was born in Glade to Bill and Anne Saprikin. Peter was predeceased by his parents, his wife Lucille of 51 years, daughter Marion, brother Fred, sister Mary and great-grandson Kalen.

On May 22, 1954, Peter married Lucille and moved to Blewett, where they raised 7 children. He worked for CPR on the welding gang for 12 years. Then went to work locally in the forest industry until his retirement. In the late 1970s, they moved to Brilliant where you could find him working in his garden, planting fruit trees or raising ducks and geese in his spare time. He also loved picking huckleberry and mushrooms or something outdoors. We will always remember him as a hard worker. We love and miss him very much. The family would like to thank Dr. Merritt, nurses and staff at Talarico Place for all their care and humour, also thank Alternative Funeral and Cremation for their services. A Celebration of Life for Dad will take place at a future date. Donations can be made to The Alzheimer’s or Dementia Foundation of BC.

Florence (Phyllis) Zaytsoff August 23, 1936 August 27, 2014 The family of Florence (Phyllis) Zaytsoff is sad to announce her passing on August 27, 2014. She is survived by her sons William (Maxine) and Lawrence (Katherine); her daughter Natalie (Paul) Zeabin; seven grandchildren: Christopher, Megan (Brian), Faron, Kristina (Dustin), Nicholas, Laura and Sarah; and two great-grandchildren: Maxwell and Julian, all of whom she loved dearly. Cremation has taken place and a private Memorial Service was held, with interment at Park Memorial Cemetery. The Castlegar Funeral Chapel was in care of arrangements. The family would like to thank those who offered support, prayers and other acts of kindness. A heartfelt thank-you to Dr. Vasil and the doctors, nurses and staff at the Castlegar and District Community Health Centre for all their loving care over the years. Also, thank-you to the devoted staff at the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital for all of their care and compassion. Treasured Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother and Friend, Florence will be sadly missed and so lovingly remembered by her family and all those whose lives she touched.

Gertrude Helen Konkin

Dan Swinarchuk

March 20, 1922 September 18, 2014 It is with great love and much sorrow that we announce the passing of our dear mother, Gertrude Konkin, at the age of 92 at Talarico Place Care Centre, Castlegar, B.C. Gertie, the youngest child of Annie and Harry Kanigan, was born on March 20, 1922 in Kamsack, Saskatchewan. In 1935, the family moved to Perry Siding where Gertie resided until she married Fred Konkin and moved to Slocan Park in 1942. In 1989, they moved to Ootishenia and finally to Castlegar in 1996. Raising four daughters, farming and growing a huge garden kept Gertie and Fred extremely busy. However, this did not prevent her from her love of singing in traditional Doukhobor choirs, at USCC prayer meetings and community celebrations. Gertie enjoyed singing duets with her friend, Nora Laktin with whom she produced an album entitled “The Love of God” in 1968. She also enjoyed singing with her brothers.

December 25, 1956 September 28, 2011 We hold you tightly in our hearts And there you will remain Life has gone on without you But will never be the same Remembering you is easy, We do it every day Losing you is the heartache That never goes away. All our Love Cheryl, Nateena, Trent

Erin Marie Marsh (nee Hall)

Gertie’s family was always her priority and it was important to her to keep in touch regularly. Her grandchildren were especially precious to her. We all will cherish the memories that she has left us. She always enjoyed entertaining and socializing - keeping in touch with past acquaintances and making new friends. Gertie was an active lifetime member of the USCC and throughout all her years she was sustained by a strong Christian faith. Gertie enjoyed growing and preserving fruit and vegetables for display at numerous fall fairs in the Kootenay area. This resulted in her receiving many grand aggregate trophies and awards some of which are on display at the Castlegar museum. Gertie will be remembered for her care of and concern for others, kindness, generosity, thoughtfulness, hospitality and zest for life. In spite of her illness, she never lost these qualities nor the ability to give good advice and encouragement. Gertie was a great cook and could easily provide a meal for any number of unexpected guests at any time. She also enjoyed sewing, knitting, crocheting and quilting. Gertie and Fred enjoyed travelling. They frequented local hot springs (often with their camper van) and visited their daughters in Kamloops and Mission. International trips included Mexico, Cuba, Russia, Hawaii, Texas and California. Left to remember her warmly are her daughters Anne (Ernie), Sharon, Gail (Merv), Lou (Al); grandchildren Suzanna, Brad, Becky, Hank, Tara, Jeff and Todd; grandchildren Avery, Tyler, Jacob and Aiden; and many nieces and nephews. Gertie was predeceased by her brother Pete in 2011, brother Nick in 2008, grandson Bob in 2007, husband Fred in 2004, mother Annie in 1972, father Harry in 1953 and brother Fred in 1943. Special thanks to all the staff at Talarico Place for their exceptional care and support, Dr. Merritt, relatives and friends that visited during her illness, Castlegar Funeral Chapel, the singers at the service, the cooks that will provide lunch and the grave diggers that will prepare the final resting place. Funeral services will be held at the Castlegar Funeral Chapel at 9:00 a.m., Thursday, September 25, 2014 with internment at Slocan Park Cemetery. Followed by a lunch at Slocan Park Community Hall. Jordan Wren of Castlegar Funeral Chapel has been entrusted with arrangements.

