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u Editorial P. 4 u Ottawa Shooting P. 5
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WEDNESDAY, October 29, 2014
Seniors Workshops
Rebecca Watson, Jesse Cole Black Press.
Seniors in Vanderhoof and Fort St. James were given lessons on aging through New Horizons workshops this past week. Thanks to a partnership between Seniors Connect and Seniors Helping Seniors, Gail Harmer, representative of Council of Senior Citizens of B.C. (COSCO), was brought in from Prince George to present seniors in both communities needto-know information about getting older. The Vanderhoof workshop discussed memory and aging and how aging affects driving. The Fort St. James workshop, which was held at the Senior’s Centre in downtown Fort St. James, focused on caregiving for seniors as well as scams and frauds that are often targeted at the senior community. Attendees were given detailed information about the types of scams and frauds that exist and the ways in which the fraudsters may try to convince, intimidate or deceive seniors. Resources for reporting these criminal acts and methods to deal with them were also discussed. Presenter Gail Harmer also gave tips to the crowd about proper ways to get rid of unwanted documentation such as credit cards and banking documents. The presentation was part of a series of workshops that Harmer says are “by seniors and for seniors” which are funded in part by the Government of Canada and in part by the Province of British Columbia.
PHONE: 996-8482
VOL. 37 NO. 35 $1.30 inc. GST
Supporting Skylar: Community comes together to support young boy with illness
Syaz Yaz Drummers performed at the silent auction and benefit dinner to help raise money for Skylar Barfoot, a young boy from Fort St. James battling illness. The benefit raised over $5,000 for Skylar and his family. Photo by Jesse Cole.
Jesse Cole Caledonia Courier
A young boy and his family will be getting a helping hand in the form of some much needed financial support after the community of Fort St. James came together to raise some money. Skyler Barfoot, the four year old boy from Fort St. James, was the beneficiary of a community organized spaghetti dinner fundraiser and silent auction that raised $5,255 for the little boys medical care. The spaghetti dinner and auction was organized by Kristi Howell as well as numerous other community members who want to help Skylar and the Barfoot family. Over 50 people and groups donated items, ranging from a flat screen television to a helicopter tour ride, to the silent auction with bids coming in at more than the $300 mark. For just $10 per person and 5$ kids, hundreds of people came and went during the course of the evening showing just how important this little boy is to the community. Skyler is currently in care at a Vancouver medical centre for what doctors believe may be cancer but could be something else. Initially, Skyler was brought into the Fort St. James hospital for appeared to be cold and flu symptoms but when the symptoms did
not improve the Barfoot family took Skylar to the hospital a second time. During Skylar’s second visit to the hospital doctors ran a series of tests on him and found that the boy had an abnormally low amount of red blood cells. Doctors recommended that Skylar be transferred to Vancouver for further testing as well as more comprehensive care. Tests performed in Vancouver revealed that the symptoms Skylar was presenting resembled cancer and subsequently the little boy underwent a slew of procedures and tests including a bone-marrow biopsy and chemotherapy. At the present time it is not know whether or not Skylar has cancer or another illness, due in part to the fact that the boys blood cells are testing only 40 per cent abnormal, which would suggest that it is not leukaemia as those with leukaemia typically have an abnormal cell rate of 80 to 90 per cent. In attendance were people from all areas of the community including councillor Dave Birdi, EMS Paramedics, Nak’azdli Elders, artists, relatives and friends as well as those who simply wanted to show their support for a family in need. Live performances from the Syaz Yaz Drummers and local country music act Sam Holden (whose set was sadly interrupted due to technical difficulties) were also part of the fundraiser.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Caledonia Courier
Courier Think of the children!
Meet the candidates for School District 91 trustee Month-long Events Alcohol Awareness Month National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. I am a single parent of two school-aged children. I am currently employed as the Resource Coordinator for the Social Development Department 212-269-7797 with the Nak’azdli Band. I am a part time Paramedic with the B.C. Ambulance Service as well as I am a certified Child Protection Mediator
and I am a member of the Professional Roster of Mediators through Mediate B.C.
Child Abuse Prevention Month I am a Volunteer Fire Fighter with the Fort St. James Volunteer Fire Department and I am a Hockey and Soccer mom, too. Prevent Child Abuse America I want our community to have an approachable and knowledgeable advocate to be their representative on our school board. 312-663-3520 I have worked in the educational field as a tutor and Educational Assistant and as such I am aware of the obstacles families and
students face when faced with diffi culties in the school system. BeaverOnGolfCourseC0804.EPS Jazz Appreciation Month want to be a voice Smithsonian NationalI Museum of American Historyfor our community and our residents, especially those families that live in the outlying areas and send their children to our local schools. 202-633-3129 Considering the situation this past summer and fall with Teachers Strike Action, I feel that the people of Fort. St. James, TacheDaffodilsHC0804.EPS and our surrounding munities need to have their voices heard and issues addressed. Hot Retail Co-op Categories I am also a proud graduate in 2006 of Bicycles, UNBCAccessories with a Bachelor and Supplies of Arts Degree in First Nations Studies and Community Planning. National Car Care Month Lawn and Garden Alexandra Luggi Board Member for the College of New Caledonia as well as having sat on three Senate Committees at the Car Care Council I have experience as a Student Representative 240-333-1088University of Northern British Columbia.Motorcycles and Snowmobiles Outdoor Furnishings I bring to the table a zest for educationRecreational as I am Vehicles a lifelong learner. I am a good listener and I can express myself effectively in a public forum to the benefit of National Donateour Life community. Month Hot Manufacturer Co-op U.S. Department of IHealth andthat Human Services hope the community will allow me the opportunity to be the Area 6 School Trustee member. Benjamin Moore Paints 202-619-0257
Camp Healthcare
Grasshopper Mowers My name is Lucille Duncan. I was born and raised in Fort St. James, B.C. Rolex Watch National Lawn CareIMonth have worked in the field health and education for many years in First Nations and urban communities as an advocate, substitute, school counsellor, support Whirlpool Corporation PLANET, Professional Landcare Network worker, family child care worker and a Cultural and Language teacher. 800-395-2522 The reason why I am running for School District 91 Public Trustee is that I want to be a voice for the parents interest and for the betterment of students to AdBuilder Special Section Builder Themes achieve their highest potential. • Financial National Parkinson Awareness I firmly Month believe that education is very important and I want to be a part of that process to ensure that every child has that opportunity and access to the highest • Planning a Garden National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. • Earth it’s Day high quality curriculum, current technology updates, supporting student’s learning needs, addressing barriers 800-327-4545quality education available to them. Whether Easter that youth face today, transparency/good •governance, bilingual support, special needs, extracurricular activates, and effective learning environments. If I am the successful candidate, then it shows that the community members have faith in me to be a voice for their children’s education. Lucille Duncan Special Events Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month NCAA Men’s Final Four Championship NCAA Women’s Final Four Championship National Stress Awareness Day National Volunteer Week Week of the Young Child Boston Marathon National Jelly Bean Day Take Our Daughters/Sons to Work Day
