Kitimat Northern Sentinel, October 08, 2014

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Years est. 1954

Volume 60 No. 41

Town turns down Blueberry Estates Cameron Orr The affordable housing proposal for Blueberry Street, which sought to construct townhouses with built-in secondary suites to supplement homeowners’ incomes, hit the end of the road in its current form. Councillors voted to reject the zoning application which would have densified 4 Blueberry. The decision was unanimous. “I have reflected upon what everybody has written and I put myself in the boots of people living next door to what is being proposed and it’s just not fair,” said Mario Feldhoff, who moved to reject the application. “It’s one thing to rezone a neighbouring’s another thing to rezone a lot on a street that people move to with an understanding of what the zoning would be.” Feldhoff had hoped the proponents would have looked at District of Kitimat owned land a short ways north from Blueberry and council initially had directed staff to work with them on fleshing out that idea the last time this proposal came to council. The District owns the lot at 461 Quatsino Boulevard, which is currently zoned G1 - Institutional. It was purchased July 14, 2012, for $119,000. Rob Goffinet said that if it was apparently clear that such housing was needed they would look at it again but as it is the town has no immediate need. “There appears at this moment there’s no objective need for the large, rapid numbers of developed units in Kitimat,” he said. Edwin Empinado was thankful to the Rigonis for trying to address affordable housing but the addition of 14 units on that lot is “not consistent” to the surrounding area. He still encourages the proponents to speak to the District about the potential of other areas. The plan as proposed would have seen the construction of 14 townhouses, all built with an attached secondary suite. To make the development affordable to buyers, one block of townhouses would be sold for a 20 per cent discount, will the additions of the secondary suites would provide secondary income to the home owner. The Kitimat Housing Committee’s report to council noted concerns such as the level of affordability, and the long term feasibility of using rental income to subsidize mortgages, as well as the appropriateness of the site for this purpose. An actual draft bylaw was not prepared, which would have triggered a public comment period, but still the town did received six letters and one petition against the proposal, the petition was signed by 49 people.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014



Five teams competed to see who could best the other in a Fire Truck Pull, a United Way fundraiser which this year doubled as the unveiling of Kitimat’s new fire truck. Read more about the event and the fire truck on page 8. Cameron Orr

Pressure still on against density Cameron Orr Kitimat resident Bill Kearley attended the September 29 Committee of the Whole meeting to present an additional five pages of a petition against the Blueberry Estates proposal. (See the story to left for how that proposal turned out.) Kearley did, however, stick around to express his ongoing concern with highdensity development proposals for the community. “There will be some people coming to town, new, who want to buy a new unit,” he said, but added, “A little

He points to bit of pressure “This does the nearly 100 should be put on homes listed on new people comnot fit a for Kitiing in to town. low income MLS mat at the moIt’s healthy for family.” ment as further everybody if the proof the town housing has slight doesn’t need demand.” He said allowing a flood new residential construction. Kearley also weighed in of new accommodations is not healthy and hurts the com- on what should be considered affordable, speaking primarmunity and home prices. Even without new devel- ily to the Blueberry Street opments he believes Kitimat proposal. “We’ve been told that can support a population approaching 16,000, inclusive low income could be as high of already approved devel- as 90,000 dollars [a year salopments such as Strawberry ary],” he said. “That was a stretch. But what I’m trying Meadows.

to get at is a low income in the neigbourhood of $35$40,000, putting 25 per cent down or 20 per cent down on any of these units would require a payment of $1,200 a month.” That $1,200 wouldn’t include likely strata fees as well, which at the high end could be $500 a month, he said. “This does not fit a low income family or an individual,” he said. “The argument for low income to occupy these places is pretty much non-existent,” he said.


Kildala pushing for votes for playground ... page 5

2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Most of the 116 volunteers who showed up to pick up trash along the Kitimat River, a KUTE-hosted event which coincides with BC Rivers Day. It’s KUTE’s largest turn out to date for their annual event. Submitted by Ken Maitland

Huge turn out for Kitimat River cleanup “We were a little more organized this year,” said KUTE President Barb Hall, in terms of planning the event, reaching more people through their advertising. “It was a big success, for sure.” She said there was no official weighin done on the garbage but a dumpster placed at Hirsch Creek was entirely full, and a dumpster in the parking lot of the Rod and Gun was half full by the end, not including cans and bottles people collected. To see how much the event has grown, last year KUTE saw 63 people attend, which was a respectable number in itself. And she said it’s possible some volunteers may have missed writing their names on the sheets before heading out

Cameron Orr What do you call 116 people picking up trash along the Kitimat River? A very good start. The Kitimat Understands the Environment (KUTE) group, together with business and industry sponsors, held their annual Kitimat River Clean-Up on September 28, and their 116 registered participants marks a new record for the activity which hauled in tonnes of trash from the river and surrounding areas. Once people gathered at the Kitimat Rod and Gun Club, everyone scattered to various corners of the town, from the river right there at the Rod and Gun Club hall, to the Giant Spruce road and riverbank. It was followed by a barbecue back at the hall for the volunteers.

so 116 would be the conservative estimate. She also said about one third who helped were children. Hall said she’s thankful to all the supporters and volunteers who came out this year and is already hoping to see the same people and more come out next year. “We want to get bigger and better. And the environment thanks them,” she said. She said the group has been doing this event for years, which coincides with BC Rivers Day, and it’s always a shock to see how much garbage actuall ends up on the roads and bushes in town. “It’s disturbing how much is out there.”

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 3

E-Cig control

Regional briefs

Jeff Nagel Health Minister Terry Lake says the province is prepared to regulate electronic cigarettes so their sale is governed by the same provincial restrictions as tobacco smoking. He was responding to a resolution adopted at the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention urging government action. The growing trend of “vaping” with e-cigarettes instead of smoking has raised questions over product safety and concerns that years of anti-smoking gains could unravel if nicotine addiction rebounds. Lake said he’d prefer the federal government regulate the battery-powered vaporizers instead, but added the province will act within a year if Ottawa does not.

Nomination period nearly closed There are still two days left for candidates to be nominated to run in a local election. The nomination period opened September 30 and closes at 4 p.m. on October 10. The local elections will include the municipality where one mayor and six councillors will eventually be elected. For the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine, there are six seats open from various areas of the region. For the Coast Mountains School District 82, there are spots for seven people; two from Kitimat, two from Terrace, one from Thornhill, one from Stewart/Meziadin and one for Hazelton. With the nomination period still open we have opted not to run the names of currently filed candidated until the full list of candidates is compiled and officially declared but an updated article at is posted with the latest filed candidates for those three elections. As we noted last week we will contact all election candidates and offer space for a 200 word biography, written by themselves. It is an opportunity for candidates to speak about their experience. The write-ups will be accompanied by the candidates’ submitted photographs of themselves. We anticipate running the responses in our October 22 Northern Sentinel.



