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2013 & 2014
David Docksteader, AMP
October 1, 2014
Boys and Girls Club fix-up The Lake Country club has had a refurbishment thanks to donated supplies and volunteer labour. ...............................
Tom Fletcher wonders how much influence your local government’s employees union has at your city hall. ...............................
CONSTRUCTION crews broke ground on a large commercial development on Lake Country’s Main Street last week as work on one of three significant commercial developments got underway.
■ Budget Blinds
■ Home Depot ■ Jysk ■ KMS Tools
Major commercial construction underway
■ Rona
■ Save On Foods
Construction crews have broken ground on a large commercial project in downtown Lake Country, kicking off what will be unpreced-
■ Shoppers Drug Mart ■ Staples
ented commercial construction in the district over the next year. The Callahan Group out of Kelowna began work on its 27,000-square-foot, four building complex on
Main Street last week, one of three commercial developments that will add as much as 80,000 square feet of commercial development to the municipality when completed.
“It’s good to see the commercial development in the community,” said Ryan Roycroft, Lake Country’s manager of economic development. “Eighty-thousand square feet of retail sounds like a
lot, especially for a small community but it’s been a number of years since Lake Country has seen strong growth. This is a lot of that pent-up demand. The community has been growing briskly
for a number of years and we’re finally at a point where a lot of national tenants are starting to notice Lake Country.” The Callahan proSEE COMMERCIAL A3
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
C d ‘ b
VETERANS’ DINNER Saturday, October 4
Special Entertainment by
Sally Evans & Molly Boyd At the Oyama Community Hall Doors open at 3pm, Entertainment starts at 4, Dinner at 5
Veterans Free • Others $10 Reservations requested. Let us know if you need a ride.
Legion after 3pm 250-548-3521 email: EVERYONE WELCOME
Oyama Branch 189 Royal Canadian Legion 15712 Oyama Road • 250-548-3521
LAKE Country Boys and Girls Club employees (from right) director Tobilynn Stephens, with Maribel Tarbox, Lavonda Manweiller and Nicole Ecclestone are happy to resettle in their spruced up facility after a crew of volunteers set to work with donated supplies.
Club digs spiffied up KEVIN PARNELL When Tobilynn Siemens first started working for the Lake Country Boys and Girls Club, the community centre was located in a small house on Glenmore Road, near
the Winfield Community Church. The Boys and Girls Club had been operating there since opening in 1993 but would soon move, first to the old Woodsdale School for a year before settling into
the old Winfield Elementary School, where it has been for 15 years. “That house was smaller than any of our classrooms now,” laughed
HEALTH AND WELLNESS FAIR Think Well, Live Well, Be Well!
Winfield Memorial Hall
corner of Berry Rd & Bottom Wood Lake Rd
Saturday, October 4, 2014 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Bring the Family - All Ages Welcome
Educational Speakers Nutritious Food and Refreshments Admission by Donation
Lake Country Health Planning Society and community partners
LEARN ABOUT Eye care Financial planning Nutrition Mobility aids Personal care Dental care Excercise and fitness Stress reduction Natural Products
October 5, 2014 11-5 pm $20 + tax EX nihilo vineyards, 1525 CAMP RD. LAKE COUNTRY
A harvest celebration showcasing the best fruit, vegetables and herbs of Lake Country farms. Chef Jeff Kreklau of Routes Grill will create locally inspired food pairings. Shop in our vineyard Farmers' Market while celebrating the area's rich agricultural roots. Includes 5 wine and food pairings.
S e 2 u t
t t i E s Th m
d p p
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 1, 2014 A3
Current developments ‘momentum builders’
ly good to build momentum,” he said. “I ject, along with the Tursuspect we may start seetle Bay Crossing proing interest in multiject near family and Tim Hormixed-use tons are on Main two maStreet. It’s THE HOPE IS THAT jor comgoing to THE CALLAHAN mercial be a matdevelopPROJECT ter of the ments, right deWILL BUILD while a velopMOMENTUM. third proer with IT’S A BIG VISUAL ject near the right PROJECT IN A the corner direction of Highto come PROMINENT way 97 along and LOCATION THAT and Berry produce STARTS TO GET Road somePEOPLE EXCITED. (Dairy thing realRyan Roycroft Queen) ly special is also on Main underway. Street.” The Main Street deThere are still several velopment is something vacant lots that the Disthe district has been trict of Lake Country working on for many would like to see develop years and Roycroft is on Main Street, south of hopeful the project helps the Callahan project. A create energy in the area. 6.5-acre parcel with land “I think the Callaon both sides of Main han project will be realStreet is owned private-
A VACANT lot at the corner of Hill Road and Main Street is some of the land that the district hopes will be developed in the future. ly, as is another smaller piece (0.7 of an acre). Lake Country owns a one acre parcel on Main Street while south of Beaver Lake Road there is a large piece of agricultural land that is privately owned, also in the district’s future plans.
“There is still vacant land on Main Street and we’re continuing to look to promote it to builders and developers,” said Roycroft. “The hope is that the Callahan project will build momentum. It’s a big visual prioject in a prominent location
that starts to get people excited.” Plans for the project are for the paving and cement work to be done before winter, with construction ramping up pretty quick, said Roycroft, who added the future of Main Street is
still focused on bringing residential and commercial development together. “The Main Street vision has always been to see residential above commercial,” he said. “The configuration may change but as we see the
market heat up and more interest in Main Street— which we are already hearing a lot more inquiries than we were two years ago—we should see some different forms of development.” newsroom
Lake Country Boys and Girls Club hosts 120 children every day
Siemens, the centre director. “It had room for 24 kids and I think they used to do their snack time in the church hall.” After only a year in the Woodsdale School, the club found its home in 2001, when Winfield Elementary saw its last students leave that June. The Boys and Girls Club moved in that fall. Now serving hundreds of kids and employing 20 full-time, part-time and casual
Slow down in school zones
staff, Siefew promens says jects gothe Lake ing these WE’RE REALLY Country last couple LUCKY. LAKE Boys and months,” COUNTRY, Girls Club says Siecouldn’t mens. WINFIELD—IT’S have a bet“We’re AN AWESOME ter place realCOMMUNITY. to operly lucky. Tobilynn Siemens, ate. And Lake this year CounLake Country B&G it’s had a try, WinClub director variety of field—it’s communan aweity groups chip in and some community.” breathe some new life Last week the Keinto the building. lowna Home Depot “We’ve had quite a and Behr Paints came
together with a workforce of 20 and in two days put a fresh coat of paint in the gym, stairwell, reception area and the staff room. The staff room received a major overhaul with new flooring and several areas of the club were refreshed by the energetic crew. “This project was huge for us,” said Siemens. “They were an awesome crew, laughing and singing. They did a great job.” The project was just one of several ongoing or completed projects
at the Boys and Girls Club. Earlier this year the kitchen was re-done thanks to a host of community sponsors and a federal government grant. The Home Depot project was valued at close to $5,000 and insurance will cover damage from a flood in a project that is set to get underway this week. With daycare for three to five-year-olds, after school programs for 60, popular parentand-tot morning programs that have as many
7 Pillars of Character Virtue of the Week
PATIENCE Helpfulness
“I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing that I canof do, or any “Patience andtherefore the passage time do kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, more than strength and fury.” let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this -Jean way again.” De La Fontaine - (Anonymous)
15525 Greenhow Road Lake Country B.C.
Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Kindness Citizenship Conscientiousness
as 40 people attending and evening recreational classes, the Boys and Girls Club has never been busier. Operating Monday to
Friday, it sees an average of 120 children through its doors every day. You can reach them by phone at 250-766-5277.
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The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Science and F D the Bible T
he signboard for a local church asked, “Are Science and the Bible compatible?”
DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.
CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
Barry Gerding Editor
Life and Faith
Tessa Ringness
Jim Taylor
Production Manager
Kevin Parnell
Well, of course they are. If you cherry-pick the right verses, you can show that the Bible knew about everything from DNA to autism long before science discovered them. After all, the Bible contains 66 books, around 780,000 words, credited to 40 different authors. But the book of
Staff Reporter
Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688
Courtney Larkan Nancy Blow Creative Consultants Production Designers Phone 250-766-4688 Fax 250-862-5275
OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2
OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm
GENERAL ADVERTISING REGULATIONS This paper reserves the right to reject any advertising which it considers to contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for any damages arising out of error in classified display or retail display advertisements in which the error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such an advertisement.
Proud member of
Canadian Community Newspapers Association
British Columbia and Yukon Community Newspapers Association
Is CUPE running your city hall?
histler—The big story at this year’s Union of B.C. Municipalities convention was a report commissioned by the B.C. government that reveals municipal pay increases for unionized staff have been running at twice the rate of provincial raises. When I asked Premier Christy Clark about the intent of this report, leaked just before the annual UBCM convention, she was blunt. It’s to get this issue onto the agenda for the November municipal elections, which the province has decreed shall be for four-year terms instead of three. After local elections, discussions with surviving and incoming municipal politicians will resume. Things have been going pretty well for the main municipal union, the Canadian Union of Public Employees, for the last couple of decades. As local election turnout has gone from bad to worse, municipal
BC Views
Tom Fletcher employees themselves have become an increasingly dominant voting bloc. Then there are the “labour councils” in urban centres, now almost entirely fronts for public sector unions. They quietly survey council candidates to determine their level of affection for ever-growing public payrolls, and dole out campaign funds accordingly. Sometimes they organize full slates, with cuddly names like “Protect Coquitlam” to appeal to low-information voters. During last week’s convention in Whistler,
I caught up to Finance Minister Mike de Jong in a brief break from the dozens of meetings cabinet ministers have with mayors, councillors and regional directors. Is the province going to impose some kind of solution? “There’s not some hidden legislative agenda,” de Jong replied. More data needs to be gathered, and the report shows ongoing problems with management salaries at the provincial level as well. Is this the first step to imposing a tight-fisted centralized bargaining agency, such as the government set up last year to wrestle the B.C. Teachers’ Federation to the ground? “We haven’t formulated our answer,” de Jong said. “What the data does suggest, however, is that there may well be some merit [to centralized bargaining]. One of the recommendations points to a more coordinated approach to some of the negotiations
that take place.” Will the new municipal auditor general have a role in this? “The purpose of the auditor was not to become an enforcement mechanism,” de Jong said. “It was to play a traditional audit function on whether taxpayers are getting value for money. To that extent I suppose a municipal auditor might be able to comment on the advantages of coordinating efforts.” NDP leader John Horgan’s attack on the compensation report was as predictable as it was selective. In his speech to delegates, Horgan called it “one-sided, politically motivated, shoddy work” designed to embarrass local politicians on the eve of their elections. Did he question Ernst and Young’s numbers, the pay increases for municipal union staff of 38 per cent between 2001 and 2012, compared to 19 per cent for unionized provincial staff ? Did he question their calculation that over that period, in-
flation totalled 23 per cent? No. The facts being against him, he went with an emotional pitch to distract from them. Recall that during the final days of the teachers’ strike, Horgan suddenly decided that what was really needed was binding arbitration. This was 24 hours after the teachers’ union took that position. So there’s the big question to be considered by voters as local elections draw near. Which candidates are looking out for your interests, and which ones are working on behalf of CUPE? There’s another troubling trend in manipulation of local government that was more evident than ever at the 2014 UBCM convention. I’ll discuss that in a future column. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email:
a Isaiah had at least three i authors. Several of Paul’s a letters were written by e t someone who wasn’t Paul. Tradition says that a i Moses wrote the first
five books of the Bible, but a careful examina- l tion reveals that at least H four groups shaped sec- a p tions of the narrative to suit their own prior- C ities. The Psalms identify a more than a dozen dif- u ferent writers, plus an- R other 47 by that prolific author, Anonymous. c And the Proverbs are a b collection of folk wis- e dom, by who knows how n i many people. Total, up to 100 au- t T thors. B If you took any library shelf containing t the writings of 100 different authors, you could almost certainly find in those texts at least one sentence that would supT port any idea at all. So yes, science and the Bible can be compatible.
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 1, 2014 A5
Funding innovative research to advance knowledge on mental illnesses
ementia and other brain-related illnesses are a concern for an aging society like our own and that is why the federal government continues to make dementia and other brain related illnesses a priority. On Sept. 12, my colleague, Minister of Health Rona Ambrose, along with Inez Jabalpurwala, president and CEO of Brain Canada, announced 32 projects under the Canada Brain Research Fund. Our government’s continued focus on brain related illnesses will no doubt be good news to folks like Maribeth Friesen, CEO of the Okanagan’s BrainTrust Canada and Nigel Brown, executive director of Sing for Your Life
Foundation BC, who along with many others work to improve the lives of those with a brain illness or injury. The projects will accelerate innovative research that will advance our knowledge of and support the development of new ways to diagnose and treat all types of neurological and mental illnesses. Following up
on commitments made priorities. during the Global DeWith the CCNA inmentia Legacy Event itiative, Canada is joinheld in ing forces Ottawa with its G7 Sept. 11counter12, three parts to of the prosupport WE ARE PROUD jects will additionTO SUPPORT explore al research INNOVATIVE neurowith a view NEW PROJECTS de-generto finding DEVOTED TO ation. a cure for Most dementia NEUROLOGICAL recentby 2025. AND MENTAL ly, Budget FundHEALTH RESEARCH 2014 set ing for all aside $15 32 promillion jects totals per year to the Canadian nearly $51.4 million, Institutes of Health Rehalf provided by the fedsearch, for the expaneral government and sion of the Strategy for half provided by private Patient-Oriented Redonors, research institusearch, the creation of tions, provincial funding the Canadian Consoragencies, and charitable tium on Neurodegenerorganizations partnering ation in Aging (CCNA), with the Brain Canada and other health research Foundation.
plete and inerrant revelation of God’s intentions. And God cannot be wrong. But the Bible is not God’s only word. As a letter writer to a Christian Reformed Church periodical argued several decades ago, he saw no conflict between science and the Bible. He called the Bible God’s faith textbook; he called the world God’s science textbook. I would go farther. I would argue that God IS science. God is the laws of
physics that enabled the universe to explode into existence. God is the laws of chemistry that allowed certain atoms to bond with other atoms, forming new materials. God is the principles of biology by which individual cells cluster together to function more effectively—including becoming human bodies. God is the social sciences that explore how we human beings relate to each other, and to all other beings. God is the immutable, unchanging laws of
Ron Cannan
MP’s Report
Our government recognizes the very real impact that neurological and mental health conditions have on Canadian families. Between 2006 and 2013, we have invested more than $861 million in neuroscience research through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). We are proud to support innovative new projects devoted to neurological and mental health research that will help to advance our knowledge on neurological and mental health. ••• The next intake of the Western Innovation (WINN) Initiative will open on Sept. 30, 2014, and close on Oct. 30, 2014. WINN is a $100 mil-
lion five-year federal initiative that offers repayable contributions for small- and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) with operations in Western Canada to move their new and innovative technologies from the later stages of research and development to the marketplace, a key stage in the innovation process. For more information please go to or call 1-888338-WEST (9378).. ••• The following statistics on the state of our forests came across my desk during National Forest Week, Sept. 21 to 27. Many of our communities rely on the forest industry to support the local economy and so
we can be proud of the healthy state of our forests. It indicates how well Canadians are doing in achieving responsible resource development, striking the right balance between our environmental and economic needs. • Over 40 per cent of the world’s certified forests grow in Canada, where approximately 152 million hectares are recognized as being sustainably managed by one or more of three global certification systems. • Less than 0.5 per cent of Canada’s forests are harvested annually to manufacture products for the domestic and international markets, and SEE CANNAN A6
Science acknowledges and corrects its errors; believers not so much
But using the same process, you could pick texts to prove that the Bible and science are hopelessly incompatible. I wonder, though, why it’s so important to prove that the Bible and science can be compatible. Is there an underlying assumption that if they aren’t compatible, one of them must be rejected? Given the theology of this particular denomination, I bet it wouldn’t be the Bible. The Bible, they would insist, is a com-
mathematics that ensure two and two will always make four. When the Bible disagrees with science, it doesn’t mean that God was wrong. It means simply that the people trying to discern ultimate truths grasped only part of the picture. Just as Ptolemy got only part of the solar system right, Einstein missed quantum theory and Newton had flaws in his calculus. Later generations of scientists corrected those mistakes. Bible writers did the
same. The prophets revised earlier understandings of a vengeful God; the New Testament records a shift to a loving God.
But in one sense, I suppose, the Bible and science are not compatible. Science acknowledges and corrects its errors; true believers seem
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Physical activity doesn’t have to be arduous O ne of my previous columns noting the Okanagan’s low obesity rate, focused on some of the ways government is working to support healthy nutrition choices. But physical activity is another important piece of the health puzzle. According to the Ministry of Health, there are numerous benefits to being active, whether you’re eight or 80. Physical activity reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease and several cancers, as well as other health conditions.
