Years est. 1954
Volume 60 No. 51
Dev wants apts started in spring The developer for Haisla HL Development’s site at Kitimat’s former hospital land wants to see the apartment units under construction by spring and encouraged the Kitimat Council to put gas in the bylaw process. That said, it was noted that the first apartment building out of the three proposed for that site won’t be made available for market housing. Leonard Kerkhoff of Kerkhoff Construction said that details on the lease arrangements for the building are confidential at the moment but information will come out in time, likely in January. Leonard Kerkhoff of Kerkhoff Construction walked through some of the updated plans for the site, which in addition to the three apartment buildings will also call for office space, a restaurant location and a hotel. Those commercial spaces will likely wait though as the developer is eyeing the residential aspect of the property sooner. In fact the hotel development
in particular — and the restaurant, he said, is closely tied to the hotel development — may wait on news from the LNG industry. The apartment buildings will each have 49 units, each with twolevel underground parking. It will be a mix of one and two bedroom units, from 622 square feet to 1,410 sq.ft. Kerkhoff said that he hoped the public hearing process and adoption of a comprehensive development plan for the Haisla Town Centre could be concluded by January 19. He said the company also planned their own open house for tonight as well, which is in addition to any future public hearings regarding the bylaw proposed bylaw. Director of Planning and Community Development Gwen Sewell pointed out a requested change from the developer regarding parking, saying the standard of two parking stalls per living unit is asked to be waived so it would be instead one parking stall per bedroom. Continued on page 2
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Braydon O’Brien, red, has a stare as intense as his punch in an exhibition round against Arius Woytowich in a Kitimat boxing tournament. More on page 12.
Black looks to government for assurances Cameron Orr With a design and feasibility study in tow, David Black now needs to secure government support to make further in-roads in his plan to build an oil refinery in the Kitimat area. Black announced December 4 that Hatch Ltd. had completed the study for him, which sets out how the proposed refinery would process 550,000 barrels of diluted bitumen a day in to 460,000 barrels a day of refined fuel — gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. In a press release, Black said that lenders are willing to put up money for the refinery but are insisting on “skin-in-thegame” from the government. Black has been seeking debt guarantees from the federal government, and said he is offering compensation to the federal and provincial governments to obtain them. Black told the Sentinel he was not
ready to go in to further detail at the moment on what “compensation” looks like in this context, although he did say “it’s substantial.” That said, he says he does have conditional support for debt guarantees from the federal Minister of Finance Joe Oliver. Reached for comment to confirm, the Department of Finance says they do not comment or speculate on possible actions. Skeena-Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen, who is also the finance critic, said he’s spoken to people on the issue and said that the reception he’s seen has been lukewarm. “The loan guarantees did not seem to be something they were enthusiastic about,” he said. Cullen said Black has struggled in getting Canadian backers, from the supply side to the financial side, and it would never get built if he can’t get producers on board.
That said, the question of value-added remains important and the public could be more inclined to pipelines if benefit came back to the people. Black admits that finances are where he has to put his efforts at the moment. “I really think I have to tie down more money here,” he said. “I’ve got to focus on who’s going to provide the money.” He said with this study now done, he really needs the government “to tell me whether they’re coming to the party or not.” With an estimated 3,000 person workforce for the refinery, Black said Hatch’s report puts directly-employed jobs at up to 1,500, while another 1,500 would work at the refinery on a contract basis. He cites potential for up to 3,000 other jobs with possible petrochemical plants that could open up in conjunction with the refinery. He points out that large volumes of sulphur extracted during the refining
process could be used to supply a fertilizer plant, for instance. He said he didn’t know exactly what the particular emissions estimates would be but that carbon dioxide emissions would be about one-third of a normal heavy oil refinery, and would be about 10 million tonnes per year. Black said it has been awhile since he has spoken with the Haisla or Kitselas about the project, who he specifically names as governments he’ll have to work out economic benefit deals with, but he said he felt positive based on early conversations with them. Absent from his December 4 release was talk about how he’d get product to his refinery and he said he hasn’t focused on that question recently, but is still hoping for a pipeline, but has not ruled out rail. “CN wants to do it, that’s for sure,” he said. Black is the Chairman of Black Press.
A Kitimat play-bescite ... page 8
2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Windows damaged by pellet gun at KVI December 2 Police were unable to find a vehicle after having an erratic driver reported at 7:28 p.m. near Oolichan Road on Highway 37. Police say they received a complaint regarding a grey Mazda, trying to overtake other vehicles unsafely. December 3 Police attended to a
single vehicle accident on Highway 37 just north of the Kitimat River bridge. The driver lost control of her SUV and skidded off the road. Police waited for a tow truck and escorted the driver back to Kitimat. At 1:30 p.m. the police attended to Kitimat Valley Institute on a mischief complaint and
Police Beat found several windows damaged by a pellet gun. File remains under investigation. December 4 Foul play is not sus-
December 6 At 1:30 p.m. police were called to a complaint of a snowmobile on the pathways behind Kootenay Street, however police could not locate the suspect vehicle on patrols. December 7 A driver’s side window was smashed overnight sometime, police were told
pected in a sudden death of a 50-year-old on Albatross Street, reported to police at 4:39 p.m. December 5 An 18-year-old has six charges being recommended against him for breaking his curfew, after police checked up at 9:45 p.m. and found the youth not at home.
at an 11:20 a.m. report. No suspects are known but police are still investigating. Anyone with information about these or any other files are asked to call the RCMP at 250-6327111, or call Crimestoppers to remain anonymous at 1-800-222-8477. Information may lead to cash rewards.
OPEN: SUN. - WED. 11AM to 10PM & THURS. TO SAT. 11AM to MIDNIGHT 238 City Centre Mall, Kitimat
A rendering of what the apartment units may look like at Haisla Town Centre. Kerkhoff Construction
Historical Stats
Nov. 21 Nov. 22 Nov. 23 Nov. 24 Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Nov. 27
5 7 4 3 4 4 3
1 2 1 0 -4 -4 -4
8 5.6 n/a n/a 0.2 0 0
THURSDAY High 4 Low 1
FRIDAY High 2 Low 0
SATURDAY High 2 Low 0
SUNDAY High 3 Low 1
Monday Night is...
Continued from page 1 Sewell also recommended that council stick to the suggested process timelines in their report from staff, rather than try to make the process move quicker on the developer’s suggestion. From there the discussion shifted in to whether it would be better to move the public hearing for the bylaw to January 5 from the originally pitched January 20, on a motion from Mario Feldhoff.
He believed that despite it being Christmas, he’s confident they will get adequate feedback from the community on the proposal. Rob Goffinet disagreed that would be the case and voted against the amendment, but it ultimately did pass. The main motion as well, which set December 15 for first reading of the bylaw, and the January 5 public hearing date, did pass, with Rob Goffinet and Larry Walker opposed.
WING NIGHT ! 5t o 9pm
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 17, 2014 3
LNG The province’s single-minded focus on developing a liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry is getting in the way of treaty negotiations, according to the chief negotiator for Kitselas and Kitsumkalum, two First Nations trying to craft final agreements. “It’s taking resources that normally, I feel, would have been addressed to treaty making and they’re going into LNG requirements,” said Gerald Wesley, who is also working with the Metlakatla First Nation on treaty talks as Tsimshian chief negotiator. “It’s creating a little bit of uncertainty in all of our levels of discussion now – Kitselas and Kitsumkalum negotiations, it’s certainly a factor for Metlakatla negotiations. B.C. has clearly identified LNG as their primary objective right now … and it’s interfering, I feel, with our treaty negotiations.” Kitselas and Kitsumkalum negotiators signed off on agreements in principle (AIP) nearly two years ago in January of 2013. By the spring, both AIPs were approved by Kitselas and Kitsumkalum members, with the understanding B.C. and Canada would soon follow. Earlier this year, the province indicated it had approved the AIP and was ready for an official signing ceremony whenever the federal government was, but the federal government has not yet made an official commitment to a formal signing, with a statement from the federal aboriginal affairs ministry indicating the AIPs are still under review. - Terrace Standard
Council sets rates for Shames shuttle At $10 for youth and $15 for adults, Kitimat has set the rates for a Saturday bus service to Shames Mountain and eventually Onion Lake Ski Trails. In June last year council, from a motion from Phil Germuth, opted to go ahead with a shuttle service to the ski facilities, which would be put in effect in place of an annual grant usually given to Shames Mountain
of $15,000. That money will now be used for the shuttle, which comes at a per-trip cost of $1,837.50, including chaperons, which the Director of Leisure Services Martin Gould said is a requirement of the bus company for renting out their vehicles. The buses that will be used will have a capacity of 48 people. People must pre-
register for the service and Gould said they would need 10 people signed up before the trip would happen. If the 48-person bus was filled with adult fares, the town would only receive $675. Staff had recommended a $25 youth and $40 adult fare system to maximize the revenue. Mary Murphy moved for the lower
fares, which were pitched in an earlier discussion of the program from council. Larry Walker opposed the plan, saying that at the proposed expense he didn’t believe the service was a good use of the town funds. Mario Feldhoff said that in the context of all of the town’s recreation programs it’s really not that much money. “We subsidize all
Elevator discussion gets a rise Whether or not the Kitimat Museum & Archives eventually gets an elevator will depend on the result of an eventual buildings assessment for the District of Kitimat. A building committee will soon be posting a request for proposals for someone to take a hard look at all the municipally owned buildings to figure out a plan for them over the next several years. Councillors had been inquiring about a potential elevator at the museum, which only has stairwell access to its upstairs art gallery and office. Mary Murphy said she wasn’t pleased the building assessments process has taken years and wants progress to see all the District’s buildings become accessible. Mario Feldhoff also said he hopes the museum board could see reports relating to potential upgrades to their facilities. Chief Administrative Officer Ron Poole indicated that the studies are attempting to look at all buildings comprehensively. That means whether on the big picture an elevator makes sense. Mayor Phil Germuth added on, saying that the buildings assessments could down the line lead to new construction, such as a city hall potentially linked to a museum. In that instance it wouldn’t make sense to install an elevator today.
for the program, but did lean towards starting the program as planned to get it going before incorporating any incentives. On the issue of liability, Gould said any persons under 13-years-old would require an adult with them, which the three chaperones per trip would cover those 13 to 18.
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This flight of stairs is the only way to get to the second level of the Kitimat Museum & Archives, where their art gallery resides.