Fall Green Tips #4

Illustration compiled by the Northern Sentinel. Kitimat housing details taken from the Kitimat Housing Facts July 2014 document from

Riverbrook planners downsize plans Cameron Orr Reacting to feedback, Kerkhoff Construction has reduced their ambitions for a 217 unit subdivision in favour of a 199 unit one in their rezoning application for the area behind Liard and Konigus Streets. Leonard Kerkhoff has been a regular attendee at council meetings for the past month, revealing revisions to his plan, which requires a rezoning application be approved for a combination house, townhouse and apartment building area. Kerkhoff has received some resistance to the level of density being proposed from council, and has counter-proposed with his latest offer. While reducing the total number of units, the total floor space of the units has also dropped a small amount. Kerkhoff explained that it made more economic sense for their development to reduce

the number of larger sized townhomes for the smaller variations as they adjusted their overall site plan. “The bigger units are pushing the affordability and we just couldn’t make the numbers work by taking our small units. It’s really the percentage of small units that make the economics work.” Among the other changes is an extra five to seven metres of green space buffer between Riverbrook town homes and existing homes on Liard Street. “We hope these modifications address concerns that we’re too dense, not enough green space, and those other comments we’ve received over the last couple of weeks,” he said. Kerkhoff was asked about the potential for phased zoning, where council would only approve a portion at a time, and he said he’d have to speak to his business partners before agreeing to that

kind of process. Director of Community Planning and Development Gwen Sewell noted that councillors can influence the phase of development through development permits. Riverbrook Estates already has an active development permit application to the city that is only for the initial 46-unit townhomes, he said. That said, Councillor Phil Germuth noted that in past discussions on similar issues, the council has been told that it is legally difficult to refuse a development permit for projects that are in keeping with the approved zoning of the land. Meanwhile Kerkhoff said the offer is still on the table for one of the two proposed apartment buildings where they could build and sell it at cost to a housing agency, likely BC Housing, for it to be developed in to affordable

With Fall now upon us, here are some ways to stay green as the leaves turn brown. Don’t blow it - Consider raking up the leaves on your lawn rather than using a leaf blower. Once raked, use the leaves as mulch to protect plants throughout the winter or you can add them to your compost pile. Inspire others – email your green tip to

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apartment units. Such a contract would be written on to the title of the land before adoption of zoning for the buildings, and an agency would have a set time to take up that offer.

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Preserving the Past for Kitimat’s Tomorrow

4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email • KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.

With open arms Perhaps this is only just a minor issue in the grand scheme of the world but I think it’s timely to address that lingering subject I hear about sometimes; camp workers. I bring it up only because of the recent power outage in town, and the online comments which came with the news. Essentially, what it came down to is when I posted to the Northern Sentinel’s Facebook wall that the driver, who had been revealed to be a Kitimat person, was found, people commented in response, speaking out to others who apparently had been quick to blame camp workers for the incident. I didn’t see those initial comments but I’m not surprised. I’m also not surprised that’d be the first thing people think, given the circumstances. Really late at night (or really early in the morning, depending on your perspective), in the vicinity of the industrial area of town. Even if the circumstances make it easy to believe it may have been a temporary worker, it’s important not to cast all workers with the same brush. No community, whether a camp or a town, is without people with undesirable traits. Over my two years back in Kitimat I’ve met a number of people at various events and gatherings who had only come here because the projects brought them here. And in all instances they’ve been great people, very friendly and kind. The bottom line to all this is our attitude towards the newcomers, I think, is very important. When Kitimat was first built in the 50s there wasn’t already an established municipality where the long-timers could observe a new wave of people. Everyone was new to the area. What I’m sure everyone wants is for the town to grow with new people and families. Aside from all the talk about housing or density, our community attitude also has to play a part. This editorial certainly isn’t directed at the majority of people, or at anyone specifically. Just an observation that creating a community where people want to move has to start with the community itself. If we’re good to those temporary workers, we’ll see the rewards in a community that grows with people who are themselves invested in us. Being a relative newcomer myself, a Kitimat with open arms is the one I know, and the one I want to see continue. Cameron Orr

The scary world of the wide web Everybody knows the internet can be a dangerous place. Hackers have been having a field day in recent years, compromising millions of computers, stealing data from major corporations, hijacking people’s bank card information, their personal passwords that are supposed to protect the users. And also very frustrating is the hijacking and redirecting of computer users’ preferred search engines to unexpected malicious sites. And seemingly skilled hackers are capable of freely capturing and releasing scores of pictures of celebrities posing in the nude. Most often the hijacked pictures are released on various Internet sites in batches, infuriating and annoying scores of celebrities who felt their private pictures -- mostly taken by themselves or their significant others, were fully protected. The most recent big company to suffer a major cyber attack was Home Depot which has acknowledged that hundreds of thousands (perhaps as many as 56 million) customers’ credit and debit card information has been stolen. This is believed to be the largest cyber attack on a retailer anywhere in the

Under Miscellaneous by Allan Hewitson

world, although as many as 40 million customers were impacted in a similar attack on Target stores. The list of big name cyber-hacked targets (that we know of) goes on and -- Neiman Marcus, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, NBC, Twitter, the New York Times - well, we’ve all read about it. (Oops, there’s a new champion on the scene - just heard last night, 80 million customers of JPMorgan-Chase Bank hacked.) How does it happen to retailers and computer corporations famous for their IT protection and expertise. Well, Home Depot says “hackers escaped detection by using custommade malware that had never been seen before.” Such malware, I’m told, is referred to by hackers as “zero days” because that’s about how long it’s been known about - and it simply can’t be spotted by traditional anti-virus software.

If you run anti-virus and anti-malware software on your PC, you know daily updates are a necessary chore and only cover scams-malware reported to or found by the companies themselves. This week we learned that celebrities are not only being “flashed” by their own “selfie” photos for the third time -- but in some cases, just to Google the name of some of them puts your computer in danger of being infected. McAfee, one of the most famous anti-virus and anti-malware producers, reported last week that the talk show host became the most dangerous celebrity to search for online in 2014. The company said that just a Google search for Kimmel carries a 19 per cent chance of landing on a website that has tested positive for spyware, viruses or malware. The company has used its own site ratings to base its information in recent years. Kinda scary, isn’t it? Especially if you’ve gone to check your own e-mail one day and Google doesn’t come up when requested -- but something else that calls itself Conduit Search, Nation Zoom or some other hijacker system that is modifying your web browser’s settings without your permission. Continued on page 6

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Sarah Campbell Misty Johnsen Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Advertising Assistant Classifieds/Administration Publisher Editor

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The Kitimat Northern Sentinel is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulating body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to the B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9. For more information phone 1-888-687-2213, or go to

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 5

Kildala needs new playground The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) for Kildala Elementary is putting the gas on their drive to get a new playground for the school. Their PAC President Kimberly Wasyleski says they’ve hit $18,000 so far in their goal to reach up to about $70,000, and now they’re turning to the Aviva Community Fund to support. Aviva provides grants to projects based on direct feedback, meaning people must vote for the projects they feel deserves the money. If Kildala’s playground can at least make it as a finalist they’ll be guaranteed

some prize money, or even better if they become a grand prize winner they’ll get a grant to cover the whole project, out of Aviva’s total $1 million fund being handed out. Long story short, anyone who supports Kildala getting a new playground, which will be built at the front of the school in addition to the existing wooden one, must vote once a day to give the project a shot at making it. “We want to give direction to our children and playgrounds provide a health benefit, mental benefit and social benefit,”

said Wasyleski. “If you drive passed there you’re going to see a lot of kids trying to play on one small, wooden unit. What are the other kids doing? They’re idle.” The idea for the new playground began with previous PAC councils, but the current one picked up the ball, and the at-then $4,000 fund, and have hit the pavement seeking community support from businesses and community groups. The PAC has adjusted the plan over time, with the initial proposed playground pegged at over $100,000 and would

Kildala Elementary PAC is fundraising for a new playground and have turned to an online grant outfit called Aviva for support, but they need votes to win. have been built in the back of the school. But with the entirety of the school grounds open to kids whether at primary level or inter-

mediate, it made sense for the new plan to essentially expand on the playground already there. At least for as long as the current

playground has life. “We would like to keep the old structure up for now, it isn’t totally retired yet.” People can reach

the playground information page — which includes the option to vote on it — at www. avivacommunityfund. org/ideas/acf19851.

