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Apple Fest teamwork
Golden arena gets new sign to promote events ....................................2
Alexander Park welcomes new principal .......................................10
Gymnastics club gets new season started ..................................21
■ SPECIAL SECTION The Golden Star Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Golden THE
www.thegoldenstar.net A13
Salutes our Firefighters
Siblings Ryder (left) and Kara Huebert team up to crush some apples in order to make juice. In addition to juice workshops, Golden’s first annual Apple Festival included an apple harvest on Oct. 3 and live music, a farmers’ market, face painting and a community dinner on Oct. 4. Joel Tansey/Star Photo
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Golden Fire Chief remembered as passionate leader It is difficult to know where to begin when talking about the life and service of a man like Fire Chief Ken McClure. There are far too many certificates, awards and honours to list them all. He was a man who loved his family above all else (anyone who had more than a 10-minute conversation with him could tell what a proud husband, father and grandfather he was). A man who brought his passion and exceptional skill to a small town department, and gave them the tools they needed to serve their community at the highest possible level. And a man who put a far greater premium on helping those in need than the countless accolades, which he often kept tucked away in a desk drawer. Golden Fire Rescue, The Town of Golden, and the community are still coming to grips with the sudden loss of their Fire Chief. However, he has left behind a legacy that they will never have to part with: a group of remarkably trained firefighters, a provincial road rescue program, and state of the art equipment which he managed to secure without burdening the local taxpayers. "His other lasting material legacy will arrive in a few short months: the first of its kind in being fully paid for through provincial grants, a heavy duty road rescue vehicle, custom designed by him, with the great help of his crew thanks to his inclusive teaching style," said Jon Wilsgard, Town of Golden CAO, who spoke with great admiration of Chief McClure at Golden Fire Chief Ken McClure was geared up for a photo for last year’s Fire his memorial service in Golden. Star Photo “He rebuilt a department into a focused, team driven, and Prevention spread in the Golden Star. highly motivated force and inspired men and women who are our firefighters and rescuers to be exceptional people and motivators in our community.” “Ken worked tirelessly on behalf of our community,” said Mayor Christina Benty. Story continues on page 18
Fire Prevention 2014 ............................13-19 Thank You!
The Town of Golden Salutes our Local Firefighters!
Restorative justice program holds open forum Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar.net The Golden Community Restorative Justice Program held a Community Conversation event last week in an effort to show the town the benefits of the program. Restorative justice involves a referral (usually from the police), individual sessions with
the victim and offender, and finally a joint session where the two parties meet and, ideally, the offender offers a sincere apology for their actions. The program is run by volunteers and is provincially funded. It has settled 40 cases in the last three years. Last week’s forum included speeches from Sergeant Troy Durand, Justice Grant Sheard
4G SAT SHAW ADMAT 10/2014 BC SAT DLR Admat 07/2014
with the
and Mayor Christina Benty. Justice Sheard, based out of Cranbrook, spoke to the benefits of the program from his perspective. One of the important aspects he touched on was the limitation of the court system when it comes to its impact on offenders. Continued on page 5
A2 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
New arena sign can showcase up to 15 events at a time Jessica Schwitek editor@thegoldenstar.net Some of the users of the Golden and District Arena have already kicked off their seasons, and there have been a few changes to the facility since they were there last. The lights over the ice have been replaced, and should help out with the building's energy bill. "Those lights are on a two-and-a-half year payback cycle, in terms of what we're saving in electricity compared to our former light system. In two and a half years it will pretty much have paid for itself," said Jordan Petrovics, manager of recreation services for the Town of Golden. The back of the building is also getting some new insulation,
through some gas tax funding through Area A. The back offices will be getting insulated, and should also help out on energy costs. The biggest change, however, took place outside of the building. "The most notable project, the one the public will notice the most, is the installation of our new electronic sign in front of the building," said Petrovics. "The whole concept behind the sign is to give an opportunity for all of our user groups at our recreation facilities to be able to advertise what they're doing. The goal is to put up welcome messages when minor hockey is hosting a tournament and has other teams coming in…Rockets
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games and all those kinds of things will be worked into it." The LED sign will be able to advertise up to 15 events at a time, and can also be used to bring attention to events at other Town facilities, like the Rec Plex. All existing user groups can have their events on the sign free of charge, just email rec.booking@golden.ca to inquire. The sign is not intended to be used as an advertising medium for businesses, and the CSRD already has a policy in place to prevent that. However, if a business is sponsoring an event at the facility, then some business messaging can be included. "We're excited to have it running, and we're hopeful that it will increase the awareness of the services that are provided here - not just Town programs, but also all the different clubs and groups," said Petrovics. "Hopefully it will get more people out, and get them active."
The new LED sign outside of the Golden and District Arena is up and running, and will let people know what is going on at the facility. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
French enrolment down in Golden district Golden Star Staff reporter@thegoldenstar.net The national parent organization dedicated to promoting and creating French second language opportunities, Canadian Parents for French, is concerned about the low enrol-
ment in French programs in the Rocky Mountain School District. According to a report released last week, more students in British Columbia are participating in French language programs than ever before. Province-
wide, French Immersion enrolment has been increasing for 16 consecutive years. The booming popularity of this well-established program is putting pressure on many local school boards to accommodate the growing demand from families.
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“We believe French programs are popular in British Columbia because they are widely recognized by parents as providing young students with the tools and experiences that will enrich their lives and help them prepare for the future,” said Patti Holm, President Canadian Parents for French BC & Yukon. “We urge parents, educators, and local decision makers to work together to plan for French immersion growth and to improve learning outcomes through standardized benchmarks and authentic learning experiences,” said Holm. As of the 2013/2014 school year there were over 49,000 students in French immersion, or 8.8 per cent of BC.’s public school enrolment. There are more than 187,000 students in B.C. learning French
through the basic Core French program, or one-third of all students. As of the 2013/2014 school year, there were 145 students in French immersion in the Rocky Mountain School District, or 4.7 per cent of all students in the school district. Over the past six years overall student enrolment in the district decreased by 277 students, or 8.3 per cent. Over the same six years French immersion enrolment in Rocky Mountain has decreased by 74 students, or 33.8 per cent. Province-wide, French immersion attrition (drop-out) is highest between Grade 7 and Grade 8. In Golden, the Canadian Parents for French organize Petite Tournesol French Summer Camps, dedicated to promoting and creating French second language opportunities.
The Golden Star Wednesday, October 8, 2014
www.thegoldenstar.net A3
The K I S S Sale! K eep It S imple
S ale
A4 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, October 8 , 2014 The Golden Star
Big Boost for Youth Biathlon Troy Hudson, third from left, accepts a $20,000 cheque from the Columbia Valley Credit Union. The funds will go towards the Golden Nordic Club’s Youth Biathlon Program, which is new this year. Hudson, who is in charge of youth programs for the club, is introducing the program after a very successful demonstration last season. The cheque was presented by CVCU Board Member Connie Barlow, left, CVCU Manager Sharon Eddy, and Board Member Atma Sandher. Jessica Schwitek/ Star Photo
Local gathering bringing together innovative and engaged citizens LIG Submitted Calling all local innovators, storytellers and experts! On November 1, your
voice can be heard by the community. The Local Intelligence Gathering (LIG) is an event highlighting innovative and engaged
citizens from across sectors who demonstrate values and actions necessary to build the social, economic, and environmental well being of
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Kicking Horse Country. Held on Nov. 1 at the Civic Centre, the event will connect people from across sectors, catalyze greater community engagement, and inspire future collaborative actions. The LIG will provide exposure to the most inspiring people and projects happening in the area, bridge the various sectors, create opportunities for collaboration and
Free Yard Waste Roundup for Golden Residents!
Free Yard Waste Roundup for Golden Residents!
Monday, Oct. 20th - The Town of Golden will once again pick up and dispose of The Town of Golden onceweekly again and pickbi-weekly up and dispose of waste Monday, 20thfor- Golden residentialOct. yard waste residents who will receive curb-side
and recycling collection services. residents who receive weekly and bi-weekly curb-side waste and residential yard waste for Golden recycling collection services.
This service is for YARD WASTE ONLY – organic debris that includes grass clippings, leaves,
Thistree service is for YARD WASTE ONLY –shrubs, organicbushes, debris that grass not clippings, leaves, cones, tree branches (no stumps), and includes parts thereof, exceeding 8”tree cones, tree branches stumps), shrubs, bushes, and parts thereof, not 8” them. diameter. Please (no bundle your pruning’s to make it easier and faster forexceeding us to collect NO diameter. Please bundle your pruning’sWILL to BE make it easier including and faster for us wood to collect OTHER TYPE OF WASTE ACCEPTED, construction waste. them. NO OTHER TYPE OF WASTE WILL BE ACCEPTED, including construction wood waste.
To receive this service, place your yard waste in containers, bags, or bundles at your normal
To receive thiscollection service, place yard waste in containers, or bundles at Yard your Waste normalnot curbcurb-side area your on Monday morning, Oct. 20thbags, , by 8:00am. Any th side placed collection area on Monday , by 8:00am. Any Yard up. Waste not placed in in containers, bags, ormorning, bundled Oct. at the20curb WILL NOT be picked containers, bags, or bundled at the curb WILL NOT be picked up.
If you wish to use your green garbage container, please ensure it does not contain garbage
If you wishadding to use yard yourwaste. green Please garbage please it does not contain garbage before before docontainer, not use your blueensure recycling container. adding yard waste. Please do not use your blue recycling container.
enable broad involvement in future initiatives. “Golden is a veryactive community full of both experienced and up-and-coming leaders who are attempting to pulloff some vital community projects,” said Christina Benty, Mayor of the Town of Golden. “However, up until now, we haven’t been able to pull these leading groups and projects together into something that resembles a coherent conversation.” LIG-Golden was inspired and modeled after the original Local Intelligence Gathering – Nelson, which was held in 2013. This evening of exciting presentations, panel discussions and practical demonstrations can be compared to TEDx conference events held around the world in much bigger communities. “The Local Intelligence Gathering will
be a great way of pulling the many local and regional initiatives together in a fun and informative way that will appeal to a broad crosssection of the residents – especially those that may not already be engaged in their community,” explained Karen Cathcart, Golden Campus Manager at the College of the Rockies. “Also, this 'in our backyard' focus will showcase the many individuals and projects that need our help, understanding and support.” Speaking in front of a crowd of 5, 30 or 100 friends and strangers can be quite daunting. That’s why LIG-Golden planners have reached out to a local group who can help get prospective presenters ready for their moment in the spotlight. The Golden Voice Toastmasters Club have willing members ready to help coach anyone that wants to
participate – from the seasoned presenter (who would appreciate practice before its members) to those whose heart beats faster just by reading this (get your butterflies flying in formation). There is a tried and true formula for success that can assist anyone in presenting with more confidence. Or just run your ideas by them. The LIG-Golden event hopes to attract 100 participants and provide the opportunity to hear from 20 local speakers on a wide variety of topics. So far 19 speakers have confirmed their participation. Have something to share? Excited about the opportunity, but have some questions? Contact Ryan Watmough at nonprofits.gcrs@gmail. com by Oct.10 to get on the Programme. For more general information about the LIG project, you can visit www.goldenloom.ca.