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CCTV budget boost for RCMP Cameron Orr Council has approved a $30,000 budget preapproval for the installation of closed-circuit cameras in the RCMP cells blocks in Kitimat. Earlier estimates for the work, pegged at $75,000, have inflated to $110,000, based on new technologies, the building structure and other factors, says a District of Kitimat report. $5,000 of that $35,000 price difference will come from left over money from the cell retrofit project. The District of Kitimat’s engineering department used their resources on that work which dropped the cost. The staff sought the budget approval at the December 8 meeting to allow the project to go to tender soon to get the job done quickly to reduce liability. District Treasurer Steve Christiansen said that the District is so far protected from potential liability not having the cameras — which are now required — because the District does continue their project to upgrade the cells. The $30,000 will come from the 2015 fiscal year’s budget. The motion passed unanimously.
kinds of things,” he said, saying that if the town gets 30 cents on the dollar for the program, “we’re doing good.” Claire Rattée proposed an incentive program to get more people using the service, such as a discount for a bulk-purchase of trip passes. Gould said that could be a possibility
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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email newsroom@northernsentinel.com • www.northernsentinel.com KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $41.65 Senior $37.50 Mail: out of town or business $60.45. Includes tax.
Hotel capital There’s one aspect to Kitimat’s current round of development that sometimes isn’t spoken of as much as others. Sure, housing density is a big issue with no easy answers, but what about commercial development? Now to start off, Kitimat is short on commercial space in general. I’ve taken a look around, very little office space left, and hardly any potential for new shops, space wise. And what is available can fill up at a moment’s notice, I’m sure. But there is construction happening that has me thinking if we’re going overboard. I’m talking about hotels. Now, the demand for hotels I have no doubt will be high as long as there’s industrial construction taking place. Existing units have filled up rapidly. Based on the three main hotels — the Chalet, City Centre Suites (Formerly Motel) and the Kitimat Hotel — I’ve figured that there are 100 hotel rooms, even, in Kitimat. (I haven’t counted lodges and B&Bs.) The hotels we have on the horizon is the one at the Crossroads near the Chamber of Commerce, the Microtel near Rosario’s, and the M Hotel at the mall. Those three will add 344 rooms, based on my research, which I admit is possible to be out of date at this point given how fast plans can change. Oh, I suppose I didn’t even count the hotel at the Haisla Town Centre proposal, which at these early stages could have 80 rooms, but that may be even further in to the future before those get built. Bottom line, however, is that Kitimat may be tripling its hotel capacity. Until recently, as long as I’ve lived in Kitimat I’ve always noticed the dilapidated Aluminum City Motel, where Microtel is going now. Where will these 300+ rooms be in 10 years as construction (if indeed construction does happen) starts to slow down and end? Kitimat will have to re-imagine itself as some sort of tourist destination to get people in town to fill all those rooms, to spare any hotels from becoming like the old Aluminum City. Whether or not Kitimat can sustain such a high number of hotel rooms will be a question to ask in the future. But today we’re seeing the seeds of those questions being planted. We may have the demand today, but Kitimat will live longer than a construction boom. We’ll have to make efforts to ensure we’re not a town of crumbling buildings when or if the next cycle of ‘bust’ comes our way.
Cameron Orr
Nisga’a prove their critics wrong It has been 15 years since I wrote a commentary objecting to the B.C. government pushing aside its own hardwon treaty process to reach an unprecedented land-and-cash settlement with the Nisga’a Nation for their ancient Nass River territory. My objection, and that of many others, was the imposition of a parallel state with collectively owned land enshrined for all time. This was an ailing NDP government rushing to enable a property ownership system that has demonstrated little but failure and suffering around the world. The Nisga’a are proving me wrong, and this was again demonstrated at a little-noticed ceremony at the B.C. legislature last week. The B.C. government had just passed amendments to allow a gas pipeline through Nisga’a Memorial Lava Bed Park, the first co-managed provincial park in B.C. history. Another bill enabled the Nisga’a Lisims government to impose industrial property tax on liquefied natural gas production. Legal documents were signed so the Nisga’a legislature can do the same
From the Legislature Tom Fletcher this week. In recent years, the Nisga’a disposed of concern about collective land restrictions by adopting a private property system. And Supreme Court of Canada decisions have repeatedly answered protests about the establishment of a parallel state – that’s what it is, so get used to it. The Nisga’a have moved to assemble four fee-simple tidewater sites for LNG terminals, joining the Haisla Nation at Kitimat in reaching aggressively for a modern economy through gas export. The Nisga’a have partnered with TransCanada Corp. on a 900-km pipeline to supply the $11-billion LNG project led by Petronas for the Prince Rupert port. And they don’t intend to stop there. “We want to be part of the Ca-
nadian business establishment,” said former Nisga’a Nation president Joe Gosnell. The signing ceremony was briefly disrupted by one of a small group of Vancouver-based Nisga’a who have been using modern protest tactics against this decision. We weren’t consulted, it’s a desecration of victims of a volcanic eruption, it’s a threat to eelgrass beds, and so forth, say wellrehearsed young men with video cameras running. Nisga’a President Mitchell Stevens has patiently and repeatedly explained that Nisga’a legislature rules were relaxed to allow every hereditary chief to speak to elected leaders on this pivotal move. After that it received the required two-thirds majority support. Gosnell, the revered chief negotiator who carried the treaty over the goal line in 2000, moved slowly with the help of an ornately carved cane to speak at a reception. He seemed genuinely surprised that he has lived long enough to see the fruits of generations of labour. Continued on page 6
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Sarah Campbell Misty Johnsen Louisa Genzale Cameron Orr Advertising Assistant Classifieds/Administration Publisher Editor publisher@northernsentinel.com newsroom@northernsentinel.com classifieds@northernsentinel.com advertising@northernsentinel.com
Kristyn Green Flyer Distribution office@northernsentinel.com
The Kitimat Northern Sentinel is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulating body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to the B.C. Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9. For more information phone 1-888-687-2213, or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 17, 2014 5
A gift of peace Standing against SO2 for the holidays ReadeR’s WRite Luke 2: 13-14, “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God and saying, “Glory to god in the highest and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased...this is our text.” Peace on earth and good will toward man. At this time of year these words ring out all over the world. I would like to think that people would hear this truth because they are reading it from God’s Word, but sadly, many people will only hear it in a song on the radio; or maybe they will hear it as part of Charlie Brown’s Christmas (it’s in Charlie Brown’s Christmas you know.) But sadly in our increasingly secular world, the majority of people in our country (60 per cent if the statistics are right) won’t hear it at all this Christmas. How sad. That means for the majority of people today, Christmas is just about temporary things. Without that angelic proclamation of a Savior who has been born to us, then Christmas is just about the family gathering and that is great, but we could do that without Christmas. Or about the presents but does the new tie bring peace? No, sadly there isn’t a whole lot of peace in our world today is there? And we don’t need
From the Pulpit Redeemer Lutheran Church
Dear Sir, Rio Tinto Alcan’s Kitimat Modernization Project will increase sulphur dioxide (SO2) pollution by 55 per cent. This pollutant increase has serious health impacts such as respiratory problems especially for people with asthma. According to the World Health Organization, it is also linked to heart attacks, strokes, cognitive dysfunction, and premature births. Sulphur dioxide also causes acid rain, and acidifies lakes, streams, soils and vegetation. Acid rain will impact fishing and local food harvesting. Citizens of Kitimat and Terrace should not have to bear the costs of producing aluminum through impacts to our health and environment. Rio Tinto Alcan should be using the best technology in a brand new smelter to reduce the impacts of SO2 and do their part to keep our air as clean as possible, just as we ask all incoming industries to do. This technology is widely used and available and would dramatically reduce sulphur dioxide pollution. Putting clean technology in place now, when
From the Pulpit Redeemer Lutheran Church
Pastor Clint Magnus to look at lands where bullets are flying and bombs are exploding to see conflict, we can look a lot closer to home: shootings in Ottawa, an epidemic of stress in our country and dysfunctional families seem to be the new normal. Do you have peace? Many people will say that they do, but yet they will spend many hours worrying and stressing over retirement accounts and never ending bills. No, for most people life is anything but peaceful. So what is this peace the angels spoke of all about then? Well, lets ask the question, “Why did Jesus come to earth and be born in a manger?” He came to bring peace between man and God. He came to live a perfect life because we can’t, and then die on the cross to pay the debt of our sin so that we might be reconciled back to the Father forever through simple faith in the Son. The Father then showed His acceptance of His Son’s sacrifice by raising Him from the grave in victory so that you and I might receive a resurrection to eternal life by simply
believing in Jesus as our Savior. That’s it. Peace with God forever in Heaven. That’s God’s gift of love for you and me at Christmas. It is only through Him that you can have real peace. Human and earthly peace is a laudable goal for us to strive for, but because of our sin and pride that will always exist. No, the Prince of Peace came to pay for each and every one of our sins so we could have peace with God through faith in Him. In the babe of Bethlehem, God was doing something about sin. He was breaking into this fallen world to make good on a promise He made to our first parents, to send a Savior. And on that silent night in a stable in Bethlehem, while the cattle were lowing, He made good on that promise. I pray that this divine gift of eternal peace with God, which is freely given with no strings attached will be yours through faith in Christ not only this Christmas, but unto everlasting life. Amen.
LETTERS WELCOME The Northern Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor on relevant or topical matters. It reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. All submissions must bear the author’s name, address and telephone number. All letters must be signed. Unsigned letters will not be considered. Address your letters to: Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 E-mail: newsroom@northernsentinel.com or Fax: (250) 639-9373
Pastor Clint Magnus
the project is still being built, is important because waiting to see how big the problem is could take anywhere from three to 13 years. This is unacceptable. Douglas Channel Watch feels strongly that citizens have the right and the responsibility to hold all large industry to account for their actions, emissions and effluent. The Douglas Channel Watch is collecting signatures for a petition to protect our Kitimat Valley air shed. We support Lis Stannus and Emily Toews, the Northern Health Authority, the Regional District Hospital Board, Skeena Wild and North West Watch in their efforts to have public input acknowledged and acted upon. We respectfully request that all citizens of the Kitimat Valley think carefully about the environmental future of their home and sign the petition. Sincerely, Elizabeth Thorne, for DCW
Previous piano owner praised Cameron Orr Since publishing last week’s article about an old piano which found its way to the Kitimat General Hospital, the former owners have been revealed, and they couldn’t be happier the instrument has been given a good home. According to reader Ralph Lopes, brother-inlaw to piano owners Jason Pacheco and wife Deborah, the couple were running out of room for the piano and used the Kitimat Furniture Swap as a chance to pass it along, rather than
having the thing trashed. Ralph said he and his wife Melissa wanted to pass along a note that they’re very proud of their offer, and that it was a great gesture. Ralph added that family back home in Brazil would be very proud of them. As reported in last week’s article, which was submitted by the Kitimat Hospital Foundation, the piano was determined to be a 1914 Columbus Piano Co. model, called a “Boudoir Piano” due to its smaller size.
