Lake Country Calendar, December 17, 2014

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Calendar Lake Country

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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951 next to Tim Hortons

December 17, 2014



Band warning: Beware of purchasing native land KEVIN PARNELL

Drinkable A study of Lake Country water completed. ......................


Readers Your views come in on the benefits to everyone from embracing rail-trail and taking a tax hike. ...............................


Wine sipping winner Taking the Scenic Sip was a treat that keeps on treating one wine lover. You can take the winter time Scenic Sip and be in the draw for a case of Lake Country wines by April. ...............................


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Buyer beware. That is the message from the chief of the Okanagan Indian Band (OKIB) as a multi-jurisdictional group looks to complete a deal to purchase the old CN Rail line from Kelowna to Coldstream over the next three-plus months. OKIB chief Byron Louis, who represents some 2,000 band members, says about 20 kilometres of the old CN Rail line, stretching from Oyama to near Vernon, is land that belongs to Okanagan Indian Band and rightfully, should not have been up for sale by CN. “We’ve never surrendered our territory and it’s never been legally taken away so we still hold title to our land,” said Louis. “One of the things we have warned (the municipalities) is buyer beware. That land is not clear title.” According to Louis,


Chief Byron Louis of the Okanagan Indian Band. OKIB is warning the municipalities that are attempting to purchase the old CN Rail line that about a 20-kilometre portion of the rail line is land owned by the OKIB and is under a land claim that needs to be settled before any development of the rail line. the land the CN Rail line travels from Oyama to Coldstream is reserve land, set aside as a reserve in 1877 before it

was taken back by the government of the day shortly thereafter and given to white ranchers. Louis says when CN

Rail was given the land to run a rail line through, it was on the condition the land would be returned to the native band when it was not in use as a railway. “The reserve has been set aside and is privately held by us,” said Louis. “Every last band member owns an interest in it. It’s privately held land so if people just walk in and think they can do whatever they want, that is trespassing.” During the abandonment process for the rail line, CN offered it for sale first to the federal and then the provincial government before the group of municipalities had their chance and agreed to a $22 million dollar purchase price. Along the way, the municipalities invited the Okanagan Indian Band to be part of the process but Louis declined and maintains the band’s position that they legally own the land. “I think the munici-

James Baker palities see an opportunity or a benefit and they are taking it and they are doing it with their eyes wide open,” he said. “What they are doing is taking a wait and see approach, but they are taking it at their own peril. We identified what our position is and that is that claim was never surrendered (by the band). That has been our position since the 1880’s and we haven’t waivered from it.” Lake Country mayor James Baker, a retired university professor, said while he understands the issue well, it didn’t stop

the group from moving ahead to try and secure the rail line as a possible transportation corridor that links the communities of Kelowna, Lake Country, Coldstream and Vernon. Baker says the land in question, like a lot of the province, is under what’s known as a commonage claim. “It was a mess in 1891 and it’s still a mess,” said Baker. “Commonage reserves never got properly registered and the province considered it vacant land. It’s concerning because it hasn’t been settled and the province has been stonewalling for years when all of this could have been settled if the province had taken a more enlightened approach and do what’s right.” Baker, who interestingly taught chief Louis in university, defended the purchase of the line and said it’s an issue that

Drinkable water is in the balance KEVIN PARNELL Nearly a dozen culverts on Beaver Lake Road, from Lake Country to near Beaver Lake, are in various states of disrepair and in need of work before they ultimately affect Lake Country’s water quality. Those are the findings of a year-long study of drainage issues on approximately 8.5 kilometres of Beaver Lake Road that is under Dis-

trict of Lake Country control. Lake Country water quality technician Patti Meger says the lack of properly working culverts could eventually affect the water quality in Lake Country as surface water coming through the watershed drains into Vernon Creek and eventually into the Lake Country water system. “We have 11 culverts that were damaged or not up to par and each

one of them needs some work done or to be taken out completely,” said Meger. “If every single one fails there is a problem. No matter what, the natural flow of the water will take it into Vernon Creek but we want to ensure it’s not all going in at one spot. We want to ensure all culverts are operating.” The study was undertaken thanks to a $10,000 Water Conservation and Quality

Improvement grant from the Okanagan Basin Water Board. It was done by a consultant and the results will be shared with all area stakeholders. Beaver Lake Road is in the middle of the Vernon Creek watershed and part of a larger (141.1 sq. km.) area that includes the Oyama Creek and Oyama Lake watersheds as well. Meger says there are many parties involved in

keeping the various forestry roads and culverts in working condition as the provincial ministries of forests and of agriculture have a stake, along with private homeowners and industry. Lake Country maintains Beaver Lake Road from the time it leaves the district until it passes the second cattle guard, about 8.5 kilometres. “What we are trying to do is be leaders,” said Meger. “We don’t have


the funding to back us so we need the collaborative effort of all the stakeholders in the watershed to get this done. “It’s amazing what we have accomplished in the past three to four years. Now that we have a report showing the different culverts are not up to the standard of what they need to be to adequately remove water from the road, we can


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Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



Federal, provincial governments must deal with OKIB rail line land claim OKIB FROM A1

“It’s really not local government that should be dealing with this because it’s a federal and provincial deal,” he said.

will have to be dealt with as the process moves along.

“This will be something that needs to be settled before we can do anything much with the rail line. The courts have

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pointed out time and again that there is underlying aboriginal title to those lands that have not been settled by a treaty.” Baker expects the issue may eventually be dealt with in a cash settlement with the band or a possible land swap. So as the due diligence continues and the municipalities attempt to raise enough money to buy the land—Lake Country will go through the Alternate Approval Procecss to try and raise taxes for its portion— Louis and the rest of the Okanagan Indian Band are waiting to see what happens with their land claim. And Louis says the governments both know exactly what’s going on with the land in question. “They have done their risk analysis and they believe there is a low risk here,” he said. “We’re


PART of the CN Rail line currently under due diligence by local municipalities to purchase. Okanagan Indian Band will conduct its own negotiations. saying that’s not the case. I’m saying there is a definite risk. They have to deal with the issue of damages. I would strongly advise the government to sit down and negotiate with us instead of gambling. Under the In-

dian Act there are laws against trespass. If people just think they can just walk in and do whatever they want (on our land) they are trespassing.” According to Baker, another two kilometre stretch of the rail line

that passes through part of the Okanagan Indian Band reserve near Duck Lake wasn’t included in the deal to purchase the land. newsroom








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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 17, 2014 A3


How the CN rail line purchase negotiations are shaping up—so far KEVIN PARNELL Lake Country council was expected to give three readings to a bylaw that proposes a 1.68 per cent tax hike over 20 years at its regular council meeting Tuesday night, an increase that would allow the district to borrow enough money to purchase the 16 kilometres of CN rail line that runs through Lake Country. But even before the meeting, it was announced Lake Country would go ahead with its portion of the deal, spending $5.1 million as part of a multi-jurisdictional partnership to purchase the old line for a total of $22 million cash. To raise the funds, Lake Country is planning the tax hike and will also enter into a Memorandum of Understanding that will see Kelow-

na temporarily acquire 50 per cent of the railway in Lake Country with a $2.5 million loan that will be interest free for three years. As well, the district plans to move forward with the alternative approval process to approve the tax increase, meaning if 10 per cent of Lake Country voters sign a petition against the move, the district will have to find another way to raise enough money for its share of the purchase. Prior to the meeting, Lake Country mayor James Baker said helping to fund the acquisition of the old CN rail line from Kelowna to Coldstream will not affect the district’s plans to keep working on its infrastructure deficit, including needed improvements to roads, sewers, sidewalks and lights. “We are always look-

ing at opportunities where we can increase the asset base of our community and this is a major asset,” said Baker of the rail line, which Lake Country, Kelowna and the North Okanagan Regional District have partnered to try and purchase. “We are working on our (infrastructure) deficit by going after grants from senior levels of government. We couldn’t get a grant from the federal government to purchase the rail line but we can get grants to help fix up the roads.” But Lake Country resident Guy Bissonette says the district is paying too high of a portion of the trail relative to the population of Lake Country and questions how many other capital projects remain on the books and will be delayed due to a lack of funds in Lake Country’s

bank account. “They are saying this is only $5 million but how may millions of dollars in projects that need to be done to bring things up to (proper) standards are sitting on the books because we can’t afford it,” said Bissonette. “I think it’s irresponsible to take $5 million out to spend on something we don’t really need.” Bisonnette said Lake Country residents are bearing an unfair brunt of the total purchase price when you compare its population to that of Kelowna, where residents will not face increased taxes as the city will use money out of its reserve to pay its portion of $7.6 million. He also said most of the eventual spinoffs from a proposed trail corridor linking the communities would end up in Kelowna as opposed to Lake Country.

“Where are these tourists going to be staying?” he said. “We don’t have the nightlife, the hotels or the restaurants. We’re not likely to cash in on the tourist dollars. Kelowna would.” At this week’s Lake Country council meeting, the district is expected to officially move forward with the alternative approval process as a way to gauge public support and approve the tax increase. The tax increase could be voted down if 10 per cent of the eligible voters—about 900 signatures—sign a petition. But Bissonette said the process is flawed. “Where do you sign up, how do you get the people?” he questioned. “Are you going to go door to door? The alternative approval process relies on voter apathy to slam through what the council wants.” Despite the concerns

Beaver Lake water flows into Vernon Creek WATER FROM A1 move forward to protect our water.” The study took into account a six kilometre section of Beaver Lake Road upstream from the Vernon Creek drinking water intake to the dam at Beaver Lake as well as approximately five kilometres of non-status roads and trails adjacent to the Vernon Creek canyon. Along with the recommendations for improvements to ditching and culverts the report also recommends further deactivation of foresty roads and a continuation of regular inspection, monitoring and maintenance of road drainage structures and downstream water quality. Adding to the complexity of the problem moving forward is all

stakeholders have different views as to what the proper standard is for culverts on forestry roads such as Beaver Lake Road, according to Meger. She said while Lake Country’s standards are high and meant to ensure the safety of the drinking water, she added the different government ministries have different standards. “There is some general disrepair and there are some culverts that really do need to get looked at,” said Meger. “It’s tough. The Agriculture Ministry is going by their standards, we are going by ours and the Ministry of Forests has their own. We all want to protect our water. All of this water eventually makes it into Okanagan Lake so if we can help keep it clean above we can keep it clean below.” Up next will be a

raised, Baker says it’s more important to acquire the land as an asset for the future and he said the proposed tax increase is offset by the importance of saving the line as a public corridor. He said the tax increase ($27 per year for 20 years for a single family residence assessed at $475,000) is modest when you account for Lake Country’s low tax rate. And he said the rail corridor is a major benefit for the entire region, including Lake Country.

“This is how you grow your community but if you don’t take the opportunity when it’s available you stagnate,” said Baker. “We aren’t doing anything we can’t handle with regard to making the payments and without having to increase taxes to an an exorbitant rate. There is always a need for people to have their say and that’s what we are all about.” For more see letters to the editor on page A6.

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Calendar Lake Countr y

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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

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A WORKER measures a partially blocked culvert on Beaver Lake Road as part of a


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Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


The milk of human kindness goes sour

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t’s confession time: “Forgive me, Father, for I have lost patience with all those

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Tessa Ringness Production Manager

Kevin Parnell Staff Reporter

Life and Faith

Teresa Huscroft-Brown

Jim Taylor

Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688

bloodsuckers who believe that the season of peace and goodwill entitles them to exploit the naïve and gullible…” Is loss of patience a sin? So it would seem.

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Horgan on LNG, climate and farmland Following are highlights from Tom Fletcher’s yearend interview with NDP leader John Horgan. For an extended version, see the Opinion section at kelownacapnews. com.


F: The B.C. Liberal government has given every indication they’re going to proceed with the Site C dam on the Peace River. What do you think? JH: I’ve always maintained that it’s a good project, but it’s a question of when to add another $8-9-10-12 billion onto the backs of ratepayers. First of all, go to the B.C. Utilities Commission and find out if this is the power you need and if this is the time to build it. The government refuses to do that, and I think that’s just an Achilles

BC Views

Tom Fletcher heel in this process. TF: You voted for the liquefied natural gas income tax to provide certainty, and then you immediately said you would work to increase the LNG tax in 2017, before any major project could be started. How is that certainty? JH: I thought it was important that the investment community in this sector knew there was bipartisan support for LNG in British Columbia. But we went from a seven per cent [tax] to a 3.5 per cent because of a softening mar-

ket. If there is a decline in return to the province because of a softening market, then surely over a 25-year period – not just between now and 2017, but if the market conditions change and prices go up – I think British Columbians would want their government to make sure they were getting a fair share of that benefit. TF: Why did you vote against the LNG environmental legislation? JH: They said prior to the election that LNG would be the greenest in the world. And then when they tabled legislation they left out 70 per cent of the emissions from upstream activity. TF: Gordon Campbell’s great goal for greenhouse gases, 33 per cent reduction by 2020, can that be reached assuming a substantial LNG development? JH: I find it difficult to believe that they’re going to achieve those results.

[Environment Minister] Mary Polak has a different point of view, and our job as opposition is to hold them accountable to the numbers that they passed into law, and we’re going to do that. One of the three sectors, housing, energy and transportation, where emission profiles can be managed downward is transportation. And the government has wasted 18 months talking about a referendum on [Metro Vancouver transit.] TF: What’s your top priority for 2015? JH: I think the public is going to increasingly find affordability issues to be the challenge. We didn’t spend as much time as I had hoped to on hydro rate increases, ICBC. When the government balanced the budget, they did it by selling assets, and by increasing costs at their Crown corporations and then pulling that revenue in for budget purposes. We’re going to have

to use new technologies and means of communication to better explain to people what the government’s doing to them. TF: What should happen with the agricultural land reserve? JH: I don’t think there was a groundswell of opposition to the ALR, quite the opposite in fact, and the commission has in my opinion, infinite flexibility to meet the demands of development in northern areas as well as urban centres. I’m going to make sure that [agriculture critic] Lana Popham, who as you know is fearless on this issue, is let loose on [Agriculture Minister] Norm Letnick, and we’re going to dog this issue up to the next election. Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press newspapers. @tomfletcherbc

The Catholic On-Line Guide to Confession lists 16 questions one should consider before confessing. The sixth asks: “Was I impatient, angry, envious, proud, jealous, revengeful…?” Yes, I was, and I am, impatient. Even angry. Especially with people who treat the milk of human kindness as something to suck dry. I use the Delete button to get rid of spam e-mail without reading it. That’s easy. It’s harder to ignore e-mails purportedly from people I know. A long-time correspondent wrote that she had been robbed in Turkey. Her passport and air-


We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 17, 2014 A5

opinion ▼ OVERLOAD

No longer open email or envelope charity pleas TAYLOR FROM A4 line ticket were safe in the hotel vault, but the hotel wouldn’t release them until she paid her bill. Could I send some money? Another came from a former editing colleague, needing to pay bail in Spain. In both cases, the spammers included enough personal information to sound convincing. Yet both proved utterly fraudulent. Appeals by regular mail also increase towards the year end. I used to extend to all charities the courtesy of reading what they had sent me. I don’t bother doing that anymore. With a few exceptions, envelopes go into the recycle bin unopened. Don’t get me wrong. I still donate – quite generously, my accountant assures me every April – to my own choices of worthy causes. But I’m suffering from compas-




sion fatigue. I reserve my lowest level of tolerance for unsolicited telephone calls. I can’t ignore them. They interrupt meals and conversations. Whenever I hear a recording, I hang up. But it feels rude to hang up on a real person. Even if he wants to warn me about a problem with my Microsoft Windows program. I’ve tried asking them to take me off their lists. It doesn’t work. I’ve tried arguing. If they really know all about my computer, I insist, they can tell me my computer’s Internet Protocol (IP) number. They can’t. But that doesn’t deter them either. When they ask, “And how are you today?” I’ve

tried telling them. In exhaustive detail. Same result. Some colleagues shared their own ways of discouraging unwanted calls. “Does your mother approve of what you’re doing?” one person asks. “I advise them that this call is being recorded for law enforcement purposes,” suggests another. “I ask politely if I can put them on hold for a minute,” offered a third. “Then I put the phone down and ignore it.” One correspondent suggested keeping a police whistle handy, to blow into the phone. “A vuvuzela would work equally well,” he added. (A vuvuzela, in case you’ve forgotten, is a plastic horn about two

feet long that emits an eardrum-shattering blast of sound.) Clearly, these “solutions” go beyond mere impatience to vengeful damage. While I’m not convinced that loss of pa-

tience is a sin, despite the Catholic Guide to Confession, I have a feeling that a lust to punish, coupled with a loss of compassion, may be. Author Jim Taylor lives in Lake Country.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



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Plenty of benefits from rail-trail to cover tax hike To the editor: $27 per year. Basically six Starbucks coffees and you have something that will provide generations to come a recreational treasure that can also benefit businesses and jobs in your area.

hrhirsitsmtm CC asaH s oHloidliadyaSychedule Schedule

Garbage and Recycling Collection Garbage and Recycling Collection Waste collection for December 22-26 and December 29-

Even if the tourists stay in Kelowna they can now bike to your wineries and coffee shops and parks on the lake for incredible days of sight seeing with a relatively easy ride. Imagine how many beautiful things in this world would not exist if decisions were always just based on money in the immediate moment. This is a rare opportunity to have some-

Waste 2collection December and December 29January will movefor one day later -22-26 i.e. Thursday’ s collection January 2 will move one day later i.e. Thursday’ s collection will move to Friday. Friday’s collection will move to Saturday. will move to Friday. Friday’s collection will move to Saturday.

Recycling & Landfill Operations & Landfill Operations • Recycling Glenmore Landfill & Recycling Depot, 1595 Glenmore Road.