4&6 5&7 16 19–25 19–25 20 22 23
District of Fort St. James Calendar
ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700
October, 2014
SUNDAY March 2009 26
Municipal Website:
27 28 ALL F S CANDIDATE S M T W T FORUM F S 9am Strong Start
M T W T 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 Presented 30 31
5 Palm Sunday
29 1April Fool’s Day
May 2009
November 6 7 Thursday 2 12pm Strong Start1 6th 13 7:00pm 14 3 @ 4 Music 5 6 Makers 7 8 9 Hall 1pm Cancer Support 20 21 10your 11 15ready! 16 Group 7pm NA12 Mtg13@ 14 NAJC Have questions 27 28 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 by the Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5:30pm Sparks Refreshments Available 31
12pm Strong Start
5:30pm Public Skating
31 3 9am Strong Start
7pm Council Mtg
2pm Snrs Mtg
6-8pm Halloween Pumpkin Walk @ NHS
9 First Day of Passover
515 Tax Day
9am Strong Start
10 Good Friday
November, 2014 4pm Strong Start
7pm NA Mtg @ NAJC
6 16 12pm Strong Start
7 17
6pm Snrs Potluck 7pm All Candidates Debate @ Music Makers 8pm AA Mtg
9 19 5:30pm Public Skating
20 Taurus
9am Strong Start
12pm Strong Start
2pm Art Therapy @ Nak Hlth
7pm NA Mtg @ NAJC
22 Earth Day
5:30pm Public Skating 10-3:30pm Craft Fair @ FSJSS
Igniting Your Ad Sales
Mourning Day 28 Workers (Canada)
24 Arbor 9amDay Strong Start
12pm Strong Start
10am Food Bank Administrative Professionals Day
4pm Kids Skating
8pm AA Mtg
4pm Strong Start
12pm Strong Start
9am Strong Start
7pm NA @ NAJC
4pm Tea Bag Menu @ Nak Hlth
5pm Yth Hockey
CAC Event Darelle London (Poprock)
7:30pm CAC Event: ‘Darelle London’ @ Evangelical Church
8 18 11:30am Tween Book Club @ Library
25 Anzac Day (Australia) 10am-4:30pm Craft Fair @ FSJSS
7:15pm Public Skating
4pm Strong Start
1 11
6pm Adt Hockey
9am Strong Start 4pm Kids Skating 5pm Yth Hockey 6pm Adt Hockey 7:15pm Public Skating
7pm Council Mtg
12pm Strong Start
Effective immediately the discount is no longer available. Payment is due October 31 - after due date 5% penalty will be applied. Seniors(65) may be eligible for a discount of 50% of the base amount. Contact the District office if you did not receive a bill. Easter Monday (Australia & Canada)
4pm Strong Start
has now been sent out.
8pm AA Mtg
7 2nd6 Utility Billing
2 12 Easter
9am Strong Start 4pm Kids Skating 5pm Yth Hockey 6pm Adlt Hockey 7:15pm Public Skating
12pm Strong Start 8pm AA Mtg
Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution.
S 1 8 15 22 29
Annual Halloween Pumpkin Walk!
• AdBuilder® Retail Over 400 Pumpkins! • AdBuilder® Classified Friday October 31st from 6-8pm at the • Co-op Sales Ideas
Historic Park Please call 996-8233 to volunteer with set up and candy distribution.
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, October 29, 2014
MP’s, locals talk watershed conservancy in Fort St. James JESSE COLE Caledonia Courier As part of a province-wide tour to promote his new bill banning the use of oil supertankers from northern coastal waters, MP for Skeena-Bulkley Nathan Cullen, stopped by the Fort St. James fire hall, along with Vanderhoof conservationist Wayne Salewski, to talk about watershed stewardship. Cullen attended the meeting to talk about his proposed bill titled Take Back our Coast, which is a bill in opposition of the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline that aims to ban Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) oil tankers from the coastal waters of northern British Columbia as well as increase the level of input that the public has in pipeline decisions in British Columbia. “228 of these VLCC’s would travel along the Douglas Channel each year,” said Cullen in regards to the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline should it be completed. Cullen cited many issues regarding VLCC traffic along a route as complex as the Channel and the risks associated with a spill of diluted bitumen in our watersheds. He noted that diluted bitumen, when weathered (meaning moved about by waves or high winds) actually sinks and becomes impossible to clean up. Similarly he referenced the recent close-call with the russian oil tanker Simushir and the local tugboats difficulty in containing that situation. “The tows used on the Simushir to bring that in were ineffective because they kept snapping because they were not equipped for that
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Nathan Cullen (top) and Wayne Salewski (bottom) were both part of a watershed conservancy conference held at the Fort St. James fire hall last weekend. Photos by Jesse Cole. size of a ship and these VLCC”s are much bigger.” Due to the Conservative majority government, in order for Cullen’s bill to pass he needs to convince 10 conservative MP’s to change their stance on the Enbridge pipeline. Salewski, a noted conservationist with decades of experience restoring watersheds and wetlands in the Bulkley-Nechako region attended the meeting to talk about one of his many organizations NEWSS and the opportunity to involve Fort St. James and their watersheds in the program as well. Salewski said that the genesis of his work restoring watersheds came from living on the banks of the Nechako river. “The stream restoration issue came from the frustration of living on the Nechako River for 35 years and never seeing my children catch a fish - it was as simple as that,” he said. Salewski outlined
the history of his work with the Murray Creek watershed and the success stories of engaging the local populous. Through his NEWSS organization Salewski and others have managed to find a large amount of funding for their work and was hoping to engage the Fort St. James community in
the organization as well. The meeting was organized but Emily Colombo, who works with the district of Fort St. James, and was attended by a dozen or so community members including Fort St. James Mayor Rob MacDougall and municipal council candidates Kris Neilsen and
Brenda Gouglas. After both presentations the floor was opened to an exchange of ideas between concerned community members about the watersheds in Fort St. James and how the community can address the problems and protect the watershed systems in their area and at large.
Volunteer Within Your Community! Are you or anyone you know interested in becoming a volunteer? No matter your age or your interests, there are plenty of opportunities for you or your family members to volunteer within our community. At Volunteer Fort St. James we assist local non-profit organizations in recruiting volunteers and assist volunteers to find an organization(s) they want to work with. If you chose to become a volunteer you are in control. You get to choose the event(s) you volunteer for, how often you volunteer and how much time you’d like to volunteer. Volunteers are not obligated to volunteer for any opportunities, no questions asked. It is as simple as that! If you’d like to become a volunteer, when opportunities become available you have the option to be notified by email, or you can check out our Facebook page at www. or stop by the Volunteer Fort St. James Office Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:30 – 12:30 pm. You can sign up today to become a volunteer at www. For more information you can e-mail us at or call us at 250-996-8284 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 11:30 – 12:30 pm).