The Golden Star Wednesday, October 8, 2014
www.thegoldenstar.net A5
Two candidates file nomination RCMP Report: Pair of papers for 2014 mayoral race disputes between siblings Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar.net It was a fairly quiet week for the RCMP this week with just 37 files. Sibling rivalry
Councillors Keith Hern (left) and Ron Oszust were the only two mayoral candidates to file their nomination papers as of Monday. Nomination papers are due by Oct. 10. Photos Submitted Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar.net The nomination deadline hasn’t passed, but two mayoral candidates have already filed their papers and thrown their hats into the ring for the Nov. 15 municipal election. Coun. Keith Hern was the first to file his papers, doing so on Sept. 30 while Coun. Ron Oszust officially declared his candidacy on Oct. 6. The race won’t feature current Mayor Christina Benty, who has decided not to run for re-election. Hern, originally from England, moved to Golden from Calgary in 2001. He has worked as a real estate developer, real estate agent and general contractor since moving to the area. Before that he worked as
a petrolium reservoir engineering consultant and as president of a small oil and gas company. He says he decided to run out of a desire to oversee some of the Town’s looming issues. “The decision to run for mayor was born out of the fact that we’ve started a process of asset management and I think we’re well on the way to achieving some of our shared services with our assets that will make them much easier to manage… I think I can achieve more from the mayor’s seat (than as a councillor),” he said. Hern earned his spot on council during a 2012 by-election. Oszust has been considering a campaign for mayor since he learned that Mayor Benty wouldn’t be seeking re-election. “I (weighed) the pros and
cons and all of that stuff and ultimately decided (to run),” he said. “It’s another level of service to my community and I very much appreciate the opportunity.” Oszust grew up in Bonnyville, Alta. and moved to Golden in the late ‘80s to pursue a business opportunity. He has spent the last 23 years working for B.C. Ambulance Service and currently holds the title of Paramedic Unit Chief in Golden. Oszust entered the world of politics in 1993 as a school board trustee before serving as CSRD Area A director from 1999 until 2011. Oszust has served on council since a successful election campaign in 2011. Candidates for both mayor and council have until Oct. 10 to file nomination papers.
Durand: Specific criteria for RJ cases
Continued from page 1
“They never really have to face the music, they don’t have to deal with what they’ve done and face the person that they’ve harmed and hurt,” Justice Sheard said. “I think that’s a big part of the reason for the success of the (restorative justice) process…I don’t think that any of the (offenders) would find it to be an easy thing…My understanding is often that’s a very emotional process.” He went on to say that the victim can also receive a positive experience through the process and that a positive feeling can then be extracted from an otherwise negative ordeal. One of the other clear advantages that restorative justice has, according to Justice Sheard, is its timeliness compared to the traditional court system. “Unfortunately the courts can be very slow… when dealing with problems,” Justice Sheard said. “(In general) I think people benefit from something happening a lot quicker and clos-
er to the incident…that’s a big advantage of restorative justice as well.” Sgt. Durand spoke about the criteria that police use when choosing a case for restorative justice. “The accused has to take responsibility for what they have done and with that we will look at the accused and basically decide if this person is going to get anything out of restorative justice,” he said. “Is this a person that is going to go through this process and become a working member of society?” Sgt. Durand stressed that restorative justice has to be a community owned program and commended the volunteers who have worked hard to get the program to where it is today. Justice Sheard also expressed his opinion that restorative justice can be a big benefit for any community. “It builds a sense of community, rather than often isolating an offender, it shows them that people do care and it can help to build relationships with other people.”
Police responded to two separate incidents of disputes between siblings. On Sept. 27, RCMP received a complaint from neighbours about a loud disturbance in the Mt. Shadows area. Two adult siblings, a brother and a sister who had recently moved in together, were disrupting the peace with a loud argument inside their home. Police have responded to four similar calls to this residence over the past few weeks. The parties involved were previously known to police for minor criminal activity. In the early hours of Sept. 28, police were called to the Palliser Lodge at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. Two brothers from Vancouver Island were intoxicated and fighting with each other. The perceived aggressor was taken into police custody until he sobered up. Close call on Highway 1 A driver was fortunate to avoid injury after they lost control of the vehicle on the Trans-Canada west of Golden. The driver was alone when the vehicle swerved to avoid a deer and ended up in a ditch on the opposite side of the highway. The deer was also unharmed. Neighbourly dispute An argument between two neighbours escalated to the point where both parties were charged with uttering threats. The dispute appears to be over a case of property damage, with both sides claiming they have been wronged by the other. A 35 year-old male and a 54 year-old male were the individuals who were charged.
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The Boss Won’t Fix It! It is not uncommon for police to stop a defective vehicle and be told “The boss said drive it.”The employee is at a disadvantage, he has to drive to keep his job but he is also liable for driving the defective vehicle. While the employee cannot be absolved for the deficiencies, the boss is equally responsible in law. The Motor Vehicle Act makes the registered owner a party to the offence committed by the employee, servant, agent or worker, or anyone entrusted by him with the possession of the vehicle when the offence is related to equipment or maintenance. This makes the employer personally liable to the same penalty as the driver. It does not remove the responsibility of the driver if action is taken by police against the owner for the violation. Certain commercial vehicles are required to make pre- and post-trip inspections on a daily basis. The employee doing the inspection must record defects in the trip inspection report, regardless of the fact that they might feel it does no good. Carrier safety audits could be triggered by maintenance concerns and the result of the audit could mean the loss of the company’s safety certificate, effectively ending it’s ability to operate vehicles on the highway. It is good practice for the rest of us to do a critical item inspection before we set out on our daily drive. The time spent is minimal and the gain in safety is certainly worthwhile. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit drivesmartbc.ca.
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A6 www.thegoldenstar.net
Fire Prevention
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
Digital Television Editor,
October 6 to 10 is Fire Prevention Week. And although the purpose of the event is to raise the level of education about fire prevention, it is also an important time for the community to recognize its local firefighters. Unlike larger urban centres, the men and - I SURMISE women who give their By Jessica Schwitek time to keep us safe do so out of service to the community - not as a job. With the recent loss of our fire chief, Golden is made very aware of just how valuable that service is for our community. Fighting fires is only part of the job description now, as they have assumed the role of road rescue as well. Not only do these volunteer departments give us a sense of security, both in our homes and on the highways, they also give home owners’ insurance providers a sense of security. Earlier this year, the Fire Underwriters Survey told the CBC that a shortage of volunteer firefighters across British Columbia could lead to dramatically higher fire insurance premiums. The national organization, which evaluates the ability of communities to fight fires so insurance companies can set their annual rates, says that dozens of B.C. communities do not meet the minimum number of firefighters to mitigate risk for insurers. Residents of Sooke, B.C., for instance, have been told their fire insurance premiums could increase by an average of $1,400 next year. The Golden, Nicholson, and Field departments are always looking for volunteers. So far there have been enough dedicated men and women to keep them going, but we should never take that for granted. If volunteer numbers drop too much, up goes our insurance costs. Through my job, I have had the pleasure of spending time with all three fire departments in our area. They are full of volunteers who enjoy what they do, and do it for no other reason than to give back to their communities. It is not a job for everybody. It can’t be an easy thing to answer a phone call in the middle of the night, or in the middle of one’s regular day job, and immediately spring into action. However those up for the task might find that joining the firefighting family (and they do treat each other like family), is incredibly fulfilling. Anyone interested in giving it a try is encouraged to contact one of the departments (numbers are in the phone book), or head out to a Tuesday night practice.
The Columbia Area A Television Society (CAATS) wishes to advise television viewers in the Nicholson, Mountain Shadows and Horse Creek areas that we have converted CBC and Knowledge channels to digital transmission. This means that viewers will need to reprogram their flat screen digital televisions to receive these signals. This is a simple procedure. Simply press the “Menu” button on the remote control, find the Set-Up menu and toggle to “Autoscan” or “Search;” it will take your TV a few minutes to identify the new digital signals. Now to change channels, simply toggle the channel buttons up or down. Enjoy the sharper picture.
Smart Technology Dear Editor, If Canada is a true democracy, readers would be able to read in their local newspapers articles/letters critical of wireless baby monitors, Smart Meters, Wi-Fi routers, cell phones, cordless phones, cell phone towers etc. They would then know that non industry-paid scientists and millions of informed people around the world know that all wireless devices are harmful to all living things, especially to embryos, pregnant women, young children, the sick and the elderly. Were Canada a true democracy, we’d be able to read in our own newspapers that: · In Russia, no one can live or work within a 2,000 meter radius of a cell
From Parson to Donald we have also added two new digital channels; your digital televisions have already recognized them. As above, simply toggle the channel button up or down. These two are temporary programs while we explore cost and choices of specialty channels. CTV and Global TV continue to be broadcast in analogue for now, so old style televisions will continue to receive these two channels. A full conversion of the system to digital is planned for the future, and this will enable us to add two more channels at that time. A regular rooftop television antenna provides better reception than rabbit ears. Golden’s local electronics store is able to supply them for reasonable cost. Regards, Ron van Vugt, CAATS
phone tower, because it is considered a “danger zone”? Yet here in Canada (and the US) these same towers are placed on the roofs of daycare centres, schools, hospitals, seniors’ homes, apartment buildings, office buildings, churches, etc. · Two of the world’s largest insurance companies, Allianz and Lloyd’s of London, refuse to underwrite cell phone devices due to the health hazards.” If you know anything about product liability insurance, this fact alone should set off alarm bells, whistles, fog horns and red flags! They do extensive research before they underwrite any company’s products. Independent scientists say: “Cell phones emit frequencies in the 2 Hz and 8.34 Hz bands that correspond exactly to the frequencies of electrical oscillations found in the human brain (delta and alpha brain waves). Italy completely banned wireless
Smart Meters entirely in 2013! In 2013, Germany rejected Smart Meters based on a Cost-BenefitAnalysis study conducted for them by Ernst & Young which concluded that the savings did not justify the costs. In 2012, 54 health experts from 20 countries warned about Smart Meter risks. The human brain is such an exquisitely sensitive organ that it can detect microwave radiation as weak as one quadrillionth of a cm2! And other world-class scientists say: “There is no such thing as a SAFE threshhold of radiation. The only SAFE level is ZERO!” All people everywhere need to know the truth! Surely your duty is to allow them to read it. Sincerely, Jerry Flynn Bowser, BC
Do you think littering is an issue either in town or in the backcountry?
No 17%
Yes 83%
This week’s poll question: Do you think it’s still important for students to learn French in public schools? log onto www.thegoldenstar.net to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Letters to the Editor policy
The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no
longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.
We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at editor@thegoldenstar.net. SUBSCRIPTION RATES
• $47.00 per year for postal
boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) - Golden Zone
• $43.00 per year if you pick
up your paper at The Golden Star Office
• $67.00 per year outside Gold-
Michele LaPointe
publisher @thegoldenstar.net
Jessica Schwitek EDITOR
editor @thegoldenstar.net
Joel Tansey
reporter @thegoldenstar.net
Ali Starchuk
classifieds @thegoldenstar.net
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage
en’s School zone.
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The Golden Star Wednesday, October 8, 2014
www.thegoldenstar.net A7
Golden point of view
Do you think it’s still important for students to learn French in public schools?
Leslie Parent
Helena Oosthoek
Eric Oddy
“Yes I do. From my experience there are a number of government jobs that require it.”
“Yes i think it is very important. We are a bilingual country.”
“No. There are a lot of other things kids could be learning instead, like writing and arithmetic.”
A HUGE STINGER to those idiots that continue to HONK their STUPID car-truck HORNS before knowing why I was letting my mother out at the clinic today. That’s right, she isn’t well and I just dropped her off on the street to help another person. A basket full of stars to all of the Apple
festival volunteers. It was a great success! A big thanks and an even bigger star to the volunteers that dedicate so much of their time and energy to Golden’s restorative justice program. You guys are doing some amazing work! A Rocketship full of stars to the Golden Rockets for an enter-
taining pair of games over the weekend. Keep up the good work boys! Stingers to the local restaurant that served me a wrap with a piece of plastic in it. Gross! Stars to friendly motorist who picked me up while I was walking in the rain.
