Lake Country Calendar, December 24, 2014

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Calendar Lake Country

Petrina Koltun R



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December 24, 2014


Voting in Lake Country may be a different experience next time a municipal election comes around. ...............................


Letters Both local and away readers of the Lake Country Calendar have strong opinions about the pending deal to buy a decommissioned track from CN Rail. ......................


Fatality Another fatal road collision has renewed calls for barriers to be installed to divide lanes of Hwy. 97 as it runs alongside Duck (Ellison) Lake. ...............................


Flyers ■ Home Depot ■ Jysk ■ Save On Foods ■ Shoppers Drug Mart ■ Staples


THE Christmas display at Doug Rupp’s home on Chase Road is hard to fit into one photo.The display has 22 blow-ups like this airplane flying Santa.

Tradition lives on with a seasonal drive-by KEVIN PARNELL When it comes to Christmas displays, you’d be hard pressed to find a home with as cool a setup as Doug Rupp’s annual display on Chase Road in Lake Country. On his roof and spilling down to his front

lawn he has 22 Christmas blow up characters, amidst a candy cane lane, a carousel, teeter totter and a porch swing. Some 20,000 lights cast a glow that can be seen as you approach Rupp’s home which, over the past 15 years or so, has become a fixture for young and

NEXT TO 7-11

old in Lake Country to enjoy the festive season. “It’s beautiful,” says one passer-by from the comfort of their vehicle, kids strapped safely in the back, even though people are encouraged to take a walk through the candy cane lane and drop off a donation for the

SPCA. It all began as a project for his two daughters, now in their mid20s, with one of them making sure the tradition continues by bringing a grandchild by for a nightly visit, entrenching Rupp as one of the coolest grandpas in the land.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

9716 Hwy 97N, Winfield


Thank you for your Support in 2014!

“I just started decorating for my girls growing up,” said Rupp in between greeting visitors to his yard. “Now I have all this stuff so I just keep doing it. The kids who come here to look—they really enjoy it. Their eyes are wide open. They don’t know where to look. By

the time they leave they have gone through it three or four times.” A truck driver by trade, Rupp wouldn’t guess what he has spent on the elaborate Christmas light display over the years. Each year he



Oyama Traditional School

Students’ Showcase

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL

Written and photographed by staff and students at Oyama Traditional School.


Annual Winter Concert

Angel Tree Campaign

First photo: Showing the students facing the crowd and the hall lit, is when we all sang the Oyama (Canada) Song, which has been resurrected and used to close out many of our assemblies. It was written 23 years ago by Jack Kenny and recorded by OTS students. The recording had spent the past 15 years archived in the Lake Country Museum until OTS teacher Mrs. Penner discovered it. Many current OTS parents remember singing the song two decades ago.

Principal Ross Hett, the PAC president Ashley Brain, vice-president Kelly Canning, and some of the students who contributed wrapped gifts to our Angel Tree campaign. This brightens the lives of so many Lake Country families over Christmas.

The other pictures shows various class performance of seasonal songs. The titles included “Do You Hear What I Hear”, “Frosty the Snowman”, “Jingle Bell Rock”, “Let it Snow”, “Winter Wonderland” and the dance team performed “Rockin’ Robin”. The concert featured MCs Jaiden and Kenna and it was a fantastic evening.

The spirit of the giving season at Oyama Traditional

The We Day students, under the leadership of sponsor Mrs. Daniels, brought in a record number of nonperishable items for the Lake Country Food Assistance Society in a drive just a few weeks before the holidays. Top Photo: The We Day group at the Food Bank in Winfield dropping off items. Photo to the Right: This picture shows them with the 1051 items donated in the gym.

More Winter Concert Photos

Frozen Fun

Top Photo: An ice cream incentive party given to the class with the most donations, and last photo of gift baskets.