Northern Interior Healt Unit - Fort St. James #121 - 250 Stuart Drive (Goodwin Building) (closed 12:00pm - 1:00pm) November 4th - 9:00am - 4:00pm November 6th - 9:00am - 6:00pm November 13th & 20th - 9:00am - 2:00pm Appointments, call 250-996-7178 #2324 (leave a message and a nurse will phone you back) For more information call 250-996-7178 or visit
the northern way of caring
Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Caledonia Courier
Editorial Page
The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British
Distributed every Wednesday in Fort St. James
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Publisher: Pam Berger
governing the province’s newspaper industry. The
Office: Meriella Drogomatz office@
council considers complaints
Editorial: Rebecca Watson Jesse Cole newsroom@
newspapers. Directors oversee
Production: Julia Beal Wendy Haslam wendy@
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from the public about the conduct of member the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment,
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• Column
• Letters
Difficult birth for LNG cash cow
Fraudsters in our midst
VICTORIA – Debate is underway on the B.C. Liberal government’s tax and environmental plan for liquefied natural gas exports, amid the usual political theatre. Most media reported that the government “slashed” its proposed seven-percent LNG processing income tax by half, caving in to demands of international energy giants led by Petronas of Malaysia. The 3.5 per cent tax wouldn’t even take full effect until the massive capital investment is written down, and would rise to five per cent after 20 years of production. All of this casts further doubt on Premier Christy Clark’s extravagant election campaign promise to use LNG revenues to wipe out B.C.’s debt, currently approaching $70 billion, and provide an Albertastyle “prosperity fund” to perform further miracles. The seven per cent figure was the top end of the range presented this spring while negotiations with LNG investors were ongoing, so it’s not really accurate to say it was “slashed.” This cash calf hasn’t been born yet, and it remains to be seen if it will survive. Finance Minister Mike de Jong pointed out some of the shifts in the global gas market that have reduced expectations. Japan, one of the potential investors, is considering restarting its nuclear plants as it recovers from the 2011 Fukushima
earthquake. China’s manic growth is slowing, and it has signed a long-term deal to import cheaper Russian pipeline gas. Oil prices have dropped. The government’s change of tone started with the recent throne speech, which emphasized the fate of B.C.’s only current export market. “Like forestry, B.C.’s natural gas industry has relied on exports to the United States,” the speech observed. “But the American shale gas revolution has meant the export south has dried up – and is never coming back.” So before B.C. gets to that prosperity fund, it’s got to stop the bleeding. You may recall it was a U.S. hurricane-induced spike in gas revenues that allowed the province to spread an extra billion to calm its labour waters for the 2010 Olympics. The finance ministry estimates that after the startup period, a medium-sized LNG export operation would pay total taxes of around $800 million a year to the province. De Jong notes that this is more revenue than B.C. will collect from the entire forest industry this year, from a single plant. There are 18 currently proposed. This new LNG income tax is nowhere near the biggest source. It’s bigger than the carbon tax that LNG producers will pay on fuel use, but only a fourth of what
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B.C. collects in royalties for selling the gas. The biggest source of revenue from this hoped-for plant is “other taxes,” which include sales tax and corporate income tax, which B.C. increased to 11 per cent last year. University of Calgary economist Jack Mintz, who supported B.C. on its ill-fated harmonized sales tax, says this additional LNG tax is wrong-headed at any rate. “If other provinces take the same view with respect to resource taxation, new levies would be applied to oil refining, forest product manufacturing, mining processing and a host of other activities linked to resource industries,” Mintz wrote last week in the Financial Post. If B.C. does get a substantial LNG export industry, it will include gas from Alberta, with royalties going there, not here. And companies are also wrangling with the federal government over its taxes, with local governments and First Nations still in line for their cut. The big question isn’t whether B.C. will get its fair share. It’s whether there will be anything to share. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press. Twitter: @tomfletcherbc Email:
Editor: At 10:51 a.m. I received a phone call at my home which was a non-person on the other end; no words just an empty line. That number was L1866-459-2530. A ‘Mr. Anderson’ called me today (Oct. 23), his line was ‘’I had just won $95,000.00 and a new car’’. That phone number was L1-876-302-8142 Because I paid all my bills on time and had shopped at either Wal-Mart and he named two other places I was not familiar with, my name had automatically been entered into a draw and out of 1000 names I had won. I could either pick it up at their main office in Summerland, B.C. or once I go to my local post office and via Western Union and send them a 1 per cent fee totaling $300, they would deliver to my home address the car and the money. But I had to send them the $300 for the delivery of the car in advance of either picking it up in Summerland or them delivering it. It sure is a strange coincidence that we had only been in Summerland a month ago and purchased gasoline from a local garage and timbits from their local Tim Hortons. All on our credit card. Scary thought, isn’t it? I called the local RCMP and they gave me the number for the Canadian Anti Fraud Agency at 1-888-495-8502. Linda Connolly 250-996-8940
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NEWS Nathan Cullen discusses Ottawa
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, October 29, 2014 A5
shooting first hand account with Fort St. James residents
Nathan Cullen addressed a crowd of Fort St. James residents at a watershed conservancy conference and spoke on his perspective of the Ottawa shooting incident last weekend. Photo by Jesse Cole.
