The Invermere
er 17 Decemb 2014
Vo l .5
Close call for local’s ice fishing shack
BERNIE RAVEN CHRIS RAVEN 1-866-598-7415 TEAMRAVEN.CA Offices in Panorama, Invermere & Fairmont
Local girls shine in soccer showcase
Maxwell Realty Invermere
Anna Stevens sends a rock down the ice during the Invermere Curling Club’s first Turkey Bonspiel in almost a decade on Sunday, December 14th. According to organizer Rob Dunn, it was a smash success, with 32 curler on eight teams taking part. The teams vied for prizes of a big turkey (first place), a small turkey (second place), ham (third place), chicken (fourth place) and cornish hens (fifth place). PHOTO BY STEVE HUBRECHT
Invermere deer cull set to proceed in 2015 STEVE HUBRECHT Invermere’s urban deer issue will likely see some action in 2015, with Invermere council having made the deer cull operational in May and the district having since secured a deer cull permit for a cull. “It is likely (deer will be culled) if we get complaints about aggressive deer,” District of Invermere chief administrative officer Chris Prosser told The Valley Echo. Invermere council voted in May 2014 to make proceeding with a deer cull operational (allowing district staff to go ahead and work on the cull) with a cap of no more than 30 deer culled each year and with costs of the cull capped at $30,000 a year. A permit from the provincial government was necessary, since the deer are technically the jurisdiction of the provincial government.
Prosser said there is no specified time Though the idea of relocating deer is for the cull although the district will still a topic of discussion — not only in not cull deer during the animals’ birth- Invermere, but in other communities in ing season and other sensitive times. the East Kootenay that are inundated Complaints from residents will allow with urban deer — it is not likely to see the district to target problem deer in much progress in the coming year. specific neighbourhoods. “It’s definitely being worked on, but Volunteers — who were members of it’s definitely not a quick and easy projthe district’s previect,” said Invermere ous deer committee mayor Gerry Taft. It is likely (deer — carried out InverSeveral communiwill be culled) if mere’s annual deer ties, including Invcount two weeks we get complaints about ermere, have exago on Saturday, aggressive deer. pressed interest in November 29th and helping fund a relocounted a total of CHRIS PROSSER cation pilot project DISTRICT OF INVERMERE or study, but any re165 deer within disCHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER location project retrict boundaries. “That’s about avquires provincial aperage compared with other years, giv- proval and support. Invermere has also en the temperature and time of day offered to fund any private organization (morning). It was a really cold day,” or individual that can relocate deer to said Prosser, speaking on the number the tune of $300 per deer. of deer. “The District of Invermere did indi-
cate our interest in funding the relocation of deer. We indicated that the entity doing the movement of deer would need to have approval and support from the province, and that we would be willing to fund up to $300 per deer,” said Taft. He said that several conference calls involving East Kootenay communities were held on the topic this past summer and fall, which resulted in several companies being invited to submit proposals on what a urban ungulate relocation study would look like and cost. However, one hurdle is that the local Ministry of Environment staff based in Cranbrook would need time to work on it. “In the fall of 2014, the local Ministry of Environment staff indicated that they may not have time in their work plan until 2017 to participate in overseeing the deer relocation pilot study,” said Taft. See A9
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Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo
(Clockwise from top left) Panorama Mountain Resort shareholders cut the ribbon on the new Discovery Zone on Saturday, December 13th; a young skier slides into the lift line during Local’s Appreciation Day at Panorama on Sunday, December 14th; Rotarian Milt Deck emcees the Rotary Club of Invermere’s annual Seniors’ Christmas Dinner on Sunday, December 14th; Rotarian Andy Stuart-Hill tops up wine glasses at the dinner. PHOTOS BY DAN WALTON (TOP LEFT);
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On December 24th the Valley Echo will be publishing a Signature Page as part of our Season’s Greetings seasonal feature. • To have your name included on this year’s Signature Page, please drop by the Valley Echo office at #8, 1008 - 8th Avenue in Invermere. • The cost is $5 per signature, with proceeds going to the Columbia Valley Food Bank. • The deadline is Friday, December 19th.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo A3
Gay continues as RDEK board chair SUBMITTED Regional District of East Kootenay Electoral Area C Director Rob Gay will continue on as Chair of the Regional District of East Kootenay for 2015. “I am honoured to be re-elected as Chair,” says Gay. “I look forward to working with our new and returning directors on our current priorities and identifying new opportunities during our strategic priorities planning session in April.” This will be the Electoral Area C Director’s fourth term as RDEK Chair. He has been on the Board since 2005. Electoral Area F Director Wendy Booth was re-elected as Vice Chair for a third term. “I want to thank the Board for its support,” says Booth. “It is a position I really do enjoy. I’m looking forward to working with Chair Gay and the CAO in the best interests of the organization.” The Board Chair and Vice Chair are elected annually. In addition, the RDEK Board of Directors has been sworn into office. The Directors were sworn in during a special ceremony on Thursday (December 11th) afternoon in the RDEK Board Room. The election of the Chair and Vice Chair took place during the regular RDEK Board Meeting.
New legislation forces Radium to upgrade fire protection DAN WALTON
New provincial legislation will require a certain level of training for emergency responders to enter buildings on fire. If the new legislation were in effect, the fire department in the Village of Radium Hot Springs would not be allowed to enter buildings that are on fire. “We would still go in (to burning buildings) because we haven’t been told otherwise,” said Radium fire chief Dave Dixon. If the new rules were in place, a kitchen fire inside a condominium would have to be attended to from the building’s outside. “Exterior attack-only is probably not an option. That just doesn’t work,” said Radium mayor Clara Reinhardt. “The playbook has been sent back to the government because there are some uncertain kinds of language as to how it impacts rural communities.” But while the legislation will pose new challenges, achieving an adequate level of training has always been a struggle for the fire department in Radium, Dixon said. “It’s not unique to this situation,” he said. “We’re struggling to get it done.” Reinhardt said that as the legislation and requirements for training become more clear, council will be in consultation with the fire department to explore all options before deciding which direction to take.
The RDEK Board of Directors during the board’s Swearing In Ceremony on Thursday, December 11th. The Columbia Valley is represented by Invermere mayor Gerry Taft (back row, far left); Canal Flats mayor Ute Juras (back row, second from left); Radium mayor Clara Reinhardt (back row, sixth from left); Area F director Wendy Booth (front row, third from right) and Area G director Gerry Wilkie (front row, far right). Chair Rob Gay is back row, far right. PHOTO SUBMITTED
Regional District of East Kootenay PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Liquor Licence Amendment - Panorama The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering an application by Cliffhanger Golf Ltd. to amend the operating hours of a Food Primary Liquor Licence for the Cliffhanger Restaurant at the Greywolf golf course. The existing hours of liquor service are 10:00 am to midnight Monday through Saturday and 11:00 am to midnight on Sunday. The proposed hours of liquor service are 9:00 am to 2:00 am Monday through Sunday. The subject property is located at 1860 Greywolf Drive in Panorama as shown below. A public hearing will be held at: Cliffhanger Restaurant 1860 Greywolf Drive Panorama, BC Monday, December 29, 2014 at 7:00 pm The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Directors for Electoral Area F and Electoral Area G. If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: • inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; • mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/ numbers shown below; or • present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. Submissions cannot be accepted after the public hearing. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Jean Terpsma, Planning Technician, at 250-489-0314, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email
REGIONAL DISTRICT OF EAST KOOTENAY Phone: 250-489-2791 Toll Free: 1-888-478-7335 Email: Website:
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo
DTSS students meet BC Lions CAITLIN FULLER DTSS Student Reporter
Holiday Recycling
Two Invermere students recently mingled with B.C.’s top politicians and professional football players as part of a youth summit in Vancouver. Wolfgang Nicholas and Wallace Warbrick were chosen to fly to Vancouver for the BC Lions Skills for Life summit event from November 30th to December 1st. The boys, along with 120 other B.C. students, got to experience hands-on interactive demonstrations by professionals in trades such as carpentry, welding, truck driving, heavy equipment operating and even accounting. The students also took part in leadership and team building workshops with BC Lions players and heard the players give insight to the team’s anti-violence campaign. Last but not least, the Lions also hosted the students at the Grey Cup game the day before the activities began. Both Wolfgang and Wallace had nothing but positive things to say about their experience with the program. The boys experienced many firsts, including their first time on a plane, first time on a SkyTrain, and first time seeing the ocean. When asked what the best part of the trip was, Wallace answered, “Going to the game! I’d never really watched a lot of (football) games.” Wolfgang agreed, saying, “I really liked going to the big stadium.” Deb Fisher, the David Thompson Secondary School aboriginal educator who went with the boys, was impressed by the BC Lions players, and the stories of violence in their
own lives that the players told to the students. The Lions, who have commercials advertising their anti-violence “Be More Than a Bystander” campaign, shared anecdotes of violence in their past that led them to put their efforts into football and end the cycle of violence in their own lives. The team made it clear their message was also about zero tolerance of violence against women, especially due to many incidents in the sports community. The BC Lions Skills for Life Summit was a partnership between the Ministry of Education, the BC Lions and Pacific Northwest LNG. It was set up to encourage less-engaged students in Grades 6 to 9 to experience trades and leadership skills. There was a large emphasis on getting both aboriginal and female students to participate in the event, to get them more interested in skills and trades. The summit consisted of two parts, one being the “Find Your Fit” half that involved introducing trades and skills to the students, while the second was the teamwork and leadership portion of the experience. Students interacted with the Lions players in workshops and also attended a speech by Premier Christy Clark at the event. In regards to the program, Minister of Education Peter Fassbender said, “We’re trying to give young people a clear and seamless path right from school through to the workplace… the BC Lions share our commitment and they are a key partner in giving students the right kinds of opportunities.” The team presented students with experiences that gave them new views on trades and their own leadership skills, as well as the cycle of abuse, especially in the athletes’ lives. The event was well-executed and genuinely appreciated by all who attended.
