Castlegar News, October 02, 2014

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CASTLEGAR NEWS Thursday, October , 

Breaking news at

Vol. • Issue 

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Phil (PJ) Poznekoff


PJ Poznekoff

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This week’s feature:

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Power. Play.


Rauni Naud

Councillor Gord Turner

Taste of Castlegar Driveway

23 year in politics and ready to retire. See page A3

Second annual was a success. See page A12

Special car feature in the West Kootenay Advertiser located within this paper

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Rebels get a taste of fame

Lubin signs autographs after scoring two goals

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See page 17 for more Rebels hockey news.

Rebels volunteer Natalie Hipwell (centre) and Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff, freshly back from Charlottetown, P.E.I., get Rebels Player of the Game Bryan Lubin’s autograph on September 26 after a 7-4 win over Sicamous Eagles. Lubin had scored twice in the game. Photo by Derek Kaye

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Election: who’s in, and why? JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News

All official documents regarding who will run in the November 15 municipal and school district elections had not all been filed as of press deadline. This installment initiates the Castlegar City Council’s side of the story. Look for information on newcomers to the race, and school district hopefuls as well in forthcoming editions. Five of the six members of the current council will run, Gord Turner being the exception. The



story of his decision appears elsewhere in this issue. In alphabetical order, here are the councillors with comments as solicited on September 29. Each was asked to describe their high and low points from the concluding term, and what their inspiration was for running for the next term. Kevin Chernoff, member of council since 2005. “The high point would be the splash park (Millennium Ponds at Millennium Park); it’s one of the biggest as far as what the community sees,” said Chernoff.

“Another high point, not as much seen or praised, would be our five-year things like our asphalt plan — roads (resurfacing) scheduled every year so we don’t have to decide on a whim that this is a road that needs to be done. “We’ve been trying to keep it as a five year plan we revisit every year. It’s actually made it pretty easy for the public works guys to plan for.” On the negative side, Councillor Chernoff mentioned another civic project. “The only thing I can see is the lights on the bridge (Kinnaird overpass). As a council member, for the


We have taken all of our bery best products and discounted the prices so that...


money (about $45,000) we spent, I kind of expected more. That’s the only one that kind of nags at me.” Chernoff said the decision to go for re-election was not easy. “It’s not just me; it affects my wife and kids,” he said before stating, “I like the way Castlegar has grown. I’ve had some people suggest that the City should look after nothing but roads and sewers. There’s much more to a community than that, because if people don’t want to live here you don’t need roads and sewers.”

continued on page A11

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CPR Level C Recert Personality and Parenting: True Colours Workshop

Intro to Handheld Emergency First AidGPS with CPR C Editing: Writing as a Process

Standard First Aid with CPR C Recert Fabric Play

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North H2S and Alive South - A Documentary (LVR student made film) Occupational First Aid Transportation Endorsement

Beekeeping Beginners Occupational FirstforAid Level 1 Prenatal Refresher

Emergency First Aid with CPR C Scissorlift Certification Chainsaw Safety and Maintenance

StillingS-100/S-185 the Mind Fire Suppression and Entrapment Avoidance

Canadian FirearmsFirst Safety & Restricted Occupational Aid Non LevelRestricted 1 Prenatal: Breastfeeding

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Thursday, October 2, 2014 Castlegar News


Practical, tangible, local - Love in Motion JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News

Taking good intentions and doing something with them, right away, is the concept behind the movement called Love in Motion. Castlegar is home to a fledgling enterprise known as Discreet Care, spawned by Love in Motion BC, part of a growing effort devoted to helping local people. This is described as a non-profit arrangement, by the way, with money raised sunk right back into the future sustainability of the program. Discreet Care, in its own words, “… is a organization that started up based upon the significant need for ostomy, compression and wound care in the Kootenays. Our goal is to serve our community’s needs in the best beneficial way possible.”

Our goal is to serve our community’s needs in the best beneficial way possible.

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No outfit, however well-meaning or well-heeled, can do it all. Discreet Care, therefore, has apparently chosen Oct 14th - Maceo Parker to specialize. Oct 15th - Maceo Parker “With Discreet we are servicing the Oct 16th - Zion I w/ Aileron & VS. entire Kootenay region in B.C. Canada,” they assert on their website, “... Oct 18th - Harpoonist & The Axe Murderer early show w/ Miss Quincy and plan to offer extended service to ����������������������� Oct 18th - Cass Rhapsody - Late show��������������������������������������� other remote regions in B.C. We felt there was a need for this type of serOct 25th - Electro Swing Club’s Dirty Gramophones vice, and we are excited to offer DisOct 31st - Vinyl Richie Hallowe’en Spooktacular w/ Cass Rhapsody creet Care for those in our cities who are dealing with sensitive medical sues.” Oct 17th - An Evening with Sloan @ Spiritbar

Discreet Care manager Brittany Norman (back row, centre)) with Love in Motion directors, back row, from left: Rob and Jean Hitchens, Maria McFaddin and Svea Menard. Front (L-R) James McFaddin and Jacob Menard. Photo by Jim Sinclair

Nine-year Castlegar resident James McFaddin is one of a half dozen directors of the enterprise, and spoke to the Castlegar News about the program on September 30 from leased space in the lower floor of the New Life Church on Seventh Avenue. “We finished getting the society incorporation set up about two months ago,” said McFaddin. “At the beginning of September we launched Discreet Care, which is a business offering wound-care, ostomy and compression care services.” The spokesman then responded to a question of how those services were decided upon. “A few of our directors with Love in Motion are involved in the medical field. We saw a need for proper fitting and proper education for folks who are dealing with wearing compression socks, wearing an ostomy bag, and

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whatnot. And there’s a bit of a gap in some of the things being provided… with fitting and aftercare… something that’s going to feel right on their body.” McFaddin noted the sensitive nature of this kind of topic, thus the use of “Discreet” in the name of the service. “A lot of the time people will just kind of settle,” he said, “instead of settling for the best option for them, because it’s an uncomfortable thing to talk about.” For a start-up effort McFaddin is pleased by the way things are going. He says one of the directors made a recent presentation to a group made up of Interior Health Authority personnel, “…talking about compression therapy and it’s benefits.” For online information on this new initiative, visit

Castlegar News Thursday, October 2, 2014 A3


The Robson Community Choir is looking for new members!

Councillor moves to adjourn JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News

Citing many years of community service along with the desire to improve his golf game, Councillor Gord Turner has decided to let his involvement with Castlegar City Council end with the current term. Gord Turner has more plans for his time than what he can put in on the golf links; gardening and travel are two of them, as he told the Castlegar News on September 25. He said he also wants to continue with his bi-weekly column in this newspaper. Gord enjoyed a 32-year career as a Selkirk College professor, retiring in 2012. He has arrived at the time in his life where some more adjusting is in order. “I’ve been in politics now for 23 years, so I’m ready to retire,” he explained. “I’ve put in my time for the community, 14 years with city council and nine years with the school board.” Turner fully accepts the growing limitations that show up along with advancing years and he wants to manage his energy for the things he wants to do. Looking back, he’s gratified by what’s been accomplished by council.

“I’m quite proud of some of the things we’ve done. It’s worked together really well. We all talk to one another, we all socialize together, we agree to disagree, we get on with it and we have fun. It’s still fun at council, so I’d like to end at that point.”

The Robson Community Choir is a free group that has been around for 15 years. We sing mostly a cappela in a very relaxed atmosphere, with lots of fun and laughter. We are looking for new men and women to join our choir. No need to read music, just bring your love of singing. Meetings every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8pm at the Robson Hall. If you would like to join our team, Contact Dawn @ 608-1466 for more info

I’m quite proud of some of the things we’ve done.

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A new city hall, the Chances Gaming Centre, Millennium Walkway and pools are some of the projects he listed in terms of achievement. He said he’s also happy with the relationship the city has built with the various local cultural groups. “We get along with them and they’re all functioning very well,” he mentioned.

Gord Turner has decided not to run for re-election next month. Photo by Jim Sinclair

“And all the awards we’ve been getting, including Communities in Bloom. I wasn’t out there planting flowers, but I was at the various meetings, part of getting things okayed, and look what happened.”

Gord Turner is satisfied with his contributions over the years, confident about the immediate future of Castlegar and eager to enjoy, with wife Alexia, full retirement and all the good things that come with it.

His worship upbeat at UBCM JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News

Reached by phone in Whistler on Friday afternoon, Mayor Lawrence Chernoff had a few spare moments in which to relate some of his impressions of the concluding Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) conference. Spare moments had likely been in much shorter supply earlier in the week for the Castlegar mayor, what with a loaded schedule to keep up with including his duties on the BC Mayor’s Climate Leadership Council along


with mayors of Vancouver, North Vancouver (City and District) Victoria, Burns Lake and Colwood. Mayor Chernoff indicated the whole experience has been worthwhile for him. “It’s great to talk to ministers,” he said. “It’s great just to meet with people. Some of the sessions have been really well done. It’s great networking. We picked up a lot of good information.” The mayor responded to a comment relating to the volume of information dispensed at a forum such as

the UBCM convention, and how to process it. “You sift through it,” he simplified, driving home the point that the personal encounters are the main highlights. “It’s there, you get it live, and it’s face-to-face. That’s the biggest part of this thing.” The mayor was set to return to Castlegar the following afternoon. His detailed report on the conference will likely be included in the agenda of the regular council meeting scheduled for Monday, October 6.

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Thursday, October 2, 2014 Castlegar News

School board pays back Castlegar Selkirk Lions Club Food Raffle



Castlegar News

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School District 20 (SD 20) has given the Ministry of Education just over $1 million of the $1.3 million it saved when teachers were on the picket lines and students were at home at the end of the last school year. Back in June, school boards across the province were told to return 80 per cent of the money saved during strike days in the 2013-2014 school year — a topic on the agenda at Monday’s SD 20 board meeting. A large part of the meeting included a presentation of the 2013-2014 school year budget audit and showed significant savings because of the strike action. “We have our teacher savings from May and June and we had to send 80 per cent of it back to the ministry,” said Natalie Verigin, secretarytreasurer of the board, adding that $260,000 in teacher savings shown in their budget represented the 20 per cent of strike savings the board was allowed to keep. “Also, because of the strike, we had no replacements that were needed because we had no staff to replace. The unspent portion of the replacement budget was just over $115,000.” Teacher salaries and replacement costs weren’t the only place the board saved dollars. After paying back the Ministry of Education, the school district saved, and gets to keep, over $600,000 from last May and June, but a large chunk is being set aside in case it needs to get paid out in the future. “Of that $600,000, we have $250,000 set aside because we may have to end up paying it out,” said Verigin. “That money is saved up from not having to pay CUPE wages during the strike. That money may be flowed back out to CUPE depending on whether

we locally ratify our contract with them by the end of November. It is set aside as a $250,000 contingent liability.” For the days missed in the 2014-2015 school year because of the strike, school boards are being asked to return 100 per cent of savings from last month. In a letter dated September 12 from the Ministry of Education, all school districts were asked to give back teachers’ wages, benefits, replacement costs, utility and facility money along with transportation, professional development, travel and supply costs saved during the 13 strike days in September. The financial statements presented at the board meeting didn’t just cover the savings from the strike, but the budget for the entire 20132014 school year. The total surplus from the year amounted to $2.7 million, a number Verigin says is higher than the board is used to seeing. “Total revenues received were $35 million with total expenses at $33 million leaving an operating surplus of $1.87 million,” she said. “From that we deduct our capital expenditures, so we end up with an operating surplus of $1.3 million. Added to the surplus that we had prior, we have accumulated a surplus of $2.7 million. That is a large number and more than the board has had over the last few years.” Part of the reason for the large surplus, according to Verigin, are portions of money coming into the school board’s accounts not designated to a certain purpose in their annual budget. “In the 2013-2014 year, we had added revenues that didn’t make it into our budget and wasn’t allocated to any budget line item,” she said. “Some of this is a result of the release of the holdback fund from the Ministry of Education. We don’t ever account

for our money in that budget because we don’t know if the ministry will be releasing holdback monies. It is always a surprise. There have been years where the ministry has no holdback money left over after it had done allocation funding to other districts.”

We have our teacher savings from May and June and we had to send 80 per cent of it back to the ministry,

Along with holdback money, the board renegotiated rates with its banker to allow for higher interest rates and included carry-forward money in their announced surplus. “Every budget year, we allocate supply money to all of the schools depending on how many students are in that school,” said Verigin. “So, a school might get $200,000 a year and they have to run their school with that. If they choose to buy some iPads, they can set aside some money every year until they have enough money in reserves that they can make the purchase. If we had a budget mentality of, ‘here is your money and if you don’t spend it all, we are going to take it back.’ We feel that they would be spending it for the sake of spending it.” To see a full version of the SD 20 board’s 2013-2014 school year audit, visit www. The next SD 20 board meeting will be on October 27 in Castlegar.

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Castlegar News Thursday, October 2, 2014 A5



Province pledges e-cigarette controls



JEFF NAGEL Black Press


Health Minister Terry Lake says the province is prepared to regulate electronic cigarettes so their sale is governed by the same provincial restrictions as tobacco smoking. He was responding to a resolution adopted Friday at the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention urging government action. While local government in Castlegar is aware of the increasing use of the high-tech “smokes”, it has not drawn up any legislation on it. “We haven’t had a chance to discuss it,” said Mayor Lawrence Chernoff on September 30. The mayor indicated the issue is “absolutely” on the city’s radar, “because it’s really becoming dominant out there... the colours and the flavours entice the kids.”

Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held in the Community Forum, 445 – 13th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. on Monday, October 6th, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. to consider the following:

because it’s really become dominant out there. . . the colours and flavours entice the kids. The growing trend of “vaping” with e-cigarettes instead of smoking has raised questions over product safety and concerns that years of antismoking gains could unravel if nicotine addiction rebounds. Lake said he’d prefer the federal government regulate the battery-powered vaporizers instead, but added the province will act within a year



City of Castlegar


a) To permit steps, eaves, canopies, sunlight control projections, porches and balconies to encroach 1.2 metres into the rear lot line setback area; b) To increase the minimum width of buffer strips from 1.8 metres to 2.0 metres; and c) To require all parking facilities adjacent to a road to be screened with a buffer strip or barrier screen.

.................................................................................................................................................................. Enquiries:

Health Minister Terry Lake says municipalities can establish their own bylaws concerning the use of e-cigarettes.

if Ottawa does not. The goal, he said, would be to ensure e-cigarettes face most of the same bans or restrictions that apply on regular ones under B.C.’s Tobacco Control Act, particularly the ban on sale of tobacco to minors and the rules on advertising and display. Lake wouldn’t yet say if the provincial ban on smoking in public buildings and workplaces, or within three metres of their doors and open windows, would also apply to vaping, but he noted cities can also pass their own bylaws to restrict use of ecigarettes. Provincial law also bans smoking on all school grounds and in vehicles carrying youth under 16. The City of Vancouver is considering extending its smoking bylaw to e-cigarettes and adding the word “vaporizing” to its no-smoking signs. Lake was expected to continue to press for a national solution this week at a conference of provincial health ministers and federal officials. Fraser Health Authority medical health officer Helena Swinkels supports strong regulation by both the province

and municipalities. “I am very concerned about e-cigarettes and their uptake among youth,” she said. “I am concerned whether they actually help people to stop smoking or prolong people’s use.” The B.C. Healthy Living Alliance argues the use of e-cigarettes to defy public smoking bans undermines a key deterrent to tobacco use. Swinkels agreed the potential “social renormalization” of the act of smoking is a concern in part because users can vape in places where they’re banned from smoking. She said the jury is out as to whether e-cigarettes are effective and safe smoking cessation aids, noting they are regulated as consumer products and have not undergone the approval process required for a medication. “There’s some evidence that people using these may end up smoking more,” Swinkels said. “There’s little oversight of what goes into them and we know some of the ingredients are respiratory irritants.” Nicotine isn’t authorized for sale in the flavoured “juice” for e-cigs, but it is readily available.

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All enquiries should be directed to the Development Services Department at City Hall Phone: 250-365-7227 Email:

This Public Hearing is being held in order to afford all persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by these amendments to Zoning Bylaw 800 an opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in these amendments. A copy of the proposed bylaw may be inspected at City Hall, 460 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. on regular business days (Monday to Friday except for statutory holidays) between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. from September 25, 2014 to October 6, 2014 inclusive. Submissions received after the close of the Public Hearing will not be considered by Council. Dated at Castlegar, B.C. this 25th day of September, 2014. Shannon Marshall Planning Technician II

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Thursday, October 2, 2014 Castlegar News


Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

In better shape? The idea of a “golden rule” probably differs according to who we are and where we’re from. But all versions of the rule are likely to be simple enough to remember and easy to live by. There’s one rule followed by a young man in Rossland who mentioned it in an interview last spring. As he was growing up, the family rule that stuck with him was, “To leave something better than it was when you found it.” That’s just how Castlegar looks today, although not through anything specifically influenced by the departing editor of the Castlegar News. Would it be too brash for a three year resident to state that the place has never looked better? Okay, what about, “The place is looking pretty good?” A couple of programs have made incredible strides in a remarkably short time and, although they get their fair share of accolades, it’s not too much to give Sculpturewalk and Communities in Bloom some more kudos. And because there is such a good supply of kudos on hand, why not force some over to the Millennium Ponds? These kind of efforts just seem to encourage more and more positive momentum for the City. Of course it’s never all rosy, but it seems, thankfully, that another old saying, “one good turn deserves another,” is another sort of golden rule. It’s a snowball effect; a definite roll Castlegar appears to be on and it’s fun to watch it progress. As this is the last edition I’ll be involved in before tackling something different, I’m taking the opportunity to say thanks to everyone I’ve had the pleasure to meet and work with since July 2011.