Thank you to all our loyal customers for your support this year! 16020 Oyama Road Open Monday-Saturday 7am-9pm • Sunday & Holidays 9am-9pm

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 24, 2014 A3



Wheels in motion for alternative approval on tax hike for loan

Changes are in the works to streamline municipal voting process

KEVIN PARNELL The District of Lake Country is proceeding with the Alternative Approval Process to seek permission from residents to boost taxes 1.68 per cent and borrow $2.6 million to buy 16 kilometres of the CN Rail corridor that passes through Lake Country boundaries. In a unanimous vote at Lake Country council last week, the district approved three readings of a loan borrowing bylaw that set the stages for the Alternative Approval Process (AAP). The district hopes to borrow half of the its $5.1 million share to purchase the rail corridor as part of a multi-jurisdictional group that has agreed to buy the corridor from

Bill Scarrow CN Rail for $22 million. Coun. Bill Scarrow asked why the district couldn’t hold a referendum question to poll its residents whether or not they want to purchase the rail line. “A referendum timeline does not work with the current negotiations going on,” said Lake Country corporate services manager Reyna Seabrook. “We would not


have been able to meet the deadline of March 31 with a referendum. In regard to the AAP, we have a huge communications process that we are undertaking. There will be open houses and newspaper ads as much as possible.” Seabrook told councillors that a referendum question would cost about the same as a general election. This November’s civic election cost Lake Country over $16,000 while the AAP has very few actual costs to the district as residents must sign a petition voicing opposition. If 10 per cent of residents oppose the tax hike to raise funds, the district must find anSEE AAP A14

The District of Lake Country will look to overhaul its municipal election process over the next four years in an attempt to eliminate long wait times some voters suffered through in the November civic election. District councillors heard a report on the election at last week’s council meeting and it pointed out several reasons there were some log jams and long lines in this year’s election, which cost the district $16,473 to hold. And it is Lake Country’s ward system— the only ward system in B.C.—that was one of the things that slowed things down at the time of registration. “In order to ensure that an absolutely accurate election is conducted it is critical that each in-

dividual elector’s ward is verified,” wrote Reyna Seabrook, Lake Country’s chief election officer in a report to council. “The ward system in Lake Country will always necessitate a slightly longer registration process than in other municipalities.” To try and eliminate some of the issues with this year’s election Seabrook recommended an overhaul of the election process in Lake Country, with several initiatives aimed at increasing the ease of which people can vote including: •Additional advance voting opportunities •Polling stations or advance voting in each ward •Doubling or tripling the number of election officials (regardless of number of polling stations) •Providing a more ef-

ficient registration and ward verification process to reduce wait times. Along with the ward system, which required four different ballot styles to be produced, another reason for long delays was the registration process and the technology used to get voters through the voting station at George Elliot school. Residents’ addresses were put into the district’s Geographical Information System (GIS) to determine the ward. The machine then produced a registration form, eliminating the need for officials to write out each person’s information at the time of registration. It was expected to speed up the process but failed. “Unfortunately when the process was put into place at the 2014 election, it resulted in a significant increase in wait

times,” wrote Seabrook. “Several factors added to the increased registration time including the time required to manage and enter the information in the Microsoft Word document, election official computer skills and the GIS system process times.” Seabrook recommended that an alternate registration process be implemented for the 2018 election. As far as voting directly in the wards, a sentiment expressed by many in the wake of the election which saw just 24 per cent voter turnout in Lake Country, Seabrook recommended the district look at the feasibility of having polling stations in the wards for 2018 either on election day or in advance polls or both. SEE VOTE A15


Christmas display on Chase Road DRIVE-BY FROM A1


DOUG Rupp points to where he notices a fix he will have to make to keep his display in perfect condition.

adds something to it, like a grand set of arches that hang over nearly all of his driveway, added in the last couple of years. “I can’t even guess (the cost),” he said. “I don’t worry about it. I do it for the enjoyment of the people that come here and look at it. I have a little budget. I buy a little each year. It’s tough to find places to add. Everyone says go back on the roof but I think there is enough up there.” As Rupp greets another visiting guest and

prepares to hand out a candy cane to the children that come by, the Christmas spirit is alive as he laughs and smiles and chats with his visitors, some of them driving by, others coming in for the grand tour. “A lot of the comments I get from people makes me feel real good,” he said. “I don’t do it for the praise. I’ve just been doing it and I keep doing it and I’ll keep doing it until I can’t bring the decorations out anymore.” Each year once Halloween is in the books,

