Golden Star, December 03, 2014

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Santa braves the cold

Gale Brownlee named woman of the year ....................................3


Keith King park a new nordic facility this season .........................................4


Local singer releases his new album ....................................9


Rockets have a clean sweep weekend ..................................19

Santa Claus made an appearance at the annual Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce’s Santa Claus Parade on Saturday. He was on a float decorated by the Rotary Club, and pulled by HMC Services. See more photos on page 12. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Orphaned bear cub rescued in Golden Golden Star Staff An orphaned bear cub is getting a second chance after it was discovered near Golden last week. The local conservation officers were alert-

ed to the situation, and were able to rescue the cub, who is now on its way to the Northern Lights Wildlife Shelter in Smithers, B.C. Unfortunately this is not the only orphaned cub to be sent to NLWS, and they are struggling to make space for all of them. "We are almost at capacity, and are desper-

4G SAT SHAW ADMAT 10/2014 BC SAT DLR Admat 07/2014

with the

ately trying to figure out other enclosure options as there are more cubs out there," wrote Angelika Langen on the NLWS website. Langen founded the shelter with her husband Peter in 1989. Continued on page 5

New this year!

Season pass holders are able to skip the lines and sign the waiver online!


Wednesday, December 3, 2014 The Golden Star

Golden Rockets spread some holiday cheer

The Golden Rockets paid a visit to Durand Manor over the weekend to spread some holiday cheer to the residents. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Orchestra unique for a small town Joel Tansey

821 - 11TH Ave. N Golden, BC 250-344-5577

Nearly 10 years after forming, the Purcell Mountain Orchestra remains unique across small towns in British Columbia. Jeff Moss has been playing with the Symphony of the Kootenays out of Cranbrook and has discussed with others the fact that Golden has its own orchestra. “All of them are shocked to a person that a community of this size can mount an ensemble like that, so we’re pretty proud,” Moss said. The orchestra will feature between 25 and 30 performers of all ages, from high school students to senior citizens. While the ensemble’s upcoming performance will take place on Dec. 9 in the middle of the Christmas season, they are going with a slightly different format this year. The theme for this year’s show is “All is Calm, All is Bright,” but don’t expect to hear too many traditional Christmas carols. Some members of the Golden Community Choir will still lead carols during the evening for those who are looking for their holiday music fix, but the orchestra is instead choosing to focus on non-Christmas music for the most part. “We sort of tried to avoid Christmas music… we’re focussing on classical music and we don’t have any huge, loud works so ‘All is Calm, All is Bright’ was the idea,” Moss explained.

Among the pieces they will play this year are a piano concerto from Mozart and Come ye Sons of Art, fittingly, written by Henry Purcell. Mozart’s concerto promises to be one of the highlights, as it will feature talented pianist Judy Malone. “It’s a piano sort of solo with an accompaniment from the whole orchestra…we performed this about five years ago but this time (we have) the advantage of having that beautiful piano in the Civic Centre,” Moss said. Another piece to look forward to is The Blue Danube, a waltz by Johan Strauss. “We’re looking for ballroom dancers who want to get up and waltz, so we’re going to leave a space for them…just bring your dancing shoes,” Moss said. The orchestra, which is directed by Sue Gould, will start up again in the new year with a whole new slate of music. Anyone with any musical inclination is welcome to join when the ensemble starts making preparations for its spring concert. “The whole idea is fun,” Moss said. “All the new people who come always say what a good time it is. It’s a very safe, caring environment. You don’t get auditioned, what you get is somebody who wipes your seat off and says ‘Here, sit down’.” Admission to the show is by donation, with funds going towards the purchase of music and the rental of the Civic Centre. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and the concert will start at 7 p.m.

The Golden Star Wednesday, December 3, 2014 A3

Woman of the Year takes home Golden gift basket from GWRC Jessica Schwitek

The Golden Women’s Resource Centre has awarded Gale Brownlee as their Woman of the Year. The annual recognition, given out at the Starlight Soiree fundraiser, is done by random draw. Golden residents nominated their favourite “Shero” at the soiree, as well as the week leading up to it. This woman could be anyone important in your life who is deemed outstanding in the community. Brownlee was nominated by an anonymous friend for being a, “really positive woman, friendly, generous, always there to help everyone. She is the reincarnation of an angel.” As the woman of the year, Brownlee was given a gift basket, full of items generously donated by local businesses. The annual soiree is the centre’s largest fundraiser, and helps them deliver their regular programs such as the Safe Homes Program.

Mel Myers, left, and Sarah Wegelin, right, present Woman of the Year Gale Brownlee with her gift basket, full of items generously donated by local businesses and individuals. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Downey set to release his book Soultracker

Downey explores what led him to a life in the mountains in Soultracker. Photo Submitted Joel Tansey At 16 years of age, Leo Downey was drawn to nature in pursuit of an adventure, but left with a much deeper, spiritual experience. It’s led to a life filled with outdoor experiences. It even drew him to move to his ranch in the Blaeberry valley from his birthplace in California, shunning a promising music career in the process. Over the past several years, Downey has put his experiences down on paper

in order to compile his first book, the soon-to-be released Soultracker. He says his book is autobiographical, but instead of being written in a linear fashion, it’s more of a collection of experiences. “It’s things I learned and things I went through and what they meant,” he said. And it’s really that first experience that shaped everything. Smack dab in the middle of his teens, Downey had no idea what a “vision quest” was, but that didn’t prevent him from having one of his own when he ventured into the California wilderness to an area that is known as the “Garden of Eden” for the west coast Chumash native tribe. “It changed my whole life in a huge way,” he recalled. “Every little ridge that I’d go over, it was like an adventure into a new kingdom.” According to him, his story is best told with the right context, and he wasn’t willing to reveal exactly what happened to him during that first trip into the wilderness. The picture would remain out of focus without an adjusted lens, and that’s one of the reasons he compiled his experiences into Soultracker. And fair enough. An experience so profound that it later lead him to ditch his burgeoning music career is not something that can be properly captured in a 500 word story. Downey is well known in Golden for his laid back folk tunes and sharp lyrical imagery. For a time, he and his guitar appeared destined for fame but right

when he was on the cusp of making it big, with an offer from Sony sitting in front of him, he walked away from it all. “I felt like if I took it, I’d be selling my life to other people…it just didn’t feel right,” he said. “What was really weird was that it felt right to go into the woods and leave everything…it had this honour in it.” Downey’s love of nature eventually brought him north to B.C. “My first day here, I looked around and thought ‘Wow’. This is a place that still felt wild,” he remembered. Years later, it’s clear that Downey made the right choice. He possesses a certain genuine sincerity, a desire for peace, that makes it clear that he belongs here, not anywhere else. This is where he’s most at home, living on a buffalo ranch surrounded by towering Rocky Mountain peaks, rather than in front of bright lights as a star in the music industry in California. You’d expect most artists who walk away from fame and fortune to show just a shred of regret. With Downey, it would come as a surprise if he’d ever thought about it twice. “I feel like everything I’ve been through in my whole life has brought me to this exact point, and I’m true to myself,” he said. Downey hopes to have Soultracker available for purchase by Christmas and has had conversations with Bacchus Books owner Caleb Moss about having a book signing and musical event, although a date for that has yet to be determined.

Annika and Holt are pleased to announce the arrival of their baby sister Aiyanna Nadine on October 27th 2014. Proud parents Adrienne and Jean Paul Lafleur. Annika and Holt are excited to announce the arrival of their baby sister!

Aiyanna Nadine Lafleur on October 27th 2014 Very pleased and proud: Grandpa Carl & Grannie Jeanette, Grandpa Rick & Grandma Jen, Grandpa Ernie & Nana Du wish Best wishes and Congratulations to Adrienne and Jean Paul!