Jim Sinclair We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Spots in Time - Gord Turner

New York, New York

The “Big Apple” is not a city I ever wanted to visit. In fact, in some ways I was afraid of it. For years I’d read about the muggings of innocent travelers and the rude way New Yorkers treated outsiders. Our recent trip to New York proved me wrong in so many ways. I’d been told that everywhere you go in New York the crowds are impossible — masses of people. Not true! When we took the ferry over to the Statue of Liberty, the ferry was only partly filled. When we walked on the island looking up at the green statue heralding America, no one jostled us or got in our way. Our subsequent visit to Ellis Island to view the buildings where the immigrants were once registered before entering the United States was much the same. We were able to wander almost by ourselves through many rooms and examine photographs from Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate

the early 20th Century. Later, when we walked up through New York to the new 9-11 Museum — a magnificent tribute to the heroism and efforts of that time — we had no problem with crowds. I’d heard that travelers had to worry about being accosted by derelict characters who were after your money, possessions, or even you. On the three days we were actually in New York, nothing like that happened. We saw a few beggars, but we never saw any gangs, and we never really feared anything. I’d been told that New Yorkers were unfriendly, that they couldn’t care less about those visiting their city. Absolutely untrue! If we needed information, everyone we approached couldn’t do enough. In some instances, they would walk to a corner with us to point out where to go. No one was abrupt or distant, and most were approach-

Selina Birk Creative Support

Sandy Leonard Creative Director

able — police personnel in particular. On two different days, we took a bus from Fairlawn, New Jersey, to the Port Authority (bus depot) in New York. The bus was clean and modern with padded seats, and it only cost $5 for a return ticket. Arriving in the depot, we walked out into the sunshine of Eighth Avenue and then a few streets over found Broadway and soon were immersed in Times Square, which was busy, but not so that we had to worry about anything. We couldn’t find the discount ticket office, but two friendly policemen pointed us up toward 49th. Then, after standing in line and chatting with both vendors and ticket-buyers, we reached a wicket where the clerk was exceedingly helpful about our ticket needs. And the cost for a fairly decent Broadway show ticket was about onethird of what we would

Katelyn Hurley Creative

Marvin Beatty Reporter

Jim Sinclair Editor

have paid ahead of time. I’d heard stories about how New York taxi drivers ripped people off. Our experience revealed the lie in that statement. On our second day on our own in New York, we took a taxi from the Port Authority to the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Fifth Avenue. It was quite a ways actually, but our driver didn’t overwhelm us with talk, and the fare was $12. After we spent several hours viewing mostly the Metropolitan’s impressionist collection, we took a taxi back to the Port Authority where we were to catch our bus. The taxi back cost us $12.20, and our driver was a pleasant individual. We could tell by the similarity of the prices that we were not being ripped off. Truly, during three full days in New York City, we were treated exceptionally well. If we had a chance to return, we would not hesitate. Chuck Bennett Publisher

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Your Community News Team

Jennifer Cowan Operations Manager

Castlegar News Thursday, October 2, 2014 A7


Editor: Shoe is on the other foot, now Council’s anger at not being informed is exactly how taxpayers feel when kept uniformed by council. As is the case with the bike path detour. When Council considers a project that will impact significantly a specific residential area, it should be an obvious policy to send out a letter informing those homeowners affected. The politically sound action in the bike path proposal would have been to invite those residents

to a meeting with the City Planning/Transportation and CPR. Had the taxpayers of Riverside Crescent and Connors Road had such an opportunity to give their input, it is very likely a better location for the rail crossing could have been worked out to have less impact on anyone’s residence. As it is, one home has been drastically affected, in a way that no one would wish to see happen to their home. It is a sad, unnecessary situation, yet not one council member has

Editor: Inspired by the Communities in Bloom program, I think Castlegar outdid itself this year. I drive through town thinking how pretty it looks. I think most of the credit, however, is due to the inspiration of Darlene Kalawsky. It does not matter what time

bothered to come take a look and see why it’s so bad. It’s bad because the rail crossing was not constructed where we were told it would be. The contractor’s heavy equipment was knocking down trees before any one from the City could come and check them. Before contractors start, there should be a responsible representative from the City on site to prevent such mistake, and again at the end to make sure work is completed satisfactorily.

of day it is, what the weather is, I see her out there. She may be digging, weeding, planting or watering with cans on the back of her truck and she can be found everywhere from one end of town to the other any day of the week. I realize that there are others who have also put in time

Bad mistakes were made on this project, which, had the taxpayers involved been kept informed and included, could have been avoided, and we would not be feeling this anger at Council. The only way to mitigate the damage would be to tear out the asphalt rail crossing and replace the lost trees. I have to say, regarding Council’s displeasure at not being informed by CPR, “Treat others as you would have others treat you.” Nesta E. Hale, Castlegar

but I want to recognize Darlene as the one who definitely works hard to get people motivated. Congratulations to the City for its award, which I think we really deserve, and to Darlene for being such a support. Sarah Tupholme, Castlegar

Want advertising ideas that are outside of the box?

Call Christine at 250-365-6397 or email

? h t r o W s d r o W re

What alar sayings - what they em. ean

Castlegar Selkirk Lions have now completed two community projects

ob t Popu e m a c y e h and how t

“Pull out all the stops” Meaning: Achieve the maximum. Origin: The ‘stops’ are knobs on an organ console. If the organist pulled them all out, he would be squeezing the most volume out of the instrument possible.


1. With partners, purchased the electric adjustable change table for the Aquatic Centre 2. Extensive home renovations so a 6 year old local girl can be more mobile with her specialized walker

Thank You

• Aeon Studios • Alpine Disposal • Arrow Building Supply • Back in Balance Family Chiropractic & Wellness Centre • Castlegar & Dst. Recreation Department • Castlegar Karate Club • Chinook Scaffold Ltd. • City of Castlegar • CMAW Local 2300 Carpenters Union • Coleman Webb • Columbia Auto • Cops for Kids • CUPE Local 2262 • Cut’n’Loose • Daniel Henderson

• Darlyn Pasin – Epicure • Element Club Bar & Grill • Ezra Voykin • Hercules Plumbing & Heating • Hil-Tech Industries Ltd. • Jack Ferraro • Jason Despins • Jeremy Orlaw • Jessa Koerber • John Malcolm • John Voykin • Kalesnikoff Lumber • Kody Shin • Mar-tech Industries Ltd. • Mark Miller • Mitchell Supply • Movement with Myra • Murray MacLeod

• Neil Cook • Nufloors Castlegar • Peak Physique Fitness • PPWC Local 1 • Robyn Giesbrecht • School District 20 • Shai-Ty-La Tree Farm • Sherry Blackwell • Steeped Tea with Liza • Sunlife Financial – Naud/Lester • Trowelex Rentals & Sales • Valhalla Concepts Ltd. • West Kootenay Toy Run Association • Wylie Mitchell

Thank you to all who supported our May 24 garage sale and on-line auction. If we have omitted anyone please accept our apology and our sincere thanks. If you are interested in joining Lions please call Secretary Joanne at 250-365-3884 for info


Thursday, October 2, 2014 Castlegar News

Community Calendar Upcoming october Seniors activites at Castlegar community Complex

Mon 10 a.m. Darts 1 p.m. Whist Tue 9:30 Floor Curling/ Carpet Bowling; 1 p.m. Crafts 7 p.m. Pool Wed 9:30 p.m. Floor Curling 9:30 p.m. Coffeetalk (1st & 8th, 22nd) in Kootenay Room 10 p.m. (15th) Raspberry Hi Coffee Thur 9:30 p.m. Floor Curling 9 p.m. Zone 6 meeting (16th) 1 p.m. Bingo (not on 2nd) 2 p.m. General Meeting (Oct. 2nd) 2 p.m. (16th) Tea dance 7 p.m. Rummoli Zone 6 Dinner Fri 10 p.m. Qi Gong 1 p.m. Crib & Bridge

This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an up-to-date version with contact details to newsroom@, drop off at our office at Unit 2 - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or give us a call at 250-365-6397. Thank you.

1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955

one involved in making the 19th Annual Fall Fair our best Fair ever. We were voted Best Small Fair in B.C. in 2013 and are hoping to be awared this distinction again in 2014. There will be refreshments and cake on October 4 from noon to 2 p.m. - please join us in thanking all volunteers including a special thank you to Don and Irene on their retirement as caretakers at the Fair Grounds after volunteering there for the past 20 years. We would like to invite everyone who has volunteered or been involved in the fair to attend. October 14: AGM

Castlegar Minor Soccer Association annual general meeting. Castlegar Complex, 6 p.m. Please come out and support your local soccer association. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed. OCTober 19 - calling on singers

The Doukhobors and Friends

1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208

Mel Rinas 250-365-5596.

blueberry bottle drive

October 4: Thank you to every-

Open Weekdays: 9-4 for coffee

The Blueberry Community School Hub has a pressing need for major work to its youth room. Another fundraising drive is underway and, as always, any help is tremendously appreciated. Please consider dropping off any excess refundable bottles and cans to the Blueberry School, at the front... anytime. And, thanks! PEONY LOVERS: Heads up Peony lovers because next year Castlegar will host a BC Peony Show with the blessing of the Canadian Peony Society. The dates are June 27-28, 2015. For info call your local Communities in Bloom – 250-365-7227. Legion meat draw: at the Castle-

gar-Robson Legion, Branch 170 every Saturday, 4-6 p.m. Everyone welcome. Guests must be signed in St. David’s & United Church Thrift Shop: Downstairs at 605 Columbia Ave. We sell clothing,shoes, bedding, linens, books and household items. Open Tues to Thurs. 10 a.m.

The treasure shop: The Trea-

sure Shop is featuring fall and winter clothing for men, women, children and infants. Watch for specials. The new autumn silent auction items are now on display. Call 250-365-7317 or 365-6587 re acceptance/drop off times for quality re-salable furniture you wish to donate. Volunteer application forms are available at the Treasure Shop 210 - 11th Avenue. Donation drop offs are accepted Wednesdays and Saturdays only. Hours of operation: Mondays - Thursdays 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Website Selkirk WeaVERS AND SPINNERS GUILD meets the third Wednesday of each month, 10-noon followed by bag lunch and show & tell. Anyone new to the craft or to the area is welcome at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre. Robson Flea Market: Sundays

9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Great homestyle

stairs. Donation cheques payable to Community Harvest Food Bank can be mailed to: 301 32nd Street V1N 3S6. Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St David’s Church – 250-608-2227.

The kinnaird Church of God: Located at 2404 Columbia Ave. is holding services on Sundays (10 a.m. and 6 p.m.) at the Castlegar Christian Fellowship Building – 1821 Connors Road until further notice. At the same location: The “Bridge” – Do you have questions? Join in for music, discussion, refreshments at 6 p.m. on the second Sunday of each month.

free hot meal at the sharing dinner pot at Cadet Hall, 8th Ave, Castlegar (2 blocks from library) Tues. at noon.

All About Breastfeeding informative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlegar, Tues. 10:30noon More info: 250-365-3662,

tops group meets every wednesday 8:30-10 a.m. Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to

This Community Calendar brought to you by ‘Your Hometown Realtors’ Our dedicated and highly skilled Agents specialize in offering an array of resources to help you with all your real estate needs.

october 2: take back the night

The Violence Against Women in Relationships Committee presents the 15th Annual Take Back The Night march – 5:30 p.m. from the parking lot at Canadian Tire, 2000 Columbia Avenue. Everyone is invited to march in support of women and children’s safety. The police-escorted march will proceed to the Safeway parking lot for more activities including speakers, music and refreshments.

October 9: The alpha course

A 7-week series that explores the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, open environment. It starts on Thursday, October 9, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Kinnaird Park Community Church. Each session includes food, a short talk and discussion. There’s no pressure, no follow-up and no charge. For more info call (250)365-3430 or email kpccin-

Simon Laurie 250-365-1585

Val Koochin 250-365-1846

Matt McCarthy 250-304-4831

James Kereiff 250-304-7828

toll free: 877.365.2169 | 250.365.2166 |

choir, directed by Elsie Campbell, is forming again to sing at a significant event called “The World We Want: This is What Sustainability Looks Like” to be held at the Brilliant Cultural Centre in Castlegar, November 8th. Choir practices will be held at 2:00 pm at the Brilliant Cultural Center October 19 and 26, and at 12:00 pm November 2. To join the choir, register, volunteer or for more information contact:nadia@netidea. com 250-825-4517 or sandra@ 250-352-9871 october 23:

The Castlegar Parks and Trails Society will hold it’s fall general meeting, 6:30 p.m. at the Castlegar Rec Centre.


Carmen Harris 250-365-1520

Phil Poznekoff 250-365-4679

Charissa Hackett 250-304-4373

Chad Williams 250-304-5241

Pat Klohn 250-365-1731

Larry Peitzsche 250-608-3017

Tammy Peitzsche Connor McCarthy 250-365-9640 250-304-4781 | 1761 Columbia Avenue Castlegar |

to 4 p.m.; Fri & Sat. 10 a.m. to 1p.m. Check our many winter coats and jackets now for sale. Closed Oct. 20-21 for stock changeover. We are having a $5.00 Bag sale for summer clothing clearance from Oct. 1-18. We accept clean donations but cannot accept baby items such as high chairs, cribs, car seats, buggies and booster seats for safety reasons. Thanks for your support. Saturdays – TFn: castlegar farmers market Every Satur-

day at the Station Museum. Call Deb at 365-6440 to book a spot. Bring your own tent, tables and chair. Spots are only $5.00. Fresh veggies, baking, jams, crafts, loofa soaps and much more. See you there!

Billets: Castlegar Rebels looking for billets families for their players (16 - 20). Please contact

breakfast offered until food runs out (usually about noon). Vendors offer a wide variety including collectibles, homebaked goodies, jams, crafted items, household goods and more. Loonie table has great bargains. Tables are $5 each, please call Elke (250) 365-7022 to book or leave a message with phone number on our Facebook page RobsonFleaMarket. Community Harvest food bank & Drop-in centre: Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. -1:30 eligible 1x per month; closed the Monday after cheque issue and statutory holidays. Lunch served from 11 – 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 -1:30 Friday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 – 1:30 Coffee and baked goodies from 10 a.m. in the basement of St. David’s Anglican Church 614 Christina Place, around back and down the

Marnie Pettit 250-304-3564

eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 365-7956.

Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena Sun. at 10 a.m. Mike, 250-304-2330; Tues. at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wed. at 7 p.m., (Fay at 250-687-0484. Thurs. at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m (Len at 365-7805).

al-anon meets every Monday night for people whose lives have been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8-9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) Info: Donna 250-365-3168.

free pool - Every Saturday at the Royal Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. Bring friends and have an afternoon of fun.

Please send items to

Castlegar News Thursday, October 2, 2014


Special squad

2014.15 CALENDAR AVAILABLE NOW Castlegar’s Special Olympians

Castlegar’s Special Olympians, their coaches and families gathered on September 27 for a team celebration — a barbecue at Pass Creek Park. Pictured, in no particular order are: Cody, Jay, Mike C, Mike B, Rachel, Heather, Meille, Sandra, Keri, Sheleen, Kari, Jeff and Al K. Missing from the picture are Shelley, Al C. and Sandrelle. Photo by Jim Sinclair

Winter reminder Tire change season is near With winter quickly approaching, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure would like to remind motorists that as of October 1, 2014, winter tires are required on many highways throughout the province. Signs are posted on each of the designated highways to advise motorists where winter

YOGA CLASSES September 15 - December 19 Yoga for MS Monday and Friday 1:30 - 3:00 Stay Strong Yoga for Older Adults Tuesday and Thursday 8:45 - 10:15 Yoga All Levels Tuesday and Thursday 10:30 - 12:00 Beginners Tuesday 6:00-7:30, Thursday 5:00-6:30, Intermediate and Advanced Tuesday 7:30-9:00, Thursday 6:30-8:00

tires are required. These are generally located approaching high mountain passes and interior highways where conditions can change from rain to snow very quickly. Maps showing which roads require winter tires can be found on the ministry’s web



E L I B O M SNOW IATION ASSOC our ou to o invite y t e k li ld ing Wou ral Meet

Gene Annual ad Pub Lions He er 7th, 2014 ob Oct Tuesday - Social 5:30 PM Starts Meeting M P 0 6:3



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Stock quotes as of closing



5N Plus ............................. 2.95 BCE Inc. .......................... 47.89 Bank of Montreal ............. 82.43 Bank of Nova Scotia......... 69.27 CIBC ............................ 100.59 Canadian Utilities ............ 39.12 Canfor Corporation ......... 25.08 EnCana Corp. ................. 23.78 Enbridge Inc. ................... 53.61 Finning International.......... 31.59 Fortis Inc. ........................ 34.62 Husky Energy .................. 30.74


Manitoba Telecom ........... 29.13 Mercer International ........... 9.75 National Bank of Canada . 51.03 Onex Corporation ............ 62.36 Royal Bank of Canada...... 80.05 Sherritt International ............ 3.10 TD Bank .......................... 55.27 TELUS Corp...................... 38.24 Teck Resources ................. 21.21 TransCanada Corp ........... 57.68 iPath S&P 500 VIX .......... 31.179

M����� F���� CIG

Portfolio Series Balanced ... 28.39


Signature Dividend ........... 14.55


Portfolio Series Conservative 15.69


Manulife Monthly High ..... 14.89

C����������, I������ � C��������� CADUSD Canadian / US Dollar ...... 0.893


Light Sweet Crude Oil ....... 91.46

Gold............................ 1208.70


Silver ............................... 16.99


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Thursday, October 2, 2014 Castlegar News

Smell ‘n’ tell 1

Smell rotten eggs? It could be natural gas.