A piano finds a new home at the hospital. Submitted
Weekly Crossword Solution in the Classifieds Clues Across
1. Hip-hop talk music 4. Small amount 7. Before 8. Brown tone of photos 10. Pie fat 12. Crookbacked 13. “Peer Gynt” playwright 15. Engage in a contest 16. Electronics intelligence 17. Print errors 18. French maid implement 21. Chart showing roads 22. Make a mistake 23. Million barrels per day (abbr.) 24. Doctors’ group 25. Tsetung
26. Brew 27. Delirious 34. __ May, actress 35. Elephant’s name 36. Heavy, dull & stupid 38. To call; name (archaic) 39. Discrimination against elderly people 40. A shaft for wheels 41. High-luster velvet finish 42. They use the Euro 43. Multiplayer Playstation 3 game 44. Point midway between S and SE
Clues Down 1. Easing of pain 2. Cultivatable land 3. Old Iran 4. One who allures or persuades 5. Become visible 6. Regularly consumed food and drink 8. Sixth largest island 9. Lime, lemon or kool 11. Small surface depression 12. Riders 14. Last in an indefinitely large series 15. Grand __, vintage 17. Electronic data processing 19. Blood vessel blockage
20. Radioactivity unit 23. Feeling of unease 24. Prizefighter Muhammad 25. Brew with sprouted barley 26. Highest card 27. Capital of Montana 28. Durham, NH school 29. Basics 30. W. Samoan currency 31. Wild goats 32. Capital of Campania 33. S. Balkan state 36. Dip lightly into water 37. Ancient Irish script (alt. sp.)
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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 17, 2014
RTA in comment period for terminal expansion He said there are a number of Rio Tinto Alcan is gathering questions the company will answer community input ahead of an official filing with the environmental “Tonight is kind through the environmental process, relating to health, environment and soassessment office for a permit to alof a kick-off low them to expand Terminal A. cial impacts. session for our RTA and LNG Canada have an “Every time you work in a marine British Columbia environment there are always different agreement that LNG Canada will environmental challenges,” he said. get use of Terminal B for their own operations, which leaves the alu- assessment office The timeline for the project anminum producer in need to expand ticipates the company having a permit process.” their Terminal A. decision sometime in 2015, which will RTA’s Manager of external reput them to work right away. RTA will keep using Eurocan’s lations Kevin Dobbin said there will be more community consultations ahead of former wharf until the project is done and can any potential permit to allow the expansion from fully be handed over to LNG Canada. Right now the public comment period is for the B.C. environmental assessment office. “Tonight is kind of a kick-off session for our putting together an Application Information ReBritish Columbia environmental assessment of- quirements, which is a document which basically fice process for what we call the Terminal A ex- sets out the questions the company will have to answer in the primary application. tension project,” said Dobbin December 9. The comment period for that document ends “We’ve entered in to a commercial option agreement with LNG Canada which is for them January 8. People can use the Internet to comment on to secure access to the former Eurocan wharf... to do that we have to have a terminal extension to the proposal by going to www.eao.goc.bc.ca/pcp/ index.html. our facility.”
Shoppers at opening night of the Kitimat Museum & Archives’ annual Christmas gift store. The store will run until Christmas Eve. Submitted
Nisga’a Continued from page 4 Gosnell recounted the 1887 paddling trip down the B.C. coast from the Nass Valley to Victoria to present the Nisga’a territorial claim, where the tribal leaders were turned away on the steps of the legislature by Premier William Smithe. It would take until 1910 for Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier to promise a settlement, and until 1949 for Nisga’a Chief Frank Calder to be elected to the B.C. legislature. In 2000, when the treaty received royal assent in Ottawa, Gosnell took part in a ceremonial burning of the Indian Act and got to work on implementing self-government. And on Nov. 27, 2014, B.C. Liberal, NDP and independent MLAs voted unanimously to open the way to an industrial future for the Nisga’a. “That’s what being alive means to me today,” Gosnell said. “You’ve got to have big dreams. Maybe all those dreams won’t come true, but at least you have the ability to dream big. And boy, are we ever dreaming big.”
Kitimat Information Centre Closed for the holiday season
The LNG Canada Kitimat Information Centre will be closed for the holiday season beginning December 24 and will reopen on January 5, 2015.
Season’s Greetings from Kitimat LNG Our Community Office will be closed for the winter holidays from December 15 – January 5. On behalf of all of us at Kitimat LNG, we wish you a safe and happy holiday season, and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
During this time, if your matter is urgent please contact 1-855-248-3631. In the new year our office hours will remain the same: Monday thru Wednesday,11am-5pm.
For more information about the project, please visit lngcanada.ca, call us toll free at 1-855-248-3631 or email us at info@lngcanada.ca
FN ink GasLink deal Alicia Bridges The Wet’suwet’en First Nation has signed a benefits agreement with the province for the proposed Coastal Gaslink (LNG) pipeline project. Gaslink is the proposed pipeline which would service the LNG Canada project. Under the agreement, the Wet’suwet’en First Nation will receive approximately $2.8 million from the province at three different stages in the CGL project: $464,000 upon signing the agreement, $1.16 million when pipeline construction begins, and $1.16 million when the pipeline is in service. The B.C. government says the Wet’suwet’en First Nation will also receive a yet-to-be-determined share of $10 million a year in ongoing benefits per pipeline. The ongoing benefits will be available to First Nations along the natural gas pipeline routes. The B.C. government said it anticipates signing similar agreements with other First Nations in the near future. Chief Karen Ogen said pipeline benefits agreements were just one vehicle driving Wet’suwet’en participation in LNG development. “While these agreements ensure First Nation communities share in the economic benefits of LNG, we are working collaboratively with the province and other First Nations to ensure environmental priorities are addressed as well,” Ogen said.
Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation John Rustad said First Nation communities had been left out of economic growth in B.C.
for too long. “It’s exciting to be able to partner with First Nations like the Wet’suwet’en so they can share in the benefits of a new LNG ex-
port industry - stronger economies, good-paying jobs and collectively working to establish environmental legacies made possible by LNG development.”
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 17, 2014 7
Rain postpones start of ski season
Skiers and snowboarders were perhaps disappointed – but not surprised – to learn that Shames Mountain did not open this past weekend. Opening day at the hill was scheduled for this Saturday, Dec. 13, but heavy rains washed away much of the small snow base that had built up over the last several weeks. “I’m sad to have to announce that our snow dances have failed,” wrote Shames general manager Christian Theberge. “We will unfortunately not be able to open this weekend. We have lost a lot of the little base we had with this passed storm.”
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8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Kitimat plebiscite inspires stage play Cameron Orr When Kitimat voted in April in a plebiscite which would set the course for the District of Kitimat on the Northern Gateway proposal, certainly not many thought that the community’s experience would be acted out on stage at a college at the outskirts of Los Angeles. Yet here we are, and the play “Kitimat” has just finished its early stage readings, ahead of final performances in April. The college’s website describes the play this way: Three generations of an Azorean Portuguese family must decide on their future when they are asked to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on a proposed pipeline project. The playwright is Elaine Avila, who lives in the Lower Mainland and has spent a lot of time in Kitimat, both in researching her play and for her past work. She came through Kitimat in the
1990s with Theatre BC, thought ‘oh, I think I’m coaching plays from Prince actually researching this “I went to Rupert to Williams Lake. play.’” the Luso She was interviewed at She got the university hall and I that time by a news crew to commission a trip up and through that learned volunteered to to Kitimat for her and she Kitimat, at least at a time, spent time learning people’s had 40 per cent or so people cook with the stories. Portuguese from Portugal. “I went to the Luso hall Her own grandfather is and I volunteered to cook ladies.” from the Azores, so the stawith the Portuguese ladies... so all of these residents tistic got her attention. “So ever since I’ve been interested in would stop by while we were cooking and tell me stories, because they knew I Kitimat,” she said. Later she got an assignment through was writing this play.” She also spent time in the outdoors the Vancouver Observer to write about a northern town — Kitimat — and while with the Kitimat naturalists and took on compiling her information for that she the task on understanding why people came to Kitimat and how new generaheard from a university in California. “While I was writing this ar- tions of Kitimatians were affected by ticle this university in Los Angeles Kitimat being in a sharp decline in 2007, called to commission me to write an and now in a sharp incline with new inenvironmental play,” she said. “And I dustry development.
Elaine Avila with Janet Hayatshahi of Pomona College during a trip through Kitimat in research for the “Kitimat” play. Robin Rowland for Pomona College
‘Kissing Frogs’ is Kitimatian’s first book Alisha Sevigny was born and raised Kitimat. She worked her way through the local school system before setting off for grand adventures. After sharpening her teeth in the literary agent-trade, she’s taken her experience and her love of arts and created a young adult novel which just recently hit shelves. The now Torontobased Sevingy — who has plenty of family left in Kitimat — will be returning to her hometown as part of a northwest B.C. book tour. She’ll be making a stop at the Kitimat Public Library Decem-
Alisha Sevigny is from Kitimat and has written her first novel. Publicity photo ber 19, and will do a reading and signing as well at 1 p.m. at the library on December 22. Her book is called Kissing Frogs, and is
a tale of a ‘reformed’ nerd who has reinvented her image, and then finds herself forced to join her conservation club in Panama after
learning she’s failing biology. That sets the stage for drama and romance, to the backdrop of rescuing endangered frogs. Sevigny says the story, from the angle of endangered frogs, has a non-fiction element, as frogs are facing mass die-off due to habitat loss and epidemics. She looks back on her educational foundations in Kitimat as keys to her success today. She said teachers Mr. Drivenside and Mr. Durrant were very influential in her early writing. She also had an interest in acting, but
the written word spoke more loudly, and she spent time as a literary agent which also helped her get through the publishing process and landed her with Canadian publisher Fierce Ink Press. (Her book is published separately by Canadian and American publishers.) “As an agent I spent a lot of time working on other people’s manuscripts and I just wanted to do that for myself. I feel like it was always a goal, I always wanted to write,” she said. The benefit of her professional background meant she didn’t get discouraged during the publishing K
process, which can be long and arduous, she said. Even though she’s gone with a traditional publisher, she said authors should not be afraid of the self-pub-
lishing route. “I would recommend that as a viable option for anyone who’s interested in publishing a book that can’t go the traditional route.”