Emissions from modernized RTA smelter an important issue Dear Sir, A great deal is at stake regarding Rio Tinto Alcan’s proposed sulphur dioxide (S02) increase as part of its modernization of its Kitimat aluminum smelter. The company is proposing to increase its emissions from 27 tonnes per day to 42 tonnes per day, setting the stage for an entirely different level of livability in the Terrace-Kitimat corridor. We are thankful Rio Tinto is modernizing and providing the area with steady employment. We are simply asking the company to do it right and install scrubbers to

remove the SO2. If they fail to do this, given slated closures of older, outdated aluminum smelters in Quebec, Rio Tinto’s newly modernized Kitimat plant will become the highest SO2 emitting aluminum smelter in the country. I personally believe the public needs to know what is at stake. To date, the BC government and Rio Tinto Alcan have worked hard and have spent millions attempting to convince the public that this SO2 increase will not negatively affect our health or the environment. A more balanced picture that is concerned about the

ReadeR’s WRite

adverse effects of this increase and the precedent it sets, will only come out in events like the upcoming, protracted Environmental Appeal Board hearing taking place in Victoria from October 6th through the October 17th and in Kitimat from October 20th through the October 31st. This appeal will not go unnoticed, for it is one of the most lengthy and complicated appeals in the history of the BC environmental appeal board. The rest of BC and Canada will notice and become informed. Sincerely, Charles Claus, Terrace, B.C.

Airport taxi subsidy to continue to new year Cameron Orr With a unanimous vote Kitimat Council has agreed to continue the airport taxi subsidy in to 2015. The airport transportation service gives discounted rates to eligible riders. Namely, persons who are 60 years old or older and their caretaker if they have one, any person with disabilities, and their caregiver. As well, any economically-challenged individuals or families, as defined by the District of Kitimat’s Leisure Service Access Policy. The fares are $30 per one way trip to the airport from Kitimat. If two or more people are sharing the trip, and both are eligible, the rate drops to $20 per person. The discount is voided if any person on the trip does not meet the criteria.

From January 1 to August 31 this year, the District of Kitimat says there have been a total of 67 taxi trips, 28 with two passengers and 39 with one passenger, with a total of 95 riders. The 2014 budget year set aside $9,000 for the program, and

to August only $3,500 has been spent. A new budget for 2015 will be presented when council works out the 2015 budget plan. In light of the possibility of a shuttle company opening operations in Kitimat (one currently runs

Join us for a discussion on Nathan’s bill to ban oil supertankers on the North Coast. Help stop the Enbridge threat. Prince Rupert - Tuesday, October 14 7:00pm, Nisga’a Hall Kitimat - Wednesday, October 15 7:00pm, Royal Canadian Legion Banquet Room

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in Terrace) the town says they’ll review the program here to see if

there are any changes that need to be made at that time.

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Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds Clues Across

1. Pesetas (abbr.) 5. Mutual savings bank 8. Supplementing with difficulty 9. Dancer Twyla 12. 100 = 1 kwanza 13. Sleep gear 16. Travel a route regularly 17. Sever the edges 18. A people of Myanmar 19. Titan mother of Helios 23. 2 syllable metrical foot 24. Rapid bustling movement 25. Makes more precise 28. Brittle bone disease 30. Don’t know when yet

Clues Down

1. Landscaped road (abbr.) 2. Fasten with a cord 3. Black tropical American cuckoo 4. Specific gravity 5. Metric ton 6. Shaft horsepower (abbr.) 7. The cry made by sheep 8. Actor Gould 10. Actor Wagner’s initials 11. Native to Latin America 14. Silent 15. All the best (texting) 16. Protective cushions 18. Path (Chinese) 19. Thrust horse power, abbr. 20. 10 = 1 dong 21. Stray 22. Military mailbox 23. Copy of a periodical 25. Glides high 26. Spanish “be”

31. Graphical user interface 33. Make the connection 41. Uncaptured prisoners 42. No (Scottish) 43. Oh, God! 46. Counting of votes 47. A cgs unit of work 48. Actress Basinger 49. Foot digit 50. Banded metamorphic rock 54. South American nation 56. Dwarf juniper 58. Sunfishes 59. Exclamation: yuck! 60. Inner surface of the hand 27. Draws near in time 29. In a way, receded 32. Rocks formed from magma 34. Integrated circuit 35. Skip across a surface 36. Central mail bureau 37. Snakelike fish 38. __ Aviv, Israel 39. Swiss river 40. Nickname for Margaret 43. Electrocardiogram 44. Cotton seeding machine 45. 50010 IA 49. Electric rail car 51. 29th state 52. “Law & Order: ___” 53. Special interest group 54. Blue grass genus 55. Rt. angle building extension 57. New Hampshire 58. Military policeman

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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Cullen’s Bill is at time confusing, and maybe posturing Recently Skeena NDP MLA Nathan Cullen introduced his promised private members bill. As he explained in media interviews prior to doing so, his intent was to prohibit crude carrying supertankers from plying the waters of the North Coast of BC, encourage the construction of oil refineries in Canada and give people a bigger say in whether major energy projects proceed. My curiosity was piqued by the fact he mentioned supertankers only. So would Afromax or Suezmax sized tankers be okay? I somehow doubted it so made a point of reading both Cullen’s speech of introduction and the actual bill. In the former there was Cullen again saying the bill included “a legislated ban of supertankers off of British Columbia’s north coast.” However, that is not an accurate characterisation of his bill. The bill is not brand new legislation but rather seeks a number of amendments to existing legislation. One of those is adding a subsection to

Baxyard Banter

by Malcolm Baxter

Section 189 of the Canada Shipping Act of 2001 that states, “It is prohibited to transport oil in an oil tanker in the areas of the sea adjacent to the coast of Canada known as Dixon Entrance, Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound.” Note it just says oil tanker, not supertanker. What is an oil tanker? It is “a vessel that is constructed or adapted primarily to transport oil in bulk.” And “in bulk” means “in a hold or tank that is part of the structure of a vessel...” So the bill basically bans any and all oil tankers in the prescribed areas, which is what Cullen’s intention was all along, as just about everyone and his dog knew

full well. Fair enough, but it annoys me when politicians go with sexy - or in this case scary - language instead of language that, while it may be drier, is more accurate. Next, what exactly is oil? It has the same meaning, says the bill, as in Section 2 of the Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act. I checked out what that said and here is the definition of oil: “crude petroleum... and any other hydrocarbons except coal and gas, including hydrocarbons that may be extracted or recovered from...deposits of oil sand, bitumen, bituminous sand, oil shales and other types of deposits.” So all bases have been covered when it comes to blocking Enbridge’s Northern Gateway export proposal in its current form, which is fine by me. Which takes us to encouraging the construction of oil refineries here in Canada. I absolutely applaud that idea, in fact some months ago in this space I suggested the federal government should reject any proposal that didn’t involve exporting refined products.

However the bill is a bit wishy washy in this area, proposing only an addition to the long list of things the National Energy Board must take into consideration, namely “the extent to which the pipeline is expected to have an impact on employment in upgraders, refineries and petrochemical complexes within Canada.” I am further confused by another proposed amendment to the Canada Shipping Act that states, “for further certainty, the prohibition in subsection (1) does not apply in respect of the transportation of gasoline, aviation fuel, diesel oil or fuel that is intended for use in coastal and island communities in Canada.” What I do not understand is why that amendment does not include the words “or export of those materials”. Surely if you want to encourage refineries you have to leave them an avenue through which to ship their product. If you don’t do that it begins to look suspiciously like paying lip service to value added. And, dare I say it, early election campaign posturing.

No Frills sign application moves ahead Cameron Orr Kitimat Council voted to approve issuance of notice to neighbours on the application for Super Valu to replace their sign to a No Frills. The application also calls for facade improvements, lighting and signage.