Recycling Basics Wrapping Paper - all paper based wrapping paper can be recycled in the yellow bins or Invermere’s blue bag program. Foil based papers cannot be recycled and should be thrown in the garbage if they can’t be saved and reused. Ribbons & Bows - cannot be recycled. They can be saved and reused. If they can no longer be reused, they go in the garbage. Aluminum Pie Plates & Roasters - cannot be recycled in the Columbia Valley. The only recycling depot for tin roasters, foil, etc is the Cranbrook Bottle Depot. Cardboard Boxes - all cardboard (from big boxes to cereal boxes) are recyclable. Please flatten them to save space. Tin Cans - all tin food and beverage cans can be recycled. They must be rinsed out. Labels can be left on if they are difficult to remove. Styrofoam - Even though Styrofoam is marked with a #6, it is NOT recyclable in our program. The only place in the East Kootenay that Styrofoam can be recycled is the Cranbrook Bottle Depot. Plastics - all plastics with the triangular recycling symbol and the number between 1 and 6 (except Styrofoam) can be recycled in the yellow bins or Invermere’s blue bag program. They must be clean and every piece must be numbered. Plastics Not Accepted: #7, dirty plastics, plastics with no number.
Batteries One of the items people stock up on at this time of year is batteries. Both alkaline and rechargeable batteries are recyclable. The drop off location in the Columbia Valley is: Selkirk TV & Appliance Invermere
Echo website combines KIJHL coverage DAN WALTON
Keeping tabs on the Columbia Valley Rockies’ rivals has never been easier, as Black Press has combined all of its KIJHL coverage for free online access. The new section offers even more free content on the Invermere Valley Echo’s website. Similar to “Breaking News” articles or articles found in the “Our Town” and “Election” sections of the website, the “KIJHL” tab requires no subscription to read. And in addition to up-to-date news on the Columbia Valley Rockies, the new tab also provides a portal to KIJHL coverage by all Black Press publications from communities with a KIJHL team. The link is visible from the homepage. Directly beneath The Valley Echo logo are two horizontal grey lines. Without having to scroll, the “KIJHL” tab is found on the bottom grey line (the top one is shaded darker) beside the “BC Jobs” and “Classifieds” links. After clicking on the KIJHL tab, viewers are directed to a barrage of recent KIJHL articles, combining coverage from eight to ten sister publications in the Kootenay hockey communities, including Cranbrook, Golden, Grand Forks, Fernie, and Nelson.
Electronics Recycling The Columbia Valley electronics recycling depot is located at: Invermere Bottle Depot 133 Industrial Rd. #2 Phone: 250-342-7272 For more information on what products they accept, visit http://www.return-it. ca/electronics
December 24 9:00am-3:00pm December 25 Closed December 26 9:00am-6:00pm December 31 9:00am-3:00pm January 1 Closed All other days, the Landfill will be open from 9:00am to 6:00pm.
The RDEK Columbia Valley Office is open Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm (closed 12pm to 1pm). During the holiday season, the only change to those regular hours is as follows: December 24 December 25 December 26 December 31 January 1
8:30am-3:00pm (closed 12pm-1pm) Closed Closed 8:30am-3:00pm (closed 12pm-1pm) Closed
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo A5
First order of business for Radium Dan Walton
The new council for the Village of Radium Hot Springs met for their first regular meeting on Wednesday, December 10th. The village’s new mayor, Clara Reinhardt, made introductory remarks expressing her fortune at inheriting such a well-run community, and said that her fellow councillors — Todd Logan, Ron Verboom, Karen Larsen, and newcomer Tyler McCauley — represent a very strong cross-section of the community. As IS the common practice for mayors, Reinhardt will be her community’s representative at the Regional District of East Kootenay, with Verboom serving as the alternate. Verboom was also named Deputy Mayor. McCauley will be the art liaison; Larsen will be on the library board, and Logan and Verboom will be on the backcountry coalition. One of the new council’s first decisions was over a
recurring issue — sign bylaws. Council gave Horsethief Creek Pub and Tavern permission to replace their backlit sign. After consultation with the business, McCauley agreed that some regulations are inconsistent, allowing maximum font size for lettering, but providing no restrictions on the size of symbols. Until Radium updates its sign bylaw, which it’s in the process of doing, council is considering changes on a case-by-case basis. “In the meantime, any business can come to us and ask for a variance,” Reinhardt said. “But we want to rewrite the bylaw to be thoughtful.” A strategic plan was formed at the beginning of the last council’s term three years ago. Council scheduled a meeting for next month to evaluate the progress. “It’s an opportunity to see what we’ve done, what we need to do, and where we want to be in two years,” Reinhardt said, adding that the village is on track to achieve the goals set three years ago. Because of holiday scheduling, the next regular meeting takes place on Wednesday, January 14th at 7:30 p.m.
Canal Flats council gets into stride Erin Knutson Special to The Valley Echo
A fresh team of newly elected council officials was sworn in during a ceremony held in Canal Flats at the Columbia Discovery Centre on Monday, December 8th. The swearing in of Council Oath of Office involved Mayor Ute Juras, Councillor Marie Delorme, and Councillor Erin Gornik as councillors Paul Marcil and Karl Sterzer were absent. The ceremony was officiated by the Commissioner for taking Oaths and Affidavits Brian Woodward, chief administrator officer for the Village of Canal Flats. Delorme made a motion to put on the agenda a discussion regarding the Columbia Lake Stewardship Society, to ascertain the direction in which to proceed with planning for an information booth next year.The motion was carried unanimously. “A member of the public requested that the road be maintained, and we had made, as a council, a suggestion that we talk to Canfor — I was wondering if Bill or yourself had looked into that?” asked Delorme. Juras confirmed that a Canfor representative from internal affairs had been contacted, and it was acknowledged that the matter had been successfully addressed. “Public Works also went out and did some basic work on the road, but now it’s frozen, so it should be okay for a while,” commented Woodward. In further discussion, the 2015 acting mayor schedule was an item of interest. “For the public we have to designate an acting mayor for the year, so in case the mayor is not available, we have someone to step in, and in this municipality
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Annual Subscription Rates (incl. tax)
• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $45.30 • Office Pick-Up $34.50 • Canada $62.60 / International $182.00 • Seniors (local) $34.50 / Seniors (Canada) $56.00
we always split that up into three-month terms. We take turns every three months and another council member is acting as mayor, and we do that every year so I can go on holidays, too,” explained Juras. The motion for the 2015 acting mayor schedule was carried by a unanimous vote. Due to the absence of council members, the Strategy Planning Meeting was deferred until Monday, December15th, and the Budget Meeting Date was also moved to accommodate a full house. A decision about the Ktunaxa Kinbasket Treaty Advisory Committee Appointments was also deferred to the next meeting. However, it was decided that Marcil would serve as Juras’ alternate for the Regional District of the East Kootenay board. Delorme suggested implementing a presentation by the Columbia Lake Stewardship Society (CLSS) during Canal Days, or the long weekend in June. “If they are interested in doing two demonstrations, I think it would be nice to have it at the beach as well as on the long weekend when all the people from the other province come,” said Juras. Delorme concurred and would follow up with Tracy Flynn from the CLSS. The Revenue Anticipation Bylaw No. 166, 2014 was adopted unanimously. “It allows us to borrow money between the months of January and July because we’re basically operating on tax income, and the taxes are not due until July. So if there is something that comes up that we need to borrow some money for, this bylaw will allow us to do that and then we will pay it back once we collect the taxes,” said Juras, addressing the meeting’s attendees.
Diesel price stays high as crude drops Jeff Nagel Black Press Pity the poor diesel truck owner. While regular gasoline prices have dropped significantly with the plunging price of oil, the pump price for diesel has remained stubbornly high. According to, regular gas fell below $1 a litre at a Costco station in Prince George this week, with other prices around the B.C. Interior nearly as low. One of the best deals on diesel was $119.9 at the No Frills station in Port Alberni, with diesel prices as high as $145.9 at the Esso and Shell stations in Kitimat. “It shouldn’t be that high,” said John Whittall, a West Kelowna retiree who bought his diesel pickup for the fuel savings. “Typically, diesel hasn’t been more than gas. When gas was low it was lower.” That’s historically true. But early 2009 – when diesel was 85 cents a litre and gas was nearly $1 – is the last time diesel drivers enjoyed big savings. The price gap closed and since 2012 diesel has cost a few cents a litre more than gas most of the time, according to statistics maintained by petroleum industry analysts MJ Ervin and Associates. For the last three years, diesel has been stuck between $1.30 and $1.50 in Vancouver, costing a few cents more than regular gas for most of that time. Jason Parent, vice-president of consulting at MJ Ervin, says the reason for the disparity is diesel and gasoline are two very different commodities that don’t move together in lockstep. “They each have their own supply and demand fundamentals and they can move in different directions,” he said. Unlike gasoline, which jumps in price towards summer as more drivers hit the road, diesel tends to rise in the winter. The reason, Parent said, is that diesel is virtually identical to heating oil, which is in high demand to heat homes in the winter. “In the winter season when it gets colder, demand for heating oil spikes and that causes a demand pull on both heating oil prices and diesel prices.” The drop in crude oil prices has put downward pressure on diesel, he said, but that has been largely offset by the increase in winter demand – much to the irritation of diesel users. “The guys who use diesel are all wondering why they’re not seeing the same benefit as everyone else.” Whittall said he has difficulty believing Parent’s explanation. He said diesel prices never seem to budge, no matter if it’s summer, winter or crude oil prices are collapsing. “I bet you it hasn’t moved a penny up here,” he said.
Six Month Subscription Rates (incl. tax)
• Local (Canal Flats to Spillimacheen) $29.40 • Seniors (local) $22.80
The Invermere
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo
HUMOUR Something on your mind?