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 17, 2014 9
No escort fees have been collected Warm up with Frozen Cameron Orr When the District of Kitimat pressed ahead to formalize rules regarding issuing business licences to escort services, it was in response to an informal inquiry to staff from a potential business. A fee structure and rules have since been put in to place, but deputy Chief Administrative Officer Warren Waycheshen says so far the District has not collected any fees associated with escort services since they were established last year. The fee for being an escort or running an escort agency is $2,000, plus $250 for each escort employed. There are other rules as well, such as a requirement to give the licence inspector and the RCMP a record of every request to provide or
furnish an escort, to operate in a health consious and safe manner and to not provide escort services between 4 a.m. and 5 p.m. Waycheshen says that there are challenges in tracking escorts who may come in to town for short durations. “We knew it would be difficult to keep up with or locate persons coming into town for short periods ... as it wouldn’t be easy to obtain the person’s name, a physical location, or where to send business licences or other correspondence,” he noted in e-mail, saying it would be the same for other kinds of businesses as well. He said collection of fees from short-term operations isn’t impossible but verifying information is the hard part.
Cameron Orr If you find yourself without something Elsa to do, for the first time in forever the Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary School will be performing music from the Disney film Frozen. The event, being held on December 18 by donation, is a fundraiser for the band’s trip to Vancouver in February. Dave Durrant will narrate the story along with projected images of the book on the walls of the theatre. Robert Capazutto will perform “Reindeer are Better than People,” and the trio of Eugene Chang, Jamie Marcial and Trevor Harness will perform “Let it Go”. Kitimat Dance will also be on stage with choreographed versions of some songs. If you had plans that night, you might want to let it go for an evening of live music.
Diesel drivers not having a gas with high prices
diesel and gasoline are two very difJeff Nagel ferent commodities that don’t move Pity the poor diesel truck owner. “They each have together in lockstep. While regular gasoline prices “They each have their own suphave dropped significantly with the their own supply plunging price of oil, the pump price ply and demand fundamentals and and demand for diesel has remained stubbornly they can move in different direcfundamentals high. and they move tions,” he said. Gas prices have fallen across Unlike gasoline, which jumps in in different B.C. In Kitimat it’s dipped to 114.9 a price towards summer as more drivdirections.” litre by press time, while according ers hit the road, diesel tends to rise in to bcgasprices.com, regular gas fell the winter. below $1 a litre at a Costco station in The reason, Parent said, is that Prince George this week. diesel is virtually identical to heating One of the best deals on diesel was $119.9 oil, which is in high demand to heat homes in the at the No Frills station in Port Alberni, with die- winter. “In the winter season when it gets colder, sel prices as high as $145.9 at Kitimat’s Esso and demand for heating oil spikes and that causes a Shell stations. Historically it’s true that diesel has been low- demand pull on both heating oil prices and diesel prices.” er in price than gasoline. The drop in crude oil prices has put downBut early 2009 – when diesel was 85 cents a litre and gas was nearly $1 – is the last time diesel ward pressure on diesel, he said, but that has been drivers enjoyed big savings. largely offset by the increase in winter demand – The price gap closed and since 2012 diesel much to the irritation of diesel users. has cost a few cents a litre more than gas most “The guys who use diesel are all wondering of the time, according to statistics maintained by why they’re not seeing the same benefit as everypetroleum industry analysts MJ Ervin and Associ- one else.” ates. Whittall, a West Kelowna retiree who bought For the last three years, diesel has been stuck his diesel pickup for the fuel savings, said he has between $1.30 and $1.50 in Vancouver, costing a difficulty believing Parent’s explanation. He said few cents more than regular gas for most of that diesel prices never seem to budge, no matter if it’s summer, winter or crude oil prices are collapsing. time. “I bet you it hasn’t moved a penny up here,” Jason Parent, vice-president of consulting at MJ Ervin, says the reason for the disparity is he said.
Anne Berrisford takes the torch and runs with it in Terrace. Berrisford was nominated from Kitimat to be a Canada Games torch bearer and took up the task during the relay through Terrace on December 6. Margaret Speirs
...is coming to town! 7
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10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 17, 2014 A10 www.northernsentinel.com
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Northern Sentinel
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In Memoriam
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James Roger Meeds May 22, 1946 December 15, 2004
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Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near Still loved, still missed and very dear.
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September 25, 1946 to December 6, 2014
Shelda Anne (Shelly) Fleet Shelly passed away peacefully on December 6 at Kitimat General Hospital after a long illness which she met with courage and grace. Her family extends heartfelt thanks to all staff at KGH for the compassionate and expert care provided throughout her illness and particularly during her final weeks. Shelly is survived by her husband Raymond; sons Steven of Kitimat and Gregory of Kelowna; sister Peggy Monro of Vancouver; brother James Monro of Vancouver; and many nieces and nephews in both Canada and the U.K. As a long-time resident of Kitimat, Shelly volunteered her skills and enthusiasm to many community organizations. She held a particular passion for curling and golf. Shelly will be missed for her beautiful smile and delightful sense of humour by all who knew her.
"Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8
A memorial service was held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 11, 2014 at the Anglican Church in Kitimat. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society.
Haisla Nation Council Haisla Nation Council has an immediate opening for:
TEACHER ON-CALL REPORTS TO: HCS Principal QUALIFICATIONS: • Bachelor of Education (elementary); • Readiness to work a five day schedule; • Willingness to take part in extra-curricular activities; • Recent successful teaching experience. HOURS OF WORK: On-Call DUTIES TO COMMENCE: ASAP SALARY: In accordance with the BCGEU Instructor Collective Agreement. Interested individuals should submit a cover letter and resume which must include names of three (3) references and the express permission for HNC to contact these references, copy of valid BC Teaching Certificate (current), Teachers Qualifications Service Card, and Practicum/Teaching report, to: Stephanie McClure, Human Resources Manager Haisla Nation Council Haisla PO Box 1101 Kitamaat Village, BC V0T 2B0 Phone (250) 639-9361, ext. 204 Fax (250) 632-2840 Email: humanresources@haisla.ca No later than 4 pm on Tuesday, December 30, 2014. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those short-listed will be contacted for interviews.
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STEPHEN SCHMIDT SIDHU ARE $10K Or More In No SalesCoastal experience JOB YOU DUTIES: The Kitimat Child responsible adult CareerStep.ca/MT New Hazelton, BC. for after Taxi is not N/s, no pets.$2100or + 1-888heat KITIMAT FURNISHED B GET Development BACK ON TRACK! Weekly start dates. Job board! AND FULLY ALL PARTIES HOLDING Debt? DebtGologs canandhelp re• Examine rough necessary but an industrial Centre Bad school care, NID days and oc528-0809 start training for SendHEAVY resume and hydro to avail. immediately 2 Bedroom home for rent Contact: Bealie Chen, credit? Bills? Unemployed? Funding options. INTERIOR EQUIPAN INTEREST IN THE PROPDRIVERS duce aTUB signifi(SPA) cant portion of a to determine background would be casional mornings-P/T/Daily HOT lumber COVERS. Part time, temporary and your work-at-home career todriver’s abstract to a Please call: 250-639-1641 In Kitimat attached garage, bealie_chan@yahoo.com.hk Need Money? We Lend! 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N/s, no pets.$2100 + heat MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an workDevelopment experience. Training Corp. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad Weekly start dates. Kitimat River Industries Highwood 2 Bedroom home for rent AND cuts to carry out. • willPart Child and Youth Care INTERIORcareer HEAVY EQUIPwww.thecoverguy.com/ schoolacare, NID days and ocDRIVERS duce signifi cant portion of and Intent to immediately Dispose of Send resume in-demand in Canada! Emand hydro avail. human.resources.depart1 betime, provided. Education: temporary and 1-877-987-1420 credit? Bills? Unemployed? Funding options. HOUSE FOR RENT/Sale 1468-121 Manufactured Home In Kitimat attached garage, AN • Operate automated lumWorkers MENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. newspaper? casional mornings-P/T/Daily ployers have work-at-home posiyour debt load. Call now & see Property & driver’s abstract to NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Please call: 250-639-1641 not required. @gmail.com on-call positions available. www.pioneerwest.com CEDA is Hiring! WANTED Need Money? We Lend! If you SignUp online! iheschool.com 63 Chilko St. 3 bdr, 1 bath and contents. hot tub, large deck, gas bbq, ERT Industrial / Automotive ber mill equipment from KITIMAT tions Get the online train•• Supported Child NO available. Simulators. In-the-seat immediately ifavailable you qualify. 1-800-351-1783. TO: RENZO A FURLANETTO, POSCHOOL Box 56 CARE AnFull upscale salon/barber OUT OF Labourers &neighbourhood. Operators – and Part time for own your own home - you 1-866-399-3853 in excellent LOCATION: J7-653 Columbia wifi and cable, w/d, f/s incl. DES ing you need from an employerSTEEL BUILDINGS/metal control rooms or equipSales Representatives Development Programs training. Real world tasks. • Early Childhood EducaSTEPHEN SCHMIDT SIDHU Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 shop in Kitimat with a huge responsible adult for after Turnaround Projects Coastal Taxi qualify. Pioneer Acceptance trusted Visit: Job board! This has a big +fenced Avenue, B.C. V8C N/s, house no pets.