Norm Letnick MLA’s Report
starting any new routine. a physiotherapist, nurse Ask yourself: or fitness leader. • Do I exercise less If your doctor has than three times a week given you the go-ahead for 15-20 minutes? to increase your level of • Do physicI find it al activity, difficult the webto exersite www. IF YOUR DOCTOR cise due seniorsto is a HAS GIVEN YOU ritis, heart great reTHE GO-AHEAD problems source for TO INCREASE or other health and YOUR LEVEL condiwellness tions? topics. OF PHYSICAL • Have The AcACTIVITY, THE I been intive Aging WEBSITE WWW. active tab will SENIORSBC.CA IS A for more lead you to GREAT RESOURCE than a few helpful inweeks? formation FOR HEALTH AND • Do I on how to WELLNESS TOPICS. experience safely stiffness increase when moving, or muscle your level of physical acweakness? tivity. If you answered yes Kids are no exception. to any of the above, you While some children are may be at an increased always on the go, parents risk for falling and it is of less active kids need to important to seek guidfind creative ways to inance from a health care sert small amounts of professional. This is esactivity into each day. pecially true if you have Dance to music together a medical condition, as after getting out of bed, you may require a super- walk the dog or play a vised program involving quick game of catch after
Friday, October 17
Staying active is also good for your mental health. It builds positive self-esteem, improves your mood and reduces stress. For seniors, physical activity builds stronger muscles and can help reduce the risk of falls which are a tremendous health concern. One in three British Columbians over the age of 65 will fall once every year, and these incidents are the main reason why older adults lose their independence. That said, seniors should assess their level of muscle weakness and physical activity before
Awards & Reception to follow
Many B.C. towns rely on the forest industry
12th Annual
Business excellence AwArds GAlA Happy Hour 5pm • dinner 6pm
Grapevine Restaurant (Gray Monk Estate Winery)
Call the Chamber to purchase your tickets. You don’t have to be a member to attend!
CANNAN FROM A5 all forests harvested on public lands must be re-
generated. • The government of Canada’s $100-million Investment in the For-
Pick a WINNER!
The Lake Country Chamber of Commerce wants to hear from you.
Who do you think deserves to be a winner in our
12th Annual Business excellence AwArds
Select a category and submit your nomination today! For a full description of the award criteria stop by the Chamber office or online at ❑ Businesss Role Model of the Year ❑ Community Involvement ❑ Creativity in Business ❑ Service Excellence ❑ Green Award ❑ New Business Champion
❑ Tourism Enhancement ❑ Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture ❑ Young Entrepreneur ❑ Community Service Contributor ❑ Gerry Morton Award
Hats Off to Excellence Nominate as often as you like but please use a separate sheet for each nomination or nominate online at, all entries are confidential.
Business Name: Contact Name: Phone: Email: Nominator Name: Phone: Email: A proud sponsor
Calendar Lake Countr y
Proudly Serving
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
dinner. These are great ways for busy parents to keep active as well. Personally, it’s been a challenge for me to stay active during the busy month of August. I’ve logged more than 6,000 kilometres driving around the province talking to farmers, ranchers and others about how we can continue growing agriculture in B.C. That’s nearly a month behind the wheel. I committed to a five-minute routine of tummy rotations and contractions every 30 minutes. It helped keep me physically active on the road. So be proud of every small step you take towards improving your lifestyle, and remember to take a few minutes each day to relax and think of something positive. Your body and mind will thank you.
Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road 250-766-4458 Sunday Worship and Children’s Church
Nominations must be received at the Chamber Office by Oct. 6, 2014 Send by fax 250-766-0170 or Nominate Online Lake Country Chamber of Commerce • 106-3121 Hill Road, Lake Country, BC
laboratories into the marketplace, with products such as bioenergy from wood waste, engineered wood products that will revolutionize the construction of buildings, and high-quality hardwood flooring from low-quality forest resources, among others. Ron Cannan is the Conservative MP for Kelowna-Lake Country.
Quality, value and savings! specials sTaRT FRiDaY!
9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387
Winfield Community Church
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10:15 a.m. PASTOR SEAN HARDER 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753 Fax:
est Industry Transformation (IFIT) Program is helping to drive innovation and transformation in the forest sector, leading to a more resilient industry, with a diverse and higher-value forest product mix. • Since 2010, 11 projects have been announced under the IFIT program, helping bring Canadian ideas from
Norm Letnick is the B.C. Liberal MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country and Minister of Agriculture.
To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688
Calendar Lake Countr y
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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 1, 2014
“But Doctor - Nothing Hurts!”
Dr. Jung: I’ve been retired for 5 years, and have a decent pension and a modest dental plan. My wife is after me for not seeing a dentist more often (last time was a few years ago), but my teeth look pretty good and absolutely nothing hurts. I brush and floss daily. What could be better than that?
Congratulations on your daily brushing and flossing. We in the dental office see a direct correlation between neglect in that area and the number of teeth missing in someone’s mouth. Yes, you should brush after eating anything. Flossing will protect your gums against plaque buildup which encourages perio (gum) problems. The issue is that there are other factors to consider that most patients who aren’t in pain don’t consider.
I’m not saying you have anything going on, but chances greatly increase by ignoring your mouth. See a dentist you trust for a comprehensive checkup. He or she will see things you cannot. This just might be one of those times that your wife is right!
Winfield Dental Centre 208 - 3121 Hill Road Winfield, B.C.
Dr.Paul Rollett
Petrina Koltun
No, all realtors work differently, deal with clients differently and offer different strengths to their clients. My suggestion to people who are looking for a Realtor is to always interview at least three different Realtors. When listing your home, and when purchasing, you will have certain expectations and needs and will want to find someone with whom you feel comfortable and whom you can trust. When deciding on a Realtor, it is important to ask questions that will give you insight into their working style, people skills and work methodologies. If you ask a question like, “What sold the last three properties you listed?” the listing Realtor should be able to explain how they have sold houses in the past and how those experiences can benefit your sale. Another question that might give you insight into a Realtor’s work style would be; “Given our family’s situation, what advice can you offer us?” Advice on location, school accessibility for your children and privacy are issues that your Realtor will need to understand to help your family make the best decision. For more information on interviewing a Realtor, and for some questions that you can use, please contact me at 250-826-5660 or 250-826-5660 • 250-860-1100
What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?
Coincidentally, most dental insurance policies will cover 50% of ‘major restorative’ which is where crowns fall. If one uses their insurance to the maximum and has not budgeted for more out of pocket, welcome to the ‘club’. Note that I didn’t say they just needed one crown a year – that is simply what their insurance may have contributed, and for some that is the limit. In your 60’s (and often prior) other health issues come into play. Patients develop diabetes in greater numbers, and blood thinning medications are very common. Each med has a different side effect, and one common one is the drying up of saliva glands. The natural rinsing action from our saliva that kept you in decent shape in younger years evaporates, and it is common to see patients who now need professional hygiene appointments every 60-90 days. Without that, plaque and calculus build up multiplies. A friend of mine had an elderly female patient with no saliva left whatsoever. She required professional cleaning every single day. She was also destitute, but he provided the service regardless and called it ‘paying it forward’.
The biggest factor we see with patients of your age group is that our health issues become dental issues. A patient in their 30’s sees me twice a year and in many cases there are no cavities and no looming problems. In their 40’s, we see gum recession (if that area has not been diligently dealt with) and the beginning of tooth breakdown. Some in their 40’s have at least one crown or perhaps more. In your 50’s many patients are in what is referred to as the ‘Crown a Year Club’ – or replacing the tooth annually that is causing the most grief.
Do all Realtors work the same? A7
After suffering a concussion, I’ve been having a really challenging time reading and working on my computer. I hit the back of my head though, so do you think it could really be my eyes?
All forms of traumatic brain injury have the potential to create lingering side effects in our visual system. While many people will maintain 20/20, aka, “perfect” vision, issues with ocular coordination and alignment often tend to linger for months to years after the incident. Much of our nervous system’s planning for eye movement, tracking and coordination actually originates in our mid-brain - which is why inflammation following an injury so often tends to effect visual comfort and coordination. Fortunately, there are many unique glasses prescription options, as well as lens tints that can aid the rehabilitative process. In addition, Vision Therapy or eye-coordination training has been shown to be a great option to remediate lingering visual issues and discomfort following the injury. If you happen to suffer from visual symptoms following traumatic brain injury, be sure to have a thorough optometric evaluation to assess whether assistance may be available.
49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250-766-4240
Teresa Huscroft-Brown
Advertising Representative 250-979-7329 • 250-863-5628 email:
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Right now is the time to think about spring–plant your bulbs T
he beauty of spring bulbs is that once you plant them, they give a great show of colour, year after year, in the early spring. They go dormant af-
ter blooming so don’t take up space in the garden the way early spring-blooming perennials do. Spring bulbs can be planted right up until the ground freezes, but will
get a better start if planted sooner. Plant bulbs at a depth of two and a half times their diameter with smaller bulbs in clusters of about 12 and clusters of five for larger ones.
From my heart to each of you... Thanking each of you for coming out to share with our family the good-bye to my Ian. Thanks also to Father Frances for a good job; you were very humorous and I bet Ian was smiling, being the joker he was! Thank you to my church and community friends that shared in our day in this beautiful village that I fell in love with many years ago. Thanks to the C.W.L. Ladies for putting the spread on it was superb! Thanking each of you with lots of love - God bless.
- Phyllis McPherson
Gwen Steele
Natural Garden If you want them to multiply, choose varieties that are labelled as naturalizing. Spring bulbs provide early food for pollinators. The earliest bloomers are snowdrops and winter aconite (bright yellow buttercup-like flowers). Crocus bloom next. Choose snow crocus as they have less foliage to die back. There are many early, mid and late-season varieties of tulips and narcissus. I recommend dwarf and species tulips as they seem to
SPRING is on its way when bulbs blossom. bloom longer, naturalize well and leave less foliage to die. If you have deer or rodent problems, plant narcissus. No animals will eat them as they are poisonous. Avoid tulips— deer candy. Alliums (ornamental onions) are another type of bulb that is animal-proof. There are early, mid and late blooming varieties. A very easy-care, four seasons-of-interest garden can be made using ornamental grasses under-planted with spring bulbs. Most ornamental grasses provide winter structure in a garden. The only maintenance they need is to be cut down to
about four to six inches above ground before the new growth emerges. When the grasses are cut down the spring bulbs will provide lots of colour. As their foliage is dying down, the new growth of the grass will hide the dying bulb foliage which must be left until yellowing so bulb can store food for next year’s bloom. There are two types of ornamental grass. Cool-season varieties start growing about late February and bloom in June, for example, feather reed grass (Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’). Warm-season grasses begin growing in April and bloom in September, for example switch grass
(Panicum species). These varieties will need some irrigation during the dry summer. The best method is drip. I recommend using at least one variety of each type to have early growth plus fall bloom in an ornamental grass garden. Fall is an excellent time to create a grass garden as the fall blooming grasses are more readily available than in spring. ••• Mark your calendars for an Oct. 4 trip to the Pacific Agricultural Research Centre in Summerland. They are celebrating their centennial with an open house. The Ornamental Gardens will also have special activities. ••• To learn more about water-wise gardening I invite you to join me for my two-night xeriscape class Introduction to the Principles of Xeriscape, starting tonight Wednesday, Oct. 1 and continuing Oct. 8, from 7 to 9 p.m. Details and registration information are on the OXA website Gwen Steele is executive-director of the non-profit Okanagan Xeriscape Association.
Lake Country
Health Planning Society ... supporting Community Wellness since 1982
Take a Stand Against Elder Abuse Lake Country Health Planning Society wants older adults to come out and discuss what elder abuse is and what can be done about it. Small actions can make a big difference. Please join us at any one of these groups – registration is not required. Beverages and snacks will be provided.
Monday, October 6 10:00-11:30am Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road, Lake Country
Wednesday, October 15
Tuesday, October 21
1:00-2:30pm Oyama Community Hall 15710 Oyama Road, Lake Country
7:00-8:30pm Okanagan Centre Hall 11099 Maddock Avenue, Lake Country
For more information, call or email the Lake Country Health Planning Society. Funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program
778 – 215 - 5247
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 1, 2014 A9
Thank You to everyone who truly helped to make Easter Seals Camp Winfield The Best Place on Earth!
AND THE HUNDREDS OF VOLUNTEERS WHO DONATED THEIR TIME TO HELP THE KIDS A Special Thank You to All the Lions & Lioness Clubs for all their hard work, dedication & support over the years in helping to keep Camp Winfield a beautiful place.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
info 250.766.5669 reservations 250.766.9309
news Lake Country, BC
Friday, October 3 • 7:30pm Saturday, October 4 • 7:30pm
A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier. They reach a fragile peace, but it proves short-lived, as both sides are brought to the brink of a war that will determine who will emerge as Earth’s dominant species. Drama, Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Romantic 2014 • 130 minutes • Colour • 20th Century Fox • Director: Matt Reeves• Cast: Keri Russell, Gary Oldman, Judy Greer, Jason Clarke, Andy Serkis, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Toby Kebbell, Kevin Rankin
Tickets : Pay what you can
Saturday, October 11 • 1:30pm A group of friends investigate a series of bizarre text messages they receive after a construction project begins in their neighborhood Adventure, Science Fiction, Children 2014 • 91 minutes • Colour • Alliance Films Inc. Director: Dave Green• Cast: Teo Halm, Astro, Reese Hartwig, Ella Wahlestedt, Jason Gray-Stanford, Cassius Willis, Drake Kemper
Tickets : Pay what you can
DrAcULA Friday, October 31 • Opening Night 7:30pm Saturday, November 1 •Two Shows Matinee @ 2:00pm & 7:30pm Friday November 7th 7:30pm • Saturday November 8th Two Shows Matinee @ 2:00pm & 7:30pm The Vampire Play in Three Acts - This is one of the great mystery thrillers and is generally considered among the best of its kind. Lucy Seward, whose mother is the doctor in charge of an English sanitorium, has been attacked by some mysterious illness. Dr. Van Helsing, a specialist, believes that the girl is the victim of a vampire, a sort of ghost that goes about at night sucking blood from its victims. The vampire is at last found to be a certain Count Dracula, whose ghost is at last laid to rest in a striking and novel manner. The play is intended for all who love thrills in the theater. Pure escape and great fun. N.Y. Post An evening of high class fun.
Gen. $16.00 Group of 4 tickets $56
Donate today and help support local women’s health. The Shoppers Drug Mart® Tree of Life campaign supports local women’s health charities, with 100% of all proceeds going directly to women’s health initiatives in your community. Over the last 12 years, you’ve helped us raise over $23 million dollars and we’re hoping you’ll help us make a meaningful difference in women’s health again this year. Visit your local Shoppers Drug Mart between September 20 and October 17 and buy a leaf ($1), a butterfly ($5), an acorn ($10) or a cardinal ($50) to help women’s health
Address bullying at home M ‘‘ uch has been said about bullying in recent years. By now we are all very aware of the negative long term effects childhood bullying can have on its victims. We know the mean behaviour of other children is not to be taken lightly. With safety and mental health in mind, most schools have adopted zero tolerance policies when it comes to bullying. Our children receive instruction on how to identify and handle schoolyard bullies and how to avoid cyber bullies as well. With all of the increased focus, I hope schools are becoming safer, friendlier places for everyone. But what about bullying in our homes? Little gets said about what happens when brothers and sisters bully and torment one another. No one likes to acknowledge that nastiness can happen inside our own
Paul Latimer
Healing Minds homes and between our beloved children – but if they can bully at school you can be sure they can and do bully at home sometimes too. A recent study published in Pediatrics examined the effects of sibling bullying from childhood into middle age. Examining longitudinal data from more than 3,000 children in the UK, Oxford researchers found bullying between siblings can lead to similar outcomes as other forms of childhood bullying. In this study, children
who experienced bullying from a sibling several times a week were roughly twice as likely to have depression, anxiety or to self-harm in early adulthood as those who were not bullied by siblings. These results are perhaps not altogether surprising. Being bullied at home can be particularly unpleasant as it may not
Are you a candidate in the Lake Country Municipal election? Whatever your needs, we can design, print & distribute your election message! Teresa Huscroft-Brown
Advertising Representative 250.979.7329, ext. 7329 fax: 250.862.5275 email:
be possible for the child to retreat or get away from a sibling bully. This study is a good reminder for parents and family members to be involved with our children and help them as they manage their relationships. We should be working with children to encourage them to be friends rather than competitors or enemies. It helps for parents to avoid comparing siblings in negative ways or pitting siblings against one another. When friendship is not possible between siblings, we can at least play a big role in teaching our children about acceptable and respectful treatment of others and how to be tolerant of someone with different interests or personality traits. Sometimes we have the impulse to let children sort out their own differences. While this can be helpful in some mild circumstances, when bullying is happening we need to step in and actively assist our kids (both bully and victim) to find appropriate ways to engage with one another. The home should be a safe place for children to get away from pressures of school or peers. It should be a space for recharging and relaxing. When this isn’t happening it is not healthy for anyone involved. Paul Latimer is a psychiatrist and president of Okanagan Clinical Trials. 250-862-8141
grow in your community. Learn more at
Invites you to attend the OPEN HOUSE celebrating the
100th Anniversary
at Summerland.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 , 2014 • 10 AM - 4 PM 4200 Hwy. 97 South, Summerland B.C. The PACIFIC AGRI-FOOD RESEARCH CENTRE (PARC) in Summerland, BC, is celebrating 100 years of science in 2014. Join the festivities! The open house is a terrific opportunity learn firsthand about the world-renowned agricultural research conducted by AAFC experts. Bring the whole family and... RAIN • visit the facility’s labs and go on a guided field tour; OR SHINE! • meet our scientists, technicians and field staff; FREE ADMISSION • experience interactive exhibits and activities; and & PARKING • learn about apples, cherries, wine grapes and much more! The Entrance to the station is south of Trout Creek on the southern border of Summerland.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 1, 2014 A11
Lake Country
Health Planning Society
Local car share co op adds vehicle to its fleet on UBCO campus Kelowna-based OGO Car Share Co-op, which launched in August 2013, is adding a new car to its fleet. It will be the co-op’s fifth vehicle and program organizers say it is a clear sign that sustainable modes of transportation are a viable option in the Okanagan. As university students get back in the campus groove after their summer break, they will find that they now have access to a new 2014 Nissan Versa Note close to campus. UBC Okanagan students, faculty and staff have access to the vehicle for carsharing right at Acadamy Hill. “This easy-to-use ser-
vice will help students with their weekly grocery trips, when picking up a friend from the airport or the bus station, or when wanting to explore more of the Okanagan” said OGO’s executive director Christian Brandt. “While the cost of post-secondary education is high, carsharing can help students to focus on their midterms, not the additional costs associated with car ownership, such as parking, insurance and gas,” he said. Watermark Group and Academy Hill partnered with the program to add the latest car to the local fleet.
