Years est. 1954
Volume 60 No. 47
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Kitimat’s next mayor will be Phil Germuth
Madyson Murdock, 5, is all smiles on November 10 while she was Fire Chief for a Day. Her home fire escape plan was chosen, giving her temporary reign over the fire hall. The fire department also sent her back to school with cake for her classmates at Nechako.
Rio Tinto Alcan hands over land Rio Tinto Alcan announced in an open letter November 12 that they are gifting 156 acres of waterfront to the District of Kitimat. The land is on the western side of the Kitimat Arm, at Minette Bay. In the open letter General Manager of BC Operations Gaby Poirier says that as RTA looks to having new neighbours to the smelter site, “it is important now, more than ever, to ensure the people of Kitimat continue to have direct ocean access.” The site is just south of Minette Bay Lodge. Kitimat Mayor Joanne Monaghan said conversations about receiving land from Rio Tinto Alcan has been ongoing for approximately two years, and efforts really tied in to RTA’s past temporary closure of Hospital Beach due to their smelter construction. Monaghan said no firm plans have been established as to what the District will do with that land now that it’s in their hands. In August this year, Vice-president of Busi-
ness Development and Strategic Projects Paul Henning had hinted that land in Minette Bay could serve as a potential replacement if Hospital Beach had to be closed again in the future. “We think that from a recreational perspective it could be a nice balance,” Henning told the Sentinel in August. Future construction at RTA’s wharf could mean more short-term closures at Hospital Beach due to heavy industrial traffic, Henning also said at the time, but the company wanted to find a “long term” solution.” Surrounding the 156 acres, designated as DL 471, is another District of Kitimat-owned parcel just to the south along the water, the remainder being privately owned lands, including two Rio Tinto Alcan parcels directly above DL 471. Poirier told the Sentinel on Friday that the company has been working with the District for awhile now and understood the public’s interest in having access to the ocean. Continued on page 2
Cameron Orr Phil Germuth has graduated from Kitimat Councillor to Kitimat Mayor. With the unofficial results for the local election in, Germuth took the title in a seeming landslide with 1,828 votes. Candidate Trish Parsons ended in second place with 530 votes, while long-serving Kitimat politician Joanne Monaghan ended with 447. Joining Germuth on the council will be incumbents Edwin Empinado, Mario Feldhoff, Rob Goffinet and Mary Murphy, as well as new faces Claire Rattée and Larry Walker. Germuth sat in the District of Kitimat conference room on November 15 to hear the results coming in directly from the ballot counters, and worked through the butterflies when he realized he took had taken position. “[I’m] definitely humbled by the amount of the votes,” he said. Versus his total in the 2011 election for council, Germuth gained 534 votes in his race to the mayor’s seat. “It was great to see the support...the people came out in large numbers to vote this time and that’s great. I’m thrilled.” He’s looking ahead to a number of issues, the one paramount to others is the relationship the District of Kitimat has with the Haisla Nation Council. “The relationship building has got to be our number one thing. We really need to build our relationship with the Haisla and start working together on all initiatives here for industry and for recreation and all the other things,” he said. Germuth says he believes its his record on council that earned him the win on Saturday. “I’m hoping most people voted for me because they looked at what I did the past three years on council and they supported the way I’ve stuck up for the people, and I also support development.” Even with full-time work, Germuth said having a business doesn’t
mean his role as mayor will be limited. “The only reason I was able to ever run for council is because of my son Trevor. He runs the business for me and allows me to go out of town and do everything I need to do [for] council, and no doubt he’ll do the same [now],” he said. “I’m very fortunate to have him there or otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do it at all. There’s no doubt.” Germuth didn’t ignore the dedication which Monaghan has given to the community in her over three decades of being on council. “I would like to definitely give a thanks to Joanne Monaghan for her 30-plus years of dedicated service. So many good things have come to this community because of her time on council and her time as mayor. Joanne really deserves a big thank you from the community of Kitimat.” Monaghan, who was first sworn in on Kitimat Council in 1980, hasn’t figured out what her next steps will be but is looking forward to future growth in Kitimat. “I wish everybody luck and...I hope Kitimat keeps progressing and everything goes well,” she said. But she already sees a change of pace in her future. “After working 24/7, practically, for many years, especially the last six years of being mayor, I’m going to have all kinds of time.” Trish Parsons meanwhile was happy with how her campaign went. “All in all it was a good learning experience and I enjoyed it,” she said, saying she has no immediate plans to take another run in four years. “Right now, there’s a lot of things coming this way and we need to get things moving and start making some decisions and be a little more proactive,” she said. For school board trustees, Margaret Warcup took the most votes with 1,945, and will join incumbent Raymond Raj on the Coast Mountains School District board for Kitimat. Candidate Tim Carter ended very close with 1,249.
Monitoring erosion ... page 3
2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Injured man may be connected to broken window November 3 An intoxicated male was found passed out on the shoulder of Lahakas Boulevard by City Centre. The male had a severe laceration on his right leg and an ambulance was called. The man was taken to the Kitimat General Hospital. Meanwhile RCMP tracked the blood stains from the man across the Lower City Centre parking lot to a broken window at
Police Beat the Bank of Montreal. A 20-year-old Kitimat man faces charges of mischief under $5,000. November 4 Police were called to a three-vehicle collision on Haisla Boulevard just before the bridge. One vehicle rear ended the other, which caused that ve-
hicle to rear end the vehicle in front of it. Two occupants were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. Police were called on a missing person’s report of a 68-year-old male who had gone hunting and did not return home. After unsucccessful attempts to find the man, Kitimat Search and Rescue were called. The man was found the next morning by a fam-
ily friend on Saunders Road, and police say that it seems the man’s truck had broken down on the side of the road the day earlier. November 7 During a traffic stop, an officer noted a smell of marijuana and found the driver displaying impairment symptoms. The driver admitted to the officer of having recently smoked a marijuana joint. The
a 44-year-old intoxicated woman sitting on the front steps of the home. She was taken to a home where someone could care for her. November 9 A dispute over wages resulted in the police being called at 10:04 p.m. The incident at the Kitimat Hotel was resolved when police spoke to all parties involved. Police were called
33-year-old male was given a 24 hour driving prohibition. November 8 At 12:15 a.m. police took an intoxicated person from the Tim Hortons washroom to a home where someone could care for him. Police were called when it was reported an intoxicated female was trying to get entry into the complainant’s home around 1:06 a.m. Police on arrival found
Hunting guide found dead after fall Kitimat RCMP say they were alerted to a personal satellite becon activated up the Kemano River at around 8:48 p.m. on November 10. Information was gathered that a hunting guide had fallen off a cliff. The Joint Rescue Command Center out of Comox activated a rescue squad-
ron to assist in the rescue, however the person was not located until 8:40 a.m. the next morning. The guide had by then succumbed to his injuries at the scene. The individual has since been identified as Jeffery Allan Wayne Ripley, 26, of Lethbridge, Alberta. The BC Coroners Service says on
November 10 Ripley was guiding a party of hunters on a trip in remote mountains, about an hour from Kemano. At 4 p.m. he lost his footing and fell over a cliff, estimated to be 100 metres high. The BC Coroners Service and the RCMP are continuing to investigate the death.
238 City Centre Mall, Kitimat
trict as to potential for opening up access to the land but the land is for Kitimat’s full use without restrictions as long as it’s used for public access and the community good, the company says. As for Hospital Beach, the company has no immediate
Continued from page 1 Poirier said that with the possibility of new industrial developments coming, now was the best time to make the offer of waterfront. He said there are still details to be worked out with the Dis-
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plans for what will happen to it. There is potential for further closures relating to construction but as it is those closures would be temporary. The company says the beach would stay open for as long as it is safe to do so.