$2100 heat • MIDTOWN TY buildings off! to 20x28, ment 60% consoles saw •school Kitimat Cold GET BACK ON TRACK! Weeklyprogram. start dates. tors AND STILL ALL Kitimat, PARTIES HOLDING No phone calls and occlientele base is seekingis an care, NID Weather days We are a large companyBad MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION AVAILABLE CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-888-528Send resume Corp. Member BBB. backyard, including two 1V4. and hydro avail. immediately • Kitimat Rive 30x40, 45x90, 50x120, logs40x62, into rough lumber. Shelter- mornings-P/T/Daily night shift worker credit? Bills? Unemployed? Funding options. • based Childin and St. Youth Care QualiďŹ cations include: AN INTEREST IN THE PROPStylists. F/Tabstract P/T Please in-demand career in Canada! Em0809 to start training for your workcasional In Kitimat Fort John, BC & driver’s to 1-877-987-1420 APARTMENTS sheds and fl ower beds. SERIAL NUMBER: 21932 WEIGHT loss, 30 days, proven, Please call: 250-639-1641 • HOUSE FOR RENT/Sale 1468 60x150, 80x100 sell for bal• Set up and adjust saw Salary is IMMEDIATELY dependent on Need Money? We Lend! If you SignUpcareer online! Workers • Free Physically demanding ERTY. ployers email have work-at-home posiat-home today!iheschool.com NEEDED available immediately on St. a few clients that is looking for guarant. healthy, money back POresume Box 56 to: heat & Free Hot Water with F/S and W/D. MANUFACTURED • 63Taking Chilko - OF 3 new bdr, 1HOME bath and ancewww.pioneerwest.com owed! Call equipment and1-800-457replace qualifi cations.$17.72-22.32/hr own your own home - you 1-866-399-3853 tions available. Get the online train• Supported Child •Comes Clean driver’s abstract DESCRIPTION PROPERltbest@telus.net upscale salon/barber • An Early Childhood EducaEmail: lb@oadda.com call: 250-632-1019 INDUSTRIAL / Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 Furnished & Unfurnished Call within (250)279-8888 REGISTRY NUMBER: 039276 • in TO excellent neighbourhood. LOC 2206 or visit us online: blades or bands using ing for you need from an employerPlease drop off resume to the qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Development Programs • Travel Alberta TY BE SOLD: 1979 Glen 250-900-1254 more info please call: shop in Kitimat with a huge tors or 250-632-1017 No phone calls AUTOMOTIVE SALES 1 & 2 bedrooms LANDLORD: Vista Village Train To Be An trusted program. Visit: This house has a bigHighwood fenced Aven www.crownsteelbuildings.ca MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an wrenches, gauges and Centre at and 1515is KingfiCare sher Corp. Member BBB. • Kitimat Cold Weather • Class 1/3 driver’s license Kitimat River Industries Tracy at 250-632-3048 clientele base seeking • Child Youth THOM BOYS TRUCKING CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-888-528Security Entrances REPRESENTATIVES in-demand career in Canada! EmTrailer Park Ltd. backyard, including two 1V4. other hand tools . Apartment Manager Ave.Stylists. Attn: Margaret 1-877-987-1420 Shelternight shift worker anNo asset HOUSE FOR 1468-121 Manufactured Home F/T P/T Please Workers 0809NEEDED to start training for your workSTEEL BUILDINGS/METAL ployers have work-at-home posiPets. NoRENT/Sale Smoking towww.pioneerwest.com join is our team. We offer on ADDRESS IMMEDIATELY sheds andFOR flowerSERVICE: beds. SER WEIGHT loss, days, proven, • Clean and30 lubricate sawww Salary dependent 63 Chilko St. - 3 bdr, 1 bath and contents. at-home career today! email resume BUILDINGS 60% back OFF! guarant. 20x28, tions available. Get• Government the online train• Supported Childto: SAWMILL MACHINE healthy, money Suite 900-570 Granville Street, To submit resume an attractive compensation An upscale salon/barber Comes with F/S and W/D. MAN mill equipment. qualifi cations.$17.72-22.32/hr 250.632.7179 in excellent neighbourhood. LOCATION: J7-653 Columbia 30x40,lb@oadda.com 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, ing you need from Certifi an employered ltbest@telus.net Development Programs Email: FULL SERVICE Plumbing Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3P1, please visit online: OPERATOR shop in Kitimat with a huge Call Kitimat, (250)279-8888 ($105,600/year), benefi Please drop off resume totsthe 1998 GMC 1 B.C. TON V8C REG 60x150, 80x100 sell for $26.50 balance trusted program. Visit:Home Study Full time, permanent; This house has a big fenced Avenue, 250-900-1254 more Cold info please call: • for Kitimat Weather from Parker Dean. Fast, sher re(250)279-0444. www.cedagroup.com âœą(30 vacancies) clientele base isNOC seeking LAN Train To Be An9431 program. owed! 1-800-457-2206 CareerStep.ca/MT orCourse 1-888-528Centreand atbonus 1515 Kingfi per hour.Call Location of work: backyard, including two 1V4. DUMP TRUCK Tracy at night 250-632-3048 Sheltershift worker MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION liable, 24/7experience service. Take $50 QUATSINO APTS PURSUANT TO PART 6 OF Stylists. operating F/T P/T Please Trail www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. 0809 to start training for your workSales is not Apartment Manager Company name: Ave. Attn: Margaret New Hazelton, BC. sheds and flower beds. SERIAL NUMBER: 21932 WEIGHT loss, job 30 if days, proven, FLAT DECK,4 WHEEL DRIVE • Jobs Salary is dependent on is an in-demand career in off your next you present at-home career today! THE MANUFACTURED to: BusiADD necessary but an industrial Yaorun email Woodresume Co. Ltd. healthy, money back guarant. Comes with F/S and W/D. KITIMAT MANUFACTURED HOME • Government Please call: 250-632-9935 Registered qualifi cations.$17.72-22.32/hr Contact: Bealie Chen, Canada! Employers have this ad. Vancouver area. Call STEEL BUILDINGS. “Really SAWMILL MACHINE HOME PARK TENANCY ltbest@telus.net Suite Email: lb@oadda.com background would be a ness and mailingCertifi address: HOT TUB NUMBER: (SPA) COVERS. Call (250)279-8888 REGISTRY 039276 Across BC ed • Downtown location Please drop off resume to the bealie_chan@yahoo.com.hk work-at-home positions 1-800-573-2928. big sale!â€? All steel building FULL SERVICE Plumbing REGULATIONS as the regis250-900-1254 for more info please call: Vanc OPERATOR definite asset. 4032 12th Avenue, POStudy Box Best price. Best All LANDLORD: Vistaquality. Village Be An 35Train YearsTo of Success! Home • Balconies Centre at Kingfi sher Tel: 778919-2077. available. Get 1515 the NOC online trainmodels and sizes. from Parker Dean. Plus Fast, extra retered holder of a fi nancial Tracy atHazelton, 250-632-3048 (250 âœą(30 vacancies) 9431 148, New BC, V0J shapes & colours available. Trailer Park Ltd. www.RMTI.ca Please forward your Apartment Manager Course • Security Entrances Ave.you Attn: Margaret âœąMinimum two years of ing need from an employsavings. Buy now and we will MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION liable, 24/7 service. Take $50 statement the SERVICE: Personal PUR 2J0. 1-866-652-6837 Company operating name: ADDRESS inFOR resume to:career in • Jobs • Some furnished suites work experience. Training er-trusted program. Visit: • Government store until spring. Pioneer is an in-demand off your next job if you present Property Registry using the THE Hillcrest Place Apartments www.thecoverguy.com/ SAWMILL Yaorun Wood Co. or Ltd. 1-888BusiSuite 900-570 Granville Street, JOB DUTIES: MACHINE human.resources.depart1 Registered Call for an appointment will be provided. Education: CareerStep.ca/MT Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit Canada! Employers have this ad. Vancouver area. Call name of the tenant or the seriCertified HOM newspaper? FULL SERVICE ness andto mailing address: Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3P1, OPERATOR • Examine logsAcross and rough BC 250.632.4511 notBachelor required.& two bedroom @gmail.com Plumbing 528-0809 start training for www.pioneersteel.ca work-at-home positions 1-800-573-2928. al number of the property, or Home Study REG units. from Parker Dean. Fast, re4032work-at-home 12th Avenue,career PO Box (250)279-0444. âœą(30 vacancies) NOC 9431 lumber to determine 35 Years of Success! www.kitimatapartments.com your toavailable. Getservice. the online the registeredBUILDINGS/metal Course tered STEEL No BUILDINGS...â€?REALLY smoking. No pets. BIG MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION liable, 24/7 Taketrain$50 148, New Hazelton, BC, V0J PURSUANT TOowner PART of6 the OF STEEL size, condition, quality www.RMTI.ca Company operating name: day! ing you need from an employmanufactured home in the • Jobs state buildings off! 20x28, Starting $650 monthly. Notice of60% Abandonment of is2J0.an in-demand career in off your next job if you present SALE!â€? All at steel building models THE MANUFACTURED and Wood other Co. characteristics Yaorun Ltd. Busier-trusted program. Visit: Manufactured Home Registry, Registered Prop 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, and 250-632-7814 sizes. Plus extraKitimat savings. Buy Manufactured Home Hillcrest Place Apartments Canada! Employers have this ad. Vancouver area. Call HOME PARK TENANCY decide best address: lumber JOB DUTIES: SANDPIPER APTS nessto and mailing CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-888and to the knowledge of the Across BC nam 60x150, 80x100 sell for balnow and we will store until spring. and Intent to Dispose of Bachelor & two bedroom work-at-home positions 1-800-573-2928. REGULATIONS as the regiscuts to carry out. • Examine logs and rough 4032 12th Avenue, PO Box 528-0809 to start training for landlord claim an ainterest in Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 35 Years of Success! al Fr n ance Call 1-800-457KITIMAT Property units. available. Get the online traintered owed! holder of financial • Operate automated lumlumber to determine 148, New Hazelton, BC, V0J KITIMAT APTS www.pioneersteel.ca your work-at-home career tothe Property, you are advised www.RMTI.ca the F 2206 or in visit online: TO: JAMES WILLIAM GRISTNo Newer smoking. No pets. ing you need from an employCEDA is Hiring! statement theus Personal Buildings Industrial / Automotive size, condition, quality 2J0.ber mill equipment from day! that the Landlord intends to man www.crownsteelbuildings.ca BEST VALUE WOOD, KARI NELSON Starting Elevators at $650 monthly. er-trusted program. Visit: Labourers Operators – Property Registry using AND the rooms or equipand other& characteristics Sales Representatives Hillcrest Place Apartments dispose this manufactured JOBcontrol DUTIES: Man KRISTIN DESCHENES 250-632-7814 Kitimat CareerStep.ca/MT or lumber 1-888Turnaround Projects name of of the tenant or the AND seriSecurity Entrances • Bachelor Starting at $725 consoles to rough saw to decide best & two bedroom STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL home and the contents without • ment Examine logs and and We are a large company STILL AVAILABLE ALL PARTIES HOLDING AN 528-0809 to start training for al number of the property, or Covered Parking • Balconiesunits. logs into rough lumber. cuts to carry out. BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, QualiďŹ cations include: further notice to you unless lumber to determine land Private Coin Entrances Collector Buying In Kitimat based in Fort St. John, BC INTEREST IN THE your work-at-home career tothe registered ownerPROPERof the Balconies • Security 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, • Set up condition, and adjustquality saw • Physically Operate automated lumNo smoking. No pets. • demanding KITIMAT APTS you take possession of the size, the Collections, Accumulations, TakingCEDA on a is fewHiring! new clients that is looking for TY. day! ber mill equipment from 60x150, 80x100 home sell for inbalance manufactured the • Starting Cameras for your safety www.kitimatapartments.com equipment and replace Industrial at & $650 monthly. • Clean driver’s abstract property, establish a right to and other/ Automotive characteristics that Olympic Gold Silver Coins + call: 250-632-1019 owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERINDUSTRIAL / BEST VALUE Labourers & Operators – Manufactured Home Registry, • Now includes basic 250.632.4254 blades or bands using control rooms or equip250-632-7814 Kitimat Sales Representatives • Travel within Alberta possession ofknowledge it, 1973 or make an to decide best lumber dispQ www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. Chad: 778-281-0030. Local. or 250-632-1017 TY TO AUTOMOTIVE SALES Turnaround Projects and to BE theSOLD: of the cable • Starting at $725 wrenches, gauges and ment consoles to saw • Class 1/3 driver’s license application to the court to escuts out. hom THOM BOYS TRUCKING We aretohand a carry large company STILL AVAILABLE HOMCO claim AMBASSADOR REPRESENTATIVES landlord an interest in • Balconies other tools . Visit our Website logs into rough lumber. an asset STEEL BUILDINGS. “Really QualiďŹ cations include: tablish such a right, within 30 • Operate automated lumfurth In Kitimat 66123CKFL Manufactured in and Fort lubricate St. John, sawBC KITIMAT APTS to join our team. We offer the Property, yousteel are advised • Security Entrances • based Clean www.kitimatapartments.com • SetCEDA up and adjust saw • is Hiring! big sale!â€? All building • Physically demanding days from the publication of Industrial / Automotive ber mill equipment from you Taking on a few new clients Home and contents. that is looking for that the and Landlord intends to To submit resume an attractive compensation • Cameras for your safety mill equipment. Phone: 250.632.APTS equipment and replace • BEST VALUE Labourers & Operators – models sizes. Plus extra • Clean driver’s abstract this notice.of this control rooms or equipprop Sales Representatives call: 250-632-1019 LOCATION: J35-653 ColumINDUSTRIAL / dispose manufactured please visit online: ($105,600/year), benefits • Now Birthday, includes basic (2787) blades or bands using • Turnaround Projects Full ment time, permanent; savings. Buy now andB.C. we V8C will • Starting at $725 • Travel within Alberta consolesSALES to$26.50 saw poss or 250-632-1017 bia Avenue, home and theKitimat, contents Pioneer without www.cedagroup.com program. cable Weand arebonus a large company STILL1/3AVAILABLE wrenches, gauges and • per AUTOMOTIVE hour.into Location of work: store spring. • THOM Balconies • Class driver’s license logs rough lumber. appl Engagement, BOYS TRUCKING 1V4. until QualiďŹ cations include: further notice to you unless REPRESENTATIVES Salesinexperience is not In Kitimat other hand tools . based Fort St. John, BC Visit our Website New Hazelton, BC.adjust saw Steel 1-800-668-5422 visit • Security Entrances an asset • toSet up team. and tabli SERIAL NUMBER: 3020or •• Physically demanding you take possession of the Anniversary or join our We offer necessary an industrial Taking on a few new clients Clean and lubricate sawthat isbut looking for www.kitimatapartments.com www.pioneersteel.ca • Cameras for your safety and replace days Contact: Bealie Chen, Northern Sentinel Wednesday, Northern December Sentinel 17,Wednesday, 2014 Phone: December 17, 2014property, MANUFACTURED HOME • Clean driver’s abstract establish a right to submit resume an equipment attractiveor compensation call: 250-632-1019 mill equipment. background would /be a 250.632.APTS INDUSTRIAL HOT To TUB (SPA) COVERS. Thank You! ww • Now includes basic blades bands using this bealie_chan@yahoo.com.hk REGISTRY NUMBER: 014316 • Travel within Alberta possession of it, or make an visit STEEL BUILDINGS...â€?REALLY BIG ($105,600/year), benefits or 250-632-1017 definite asset. (2787) Best please price. Best online: quality. All AUTOMOTIVE SALES cable Full time, permanent; $26.50 wrenches, gauges and Tel: 778919-2077. LANDLORD: Vista Village • Class 1/3 driver’s license Happy ads for all application to the court to esSALE!â€? All steel building models www.cedagroup.com and bonus program. THOM BOYS TRUCKING shapes & colours available. REPRESENTATIVES peranhour. Location work: DepositofPay! Direct other ESDAY hand tools . . asset Please forward your Visit our Website âœąMinimum two Y ofDELIVERIES FRIDA Trailer Park Ltd. and sizes. Plus & years tablish such a extra right,savings. within Buy 30 WEDN experience isTraining not S 1-866-652-6837 to join our team.to:We offer New Hazelton, BC. • Sales Clean and lubricate sawoccasions! resume www.kitimatapartments.com work experience. now and we will store until spring. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: days from the publication of necessary but an industrial www.thecoverguy.com/ AND To submit resume an attractive compensation Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 Phone: 250.632.APTS human.resources.depart1 will mill be equipment. provided. Education: Contact: Bealie Chen, Suite 900-570 Granville Street, this notice. Call today newspaper? background would be a HOT TUB (2787) (SPA) COVERS. www.pioneersteel.ca please visit online: ($105,600/year), benefits not @gmail.com bealie_chan@yahoo.com.hk Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3P1, Fullrequired. time, defipermanent; nite asset. $26.50 for more Best price.KITIMAT Best quality. All www.cedagroup.com and bonus program. Tel: 778919-2077. (250)279-0444. per hour. Location of work: ARE YOU $10K Or More In ARE The Kitimat Child The Kitimat Child STEEL BUILDINGS/metal shapes & colours available. KITIMAT KITIMAT Sales experience is not forward information: âœąMinimumNOON twoS years of PURSUANT TO can PART 6 OF New Please Hazelton, BC. your Debt? DebtGo help reDeb Development Centre Development Centre MIDTOWN buildings 60% off! 20x28, AFTER DAY 1-866-652-6837 THURS for d Neede necessary but an industrial resume to: INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPINTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPwork experience. Training THE MANUFACTURED DRIVERS DRIVERS duce a signifi cant portion of duce 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, Contact: Bealie Chen, Part time, temporary and Part time, temporary and 632-6144 www.thecoverguy.com/ background would be a Private Coin Collector Buying MENT TUB OPERATOR SCHOOL. MENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. human.resources.depart1 HOT (SPA) COVERS. will be provided. Education: HOME PARKCallavailable. TENANCY your debt positions load. now & see your APARTMENTS 60x150, 80x100 sell for balbealie_chan@yahoo.com.hk on-callWANTED positions available. on-call WANTED newspaper? Collections, Accumulations, NO Simulators. In-the-seat NO Simulators. In-the-seat definite asset. Best price. Best quality. All not required. @gmail.com REGULATIONS as the regisif• youOUT qualify. if yo FreeFull heat & Part Free time Hot Water ance owed! Call 1-800-457ww Tel: 778- 919-2077. • OUT SCHOOL OF 1-800-351-1783. SCHOOL CARE KITIMAT and for Full OF and Part time CARE for Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + PERFECT FOR training. Real world tasks. training. Real world tasks. shapes & colours available. tered holder of a fi nancial Furnished & Unfurnished Please forward your 2206 or visit us online: âœąMinimum two years of responsible adult responsible adult for after STEEL Coastal BUILDINGS/metal Taxi Coastal Taxifor after Chad: 778-281-0030. Local. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad GET Weekly start dates. Job board! Weekly start dates. Job board! 1-866-652-6837 statement in the Personal 1 & 2 bedrooms resume to: www.crownsteelbuildings.ca MIDTOWN work experience. Training school care, days and ocschool care, NID days and ocbuildings Send 60%resume off! 20x28, STUDENTS, RETIREES, OR ANYONE SendNID resume credit? Unemployed? cred Funding options. Funding options. www.thecoverguy.com/ Property Registry using the human.resources.depart1 will be provided. Education: casional mornings-P/T/Daily casional Bills? mornings-P/T/Daily 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, &Security driver’sEntrances abstract to & driver’s abstract to Need Money? We Lend! you Nee SignUp online!BUILDINGS/METAL iheschool.com SignUp iheschool.com newspaper? STEEL name of the tenant or theIf seriLOOKING TO EARN EXTRA CASH!!! No online! Pets. No Smoking APARTMENTS not required. @gmail.com available immediately available immediately 60x150, 80x100 sell for balPO Box 56 PO Box 56 KITIMAT BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, own your Childhood own - you own 1-866-399-3853 1-866-399-3853 al of thehome property, or heatChildhood & BC Free Hot2G6 Water • Free Early Educa• number Early Educaance owed! BC CallV8C1-800-457Kitimat, 2G6 Kitimat, V8C 250.632.7179 No Collecting! 30x40, 45x90, 50x120, STEEL 40x62,BUILDINGS/metal qualify. Pioneerowner Acceptance qual the tors registered of the Furnished & Unfurnished tors 2206 orNo visit calls us online: phone No GMC phone 1998 1calls TON 60x150, for balance buildings 60% selloff! 