Email your Stars and Stingers to editor@thegoldenstar.net
Go to www.thegoldenstar.net to have your say.
Mt. Polley a failure Mayor Christina Benty not seeking re-election In addition to representing your concerns in the Legislature, I am also responsible for monitoring and critiquing BC Liberal mines policy. This summer saw the collapse of the retaining wall at Mount Polley Mine near Likely, in British Columbia’s Cariboo region. This disaster led to 25 million liters of waste material and fluid pouring into pristine - Norm Macdonald Quesnel Lake. This truly devastating MLA Columbia River-Revelstoke failure was described by Mines Minister Bill Bennett as not much different than your average avalanche. This description by the man in charge was both dismissive and hugely inaccurate. Not only did this event result in serious environmental damage, it also led to job losses and a black eye for our mining industry. There have been over 20 tailing pond collapses worldwide since 2001, and they are almost always the result of sloppy design or poor maintenance. They should never happen, and British Columbians would expect that our government would ensure that they wouldn’t happen here. We know that the BC Liberals cut provincial employees who were responsible for monitoring mining. 30 per cent of the staff that used do this work are no longer employed by government. Continued on page 9
There is a rule of thumb for comedians: “Get off the stage while they’re still laughing”. For politicians, maybe it should be “Get off the stage while you’re still laughing”! On Oct. 10 nomination period will close and the candidates for the November election will be announced. As many of you may already know, I will not be running in this election. I did not make this decision lightly, doing so after much consideration. I have thoroughly enjoyed my job and all the people I have worked with. I feel fortunate to have served as the Mayor of such a great community during such challenging and interesting times. After almost twelve years in municipal government, I feel it is time to explore other prospects. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the community for putting your trust in me as both councillor and mayor. My tenure in local government has been mainly successful and gratifying. The council effectively lobbied for significant projects that have come to fruition and transformed our community by providing much needed infrastructure to transition from a traditionally resource-based economy to a blended-resource and tourism-based economy. Most importantly, the council and staff have embarked on an asset management process that will serve our community well into the future. The town’s vision, mission, and strategic priorities reflect a commitment to incorporate best practices to protect community infrastructure and other assets. I am incredibly optimistic about Golden’s future. As I look back, we have weathered some very difficult times and we have endured. For those who have come into my office and said that Golden’s dying; you are wrong. We are resilient, we are resourceful, and we are strong. Golden has so much to offer and the world is just starting to discover us. I expect great things in and for our community. I urge you to keep this a clean and respectful election this November. Combative politics is entertaining but hard-
ly useful. To the candidates, instead of trying to make others look bad, tell the community what you have to offer. Avoid making promises that you may not be able to keep or should not keep. If you find yourself elected, you may be surprised to find that teamwork is much more effective than grandstanding. To our residents, look for leaders who are open minded, curious, and willing to change their mind. Do not be fooled by charm. Elect leaders with longMayor’s Report term and holistic viewpoints that believe in community developBy Christina Benty ment in a fiscally responsible manner. It is not either/ or; it is both/and. We need leaders with a healthy balance of differing perspectives and skills. If you are considering running, do so because you love this community and you feel you have a contribution to make. Those with an axe to grind or personal grievances to air will be frustrated. You must be ready to be unpopular, disliked and at times even vilified. You must accept that you are not going to make everyone happy and often times when you satisfy one, you will frustrate another. Be prepared to make mistakes. There is nothing like public service to keep you humble. That being said, local government is one of the most rewarding experiences ever. You have the privilege of working with caring, intelligent and hard-working individuals and organizations. You experience first-hand what is involved in growing a successful community. There is nothing like it!
Tell us what you’re up to!
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Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema presents: The Maze Runner starts Friday Oct.10 til Thursday Oct.16 at 7pm.
will be closed on Monday October 13th, 2014 for Thanksgiving. Our advertising deadline is Thursday October 9th at 5:00 p.m.
This Week
Happy Thanksgiving!
Telling Our Life Stories WRITING WORKSHOP FREE 8-week program to FREE 8-week program to introduce interesting techniques introduce interesting techniques for organizing a memoir. for organizing a memoir. No writing experience necessary! No writing experience necessary! Mondays, Wednesdays, October 20 – December 8 12pm October10am 23 –-December 11 To register, call 250-439-9665
10am - 12pm Service provided by the Columbia To register, call 250-439-9665 Basin Alliance for Literacy
Service provided by the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy
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A.P.E.S. After School Program Monday to Friday 3 -5:30pm. $12/day for ages 5 to 11. To register please leave a message at 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program birth-5years. Mon&Fri 12-3:30pm, Wed 2-5pm, Tuesdays&Thursdays 8:4511:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324. Karen Brodie Archibald: Up Close runs until Nov.1 at the Art Gallery of Golden.
Wed, Oct. 8 Golden Public Health presents Baby Talk for new parents and kids every Wednesday from 1:30-3pm in the Early Learning Centre. 12 months and under. 250344-3001 for more info. Hapkido Martial Arts Wednesdays, Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Badminton Drop-in Wednesdays, 7-9pm at the Mount 7 Rec Plex $7 ($5 students/seniors) bring racket. Reach-A-Reader! The Golden Rockets will be selling The Golden Star newspaper around town on Oct.8. All proceeds will go to Golden CBAL. Golden Martial Arts Registration night Oct.8 5-9pm, 816 9 St N. Job Skills 2 Day Workshop Oct.8 10am-4pm. Beef up your cover letter, resume, interview, job search and networking skills. 250-3445413 to register.
Thurs, Oct. 9 Men’s Drop-in Basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Bridge Club every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. 250-344-5448.
Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at the College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursday from 3:45-5:30pm. Kicking Horse Culture presents Live Kicks: Davy The Punk Oct.9 at 7:30pm at the Civic Centre. Golden Curling Club Registration Night Oct.9, 7:30-9:30pm. Job Skills 2 Day Workshop Oct.9 10am-12pm. Beef up your cover letter, resume, interview, job search and networking skills. 250-3445413 to register.
Fri, Oct. 10 A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:30-7:30pm. Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Friday Night Bridge at 7pm at St. Andrew’s Centre for Peace. 250-344-5448. Mother Goose Program Fridays 10:30-11:30am at the Early Years Centre (downtown 423 9th Ave N). Free and snacks are included. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fridays 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call Cyra 250919-0757 for more info. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English lan-
• For more information... go to www.thegoldenstar.net
guage training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am. Call 250-344-8392.
Sat, Oct. 11 Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Saturdays at the Golden Museum 1302 - 11th Ave S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Story Time at the Library drop in for kids all ages 10:3011:30am until Dec.13. The Golden Rockets play Oct.11 at 7:30pm against the Columbia Valley Rockies.
Sun, Oct. 12 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment.
Mon, Oct. 13 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12-18. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Picnic in the Park Play and Chat every Monday from 11:30am-1:30pm at the Alexander Park Elementary playground. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mondays 5-7pm at the Early Years Centre (downtown 423 9th Ave N). Free program includes dinner, parent discussion with child minding. 250-4399665 to register. Grief and Loss Support Group starts Sept.22 for 9 weeks 7:30-9pm at the Pentecostal Church. 250344-2459. Telling Our Life Stories Writing Workshop Mondays 10am-12pm. Learn techniques to organize mem-
oirs. No writing experience necessary. 250-439-9665 to register. The Cadets meet Mondays 6:30-8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Nicholson Parent & Tot Mondays from 9-11am at Nicholson School. Hapkido Martial Arts Mondays, Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Golden Youth Rec Hockey Mondays 8-9pm, ages 13-18 until Feb.23. Badminton Drop-in Mondays, 7-9pm at the Mount 7 Rec Plex $7 ($5 students/ seniors) bring racket. Oct.13 Happy Thanksgiving!
Tues, Oct. 14 A.A Meetings Tuesdays at the United Church 901 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Tuesdays from 3:30-7:30pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Tuesdays from 1-3pm. Call 250-344-8392. Golden Shotokan Karate Tuesdays & Thursdays 6-6:45pm (kids) 7-8:30pm (adults). Rockwater Grill & Ba
Upcoming Events
Family Centre AGM Oct.15 at 4:30pm 421 9th Ave N. Kicking Horse Movies presents Le Nozze di Figaro (Mozart) Oct.18 at 11am. Lion’s Club hosts the 2014 Duck Race! Oct.19 at 2pm. Tickets at Tru Value, Elite Nutrition, or Lions Member. Kicking Horse Gymnastics AGM Oct.22 at 7:30pm at 1333 Selkirk Dr.
Visit save.ca/cashback to Learn More
Visit save.ca/cashback to Learn More
This week's achievement award goes to...
Ryan Wolfenden for always working really hard and trying his best at gymnastics.
Stop in by October 15, 2014 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, October 8, 2014
www.thegoldenstar.net A9
Public Notice
Temporary Water Disinfection
Please note that preventative disinfection of the municipal water system will be undertaken over the next two weeks beginning this Wednesday, October 8th during our annual hydrant maintenance operations. As a result, residents may notice chlorination of the water supply during this time. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 4:30 pm Golden Family Center group room 421 – 9th Ave N. - above Moose Trax www.goldenfamilycenter.bc.ca Everyone welcome!
Fay Bruneau and her daughter Laura went up in a hot air balloon in Calgary to fulfill one of the items on Bruneau’s “Bucket List.” Photo Submitted
Woman starts on her bucket list at age 77 Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar.net For Fay Bruneau, 77 years was a long enough wait. Bruneau, who moved to Golden a year and a half ago to be closer to her daughter Laura, had always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon. In fact, it was on her bucket list. She finally got her chance when her children gave her a ride on a balloon for her birthday. Brunneau and Laura took the trip in Calgary, climbing to 3,000 feet over the course of an hour long flight.
So was the experience worth the wait? “Anybody that is contemplating going, if they’ve got the chance they should go. It’s just awesome,” she said. “They took us clear across the city and we landed in a farmers’ field. I’m not a lover of heights and it didn’t bother me a bit.” Bruneau says owning a brand new Mustang and riding on a motorcycle are some of the other big items on her bucket list. “I don’t know whether the Mustang is ever going to happen or not,” she laughed.
MLA says tailing pond disaster is wake-up-call Continued from page 7 The number of mine inspections is half the number completed in 2001. This lack of oversight tarnishes our province’s reputation as a jurisdiction that takes environmental assessment seriously, and that can impact not only the world’s view of our mining industry but also that of other resource-based industries. And we know that
there are no real penalties levied against companies that fail to comply with the law. There is little enforcement and virtually no punishment for those companies that do not fulfill their responsibility. We know in the years leading up to the collapse of the retaining wall at Mount Polley, the provincial government permitted substantial increases in
mining beyond the design capacity of the Mount Polley tailings facility. We know that the engineering firm that designed the tailing facility warned government there were dangers in how the tailings pond was being managed. We know government was informed in 2010 about cracks across the front of the retaining wall that ultimately collapsed.
We know there were reports of water breaching the retaining walls this past May. The Mount Polley disaster really should be a wake up call to every British Columbian. If you go to bed at night thinking that this government is doing its job protecting workers, rural communities and our land, lakes and rivers, you would be mistaken. Mount Polley proves, once
again, that we need to demand better.
