Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal, December 18, 2014

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I N S I D E : Welcome Santa!. Pages 10-18


Volume 119 No 51 PM # 400121123


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895

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Naughty or nice this year, which is it? Santa’s listening.

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Warrant for arrest


Sunday Worship 10:50 am

401 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC • 250-453-9511 •

United Church of Canada Dec. 21 - Lay Leaders: Shirley Dobson & Phyllis Gray Christmas Eve Service 4 pm: Rev. Ivy Thomas SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10 am KIDZ MONDAY SCHOOL: 3:30 pm

St. Alban’s

501 Brink St, Ashcroft ~ 250-453-9909

Anglican Church of Canada CANON LOIS PETTY

Crossroads Pentecostal Assembly

Christ Centered People Centered 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. • 250-457-6463

Pastor David Murphy Worship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. Everyone welcome

Coming Events

Dec. 18: The Cache Creek Winter Lights Appreciation & Sing-along is back, featuring the Desert Bells Hand Bell Choir. Doors open at 7:00pm at the Cache Creek Community Hall and music begins shortly afterwards. Dec 20: Candy Cane Ball - Free Family Dance 6:30pm to 9:30pm at Ashcroft Sec. School. Concession available. If possible, please bring a non-perishable food item for our local food bank. Dec. 20: Sage Sound Singers Choir Christmas Concert with Desert Bells Handbell Choir and guests. 7:30 pm at the Crossroads Pentecostal Church in Cache Creek. Admission by donation. Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Service with Rev. Ivy Thomas; 4:00pm. All are welcome at Zion United, 401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft. (please note new time) Jan. 6: UCW meets in Church Hall; 2:00pm (401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft). All United Church ladies are welcome. Planning for 2015 - Friendship Tea, World Day of Prayer, Bean Supper, etc. Come and be a part of these events and enjoy our fellowship. Jan. 12: Cache Creek Council meeting, 7 pm in the Village Office.

Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion FRI., DEC. 19th • 6:30 - 7:15 pm

Pulled Pork French Bread, Coleslaw, Dessert $10/plate

MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm

Bingo 1st & 3rd Wednesday Doors open 6:00 pm, games start 6:30 pm. Crib every Thursday at 7:00 pm Darts every Thursday at 7:30 pm

* Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre first, second & third Sundays of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August)

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm


Thursday, December 18, 2014 The Journal


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Dec. 9 a warrant was issued for the arrest of Gregory Allen Larabie, 38 of Clinton for failing to appear in Kamloops court to answer a charge of breaching earlier probation orders by being drunk and disorderly.

Icy road causes crash

Dec. 9 at 5:45 pm police attended a single vehicle collision on Hwy 99 about 5 km east of the Hat Creek Rd. turnoff. A 2008 Honda Civic lost control on the road and collided with an embankment. The driver, a 52 year old Lillooet man, was able to walk to a nearby residence to call for help. He suffered minor rib and head bruising and was transported to he hospital for further examinatio. The vehicle suffered major damage to the driver’s side.

Pedestrian hit on Government St.

Dec. 9 at 7 pm police attended the scene of an accident between a pedestrian and a car on upper Government St. in Ashcroft. The driver, a 46 year old Kamloops man, said he did not see the pedestrian, who was wearing dark clothes. Police spoke to the pedestrian, a 17 year old Ashcroft man, who reported bruises but no serious injuries. He declined the ambulance. No charges were laid.

Vandalism to Kingdom Hall

Dec. 10 at noon police were notified of vandalism to the Jehovah Witness Kingdom Hall in Cache Creek where phone lines had been ripped from the side of the building and a light over the entrance was smashed.. The damage is thought to have occurred some time between Sunday 7pm and early morning on Wednesday. There was no apparent forced entry. Anyone with information on the matter is asked to call RCMP at 453-2216 and quote file # 20141654.

Ashcroft rcMP DetAchMent


no evidence at this time to support foul play, or that the two incidents were in any way related, but it was acknowledged that three people were found gutting a calf by a ranch in the Pavilion area earlier this Fall and were to appear on charges in Kamloops court this month. Anyone with information on the Scottie Creek incident is asked to call RCMP at 453-2216 and quote file # 20141657.

Change of heart

Dec. 13 at 1:35 am police were called to the River Inn pub for a fight in progress after two males were observed arguing and heading for the doors “to settle the score” in the parking lot. Police attended but no one was located.

Hall party

Dec. 13 at 2:40 am police were called to a disturbance at the River Inn after a caller reported that a group of men were harassing a woman. Officers could not locate the incident reported, but they did observe several individuals in the hallway outside their rooms making a great deal of noise. They were asked to return to their rooms.

Too much of a hurry

Inn pub after a reported assault took place. The intoxicated victim, a 30 year old Ashcroft man, initially denied that a fight had taken place. Eventually he admitted that a fight had taken place between himself and a 34 year old Kamloops man, but the other individual had departed. The matter is still under investigation.

Crash in Cache Creek

Dec. 14 at 1 pm police attended a single vehicle collision in front of Lordco in Cache Creek after a southbound Mazda 3 was struck by a Chev Blazer exiting the parking lot. The Mazda then struck a nearby power pole. The driver, a 66 year old man from Granisle, was transported to Ashcroft hospital for treatment of a back injury. The driver of the Blazer, a 36 year old Cache Creek woman, was also examined by ambulance attendants. She indicated that she did not see the Mazda when she pulled out onto the highway and proceeded to turn right. She was issued a ticket for an improper right turn.

Causing a disturbance

Dec. 14 at 5:45 pm police were called to a residence on Hwy 11 for a complaint of an intoxicated male causing a disturbance and uttering threats against the home owner. The 49 year old Kamloops man was located outside the residence and was arrested for being drunk in a public place and causing a disturbance. He was placed in cells for the night until sober.

Dec. 13 at 8:30 pm police attended a single vehicle crash on Hwy 1 north of Spences Bridge where a F350 pickup pulling a trailer lost control on slippery roads and hit the rock face. The truck jackknifed and overturned, blocking both lanes. The highway was closed temporarily before the vehicles were moved. A witness indicated that the truck Applications to participate in the province’s was speeding. The 49 year Disappearance of several calves Rural Advisory Council are now being accepted Dec. 11 at 1 pm police received a old Prince George driver was until Jan. 9. report from a local rancher from the issued a ticket for speeding The council’s mandate is to provide in16 Mile/Scottie Creek area that sev- relative to conditions. There dependent and impartial advice to government en calves were missing from his herd, were no injuries. on matters related to rural development. As which had been grazing on Crown committed to in the report, Supporting Rural Land near Scottie Creek. RCMP are Fight under investigation Dec. 12 at 2:40 am po- Development: Creating a Voice for Rural Britinvestigating the matter with the Liveish Columbia, the initial focus of the council stock Unit out of Kamloops. There is lice were called to the River will be to provide advice on: * Avenues to support greater rural access to capital; * Stronger business development support for rural entrepreneurs and businesses; and * Moving forward on the Rural Dividend. Government is inviting individual British Columbians to apply for council membership by submitting a resume and cover letter, identifying relevant business, economic development and community experience, and expressing their personal vision for supporting rural economies. To submit an application, or for further details, visit: Specialty Baking Supplies • Stoneware • Glassware 05862D661 • Christmas Corner • BBQ • Linens • Pots & Pans The council will include 10 to 18 memDec. 13 & 2 • Condiments • Pepper Mills • Utensils bers, representing a diversity of backgrounds, 0 10am - 3pm perspectives and regions. Members will be apAND SO MUCH MORE! pointed as individuals, not as representatives of an organization, business, or municipality. Donna Barnett, Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development, will chair Mon. - Sat. 9:30am - 5:30pm the council. #2 - 355 Birch Ave. 100 Mile House Deadline for applications is Jan. 9. Council 778-482-COOK membership will be announced early in 2015.

Advisory Council needs rural leaders

100 Mile’s NEW Kitchen Store is now open!

Photos with Santa

Our Kitchen Corner

The Journal Thursday, December 18, 2014


Car wash receives business award Ashcroft Communities in Bloom committee has selected the Ashcroft Carwash as the recipient of the Best Bloomin’ Business Award for 2014. Several Communities in Bloom members were on hand to present owners Santo and Sandra Talarico with the award. This busy carwash, located on a high visibility corner, was previously surrounded by little more than bare dirt, which created dust devils in the wind and mud when it got wet. Now, the property sports a new look; both neat and tidy and asthetically pleasing. A row of evergreens separate the property from the road and a lovely green expanse of lawn nestles between a post and rail fence. It’s a great improvement for the corner and offers a nice welcome to visitors passing through. Congratulations and thank you for promoting Ashcroft as the gem that it is. Andrea Walker

Vis seeks candidacy Brad Vis was in Ashcroft and Cache Creek recently, becoming acquainted with the area he hopes to represent after next year’s federal election. Vis is running for election as the Conservative candidate for the new Matsqui/Mission/ Fraser Valley riding. Vis announced his intention to seek the candidacy in May and started campagning right away. At the time, he was working in Minister of International Trade, Ed Fast’s office. “When I found out there was a new seat being created in my home town, I said I have to go home and run or I’m going to regret it,” he said. Vis spoke to policians in both communities, talking about the landfill and Ashcroft Terminal, and the need for economic development. He had already heard of the Terminal through his work for the Minister. He visited local businesses and discovered the world’s best cinnamon buns at the Ashcroft Bakery, and dropped in on a Rotary meeting at the River Inn. Supporters must have a Conservative Party membership to elect a candidate. Forms can be gotten online or by calling 778-808-9062

Members of the Ashcroft Communities in Bloom committee with the Talaricos: Shirlee Johnson, Paulette Thille, Santo Talarico, Sandra Talarico (owners), Andrea Walker and Ina Gory.

Get your Christmas groove on in Cache Creek Celebrate the Christmas season on Dec. 18 at 7pm at the third annual Winter Lights Appreciation and Christmas Singalong, hosted by the Cache Creek Beautification Society. Doors open at the Cache Creek Community Hall at 6:30. Listen to the beautiful sounds of the Desert Bells Handbell Choir and guests that include a musical performance by Wendy Coomber

and Carmen Ranta on wooden recorders. This year we’ll have a special prize draw for an outdoor yard ornament valued at $100 to be drawn from the names of the Winter Lights nominees attending the event. Bring the family to this free event and enjoy the community and Christmas spirit as we celebrate the holiday season. Refreshments will be served.