Oct 24 Oct 25 Oct 26 Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct 29 Oct 30
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for an impaired driver leaving the lower City Centre parking lot. Police tracked the vehicle down shortly before 11 p.m. and conducted a traffic stop. The driver showed signs of impairment and failed a roadside screening test. The 42-year-old male Kitimat resident was given a 90 day driving ban and a 30 day vehicle impoundment.
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Regional briefs Air quality On November 13 Kitimat was given an air quality advisory due to a high level of particulates in the air. Persons with chronic underlying medical conditions were cautioned to postpone strenuous exercise until the advisory was lifted. The advisory was expected to last several days. Staying indoors and in air conditioned spaces helps to reduce fine particulate exposure. Exposure is particularly a concern for infants, the elderly and those who have diabetes, and lung or heart disease. Connected with the advisory, a three day open burning ban was also put in place.
A Vanderhoof school teacher wants to be the Conservative Party of Canada Member of Parliament for Skeena – Bulkley Valley. Gerald Caron has announced his candidacy for his party’s nomination leading to the federal election next October. Caron had been a candidate for the Conservative nomination for the Cariboo-Prince George riding but changed his mind several days ago. “A major consideration in this decision is his strong connections with the riding of Skeena-Bulkley Valley, having worked in Fort St. James, and in Burns Lake, for School District 91,” a release sent out yesterday indicates. Caron said his candidacy was accepted following a presentation made to the annual general meeting earlier this month of the Conservative riding association for the Skeena – Bulkley Valley riding. The riding stretches from Haida Gwaii to the east but does not include Vanderhoof but does include Fort St. James.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 3
Radley Park erosion being monitored Cameron Orr Recent weeks of intense rain in Kitimat meant the riverbank along Radley Park continued to get hammered, but the District of Kitimat still believes the overall trend of the river is away from the camp. That means that while some land was washed away in recent high waters, there’s not a great concern there will be any more campsites lost, said the Director of Leisure Services. “In the last four weeks or a little longer we’ve had significant rain falls,” said Director of Leisure Services Martin Gould. “There was a period of time where the water raised significantly at Radley Park. We did lose a section of the riverbank to the river. To be perfectly honest it wasn’t all that unexpected that that small section may disappear.” Staff have since looked at the riverbank and are still convinced the river for the most part has straightened out and will be going in a direction along the riverbank rather than cutting in.” The island directly in front of Radley Park is also growing, he said, leading him to feel the river is, generally, directing more to the other side of the river, which is good for the District’s water in-takes, he said. As for the studies the town has commissioned for the river, Gould says their conclusions are ultimately “no guarantees. The river can make up its own mind and change direction any time it wanted.” If the Kitimat River had a sustained high water lasting months, which Gould said could happen, the town may stand to lose a lot more of the park. “It’s very hard to determine where the river is going to go at this point in time. Their [engineers] opinion and ours is the river is straightening out in front of Radley Park.” Gould said the recent loss of land did not result in any loss of campsites.
Holder to retire Cameron Orr Enbridge’s lead executive for the Northern Gateway Pipelines proposal will retire at the turn of the new year. Enbridge announced Janet Holder’s retirement last week, saying it will take place December 31, 2014. Holder is the executive vice president for Wester Access, a title she has held since 2011. “Over the past three years, I’ve had the opportunity to travel to every region of the province. It’s been an extremely rewarding experience, but I have decided now is a good time to take a step back and focus on my
A recent photo from the river bank at Radley Park. Land was washed away in recent high waters but efforts to protect the shore may be complicated. Could Radley Park be protected? Yes, but it’s a very complicated process. Gould reminded council of studies done approximately eight years ago when land first started disappearing in to the river and a plan was optioned to put up rip rap — basically stone reinforcement on the river bank — but the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in consultation with the Haisla determined that would not work, because downstream changes to the river from the rip rap could make the District of Kitimat liable. “If that course of the river affects something down stream...they’re going to point right back to us and say you [the District] are responsible.” The town could also dig a trench and install rip rap as a protection in case the river erodes far enough back to reach it, but it also could make them liable once the river changes due to that reinforcement. Mario Feldhoff suggested that Kitimat’s new council could look back at the engineering reports for Radley Park and see how the river has since changed and possibly revisit the idea of installing protective measures to guard against further loss of park land.
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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email newsroom@northernsentinel.com • www.northernsentinel.com KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.
Our waterfront One-hundred and fifty six acres of prime waterfront in Kitimat. What a gift. It’s been the constant struggle for Kitimat to be a waterfront community without much in the way of actual waterfront. (Even the Kitimat River, with the exception of a camp site, doesn’t really have a gathering place along its banks either, now that I think about it.) With this land transfer I hope we can see some exciting new developments for the community. I took to the Sentinel’s social media channels to ask people what they think should happen with that land. People have some good ideas. (Just before I continue, Hirsch Creek gets day picnic areas along its banks and trails through Hirsch Creek Park, but nothing as extensive exists for the Kitimat River? How have I not thought of this before?) The ideas for Kitimat’s new waterfront spanned the gamut, from hiking trails and picnic areas to camping, although some don’t want to see camp sites built there either. There were also a few suggestions to develop a small waterfront retail space. Something like a café or restaurant, I suppose a niche area for local shops. Which sounds like a great idea. (A public gazebo or even a few shops could also look nice on the north side of Haisla Bridge along the Kitimat River, a welcome to the Service Centre.) I think what can be gleaned from people’s suggestions is they really just want a place where Kitimat’s waterfront can be enjoyed by all. A boat launch that won’t be closed at the whim of a construction season, trails that truly belong to the people. Kitimat has been branded as the Pacific Inland Coast, but that has always been a coast seemingly belonging to private interests. It’s a welcome addition to the municipal inventory of lands to see Minette Bay opened up publicly. (I do like Radley Park, and the various access points to the river, don’t get me wrong. I’m just thinking about river bank beautification, could be nice.) Of course it could be years before we see anything really happen with the Minette Bay waterfront. And in reality it should take some time to gather community input. With a real look at developing municipal waterfront, the community should be very involved in the process. After all, what happens there could set a community image. We’re defined by our deep water in a way, so how our community celebrates water is a big deal. I’m excited for the prospects. (I guess we could build a trail connecting the Kitimat River to the Minette Bay land, that would be nice.) Cameron Orr
From the collection of Mr. Posthumous Not long ago I was looking for a new paperback book, so I browsed the “best sellers” list at the local drug store. I was pleased to see the #1 book was a title by one of my favourite mystery writers, John Sandford, a Lucas Davenport novel called “Chosen Prey.” Now Sandford, whose real name is John Camp, is a Pulitzer Prize winner and has written 23 Lucas Davenport novels, (and about a dozen other excellent books) so you can imagine, I was a little piqued when I got the book home, to discover I had read it before. Not a big surprise since it was copyright, 2001. You’re right if you just murmured, “buyer beware.” I should have been more alert. “Chosen Prey” was Sandford’s 12th novel in the series. It was republished in paperback in September, with a new cover design and a new introduction by the author. So I was out about $12 but since I read it again and enjoyed it again, really I was out nothing. But it was a reminder about the peculiar nature of today’s book business and its cut-throat approach to