Wide web

The Sentinel reported earlier this year that Super Valu in Kitimat is undergoing a brand change to No Frills, which is another banner under the Loblaws company. Meanwhile in other applications, council approved a oneyear extension for a temporary

Continued from page 4 A browser hijacker most often replaces your existing home page, error page, or search page with one of its own. They tend to redirect your requests to other particular websites for the purpose of increasing advertising revenue. These are sometimes fairly easy to get rid of, but some are particularly difficult to remove. Numerous software packages exist to prevent such browser hijackers but here again, browser beware. Many “solutions” are provided by the hijackers themselves and can really up your level of computer rage in a big way. Back for a moment to the nudey selfies. Wow, has a great brouhaha broken out in this instance? Marty Singer, a prominent California lawyer representing some of the celebrity “victims” in other privacy battles, has sent Google a letter on behalf of a dozen actresses, models and athletes, slamming the company’s “despicable, repre-

building permit for a lunchroom/office temporary facility at the Kitimat smelter site. The original permit was granted in 2012, for the five prefabricated units, and was for two years. The Municipal Code allows for a one year extension for the temporary permit.

hensible” failure to remove the stolen photos quickly, and threatening a $100 million lawsuit. Singer did not name the stars involved in his law firm’s action, but he alleges many of the photos still exist on Google sites like BlogSpot and YouTube weeks after his firm demanded that they be taken down. There’s controversy too in the case of the EU’s next digital chief, who has refused to apologise for saying celebrities were “dumb” for taking intimate pictures that were later leaked. Günther Oettinger was criticised for comments including: “Stupidity is something you can only partly save people from.” He is scheduled to become the EU’s digital economy and society commissioner in November. I must say, I gotta agree, posting nude selfie photos on your phone or computer can only lead to trouble, for good looking actresses and models. But better that than your bank account number and passwords. Sorry, it’s true.


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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 7

Max Patzelt: Life through the lens (part 1) Gernot Johan Patzelt was born in 1934 in Freidwaldau, Germany. Much of his early years in the late 1930s and 40s were spent in the Sudetenland, a war-torn, traumatized piece of turf in Central Europe. It was sink or swim for all those eking out an existence there and you had to be tough to survive. Gernot-Johan, who to his friends and classmates was always Max, was from a strong Catholic faith, which would be called upon to strengthen him. What he and his brother endured growing up into their teens was numbing. What with the brutality and rations of war, life was at times agonizing and the deprivation and terrible memories of World War II were scarring. By the time Max had completed grade

It’s Our

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eight at his one-room school, he was already itching for greener pastures and his German curriculum put him in good stead. With determination he completed his apprenticeship as a machinist and was soon working at the nearby Continental Tire Rubber factory. When the government, during the first phase of the cold war, announced compulsory military service, that was the last straw. Max had seen enough and needed a new life. To 20-year-old Max life was like an unmapped road: you never knew what was around the corner.

He had never made a goal of becoming a Canadian, he just wanted to get out of Europe but it was the Canadian immigration services that came through first. After saying goodbye to his brother and parents, Max was off, departing the port of Bremerhaven aboard the 12,000 ton Castel Felice in the spring of 1954. The voyage ended at Quebec City where he boarded the train for Winnipeg. His machinist ticket entitled him to special status within immigration services but they at first assigned him to be a

prairie farm labourer. Instead, he was bound for Yorkton, Saskatchewan where a more fitting job was waiting. Max noticed there was considerable resentment of himself and his compatriots: officials weren’t always sympathetic to German immigrants seeking a new life here given their home country was a recent enemy. At Yorkton his machinist job disappeared but after some kind assistance from a Ukrainian kindred spirit, he got some accommodation and then a job was offered to him at Stan’s Photo Studio. Max says he had no previous experience with a camera but Stan was a patient teacher and before long Max had the makings of a career. By the end, he was recording seven-day

long Ukrainian weddings and getting lots of experience developing film. Max was ambitious and adventurous, always open to new vistas. So when he heard good jobs were available in a place called Kitimat, he investigated. Stan, his photography mentor, understood. In 1956, Max was hired by Alcan and was instructed to take the CN train west. His ticket through to Kitimat, which was reimbursed by Alcan, cost $43.56 - he still has it. And Max claims to have been one of the first passengers on the new line. He arrived at Kitimat’s CN station on June 2 and his contract with Alcan required him to stay for a minimum of 140 working days. Upon arriving in the rain, Max and other immigrant work-

ers took a taxi to the Employment Office across from the Hudson Bay Company, about a kilometre from

Hospital Beach. His first purchase at the HBC was gumboots. Continued on page 10

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8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014


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The fire department’s newest truck, decorated for the Fire Truck Pull at the Mountainview Square parking lot for the United Way fundraiser.

New Kitimat fire truck revealed at truck pull We’ll try not to get too ‘technical’ but it might be impossible when talking about the Kitimat Fire Department’s newest vehicle. Namely because the truck is officially designated Technical Rescue 11, and it’s arrival to the fire department’s fleet means the work of two vehicles has been combined in to one. “I’m trying to reduce my fleet, I’m trying to really utilize the vehicles, instead of having them sit there,” said Fire Chief Trent Bossence. The two other vehicles he had were specifically equipped for hazardous materials (hazmat) and for high angle rescue, such as over cliff faces. The truck will of course also service fire calls. The vehicle was entirely custom-built with specifications provided by the Kitimat Fire Department.

It includes desk areas inside the cab. “Typically when you do a technical rescue like that it’s quite a large operation, it’s not just a matter of a couple of guys dropping down in to the hole or dropping over a cliff to rescue somebody. It takes quite a bit of planning and evaluating,” he said. The planning and documentation can be done inside the vehicle. Communications equipment inside the truck will also keep a constant line of communication. Bossence says if an event happens which triggers the Emergency Operations Centre at the fire hall, the truck will stream communications, including video from mounted cameras on the truck, straight back to the command centre. The Kitimat Fire Department, he said, also coordinates response plans with local industries. As for the recent

fire truck pull itself, United Way Community Development and Campaign Officer Olivia Bartsoff said for the first year in Kitimat it was a great success, and Kitimat even beat Terrace who held their event the day before. The ‘lets beat Terrace’ drive was strong and came to a head when veterinary office owner came over to find out why there was a crowd in the parking lot. When he found out he asked how much to beat Terrace. “We said ‘$2,000,’ and he said ‘Okay, I’ll be right back with the cheque.’” Kitimat managed to out-do Terrace by $100 in the end with a total of $2,326. The teams were the Fire House Hosers (also fastest pull), the Red Serge Fever, Acklands-Grainger (most money raised) the Kitimat Hospital and Kitimat LNG. (most spirited.)










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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 9

October is

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Did you know that breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Canadian women? According to the Canadian Cancer Society, an estimated 24,400 women and 210 men will be diagnosed in 2014. Even worse, approximately 5,000 of those women and 60 men will die from the disease. The Canadian Cancer Society is working hard to lower those numbers. “Breast cancer has such a significant impact on women and their families, more than any other cancer”, says Michelle Taylor, Community Giving Coordinator, Canadian Cancer Society. “The research we fund is making a real difference but the more people we can inform about prevention and early detection the better.”

Part 2 of 3 Facts and Figures • Number one diagnosed cancer in women in Canada • Women have a 1 in 9 chance of developing breast cancer in their lifetime • Breast cancer mostly occurs in women age 50 - 69 • Your risk is higher if your family has a history of breast cancer • The most reliable way to find breast cancer early is regular mammograms ★ You may wonder about antiperspirants, deodorants, abortion, breast implants and bras. There is significant evidence showing there is NO ASSOCIATION between these factors and breast cancer. ★ Changes to discuss with your Doctor • A lump or swelling in the breast or armpit • Change in breast size or shape

• Dimpling, puckering or thickening of the skin • Redness, swelling or increased warmth in the breast • Nipple turning inward or discharge from the nipple • Unusual breast tenderness or pain The Research “The funds we raise in communities like Kitimat through Relay For Life and the Daffodil Campaign as well as independent fundraisers, all contribute towards leading edge cancer research,” says Taylor. One example is a project looking at the connection between shift work and breast cancer. Disruptions in sleep affects melatonin production and may lead to an increased cancer risk. Women working night shifts, such as nurses, emergency dispatchers and casino workers Strength. Courage.