#8, 1008 8 Avenue • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-341-6299
The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to editor@
Rose-Marie Fagerholm
Nicole Trigg
Steve Hubrecht
Cheryl Williams
Dean Midyette
Theresa Kains
Renice Oaks
NICOLE TRIGG The reluctance of the provincial government to move ahead on urban deer management when deer-infested communities are talking amongst themselves, eager to research and implement innovative and effective new solutions other than culling, is likely explained by budgeting priorities. While the term is “urban” deer management,the issue of deer overpopulation is only a problem is more rural parts of the province, and so doesn’t have the same weight and pull than if it was a problem affecting more densely populated areas. “Rural” deer management might be more the more fit-
Sheila Tutty
NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith,B.C. V9G 1A9. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
ting label, and explains why deer population control is sitting on the bottom rung of the priority ladder, similar to, one could argue, rural medical services. As we’ve seen with the Invermere dialysis unit, a smaller population doesn’t warrant the cost-prohibitive investment of tax dollars when every ministry in B.C. is requiring more money, from health to education to energy and so on. Though MLAs from the East and West Kootenays are doing their best to make a lot of noise, the province is clearly unwilling to budge anytime soon, with 2017 being the soonest the Ministry of Environment is considering re-allocating staff resources. In last November’s referendum, Invermere residents voted to go ahead with deer culls,
with 74 per cent in favour of culls as the goto deer management strategy. Interesting that despite the vocal local opposition to a deer cull, no parties have come forward to take the District of Invermere up on its offer to fund deer relocation at $300 per deer. The cull that is forecast for the District of Invermere in 2015 will cost $1,000 per deer (a capped cost of $30,000 split between a capped number of 30 deer, according to this week’s front page story). If you do the math,relocation could save local taxpayers either $700 per deer or would remove 100 deer for the cost of culling 30. Not enough of an incentive for the provincial government to take immediate action, but definitely something that could become a community project with worthwhile dividends.
Constituents give BC Liberals a failing grade
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Relocation could take care of more deer for less
y office has been receiving many calls, emails who rely on these roads say the standard isn’t high MLA EPORT E and letters from constituents who are very enough. Weather events certainly provide a chalunsatisfied with the state of our public roads. lenge for road crews, but bad weather in this area For those of us who travel the TransCanada Highis entirely predictable. way on a regular basis, we can’t help but be reResidents have no choice but to travel, and road minded that the BC Liberals have failed once again maintenance standards must ensure that people to keep their promises. In the lead up to the 2009 can do that safely. Staying home from school, not and the 2013 elections, the BC Liberals made great going into work and missing needed medical apclaims that the four-laning of the TransCanada pointments is not an option. ORM would be completed, but the truth of the matter Treacherous driving conditions are the direct reis that little is being done to complete the project. sult of cuts to resources, and people in this area There is no significant funding allocated in the budare saying that the increased danger is too high a get for at least the next three years. price to pay. This is simply not acceptable. My job is to take your concerns to the government. My job is The safety of residents and visitors is put in jeopardy because to ensure the minister understands the full consequences of the BC Liberals have failed in their commitment to complete the government’s actions. And my job is to tell your stories. the necessary work on our highway. But you can also make your concerns known to the minister, But it isn’t just infrastructure that is raising concerns with and I would encourage you to do so. Please write to Minister constituents. Standards for road maintenance are also getting Todd Stone at a failing grade. Norm Macdonald is the NDP MLA for Columbia River Revelstoke. He While government and road maintenance contractors say can be reached by phone at 1-866-870-4188 and by email at norm. they are meeting the standard that has been set, the people
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo
Do you prefer a deer cull or relocation to deal with Invermere’s urban deer issue?
Who’s crazy now? Dear Editor: Crazy. According to Prime Minister Harper, this is how we should view putting any restrictions on the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by the fossil fuel industry. With the price of oil at multi-year lows, he maintains that we can’t do it now, despite the fact that these restrictions would add less than one dollar to the price of a barrel of oil. This is from the party that has promised for the last six years to put restrictions on these emissions. During this time, the price of oil reached record highs and nothing was done. It is abundantly clear that Harper, because of his very close connections with the fossil fuel industry and his own warped beliefs about climate change, has no intention of ever doing anything about greenhouse gases. Meanwhile, atmospheric carbon dioxide rises to dangerous levels. Clearly, it is not the imposition of restrictions which is crazy. It is the man who has uttered this statement. NORM FUNNELL RADIUM HOT SPRINGS
“I think you shouldn’t kill them; we’re building houses on their land. I love to hunt and eat them, but I think other deer from outside will just replace the ones they get rid of.”
“A deer just ate my $60 wreath, so I think they should be dealt with, but in a humane way .” Yolande Dolman
“I think a cull would be the easiest thing; it’s better than running them over with my car. It’s quick and painless.” Murray Bavid
Thijs Boersma
Horgan on LNG, climate and land
Highlights from a year-end interview with NDP leader John Horgan. For an extended version, see the Opinion section at
TF: The BC Liberal government has given every indication they’re going to proceed with the Site C dam on the Peace River.What do you think? JH: I’ve always maintained that it’s a good project, but it’s a question of when to add another $8-9-10-12 billion onto the backs of ratepayers. First of all, go to the B.C. Utilities Commission and find out if this is the power you need and if this is the time to build it. The government refuses to do that, and I think that’s just an Achilles heel in this process. TF: You voted for the liquefied natural gas income tax to provide certainty, and then you immediately said you would work to increase the LNG tax in 2017, before any major project could be started. How is that certainty? JH: I thought it was important that the investment community in this sector knew there was bipartisan support for LNG in British Columbia. But we went from a seven per cent [tax] to a 3.5 per cent because of a softening market. If there is a decline in return to the province because of a softening market, then surely over a 25-year period – not just between now
and 2017, but if the market conditions change and prices go up – I think British Columbians would want their government to make sure they were getting a fair share of that benefit. TF: Why did you vote against the LNG environmental legislation? OM JH: They said prior to the election that LNG would be the greenest in the world. And then when they tabled legislation they left out 70 per cent of the emissions from upstream activity. TF: Gordon Campbell’s great goal for greenhouse gases, 33 per cent reduction by 2020, can that be reached assuming a substantial LNG development? JH: I find it difficult to believe that they’re going to achieve those results. [Environment Minister] Mary Polak has a different point of view, and our job as opposition is to hold them accountable to the numbers that they passed into law, and we’re going to do that. One of the three sectors, housing, energy and transportation, where emission profiles can be managed downward is transportation. And the government has wasted 18 months talking about a referendum on [Metro Vancouver transit.] TF: What’s your top priority for 2015? JH: I think the public is going to increasingly find affordability issues to be the challenge.
We didn’t spend as much time as I had hoped to on hydro rate increases, ICBC. When the government balanced the budget, they did it by selling assets, and by increasing costs at their Crown corporations and then pulling that revenue in for budget purposes. We’re going to have to use new technologies and means of communication to better explain to people what the government’s doing to them. TF: What should happen with the agricultural land reserve? JH: I don’t think there was a groundswell of opposition to the ALR, quite the opposite in fact, and the commission has in my opinion, infinite flexibility to meet the demands John Horgan of development in northern areas as well as urban centres. I’m going to make sure that [agriculture critic] Lana Popham, who as you know is fearless on this issue, is let loose on [Agriculture Minister] Norm Letnick, and we’re going to dog this issue up to the next election. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press newspapers. Email: @tomfletcherbc.
Are the recent trades going to have a negative impact on the rest of the Columbia Valley Rockies’ season ?
With the most recent count indicating 165 deer within the District of Invermere’s boundaries, do you think there is a urban deer overpopulation?
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo
WEEKLY Beat Have an event you’d like listed? Email it to: production@ invermerevalleyecho. com
DECEMBER 17th - 24th
• 11:45 a.m.: The Rotary Club of Invermere meets every Wednesday at the Curling Rink. • 1 p.m.: Duplicate Bridge at Invermere senior’s hall, every Wednesday and Friday. $2. Everyone welcome. • 5:30 p.m.: Summit Youth Centre (SYC). Come join us for Free food! Cooking workshop, Gingerbread houses. • 7:30 p.m.: Weather Permitting Comedy Tour, featuring Michelle Christine, Andrew Barr, Michael Flamank at The Great Hall at Panorama Mountain Village, Invermere. Tickets $10 plus tax. For more information call 1-800-6632929.
in Fairmont Hot Springs Lobby. • 7 p.m.: Texas Hold ‘em Tournament at Invermere Legion.
• 2 p.m.: Lake Windermere Alliance Church “Mountain Top” service at Panorama Summit. • 5:30 - 7 p.m.: Annual Torchlight Parade and fireworks at Fairmont Hot Springs Ski Hill. • 6 p.m.: Lake Windermere Alliance Church Candlelight service at Lake Windermere Alliance Church. • 6 p.m.: Radium Christian Fellowship would like to invite you to join on Christmas Eve. • 8 p.m.: Annnual Christmas Eve Fireworks, Conrad Kain Park, Wilmer. Free hot chocolate and bonfire. For more information call 250-342-9470. • 8:15 p.m.: Lake Windermere Alliance Church Christmas Eve service at Panorama in the Great Hall.