On Dec. 19 enjoy some Canadian Culture with the Shortest Day film festival. This 90 minute presentation features family oriented short films by Canadian film makers and is a free event. CCES PAC will have a concession. Watch some great films, and enter to win a door prize. Doors open at 6pm and film starts at 6:30pm. Come and have fun with Zumba with Krystal Kettle and then enjoy the movie Fro-

zen! Admission is free. Concession by CCES PAC. Let’s celebrate the end of 2014 at the Pre-New Year’s Party on Dec. 30, at the Cache Creek Community Hall. Doors open at 6pm! This is a family event and you are welcome to wear your pjs and bring your favorite stuffie! The movie Frozen will be given away at the end of the night. Follow Cache Creek Activities on Facebook to see these and other events. Marcie Down

Green candidate in place for election

Rotary members with special guest, visitor Brad Vis who is seeking the Conservative nomination in the new federal riding of Matsqui/Mission/Fraser Canyon. L-R: Barb Hood, Shirley Dobson, Vis, Cami Lindseth, Karin Magnuson, Jack Jeyes, Joris Ekering and Ron Hood.

Arthur Alexander Green of Hope, BC was chosen by acclamation as Green Party of Canada candidate for the new federal riding of Mission/Matsqui/Fraser Canyon on Dec. 2. Green has actively pursued this nomination, and has been instrumental in developing the Electoral District Association (EDA). The Green Party of Canada, under the leadership of Elizabeth May, is looking forward to the coming Federal Election in 2015 with Green as candidate. His main objectives and pursuits are Electoral Reform, a Climate Action Plan, and a National Mental Health Strategy. It is with these objectives and pursuits that he urges all constituents of the EDA to participate and get out and vote, regardless of political stripe. Green wishes all candidates and participants of all federal parties the very best, and challenges all to put their very best political foot forward to a forward and progressive election. Submitted

A 4 Published every Thursday in Ashcroft by Black Press Ltd. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber

The Editor’s Desk

Thursday, December 18, 2014 The Journal




Pass the happiness on, it’s contagious People who spend their time around others know that emotion is infectious. Some are more affected than others. Happiness, anger, stress, anxiety. It’s instantly apparent when you meet someone full of anger. Whatever you were feeling before is replaced with negative emotion. Likewise, a brief encounter with someone full of positive energy an optimism can leave us buzzing with positive energy if only for a little while. That’s why I love taking wedding photographs. Everyone is happy and it’s contagious. Even a group of strangers all brought together by a happy occasion such as a wedding is an instant pick me up if I’m feeling less than positive. Same with Christmas, but instead of just a small group of people, it’s the entire community. Every year the publisher asks if I want to take time off at Christmas and every year my response is the same - it’s the best time of year to be in the office and I don’t want to miss it. Even though it can be the most stressful time of year for many people, you can’t ignore the good feelings getting passed around as friends and strangers wish each other a Merry Christmas. It’s a powerful feeling that overcomes the negativity that leads to so much tragedy in our world. Such a shame that we can’t keep it going all the time.


Slight error in calendar Dear Editor Thank you to everyone in Ashcroft, Cache Creek and elsewhere for your support for the Ashcroft & District Rodeo Parade. Every year our fundraising calendars are popular and this year was no exception – we were sold out of calendars in three days. However, the parade committee wishes to apologize for an error in the caption under the October photo. The caption SHOULD read “The Ashcroft Hotel burned down on the same corner where our current post office now stands.” We hope that this has not caused any inconvenience to our supporters who purchased our calendars. Heather Philpott. Committee chair

A CLUSTER OF BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS is a reminder of the local Christmas Bird Count on Dec. 23.

CTF releases list of 2014 naughty and nice by Jordan Bateman The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) this week released its B.C. Naughty and Nice List, highlighting politicians and agencies who either cost – or saved – taxpayers money this year. The Taxpayers’ Naughty List: 1. TransLink executives. Despite a public declaration by TransLink chair Marcella Szel that executive pay had been frozen at 2012 levels and bonuses had been eliminated, every single TransLink executive was paid more in 2013 than the year before. Now, they’re asking for $250 million in new taxes. 2. Premier Christy Clark’s Medical Services Premium tax hikes. Is there a more unfair tax in BC than MSP? MSP family taxes have jumped from $108 per month in 2010 to $144 starting Jan. 1. That’s a one-third increase in just five years. 3. MLAs Jenny Kwan and Linda Reid. It might be a meager Christmas for these two MLAs after they had to pay back money for a pair of spending scandals. Kwan paid back $34,992.27 for a European vacation with her former husband (revealed in a shocking audit of the Portland Hotel Society).

Speaker Reid paid back $5,528 for her husband’s trip to South Africa. The full naughty list might be so heavy it could crash Santa’s sleigh. Unfortunately, 2014 was a year full of politicians and agencies wasting our money, then demanding more of it in taxes. Why can’t they ho-ho-hold the line on our costs? The Taxpayers’ Nice List: 1. Whistler’s Property Tax Freeze. Property taxes in Whistler have been frozen for three straight years, as municipal hall updates its reserve practices and cuts spending. As if many of us didn’t want to live in Whistler already! 2. The federal government’s First Nations Financial Transparency Act. The new law which put First Nations’ finances and politician pay online prompted several big stories, including two in B.C. The discovery of Kwikwetlem Chief Ron Giesbrecht’s $800,000 “special deal,” prompted his fellow council member Marvin Joe to tell media that even he wouldn’t have known about the chief’s pay “if it wasn’t for this new transparency act.” And the electoral defeat of a husbandand-ex-wife (chief and councillor) duo





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402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625


Terry Daniels


Wendy Coomber


Anne Blake


Barbara Roden

from the Shuswap First Nation happened when band members learned the tiny reserve’s politicians had been making over $200,000 tax-free – more than Prime Minister Harper. 3. Premier Christy Clark tackles municipal labour costs. Through the core review, the Province commissioned an independent report showing municipal employees received 38 per cent hikes in pay from 2001 to 2012, twice the 19 per cent increase paid to B.C.’s core provincial employees, and 15 points more than inflation. Hopefully, this is part of a longer-term plan for the province to push cities on saving money through better labour deals – and, to her credit, the Premier did not shy away from bringing up the stats at the Union of BC Muncipalities. Hopefully these ideas grow in 2015. Perhaps instead of sugarplums dancing in our politicians’ heads this Christmas Eve, these good, money-saving ideas could have a tango. Jordan Bateman is B.C. Director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, a federally incorporated, notfor-profit citizen’s group dedicated to lower taxes, less waste and accountable government. Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $44.10 (GST included) Senior Rate: $37.80 (GST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $17.85 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

The Journal Thursday, December 18, 2014


Grand Opening Last week the new Ashcroft Travel Centre on the Ashcroft Reserve was officially opened with much pomp and celebration. Fraser Nicola MLA Jackie Tegart and B.C. Minister of Aboriginal Relations John Rustad were in attendance to help Chief Greg Blain cut the ribbon. Members of Ashcroft and Cache Creek Councils joined the Ashcroft Indian Band in celebrating the opening of the gas station and store/ restaurant. Photo by Christopher Roden

Season’s Greetings Holiday Hours: The Journal will be closed Dec. 24th until 10:00 am Dec. 30th, open regular hours Dec. 30th, closed from 1:00 pm Dec. 31st until Jan. 2nd, when regular hours will resume.

Seniors’ group settles down for “long winter’s nap” Memories, All alone in the moonlight I can dream of the old days -with thanks to Barbra Streisand All of us have memories of our earlier years, and how different yet how similar they can be! Growing up as I did, Christmas Day was less celebrated – and much less commercial! – than was New Year’s Day (or Hogmanay) during the 1930s and then the 1939-45 war years. My one really outstanding memory of presents was of the time that I got a pair of shop bought socks to match a dress my mother had knitted for me. “How did Santa know the right colour and size?” I remember thinking! Hogmanay was different then, too, especially in the pre –TV days. Everything had to be cleaned and in order, right down to taking the ashes from the fire out and setting a new fire to be lit at 12.01am on Jan. 1. Neighbours and friends exchanged visits, along with gifts of a dram of whisky, some shortbread and a lump of coal (for heat!) to ensure a warm house with plenty of food in the coming year. The first person to enter the house after midnight

this lunch is a time to see others whose paths rarely cross ours, The Dec. 25th issue will be publishing Dec. 24th - ad deadline is Dec. 17th at 3:00 and it was delightful to see p.m. The Jan. 1st issue will be publishing Dec. everyone in such good spirits. 31st - ad deadline is Dec. 22nd at 3:00 p.m. Muriel Scallon reminded us all that when Jan. 5 rolls around we will be open for Bridge at 12.30 pm. Carpet bowls and cards will start on the 6th. She nudged 402 4th St. • 250-453-2261 our memories, too, that come January it will be time to pay our 2015 dues so that we can enjoy all that our group has to offer, and more if you have any suggestions and PRICES IN EFFECT a few memDEC. 15 - 24, 2014 bers to support them. From GIFT CERTIFICATES ARCTIC all of us at in any denomination. Save 10% off face value. FLEECE SOLIDS the Centre, (purchase $100.00 pay just $90.00) REG. $14.00/m Merry ChristValid for use after January 4th, 2015 mas and a Happy and TRUEFORM DRESSFORMS 00 Contented OW ea 2 Sizes Reg. $400.00 ea N Year in 2015

FROM THE CENTRE Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors Joyce West had to be a handsome, dark haired man, never a red head, empty handed or a woman!!! Many of the old customs have died off, thanks to the coverage of events by TV, but the wishes for “A guid New Year tae ane and a” still continue. Another toast would be, “Lang may your lum reek wi’ ither folk’s coal!” On Thursday, Dec. 11 the Seniors Christmas Lunch was held at the Canadian Legion in Ashcroft. The Legion staff did us proud and served up 57 delicious turkey dinners with all the trimmings, followed by mincemeat tarts and butter tarts, with tea and coffee. The plates going back to the kitchen were all scraped pretty clean, and that in itself tells how much we enjoyed the food! We all had a hearty laugh at the jokes that Donna Tetrault read with great flair, as she does at our business meetings. The yearly occurrence of




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Thursday, December 18, 2014 The Journal


A 6

Christmas is about helping out

Please help out the food bank this Christmas.