Under Miscellaneous by Allan Hewitson ahewitson@telus.net
born-again book titles and subjects. It may also be a bit of a reflection of the ethics of the industry. But it did remind me of another of my pet peeves: “new” novels allegedly written by dead people but carefully illustrated and prepared to catch the unwary, looking for a new title. Example: last week I read Robert B. Parker’s latest, “Blind Spot” published with a 2014 copyright (but by the Estate of Robert B. Parker,) with the real author’s name, in much smaller letters, along the bottom of the cover page, Reed Farrell Coleman. I knew Parker died a few years ago (in 2010) so I was aware that the back cover “praise for Robert B. Parker’s Jesse Stone” by the Associated Press, the New York Times Book Review, USA Today and Booklist wasn’t directed at Robert Parker, but at me, or anyone else willing to pay $26.95 US or $31 Canadian for a new hard-
cover book by Robert Parker, which wasn’t written by him at all. If you’ve got time to read all over the book’s brightly illustrated wrapper, yes there’s an acknowledgement that Coleman, a professional writer with 18 novels of his own to his credit, actually crafted the book. (Not as good as Parker, but similar.) I admit, however, the taxpayer paid, since I took the book out of the library. Parker’s own website shows a number of his “recent books” published since 2010 are authored by others, including the last three of his great Spenser “private eye” series (thanks, Ace Atkins) and it’s announced that there will be a new addition to Parker’s western “Appaloosa” series (the first two brought to the screen by Ed Harris) to be written by actor-screenwriter, Robert Knott. Hey, I’m not really complaining. Books are a business, and if business is good, then what can be wrong with extending it past the writers’ death? It just irks me a bit. Maybe it shouldn’t. It has occurred with many writers. Take Ian Fleming for example. Continued on page 12
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Sarah Campbell Misty Johnsen Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Advertising Assistant Classifieds/Administration Publisher Editor publisher@northernsentinel.com newsroom@northernsentinel.com classifieds@northernsentinel.com advertising@northernsentinel.com
Kristyn Green Flyer Distribution office@northernsentinel.com
The Kitimat Northern Sentinel is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulating body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to the B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9. For more information phone 1-888-687-2213, or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 5
NDP Leader John Horgan visits Kitimat on tour The leader of B.C.’s official opposition, John Horgan, included Kitimat in a tour of the northwest where he sought to see the north first hand, the first tour since he became the NDP leader. Despite it being an information tour for him, he said he has memories of working with Alcan on their potential expansions, going back decades. “The last time I was
here was in 2012, I made a tour out to Kemano. I was the energy critic at the time. I’ve been involved in the... Rio Tinto [projects] for about 20 years,” he said. “It was exciting to see a conclusion to the modernization right around the corner, and also to learn some of the challenges that still remain.” He said for the NDP’s future success they’ll have to rely on young people
John Horgan to energize the party, and they’ll have to work on opportunities for younger
people in the northwest. “As Kitimat and the northwest ages you’re going to need new people coming through, they’re going to need jobs,” he said. “That was one of the discussions here today. What is going to attract young people to the northwest? It can’t just be temporary construction jobs. They have to be able to set down roots for the long term.” He sees a future for
LNG in the province and Horgan is trying to dismiss a perception the NDP is anti-development. “My job as leader of the official opposition is to make sure I’m holding the government accountable and that they’re not giving away the resource or cutting corners when it comes to regulation,” he said, noting that the companies themselves will be the ones to decide when to build
their projects. “Quite often politicians like to think that they’re the decision makers on these issues. Shareholders will decide,” he said. He said he has four principles when it comes to LNG development: a good return for taxpayers; that B.C. workers get jobs first; that First Nations are a part of the discussions; and that air, land and water are protected.
Captain speaks to safety record of LNG shipping Dear Sir: As President of the Chamber of Shipping of British Columbia, a former ship’s captain and a longtime resident of B.C., I am compelled to respond to misinformation about LNG shipping safety. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but everyone is not entitled to their own facts. LNG has been carried safely by sea since 1959 when the Methane Pioneer carried a series of trial cargoes from the U.S. to the U.K. and only last month, the industry celebrated its 50th anniversary of successful carriage of LNG on a commercial basis. Every developed country in the world has, in the last few years, embarked on development of LNG import and/or export terminals as part of a portfolio of clean energy diversification, the Canadian east coast LNG terminal, Canaport, in St. John NB, commissioned following thorough
ReadeR’s WRite evaluation by our regulatory authorities, being but one example. The LNG industry’s highest priority has always been safety and security which is reflected in a truly enviable record of operational safety. LNG is carried at atmospheric pressure, is not in itself explosive and although it contains a large amount of energy (as does a cargo of coal), cannot be released rapidly enough into the environment to cause an explosion. In the extremely unlikely event of a major incident resulting in a large release of LNG on land or water, this could potentially result in a fire, but only if there is the right concentration of LNG vapor in the air (5-15%) and a source of ignition – an almost impossible combination of circumstances given the precau-
tions in place. Today there are 404 ocean going LNG carriers in service safely trading over the entire globe with a further133 under construction or on order. I can assure you we are not in the risk business. LNG carriers are large vessels but no more so than the large cruise ships, container ships and bulk carriers routinely calling our waters. LNG import and export terminals are designed with multiple layers of protection and must meet rigorous safety regulations. They are equipped with spill containment systems, fire detection systems, automatic and manual shut-down systems, video surveillance systems and all are operated by highly trained personnel. Our industry is committed to providing the highest level of security, voyage
Scrubbers would be responsible Dear Sir, Thank you Liz Stannus and Emily Toews for appealing the granting of a permit that would allow Rio Tinto Alcan to increase the level of emissions of sulphur dioxide from 27 tonnes per day to 42 tonnes per day. I’m sure all Kitimat residents must have noticed the green\blue staining on your tubs and shower stalls. This is a reaction between sulphur dioxide and the copper piping in your home, the result of corrosion
of your copper piping. Levels of sulphate in rainwater and surface water correlate directly with emissions of sulphur dioxide. I have lived in Kitimat for 33 years and RTA has been very good for this community and the construction of the new smelter is very positive for Kitimat’s future. Scrubbers would certainly reduce emissions of sulphur dioxide and show once again that RTA is a responsible corporate citizen. Sincerely, Ken Bradley
Company betting on Rupert Shaun Thomas There may not yet be a decision from Pacific NorthWest LNG regarding its planned terminal on Lelu Island, but one of the company’s partners took a major step to prepare to accept liquefied natural gas from B.C. JAPEX, which owns a 10 per cent in-
terest in the terminal, began construction on the Soma LNG terminal in Shinchi Town, Fukushima Prefecture on Japan’s west coast on Nov. 13. In a media release, JAPEX said the 1.2 million tonnes of LNG per year from Pacific NorthWest LNG would serve as “one of the LNG sources to be
received at the Soma LNG receiving terminal”. JAPEX expects its terminal to begin operations in March, 2018, while Pacific NorthWest LNG is proposing to begin operations in 2019. The total investment for the terminal is 60 billion yen, equivalent to $589,312,905.
