Castlegar News, October 16, 2014

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CASTLEGAR NEWS Thursday, October , 

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Vol. • Issue 

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Phil (PJ) Poznekoff


PJ Poznekoff

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This week’s feature:

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Rauni Naud

Still upset with pathway Tragic end to Slocan incident Driveway

Contractors did what they could to save vegetation. See page A2

Peter DeGroot dead following police interaction. See page A5

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Special car feature in the West Kootenay Advertiser located within this paper

Let the election campaign begin Two mayoral and 10 council candidates vie for votes

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It’s Lawrence Chernoff (left) versus Gord Zaitsoff, round two, in Castlegar’s mayoral race this fall. GREG NESTEROFF Castlegar News

For the second straight election, Gord Zaitsoff will challenge Lawrence Chernoff for mayor of Castlegar. Zaitsoff, who is also the incumbent regional director for Area J (Lower Arrow-Columbia), submitted his nomination papers for the city’s top job Friday. He is also running again in his electoral area, where he faces a challenge from Rick Smith. In



2011, Chernoff defeated Zaitsoff 1,020 to 786. Zaitsoff also ran once in a byelection for Castlegar council while serving as regional director. He has held the position since 2002. Chernoff has been mayor since 2005 and was a councillor before that. He has served since 1987 with only one gap. There are 10 candidates for council, including incumbents Kevin Chernoff, Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff, Deb McIntosh, Dan Rye, and Florio Vassilakakis. The new-

View of Castlegar. Photo by Christine Esovoloff.

comers are Tyler Maddocks, who ran unsuccessfully in 2011, as well as in the by-election last year that saw Vassilakakis elected; Dave Grantham; longtime local school administrator Kere MacGregor; John Phillips; and Bruno Tassone. Gord Turner is the only incumbent not seeking re-election. There are three candidates for Castlegar school trustee. Mickey Kinakin, who has represented the Tarrys, Thrums and Shoreacres areas for many years, is now running in the ward that includes Castlegar, Robson, Raspberry, Deer Park


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and Renata. The other candidates are Rosann Brunton and Catherine Zaitsoff. Neither incumbent — Jennifer Carter and Jo-Ann Bursey — is running again. Seeking to replace Kinakin in his old ward are Teri Ferworn and retired assistant superintendent Peter Moll. In the Regional District of Central Kootenay, Area I (Rural Castlegar) director Andy Davidoff has been returned by acclamation.

For more on the election, see page A2

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Thursday, October 16, 2014 Castlegar News






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The addition of Tyler Maddocks and Dave Grantham to the list of council candidates brings the total to 10.

Plenty of new competition for Castlegar council seats Tyler Maddocks and Dave Grantham add name to list

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BETSY KLINE Castlegar News

As a continuation to our series profiling candidates for city council in the upcoming municipal election, we asked the final two candidates about their background, why they decided to run and what their goals and priorities would be if elected. Born and raised in Castlegar, Tyler Maddocks is the youngest candidate to enter the race. This is his third attempt to win a seat on Council. He ran in the last municipal election and then in the by-election to replace Russ Hearne. The Maddocks family has a history of politics in Castlegar. Tyler’s grandfather was mayor of Kinnaird at the same time that his grandfather’s brother was mayor of Castlegar. Tyler’s father has also served on city council. He currently works for a tool accessory distributor and has previous experience in the area of financial planning. He also believes his skills with web development and social media work could be an asset to the city. “I strongly believe that each generation is brought up a little bit differently and has a little bit different views and perspectives on things. I can really see it being beneficial to have one person of the six who is under the age of 30.” “I believe social media is the key to getting people more involved. I think it is important to hear people’s feedback before a project is completed. I believe social media implementation could help with that.” Maddocks would like to work on revitalization of the downtown core. His ideas for increasing business and tourism include exploring the idea of a city campground similar to the one in Nelson. Dave Grantham moved to Castlegar from

Surrey in 2006 for the opportunity to open the M&M Meat Shop. After years of experience in grocery store management he had started an organic pet food company in the lower mainland, but having previously visited the Kootenays felt drawn to the area. Grantham also has experience in search and rescue and Rotary, and is the current President of Castlegar Minor Soccer and Director of the Kootenay Youth Soccer Association. “It is perfect timing. I have been engaged in the process. I like to help people in the community. I know there is a lot to learn, but you have to get in there and get your feet wet.” Grantham feels healthcare is an important issue and would like to pursue cooperation among the local areas to erase the divisiveness and work together towards a new hospital. He would also like to further the developments of recreation opportunities including adding another sheet of ice to the complex. Another piece Grantham would like to put in place is a live streaming web cast of city council meetings. “I really love the community. I really like the people who are on council now. I’d like the chance to work with progressive people who have my respect already.” The election will be held Saturday, November 15. The polling station will be the Castlegar and District Community Complex located at 2106 Sixth Avenue. Votes can be cast between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.. Advance voting will take place at the Community Forum located at 445 13th Avenue on November 4 and 5, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. both days. If you have not previously registered to vote and meet the qualifications, you may do so on election day by presenting two pieces of ID, one of which must have your signature and one which must provide proof of residency or property ownership.

Castlegar News Thursday, October 16, 2014

News A3

Open House

October 19th from 11:00-3:00pm

Residents upset with pathway project

City says contractors did what they could to save vegetation Betsy Kline

MLS # 2401175


PJ Poznekoff

Phone: 250-365-4679

Castlegar News

With the Connors Road Pedestrian/ Cyclist Pathway project nearing completion, neighborhood residents are still upset with the city over the way the project has been handled, and with the finished product. A group of 10 home owners from the area recently met with the Castlegar News to express their frustrations. The group was led by John Shirley, whose property is directly across from the point in the pathway that crosses the railroad tracks. The Shirleys previously had a view from their home that consisted of trees and vegetation. That view now includes railroad tracks, vehicles on the highway off ramp and in the distance, the neon sign of the Sandman Hotel. The neighborhood residents feel that the project has been rushed and that not enough consultation was done with those who would be affected by the pathway. One cited example was that after John Phillips made a presentation at a city council meeting about the concerns and requested city council to meet with residents they were only given two days notice that a meeting would take place. Also frustrating was that the meeting would take place with Chris Barlow, director of transportation and civic works, rather than with city councillors. The residents did acknowledge that they had received a letter in 2012 explaining the project and stating it would take place in 2013. When the project did not go ahead in 2013, the residents assumed it must have been canceled. Another source of contention is that the point where the pathway leaves Connors Road and crosses the railroad tracks was changed from the plans that the residents were previously shown. Nesta Hale expressed her feelings, “We strongly object to the way this was done, with the contractor allowed by the city to position it differently than we were told. The city should have been on site.”

3424 Windsor Place

COMPOST Above: Several unhappy residents stand by the railway crossing, part of the new Connors Road Pedestrian/Cyclist Pathway project. Below: The old view and the new view from local reident John Shirley’s home. Betsy Kline Photos

They had also hoped the plans could be altered so the pathway could be constructed at an angle to reduce the impact on any one residence. Since some residents feel their property values have been decreased, this is an emotional issue for them. Elizabeth Fleet stated, “The only realistic way to compensate for the loss of value to the Shirleys is the removal of the pathway and reforestation.” They wonder, why was a pathway even needed? The residents also have concerns over safety issues. They feel the crossing is located too close to a curve in the tracks causing reduced visibility. Vehicles driving in the pathway along Connors Road is another concern. The list of complaints goes on to include increased noise cause by traffic and train whistles, removal of more vegetation than necessary, the narrowing of their road and receiving misinformation. John Shirley declared, “As far as I am concerned, the city lied to us.” When asked what they would like to accomplish, the consensus involved two things: they would like to see Mayor and Council talk to them with an open mind but, ideally, they would like to see the project torn out and the area reforested. Barlow was given the opportunity to


present the city’s side of the issue. He showed a chronology of the project. In 2008 the city prepared a Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan. The Connors Road project was included in that plan. The city then began to set aside $50,000 in each year’s annual budget to pay for the project. The design was put together in 2012 and the city applied for a grant to help pay for the project. In August 2012, letters containing design plans were hand delivered to residents with properties adjacent to the pathway. Only one resident officially contacted civic works with concerns. The city did not get the grant on the first try, so the project was postponed until they received a grant in June 2014. The project then went out to tender in August.

Find leaders that will support your development

continued on page B4

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A4 Adoption Dance of Joy... You can make it happen

Blueberry Creek

Thursday, October 16, 2014 Castlegar News


Community School Hub


Nov. 12th at 7 p.m.

at the Blueberry Creek Community School

Funds awarded to the Ootischenia Improvement District

Kids and staff of the school age program harvest pumpkins from the pumpkin patch at Blueberry Creek Community School.

Deciding the fate of former school

Meeting to discuss the Blueberry Creek building Betsy Kline The Ootischenia Improvement District was successful in obtaining a $100,000.00 grant from RDCK Area “J” Director Gordon Zaitsoff. The funds come from the Community Works Fund and will be used for water system upgrade projects. Director Zaitsoff explained that his initiative for Area “J” is to utilize all funding to improve water quality and water systems. The Ootischenia Improvement District Board would like to thank the RDCK and Director Gordon Zaitsoff for the contribution. Pictured from left to right is Water System Operator Harry Loverenow, Area “J” Director Gordon Zaitsoff, District Chair Ken Oglow and District Vice-Chair Ed Craft.

School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)

PUBLIC OPEN TOWNHALL MEETING REGARDING THE POTENTIAL DISPOSAL OF THE FORMER BLUEBERRY CREEK COMMUNITY SCHOOL Monday October 20, 2014 Blueberry Creek Community School – Gymnasium 200 Centre Ave - Castlegar 6:30 pm Purpose of meeting is to facilitate public consultation as the Board of Education decides to potentially dispose of the former Blueberry Creek Community School. Neighbours and general public are encouraged to attend to gain an understanding of the required disposal process and provide the Board of Education valuable feedback on the future of the former Blueberry Creek Community School building and site. For more information contact: Greg Luterbach, Superintendent of Schools, 2001 Third Avenue, Trail BC, V1R 1R6, Telephone: 250-368-2224 or e-mail:

Castlegar News

The School District 20 Board is considering disposing of the former Blueberry Creek Community School building and site. The building has not served as a school since 2002. As part of the process they will be holding a public consultation meeting on Monday, October 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the gymnasium of the school. At the meeting, the board will explain the process they will follow for the potential disposal. They will also share some of the possibilities they are considering. The Board’s intention is to receive input from the community on these options and listen for potential use suggestions. The final decision will be made at a future meeting. One option will be presented

The City requires four Light Equipment Operators for the period November 1, 2014 to March 15, 2015 inclusive, to supplement the City’s winter operations. This position is an on-call position and hours per week will vary from 0 to 40. The majority of the work will be afternoons, evenings or week-ends, in accordance with Letter of Understanding No. 1 of the Collective Agreement. Applicants must have a valid B.C. Driver's Licence, Class 3, with Air Brake Endorsement. Applications from qualified candidates should be submitted by 4:30 pm, Monday, October 20, 2014 to the: City of Castlegar 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 FAX: 365-4810 PHONE: 365-7227 EMAIL: Pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the information collected will be utilized solely for the selection of candidates.

Rebecca McDonald stated, “We do believe that our society has both the capacity and the public backing to continue to operate this facility aNd we think it is in the best interest of our community to do so.” BCCS is collecting signatures in order to show the community support behind their proposal. If you would like to sign the petition, copies can be found at the school itself, The Brick, Canadian Tire, BMO, Kootenay Savings, KalTire and other locations around town. At least one School Board member has weighed in in favor of the proposal. Mickey Kinakin stated, ”A loss of that many seats for daycare and early education is huge. The school district will gain by partnering and working with the community and that is the kind of model we should be developing.”

CP Rail dictated where crossing was placed continued from page B3


by the Blueberry Creek Community School Council Board (BCCS). This is the organization that is currently operating the facility. The non-profit charitable organization currently leases the building from SD 20 and is responsible for the finances, maintenance and operation of the site. They believe they have developed a sustainable operational model and business plan. BCCS has the financial capacity to continue operations, but does not have the capital for a fair market value purchase of the facility. The proposal calls for the sale of the facility to BCCS for the sum of $1. They then would continue to provide the educational, childcare, social and recreational services that they are currently providing. BCCS Community liaison

The reason given for some of the design elements the residents are unhappy about was that it was to meet requirements of CP Rail. CP Rail required that the crossing be located halfway between the curve by Century 21 and the rail bridge. The railroad also required the crossing to be perpendicular to the tracks. After considering the option of making the pathway at an angle, due to the actual crossing need-

ing to be perpendicular, it was decided that the best way to build with the least vegetation damage was to put the pathway in with a 90 degree turn according to the original plans. During construction, the original entrance was moved. The decision was made to relocate it from an area where there were large trees to a spot where there was a dead tree that needed to be removed for safety reasons anyway.

Barlow stated, “We did everything we could to preserve vegetation. The contractor was very aware of the need to preserve as much vegetation as possible.” After the original vegetation removal, CP Rail then removed some additional vegetation to improve their line of sight of the crossing. Barlow explained, “The overall goal of the Pedestrian Cycling Master Plan is to link all of the different communities within

the city together into one safe bicycle and pedestrian pathway system.” The Connors Road pathway is an important link in that plan as it will be the link connecting the north and south end together and bypass the interchange area which contains the busiest intersection in the city. “Unfortunately it has impacted some properties, but for the good of the whole city’s overall plan it was an important link,” Barlow concluded.

Castlegar News Thursday, October 16, 2014 A5


Tamara Hynd Castlegar News

Armed suspect Peter DeGroot is dead after what RCMP describe as an “interaction” with an Emergency Response Team (ERT) in a cabin near Slocan on Monday afternoon. The Independent Investigations Office (IIO) of BC is now investigating the incident. The IIO confirmed in an online statement that DeGroot “sustained a gunshot injury during an interaction…In addition, a firearm was found at the scene.” The IIO investigation was in its early stages as of press time Tuesday and investiga- lashing out against specific Above: RCMP set up a roadtors are expected to be in people. When he devel- block on the south entrance to the area most of the week. oped a paranoid obsession Slocan City on Gravel Pit Road IIO resources include with me, I began receiv- on Thursday as the search for a team director, three ing threats, and disturbing armed suspect Peter DeGroot investigators and a forensic communications. I report- began. Tamara Hynd photo specialist. In additions to ed them to the (Ontario Below: Mugshot, DeGroot this, the IIO will provide Provincial Police) and the dedicated services to assist RCMP in B.C.. I hoped he the family of the deceased. would get help but heard inside their homes with Now that the IIO are in- nothing further.” doors locked. They also limvestigating, the RCMP are “In frustration, I told an ited access to the village. prohibited from making any OPP officer, if Peter did not The RCMP initially used public statements about the receive treatment, I literally Gravel Pit Road as a staging case. expected to turn on the tele- area as they set up a comAfter the incident, rela- vision and find him in the mand post with more than tive Theodore DeGroot sort of situation that hap- 25 members including a contacted the Star and of- pened in Slocan. It was not containment team dressed fered more details about the a flippant remark, but a se- in camouflage. Plainclothes suspect. rious expression of my deep police wore their bullet “I grew up with Peter (in concern for Peter’s safety.” proof vests, and an ambuOrillia, Ont.). He was an The incident began on lance was on stand-by along intelligent, friendly, loyal Thursday when the Slo- with more than 10 marked person. He was funny, quick can/New Denver RCMP and unmarked vehicles. An to laugh and he always saw responded to a dispute be- RCMP helicopter out of positive things in bad situa- tween two individuals on Kelowna was in the area. tions. This is not sentimen- Slocan West Road near The RCMP also interviewed tality; I’m describing the Gravel Pit Road. While on residents. person we wish to remem- scene, DeGroot allegedly While residents weren’t ber. Peter was a normal, fired upon police with a allowed to enter the area, healthy young man when rifle before retreating into many parked their vehicles we left high school. the surrounding forest. No at pullouts north of town “Peter suffered some members of the public nor and made the short walk ������������������������ ��������������������������������������� form of aneurysm approxiRCMP officers were injured. through the forest to their ��������������������� ��������������������������������������� mately 20 years ago. After Police searched for De- homes as dusk fell on Thursthat, his mental state began Groot, 45, for five days. day evening. to deteriorate. As he visited They considered the suspect The local school was over the years, he began to to be armed and dangerous locked down with students, act more agitated when we and locked down the area. teachers and a few parents talked. Peter began verbally Residents were told to stay inside while the RCMP re-






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sponded to the call. By Friday, RCMP had set up a 10 by 10 hectare containment area on the west side of the river where they concentrated their search efforts. Homes in that area were evacuated. Additional resources including air support, the Southeast District Emergency Response Team, crisis negotiator, police dogs and Tactical Armoured Vehicle were deployed to the scene on Thursday and Friday. Both WE Graham and Winlaw schools were closed on Friday. Two members of the ERT team were involved in the altercation which led to DeGroot’s death. The IIO has not given an estimate of how long it will take before their investigation is complete.