3The 5/16volunteers x5 are grateful for food or cash.

Amongst my busy schedule and long “To Do List”, I realized that Christmas is just around the corner. Do you know how I am sure that Christmas is just around the corner? I stopped for a second and looked up and that’s when I saw it. A wonderful reminder. You’ve probably noticed it lighting the sky in Ashcroft. It’s become a tradition. I look forward to and it makes me smile when I see it. It’s bright and visible and lights the Mesa above Ashcroft. It’s the shooting star. I love that star and I do not even know the person who puts it up for all to enjoy every year. As I thought about the shooting star and how much I appreciate it, I wondered if the person who put it up knows

Living Well Vicky Trill

how much I enjoy it and how I look forward to seeing it every year. I’m sure there’s a certain amount of work and effort that goes into putting up that star, however each year, it’s there. I wondered, Is there anything I do that brings a bright spot to someone’s day? Christmas is not the happy, exciting time for everyone. We are reminded at Christmas, more than other time of

year, that there are many who need our generosity and care. The Food Bank and Elizabeth Fry Society do a great work in our communities and around the world in providing necessary food to people in need. A local group called “The Equality Project” is providing food, clothing, firewood, a listening ear and other life needs to local folks. What can I do? I can join these worthy causes and more than that, I can make an effort to stop focusing on checking off my “To Do List and instead look up to see the needy all around me. Proverbs 19:17 says: “The one who is gracious to the poor lends to the Lord, and the Lord will repay him for his good deed.” It makes me think about people like Mother Theresa who gave her life in caring for the needy. I’m sure, I can find some time this month and throughout the year to do my part too. All I need to do is stop... and look up.

Why Christ is the most famous person in history A year or so ago a non-church going friend of mine asked me who I thought computer scientists analyzing articles in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia had identified as the most famous person in history. Several names went through my head including Napoleon, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and William Shakespeare. I was somewhat surprised and emYour family depends on you barrassed when he identified Jesus Christ as the correct answer. Recently I to drive safely. Plan ahead and looked at the background of that study. drive for the conditions. Professor Steven Skiena and Charles Ward used quantitative analysis to rank Know before you go. more than a thousand prominent people identified in Wikipedia. Among the top ranked 100 people were Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln, Julius Caesar, Albert Einstein Business card size 3.5 x 2 and of course the top-rated individual, Jesus Christ. As we approach The and District Your family depends on you to Ashcroft drive safely. the season of Commerce Plan ahead and drive for theChamber conditions. when people would like to thank all those who made the 2014 Santa Know before youMadness go. Parade a success. We want to especially thank all over the world celeInterior Savings as our name sponsor. And the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 113, Ashcroft Safety Mart and Sage Brush Pet brate the birth Parlour as sponsors. Judy and Keith Stuart and Jeff and Ingrid for creating the Santa Float - all the Ashcroft Businesses for the Santa Madness events at their stores - the businesses, organizations and community groups who had entries in this year’s parade. The following is a list of those who participated. (We apologize in advance for any we have failed to include everyone.)

RCMP • Avenger Cadet Corp - colour party and members Ashcroft Irly (1st place) • Interior Savings Credit Union (2nd Place) The Harris Family (3rd Place) • People’s Drug Mart Sage and Sands Pony Club • Village of Ashcroft Ashcroft and District Lion’s Club Ashcroft Volunteer Fire Department • The Journal St. Alban’s Anglican Church • International Steel Workers Ashcroft Bakery • Santa and Mrs. Claus - elves and helpers We especially want to thank all those who attended – it was great to see so many families and children enjoying an evening in town together. We also want to thank the Ashcroft Village Works crew for the barriers. The Royal Canadian Legion branch 113 for donating the prizes. Trace DeBoer at Bar M Ranch for the tractor and trailer for the Santa Float. Zarthan Masonic Lodge 105 Members for hosting hot chocolate and hot dogs. Shawn and Nicole Molner of Thompson Valley Funeral home for helping with traffic. Christoper Roden of Ash-Tree Press for posting the event photos on Facebook.

of Christ the question well as promising to bless remains: why is Jesus them with His love and presthe most famous figence throughout the rest of ure in history? Some eternity. people might quickBeyond the “gospel” ly reply “well He is the or “good news” referred to founder of the Christian above the words of Jesus have Crossroads faith”. Other Christian had a profound impact on Pentecostal Church folk might reply that our society. For example, last the Bible says that He year I was visiting an elemencame to save us from the penalty of our tary school classroom where the teachsin: “For the wages of sin is death, but er was teaching her students how to get the gift of God is eternal life in Christ along well with each other by explainJesus our Lord” (Rom 6:23). ing the merits of the “golden rule”— This same message is echoed in the treat others as you would have them most famous verse in the Bible which treat you. How many people know that I committed to memory as a young the golden rule was actually one of child: “For God so loved the world Jesus’ many wise guidelines for living that he gave his only begotten Son, that our lives: “Do to others as you would whosoever believeth in him should not have them do to you” (Luke 6:31). perish, but have everlasting life.” (John This is just one example among many 3: 16). In this verse is embodied the of how Jesus’ words have transformed “gospel” or “good news” that minis- millions of peoples’ lives in the last two ters talk about in their sermons. When thousand years or so since His birth. one thinks of the implications of these During this Christmas season I two verses they are indeed good news. challenge you to discover for yourself A holy God could have imposed the why Jesus Christ has been selected as penalty of death on us for our sins. In- the most famous person in history. Visit stead He has chosen to forgive and for- a local church and find out for yourself. get the sins of those who believe in and You won’t be disappointed. accept His son as personal saviour as Russ Burroughs


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The Journal Thursday, December 18, 2014


Bazaars, parties and partings COMINGS & GOINGS ON in Spences Bridge

Mavourneen Varcoe-Ryan ‘Tis the season! Everyone is super busy, and there are so many events to attend – but we must take the time to celebrate with each other – whatever it is that you celebrate! The Christmas Bazaar was a reasonable success, a hall with lots of folks shopping and visiting. We didn’t have the weather and road conditions in our favour, but we somehow managed to be successful as a fundraiser that will help us keep the hall going. Thank-you so much to all that donated for the raffle, the baking, the crafts, the auction items and so on! There were many volunteers contributing their time to this event, and all the hard work and dedication is appreciated. Congratulations to all the raffle winners! Movie nights will take a break ‘till January when there isn’t quite so much going on. “2012” only had a few folks, so the whole concept may be reconsidered. Stay tuned! Speaking of staying tuned; a special shout out to TNRD director Steve Rice for managing to get our town T.V. rebroadcasting to continue for at least another four years. There are several folks that depend on the service, and it’s great to know that it will continue. Wednesday Soup Day is going strong! We had a fantastic turn out for the farewell to RCMP member Cpl. Stephan Drouin, commander of the Lytton Detachment. It was truly won-

derful to see so many come to say thank-you and good bye. We all wish Stephan all the best in Haida Gwaii. The Soup Days will take a break over Christmas - NO soup day Dec. 24th or 31st (for obvious reasons…) - and will return Jan. 7, 2015.

The turkey bingo was fun! Ten turkeys and a ham walked out the door to go to happy homes, and the SBCC managed to raise some funds! Thanks to organizers Craig and Olivia Watson and all their helpers! The Community Christmas Party left us all stuffed as usual – a fantastic feast put on in partnership by Cook’s Ferry and the Community Club with some potluck help! Lots of children sang their hearts out in order for Santa to hear them and make a little guest appearance. It’s wonderful to see the whole community celebrating together and sharing a meal. Thanks to all the cooks and helpers that made the event a success. Cook’s Ferry also took to opportunity to thank the outgoing Council members and to welcome the newly elected Council. On behalf of the SBCC I would like to congratulate the newly elected Chief and Council and wish for them a productive, positive term, and I look forward to continuing a strong partnership. New Year’s Eve is fast approaching! Watch for posters and ticket sales – perhaps by the time this goes to print. The ticket price has stayed at only $10 in order to keep the event affordable for folks. So for that price – why it’s a steal of a deal! We’ll have rocking

Farewell to Cpl. Stephan Drouin, Lytton Detachment, at Soup Day in Spences Bridge.

music provided by DJ Tracy who has all the professional sound equipment and lights for one heck of a show. There will be great snacks all night, door prizes, champagne, noise makers and hats at midnight, and a ton of fun! Rooms are available at the Inn next door for you out of towners. The SBCC has applied for a new grant from Imaginebc. Further to the interest in exploring the history of Spences Bridge, we have requested funding to collect and archive historical photographs, artifacts and stories; the project will see us reproducing some images in the form of postcards, calendars, and a website! Wish us luck in being successful in receiving this grant! Next meeting is scheduled for Jan. 14, 2015 at 7pm at Clemes Hall. Please join us. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2015!


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The Village Office will be closed from noon on Wednesday, December 24th, 2014 until 8:00 am Monday, January 5th, 2015. As Friday, December 26th is a statutory holiday for the public works department, Friday garbage collection will be moved to WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24TH. To ensure that you are not missed, please have your garbage to the curb by 8:00 am. Regular Friday collection resumes on January 2nd, 2015. There are no changes required to the Tuesday collection route except to ensure that your garbage is at the curb by 8:00 am. The TNRD Building Inspector will be in Ashcroft on Tuesday, December 23rd. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, January 6th, 2015. Please call the TNRD office directly at 1-877-377-8673 if you have any questions regarding inspections. 2014 TAX & UTILITY PAYMENTS

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Payments on 2014 tax and utility accounts must be received in our office by 4:00 pm, Monday, January 5th, 2015 to avoid 2015 penalties and interest. Payments received on or after January 6th, 2015 will be applied against applicable penalties and interest charges. SORRY, POSTMARKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED AS DATE OF PAYMENT. 2015 LICENCES


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2015 Dog Licences and Commercial Vehicle decals will go on sale Tuesday, January 6th, 2015. They will not be sold on Monday, January 5th, 2015. Business Licence renewal notices will be mailed out the first part of January. ARENA HOURS OF OPERATION

Golden Country Real Estate Services Ltd.d

The Drylands Arena will be closed on December 24, 25, 26, 31 & January 1, However we are pleased to offer free public skating on December 22, 23, 27, 28, 29 30 and January 2, 3 & 4 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Regular arena scheduling resumes on Wednesday, January 7th, 2015. Please call the arena at 250-453-9545 to confirm schedule.