planning, incident prevention and risk mitigation in close coordination with our federal and provincial governments to ensure that every project, LNG included, that eventually goes ahead will bring nothing but positive returns to our province
with no adverse impact on our environment. Remember, we live here too. Yours respectfully, Captain Stephen Brown President Chamber of Shipping of British Columbia
Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds Clues Across
1. Disrespectful talk 5. Capital of Yemen 9. Identifying tag 14. Stare impertinently 15. Cain and __ 16. Old saying of a general truth 17. A beloved person 18. Job or chore 19. Fuse 20. Allergy medications 23. Grant life-time employment 24. Local area network 25. Conducted 26. In an angry way 31. Vast plains of N. Argentina 35. Teeter-totter 36. Independent ruler
37. Pig meat (alt. sp.) 38. Birchbark and dugout 41. Loss of coordination 43. 74801 OK 45. Highest playing card 46. Scottish cap 47. Molten rocks 51. Meissner effect machine 56. Wraps hay or cotton 57. One of the Greats 58. Carbonated soft drink 59. Forearm bones 60. Esau’s descendants (Bible) 61. Small integers 62. A man’s facial hair 63. Finished 64. Affirmative! (slang)
Clues Down 1. Pop 2. Keeps records or accounts 3. List of candidates 4. Small European finch 5. Scorns through ridicule 6. Degraded 7. Bird shelter 8. Opposite of acid 9. Layered pieces 10. Arabian Gulf 11. Naked 12. Scrambled or poached 13. The sheltered side 21. Hawaiian dance 22. 4th planet from the sun 27. C6H12N3OP insect sterilant 28. Pickerel genus 29. Georgian monetary unit 30. Urban gym
31. Large muscles of the chest 32. Indian wet nurse 33. 1/60 of an ancient talent 34. Ship’s bow 39. Went into 40. Scorch the surface 41. The academic world 42. Tupinambis nigropunctatus 44. A master of ceremonies 45. Bird’s embryonic sac 48. Hatfield’s enemy 49. Turn away from sin 50. European sole genus 51. Selling at reduced prices 52. Longest forearm bone 53. Anjou or bartlett 54. Annual mass calendar 55. Skin inflammation 56. Guy (slang)
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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Kitimat supports small business Cameron Orr The name of the program may have illicited some giggles from the gallery, but Kitimat Council has endorsed the District’s application to a serious, community-centred program. Small Town Love, a program that is designed between the Northern Development Initiative Trust and communities within their umbrella, provides resources for small businesses. Namely it provides a marketing platform for businesses to help them raise their business profile and increase their customer base, according to staff’s report to council on the subject. A participating business will receive professional photos
of their business and a professionally written business profile, to be hosted on a Small Town Love website. Participating businesses have to pay a one-time fee of $100 to help cover program costs. Kitimat staff say participation won’t have any bottom-line impact to the District despite the $600 a year fee for web hosting. That’s due to Northern Development’s annual grant for economic development which the District receives. Council unanimously endorsed the product. The move to support small businesses ties in to the Kitimat Economic Development Of-
fice’s goal of working to support smaller businesses, which was a goal the department set out late last year. Council at the same meeting also endorsed support for the District to apply for other Northern Development funding for their Business Facade Improvement Program. That annual grant gives local governments up to $20,000 from the fund to encourage businesses to improve their exteriors. Projects that qualify for funding would be given a 50 per cent reimbursment of costs, up to $5,000. Kitimat had to apply to be an eligible community for money from the grant in November.
A new year, a new Hamper appeal Luella Froess Christmas 2014 is fast approaching and the Kitimat Christmas Hamper Appeal is once again underway. In 2013 the citizens of Kitimat, Kitamaat Village and some Terrace businesses generously donated the amazing amount of $58,363.56 — our largest donations ever — enabling us to fill over 250 Christmas hampers and to continue assisting the less fortunate in Kitimat and Kitamaat Village throughout the year. We also received numerous boxes of food, gifts and toys thanks to you all. The Christmas Hamper Appeal is under the auspices of the Kitimat Food Bank Society. Our organization is run strictly by volunteers and the majority of the donations are used for the needy with a small portion going for operating expenses. We are the only organization distributing Christmas hampers in Kitimat and Kitamaat Village. Christmas hampers include a voucher (for a turkey, ham or other) along with the trimmings for a Christmas dinner. School children, churches and other community groups donate a significant amount of the food. New toys are included for children 12 and under. We include gifts for all teens and adults and appreciate receiving gift certificates for music downloads, books/magazines, swim/skating passes, phone cards, toiletries, flowers, restaurants, or other gifts suitable for teens, women and men. Gift certificates from local merchants are a wonderful idea as this enables recipients to purchase something they would enjoy as well as supporting the local economy. We do not give clothing as gifts, apart from mitts, gloves, toques etc. as sizing is a problem. We would appreciate receiving new unwrapped items as we have a Gift/Toy Committee who wrap and mark
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gifts. This makes it easier for us to know how many gifts we have for each age group. This year hampers will be delivered on Saturday, December 20 beginning at 10:00 a.m. We would appreciate receiving donations of food and gifts by December 15 so they can be sorted, wrapped and packed prior to delivery. Hamper requests must be completed and dropped off at the Food Bank (through mail slot if Food Bank is closed) by Tuesday, December 9. Phone requests are not accepted and late forms will go on a waiting list. Hamper request forms can be picked up at the Food Bank Tuesday and Thursday, Social Services Office during regular office hours and What’s in Store Thrift Shop in Nechako Centre. Envision Financial Credit Union will again set up a tree in their office and donations of cash, gifts and non-perishable food items may be dropped off there during regular business hours. As we are obligated to follow the Food Safe Rules for B.C. we are not allowed to accept home canned fruit, vegetables, fish, etc. Cheques may also be dropped off at Wings Travel during their business hours or mailed to Box 20, V8C 2G6. Receipts are issued for donations of $10 or more for income tax purposes. If you wish further information please call 632-6611, leave a message and someone will contact you. Thank you all for your ongoing support - we could not continue to function without your generosity.
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Jeannette Szmata of First Canada and Sharon Reis with the Kitimat First Baptist Church and their Operation Christmas Child boxes. The Samaritans Purse’s program delivers shoe boxes of holiday gifts to children in South America. People can pick up a box at the Dollar Store in City Centre, fill it up, and return it to the Baptist Church by November 23. First Canada and Greyhound team up to get the packages to a depot in Calgary.
Development of a Pest Management Plan Application #: FLNR-C and N-BC-2015 Applicant: Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations 2000 S. Ospika Boulevard, Prince George, B.C. V2N 4W5 Agent: SMC Consulting, 1582 Lawrence Avenue, Penticton, B.C. V2A 3C1 Tel/Fax: (250) 492-6193, E-mail: smcconsulting@shaw.ca The purpose of the proposed Pest Management Plan (PMP) is to manage invasive alien plants and/or noxious weeds on provincial Crown land in Central and Northern BC. The PMP applies to areas located within the Thompson-Nicola, Skeena-Queen Charlottes, Kitimat-Stikine, BulkleyNechako, Fraser-Fort George, Stikine, Peace River Regional Districts, and the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality. The PMP applies to areas located within the vicinity of the communities of Albreda, Valemount, McBride, Fort Nelson, Fort St. John, Dawson Creek, Chetwynd, Mackenzie, Prince Rupert, Terrace, Smithers, Vanderhoof, Prince George, Kitimat, Fort Fraser, Fort St. James, Burns Lake, Houston, Hazelton, Dease Lake, Atlin, and communities on Haida Gwaii. The pest management methods proposed for use include manual, mechanical, cultural, and biological control, and the use of herbicides within the area to which the PMP applies. The common name and examples of the trade names of the herbicides proposed for use under this plan include: aminopyralid (Milestone), clopyralid (Lontrel), dicamba (Banvel), diflufenzopyr (Overdrive), fluroxypyr (Sightline), glyphosate (Vantage Plus Max), imazapyr (Arsenal), mecoprop-p (Dyvel DX), metsulfuron methyl (Escort), picloram (Tordon 22K), 2,4-D (2,4-D Amine 600), and triclopyr (Garlon XRT). Selective application methods include: wick/wipe-on, injection, squirt bottle, cut surface, and foliar applications using backpack or vehicle mounted sprayer. The proposed duration of the PMP is from June 10, 2015 to June 10, 2020. A draft copy of the proposed PMP and maps of the proposed treatment areas may be examined in detail at: Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (2000 S. Ospika Boulevard, Prince George, B.C. V2N 4W5); online at www.for.gov.bc.ca/hra/plants/pmp.htm; or by contacting the Agent listed above.