A very special thanks to all the Golden Hospital staff for her safe arrival! Your Community Newspaper Since 1891

Golden THE 413A 9th Ave N 250 344-5251


Behind the Wheel

Wednesday, December 3 , 2014 The Golden Star

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Johnston Meier

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Pedestrians Vulnerable Road Users Yesterday in a four hour period @ScanBC reported a half dozen vehicle / pedestrian collisions around the province on Twitter. Today while out walking during my lunch hour I watched a woman jogging with her back to traffic, in the lane instead of on the sidewalk, while wearing earbuds. A van squeezed between me and the curb as I crossed an intersection on the walk to my vehicle to get home. Are you surprised that these collisions are occurring? When we walk at night I think that we tend to underestimate how vulnerable we are. We can see all of the vehicles around us because they are brightly lit. Most pedestrians are anything but. We dress in dark clothing, do not wear reflectors or carry a light. This may actually help us hide behind the brightness and go unseen by drivers until the last second or until it is too late. Both drivers and pedestrians routinely ignore the traffic controls that are there to protect them by creating order and expectation. Why wait? If you think about it, walking when the signal says not to exposes you to drivers making turns who expect you to not be there. Instead, they focus more on finding a gap in traffic to make their turn than anticipating you in the crosswalk. Right of way or wrong, the pedestrian has the most to lose in a collision. Obey the signals, use the crosswalk, be visible at night and look all around you before you cross the street. It’s probably better to wait out the inconvenience than to walk out into traffic and pay the price for haste. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

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Keith King gets track set this season Jessica Schwitek The Town of Golden has agreed to move forward with the Golden Nordic Ski Club on a project that will see a 2.5 kilometre loop of track set trails at Keith King Memorial Park. The concept started back in 2012 when the Manager of Recreation Services, Jordan Petrovics, started conversations with the club about utilizing the park for trail use. “This is an interesting little project we’ve been working on for the last couple of years… These trails can be used for the general public, and will also be a good space for the club to host some of their programs on,” said Petrovics. The novice, relatively short loop will be a great tool for the club to attract beginners and families, and will also provide a quick accessible option for more seasoned athletes. They are also hoping to offer an after school program on Mondays at Keith King from 4 to 5:15 p.m., which will help the club move towards their goal of attracting more youth into Nordic programs. “This is a great step towards utilizing our recreation facilities much more, and thanks to the recreation department for moving this forward,” said Coun. Chris Hambruch. Council voted to direct staff to draft a memorandum of understanding with the club, outlining an operational agreement that will allow the Nordic Club to construct, maintain and operate the trails at Keith King for the 2014/2015 season. Depending on snow, the trail is expected to be open from January until early March, and

A new 2.5 km nordic skiing trail is proposed at Keith King Memorial Park. It circles the soccer fields and baseball diamonds, and goes through the trees to Spruce Drive. Image Submitted will have a $2 drop in fee to cover trail grooming costs. The club will handle all of the maintenance, including the two portable outhouses at the trail head parking, which will be 100 per cent volunteer time.

It takes a community to come together to put on the most fabulous event of the season... The Golden Women’s Resource Centre Society thanks the following... Super Nova Sponsors

Star Sponsors cont’d

Beaver Foot Lodge Best Western College of the Rockies Canyon Creek Pottery Golden Dental Centre Cedar House Chalets Eleven 22 Chatter Creek The island Restaurant – Food Challenge Columbia Valley Credit Union Winner - Best of the Best 2014 Connie Barlow Infinity Solstice and Smoking Ray Derailed Sports Kickin’ Thyme Catering Dj’s Paper Place Kicking Horse Ford Dogtooth Log and Timber Products KM Cox and Company Dr. Virginia Clark Pretty Flour Cupcakes Eddie Liegan Shape Up Fitness Epicure Selections: Leslie Adams Stages School of Dance Glacier Mountain Lodge The Golden Star Golden Golf Club Tracy Mihajic Golden Installations Whitetooth Bistro Golden Lotus Ayurveda HR Pacific Construction Super Star Sponsors Jackson Contracting & Excavating Brandy Romano Jane Doel Evener Contracting Jita’s Cafe Ewan and McKenzie Joy Orr Golden Clear Kal Tire Golden Plumber Karen Janicek Kat Hadford Photography Keith Hern Kicking Horse Party Rentals Lordco Mary Kay: Ellen Hatlevik Massage Therapy Clinic Nelli Toblar Minoldo Nail Design and Beauty Bar Olson Construction Moon River Gift Gallery Overwaitea Foods Mount 7 Guest House and Bed and Personal Touch Breakfast Scentsy: Jeanette Jackson Mountain Motor Sports Tru Hardware Numbers and Letters VP Waste Solutions Rebecca Kolbenson: Optometric Corporation Star Sponsors Osprey Contracting A&W Parky’s Heating and Cooling FREEnery: A Fit Right Efficient Energy Prestige Inn Company Rotary Club of Golden Apple Island Naturals Selkirk Glass Ltd. April Hards Weir Consolidate Ltd. Balanced Body Works Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre Bean Bag Coffee Roasters Wooda Cooda Bear Corner Adventures Bed & Bale Zodiac Hemp Company

Thank you to our Phenomenal Volunteers...

Brandy Beliveau Golden Fire Department Tammy Fitzgerald BC Ambulance Services Vanda Nicoletti Jo Mary Crowchild-Fletcher Town of Golden Eddie Leigan Naomi Lenstra: Golden Leos Club Peggy Chalmers Sarah Osadetz Maggie Fields Du Seward Ruth Hughes Amanda Shibley Sandra Skappak Christina Benty Ellen Cuyler Lori Baxendale April Hards Ron Oszust Robyn Nutt Jane Fearing Brent Desruisseaux Leslie Parent Wayne Clarke Rachel and her Crew Infinity Solstice Eleven 22 Smokin’ Ray Jeremy Green Shape Up Fitness Tracy Mihajic Golden Search and Rescue Jordon Petrovics Rachel who we all thought was Lorde the singer and her reliable friends

Additional Fabulous Donations by:

And our Amazing and Supportive Board of Directors

Beavers Dry Wall Big Bend Cafe Bizarre Entertainment Golden Dollar Store Eat Pure Mountain Market Hig and Son IGA Kinbasket Massage MERC Mountain Meadows Massage Off the Wall Entertainment Purcell Coffee Reflections Hair Studio Ringheim and Company Travelodge

Thank you to all of the guests for coming out, it was a fabulous evening!

Judy Doyle Maggie Fields Leslie Butala Nuala Wolf Baljit Rana Ellen Zimmerman Jane Doel Kyla Freeman

The Golden Star Wednesday, December 3, 2014 A5

Hospice society donates TV Hospice volunteers Marija Spehar, Judy Doyle and Julia Cundliffe are joined by two of the nursing staff to admire the new console, flat screen television and DVD which were recently donated to the Golden Hospital by the Golden Hospice Society. Photo Submitted

Police target drunk driving Golden Star Staff

Last week, the B.C. government, police and ICBC launched the December CounterAttack campaign to urge drivers to plan ahead for a safe ride home if their holiday festivities involve alcohol. While attitudes toward drinking and driving have changed considerably over the years, an average of 86 lives are still lost every year in B.C. “Even after more than 35 years, CounterAttack remains a cornerstone of our provincial enforcement strategies that, together with changing public attitudes and our tough Immediate Roadside Prohibition program, have helped to reduce the alcohol-related death toll on B.C. roads to record lows,” said Suzanne Anton, Attorney General and Minister of Justice. “CounterAttack remains about preserving and building on these vital public safety gains.” “Getting home safely should be part of everyone’s holiday planning but the reality is that impaired driving remains a lead-

ing cause of car crash fatalities in B.C.,” said Todd Stone, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “Do your part this Christmas season and look out for family and friends – take a stand and don’t let them get behind the wheel impaired.” “Police officers across B.C. will be working hard to keep impaired drivers off our roads this December,” said Chief Neil Dubord, Chair of the B.C. Association of Chiefs of Police Traffic Safety Committee. “The hardest part of a police officer’s job is telling a family they’ve lost a loved one – a loss that could have been avoided. We can all help prevent these crashes by always planning a safe ride home.” ICBC is helping to prevent impaired driving this December through a month-long education campaign, funding for CounterAttack roadchecks and promotion of designated drivers with businesses, sports facilities and community groups. On average, 29 people are killed in crashes involving impaired driving in the Southern Interior every year.