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Kelly Adamski

2015 COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE Copies of the Village of Ashcroft Council meetings for 2015 are available at the Village office during regular office hours or can be viewed on our website at meeting_schedule

Mayor Jeyes, Council and Staff wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy holiday season!!

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Box 160, 401 Railway Avenue Ashcroft, BC V0K1A0 250-453-2225 Office 250-453-2622 Fax t


Thursday, December 18, 2014 The Journal

More than a betrayal

Imagine being in a loving, committed long-distance relationship and your fiancé requests nude pictures. You send some because you trust him implicitly, he’s also sharing his naked images, and this is the man you’re planning a life with. Now imagine, two years later, you discover one of your private full frontal

nudes displayed publicly on his Twitter account. Your business has been tagged and he has written: “This is the thief and liar who calls herself a counselor. She’s a gold digger who uses people.” The victim of this particular attack is a friend I’ll call Joan. She is the only parent and sole provider for two children that

she wants to protect hence the alias. As horrified as she was to discover the betrayal of the man she’d been in love with for three-and-ahalf years, she wasn’t ashamed of her picture nor shocked that he posted it. He had threatened that if she didn’t comply with his demands by a certain time he would embarrass her, and after seeing an alarming new side of him since their recent break up, she could envision him doing almost anything. Of course, there are two sides to every story, so detailing the specifics of their relationship or the subsequent deterioration of it is insignificant.

ON A BRIGHTER NOTE LORI WELBOURNE What is significant is that he publicly posted a naked picture of someone against their will with a defamatory statement. Anyone who does that should lose all credibility and respect. The man responsible for this repulsive act is a firefighter in Texas. If ever there was a group of individuals who would be aghast at his dishonourable

December • Week 4 ARIES - Aries, you feel amazing this week. Your enthusiasm can be quite contagious, and many friends may come calling in the hopes that your good vibes rub off. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 You may have difficulty solving a difficult problem at work this week, Taurus. Take a methodical approach, and the solution will come to you before you know it. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Things may not have been going your way, Gemini, but there is still no reason for disappointment. You will find a way to bounce back from these setbacks in a few days. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, your presence alone is enough to impress people this week. Focus all of your energy on positive things, and you will accomplish quite a bit before the week is over. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, now is a good time to assess your health goals and make a few plans for the new year. It’s within reason to change your diet or start a new exercise regimen. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Incredible efficiency this week has you zipping through your to-do list, Virgo. Enjoy some relaxation time once you have completed all your projects.

conduct, professional heroes such as these would be it. When Joan discovered her naked photo posted to Twitter, she immediately reported it to the social media site. An hour later he posted it a second time stating that she uses people and destroys lives. He then tried to connect with her children. Joan contacted the RCMP in West Kelowna where she lives, the police in Texas where he lives, the pastor of his church and the fire department where he works. The pastor and the fire marshal responded with a promise to investigate. After 36 hours the pictures were removed from Twitter, but his account stayed active. Joan now worries they’ll appear again within her professional circle or on revenge porn sites. She’s constantly in surveillance mode,

glued to her electronics, feeling like a sitting duck. Distressed at the prospect of enraging him further, she’s terrified what could happen next from the man who texted that he didn’t care if he went to jail. “Out of fear I planned to surrender to his blackmail,” she said. “But when it came right down to it, I didn’t feel like I had a choice. I teach my children to stand up to bullies. I felt physically ill at the idea of not standing up for myself or any other woman he may do this to. It’s like giving in to a terrorist.” This was more than a betrayal for Joan. “It was an unconscionable act,” she said. “That someone would love and appreciate my body when they got what they wanted, and then use it against me when they didn’t shows an age old power dynamic of entitlement and ownership.” And the even bigger issue for her was safety. There’s no control over where those pictures went, who saw and shared them or how they might be used. It puts her and her children at risk for stalkers, sexual predators and offenders. It could also

impact her ability to provide for them. Many people will question Joan for sending him pictures in the first place. “This reaction highlights an underlying attitude of misogyny,” she said. “People shouldn’t be asking ‘Why did she?’ but ‘How could he?’ They should be appalled at his abhorrent behaviour. Friends and colleagues should find it so totally unacceptable and repugnant that they look at him in a different light entirely. The change in our society will come when men stand up and hold others accountable and say this is not okay. Because as women, we should be able to look, act, share, speak and exist without the inhibition that lies in wondering how any of that might be used against us.” The change will also come when people understand that she has nothing to be ashamed of. He is the criminal who sexually violated and exploited her. For more information visit and Lori Welbourne is a syndicated columnist. She can be contacted at LoriWelbourne. com

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Work and family issues are on your mind, Libra. Find ways to balance work and family as best as you possibly can. Don’t be hard on yourself if you cannot manage everything. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, this week is a great time to complete projects that have been on your plate for quite some time. All you really need to do is set your mind on them. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you may feel rushed by external pressures, but it’s really up to you to set your own pace. If you keep a calm head, things will fall in place and you can complete your tasks. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 This week some people close to you need a little space. Honor their requests and show them some respect, Capricorn. Your relationships will weather the time apart. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, things are bound to move quickly once you put a plan in motion. Get all of your ducks in a row to make a smooth transition. You may have to do some homework. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 You can probably have fun in any situation this week, Pisces. Your youthful exuberance will keep you busy and laughing.

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The Journal Thursday, December 18, 2014


Time to slow down and enjoy the holidays away in October, though it STRIKING passed was eight years apart. I remember hard that first Christmas was A BALANCE how after my Mom left us. Now they are

Clinton Paramedic Honoured

Chris Guerin, Unit Chief of the BC Ambulance Station in Clinton was recently presented with a plaque and pin recognising his 25 years of service to BCAC. The presentation was to have been Nov. 27 in Prince George but the weather had other ideas. That is when the first huge snowstorm of the season hit Clinton and the Cariboo/Chilcotin. The presentation was actually made on Dec. 12 at the Village of Clinton Annual Christmas Party. Guerin was unsuspecting, even after he was told he should come in full uniform. Accepting the honour from Mayor Jim Rivett, Guerin said it actually meant more to him to receive the plaque and 25-year service pin in front of his family, friends and co-workers than it would have if he had received it in Prince George. Congratulations, Chris and thank you for all the years of service to the people of Clinton and area. Your dedication is greatly appreciated.

Ball Tickets Still Available

Tickets to the 148th Clinton Annual Ball are available at a discount until Dec. 31. The Ball will be held on Saturday, May 16 and will feature an elegant three-course dinner, entertainment and dancing. The popular Evergreen Drifters will provide music once again. The theme for the 148th Annual Ball is ‘Camels in the Cariboo’. This pays homage to Clinton’s historic past where 21 camels were brought to BC to serve as pack animals for the miners who were travelling to the gold fields in the 1860s. The experiment failed miserably but remains an important part of the Gold Rush history. Tickets are available at the Clin-

both gone. Christmas for me will be a 459-2224 or 2325 time for reflection and memories. countrysquire@ I know there are many in the same situation, missing a loved one at that time of the year that is all about ton Emporium and Country Squire Gift spending time with family. ReShop or by phoning 250-459-7725. member the good times and treasure the memories. This is a great time to Christmas Light Up create memories with your own chilBy the time you read this the judg- dren. ing for the Christmas Light Up ConI won’t be writing a column next test in Clinton area will be completed. week as I spend some quiet time with Judges toured the community on Wed- my immediate family so I will take this nesday, Dec. 17. opportunity to wish you all a BlessIt is always nice to see the effort that ed Christmas and may we all have a people put into their displays to bright- healthy, happy New Year. en up the darkest part of the year. If you get a chance, get out and enjoy the displays in your own community.

Susan Swan

CPR-C is a requirement of the positions. Successful candidates must provide satisfactory criminal record checks and safe driving records. Valid Class 5 driver’s license, and own vehicle with business use and 5 million liability insurance is required. Non-violent Crisis Intervention (CPI) training and Suicide Intervention (ASIST) training will be provided. Positions over 20 hours/week are eligible for benefit coverage. Submit your resume with cover letter by December 22nd at 4:30 pm to For more information visit our website at

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Chris Guerin receiving his 25-year service pin and plaque from Mayor Jim Rivett.


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CHRISTMAS ANNOUNCEMENTS Garbage Pickup Residential garbage pickup: Friday, December 26, 2014 will be picked up on Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Child and Youth Mental Health Aboriginal Development Clinician - This role provides direct clinical consultation and education services to aboriginal children and youth with mental health issues including severe emotional and behavioural concerns. The successful candidate will have a Master’s Degree in Social Work or a related field and two years’ experience supporting children and youth through mental health services. This is a permanent part-time position (28 hours/week), pay starts at $27.32/hr as per the collective agreement.

Call The Journal 250-453-2261


This will be a very quiet, low-key Christmas for my family this year. My Dad passed away on Oct. 4. I was able to go to Ontario and spend time with my siblings and their families, even enjoying Thanksgiving with them for the first time in decades. Both my parents

Family Support Worker - This is a full-time outreach role working closely with individuals and families to support them in their goals and enhance their parenting skills through various means including coaching sessions and home visits. Frequent travel is required. The successful candidate will have a degree in Social Work or related field and one year recent related experience supporting families with issues including violence, addictions and mental health. This position is 35 hours/week and pay starts at $18.31/hr as per the collective agreement.

Reserve your space!

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Quiet Christmas

Interior Community Services (ICS) is a non-profit organization that enriches the lives of individuals and families by providing a wide range of integrated family support programs. ICS is now expanding services in Lillooet, BC.


Terry Daniels Publisher

Commercial garbage pickup: Will be picked up as usual every Monday and Friday Reminder: Please have your garbage on the curb by 8:00 am as usual.

Office Hours The office will be open Monday to Friday with regular hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except for: Wednesday, December 24 CLOSED at 12:30 pm Thursday, December 25 CLOSED Friday, December 26 CLOSED Monday, December 29 CLOSED Tuesday, December 30 CLOSED Wednesday, December 31 CLOSED Thursday, January 1, 2015 CLOSED

402 -

Office: 250-453-2261 Fax: 250-453-9625 e-mail: publisher@accjour 1A0 V0K • BC ft, cro Ash et, Stre 4th


Regular Office hours resume on Friday, January 2, 2015. Any payments received Friday, January 2, 2015 will be dated December 31, 2014.