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Armed suspect Peter DeGroot dead following police interaction


Notary Public Inc. + + + + + + + + +

Tragic end to Slocan suspect search


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C REDIT U NION Castlegar West Boundary Branch Castlegar C REDIT U NION

Slocan valley Slocan valley 256 Copper, p.o. box 76, 3014 3014 - -630 - 17th Street, 6, Box P.O. Box # 100 #-100 630S. 17th Street, HwyHwy 6, P.O. 39, 39, Greenwood, voh Castlegar, B.C.b.c. V1N 4G7ijo Slocan Slocan Park, B.C. V0G Castlegar, B.C. V1N 4G7 Park, B.C. V0G 2E0 2E0 C REDIT U NION T RADITIONAL S ERVICE TRADITIONAL SERVICE Phone: 250-445-9900 phone: 250-365-7232 Tel: 250-226-7212 phone: 250-365-7232 Tel: 250-226-7212 TRADITIONALIN SERVICE PERSON &O ONLINE NLINE Fax:250-365-2913 250-445-9902 PIN ERSON 250-226-7351 PIN ERSON & O&NLINE Fax: Fax: 250-365-2913 Fax: Fax: 250-226-7351

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Thursday, October 16, 2014 Castlegar News


Editor: Kevin Mills Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Make no mistake, this is a tragic ending Most of the Kootenay, along with the rest of the province, have been watching the ongoing story of the search for a Slocan gunman. It’s a search that ended tragically on Monday with the death of suspect Peter DeGroot (see story on page 5). Many of the details of this incident are still unknown or unconfirmed. Unfortunately, the age of social media has turned this tragedy into an opportunity to make accusations, political statements or just to vent frustrations and despair. Make no mistake, this is a tragic ending and our sympathies go out to the friends and families of the deceased. However, our sympathies also go out to the police and emergency personnel who are being lambasted by some commenters on Facebook and other websites. The RCMP and the emergency response team are being unfairly labelled as are some of the residents of Slocan. Anyone who thinks our police officers go out with the intention of killing someone — as some posts have indicated — obviously know little about law enforcement. Officers risk their lives to protect the public. It’s just that simple. Nobody can say they know that the suspect wouldn’t hurt anybody. Nobody can say that there was no danger. You can guess that, you can speculate that, you can believe it or assume it, but you don’t know. Neither do the police. They have to treat the situation, a man with a gun, as life-threatening. He may have had trouble with mental health issues, that doesn’t make him non-threatening. Had the suspect escaped, or hid inside a house and harmed an innocent bystander, we believe the same commenters would be complaining that the police didn’t do enough. It’s a tragic outcome for everyone involved. We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Spots in Time - Gord Turner

Sculpturewalk: Here and elsewhere Sculpturewalk has taken over the collective consciousness of most Castlegarians. With over 30 new sculptures to examine each year, this regional initiative has brought a lot of visitors to Castlegar. If you look on Facebook, you’ll find 521 responses, and you’ll note that Trip Advisor lists sculpture walk as Castlegar’s #1 tourist attraction. In fact, the website lists Castlegar as the “Sculpture Capital of Canada.” I have no idea if there are similar cities elsewhere in Canada setting up sculpture or outdoor art displays yearly. Clearly, a few cities do commission sculptures for special events or to honour particular individTheresa Hodge Office Manager

Christine Esovoloff Sales Associate

uals, but no other community seems to be in the running for a second sculpture capital of Canada. When we travel elsewhere in the world, we are always looking for displays of sculpture. Often these are available in parks and not spread throughout a city as in Castlegar. Five years ago, while in Haifa, Israel, we were following some streets down from the Baha’i Gardens when we came across a sports park. Throughout this park were statues of athletes doing their individual sports — an archer, a javelin thrower, and a discuss spinner — to name a few. Two years ago, when we were finishing our Rotary

Selina Birk Creative Support

Sandy Leonard Creative Director

Friendship Exchange in Iowa, we spent a few hours in Des Moines, Iowa. It had a sculpture park with about 20 avant-garde, outdoor sculptures right in the centre of the city. You could shop and then walk over to this park for a bit of artistic uplift. Recently, while in New Jersey, we were taken to Hamilton, NJ, to visit the “Grounds for Sculpture.” Along with an interpretive centre, a museum, and a sculpture processing plant, the site had 42 treed acres housing over 300 sculptures. It was an amazing place. The Grounds for Sculpture had a retrospective show highlighting the life

Katelyn Hurley Creative

Marvin Beatty Reporter

Erica Tarasoff Copy Editor

and sculptures of founder and curator, Seward Johnson. Johnson was an heir to the Johnson and Johnson shampoo fortune, but he wanted to be an artist — and sculpting was his choice. We admired all of his works — and there were over 200 of them placed throughout the park. At some point in his life, he began to sculpt what he called “familiar” pieces: everyday people doing their everyday work. Driving along the street leading into the park, we met a hitchhiker on the road edge, an outdoor worker mowing a lawn and a lady waiting at a bus stop. continued on page A7

Chuck Bennett Publisher

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Your Community News Team

Jennifer Cowan Operations Manager

Castlegar News Thursday, October 16, 2014 A7

Letters /News


In defence of our tennis courts In Castlegar we are lucky to have beautiful tennis courts. The courts are kept busy with local ladies playing every morning during the spring, summer and fall. A men’s tennis league plays every Wednesday night and men in this league have pickup games during the week. Many families take part especially on the weekends, as well as college students. My reason for writing this letter is other sports readily abuse our tennis courts. Tennis courts have a special finish and made for tennis only. At any time of day one can arrive at the tennis court and find a hockey team (coach included) working out, or a skate boarder zooming around or boys with a puck, sticks, and hockey net playing a game. It is ignorance that is caus-

ing this to happen. Coaches and parents need to teach the children and young adults to respect another sports playing area. No way does someone dream of doing hockey workouts or taking soccer practice on the golf course so why should a tennis court be any different. Additionally, there is an even larger threat looming over our tennis courts. Rumours are circulating that the pickleball players would like to take over another one of our tennis courts for their game of pickleball. They have already annexed the downtown tennis courts, and are now gunning for our uptown courts, next to the Recreation Centre. Just because a pickleball court surface is similar to a tennis court surface does not

make pickleball compatible to be played near or around a tennis court. The differences are that on a tennis court there is a maximum of four players, while on the same court one can fit 16 pickleball participants. The noise level of pickleball with the combination of the pong sound of the racquet hitting the ball, and the extra people, make it totally incompatible with tennis. Tennis cannot be played comfortably next to a pickleball game. Many people in this area have not experienced the game of pickleball, so my fear is that those on the city council who make such decisions will not have had enough experience of the two games to make an appropriate decision. The grown-up, adult

Castlegar pickleball players should be totally ashamed and embarrassed to be attempting to take over another sports playing area. The old time tennis players worked hard over the years to get tennis courts in Castlegar and no other sport should be able to just walk in and blatantly take over another sport’s hard won space. Raise your own funds and build your own proper pickleball courts instead of sneakily politicking to take over another sports playing area. The tennis courts have been built for tennis, and I ask all other sport and especially pickleballers to find and play on your own playing field. Darlene Ward Castlegar

Albertans, change your insurance Being a resident of BC, and a driver, in the Castlegar area, I have noticed that there are a high number of pickups, SUVs, and cars, on our streets, highways and byways, which are displaying Alberta license plates. Certainly, a portion of those vehicles are driven, and owned, by people who actually reside in Alberta. However, in the last few years, a lot of residential property in the Castlegar area has been bought up by people from Alberta, who moved here, and live here, but have neglected to register, license, and insure their vehicles in BC, as all other BC residents must do. Neglecting to do that’ is (as everyone knows) a breach of motor vehicle law. So why is

law enforcement not using due diligence in combating, what (in my estimation, based on what I have personally observed) has become an established practice in our area, and quite likely throughout the province of BC? Recently, a life long resident of Castlegar, was rear ended on Columbia Ave. by a vehicle wearing Alberta plates. The driver produced Alberta registration and Alberta insurance, but strangely enough did not produce a telephone number. How many people do you know, who do not have a phone number for contact purposes? As it turns out, ICBC is requiring the fellow who got

rear ended, to pay the $300 deductible on his car repair, not because he was at fault, but because the vehicle that hit him is claimed to be from Alberta, and was insured by a private insurance company in Alberta, and (from what I can gather) ICBC doesn’t get involved with going after the Alberta driver for payment of the deductible, which means that the BC resident must pay the $300 before he can get his car fixed, and then collect the money himself from the Alberta driver. Problem: the Alberta driver has no phone number. But then, is the Alberta driver actually living in Alberta, or is he living locally, and claiming to be living in Alberta, because of having

failed to license his vehicle in BC? Did this Alberta driver actually not have a phone number, or did he choose to withhold the information, because it would have come up as being a BC phone number, which would have revealed, that he had failed to transfer his vehicle as required by law? Apparently, Castlegar RCMP attended the accident, but did not get all the information from the Alberta driver. And so it is, that where the law and justice is concerned in BC, it is most often the victim who must pay, rather than the guilty party. Jean H. Broeck, Castlegar

Enjoying the beauty of art continued from page A6

In the park, these “familiar” pieces included a postman, a policeman, a hedge-clipper and a window washer, placed so we would bump into them. In the domestic centre, we viewed four larger-than-life historic tableaux: Abraham Lincoln with a questioner;

Marilyn Monroe with her dress billowing high; the famous American Gothic farm scene; and a soldier with a nurse bent over in his arms. I liked this last one the best as it was a take on Life magazine’s end of World War II photo called “Total Surrender.” We also visited the Seward Johnson Museum where we

saw Johnson’s scenes duplicating the paintings of Impressionist artists — Monet, Manet, Van Gogh, and Renoir. The figures in the scenes and some of the trappings were sculpted, and the rest of the scene was dressed in period furniture or backdrop. We walked right onto these sets and took pictures interacting

with some of the characters. To finish, we took a tram ride throughout the park and saw a display of outdoor art too numerous to describe here. It was awesome, and we have a bit of that right here in Castlegar with our own sculpturewalk.


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REQUEST FOR QUOTATION Issued: Oct 14, 2014 SNOW REMOVAL SERVICES FOR: Kootenay Society for Community Living 2224 6th Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 2V9 Tender Documents package is available for pick up at the above address. Quotes must be submitted in a SEALED enveloped CLEARLY MARKED “Snow Removal Services” And must be received at the above noted closing location no later than 1pm, Friday, November 7, 2014 Contact Person(s): John Lebidoff : (250) 365-3190 Tim Smeltzer:(250) 365-3228 Kathleen Elias: (250) 365-2624 #3


Thursday, October 9, 2014 Castlegar News

Community Calendar Upcoming

october Seniors activites at Castlegar community Complex Mon 10 a.m. Darts 1 p.m. Whist Tue 9:30 Floor Curling/ Carpet Bowling; 1 p.m. Crafts 7 p.m. Pool Wed 9:30 p.m. Floor Curling 9:30 p.m. Coffeetalk (1, 8, 22) in Kootenay Room 10 p.m. (15) Raspberry Hi Coffee Thur 9:30 p.m. Floor Curling 9 p.m. Zone 6 meeting (16th) 1 p.m. Bingo (not on 2nd) 2 p.m. General Meeting (Oct. 2) 2 p.m. (16th) Tea dance 7 p.m. Rummoli Zone 6 Dinner Fri 10 p.m. Qi Gong 1 p.m. Crib & Bridge

Open Weekdays: 9-4 for coffee.

This page is for community, charity or fundraising events that are free or (nearly so) at the discretion of the editor. Dated events take priority. If you have previously posted an event and want it to run again, provide an up-to-date version with contact details to newsroom@, drop off at our office at Unit 2 - 1810 8th Ave in Castlegar or give us a call at 250-365-6397. Thank you.

and 26, and at 12:00 pm November 2. To join the choir, register, volunteer or for more information 250825-4517 or 250-352-9871 october 23: The Castlegar Parks and Trails Society will hold it’s fall general meeting, 6:30 p.m. at the Castlegar Rec Centre. October 23: Robson Recreation Society Annual Borscht DinnerRobson Hall 5-7pm. Homemade borscht and bread, refreshments and apple crisp, $7.50 per person, $4.00 for children five and under. Take out borscht available for $10/ quart Thursday afternoon. All proceeds to the upgrades at Robson Hall. October 18 & 19: Join us for coffee and treats at New Life Church as we hear Albert Luepnitz, Christ’s Ambassador of Healing & Peace. 6:30 pm. Everyone is welcome, No cover charge. 602-7th St., October 27: The Ostomy Support Group will meet at 2 pm at the Kiro Wellness Center, 1500 1507 Columbia Ave, Castlegar 250-365-2955

day, October 27, 2014 at 6:45 pm in the lower level of the Castlegar Library. For further information, contact blueberry bottle drive The Blueberry Community School Hub has a pressing need for major work to its youth room. Please drop off refundable bottles and cans to the Blueberry School. PEONY LOVERS: Heads up Peony lovers because next year Castlegar will host a BC Peony Show with the blessing of the Canadian Peony Society. The dates are June 27-28, 2015. For info call your local Communities in Bloom – 250365-7227. Legion meat draw: at the Castlegar-Robson Legion, Branch 170 every Saturday, 4-6 p.m. Everyone welcome. Guests must be signed in. ST DAVID’S AND UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP Tues. to Thurs. 10am to 4pm; Fri.& Sat. 10am to 1pm; closed Sun & Mon. We will be closed Oct. 20 and 21 for winter stock changeover. We accept clean donations but cannot accept Baby items.

1995 Columbia Ave Trail 250-364-1208

variety.Tables are $5 each, please call Elke (250) 365-7022 to book or leave a message with phone number on our Facebook page RobsonFleaMarket.

been affected by someone’s drinking. Mondays 8-9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) Info: Donna 250-365-3168.

Community Harvest food bank & Drop-in centre: Monday Food Bank 11 a.m. -1:30 Wednesday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 -1:30 Friday Drop In Center 10 – 1:30 FREE. Lunch served 11 – 1:30 Coffee and baked goodies from 10 a.m. in the basement of St. David’s Anglican Church 614 Christina Place, around back and down the stairs. Donation cheques payable to Community Harvest Food Bank can be mailed to: 301 32nd Street V1N 3S6. Food donations can be dropped off on any of these days at St David’s Church – 250-608-2227.

free pool: Every Saturday at the Royal Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. Bring friends and have an afternoon of fun.

The kinnaird Church of God: Located at 2404 Columbia Ave. is holding services on Sundays (10 a.m. and 6 p.m.) at the Castlegar Christian Fellowship Building – 1821 Connors Road until further notice. At the same location: The “Bridge” – Do you have questions? Join in for music, discussion, refreshments at 6 p.m. on the sec-

friday youth program at Blueberry Creek Community School. Fun, safe night for a movie, games/ sports/hanging out. Grades K - 5, 6:30 - 8 p.m. and grades 6 up, 8 - 10 p.m. See B.C.C.S. facebook page for more info or phone 250-365-7201.

USCC Cultural Interpretive Society: Volunteers meet Mon. & Wed., 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Interpretive & Training Centre, 820 Markova Rd.

FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELLING for problem gambling; Castlegar Community Services Call 250608-2254.

W.K. Yoga For MS Support Group. Mondays, 1:30 - 3 p.m., Castlegar Library, lower level. FREE. Sponsored by WK MS Soci-

This Community Calendar brought to you by ‘Your Hometown Realtors’ Our dedicated and highly skilled Agents specialize in offering an array of resources to help you with all your real estate needs.

October 16 and October 30: Free dinner will be served at the New Life Assembly, 602 7th. St. Castlegar, basement entrance. 4:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. For further information call Inga Lamont: 250365-7500

October 18: Castlegar Skating Club bottle drive Door to door pick up or leave bottle donations for us to pick up at the curb Oct 18 (Bag N Tag with the skate club’s name). Drop-off of bottles welcome that day as well at the Complex from 10 – 2pm. Look for us behind the ball field.

OCTober 18 - St. Ritas Catholic Women’s League Fall Bazaar and Tea. 1:00-3:00pm at St Ritas Catholic Hall. All proceeds going to help rebuild the church.

OCTober 19 - calling on singers The Doukhobors and Friends choir is forming again to sing at a significant event called “The World We Want on Nov. 8. Choir practices will be held at 2:00 pm at the Brilliant Cultural Center October 19

Simon Laurie 250-365-1585

Val Koochin 250-365-1846

Matt McCarthy 250-304-4831

James Kereiff 250-304-7828

toll free: 877.365.2169 | 250.365.2166 |

Columbia Avenue, Trail. Guest: Michael Arab from Nightingale Medical Supplies. PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE! For more info, please call 250-368-9827 or 250365-6276.

Carmen Harris 250-365-1520

Phil Poznekoff 250-365-4679

Charissa Hackett 250-304-4373

Chad Williams 250-304-5241

Pat Klohn 250-365-1731

Larry Peitzsche 250-608-3017

Tammy Peitzsche Connor McCarthy 250-365-9640 250-304-4781 | 1761 Columbia Avenue Castlegar |

castlegar farmers market Every Saturday at the Station Museum. Call Deb at 365-6440 to book a spot.

free hot meal at the sharing dinner pot at Cadet Hall, 8th Ave, Castlegar (2 blocks from library) Tues. at noon.

ety for its members/care providers. Call Lonnie Facchina 1-866-3523997. or email or Janice Ferraro, at 250-365-5428, email janice@

All About Breastfeeding informative support group for breastfeeding moms. Neighbourhood House in Castlegar, Tues. 10:30noon More info: 250-365-3662,

English as a Second Language programs Classes for adults, Conversation Club, Family Dropin for families with young children, 1 to 1 tutoring. Free. More info call Corinne at 250-687-4714.

tops group meets every wednesday 8:30-10 a.m. Kinnaird Hall, 2320 Columbia Ave. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy, lose weight. Monthly fee $10. More info call 365-7956.

New to Canada? Settlement services provides eligible newcomers with information about community services or preparing for citizenship. Call 250-687-4714 or email


Selkirk WeaVERS AND SPINNERS GUILD meets the third Wednesday of each month, 10-noon followed by bag lunch and show & tell. Anyone new to the craft or to the area is welcome at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre.

Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena Sun. at 10 a.m. Mike, 250-304-2330; Tues. at 7 p.m. (Dennis 250-365-2738); Wed. at 7 p.m., (Fay at 250-687-0484. Thurs. at 8 p.m. (Jim at 250-365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m (Len at 365-7805).

Ongoing: KPKids is a free program for kids in Kindergarten to Gr. 4 Wed. from 6:30-8 p.m. at Kinnaird Park Community Church. Also a program for youth Gr. 5 - 7 called KPJY Registration upon arrival, drop in’s welcome.

The West Kootenay Family Historians Society meets on Mon-

Robson Flea Market: Sundays 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Vendors offer a wide

al-anon meets every Monday night for people whose lives have

November 1: Robson Recreation Society Annual Halloween Dance-Robson Hall 8pm-1am Tickets $15.00 per person call Martin at 250-365-0102 or Laurie at 250-365-3569 Thank you to Martin Whitehead and Enormous Productions for the music. No minors - all proceeds to upgrades at Robson Hall November 4: AGM Castlegar Arts Council is hosting its AGM on Tuesday, November 4 from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. at the Castlegar and District Community Complex, 2101 6th Avenue in Castlegar. Everyone welcome.