• 7 p.m.: Texas Hold ‘em Tournament • 3:30-4:30p.m.: Y.A.C. - The great at Invermere Legion. book domino challenge for Gr.5• All day free swimming at the 7. Contact the Invermere Public • 12 - 1 p.m.: Ask a Librarian / Drop-in Fairmont Hot Springs pools with 31ST : WEDNESDAY Library 250-342-6416 to register. tech support at the Invermere Public food or cash donation to the CV • 3 - 7 p.m.: Join the Village of Radium Library. Every Thursday. For more Food Bank. Hot Springs for their 24th birthday JANUARY 13TH : TUESDAY info, go to and New Year’s Eve celebration! • 7 p.m.: Cinefest at Pynelogs • 7 p.m.: SYC. Come celebrate TH : SATURDAY 27 For more information contact The featuring the film The Lunchbox. December birthdays with cake! • 8 p.m.: SYC. Come join us for movie Village of Radium Hot Springs at For more information visit night and popcorn. or call 25019TH : FRIDAY • 7:30 - 12:30 p.m.: SYC. Come join us 342-4423 • 2 p.m.: SYC. Come join us for TH : SUNDAY for Happy New Year’s. 28 snowshoeing. • Santa Claus 5-Stand at the Lake • 9 p.m.: New Year’s party in HOURS Windermere District Rod & Gun Bear’s Paw Lounge at the Fairmont 20TH : SATURDAY Hot Spring Resort. No cover Club. For more info, visit www. • 9 - 10 a.m.: Copper Point Resort, or call 250-341-3254. charge, includes party favors and INVERMERE LIBRARY breakfast with Santa. Please book champagne at midnight. • Tuesday - Saturday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. ahead at 250-341-4000. • 9:15 p.m.: Torchlight Parade and TH : MONDAY 29 • Wednesdays: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.: Copper Point fireworks at Panorama Mountain. • Closed Dec 24 at 2 p.m. Reopens • 10 a.m.: Bavin Glassworks Christmas Resort, pictures with Santa. • 10 p.m.: Fireworks at the Historical Jan 2. show. For more information see www. • 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Santa’s Cabin at Indian Bathhouses at Fairmont Hot and see our facebook Fairmont Hot Springs Resort. Get Springs Resort. RADIUM LIBRARY your photo taken with Santa and page for up to date info. • Tuesday: 6 - 8 p.m. • 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.: Public book reading enjoy hot chocolate. COMING SOON... • Wednesday - Thursday: 1 - 4 p.m. by Elinor Florence at CasaVino, • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. sponsored by Radium Public Library 22ND : MONDAY Lego club for those interested in her newly JANUARY 3RD : SATURDAY • 9 - 10 a.m.: Copper Point Resort, published book Bird’s Eye View. • 10 a.m - 2 p.m.: Lake Windermere • Tuesdays 6 p.m. -7:30 p.m breakfast with a Snow Princess. Contact Dee Conklin at deecasavino. Whiteway Winter Festival at Kinsmen • Closed Dec 20th to Jan 3rd. Please book ahead at 250-341-4000. ca if you plan on attending. Beach. Celebrate at this free family fun event for all ages. Kids X- Country WINDERMERE VALLEY MUSEUM 23RD : TUESDAY 30TH : TUESDAY Tri-it Session arrive at 9:30 a.m. if you • Tuesday : 12 a.m. - 4 p.m. • 12 - 10 p.m.: Copper Point Resort, • Closed Dec 23 & 30. Reopens Jan 6. • 12 - 10 p.m.: Copper Point Resort, need skis. Free family swim. Free family swim. • 5 - 6 p.m.: Wine Tasting at the SUMMIT YOUTH CENTRE • 5 - 6 p.m.: Wine Tasting at the JANUARY 8TH : THURSDAY Fairmont Hot Springs Resort, in the Fairmont Hot Springs Resort, in the • 10:30 a.m: Thursday Preschool • Tuesday: 5 - 9 p.m. lobby. $10 per person. • Wednesday: 4 - 9 p.m. lobby. $10 per person. Story Time Kick-off at the Invermere • 6 - 8 p.m.: Free Festive Musical • 6 p.m.: SYC. Come join us for Public Library. Join us for stories, • Thursday: 5 - 9 p.m. performance by local band Dos Equis • Friday and Saturday: 6 - 11 p.m. baking and hot chocolate. songs, and crafts!
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo A9
Owner almost loses ice fishing shack to lake STEVE HUBRECHT A veteran Lake Windermere ice fishing shack owner is warning others to stay off the ice after he nearly lost his shack last week. Jim McGilvery put his shack out on the lake in early December, after two weeks of frigid temperatures in late November that resulted in the lake completely freezing over on Monday, November 29th, but he had to pull it off a week later when warmer temperatures began to thaw the ice. “A lot of us who go ice fishing were tricked by the cold days we had (in November). The lake didn’t freeze quite as The lake didn’t thought,” said Mcmuch as we Gilvery, addfreeze quite as ing that in the fall he’d promised he wouldn’t much as we thought. try to put his JIM MCGILVERY shack out before ICE FISHING SHACK OWNER 15th at the earliDecember est, but was tempted by the lure of being first on the ice at the start of the winter. “I don’t know if it’s peer pressure or what that convinced me to put it out there. I thought it was safe, but clearly it wasn’t yet. I’m just thankful I got it off,” he said, After the close shave, he’s waiting until after Christmas to put the shack back out. “I wouldn’t even walk out there,” said McGilvery, speaking on Friday, December 12th when temperatures were still warm. “You’ve got to be careful out there. Mother Nature can be tricky and people need to be wary.” Two corners of the shack had almost gone right through the ice before McGilvery managed to get it off the lake. “I almost lost it,” he said. McGilvery’s ice fishing shack is one of local repute, as it’s often festooned with LED lights, uses solar power and has a skating rink beside it. He is always welcoming friends and strangers alike to spend time in it. “It’s fully contained. I can stay out there for four days at a stretch if I have enough food,” he said.
McGilvery’s ice fishing shack is well-known enough — and visitors to it plentiful enough — that other ice fishing shack owners refer to him as the mayor of Lake Windermere. The shack and all its accoutrements weigh more than 1,200 pounds (55 kilograms) and when McGilvery put it out on the lake, he used his truck. But with the ice melting, he didn’t dare take his truck out onto the ice to get his shack off, so he and a friend used nothing more than harnesses and rope to manually bring it back to shore — one pulling, the other pushing. It took seven and half hours for them to drag it to Kinsmen Beach. Apparently several people were sitting in The INVERMERE from A1 Station Pub watching, and they placed a bet on whether or not the pair would make it Communities in other reto shore without going through the ice, gions in B.C. are in a similar McGilvery said. situation, Taft added. “I’d like to see some of that $100 “On every aspect of the wager,” he joked. urban deer file, whether it A third friend gamely took his be culls, relocations, edutruck a little way on the lake to help cation, or any other item, the pair haul the shack the final many communities across 60 feet (20 metres) up onto B.C. have expressed frustradry land. tion with the province over McGilvery says a lack of action, clarity, and being fooled complete unwillingness to once like this by fund anything to deal with Mother Nature their animals,” he said. is enough, sayThe Union of B.C. Muing he’ll be back nicipalities (UBCM) is orout later this ganizing a session with the winter when provincial government in it’s safer. January, which Taft hopes He is, as usual, will shed more light on the welcoming anyissues of deer culls and rebody to come location, as well as provinout to the shack cial staff resources and poonce it’s up, to tential funding for them. fish or skate.
How to get them the mental health help they need
possible stigma, or labelling, and hoping it is simply a “phase” that will pass. C Y As an adolescent and adult psychiatrist working for the last 11 years in Interior Health (IH), I appreciate how frightening and woror children and teenagers in B.C., coprying it can be for youth and families when ing well with the demands of school a mental health issue arises. But I also know work, busy schedules and social relationthat the right help can make all the difference ships in today’s chaotic world reflects resiland that good recovery is possible even with R. AVID ient mental health. But some B.C. children some of the most serious of mental health and youth are unable to cope well with the concerns. And “help” does not always mean daily stresses of their lives and the results treatment with medication. In fact, many mencan be debilitating or tragic. tal health problems in children and youth An estimated 13 per cent of youth in B.C. each year ex- can be very successfully treated with other techniques, perience a mental health issue —that means up to 83,700 particularly Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which, in children under the age of 19 in B.C. may be suffering. Studies essence, teaches skills to address the thoughts, feelings and show that receiving appropriate help at the right time may behaviours that underlie a mental health problem. enable a child or youth to return to good health or prevent Working with a group of mental health colleagues in the escalation of symptoms, warding off larger crises or the Interior and on Vancouver Island — including famimore chronic illnesses, and even at times saving young lives. lies with lived experience, mental health clinicians from But unfortunately, the majority of youth experiencing the Ministry of Children and Family Development, health a mental health issue, or their families, do not seek help. authority professionals, school counsellors, family docWhy is this? There are likely a number of key factors: youth tors, paediatricians and others — we have come up with and family may lack understanding about mental health a series of short columns to run in this paper to help issues or may be unable to recognize the symptoms of a youth and families recognize and understand some commental health problem; they may not know how to ac- mon mental health concerns. In 10 articles, we will talk cess the right services, who to see, or how to navigate about issues like anxiety, depression, substance use, eatB.C.’s mental health system; they may be worried about ing disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophre-
Editor’s note: The following is the first of ten columns written and contributed by Dr. David Smith, Okanagan Psychiatric services for Interior Health.
Mental Health for
nia and family support. We will help you recognize the symptoms and know when and how to seek help.We will talk about successful skills, actions and treatments. These columns, as well as running in the Invermere Valley Echo (and on, can also be found at shared so you can access them online or share with friends and family. Numerous high quality websites are producing up-todate information about a wide variety of mental health concerns and in each column, we will link you to online resources in B.C. for more information on each condition. A few excellent provincial sites to check out now include:;,, and As well, in this region see Next column, we will talk about anxiety. Dr. David Smith is an adolescent and adult psychiatrist and the medical director of the Okanagan Psychiatric services for Interior Health. This series of columns on common child and youth mental health issues is a project of the Child and Youth Mental Health and Substances Use Collaborative. The Collaborative involves multiple individuals, organizations and ministries all working together to increase the number of children, youth, and their families receiving timely access to mental health services and support in the Interior Health and Vancouver Island regions. The Collaborative is jointly funded by Doctors of BC and the Government of B.C.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo A11
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo
The winning shopping spree will be held on
Saturday, December 20, 2014.
Congratulations Natalie Forrest
you get $1000 to spend in 1 hour at participating businesses in Invermere (clock stops between stores, maximum $250 per store)
The Invermere
Is fear holding you back from your highest potential? Christmas Gift Certificates Available Do you feel stuck in places you would like to shift?
Let your soul speak!
