Kitimat Northern Sentinel, October 29, 2014

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Years est. 1954

Volume 60 No. 44

Supper Club a big success Cameron Orr The organizers of the Monday night Kitimat Community Supper Club have celebrated six months of meals and show no signs of slowing down. Sherry LeducBrady said that Thanksgiving Monday marked “We will serve their six months since the richest of they began serving food the rich, and at the Kitimat First Baptist Church, which the poorest of began Easter Monday. Dinner opens to the poor.” the community at 5 p.m. and goes to about 7 p.m., and it’s a free event, organizers only asking for donations to keep operations going from anyone who can give. “My numbers have been going up since the beginning,” said Leduc-Brady. “They go up quite steadily.” She said she had recently planned for 150 people and ended up serving 68 people at the church, plus a number of care packages to send out, which put her over that 150 planned servings. “Everybody is welcome,” she said. “We will serve the richest of the rich, and the poorest of the poor.” She also added, “We will not turn away anybody at our door. We firmly believe that having enough to eat should be a right and not a privilege.” Volunteers to the effort are also acknowledged. A lunch is served for volunteers at noon, and she’ll even pick up coffee for people who help her get started Monday mornings, which can mean a start of 8 or 9 a.m. She said a saving grace to the community outreach has been donations from local stores Overwaitea and SuperValu. While individual servings would cost around $1.90 a start, she said now it’s only just over a $1 for each meal served thanks to donations. “If it wasn’t for the donations we received from Terrace Community Gardens, Overwaitea and SuperValu, I don’t think we would have been able to provide the amazing feast we were able to do,” she said, referring to a request to organize a feast in Kitamaat Village, which she did with about 24 hours notice. Their charity doesn’t end with the suppers. She said they’ve done homelessness drives and have sent out about 15 care packages which includes pillows, beddings, and even portable mattresses, as well as toiletries.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014



Hatchery manager Markus Feldhoff next to the current water aeration system inside their tower. The new technology will reduce the height requirements for their gravity-fed system. Inset, the new aerators.

Kitimat hatchery nets fed funding Cameron Orr The Kitimat Hatchery has been given access to a pot of over $13 million from the federal government to do some key upgrades to its water system. The federal government announced the funding on October 3, which said that select facilities would be provided $13.8 million — in total for all places — to refurbish water supply systems. The Kitimat Hatchery has already moved ahead on some key projects, some which are already done and others they are still waiting for the bids on. A project already done has provided the hatchery with two new pumps for their river water collection. The project also included a river water bypass line. Previously the hatch-

ery would aerate its river water as it does with its ‘harder’ well water. River water however is already well aerated and so a new line was built to save the trouble of pumping it up its water tower. The aeration tower itself will be given a fairly extensive rebuild as well. As it is now, water is pumped straight to the top and dropped through an aeration system which natural oxidizes the water. New technology will achieve the same result but with a difference of 10 feet. Hatchery manager Markus Feldhoff said dropping the height requirements by 10 feet may not sound like a lot but it saves considerable wear on

the pumps and will mean tremendous cost savings. Work to the incubation room inside the hatchery will also take place, which will install a re-circulation water system as well as a chiller system. The chiller will be useful for instances where hatchery staff will have to slow the growth of fish to reduce bottle necks in releasing to the river. There’s also a natural marking system for fish that requires water at certain temperatures. The hatchery will also update its own potable drinking water system. Their water is not on District of Kitimat supply and while their water is tested regularly the new filtration systems will enhance its reliability.


Telethon continues its successful run ... page 6

2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Man loses his license for impaired driving October 13 RCMP responded to a complaint of an intoxicated male laying in the ditch near Gryfalcon Ave. and Kingfisher Ave. Upon police attendance the male was transported to Kitimat General Hospital for an assessment. After a doctor cleared the male for incarceration he was lodged in cells until he was sober and able to care for himself. October 14 A complaint was received of a suspicious male at the B.C. liquor store. Upon attendance, staff told police that they believed the male was about to steal some liquor. Upon further investigation it was learned that the suspect male had stolen pre-cooked chicken moments earlier from a grocery store. The suspect was identified and banned from attending the grocery store. RCMP responded to a complaint of a vehicle in the ditch on Highway 37 near Hirsch Creek. Upon attendance the officer detected signs of impairment from the driver of the vehicle. The driver was read an approved screening device demand and blew two fails. The driver, a 44 year old male from Kitimat, received a 90 day driving prohibition and a 30 day vehicle impound. October 15 A complaint of a dog bite from a residence on Columbia Ave was investigated. A female had attended to a residence when a dog exited the front door and bit the female, resulting in one stitch. The Kitimat RCMP and the Kitimat Humane Society are continuing to investigate. Kitimat RCMP were advised by a complainant that her niece who was travelling from Vancouver to Kitimat on a bus was overdue. The complainant was concerned as she could not reach her niece. Police requested assistance from Vancouver Police Department. On October 18th the com-

Police Beat plainant advised that her niece was okay and had missed her bus. October 16 RCMP received a complaint of an assault at the Kitimat Hotel. Upon attendance police learned that one of the exotic dancers had been assaulted by a patron. The suspect had departed the scene prior to attendance. This matter remains under investigation. Continued on page 9

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 29, 2014 3

unveils new LNG regulations, LNG Alliance response Regional Province which cut down the is moving in the right sources, and the propo- week, which included Martina Perry province’s original direction,” he said. The BC LNG Allinents get a fair return set emission limits for briefs ance is pleased to have plan to charge up to “We have to work for their shareholders.” LNG producers.

Kitimat’s 20-year changes means new needs needed Cameron Orr The make-up of Kitimat’s demographics may continue to change over the next 10 years, according to forecasts from the District of Kitimat’s planning department. As part of an October 6 public hearing on the Riverbrook Estates proposal for a number of townhouses, standalone homes and apartment units, the Director of Planning and Development Gwen Sewell gave her department’s outlook which shows a need for new housing in Kitimat through to 2021. The department sees the potential for four scenarios of population growth from this moment onward, depending on which projects are built, the highest scenario being the case that the Kitimat Clean oil refinery is constructed. Sewell notes that there’s no confirmation that project may be built but if that and other proposed projects are built Kitimat could be looking at an industrial work force of about 4,600 people at the high end. Even so there is a moderate projection of a need for 2,900 industrial jobs. “Of the four development scenarios we’re looking at there’s a very large difference in the number of jobs overall,” she said. “So in 1981 we had approximately 3,900 industrial jobs, but we had very, very few retirees.” That ratio has been flipping since the 80s. “[Projections are] 800 fewer jobs, but again we have a very different population make-up now with a larger number of retiree population.” That shrinking work base combined with more retirees means the average household in Kitimat has fewer people. “In 1981, which was essentially the peak of our last big boom, there was 3.3 people per every household,