Billets: Castlegar Rebels looking for billets families for their players (16 - 20). Please contact Mel Rinas 250-365-5596. The treasure shop: Please telephone 250-365-7317 or 250-3656587 re acceptance/drop off times for furniture you wish to donate. Donation drop offs are accepted Wednesdays and Saturdays. Hours of operation: Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Website www.

ond Sunday of each month.

Marnie Pettit 250-304-3564

Please send items to

Castlegar News Thursday, October 16, 2014 A9





The Rebels now do children’s birthday parties! Call Jean @ (250) 304-2949 for info



There are three candidates — ­ Rosann Brunton, Catherine Zaitsoff and Mickey Kinakin — ­ trying to win the two open school board seats in Castlegar.

Trio compete for school board

Three candidates trying to win two available seats Betsy kline Castlegar News

Three candidates have entered the race for Castlegar’s two seats on the School District 20 School Board. Each candidate was asked about their background, why they decided to run and what their goals and priorities would be if elected. Rosann Brunton is originally from Calgary. After leaving Calgary she spent five years in Nakusp and has lived in Castlegar for the last two and a half years. She has an Engineering degree and has worked for both the Alberta government and municipal government. Her work involved enforcing legislation and understanding how legislation is put together. Brunton stated, “I have the understanding, the experience in the particulars of dealing and working with government.” She is now halfway through working on an Accounting Technician diploma. “One of things I hope to bring to the trustee position is a thorough understanding of the budgetary process and judiciary responsibilities and the variety of accounting requirements that the board is held under.” She has been active in her children’s education from the beginning having been on the board of directors at their preschool and then moving on to become president of the PAC at their school. The next step is a seat on the school board. “My children have another decade in the school system. I want to ensure however I can that their education experience is the best that it can be.” She sees the biggest issue as

the lack of funding for children in BC. She would like to lobby the government for increased funding in cooperation with other school boards and interest groups. “There currently is no one on the board who has children in the elementary system. I think there needs to be a voice for the children that are currently moving through… I think all perspectives need to be heard at the table and this in one perspective that isn’t right now.” Catherine Zaitsoff has lived in Castlegar for 12 years. She has worked for Celgar and Teck as a lab technician and systems coordinator. She has served on the parent executive of the Russian preschool and with the Twin Rivers/Castlegar Primary PAC. She has also been the public speaking coordinator for the Miss Castlegar program for the past 10 years. “I would like to ensure that current users have a voice at the school board, that they remind the school board that things are not just about numbers. Their decisions affect students, parents, teachers, CUPE members.” She would like to focus on class room size and composition. She is also interested in working on technology issues. “I would like to take an in- depth look at the use of technology in our classrooms, whether or not it is OK for younger years, including how to balance the use of technology with the use of special education techniques, interactions with their peers and nature.” She would also like to work on more sustainable funding, ensuring respect and accountability and seeking

more public input. She further stated, “I am a passionate tireless advocate of public education. I want to return to a respectful dialog between all parties.” Mickey Kinakin has been on the school board for more than 20 years. Previously representing Area 1, he has chosen to run in Castlegar this time because there are no more schools left in Area 1. Now retired, Kinakin spent over 35 years working for Selkirk College including time spent as the Health and Safety officer. He has also served on the Provincial Childcare Council, Board of the BC Public Sector Employers Council and five years as a director on the Provincial Council of the BC School Trustee Association. Kinakin has previously championed community schools in Robson and Blueberry Creek and was instrumental in establishing the French and Russian language programs in the district. He feels strongly about community involvement in education. “Education is everybody’s business. This is the public’s system. It does not belong to government, cities, or trustees. It is the public system. If the public is involved, then it runs well.” He would like to tackle the problem of the district’s funding shortfalls by working with the cities and other districts to petition the government to change the structural funding formula. “This is killing us in this area. It is affecting our children’s education. We have to get the community here working together. We need to remember we are serving children, serving parents.”

Game Night sponsor is Benson Oil Player of the Game is Travis Wilkie

Cancer jerseys Auction is up on the web page. Please go online and bid for jerseys with proceeds going to Breast Cancer. Our Raffle is ready to go. Tickets on sale for an all cash prize raffle of $7000.. Tickets will be sold at the games and the boys will be out and about selling tickets.

1st prize $5000 2nd $1000 3rd $500 4th $100 x 5

3 tickets for $20 or 1 for $10

Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386 Public Swim at the Castlegar Community Complex:



Early Bird


10:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm

Public Swim


2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm

Public Swim



Public Swim



Public Swim



Public Swim

Rink Use:

Sticks & Pucks Skating Tues – Fri Public Skate

Tues/Thurs Saturday

9:30-11:00am 2:00-3:45pm 2:00-4:00pm

Lunch Hour Hockey

Mon Fri

1:15-2:15pm 12:00-1:00pm

Woman's Hockey Basics Pioneer Arena Starts tuesdays Oct 21


Upcoming Halloween Activities Halloween Pro D Day Camp Ages 6-12 $39.00

Friday Oct 24


Howl O’Ween Family Special Event in the Pool $6.50 per family

Saturday Oct 25th


Preschool Halloween Party

Tuesday Oct 28th


Registration $5.00

Community News

Hockey Action Selkirk Saints vs Eastern Washington University Friday October 17 Game 7:00pm Rebels vs Grand Forks Saturday Oct 18 Game 7:00pm

Lucky Duck Swim Mon & Fri 11:00am – 12:00pm Regular Admission

Castlegar Skating Club Bottle Drive Sat Oct 18th Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations.

If you would like your event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.


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on Twitter

Thursday, October 16, 2014 Castlegar News



th? r o W s d r o What are W hey mean t ings - what to be. y a s r la u p o P y came and how the

“Wild goose chase” Meaning: A pointless search. Origin: This was once a sort of horse race, so named because the positions of the horses resembled geese in flight — except it wasn’t much of a race, because no one could win.

Introducing our new advice columnist

Miss Sensibility

Dear Miss Sensibility, I know we are all getting older but lately that’s seemed especially true of my parents. I just don’t know what to do. They’re too good to go into a home but they still need looking after from time to time. My life is hectic enough without having to play “Daddy” to my Mom and Dad. Do you have any advice for how to balance my own work and home life while still looking after my parents? -Parenting Parents

Dear Parenting Parents, The season of life you and your parents have entered into is not an easy season. It is difficult for them to see their strength and independence slipping away; and difficult for you to balance care giving responsibilities coming from two households. Being able to find the balance among all of life’s demands is the key to maintaining ones sanity. Analyzing your priorities and making sure they are in the right order will help keep things in perspective. Certain seasons of life require some sacrifice. When the need arises to care for aging parents, it is often the time figure out what is really important. In order to fulfill all of the roles you are needing to fill, you will probably have to give up a few things that steal too much time from your schedule. Just remember, the seasons of life change frequently, and these sacrifices are not forever. Finding balance in life is not usually accomplished by following a prescribed formula. It is more like the art of the tightrope walker. Demands cause us to lean a little to the left, and then after the crisis is averted; we lean to the right to correct the imbalance. As long as we stay on the wire we survive. Although caring for parents can be draining and frustrating, it is important to remember just how much they have done for us. They probably changed your diaper more than you will ever have to change theirs. Helping out of a grateful heart instead of out of obligation will help ease the burden of the labour. As the old saying goes, “Love lightens labour.” Sensibly yours,

Miss Sensibility D o y o u h av e a q u e s t i o n fo r M i s s S e n s i b i l i t y ?

Email your inquiries to and Miss Sensibility will answer it in the paper! Names will not be published, but must be included with inquiries. Please include your desired anonymous signature ex: Fed up! (Castlegar News reserves the right to refuse publication. ”The advice offered in this column is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. Use of this column is not intended to replace or substitute any financial, medical, legal, or other professional advice. This column does not reflect the opinion The Castlegar News.)

Top: Tim Hortons owners Chris and Kathy Sykes presented the local air cadets with a cheque for $1,838. Bottom: Members of the Castlegar Branch of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets stand at attention during Tuesday night’s presentation. Photos by Betsy Kline

Donation to air cadets Money will go towards new building project BETSY KLINE Castlegar News

The Castlegar branch of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets was the recipient of the proceeds from this year’s Tim Hortons Smile Cookie Campaign. Tim Hortons owners Chris and Kathy Sykes presented the cadets with a cheque for $1,838. Each year Tim Hortons owners are allowed to choose a local charity that will benefit from the campaign. The Sykes were very pleased with the sales,;this year’s cookie sales were 67 per cent higher than any previous year.

Kathy said, “It is nice when you can see where it is going. It is always extra cool when it is for kids. It’s neat to see the excitement.” During the Smile Cookie campaign, cadets were on hand at the store to open doors, greet customers and help where they could. The leaders expressed that the compliments and support from the community was amazing. The money will be set aside for the purpose of building a new cadet hall. The current hall is over 60 years old and in need of replacement. Parent committee chair Dan MacDonald explained their vision, “I would like to see the building we build become a legacy for the kids.”



Castlegar News Thursday, October 16, 2014 A11




In partnership with

SAVE ANYWHERE. In partnership with In partnership with


A cool boost to Castlegar recreation As part of the Castlegar and District Recreation Commission and Zellstoff Celgar Zamboni sponsorship program, $1,000 cheques were presented to four groups ­­­— Castlegar Skating Club, Castlegar Minor Hockey, Castlegar Rebels and Selkirk Saints. This program was initiated when the new Zamboni was purchased last winter. This five year program not only gives back to the ice users in Castlegar but it also contributes funds to the community for special programs and events. Seen above at the presentation were (from left to right) Lawrence Chernoff, Commission Chairperson; Kim Verigin, Selkirk College; Cherie Hanvold, Zellstoff Celgar; Jesse Dorrans, Castlegar Rebels; Venie Cheveldave, Skating Club and Jim Crockett, Manager of Recreation.

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Manitoba Telecom ........... 27.62 Mercer International ......... 10.11 National Bank of Canada . 49.87 Onex Corporation ............ 58.97 Royal Bank of Canada...... 77.26 Sherritt International ............ 2.68 TD Bank .......................... 51.24 TELUS Corp...................... 37.70 Teck Resources ................. 17.92 TransCanada Corp ........... 50.91 iPath S&P 500 VIX ............ 39.41

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held in the Community Forum, 445 – 13th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. on, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Monday October 20, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. to consider the following: Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held in the Community Forum, 445 – 13th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. on, Monday October 20, PLAN 2014 AMENDMENT at 6:30 p.m.BYLAW to consider the following: OFFICIAL COMMUNITY NO. 1201 OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 1201 ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 1202 ZONING AMENDMENT (LETTERS PATENT LANDSBYLAW 2012) NO. 1202 (LETTERS PATENT LANDS 2012) Applicant: City of Castlegar Applicant: City of Castlegar Affected Lands: 310 Sahlstrom Road (Lot Road A District 14559 Lot Kootenay PlanDistrict 5383 Except Affected Lands: 310 Sahlstrom (LotLot A District 14559District Kootenay Plan 5383 Except Part Included in Plan NEPNEP 23157) Part Included in Plan 23157)

Proposed ProposedAmendments: Amendments: (a) To To change change the the land landuse usedesignation designationofofthe thefollowing following property included in the of Castlegar by Supplementar y (a) property included in the CityCity of Castlegar by Supplementary Letters Patent Patent Orders Orders in in Council Council No. No.66, 66,2012: 2012: Letters


(i) 310 310Sahlstrom SahlstromRoad Road from Plan Bylaw from “Rural “Rural Residential Residential(RR)” (RR)”under underOfficial OfficialCommunity Community Plan Bylaw No.1157 (1996) of of thethe Regional District of Central Kootenay to “Urban ReserveReserve (UR)” under No.1157 (1996) Regional District of Central Kootenay to “Urban (UR)” under Official OfficialCommunity CommunityPlan PlanBylaw Bylaw1150 1150ofofthe the City City of of Castlegar. Castlegar.

(b) To change the Zoning designation of the subject land as follows: (b) To change the Zoning designation of the subject land as follows:

M����� F���� CIG

Portfolio Series Balanced ... 27.55


Signature Dividend ........... 14.05


Portfolio Series Conservative 15.39


Manulife Monthly High ... 14.685

(i) 310 Sahlstrom Road from “Rural Residential (R3)” under Kootenay Columbia Rivers Zoning (i) 310 Sahlstrom Road from “Rural Residential (R3)” under Kootenay Columbia Rivers Zoning Bylaw No. 1675 of the Regional District of Central Kootenay to “(RR-3) Rural Residential” under Bylaw No. 1675 of the Regional District of Central Kootenay to “(RR-3) Rural Residential” under Zoning Bylaw 800 of the City of Castlegar. Zoning Bylaw 800 of the City of Castlegar.

C����������, I������ � C��������� CADUSD Canadian / US Dollar ...... 0.889


Light Sweet Crude Oil ....... 81.62

Gold............................ 1241.10


Silver ............................... 17.44


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1.877.691.5769 Mutual Funds are offered through Qtrade Management Inc., Member MFDA. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. This report is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. This report is furnished on the basis and understanding that Qtrade Asset Management Inc. is to be under no responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect thereof.

Purpose: The Supplementary Letters Patent City Castlegar(which (which amended amended the Purpose: The Supplementary Letters Patent for for thethe City of of Castlegar the boundary boundaryofofthe theCity Cityofof Castlegar in 2012 include the subject property) requires the Cityrepeal of Castlegar repeal the RDCK Castlegar in 2012 to include the to subject property) requires that the City ofthat Castlegar the RDCK OCPBylaw and Zoning Bylaw and implement the subject land. OCP and Zoning and implement City Bylaws forCity theBylaws subjectfor land. Enquiries: Enquiries:

All enquiries be directed to Phil Markin, of Development All enquiries shouldshould be directed to Phil Markin, DirectorDirector of Development ServicesSer vices City460 Hall, 460 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, BC at CityatHall, Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, BC Phone: 365-7227 365-4810 Email: devser Phone: 365-7227 Fax: Fax: 365-4810 Email:

This who that their interest in property affected by these This Public Hearing is being being held held ininorder ordertotoafford affordallallpersons persons whobelieve believe that their interest in property affected by amendments to Zoning BylawBylaw 800 and Community Plan Plan BylawBylaw 11501150 an opportunity to betoheard or toorpresent these amendments to Zoning 800 Official and Official Community an opportunity be heard to written respecting matters contained in these amendments. presentsubmissions written submissions respecting matters contained in these amendments. Copies of the the proposed proposed bylaws bylawsmay maybebeinspected inspectedatatCity CityHall, Hall,460 460Columbia Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, on regular business Copies of Avenue, Castlegar, B.C.B.C. on regular business days (Monday to to Friday Fridayexcept exceptfor forstatutory statutoryholidays) holidays)between betweenthe thehours hours 8:30a.m. a.m.and and4:30 4:30p.m. p.m.from fromOctober October 2014 days (Monday ofof 8:30 9,9, 2014 to to October October 20, 20,2014, 2014,inclusive. inclusive. Submissions received after the close of the Public Hearing will not be considered by Council. Submissions received after the close of the Public Hearing will not be considered by Council. Dated at Castlegar, B.C. this 9 day of October, 2014. Dated at Castlegar, B.C. this 9 day of October, 2014. Phil Markin Markin Phil Director of of Development Development Services Ser vices Director


Kootenay Society for Community Living Celebrating Community Living Month

Friday, October 17th

This year we are having our “Pay it Forward, Take 2” event. We will be out in the community in the morning practicing random acts of kindness; hopefully putting a smile on a bunch of people’s faces!

Who doesn’t love Karaoke? Afterwards please join us at the office (2224 6th Ave) between 12 and 2pm, to celebrate with friends, food and song! There will be free hotdogs and pop, as well as “drop-in Karaoke”! You can even do group performances if solo is a little too intimidating! We will have draws for gifts, and a donation box with the proceeds going to Special Olympics. We would love if you could join us! For more info call Thea@ 250-365-2624 (ext1)

Thursday, October 16, 2014 Castlegar News


Rebels take two of three Castlegar defeats Revelstoke, splits games with Nelson Kevin Mills Castlegar News

The rivalry between the Nelson Leafs and the Castlegar Rebels heated up on Friday night. The Rebels came into the Leafs’ home rink and skated away with a 3-1 victory. Much like last weekend’s contest, a 1-1 tie between the two squads, Nelson carried much of the play throughout the game. Nolan Percival opened the scoring for the Leafs, but Castlegar’s Mike Bhatoa tied it at 1-1 before the end of the first. In the second, despite being out shot, the Rebels took a 2-1 lead thanks to a goal by Cal Owens. That was all the scoring until the last minute of the third when Lindan Calliou hit the empty net to make the final 3-1. Rebels netminder Patrick Zubick was strong in the nets again, allowing one goal on 32 shots. At the other end of the ice, Nelson’s Adam Mai-

Nelson Leafs forward Timothy Nichols battles for a loose puck with Castlegar Rebels forward Bryan Lubin while Rebels goalie Patrick Zubick guards the post. Photo by Kevin Mills

da stopped 26 of 28 shots he faced. Rebels coach Jesse Dorrans was happy with his squad’s effort. “We played a little more consistent than last weekend,” he said. The coach said his squad worked on a few things this week and came to Nelson ready to execute. “And I think we did a good job of that tonight.” He also got another stellar performance from his goal-

Introducing Business Phone plans that fit your business. Shaw Business Phone has arrived in the West Kootenays. • Benefit from 18 features at one low price • Save money with free Shaw to Shaw calling • Connect world wide with competitive long distance plans Call us today at 1-855-454-1150 or visit

tender. “Hey if you want to win hockey games you need a good goaltender, but you also need a good one, two punch and I got all the faith in ours.” Play in the third period got a little out of hand as the squads began to take liberties with each other. As a result, six players were given misconducts in the third after several fights broke out.

continued on page A13

Castlegar News Thursday, October 16, 2014 A13


Rivalry with leafs gaining momentum


continued from page A12

Nelson’s Rayce Miller and the Rebels’ Tyler Bryant each received 10 minute misconducts, while Darnel St. Pierre and Austin Lindsay (Nelson) along with Dawson Haines and Daniel Petten (Castlegar) received game misconducts. After the game, Leafs coach Dave McLellan said his squad carried the play, but just couldn’t score. “For us, again, I thought we outplayed them tonight. We just didn’t capitalize on our scoring chances there and the third period just turned into a farce.” The game overall was an intense match up, but play wasn’t chippy. The Rebels coach said Nelson has always provided intense games. “I’ve been in the league for 10 years now and every time we play Nelson it’s always a fierce rivalry,” said Dorrans. On Saturday night, Castlegar won its second game in a row, beating the Revelstoke Grizzlies 4-3. Aaron Petten, Bryan Lubin (with two) and Konnor Madsen scored for the Rebels. On Sunday, the Rebels played their third game in three nights, playing host to the Nelson Leafs once more. Castlegar lost the game 3-0. The Rebels’ next home game is Saturday, October 18 when they take on the Grand Forks Border Bruins. The puck drops at 7 p.m..