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250-341-3511 Fusion Wellness Spa, Invermere
Email: Toll Free: 1-866-342-9661
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo A11
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo
The winning shopping spree will be held on
Saturday, December 20, 2014.
Congratulations Natalie Forrest
you get $1000 to spend in 1 hour at participating businesses in Invermere (clock stops between stores, maximum $250 per store)
The Invermere
Is fear holding you back from your highest potential? Christmas Gift Certificates Available Do you feel stuck in places you would like to shift?
Let your soul speak!
mbiente Ahome design elements 926 7th Ave.
Canada’s Store
Selkirk Cellulars & Office Supplies Suite 110, 809 - 7th Ave. (across from Pot Hole park) Ph: 250-342-0025 • Fax: 250-342-0024 •
Visit us for your •Cellular Accessories • Cell phones •Printer ink & paper •iPads & iPhones •Office Supplies Invermere
Open Tuesday to Saturday
Monday—Saturday 10 am-5:30pm, Sunday 12pm-4:00 pm
Fire V ixen Tattoos Sarah Sarah Eastwick Eastwick Jason Jason Paine Paine
Unlimited Tanning $50/month
Nick Hylo Invermere • 250-342-8844 Invermere • 250-342-8844 Golden • 250-439-1886 Golden • 250-439-1886
Make some memories. 760 Cooper Road Invermere B.C. 1-855-926-7737
1210 7th Avenue, Invermere • Phone: 250-342-9661 Website:
250-341-3522 Fusion at Copper Point Resort
250-341-3511 Fusion Wellness Spa, Invermere
Email: Toll Free: 1-866-342-9661
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo
Valley soccer players showcased in Seattle CAITLIN FULLER DTSS Student Reporter
Three local girls were selected to attend the Star Fire Showcase Soccer Tournament in Seattle at the end of November. Linnea Wrajez, Emily Stober, and Anna Erikson were chosen to be a part of U16 and U17 teams that were attending the tournament. The players on these teams were all from the Whitecaps FC Kootenay Regional Academies, with girls from all over the Kootenays on the same team. The local girls were joined by a number of other players from Nelson, Cranbrook and Trail. The tournament was a test of sorts for the girls, as some of the girls on the chosen teams were playing up an age group. It was also challenging for the girls as they were placed in the top groups at the tournament. Linnea, Emily and Anna were chosen from a trial at the Whitecaps’ regional east centre, which eventually lead to them getting picked to join the Whitecaps team for the tournament in Seattle. Brett Adams, the Kootenay Regional Head Coach, eagerly commented on the team’s success at representing the Whitecaps, saying “the teams were fantastic. They embraced the Whitecaps style of play and passed the ball with conviction and confidence. Since I have been here, it’s the best soccer I have seen any team from the Kootenays play. We were placed in the A group, the teams in that group are regarded as the best teams in the tournament. Our teams competed as good as any of the teams in the competition.” On what Linnea, Emily and Anna accomplished, Adams said, “What they can take from this is, to go to a tournament and be placed in the top group and compete with teams is a true sign of just how far they have come.” He did note the competitive challenge of not being able to train outside all year long like teams from Washington and the Lower Mainland. Regardless of the challenge, the teams played hard and made Whitecaps proud, said Adams. “It’s a great platform to go out there and test themselves,” he said. “This is a very exciting time for soccer in the Kootenays. To have professional coaching for the players is only going to grow the game and make the players better. We want to create as many success stories as we can for the Kootenays and over the next few years we are going to see players gaining scholarships and playing college soccer.” Adams said one of the local girls has already been scouted by a university, and similar Soccer stars (from left to right) Linnea Wrajez, Emily Stober and Anna Eriksuccess could be achieved by other Kootenay youth soccer players. To try out for the son were selected to represent the Whitecaps FC in a Seattle showcase tourna Photo submitted Whitecaps, Kootenay players can contact Adams directly at ment in November. This week’s feature: ure:
Singing praises....
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ON THE FAST TRACK... Harrison Davies was on the forecheck against the Rebels, when Columbia Valley hosted Castlegar at the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena on Saturday, December 13th.
Photo by Dan Walton
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo A13
Triple loss weekend for Rockies KIJHL Standings Dan Walton
game with a 5-4 Thunder Cats win. The Rockies new goaltender, Jason Sandhu, saved 47 shots. Rockies assists went to Colton The Rockies had a slow start to a long weekend, Sandboe, Dario Piva, Ryan St. Jean, Kale Johnston, but the team’s recent trades have begun to make Tyson Kapty, and Braydon Barker. Saturday’s game against Castlegar wasn’t so an impact on the scoresheets. At the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena, Colum- close. The Rebels grabbed the game’s first goal bia Valley hosted matches with Creston Valley and early on, growing their lead to three before the Castlegar on Friday, December 12th and Saturday, end of the first. Rockies player Malcolm Fenelon, with help from December 13th, and headed to Fernie for a game Ryan St. Jean and Dario Piva, put his team on the on Sunday, December 14th. The Rockies began Friday’s game on the power board with an early second period goal. But five play after the Thunder Cats were penalized for a more Castlegar goals went unanswered, and Cowarm-up violation. Ninety seconds into the game, lumbia Valley suffered an 8-1 defeat. Sandhu startthe Rockies took an early lead over the Thunder ed and blocked two of four shots, before Patrick Cats when their new acquisition, Tyler Rebelato, Ostermann filled in for the rest of the game and scored a power play goal. Creston Valley scored saved 42 of 48. On Sunday night, the Rockies headed to Fernie, twice midway through the opening period, but a Columbia Valley goal by Braydon Barker tied the and again weren’t able to match their opponent. Former Rockies centreman Doan Smith opened game before the first intermission. The Rockies took the lead early in the second the scoring for Fernie in the first. Duing the middle period, three more Ghostrider after Barker scored again. Minutes later on the goals were scored bepower play, anfore Columbia Valley other new face, scored their first of the Kale Johnston, put game. Columbia Valley The final period beahead 4-2. gan with a 4-1 Fernie But before the lead. The score nearly end of the secdoubled before the ond, the Thunder game came to an end, Cats answered and the Ghostriders back with a power won 7-2. play and a regular Rockies goals were strength goal to tie scored by Seth Bjorkthe score. man and Braydon BarkThe Rockies er, with assists going had two power to Ryan St. Jean (2), play opportuniKale Johnston and Harties in the third, rison Davies. Sandhu but there were no blocked 40 shots. more goals scored Only two more games during regulation, remain for the Rockies dragging the game before their holiday into overtime. break. The Rockets will During the secbe at the Eddie on Friond sudden death day, December 19th, period of extra and the Rockies will be play, Creston Valin Golden the followley’s Tyler Podgorenko scored his Rockies player Tyson Kapty looks down the ice while ing night on Saturday, third of the eve- carrying the puck against the Castlegar Rebels at the Eddie December 20th. Both ning, ending the on Saturday, December 13th. Photo by dan walton games start at 7:30 p.m.
EddIE MountaIn dIvISIon TEAM GP W Fernie 30 23 Golden 35 18 Creston Valley 31 16 Kimberley 32 16 Columbia Valley 33 5
L 4 12 11 12 23
T OTL PTS 1 2 49 0 5 41 1 3 36 1 3 36 0 5 15
STRK W1 L1 W4 W1 L9
nEIL MurdocH dIvISIon TEAM GP W Nelson 33 19 Castlegar 34 19 Beaver Valley 31 18 Spokane 34 18 Grand Forks 34 7
L 9 11 8 13 23
T OTL PTS 2 3 43 1 3 42 1 4 41 0 3 39 1 3 18
STRK L1 W1 W5 W5 L14
doug BIrKS dIvISIon TEAM GP Kamloops 33 Sicamous 33 100 Mile House 31 Chase 34 Revelstoke 32
W 22 17 16 13 11
L 9 14 13 14 15
T OTL PTS 0 2 46 1 1 36 0 2 34 2 5 33 2 4 28
STRK W3 W1 L3 W2 L5
oKanagan dIvISIon TEAM GP Osoyoos 33 Summerland 30 Princeton 30 Kelowna 33 North Okanagan 34
W 26 20 14 13 5
L 6 9 12 17 26
T OTL PTS 0 1 53 0 1 41 2 2 32 2 1 29 1 2 13
STRK L1 W1 W1 W1 L1
Scoring Leaders Player 1. Bryan Lubin 2. Aaron Azevedo 3. Doan Smith 4. Ian Desrosier 5. Rainer Glimpel 6. Felix Larouche 7. Jason Richter 8. Ian Chrystal 9. Cole Mckechney 10. Troy Maclise
GP 34 30 31 33 33 31 32 33 32 31
A 25 30 20 21 25 27 15 16 29 21
Goaltending Leaders (min. five games played) Player Team GAA W L T 1. Bailey Stephens PRI 2.01 4 1 0 2. Brett Soles OSO 2.10 14 2 1 3. Jeff Orser FER 2.38 15 3 1 4. Patrick Kasper SIC 2.41 6 8 0 5. Adam Maida NEL 2.51 8 6 1 6. Lawrence Langan OSO 2.60 17 5 1 7. Drake Poirier BVN 2.68 12 4 0 8. Tyson Brouwer KIM 2.70 14 7 1 9. Brett Huber SUM 2.74 13 8 0 10. Olivier Charest SIC 2.75 8 5 1
Home Games VS. GOLDEN ROCKETS Friday, December 19 th
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
G 26 17 24 23 17 15 26 25 12 17
PTS 51 47 44 44 42 42 41 41 41 38 SO 0 3 0 1 2 3 1 1 1 1
cEnt TEAM Medic Calga Red D Edmo Koote Lethb
EaSt TEAM Brand Regin Swift Moos Prince Saska
B.c. d TEAM Kelow Victor Prince Kamlo Vanco
u.S. d TEAM Evere Portla Spoka Tri-Cit Seattl
Scorin Playe 1. Nic 2. Rou 3. Col 4. Trev 5. Jack 6. Col 7. Bra 8. Tim 9. Cha 10. Ol
Goalt Playe 1. Tara 2. Ma 3. Jack 4. Eric 5. Aus 6. Ma 7. Gar 8. Tris 9. Dan 10. Jo
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo
The Valley Echo's 2014/2015
NHL Hockey Pool Standings This week's winner is:
Head to Echo/Pioneer office to redeem your lunch prize!