A person wishing to contribute information about a proposed treatment site, relevant to the development of the pest management plan, may send copies of the information to the applicant (c/o SMC Consulting, Agent, at the address listed above), within 30 days of the publication of this notice.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 7
Kitimat marks Nov. 11 with remembrance
Kitimat marked 2014’s Remembrance Day which with the usual respects, with an advance of colours and the honour guard from the Dairy Queen parking lot to Centennial Park where wreaths were laid on the cenotaph. 2014 marks the 100th anniversary since the end of the First World War.
8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Crossroads project moving ahead with new owners Horizon North has picked up the torch from where Bryton Group began last year to develop a hotel and work camp in the area near the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce. Horizon North, whose website describes them as a “remote resource development service company,” is aiming to develop a hotel and work camp, which room for approximately 1,000 beds. And as with them, the development of any work camp comes with the stipulation that they must build a hotel as well. Rod Graham, Ho-
rizon North CEO, said Kitimat is poised for a lot of growth which has attracted the company. “Kitimat is critically important for the growth of our business,” he said. “We believe LNG will be a business [in Kitimat].” He said companywide they do business with the LNG proponents eyeing up Kitimat. Warren Murray, senior vice president fo camps and catering, said they also work closely with First Nations and boast a notable percentage of their entire workforce as having Aboriginal descent. They have been
talking with the Haisla about opportunities as well. Horizon North, which handles the worker accommodation side of the business is working with Pomeroy Lodging, which will handle the development of the hotel. “We’re going through our conceptual planning now,” said Ryan Pomeroy, president of Pomeroy Lodging. “We have our site laid out in a couple of different ways.” He said the concept right now is to potentially build two hotels. One, an extended stay hotel un-
Horizon North and Pomeroy representatives at an open house held recently at the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce. der their Pomeroy Inn and Suites brand, another under a “limited service” brand called
Hotel O. Most of their existing hotels have between 80 to 100 rooms,
he said. Right now he said they’re basically working with Horizon North
to get the land cleared and he is looking for a construction start for the hotels in 2015.
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 9
Kitimat furniture swap a big success Cameron Orr The first attempt at a Kitimat furniture swap proved a success, says Kitimat Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Trish Parsons. The Chamber of Commerce helped gather muscle and vehicles for the event, which she said was a District of Kitimat-led initiative. And despite a drippy Saturday afternoon, their November 8 exchange date saw lots of people seeking out quality, pre-loved furniture.
The group was even given use of Pyrotek’s cube van and Parsons said she thinks at least three full truckloads were transported of people’s furniture. “It keeps stuff out of the landfill,” she said. “It’s not something you might use anymore but instead of hauling it to the dump it’s still something of value to someone else.” The furniture swap also benefited from the support of the Tamitik Status of Women and the Child
Development Centre. Being the first year, there was room for improvement for the next time an event is held. “It was really good. In hindsight it wasn’t the best location but it was more of a first time thing of finding out how it would work,” she said. They are also thinking it might make more sense holding a future event in the spring or summer rather than the cusp between fall and winter. Some furniture which didn’t find a
Linda Slanina, Margaret Warcup and Trish Parsons outside the furniture swap on November 8. Diane Hewlett photo new home is being stored, and the Tamitik Status of Women keeps an ongoing furniture list for their clients as well.
Parsons said the furniture swap was a great way to reach people, noting that people can give away furniture on Facebook pages but
even those are limited in how many people will see the notice. “We’ll definitely do something again next year because it
was really well received. We even delivered some stuff out to Kitamaat Village,” said Parsons. “It was definitely a success.”
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10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Helijet looks to come in to port in Kitimat Cameron Orr A commuter and medical helicopter company has put Kitimat in their crosshairs as a potential location for growth. The company revealed earlier this month that they are proposing a year-round heliport facility for Kitimat. The development of a helicopter service in Kitimat would be lead by Helijet’s subsidiary, Pacific Heliport Services, which has operated waterfront heliports in Vancouver and Victoria for 30 years, the company says. “One of the areas being evaluated for a heliport site is near the Kitimat General Hospital and Health Centre and proposed clinic,” said Helijet’s President Danny Sitnam in a news statement. “In terms of flying times, it would be approximately 13 minutes to Terrace and 30 minutes to Prince Rupert.” Once an agreement is reached he added it would take about 12 to 18 months to make an operational heliport. Sitnam says their service would provide scheduled services, charter, and commercial. “The facility could also support services for first responder organizations, as well as government agencies such as the RCMP and Search and Rescue. In addition, I believe there is also a great opportunity to use the heliport to grow the region’s tourism and hospitality sectors.” An approved facility would include Transport Canada certification, a passenger lounge, an aircraft hangar, fuel storage
and vehicle access. The company took time to note the involvement of Joanne Monaghan in getting their attention. “This has been a project that I’ve worked on for almost two years,” said Monaghan.“This is a great announcement. Our industries are very supportive as the time to get an injured person to a hospital will be cut drastically.”
A graphic from Helijet showing the proposed triangle-area of service for a proposed helicopter service from Kitimat.
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 11
Light up festival planned
Parker Graham proudly displays his new balloon-animal penguin. A balloon-sculpturist was part of the annual Christmas craft fair, held at the Riverlodge November 7 and 8.
The Kitimat Rotary Club and a number of community supports are planning to put a little extra pep in to Kitimat’s holiday season. To that end, on November 22 there will be a Light Up Kitimat festival, which will be marked by a light up display at Mountainview Square in the evening, as well as holiday lights kicked in to high gear at the Heritage Park at the Chamber of Commerce and on the Christmas tree at the Public Safety Building. Chair of the Light Up Kitimat committee Cheryl Rumley says it began in part when the club decided they wanted their gazebos at Heritage Park done up with lights. At the same time at the fire
“The idea is just for it to be a coordinated, community event for November 22.” hall Mark Zielinski was working on a plan to get the tree in front of their building re-lit too. It all started to come together this past spring to make a light-up a community thing. “The initiative basically started...with the Chamber of Commerce and the fire hall association, and the Rotary Club,” said Rumley. “The idea is just
for it to be a coordinated, community event for November 22.” Hot chocolate, caroling, and other refreshments will coincide with the festival from 7 to 9 p.m. Zielinski hopes that this event on November 22 will turn in to a long-term celebration in Kitimat, and he said they’ve looked at Smithers and Houston as models for small-town lightups. He’s anticipating the tree at the public safety building to be re-lit ahead of the event. He said they just have to reinforce the tree due to it being in a high-wind zone. “Hopefully we’ll alleviate that problem. Then we’ll plug it in and look out. The festive season is here.”