Kootenay Conference Neil Murdoch Division TEAM GP W Nelson 12 7 Beaver Valley 12 5 Castlegar 13 6 Spokane 12 4 Grand Forks 14 5

L 2 4 6 5 8

T 2 1 1 0 1

OTL 1 2 0 3 0

P 17 13 13 11 11

Eddie Mountain Division TEAM GP W Fernie 10 8 Kimberley 10 8 Golden 12 7 Creston Valley 10 4 Columbia Valley 10 1

L 1 2 4 5 7

T 0 0 0 0 0

OTL 1 0 1 1 2

P 17 16 15 9 4

Okanagan/Shuswap Conference Doug Birks Division TEAM GP Kamloops 13 Sicamous 12 Revelstoke 12 Chase 11 100 Mile House 9

W 8 6 5 3 4

L 4 6 5 5 5

T 0 0 2 1 0

OTL 1 0 0 2 0

P 17 12 12 9 8

Okanagan Division TEAM GP Osoyoos 12 Princeton 11 Summerland 10 Kelowna 12 N. Okanagan 9

W 10 5 6 4 2

L 2 3 4 6 5

T 0 1 0 1 0

OTL 0 2 0 1 2

P 20 13 12 10 6


Christine is selling this advertising spot Advertise your business to thousands with the Castlegar News. With a paper circulation of 6,731 you’ll get noticed. Contact Christine at 250-365-6397 or

2014 Breast Cancer Fundraising Campaign October 10th - 24th, 2014

Awareness Weekend: October 18th & 19th DONATE $2 AND RECEIVE 5 AIR MILES REWARD MILES Where the Funds Go


And g



Over $12 million has been raised by Safeway for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation during the past twelve years. Funds have helped support research projects investigating ways to reduce breast cancer risk, diagnosis and treat the disease more effectively. The funds are also used to bolster one of the most critical aspects of breast cancer treatment – early detection.

Breast Cancer Stats • Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis in Canadian women – with 1 in 4 cancer diagnoses being breast cancer • One in 9 Canadian women will develop breast cancer during her lifetime • In 2014, an estimated 24,400 Canadian women (and 210 Canadian men) will be diagnosed with breast cancer (in 2013, it was 23,800 women and 200 men) • The risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer increases with age – 82 percent of new breast cancer cases will occur in Canadian women over the age of 50 • For Canadian women ages 30 to 49, the risk of being diagnosed with any type of cancer is 1 in 500 – about one third of these cancers will be breast cancer •Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in Canadian women after lung cancer

For more information, please visit Canadian Breast Cancer’s website at


PU B •

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Thirsty Duck




Thursday, October 16, 2014 Castlegar News

‘Great Food & Funʻ Wing Night Wednesday Friday is AAA Steak Sandwich Daily Drink and Food Specials

Gourmet Sweet Potato Souffle

4370B Minto Road, Castlegar 250.365.0035 • Open 11am Daily

Your ad could be here!

Applefest sale on now! (all apples are non-waxed)


Amb BC s t galas 5lb bag just $3 (.60cents/lb) Applrosia u n e l z Ha 5lb b es b l / 9 spartans 5lb bag just $4 (.80cents/lb) ag/$ $3.4 5


Recipe of the Week....

4 eggs, beaten

2 large sweet potatoes, peeled

1/4 cup rum

1/4 cup brown sugar

1/4 tsp cinnamon

3 Tbsp butter, melted

pinch of nutmeg


- honeycrisp 5lb bag just $6 ($1.20/lb)

- macintosh 20lb box just $10 (.50 cents/lb) Assorted BC Squash - $0.59/lb • Okanagan pears 20lb box just $15 For all online orders go to: and add the app to your home page. 250.365.3373 Located in the Kootenay Crossing Mall


(Serves 4)

Preheat the oven to 350. Boil the sweet potatoes until tender. Mash the sweet potatoes using a potato masher or stand mixer. In the mixer, beat the sweet potatoes with the brown sugar, butter, eggs, rum, and cinnamon. Transfer the batter in to a buttered 2 quart baking dish or into individual ramekins. Bake for 45-50 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out cleanly. This dish is excellent served with Thanksgiving leftovers! With a turkey pot pie perhaps?

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Apple Juicing festival

Oct 24-25th, bring your own apples on Oct 25th. Minimum 20lbs, please call and book your pressing, space limited.

Across from Castlegar Airport (250)365-1009 Open Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 6pm

Tails from the

Lion’s Den

Greetings! from the Lion’s Head,

Hello folks, Fall is here, so that means live music at the pub. It also means darker beers, porters and stouts. Tis the season to enjoy great food and great relaxed atmosphere. It is also time for our annual Hellaween party hosted by DJ Mister Leon who lays down deep, funky house music to get the dance floor going

Live Music Coming Up! Saturday 18th Windborn Saturday 25th Devon Coyote Hellaween Friday 31st with Mister Leon tix $20

Cheers see you there 250 365 BREW (2739) 2629 Broadwater Rd Robson, BC

Contact Christine Esovoloff | 250.365.6397 |

Castlegar News Thursday, October 16, 2014 A15

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Thursday, October 16 2014 Castlegar News



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Saints prepare to raise the banner For the second time in as many years, the Selkirk College Saints men’s hockey team will proudly raise the BC Intercollegiate Hockey League (BCIHL) championship banner to the rafters of the Castlegar Community Complex on Friday

ning anything significant, so for us to win two championships in a row is simply amazing. We are very grateful for the support we have received from the college and community.”

night. “Winning back-to-back titles is something very unique and rewarding,” says Kim Verigin, Selkirk College’s Athletics and Recreation Coordinator. “Many people involved in competitive sport go a lifetime without win-

KNOW THE NEW RULES 2014 GENERAL LOCAL ELECTIONS THIRD PARTY ADVERTISING Third party advertising is any election advertising not sponsored by a candidate or elector organization. If you advertise as a third party from September 30 to November 15 in the 2014 Local Elections, you have new rules to follow under the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act.

■ You must register with Elections BC as a third party sponsor before conducting any advertising.

continued on page A17

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Get it with your OWN money !

■ You must include your name and contact information on all advertising. ■ You must not sponsor advertising by, or on behalf of, a candidate or elector organization. More information on the new rules is available at Registration forms and the Third Party Sponsor Guide to Local Elections in B.C. can be downloaded at the Third Party Sponsors page. Media outlets cannot publish or transmit election advertising on General Voting Day, Saturday, November 15, 2014. 1- 8 5 5 - 9 52- 0 2 8 0




STAR ng M T NOW oney !

Mak continued on page A17 i

Route #8

- 200 to 500 blocks of 2, 3 & 4 Ave.

Route #18

- 2000 to 2100 blocks of 6th Ave & Columbia Ave & 21st St

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• Castlegar News 250.365.6397 Theresa Castlegar Distribution Hodge Manager

Castlegar News Thursday, October 16, 2014 A17


Slow start to hockey season

Tough Start to New Campaign The Saints hope a large crowd and pre-game celebration on Friday night will fuel a team that has struggled out of the gates. Selkirk finds itself in an unfamiliar position at the bottom of the five-team league, having gone winless in their first three games. “After playing our first three contests on the road, we are all excited to come back and play

It’s time to place your ad!


Richard Askew 250-365-4788

Dan Rywaczuk 250-304-7466

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Kirby Wayling 250-304-8476

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Shirley Kosiancic 250-265-8040

Greg Gritchin 250-365-9791

Joni Askew 250-365-4731

Rand Wayling 250-365-1984

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Derek Sherbinin 250-365-9499

The support we have received the past few seasons has been incredible and we hope we can share our championship banner with our fans…

Call or TEXT any of our Agents at the numbers below:

The Saints captured the 201314 title at home last March before a packed house at their home rink in Castlegar. After powering their way through the BCIHL regular season, the Saints disposed of the Thompson Rivers University Wolfpack in the semi-finals and then crushed the Trinity Western University Spartans in the league final in two straight games.

in front of the best fans in the league,” says Saints’ Head Coach Alex Evin. “The support we have received the past few seasons has been incredible and we hope we can share our championship banner with our fans on Friday night as well as pick up our first victory of the season.” The Saints will face off against the much improved Eastern Washington University Eagles who have already made significant impressions in the BCIHL. The Eagles currently sit atop the standings boasting a 3-2 record with two of their wins coming against top ranked SFU and Selkirk in the season opener two weeks ago in Cheney, Washington. The Saints are recently coming off a tough road trip where they dropped a pair of games, 6-2 to Simon Fraser and 5-4 to Trinity Western. Both contests saw an injury — depleted Selkirk lineup struggle with consistency. Goals for the Saints came from Logan Proulx (2), Stefan Gonzales, Darnell Dyck, Stefan Virtanen and Steven Pantazopoulos. The banner raising ceremony will begin at 7 p.m. at the Castlegar Complex. A special autograph session with all Saints players will take place immediately following the game. SAINTS NOTES: Friday’s game is the only game of the weekend for the Saints who will return home on October 25 for a rematch with Eastern Washington at the Complex… In the past two regular seasons the Saints have only registered a total of six losses. They posted a 20-3-0-1 record in 2013-14 and a 21-3-0-0 record in 2012-13.

continued from page A16

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Thursday, October 16, 2014 Castlegar News

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Shoe RepaiR

Boot season is upon us, come in and inquire about our shoe repair 411 Hall St Nelson (250) 352-6261

PROPOSED OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN BYLAW AMENDMENT (310 Sahlstrom Road) The City of Castlegar is in the process of changing the land use designation of the following property included in the City of Castlegar by Supplementary Letter Patent Order in Council No. 66:


310 Sahlstrom Road (Lot A District Lot 14559 Kootenay District Plan 5383 Except Part Included in Plan NEP23157) from “Rural Residential (RR)” under Official Community Plan Bylaw No.1157 (1996) of the Regional District of Central Kootenay to “Urban Reserve (UR)” under Official Community Plan Bylaw 1150 of the City of Castlegar.

Recent amendments to the Local Government Act requires the City, when developing or amending an Official Community Plan, to consult with persons, organizations and authorities it considers will be affected. City Council is requesting written comments from interested citizens on the proposed land use designation change. All written comments should be directed to: Development Services Department City Hall, 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 Phone: 250-365-7227 Fax: 250-365-4810 Email: All submissions must be received prior to October 20, 2014. Phil Markin Director of Development Services

Central Kootenay Invasive Plant Committee is holding a new art show at the Kootenay Gallery of Art in Castlegar.

Art with a message Raising awareness around invasive species

The Central Kootenay Invasive Plant Committee is hosting a juried art exhibition, with the theme of invasive species and biodiversity. The exhibition will be open to the public from now until November 8 at the Kootenay Gallery of Art in Castlegar. This exhibition is intended to raise the profile and public discussion around invasive species and biodiversity within the Central Kootenay region. This exhibition is intended to: q Highlight the impacts of invasive species on biodiversity within the Central Kootenay region; q Educate the public about existing invasive species within the region; q Increase the public dialogue on invasive species and the potential associated impacts on biodiversity; q Provide an educational and interactive platform for learning about invasive species and their impacts; q Showcase local artists and their interpretations of invasive species and biodiversity. EXHIBITION STATEMENT: Art can build awareness and inspires conversation. Science is the language of fact, whereas art is the language of perception. Sci-

ence provides the answers to the questions we seek, where art can provide a venue to articulate, both emotionally and spiritually, what we perceive and ‘know’ to be true about our world. Nature as we know it is in constant flux, and even more so in the era of the Anthropocene. Humanity’s impacts on nature and biodiversity is far reaching and pervasive. The 2014 World Wildlife Fund Living Planet Report highlights some startling new revelations about the state of our planet and in particular, biodiversity. The Living Planet Index, which measures trends in thousands of vertebrate species populations, shows a decline of 52 per cent between 1970 and 2010. In other words, vertebrate species populations across the globe are, on average, about half the size they were 40 years ago. Invasive species are listed as one of the top seven categorized threats to biodiversity, only second to habitat loss and climate change. This exhibition was inspired by a desire to increase awareness about the science of biodiversity and invasive species, through the lens of an artist. We seek to engage the viewer through the stories that these creative minds tell and look forward to celebrating the beauty of biodiversity with you.

Castlegar News Thursday, October 16, 2014 A19


Suspicious vehicle reported by patrol



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Colu PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the electors School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) – Trustee Electoral Area 2 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of (being the City of Castlegar and a portion of Area J of the Regional District of Central Kootenay School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) – Trustee Ele (being the City of Castlegar and a portion of Area [Robson/Raspberry/Deer Park/Renata/Paulson Hwy]) that School District No. Area (being the20 City(Kootenay-Columbia) of Castlegar and a portion–ofTrustee Area J ofElectoral the Regional Dis

Citizens on Patrol help [Robson/Raspberry/Dee and a portion of Area J of the Regional District of Centr to nab suspects(being the City of Castlegar[Robson/Raspberry/Deer Park/Renata/Paulson Hwy]) thatO ADVANCE VOTING ADVANCE VOTING OPPORTUNITIES [Robson/Raspberry/Deer ADVANCE VOTING OPPORTUNITIES

Castlegar Citizens on Patrol (COP) were making their rounds at the end of September when they came across a suspicious vehicle that was parked in the back yard area of a local tow company located in the 4000 block of Minto Road. The vehicle appeared to be parked in front of a hole that was observed in the fence to the property. COP was quick in reporting their observations to Castlegar Police as they believed a break, enter and theft was in progress. Castlegar Detachment members and West Kootenay Traffic Services arrived on scene and noted a female passenger inside this vehicle. Police determined that a male associated to this vehicle was on foot and believed to be inside the compound. Police Dog Services were called to the scene and the police dog was able to track down this male who was hiding on the property. The male sustained minor bite wounds from the police dog inci-


for the 2014 General School Election to elect (2) School Trustees will be open to all qualified electors

dental to his arrest. A search conof School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) - Trustee Electoral Area 2 on: ducted inside the vehicle revealed ADVANCE VOTING OPPORTUNITIES for theTuesday, 2014 General Election elect (2) 2014 and (2) for the 2014 General SchoolNovember Election4, School to elect School to Trustees will Sch be o various break and enter tools that Wednesday, November 5, 2014 of No. School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Col of School District 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) - Trustee Elec would assist in committing propbetween the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. each day for the 2014 General School Election to elect (2) School Trustees will be open to all qu erty crimes. in the Community Forum (Council Chambers) th A 42-year-old Salmo man and of School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) Avenue #101 – 445 13Tuesday, -November Trustee Electoral Area 2 4, 2014 Novemb and Tuesday, Castlegar, B.C. 26-year-old Salmo woman have Wednesday, November 5, 2014 Wednesday, Nove been charged with break and enbetween the hours of 8:00and a.m. and 8:00 p.m. each GENERAL VOTING DAY ter with intent to commit an inTuesday, November 4, 2014 between the(Council hours of 8:00 a.m in the Community Forum Chambers) dictable offence and possession of Wednesday, November 5, 2014 th Forum for the 2014 General School Election to elect (2) School Trustees bethe open to Avenue qualified electors of #101 will –in445 13Community break and enter instruments and the School District No. the 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) – Trustee Electoral Area p.m. 2 on: each day between hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 #101 – 445 13 Castlegar, B.C. have since been released on bail in the CommunityFor Forum (Council Chambers) Castlegar and placed on conditions. all electors: Their first appearance is schedAvenue VOTING DAY #101 – 445 13thGENERAL Saturday, November 15, 2014 uled for November 10 at the CasB.C. between theCastlegar, hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. GENERAL VO tlegar Courthouse. at the Castlegar & District Recreation Complex for the 2014 General School Election to elect (2) School Trustees will be o th Citizens on Patrol are trained 2101 – 6 Avenue the School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) – Trustee Electoral Area 2 Castlegar, B.C. volunteers governed by the BC GENERAL VOTING DAY for the 2014 General School Election to elect (2) Sch Crime Prevention Association For Area J (Robson/Raspberry/Deer Park/Renata/Paulson Hwy) electors: who have a mandate to detect disthe School District No. 20 For (Kootenay-Columbia) – Tru all electors: ruptive, suspicious for and the criminal 2014 General School Election to Saturday, elect (2) School will be open to qual November 15, Trustees 2014 behaviour. These between the hours of a.m. andElectoral 8:00 November p.m. thevolunteers School act District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) – 8:00 Trustee Area15, 2 on: Saturday, 2014 For all ele at the Robson Community Hall essentially as an extra set of eyes between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. 3067 Waldie Avenue and ears for the community. Robson, B.C. at the Castlegar & District Recreation Complex For all electors: Should anyone be interested th Saturday, Novem 2101 – 6 Avenue in joining the Castlegar Citizens ELECTOR REGISTRATION between the hours of 8:0 Castlegar, B.C. on Patrol, they can contact the Saturday, November 15, 2014 Castlegar & District If you are not on the list of electors, you may register at the at timethe of voting by completing the Castlegar RCMP Detachment at between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. required application form available at the voting place. To register you must meet the following A 2101 – 6th H (250) 365-7721. For Area J (Robson/Raspberry/Deer Park/Renata/Paulson



 

 

at the Castlegar & District Recreation Complex Castlegar th 18 years of age or older on general voting for the electionNovember 15, 2014 Saturday, 2101 – 6day Avenue Canadian citizen between the of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Castlegar, B.C. For Area Jhours (Robson/Raspberry/Deer P resident of BC for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration at the Robson Community Hall

resident of OR registered owner of real property in the City of Castlegar for at least 30 days 3067 Waldie Avenue preceding day of registration, and For Areaimmediately J (Robson/Raspberry/Deer Park/Renata/Paulson Hwy) electors Saturday, not disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting Novem in an Robson, B.C. election and not otherwise disqualified by law. between the hours of 8:0

Saturday, 15, 2014 In order to register, resident electors mustNovember produce ELECTOR 2 pieces of identification least one with a Co at(atthe Robson REGISTRATION signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. 3067 Waldie identity.