Cub sent to Smithers BC Continued from page 1

After the cub was rescued by the local conservation office, it was handed over to Wendy Chamber to help transport the cub up to Smithers. Chambers is a local bear activist, and longtime volunteer with NLWS. Over the summer she helped get three orphaned black bear cubs from Golden to the shelter.

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The young bear cub is pictured in a tree just before being rescued. Wendy Chambers Photo

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Weather Woes


Wednesday, December 3, 2014 The Golden Star

Age Friendly Community Editor,

Ask and you shall receive. We asked for snow, and we sure got it! The frigid temperatures, and mounds of snow do give us a lot to complain about, especially those of us trying to get our vehicles to start. But after last week’s dramatic weather shift, I have to say I’m feeling very thankful. - I SURMISE I stepped out of my By Jessica Schwitek apartment Thursday afternoon (as it was my day off), and saw for the first time that day just how much it had snowed. I spent about 15 minutes brushing the heavy, dense snow off of my car, which also counted as my workout for the day, and got into my vehicle to pull out of my parking spot. I didn’t take a moment to look behind my car and see just how much snow was piled up behind it. I managed to back up about a car length, blocking half the street, before getting stuck. There was enough snow packed under my car to lift it just enough that the tires couldn’t get any traction. I was out there for a few minutes, on my hands and knees trying to dig it out, before someone stopped to help me out. After a couple attempts we still couldn’t shake my car free, so he left, grabbed a friend, and came back. The three of us managed to push it out. One of these good samaritans mentioned that I was the third vehicle he had to rescue that day. The next day, Friday, came the freezing rain. When I finally made it to work (after more than half an hour of chipping, scraping, and waiting) we traded stories of our terrible morning commutes. One coworker had to climb in through her trunk, spilling her drink, but was lucky enough to chip away enough ice to drive her vehicle safely. The other coworker couldn’t even get into her car, so bundled up and walked to work with freezing rain blowing in her face. We complained and laughed about our two ruthless days of weather, and it made me realize the sense of community that comes from this shared misery. Neighbours help out neighbours (thanks Mike and Jack!), and we all come out of it with a common experience that brings us closer together. You’d think it would make the whole town grumpy, but I found the exact opposite this past week. Everyone went about their days as best they could, not getting upset about the inevitable delays they experienced trying to get around. The weather didn’t even stop people from attending the Seniors Centre’s Soup Day, and the crowd still came out for the Santa Claus Parade despite the temperatures. It made me see just how resilient Golden really is.

As I sit here in my nice warm home office watching the snow come down, I can’t help but think of the slippery streets and sidewalks. That takes me to thinking about the Age Friendly Community Plan. The top issue for survey respondents in the Getting Around Section was the snow and ice on sidewalks and trails. From my perspective sitting in my wheelchair I’m already on my butt and get stuck, no big deal. For those

with ambulatory impairments are much more at risk of injury when they fall. I have spoken with several people regarding getting out in the winter and many have said that they just stay home and have friends and family pick up the essentials for them rather than taking a chance on going shopping. So, KUDO’S to the businesses that keep the sidewalk in front of their business free of ice and snow. Together we can all make Golden an Age Friendly Community. Chris Hambruch Golden


Canada Health Accord

To the editor,


I wish to commend and congratulate all the health care professionals who work at the Golden Hospital, and at the Clinic. I had occasion to be admitted overnight recently and met nothing but smiles and professional treatment. People were called in on my behalf , and I was given a meal after hours. Your care was greatly appreciated. John Shapperd Snr. Golden

Readers of the news that Canada’s Health Accord has expired are reminded that it is time to inform themselves about what it is and what they are losing. The failure of federal officials to negotiate a new agreement to transfer adequate funding from Ottawa to the provinces, could mean the end of the public health care system (Medicare). Most Canadians, especially the elderly, believe it is their right to access community-based services such as home support, long-term, hospice and palliative care. Most of us want a system which is working towards meeting the challenges of patient-centered care, reduced wait times for diagnosis and treatment by physicians, hospitals, and other health providers. Health care services, and not just our aging population, require prop-

er funding. Spending is not out of control, but is in fact stable and affordable. Most who depend on medications for their very lives favour a national pharmaceutical strategy. A universal pharmacare plan covering everyone, which is unfortunately still waiting to be enacted, would annually save Canadians billions of dollars. Some argue that privatization of health services,would control health care costs. But, privatization is not sustainable, and moves costs outside public control. Federal leaders need to maintain control and revise provincial transfer allotments. At least they should not walk away from their role by refusing to negotiate. It’s time to reassert our fundamental right to a quality health care system accessible by all. It’s time for a new Canada Health Accord. Bob Strain Abbotsford


Are you planning to attend this weekend’s Santa Claus Parade?

No 50%

Yes 50%

This week’s poll question: Are you handling the recent cold snap that has struck the valley? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters be no

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We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at SUBSCRIPTION RATES

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Michele LaPointe



Jessica Schwitek EDITOR


Joel Tansey



Ali Starchuk



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en’s School zone.

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10% ($43.00).

Star editorial and opinion

The Golden Star Wednesday, December 3, 2014 A7

Golden point of view

Are you handling the recent cold snap that has struck the valley? Stingers to the local businesses who don’t accept status cards.

Jack Brock

Augstin Eyzaguirre

Dustin Head

“Yes, I’d say I’m doing pretty well for a guy who is 81 years old. ”

“Well, this is a little new for me since I’m an international student from Chile. I’m handling it the best I can.”

“Yes, actually I love the cold. I can’t wait to shred some powder.”

Go to to have your say.

to an injury-free ski season!

Transfer for their delivery to Calgary.

A boat full of stars to Jolene Potter for volunteering her time to do yoga with the residents of Durand Manor!

Big Stars to Alex and Dan the Golden Conservation Officers for their timely response in rescuing an orphaned black bear cub.

The warmest of Stars to the businesses and organizations that braved the cold to put on the Santa Claus parade on Saturday.

Stars to Stephen Dykes for offering a fabulous and free twice-weekly circuit training class to the community. Here’s

243 Stars to the Locals who packed shoe box gifts for Operation Christmas Child and to Ken Lehmann at Golden

Stingers to friends who don’t show up when you need them most. Stars to the Calgary Stampeders!

Email your Stars and Stingers to

New mayor thankful to Golden community for its support in election

Mayor’s Report By Ron Oszust

It was a great honour to be chosen to lead the community of Golden for the next four years, and I want to begin by thanking the citizens for your support, and the faith you have put in me. And I’m very thankful for the strong and able council you have chosen. Together, we will continue to move our community forward. On November 15, voters made it clear that they want our com-

munity to continue to focus on improving the quality of life of all our citizens. We want a community where people are able to work, raise their families and retire. Golden is a community that embraces and provides for everyone. For as long as I have lived in Golden, I have worked on making this community the best it can be. This will continue to be my focus.