August 1 1960September19 2014

with brain cancer.

It is with great sadness we announce Erin’s passing. Erin passed away on Friday, September 19 in the comfort of the Vernon hospice after a long battle

Erin was born in Castlegar B.C. on August 1, 1960. She attended Selkirk College and then went on to BCIT where she graduated in the field of Sonography. She worked for many years in the health field at VGH, St. Paul’s and Campbell River hospitals. Erin then married Dr. Ian Marsh in 1994 and had two lovely children (Patrick and Erica). Erin was an adventurous soul and lived to travel, exploring many countries with friends and family. Her other passions were skiing, biking, camping, hiking and a good book, but her main focus in life was raising her two wonderful children. She is survived by her loving children Erica and Patrick, her mother Ruth Hall, brother Pat Hall (Luba) and nephews Eric and Jeffrey. She was predeceased by her father, Dr. John Hall. The celebration of life will be held Saturday, September 27 at 2 PM at the Anglican church in Vernon. The family is most grateful to the doctors, nurses and staff at Vernon Hospice and her loyal friends and family who helped support Erin through the last two years.


Peter will be remembered by his children Lavern (Jim) McDougall, Pat Schaprickyn, Ron (Angela) Schaprickyn, Verna (Wayne) Lebedev, Mike (Lori) Schaprickyn, and Kathy (Gordon) Rogers, his 11 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren, sister Anne, brother Ed, step-brother Nick and Bill Sapriken, as well as numerous nieces and nephews.

In loving memory

In lieu of flowers please consider the North Okanagan Hospice Society. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Alternatives Funeral and Cremation Services

There will be a Celebration of Life for

David Edwin Coxford September 27th, Noon till 3 pm at the Robson Hall.

Please join his friends and family, bring stories and pictures. Dave, who was a long time Robson resident was an admired member of the IBEW for 50 years. He passed away June 7th in Trail Hospital.

ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. BCGMCDEALERS.CA 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. *Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered between September 3 and September 30, 2014. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 84 months on all new or demonstrator 2014 GMC vehicles; special finance rate not compatible with certain cash credits on Sierra (1500 & HD) and Terrain. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $20,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $238.10 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $20,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight and air tax ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Dealer trade may be necessary. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. <>$3,000 is a manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) on all 2014 Terrain which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $3,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. ‡Offer available to retail customers in Canada only; $500 Customer bonus cash applies to new 2014 GMC Terrain and Sierra Double Cab 1500 delivered between September 19 and September 29, 2014. The $500 customer bonus cash includes HST/GST/PST as applicable by province. Limited time offers, which may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for detials. †Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer's name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014, 2015 model year GMC SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between September 3 and September 30, 2014. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on all eligible GMC vehicles. Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any Pontiac/ Saturn/SAAB/Hummer/Oldsmobile model year 1999 or newer car or Chevrolet Cobalt or HHR that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer's name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014, 2015 model year GMC SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between September 3 and September 30, 2014. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $1500 credit available on all eligible GMC vehicles. Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer pick-up truck that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer's name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive): $1,000 credit available towards the retail purchase, cash purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014 or 2015 model year GMC light or heavy duty pickup; delivered in Canada between, September 3 and September 30, 2014. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. †¥$8,000 is a combined credit consisting of a $4,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive), $1,000 September bonus, and a $3,000 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $3,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model and cash credit excludes 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab 2WD 1SA. †*The Automotive Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC) comprises professional journalists, writers and photographers specializing in cars and trucks. They provide unbiased opinions of new vehicles to help consumers make better purchases that are right for them. For more information visit ^2014 Sierra 1500 with the available 5.3L EcoTec3 V8 engine equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission has a fuel-consumption rating of 13.0L/100km city and 8.7L/100 km hwy 2WD and 13.3L/100 km city and 9.0L/100 km hwy 4WD. Fuel consumption based on GM testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Competitive fuel consumption ratings based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2013 Fuel Consumption Guide for 2013 Large Pickup segment and latest available information at the time of posting. **When equipped with available 6.2L EcoTec3 V8 engine. Comparison based on 2013 Large Light-Duty Pickup segment and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM vehicles. >Comparison based on 2013 Large Pickup segment and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM vehicles. ††Whichever comes first. See dealer for conditions and limited warranty details. ¥The GMC Terrain received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among compact SUVs in the proprietary J.D. Power 2014 Initial Quality Study. Study based on responses from 86,118 new-vehicle owners, measuring 239 models and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of owners surveyed in February-May 2014. Your experiences may vary. Visit ^*Insurance Institute for Highway Safety awarded all Terrain models the 2014 Top Safety Pick Award. Terrain models with Optional Forward Collision Alert was awarded the 2014 Top Safety Pick Plus Award. ¥¥The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who purchase, lease or finance a new eligible 2014 Model Year vehicle with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 KMs, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details.