• Glenmore Landfill & Recycling Glenmore (7:30am-4:45pm. Closed DecemberDepot, 25, 26 1595 and January 1) Road. (7:30am-4:45pm. Closed December 25, 26 and January 1) • Westside Residential Waste Disposal & Recycling Centre, Asquith Road.Residential Open Friday-Monday (7:30am-3:50pm. Closed • Westside Waste Disposal & Recycling Centre, December 25 andOpen January 1.) Recycling(7:30am-3:50pm. depot is open seven Asquith Road. Friday-Monday Closed days a week except Christmas and New Years December 25 andfor January 1.) Recycling depotDay. is open seven days a week except for Christmas New Years Day. • Kirschner Road Recycling Depot,and 1988 Kirschner Road. (8:00am-5:00pm. Closed December 25, 26 and January 1) • Kirschner Road Recycling Depot, 1988 Kirschner Road. (8:00am-5:00pm. Closed December 25, 26 and January 1) Remember to put all wrapping paper (not foil), flattened boxes

To the editor: WOW where is my share—really. If Kelowna benefits it

is likely the whole region benefits—does no one in Lake Country work, shop, attend UBCO or use the airport in Kelowna? Time for some to take their head out of the sand. There are other ways to apportion costs that are deemed fair— per capita, assessment, and length inside boundaries or any combination of them. Ken Klassen, UBC

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and cartons into your recycling cart for curbside pick-up Remember to put all wrapping paper (not foil), flattened boxes or take to your nearest recycling depot. and cartons into your recycling cart for curbside pick-up ormore take to your nearest depot. For info please go torecycling our website atFor more info please go to our website at

thing incredible for generations to come and will benefit the sale of any home in Lake Country by more than $27. Give up six cups of coffee or two packs of cigarettes and get out for a walk. Brent Hauberg, Vernon

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Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Do you have a great Lake Country photo? Tell us the story and send a big jpeg to :

s y a d i l o H y p p a H

Capital news

To the editor: Certainly folks are worried about the money, but after the rail is pulled, hopefully locals will see the possibilities. I have swum and boated in Lake Country. The beaches and cycle combo will shine. As for the worries about rooms and restaurants. Entrepreneurs will jump in—Kelowna and Vernon cannot hold a candle to the natural beauty of Lake Country Brian Brennan, Nanaimo

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 17, 2014 A7


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Food Bank in the running for big cash prize The Lake Country Food Bank has qualified for the finals of the Aviva Community Fund contest and remains in line for some or all of a $100,000 grand prize that would allow the charity to construct a new building for its operations. The public cast enough votes in the semifinal round of voting in the Aviva contest, which looks at community projects across Canada with a panel of judges now set to decide which project will get the major boost in funding. Hundreds of ideas were submitted in this year’s competition. As a finalist, the Lake Country Food Bank will receive a minimum of $5,000 towards the building of the new food bank building. The judges will now determine which ideas will be Grand Prize winners, to be announced Jan. 27 and

share in the $1,000,000 in prizing. “I think we stand a very good chance,” said Bob Rymarchuk, who has been heading the fund-raising drive through the Rotary Club of Lake Country. “We are far further ahead in our planning and development than most other projects. We have a business plan. We’ve already raised more than half of what we need, in direct donations or in commitments of materials and services.” There are 40 ideas submitted in different categories that will be grand prize winners with the Aviva Community Fund disbursing $1,000,000. The budget for a new building for the Lake Country Food Bank is set at $1,058,421. Much of this has already been raised through community fundraising. The municipality has donated land, valued at

14191 Moberly Road

$262,000, with lease fees and taxes waived, and the Rotary Club of Lake Country has spearheaded community and foundations fundraising with $121,000 raised so far. Commitments from local contractors and construction firms, University of BC Okanagan Faculty of Engineering, and Okanagan College’s Trades and Apprenticeship Program has been pledged, valued at over $265,000 in materials and services. The Rotary Club of Lake Country says if the project were to receive the $100,000 grand prize it would push it over the top and construction on the building could begin next year. The balance of $227,000 will be raised through community fundraising and capital funding by June, 2015.

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SCENIC SIP…Heather Garrod, of Lake Country, celebrates with a

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case of mixed wine from the group of Lake Country wineries known as the Scenic Sip. Garrod was the lucky winner who visited each winery during their fall promotion and had her passport stamped. Her name was drawn from more than 300 entries. Participating wineries were Ancient Hill Estate Winery, Arrowleaf Cellars, Ex Nihilo Vineyards, Gray Monk Estate Winery, Intrigue Wines and 50th Parallel Estate Winery. For more details, contact or visit any of the wineries to pick up your passport for the Winter Passport Promotion where a lucky winner will also receive a mixed case of wine. The draw date is April 1.

Impeccable 40db amplification, adjustable ringtone volume and eight photo speed dial buttons so you can easily call your favorite people straight away... without delay.







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Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



District council members get committee marching orders Lake Country politicians have been handed their duties. Committee and commission appointments were approved by council earlier this month. “Some people’s interests may change over the four years of the term so we will review appointments every year,” said Mayor James Baker. Baker will represent Lake Country at the Regional District of Central Okanagan while Coun. Owen Dickie


is at Okanagan Regional Library. Coun. Blair Ireland will represent the district at the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce, while Coun. Bill Scarrow will go to the Winfield Senior Citizens Society. The economic planning and development committee consists of Councillors Penny Gambell and Matt Vader, and Coun. Rob Geier is on the parks and recreation committee with Dickie and Ireland.

m L t t t S

b B L i w s B f o

WE MAKE custom WINE baskets!

t C a


KIDS at the Lake Country Boys and Girls Club celebrate RBC Sports Day in Canada and celebrated

I DO ck!

a $5,000 grant from RBC. The money will go towards new programs at the Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs, including Lake Country. It is a new approach to sport and physical activity through the introduction of a physical literacy-based program recommended by Canadian Sport for Life. The emphasis will be on providing children with either multi-sport or multi-skill participation programs.

Is Ba

Chocolate Lovers

Foodie Lovers

c b w t o s

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Open Christmas Eve ‘till 5pm Open for tastings everyday 10-6 2291 Goldie Rd, Lake Country | 250.980.3233

Kelowna/Lake Country

Calendar Lake Country

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Winfi eld Bakery Come in for all your Christmas goodies! We have a great selection of Christmas fruit cakes, Christmas rye bread, & Christmas cakes.

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different kinds of cookies, including gingerbread men, & a variety of stollen: almond, hazelnut, fruit, poppyseed & marzipan.

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Winfield Shopping Centre • 250-766-3625 Holiday Hours: Dec.21,22, 23 7am-6pm, Dec.24 7am-4pm. Closed Dec.25-28, Jan.1

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 17, 2014 A9


Open Boxing Day Dec. 26 & New Year’s Day


Baxter re-elected to chair school board; LC catchments early business on agenda


Proposed new catchment boundaries for Lake Country elementary schools is one of the top priorities for the Central Okanagan School Board. The newly elected board—Oyama’s Deb Butler is representing Lake Country—held its inaugural meeting last week where Peachland school trustee Moyra Baxter was elected chair for the third straight one-year term. Along with Baxter, board member Rolli Cacchioni were nominated for the position. “I’m pleased to receive the support of the board,” Baxter said last week. “I want to carry on the work of supporting our teachers, support staff and parents.” Baxter said the new Lake Country catchment boundaries, designed to alleviate overcrowding at Davidson Road elementary, will be up for discussion early in the new year as changes will have to be decided upon early in the year, to properly get the word out to parents. Baxter also said the board expects to deal

Moyra Baxter with a proposal to change the grade configuration in Rutland schools in January as well. The school board would like to move to a model across the region that sees elementary schools run from Kindergarten to Grade 5, middle school include Grade 6,7,8 and high schools house students beginning in Grade 9. Rutland is the only region that could handle the change with its current schools. The change in grade configuration wouldn’t come into play in Lake Country until a proposed new middle school is built, still years away. Grade 7 students in Lake Country have already been moved to an annex at George Elliot secondary. The change in catchment areas will bet-

ter disburse Lake Country students between Davidson Road, Peter Greer and Oyama Traditional. Both Peter Greer and Oyama are under capacity. Last week’s meeting of the board was the first meeting since the November civic elections. Baxter said perhaps the biggest issue the trustees face is re-building relationships after this year’s teacher’s strike. “We heard about it in the election campaign and time and again,” she said. “Going through the

teacher’s strike was not easy on anybody and we came out of that feeling quite beaten down. We have to work hard on re-building relationships with teachers, parents and support staff because we have always taken great pride in that.” Along with Baxter and Cacchioni, the school board consists of Butler, Julia Fraser, Chris Gorman, Lee Mossman and Lee-Ann Tiede. The next school board meeting is Jan. 14. newsroom

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Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Photo by Geri Allan-Helmer

Get your FREE 13 month calendar in the Dec. 31 edition of the LCC, it’s loaded with local photography & important dates in the new year.

Introducing the New Mobile Cash-Back Feature. Introducing the New Mobile Feature. With exclusive offers for brands you loveCash-Back & $5 cash-out minimums With exclusive offersnever for thegobrands youwithout love & $5 cash-out minimums through PayPal, you’ll shopping your smart phone again! Introducing the New Mobile Cash-Back Feature. through PayPal, neverBack go shopping yourSteps smart phone again! Getyou’ll Cash in 3without Easy With exclusive offers for the brands you love & $5 cash-out minimums through PayPal, you’ll never go shopping without your smart phone again!

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Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



Giving blood is literally donating the gift of life KEVIN PARNELL Up until her daughter became seriously ill, Alanea Holstrom was like a lot of us when it came to donating blood,

thinking surely there are enough people out there giving that we don’t have to. But in the past year, as her three-year-old daughter Lynnea has



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2015 CALENDAR WINNERS! Linda Bambauer R.St.Martin

2015 13 M


Darlene Thiessen




donating blood when her daughter Lynnea was diagnosed with leukemia.

Doris Hewitson

Dr. Walter Sokolowski



ALANEA Holstrom is a regular blood donor now after realizing the importance of

Geri Allan-Helmer Tiffany Larkan



battled leukemia and suffered through life-saving blood transfusions, Holstrom has found out differently and is now trying to spread the word by sharing her story. “I had always wanted to donate blood but unfortunately I never made it a priority until I saw what a difference it made in my own daughter’s life,” said Holstrom on Monday. “I was always under the assumption there was enough people donating blood. The first time I went into the blood clinic myself I was really scared to find out that less than four per cent of eligible donors actually make it out to donate blood.”

Winfield Dental Centre Dr. Lina Jung & Dr. Greg Kosar 208

Jim Moody Congratulations to the winners and all who sent entries for the 2015 Calendar. Winners will be contacted to recieve their gift card.

Compliments of the

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Photo by Geri Allan-Helmer

Photographers whose pictures have been chosen will receive a $10 gift card courtesy of...

Lake Country

Building Centre

Accepting Jpegs for the 2016 Calendar. Submissions may be sent to:

And that four per cent now consists of Holstrom and her husband, now regular blood donors after going though more than a year of anxiety and stress after young Lynnea was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, just shy of her second birthday. Cute, shy, bubbly and in love with cupcakes, little Lynnea had ended up in the doctor’s office after a fall resulted in what doctors first thought was just a sprain. But after the injury didn’t heal and Lynnea’s pain worsened, Holstrom kept asking for another opinion. She was finally sent to see a pediatrician, who ordered blood work and nailed down the leukemia diagnosis. She was immediately flown to Children’s hospital. “She has been in treatment for just over a year now and she has


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had many blood transfusions,” said Holstrom. “She had six months of intense chemotherapy and still has daily treatments with her blood levels constantly monitored. Through it all she has managed to stay really happy, really bright and full of life. She has been a trooper through this whole situation.” Spending time at B.C. Children’s Hospital as well as other health institutions since the diagnosis has opened Holstrom’s eyes to just how many people are in need of blood transfusions. “We have spent so much time in the B.C. Children’s Hospital and in the oncology department,” she said. “We see kids every day that would come in and need blood transfusions on a daily basis. I never realized the need.” In Kelowna, the Canadian Blood Services clinic is open four days per week and can take 64 appointments each day. Each donation is said to be able to save as many as three lives, yet there are times, like Christmas, when the clinic is not full and has trouble filling the appointments. “I know Christmas is a busy time for everyone but that also means it’s a bit more of a challenge for us to get people into the clinic,” said Gayle Voyer, territory manager for Canadian Blood Services. “We are open throughout the holiday season and what better gift than giving the gift of life. We ask that you spread the word to your family and friends. It only takes an hour of your time.” For Holstrom, who drives to Kelowna from Oliver with her husband to donate blood, donating is no longer an option. They have made it part of their routine. “It’s just so important to me,” she said. “There was somebody out there that took the time to donate blood and it saved my daughter’s life. I am forever grateful. We were at the hospital for eight months and there were families there every day with us. Donating blood is a life saving gift.” To book an appointment to give blood today, call 1-888-236-6283 or visit newsroom

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Anybody Seen My Gal?” 24.Annoy 25.Not moist 27.Manta ____ 28.Drink chiller 29.Bunk 31.Gulp 32.Summer skin shade

41.Style 42.Con game 43.____-Hoop 44.Curb 46.Morally bad 47.Peeve 48.Pretzel topping 50.Bread spread


in the WHL in Josh

10.Bottom support 11.Dog-team’s vehicle 16.Ailments 20.Chic 21.Sob 22.Shaft 23.Relaxed 25.Merits 27.Spin 29.Pour forth 30.Mound 31.Play divisions 34.Former Lake Country

33.Not as good 35.Slangy film 36.Vigor 37.Rural hotel 38.Bowed 40.Musical symbol 42.Meadow mamas 43.Uprising 47.Natural 49.Served for a point 50.Self 55.“How do I love ____?” 56.Convene 57.Make like a pigeon 58.Drenches

59.Comes to a stop 60.Japanese coin

DOWN 1. Testing ground 2. Anger 3. Chapel bench 4. Skilled 5. Friend 6. Purpose 7. Excites 8. Nights before celebrations 9. Suitor • 778 – 215 - 5247



ACROSS 1. Facial feature 4. Border on 8. Fades away 12.“Car 54, Where ____ You?” 13.Shrub 14.____ cutlet 15.Perplex 17.Comfort 18.Escorted 19.Put out 21.Room divider 24.Holler 26.Live 28.Pub beverage 29.Luxurious resort 32.Popular street name

Copyright © 2014, Penny Press

Rockets land top D-man

Copyright © 2014, Penny Press

Health Planning Society

Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date

ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 741 DOWN 12.Bard’s work PRINCE ALBERT RAIDERS 36.Used to be 1. Fail 13.Certain 38.Gazed at 2. Matinee parasites 39.Kitchen alcove headliner 14.Beasts of 3. Showroom 42.Express burden model indifference WARREN HENDERSON even better equipped to Morrissey, a firstMorrissey,” said Rock15.June, 4. Bluishround gray NHL draft choice ets’ president and gener45.Classifiers push their season deep to Beaver 5. Wearied Th16.Curved e Kelowna Rockets into May. of the Winnipeg Jets, is al manager Bruce Hamlines 49.Prompts 6. Amassconsidered one of the were already part of the 50.“____ As part of a four-playilton. “He’s been playand the 17.Dig, as asserious for 7. Affirmative conversation er deal with the Prince elite defenceman in all ing very well for Prince Fatman” gold contenders for a MeAlbert Raiders, the reply of junior hockey and will Albert and he made a 18.Ink-absorbing morial Cup berth in the 51.Passing Rockets acquired Morsuit up for Canada’s nastrong point in Winni8. Wanderer through spring ofpaper 2015. rissey, 19, and forward tional junior squad this peg’s training camp this 9. Freeway With the addition Gage Quinney, 19, in exChristmas for the second year. I think we’ve done 52.Got down 20.Dull finish sign this week of all-star de- 53.Hymn change for defenceman year in a row. something very good for finisher 21.Lost weight CROSSWORD fenceman Josh MorrisJesse Lees, forward10.Lincoln’s Aus“We are getting argu-PUZZLE ANSWERS coin ably the best USEdefenceman AMERICAN SPELLING 23.Stash sey, the Westernaway Hock- 54.Feeling tin Gloverrotten and a pair of

bantam draft picks.

30.Fishhook p 31.Uttered 32.On ____ (tense) ... supporting Community Wellness since 198234.Volcanic Creating a healthier community for young andresidue old. Lake Country

Community eVents


Copyright © 2014, Penny Press defenceman Josh Morrissey, 26.Spike of corn 55.Lots ACROSS acquired last week from 1. Auction offer 27.Make fun of 56.Darn the Prince Albert 57.Give the 4. Command 30.Stop Raiders, will bolster the go-ahead to to a dog Kelowna Rockets 33.Mar 8. Collar site corps. 35.Cloud’s locale blueline

ey League club should be


39.Certain amphibian 41.Wooded 43.Some rodents 44.Canyon’s answer 45.Al Gore, e.g. 46.Poems 48.Colony dwellers 51.Bear’s pad 52.Frozen 53.Boot tip 54.Hither’s partner

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Bob at 250-766-4568 ANSWERorTO PUZZLE NO. 743