I am proud of the team of councilors that I will be working with over the next four years. As Mayor, it is my job to set a high standard for governance, encourage each member of the team to bring their skills and experience to the table, and to provide our community with a clear picture of what we have accomplished and plan to accomplish. I am also very thankful for Town of Golden staff, who work

hard to ensure that services are delivered to you in a timely and professional manner. With the expertise of staff, and the mindful and considered direction of council, we will continue to get excellent value for your tax dollars. I also want to thank my colleagues Christina Benty, Keith Hern and Mike Pecora for their service to the community. Ron Oszust, Mayor of Golden

Government inaction on mussels will result in massive losses: MLA

Our grandmothers taught us not to be penny wise and pound foolish; to be aware that saving a small amount of money in the present could in fact mean that we will be spending hundreds of millions of dollars in the future. Yet, that is exactly what the British Columbia government is doing right now. Quagga and zebra mussel infestations have become Ontario and Manitoba’s worst nightmares. And the same thing will happen in British Columbia if we don’t take immediate and determined action. Ministry of Environment documents state that ‘if zebra or quagga mussels become established in BC they could decimate sockeye salmon and kokanee fisheries as a result of the irreversible ecological challenges they could induce’. Rate of threat is classified by our government as high, yet they have done almost nothing to stop the transference of this invasive species into British Columbia’s lakes and rivers. When faced with a similar threat states such as Idaho

have taken action to ensure that their waterways remain mussel free. For five years, Idaho has been providing an excellent example of best practice, developing cost-effective protocols and gathering valuable data. Idaho has established inspection stations at entrance points to ensure that boats travelling through the state are not carrying mussels, which can survive for up to 30 days out of water. And it only takes one contaminated boat to infect a water body. A single infected boat in Shuswap or Okanagan Lake will have devastating consequences for the ecosystem, tourism, house prices and more. Once a lake is infected, it cannot be reversed. In the five years that the Idaho program has operated 11% of boats that were discovered to be infected were destined for BC lakes. That is a shocking statistic. If not for the diligent work of Idaho, BC lakes could already be infected.

Government members will tell you that we’ve signed agreements with neighbouring jurisdictions to combat quagga and zebra mussels, but virtually no money has been allocated to stop infected boats from entering. It is time for British Columbia take responsibility for this very serious matter. We’ve been lucky so far. Now it’s time - Norm Macdonald to spend a small amount of MLA Columbia River-Revelstoke money to ensure that boats are inspected and decontaminated before they start an infestation that will cost this province dearly. Environment Minister Mary Polak needs to hear from you at

How can Columbia Basin Trust help you and your community? Share your ideas online, in person, by mail...and more. Learn all the ways on our updated website at:


Wednesday, December 3, 2014 The Golden Star

Events & Entertainment Calendar

Golden THE

is on

Golden Cinema presents: Dumb & Dumber To starts Friday Dec.5 at 7pm.

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thegoldenstarnewspaper #goldenbc

A BIG THANK YOU for your donations and support at the Movie Fundraiser to... Line Skis Purcell Heli Skiing Great Canadian Heli Skiing Canadian Mountain Holidays - CMH Higher Ground Selkirk Sports Darkside Plain Wayne and Jane Brent’s Board Shop Heather Mountain Lodge LibTech The Rockwater Teton Gravity Research and to The Gentlemen’s Leisure Club of Golden for putting on the Ski Swap.

APES After School Program Mon. - Fri. 3 -5:30pm. $12/ day ages 5-11. To register leave a msg 250-272-0425. StrongStart a free, school based learning program birth-5years. Mon.&Fri. 12-3:30pm, Wed. 2-5pm, Tues.&Thurs. 8:4511:45am. Call Shelley for more info 250-439-9324.

Wed, Dec. 3

Golden Public Health presents Baby Talk for new parents and kids every Wed., 1:30-3pm in the Early Learning Centre. 12 months and under. 250-344-3001 for more info. Hapkido Martial Arts Wed., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Winter Walking at the Rec Plex. Wednesdays. 1-2pm. Parent and Tot Play Group Wed. 10:30am-12pm at the Rec Plex. Follows school schedule. 344-2000 for info. Badminton Wed., 7-9pm at the Rec Plex $6 ($5 students/seniors) bring racket. Public Skate Dec. 3, 10, 17 from 7-8pm at the Arena.

Thurs, Dec. 4

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Men’s Basketball Thur. 7:30-9:30pm at the Rec Plex. Bridge Club every Thur. at the Senior’s Centre 1-4pm. 250-344-5448. Golden Toastmasters Thursdays, 7:30pm at College of the Rockies. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thur., 7:30-9pm in the GSS sewing room. New members/guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub every Thursday. A.A Meetings Thursdays, at the Family Centre, 421 9th Ave N. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre Band Of Guys drop-in for male teens (12-18) every Thursdays 3:45-5:30pm. Aquafit at the Travelodge

Dec. 4, 11 from 5:306:30pm $5. Shinny at the Arena Thursdays 9-10pm. Kicking Horse Culture presents Film Kicks: Force Majeure Dec.4 at 7pm.

Fri, Dec. 5 All Girls Hockey run by girls, for girls 9+ Fridays, 4:30pm. Free for minor hockey members, $100 for non members. A.A Meetings Fridays at the Lutheran Church basement 915 - 9th St S. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre drop-in Fridays from 3:30-7:30pm. Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Friday night. Meat Draw every Friday at The Legion 5:30pm. Friday Night Bridge at 7pm at St. Andrew’s Centre for Peace. 250-344-5448. Mother Goose Program Fri. 10:30-11:30am at the Early Years Centre. Free and snacks are included. Special Olympics “FUNdamentals” youth program Fri. 9-10am at APES. For children 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities. Call 250-919-0757 for info. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English language training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Fridays from 9-11am. Call 250-344-8392. Parent&Tot Skate Fridays 11am-12pm at the Arena. Public Skate 12-1:30pm Fridays at the Arena. Winter Walking 1-2pm Fridays at the Rec Plex. Rockets vs. Nelson Leafs Dec.5 7:30pm at the Arena.

Sat, Dec. 6 Meat Draw Saturdays at The Legion 5pm. A.A Meetings Sat. at the Golden Museum. All meetings are open and start at 8pm. Story Time at the Library drop in for kids all ages 10:30-11:30am until Dec.13. Public Skate Saturdays 5:30-6:45pm at the Arena. Rockets vs. Creston Valley

• For more information... go to

Thundercats Dec.6 7:30pm at the Arena.

Sun, Dec. 7 Sunday Howl open mic at the Wolf’s Den Sundays 4-8pm. Magic the Gathering Game Tournament 12-5pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Public Skate 4:30-5:45pm Sundays at the Arena.

Mon, Dec. 8 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Monday, 6-8pm at the Alexander Park School gym. For young men and women ages 12-18. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio Mondays 15% off all regular priced services, call 250-344-5766. Heroclix League 6-9pm Mondays at Bizarre Entertainment. Picnic in the Park Play &Chat Mondays from 11:30am-1:30pm at the Alexander Park Elementary playground. Family Dinner Play and Learn Mon. 5-7pm at the Early Years Centre. Free program includes dinner, parent discussion with child minding. 250-439-9665 to register. Telling Our Life Stories Writing Workshop Mon. 10am-12pm. Techniques to organize memoirs. No writing experience necessary. 250-439-9665 to register. Golden Youth Centre drop-in every Monday from 5-8pm. Nicholson Parent & Tot Mondays from 9-11am at Nicholson School. Hapkido Martial Arts Mon., Arena Lounge 6-7pm (kids) 7:15-8:15pm (adults). Golden Youth Rec Hockey Mondays 8-9pm, ages 13-18 until Feb.23. Badminton Mon., 7-830pm at the Rec Plex $6 ($5 students/seniors) bring racket. Winter Walking at the Rec Plex Mondays 1-2pm. Indoor Soccer at the Rec Plex 8:30-9:30pm.