Rupp goes to work. For three or four hours a night and eight hour shifts on the weekend, it takes a full month before the display is ready for light up on Dec. 1. He’s upgraded his power and the lights are on their own circuits. At 4 p.m. each night in December, timers fire the display up. Characters come to life and Christmas is on display. The display is on every night until 10 p.m. Donations to the SPCA are accepted. newsroom

We thank you for your support this past year & wish you a...

Merr y Christmas &

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 6350 Beaver Lake Road, Winfield • 250-766-2225

a prosperous New Year From the Heiss Family & Staff at Gray Monk Estate Winery

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


To an inferior god



t started as just a casual e-mail chat among editorial colleagues, about the virtues of knowing other languages and cultures.

Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Tessa Ringness

Life and Faith

Production Manager

Jim Taylor

Kevin Parnell Staff Reporter

Somehow, it morphed into a discussion about the relative merits of the gods of various cultures, and the way every religion felt that its god was superior to the god or gods of other religions. And someone asked, “Who’d want to worship an inferior god?”

Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Consultant 1-250-766-4688

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Climate talks end 2014 in disarray I n case you missed the outcome of the latest United Nations climate change conference in Lima, Peru, it was another costly, embarrassing failure. This one is likely to be remembered mostly for a staggeringly stupid stunt by Greenpeace employees, who were threatened with prosecution for defacing the Nazca Lines, a world heritage site in the Peruvian desert. These vast 1,500-yearold petroglyphs, visible from space, are among the great mysteries of archaeology. “Time for a change!” blared huge yellow letters dragged across the sacred site by paid protesters trampling the delicate terrain. I’ll say it’s time for a change, starting with scratching Greenpeace off your Christmas card list. Earlier there was the spectacle of Canada’s national media, reflexively denouncing Ottawa’s supposed inaction on greenhouse gases after U.S. President Barack

BC Views

Tom Fletcher Obama unveiled a surprise climate agreement with China in advance of Peru. “Over to you, Mr. Prime Minister,” chirped CBC anchor Wendy Mesley, joining other TV networks in falsely portraying the U.S. deal as a breakthrough. This non-binding gesture soon produced many cartoons, one of which shows Obama stripped to his underwear in a poker game with Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is surrounded by a pile of chips and an American flag. The U.S.-China an-

nouncement served as a preview of Peru, where developing countries would again refuse any substantive restrictions on their fuel use. China graciously agreed to continue ramping up its world-leading greenhouse gas emissions until 2030, while lame-duck Obama pretended he could commit the U.S. to further reductions. Between them, the U.S. and China account for about half of global human-caused carbon emissions. Due mostly to the surge from China and India, Canada’s share has fallen from two per cent to 1.5, which should help put all those “tar sands” protests into perspective. Days later, Environment Canada released its latest national emission statistics, an event ignored by most media. “Between 2005 and 2012, total Canadian GHG emissions decreased by 5.1 per cent, while the economy grew by 10.6 per cent over the

same period,” the report states. B.C. Environment Minister Mary Polak joined the throngs who jetted to Lima. There she met officials from California and other U.S. states to re-announce their modest efforts to put a price on carbon emissions. TV anchors and other wideeyed innocents might have been left with the mistaken impression that the huge U.S. petroleum industry is cutting back, when in fact it has grown enormously thanks to shale oil and gas production. And California continues to produce, by its own state government measure, the most carbon-intensive heavy crude in North America. Overshadowing all of this is the drop in the world price of oil, mainly the result of Saudi Arabia flooding the market in an effort to push competitors out of business. In the latest sign of the U.S. pub-

lic’s lack of interest in reducing emissions, sales of larger vehicles immediately spiked up as gasoline prices fell. I’m still receiving criticism for a recent column in which I declared myself an “agnostic” on human-caused global warming. Agnostic means searcher, and my search has continued for real signs of climate change and its potential causes. Our glaciers are receding, no question, but the current trend started around the 1850s, when a sport utility vehicle had one horsepower in leather harness and B.C. was about to be declared a British colony. But amid the noise, there is serious evidence being put forward that our province is undergoing a climate shift with major consequences. And there are calls for action. I’ll discuss that next week. @tomfletcherbc