29.Clarinet’s kin


• Better at Home is a program funded by the Government harnessof BC to help seniors Holeown punchers live1. in their homes by33.Elaborate providing simple non-medical support services. Lake Country Health Planning is coordinating 5. “You ____ My Society 35.Fearful person these services for seniors 65 years+ living inLucky Lake Country. call 778-215-5247DOWN if you would like more information. Star” Please 37.Minus •royal lePage Kelowna/laKe Country’s annual wisH tree. 1. PlayCHristmas a part 8. Spat part TO PU Starts (Nov.12 to Dec.22) 38.Stair Bring a wrapped/unwrapped gift (from 0-16ANSWER yrs) & help 2. Flirt with 12.Hen’s make a child’s home Christmas Wish come true! We also have a collection box in support 40.Scrap of the Lake Country Food Bank. We are located in3.Lake JotCountry down Place Mall. Please 13.Maiden 41.Fur call Barb or Olivia 250-766-3300. 4. Barcelona’s 14.Bloodhound’s 43.Walk leisurely •tHriFt store now oPen! 3250 Berry Rd. All proceeds go to the Lake Country nation trail Run by our friendly Food Bank. volunteers! Open Tues., Wed. & Thurs., 11am– 6pm. 45.Horse’s NEW WINTER HOURS: Saturdays 112pm. 5. Ancient 15.Nero’s relative •lC seniors’ Bus sCHeDule - Monday Dec 1,6.8 Prime Entertainment. Tuesday Steep-sided garment 48.Fasten Dec 2, 9 Buffet Lunch at Winfield Seniors Centre. Saturday Dec 13 Pancake valley 16.Permanently prison Tuesday Dec 16 Christmas Lights Breakfast Vernon Schubert50.Army Centre, shopping. Tour. To reserve a seat on 52.Wild bus phonetry Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250--861-4131 7. Refinement 18.Deep, violet •lC seniors’ meet From 10:00 to 11:45 8. Cruise of on Fridays. If you blue Centre sCraBBle 56.Adventurer are interested just show up at 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. to register. The fee will “Top Gun” 20.Said yes to Marco ____ be $1.50. 9. Adored oneRd. is looking for 21.Dried plum 57.Golf gadget •lC seniors’ Centre Volunteer - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake someone to do some volunteer office work. Your call would be appreciated as this is 10.Golf cry 24.Snatches 58.Sensitive not a difficult position. Call 250-766-4220 or Dorothy at 250-766-4568. 11.Stew 26.Dinghy paddle 59.Small mark CROSSWORD •lC seniors’ Centre Prime entertainment - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road P 17.Filchevery Monday USE AMERICAN 60.Misstep 27.At what time? are holding their weekly entertainment and refreshments afternoon from 1:30 until 3:00 everyone welcome. Come join in the fun •tHe winFielD Community CHurCH laDies grouP - Annual Craft Sale & Bake Sale on Sat., Nov. 22 from 11am-2pm. Come & join us for our Soup Luncheon & sale at 9460 Glenmore Rd., Winfield. •lC outDoors CluB - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots for hiking. For info about our club, please contact us at: •lC HealtH Planning soCiety - Volunteer. Are you a Lake Country Senior 744a difference? Volunteers will work together & with staff to whoPUZZLE wants toNO. make increase awareness about elder abuse. For info email lakecountryhealthplanning@ 17.Hard trip or call 778-215-5247 19.Small bed •CHilDren’s Programs For Fall at tHe lC liBrary Preschool Story Time par 22.Animal will be Fri. from 10:30-11:30am, starting Sept. & ending on Dec. 19. Baby Time for 23.Female babies 0-18 months will be Tues. from 10:30-11:00am, starting Oct. 7 & finishing onshe Dec. 16. All programs are FREE but children must be accompanied by a24.Grab caregiver. For more info, call the library 250-766-3141. 25.Fireproof •lC seniors’ Centre We are off to another fun year. 9832 Bottom Woodmaterial Lake Rd., many of the programs that happened last year will be added again.LC Artists 26.Crooked at 8:30am, Line Dancing 9:30am or 1:30am, Wood Shop - 9am, J.O.Y. Excercise - 9 28.Amazemen am, Tai Chi - 2pm, Sewing - 1pm, Crib - 7pm, Crib Tournament - at 10am, Hosp Aux - 1pm, Bus Society - 10am, Songsters - 10am, Pancake Breakfast 29.Workout - 8am. Call ar 250-766-4220 for more info. 31.Lard •Visit tHe laKe Country museum anD arCHiVes at 11255 Okanagan 32.Wettest Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open Mon., Wed., & 34.Christmas Sat. from 1 to 4pm, & by appointment. 250-766-0111 or visit the website www. •lC FooD BanK has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. © 2014, Penny PressCentre. Playing •CriBBage. Friday evenings starting 7pm atCopyright the Seniors’ Activity 8 games with a chance of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening out ACROSS with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. For info. call 53.Finger 31.To’s opposite John counts 1.250-766-3026. Tennis points 32.Moist •winFielD uniteD CHurCH tHriFt sHoP (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open from 33.Fade away 5. Mommy deer Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for DOWN October’s info8.regarding appropriate34.Salary donations. 1. every Dangerous stone •oyama legion BranCH35.Sultan’s 189 holds a group meat draw Saturday afternoon at 2pm. ANSWER TO PU snakes All members and guests are welcome. of wives 12.Piece of wood 2. Trace 36.Rewrite •lC13.Pen line DanCers 1:30pm copy & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. fluid Tuesdays, Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. 3. ____ Grey 38.Garnet, e.g. 14.Set of three •soCial BriDge Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. tea New players welcome. 39.Plains animal 15.Cat sigh Eunice, 250-766-3982. 4. Limber up 41.Exceed 16.Infant’s •tHe CounCil oF senior CitiZens organiZations (COSCO) is an advocacy 5. Duplicate 45.Begs group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior problem Till billswishing to become organizations/associations47.Yodeler’s wishing to affiliate or6. individuals 18.Chooses members contact Ernie Bayer:feedback 604-576-9734 fax7.604-576-9733 ____ out or ecbayer2@gmail. com20.Pauses for info.

(make do) 48.Minute 21.Excessively particle 8. Different 22.None 49.Kettle’s kin 9. Captive 23.Make law 50.Prune 10.“____ We 26.Chinese skillet 51.Peat ____ Got Fun” All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations. 27.Criticize 11.Daily 52.What it takes CROSSWORD P inquiries, please recordsemail USE AMERICAN to tango 30.Clean for all other or fax 250-762-3220

Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



Valleyview Dignity Memorial

New acquisition a top defender in WHL stats

For us, there is no higher honour than ROCKETS FROM A11 ably two of the top rearto be chosen to bring guards in the WHL. loved ones, friends and a lifetime of Morrissey, the older THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2014 our hockey club. memories together “We’ve lost a couple of brother of Rockets’ backcelebration of CIVT a TSN inCHBC CBC KIRO A&E really CHAN good playersSNP in the KNOW up goalieKOMO Jake MorrisAron Meier Glen Whittaker special Assistant Manager # $ life. %Funeral Director & _ ) *played ` 1 deal but( I just thought sey, for St. John’s

SportsCentre Rachael Ray The View Bookaboo The Price Rachaelto Ray Sportsnet Shrinks The ViewAHL CSI: Miami weIsneeded add some- G. in last season’s ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Central PAW Patrol ” ” 10 :00 :30 Proudly offeringDECEMBER reward miles on all ”pre-arrangements thing to our young deplayoff s and very nearly THURSDAY, 18, 2014 Off Record Sugar The Marilyn Heartland Young & Sugar Hockey Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Criminal :00 Debt/Part Denis Show ” Restless Debt/Part Central Bucket-Dino News Minds 11 :30 Rally fence.” made the Jets’ roster out News CTV News News KIRO News Noon News NHL in 60 PAW Patrol The Chew Criminal :00 Hockey TSN Noon CHBC CIVT CBC CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E Along with captain Lunch Hour Vancouver Now ” Hour ” Kate and ” Minds of training camp this fall. 12 :30 # $ ( ) * ` native of our The% Social Best& Recipes The_ Talk Days of our Party Poker Astroblast General The1 First 48 :00 SportsNation Days Madison Bowey, the Th e Calgary led ” Lives ” Stefano ” Lives ” Dragon Hospital ” 1 :00 :30Valleyview 165 Road 250-765-3147 SportsCentre Rachael Ray•The View Bookaboo The Price Is Rachael Ray Sportsnet G. Shrinks The View CSI: Miami Rockets now have all WHL That’s”Hcky The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Right Let’s Make a The Talk DraftarguYear Bucket-Dino Thedefenders Doctors Thein First 48 :00 ” ” Doodlebops ” Central PAW Patrol ” ” 10

Valleyview Funeral Home

2 :00 :30 11 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2014 12 :30 4 :00 :30 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 6 :00 :30 3 :00 :30 10 7 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 11 8 :00 :30 :00 12 5 :30 :30 9 :00 :00 1 6 10 :30 2 :00 :30 7 11 :30 :00 :00 3 8 :30 12 4 :00 9 :30 :00 5 :30 10 :00 6 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 7 :00 :30 12 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2014 10 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 11 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 12 :00 :30 10 :30 11 :00 :30 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2014 12 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 2 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 11 :30 :00 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2014 :00 4 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 :30 # $ % & _ 6 :30 :00 2 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 11 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 2 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 3 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 9 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 6 :00 :30 11 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 8 :30 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 11 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :30 10 11 :00 :30 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 4 :00 :30 11 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014 5 :00 :30 12 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 6 :30 1 :00 # $ % & _ :00 :00 :00 7 :30 2 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :00 4 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 5 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 That’s Hcky Off Record Hockey Rally Lunch Hockey Around Lunch Hockey SportsNation Off Record ” Interruption That’s Hcky SportsCentre That’s Hcky ” Hockey SportsCentre Sportscentre Lunch Open ”Gym

” Sugar The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Noon News Young Hour & Restless Days of our News Lives ” The Talk Global Nat. ” CHBC News The Meredith Rachael Ray Ent Vieira Show ” ET Canada

” The Marilyn Ellen DenisDeGeShow neres Show CTV News The Dr. Oz Vancouver Show The Social CTV News ” Vancouver Dr. Phil CTV News ” Vancouver Ellen DeGeThe etalkView neres Show ” Big Bang

Chris Heartland Republic ” of Doyle CBC News Dragons’ Now Den Best Recipes CBC News Stefano ” Steven and CBC News Chris Coronation Republic of Bookaboo Holiday FesDoyle Doodlebops tival on Ice

Deal Young & Bold Restless CBS News KIRO News Judge”Judy Judge Judy The Talk KIRO News ” KIRO News Let’s Make a KIRO News Deal CBS News Bold The Ent Price Is CBS News Right The Insider

” Sugar The Meredith Debt/Part Vieira Show Noon News Young Hour & Restless Days of our Early News Lives Global Nat. The Talk News Hour ” ” The Meredith Rachael Ray Ent Vieira Show ” ET Canada

NHL Count Hockey Sportsnet Central Central NHL in 60 Misplays ” NFL Football Party Poker Pregame ” NFL Draft Year Football: NHL Count Tennessee Sportsnet Titans at Central Jacksonville

Around Off Record That’s Hcky Hockey Rally Off Record

Young & Sugar Elementary Restless Debt/Part ”

The Dr. Oz Marilyn Big Bang Show Denis Show Goldbergs

Dragons’ Heartland Movie: Den Santa ” “The

Judge Judy Young & Big Bang Judge Judy Restless Mom

Young & Sugar Elementary Restless Debt/Part ”

Hockey Off Record SportsCentre Lunch Interruption ” SportsNation SportsCentre SportsCentre ””

Noon News News People Hour ” Magazine

CTV Men News Two Vancouver McCarthys

CBC News Clause 2” Now ””

KIROMen News Two KIRO ”News McCarthys

The Talk KIRO News Elementary ”” CBS News Let’s Make Ent KIRO Newsa DealInsider The Late Show Bold Big Bang Letterman CBS Mom News Ferguson

Days ofNat. our Global Awards Lives ” News CHBC That’s Hcky CHBC The Talk Sportscentre Ent SportsCentre News That’s”Gym Hcky Final ” Open ET Canada HockeyHcky That’s SportsCentre Lunch Off Record ” Around SportsCentre Hockey ” Off Record SportsCentre Interruption ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ””

The Social CTV News The ” Vancouver Mentalist

Best Recipes CBCNational News The Stefano Coronation ” Dr. Phil Steven and etalk Holiday FesNews-Lisa CBC News ” Chrison Big Bang tival Ice News--11:30 Rick Mercer The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic of Elementary Big Bang Movie: ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes Vieira Show Doyle ”Show neres Goldbergs “The Santa The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Young & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ People Two Men Clause 2” Restless Show Den ” Magazine McCarthys News CTV News CBCNational News Awards The The ”” Vancouver Mentalist ”” Global Nat. CTV News CBC News CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News CHBC News News--11:30 Vancouver Coronation Final Rick Mercer Ent Canada Daily etalk Show 22 Holiday FesET Minutes ET Canada Big Bang tival on Ice The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation

” KOMO 4 Steve News Harvey The Chew KOMO” 4 News General News Hospital World News The Doctors KOMO 4 ” News Steve The View Wheel Harvey ” Jeopardy!

” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” Criminal The First 48 Minds ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 Beyond ” Scared The First 48 CSI: Miami Beyond ” Scared

Sidekick Monster SpongeBob Almost SpongeBob Chucks Odd Parents Nerds Odd Parents Squirrel Odd Parents Rated A for Toy Story Monster Movie: Sidekick “Santa SpongeBob Wayside Hunters” SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Thunder

KOMO 4 The Taste News ”

The First 48 Criminal Beyond Minds” Scared

Noon News News Early People Hour Global Nat. Magazine

Misplays Kate and Hockey Jelly Jamm Jaguars Michel Roux NFL Football Magic Bus Central Bucket-Dino Sportsnet on Escoffier NHL in 60 PAW Patrol Pregame Jack Central Movie: ” Kate and NFL Game. Wild Kratts NFL “Becoming

Odd Parents Amanda Monster Funny Home Carole The National Odd Parents Lang Almost MacNeil Videos ” Chucks Odd Parents The CBCNational News Wipeout Nerds Now With Toy Story ” ””

Days our News of Hour Awards Lives ””

Party Poker Football: Sportsnet ” Tennessee Central

General KOMO 4 Get Away Hospital NewsMurder With The Doctors Wheel News ” Jeopardy! Jimmy



Curious Jelly Jamm Dive, Olly Bucket-Dino Jelly Jamm PAW Patrol Kate Kate and and Magic Bus Astroblast Jack Dragon Wild Kratts Bucket-Dino Waterfront Curious Cities Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Take Me Jelly Jamm PAW Patrol Foncie’s

scoring last season with while Quinney will join came up we knew we 28 goals and 73 points the Rockets this weekwould have to give up good players,” said Hamand was first-team East- end in Alberta. ilton “We gave up two ern Conference all-star. As for the deparNEWS TLC WTBS KCTSplayers KING high quality and ThYTV is season, MorrisseyDISC tureKAYU of Lees and Glover, 7and 21 9 Hamilton ; said it’s <always Apeople in N Jesse andP Aushas6 seven goals Wayside CBC News Mayday Raising Mycompany 600-Lb. Divorce tin. ISesame think theyToday are gopoints in 26 games. tough parting Kid vs. Kat Now With ” Stop Pain Life Divorce Street cont’d a team that Morrissey will joinMoonshiners the with players who have Judge ing to Monster Carole Family Feud 650-lb. Dinosaur Newwill Day Almost MacNeil ” Family Feud Virgin Judge Dinosaur Northwest be very competitive and Rockets in the new year, been key contributors to Chucks News Alaska: The Law & Little Couple Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat KING 5 YTV CBC NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING Nerds Now With Frontier SVU Little Couple Hot Bench Plus Cat News they Peg are counting on following the WorldLast theOrder: organization. 6 Hockey 7 9 < AthemSuper P Squirrel Andrew Dude, You’re Law; & Secret Why! Days of our toN go in and help Junior Cham“We don’tThe make a lotKing Rated A for Nichols Screwed Order: SVU Santa King Thomas Lives Wayside CBC News Mayday Raising My 600-Lb. Divorce Sesame Today bolster the lineup.” pionship Montreal, ofStop trades andLife when thisDivorce Monster Power & Gold Rush Family Feud ” The Middle Sesame St. cont’d Dr. Phil Kid vs. Kat in Now With ” Pain Street


A&E 1

The Chew Criminal News The First 48 48 ” The First World ””News Minds””

Judge Judy Two Men Judge Judy McCarthys

Astroblast Waterfront Santa” Dragon Cities Snapshot Draft Year Bucket-Dino Titans at Take Me Sportsnet Take Me NHL Count Curious Jacksonville Foncie’s Central Our Part The Meredith Sportsnet Dive, Elementary Jaguars MichelOlly Roux ET Canada Sportsnet Becoming Vieira Jelly Jamm ”Show Central Sportsnet on Escoffier The Doctors Central Santa Young & Misplays Kate and People Central Movie: Restless NFL Game. Football “Becoming Magic Bus Magazine NFL

Steve First 48 The Taste Kimmel Live The Beyond Harvey ” ” Nightline Scared KOMO” 4 The First 48 News ” ””

KIRO News Elementary KIRO ”News KIRO KIRO News News CBS Show News Late

Early News Awards Global” Nat. News News Hour Hour Final ”

News Get Away WorldMurder News With KOMO News 4 News Jimmy

The First 48 Beyond ” Scared Beyond Beyond Scared Scared

Wheel Live Kimmel Jeopardy! Nightline The Taste ”

The Talk Ent News Hour ” ET Canada Final

Pregame Sportsnet NFL Central Football: Sportsnet Tennessee Central

Sportscentre SportsCentre Open ”Gym That’s Hcky Elementary Off Record ”

Big Bang Goldbergs

Movie: “The Santa

Ent Letterman The Insider Ferguson Big Bang Mom

Jack Santa” Wild Kratts Snapshot Waterfront Take Me Cities Our Part Ent Canada Sportsnet Titans at Take Me ET Becoming ET Canada Jacksonville Foncie’s The Doctors Central Santa Elementary Jaguars Michel Roux ” Sportsnet on Escoffier

SportsCentre People ” Magazine

Two Men McCarthys

Clause 2” ”

Two Men McCarthys

People Magazine

Central NFL Game.

Movie: “Becoming

SportsCentre Awards ” ”

The Mentalist

The National Elementary ” ”

Awards ”

Sportsnet Central

Santa” Snapshot

CHAN ( ET Canada

Sportsnet Central

SNP ) Sportsnet

Take Me Our Part

” ”


The First 48 Beyond Beyond ” Scared Scared

Squirrel Movie: Gags Rated “SantaA for Boys

The First 48 Beyond Beyond ” Scared

Monster Hunters” Haunting Sidekick Thunder Haunting

Politics Carole ” MacNeil ” CBC News Amanda Now With Lang Andrew CBC News Nichols ” Power & The National Politics ” ” CBC CBC News News ”” Now With


” Moonshiners How/Made ” How/Made Alaska: The Daily Planet Last Frontier ” Dude, You’re Fast N’ Screwed Loud: Demo. Gold Rush Fast N’ ” Loud: Demo. How/Made Mayday Moonshiners How/Made ””

” 650-lb. My Crazy Virgin Obsession Little Couple Christmas Little Couple Light Fight The Secret Christmas Santa Light Fight ” Christmas ” Light Fight My Crazy 600-Lb. Christmas Obsession Life Light Fight

The Middle Judge Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Hot Bench Big Hot Bang Bench Big Bang King Browns King Payne The Middle Browns The Middle Payne Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Mod Fam Divorce Seinfeld

Odd Squad Dinosaur Masterpiece Dinosaur Classic Peg Plus Cat Masterpiece Peg Plus Cat Classic Super Why! World News Thomas Business Sesame St. PBS Odd Squad NewsHour Masterpiece Sesame IN Close Classic Street SciTech

Daily Planet The Meredith Moonshiners Family Feud Christmas 650-lb. How/Made Bones Christmas ” Vieira Family”Show Feud Light Virgin How/Made Light Fight Fight Alaska: Law &”Game Christmas Little Couple Fast N’ The Name Christmas Fast N’ Last Frontier Order: SVU Little Couple Loud: Demo. Demo. Name”Game Light Light Fight Fight Loud:

Big Bang Judge Family Guy Big Bang Judge Family Guy

Masterpiece KING 5 Dinosaur New Day Amnesia The Biggest Classic News Dinosaur Northwest ” Loser Peg Plus Cat KING 5 World News Amnesia People Peg Plus Cat News Business ” Magazine


Andrew Dude, The National Fast N’ N’You’re CBC News Fast Nichols Screwed Loud: Demo. ”” Loud: Demo. Power & Gold Rush CBC News Moonshiners The National Moonshiners Politics ” ”” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made



Law Two & Men News Order: SVU Mod Fam Fam Mod

The Secret Christmas Christmas Santa Light Light Fight Fight Family Feud Christmas ” Big Bang Christmas Mike Family Feud Light Fight ” Big Bang Mike

Hot Bench Browns Amer. Dad Hot Bench Payne Amer. Dad King Browns Jeffersons King Payne Break The Middle Mod Fam Movie: The Middle Seinfeld “The Ring Seinfeld Family Guy Two” Mod Fam Family ” Guy


Super PBS ”Why! Thomas NewsHour Inside AsSesame St. IN Close prey: Luxury Odd Squad SciTech Pioneers


Days ofNews our Nightly Awards Lives ” News Dr. Phil News KING News ” Evening Tonight

Beyond Beyond Scared Scared Beyond Scared

Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Browns Jeffersons Payne Break Browns Movie: Payne “The Ring Mod Fam Two” Seinfeld ” Family Guy Family Guy

Ellen DeGeThe Biggest Show neres Show LoserMeyers Seth KING People5 News Magazine KING 5 Awards News ” Nightly News KING News News Tonight IN CloseJour- Show News Sacred SciTech Evening neys-Bruce Seth Meyers Amnesia The Biggest ” Loser

The First 48 ”

Wipeout ”

The National Fast N’ ” Loud: Demo.