Join now Golden Girl Guides SPARKS Gr.K-1 Tuesday 6:30-7:30 Kin Hut
BRowniES Gr.2-3 Tuesday 6:30-8:00 Kin Hut
GUiDES Gr.4-6 Tuesday 6:30-8:00 Lions Den
PATHFinDERS Gr.7-9 Tuesday 6:30-8:00 Lions Den
RAnGERS Gr.10-12 Tuesday 6:30-8:00 Lions Den
Until the end of May you can... Register online at www.girlguides.ca order Clothing www.thegirlguidestore.ca Questions call Beate Sutter 250-344-2685 or email bemis@telus.net
The 1st Golden Girl Guides are looking for part time and full time leaders. If you are interested please call Beate Sutter at 250-344-2685 after 6:30pm or email bemis@telus.net. If you are interested in just helping out without wanting to become a leader you can do that also.
Senior Citizens’ Metal Waste Clean-up Day Friday, October 24th - The Town of Golden will once again
pick up and dispose of bulky metal items for homeowners who are Senior Citizens (65 yrs of age and older) within our community. Items containing freon (fridges, freezers, air conditioners, etc) cannot be picked up due to a $15.00 landfill disposal fee. Please place metal items in the same area where you place your garbage/recycling bins. Call Town Hall at 250-344-2271 - Extension 0, or e-mail enquiries@golden.ca before 4:30 pm Wednesday, October 22nd to register your name, phone #, address, and items for pick-up.
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Your Community Newspaper Since 1891
Golden THE
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
New APES principal excited to live in Golden
employment o ppo rtu nit y
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Advertising Sales
The Golden Star has an opening for a part time advertising sales person for our full time weekly publication. If you’re looking for an opportunity to explore life in a growing mountain community while gaining experience in a career in sales, this is the position for you. We are looking for a team player who isn’t afraid to take initiative. You will be organized, self-motivated, outgoing, and work well with the public. This position is perfectly suited for someone who loves to work in a fast-paced environment, and can work well both independently and as part of the team. We prefer an experienced hand, but are willing to train the right candidate. Preference will be given to candidates with recent and relevant experience. Resumes with cover letter and references should be forwarded to: Michele LaPointe, Publisher The Golden Star Box 149, 413A 9th Ave. N. Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0 e-mail: publisher@thegoldenstar.net
Black Press is Canada’s largest independent newspaper group with over 100 community, daily and urban papers located in BC, Alberta, Washington State, Hawaii, and Ohio.
Steve Wyer, the new principal at Alexander Park Elementary, was looking for an opportunity to move to a mountain town and found it when the job at APES opened up. Joel Tansey/Star Photo Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar.net
Columbia Shuswap Regional District Fridges, freezers, water coolers, air conditioners, etc. that contain FREON will be subject to a $15/unit Freon removal fee
FREE residential metal & organic waste
DISPOSAL EVENT September 27-November 1 at CSRD Landfills and Transfer Stations During regular hours of operation ORGANIC WASTE
Grass Clippings • Leaves • Prunings • Brush & Weeds • Tree limbs up to 8” in diameter
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Visit our website at www.csrd.bc.ca 781 Marine Park Dr. NE • PO Box 978 V1E 4P1 Salmon Arm 250-833-5950 Toll Free 1-888-248-2773
Steve Wyer had always envisioned living in either Revelstoke or Golden for the recreation opportunities that both towns provide. When the principal job at Alexander Park Elementary School opened up due to the retirement of Vicci Nelson, Wyre jumped at the opportunity. Before taking the job at APES, Wyer spent 10 years as a Vice Principal and Principal at a few different schools around Prince George. Before that he spent several years as a teacher in New Westminster. “I realized it was an expensive place to raise a family and we moved north to Prince George,” he said. Since it’s tougher to move around as a teacher, and because he already had the required education, Wyer decided to apply to a variety of positions as a principal. He eventually landed one in Prince George and has been a V.P. or principal ever since. An avid mountain biker, Golden and Revelstoke were attractive options to him for obvious reasons. “I’ve been coming here to ride bikes and to do races and stuff…it wasn’t like I was shotgunning resumes out there, I knew where I wanted to go. I wanted to be in a mountain town and I wanted to be closer to the Okanagan where my parents have retired,” he explained. “Prince George was great but it was a long drive from everywhere.” Wyer admits the first few weeks have been an adjustment period for him - especially given that the teachers strike delayed the start of the school year - and he is still getting used to his new surroundings. “Right now I’m mostly just observing and seeing. I’m an outsider trying to fit in,” he said. “We’re all learners and I have to see how things are happening before I can set a leadership vision.” Over the years, Wyer has developed some distinct philosophies with regards to leadership. “I like people to feel like they are winning every day when they are coming to work and I like to recognize student achievement on a daily basis as well so the students feel like they’re making progress every day,” Wyer said. “My job is kind of like the person who ensures that the soil is fertile for that type of culture to grow, and if it’s already there, for it to be cultivated.” As for discipline, Wyer sees it as a learning opportunity for his students. “I truly believe that the word discipline means learning…it’s learning about how to make good choices with our actions” Wyer explained. Another interesting aspect of Wyer’s style as a principal is that he won’t just call students down to the office when they’ve misbehaved. “I never want them to see the office as a place where they are punished, because I also see students for good stuff here and we want to do cartwheels and summersaults when they do good things,” he said.
The Golden Star Wednesday, October 8, 2014
www.thegoldenstar.net A11
Vital Signs Report confirm economy and work top priorities GDCF Submitted The Vital Signs Report provides a snapshot of Golden & Area A that continues to “tell it like it is” – highlighting areas of concern and reasons for celebration. Vital Signs 2014 is the 2nd report (the 1st was published in 2011) of a longterm review initiative and one that this community intends to revisit every three years. In 2011, more than 300 citizen survey respondents became graders for Golden & Area A’s Vital Signs. The Report delivered a sobering wakeup call that our authentic adventure community includes challenges that threaten the quality of life for many local residents, businesses and organizations. Three years later, 400 citizen graders confirm that the Economy and Work are still the community’s top priorities. The issue area Getting Started & Staying has moved up to 3rd priority, suggesting that more should be done to help newcomers and long-time locals. Golden & Area A’s Vital Signs 2014 reveals that after the economic crisis of 2009, the community is still trying to advance and flourish. With that in mind, one must ask, “How will Kicking Horse Country perform in 2017?” Survey respondents in 2014 expect the community’s performance to hold steady on six issue areas and improve on the remaining seven. This optimism is encouraging, and the opportunity will be in ensuring that all residents can
participate and benefit from the community’s success. This Report was only possible with our volunteer Project Team members who donated their time, their skills and their expertise for the Golden & District Community Foundation (GDCF). Volunteers are the backbone of our community. The GDCF would like to thank organizations that provided local data sets and their volunteer Project Team that analyzed the data. In the coming months, the findings from Vital Signs 2014 will be presented to groups like Rotary and at the Local Intelligence Gathering. After reviewing a copy of the Report, if your group would like to book a presentation or engage in a discussion about any one of the 13 Issue Areas, please contact Ryan Watmough through www.goldencommunityfoundation.ca.
The GDCF’s Ryan Watmough and Nola Milum look over the newly-printed community indicator report, “Golden & Area A’s Vital Signs 2014.” Photo Submitted
Club releases free mobile app for trail users Golden Star Staff reporter@thegoldenstar.net Barely squeaking this one in for the 2014 biking season, the Golden Cycling Club is releasing A new trail app for the area's mountain biking trails. This will include Moonrakers, CBT, Mtn Shadows, and Mt 7. The app provides excellent resolution of the trails, replete with 10m contour lines. You can zoom in without losing detail. Note, however, mobile or wireless data connection is required for the app. Fortunately, you can find a mobile connection on just about all the trails except when you are within a 200m radius of the Gudjonson Trailhead. The app can be downloaded by following the link on the GCC website, goldencyclingclub.com, (kept up to date by Dave Best). The app is available for Android and iOS at this time. There are likely to be some errors with regards to the trail mapping (this is expected to be especially true for Mt 7). Please send any trail map discrepancies to contact@goldencyclingclub.com. This app is free, and the GCC is asking users to be patient. They would like users to make them aware of mapping errors, however they will not be able to help you troubleshoot problems that you have with your mobile device. The club would like to send out a special thanks to locals Spencer Cox and Yves Richard of Tesera Systems Inc. for volunteering their time to create the apps.
Where to
Where OCTOBER (DATE) donate:to Where to donate: List locations OCTOBER (DATE) donate: Nelson October 8 Golden October 8 List locations Oso Library, LookNegro, for any Rockets corners of Ward Baker The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) and Junior Hockey &player The Columbia Basin Alliance for and (local paper name) partnering to raise(CBAL) funds for The Columbia Basinare Alliance for Literacy Literacy (CBAL) and Kaslo OctoberGolden 10 in downtown th literacy programs in the 4 Annual Reach a Reader Golden Nelson Star are partnering to raise funds for literacy (local paper name) are partnering to raise funds for Front Market from Street 2:00pm to event. programs Annual aReach a Reader literacy inAnnual the 4th Reach programs in the 4th Reader event. 4:00pm, Salmo October 10
October 8
Dragonfly Cafe
Online: cbal.org Online: cbal.org Phone: (insert #) Phone: Email:#) 250-439-9665 250-352-3218 (insert (insert email) Email: mde@cbal.org jexley@cbal.org (insert email)
event. Buya apaper paperfrom fromone oneofofour ourvolunteers volunteers on on October Buy October 8 (date) to make a difference our community. Buy a paper from one of ourinvolunteers on October to make a difference in our community. Can’t be there?aDonate online at cbal.org. (date) to make difference in our community. Can’t be there? Donate online at cbal.org. Can’t be there? Donate online at cbal.org. All funds raised will go to support (community name) Golden AllAll funds raised Literacy literacy fundsprograms. raisedwill willgo goto tosupport support Nelson (community name) programs. literacy programs. Visit cbal.org to learn more. Visit cbal.org to learn more.
A12 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
KHC offering GSS students ‘cool opportunity’ to get involved Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar.net Kicking Horse Culture is well into its fall and winter season and don’t be surprised if there is a
slightly younger audience out for its various shows and concerts over the next few months. For the first time, KHC is conducting a program at the
school, called the Kick Yourself Club, that is targeting high school students as a way to get them more involved with the arts and culture scene in Golden.
NOTICE OF NOMINATION NOTICE OF of NOMINATION Public Notice is given to the electors of the Town Golden that nominations will be received for each of the following offices for a 4-year term – December 2014 to December 2018:
Public Notice is given to the electors of the Town of Golden that nominations will be received for each of the following offices for a 4-year Mayor oneterm (1)– December 2014 to December 2018:
Councillor six (6) Mayor
one (1)
Nominations for qualified candidates will Councillor be received bysixthe(6)Chief Election Officer or a designate during the following times at Town Hall located at 810 9th Avenue South:
Krista Fouillard, a French teacher at Golden’s elementary schools, is co-facilitating the program with fellow teacher Maggie Calladine. One week before every show, the club will meet at Golden Secondary to analyze, discuss, and even act out the following week’s act. On the night of the show, students who participated in the previous week’s session
will be given a V.I.P. ticket and will have a chance to meet and interact with the performers. As a keepsake, participants will have a passport that they can fill with autographs from each show. Fouillard says they’ve had five to seven kids out for each session so far, but she hopes to see the program grow throughout the year as the word gets out.
“We’re hoping our numbers grow during the year,” Fouillard said. “It’s such a cool opportunity for kids.” Fouillard, who has performed at Summer Kicks in the past with her band Krista and the Krybabies, incorporates music into a lot of her French lessons. “I teach everything through music,” she said. “It gives students a chance to
express themselves and it fuels creativity.” She hopes the students that do sign up for the Kick Yourself Club will find it both educational and inspirational. “Especially at this age, kids are still trying to figure out who they are going to be,” she said. “Sometimes it just takes one performer for them to feel inspired.”