Dog Licenses Just a reminder that on January 2, 2015 you will be able to purchase your 2015 Dog License. License fees are as follows: $15.00 – Spayed or Neutered $30.00 – Un-spayed or Un-neutered

2015 Council Meeting Schedule Copies of the 2015 Council Meeting Schedules are available at the Village Office.

Building Inspector The TNRD Building Inspector will not be in Cache Creek on Tuesday, December 30th, 2014. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, January 6, 2015. Please call the TNRD office directly at 1-877-377-8673 if you have any questions regarding inspections.

Council and Staff wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year!



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Thursday, December 18, 2014 The Journal

“One good thing I have done is play with snow” I have three brothers and sisters. One good thing I did this year is I thanked my sisters and I helped my daddy. For Christmas this year I would like a toy Modrsirol or toy dog. Dear Santa Hi, My name is Emma and I live in YD Ranch. I have one brother. One good thing I have done this year is play with snow. For Christmas I would like a Frozen doll. Dear Santa Hi, my name is James and i Live in Ashcroft. I have two brothers and one sister. One good thing I did this year is play games with Robert. I would like for christmas is Lego. Dear Santa Hi, my name is Rocket. I have one sister. I help my dad. I help my mom. I want a ipad for Christmas.

Mavourneen Varcoe Ryan reads to the children at the Spences Bridge Christmas party

Holiday Greetings!

Celebrate each day Closed Dec. 24th 6 pm to Dec. 27th 9 am Dec. 31st 6 pm to Jan. 2nd 9 am

250-457- 6 4 6 4

C a ch e Creek


Dear Santa Hi, my name is Alex and I live in SPences Bridge. I have three sisMs. Hill’s Kindergarten Class, Ashcroft ters. I help by cleaning Dear Santa downstairs and setting the Hi, my name is Tacheena and I live in Ash- table. This year I would like a phone. croft. One good thing I have done this year is to help my friends. For Christmas this year I Dear Santa would like a truck that digs. Hi, my name is Samuel and I live in Ashcroft. I have one sister. One good thing I have Dear Santa done this year is I have helped people. I want Hi my name is Lylee and I live in Ashcroft. an iPhone 6 and the Lego movie for Christmas. I have one brother. One good thing I have done this year is listen to my mom. Another is I have Dear Santa helped a friend. For Christmas this year I would Hi, my name is Madeleine and I live is Ashlike Lego or a Frozen doll. croft, BC. I have one brother but I am going to have a brother or sister. I have been good and Dear Santa sometimes bad. I would like a new baby doll Hi, my name is Jacob and I live in Ashcroft. and I would love for my brother Ben to have I have one brother. One good thing I have done transformers. this year is I was good for my family and I am good at school. For christmas this year I would Dear Santa like a remote controlled car or a person snowHi, my name is Yale and I live in Cache man. Creek. I have one brother. One thing I have done good this year is listen to my mom and Dear Santa clean up for christmas. This year I would like a Hi, my name is Hans and I live in Ashcroft. toy soldier or a car.

A wish for Peace and Happiness at Christmas and throughout the New Year

Seasons Greetings FOODS

Wishing you a Joyous Holiday Season and a most Prosperous and Healthy New Year Closed from 4pm Dec 24th to Dec 26th, and Jan 1st

Open Dec. 24 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day Open Dec. 27 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and Dec. 31 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Safety Mart

Dear Santa Hi, my name is Jillian and I live in Ashcroft. I have two brothers and one sister. I have been good and I would like a Furby and a Chapter’s gift card for christmas.

Railway Avenue Ashcroft 250-453-9343

Golden Country Real Estate Services

210 Railway Ave, Ashcroft 250-453-2553

The Journal Thursday, December 18, 2014

Dear Santa Hi, my name is Devon. I have three brothers and no sisters. One good thing I did this year was I went to the shop to make a house. For Christmas this year I would like a semi truck. Dear Santa Hi, my name is Preston and I live in Ashcroft. I have one brother and one sister. One good thing I have done this year is helped my mom put away groceries. Another thing I did is help put up the Christmas tree. For Christmas this year I would like a toy truck or a real life dirt bike. Dear Santa Hi, my name is owen (Buck) and I live in Ashcroft. I have one brother and 3 sisters. One good thing I did this year is be good at school and keep my room clean. For Christmas I would like a Marshmallow gun. Dear Santa Hi, my name is Han-


nah and I live in Ashcroft. I have a three year old sister. I like to draw. I also like playing on the playground. I would like monster high make-up and a Sophia bed.

Bells, especially Church Bells, have traditionally been associated with Christmas for a long time. In the Anglican and Catholic churches, the church day starts at sunset, so any service after that is the first service of the day. So a service on Christmas Eve after sunset is traditionally the first service of Christmas day! In churches that have a Bell or Bells, They are often rung to signal the start of this service.

Dear Santa Hi, my name is Lynden and I live in Ashcroft. I have one sister. One good thing I did this year is help someHappy snowpeople in Ashcroft’s Santa Parade one and another is help my mom shovel the Dear Santa sidewalk for christmas. For Dear Santa Hi, my name is bentChristmas I would like infinHi, my name is Mark and ley and I live in Ashcroft. I I live in Ashcroft. One good ity or an iPod. have two brothers and one thing I have done this year sister. One good thing I is being a good friend. For Dear Santa Hi, my name is Gabby did this year is I play at the Christmas I would like a toy and I live in Ashcroft. I have pool park. I also play with robot or cowboy boots with one brother. I help my Dad my mom. For Christmas I a toy belt. clean the car. For Christmas would like a toy race car or I would like a make-up doll. toy monster truck.

“I am 6 and something I like to do is laugh” LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Ms. Marlow’s Kindergarten & Grade 1 Class, Ashcroft Hello Santa, Mrs. Clause I wonder how good are your cookies? I am 6 years old and something I like to do is laugh. Please bring all kids who have no toys a teddy bear. Please could I have a remote controls snake? Goodbye and thank you. Adrian Hello Santa How is Mrs. Claus doing with her cooking? I am six years old and my favorite fruit is cantaloups. I also love cute puppyies. Please give a toy doll for my favorite friend Marissa because she doesn’t have many dolls. Please bring me a toy puppy for Christmas. Ann Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? I’m

6 and I love to play with my sister. I wish for the poor kids in the world to get toys. Please bring me a necklace and an angle costume? Goodbye. Anna Dear Santa How are Rudolph and the other reindeer? I am 6 and I like to fight with my cousin Riley. I would like to give poor people money. I would like more Barbie’s and a Lego set. Goodbye and thank you. Brea Hello Santa What is your best type of cookie? I am 6 years old. I wish Maya would get a gecko. Please could I have a tablet Santa. Carys

All of us at The Journal join in saying Thank You and wishing you a Happy Holiday and a Prosperous New Year


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Greetings and s n aso s for the New Best e S she Yea i r W

Dear Santa, Does Rudolph really have a red glowing nose? I am 6 years old and I like to eat pizza. I wish my sister Cordy can have a Dora doll for Christmas. I wish I could have a giant Mario action figure please. Goodbye and thank you. It is the season for Karsin rekindling the fire of

May the peace and joy of this holiday season be yours throughout the New Year

Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion 250-453-2261

from Heinz, Cam and Deb

Good Morning Santa, Do you have a lot of elves? I want Anna to get a new water bottle for Christmas. I got a new dog. Please could I get a toy car for Christmas and thank you, goodbye? Hannah

Closed Christmas Day

402 4th Street, Ashcroft

Wishing you a season filled with beautiful moments and cherished memories

250-453-2423 ~ Branch 113 300 Brink St.

Season’s Greetings from everyone at

Highland Valley Copper hospitality in your home and igniting the flame of charity in your heart.

Merry Christmas

Holly, Ivy and other greenery such as Mistletoe were originally used in pre-Christian times to help celebrate the Winter Solstice Festival and ward off evil spirits and to celebrate new growth. When Christianity came into Western Europe, some people wanted to keep the greenery, to give it Christian meanings but also to ban the use of it to decorate homes. The UK and Germany were the main countries to keep the use of the greenery as decorations.

Merry Christmas to all my Friends and Customers Muriel’s Sewing May the Holiday Season bring Happiness and Joy to You and your Loved Ones

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Wishing you Christmas Happiness to warm your heart and home with special joy

NOEL H. MURRAY Certified Professional Bookkeeper Corporate and Personal Tax Returns Cache Creek, B.C. Telephone/Fax: 250-457-9696

“How did Rudolph get his red nose?” Dear Santa How is it up there? I am 6. I like cats and I wish my big sister gets a kitten for Christmas. I wish for a tablet and a kitten. Thank you and goodbye! Kylie Dear Santa Hi, how is Rudolph and the reindeer. I play hockey I am 7 years old and my name is Lane. I would like orphans to have a home. I would like a Shrek. I will leave you chocolate cookies and milk. Thank you Santa. Lane Good morning Santa What is your favourite TV Show? I’m 6 and I like to go on ABC-ya. I wish for a cozy bed for someone else that can’t afford one. I wish for a toy police-car. Goodbye. Liam C. Hi Santa What is your favourite animal? I am 6 and I like to play my dad’s game. I wish a poor kid could have some clothes. I wish for an Xbox 1 and a camo army suit. Thank you! Liam W. Hello Santa, How is Mrs. Clause’s baking? I live in Ashcroft and I like playing my DS. Please bring a kid in Australia who doesn’t have a lot of money a Lego house. Please bring me a 3DS and Lego. Thank you Santa! Logan Dear Santa How long does it take for you to get to 1 house in a day? Why does Rudolph have a red nose? I’m 6 and I like to eat cookies and milk. I wish for someone else in the world that lives on the streets to have a bed. I would like a big purple pony stuffy and a pink one too and a gg monster high doll. Thank you and good bye Santa! Madison Dear Santa, How are you doing! I am 6 and I like Minecraft. I wish for other people who don’t have homes to get beds and food. Would you please bring me a really big stuffy? Goodbye and thank you. Mary-grace

CPO2 Ian Curran, AB Logan Brumbaugh, OS Stephen Cruz, OS Austin Husa, OS Elijah Dio, OS Kyla Edwards, and OS Alison Spooner in the Santa Parade.