Christmas Light Fight

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Amnesia ”

People Magazine

Gags Boys

CBC News ”

Fast N’ News Loud: Demo. Mod Fam

Christmas Light Fight

Jeffersons Break

” Inside As-

Awards ”

DailyN’ Planet Fast Loud: ”Demo. Fast N’ N’ Fast Loud: Demo. Demo. Loud: Fast N’ Moonshiners Loud: ”Demo.

Steve Bones Anger Harvey ” Cougar The Meredith ” Vieira ”Show


” New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 KING 5 News News Days of our KING 5 Lives News Dr. Phil Nightly News ” News Ellen DeGeToday News neres Show cont’d Evening

My Crazy Christmas Paid Prog. Obsession Light Prog. Fight Paid Christmas Light Light Fight Fight Name Game Christmas Christmas News Name Game Light Fight Mod Fam Light Fight Two Christmas Mike Men Christmas Mod Light Fight Fight Mike Fam Light Hunters” CBC News Moonshiners Anger Big Bang Christmas Funny Home Amanda How/Made Paid Prog. Thunder ” ” Big Bang Light Fight Videos Lang How/Made Cougar Paid Prog. Funny Home The National How/Made Bones Christmas Videos ” How/Made ” Light Fight

Get Away Beyond With Murder Scared

SpongeBob ” The National Funny Home Amanda SpongeBob Videos Lang ” Odd Parents The Amanda Wipeout National Odd Parents Lang ” ” Odd Parents CBC CBC News News Gags Toy Story Boys ”” Movie: The National Haunting The National “Santa Haunting ””

Family Feud Family Feud Steve Family Feud Harvey Law & The Meredith Order: SVU Vieira Show Law & Name Game Order: SVU Name Game Family Feud Two Men Family Feud Mod Fam Steve Raising Big Bang Harvey Stop Pain Big Bang

” ”

Masterpiece Amnesia Sacred JourClassic ” neys-Bruce Masterpiece Amnesia Classic ” World ”News Business Inside AsPBS prey: Luxury NewsHour Pioneers

KNOW News KOMO Jimmy * ` Becoming Kimmel Live

Beyond Scared

A&E 1 Beyond

Haunting Haunting

National YTV The NEWS ” 6 7 Funny Home Amanda

Moonshiners Mike ” Mike

DISC 9 How/Made

KAYU ; Anger

Christmas Light Fight

TLC < Paid Prog.

Movie: “The Ring


prey: Luxury KING News Pioneers Tonight

The Doctors Central Rachael Ray Sportsnet ” Central

Santa G. Shrinks PAW Patrol

Scared The First 48 ”

Videos Wayside Kid vs. Kat

Lang News CBC Now With

How/Made Mayday ”

Cougar Raising Stop Pain

PaidSecret Prog. The Santa

” Divorce Divorce

neys-Bruce Sesame Street

Seth Meyers Today cont’d

Young & Restless

Sugar Debt/Part

Hockey Central

Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino News

Shipping Shipping

Monster Almost

Carole MacNeil

How/Made How/Made

Family Feud Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes

Judge Judge

Dinosaur Dinosaur

New Day Northwest

KIRO News ”

Noon News Hour

FIS Alpine Skiing

PAW Patrol Kate and

Shipping Shipping

Chucks Nerds

CBC News Now With

Fast N’ Law & Loud: Demo. Order: SVU

Say Yes Say Yes

Hot Bench Hot Bench

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 ” News

Best Recipes The Talk Stefano ”

Days of our Lives

Party Poker ”

Astroblast Dragon

Shipping Shipping

Squirrel Rated A for

Andrew Nichols

Fast N’ Law & Loud: Demo. Order: SVU

Say Yes Say Yes

King King

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

Dr. Phil The View ” ” Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show The Dr. Oz CTV News Show Vancouver CTV News Vancouver The Social ” CTV News

Steven and Bookaboo Chris Doodlebops Republic of Heartland Doyle ” Dragons’ CBC News Den Now CBC News ” Best Recipes Stefano CBC News

Let’s Make a The DealPrice Is Right Bold Young & ThisMinute Restless Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy ” KIRO News KIRO News The Talk KIRO ”News

The Talk Rachael ” Ray ” The Meredith Sugar Show Vieira Debt/Part Young & Noon News Restless Hour Early News GlobalofNat. Days our Lives News Hour

NHL Count Sportsnet NFL Game. Central Sportsnet Hockey Central Central OHL FIS Alpine Hockey: Skiing Petes at Frontenacs Party Poker ””

Bucket-Dino G. Shrinks Curious PAW Patrol Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm PAW Patrol Bucket-Dino Kate and PAW Patrol Magic Bus Kate and Jack Wild Kratts Astroblast Dragon Take Me

Shipping The First 48 Shipping ” Criminal Shipping Minds Shipping Criminal Shipping Minds Shipping Criminal Minds Shipping Shipping Criminal

Monster Wayside Sidekick Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Monster SpongeBob Almost SpongeBob Chucks Movie: Nerds “Santa Hunters” Squirrel Rated Movie:A for

Power & CBC News Politics Now With ” Carole” MacNeil Amanda CBC News Lang Now With CBC News ” Andrew Nichols The National

Moonshiners Mayday ” ” How/Made How/Made How/Made Daily Planet Fast N’ ” Loud: Demo. Canada’s Worst Fast N’Driver Loud: Demo. Daily Planet

Family Feud Raising Family Feud Stop Pain Steve Family Feud Harvey Family Feud The Meredith Law &Show Vieira Order: SVU Name Game Name Law & Game Order: SVU Two Men

Say Yes The Say Secret Yes Santa Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes to SayDress Yes the Say Yes Little Couple Little Couple Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes

The Middle Divorce The Middle Divorce Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Hot Bang Bench Big Hot Bench Browns Payne King King Browns

Sesame St. Sesame Odd Squad Street Masterpiece Dinosaur Classic Dinosaur ” Peg Plus Cat ” ” World News Business Super Why! Thomas PBS

Dr. Phil Today” cont’d Ellen DeGeNew Day neres Show Northwest KING 5 KING News 5 News KING 5 News of our Days Lives Nightly News

Vancouver Dr. Phil ” etalkView The Big Bang Ellen DeGe” neres Show The The Amazing Marilyn Race The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show SocialCTV News Gossip CTV News Vancouver

Coronation Steven and Chris Muppets: Bookaboo Letters of Republic Doodlebops Doyle The Santa Heartland Clause Dragons’ ” 3: Den Escape The CBC News Clause CBC Now News

CBS Let’s News Make a Deal Ent The Price Is The Insider Bold Right ThisMinute The Amazing Young & Race Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy A Home for KIRO News the Holidays KIRO ”News ” ” Vancouver ” KIRO News SportsCentre Bloods Best The National BlueTalk Bloods SportsNation Food Days of our Blue The Social Recipes The Fighters ” ” Global CBC News KIRO ””News ”” Lives Nat. CTV News ” Stefano Vancouver Coronation CBS News SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News That’s Hcky The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer Late Show etalk ” Muppets: Ent That’s”Hcky Ent ” Chris Deal SportsCentre Backstage Letterman Interruption ET Canada Big Bang Letters The Insider SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic of Bold SportsCentre The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation Ferguson Sportscentre Canada’s Amazing Santa The Amazing ” Vieira Show The neres Show The Doyle ThisMinute Off Record Walk of Race Clause 3: Race Hockey Young & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Judge Judy ” Restless Show Den Escape A Judge Judy SportsCentre Fame 2014 SocialThe Home for Gossip Clause the Holidays ”” News ” CTV News CBC News KIRO News ” Vancouver ” KIROBloods News SportsCentre Food ” Blue Bloods The National Blue ”” Fighters ” ” Global Nat. CTV News CBC News KIRO ”News

” The Talk Ent ” Ray Rachael ET Canada The Meredith ” Vieira Show Canada’s Sugar Walk of Young & Debt/Part Restless Fame 2014 Noon News ” Early News Hour Global Nat. Food Days of our Fighters News Hour Lives

Sportsnet NHL Count NFL Game. Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central NHL Winter Hockey Classic OHL Central Hockey: FIS Alpine FIS Alpine Skiing Petes at Skiing Frontenacs Sportsnet Party Poker Central ” News ”Hour Sportsnet The Talk NHL Count Final Central Ent ” Sportsnet NFL Game. ET Canada Sportsnet Central The Meredith Sportsnet The Doctors Central Canada’s NHL Winter Vieira Show Central Walk of Classic Young & OHL Restless Hockey: Fame 2014 FIS Alpine ” Skiing Early News Petes at

Our Part Bucket-Dino Curious Coast G. Shrinks ” Dive, PAW Olly Patrol PAW Patrol Cranford Jelly Jamm ” Kate and Bucket-Dino Magic Bus The PAWInspecPatrol tor Lynley Jack Kate and

Minds Shipping Shipping Criminal The First 48 Minds” Criminal Minds Criminal Shipping Minds Criminal Shipping Minds Criminal Shipping Minds Criminal Shipping

Power” & Politics CBC News CBC News ” Now With ” The National Carole ” Amanda MacNeil LangNational The CBC News ” CBC News Now With ” CBC News Andrew ” The National Nichols

” Moonshiners ” Mayday Mayday How/Made ”” How/Made Mayday How/Made ” Daily Planet How/Made ” Daily Planet Fast N’ Canada’s Loud: ”Demo. Worst Driver Canada’s Fast N’ Worst Driver Daily Planet Loud: Demo.

Mod Fam Family Feud Family Feud Big Bang Raising Big Bang Steve Stop Pain Harvey MasterChef Family Feud ” Feud The Meredith Family Vieira Show Hell’s Law & Kitchen Name Order: Game SVU

Say Yes Say Yes Borrowed The Secret Borrowed Say Yes Santa Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Yes to Say the Dress Borrowed Say Yes Borrowed Little Couple Say Yes

Payne The Middle The Middle Mod Fam Divorce Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Family Judge Guy Family Guy Big Bang Judge Big Bang Amer. Dad Hot Bench Amer. Dad Browns Hot Bench

NewsHour Sesame St. Odd Squad Washington Sesame Charlie Rose Masterpiece Street Classic Politician’s Dinosaur Husband ” Dinosaur ” DCI Peg Banks Plus Cat World ””News

Magic Bus The Inspector Lynley Jack

Minds Criminal Shipping Minds Criminal Shipping Minds News Criminal The Doctors Shipping Jimmy Minds Wheel” Criminal Shipping Kimmel Live Criminal Jeopardy! Minds Steve Criminal Nightline Minds Last Man Criminal Harvey Minds Cristela Minds KOMO 4 Criminal News Tank Criminal Minds Shark Minds News ” Criminal

“Home Monster Sidekick Alone” Wayside SpongeBob Kid vs.” Kat SpongeBob Movie: Monster “All I Want SpongeBob Almost Movie: Is Chucks Christmas” “Santa Nerds

Global Nat. Food Fighters News Hour

Frontenacs Sportsnet Central ”

Wild Kratts Mysteries Park Take Me

World News Criminal Minds 20/20 Minds Criminal

SportsCentre CHBC News Vancouver News-Lisa Final News--11:30 ”” Ent etalk Interruption ET Canada Big Bang SportsCentre SportsCentre The Doctors The SethAmazing Meyers Sportscentre Canada’s Off Record Walk of Race

Coronation CBC News Rick Mercer Muppets:

CBS KIRONews News Late Ent Show

News ”Hour Final Ent

Sportsnet Central Sportsnet

Letters Backstage Coronation The Santa Clause 3:

SportsCentre Fame 2014 ” ”


The Escape Clause

Hell’s Kitchen

Borrowed Borrowed

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

DCI Banks ”

SportsCentre Food ” Fighters

Blue Bloods ”

The National Blue Bloods ” ”

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes ” The Doctors SethView Meyers Bookaboo Coronation SportsCentre Rachael Ray The ” ” ” Doodlebops

Letterman Ferguson The Price Is Right

Off Record Open Gym

Sugar Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Heartland ”

Hockey Lunch

Noon News Hour

CTV News Vancouver

CBC News Now

SportsNation Days of our ” Lives

The Social ”

That’s Hcky SportsCentre That’s Hcky ” SportsCentre Off Record ” Open Gym Hockey Hockey ” Lunch ” ” SportsNation ””

The Talk Rachael ” Ray ” The Meredith Sugar Vieira Show Debt/Part Young & Noon News Restless Hour News ” our Days of Lives Nat. Global

SportsCentre That’s Hcky That’s”Hcky SportsCentre Interruption SportsCentre ” ” Sportscentre Off Record Off Record Hockey Open Gym ” SportsCentre Hockey Lunch””

CHBC News The Talk Ent ” Ray Rachael ET Canada The Meredith ” Vieira Show Canada’s Sugar Walk of Young & Debt/Part Restless Fame 2014 Noon News News ” Hour





Nightline The View ”

The Chew ”

KNOW General KOMO Hospital * `

The Doctors The View ” ” Steve KOMO 4 Harvey News KOMO 4 The Chew News ” News World News General Hospital KOMO 4

KNOW KOMO News * The` Doctors

Shark Tank ”

Criminal Minds

Is Christmas”

The National Daily Planet ” ”


Criminal Minds

SpongeBob Undercover

CBC News ”

SNP Sportsnet Central )

” KNOW KOMO Apocalypse: News World War I Jimmy * `

Mister Maker Wildlife Docs Martha World of X

Minds Criminal Minds Criminal

A&E Criminal Minds 1

Kimmel Live Movie: Criminal Born-Explore Nightline Minds Sea Rescue “Hellboy” ” ”

DISC Mayday ” 9

KAYU Mike Mike;

Little Couple Jeffersons Little Couple Break

Home Alone CBC Amanda Rabbids News Lang News Bread” CBC

Mayday Mayday ””

Anger College Cougar Basketball:

Paid Prog. Disturbance” Inside AsShow My 600-Lb. Dr Seuss Wild Kratts English Remove Hair Movie:” prey: Luxury Seth Meyers Life Odd Squad Premier

Turtles Sanjay

Now With Christine

Mayday ”

Syracuse at Villanova

My 600-Lb. Life

“Men in Black II”

KCTS 9 Cooks:

League Soccer


Don’t Drive Here

Big Belly? Top Cooker

My 600-Lb. Life

” Rules of

Kitchen Classics


” ” ”

Canada’s Kids News Worst Driver Old House

My 600-Lb. Life

Engagement ”

YTV Assembly Boys 6

SportsCentre Skiing ” ”

” College

Noon News Hour

NHL Classics

Dogs/Jobs Dogs/Jobs

Games College

” Movie:

Movie: “The Flight

Corner Gas Corner Gas

Basketball: CBS Sports

Collectors Collectors

Sportsnet NFL

Hope for Wildlife

Football: “XXX” Royal Purple ”

Before Christmas”

Gold Medal Game

Junk Raiders ISU Grand ” Prix Final

Classic Paid Prog.