JESSE COLE Caledonia Courier
Some locals with a passion for the environment attended a watershed stewardship meeting and ended up talking about terrorism, Canadian values and the Ottawa shooting. Last week MP for Skeena-Bulkley Nathan attended a watershed stewardship conference and before presenting his speech on his bill to ban supertankers from the north coast, recounted his version of events from inside parliament during the shooting that took place on Oct. 22. Cullen explained, quite modestly, that while the conference may not have been the proper place for a discussion about the shooting, he felt given the recent occurrence of the incident it was important to address it as
it had become a part of the countries national story. “The events in Ottawa this week seem to be very much on peoples minds and people want some conversation about that,” Cullen said as he spoke to the crowd. Cullen explained that at around 9:30 a.m. in the morning two soldiers positioned at the cenotaph of the National War Memorial in Ottawa were attacked by a man armed with a Winchester 3030 rifle. As a result of the attack one solider, Nathan Cirillo was shot and killed. The gunman then stole a car and drove to the Parliament buildings where he managed to gain entry to the building and opened fire. Cullen explained that as the shooting began he was getting ready to leave parlia-
ment to return to British Columbia for a radio interview. “I was just on my way to the door and there was this big clamour, as if someone had knocked over a table of trays,” said Cullen. “No one thought at first that it was gunfire because it’s so out of context,” he added. Cullen and the rest of NDP caucus attempted to lock the doors of their meeting room but found that the locks were old and not in very good condition, something Cullen said would be addressed immediately. “When I got to the door, our security guy came through our doors to shut them and we tried to shut them but realized that they don’t lock very well,” Cullen said. “He [the security guard] then, quite bravely, stood with his
back to the door to keep the door shut.” Because of the confusion during the incident both politicians and police officials were unsure of whether this was being perpetrated by one gunman or a multitude of people. “The amount of gunfire was impressive, there was no way you could have convinced me there was only one shooter,” said Cullen. “There was somewhere between 80 to 100 gunshots fired within 15 or 20 seconds.” Because of the uncertainty of whether or not there were multiple threats, security and police officials raided each room in the building, breaking down doors as they did so, according to Cullen. “My guys are sitting in this office and we’re hearing these doors being smashing in, one
after another, down the hallway, but we didn’t know who was was doing the smashing,” he said. Despite all the tragedy of the event, Cullen said had the attack come just 30 or 40 minutes later it would have been exponentially worse. “Another 30 or 40 minutes later would have been the time when all the caucuses would have been let loose. During that time the hallways are crammed with politicians, reporters and public staff so as bad as this was another 40 minutes and there would have been no way for the police to shoot him.” Eventually the gunman was shot and killed by the Parliament’s Sergeant at Arms, Kevin Vickars. Cullen spoke to Vickars after the shooting had finished, “I talked to our sergeant at arms… his comment was ‘I just ended someones life, someone who was a son and a friend and I’ve just ended this guy.’” Aside from the inner details of what is poised to be the biggest news story of the year, Cullen also spoke to the importance of keeping our collective heads during this trying and emotional time saying, “Freedom of assembly, speech and thought, those are all fundamental Canadian values and it would be a real loss if we sacrificed all of those because of what happened.” Cullen said that while he is sure security at Pariliament Hill will be increased he and his party are committed to keeping the house a “peoples house” as he put it. “I’m quite committed that the house stays the peoples house and that we don’t turn it into a fortress,” he said. “A million people come through the House of Commons every year and I’m not willing to change that.” Cullen also spoke of the unknowns still yet to be discovered about the incident and said that the life of the
shooter was one he does not wish on anyone. “Who knows what he was thinking, what was going on in this guys life is not a life I would wish for anybody; drug addictions, mental health issues and some perverted form of Islam
that had been rejected by the [Muslim] community because it was a violent strain… We don’t know, we’re going to find out, but what we can’t do is male laws that sacrifice our civil liberties because of one lone gunman.”
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DECLARATION OF ELECTION BY ACCLAMATION I, Cheryl Anderson, Chief Election Officer for the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako, do hereby declare, pursuant to Section 76 of the Local Government Act, the following candidate elected by acclamation: Office of Director for Electoral Area C (Fort St. James Rural) Tom Greenaway Given under my hand at Burns Lake, British Columbia, this 20th day of October, 2014. _______________________________ Cheryl Anderson Chief Election Officer
OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (Across from the Petrocan Station)
SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am PASTORAL TEAM: FATHER FRANK SALMON 250-996-8343 SR. PAT MACAULAY, SR. DIVINA PEDRO
Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Caledonia Courier
Five fighters, 10 medals: Fort St. James martial artists sweep B.C. Taekwondo cup
Photo by Jesse Cole.
JESSE COLE Caledonia Courier
Martial artists in Fort St. James put their discipline and focus to the test earlier this month as the Fort St. James Family Taekwondo club brought home 10 of medals from the 2014 B.C. Taekwondo Championship Cup. The championship took place over the Thanksgiving weekend on Sunday, Oct. 12 at the Simon Fraser University campus in Burnaby, B.C. Vera Poole, headmaster of the Fort St. James club, took a small group of her students to the competition and despite being up against 210 other martial artists, Fort St. James club members consistently placed in the top three category each time they competed. “We went down with five member and 10 medals came back, meaning that each of our members placed in the top three,” said Poole.
Bringing only five members to a provincial competition is much lower than a club would regularly bring saying that their team typically has around 15 to 18 competitors. Competitors took part in sparring matches between other clubs from throughout the province as well as a category known as patterns, which involves martial artists performing certain techniques required to advance in belt as well as they before judges. This is not the first time the Fort St. James club has had success, the team took home 32 medals during the 2014 provincial Taekwondo championships in Prince George. They’ve also begun hosting their own tournaments, the first of which took place last may between the Fort St. James Family Taekwondo Club and the Prince George Family Taekwondo Club. The Fort St. James club won the charity tournament and the
that matters is that belt around your waist.” Cheyenne Vandrish, 16 and a first Dan blackbelt who has been with club for nearly seven years, competed in the games and said the experience was incredible. “It’s such a small group from such a small community and to go down to Vancouver and Burnaby and place so well is pretty incredible.” Vandrish said that Taekwondo has been life changing for her allowing her to blossom from a shy person into a confident and happy teenager. “Before [Taekwondo] I was very shy and I didn’t have many friends,” said Vandrish. “After Taekwondo, if someone bullied me I’d pretty much tell them to go away - it was able to help me build confidence and gain more friends because I wasn’t scared of what they thought anymore. It’s helped me gain self confidence.” Poole says this is indicative of the sport, “It’s the nature of Taekwondo, it builds confidence and self esteem.” It’s success stories like Vandrishes that fuels Poole’s love of the sport, “Nothing gives me a greater thrill than to have somebody come
DL 9069
Cheyenne Vandrish, a first Dan blackbelt with Fort St. James Family Taekwondo competed, and won two medals, in the B.C. Taekwondo Championship Cup in Burnaby, B.C.
two teams managed to raise $2200 for juvenile diabetes research for their efforts. Poole believes her students success comes from the fact that they have a family orientation, “We’re family oriented, too. I think that’s another reason we’re so successful is that we have families exercising together,” Poole said. “When we go on trips like this, everyone goes - it’s everybody together. Again you have that family dynamic of everyone supporting everyone. It’s a very positive and encouraging thing.” Similarly, Pool said the dedication of her students has led to the success of her students saying, “There is a core group of around ten to 12 that are consistent year after year and they are what makes the club so successful, their dedication and support.” Poole’s students range from yellow belts (the second lowest colour ranking in the belt system) right up to black belts and from seven years old to Taekwondo practitioners in their 60’s. “That’s the nice thing about Taekwondo, it’s for any age level,” said Poole. “It doesn’t matter how old you are or how rich, all
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to me and tell me that they’re here because they’re being bullied at school or abused and they want it to stop.” Poole added that students see results almost immediately. “They spend three months in martial arts and you look at them and they walk with their head up and shoulders back; they look you in the eye. They have gained confidence and found self,” said Poole. The Fort St. James Family Taekwondo club is currently in the process of finalizing a business plan to open a new dojo downtown in the location that previously housed the Red Fox Bistro. Currently the club trains part time at David Hoy elementary but will switch to full time when they relocate.