and now we’re down to 2.3,” said Sewell. “That’s quite a significant difference.” What those figures speak to is a concern from community residents that Kitimat houses a higher population in the 80s with the same number of households that Kitimat has now with fewer people. But from the District of Kitimat’s staff’s perspective, household make-up used to be much different. If there’s just over 2.3 people, statistically speaking of course, that’s one full person less per household than in the 80s. “We’re going to likely need an increase in the number of multi-family dwellings,” she said. Construction has been slow too. Sewell says that over the last 20 years the number of new dwelling units constructed each year has only been 4.5 “We’ve had very, very little growth in the number of potential households.” That number jumped last year with 70 units constructed. Half of those, said Sewell, replaced apartment units which were lost in a fire years ago. Other community factors such as the rapid increase of market prices for houses shows a high demand in Kitimat. Even if those numbers have trailed off in the past few months, “it’s an overwhelming trend of increase in values and also decrease in vacancy,” which she says are all indicators that Kitimat does not have enough living units to satisfy demand. Kitimat has room for potentially up to 10,870 living units, and up to 13,160 with a full build-out of all available land and units within Kitimat without leaving the existing town foot print, she said.


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will provide thousands of jobs for British Columbians for decades to come,” David Keane, BC LNG Alliance president, said. The group welcomed the province’s recent Liquified Natural Gas Income Tax Act, unveiled by Finance Minister Mike de Jong on Oct. 21,

together to strike the right balance so that British Columbians get a fair return for the sale of their natural reun

David Keane.

seven per cent income tax on liquified natural gas. Taking effect in 2017, the tax rate will be 1.5 per cent for three years as companies construct LNG plants. The rate will rise to 3.5 per cent on net income after capital costs are deducted, and then to five per cent in 2037. Keane said the group appreciates that the government revisited its original tax structure. “We do operate in a globally competitive market, so I think this


Tom Fletcher The B.C. government is preparing to declare the second Sunday of September Terry Fox Day, recognizing the annual Marathon of Hope events around the world that raise money for cancer research. Port MoodyCoquitlam MLA Linda Reimer presented a private member’s bill last Thursday to recognize the day the annual runs have been held since 1980. As a student at Simon Fraser University, Reimer recalled seeing Fox run around the campus quadrangle and wondering what he was training for. “It honours a great man whose combination of strength, passion, idealism and sheer guts led to the impossible notion that he would run across Canada on one good leg and a prosthesis, the equivalent of a marathon a day,” Reimer said. Premier Christy Clark said Reimer’s bill is expected to pass with unanimous support. She met with Terry’s father Rolly, sister Judith and brothers Darrell and Fred in her office. Darrell Fox said the declaration will encourage volunteers who organize Terry Fox runs, who have raised $650 million in the past 34 years. “That’s why we’re so excited, because it gives them something to look forward to and to promote next year, and the fact that it has happened here in B.C.,” he said. “Terry Fox is everywhere, across this country and around the world, but he was from Port Coquitlam.”

a better understanding of the regulations proposed facilities would face moving forward. The Province of British Columbia recently announced a revision to the taxation liquified natural gas producers will pay, as well as setting emission limits and an environmental incentive program. “By working together between industry and government, we will be able to develop a viable longterm LNG industry in British Columbia that

Kiti m

Terry Fox

ane Soci

Environment Minister Mary Polak introduced the LNG Environmental Incentive Program last

The program aims to encourage industry to incorporate lower emitting technology Continued on page 8

Kitimat Humane Society Shelter Annual and


Kitimat Northern Sentinel 626 Enterprise Ave.


Saturday, November 8 at the Rod and Gun Club 386 Haisla Blvd., Kitimat Doors Open 6 pm Dinner 7 pm Auction to follow

TICKETS $35 EACH - Available at: Kitimat Humane Society, Northern Sentinel 1000 Eurocan Way Kitimat 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat Ph. 250-632-7373 Ph. 250-632-6144 Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 5 pm

All Proceeds Donated to Kitimat Humane Society










oast Mountains Board of Education School District 82


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of Coast Mountains Board of Education School District 82 that an Election by Voting is necessary to elect two (2) School Trustees for a four-year term commencing December 2014 and terminating December 2018. The persons nominated as candidates at the Election by Voting and for whom the votes will be received are listed below. TO BE ELECTED - TWO: Trustee Electoral Area 1 (Kitimat) – the District of Kitimat, Kitamaat Village and Cable Car Subdivision APNA-RAJ, Raymond #13-30 Clifford Street Kitimat CARTER, Tim 88 Skeena Street Kitimat WARCUP, Margaret #2-4730 Vesta Avenue Terrace

GENERAL VOTING DAY: Saturday, November 15, 2014, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

• Mount Elizabeth Middle/Secondary School Cafeteria, 1491 Kingfisher Avenue, Kitimat • Riverlodge Recreation Centre, 654 Columbia Avenue West, Kitimat • Haisla Nation Council Administration Office Board Room, Kitamaat Village

ADVANCE VOTING OPPORTUNITY: Wednesday, November 5, 2014 and Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. • Tamitik Meeting Room, 400 City Centre (located in the lobby between the Tamitik arena and the pool), Kitimat

SPECIAL VOTING OPPORTUNITY: Saturday, November 15, 2014, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

• Kitimat General Hospital and Mountainview Lodge, 920 Lahakas Boulevard South, Kitimat

Saturday, November 15, 2014, 3:15 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. • Delta King Place, 701 Mountainview Square, Kitimat MAIL BALLOT VOTING: Mail ballot voting will be available for those electors of the Coast Mountains Board of Education School District 82 who are unable to vote at other voting opportunities. Any person requiring information on mail ballot voting, please contact Carole Gagnon, Executive Assistant at the Board of Education Office at (250) 638-4401 or toll free 1-855-635-4931, Local 4401. Note - It is the responsibility of the voter to ensure they contact the Executive Assistant in sufficient time to receive a mail ballot package and return the ballots. ELECTOR REGISTRATION: If you are not on the list of electors, you may register at the time of voting. To register you must meet the following qualifications: • 18 years of age or older on general voting day for the election • Canadian citizen • Resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately preceding voting day • Resident of OR registered owner of real property in Trustee Electoral Area 1 for at least 30 days immediately preceding voting day, and • Not otherwise disqualified by law from voting Resident electors seeking to register will be required to produce 2 pieces of identification, at least one with a signature and one with address, proving both residency and identity. Non-resident property electors must produce satisfactory proof that they are entitled to register and vote in relation to their real property, and if applicable, written consent from a majority of other registered owners of the real property that you are permitted to register and vote for that property. For further information contact: Cathy Jackson, Chief Election Officer (Tel. 250-635-1907) for: Coast Mountains Board of Education School District 82

3211 Kenney Street, Terrace, B.C. V8G 3E9 Tel. (250) 635-4931 or 1-855-635-4931 Local 4401 . Fax 1-888-290-4786 .

4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email • KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.