Trashopolis ”

Football: Blue Realm Philadelphia ”



KNOW KOMO Las Vegas * ` Bowl

Hockey Fish’n Children Equestrian CollegeStars Simpsons Fish’n Alpine Skiing Wild Kratts SportsCentre Simpsons Winter Wish The National Sports Eagles at Waterfront ” Real Fishing M. etalk ” Basketball: Real Fishing Washington Misplays Wild Kratts Simpsons Denis Hockey Sports Stars Simpsons Cities The Marilyn It Is Written Denis Show Operation

The Social SportsCentre etalk ” SportsCentre Hour CTV News World Junior News Collectors Corner Gas ” ” Vancouver A Challenge: Collectors Corner Gas Hockey: Movie: Movie: Gold Medal Trashopolis Junk Raiders World Junior “Dear “Mistletoe Hockey Fish’n” Children Game ” ” Real Fishing etalk A Challenge: Santa” Over Wish SportsCentre Simpsons Winter Gold Medal ” Manhattan” ”” Powerboat It Is Written Simpsons M. Denis ” Driving TV Operation Game Movie: Sportscentre Movie: Simpsons The Marilyn SportsCentre “Trading “The ” Noon News SportsCentre Sportscentre Simpsons Denis Show Hockey: Hour ” SportsCentre Christmas” Christmas Sportscentre Simpsons The Social ”Junior Collectors ” Parade” World Corner Gas SportsCentre Global Nat. etalk A Challenge: News Collectors Corner Gas SportsCentre Final News SportsCentre News Hour CTV News ” Saturday News--11:30 Gold Medal Trashopolis Junk Raiders ” ” Vancouver Game ” ” SportsCentre Night Live Christmas Hockey: Movie:” Movie: SportsCentre Song SportsCentre Winter Wish World Junior Simpsons “Dear “Mistletoe ” Simpsons M. Denis

NHL ” Hockey: FIS Alpine

All In Sports CBS NFL Kickoff Classic

Philadelphia NFL Kickoff Skiing ” Flyers”at NFL College Toronto Football: Figure Basketball: Maple Leafs Chargers at Skating: CBS Sports NHLGrand ISU Hockey: Equestrian Prix Final ” Calgary The National Flames ” at Hockey FIS Alpine Vancouver NHL Canucks Skiing Hockey: ” Post Show Philadelphia News Figure at Flyers Skating: of Republic Toronto Doyle ISU Grand Maple Leafs Prix Final Dragons’ NHL Den The National Hockey: Hockey

Simpsons Powerboat Simpsons Driving TV

Redskins NHL Winter ” Classic

Simpsons Noon News Global Nat. Hour

NFL NHL Football: Classics

Born-Explore Movie: ” Criminal Sea Rescue “Hellboy” ” Minds

Bones of Cougar Docs Criminal Mister Maker Wildlife ” Turkana Cougar Minds” Martha World of X

Michel Roux Games Happy Dogs/Jobs on Escoffier College Holidays Dogs/Jobs News Hour San Diego Hope for KOMO 4 Collectors Sportsnet Football: ” Chargers at Wildlife News Collectors NFL Wildlife Royal Purple 49ers Movie: San Nat’l Wheel Classic Trashopolis Football: Blue Realm Las Vegas ” “Dear Francisco Jeopardy! College Fish’n” Alpine Skiing Geographic Wild Kratts Born-Explore Paid Prog. Philadelphia ” Bowl Basketball: Real Fishing Misplays Wild Kratts Sea KIRO 7Stars E.W. Simpsons Santa” 49ers at Heartbeat Dog Rescue for Sports Eagles Waterfront ” News ” Sportsnet ” Christmas CBS Sports Powerboat NHL Winter Mister Maker Wildlife Sports Stars Simpsons Washington Cities ” Docs ClassicRaible Movie: Driving TV Classic Martha World of X Steve Central A Touch of CMA All In Simpsons Redskins Bones of Cougar The “Trading Misplays Frost Country ” Noon News NHL Dogs/Jobs Games NFL Insider Kickoff Simpsons ” Turkana Cougar College Hour Classics Dogs/Jobs College EntertainSportsnet Christmas NFL Kickoff Christmas” Simpsons NFL Michel” Roux Happy ment ’Night Collectors ” Central ”for ” Basketball: Sportsnet Hope Football: NFL Global Nat. Football: on Escoffier Holidays CBS Sports Collectors NFL Wildlife Royal Purple KIRO News News Final European Waterfront News Football: News Hour San Diego Hope for KOMO 4 Scandal Saturday Poker Tour CitiesRealm Las Castle Classic Football: Vegas Chargers at Trashopolis ” Chargers at Blue Wildlife News Paid Prog. ” Philadelphia ” of Bowl ” ” Night Live Ski TV A Touch 49ers Lea. Movie:” San Nat’l Wheel Major Misplays Frost Burn Notice Sports” Stars Simpsons Eagles at Waterfront ” “Dear Francisco Geographic Jeopardy! Sports Stars Simpsons Washington Cities ”



A&E ” 1 ”



NEWS The National ” 7



KAYU ; ”


The Secret Santa

WTBS ” A ”

Rabbids CBC News Mayday ” The National How/Made Bread News ” Nicky, Ricky CBC Mansbridge How/Made

College Glee Basketball: ”

My 600-Lb. ” Life ”

Dr Seuss First Family Movie: Box Office

Trout TV at Syracuse Two Men Villanova

Santa Sent My 600-Lb. Me Life

Community “Men in Community Black II”

Movie: Turtles “Snow Sanjay Day”

Politics of Now With Polar Bears Christine

How/Made Mayday How/Made ”

Movie:” ” “The Flight

Criminal “XXX” Minds” Criminal ” Minds” Movie: “Hellboy” Criminal Criminal Minds” Minds ” Criminal Criminal Minds Minds” Movie: Criminal Criminal Minds “XXX” Minds ” Criminal Criminal Minds” Minds ” Criminal Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Minds

Rudolph, the Before Reindeer Christmas” Rudolph’s Christmas Is ShinyAgain Year Rabbids Here Bread Year Without ” ” Turtles Nicky, Ricky Sanjay Movie: Movie: “Jingle All Movie: “Snow Day” “The Flight the Way” ” Before”” Christmas” Rudolph’s Rudolph, the Shiny YearIs Christmas Reindeer Here JingleAgain All the Rudolph’s Way ” Shiny Year Nicky, Ricky

the fifth Birak estate” The National ” Marketplace ” Twin Sisters The National ” CBC IssueNews CBC News ” The National Issue Now With Mansbridge Christine The National Politics of Mansbridge Birak Polar Bears ” Twin Sisters the fifth ” estate ”” The National IssueNational The Marketplace Issue The National Twin Sisters Mansbridge The National ” Mansbridge

Fast N’ HowBelly? I Met Don’t Drive Big Loud: Demo. Top Two Cooker Men Here Canada’s Mod Kids Fam News Worst Worst Driver Driver Big Old Bang House River Mod Daily Planet Glee Fam Monsters Big Bang Mayday College ” ” ”You’re Bones Basketball: Dude, How/Made Glee Screwed ” Mayday Syracuse at How/Made ” ” Villanova Canada’s Sleepy How/Made Trout TV Worst Driver Big Hollow Don’t Drive How/Made TwoBelly? Men Here Top Cooker River News Fast N’ How I Met Monsters Wanted Canada’s Kids News Loud: Demo. Two Men WorstN’Driver Animation Old House Fast Canada’s Mod Fam Loud:Planet Demo. Domination Daily Worst Driver Glee Big Bang ” Moonshiners Bones” River ” Mod Fam ” How/Made Glee Monsters Big Bang How/Made ”






WTBS Movie: “Domestic A

Christmas Is The National Daily Planet Here Again Issue ”

Criminal ” Minds Movie:

A&E 1

TLC Say Yes to the Dress <

Sex600-Lb. Sent Me The Middle My ” to the E.R. The Middle Life Rules of Untold Sto- The My 600-Lb. Engagement ries Expendables Life of ER ” Sex Secret Sent Me The ”” to the E.R. My 600-Lb. Dr Seuss Santa ”” Life Movie: Sex Sent Me Family Guy ” First Family to E.R. Family Guy Mythe 600-Lb. “Men in ” Box Office Life Black II” Untold StoSeinfeld Santa Sent Community ries of ER Seinfeld My ” Me 600-Lb. Community Life Sex Sent Me Rules King of Sex Sent Me The Middle to the E.R. King My 600-Lb. Engagement to the E.R. The Middle Life Sent Me Movie:” Sex Untold Sto- The to the E.R. “Envy”” The Secret ries of ER Expendables Santa ”” Peter Popoff Sex Sent Me ” Paid Prog. ” First Family to the ”E.R. ” ” Box Office



” Scotland

Dateline NBC

Canada’s News Worst Driver Mod Fam

World Junior Collectors A Challenge: Collectors

Sportscentre Simpsons ” Noon News SportsCentre Global Hockey: Hour Nat.


Mysteries Park

NHL Winter Classic

Sportscentre Simpsons ” Powerboat Sportscentre Simpsons ” Driving TV



The Inspector Lynley

Powerboat Driving TV

Trashopolis ”



Sportsnet Central

CBS Sports Classic

Figure Skating:



FIS Alpine Skiing

Food Fighters

ET Canada Sportsnet Fish’n Alpine Skiing Cranford Wild Kratts The ” RealDoctors Fishing Central Misplays Wild Kratts

Noon News Hour



A Home for Fame 2014 the Holidays ”

Letterman College Ferguson Basketball:

” Hockey:



Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds

KIRO News Late Show

” FIS Alpine



The Insider ET Canada Sportsnet Central Letterman Ferguson The Doctors NHL Central The Amazing Canada’s Winter Race Walk of Classic

SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang Backstage Hockey Fish’n Children Equestrian SportsCentre The ” RealDoctors Fishing Seth etalk Meyers Coronation ” It Is Written Operation



KOMO” 4 Our Part News Apocalypse: World Coast War I Jimmy Wheel ” Jeopardy! Cranford Kimmel Live ” Nightline Cranford Last Man ” Cristela

Wild Kratts Mysteries Astroblast Park Take Me Dragon Our Part Apocalypse: Bucket-Dino World War I Coast Curious Cranford ” Dive, Olly ” Cranford PAW Patrol ” Kate and

” Wheel The View Jeopardy! Steve ” Harvey Last Man KOMO 4 Cristela KOMO News 4 News Tank Shark The Chew News ”” World News 20/20 General KOMO” 4 Hospital

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer

Powerboat Driving TV

A&E 1


News Dr. Phil News ” Today Evening Ellen DeGecont’d neres Show Caught on New Day Camera KING 5 Northwest News Dateline KING 5 NBC KING 5 News Hunters” Name Game Little Couple Jeffersons Payne Business News ” SpongeBob News Squirrel Law & Say Yes King Super”Why! Days of our Undercover Mod Fam Little Couple Break Scotland Movie:A for Two Men Browns PBS Nightly Rated Order: SVU Say Yes King Thomas Lives ” News “Home ” ” Mod Fam Payne NewsHour News Assembly The National Mayday Mike Say Yes to Movie: Yard KING News Monster Power & Moonshiners Family Feud Say Yes The Middle Sesame St. Dr. Phil Boys ” ” Mike the Dress “Domestic Moveable Tonight Alone” CBC News Mayday Big Bang Mod Fam Washington Sidekick Politics ” Family Feud Borrowed Say Yes The Middle Odd Squad News ” Home”Alone Amanda Mayday Anger Paid Prog. Disturbance” Inside ” ” Big Bang Borrowed Seinfeld CharlieAsRose Show Evening SpongeBob ” How/Made Steve Say Yes Seinfeld Masterpiece Ellen DeGe” Lang ” Cougar Remove Hair ” prey: Luxury Seth Meyers Movie: The National Mayday MasterChef Say Yes Family Guy Classic Politician’s Caught on SpongeBob ” How/Made Harvey Mod Fam neres Show “All I Want ” ” ” Say Yes Family Guy Husband Camera SpongeBob Amanda Daily Planet The Meredith Say Yes to Big Bang ” KING 5 Movie: LangNational Daily Planet ” Vieira Dress Big Bang ” News Is The Hell’s Show the Borrowed Amer. Dad DCI Banks Dateline Christmas” ” ” Kitchen “Santa CBC News Canada’s Name Game Borrowed Little Couple Amer. BrownsDad World ”News NBC KING 5 Hunters” ” Worst Driver News Name Game Little Couple Jeffersons Payne Business News ” SpongeBob CBC News Canada’s ” Undercover ” Worst Driver Mod Fam Little Couple Break Scotland Movie: The National Daily Planet Two Men Say Yes Browns PBS Nightly” News “Home ” ” Mod Fam Say Yes Payne NewsHour News Assembly The National Mayday Mike to Movie: Yard KING News Boys ” ” Mike the Dress “Domestic Moveable Alone” CBC News Mayday Big Bang Borrowed Mod Fam Washington Tonight News ” ” Big Bang Borrowed Seinfeld CharlieAsRose Show Evening Home”Alone Amanda Mayday Anger Paid Prog. Disturbance” Inside LangNational Mayday ” Cougar Remove Luxury Seth Meyers Movie:” The MasterChef Say Yes Hair Family” Guy prey: Politician’s Caught on “All I Want ” ” ” Say Yes Family Guy Husband Camera

CHAN News Hour Final (

” ”

A&E 1

KCTS KING N P Sacred Jour- Show

KCTS Yard Moveable N

” ”

KCTS ” N ”

” ” KING KING News Tonight P

” Red Bull Signature


Series ”

Wild Kratts A Chef’s Life English Tree Fu Tom Odd Squad A Chef’s Life Premier LazyTown A Chef’s Kid$ KCTS 9 Life Biz League A Chef’s Life Kids News Cooks: Soccer Chef’s Life Kitchen Holiday Classics

KING 5 Golf News ”

Weekend ” IN Close ” Railway ” Journeys Wild Kratts ” Odd Squad ExtraordiA Chef’s Life nary Women KCTS 9 Life A Chef’s Cooks: Movie: A Chef’s Life “Amadeus” Kitchen A Chef’s Life Classics Chef’s” Life ” Holiday ”” Weekend ” IN Close ” David Railway Suchet A Chef’s Life Journeys A Chef’s Life

Nightly News Red Bull KING News Signature



Traveler Series Backroads English ” Premier The TreeSound Fu Tom of Music League LazyTown Soccer Live! Biz Kid$ ” Golf Kids News ” KING ”5 ” Red Bull News Signature KING News Nightly News Saturday Series KING News ” Night Live Traveler ” Tom Tree Fu Backroads LazyTown

3 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 5 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 6 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & _ 7 :30 :00 2:00 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 10 :30 3:00 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 11 :30 4:00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 12 :30 5:00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 1 :30 6:00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 2 :30 7:00 :30 :00 3 :30 8:00 :30 :00 4 :30 9:00 :30 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2014 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 10 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 11 :30 10:00 :30 :00 12 11:30 :30 :00 MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2014 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 5 :30 12 MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2014 :00 6 :30 1 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 7 2 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 3 8 :30 10 :30 :00 4:00 9 :30 11 :30 :00 5:00 10 :30 12 :30 :00 6:00 11 :30 1 :30 :00 7:00 12 :30 2 :30 :00 8:00 :30 3 :30 :00 9:00 :30 4 :30 :00 10:00 :30 5 :30 :00 11:00 :30 6 :30 :00 12:00 :30 7 :30 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2014 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 10 :00 :30 :00 :00 10:30 :30 11 :00 :00 11:30 :30 12 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2014 :00 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :30 # $ % & _ :00 2 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 :00 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2014 :00 1 :30 :30 6 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :30 :30 7 :00 # $ % & _ :00 3 :30 :30 8 :00 :00 10 :00 4:30 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 5:30 :30 11 :00 10 :30 :00 6:00 :30 :00 12 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7:30 :30 :00 1 12 :30 :00 8:00 :30 2 :30 :00 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2014 9:00 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 4 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 10 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 12 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 1:00 :30 9 :30 :00 2:00 :30 10 :30 :00 3:00 :30 11 :30 :00 4:00 :30 12 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 ”

Simpsons Block

Prix Final Coronation

Simpsons Block

Central FIS Alpine Skiing NBA Cash Cab Pets.TV Simpsons Teams TBA tival Our on Ice Regional Joel Osteen Basketball: NHL Winter ” Vancouver Coverage Paid Prog. Classic at First Story Movie: KIRO News Simpsons Pelicans Steele” “I’ll Be& Sea ”” Global Nat. Thunder Land Noon News Misplays ” Mansbridge ” Hour Hour NBA ” CTV News Home for CBS News News Vancouver Christmas” KIRO News ” Sportsnet NFL Overrun Absolutely ” Ice Pilots Basketball: NFL Vancouver NFL NWT Knicks at Saving Hope Xmas Carol 60 Minutes Johnny Reid Sportsnet ” Winnie ” ” Central Football: Figure Football: Simpsons Raptors Teams TBA Skating: Regional Simpsons ” Movie: National Undercover Block Mr. Magoo’s FIS English NFL Coronation NFL Alpine “Best ” Lampoon’s Boss Christmas Premier ISU Grand Coverage Simpsons Sportsnet Football: Marketplace Football: Lorna Dueck Skiing ” Prix Final Simpsons Central Christmas Christmas The ” Movie: League Teams TBA Our Regional Joel Osteen NHL Winter ” Holiday Fes- Coverage ” Simpsons NBA Party ”Ever” Vacation Mentalist “Disney’s Soccer Vancouver Paid Prog.A Classic Cash Cab tival on Ice Pets.TV Simpsons Basketball: CSI: Crime The National Christmas Sportsnet ” Land & Sea CSI: Crime ” Noon News Misplays First Story Movie:” KIRO ”News Hour Simpsons Pelicans at Scene Scene Carol” Central ” Mansbridge NBA Steele “I’ll Be ” Global Nat. Thunder News CBC News KIRO ”News Ice News Final FIS Alpine NFL Overrun Absolutely Pilots Basketball: CTV News Home for CBS News News Hour News--11:30 Vancouver the fifth KIRO News NWT Block Skiing” at NFL NFL Knicks Vancouver Christmas” KIRO News ” Sportsnet Castle estate Face/Nation Simpsons Paid Prog. Sportsnet Football: Figure Football: Raptors Saving Hope Skating: Xmas Carol Regional 60 Minutes Johnny Reid Central Sportsnet ” TBA Canadian Scandal Paid Prog. Teams Simpsons ” ” Winnie ” ” Central ” ISU Grand Coverage Simpsons Sportsnet Movie:” National Undercover Mr. Magoo’s English Prix Final ” Simpsons Central “Best Lampoon’s Boss Christmas Premier ” Holiday Fes” Simpsons NBA Christmas Christmas The Movie: League Cash Cab tival on Ice Pets.TV Simpsons Basketball: Party Ever” Vacation Mentalist “Disney’s A Soccer First Story Movie: KIRO News Simpsons Pelicans at CSI: Crime The National CSI: Crime Christmas Sportsnet Steele “I’ll Be ” Global Nat. Thunder Scene ” Scene Carol” Central CTV Home for CBS ” NewsNews CBC News KIRONews News News News Hour Final FIS Alpine Vancouver Christmas” KIRO News ” Sportsnet News--11:30 the fifth KIRO News Block Skiing Saving Hope Xmas Carol 60 Minutes Johnny Reid Sportsnet Castle estate Face/Nation Paid Prog. Sportsnet ”” Winnie ” ” Central Canadian Scandal Paid Prog. Central

Football: Lorna Dueck Football: Marketplace Lorna Dueck Simpsons ” Holiday Fes- Football: 10Country :30 Football Calendar Wednesday, December 17,”2014Simpsons rLake :00 NFL



Wildlife Wild Kratts Little Prince Victorian Farm Little Prince Annedroids The World of Stonehenge Animals Animals of Architects Change Waterfront Cities Holiest

Light Fight Rescue OutbackMoHoliday ments on Ice EasePain Remove Hair News World News Paid Prog. Paid Prog. KOMO 4 News Young Men Big Dreams Movie:

Storage Godfather of Pittsburgh Storage Storage Duck D. Duck Storage Storage Dynasty Duck D. Storage Storage Storage Storage

Movie: Abominable Christmas “Home Alone 3” Movie: “Home” Alone”” Movie:” “Home Movie: “Home4” Alone