Hi Santa! How do you make presents? I am 6. I like angry birds. I wish for some one else to have a bed. Please bring my angry bird games. Thankyou. Mathew Dear Santa Is Mrs. Claus making lots of cookies lately? I am six and I like Spaghetti. I wish for someone in Africa an action figure. I would like a Rapunzel costume with long golden hair and a Rapunzel doll. Thank you. Melody Dear Santa How are the Reindeer? I’m 6 years old and I like skating. I wish for a chew toy for my baby sister. I would like a tablet, a bike, some dolls, and a dollhouse. Thank you Santa. Miyah Dear Santa Has Mrs. Claus been making cookies? I’m 6 years old and I like macaroni and cheese. Please bring someone else a doll. Please can you bring me a 3DS or a doll. Thank you Santa. Nevaeh Dear Santa How are the reindeers doing? How is Mrs. Clause’s baking doing? My name is Peyton. I am 6 years old and I really like strawberries. Please bring kids some food if they don’t have any. Please bring me some clothes for my

monster high doll and I would like a monster high doll house. Thank you, Peyton!! Dear Santa, Do you like my elf candy cane? Also do you like the reindeer snowflake? I am 6 years old. My favorite toy is a mermaid doll. I wish that my aunty had her cat back. Please could I have a blue truck like my cousin Taylor? Goodbye and thank you. Reese Dear Santa What is your favourite ELF’s name? I’m 6 and I like to eat cheese strings. I want a pair of shoes for someone who does NOT have a pair of shoes. Please bring me a 3DS. Thank you. Roman Good morning Santa, How is your day? What is your favourite animal? I like playing Xbox. I wish you could bring a baby’s diaper to someone. I would like a Skylander’s trap team and a running and shoot Nerf gun. Good bye and thank you. Trenton Dear Santa How did Rudolph get his red nose? I am 7 and I like to play video games. I wish orphans got a mom. Santa please bring me a video game. Goodbye and thank you Santa. Wesley

Peace on Earth!

Best wishes for a wonderful holiday, and a very happy New Year.

Wishing you a Joyful Holiday and a New Year filled with Peace, Happiness and Prosperity

Village of Cache Creek

Thursday, December 18, 2014 The Journal


A 12

Sun-Thurs 8-5 • Fri-Sat 8-7 Closed 24-27 and Jan 1

Spences Bridge B.C.


Just off Hwy. 1 250- 458-2256

Christian meaning of holly: The prickly leaves represent the crown of thorns that Jesus wore when he was crucified. The berries are the drops of blood that were shed by Jesus because of the thorns. In Scandinavia it is known as the Christ Thorn.

The Journal Thursday, December 18, 2014


Toys too numerous to list LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Miss Ellis’ Grade 2/3 Class, Ashcroft Dear Santa May i please have a nerf gun and a hockey table. Ryland Dear Santa May I please have a laptop. Also can I have a girl elf? A Flameboy vs Wet Willy Light Up skateboard. And a musical step on keyboard. And Lego for my Dog a New Chew toy. A Laptop for my sister. For my brother a Snow Bike. For my cat a toy. For my sister a furby Boom. For my Dad a new book. For my mom a New Dress. Kaylee Dear Santa I would like a R2d2 Response control. I also would like a gumball machine. I would also like foosball table and a air hockey/tennis table. Louis Dear Santa For Christmas may I have a laptop and a elf on the shelf. A girl pleas and a Boy? Oh key Board girl lego Frozen polls and a zooher pet a Bed set new Chaster and lego ningo and ever after High Dolls. New Berry girls fashion dolls Mr Snowman Snocon maker wwe john chair coin operated minnie mouse bow-tique multi-level play and a wii peg-perege Barbie Dream House. Sage Dear Santa May I please have a nerf gun cq4 transformers, Lego towtruck, Clocktower of Horror. Casntia Dear Santa how many yers old is your sled? May i please have a ps one and a game and Halo 3 and Forcry 4. I will read songs. I will wear camo. My mom and dad and brother want a mike from mu and a dress and a camo shirt. Nolan I have been good.

Dear Santa What tempeture is it at the north Pole? May I please have a pop gun? Kalden I have been kind of good. To Santa Hi Santa. For Christmas, I would like a nerf bow and a elf on the self. And for my fish more food. And a PS3 NHL 25. Fischer Dear Santa May I have books? May The Handbell Choir played for students at Ashcroft Elemetary last Christmas. I have slippers? May I have Candy? May I have Uno? May To Santa I have Barbie? How are your elves? May I Please have call of DuTy Leahne 4 Nerf gun Halo 5 grand Theft audo. Thank you. Dear Santa Aiden May I get a scooter gump I want a necklace please and Lego. My mom Dear Santa wants perfume. for Christmas May I please have Dallon a laptop. And how many elf’s do you have? Can I also have stuffie from Doc Dear Santa Mcstuffins a zoomer pet I want spot May I Please have a big Frozen and bently ever after High also can I castle toy. How many elfs do you have? have a Step 2 love and care Deluxe Closed Dec. 25th, 26th and Jan. 1st Kiana Nursery centre. Thanks you Closed 3pm Dec. 24th & 31st Mackenzie Dear Santa 250-453-9133 How many elves do you have? May Dear Santa 201 Railway Ave., Ashcroft I have a SKyLanders Trap team Set? May I have presents? Mom wants And also Spygear and two Remot Box- presents. er Robots Please. Reggie Donovan

Wishing you special happiness for the holidays

Dear Santa May I please have a candy cane. I will read barbie books. Do you watch Tom and Jerry Show. I would also like a Flip open chair. Ava

Season’s Greetings, with best wishes for a Happy New Year!

Dear Santa How many elfs do you have? May I please have a nerf gun. Thank you. Talon

The JUNCTION SHELL A happy Christmas feeling

Christian meaning of ivy: Ivy has to cling to something to support itself as it grows. This reminds us that we need to cling to God for support in our lives. In Germany, it is traditional that Ivy is only used outside and a piece tied to the outside of a Church was supposed to protect it from lightning!

Cache Creek • 250-457-6612

Merry Christmas & Happy 2015

May the warmth of the season touch you and your loved ones, making it the best holiday season ever From the Mayor, Council and Staff at the Closed at noon December 24, 2014 Reopening January 5, 2015 - 8:30 am


CHIROPR ACTIC Dr. James Kendall, DC

To a Healthy, Happy and Peaceful New Year

Open Mon., Thurs., Fri.


411 Brink St., 1st Floor, Ashcroft

1002 Trans Canada Hwy, Cache Creek


A 14

Thursday, December 18, 2014 The Journal


Christmas (or Plum) Pudding is the traditional end to the British Christmas dinner. It originated as a 14th century porridge called ‘frumenty’ that was made of beef and mutton with raisins, currants, prunes, wines and spices. By 1595, frumenty was slowly changing into a plum pudding, having been thickened with eggs, bread crumbs, dried fruit and given more flavour with the addition of beer and spirits. It became the customary Christmas dessert around 1650, but in 1664 the Puritans banned it as a bad custom. In 1714, King George I re-established it as part of the Christmas meal, having tasted and enjoyed Plum Pudding. By Victorian times, Christmas Puddings had changed into something similar to the ones that are eaten today.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to my Furry Friends and their People from Sagebrush Pet Parlour

Christmas memories of 2003-2005


Joy and Happiness for the Holidays and the New Year

Anie’s Pizza & Bakery Closed Dec. 25th - 27th and January 1st - 3rd

Trans Canada Hwy., Cache Creek


Have a safe and happy Holiday Season! from all of us at the Gold Trail Teachers Association

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Every good Wish for your Happiness this Holiday Season

Closed at noon Dec 24 Closed Dec 25 Closed at noon Dec 31 Closed Jan 1

Hungry? Herbies 250-457-6644

Hwy. 97 Cache Creek


Closed Christmas Day 1301 Hwy, 97 North, Cache Creek

May the closeness of friends and the comfort of home renew your spirits this holiday season

Grubstake Foodmart

Open 11-4 Christmas Day and 11-4 Jan 1


1190 Trans-Canada Highway, Cache Creek

The Journal Thursday, December 18, 2014


“How is Pixen?” LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Ms. Petschi Grade 2/3 Class, Lytton Dear Santa What do you feed your Raindeer, carotts or Ledes and how is Poncer and Dancer and why do you eat cokeis and milk? My name is Megan and I go to Les Scool and i am in grad 2 and im 7 and my Brithday is Febry 13th and i want for crismas a iPod5. Dear Santa How are you today? How is Dasher dooing. Sometimes people think you are not reel. Are you reel? Please and thank you I want a rodot dog. I am 8. Sage Dear Santa Wat coler are you? How do you feed the raindeer? My name is Jeoffrey. Dear Santa Do you brush your teeth? What do you feed your rader? I am 7. I wish for a snow bord. My best friens are Saveah and Sopbie and Megan and Aliza and miss Petschi and Ang and Raymond. Love Rachael Dear Santa How is Mrs Claus doin? I hope she is doin good? How is the elfs doin. Are they havin a good day? I am seven and on my wish list mony 100.

Dear Santa Why do you like cookees? How do you get the presents to the kids? My wish list is to have a Noo Lego set. My name is Lexi. I am 7 years old. Dear Santa I like your prezis all the time. Thank you. Tyson

Creche de Noel

Dear Santa I want PSE. Antoine Dear Santa How is mrs Claus doing? I hope she is good? How is Blitsin. I hope he is good. I wish I have a forby boom plees with a chariy on to Plees prity plees. Sophie Dear Santa I love giving you your free kookees and free melk. My name is Sara. I’m 8 yers old. My wish list is kid stuf XBOX 360. Sara Dear Santa How are you and the elfs and also

the randeer and why do the elfs have pointy hats? But what I most want for chrismis is a real kitten ples and thank you. I am 7 and my name is Kristen and my brother’s name is Jayden. Kristen Dear Santa How is Pixen. Im Emmery. I’m 8. Plees can I have a Xbox one. Emmery Dear Santa How are you? I am feeling good. My name is Raymond and I am 8 years old. Doo you like sliding in the snow. My wish list is a toy train and a Blue Star. Raymond Dear Santa What do you feed your raindeer? What is all your Rain Deers names? How is Miss iscius doing? How is your elfs doing? And how are you doing Santa! Love, Saveah

Warm wishes for a Joyful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year from all of us at

Revelations Tanning & Salon

Open Dec. 24th Closed Dec. 25 - 30th, Open Dec. 31st


Railway Ave, Ashcroft

Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a very happy new year.