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NEWS Don't wave your rights with your flag
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, October 29, 2014
JESSE COLE Caledonia Courier
On Oct. 22 the nation was shocked as a lone gunman shot and killed a soldier on guard at the Cenotaph at the Nation War Memorial in Ottawa. Further shock came as the gunman proceeded to enter the Parliament buildings and open fire there as well before being gunned down by Sergeant at Arms Kevin Vickers. The incident came the day following an attack killing another soldier in Quebec who was run down with a car by Martin Rouleau and only days after Canada had sent six CF-18 fighter jets off to Iraq as part of our nations engagement of war with the extremist religious group the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). Given the circumstances and the timeline it was everyones first guess that this was in some way related to ISIL, our new found war and religious zealotry. It was especially easy to jump to these conclusions given that ISIL had warned against attacks in Canada that would resemble this type of “lone wolf” guerrilla warfare. Even our national news agencies and heavy-hitting media groups like CNN were quick to label the attack as stemming from ISIL. In the hours and days that followed the attack fewer and fewer things remained as clear and defined as they seemed to have on the day of the attack. News reports read, in essence, “ISIL attacks Parliament” but as it’s progressed there are questions as the legitimacy of these assumptions and whether or not the gunman was associated with ISIL formally, or merely a mentally-ill, drug addled and isolated person turned violent and desperate. There are even theories now that the attack was a case of “suicide by cop” given the fact that the gunman had previously attempted to be arrested by police. While the investigation is still ongoing and the truths have yet to be completely unearthed what we can say with
certainty is that this lone gunman and by extension the extremist groups like ISIL and Al-Qaeda and others do not represent the faith of Islam, the views of Muslims or the Muslim population as a whole. It is the obvious A7
choice, in times of conflict, to find a scapegoat, a person or group to point the blame at. But we have seen where that leads us (think World War II) and we should know now that painting an entire demographic with a single brush is
both foolish and impractical. It is also the kneejerk reaction, in the wake of something such as this, to “put up the barricades” so-to-speak. To sacrifice privacy and liberties in the name of security. We must not
do this, either. We must not let inflamed nationalism lead to hatred and oppression, in any form. I think the political poet and musician Sage Francis said it best when he penned, in his song Makeshift Patriot, “don’t wave your rights
with your flags.” As we gear up into conflict mode and paranoia fills the airwaves like it hasn’t in Canada in many years, what we should be doing is working to denounce hate speech as a whole and to maintain a level
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of clarity going forward. We should absolutely not allow our collective emotion and anger at this event serve as the basis for a changing of the fundamental values and rights of all Canadians, Muslims included.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Caledonia Courier
Mountain Runner:
journey to the peak of Mt. Pope JESSE COLE Caledonia Courier
Have you ever dreamt of climbing a mountain? How about running one? That’s exactly what a group runners did at the 35 annual Mt. Pope Adventure Race in Fort St. James earlier this month. Taking place on Oct. 19, runners were met with great weather for the around 22 km race. 14 runners and 14 walkers participated in the mountain race which began at Cottonwood Park beach and continued along Stones Bay Rd. to the Mt. Pope trail at the base of the mountain.
“The winds at the peak were easily 60 km/h,” - Keith Gordon From the trail entrance, runners and walkers ran (or walked) up to the mountain’s peak where they rested briefly. posed for a photograph and then ran back down the mountain. Keith Gordon, one of the runners who participated in the adventure race, said that the winds at the peak of the mountain were “easily 60 km/h.”
Lisa Spingle (left), who came in first in the women’s category stands atop of Mt. Pope after her journey to the top of the Mountain as part of the Adventure Race. (Right): Chris Cup, Craig Houghton and Gord Rennie pose for a photo at the peak of Mt. Pope. Rennie created the race in 1980. Submitted Photos.
While simply completing the race is a feat for anyone, some runners managed to complete the race in record time. Nick Bartell, of Prince George, took home the first place prize after he finished the race in just under the two hour mark with a finishing time of one hour and 58 minutes. Bartell’s impressive time earned him a place among just a handful of runners in the last 35 years to have competed the race in under two hours. Tim Dunkley, of Fort St. James, finished his race with a time of two hours and 26 minutes. Dunkley finished sixth overall but was the fastest local participant to complete the race. Lisa Spingle finished in first place in the women’s category improving her time last year by 30 minutes. A full record times and places can be found at our website
Omineca Express office Vanderhoof Co-op - Grocery Co-op Mall - Lobby Co-op Mall - Rear Entrance Vanderhoof Co-op C Store Extra Foods Vanderhoof Post Office Riverside Place Nechako View Senior’s Home Speedway Road Mapes CJ’s Trailer Court Loop Road Prairiedale Braeside Road Jones Road Sob Lake Road Redfern Drive Sinkut Frontage Road Kenny Dam & Lakes Road J&S Restaurant
Endako Bar & Grill
Par 3 Sports Fraser Lake Rexall Fraser Lake Building Supplies
Engen Road Giesbrecht Frontage Road
Fort Fraser Petro Can
Lakeshore Realty Sana’aih Market Overwaitea Foods Fort Loonie Bin Fas Gas Plus Lakeside Pharmacy
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Fort St. James speedskaters hold first track meet of the season JESSE COLE Caledonia Courier Speed skaters in Fort St. James broke out their blades for the first time this year at the regions first official fast and long track meet-up on Saturday, Oct. 25. Speed skaters ranging from eight or nine to 15 and 16 took part in the day long meet up, which while only a preliminary competition, was officially sanctioned meaning that times of skaters will be recorded in the official database. Sandra Sulyma, one of the organizers involved with the Fort St. James speed skating club, said that this first meet up was mostly for fun. While this is the first short track meet in Fort St. James this season, Sulyma said that she believes their will be a long track meet in Fort St. James in mid January. The crowd was enthusiastic with parents, coaches and friends shouting out encouragement to each skater that hit the ice. Despite the positive ambience of the meet, one young skater did slip, fall and possibly broke his ankle during one of his races. He was subsequently taken to the hospital for further care. One racer present at the track was Fort St. James local Morgon Bennison who, at 15, will be taking part in the qualifying races for the 2015 Canada Games in Prince George. While his times don’t guarantee Bennisoon a place in the upcoming Canada Games, he will have the chance to try for one during that meet. Bennison will be racing against racers significantly older than him during the qualifying matches.
The Fort St. James Falcons speedskating team held their first track meeting of the season at the Fort Forum in downtown Fort St. James. Skaters took part in both short and long track races. The games were sanctioned, but just for fun this time around. Photos by Jesse Cole.