Each year around this time I attempt what at this point seems the impossible: tracking down and doing a feature on a true haunted spot in Kitimat. I’ve been told of some places, a house here or there, and at least one of our local restaurants. (I won’t detail which one since I haven’t done any actual ‘supernatural’ reporting on it yet.) The task frequently proves fruitless, whether it’s hard to find a consensus a place is haunted, or it’s people who don’t know much of the history of any particular spooks. So, sadly, another year has come and gone and I haven’t found any real haunted hot spots in Kitimat. Of course such reporting would only be in good fun. I’m no Dan Aykroyd and don’t commit my life to researching the other-worldly. (Yes, aside from being a “Ghostbuster” in movies he does share belief in the supernatural as his character does, it’s been told.) At this point I can only share places in town that I’ve found ‘spooky’. Number one, the Haisla Bridge is, amazingly a spooky sight. Not on usual days, of course, but at this time of year when the mornings are foggy, the mist coming off the Kitimat River engulfs our gateway to the Service Centre and beyond. It’s all I can do to not expect a headless horseman waiting on the other side. Another weird spot, and I’m hesitant to mention it only because I’m not trying to imply any religious commentary, but there’s a pullout on Kitamaat Village Road and if you take the very short path to some rocks overlooking the Channel, you will also find a cast-iron cross, with a cement base where someone has etched “He is not here, He is risen.” Clearly it’s Christian imagery, the only reason I mention it as a ‘spooky’ spot is it’s lack of attribution. I did not see any marking claiming ownership or creation of this structure, and it does not stand visible from the road. It simply exists, seemingly from nothing. For those reasons I’ve marked it off as an interesting, and ‘spooky’, spot in our area. Hopefully next year I’ll have spotted some more sites in town that have that supernatural element. You’ll notice I didn’t cheat and say the cemetery, which is not being creative at all. (And arguably not spooky either.) Looking for spooky spots of course is leading in to Halloween, which is this Friday, where we’ll all certainly find ghosts and ghouls wandering our streets in search of that sweet, sweet candy. Take care to look out for our community’s little goblins, light up a Jack-O-Lantern if you’re so inclined, and maybe memorize a scary story to tell your friends. Here, I’ll start: It was a dark and stormy night in the aluminum city... Cameron Orr

Early fumbles in battle against shadow enemies from within Hopefully, Canada changed for the better on Wednesday of last week, after a young soldier was gunned down and killed by a self-declared radical muslim, who was himself shot dead in a hail of bullets a short time later in a most unusual place, inside the Hall of Honour of the House of Commons on Capital Hill. It was the second time in three days that a member of Canada’s armed forces had been killed by an alleged radicalized young Canadian muslim convert, who was subsequently and promptly killed by police. While the Canadian Parliamentary members unanimously congratulated its security forces throughout the succeeding two days, it was clear that - in fact - Canada’s police, armed, security and secret services agencies had fumbled the ball on the first two passes in reacting to overseas threats of Islamic State terrorists intent of taking their fight to partner countries in the coalition involved in attacking ISIS insurgents in Iraq and Syria. Their reaction to the Ottawa emergency was swift, deadly and appropriate. Unanswered questions abound about how an armed intruder was able

Under Miscellaneous by Allan Hewitson

to penetrate Parliament and place himself in a position to endanger MPs and public servants. No doubt by publication time today, many answers will have been provided and significant actions taken to extend a better level of security in all areas that could be seen as targets for individual radicals to attempt action against Canada. It is obviously an extremely complicated issue and one that should and does concern Canadians from coast to coast. Being better able to anticipate the actions of radicalized individuals prepared to take action - identified or unidentified - can likely only focus on higher profile locations, of which there are hundreds across the country. Although for the week, the score was 2-2 in the deaths column, the radicals were “in the lead” with several other injuries to innocent victims.

Security forces are having to take big steps up to be better prepared for future attacks, to make changes that will improve the immediate safety for our military members and to dissuade radicalized Canadians from further deadly actions, inspired by ISIS and its ilk. Laws will likely be changed and Canada will move a step further down the “homeland security” road of limiting all Canadians rights to move freely around this large country. These are new conditions for Canadians, for their government, their security and the Canadian police forces. They will take some getting used to - and already some are demanding effective action, without impacting Canadians’ rights. Is this possible? I doubt it. Our world again has changed. The new security threats demonstrated in the past two weeks show dealing with the kinds of individuals involved will challenge the simplest of our freedoms and few will question the need for greater awareness of the issues involved or the requirement for devising workable strategies to fight a shadowy and largely unknown enemy, who comes from within our midst.

Working together bringing the news to you. Community newspapers a s s o C i a t i o n

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Contents Copyrighted Canadian Publications Mail Product, Agreement No. 477761, Canada Post Corp., Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash.

Sarah Campbell Misty Johnsen Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Advertising Assistant Classifieds/Administration Publisher Editor

Kristyn Green Flyer Distribution

The Kitimat Northern Sentinel is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulating body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to the B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9. For more information phone 1-888-687-2213, or go to

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 29, 2014 5

Max Patzelt:Through the lens, part 2 We closed the first part of Max Patzelt’s story by recalling how in 1956 he had been persuaded to abandon his plans to leave Kitimat and instead work for Fred Ryan, owner of a local photography business. Photography in the 1950s in Kitimat was big business and the duo was busy morning to night. Alcan required documentation and photographic records for everything - they even had their own photo-finishing plant with a staff of five including two girls who were continually working on printing the photos. An incredible thirteen prints were made from each negative and the staff was required to label the photos, deliver them to the correct departments, then file the negatives. Initially Ryan’s photo shop was at Smeltersite but after a fire in which they lost everything, they relocated to the City Centre, near Helen’s Café. Within a few years Fred sold out to Jim Condon and shortly after that the business was sold to a partnership of Max and Hazel Hatton. At that point they became the original partnership for Sight and Sound but even-