Castlegar Girls Softball Association needs








We are holding our AGM on October 1st at 7pm at the Castlegar Complex. We are in need of a new execuitve for the upcoming season as only 3 members will be able to stay on. ...Without an executive Castlegar Girls Softball will not be able to run for the new season..We need people to come on board the executive and we also need people to come to the meeting to discuss coaching, pitching and hitting clinics for the new season.

For more information:

contact Natalie Hipwell at 250-365-7697



0% 84 FOR




YEARS/40,000 KM























Thursday, September 25, 2014 Castlegar News

Sutco – Driving Towards a Cure

At Truxpo 2014 (September 20-21 in Abbotsford), Sutco proudly launched their most recent cancer fighting initiative, a beautiful pink 2015 Kenworth T680 called Pink Power. As their own take on the “Driving Towards a Cure” slogan, this is by far their biggest fundraising initiative to date. Pink Power has never looked so good! “We have been supporting numerous cancer fighting events for years with the Sutco ‘Driving Towards a Cure’s logan,” said President of Sutco, Chris Sutherland. “Through these events we’ve had a tremendous amount of success fostering awareness, raising funds for research and supporting those with this terrible disease and their families.”


0% 84 OR





Unfortunately, cancer is not just an event; it’s an everyday occurrence for all those affected by it. With that thought in mind, and in an effort to do as much they can, Sutco has made “Driving Towards a Cure” an everyday campaign. Over the next three years Pink Power will travel the highways in Southern B.C. and Northern WA, ID and MT. Every kilometre traveled will generate funds for the Canadian Cancer Society. This campaign will raise approximately $70,000 over three years with sponsorships from Atco Wood Products, Inland Kenworth/Parker Pacific, Interfor, Kal Tire, Kenworth, Magnum, Tolko, Tycrop, and Zellstoff Celgar all of which are contributing one cent for every kilometre travelled by Pink Power.




Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-365-2155, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. [License #8917]














0% 84 FOR








Castlegar News Thursday, September 25, 2014


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600


200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000


ANDRES CAR AUDIO WEST KELOWNA 1881 Harvey Avenue (250) 860-1975



101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. (250) 493-3800




101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000

#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

Villiage Green Mall (250) 542-1496


ANDRES WIRELESS Cherry Lane Mall (250) 493-4566


#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600 Wireless Audio Streaming

Wireless Audio Streaming

2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

745 Notre Dame Drive (250) 851-8700


200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000






745 Notre Dame Drive WE NOT BE BEAT! (250)WILL 851-8700


Aberdeen Mall (250) 377-8880


215 - 450 Lansdowne Mall (250) 377-8007

200-1965 Columbia Ave. 101 Kootenay St. North (250) 365-6455 (250) 426-8927



Chahko Mika Mall (250) 352-7258

300 St. Paul Str. (250) 377-3773


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

154 Victoria Str (250) 314-9944

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

Thursday, September 18, 2014 Castlegar News










Downtown Castlegar ● 250.365.7750 •

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