B.C. set to improve child protection Tom Fletcher B.C.’s struggling child protection service will be strengthened by the addition of 200 more social worker and support staff positions over the next two years, Children and Family Development Minister Stephanie Cadieux says. The announcement came a day after the union representing staff issued a report saying they continue to deal with excessive workload and staff shortages due to high staff turnover, unfilled positions and budget cuts. Cadieux said the additional staff and centralizing of child protection intake screening is a response to the B.C. Government and Service Employees’ Union report, and previous critical reports by Representative for Children and Youth Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond. The BCGEU estimates that 80 per cent of social workers have more than the recommended 20 cases, with nearly half carrying more than 30 and some reporting caseloads of 70 or more. Cadieux said 70 auxiliary employees are being made permanent immediately, mostly in the Lower Mainland and Vancou-
ver Island, and the target is to bring the total to 200 new positions by the end of 2016. “We’ve heard the concerns of our staff about their workload, about their inability to do all of the things that
they feel are necessary,” Cadieux said. NDP children and family critic Doug Donaldson said help is still far away for rural and northern communities where recruiting and retaining staff is
most difficult. He said the Smithers ministry office has seen 100 per cent turnover of child protection staff in the last three years. “It’s really good that the government has finally woken up,
The Light Up Kitimat Committee
six years after the child representative said that staffing issues and turnover issues need to be addressed,” Donaldson said. A mobile response team is being expanded to help offices with
long-standing vacancies cope while new staff is recruited and trained. Cadieux said the ministry budget has increased by about $47 million since 2008, with another increase
set for next year. Adjusting office hours and doing more administrative work online or by phone allows the ministry to focus its resources on face-to-face services, she said.
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Senior AdminiStrAtive ASSiStAnt Lapointe Engineering Ltd. (LEL) has an immediate opening for a Senior Administrative Assistant; a minimum of ten years of experience, complete with a post-secondary diploma/degree in the administrative field is required. This position requires a dynamic and experienced individual; it is a challenging position for a motivated worker who possesses the following qualifications:
Saturday, Nov. 22 from 7 to 9pm at Mountainview Square
Fun and Festivities to Start the Holiday Season! Carollers • Display of Lights • Santa Complimentary Food and Beverages The Rotary Club of Kitimat would like to thank all its past sponsors and supporters of our annual auction. We are working hard to bring a new and improved event to the community next fall which will include on-line bidding and viewing. Look for more exciting news on this new endeavour in the new year. Rotary Club of Kitimat
• A minimum of ten years of experience in a top-level, high pressure, deadline-oriented executive environment as an administrative assistant; • Proven dedication to the Kitimat community and surrounding area as evidenced by volunteer position(s) currently held; • Ability to maintain confidentiality with respect to your work, and the sensitive information you come into contact with; • Intermediate to advanced Computer skills, including Microsoft Office; • Experience in corporate correspondence and communications; • Exceptional organizational skills, ability to multitask in a fast-paced environment, and to pay strong attention to detail; • Professional mannerism, self-starter, solution oriented, efficient, productive, ability to work with a team or individually; • Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills, complete with analytical aptitude and abilities; • Ability to work in a high-pressure environment, while maintaining positive team relations and demonstrating your professionalism; • Familiarity with Corporate financial systems and HR procedures; • Ability to administer implementation of LEL’s safety and quality policies and procedures.
As the successful senior admin candidate, you will be responsible for participating in, and overseeing, all aspects of administrative support including: clerical and reception duties, office policies and procedures, HR, and accounting. We offer our employees an excellent work environment, professional development opportunities, competitive salaries, and a benefits package. Send your resume via email to michelle.sarrazin@lapointe-eng.com or fax to 250-639-9255 Attn: Michelle. All applications will be held in the strictest confidence; however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Rescuers set up with new boat The Kitimat Marine Rescue Society has welcomed its new Snowflake Responder to its organization. The rescue boat replaces an openair vessel the group used — and still has for back-up and training — and came after extensive community fundraising to pay for the approximately $650,000 unit. Unit leader Chris
Peacock said it’s a night-and-day difference operating the different boats. Their new unit, being self-contained, can be heated or air conditioned, and communication equipment means less shouting at each other. There is also plenty of room for three stretchers if needed. It has twin diesel jet drives which also
makes the boat very reliable. “For us, having this new boat is a huge plus, going out and being able to keep the rescuers safe, warm and dry,” said Peacock. “That’s a huge bonus and it makes you function a lot better.” The last boat was about 29 feet long, while their new one is about 34 feet long. “We do have more
deck space, and a lot more seating capabilities,” he said. He said the group has already used the boat for three rescue calls. They get 12 to 13 calls a year. The group is also seeking new recruits to join them in rescues and will hold an information session for potential candidates at the Riverlodge on November 25 at 7 p.m.
Posthumous Continued from page 4 Between 1953, when he finally saw his original James Bond manuscript, “Casino Royale” published and 1966, two years after his death, a total of twelve novels and two shortstory collections were published, with the last two books, “The Man with the Golden Gun” and “Octopussy and The Living Daylights,” published posthumously. But, after Fleming’s death a continuation novel, Colonel Sun, was written by Kingsley Amis, under the pseudonym,
Robert Markham, and published in 1968. Although novelized versions of two other Bond films appeared in print, “The Spy who Loved me” and “Moonraker,” both by screenwriter, Christopher Woods, a new series of novels was launched starting in the 1980s, when thriller writer, John Gardner officially became the new Bond author, producing 16 Bond books in total. Gardner brought the series into the 80s. He retired in 1996 but Bond rolls on. Today, it seems, Jeffrey
Deaver is the authorized scribbler of Bond’s laconic lines. So, should I be surprised when I make a mistake and pick up a book not written by the guy on the title page? Guess how many people have written novels and stories about Sherlock Holmes since Sir Arthur Conan Doyle keeled over in 1930? I really don’t want to get into it. (OK, Wikipedia has a list of over 100 of them, if you’re really interested. Look it up yourself.)
Mayor Joanne Monaghan christens the new Snowflake Responder with Chris Peacock. Tyler Noble
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Northern Sentinel Wednesday, November 19, 2014
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Haisla Nation Council has an immediate opening for:
DUTIES: Haisla Nation Council requires a Communications Coordinator who is responsible for aiding in the development and implementation of all Haisla Nation Council communications strategies. This person is responsible for ensuring consistent and cohesive messaging that speaks to the community at large. She/he will coordinate with both the marketing and communications team in their management of various projects within deadlines and budget constraints. She/he will be responsible for completing various internal communications and providing guidance to the Board of Directors on various communications issues. She/he will have frequent interactions with external and internal clients. QUALIFICATIONS: • University degree in business administration, Communications or Journalism or equivalent. • 3 years of work experience in the private sector to including the handling of corporate communications, original writing and editing and some public relations. • Direct experience working with First Nations. • Exceptional command of the English language, including grammar, punctuation and spelling. • Highly effective project management, prioritization, multi-tasking, and time management skills to meet deadlines. • Excellent written and verbal communication skills. • Excellent computer skills. • Willingness to travel, if required. • Work well with others, and handle direction and criticism in a positive manner. • Experience with desktop publishing, Microsoft PowerPoint and Word. • Ability to absorb new ideas and concepts quickly and to ensure they are clearly communicated to an audience. • Politically and culturally sensitive. • Strong morals and ethics, along with a commitment to privacy. • Possess a valid BC Driver’s license and own vehicle is an asset. • Willing to provide a criminal record check. Interested individuals should submit a cover letter, names of three (3) references and the express permission for Haisla Nation Council (HNC) to contact these references, as well as your resume to: Stephanie McClure, Human Resources Manager Haisla Nation Council Haisla PO Box 1101 Kitamaat Village, BC V0T 2B0 Phone (250) 639-9361, ext. 204 Fax (250) 632-2840 Email: humanresources@haisla.ca No later than 4 pm on Tuesday, November 25, 2014. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those short-listed will be contacted for interviews.