Community If you are notat onthe theRobson list of electors, you Hall may register at the time o Robson, yo

In order to register, non-resident form property electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at required application available at the voting place. To register 3067 Waldie Avenue least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the qualifications: property, and, if there is more than one owner, writtenB.C. consent from the majority of property owners Robson, to one owner registering. Consent forms will be available at the voting place, or may be obtained in advance the Chief Election (250) 365-7227.  by contacting 18 years of age or Officer older aton general voting day for the election


ELECTOR notREGISTRATION on the list of electors, you may r

Ifincludes: you are  identification Canadian citizen Acceptable

 resident of BC for at least 6 months before day ofp required application form immediately available at the the voting (a) a British Columbia Driver’s Licence, If you are not on the list of electors, you may register at the time of voting by  (b) a resident of OR registered qualifications: British Columbia Identification Card,owner of real property in the City of Ca (c) available animmediately Owner’s Certificate and Licence, required application form at preceding theof Insurance voting place. To register day ofVehicle registration, and you must mee (d) a British Columbia CareCard or British Columbia Gold CareCard,  (e) a not disqualified Government Act or any otherday e qualifications:  of Social18under yearsthe of Local age or olderSecurity on general Ministry Development and Economic Request voting for Continued SDES8, disqualified by law. electionAssistance and notForm otherwise  Canadian citizen (f) a Social Insurance Card,  18 years of age or(g)older on general voting of day a Citizenship Card, resident BCforforthe at election least 6 months immediat (h) a property tax notice,  Canadian citizen (i) a credit card  or debitresident ofa savings OR registered card issued by institution, or owner of real prop (j) a utility bill issued for the supply of electricity, naturalthe gas, day water,of telephone  resident of BC for at least 6 months immediately before registration We have lots of candies, costumes, services or cable. immediately preceding day of registration, and  resident of OR registered owner not of real property in the City of Castlegar for a disqualified under the Local Governmen make-up and decorations to make For further information please contact: immediately preceding day of registration, andnot otherwise disqualified by law. election and Carolyn Rempel, Officer (250) 365-7227 orAct not disqualified underChief theElection Local Government or any other enactment fro your house spooky  John Malcolm, Deputy Chief Election Officer (250) 365-7227 or election and notKalen-Sukra, otherwise disqualified by law. Diane Deputy Chief Election Officer (250) 365-7227 or Nicole Brown, Deputy Chief Election Officer (250) 365-7227 or

1128 3rd St, Castlegar • Visit Visit

Carolyn Rempel Chief Election Officer




Thursday, October 16, 2014 Castlegar News

Get your free flu shot at: CASTLEGAR COMMUNITY COMPLEX, 2101 6TH Ave Wednesday, November 5, 9 am – 4 pm DROP IN CASTLEGAR HEALTH CENTRE, 709 10th Street Monday, November 17, 9 am – 4 pm DROP IN CASTLEGAR HEALTH CENTRE, 709 10th Street Monday, November 24, 9 am – 4 pm DROP IN CASTLEGAR HEALTH CENTRE, 709 10th Street Wednesday, December 3, 9 am – 4 pm DROP IN CASTLEGAR HEALTH CENTRE, 709 10th Street Monday, December 15, 9 am – 12 noon DROP IN Bring your care card with you! Flu shots are safe, effective, and free for many groups including: • People 65 years and older and their caregivers/household contacts • All children age 6 to 59 months of age • Household contacts and caregivers of infants and children 0-59 months of age • Aboriginal people • Children and adults with chronic health conditions and their household contacts • And more …to view a full list of those who can get their flu shot for free visit For more information contact your local public health office, call the Castlegar flu line 250-304-1211 or visit

Long time Rotarian honoured for 60 years of service The Castlegar Sunrise Rotary Club installed a bench at the Millenium Park in Castlegar to honour Jim Lamont’s 60 years of Rotary Service. Pictured here from left: Jim Lamont’s sister from California, Inga Lamont, and Jim Lamont. Jim joined Rotary in October 1953. He has held all offices except Secretary and has been a member of the District Youth Exchange Committee. He has also chaired Rotary District Committees, in particular, Group Study Exchange and Ambassadorial Scholarship. Jim led a Rotary Group Friendship Exchange team to Norway in 1983. Photo by Gregg Ziegler



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Castlegar News Thursday, October 16, 2014 A21







NOTICE OF ADVANCE VOTING OPPORTUNITIES PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to to thethe electors Castlegarthat that PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given electorsofofthe the City City of of Castlegar

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of the City of Castlegar that

ADVANCE OPPORTUNITIES ADVANCE VOTING OPPORTUNITIES ADVANCE VOTINGVOTING OPPORTUNITIES for the the for 2014 General Local Election toElection elect to (1)elect Mayor and (6)Mayor Councillors willCouncillors be open to allwill qualified the 2014 General Local to elect (1) and(6) (6) Councillors be for 2014 General Local Election (1) Mayor and will beopen opentotoallallqualified qualified electors of the City of Castlegar on: electors of the City of Castlegar on: electors of the City of Castlegar on: Tuesday, November 4, 2014 and Tuesday, November4,4,2014 2014and and Tuesday, November Wednesday, November 5, 2014 Wednesday, November 5, 2014 between the hoursWednesday, of 8:00 a.m. andNovember 8:00 p.m. each 5,day 2014 between theForum hours(Council of 8:00Chambers) a.m. and 8:00 p.m. each day in the Community between in the of 8:00Forum a.m. and 8:00Chambers) p.m. each day thehours (Council #101 –Community 445 13th Avenue th in the Community Forum (Council Chambers) Avenue #101 – 445 13 Castlegar, B.C.

#101 –Castlegar, 445 13th Avenue B.C. Castlegar, GENERAL VOTING DAY B.C. GENERAL VOTING DAY

for the 2014 General Local Election to elect (1) Mayor and (6) Councillors will be open to all qualified GENERAL VOTING DAY electors of the City of Castlegar on:

for the 2014 General Local Election to elect (1) Mayor and (6) Councillors will be open to all qualified City Castlegar on: Saturday,electors 15, 2014of for the 2014 General Local Election toNovember elect of (1)the Mayor and (6) Councillors will be open to all qualified between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. electors of the City of Castlegar on: at the Castlegar & District Recreation Complex Saturday, November 15, 2014 2101 – the 6th Avenue between hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Saturday, November 15, 2014Complex Castlegar, B.C. at the Castlegar & District Recreation

between the hours of –8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. 2101 6th Avenue REGISTRATION at ELECTOR the Castlegar & Castlegar, District Recreation Complex B.C. th Avenue 2101 – 6 If you are not on the list of electors, you may register at the time of voting by completing the Castlegar, must meet the following ELECTOR required application form available at the voting place. ToREGISTRATION register qualifications:

If you are not on the list of ELECTOR electors, youREGISTRATION may register at the time of voting by completing the 18 years ofapplication age or olderform on general votingatday for voting the election required available the place. To register you must meet the following Canadian citizen qualifications:

not disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an

If you resident are not onforthe list 6of electors, you before may the register at the time of voting by completing the of BC at least months immediately day of registration required application form available at property the voting To register  of OR registered owner of real in theplace. City of Castlegar for at you least must 30 daysmeet the following resident 18 years of age or older on general voting day for the election immediately preceding day of registration, and qualifications:  Canadian citizen

electionresident of BC fordisqualified at least 6by months and not otherwise law. immediately before the day of registration  of age on general for the election 18 years resident of or ORolder registered owner voting of real day property in the City of Castlegar for at least 30 days In orderCanadian citizen to register, resident preceding electors must 2 piecesand of identification (at least one with a immediately dayproduce of registration, Picture identification not necessary. identificationbefore must both and from voting in an signature). BC for atisleast 6the months immediately the other day residency ofenactment registration resident notof disqualified under LocalThe Government Act orprove any identity.  resident of OR registered owner of real property election and not otherwise disqualified by law. in the City of Castlegar for at least 30 days immediately preceding day of registration, In order to register, non-resident property electors must and produce 2 pieces of identification (at Innot order register,to resident electors must produce 2 pieces ofother identification (at from least one withina an withdisqualified a to signature) prove the identity, proof that they are entitled register in relation to the least one under Local Government Act ortoany enactment voting signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and property, and, if there is more than one owner, written consent from the majority of property owners election and not otherwise disqualified by law. to one identity. owner registering. Consent forms will be available at the voting place, or may be obtained in advance by contacting the Chief Election Officer at (250) 365-7227.

In order register, resident electors property must produce 2 pieces of identification least one with In to order to register, non-resident electors must produce 2 pieces of(at identification (at a Acceptable identification includes: signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the identity. property, and, ifColumbia there isDriver’s more than one owner, written consent from the majority of property owners (a) a British Licence, (b) aowner Britishregistering. Columbia Identification to one Consent Card, forms will be available at the voting place, or may be obtained in (c) anby Owner’s Certificate of Insurance andOfficer Vehicle advance contacting the Chief Election atLicence, (250) 365-7227. In order to register, non-resident property electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at (d) a British Columbia CareCard or British Columbia Gold CareCard, least one(e) with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the a Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security Request for property, and,Continued if thereAssistance is more than owner, written consent from the majority of property owners Form one SDES8, to one owner Consent forms will be available at the voting place, or may be obtained in (f) a registering. Social Insurance Card, a Citizenshipthe Card, advance (g) by contacting Chief Election Officer at (250) 365-7227. (h) a property tax notice, (i) a credit card or debit card issued by a savings institution, or (j) a utility bill issued for the supply of electricity, natural gas, water, telephone services or cable.

For further information please contact: Carolyn Rempel, Chief Election Officer (250) 365-7227 or John Malcolm, Deputy Chief Election Officer (250) 365-7227 or Diane Kalen-Sukra, Deputy Chief Election Officer (250) 365-7227 or Nicole Brown, Deputy Chief Election Officer (250) 365-7227 or

Carolyn Rempel Chief Election Officer

Answers for Last Weeks


Thursday, October 16, 2014 Castlegar News


Pumpkins: They are more than just jack-o-lanterns October is the month for pumpkins! Pumpkins grow well in our area, and are in abundance at this time of year. When most people think of pumpkins, jack-olanterns and pies are usually what come to `

mind but these nutritious, versatile and hardy gourds can be so much more. Did you know the world’s largest pumpkin weighed in at over 1600 pounds! Even more surprising is that in some



communities people hollow out pumpkins, make them into boats and have annual pumpkin boat races. If you don’t believe me, look it up on the internet. Like other types of squash, pumpkins

are full of nutrients. Their deep orange coloured flesh is packed with betacarotene, an antioxidant that helps prevent heart disease and cancer. Pumpkins are also a good source of vitamin C,

potassium and fibre. Pumpkin pie is a popular treat but pumpkin can be used for so much more. Try it in cookies, pancakes, loaves, muffins, soups and more. When choosing a pumpkin for

cooking, look for one that is smaller and heavy for its size. When car ving your Halloween jack- o-lantern be sure to save the seeds for roasting. Baked pumpkin seeds are a healthy snack and





you must have resided within the area in which the

ELECTORAL AREA (d) (d)you you mustmust have resided within the area in the AREA G GCentre 206 7th St, Salmo, BC resided thewhich area in which PUBLICis NOTICE isgiven herebytogiven to the ELECTORAL PUBLIC NOTICE hereby the Salmo Comm voteplace ishave taking place in within accordance with52Section 52 the Salmo Comm Centre 206 7th Salmo,BC BC votevote is taking in accordance with Section electors of the Regional District of Salmo Comm Centre 206 7th St,St,Salmo, is the taking place in accordance with Section 52 st Ave, Ymir, of the Regional District of Ymir Comm Hall 1 BC of Local Government Act for at least 30 days st electors of electors the Regional District of Ymir Comm Hall 1 Ave, Ymir, BC of the Local Government Act for at least 30 days Kootenay an Election by Comm Hall 1st Ave, Ymir, BC of the Local Government Act for at least 30 days immediately preceding the day of registration; CentralCentral Kootenay that anthat Election by Ymir immediately preceding the day of registration; Central Kootenay that an Election byelect Directors is necessary for ELECTORAL must not be disqualified byof theregistration; Local immediately preceding day VotingVoting is necessary to electtoDirectors for ELECTORAL AREA JAREA J (e) you(e) must you not be disqualified by the the Local Robson Comm Hall 3067 Waldie Ave, Robson, BC Government or any otherbyenactment Electoral Areas B, D, E, F, G, J, and K Voting is necessary to elect Directors for ELECTORAL AREA J (e) you must beAct disqualified the Localfrom Robson Comm Hall 3067 Waldie Ave, Robson, BC Government Actnot or any other enactment from Electoral Areas B, D, E, F, G, J, and K Comm Hall 1119 Columbia Rd,BC Ootischenia, BC onVoting General Voting or be otherwise Comm Hall 1119 Columbia Rd, Ootischenia, BC forD, terms commencing 2014Ootischenia CommOotischenia Hall 3067 Waldie Ave, Robson, voting on voting General orother beDay otherwise Government Act orDay any enactment from Electoral Areas B, E, F, G, J,December and December K 2014 Robson for terms commencing Castlegar Complex 2101Castlegar, 6th Ave, Castlegar, BC disqualified by law. Castlegar Complex 2101 6th Ave, BC disqualified by law. Ootischenia Comm Hall 1119 Columbia Rd, Ootischenia, BC and terminating after the general voting on General Voting Day or be otherwise and terminating after the general for terms commencing December 2014 Castlegar Complex 2101 6th Ave, Castlegar, BC disqualified by law. election 2018, and that the persons ELECTORAL electors not on thelist Voters list and wishing election in 2018, and that the persons ELECTORAL AREA KAREA K and terminating after theingeneral ResidentResident electors not on the Voters and wishing Nakusp Sports 200Nakusp, 8th Ave,BC Nakusp, BC nominated as candidates and for whom to on register on voting day will be to required to2produce 2 Nakusp Sports Centre Centre 200 8th Ave, nominated as candidates and for whom to register voting day will be required produce election in 2018,the andvotes thatwill thebepersons Edgewood School 409 Monashee Ave, Edgewood, BCResident ELECTORAL AREA K Elem409 of identification (at least with signature). electors notleast onone the Voters list aand wishing received Edgewood Elem School Monashee Ave, Edgewood, BC pieces ofpieces identification (at with aone signature). the votes will be received are: are: Burton Elem School BurtonRd, School Rd,BC Burton, BC to register The identification must prove identity and residency. NakuspBurton Sports Centre 200219 8thBurton Ave,219 Nakusp, BC nominated as candidates and for whom on voting day willand be required to produce 2 Elem School School Burton, The identification must prove identity residency. Fauquier Centre 344St, Spruce St, Fauquier OFFICE OF DIRECTOR Fauquier Communication 344 Spruce Fauquier BC Edgewood Elem SchoolCommunication 409Centre Monashee Ave, Edgewood, BC BCpieces of identification (at least one with a signature). OFFICE DIRECTOR the votes will be OF received are: Qualifications for a Non-Resident Elector: One (1) to be elected in each Electoral Area