George CBC News CBC News the fifth estate Now With Christine Prince Harry at 30 Birak ” The National ” ” Elizabeth:

Last Frontier Bering Sea Gold: Under Alaska: The Last Frontier Fast N’ Loud: Demo. Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The

Mike NFL Football: Livin’ Dream Trout TV Green Bay Packers Two Menat Mike Tampa Bay Buccaneers Big Bang Simpsons The OT NASCAR Mulaney

Our Part of Monarch Wild Kratts the Glen Hope for Little Prince Wildlife Vera Little Prince Victorian ” Annedroids Farm ” Animals The World Take Me of Animals Stonehenge Nat’l Waterfront Architects of Geographic Cities Change Monarch Take Me of Holiest the Glen Our Part Places Hope for Monarch of Wildlife the Glen Victorian Vera Farm ” The World of ” Stonehenge Take Me Architects of Nat’l Change Geographic

Frozen of Music Rescue Sing-Along” Christmas Outback Light Fight ” EasePain Holiday ” MoRemove Hair ments on Ice ” Paid Prog. NewsProg. ” Paid World News News Men Young KOMO 4 Castle Big Dreams News ” The Story of Movie: Burn Notice Frozen “The Sound Christmas of Music Light Fight Sing-Along” Holiday Mo” ments on Ice ” News ” World News ” KOMO News 4 News Castle

Storage Storage Godfather of Storage Pittsburgh Storage Storage Duck D. Storage Duck Storage Storage Dynasty Storage Duck D. Storage Storage Storage Wars Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars

Lost in New Rudolph, the Abominable Reindeer York” Christmas Movie: Thunder Movie: Nicky, Ricky “Home Alone 3” Mr. Young Alone” Mr. Young ”” ” Boys Movie: Movie: Boys “Home “Home Home 2: Alone Alone Alone 4 Lost in4” New ” York” Rudolph, the Movie: Reindeer “Home Thunder Alone 3” Nicky, Ricky ” Mr. Young ” Mr. Young Movie: Boys “Home Boys

Marketplace Prince Harry CBC News at 30 News Prince CBC George The National Now With the fifth ” Christine estate Elizabeth: Birak Prince” Harry Queen, Wife at 30 Prince” The National George ” ” The National ” Elizabeth: ” Marketplace Queen, Wife Prince Prince Harry George at 30 the fifth The National estate ” Prince Harry Elizabeth: at 30 Queen, Wife The National Prince ” George

Last Frontier Alaska: The Bering Sea Last Frontier Alaska: The Gold: Under Last Frontier Alaska: Fast N’ The Alaska: The Last Frontier Loud: Demo. Last Frontier Alaska: The Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: The Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: The The Alaska: Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: The Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: The Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: The Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska: Alaska: The The Last Last Frontier Frontier

Stop Pain Simpsons NFL Brooklyn Mod Fam Football: Mike Guy Family Green Bay Livin’ Dream Burgers Packers at Trout TV News Bay Tampa Two Men Bones Buccaneers Mike ” The OT Big Bang Anger NASCAR Simpsons How I Met Pre Mulaney Raising Stop Pain Burgers Mod Fam Simpsons Mike Brooklyn Livin’ Dream Family Guy Trout TV Burgers Two Men News Mike Bones Big Bang ” Simpsons Anger

Holiest Monarch of Places the Glen

Movie:” “The Burn Sound Notice

Storage Storage Wars Storage

of Music Sing-Along”

Storage Storage

Alone Home 4” Alone Elizabeth: The National ” Queen, 4 ” Wife Rudolph, the Prince Harry Reindeer at 30

” ”

Storage Storage

Thunder The National Alaska: The Family Guy Nicky, Ricky ” Last Frontier Burgers

Night Teams TBA ” NFL Football ”” ”” NFL ” Football: ”

Simpsons Joel Osteen Paid Prog. Simpsons CHBC News Noon News Hour Nat. Global CHBC News Ice Pilots NWT Johnny Reid

” TBA Teams ” NFL ” SportsCentre ” Football: ” Teams” TBA Football That’s ” Hcky Night SportsCentre ” NFL Football ”” ” SportsCentre NFL ” Football: ” SportsCentre Teams TBA ”” ” ” ”” SportsCentre Football ” Night That’s Hcky NFL Football SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre ””

” Simpsons Simpsons Mr. Magoo’s Block Christmas Simpsons Lorna Dueck Simpsons Movie: Joel Osteen Simpsons “Disney’s Paid Prog.A Simpsons Christmas Noon News Simpsons Carol” Hour CHBC News News Final Ice Pilots Global Nat. Block NWT CHBC News Paid Prog. Simpsons Johnny Reid Paid Prog. Simpsons ” Simpsons Mr. Magoo’s Simpsons Christmas Simpsons Movie: Simpsons “Disney’s A Simpsons Christmas CHBC News Carol” Global Nat. News Final CHBC Block News

” SportsCentre ”” ” SportsCentre

Johnny Reid Paid Prog. ” Paid Prog.

Mr. Magoo’s Movie: Christmas “Best

National Lampoon’s

Undercover Boss

Mr. Magoo’s English Christmas Premier

Monarch of the Glen

” That’s Hcky

Movie: “Disney’s A

Christmas Party Ever”

Christmas Vacation

The Mentalist

Movie: “Disney’s A


SportsCentre Christmas ” Carol”

CSI: Crime Scene

The National CSI: Crime ” Scene

SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre College ” Football:

News The View News--11:30 ” Castle The Marilyn ” Denis Show

CBC News Bookaboo the fifth Doodlebops estate Heartland Canadian ”

KIRO News The Price Is KIRO News Right Face/Nation Young & Scandal Restless

Miami Beach Noon News Bowl -- BYU Hour

CTV News Vancouver

CBC News Now

vs. Memphis Days of our ” Lives

The Social ”

” Interruption

Dr. Phil ”



League Soccer

KNOW KOMO * Places “The Sound Take Me The` Story of

A&E 1 Wars Storage

YTV 6 ”2: Alone

NEWS 7 Queen, ” Wife

ries ER Say of Yes

Big Bang Smart

Suchet Sid Science

Noodle Gardening

Fiance Say Yes Say Yes 90 Day Fiance Holiday ER ” 90 Day

Big Bang Movie: “Disney’s Mod Fam A Mod Fam Christmas Carol” Movie:

Suchet McLaughlin IN Close Mormon ” The First Silent Night Weekend

Night in Wheelbarrow Can’t Sleep? America NFL Skiing ” Football:

Fiance Santa Sent Me Five My

“300” Santa Clause ” 3:

Moyers Fire in the Forest AsLife Inside

riesDay of ER 90 Say Yes Fiance Untold StoSay Yes riesFive of ER My Say Yes 90 Day Wives Say Yes Fiance 90 Day ER Holiday 90 Day Fiance ” Fiance 90 DaySent Santa 90 Day Fiance Me Fiance Paid Prog. Untold StoMy Five Paid Prog. ries of ER Wives Untold Sto90 Day ries of ER Fiance 90 Day My Five Fiance Wives 90 Day 90 Day Fiance Fiance 90 90 Day Day Fiance Fiance

Clause Extra Smart” The Closer Big Bang People Big Bang Movie:” Big Bang The Closer “Disney’s A Big Bang ” Christmas Mod Fam Movie: Carol” Mod Fam “Witless Santa Movie: 3: Protection” Clause “300” ” The Escape There ”Yet? Clause Extra ” Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Mod Fam ” Mod Fam Movie: Movie: “Witless “300” Protection”

formances Tales-Royal Sid Science Bedchamber David Odd Squad Suchet Masterpiece McLaughlin David Classic IN Close Suchet Masterpiece The First Mormon Classic Silent Night ” Fire in” the Weekend Roadtrip Forest Life Moyers Front and Great PerInside AsCenter formances prey: Luxury David Tales-Royal Suchet Bedchamber David Masterpiece Suchet Classic Mormon Masterpiece ” Classic Weekend ” Moyers Roadtrip

Seattle Figure Skating: Seahawks at Arizona ISU Grand Prix Final Cardinals Gardening 5th Quarter Poppy Cat Anti-Aging Noodle KING 5 Wheelbarrow Football News Can’t Sleep? Night in Dateline Skiing America NBC ” NFL KING News Figure Football: The 206 Skating: Seattle Bensinger ISU Grand Seahawks Beauty Prix Final at Arizona Poppy Cat Cardinals Noodle 5th Quarter Football KING 5 Night in News America Dateline NFL NBC Football: KING News Seattle The 206

My Five Paid Prog. Wives Paid Prog. 90 Day Fiance

”” There ”Yet? ” The Closer

Inside AsSeahawks Front and Bensinger at prey: Luxury Arizona Center Beauty Tales-Royal Cardinals Bedchamber 5th Quarter

My Five Wives

” The Closer

Masterpiece KING 5 Classic News

SayDay Yes People Odd Squad Football Anti-Aging 90 Big Bang David A13

DISC KAYU 9 Last Frontier Alaska: The Burgers Pre ;

Alaska: Alaska: The The Mulaney How I Met Last Last Frontier Frontier Burgers Raising Alaska: The Simpsons Last Frontier Brooklyn

TLC < Wives Untold Sto-

WTBS ” TheA Escape

KCTS N prey: Luxury Great Per-

CHAN Christmas Carol” (

SNP Sportsnet Central )

KNOW KOMO ” ” Take Me ” * ` News The View Castle ” ” KOMO 4 Burn Notice News

Mr.YTV Young Mr. Young 6

NEWS Elizabeth: Queen, Wife 7

DISC KAYU Alaska: The News Last Frontier Bones 9 ; Alaska: The Airplane Last Frontier Repo Alaska: The Airplane Last Frontier Repo

” Raising Anger Paid Prog. How I Met Family Feud Raising Family Feud

90 TLC Day Fiance <

WTBS ” Movie: A

Masterpiece Dateline Classic NBC

Nat’l G. Shrinks Geographic PAW Patrol Monarch of Jelly Jamm the Glen Bucket-Dino

A&E Storage Storage 1

“Witless Divorce Protection” Divorce ” Judge Yet? There Judge

” Christmas Roadtrip Countdown Front and Dinosaur Center Dinosaur

KIRO News ”

Noon News Hour

FIS Alpine Skiing

PAW Patrol Kate and

The Chew ”

Criminal Minds

Town The Happy

CBC News Now With

Airplane Repo

Law & Order: SVU

The Little Couple

Hot Bench Hot Bench

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

Our Vancouver

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Party Poker ”

Astroblast Dragon


The First 48 ”

Elf Chucks

Diana Swain Airplane ” Repo

Law & Order: SVU

Say Yes Say Yes

King King

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

NHL Classics

Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First 48 Curious ” ”

Odd Parents Power & Kung Fu Politics

Airplane Repo

Family Feud Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes

The Middle The Middle

Sesame St. Odd Squad

Dr. Phil ”

The Meredith DeGeRachael Ray Ellen The View Vieira ”Show neres ”Show Young The Oz Sugar & The Dr. Marilyn Restless Show Debt/Part Denis Show NFL Miami Beach News Noon News CTV News Football: Vancouver Bowl -- BYU Hour ”

Republic Bookabooof Doyle Doodlebops Dragons’ Heartland Den ” CBC News Now ”

Bold The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Young Judy & Judge Judy Restless

Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Jelly PAWJamm Patrol Kate and Jelly Jamm Magic Bus Bucket-Dino

” CBC News ” Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil CBC News ” Now With

Highway Airplane to Sell Repo Highway Airplane to Sell Repo Highway Airplane to Sell Repo

Steve Raising Harvey Paid Prog. The Meredith Family Feud Vieira FamilyShow Feud Name Law & Game Name Order: Game SVU

Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Divorce

Ellen TodayDeGeneres cont’d Show

The Little 19 Kids and Couple Counting The Little Couple

Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge

Chatsworth Christmas House Countdown Inside AsDinosaur prey: Luxury Dinosaur

The First 48 Criminal Minds”

Nicky, Ricky Abominable Thunder Christmas Sam Dog & Cat iCarly Santa Claus, The Happy Town Elf The Happy

Say Yes to 19 Kids the Dress 19 Kids

KIRO News KIRO ”News

The Meredith Rachael Ray Sportsnet Sportsnet Vieira ”Show Central Central Young FIS Alpine Sugar & Hockey Restless Skiing Debt/Part Central Early Noon News News NHL FIS Alpine Global Classics Hour Nat. Skiing

Browns Hot Bench Payne Hot Bench

KING 5 New Day News Northwest World News Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Business Peg Plus Cat News

Denver News vs. Memphis Global Days ofNat. our CTV The Social Broncos CHBC ” at Lives News Vancouver ”

CBC Our News Coronation Vancouver

KIRO News The Talk CBS News ”

News Hour Days of our Lives ”

The First 48 ”

Frosty Elf Frosty Chucks

The National Diana Swain Highway Airplane to ” Sell Repo

Two Men Law & Mod Fam Order: SVU

The Say Little Yes Couple Say Yes

Cincinnati ” Bengals Interruption

Ent The Talk ET Canada ”

Taylor Dr. PhilSwift etalk ”

Rudolph, the Ent Steven and Let’s Make a Ent The Talk Reindeer The ET Canada Chris DealInsider ”

” Monday SportsCentre SportsCentre Night ” Countdown ” College That’s”Hcky Football: NFL SportsCentre Miami Football: ”Beach Bowl -- BYU Denver SportsCentre vs. Memphis Broncos ” at ” Cincinnati SportsCentre ”” Bengals Interruption ” SportsCentre Monday Night ”

Movie: The Meredith Rachael Ray “Christmas Vieira Show ” Young & Lodge” Sugar Restless ” Debt/Part News of State Noon News Affairs” Hour Global News Nat. CHBC Days ofNews our CHBC Final Lives Ent Canada ET The Talk ET Canada The Doctors ” Movie:

Russell Ellen DeGeThe View Peters neres Show ” The Dr. Oz Movie: The Marilyn Show “Finding Denis Show CTV News Christmas” CTV News Vancouver ” Vancouver CTV News News-Lisa The Social Vancouver News--11:30 ” TaylorShow Swift Daily Dr. Phil etalk Seth Meyers ” Russell

Big Bang Bold The MikePrice Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Scorpion Young & Judge”Judy Restless KIRO News NCIS: Los KIRO News KIRO News Angeles ” KIRO News The CBSTalk News Late Show ” Ent Letterman Let’s Make a The Insider Ferguson Deal Big Bang Mike Bold ThisMinute Scorpion

That’s Hcky Countdown ” SportsCentre NFL ” Football: SportsCentre ” Denver Broncos at SportsCentre ” Cincinnati

Young” & Restless State of Affairs News CHBC” News Final Nat. Global CHBC News ET Canada The Doctors Ent


ET Canada

News Final Rachael Ray Block ” Paid Prog. Sugar Paid Prog. Debt/Part

The Talk ”

Monday SportsCentre Night ” Countdown College ” Football:

“Christmas The Meredith Vieira Show Lodge”

Movie: Republic of Bookaboo “A Doyle Doodlebops Dragons’ Christmas Heartland Den Story” ” CBCNational News The CBC News ” Now CBC News Our Coronation Rick Mercer Vancouver Rudolph, the 22 Minutes Steven and Reindeer Coronation Chris Movie: Peters “A Ellen DeGe- Republic of neres Movie:Show Doyle Christmas “Finding Story” The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Show Den Christmas” The National ” ” CTV News CBC News Vancouver ” News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Rick Mercer CTV News CBC News Vancouver Daily Show Coronation 22 Minutes Seth Meyers Coronation Taylor Swift Rudolph, the

Judge ”Judy Judge NCIS: Judy Los Angeles KIRO News KIRO KIRO News News Late Show KIRO News CBS News Letterman Ferguson Ent

News Final Rachael Ray Block ” Paid Prog. Sugar Paid Prog. Debt/Part



Movie: The Meredith Rachael Ray “Christmas Vieira Show ” Young & Lodge” Sugar Restless ” Debt/Part Early News State of Noon News Global Nat. Affairs Hour News Hour Days ” our Final of Lives Ent Canada ET The Talk ET Canada The Doctors ” Movie:

FIS Alpine Sportsnet Skiing Central Sportsnet Hockey Central Central


KNOW Hospital KOMO * `

Jack PAW Patrol Wild Kate Kratts and

Steve The View Harvey ” KOMO KOMO 4 4 News News News The Chew World ”News

Canucks TV Architects Party Poker Astroblast of KOMO General4 Hockey Change News ” Dragon Hospital


NHL Hockey: Classics

Coyotes at Sportsnet Sportsnet Canucks Central Central FIS Alpine ” Hockey Skiing Sportsnet Central NHL Sportsnet FIS Alpine Classics Central Skiing Canucks TV Sportsnet Party Poker Hockey Central ” NHL Sportsnet NHL Hockey: Central Classics Coyotes at “Christmas Canucks The Meredith Sportsnet Vieira Show Central Lodge” ” Sportsnet Young” & FIS Alpine Restless Skiing State of Sportsnet AffairsNews NHL Central Early Global Nat. Classics News Hour Sportsnet Final Hour Central TV News Canucks ” Hockey ET Canada Sportsnet The Doctors Central Ent NHL

Storage CSI: Miami Wars ” Storage Criminal Storage Minds

A&E 1

The 48 CSI: First Miami ”” The First 48 Criminal Minds”

Boys Abominable Boys Christmas Home Alone Dog 4 Santa Claus,


Prince CBC News George Now With The National Carole” MacNeil




90 Day 19 Kids Fiance 19 Kids Paid Prog. 19 Kids and Paid Prog. Counting







KING News Today The 206 cont’d Bensinger New Day Beauty Northwest


Browns King Payne King

PBS Super Why! NewsHour Thomas

Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives

Joanna Bucket-Dino Wheel The Doctors The First 48 Lumley Jeopardy! ” Curious ”

Toy News Odd Story Parents CBC Power & SpongeBob ” Kung Fu Politics

Highway Airplane to Sell Repo

Big Bang Family Feud The Say Little Yes Big Bang Family Feud Couple Say Yes

Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld The Middle

Old House Sesame St. Antiques Odd Squad

News Dr. Phil Evening ”

History Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Britain Jelly Jamm PAW Patrol KateChrist and The Jelly Jamm Magic Bus Child Bucket-Dino JackHollow The PAW Patrol Wild Kratts Tree Kate and Architects Lace Bite of Astroblast Change ” Dragon Joanna The Christ Bucket-Dino Lumley Child Curious History BritainOlly Dive, Jelly Jamm The Christ