“We hope to continue our discussions with UBC Okanagan and the UBC Students’ Union Okanagan to add an-
other vehicle right at the university to help meet the transportation needs of the campus community,” said Brandt.
Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road
250-861-7722 Sex: Male Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 345675
This is Dingo and he is looking for a new home where he can love and be loved. He even knows his basic commands of “Sit”. “Stay” and “Come”. He is a calm, mature dog who is very social with other dogs of all sizes both male and female alike. He is very friendly and gentle with people and thoroughly enjoys his walks, running and playing. Please ask the Kelowna SPCA Staff to meet this loveable lug.
19.Selfsatisfied 22.At all times, to Keats 23.Place to get fit 24.Coupe, e.g. 25.Quick look 26.Ingest 28.Touch-me____ 29.Enemy agent 31.Flipper 32.Uncle’s spouse
34.Brown songbird 35.Tiny fish 37.Enclosures 38.Farm squawkers 39.Some vipers 40.Appetizing store 41.Jail chamber 42.Fad 43.Pivot point 44.Trouser parts 46.Typewriter key
Copyright © 2014, Penny Press
ACROSS 1. Bear cave 4. Spicy 8. Prejudice 12.Master 13.Gape 14.Chip in chips 15.The ____ (rock group) 16.Crude weapon 18.Continuous 20.Bits of news 21.Cat’s sound 22.At any time 23.Scrub clean 26.Shoe width 27.Those elected 30.Ache 31.Distant
32.Above 33.Circle segment 34.Sense of humor 35.Stale 36.Achieve 38.Rummy game 39.Idolize 41.Mid 45.XVII 47.Woodsman’s tool 48.Excuse 49.Besides 50.Entertainer’s job 51.Gentlemen 52.Tooted 53.Snaky letter
DOWN 1. Sunrise 2. Mountain sound 3. Electric sign gas 4. List of people 5. Aflame 6. Snip 7. Longing 8. Stitch loosely 9. Acquires 10.Minute particle 11.Matched groups 17.Provide
... supporting Community Wellness since 1982
Creating a healthier community for young and old. • 778 – 215 - 5247
commUnity eVents copy deadline friday, 1 pm before issue date
•Winfield United chUrch’s annUal jingle bell bazaar & lUnch is being held on Sat., Nov.1st, 2014 from 10:30am - 1:30pm at Winfield United Church, 3751 Woodsdale Road, Winfield. Home Baking, Christmas Boutique, Sewing, Knitting, Preserves, Produce, Plants & lots more! Please come for lunch! Thrift Shop open with daily specials. •royal canadian legion branch 189 - Veterans’ dinner Sat., Oct. 4, Special entertainment by Sally Evans & Molly Boyd, Oyama Community Hall. Doors open 3pm, Entertainment starts at 4, Dinner at 5. Veterans Free, others $10. Reservations requested, let us know if you need a ride. Call 250-548-3521 after 3pm or email Everyone Welcome. •lc health Planning society - VolUnteer. Are you a Lake Country Senior who wants to make a difference? Volunteers will work together & with staff to increase awareness about elder abuse. For info email or call 778-215-5247 •lc health Planning society - focUs groUP. Take a stand against elder abuse - Mon., Oct. 6 from 10-11:30am at 3751 Woodsdale Rd., Lake Country or Wed., Oct. 15 from 1-2:30pm at Oyama Community Hall, 15710 Oyama Rd, Lake Country. For more info call 778-215-5247 •children’s Programs for fall at the lake coUntry library Preschool Story Time will be Fri. from 10:30 - 11:30am, starting Sept. & ending on Dec. 19. Baby Time for babies 0 - 18 months will be Tues. from 10:30 - 11:00am, starting Oct. 7 & finishing on Dec. 16. All programs are FREE but children must be accompanied by a caregiver. For more info, call the library 250-766-3141. •lake coUntry seniors’ centre We are off to another fun year. 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road, many of the programs that happened last year will be added again.LC Artists - Sept. 8 at 8:30am, Line Dancing 9:30am or 1:30am, Wood Shop - 9am, J.O.Y. Excercise - 9 am, Tai Chi - 2pm, Sewing 1pm, Crib - 7pm, Crib Tournament - Sept. 20 at 10am, Hosp Aux - 1pm, Bus Society - 10am, Songsters - 10am, Pancake Breakfast - 8am. Call 250-7664220 for more info. •lc seniors’ centre eVent. 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. will be hosting PUZZLE NO.Prime 733 Entertainment (Prime Time) with a fun year. Come enjoy Lake Country 22.Confused the entertainment & refreshments, at 1pm. call Joanne: 250-766-0667 or fig 250-766-4220 23.Tacks •lc seniors bUs schedUle. Mon., Oct 6, 20, 27 Prime Entertainment, 24.Branches Tues., Oct 7, 14, 21, 28 Buffet Lunch at Winfield Senior Centre,25.Tin Sat., Oct 4 Veterans Dinner at Oyama Legion, Sat., Oct 11 Pancake Breakfast Vernon 26.Lumberman Schubert Centre, shopping, Fri., Oct 17 Adams River Salmon Run. To reserve tool seat on bus please call Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131 27.Healthy •thrift store - back to school sale - Jeans, T-shirt & Hoodie $10. 3250 Berry Road. Open Tues., Wed. & Thurs., 11am– 6pm. 28.Sheep’s sou 29.TV spots •Visit the lake coUntry mUseUm and archiVes at 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mon., Wed., 30.Thus far & Sat. from 1 to 4pm, & by appointment. 250-766-0111 or visit the website 33.Part of FDIC 35.Corrosion •lake coUntry seniors’ bUffet, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Frozen meals available for $5. Call 250-766-4220 to arrange for these 36.KO & whatcaller is available. •lake coUntry food bank has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of Copyright © 2014, Penny Press the days noted. •cribbage. starting 7pm 2. at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. 34.Snare Roof ACROSS Friday evenings Playing 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy 1. Annoyance overhang an evening out with fun35.Robin, and play. e.g. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. For info. call John 250-766-3026. 3. Goblet part 5. Rear, 37.Conjectured nautically •Winfield United chUrch thrift shoP 4. (3571 Kings’Woodsdale Road), is 38.Celebs open Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping drop-off. Call 8. from Baking ____ chairs& donation ANSWER TO PUZZ 250-766-3387 for info 41.Criminal regarding appropriate donations. 12.Pledge 5. Picnic insect 45.Longitude’s •oyama legion branch 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon 13.Currently counterpart 6. On behalf of at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. 14.Was aware of Tuesdays, 49.Heavy1:30pm cord & Thursdays, 7. It takes 9:30am in the Seniors’ •lc line dancers Centre. Beginners welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. 15.Without endalways ____ to 50.At the summit •social bridge Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players tango 16.Humid of_______ welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. 18.Office notices 51.Carpenter’s 8. Slalom •the coUncil of senior citizens organizations (COSCO) is an runner tool 20.Evil looks advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. 52.Locale wishing 9. Previously 21.More agile Senior organizations/associations to affiliate or individuals wishing to 25.Lunch become members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 53.Sapphires, e.g. 10.Beloved fax 604-576-9733 hall or for info. 54.Scrutinize 28.Green ____ 11.Piercing All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations. Packers instruments 55.Church season for all other inquiries, please email 31.Pivot line 17.Defendant’s or fax 250-762-3220 answer 32.Flee the law DOWN CROSSWORD PU 1. Work in rhyme 19.Take a chair USE AMERICAN S 33.Get lighter
Valleyview Dignity Memorial
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
Moratorium timely for university football team
For us, there is no higher honour than UBC Okanagan and accepting new applicato be chosen to bring the Okanagan Sun have tions for varsity teams. loved ones, friends some extra time to plan It will be mid-2015 and a lifetime of THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2014 for the anticipated arrivat the earliest before memories together al of Canadian UBCO KOMO will be eligible to TSN inCHBC CBC KIRO CHAN university SNP KNOW A&E celebration of CIVT a Aron Meier Glen Whittaker football ( to the valley. submit an ` application1 for # $ life. %Funeral Director & _ ) * special Assistant Manager
Due in large part to G. Shrinks inclusion. Bookaboo The Price Is Rachael Ray UEFA The Still, View UBCO CSI: Miami :00 SportsCentre Rachael Ray The View ” ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Europa PAW Patrol ” ” 10 :30 rapid growth in memdirector of athletics Rob THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2014 Proudly offering reward miles on all pre-arrangements The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & Pitchin’ In UEFA Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Criminal :00 SportsCentre Pitchin’ In ” Debt/Part Denis Show Stefano Restless Debt/Part Minds 11 :30 bership over theEuropa last dec- Bucket-Dino JohnsonNews said the deciNews CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News UEFA Patrol The Chew Criminal :00 Canucks TSN Noon CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP PAW KNOW KOMO A&E West sion Lunch Hour ” Now ” ade, the HourCanadaEuropa Kate and doesn’t ”adversely Mindsaf12 :30 # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 Days of our The Social Republic of The Talk Days of our League Astroblast General First 48 Universities Athletfect plans betweenThe the :00 Premier Match Pack Lives ” Doyle ” Lives Soccer Dragon Hospital ” 1 :30 SportsCentre Rachael Ray The View Bookaboo The Price Is Rachael Ray UEFA G. Shrinks The View CSI: Miami :00 ics Association this year university and the Sun to 165 Valleyview Road • 250-765-3147 Baseball The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk Premier Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First ” ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Europa PAW Patrol ” ” 48 :00 10 :30 Tonight ” ” Chris Deal placed a moratorium ” Poker Curious ” ” 2 :00 eld a football SportsCentre Pitchin’ In The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & Pitchin’ In UEFA on JellyfiJamm KOMO 4 team. Criminal
Valleyview Funeral Home
:00 11 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2014 12 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 5 :00 :30 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 3 10 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 4 11 8 :30 :30 :00 :00 5 12 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 6 1 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 7 11 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 8 12 :30 :00 4 :30 9 :00 5 :30 10 :00 6 :30 11 :00 7 :30 12 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014 :00 10 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 11 :30 # $ % & :00 12 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 11 :30 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 1 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 2 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014 4 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 5 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 6 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 7 10 :30 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 8 11 :30 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :00 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 1 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 2 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 3 8 :30 :30 :00 :00 4 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2014 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 11 :30 :00 :00 12 10 :30 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2014 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :30 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 :00 10 3 :30 :00 11 4 :30 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2014 :00 12 5 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 6 1 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 7 :30 2 10 :30 :00 :00 8 3 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 4 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 :00 10 5 :30 1 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 6 :30 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 :00 7 :30 :30 SportsCentre ” ” Canucks College Lunch Football: Premier CentralPack Match Florida at Baseball Houston Tonight ” SportsCentre ”” College College SportsCentre Football: Football: ” at Arizona
Heartland Stefano ” CBC News Dragons’ Now Den Republic of CBC News Doyle ” Steven and CBC News Chris Coronation Heartland Bookaboo Murdoch ” Doodlebops Mysteries Dragons’ Best Recipes The Nature Den Stefano of Things Central CTV News CBC News Canucks Oregon Saving Hope Doc Zone Florida at at Five Lunch” ”” Now ”” Houston Global News CBC News Premier Days ofNat. our CTV The Away Social Republic of ” Parenthood Get The National ” Coronation Match””Pack CHBC Lives ” News With Murder Doyle ” Baseball The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and ” Ent etalk Murdoch SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News Tonight ” ” ChrisMercer College ET Canada Big Bang Mysteries ” Final CTV News Rick SportsCentre ET TheCanada Meredith Ellen DeGe- Heartland Football: Bones Grey’sShow TheMinutes Nature SportsCentre Daily 22 ”” at Vieira Show neres Show ” Arizona ” Anatomy of Things The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation College Young & The Dr. Hope Oz Dragons’ Oregon Gracepoint Saving Doc Zone Football: Restless Show ” Den ” ” ”
Bold Restless CBS News KIRO News News ” NFL Kickoff The Talk NFL Kickoff ” NFL Let’s Make a Football: Deal Vikings at Bold The Price Is Packers CBS RightNews ” News & Young KIRO 7 Post NFL Kickoff Restless Game Show NFL Kickoff KIRO News News NFL ” ”
Central ” Florida” at
Houston SportsCentre ”” ” SportsCentre College ” Football: Arizona at Oregon ” ” ”
The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless Days of our News Lives ” The Talk Global” Nat. CHBC News The Meredith Rachael Ray Ent Vieira ”Show ET Canada Young & Pitchin’ In Bones Restless Debt/Part ” News Noon News Gracepoint Hour ””
Steve News Harvey The Chew KOMO” 4 News General News Hospital World News The Doctors KOMO” 4 News Steve The View Wheel Harvey ” Jeopardy! KOMO 4 Grey’s News Anatomy News The Chew Scandal World ”News ”
The First 48 Minds ” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” The First 48 The First ” 48 ” The First 48 The First ” 48 ” The 48 CSI: First Miami Dead Again ” ” The First 48 Criminal The First 48 Minds”” The First 48 Criminal The First 48 Minds””
6TEEN Almost Nerds Chucks SpongeBob Nerds Rabbids Squirrel Odd Parents Rated A for SpongeBob Monster iCarly Sidekick ” 6TEEN Wayside Sam & Cat Nerds Kid vs. Kat Victorious SpongeBob Monster Funny Home Rabbids Almost Videos Odd Parents Chucks Wipeout SpongeBob Nerds”
News Hour Days of our Parenthood Lives ”” Let’s Make a The Talk Packers Ent KIRO News News Hour Deal Show ” ” ET Canada Late Final Bold Meredith KIRO 7 Post The Bones Letterman ET Canada CBS News Vieira Show Game Show ” Ferguson The Doctors Young & News Gracepoint NFL Kickoff Restless ” ”
KOMO 4 General Get Away News Hospital With Murder Bucket-Dino The Doctors Park Wheel Park News Curious ” Grand Tours Jimmy Jeopardy! Our Part Sportsnet Dive, Olly Steve ” Ancient Grey’s Live Sportsnet Johnny Cash Kimmel Connected Jelly Jamm Harvey Sportsnet Egypt Anatomy Connected ” Nightline NHL Special Johnny Kate and KOMO 4 Sportsnet Scandal NFL Football Cash: Magic Man, Bus News ” Connected
The The First First 48 48 ””
iCarly Squirrel Mr. Young Rated Boys ”A for
The First 48 Dead Again Dead Again ””
Monster Sam & Cat Haunting Sidekick Victorious Haunting
Name Law & Game Gypsy Gracepoint Breaking Name Order:”Game SVU Sisters Amish The National Fast N’ Gypsy Andrew Car Sharks Law Men & CBC News Fast N’ Loud Loud Two News Gypsy ”” ”” Mod Fam Sisters Nichols Car Sharks Order: SVU Mod Fam Sisters Power & Bering Sea Family Feud Gypsy CBC News Yukon Men Big Bang Breaking The National Yukon Men Mike Gypsy Politics Gold ”” Family Feud Sisters Sisters Big Bang Amish ”” Mike
The First First 48 48 The ”” The First 48 ”
6TEEN Funny Home Home Funny Nerds Videos Videos SpongeBob Wipeout Rabbids ”
” The National Amanda Lang ” Amanda The National Lang ”
How/Made Street Street How/Made Outlaws Outlaws DailyN’ Planet Fast Loud ”
Steve Bones Anger Harvey ” Cougar The Meredith Gracepoint Vieira ”Show
Gypsy Paid Prog. Sisters Paid Prog. Gypsy Breaking Sisters Amish
Seinfeld Family” Guy Mod Fam Family ” Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad
CBCNational News The ” CBC News Coronation Rick Mercer Ent Canada Daily etalk Show 22 Murdoch ET Minutes ET Canada Big Bang Mysteries The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Bones Grey’s The Nature ” Anatomy of Things
NFL Kickoff Raible’s NFL Scouting Football: KIRO News Vikings at Late Show
Early News Parenthood Global” Nat. News Hour Final ”
NFL Sportsnet Football: Connected Minnesota Sportsnet Vikings at Connected
Fast N’ Loud ” Fast N’Men Loud Yukon ”
Name Game News Name Game Mod Fam Two Men Mike Mod Fam Mike
Gypsy Sisters Gypsy Sisters
Browns Jeffersons Payne Jeffersons Browns Movie: Payne “Envy”
Packers Letterman ” Ferguson KIRO 7 Post Game Show
Ent Canada ET ET Canada The Doctors Bones ”
Yukon Men Street ” Outlaws Street Outlaws
Big Bang Anger Big Bang Cougar Bones ”
Breaking Paid Prog. Amish Paid Prog. Gypsy Sisters
Gracepoint ”
Saving Hope Doc Zone ” ”
Gracepoint ”
Breaking Amish
Parenthood ”
Get Away The National Raible’s With Murder ” Scouting
News Parenthood ” Global News Nat. CHBC CHBC News Final
Ellen DenisDeGeShow neres Show CTV News The Dr. ” Oz Show The Social CTV News ” at Five Dr. Phil CTV News ” ” Ellen DeGeThe View etalk Show neres ” Big Bang The Marilyn Dr. Oz Grey’s Show Show Denis Anatomy
CTVAway News Get at Five With Murder CTV News News-Lisa ” CTV News
The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless Days of our Early News Lives Global Nat. The Talk News ”Hour ” The Meredith Rachael Ray Ent Vieira ”Show ET Canada Young & Pitchin’ In Bones Restless Debt/Part ” Early News Noon News Gracepoint Global Hour ” Nat.
Football: The Talk Raible’s Vikings ” at Scouting
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Minnesota League Sportsnet Vikings at Soccer Connected
Waterfront Astroblast His World Cities Dragon Snapshot
Premier Green Bay Sportsnet Poker Packers Connected
Green Bay Sportsnet Packers Connected ” Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected
Johnny Cash: Man,
Scandal ”
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His World Snapshot
SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show ” The Doctors SethView Meyers SportsCentre Rachael Ray The ” ” ”
22 Minutes Coronation Bookaboo
Letterman Ferguson The Price Is
ET Canada Sportsnet The Doctors Connected Rachael Ray Party Poker ” ”
Pitchin’ In Debt/Part
The Marilyn Denis Show
Best Recipes Young & Stefano Restless
Pitchin’ In Debt/Part
NHL Special Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Plays/Month Bucket-Dino News
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Baseball SportsCentre Tonight ” SportsCentre NASCAR ” Racing CFL Canucks Football: Lunch Blue Top 50 NHL Bombers at Players RedBlacks Baseball ” Tonight CFL SportsCentre SportsCentre Football: ” ” Stampeders NASCAR at CFL Racing Football: Roughriders Canucks Blue ” Lunch BombersOne at Formula Top 50 NHL Racing RedBlacks Players ” SportsCentre Baseball CFL ” Tonight Football: SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre Stampeders ”
The Talk Rachael ” Ray ” The Meredith Pitchin’ In Vieira Show Debt/Part Young & Noon News Restless Hour News Days of ” our Lives Global Nat. The Talk CHBC News ” Ent Rachael Ray TheCanada Meredith ET ” Vieira Show Bad Judge Pitchin’ In A to Z & Young Debt/Part Restless Hawaii FiveNoon News 0 News Hour ” Security Days of our Security Global Nat. Lives CHBC News News CHBC The Talk Final Ent ” ET Canada Canada ET The Meredith The Doctors Bad Judge Vieira Show
Dr. Phil The View ” ” Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show The Dr. Oz CTV News Show ” CTV News The Social at Five ” CTV News Dr. Phil ” ” etalkView The Ellen DeGeBig Bang ” neres Show The The Amazing Marilyn Race The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show Orphan CTV News Black CTV News ” at Five Blue Bloods The Social ”” CTV News ” News-Lisa Dr. Phil CTV etalk News ” Big Bang Bang Big Ellen DeGeSethAmazing Meyers The neres Show
Steven and Bookaboo Chris Doodlebops Heartland Best Recipes ” Stefano Dragons’ CBC News Den Now CBC News Republic ” of Doyle CBC News Steven and Coronation Chris Murdoch Bookaboo Heartland Mysteries Doodlebops ” Marketplace Best Recipes Rick Mercer Dragons’ Stefano Den Halifax Com. CBC News Halifax Com. CBC News Now ” The National Republic of ” CBC News Doyle Coronation CBC News Steven and Rick Mercer Murdoch Chris Mysteries Backstage Heartland Coronation Marketplace ”
Let’s Make a The DealPrice Is Right Bold Young & ThisMinute Restless Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy ” KIRO News The Talk KIRO News ” KIRO News Let’s News Make a CBS Deal Ent Price Is The Bold The Insider Right ThisMinute The Amazing Young & Race Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy Hawaii FiveKIRO News 0 KIRO ”News KIRO News Blue Bloods The Talk KIRO ””News CBS News KIRO Newsa Let’s Make Late Ent Show Deal The Insider Letterman Bold Ferguson The Amazing ThisMinute
The Talk Rachael ” Ray ” The Meredith Pitchin’ In Vieira Show Debt/Part Young & Noon News Restless Hour Early News Days ofNat. our Global Lives News Hour The Talk ” ” Ent Rachael Ray The Meredith ET Canada ” Vieira Show Bad Judge Pitchin’ In A to Z & Young Debt/Part Restless Hawaii FiveNoon News 0 Early News Hour Global Nat. Security Days of our Security News Hour Lives ”Hour News The Talk Final Ent ” ET Canada Canada ET The Meredith The Doctors Bad Judge Vieira Show
” Party Poker ” ” Sportsnet NHL Special Connected Plays/Month MLB MLB Baseball Baseball ” ”” ” ” ” ” Sportsnet Party Poker Sportsnet Connected ” Connected NFL NHL Game. Special Plays/Month MLB Plays/Month Baseball Triathlon MLB ” Baseball ” Sportsnet ” Connected ” ” Sportsnet ” Connected Sportsnet ” Connected Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected NFL Game. Connected
Bucket-Dino G. Shrinks Curious PAW Patrol Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm Jelly Jamm Bucket-Dino Kate and PAW Patrol Magic Bus Kate and Jack Astroblast Wild Kratts Dragon Park Bucket-Dino Our Part Curious Coast G. Shrinks Dive, Olly ” PAW Patrol Jelly Jamm Doc Jelly Martin Jamm ” Kate and Bucket-Dino Magic Bus George PAW Patrol Gently Jack and Kate Wild Kratts ” Astroblast Park Park Dragon Our Part Black Coffee Bucket-Dino Coast ” Curious ” Doc Martin Dive, Olly ” Doc Martin Jelly Jamm
Coronation CBC News Rick Mercer Murdoch
CBS News KIRO News Late Ent Show
News ”Hour Final Ent
” Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet
Our Part Black Coffee Coast ”
A to Z Young & Hawaii FiveRestless 0 News Security ” Security Global Nat.
Race The Dr. Oz Orphan Show Black CTV News Blue Bloods at Five ” CTV News
” CHBC News News-Lisa ” SportsCentre Final CTV Ent etalk News ET Canada Big Bang The SethAmazing Meyers Bad Doctors Judge The
CFL ” Football: SportsCentre SportsCentre Stampeders
Rick Mercer Dragons’ Halifax Com. Den Halifax Com. CBC News The National ” ” CBC News
Race Judge Judy HawaiiJudy FiveJudge 0 KIRO News Blue KIROBloods News KIRO ”News
A to Z Young & Hawaii FiveRestless 0 Early News Security Global Nat. Security News Hour
SNP ” ” )
Plays/Month MLB Triathlon Baseball ” ” Sportsnet ” Connected ”
Park Our Part
The First 48 ”
Get Away The First 48 With Murder ”
News Hour Final
OddYoung Parents CBC News Mr. SpongeBob ” Boys iCarly The National Haunting ” Haunting ” Sam & Home Cat CBC News Funny Amanda Victorious Videos Lang ” Funny Home The National Videos ”
KIRO News Late Show
News Get Away The First 48 WorldMurder News ” With KOMO 4 The First 48 News Dead Again News Jimmy ” Wheel Live The DeadFirst Again Kimmel 48 Jeopardy! Nightline ”” Grey’s The First 48 Anatomy ”
CBC News Rick Mercer
A&E 1
” MacNeil ” CBC News Amanda Now With Lang Andrew CBC News Nichols ” Power & The National Politics ” ” CBC News CBC News ” Now With ” Amanda Carole The National Lang MacNeil ” CBC News The National ” Now With ”
JackWorld His Wild Kratts Snapshot Waterfront Park Cities Our Part Park Johnny Cash Grand”Tours Ancient Egypt
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News
at CFL Roughriders Football: ” Blue Formula One Bombers at Racing RedBlacks
“We are not yet in a submit an application.” needs to be done, onposition to make forSerious negotiations going issues that need to be addressed, so the good mal application to Canto bring CIS football to ada West, as there are the valley have been onthing is, this will give us still a number of issuesDISC going for the last two WTBS an opportunity reYTV NEWS KAYU TLC KCTS to KING to 6 be negotiated focus on P those,” 7 between 9 years.; < Avisit andN UBC and CBC the News Sun,” said While Sun Wayside Mayday: Air Raising 19 president Kids Divorce he said. Sesame Today Kid vs. Kat Now With Disaster Paid Prog. 19 Kids Divorce Street cont’d Johnson. “In fact, the Paul Carson regrets the “It has no bearing on Monster Carole Highway Family Feud Gypsy Judge Dinosaur New Day Almost Thru Hell delay Family Sisters Dinosaur Northwest time frameMacNeil Canada West inFeud the process, heJudge our situation, we’ll proChucks CBC News Yukon Men Law & Bench Plus Cat KING YTV falls NEWS DISC KAYU TLC Hot WTBS KCTS KING suggests in admits it mayGypsy strengthceedPeg as planned. Yes,5 Nerds Now roughly With ” Order: SVU Sisters Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat News 6 7 9 ; < A N P Squirrel Andrew Car SharksenLaw Gypsy in the King Why! Days of our line with our thoughts the&application we’reSuper disappointed, but Rated A for Nichols Car Sharks Order: SVU Sisters King Thomas Lives Wayside CBC News Mayday: Air Raising 19 Kids Divorce Sesame Today on the earliest time we long run. it may work out well in Monster Power & Bering Sea Family Feud 19 Gypsy The Middle Sesame St. cont’d Dr. Phil Kid vs. Kat Now With Disaster Paid Prog. Kids Divorce Street Sidekick Politics Gold Family Feud Sisters The Middle Cat in the ” would be in positionHighway to “There is still a lot that Monster Carole Family Feud Gypsy Judge the end.” Dinosaur New Day
News Jimmy
A&E 1
Dead Again ”
Johnny Cash Kimmel Live The First 48 ” Nightline ” G. Shrinks The View The First 48 PAW Patrol ” ”
PAW Patrol Kate and
Steve Family Feud Harvey Law & The Meredith Order: SVU Vieira Show Law & Name Game Order: SVU Name Game Family Feud Two Men Family Feud Mod Fam Steve Raising Big Bang Harvey Paid Prog. Big Bang The Meredith Family Feud Bones Vieira Family”Show Feud
The National Fast N’ Loud Gracepoint ” ” ” CBC News ”
Fast N’ Loud News ” Mod Fam
The National Yukon Men ” ”
Gypsy Sisters Sisters Gypsy Gypsy Sisters Sisters Gypsy Gypsy Sisters Sisters Gypsy Gypsy Sisters Sisters Gypsy 19 Kids Breaking Sisters 19 Kids Amish Gypsy Gypsy Sisters Sisters
Gypsy Sisters
Mike Mike
Gypsy Sisters
Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Hot Bench Big Hot Bang Bench Big Bang King Browns King Payne The Middle Browns The Middle Payne Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Fam Mod Divorce Seinfeld Big Bang Judge Family Guy Big Bang Judge Family Guy Browns Hot Bench Amer. Dad Payne Hot Bench Amer. Dad
Browns King Jeffersons Payne King Jeffersons The Middle Mod Fam Movie: The Middle Seinfeld “Envy”
Masterpiece Dinosaur Classic Peg Plus Cat Masterpiece Peg Plus Cat Classic Super Why! World News Thomas Business Sesame St. PBSin the Cat NewsHour Masterpiece Sesame In Close Classic Street SciTech Masterpiece Dinosaur Foyle’s War Classic Dinosaur ”
Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 KING News 5 News Days of our KING 5 Lives News Dr. Phil Nightly” News News Ellen TodayDeGeNews neres cont’d Show Evening KING 5 New Day The Biggest News Northwest Loser
Sesame In Close St. Bailey Cat in the SciTech Moone Boy Masterpiece Foyle’s War Masterpiece Classic ” Classic Masterpiece Midsomer Classic Murders
Dr. Phil News KING News ” Evening Tonight
World News 5 Peg Plus Cat KING Midsomer Bad Judge Business Peg Plus Cat News Murders A to Z PBS Super Why! Nightly Days ofNews our Midsomer Parenthood NewsHour News Thomas Lives ” Scott &
Mod Fam ” Seinfeld ” Family Guy Family Guy
News Show Evening Seth Meyers The Biggest Loser
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Midsomer Murders
Bad Judge A to Z
Jeffersons Jeffersons
Midsomer Scott &
” Divorce Divorce
Masterpiece Show Classic Seth Sesame TodayMeyers Street cont’d
Judge Judge
Dinosaur Dinosaur
Anger Cougar Raising
Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 19 Kids
Paid Prog.
19 Kids
The First 48 ”
Monster Almost
Carole MacNeil
Street Outlaws
Family Feud 19 Kids Family Feud 19 Kids
The First 48 ”
Chucks Nerds
CBC News Now With
Fast N’ Loud Law & ” Order: SVU
Gown Gown
Hot Bench Hot Bench
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
The First 48 ”
Squirrel Rated A for
Andrew Nichols
Fast N’ Loud Law & ” Order: SVU
Gown Gown
King King
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
The Doctors The View ” ” Steve KOMO Harvey 4 News KOMO 4 The Chew News ” News General World News Hospital KOMO 4 The Doctors News ” Wheel The View Steve Jeopardy! ” Harvey Last Man KOMO 4 Standing KOMO 4 News News Tank Shark The Chew News ”” World News 20/20 General KOMO” 4 Hospital News News The Doctors Jimmy Wheel” Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Steve Nightline Last Man Harvey
The First 48 The First 48 ” ” Dead Again The First 48 ” ” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” Criminal The First 48 Dead MindsAgain ” ” Criminal The First 48 Minds Criminal ” Minds Criminal The First 48 Minds Criminal ” Minds Criminal The First 48 Minds Criminal ” Minds Criminal The First 48 Minds Criminal ” Minds Criminal Dead Again Minds Criminal ”
Monster Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat 6TEEN Monster Chucks Almost Hathaways Chucks Thunder Nerds Assembly Squirrel Hathaways Rated A for Sam & Cat Monster SpongeBob Sidekick Movie: Wayside 6TEEN “A Fairly Kid vs. Kat Chucks Odd Monster Paradise” Hathaways Almost Thunder Undercover Chucks Just Kidding Assembly Nerds Hathaways Cook’d Squirrel Cache Craze Sam Cat Rated&A for SpongeBob Assembly Monster Boys Movie: Sidekick “AFairly FairlyOdd A 6TEEN Paradise Odd Chucks
Power & CBC News Politics Now With ” Carole” MacNeil Amanda CBC News Lang Now With CBC News Andrew ” Nichols The National Power”& Politics CBC News News CBC ” Now With ” The National Carole ” Amanda MacNeil Lang The CBCNational News ” CBC With News Now ” CBC News Andrew ” The National Nichols ” The National Power & ” CBC News Politics ” Amanda ” LangNational The ”
Yukon Men Mayday: ” Air Disaster How/Made Street How/Made Outlaws Daily Planet Fast N’ ” Loud ” Don’t Drive Fast N’ Here Loud ” Highway YukonHell Men Thru ” Mayday Air Mayday: How/Made ” Disaster How/Made Mayday Street ” Daily Planet Outlaws ” Highway Fast N’ Loud Thru Don’tHell Drive ” Here Don’t Drive Fast N’ Loud Here Highway ” Thru Hell Mayday Yukon Men ”” Mayday ” Mayday How/Made ” Mayday How/Made
Family Feud Raising Family Feud Paid Prog. Steve Family HarveyFeud Family Feud The Meredith Law &Show Vieira Order: SVU Name Game Law & Game Name Order: SVU Two Men Family Feud Mod Fam Family Feud Big Bang Raising Steve Big Bang Paid Prog. Harvey Utopia Family Feud The Meredith Family” Feud Vieira Show Gotham Law & Name”Game Order: SVU Name Game News Law & Mod Fam Two Men Order: SVU Mod Fam Mike Family Feud Mike Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Anger Steve Cougar Utopia Harvey
Gown 19 Kids Gown 19 Kids Gown 19 Kids Gown 19 Kids Little People, Gown Big World Gown 19 Kids Gown 19 Kids Gown Four Gown Weddings Gown Four 19 Kids Gown Weddings 19 Kids Gown Four 19 Kids Weddings Little People, 19 Kids Big World Four Gown Weddings 19 Kids Gown 19 Kids Kids 19 Gown 19 Kids Four Gown Weddings Little GownPeople, Big FourWorld Gown Weddings Paid Prog. Gown Paid Four Prog. Gown
The Middle Divorce The Middle Divorce Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Hot Bang Bench Big Hot Bench Browns King Payne King Browns The Middle Payne The Middle Mod Fam Divorce Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Family Judge Guy Family Guy Big Bang Judge Big Bang Amer. Dad Hot Bench Amer. Dad Browns Hot Bench Payne Jeffersons King Jeffersons Browns King Payne Movie: The Middle “Shaft” Mod Middle Fam The Seinfeld ” Seinfeld ” Guy Family Mod Fam
Sesame St. Sesame Cat in the Street Secrets of Dinosaur Chatsworth Dinosaur Masterpiece Peg Plus Cat Classic Peg Plus Cat World News Super Why! Business Thomas PBS Sesame St. NewsHour Cat in the Washington Sesame Secrets of Charlie Rose Street Chatsworth Father Dinosaur Brown Masterpiece Dinosaur Classic DCI Peg Banks Plus Cat ”News World Peg Plus Cat Business Super”Why! Austin City PBS Thomas NewsHour Limits Sesame St. Celebrates Washington Cat in the Charlie 40 YearsRose Secrets of ArtZone Father Chatsworth
Dr. Phil Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGeNew Day neres Show Northwest KING 5 KING 5 News News KING 5 Days of our News Lives Nightly News Dr. Phil News ” News Today Ellen DeGeEvening cont’d neres Show Bad New Judge Day A to Z 5 KING Northwest News Dateline KING 5 NBC KING 5 News News ” Days of our Nightly” News Lives News News KING Dr. Phil Tonight News ” Evening Show Ellen DeGeSeth Meyers Bad Judge neres Show
News Jimmy Wheel
Minds Criminal Minds Criminal
SpongeBob Assembly Boys Movie:
Mod Fam Mike Mike Big Bang
Weddings Little People, Big FourWorld
Payne Movie: “Shaft” Mod Fam
NewsHour Limits Celebrates Washington
News News KING Tonight News
Big Bang Anger Cougar Utopia ”
Weddings Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Four Weddings
Seinfeld ” Family” Guy Family Guy
Charlie Evening 40 YearsRose Show ArtZone SethJudge Meyers Father Bad Brown A to Z
The Chew ”
Standing KOMO 4 Shark Tank News ” News 20/20 World News ” KOMO 4
A&E 1
A&E 1
Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal
Paradise” Hathaways Undercover Thunder Just Kidding Assembly Cook’d Hathaways Cache Sam & Craze Cat
” Amanda The National Lang ” CBC News CBC News ” ” The National
” Daily Planet Highway ” Thru Hell Don’t Drive Don’t Here Drive Here Highway
” Thru Hell The National Mayday ” ” CBC News Mayday “AFairly FairlyOdd Amanda ” ” A Mayday Paradise LangNational Mayday ” Odd The
” The Meredith Gotham Vieira Show ” Name Game News Name Game Mod Fam Two Men
Weddings Little People, FourWorld Big Weddings 19 Kids 19 Kids 19 Kids Four
Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Browns Jeffersons Payne Jeffersons Browns
Brown Masterpiece DCI Banks Classic ” World News ” Business Austin PBS City
Halifax Com. Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Triathlon Halifax Com. 0 0 ”
Shark Tank ”
Criminal Minds
Undercover The National Highway Just Kidding ” Thru Hell
Gotham ”
Four Weddings
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
DCI Banks ”
Formula One Security Racing Security
The National Blue Bloods ” ”
Criminal Minds
Cook’d CBC News Cache Craze ”
Don’t Drive Here
News Mod Fam
19 Kids 19 Kids
Jeffersons Jeffersons
” Austin City
Mayday Mayday ””
Anger Paid Prog. Cougar Paid Prog.
Mayday ”
Blue Bloods ”
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News
CBC News Rick Mercer
KIRO KIRO News Late_ Show
Security Security
CHAN News Hour Final (
Sportsnet Connected
SNP Sportsnet Connected )
” Park
KNOW KOMO Black Coffee News ” Jimmy * `
SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang Backstage College Fish’n SickKids Absolutely SportsCentre The Meyers Coronation Football RealDoctors Fishing Seth Foundation Canadian
Letterman Changers Ferguson All In
cont’d: Teams TBA
Powerboat Driving TV
Sports Stars Powerboat Football Driving TV
” CFL Pre
Noon News Hour
SportsCentre The Nature ” of Things
Col. Football Noon News College Hour
Plays/Month Dogs/Jobs Blue Jays Dogs
Football College
CFL Football:
Moves Simpsons
Corner Gas Corner Gas
Football: Alabama at
Moves Simpsons
MLB Specials
Hope for Wildlife
Football: Teams TBA
Edmonton Eskimos at College Toronto Football Argonauts
Mississippi ” Changers ” All In ” Sports All In Stars FootballStars Sports
Simpsons Simpsons Fish’n Movie: Real Don’t Fishing “You
MLB Central MLB English PreBaseball mier League ” Soccer ” Matchday ”
Ultimate Engineering Wild Kratts Waterfront Wild Kratts Cities
cont’d: CFL Teams TBA Football:
Simpsons Junk Raiders ” Simpsons ” ” Fish’n SickKids Absolutely Movie: Cash Cab Rick Mercer Real Don’t Fishing Cash Foundation Canadian “You Cab 22 Minutes Powerboat It Is Written Mess With The Marilyn Doc Zone Driving TV The Social the Zohan” Denis Show ”
” BC Lions at CFL Pre Hamilton
Noon News ” Hour Nat. Global
SportsCentre The The Social LandNature & Sea of Things etalk ” Mansbridge
Col. Football KIRO News Noon News ” College KIRO News Hour Global Nat.
CFL Tiger-Cats ” Football:
MovesHour News ” Simpsons
Corner Gas CTV News Corner” Gas
Rhythmic The National Football: CBS News Marketplace Alabama KIRO News Gymnastics at
Moves News Hour ” Simpsons
MLB Baseball Specials
Hope for Wildlife
SportsCentre Edmonton College MLS Soccer Eskimos at Football ” Toronto cont’d: ” Argonauts Teams TBA CFL ” ” SportsCentre Football: CFL Pre SportsCentre BC Lions at ” CFL Hamilton Football: One Formula Tiger-Cats Racing: Edmonton ” Eskimos at Japanese SportsCentre Grand Prix Toronto MLS Soccer
16x9 Simpsons Fish’n ” Simpsons Real Fishing NCIS: Movie:Los Powerboat Angeles “You Don’t Driving TV Stalker Mess With Noon News ” the Zohan” Hour Crime ” Stories Moves Global Nat. Simpsons News News Final Hour Saturday Simpsons ” Simpsons Night Live 16x9 Movie:””
W5 Junk Raiders SickKids ” Foundation Big Bang Cash Cab It Is Written Anger Cash Cab The Social Mike The Marilyn SportsCentre Cleveland Denis Show ” Hope Saving The Social Corner etalk ” Gas Corner Gas News CTV News CTV Junk News Raiders ” ” I Now ProW5 nounce Cash Cab ” You
Short ”Film Absolutely Face Off ” Canadian Gags Rick Mercer Doc Zone Ron James 22 Minutes ” The Doc HonourZone The able Nature Woman ” of Things News Land & Sea Movie: Rhythmic Mansbridge Gymnastics “The Bourne The National Ultimatum” ” Marketplace ” Short ”Film ” Rick Mercer Face Off
16x9 Simpsons Fish’n ” Simpsons Real Fishing NCIS: Movie:Los Powerboat Angeles “You Don’t Driving TV Stalker Mess With Noon News ” the Zohan” Hour Crime” Stories Moves Global Nat. Simpsons News News Final Hour Saturday Simpsons ” Simpsons Night Live 16x9 Movie:””
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It Is Written The Social
Doc Zone ”
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Steve Raible Mississippi Changers Startup ” All In NCIS:”Los Sports” Stars Angeles Football Stalker All In Col. Football ” Stars Sports College 48 Hours KIRO News Football: KIRO ”News Alabama at KIRO News CBS News Scandal Mississippi KIRO News ”” Steve Raible Ent ” Startup
ET Canada Sportsnet Fish’n English Pre- Doc Wild Martin Kratts The ” RealDoctors Fishing Connected mier League Wild Kratts
Powerboat Mess With Driving TV the Zohan”
Soccer Matchday
A&E Criminal Minds 1
YTV Assembly Boys 6
NEWS The National ” 7
Kimmel Fairly Odd Amanda College Live Criminal Wahlburgers A Rabbids CBC News Nightline Minds Lang Football: Wahlburgers Paradise Bread CBC News
Mister Maker Ohio State Martha at Maryland
Wahlburgers Turtles Wahlburgers Sanjay
Now With Christine
To Be Announced
” ”
KNOW KOMO ” * ` ”
A&E ” 1 ”
College ” Football: Postgame Mister Maker KOMO Ohio State Prehistoric 4 Martha at Maryland Hunters News
Wahlburgers Criminal Wahlburgers Minds
Plays/Month Dogs/Jobs ” Ancient Blue Jays Dogs Sportsnet Egypt
KING News Tonight
Street Outlaws Mayday: Air
KNOW General KOMO Hospital * `
George Gently
Parenthood ”
Bailey Moone Boy
Roughriders Hawaii Five- Orphan ” 0 Black
KING 5 Parenthood News ” NightlyNews News KING News Tonight
Movie: “Envy”
Jeopardy! Minds Kimmel Live Criminal Nightline Minds Last Man Criminal Standing Minds
A to Z
Ellen DeGeThe Biggest Show neres Show LoserMeyers Seth KING 5 Bad Judge News A to Z
World News Midsomer Business Scott & PBS Bailey NewsHour Moone Boy In Close Masterpiece SciTech Classic Foyle’s War ”
Mysteries The Insider ET Canada Sportsnet Connected ” Backstage Letterman Doc Martin Coronation Ferguson The Doctors Connected ” Marketplace The Amazing Bad Judge NFL Game. Doc Martin Rick Mercer Race A to Z Plays/Month ”
Funny Home Amanda Videos Lang Wayside CBC News Kid vs. Kat Now With
Astroblast Dragon
” Kate and GeorgeBus Magic Gently Jack ” Wild Kratts Park Park
Mr. Young Boys Haunting Haunting
How/Made Thru Hell How/Made Yukon Men Daily Planet ” ” Car Sharks FastSharks N’ Loud Car ” Bering Sea Fast N’ Loud Gold ” How/Made Mayday: Air Yukon Men How/Made Disaster ” Daily Planet Highway Street ” Thru Hell Outlaws Fast N’ Loud Yukon Fast N’Men Loud ” ”
Movie: “A Fairly Odd Paradise”
DISC Mayday ” 9
KAYU Mike Mike;
TLC WTBS Little People, Movie: Big World “Shaft” < A
A to Z KING 5 Dateline News NBC KING 5 News ” Nightly” News
Dateline NBC ” ”
KING KING News Tonight P
Paid ” Little Prog. People, Legally Paid Prog. ” 2 Big World Blonde
40 Years Wild Kratts ArtZone Wild Kratts
Show English PreSeth Meyers mier League
Kids News Old House
19 Kids and Counting
Soccer Goal Zone
19 Kids and Counting
Don’t Drive Here
Pregame College
Don’t Drive Here
Football: 19 Kids and Oklahoma at Counting
The National Issue CBCNational News The CBC News Mansbridge
Highway Thru Hell Mayday How/Made ” How/Made
NowNature With The Christine of Things
Mayday How/Made ” How/Made
Texas Christian Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog. ” Kids News Extra Old House College
Birak the fifth estate”
Don’t Drive Fast N’ Loud Pregame Football: Here ” College Arizona
KCTS Limits Celebrates N
” ”
New Day Northwest
Movie: “Shrek” ” ” Movie: “From Paris
Perlmutter Easy Yoga
Pregame College
for Arthritis Suze Or-
Football: Stanford at
Wahlburgers Criminal Wahlburgers Minds
Movie: “Daddy I’m Rabbids a Zombie” Bread” Turtles Monsters Sanjay Monsters
Football College College Football:
To Be Criminal Announced Minds
Movie: Monsters “A Fairly Monsters
” Criminal Minds”
Odd Assembly Undercover Paradise”
” Don’t Drive The National Marketplace ” Here
Football: 19 KidsStoand State at Untold USC or Utah ries of ER Oklahoma at Counting
Movie: “I Am Paris “From
for Arthritis Weekend In Close Suze Or-
Football: Meet KING News Stanford at
State ” College ” Football: ” Ohio State Pac-12 Postgame at Maryland Wheel KOMO 4 Football Jeopardy! News College Cougar College Cougar Football: Football: Teams TBA News Nebraska at Castle ” Michigan ”” State Burn Notice ””
Criminal ” Wahlburgers Minds ” Wahlburgers Dead Again Criminal Wahlburgers ” Minds Wahlburgers Criminal Criminal To Be Minds Minds Announced Criminal Criminal Minds Minds” ” Criminal Criminal Minds Minds” ” Dead Again Criminal ” Criminal Minds
Funny Movie: Home Rabbids Videos “Daddy I’m Bread The Odd a Zombie” Turtles Life of” Sanjay Timothy Monsters Movie: Green Monsters “A Fairly Japanizi Monsters Boys Odd Monsters Paradise” Haunting Assembly Haunting Movie: Undercover “Daddy I’m Odd Life-Tim Funny Home ” a Zombie” Videos
Flight The National CBC MH370 IssueNews CBC News Prince The National Now With George Mansbridge Christine The The National Nature Birak Mansbridge of Things ” Flight the fifth MH370 estate” ” The The National National Issue The National Marketplace Issue The National Flight Mansbridge The National MH370
at UCLA Texas Paid Prog. ” Christian Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ” KidsBang News Big ” Old House Mod Fam Extra Pregame Big Bang College College News Football: Wanted Football: Arizona Oklahoma at Animation State at Domination Texas USC or Utah Christian Glee at UCLA ””
Legend” With Love” Legally ” Blonde 2 Family Guy First Family Movie: Family Box OffiGuy ce “Shrek” Seinfeld Community ” Seinfeld Community ” King The Middle King Movie: The Middle “From Paris Movie: Movie: “The Devil’s With “I AmLove” ” Tomb” Legend” First Family ””
SciTech man’s FinanWild Kratts Moone Boy cial SoluWild Kratts Extraorditions for You Brainnary Women America’s ChangeAgatha Test Kitchen Perlmutter Christie Test Kitchen Easy Yoga Scotland Finding Your Yard for Arthritis Roots Suze OrAustin City Weekend Limits man’s FinanIn Close cial SoluEasy Yoga SciTech for Arthritis tions forBoy You Moone
Traveler Notre Dame English Backroads ” Premier League The Myster” Soccer ies of Laura ” Goal Zone Law & Biz Kid$ Pregame Order: SVU Kids News College Saturday KING 5 Night Live Football: News Stanford at KING Meet News Saturday Notre KING Dame News ” Night Live Traveler ” Backroads
KNOW Football: KOMO Nebraska at Michigan Teams TBA * `
A&E 1
Airplane Highway Mayday Repo Thru Hell ” Deep Fried How/Made Mayday Masters How/Made ” Don’t Drive How/Made Don’t Drive Here How/Made Here Airplane Fast N’ Loud Repo Drive Don’t ” Here Fast Loud Don’tN’ Drive Highway Here ” Thru Hell Overhaulin’ Airplane ” How/Made Repo
19 Kids With Love” 19 Kids ” Little People, First Legally 19 Kids Family BigKids World Blonde 19 Box Offi2 ce Movie: 19 Kids and Community “Shrek” Counting Community
man’s Finan- Notre Dame cial Solu” Wild Kratts tions for You English ” PreWild Kratts mier League America’s ” BrainSoccer Test Kitchen Biz Kid$ ChangeGoal News Zone Test Kitchen Kids
19 Kids and Counting 19 Kids
” The Middle ” The Middle
Perlmutter Finding Your Pregame KING 5 Easy College RootsYoga News
Outrageous 19 Kids Little People, Outrageous 19 Kids Big World Sex Sent Me 19 Kids 19 Kids and to the E.R. 19 Kids Counting Untold 19 KidsStoand 19 Kids and ries of ER Counting Counting Untold 19 KidsStories of ER 19 and 19 Kids Kids Counting To Be StoUntold Announced 19 riesKids of ER 19 Kids Peter Popoff Outrageous Paid Prog. 19 Kids Outrageous
3 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2014 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 6 :30 1 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 7 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 11 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 12 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 1 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 2 12 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 3 8 :30 :30 :00 :00 4 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 10 :30 # $ % & :00 11 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 11 :30 ” Postgame
Movie: Block
” Smartest NFL Football Coronation
Night NASCAR Racing: NFL
Ups” Joel Osteen Paid Prog. ”
Cash Cab ” ” First Story
” Coronation Coronation Movie:
Pets.TV Regional Coverage KIRO News
Football: Sprint Cup: Hollywood Cincinnati Casino 400 Bengals at ” New ” England ” Postgame Patriots Prerace SportsCentre ” NASCAR ” Football Racing: SportsCentre Night Sprint Cup: SportsCentre NFL ” Hollywood Football: Casino 400 SportsCentre Cincinnati ” Bengals at ” SportsCentre New ” England SportsCentre Patriots ” SportsCentre Football Night ” SportsCentre NFL SportsCentre Football: ” Cincinnati SportsCentre Bengals at ” New SportsCentre England ”
CHBC News Noon News Hour Global Nat. Ice Pilots CHBC News NWT Mulaney Simpsons Burgers Simpsons Block Madam Simpsons Lorna Dueck Secretary Movie: Joel Good Osteen The “Grown Paid Prog. Wife Ups” Noon News Simpsons Hour Family” Guy CHBC News Ice Pilots News Final Global Nat. NWT Block CHBC News Simpsons PGA Mulaney Simpsons Paid Prog. Burgers Simpsons Madam Movie: Secretary “Grown The Ups”Good Wife ” Simpsons CHBC News Family Guy Global Nat. News Final CHBC News Block Mulaney PGA Burgers Paid Prog.
Steele” ” CTV News NFL Overrun ” NFL Football Saving Hope ” ” NFL Football Once Upon a Time” ” ” Resurrection ” Cash Cab ” CSI: Crime First Story ” Scene Steele NFL Overrun News CTV Football News NFL CTV News ” Castle” Saving ” Hope ” ” Once Upon ” a Time ” Resurrection Cash Cab ” First Story CSI: Crime Steele Scene CTV News News ” CTV News Saving Hope Castle ””
“Cars 2” Coronation Marketplace ” Our ” Vancouver Heartland Land & ” Sea Mansbridge Coronation Canada’s Canada’s Coronation Smartest Smartest Coronation Janet King Person Coronation ” ” Coronation The National Movie:” Marketplace “Cars 2” Our News CBC ” Vancouver the fifth ” Land & Sea estate Heartland Mansbridge Canadian ” Canada’s Canada’s Smartest Smartest Person Janet ”King ” Movie: The National “Cars 2” ” ” CBC News ” the fifth Heartland estate ” Canadian
” ” CBS News ” KIRO News NFL 60 Minutes Football: ” Regional NFL Madam Coverage Football: Secretary ” Regional The Good ” Coverage Wife Pets.TV ” CSI: Crime KIRO ” SceneNews ” ” KIRO News CBS News NFL KIRO News KIRO News Football: Face/Nation 60 Minutes Regional Scandal ” Coverage Madam ” Secretary ” The Good Pets.TV Wife KIRO News CSI: Crime ” Scene CBS News KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News 60 Minutes Face/Nation ” Scandal
Patriots Madam SportsCentre Secretary
Once Upon a Time
Canada’s Smartest
Madam Secretary
Announced Duck D. News Ocean Mys. Duck cont’dD. Born-Explore ” News Duck D. Global Nat. Baseball ” World News Duck D. Noon News MLB Animals Sea Rescue GoodFellas Hour Specials Animals Wildlife Docs ” News Hour ” Architects of KOMO 4 Duck D. Ice Pilots MLB Central Waterfront What Would Duck-Before ” ” ” Change News NWT MLB Cities You Do? ” Mulaney ” Prehistoric Funny Home Wahlburgers Simpsons Baseball Park Timbersports Wahlburgers ” Burgers ” Hunters Videos Simpsons ” Our Part Series ” Block NHL 100 Wild Kratts Rescue To BeD. Madam Sportsnet Monarch of Once Upon Duck Simpsons ” Hope for World of X Lorna Dueck Connected European Little Prince Jack Hanna Announced Secretary the Glen a Time Duck D. Movie: ” Wildlife Games Duck D. Joel Good Osteen European Poker Tour Little Prince Resurrection Ocean Mys. Duck cont’dD. The Shetland “Grown ”Tour Victorian KOMO Paid Prog. Plays/Month Annedroids Born-Explore ” Wife Poker ” ” 4 Duck D. Ups” Sportsnet Pharmacy News Duck D. Noon News Sportsnet MLB Animals Sea Rescue Duck GoodFellas Simpsons Shetland Revenge D. ” MLB Vikings News Duck D. Hour Specials Animals Wildlife Docs ” Family Guy Connected ” ” Duck-Before Global Nat. Baseball ” World News Duck D. Ice Pilots MLB Central Mega Waterfront What Would Wahlburgers ” News Final Sportsnet News News Hour Architects of Castle KOMO 4 Duck D. NWT MLB ” Cities You Do? ” Block Connected Piranha Wahlburgers ” ” Change News Duck-Before Simpsons Baseball Park Timbersports ” PGA Sportsnet Monarch of ” Duck D. Mulaney Prehistoric Funny Home Duck Wahlburgers Simpsons ”” Our Part Series ” Paid Prog. Connected the Glen Burn Notice D. Burgers ” Hunters Videos Wahlburgers Simpsons ” Hope for World of X Duck D. Madam Sportsnet Monarch of Once Upon Duck Duck D. D. Movie: ” Wildlife Games Secretary Connected the Glen a Time Duck D. “Grown ” Victorian KOMO 4 Duck D. The European Shetland Resurrection Duck Ups”Good Sportsnet Pharmacy News Duck D. D. Wife Poker Tour ” ” Duck D. ” MLB Vikings News Duck D. Simpsons Sportsnet Shetland Revenge Duck D. Global Nat. Baseball ” World News Duck D. Family Guy Connected ” ” Duck-Before News Hour ” Architects of KOMO 4 Duck D. News Final Sportsnet Mega News Wahlburgers ” ” Change News Duck-Before Block Connected Piranha Castle Wahlburgers Mulaney ” Prehistoric Funny Home Wahlburgers PGA Sportsnet Monarch of ” Duck D. Burgers ” Hunters Videos Wahlburgers Paid Prog. Connected the Glen Burn Notice Duck D. Madam Sportsnet Monarch of Once Upon Duck D. Secretary Connected the Glen a Time Duck D.
” The Good SportsCentre Wife
Resurrection Janet King ” ”
The Good Wife
The Good Wife
European Poker Tour
Shetland ”
SportsCentre Simpsons ” Family Guy
CSI: Crime Scene
The National CSI: Crime ” Scene
Simpsons Family Guy
Sportsnet Connected
Shetland ”
Duck D. Japanizi Duck-Before Boys
SportsCentre To Be ” Announced SportsCentre
News Final Block Rachael Ray PGA ”
News CTVView News The Castle”
CBC News the fifth Bookaboo Doodlebops estate
KIRO News KIRO News The Price Is Right Face/Nation
News Final Block Rachael Ray PGA ”
Sportsnet Connected Party Poker ” Sportsnet
Mega Piranha G. Shrinks PAW Patrol Monarch of
Wahlburgers Wahlburgers CSI: Miami ” Duck D.
Haunting Haunting Wayside Kid vs. Kat Diary-Dog
Paid Prog. Pitchin’ In Debt/Part
” The Marilyn Denis Show
Canadian Our Vancouver
Scandal Young & Restless
Paid Prog. Pitchin’ In Debt/Part
Connected MLB Specials
the Glen Burn Notice Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino News
Duck D. Criminal Minds
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
MLB Baseball
PAW Patrol Kate and
The Chew ”
Criminal Minds
Days of our Lives
Astroblast Dragon
The First 48 ”
PreraceCalendar Lorna Dueck Coronation 1, Football: 10Country :30 Football Wednesday, October 2014 rLake “Grown ”” Person ” :00
” ”
MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014 12 :30 Vancouver Radio
Noon News Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 10 4 :00 :30 11 MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014 5 :00 :30 12 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 6 # $ % & 2 :00 7 :30 :00 :00 3 8 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 9 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 10 12 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 1 :00 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 :30 12 2 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2014 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 10 :30 :00 11 :30 10 12 :00 11 :30 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2014 12 :00 :30 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :30 TSN # $ % & :00 2 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 :00 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2014 :00 1 :30 6 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 7 :30 :00 # $ % & 3 :00 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 4 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 11 :30 5 :00 10 :30 :00 12 :30 6 :00 11 :30 :00 1 7 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 2 :00 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 9 :30 3 :00 10 4 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 11 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 12 10 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30
Movie: ” Block NHL 100 Lorna Dueck European “Grown ” Ups” Joel Osteen Sportsnet Poker Tour Paid Prog. Plays/Month ” MLB
Billiards: Days of our Mosconi Cup Lives
The Social ”
Republic of Doyle
The Talk ”
NFL PrimeTime
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Steven and Chris
Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”
Monday To Be Night Announced
The Meredith DeGe- Heartland Rachael Ray Ellen The View Bookaboo Vieira ”Show neres ”Show Doodlebops ”
Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right
Countdown ” ”
Young Pitchin’&In Restless Debt/Part
The Dr. Oz Marilyn Show Denis Show
Dragons’ Our Den Vancouver
Judge Young Judy & Judge Judy Restless
” Vancouver NFL Radio
News Noon News Hour ”
CTV News at Five”
CBC News Now ”
Football: Global News Billiards: Days ofNat. our CTV The Social Seattle ” Mosconi Cup CHBC Lives News NFL The Talk Seahawks at Ent PrimeTime ” Washington ET Canada
Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang
Monday Redskins To Be Night SportsCentre Announced Countdown SportsCentre ”” ” ” SportsCentre Vancouver NFL ” Radio Football: SportsCentre Billiards: Seattle ” Mosconi Cup Seahawks at SportsCentre NFL Washington ” PrimeTime Redskins Monday SportsCentre Night SportsCentre Countdown ” ” SportsCentre
Ellen DeGeGotham The View neres ”Show ” The Dr. Oz Forever The Marilyn Show ” Denis Show CTV News Castle CTV News at Five ” ” CTV News News-Lisa The Social ” CTV News ” etalk Show Daily Dr. Phil Big Bang Seth Meyers ” Gotham
Heartland Murdoch Bookaboo ” Mysteries Doodlebops Dragons’ Strange Our Den Empire Vancouver CBCNational News The CBC News ” Now CBC News News CBC Republic of Coronation Rick Mercer Doyle Murdoch 22 Minutes Steven and Mysteries Coronation Chris Murdoch
The Meredith NCIS: Los Rachael Ray Vieira Show Angeles ” Young & Sleepy Pitchin’ In Restless Hollow Debt/Part News The Blacklist Noon News ” Hour Global News Nat. CHBC Days our CHBCofNews Final Lives Ent Canada ET The Talk ET Canada The Doctors ” NCIS: Los The Meredith Angeles Vieira Show Sleepy Young & Hollow Restless The Blacklist
Games Rescue Jack Hanna KOMO 4
Duck To BeD.
Pharmacy Little Prince Annedroids Vikings
A&E 1
Resurrection Duck D. ” Duck D.
KNOW Revenge KOMO ” * ` News Castle The View ””
A&E 1
” Victorious Hathaways Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Thunder Mr. Young Rodrick
at 30 News CBC CBC News the fifth
Rules Undercover Cook’d Movie: Just Kidding “Diary of a Undercover Wimpy Kid: Movie: Dog Days” “Diary of a Victorious Chucks Wimpy Kid” Hathaways Undercover ” Thunder Just Kidding Diary of a Mr. Young Cook’d Wimpy Kid: Undercover Japanizi Rodrick Cook’d Boys Rules Just Kidding Haunting Movie: Undercover Haunting “Diary of a Movie: Diary-Dog Wimpyof Kid: “Diary a Day Dog Days” Wimpy Kid” Chucks ” Undercover Diary of a Just Kidding Wimpy Kid: Cook’d Rodrick Japanizi Rules Boys Movie: Haunting “Diary of a Haunting Wimpy Kid: Diary-Dog Dog Days” Day
George Birak ” The National ”” ” Burn: Detroit Fire ” Marketplace CBC News ” Prince Harry CBC News Marketplace at 30 NowNational With The the fifth Christine ” estate Birak Detroit Burn: Prince” Fire George ”” The National ” Mansbridge ” ” The National Burn: ”Detroit Marketplace Fire Prince Harry at 30 ” Marketplace the fifth The National estate ” Prince Burn: Detroit George Fire The National ” ” Mansbridge Burn: Detroit The National Fire ”
Chucks Undercover
” Don’t Drive Marketplace Here
estate Now With Christine Prince
Cash Cab Paid Licence to NFL Prog. To Be ” Drill: the Louis. Football: Announced How Uni- Trout TV ” verse Works Dream cont’d” Fast N’ Loud Livin’ Atlanta ” Falcons at ” How the Uni- Two Men Medium verse Mike Medium Don’t Works Drive New York ” Here Giants ” How the Uni- Two Men Long Island Airplane The OT ” verse Works Simpsons Medium Repo Auto Racing ” Naked and Simpsons Angels Dangerous ” To Be Afraid Burgers Angels Flights Announced Licence to NFL ” To BeIsland Don’t Drive Simpsons Long Cash Cab ” ” Drill: Louis. Football: Announced Here Brooklyn Medium Cash Cab Paid Prog. ” Fast the N’ Loud AtlantaGuy cont’d How Uni- Family Angels How the Trout TVat ” Uni- Mulaney Falcons verse Works Angels” verse Works Livin’ Dream ” Don’tthe Drive New York ” How Uni- News Medium How the Uni- Bones Two Men Medium Here Giants ” verse Works Medium verse Works Mike Medium Airplane How the Uni- The OT ” To Be ” How the Uni- Anger Two Men Long Island Repo Auto Racing Announced ” verse Works verse Works Simpsons Medium Dangerous To Be How the Uni- How I ”Met Paid Prog. NakedWorks and Simpsons Angels Flights ” Announced verse Raising Paid Prog. Afraid Burgers Angels Cash Cab ” ” Don’t Cab Drive Simpsons Long Island Cash Paid Prog. ” Here Brooklyn Medium How the Uni- Trout TV ” How Uni- Family Guy Angels” versethe Works Livin’ Dream verse Works Mulaney Angels How the Uni- Two Men Medium How the Uni- News Medium verse Works Mike Medium verse Works Bones Medium How the Uni- Two Men Long Island How the Uni” To Be verse Works Simpsons Medium verse Works Anger Announced Naked and Simpsons Angels How the Uni- How I Met Paid Prog. Afraid Works Raising Burgers Angels verse Paid Prog.
Masterpiece ” Classic 5th Quarter Masterpiece KING 5 Mystery! News
Burn: Detroit How the Uni- News Fire verse Works Bones
Medium Medium
” Movie:
” Estate
Dateline NBC
To Be Announced First Grandson Paid Prog.
“The House Bunny” Divorce Divorce ”
Scotland Roadtrip Sesame Street Front and
KING News The 206 Today cont’d Bensinger
Day Monster Almost
How the Uni” Mansbridge verse Works Raising Anger CBC News Mayday Now With ” Uni- Paid The National How the How Prog. I Met verse Works Family RaisingFeud Carole” Highway MacNeil Thru Hell Family Feud
Paid Prog. 19 Kids 19 Kids
There Yet? Judge Judge
Center Dinosaur Dinosaur
Paid Day Prog. New Northwest
Chucks Nerds
CBC News Now With
Law & Order: SVU
Medium Medium
Hot Bench Hot Bench
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
Law & Order: SVU
Say Yes Say Yes
King King
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
The Middle The Middle
Sesame St. Cat in the
Dr. Phil ”
NEWS 7 ”
Jacked! ”
Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Jelly PAW Jamm Patrol
Storage CSI: Miami Storage ”
Wayside Wayside Chucks Kid vs. Kat
” CBC News ” Now With
How/Made Mayday How/Made ”
Steve Raising Harvey Paid Prog.
Kate KOMO 4 Jelly and Jamm Magic Bus News Bucket-Dino
To Be Criminal Announced Minds
SpongeBob Monster Bread Almost
Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil
Daily Planet Highway ” Thru Hell
The Meredith Family Feud To 19 Be Kids Vieira FamilyShow Feud Announced 19 Kids
KIRO News KIRO News ”
Early Noon News News Global Hour Nat.
MLB ” ” Baseball
Jack PAW Patrol Wild Kate Kratts and
Duck D. Criminal Duck MindsD.
Odd Parents CBC Chucks CBC News News SpongeBob ” Nerds Now With
CBC News Republic of Coronation Doyle
KIRO News The Talk CBS News ”
News Hour Days of our Lives ”
Steven and Murdoch Chris Mysteries
Let’s Make a Ent The Talk Ent DealInsider ” The ET Canada
” ”
Seinfeld Family Guy Divorce Mod Fam Family Guy Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Browns Jeffersons Hot Bench Payne Jeffersons Hot Bench Browns Movie: King Payne “My Best King Mod Fam Friend’s The Seinfeld Girl” Middle The Middle Family Guy Seinfeld Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Jeffersons
Masterpiece de Force Sesame Classic Tommy EmStreet Masterpiece manuel and Dinosaur Classic Friends: Live Dinosaur World News John Peg Plus Cat Business Sebastian Peg Plus Cat PBS Presents: Super Why! NewsHour Folk Rewind Thomas Joe BonaElvis Sesame St. massa: ” Tour Cat in the de Force
Ellen DeGeThe Voice Today Show neres ” cont’d KING ”5 New Day News ” Northwest KING 5 The Blacklist KING News ”5 News Nightly News KING News Days News of our Tonight Lives News Show Dr. Phil Evening Seth Meyers ” The Voice
Mod Fam Name Game Amish Breaking Name Game To Amish Mike Be Mike Announced Two Men Breaking Mod Fam AmishPopoff Anger Peter Cougar Paid Prog. Big Bang Breaking Big Bang Amish
Jeffersons Browns Payne Movie:
Sebastian World News Business Presents:
“My Best Browns Payne Friend’s Girl” Mod Fam Seinfeld
Folk PBS Rewind NewsHour Elvis ” Joe Bonamassa: Tour
KING ”5 News News KING Tonight Nightly News News Show Seth NewsMeyers Evening The Voice ”
Murdoch Mysteries
Big Bang Mom
NCIS: Los Angeles
Plays/Month Vikings NHL Special ”
Forever ”
Strange Empire
Scorpion ”
Sleepy Hollow
MLB Specials
Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected
Sportsnet NHL Special Connected MLB MLB Specials Baseball Sportsnet
Connected ” ” Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet Connected
SNP Sportsnet ) Connected
Duck D. Duck D.
Funny Home The National How/Made Videos ” How/Made
Gotham ”
Breaking Amish
Family Guy Family Guy
de Force Tommy Em-
Duck D. Duck D.
