Yukon News, October 08, 2014

Page 1

Giving to girls

Hamming it up

Seven young singers are raising money for the education of women in poor countries.

Yukon’s amateur radio operators stand on guard for when the territory’s phones fail.

Page 17

Page 20







City faces recycling squeeze PAGES 4, 5

Alistair Maitland/Yukon News

Recycled cans crushed into a cube sit in Raven Recycling’s yard.

Libs pick Bagnell, see membership surge PAGE 2 Tabloid trash.






Bagnell’s on the ballot again


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HOUSING POLICIES Kluane First Nation has been working to update the housing policies. Community meetings are being offered to provide citizens with an overview of the rental and private ownership housing policies (e.g. eligibility, roles and responsibilities).


Meeting #1 – ELDERS MEETING – Wednesday October 15th Time: 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Youth & Elder’s Room, Jacquot Hall, Burwash Landing Meeting #2 – Wednesday October 15th (a repeat of Meeting #1) Time: 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Youth & Elder’s Room, Jacquot Hall, Burwash Landing Dinner will be provided Meeting #3 – Thursday October 16th (a repeat of Meeting #1) Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Youth & Elders Room, Jacquot Hall, Burwash Landing Meeting #4 – Thursday October 16th (a repeat of Meeting #1) Time: 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Fireside Room, Yukon Inn, 4220-4th Ave., Whse. Dinner will be provided



Who Should Attend: Anyone interested in learning about the Kluane First Nation housing policies. Questions: Please contact Pearl at 867-841-4274, extension 223 or Email: executive.manager@kfn.ca

Alistair Maitland/Yukon News

Larry Bagnell will represent the Liberals in next federal election.

The high turnout for the nomination vote shows people are not taking anything for granted, t’s going to be a rematch. Bagnell said this morning. Larry Bagnell won the race “We’ve had literally hundreds this weekend to become the of people say they didn’t know Liberal candidate in the next fed- the last election was close because eral election, setting him up for a there was that poll a week before second face-off against Conserva- the election that said I couldn’t tive MP Ryan Leef. lose.� Bagnell won the nomination About one week before the during the first round of preferelection a poll by DataPath Sysential balloting. tems predicted that 44 per cent of In 2015, he’ll be looking to decided voters would back Bagreclaim his long-time seat, the nell, with Leef trailing far behind, one he lost to Leef in 2011 by 136 at 24 per cent. votes. During the 2011 campaign, BaAccording to Bagnell, the 2,100 gnell faced much criticism for his party members who were eligible stance on the long-gun registry. to cast a ballot made Saturday’s He opposed the registry, but his election the third-largest nomina- party leader pressured him to tion race in the country. support it. If you consider things on a per That’s no longer on the table, capita basis, that likely makes the he said. Yukon number one, he said. “That’s passed, it doesn’t exist “I think it’s just basically sym- anymore, it’s not really an issue,� bolic of how much people here he said. want change.� Voters have told him they’re In total, 1,432 votes were cast. concerned about having their During the last federal election voices heard in Ottawa, he said. in 2011 there were less than 100 “They’ve been getting Stephen Harper’s message to us, as members.

opposed to being stood up for, having Yukon stood up for in Ottawa.� On the campaign trail, Bagnell said he heard two key messages from Yukoners. “One is this massive desire for change of government in the Yukon. It wasn’t limited to Liberals, or people who were previous Liberals. It was just huge. I’ve never seen that type of desire for change in Ottawa,� he said. “The second thing was that they really appreciate the hard work I did for them, like solving their complex problems.... The ones that wanted me back, that was one of the big reasons. They really appreciated that in the past, and wanted that to come back again.� Bagnell won the spot on the ballot, beating out Ben Sanders, Tamara Goepell and Gurdeep Pandher. No dates have been set for when the Green Party or the NDP will choose a candidate to join Bagnell and Leef on the ballot.

were the two other candidates in the race for chief. (Myles Dolphin)

is also known as the Old Alaska Highway. Whitehorse City Council has passed the first two readings of the bylaw. The third reading is scheduled for Oct. 14. The road is adjacent to land parcels owned by Kwanlin Dun First Nation and Ta’an Kwach’an Council. The suggestion was made to honour the McGundy family, members of KDFN who have lived in the area for several decades. City officials recently said that KDFN members had supported the potential name change but that they hadn’t heard back from TKC yet. (Myles Dolphin)

Ashley Joannou News Reporter


Recount scheduled in Tr’ondek Hwech’in election The race for Tr’ondek Hwech’in chief has ended in a tie, according to the First Nation’s chief electoral officer. Crystal Trudeau confirmed on Tuesday afternoon that both Darren Taylor and Roberta Joseph had received the same number of votes. A recount is scheduled at the Tr’ondek Hwech’in Hall for tomorrow at 10 a.m. The official results for council members will be announced at that time. Jay Farr and Clara Van Bibber

City may rename stretch of Old Alaska Highway A portion of the Old Alaska Highway at Mile 926 might be getting a name change soon. A resident of the Stevens area recently put in a request to city council to have the section renamed as McGundy Road. The change is meant to prevent confusion for emergency crews responding to calls to the road, as a different area just outside city limits

Contact Ashley Joannou at ashleyj@yukon-news.com




Alistair Maitland/Yukon News

RCMP Const. Christine Grant observes a moment of silence for missing and murdered aboriginal women at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre during the Yukon Sisters in Spirit vigil organized by the Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Council this past Friday.

Environmental assessments are strangling industry: miners Jacqueline Ronson News Reporter


nvironmental assessments are too tough and getting tougher, according to testimony from the mining industry to a Senate committee last week. The committee is currently reviewing proposed amendments to the Yukon Environmental and Socioeconomic Assessment Act. “In their view, project proponents are being assessed to death,” said Samson Hartland, executive director of the Yukon Chamber of Mines, in his presentation. The act was “very progressive when it was first introduced,” he said. However, “we have seen in the last few years a very punitive type of interpretation.” “Recently, we have seen increasingly complex and more numerous information requests, leading to further delays and increased costs,” said Stuart Schmidt, president of the Klondike Placer Miners’ Association, who also spoke to the committee. “The overall time required to complete the YESAA process from beginning to end has systematically increased approximately two and a half times, to an estimated 291 days in our current application,” said Clynton Nauman, president of Alexco Resource Corp., which has been through the environmental assessment 10 times now. The Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board

disputes that the overall time to complete an assessment has increased over the years. Detailed statistics are available on the board’s website. They show no obvious trend of increasing time to complete assessments. One chart shows that the overall timelines to complete a project have been consistent from 2011 through 2014. Minor changes to the board’s rules came into effect in late 2010 after consultations with First Nations, the Yukon government and project proponents, said board spokesperson Rob Yeomans. Those changes increased timelines by only a few days on average, he said. The board already adheres to strict timelines at each stage of an assessment. The proposed new legislated timelines would only apply to the overall time that a project spends in front of the board. At the designated office level, which handles the vast majority of assessments, the bill suggests a maximum time of nine months per assessment. Currently, the average assessment at that level takes about two months. The mining industry representatives complained in particular that they are being asked to do more and more at the adequacy review stage, which is when board members determine whether there is enough information in a proposal for the as-

sessment to begin. “From a proponent’s perspective, the adequacy review should be the adequacy of an application, not necessarily the adequacy of a project,” Hartland told the Senate committee. “There is plenty of time to be able to go through the adequacy of a project and the specific aspects through the assessment process, but increasingly we have seen the continual use of front-end process to fully go through the gamut of a particular application.” It may be true that assessors are asking for more information up front, said Yeomans with the assessment board. But that’s because the board has learned over time what information will be necessary to ultimately get the project through permitting, he said. “We’ve done over 2,000 assessments now, and as you do more and more of those assessments in specific sectors you start to understand what information is required. If you don’t ask for it in adequacy, you know the regulator or DFO or some other party or First Nation, they’re going to be asking for it later.” When all the information is available at the start, it makes the assessment much more efficient, he said. “We’d rather have the days on the front end, so we have a complete proposal for the whole process, versus piecemealing and having more public comment. Because every time we get new information we have to go back

to everyone that’s participating in the assessment.” How long a project stays in the adequacy review phase depends on how complete a proposal is when it’s submitted and how quickly a proponent can provide the missing information, he said. When the federal government consulted with First Nations and the assessment board on the proposed new timelines, the intention was to exclude the adequacy review phase from them. After consultation with the mining industry, the bill ultimately tabled with the Senate now includes the adequacy phase in overall timelines, but the timelines were not increased to account for the time to get through that process. The mining industry representatives also told the Senate committee that mining projects are currently being forced to go through reassessment every time there is a minor change to a project. “What we hear from the proponents is that the threshold is very low for triggers for reassessments,” said Hartland with the Chamber of Mines. Nauman with Alexco gave the example of adding new deposits to its existing operations at the Bellekeno mine. “These deposits have the same geology or would be delivered to an already licensed mill, and the potential environmental effects of the additional

production would remain unchanged from prior operations,” he said. “Regardless, development and production from these new deposits, as well as several elements of the already licensed project, were all reassessed.” Yeomans said the assessment board doesn’t do reassessments. “In our view they were discussing new proposals they were submitting to us that were tied to an existing project.” When new activities are proposed that do not fall under an existing licence, they must be reviewed if they are significant enough to trigger an assessment, he said. The environmental and socioeconomic impacts of newly proposed activities cannot be determined until they are assessed, said Yeomans. The proposed amendments to the legislation do not propose to change the level at which new activities would trigger assessments. Instead, they would give the decision body (typically the Yukon government) the power to decide if an assessment is required. The assessment board will not have a chance to discuss these issues with the Senate committee reviewing the proposed amendments. Last week, a scheduled meeting to hear from the board’s acting chair was cancelled by the committee. That meeting would have taken place today. Contact Jacqueline Ronson at jronson@yukon-news.com




P&M readies for recycling influx But this is the first time the closure has been indefinite. “It’s not that we haven’t seen &M Recycling is bracthe volume come. This time ing itself for the larger I think we’ll be a little better volumes that will surely be prepared for it, have adequate coming its way after Raven Renumber of staff,” he said. cycling ends its free public drop “I don’t think every customer off service after Oct. 15. that Raven has is just going to “I guess we just have to preswitch over, I don’t think that pare for what’s about to come,” that’s going to happen at all, but said P&M owner Pat McInroy. I do think we’ll see quite a bit Raven announced last week more volume.” that it will shut the drop-off Raven and P&M are the service because government only recycling processors in the support for recycling does not Yukon, and Raven currently cover the costs of processing and handles about three-quarters of shipping out materials. It will the total volume. continue to offer a bottle return P&M processes the recycling service and other programs. that lands at the bins at the P&M has dealt with influxes dump, as well as that collected before when Raven has shut for by the Yukon Blue Bin Recycling short periods of time, like when Society. they renovated the drop-off area With Raven’s popular droptwo years ago, said McInroy. off service shut down, it is likely Jacqueline Ronson News Reporter


Alistair Maitland/Yukon News

Pat McInroy is the owner of P&M Recycling Depot.

that more recyclables will end up at the landfill until a solution is reached. That will be a setback in the Yukon and City of Whitehorse’s goal to divert 50 per cent of waste from the landfill by 2015. McInroy agreed that payment for recycling services could use a boost. Right now, processors get a $150 diversion credit from Yukon and Whitehorse per tonne of material they ship out. They sell that material to recyclers, but prices plummeted in the commodities crash of 2008, making it a losing game for a lot of products. Processors also get paid for collecting beverage containers Wednesday, Oct 8 & Thursday, Oct 9

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where the government collects a deposit at the time of purchase. But the fee he gets for processing that material hasn’t changed in 15 years, said McInroy. “It’s a tough game. It’s tough to make everyone happy with this. But we certainly would appreciate a bit of a raise here. We’re still working on 1999 dollars, basically.” The Yukon government is currently consulting on proposed changes to those rules that would see the fee go up by 5 cents a container, and could double the payment to the processor. Raven said those changes have not come soon enough to keep it afloat. McInroy said he does his best to balance money-losing materials with ones that bring in income. “You can’t always win on every product. We try to balance it off. I’m not going to pretend that it doesn’t hurt sometimes to send some of this stuff out, and actually it does, but we have to balance that off against some of

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the more valuable products and try to get the loads out there at the least amount of cost to us.” P&M also has a $200,000 machine that processes plastic into oil, and that helps get rid of some of the money-losing plastics. The machine was paid for by the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency as part of an experiment to see if the technology would work in a cold climate. McInroy not only saves on the costs of processing and shipping those plastics, but the resulting oil helps heat his downtown warehouse. But the machine barely puts a dent in the plastic this territory uses, he said. “I’m not going to ever say anything bad about the plasticto-oil machine, but I think people would be a little shocked to know that we can only do 250 kilograms a day, and that’s with that machine running 24 hours per day,” said McInroy. “We would need a machine that’s basically 12 to 15 times bigger than what we have, and that would probably take care of what Raven and myself produce, but it’s just a fraction of what’s out there.” Contact Jacqueline Ronson at jronson@yukon-news.com

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Raven calls for city’s long-term support Myles Dolphin News Reporter


aven Recycling board members appeared before Whitehorse city council on Monday and made an impassioned plea for support. Jacqueline Bedard, president of the board, was the first to speak and presented a somber situation to council members. “We’ve been talking about changes to the system since 2008, and at least eight reports have been created since 2009,” she said, carefully weighing her words. “Nobody has taken action because they haven’t had to. We had to. “It’s time to finally address how we’re going to pay for recycling. It’s time for the city and the government to develop and implement a system that encourages people to recycle and support businesses and non-profits who do the work.” As of Oct. 16, Raven Recycling will stop offering its free public recycling drop-off service. They will no longer accept cardboard, paper, plastics, styrofoam, milk cartons, Tetra Paks and tin. It will, however, continue to accept refundable beverage containers and offer other services and programs. The society has said in recent weeks that a long-term solution would be for more materials to carry an up-front fee to cover recycling costs at the end of their life. The territorial government is consulting on how to do that but changes aren’t expected to come into effect for another year. Raven can’t hang on that long, it has stated, but Bedard said “we have no interest in a bail out. “We are a society that is passionate about this issue. This is about a system of managing waste that is not sustainable or adequate.” Bedard closed her speech by suggesting the city and territorial government take one more look at recommendations made in 2012 to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. One recommendation is to develop comprehensive legislation that supports a financially sustainable recycling system in the Yukon. “You each have many tools at your disposal,” she said, “and it’s your job to ensure there is a framework in place that will work in the future.” Councillors took turns sympathizing with Bedard and the society’s situation. Dave Stockdale said he’s been losing sleep over this situation as of late. “It’s the most stressful I’ve had to face here, even above WalMart,” he said, referring to the contentious decision to allow the big box store into the city. The comment drew laughter from the audience. “I feel sick that we’re at an impasse and we can’t do anything quickly. We are hearing you. “We are discussing things. You

Alistair Maitland/Yukon News

Jacqueline Bedard, president of Raven Recycling’s board, asked for long-term support from city council members on Monday.

need a long-term solution. We can’t make any promises but I’m sure we’ll find a solution.” Stockdale also raised the question of the potential impact to the landfill once the drop-off service closes next week. Porter Creek resident Cameron Eckert spoke to council and said his family of five would feel the pinch immediately. “Our family has relied on Raven for 20 years and it’s an incredible service,” he said. “They’ve asked for a long-term solution and everybody here is on board for that. But as someone who takes his recycling to the centre every week, I’m looking for a short-term solution, too.” Eckert said he is “absolutely” willing to pay for the drop-off service, adding the society has saved Whitehorse taxpayers money over the years by providing the service for free. He said it’s important to have a plan in place for next week so that P&M Recycling isn’t overwhelmed and the landfill doesn’t get an influx of recyclable goods. P&M, the city’s other recycling outfit, only handles about one quarter of the total volume of recyclables. Eckert said he’s worried the interruption in service will have a negative effect on his family’s routine. “We go down to the recycling centre on the weekend and see people down there, it’s a good atmosphere and there’s a real community,” he said. “My son is 19 years old, these

kids have grown up with Raven and the whole culture of doing this in our community.” Coun. Mike Gladish asked Eckert whether he believed Whitehorse residents could stockpile their recyclables for a period of

time. Gladish said he only goes to the centre roughly once a month. “We can try to hold on to it,” Eckert said. “We create a glacier of recycling every two weeks. Our family is at

the peak of using cans, bottles and paper. “To avoid a crisis I think we have to act quickly to get something in place.” Contact Myles Dolphin at myles@yukon-news.com

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Upper Liard dump sees influx of garbage

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n Upper Liard resident is raising a stink over unwanted garbage at his local landfill. Ron Allen said he’s noticed more and more people coming from Watson Lake to dump their trash because it’s free. “I don’t think it’s right,” he said. “The town should be responsible for its own garbage. The dump here in Upper Liard is for residents only.” The influx follows a decision by the town of Watson Lake in the beginning of the year to charge new garbage fees. Allen said the impact on the landfill is considerable. Non-residents are bringing their trash on a regular basis, even starting fires. He counted over 60 tires that don’t come from Upper Liard and has seen smoke from the landfill on a number of occasions, he said. He’s also seen an influx of refrigerators, computers, roofing materials, batteries, stoves and other objects. When drivers come from Watson Lake, approximately 12 kilometres away, some of their trash blows over and ends up on the side of the road, he said. “I’m just wondering what’s going on,” he said. “This started about nine months ago. And about three months ago, someone took down a sign on the fence of the landfill that said it was for locals only.” Earlier this year, Watson Lake was forced to abandon its practice of burning garbage and upgrade its landfill, which cost approximately $1 million. Those changes included relocating the recycling depot and building a new storage building to process a greater amount of recyclables. Now, there is a $20 monthly fee for garbage collection, as well as new tonnage fees. There is also a two garbage bag limit per week, with every extra bag costing $2. Watson Lake mayor Richard Durocher said he’s witnessed the problems at Upper Liard himself. He drove out to the landfill

Submitted photo/Yukon News

The Upper Liard Transfer station is located 12 kilometres from Watson Lake. Locals say Watson Lake residents are using the site as there is no dumping fee.

about a week ago and noticed quite a few Watson Lake residents coming in and out, he said. “We know that people have been bypassing our landfill and heading out to Upper Liard because it’s free,” he said. “The new plan is a big step for Watson Lake, we burnt our garbage until last year. It’s a steep learning curve. “We’ve always asked, what’s the need for a landfill 12 kilometres away from the big one in Watson Lake?” His municipality doesn’t have a problem with becoming a regional landfill, he said, and could achieve that with financial help from the territorial government. It would be a lot more economical if Watson Lake became a “onestop shop,” said Durocher. “I’m sure they’d love to have that off their hands. It just comes down to where we can meet financially.” The Upper Liard landfill, operated by the territorial government, became a transfer station in early 2012. A contractor is hired to make weekly visits, take care of maintenance at the site and report any issues.

Most of the waste from the landfill is hauled back to the Whitehorse landfill, which also receives garbage from Carcross, Tagish, Deep Creek, Marsh Lake and Mount Lorne transfer stations. The transition was part of the Yukon Solid Waste Action Plan, created in 2009. One of the goals in the plan was to eliminate the open burning of waste by 2012. Watson Lake was granted at least two extensions on that deadline, and became the last community in the territory to burn its trash. In late 2012, an official with Yukon’s Department of Community Services said he hoped garbage from Upper Liard would go directly to Watson Lake once the burning stopped. Although that plan hasn’t materialized, it is still being actively discussed, said Dwayne Muckosky, a director with Community Services. “We are absolutely interested in exploring opportunities to regionalize services,” he said. “We have a keen interest in collaborating with the town of Watson Lake to explore whether there could be some synergies and how both levels of government could

provide the service in the southeast Yukon.” Muckosky admitted that “quite a bit” of money goes into the Upper Liard landfill, more than anticipated. He didn’t specify the exact amount but said that volumes at the site are much higher than anything the department could have projected. There is a need for some level of service to Upper Liard residents that has to be kept in mind, he added. He stopped short of saying when garbage from Upper Liard would start going to Watson Lake. “We’ve had discussions with the town of Watson Lake and we remain committed to partnering with them to pursue this model,” he said. A public meeting will be held to engage with Upper Liard residents “in the coming weeks,” Muckosky said. Topics will include how residents can become more involved in the operation of the landfill and the potential for more controls at the site, such as new gates. Contact Myles Dolphin at myles@yukon-news.com

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Alistair Maitland/Yukon News

A bear finds food along the highway outside Dawson City last Saturday.

Dawson crash was covered by federal LNG rules, not Yukon ones Ashley Joannou

recent LNG tanker truck rollover,” Pasloski fired back in a statement of his own. ukon legislation and regula“There are protocols in place tions around liquefied natural to deal with incidents such as gas were not in play when a tanker this, and as trained emergency truck tipped over near Dawson last responders, the lead responders week. in this situation were the Dawson Federal laws deal with the trans- City Fire Department and RCMP. portation of dangerous goods, like Yukon government Highways LNG, Premier Darrell Pasloski said. and Public Works staff supported Energy, Mines and Resources these trained first responders once confirmed Yukon’s rules only come the site was secured by installinto play when the LNG arrives at ing signage and updating 511 for its destination. Yukoners.” The premier was responding The Yukon’s LNG regulations to a statement by Liberal Leader came into effect last year. Sandy Silver who praised local “The gas processing plant firefighters and other responders regulation regulates from the truck but called the Yukon government delivery connection to the outlet response to the crash “oddly slow.” pipe of the vaporizer,” said Energy, “I’m calling on the premier to Mines and Resources spokesperson explain what rules are in place to Jesse Devost. address this type of incident and “So basically where the hose whether they are adequate given from the truck hooks up to our the coming expansion of LNG storage tank or the vaporizer, that’s related traffic through the Yukon,” where our regulations kick in.” Silver said. In an interview with the News According to Dawson City fire last week, Pasloski said: “Legislachief Jim Regimbal, firefighters tion and regulations that are in were at the crash in less than five minutes and secured the scene. COMPUTER ACCESSORIES “It’s disappointing that Mr. Silver would suggest that Dawson207 Main Street based Yukon government employTel: 633-4842 ees were slow in responding to the News Reporter



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place are best in class in the country, and we do need to address such things such as the safe transportation and the storage of LNG.” Cabinet spokesperson Elaine Schiman clarified this week that “what the premier was referring to in his quote was perhaps not so much transportation, but the transfer, handling, storage and burning, which is what our regulations deal with.” The federal Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and regulations apply to anyone importing, handling, preparing for transport, or transporting dangerous goods like LNG, Transport Canada spokesperson Jill Ritchot explained. Transport Canada was actively involved in the incident in Dawson,

she said. The department worked with the company that shipped the LNG to make sure it activated its required emergency response plan, Ritchot said. It also worked with the transporter of the LNG and on-scene emergency responders to provide guidance.

None of the LNG inside the tanker leaked. If it had, Yukon environmental regulations likely would have come into play, Devost said. In this case, a crane was brought in on Friday and the tanker was turned upright. Contact Ashley Joannou at ashleyj@yukon-news.com




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Distress line work worthy of praise, not personal attacks Emma Eaton


he Second Opinion Society (SOS) has been a vibrant community of people helping people in Whitehorse and the communities of Yukon for nearly a quarter of a century. Recently, questions were raised regarding SOS’s partnership with NorthwesTel and Bell for a distress phone line. The competency of our planning, development and finance co-ordinator, Hailey Hechtman, was also called into question, and we’d like to address some of those concerns. Our new distress line is an extension of SOS’s proud tradition of a community coming together to help its members. In our volunteer drive, we have been so happy to see all walks of life and all ages volunteering to support each other. Bringing this distress line to the Yukon has been, at times, a great struggle, but we believe that it is both worthwhile and necessary.

The credit for this distress line within SOS goes to Hailey Hechtman, who has been working tirelessly on this project for many months. We would like to add that she has had the full support of the board, our members and the wider community, who attended our general meeting in July of this year to hear a report on our progress with the distress line. We, the board and the members of SOS, are very proud to have Hechtman in our employ. In addition, NorthwesTel has generously donated significant resources to this project, and without their support it would not be possible. We are very grateful for NorthwesTel’s and Bell’s support. Speaking of the wider community, some questions were raised regarding the RCMP’s relationship with SOS and the distress line. It is true that many people have been forced into treatment without their consent, and law enforcement has been a part of

this distressing process. When we approached the RCMP regarding this distress line, however, it provided us with a letter of support, and we’d like to share some of it with you. It reads: “Community safety can be greatly impacted by a variety of social issues including addictions and mental health… if not proactively addressed, these

issues can result in a police intervention in situations that are not criminal in nature.” The RCMP supports Yukon’s new distress line because it believes that an alternative approach to distress situations is necessary for the Yukon community, and welcomes the trained peer counselling that this distress line will provide.

for special trained and highly paid (because of the danger) specialists. That means that the main electrical power source for the whole Yukon will be unmanned. I have as a first responder been trained, for safety for my buddies and myself first, then for people in danger and then for important property. We have been trained to follow the ABC system (Armchair, Binoculars, Coors) if we don’t know what we are up against or if the danger would be just too unpredictable, stay away as far as possible. What do you followers of the environmental destructive technologies think will be happening here if anything out of the ordinary occurs on that LNG plant? Beside the possible immediate destruction of half of Whitehorse, the Yukon as a whole could be out of electricity for a long, long time. Today’s rulers think they can make Publisher

Mike Thomas

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us believe that they are responsible people, responsible to whom, to what, for what. That is the reason behind these posters and nothing else. Maybe for the long run that we may have more responsible people in a future government and the management of Yukon Energy. And that, we as the people and financiers of all this destruction have a say in issues like these. We want our democracy back.