Community Events
Community Events are free of charge as they are sponsored by the Caledonia Courier COMING EVENTS... Will appear as space is available, free of charge in this section. Coming events are available to non-profit organizations only. This area is not intended for thank you submissions or selling products. It is simply a place for nonprofit organizations a place to announce upcoming free activities. You can e-mail your item to advertising@ or by fax: 567-2070. Your organizations’ announcement can also be dropped off at our office located at #111250 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James. Decision of the publisher is final. *** VOluNTEEr WIThIN YOur COMMuNITY!...Are you or anyone you know interested in becoming a volunteer? No matter your age or your interests, there are plenty of opportunities for you or your family members to volunteer within our community. At Volunteer Fort St. James we assist local nonprofit organizations in recruiting volunteers and assist volunteers to find an organization(s) they want to work with. If you chose to become a volunteer you are in control. You get to choose the event(s) you volunteer for, how often you volunteer and how much time you’d like to volunteer. Volunteers are not obligated to volunteer for any opportunities, no questions asked. It is as simple as that! If you’d like to become a volunteer, when opportunities become available you have the option to be notified by email, or you can check out our Facebook page at www.facebook. com/volunteerfsj or stop by the Volunteer Fort St. James Office Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:30 – 12:30 pm. You can sign up today to become a volunteer at For more information you can e-mail us at or call us at 250-996-8284 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 11:30 – 12:30 pm). *** TrAPPErS MEETING... November 10th 7p.m. at NVSA Clubhouse. New Members Welcome. ***
ThE dATES fOr ThE NEChAkO VAllEY fESTIVAl Of ThE PErfOrMING ArTS ArE...March 9-20, 2015. It will culminate with the festival concert on Mar. 22. Registration ONLINE opens on Dec. 8, 2014 and closes on Jan 15, 2015. The venue for all disciplines is Vanderhoof Christian Fellowship Church. You can view the syllabus and look for any other information on the website at www.musicfestivalweb/ nechako. *** ST PATrICk’S ANGlICAN ChurCh...Services at St Patrick’s Anglican Church will now take place only on the first Sunday of the month except for special occasions. *** STUART LAKE OUTREACH GROUP FOOD BANK SCHEDULE... is the third Wed of each month: November 19, January 21, 2015, February 18 and March 18 from 10:00 am to noon at the Food Bank behind St. Patrick’s Anglican Church, Stuart Drive. Volunteers needed. Call 250-567-6744. Food Bank needs canned meals, beans, stews, soups, tuna, salmon, sandwich meats, pasta and sauce, tea, coffee, toilet paper, canned milk, cereals, etc. At this time we have lots of sugar! Thank you for your generosity. *** uNTOld seeks contributions from nonFirst Nations students and staff who experienced Catholic residential or day schools abuse in Northern BC. For more info email *** fIrEWEEd STOPPING ThE VIOlENCE & OuTrEACh SErVICE For those who believe all is possible!...Provides free Confidential, Safe, and Supportive counselling and outreach services for women. Hours of Service: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and every other Friday. Location: Room 203, 349 Stuart Drive, Fort St James, BC Phone: (250) 9961214 Fax: (250) 996-7647 Email: ***
STuArT lAkE OuTrEACh GrOuP... hosts a free hot lunch each Tuesday from 10.00am to 1.00pm in the space behind St. Patrick’s Anglican Church. Meals are served by members of area churches and other volunteers from the community. We wish to thank all those who assist by cooking, serving, and cleaning up. Your help is invaluable. We also host a free Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day to all who are lonely or in need. Volunteers for these programs are needed. Please call Gwen at 250-567-6744. *** ST. PATrICk’S ANGlICAN ChurCh SErVICES... will now take place only on the first Sunday of the month except for special occasions. *** fIrEWEEd ClOThES drIVE...The Fireweed Safe Haven is doing a winter clothes drive. We are looking for jackets, boots, snow pants, mitts, hats, scarves, fleeces, etc, for men, women and children. The items will then be given to families in the community that need them. If you do not have anything at home that you can part with but still wish to contribute, you can purchase mitts, socks, or thermal underwear. Please drop items off at the Fireweed Safe Haven. For more information please contact Talia at (250) 996-8081. Every little bit helps. *** AuxIlIArY TO STuArT lAkE hOSPITAL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. *** fOrT ST. JAMES PuBlIC lIBrArY hOurS... Tuesday 11:30-8:00 Wednesday 11:30-4:30 Thursday 11:30-4:30 Friday 11:30-8:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00 *** NEChAkO VAllEY COMMuNITY SErVICES SOCIETY...Child and Youth Mental Health and Counseling Services available at no cost. Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 996-7645 for appointment.
Submit to the
Your favourite traditional Christmas or New Year’s recipe to be published in our Annual Recipe pull out pages section November 12 & 19. Sponsored by your local businesses. Winner announced in the December 10, Caledonia Courier. Deadline for submissions is October 31, 2014. Omineca Express Box 1007 150 W. Columbia Street Vanderhoof BC V0J 3A0 email: office@ Fax: 250-567-2070
A10 A10
Wednesday,October October29, 29,2014 2014 Caledonia Wednesday, Caledonia Courier Courier Your community. Your classifieds.
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Pets & Livestock
Livestock DORPER Cross Sheep flock for sale. 15 ewes and 25 lambs. $4500. Phone 250397-4126.
Career Opportunities
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Fort St. James Public Library is looking for an intern to work 25 to 35 hours/week for 12 to 24 weeks. The candidate should be 30 years of age or less, have completed at least one post-secondary course, have some knowledge of computers and digital technology and must be available to work flexible hours, including weekends and evenings. This paid position is made available through a CAPYI grant and is contingent upon finding a suitable candidate within a short time. The intern position is an excellent opportunity to gain work experience working with the public in a professional setting which requires proficiency with computers and digital technology. Please submit your resume to the library on or before Monday November 3, 2014. Please leave your resume at the desk during business hours or in the return box after hours. Fort St. James Public Library is located at 425 Manson Street (just behind the Royal Bank).
The District of Fort St. James invites applications for the position of Director of Finance. Reporting to the Chief Administrative Ofŵcer, the Director of Finance is responsible for the municipality’s ŵnancial services including statutory duties assigned under the Community Charter, and provides advice and support to staff in planning, budgeting, reporting and monitoring, risk management, and performance management. The successful applicant should: • Hold a professional accounting designation or equivalent combination of experience and knowledge • Have a minimum of three years’ ŵnance experience • Have sound knowledge of provincial and municipal legislation as it relates to municipal ŵnance, and demonstrable budget management experience. Details and full job description can be viewed here: Interested applicants may submit a letter of interest, detailed resume and references by 4:00 p.m. on October 31, 2014 to: Kevin Crook, CAO District of Fort St. James PO Box 640 477 Stuart Dr. W. Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0 Email:
The Project is responsible for developing, planning, activities, implementing, adminDuties includePlanner participating in and supporting internal promotional including, but not istering evaluating a variety of project offerings CNC. Quali¿functions cations include: limited to,and student orientation sessions, career and scienceatfairs and related Facilitate aworkshops degree inforadult education, or degree in another eld environment, and additional prospective and new studentsortodiploma familiarize them with¿the policies, education adult education, or equivalent combination of training and experience; 3 procedures,inincluding scholarship, bursary, and student loans information etc. Qualified to 5 years’must experience in adult ofeducation training coordination anda demonstrated applicants have a minimum two yearsand post-secondary education and minimum three years’ experienceofinadult a related field with preference for advising. understanding education philosophy. To find out more information about this and other opportunities, and directions on how to apply, please check our website at: Join us. We offer a supportive workplace, great benefits, and competitive salaries. And we have opportunities to grow, both within our college, and within our communities.