The concept intrigued me. An inferior god? Yet why not? After all, aren’t most of the criticisms levelled at organized religion based on the assumption of a superior god? You can’t have a multitude of superior gods, because then they wouldn’t be superior. So therefore your deity must be superior to other gods. Which forces you to reject any claims that other religions may make for their gods. Which leads to intolerance, bigotry, and prejudice. And sometimes to torture, war, and genocide. A superior god has to be superior to everything. Nature. Chance. Fate. Probability. A superior God, in fact, has to be Almighty. (It feels like time to introduce capital letters.) Belief in an Almighty God leads to some dan-


We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 24, 2014 A5


A right jolly old elf, with district gifts to bestow upon each worthy ward



was the night before Christmas, when all through the wards not a creature was stirring, not even in Oyama The stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that Mayor Baker soon would be there.

To the top of Spion Kop! To the top of Lakes! Now dash away! Dash Away Dash Away All!

The councillors were nestled all snug in their wards while visions of grants danced in their heads The Shaw camera, and I in my cap Had just settled in for our half hour nap

No Boundaries

When out on the roof there arose such a clatter We sprang from our seats to see what was the matter Away to the lobby I flew like a flash Wondering if the mayor had found extra cash

Kevin Parnell

banging it down, the sound it did make No more public comment, he said, scratching his belly that shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly. He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, and I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself A wink of his eye and a twist of his head another restructure, nothing to dread

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly when they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky so up to Pelmewash the coursers they flew for some rock-work, some stop signs and negotiations, too.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, and filled all of the stockings with sidewalks and lights And laying his finger aside of his nose and giving a nod up the chimney he rose

And then, in a twinkling I heard on the roof the prancing and pawing of each little hoof As I drew in my head and was turning around down the chimney came Mayor Baker with a bound

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow Gave the lustre of midday to the rail corridor below when, what to my wondering eyes should appear but a miniature sleigh with six tiny reindeer

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle And away they did speed o’er the new highway But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight, Happy Christmas to Lake Country and to all a good night! ••• With apologies to the author, I obviously didn’t write the original of this long-standing Christmas poem and it turns out there is some controversy about who actually wrote the original, first published in New York’s Troy Sentinel newspaper in 1823. Titled A Visit from St. Nicholas, the poem is usually credited to Clement Clarke Moore, a professor and poet, although the family of Dutch poet Henry Livingston Jr. claims it was penned by Livingston. From all of us at the Lake Country Calendar, Merry Christmas!

He was dressed all in tweed, from his head to his foot not even tarnished from the public hearing afoot A bundle of votes he had flung on his back and he looked like a peddler just opening his pack

With a little old driver, so lively and quick I knew in a moment it had to be St. Jim More rapid than kokanee his coursers they came And he whistled and shouted and called them by name.

His eyes how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! He carried in his sack, what appeared nonetheless to be petitions for the Alternative Approval Process The stump of a gavel he held tight in his teeth,

Now Owen! Now Rob! Now Penny and Vader! On Scarrow, On Ireland! On Alberto De Feo!