Tues, Dec. 9 A.A Meetings Tues. at the United Church 901 11th Ave S Alley Ent. All meetings are

open and start at 8pm. Golden Youth Centre dropin Tuesdays from 3:307:30pm. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Tuesdays 6-9pm at Bizarre Entertainment. Volleyball drop-in Tues. at the Rec Plex $5, 7-9pm. FREE Settlement Services to help newcomers to Canada with English training, citizenship, community resources, banking, housing, and more! Tues. 1-3pm. 250-344-8392. Golden Shotokan Karate Tues. & Thurs. 6-6:45pm (kids) 7-8:30pm (adults). Aquafit at the Travelodge Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm $5. All Is Calm, All Is Bright by the Purcell Mountain Orchestra Dec.9 at 7pm at the Civic Centre. Rockwater Grill & Ba

Upcoming Events

Will Wardwell CD Release “Across the Mountains” Dec.11 from 7-10pm at The Wolf’s Den. $15 cover. Golden Delicious presents The Gaff with DJ Wakcutt and B-Rich Dec.12 at the Rockwater, $10. Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour at the Golden Civic Centre Dec.12 at 7:30pm. Rockets vs. Castlegar Rebels Dec.12 7:30pm at the Arena. The Columbia Valley Bible Fellowship presents a Live Nativity, Caril Sing and Pot Luck Supper Dec.13 at 5pm in the Parson Community Hall. The Metropolitan Opera at Kicking Horse Movies Dec.13 Die Meistersinger Von Nurnberg (Wagner) at 10am. Grand Opening at Dawn Mountain Dec.14, 1-4pm. CP Holiday Train Dec.14 1:45-2:45pm in the parking lot across from 7/11. Golden Farmers’ Market Christmas Market Dec.20, 11am-5pm at the Rec Plex. Skate With Santa Dec.21 from 4:30-5pm at the Arena. Golden’s 25th Annual Christmas Bird Count Dec.27. 250-348-2225 for more info.

Visit to Learn More

This week's achievement award goes to...

Ludovica Hadford for her caring friendship, manners, and hard working efforts at school.

Stop in by December 10, 2014 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •

The Golden Star Wednesday, December 3, 2014 A9

Local artist brings old time music back with his new album Jessica Schwitek It was three years in the making, but Will Wardwell has finally released his album, Across the Mountains. "It's been probably three years since I started. Things moved along slowly, and then I put the whole thing on the shelf to do another CD with some other friends in Spillamacheen," said Wardwell. "It's great to have it done, now I can start another one." Wardwell had a lot of help with Across the Mountains, which was recorded in town at Bill Noble's studio. John Cronin played the guitar and Mike Garner lent his talents on the stand-up base. Nick Petrowich and Branden Winterholt from Willhorse can also be heard on the album, as well as Ken Chilibeck on drums, and Jeff Moss on the cello. But probably the greatest contribution came from Wardwell's late wife, who passed away during the recording of

the CD. The album is dedicated to Dorothy, who was one of the musician's greatest supporters. "She actually sings one of the songs on the album. I managed to get her to do it, she was a little reluctant," he said. Wardwell has been playing music since he was a teenager, and has been playing live in the area since . “We used to play at the old Golden Lodge and Arms, they’re both gone now,” he said. He played mainly covers in those days as well. “I had some ideas for songs, but they weren’t that well received at the time. So we played the standard dance hall songs.” Admittedly more into rock and roll in his younger years, Wardwell takes a softer approach with this album, calling his sound "old time music" with strong folk influences. Eight of the tracks are originals, with three covers to round out the CD. On Dec. 11 there will be a CD release party held at the Wolf's

Will Wardwell stands at a lookout point in the photo that graces the cover of his new album, Across the Mountains. Photo Submitted Den at 7 p.m. The CDs will be on sale, and Wardwell has invited some of his collaborators to come out for a performance.

"I've got pretty much all the guys who played on the CD lined up to come and play," he said.

The CDs are also going to be available at Moon River Gift Gallery, and the Art Gallery of Golden.

The Net Result: Hoffman shines while God’s Pocket misses

Philip Seymour Hoffman stars alongside John Turturro in one of the final films before the former’s death. IFC Films Joel Tansey Each week we’ll take a closer look at one of

the latest releases on Netflix. There’s a couple of aspects that will leave the viewer feeling disappointed at

the conclusion of God’s Pocket. Firstly, it represents one of the final films for the late great Philip Seymour Hoffman. Secondly, it represents one of the final films for Hoffman and it just isn’t very good. Hoffman plays Mickey, a stepfather to a crazed construction worker who is killed in a mysterious workplace “accident” in a gritty Philadelphia neighbourhood. Mickey’s wife Jeanie (Christina Hendricks) is grief stricken but also suspicious about the circumstances in her son’s death. Meanwhile, boozing journalist Richard Shellburn (Richard Jenkins) begins to investigate the death as well. There’s a good amount of dark humour here, but it’s not nearly enough to save the movie from mediocrity. The plot struggles to stay believable as Richard and Jeanie strike up an affair at the drop of a hat while Mickey tries to gamble his way towards having enough money for his stepson’s funeral. John Turturro is featured prominent-

ly on the movie poster, but that’s not a good representation of his usage in the film itself. He’s just along for the ride as Mickey’s gambling buddy. Not surprisingly, the acting is mostly brilliant. Hoffman delivers as always and Jenkins is also a highlight. Unfortunately, their efforts are lost in a disjointed plot that never seems to hit its stride. I can’t think of many movies that have been as unmemorable as this one, almost daring me to forget everything I had just seen as soon as the end credits began to roll. God’s Pocket lacks a lot of things, but most of all it lacks good story-telling and cohesion. For Hoffman fans especially, it’s short 90 minute runtime will make it worth checking out, but be prepared for a bit of a struggle despite how short it is. For that reason, I’ll give God’s Pocket just 3 mouse clicks out of 10.


The Golden Star Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wednesday, December 3, 2014 The Golden Star

Dawn Mountain Nordic Centre is now open for the season! A11

GNSC Grooming System Upgrade Sponsors Grantors

Columbia Basin Trust Community Development Program Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives Program Southern Interior Development Initiatives Trust Golden and Area A Economic Opportunity Fund Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Recreation Sites & Trails BC

Ski Club Sponsors and Supporters GOLD:

Grand Opening / Open House Sunday, December 14th, 1pm - 4pm Kootenay Cup / Dawn Mountain Challenge Saturday, December 6 Have fun cross country skiing at Dawn Mountain this winter! ! There are lots of opportunities to volunteer with the club - visit our website to register or volunteer :

Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, Brian Lundstrom Contracting, Dan Veselic, Fairley & Scott, Parson Jazz Cooperative, Vagabond Lodge, The Golden Star, Zimmerman Contracting, Golden Installations, All Cat Services, Braisher Contracting, Home Hardware


Bellstar Resorts, Higher Ground Sports, Virginia & Ken Stratton, Peaks Grill, Golden Dental Centre, DJ’s Paper Place, Trufe Pigs Bistro & Lodge, Cedar House Restaurant & Chalets, Le Beausoleil Bed & Breakfast, HMC Contracting


Prestige Inn, Dawn Mountain Rentals, Columbia Valley Lodge, Saskia Acton, Sobeys, Bruce McMahon, Winston Lodge, Shape Up Fitness, Kelly Hale, Western Group Insurance, Sue Devlin, Laurie & Alan Rollins, Martin & Paula Steinheber, Winston Lodge, Overwaitea, The Island Restaurant, Grace McKeeman & Wayne Manzer, Todd Keith & Annette Luttermann, Barb Huckvale & Peter Muscroft, Peter & Lara Reily, James & Cheryl Ross, George Ross, Bob Toothill, Shane Lehman, The Turning Point Restaurant, Tom Raudaschi, Kay Nagao, Charlotte Gavura


The Grooming System Upgrade is ready for action and will be completed in 2015. The upgrade, including a new maintenance building and second Bombardier groomer was made possible by the generosity of our spoonsors.

Brian Amies, Mark Dascher, Bill McMurray, Jim Doyle, Don Peterkin, David Morgan, Erwin Perzinger Special thank you to outgoing Area A director, Gary Habart.