Cache Creek Dairy Queen

We wish you and your family Seasons Greetings and a Safe New Year

May the Holiday Season bring only happiness and joy to you and your loved ones.

Wishing you peace, love, and joy this Holiday Season

Closed Dec 25th to Jan 4th, open Jan. 5th

Village of Lytton 250-455-2355

building centre

Building Centre 1217 Cariboo Hwy, Clinton


Big Sky Station Gas Station open 7am - 9 pm every day Closed Christmas Day Big Sky Diner Open 7am - 7pm 7 days a week Closed Dec. 24, 25, 26 Jan 31, 1, 2 1000 Trans Canada Highway, Savona, BC


Thursday, December 18, 2014 The Journal


A 16

“some tickets to the Price is Right...” toys? I would like a new ps3 game called Call of Duty Miss Helton’s Grade 4/5 Class, Lytton Advance Warfare and WWZ Dear Santa is what I want for Christand a pug and a I’m doning well. Are mas, a laptop with Minecraft bmx bike and a black husky. you doning well? Are you on it, a cat, and a new iPod Merry Christmas! exctingd for Christmas? I with lots of gigabytes, iPad Troy am exctingd for Christmas. with lots of gigabytes, some Is miss clous ok. I want a I video games, a ps4 or Xbox Dear Santa fone6 and a compyouter and one, a gumball machine, a I’m doing good at school. a tadlet and a x bose 360d pellet gun or a bb gun, some How are you Santa and how and a bmx and a rollrblads tickets to the Price is Right, a are your elves? And how are and a skateboard and a I fone reindeer, some more jeans, a Dasher, Dancer and Pran5. blue ray player, a dog, a pen cer and Comet and Cupid Tanisha that writes invisible ink and and Donner and Blitzen and you need a special flash light Vixen? For Christmas I want Dear Santa to see, a good quality flash a tv, Na xbox, a bmx toy, 2 I’m doing well in school. light, a pop maHow is your elves? How is chine, a fridge your reindeers? How is Mrs. full of frozen Claus? Is puppy Claus is real pizza and coke, Santa? For Chritmas I want a microwave, a 3 year old puppy, a iPod3, some Minea Galaxy tab a white one, a craft figures, iphone3 if there is a iphone3, some Lego a Mike Wazwski stuffy off sets, a butler Monter Inc, a Sulley stuffy named alfred, off Monter Inc, a Toopy off a mail, a rockToopy and Binoo stuffy and et ship, a castle patchy patch stuffys all of with a foam them. pit, a water Jayleen park and an arcade, a go kart Dear Santa track, a huge I am doing well in school. playground, a How are you and your rein- bunch of scary deer? For Christmas I would roller coasters, like a boogie board and a Fu- a fishing pond, jifilm Instax Mini Instant. a big candy That is all I want for Christ- room with mas. I have one question for every candy you. How do you fit down a in the world, chimney? Also what if there and that’s it for was a fire at the bottom? gifts I think. Sorry I now I said I only had Well, there’s one question but how do you only one more eat all the cookies around the thing. Merry world? So so sorry last ques- Christmas and tion how may elves do you a Happy New have? Merry Christmas. Year. Katelynn Jayden


May the Joy and Peace of Christmas be with you now and throughout the New Year

Ashcroft Dental Clinic 250-453-9147

411 Brink St., Ashcroft

Hope your Holiday Season is fun and festive ASHCROFT IRLY TIM-BR-MART 250-453-2281 AND


For all your Electronic needs

On the corner of Railway & 5th, Ashcroft


Wishing you a Joyous Holiday Season and a New Year of Happiness Closed December 25-29 and January 1




417 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft 250-453-2292

Share in the Spirit of the Season

Dear Santa I’m doing well in school and at home. I can’t wait until Christmas. Santa how is your reindeer and how cold is the North Pole? This

Dear Santa I’m doing great. How are you doing? Are your elves making lots of

Wishing you Peace, Love, and Joy this Holiday Season

CCMS C a ch e C r e e k M a ch i n e S h o p L t d . 250-457-6274

Highway 97, Cache Creek

huskys, an ipod and ipad. Aaron Dear Santa How are you? I’m doing well. How are your elves doing? I hope their doing well. For Christmas I want a Ski Lander Trap team. And a sip line. That’s it. Thank you, Anthony Dear Santa I’m doing awesome. How are you? Do your elves help with the presents? For Christmas I want a craft book. Sam

The Big Man tours on the CP Holiday Train

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year We will be closed December 24th, 25th, 26th and January 1st. Dec. 31: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Open for Emergency Services upon request over the holidays

Cache Creek Veterinary Hospital 250-457-6203

1348 Old Cariboo Road, Cache Creek

The Journal Thursday, December 18, 2014


A really big penguin Dear Santa I’m doing good Santa. How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? For Christmas I want a camera. For Christmas I want a book. For Christmas I want a wonder loom mega kit. For Christmas I want ten books. Merry Christmas Santa and Mrs. Claus. Levana Dear Santa I’m doing well in school. It is awesome. Work super well. How are you? How is Mrs Claus? For Christmas I would like a Big Big Big Big Big penguin for Christmas. How many elvs do you have? I would like to know. How are the reindeer? Are they being good? How do you go through peoples houses? I promise I won’t tell. Is it magic. Please tell me. Are the elvs making lots of toy? Marry Christmas Santa. Lenyia Dear Santa I’m doing fine. I am so excited to move to my new place. How have you been? How do you go into houses without chimneys that are blocked or don’t lead anywhere? How is Noble doing? What is his job there? Well anyway for Christmas I want a dog but my parents don’t want one. So I guess for Christmas I want the MockingJay book. I would also like looms. I like to be surprised but I can give you hints to what I like to do. I enjoy art and crafts stuff, and I like singing. I would also like a fashion designer. It’s a thing that you have to make these fashion clothes and it comes with a sewing machine. The last thing I want for Christmas is a KOBO. And when we move to Haida Gwaii I will be sure to leave you a seashell from the beach. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and

a Happy New Year. Katelynd Dear Santa How are you and Miss Clause? How are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph? This Christmas I would like new shoes size 4. New clothes sized 10-12. Tights, only tights, I don’t like jeans. I would like black, purple, and grey lettings. I would like a pink loom kit with any colour of elastics. I want books like Diary of a Wimpy Kid or Dear Dumb Diary or If I Stay. I love that Gold Trail Board of Education book, its aweGold Trail school district held its inaugural meeting in Ashcroft on Dec. 8, holding the official “swearing in” ceremony for some and Dork the trustees, most of whom took their seats by acclamation with the exception of Vicky Trill who defeated two-term Ashcroft Diaries. More trustee Christopher Roden in the Nov. 15 election. Carmen Ranta was re-elected after Val Adrian challenged her for the seat. books then any Adrian was elected vice-chair, dislodging Nancy Rempel who had held the position for three years. Ranta will be the District’s other present. I representative on the BCPSEA once again, and Rempel will be back on the BCSTA Council. L-R: Nancy Rempel, Larry would also like Casper, Val Adrian, Vicky Trill (in front), Mavourneen Varcoe-Ryan, Jim MacArthur and Carmen Ranta. the phone from Dear Santa my uncle Terrance that he All of them know how to play the guitar and I would I am going great and said he was going to give me like my own laptop, popcorn how are you? You must of but he needs to get the screen maker, ice cream maker and been really busy? Well I fixed. I would like a mini FuWishing you and your bubbles for when it snows I been busy with my family. jifilm intax mini instance, loved ones peace, health, teddy bear Olaf, Princess can go out side and play with So I want for Christmas is A the bubbles and they will Bird, American girl, A stufAnna and Queen Elsa, Bean happiness and prosperity bag char that is blue. I want freeze and a Taylor Swift fy that is a puppy, A Wardder in the coming New Year. toys for my cat and dog Ticket in Vancouver 2015. A loom, Monster high Book, ball that you can sit on while Monster high Dall, A Picktoys for my dog and sweatDec 22-24 open 9-12, closed Dec 25-28 er gloves that show your fin- working like the ones I have chen stuffy, Camra, Erer AfDec 29-31 open 9-12, closed Jan 1&2 gers, ps4 gold and blue con- at school. It needs to be blue ter High Doll, Bauetball, that because it is my favorite colall. Marry Christmas and trollers, a hoola hoop and a basketball, soccer ball, a vol- our I want body pillow that’s Happ New Year. Lahaila leyball, posters, a guitar and blue and diary book marks that are blue and they have piano. I know how to play the piano. I need to learn to have cats and dogs. That’s 250-453-9353 how I play the guitar from all merry christmas. Laura my uncles on my moms side.


Closed December 25 - January 11 See you in the New Year!

Ashcroft Bakery and Coffee Shop

250-453-9212•3rd St., Ashcroft

With all Good Wishes for Christmas and the New Year

Ashcroft Apartment & Motel 715 Railway Avenue


Wi s h i n g y o u Peace, Love, and Joy this Holiday Season Gas Bar - 24 Hours as usual Husky House Restaurant Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve - 6am to 6pm Christmas Day - Closed Boxing Day and New Year’s - Day 10am - 9pm

Cache Creek Husky 250-457-9312

959 Trans-Canada Hwy. S. Cache Creek BC

A 18


Thursday, December 18, 2014 The Journal

Arrow donates to hot meals Last week, representatives from Arrow Transportation Systems in Ashcroft presented Ashcroft Secondary School’s hot meals program with a $4,500 donation. Manager Brad Nilsen, Supervisor Kyle Schell and Office Administrator Nadine Illingworth handed over two cheques to school principal Colleen Minnabarriet. One cheque for $4,000 was raised at their staff Christmas party. The second cheque for $500 was a private donation from a staff member who won the 50/50 draw at the party and donated half the winnings to the program. Minnabarriet said the donations double their budget and will help carry the program into the next fiscal year. The program provides hot breakfasts and lunches to students for very low prices. The meals are also cooked by students. The favourite meal is still macaroni and cheese!