Funny Ricky Home Nicky, Abominable Videos Thunder Christmas Sam & Cat Movie: Dog iCarly Frost” “Jack Santa Claus, The Happy ” Town Elf ” The Happy Frosty Chucks Elf Frosty Mr. Young Chucks Toy Story Dog Saved Odd Parents SpongeBob Christmas Kung Fu Funny Home VideosRicky Nicky, Thunder Movie:

The National ” CBC News ” Now With Amanda The National Carole Lang ” MacNeil CBC News CBC News ” Now With The National Diana ”Swain ” CBC News Amanda Power Lang ” & Politics The National ” ” The National

Highway Airplane Sell Repo Highway Airplane Sell Repo Highway Airplane Sell Repo Highway Airplane Sell Repo Highway Airplane Sell Sell Repo Highway Sell Highway Sell Highway

Gotham Steve Raising ” Harvey Paid Prog. The Meredith Sleepy Family Feud Vieira HollowShow Family Feud Name Game News Law & Name Game Mod Fam Order: SVU Two Men Mike Law Mod & Fam Mike Order: SVU Big Bang Anger Family Feud Big Bang Cougar Family Feud Gotham

The Yes Littleto Say 19 Kids Couple the Dress 19 Kids The LittleLittle Couple 19 Kids and Couple Little Couple Counting The Little The Little Couple Couple The Little Say Yes Couple Say Yes The Little Peter Popoff Say Couple PaidYes Prog. Say Yes The Little Couple Say Yes to the Dress Little Couple

Family Guy Seinfeld Divorce Family Guy Mod Fam Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Browns Jeffersons Hot Bench Payne Break Hot Bench Browns Movie: King Payne Paris “From King Mod Fam With Love” The Middle Seinfeld ” The Middle Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld Mod Fam Amer. Dad

Antiques Chatsworth Christmas Roadshow House Countdown Inside AsAntiques Dinosaur prey: Luxury Roadshow Dinosaur World WithNews Xmas Peg Plus Cat Business out China Peg Plus Cat PBS Politician’s Super Why! NewsHour Husband Thomas Old House Mormon Sesame Antiques ” St. Odd Squad Antiques

Saturday Ellen DeGeToday Night Live neres Show cont’d KING ”5 New NewsDay ” Northwest KING of 5 State KING News 5 Affairs News Nightly News KING News Days of our News Tonight Lives News Show Dr. Phil Evening Seth Meyers ” Saturday

Christmas Steve Harvey Light Fight

The First 48 CSI: Miami ” ” The First 48 Criminal ” Minds The First 48 Criminal ” Minds The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ”” ” The First 48 ” The First 48 ” The First 48

Childand Kate Magic Bus The Hollow Tree Jack Wild LaceKratts Bite ” Architects of Change The Christ Child Joanna

KOMO” 4 News Castle News ” World News News Jimmy 4 KOMO News Kimmel Live Nightline Wheel

” The First 48 ” The First 48 ” The First 48 ” The First 48 ” The First 48 ” The First 48 ” The First 48

“Jack&Frost” Sam Cat iCarly ” ” The Happy Elf Chucks Mr. Young Frosty Frosty Dog Saved Christmas Toy Story

” Amanda Lang CBC News ” CBC News ” The National ” The National ” Amanda Lang CBC News

Sell Highway Sell Highway Sell Highway Sell Highway Sell Highway Sell Highway Sell Highway

LittleLittle Couple The Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple Peter Popoff Paid Prog. The Little

Amer. Dad Big Bang Big Bang Jeffersons Break Browns Payne Movie: “From Paris Browns Payne With Love” ” Mod Fam



The Great Steve The View Christmas Harvey ” KOMO 4 Light Fight KOMO News ” 4 News News Castle The Chew World ”News ” KOMO 4 News General News Jimmy Hospital Wheel Live Kimmel The Doctors Jeopardy! Nightline ” The Great

A&E 1





to to to to to to to to to to to to to to

Steve ” Harvey Sleepy Hollow The Meredith Vieira News Show Mod Fam Name Game Name Mike Game Mike Men Two Mod Fam Anger Cougar Big Bang





Roadshow Chatsworth

Night DeGeLive Ellen

House Antiques Roadshow Inside Asprey: XmasLuxury Without China World News Business Politician’s Husband PBS NewsHour Mormon ” Old House

neres ”Show KING ”5 News State of Affairs5 KING News KING News TonightNews Nightly News Show Seth Meyers News



The Insider

ET Canada




Big Bang





” Movie: SportsCentre “Christmas

Russell Peters

Movie: “A

Big Bang Mike

Movie: “Christmas

Coyotes at Canucks

History Britain

The Great Christmas

The First 48 ”

Funny Home The National Highway to Videos ” Sell

Gotham ”

The Little Couple

Family Guy Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

Saturday Night Live

” That’s Hcky

Movie: “Finding

Christmas Story”

Scorpion ”

Lodge” ”

” Sportsnet

The Christ Child

Light Fight

The First 48 ”

Sleepy Hollow

Little Couple Amer. Dad Little Couple Amer. Dad

The National NCIS: Los ” Angeles

A&E The First 48 1 ”

Movie: “Jack Frost”

Christmas” ”

” KNOW KOMO The Hollow Castle ` Tree* ”

SportsCentre News CBC News KIRO News Hour SportsCentre CHBC Rachael Ray News-Lisa The View Bookaboo The Price Is News Rachael Ray Sportsnet ” Doodlebops RightShow ”” Final ” News--11:30 Rick Mercer Late Final ” Central

Lace Bite G. Shrinks PAW Patrol ”

News The View Jimmy”

The 48 CSI:First Miami ”

Chucks Tis/ Smurfy SpongeBob Mr. Young

Motoring Sugar The Marilyn Heartland SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes Motorcycle Debt/Part DenisMeyers Show Coronation ” ” The Doctors Seth

Young & Letterman Restless Ferguson

Sugar Hockey ET Canada Sportsnet Debt/Part The Doctors Central

JellyChrist Jamm Kimmel KOMO 4Live The Criminal The First 48 Bucket-Dino Nightline News Minds” Child

Hockey Lunch

KIRO News ”

Noon News Hour


PAW Patrol Kate and

Criminal Minds

Days of our Lives

Party Poker ”

Astroblast Dragon

” Rachael Ray The Meredith ” Vieira Show Sugar Young & Debt/Part Restless Noon News Early News Hour Global Nat. Days of our News Hour Lives ” The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith Vieira Movie:Show “The Polar Rachael Young & Ray

Poker Tour Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central Hockey Draft Year Central NHL Count Darts NHL Winter ” Classic Party Poker NHL ” Classics European Sportsnet Poker Tour Central Sportsnet Central NHL Winter Classic Sportsnet Draft Year

KNOW General KOMO Hospital * The` Doctors

The First 48 ”

Curious George G. Shrinks Dive, PAW Olly Patrol Jelly Jamm Jelly Jamm Kate and Bucket-Dino Magic Bus PAW Patrol Jack Kate and Wild Kratts Astroblast The Hollow Dragon Tree Curious Blue Realm George ” Dive, Olly Jelly TudorJamm Monastery Farm G. Shrinks Kate and


A&E 1

” Sugar Early News Debt/Part Global Nat. Food Fighters News News Hour Noon Hour News ”Hour Final Ent of our Days ET Canada Canada Lives ET The Doctors Movie: The Talk “The Polar ”

Central Classic Sportsnet Central NHL Darts Classics ” Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Party Poker Central ” Sportsnet Central NHL Winter European Classic Poker Tour

Bucket-Dino Wild Kratts Fairyt. Castles The Hollow PAW Patrol Tree and Kate Blue Realm ” Blue Realm Astroblast ” Dragon Victorian Farm Tudor MonCurious astery GeorgeFarm

News World ”News ” 4 KOMO The Chew News ” Jimmy Wheel General Jeopardy! Hospital Kimmel Live Nightline Shrek/Halls The Doctors Toy Story ”

Minds Storage Storage Storage Criminal Minds Storage Wars Storage The First 48 Wars ” Storage Storage Storage The First 48 Storage ”

SpongeBob Now With Frosty LangNational Movie: The “Fred ” SpongeBob Odd Parents Carole CBC News SpongeBob MacNeil Toy Story ” Claus” CBC News ” ” The Legend The National SpongeBob CBC News of Frosty the Now ” Kung Fu With ” The National Boys ”Swain Snowman CBC News Christmas Diana Drummer C. Brown ” Dog Who Amanda Saved Lang Funny Home Power The National Penguins & Videos ” Rabbids Politics

NHL Sportsnet Classics Central

Joanna Dive, Olly Lumley Jelly Jamm Fairyt. Kate and Castles Magic Bus

The Year: Steve 2014 Harvey

Storage Storage Storage Storage

Movie: Abominable “Fred Christmas


Storage Storage Storage Storage A&E Storage Storage 1 Wars Storage

Gold Rush Rush Gold 9 ”” Gold Rush How/Made Gold Rush ” How/Made ”

Canada’s Family Feud Risking 19 Kids It All Mod Judge Gold Rush Big Bang Fam Worst”Driver Big Family Feud 19 Kids Judge Bang ” Seinfeld

Lodge” ”

SportsCentre State of ” Affairs

Noon News Hour

CTV News Vancouver

CBC News Now

SportsNation Days of our ” Lives

The Social ”

Best Recipes The Talk Stefano ”

That’s Hcky That’s Hcky SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ” Motoring Hockey Motorcycle ” Hockey Lunch” ” SportsNation ” SportsCentre That’s Hcky That’s”Hcky ” SportsCentre That’s”Hcky Off Record SportsCentre Hockey

Dr. Phil ” The View Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show CTV News CTV News Vancouver Vancouver The Social CTV News ” Vancouver Dr. Phil etalk ” Spun Out Ellen DeGeneres Show Shrek/Halls Corner The The View Dr.Gas Oz

Steven and Chris Bookaboo Republic of Doodlebops Doyle Heartland Dragons’ ” Den CBC News CBC Now News ” Best Recipes CBC News Stefano Coronation Steven and Frosty Chris Skate Republic of Doyle Movie: “Scrooged” Bookaboo Dragons’

”” SportsCentre Motoring ”” Motorcycle ” SportsCentre ”” Hockey Lunch SportsCentre ”” SportsNation ”” SportsCentre That’s”Hcky Hcky That’s Off Record That’s Hcky

The Talk ” Rachael Ray The Meredith ” Vieira Show Sugar Young & Debt/Part Restless Noon News News Hour ” Days of our Global Lives Nat. CHBC News The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith Vieira Show Movie: “The Polar Rachael Young &Ray

” Restless Express”

Show ” MasterChef Canada: A The CTVMarilyn News Denis Show Vancouver Holiday Special CTV News News CTV Vancouver Vancouver News-Lisa News--11:30 etalkSocial The Spun Show ”Out Daily Seth Meyers Shrek/Halls Dr. Phil Corner ” Gas

Doodlebops Den ” ” Heartland CBC News

Right Judge New Judy NCIS:

SportsCentre Hockey ”” SportsCentre ” ””

Orleans Young & KIRO News ”” Restless KIRO News The National Person of ” Interest CBC News News KIRO News News CBC KIRO Coronation CBS News Now ”News CBC News KIRO Rick Mercer The Late Show Frosty Ent Talk Best Recipes Skate The Insider Stefano ” 22 Minutes Letterman Coronation Ferguson Movie: and Let’s NCISMake a Steven “Scrooged” Chris Deal ” Express” MasterChef ” NCIS: The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic of Bold New Canada: A Orleans Vieira ”Show neres Show Doyle ” ThisMinute Food & Holiday The National Judge PersonJudy of Young The Dr. Oz Dragons’ Fighters Special ” Interest Restless Show Den Judge Judy News Hour News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Final ” News--11:30 Rick Mercer Late Show Vancouver ” KIRO News

SportsCentre College ” ” Football: SportsCentre

ET Canada Rachael Ray Global Nat. The Doctors CHBC”News

Daily Show The View CTV News Seth Meyers ” Vancouver

Popeyes ” Bahamas ”

Sugar Ent Debt/Part ET Canada

The Marilyn Frosty Heartland etalk DenisOut Show Skate ” Spun

Bowl That’s Hcky 30 for 30

Noon News Movie: Hour

CTV News Shrek/Halls Vancouver

CBC News KIRO News Movie: NCIS Marketplace ”

The Social

Best Recipes The Talk ” NCIS: ”New Stefano

SportsCentre SportsCentre ””

Off Record ”

Sugar News ” Debt/Part Food ” Fighters GlobalNews Nat. Noon CHBCHour News Hour News Final Ent of our Days ET Canada Canada Lives ET The Doctors Movie: The Talk “The Polar ”

Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is Bold Right ThisMinute Young & Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy KIRO News KIRO ”News KIRO News The Talk KIRO ”News CBS News Let’s Make a Ent Deal The Insider Bold ThisMinute NCIS ”Judy The Price Is Judge

“The Polar

Days of our

SportsCentre Express” ” Lives ” ”

That’s Hcky The Talk SportsCentre Food ” ”



Corner Gas

MasterChef ” Canada: A Dr. Phil Holiday ”


22 Minutes Letterman Bookaboo The Price Is CBC News KIRO News Coronation Ferguson Doodlebops CBS RightNews Coronation


Young &

Express” The Meredith Vieira ”Show Food & Young Fighters Restless


“The Polar

Days of our


Late Show


Sportsnet Draft Year Central NHL Count SNP Sportsnet NHL Winter ) Central Classic

A&E 1

The First 48 ” ” The View CSI: Miami Steve ” Storage ” Harvey Storage KOMO 4 Criminal KOMO Storage News 4 Minds News Storage The Chew Criminal News ” Storage Minds World News Storage General The First 48 KOMO 4 Storage Hospital ” News Storage The Doctors The First 48 Wheel” Storage ” Jeopardy! Wars Steve Storage Harvey Shrek/Halls Storage Toy Story Storage The View CSI: Miami KOMO 4 Storage ” ” News The Year: Storage 2014 Storage KOMO Criminal News 4 Storage

The National Highway to ” Sell

WTBS Jeffersons A Break

KCTS Xmas WithN out China

” KING State of P Affairs

The Highway to CBCNational News Gold Rush Now With ” Sell ”

Mike Raising Paid Prog. Mike

The Little 19 Kids 19 Kids Couple

Movie: Divorce Divorce “From Paris

Politician’s Sesame Street Husband

KING TodayNews cont’d Tonight

SpongeBob Dog Saved SpongeBob Christmas

Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang

Gold Rush Highway to Sell ”

Family Feud Peter 19 Kids Judge Anger Popoff With Love” Family Feud Paid 19 Kids Judge” Cougar Prog.

Dinosaur Mormon Dinosaur ”

New Day Show Northwest Seth Meyers

SpongeBob Kung Fu

CBC News Now With

Gold Rush ”

Law & Order: SVU

The Little Couple

Hot Bench Hot Bench

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

Christmas C. Brown

Diana Swain Gold Rush ” ”

Law & Order: SVU

Say Yes Say Yes

King King

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

Penguins Rabbids Tis/ Smurfy Abominable SpongeBob Christmas SpongeBob Drummer SpongeBob Frosty SpongeBob Odd KungParents Fu Toy Story Christmas The Legend C. Brown of Frosty the Penguins Snowman Rabbids Drummer Abominable Christmas Funny Home Videos Tis/ Smurfy Drummer

Power & Politics CBC News ” Now With ” Carole Amanda MacNeil Lang CBC News CBC News Now With ” Diana Swain The National ” ” Power & CBC News Politics ” ” ” The National ” CBC News Amanda

Family Feud Family Feud Raising Steve Paid Prog. Harvey Family Feud The Meredith Family Feud Vieira Show Law & Name Game Order: SVU Name Game Law & Two Men Order: SVU Mod Fam Family Feud Big Bang Family Feud Big Bang Steve Harvey New Girl Mindy Raising The Meredith

Say Yes Say Yes 19 Kids TLC Holiday 19 Kids Moments 19 Kids The Little 19 Kids Couple The Little Little Couple Couple Little Couple Say Yes LittleYes Couple Say Little Couple Say Yes Risking Say YesIt All ” TLC Holiday Moments Little Couple Little Couple 19 Kids The Little

The Middle The Middle Divorce Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Judge Big Bang Hot Bench Browns Hot Bench Payne King Browns King Payne The Middle Mod Fam The Middle Seinfeld Seinfeld Mod Fam Family Guy Family Guy Divorce Big Bang

Christmas Countdown Sesame Chatsworth Street House Dinosaur Fake or Dinosaur Fortune? Peg Plus Cat World News Peg Plus Cat Business Super Why! PBS Thomas NewsHour Christmas Food Countdown Rick Steves Chatsworth House Sacred Journeys-Bruce Sesame Fake or

Dr. Phil ” Today Ellen cont’dDeGeneres Show New Day KING 5 Northwest News KING 5 KING News 5 News Days of our Nightly Lives News News Dr. Phil News ” Evening Ellen DeGeneres One Show Direction Today KING 5




Gold Rush ” Gold Rush Gold Rush ” ” Gold Rush Gold Rush ” ” Gold Rush Gold Rush ” ” Gold Rush Gold Rush ” ” Gold Rush Gold Rush ” ” Gold Rush ” ” Gold Rush


” Gold Rush ” Gold Rush ” ” Gold Rush ” Gold Rush ” Gold Rush ” Gold Rush ”” Gold Rush ””

The National Gold Rush Rush ” Gold ”” ”” CBC News ” Amanda Gold Rush ” Lang ””



Hockey Sportsnet Central Central

KOMO 4 Wheel News Jeopardy!

Country Storage Country Wars

Odd Parents CBC Carole Snowman News Miser MacNeil Drummer ”

NHL Winter NHL Winter Classic

PAW Patrol Tudor MonKate and

The Chew Shrek/Halls ”

Country Storage Country

Brothers CBC News Canada’s Law & Funny Home The National ” New Girl SpongeBob Now With Worst Driver Order: SVU


Party Poker

astery Farm Astroblast

Joanna Dragon Lumley



NHL Sportsnet Classics


NHL Winter

Restless Classic ET Canada Sportsnet The EarlyDoctors News Central NHL

Toy Story General

The Year: Hospital 2014



Storage Country Storage

Bucket-Dino The Doctors Country Fairyt. ”” Storage Curious Country Dive, Olly Blue PAWRealm Patrol

Kate and

Magic Bus Victorian Farm Jack

Steve News Harvey

Jimmy News


Duck D. Storage Duck D.


Duck D.