20x28, MEDICAL80x100 TRANSCRIPTION is an MEDICALMIDTOWN TRANSCRIPTION is an Corp. Member BBB. Corp manufactured the 1 & 2and bedrooms • Child Youth Care • Child and home Youth in Care www.crownsteelbuildings.ca owed! Call in-demand career 45x90, in1-800-457-2206 Canada! Emin-demand career in Canada! EmDUMP TRUCK 30x40, 40x62, 50x120, 1-877-987-1420 Manufactured Home Registry, QUATSINO APTS Security Entrances www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. Workers Workers ployers have work-at-home posiployers have work-at-home posiAPARTMENTS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY NEEDED FLAT DECK,4 WHEEL DRIVE 60x150, 80x100 sell for baland to the knowledge of the STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL No Pets.IMMEDIATELY No Smoking tions available. Get online traintions available. theHot online train• Please Supported Child • www.pioneerwest.com Supported Child PERMANENT CARRIER ROUTES Free heat &Get Free Water KITIMAT An upscale salon/barber An upscale salon/barber ance owed! Callthe 1-800-457call: 250-632-9935 BUILDINGS OFF! 20x28, landlord claim anPrograms interest in STEEL BUILDINGS. “Really ing you need from an employering Furnished you need60% from an employerDevelopment Programs Development & Unfurnished 250.632.7179 shop in Kitimat with a huge shop in Kitimat with a huge 2206 or visit us online: 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, • Downtown location the Property,Cold you are advised trusted program. trusted program. Visit: big sale!â€? AllVisit: steel building • clientele Kitimat Cold • Kitimat ~ Eagle, Egret, Drake (60) 180x100 & 2base bedrooms 1998 GMCWeather 1 TON 60x150, sell for1-888-528balance is base Weather is seeking www.crownsteelbuildings.ca • clientele Balconies CareerStep.ca/MT or Plus 1-888-528CareerStep.ca/MT or seeking that Shelterthe Landlord intends models and sizes. extra and Shelter- night shift worker night shift worker to owed! Calltraining 1-800-457-2206 Entrances Pay! it Stylists. F/T P/T Stylists. F/T P/T Please Depos DUMP TRUCK 0809 to start training for your work0809 to.Security start forPlease your workDirect ~ Farrow, Gwyn, Creed, 1237+ Tweedsmuir (100) ERIES • Security Entrances DELIV Y dispose of this manufactured FRIDA savings. Buy now and we will & WEIGHT loss, 30 days, proven, WEIG ESDAY QUATSINO APTS WEDN Salary is resume dependent on Salary is dependent on www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL No Pets. No Smoking at-home career today! at-home career today! email resume to: email to: FLAT DECK,4 • Some furnished suites The Northern healthy, back DRIVE guarant. healt home andmoney theWHEEL contents without store until 60% spring. ~ Blueberry, Strawberry, Cranberry (40) BUILDINGS OFF! Pioneer 20x28, qualifications.$17.72-22.32/hr qualifilb@oadda.com cations.$17.72-22.32/hr AND ltbest@telus.net ltbest@telus.net KITIMAT Email: Ema Please call: 250-632-9935 Call for an appointment further notice you unless Steel visit STEEL250.632.7179 BUILDINGS. “Really 30x40, 1-800-668-5422 40x62, 45x90, or50x120, Please drop info off resume to the Please drop off to resume to the 250-900-1254 250for more info please call: for more please call: ~ Stein, Morgan, Kingfisher (65) 250.632.4511 • Downtown location 1998 GMC 1 TON you take possession of the 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance www.pioneersteel.ca Train To Be An Train To Be An big sale!â€? All steel building Centre at 1515 Kingfi sher Centre at 1515 Kingfi sher Tracy at 250-632-3048 Tracy at 250-632-3048 owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 • Balconies property, establish a right to www.kitimatapartments.com DUMP TRUCK models and sizes. Plus extra Apartment Manager Apartment Manager Ave. Attn: Margaret Ave. Attn: Margaret Contact the Northern Sentinel QUATSINO APTS www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. STEEL BUILDINGS...â€?REALLY BIG • Security Entrances possession of it, or make an savings. Buy now and we will FLAT DECK,4 WHEEL DRIVE Call to get your name on our NOON offurnished Abandonment •building Government •SGovernment AFTER All steel THURSDAY d formodels Neede • Notice Some suites of MACHINE SAWMILL MACHINE application to the court to esKITIMAT atSALE!â€? 250-632-6144. storeSAWMILL until spring. Pioneer Please call: 250-632-9935 and sizes. BUILDINGS. Plus extra Certifi savings. Replacement Routes List. Manufactured Home STEEL “Really ed Buy Certifi ed SANDPIPER APTS FULL SERVICE FUL Call for an appointment tablish such a right, Plumbing within 30 OPERATOR OPERATOR Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit now we will untilbuilding spring. • Downtown location and Intent to Dispose of big and sale!â€? All store steel 626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat Home Study Home Study from Dean. Fast, refrom 250.632.4511 days Parker from the publication of âœą(30 vacancies) NOC 9431 âœą(30 vacancies) NOC 9431 www.pioneersteel.ca Pioneer Steelsizes. 1-800-668-5422 • Balconies KITIMAT Property models and Plus extra Please keep your Course Course PERFECT FOR operating MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION liable, 24/7 service. Take $50 liabl this notice. www.pioneersteel.ca www.kitimatapartments.com •Company Security Entrances Company name: TO: JAMES WILLIAM GRISTsavings. Buy now and Neweroperating Buildings • Jobswe will • Jobsname: STEEL BUILDINGS...â€?REALLY BIG isYaorun an in-demand career in is an career in dogin-demand restrained. off your next job if you present off y •Yaorun Some furnished suites Ltd. Busi- RETIREES, Wood Co. Ltd. BusiSTUDENTS, OREmployers ANYONE WOOD, KARI NELSON AND store until spring. Pioneer Notice of Abandonment of Elevators Registered Registered SALE!â€? AllWood steel Co. building models Canada! have Canada! Employers have this ad. Vancouver area. Call this Call for anmailing appointment If Manufactured your dog isHome loose ness and address: ness and mailing address: KRISTIN DESCHENES AND Steel 1-800-668-5422 and sizes. Plus extra savings. Security Entrances AcrossorBCvisit Across BC BuyTO EARN work-at-home positions work-at-home positions 1-800-573-2928. 1-80 SANDPIPER APTS LOOKING EXTRA CASH!!! 250.632.4511 4032 Avenue, PO spring. Box 4032PARTIES 12th Avenue, PO Box now and we will until ALL HOLDING AN www.pioneersteel.ca and Intent to Dispose of Covered Parking on your property, you 35 Years of Success! 3512th Years ofstore Success! available. Get the online available. Get the online trainPioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 Private Coin Collector Buying 148, New Hazelton, BC, V0J No Collecting! 148, New Hazelton, BC, trainV0J KITIMAT INTEREST IN THE PROPERwww.kitimatapartments.com Property Balconies www.RMTI.ca www.RMTI.ca ing need from an employingmay you need from an employnot receive your www.pioneersteel.ca STEEL BUILDINGS...â€?REALLY Collections, Accumulations, BIG 2J0. 2J0.you Newer TY. TO: JAMES WILLIAM GRISTBuildings Visit: www.kitimatapartments.com er-trusted program. er-trusted Visit: Notice of Abandonment of SALE!â€? All steel building models paperKARI on program. delivery day. Hi Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + DESCRIPTION OF Home PROPERWOOD, NELSON AND JOB DUTIES: JOBManufactured DUTIES: Elevators 250.632.4254 View Obituaries and and sizes. Plus extra savings. Buy CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-888CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-888B Chad: 778-281-0030. Local. SANDPIPER APTS TY TO BE SOLD: 1973 KRISTIN DESCHENES AND • Examine logs and rough • Examine logs and rough Security Entrances now and we will store until spring. Memoriams Online at 528-0809 to start training for 528-0809 to start training for and Intent to Dispose of classifieds@ PERMANENT CARRIER ROUTES HOMCO AMBASSADOR ALL HOLDING Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 lumber to determine to determine Covered Parking KITIMAT your lumber work-at-home career toyour PARTIES work-at-home career AN toProperty northernsentinel.com Northern Private Coin Collector Buying 66123CKFL Manufactured www.pioneersteel.ca INTEREST IN THE PROPERsize, condition, condition, quality Balconies day! day! TO: size, JAMES WILLIAM GRISTNewer Buildings quality S Collections, Accumulations, ~ Eagle, Egret, Drake (60) Home and other contents. TY.northernsentinel.com and other characteristics and characteristics www.kitimatapartments.com WOOD, NELSON AND andKARI Elevators Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + LOCATION: J35-653 ColumDESCRIPTION OF PROPERto decide best lumber to decide best lumber 250.632.4254 ~ Farrow, Gwyn, Creed, 1237+Chad: Tweedsmuir (100) KRISTIN DESCHENES AND Security Entrances 778-281-0030. bia Kitimat, TY TO BE SOLD: 1973 cuts to carryParking out. Local. cuts to carry out. B.C. V8C The Northern ALLAvenue, PARTIES HOLDING AN Covered ~ Blueberry, Strawberry, 1V4. HOMCO AMBASSADOR • (40) Operate automated lum• OperateINautomated lumPrivate Coin Collector Buying Cranberry INTEREST THE PROPERBalconies CEDA is Hiring! CEDA is Hiring! SERIAL NUMBER: 3020 66123CKFL Manufactured Industrial / Automotive Industrial Automotive ber mill /equipment from ber mill equipment from ~ Stein,Accumulations, Morgan, Kingfisher (65) www.kitimatapartments.com Collections, TY.Labourers & Operators – Labourers & Operators – MANUFACTURED HOME Home and contents. control rooms or equipcontrol rooms or equipSalesGold Representatives Sales 250.632.4254 Representatives Olympic & Silver Coins + DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTurnaround Projects saw Turnaround Projects REGISTRY NUMBER: LOCATION: J35-653 Colum• theTOment Northern Sentinel ment consoles to Contact saw consoles Chad: Local. TY BE SOLD: 1973 to014316 Call to get your name on our We 778-281-0030. are a large company We areinto a large STILL AVAILABLE LANDLORD: Vista Village bia QualiďŹ Avenue, Kitimat, B.C. V8C • logs roughcompany lumber. logs into rough lumber. HOMCO AMBASSADOR QualiďŹ cations include: cations include: Pay! it Depos at 250-632-6144. Direct . In Kitimat ERIES based in Fort St. John, BC based in Fort St. John, BC DELIV Y FRIDA Trailer Park Ltd. Replacement Routes List. & 1V4. • ESDAY WEDN • Set up and adjust saw Set up and adjust saw 66123CKFL Manufactured • • Physically demanding • Taking Physically on a demanding few new that is looking for that is looking ADDRESS FORand SERVICE: SERIAL NUMBER: 3020clients • Ta 626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat equipment and forreplace equipment replace Home and contents. • Clean driver’s abstract • Clean abstract AND Journeyman & Apprentice: call:driver’s 250-632-1019 INDUSTRIAL / INDUSTRIAL Suite 900-570 Granville Street, MANUFACTURED • blades or bands/ using blades or bands using LOCATION: J35-653 • Travel within Alberta Colum• Travel within Alberta HOME or 250-632-1017 AUTOMOTIVE SALES AUTOMOTIVE SALES Vancouver, V6C 3P1, REGISTRY NUMBER: 014316 wrenches, gauges and wrenches, gauges and bia Avenue, Kitimat, B.C. V8C • Class 1/3B.C. driver’s license • THOM Class BOYS 1/3 driver’s license TRUCKING T (250)279-0444. REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES LANDLORD: Vista Village other hand tools . other hand tools . 