Qualifications for a Non-Resident Elector: Burton Elem School 219 Burton School Rd, Burton, BC The identification must identity and residency. One (1) to be elected in each Electoral Area Must meet of theprove following requirements: all of the all following requirements: Communication Centre OPPORTUNITY: 344 Spruce St, Fauquier BC Must meet ADVANCE VOTING OFFICE OF DIRECTOR Area Surname Usual Residential Address Fauquier (a) (b) (c) and (e) above plus ADVANCE VOTING OPPORTUNITY: (a) (b) (c) and (e) above plus Area Surname Usual Residential Address ADVANCE VOTING will be WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, Qualifications for athe Non-Resident Elector: been the registered owner of real One (1) to be elected in each Electoral Area ADVANCE VOTING will be WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, (d) you(d) must you havemust beenhave registered owner of real Names Names 2014 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at the property within areathe inrequirements: which vote is taking Must meetwithin all ofthethe following 2014 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at the property area inthewhich vote isthe taking following locations: place leastimmediately 30 days immediately th Ave N, Erickson ADVANCE VOTING OPPORTUNITY: Jared 36Erickson (a)place (b) (c) and (e) plus following locations: for at leastfor 30atabove days precedingpreceding Area Surname B LEBLANC UsualB LEBLANC Residential Address Jared 1026 36th1026 Ave N, the day of registration; TanyaErickson 2812 St, Erickson St, Creston ADVANCE VOTING will be WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, day ofmust registration; (d)the you have been the registered owner of real WALL Creston Names WALLTanya 2812 ELECTORAL AREA B the onlywho persons who are registered of the ELECTORAL AREAofB8:00 (d)(i) the (d)(i) only persons are registered ownersthe ofowners the 2014 between the hours am and 8:00 pm at the property within the area in which vote is taking Yahk Comm Hall 8790 Railway Ave, Yahk, BC real property, eithertenants as jointortenants orintenants in D CORMIE Donna 2215 Kaslo Cr S Fork Rd, Kaslo Yahk Comm Hall 8790 Railway Ave, Yahk, BC real property, either as joint tenants CORMIE1026 36 Donna Kaslo Cr S Fork Rd, Kaslo following locations: th Ave N, Creston, BC place for at least 30 individuals days immediately th Ave2215 Creston Comm Complex 312-19 B LEBLANC D Jared N, Erickson and are whoholding are notpreceding holding Aimee 1622 Creston Comm Complex 312-19th Ave N, Creston, BC common, common, and are individuals who are not WATSONWATSON Aimee 1622 Duthie St,Duthie Kaslo St, Kaslo the day oftrust registration; the inproperty for a corporation another trust; WALL Tanya 2812 Erickson St, Creston the property forinatrust corporation or anotherortrust; ELECTORAL ELECTORAL AREA B D AREA D you must not bewho asowners a resident the persons are toregistered of the 8496 ProcterRd AREA (f) (d)(i) you(f) mustonly not be entitled toentitled register asregister a resident E FAUSTE FAUSTRamona Ramona 8496 ProcterRd E, ProcterE, Procter ELECTORAL Lardeau Valley Comm Hall 31, Highway Meadow Elector for either that area; Yahk Comm Hall 8790 Railway Ave,31, Yahk, BC Ck, BC real property, as joint tenants or tenants in MARKEN Rick 4185 Kays Rd, Nelson Lardeau Valley Comm Hall Highway Meadow Ck, BC Elector for that area; D CORMIE Donna 2215 Kaslo Cr S Fork Rd, Kaslo MARKEN Rick 4185 Kays Rd, Nelson th St, Kaslo BC Kaslo Seniors Hall 304 4 th (g) if there is more than one registered owner of the th CrestonKaslo Comm Complex 312-19 AveKaslo N, Creston, BC BC Seniors Hall 304 4 St, common, and one areregistered individuals whoofare (g) if there is more than owner the not holding WATSON Aimee 1622 Duthie St, Kaslo District Office 202 Lakeside Dr,BC Nelson, BC property, only oneindividuals of those individuals may, with F LEPAPE 74 Johnstone Rd, Nelson Regional Regional District Office 202 Lakeside Dr, Nelson, property, only one of those may, withor the property in trust for a corporation another trust; F LEPAPE Kevin Kevin 74 Johnstone Rd, Nelson the writtenofconsent of theofmajority of the owners, NEWELL Tom 3224 Heddle Rd, Nelson the written consent the majority the owners, ELECTORAL AREA D NEWELL TomProcterRd 3224E, Heddle Rd, Nelson (f) you must notasbe entitled to register as a resident ELECTORAL E FAUST Ramona 8496 Procter register a non-resident property elector. ELECTORAL AREA E AREA E register as a non-resident property elector. Lardeau ValleyBalfour CommSenior Hall Hall Highway 31, Meadow BC BC Busk St,Ck, Balfour, Elector for that area; MARKEN Rick G CUNNINGHAM 4185Hans Kays Rd, Nelson Hans 6907Ymir 3rd Ave, Ymir Balfour Senior Hall 8435 Busk8435 St, Balfour, BC G CUNNINGHAM 6907 3rd Ave, Regional District Office 202 Lakeside Dr,BC Nelson, BC Kaslo Seniors Hall 304 4thLakeside St, Kaslo BC electors not on thelist Voters list and (g) Non-Resident if there is more than one registered of the KRAUS Werner 380 Boulder Cr Rd, Salmo Regional District Office 202 Dr, Nelson, Non-Resident electors not on the Voters andowner KRAUS Werner 380 Boulder Cr Rd, Salmo wishing to on register will be to required Regional District Office 202 Lakeside Dr, Nelson, BC property, only oneonday ofvoting those individuals may, to with wishing to register voting will beday required F LEPAPE Kevin 74 Johnstone Rd, Nelson ELECTORAL AREA F produce the following: Rick 3951B Broadwater Rd, RobsonELECTORAL AREA F produce the thefollowing: written consent of the majority of the owners, J SMITH Rick Heddle 3951B Rd, Robson NEWELL Tom J SMITH 3224 Rd,Broadwater Nelson Regional District Office 202 Lakeside Dr, Nelson, BC th Ave, Castlegar • 2ofpieces of identification (at least one ZAITSOFF RegionalAREA District Office 202 Lakeside Dr, Nelson, BC ELECTORAL E • register 2 pieces (atproperty least one aswith aidentification non-resident elector. ZAITSOFF Gordon Gordon 2005 14th2005 Ave, 14 Castlegar a signature) to prove identity; with a signature) to prove identity; Balfour Senior Hall 8435 Busk St, Balfour, BC rd ELECTORAL AREA G G CUNNINGHAM HansK MCAULAY 6907 3 Ave, Ymir 214 Maple St, Fauquier • Evidence of ownership of the real Deborah ELECTORAL AREA G • Evidenceelectors of ownership of the real K MCAULAY Deborah 214 Maple St, Fauquier Regional DistrictSalmo Office 202 Lakeside Dr, Comm Centre 206 7th Nelson, St,BC Salmo,BC BC Non-Resident notofon Voters list and property thethe following): KRAUS WernerPETERSON 380Paul Boulder Cr Rd, 132 Salmo Paul Burton Centre 206 7th St, Salmo, property (any of the(any following): PETERSON 132 Burton Main Rd, Main BurtonRd, Burton Salmo Comm Regional District Office 202 Lakeside Dr, Nelson, BC wishing to register on day be required to o ofvoting state of titlewill certificate; Regional District Office 202 Lakeside Dr, Nelson, BC o state title certificate; ELECTORAL AREA F o registered agreement produce the following: VOTING DAY:Rd, Robson J SMITH Rick GENERAL 3951B Broadwater o registered agreement for sale; for sale; GENERAL VOTING DAY: ELECTORAL AREA J oof identification property notice (last) or; Regional District Office ELECTORAL AREA J 202 Lakeside Dr, thNelson, BC • 2opieces (at one property tax noticetax (last) or; least ZAITSOFF Gordon 2005 14th Ave, Castlegar BC 2101Castlegar, 6 Ave, Castlegar, o assessment property assessment GENERAL VOTING DAY will be SATURDAY, NOVEMBER BC CastlegarCastlegar Complex Complex2101 6th Ave, o a property GENERAL VOTING DAY will be SATURDAY, NOVEMBER with signature) to provenotice identity;notice • Written consent of a majority of the 15, 2014 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm for G • • Written consent of of aownership majority of the 2014 between hoursSt, of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm for ELECTORAL AREA Evidence thethat real ELECTORAL K MCAULAY 15,Deborah 214the Maple Fauquier otherowners property (ifof any) they QUALIFIED ELECTORS of the REGIONAL OF ELECTORAL AREA K AREA K other property (ifowners any) that they QUALIFIED ELECTORS of the REGIONAL DISTRICTDISTRICT OF Salmo Comm Centre 7thth St,200 Salmo, BCNakusp, BC Nakusp Sports206 Centre 8th Ave, property (any of the following): PETERSON CENTRAL Paul CENTRAL 132 Burton Main Rd, Burton are entitled to register for the jointly KOOTENAY at the following locations: Nakusp Sports Centre 200 8 Ave, Nakusp, BC are entitled to register for the jointly KOOTENAY at the following locations: Fauquier Communication Centre 344 Spruce St, Fauquier BC Regional DistrictCommunication Office 202 Lakeside Dr, Nelson, BC BC o property. state of(Consent titlemay certificate; owned form Fauquier Centre 344 Spruce St, Fauquier owned property. (Consent form be may be downloaded from the RDCK website ELECTORAL o registered agreement for sale; GENERAL VOTING DAY: downloaded from the RDCK website ELECTORAL AREA BAREA B A recent in provincial legislation now enables ELECTORAL Jinchange at o Erickson Elem School 3523 3, Highway 3, Erickson, BC A recentAREA change provincial legislation now enables property tax notice (last) or; at Erickson Elem School 3523 Highway Erickson, BC any qualified elector to vote on Advance Voting Day. th Canyon Elem School 4575 Canyon/Lister Rd, Canyon, BC any qualified elector to vote on Advance Voting Day. Castlegar Complex 2101 6 Ave, Castlegar, BC Canyon Elem 4575 Canyon/Lister Rd, Canyon, BC o property assessment notice GENERAL VOTING DAY willSchool be SATURDAY, NOVEMBER to the Local Government Act, no Lister Comm Hall 3461 16th St, Lister, BC PursuantPursuant Government Act,a no Lister Hall St,pm Lister, ELECTORS: •to the Local Written consent majorityasofanthe 15, 2014 between theComm hours of 8:00 am3461 and16th 8:00 for BC Rd, Kitchener, BCELIGIBLEELIGIBLE corporation is entitled to beofregistered ELECTORS: Kitchener Comm Hall 6253 Kitchener corporation is entitled to be registered as an elector elector Kitchener Comm Hall 6253 Kitchener Rd, Kitchener, BC ELECTORAL AREA K Local Government Actthe setsqualifications out the qualifications for property owners (if any) they QUALIFIED ELECTORS of Hall theComm REGIONAL DISTRICT OF orrepresentative have other a representative registered as anthat elector Yahk Hall8790 Railway 8790Ave, Railway Ave, BC The LocalThe Government Act sets out for or have a registered as an elector th Yahk Comm Yahk, BCYahk,Nakusp electors at Local Government Sportsentitled Centretoentitled 8voteAve, Nakusp, BC andVoting and and no corporation isto entitled to for vote. Creston Comm Complex 312-19th Ave N, BC Creston, BC electors vote200 at to Local Government Voting areisentitled register the jointly CENTRAL KOOTENAY at the Complex following locations: and no corporation entitled to vote. Creston Comm 312-19th Ave N, Creston, if youand qualify, andnot youon are listFauquier of you electors,BC you Fauquier Communication 344 Spruce St, if you qualify, you Centre are thenot liston of the electors, owned property. (Consent form may be mayatregister time by of voting by completing the VOTING BY MAIL: may register the timeatofthe voting completing the VOTING BY MAIL:downloaded from the RDCK website ELECTORAL AREA B ELECTORAL ELECTORAL AREA DAREA D required application form available at the voting place. The RDCK hasenacted recentlyaenacted a bylaw which Kaslo Legion Hall 403 5th St, Kaslo, BC A recent required application form available at the voting place. change in provincial legislation now enables The RDCK has recently bylaw which Kaslo Legion Hall 403 5th St, Kaslo, BC at Erickson Elem School Ainsworth 3523 Highway 3, Erickson, BC31, Ainsworth, BC To registerToyou register you must meet the qualifications: following qualifications: authorizes voting by mail ballot and establishes the Comm Hall Highway must meet the following any qualified elector to vote on Advance Voting Day. authorizes voting by mail ballot and establishes the Ainsworth Comm Hall Highway 31, Ainsworth, BC Canyon Elem School Lardeau 4575 Canyon/Lister Canyon, procedures therefor. The only who electors who may Comm Hall Rd, Highway 31,BC Meadow procedures therefor. The only electors may Lardeau Vly CommVly Hall Highway 31, Meadow Ck, BC Ck, BC Qualifications for a Resident Pursuant to mail the Local Government Lister Comm Hall 3461 16th St,Hall Lister, BC voteballot by are the following: Act, no Qualifications for a Resident Elector: Elector: Argenta Comm Argenta Rd, BC Argenta, BC vote by mail areballot the following: Argenta Comm Hall Argenta Rd, Argenta, ELIGIBLE Must meet of the following requirements: MustELECTORS: meet all of the all following requirements: corporation is entitled to be registered as an elector Kitchener Comm Hall 6253 Kitchener Rd, Kitchener, BC (a) onVoting General Voting Dayqualifications you must be years eighteen The Local Act sets out for years or have (a) awho persons have aregistered physical disability, (a) Government on General Day you the must be eighteen ELECTORAL representative as anillness, elector Yahk Comm HallELECTORAL 8790 Railway Ave,EYahk, BC (a) persons havewho a physical disability, illness, AREA EAREA of age or older;Government Voting and electors entitled toorvote at Local or injury that affects their ability to vote at an other of age older; Balfour Senior Hall Busk St,BC Balfour, BC and no corporation is entitled to vote. or injury that affects their ability to vote at an other Creston Comm Complex 312-19th Ave N, Creston, BC Balfour Senior Hall 8435 Busk8435 St, Balfour, (b) you must be a Canadian citizen; rd voting opportunity; and (b) you must a Canadian citizen; Procter Comm Hall 3 St,BC Procter, BC if you qualify, and youbeare not on the list of electors, you voting opportunity; and Procter Comm Hall 246 3rd St,246 Procter, (c) you haveinresided in British Columbia in (b) who persons who to be absent from the Regional (c) you musttime havemust Columbia in Blewett Elementary School 2665Rd, Blewett Rd,BC Nelson, mayBCregister at the ofresided voting byBritish completing the (b) VOTING persons to expect be absent from the Regional BlewettDElementary School 2665 Blewett Nelson, BY expect MAIL: accordance with Section 52 of the Local ELECTORAL AREA District ofKootenay Central Kootenay on theand General and District 202 Office 202 Lakeside Dr,BC Nelson, BC accordance withavailable Section 52atofthe thevoting Local place. District of Central on the General Regional Regional District Office Lakeside Dr, Nelson, required application form Government least six months The RDCK has recently enacted a bylaw which Kaslo Legion Hall 403 5th St, Kaslo, BC Advance Voting Days. Government Act for at Act leastforsixatmonths Advance Voting Days. To register you must meet the following qualifications: immediately preceding the day of registration; authorizes voting by mail ballot and establishes the AREA F Ainsworth Comm Hall ELECTORAL Highway 31, Ainsworth, BC immediately preceding the day of registration; ELECTORAL AREA F

Beasley 5095 Highway 3A, S.BC Slocan, BC Lardeau Vly Comm Hall Fire Highway 31,5095 Meadow Ck,3A, BCS. Slocan, Beasley Hall Fire Hall Highway Qualifications for a Resident Elector: North Shore Comm Hall 675 Road,BC Nelson, BC Argenta Comm Hall Argenta Rd, Argenta, BCWhitmore North Shore Comm Hall 675 Whitmore Road, Nelson, North Hall Greenwood 2703 Greenwood Rd,BC Nelson, MustBC meet all of the following requirements: North Shore FireShore Hall Fire2703 Rd, Nelson, Regional District Office 202 Lakeside Dr, Nelson,(a) BC on General Voting Day you must be eighteen years Regional ELECTORAL AREA E District Office 202 Lakeside Dr, Nelson, BC of age or older; Balfour Senior Hall 8435 Busk St, Balfour, BC (b) you must be a Canadian citizen; Procter Comm Hall 246 3rd St, Procter, BC (c) you must have resided in British Columbia in Blewett Elementary School 2665 Blewett Rd, Nelson, BC accordance with Section 52 of the Local Regional District Office 202 Lakeside Dr, Nelson, BC Government Act for at least six months immediately preceding the day of registration; ELECTORAL AREA F

Beasley Fire Hall North Shore Comm Hall North Shore Fire Hall Regional District Office

5095 Highway 3A, S. Slocan, BC 675 Whitmore Road, Nelson, BC 2703 Greenwood Rd, Nelson, BC 202 Lakeside Dr, Nelson, BC

they are easy to make. Just rinse the pumpkin seeds to remove pulp then lay the seeds on a piece of paper towel to dry. Next, put the seeds in a bowl with a bit of vegetable oil and your favourite flavouring (Mrs. Dash, seasoning salt), or cinnamon and brown sugar. Finally, spread the seeds in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake at 350°F, stirring occasionally until light brown and crisp (about 1525 minutes).

Looking for a way to use up that left over pumpkin puree? Check out this tasty and healthy muffin recipe from Healthy Families BC: www. home/blog/pumpkin-raisin-muffinstracy-nash. Happy pumpkin season! — Living Well is a column supplied by Interior Health Authority and written by Simone Jennings.

Qualified electorstoThe wishing vote by mail ballot must procedures electors who may Qualified electorstherefor. wishing voteonly bytomail ballot must apply to apply to the RDCK before 4:00 p.m., November mail ballot the following: thevote RDCKby before 4:00 p.m.,are November 13, 2014.13, 2014.

Randy Matheson, Chief Elections Officer Randy Chief Elections Officer disability, (a) Matheson, persons whoDeputy have aChief physical illness, Anitra Winje, Elections Anitra Winje, Deputy Chief Elections Officer Officer

News at your...

or injury that affects their ability to vote at an other voting opportunity; and (b) persons who expect to be absent from the Regional District of Central Kootenay on the General and Advance Voting Days.

Qualified electors wishing to vote by mail ballot must apply to the RDCK before 4:00 p.m., November 13, 2014.

Randy Matheson, ChiefElections Election Officer Matheson, Chief Winje, Deputy Anitra Winje, DeputyChief ChiefElections Election Officer Officer


Castlegar News Thursday, October 16, 2014 A23

Juans Flooring Hardwood Floors Wholesale 100% Canadian - Maple & R Oak 2 1/4 x 3/4 pref Bistro $4.39/SF North Plank 3 1/4 x 3/4 $5.39/SF Import Eng H/S (Smooth) from $3.99/SF Cork click or glue down from $2.49/SF Bamboo - Slate

HAIR CARE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! We carry a selection of AG & Pravana products. Book an appointment with Lanette, Alexa,Colleen or Christine Evenings by appointment. The Best Defense Is An Intense Defense Fence, Fence Company

The Best Defense Is An Intense Defense Fence, Fence Company Everyone has a Honey-To-Do list that just isn’t getting done... That’s where we come in, not just building fences but building relationships. Chainsaw work Fencing House/property maintenance, Labour contracts Wood construction Landscaping, and whatever else you can think of Crispin WankelShaw: 250-304-7732

Walk-Ins Monday 9:30am - 2pm | Tues - Sat 9:30am - 5pm Welcome! 2327 6th Ave. | 250-304-6933

At Juan’s, 1503 Hwy 3A Thrums (Castlegar) B.C. Mon to Sat 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (250)399-6377


• Interior, Exterior, Commercial, Residential • Texturing, Patch in Texture • Re-paint stippled ceilings • Complete wood finishing and refinishing • Airless Spraying • Free Reasonable Estimates We Appreciate Our Customers.


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Thursday, October 16, 2014 Castlegar News


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How to place a

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Call Or Drop by our office at Unit #2, 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar, BC 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday Classified Deadline 4pm Monday



Coming Events

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Castlegar Arts Council Box 3501, Castlegar, BC V1N 3W3

Annual General Meeting 5:30 - 6:15 pm, Tuesday November 4, 2014 Castlegar Community Complex

2101 6th Avenue, Castlegar BC

Everyone Welcome!


MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851. PAMPER YOURSELF!!! Treat yourself to the ultimate in total relaxation!!! French/Swedish 10 am - 10 pm, 7/days Call 250-608-0206


CLASS 1 LINE HAUL COMPANY DRIVERS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway Line Haul Drivers based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training.

$1000 Signing Bonus & Above Average Rates To join our team of professional drivers, please send off a resume and current driver’s abstract to: For more info about Line Haul, call Bev, 604-968-5488 Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.