Christmas Greetings

Zion United Church Rev. Ivy Thomas Christmas Eve Service: 4:00 pm - Lessons & Carols

Everyone Welcome 401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft 250-453-9511

Wishing you a festive season and a prosperous and healthy new year Kinsmen Turkey Bingo an outstanding success Steven Rice, Director Area I

Ashcroft Cache Creek Seniors

would like to wish one and all a very Merry Christmas and glad tidings for the New Year Hoping to see you all in 2015

WRAPS member Gareth Smart walks the floor at the annual Kinsmen Turkey Bingo last Sunday. Organizers reported that 230 wonderful, happy, very well-behaved dedicated bingo players were present, 10 per cent more than last year. The Caller was Eric Ogden, Kinsmen Club of South Cariboo Life Member, who has been calling this event for well over 20 years! Fantastically generous local donors as well as donations from the Kamloops area provided over 100 door prizes! Partner groups included WRAPS (Winding Rivers Arts & Greetings of Performance Society), Ashcroft the Season Curling Club, and and the Sage Sound Best Wishes Singers Choir. Thanks to our for the wonderful bingo New Year! players for their Closed Dec. 24th - 28th long-time support! Open Dec. 29th - 31st Look for the Closed Jan. 1st, Open Jan. 2nd ARROW MINING SERVICES INC. second Sunday in AUTOMOTIVE December in 2015 250-453-9411 Junction of Hwy.1 & 97C, Ashcroft for the next one! Highland Valley Road Ashcroft 250-457-6698 (Dec. 13, 2015)

Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal Thursday, December 18, 2014 A19

Your community. Your classifieds.

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WORD CLASSIFIEDS Friday - 3:00 pm the preceding issue

AL-ANON ASHCROFT: Does someone’s drinking bother you? Meets Tuesdays, 8:00pm at St. Alban’s Church, 501 Brink. Val 250.453.9206

Education/Trade Schools

DISPLAY ADVERTISING Friday - 3:00 pm the preceding issue INDEX IN BRIEF Family Announcements Community Announcements Employment Business Services Pets & Livestock Merchandise for Sale Real Estate Rentals Automotive Legals AGREEMENT It is agreed by any display or classified advertised requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event to failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors after the first day of publication any advertisement. Notice or errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention on the classified department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement and to retain any answers directed to the Box Replay Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisement and box rental. DISCRIMINATORY LEGISLATION Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, colour, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved. COPYRIGHT Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.

Ph: 250-453-2261 Fax: 250-453-9625 Sales: Editorial: Production: 402-4th Street P.O. Box 190, Ashcroft, B.C.

If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s ours. PH 250.457.0786


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Feed & Hay

Career Opportunities PROGRESSIVE Industrial Vegetation Service Company is seeking a Branch Manager to oversee its operations in the Grande Prairie, AB region. The successful applicant will have management experience and excellent communication and people skills. This position offers a competitive remuneration package and time off flexibility in the winter months. Interested applicants can email their resume to

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking SALMON Arm logging company looking for fulltime contract logging trucks, or drivers. Steady year round haul, home every night. Drivers must have bush experience. Please email or call 778-489-0118 daytime only.

Pets & Livestock HAY for Sale. Cow, Horse Dairy Hay all in 3x4x8 bales. All prices are delivery included. Most hay has been shedded if not Tarped. Call Cale @403-635-0104 or email

Merchandise for Sale

Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. Trades are welcome. 40’Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forklift. Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator. Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm Delivery BC and AB

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate



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West Fraser Mills Ltd. Forest Stewardship Plan Amendment Review West Fraser Mills – 100 Mile FSP for FL A20001 and FL A20002 West Fraser Mills Ltd. invites the public and interested stakeholders to view and provide written comment on the of proposed Amendment #9 to West Fraser FSP #182 for FLA20001, and A20002. West Fraser Mills Ltd. is proposing to add Clinton Community Forest License K4F to the above mentioned FSP’s. This is the only proposed change at this time and does not include any changes to the FDU’s. The draft Forest Stewardship Plan Amendment will be available for review and comment during office hours until January 7th, 2014 at West Fraser’s office. To arrange to view this plan please contact Ben Vinje at 250-395-8226 Written comments can be sent to West Fraser Mills Ltd. Attn.: Ben Vinje PO Box 97 100 Mile House B.C. V0K 2E0 Fax: 250-395-8254 Email:

West Fraser Mills Ltd. Forest Stewardship Plan Amendment Review West Fraser Mills – Kamloops FSP’s for FL A18690 and FL A18694 West Fraser Mills Ltd. invites the public and interested stakeholders to view and provide written comment on the Proposed Amendment #5 to West Fraser FSP #83 for FLA18690 and Amendment #16 for FSP#154 for FL A18694 and TFL35. West Fraser Mills Ltd. is proposing to add Ashcroft Indian Band’s NRFL A88771 to the above mentioned FSP’s. This is the only proposed change at this time and does not include any changes to the FDU’s. The draft Forest Stewardship Plan Amendment will be available for review and comment during office hours until January 7th, 2014 at West Fraser’s office. To arrange to view this plan please contact Ben Vinje at 250-395-8226 Written comments can be sent to West Fraser Mills Ltd. Attn.: Ben Vinje PO Box 97 100 Mile House B.C. V0K 2E0 Fax: 250-395-8254 Email:

Convenient Downtown Location across from Beautiful Heritage Park 715 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts. Mature Persons Includes heat & hot water MOTEL UNITS All units have full Kitchenettes, air conditioning, Cable TV and Internet access Nightly - Weekly - Monthly

On-site Manager 250-453-9129

Thursday, December 18, 2014 The Journal


A 20

Golden Country presents

... Past, Present & Beyond Christmases Past - Pt. 2: An Old Fashioned Christmas Looking through The Journal during the run-up events are, perhaps, the very happito Christmas in 1928, I’m struck est memories in the great by how many similarities there store-house of the mind, are to Christmas today. Many and probably never readers will doubtless be getagain will that same ting new electronic gadgets joyous thrill be experithis holiday season, and will be enced.” spending Boxing Day - or longOn the same evener - getting to grips with how ing the teachers and stuthey work. There was a newfandents in Ashcroft held gled entertainment device availtheir own Christmas able in 1928 that many people event at the Communwere still trying to figure out: ity Hall. There was a the radio, which was so new that “very beautiful Christthe terminology surrounding it mas tree display, from had yet to evolve. What, for exwhich each of the puGOLDEN COUNTRY ample, did one call people who pils received presents BARBARA RODEN listened to the radio? We have, of candy donated by of course, settled on “listeners”, the teachers”. Father but in 1928 there was no clear-cut word for such folk, Christmas was very busy that night, and writers were left to their own devices. for he managed to appear in Ashcroft as well as WalJournal editor R.D. Cumming came up with his hachin: “Santa Claus appeared at the right moment own term, in an article describing a concert that was and distributed the presents from the tree. The jinbroadcast on Dec. 15, 1928: “The radions of Wal- gling of his bells announced his arrival in the hall and hachin were greatly interested in the program from all the children waited with eager anticipation.” CKWX in Vancouver on Saturday evening last. One Amidst the celebrations, during that long-ago of our local boys, Willie Felker [from Walhachin], Christmas, there was the fear that “Christmas, with was one of the singers and during the evening sang its endless demands, has become a nightmare, and several baritone solos. The entertainment was in that the real spirit is not there. Some say it has degenaid of the Vancouver Christmas fund. Bill, as he is erated into a commercial enterprise.” Such fears find known, goes on the air as the Cariboo Cowboy bari- an echo in the present day, with many lamenting that tone.” I can find no other instance of the use of the the holiday has been turned into little more than a word “radion” to describe people who listened to the marketing exercise. However, Cumming was at pains radio (it is not recorded in the Oxford English Dic- to point out that there was another way of looking tionary), so Cumming can probably lay claim to in- at Christmas. “When we think of the millions of litventing the word; and it is probably just as well that tle ones whose hearts have been made happy; when “radion” fell quietly by the wayside. we think of the humanizing influence it has upon Christmas entertainments came thick and fast in the lives of all; and of the general joy and goodwill December 1928. A “Christmas Tree and entertain- set free throughout the world to work its wonders in ment” was held in the Walhachin Town Hall on Dec. the realm of brotherly love, we think it exceedingly 20, put on by the school children of that commun- cheap at the price, and the real lasting good of Christity. It was called “one of the most enjoyable evenings mas cannot be reckoned in mere dollars and cents. ever experienced in Walhachin”, and Santa Claus The writer, on a Christmas morning, once heard a lithimself appeared at the end of the event, to give a tle child say, ‘I wish every day could be Christmas.’ present to every child in attendance. The Journal If this simple wish of the child could become a renoted that “While these little school entertainments ality, we would really have something in the human at Christmas time may seem a bit trivial, yet, to the race to be proud of.” child’s mind they are very important events in their Christmas Day 1928 brought with it a most wellives, and they mean so much to them. These early come sight: snow. Everything had pointed to it be-

ing a green Christmas, but the area awoke on the 25th to “an ideal Christmas Day - everything beautiful in its coverlet of white, yet warm enough to be comfortable. We like snow on Christmas Day because we associate the two, and then everything looks so pure and clean.” Still, there was the occasional disappointment; The Journal recounts the tale of the Walhachin lady who prepared a fine turkey to serve at dinner, then put it outside to keep cool. When she came to bring the bird in for the feast, she found only “a platter of bones - the cat enjoyed his Christmas dinner.” What comes across, over the almost ninety years separating us from Christmas 1928, is the magic feeling of the season; something that has remained constant. “Already there is that strange wonderful feeling in the air - call it cheer, good will, brotherly love, or what we will, it is strange and wonderful because it is rare. It is a condition produced by millions concentrating upon one grand and glorious event; millions intent upon one happy objective. It brings home to us the fact that happiness is really a state of the mind, and that the elements of happiness come from within. Let’s make the most of the opportunity to make each other happy at least once a year.” I can do no better than echo R.D. Cumming, and hope that your Christmas is a happy one. Just make sure not to leave your turkey outside to cool; if you do, keep the cat away from it. You - and your guests will be glad you did.


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