Nominations for qualified candidates will be received by the Chief Election Officer or a designate during the following times Hallpm located at 810 9th Avenue South: 9:00 at amTown to 4:00
Tuesday September 30th,9:00 2014amtotoFriday, October 10th, 2014 4:00 pm 2014 to Friday, October 10th, 2014 Tuesday September 30th,holidays -Excluding Statutory and weekends-
-Excluding Statutory holidays andDocument weekends- packages are available at Nomination documents MUST accompany any nomination. Town Nomination Hall locateddocuments at 810 9thMUST Avenue South, Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm daily. accompany any nomination. Document packages are available at Town Hall located at 810 9th Avenue South, Monday Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm daily. NOMINATIONS WILL NOTtoBE ACCEPTED
QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE A person is qualified to be nominated, elected, and to hold office as a member of local
government if they meettothebefollowing A person is qualified nominated,criteria: elected, and to hold office as a member of local government if they meet the following criteria: • Canadian citizen; Canadian •18 years of age orcitizen; older; 18ofyears of age or older; for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination British Columbia • resident resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination papers papers are filed; are filed; • a person the commander of an armed forcesforces unit who granted freedom of the a or person or the commander of an armed unit has whobeen has been granted freedom of the municipality, if thatifperson is a isCanadian citizen; municipality, that person a Canadian citizen;and and • not disqualified by thebyLocal Government or any anyother otherenactment enactment from voting an in not disqualified the Local GovernmentAct Act or from voting in anin election Columbia or fromor being nominated for, being elected to, orelected holding to, office. electionBritish in British Columbia from being nominated for, being or holding office.
may be obtained by contacting: FURTHER INFORMATION may be obtained by contacting:
Viv Thoss, Chief Election Officer [250.344.2271] Jon Wilsgard, ChiefElection Election Officer [250.344.2271] VivDeputy Thoss, Chief Officer [250.344.2271] Jon Wilsgard, Deputy Chief Election Officer [250.344.2271]
Please visit www.golden.ca to find resources for potential candidates important rules governing the electionfor process. Please visitand www.golden.ca to find resources potential candidates and important rules governing the election process.
CREDIT UNION DAY! Come Celebrate With Us!
Bring this ballot in for a chance to win an iPAD AIR Check out our new renovations and enjoy some refreshments Name: ___________________ Phone: ___________________ Draw to take place October 16, 2014
511 Main Street 250-344-2282
The Starlight Soiree, the Golden Women’s Resource Centre’s biggest fundraiser of the year, includes a silent auction. Star Photo
Ninth year for annual Starlight Soiree GWRC Submitted
It’s that time of year again, that dreaded shoulder season, which seems to drag on as we await the arrival of the first snow fall... but wait, the Golden Women’s Resource Centre has a solution to combat your boredom, or if you’re new in the community and want to meet new people, or if you’re feeling like you want to get involved in a good cause and a fabulous community event then come on out and volunteer for our Annual Starlight Soiree Fundraiser. This year marks the 9th year of the Starlight Soiree and this year is going to be the best year yet! “From toques to top hats; Birkenstocks to feather boas” ... the Soiree, is a sophisticated evening featuring great company, an Annual Food Challenge and Annual Woman of the Year Draw, live favourite local entertainment and beverages, with Silent and Loonie auctions as a great first step towards your holiday shopping while raising money for Women’s Centre Services .” Be prepared for another fabulous event, not to be missed. Save the date: Nov. 20. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the event starts at 7 p.m. at the Mount 7 Rec Plex. Donations and volunteers are welcome. The GWRC welcomes volunteers from all walks of life, of all ages, who have a creative touch, love working with people, love meeting new people and well, just plain love planning and being involved. Or, if you like being behind the scenes, we have something for you in that respect as well. A planning meeting for the event is taking place at the GWRC on Thursday, Oct. 9 at 5 p.m. Contact
Sarah Wegelin for more information: 250-3445317, or simply show up and bring a friend too. Businesses and restaurants are encouraged to be a part of this fabulous community event by donating an item to the Silent Auction and Loonie Auction tables, Woman of the Year basket, or through sponsoring the event. Guests can expect to see the annual Food Challenge again this year, where they can try delightful finger foods as local restaurants compete for Best of the Best 2014. Restaurants are encouraged to contact the centre with your interest and ideas on this year’s friendly challenge. All proceeds from this fundraiser allow the GWRC to continue providing important services for all women and their children in Golden. Our services include: 24-hr Safe Homes emergency shelter for women fleeing violence; support, advocacy and referral services; education aimed at preventing sexual assault and violence against women. The GWRC coordinates a successful youth program for girls in Grades 5-7, which provides girls with tools for building selfesteem, encourages safe and healthy choices, and fosters peer support and friendship. The GWRC also operates the Good Karma Clothing Exchange, offers free internet, phone and fax access, a safe and cozy lounge and other services all free of charge. Save the date. Nov. 20. Tickets will go on sale on Nov. 1. For more information on the event and/or to find out how you can get involved please contact the GWRC at 250-344-5317. Visit us online for more details about the centre’s programs, services and sponsors: www.goldenwomencentre.ca
The Golden Star Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Golden THE
www.thegoldenstar.net A13
Salutes our Firefighters
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Golden Fire Chief remembered as passionate leader It is difficult to know where to begin when talking about the life and service of a man like Fire Chief Ken McClure. There are far too many certificates, awards and honours to list them all. He was a man who loved his family above all else (anyone who had more than a 10-minute conversation with him could tell what a proud husband, father and grandfather he was). A man who brought his passion and exceptional skill to a small town department, and gave them the tools they needed to serve their community at the highest possible level. And a man who put a far greater premium on helping those in need than the countless accolades, which he often kept tucked away in a desk drawer. Golden Fire Rescue, The Town of Golden, and the community are still coming to grips with the sudden loss of their Fire Chief. However, he has left behind a legacy that they will never have to part with: a group of remarkably trained firefighters, a provincial road rescue program, and state of the art equipment which he managed to secure without burdening the local taxpayers. "His other lasting material legacy will arrive in a few short months: the first of its kind in being fully paid for through provincial grants, a heavy duty road rescue vehicle, custom designed by him, with the great help of his crew thanks to his inclusive teaching style," said Jon Wilsgard, Town of Golden CAO, who spoke with great admiration of Chief McClure at Golden Fire Chief Ken McClure was geared up for a photo for last year’s Fire his memorial service in Golden. Star Photo “He rebuilt a department into a focused, team driven, and Prevention spread in the Golden Star. highly motivated force and inspired men and women who are our firefighters and rescuers to be exceptional people and motivators in our community.” “Ken worked tirelessly on behalf of our community,” said Mayor Christina Benty. Story continues on page 18
Thank You!
The Town of Golden Salutes our Local Firefighters!
Star fire prevention week
A14 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
Golden Fire Department 2014 IN MEMORY OF
Fire Chief
Deputy Chief
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MARCH 14, 2011 TO SEPTEMBER 20, 2014
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Red Diamond Restaurant 507 9th Ave N
2014 Firefighter
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Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
Star fire prevention week
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Golden Fire Department 2014 Firefighter
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THE DOLLAR STORE 403 9th Ave. N 250-344-2775
2014 Firefighter
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1002 10th Ave. N 250-344-5213
2014 Firefighter
KEN SCHROEDER Sponsored by:
1031 Sandstone Rd. 250-837-2111
2014 Firefighter
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Golden THE
413 A 9th Ave. N 250-344-5251
2014 Firefighter
2014 Firefighter
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1020 10th Ave. S 250-344-5315
420 D 9th Ave. N 250-344-7663
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2014 Firefighter
Heating & Cooling
808 9th St. N. 344-5218
2014 Firefighter
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1027 11th Ave N 250-344-5928
511 9th Ave N 250-344-7161
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
Fire Chief
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Deputy Chief
Sponsored by:
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2014 Firefighter
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915 11th Ave. S 250-344-5566
Senior Captain
Sponsored by: 511 Main 250-344-2282
2014 Captain
Sponsored by: FLOWERS FROM HOME 962 Jacob 250-344-5855
Training Officer
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911 11th Ave. N 250-344-6647
2014 Firefighter TONY BELL Sponsored by: Mike Burns
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Golden THE
413 A 9th Ave. N 250-344-5251
2014 Firefighter
1135 10th Ave. N 250-344-2530
2014 Firefigher
Sponsored by: 1019 11th Ave N 250-344-5968
2014 Firefighter
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2014 Firefighter
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510 9th Ave. N 250-344-5201
Star fire prevention week
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Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
Field Fire Department 2013 2014
Fire Chief
2014 Captian
Deputy Chief
Truffle Pigs Bistro and Lodge TRUFFLE
PIGS EST. 1997
is proud to sponsor the
Firefighters of Field!
Phone: 250.343.6303 Email: oink@trufflepigs.com
A18 www.thegoldenstar.net The Golden Star
Star fire prevention week
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
(Left) Deputy Fire Chief Ken Squarebriggs carries Ken McClure’s helmet, with members of the Golden Fire Department behind him, on a march from the fire hall to the memorial service held in McClure’s honour. (Right) McClure, doing what he did best, leading his department in the suppression of a house fire in Golden. Star Photos
McClure leaves behind legacy around the province “He cared about his community; he was never in (the job) for himself, he always wanted to help out. He left a big hole because he was very well-loved in his fire department.” — Gord Schreiner, Comox Fire Chief, and life-long friend
He was a stellar man, deeply loved, respected, and admired... He transfered not only his enthusiasm, but his expertise to our local fire department.” — Christina Benty, Mayor of Golden
Continued from page 13 “He influenced change at the provincial level that benefited Golden as well as every community with road rescue services throughout the province.” Before Golden was lucky enough to call him their own, he had already built a reputation around the province as a tremendous Chief, firefighter, and expert in the field of auto extracation (an area in which he lead teams to international recognition). The firefighting community around the province has lost a friend and mentor. “He had my back on so many occasions I can’t even count. I just learned so much from him,” said Sean Coubrough, Field Fire Chief. However, it was those who worked with him at the Golden Fire Department who got to know him best. McClure was a strong and capable leader, but also a kind and compassionate friend. “His primary job was being a Fire Chief, his second job was taking care of us and working with us and always listening to us,” said Deputy Chief Ken Squarebriggs, who is running the department until a new chief can be found. “It didn’t matter if you were the newest recruit wanting to join all the way up to me, he was always there... He was a very caring leader. He never made anybody feel not important.”