Employment Automotive

PARTS PERSON required for a growing progressive auto/industrial supplier. Experienced applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses working 5 day work week, plus moving allowances. See our community at Send resume to: Sapphire Auto & Industrial, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email: SERVICE DEPARTMENT Personnel required. Busy expanding Chrysler dealership 40 minutes from Edmonton looking for individuals to fill the following position: Journeyman Automotive Service Technicians. Flat rate system. Wages commensurate with training level and experience. Chrysler experience preferred but not essential, apprentices considered. Apply in person or by writing to: Brown’s Chrysler Ltd., 10447 - 104 Ave., Westlock, AB, T7P 2E4. 1-888-3495566. Fax: 1-780-349-6493. Attention: Dale Marshall or

Business Opportunities

GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website





Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Little Scholars Children’s Village is now hiring an ECE for our Infant/Toddler program. Please visit our News section on our website for more information.

Line Cook

HIGHWAY OWNER OPERATORS $3500 SIGNING BONUS Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Highway linehaul Owner Operators based in our Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Join the Family – The Burger Family!

To join our team of professional drivers, email a detailed resume, current driver’s abstract & details of your truck to: Call 604-968-5488 Fax: 604-587-9889 Only those of interest will be contacted.

Do you like working in an action filled fast paced environment Castlegar A&W has the job for you We Have Full-time Kitchen shifts available We offer competitive wages and benefits Apply in person or online at

Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.


Education/Trade Schools

– The West Kootenay Tourism Alliance (WKTA) is requesting proposals from an individual or team with expertise in marketing for phase two of the ‘West Koot Route’ branding project. Deliverables include: a business plan for the brand, with a view to making the initiative self-sustainable; a two-year marketing plan; and an updated website (www.westkootroute. ca). All parties interested in this project may request the detailed RFP Guidelines Document by emailing, with ‘RFP WKTA’ in the subject line. Deadline for proposals: Nov. 3 at 5 pm. The project is to be completed by May 15, 2015.

APARTMENT/CONDO MANAGER TRAINING • Certified Home Study Course • Jobs Registered Across Canada • Gov. Certified 35 Years of Success!

Experienced Server

Help Wanted

needed at The Greek Oven drop resume at back door between 9 - 11 Tues to Sat 400 Columbia Ave, Castlegar ask for Peter

We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package.

Help Wanted


CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program. STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.


needed at The Greek Oven bring in resume after 2 pm Tuesday to Saturday ask for Lenore

Career Opportunity

Career Opportunity

The Grand Forks Gazette and Boundary Creek Times in the beautiful Boundary region of B.C. have an immediate opening for the position of Publisher. These two community papers are published weekly and have an extensive distribution network throughout the Boundary region. Both papers are the No.1 news source in the Boundary and have been committed to serving its communities with in-depth local news, sports, entertainment, events and happenings for many years.

Advertising Sales Representative Grand Forks Gazette The Grand Forks Gazette has an opening for a full-time Advertising Sales Representative. The successful candidate will be part of a dynamic and fun, but results-oriented team, and will be able to meet and exceed sales targets by deepening relationships with existing clients, while at the same time developing new business for the newspaper. The ability to work independently in an extremely fast paced environment while adhering to deadlines is a must. Candidates considered for the position will be results oriented, strong communicators, and be willing to learn and adapt in an ever-changing business environment. The successful candidate will also be an active member of the community and be willing to get behind community initiatives and events with a positive and helpful attitude. A vehicle and a valid driver’s license is required.

This is a management and sales position. We are looking for a community-minded and communityactive individual who is a self-starter and can lead our team both in print and digital platforms. Ideally, you should have a good understanding of all facets of newspaper operations with emphasis on sales and marketing. As publisher, you will be instrumental in developing a multi platform strategy for the newspaper and its online initiatives, as it continues to serve a rapidly expanding and diverse marketplace. If you are a critical thinker, customer driven and possess strong entrepreneurial skills, Black Press wants to hear from you. Both papers are part of Black Press, Canada’s largest private, independent newspaper company, with over 150 community, daily and urban newspapers located in BC, Alberta, Washington State, Ohio and Hawaii. Please send your resume, with cover letter to Chuck Bennett, at

We offer a great working environment with a better than average compensation plan, along with a strong benefit package. Black Press has over 170 community newspapers across Canada and the United States and for the proven candidate the opportunities are endless. Please submit your resume with a cover letter to Chuck Bennett at

School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) The School District is seeking applications from qualified persons for the On-Call List in the following area: Clerical: • Business College Certificate in Office Administration or equivalent • A minimum of two (2) years of recent experience in a secretarial or clerical position • Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite on PC and/or Mac Platforms • Rates of Pay: Library Asst-$22.26/hr; Office Asst-$23.01/hr; Administrative Asst-$24.34/hr Direct Student Support: • Completion of Classroom and Community Support Worker Program or Special Education Assistant Certificate or Special Needs Worker Program or equivalent training. • Rates of Pay: Education Asst/Child Care Worker - $23.27/hr; Child & Youth Care - $24.34/hr. General Qualifications: • Grade 12 or equivalent • Valid WHMIS Certificate • Valid Class 5 Drivers License For full position details including qualifications please refer to the Careers with SD20 section of our website at www. Closing date of accepting applications is 12:00 NOON on Monday, October 20, 2014. Send applications including cover letter, resume and references including contact information (email and phone number) to Mrs. Marcy VanKoughnett, Director of Human Resources, School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia), 2001 Third Ave, Trail, BC V1R 1R2 (Fax: 250-364-2470). Please send electronic applications to It is understood that applicants agree to confidential reference checks of all previous employers. We appreciate your interest but regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) SNOW REMOVAL TENDER 2014 - 15 Tenders will be received up to 12:00 noon, October 17th, 2014 for snow removal at any or all of the following School District sites: • Castlegar Primary Campus • Fruitvale Elementary School • Glenmerry Elementary School • J.L. Crowe Secondary School • J.L. Webster Elementary School • Kinnaird Elementary School • Robson Community School • Stanley Humphries Secondary School • Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre (formerly - Trail Middle School) • Twin Rivers Elementary School • Rossland Summit School Please indicate schools or sites preferred. Bids will be accepted for both multiple or single sites. Tenders must specify a flat rate to clear the snow at each site each snow removal day and include all costs. Plowing is to commence after 2” of snow or better is on the ground. Plowing is to commence after 4 am and be completed prior to 7 am. Please submit your WCB Registration Number with tender. Tender should be marked “SNOW REMOVAL TENDER.” Further information can be obtained from Heather Simm, Director of Operations at 250-364-2224/ext. 801 OR 250-365-8331/ext. 801 OR The Board reserves the right to reject any or all tenders. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Please address all tenders to: Heather Simm, Director of Operations School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) Operations Centre 1101 - 6th Street, Castlegar, BC V1N 4C4 Emailed tenders will also be accepted

Castlegar News Thursday, October 16, 2014

Integra Tire, Woody’s Tire & Auto is looking for an experienced full time TIRE TECHNICIAN If you have experience mounting and balancing tires, are available for full time employment, and work well in a fast paced environment please contact Woody at Phone 250-364-1208 or in person at 1995 Columbia Ave in Trail

ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators. Meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-780-7235051.

Help Wanted Local Logging Co. looking to hire a yarder operator & hook tender, experienced preferred Contact 250-226-7337 after 6 pm Snow Plowing experienced operators of loaders backhoes, Skid steers & pick-ups For snow season 2014 -15 Castlegar fax or email resume & driver abstract to 250-365-5524 or email for more info 250-365-5013 Very busy Okanagan Subaru dealership requires immediately a Service Manager.Must enjoy a fastpaced working environment and have a minimum of fiveyears automotive management experience including, parts, service, and warranty. This is a full-time position which includes competitive wages and full benefit package.Please reply in person, email or fax your resume to: Hilltop Subaru. 4407 27th Street Vernon BC Atten: Dayna Kosmino Fax: 250-542-1778



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Auto Financing


Financial Services

Misc. for Sale

Apt/Condo for Rent

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A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. SPECIAL Trades are welcome. 40’Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders. Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator. Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit online:

Very nice 3 bdrm, 2 level apartment in north Castlegar $1150/mth + damage deposit includes heat & power, laundry on site, N/P, great location on river bank, Avail Nov 1st Phone 250-365-3333 to view

We’re on the net at Trades, Technical MECHANIC

Required for Westline Ford, in beautiful Vanderhoof, BC...where you can afford to live in comfort. Offering competitive wages & benefits. Apply with resume to:


Health Products

OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil

Buy One Get One



Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750 PAINS & ACHES? Arthritis, Rheumatism, Joints/Muscles. Try +Arthri-Plus. Canadian made all natural topical spray pain reliever- non sticky pleasant scent. Now at Walmart. 1-855597-8240.

TAX FREE MONEY is available, if you are a homeowner, today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

Garden & Lawn Fall Rototilling Call Dana 250-365-0110

Home Improvements FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.

Castlegar 2712 - 5th Ave Sat & Sun, Oct 18 & 19, 8 - 2 TRAIL, 1330 Esplanade. Indoor Market. Sat. Oct.11&18, 10-3. Farmers produce, baked goods, arts & crafts. Vendor tables available $10. 250-3686076 Lots of Free Items!

Topsoil, Sand, Road Gravel Fill with delivery call for prices 250.359.7188 c:250.304.8158 Rubber Tire Backhoe, Mini Excavator & dump truck service

Misc. for Sale

Misc. Wanted

Merchandise for Sale

Garage Sales

Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014

Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-499-0251. Local.

Obituaries and Memorials

Duplex / 4 Plex 2 Bdrm, 2 bath, Grandview Age 55+ $1200/mth + utilities Jon 250-365-3168

Homes for Rent Castlegar 3 Bdrm House 2 level, by No Frills, carport F/S, W/D DW, 2 bath, N/S References required, Avail Nov 1st, $900/mth + utilities 250-362-5468. 608-4949 Mobile Home in Thrums 3 bdrms, deck, F/S, W/D in quiet 15 unit park 250-304-9273.

RV Pads Cascade Cove RV Park will have some fully serviced sites available for permanent yearly rental. For info please ph.250447-9510 or 250-666-0186.

Suites, Upper Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apartment, Bright & Spacious F/S, Laundry on site,close to amenities, N/S, N/P $725/mth + utilities Call 359-7819


Vehicle Wanted

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Bayshore Home Health is currently seeking Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses for night shifts (with the possibility of day shifts in the future) in the Castlegar/Nelson area working with children with complex care needs. If you are an RN or LPN & love working with children and their families, we would appreciate hearing from you. Pediatric experience is an asset and we do offer client specific training.

Merchandise for Sale

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Charles Duncan “Chuck”


1946 ~ 2014 In Loving Memory

Gloria Taylor March 30, 1948 - October 4, 2012

Your gentle face and patient smile With sadness we recall You had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all Love Forever Mom, Shirley, Patty, Betty, Jason, Clint & Gabby

To honor your loved one in the Castlegar News, please contact us at 250-365-6397 or by email:

Chuck passed away peacefully with his wife Pat by his side on Monday, October 6, 2014 at the South Okanagan General Hospital at the age of 68. Lovingly remembered by wife, Patricia, Chuck’s son, Chuck A. Foresi and grandchild, Logan Foresi; missed by Christopher Kling and Sheri (Jason Davidson) and their children, Cheyenne and Kayley. Survived by sister, Linda (Mark Danoff) and Joanne; predeceased by son, Michael Foresi and sister, Claudia Tye. Chuck previously was the National Director of Compassionate Friends of Canada. He was also the National Chaplain for the Evangelical Christian Church in Canada (Christian Disciples). A Celebration of his Life will be held at a later date. As an expression of sympathy, donations to Compassionate Friends of Canada, 3153 Marion Way, Nanaimo, B.C. V9T 3Z8 would be appreciated by the family. Arrangements entrusted to Blaine Krist at: Graham Funeral Home 5920 Kootenay Street, Oliver, B.C. Your message of condolence or to share a memory of Chuck may be sent to


Thursday, October 16, 2014 Castlegar News



service above self International Rotary exchange students

Three children waiting to get their picture taken —HELP Honduras photo

Rotary’s HELP Honduras enables families HELP Honduras is a registered charity controlled by Rotarians in the Kootenays whose primary goal is to positively affect the health and education of the working poor in Honduras. There are members and donors throughout B.C.. There is some very good news. The Global Grant from The Rotary Foundation (TRF) has been approved and will cover the 2015 year. Global Grant 5 will continue the work started by the first four. All five Global Grants were developed with input from TRF staff with the goal of increasing the sustainability of our program in Tegucigalpa. The core of the grant is the Economic Opportunities Training (EOT). Approximately 620 mothers have taken the EOT and have successfully improved their businesses and thus their family income. Every woman that takes the EOT has to support at least one of their children in education; we now have 825 less students needing sponsorships. The Global Grants have also paid for job search training for Grade 11 and 12 students and they have been better able to find jobs. Global Grant 5 includes sponsorship for 210 secondary students and 120 primary students. We hope to add 900 sponsorships from existing and new sponsors so that all our students can attend school. The Rotary Foundation has approved another Global Grant for Kelowna Sunrise Rotary, dealing with Early Childhood Stimulation. It will empower 200 mothers to enable their children under five to succeed in future education by providing health and learning services. Unfortunately, the bad news is that the Canadian Rotary Collaboration for International Development (CRCID) will not be sending any funds for at least a year. CRCID submitted a proposal from HELP Honduras and eight other Rotary groups to the Government of Canada, of which only 2 were approved. Ours was not one of them. Thus we need to raise another $23,000 US for staff. For that reason we are going to ask both Rotary clubs and individual sponsors to donate to cover those costs. If we cannot get close to that amount by December, some or all of those staff members will have to be laid off.

Castlegar Rotary Club president, Kim Morris, welcomes Chloe Hubert, the Club’s second exchange student. 17 year old Chloe is from the south of France. She is excited about the opportunity to become fluently bilingual and is curious but a little apprehensive about our Canadian winter. — Jaakko Hartman photo

Castlegar Sunrise Club President Marvin Smith exchanges banners and welcomes one of this year’s exchange students. Yunus Ozbas is from Turkey and will spend the next year living and going to school in Castlegar. The students live with three different host families during their stay. — Gregg Zeigler photo

Roses are red...or pink...or yellow...

WORLD POLIO DAY October 24 Wayne Groutage Both of Castlegar’s Rotary Clubs hold events to raise funds to support their service projects. Most of the projects that are reported on are ones in the community like the Skateboard Park, the Millennium Outdoor Exercise Equipment, and the highway interchange fountain. However, some of the funds that are raised go to projects that benefit a much wider community. In the case of PolioPlus – the world. October 24, designated World Polio Day by Rotary International, is a reminder of Rotary’s part in the fight to eradicate polio, which would be only the second human disease to be eradicated. Only three countries (Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan) have never stopped transmission of the wild poliovirus. The choice of October 24 is significant – it’s the birthday of Jonas Salk, who led the first team to develop a vaccine against poliomyelitis. Since the development of the vaccine, the incidence, and the fear of contracting polio has virtuallly disappeared from North America. However, in the 1950s, outbreaks reached epidemic proportions. We only have to look at today’s concern of the possibility of an Ebola epidemic to sense what parents and their children went through prior to the development of the vaccine. The polio epidemic of 1952, the worst in US and Canadian history, affected over 60,000 children with several deaths, and over 20,000 left with mild to disabling paralysis. In 1988 Rotary, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention came together to launch the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Since then, there has been a

99 per cent drop in the number of polio cases — from $350,000 a year to just 223 in 2012. For a region to be certified polio free, it must go 3 years without any reported cases. The Western Pacific, European, and Americas regions have been certified, and just recently, India was certified joined the list. Rotary worldwide made polio eradication its top priority and Rotary members have contributed $1.3 billion, its members have logged countless volunteer hours to help immunize more than two billion children in 122 countries. As well, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has contributed $1.8 billion dollars to the program. One of the biggest problems in the last remaining areas is Government instability. After attacks on aid workers in Pakistan and Nigeria, national governments and Rotary’s partner agencies began adapting operations to protect the safety of health workers. Health teams work with security agencies to go quickly into dangerous areas to immunize children, usually for a maximum of 2 days. In Pakistan, police protect teams doing door-to-door campaigns, and in other areas, teams ride in vans escorted by police to avoid becoming easy targets for terrorists. A highly infectious disease, polio still strikes children mainly under the age of five and can cause paralysis and sometimes death. There is no cure for polio, but for as little as 60 cents per oral vaccine, a child can be protected from the disease for life. Both of the Castlegar Rotary Clubs have made significant contributions to the program. The goal is to completely eradicate the disease by 2018.

New Rotary Sunrise Club executive

It’s always a pleasant surprise to have a dozen roses delivered to you. The annual Castlegar Rotary Club Thanksgiving Rotary Rose sale is one of the Club’s most popular fund-raisers. This year, over 700 dozen roses were ordered and delivered to homes and businesses in greater Castlegar. — Wayne Groutage photo

Castlegar Sunrise Rotary Club meets Thursdays at 6:45 a.m. Selkirk College, 301 Frank Beinder Way, Faculty Lounge Castlegar BC

The Castlegar Sunrise 2000 Rotary Club installed their new executive for the 2014-15 year. From left -- Rick Miller (Director-Club Service), Gregg Ziegler (VP), Ron Ross (Past President), Marvin Smith (President), Rhonda Sorenson (DirectorClub Service), Fred Hughes (Secretary), Darlene Kalawsky (Director-Community Service), Norm McCarvell (District Governor). Missing from picture -- Sue Hackett (Treasurer), Gerry Rempel (Director-Vocational Service), Geoff Yule (Director- New Generations), Shannan Laktin (Director-International service). — Gregg Ziegler photo

Castlegar Rotary Club meets Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Community Complex, 2101-6th Avenue Castlegar BC

Castlegar News Thursday, October 16, 2014 A27



ER . 31 F F T



0 84 + NEXT YEAR %



















68 0 0 $






Offer includes delivery, destination and fees. Offer based on 2015 Sportage LX MT (SP551F) with a selling price of $24,782.