We are proud to be part of this project

(250) 344-2964 Highway 95 South


Golden Installations LTD 915 11th Ave. S. 344-5566


The Golden Star Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wednesday, December 3, 2014 The Golden Star

Dawn Mountain Nordic Centre is now open for the season! A11

GNSC Grooming System Upgrade Sponsors Grantors

Columbia Basin Trust Community Development Program Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives Program Southern Interior Development Initiatives Trust Golden and Area A Economic Opportunity Fund Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Recreation Sites & Trails BC

Ski Club Sponsors and Supporters GOLD:

Grand Opening / Open House Sunday, December 14th, 1pm - 4pm Kootenay Cup / Dawn Mountain Challenge Saturday, December 6 Have fun cross country skiing at Dawn Mountain this winter! ! There are lots of opportunities to volunteer with the club - visit our website to register or volunteer :

Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, Brian Lundstrom Contracting, Dan Veselic, Fairley & Scott, Parson Jazz Cooperative, Vagabond Lodge, The Golden Star, Zimmerman Contracting, Golden Installations, All Cat Services, Braisher Contracting, Home Hardware


Bellstar Resorts, Higher Ground Sports, Virginia & Ken Stratton, Peaks Grill, Golden Dental Centre, DJ’s Paper Place, Trufe Pigs Bistro & Lodge, Cedar House Restaurant & Chalets, Le Beausoleil Bed & Breakfast, HMC Contracting


Prestige Inn, Dawn Mountain Rentals, Columbia Valley Lodge, Saskia Acton, Sobeys, Bruce McMahon, Winston Lodge, Shape Up Fitness, Kelly Hale, Western Group Insurance, Sue Devlin, Laurie & Alan Rollins, Martin & Paula Steinheber, Winston Lodge, Overwaitea, The Island Restaurant, Grace McKeeman & Wayne Manzer, Todd Keith & Annette Luttermann, Barb Huckvale & Peter Muscroft, Peter & Lara Reily, James & Cheryl Ross, George Ross, Bob Toothill, Shane Lehman, The Turning Point Restaurant, Tom Raudaschi, Kay Nagao, Charlotte Gavura


The Grooming System Upgrade is ready for action and will be completed in 2015. The upgrade, including a new maintenance building and second Bombardier groomer was made possible by the generosity of our spoonsors.

Brian Amies, Mark Dascher, Bill McMurray, Jim Doyle, Don Peterkin, David Morgan, Erwin Perzinger Special thank you to outgoing Area A director, Gary Habart.


We are proud to be part of this project

(250) 344-2964 Highway 95 South


Golden Installations LTD 915 11th Ave. S. 344-5566


Wednesday, December 3, 2014 The Golden Star

Golden kicks off the holiday season with parade and ShopFest

Golden got in the holiday spirit this past weekend with some Christmas shopping, and the Santa Claus Parade. Top left, the Trinity Lutheran Church entered a float depicting the Nativity Scene. Top right, Reflections Hair Studio won the window decorating contest (which raised almost $150 for the Golden Food Bank). Bottom left, the annual Craft Faire filled the Rec Plex. Bottom right, Kicking Horse Mountain Resort decorated a gondola car for the parade. Star Photos

CBAL helps immigrants settle in Golden CBAL Submitted

• 1 Year, in town: $35 (Reg. $47) • 1 Year, out of town: $50 (Reg. $67) • 3 Years, in town: $99 (Reg. $141) • 3 Years, out of town: $150 (Reg. $201) Valid from December 1-31, 2014

413A 9th Ave. N. BOX 149 • 250-344-5251

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) will be offering a free Citizenship Workshop for local immigrants. It is the first in a series of monthly workshops designed to provide information and resources for newcomers to Canada. This workshop will help immigrants determine whether or not they qualify for Canadian citizenship and will provide information on how to apply and how to prepare for the citizenship test. Candidates for Canadian citizenship must meet language requirements and pass an exam that tests applicants’ knowledge of Canadian political and military history, social and cultural history and symbols, Canadian geography, and the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of Canadian citizens. The CBAL Immigrant Welcome Centre, which opened in Golden in May 2014, provides English language classes, tutoring, referrals to community services, and one-to-one assistance for newcomers to Canada. The workshop series will cover topics such as safety in relationships (in collaboration with the Golden Women’s Resource Centre), preparing for an emergency, buying or renting a home in Canada, and information for newcomer parents. Funding for these programs is provided by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training. The Citizenship Workshop will take place on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the CBAL office at 421 9th Avenue N. For more information or to register for the workshop, please contact Kathleen Hadford at 250-344-8392 or

The Golden Star Wednesday, December 3, 2014 A13

Local homes become ambassadors in WildSafeBC practices

Leslie Adams and Gardie Newmann, above left, and the Sheriff family have become WildSafeBC Home Ambassadors. They have joined the program because they exhibit best practices to reduce wild life conflict. All homes who join the program will be entered to win free garbage and recycling for 2015, donated by VP Waste Management. To learn more, contact the WildSafeBC co-ordinator at Photos Submitted

Cover to Cover: A look at truth in government

Steele’s takes a look at government transparency with Open Source Everything. Evolver Editions Joel Tansey Robert David Steele could have taken a decidedly negative approach with his book, The Open-Source Everything Manifesto. In light of revelations from WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden, there is no short-

age of evidence that the American government hasn’t been entirely truthful with its people. Refreshingly, Steele delivers a positive outlook while he outlines his ideals for government that include open source software, intelligence, governance and data access among others.

His reasoning behind that optimism? Basically, that the time for a change is now. Steele “shares the widespread view that we are entering a new epoch during which we can achieve conscious evolution and the elevation of humanity to a constructive steward of the Earth.” It’s a nice thought, but there is room for a glass half empty viewpoint here as well. In some respects, government lips appear to be tightening if anything. According to Steele, the reasons that these changes are needed are aplenty. He sees persistent emphasis on government secrecy as unsustainable. An opensourced policy would serve humanity better in times of crisis, he argues, as an information-era model is needed to adequately process information. Steele also speaks out against the twoparty system in the U.S. and cites the Occupy Wall Street movement of 2012 as something that challenged the status quo.

For me, I’m not quite sure if Steele has completely detailed his argument in an effective manner. He is very good at explaining what is wrong with 21st century society, and he does so in great detail, but it’s not always fully explained why his “manifesto” would create a better world. The reader can easily make their own conclusions, of course, but it would have been nice if Steele better explained himself in that respect. It probably goes without saying, but Open-Source doesn’t make for pleasant bedtime reading. It’s probably not even the type of book you’d curl up with on a snowy evening. It’s the kind of book you read while sitting at a desk, possibly with highlighter in hand and a cup of coffee by your side, rather than a beer. Unfortunately, Open-Source falls short of being groundbreaking, but that doesn’t mean it’s a waste of time either. It’s a nice start to what, ultimately, needs to be

an even bigger conversation. Open-Source Everything is available at Bacchus Books & Cafe.

Saturday, December 13th 13th Annual Live Nativity Carol Sing & Pot Luck Supper 5 P.M. Parson Community Hall Bring your family, friends and neighbours! Presented by: Columbia Valley Bible Fellowship For information call: 250-348-2059

Christmas Carol Sing-a-long Tuesday December 9th, 2014 7:00 pm Golden Civic Centre Admission by Donation

Sponsored by Golden Community Resource Society, DJ’s Paper Place & Golden Dental Centre

✳ Live and In Person: 409-9th Ave N. in Downtown Golden ✳ Internet Awesomeness: Order online ✳ Facebook Quirk: Like us a wee bit ✳ New Games ✳ Lit. Shirts ✳ Mugs ✳ Books Books Books!


Wednesday, December 3, 2014 The Golden Star

The Russell Hotel was the first built on the south side of Golden

- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo

Klaus Edwin Jacobson (Ed) was born in Sweden in 1879. As a very young man he went to Lapland to work in the building of the railroad. When he returned from Lapland he signed on a sailing ship as a crew member and sailed to New Zealand around Cape Horn. When crossing the equator, the crew was warned by the old sailors they would be keel hauled in respect to King Neptune. This of course, was not carried out. This was a long hard journey by sail. On arrival in New Zealand he worked on the Otira Railway Tunnel, which was the longest tunnel in the British Empire at the time. He also became a British subject while in New Zealand. From New Zealand he went to Australia, where he joined his two brothers who had emigrated there.