"His passion for the job was so deep that it was never about him, it was always about his crew and their ability to go out and do a good job as volunteers." — Ken Squarebriggs, Deputy Fire Chief GFD Ken McClure had a presence that could never be ignored: never overbearing; commanding respect, yet quitetly respectful.” — Jon Wilsgard, Town of Golden CAO “Our entire area has lost a really important figure, and someone who did a lot in a very short period of time.” — Sean Coubrough, Field Fire Chief
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
Star fire prevention week
www.thegoldenstar.net A19
Volunteering fire fighting is fun, rewarding, and important Volunteering with your local fire department is a fun and rewarding way to give back to your community. Golden, Nicholson and Field are very fortunate to have so many dedicated men and women that donate their time and energy, ready to answer the call when someone needs our help. You will never meet a better group of people, and I would like to strongly encourage you to consider dropping by your local fire hall or talking to a firefighter to see what it’s all about. It’s one of the most rewarding, challenging and fun jobs you’ll ever have. I would also like to take this opportunity to ask everyone to respect all emergency personnel and ensure you slow down when passing an emergency scene on the highway. Our rescue truck was struck on the highway this past year by a commercial vehicle that was travelling too fast for the conditions. We were very lucky that no one was hurt in the collision. The driver was charged with various infractions of the Highway Traffic Act and was found guilty of all charges. I see vehicles travelling too fast through our scenes at every call. Please slow down and help us make sure that all of our volunteers go home safe to their families when the call is over. We will miss our good friend Ken McClure. Ken was a tremendous asset to not only our region, but the entire province. He was a friend and mentor for many and taught me a great deal in his short time here. Thanks to Ken the cooperation between departments has never been better, and he was able to put in place a great team that will continue his legacy and build upon it. Gone but never forgotten, the work Ken has done regarding road rescue response will benefit not only citizens of Golden, but all residents and travellers in B.C. Stay safe and volunteer! Sean Coubrough Fire Chief Field Fire & Rescue
The Golden Fire Department, Field Fire & Rescue (pictured above), and Nicholson Fire Department (pictured below) operate through the volunteers who donate their time to their communities. The departments are always looking for more volunteers. Star Photos
A20 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
Elizabeth Thatcher epitome of strong Columbia Valley women
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
October is Women in History month and we have had some great character women in our community over the years. What traits does a woman need to have to be classed a Woman of History? I think the following is the epitome of a woman of great character. Elizabeth Thatcher came to the Columbia Valley in 1909, with her husband, the Rev. Ernest Thatcher, to
minister to the needs of the congregation of St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Golden. During their time at St. Paul’s they became very well known and loved by the people of the town. In 1912, the Rev. and Elizabeth Thatcher moved to Galena and built a home there. It was while at St. Mark’s at Galena that Elizabeth Thatcher really worked her way into the hearts of the valley people. Sunday School was held by Mrs. Thatcher at her home and often she would go out with her pony to pick up children that she thought might not make it otherwise. It didn’t seem to make any difference to Mrs. Thatcher that it was below freezing out, she would go wher-
ever she was called and do the work of the Lord at every opportunity. Elizabeth hosted many bazaars in her home to help with the work of the church and was often called out to members of the congregation to help with the sick or to bring a new baby into the world. Reverend Thatcher passed away in 1934, leaving Mrs. Thatcher alone in the valley. Elizabeth continued with her Sunday School until arthritis prevented her from doing so and before long she found it necessary to move to the coast. Even after Mrs. Thatcher moved she kept close contact with the people of the valley and was often called upon by her
Thatcher home in Spillimacheen was built by the family in 1912. Photo Courtesy of the Golden Museum faithful friends to help counsel them. Such was the case when she was asked by Mrs. Sykes to help explain
APPLY NOW, FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR FISH & WILDLIFE PROJECTS The Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP), in the Columbia region, funds fish and wildlife projects that align with its Action Plans for large and small lakes, streams, riparian areas and wetlands, uplands and drylands, and species of interest. The FWCP-Columbia is encouraging funding proposals that: • restore and enhance stream habitat; • restore and conserve riparian and wetland areas; and • are delivered in the northern portion of its region bordered by Revelstoke, Golden and Valemount Your idea for a project to conserve and enhance local fish and wildlife may be eligible for funding. If you are applying for funding: • read our Action Plans and download funding information and applications at www.fwcp.ca • contact the Program Manager, Trevor Oussoren, at trevor.oussoren@bchydro.com or 250 365 4551 for support to develop your idea or questions regarding your funding application • submit your complete funding application and project budget by November 14, 2014
The FWCP is a partnership between BC Hydro, the Province of B.C., Fisheries and Oceans Canada, First Nations, and public stakeholders.
In partnership with:
Santa Claus from a Christian viewpoint without taking away from the tradition of the story. The letter was dated 1939. I realize that this story isn’t perhaps in the right season, but I believe that the lady’s wisdom shows through and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did. “A long time ago in a small village in Bavaria there lived a man who was a Bishop of the Church. He was a very good man, so good that people called him a Saint, though in their language – Saint – is Santa and Claus was his other name. So you get Santa Claus. Saint means a person who always tries to do the will of God and the will of God is that we should always be kind and helpful to other people. And this is what Santa Claus was always doing, helping people whenever they were in trouble. But he never liked to be thanked for the things that he did. But would say, No, No, don’t speak of it, but thank the good God. One year the people of the village were in a very sorry plight. The year had been a bad one. From one cause or another there was great failure of crops and most of the people having nothing to seed, had no money. And as Christmas drew near the people were very sad. They said “Here
is Christmas coming, the birthday of the Christ Child who came down to earth from Heaven to be the friend of little children, and the Savior of the World and we are too poor to make a feast to bid Him welcome. For the good Bishop, Santa Claus had taught the people that on Christmas Day they ought to rejoice and be glad and to be specially kind to the children so that they might really feel that they were indeed keeping the birthday of the King who came down to Earth as a little child – and joining in that beautiful song of the angels “Glory to God in the Highest”, Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards men. So Christmas Day was always a great festival. All the people together with the children would go to church and take their part in a very beautiful service with carol singing. Then in the homes there would be a feast with all the things that children liked best, cakes, candies, nuts and also toys. But when the bad year came and there was no money with which to buy things for the children the parents were very sad. So too was the good Bishop, Santa Claus, and he wondered what he could possibly do. And at last decided that he would
give them a great surprise. So he got a lot of baskets which he filled with all sorts of good things and then after midnight on Christmas Eve, when all the people were in bed, he set out with his sleigh loaded with baskets and a long rope. As the houses of the poor people were all very low, and with straight chimneys going down to a hearth stone, he was able to climb onto the roof and passing the rope under the handle of the basket he lowered it down the chimney and onto the hearth. Just imagine the surprise when the baskets were found the next morning and the children were able to have their feast after all. And ever after as Christmas drew near the children would say “I wonder what Santa Claus will bring me.” The parents fell in with the idea by surprising their children at Christmas time with presents from Santa Claus. Like all things of that sort the idea spread from one country to another, though in some places, Santa Claus is called Saint Nicholas.” But we must always remember that but for the Birth of Jesus Christ, there would have been no Santa Claus.” Thank you to Helen Bryant for sharing this story with me.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
www.thegoldenstar.net A21
Golden boys start up the season Gymnastics is up and running, and the boys advanced interclub class got some practice on the parallel bars on Thursday. From left, Walker Lapins, Stein Osborne, Morgan Metcalfe, Koben Potvin, Landen Foort, Ryan Wolfenden, Malcolm Labonville and Malcolm Russell. Jessica Schwitek/ Star Photo
Rockets impress with pair of home wins over divisional opponents
Rockets forward Nick Hoobanoff pulls up in front of a Kimberley defender during the team’s 6-2 win on Saturday night. Joel Tansey/Star Photo Joel Tansey reporter@thegoldenstar.net Coming off a pair of disappointing efforts last weekend, home dates with the top two teams in the Eddie Mountain Division appeared to be an imposing task for the Golden Rockets. A thrilling 7-6 OT win over Fernie and a thoroughly impressive 6-2 pasting of the previously undefeated Kimberley Dynamiters, however, has shown the league this Rockets
team is not to be taken lightly. “Before the game (against Kimberley) I said (to the team) ‘They’re coming in here 6-0, we have a chance to make a statement to the league that we’re for real,” Davidson said. Friday night’s game will be one the home fans won’t forget anytime soon. With the game tied 6-6 and heading into overtime, defenceman Alex Astasiewicz had a bit of a premonition. “I was thinking about it on the bench, how cool it would be to get the OT winner with everyone jumping on me,” he said with a mile-wide grin. True to form, the Salmon Arm native found an opportunity early in the second OT period. “I just turned around at the net and I was trying to go for (Braeden) Allkins in front,” he explained. “I just kind of threw a blind pass in front and it went off someone’s skate and went in five hole…it was a lucky bounce.” Lucky or not, it certainly wasn’t a bad time for him to notch his first KIJHL goal, and it came at the tail end of a wild affair that included numerous lead changes, a fight and 13 goals. Perhaps the most encouraging development for the Rockets was the return of Tanner Watt and the instant chemistry he found with Ian Desrosier and Cole Mckechney. The Rockets’ second line - perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it line 1b - looked dangerous from the very beginning and opened the scoring just over seven minutes in. On a broken play in the neutral zone, Watt nudged the puck ahead for Desrosier, who buried his chance on what became a partial breakaway. It was the first of four goals for the trio, with Watt adding a pair and Mckechney scoring a beautiful breakaway goal of his own. Watt also had an assist to go with his two goals while Mckechney added three for a game-high four points.
It was more of the same on Saturday night as Watt notched a hat trick and goaltender Magnus Viberg (who took over for Mitchell Privett midway through Friday’s game) made 28 saves in a 6-2 win over Kimberley. Watt’s hat trick was the capper on a return that has seen the Terrace native tally seven points in his first two games back. “Playing with Cole and Ian last year definitely helped. We built some chemistry last season and it’s carrying forward to this season,” Watt said. When asked why he finally decided to return to the team that he co-lead in scoring a year ago, Watt had a simple response. “I missed hockey and I missed all my friends,” Watt said. As for Viberg, who arrived in Golden as a backup, the win on Saturday was his second in as many nights, and he now boasts a solid 2.87 G.A.A. and a .914 SV% in just four appearances. Viberg’s experience in the league seems to have given him the upper hand over Privett so far, and while Davidson was confident that fans would be seeing a lot more of Viberg in the future, he wasn’t prepared to dismiss Privett either. “I’m not writing off Mitchell yet. We’ve got two capable goaltenders. Obviously the hot one (now) is Magnus, and I think that has a lot to do with the fact that he is comfortable,” Davidson said. “He knows the buildings, the guys, the shooters, and I think that has a lot to do with his success early on, plus he’s a fabulous athlete and he competes so hard. We’re lucky to have him.” The Rockets will be off until Friday when they travel south to face the Columbia Valley Rockies before hosting their Highway 95 rivals on Saturday at the Golden Arena. Check out our picks for the Rockets’ 3 Stars of the Week on p. 26.
F R I D AY, O C T O B E R 1 0 T H E R O C K E T S A R E I N I N V E R M E R E ! G O R O C K E T S G O ! !
Golden Rockets VS.
Columbia Valley Rockies SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 7:30 PM GOLDEN ARENA
A22 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
Weekly Angel Card Forecast: You Can Do It! by Kamia Shepherd ATP* Special to the Golden Star The card for the week brings in a sweeping enthusiasm that has two aspects. The first is through liberation of self, the second is through strength of purpose. If there is a project or life change that we are contemplating, we must align our intentions on each level to manifest the strength to act. When we are contemplating changes in life, particularly changes that are close to our heart there is first the need to create space in the psyche, heart, energy field and physical timetable. Focus and intention are derailed when we allow fearful thoughts or negative self messages to override our impetus for change. Archangel Michael appears brandishing a sword of light. He uses it to sweep a fiery arc around his body. In this manner, he - Angel Card Forecast is cutting through chords of fear that have been holding back By Kamia Shepherd his greatest strengths. We all can benefit from ‘cutting chords of fear’. The ego often tells us ‘you can’t’ and it is a fear based ‘chord’ that holds us back. Reply to the ego, “I can!” In the other hand, the warrior angel holds a torch. In this manner he is liberating himself from the darkness of fear based thoughts, and illuminating a new path. Often, when we find the courage to see through our fears, we will find, that the new path we are dreaming of following, is directly before us, with just a single step needed to begin it. To harness this energy, allow the shoulders to spread, the chin to lift, and create a positive intention for change. In conjunction with what we have been contemplating the Archangel Michael is ready to encourage us, to rekindle our enthusiasm, and remind us all, the most powerful battle cry for transformation, is “You Can Do It!” with light, Kamia compassionangelcardreading.com Kamia Shepherd Compassion on Facebook (To enquire about a personal reading please email kamishep@hotmail.com) *Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue PhD
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Golden StarOctober Wednesday, October 8, 2014Star Wednesday, 8, 2014 The Golden
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BUSY Law Firm requires: Half time receptionist (1 week on/off) immediately. Office Manager terms negotiable. Must have some prior experience in a law firm. Email; Jodie@pearcetaylor.com
AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
Cards of Thanks
Rafa Chaudhary would like to give thanks to all the doctors, nurses and dietary staff at The Golden & District Hospital for the care and comfort her husband Abdual Chaudhary received during his lengthy stay at the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Starke.