Go outside.


Call FortisBC’s 24-hour emergency line at 1-800-663-9911 or 911.

Donation made and received

Natural gas is used safely in B.C. every day. But if you smell rotten eggs, go outside first, then call us.

Hospice receives a wonderful donation

Learn more at

Mary Perehudoff and Helen Hoodicoff of the Glade, Tarrys and Thrums Women’s Group made a recent $500 donation to the Castlegar Hospice Society. The cheque is presented to the society’s executive director Suzanne Lehbauer.

FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (14-117.2 03/2014)

2_FOR806_GasOdourPrint_P1.indd 1

3/3/2014 11:02:44 AM

GRAPE AND APPLE SEASON IS ON! Book your space at our Apple Pressing! Bring your own apples on Oct 25th and leave with fresh pressed juice!

GRAND FORKS SOVEREIGN CORONATION (SEEDLESS CONCORD) GRAPES 1.50lb or 1.25lb for 10lbs or more. Perfect as a table grape, but can also be used in baking as an alternative to blueberries!

TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR OUR FOCH WINE GRAPES! 55.00 for 20L pail or $1.00lb by the box

$12 for

Grand Forks Gala Apples.............


lb bag

$10 for

Okanagan Ambrosia Apples.............

ALSO AVAILABLE AT THE STAND: Grand Forks and Okanagan Squash 69c lb 25lb bags of Beets for 25.00 25lb bags of BC Onions $12.00.

Across from Castlegar Airport (250) 365-1009 Open Tuesday – Saturday 10am-6pm

In Nelson Wednesdays at 402 Baker St and Saturdays at Cottonwood Market.


lb bag

Castlegar News Thursday, October 2, 2014


Who’s in, and why? continued from front page

Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff, member of council since 2011. “There have been many high points; Millennium Park, Communities in Bloom is a high point, Sculpturewalk, keeping our taxation the lowest in the area. We’re trying to diversify our economy, and a high point was selling the land (over by the airport) to FortisBC. We’re trying to develop something that’s vibrant and sustainable.” On the less pleasing end, HeatonSherstobitoff mentioned the recycling issue involving Multi-Materials BC. “It’s been a sticking point with us,” she said. “We were so progressive and now we’re kind of going backwards.” The decision to seek re-election? “For me it wasn’t a tough decision because I’m just new,” said HeatonSherstobitoff. “Just three years, and it seemed like it took me a year to get up to speed. There are so many things that we as a council want to do, that we’re just in the midst of getting things done, or started. You want to kind of follow that through, see things come to fruition.” Deb McIntosh, member of council since 2002. “The high point has been the Millennium Ponds, for sure,” said McIntosh. That is just about family, is about bringing people to Castlegar. It’s absolutely as ‘mom’ and ‘apple pie’ as it can get. It’s just a beautiful thing. I think it’s really put us on the map, and we’ve now found our niche.” Looking back on the past three years, she noted a sore spot. “I think, for me, it was the process of

not being able to get us on a better nonpesticide use regime. I would like to see us work harder on that… come to a good balance with the families and sports people that use the parks.” Why run again? “I like what we’re doing,” she concluded. “I like the movement the City’s making. I like the way the community is starting to engage more, and wants to be in on everything. And I like the fact that more people are holding their elected officials more accountable.” Dan Rye, member of council since 2011. “The high point is the Millennium Ponds project, seeing that thing come to fruition. That’s something that’ll leave a legacy in this community for years to come. It’s hard to top. I’ve been down there a couple of times and have seen, like, businesses from Nelson things like that. I’m thinking to myself, ‘We’re already bringing people here and it’s barely just opened.’” A low point in Rye’s opinion is the pace at which airport upgrades are taking place. “The wheels move very slowly with the federal government, Transport Canada and Nav Canada, and I’d like to see something happen faster.” Rye was talking about an updated, specialized mapping of the area and suitably equipping the airport as well as the aircraft that touch down and take off here. “Right now the Jazz planes that fly in here don’t have it, but some of the new (Bombardier) Q400s that (Air Canada) Jazz is flying do have it.” There is a continu-

ing stigma borne by his belt he’s eager for our community, as more. pertains to air travel, “For the first three that probably contin- or four months I was ues to irritate many just kind of getting people. Councillor the feel for everything,” he explained. Rye is among those. e will be in the of the gam“I The playermatter know that people “It doesn’t pictures and to sign talk about the steep where lobb youy after are,”forhe autographes! learning curve, I felt said. “I was registering for a meeting at that because I’ve been Whistler last week, in business a long they asked where time, that I had an I was from, I said, ability to quickly un‘Castlegar.’ They said, derstand the issues.” Vassilikakis said he ‘Oh yeah, Cancelgar!’ had been honoured It just irks you!” Rye said it was an to be appointed to easy choice to stand the finance committee, an achievement for re-election. “I went in there for that boosted his conthree years; you learn fidence. He was also a lot in the first three, pleased with what you find out what’s he found out in the going on. I wasn’t chamber. “One of my biggest put off by the four year term, although concerns at the getI’m sure it’s got some go wasn’t whether I people thinking. But could commit to the I had always envi- time requirements, sioned that I would but whether I’d be be there for more passionate about than one term.” what I was doing. NoFlorio Vassilikak- body actually knows is, member of coun- when they get there, cil since 2013. ‘are you going to love “The high points it?’ I love giving back are the infrastructure to the community, improvements we’ve but I didn’t know godone with the Millen- ing in if I would find nium Ponds project a passion, day in, day and the announce- out, for the business ment of the Con- of the City.” nors Road bike path With a year of exgrant that we got. Of perience to his credit, course, that the Rota- and a trip last week ry Club has been suc- to the UBCM concessful raising funds vention, Vassilikakis to build the public said, “It really kind pavilion down near of lights a fire under the ponds as well.” you to see what these Moving right to the other communities reason why he’s go- are doing, and giving ing for another term, you ideas to make a Vassilikakis first change in your own mentioned that with city. I really like being just one year under part of this team.”

Provides Service in Robson, Brilliant and Ootischenia for less!




The Rebels now do children’s birthday parties! Call Jean @ (250) 304-2949 for info

DATE: SATURDAY OCTOBER, 4 2014 @ 7:00PM LOCATION: CASTLEGAR COMPLEX Game Night sponsor is KSCU Player of the Game is Darren Mederios


DATE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2014 @ 2:00PM LOCATION: CASTLEGAR COMPLEX Game Night sponsor is HTR/Fortis Player of the Game is Dylan Bowerman

month, In support of Breast Cancer Awareness will that ys the rebels will be wearing pink jerse th mon the of end be auctioned off at the with all proceeds going to Breast cancer.

Introducing our new advice columnist

Miss Sensibility

Dear Miss Sensibility, This is a hard thing for me to say. I think someone close to me is being abused by their significant other. It’s not like the abusee has bruises though. The abuser tends to be more verbal. Not yelling, but they do stuff like scolding or preventing the abusee from going to the bathroom so they can ‘talk’. I admit that this someone close to me can be difficult to be with, but I don’t think that pinching or slapping someone on the behind when they’re overreacting is okay. This is abuse, right? Should I bring it up to either or both of them? I don’t know what to do. I’m scared the abuse will someday escalate to include fists. -Third-party

Dear Third-party,

This situation you have described definitely makes it sound like your concerns are justified. Abuse can come in many forms, it can manifest itself in physical, emotional, psychological, sexual or verbal acts. According to the Domestic Abuse Project, “Abuse is defined as the systematic pattern of behaviours in a relationship that are used to gain and/or maintain power and control over another.” One definition of emotional abuse is: “any act including confinement, isolation, verbal assault, humiliation, intimidation, infantilization, or any other treatment which may diminish the sense of identity, dignity, and self-worth.” At the very least, this sounds like an unhealthy relationship and most likely is crossing lines into being abusive. As someone close to the situation who has observed these behaviours, you should share your concerns with your friend. Select a time and place where you can have privacy, and not be interrupted. Explain to her that you care about her and are concerned for her safety and well being. Be supportive and listen if she chooses to open up about the situation. Offer to help her in any way you can including finding a counsellor or domestic violence support worker. If you become aware of criminal behaviour, offer to go with her to see the police. However, anyone can report domestic violence to the police, the victim does not have to be the one to make the report. If you want more information, a good resource is

Miss Sensibility D o y o u h av e a q u e s t i o n fo r M i s s S e n s i b i l i t y ?

Email your inquiries to and Miss Sensibility will answer it in the paper! Names will not be published, but must be included with inquiries. Please include your desired anonymous signature ex: Fed up! (Castlegar News reserves the right to refuse publication. ”The advice offered in this column is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. Use of this column is not intended to replace or substitute any financial, medical, legal, or other professional advice. This column does not reflect the opinion The Castlegar News.)


Community 2014 - 2015 Team...


Daniel Petten


Cal Owens

Pre Game Ritual: Always puts on his ride side gear first. Biggest influence: His parents


Dylan Ofner

Pregame ritual: always puts the left side gear on first Biggest Influence; his parents

Thursday, October 2, 2014 Castlegar News

Taste: take-2 Chamber’s Taste of Castlegar 2014

A Taste of Castlegar enjoyed its second staging on September 27 on the grounds of Robson’s Lions Head Pub. A world of choice cuisine was at the ready to please a ravenous group of attendees. Those who could stop chewing long enough to speak said it was a smashing success.


Pre-game ritual: Drink an Ornage Gatorade before each game Biggest Influence: @ DanyAllStar15

Konnor Madsen Pre game ritual: warming up the mittens Biggest Influence: Bryan Lubin

Proud Sponsor

Clockwise from top: Mike Bourke of Whitewater Catering. Sandra Zurwick and Josey Smith of the Thirsty Duck in South Castlegar pose with some of their delectibles. Dawn Bevaart of the host Lions Head Pub assembles delicacies. About 20 cuisine contributors took part in the Castlegar Chamber of Commerce-organized event. Photos by Chuck Bennett

Castlegar News Thursday, October 2, 2014 A13


Breeze Latex Interior

Silver King campus hosts community barbecue Selkirk College staff and students are inviting the community to join them for a celebration barbecue to mark five decades of quality trades training, career programs and community education at Nelson’s Silver King Campus. An education cornerstone in the region since 1964, the campus opened as the BC Vocational School with a vision of expanding training opportunities in Nelson and beyond. Over the last 50 years the trades programs have been the mainstay, but many other programs have been based out of the 35-acre campus including Nursing, Ski Resort Operations & Management (SROAM), Hairdressing and Esthetics, Professional Cooking, Adult Basic Education, the Kootenay School of the Arts (now known as Kootenay Studio Arts) and many more.

$10.00 Rebate on every 3.7L Can.

Offer Valid until Oct. 11th, 2014

611 Columbia Ave. Castlegar | 250.365.6214

Preventing gang activity in BC ▾ MYTH: The public is powerless against gangs. Reality: Be engaged and part of the solution. If you see something suspicious, whether it’s in a restaurant, mall parking lot, or in an isolated place, please phone 9-1-1 immediately so the police can investigate. Only with a community that cares and stands up to gangs and gang violence will we make a difference so our communities are safer.

The mission of Selkirk College is to inspire lifelong learning, “It’s incredible to think about how students have enhanced their lives through education on that campus over the last 50 years,” says Selkirk College’s Dean of Instruction for Nelson, Kate Pelletier. “The mission of Selkirk College is to inspire lifelong learning, transform lives through education and training, and serve our communities. That mission has certainly been accomplished and continues to grow at the Silver King Campus.” The Silver King Campus’ 50th Birthday Barbecue will take place on Wednesday, October 8 between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.. All former students, staff and community supporters are invited to share in the celebration.

& Exterior Paint

Top: A whole host of trades programs continue to thrive on the Selkirk College Silver King Campus, including the Welding Program which is at capacity this fall. Bottom: The Selkirk College Silver King Campus has graduated thousands of students over the last 50 years in a variety of trades and career programs, including this Millwright Program class from the early 1970s.

Lunch, cake and refreshments will be served. In 1975, the established vocational school was officially merged with Selkirk College. To mark the importance of the Toad Mountain area to Nelson’s mining past, the campus was renamed Silver King. Today the Silver King Campus is home to Hairdressing and Esthetics, Carpentry, Fine Woodworking, Heavy Mechanical, Plant Operator, Welding, Electrical, Millwright/Machinist, Metal

Fabricator, Adult Basic Education, Transitional Training and a wide range of community education courses and classes. “This campus is an important community asset and we want to share the 50th celebration with the community,” says Industry & Trades Training school chair Dan Obradovic. Learn more about the Silver King Campus and the programs located on the Rosemont location at

Read more by downloading your copy of the CFSEU-BC Community Report at and on your Black Press website at:

BC’s ng a Anti-lG Po ice Report: mmunity 2014 Co n

io Prevent agement lic Eng and Pub





Thursday, October 2, 2014 Castlegar News


High achieving highland dancer Emily Ashton, age 13, has been highland dancing with Scottie School of Highland Dance since the age of 2. She competes locally and provincially, participates in yearly dance exams and dances for the community throughout the year at different functions and events (fall fair, Concert in the Park, Castlewood Village, Castleview Care Centre, Spring Fling, Kootenay Festival). Emily has recently been selected and nominated to compete in the B.A.T.D. (British Association of Teachers of Dancing) North American Sadie Simpson Highland Scholarship as part of the Junior Highland Scholarship in Seattle, Washington, on October 3, 4 and 5. She was nominated and selected after achieving Honours on her grade three theory exam.

Anna McCullagh,

Reg. Massage Therapist has returned to work full time after an unexpected absence. She would like to thank her clients for their patience during the past month. Please call Castlegar Chiropractic to book an appointment.

1020 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC 250.365.3365 |

Each year a Scottish Official Board-certified examiner travels throughout our province to test dancers on their different levels of exams. If they choose to take them, the dancers study and practice to take these exams yearly. Emily has taken exams for the past six years and has always achieved top marks. She has been nominated twice now, as she received honours in her grade two theory exam as well. The scholarship consists of a class, a written paper where the dancers will have theory questions to answer and then they will be expected to dance an original solo of their own that they have arranged with their teacher. Thank you to all who have supported Emily in her fundraising efforts to make this trip happen.

Emily Ashton is taking her dancing beyond the limits of casual recreation.

Donate today and help support local women’s health. The Shoppers Drug Mart® Tree of Life campaign supports local women’s health charities, with 100% of all proceeds going directly to women’s health initiatives in your community. Over the last 12 years, you’ve helped us raise over $23 million dollars and we’re hoping you’ll help us make a meaningful difference in women’s health again this year. Visit your local Shoppers Drug Mart between September 20 and October 17 and buy a leaf ($1), a butterfly ($5), an acorn ($10) or a cardinal ($50) to help women’s health

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Learn more at A15



Skate was great











Proving once again to be the right man for the job, the tireless skateboarding promoter Ty Smith has furnished some graphic reflections on the boarding season just past at the Rotary Skatepark situated at the Castlegar Community Complex. The ongoing effort has been organized by Kootenay Family Place, with financial support coming from the BC Gaming, Castlegar Recreation Commission and the Community Foundation of Castlegar & District. Skatepark support: Castlegar and District Recreation Complex. Media: Castlegar Ne w s . E qu ipm e nt :



Castlegar News


Castlegar News Thursday, October 2, 2014



The ‘Taste of Castlegar’ was a HUGE success!