He once again engaged in railway construction. From Australia he booked passage on a steamship for Canada. They called at various islands in the South Seas. In later years when war broke out with Japan, he would always listen to the news as he remembered the Islands they were fighting on from his journey. He also said the natives on the South Seas Islands, and the Maoris in New Zealand lead a wonderful life. He arrived in Vancouver and from there he went to work on the C.N.R. at Hope and Kamloops. His last job before coming to Golden in 1910 was at the Lake Minnewanka Dam at Banff, Alberta. On his arrival in Golden he purchased an interest in the Russell House. Dad Black, Bill Pearlstrom and H.G. Parson were the other partners. They later enlarged the building and renamed it the Russell Hotel. It was the only Hotel on the south of the Kicking Horse River until the first motel was built in the 1940s. The Russell Hotel had an ideal location. It was next to A.C. Hamilton’s Livery Stable,

Ed Jacobson is standing to the left closest to the tree in the Russell Hotel dining room at Christmas time. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum where people coming in from the Columbia Valley would leave their horses. When the Kootenay Central was completed the train would pull into the station but leave the passenger coach parked on the track behind the Russell Hotel. With this arrangement, passengers from the train were guests at

the Hotel. A sample of meal prices, thirtyfive cents and fifty cents and room at one dollar and twenty-five cents and of course there was an excellent Bar Room. It was also mentioned by Beatrice Hamilton in the “Golden Memories” that the bar run by Ed Jacobson was the best remembered. Margaret Jacob-

son (nee Jones) was born in Wales and immigrated to North Dakota with an uncle. She was taking care of her four cousins. She came to Golden in 1913, where her brother William, who had a homestead in Forde, BC, lived. She arrived just in time to join the party for the last run of the riverboat Klahowya. Her

first job was taking care of the Robinson children while Mrs. Robinson was in hospital with a new baby. She then went to work at the Russell Hotel as waitress and chambermaid. Ed and Margaret were married in Vancouver on March 26, 1916. They ran the Hotel together until 1927, when Ed left to go logging at Donald,

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BC. He had bought one hundred and sixty acres of Crown grant land there in 1912. He sold poles to Canadian Creosote and was fortunate to be paid for all his logs before the “Crash of 29.” His son, Ted, bought this property in later years. Ed started to build the Fridhem Hotel in 1929 and opened it in 1930. Times were not good but improved after the depression and they operated the Hotel Fridhem until their retirement in 1946. The Hotel was purchased by their daughter, Baeda Feuz. Ed and Margaret retired to their new house they built on 10th Street. Ed was a member of the Board of Trade and School Board. On his retirement he spent a lot of his time working at the Canadian Legion, which was being built by volunteer labor. This Legion was between IGA and the former Golden Star building. They both enjoyed gardening and kept themselves busy and enjoyed retirement. Ed died January 6, 1960 in his eighty-first year and Margaret died September 28, 1975 at the age of eightyeight.

Star business directory

The Golden Star Wednesday, December 3, 2014 A15

Golden Business Directory Construction Management General Contracting Licensed Builder Design Build Commercial and Residential Construction 819 9th Street N. Golden, BC


$25/week This Space







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Wednesday, December 3, 2014 The Golden Star A16

Weekly Angel Card Forecast: Sige - Quiet Time by Kamia Shepherd ATP* Special to the Golden Star Many animals consider the long winter months as a perfect time for hibernation. The darkest months of these animals, are spent dreaming in their caves or dens. Like the natural rhythms of animals, some of us can be more sensitive to the rhythms of the seasons in that as winter reaches its longest nights, we too enter our personal ‘dream time’. The dream time has been described in some indigenous peoples cultures, as the sacred space that is entered when visions and answers to ones prayer can be answered. The card of Sige, ushers in a time to receive messages from our higher consciousness and subconscious. The dreams that we birth, often begin in the dream time, - Angel Card Forecast meditative, quiet time, or receptive self invested time. By Kamia Shepherd When we seek out a sacred space for the self, through a few hours doing something we love such as reading a beloved book, walking or skiing in the forest, or nurturing our self with a few hours to simply dream, we become receptive to the encouragement of our own intuitive wisdom. Winter supports natural rhythms of contemplation, dreaming and planting. Creative outlets such as sewing, knitting, mandalas, painting, journalling, music, carving, sculpture or baking can all be ways that individuals nurture quiet space and time to allow new dreams to emerge from their subconscious to the conscious mind. LIke the woman on the card who stands in warm cloak beneath stars or snowflakes, we can all benefit from entering into our own receptive rhythms that afford us feelings of peace. May we all find a nurturing quiet space, that allows for inner wisdom to be heard. with light, Kamia Kamia Shepherd Compassion on facebook (To enquire about a personal reading please email


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Golden Star Wednesday, December 3, 2014 A17

Wednesday, December 3, 2014 The Golden A17 Star

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Help Wanted


Trades, Technical

Financial Services

Financial Services

New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.

An Alberta Oilfield Company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators. Meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-780-7235051.


LOCAL logging company looking for full time processor operators. Competitive wages and benefits plan. Experience an asset but would be willing to train. Email resumes to:

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Travel RV LOT rentals $8.95 a day. 362 days of sunshine, pets, events, classes, entertainment. Reserve by 11/01/2014. Call: 1-800-926-5593

Employment Business Opportunities 25 ROOM Imperial Motel for sale in Grand Forks...$789K. Contact (Owner) for more information. GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website:

Employer: Golden Rondo Motel Job Title: Front Desk Clerk Job duties: Checking guests in and out; taking reservations. Basic computer skills required. Good communication skills in English, second language an asset. Be able to work on weekends. Salary depends on experience. Please send your resume to: Job Title: Motel Manager Job duties: Manage motel daily operation and problem solving. Promoting and marketing the business. Setting and achieving sales and profit targets. Excellent communication skill in English, Mandarin and Japanese are an asset. Salary depends on experience Please send your resume to:

Mountain Mechanical Services has several positions available and offers competitive wages and a great benefit package. Looking for a Parts Person with heavy truck experience, a Parts & Service Manager, and a certified Mechanic with truck experience. Please send detailed resume to

seeking full-time

Community Health Nurse

in Port Hardy. Email: for job description or to apply by Dec. 14th, or fax (250) 949-6066.

Help Wanted

We’re growing again, and looking for EXPERIENCED confident, motivated & bright professionals. We are looking for an individual to join our team of skilled craftsmen in our planing and CNC operations of heavy timbers. Candidate must be mechanically inclined and have a good understanding of electrical and pneumatic systems. This full time position requires selfmotivation, strong work ethic, the able to work independently and in a team environment. We are willing to train the right candidate. Benefits included. Please email your resume to Good luck! We will be in touch with qualified individuals only.


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Merchandise for Sale


Heavy Duty Machinery

AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. Trades are welcome. 40’Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forklift. Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator. Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Home Improvements

Misc. for Sale

FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.

FOR SALE... Practically brand new O’Neill ladies snowboarding jacket with detachable hood! In excellent condition, only worn a couple of times. $50. 250-270-0096.

Merchandise for Sale

Firearms WANTED: FIREARMS. All types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. 1-866-960-0045 or online:

Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online

Wednesday, December 3, 2014 The Golden Star Star Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Merchandise for Sale



Misc. for Sale

Apt/Condo for Rent

Homes for Rent

Used Powder Skis and Beacons For Sale. Experienced and very experienced. Great rock skis or starter skis. Priced from $50 to $250 with or without bindings. Lengths from 160cm to 190cm. Shapes from mid-fat to super fat. Used beacons, analog and digital, from $50 to $150. Available during office hours, 9-5, Monday to Friday, Purcell Heli-Skiing lodge, 438 Lafontaine Rd.

3 Bdr. Apt close to Lady Grey school. Newly renovated. Avail now. $850/mth. 250-344-8205 or 344-6533 or 344-0725

Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 778-281-0030. Local.

Real Estate Acreage for Sale PRIVATE 150 ACRES

5 minutes from Cranbrook . Borders crown land on 3 sides. Mixture of timber and fields. Surveyed, drilled well, power and Shaw cable. Not in ALR zoned RR60. Serious inquiries only. $695,000.


Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 Bdr apts. No parties, N/S. Laundry facilities, security doors. Best deal in town! 250-344-8113.

Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.

Commercial/ Industrial Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710 Office, shop space for rent. 1250 sq ft, with fenced yard on 9th Street N. 250-344-0277

Duplex / 4 Plex Modern newly reno’d 2 bdrm duplex, animals welcome, 2bdrm $895/mnt+utls. Wood heat. Avail Nov. 30. 10 mins from Golden. 250-421-6415. Refs Reqd.

FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofce is independently owned & operated.

2-3 Bdr house in Nicholson, furnished $900/mth, plus util. Propane + elect. Avail. midNov. NS, NP. DD and references required. Large fenced yard and garden, 2 bathrooms w/ showers. 250-344-2335 or 250-344-0130. 4 Bdr 3 bath furnished house in town with fridge & stove. No pets. Avail now. Call 3441599.

Three million Canadians have a hearing loss. I’m one of them. The Hearing Foundation of Canada funds the only nationally coordinated medical research program to find the cause and cure of hearing loss. To learn more about our programs and how you can help, call 1-866 HEAR YOU, toll free or visit our web site, Don Harron



Homes for Rent


2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710.

3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1500 sqft + townhouse with balcony. Propane fireplace & dishwasher. No pets; no parties. Long term preferred. Good references & security deposits required. $1499/month plus utilities. 250-344-6710.

Office/Retail Commercial Space beside Body Quest for lease. 1400 sq ft, main level, avail. now. 250-344-7876.

Storage S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.

Want to Rent I seek 1 or 2 bedroom place to rent. 250-439-8225


Cars - Domestic 2000 FORD truck 1995. 1999 Ford Explorer 1995. 2000 Toyota rav4 1995. 2003 Honda 2995. 2006 VW diesel 7888. 2006 Dodge pickup 4995. Eagleridge 855-2003899

Trucks - Logging Trucks - Logging Classified Deadline: Box 600 Golden, BC Friday - 5 p.m. V0A 1H0 250-344-6784

Logging Trucks wanted in the Golden B.C. area. Please contact 250-344-5251 250-344-8101 or 250-344-6784.

Wednesday,December 3, 2014 The Golden Star A19

Rockets soar higher with sweep of the Columbia Valley Rockies Joel Tansey

The Rockets continue to climb up the Eddie Mountain Division. Coming off a 5-3 win over the Columbia Valley Rockies in Invermere, the Rockets completed a weekend sweep of their Highway 95 rivals with a dominating 6-2 win at home on Saturday night. The pair of wins puts them seven points clear of third place Kimberley and four back of the Fernie Ghostriders for the top spot, although Fernie has five games in hand. The line of Ian Desrosier, Cole Mckechney and Tanner Watt, as they have done for much of the season, carried the Rockets offensively across both games. “I couldn’t ask for two better linemates,” Desrosier said after Saturday’s

win. Altogether, the Rockets’ dominant trio tallied eight goals and nine assists between them over the two games. After a poor first period for Golden in Friday’s opener, Desrosier scored a pair of goals in the second to put the Rockets ahead, while Watt added one of his own in the dying minutes of the second frame. Defenceman Nic Noseworthy added the insurance (and his second goal of the game) to cap the scoring in the 5-3 win. Goaltender Mark Becica, who gave Magnus Viberg a much deserved rest for both weekend games, made 28 saves on 31 shots in his Rockets debut. It was more of the same the following night. After another slow start for the Rockets that saw the Rock-

Ian Desrosier celebrates a second period goal with linemate Tanner Watt during the team’s 6-2 victory Saturday night. Joel Tansey/Star Photo ies take an early lead, Watt notched a power play goal midway through the first and Daniel Dahlin nudged the Rockets ahead two and a half

minutes later. That set up a lightning quick start to the second when Desrosier streaked into the Rockies’ zone and found Watt

on the other end of a sweet feed for a 3-1 Rockets lead just 11 seconds into the frame. The Rockets were just getting started

KHMR supports Skiing Golden

Kyle Hale of Kicking Horse Mountain Resort presents Scott Kells of Skiing Golden a cheque for $1000 in support of their efforts to give local and timely updates to back country skiers and snowboarders. Photo Submitted

with scoring highlight-reel goals, as later in the second Mckechney finished off some lovely onetouch passing from Watt and defenceman Alex Astasiewicz, a display that surely left the Rockies defenders feeling dizzy as the Rockets whirled the puck cross-ice at will. Mckechney added another early in the third and Desrosier completed the scoring with a shorthanded breakaway goal. It’s become a seemingly nightly occurrence for the Rockets sniper. “I know they have the advantage but (while shorthanded) it just feels like there’s so much open ice out there,” Desrosier said, who has cashed in on numerous shorthanded opportunities this season. With the dominating weekend performance, Desrosier has moved himself into a tie for fourth place in the KIJHL’s scoring race,

two points clear of Mckechney, who is tied for sixth. Watt, who was a late arrival this season, has 29 points in just 20 games. Becica was another bright spot, making 33 saves on Saturday for his second consecutive win. Clearly comfortable in the Rockets’ net, the only thing the Los Angeles native said he hasn’t quite adjusted to yet is the weather. “I’m getting used to it,” he laughed. Davidson was understandably pleased with the play of the club’s newest acquisition (formerly of the Revelstoke Grizzlies). “We have two different looks as far as what we can go with in net, and we feel very confident in either one,” he said. The Rockets will travel to Kimberley for a rare Tuesday night game before hosting the Nelson Leafs and Creston Valley Thunder Cats this weekend.

GO ROCKETS GO!!! GO ROCKETS GO!!! Golden Rockets VS. Nelson Leafs

Golden Rockets VS. Creston Valley Thundercats

Golden Rockets VS. Castlegar Rebels









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1 bath

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2 bedrooms 2 baths 1,388sqft

3 baths

1 bath

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3 bedrooms 2.5 baths 3,447sqft

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1 bath

2 baths



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1 Bath

4 bedrooms

3 baths


5 bedrooms

2 baths

3 bedrooms

1 bath

701 - 8th Street 2.5 baths


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4 bedrooms 2.5 baths 1,833sqft

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3 baths

5 bedrooms

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$475,000 4 bedrooms 2 baths 3,081sqft

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4 bedrooms

Land, Building & Business

3 baths



$1,900,000 1401, 1405 Trans Canada Highway


523 – 5th Avenue

$329,000 1312 - 11th Street



$569,600 1501 Quartz Crescent



$339,000 6 bedrooms


$419,000 1114 - 10th Street

$480,000 5 bedrooms 3 baths 2,800sqft


$319,900 505 - 6th Street



$585,000 3 bedrooms

2 Baths

407 Riverglen Drive



810 - 9th Street

3 Bedrooms

$309,900 1130-8th Street

1 Bedroom

$299,900 514 - 7th Street

$245,500 5 bedrooms

3 acres

$179,000 #205, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail

1339 Pine Drive

1016 King Crescent

3 bedrooms

$169,000 2 bedrooms

4bdrms 1 bath 1,160sqft



$199,900 1 bath

5 bedrooms

Dan Veselic Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435 (250) 344-1435


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901 - 12th Street

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$579,600 1500 Quartz Crescent



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1334 - 10th Street

509 Main Street

7.27 acres

3 bedrooms

2.5 baths

3,032 sqft

909-14th Street


$725,000 319 Fisher Road


#10 Parkland Gardens

3 bedrooms

$268,000 #6, 433 - 5th Avenue

2 baths


$198,500 #15 Parkland Gardens

5 bdrms

$279,000 1330 - 10th Street

$639,600 4 bedrooms

$575,000 2328 Holmes Deakin Road


$220,000 4 Bedrooms


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1592 Golden Avenue

3 bedrooms

Wednesday, December 3, 2014 The Golden Star

Legion 1011 - 11th Avenue Building & Land

SOLD $289,900

$133,000 Lot 3, Hedges Road 2.5 acres

503 - 5th Street

6 Bedrooms

2.5 Baths


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