Check out our

God the infant, not so superior for a long while TAYLOR FROM A4 gerous assumptions, which go something like this. Because God is Almighty, His will must prevail. Therefore those who act as agents of the Almighty have the right—indeed, the responsibility—to impose that will on inferior beings. Such as believers in other religions. Other races. Other genders. And the natural world. The more rigidly orthodox the religion, it seems, the more this mindset applies. And I wonder— might belief in an infer-

www.lake country

Call Teresa to place your ad: 250-979-7329

ior god alleviate these abuses? Indeed, is this one reason why we cling so fervently to the Nativity stories, despite their improbability. The writers obviously intended to invoke supernatural elements that none of us have personally experienced. A virgin, giving birth. And to a male child, at that, with a Y chromosome. Massed choirs harmonizing Christmas carols in the sky. Stars circling overhead have never, in our

experience, come to a standstill so that a supernova, or even a comet, could single out one human dwelling here below. Academic studies make it increasingly unlikely that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, or that pagan astrologers delivered gifts of unimaginable wealth to a penniless family far from home. But these stories all affirm one thing—whatever Jesus was, whatever Jesus became, he started life as a baby. Human babies are

exceptionally helpless. Newborn horses and goats can stand up. Fish and frogs can swim as soon as they emerge from their eggs. Seeds sprout without assistance from their parent plants. But human infants cannot survive on their own. They are totally dependent on others to act on their behalf. They are the exact opposite of almighty. To their credit, the biblical stories never imply that the baby Jesus already had encycloped-

ic comprehension of all knowledge. Or could command natural forces to obey. Or could help professional football teams win games. But if, as all Christian creeds assert, God became a human infant, then—for a while at least—God was not superior. For a while, the God I know qualified as an inferior god.

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Call Teresa to place your ad: 250-979-7329

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


opinion ▼ RAIL TO TRAIL

Writers from near and far have an opinion to share To the editor: Down in the basement of the Okeefe Ranch Museum there are maps of the areas set aside for [Indian] Bands, then the subsequent theft of those lands by the ranchers, then the appropriation of more lands by the railroads and highways. All in a progression of maps. In most cases, the government routed those through the reserves because the ranchers caused a stink. Ranchers even objected to the use of Crown land because they held range leases. To even entertain a referendum is participating in buying stolen property. It was not CN’s land to sell. They should be charged with fraud for selling land with no title. The Government of Canada is under clear obligation to return that land to the impacted Bands and families, with negotiations opened on how to do remediation



of the toxins on it. The First Nations are holding the high legal ground here. Nobody talks about the negatives of a rail to trail. Ask anyone who actually has lived next to one and you get an earful. Nola Marth, Lake Country

GENERATIONS TO COME WILL THANK US FOR RAIL/TRAIL To the editor: This September, four of us from the Okanagan travelled to Austria, specifically to cycle a 600 km route between Salzburg and Bratislava and back to Vienna.

The Austrian route, which is mainly along river areas, is much like we envision our Okanagan Rail Trail could become. It was one of the best trips we have ever taken and we highly recommend it for people of all ages.

The spin offs to small businesses, artists, B&Bs, cycle shops, restaurants, (the list goes on) are substantial. We are so pleased that the District of Lake Country and the other municipalities have progressed this far in making the trail a reality. We have told many people about our trip and the economic benefits the trail would bring to our area. You need to take a trip like we had



Europe has done a magnificent job in making these bike trails a great tourist destination. Their trails meander through rural country and small towns, farmland and vineyards much like those in our area.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Myself, production designer Courtney Larkan, and staff reporter Kevin Parnell would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas with your friends and family, and all the best for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. We have Minor Hockey Week in January; watch for our annual special feature in the pages of the Lake Country Calendar. It’s a great way to support our local teams, and the economy! Don’t forget to keep the Lake Country Food Bank in mind whether through a donation of food or cash - every little bit helps the many that are need. Do you have a business in Lake Country? Consider joining the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce, and benefit from the many advantages of being a member. One of the benefits is a FREE 2x5 colour advertisement in the Lake Country Calendar. Visit their website for more information: www.lakecountrychamber. com.

Look to the pages of the Lake Country Calendar for more information about all the great events happening in our community! It’s been great getting out into the community to meet with so many of you! If you’d like me to drop in for a visit, please call or email me and I’d be delighted to meet with you.