It’s Our

Heritage Walter thorne

tually Max’s Kitimat Photo was split off from the parent Sight and Sound. Life for Max as a young single man was good. Although extremely busy in his profession, Max found time for his Catholic Church life and many outdoor pursuits. In those early years he was an active member of the Volunteer Fire Department the activities of which included tree planting on the slopes of Hospital Hill, spectacular community fireworks, Hallowe’en parties and first aid training and competitions. Max was never idle. He befriended fire chief Aubrey Creed and was a frequent explorer/fisherman on the Douglas Channel aboard Creed’s sailboat, the Unifire. Some of their favorite trips were down to Bishop Bay Hotsprings which they helped to re-

build. Max can recall the old shack and shiny penny and he, like many others, was trough there with all its graffiti carvings proud of it. For a youth growing up in a war zone going back to the 1800s. There were big salmon in those days but hunting was also where food was scarce, arriving here to a passion. He remembers getting a moose witness the camp food offered by Crawfrom his dingy on Jesse Lake and he often ley-McCracken was incredible - they nevheaded out of town on the new Highway er turned back anyone capable of eating 25 to hunting locales close to Houston. four T-bone steaks. And were the desserts ever special! Some of his favourites were near Ootsa Max does lament what Kitimat has and Tahtsa on the Alcan reservoir. Those lost. He recalls all the shops and services were the days. Max’s days as a single man ended we once had such as four car dealerships when he met Isobel Mitchell - ironically and many service stations. Continued on page 8 she was a bridesmaid at one of the weddings he was assigned to photograph. Their first date was going to church and they were married on April 20, 1963. 316 Railway Ave., Kitimat • Ph. 250 632-6633 Their first child was Erica, born in 1964, followed by Susan KITIMAT UNDERSTANDING THE ENVIRONMENT two years later. At first the family resided in the Golden Apartments, Fall Green Tips #7 but in 1972 they relocated to SwanWith Fall now upon us, here are some ways to stay green as the leaves turn brown. nell Street. Water works - Make sure to check for leaks inside For Max, nothing can beat and out. Turn the water supply off to your outside pipes early Kitimat, it was the place to and open the outside taps to drain to prevent freezing. be. He doesn’t miss the mud and You also may want to wrap your water heater. gumboots and the elevated boardwalks, but his new town was like a Inspire others – email your green tip to



We may publish your commitment to change.

Coleman speaks on housing record This is an exciting time for our region, as the North is poised for rapid economic growth due to resource development. But rapid growth can sometimes put pressure on low-income people and families as housing prices rise and vacancy rates decrease. We need to make sure that northern residents still have access to affordable housing. Oct. 12-18 is Homelessness Action Week, and it’s a good opportunity for us all to acknowledge those in our communities in need, highlight the incredible work being done in our communities and work together to develop our plans for the future. Last year, the provincial government provided more than $32 million for affordable housing options in the North - including over $11.5 million for homeless supports. Our homeless outreach teams operate in six communities across the region, connecting people with stable

housing and a range of supports such as income assistance and health and addictions services. In the North there are more than 220 subsidized apartments and 170 permanent shelter spaces available for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness. In addition, more than 130 people who were homeless or at risk of homelessness received rent supplements last year to help them find housing in the private market. We are also working to make sure that low-income, working families have access to affordable housing. Last year, more than 300 northern families received rental assistance to keep their rent affordable. This year, in Prince George we opened Victoria Towers, with 91 new affordable apartments for low-income people and families. We will continue to invest in affordable housing because it is a fundamental part of a vibrant and healthy community.

The Province understands that northern communities are facing a new chapter, that’s why we provided $100,000 to Kitimat, Terrace, Prince Rupert and Port Edward to develop Housing Action Plans. These plans examine the potential impact of growth on housing affordability and present recommendations for all levels of government, community partners and stakeholders to address housing needs. The first one has already been completed in Kitimat, with the rest to follow in the coming year. The provincial government will continue to partner and support northern communities as we work together to make sure that everyone in the North has access to housing. I’d like to thank our partners, community organizations, staff and volunteers who work so hard to provide housing for those in need. Their efforts change lives, support our communities

Guest Column Rich Coleman

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and make the North a better place to live - for everyone.

Rich Coleman is the B.C. Minister Reponsible for Housing








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Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds

Clues Across

1. Bulla 5. Former Egyptian Pres. Anwar 10. Identical 14. Military assistant 15. True heath 16. Indonesian phenomenon 17. Japanese social networking 18. Bring banquet food 19. Front of the head 20. Jean Paul __, author 22. Movie settings 24. Incline from vertical 26. Bleats 27. One who sings carols 30. Any high mountain 31. Mutual savings bank 34. Tequila plant 35. One point N of due E 37. Not large 39. Khoikhoin people 40. Soccer player Hamm

Clues Down

1. Shopping pouches 2. Old Italian money 3. Central German river 4. Composer Ludwig van 5. A way to withdraw 6. Macaws 7. Radiotelegraphic signal 8. Highest card 9. Any bone of the tarsus 10. Places to store valuables 11. Actor Ladd 12. Nutmeg seed covering 13. Vision organs 21. Abnormal breathing 23. Crownworks 25. Religious recluse 26. Fruits of the genus Musa 27. Thou __ do it 28. Repeatedly 29. Plant of a clone

41. European owl genus 42. Palio race city 44. Hostelry 45. Outer ear eminences 46. Explosive 47. Illuminated 49. Musical pieces in slow tempo 51. Not crazy 52. Star Trek helm officer 53. Gave the axe 56. Make a mental connection 60. City founded by Xenophanes 61. Extremely angry 65. Wild Eurasian mountain goat 66. Voyage on water 67. Comforts 68. Otherwise 69. Young herrings in Norway 70. Weapon discharges 71. Prepares a dining table

31. African tribe 32. No. Irish borough & bay 33. French Chateau Royal 36. Bulk storage container 38. “Good Wife” Actress Julianna 43. Assoc. of Licensed Aircraft Engineers 45. An account of events 48. West __, archipelago 50. Coercion 51. Ancient Scand. bard 53. Leaves of the hemp plant 54. Jai __, sport 55. Designer Chapman 57. Having the skill to do something 58. Exam 59. Prior wives 62. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! 63. Volcanic mountain in Japan 64. Vietnamese offensive

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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Coastal GasLink Pipeline granted environmental assessment approval Environment Minister Mary Polak and Natural Gas Development Minister Rich Coleman have issued an Environmental Assessment Certificate to Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd. for the Coastal GasLink Pipeline project, which is located in north BC, starting near Dawson Creek and ending in Kitimat. The decision was made after considering a review led by B.C.’s Environmental Assessment Office. The ministers have issued the

certificate with legallyenforceable conditions that have given them the confidence to conclude that the project will be constructed, operated and decommissioned in a way that ensures that no significant adverse effects are likely to occur, with the exception of adverse effects on caribou and from greenhouse gas emissions. There are 32 conditions that are part of the Environmental Assessment Certificate. Design restrictions are specified

in the Certified Project Description. Each of the conditions and the Certified Project Description are legallybinding requirements that Coastal GasLink must meet to be in compliance with the certificate. The Coastal GasLink pipeline will require various federal, provincial and local government permits. The majority of provincial permits are provided through the BC Oil & Gas Commission, the primary operational regulator

of oil and gas activities in B.C. The Environmental Assessment Office will co-ordinate compliance management efforts with other government agencies to ensure that the office is satisfied that certificate conditions are met. The $4.7-billion Coastal GasLink Pipeline project is a natural gas transmission pipeline that is approximately 675 kilometres long and 48 inches in diameter and will operate for at least 30 years. The pipeline

Answers needed from Gateway ReadeR’s WRite Dear Sir, The October 9, 2014 CBC article titled “Enbridge Line 9B pipeline delayed by NEB over major water body concerns� shows clearly the company’s disregard for safety and the environment. The attached conditions to the NEB approval of

the reversal of Line 9A to carry bitumen to the East Coast, required Enbridge to identify all major water bodies and put valves within one kilometer on each side of their crossings. The NEB reported that only only six of the 104 such crossings appeared to have such valves in-

stalled. Worse, the NEB disagrees with Enbridge’s criteria for the determination of what a “Major Water Crossing� is. I wonder if, at the recent open houses that Enbridge held for the Northern Gateway pipeline project, they justified not placing valves on either side of major areas which only they have the right to designate. I also wonder how the paid,

will have an initial capacity of two to three billion cubic feet per day, with the potential to expand to five billion cubic feet per day. During construction, the Coastal GasLink Pipeline project will create approximately 11,000 person years of

direct employment and 8,900 person years of indirect employment in B.C. During operations, the project will provide approximately 150 direct and indirect jobs in B.C. British Columbia’s environmental assessment process involves a rigorous,

thorough review that provides for significant opportunities for First Nations, government agencies and the public to provide input on the potential for environmental, economic, social, heritage and health effects from a proposed project.



All clinics are drop-in Kitimat General Hosptial - 920 Lahakas Blvd. Location Multipurpose Room

anonymous members of the invisible Community Advisory Boards (CAB) on the Northern Gateway - supposedly representing our communities - are holding Enbridge to task on their empty promises. Sincerley, J. Wier Smithers

Dates Nov 3rd Nov 5th Nov 10th & 14th Nov 12th Nov 17th Nov 21st Nov 24th, 28th & Dec 29th

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The 35th Aluminum City Telethon concluded with an astonishing $117,000 total by the time 9 p.m. hit at Mount Elizabeth Theatre. Evening hosts Michelle Wakita and Sally Sousa, along with tally-man Dennis Rudolph, announced the results, after an amazing 10-hour fundraising telethon. 10.375" X 2.857 Performances at Mount Elizabeth Theatre, 1491 Kingfisher, Ave., Kitimat


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COMING EVENTS October 6 - November 10 Christ the King Parish Bereavement Ministry Committee is sponsoring “Connecting Each Other with Hope”, a six week grief support group. Sessions in the Catholic Church Hall. Open to anyone, regardless of religious affiliation. Register or get more information by calling Lidia at 250632-6292, or Susana at 250-632-2215. November 3 PROVIDING FEEDBACK - This workshop allows participants to explore various aspects of effective feedback. It also provides handson opportunities to practice writing positive and constructive feedback statements and opportunities to deliver positive and constructive feedback. Workshop occurs on Monday, November 3 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce, 2109 Forest Avenue. You are welcome to bring a brown bag if you wish. Everyone is welcome! Join trainer Nancy Shelford, Volunteer Engagement Coordinator with the Canadian Cancer Society’s Northern Region. Space is limited – please reserve your seat by emailing Nancy at nshelford@ or calling 1-800-811-5666. Ongoing WANT A GARDEN bed next year at the Kitimat Community Garden? Call Denise at 250-632-9107 for more information. THE KITIMAT Public Library offers the highly engaging Mother Goose StoryTime for pre-schoolers Monday mornings from 10:30 -11:15 .am. Please register for this

free program. THE KITIMAT QUILTERS Guild meetings are the first Thursday of every month, held at M.E.S.S. Sewing room. All experience

levels welcome. (19+) Call Aileen at 250-6326225 or Wanda at 250632-4458. Ongoing WANT A GARDEN bed next year at the Kitimat Community Garden? Call Denise at 250-632-9107 for

more information. HEALTHY BABIES drop in is held every Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Kitimat Child Development Center. They welcome families throughout pregnancy and up to one year

(older siblings welcome). Come meet other parents and infants over light refreshments with support from the CDC staff and a Public Health Nurse. For more information call 250-632-3144. CHILD DEVELOP-

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 29, 2014 7 MENT CENTRE Fam- for more information. FIBRE ily Fun Spot Drop-In KITIMAT Mondays and Wednes- ARTS GUILD: Interdays, 10 a.m. to 12 ested in knitting, spinp.m., and Fridays 1 to ning, weaving, or any 3 p.m. Ages 0-5 wel- other fibre? For more phone come “A Great place information 250-632for families to meet Maureen over coffee and toys!” 5444. Continued on page 11 Contact 250-632-3144

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 29, 2014 8

MP Cullen plugs tanker ban bill By Josh Massey New Democrat MP Nathan Cullen says he has no big objections about oil products being exported from North America with the one exception that nothing should be transported through his Skeena – Bulkley Valley riding. It means that not even

a plan to ship refined oil by tanker, which some studies have shown to be less harmful than bitumen crude in the case of a spill, would be permitted from the north coast if a private member’s bill being promoted by Cullen is ever turned into law. Cullen provided a rundown of his “An Act to Defend the Pacific Northwest”

bill at a public session held in Terrace Oct. 16. He does not go so far as to include pipelines in his ban bid but his bill does call for the National Energy Board to review such proposals to determine their value-added economic and job-creating potential. Nor does the proposed ban apply to LNG tankers

or any tankers that might be heading north and south up the coast, as the bill is directed at banning tanker traffic bound for ports across the Pacific Ocean in particular. Cullen said his bill would not apply to areas outside the boundaries of his constituency, arguing that other areas have to

make their own decisions about oil exports. And against the charge that his bill is a “not in my back yard” measure, Cullen said there are particular aspects to the coastal environment that make it highly unfavourable for oil export. This was his response to those like Ann Kantakis, who said she is strongly

opposed to Northern Gateway, when they asked Cullen how his proposed law would protect the coast from other oil shipping projects, for instance if an alternative line was built to Alaska. “It depends on what your backyard is,” Cullen said afterwards. “Some Continued on page 11

Police Beat

Continued from page 2 October 17 A complaint was received of someone trying to break into a vehicle parked on Stikine St. The complainant scared the suspect away and police confirmed that no entry was gained to the parked vehicle. Patrols for the suspect were negative. RCMP attended to a by-law noise complaint on Omenica St. Upon attendance police learned that a resident had placed their smoke detector outside after being unable to turn it off. Police spoke to the complainant and provided an update to them. October 18 Kitimat RCMP assisted paramedics at a residence on Oriole St. after a female had mixed prescription pills with alcohol. Police attended with paramedics and the female resident was transported to Kitimat General Hospital for treatment. October 19 RCMP received a driving complaint of a southbound vehicle on Highway 37 near Oolichan Ave. The complainant stated that a white truck passed his vehicle in an unsafe manner and was travelling at 130 km/ hr. Attempts to reach the registered owner who resides in Prince George were unsuccessful. The complainant was updated. If you have information about these or any other crimes, please call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222TIPS (8477) or contact the Kitimat RCMP at 250-632-7111.

DDUTY Canada’s pipeline companies have a duty to move energy with care. When a route crosses a river or stream, many steps are taken to protect precious water, natural habitat, and earn our continued right to operate. Learn more about CEPA Integrity First®. Delivering Canada’s energy. Every day. Learn more about pipelines in your life at:

Market needs certainty, says BCNREB VP Cameron Orr Statements by major players in the liquefied natural gas proposals for the northwest have slowed real estate activity, even as most markets are showing increases in volume of sales and value. That’s according to the BC Northern Real Estate Board Vice President David Black. (unrelated to Black Press’s chairman of the same name.) Economic uncertainty, says a report from the BCNREB on the first nine months of real estate activity, remains a factor influencing markets.

days to sell, says the report. At the end of September there were 108 properties listed in Kitimat of alltypes through MLS. For comparison, in Terrace, 288 properties sold up to September 30, worth $72.5 million. That’s one less sale to this time last year, but worth more than last year’s $65.1 million. In Prince Rupert, 263 properties have been sold, worth $55.4 million. That’s more than last year’s 206 to now, and worth more, against last year’s $45 million.

“With a number of projects in the planning stages, the north could use some certainty,” said Black. “Government approval of at least one of these major projects would help solidify the strength of the market across the north.” In Kitimat, 128 properties, worth $35.9 million, changed hands in the first nine months of this year. That’s down both in number of sales to this time last year — 195 sold to September 30, 2013 — and in value, where last year sales were worth $47.7 million. The homes took an average of 23

Through the lens Continued from page 5 He and other pioneers would welcome a return to more prosperous times with new businesses and industries opening. He can’t wait.Being a photographer was not without its challenges. Working with the RCMP on accident investigations and suicides was no fun and there was the odd challenging assignment like hanging off an Alcan-chartered helicopter to photograph damage to chimneys at the plant while the wind swung him wildly. He can also remember photo shoots with weather delays where he ended up stranded on remote mountain-tops. Kildala Pass was one of them. Max, as a photographer, was further compelled to document the construction of all the major industrial development. He was on site capturing the construction of the Eurocan pulp and paper mill, Ocelot (later Methanex) and even the major wood haul road at Sandifer Pass from Tahtsa to Kemano. Over the years Max made considerable photo contributions to our paper, the Northern Sentinel. He also did some work for our CFTK television which meant there were the perks of meeting and photographing the visiting dignitaries, including government ministers, prime ministers and Governor-Generals. Amongst them were, John Diefenbaker and Vincent Massey. Highlights for Max were his years of first aid competitions in which Kitimat’s firemen made it to the provincial finals four years in a row.

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 29, 2014 9

Give the gift that never goes out of style... Don’t know what to get for some of the people on your Christmas list? Why not give them the gift of local news? Delivered weekly to their doorstep, the newspaper is one present they’ll never grow tired of. Call or drop in today and take advantage of this great holiday offer! ★ GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE ★

Purchase a one year subscription to Kitimat’s most read newspaper. DELIVERY $41.65 • SENIOR $37.50 ( prices include GST)

- includes houses, buildings and subdivisions in Kitimat, or MAILED out of town: $60.45 (includes GST).


From more recent times were the ten years he served on Northern city council. One of his favourites was the council trip to Im626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat Ph. 632-6144 Fax 639-9373 matra, our sister city in Finland. He remembers being treated Email: classifi like a king. As for his years of service with the Kiwanis, Max only wishes there were again younger recruits to take up the torch. Household Furniture Swap Event A further contribution from 225 Enterprise Ave (formerly SPCA) him was his leadership in organizNOVEMBER 8 FROM 10 AM to 4 PM ing the campaign for a new Roman Catholic church, the largest church Please donate clean, “lightly-used” in our community. Max greatly apfurniture at the above address preciates Canadian wilderness, esOctober 18, 25 or November 1 pecially that which flourishes near between 9AM—NOON Kitimat. He will always treasure our K

abundant wildlife. Over six decades in Kitimat, Max has made huge contributions. He is best known for his photography and his legacy is the thousands of photos which he has donated to the Kitimat Museum and Archives. Thanks to Max’s lens, future generations can get a glimpse of what life in Kitimat was like in the 50s, 60s and beyond.







Project Partners: District of Kitimat, Tamitik Status of Women, Child Development Centre, Chamber of Commerce, What’s in Store, Delta King Assisted Living and Kiwanis Village.

Halloween Safety Tips for parents and drivers to ensure a safe Halloween.

• THE GHOULS MAY NOT NOTICE YOU: Children may have very limited visibility while wearing For Parents: masks and costumes – don’t assume they see you approaching. And remember to always yield to • DRESS TO BE SEEN: Halloween is about putting on the spookiest outfit possible and that often pedestrians. By doing so, you help ensure they cross the road safely. involves dark colours. A good solution is to buy some reflective tape that you can add to the outfit • BEWARE OF THOSE DARK ALLEYS: oftenAve lurk (formerly in the darkest of places so enter and or even to their shoes or bag – as long as it makes them stand out against the dark road. 225Surprises Enterprise SPCA) exit driveways and alleys slowly and • THE BEST GHOULS SEE EVERYTHING: Scary masks are a key part of many Halloween costumes but NOVEMBER 8 FROM 10 AM to 4 PM carefully. Watch for little trick-orit’s important that your child wears a mask that doesn’t hinder their ability to fully see what’s treaters when backing up. going on around them. Put the mask over your own face to check the visibility and make any • DON’T END Please ON A donate TRUE your SCARE: necessary adjustments. If you’re hosting attending a • THE BEST GHOULS HEAR EVERYTHING TOO: As adults, we know that hearing is just as important clean, or “lightly-used” Halloween party, always ensure there Heavy Transport as seeing to ensure our safety around roads. Remind your children to not use their cellphone or furniture at thesuch above are safe options to get home, as Commercial & Residential to listen to their MP3 player – they should keep their fun focused on Halloween and all the candy. address designated drivers or taxi numbers at RV & Boat Storage • SAFETY IN NUMBERS: If you’re going for a walk on this spookiest of nights, you’ll be safer in a hand. October 18, 25 or group. Walking in numbers will help drivers and others see your children and they should always November 1 be accompanied by an appropriate number of adults. 2131 Forest Ave. Kitimat between 9AM— • GONE HAUNTING: If your kids are heading out for some trick-or-treating fun, make sure you help NOON. them plan their route ahead of time so they get home safely. Consider a route that takes them through a quiet residential area away from busy main roads and parking lots. And remind them to cross streets at designated points. For Drivers: • A FRIGHT’S JUST AROUND THE CORNER: Drivers need to slow down and expect Sponsored by the following businesses: the unexpected. Children can easily get caught up in the excitement of Project Partners: Halloween and forget to use caution, so slow down and be especially alert in District of Kitimat, Tamitik Status of Women, Child Development residential areas. Limit any distractions in your car so your focus is solely on the Centre, Chamber of Commerce, What’s in Store, Delta King Assisted road ahead. Living and Kiwanis Village. MLA

Household Furniture Swap Event











626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat Ph. 250 632-6144 / Fax 250 639-9373 newsroom@northernsentinel. com advertising@northernsentinel. com

Robin Austin

Kitimat Constituency

213 City Centre Lower City Centre Mall

Ph. 250-632-9886

Terrace Constituency Office 104-4710 Lazelle Ave. Ph. 250-638-7906

10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 29, 2014 A10

Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Northern Sentinel

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Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

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Roofer’s and Labourers Immediately in Kitimat Experienced in shingles, metal and torch-on systems. Wages based on experience and production. $18-$30/hr. MUST BE RELIABLE Fax: (250)639-9448 Tel: (250)639-9447 or email resume to:


Full and Part time for Coastal Taxi Send resume & driver’s abstract to PO Box 56 Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 No phone calls




Kitimat Cold Weather Shelter


Needed for the

Ballet, Jazz, and Contemporary Dance. Ages 4-18. Registration packages available at Kitimat Museum. Contact Hueylin at 250-632-6316 or

To manage recruitment, training & scheduling of volunteers and adhere to shelter policies. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Shelter Hours 8pm to 8am For more info. Please call: Margaret 250-632-3144 or Trish 250-632-6294 PARTS PERSON required for a growing progressive auto/industrial supplier. Experienced applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses working 5 day work week, plus moving allowances. See our community at Send resume to: Sapphire Auto & Industrial, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email:

Building Supplies

For Sale By Owner

PREFINISHED 3/4” Oak Hardwood, approx. 450 sq.ft. Installed $3200. Call Bill at 250-877-1172 or message at 250-847-4515




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Home Improvements FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.

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Houses For Sale


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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

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Connector The Northern

Contact the Northern Sentinel at 250-632-6144. 626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat

Northern Sentinel Wednesday, October 29, 2014



Apt/Condo for Rent


Hillcrest Place Apartments Bachelor & two bedroom units. No smoking. No pets. Starting at $650 monthly. 250-632-7814 Kitimat

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 29, 2014A11 11

Premier apologizes for 1864 Tsilhqot’in hangings By Tom Fletcher VICTORIA – The B.C. government has made a formal apology in the legislature to the Tsilhqot'in Nation for the arrest and hanging of six of its war chiefs at Quesnel in 1864. Tsilhqot'in tribal chair Chief Joe Alphonse and vice-chair Chief Roger William visited the legislature Thursday to hear Premier Christy Clark make a formal statement on the historic events often referred to as the Chilcotin War or the Bute Inlet massacre. The Tsilhqot'in Nation's historical position that it was defending its sovereign territory was upheld

in June by a Supreme Court of Canada decision recognizing aboriginal title based on continuous occupation and control of the Nemiah Valley near Williams Lake.

fought to protect their land, women and children. "One of the things you don't hear about very often, the final straw that led to that conflict was the abuse

Chief Roger William, vice chair of the Tsilhqot'in National Government, and Chief Joe Alphonse, chair, speak to reporters after apology in the B.C. legislature Thursday. In the summer of 1864, Tsilhqot'in members killed 14 construction workers employed by colonial official Alfred Waddington to build a road from Bute Inlet to provide faster access to the gold fields of the Cariboo region. Alphonse said later that Tsilhqot'in warriors traditionally

of our women by the roadbuilding crew," he said. After the violence, Tsilhqot'in chiefs were invited to Quesnel for what they believed were peace talks, but were arrested and eventually hanged. Clark described in the legislature an offer by colonial gold commissioner William Cox

LNG Alliance response Continued from page 3 into their plants to ensure the province has “the cleanest liquified natural gas facilities in the world”. The government set a greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) intensity benchmark of 0.16 carbon dioxide equivalent tonnes per tonne of LNG produced, which includes all emissions from the time when the product enters a facility to when it is loaded to go to market. Companies performing well will receive a carbon offset credit they can sell. Companies surpassing limits can buy credits, or contribute to a “technology fund”, with those funds being used on reducing GHG emissions in the natural gas and other

B.C. sectors. Along with new air quality rules being established for nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide emissions, Polak said LNG development can happen without exceeding B.C.’s GHG reduction target of 33 per cent by 2020. Keane said it’s important to recognize how much taxes LNG companies will have to pay in B.C. “This is one of the few jurisdictions where we will be paying a LNG tax and a carbon tax, along with having to purchase carbon offsets, in addition to paying PST, GST, corporate income taxes for both federal and provincial levels, municipal taxes, payroll taxes, etc.,” he said.