ProblemLive Storage Duck D. Kimmel Nightline Storage News Duck



Movie: Christmas “Fred

Chucks Claus” SpongeBob

SpongeBob ” SpongeBob


Anger Raising Two Men Cougar Paid Fam Prog. Mod


Law &

The National Gold Girl ” WorstRush Driver New Order: SVU ” ” Mindy Power & CBC News Politics

” ”

Lang CBC News

Judge Payne Jeffersons Break Browns Hot Bench Payne Hot Bench Movie: “The Mod Fam King Seinfeld King Heartbreak Kid” Family Guy The Middle Family Guy The Middle

Little Couple Family Guy Say Yes


Risking Say YesIt All Amer. King Dad ” Amer. Dad

Mod Fam




Extreme The Little Extreme

The Meredith To Be

WorstRush Driver Anger Vieira Show Paid Announced Gold Prog. ” Cougar Canada’s Name Game Paid Prog. ”

The Middle Jeffersons The Middle


Seinfeld Movie: Mod Fam


Big Bang

Big Bang Heartbreak Kid” Browns




Street Fortune? News Sacred Jour- cont’d Bubléneys-Bruce Christmas Dinosaur World News New KINGDay 5 Dinosaur Northwest Business News Frontline Kelly ” Clarkson’s PBSPlus Nightly Peg Cat KING 5 News NewsHour Peg Plus Cat News ” KING News Tonight Food ”Why! Days News of our Super Rick Banks Steves Lives Evening Thomas DCI Show ” Jour- Dr. Seth Meyers Sacred OnePhil Christmas neys-Bruce Countdown Direction ” Sacred Jour- Ellen BubléChatsworth DeGeneys-Bruce neres Christmas House Show Frontline Kelly 5 Fake or KING ” Clarkson’s Fortune? News



World ”News N ” Business DCI Banks Christmas PBS ” Countdown NewsHour

KING 5 News KING P Tonight News Show Today News Nightly Seth cont’dMeyers News

Dinosaur Food Dinosaur Rick Steves

New Day News Northwest Evening

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Sacred Jour- One Peg Plus Cat News


Super Why!


Days of our

Sacred ThomasJour- BubléLives neys-Bruce Christmas Sesame St. Frontline Odd Squad

Dr. Phil

Kelly ” Clarkson’s


Chatsworth House” Fake or

Fortune? DCI Banks World ”News

Ellen DeGeKING neres News Show Hollywood

Christmas Show Seth KINGMeyers 5


Global Nat.


Wild Kratts

World News


Shiny Year




News Hour ”

NHL Top 100

Blue Realm ”

News Problem

Duck Dynasty

Santa Claus, The National Canada’s Two Men Town ” Worst Driver Mod Fam

” ”

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News News

SportsCentre Ent ” ET Canada

etalk Spun Out

12 Songs of Christmas

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

NHL Count Mus NHL Special

Wheel Jeopardy!

Duck D. Duck D.

Dog for Christmas

CBC News ”

Big Bang Big Bang

” ”

Mod Fam Seinfeld

Tiger -- Spy News in the Jungle Evening

SportsCentre Movie: Off Record “The

Movie: “It’s a

Movie: “Scrooge”

I Love Lucy Christmas

Movie: “The

NHL Winter Classic

The King’s Singers

The Middle Goldbergs

Duck Dynasty

Home Videos

The National Bering Sea ” Gold

Burgers Burgers

” ”

Family Guy Family Guy

Nature ”

Movie: “It’s a

Junior Hockey

Wonderful Life”

Madam Secretary

Smurfs” ”

NHL Winter Classic

Christmas With Bach

Mod Fam blackish

Duck Dynasty

Movie: “The 12

The National Bering Sea ” Gold

Brooklyn Brooklyn

” ”

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad


Wonderful Life”

Food Fighters

Blue Jays Specials

Sacred Songs and

blackish blackish

Duck Dynasty

Dogs of Christmas”

CBC News ”

News Mod Fam

” ”

Jeffersons Break


NHL Classics

Carols Christmas

News Jimmy

Duck D. Duck D.

Rudolph, the The National Bering Sea Reindeer ” Gold

Mike Mike

” ”

Movie: “Nothing

Handel’s Messiah

The King’s Singers

Kimmel Live Duck Nightline Dynasty

Dog Who Save

Anger Cougar

” ”

” ”

The National Stalker ” ”

SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Movie:

KIRO News News Hour Christmas at Final

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show “Surviving ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Christmas”


ET Canada NHL Top The Doctors 100

Amanda Lang

Worst Driver Name Game

Heartbreak Divorce Browns Kid” Divorce Payne

Medium Hot Bench Little Couple Family Guy Medium Hot Bench


Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Judge Browns


KIRO News CBS News

Paid Prog. 19 Kids Little Couple Paid Prog. 19 Kids Little Couple

Canada’s Family Feud Say Yes Worst”Driver News Family Feud The Say Little Yes

” Canada’s Steve The National Gold ” WorstRush Driver Mike Harvey

Rudolph, the Amanda Lang Amanda

Reindeer Dog Who Saved Rudolph’s

Diana Swain Canada’s


Risking It All Seinfeld Amer. Dad TLC Holiday ” Amer. Dad Moments Mod Fam News The Little Little Jeffersons The Meredith The Big Bang Mod Fam Couple Break Vieira Show Couple Bang KAYU TLC Big WTBS Mike Game Little The Little Movie: Name Couple Browns ; < Mike Couple “TheA Name Game Little Couple Payne

Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars Storage

NHL ” Classics



New Girl Steve Mindy Harvey

Kimmel Live The View KOMO 4 Nightline News ”



Paid Kids It All Vieira Show 19 Couple New Prog. Girl Risking Mindy ” Family Feud 19 Kids Name Game Little Couple Family Feud 19 Kids Name Game Little Couple News The Little Mod Fam Couple Two & Men LittleLittle Couple Law The Mod Fam LittleLittle Couple Order: SVU Couple Mike The Mike Couple Big Bang Risking Law & Say YesIt All Big Bang ” Order: SVU Say Anger PaidYes Prog. Cougar Paid Prog. New Girl LittleYes Couple Family Feud Say Mindy Little Couple Family Feud Say Yes

Claus” Drummer ” Frosty YTV NEWS ” The National Odd Parents CBC News 6 7 Boys Toy Story ”” Dog Who Amanda Penguins CBCNational News The Legend The Saved Lang Garfield of Frosty the Now With ”

” KNOW News KOMO News News * ` Jimmy World News

TLC The Little < Couple


DISC Highway to Sell 9

Antiques Roadshow

KAYU News Mod; Fam


NEWS CBC News 7 ”

Blue Realm Jack ” Wild Kratts Victorian G. Shrinks The Hollow Farm PAW Patrol Tree Jelly Realm Jamm Blue Bucket-Dino ”

The Meredith Sportsnet News Vieira Hour Show Sportsnet Central Young &

PAW MagicPatrol Bus Joanna Lumley Jelly Jack Jamm

The Chew ”

YTV ” 6 ”

CBC News Coronation

Sportscentre Food ” Fighters

Judge Judy

Central NHL Count Classics Hockey NHL Winter

Noon News Movie: Hour


Judge Judy Letterman Ferguson KIRO News


Sportsnet Sportsnet NHL Central Central Classics


SNP ) European

NewsNews Hour Early Final Nat. Global ET Canada Rachael Ray News Hour The Doctors ”” Sugar Ent Debt/Part ET Canada


Bold KIRO News ThisMinute

SNP Sportsnet ) Central

SportsCentre Global Nat. CTV News ” CHBC News Vancouver

Smurfs” ”


” Restless Express”

Hockey Restless ShowShow Den SportsCentre ET Canada Daily 22 Minutes ” The Doctors Seth Coronation Sportscentre News CTV Meyers News CBC News ”


Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk The National Person of Food ” Chris Deal

News--11:30 Rick Mercer The Dr. Oz

CHAN The( Talk

Express” Lives ”

SportsCentre The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic of SportsCentre News ” Vieira Hour Show News-Lisa neres Show CBC DoyleNews Junior

Young & Ent Restless The Insider

CHAN State of ( Affairs



Bering Sea Gold

Bering Sea Gold

Bering Sea Gold

Peter Popoff Like the Paid Prog. Holidays”

” ” KING News Evening

A Christmas Midnight Carol Mass

Wednesday,December December17, 17,2014 2014 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,


Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.



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Business Opportunities

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

THE DISABILITY Tax Credit. $1,500 yearly tax credit. $15,000 lump sum refund (on avg). covers: Hip/knee replacements, arthritic joints, COPD. For help applying 1844-453-5372.

SALMON Arm logging company looking for fulltime contract logging trucks, or drivers. Steady year round haul, home every night. Drivers must have bush experience. Please email or call 778-489-0118 daytime only.

MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program. STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

WESTERN CANADA’S fastest growing chalk & mineral paint products for the DIY Craft Market. Adding new retailers now! Visit us online or call 1-855386-5338 today.

Travel RV LOT rentals $8.95 a day. 362 days of sunshine, pets, events, classes, entertainment. Reserve by 11/01/2014., call: 1-800-926-5593

Employment Business Opportunities GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website

Career Opportunities PROGRESSIVE Industrial Vegetation Service Company is seeking a Branch Manager to oversee its operations in the Grande Prairie, AB region. The successful applicant will have management experience and excellent communication and people skills. This position offers a competitive remuneration package and time off flexibility in the winter months. Interested applicants can email their resume to


Education/Trade Schools INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853

Train To Be An Apartment Manager • Government Certified Home Study Course • Jobs Registered Across BC 35 Years of Success!

Help Wanted



Farm Workers

Farm Workers


GENERAL FARM LABOUR req in Winfield & Oyama. No exp nec but must be able to learn quickly. Duties incl, but are not restricted to pruning, handling compost & soil, planting thinning & harvesting fruit. The jobs are physically demanding & req working in all weather conditions. Employment from March 1 - Oct 31, 2015. $10.50/hr. 10hrs/day, 6 days/wk. Reply to to Sedona Holdings Ltd 1790 High Rd, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 7C1

SOHAL ORCHARDS LTD. requires Farm LABOUR in Winfield & Oyama. NO EXP. nec but must be able to learn quickly. Duties incl but are not restricted to: pruning, thinning & harvesting fruit. The jobs are physically demanding & require working in all weather cond. Employment from Feb.25 - Nov.30, 2015. $10.5/hr. 10hrs/day, 6days/wk. Reply to Box #333 c/o Kelowna Capital News 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, BC., V1X 7K2

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!

GENERAL VINEYARD LABOURERS- Gray Monk Cellars Ltd., located at 1055 Camp Road, Okanagan Centre, BC, is seeking 3 temporary vineyard labourers, in Lake Country and Okanagan Valley, to start work March 9, 2015, for approx. 8 months. Candidates must be willing to work outdoors and in all seasonal conditions. On the job training is provided, duties include tying, pruning, picking, processing, grounds and vineyard maintenance. Starting wage $10.49/hour, approx 40-50 hours per week. Please fax resume to 250-766-3390 or email We thank all applicants in advance, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please.

Help Wanted


May 17, 1918 - December 11, 2014 Oscar passed away suddenly at the age of 96. He was born May 17, 1918 in Shell Lake, Saskatchewan. Was raised on a farm and at a young age, he was playing hockey. He joined the Air Force in 1941. He met Alice Watson, the love of his life, in Fort MacLeod during training. They married July 24, 1943. The Air Force was Oscar’s career until 1971, with Alice by his side. They had one son and one daughter. The family enjoyed the Air Force life and were camping and fishing enthusiasts. After 30 years service, they found their Dream Retirement Home in Winfield, where Oscar resided until his passing. Hockey was his second Love. All through his years in the Forces and Retirement, he played hockey well into his 70’s and ref’d several years after. In his later years, he enjoyed the Horseshoe Club and playing Crib, which he seemed to be quite lucky at. He also looked forward to the Tuesday dinners at the Senior’s Centre during the winter. He was very content with his life, and often said not to worry “everything is tick-a-dee-boo�. He is survived by his son John (Charlotte) of Ardrossan, AB; and daughter Judy (Rudy) Jackle of Rocky Mountain House, AB. Four Grandchildren; Five Great Grandchildren; and One Great Great Grandchild. Two Sisters; One Sister-in-Law; several Nieces and Nephews. And very special Friends Dwight and Leona; and Ben and Margret. He was predeceased by his wife Alice in 2007; a younger brother and parents. Cremation entrusted to the care of Everden Rust Funeral Services, Kelowna.


“Let us give you something to smile about...� CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT required for a progressive, busy general practice in Vernon. We require someone with excellent organizational and communication skills, someone who can demonstrate initiative and work well within a team environment. Experience is an asset. Please forward resume to

VINEYARD LABOURERS Intrigue Wines Ltd., located at 2291 Goldie Road, Lake Country, BC, is seeking 2 seasonal vineyard labourers, in Lake Country, to start work March 9, 2015 for approx. 8 months. Candidates must be willing to work outdoors and in all seasonal conditions. On the job training is provided, duties include grounds and vineyard maintenance, operation of farm and vineyard equipment. Starting wage $10.49/hour, approx 40-50 hours per week. Please fax resume to 250-766-2834 or email Phone number 1877-474-3754. We thank all applicants in advance, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.


Financial Services

ARE YOU $10K Or More In Debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now & see if you qualify. 1-800-351-1783.

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420


WEIGHT loss, 30 days, proven, healthy, money back guarant. Email: 250-900-1254

Breathe through a straw for 60 seconds. That’s what breathing is like with cystic fibrosis. No wonder so many people with CF stop breathing in their early 30s.

Please help us.

Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting 250-860-6440


Don’t wait for a job to fall on you Visit Our Website

Wednesday,December December17, 17,2014 2014 rLake Country Calendar Wednesday,

Services A15

Merchandise for Sale

Home Improvements

Misc. for Sale

FULL SERVICE Plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. Call 1-800-573-2928.

CERAMIC Urns for your loved ones or pets, hand painted. Phone Colleen: (250)766-4405

Moving & Storage DAN-MEL Moving Services Local & Long Distance. 4 Ton, Power Tailgate 250-215-0147

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper? STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online:

Painting & Decorating

STEEL BUILDINGS. “Really big sale!� All steel building models and sizes. Plus extra savings. Buy now and we will store until spring. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 or visit


(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Misc. Wanted

Septic Tanks J-NIK SERVICES. Septic Pumping. 24hrs 7 days a week Nick Stewart. 778-214-7181

Pets & Livestock

A Collector wants to buy your silver coins, Ingots, collectors coins, old money, o ld stone carvings, sculptures. Todd, 250-864-3521 Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082. Local.

Feed & Hay

PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670

HAY for Sale. Cow, Horse Dairy Hay all in 3x4x8 bales. All prices are delivery included. Most hay has been shedded if not Tarped. Call Cale @403-635-0104 or email

Give life .... register to be an organ donor today!

Three million Canadians have a hearing loss. I’m one of them. The Hearing Foundation of Canada funds the only nationally coordinated medical research program to find the cause and cure of hearing loss. To learn more about our programs and how you can help, call 1-866 HEAR YOU, toll free or visit our web site, Don Harron

Merchandise for Sale

Firearms Quality Firearms Buy & Sell. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6

for more information 1-800-663-6189


EXPERTS Call Teresa at 250-766-4688 to be included in this feature; only $15 per issue!


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Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


Lake Country Citizen of the Year Nominations Now Open The “Sax Koyama” Award The Oceola Fish & Game Club annually recognizes a dedicated citizen within the community, in memory of Sax Koyama.

Public Skating during the Christmas break is only $2/person.

You are invited to nominate an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the community taking into consideration the following:  The recipient must be a resident of Lake Country and surrounding area north of Duck Lake (e.g. Holiday Park);  Submissions must be based on outstanding contribution having a direct beneficial effect on the community and its residents.

See the Public Skating/Shinny schedule QuickLink at

A recap of the District’s snow-clearing priorities:

• Main collector roads, school bus and transit routes and steep roads take priority over all other roads in the District. During a period of active snowfall, the contractor will remain on these priority routes to keep them cleared. • All local roads will be serviced once the main roads are cleared and have a reasonable chance of staying cleared. Many local roads are plowed at the same time that the hills are done, whenever it is practical and sensible to do so. • The goal of the snow removal program is to maintain the roads in a passable condition, which does not necessarily mean “bare pavement”. In certain conditions, the application of sand over compact snow will be performed. On busy routes, traffic works salt and/or sand into the snow, breaking it up and causing the roads to clear with use. Many District roads do not see sufficient traffic to achieve this effect, and a certain amount of compact snow on the road surface is to be expected. Salt application is ineffective below -6C.

Who can you call?

During office hours: Engineering 250-766-6677 After hours snow removal: 250-766-5664 After hours non–snow related road emergencies (road kill removal or debris on the roadway) Roads Duty See the SNOW REMOVAL QuickLink at for info & the Priority Map pager at 250-317-9780

The function of the award is to:  To recognize the outstanding efforts of a citizen working for the benefit of the community.  To foster community spirit.  To create awareness of the varying contributions made toward the wellbeing of our community by its citizens. Nominations for the award are accepted until December 31. Pick up a nomination form at Municipal Hall or the Oceola Fish & Game Club at 11888 McGowan Rd.

Community Information Christmas Tree Recycling This year the Christmas tree drop-off location will again be Jack Seaton Park in the parking lot. You are welcome to drop-off your Christmas tree for chipping, anytime December 26-January 31. Business Licence Renewal Notices are in the mail Online bank payments have been expanded to included business licences and are available through some financial institutions. Use your account number as the payment reference number. Confirm with your bank whether business licence payments have been added to their internet banking services. Make Memories, not Garbage This holiday season, give a gift of time together. Memories that last a lifetime – no wrapping required. For ideas, go to

Follow what’s happening in Lake Country Follow us on Facebook And check out the “What’s Happening” calendar and News at

Municipal Hall will be CLOSED at 4:30pm Wednesday, December 24 and re-open 8:30am Monday, January 5. Essential services such as police, fire, water, wastewater treatment and snow removal will remain in operation. Roads Snow Removal: 250.766.5664 All Other Roads Emergencies: 250.317.9780 Water or Sewer Emergencies: pager 250.317.3250 Municipal facility holiday closures are planned around a time when there is low demand for services. In the long run, these closures save operation costs for the District and give staff some time to be with their families. Business licence renewal payments are due January 31, 2015, and can be paid through some participating financial institutions in person or on-line, or by mail when there are no changes to an existing licence.

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