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Pam Berger Publisher
NEZUL BE HUNUYEH CHILD & FAMILY SERVICES IS RECRUITING! Permanent Full Time in Fort St. James We are a First Nations Agency delegated to deliver Guardianship Services to its member communities. We are accepting resumes for a Collaborative Planning Program Coordinator in our Fort St. James location. The Collaborative Planning Program Coordinator (CPPC) will be a neutral third party facilitator for Family Case Planning Conferences,Youth Transition Conferences, and Family Group Conferences. The CPPC will use a strength based and future focused process that can include family and cultural traditions. The CPPC will also be responsible for community development and educational initiatives. Candidates must have a bachelor of Social Work (BSW) or another Human Services degree may be considered O Travel is required O Applicants agree to a Criminal Record Check O Applicants must have a valid Class 5 driver’s license. O Knowledge of the Carrier culture and history is an asset NBH has a competitive benefits package and Salary is commensurate with experience and within federal child welfare program funding. Please submit resume and cover letter to: Nezul Be Hunuyeh Child & Family Services PO Box 1180 Fort St. James, BC,V0J 1P0 Tel: 250.996.6806 Fax: 250.996.6977 Email: Closing Date: November 7, 2014 at 4:00pm
Advertising: News: Website:
Serving Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake
Pam Berger Publisher 150 W. Columbia St Box 1007, Vanderhoof BC V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-9258 Fax: 250-567-2070 Email:
Reaching Every Door
Serving Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake
Pam Berger Publisher 150 W. Columbia St Box 1007, Vanderhoof BC V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-9258 Fax: 250-567-2070 Email:
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, Wednesday,October October29, 29,2014 2014
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HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? SAWMILLS FROM only $4,397 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw or call 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at: A11 A11
School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes)
In accordance with section 76 of the Local Government Act, I hereby declare the following candidates as elected by acclamation for the term commencing December, 2014 and terminating in 2018 for the 2014 General School Elections in the following electoral areas: Electoral Area 4 5
CONTRACT OPPORTUNITY SNOW REMOVAL EQUIPMENT The District of Fort St. James is now accepting applications for contract snow removal dump trucks for the 2014/2015 winter season. The District has a snow blower and we require trucks to have a snow wall. The District has a set rate of $80.00/hr. Applicants should include W.C.B. number and we require you to have a current business licence.
Electoral Area Name
Grassy Plains and Francois Lake Endako, Fraser Lake and Fort Fraser
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY given to the electors of School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) that, in accordance with Section 77 of the Local Government Act, an election by voting is necessary to elect School Trustees for the term commencing December 2014 and terminating in 2018, and that the persons nominated as candidates and for whom votes will be received are:
Electoral Area 1 – Engen, Mapes, Vanderhoof and Cluculz Lake
Applications must be received by the District of Fort St. James (PO Box 640, 477 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0) no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, November 10th, 2014. Please Attention: Dave Stewart, Public Works Superintendent
Usual Names
School Trustees – Two (2) to be elected Residential Addresses
1357 Aspen Drive, Vanderhoof, BC 227 Vanderview Drive, Vanderhoof, BC 3474 Hawes Place, Vanderhoof, BC
GENERAL VOTING DAY will be open to TualiÀed electors of School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) on Saturday, November 15, 2014 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at the following locations:
Fight Back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.
John Prince Research Forest SUP 22194 2014/15 Operational Plan
Any written comments should be forwarded to the address below by Nov. 14th, 2014 to ensure consideration: Attn: Sue Grainger, RPF Chuzghun Resources Corporation Box 2378, Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0
Help Wanted
37, 3RD Avenue, PH: 250-692-3195 PO Box 820, TF: 800-320-3339 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 FX: 250-692-3305
Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 778-281-0030. Local.
Real Estate For Sale By Owner 5 BDRM HOME IN TELKWA FOR SALE OR RENT 3200 sq ft, 4 bath, includes washer & dryer, fridge & stove, dishwasher hot tub, natural gas Rent: $1350 per mnth Sale: $299,000 Contact: 250-845-3315
Rentals Homes for Rent MOBILE HOME
Updated 2 bedroom mobile for rent. $650 per month plus utilities. Must have employment and rental references. Contact Ryan 250-550-9501 email: Available Early November
The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako is seeking applicants for a newly established position within the Protective Services Department. The position, Protective Services Coordinator, is permanent full-time, and situated in Burns Lake, BC. Expected starting date is on or about December 2014. The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako is a non-union organization. Reporting to the Manager of Protective Services and Chief Administrative Officer, the Protective Services Coordinator, will be responsible for the coordination of all department projects and activities related to Emergency Management, 9-1-1 Service, Rural Fire Protection, and Occupational Health and Safety. Preference will be given to applicants with: • skills to contribute to the development of the Emergency Management Program; • an ability to work in a highly productive environment and shift from one task to another quickly; • excellent interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to deal tactfully with elected officials, staff, external agencies and the general public on various matters, including those of a sensitive nature; • strong communication (verbal and written) and public speaking skills; • advanced computer skills, including Microsoft Office suites; • an ability to maintain confidentiality; • strong organizational and project management skills; • a committed team member attitude; • an ability to effectively respond to emergency situations; and work long hours under stressful conditions and at varying hours, as required. Education & Experience • good business grammar, spelling and punctuation; • minimum Grade 12 Diploma; • post-secondary education preferred; • completion of or willingness to complete all Emergency Support Services and Emergency Operations Centre courses; • three years of increasing responsible relevant experience; • excellent attention to detail and effective time management; • local government experience an asset; and • must have a valid BC Class 5 Driver’s License. Applications will be received by Deborah Jones-Middleton, Manager of Protective Services, at either 37-3rd Avenue, PO Box 820, Burns Lake, BC, V0J 1E0, or email: inquiries@rdbn. until 4:30 p.m. Friday, October 31, 2014.