All prizes must be claimed before the following week's results are released.
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 26 26 28 28 28 31 31 33 33 35 35 37 37 39 40 40 42 42 44 45 45 47 48
Lawson 15 +2 Pens Fan +2 Team Rice +3 No brainer +2 C-Money +2 Payci +2 St.Jean23 +4 Joaks16 +3 Night Hawks+ Rylie’s Mom +2 Go Habs Go +2 Bruyer 05 +2 Dave’s Laffers19 + Jony Flow + Harli + Huber 14 Bardown +2 Jye +2 Nelson09 +2 Duncan 20 +3 Jefferson 25 +2 Smith 13 +3 Kapty 26 FUPA +6 Tyler the Ace +2 Snipz +3 Skeeter 32 + R’s Rockets + Dale +2 Spencer Raven 17 +2 Old - Rock + Anaphylaxis + Crew Slut + Luke2020 + Malcolm +3 Aces N Eights +3 Allmega +2 Shanty Bay + Young22 +3 Oldale 16 +4 Little Red +5 Top Shelf +3 T-o-n-n-y +2 RC 31+ Marco +2 Lucas +5 Farguhar03 +
2 night stay at Copper Point Resort and $100 dining certificate for Elements Grill 250-341-4000
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485 484 482 475 473 472 471 465 465 465 462 458 457 456 455 452 449 448 446 445 445 445 445 445 445 444 444 443 443 443 442 442 441 441 440 440 439 439 438 437 437 436 436 435 434 434 432 431
LW 42 40 36 43 48 34 42 39 39 44 36 35 39 36 36 45 39 38 47 44 35 40 46 32 34 32 43 42 40 39 37 43 39 47 54 29 32 33 42 37 42 39 34 33 46 41 37 40
GM 40 51 57 56 40 36 56 47 18 44 42 67 32 39 37 38 77 44 88 63 79 33 54 61 46 59 42 49 35 50 42 41 68 78 49 76 78 76 64 71 85 101 72 81 48 62 87 79
P/G 0.81 0.83 0.84 0.83 0.79 0.80 0.81 0.80 0.76 0.79 0.78 0.81 0.75 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.80 0.77 0.83 0.78 0.82 0.74 0.77 0.77 0.76 0.78 0.75 0.74 0.74 0.75 0.75 0.74 0.78 0.80 0.76 0.78 0.79 0.80 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.82 0.77 0.79 0.75 0.76 0.80 0.78
48 50 51 52 53 53 55 56 56 58 59 59 61 62 62 64 64 64 64 64 69 70 71 71 73 74 74 74 77 77 77 77 81 81 81 84 85 86 86 86 89 90 90 92 93 94 94 96
Van Can Fan Leafs 53 +3 Hairhaven +4 Luckey Harley +4 TP +3 Kimmer 17 + IVY +3 Grandpa Z Barker21 Westside Dan +3 Marchand 10 +4 Becker 08 +4 Ken Reid +5 Heavenz Koz +2 Deke Dynasty +2 JC Morgan +3 Marco 10 +4 Nelson 33 +3 Kaner1 + ERP +2 Julie + Little Rigger +5 Bacchanaal + No Idea +3 Boss + Epiepen +3 Back Talk’n Brennan + Cash +2 Ski +3 Rock-50 +3 Ace 77 +5 Berg4 +5 Rook 04 Andrue + Eh Ref +2 Posh +3 Love the B’s +3 Neelys Bruins +3 Long - Rock +2 Mathieson24 +5 Dominator44 +2 The Tanks + Rivest 12 +3 Sassy Cat +3 Silent Sam +4 Guessing Game + Head Elk +4
Grand Prize
2 rounds of golf for the Ridge at Copper Point Golf Club 250-341-3392
Total 431 430 429 428 427 427 425 424 424 423 422 422 421 420 420 419 419 419 419 419 418 416 415 415 414 412 412 412 410 410 410 410 404 404 404 403 402 399 399 399 395 394 394 393 392 387 387 378
LW 28 42 30 43 39 30 40 40 42 40 43 29 28 40 35 35 38 34 28 29 39 35 33 31 38 27 38 31 34 38 33 24 43 48 36 33 32 27 27 43 36 37 43 34 34 39 42 39
GM 64 74 74 62 72 68 55 77 62 53 56 71 85 86 82 52 70 63 70 47 105 89 91 62 67 51 98 51 75 85 48 74 80 79 106 87 78 81 90 65 118 80 68 103 103 108 72 123
P/G 0.76 0.78 0.77 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.74 0.76 0.75 0.73 0.74 0.75 0.77 0.77 0.76 0.72 0.75 0.74 0.74 0.72 0.79 0.76 0.77 0.72 0.73 0.70 0.77 0.70 0.73 0.75 0.71 0.73 0.74 0.73 0.77 0.75 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.70 0.77 0.71 0.69 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.68 0.74
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo A15
Invermere library seeking volunteers for tax assistance clinics SUBMITTED Invermere Public Library
The Invermere Public Library will be co-ordinating income tax clinics through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) during the 2015 tax season. The program is a collaboration between the Canada Revenue Agency and community organizations such as the library. The objective of the CVITP is to help eligible individuals who are not able to prepare their income tax and benefit returns by themselves and to ensure that everyone has equal access to the tax system. The library is currently recruiting volunteers to provide this important community service to taxpayers. Volunteers will be provided with the training required
to assist others with filing their taxes. As a volunteer, you can set your own schedule and choose how many people you are able to assist. Becoming a CVITP volunteer is a great way to give back to the community as well as an opportunity to improve your own tax knowledge and skills. CVITP volunteer registration is required and is open until January 31st, 2015. Please visit to register as a volunteer for our area. For more information about this new initiative, please contact Nicole Pawlak at the library at 250-342-6416 or The library will begin hosting tax assistance clinics in February. Dates and registration information will be made available on the library’s website — invermere. — as they become available.
EMEMBER WHEN? R A look back through The Valley Echo's archives over the last 55 years
2011 — Students of all grades joined forces at Eileen Madson Primary School and Edgewater Elementary for the schools’ exciting, prolific and festive annual Christmas concerts. ECHO FILE PHOTO
years ago (1964): Wilder Bros. Lumber Co. Ltd. was purchased by operations in Revelstoke and Calgary. The Wilder Bros. began in the valley in 1944 with a sawmill on the K2 Ranch, and by 1964 had 75 men on payroll and another 30 working for sub-contractors. Ray and Curtis Wilder were both to keep their respective positions, and Lloyd Wilder was to remain as manager.
years ago (1969): It was a big weekend for Panorama Mountain as new facilities were ready to be presented to the public. The A-frame Day Lodge had an extended balcony and two new cabins to accommodate a Ski Shop and Ski School Shop. The Toby Creek Road to the ski hill had been graded and widened and was considered to be in good condition for the winter traffic. The new Austrian Dopplemayr T-bar ski lift was also ready to be viewed by the public. It turned out to be a huge
years ago (1974): The annual Christmas Party of the Invermere Hospital Ladies Auxiliary was held and Anita Thormesot of Invermere was capped as a candy striper. She, along with seven other girls, qualified after putting in 25 hours of work at the hospital, usually in the paediatrics ward.
years ago (1984): The Kinsmen Club was donating $200 to the Action Gymnasts Club due to being “favourably impressed” with the program that was being held. The program was available for children aged four to 12 in gymnastics and the money was to help the group purchase a new spring board for the members.
years ago (1994): B.C. was taking a step towards reducing waste by 50 per cent “before residents drown in garbage.” The Waste Reduction Commission
was aiming to reduce the amount of garbage in landfills by the year 2000, taking more of a step towards recycling, and eventually the RDEK looked at establishing recycling program in the Columbia Valley. The bottle depot was helping the situation, but with the Windermere landfill getting close to full, there was a need for a landfill search as it was expected to reach capacity in five to 10 years.
years ago (1999): New resident Meagan Jones was glad for her life after plummeting nearly 50 feet down an embankment on Toby Creek Road early in the morning. After dropping off a friend at the hill and making the mistake of hitting her brakes on her way down. She fishtailed her car a couple of times before going over the edge. After crawling up the embankment and being met with rescue, she said that she would be driving a lot more carefully for a while.
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. Figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers named, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo
CLUES ACROSS 1. Cuts off a branch 5. 13th Hebrew letter 8. “Hair” producer Joseph 12. Giraffa camelopardalis 14. Indicates near 15. Capital of Samoa 16. Roving adventurously 18. Help 19. Deafening noises 20. Spanish neighborhood 21. Portable computer screen material 22. 20th Hebrew letter 23. “Blue Bloods” lead actor 26. Scholarly 30. Raleigh NC river 31. Alongside each other 32. Electronics Support Module 33. Dogma 34. New Deal statesman Harold 39. A corporation’s first stock offer 42. Slender tower with balconies 44. Young eel 46. Deviation from the normal 47. CBS police drama 49. Cliff 50. Resting place 51. Island in Venice 56. 1981-82 Sec. of State 57. Young man 58. Skylighted central area 59. Oily skin disorder 60. East northeast 61. 1945 Crimean conference city 62. Transfer property 63. Used to be United __ 64. Daze
27. Relative biological effectiveness 28. Footed vase 29. River in NE Scotland 35. English Univ. river 36. Malaysian Isthmus 37. Soft-finned fish 38. Eyelid infection 40. Fred & Wilma’s baby 41. New __, Louisiana city 42. Tse-tung or Zedong 43. Hindu weather god 44. ___ May, actress 45. Hauled laboriously 47. One suspender 48. More peculiar 49. N. Central African country 52. Macaw genus 53. Rhythmic swing or cadence 54. Ballerina skirt 55. Arabian sultanate
W eekend WEATHER Friday December 19 A mix of sun and clouds Temp: 0oC o
Feels like -2 C
Low: -6oC
Saturday December 20 Answers to October 8th:
CLUES DOWN 1. Murderers Leopold & ___ 2. Southern veggie 3. Henry’s 6th wife 4. Practice fight 5. Dinners 6. Hermaphrodite 7. Centers 8. Fathers (Spanish) 9. For each one 10. SW Belarus city 11. Australian slang for a kiss 13. Ability to begin 17. Short whistle blasts 24. Were introduced 25. Glowing quality 26. Ingest
Cloudy with sunny breaks Temp: 1oC o
Feels like 1 C
Low: -5oC
Sunday December 21 A mix of sun and clouds Temp: 1oC o
Feels like -2 C
Low: -3oC
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, things are going to change with regard to your professional life. Expect some good news at work and possibly a promotion. Make the most of this opportunity..
LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Home matters have been on your mind, Leo. This week you will reach a resolution to your issue. Your hard work has paid off so you can have some fun.
SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you tend to get restless with routine, so take some time to switch things up this week. Take a different route to work or school. Otherwise, make new friends.
TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 This week is bound to be very social, and your calendar is full, Taurus. You can pick and choose what you want to do, and you can expect to enjoy all of your experiences in the week ahead.
VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 This is a week you are bound to enjoy, Virgo. The next several days will be full of structured fun, and that is right up your alley. Enjoy the company of friends and family.
CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, your love of travel continues this week, and you won’t be content until you hit the road. If you have the chance to travel, make the most of this opportunity.
GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Expect to start the week on an exciting note, Gemini. Big news is coming your way, and you can allow yourself to enjoy this exciting time in your life.
LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, you may prefer to keep to yourself this week, but you are more likely to be surrounded by friends and family. Make the most of this time with loved ones.
AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, now is a great time to aim for a promotion at work or make some changes to make yourself more marketable. It’s time to push ahead in your career
CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, enjoy time with your significant other in the days ahead. A romantic trip could be just the way to go, and both of you will appreciate the one-on-one time.
SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, things are set to go your way and you couldn’t be happier. You thrive on being in control, and that’s right where you will be this week. Good things are ahead.
PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, this is an exciting period for you, as both personal plans and career goals come to fruition. Enjoy the ride in the days ahead.
Wednesday, December 17,December 2014 The The Valley Echo Wednesday, 17,Valley 2014 Echo A17 A17
<our community. <our classi¿eGs.
It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.
Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
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Christmas Corner
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Invermere: Table top Christmas trees available at Home Hardware and Valley Foods. All proceeds to the Christmas Bureau
Personals MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851.
Lost & Found Found: Cat in Fairmont. First seen 1 month ago. Young male approx 7 months old. Black/brown short haired tabby. Circular pattern on his sides. Friendly. Call Ican at 250-341-7888.
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program. STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.
SALMON Arm logging company looking for fulltime contract logging trucks, or drivers. Steady year round haul, home every night. Drivers must have bush experience. Please email or call 778-489-0118 daytime only.
Education/Trade Schools INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853
Employment Help Wanted Invermere: Oldtimer needs housekeeping help, 2 hours per day in the Wilder subdivision. 250-342-3785. Call between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.
Medical/Dental MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!
Train To Be An Apartment Manager • Government Certified Home Study Course • Jobs Registered Across BC 35 Years of Success!
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Travel RV LOT rentals $8.95 a day. 362 days of sunshine, pets, events, classes, entertainment. Reserve by 11/01/2014., call: 1-800-926-5593
Employment Business Opportunities GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website THE DISABILITY Tax Credit. $1,500 yearly tax credit. $15,000 lump sum refund (on avg). covers: Hip/knee replacements, arthritic joints, COPD. For help applying 1844-453-5372. WESTERN CANADA’S fastest growing chalk & mineral paint products for the DIY Craft Market. Adding new retailers now! Visit us online or call 1-855386-5338 today.
0911611 BC LTD o/a Tim Hortons 496 Highway 93/95 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K2
Part and Full-time Positions Available Start date: ASAP
Food Service Supervisor Permanent, Shift
Job Description Available in Store 7 positions available No education required One to two years experience required. Nights/early mornings/weekends $12.12/hour + medical/dental/group benefits.
Food Counter Attendant Permanent, Shift
Job Description Available in Store 12 positions available No education or experience required. Nights/overnights/early mornings/ weekends. $11.05/hour + medical/dental/group benefits.
Apply in person, via email ( or by fax (250-341-3177) for both positions.
CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ROMAN CATHOLIC RADIUM CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF JESUS LAKE WINDERMERE VALLEY CHRISTIAN ST. PETER’S WINDERMERE CHURCH ASSEMBLY FELLOWSHIP CHRIST OF LATTER ALLIANCE CHURCH LUTHERAN MISSION VALLEY SHARED DAY SAINTS OF INVERMERE MINISTRY 250-342-6167 326 - 10th Ave., Invermere Hwy. 93/95, 1 km north #4 - 7553 Main Street W, ANGLICAN-UNITED Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-9535 of Windermere Radium 5014 Fairway, 100 - 7th Ave., Invermere Pastor: Trevor Hagan 250-342-9511 250-342-6633 Fairmont Hot Springs 250-426-7564 100-7th Ave., Invermere Confession: 1/2 hr. before Mass Pastor: Murray Wittke 250-347-6334 250-341-5792 250-342-6644 Pastor: Rev. Fraser Coltman Canadian Martyrs Church th Pastor Rev. David Morton Reverend Laura Hermakin President: Adam Pasowisty 4 SUNDAY OF 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Worship Service Columbia Valley Branch ADVENT Saturdays, 5 p.m. Sunday Service Sundays, 10 a.m. Worship Services Every Sunday Bacon, December 21 Sundays, 9 a.m. Sundays Worship Services 10 a.m. Worship & Word Bible Studies 10:30 a.m. Friends & Faith, 9:30 a.m 1:30 p.m. Sundays Kid’s Church Provided St. Joseph’s Church Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Worship and Life Worship, 10:30 a.m. Christ Church Trinity, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Hwy. 93-95, Radium Hot Instruction Kids’ Church Invermere Christ Church Trinity, Sharing Truth Springs “The Gift of Jesus” Edgewater Hall Showing Love Invermere Sundays, 11 a.m. Pastor Trevor ministering. Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. Following the Spirit 1st and 3rd Sunday, 9 a.m. K.I.D.S Church for St. Anthony’s Mission children age 3 to Grade 1; All Saint’s, Edgewater. Loving God, Corner of Luck and Dunn, and grades 2-7, during the Loving People Canal Flats morning service. Saturdays, 4:30 p.m.
A18 A18 Services
Merchandise for Sale
Financial Services
Heavy Duty Machinery
Employment Career Opportunities COLUMBIA Diesel, GOLDEN, BC to start immediately a fulltime position for a SERVICE WRITER / PARTS PERSON. Competitive wages with benefit package. Successful candidate will possess great customer service skills and have a mechanical background or understanding, be versatile and a team player. Experience will be an asset. Only applicants being interviewed for the position will be contacted. Send your resume & cover letter by fax to 250-344-6622 or email to PROGRESSIVE Industrial Vegetation Service Company is seeking a Branch Manager to oversee its operations in the Grande Prairie, AB region. The successful applicant will have management experience and excellent communication and people skills. This position offers a competitive remuneration package and time off flexibility in the winter months. Interested applicants can email their resume to
Financial Services ARE YOU $10K Or More In Debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now & see if you qualify. 1-800-351-1783.
Wednesday, December 17, 17, 2014 The Valley Wednesday, December 2014 The ValleyEcho Echo
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420
Nutrition/Diet WEIGHT loss, 30 days, proven, healthy, money back guarant. Email: 250-900-1254
Home Improvements FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.
Pets & Livestock
Feed & Hay HAY for Sale. Cow, Horse Dairy Hay all in 3x4x8 bales. All prices are delivery included. Most hay has been shedded if not Tarped. Call Cale @403-635-0104 or email
Career Opportunities
CONDUCTORS REVELSTOKE & KAMLOOPS Revelstoke - Requisition # 36346 Kamloops - Requisition # 36347 Tired of the same old thing? At CP you can be part of something historic. You have a chance to make a difference, to see Canada, and build a future. CP is one of Canada’s most iconic companies. We move the goods that keep the world turning, and we’re on our way to doing it better than anyone else. To get there, CP is looking for some adaptable, hard-working, safety-conscious, and results-driven people to join our force of conductors. You don’t need: Railroading experience Connections You do need: Great attitude Willingness to learn To work in and around Revelstoke/ Kamloops Competition closes on December 31, 2014 For additional information on Canadian Pacific and this career opportunity, visit us online at Only those candidates contacted will be considered. All communication will be directed to the email address you use on your online application form. The journey has begun but is far from over.
A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. Trades are welcome. 40’Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forklift. Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator. Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale FIREWOOD Support Rockies Hockey. Fir,Pine, & Larch. Phone 250-342-6908
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale For Sale: Corner stand for large screen T.V, 60” high by 44” wide - $150. Tohatsu boat motor, 25 HP - $800. Day bed and mattress - $30. Antique pot bellied wood stove - $300. 250-342-6844 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online: STEEL BUILDINGS. “Really big sale!” All steel building models and sizes. Plus extra savings. Buy now and we will store until spring. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Real Estate
Misc. Wanted
Acreage for Sale
Houses For Sale
5 minutes from Cranbrook . Borders crown land on 3 sides. Mixture of timber and fields. Surveyed, drilled well, power and Shaw cable. Not in ALR zoned RR60. Serious inquiries only. $695,000.
Windermere: Why rent when you can own? No down payment needed, 4-bdrm, 2 bath, 1,500 sq. ft. living space, completely updated, all appliances, payment $1,200/mth P.I.T., realtor appointed. Inquire at
Trucks - Logging
Trucks - Logging
Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 778-281-0030. Local.