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14 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 A14 www.northernsentinel.com
Employment Help Wanted OPERATIONS MANAGER Needed for the
Kitimat Cold Weather Shelter
To manage recruitment, training & scheduling of volunteers and adhere to shelter policies. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Shelter Hours 8pm to 8am For more info. Please call: Margaret 250-632-3144 or Trish 250-632-6294
Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Northern Sentinel
Home Improvements
Apt/Condo for Rent
Apt/Condo for Rent
Rooms for Rent
Kitimat Room for rent$900/month, utilities incl. Fully furnished, Sat. T.V, great location. 1-250-862-2266
FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.
In Kitimat Taking on a few new clients call: 250-632-1019 or 250-632-1017 THOM BOYS TRUCKING
Starting at $725 • Balconies • Security Entrances • Cameras for your safety • Now includes basic cable Visit our Website www.kitimatapartments.com Phone: 250.632.APTS (2787)
Pets & Livestock REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPISTS For various resort locations in the Kelowna and area.
Instant Clientele Waiting For location details visit: www.kelownaspa.ca Apply with resume to: debra888@ beyondwrapture.com
✱(30 vacancies) NOC 9431 Company operating name: Yaorun Wood Co. Ltd. Business and mailing address: 4032 12th Avenue, PO Box 148, New Hazelton, BC, V0J 2J0. JOB DUTIES: • Examine logs and rough lumber to determine size, condition, quality and other characteristics to decide best lumber cuts to carry out. • Operate automated lumber mill equipment from control rooms or equipment consoles to saw logs into rough lumber. • Set up and adjust saw equipment and replace blades or bands using wrenches, gauges and other hand tools . • Clean and lubricate sawmill equipment. Full time, permanent; $26.50 per hour. Location of work: New Hazelton, BC. Contact: Bealie Chen, bealie_chan@yahoo.com.hk Tel: 778- 919-2077. ✱Minimum two years of work experience. Training will be provided. Education: not required.
Permanent/Casual Driver Air endorsed, Class 1, $23 per/hr to $25 per/hr 20-30 hours per week some physical work. Need a clean driving abstract in Kitimat apply to: nbolst@hotmail.com
Trades, Technical CLASS 1 drivers wanted with snow ice and mountain driving experience. Good driving record. Pays $26.00 per hour with OT after 9 or trip pay. Based in Terrace BC. Drop resume at 3747 River Dr. Terrace or call DJ (425)512-7785.
Financial Services ARE YOU $10K Or More In Debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now & see if you qualify. 1-800-351-1783. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online www.capitaldirect.ca
DORPER Cross Sheep flock for sale. 15 ewes and 25 lambs. $4500. Phone 250397-4126.
Free heat & Free Hot Water Furnished & Unfurnished 1 & 2 bedrooms Security Entrances No Pets. No Smoking
Merchandise for Sale
Auctions KWIKAUCTIONS.COM FOOD EQUIPMENT AUCTION HOUSE Thursday, Nov 13, New Equipment Liquidation, Burnaby Online Only Auction - Wednesday, Nov 19 @6pm, Kelowna Live Only Auction - Saturday, Nov 29 @10am - 2014 Clearouts Sale! - Burnaby Live & Online Auction
Building Supplies PREFINISHED 3/4” Oak Hardwood, approx. 450 sq.ft. Installed $3200. Call Bill at 250-877-1172 or message at 250-847-4515
• • •
Newer Buildings Elevators Security Entrances Covered Parking Balconies www.kitimatapartments.com
Antiques / Classics
Homes for Rent 4 bedroom home in the Whitesail area, plenty of parking, garage for your toys. Comes with fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer and wood stove. Non smoking, small pet negotiable. $1800 plus utilities and half month damage deposit. Call 778-2562256 Kitimat HOUSE FOR RENT/Sale 63 Chilko St. - 3 bdr, 1 bath in excellent neighbourhood. This house has a big fenced backyard, including two sheds and flower beds. Comes with F/S and W/D. Call (250)279-8888
Downtown location Balconies Security Entrances Some furnished suites Call for an appointment 250.632.4511
350 Small block 4.5” chopped roof, shaved and lowered needs some work. Great for a hot rod enthusiast. ONE OF A KIND Please call 250-693-2750
2008 YAMAHA GRIZZLY FI 28” Mud bug tires, 2071 km, ERC. $6,500 OBO CALL: 250-632-5823
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Misc. for Sale 30” CRAFTSMAN SNOWTHROWER FOR SALE Excellent working condition. 4 yrs old, 342 cc Briggs+Stratton Engine,excellent torque. Asking $700.00 Please call 250-632-2106 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper? STEEL BUILDINGS. “Giftcard give-away!” 20x22 $4,358. 25x24 $4,895. 30x30 $6,446. 32x32 $7,599. 40x46 $12,662. 47x72 $18,498. One end wall Included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit online: www.pioneersteel.ca STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 Or visit us online www.crownsteelbuildings.ca.
Misc. Wanted FIREARMS: ALL types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. 1-866-9600045, www.dollars4guns.com Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 778-281-0030. Local.
Real Estate Houses For Sale
by owner in Kitimat 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, sunroom with skylight, large rec room with a wet bar set up, large single garage with storage room, fire pit with seating and a storage shed in back. For info or to view please call 250-279-0191 Any reasonable offer will be considered.
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent Hillcrest Place Apartments Bachelor & two bedroom units. No smoking. No pets. Starting at $650 monthly. 250-632-7814 Kitimat
NOTICE OF DISPOSITION OF LAND Pursuant to Section 187 of the Local Government Act
TAKE NOTICE that the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine intends to dispose of its interest in the following lands: PID LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1. 018-522-343 Lot 1, District Lot 98, Range 5, Coast District Plan PRP 13846,PID 018-522-343 (the “Lands”); and 2.
Block D of District Lot 3095, Range 4, Coast District (the “Leased Area”). The proposed disposition is the transfer of a fee simple interest in the Lands, including all buildings and improvements located on the Lands and all leasehold improvements owned by the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine (the “Regional District”) located on Leased Area, and the assignment of a leasehold interest in the Leased Area for a term of 30 years and terminating on July 28, 2021 (the “Lease”) (collectively, the “Proposed Disposition”).
The Proposed Disposition of MK Bay Marina includes a covenant by the purchaser that the Lands will be used for a public recreational marina, including associated uses, pursuant to a covenant under section 219 of the Land Title Act (British Columbia) in favour of the Regional District. The purchaser also covenants and agrees: the marina will be operated to a standard equal to or superior to the current facility; at a minimum the existing baseline moorage space in alignment with the current or a superior configuration will be maintained; the rates to be charged will be similar to those charged elsewhere in British Columbia for similar goods and services; and priority access will be provided to current patrons in good standing. The Haisla First Nation has also agreed that the Lands will not be added to reserve land. The Lease requires that Block D held by the Lessee is for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining a marina. The Proposed Disposition is to be acquired by the Haisla Trust Society. The consideration to be paid by the Haisla Trust Society allocated to the Lands and improvements is $704,300.00, and $5000.00 is allocated to the Lease.