Ronald Henry “Ron” Landry June 2nd 1937-September 27th, 2014
Love & Miss You Jackie, Sean, Jack, Manon, Travis, Dee and Tyler
Ron was born, in Irishtown New Brunswick on June 2nd 1937, he was the first child of more to come, to parents Henry and Irene Landry. There was Jean, Wallace, Kenny and Allan. In 1956, Dad was 19 and his job with the Railroad brought him out west; he met Mom in Kamloops and by the time they settled in Golden, 4 kids, Gary, Julie, Joanne and Kenny. He was a proud Dad, grandfather and great grandfather. Dad loved dogs he was generous and he had a big heart. Brenda came into Dad’s life in 1988 and they were married in June of that year. Dad’s favourite spots were Canyon Creek area and the Cedar Lake road. On September 27th, 2014 dad passed away peacefully at the age of 77 years . Predeceased by his son Gary and his step-son Steven. Survived by his wife Brenda, his children, Julie from Salmon Arm, (Children: JD and Jolene), Joanne from Golden (Husband-Barry, Children: Mitchell and Cache). Kenny from Fort McMurray (Wife-Joanne, Children: Wyatt and Shaela) Great Grandchildren Thea, Jacobi, Alina and StepChildren: Mark and Dawn. Ron’s family would like to thank the Golden and District General Hospital, the BC Ambulance Service, as well as the East Kootenay Regional Hospital for assisting our Great Grandpa, Grandpa, Father and husband as well as Bowers funeral Service for all they have done for him and us. Donations can be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. A celebration of life service for Ron was held at Hindman/Bowers Funeral Chapel on Wednesday October 1, 2014 at 2:00 pm. Online condolences may be sent through Ron’s obituary at www.hindmanbowersfuneralhome.com
Jose P. De Sousa Passed away October 5, 1999 Fifteen years have passed dear father, grandfather and great grandfather Since you were called to eternal rest God took you home to Heaven And freed you from all the pain God’s house must be so beautiful for He only takes the best Now you and our dearest mother are together again forever Give Mom a kiss and hug from us. We miss you both and always will so very much God blessed us with a wonderful Dad like you You were always so generous and kind Your heart so full of compassion and love Your were always there to help and support all of your family and friends We always knew we could depend on you Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you Missing you is something that will never go away There’s a place in our hearts that no one can fill The memories you have left us We cherish forever in our hearts One day we will all be together again And never part again. We love you forever Dad Maria, Erle, Derrick, Jarred, Brittany, Filomena, Kim and Chris O nosso amor por ti querido pai e por toda eternidade Toma conta da nossa querida mai
In Loving Memory of our Brother-In-Law Dale Grant May 9, 1948 - Oct 2, 2013 We feel a warmth around us like your presence is so near, And we close our eyes to visualize your face when you were here. We enjoyed the times we spent together and they are locked inside our hearts, For as long as we have those memories we will never be apart. As a Brother In-Law you were great as a friend you were the best, To have had you in our family makes us so truly blessed.
Love and Miss You Nora &Rodney Glenis & Gene
January 17 1922 – September 30, 2014
In Loving Memory of
Winnifred Elsie Gravelle
In Memoriam
Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com
Trades, Technical
PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES: Troyer Ventures Ltd. is a privately owned energy services company servicing Western Canada. All job opportunities include competitive wages, comprehensive benefits package and room for advancement. We are accepting applications at multiple branches for: Professional Drivers (Class 1, 3), and Mechanics. Successful candidates will be self-motivated and eager to learn. Experience is preferred, but training is available. Valid safety tickets, clean drug test, references and a drivers abstract are required. For more information and to apply, please visit our website at: Troyer.ca
In Loving Memory of Dale Grant May 9, 1948 - Oct 2, 2013 We’re sending a dove to heaven with a parcel on its wings, Be careful when you open it it’s full of beautiful things. Inside are a million kisses wrapped up in a million hugs, To say how much we miss you and to send you all our love. We hold you close within our hearts and there you will remain, To walk with us throughout our lives until we see you again.
Legal Services
Winnifred Gravelle passed away at the Durand Manor in Golden B.C. on September 30, 2014 at the age of 92 years. She was born in to Hilda and Harry Cutler in Empress Alberta on January 17, 1922, grew up on a farm at Innisfail during the Great Depression and qualified to be a teacher during the war in 1942. Later, while teaching in Lumby, B.C., she met the love of her life, Yves (John) Gravelle and they were married in 1955. They lived in several communities around British Columbia but finally settled on Golden in 1965 and stayed for the rest of their lives. Winnifred taught at Alexander Park Elementary School for 20 years and at one point seemed to know almost all of the kids in town. She often had students pedal their bicycle over to the house on a summer day for extra reading practice. After retiring, Winnifred put in many volunteer hours at the United Church bargain basement and travelled the world with John. One of her most memorable experiences was riding on the back of a camel in Australia. She was thrilled with the addition of each grandchild and even drove with John to the coast through a terrible snow storm to meet the first one. John passed away in 2009 and she was grateful to spend her last years in good company at Abbeyfield House. Winnifred was predeceased by her sister Betty and her brother Charlie. She is survived by her three daughters: Sharon Gravelle (Dave Thacker) of Calgary, Lorraine (Len) Pepper of Cranbrook and Marilyn Gravelle (André St-Denis) of Sudbury, Ontario and six grandchildren: Graeme Pepper, Allison Pepper, Michelle St-Denis, Stéphanie St-Denis, Emily Thacker and Allan Thacker. A Funeral Service will be held at St. Andrew’s United Church on Thursday October 9 at 1:00 pm, with the Reverend Judith Hardcastle officiating. Interment will follow at Mountain View (Legion) Cemetery, Golden and there will be a reception at Abbeyfield House. Arrangements are in the care of Hindman Bowers Funeral Home, Golden. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to one of Winnifred’s favourite charities, the Golden Food Bank. The family would like to thank the staff and Board of Directors at Abbeyfield House, especially Shirley Fudge, Stephanie Sollows and Lori Donaldson who made Winnifred feel so welcome there. Heartfelt thanks also to all the staff at Interior Health Home & Community Care, Golden & District Hospital and Durand Manor for the kind care they gave her in later years. Email condolences may be sent to the family through Winnifred’s obituary at: www.hindmanbowersfuneralhome.com.
www.thegoldenstar.net A24 www.thegoldenstar.net
Home Improvements
Misc Services
FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928
Cash for scrap cars (and all metal recycling) in the Golden area. Complete or incomplete. Price varies! 344-6690. Columbia Towing.
…show it!
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Don’t Wait. Mammograms can detect lumps in the breast long before they are noticed in any other way.
Mammograms can save your life and you’re worth saving. Call (toll-free)
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Help Wanted
Looking for a great place to work?
Chevron is hiring!
• Full Time Cashiers • Student position Part Time Cashier with a min. of 15hrs/week! 1209 Trans Canada Highway, 250-344-3169 ss0424@chevronretail.ca Napa Auto Parts is currently seeking a delivery driver. Please apply in person: 911 9th St N - or email Ron: rperley@napacanada.com
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star Star
Accounting/Tax/ Bookkeeping CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT - my practice is very relationship based and I enjoy being able to be part of the team to help clients succeed, be it in their business, accounting or tax needs. I provide a complete range of auditing, accounting and tax services to owner managed businesses in the Kootenays and Okanagan. As with many private companies, your goal is likely to improve your tax position and minimize your tax liability to the maximum extent allowed. My goal is to assist you in accomplishing this and to be your partner in prosperity. I foster positive relationships with my clients, recognizing their perceptions of urgency and preferences, understand their expectations, and respond consistently with the highest possible level of service. I invite you to contact me directly if you are a business owner or professional looking to move your business forward and you need: highly professional accounting services, exceptional personal tax planning, comprehensive business financial statements, corporate and personal tax returns, experienced, progressive advice on buying or selling a business. You can contact me at dswetlishoff@whitekennedy.com
or 250-492-9982
Misc. for Sale A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders. Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator. Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com
Help Wanted
Misc. for Sale
Houses For Sale
Duplex / 4 Plex
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper?
Custom Mountain Home on 6.5 acres, exc. views 250-348-2447
4 & 2 bdrm duplex, animals welcome, 4 bdrm $975/mnt + uts, 2bdrm $775/mnt + utls. Wood heat, 2.5 acres w/ garden. Avail Nov. 1. 10 mins from Golden. 250-421-6415. Refs Reqd.
S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.
SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw mills.com/400OT or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS. Gift-card give-away! 20x22 $4,358. 25x24 $4,895. 30x30 $6,446. 32x32 $7,599. 40x46 $12,662. 47x72 $18,498. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422 or visit us online: www.pioneersteel.ca STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit online: www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. XC Ski machine, oak desk, sewing machine w/ wide wings, dry fire wood (lots!), wine making eqpm (bottles, carboys, drying cabinet).
2 homes and a shop in Golden for sale. Phone 250344-0553.
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent
5 bdrm house for rent. Avail. Oct.1. 250-344-5075, 344-5059
2 bdrm condo, fridge, stove, w/d, $850/month. 250-3442596. Located by college on the river.
Homes for Rent
2 bdrm w/ storage close to all amnts. Hydro, hot water and heat incld. Security entrance and laundry factls, sorry N/S, and no parties. 250-344-8113
GLEN Livet Manor, Cranbrook. Large 2 Bedroom plus Den. Close to Rec center, curling rink, hospital, shopping & College of the Rockies. Recently refloored & painted. Heat & hot water incl. $850/month. Phone 778-5170777 Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.
Apartment Furnished
Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 778-281-0030. Local.
Acreage for Sale Spectacular Views on 11 & 1/2 acre parcel 10 mins south of Golden, east side of the Rockies, Drilled well, flat building site, good access. Survey plan available. 1-250-769-4288.
FULLY FURNISHED all inclusive bachelor suite. View at Mount7.ca or call 344-7001.
Commercial/ Industrial
2008 single wide mobile home 2 bed 2 bath 0.5 acre, own well and septic. Sunny, beautiful Nicholson! 250-344-0283
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Career opportunity COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR Temporary, full-time
The Communications Coordinator coordinates the production and delivery of a wide range of communications needs and public involvement materials.
Min 2 years of related experience operating an excavator and other heavy equipment • Valid driver’s license as well as clean drivers abstract • Job site safety awareness • Able to understand plans and locate sheets Please e-mail resume to: njohnson@innovationbuilding.com
This is an 11-month, full-time position based in one of our four offices (Castlegar, Cranbrook, Golden or Nakusp). Apply by October 15, 2014. cbt.org/careers 1.800.505.8998
Applicant should possess a strong working knowledge of Heavy Trucks and their applications. High school diploma, or general education degree (GED) essential or Journeyman TQ. Duties will include to plan, organize, lead and control the flow of service work through the service department in a professional timely manner. Strong leadership, customer relations and organizational skills are a requirement. Proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel, with the ability to read, analyze and interpret financial reports. We offer a competitive wage and benefits package. Fax or email resume to the attention of: Dale Felhauer Email: dfelhauer@inland-group.com Fax:250-426-6122
3 bdrm upper level suite huge living rm & deck. Laundry. No pets. Call 250-344-9854.
Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell)
Auto Financing
Each ofce is independently owned & operated.
1/2 bdrm duplex for rent w/ laundry rm, new carpet freshly painted fridge and stove incld. Call chuck for 344-1064. 2 bdr. ground level suite. 1111 13 St. No pets. References. Avail now. 250-344-5691. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 3 Bdr house in town with fridge & stove. No pets. Avail now. Call 344-1599. Also, 1 bdrm furnished no pets. Call. 344-1599.
Office/Retail Commercial Space beside Body Quest for lease. 1400 sq ft, main level, avail. now. 250-344-7876. Office/studio for rent: $350.00/month (excld. GST). 200 SF, on ground floor, hydro/heating/wi-fi/ parking/waste disposal incld, private washroom, no smoking, no pets, avail Oct.1. Inquire at 250.344.2443.
2001 Toyota Highlander AWD V6, Excellent on winter roads, original owner well maintained good summer tires 4 studded winter tires on rims used 1 season, BlockHeater, Roofrack, A/C, 306,000 mostly highway km’s, no accidents. $4800 obo. ph 250-489-3146
Sport Utility Vehicle
ESTATE AUCTION (Go 13.5 km west on the Trans Canada Hwy, last traffic light in Golden, right on Sewart Frontage Road, follow signs)
LOOKING FOR WORK? WE CAN HELP. G e t t h e t ra i n i n g a n d su p p o rt yo u n e e d t o f i n d a n d ke e p a j o b . A c ce s s a p remie r j ob board f o r t h e e n t i re K o o t e n a y C o l u mb i a re g i o n , j o b se a rch re so u rce s, p e r so n a l p l a n n i n g , w o r ksh o p s, t ra i n i n g , se l f - e mp l o y me n t , w a g e su b s i d i e s, a n d mu ch mo re ! All se r vice s a re fre e ! W e o f f e r a re g i o n a l p e r s p e ct i ve t o o u r u n i q u e l a b o u r ma r ke t a n d a re o n l y e ve r a cl i ck o r p h o n e ca l l a w a y. WorkBC Employment Services Centre - EK Employment Golden Tel: 250-344-5413 - Website: www.ekemployment.org Email: gesinfo@ekemployment.org - Store Front: 205-421 9th Avenue
Visit our website for complete rental listings
Suites, Upper
for the Estate of WERNER SUTTER 1742 Sewart Frontage Road, Golden, B.C.
The Inland Group Cranbrook BC has an opening for a
Suites, Lower Fresh, clean 2 Bdrm Suite. Lrg kitchen and dining, private laundry, cable TV, wireless internet, util incl. Quiet downtown neighbourhood. N/S. Avail.Nov.1. $900/mo. 250344-5229.
1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.
Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
For Sale By Owner
Misc for Rent
The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 2014, 11 a.m. PREVIEW from 9 a.m. Household items and furniture, collectibles, lots of tools, Wood-Mizer sawmill, John Deere tractor, Chevy PU, VW van, Kleeper kayak, Metzlar inflatlable boat and much more. For more details, go to
www.highcountryauctions.net or call Tex @ 250 - 341-5316
Star business directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, October 8, 2014
www.thegoldenstar.net A25
Golden Business Directory Hi Heat Insulating.com
Cranbrook Pest Control Certified & Licensed for Pesticide Application & Sale
as efficient as spray foam, less costly and environmentally friendly
Thermal Imaging
“Grave marker sales, installation and refurbishing” Dave & Susan Poland P.O. Box 1741, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0
100% Money Back Guarantee
www.cranbrookpestcontrol.com infor@cranbrookpestcontrolcom
250-426-9586 • 1-888-371-6299
Phone: (250) 344-8351
Construction Management General Contracting Licensed Builder Design Build Commercial and Residential Construction 819 9th Street N. Golden, BC
250.344.0277 info@olsonconstruction.ca
Tim Parker
Financial ServiceS 509a 9th ave. n. box 778 golden bc v0a 1h0
tmparker@telus.net 250-344-3663 250-344-3643
Tim r. Parker life insurance broker
Office: 250-342-7260 Cell: 250-342-7656 Email: sales@hiheatinsulating.com Web: hiheatinsulating.com
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Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 Box599, 599,golden, golden,BC. BC. V0a V0a1H0 1H0 Box for a quote to have your parking lot and driveway Get ready for spring! spring! atSkid 250-344-2215 Get ready for sweptCall withShaun our JCB Street Sweeper Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 Gravel Trucks, EndEnd Dumps, LogLog Haul Gravel Trucks, Dumps, foraaquote quote tohave have your parking lot anddriveway driveway for to your parking and Units Loader and Skid Steerlot Rentals sweptwith withour ourJCB JCBSkid SkidStreet StreetSweeper Sweeper swept Sand,Loader, Gravel Skid and Landscape Haul, Steer, Snow GravelTrucks, Trucks, Endavailable Dumps,Log LogHaul Haul Gravel End Dumps, Materials Removal, Sand, Gravel Units Loaderand and Skid Steerand Rentals Units Loader Skid Steer Rentals Sand,Gravel Gravel andLandscape Landscape Sand, and Landscape Materials available. Materials available Materials available
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Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
Salmon run in full force
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A Golden resident captured a photo of some Kokanee Salmon at Canyon Creek. Late September, early October is peak spawning season. Peter Shuler Photo
Rockets’ Three Stars of the Week
Fall is the real season to be jolly.
Tanner Watt Returned to the club in style with a pair of goals on Friday night and a hattrick on Saturday. The Rockets’ co-leading scorer from a year ago looks ready to take the next step in his second KIJHL season. His strength and awareness, in particular, make him a threat each and every shift. He won’t keep up this torrid pace, but look for Watt to flirt with a point per game and give Allkins a run for the title as the team’s top scorer.
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Magnus Viberg
Took over for starter Mitchell Privett on Friday and nearly shut the door on the high-powered Fernie Ghostirders, stopping 10 of 11 shots, including five in sudden death overtime. With that performance, Viberg earned the start on Saturday night and was outstanding, making 28 saves and earning his second win in as many games. The Calgarian has also displayed some excellent skills while playing the puck, a skill he models after his favourite goaltender, Carey Price.
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Had a slower than expected start to his campaign after returning from a Junior A tryout but Watt’s return provided him with the necessary spark to break out. Potted a pair of goals over the weekend and added four assists. The highlight was an unassisted marker against Fernie where he deked Rider netminder Brandon Butler and went top shelf. Also used his excellent size to his advantage to score again on Saturday, with his goal proving to be the game winner.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
www.thegoldenstar.net A27
It’s time again for the
EXCELLENCE AWARDS Community Excellence Awards Gala Saturday, October 25 • Golden Civic Centre
With Comedian
Dan Quinn
Winner of The Canadian comedy competition at Just for Laughs Chosen Best of the Fest at Moncton Comedy festival and Vancouver Comedy Festival
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Doors open at 6:00 p.m. for Coctails and Conversation
Prime Rib Dinner catered by Whitetooth Bistro DOOR PRIZES! Gala Tickets $55 • Call 250-344-7125 or drop by The Golden Star
Sponsored by:
A28 www.thegoldenstar.net
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The Golden Star
RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
Garry GarryOddy Oddy (250) (250)344-7234 344-7234
1907 Highway #95, South 3.74 acres
$375,000 1313 Maple Drive
4 bedrooms
$177,500 #6, 1215 - 9th Street
2 bedrooms
1 bath
956 sqft
3 bdrms 3 baths 2,500sqft 5.28 acres
773 Canyon Creek Road
.35 acre
5 bedrooms
3 baths
3 baths
6bdrms 5 baths 4,500sqft 1.38 acres
$990,000 1402 Adolf Johnson Road
9 bdrms 9 baths 5,929sqft 12.2 acres
$975,000 1592 Golden Avenue
3 bedrooms
3 baths
1 bath
1 bedroom
$499,000 1339 Pine Drive
5 bedrooms 3 baths 2,800sqft
3 bdrms
1 bath
70 acres
2205 Holmes-Deakin Road
3 bedrooms
2.5 baths
$2,300,000 1000 Kicking Horse Drive 8.7 acres
#406, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
3 bedrooms 3 baths 1,248sqft
$495,600 1401 Granite Drive
2 bedrooms 2 baths
4bdrms 1 bath 2,480sqft
143 acres
1742 Seward Frontage
3 bdrms 1 bath 1,740 sqft 18.5acres
$314,500 959 McAllister Road
2 bdrms 1.5 baths 2,160sqft 4.03 acres
2 bedrooms
554 Day Road 2 baths
1,350sqft 1 acre
$375,000 #402, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
3 bedrooms
3 baths
$425,000 4057 Highway #95, South
1596 Columbia Valley 1.871 acres
DanDan Veselic Veselic (250) (250) 344-1435 344-1435
3bdrms 1 bath 1,244 sqft 1.29 acres
1425 Granite Drive
$539,900 1113 Horse Creek Road
1 bath
$219,900 501 - 8th Street
#205, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
18.03 acres
SOLD 4 bedrooms
3140 Imler Road
730 Nicholson Road
$389,000 #404, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
$209,600 3bdrms 1 bath 1,386sqft
3 baths
405 Riverglen Drive
$539,000 4905 Castledale Heights
3 bedrooms
Marlon Chambers Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers Bob Tegart Flec Demmon Bob Tegart (250) 344-0735 (250) 344-0275 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321(250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451
remaxgolden.com remaxgolden.com
1636 Purcell Woods Close
3 bedrooms
3 baths
SOLD $54,000
#62 Kicking Horse Village MHP 2 bedrooms
$1,800,000 320 Fisher Road 20 acres
$269,000 #1, 1338 Kaufmann View
2 bedrooms
1 bath
MOBILE HOMES #51 Kicking Horse Village MHP.................4 bedrooms...................................$95,000 #23, 686 Almberg Road.............................3 bedrooms...................................$74,500
#10 Swiss Village MHP..................................3 bedrooms................................$65,000 #4, 1437 Lafontaine Road............................2 bedrooms................................$34,600
#22 Golden Mobile Home Park.................3 bedrooms...................................$49,900
#22 Kicking Horse Village MHP....................4 bedrooms..................................47,500
IN TOWN LOTS 1611 Lafontaine Road........................... .52 acre........................................$95,000 1402 Deere Ridge Road.......................... .35 acre........................................ $99,000 Granite Drive.........................................3 Lots available......each listed at $199,600 1409 Granite Drive................................ .47 acre.....................................80,000
1608 Gareb Road.................................... 71’ x 180’................................$89,900 506-8th Street........................................50’ x 130’................................$76,300 1512 Granite Drive....................................1.35 acre.............................. $199,900 1556 Quartz Crescent..............................71’ x 173’................................$89,000
RURAL ACREAGES Lot 3, Forde Station Road............................3 acres.....................................................$89,900 Lot 3, 3495 Highway #95, South...........36.33 acres..............................................$189,000 Lot A, 3495 Highway #95, South..........5.8 acres.................................................. $189,000 Lot 1, Castledale Heights.....................4.94 acres.........................................$188,500 Blaeberry Valley Estates..................4 acreages available...... from $118,300 to $195,300
1382 Black Bear Drive..........................2.03 acres.........................................$140,000 866 Highway #95, South......................101 acres..........................................$569,900 Lot 2, Campbell Road...........................2.5 acres................................................. $120,000 576 Habart Road................................. .4 acre.................................................$89,900 Reflection Lake Road....................2 acreages available.........from $122,500 to $137,500