Vanderhoof Cluculz Lake
Vanderhoof Municipal OfÀce, 1 0 Connaught Street, Vanderhoof, BC Cluculz Lake Fire Hall, 3395 Lund Road, Cluculz Lake, BC
Electoral Area 6 – Fort St. James, Manson Creek, Germanson and Takla Landings
Usual Names
Lucille DUNCAN Alexandra LUGGI
School Trustee – One (1) to be elected Residential Addresses
5 0 Carnell Street, Fort St. James, BC 222 4th Avenue East, Fort St. James, BC
GENERAL VOTING DAY will be open to TualiÀed electors of School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) on Saturday, November 15, 2014 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at the following location: Fort St. James
District of Fort St. James Municipal OfÀce, 477 Stuart Drive :est, Fort St. James, BC
Takla Landing
Takla First Nation Potlatch House, Lot 117, Takla Landing, BC
Fort St. James
District of Fort St. James Municipal OfÀce, 477 Stuart Drive :est, Fort St. James, BC
Also a SPECIAL VOTING OPPORTUNITY will be available on Saturday, November 15, 2014 between the hours of 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the following location: And ADVANCE VOTING on Wednesday, November 5 and 12, 2014 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at the following location:
Help Wanted
Seniors Friendship Centre, 219 Victoria Street East, Vanderhoof, BC Cluculz Lake Fire Hall, 3395 Lund Road, Cluculz Lake, BC
And ADVANCE VOTING on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at the following locations:
Notice is hereby given that Chuzghun Resources Corporation (CRC) has prepared a operational plan for the John Prince Research Forest (SUP 22194) in the Fort St. James District. This plans shows blocks scheduled for harvest for winter 2014/15. In total, approximately 88 ha of harvesting (approximately 25,000 m3) is proposed. Review and Comment: The plan will be available for review and comment until November 12th, 2014 at CRC·s ofÀce, during regular business hours (8:00 AM – 4:00 PM). CRC is located at Cinnabar Resort on Tezzeron Lake. Phone is (250) 996-3700.
Vanderhoof Cluculz Lake
Usual Names
Steve DAVIS Marnie PHAIR
Electoral Area 2 – Topley, Decker Lake and Granisle School Trustee – One (1) to be elected Residential Addresses
3 Centre Street, Burns Lake, BC 781 Brewer Avenue, Decker Lake, BC
GENERAL VOTING DAY will be open to TualiÀed electors of School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) on Saturday, November 15, 2014 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at the following locations: Topley Granisle Decker Lake
Topley Community Hall, 11591 Chester Street, Topley, BC Granisle and District Senior Citizens Centre, #19 Chapman Street, Granisle, BC Decker Lake Elementary School, 710 Highway 1 :est, Decker Lake, BC
Topley Granisle Burns Lake
Topley Community Hall, 11591 Chester Street, Topley, BC Granisle Municipal OfÀce, 1 McDonald Avenue, Granisle, BC Village of Burns Lake Municipal OfÀce, 15 3rd Avenue, Burns Lake, BC
And ADVANCE VOTING is on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at the following locations:
Usual Names
Electoral Area 3– Burns Lake and Rural Area School Trustee – One (1) to be elected Residential Addresses
1425 Pinecrest Road, Burns Lake, BC 3740 Murphy Road, Burns Lake, BC
GENERAL VOTING DAY will be open to TualiÀed electors of School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) on Saturday, November 15, 2014 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at the following location: Burns Lake
Babine and Decker Room, Lakeside Multiplex, 103 Flogum Drive, Burns Lake, BC
Burns Lake
Village of Burns Lake Municipal OfÀce, 15 3rd Avenue, Burns Lake, BC
And ADVANCE VOTING is on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at the following location: Electoral Areas 4ualiÀed electors are only entitled to vote at the voting place within the electoral area in which they reside or Tualify as a non-resident property elector. Electors are entitled to one vote per school district. If you need to conÀrm the electoral area in which you reside, contact Rosanne Murray, Chief Election OfÀcer at (250) 94-3242 or cell: (250) 92- 2 9 or Darlene Turner, Secretary Treasurer at the School Board OfÀce in Vanderhoof, (250) 5 7-2284 or 1-800-903-4771.
Elector Registration Voting Day Registration – Two Pieces of IdentiÀcation Needed The registration of all electors for this election will take place at the time of voting. Voters must produce at least two documents that provide evidence of identity and place of residence. Alternatively, electors can provide two documents that provide evidence of identity and make a solemn declaration as to place of residence. Voters will also be required to make a declaration that they meet the following requirements: 18 years of age a Canadian citizen have been a resident of BC for at least six months immediately preceding the day of registration •
have been a resident of the electoral area for at least 30 days immediately preceding the day of registration are not otherwise disqualiÀed from voting by the School Act or any other enactment or law and am entitled to vote and have not previously voted in this election.
Non- Resident Property Elector (NRPE) Registration Non-resident property electors must produce two pieces of identiÀcation (at least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the property, and, if applicable, provide written consent from the majority of the property owners. Rosanne Murray Chief Election OfÀcer, School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) Box 98, Burns Lake, BC, V0J 1E0, Telephone: 250- 94-3242 Fax: 250- 94-3243 Cell: 250- 92- 2 9 Email:
Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Caledonia Courier
ty Build i n u er mm Pioneers
Courageous Battles
Human Interest
Brought to you by your MLA John Rustad
Serving the community of Fort St. James
Featuring the spirit of the local people
One little boy's fight highlights a community's spirit JESSE COLE Caledonia Courier What do we mean when we talk about community building? We’re talking about someone or something that brings people together and serves to foster a sense of togetherness between members of community, regardless of economic or social boundaries. That’s exactly what happened when Skylar Barfoot, four, got sick. Barfoot and his family are currently in the Vancouver area at a medical centre dealing with the little boys illness which at the moment appears to be some sort of cancer but that cannot yet be confirmed. Initially brought into Fort St. James’ Stuart Lake Hospital when he exhibited cold and flu symptoms, doctors quickly realized something was amiss
when his symptoms did not improve. Since being transferred to Vancouver the young boy has undergone a series of operations including blood transfusions and a bone marrow biopsy, something a boy of only four should never have to experience. What happened next was faith-restoring. In the wake of Barfoot’s illness, community members came together to raise money to help the boy and his family cover the costs associated with travel, medical care and other expenses. They did so through a silent auction and a spaghetti dinner at the gym of Fort St. James Secondary School. But it was about more than just raising money - it was about community coming together to support each other. From my brief chats with some of the more than 100
people that came and went during the fundraiser, it seemed that Barfoot and his family had touched the lives of each and every person in Fort St. James and Nak’azdli in some way. Whether Barfoot is a grandchild, a great grandchild, a schoolmate or a friend - everyone was connected to him in some way, shape or form. The fundraiser and silent auction raised over $5,000 for the Barfoot family with people (and businesses) far and wide donating over 50 items to the auction. There were people from all walks of life at the fundraiser, from municipal councillors, artists and ranchers to family and school children and they all were coming together to help a community member, a family member in need. And that is truly
Skylar Barfoot, four, is currently in care in Vancouver and was the subject of a fundraising auction and dinner to help cover the costs associated with his treatment. Photo courtesy of Kristi Howell.
what community building is about, about a community that comes together when it matters most and puts their petty differences aside for
the greater good. Skylar Barfoot’s story has truly touched my heart as did the reaction from those in Fort St. James. Whether
this little boy knows it or not, he is loved and he has made an impact by his very existence and will to fight. We wish him and his family all the
best in their time of need and thank you, Fort St. James, for showing that when it matters most this community is here for one another.
John Rustad, MLA Nechako Lakes
Box 421 183 First Street, Vanderhoof Tel: 250-567-6820 Fax: 250-567-6822
Toll Free: 1-877-964-5650 Email: Website: