u SD 91 P. 3 u Editorial P. 4
u Portrait of a Veteran P. 5 u Minor Hockey P. 6 u Recipes P. 8-10
Publications Mail Contract #: 40007759
WEDNESDAY, November 12, 2014
PHONE: 996-8482
VOL. 37 NO. 37 $1.30 inc. GST
Students in foster care eligible for full tuition waiver at UNBC Jesse Cole Caledonia Courier
Students who are currently or used to be in the care of a government agency will be eligible to attend university for free after the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) announced its plans to offer a full tuition waiver. The waiver, aptly titled, Youth in Care Tuition Waiver, will pay the entire cost of tuition for an undergraduate degree or certificate for a student who has spent time in care under British Columbia’s Child, Family and Community Services Act. The tuition waiver would only apply to those seeking their first degree or certificate. The waiver comes in the aftermath of a challenge posed in 2013 by British Columbia Representative for Children and Youth Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond. Turpel-Lafond challenged all British Columbia’s post-secondary institutions to waive tuition for youth in care. The proposal to waive tuition for youth in care was propagated by Social Work Professor Glen Schmidt of UNBC who said in a press release, Continued on P. 2
All the candidates for both municipal council and School District 91 attended the all candidates forum at Music Makers Hall last Thursday, Nov. 6 Left to right: Alexandra Luggi, Lucille Duncan, Kris Nielsen, Brenda Gouglas, Russel Gingrich, Brad Miler, Dave Birdi.
Photo by Jesse Cole.
All candidates forum meeting packs Music Makers Hall Jesse Cole Caledonia Courier
All the seats were filled for the all candidates forum last Thursday, Nov. 6 in Fort St. James. The forum was held at Music Makers Hall in downtown Fort St. James from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. and was co-sponsored by the local members of the B.C. Northern Real Estate Board and the Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce. Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce moderated the forum. All the candidates running for municipal council attended the forum as did candidates for the electoral area 6 position of School Board Trustee. Candidates began the forum with an opportunity to present their platform and qualifications via a two-minute speech before moving into a question and answer period. Candidate Russel Gingrich was the first to speak followed by Dave Birdi, Brenda Gouglas, Kris Nielsen and Brad Miller. Each candidate spoke on their prior experience within municipal council and other volunteer organizations with the exception of Miller who has no prior experience on council. Miller did outline his plans to take on road reforms and his dedication to “give back to the community” in
his speech. During the question and answer period candidates were asked things running the gamut from drug and alcohol abuse to municipal road repairs and even questions about the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The first question asked of candidates revolved around drug abuse, particularly among the youth population of the region, and how candidates would address these issues. Candidate Gingrich offered “peer pressure and guidance to those individuals with problems” as well as rehabilitation programs put in place in the area could help to solve those problems. Candidate Birdi said that keeping people active and engaged was a better method to keep them away from substance abuse and conceded that it was not an easy topic to address but that providing services for addicts was important. Candidate Gouglas echoed Birdi’s sentiments saying services for addicts need to be provided within the Fort St. James community rather than Prince George. Candidates Nielsen and Miller both agreed with the idea of bringing services to address addiction directly into Fort St. James with Nielsen adding that focusing on the transition back into the community from care should be paramount
and Miller saying that an increased level of sports and youth programs would be beneficial. Despite all agreeing on some form of substance abuse facility in Fort St. James, no candidate gave any specifics on just how they would pay for, implement or organize such a facility within the town. Moving towards local industry, the question was asked of candidates how they would bring money back into the community citing the fact that numerous outside businesses are profiting from resource development in Fort St. James while the local businesses are not. Candidate Miller suggested that local businesses and major companies work together to give back to the community in ways such as a jointmaintenance strategy of the North Road which Miller said is primarily used by industry vehicles and should be a responsibility of theirs. Candidate Gingrich addressed the question with a level of realism stating that while it’s an important issue, there are no easy answers. Gingrich said that his past terms have involved trying to figure out a solution to the problem but that industry remains resistant to commitment. He said if elected he would try to work on “fair share” agreements with the province. Continued on P. 2
NEWS Youth in care to
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Caledonia Courier
Candidates square receive full tuition off at forum waiver at UNBC
Month-long Events Alcohol Awareness Month National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. 212-269-7797
ences as a councillor to provide realContinued from P. 1 world answers, even if they weren’t necessarily the answers that attendees “Youth in care face a tremendous number of barwanted to hear. riers during childhood and adolescence. By waivshare of the provincial Gas Tax. Birdi came through as someone ing tuition fees for those youth in care who decide BeaverOnGolfCourseC0804.EPS Jazz Appreciation Month felCandidate Nielsen agreed with with a vision for change in Fort St. to attend UNBC, the university is removing another Smithsonian National Museum of American History low candidates and said that taxing James focusing on the arts and compotential barrier and providing more young people 202-633-3129 road use in combination with other munity involvement to address con- with the opportunity to meet their educational Hot Retail Co-op Categories strategies would help. cerns. goals.” Bicycles, Accessories and Supplies National Car Care Month When asked about building the Miller, the newcomer toLawn council, Turpel-Lafond echoed Schmidts sentiments sayand Garden Car Care Council community around the forestry in- shook off his jitters throughout the Motorcycles and Snowmobiles ing, 240-333-1088 Furnishings “Waiving the cost of tuition is an important first dustry, Nielsen stood out saying that night and for what he lackedOutdoor in Recreational Vehicles the town needs to be a “me first com- rience he made up for in enthusiasm step toward inspiring children and youth in care and National Donate Life Month munity” and needs to aggressively asand a willingness to admit that lack giving them the opportunity to succeed along their Hot Manufacturer Co-op U.S. Department of Health and Human Services sert that as a leading fibre basket in of experience but commit toBenjamin doingMoore his Paints peers.” 202-619-0257 Camp Healthcare the province, need to be involved best to learn about issues he was in Qualifications for the waiver require that stuGrasshopper Mowers in jobs creation and decisions. the dark on. Not once did candidate dents be residents of British Columbia and curRolex Watch National Lawn Care Month Whirlpool Corporation All the councillors wellLandcare spo- Network miller pretend he was informed on rently live or have recently lived as a youth in care. PLANET, were Professional 800-395-2522 ken but it was candidates Nielsen and something he was not, choosing inAdditionally, the prospective students must meet Gouglas that stood out as particularly stead the honest road, saying that he all theBuilder admission Special Section Themes requirements for the program they AdBuilder • Financial well-prepared with both women apwas not in a position to comment but are applying for. National Parkinson Awareness Month Nationalwith Parkinson Foundation, proaching the debate a sense ofInc. would look into the subject.• Planning a Garden The tuition waiver is to be renewable each year • Earth Day 800-327-4545 professionalism and formality akin to Advance voting takes place as long as the student maintains academic stand• Eastertoday larger elections. at the Fort St. James District Office ing or completes their first undergraduate degree or Special Events Gingrich did well using his experiwith election day on Nov. 15. Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month certificate program. Continued from P. 1
Child Abuse Prevention Month Prevent Child Candidate Gouglas saidAbuse she America would 312-663-3520 lobby the provincial government for a
HELPING TO MAKE OUR COMMUNITY THE BEST IT CAN BE Authorized by Brenda Gouglas, Financial agent, 250-996-8009
STUART LAKE OUTREACH GROUP FOOD BANK SCHEDULE... is the third Wed of each month: November 19, January 21, 2015, February 18 and March 18 from 10:00 am to noon at the Food Bank behind St. Patrick’s Anglican Church, Stuart Drive. Volunteers needed. Call 250-567-6744. Food Bank needs canned meals, beans, stews, soups, tuna, salmon, sandwich meats, pasta and sauce, tea, coffee, toilet paper, canned milk, cereals, etc. At this time we have lots of sugar! Thank you for your generosity.
NCAA Men’s Final Four Championship NCAA Women’s Final Four Championship National Stress Awareness Day National Volunteer Week Week of the Young Child Boston Marathon National Jelly Bean Day Take Our Daughters/Sons to Work Day
4&6 5&7 16 19–25 19–25 20 22 23
District of Fort St. James Calendar
ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700
November, 2014
March 2009
Municipal Website:
May 2009
M T W T F S S M T W T F volunteers S The District is seeking to 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 participate in Winterfest 2015! 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
16 17 18 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Please 23 24 25 26 27 28 contact 17 18 19 Mel 20 21 at 22 996-8233 23 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 for more info. 31
16 5 Palm Sunday
17 6
9am Strong Start
5:30pm Public Skating
12pm Strong Start
10-3:30pm Craft Fair @ FSJSS
7pm NA @ NAJC
1pm Cancer Support Group @ Sue’s
7pm Healthy Minds Peer Support Group
4pm Tea Bag Menu @ Nak Hlth
23 12 Easter
24 13
Easter Monday (Australia & Canada)
12pm Strong Start
5:30pm Public Skating
WEDNESDAY 1April Fool’s Day 12
9am Strong Start
12pm Strong Start
Dec, 2014
10am Food Bank
12pm Strong Start
4pm Strong Start
8pm AA Mtg
27 Thanksgiving 16
9am Strong Start 4pm Kids Skating 5pm Yth Hockey 6pm Adlt Hockey 7:15pm Public Skating
28 17 9am Strong Start
4pm Strong Start
12pm Strong Start
7pm Council Mtg
2pm Snrs Mtg
Mourning Day 28 Workers (Canada)
12pm Strong Start
22 11 10am - 4pm Home Party Fair @ United Church
29 18
4pm Kids Skating 5pm Yth Hockey 11-6pm Festival of Trees 6pm Adlt Hockey 7:15pm Pub Skating 7pm Santa Claus Parade 4-10pm Festival of Trees
9am Strong Start
30 4pm Strong Start
12pm Strong Start 6pm Snrs Potluck
7pm NA Mtg
8pm AA Mtg
25 Anzac Day (Australia)
Retail Friday November 28th • AdBuilder® Classified 7pm from Cottonwood Park• Co-op Sales Ideas
Call 996-7023 to enter your float! Telephone: 250-996-8233
(At the National Historic Park)
9am Strong Start 4pm Kids Skating 5pm Yth Hockey 6pm Adlt Hockey 7:15pm Public Skating
Festival of Trees!
Santa Claus Parade!• AdBuilder
Igniting Your Ad Sales
Office: 477 Stuart Drive West
21Good Friday 10
Professionals Day At the District Office, 477 Stuart Drive West Wednesday November 12th 8am-8pm Saturday November 15th 8am-8pm
11-4pm Festival of Trees
10am-4:30pm Craft Fair @ FSJSS
7:15pm Public Skating
22 Earth Day 23 Municipal Voting Dates 24 Arbor Day Administrative
Voting 8am - 8pm @ District Office
5pm Yth Hockey
8pm AA Mtg
20 Taurus
6pm Adt Hockey
7pm Healthy Minds Peer Support Group
30 19
9am Strong Start
4pm Kids Skating
8pm AA Mtg
20 9 First Day of Passover
26 15 Tax Day
7pm NA Mtg @ NAJC
14 3
2 13
Early Voting 8am - 8pm @ District Office 10am Food Bank 4pm Strong Start 7pm Council Mtg
19 8
Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution.
S 1 8 15 22 29
Friday November 28th 4pm - 10pm
PHOTOS with SANTA CLAUS from 4:30pm - 8:30pm Saturday November 29th 11am - 6pm Sunday November 30th 11am - 4pm
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, November 12, 2014
SD91 candidates take part in all candidates forum, show their skills In totality, both candidates presented a strong presence at the forum with Duncan appearing to be the more organized of the two but Luggi appearing to be the more passionate and insightful candidate. Voting for School Board Trustee for electoral area 6, which encompasses Fort St. James, Manson Creek, Germanson and Takla Landings will take place on Nov. 15 with voting stations available at the Fort St. James District Office, Kwah Hall on Nak’azdli Reserve and Germanson Mercantile in Germanson Landing.
On November 15th
ELECT ✔ Lucille Duncan, one of the candidates running for school board trustee with School District 91, addresses the crowd. Alexandra Luggi, the other candidate for School District 91 waits to present her speech. Photo by Jesse Cole.
JESSE COLE Caledonia Courier
More than just council candidates came out to participate in the all candidates forum last week as school board trustee candidates Lucille Duncan and Alexandra Luggi both made appearances to appeal for the towns vote. Taking place at Music Makers Hall in downtown Fort St. James, Luggi and Duncan both outlined their platforms with introductory two-minute speeches followed by taking part in the question and answer period along with the candidates running for municipal council. Luggi, who hails from Nak’azdli First Nation, and Duncan, from Tl’azt’en First Nation, both presented strong and thoughtful speeches but Duncan’s opening remarks were stronger and more concise than that of Luggi’s. Duncan spoke to the need to take a more holistic approach to schooling and wishing to be an effective member of the school board to bring about those kinds of changes. Luggi’s opening speech outlined her academic achievements and history in the town of Fort St. James with less of a concrete platform to present than Duncan’s. However, the playing field was levelled during the question and answer period as Luggi’s jitters wore off and the candidate came into her own during question and answer period. Both candidates were subject to difficult questions in-
cluding questions dealing with topics like drug and alcohol abuse and LGBTQ rights and awareness within School District 91. When asked about drug and alcohol abuse among Fort St. James’ youth and adult population Luggi responded that the creation of a peer-support program in schools have proven to be effective in helping to curb drug abuse levels and help recovery in youth. Additionally Luggi outlined that more youth oriented activities and programs would also be helpful. Duncan recognized that drug and alcohol abuse have been ongoing problem throughout the area and suggested that proper education and awareness need to begin in the schools with teachers and counsellors reaching out to students. Duncan also recognized that there are underlying causes for drug and alcohol abuse including family and self esteem issues that could be addressed through the school system. Both candidates were asked whether, given the chance to serve as trustee, they would move to join the other 37 school districts that have passed a pro-LGBTQ policy in their schools to which Duncan said that she would be in support of such a policy saying that “we are all equal” and that her culture “respects the two-feathered people.” Candidate Luggi held the same position on the matter saying that it is “important that we show kids at a young age that we are all equal.”
Seeking to be a strong voice for continued sustainability of Fort St. James
NOTICE OF SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS for November & December 2014 The dates and locations of the Regular Board Meetings of the Board of Education of School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) for the months of November & December 2014 are as follows: November 17, 2014 School Board Office, Vanderhoof, BC December 15, 2014 School Board Office, Vanderhoof, BC (Inaugural Meeting) These meetings will commence at 6:00 p.m. Members of the public are invited to attend. Darlene Turner Secretary-Treasurer
How to Improve Life for Rural Canadians Canada Post became a Crown Corporation to improve network services. The Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association (CPAA) wants to ensure this multi-billion dollar public network remains viable and able to serve the public. We have found a way to make this sustainable. A recent study shows that nearly half of post offices outside of Canada’s big cities are in communities with no bank or credit union. In those communities that still have a bank or a credit union, many residents have to contend with limited, part-time banking hours. Our survey of Canada’s 3,300 rural post offices: “Why Post Offices should offer banking services” is available for free download at: Offering financial services in post offices would create a new revenue stream for Canada Post. Equally important, it would benefit numerous communities in Canada whose residents, in order to get to a bank or credit union, are forced to travel long distances. That costs time and money and stifles economic development. Many other countries similar to Canada, such as the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Japan, Italy and New Zealand, have very successful banking services right in their post offices. We, at CPAA, believe that our study is significant because of the value of this public asset. Canada Post is uniquely positioned to offer financial services throughout rural Canada. When Canada Post can make more money and offer more services to Canadians who need them, we have a perfect opportunity. Let’s not lose it. Please Support Rural Canada. Write to Lisa Raitt, the Minister in charge of Canada Post, and ask her to make this happen. Her letter of suggestion can be found at: CPAA represents over 8,700 employees of Canada Post who work in over 3,300 rural post offices across Canada. These offices make up over 50% of all postal outlets. Our membership, consisting of 95% women, serves communities in every province.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Caledonia Courier
Editorial Page
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• Editorial
Small town charm makes appearance at debate Right from the onset it was clear that the all candidates forum in Fort St. James had something that was missing from other elections: friendship and togetherness. As citizens and candidates piled into Music Makers Hall, candidate Kris Nielsen approached candidate Dave Birdi to express concern over seeing one of Birdi’s candidacy signs had been overturned (either by a vandal or merely the wind). Nielsen told Birdi she wanted to make sure he knew so he could fix the overturned sign. This is so out of place to someone who is used to watching elections as hostile and frigid as the recent Toronto municipal election. It was refreshing to see some warmness between political rivals. As an Ontarian and former Torontonian, the Toronto municipal election is indicative to me of what we’ve come to expect from politics: attack ads, backstabbing, hostility and even racism. But here in Fort St. James, the sense of togetherness and community overcame that. It’s characteristic of what makes places like Fort St. James appealing; a feeling of oneness and friendship even in a realm as unforgiving and self-centred as politics. That small town charm can easily be exemplified by Nielsen and Birdi’s exchange. Say what you will about the nature of politics, it’s a dirty game, but every once and awhile you see small moments of decency in an arena as indecent as politics can be. In the end, candidates came together for a photo, putting arms around each other and laughing. It was nice to see a community that can rise above petty squabbling even in a forum that is designed to produce squabbling. Jesse Cole Caledonia Courier
Youth sorely missing from candidates forum
On Nov. 6 the all candidates forum for the upcoming municipal election was held at Music Makers Hall in downtown Fort St. James. All candidates showed up to the forum and all did an exemplary job. However, there was one thing that was notably missing from the debate: the youth. Aside from myself, who was there merely as an observer, there was one other young person in attendance. It’s not surprising, the low level of youth engagement in municipal politics, given the fact that candidate talking points and citizen questions were all but devoid of any youth-related issue. It’s disappointing to see a community whose youth are so disconnected from the political landscape of their town, but it’s far from anything new. The trend of voter decline has been experienced all over the country. The 2011 federal election had the second lowest voter turnout in Canadian history with just 61.1 per cent of the population voting. But how can we expect our youth to become interested and involved in the political landscape of our towns, regions, province and country if we don’t give their issues the same level of importance that we do to others. How can we expect young people to engage in a debate that’s almost entirely geared towards seniors and industry? Don’t get the message wrong, seniors are an important part of the community and with an aging population they’re an important topic of discussion, but so are our youth. I believe the first step to involving the younger demographic is to include them in the collective discussion. To not just pander to our own demographics but
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to all demographics. While some candidates were notably less in-touch with Fort St. James’ youth, it was in reality almost all of the candidates (outside of the school board trustees) who ignored the youth vote. Even the audience had very little concern for them. Of all the questions asked, of which there were many important and interesting topics, only one addressed youth in the community in any way: How do we keep our children off of drugs and help those with drug and alcohol issues. The question itself was one that has been asked of nearly every politician at some point and regardless of the validity of the question, I raise you that the answer to this question is simple: engage them. Provide for them a voice to speak on their concerns and engage them in the collective discussion rather than ignoring them. Drug use is most often a consequence of boredom and desperation, so engaging the youth and working to provide them with spaces and stimulating activities in their community can have significant impacts on the level of abuse associated with them. “Rehab and peer-pressure” that many of the candidates included in their answers should not be the first line of defence. I would have liked to see more youth voters in attendance, but I can’t blame them for their lack of interest. I’d like to have seen young people as a key issue during the debates, but maybe I should have been the one to raise a question. Jesse Cole Caledonia Courier
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, November 12, 2014
J.K. Johnson: Portrait of a Veteran.
The oldest man in town talks about his experiences in the armed forces as well as his life in Fort St. James.
SERVICEMAN: J.K. Johnson served as a Flight Officer during the WWII conflict prior to moving to Fort St. James in 1947 where he was instrumental in building the towns first Legion building. Submitted Photo.
JESSE COLE Caledonia Courier
J.K. Johnson lives with his wife Irene in a modest bungalow house on Stones Bay Drive overlooking the scenic Stuart Lake in Fort St. James. At 89 years old Johnson has lived in Fort St. James for 67 years making him, as he put it, the oldest man in town. It’s his claim to fame, he says. Johnson is also one of the last living veterans of WWII in the province, if not the country. Born in 1925 in Calgary, Johnson enlisted in the Canadian military in September of 1943, towards the end of the conflict, after returning to Alberta from California where he had been living and studying aircraft mechanics. “I guess I shouldn’t have [joined] really, because I had previously been taking an aircraft mechanics course down in California and I had a job in Minneapolis, Minn.” Alas, Johnson’s patriotism got the better of him in the end as he made his way back up to Canada to
enlist. “It was take the job in Minneapolis, Minn. or go home and join the armed forces.” Enlisting in the airforce, Johnson originally tried to join the navy. “I went into the navy recruiting office and they weren’t recruiting at that time,” Johnson said. “Right next door was the airforce, I went in and joined.” Johnson initially trained as a radio operator for an aircraft gunnery before training as a navigator and finally, upon discharge in September of 1945, a Flight Officer. During his military career, Johnson was stationed throughout western Canada in cities such as Edmonton, Saskatoon and Calgary, he was never deployed overseas. Johnson remembers his service years with fondness, urging young men and women continue to enlist, saying, “I enjoyed every minute that I was there. I would strongly suggest that any young man [or woman] who is more or less at loose ends should join the
services. The navy, army, airforce, whatever. It’s a great experience.” Johnson served until the end of war when he was discharged. After the war he studied in Calgary for a few years before deciding that he was too much of an outdoorsmen to be stuck behind a desk. It was then that he made the trip to Fort St. James in 1947. Married on his birthday to his wife Irene, in 1953, John-
son and Irene had five children: Kevin, Brett, Royce, Janine and Marilyn that they raised in Fort St. James. Ever the patriot, Johnson set about organizing and building the town’s first Legion building. “I was involved with the Legion right from the beginning,” Johnson says. In an account he wrote down, Johnson details the stages of the buildings creation including a trip by bush plane to Germanson Landing to observe log building methods in 1969 and the Legions first celebration in 1970. “Most of the labour was volunteered for which we thank Walt Taylor, Dutch Forshner, Olv Luthehouse, Jerry Playfair, Bob Vandlander, Bill Wilkes, Art Strong, Jim Perrin, Jack Spry, Ed Chrysler, Tom Browne, Jack Day, George Warning, Earl Hemminsgon, Art Besudreault, Art McInnis, Ralph Iilerbrun…” The list goes on and on ending finally in “There are others who’s names were not recorded but their assistance was appreciated.” John played an intrical role in the
Legions operations in the years following its building, but in his old age he had taken a step back from the veterans organization. “My conscience bothers me a little bit, because at one time I was very involved in the legion and now I’m taking a back seat.” He says the Fort St. James Legion has gradually begun to go downhill, attributing the decline to low membership, financial woes and “a sign of the times.” Johnson is still very involved in the military going-ons in Canada today, weighing in on the current military mission in Iraq. “…The problem is now what we’re fighting is not the type of war we were all used
to. It’s easy to point a gun at a man or an airplane or boat and shoot it, or get shot, but the type of war we’re fighting now, which includes terrorism, are some of the most heinous crimes man can commit; to pick on innocent people to prove a point, that’s the part that
really bothers me.” Johnson recounted his first experiences in Fort St. James and a record of the towns inhabits in the late 1940’s in a short memoir he wrote. That work, along with his record of residents is available on our website at
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NOVEMBER 19, 2014 REGIONAL SKILLS NOVEMBER 19, 2014 GAP ANALYSIS REGIONAL SKILLS LAUNCH EVENT GAP ANALYSIS AnLAUNCH introduction to the SWOT! EVENT A group of regional stakeholders representing education, industry, An introduction to the SWOT! employment, economic development, local government, and First Nations A group of regional stakeholders representing education, industry, have come forward to form the Strategic Workforce Opportunities Team employment, economic development, local government, and First Nations (SWOT). have come forward to form the Strategic Workforce Opportunities Team (SWOT). The SWOT will ensure the implementation of actions recommended in the The SWOTSkills will ensure the implementation of actions recommended in the Regional Gap Analysis.
Regional Skills Gap Analysis.
Skills Gap Analysis Report
Learn how the SWOT willhow address Learn the labour skillsaddress gaps SWOT/will labour skills gaps in our/region in our region
Meet regional Meet regional stakeholders stakeholdersover over appetizers appetizersand and refreshments refreshments
ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (Across from the Petrocan Station)
SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am PASTORAL TEAM: FATHER FRANK SALMON 250-996-8343 SR. PAT MACAULAY, SR. DIVINA PEDRO
November 19
Review key findings from the Regional Skills Gapkey Analysis Review findings fromReport the Regional
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Vineyard Church 435 Hwy 16 Vineyard Church Burns Lake 435 Hwy 16
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Caledonia Courier
Fort St. James Novice hockey team takes two wins and a tie at Smithers tournament MINOR HOCKEY: The KDL/AMS Novice hockey team played in a tournament in Smithers earlier this month against teams from Prince Rupert, Kitimat and Smithers. The team took home two wins during the tournament against Prince Rupert and Kitimat. Fort St. James tied Smithers on their own turf and suffered a loss to Houston. Photo by Jesse Cole via Black Press Archives
Development of a Pest Management Plan Application #: FLNR-C and N-BC-2015 Applicant: Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations 2000 S. Ospika Boulevard, Prince George, B.C. V2N 4W5 Agent: SMC Consulting, 1582 Lawrence Avenue, Penticton, B.C. V2A 3C1 Tel/Fax: (250) 492-6193, E-mail:
JESSE COLE Caledonia Courier
The Fort St. James KDL/AMS Novice hockey team was in Smithers last week on Nov. 1 to 2 to take part in a tournament that saw them leave town with two wins and a tie and one loss. Jeremy Johnson, the president of Fort St. James Minor Hockey Association said that all players played well and in particular goalie Chase Chernowski played “amazing” throughout all four games. Carsen Wenger received the award for “heart and hustle” at the end of the tournament as did Diego Johnson who received the “most dedicated” award. The results of the tournament are as follows:
Game Two: Win Fort St. James vs. Kitimat Fort St. James 6. Kitimat 5. Goals scored by J.T. Hayter and Diego Johnson Player of the game: David Hoy. Game Three: Tie Fort St. James vs. Smithers Fort St. James 8. Smithers 8. Goals scored by David Hoy, Diego Johnson, Carsen Wenger. Player of the game: Dion Abraham Game Four: Loss Fort St. James vs Houston. Fort St. James 4. Houston 5. Goals scored by Carsem Wenger and Diego Johnson Player of the game: Adalyn Martin
DL 9069
Game One: Win Fort St. James vs. Prince Rupert. Fort St. James 9. Prince Rupert 6 Goals scored by David Hoy, Carsen Wenger, Diego Johnson and J.T. Hayter. Player of the game: Chase Chernowski.
The purpose of the proposed Pest Management Plan (PMP) is to manage invasive alien plants and/or noxious weeds on provincial Crown land in Central and Northern BC. The PMP applies to areas located within the Thompson-Nicola, Skeena-Queen Charlottes, Kitimat-Stikine, BulkleyNechako, Fraser-Fort George, Stikine, Peace River Regional Districts, and the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality. The PMP applies to areas located within the vicinity of the communities of Albreda, Valemount, McBride, Fort Nelson, Fort St. John, Dawson Creek, Chetwynd, Mackenzie, Prince Rupert, Terrace, Smithers, Vanderhoof, Prince George, Kitimat, Fort Fraser, Fort St. James, Burns Lake, Houston, Hazelton, Dease Lake, Atlin, and communities on Haida Gwaii. The pest management methods proposed for use include manual, mechanical, cultural, and biological control, and the use of herbicides within the area to which the PMP applies. The common name and examples of the trade names of the herbicides proposed for use under this plan include: aminopyralid (Milestone), clopyralid (Lontrel), dicamba (Banvel), diflufenzopyr (Overdrive), fluroxypyr (Sightline), glyphosate (Vantage Plus Max), imazapyr (Arsenal), mecoprop-p (Dyvel DX), metsulfuron methyl (Escort), picloram (Tordon 22K), 2,4-D (2,4-D Amine 600), and triclopyr (Garlon XRT). Selective application methods include: wick/wipe-on, injection, squirt bottle, cut surface, and foliar applications using backpack or vehicle mounted sprayer. The proposed duration of the PMP is from June 10, 2015 to June 10, 2020. A draft copy of the proposed PMP and maps of the proposed treatment areas may be examined in detail at: Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (2000 S. Ospika Boulevard, Prince George, B.C. V2N 4W5); online at; or by contacting the Agent listed above.
A person wishing to contribute information about a proposed treatment site, relevant to the development of the pest management plan, may send copies of the information to the applicant (c/o SMC Consulting, Agent, at the address listed above), within 30 days of the publication of this notice.
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NEWS RCMP tightens volunteer
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, November 12, 2014 A7
FORT ST. JAMES PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS... Tuesday 11:30-8:00, Wednesday 11:30-4:30, Thursday 11:30-4:30, Friday 11:30-8:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00
security after Ottawa attack
RCMP officers dressed in formal red serge were often unarmed. That has changed in the wake of the shooting of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo.
Submitted Photo
JEFF NAGEL Black Press
Last month’s attacks on Canadian soldiers in Ottawa and Montreal have prompted the RCMP to arm officers who appear in public in red serge and to take extra steps to protect auxiliary constables who volunteer unarmed in the community. The new requirement for direct supervision is expected to mean more armed regular RCMP officers accompanying unarmed auxiliaries at major public events than did in the past, according to Assistant Commissioner Dan Malo, the Lower Mainland District Commander for the RCMP. “Our reality changed after the events of Ottawa,” Malo said, referring to the killing of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo as he guarded the National War Memorial on Parliament Hill. He predicted the main impact will be on police staffing of major summer festivals. “It’s a shift in our cultural thinking on how we deploy police officers or anybody that is identifiable with law enforcement.” Operational decisions on exactly how those events are staffed will be up to the local commander based on their assessment of potential threats and other factors. Malo was not able to say whether the changes will increase costs to cities or decrease the number of offices on duty to respond to other calls, but added
Province offers $250 wood stove rebate to Bulkley Valley residents JESSE COLE Caledonia Courier
Residents of the Bulkley Valley will be eligible for a $250 rebate as part of the Wood Stove Exchange Program thanks to funding from the province. A sum of $10,450 in funding was given by the British Columbia government to the Bulkley Valley Lakes District Airshed Management Society in an effort to persuade Bulkley Valley residents to replace their wood stoves with more environmentally friendly, cleaner burning stoves. The incentive would give residents a $250 rebate on any purchase of a “new, certified domestic solid fuel burning device” or “high efficiency appliance, including gas, propane, pellet or electric stoves” said a
B.C. caucus press release. Nechako Lakes MLA John Rustad commented on the rebate saying, “Replacing an old wood stove with a more environmentally friendly model through the Wood Stove Exchange Program is a practical and effective way to reduce emissions,” adding that by making a switch to a newer, cleaner model residents can contribute to improving the community’s air quality. A total of $190,000 is being given to 13 communities through the province as part of the Wood Stove Exchange Program in 2014. Launched in 2008, the program has contributed over $2.3 million to help purchase cleaner burning models. It has contributed into a reduction of over 370 tonnes of particulate matter flowing into B.C. air.
policing costs will likely rise for some festivals. That prospect has alarmed Coquitlam city council, which voted to write to RCMP national headquarters to protest the change. The letter warns the new policy directive threatens cost-effective policing and will impact a broad range of community programs in schools and parks that are staffed by Coquitlam’s 49 auxiliaries. “Such a change will also have a significant financial impact if sworn officers are required to provide direct supervision of all activities performed by our auxiliary constables,” the letter states. “Our existing complement of regular members will no longer be freed up to attend to other scheduled duties.” More than 1,100 auxiliaries assist with policing across B.C. and Malo said it’s appropriate to be more careful than in the past, depending on the circumstances. “I consider them community heroes,” Malo said. “They’re volunteers who volunteer hundreds if not thousands of hours to wear an RCMP uniform and serve their community. We have to make sure these local heroes are protected.” RCMP officers appearing in the community in red serge often were not armed in the past. That has changed and those officers will now carry firearms, including at Remembrance Day ceremonies. “At things like funerals it’s very traditional we were not armed,” Malo said. “Now you will see when we are identifiable we are always armed.”
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Caledonia Courier
Stuff your basket with all your Christmas baking supplies
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read Skor Bits Shortb Slice Cookies is recipe – perfect for the holiday seBaaskeon,”
an upgrade in th work Canada’s host of Food Net “Shortbread gets d an ef ahead and ch ity br le ce to three months up e ad m says Anna Olson, be -winter n ca “The dough for a perfect mid with Anna Olson. awed in the fridge before baking th then frozen, to be .” pick-me-up zen cookies Makes about 4 do es ut Prep Time: 15 min s ur ho 2 e: m Ti Chill inutes Bake Time: 16 m Ingredients: salted butter, 1 cup (250 mL) un ture at room tempera icing sugar, sifted L) m ½ cup (125 lla extract 1 tsp (5 mL) vani all-purpose flour 2 cups (500 mL) cornstarch 1/3 cup (75 mL) lt sa L) ½ tsp (2 m ts Hershey’s Skor bi ¾ cup (175 mL)
Vegetarian Stuffing Ingredients: 1lb loaf of day old bread 1/2 cup cooked wild Can of condensed cream rice of mushroom soup 1/ 4 cup cranberries Can of vegetable broth 1/2 cup chopped m 1/4 cup water ushr 1/4 cup chopped wa ooms 1 tsp poultry seasoning lnu 1/4 cup cubed apple ts Salt & Pepper to taste s Directions: Preheat oven to 3500. In a large bowl, combine bread, mushroom soup, vegetable broth, water , poultry seasoning, sal t an d pepper. Add remaining ingredients and shape sticky mixture into a loa f. Wrap loaf in foil and a shallow baking pan for bake in one hour. Slice and ser ve. Submitted by Denise Joh nson www.newscan add the r a minute, then in the fo er tt bu e s: th e. Beat ), beat Direction ers (or a mixer , about 1 minut at fy uf be fl ic d tr an ec el ed Using rporat w speed. Once beat until inco arch and salt and beat on lo d an r ) until ga su g icin rously by hand r, cornst go ou vi fl e e or th m d r ad (o d igh spee vanilla, then Sometimes the best gif at on medium-h and stir in. ts are edible. This year, incorporated, be together. Add the Skor bits ½-inches/3.5 cm (1 ng spread some holiday ch lo to ) a friend, neighbour, or cm 5 . es (2 m rm es fi co ch h til eer in ug un colleague with a freshl s 10 the do gs about ast 2 hour lo le 2 y baked batch of crisp fl at av r to ou rfu in fo l h ill bis co ug ch tti. d do Pa ith e an cka and w p th ge s e ra the ay w ap se tr delicious cookies in a de tic Sh tach a handwritten no or line 2 baking corative tin and atp tightly in plas te containing the recipe across) and wra to 325(F (160 (C) and grease so recipients can bake well. Lightly sweetened en e them with naturally-sourced Preheat the ov ick and arrang th ) m stevia, no one will guess as tho m ug (5 htf r. h ul off nc pe eri ke -i pa ng ¼ Ba t s s . are en ie these on em ok ly hm 83 calories per serving. parc een th into co h (1 cm) betw e ice the dough nc th sl -i d at ½ t an ur as p lo le ra co at nw U little ing Makes 24 servings king trays leav start to show a removing. The them on the ba utes, until the cookie barely re fo be Ing ay tr redients: in baking for about 16 m pletely on the for up to a week. m co s 2-1 ie /4 cups (550 mL) all-pu ok co e rpose flour edges. Cool th ored in an airtight container ailable at av is 1 n cu io p (250 mL) Granulated at st ir sp be in n ca ng s ki ie ba sweetener ok d co ion an 1 cup (250 ml) dried cra More informat it sk ey nb sh err ies er .h w ww 2 tbsp (30 ml) grated lem on peel 2 tsp (10 ml) baking po wder 3 large eggs 3 tbsp (45 ml) butter, me lted HERE IS A FAST HEARTY BREAKFAST THAT ONCE MADE ONLY MEANS 2 tbsp (30 ml) fresh lem on juice POURING ON THE MILK. 2 tsp (10 ml) vanilla 3 cups large flake oats 1/2 cup canola oil 1 1/2 cups barley or rye flakes 1/4 cup water Preparation: 3/4 cup oat bran 2/3 cup honey or maple syrup Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Combine flou r, Pure Via, cranberries 1 cup shredded or flake coconut 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla peel and baking powd , lemon er. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs, butter, lem 1 cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon cinnamon and vanilla until well ble on juice nded. Pour liquid ingred 1/2 cup raw pepitas (shelled pumpkin seeds) 1 1/2 cups dried berries ients over dry ingredien together using a rubbe ts. Stir r spa 1/2 cup flax seed Sugar or brown sugar to taste lightly floured surface an tula until a stiff dough is formed. Turn out on to a d gently knead in any remaining bits of doug dough in half. Gently for Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. In a large bowl, combine all dried ingredih. Divide m each half into a log 12 x 11/2 inches. Place parchment paper cove ents except berries. In a smaller bowl, whisk oil, water, honey, vanilla and on a red baking sheet, leavin g at least 3 inches betw logs. Flatten the top of cinnamon. Combine wet and dry ingredients. Spread mixture onto making een the each with the palm of your hand until the log es wide. Bake 23 to 25 sheets. Bake for 30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes. Can bake longer if is 2-inchminutes or until the top of the log is firm to the Co ol the log s completely on the ba more crunch is desired. …………………….I’ve made a cherry-almond vertouch. king sheet on a wire rac temperature to 300°F k. Reduce oven sion using dried cherries for the berries, slivered almonds for the nuts, and (150°C). Carefully rem ove the board. Cut each diagona almond extract instead of vanilla, substituted wheat germ for oat bran, lly into 1/2-inch wide slic cooled logs to a cutting she es. Place on the same ba et. Bake 15 to 18 minutes sunflower seeds for the pumpkin seeds, and I’ve made a hearty fall variety king or until slices are dry an Co ol d light golden in colou bis co tti on baking sheet on a wi with maple syrup, brown sugar, raisins and dried apple bits. r. re rac k. Sto re at room temperature container with tight fittin Submitted by Corrie Parker in g lid. Submitted by Jenny Fo ster
Homemade Biscotti
Hearty Granola
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, November 12, 2014 A9
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Cheese Straws
Guacamole Dip
Ingredients: 1/2 cup softened butter 4 cups of shredded cheddar cheese 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
of the most deliHoliday entertaining is all about the appetizers and some Crawford Lynn chef rity Celeb est. simpl most the cious recipes are often which she item menu shares her secret recipe for guacamole, a must-have . list. ’s says will guarantee your ‘nice’ spot on Santa
Directions: Preheat oven to 4000, grease a cookie sheet. In a large bowl cream butter and cheese. Stir in flour and salt and pepper, mix well. On a lightly floured surface roll the dough to 1/2” thickness. Cut into 2” strips and twist. Place twisted strips onto cookie sheet. Bake in preheated oven for 10 to 15 mins or until crisp. Submitted by Jolene Giesbrecht
Roasted Squash Pepper Pasta with Cider and Chipotle Sauce
Each season boasts unique flavours an d particular, is know n for apples, and Ca ingredients. The fall harvest, in nada is known for varieties – from sw its multitude of ee characteristic, espe t to tart. Each type of apple offers a distinct taste and cially when it com es to cooking. Cide the fastest growin r as g be harvest season depe verage in Canada and its flavour ev well, is spiking as olves throughout th nding on the varie e ty recipe incorporates the fresh and crisp of apples available. This delicious flavour of an appl seasonal vegetable e beverage into a pasta dish. Serves: 6 Cook time: 30 min utes Ingredients: 3 cloves of garlic, chop 1 onion, finely chop ped ped. 1 red pepper, dice d 3 cups butternut sq uash, diced 2 tbsp olive oil Salt and pepper ½ tsp Chipotle pepp er, ground 6 slices of pancetta 1 lb capellini or sp aghe 473 ml can of Cana ttini di 1½ cups 35% crea an Cider m 2 cups arugula or spin ½ cup parmesan ch ach sprouts eese, grated or shav ed Preparation: Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F). In a pepper and squash . Coat with olive oi lasagna dish, mix the garlic, onion, l, season and sprin per. Roast in the ov kle with Chipotle pe en for 20 minutes por un golden. Spread the slices of pancetta on til the diced squash is tender and ment paper. Bake a ba kin g sh ee t overlaid with parc in th hIn the interim, cook e oven until crispy. Set aside. the pasta in accord ance with the instr age. Strain and set uctions on the pack aside. Pour the Cide and reduce by a th r ird. Add the cream into the pan used to cook the pasta and let simmer for cooked pasta to th 5m e sa Garnish with roaste uce and stir to coat. Serve the cape inutes. Add the llini in soup plates. d vegetables, arug ula, parmesan and pancetta chips. En joy Submitted by Heat her Thomas
Makes: 2 Cups Prep Time: 10 Minutes Ingredients: 2 ripe avocados 2 tbsp lime, juiced 1/2 red onion, finely chopped 1 garlic clove, minced 1 bunch cilantro, finely chopped 4 tbsp Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise 1/2 tsp. salt ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper Directions: avocados into a Halve and pit the avocados. Scoop out the flesh of the hat chunky. somew them g bowl and gently mash with a fork, leavin er to gently mix. togeth thing every fold and Add the remaining ingredients, nely chopped. fi and d seede ño, jalape d pickle 1 in add Tip: For some heat, hellm www. Complete nutrition information is available at
Gingerbread Baking seasonal treats is a primary part of the holiday tradition – and not only is homemade gingerbread a crowd pleaser at any function, the spicy aroma is bound to inspire budding bakers as well. Ingredients: ½ cup of unsalted butter at room temperature ¾ cup of packed dark brown sugar ½ cup of fancy molasses 2 large eggs at room temperature 3 ¼ cup all-purpose flour 1 tbsp ground ginger
½ tsp ground allspice ½ tsp ground cinnamon ½ tsp baking powder ½ tsp baking soda ½ tsp table salt Icing sugar (optional)
Directions: Beat butter, brown sugar and molasses together until light and fluffy. Add eggs one by one, beating well after each addition. In a separate bowl, sift flour, ginger, allspice, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add this gradually to the butter mixture and stir until blended. Shape dough into 2 balls, wrap and chill for about an hour, up to 2 days. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C) and line 2-3 baking trays with parchment paper. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the first ball of dough until just over 1/8-inch thick. Use a cookie cutter of your choice to cut out cookie shapes. Lift them carefully to the prepared trays, leaving about ½-inch between them. Add any scraps to the second piece of dough and repeat. Bake cookies for 15-18 minutes until browned a little just around the edges. Let cookies cool for a few minutes on the tray before removing to cool completely. Dust with icing sugar for an easy way to add a festive touch. Cookies will keep for up to 10 days in an airtight container. Submitted by Lorna Jackson
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Caledonia Courier
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Green-Cabbage and Red-Apple Slaw with Brussels Sprouts
Pretzel Sweets Here’s a simple recipe that is as fun to make, as it is yummy to eat. They are also a no-bake treat so little hands can help. Customized with toppings like sprinkles, these super-easy pretzel snacks are a perfect way to surprise and delight family and friends.
Ingredients: 3 tablespoons cider vinegar ut 5 cups) 1/2 small green cabbage, very thinly sliced (abo ed, trimm es), ounc 6 ut (abo ts 8 brussels sprou halved lengthwise, and thinly sliced 1/2 small red onion, halved lengthwise and thinly sliced crosswise (about 1/2 cup) 1/3 cup fresh orange juice 4 teaspoons fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh dill 1 teaspoon grainy mustard 1 teaspoon poppy seeds 1/2 teaspoon coarse salt 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil hsticks 2 small red apples, such as Gala, cut into matc
Ingredients: Bag of pretzels (salted or un-salted) Chocolate chips (white, dark, milk chocolate are great, or try butterscotch chips) Toppings of choice (sprinkles, chocolate-coated candies, flaked coconut)
Directions: over mediumBring 1 1/4 cups water to a boil in a large pot cabbage. Cover, the and ar vineg ns spoo table 2 Add high heat. 2 minutes. t abou d, wilte and steam until cabbage has just der set over colan a to age cabb fer trans n, Using a slotted spoo onion to and ts a large bowl. Immediately add brussels sprou k orange Whis tes. minu 5 cool colander; toss to combine. Let mustard, dill, ar, vineg n spoo table ining rema , juice, lemon juice oil in a in Pour . bowl l poppy seeds, salt, and pepper in a smal cabfer Trans ed. sifi emul until king slow, steady stream, whis apples, and and e grett vinai Add . bowl large a to re bage mixtu re 10 minutes, toss gently to coat. Let stand at room temperatu . Serve tossing occasionally. Submitted by Corrie Parker
Ham, Swiss, and Tomato Strata
THIS YUMMY BREAKFAST IS ASSEMBLED THE NIGHT BEFORE Unsalted butter, for greasing dish 1 pound Italian loaf, crust removed, cut crosswise into 1/2-inch slices 1 cup diced Virginia ham (1/4-inch dice) 2 cups grated Swiss cheese 2 tablespoons minced chives 3 small tomatoes, cored and sliced into 1/4-inch rounds 8 large eggs 4 cups milk 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons coarse salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Directions: Butter a 9-by-13-inch baking dish. Arrange half of the bread slices in the bottom of the dish. Sprinkle with half of the ham, cheese, and chives. Add another layer of bread and cover it with the remaining ham, cheese, and chives. Arrange the tomato slices on top. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs, milk, mustard, salt, and pepper until well combined. Pour mixture over the bread and cheese layers. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Let strata come to room temperature (about 25 minutes). Bake strata, uncovered, until golden and fluffy and a knife inserted comes out clean (60 to 70 minutes). Let stand 20 minutes before serving. Submitted by Corrie Parker
Preparation: Line two baking sheets with wax paper or parchment paper. Place pretzels in a large bowl. Sort toppings of choice and place onto individual plates Place chocolate chips in a microwave-safe bowl and melt to a creamy texture. Dip pretzels into chocolate and shake off any excess. Take your chocolate-coated pretzels and roll them in toppings of choice. Set on baking sheet to cool. Enjoy Submitted by John Simms
Mini Cheesecake Jars Ingredients: For the Cheesecake 8 ounces cream cheese, room tem perature 1/2 cup sugar 3 large eggs, room temperature 4 ounces sour cream (1/2 cup) 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice Salt 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon fruit pres erves or jam For the Graham Topping 1/2 cup finely ground graham crac kers (from 4 crackers) 1 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted Directions: Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Ma ke the cheesecakes: Beat cream che ese with a mixer on medium speed until smooth. Add sugar. Beat on medium speed for 3 minutes more. Reduce speed to low. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each add ition. Raise speed to medium. Add sour cream, lemon juice, and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Beat for 3 minutes. Divide batter among six 6-ounce jars, filling each two-thirds full. Tran sfer jars to a deep baking dish; add enough boiling wat er to dish to reach halfway up the sides of the jars. Cover dish with foil; cut 8 slits into top to vent. Bake until set in the cen ter, about 25 minutes. Let cool. Refrigerate overnig ht to set. Meanwhile, make the graham top ping: Stir together graham-cracker crumbs and butter. Bake on a parchment-lined baking sheet for 10 minutes. Let cool. Top each cheesecake with 1 tablesp oon plus 1 1/2 teaspoons preserve s. Divide graham topping among jars (about 1 heaping tablespoon each). Submitted by Corrie Parker
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TERMS & CONDITIONS Advertisements should be read on the first publication day. We are not responsible for errors appearing beyond the first insertion. NO CASH REFUNDS AGREEMENT: It is agreed P.O. Boxor1298 by any display classified advertiser requesting space Fort St. James, B.C. that the liability of the paper in the event that errors V0J 1P0 occur in the publishing of any advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and there will be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. DISCRIMINATION LEGISLATION: Advertisers are reminded Phone: that provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminated against any person because of race, religion, sex, colour, E-Mail: nationality, ancestry, place of origin, or age unless the wendy@ condition is justified by a ominecaexpress. bona fide requirement for the work involved. com COPYRIGHT: Copyright and/or property rights subsistCaledonia in all advertisements and in all other advertisingCourier material appearing in this edition of the published every Omineca Express. PermisWednesday sion to reproduce wholly or in Stuart/Nechako any part and in any form whatsoever, particularly Advertiser by a photographic or offset process in a publication, published every must be obtained in writing from Friday the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
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Must be able to have extended stays away from home. Up to 6 months. Must have valid AZ, DZ, ADVERTISING 5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and have previous commercial driving DEADLINES experience. Courier -- Friday, Apply, careers & then choose 11-noon the FastTRACK Application.
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GET FREE Vending Machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866668-6629.
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Advertisements should be MANAGER TRAINING read on the first• publication SELF Improvement Business OpCertified portunity! The Healthy Wealthy and day. We are notHome responsible Study Wise Corporation® is seeking likefor errors appearing Course beminded people who are looking for yond the fi rst insertion. NO • Jobs an opportunity to make a difference CASH REFUNDS Registered in the lives of others and earn an Across AGREEMENT: It is Canada agreed amazing living simply by introducing CANADA BENEFIT our educational coachingGroup programCertified by any display• Gov. or classifi to world! Dotheyou or someone you know 35 Years of Success! advertiser requesting space MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION suffer from a disability? Get up liability of career the pa- in or isthat anthein-demand to 866-455-2155 $40,000 from the Canadian per in the event that errors Canada! Employers have Government. Toll-free 1-888occur in the publishing of work-at-home positions 511-2250 or visit online at: any advertisement shall be available. Get the online limited to thefrom amount paid ing you need an employby the advertiser for the Anna Maria Maria er-trusted program. Visit: Anna portion of the advertising or 1-888Rainbacher space occupied by the in528-0809 to start training for Rainbacher It is with extreme sadness your work-at-home career It is with extreme sadness correct item only, and theretothat we announce the day! will be no liability in any that we announce the passing of Anna Maria event beyond the amount passing of Anna Maria Rainbacher (Muhlbacher) paid for such advertiseRainbacher (Muhlbacher) on November 5th, 2014. ment. on November 5th, 2014. DISCRIMINATION LEGShe was born in Austria on She was born in Austria ISLATION: Advertisers are May 24, 1933. She led a on 24, SheFrom reminded that provincial full,May adventurous legislation forbids the publed a SINGLES full,upadventurous MEET right WWII now! No growing through lication of any advertisepaid operators, just real life. From growing up peoin Austria, to emigrating to ment which discriminated ple like you. Browse greetings, through WWII in Austria, Canada and marrying the exchange messages and conagainst any person because to emigrating love of her inCanada 1956, nect live. Try life it to free. Call she now: of race, religion, sex, colour, and love in of spentmarrying almost athe decade 1-800-712-9851. nationality, ancestry, place her life in 1956, spent the Yukon beforeshe settling of origin, or age unless the condition is justified by a almost in Fort aSt.decade Jamesin in the 1964 bona fide requirement for where her and settling Walter Sr. Yukon before in the work involved. builtSt. andJames developed a growFort in 1964 COPYRIGHT: Copyright ing a business into next century. Anna pre-dewhere her and right Walter Sr.the built and developed awas growing a and/or property rights ceased byright her husband, Walter, of subsist forty years the advertisewinter of business intoTimeshare. the next century. Anna was pre-deceased CANCEL YOUR in inall 1997. She isProgram. survived by herforty sister, LisiinMoser NO Risk STOP by her husband, Walter, of years the winter of 1997. ments and in(Muhlbacher) all other adMortgage & Maintenance Pay- still and is hersurvived nephew Peter in Austria. Her son Walter material appearShe by herMoser, sister, Lisi vertising Moser (Muhlbacher) and ments Today. 100% Money (Jr.)nephew and his Peter wife Lisa andstill their children, Gabrielle ing in Tahjauna, this edition of (Jr.) the her Moser, Austria. Her son Walter Back Guarantee. FREE Con-in in Omineca and his Kelton Rainbacher live Prince George,Express. BC. AndPermisHer and wife their children, Tahjauna, Gabrielle sultation. Call Lisa Us and NOW. We sion to reproduce wholly or daughter Andrea Keeganlive (Rainbacher) with herBC. Husband and Kelton Rainbacher in Prince George, Her Can Help! 1-888-356-5248. DRIVERS WANTED in any part and inAnd any form Chuck and their son Tristan Keegan of Calgary. AB. She is AZ, DZ, 5, 3 or 1 w/ Airbrake daughter Andrea Keegan (Rainbacher) with her Husband particularly • Guaranteed 40hr.She Work also survived by son her beloved (and whatsoever, spoiled!) dog Mozart, now Chuck and their Tristan Keegan Calgary. AB. by aofphotographic or offset Week & Overtime residing with Andrea in Calgary. Anna will always be rememprocess adog publication, is also survived by her beloved (and spoiled!) Mozart, • Paidin Travel & Lodging bered asrentals the strong, outspoken, andmust athletic woman who will RV LOT $8.95 a day. be obtained in writ• Meal Allowance now residing with Andrea in Calgary. Anna will always be 362 days of sunshine, pets, be dearly missed by many in Canada • 4Austria. Weeks Vacation ing and from the publisher. Any remembered as the strong, outspoken, and athletic woman events, classes, •Lady Excellent Benefi ts Package Memorial service toentertainbe held at Ourunauthorized of The Snows at reproduction who will be dearly missed ment. by 11/01/2014. Must be subject able to to have extended will be recourse 1pm Reserve on November 15, 2014, followed coffee, andto 6 stays by away from sweets home. Up Call: by many in Canada and Austria. in law. get together at the Stuart Lake Golf Club. months. Must have valid AZ, DZ, 1-800-926-5593
Your community.
5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and
have previous commercial driving JOB POSTING-RECEIVING experience. Employment Apply, careers & then choose HOME WORKERS the FastTRACK Application. Business Nak’azdli is seeking individuals to be employed as Opportunities at the new Receiving Home at 6 supervisors/caretakers Mile. Successful candidates expected to provide non GET FREE Vending Ma- will beEducation/Trade judgmental support to families chines. Can earn $100,000 + while residing in the Receiving Schools per Home. year. All cash-retirewill in include just Employment full time, part time and on call.
aPPLY tOdaY! A11 Our tradition of excellence is built on strong company values, NAK’AZDLI WHUT’EN a challenging environment, and continuous development. To Your classifi eds. explore current career opportunities and P.O. Box 1329, Fort Fort St. James, B.C. become V0J 1P0 a part of Serving St. James our community, apply at area Telephone (250) 996 1972 – 7171today. and since (250) 996 –this 8010 If you are interestedFax in exploring Pam Berger opportunity and being a part of our communityPublisher please submit your resume by Sunday november 23, 2014. JOB POSTING-RECEIVING
We thank all candidates for their interest; however HOME WORKERS only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Advertising: Nak’azdli News: is seeking individuals to be employed as supervisors/caretakers at the new Receiving Home at 6 Website: Mile. Successful candidates will be expected to provide non judgmental support to families while residing in the Receiving Home. Employment will include full time, part time and on call. Apply Today! 3 years. Territories. PriorityProtected will be given to couples applying for this position but Priority will be given to couples applying for this position but Full will details call now 1-866also accept individual applicants. The Home’s intention is APARTMENT/CONDO will also accept individual applicants. The Home’s intention is fax 250.567.2070 email 668-6629. to provide respite for families that are caring for children with MANAGER TRAINING to provide respite for families that are caring for children with MCFD, emergency placement for children who have been SELF Improvement Business Op• Certified MCFD, emergency placement for children who have been portunity! The Healthy Employment Employment Home Study apprehended byWealthy MCFD,and and for children/families that are apprehended by MCFD, and for children/families that are Wise Corporation® is seeking likeCourse waiting for the court process to be completed. waiting forServing the courtVanderhoof, process to be completed. minded people who are looking for Fort St. James, • Jobs
FORT ST. JAMES Y.R.B. AND AREA fax 250.567.2070 email
tion/Trade chools 250-996-8482
TRANSCRIPTION emand career in Employers have e positions avail. nline training you n employer-trusted or 809 to start trainwork-at-home ca-
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5, 3 or 1 with airbrake license and have previous commercial driving experience. Apply,
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
an opportunity to make a difference Registered in the lives of others and earn an Duties: Across Canada amazing living simply by introducing Provide non judgmental support to families involved with our •Warehousing educational coaching program • Gov. Certifi ed & Inside to the world! 35 Years of(MCFD) Success! Ministry of Children and Family Development while Sales Opportunities Yellowhead Road & Bridge in residence at the Receiving Home or 866-455-2155 Thriving industrial supply
• Awareness of community services, resources and systems Has openings for store looking for • WAREHOUSING Perform janitorial duties Heavy Duty Mechanic & and Obituaries Obituaries • Prepare nutritional meals with families INSIDE SALES staff Truck Drivers. • Maintain a safe environment for families in residence to join our team in • Model healthy lifestyle for familiesOperators must have miniFort St. John Anna Maria mum, Class 3skills Driver licence • Good communications We offer a F/T, M to F, 8 and to time management Rainbacher with an air endorsement. • Maintain a daily log for shift change information sharing 5pm career It is with extremeopportunity, sadness Operators will be required to • Strong multi – tasking ability along a very attractive that wewith announce the operate various types of road compensation, • Salesofmindset passing Anna benefi Mariats & maintenance equipment and bonus program. Rainbacher (Muhlbacher) Employment opportunities do some physical labour jobs Qualifications: on November 5th, 2014. with our company would as the need arises. • Must have in high school diploma or equivalent start at $4,200/month. She was born Austria Interested applicants • Must possess valid driver’s license/provide driver’s should on May 24, 1933. Please forward your She resume to send their resume to the abstract led full, adventurous human.resources.depart1@ Vanderhoof office: • aFirst Aid certificate life. FromSafe growing up Fax: 250-567-3357 • Food certificate through WWII in Austria, OR • WHMIS to•emigrating to Canada e-mail: Must provide criminal record check, contact check and with marrying Applications are available at MCFDthe love of her life inpossess 1956, she spent all Y.R.B. yards. For more • Must good listening skills and be assertive when almost a decade in the required information contact the • Ability to maintain boundaries Yukon before settlinghealthy in Vanderhoof office, located at: • Ability to callinthe appropriate authorities necessary Fort St. James 1964 545when Spruce Street, Career • Must able to maintain strict of confidentiality where herbeand Walter Sr. built andstandards developed a growing a Vanderhoof. • Must have understanding of the impacts of residential Opportunities business right into the next century. Anna was pre-deceased Phone: 567-3114 schools and colonization on Aboriginal by her husband, Walter, of forty years in families the winter of 1997. • Must have knowledge of basic and She is survived by her sister, Lisi MCFD Moserpolicies (Muhlbacher) and her procedures nephew Peter Moser, still in Austria. Her son Walter (Jr.) and his wife Lisa and their children, Tahjauna, Gabrielle Training be provided. Preference be given toAnd Nak’azdli and Keltonwill Rainbacher live in Princewill George, BC. Her community members or people of Aboriginal ancestry. daughter Andrea Keegan (Rainbacher) with her Husband Chuck and their son Tristan Keegan of Calgary. AB. She fax cover letter and resume to (250) 996-0129 or email is Please also survived by her beloved (and spoiled!) dog Mozart, to Deadline November 14, 2014 NAK’AZDLI WHUT’EN now residing at 4:00 p.m. with Andrea in Calgary. Anna will always be rememberedP.O. as Box the strong, outspoken, 1329, Fort St. James,and B.C.athletic V0J 1P0woman who will beNO dearly missed CALLS Telephone (250) 996 –PLEASE. 7171 PHONE by many in CanadaFax and(250) Austria. 996 – 8010
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Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at JOB POSTING-RECEIVING
Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake
Duties: Pam Berger • Provide non judgmental support to families involved with Ministry of Children andPublisher Family Development (MCFD) while in residence at the Receiving Home 150 W. Columbia St Tel: and 250-567-9258 • Awareness of community services, resources systems Box 1007, janitorial Vanderhoof Fax: 250-567-2070 • Perform duties BC V0J 3A0 Email: • Prepare nutritional meals with families • Maintain a safe environment for families in residence • Model healthy lifestyle for families • Good communications and time management skills • Maintain a daily log for shift change information sharing • Strong multi – tasking ability STUART • Sales mindset NECHAKO
BUSINESS Services DIRECTORY OILvertiser & LUBE Financial Services AD
Reaching Every Door Qualifications: • Must have high school diploma or equivalent Serving Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, • Must possess valid driver’s license/provide driver’s Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake abstract • First Aid certificate Pam Berger • Food Safe certificate Publisher • WHMIS •150 Must criminal check W. provide Columbia St record check, prior contact Tel: 250-567-9258 240 Douglas, Fort St. James with MCFD Box 1007, Vanderhoof Fax: 250-567-2070 • Must possess good listening and be assertive when In Email: the skills old Fort Diesel Building BC V0J 3A0 required • Ability to maintain healthy boundaries CALL • Ability to AND call the appropriate authorities when necessary CHANGE LUBE • Must be able to maintain strict standards of confidentiality “Warranty Approved” • Must have understanding of the impacts of residential schoolsTIRES and colonization on Aboriginal families to book you appointment! • Must have knowledge of basic MCFD policies and procedures
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Training will be provided. Preference will be given to Nak’azdli community members or people of Aboriginal ancestry. Please fax cover letter and resume to (250) 996-0129 or email to Deadline November 14, 2014 at 4:00 p.m.
Serving Fort St. James
and area since 1972 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. Pam Berger Publisher
15 Bo BC
Wednesday, November November 12, 12, 2014 2014 Caledonia Wednesday, Caledonia Courier Courier
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Home Improvements FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.
Pets & Livestock
Livestock DORPER Cross Sheep flock for sale. 15 ewes and 25 lambs. $4500. Phone 250397-4126.
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Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 778-281-0030. Local.
5 BDRM HOME IN TELKWA FOR SALE OR RENT 3200 sq ft, 4 bath, includes washer & dryer, fridge & stove, dishwasher hot tub, natural gas Rent: $1350 per mnth Sale: $299,000 Contact: 250-845-3315
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Legal Notices
Legal Notices
John Prince Research Forest SUP 22194 2014/15 Operational Plan Notice is hereby given that Chuzghun Resources Corporation (CRC) has prepared a operational plan for the John Prince Research Forest (SUP 22194) in the Fort St. James District. This plans shows blocks scheduled for harvest for winter 2014/15. In total, approximately 88 ha of harvesting (approximately 25,000 m3) is proposed. Review and Comment: The plan will be available for review and comment until November 12th, 2014 at CRC·s ofÀce, during regular business hours (8:00 AM – 4:00 PM). CRC is located at Cinnabar Resort on Tezzeron Lake. Phone is (250) 996-3700. Any written comments should be forwarded to the address below by Nov. 14th, 2014 to ensure consideration: Attn: Sue Grainger, RPF Chuzghun Resources Corporation Box 2378, Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0
“A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN OUR REGION” 37, 3RD Avenue, PH: 250-692-3195 PO Box 820, TF: 800-320-3339 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 FX: 250-692-3305
“A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN OUR REGION” 37, 3RD Avenue, PH: 250-692-3195 PO Box 820, TF: 800-320-3339 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 FX: 250-692-3305
Invitation to Tender
Invitation to Tender
Clearview Sub-Regional Landfill Operations Contract
Knockholt Sub-Regional Landfill Operations Contract
Sealed Tenders for works associated with the operation of the Clearview Sub-Regional Landfill will be received by Janine Dougall, Director of Environmental Services, up to 2:00 p.m. local time on Friday, December 5, 2014. Tenders received after the closing date and time will be returned to the Tenderer unopened. The Clearview Sub-Regional Landfill is located just off of Highway 27 approximately 22 km north of the junction between Highway 16 and Highway 27. The Term of the Contract is five years, commencing December 1, 2015 and expiring November 30, 2020. A mandatory Pre-Tender meeting is scheduled for 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at the Clearview Sub-Regional Landfill. Tenders received from a company not represented at the mandatory Pre-Tender meeting will be returned to the Tenderer unopened. A Security Deposit valued at $10,000 must be submitted with the Tender. The successful bidder will also be required to provide an Irrevocable Commercial Letter of Credit in the amount of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) on award of the Contract. Failure to provide the Letter of Credit will result in forfeiture of the Security Deposit. Specifications and Tender forms may be obtained from the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako, Environmental Services Department, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding Statutory holidays on or after Wednesday, November 5, 2014. For further information, contact Janine Dougall, Director of Environmental Services, at (250) 692-3195 or 1-800320-3339.
Sealed Tenders for works associated with the operation of the Knockholt Sub-Regional Landfill will be received by Janine Dougall, Director of Environmental Services, up to 3:00 p.m. local time on Friday, December 5, 2014. Tenders received after the closing date and time will be returned to the Tenderer unopened. The Knockholt Sub-Regional Landfill is located approximately 12 km southeast of Houston, BC. The work involves the landfilling of solid waste, maintenance of a public drop off area and associated recycling areas. The Term of the Contract is five years, commencing September 1, 2015 and expiring August 31, 2020. A mandatory Pre-Tender meeting is scheduled for 11:00 a.m., Monday, November 17, 2014 at the Knockholt Sub-Regional Landfill. Tenders received from a company not represented at the mandatory Pre-Tender meeting will be returned to the Tenderer unopened. A Security Deposit valued at $10,000 must be submitted with the Tender. The successful bidder will also be required to provide an Irrevocable Commercial Letter of Credit in the amount of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) on award of the Contract. Failure to provide this surety will result in forfeiture of the Security Deposit. Specifications and Tender forms may be obtained from the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako, Environmental Services Department, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding Statutory holidays on or after Wednesday, November 5, 2014. For further information, contact Janine Dougall, Director of Environmental Services at (250) 692-3195 or 1-800320-3339.
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