Kootenay Savings Credit Union, Operations andSociety TheCancer Canadian Cancer Society present Kootenay Savings Credit Union, Teck Trail Operations andTeck TheTrail Canadian present Kootenay Savings Credit Union, TeckTrail Operations andTheCancer Canadian Society present Canadian Cancer Society presents: Kootenay Savings Credit The Union, TeckTrail Operations andThe Canadian Cancer Society present


Thank you to all who came out and gave our local food and beverage establishments the opportunity to showcase their products. We hope you continue to support all of them! Also, thank you to Lions Head Pub, volunteers, sponsors and prize donors without you we could not hold this event. Thank you to all who contributed to the Harvest Food Bank; Mallards Source for Sports, Shoppers Drug Mart, Riverside Hair, Johhny’s Gas & Grocery, Kootenay Centre Cinemas, The Brick, Kootenay Floral, Home Hardware, ADM Electric and Ernies Used Auto parts.



Bro/Post New

Bro/PostNew Ads



Saturday June 21 2014 Bro/Post



6pm-6am at Park, Castlegar Kinnaird

Join us!

CELEBRATE cancer survivors REMEMBER loved ones & FIGHT BACK

Schedule of Entertainment Events (Times and acts are approximate and subject to change)

Skull Skates and SOne Helmets. Curriculum: Drop In to Skateboarding. Website: Ty has supplied

some quantifiable stats on what went on at the park and what the weather was like. Coming up with a reliable “fun-meter� may still be in the future but (and Ty

6pm-9pm – Headshaves featuring hairdresser Samantha Dembowski 6:00pm – Opening Ceremony - National Anthem featuring Dawn Graham - Survivor’s Victory Lap lead by the Kootenay Robusters 6:30pm – Yo-Yo performance by Kyle Law 7:00pm – Frequent Flyers 8:30pm – Ruckus 10:00pm – Luminary Ceremony - featuring bag piper John McLeod 10:30pm – Tim Bourchier 11:30pm – Singing performance by Dawn Graham 12:00am – Interactive Games including: - Glow-in-the-dark scavenger hunt - Musical Chairs - Charades - Relay races & more!

3:00am – Annual Rooster Crowing Competition 3:30am – Fight Back Ceremony 5:00am – Zumba lead by Charlotte Soles 5:30am – Closing Ceremony & Last Tent Standing award

Silent Auction: Fantastic items donated by The Brick & much more! 50/50 Raffle


Kid’s Activities: Non-stop fun! Bouncy Castle

Russian Food Luminary Sales: 6:00pm-8:30pm – Purchase a luminary candle in honour or in memory of someone who has battled cancer, and these candles will line the track at Relay as we walk last special laps of the night.

would likely agree), suffice to say , if there was a fun graph, the past couple of Everyone is welcome! Every step we take at Relay helps | 1 888 939-3333 | 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3333 months at the | 1 888 939-3333 ZELLSTOFF CELGAR park would have seen | 1 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3333 the indicators going | 1 888 939-3333 right off the scale. Crafts

Soccer & other activities

Health Promotion: Cancer prevention Sun sense

Healthy eating info & more

Food & Beverage

BBQ Burgers & Hot Dogs by Kal Tire Midnight Chili by Kal Tire 2am Breakfast Sandwiches by Kal Tire Fresh Fruit by the Castlegar Sunrise 2000 Rotary Club

Baillie-Grohman Estate Winery | #WhyIRelay

Sponsors... The Brick Zellstoff Celgar

The City of Castlegar Kootenay Savings Credit Union | 1 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3333| 1 888 939-3333 | 1 888 939-3333


The BC Electoral Boundaries Commission is coming to town and wants to hear from you. The commission is reviewing provincial electoral districts and making proposals to the Legislative Assembly on the area, boundaries and names of electoral districts to be used for the next two provincial general elections. Your views will help inform a Preliminary Report to the Legislative Assembly in the spring of 2015. JOIN a public hearing:


Wednesday, Oct 8 Trail Best Western Plus Columbia River Hotel, 1001 Rossland Ave, Columbia Room 10:30 a.m.

Your views can also be submitted by email or online at the commission’s website

Now is the time to have your say and shape your province.




PU B •

rave Castlegar



NT •

Thirsty Duck




Thursday, October 2 2014 Castlegar News

‘Great Food & Funʻ Wing Night Wednesday Friday is AAA Steak Sandwich Daily Drink and Food Specials

Mamma Neely’s Pot Roast

4370B Minto Road, Castlegar 250.365.0035 • Open 11am Daily

Your ad could be here!


APPLEFEST Continues!


Recipe of the Week....

1 tablespoon tomato paste

BC nuts Hazle Now ble Availa

Gala, Macintosh, and Spartan apples - 5lbs for $5 or 20lb box for $16

Ambrosia and HoneyCrisp Apples - 5lbs for $6 or 20lbs for $23

Cann Toma ing Still A toes va 40lbs ilable /$31

Prune plums - 20lb box/$15 • Organic sweet onions - 20lb box/$24 For all online orders go to: and add the app to your home page. 250.365.3373 Located in the Kootenay Crossing Mall


1 (3 to 4-pound) outside round oven roast

1 cup red wine

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

2 cups beef stock

1/4 cup vegetable oil

2 fresh thyme sprigs

2 yellow onions, peeled and quartered

2 bay leaves

3 cloves garlic, smashed

1.5 cups of baby carrots Freshly chopped parsley leaves, for garnish

Directions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Season the roast on all sides with salt and pepper. In a Dutch oven over medium-high heat, heat the vegetable oil and sear the roast on all sides. Add the onions, garlic and tomato paste and cook until slightly colored. Add the wine, stock, thyme and bay leaves. Bring the liquid to a simmer, cover, and place in the oven. Roast for 1 1/2 hours and then add the carrots. Continue to cook for 1 more hour. Transfer the roast to a cutting board and let rest for 15 to 20 minutes. Slice and place on a serving platter. Skim the fat off the braising liquid and serve with the roast. Garnish with parsley. Serve with mashed sweet potatoes.







3 lb

$1.50 each


₡ PEARS..... .55 per 10 lb

Outside Round Oven Roast

Mini Peeled Carrots

Sweet potatoes

$4.99/lb 2lb bag/$2.49 $0.89/lb


Tails from the

Lion’s Den

Greetings! from the Lion’s Head,

Hi folks, welcome to the fall! Happy to report that Beacon Brewing out of Nelson, a new nano brewery, has joined our tap line up. Great to see the craft beer revolution continue. At the pub this month is great for live music as well as a chillin pub atmosphere. Oct 10 - Lisa Nicole & Jason Thomas - local country superstars Oct 11 - Ross Nielsen Band - east coast blues rawk fury Oct 18 - Windborn - Crawford Bay rocker Oct 25 - Devon Coyote Kootenay allstar Remember kids are welcome until 7 pm as well as Sunday brunch

Cheers and Happy Pints Across from Castlegar Airport (250)365-1009 Open Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 6pm

250 365 BREW (2739) 2629 Broadwater Rd Robson, BC

Contact Christine Esovoloff | 250.365.6397 |

Castlegar News Thursday, October 2, 2014 A17


Eagles grounded by Castlegar Rebels the ratio at game’s end was 5336 in the Rebels’ favour. Credit should be given to Eagles’ Goalie Liam Banks, without whom the score may have been much higher. Goalie Patrick Zubick, in his second year with the Rebels, held the Eagles back with the help of his teammates who were handy and ready to block pucks. The top scorers for the Rebels, with two goals apiece, were Captain Aaron Petten and Bryan Lubin. Yannis Soukas was top Castlegar pint-getter with

Derek Kaye Castlegar News

The Castlegar Rebels downed the Sicamous Eagles 7-4 on September 26 at the Complex, giving the Rebels their first regular season, home win. The Rebels blew a two goal lead in the second period and had to catch up after falling behind 4-3 by the start of the third. The game started evenly with both teams scoring in the first period. The Rebels were outshooting their guests 20-10 and

three assists. Petten scored in the second period assisted by Soukas to give the Rebels their first lead with five minutes left on the clock. Petten also sank a breakaway wrist shot with 3:28 left in the game. Centreman Lubin tied the game at 1 in the first, then again in the third to knot the game at 4. He was a definite asset in this game, hustling along with Petten and Mederios and others to guarantee a win. After the game, between signing autographs, he expressed his thoughts.

“It was a good one for the team, coming off a loss and finally getting the first one at home.� Aaron Petten described the closeness of the game. “We let them back in there for a bit, but we pulled through in the third period. The boys played good. Once we had some momentum going we kept going with it and we kept scoring.� Rebels’ Coach Jesse Dorrans said, “It was little up and down, but I thought we showed some good character to come back


Direct to Smelter

Direct to Smelter – Precious Metals Roadshow Altona! Coming to Carman! – Precious Metals Roadshow

Ursa Major Gold, Silver & Coin will be back in Manitoba June 12th to 17th. You can bring your gold, silver & coins between 10am and 6pm each day. No appointment is required. Barry &Dick is awill precious Ursa Major Gold, Silver Coin be in Nelson, Trail and Casmetals buyer and President of Ursa Major Gold, tlegar October 5th to 10th during Silver a roadshow making its way & Coin. Ursa Major hails from Richmond, BC but Dick Kootenay. can bring hasthrough his roots West in Winkler MB whereYou his mother was your gold, silver, coins and Canadian born in the 1920’s. paper money to the Hume Hotel in Nelson, the

coming to West Kootenay

Executors, Executors, te Sales EstaSales Estate and and Coin Coin CCollections ollections welcome! welcome!

NO obligation NO pressure FREE analysis & quote

�� � � Paper • �Canadian �Money � � �� • platinum � � � • �earrings �� ��� • �bracelets • �rings �� � �� • gold charms ��� �gold �� • �dental �� �� �� • �broken chains • �gold nuggets �� �� � � �� � • sterling silver � �� �� � � �� � • sterling flatware COINS OINS • COINS COINS

and win when the chips were down. It was a gutsy win. I think the players showed maturity in that, when we were behind, they didn’t give up faith and they believed in each other and they got the job done.� The Saturday game, September 27. was a little rough on the Rebels as they lost 7-3 to the Dynamiters in Kimberley. The Rebels’ next home games are this Saturday, October 4, at 7 p.m. with the Nelson Leafs and Sunday, October 5, at 2 p.m. against the Chase Heat.

InatCARMAN Altona In the Hume Hotel in NELSON

Sunday & Monday at the the October 5th & 6th Millennium

Carman Active in TRAIL Exhibition Centre Living Centre at the Memorial Centre 227 10th Avenue NW 47Tuesday Ed Belfour Drive & Wednesday Friday & Saturday October 7thThursday & 8th Wednesday & 10am to 6pmDaily Daily 10am to 6pm in CASTLEGAR June 14th 15th at the Community Complex June 12th &&13th

Thursday &Exhibition Friday Carman at the Carman Active Living Centre Altona at the Millennium Centre June 12th & 13th June October 14 & 15 Winkler Winkler 9that&the10th Winkler at the Winkler Seniors Centre Seniors Centre June 16 & 17 June 16 & 17 10am to 6pm daily Valid Government Photo ID Required Valid PhotoIDIDRequired Required ValidGovernment Government Photo

Trail Memorial and the Castlegar “Ursa Major has the Centre unique advantage of dealing Community Complex between No appointment is required. Barry direct with a 10am smelter�and said6pm. Dick. “That allows us to cut out isonea or even two metals middlemen. Ursaand Major Dick precious buyer President of Ursa Major purchases gold and silver from other gold buyers, Gold, Silver & Coin. pawn shops, jewellers and jewellery makers as well “Ursa Major has the unique advantage of dealing direct with a as from the general public.� Recent price increases smelter� saidhave Dick. “Thlots at allows to cut out one or even two of precious metals created of “gold us buyers� including mail in companies. Manypurchases of those buyers middlemen. Ursa Major gold and silver from other offer pennies on thepawn dollar to unsuspecting customers gold buyers, shops, jewellers and jewellery makers as well and are limited to what they buy, choosing to ignore as from the general public.� Recent price increases of precious silver and coins and only purchase gold. metals have created lots of “gold buyers� including mail in com-

“Better Business Bureau complaints about mail in panies. Many of those buyers offer pennies on the dollar to ungold companies are extremely high, but it is hard to suspecting customers anddoareNOT limited to what they buy, choosing regulate. My advice is that you mail your to ignore andyou coins andmet only purchase gold. precious metalssilver to anyone haven’t or spoken with“Better at length� says Dick.Bureau complaints about mail in gold compaBusiness

Ursa Major your gold, silver coins while nies areanalyzes extremely high, butand it is hard to regulate. My advice is youthat watch, with process explained you in detail. you dotheNOT mail your to precious metals to anyone you havAny coins with numismatic value will be set aside en’t met or spoken with at length� says Dick. from those with a ‘melt’ value. Silver items such as Ursa Major your silver and coins while you watch, jewellery, flatwareanalyzes and serving traysgold, will be analyzed theidentification. process explained to you in detail. Coins with numisfor with hallmark Items thought to contain goldmatic or platinum analyzed for those hallmarks, valuewill arealso setbeaside from with a ‘melt’ value. Silver anditems then confirmed preciseand testing that is done such asusing jewellery flatware are analyzed for hallmark while you watch. Then a cash offer is made and you identifi cation. Items thought to contain gold will also be anadecide to sell or not.

lyzed for hallmarks, and then confirmed using precise testing

Dick took out his first gold claim when he turned 16 in is and done you watch. Thenmetals a cash offer is made and you thethat 1970’s haswhile been involved with precious decide to sell or not. ever since. An ardent gold panner, he was a regular at the world championship gold panning competition Dick took out his first gold claim when he turned 16 in the 1970’s withand a personal best of 3rd place in 1984. Now metals he has been involved with precious ever since. An arconcentrates on building the wholesale business with dent gold panner, was the a regular the world championship jewellers and brokers whilehetaking roadshowatout competition withCanada. a personal best of 3rd place in onegold or twopanning times a month across Western

1984.bring Now he kinds concentrates on items, building “People in all of interesting but the wholesale business jewellers brokers while for with the most part it isand a broken or old chain,taking unlovedthe roadshow out one or jewelry, singleaearring, out of fashion items like two atimes monthandacross Western Canada. charm bracelets. We also accept dental gold but “People bring in all kinds of interestingit items, but for the most should be clean. These days I see more and more part silver it is a flatware broken sets, or old sterling butchain, beforeunloved you bringjewelry, a single earring, andin out of make fashion charm bracelets. We also accept those please sure items it says like “Sterling� on the handles. a lotitofshould silver plated flatwareLately and I see more and more dentalThere goldisbut be clean. serving that we sets, can’t buy to theyou low silver silvertrays flatware but due before bring those in please make content� says Dick. Another valuable item is coins sure it says “Sterling� on the handle. We can’t make offer on silwith silver content. Dimes, Quarters, Half Dollars plated Dick. Another valuable item is coin with andver Dollars fromitems� Canadasays and America can be sorted andsilver the silver contentDimes, determined in no time at all. content. Quarters, Half Dollars and Dollars from People are encouraged to bring anysorted and all and coinsthe silver content deterCanada and America canin be for assessment. mined in no time at all. People are encouraged to bring in any

Ursa Major also assesses and assessment. purchases Canadian and all world coins for and Dominion of Canada Paper Money.

Ursa Major also assesses and purchases Canadian and Domin-

Ursa Major Gold, Silver & Coin

Ursa has extensive working ionMajor of Canada Paperexperience Money. and Ursa Major has extensive experiwith coin collections, estate sales, executors, widows ence working with estate sales, executors, and widowers in a respectful and caring manner. No widows and widowers in a respectful and caring manner. No appointment necessary. appointment necessary.