Sorento EX shown hwy / city 100km: 9.0L/12.7L

Sportage SX Luxury shown hwy / city 100km: 7.0L/10.0L





Forte SX shown hwy / city 100km: 5.3L/8.0L







76 0 0


Offer includes delivery, destination, fees and a $4,503 cash credit¤. Offer based on 2015 Forte LX MT (FO541F) with a selling price of $17,502.






Offer includes delivery, destination, fees and a $1,250 loan rebate†. Offer based on 2015 Sorento LX AT (SR75BF) with a selling price of $27,532.




Sportage SX AT Luxury AWD shownΔ

Optima SX Turbo AT shownΔ




Rio4 SX with Navigation shownΔ






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Offer(s) available on select new 2014/2015 models through participating dealers to qualified retail customers who take delivery from October 1 to 31, 2014. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All offers are subject to change without notice. All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,665, other fees and certain levies (including tire levies) and $100 A/C charge (where applicable) and excludes licensing, registration, insurance, other taxes and variable dealer administration fees (up to $699). Other dealer charges may be required at the time of purchase. Other lease and financing options also available. ≠Representative finance example: 0% financing offer for up to 84 months available to qualified retail customers on approved credit for the new 2015 Sportage LX MT FWD (SP551F)/2015 Sorento 2.4L LX AT (SR75BF) with a selling price of $24,782/$27,532 and includes delivery and destination fees of up to $1,665, tire tax and AMVIC fee of $22 and a $0/$1,250 loan rebate. 364 weekly payments of $68/$76 for 84 months with $0 down payment. Credit fees of $0. Total obligation is $24,782/$27,532. See retailer for complete details. ∞Cash purchase price offer for the new 2015 Forte LX MT (FO541F) with a selling price of $12,999 includes delivery and destination fees of $1,485, tire tax and AMVIC fee of $22 and a $4,503 cash credit (including a $3 dealer contribution). See retailer for complete details. *Cash bonus amounts are offered on select 2014/2015 models and are deducted from the negotiated purchase price before taxes. Available on finance, lease or cash purchase offers. Offer varies by trim. Certain conditions apply. $7,000/$5,000/$5,000/$3,750 maximum cash bonus amount only available on the 2014 Sedona EX Luxury (SD75CE)/2014 Optima SX AT (OP749E)/2014 Sportage SX AT (SP758E)/2014 Rio4 SX AT (RO748E). †Loan rebate amounts are offered on select 2014/2015 models and are deducted from the negotiated purchase price before taxes. Available on financing offer only. Offer varies by trim. Certain conditions apply. Offer ends October 31, 2014. See your dealer for complete details. ‡“Don’t Pay Until 2015” on select models (90-day payment deferral) applies to purchase financing offers on 2015 models on approved credit. No interest will accrue during the first 60 days of the finance contract. After this period, interest starts to accrue and the purchaser will repay the principal interest monthly over the term of the contract. Offer ends October 31, 2014. ΔModel shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2015 Forte SX (FO748F)/2015 Sportage SX AT Luxury AWD (SP759F)/2015 Sorento 3.3L EX AT AWD (SR75HF)/2014 Sportage SX AT Luxury AWD (SP759E)/2014 Optima SX Turbo AT (OP748E)/2014 Rio4 SX with Navigation (RO749E) is $26,695/$ 38,495/$34,495/$38,295/$34,795/$22,295. Highway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2015 Sorento LX 2.4L GDI 4-cyl AT/2015 Sportage 2.4L 4-cyl AT/2015 Forte 1.8L MPI 4-cyl MT. These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. The 2014 Kia Sportage received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among small SUVs in a tie in the proprietary J.D. Power 2014 U.S. Initial Quality StudySM. Study based on responses from 86,118 new-vehicle owners, measuring 239 models, and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of owners surveyed from February to May, 2014. Your experiences may vary. Visit Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.


Thursday, October 16, 2014 Castlegar News


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• Slim Design • WifFi Certified LC70LE660 e reserve the right to limit quantities. While we strive• 240 forHzaccuracy in product descriptionLC70EQ10 and pricing (which can be amended without prior notice by the manufacturer), we cannot be held responsible for technical POCKET COIL errors which may appear in this flyer. Product availability may vary from store tofor the store. Some may current Sale Ends October 26th, 2014. UN58H5202 promotional plan (or purchases that are not part ofpictures the credit promotional plan), thenot standardbe APR of identical 29.99% and the termsto of the regular credit planmodels. will apply to all outstanding balances owing. This offer is valid up to and including October 26/2014, cannot be used for previous purchases and cannot be combined with any other offers, promotions or special incentive programs. QUEEN SOLDorAStypographical SETS Sale Ends October 26/2014. TIGHT TOP DOUBLEQUEEN 32” 40” 50” Certain terms and conditions apply. See store and Account Agreement for further information.YOUR





Built on a foundation of Beautyrest Recharge Technology, a combination of Beautyrest Pocketed Coil® Technology, AirCool and Gel Foams, this mattress will give you conforming back support for cool comfortable sleep.






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CASTLEGAR (250) 365-5999 PRINCE RUPERT (250) 624-5060

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Since 1976

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*15 months no interest, no payments S.A.C. on furniture and mattresses and 6 months no interest, no payments S.A.C. on appliances and electronics. Administration fee ($99.95), any delivery charges and a CitiFinancial Canada, Inc. and is subject to all the terms and conditions in your cardholder agreement and the credit promotional plan discloser statement (collectively the “Account Agreement”). Finance Char no minimum payments will be due during the credit promotional period. However, if you pay the purchase price in full by the expiration date of the credit promotional period, all of the accrued Finance Charges promotional plan (or for the purchases that are not part of the credit promotional plan), the standard APR of 29.99% and the terms of the regular credit plan will apply to all outstanding balances owing. This of Serving B.C. & Alberta Certain terms and conditions apply. See store and Account Agreement for fu

Qualifying KitchAid® Appliances Qualifying KitchAid® Appliances

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CitiFinancial Canada, Inc. and is subject to all the terms and conditions in your cardholder agreement SAVE and the credit promotional plan discloser statement (collectively the “Account Agreement”). Finance Charges will accrue on the purchase from the beginning of the credit promotional period 15 months on furniture and mattresses and/or 6 months on electronics and appliances but *Seeof Your Local Store For Details no minimum payments will be due during the credit promotional period. However, if you pay the purchase price in full by the expiration date of the credit promotional period, all of the accrued Finance Charges will be waived and no Financial Charges will be assessed on the purchase. Otherwise, all of the accrued Finance Charges will be assessed. On termination of expiry of the credit $ *See Your Local Store For Details promotional plan (or for the purchases that are not part of the credit promotional plan), the standard APR of 29.99% and the terms of the regular credit plan will apply to all outstanding balances owing. This offer is valid up to and including October 26/2014, cannot be used for previous purchases and cannot be combined with any other offers, promotions or special incentive programs. Certain terms and conditions apply. See store and Account Agreement for further information. Sale Ends October 26/2014. Storage drawers optional ®

SAVE 300 $300 $ cu.ft Maxima® 5.2 cu.ft (IEC) Maxima® 7.4 $ Washer Front Load Dryer Front Load PAIR




Qualifying KitchAid

steam 4.4 cu. ft.(ICE)•Refresh 7.0 cycle cu. ft.with Bravos X™ • Best cleaning enabled by X™ Top • Advanced Dryer moisture sensor PowerWash® CycleBravos 2 IntelliDry® fin/wrinkle Sensor 4.4 •cu. ft.(ICE) 7.0Load cu. steel ft. Bravos •X™ Washer extra• interior Internal heater/stainless • Maytag Bravos X™ • Best cleaning with Power Bravos X™ Dryer control cycle washTop basket Commercial Technology Wash® Cycle • IntelliDry® Sensor • Sanitize Cycle Load Washer • Direct drive motor • Maytag Bravos X™ • Maytag Bravos X™

ft1.7 Over the 1.71.7 cu cu ft Over the 1.7 cu ft Over cu ft Over the the Range Microwave Range Microwave Range Microwave Range Microwave cu.capacity ft. capacity • 1.7• 1.7 cu. ft. 1.7capacity cu. ft. capacity • 1.7 cu.• ft. • 1000 watts • 1000 watts • 1000 watts • 1000 watts • Turntable / Effortless TM • Turntable / Effortless TM • Turntable / Effortless TM • Turntable / Effortless TM Reheat Reheat Reheat Reheat

ned & Operated $$

• Best cleaning with Power Wash® Cycle • Maytag Bravos X™ Commercial Technology • Stainless Steel Wash Basket

2.0 cu.ft. With Sensor

• Stainless steel Cavity and handle

Reg $599• Turntable/400 2 PIECE or -$119.80 cfm DISCOUNT Reg $599 2 PIECE 20 Qualifying KitchAid® Appliances DISCOUNT -$119.80

Commercial Technology

Commercial Technology • Stainless Steel Wash • Sanitize Cycle Basket

We don’t sell. We help you buy!

$499 499 499$499


2.0 cu.ft. Cooking With Sensor • Stainless steel Cavity and handle Cooking Qualifying KitchAid® Appliances • Turntable/400 cfm

6.5 cu.ft. Convection


Stainless Steel Tub Dishwasher

6.5 cu.ft.Range • 10” 3200 watt power™ Convection element metal knobs Range • Die-Cast and stainless steel

With A Minimum of a $500 purchase. BROOKWOOD • 10” 3200 watt power™ handle element • Die-Cast metal knobs Reg $1349 and stainless steel 2 PIECE handle

25 cu.ft French Door Refrigerator With Dual Temp 25 cu.ft French Zones

Door Refrigerator • Wide-N-Fresh™ Deli Drawer With Dual Temp • SmoothClose™ Freezer Zones Drawer Track System

Deli Drawer Reg $1799 ht to limit quantities. While we strive for accuracy in product description and pricing (which can be amended without prior notice by the manufacturer), we cannot beDISCOUNT heldPILLOWTOP responsible for technical Stainless DROPTOP • SmoothClose™ Freezer 2 PIECE Tall Tub Steel Tub Drawer Track System Tall TubTall Tub DISCOUNT Tall Tub Reg $1349 Perfect forSale those who like a firm mattress with its Droptop pillowtop, Stainless Steel ographical errors which may appear in this flyer. Product availability may vary from store to store. Some pictures may not be identical to current Ends October 26th, 2014. Dishwasher Reg $749 models. -$359.80 BUY 1-$269.80 QUALIFYING APPLI Stainless Steel Stainless Steel • Most powerful motor

Stainless Steel Built-in Dishwasher Built-in Dishwasher • Exclusive OrbitClean™ spray arms Built-in Dishwasher Built-in Dishwasher

• Exclusive OrbitClean™ sprayOrbitClean™ arms • Adjustable racks • Exclusive spray arms • Exclusive OrbitClean™ spray arms • Adjustable racks • Largest silverware basket • Adjustable • Adjustable racks racks • Largest silverware basket • Top rack wash/rinse only optionsilverware basket • Largest • Largest silverware basket • Top rack wash/rinse only option • Top rack wash/rinse only option • Top rack wash/rinse only option

$599 $599$ $599 599


$899 $899$ $899 899

5.7 cu ft 30” Electric Range • Keep5.7 warm zone •30” Evenbake technology cu ft5.7 Electric Range 30” Electric Range cu5.7 ft cu 30”ftElectric Range • SpaceWise® expandable elements


$349 - Thurs. 9 am - 6 pm Mon. $349$ $349 349 Fri. 9 am - 8 pm Sat. 9 am - 6 pm • Sun. 11 am - 5 pm • 950 watts • 950 watts • 950 watts • Sunken glass turntable • Sunken glass turntable • Sunken glass turntable

• Full console • Full console with 14 with place14 place settings • Delay start Delay start settingssettings • Delay •start

5.3 cu ft 30” Self Clean Range 5.3 cu ft5.3 30” Self • Store-More storage drawer 30” Self cu5.3 ft cu 30”ftSelf Clean Range • Even bake technology Range CleanClean Range

• Extra-large 12” element • Store-More storage drawer storage drawer • Store-More • Store-More storage drawer • Even bake technology • Even bake technology • Even bake technology • Extra-large 12” element • Extra-large 12” element • Extra-large 12” element

$649 $649$ $



SAVE $300 $699



27.8 cu ft French Door Refrigerator

1.6 cu ft Over the Range Microwave 1.6 cu ft1.6 Over the cu ft Over cu1.6 ft Over the the • 950 watts Range • Sunken glassMicrowave turntable Range Microwave Range Microwave

$369 $369$ $369 369

1999 $1999 $1999 $1999


Reg $749 2 PIECE DISCOUNT -$149.80




• 14 adaptive wash actions

7.4 cu.ft Duet® Front Load Dryer • Eco Boost Option

• Advanced Moisture Sensor dispenser 4.4 cu. ft.(ICE)•• precision 7.0 cu. ft. Bravos X™ • Quad Baffles Smooth wave stainless basket Bravos X™ Top steel washDryer Convertible Hood With Storage drawers optional $ Stainless Steel30” 250Hood CFM FanFans • IntelliDry® Duet® Sensor 4.8 cu.ft (IEC) Duet® 7.4 cu.ft Load Washer • 3 Speed Settings


Maytag Bravos X™ Front •Load Dryer Front• Best Loadcleaning Washerwith Power

Commercial Technology • Eco Boost Option • 14 adaptive washCycle actions Wash® • Advanced MoistureCycle Sensor • precision dispenser • Sanitize • Maytag Bravos X™ • Quad Baffles • Smooth wave stainless Commercial Technology steel wash basket


• Stainless Steel Wash Basket

18 cu ft Top Mount Refrigerator 18 humidity cu ft18 Top Mount • Store-More™ Top Mount cu18 ft cu TopftMount Refrigerator controlled crisper drawers Refrigerator Refrigerator • Full-Width• Deli drawer Store-More™ humidity • Store-More™ • Store-More™ humidityhumidity • Gallon door shelf crisper drawers controlled controlled crisper drawers controlled crisper drawers • Full-Width Deli drawer • Full-Width Deli drawer • Full-Width Deli drawer • Gallon door shelf• Gallon door shelf • Gallon door shelf

$599 $599$ $


$349 • Advanced suspension system • 9 wash cycles

($149 White Also Available)

250 CFM Fan Whirlpool Gold(r) • 3 Speed Settings 30” Vented 300CFM ($149 White Also Available)


Under-Cabinet Hood


• 11 cycles/ 3 temp levels • Automatic dryness control


Whirlpool Gold(r) 30” Vented 300CFM Under-Cabinet Hood

30” Convertible Glass Kitchen Ventilation Hood With 400 CFM Fan






*See Your Local Store For Details

12 MONTHS ON FURNI 1439 20


6 1919 Columbia Ave. Castlegar

Reg $599 2 PIECE DISCOUNT -$119.80 30” Convertible Hood With


3.9 (IEC) cu ft Washer 6.5 cu ft Dryer


Stainless Steel Hood Fans

Storage drawers optional

4.8 cu.ft (IEC) Duet® Front Load Washer


• Wide-N-Fresh™

Reg $1799 reinforced heavy duty coil$ support foams. DISCOUNT 20 system and high density 2 PIECE -$269.80 20 DISCOUNT $1439 BUY 2 1079 QUALIFYING APPLI KING SIZE ALSO AVAILABLE ON SALE

on the market DISCOUNT • 4 blade SS chopper

Resists fingerprints Resists fingerprints Resists fingerprints and cleans easily Resists fingerprints and cleans and cleans and easily cleans easilyeasily

• Full width cool-zone drawer • Effortless™ glide freezer 27.8 cu ft French Door Refrigerator 27.8 ft French Door Refrigerator 27.8 cu ft cu French Door Refrigerator • Keep warm zone••Keep Evenbake technology stainless steel • Store-more™ bins freezer warm zone • Evenbake technologydrawers •• Smudge-proof Full width cool-zone drawer Effortless™ glide • Keep warm zone • Evenbake technology • Full width •cool-zone • Effortless™ glide freezer • Full width cool-zone drawer drawer • Effortless™ glide freezer • SpaceWise® expandable elements • SpaceWise® expandable elements drawers • Smudge-proof stainless steel • Store-more™ bins • SpaceWise® expandable elements • Smudge-proof stainless steel • Store-more™ drawersdrawers • Smudge-proof stainless steel • Store-more™ bins bins

Tall Tub Stainless Steel Tall Tub Tall Tub Built-in Dishwasher Tall Tub • Full console with 14 place Stainless Steel Stainless SteelSteel settings • DelayStainless start Built-inBuilt-in Dishwasher Built-in Dishwasher Dishwasher • Full console with 14 place

• Most powerful motor on the market • 4 blade SS chopper


See details on page 12

2.0 cu.ft. ON ELECTRONICS & APPLIANCES With Sensor • NO PAYMENTS MONTHS Cooking • NO INTEREST • Stainless steel • SAME AS CASH* See details on page 12 Cavity and handle ON ELECTRONICS & APPLIANCES • Turntable/400 cfm

$479 20

• Triple filter wash • 4 hr. delay start

• Gallon door storage • Full width adjustable shelves


Refrigerator $ motor • Most powerful WithonFreeze Drawer the market

6.5 cu.ft. Convection Range

• Triple filter wash 18.5 cu. ft. • 4 hr. delay start Bottom Mount • 10” 3200 watt power™ Refrigerator element 4.8 cu. ft. 30” With Freeze Basket • Die-Cast metal knobsEasy-Clean • Gallon door storage • Full Electric Range width adjustable shelves and stainless steel • Large oven capacity handle • Storage drawer *Not Exactly As Shown

18.5 cu. ft. Bottom Mount $ Refrigerator With Freeze Basket


Reg $1349 2 PIECE DISCOUNT -$269.80

Locally Owned & OperatedIT! CHARGE

• Gallon door storage • Full • 4 blade SS chopper width adjustable shelves

Reg $749


Tall $ Tub Built-in Dishwasher

Visit our web


18.5 cu. ft. Bottom Mount Refrigerator With Freeze Drawer

Stainless 18.5 cu. ft. Steel Tub Bottom Mount Dishwasher

Tall Tub Built-in Dishwasher

• Gallon door storage • Full width adjustable shelves *Not Exactly As Shown

$249 $379

4.8 cu. ft. 30” Easy-Clean Electric Range

• Large oven capacity • Storage drawer

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