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10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014

are participating in this Society-funded study that evaluates the impact of sleep quality and factors related to breast cancer risk. For more information about breast cancer and other cancers visit Reduce your risk • Reduce the fat in your diet (especially animal fat) • Limit red or processed meats as well as milk and dairy products • Eat more vegetables and maintain a healthy body weight through diet and exercise • Limit exposure to pesticides and occupational exposures (such as cadmium or rubber) • Know your family history and talk to your doctor about any changes Content provided by the Canadian Cancer Society.

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Pool gets some money On September 22 the federal government announced $233,000 in funds towards a number of northern projects. The money was released under the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF) and was distributed to five projects. In Kitimat, the swimming pool benefited from the funds which used the money to develop better accessibility to the facility. The money came from the government’s Eco- 2131 Forest Ave. Kitimat

We proudly support

The Kitimat Ice Rink (KIR) turned 50 years old on September 26. The occasion was marked with free swimming and skating, a look through history with photo displays inside the rink, and of course a ribbon cutting. The event was marked with a number of people involved in Kitimat’s recreation activities, members of the Kitimat Ice Demons, and Mayor Joanne Monaghan. Cameron Orr

nomic Action Plan 2012. $150 million over two years was promised for infrastructure development. This last round of funding announcements included Quesnel and District Child Development Centre for upgrades to their air conditioning systems, Fort St. James for repair to their aquifer water system’s water main bridge, and the Tl’azt’en received money to improve their water plant and community hall.

Report now shows French Immersion program growing The Coast Mountains School District is seeing an increase in students in French Immersion. A report released from the Canadian Parents for French (CPF) group shows french enrolment provice-wide has grown in 16 consecutive years and specifically called out the local school district in their media release. “We believe French pro-


Continued from page 7 Initially Max was housed in the Delta King but after one day he was reassigned to the nearby Main Camp. The accommodation there was rather spartan with exposed rafters - they were handy for storing suitcases - and a potbellied stove in the middle of the room. One of Max’s lesser goals in leaving his European roots was to shake his childhood nick-

grams are popular in Coast Mountains because they are widely recognized by parents as providing young students with the tools and experiences that will enrich their lives and help them prepare for the future,” said President Patti Holm, for CPF, in the release. Coast Mountain’s enrolment rose just shy of three per cent over six years and is cur-

rently at 423 students. Canadian Parents for French is a national parent-lead organization dedicated to promoting and creating French second language opportunities for all young students. The report says that province wide there are 49,451 students in French Immersion, which is 8.8 per cent of the total public school population.

name. But incredibly Morris, an old school chum from the very same town in Germany, also showed up in Yorkton and some of that Yorkton crowd also travelled on to Kitimat. So there was no escaping it, Gernot Johan, would always be known as Max. He only lasted eight months at Alcan. A tragic incident when one of his friends was fatally electrocuted prompted

his desire to leave. He was actually at the train station with bags packed when pleas from photographer Fred Ryan got him to reverse his decision. Ryan needed Max’s photo business experience to make his business prosper. In the end, Ryan matched Max’s Alcan salary and provided him with a job he loved. And thus began Max’s life as the photographic chronicler of the Aluminum City.

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 11

Global warming ‘slowed by pollution’ been in North America, warming increases, he said. “It doesn’t say anything about models or international policy,” Weaver said. “One thing we know is that China is going to clean up its air quality, because they have to.” The issue is significant to B.C., where a carbon tax on fuels remains in place. Northeastern B.C.’s booming shale gas production, a cornerstone of the provincial government’s economic strategy, contains more CO2 than conventional gas, and it is extracted and vented to the atmosphere in processing for fuel or export.

Oak Bay-Gordon Head MLA Andrew Weaver is on leave from his job as professor of climate modeling and analysis at the University of Victoria. Black Press files

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Canada’s rules, but all of our concerns were ignored ... Canada has violated its own constitution. Section 35 of the constitution says the federal government has a duty to consult with First Nations and they haven’t done that.” The Gitxaala contend that the project would interfere with their economic, cultural and spiritual way of life as well as their jurisdiction, governance

and Aboriginal title. Given what is at stake, Gitxaala lawyer Rosanne Kyle said the importance of being granted leave cannot be understated. “The issues raised by Gitxaala are so important to the cultural and economic existence of Gitxaala that it is critical that their challenge to the project’s approval be given a full judicial review,” she said.



Due to the number of lawsuits that have been filed and the number of parties involved, the Gitxaala say it is unlikely the court will hear any submissions for several months and may decide to hear all the cases together. But any delay will not deter the band from pursuing its legal challenge. “We’re in it for the long haul,” said acting Chief Clarence Innis. “We played by




Shaun Thomas The Gitxaala Nation of Kitkatla has taken another step forward in its legal challenge to the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline. The band announced on Sept. 26 that the Federal Court of Appeal had granted it leave to apply for judicial review to challenge the approval of the project, meaning the court will hear and decide on its lawsuit.


Gitxaala make progress on Enbridge review



“To say that there’s no statistically significant change over the last 15 to 20 years, it’s just not true,” Weaver said. “2005 is the second warmest year on record, 2010 is the warmest, and we’re going to break the record in 2014 and set a new record.” Weaver said climate models in the late 1990s estimated an amount of particulate and aerosol pollution in the world’s atmosphere that has been exceeded by growing thermal coal use in China and other emerging economies. That pollution has a cooling effect, and when air pollution is cleaned up as it has


data for the last two decades have shown less warming than was predicted by most climate models. McKitrick does not challenge the conclusion that humangenerated carbon dioxide traps heat in the atmosphere. But he argues that the uncertain effect of rising emissions should cause policy-makers to wait for clarity before “making any irreversible climate policy commitments, in order to avoid making costly decisions that are revealed a short time later to have been unnecessary.” Weaver questioned the accuracy of McKitrick’s report.

Kiti m

Tom Fletcher The apparent slowing of global warming in recent years is likely due to effects of increased particulate and other conventional pollution, particularly from thermal coal use in Asia, says B.C. MLA and climate scientist Andrew Weaver. Weaver was asked to respond to a report issued Thursday by University of Guelph environmental economist Ross McKitrick, a long-time critic of climate change models and a senior fellow at the Fraser Institute. Reviewing temperature data used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, McKitrick notes that

ane Soci

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12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Deciding election boundaries a delicate task Josh Massey Deciding on boundaries for provincial electoral ridings is a delicate task because of low populations scattered over large geographical areas, says the chair of a commission given the job of recommending changes if considered necessary. One suggestion, made to the B.C. Electoral Boundaries Commission when it held a session in Prince Rupert, was to remove the Nass Valley from the current Skeena riding and add it back to the North Coast riding, said Tom Melnick. “But I think the direction we got from the people who presented these are already large areas that are difficult to service for an MLA, please don’t make them any larger,” said Melnick. “The temptation might be to make the areas in the north bigger, to balance off the numbers in the south, but you can only do that so much until it becomes unmanageable and unworkable.” Skeena NDP MLA Robin Austin doesn’t think removing the Nass and placing it in the North Coast riding would be a good idea. “North Coast already is the number

“I think the direction we got from the people who presented these are already large areas that are difficult to service for an MLA, please don’t make them any larger.” one most difficult constituency to represent,” said Austin of the riding which takes in Prince Rupert, Haida Gwaii and a number of coastal communities. “The last thing I think they would want is more geography. The Nass was in the North Coast constituency for a short time, but it has always traditionally been in the Skeena riding. I think because the Nass Valley has only one road into it, and it comes down to Terrace.” “Ultimately it’s an independent panel and not for MLAs to try to put in place things that just help them, so I hope they listen to people,” Austin continued about

the boundary commission. “I don’t think there is going to be lot of change in northern BC because the communities are so far apart. It’s very hard to make geographical changes which means MLAs have to go even longer distances.” Legislation brought in last year by the province sets a lower limit the number of ridings allotted to the northern region of the province and that number cannot surpass eight. The commission heard from four people when it met in Prince Rupert but no one showed up for its Terrace session Sept. 23. The commission has a mandate to review riding boundaries every second general election and this time has a $4.5 million budget. Although no one showed up to speak with the commission at the Sportsplex Melnick said there is still time to make written submissions in advance of an initial commission report due next May. The commission panel will be back again for a second tour. “I think we have scheduled 29

hearings across British Columbia in the next seven weeks or so and we just started last night in Prince Rupert,” said Archer Sept. 23 of the current tour. “Week one for us is to travel through the north and hear from British Columbians about whether they have any concerns about the current configuration of electoral districts, whether the maps makes sense, whether the right community are in the right districts, whether the size of the districts are appropriate, the names of the districts are appropriate, things of that sort,” said Archer. Chief Electoral Officer Keith Archer sits on the commission as does Beverley Busson, a former commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Island LNG plan gains executive Cameron Orr Steelhead LNG, which plans a liquefied natural gas export facility on Vancouver Island, has added Victor Ojeda as their president.

Ojeda, has experience on Kitimat’s own projects, having been a former managing director for LNG Canada, the Shell-led proposal on the former Methanex site.

A news release from Steelhead LNG says Ojeda worked on LNG Canada from its inception to July 2013. “Having a senior executive with Victor’s experience and exper-

Police investigating death on Kildala Arm September 22 A 15-year-old male under a court ordered curfew was spotted at around 1:35 a.m. around the Kildala Elementary school. Police arrested the youth and was held for court, and later released for further court dates in October. September 23 A traffic stop on Lahakas Boulevard resulted in a threemonth driving prohibition for a 26-year-old driver. The driver had been flagged by the Office of Superintendent of Motor Vehicles for the driving prohibition, but police did not elaborate on why. September 25 Police attended to a call of an unwanted guest at 8 p.m. on Teal Street and found the subject male leaving through a back door in the house. The man is on a probation order

Police Beat not to attend the home. The 45-year-old Kitimat man will appear in court later to face charges of not complying with a probation order. September 26 Police assisted the Coast Guard when a 62-year-old man was found dead in the area of the Kildala Arm. The man was fishing in the area, police say, and the cause of death is being investigated. If you’re missing a chainsaw the Kitimat RCMP may have it. One was found on Columbia Avenue. If you think it’s yours call the detachment at 250-632-7111 and quote file number 2014-3425. September 27 Police responded

to a break and enter on Konigus Street. The suspect pried open a back door and stole items including a laptop computer. The police are continuing to investigate. September 28 Police were called on a missing person’s file for a 15-year-old. Police say they have since made contact with the youth and verified her well being. Police were called on a report that an eight-year-old girl had been bitten by a dog in the Comorant and Albatross Avenue area. Police later learned that the same dog had bitten a woman. Both persons received treatment at the Kitimat General Hospital. The dog was surrendered to the Kitimat Humane Society and arrangements were made for it to be euthanized.

“Our ability to attract someone of Victor’s stature is an indication of Steelhead LNG’s strong industry reputation.”

tise represents a significant step forward for our company,” said Nigel Kuzemko, CEO of Steelhead LNG., in the company release.

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Required for Compugen. Perform hardware / software upgrades & repairs, troubleshooting & basic network connections. Post secondary in Electronics or Computer Science, 3 years related experience, valid driver’s license & vehicle. To apply visit: http://www. use job ID 2014-3156”


WINTER CALL-IN LIST The District of Kitimat is preparing a call-in list for winter snow clearing work. Applicants must have WHMIS and a valid BC driver’s license. Preference will be given to individuals with class 1 or 3 driver’s license with air brakes endorsement and heavy equipment experience. Please submit applications to: Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat BC by: Friday, Oct. 17, 2014 4:30 pm. Application forms are available from the City Centre Municipal Offices during regular business hours. An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-(780)7235051. Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014A13 13

Help Wanted Apprentice Cook/Dishwasher

3 - 5 evenings per week. Great opportunity for grade 12 student interested in Culinary Arts. Apply in person, or leave msg. Lbr. and grat. +/- $17 per hr. Cor’s Restaurant 404 Enterprise Avenue Kitimat

PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES: Troyer Ventures Ltd. is a privately owned energy services company servicing Western Canada. All job opportunities include competitive wages, comprehensive benefits package and room for advancement. We are accepting applications at multiple branches for: Professional Drivers (Class 1, 3), and Mechanics. Successful candidates will be self-motivated and eager to learn. Experience is preferred, but training is available. Valid safety tickets, clean drug test, references and a drivers abstract are required. For more information and to apply, please visit our website at:

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Royal Canadian Legion



Full and Part time for Coastal Taxi Send resume & driver’s abstract to PO Box 56 Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 No phone calls

Part-time Waitress Required.


Is accepting applications for a part time Outreach Worker. Applicants must have: • valid Class 5 licence with the use of a vehicle • education or experience in a similar situation • an understanding of issues as they relate to violence against women Detailed information posted at Resumes can be emailed to Dropped off or mailed to: 350-370 City Centre, Kitimat BC V8C 1T6. Closing date: October 24, 2014

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

REQUIRED for part-time, evenings & weekends. Must have: Serving it Right and Food Safe. Please send resume to RC Legion, Box 152, Kitimat, BC V8C 2G7 or drop off at the branch, 665 Legion Ave. any day after 2pm.

2 - 3 evenings per week. No experience necessary. Apply in person, or leave msg. Lbr. and grat. +/- $30 per hr. Cor’s Restaurant 404 Enterprise Avenue Kitimat

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at Career Opportunities

EXCITING CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Prince Rupert Grain Ltd operates a world-class, high-speed grain export terminal situated in Prince Rupert on the scenic north coast of British Columbia. The Maintenance department is currently seeking qualiŵed applicants for the following position.

ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIST The ideal candidate will have a high degree of troubleshooting experience, possess a superior technical background and have the desire to work in industrial maintenance setting. You will be familiar with RS view and new generation process controls such as AB control logix, VFD’s and communications networks and a variety of sensory equipment including electronic scales and modulating gate controllers. This opportunity is a union position and shift work will be required. The successful applicant will be required to participate in a Company sponsored pre-employment medical examination. Currently this position is paid $40.66/hr in addition, PRG offers a comprehensive hourly employee beneŵt program. Interested individuals who want to join a great team are invited to submit their resumes in conŵdence by October 24, 2014 to:



Human Resources Department Prince Rupert Grain Ltd. PO Box 877 Prince Rupert, BC V8J 3Y1 or Fax: (250) 627-8541 or email Prince Rupert Grain LTD is an equal opportunity employer

Help Wanted

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking Find us on Facebook


Trimac Transportation is North America’s premier provider of services in highway transportation of bulk commodities. Our Kitimat,Terrace and Prince George locations require...

Company Drivers Owner Operators

Excellent pay • Shared benefits • Safety equipment • Safety bonus Dry bulk pneumatic hauling • Shift work involved • B-train and mountain experience required Please send your resume to: Mark Davy, Fax: 888-746-2297 E-mail: Phone: 866-487-4622

Signing Bonus

North America’s Premier Provider

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

GROW WITH US Canfor is one of the world’s largest and most respected integrated forest products companies. For more than 75 years, we have been delivering top-quality lumber, pulp and paper products to our customers worldwide. We’re also leaders in sustainable forest management and in converting wood residuals into green energy.

Log Transport & Infrastructure Superintendent A unique role in forestry, marine transport & logistics—Mackenzie

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

EXCITING CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Prince Rupert Grain Ltd operates a world-class, high-speed grain export terminal situated in Prince Rupert on the scenic north coast of British Columbia. The Maintenance department is currently seeking qualiŵed applicants for the following position.

MILLWRIGHT (INDUSTRIAL MECHANIC) The ideal candidate should have a high degree of troubleshooting experience and possess the ability to resolve hydraulic system faults. Experience in fabrication would be a deŵnite asset. You will be able to demonstrate a superior technical background and have the desire to work in industrial maintenance. Ideally the successful candidate will bring 10 years of experience performing general Millwright duties, with a proven safety and health record. You must hold a valid drivers license and an Interprovincial Red Seal Millwright ticket. Shift work will be required. Currently the position is paid $40.30/hr, in addition, PRG offers a comprehensive hourly employee beneŵt program.

EXCITING CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Prince Rupert Grain Ltd operates a world-class, high-speed grain export terminal situated in Prince Rupert on the scenic north coast of British Columbia. The Maintenance department is currently seeking qualiŵed applicants for the following position.

MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR You must possess exceptional organizational, analytical and planning skills, as well as strong leadership, supervisory, multi-tasking, communications and interpersonal skills. You will have as a minimum, an Electrical Trades Qualiŵcation (TQ) from a provincially recognized post secondary institution or another appropriate qualiŵcation/s such as an Electrical Engineering degree. Previous experience working with materials handling and process control equipment in a heavy industrial, union environment will be considered an asset. The primary role of the Maintenance Supervisor is supervising, planning and implementing all maintenance activities in the plant in order to maximize production while adhering to standard safe practices and procedures, environmental and legislative requirements. This position manages both in-house trades and contractors. You have a proven ability to motivate and direct crews in a safe, efŵcient and cost effective manner while developing and maintaining effective relationships with other supervisors, management and third parties. You will have experience working with RS view and new generation process controls such as AB control logix, PLC and wireless communications, high voltage motor controls, ŵre systems, locomotives, VFD’s and other electronic and electrical equipment. A strong commitment to safety, training, environmental protection will be considered assets.

This critical marine transport role reporting to the Operations Manager, Prince George/Mackenzie Fibre, requires a skilled forestry technician and team player with good communication skills and even stronger leadership and project management abilities. If that's you, consider joining one of BC's top employers as a Marine Log Transport Superintendent. As you ensure safe, timely and cost-effective log deliveries from Williston Lake log-dump sites to Canfor manufacturing facilities, you will be responsible for coordinating all activities for our Mackenzie Log Transport vessel as well as for hiring and managing its high performance crew. You are registered, or eligible for registration, as a Registered Professional Forester (RFP) or Registered Forestry Technologist (RFT). Your 5+ years' related forestry experience supports a related degree or technical diploma and proficiency with computerized forestry applications and relevant BC legislation and policies. A valid Class 5 driver's licence is required. Previous experience in logistics, inventory management and budgeting as well as using mobile equipment would be assets.

There has never been a better time to join the Canfor team and become part of the modern forest industry. Our mills are high-tech and safe and we have a wide range of rewarding careers with plenty of room to advance. We offer competitive compensation and benefits and are committed to the professional development of our employees. A community in the truest sense of the word, Mackenzie is located in BC’s sunny interior region and is surrounded by pristine lakes and rivers— the perfect place to put down roots and grow your career.

Apply today at

The successful applicant will be required to participate in a Company sponsored pre-employment medical examination. PRG offers a competitive compensation package that includes a comprehensive employee beneŵt program.

A pre-employment medical is required. Interested individuals who want to join a great team are invited to submit their resumes in conŵdence to us by October 24, 2014:

Interested individuals who want to join our team are invited to submit your resumes in conŵdence by October 31, 2014 to:

Human Resources Department Prince Rupert Grain Ltd. 1300 Ridley Island Road Prince Rupert, BC V8J 3Y1 or Fax: (250) 627-8541 or email

Human Resources Department Prince Rupert Grain Ltd. PO Box 877 Prince Rupert, BC V8J 3Y1 or Fax: (250) 627-8541 or email

Prince Rupert Grain Ltd. is an equal opportunity employer

Prince Rupert Grain LTD is an equal opportunity employer

Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Forest Management Group


14 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 A14


Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Northern Sentinel



Help Wanted

Ofďƒžce Support

Trades, Technical


BUSY Law Firm requires: Half time receptionist (1 week on/off) immediately. Office Manager terms negotiable. Must have some prior experience in a law firm. Email;

Permanent/Casual Driver Air endorsed, Class 1, $23 per/hr to $25 per/hr 20-30 hours per week some physical work. Need a clean driving abstract in Kitimat apply to:

Trades, Technical


Legal Services

LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online


MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONISTS needed! Employers seeking over 200 additional CanScribe graduates. Student loans available. Income-tax receipts issued. Start training today. Work from Home! Website: Email: Or call 1.800.466.1535.

Cards of Thanks

Financial Services

Ballet, Jazz, and Contemporary Dance. Ages 4-18. Registration packages available at Kitimat Museum. Contact Hueylin at 250-632-6316 or

Cards of Thanks

Extend heartfelt gratitude and recognition to all foster parents for their commitment to maintaining the quality of life of Nisga’a children in care Foster parents enrich the life of a child with love, support, commitment and safety crucial to a healthy upbringing. For further information on how you may become a foster parent, contact an NCFS Resource Social Worker today!

Misc. for Sale

Homes for Rent

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Flexible hours ,eÄ‚lĆšh beĹśeÄŽĆšs oŜǀeĹśieŜƚ loÄ?Ä‚Ć&#x;oĹś Scholarship program /ĹśceĹśĆ&#x;Ç€e programs




Home Improvements FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928

Livestock DORPER Cross Sheep flock for sale. 15 ewes and 25 lambs. $4500. Phone 250397-4126.

Help Wanted

The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned and abandoned cats each year. If you can give a homeless cat a second chance at happiness, please visit your local shelter today.


Cars - Sports & Imports

CLASSIC/COLLECTOR 1971 300SEL 3.5 Mercedes Benz. 75,000km. Very good condition, always garaged, never driven in winter. Well maintained. Maintenance records, service/parts book. Manuals. Some spare parts. 250-632-6755

Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 778-281-0030. Local.

Serious inquiries only Please


Help Wanted

Apt/Condo for Rent Hillcrest Place Apartments Bachelor & two bedroom units. No smoking. No pets. Starting at $650 monthly. 250-632-7814 Kitimat


in Burns Lake is looking for MILLWRIGHT. Fabricating and electrical experience an asset. Does not need to be ticketed. Must have experience in sawmilling.

Please email resume to .DUO GDUUHWW HPDLO NDUO#SDFLÂżFWLPEHU.FD or fax 250-692-7140


• • • •

Certified Millwright The successful candidate will have substantial knowledge of machines and tools, including their design, use, repair and maintenance. You will have experience installing equipment, machines, wiring or programs to meet specifications. You will be confident in determining the appropriate tools or equipment needed to complete a job and must be able to troubleshoot efficiently and be proficient with mathematics. The demands of this position require that you are in good physical condition, are able to visualize how something will look after it has been moved or rearranged, have the ability to see details at close range and have excellent manual dexterity and coordination. Preferred qualifications would be a minimum of 5 years in a sawmill environment and certification from a recognized institution. Good verbal and written communication is also necessary for this position. Please forward your resume by October 20, 2014 to:

Adopt a Shelter Cat!

HOMES for rent in Kitimat BC call Stan 780-974-3945 or email

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit online:

Anne Currie, Human Resources Assistant Babine Forest Products Limited Confidential fax 503-291-5591 Babine Forest Products, working jointly with First Nations, provides equal opportunity for employment including First Nation status privileges. We offer competitive compensation, benefits and the potential for career advancement. We wish to thank all those who apply; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. A relocation allowance is negotiable for the successful applicant.