COMING EVENTS December 16 Bladder Cancer Canada will be having a meeting. The meetings will be at the UNIFOR Union hall on Enterprise Avenue at 2:00 p.m. This is a great way to meet and connect and to learn about bladder cancer from people who have experienced bladder cancer. For more information call Glen at 250-632-3486. Ongoing KITIMAT QUILTERS GUILD: If you are interested in joining the Kitimat Quilters Guild please contact Aileen Ponter at 250-632-6223 or Janet Malnis at 250-632-7387 for further information. EVERY THURSDAY, the Kitimat Pottery Guild meets in the Riverlodge arts wing, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Interested in playing with clay? All experience levels welcome. For more information call Anne at 250-632-3318. WANT A GARDEN bed next year at the Kitimat Community Garden? Call Denise at 250-632-9107 for more information. THE KITIMAT Public Library offers the highly engaging Mother Goose StoryTime for pre-schoolers Monday mornings from 10:30 -11:15 .am. Please register for this free program. HEALTHY BABIES drop in is held every Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Kitimat Child Development Center. They welcome families throughout pregnancy and up to one year. Come meet other parents and infants over light refreshments with support from the CDC staff and a Public Health Nurse. For more information call 250-632-3144. CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Family Fun Spot Drop-In Mondays and Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and Fridays 1 to 3 p.m. Ages 0-5 welcome “A Great place for families to meet over coffee and toys!” Contact 250-632-3144 for more information. KITIMAT FIBRE ARTS GUILD: Interested in knitting, spinning, weaving, or any other fibre? For more information phone Maureen 250-6325444. KITIMAT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS - I have M.S. but M.S. does not have me. You are not alone, male or female, and the Kitimat M.S. group would like to be here for you. Total confidentiality. For more information contact Mary at 250-639-6016. AGLOW of Kitimat - All are welcome at our Care Group and Bible Study for men and women, singles or married, Thursday at 7:00 p.m. For information phone Brenda at 250-632-1616. PRAYER Canada Kitimat meets weekly on Tuesday at noon at Northwest Community College. All are welcome to pray for our town, province, and country. Contact Lesley for info at 250-632-4554.
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The purchase price to be paid by the Haisla Trust Society for the Lands, all buildings and improvements located on the Lands and the Leased Area, all movable assets associated with the marina operation located on the Lands and Leased Area (the “Marina”), all trademarks, names, copyrights, intellectual property and other intangible property associated with the Marina, and the goodwill of the Marina, is $875,000.00, plus the value of all of the Marina inventory based on cost. The negotiated purchase price is based on market value appraisals determined on an income approach.
Thursday Evenings
Starting at 3:30pm until finished Please drop off resume at office located at 626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 Ask for Kristyn
Any enquiries concerning this proposed disposition may be directed to Bob Marcellin, Administrator, Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine, telephone no. (250) 615-6100 or info@rdks.bc.ca
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 15
Kitimat council onboard to bring back long-form Kitimat Council has voted to support an effort to return the long-form census. The Canadian Institute of Planners issued a letter which was brought forward by staff to Kitimat council which sought support for the long-form census in the form of private member’s bill C-626. “This is a chance to
argue with the federal decision to cancel longform census, and seek reinstatement,” said Gwen Sewell, director of planning and community development. “That information is extremely valuable to a community undergoing massive change, as we are now...It’s particularly important for long-term information, so we can go back 140
years, and look at how our community has changed in the last 60 years.” The planner had support from Rob Goffinet who moved for the council to support the private member’s bill and any other initiative that would reinstate the long-form. “It’s understood we would not only petition the Prime Minister
or the parliament but we would take immediate steps to contact our MP, Nathan Cullen, telling him of our feelings and asking him to immediately support referral to committee so this does not die,” he said. The proposal just had one opponent, Mario Feldhoff, who didn’t agree with getting the council mixed
DO YOU KNOW WHEN A DEBT COLLECTOR CAN CALL YOUR HOME, FRIEND OR WORK? Consumer Protection BC regulates BC’s debt collection industry and can help you understand your rights and responsibilities. Know more by visiting us at www.debtrightsbc.ca or calling 1-888-564-9963.
up in federal-level debates. “This is something the federal government should deal with,” he said. “We have enough issues to worry about here. There are pros and cons to the longform, there’s a cost of feeding the beast to generate the informa-
tion. We all want information but it comes at a cost.” Goffinet said he agrees Kitimat shouldn’t get in the middle of federal debates but given the feedback from the town’s professional planners he was comfortably supporting
the initiative. The private members’ bill, from MP Ted Hsu from Kingston and the Islands in Ontario, was set to be debated this month. The long-form census was replaced with a voluntary National Household Survey.
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Sports & Leisure
16 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Boxers get a taste of tournament style Cameron Orr Even though it looks like a grudge match being settled to the right, the atmosphere in the Kitimat Boxing Club on November 13 was friendly and cordial (as cordial as boxers get, at least), even if it was to a back drop of fast punches. Kitimat boxing athletes were run through an in-house practice boxing tournament by coach Bill Franklin to get them warmed up to how a real tournament is held. Franklin said their practice run-through gave some lessons to his members, seven of which will be competing in the next tourna-
ment. It was an important orientation, given that only two of Kitimat’s club’s members have competed in a tournament in the past. Why is practicing a tournament so important to boxing? It’s a mix of expectations and composure. “Everything is sometimes overwhelming,” he said, saying that with nerves he’s had boxers just freeze when it came time to compete. There’s also the protocols, such as having a medical done and getting weighed. Franklin even says the lesson on how to win or how to lose is important. (He had to remind some of his
boxers not to leave the ring after their bout so the winner could be declared, a crucial part of any match.) Even what the corners of the boxing ring are for were taught to the local boxers. There are two white, neutral corners, and two other corners which belong to either athlete. Franklin has been coaching the boxing club since its inception 21 years ago, and he has sent four athletes to the Canadian championships. When asked about what makes boxing special among other organized sports, Franklin says it’s a very individual sport which means it’s very
Kitimat boxers proved fast and furious at an in-house boxing tournament held last week, to prepare the local athletes for a full-on tournament. effective at building a person’s self-confidence. It’s also the toughest rated sport, he said, and even if the bouts themselves are only
a few minutes long, it’s an exhausting few minutes that pushes the boxers to their physical limits. That being the case, safety is a key
value of any boxing event, and practice tournaments like the one held last Thursday ultimately follow those lines, making sure boxers know how
to keep safe while a crowd is shouting. The next tournament will feature boxers from Smithers, New Hazelton, and Vancouver.
LNG Canada’s Environmental Assessment: Learn More and Get Involved LNG Canada recently submitted its Application for an Environmental Assessment Certificate to the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office (EAO). The Application Review phase includes a 45-day public comment period hosted by the EAO to seek comments on the Application. There are a number of ways you can learn more and get involved. We welcome the opportunity to discuss the contents of our Application with you, and encourage you to participate and provide your comments in the following ways:
COMMENT PERIOD: NOVEMBER 7, 2014 TO DECEMBER 22, 2014 View consultation On November 10, you can visit a new section of LNG Canada’s website which will help materials guide you through the environmental assessment results. lngcanada.ca Attend an Open Open Houses: House or Request Nov 25, 2014, 5pm – 8pm Kitimat Rod & Gun Club a Meeting Nov 26, 2014, 5pm – 8pm Terrace Best Western Hotel, Skeena Room. Please contact us at info@lngcanada.ca to request a meeting with the LNG Canada team. View the Application and provide input
View the complete Application and submit your comments online at: eao.gov.bc.ca Copies can also be found at the District of Kitimat, Kitimat Public Library, City of Terrace City Hall and the Terrace Public Library. Comments must be submitted to the EAO by December 22.
LNG Canada, a joint venture between Shell Canada Ltd., PetroChina Company, Korea Gas Corporation and Mitsubishi Corporation, is proposing to build an LNG export terminal in Kitimat, B.C. LNG Canada’s vision is to work collaboratively with the local community, First Nations and stakeholders, to deliver a project that is safe, reliable and reflective of community interests.
For more information about the project, please visit lngcanada.ca, call us toll free at 1-855-248-3631, or email us at info@lngcanada.ca
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