Your Preborn Feet When You Were 10 Weeks Old

Thursday, October 2, 2014 Castlegar News


Literacy hits the streets in Castlegar

Stand Up in Defense of Preborn Children Join Our Peaceful Witness To Protect Preborn Life Abortion Is One of Our Most Crucial Human Rights Issues

INTERNATIONAL LIFE CHAIN 2014 Saturday, October 4th

Sunday, October 5th

Trail: 1 to 2 pm along Victoria Street

Castlegar: 2 to 3 pm Cdn Tire/Highway 3 Intersection

Sunday, October 5th Nelson: 2 to 3 pm at Front Street at Poplar

Community leaders and volunteers will join Black Press and the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy on October 9 to raise awareness about the importance of literacy and to celebrate the power literacy has in Castlegar. The Fourth Annual Reach a Reader campaign will raise funds for Castlegar’s community-based literacy programs. Why? Literacy is important to all British Columbians! It impacts every aspect of our lives: healthcare, crime rates,

employment and economic status. Despite its essential role in life, at least 40 per cent of B.C. adults have difficulty reading a newspaper, filling out a work application, reading a map, or understanding a lease — and this percentage is increasing. “The Reach a Reader campaign reminds people that literacy skills are important if we are to succeed in today’s modern world,” says Alana Murdoch, Castlegar Community Literacy Coordinator. “Literacy is an important

part of strong communities. Literacy is lifelong and life-wide; it is about having the skills you need to do what you want to do in your life. When we hear the word literacy many of us think ‘you can read or you can’t read.’ Of course, literacy is about reading and writing, but it is also about the ability to express our ideas, think critically, and use technology.” In Castlegar, funds raised will help support the Community Learning Place. This free, drop-in program helps adults with ba-

sic computer, reading, writing and math skill development and test preparation. One program participant said, “I am grateful for the help I got at the Community Learning Place. I feel more confident with my computer skills and have used them in my job search.” The program will start on October 7 at the Castlegar & District Public Library and will run every Tuesday from noon to 3 p.m.

continued on page A19

Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386

ARD WASTE COLLECTION YARD WASTE COLLECTION Mon/Wed/Fri YARD WASTE COLLECTION stlegar Reducing Its Mark Program Castlegar (CRIMP) Reducing Its Mark Program (CRIMP) Mon/Wed

Public Swim at the Castlegar Community Complex:

YARD WASTE COLLECTION Castlegar Reducing Its Mark Program (CRIMP)


Early Bird

10:00-4:00pm & 7:30-9:00pm

Public Swim

Tues/Thurs Castlegar Reducing Its Mark Program (CRIMP) gar is continuing The to City offer aof curb Castlegar side yard waste is continuing collection program to offer in a curb side yard waste collection program inPublic Swim 10:00-8:30pm Friday City 2014. of Castlegar is continuing to offer curb side yard wastewaste collection program ingrass clippings, branches, tree or ber, Yard October waste & (leaves, November, grassa clippings, 2014. branches, Yard tree or (leaves, The City of Castlegar is continuing to offer a curb side yard waste collection program in 1:00-6:00pm Public Swim Saturday ober & November, Yard waste (leaves, grass clippings, branches, flowers, plants and 2014. other trimmings, organics) will flowers, be collected plants atclippings, theand curb, other and organics) at the curb, and October & hedge November, 2014. Yard waste (leaves, grass branches, tree ortree or will be collected 1:00-6:00pm Sunday trimmings, flowers, plants and other organics) willbebe collected atcurb, the curb, and ogethe Ootischenia then landfill transported compost site. to The the yard Ootischenia waste will eventually landfill compost site. The yard waste will eventuallyPublic Swim hedge trimmings, flowers, plants and other organics) will collected at the and nfilltransported to landfill site.The The yard waste will eventually then transported toOotischenia the Ootischenia landfillcompost compost yard waste will eventually cover. bethe utilized for landfill Rink Use: be utilized for landfill cover. utilized for landfill cover. Sticks & Pucks Skating Tues – Fri 9:30-11:00am waste placed atYard the curb and willgarden be collected waste on the placed following atdates: the curb will be collected on the following dates: Public Skate Tues/Thurs 2:00-3:45pm Yard and garden waste placed at the curb will be collected on the following dates: d and garden waste placed at the curb will be collected on the following dates: Saturday 2:00-4:00pm 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm

Public Swim

Hourof Hockey Mon3 and including ovember 11, 14 2014 - and October – NORTH 14 Castlegar and–November (north Castlegar of Highway 11, 2014 3 of and including – NORTH CastlegarLunch (north Highway - October November 11, 2014 NORTH (north Highway 3 and including Fri the Woodland Park Area) the Woodland Park Area) Woodland Park Area) tober 14 and November 11, 2014 – NORTH Castlegarthe (north of Highway 3 and including - October November 12, 2014 SOUTH (south Highway 3)Park Area) ovember 12, 15 2014 - and October – SOUTH 15 Castlegar and–November (southCastlegar of Highway 12, 2014 3)of – SOUTH Castlegar (south of Highway 3)Registration: the Woodland Program tober 15 and November 12, 2014 – SOUTH Castlegar (south of Highway 3) 55+ Adult Recreational Hockey Mondays

Place your yard waste at the curb just prior to 7:00 a.m. on your collection date.

waste at the curb Place just your prior to yard 7:00 a.m. waste on your at the collection curb date. just prior to 7:00 a.m. on your collection date. Drop in $10.00 ce your yard waste at the curb just prior to 7:00 a.m. on your collection date. To participate: Parent & Tot Aqua Fit Tuesdays

1:15-2:15pm 12:00-1:00pm

10:00-11:00am 1:00-1:45pm

You must a resident of the City of Castlegar. (The program does not apply to commercial To be participate: Oct 7 – Nov 25 businesses orofoutlying areas). a resident of the City Castlegar. You must (The beprogram a resident does not ofapply the to City commercial of Castlegar. (The program does not apply to commercial participate:  CRIMP compostable (100% biodegradable) yard waste bags are available free of charge from Red Cross Babysitting Course Tuesdays 4:00-6:00pm areas). businesses or outlying off, areas). outlying You must a atresident of theAvenue. City of Castlegar. does notbeapply to commercial Oct 7 – 28 Citybe Hall 460 Columbia Bags must be tied(The if program twine is used it must compostable. ostable (100% biodegradable)  CRIMP yard waste compostable bags are available (100% free biodegradable) of charge from yard waste bags are available free of charge from businesses or outlying areas). It is recommended that you double CRIMP bags to ensure yard waste will be contained. Halloween Tuesday 10:00-11:15am Avenue.cans Bags City must be Hall tied at off,460 if the twine Columbia is used it bags must Avenue. be compostable. Bags must off, ifPreschool twine is used itParty must be compostable.  compostable Garbage may be used as long as containers are identified having yard waste in thetiedfrom 0 Columbia CRIMP (100% biodegradable) yard waste areas available free of be charge container. Containers must have lids. The maximum weight per container is 23kg (50lbs). Complex Hall Registration $5.00 Oct 28th ndedCity thatHall you double CRIMP It bags is recommended to ensure yard waste that will you be contained. double CRIMP bags to ensure yard waste will be contained. at 460 Columbia Avenue. Bags must be tied off, if twine is used it must be compostable. used Treeaspruning waste be bundled compostable Individual bundles shall be no may long as the Garbage containers cans are with identified may as used having long waste as in the the containers are identified as having yard waste in the It isberecommended that youshall double CRIMP bags tobe ensure yardyard waste will be contained. longer than 1.0 meter (3 feet) in length with bundles having a maximum diameter of 0.5 meter ntainers must have lids. The container. maximum weight Containers per container must is 23kg have (50lbs). lids. The maximum weight per container isCommunity 23kg (50lbs). News  Garbage cans may be used as long as the containers are identified as having yard waste in the (1.5 feet). Maximum allowable branch diameter is 50mm (2 in). waste shall beContainers bundled Tree compostable pruning waste shall bundles be bundled shallabove be no compostable twine. Individual bundles shall be no container. must have lids. The maximum weight per container iswith 23kg (50lbs).  Gather your yardwith and garden waste andtwine. place atIndividual your curbside on the dates – according to feet)location in length longer withorbe bundles than having 1.0 meter maximum (3 diameter feet) oflength 0.5 meter with bundles having a maximum diameter of 0.5 meter your in shall North South Castlegar. Hockey Action Free Thanksgiving Day 0 meter Tree (3 pruning waste bundled with acompostable twine.inIndividual bundles shall be no 

Skate ximum allowable branch (1.5 feet). isin50mm Maximum (2with in). bundles allowable branch diameter longer than 1.0 meterdiameter (3 feet) length having a maximum diameter ofis 0.550mm meter (2 in). Rebels vs Nelson Monday Octto 13 ard (1.5 and garden waste  and place Gather at your your curbside yard on and the garden dates above waste – according and place to at your curbside on the dates above – according feet). Maximum allowable branch diameter 50mmComposting (2 in). Alternatively, the City of Castlegar’s Yard is Waste Facility located at Saturday Oct 4 n North or South Castlegar. your location in North or South Castlegar. 1:30p-4:30pm  Gather your yard and garden waste and place at your curbside on the dates above – according to the north end of the Castlegar & District Recreation Complex at 2101 Sixth Game 7:00pm Sponsored by FortisBC your location in North or round South Castlegar. Avenue is open year to receive yard and garden waste.

Rebels vs City of Castlegar’s Alternatively, Yard Waste the Composting City of Facility Castlegar’s located Yard at Waste Composting Facility located at Yard and garden waste is accepted and includes the following biodegradable waste: North Okanagan f the Castlegar &north District end Recreation of the Complex Castlegar at 2101&Sixth District Recreation Complex at 2101 Sixth ernatively, thethe City of Castlegar’s Yard Waste Composting Facility located at Sunday Oct 5 Grass, lawn and hedge clippings, flowers, weeds, leaves, vegetable shrubs ear round Avenue receive yard isand open garden year waste. round tostalks, receive yard andSixth garden waste. north endto of the Castlegar & District Recreation Complex at 2101 Game 2:00pm and tree branches less than 75 mm (3 inches) in diameter nue is open year round to receive yard and garden waste.

waste is accepted andwaste Yard includes and the garden following biodegradable waste is accepted and includes the following biodegradable waste: **If your yard is in plastic bags, please remove the waste: bag. Yard and garden waste is accepted and includes the following biodegradable waste: noteflowers, that this program is for yardhedge and garden waste only (rocks, dirt, stumps,leaves, sod, edgePlease clippings, Grass, weeds, lawn leaves, and vegetable stalks, clippings, shrubs flowers, weeds, vegetable stalks, shrubs construction demolition or other related wood products including painted or treated less than 75and mmhedge (3 inches) and tree in diameter branches less thanvegetable 75 mmstalks, (3 inches) in diameter Grass, lawn clippings, flowers, weeds, leaves, shrubs wood, flower pots, animal waste, household garbage including kitchen waste or and tree branchesStyrofoam, less than 75 (3such inches) in diameter recyclables, or mm other materials will not be accepted). ste is in plastic bags,**If please your remove yardthe waste bag. is in plastic bags, please remove the bag. *If yourFor yard waste is in plastic bags, please theatbag. more information please contact the City remove of Castlegar (250) 365-7227 or (250) 365-5979

Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. is program is Please for yard and note garden that waste thisonly program dirt, is for stumps, yardsod, and garden waste only (rocks, dirt, stumps, sod, Or Waste Management at (rocks, (250) 365-6372 If you wouldincluding like your event mentioned in this eventor calendar please e-mail the information olition or other construction related wood products demolition including or painted other related or treated wood products painted treated ase note that this program is for yard and garden waste only (rocks, dirt, stumps, sod, to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.

Castlegar News Thursday, October 2, 2014 A19


Literacy in the streets of Castlegar continued from page A18

You can support the Reach a Reader campaign by making a donation in exchange for a special edition of the Castlegar News on October 9. Volunteers will be hitting the streets with papers in hand at Safeway, Kootenay Market and the Cas-

tlegar & District Public Library between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.. You may also donate online at To learn more about communitybased literacy programs in Castlegar contact Alana Murdoch, Castlegar’s Community Literacy Coordinator, at

Apply Now! Get in touch with us about applying for a grant.

Deadlines Youth:October 15 Environment:October 22 Social:October 29

We are currently accepting applications for projects which will benefit youth, the environment or social well-being in the Basin. Visit our website or call 1.800.505.8998. /environmentgrants /socialgrants

Connect with us

Front: Tamara Matthews, CBAL employee, giving Lily Kozak a copy of the Castlegar News and a literacy calendar. Back: Dianne Galloway, Friends of the Library volunteer.

Nestled in the vibrant and beautiful West Kootenays, Heritage Credit Union is a customer focused credit union and is currently seeking a: MANAGER – CASTLEGAR BRANCH Reporting to the Operations Manager, the position will oversee the day-to-day branch administration and business development activities. Responsibilities will include developing long-term member relationships, providing sound financial advice, ensuring quality service to members and impacting the overall success of the credit union. Depending on the qualifications and interests of the successful candidate, other administrative duties may be considered.

Where to donate:to Where List locations donate: List locations Where to

Qualifications required: • Possess a Business Administration degree (or equivalent) and have a minimum of three years’ experience in management within a financial institution. • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. • Proven ability to lead, guide, coach, and inspire your team to achieve. • Knowledge of credit union policies, procedures, products and services would be considered assets. • Retail/commercial lending experience.

Castlegar 10 am - 2 pm Kootenay Market, Safeway, and Castlegar & District Public Library.

We invite qualified individuals to apply by October 10, 2014 to: Heritage Credit Union Attention: HR Manager 100-30 17th St Castlegar, V1N 4G7 Or email: We thank all applicants for your interest in joining our team. While all candidates will be given serious consideration, we will contact only those candidates invited to be part of the selection process. For more information about this exciting opportunity, check our website under Careers:


Online: Online: Phone: (insert #) Phone: Email:#) 250-304-6862 (insert (insert email) Email: (insert email)


REACH A READER REACH A READER The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) and

The Columbia Basin Alliance for (local paper name) partnering to raise(CBAL) funds for The Columbia Basinare Alliance for Literacy Literacy (CBAL) and th and Castlegar News are partnering toraise raisefunds for literacy programs inare thepartnering 4 AnnualtoReach afunds Reader (local paper name) for th event. programs literacy Reach aa Reader Reader Annual Reach literacy programsininthe the4th 4 Annual event. event. Buy a paper from one of our volunteers on October Buy aapaper from volunteers on October October 9 (date) to make a one difference our community. Buy paper from oneof ofour ourin volunteers on to(date) makebe a difference in ouronline community. Can’t there?aDonate at to make difference in our community. Can’t Can’tbe bethere? there?Donate Donateonline online at at All funds raised will go to support (community name) literacy AllAll funds raised will go go totosupport support(community the Castlegar fundsprograms. raised will name) literacyprograms. programs. literacy Visit to learn more. Visit to learn more.


__ Dustin Byfuglien (WPG) __ P.K. Subban (MTL)

__ Dion Phaneuf (TOR) __ Erik Karlsson (OTT)

__ Drew Doughty (LA) Thursday, October __ Duncan Keith (CHI)

__ Lubomir Visnovsky (ANA)

__ Mark Giordano (CGY)

__ Shea Weber (NAS)

Join the 2014-2015 __ Keith Yandle (PHO)

WEST KOOTENAY __ Kevin Bieksa (VAN)

__ Nicklas Lidstrom (DET)


2, 2014 Castlegar News


__ Kris Letang (PIT)

__ Ryan Whitney (EDM)

__ Zdeno Chara (BOS)


Box 20 (pick 1)

Box 21 (pick 1)

__ Pekka Rinne (NAS)

__ Jonathan Quick (LA)

__ Jaroslav Halak (STL)

__ Carey Price (MTL) __ Marc-Andre Fleury (PIT)

__ Henrik Lundqvist (NYR) __ Ilya Bryzgalov (PHI)

__ Roberto Luongo (VAN)

__ Cam Ward (CAR) __ James Reimer (TOR)

__ Martin Brodeur (NJ)

__ Tim Thomas (BOS)

__ Jimmy Howard (DET)

__ Ryan Miller (BUF)

__ Miikka Kiprusoff (CGY)

NHL Hockey Pool & WIN Cold, Hard CA$H!

1 2 3 4

Scoring: Forwards - G:1.00 A:1.00 OTG:1.00 Defencemen - G:1.00 A:1.00 OTG:1.00 Goalies - W:2.00 SO:1.00 OTL:1.00



Tie Breaker Questions: Name:

Canucks win total will be?

Post Code: Email:


Flames win total will be?

Scoring | Forwards - G: 1.00 A: 1.00 | Defencemen - G: 1.00 A: 1.00

Email: Phone:

Phone: Who will win the Pool: WestKootenayAdvertiser, Password: bcnslnngguest Northwest Division? Entry Cutoff: Oct. 10, 2014, 2 p.m. MDT Pacific Division? Pick one (1) player from each of the 24 boxes provided below.

Pick one (1) player from each of the 24 boxes provided below.



R c n a b m s t t d t Forward __ Back __ Kopit __ Pave __ Thorn __ Toew

Drop o ff Forwards (pick at 1) Forwards (pick 1) 1) or Forwards (pickTavern 1)a Please drop off the Nelson Star Uptown Email: Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick ty __ Crosby, S (PIT) : 1.30 __ Ovechkin, A (WAS) : 1.01 : 0.96 __ Benn, J (DAL) : 0.98 our WestKootenayAdvertiser __ Crosby, S (PIT) : 1.30 __ Ovechkin, (WAS) : 1.01 ARE __ Benn, J (DAL) : 0.98 __ Backstrom, N (WAS) ALLAENTRIES REQUIRED TO FILL OUT THE ADDRESS INFORMATION COMPLETELY, loca: 1.07 __ Getzlaf, R (ANA) : 1.13 __ Perry, C (ANA) 1.01: 0.85 __ Hall, T (EDM) __ Getzlaf, R (ANA) : 1.13 __ Perry, C (ANA) : 1.01 __ Hall, T (EDM) : 1.07 __ Kopitar, A :(LA) l papBE erACCEP __ Giroux, C (PHI) : 1.05 __ Seguin, T (DAL) : 1.05 __ Kane, P (CHI) : 1.00 ADDRESS. ISKane, NOT COMPLETED FULLY THE REGISTRTATION WILL NOT ! __ Giroux, C (PHI) : 1.05 __ Seguin, T (DAL) : 1.05IF THIS __ P (CHI) : 1.00 __ Pavelski, J (SJ) :Phone: 0.96

Scoring | Forwards - G: 1.00 A: 1.00 | Defencemen - G: 1.00 A: 1.00

Showing points per game for choices using stats from season: 2013/14 Regular Showing points per game for choices using stats from season: 2013/14 Regular

__ Malkin, E (PIT)P (TOR) : 1.20: 0.98 __ Malkin, E (PIT) : 1.20 __ Stamkos, S (TB) : 1.08 __ Kessel, Pool: WestKootenayAdvertiser, Password: bcnslnngguest __ Tavares, J (NYI) : 1.12 __ Tavares, J (NYI) : 1.12 __ St. Louis, M (NYR) : 0.85 __ Sharp, P (CHI) : 0.95

__ Stamkos, S (TB) : 1.08

__ Kessel, P (TOR) : 0.98

Forwards (pick 1) __ Sedin, H (VAN) : 0.71

Forwards (pick 1) __ Couture, L (SJ) : 0.83: 0.84 __ Bozak, T (TOR) __ Duchene, M (COL) : 0.99 : 0.82 __ Datsyuk, P (DET) __ Johansen, R (CBJ) 0.77 __ Filppula, V (TB) :: 0.77 __ MacKinnon, N (MIN) (COL): :0.83 0.77 __ Koivu, M __ Nyquist, G (DET) __ Krejci, D (BOS): :0.84 0.86

__ Thornton, J (SJ) : 0.93 By entering this hockey pool, you __ agree toM (NYR) be contacted to time by em St.__ Louis, __ from Sharp, P time (CHI) : 0.95 Toews, J (CHI): 0.85 : 0.89 Entry Cutoff: Oct. 10, 2014, Nelson 2 p.m. MDT Star and the Uptown Tavern. Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) Forward

Forwards (pick 1) __ Sedin, H (VAN) : 0.71: 0.87 __ Kunitz, C (PIT) Pick one (1) player from each of the 24 boxes provided below. __ Spezza, J (DAL) 0.88: 0.85 __ Spezza, J (DAL) : 0.88 __ Duchene, M (COL) : 0.99 __ Marleau, P :(SJ) EA: (CAR) 0.77 : 0.84 Scoring Forwards A:Johansen, 1.00 | Defencemen -__ G:Staal, 1.00 1.00 __ Staal, E |(CAR) : 0.77 - G: 1.00 __ R (CBJ) : 0.77 __ Parise, Z :(MIN) P (STL) : 0.85 __ Stastny, P (STL) : 0.85 __ MacKinnon, N (COL) : 0.77__ Stastny, __ Steen, A (STL) : 0.91 Showing points per game for choices using stats from season: 2013/14 Regular __ Zetterberg, H (DET) : __ Zetterberg, H (DET) : 1.07 __ Nyquist, G (DET) : 0.84 __ Vanek, T (MIN) 1.07 : 0.87

Forwards 1) Forwards (pick (pick 1) __ M (LA) : 0.73 __Gaborik, Crosby, S (PIT)

__ Hossa, M (CHI) : 0.83 __Iginla, Getzlaf, (ANA) __ J (COL)R : 0.78 __ J (NJ) : C 0.82 __Jagr, Giroux, (PHI) __ Sedin, D (VAN) : 0.64

__ Malkin, E (PIT)

Forwards (pick 1) __ Couture, L (SJ) : 0.83

What you could win:

__ Kunitz, C (PIT) : 0.87 __ Boza __ Marleau, P (SJ) : 0.85 __ Datsy st __ Parise, Z (MIN) : 0.84 __ Filppu __ Steen, A nd (STL) : 0.91 __ Koivu __ Vanek, T (MIN) : 0.87 __ Krejc rd (pick 1) Forwards 1) (pick 1) Forwards (pick (pick 1)(pick Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick Forward Forwards (pick 1)ForwardsForwards Forwards (pick 1) Forwards 1) 1) th th to __ Gaborik, M (LA) 0.73 __ __ Eberle, J (EDM) :M 0.81 : 0.78 __ Camm __ Eberle, J (EDM) __ B (WPG) : 0.78 __Benn, Cammalleri, (NJ) :: 0.71 : 1.30 __: 0.81 Ovechkin, ALittle, (WAS) : :1.01 J (DAL) 0.98__ Little, B (WPG) __ Backstrom, N (W __ Okposo, K (NYI) : 0.97 __ Nielsen, : 0.72 __ Oshie, T (STL) : 0.76 __ Hossa, M (CHI)F (NYI) : 0.83 __ Okposo, K (NYI) : 0.97 __ Nielsen, F (NYI) : 0.72 __ Oshie Standings will be published : 1.13 __ Perry, (ANA) : 1.01 T (MTL) (EDM) : 1.07 __ Nugent-Hopkins, __R Kopitar, A__(LA) __ Pacioretty, M (MTL) : 0.82 __CIginla, __ Nugent-Hopkins, __Hall, Richards, B (CHI) : 0.62 J (COL) : 0.78 R (EDM) :__ __ Pacioretty, M : 0.82 (EDM) : Richa weekly in the West Kootenay Advertiser and posted on __ van Riemsdyk, J (TOR) : 0.76 0.70 __ Smith, C (NAS) : 0.66 __ Jagr, J (NJ) : 0.82 __ van Riemsdyk, J (TOR) : 0.76 0.70 __ Smith : 1.05 __ Seguin, T (DAL) : 1.05 __ Kane, P (CHI) : 1.00 __ Pavelski, J (SJ) each individual newspapers __ Wheeler, B (WPG) : 0.84 __ Sedin, __ Stepan, D (NYR) : 0.70 __ Zajac, T (NJ) : 0.60 D (VAN) : 0.64 __ Wheeler, B (WPG) : 0.84 __ Stepan, D (NYR) : 0.70 __ Zajac website. __ Thornton, J (SJ : 1.20 __ Stamkos, __ S Turris, (TB) K: (OTT) 1.08 : 0.71 __ Kessel, P (TOR) : 0.98 __ Turris, K (OTT) : 0.71

__ Tavares, J (NYI) : 1.12

__ St. Louis, M (NYR) : 0.85

Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) __ Hartnell, S (CBJ) : 0.67 __ Landeskog, G (COL) : 0.80__ Hartnell, __ Backes, D (STL) S (CBJ) : 0.67: 0.77 Forwards 1) Forwards 1) __ Hornqvist, P(pick (PIT) : 0.70 __ O'Reilly, R (COL) : 0.80 __(pick __ Bergeron, P Hornqvist, P (PIT) :(BOS) 0.70 : 0.78 __ A (WPG) : 0.69 (PHI) : 0.73 __ Ladd, Dubinsky, (CBJ) : 0.66 A (WPG) :B0.69 __Ladd, Sedin, H (VAN) : 0.71__ Simmonds, W__ Couture, L__(SJ) : 0.83 __ Neal, J (NAS) : 1.03 __ Voracek, J (PHI) : 0.76 __ Kadri, N (TOR) __ Neal, J (NAS) : 1.03 : 0.64 __Vrbata, Spezza, J :(DAL) : 0.88 Duchene, MKesler, (COL) : 0.99 __ R (VAN) 0.64 __ Zuccarello, M __ (NYR) : 0.77__ Vrbata, __ R (ANA) R (VAN) : 0.64: 0.56

__ Staal, E (CAR) : 0.77

__ Johansen, R (CBJ)

: 0.77

1 2 3 4

Place......$300 Place.....$200 Place.....$175 10 Place...$75

__ Sharp, P (CHI) : 0.95

__ Toews, J (CHI) Deadline for entries

__ Parise, Z (MIN)

Friday October 10 at__ 5pm Filppula, V (TB)

Forwards Forwards (pick (pick 1) 1) Forwards (pick 1) Forward __ Byfuglien, D (WPG) : 0.72 __ Landeskog, G (COL) : 0.80 __ Backes, D (STL) : 0.77 __ Byfug Forwards 1) Forwards (pick 1) __ Carter, J (pick (LA): 0.80 : 0.69 __ O'Reilly, R (COL) __ Bergeron, P (BOS) : 0.78 __ Carte __Kunitz, Lucic, M 0.74: 0.87 __ __ Simmonds, W (BOS) (PHI) :: 0.73 __ Dubinsky, B (CBJ) 0.66 thLucic C (PIT) __ :Bozak, T __ (TOR) __ Nash, R (NYR) : 0.60 __ Voracek, J (PHI) : 0.76 __ Kadri, N (TOR) : 0.64 __ Nash ____Marleau, P (SJ) : 0.85 __ Datsyuk, P (DE Ryan, M B (OTT) __ Zuccarello, (NYR)::0.69 0.77 __ Kesler, R (ANA) : 0.56 __ Ryan

Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) Forwards (pick 1) __ E (WPG)P: 0.65 __ Bjugstad, N (FLA) : 0.50 __ Kane, __ Doan, S (ARI) 0.68 __Kane, Stastny, (STL) : 0.85 __ MacKinnon, N(WPG) (COL) :: 0.77 E : 0.65 __ Palat, O (TB) : 0.73 __ Couturier, S (PHI) : 0.48 __ Palat, __ Hudler, J (CGY) : 0.72 O (TB) : 0.73 __ Zetterberg, H (DET) : __ 1.07 __ Nyquist, G__(DET) : 0.84 __ Perron, D (EDM) : 0.73 Galchenyuk, A (MTL) : 0.48 MacArthur, C (OTT) : 0.70 __ Perron, D (EDM) : 0.73 __ Schwartz, J (STL) : 0.70 __ Monahan, S (CGY) : 0.45 __ Marchand, B (BOS) : 0.65 __ Schwartz, J (STL) : 0.70 Forwards (pick: 0.76 1) Forwards 1) __ Skinner, J (CAR) __ Zibanejad, M (OTT) : 0.48 (pick __ Pominville, J (MIN) : 0.73 __ Skinner, J (CAR) : 0.76

: 0.84

Forwards Forwards (pick (pick 1) 1) Forwards (pick 1) Forward Rules: __ Granlund, M (MIN) : 0.65 __ Steen, A (STL) : 0.91 __ Koivu, M (MIN) __ Bjugstad, N (FLA) : 0.50 __ Doan, S (ARI)one : 0.68 Gran Choose player for each__ __ Henrique, A (NJ) : 0.56 category. Enter your team __ __ Couturier, S (PHI) : 0.48 __ Hudler, J (CGY) : 0.72 __ Henri Vanek, T (MIN) : 0.87 name, full__name, Krejci, D (BOS) address and __ Hodgson, C (BUF) : 0.61 __ Galchenyuk, A (MTL) : 0.48 __ MacArthur, C (OTT) : 0.70 __ Hodg phone number. Enter an answer __ Saad, B (CHI) : 0.60 __ Monahan, S (CGY) : 0.45 __ Marchand, B (BOS) : 0.65 __ Saad for each ofForwards the three tiebreaker Forwards (pick 1) : 0.66 (pick 1) __ Soderberg, C (BOS) __ Zibanejad, M (OTT) : 0.48 __ Pominville, J (MIN) : 0.73 __ Sode questions. The entry with the __ Gaborik, : 0.73 : 0.81 __Defence Little,(pick B (WPG) : 0.78 __atCammalleri, most points the end of theM Defence (pick 1) M (LA) Defence (pick 1) __ Eberle, J (EDM) Defence (pick 1) 1) Defence (pick 1) Defence (pick 1) Defenceregular (pick 1)season will be declared Defence __ E (OTT) : 0.90 __ Giordano, M (CGY) : 0.73 Ekman-Larsson, O (ARI) : 0.55____Nielsen, Chara, Z (BOS) : 0.52 __Karlsson, Hossa, M (CHI) : 0.83 __ Okposo, K__(NYI) : 0.97 F (NYI) __ Oshie, Tof(STL) the winner. In (ARI) the event a tie __ Karlsson, E (OTT) : 0.90 __ Giordano, M (CGY) : 0.73 : 0.72 __ Ekman-Larsson, O : 0.55 __ Chara __ Keith, D (CHI) : 0.77 __ Hedman, V (TB) : 0.73 __ Goligoski, A (DAL) : 0.52 __ Doughty, D (LA) : 0.47 in anyA position, the tie breaker __ Keith, D (CHI) : 0.77 __ Hedman, V (TB) : 0.73 __ Goligoski, (DAL) : 0.52 __ __ Iginla, J (COL) : 0.78 __ Kronwall, N (DET) __ Pacioretty, M (MTL) : 0.82 ____Nugent-Hopkins, R (EDM)question(s) : __ Richards, BDoug (CH __ Subban, P (MTL) : 0.65 : 0.62 __ McDonagh, R (NYR) : 0.56 Markov, A (MTL) : 0.53 will be used to __ Subban, P (MTL) : 0.65 __ Kronwall, N (DET) : 0.62 __ McDonagh, R (NYR) : 0.56 __ Mark determine__ theSmith, winner. C (NAS) __ (STL) : 0.63 __ Shattenkirk, K (STL) : 0.56 __ Niskanen, M (WAS) : 0.57 __Weber, Jagr,S (NAS) J (NJ): :0.71 0.82 __ Pietrangelo, A__ van Riemsdyk, J (TOR) : 0.76 0.70 __ Weber, S (NAS) : 0.71 __ Pietrangelo, A (STL) : 0.63 __ Shattenkirk, Kis (STL) :tie, 0.56 If there still a a draw __ Niska __ Yandle, K (ARI) : 0.65 __ Wisniewski, J (CBJ) : 0.68 __ Suter, R (MIN) : 0.52 __ Streit, M (PHI) : 0.54 __ Yandle, K (ARI) : 0.65 __ Wisniewski, J (CBJ) : 0.68 __ Suter, R (MIN) : 0.52 __ Streit __ Sedin, D (VAN) : 0.64 __ Wheeler, B (WPG) : 0.84 __ Stepan, D (NYR) : 0.70 will be made __atZajac, :0 random.T (NJ) WEST KOOTENAY

Forwards (pick 1)

__ Hartnell, S (CBJ) : 0.67 __ Hornqvist, P (PIT) : 0.70 __ Ladd, A (WPG) : 0.69

Forwards (pick 1)

__ Landeskog, G (COL) : 0.80 __ O'Reilly, R (COL) : 0.80 __ Simmonds, W (PHI) : 0.73

B Unit#2, 1810 8thJ Ave. Castlegar, BC 514 Hall St, Nelson__ BC Voracek, V1L 1Z2 1163 Cedar Ave. Trail, BC V1R 4V8 __ Neal, (NAS) : 1.03 J (PHI) : 0.76 V1N 2Y2 Ph. 250.365.6397 Ph. 250.352.1890 Ph. 250.368.8551

__ Turris, K (OTT) : 0.71 Forwards (pick 1)

Forwards (pick 1)

318 South Copper Ave. PO Box 99 250.445.2233 0.77 Greenwood, BC__Ph.Byfuglien,

__ Backes, D (STL) : __ Bergeron, P (BOS) : 0.78 __ Dubinsky, B (CBJ) : 0.66 Unit#2, 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar, BC V1N __ Kadri, N (TOR) : 0.64 2Y2 Ph. 250.365.6397

D (W __ Carter, J (LA) : __ Lucic, M (BOS)

PO Box__ 700,Nash, Grand Forks, BC R (NYR) V0H1H0 Ph. 250.442.2191

Castlegar News Thursday, October 2, 2014 A21

Dr. Brandy Grantham & Associates 401A 13th Ave. Castlegar BC • 250.365.2886 Play Times: Monday-Friday • 8am-6pm •

Phone: 250-304-4401

Juans Flooring Hardwood Floors Wholesale HAIR CARE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! We carry a selection of AG & Pravana products. Book an appointment with Lanette, Alexa,Colleen or Christine Evenings by appointment.

Walk-Ins Monday 9:30am - 2pm | Tues - Sat 9:30am - 5pm Welcome! 2327 6th Ave. | 250-304-6933

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The Best Defense Is An Intense Defense Fence, Fence Company Everyone has a Honey-To-Do list that just isn’t getting done... That’s where we come in, not just building fences but building relationships. Chainsaw work Fencing House/property maintenance, Labour contracts Wood construction Landscaping, and whatever else you can think of Crispin WankelShaw: 250-304-7732

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Thursday, October 2, 2014 Castlegar News


Your community. Your classifieds.


bc email

How to place a

Classified Ad with 250.365.6397

Call Or Drop by our office at Unit #2, 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar, BC 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday Classified Deadline 4pm Monday

Information CANADA BENEFIT Group Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or visit online:

Personals MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851 PAMPER YOURSELF!!! Treat yourself to the ultimate in total relaxation!!! French/Swedish 10 am - 10 pm, 7/days Call 250-608-0206 Widowed gentleman, very handy, excellent health, would like to meet lady between 70 - 80 for companionship 250-367-0015


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. no Risk Program stop Mortgage & Maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248


Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

HIGHWAY OWNER OPERATORS $3500 SIGNING BONUS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway linehaul Owner Operators based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package.

To join our team of professional drivers, email a detailed resume, current driver’s abstract & details of your truck to: Call 604-968-5488 Fax: 604-587-9889 Only those of interest will be contacted. Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.

EXPERIENCED CLASS 1 Drivers, F/T, P/T for California & Arizona produce hauling, excellent pay and benefits, safety bonus and home time. Call Jerry or Bill 1-877-539-1750.

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking


Seafood Retail Program Merchandiser

Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway Line Haul Drivers based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training.

Full time coordinator for a seafood merchandising program including ad program management & department manager training in our main office in Errington, BC.

We Offer Above Average Rates! To join our team of professional drivers, please send off a resume and current driver’s abstract to: For more info about Line Haul, call Bev, 604-968-5488 Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.

Education/Trade Schools • Certified Home Study Course • Jobs Registered Across Canada • Gov. Certified 35 Years of Success!

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

Business Opportunities

Cards of Thanks

Glade Recreation Commission DRIVERS WANTED

AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 w/ Airbrake • Guaranteed 40hr. Work Week & Overtime • Paid Travel & Lodging • Meal Allowance • 4 Weeks Vacation • Excellent Benefits Package

Must be able to have extended stays away from home. Up to 6 months. Must have valid AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and have previous commercial driving experience. Apply, careers & then choose the FastTRACK Application.

(Vancouver Island)

Previous experience in the grocery industry with a specialty in seafood and seafood operations is required. The ideal candidate will demonstrate excellent operational knowledge, communication, team building and leadership skills. We offer Excellent Benefit & Incentive Programs For further details visit: Apply to Lyall Woznesensky : Quality@


GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website

Cards of Thanks

Career Opportunities

Would like to thank the following local businesses for generously donating and contributing to the success of our 21st Annual Fishing Derby Canadian Tire • Columbia Auto Dragonflies & Fairy Dust • Endless Adventure Evergreen • Hippersons Hardware Kalesnikoff Lumber • Kootenay Co-op Kootenay Market • Kootenay Savings Maglio Building Centre • Main Jet Nelson Toyota • Playmour Power Products Tim Horton’s • Walmart

Help Wanted

Career Opportunities

MANAGERIAL POSITIONS We’re growing on Vancouver Island! If you have multiple years’ experience in a managerial role in the grocery business and want to join an innovative & creative group then we would love to hear from you. We offer exceptional benefits, Group RSP and many other incentives. Please send your resume to: Lyall Woznesensky QF Director Professional Development.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

0887118 BC Ltd. DBA City Furniture in Castlegar has an opening for a Sales Associate Experienced with sales and customer service please email resume at An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051.

Experienced Server needed at The Greek Oven bring in resume after 2 pm Tuesday to Saturday ask for Lenore


is excepting Resumes for Busser’s & Experienced Servers please drop off resumes at 789 Columbia Avenue Full Times Sales Representative. Andre’s Electronic Experts in Castlegar is looking to grow their sales force. Looking for individuals with sales experience and knowledge of cellular/ electronic and appliances. Full time salary/commission plus benefits. Drop off resumes to 200 - 1965 Columbia Ave Castlegar. Or email

ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

Esthetician for full-time and part time employment. Busy and upbeat work environment with a large potential client base.

Help Wanted

Contact Nicole at (250)365-2224

Now hiring!


School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) The School District is seeking applications from qualified persons for the On-Call List in the following area: Clerical: • Business College Certificate in Office Administration or equivalent • A minimum of two (2) years of recent experience in a secretarial or clerical position • Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite on PC and/or Mac Platforms • Rates of Pay: Library Asst-$22.26/hr; Office Asst-$23.01/hr; Administrative Asst-$24.34/hr Direct Student Support: • Completion of Classroom and Community Support Worker Program or Special Education Assistant Certificate or Special Needs Worker Program or equivalent training. • Rates of Pay: Education Asst/Child Care Worker - $23.27/hr; Child & Youth Care - $24.34/hr. General Qualifications: • Grade 12 or equivalent • Valid WHMIS Certificate • Valid Class 5 Drivers License For full position details including qualifications please refer to the Careers with SD20 section of our website at www. Closing date of accepting applications is 12:00 NOON on Monday, October 20, 2014. Send applications including cover letter, resume and references including contact information (email and phone number) to Mrs. Marcy VanKoughnett, Director of Human Resources, School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia), 2001 Third Ave, Trail, BC V1R 1R2 (Fax: 250-364-2470). Please send electronic applications to It is understood that applicants agree to confidential reference checks of all previous employers. We appreciate your interest but regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

The biggest names in the Forestry Industry recruit using

Help Wanted

The Castlegar News has an immediate opening for a full-time multimedia journalist/reporter.

Candidates will have outstanding, diverse writing abilities, and can generate and write compelling stories for use in print and online. Photography prowess, social media best practices and creative layout skills are an asset. Candidates must be willing to work various shifts, including evenings and weekends.


The successful applicant for this position will be a key contributor to the print and online product. • You should have a diploma / degree in journalism, and / or related experience. • Knowledge of basic Photoshop and InDesign are a must. A valid driver’s licence and reliable car are required. The Castlegar News is part of Black Press, Canada’s largest private, independent newspaper company, with more than 1,500 community, daily and urban newspapers in B.C., Alberta, Washington State, Ohio and Hawaii. Those interested should submit a resume, writing and photography samples along with a cover letter to: Kevin Mills at

r A Free Call Today Fo ing Quote dvertis Recruitment A

3 3 8 7 . 8 7 6 . 5 5 1.8

Castlegar News Thursday, October 2, 2014


Help Wanted

Help Wanted





Trades, Technical

Home Improvements

Houses For Sale

MEDICAL Transcriptionists needed! Employers seeking over 200 additional CanScribe graduates. Student loans available. Income-tax receipts issued. Start training today. Work from Home! Website: Send email to: Or call 1.800.466.1535.

FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928

TRAIL, 1134 Marianna Cres. Spotless, bright, updated, move-in ready 2bdrm. home in desirable location. Won’t last long at $189,900. Photos at kijiji ID# 1011459826. Call to view 250-364-1940.

RN’S & LPN’S Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses

Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders. Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator. Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB Automotive Starters Alternators, Fall Special 10% off, exchanges or repairs 250-365-3313


Weekend Driver needed

needed at The Greek Oven drop resume at back door between 9 - 11 Tues to Sat 400 Columbia Ave, Castlegar ask for Peter

to Haul Propane Class 1 or 3 Please send resume to

BUSY LAW FIRM in Penticton seeks full time conveyancing assistant. Email resume in confidence to

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Line Cook

HIRING YOUR WINTER EQUIPMENT! EMCON SERVICES INC. is interested in hiring your winter equipment for the 2014/2015 winter season to supplement our own fleet of snow removal equipment. Equipment must be in good mechanical condition and capable of plowing and sanding roads within the Birchbank Foreman Area. You must be registered and in good standing with WorkSafe BC and have sufficient insurance coverage for plowing on Highways. This work is on an as and when required basis and will require both day and night shifts including weekends. Please submit your equipment description in writing to: Emcon Services Inc., 6150 2nd Street, Grand Forks, B.C., V0H 1H4.

Career opportunity

Merchandise for Sale

The Communications Coordinator coordinates the production and delivery of a wide range of communications needs and public involvement materials.

Bayshore Home Health is currently seeking Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses for night shifts (with the possibility of day shifts in the future) in the Castlegar area working with children with complex care needs. If you are an RN or LPN & love working with children and their families, we would appreciate hearing from you. Pediatric experience is an asset and we do offer client specific training.

Please send your resume & cover letter to: pedsvancouver@ or

fax: 1-866-686-7435

Dynamic is having a Clearance Sale, misc wood products,excess landscape material, tools, sawmill equipment, large trucks forklifts & much more we are located in Castlegar 1839 Brilliant Rd. Sale starts Sept 15th runs to Oct 15th

This is an 11-month, full-time position based in one of our four offices (Castlegar, Cranbrook, Golden or Nakusp). Apply by October 15, 2014.


• BC driver’s license (minimum Class 3/Air) • Proven on highway trucking experience • Experience driving tandem axle vehicles and experience on a variety of transmissions including 13 speed. Both men and women are invited to apply for these rewarding positions. Please submit your application along with a photocopy of driver’s license, a driver’s abstract and references to substantiate driving experience to: Emcon Services Inc. 6150 2nd Street Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H4 Or fax (250) 442-2677 or by email:


Resumes By October 10, 2014 Branch Manager Kootenay Insurance Services Ltd. 999 Farwell Street Trail BC V1R-3V1 lynn.davidson

We have an opening for a temporary Full-time Personal Lines Representative in our Trail location. This position will last for approximately 12 months. This position provides the full range of personal/ general lines and travel/medical insurance products and services to new customers & processes renewals & mid-term endorsements consistent with branch procedures & binding limits. Provides full range of provincial vehicle licensing & insurance services. The ideal candidate will possess a combination of skills, ability, education, experience, and motivation: • Level I Insurance License • Minimum 1 year experience in an insurance environment with Autoplan Sales experience and some exposure to general lines products and services • Ability to communicate well in a sales and service environment, both verbally and in writing, and to provide service oriented solutions to clients • Ability to organize work to meet deadlines within an environment of constantly changing priorities • Familiarity with the Windows operating system, internet access and email applications, and office automation software such as Word.

Kootenay Insurance Services Ltd. Is owned in equal partnership by Kootenay Savings, Nelson & District, & East Kootenay Community Credit Unions.

Gilbert Smith Forest Products Ltd. a family owned and operated speciality cedar lumber sawmill located in Barriere B.C., is seeking a hands-on, highly competent & safety conscious professional for the position of Production & Quality Control Coordinator. This position is a key role within the management team reporting directly to Sr Management with opportunity for the successful candidate to grow into a position of increased responsibility within the company. The successful candidate will be an experienced self starting individual with excellent knowledge of quality control processes and high analytical skills who can effectively communicate results. Duties will include recovery improvement, product outturn analysis,

production and supervision assistance, by-product monitoring and special projects. Competency in Microsoft Excel

and Word and familiarity with process control systems is a must. A grading ticket and experience with cedar lumber manufacturing would be assets.

Health Products

OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil

Buy One Get One



Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750

Financial Services ARE YOU $10K or more in debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-351-1783. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

Gilbert Smith Forest Products Ltd. PO Box 689 Barriere, B.C. V0E 1E0 or fax 250-672-5644 or email

TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Barriere B.C. offers affordable housing, a large variety of recreational activities and is in close proximity to Kamloops & Sun Peaks. A competitive compensation package will be offered. Interested applicants please submit your resume to;


HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158 Rubber Tire Backhoe, Mini Excavator & dump truck service

Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-499-0251. Local.

Musical Instruments Musical Instruments Guitars, Amplifiers, Drums, Keyboards, P.A., Music books and Accessories BAY AVENUE MUSIC DOWNTOWN TRAIL 250-368-8878

Commercial/ Industrial Castlegar Light industrial Office/Warehouse for rent 1600 sq ft, nego Call 250-365-3059

Duplex / 4 Plex

2 Bdrm, 2 bath, Grandview Age 55+ $1200/mth + utilities Jon 250-365-3168

Housesitting House Sitter available in

Castlegar senior mother & daughter, between selling & purchasing a home - looking to house sit Nov 1st through Feb 28th, flexible, responsible/ references 250-365-4909

Mobile Homes & Pads Looking for Maintenance person with reductions in rent Call 250-304-4862

Homes for Rent

FRUITVALE, 3bd. mobile on 1/2acre, renos. Storage shed. Ref.Nov1.$725. 250-367-9247 Mobile Home in Thrums 3 bdrms, deck, F/S, W/D in quiet 15 unit park 250-304-9273.

Suites, Lower Castlegar 1bdrm lower suite new and spacious, Woodland Park area, W/D, Avail soon N/P, $750/mth, utilities incl Call 250-365-6327 Lrg bright 2 bdrm suite overlooking Castlegar, 5 appl N/S, N/P, $800/mth incl utilities, 250-365-8386 after 6:00 pm




YOU’RE APPROVED Call Holly for Pre-Approval

1-844-364-FORD (3673)


EMCON SERVICES INC., Road and Bridge maintenance contractor in the Castlegar, Rossland, Trail & Fruitvale Areas, are looking for professional drivers for part time employment for the upcoming winter season. Qualifications for these positions are:



Kootenay Insurance Services Ltd. provides a full line of insurance products and services in the Kootenays with locations in Trail, Nelson, Cranbrook, Crawford Bay & Invermere, BC

Ofce Support BUSY Law Firm requires: Half time receptionist (1 week on/off) immediately. Office Manager terms negotiable. Must have some prior experience in a law firm. Email;

Real Estate

Misc. for Sale


Kootenay Insurance Services Ltd.




Employment A23


Sporting Goods Free Spirit Treadmill perfect shape, low mileage very sturdy. $600 OBO Call 250-362-7301

Real Estate Duplex/4 Plex TRAIL, Tri-plex. $199,000. rents $1900/mth 250-368-6075

Help Wanted

Imagine a job that fits your life. Flexible hours Health benefits Full and Part-time Scholarship program Incentive programs

Day and Evenings Shifts Available Apply in person at 1465 Columbia Ave. Castlegar or fax to 250-365-2980



Thursday, October 2, 2014 Castlegar News

Obituaries and Memorials In Loving Memory

Gloria Taylor March 30, 1948 - October 4, 2012

Your gentle face and patient smile With sadness we recall You had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all Love Forever Mom, Shirley, Betty, Jason, Clint & Gabby


Mike W. Popoff November 4th, 1928 - September 27th, 2013

One year has passed since that sad day, When one we loved was called away, God took him home, it was His will, Within our hearts, he liveth still. The Family In Loving Memory of

William George Voikin March 21, 1931 – September 21, 2014 It is with great sorrow that the family of William George Voikin, of Krestova, announces the passing of their beloved husband, father and grandfather at Talarico Place, on Sunday, September 21, 2014, at the age of 83 years. Bill was born March 21, 1931 in Arran, Saskatchewan to parents George and Nastya Voikin. He was the elder of two brothers. In 1938, the family moved to Glade, BC and subsequently to Goose Creek, where Bill and his father cleared the land and built a small home. In 1955, Bill married the love of his life, Anne Rezansoff. The couple began their life together in Goose Creek where they were blessed with three children. The family also moved for a brief time to the Lower Mainland, before returning in 1966 to Krestova, where Bill then built a modest home. In 2009, Bill and Anne, relocated to Castlegar, so as live closer to their daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter. In May 2014, Bill due to declining health entered Talarico Place. Throughout his life Bill worked on many construction projects such as the Keenleyside Dam, Mica Dam, and Seven Mile Dam as well as others. He also worked in the saw mill, on building roads and constructing high rise condos in the Lower Mainland. Bill suffered immense sorrow in his life. At age 20, his brother unexpectedly passed away from a brain aneurism and then in 1976 his only son Johnny at the age of 20 years died in a car accident. Bill always tried to live according to the Doukhobor principles of “Toil and Peaceful Life”. He was a deeply spiritual man who worked very hard. He was kind, sensitive and honest and possessed a healthy sense of humor. Bill will be greatly missed and fondly remembered by his family and by all who knew him. He was predeceased by his brother John Voikin, his son Johnny Voikin, his parents, George and Nastya Voikin, and his in-laws, Peter and Nellie Rezansoff. Left to mourn his passing: his wife, Anne Voikin, daughter Teresa (Ernie) Verigin, daughter Sharon (Cory) Philp and beloved granddaughter Anastasia Verigin, sisterin-law Vera Podmoroff, brother-in-law Peter (Elsie) Rezansoff, sister-in-law Katie (Harry) Podmorow, brother-in-law Walter (Winnie) Rezansoff, as well as, many cousins, nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral arrangements were in the care of Castlegar Funeral Chapel. Casket was provided by Harry Zeabin of Krestova, BC. Funeral services were held September 26, 2014 at Krestova Community Hall with Bill’s interment in Krestova Cemetery. A luncheon followed at Krestova Community Hall. The family of Willam (Bill) Voikin would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone for your love and support during our time of loss. The staff of Talarico Place for Bill’s care, the staff of Castlegar Funeral Chapel for their kind assistance, to Peter Rezansoff for his guidance in leading the funeral service, the psalm singers for the exceptional singing, the cooks for preparing the meal, the grave-diggers, all those who brought food, called, visited, emailed and expressed their condolences to the family. We are extremely grateful for all who attended Bill’s funeral and to all who assisted us in any way. Lastly, our family would like to express our deep appreciation to Dr. Jim Noiles and to Home Support for the years of care they provided Bill.

In Our Memories In loving Memory

Helen Strelioff 1929 - 2013

Gone but not Forgotten With Love Fred & Vi Stoushnow & Family Bill & Lola Cheveldave & Family

Arthur W. Toews March 27, 1929 – Sept 18, 2014 Known as Art to family and friends Art was predeceased by his wife Peggy, his wife of 62 years, his parents and siblings. He will be missed by his four daughters, Cindy (Gary) Nikolai, Denise (George) Rozanski, Shelley (Greg) Radway and Carol-Lynn (John) Fair, 15 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. Art was born in Carrot River, SK, and came to B.C. in his late teens. Art met and married Peggy in Prince George, B.C. Aug 18th 1951. Art’s work as a heavy-duty mechanic took them around the province of B.C. as Art followed work on large construction projects. The Salmo/Creston cut off project brought them to the Kooteneys in 1958. They first lived in Salmo and then moved to Nelson in 1963 where they resided until Peggy’s work brought them to Castlegar in 1989. They enjoyed living in Castlegar until 2013 when they moved to Calgary, AB to be near their two youngest daughters. Art had a love of golf, and spent much of his retirement on the Castlegar golf course. He also enjoyed skiing, swimming and bicycling, and kept active his entire 85 years. A Memorial Service for Art will take place Friday, Oct. 17, 2014 @ 2:00pm at First Alliance Church 12345 40 St SE, Calgary AB in the Harvest Rooms Donations in lieu of flowers may be sent to The Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Helen Strelioff

John Strelioff

April 13, 1929 to October 1, 2013

Dec 25, 1923 to February 6, 1996

Always, Your Family In Loving Memory of

Fritz Furtner

The owner of Plaza Bakery, Fritz Furtner, has hung up his white apron after baking for 50 years. Fritz passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his family on September 24, 2014, following a short battle with pancreatic cancer. Fritz leaves behind his loving wife, Mary; his children, Jamie Furtner, Nadine (Joel) MacDonald, Ursula Furtner, Cassie (Ryan) Manley, and Travis Eller; his grandchildren Tiffany, Kade, Brynlee, and Jonathan; his Swiss family, his dear mother Gertrude Hess, and his sisters Marianne (Erich) Balmer, Barbara (Urs) Burkhardt, Michaela (Markus) Borter, brother-in-law Markus Gunther, along with numerous niece and nephews. Fritz was predeceased by his sister Walburga Gunther and father Alois Georg Furtner. He will be dearly missed by his family, his many close friends, and his valued customers. Fritz was born on February 26, 1950 in Irdning, Austria, where he caused trouble for many people by pulling pranks and generally having a good time. He entered pastry chef school at the age of 14 in Austria because he thought it would be an easy job. In 1972 he immigrated to Canada to make a better life, where he worked in Toronto and Vancouver before settling in Castlegar in 1976. He managed the Marlane Hotel, then worked in Trail at SuperValu before purchasing Plaza Bakery in 1985, where he baked for 29 plus years. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Southern Interior Rotary Lodge follow the donation link at http:// or call 1-888-700-1131.

Castlegar News Thursday, October 2, 2014 A25


When someone you love becomes a memory. . . that memory becomes a treasure.




Notice of passing

Mila Richards

Isabel Ferreira August 9, 1953 – September 9, 2014 It is with heavy hearts that the family of Isabel Ferreira wishes to announce her passing peacefully on September 9, 2014, with her family at her side. Isabel was born in Sao Miguel, Azores on August 9, 1953. She immigrated to Canada in 1974, when she followed her heart to Castlegar, and married her true love Tomas Ferreira. She was the beloved mother of Christina (Brad) and Colleen (Josh). She will also be missed by her grandchildren Mekenzie, Chloe, Ava, and Cooper. She is also survived by her sisters Eduarda (Victor), Leonor (Antonio), Mariana (Jose), and her brother Carlos (Gabriella) as well as many nieces and nephews and a large extended family. She was a member of the Catholic Women’s League, the church choir, and prayer group. Isabel was an amazing cook who loved to surround herself with her precious family and great friends. She also was a seamstress and her great talent made clothes for many. Her interests included baking, cooking, sewing, crocheting, and travelling with her family. A devoted wife, amazing mom, and a loving Vavo, she cherished her time with her grandchildren. Although she battled illness for a great part of her life, her love always shined brightly in her eyes all of her 61 blessed years. Isabel was predeceased by her father Jose, her mother Helena, and her brother Joao Jose Costa. Her passing was celebrated by Father David John at St. Rita`s Catholic Church on Monday September 15 2014. Words cannot express how much Isabel will be missed by all who knew her. The family would like to express their overwhelming gratitude to the staff of Talarico Place for giving Isabel the most amazing care that we could have ask for, and for supporting us during this difficult time. Also, much thanks to Dr. Merritt, the ER doctor and staff who treated Isabel in her final days. In lieu of flowers, donations in Isabel`s name can be made to: The Pacific Parkinson`s Research Institute Purdy Pavilion, UBC hospital M36 – 221 Wesbrook Mall V6T 2B5 Or at

It is with sad hearts the family of Mila Richards announces her passing on September 24, 2014. There will be a Mass of Christian Burial at St. Rita’s Catholic Church, Castlegar, on Saturday, October 4, 10:30 am, followed by interment at Park Cemetery and a Celebration of Life at St. Rita’s Parish Hall.

Answers for Last Weeks

Lisa Gina Ann Marken Lisa Marken, 47 years old of Nelson, BC passed away on Tuesday, September 16, 2014. Lisa was the beloved wife of Greg Marken, married on May 18, 1991. Lisa worked in Social Services and the BC Ambulance Service for many years in Castlegar, BC. Lisa struggled with some health issues through those years and decided to put her energy into helping Greg start up their company, GW Marken Appraisal Associates Inc. Later, Lisa upgraded her education again and worked for Interior Health in the Laboratory at Kootenay Lake Hospital. Lisa remained at Kootenay Lake Hospital until she could no longer work. She enjoyed the interaction with people of all walks of life and always treated them with kindness and dignity. Lisa found some of her co-workers to be her best friends and they were a great support to her, she loved them very much. She is survived by her best friend and husband Greg Marken of Nelson, BC, her wonderful son George Marken (Taylor) of Trail, BC, her three daughters, Dayna Kanigan-Roberts (Matt) of Langley, BC, Amanda Kanigan (Brian) currently of Fort McMurray, AB, and Shelley Clarke-Rolleston (Neil) and grandchildren Kailyn and Lucas of Langley, BC. Her parents George and Patricia Allen of Trail, BC, brother Jamie Allen (Heather) of Vancouver, BC, and sisters Debbie Hartland (Colin) of Castlegar, BC, Carolyn Stein (A.J.) of Calgary, AB, and her “little big” Shelly Allen of New York, NY. Lisa is also survived by several aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews she loved dearly. Lisa was predeceased by her older brother Dwayne Allen in 1988. Funeral Services were officiated by Pastors Stuart and Leonor Laurie at Castlegar Funeral Chapel on Friday, September 19, 2014 at 10:30am followed by interment in the Nelson Memorial Cemetery. Thank you to Bill Strilaeff of Castlegar Funeral Chapel who was entrusted with the arrangements.

To honor your loved one in the Castlegar News, please contact us at 250-365-6397 or by email:


Thursday, October 2, 2014 Castlegar News


ER . 31 F OF C T










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Forte SX shown hwy / city 100km: 5.3L/8.0L

39 0 0







Offer includes delivery, destination, fees and a $1,500 loan rebate†. Offer based on 2015 Rio LX MT (RO541F) with a selling price of $15,602.




Sportage SX Luxury shown hwy / city 100km: 7.0L/10.0L







2015 LX MT



Offer includes delivery, destination, fees and a $4,503 cash credit¤. Offer based on 2015 Forte LX MT (FO541F) with a selling price of $17,502.


68 0 0








Offer includes delivery, destination and fees. Offer based on 2015 Sportage LX MT (SP551F) with a selling price of $24,782.




Sportage SX AT Luxury AWD shownΔ

Optima SX Turbo AT shownΔ




Rondo EX Luxury 7-seat shownΔ






2014 RONDO

5,500 CASH




WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED *5-year/100,000 km worry-free comprehensive warranty.


Offer(s) available on select new 2014/2015 models through participating dealers to qualified retail customers who take delivery from October 1 to 31, 2014. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All offers are subject to change without notice. All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,665, other fees and certain levies (including tire levies) and $100 A/C charge (where applicable), and excludes licensing, registration, insurance, other taxes and variable dealer administration fees (up to $699). Other dealer charges may be required at the time of purchase. Other lease and financing options also available. ≠Representative finance example: 0% financing offer for up to 84 months available to qualified retail customers on approved credit for the new 2015 Rio LX MT (RO541F)/2015 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551F) with a selling price of $14,102/$24,782 and includes delivery and destination fees of $1,485/$1,665, tire tax and AMVIC fee of $22 and a $1,500/$0 loan rebate. 364 weekly payments of $39/$68 for 84 months with $0 down payment. Credit fees of $0. Total obligation is $14,102/$24,782. See retailer for complete details. ∞Cash purchase price offer for the new 2015 Forte LX MT (FO541F) with a selling price of $12,999 includes delivery and destination fees of up to $1,665, tire tax and AMVIC fee of $22 and a $4,503 cash credit (including a $3 dealer contribution). See retailer for complete details. *Cash bonus amounts are offered on select 2014/2015 models and are deducted from the negotiated purchase price before taxes. Available on finance, lease or cash purchase offers. Offer varies by trim. Certain conditions apply. $7,000/$5,000/$5,000/$5,500 maximum cash bonus amount only available on the 2014 Sedona EX Luxury (SD75CE)/2014 Optima SX AT (OP749E)/2014 Sportage SX AT (SP758E)/2014 Rondo EX Luxury 7-seat (RN757E). †Loan rebate amounts are offered on select 2014/2015 models and are deducted from the negotiated purchase price before taxes. Available on financing offer only. Offer varies by trim. Certain conditions apply. Offer ends October 31, 2014. See your dealer for complete details. ¤Cash credit amounts are offered on select 2014/2015 models and are deducted from the negotiated cash purchase price before taxes. Available on cash purchase offer only. Offer varies by trim. Certain conditions apply. Offer ends October 31, 2014. See your dealer for complete details. Model shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2015 Forte SX (FO748F)/2015 Rio4 SX with Navigation (RO749F)/2014 Optima SX Turbo AT (OP748E)/2014 Sportage SX AT Luxury AWD (SP759E)/2014 Rondo EX Luxury 7-seat (RN757E)/2015 Sportage SX AT Luxury AWD (SP759F) is $26,695/$22,395/$34,795/$38,295/$30,795/$38,495. Highway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2015 Rio LX+ ECO AT/2015 Forte 1.8L MPI 4-cyl MT/2015 Sportage 2.4L 4-cyl AT. These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. The 2014 Kia Sportage received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among small SUVs in a tie in the proprietary J.D. Power 2014 U.S. Initial Quality StudySM. Study based on responses from 86,118 new-vehicle owners, measuring 239 models, and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of owners surveyed from February to May, 2014. Your experiences may vary. Visit Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.

ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. *Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered between, October 1 to October 31, 2014. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 84 months on all new or demonstrator 2014 Chevrolet vehicles, excluding Corvette; special finance rate not compatible with certain cash credits on Silverado (1500 & HD), Equinox, Malibu, Sonic, Cruze, Trax, and Orlando. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $20,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $238.10 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $20,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight and air tax ($100, if applicable) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. <>$3,000 is a manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) on all 2014 Equinox which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $3,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. ††Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014, 2015 model year Chevrolet car, SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between October 1 to October 31, 2014. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on all eligible Chevrolet. Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any Pontiac/Saturn/SAAB/Hummer/Oldsmobile model year 1999 or newer car or Chevrolet Cobalt or HHR that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014, 2015 model year Chevrolet car, SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between October 1 to October 31, 2014. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $1500 credit available on all eligible Chevrolet vehicles. Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer pick-up truck that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive): $1,000 credit available towards the retail purchase, cash purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014 or 2015 model year Chevrolet light or heavy duty pickup; delivered in Canada between, October 1 to October 31, 2014. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. >$3,500 is a combined credit consisting of a $1,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) and a $2,500 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for 2014 Chevrolet Cruze LTZ, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $2,500 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discount varies by model and excludes. †¥$8,000 is a combined credit consisting of a $4,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive), $1,000 Fall bonus for Truck Owners (tax inclusive), and a $3,000 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Double Cab, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $3,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model and cash credit excludes Silverado 1500 Double Cab 2WD 1WT. *^Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program ( WBased on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. +Based on 2012 Upper Small segment, excluding Hybrid and Diesel powertrains. Standard 10 airbags, ABS, traction control and StabiliTrak. ~Visit for coverage map, details and system limitations. Services vary by model and conditions. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. After complimentary trial period, an active OnStar service plan is required. ¥Insurance Institute for Highway Safety awarded 2014 Equinox the 2014 Top Safety Pick Plus Award when equipped with available forward collision alert. **Comparison based on 2013 Polk segmentation: Compact SUV and latest competitive data available and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. ++2014 Chevrolet Equinox FWD equipped with standard 2.4L ECOTEC® I-4 engine. Comparison based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2014 Fuel Consumption Guide. ¥¥Based on 2013 Large Pickup segment and last available information at the time of posting. Excludes other GM vehicles. Maximum trailer weight ratings are calculated assuming base vehicle, except for any option(s) necessary to achieve the rating, plus driver. The weight of other optional equipment, passengers and cargo will reduce the maximum trailer weight your vehicle can tow. See your dealer for additional details. ‡2014 Silverado 1500 with the available 5.3L EcoTec3 V8 engine equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission has a fuel-consumption rating of 13.0L/100 km city and 8.7L/100 km hwy 2WD and 13.3L/100 km city and 9.0L/100 km hwy 4WD. Ford F-150 with the 3.5L EcoBoost V6 engine has a fuel consumption rating of 12.9L/100 km city and 9.0L/100 km hwy 2WD and 14.1L/100 km city and 9.6L/100 km hwy 4WD. Fuel consumption based on GM testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. ‡‡Whichever comes first. See dealer/manufacturer for details. Based on 2013 Large Pickup segment and last available information at the time of posting. ^Whichever comes first. Limit of four ACDelco Lube-Oil-Filter services in total. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc., are not covered. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^Whichever comes first. See dealer for details.

Castlegar News Thursday, October 2, 2014

By Ian Harwood

Driving down the road you see quite a variety of work vehicles, cube vans, flat decks, service trucks and pickups to name but a few. The days of the traditional van have gone except for a few that have seen more than a little action in their lives! Consumers looking for a work van now want more headroom in the back to carry out products to the job site



0 A27

Ford’s not so new all new van

or perhaps use as a portable office or shop. Enter the European vans. The Sprinter van is a classic example. It started with just a few driving our streets and now it’s the template for what other vans to aspire to be. The 2015 Ford Transit is new to us but has been around for many years in Europe; a big success there and it will likely prove to be a huge success here. Looks The looks scream European



84 $3,500 %

84 $8,000


but its fits right at home here in Canada. The headlights and front grille look just like most Ford products and in fact I found myself doing a double take when I first came across one. In the cab I found plenty of room and could see myself working in this all day, jumping out to make deliveries and working very comfortably. The Transit Van is available in three body lengths, 320 cm (126”), 363 cm (143.7”), 436













cm (172.2”), and three roof heights 211 (83.2”), 255 cm (100.7”), and 279 cm (110”). There is an available Crew Chief option that helps you track your fleet. A GPS enabled black box is mounted in the vehicle and records detail information like, location, speed, and fuel economy. It can also tell if the driver seat belt is in use. Power The available engines are 3.7L Ti-VCT V6 with 275 hp,







¥ ¥

On All Equinox With Optional Forward Collision Alert available on 2LT; standard on LTZ models






3.5L EcoBoost V6 with 310 hp and a 3.2L I5 Diesel with 185 hp all mated to a 6 speed automatic transmission Safety is important and a work van should be a safe place to work. The Transit van offers driver and passenger airbags, side curtain and front thorax side airbags, anti-lock brakes, and 3 point seat belts. If the SYNC option is chosen a distress call is made for you when the air bag goes off. Roadworthy






6.1 L/100 KM HWY | 9.2 L/100 KM CITYź




The power rack and pinion steering set up helps this van drive like a dream. Turning is very easy and backing into loading bays is a piece of cake. The optional backup camera helps to dial in the proximity of the rear bumper and a wall. I thought a van of this height would be more problematic on the highway with the cross winds but a trip across the new Port Mann being passed by a large semi I felt very comfort-


5.4 L/100 KM HWY | 8.2 L/100 KM CITYź




9.0 L/100 KM HWY | 12.6 L/100 KM CITYź




Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-365-2155, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. [License #8917]

able. It is very much like driving a minivan. Warranty Bumper to bumper 3 year/ 60,000 km Powertrain 5 years/ 100,000 km Corrosion 5 years/ 100,000 km Fuel Economy 16.9/ 12.5 L/100 km (city/ highway) Sticker price Starting at $30,052




















Thursday, October 2, 2014 Castlegar News


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600


200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000

1881 Harvey Avenue (250) 860-1975



101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. (250) 493-3800 NG YI BU






101-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000

#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

Villiage Green Mall (250) 542-1496


ANDRES WIRELESS Cherry Lane Mall (250) 493-4566


#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

745 Notre Dame Drive (250) 851-8700


200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 542-3000






745 Notre Dame Drive (250) 851-8700



Aberdeen Mall (250) 377-8880


215 - 450 Lansdowne Mall (250) 377-8007

200-1965 Columbia Ave. 101 Kootenay St. North (250) 365-6455 (250) 426-8927



Chahko Mika Mall (250) 352-7258

300 St. Paul Str. (250) 377-3773


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600

154 Victoria Str (250) 314-9944

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

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