Tanker ban Continued from page 8 places we recognize, as a country, that shouldn’t be threatened. We do it all the time. It isn’t a question of resource development or not, it’s what kind and under what condition.” Cullen started the discussion with a description of the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline project, the blocking of which is the main goal of his legislation. Enbridge is working on fulfilling the 209 conditions imposed on it by the National Energy Board if it wishes the pipeline to be built. Northern Gateway would mean 250 tankers a year coming to and from a Kitimat

export terminal carrying diluted bitumen pumped through a 1,177km pipeline from Alberta. Cullen described the Enbridge project as being financially backed by Chinese investment, an arrangement that ultimately serves foreign energy needs more than Canada’s need for local economies and local autonomy. “It’s a perverse subsidy,” Cullen said of Canadian government subsidies to the oil industry in general. Local resident Davis Lindsay asked what Cullen would do to offset the loss of jobs that banning projects like Northern Gateway

would mean. Cullen responded that renewable energy sector jobs could be achieved through redirecting money currently given in subsidies to oil companies. He added that publiclyfinanced child care programs could boost productivity by freeing up more parents to work. And in replying to a question from Bruce Hill about the chances of his bill ever being passed, Cullen acknowledged it was a long shot. “I want to give my colleagues across the aisle the excuse to do the right thing,” said Cullen. The MP also spoke elsewhere in the area.

to send the Tsilhqot'in chiefs a gift of tobacco and an invitation to discuss terms of peace, after settlers had been either killed or driven out of Tsilhqot'in territory. "Chief Klatsassin and his men accepted this truce," Clark said. "They rode into the camp to negotiate peace, and then in an unexpected act of betrayal they were arrested, imprisoned and tried for murder. On Oct. 26 five chiefs were hanged: Head War Chief Klatsassin, Chief Biyil, Chief Tilaghed, Chief Taqed and Chief Chayses. Their bodies are all buried in the city of Quesnel. "The following summer Chief Ahan

sought to pay reparations to compensate for any harm caused to innocents in the events of the Chilcotin War. He was also hanged. He was buried in New Westminister. "So, Madame Speaker, I stand here today in this legislature, 150 years later, to say that the province of British Columbia is profoundly sorry for the wrongful arrest, trial and hanging of the six chiefs, and for the many wrongs inflicted by past governments," Clark said. Alphonse said the next step should be an admission by the federal government that the hanged chiefs did not commit any crime.

COMING EVENTS Continued from page 7 KITIMAT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS - I have M.S. but M.S. does not have me. You are not alone, male or female, and the Kitimat M.S. group would like to be here for you. Total confidentiality. For more information contact Mary at 250-639-6016. AGLOW of Kitimat - All are welcome at our Care Group and Bible Study for men and women, singles or married, Thursday at 7:00 p.m. For information phone Brenda at 250-632-1616. PRAYER Canada Kitimat meets weekly on Tuesday at noon at Northwest Community College. All are welcome to pray for our town, province, and country. Contact Lesley for info at 250-632-4554. DID YOU KNOW that literacy is more than just being able to read? The Kitimat Adult Literacy Program provides FREE tutoring services for adult interested in improving their reading, writing, math, communication, and information technology skills. Is English NOT your first language? We provide FREE tutoring and small group English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. For more information please call Brandi at 250-632-7393 or to see what’s happening at the Community Corner check us out at KALP.html or find us on facebook. DO YOU HAVE DIABETES? We offer individual and group counseling. Certification for blood glucose strips is available. Make an appointment and bring your meter. The Good Food Box is part of our program. Forms for this can be picked up at the Living Well Program or at the hospital main desk. Donations for this worthwhile program are always accepted. For more info call 250-632-8313 during operating hours - Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. to noon, Thursdays 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - or leave message on our voice mail. We are located on the second floor of the Kitimat Hospital in the Home Support offices.

12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sports & Leisure

Support played crucial role for Pam’s half-marathon Pam Bossence began training three months ago for a halfmarathon challenge in Victoria. Resourcing the help of local runner Al Marleau, Bossence set her sights on Victoria for October 12, which also provided an opportunity to visit her son. “I really felt that this was the race meant for me,” she said through e-mail to the Sentinel. “To share it with family and hopefully achieve my goal all at the same time.” She had a goal of

a 2:20 finish in mind after researching a realistic goal for a first time half-marathon. She received a slight set back six seeks in to training with an ankle injury and she said she had to rethink her strategy. “I continued to push my splits – Al kept encouraging me to find my even pace throughout the distance runs,” she said. Beyond those physical setbacks, the mental challenge was among the toughest, she said, including keeping nerves under control while “soaking

in the energy of over 10,000 athletes.” “I have to admit my nerves frayed by race day but once the gun went off I focused on the task,” she said. “I was thrilled when seeing the finish line and the clock read 2:05:50. I was in disbelief, relief and sheer happiness,” she added. “It came and went faster than I thought – it took a few minutes for all of it to sink in.” She said the event was great, with supportive people all throughout the route, cheering on herself and the other athletes.

“There were moments where that friendly smile or word of encouragement really mattered and helped get me through the inner slumps. It was a goal well worth doing,” she said.

The Kitimat Ice Demons move in for a goal in their October 18 match against the Quesnel Kangaroos. The Kangaroos finished the game leading 5-4. The Demons went head to head October 19 against the Williams Lake Stampeders but could not retain the lead with the Stampeders taking the game at 3-1.

Express Your Interest in Joining LNG Canada’s Community Advisory Group


• Are you interested in the LNG industry and the LNG Canada project in Kitimat? • Do you have local knowledge of the community and expertise you are willing to share? • Can you attend a two-hour meeting once a month to learn and ask questions about the planning, construction and operation phases of the proposed project?

If you answered Yes to these questions, visit to learn more and apply for a volunteer position on the Community Advisory Group. Applications will be accepted until November 2, 2014.

LNG Canada, a joint venture between Shell Canada Ltd., Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), Mitsubishi Corporation and PetroChina Company, is proposing to build an LNG export terminal in Kitimat. LNG Canada’s vision is to work collaboratively with the local community, First Nations and stakeholders, to deliver a project that is safe, reliable and reflective of community interests. For more information about the proposed project, please visit, call us toll free at 1.855.248.3631 or email us at

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