Food Drive today. Please leave bags on your door step by 6 p.m., and if we miss your house, please bring it to the food bank. This massive effort involves hundreds of hours of volunteer commitment from students, teachers and parents. We solicit funds, pre-deliver bags to Whitehorse residents, collect food and then sort food at the Mark Connell Schools of Whitehorse Food food bank. This year we are working with Drive Organizer

Werner Rhein Mount Lorne

Quote of the Day

Give to the food drive For the fourth year the schools of Whitehorse are working together to support the Whitehorse Food Bank during our Thanksgiving Reporters

Jacqueline Ronson


Ashley Joannou


Myles Dolphin


Operations Manager

Stephanie Newsome


Emma Eaton chairs the Second Opinion Society board of directors.

the theme “Kids Helping Kids.” We know that about 45 per cent of people accessing the services of the food bank are students in our schools. This food drive teaches that civic participation and social outreach are integral elements of a healthy society. The food drive also give an opportunity for teachers to discuss issues of food security in our own community.

Threat of a gas plant blast is no laughing matter Re: Keith Halliday’s Sept 19. column: It seems to me that neither Keith Halliday nor all the other commenters see the real purpose of the poster. We do not need LNG. The risks are outweighing the benefits 1,000-fold. We have all the technology available to divest from fossil fuels. What most people don’t understand is how is a risk assessed. What is the probability and what is the result if an incident occurs. Why doesn’t Mr. Halliday, and all the other brainwashed yes-sayers to whatever is coming down the line from our dictator, inform themselves from unbiased sources? That means not from commercials between the gladiator games? Safety data sheets for LNG recommend that if there is any leak, all people in the vicinity of 500 metres should evacuate. That’s except only

If you would like to hear more about the distress line, or would like to volunteer, we welcome your questions! Please phone SOS at 867-667-2037 or pop by our drop-in centre at 304 Hawkins St. in Whitehorse between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday to Friday.

“It’s the most stressful (issue) I’ve had to face here, even above WalMart.” Coun. Dave Stockdale on Raven Recycling’s imminent closure of its drop-off bins. Page 5

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Yukoners deserve more than a ‘constituency MP’ barreling.” MPs also have a role to play in helping their constituents navigate the vast federal bureauby Kyle Carruthers cracy to secure everything from passports to employment insurance. It is certainly these “constituency” aspects of an MP’s job that our last two representatives to Ottawa have highlighted in their communications with the constituents. Our current Cone all have our reasons when we mark our “X” servative MP, Ryan Leef ’s mailon a piece of paper and outs tend to highlight transfer payments his party sends to the exercise our right to vote. Research has shown that more Yukon, as well as the mishmash of programs that benefit the terCanadians base their vote on their preferred party or its leader ritory. They also document all the photo-ops and glad-handing he’s than the local candidate. This is actually a promising sign, because done at barbecues and community events recently. it shows that most of us underOur previous MP, Larry stand who controls the levers of power in this country. It is not the Bagnell – who received his party’s nod this past weekend and is name on the back of the jersey headed towards a rematch with that counts when it comes to the Leef next October – was no differdirection of the country in our ent during his tenure. Bagnell was political system, but rather the widely regarded as a constituency logo on the front. MP who made his name helpOur local MP can play a role ing Yukoners with a variety of in what we Canadians refer to concerns. euphemistically as “representing Constituency matters are constituents,” which usually certainly an important part of (but not always) translates into politics, but I can be counted bringing money back to the among those who would like to constituency – what Americans more cynically refer to as “pork have an MP with some influence



The long gun registry could rise from the dead I read with great interest Larry Bagnell’s response in the Yukon News to his record on voting to keep the wasteful and ineffective long gun registry. Larry brushed it off, saying it was no longer on the table: “That’s passed, it doesn’t exist anymore, it’s not really an issue,” he said. It is gone. That is correct. Gone because I made a commitment to get rid of it and with the government, voted to do so. As Yukon’s member of Parliament, I was part of a Conservative Party that ensured it passed. However, it is still an issue. The issue is, when Larry was called to defend Yukoners, he didn’t. Larry campaigned on a promise to Yukon citizens that he would vote in favour of scrapping the long gun registry, and didn’t follow through on that promise. That is the issue. What else will Larry chose his party over the territory on? In 2011, Larry told all Yukoners that he wasn’t prepared to leave his party over the vote to end the long gun registry, and he told Yukoners that he was clear about that. However, he wasn’t clear about that: he campaigned on a commitment to vote one way, and he voted another. That is the issue. So yes, it is still very much an issue. I wish the rights of peaceful, law-abiding gun owners to not be ostracized was no longer on the table, but that also isn’t

true. The NDP has explicitly stated they would bring it back, and there are Liberals in the House of Commons who want to ban all guns and ammunition. Justin Trudeau said he would vote again to keep the registry. Ensuring the long gun registry stays dead is a daily struggle, and Larry has already proven that he’s not willing to fight that battle for Yukoners. Ryan Leef Yukon member of Parliament

Up with renewables, down with fracking Open letter to the select committee regarding the risks and benefits of hydraulic fracturing: Let’s look at the science of energy extraction and production. Undeniably, science is a major tool currently driving the extraction of shale gas, a non-renewable energy. As the world runs out of easily extracted sources of oil and gas the industry uses increasingly complex technology to get to resources that are hard to extract. To extract shale gas is hard, extremely complex and the fracking technologies used come with considerable risks and a huge cost to the environment. As we run out of oil and gas, science is used to produce environmentally sustainable energy in increasingly large quantities. The sciences to tap into sustainable energy sources have greatly matured over the past 20 years and are

in Ottawa, or, if that is not possible, an MP who speaks strongly and forcefully on national issues. Unfortunately, neither Bagnell nor Leef has been able to become terribly influential on national issues. They can certainly be forgiven for that. Canadians send 308 members to the House of Commons, and no one can reasonably expect Bagnell or Leef to secure a cabinet seat and return our territory to the glory days of “Yukon Erik,” when we enjoyed unprecedented influence at the national level. But if the Yukon is not going to be influential, is it too much to ask for a little bit more independence, gumption or inspiration from our representatives? When asked questions about national issues, both Bagnell and Leef have a disappointing tendency to simply repeat their party’s talking points; resort to vague, non-controversial platitudes; attack the other parties; and then return to reciting the various programs that benefit the territory financially. I can’t say that I have ever felt terribly inspired or moved by this type of politics. Neither Bagnell nor Leef strays far from the party line. In the

few instances where they have – Bagnell on the gun registry and Leef on an inquiry for murdered and missing aboriginal woman – local opinion was so lopsided that their positions should probably be chalked up to self-interest rather than principle. Both are constrained to a certain extent by party discipline, but the power of the party whip should not be overstated. A number of Canadian MPs have made names for themselves by going against the party grain from time to time, including the NDP’s Libby Davies, the Conservative Party’s Michael Chong, and former Liberal Keith Martin. A few years ago I pressed Bagnell on his party’s support of Conservative-sponsored legislation imposing demonstrably ineffective mandatory minimum prison sentence for a variety of relatively minor drug trafficking offences. He mumbled something about needing to “get the kingpins.” What that has to do with six month mandatory prison sentences for growing six marijuana plants I am not sure. He was otherwise unable or unwilling to engage in any sort of meaningful debate about his party’s unfortunate policy choice.

It was a rather sad display for an MP who should be aware of what he is voting for and be able to offer a meaningful defence of the legislation he supports. I’m willing to give Bagnell the benefit of the doubt and assume that his feeble defence was attributable to the fact that he didn’t actually believe in what he was saying. But if that is the case, would it be so harmful to say it? Would Bagnell’s committee chairmanships really be imperiled by a spontaneous outburst of honesty to a then 20-something at a community barbecue? Maybe I am alone in this regard and most Yukoners are content with having an MP who brings home the bacon and makes an appearance at my birthday party but otherwise keeps his opinions to himself. Admittedly, I am not a public relations specialist, and maybe there is some focus group evidence that Yukoners don’t like mavericks. But as an ordinary voter, my preference would be to see our MP venture outside his comfort zone every once in a while and take a stand on some issues. Kyle Carruthers is born and raised Yukoner who lives and practises law in Whitehorse.

used preferential balloting on numerous occasions since the mid-80s, most notably in the nomination contest in 1987 draulic fracturing promises. still progressing at a fast pace. that elected the Yukon’s most Rather, what is needed is a Several of these technologies are used commercially in many vision of the world we want to distinguished and credible member of Parliament ever, live in that looks generations parts of the world to convert these renewable resources into ahead. It is our social, political, Audrey McLaughlin. The process was even better and cultural values that dictate energy. – the ballot box went to Yukon decisions and recommendaIn other words, while it communities so that all memtions on what technology gets harder, less economical bers, no matter how small their we use, what risks we accept, and environmentally riskier number, could vote in person, which benefi ts we seek, and to extract oil and gas it gets easier, more economically and what opportunities we pursue. and so the public could meet I ask the committee to listen and hear all the candidates as environmentally safer to harwell. to Yukon residents, use careness renewable resources to Preferential balloting and ful deliberation, a long-term produce energy. travelling nominations are While the Yukon potentially vision, and recommend the standard practice for the NDP, has large quantities of shale gas ban of hydraulic fracturing in which has also employed them it certainly has large quantities the Yukon. It not only affects our environment and us now, often for territorial candidate of renewable resources. I see no place for hydraulic fractur- it will affect many generations selection. ing in the energy vision for the to come. As to the bigger question of Yukon. What I see is a great proportional representation, Felix Vogt opportunity to invest in techthe Liberals are against it while nology that produces environ- Southern Lakes, Yukon the NDP Official Opposition mentally sustainable energy. is staunchly in favour. Real Preferential ballots Leave the gas in the ground, change to this and many other let’s invest in using sustainable long used by the NDP things will only occur with energy sources to cover our a Tom Mulcair NDP federal energy needs. The 2009 Energy How typical of the Liberal government. Strategy for Yukon identifies Party for taking credit for usNow, about the Senate… the increased use and supply of ing something they say is new renewable energy as a priority but really is tried and true. Max Fraser for the Yukon government, so Yukon New Democrats have Whitehorse let’s make it happen. When the select committee deliberates whether hydraulic fracturing should be allowed in Yukon I urge the members The Yukon News welcomes letters from its readers. of this committee to remember Letters should be no longer than 500 words and must be signed that, for key areas like energy with your full name and place of residence. A daytime phone resources, decisions cannot be number is also required for verification purposes only. We reserve based only on political expedithe right to edit letters for clarity, length, accuracy and legality. ency. It can’t be based on the You can send submissions to editor@yukon-news.com. They can prospect of potential shortbe faxed to 867-668-3755 or mailed to 211 Wood St., Whitehorse, term economic benefits and Yukon Y1A 2E4. transitory job creation hy-

Letters to the editor




NATIONAL Conservative MPs approve combat mission in Iraq despite Liberal, NDP opposition Stephanie Levitz

side the region, including against Canada. “Our government has a duty to OTTAWA protect Canadians and to shoulder ne by one, Conservaour burden in efforts to combat tive MPs in the House of threats such as ISIL. We must do Commons led by Prime our part.” Minister Stephen Harper voted Combat missions do not ordilate Tuesday to join the war in Iraq, narily require Commons approval, passing a controversial motion that but Harper himself promised clears the way for Canadian CFany combat mission, including 18s to embark on airstrikes in the airstrikes, would be subject to a debate and a vote. Middle East. In a statement of his own After two days of debate, the after the vote, NDP Leader Tom motion to launch a combat mission against the militants of the Is- Mulcair accused the Conservalamic State of Iraq and the Levant tives of “plunging Canada into a prolonged war without a credible passed 157-134. plan,” and said the motion which Some 155 Conservatives voted expressly permits airstrikes in Syria in favour of the motion, with the too, with Syrian approval, exposes help of Independent MP Brent Canada to a bloody civil war in Rathgeber and Green MP Bruce that country. Hyer, while the NDP and the “Time and again, Conservatives Liberals were opposed. Liberal MP have refused to answer clear quesIrwin Cotler abstained from the tions and been evasive on critical vote. details of this mission,” Mulcair “We do not take this step lightly,” Harper said in a statement said. “It is impossible to have confifollowing the vote. dence in the judgment of a prime “It is imperative that we act with our allies to halt ISIL’s spread minister who sends Canada into an in the region and reduce its capac- unclear mission for an unspecified ity to launch terrorist attacks out- period, in an undefined area, with uncertain utility.” Canada had initially stayed out AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1-31 of the U.S.-led campaign against the now-notorious al-Qaida splinter group ISIL, which is currently in control of large swaths of territory in both Syria and Iraq. A sustained bombing effort targeting ISIL positions began in August. The following month, Canada quietly announced it would provide up to 69 special Canadian Press




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Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau had earlier said his entire caucus was voting against the motion. “The (Liberal Party of Canada) disagrees with govt on how Canada can best help confront threat of ISIL. Tonight we voted against motion to send our Forces to war,” Trudeau posted on Twitter after the vote. “The members of the Canadian Armed Forces who will now go into harms way have our full and unwavering support.” The NDP had proposed an amendment that would have Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press overhauled the motion entirely, focusing instead on supplying A CF-18 sits ready for flight at Camp Fortin in Trapani, Italy, in September 2011. The federal government intends to send arms to local fighters and increasing humanitarian support. The as many as six CF-18 fighter-bombers to join the aerial camamendment, however, was defeated paign against ISIL. 157-134. forces “advisers” for 30 days to second day of debate. During Tuesday’s debate, New train Iraqi and Kurdish fighters The government motion Democrat MPs expressed skepticurrently battling the group. At last mentioned direct threats against cism that Canada’s contribuword, 26 of those troops were on Canada presumably a reference to tion would end at six months of the ground in Iraq. a recently released ISIL video that airstrikes. Those soldiers will now be part mentions Canada, as well as an “As we have seen in conflict of a broader six-month campaign audio recording attributed to ISIL after conflict after conflict, that that includes as many as six CF-18 leader Abu Muhammad Al-Adnani becomes a slippery slope and that fighter-bombers, two CP-140 sur- that exhorted supporters to take quickly evolves into boots on the veillance planes, one refuelling air- up arms against “disbelievers.” ground,” said NDP MP Peggy craft and 600 personnel, but which “If you can kill a disbelieving Nash. expressly excludes the possibility of American or European especially “There are always reasons: ‘We additional ground forces. the spiteful and filthy French or an have to finish the job, we’re not The Obama administration Australian, or a Canadian, or any effective enough, there is more we welcomed Canada’s decision to other disbeliever from the disbecould be doing.”’ provide fighter aircraft and other lievers waging war, including the The government needs to support for the coalition effort in citizens of the countries that joined release more details about what Iraq. a coalition against the Islamic else is going to happen beyond In a statement late Tuesday, the State, then rely upon Allah, and kill airstrikes, she added. White House said the U.S. is also him in any manner or way how“We need to know what is the grateful for intelligence, surveilever it may be,” Al-Adnani said. plan, what is the duration, is it golance and reconnaissance aircraft On the other side of the House, ing to help or hurt, are we dealing provided by Canada. the Opposition NDP and the Lib- effectively with the humanitarian “There is never a good time to erals voted against the motion on need. I think we have very many go to war but there comes a time the grounds that the Conservative questions that have not adequately in every country’s history where government, maddeningly stingy been addressed.” the necessity outweighs the risk with details about its plans, had The Conservatives announced and the urgency to defend our way failed to make a convincing case. an increase in humanitarian aid to of life, threatened as it is, must be Cotler, however, issued a statevictims of the conflict on Monday, defended,” Justice Minister Peter ment minutes before the vote promising up to $10 million for MacKay said Tuesday during a saying that he would not be voting victims of sexual violence. “on principled grounds.” But while The government says that since that statement detailed his reasons the beginning of 2014, more than AD MATS for not supporting the motion, it $28 million has been allocated to didn’t explain why he didn’t want humanitarian needs in Iraq. 207 Main Street to vote against it. The opposition parties say they Tel: 633-4842 Cotler’s abstention came after will continue to press for more.

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Turkish president says Islamic State group about to capture Syrian border town Lefteris Pitarakis and Bassem Mroue

force the militants to withdraw from most of those areas in Associated Press heavy clashes after midnight, the Observatory and a senior KurdMURSITPINAR, TURKEY ish official said. The Observahe Islamic State group is tory added that five loud exploabout to capture the Syrsions were heard in the town as ian border town of Kobani, warplanes soared overhead. Turkey’s president said Tuesday, Idriss Nassan, deputy head as outgunned Kurdish forces of Kobani’s foreign relations struggled to repel the extremists committee, told The Associated with limited aid from U.S.-led Press that many of the Islamic coalition airstrikes. State fighters were forced to Islamic State fighters using withdraw from areas they seized tanks and heavy weapons looted late Monday, although they from captured army bases are still in parts of the eastern in Iraq and Syria have been neighbourhoods of the Kobani. pounding Kurdish forces in the Kurdish fighters “inflicted strategic town for days. Since heavy casualties among the the militants’ offensive began in attackers and prevented them mid-September, more than 400 from moving deep into the city,” people have been killed in the Nassan said. fighting, activists said. The Observatory said Islamic Turkish President Recep State fighters were meanwhile Tayyip Erdogan said the coaliable to capture several buildings tion air campaign launched last on the southern edge of Kobani month would not be enough to as well as a hospital under conhalt the Islamic State group’s Lefteris Pitarakis/AP Photo struction on the western side. advance and called for greater The Observatory and the Turkish Kurds watch smoke rise following an airstrike today in Kobani, Syria, where the co-operation with the Syrian Local Coordination Commitfi ghting between militants of the Islamic State group and Kurdish forces intensifi ed. opposition, which is fighting tees, another activist group, also both the extremists and forces reported coalition airstrikes in rounds followed Tuesday morn- on a network of activists across loyal to Syrian President Bashar only are the Turks not helping, the eastern province of Deir they are actually hindering the ing, when journalists on the Syria, said Tuesday that 412 Assad. el-Zour, which is almost endefence of Kobani by preventing Turkish side of the border heard people have been killed since the “Kobani is about to fall,” tirely under Islamic State group Kurdish militiamen in Turkey the sound of warplanes before Kobani fi ghting began. Erdogan told Syrian refugees in control. from crossing the border into large plumes of smoke billowed On Tuesday morning, octhe Turkish town of Gaziantep, The United States and five the town to help in the fight. just west of Kobani. casional gunfire could be heard near the border. “We asked for Arab allies launched an aerial “We are besieged by Turkey, Those strikes helped slow the in Kobani. A fl ag of the main three things: one, for a no-fly campaign against the Islamic it is not something new,” said Islamic State group’s shelling of Kurdish force known as the zone to be created; two, for State in Syria on Sept. 23 with Ismet Sheikh Hassan, the Kurd- Kobani, Hassan said. People’s Protection Units, or a secure zone parallel to the the aim of rolling back and ish defence chief for the Kobani The U.S.-led coalition has YPG, was seen flying over a hill region to be declared; and for ultimately crushing the extremregion. launched limited airstrikes over in central Kobani. the moderate opposition in ist group. The U.S. has been Despite Erdogan’s dire assessthe past two weeks near Kobani Turkey has long suspected Syria and Iraq to be trained and ment, Kurdish forces managed in a bid to help Kurdish forces the YPG is linked to the Kurdish bombing Islamic State targets in equipped.” neighbouring Iraq since August. to push Islamic State militants defend the town, but the sorties PKK, which waged a long and Turkish tanks and other The Islamic State group has out of most of the eastern part appear to have done little to bloody insurgency against Anground forces have been staconquered vast swaths of Syria of Kobani on Monday, hours slow the Islamic State group’s kara. Syria’s opposition also has tioned along the border within after the extremists stormed into advance. accused the group of conspiring and Iraq, declaring a self-styled a few hundred meters (yards) caliphate governed by its strict neighbourhoods on the edge of The militants’ onslaught with Assad, charges the YPG of the fighting in Kobani – also interpretation of Shariah law. town, according to the Britainhas forced more than 200,000 denies. known as Ayn Arab – but have The militants have massacred based Syrian Observatory for people to flee in recent weeks, Late Monday, Islamic State not intervened. Just days ago, captured Syrian and Iraqi Human Rights. Erdogan said. Their flight is fighters punctured the Kurdish Turkey said it wouldn’t let Kotroops, terrorized minorities The Kurds may have been among the largest single exofront lines on the eastern edge bani fall. and beheaded two American helped by a round of airstrikes duses of the three-year Syrian of Kobani, and pushed into the Syrian Kurds, however, have journalists and two British aid late Monday against Islamic conflict. town itself. scoffed at the rhetoric coming workers. out of Ankara. They say that not State positions. Two more The Observatory, which relies But the Kurds managed to








Thank you for your generosity for this very important food drive.

ď Ľ


THURSDAY high low



ď Ş 3°C 3 °C

Rendezvous Rotary Club for the generous and much needed donation of $4800.00. The Rendezvous Rotary Club has helped support the food bank since our doors opened and we truly appreciate their commitment.

6°C °C Low: -1 High:

FRIDAY high low

08:21 Sunset: 19:15

ď Ą 10°C 3 °C


SATURDAY high low

L to R Stu Mackay, President Whitehorse Food Bank receives check from Rick GrifďŹ ths of the Rendezvous Rotary Club.

18:56 Moonset: 07:18


°C ď ł 9°C 2


SUNDAY high low

OCTOBER 19-25, 2014

°C 7 ď ł °C 1

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Hong Kong protests thin out as territory’s government agrees to talk with student leaders Tim Sullivan and Kelvin Chan Associated Press

HONG KONG rowds of protesters who filled Hong Kong’s streets with demands for more democracy thinned dramatically Tuesday after student leaders and the government agreed to hold talks in the increasingly frustrated city. Just a few days after tens of thousands of demonstrators thronged the city’s streets, only a couple thousand protesters were scattered across the three main protest areas on Tuesday night. But the six-lane highway that cuts through the heart of Hong Kong’s business district remained blocked by demonstrators, once again snarling traffic and angering many commuters. One young protester sleepily brushed his teeth as rush hour began, while a sleeping demonstrator leaned back in a nylon chair nearby, his mouth open and his eyeglasses askew. Despite the dwindling numbers of activists on the streets, protest leaders insisted the movement was far from defeated, and vowed to walk away from negotiations if the police used force to clear away the remaining demonstrators. Michael Leung, 14, wearing his school uniform and doing homework on the highway, said he had come to the protest zone on three days after school. “You see now the number of people is decreasing because there has been no big action from the government and the police,” he said. “But I think if the government or police want to clear this area, then the people will come out again.” At the territory’s government headquarters, which had been blocked by protesters for a week, only a half dozen or so student protesters remained at the barricades. Eight policemen stood


demonstrators on Sept. 28, it caused an upsurge in support for the protesters and brought tens of thousands of Hong Kong residents into the streets. On Monday, Leung, the city’s chief executive, said in a TV address that the government would seek “a sincere dialogue on political reform.” At the same time, he urged the end to the blockade of the streets and issued veiled warnings that the authorities would eventually need to “restore social order.” “I hope that the protesters gathering on the roads, especially students and young people, Vincent Yu/AP Photo could think this over: While Demonstrators block streets in the heart of Hong Kong’s business district today. fighting for a better future and democracy for Hong Kong by police will not clear the protesters Communist leaders. nearby, chatting among themway of civil disobedience, should for a few days.” selves. A police spokesman warned you also consider the prolonged But with the authorities unOn Tuesday night, a dozen Tuesday that “the chance of furdisruption caused to the general likely to agree to the protesters’ policemen ringed a small group ther confrontations is increasing” public?” he said. immediate demands, including of pro-government demonstrain the city’s Mong Kok district, Primary schools in districts the resignation of Hong Kong tors as they marched near the where mobs tried to drive away affected by the protests reopened Chief Executive Leung Chunprotesters. protesters over the weekend. The Tuesday, a day after high school ying, any talks could quickly “It is true democracy we’re protesters “have occupied the classes resumed. Civil servants collapse. looking for!” one of the demonroad illegally for many days,” said returned to work after protest“The real test is what happens police spokesman Steve Hui, add- ers cleared the area outside the strators cried into portable loudspeaker, as the group shouted her when the negotiations break ing that authorities would “take city government headquarters, a down,” said Cheng. down. action at the appropriate time.” focal point of the demonstrations Like many protest leaders, Lau Kong-wah, the territory’s Earlier crackdowns, though, that began Sept. 26. But the city’s Cheng suspects the government undersecretary of constitutional have backfired on the governlegislature, located in the same is purposefully slowing discusaffairs, said the government and ment. When police fired tear gas complex, postponed two meetstudents had set a date for a first sions to drive a wedge between and pepper spray on unarmed ings on Tuesday. meeting on Friday to discuss the the activists and residents increasingly anxious for the prodetails of political reform. He tests to end. said the talks will be open to the People “are now beginning to public and that negotiations so say: ‘Hey, we want to make a livfar had “a good start.” The dueling questions now are ing. You are disturbing my daily life,”’ he said. how long the demonstrators are The protesters are demanding willing to continue their protests – and how long until the govern- a wider say in the inaugural 2017 elections for Hong Kong’s top ment removes them. official, known as the chief execu“We are safe (from a cracktive, than China’s central governdown) for the moment,” said ment is willing to give them. BeiJoseph Cheng, a specialist in jing, which controls Hong Kong Chinese politics at the City but allows far more liberty here University of Hong Kong who than on the mainland, insists that has deep ties to the city’s prodemocracy movement. “Now that all candidates be screened by a there are negotiations going on – committee of mostly pro-China or at least negotiations to discuss tycoons and other elites, raisnegotiations – we expect that the ing fears of a tightening grip by

Safety officers begin targeted workplace inspections on October 20. Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board is visiting workplaces we’ve identified as high risk. Our mission: To prevent disability. Our safety officers will inspect specific workplaces for: • Equipment maintenance • Lockout procedures • Personal protective equipment • Other hazards • Work practices. Those that don’t meet occupational health and safety regulations will receive orders and could be fined or prosecuted. So work smart and work safe. Keep your spaces clean, well-organized and hazard free. Be ready. We’re knocking on doors.




Canada lacks vision for managing shipping traffic growth in the Arctic: audit Canadian Press

OTTAWA anada lacks an overall vision for dealing with an expected growth in marine traffic in the Arctic, with outdated maps and surveys, inadequate navigational aids and icebreaking services that are stretched to the limit, the federal environment commissioner warned Tuesday. Julie Gelfand’s audit of Transport Canada, Environment Canada and Fisheries and Oceans, which oversees the coast guard, paints a startling portrait of just how many gaps there are in the federal government’s knowledge and understanding of a region it has long claimed is a political and economic priority. The area, despite the Harper’s government’s repeated emphasis on resource development and claims of sovereignty, has been “inadequately surveyed and charted,” said Gelfand’s fall report. Some Arctic maps are more than 40 years old, it noted.


“This means that many charts available to mariners are not current or reliable,” Gelfand said. “The charts based on data collected through hydrographic surveys that do meet adequate or modern standards generally have a high likelihood of undetected hazards and uncertainty in position of the data.” Growth in marine shipping in the Arctic that’s only expected to continue has meant a commensurate spike in demand for more accurate, detailed surveys and maps based on more efficient, detailed multi-beam sonar, the report said – a relatively modern-day survey technology that, even though it dates back to the 1970s, would be a significant improvement over the archaic information currently available. Unfortunately, the Canadian Hydrographic Service lacks the resources and the logistical capacity to adequately conduct such surveys, rhe report found. Gelfand’s report acknowledges the challenge the CHS faces,

The report also says the Canadian Coast Guard has not responded adequately to growing demands for improved fixed navigation aids in the Arctic, such as lights, beacons and buoys. And it says the coast guard’s capacity to provide icebreaking services is stretched to capacity and likely to decline due to planned vessel refits – all at a time of unprecedented demand and shipping seasons that grow longer each year. Since 2007, commercial vessels have entered the Arctic earlier and left later than coast Jonathan Hayward/The Canadian Press guard icebreakers. Concurrently, The Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Louis S. St-Laurent the ice-breaking service has also makes its way through the ice in Baffin Bay on July 10, 2008. reduced the number of days it operates in the Far North. noting it would be unreasonable were about 100 small – mostly “This reduced presence in the to expect the entire Arctic to oil and gasoline – spills in the Arctic means that icebreakers surveyed to modern standards. Arctic, according to coast guard serving the region may have to But the high-risk, high-traffic data. cover more territory and may areas, particularly near comShipping in the fast-melting take longer to respond to user munities where vessels come in region is expected to increase requests for icebreaking serto port, should be thoroughly and “given the fragile environvices,” said the report. mapped, it said. ment, harsh weather conditions, The federal government has Between 2002 and 2013, there limited infrastructrure, and the responded to and agreed with direct dependance of communi- Gelfand’s conclusions, promisties on those ecosystems, marine ing to prioritize hydrographic spills as a result of shipping surveying efforts, review navigaare considered one of the most tional aid systems and consider serious threats to Arctic ecosys- “modern and efficient solutions” tems,” said the report. for coast guard service delivery.

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Nuisance beavers put to use restoring streams, fish habitat in central Washington Phuong Le Associated Press

ELLENSBURG, WASH. n a heavily irrigated Washington valley where fish, crops and people often compete for water, biologists are turning to one of nature’s best engineers to help restore streams and salmon habitat. Landowners typically trap or kill beavers that block irrigation canals and flood homes in the Yakima Valley. But one project is relocating the troublemaking creatures to the headwaters of the Yakima River, where their talent for chewing willows and constructing lodges can be put to good use. “Beavers can be really destructive, but in the right places, they can be good ecosystem engineers,” said Mel Babik, project manager with the Mid-Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group, a non-profit that works to restore salmon populations. In Washington, Oregon, Utah and other parts of the West, beavers increasingly are being used as an effective, low-cost tool to help restore rivers. Beaver dams, ponds and other structures add complexity to an ecosystem, slowing the flow of water and sediment downstream. Salmon and other fish take advantage of pockets of slow water to rest, feed and hide. Meanwhile, beaver ponds help store water on the surface as well as underground. “The water stored underground


Manuel Valdes/AP Photo

A young beaver looks out from a cage at a holding facility in Ellensburg, Wash., last month.

comes out during a time of year when fish need cold water and farmers need it too,” said William Meyer, who co-ordinates the Yakima Basin water resources plan for the state Department of Fish and Wildlife. Decades, even centuries ago, it wasn’t uncommon for people to enlist the help of beavers, but interest has been renewed as communities confront declining salmon runs and water supply issues. In the 1930s, people were realizing streams and rivers without beavers were struggling, said Joe Wheaton, a geomorphologist and assistant professor at Utah State University who has studied the beaver’s role in accelerating river restoration. A 1949 article in Popular Mechanics

described how Idaho wildlife officials relocated beavers to mountain streams by parachuting them in. “People are looking for innovative new things to try, and even if it’s not new, we refer to it as cheap and cheerful restoration,” Wheaton said. The Yakima Beaver Project is modeled after a similar one in north-central Washington’s Methow Valley. Using a grant from state salmonrecovery money, biologists take calls from landowners with beaver problems in urban and agricultural areas. If the animals can’t be managed on site, the group moves them to tributaries in the upper Yakima River. The group has relocated 126 beavers over four years. About

Environmental coalition says bill to ban fracking is badly flawed the legislature. “The definition of hydraulic fracturing covered by the bill HALIFAX determines the extent of the ban,” coalition of environmental the coalition said in a statement. groups opposed to hydraulic “The definition should be in the bill fracturing in Nova Scotia says legis- itself.” lation that would ban the practice is But Energy Minister Andrew seriously flawed. Younger said that’s not the case, The group had initially applaud- adding that the province’s staff and ed the province’s Liberal governlawyers have told him the appropriment when it announced a renewed ate place for the definition is in the moratorium last month through regulations under the province’s amendments to the Petroleum Petroleum Resources Act. Resources Act. “The definition under the PetroBut the Nova Scotia Fracking leum Resources Act will tend to be Resource and Action Coalition a very highly technical definition said Monday a closer review of a and that’s not the sort of thing you bill tabled last week has revealed put in legislation,” said Younger. shortcomings when it comes to a “The definition can’t be weakened definition for fracking, commuto the point of being in violation of nity consent and exemptions for the act. research. “The bill prohibits high-volume Gretchen Fitzgerald of the Sierra hydraulic fracturing in shale formaClub said by defining fracking in tions. You can’t then pass a regularegulations rather than in the bill, tion that would allow it.” the government is allowing the The coalition also said the bill energy minister to make changes does not include a requirement for community consent before fracking without public debate or a vote in Michael MacDonald Canadian Press


is permitted, which was a key recommendation from an expert panel review done for the government. But Younger said any regulatory changes require a 30-day public comment period. “There is public input. It is a public process,” he said. As well, the coalition is critical of the bill because it’s specifically aimed at high-volume hydraulic fracturing in shale rock formations. Coalition member Mark Tipperman said that creates a loophole for companies hoping to frack for oil or gas in different types of sand or rock. “Unconventional gas and oil development occurs not just in shale formations but also in tight sands and coal beds,” the coalition says. “The risks arising from fracking in these other formations are similar, if not identical, to fracking shale.” Younger said the process has always been limited to shale formations since it was started by the province’s previous NDP government three years ago.

half stick around and build dams near where they were transplanted. Others are killed by predators or return to where they were trapped. One beaver swam 65 kilometres to reunite with his mate. Trapping and killing beavers is legal in Washington, and between 1,000 and 2,000 are trapped each year, state officials said. The nocturnal mammals build structures to flood areas so they can protect themselves from predators. In one case in the Yakima Valley, a beaver family built a four-metre

tall dam that flooded a resident’s home. The landowner was unable to dismantle the structure, so Babik and her team trapped the dad and six kits. The beavers were kept at a holding facility on the Yakama Nation for several days and then driven to a Yakima River tributary. From there, Babik, interns from Central Washington University and others carried the beavers in heavy cages about one kilometre on a dirt trail. Some group members had gone in the day before and built a temporary lodge in the small stream to help the family get started. They opened the cage doors and, one by one, urged the beavers into the lodge, occasionally blocking the opening with their bodies so the beavers would stay inside. One kit broke free and swam downstream. Eventually, the others escaped as well. “Sometimes they bolt … and you never see them again,” Babik said. But 15 minutes later, the beavers reappeared at an old beaver lodge about 30 metres downstream. There, they could be seen grooming themselves and each other and swimming up and into the lodge. They also could be heard chewing. “They’re doing what wild beavers do. They feel safe,” Babik said. “This is a good sign.”







The story behind the tramlines of Windy Arm Michael Gates


s you travel the Skagway Road south of Carcross along Windy Arm toward British Columbia, you will pass by an old tramway tower standing on the hill beside the road. It is now a feature of historical interest, but it was once part of a silver rush to the mountains overlooking this narrow arm of Tagish Lake. The tram was one part of several serving mines that operated in the area between 1905 and 1910. If you look carefully on the mountainside to the west of the highway, you may catch a glimpse of other tramway towers that were strung along the mountainside in several locations. They were an engineering solution to a major technical problem: how to economically transport the valuable ore off the mountainside. William R. Young staked the Montana claim in 1899, giving the mountain upon which it was located its name. In 1900, three prospectors – Jack Pooley, Jack Stewart and Ira Petty – prospected the region of the Montana claim, staking the Mountain Hero claim next to Young’s property. The Venus and Uranus claims were staked the following year. Interest increased and others started staking claims in the same region in 1903. During a visit to the Yukon in 1904, entrepreneur John H. Conrad showed an interest in various Windy Arm properties. He formed two companies and the development of the Windy Arm claims began in March 1905. One of the main obstacles that had to be overcome in developing mines located high up on the bleak mountainside was transportation. Access was possible to the lakeshore near the mines by sternwheel steamers, or over land by road. A railway spur from the White Pass and Yukon Route main line at Carcross was even contemplated from Carcross to the mines, but the company refused to proceed until there was “sufficient business in sight to make a

Yukon Archives/Yukon News

The construction of the tramway from Conrad City, located on the shore of Windy Arm, to the Mountain Hero mine 5,699 metres above, began in September of 1905, but due to technical problems, was not completed until the following summer.

railroad to the mines profitable.” Rail transportation continued to be an issue throughout the entire life of the Windy Arm enterprise. But the most difficult challenge was to provide economical access to and from the mines located high above the lake, on the steep mountainsides. At first, supplies were hauled up the dangerous, precipitous slopes with horsepower. This was expensive, and a liability to operating a profitable mine. The solution was to construct an overhead tramway to haul ore from the mines down to the waterfront. In a state of euphoric opti-



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mism over the potential of his mines, Conrad contacted Royal Riblet of Nelson, British Columbia, whose brother, Byron, a civil engineer, had an aptitude for designing and building tramways. Byron, or B.C., as he was known, graduated with a degree in engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1886. He designed his first tramway 10 years later and developed a reputation as one of the best in the business. In July of 1905, Conrad and Gustave Singer, the general manager of Conrad Consolidated Mines, travelled to Seattle to negotiate construction of the first tramway, and Royal Riblet was to visit Windy Arm for the purpose of laying out a second tramline. The first tram line, which cost $80,000, was of a bi-cable design that ran from the rapidly expanding townsite of Conrad on the shore of Windy Arm to the Mountain Hero and Montana mines. It was 5,699 metres (18,697 feet) long, with a gain of over 1,000 metres (3,464 feet) in elevation. One span between two towers of almost 914 metres (3,000 feet) was the longest in the world at the time the tramway was constructed. The ore cars were carried along a heavy stationary support

cable, while being pulled by a lighter gauge running line. The cable supported 80 ore buckets, each holding a third of a cubic metre (12 cubic feet) of ore, and running on a gravity system at a speed of eight kilometres (five miles) per hour. The weight of the ore coming down was sufficient to power the carrying of men and equipment up to the mine site using special lumber carriers and passenger cars. Construction of the tram line from Conrad to the Mountain Hero Mine began in September 1905. In October a capstan, or spindle, broke and another had to be delivered from Seattle. So many problems surfaced that the tramway did not become operational until June of 1906. Before the first tramway was completed two more were under construction. A line of 564 metres (1,850 feet) was completed from the Vault mine in August of 1906. The Windy Arm stampede quickly petered out, and by 1908 mining was all but dead. According to one historian, “John Conrad lost interest, investors lost money, miners moved out, and the tramways were either abandoned or sold off.” Conrad blamed the high freight rates charged by the White

Pass and Yukon Route Railway as a major factor in the demise of his venture. During disputes with White Pass over their costly freight rates, Conrad at one time threatened to bypass the railroad entirely. He proposed to construct a double tramway over the Chilkoot Pass to Lindeman Lake nearly 50 kilometres in length that would receive ore transported by boat from the town of Conrad. But by 1912, his mining venture was bankrupt. The Venus mine operated sporadically until 1920, and then again in the 1970s. Today we remember it by the scattered ruins left abandoned on the mountainous landscape of Windy Arm. The Riblet Company continued to prosper for another century. From the 1940s on, they began to specialize in skiing and chairlifts. Over the next 50 years, they designed and built hundreds of ski lifts all over the world. They specialized in fixed grip lifts, and because of the limited market for that design, the company announced that it was going out of business in 2003, and closed its doors for good a short time later. This article was provided by the Association of Professional Engineers of Yukon.




Concert to mark International Day of the Girl

Submitted photo/Yukon News

From left, Madi Dixon, Kathleen Limpio, Emma Blair, Julia Frasher, Selina Heyligers-Hare, Sarah Ott, and Emily Ross are all performing for the Because I am a Girl concert at the Yukon Arts Centre on Saturday at 7 p.m.

Ashley Joannou

Centre on Saturday. This is the second year the group has come together to raise group of local singers money for the Because I am a are raising their voices in Girl campaign, an international support of young women program to end gender inequaland girls around the world. ity and promote girls’ rights. Seven young songstresses, “I hope (the audience) come each well-known in her own away with a new understanding right, are coming together to of how powerful and strong girls raise money for the education of are,” Blair said. women in developing countries “Because sometimes girls are and mark the UN’s International typically labelled as weak, and Day of the Girl. all of us girls are kind of singing “We’re the generation that for the strength of others. We is responsible for change in the hope that people can take that world right now,” said 16-yearaway.” old Emma Blair. “We’re the The concert is one of many voices that kind of need to speak events scheduled around the out for these girls who aren’t world to coincide with the Interable or allowed to have voices of national Day of the Girl. their own.” “Girls face discrimination Blair, along with Emily Ross, and violence every day across Selina Heyligers-Hare, Madi the world. The International Dixon, Sarah Ott, Julia Frasher Day of the Girl focuses attention and Kathleen Limpio, is peron the need to address the chalforming in the Because I am a lenges girls face and to promote Girl concert at the Yukon Arts girls’ empowerment and the fulNews Reporter


filment of their human rights,” according to the UN’s website. The Yukon concert is the brainchild of Emily Ross and her mother Lisa. All of the performers, who range in age from 15 to 17, know each other from around the Yukon singing community, Lisa Ross said. Last year’s concert, at the Mount McIntyre Recreation Centre, raised about $4,000. About 230 people attended and “there were probably about 30 people that stood for the entire two-and-a-half hour concert.” When the girls got together and talked about where they wanted the money to go, education was a top priority, Lisa Ross said. That’s how the Because I am a Girl fund was chosen. It is run by Plan Canada, one of the world’s oldest international development agencies.

The money goes to things like scholarships, school construction, nutrition programs and training opportunities in developing countries around the world including Bangladesh, Ethiopia and South Sudan. “By educating a girl you raise an entire community. So it’s not just girls and women that are affected, it’s an entire community,” Lisa Ross said. Moving to the arts centre this year means there’s space for a larger audience. The event is being presented by the arts centre and the Yukon government’s Youth Investment Fund. Solos, duets, trios and ensemble songs are all being planned for the night. “I think it’s important because there are a lot of girls in the world that are going through life without an education,” said 16-year-old Limpio. “We want to be able to raise awareness towards the inequality and the

poverty that’s going on.” Tickets for the night are $20 for adults $10 for youth. The concert is happening at 7 p.m. It is also being filmed. It will be made into a DVD and later aired on community television. This year’s event goes beyond the singing. Jessica Hall, who is creating the DVD, will be mentoring a group of youth in videography that night. On the Friday before the concert, members of Yukon Women in Music are also offering a free singing, songwriting and performance workshop from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. “Not only do we want to present a concert of these seven artists, we also want to help other artists grow,” Lisa Ross said. Anyone looking for more information can email lisa.ross@ northwestel.net Contact Ashley Joannou at ashleyj@yukon-news.com




Buck 65 documents his divorce on confessional new album Neverlove Nick Patch Canadian Press

TORONTO f you listened to Buck 65’s newest record without knowing he was trumpeting it as his “divorce album,” it wouldn’t take long to figure it out. First there’s the cover, and its image of wilted flowers sitting on an unmade bed. Then there are the track titles: “Heart of Stone,” “That’s the Way Love Dies” and “Love Will F--- You Up.” And then you finally listen, and the very first song, “Gates of Hell,” features the alt-hip-hop veteran trying his hand (or lungs) at scream therapy. Of course, the artist otherwise known as Rich Terfry’s far-flung fan base will already know many of the details of his personal life. His website features a crushing first-hand anecdote about the day “a few years ago” when his wife left. He’s also written a book on the subject. And he’s discussing the entire ordeal in interviews to promote the record, out this week. So among the questions put to him, then: why be so specific about the real-life inspiration of Neverlove, when so many artists sing about personal material then refuse to talk about it? “I made the songs without really considering consequences, Buck 65 poses for a photograph in Toronto last month. which is to say I wasn’t even really thinking about the idea that peo- a recent interview at a Toronto with that reality for the first time, ple would hear it eventually,” said admittedly, it was terrifying. Terfry, open and upbeat during cafe. “And when I was confronted “(But) I’ve experienced the same thing as well where you hear a record, it sounds like there’s a School Council By-elections lot going on, you want to hear what the musician has to say Notice of Candidates about it, and then they refuse to Elected say anything or they get defensive, like: ‘How would you like it if I asked you that question?’ “Well, you’re putting yourself The following candidates were acclaimed as members of out there. Not me. I mean, it’s the Whitehorse Elementary School Council on Thursday, ridiculous. So I feel that in being October 2, 2014: a professional and having offered Whitehorse Elementary – Zero (0) Vacancies this thing up, I gotta be accountable for it and talk about it and Name Address support it.” Rachel Moser 23 Donjek Road As he prepared for interviews Hillarie Zimmermann 18 Firth Road he figured would be emotionally trying, Terfry revisited the album Cristina Pekarik 3 Langholz Road and the feelings that inspired it – Laura Lang 200 Falcon Drive a strange experience, given that Victoria Castillo Unit 41-58 Falcon Drive he finds himself miles away from that headspace now. In writing, the Halifax-born The following candidate was acclaimed as a member Terfry wanted to reflect his surof the Kluane Lake School Council on Thursday, roundings as he worked, spendOctober 2, 2014: ing most of his waking hours in his dark, empty house (literally Kluane Lake – Four (4) Vacancies empty, he points out, since his Name Address wife had taken her stuff with her Sherry Massie Burwash Landing when she left). So aside from occasional excursions – for instance superFor information call the Elections Office at 667-8683 or silly dance pop tune “Super Pretty Naughty,” crafted in concert 1-866-668-8683 (toll free). with Swedish producer Marten Tromm, and softly sung pianopop tune “Superhero in My Published by the Chief Electoral Officer of Yukon Heart” – the songs are busy, elec-


Nathan Denette/The Canadian Press

tronic and reflect his desire for an album that sounded “cold.” “As I have the tour looming ahead of me, I’m questioning will I be able to perform these songs at all? Is a bar on a Friday night the right setting for a song like ‘Baby Blanket?’ Is that what people want at midnight on a Friday?” he mused, referencing perhaps the album’s most affecting track, seemingly written about the faded possibility of expanding the family. “People have been granting me permission to do it,” he added later of performing his new material. “I think they can appreciate that it takes some bravery on my part to do it. I made this thing and I have to go out and … run this thing out there on the road. “So this will be what this year is in an exercise: How much guts do I have?” For those wondering about what his ex makes of all this soulbaring, well, you’re not alone; Terfry wondered too. As he describes the initial breakup – on the album, on his website, in person – he came home from work to find his wife’s wedding ring along with a note reminding him to feed the cat. By that point she was already on a plane heading elsewhere, and she didn’t come back. He hasn’t seen her face in years. They did talk in the aftermath of the split, though, a daily indul-

gence that was both “comforting” and “detrimental.” Though they eventually worked away from that regular communication, Terfry still felt as though he needed her to hear Neverlove. “I was terrified to send it to her,” he said, noting that some of the “angriest” songs were ultimately cut. “Some of them were tough – really, really angry. Anger directed sometimes at myself but sometimes at her. “She’s really smart. When I first met her, she was in school studying art history. She has this appreciation for art, and she already liked my music. “I give her credit for (saying): ‘I can put my own feelings about things (aside) to say I think you did some really good work here, but I can also see you’re working through some things and that’s good, you need to do that.”’ If she was hurt, he insisted: “the only thing she said was, ‘I’m glad you sent that to me and I’m glad I heard it but I don’t think I’ll be able to listen to that one again.”’ “But it was important to me for her to hear it first,” he explained. “And I hesitate to say (it was) to get her approval, but in a way, deep down, maybe that’s what I was looking for. If she said, ‘I’m not OK with this,’ I’m not sure I would have been able to go on ahead and share it with everyone.”




Lena Dunham’s Not That Kind of Girl is full of wit and grit Brooke Lefferts

You could argue that Dunham is too young to be doling out life advice, but the book’s subtitle, “A Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Young Woman Tells You What Woman Tells You What She’s She’s ‘Learned,â€?’ is a wink at read‘Learned’ (Random House), ers. She acknowledges that she’s by Lena Dunham no expert, but hopes discussing intimate topics – from losing her n her new memoir, Not That virginity to her struggles with Kind of Girl, Lena Dunham crippling anxiety – may normalrelays a charming story about ize the daunting process of transimeeting a new friend and fellow tioning to mature adulthood. writer she admires in London, The book reads like a personal drinking too much wine and journal, opening with a college projectile vomiting all over the memory. “I’m 20 years old and woman’s living room floor. After I hate myself ‌â€? she writes, a a feckless effort to keep the last phrase likely familiar to many messy detail of the night to heryoung women. The writing is rich self, Dunham blabs the story to and her attention to details – like colleagues in the first 10 minutes her grandmother’s beloved Mayof a meeting the next day. “Sharbelline eye pencil, or the ironic ing is my first instinct,â€? she writes. font of an old boyfriend’s tattoo It’s that brazen willingness – create vivid characters, environto bare all that drives Dunham’s ments and moods. work, and readers of this collecAlways pushing boundaries, tion of smart, funny and poiDunham doesn’t disappoint with gnant essays will thank her for it. the sordid scoop – including Divulging secrets, character drinking, experimenting with flaws and embarrassing misdrugs, casual sex and kissing girls. takes in her writing has become Quick, clever musings like bestDunham’s trade. Unknown, advice lists from her parents, and unconventional and only 26, she a hilariously self-absorbed retelltook on Hollywood in Sylvester ing of an email exchange with Stallone-style – creating her hit an old boyfriend, are sprinkled show, Girls, in 2012 and getting throughout the book. HBO to let her write, act, proWhile much of the advice is duce and direct her version of the aimed at millennials, she has the young female experience. wisdom and depth of an old soul. Fans of the show will love the Dunham beautifully expresses book, which has the same senher regrets about high school and sibility, presenting complicated college, where she never felt like people in authentic situations she fit in. She warns readers that who speak to her generation. Every piece bears her original hu- being in a hurry to get to the next phase made her squander those mour, but Dunham digs deeper years of learning. into her arsenal of personal One particularly intense memstories and finds extra courage ory reveals a college one-night to reveal some tough life experiences. stand that turned into rough, Associated Press


unwanted sex. Dunham describes the facts, carefully emphasizing her role in what happened – she drank too much, didn’t heed warnings about the guy and invited him to her apartment. She never reported the incident and avoids labeling it a sexual assault, leaving readers to ponder. Another chapter is a carefully worded, angry but empowered rant directed at men in Hollywood who marginalized, insulted, condescended to and harassed her. It’s perhaps Dunham’s answer to Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In, but her message is “Lay off!� (Although she’d likely use a stronger verb.) She blames herself for being too eager to please and too worried she’d appear “silly.� People took advantage of her, banking on her youth and inexperience to prevent her from standing up for herself. Many of her funniest tales focus on her chronic attraction to jerks until she met her current boyfriend, fun. guitarist Jack Antonoff. She says he changed everything, and their healthy relationship put her in “jerk recovery,� where she’s able to be herself. Dunham has been called selfindulgent, and a few pieces fit that bill. Several pages of food diary entries and a list of what can be found in her purse don’t add much to the narrative, but they’re minor diversions in a well-written, engaging collection. She acknowledges that she used to often put up a front, creating a “recklessly cheerful� persona who partied like a rock star without a care in the world. But the person she allows us to

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see in the book has weaknesses and fears, just like the rest of us. Simply put, she makes self-doubt look cool. Dunham concedes she’s on a perpetual quest for acceptance,

even after finding success. Although she’s become known for exposure (often appearing naked on her show), she makes herself more vulnerable in this book than ever before, conveying deep

Taku River Tlingit Members Information Meeting October 15th, 2014 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm Yukon Inn 4220 - 4th Avenue Whitehorse, Yukon Supper will be provided & Door Prizes TRT Members to discuss Chieftain Metals Corp Project Status & Update




LIFE A dependable backup when disaster strikes

Alistair Maitland/Yukon News

Ron McFadyen has been a ham radio operator for almost half a century. Last month, he helped coordinate a search-and-rescue operation when a teenagerwent missing in the Lake Laberge area.

prevented him from communicating that important information. hen all else fails, ham “Being a ham radio operator radio works. I know that system, I knew I The old saying had coverage that far out so it’s rang true last month as memthe first thing I grabbed,” said bers of the Yukon Amateur Hauff. Radio Association helped co“There are other ways I ordinate a search-and-rescue could have done it, but I don’t operation north of Whitehorse. know how to use the other It was the second time since radios. In time, I could have July that ham radio operators figured it out, but I had other demonstrated the usefulness things to do and needed to be and versatility of the commuquick.” nication system in an emerHauff used the radio in his gency situation. vehicle to touch base with Ron On the evening of Sept. 21, McFadyen, a fellow association the RCMP called on the White- member who just happened horse search-and-rescue team to be in the basement of his to assist in locating a missing Riverdale home that evening, teenager in the Lake Laberge where his station is set up. area. Once contact was estabTerry Hauff, a search-andlished, McFadyen recorded rescue veteran with 15 years of Hauff ’s messages and played experience in the Yukon and them back to Whitehorse the N.W.T., established a com- search-and-rescue member Al mand centre on site. Ekholm. He needed to reach a fellow When the teenager was team member in Whitehorse, found, Hauff was able to let who would then mobilize other teams know they could search-and-rescue teams in stand down. other communities. This past July, a late-night car accident near Carmacks But a faulty satellite phone Myles Dolphin News Reporter


kept a woman pinned upsidedown in her vehicle for several hours. Early the next morning, a few transport trucks drove by and the accident was spotted. A distress call was put out on both CB radio and ham radio frequencies, and a trucker within cell range was able to contact emergency personnel. McFadyen has been with the association since its inception in 1976 and now serves as vice president. The association has about 30 paid members but McFadyen estimates there are over 50 ham radio operators in the territory. The members, classified as professional amateur radio operators, mostly just chat with each other. But every now and then, operators are called upon to help in emergency situations, like when a NorthwesTel equipment failure in Sept. 2012 caused the loss of 911, landline, cellphone and Internet service across the territory. The radio association was there to set up an early communication network.

“We provide communication when no one else can,” McFadyen said. “We’re not in competition with the private industry. We can’t replace the telephone company. “We’re called upon when other communication systems fail.” On Sept. 11, 2001, members also pitched in to support the Yukon government’s Health and Social Services Department, as it dealt with passengers from a diverted flight. The passengers were placed in the Beringia Interpretive Centre while members of the department worked out of the nearby Emergency Measures Organization building. “There was a lot of congestion with the phones,” McFadyen said, “and we needed to pass information between buildings, which is part of Health.” “There were a couple hundred people who needed translators, medicine, and other things. It was easier for us to handle over radio.” In 2004, when wildfires ravaged the territory, operators

went down to the Swift River, B.C. area to help firefighters from both jurisdictions communicate with each other. McFadyen said there are “black holes,” or areas without cell phone coverage, in the territory where ham radios are almost guaranteed to work. The association owns and operates 22 repeaters, which are interconnected to each other. Three of them are located on mountaintops above 2,100 metres. “Our signal starts in Dawson then goes down to Skagway, and all points in between,” McFadyen said. “We have coverage pretty much the whole way. It’s a very unique system, one of the best amateur radio networks in Canada, given the size of our population.” The association helps out in other ways, too. It provides safety communications for the Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay as well as the Klondike Road Relay. Contact Myles Dolphin at myles@yukon-news.com




Voice-activated smartphones, dashboard infotainment systems can distract drivers Joan Lowy Associated Press

WASHINGTON ust because you can talk to your car doesn’t mean you should. Two new studies have found that voice-activated smartphones and dashboard infotainment systems may be making the distracteddriving problem worse instead of better. The systems let drivers do things like tune the radio, send a text message, or make a phone call while keeping their eyes on the road and their hands on the wheel, but many of these systems are so error-prone or complex that they require more concentration from drivers rather than less, according to studies released Tuesday by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and the University of Utah. One study examined infotainment systems in some of the most common auto brands on the road: Chevrolet, Chrysler, Ford, Hyundai and Mercedes. The second study tested the Apple iPhone’s Siri voice system to navigate, send texts, make Facebook and Twitter posts, and use the calendar without handling or looking at the phone. Apple and Google are working with automakers to mesh smartphones with infotainment systems so that drivers can bring their apps, navigation and music files into their cars. The voice-activated systems were graded on a distraction scale of 1 to 5, with 1 representing no distraction and 5 comparable to doing complex math problems and word


DanCampbellPhotographer.com/AAA Foundation

A driver during the Cognitive Distraction Phase II testing in Salt Lake City. Two new studies have found that voice-activated smartphones and dashboard infotainment systems may be making the distracted-driving problem worse.

memorization. The systems were tested by 162 university students and other volunteers in three settings: a laboratory, a driving simulator and in cars while driving through a Salt Lake City neighbourhood. Apple’s Siri received the worst rating, 4.14. Twice test drivers using

Siri in a driving simulator rearended another car. Chevrolet’s MyLink received the worst rating, 3.7, among the infotainment systems. Infotainment systems from three other automakers – Mercedes, Ford and Chrysler – also were rated more distracting for drivers than simply talking on

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a hand-held cellphone. Most of the cars were 2013 model year vehicles. “What we continue to see from customers is that they demand this level of technology in their vehicles, that access to music and access to calls is now a critical part of the driving experience and so we’re looking at innovative ways to provide that,” said Chevrolet spokeswoman Annalisa Bluhm. Apple noted in a statement that researchers didn’t use the company’s CarPlay or Siri Eyes Free, which are designed for use in cars. However, David Strayer, the University of Utah psychology professor who led the two studies, said researchers consulted with Apple before beginning the study. The study used an iOS 7 version of Siri that was tweaked to be nearly identical to the iOS 8 version, which was just recently released, he said. The systems with the worst ratings were those that made errors even though drivers’ voice commands were clear and distinct, said Strayer. Drivers had to concentrate on exactly what words they wanted to use and in what order to get the systems to follow their commands, creating a great deal of frustration. For example, an infotainment system might recognize a command to change a radio station to “103.5 FM,” but not “FM 103.5” or simply “103.5,” he said. Siri sometimes garbled text messages or selected wrong phone numbers from personal phonebooks, Strayer said. During one test, Siri called 911 instead of the phone number requested by the volunteer driver and the driver had to scramble to end the call before it went through. Siri found the number in

the driver’s phonebook because the driver had called it once before. “When these systems become more complex, like sending text messages or posting to Facebook, it pushes the workloads to pretty high levels and may be dangerous while driving,” Strayer said. The studies contradict claims by automakers, who have been pitching the voice systems to car buyers as a way they can safely enjoy social media and connectivity. Safety advocates say drivers assume that such systems are safe because they are incorporated into vehicles and are hands-free. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which regulates vehicle safety, has issued guidelines to automakers for dashboard systems and is working on similar guidelines for cellphones and voice-activated systems, but the guidelines are voluntary. “Infotainment systems are unregulated,” said Deborah Hersman, president of the National Safety Council and former chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board. “It is like the Wild West, where the most critical safety feature in the vehicle – the driver – is being treated like a guinea pig in human trials with new technologies.” Two of the infotainment systems were rated relatively low for distraction. Toyota’s Entune received a 1.7, the distraction equivalent of listening to an audiobook, and Hyundai’s Blue Lin Telematic System received a 2.2. “The good news is that really well-designed systems offer us the possibility to interact in ways that aren’t so distracting,” Strayer said.




Once derided as domain of slackers, video-game playing now scholarship worthy, school says Jason Keyser Associated Press

CHICAGO s a teenager, holed up in his bedroom, illuminated by the glow of his laptop, Youngbin Chung became addicted to video games. Ten-hours-a-day addicted. His grades tanked. His parents fretted. A few years later, the 20-yearold from the San Francisco area leads a team of headset-wearing players into virtual battle in a darkened room at a small private university in Chicago. He’s studying computer networking there on a nearly $15,000 a year athletic scholarship – for playing League of Legends, the video game that once jeopardized his high school diploma. “I never thought in my life I’m going to get a scholarship playing a game,” said Chung, one of 35 students attending Robert Morris University on the school’s first-in-the-nation video game scholarship. Once regarded as anti-social slackers or nerds in a basement, gamers have become megastars in what are now called esports. In professional leagues, they compete M. Spencer Green/AP Photo for millions of dollars in prizes Robert Morris University Illinois student Dean Mitchell practises playing the video game League of Legends with his and pull in six-figure incomes collegiate teammates at their on-campus training facility in Chicago last month. for vanquishing their enemies in


Klondike Placer Miners’ Association present a public talk

Bird Baseline Study in the Indian River Valley by Anne Chevreux, M Sc., Biology and Randy R Clarkson, Prof. Eng.

MAC BRIDE MUSEUM, 1st Avenue in downtown Whitehorse Thursday, October 9th, from 7:00 to 9:00PM All are welcome.

Anne Chevreux will present a power point talk describing the results of her study, showing that both unmined and post mined areas host a great number of species, and showing mining activity has increased the number of ponds and water surfaces available for waterfowl populations. SOC






A field study was conducted in the summer of 2014 in the Indian River Valley in the Klondike region by Anne Chevreux, Msc., Biology. Ms. Chevreux documented the wildlife, especially avian communities, found in previously placer mined areas and compared them with the original wetlands that remain intact within the Indian River Valley.




This is a public event, all are welcome. A question and answer session will follow the presentation.

what have become huge spectator events packing tens of thousands into sports stadiums around the world. Games have evolved from the days of Pac-Man and Donkey Kong into something much more complex. They demand hyper mental acuity and involve multiple players communicating with each other in teams, plotting strategy, predicting opponents’ moves and reacting in milliseconds. Robert Morris, a not-forprofit university with about 3,000 students, believes those are not so different from the skills one uses on a football field or a basketball court and that spending money to recruit these students, too, will enrich campus life and add to its ranks of high-achieving graduates. “It’s coming; it’s coming big time,” Associate Athletic Director Kurt Melcher said of the esports trend and what he’s sure is its looming recognition by a bigger chunk of the collegiate sports world. Hundreds of other colleges and universities have esports clubs, but Robert Morris is the first to recog-

Notary Seals 207 Main St. 668-3447

nize it as a varsity sport under its athletic department. The scholarships, which cover up to half off tuition and half off room and board (worth a total of $19,000 in a typical three-quarter academic year) are for a single game, League of Legends, in which teams of five on five use keyboards and mouses to control mythical fighters battling it out in a science fiction-like setting. The first practices started last month in a $100,000 classroom outfitted with an expansive video screen, computers and an array of eye-dazzling gaming paraphernalia. The space is dimly lit and window blinds are drawn to keep glare off monitors. In the darkness, dozens of students wearing microphone headsets flit fingers and thumbs over the controls with blistering intensity and concentration. Death comes in a multitude of forms and is often sudden. Accordingly, the hum of game chatter is punctuated by the occasional whooping cry of victory or anguished sigh of defeat. The Robert Morris Eagles will play teams in two leagues that include the likes of Harvard and MIT with hopes of making it to the League of Legends North American Collegiate Championship, where the members of

the first-place team take home $30,000 each in scholarships. Melcher dreamed up the scholarship idea while searching online for the video games he used to play. Some soccer players were bemused, but he said there was no real pushback from the university, which already has scholarships for everything from bowling to dressing as the mascot. Some 27 million people play League of Legends each day, according to developer Riot Games Inc. This year’s professional championship is Oct. 19 in Seoul at the stadium South Korea built to host the 2002 soccer World Cup. The 45,000 seats are expected to sell out. The top team will take home $1 million. The traditional sports world is still trying to figure out what to make of the phenomenon. ESPN has dabbled in esports coverage, but network President John Skipper recently declared it a non-sport. “It’s not a sport,” he said at a conference in New York. “It’s a competition, right? I mean, chess is a competition, and checkers is a competition. … I’m mostly interested in doing real sports.” Still, he added, “You can’t really ignore it.”






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Did you know that October is United way month? The United Way is looking for support to help Yukoner’s during the coming year. United Way Yukon invests and supports local community organizations that enrich the lives of Yukoner’s. When you give to United Way Yukon, your money goes right back into the Yukon communities to help address key social issues and to fund many programs and initiatives. One of the organizations the United Way funds is the Community Kitchen. It is a warm, welcoming place in Whitehorse where women from all walks of life gather for companionship and a healthy meal, free of charge. Located in the Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre, the Community Kitchen program serves a nutritious lunch in a safe, supportive environment. Women can bring their children too. The program fills many needs: community, friendship, nutrition, and support for women whose financial resources are already stretched. Here are some of the great things women say about it: “Love meeting new women and children. Also, reconnecting with others I have met. “ “It’s a friendly place, we can visit with others!” For some, money is an issue and the Community Kitchen offers security. One participant states, “…sometimes we have run out of food/money between pay cheques and I can’t handle the stigma of going to a food bank or Sally Ann.” With support from the United Way Yukon, the Community Kitchen provides help to people in need. It is just one of the ways you can make a difference in the community. Please donate during United Way month to help continue this good work. Written by Lily Quan

Vous avez l’appel de la radio? Nous cherchons des personnes qui désirent faire partie de l’équipe d’animation de l’émission French Co e o L’enregistrement se fait à votre convenance, sur votre Connexion. ordinateur, et le contenu de l’émission, ainsi que le choix de la musique, est à votre discrétion. Une belle occasion d’échanger en français sur des sujets qui vous tiennent à cœur. Le mardi, à 17 h, sur les ondes de CJUC, 92,5 FM. Virginie Hamel, 867-668-2663, poste 221 | vhamel@afy.yk.ca @ yy

Festival de films francophones Venez faire le plein du meilleur du cinéma de la francophonie canadienne et européenne. Des films récents qui ont connu un grand succès au box-office défileront sur grand écran au Centre des arts du Yukon. Trois des quatre films sont sous-titrés en anglais. Les 16 et 17 octobre, dès 19 h. Il y aura un cocktail et une présentation de courts métrages gratuits le 16 octobre, dès 17 h 30 pour marquer le début du festival. Horaire, bandes-annonces et prix : fff.afy.yk.ca yy 867-668-2663, poste 500 | reception@afy.yk.ca p @ yy

Comité Arts et culture Le service Arts et culture de l’Association franco-yukonnaise vous invite à venir vous exprimer sur la médiation culturelle. La médiation culturelle a pour but d’encourager la participation de la population à la création individuelle et collective ainsi que d’inciter les gens à consommer davantage de produits artistiques et culturels. Le 15 octobre, à 17 h 15, au pub Town and Mountain. Audrey Pflug, 867-668-2663, poste 560 | apfl p ug@afy.yk.ca g@ y y

Atelier pour gérer vos finances Atelier pratique de 90 minutes « Votre budget : une structure à votre mesure ». Venez apprendre comment trouver votre équilibre budgétaire (revenus vs dépenses) et découvrez un éventail de stratégies pour le maintenir. Le 14 octobre, à 19 h, au Centre de la francophonie. 867-668-2663, poste 500 | reception@afy.yk.ca p @ yy

Exposition de Marten Berkman Photographe, cinéaste et artiste multimédia, Marten Berkman joue avec les dimensions et met au défi notre sens de l’observation. Ses montages photographiques donnent parfois l’impression au public de faire partie de l’image. Les œuvres de l’artiste seront exposées à Whitehorse du 9 au 25 octobre. Le vernissage aura lieu le 9 octobre, à 17 h, à la Rah Rah Gallery Cafe. Virginie Hamel, 867-668-2663, poste 221 | vhamel@afy.yk.ca @ yy

Présenté par

l’Association franco-yukonnaise afy.yk.ca




Doctor can deflect cocktail chatter about health care by Judith Martin


MANNERS DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am about to complete 14 years of medical training and graduate as a oncology physician. I am female, with a generally open, warm manner, and can usually handle a wide variety of social situations. However, when I meet new people outside of work, and they ask what I do, I occasionally answer truthfully. This too often results in unsolicited commentary that is at best embarrassing (“You’re an angel! How do you do it? Isn’t that SO SAD?”), and at worst a complete occasion-destroyer when people launch into their own, again unsolicited, health history, or the tragic history of a friend or family member. Or the conversation immediately devolves into a heated debate (between others) on the state of our health care system, or conspiracy theories about how “the cure is out there” but being kept from them. I have tried answering less-thantruthfully (“I work in health care”), which can end in guessing games

and draw out the conversation unnecessarily. How do I avoid being a cocktail party conversation killer? GENTLE READER: Whatever is said about your profession, your response should be, “Well, it’s the kind of job that makes you grateful to get away among friends and talk about something else.” Miss Manners trusts that you will say this with a smile. You can then turn to someone else and say, “I imagine you feel the same way about your work.” It doesn’t matter what that person’s job is, because nowadays people consider it a disgrace to admit that they are not stressed. So the conversation will go on from there.

the menu. I felt this was a little odd (unless a guest has issues with particular foods, but I’d already asked about this). Basically, I was told that my planned menu simply wouldn’t do, as they would not care for anything I had planned to serve. I was completely taken aback by this declaration. Uncertain what to do, I discussed alternatives with him and completely revised my menu, although I’d already purchased most of the planned ingredients and now had to go shopping once again. They arrived late for the dinner and left before dessert was served because they had planned to visit a nearby ice cream emporium on the way home (implying, I suppose, DEAR MISS MANNERS: How that nothing I might have prepared do I tactfully inform a co-worker, would equal a commercial dessert). without offending her, that her Needless to say, I am not eager choice in penciling-in her eyeto invite them again. However, I brows is unattractive and not very would like your opinion as to how “normal”? I should have reacted when the call GENTLE READER: You wait was made to discuss the menu. patiently until she says to you, GENTLE READER: In effect, “What do you think of my eyethese people rejected your invitabrows? Should I not pencil them in tion, which was to attend a dinner like this?” you planned, not to order from you as if from a restaurant. DEAR MISS MANNERS: So Miss Manners would have Occasionally I enjoy entertainadvised you to accept that graing friends by inviting them to a ciously, saying, “Well, I’m sorry my dinner party at my home, where I dinner won’t be suitable for you. prepare the food. When I invited Perhaps some other time ...” The a somewhat new friend and his unspoken end of the second senspouse to such a dinner, they actence would be “... I’ll have better cepted readily. luck with my guests.” However, I was surprised when he called a little more than one day DEAR MISS MANNERS: I before the dinner to inquire about invited a small group of women to go to a relaxation spa for my birthday. We checked in and started the festivities with appetizers and cocktails. Unfortunately, I had two drinks and became ill, inebriated, whatever you want to call it, by no one’s fault. I just plain got sick. I paid for all five of us, and the women went in as I straggled behind. Within minutes, I was getting even more ill. One of my lady friends took me outside and comforted me and, not knowing what to do, just sat there. Another guest took me back to the hotel. As the “guest of honor,” I had a bad taste in my mouth the day after because people I called my friends couldn’t see that we should

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DEAR MISS MANNERS: Is there a right or wrong way to determine if a bathroom is in use? Should the next gentle user softly try the door handle to see if it is locked, or simply knock and allow the user to acknowledge their presence? I wonder this because I am often on both sides of the door in the place that I exercise. This is not a stall but a room. I know I cannot change others’ approach, but would like to know what is most acceptable. GENTLE READER: If you are

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have rescheduled the relaxation spa affair, as I was not feeling well. What does proper etiquette dictate? What would have been the proper thing for the guests to do under the circumstances, as I paid for everything? I feel like it was rude of these so-called “friends” to take advantage of the situation, and I need to distance myself from people with such little character. Is my thinking out of line? Illogical? Help me see this clearly. GENTLE READER: Let’s begin by clarifying some terms: The person who issues the invitations for the event is the host, not the guest of honor. As such, you properly arranged and paid for the entertainment. Your guests are guests. As such, they properly attended and participated– they did not “take advantage of the situation.” And your friends properly comforted you and saw to your care. While illness may interfere with– or even prevent– a hostess performing her duties, it does not absolve her of all responsibility. Your friend was perplexed because she was still looking to you, as hostess, to issue instructions. The gracious course would have been to ask your guests to enjoy themselves in your absence. You could also have asked a close friend to look after everyone. The captain whose incapacity results in the ship running aground is seldom remembered as a hero. The incapacitated hostess who nevertheless makes the effort to carry out– or delegate– her responsibilities will be.

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on both sides of the door, surely you know if the room is in use? No, Miss Manners realizes you meant to say that you have, at different times, been both applicant and occupant. If the former, knock and await a response. If the latter, respond that the room is occupied. No good ever came from trying the door handle. DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am the other woman in the life of a man I am seeing, and I want to be the first woman. He seems to like us equally and to be indifferent as to which woman occupies which position. He and I went out on our first date at a time when he and she weren’t getting along and he thought they were going to break up. So he went out with me, and here we are. How do I get her out of the way? GENTLE READER: Other than hiring a hit man? Miss Manners is many things, but she assures you she is not that. Why you would want to be with a man who has shown such lack of discrimination in his romantic attachments is beyond her. Apparently it has not occurred to you that if you were able to eliminate your rival, you would create a job opening. DEAR MISS MANNERS: Every couple of weeks, one of a group of girls at my school asks me, “Why do you hate me?” Normally, I would simply ignore this and get on with my life, but they have asked me multiple times. I sit with them (chance, not choice) in a table of four in a math class, and they are all close friends. I do my best to be polite to them. I say hello, goodbye, and ask them how their day is. I also do my best to answer any questions they ask me. I do very well in the class, but I sometimes do not know how to explain a concept. I also refuse to help them cheat on tests. After one occasion, they told me that the test was “a group effort.” I managed to move to another seat, but the incident still bothers me. Is there any point at which I can stop trying to assist and be polite? I tried for four or five months, and they never stopped being rude to me, and often asked me why I hated them. What would be the best way to behave in this type of situation? GENTLE READER: To say, “I don’t hate you, but I can’t help you the way you want. If that’s a condition of friendship, I’m sorry.” Miss Manners suggests that you then continue to take tests in the seat farthest away from them– and closest to the teacher.

The Yukon home of




Cardinal Contracting rallies from behind for first win of season Tom Patrick News Reporter


he Cardinal Contracting Grizzly Bears team has a nevergive-up attitude, and it served them well on Monday. The Grizzly Bears scored three straight third-period goals to log their first win of the season in the Whitehorse Women’s Hockey Association league at Canada Games Centre. “We were hustling,” said Bears forward Natalie Haltrich. “I think our team just keeps going no matter what, which is great. We were skating hard and we try to talk a lot out there, which we typically didn’t do a lot last year – a lot of us played together last year. “We just decided we had to shoot a lot on that goalie (Stacey Bowman) because she’s pretty solid. I think we tired her out by the end of the third. She played a great game.” Down 2-0, the Grizzly Bears buried three straight – two unassisted – to top North Star MiniStorage 3-2. Bears captain Sasha Merrell scored the game-winner, grabbing a loose puck in front of the North Star net, sending it top corner with 4:40 left in regulation. “There’s a core group of us who played together last year, so our goal this year was to try and get that team back together,” said Merrell. “So I think we’re just looking forward to another season, playing with our friends, regardless of winning or losing. We’re here to have fun.” Bears defence Meredith Young put in her team’s first two goals. She tossed in the tying goal with a backhander from in front with 6:48 left in the third. She got the first one three minutes into the period, assisted by Merrell and Jess Wood. “This is her first year playing in the WWHA,” said Haltrich of Young. “She used to play in a university club, so she definitely has some skill behind her. Yeah, she’s great – we’ll take her.” The Grizzly Bears (1-1) lost their season opener 6-5 to Team Blue on Saturday. North Star (0-2) dropped their opener 4-0 to Thomas Electric Ltd. on Friday. North Star acting captain Alyssa Beckett has her team’s only goals of the season so far. She scored late in the first period and then early in the third, assisted by Jen King. “We fell apart,” said Beckett, of the dropped lead. “We were shortbenched, we only had nine players tonight. And everyone is playing in new positions – we have new girls this year trying out new positions. It was the second game of the year and we were all a little tired and

Tom Patrick/Yukon News

Cardinal Contracting captain Sasha Merrell attempts to score on North Star Mini-Storage goalie Stacey Bowman during play in the Whitehorse Women’s Hockey League on Monday at the Canada Games Centre. The Cardinal Contracting Grizzly Bears won 3-2.

Tom Patrick/Yukon News

Cardinal Contracting’s Kim Schlosser wins possession in the corner during third-period play.

(the Grizzly Bears) held us pretty good.” “We have a good group of girls, all sorts of skill levels, different backgrounds, girls from all over the country who now live in Whitehorse,” she added. “So far it’s been pretty good.” For the second year in a row the league has seven teams with about 100 players. It’ll be a busy season for the league with about seven games a week between now and the start of the playoffs in March. The league has also had lots of

success securing sponsors with six coming aboard to fund teams. “Last year we only had two sponsors, this year we have six teams that are sponsored and one that still needs a sponsor,” said league board member Vanessa Bogaert. “Six sponsors for a women’s division is pretty awesome.” “This was the fifth or sixth game of the season and you can already see the calibre is pretty much as high as it was at the end of last season,” Bogaert added. “So we

Tom Patrick/Yukon News

North Star captain Alyssa Beckett, left, battles with Cardinal Contracting’s Jess Wood.

already have a lot higher calibre women playing this year. So the league is not only growing, it’s get-

ting higher in play.” Contact Tom Patrick at tomp@yukon-news.com




Tom Patrick/Yukon News

Trans North Helicopters goalie Darryl Cann covers the puck following a CRB Nighthawks attack in Whitehorse Rec Hockey League action at Takhini Arena on Monday. The Nighthawks won 9-4.

Scoffin reaches quarterfinal of World Curling Tour spiel Calgary’s Team Harty 6-5. The Scoffin rink then dropped their quarterfinal game 6-3 to or the second year in a row, Sherwood Park’s James Pahl. Whitehorse skip Thomas The bonspiel, which also had Scoffin made the cut at the a team from Japan entered, was Avonair Cash Spiel over the won by South Korea’s Team Kim. weekend in Edmonton. “We had some good wins Scoffin and his University of this weekend,� said Scoffin. Alberta curling rink was one “Sometimes it goes your way and of eight out of 20 men’s teams sometimes it doesn’t and we’ve to make the quarterfinal of the been on both sides of that before. World Curling Tour event. We got some good breaks, but we “I’m feeling awesome about it,� also made a lot of good shots this said Scoffin. “For the boys at the weekend. front end, it was their first (World “Our last game of the pool Curling Tour) bonspiel of their play (against Harty) was a good careers. They played really well battle. It was difficult ice conand were solid. ditions and both teams were “We had a few close wins, making some good shots. It came which was nice to get under our down to the last rock and we belts early.� made the shot for the win. It was Team Scoffin opened with pretty cool to clinch a close one three straight wins to secure a like that.� playoff spot. They beat EdmonScoffin, 20, reached the semiton’s Team Willerton 7-6, Red final of the Avonair last year with Deer’s Team Eckstrand 7-1 and his previous team. Tom Patrick News Reporter


His current rink began the new season by winning the Calgary Curlers Corner Junior Bonspiel two weeks ago. Curling with Scoffin this season on the University of Alberta’s junior team – the Junior Golden Bears – is third Aiden Proctor, second David Aho and lead Brayden Power. Aho curled with Scoffin on Team Yukon at the 2012 Canadian Junior Curling Championships. He is one of very few curlers to make more appearances at the junior nationals than Scoffin with eight. The third year commerce student is skip for both the junior and senior teams at the University of Alberta. Scoffin, who is in his final year of eligibility for the junior nationals, will attempt to make his eighth appearance at the national championship next year before competing in the Canadian

Advertise your Home in 3 issues (3 consecutive weeks)

for only



PHONE: 867-667-6283

university curling championships with the senior team in March. Last season Team Scoffin lost in the final of Alberta’s junior provincial championships, thus ending a string of seven consecutive appearances for Scoffin at the

junior nationals. Scoffin competed six times for Yukon and then for Alberta in 2013, reaching the final and taking home silver. Contact Tom Patrick at tomp@yukon-news.com


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Twelve-year-old posts high score at archery championships Tom Patrick


News Reporter

Peewee male (traditional)


1st David Stoneman – 72 pts

Pre-cub male (traditional) 1st Thatcher Daniels – 150 pts 2nd Chance Hassard – 104 pts

Cub male (traditional) 1st Levi Stoneman – 202 pts 2nd Kyland Simon – 135 pts

Cub male (compound) 1st Kyle Lloyd – 42 pts

Cub female (compound) 1st Nila Helms – 93 pts

Cadet female (traditional) 1st Serene Pretorius – n/a

Cadet female (compound) 1st Jacy Sam – 116 pts

Cadet male (compound) 1st Dick Corvin – 141 pts

Senior female (traditional) Tom Patrick/Yukon News

David Stoneman takes aim during the Yukon Outdoor 3D Archery Championships at the Biathlon Yukon range on Saturday. Sixteen archers took part in the third annual event.

“We still need it to grow a bit because there’s a national championship for 3D, and a world championship, but right now we’re still at the beginning stage.” Contact Tom Patrick at tomp@yukon-news.com

TC - 62

1st Graeme Brighton – 152 pts 2nd Ty Daniels – 77 pts

Master male 50 (traditional) 1st Thomas Rowles – 121 pts

Master male 60 (traditional) 1st Rob Ingram – 200 pts

That is why work is happening on the Alaska Highway, from Empress Rd. to the North Klondike Highway turnoff. Drilling and sampling of the roadway surface and embankment, approximately every 200 metres, will assist in the future design of the Whitehorse Corridor. This geotechnical work will allow HPW to understand what is under the ground surface and assist in developing appropriate construction plans and designs.


Work begins on Friday, October 10 and is scheduled for completion by November 15.

TC - 62

6 Devices * minim mun (70 cm m cones) *May be substittuted with baarricades


• Work zones will be kept to approximately 500 metres in length A

• Whenever possible, two lanes of traffic will remain open with traffic cones delineating where to drive



• At times it may be necessary to reduce the highway down to single lane traffic with flag persons


• Minor delays of up to 10 minutes may be experienced TC - 62 T


final team selection will be made following the Sport Circle’s firstever indoor target tournament on Dec. 14. The tournament will be open to the public. The Sport Circle also plans to host its first interschool championship next spring. The Whitehorse Archery Club currently hosts 3D shoots Tuesday and Thursday evenings at Takhini Elementary School. “There are a lot of people in Yukon who are shooting 3D, practicing at home, but a lot are recreational shooters and many don’t come to competitive archery for 3D,” said Marchand. “It’s slowly building up, especially with the young guys. The youth like coming and shooting, getting their score and seeing how they do.

Senior male (traditional)

At Highways and Public Works, we understand that Ƥ ǡ Ǥ

Tom Patrick/Yukon News

Ty Daniels lines up his final shot of the championship.

a stepping stone to Pan-Am Games and Olympics,” said Gael Marchand, executive director of the Yukon Aboriginal Sports Circle. “It’s really competitive archery with sights and it’s indoor on targets. “It’s perfect for the Yukon because I think right now that’s where there’s more growth – on indoor targets – because of our weather. We have such long winters, so indoor targets are perfect for us – we can shoot all winter in the gym.” The Sport Circle will send a team of four – two male, two female – to compete at the Canada Games with two in compound and two in traditional recurve bows. After selecting a training squad in a couple weeks, the

1st Laurence Rowles – 68 pts 2nd Melissa Carlick – 41 pts

Please remember to slow down and pay attention to flag persons in this construction zone. Highways and Public Works apologizes for any inconvenience, and thanks travellers and local area residents for their patience.


pair of bullseyes put Teslin’s Levi Stoneman at the top of the heap on Saturday. The 12-year-old hit two bullseyes to post the top score at the third annual Yukon Outdoor 3D Archery Championships at the Biathlon Yukon range on Grey Mountain Road. With 11 points awarded for a bullseye, opposed to 10 points for the inner most circle, Stoneman scored a 202 and won the cub male traditional division. The second highest score on the day was Rob Ingram in the master over-60 male division with 200 points. “It was fun,” said Stoneman. “I’ve done better before. (I’ve scored) 200-something – it was better than 202.” Stoneman added he wasn’t surprised by winning his category, and for good reason. He has won his division numerous times before. Stoneman won the pre-cub division at last year’s outdoor championships and the cub title at the indoor championships this past May. He also competed for Yukon at the 2014 North American Indigenous Games in July. Younger brother David scored 72 points to win the peewee male traditional bow division on Saturday. A total of 16 archers took part in the championship in which competitors take aim at threedimensional foam rubber targets in the shapes of animals – everything from a fish to a moose. Not all of the competitors at the event, hosted by the Yukon Aboriginal Sports Circle and the Whitehorse Archery Club, were as experienced as Levi. Whitehorse’s Jacy Sam was competing for her first time. “I enjoyed it. It was new because I haven’t done outdoors before,” said Sam. “And I’ve never been in a competition for archery either. I just started archery not too long ago. “More people should join in. Not many people do this these days.” The 17-year-old, who was alone in the cadet female compound bow division, also competed at the North American Indigenous Games, but in canoeing, winning five medals. Sam is interested in next representing Yukon in archery at the Canada Winter Games next February in Prince George, B.C. The Yukon Aboriginal Sports Circle, the governing body of archery in the territory, will be hosting tryouts for the Games in a couple weeks. The competition at the Canada Games is indoor target archery, the same as in the Olympic Games. “Canada Games is sort of

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TC - 62








by Leigh Rubin




New York Times Crossword Timber! ACROSS 1 4 10 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 29 30 32 34 36 37 38 39 41 43 46 47 49 51 54 56 57 58 60 62 63 64 66 68 70 73 74 77 78 81 82 85 87 88 90 92 94 96


Cheap shot? Suggestive William Henry Harrison’s nickname Contribute, as to a fund Fink Successively Grimm start? Overseas love Pasta suffix Very simple Turns bad Lucy Ricardo’s friend Phases Source of the word “mantra” All out Excess — U.F.O. occupants — Finalize First choice Year that “Shrek” and “Zoolander” came out Cause of inflation? Thief Features of Appaloosa coats Vile Profit Monopoly property: Abbr. Wet depression Cavorted Like many a stain before washing R.V. stop, maybe The First Lady of Song, to fans It makes Bruce Banner turn into the Hulk Lathering Sick bay They’re around 2.0 — Shortest Old Testament book Queen Amidala’s home in “Star Wars” Droids, e.g., for short Cab alternative — — 2004-13 CBS procedural Wreck “Oh, go on!” Diner side dish Pays to play They got tipped at oldfashioned gentlemen’s clubs Mud

99 100 102 103 105 106 108 109 113 116 119 120 121 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132


Comprehend ___ cheese Flies (through) Old roadside advertiser Run a fever, say Accusing of misconduct Philosopher Mo-___ Sized up “Rebel Without a Cause” actor Fine fabric — “Middlemarch” author Early Sweet potato Tie a quick knot? Something most people don’t want two of Small, as a garage Words for entering a united state Units of force — L.P.G.A. star Ochoa X

DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 25 28 31 33 35

Court filing Source of the words “mamba” and “chimpanzee” Big name in chain saws and leaf blowers Narrow inlet Psychically, if not physically Symbol for a sharp mind Amethyst or citrine Latin bears Greek war goddess Scrap ___ moment They’ve been banned in the U.S. since ’79 TREE Gobs One way to run “Amen to that!” Pain in the neck Where many flights end Charge for a plug TREE Queue before Q Say “nyah, nyah,” say Flower that symbolizes

ur Get yo Java! a cupp

3125-3rd Ave Whitehorse Across from LePage Park 867.668.2196



















63 69


100 106

61 66






86 92

108 117














39 40 42 43 44 45 47 48 50 52 53 55 59 61 65 67 69 70 71

paradise on earth British arm Source of pressure, at times Kwik-E-Mart operator Goods: Abbr. Cry like a baby Sly nickname? Viewpoint Like months when oysters are not in season Bad-mouth, in Britain African antelope Beach tops Brit. award TREE TREE Fixes a frozen screen, say Old “Gotta have it” sloganeer TREE The New Yorker cartoonist Roz Lions and tigers … and

Java Connection



109 116




















50 56


90 95



















































38 43




bears, sometimes?



Follow ___ (do some sleuthing)


Tennille of tunes


L. Frank Baum princess


Every, in Rx’s


How congressional elections are held


Kitchen item used on Thanksgiving


Rock blaster




Haloed one: Fr.



Part of CBS: Abbr.

Plant ___ (suggest something)


Fraternity letters




Scold shrilly


“Speak up!”


Show adequate appreciation






Sweet filling


Wear a long face


Org. for Bulldogs, Gators and Tigers


“Didn’t see you there”


Jerk, slangily




“___ one objects …”


Leif Ericson, e.g.


Article of Cologne


Some Muslims


Geological span


oks! o B d n Beyo

lor o C a l Crayo ction! Art Se


203 Main Street OPEN EVERY DAY ‘TIL 9:00 PM





WINNERS... Up to five years

No Entries Six to eight years

WINNERS... Up to five years

Kael Epp Six to eight years

Lucy Baxter Nine to twelve years

Emily Vangel Congratulations to our winners and runners-up and good luck to those of you entering next week’s competition.

Name: _____________________________ Address: ____________________________ __________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Age Up to five Six to eight Nine to twelve years years years Group:

Olivia Halliday Nine to twelve years

Entries for both contests should be dropped off or mailed to:

211 Wood Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2E4.

Open to kids up to age 12. Entries for this week’s contests must be received by 12 pm next Monday in order to appear in next week’s paper. If your entry arrives late (which may happen with out-of-town entries), it will be judged along with the contestants from the following week. Please limit entries to ONE PER CHILD PER WEEK. The contests are divided into three age groups: Up to five years, Six to eight years, Nine to twelve years. Drawings for the drawing contest must be on a separate piece of paper and reproducible on a photocopier to win. (Black and white drawings on white paper are easier to reproduce.) Winners will receive their prizes by mail so be sure to include your complete address! Please note that only winning entries will be returned. WINNERS RECEIVE GIFT CERTIFICATES FOR “SECOND SHOW”.

Zakayla Netro

Kids Consignment Clothing: Stock arriving daily! Something from Melissa and Doug has arrived! Enter to win “Gerry the Giraffe” before October 12


Tues-Thurs 12-6/Fri 12-8/Sat 12-5 Closed Sunday & Monday

Located in Yukon Inn Plaza

Second-Show-Kids-Consignment www.facebook.com/Second-Show-Kids-Consignment





CLASSIFIED FREE WORD ADS: wordads@yukon-news.com

DEADLINES 3 PM " 9 for Wednesday 3 PM 7 - 9 for Friday



30 Words FREE ÂˆÂ˜ĂŠ{ĂŠÂˆĂƒĂƒĂ•iĂƒ



BUSINESS & PERSONALS ĂˆÂł}ĂƒĂŒ per issue/$9Âł}ĂƒĂŒ boxed & bolded ĂŽä³}ĂƒĂŒ per month $ {xÂł}ĂƒĂŒ per month boxed & bolded $

30 Words


ĂœĂœĂœ°ĂžĂ•ÂŽÂœÂ˜Â‡Â˜iĂœĂƒ°VÂœÂ“ĂŠUĂŠĂ“ÂŁÂŁĂŠ7œœ`ĂŠ-ĂŒĂ€iiĂŒ]ĂŠ7Â…ÂˆĂŒiÂ…ÂœĂ€Ăƒi]ĂŠ9/ĂŠĂŠ9ÂŁ ĂŠĂ“ {ĂŠUĂŠ*…œ˜i\ĂŠ­nĂˆĂ‡ÂŽĂŠĂˆĂˆĂ‡Â‡ĂˆĂ“nxĂŠUĂŠ >Ă?\ĂŠ­nĂˆĂ‡ÂŽĂŠĂˆĂˆn‡ÎÇxx ROOM FOR rent, N/S, N/P, avail immed, $750/mon all incl. 393-2275

For Rent HOBAH APARTMENTS: Clean, spacious, walking distance downtown, security entrance, laundry room, plug-ins, rent includes heat & hot water, no pets. References required. 668-2005 SKYLINE APTS: 2-bdrm apartments, Riverdale. Parking & laundry facilities. 667-6958 WEEKEND GET AWAY Rustic Cabin-45 minutes from town Hiking Trails in the summer Skiing in the winter Includes sauna. Reasonable rates. Rent out by the week or for a weekend. 867-821-4443

3-BDRM 2.5-BATH duplex, Copper Ridge, first floor has big open space, garage, 5 appliances, fenced yard, avail Oct 1, refs & dd reqĘźd, $1,650/mon + utils. 334-1907 SHOP/OFFICE/STUDIO Multi-Use Building with space available to rent Shop/Office/Studio Various sizes, will modify to suit Washroom on site, friendly environment whserentals@hotmail.com Phone 667-6805 2-BDRM BASEMENT suite, Porter Creek, close to school & bus stop, N/P, N/S, $1,000/mon. 332-8801 LOOKING FOR female roommate, downtown house, furnished room, must be clean, responsible, quiet, heat, electricity, kitchen/laundry facilities & cable included, N/S, refs & dd reqĘźd, $700/mon. 668-5185 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 2nd floor of building on Gold Road in Marwell Sizes 180 sqft & 340 sqft Quiet spaces with reasonable rent 667-2917 or 334-7000

Beautifully ďŹ nished ofďŹ ce space is available in the Taku Building at 309 Main Street. This historic building is the ďŹ rst L.E.E.D. certiďŹ ed green building in Yukon. It features state of the art heat and ventilation, LAN rooms, elevator, bike storage, shower, accessibility and more.



WHY SETTLE for dingy room or empty apartment? Share whole house with other professionals, Porter Creek, everything incl. $850/month. http://timmit.ca/share, tollfree 1-855-628-7138x99 3-BDRM 2-BATH duplex, Riverdale, avail immed, N/S, N/P, $1,400/mon + utils & dd. 668-2006

GORGEOUS CONDO-CRESTVIEW •Mountain views from large wrap-around deck •2 bedrooms, 2 full baths •Wood and bamboo floors and cabinets •Wood burning stove •High efficiency heat •RV parking area Looking for long term responsible tenants, no pets/no smoking. $1,700 mth plus utilities 1 month rent damage deposit. Available October 15 gregochef@yahoo.ca 1-403-437-4734

ROOM, PORTER Creek home, shared living space, on bus route, must like dogs, I have 2, cannot have more, N/S, refs reqĘźd, $800/mon + utils. 335-4321 2-BDRM MOBILE home on large property 30 mins from Whitehorse, oil heat/elec incl, avail Oct 1, $1,695/mon. 668-2215 after 7pm 2-BDRM HOUSE 25 mins north of town, $1,200/mon, first & last month req'd, available asap. 332-2452

ROOM, COPPER Ridge, full bath, kitchen, large rec room, shared laundry, fully furnished, close to bus, utils & internet incl, $850/mon 668-3968 or 334-1393 2-BDRM SUITE, Riverdale, on greenbelt, N/S, N/P, built 2011, email for pics, $1,200/mon + utils. thomper13@hotmail.com FURNISHED ROOM, Riverdale, roommate wanted to share 3-bdrm non-smoking condo with 2 others & friendly dog, parking is limited, dd&refs reqĘźd, avail immed, $550/mon. 333-9492 2-BDRM HOUSE, 4 appliances, Echo Lake, avail immed, $1,000/mon + utils. 351-2677 3-BDRM DUPLEX, Riverdale, private yard, close to all amenities, N/S, long term only, avail Nov. 1, $1,400/mon + utils. 456-7397 2,000 SQ ft shop, 600 sq ft office, full bathroom, avail immed, Brian at 780-351-2677

HOUSESITTER NEEDED for January to April, 2015 at Marsh Lake. Reliable couple or single person with references, N/S, animals welcome. 660-4321

1-BDRM & den, furnished, until May approx, newly renoĘźd, 2nd fl at High Country RV Park, refs reqĘźd, $1,000/mon incl heat & power. 334-4994

107 Main Street, Whitehorse Unit 1 – 1000 sq. ft. $1500 all incl. Unit 3 – 500 sq. ft. $750 all incl.

Call to view 334-1458 Anne.

Office/Commercial Space for Rent Available Immediately: t kitchen area; t board/meeting room; t 10 ofďŹ ces/rooms; t reception/waiting area; t lots of windows, very bright. t 4 dedicated parking stalls with plug ins;

t plenty of on street parking for clients/ residents right at the building; t very quiet; t 2nd oor of building is all residential


FURNISHED ROOM for short term Oct. 01 Dec. 15, close to bus stop, all utils incl, must be pet friendly, 1 small dog & 1 cat, female preferred, $700/mon. 334-9415 2-BDRM, HUGH deck, full services, Fox Lake area, new constr, beautiful wood details, pets considered, wood/oil heat, for outdoor lovers, must see, $950/mon. 667-2390

YUKON APARTMENTS, 28 Lewes Blvd, now avail 2-bdrm apts, heat & elec incl, refĘźs reqĘźd. 667-4076

Quiet professional building on Main Street

t Approximately 3200 square feet on the ground oor; t turnkey; t downtown on quiet street; t handicap accessible including handicap doors;

1 BDRM cabin @ Marsh Lake, lake view, oil heat, septic system, delivered water, pets negotiable, avail immed, refs, dd, 1st mon rent required, $900/mon + utils. 633-5033 eves

3-BDRM CONDO, Takhini, great location, 2 parking places beside front door, rear deck, 5 major appliances, window blinds. 332-3598 SMALL CABIN available for short term accommodation on Annie Lake Road, fully furnished, wood stove, pet friendly, $150/week. 334-8271 2-BDRM HOUSE, downtown, fridge/stove, hook-up for w/d, refs reqĘźd, avail immediately, $950/mon + utils + first & last monthĘźs rent. 667-4380 DOWNTOWN 1 bdrm self-contained suite, heat incl, N/S, N/P, responsible tenant, $900/mon + dd. 667-2631 1-BDRM STUDIO suite, bright & modern, responsible, quiet tenant, kitchenette, completely furnished, cable internet, Sat tv, N/S, N/P, no parties, $750/mon + utils. 668-6808

3-BDRM 2-BATH house, 33 Wilson Dr, $1,350/mon + utils. To view phone 668-6884 or csuley@northwestel.net 3-BDRM HOUSE with office/den, 1.5 bath, Porter Creek, large fenced yard, refs reqĘźd, $1,500/mon + utils. 604-971-3884 3-BDRM 2-BATH trailer, Carmacks, propane furnace & oil burning toyo stove in living room, large kitchen, wooded yard, dog okay, no cats, $950/mon. email: info@cdcproperties.ca LARGE 1-BDRM trailer, Carmacks, newly renoĘźd, new furnace, large private property, N/S, N/P, $850/mon. Email info@cdcproperties.ca CABIN 15 min south, elec & wireless Internet incl, cell service, oil monitor/wood stove, water delivery, hot water on demand, outhouse, N/S, N/P, $975/mon + dd & refs. dimensionals@hotmail.com TAKHINI TOWNHOUSE, 3 bdrms, 1.5 bath, 2 parking stalls at your door, well-maintained older development, $1,500/mon + utils, references & dd required. 334-5464 ROOM, 10 mins south of Whitehorse, upstairs, beautiful & well-lit, utils & laundry incl, N/S, quiet, responsible tenants, refs reqĘźd, $750/mon. 587-434-9834 2-BDRM MOBILE home, 20 mins north on Mayo Rd, wood/oil heat, well, laminate flooring, new carpet, clean & quiet, pets ok on approval, room for horses, $1,200/mon + dd. 334-9733 2-BDRM EXECUTIVE country cottage, wood/oil heat, all amenities, beautiful river/mountain view, 1/2 hr north of downtown, avail Nov 1, $1,500/mon + utils. 393-2684

1-BDRM GROUND floor suite, Porter Creek, clean, bright, private, N/S, N/P, avail Nov 1, $900/mon + utils & dd. bellis@klondiker.com

3-BDRM 1-BATH 1,000 sq ft rancher, Pine Ridge, acreage, shop & carport, $2,000/mon incl heat & hydro, + $1,000 dd & refs. 335-3253

BACHELOR PAD, new const, clean & compact, full services, responsible tenant, pets considered, very quiet, Fox Lake area, great fishing, $550/mon. 667-2390 lv msg

2-BDRM BSMT legal suite, open concept, shed, close to schools & hospital, laundry facilities, N/S, N/P, responsible tenants, $1,100/mon + utils + $1,100 dd. 335-9732 or 633-2158

AFFORDABLE DOWNTOWN office space for lease, $16 ft 2 + cam, 1,800 sq ft, 202 Strickland Street on the 2nd floor, available November 1st. Contact Stephan 332-4082 or stephane@asprinting.ca

1-BDRM, FOX Lake area, new const, full services, wood/oil heat, pets considered, very quiet, lots of outdoor space, $750/mon. 667-2390 lv msg

2-BDRM 1-BATH, Whistlebend, modern, new, avail Nov 1, large windows, 2-storey, private laundry, small yard, pets negotiable, N/S, $1,400/mon + utils. Jackie 336-1496

2,628 SQUARE FEET OF PRIME OFFICE SPACE Available for Lease NOW! Two Suites available for lease. Suites can be leased separately or combined as one. One suite is 1,248 square feet. The second suite is 1,380 square feet. Located in a professional building downtown Whitehorse, this space is ideal for accounting, legal or other professionals.


For more information, please contact: 336-0028


3-4 BDRM 2-bath house, Porter Creek, spacious, wood stove, huge yard, N/S, $1,795/mon + utils. suites@auroramusic.ca. 3-BDRM + bsmt, Hillcrest, furnished, bsmt storage, N/S, avail immed, refs, $1,700/mon. 867-332-6000. PRIVATE BEDROOM/BATH, Dawson City, shared entrance/kitchen/laundry, avail now, heat, power & Sat TV incl, 8kms from Dawson carpool, responsible tenant, $500/mon + 1/2 water & sewer. 867-993-5636

Wanted to Rent HOUSESITTER AVAILABLE Mature, responsible person Call Suat at 668-6871 QUIET, RESPONSIBLE tenants looking for 1 or 2 bdrm, N/S, N/P, non-partying, single parent with young teenager, $1,200 inclusive. Quietfamily123@gmail.com. PROFESSIONAL COUPLE available for house-sitting in or on bus line to Whitehorse, beginning in December, responsible, mature, clean, can care for pets/plants, handyman. References. 867-334-0339 or 778-267-6645

Real Estate Brand New Single Family Homes starting at $349,900. Certified Green. Show Home Open Daily 1-85 Aksala Dr. Visit www.homesbyevergreen.ca for more details or call Maggie 335-7029



WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 ACREAGE 18 kms west of Whse. 20 acres set up for horses. Excellent well. 2-bdrm house + rental cabin. Can subdivide lot, $399,000. 667-7578

CONDO SUITE NANAIMO, B.C. Quality construction+materials, partially furnished, w/kitchen appliances, well organized 300 sq ft. Quiet residential area near transit, shopping, & park. Low condo fees+utilities. Asking $85,000. Call: 867-660-4516.

Capital Planning & Development Manager This is a full time employment opportunity. Reporting to the Director Capital & Infrastructure, the Capital Planning & Reporting to the Executive Manager, the Policy Analyst develops, monitors and evaluates TTC policy and develops processes for policy approval and implementation.

A degree or diploma in First Nation Governance, Public Administration, Political Science, Business Administration, or a related field combined with experience working with First Nations governments, preferably at a senior level will prepare you for this position. Your skills will include the ability to develop, implement and evaluate policies and procedures including research, analysis, synthesis of complex issues; collaboration and consultation with stakeholders. We encourage those who are interested to call for more information and a full job description

3-BDRM 2-BATH house, large, well treed corner lot near schools & bus, basement suite, 49 Redwood, Porter Creek, will consider offers. 633-6553 SMALL CABIN, 8ĘźX12Ęź on skid, fridge, stove, propane heater, electricity, porch, lots of windows, double insulated, $11,000. 867-660-5545

Closing Date: Friday, October 10, 2014


ACTIVE IN YOUR COMMUNITY Are you looking for volunteer opportunities? Please check www.volunteeryukon.ca to find more volunteer opportunities.

Positions available: t Front of house - 2 people - 6:30 to 8pm t Bar - 2 people - 7-10pm t Silent Auction table - 1 person 7-9pm t Cooking/set-up & logistics - 1 person - 1-7pm t Strike - 2 people - 9:30 - 10:30pm You will get to assist to Gwaandak Theatre’s Yukoners’ Tall Tales (from when we were short)and hear great and funny stories from different Yukonners about the childhood or first step into the territory! Let us know if you need more info on volunteers positions! Contact: Marjolène Gauthier. General Manager, 867 393-2676, gwaandakgm@gmail.com, www. gwaandaktheatre.com/

5 ACRES rural residential, Annie Lake Road, cleared, driveway, power available, $165,000. 867-334-8271 ESTATE SALE, 7253 Watch Lake Rd, Lone Butte, BC, 3,074 sq ft rancher home, 3-bdrm 3-bath, full basement, 2-car garage, 25 acres, shop, sheds, $399,000. 250-695-6670


the Humane Society? Become a volunteer and join the Board, walk dogs or help with a fundraiser; it all helps!

Please quote the job title in the subject line of your email, fax and/or cover letter: HR & Staff Development Officer Teslin Tlingit Council Box 133 Teslin, Yukon Y0A 1B0 f. 867.390.2176 humanresources@ttc-teslin.com

Gwaandak is looking for awesome volunteers to help with its fundraising event on Oct. 25 at the Old Fire Hall.

INCOME PROPERTY, 2 duplexes, large shop & office space currently rented at $4,000/mon. Brian at 780-351-2677

Call 633-6019 today to find out how you can become involved!

For detailed job description call 867.390.2532 ext 316

Gwaandak Theatre

ATLIN CABIN, 16'x20' chinked log cabin on 50'x100' town lot, power, heat, outhouse, $49,000. voicemail-250-651-2253 or preferably email gacrawford@hughes.net

La Fondation BorĂŠale La Fondation borĂŠale cherche un nouvel administrateur pour sièger sur son conseil d’administration. L’administrateur aide l’Êquipe avec les campagnes de financement (dons et activitĂŠs bĂŠnĂŠfices) ainsi que l’administration gĂŠnĂŠrale de la fondation. Communiquer avec: Marjolène Gauthier, SecrĂŠtaire-TrĂŠsorière, fondation@fondationboreale.ca, 867 689-2150.

Computer Skills Assistant Yukon Learn is searching for a volunteer with excellent computer skills to assist learners at their drop-in computer help program on Wednesday, 10:00 am to noon. Contact: Eleanor Millard , (867) 668-6280 ext 224, centre@yukonlearn.com , www.yukonlearn.com

You work for a non-profit organization and you would like to add your volunteer opportunities? Please click on http://www.volunteeryukon.ca/.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Village of Haines Junction is collaborating with Yukon government to explore the possibility of creating an agreement for a regional approach to solid waste services in Southwest Yukon. The two parties have entered into a memorandum of agreement to explore the potential benefits of a regional approach and are now seeking professional services of a consultant to review information and develop options. The purpose of this project is to work with the Village of Haines Junction and Yukon government to identify options for a regional solution for solid waste in Southwest Yukon. Proposal submissions are to be based upon the “Request for Proposals: Regional Solid Waste Planning – Southwest Yukon� package available online at the Village website or at the Village Office. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. Closing Date: Friday, October 24, 2014. Questions regarding this RFP may be directed by email to: Keir Gervais, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Village of Haines Junction P.O. Box 5339, Haines Junction, Yukon, Y0B 1L0 cao-vhj@yknet.ca. View or download documents at www.hainesjunctionyukon.com/index.php/village-services/jobs-tenders-rfps

FRONT ST. CLOTHING CO. is looking for two energetic and mature sales people for the beginning of November •One full time position with basic managerial duties, Mon-Fri 10am - 4:30pm. •One part time and on-call position with flexible schedule Wage dependent on experience. Please submit resume with references to frontstreetclothing@hotmail.com. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES: Troyer Ventures Ltd. is a privately owned energy services company servicing Western Canada. All job opportunities include competitive wages, comprehensive benefits package and room for advancement. We are accepting applications at multiple branches for: Professional Drivers (Class 1, 3), and Mechanics. Successful candidates will be self-motivated and eager to learn. Experience is preferred, but training is available. Valid safety tickets, clean drug test, references and a driver's abstract are required. For more information and to apply, please visit our website at: Troyer.ca. HELP WANTED Hotel Front Desk Clerk NOC #6525 Permanent Full-time 35-40 hrs/week, $13.00 per hr Duties include: •maintaining inventory of vacancies, reservations and room assignments •register guests, answer inquiries regarding hotel services and registration by mail, phone and in person •present statements of charges & receive payment Contact: Joyce Yukon202@gmail.com Elite Hotel & Travel Ltd. 206 Jarvis St Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2H1


RETAIL SALES CLERKS (2 Positions) (NOC 6421)

Full time shifts start at 4:00 am Some experience preferred 36-40 hours per week. $15 per hour Duties: Sales of display merchandise, taking stock and accept cash. Start Date: ASAP Drop off resume at store Email: govindarajmurugaiyan@yahoo.ca Phone: 335-6886


is inviting applications for

Policy Analyst Regular Full Time Position


Reporting to the Executive Manager, the Policy Analyst develops, monitors and evaluates TTC policy and develops processes for policy approval and implementation. A degree or diploma in First Nation Governance, Public Administration, Political Science, Business Administration, or a related field combined with experience working with First Nations governments, preferably at a senior level will prepare you for this position. Your skills will include the ability to develop, implement and evaluate policies and procedures including research, analysis, synthesis of complex issues; collaboration and consultation with stakeholders. We encourage those who are interested to call for more information and a full job description For detailed job description call 867.390.2532 ext 316 Please quote the job title in the subject line of your email, fax and/or cover letter: HR & Staff Development Officer Teslin Tlingit Council Box 133 Teslin, Yukon Y0A 1B0 f. 867.390.2176 humanresources@ttc-teslin.com

Closing Date: Friday, October 10, 2014


Help Wanted


Apply via email: mitsue@bakedcafe.ca

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS WANTED Training Provided Apply in person to: TAKHINI TRANSPORT #9 Lindeman Road, Whitehorse, Yukon 867-456-2745


YUKON NEWS MAINTENANCE WORKER: CDC (Carmacks Development Corporation) is seeking skilled handyman for occasional/part-time work in Carmacks. Duties include minimal landscaping, building maintenance. Own tools preferred. For information email: info@cdcproperties.ca

HIGH POINT ELECTRIC is hiring electricians for a commercial project in Whitehorse. Experience to include: Conduit, BX and distribution work, fixture installation, bending EMT. Must be willing to do shift work and overtime Valid drivers license required Must have own tools & safety gear Send resume to: office@hpoint.ca

SPECTRUM SECURITY-SOUND LTD is looking for a reliable, self motivated, full-time technician for installation and programming of a variety of communication systems including phone and alarm systems. Requirements: Telephone system programming, basic electrical, construction, security clearance check. Apply in person at 133 Industrial Rd.

Your Community Newspaper. One Click Away. www.yukon-news.com


JANITOR: CDC (Carmacks Development Corporation) is seeking part-time janitor in Carmacks to clean both commercial and residential units. Own equipment preferred. Consumables provided. For more information email: info@cdcproperties.ca MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONISTS needed! Employers seeking over 200 additional CanScribe graduates. Student loans available. Income-tax receipts issued. Start training today. Work from Home! www.canscribe.com. info@canscribe.com. 1.800.466.1535. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT to start training for your work-at-home career today!

Miscellaneous for Sale CASH REGISTER, $50. 667-7144 SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.

OLSEN OIL furnace with chimney & flashings, suitable for garage, works well, $200. 633-5569

CRAFT SUPPLIES. 667-7144 BETTER BID NORTH AUCTIONS Foreclosure, bankruptcy De-junking, down-sizing Estate sales. Specializing in estate clean-up & buy-outs. The best way to deal with your concerns. Free, no obligation consultation. 333-0717

MENʟS BASQUE hiking boots, size 10, $50, button Levi jeans, new & used, Beta VCR & tapes, craft supplies, older cash register for garage sales, $50. 667-7144 INSULATED CHIMNEY, two 3ʟ sections & rain cap, 6� inside diameter, rated for 650 degrees, $100 ea obo. 456-4926



First Nation of Nacho Nyäk Dun



EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Executive Director Operations Manager Human Resources Manager Finance Officer (Title subject to change) Social Manager Application deadline: October 20, 2014. Job descriptions upon request. Please submit your resume to the Executive Assistant at execassist@nndfn.com or the Implementation manager at intergovmanager@nndfn.com


Reporting to the Surrey Parts Manager, this position will maintain & grow the company’s customer base, product sales & promtability through the sale of OEM & after-market products & the sale of support services in a specimc territory. • Promote & market SMS Equipment’s products, services, & support programs to new & existing clients within the Yukon Territory. • Develop new accounts & service current accounts. • Daily partsperson duties taking orders by phone & email with warehouse & facility maintenance • Build & maintain strong relationships with clients, manufacturers, & internal departments. • Maintain documentation & record keeping such as call reports, machine population listings & quotations. • Assist in solving technical problems & improving product performance to best meet client needs. • Prepare monthly sales reports. • Attends sales meetings via web-ex with Management Team in Surrey. • Successful candidate will be required to reside in the Whitehorse area. Qualimcations • Three to mve years parts experience in an industrial, construction or mining environment • Strong organizational, interpersonal & communication skills (oral & written) • Strong computer skills & the ability to demonstrate promciency in software applications • bility to operate in a diverse environment requiring signimcant focus on branch & customer relations • Parts background with previous sales experience is an asset • Ability to travel & work independently Qualimed applicants are invited to submit their rÊsumÊ quoting reference number PSSR-12115-100214 and position title to: Email bcjobs@smsequip.com Fax (604) 888-9699

A well-established electrical contracting company since 1992, High Point Electric Ltd. requires experienced Journeymen and Apprentice Electricians for a commercial project in Whitehorse.

Part Time Servers Part Time Cashiers Part Time Delivery Drivers Part Time Cooks 2220 2nd Ave

Apply in person Karen to Tony

Recruiting highly talented and dedicated personnel. This is a very exciting time to be a part of SMS Equipment. We are one of the largest Komatsu dealers in the world and believe our continued growth is a result of our highly skilled and engaged employees who deliver excellence in the workplace. If you are interested in working for a very dynamic company where your input, your ideas and your participation is valued, apply today.

Our growth means your success.

Service Advisor, Permanent Full Time Location: 191 Range Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 3E5 Klondike Motors is seeking an enthusiastic Service Advisor to join our team in Whitehorse. Service Advisors treat our customers with integrity and respect, show passion and pride in the work they do and share our commitment to exceeding our customer’s expectations. As a Service Advisor, you will enjoy: Three weeks of annual vacation Full benefits including extended health, vision, dental and matching RRSP Competitive compensation Opportunity to work with a progressive and growing company Scheduling customer appointments, estimating repairs Being the go-to person between the customer and the technician Processing work orders and warranties, coding invoices To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to: Human Resources E-Mail: hr@klondikemotors.com Fax (780) 638-4867 Or drop off a resume in person at our Whitehorse location; Ask to speak with Cathy Chipman, Service Manager. We thank all candidates for their interest, however, only individuals selected for an interview will be contacted.



STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca

V, THE complete series, The Final battle + the original miniseries, $25. Serge @ 667-2196 after 5pm

SPILSBURY TINDALL SBX-11 2-way radio w/antenna, $450. 332-6565

DIAMOND RING, 10 Cdn diamonds, white gold, never been worn, all paperwork incl, size 7, new $1,800, asking $1,000. 334-7405

GARRET ELECTRONICS, 4-coil metal locator w/case, exc shape, $600. 332-6565

COLLECTION OF 1,000 vinyl records, $2,000 obo. 334-4568


400 BOARD ft of 3/4� cedar boards, $700, 35 gallon electric water heater, $60. 633-4018 MERIT KITCHEN cabinets and bathroom vanity, almond with oak trim, double Jenn-air oven and Whirlpool cooktop. 667-4970 WOLF HIDE, large tanned timber wolf pelt, typical grey & white colour, $500. 668-3632 lv msg

1 column x 3 inches ...............Wed - $ s &RI $35.10 2 columns x 2 inches .............Wed - $ s &RI $46.80 2 columns x 3 inches .............Wed - $ s &RI $70.20 2 columns x 4 inches .............Wed - $ s &RI $93.60

We will pay CASH for anything of value Tools, electronics, gold & jewelry, cameras, furniture, antiques, artwork, chainsaws, camping & outdoor gear, hunting & fishing supplies, rifles & ammo. G&R New & Used 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY • SELL

HAMSTER CAGE w/accessories, $45, Inglis clothes dryer, like new, $200, house plants $5-$20, silk flowers $10-$100, stool, like new, $20. 668-4186

KERR OIL furnace, 74,000 BTU, serviced every year, very good cond, $450 obo. 667-6365

900L FUEL oil tank and stand, 2004 model, free. 456-4926

REXON 10" commercial table saw with extension, has Rexon RM-425, 115/ 230 volt single phase motor, exc cond, $500 obo. 667-7222

WOOD SHAVINGS FROM MILL 1 ton feed bag Clean & dry Excellent bedding, mulch, landscaping, insulation etc. $50/bag plus $25 bag deposit Delivery available 633-5192 or 335-5192

TROY-BILT SINGLE stage snow thrower, new Oct 2011, used once, carburetor needs cleaning, $250. 633-2431 9am-10pm FREE, APPROX 15 lbs of dry birch bark from Telegraph Creek tree, pieces 6-10" by 16-24", in Atlin, Dick at 250-651-0055

STEEL BUILDINGS - �GIFT-CARD GIVE-AWAY!� 20X22 $4,358. 25X24 $4,895. 30X30 $6,446. 32X32 $7,599. 40X46 $12,662. 47X72 $18,498. One End wall Included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 www.pioneersteel.ca

TONNEAU COVER for Ford short box Super Duty, $250 obo. Owen or Lana 633-6617

HOUSEPLANTS, 4Ęź long orange bloom, large Chinese evergreen, large spider plant, etc, $10 to $35. 660-4321

WHITE MINK coat w/blk leather trim, older style, full length double breasted, size small, $400. 334-2041

2 GLASS display cases, 38�HX24�WX42�L, 334-4568

OIL MONITOR, Model 422, can be plumbed in and can run off self-contained tank, includes exhaust, $1,000. 456-4926




Native Brain-Tanned

Moose Hides AT REASONABLE PRICES Tanned beaver & other furs also available.

Ph (780) 355-3557 or (780) 461-9677 or write Lodge Fur and Hides, Box 87, Faust AB, T0G 0X0

Births! Birthdays! Weddings! Graduations! Anniversaries!

211 Wood Street, Whitehorse

www.yukon-news.com | Phone: 867-667-6285

BETTER BID NORTH Auctions & Appraisals has been commissioned by ATCO Electric to sell by sealed bids the following vehicles:

1999 Dodge 4x4 Ram 250 Single Cab (Unit 851) .........................................................Showing 202,506 km

2001 Chevrolet Silverado 2055HD 4x4 Single Cab with service body (Unit 163).............................Showing 226,238km

2000 Chevrolet S10 Club Cab with canopy (Unit 882).......................................................Showing 227,342 km

All vehicles can be viewed at the Better Bids North Auction Yard #24 Laberge Rd (Kulan Industrial) Bids will be received from Friday, September 26, 2014 until Wednesday, October 15, 2014. The successful bidder will be notiďŹ ed on Thursday, October 16,2014. Highest bid not necessarily accepted. ATCO Electric Yukon reserves the right to accept or reject any bid.

Please contact auctioneer, Paul Heynen @ 333-0717 to view vehicles and ďŹ ll out bid form.

SMALL POOL/AIR Hockey table, includes 4 pool cues and wall stand, $75 obo. Owen or Lana 633-6617

TELESCOPE 12� Schmidt-Cassegrain Meade Lx-200, alt-az mount, with tripod, new in 1994, mostly lived in closet, good optics, good cosmesis, $1,400 firm, in Atlin. Dick at 250-651-0055 FREE, APPROX 150 12" vinyl classical discs, mainly Beethoven, most in first-class shape, in Atlin. Dick at 250-651-0055 LADIES CLOTHING, sizes 4X-6X, tops, pants and reversible coat ranging from $5 to $30. 633-4728 YUKON WILDLIFE Conservation stamps, rare and unique collection of 13 stamps, from 1996-2008, beautiful artwork depicting Yukon birds and wildlife, $150. 633-3154 THE CAT Who books, first 30, $20; complete works of Scott Peck, $30. 633-5009

WHITE MICROWAVE, $25, small white bar fridge $25, small 4ʟ Christmas tree with sparkly lights, $10. 668-5882 RIELLO BURNER with furnace blower, make an offer. 334-2695 SCHOOL BUS, no engine, drive train ok, seats removed, good glass, would have to be towed from current location an hour from town, use for cabin/shed/homeless shelter, $500. 633-3392 SELLING 2 Air North shares, come with this yearʟs flight benefits, $10,000 ea. 668-4082 BARBECUE TABLE, $35. 660-4321 4-DRAWER METAL filing cabinet; Vision Fitness R2200 bike w/heart monitor, hardly used, $300. 633-5362 LADIES ITEMS, JEANS, tops, dress slacks, extra lg, 16, 18, great cond, some new with tags, been in storage, $1 per item, shoes/dress boots size 7.5-8 $2 or $3. 867-689-5907 59 ANTIQUE Royal Doulton airline dishes, offers. 332-6565 31� CIRCULAR saw blade great shape, no chips in teeth, if youʟre brave enough to use a saw that big or would make a great decoration, $100. 633-3392 KIDS WOODEN 3 in 1 starter bike, grows with your child, Wishbone brand, very eco-friendly, $250. 633-3392 TRAPLINE FOR lease, #301 Tagish, 867-399-3001 for info MENʟS COWICHAN sweater, sz L, $75, menʟs mucklucks sz 11 snowshoes, handmade, with bindings, $300, hipwaders, sz 11, $50, chestwaders, sz 11, $50. 660-5942 INTERNET SATELLITE dish, bracket, and 28+ ft of cable, $50 obo. 456-4926 NEW IN box, soft side Canadian Tire spa, $400. 393-1992 CANADA GOOSE Resolute Parka, hardly worn, perfect cond, black, men's large, $500. 334-8273 NSA COUNTERTOP water filter, new, never used, removes chlorine, bad taste and bacteria from tap water, easy to install, $100. 336-8737 2014 HONDA EU2001 generator, new, less than 50 hrs run time, quiet & efficient, $1,300. 334-8273

TIFFANY HANGING lamp, green, one of a kind, $100; double air mattress with accordion frame, $40. 633-5009

GII ATHLETIC knee brace, left knee, size medium, use for ligament damage or to stabilize knee, worn only a few times, perfect condition, paid $550, asking $275. 336-8737

YARD WORKS 30'' snow blower, extreme auger, remote chute control, electric start, $300. 660-5942

WOULD THE lady from Faro who wanted the Merit kitchen cabinets please call 667-4970

REACH MORE BUYERS with the ClassiďŹ eds.

With our extensive, organized listings, readers will ďŹ nd your ad easily, so you won’t be climbing the walls looking for buyers.

Photo Ads 2 weeks! 4 issues! Photo + 30 words $


+ gst

What do you want to sell?

Phone: 867 867-667-6285 667 6285

2010 Ford F-150 Sup er Crew 4x 5.4L, 6-sp eed au 4

to, 40,204 Fully load k ed, tinted windows, interior, to leather w packag e, Bluetoo technology th wireless , Sync, re mote entr y and star $26,88 t.

A deposit of $100 is required on all bids. Unsuccessful bidders will have their deposits returned; successful bidders deposits will go toward the purchase. *Note: Should a successful bidder refuse to purchase, their deposit will be forfeited.


8 call 000-0 00-0000

211 Wood Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2E4

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 GED BOOKS for high school equivalency exam at Yukon College, includes science, math, social studies, literature, language. 660-4321

EVF FUELWOOD ENT Year Round Delivery • Dry accurate cords • Clean shavings available • VISA/M.C. accepted Member of Yukon Wood Producers Association Costs will rise. ORDER NOW 456-7432

WR DOWN vest, sm, $25; Marmot ultralight down jacket, sm, $40; MEC lined jacket, lg, $60; MEC down coat, xs, $75. 311B Hanson St SIRIUS SATELLITE radio including vehicle kit, $50. 668-3986

FIREWOOD FOR SALE $175 per cord 20 ft. lengths, 5 cord loads. Small delivery charge. 867-668-6564 Leave message

GLASS/METAL FRAME door, free; pressure step exerciser, $30. 667-7144 ORBITAL JIGSAW, new, $35. 311B Hanson St

FIREWOOD Clean, beetle-kill, dry Ready for pick-up, $230/cord or Local delivery, $250/cord Prices include GST 1/2 cords also available for pick-up only Career Industries @ 668-4360 or 668-4363

Electrical Appliances WHIRLPOOL PROFILE 4-burner stove, very clean, vg cond, must sell $125. 633-3982 17 CU ft refrigerator & electric range, both white, great cond, $250 for both. 633-2837 17 CU ft freezer, $150; 21 cu ft freezer, $100. 633-3805

FRIDGE, 18 cu ft, and electric stove, Sears brand, $150 ea. 334-1212

STAR CHOICE dish, $50. 633-5569 BELL EXPRESSVU 60 cm dish, qty 2, new, $20 ea. 667-8726

Guns & Bows

Musical Instruments

LICENSED TO BUY, SELL & CONSIGN rifles & ammo at G&R New & Used 1612-D Centennial St. 393-2274 BUY • SELL

YAMAHA CLAVINOVA piano model CVP509, check wonderful features on Internet, perfect for beginners or advanced players, over $9,000 in stores, asking $6,500. Serge 667-2196 after 5pm SAMICK PIANO, made in Korea, maple, paid $4,200, will sell for $2,000. 667-4970


SAVAGE 22-250 12fvss with Accutrigger, stainless 26” heavy barrel, 100 new Lapua cases, 700-800 bullets, 24 factory rounds, very accurate, dies available, negotiable. 668-6066 12 GAUGE bolt action shotgun with 3-shot clip, $200. 335-1106

HURLBURT ENTERPRISES INC. Store (867) 633-3276 Dev (867) 335-5192 Carl (867) 334-3782

✔ Beetle-killed spruce from Haines Junction, quality guaranteed ✔ Everything over 8" split ✔ $250 per cord (6 cords or more) ✔ Single and emergency half cord deliveries ✔ You-cut and you-haul available ✔ Scheduled or next day delivery


Cheque, Cash S.A. vouchers accepted.

VOLUNTEER NEEDED to assist Thomson Centre Residents in a hand bell program Monday afternoons starting in October. For more information call Kathy 393-8629 CONCERT SERIES at Thomson Centre: Would you like to volunteer one Sunday afternoon a month to support seniors and enjoy professional performances? For more info, call Kathy 393-8629

OLD-SCHOOL 12 gauge double barrel shotgun, needs repair before firing, $150. 335-1106 .22 COOEY single shot rifle, $100. 335-1106 SAVAGE 93R17 GV Bolt Action (HMR .17cal), new w/o scope, shot twice, $280 obo. Ray at 335-4179 NON-RESTRICTED FIREARMS course presented by Whitehorse Rifle & Pistol Club Oct 18 & 19. For more info call 334-1688 or 667-6728 MERLIN MOD 1895CB, cal. 45/70Govt, Octagon barrel 28", lever action, mint cond, 50 shells, photos available, $400. 250-483-1276, lv msg, or email: heidiwirth47@gmail.com BIRD GUN, Savage .22 long and 410 over & under, serviceable, $200. 334-0709 MARLIN .22LR bolt action, black syn stock, w/ variable scope, like new, $250. 334-5498

WANTED: COUCH and twin bed in decent shape. 668-2972 WANTED: TYPEWRITER in good working order for senior citizen. 335-4066 WANTED: WE are looking for women/girls over 16 and a goalie to play on our broomball team this season. It is like hockey but no skates. Call Sharon at 334-3972

WANTED: GALVALUME roofing material, 23” lengths or longer. 456-4926 WANTED: FIREWOOD, 24” long, delivered to Marsh Lake. 660-4001 LOOKING TO sell Air North shares? Iʼm interested in buying some. Call 335-2388 or 333-9181

Cars 2008 NISSAN Versa SL, grey, 6-spd standard, 111,000 km, 2nd owner seniors, cruise, P/W, P/L, A/C, tilt, stereo, CD, 4 winter tires on rims, vg cond, clean, $6,400. 332-1945

nee Boddington


April 22, 1925 - September 30, 2014

t is with great sadness we announce the death of our mother, grandmother and great-grandmother Marg Baker, who after a short illness passed away at the Whitehorse General Hospital on September 30, 2014 at the age of 89. Predeceased by Ken her husband of 53 years, mother Gladys, father Gordon and Sister Barbara. Marg was born during the depression in Toronto, Ontario on April 22, 1925. The oldest of three girls, her sisters Barbara and Joan soon followed. When Marg was six the family moved from Toronto to Morrison Lake, Muskoka, Ontario so that her father could provide a better life for the family. According to Marg, Morrison Lake was the second most beautiful place in the world, The Yukon being first. She was home schooled until Grade 8, when she traveled to Toronto to live with her aunt Laura so she could qualify for high school. Marg always said that living on Morrison Lake was a very good life (not much money but lots of love). In 1942 at the age of 17 Marg went to work at the Massey Harris aircraft plant where she installed wiring in the wings of the famous “Mosquito” bombers. Two years later, at the age of 19 Marg joined the Royal Canadian Air Force and was posted to Eastern Air Command headquarters in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It was here that she met her future husband Kenneth Baker who was serving in the R.C.A.F in Europe. At the end of the war Marg married Ken in Newmarket Ontario then returned to Halifax so Ken could finish his education and they could start a family. Two of their six children were born in Halifax, Linda (1949) and Rick (1951). The family moved to the Yukon on January 25, 1952 arriving to a chilling temperature of -36C.

July 10, 1933 - September 30, 2014 It is with sadness the family of Vimy Cooper announce her passing peacefully at home. Vimy was a life-long Yukoner who raised her family in Whitehorse. It was important to Vimy to support her community and she was active in many groups and associations. Vimy is survived by her partner Gabe Patrick, her children Rick (Anne Marie) Boyd; Christine (Svante) Boyd-Larsson; Gary (Susan) Boyd; her grandchildren Colin (Arielle), Denis, Joey (MIchelle), Thomas and Emma and her brothers Colin and Leon. She was predeceased by her daughter Sandra and her brother Arthur Yeulet. At Vimy’s request there will be a memorial tea in lieu of a service. Please drop in between 1:00 and 3:00 pm at the Golden Age Society on Saturday, October 11. In lieu of flowers please donate to the Canadian Cancer Society or a charity of your choice.

2000 SUZUKI Esteem wagon, 190,000 kms, reliable winter vehicle, c/w studded tires, command start, oilpan heater, battery blanket, CD player, well maintained, lots of cargo space, $2,900 obo. 393-3618


DONʼS FIREWOOD Scheduled daily deliveries HJ Beetle kill Spruce $260 per cord, City limits Phone 393-4397

TVs & Stereos

WANTED: USE of small milling machine to drill dowel along central axis, needs to be exact, willing to pay for service. 633-2300


FIREWOOD FOR SALE Beetle killed Approximately 20-cord logging truck loads $150 per cord Also offering approx 8-cord orders Delivered to Whitehorse Call Clayton @ 867-335-0894

WHIRLPOOL W A S H E R , HE model WTW4900BW, used 15 times, still under warranty, paid $560, asking $300 firm. 633-4607



Son Ron (1952) and daughter Cathy (1954) were born in the old military hospital in Whitehorse. In 1957 their daughter Sharon joined the family, born at the Whitehorse General Hospital which was located where the Territorial Government Building is now on Second Avenue. Youngest son Jimmy was born in 1965 at the “new/old “Whitehorse General Hospital. (You old time Yukoners will know what I mean). Marg joined the Women’s Hospital Auxiliary in 1954 and continued to be a member of this wonderful organization until 2014. She felt this was a good way to give back to the community. Marg, always interested in what her children were involved in became a member of the PTA, a Brownie and Girl Guide leader and Division Commissioner with the Girl Guides until 1972. Marg was a long-standing member of the Anglican Church where at one time she sang in the choir with her daughter Linda and occasionally with her mother, when she was visiting from Ontario. She volunteered at the soup kitchen with her youngest granddaughter Kienna at her side.

Also a member of the Golden Age Society, Royal Canadian Legion, Elder active recreational Association, Yukon Order of Pioneers, and the Yukon Council on Aging. Through the years and through these organizations Marg enjoyed the company of many wonderful people playing bingo, crib and traveling to the senior games, not to mention the selling of raffle tickets for the different groups. Marg always had a book of tickets to sell in her purse. Over the years Marg was the recipient of many awards for her volunteer work. In 1979 Whitehorse minor hockey awarded her the “Mr. Hockey” award for being instrumental in raising money for the league by selling lottery tickets with the participation of many other hockey moms. In 1996 she was awarded the City of Whitehorse’s “Volunteer of the Year” after being nominated by the Women’s Hospital Auxiliary. In 2006 Marg received the Governor General’s “Caring Canadian Award” in recognition of outstanding and selfless contribution to our community and to Canada. In 2013 she was nominated once again by the Women’s Hospital Auxiliary for the City of Whitehorse Volunteer of the Year award. Marg was so proud to have one of her granddaughters (Brandon) in the group of nominees. In 2014 the Whitehorse General Hospital held their annual tea in appreciation of the Women’s Hospital Auxiliary. At that time there was a presentation to Marg to show their appreciation for 60 years of volunteer service. In 2014 Marg was presented with the Commissioners Award for public service in recognition of 60 years of volunteer service with the Women’s Hospital Auxiliary. Marg was one-of-a-kind, a Yukon pioneer. Truly loved by all and will be missed so very much by her family and so many others. She is survived by her children Linda (Ted), Rick (Sandy), Ron (Samantha), Cathy (Rob), Sharon (Barry) and Jim (Kelly), 11 Grandchildren, 13 Great Grandchildren.

A celebration of life will be held at the Westmark Hotel in Whitehorse, October 25, 2014 from 2:00PM to 5:00PM.




2011 T O Y O T A Matrix hatchback, 65,000kms, command start, summer/winter tires, $16,550 obo. Salina or Gerry at 334-6338



Help control the pet overpopulation problem





2009 CHEV Cobalt SL Tudor, metallic grey, 32,690km, standard, clean, exc cond, $7,500. 667-7222 2009 VW Jetta diesel, great shape, highway driven, just over 100,000km, 6-spd, exc fuel economy, c/w winter tires, $12,000 obo. 336-4687 2008 MERCEDES Benz B200 Turbo, power everything, luxury hatchback with sunroof, heated seats, satellite radio, etc, well taken care of, 105,000 km, $11,500. 332-5689 2008 TOYOTA Corolla, red, exc cond, 95,000 km, c/w 4 winter tires on rims, clean/well cared for, $9,500. 336-2694 2007 KIA Spectra 5, 5-spd manual, fully maintained highway commuter, loaded, extra studded tires on rims, 153,000 km, $6,000. 667-2276 2006 HONDA Civic sedan, P/W P/L, cruise, a/c, factory autostart, new summer/winter tires mounted on rims, exc shape inside and out, 108,000 kms, $10,500. 334-5043 2005 HONDA Civic Sport, 147,000 km, sunroof, new stereo w/Bluetooth, c/w summer tires, nice rims & new studded winter tires, $5,500 obo. Text/call 332-2555 anytime 2004 TOYOTA Echo, manual, 2-dr hatchback, 312,400 kms, highway mileage, set of winter/summer tires with rims, vg cond. 334-5607 2004 TOYOTA Echo, manual, 312,400km highway mileage, 2 doors hatchback, set of winter/summer tires with rims, good cond. 334-5607

LOST/FOUND LOST t Takhini, male neutered, DLH, light orange, no collar, answers to Sandy, Contact Deede @ 456-7172 (05/09/14) t Top of Grey Mountain, female spay, yellow lab, microchip, wearing a red collar with tags, answers to Taku, Contact Anne-Marie @ 335-0177 (11/09/14) t Lazlite,female, DSH, black and white, wearing no collar, answers to Jessica, Contact Lissa @ 335-2561,(17/09/14) t 12th Ave, neutered male, tabby, no collar, answers to Jerry, Contact Sandra @ 335-4375 (18/09/14) t Fishlake rd, female spayed, grisson, wearing a red collar, answers to Pelly, Contact Tony @ 335-0941 (18/09/14) t Benchmark trailer park. Female. Tabby approx. 10 months. not wearing a collar. Answers to July. Contact Carmen @ 333-

0069 (19/09/14) t Iron horse, DSH, neutered male, orange, wearing a collar with a rabies tag, answers to Tiny, Contact Gary @ 335-3760 (19/09/14)

FOUND t Mt. Sima Copper hall rd, large, male husky, no collar, very friendly, Contact Cathie @ 3357260 ( 13/09/14) t Cowley creek, husky X, female, black and white, wearing a collar no tags, Contact Megan @ 335-4776, 393-4404 (20/09/14) t Airport Chalet, pug X, male wearing a black collar, has red paint on the left leg, and a cherry eye in the right eye, Contact Evghenii @ 416-834-8596 (27/09/14)

RUNNING AT LARGE... If you have lost a pet, remember to check with City Bylaw: 668-8382


IN FOSTER HOMES DOGS t 2 yr. old, spayed female, cream, husky (Darby) t 3 yr. old, neutered male, GSD/Rottie, black and brown (Tristan)

t 2 yr. old, female spayed, collie X, white and black, (Dot)

CATS t 11 yr old, male neutered, DSH, black (Mingus)

AT THE SHELTER DOGS t 13 weeks old, male, husky x GSD, black and blonde ( Bobo) t 13 weeks old, male, husky x GSD, black and white ( Cavin) t 1 yr. old, neutered male, husky, white and black, ( Salty) t 7 weeks old, female, husky, black and brown, (Megghan) t 7 weeks old, female, husky, black and brown, (Cerry)

t 7 weeks old, male, husky, blonde, ( Stephan) t 7 yr. old, female spayed, rottie X, brindle (Daphne) t 2 yr. old, female spayed, husky, brown, ( Foxy) t 9 month old, male, beardog X, blonde (Snoosh) t 8 weeks old, male, collie X, brown, ( Thor)

CATS t 9yr old, female spayed, calico, torte and white,(Mao)

2003 SUBARU AWD Legacy SW, solid, reliable, safe, install the near new Hakapollita studded snow tires/steel rims, exc shape, winterized, $6,400. 334-3555 2002 SUBARU Legacy L wagon, 4-dr hatchback, AWD, 4-spd auto, 2.5L, air, tilt, cruise, P/W, P/L, elec seats, well maintained, 1 owner, seniors, $4,695. 633-2836 1999 HONDA Civic hatchback, black, manual, radio/CD, remote starter, block heater, winter & all-season tires, 177,000km, $3,000. 335-1913

✔ ! ! ✔ " " $ ✔ $ # ! ✔ ! % ✔ $ ✔ & ✔ ✔ "

2010 DODGE Ram 1500 4X4 quad cab, 52,000km, 5.7L Hemi, powerful, good on fuel, c/w trailer break & tonneau, $22,000 obo. cover.deuces11@hotmail.com, 334-3655 2010 F-150 Lariat, pearl white on black leather, 4-dr, 6.5' box, pwr everything with all options, 130,000km, auto, 4x4, over $65,000 new, asking $26,000. 250-254-1945 2009 CHEVROLET Silverado 1500 LT 4X4 extĘźd cab, 4-dr, silver exterior, black interior, new tires, all receipts since new, warranty, tonneau cover extra, $13,800. 333-9020

We Sell Trucks! 1-866-269-2783 • 9039 Quartz Rd. • Fraserway.com

1999 PONTIAC Sunfire, sporty auto, 4-dr, large trunk, clean & good mechanical cond, $2,000 obo. 393-1992 or contact fossilpoint@northwestel.net 1983 TOYOTA Tercel, 4-dr hatchback, good running cond, some rust & needs exhaust repair, $350 obo. 334-3375

2009 DODGE Ram 3500 Q cab, 9'6" deck, Cummins turbo diesel, P/W, P/L, remote start, keyless entry, r. window, Tow-Haul/Exh brake, 72,000km, inspec Sept 2014. Email cgr-37@hotmail.com 2008 GMC Sierra SLT, black, 4-dr crew cab, fully loaded, leather seats, new tires, 136,000 kms, $17,000 firm. 633-6667 or 335-8038 for more info

Trucks 2013 CHEV Silverado 1500 extended cab with suicide doors, low km, box liner, 4x4, $32,200 or take over payments. 334-9415

2005 FORD F350 diesel 4x4 auto, crew cab, short box, good cond, $9,000. 334-7373

Pet of the Week!


You can also check out our award winning website at:


2006 NISSAN Titan 4X4 Supercab, 166,000km, c/w mechanical inspection, new tires & extra set tires/rims, looks & runs great, lots of power, $6,900 firm. 333-0717 2005 BUICK Terraza minivan, approx 220,000km, new winter tires, $4,500 obo. 633-2218 2005 CHEV 2500 4x4, 6.0L, V8, auto, extended cab, 240,000km, headache rack, bumper winch, gooseneck hitch, very dependable, $8,500 obo. 332-8283/text Earl 2005 DODGE SLT 2500 short box diesel, canopy, driving lights, sliding cargo bed, newer tires, 195,000km, $16,500. 668-4479 2005 FORD Explorer, fully loaded, heated leather seats, remote starters, 7 passenger seating, 147,000 km, motivated to sell, $9,000 obo. 336-6410

2004 TOYOTA Tundra double cab, 123,000km, TRD package, grey, exc cond, matching SnugTop canopy, Toyo AT tires, running boards, incl Toyo WLT winter tires/steel rims. 334-8273 2001 RAM SLT Laramie, quad cab, 4x4, exc shape, 175,000km, spray in box liner, leather, seats 6, trailer breaks & Goodyear Wranglers, recent mechanical/oil change. 333-0034 or nathandumont@hotmail.com 2000 GMC 4S, 4 door, long box, loaded, runs well, $3,500 obo. 334-9903 1999 CHEV Tahoe LS 4X4, 179,000kms, power group, BFG tires, hitch, privacy glass, 5.7 litre, solid vehicle, $5,500 obo. 668-2262 1999 GMC 2500 SLE, 4X4, auto, 213,000kms, extended cab, canopy, camper ready, clean, $5,500 obo. 334-6941 1999 SUBURBAN 1500 4x4, full load, 8 passenger, new tires, 260,000km, $7,000. Call/text 333-0186 1999 TOYOTA Rav 4, 4X4 standard, $4,890 obo. 667-6726 1998 FORD Winstar, good runner, very clean, 7-passenger, c/w new safety cert, $2,995 obo. 867-536-7206 1997 TAHOE 4X4, great for winter, comfortable interior, captains chairs, lots of storage, good tires, $3,500. 667-7733 or 333-3456 1994 ISUZU Trooper 4X4, 4-dr, black, very clean, needs engine work, $1,200 obo. 867-536-7206 1990 FORD F250 4-spd manual, comes with canopy, $1,200. 456-4567 1990 NISSAN Pathfinder 4X4, turbo diesel, like new, 160,000km, radio & disc player, right-hand steering, power everything, a/c, bought 3-4 yrs ago, never used, $3,000 firm. Peter 633-4606 1990 TOYOTA Hiace, 8-passenger, camping or handicap minivan, 4wd, 4-cyl diesel, auto, 133,000 kms, offers or trades, 333-9020


1988 FORD F150 2WD, extended cab, tons of new parts, excellent truck, $1,200. 667-7223

Hi my name is Mao! I would really like to meet new people, and maybe get some pats on the head and get scratches under the chin. So come down and meet me today.

1984 FORD F350 4X4, c/w winter tires & 2 spares on rims, reg cab, 10Ęź box, 4X4 works, diesel, $2,500. 334-8086 TRUCK & camper, 1988 Ford F-250 XLT, V8 gas, ext cab, 5 new 10-ply tires, tow package, trailer & camper wiring, exc cond, $6,500 obo. 335-1106

Auto Parts & Accessories

633-6019 126 Tlingit Street


TRUCK CANOPIES - in stock * new Dodge long/short box * new GM long/short box * new Ford long/short box Hi-Rise & Cab Hi - several in stock View at centennialmotors.com 393-8100

Book your FREE 30 Word ClassiďŹ ed

t Homes needed for retired sled dogs. They would make excellent pets. Please contact 6683647 or kennelmanager@muktuk.com Pets will be posted on the Pet Report for two weeks. Please let us know after that time if you need them re-posted.

2006 GMC Sierra, fully loaded, grey leather interior, heated seats, new tires, needs fuel pump, $5,000 firm. 633-2760

2004 GMC 2500 HD 4x4 Xcab long box, great unit, remote start, trailer tow, aluminum liner & toolbox, fully serviced, new battery & tires. 633-4311


If your lost animal has been inadvertently left off the pet report or for more info on any of these animals, call 633-6019 or stop by 126 Tlingit Street.

2007 CHEV 2500HD, crew cab 4X4, great unit, many options, trailer tow, fully serviced, new brakes & battery, must sell, $15,000 obo. 633-4311



classiďŹ eds

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 HD HEADACHE RACK for 2nd generation Dodge pickup with full-size 8 ft box. Rack is 64 3/4" wide, tapers to 63" at back. Black in color. $300. Call 660-4516 4 WINTER tires 185/65R15 studded with rims. Goodyear Nordic Winter tires from a 2008 Nissan Versa that is no longer with us, $200. 393-3301 TOW MASTER 5000 front hitch to pull car behind motorhome, was on Geo Tracker but could adapt to other vehicle, $350. 867-536-7206

RONʼS SMALL ENGINE SERVICES Repairs to Snowmobiles, Chainsaws, Lawnmowers, ATVʼs, Small industrial equipment. Light welding repairs available 867-332-2333 lv msg Recreational Powersports and Marine (RPM) Repairs Service, repair and installations for snowmobiles, ATVs, motorcycles, chainsaws, marine and more Qualified and experienced mechanic Great rates! Call Patrick at 335-4181

SMITTYBILD WINCH bumper, no winch, for 2012 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited, $500 obo. 668-6716

2009 POLARIS Razr 800 ATV, added accessories including roof, 4,500lb Warn winch, snorkel intake, upgraded wheels & rims, spare tire carrier, shoulder harness/seat belts, $6,950. 333-9020

50 ASSORTED mufflers, 50 exhaust pipes, adapters, etc, $500. 536-7206

2006 HONDA 750 Shadow, 15,000kms, sounds like a Harley, $1,900 firm. 333-0717

4- GOODYEAR Wrangler P255-70R16 tires, like new, $125. 660-4000

POLARIS 333-9020

GOODYEAR N O R D I C winter tires, P205/75R14 w. 5-hole rims, used on Buick for 2 seasons, $200 for all. 667-8726 HEADACHE RACK, metal, for 8ʼ box, $100; wheel trim for Ford 1988, stainless steel, 4 pieces, $80. 667-7223 4 WHEELS & tires, 245/40 R19 on Buick aluminum rims, 19X8.5 c/w TPMS, only 8,000 kms, $1,000. 333-9221

V-PLOW with mount, $500.

1989 HONDA 3-wheeler ATV, $250 obo. Wayne at 456-7707 2004 P O L A R I S 600 ATV, winch, hand/thumb warmer, hand guards, 286 hrs, well maintained, $4,500, wonʼt last long. 867-660-4000 2 ARGO Conquests, $6,500 and $5,500, or $10,000 for both. 867-863-5715

1998 PONTIAC Sunfire for parts, as is, where is, $400 obo. 334-9325

2004 MOUNTAIN Cat 800, 800 mi, $3,600, 2001 RMK 600, piped, new clutch, not pretty but runs great, $1,900, buy both with simple 1 place trailer $5,300. 250-254-1945

13” TIRES, 4 summer & 4 winter, $100 takes all. Phil @ 335-5707

2007 HONDA 500 Foreman, great cond, low hours, $5,500 obo. Gary 334-6338

4 TOYO winter tires mounted on rims & balanced, ready to mount, like new, 185/65R15, $600 obo. 633-2980

UTILITY TRAILER to tow behind ATV, flat deck, 4x8ʼ 2'' coupler, $250, 334-5498

1 MICHELIN tire mounted on rim, balanced, P185/65R, $100 obo. 633-2980 3X MICHELIN LT265/70 R17, great tread, $300 obo. 633-4311 FOUR 15” aluminium rims, 6 bolts, no tires, like new. Have been on a Nissan Pathfinder, $380 obo. 335-6696 AT TRUCK tires 235/75/R15 mounted on six bolt 15" rims, fits older model Toyota 4X4 or similar truck, $250 obo. 336-8737

Pets 15-HOLE DOG box, boxes big enough to double load, c/w hot water heated box for thawing frozen meat while traveling, 2-level w/storage space in middle & end, $800 obo. 633-6502

Motorcycles & Snowmobiles



2009 SKI-DOO summit 800 50th anniversary edition, has c and a skis, low and tall windshield, matching cover, 1,800 miles, $7,000 obo. 333-0484

Marine PROFESSIONAL BOAT REPAIR Fiberglass Supplies Marine Accessories FAR NORTH FIBERGLASS 49D MacDonald Rd Whitehorse, Yukon 393-2467 18ʼ INFLATABLE V hull speed boat & trailer, 70 hp, fuel tanks & controls, $6,000. 456-4926

Heavy Equipment BRENTʼS HYDRAULICS Portable line boring Bore welding, we go anywhere Torque nuts up to 30,000 ft lbs General machining, lathing, milling Phone 334-3027

Campers & Trailers

Coming Events

TAITʼS TRAILERS www.taittrailers.com taits@northwestel.net Quality new and used Horse * Cargo * Equipment trailers For sale or rent Call Anytime 334-2194 Southern prices delivered to the Yukon

ATLIN GUEST HOUSE Deluxe Lakeview Suites Sauna, Hot Tub, BBQ, Internet, Satellite TV Kayak Rentals In House Art Gallery 1-800-651-8882 Email: atlinart@yahoo.ca www.atlinguesthouse.com

2004 PIONEER travel trailer, overall length 28ʼ, large bath, queen bed, full kitchen, stereo, large awning, $9,800. 633-2580 2009 30' Citation trailer, polarpak pkg, enclosed valves tanks, thermopane windows dualpane skylights, 50amp power baseboard heaters, slide awnings, 16" wheels, shocks, equalizer hitch/antisway. 633-3339 or 334-9634 1991 31ʼ school bus, 366 gas engine, seats removed, Allison 3-spd auto, good running order, suitable for storage, camping, moving, or shed. 633-5155 HOME MADE 3/4-ton utility trailer, 16” tires, great for hauling firewood, trash, etc, $750 obo. 334-4568 after 5pm 2014 RAINBOW 19ʼ tilt deck trailer, car hauler, tandem 3,500lb axles, electric brakes, $5,250 obo. 334-0578 DOUBLE AXLE trailer, c/w racks & ramps, rated for 4,000kg, 14ʼ bed, $2,850 obo. 633-4018 2007 NORTHWIND 20ʼ pull type trailer. Sleeps 6, Jack and Jill bunks, fridge, stove, microwave, AC, stereo, $12,000 obo. 456-4926

We sell used Class C RV’s! Check it out here or call us to view (867) 456-2729 13ʼ Trillium travel trailer.

THE ALZHEIMER/DEMENTIA Family Caregiver Support Group meets monthly. A group for family/friends caring for someone with Dementia. Info and register call Cathy 334-1548 or Joanne 668-7713 FRIENDS OF Mount Sima Society AGM October 8 at 7pm, Mount Sima Chalet. See how you can help with plans for 2015. See you there. Call 336-3483 for details SALSA YUKON Latin Dance Classes, Beginner Rueda de Casino starting October 16th, Beginner Salsa and Beginner Bachata starting October 17th, salsayukon@gmail.com for info JOIN THE Bowel Movement, a support group for those living with digestive disorders such as Crohn's, Colitis, Ostomies, Diverticulitis, IBS and other creative combinations! Library Meeting Room Wed Oct. 22 @ 7pm

1985 CLASS C motorhome 460, F350 Ford chassis, 30ʼ, very clean inside/out, $7,500 obo. 867-536-7206

GOLDEN AGE Society: If anyone over 55 is interested in playing pool or shuffleboard, call Deborah at 668-5538

1993 BIGFOOT 9.5ʼ camper, 2-piece fibreglass exterior, 3-pc bthrm, fridge/freezer (gas/electric), furnace, hot water, super clean, non-smoker, no leaks, very light (815kg), $7,300. 633-8430

FHCOLLINS 60S Reunion, July 10th to 12th, 2015. Go to: FHCollins60sReunion for details or Pat @ 633-5155

2001 NORTHERN Lite 9.5' truck camper, bsmt model, oven, bathroom/shower, forced air, large fridge with freezer, n/s queen bed, hot water, outside shower, 1900 lbs dry, $10,900 obo. 633-5545


PJ TANDEM axle, 30ʼ, two 10,000 lb tandem axles with dual wheels, beaver tail with drop down ramps, good rubber, good shape, $15,000 new, asking $10,000 obo. 633-6502

2003 PITSTER Pro 160X 4 stroke motocross-style bike, good cond, deal at $600. 668-2262

FOR SALE or lease, half interest in Cessna 180. Wheels, wheel-skis & floats, 7130 TT, 615 SMOH. 867-335-5787

2011 WILDWOOD Xlite 26BH trailer, perfect cond, 5,400 lbs, 1/2 ton towable, separate queen/ bunk beds in rear. 334-8273

CONTAGIOUS MOUNTAIN Bike Club AGM. L'AFY at 302 Strickland Street, 6pm on October 25. JOIN US at the Old Fire Hall Thursday, October 23, 5:30pm for the second free Public Talk of the season called 'The History of Advertising and Marketing in Yukon', 5:30pm. POLARETTES GYMNASTICS club AGM, Oct 23 at 6pm at the gymnastics gym in Riverdale. AGM FOR Pan-Territorial Air Cadet Committee, Air Cadet League of Canada, will be on Saturday, October 18, 10am, 309 Lambert St. All are welcome. Ken 456-7297 for info



Airport Chalet Airport Snacks & Gifts

Canadian Tire Cashplan The Deli Edgewater Hotel Extra Foods Fourth Avenue Petro Gold Rush Inn Home Hardware Klondike Inn Mac’s Fireweed Books Ricky’s Restaurant Riverside Grocery Riverview Hotel Shoppers on Main Shoppers Qwanlin Mall Superstore Superstore Gas Bar Tags Walmart Well-Read Books Westmark Whitehorse Yukon Inn Yukon News Yukon Tire

GRANGER Bernie’s Race-Trac Gas Bigway Foods

PORTER CREEK Coyote Video Goody’s Gas Green Garden Restaurant Heather’s Haven Super A Porter Creek Trails North

RIVERDALE: 38 Famous Video Super A Riverdale Tempo Gas Bar


ATLIN - GLACIER VIEW CABINS “your quiet get away” Cozy self contained log cabins canoes, kayaks for rent Fax/Phone 250-651-7691 e-mail sidkatours@ atlin.net www.glacierviewcabins.ca

TRAILER FOR up to 2 snow machines or ATVs, just serviced & wired, really nice cond, $500. 333-9020

TECH ARMORED electrical cable, 4 wire, 000, 867-863-5715

The Yukon News is available at these wonderful stores in Whitehorse:

HOSPICE YUKON: Free, confidential services offering compassionate support to those facing advanced illness, death and bereavement. Visit our lending library @ 409 Jarvis, M-F 11:30-3:00, 667-7429, www.hospiceyukon.net

FALUN GONG, advanced practice of Buddha school self-cultivation, meeting Mondays and Wednesdays, Wood Street School from 6pm, no charge. Call, or come by for an introduction to the practice. 667-6336

TAITʼS CUSTOM TRAILER SALES 2-3-4- place snowmobile & ATV trailers Drive on Drive off 3500 lb axles by Trailtech - SWS & Featherlight CALL ANYTIME: 334-2194 www/taittrailers.com


DANCE GATHERING, first Saturday of every month 8-9pm at Leaping Feats. Adults and mature teens, a place to be yourself, connect with community and dance the way y o u w a n t ! whitehorsedancegathering@gmail.com

WHITEHORSE DUPLICATE Bridge Club is holding beginner Bridge lessons starting Oct 25. Contact Bruce at 660-5101 or email nmcgowan@klondiker.com for more information

klondikerv.com WANTED: 668-6716

THE FREE monthly Kids Kreate art class, Yukon Arts Centre, Sunday October 19, 1pm-4pm. Dress for a mess! Children must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is not required.

BRAEBURN LAKE Christian Camp Association AGM Tuesday Oct 28, 5:15pm, Whitehorse United Church. Looking for new members to share ideas for future successful camping season. Info: Stella 668-4629 YUKON COUNCIL on Aging bi-annual meeting on Friday, October 17, Golden Age Centre, registration at 9am BOOK LAUNCH, A Rock Fell on the Moon, Dad and the Great Yukon Silver Ore Heist, an Elsa memoir by Alicia Priest, Wed. Oct 8, Baked Café, 6pm. Free, all welcome YRTA (YUKON Retired Teachers) Breakfast Tues. Oct. 14th, 9:30 a.m. at Ricky's. Guests welcome! Info: 667-2644 FIDDLEHEADS YUKON Annual General Meeting October 20, 6pm, Selkirk Elementary School, 5 Selkirk Street, Whitehorse. For info 867-821-4344 FH COLLINS Parent-Teacher-Student Conference, parent-teacher meeting Thursday Oct. 23, 5pm-7pm, & Friday Oct. 24 10am-1pm. No student classes Oct. 24, but they may attend either conference session, no appointment necessary TEDXWHITEHORSELIVE OCT 9th 6-9pm. Watch live talks streamed from TEDGlobal 2014, Yukon College lecture hall. Admission by donation to the Whitehorse Food Bank. More info at www.tedxwhitehorse.com FREE DROP-IN computer lab, self directed computer studies, Mondays from 12pm-2pm, tutor/Instructor on site to assist. Yukon Learn Society 2158 - 2nd Ave, Suite B FREE SENIORS/ELDERS Conference, October 27/28 on protecting senior's benefits, wills, enduring power of attorney, advance directives, preventing abuse, mental health issues, etc. Rural travel subsidies. See www.yplea.com/conference or phone 867-633-5269 YUKON GUILD of Needlearts meets Thursday Oct 9, Whitehorse Public Library, 7pm. Preserving the Art of Hand Embroidery. Meet Friends. Info 633-4026 Quantum-Touch Energy Healing Level 1 Workshop Come learn simple and effective healing techniques to reduce pain and heal physical, mental and emotional issues in this fun and interactive, 2-day workshop. Quantum-Touch, The Power to Heal! Where & When: Whitehorse, October 18 and 19, 2014 Cost: $345.00. Contact: Alison at 867-335-0078 or elementalholistictherapies@live.com THE WHITEHORSE Photography Club's Wildlife Photography Workshop with John Marriott Oct 24 to 26. Details at http://whitehorsephotoclub.ca ANYONE 55+ interested in playing shuffleboard join us at the Golden Age Society Monday afternoons from 1pm-4pm


Kopper King Hi-Country RV Park McCrae Petro Takhini Gas Yukon College Bookstore




COFFEE HOUSE! Sat. Nov.1, 2014. Featuring: Erin Evangeline + the Open Stage. Help set up 6PM, open stage sign-up 7PM, 730PM show! $5 United Church Bsmt, 6th+Main, 633-4255 WE ARE looking for seniors 55+ interested in quilting, knitting, crocheting & crafts to join us on Tuesday afternoons at the Golden Age Society. ANYONE 55+ interested in playing pool, join us at the Golden Age Society Monday mornings from 10am-Noon or call about a different time. ATLIN ANNUAL Fireman's Masquerade Ball October 25, 8pm, Rec Centre. Dance to Roxx Hunter and Friends. Cash bar, $15 ticket with snack bar, costume prizes. Info: 250-651-7454 WHITEHORSE CONCERTS presents award winning Dover Quartet, Saturday, October 18, Yukon Arts Centre, at 8om. Please contact: steve@whitehorseconcerts.com for more information POTLUCK AND community meal on World Food Day, Thursday, October 16th hosted by the Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition, 5pm-7pm at CYO Hall. Info: 334-9317 METAL-STONE-CLAY MULTIMEDIA art by Leslie Leong, Yukon Artists @ Work, Oct. 17-Nov 17, 120 Industrial Road, Whitehorse HOME ROUTE Concert in Marshlake with Manitoba Hal October 19th @ 7pm. Contact Eva or Beat @ 660- 4014 for reservations and directions AURORA JEWELLERY SHOW AND SALE Saturday October 11, 2014 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Westmark Whitehorse (Canyon City Room). For further information call Janet Webster at 633-2747 INTRO TO Silversmithing New SLVR 001. Join instructor Shelley MacDonald for a hands-on workshop designed to introduce you to silversmithing, October 24-26, Yukon College SALSA YUKON Latin Dance Classes, beginner Rueda de Casino starting October 16, beginner Salsa and beginner Bachata starting October 17. salsayukon@gmail.com for info YUKON INDIAN Hockey Association AGM Thursday, October 23, 2014, Sport Yukon brdrm 6:30-8:30pm. If you want to be on the board or just want to volunteer, attend the meeting. Everyone welcome PORTER CREEK Secondary School Council is holding a regular council meeting on October 15, 2014, at 6:30pm in the school library. Everyone is welcome

S.V.P. CARPENTRY Journey Woman Carpenter Interior/Exterior Finishing/Framing Small & Medium Jobs “Make it work and look good.â€? Call Susana (867) 335-5957 susanavalerap@live.com www.svpcarpentry.com ANGYĘźS MASSAGE Mobile Service. Therapeutic Massage & Reflexology. Angelica Ramirez Licensed Massage Therapist. 867-335-3592 angysmassage@hotmail.com 8 Versluce Place Whitehorse YT, Y1A 5M1 SATURDAY GUITAR CLASSES at Dean's Strings Beginner & intermediate levels For more information or to register contact Krista at kristaaustad@gmail.com


Beaver Creek Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Carcross Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Carmacks Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Dawson City Y.T. Thursday - 6pm (summer only) New Beginners Group Rm 2160 @ Hospital Friday - 1:30pm Unity Group Rm 2160 @ Hospital Saturday - 7pm North Star Group Community Support Centre 1233-2nd Ave.

ELIJAH SMITH School Council is holding a regular council meeting on October 14, 2014, 6:30pm in the school library. Everyone is welcome

Destruction Bay Y.T.


Faro Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

- INSULATION Upgrade your insulation & reduce your heating bills Energy North Construction Inc. (1994) for all your insulation & coating needs Cellulose & polyurethane spray foam Free estimate: 667-7414 BACKHAULS, WHITEHORSE to Alberta. Vehicles, Furniture, Personal effects etc. Daily departures, safe secure dependable transportation at affordable rates. Please call Pacific Northwest Freight Systems @ 667-2050 MC RENOVATION Construction & Renovations Laminated floor, siding, decks, tiles Kitchen, Bathroom, Doors, Windows Framing, Board, Drywall, Painting Drop Ceiling, Fences No job too small Free estimates Michael 336-0468 yt.mcr@hotmail.com THOMAS FINE CARPENTRY • Construction • Renovation • Finishing • Cabinets • Tiling • Flooring • Repairs • Specialty woodwork • Custom kitchens 867-633-3878 or cell 867-332-5531 thomasfinecarpentry@northwestel.net BUSY BEAVERS Painting, Pruning Hauling, Chainsaw Work, Snow Shovelling and General Labour Call Francois & Katherine 456-4755 PIANO TUNING & REPAIR by certified piano technician Call Barry Kitchen @ 633-5191 email:bfkitchen@hotmail.com

Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Haines Junction Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Mayo Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre Old Crow Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Pelly Crossing Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Ross River Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

Telegraph Creek B.C. Tuesday - 8:00 p.m. Soaring Eagles Sewing Centre

Teslin Y.T. Wednesday - 7:00pm Wellness Centre #4 McLeary Friday - 1:30p.m. Health Centre

Watson Lake Y.T. Friday - 1:30 p.m. Health Centre

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LOG CABINS: Professional Scribe Fit log buildings at affordable rates. Contact: PF Watson, Box 40187, Whitehorse, YT, Y1A 6M9 668-3632

PASCAL PAINTING CONTRACTOR PASCAL AND REGINE Residential - Commercial Ceilings, Walls Textures, Floors Spray work Small drywall repair Excellent quality workmanship Free estimates pascalreginepainting@northwestel.net 633-6368


THE MEANING of Life, documentary on a BC prison without bars, focusing on First Nation approach to rehabilitation, healing. Whitehorse Library, October 8, 6:30– 8:30pm. Sponsored by YCRC and SOS. 667-2037


Anonymous MEETINGS: Wednesdays 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm #2 - 407 Ogilvie St. <BYTE> Fridays 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm 4071 - 4th Ave. <Many Rivers>


MONDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 8:00 pm New Beginnings Group (OM,NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. TUESDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 7:00 pm Juste Pour Aujourd’hui 4141B - 4th Avenue. 8:00 pm Ugly Duckling Group (CM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. WEDNESDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St.. 8:00 pm Porter Crk Step Meeting (CM) Our Lady of Victory, 1607 Birch St. 8:00 pm No PufďŹ n (CM,NS) Big Book Study Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. THURSDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Grapevine Discussion Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 6:00 pm Young People’s Meeting BYTE OfďŹ ce, 2-407 Ogilvie Street 7:30 pm Polar Group (OM) Seventh Day Adventist Church 1609 Birch Street (Porter Creek) FRIDAY: 12 noon Joy of Living (OM, NS) Big Book Discussion Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. 1:30 pm #4 Hospital Rd. (Resource Room) 8:00 pm Whitehorse Group (OM, NS) Maryhouse, 504 Cook St. SATURDAY: 1:00 pm Sunshine Group (OM, NS) DETOX Building, 6118-6th Ave. 2:30 pm Women’s Meeting Whitehorse General Hospital (room across from Emergency) 7:00 pm Hospital Boardroom (OM, NS) SUNDAY: 1:00 pm Sunshine Group (OM, NS) DETOX Building, 6118-6th Ave. 7:00 pm Marble Group Hospital Boardroom (OM, NS)

NS - No Smoking OM - open mixed, includes anyone CM - closed mixed, includes anyone with a desire to stop drinking

www.aa.org bcyukonaa.org AA 867-668-5878 24 HRS A DAY

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 RETIRED PRACTICAL NURSE 23 years working with Whitehorse General Hospital Seeking to do private duty nursing and/or housecleaning Available anywhere in the Yukon Phone 334-3043

XC SKI poles, 140/146/150, $15 pr, Fisher SC SNS Profil boots, EU47, Salomon SR401 boots, sz 38, $25 pr. 311B Hanson St

Lost & Found

PYRANHA EVEREST whitewater kayak, fast, stable, predictable, similar to Pyranha Burn with more volume to carry more gear on expeditions, $650. 633-5617

LOST: REAR trailer gate between Carmacks and Twin Lakes, grey in color, for small tin trailer on Saturday afternoon/evening. 332-4202

BLACK DIAMOND AT skis with Diamir bindings and Garmont size 10 boots, great shape, small repair required on one binding, $1,000 for everything. 336-2606

WAVE S P O R T Fuse, used, river running/play boat, run the river like a pro, $500. 633-5617

Business Opportunities


Looking for NEW Business / Clients?

QUALITY YUKON MEAT Dev & Louise Hurlburt Grain-finished Hereford beef Domestic wild boar Order now for guaranteed delivery Payment plan available Samples on request 668-7218 335-5192

Advertise in The Yukon News ClassiďŹ eds!

HORSE HAVEN HAY RANCH Dev & Louise Hurlburt Irrigated Timothy/Brome mix Small square & round bales Discounts for field pick up or delivery Straw bales also for sale 335-5192 • 668-7218

Take Advantage of our 6 month Deal... Advertise for 5 Months and


HAY FOR SALE Dry bales kept under a shelter Great quality, $12/bale. 633-4496 or astra@northwestel.net

Book Your Ad Today! 4 s & E: wordads@yukon-news.com

Quality weed free brome hay bales for sale. 830 lb round bales and also small square bales Phone 668-2407

GET FREE VENDING MACHINES. Can Earn $100,000.00 + Per Year. All Cash-Retire in Just 3 Years. Protected Territories. Full Details CALL NOW 1-866-668-6629. Website WWW.TCVEND.COM.

OAT BUNDLES FOR SALE •Great horse feed •On field price $1.00/bundle •Two bundles/day/horse •Feed alone or good hay supplement Call 668-6742

Sports Equipment COMPLETE SET of Spalding womenĘźs golf clubs, c/w cart, $60. 633-4018 SALOMON SNOWSCAPE 7 waxless cross-country skis with SNS Profil bindings, used one season, great cond, with free pair of Fischer size 10 (mens) boots, $180. Text: 335-0233 HORIZON 333-0916


TIMOTHY/BROME HAY •No rain •Quality horse and livestock mix •Square and round bales •Delivery available For more information call 668-6742 or 334-4589 EIGHT LAYING hens for sale, 1 1/2 years old, $100. 668-5644



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Mondays 7:30 p.m. 4071 4th Avenue PBZVLPO!HNBJM DPN t XXX PB PSH

communityclaVViÂżedV.ca or 1.866.669.9222

AL-ANON MEETINGS contact 667-7142

Has your life been

WEDNESDAY 12:00 Noon

affected by

Anglican Church on 4th & Elliott Back Door Entrance



drinking ???

7:00 PM Lutheran Church Basement Beginners Mtg ( 4th & Strickland ) 8:00 PM Lutheran Church Basment Regular Mtg ( 4th & Strickland )

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 LAMB Locally grown. Order now. Phone (867) 821-4613 Leave Message

CHILDRENĘźS CLOTHING in excellent condition, given freely the first & third Saturday monthly at the Church of the Nazarene, 2111 Centennial. 633-4903

FOX LAKE HERITAGE FARM For Sale •Turkeys, chickens, eggs •Free range & grass fed *Pastured pork, grass fed beef & goat meat •Brome hay in 55lb bales •Chicken plucker for rent Phone 334-8960 or yukonheritagefarm@gmail.com


ANGUS BEEF for sale Born and Bred in the Yukon No hormones or drugs Delivered to your butcher or your home horses@exploreyukon.com 667-6376

ANJU & MEENAĘźS FAMILY DAYHOME Has childcare spaces available Located in Riverdale Hot meals provided Extended care available Located near school Low & Affordable Rates More info 668-5243 or 3341979 KOSS FDH available now in Porter creek. Accepting 18 months and older . We provide snacks and lunch. Contact 867-336-3769

SEARS ARMCHAIR/RECLINER, w/foot rest, good cond, 336-0534

Baby & Child Items

NEW QUEEN size log bed, suitable in a cabin or as a gift, $650. 399-3904 after 6pm

EVENFLO HAPPY Camper childĘźs playpen, c/w storage/travel bag, good cond, $25. 667-8726

TWIN CAPTAINĘźS bed, headboard & 3 drawers, med oak, incl down duvet, Daniadown duvet cover, 2 sets flannel sheets, mattress cover, exc cond, $300 firm. 633-4607

DOUBLE STROLLER, c/w removable seats & car seat attachment, folds up, only used 3 times, exc cond, $250. 393-4630 MEC WINTER jacket, youth 16, $30. 311B Hanson St

House Hunters

Advertise your Home in 3 issues (3 consecutive weeks)

for only $60+GST PHONE: 867-667-6283

QUEEN SIZE box spring, wood frame, coffee table, fur coat. 336-3721 CHAISE LOUNGE leopard print, exc shape, $175. 633-6484 ROUND DINING room table & 4 chairs, dark mahogany, includes insert, great shape, $475. 633-6484 SMALL 4-DRAWER chest, $25, unique stool, $25, maple rocking chair, $80, 311B Hanson St ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE, 335-6042 to inquire, lv msg

DRUG PROBLEM? Narcotics Anonymous meetings Wed. 7pm-8pm #2 - 407 Ogilvie St. BYTE Office FRI. 7pm-8:30pm 4071 - 4th Ave Many Rivers Office

Craft Fairs YUKON INN Christmas Craft Sale Saturday November 1, 9am-3pm, hosted by Ladies Auxiliary to Legion, First Nations & Yukon-made arts & crafts, bake tables, raffles, etc. 633-4583 to book table A CHRISTMAS Bazaar at the Best Western Gold Rush Inn, Saturday November 1, 10am-4pm, for crafters/home businesses. For info, Jean @ 667-6772 or Shelly @ 667-7629

CITIZENS ON PATROL. Do you have concerns in your neighborhood & community? Be part of the solution! Volunteer valuable time to the C.O.P.S. program. With your eyes & ears we can help stomp out crime. Info: RCMP 867-667-5555 ARE YOU MÉTIS? Are you registered? Would you like to be involved? There is a Yukon Metis Nation that needs your support Contact 668-6845

DOUBLE BED mattress & boxspring, includes mattress cover, exc cond, $200. 633-4607 LA-Z-BOY LEATHER recliner, burgundy, exc cond, $300. 633-4607

OFFICE DESK dark brown wood, 6 drawers and matching credenza, both in vg cond, 49 Redwood Street, Porter Creek. 633-6553

LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE 30-min consultation for $25+tax. 1.800.663.1919 604.687.3221 DIAL-A-LAW Access free legal info on BC laws. 1.800.565.5297 604.687.4680

Funded by the Law Foundation of BC

PARKING LOT SNOW REMOVAL YUKON HOUSING UNITS AND OFFICE BUILDING, WHITEHORSE, YUKON Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is October 24, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location.

PUBLIC TENDER HEATING SYSTEM SERVICE, WATSON LAKE HOUSING UNITS, WATSON LAKE YUKON Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is October 22, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. If documents are available they may be obtained from Yukon Housing Corporation, 410 Jarvis Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to James Smith at 867-456-6171. The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

PUBLIC TENDER SPRINKLER AND FIRE PANEL REPLACEMENT 3090 – 3RD AVENUE, GREENWOOD PLACE, WHITEHORSE, YUKON Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is October 16, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. If documents are available they may be obtained from Yukon Housing Corporation, 410 Jarvis Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Raymond Mikkelsen at 867-667-5718.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS DESIGN AND ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS FOR TWO PROPOSED DUPLEX CONVERSIONS, CARMACKS, YUKON Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is November 10, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location.

Site Visit: October 7, 2014 at 1:00 p.m.

If documents are available they may be obtained from Yukon Housing Corporation, 410 Jarvis Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Raymond Mikkelsen at 867-6675718.

The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted.

The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted.

The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted.

View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

If documents are available they may be obtained from Yukon Housing Corporation, 410 Jarvis Street, Whitehorse, Yukon. Technical questions may be directed to Ted James at 867-667-5751.






























PUBLIC TENDER LAN ROOM COOLING UPGRADE ERIK NIELSEN AIRPORT TERMINAL WHITEHORSE, YUKON Submissions must be clearly marked with the above project title. The closing date for submissions is October 29, 2014. Please refer to the procurement documents for the closing time and location. Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Support Centre, Department of Highways and Public Works, Suite 101 - 104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon (867) 667-5385. Technical questions may be directed to Lester Balsillie at (867) 667-8168. Site Visit Scheduled for October 15, 2014 at 1:00 pm The highest ranked or lowest priced submission may not necessarily be accepted. View or download documents at: www.gov.yk.ca/tenders/tms.html

Highways and Public Works

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE is hereby given that Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of

Patricia Anne Parker, PUBLIC TENDER

New York Times Crossword


2 LARGE metal filing cabinets, one drawer type, one with doors & shelves, 49 Redwood Street, Porter Creek. 633-6553


KITCHEN TABLE w/4 chairs, 40� across, round, walnut, best offer. 633-5155


1996 SOUTHLAND horse trailer, 3 angle haul or 4 straight, 2 3500lbs flex axles, spare tire, brakes/lights work, all bearings checked recently, lots of options, $4,500. 332-8832/text

CANADA GOOSE snow suit, size 4T, fits 3-4 year olds, $200. 336-3383



of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Deceased, who died on August 14, 2014, are hereby required to send them to the undersigned Administrator at the address shown below, before the 24th day of October, 2014, after which date the Administrator will distribute the Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which they have notice.

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION Pipe and Blowers Supply and Install QUOTATIONS will be received at the Water and :DVWH 6HUYLFHV 2I¿FH )RXUWK $YHQXH :KLWHKRUVH Yukon before 4:00:00 PM local time on Friday, October 17, 2014. Quotations must have the VHDO RI WKH ELGGHU DI¿[HG and must be submitted in a sealed opaque envelope clearly marked "Quotation for the Pipe and Blowers Supply and Install Project, Attention: Matthew Sider� Request for Quotation documents may be obtained by bidders who are or will be authorized to conduct business in the City of :KLWHKRUVH IURP WKH :DWHU DQG :DVWH 6HUYLFHV 2I¿FH 0XQLFLSDO 6HUYLFHV %XLOGLQJ )RXUWK $YHQXH :KLWHKRUVH <XNRQ RQ RU after 12:00 PM local time Friday October 3, 2014. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or DOO 4XRWHV RU WR DFFHSW WKH Quote which the City deems to be in its own best interest. 4XRWHV VXEPLWWHG E\ )D[ will not be accepted nor considered. Please also note that COR or the Temporary Letter of Recognition is required as part of proponents' submissions. All enquiries to:

AND FURTHER, all persons who are indebted to the Estate are required to make payment to the Estate at the address below. BY: Shayne D. Parker c/o Lackowicz & Hoffman Suite 300, 204 Black Street Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2M9 Tel: (867) 668-5252 Fax: (867) 668-5251

Matthew Sider City of Whitehorse )RXUWK $YHQXH :KLWHKRUVH <7 Phone 867-668-8653 &HOO Email matthew.sider@ whitehorse.ca





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