Box 600 Golden, BC V0A 1H0 250-344-6784
Logging Trucks wanted in the Golden B.C. area. Please contact 250-344-8101 or 250-344-6784.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo | A19
Welcome to the driver’s seat
Visit the Sonata gallery at
Hyundai composes a memorable new Sonata Hyundai is a company that pushes the Inside envelope in terms of styling, vehicle As with the outside, the interior has content, engine choices and value, makbeen given a total refresh, no basic ing others carmakers take notice. tweaking here. The same, more muted The last generation Hyundai Sonata, design is at work here too, now the allreleased in 2011, is a perfect example. new centre console is wider and flatter The “Fluidic Sculpture” design language than the last car. This makes the car really set the pace for the mid-size class feel more open and airy, the brushed Hyundai has done aluminum surround is bright and the of cars. The competitors that followed, like the Ford Fusion, Toyota Camry and it again, delivering a way the buttons and dials are fitted is Honda Accord, all took styling chances to none. Fit and finish is one very attractive car, full second after that Sonata was introduced. The area that Hyundai does as well, if not same too for the engine development, of features and at an better than most. Even on the base including smaller turbocharged 4-cyl$23,999 GL model, the Sonata comes attractive price. inder engines and fuel saving direct with standard heated front seats, backZack Spencer injection technology; compared with up camera, Bluetooth, 5-inch radio/ the competition all this technology was backup screen, satellite radio and USB ahead of the curve. Now, just a few years later, the connectivity. The $26,299 GLS adds a power driver’s Sonata gets another refresh, making this car more seat, heated leather steering wheel and heated rear compelling than ever. seats, and these are just the two entry-level cars. All cars now come with additional 2.5 cm of rear Looks legroom and a very useful trunk that is expandable, As dynamic as the Fluidic Sculpture design was, it thanks to a 60/40 split rear seat. didn’t age well. Cars that are heavily styled can date
quickly. With this in mind, Hyundai has backed away from the fluid approach to a more sculpted design that shares some styling cues from the top-of-range Hyundai Genesis. The front features a squarer grille opening, edgier bumper and front chin-spoiler. The base model is fitted with the 2.4L 4-cylinder engine has and 16-inch or 17-inch alloy wheels with LED daytime running lights, halogen headlamps or HID lights on the limited trim. The performance oriented 2.0 Turbo Sport model, seen above, comes with a two-toned front spoiler, 18-inch wheels, standard HID headlamps, quad exhaust tips and a lower diffuser on the rear bumper. The top trim levels of both the 2.4L and 2.0 Sport have a blacked-out section of the front grille which signifies the car comes with adaptive cruise control and a forward collision warning system.
Verdict Hyundai has done it again, delivering a very attractive car, full of features, at an attractive price. 2.4L models range from $23,999 to $32,999 in the top Limited trim. This model has most of the features found in the top 2.0L turbo but without the added power. The base 2.0L turbo starts at $30,999 and the top Ultimate model, seen here, is $34,799. Both the Limited and Ultimate get the forward collision warning system and lane departure safety features, plus they also get adaptive cruise control. For 2015, the Sonata is a big step foreword in design. The added safety features will be attractive and the constant pushing-of-the-envelope from Hyundai is welcome. The Lowdown Power: 2.4L 185hp or 2.0L Turbo with 245hp Fill-up: 9.8L/6.7L/100km (city/highway) Sticker price: $23.999-$34,799
Drive Both the 2.4L 4-cylinder engine and the 2.0L turbo have been carried over from the last model but they have been modified to produce better torque delivery and fuel economy. Hyundai has dropped the horsepower output from 198hp to 185hp in the 2.4L and limited the torque to 178hp. The 2.0L turbo also receives a horsepower drop from 274hp to 245hp and the torque drops from 268 lb.-ft to 160 lb.-ft. Hyundai claims that the torque is lower in the RPM range and the fuel consumption is improved. The experience behind the wheel of the turbo is still very invigorating but not as hectic as the last model, it delivers a more usable driving experience. Power is smooth and refined; the turbo feels like a V6 without the accompanying fuel bill.
Question of the Week This week’s ICBC Safety Tip concerns Operation Red Nose, which provides free rides for impaired or tired drivers. Will you plan a safe ride home for family and friends this festive season? Go to to submit your answer.
Safety Tip: Operation Red Nose provides free rides to drivers and their passengers who are impaired or too tired to drive home during the holiday season in about 25 B.C. communities. Call 1-877-604-NOSE and a team of volunteers will get you and your vehicle home safely.
follow us… /Driveway @DrivewayCanada
Having trouble, hire another hand Call today for a free quote
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 The Valley Echo
SERVING THE VALLEY Join our Facebook Group:
Septic Tank Pumping Portable Toilet Rentals
“Summit Youth Centre Events & Updates”
to stay in the loop
Interested in Volunteering? Contact us! painting a brighter future
250-342-3033 Upstairs: 709 10th St. Box 133, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0
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• Complete sewer/drain repairs • Reasonable rates - Seniors’ discount • Speedy service - 7 days a week • A well-maintained septic system should be pumped every 2-3 years • Avoid costly repairs
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Complete line of aggregate products for construction and landscaping Office:
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Purify the water you drink and the air you breathe! Kerry Colonna
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Lambert-Kipp Pharmacy Ltd. J. Douglas Kipp, B. Sc. (Pharm.) Laura Kipp, Pharm D. Irena Shepard, B. Sc. (Pharm.) Your compounding pharmacy Come in and browse our giftware! Open Monday - Saturday • 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 1301 - 7th Avenue, Invermere • 250-342-6612
Proudly serving the Valley for over 50 years. For competitive prices and prompt service call:
250-342-3268 (plant) 250-342-6767 (office)
FUNDING CONFIRMATIONS FROM DEC 17/13 - OCT 14/14 BY REGION AND EQUIPMENT FUNDED $539,134.93 Cranbrook/Kimberley $277,372.93 Gildescope Cable Brace/Ext Leg Support Weight Bearing Platforms Bedside Table PAP Light BP Monitor Portable Opthalmascope/Otoscope iPro Sensors/BP Monitors Phlebotomy Chair Hip Chairs Vital Signs Monitors Endoscopy Course for Nurses DVD Recorder-Swallow Studies Psych Recreation Program Walkers for Physio Snozelen Room Equipment
7th Annual Starlite Campaign Begins Cranbrook, BC…. EKFH’s 7th Annual Starlite Campaign has begun and the tradition of lighting stars atop the East Kootenay Regional Hospital is underway. The first three stars: Judy’s Star (Eagles Nest RV Resort), BMO Bank of Montreal and an accumulation of community donations has started the campaign with donations of $17,452.29. An extra-large star at the peak of the hospital has also been set ablaze signifying the start of the 2014 campaign. Funds raised through this year’s campaign will help community hospitals and health care facilities. EKFH is inviting donors to also consider investing their Starlite gift to provide critical support to intensive care at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital. EKFH Chair Brian Clifford, “This is a very important time of the year for EKFH; holiday giving is a significant component of the funding the foundation is able to provide for many areas of health care in the East Kootenay. This year the Starlite Campaign takes on a special purpose with our efforts focused on raising critical funds for medical equipment for the new 6-bed ICU currently under construction at the regional hospital.” The 2014 Starlite Campaign goal is to raise $150,000 and to light 17 large stars and 24 smaller stars. By supporting
the Starlite Campaign donors can help strengthen health care in their own community and/or services provided at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital. The ICU Capital Campaign is a 17-month fundraising effort to raise $1,000,000; a more concentrated effort on the ICU campaign will begin in the early New Year. Since 2005 EKFH, with the generosity and help of donors like you, has provided $4,290,228 in funding to East Kootenay hospitals, facilities and programs. In the last four years, 95% of the donors’ donation has been dedicated back to the purchase of equipment and/or patient comforts. When you see the stars shining brightly please remember that through your generous support you can help light a path for others. Every dollar and every star counts. To donate: • On-line: - tick ICU Capital Campaign • At your local hospital or health-care facility – make sure you say “I support the ICU” • Via Canada Post – EKFH, 13 24th Ave N, Cranbrook, BC V1C 3H9 The Starlite Campaign…. a tradition of giving in the East Kootenay.
Bi-Pap for ER Wheelchair w/ Pressure Relief ROHO Mattress Bariatric Commode Walkers & Mattress Aerochambers for Inhalers IPro Glucose Monitoring System Nellcor Pulse Oximeter
Elk Valley
Columbia Valley
Broda Chair/Pulse Oximeter
Vital Signs Monitor
Chemistry Analyzer
Pressure Relief Mattress
Transfusion Equip
Weight Bearing Platforms
Lift Recliners
Vital Sign Monitors
Low Profile Fall Mats
Low Profile Beds
Cervical Sand Bags
Infusion Pump
Breast Pump w/ Trolley
Vaginal Exam Training Tool
Isolation Cart
BP Monitor
Pulse Oximieters
Fencing Project Fall Mattress
Fetal Doppler
Leg Sleeve-Flowtron Pump
Cardiac Output Monitor
Hovermatt w/Compression
Pediatric Crash Cart
NeuroGym Bungee Trainer
Infant Resusitator
Arthritis Workshop
Blanket Warmer
Palliative Care Refurb
Hovermatt w/Compression Flat Screen TV-Palliative
Samsung 46”TV/Skype Camera
Pediatric Crash Cart
Littman Cardiac Stethoscopes Bariatric Bed
Arterial Stick Arm Kit
Phototherapy Light
Single CR Reader
Cabinet Blanket Warmer
Electric Imaging Stretcher End Tidal CO2 Monitor
ICU Ceiling Booms
Defibulator Charger
Portable Dental Unit
Bench for Palliative ER Redevelopment Plan Digital Voice Recorder
When you see the stars shining brightly please remember that through your generous support you can help light a path for others.
Every dollar and every star counts.