Wipeout ”
The National Airplane ” Repo
Sleepy Hollow
Breaking Amish
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
manuel and Friends: Live
LoveMiami Prison CSI: ””
The National MythBusters Raising Mike CBC News Megaspeed ” Mike Prog. Now With ”” Paid Amanda How/Made Anger Feud Carole MythBusters Family Lang How/Made CougarFeud MacNeil ” Family
To Kids Be 19 Announced 19 Kids Peter Popoff 19 Kids Paid Prog. 19 Kids
Movie: Divorce “My Best Divorce
Duck D. Criminal Duck D. Minds
Haunting Wayside Haunting Kid vs. Kat Funny Home Monster Videos Almost
Friend’s Judge Girl” Judge
Presents: KING News Sesame Today Folk Rewind cont’d Tonight Street Elvis ShowDay Dinosaur New ” Seth Meyers Dinosaur Northwest
Criminal Minds
Chucks Nerds
CBC News Now With
Law & Order: SVU
Medium Medium
Hot Bench Hot Bench
Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News
KNOW General KOMO Hospital * The ` Doctors
The First 48 ”
Squirrel Rated A for
Diana Swain To Be ” Announced
Law & Order: SVU
Say Yes Say Yes
King King
Super Why! Thomas
Days of our Lives
A&E 1
Monster Sidekick Wayside Wayside Kid vs. Kat Nerds Monster SpongeBob Almost Chucks Chucks Odd Parents Nerds SpongeBob Squirrel Sam &A Cat Rated for Hathaways Monster Max Sidekick Hathaways Wayside
Power & Politics CBC News ” Now With ” Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang CBC News CBC News Now With ” Diana Swain The National ” ” Power & CBC News Politics ””
Family Feud Family Feud Raising Steve Paid Prog. Harvey Family Feud The Meredith Family Feud Vieira Show Law & Name Game Order: SVU Name Game Law & Two Men Order: SVU Mod Fam Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Steve
Say Yes Say Yes 19 Kids 19 19 Kids Kids 19 Kids 19 Kids 19 19 Kids Kids and Counting Medium 19 Kids Medium 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes Preaching Say Yes Alabama 19 Kids
The Middle The Middle Divorce Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Judge Big Bang Hot Bench Browns Hot Bench Payne King Browns King Payne The Middle Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld Seinfeld
Sesame St. Cat in the Sesame Masterpiece Street Classic Dinosaur Masterpiece Dinosaur Classic Peg Plus Cat World News Peg Plus Cat Business Super Why! PBS Thomas NewsHour Sesame St. Food Cat in the Rick Steves Masterpiece
Dr. Phil ” Today Ellen cont’dDeGeneres Show New Day KING 5 Northwest News KING 5 KING News 5 News Days of our Nightly Lives News News Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen DeGe-
Announced ” Megaspeed Raising Daily Planet The Meredith Paid Girl Prog. Vieira Show Bering”” Sea New Gold: Under MythBusters Family Feud Bering Sea Mindy Name Game ” Family Feud Gold Name Highway News Game Thru Hell Fam Airplane Law & Bering Sea Mod Two Men Repo Order: SVU Gold: Mod Fam To Be Under Mike Announced Mike To Be Law & Highway Big Bang Announced Order: SVU Thru Hell Big Bang Bering Sea Anger Gold Cougar To Be Utopia Overhaulin’ Family Feud Announced Top 10 Family” Feud
19 19 Kids Kids and 19 Kids 19 Kids Counting Preaching
Family Guy Divorce Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad
Alabama 19 19 Kids Kids 19 Kids 19 Kids Kids 19 19 Medium 19 Kids Kids Medium 19 Kids Kids and 19 Counting Say Yes Preaching Say Yes Alabama Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 19 SayKids Yes 19 SayKids Yes
Amer. Dad Judge Browns Judge Payne Jeffersons Jeffersons Hot Bench Browns Hot Bench Payne Movie: “Biker King Mod Fam King Seinfeld Boyz” ” Guy Family The Middle Family Guy The Middle
Roots Sesame Today”5 Masterpiece KING Street cont’d” Classic News Makers ”5 Dinosaur World”News New KINGDay Dinosaur Northwest Business News Frontline Chicago Fire ” ”5 News Peg Cat KING PBSPlus Nightly Peg Plus Cat KING News News NewsHour SciTech Chef Super Days Food Why! Tonight News of our Thomas Lives Rick Steves Evening Heart of Per- Show fect Health Meyers Finding Your The Voice Sesame St. Seth Dr. Phil Roots ” Cat in the
” KNOW KOMO The Castle * ` Corporation ”
The National ”
CBC News Bookaboo Rick Mercer Doodlebops
KIRO News The Price Is Late Show Right
22 Minutes Letterman Best Recipes Young & Coronation Ferguson Stefano Restless
News Hour Rachael Ray Final ” ET Canada Pitchin’ In The Doctors Debt/Part
Sportsnet HockeycenConnected tral at Noon
Hope for News G. Shrinks The View Wildlife Jimmy” PAW Patrol SearchKimmel4Live Jelly Jamm KOMO Robert Nightline Bucket-Dino News
Vancouver Radio
Noon News Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News ”
Noon News Hour
Party Poker ”
PAW Patrol Kate and
To Be Announced
Days of our Lives
The Social ”
Republic of Doyle
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
NHL Special Astroblast MLB Central Dragon
Baseball Tonight To Be SportsCentre Announced ” ” Around ” Reporters Vancouver NHL Season Radio Preview To Be ” Announced ” Baseball NHL Fantasy Tonight Draft Special SportsCentre
The Talk ” Rachael Ray The Meredith ” Vieira Show Pitchin’ In Young & Debt/Part Restless Noon News News Hour ” Days of our Global Lives Nat. CHBC News The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith
Dr. Phil ” The View Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show CTV News CTV News ” at Five The Social CTV News ” ” Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang Ellen DeGe-
Steven and Chris Bookaboo Heartland Doodlebops ” Best Recipes Dragons’ Stefano Den CBC News CBC Now News ” Republic of CBC DoyleNews Coronation Steven and Murdoch Chris Mysteries Heartland
Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is Bold Right ThisMinute Young & Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO News ” KIRO News The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News Let’s Make a Ent Deal The Insider Bold
The Talk ” Rachael Ray The Meredith ” Vieira Show Pitchin’ In Young & Debt/Part Restless Noon News Early News Hour Global Nat. Days of our News Lives Hour ” The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith
MLB Baseball Sportsnet ” Connected ” Hockeycentral at ”Noon ” Party Poker Sportsnet ” MLB NHL Special Baseball MLB Central ” MLB ” Baseball ””
” SportsCentre To Be ” Around Announced Reporters SportsCentre
Vieira Show NCIS Rachael Young” & Ray ”New Restless NCIS:
” NHL Season ” Preview SportsCentre ”” Vancouver Radio ” SportsCentre ” To BeFantasy NHL Announced Draft Special SportsCentre ” SportsCentre Baseball ” Tonight
Orleans Pitchin’ News In Debt/Part ” Fire Chicago ” Nat. Noon GlobalNews Hour CHBCHour News News Final Days Ent of our Lives ET Canada Canada ET The Doctors NCIS The Talk ”
The Chew ”
Bucket-Dino Curious G. Shrinks Dive, Olly PAW Patrol Jelly Jamm Jelly Jamm Kate and Bucket-Dino Magic Bus PAW Patrol Jack Kate and Wild Kratts Astroblast Hope for Dragon Wildlife Bucket-Dino Ultimate Curious Engineering Dive, Olly
A&E Wahlburgers 1 Wahlburgers
A&E 1
The First 48 ” ” The View CSI: Miami Steve ” Storage ” Harvey Storage KOMO 4 Criminal KOMO Storage News 4 Minds News Storage The Chew Criminal News ” Storage Minds World News Storage General The First 48 KOMO 4 Storage Hospital ” News Storage The Doctors The First 48 Wheel” Storage ” Jeopardy! Storage Steve Storage neres Show Rick Mercer ” ThisMinute Vieira Show JellyFirst Jamm Harvey The Flash NCIS NCIS ” The Selfi e Storage ” Oz 22 Minutes ”Judy World War Manhattan Storage The Bookaboo The Price Is Rachael G. Shrinks The View CSI: Miami The View Dr. Dragons’ Judge Young” & Ray Sportsnet ” Kate and KOMO 4 Storage Doodlebops Right ”New Connected PAW Patrol ” Show ” of Den Honour- NCIS: Judge New Judy NCIS: Restless ” Magic Bus News ” of Agents The Sportsnet The Art Star Agents Storage S.H.I.E.L.D. able Orleans Orleans Connected and Storage The Best Recipes Young & Pitchin’ In HockeycenJelly Jamm S.H.I.E.L.D. KOMO Criminal CTVMarilyn News CBCWoman News KIRO News Early News Sportsnet Jackthe News 4 Storage Denis Show Stefano Restless Debt/Part tral at Noon Bucket-Dino News Minds at Five ” KIRO News Global Nat. MLB Wild Kratts World News Storage Person of The National Person of Chicago Fire Sportsnet Sudanese Forever Storage Interest ” Interest Connected ” 4 Storage CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon Party Poker Twins PAW The Chew Criminal News ”News Hour Baseball HopePatrol for KOMO Storage ” Now ” Hour ”Hour ” Kate and Minds Coronation CBS News Wildlife News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News News Sportsnet Ultimate News ” Storage CTV News Rick Mercer Late Show Final Connected Engineering Jimmy Storage The Republic The Days Astroblast General The First 48 etalkSocial Murdoch of Ent Talk Ent of our NHL Special ” Ultimate Wheel Storage ” Doyle ” Lives MLB Central Dragon Hospital ” Big Bang Mysteries The Insider ET Canada Canada Sportsnet ” Engineering Jeopardy! Storage Daily Show 22 Minutes Letterman ET Art StarKimmel Live Storage Seth Meyers Coronation Doctors Connected Sudan Nightline The Flash Rick Mercer NCIS NCIS The First Selfi Storage Dr. Phil Steven and Ferguson Let’s Make a The The Talk MLB ” Bucket-Dino The e Doctors Storage The First 48 ” 22 Minutes ” Sportsnet World War Manhattan Storage Chris Deal ” Baseball Curious ” ”
SportsCentre NCIS: New Agents of The Honour- Bold NCIS: New The Meredith Ellen DeGeHeartland Orleans S.H.I.E.L.D. Orleans ” Vieira Show neres Show able Woman ” ThisMinute
NCIS: New Sportsnet The Meredith ” Orleans Vieira Show Connected ”
The Art Star Steve Agents of Dive, Olly and the S.H.I.E.L.D. Jelly Jamm Harvey
SportsCentre Chicago Around Young & Fire ” ” Reporters Restless SportsCentre News NHL Season News Hour ” Final ” Preview SportsCentre ET Canada To Be ” Rachael Ray Global Nat. The Doctors Announced ” News ”” CHBC
Chicago Young & Fire Sportsnet ” ” Connected Restless ” News Hour Sportsnet Early News Sportsnet Final Connected Global Nat. MLB ET Canada Rachael Ray Sportsnet NHL Classic News Hour Baseball The Doctors Connected Games ”” ”
Sudanese Kate and Twins Magic Bus Ultimate Jack Engineering Wild Kratts Art StarG. Shrinks Hope for Sudan PAW Patrol Wildlife
NEWS CBC News 7 ”
YTV NEWS 6 7 Nerds Home The National ” Funny Videos Wayside SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Chucks Wipeout
” CBC News Amanda Now With LangNational The ” ” Monster Carole Odd Parents CBC News Almost MacNeil SpongeBob CBC ” Gags News Vampire ” Chucks CBC News Sam & Cat The National Nerds NowNational With Hathaways ” Haunting The Haunting ”Swain Squirrel Diana Max CBC News Rated A for Amanda ” Hathaways Funny Home Videos Funny Home Lang The National Monster Power & Videos ” Sidekick Politics
DISC To Be 9 Announced
Airplane Repo
Overhaulin’ Top 10 Megaspeed How/Made ” How/Made MythBusters Daily Planet ” ” Airplane Bering Repo Sea Gold To Be Bering Sea Announced Gold: Under Overhaulin’ Highway Top 10 Thru Hell How/Made
DISC 9 How/Made To Be
CBC News Amanda Lang ”
Highway Daily Planet Thru Hell ” To Be Sea Bering Announced Gold Bering Sea Dangerous Bering Sea Gold FlightsUnder Gold:
News The Meredith Mod Fam Vieira Show KAYU Mike Name Game ; Mike Name Game Anger Raising Two Men Cougar Paid Fam Prog. Mod
19 Kids and 19 Kids Counting
The CBCNational News ”” Amanda CBCNational News The Lang Now With ”
19 19 Kids Kids and Counting 19 Kids Paid Prog. 19 Kids Paid Prog. 19 Kids Kids 19
Jeffersons Big Bang Jeffersons Big Bang WTBS Movie: Browns A “Biker Payne Boyz” Divorce Browns ” Divorce Payne
Frontline Chicago Masterpiece KING 5 Fire ” ” Classic News KCTS KING SciTech KING World News KING News 5 N P Chef Tonight Business News Heart of Per- Show Sesame Today News PBS Nightly fect Health Seth Street cont’dMeyers NewsHour News
Carole CBC News MacNeil ”
Bering Sea Highway Gold Thru Hell
Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang
19 Kids Preaching 19 Kids Alabama
Judge Mod Fam Judge Seinfeld
Dinosaur Food Dinosaur Rick Steves
Law & Utopia Order: SVU
Medium 19 Kids Medium
Hot Bench Family Guy Hot Bench
Peg Plus Cat The KING 5 Finding Your Voice Peg Plus Cat News
KOMO Wheel 4 News Jeopardy!
Criminal Storage Minds Storage
Monster Max Almost Hathaways
PAWFirst Patrol The Kate and
The e Chew Selfi ”
Criminal Storage Minds
ChucksHome The CBCNational News Bering Funny To Be Sea Nerds Now With Gold: Under
The Talk
Dr. Phil
Republic of
The Talk
Steven and
Let’s Make a The Talk Sportsnet Chicago ” Fire Sportsnet Central
The Honour- NCIS: New Doyle ” able Woman Orleans
SportsCentre Chicago Tonight ” Fire Person ” of ” ” Interest
The of ChrisNational Person Deal ” Interest
SportsCentre News ” Vieira Hour Show ” Final
Rick Mercer
Days of our
NCIS: New Lives Orleans ”
Sportsnet Special
” KNOW News KOMO News News * ` Jimmy World News
World War
A&E 1
The First 48
New Girl Order: SVU Mindy
Sudanese Curious Twins
Gags Sidekick Vampire
CBC News Politics ”
News Family Feud 19 SayKids Yes Mod Fam 19 Kids
The National To Be ” How/Made ” Announced
The Doctors The First 48 Storage ”
Forever ” ”
Power &
The Meredith Hockey News Hour Sportsnet Vieira Show Central
Dive, Olly Ultimate Jelly Jamm
Steve News Harvey
Storage Storage Storage
Wayside Haunting Chucks
Young & ET Canada Restless
Kate and Art StarMagic Bus
KOMO 4 Kimmel Live News
Duck D. Storage Duck D.
SpongeBob Amanda Funny Home Amanda Kung Fu Lang
” Houston
Dynamo at
The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation News CTV News CBC News ”
at Five
Ferguson KIRO News
Say Yes
The National Bering Sea ” Thru Hell ” Gold: Under
Judge Judy Letterman Judge Judy
Late Show
19 Kids
Wipeout Rated A for ”
Bold KIRO News ThisMinute
Dragons’ 22 Minutes Den
Law &
Storage ” Storage
Around Young & SportsCentre Canada MLS Soccer: ET Restless
The Dr. Oz Daily ShowShow
Diana Swain Highway
The Art Star Agents of Dragon Hospital and the S.H.I.E.L.D.
SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Heartland News-Lisa neres Show CBC News ”
CTV News
Sportsnet ” Connected
Connected NHL Sportsnet Hockey:
The Doctors Montreal Connected Early News
Sudan Jack
KING P neres Show The Voice
Gags SpongeBob Vampire Chucks Haunting Odd Parents Haunting SpongeBob Funny Wayside Sam & Home Cat Videos Kid vs. Kat Hathaways
Hockey ” Central
22 Minutes
KCTS N Classic Your Finding
Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Kimmel The View CSI: Miami KOMO 4Live Storage Storage Nightline Storage ” News ” Storage
NHL Classic Jelly Jamm ” Ultimate Games Bucket-Dino ” Engineering
WTBS A Mod Fam Family Guy
” ” KING The Blacklist P ”
Makers ” Masterpiece Ellen DeGe” Classic neres ”Show
Noon News NCIS Hour
The Social
TLC < 19 Kids Kids 19
KCTS John N Sebastian
Amer. Dad Seinfeld Amer. Dad Mod Fam
Pitchin’ In Ent Debt/Part ET Canada
Agents of ” S.H.I.E.L.D.