1V4.an asset an asset Deposit Pay! PURSUANT TO lubricate PART OF to join our team. We offer join our team. We offer Trailer Park Ltd. • toClean and lubricate saw• Clean and ww WEDNESDAY NOONS& FRIDAY DELIVERIES. Direct SERIAL NUMBER: 3020 6sawNeeded for THURSDAY AFTER THE MANUFACTURED Toequipment. submit resumeHOME To submit ADDRESS FORresume SERVICE: an attractive compensation an mill attractive compensation equipment. mill MANUFACTURED AND HOME PARK TENANCY please visit online: please visit online:Street, Suite 900-570 Granville ($105,600/year), benefits ($105,600/year), benefi ts REGISTRY NUMBER: 014316 Full time, permanent; $26.50 Full time, permanent; $26.50 REGULATIONS as the regiswww.cedagroup.com www.cedagroup.com Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3P1, and bonus program. program. LANDLORD: Vista of Village per and hour.bonus Location of work: per hour. Location work: PERFECT FOR tered holder of a financial (250)279-0444. Sales experience is not Sales experience is not Trailer Park Ltd. New Hazelton, BC. New Hazelton, BC. WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY DELIVERIES. Direct Deposit Pay! All-Peace Industrial Contractors is a fast growing organization based in the statement inFOR the SERVICE: Personal PURSUANT TO PART 6 OF necessary but an industrial necessary but an industrial S ANYONE ADDRESS NOON DAY AFTEROR d for THURSRETIREES, Contact: Bealie Chen, Contact: Registry Bealie using Chen, NeedeSTUDENTS, Property the AND THE Peace Country withwould upcoming forbackground work in your local area.beWe background be aopportunitiesbealie_chan@yahoo.com.hk would a HOT TUB MANUFACTURED (SPA) COVERS. HOT Suite 900-570 Granville Street, bealie_chan@yahoo.com.hk name of the tenant or the seriLOOKING TO EARN EXTRA CASH!!! HOME TENANCY deficandidates nite asset. nite asset. growth Best price.PARK Best quality. All Bes Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3P1, are seeking who would like to participate in919-2077. our company’s Tel: 778-defi Tel: 778- 919-2077. al number of the property, or REGULATIONS as the regisshapes Nor& colours available. shap (250)279-0444. No Collecting! Please yourwith the abilityâœąMinimum Please forward yourto doof twolocations years âœąMinimum two years of by working local projects to travel to remote t h ern PERFECT FOR onforward the registered owner of the tered holder of a fi nancial 1-866-652-6837 1-86 PURSUANT TO PARTTraining 6 OF resume to: resume to: Training work experience. work experience. manufactured home in the statement in the Personal temporaryOR assignments. Needed for THURSDAY AFTERNOONS www.thecoverguy.com/ www THE MANUFACTURED STUDENTS, RETIREES, ANYONE human.resources.depart1 human.resources.depart1 will be provided. Education: will be provided. Education: Manufactured Home Registry, Property Registry using the newspaper? new HOME PARK TENANCY notvalues required. not required. @gmail.com Our vision at All-Peace is to maintain our core of@gmail.com Development, and to the knowledge of the name of the tenant or the seriLOOKING TO EARN EXTRA CASH!!! PERMANENT CARRIER ROUTES REGULATIONS as the regislandlord claim an interest in al number of the property, or Engagement and Compliance by developing our people, engaging you in STEEL BUILDINGS/metal STE PERFECT FOR tered holder of a financial No Collecting! the Property,inyoutheare Personal advised the registered the buildings 60% owner off! of 20x28, build ~ Eagle, Egret, Drake (60) what you’re good at and having a compliance based safety program to ensure statement STUDENTS, RETIREES, that the Landlord intends to andOR ANYONE manufactured home in the 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 30x4 Property Registry using the your safety needs are met and to grow our client base within the communities ~ Farrow, Gwyn, Creed, 1237+ Tweedsmuir (100) dispose of this manufactured Manufactured Home Registry, 60x150, 80x100 sell for bal60x1 name of the tenant or the seriLOOKING TOThe EARNNorthern EXTRA CASH!!! home and the contents without Fr we live and work in. and to the knowledge of the ance owed! Call 1-800-457ance ~ Blueberry, Strawberry, Cranberry (40) al number of the property, or PERMANENT CARRIER ROUTES further notice toowner you of unless F No Collecting! landlord interest in 2206 orclaim visitan us online: 2206 the registered the QuAliFicAtioNs: ~ Stein, Morgan, Kingfisher (65) you take possession of the the Property, you are advised www.crownsteelbuildings.ca www manufactured home in the ~ Eagle, Egret, Drake (60) property, establish a right to ¡ Must pass a drug and alcohol pre-screening access test that the Landlord intends to and the Northern Sentinel Manufactured Home Registry, Contact Northern STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL STEE Farrow, Gwyn, Creed, 1237+ the Tweedsmuir (100)Sentinel possession it, or make an dispose of this manufactured Call to get your name on~our oral and written communications and to the ofknowledge of the BUILDINGS 60% 20x28, BUIL PERMANENT CARRIER ROUTES theOFF! without The¡ Good Northern application to theancourt to eshome and and the contents at 250-632-6144. ~ Blueberry, Strawberry, Cranberry (40) landlord claim interest in Replacement Routes List. 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 30x4 ¡ Well developed organizational skills and time management abilities tablish such a right, within 30 further notice to you unless Northern Connector. the Property, you are advised 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance 60x1 626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat ~ Stein, Morgan, Kingfisher (65) ~ Eagle, Egret, Drake (60) ¡ Proficient with latest technology incl. smart phones & Microsoft programs days fromLandlord the publication you possession of the owed! take Call 1-800-457-2206 owed that the intends of to and this notice. Q property, establish a right to www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. www ~ Farrow, Gwyn, Creed, 1237+ Tweedsmuir (100) dispose of this manufactured All-peAce oFFeRs: Contact the Northern Sentinel possession of it,Northern or make an Call to get your name on our Phone the The Northern home and the contents without ~ Blueberry, Strawberry, Cranberry (40) ¡ competitive wages ¡ comprehensive group benefits program STEEL BUILDINGS. “Really STE application to the court to esat 250-632-6144. further notice to you unless Replacement Routes List. a route • big Sentinel sale!â€? steel building big tablish such All afor right, within 30 ~ Stein, Morgan, Kingfisher (65) ¡ Health plan ¡ safe work environment you take possession of the 626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat • modelsfrom andtoday! sizes. Plus extra mod days the publication of property, establish a right to • if you have the necessary skills and believe you would fit into our savings. Buy now and we will savi Contact the Northern Sentinel this notice. possession of it, or make an Call to get your name on our • store 250 until 632-6144 spring. Pioneer store vision to be a successful trades company, email your resume to application to the court to esat 250-632-6144. Replacement Routes List. Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit Stee tablish such a right, within 30 careers@apind.ca or fax to 1-866-833-2032. www.pioneersteel.ca www 626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat days from the publication of ww this notice. STEEL BUILDINGS...â€?REALLY BIG STEE www.allPEacEindustrial.ca
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SALE!� All steel building models and sizes. Plus extra savings. Buy now and we will store until spring. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422
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Sports & Leisure
12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Boxer bags bragging rights It was a rock’em sock’em night in Kitimat when the Kitimat Boxing Club hosted out of town clubs in a tournament. The tournament was fought for the bragging rights of boxers, two of whom work for Rio Tinto Alcan’s Kitimat Modernization Project, and set the foundation for the tournament’s name: KMP Bragging Rights Boxing Tournament. The headlining event was between Alex Pinkerton and Nathan Furtado. Pinkerton, an import from Vancouver and weighing in at 195 lbs, put up a valiant effort leading to a split decision by judges, but the
bout ultimately went to Furtado, weighing 212 lbs. Boxing coach Bill Franklin said it was Kitimat’s night even though every competitive bout ended in a split decision, but that just shows the fairness of the judging, in contrast to at-times when clubs get home ring advantage. Kitimat’s Stephan Reid, 179 lbs, would win the following match. Well, to be fair, Reid actually hails from New Zealand where he has spent time as a karate champion. That background certainly was put to his advantage, facing Shaun Vanvuskirk, 178 lbs, from the Bridge
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Richard Boone (blue) dodges a strike from Alain Gagnon in an exhibition round at the Kitimat Boxing Club’s tournament. (Mission) Boxing Club. Dan Fredrickson, 188 lbs rounded out the night with a win, against Mission’s Nico Rizzi, 190 lbs.
Three earlier bouts in the evening were exhibitions, beginning with Hazelton’s Tera Brooks and Mayenda Jones, who braved harsh road conditions
to make it to the event. Arius Woytowich and Braydon O’Brien, and Richard Boone and Alain Gagnon, also fought in exhibition bouts.
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Environmental Assessment: Submit your comments before December 22 LNG Canada submitted its Application for an Environmental Assessment Certificate to the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office. The Application Review phase of the environmental assessment is now underway, and includes a 45-day public comment period hosted by the B.C. EAO to seek comments on the application. The public comment period closes on December 22, 2014 at midnight and we encourage you to submit your comments on our application to the B.C. EAO. There are a number of ways you can learn more and provide your comments: ACTIVITY
View consultation materials and learn more
View the Application and provide your comments
View the complete application and provide your comment online at: eao.gov.bc.ca Copies can also be found at the District of Kitimat, Kitimat Public Library, LNG Canada Community Information Centre in Kitimat and Prince Rupert, City of Terrace City Hall and the Terrace Public Library. Comments must be submitted to the B.C. EAO by December 22 at midnight
About the Project LNG Canada, a joint venture between Shell Canada Ltd., Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), Mitsubishi Corporation and PetroChina Company, is proposing to build an LNG export terminal in Kitimat. LNG Canada’s vision is to work collaboratively with the local community, First Nations and stakeholders, to deliver a project that is safe, reliable and reflective of community interests.
For more information about the project, please visit lngcanada.ca, call us toll free at 1-855-248-3631 or email us at info@lngcanada.ca
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21/11/2014 20:51