Babine Forest Products Limited, Burns Lake BC



Starting at $725 Balconies Security Entrances Cameras for your safety Now includes basic cable Visit our Website Phone: 250.632.APTS (2787)

32’ FIBERGLASS FERRELL BOAT New 370hp John Deere 8.1L Diesel, 2000hrs on engine. Trolling valve, Bow Thruster, 3 Stage Steering. 2 Hydraulic Deep lines, Hydraulic Trap Puller, 3 Sounders, Radar, 2 Radios. Com-Dev Auto Pilot, Spare Prop. 8’ Dinghy. Can be seen at MK Bay Marina. $65,000. Contact Warren Poff at 250-242-4445



Babine Forest Products is currently searching for a Certified Millwright to join our Burns Lake operation.



STEEL BUILDINGS. Gift-card give-away! 20x22 $4,358. 25x24 $4,895. 30x30 $6,446. 32x32 $7,599. 40x46 $12,662. 47x72 $18,498. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422 or visit us online:

Nisga’a Child & Family Services (NCFS) P.O. Box 231, New Aiyansh, B.C. V0J 1A0 T 1-888-633 2603 • F (250) 633 2609 W

Help Wanted

Kitimat HOUSE FOR RENT/Sale 63 Chilko St. - 3 bdr, 1 bath in excellent neighbourhood. This house has a big fenced backyard, including two sheds and flower beds. Comes with F/S and W/D. Call (250)279-8888

SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT.



Pets & Livestock


Cards of Thanks

Merchandise for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420

DH Manufacturing in Houston BC is looking for labourers. Must be reliable, physically fit and willing to work shift work. Starting wage up to $16.75/hr. Benefit package after 3 months employment. Email



ARE YOU $10K or more in debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-351-1783.

Labourers LABOURERS Houston, BC



17’6� Clipper “Expedition� (green) flat back, kevlar with carry yoke, high volume, 3 seats, super stable. $1000. ----------------------------------17’6� Hellman “Prospector� (orange with blk trim), Duralite, with skirt $1100, without: $900. ----------------------------------17’6� Hellman “Prospector� (red with blk trim), Duralite, with skirt $1300, without: $1100.

Free heat & Free Hot Water Furnished & Unfurnished 1 & 2 bedrooms Security Entrances No Pets. No Smoking



• • •

QUATSINO APTS KITIMAT Downtown location Balconies Security Entrances Some furnished suites Call for an appointment 250.632.4511

All in good condition In Burns Lake Call 250-692-2372



J. Oviatt Contracting will be accepting


Strawberry Meadows

PHASE 8 ELDERBERRY STREET. Please contact Mark for more information


Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 15

Open letter from Gaby Poirier, General manager, BC Operations

“ I am proud of what we will achieve together as a result of the modernized smelter. ”

Kitimat is a place that I am proud to call home. It’s where I’m raising my family, and because of the new smelter, there will continue to be good jobs and a great place for our employees and their families to thrive. As some of you are likely aware, Rio Tinto Alcan will soon be part of a hearing with the BC Environmental Appeal Board for our amended SO2 permit for the new smelter. This issue has been subject of some press in recent weeks and I think it is important to take this opportunity to speak to you directly about our new smelter and its environmental footprint. You all have seen the level of activity in our community over the past five years, as related to the construction of Kitimat Modernization Project. We are now more than 70 per cent complete with a view to first hot metal in the first half of 2015. You have all heard of our focus throughout construction to keep the jobs and the contracts in the north as a first priority and in BC as a second. We have had great success with that objective and are proud of that fact. This will be a smelter essentially built by British Columbians. We are also very proud that the modernized smelter will reduce the overall emissions’ footprint of the plant. The new technology we have installed will reduce the overall footprint by nearly 50 per cent. Our PAH’s, fluorides, particulates and GHGs, will all go down significantly. The fifth emission, SO2, which is directly related to our production levels, will increase proportionately. In the spring of 2013, Rio Tinto Alcan set about to obtain SO2 permit amendment approval from the BC Ministry of Environment for the new smelter. The Ministry granted us this permit because they were satisfied with our public consultation and the extensive scientific investigation and modeling that was done. Let me put ‘extensive’ into context for you. More science was done to study the potential impacts of SO2 alone than had previously been done at any other smelter in the world. The STAR Report was produced and is available on our website. It is lengthy and very technical. We have provided an executive summary of it as well to help everyone better understand its content. I invite you to take the time to read through it. In April of 2013, the Ministry of Environment’s decision was appealed by a group of local residents. The BC Environmental Appeals Board

is set to begin the hearing of this issue later this month. It is also important to point out that part of our permit is our company’s commitment to a long term Environmental Effects Monitoring program (EEM). Through the EEM, we will continue to monitor the four main areas of study contained within the research undertaken as part of the permit amendment application – human health, vegetation, and terrestrial and aquatic environments. This plan is very detailed and has defined processes to monitor potential impacts and ensure that there is a response framework in place to respond to and address any concerns. As part of this program we will also continue to make information about our environmental performance readily available to the community. In closing, let me say that the health and safety of our employees, their families and the wider community is a priority for Rio Tinto Alcan. And as a member of this community, they are important to me. If you have questions in this time leading up to the appeal hearing, please feel free to contact me through our Kitimat community office and communications team at Best Regards,

Gaby Poirier, General manager, BC Operations Rio Tinto Alcan

16 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 8, 2014

COMING EVENTS Oct. 6 - Nov. 10 Christ the King Parish Bereavement Ministry Committee is sponsoring “Connecting Each Other with Hope”, a six week grief support group. Sessions in the Catholic Church Hall. Open to anyone, regardless of religious affiliation. Register or get more info by calling Lidia at 250-6326292, or Susana at 250632-2215. October 9 ART CLUB of Kitimat meets at 7 p.m. in Room 403 at MESS. Watercolour Mist – A guided project, bring watercolour supplies, paint & paper. No supplies? We have some and we share! For more info contact Katherine Johnsen 250-632-6888. October 23 You are invited to join

a Bladder Cancer support group meeting. This is the first meeting for Kitimat. This is a great way to meet, connect and learn from others who have been

in your shoes. 2 p.m. in the UNIFOR Union hall. For more info call Glen Sevigny at 250632-3486, or e-mail glensevigny@gmail. com October 24 Leggo My Lego at the library; Use your imagination to create

a masterpiece. We supply, you build. Prizes donated by the Penny Candy Store. 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For all ages, limited seating. To register come in or call the library at 250-632-8985. Ongoing THE KITIMAT QUIL-

TERS Guild meetings are the first Thursday of every month, held at M.E.S.S. Sewing room. All experience levels welcome. (19+) Call Aileen at 250-6326225 or Wanda at 250632-4458. HEALTHY BABIES drop in is held every

Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Kitimat Child Development Center. They welcome families throughout pregnancy and up to one year (older siblings welcome). Meet other parents and infants over light refreshments with support

from the CDC staff and a Public Health Nurse. For more info call 250632-3144. KITIMAT FIBRE ARTS GUILD: Interested in knitting, spinning, weaving, or any other fibre? For more info call Maureen 250632-5444.

We’ve extended the savings.

Ladies golf results Kitimat ladies golf results for Tuesday, September 23: 14 ladies out on this rainy evening. Winner by flight are: A Flight 1st low gross - Carol Cresswell - 53 2nd low gross - Esther Pretulac - 55 1st low net - Anita Vahanikkila - 41 2nd low net - Dorit Lindner - 43 B Flight 1st low gross - Cheri Seppala - 63 2nd low gross - Anne Berrisford - 64 1st low net - Rosemary Louttit - 53 2nd low net - Tanya Allen - 55 Long drive winners; Carol Cresswell, Anne Berrisford and Tanya Allen. Closest to the pin; Irene Skolos and Tanya Allen.

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