KAYU ; Harvey Utopia
WTBS Jeffersons A Jeffersons
Ellen DeGe” neres Show ” KING ”5 News The Blacklist
Preaching 19 Kids Alabama 19 Kids
CTVFlash News The ”
TLC Breaking < Amish
Masterpiece Tommy EmClassic manuel and Masterpiece Friends: Live Classic John
New Girl Steve Mindy Harvey
Vancouver Noon News SportsCentre NCIS Radio Hour
KAYU News Mod; Fam
Say Yes Amish Say Yes Breaking To Be Amish Announced Breaking
The National Bering Sea ” How/Made Gold: Under ” How/Made
” Pitchin’ In NHL Fantasy Ent ” Debt/Part Draft Special ET Canada
CBC Mercer News Rick Now
Steve ” Harvey Sleepy The Meredith Hollow Vieira News Show
Wipeout Wayside Nerds”
Forever KOMO 4
Storage Storage
YTV Gags 6 Vampire
” Announced CBC News MythBusters ” ” The National MythBusters ” ” The National Airplane ” Repo Amanda How/Made Lang How/Made CBC News To Be ” Announced
The National Person of Dragons’ Judge Judy Interest Den ” Judge Judy CBC News KIRO News CBC News KIRO News Rick Mercer Late ” KIROShow News Daily Show 22 Minutes Letterman The View Bookaboo The Price Is CTV News CBC News KIRO News Seth Meyers Coronation Doodlebops Ferguson RightNews ”” Coronation CBS The Marilyn Best Recipes Young & etalk Murdoch Ent Denis Show Stefano Restless Big Bang Mysteries The Insider
Dancing With the
News-Lisa The View CTV News ” DailyMarilyn Show The Seth Meyers Denis Show
Haunting Sam & Cat Hathaways Funny Home Videos Hathaways Thunder
How/Made How/Made Airplane Daily Planet Repo To Be ”
Say Yes Breaking FirstYes Say Amish Grandson To Be Breaking 19 Kids Announced Amish 19 Kids Breaking Breaking Medium Amish Amish Medium Breaking To Be Say Yes Amish Announced Say Yes Breaking Peter Popoff Say Amish Paid Yes Prog. Say Yes Breaking
” Wahlburgers Wahlburgers Duck D. Duck D. Love Prison ”
Steve With the Harvey Stars KOMO” 4 News Castle
Steve Gotham Raising Harvey ” Paid Prog. The Meredith Sleepy FamilyShow Feud Vieira Hollow Family Feud Name Game News Law & Name Game Mod Fam Order: SVU Two Men Mike Law Mod & Fam Mike Order: SVU Big Bang Anger Family Feud Big Bang Cougar Family Feud Gotham
News ” World News News Wildlife Architects of Jimmy KOMO 4 Change News Live SearchKimmel Robert Nightline Hope for Wheel Wildlife Jeopardy!
Dive, Olly ” Jelly Jamm SearchKate and Robert Magic Bus The
SportsCentre CHBC News To Be Rachael Ray ” Final ” Announced SportsCentre ET Canada ” Pitchin’ In The Doctors ” Debt/Part
Storage Duck D. CSI: Miami Storage Duck D. ” To BeD. Duck Criminal Announced Duck D. Minds Duck D. Wahlburgers Criminal Duck D. Wahlburgers Minds Wahlburgers Love Prison The First 48 Wahlburgers ” ” Love Prison Duck D. The First ” Duck D. 48 ” Duck D.
SportsCentre The Blacklist Castle ” ” ”
Steve Dancing The View Harvey With the ” KOMO 4 Stars KOMO News ” 4 News News Castle The Chew World ”News ” KOMO 4 News General News Jimmy Hospital Wheel Live Kimmel The Doctors Jeopardy! Nightline ” Dancing
KIRO NCIS: Los _ Angeles
World News Peg Plus Cat KING KING 5 5 Business Peg Plus Cat News News
How/Made How/Made Mayday How/Made How/Made ” Daily Planet Airplane Highway Repo ” Thru Hell MythBusters To Be Jacked! ” Announced ” Airplane MythBusters Lords Repo ”of the Car Hoards To Be How/Made MythBusters Announced How/Made ” How/Made
Gotham ”
Person The Dr. of Oz Interest Show News-Lisa CTV News CTV News at Five
Browns Hot Bench Payne Hot Bench
” The National CBC News ”” Now With Amanda The National Carole Lang ” MacNeil CBC News News CBC CBC News ”” Now With The National National The Diana””Swain ” CBC News Amanda Power”& Lang Politics The National ” ” The National Amanda ” Lang News CBC
Wayside Funny Home Wayside Chucks Videos Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Wipeout Monster Bread” Almost Odd Parents Gags Chucks SpongeBob Vampire Nerds Sam & Cat Haunting Squirrel Hathaways Haunting Rated A for Hathaways Funny Home Monster Thunder Videos Sidekick Funny Home Storage Wayside Duck D. Videos Storage Chucks Duck D. Wipeout To BeD. SpongeBob Duck ” Announced Gags Bread Wahlburgers Wahlburgers Vampire Duck D. Odd Parents Duck Prison D. SpongeBob Love Haunting
Breaking Say Yes Amish Say Yes
Masterpiece Ellen Sesame TodayDeGeClassic neres Street cont’d Show Masterpiece KING 5 Dinosaur New Day Classic News Dinosaur Northwest
Dr. Phil News ” Evening
Two Law Men & Mod Fam Order: SVU
Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Divorce Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge
Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives
A&E 1
The National Diana Swain Airplane Lords of the ”” Repo Car Hoards
Sesame St. Joe BonaCat in the massa: Tour
SportsCentre Sleepy ” Hollow
MythBusters Name Jacked! Law & Game Breaking Medium ”” Name Order:Game SVU Amish Medium
PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas
Redskins NCIS: Los SportsCentre Angeles
Say FirstYes Say Yes Grandson
The Middle Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld
Corporation Jack Wild Kratts Hope for
Browns King Payne King
Connected ” ” Sportsnet
MythBusters Family Feud Breaking Say Yes To Be Big Bang ” Family Feud Amish Say Yes Announced Big Bang
” Early News GlobalHour Nat. News Final News Hour ” ET Canada The Ent Doctors ET Canada
CHAN The Blacklist ( ”
Power & CBC News Politics ”
Wahlburgers & Cat The First 48 Sam Squirrel Wahlburgers Hathaways ” Rated A for
Bucket-Dino The Doctors Love The First 48 Hathaways Monster Hope for Wheel Prison Curious ” Sidekick Wildlife Jeopardy! ” Thunder
Architects Astroblast of KOMO General4 Change News Dragon Hospital
” Sportsnet ” Connected
Dive, Olly Vikings G. Shrinks Jelly Jamm ” PAW Patrol Kate and SearchJelly Jamm Magic RobertBus Bucket-Dino Jack The PAW Patrol Wild Kratts Corporation Kate and Architects Hope for of Astroblast Change Wildlife Dragon Hope for SearchBucket-Dino Wildlife Robert Curious Vikings
Days of our
MLB Baseball Specials
Sportsnet Plays/Month Party Poker Connected NHL Special ” MLB MLB Baseball Specials Specials ” Sportsnet MLB ” Connected Baseball ” Sportsnet ”” Connected ” Sportsnet Sportsnet ” Connected Connected ” Plays/Month
Young Pitchin’&In Restless Debt/Part
” The Closer
The Meredith Rachael Ray Sportsnet Party Poker Vieira ”Show Connected ”
News The Chew World ”News
NFL Fishing ” Football: Adventure Bengals at Sports Patriots Horse” Racing National ” Pro Poppy Cat GridQuarter League: 5th Noodle Finals5 KING Football ” News Night in Fishing Dateline America ” NBC NFL Adventure KING News Football: Sports The 206 Bengals at Horse Bensinger Patriots Racing Paid Prog. ” Poppy Cat ” Noodle 5th Quarter Football KING 5 Night in News America Dateline NFL NBC Football: KING News Bengals at The 206 Patriots Bensinger ” Paid Prog.
” The Closer
MythBusters Family Feud Say Yes ” Family Feud Say Yes
Steve The View Harvey ”
Night Finalsin ” America
Angels Angels
Power & Politics
A&E 1
Passage Sid Science Noodle National Pro
Big Bang War Madagascar McLaughlin ” In Close Mod Fam Doc Martin Mod Fam ” Austin” City ” Limits Movie: Weekend Movie: Celebrates “Hitch” Moyers “Zoolander” 40 Years ” Rick StevesShelter Me: ”” Holy Land New Begin Shark””Tale Sid Science Masterpiece Big Bang Norway ” Wild Kratts The Closer Classic Big Bang Passage Madagascar McLaughlin ” Masterpiece Big Bang The Canyon ” In Close The Closer Mystery! Big Bang War Austin” City ”” Mod Fam Doc Martin ” Limits Movie: Estate Mod Fam ” Movie: Celebrates “The House Scotland Movie: Weekend “Zoolander” 40 Years Bunny” Roadtrip “Hitch” Moyers Shelter Me: ”” Front and Rick Steves”” New Begin There Yet? Center ” Holy Land Big Bang Norway ” Masterpiece Big Bang Passage The Closer Classic Big Bang The Canyon ” Masterpiece Big Bang War The Closer Mystery! Mod Fam Doc Martin ” ” Mod Fam ” Movie: Estate Movie: Weekend “The House Scotland “Hitch” Moyers Bunny” Roadtrip Rick Steves”” Front and Holy Land There ”Yet? Center
Long Island Medium
Just Kidding The National How the Uni- Family Guy Cook’d ” verse Works Mulaney
Diana Swain Lords of the ” Car Hoards
KNOW Hospital KOMO * `
The Meredith NCIS: Los Rachael Ray Vieira Show Angeles ” Young & Sleepy Pitchin’ In Restless Hollow Debt/Part EarlyBlacklist News The Noon News Global” Nat. Hour News Hour Hour News Days of ” our Final Lives EntCanada ET The Talk ET Canada The Doctors ” NCIS: Los The Meredith Angeles Vieira Show Sleepy Young & Hollow Restless The Blacklist
To Be
Simpsons Brooklyn
Monster Sidekick
” SNP ” ) ”
BoldBang Big The Price Is ThisMinute Mom Right Judge Judy Scorpion Young & Judge”Judy Restless KIRO News NCIS: Los KIRO News KIRO News Angeles ” KIRO News News KIRO The CBSTalk News Late Show ” Ent Letterman Let’s Make a The Insider Ferguson Deal Big Bang Ellen DeGeHeartland Bold ” Mysteries Mom neres Show ” ThisMinute Forever Strange Scorpion The Dr. Dragons’ Judge”Judy ” Oz Empire Show Den National NCIS: Judge Los Judy Castle The ” ” Angeles ” News ” CTV News CBC News KIRO News NFL ” at Five ” KIRO News SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News ” Final CTV News Rick Late Football: Global Nat. CBC Mercer News KIROShow News Seattle CHBC News Daily Show ” Coronation CBS News SportsCentre ET Canada 22 Minutes Letterman ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Ferguson Seahawks at Ent etalk Murdoch Ent Washington ET Canada Big Bang Mysteries The Insider
SportsCentre NCIS: New Announced Lives ” Orleans
Squirrel Rated A for
Big Bang Shark Tale
” WildCanyon Kratts Grid League: A13 Big Bang The Football
Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First 48 Curious ” ”
Wildlife Wild Kratts Little Prince Victorian
Nightline News
Storage Duck D.
Videos Lang Odd Parents CBC News SpongeBob
Global Nat.
Canadiens at Wild Kratts
World News
Duck D.
Bering Sea
Highway Gold Thru Hell
Family Feud
Preaching Say Yes Alabama Say Yes
Family Guy King
Super Why!
New NewsDay Northwest Evening
Days of our ” Lives
Amer. Dad King Amer. Dad
Makers Thomas ”
Jeffersons The Middle Jeffersons
Frontline Cat in the ”
Chicago ” Fire ”
The Middle
Sesame St.
Dr. Phil
Steve Mike Harvey
Extreme 19 Kids and Extreme
Seinfeld Movie: Mod Fam
Masterpiece Ellen DeGeSciTech KING News Classic neres Show
Daily Planet Bering” Sea
The Meredith Outrageous Anger Show Outrageous Paid Prog. Vieira
Big Bang Boyz” Big Bang
Masterpiece KING 5 Heart of Per- News Show Classic
Name Game Extreme
KING 5 News
Gold Yukon Men ”
Cougar Paid Prog. Name Game Extreme
” Browns
fect Health World News
Seth Meyers
Toronto FC Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre CHBC News ”
CBC News Coronation
KIRO News CBS News
News Hour ”
Toronto Ultimate Maple Leafs Engineering
KOMO 4 News
Duck-Before Sam & Cat Duck-Before Hathaways
The National Car Sharks ” Car Sharks
Two Men Mod Fam
Extreme Extreme
Browns Payne
PBS NewsHour
Nightly News News
To Be Announced
Murdoch Mysteries
Ent The Insider
Ent ET Canada
NHL Hockey:
Wheel Jeopardy!
Wahlburgers Henry Epic Ink Danger
CBC News ”
Big Bang Big Bang
Outrageous Outrageous
Mod Fam Seinfeld
Easy Yoga for Arthritis
News Evening
” ”
Ent ET Canada Survivor ”
etalk Big Bang Arrow
Waterfront Cities
Bering Sea Gold: Under
Dragons’ Den
Survivor ”
Survivor ”
Vancouver Canucks at
Hidden Cities of Asia
The Middle Goldbergs
Duck D. Duck D.
Funny Home The National Highway Videos ” Thru Hell
Hell’s Kitchen
Extreme Extreme
Family Guy Family Guy
Penguins: Spy
The Mysteries of Laura
SportsCentre Chicago PD ” ”
Criminal Minds
Republic of Doyle
Criminal Minds
Chicago PD ”
Calgary Flames
Absolute Prokofiev
Mod Fam blackish
Duck D. Duck D.
Wipeout ”
The National Yukon Men ” ”
Red Band Society
Outrageous Outrageous
Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
Law & Order: SVU
SportsCentre Stalker ” ”
Law & Order: SVU
The National Stalker ” ”
Stalker ”
Sportsnet Central
Nashville ”
Duck-Before Gags Duck-Before Vampire
CBC News ”
News Mod Fam
Extreme Extreme
Jeffersons Jeffersons
Nazi Mega Weapons
Chicago PD ”
CBC News Rick Mercer
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Party Poker ”
Waterfront Cities
News Jimmy
Wahlburgers Haunting Epic Ink Haunting
The National Bering Sea ” Gold: Under
Mike Mike
Outrageous Outrageous
Movie: “Fair Game”
Chas. Churchill
KING News Tonight
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada Sportsnet The Doctors Central
Hidden Cities of Asia
Kimmel Live Nightline
Duck D. Duck D.
Anger Cougar
Peter Popoff Paid Prog.
” ”
End Dieting Forever!
Show Seth Meyers
SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa ” Final CTV News
SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation
Funny Home Amanda Videos Lang
Car Sharks Car Sharks
Highway Thru Hell
Wednesday,October October1,1,2014 2014 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,
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NESBITT - SPIKE (VICTOR ORLIE) The family of Spike (Victor Orlie) Nesbitt sadly advise his peaceful passing at the age of 94 on Sept 23rd at Kelowna General Hospital, surrounded by family. Spike was born in Trail, B.C. He is survived by his loving wife Teresa, sons Gary Donselaar of Dawson Creek, Rodney/Cheryl Donselaar of Sorrento, B.C., Randy/Paulette Donselaar of Lake Country, B.C., and Reginald/Kimberly Donselaar of Calgary, Alberta. He is also survived by 8 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews. He will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by all his family. Spike was a veteran of the Canadian Airforce where he served at Patricia Bay on Vancouver Island. In accordance with Spikes wishes, there will be no internment or memorial. His ashes will be spread on Autumn Alpine Winds by his 4 sons, where he can enjoy forever trapping, hunting, and mushroom picking with his friends that have gone before him. The family would like to thank the staff of Kelowna General Hospital and Spring Valley Care Centre for the care, kindness and comfort provided to Spike. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting and searching his name under stories. Cremation and care handled by First Memorial Funeral Services, Kelowna, B.C. ph: 250-762-2299.
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL
The Council of the District of Lake Country will be considering three readings of “Tax Exemption Amendment Bylaw 901, 2014” on October 7, 2014 and will be considering adoption on October 21, 2014. The tax exemption applies to the taxation period commencing in 2015, being January 1, 2015 and ending December 31, 2018. The meetings of Council are to be held at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers, Municipal Hall, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road. For more information please contact Rose Bronswyk Kassa, CPA, CMA, Chief Financial Officer at 250-766-5650. Pursuant to Section 227 (1) & (2) of the Community Charter, the following information is provided with regard to the Bylaw: Registered Owner/Occupier Oyama Community Club – Royal Canadian Legion
Civic Address or Legal 15710 Oyama Road
Description Legion Hall 100%
Municipal Taxes 2015 2016 2017 $1,400
PUBLIC COMMENT SUSPENDED There will be NO more public comment sessions during Council meetings until after the November 2014 municipal election. Council is still interested in hearing what you have to say though, so the public is invited to write to Mayor and Council or apply to present as a Delegation at a future meeting by contacting the Corporate Services Department 250-766-5650.
Semi-annual water bills for the period July 1 to December 31, 2014 have now been mailed. The bills are due and payable before 4:30 pm on Friday, October 31, 2014. Payments received after the close of business on October 31, 2014 will be charged a late penalty of 5% on the unpaid balance. Payments can be made by mail; in person at Municipal Hall located at 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd; at all major financial institutions; or via internet and telephone banking. There is an after-hours drop box to the right of the main door of Municipal Hall. Municipal office hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. Ph. 250-766-5650
IRRIGATION TURN OFF DATES: Kalamalka Lake & Oyama Lake Sources Oct 14 – 17 th th Okanagan/Beaver Lake Source Oct 20 – 24 If a backflow preventer has been installed on your connection, it is the property owner’s responsibility to properly winterize the device. For winterization steps please go to and click on the “How to winterize a backflow preventer” QuickLink or the “Universal Metering” QuickLink to view a video and get a link to the written instructions.
VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE MEMBERS NEEDED The District of Lake Country is seeking volunteer members to serve on the
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PARC).
Do you, or anyone you know, have an interest in parks, recreation, leisure services and culture? Would you like to provide recommendations to Council on specific parks and recreation projects and events that promote community spirit, tourism and volunteerism? Please provide a letter of interest outlining your relevant background and interest in serving on this Committee to Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Services Manager, via email:, fax: 250-766-2903 or regular mail: 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1
Public skating at Winfield Arena starts today. View the Public Skating QuickLink at Health & Wellness Fair October 4 (10am-3pm) at Winfield Memorial Hall Think Well, Live Well, Be Well
Keep up-to-date on events with the What’s Happening calendar at