Advertising Representative 250.766.4688, ext. 7329 fax: 250.862.5275 email:

to realize how much it means to the people we met in Austria. Bicycles are everywhere, the health benefits and pure enjoyment of it all are immense. None of us in the group that cycled Austria are young but we are active seniors and we expect to enjoy our local trail when it is completed. Future generations will be happy we protected this area for them—it will benefit local businesses and provide much needed jobs for our community. The annual householder cost of about $27 per year, is one of the best investments we can make. We feel that is a very rea-


sonable amount to acquire this large property, so let’s move ahead with this opportunity before it is lost forever. For those of you who are interested in the economic spin off, we refer you to a study commissioned by the European Parliament in 2009 which found it extended the tourist season, took cyclists off the beaten track to support local small communities and generated 9.9 million Euros ($14 million) a year on the Austrian trail alone. It also created 95 full time equivalent jobs in Austria. Similar statistics were found in Quebec, Iowa, Oregon, Minnesota and many other areas. Google “Eurovelo Benefits” for details. Please join with us in support of this exceptional project. Wayne & Diane Clement, Lake Country

WE’RE ‘SCREWED’ IF TRAIL IS PUT AHEAD OF DRINKABLE WATER To the editor: Priorities not straight: I believe the District of Lake Country should not spend one taxpayer dollar on the proposed cycle-rail line project. If the mayor wants to continue with the master water plan, then all


available funds should be in the pursuit of clean, abundant drinkable water. There should be no such thing as a boil water advisory, and all properties that border our lakes and streams should have mandatory sewer. If our present council places walking/cycling trails ahead of our water needs, then we are screwed. I guess one could sell bottled water in a kiosk on the old tracks by Wood Lake. Eventually, sure as hell, we won’t be able to drink the local water. Cal Wiebe, Winfield

CHANCE FOR RAIL/ TRAIL ‘WILL NEVER COME OUR WAY AGAIN’ To the editor: With reference to Guy Bissonette’s letter to the Lake Country Calendar of Dec. 10 [Will Taxpayers Have to Ante Up for Rail/Trail?]


tunity to purchase a Vernon to Kelowna corridor for pedestrian/cycling/rapid transit use. It will never come our way again. Just like the Myra Canyon trestles have become both a local resident and tourist draw to the Okanagan Valley, so will this corridor. We cannot really imagine how this corridor will evolve over the decades to come, but suffice to say, our future generations will thank us for the forward vision we took back in 2014. All the great undertakings our country has taken over the decades took foresight, faith, financial commitment and some upfront risk. It is not inconceivable the Kelowna to Vernon corridor could triple or quadruple in size over the next 50 years, nor is it inconceivable that Lake Country could see a disproportionate share of this growth over that same period, potentially rivalling Kelowna itself in residential, commercial and industrial presence. Imagine how much congestion and density


I have empathy with his concern that Lake Country residents could, as currently proposed, be disproportionately disadvantaged with the monetary burden of the purchase of the CN Rail line. That said, this is a once in a lifetime oppor-

could come with that growth and how a well developed, uninterrupted single or multi-purpose greenway/corridor could contribute to our collective wellbeing.


Kelowna Shelter

Valleyview Dignity Memorial

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250-861-7722 For us, there is no higher honour than to be chosen to bring loved ones, friends and a lifetime of memories together of a Aron Meier in celebration Glen Whittaker special life. Assistant Manager Funeral Director Proudly offering reward miles on all pre-arrangements

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Sex: Male Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Young Adult Animal ID: 353416

We’d like you to meet Pooky. He is a young dog who is quite shy and scared right now because he’s just recently arrived at our Shelter and it is very intimidating for him. Once he gets to his environment and people, he is very cuddly, playful and affectionate. Pooky is going to make a great family companion for either an adult only household or one with older children. He is a great little walker on the leash and will surely attract people to come say hello to him. If you believe you have the right home for this charmer, please ask the Kelowna SPCA Staff to meet with him one-on-one.


rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 24, 2014 A7

opinion ▼ RAIL TO TRAIL

This is a ‘once only opportunity’ To the editor: I think that the purchase of the CNR rail bed, as a public transportation corridor linking Kelowna, Lake Country and Vernon (actually, Coldstream), is a wonderful opportunity. I want to address Lake Country residents specifically because they will be paying more per capita than folks in other jurisdictions. It is regrettable that the Okanagan has lost its rail service, but continual deterioration of car loadings made the bankruptcy of the short track operation inevitable. The Okanagan is isolated from major markets and consequently faces high transportation charges, making some manufacturing ventures uneconomic. Perhaps conditions will change for freight traffic or for rapid transit at some point in the future. One thing is certain. If the railway is sold off to private interests and private capital is spent developing those properties, no future government could afford to purchase the corridor. This is a once only opportunity. The rail trail will benefit local people as a recreation property whether it is for hik-

ing or biking, access to well that lives have been The high volume seasons lakeshore and the lakes, lost recently near George for this international a place to take visitors, Elliot School because of traffic are the spring and protection of habitat for inadequate separation of fall, during the shoulder wildlife, seasons of or protecour two tion of our traditionlakes from al tourist indusseasons. THE BEST PART OF INCREASED SHOULDER trial and As SEASON TRAFFIC IS THAT THESE VISITORS domestic residents WILL PATRONIZE EXISTING BUSINESSES, pollution. know, EXTENDING THEIR SEASONS AND MAKING Pubthe Okalic safenagan has THEM MORE VIABLE. WIN, WIN, WIN ty of our so much to citizens is offer dura reason ing the why we must purchase pedestrians from motor blossom and harvest seaand develop the trail. vehicles. sons and many of our People who want to walk For all of these folks, annual visitors see none or cycle for shopping, safety is the paramount of that beauty. The best schooling or recreation concern. part of increased shoulare often deterred beWhen developed, this der season traffic is that cause the Central Okatransportation corrithese visitors will patronnagan offers inadequate dor (along with Pelmeize existing businesses, separation of highway wash Parkway and the extending their seasons traffic from pedestrians Spion Kop trails in Lake and making them more and cyclists. Country) will undoubtviable. Win, Win, Win. Many university stuedly become a major The non-profit Okadents and professors can- world attraction. Newly nagan Rail Trail Initianot take the chance of retired folks with large tive recently commiscycling to UBCO. Recdiscretionary incomes sioned an economic reational riders must travel around the world benefit analysis of the rail truck their bicycles to to hike and bike and to trail and the economists and from some safe stavisit tourist attractions, projected an increase in ging area before riding. agro-tourist establisheconomic activity atSeniors who prefer ments, bed and breaktributed to the rail trail level or near level grades fasts, restaurants, art galto be $6.72 million anwith separation from ve- leries, wineries, retail nually within five years. hicular traffic do not stores, motels, fishing re- These developments will have the opportunity to sorts, golf courses, and come from building new move about our comyes, bike shops. businesses and making munity safely and the And to think that the others more sustainable. consequent loss in health rail trail runs right past To examine that analysis benefits is enormous. the door of the Kelowgo to http://okanaganAnd we know all too na International Airport. These figures


do not include the health or safety benefits to the community or the sheer pleasure of living in such an accessible, lake-oriented community. Nor do they consider the possibility that proper marketing and branding could make the opportunities explode. I see huge economic potential for the community of Lake Country that could well brand itself as the Tuscany of Canada. Lake Country can highlight its spectacular scenery, orchard and wine industries, rural lifestyle, agro-tourism, large capacity in restaurants and other tourist related facilities, wonderful hiking and biking opportunities and, of course, our spectacular lakes. Kalamalka Lake is one of the world’s natural marvels and it could easily become an icon for a burgeoning industry that is complementary to our existing economy. I have lived in the Okanagan for 72 years and this is the most exciting opportunity that I have seen in my lifetime. Our grandchildren will thank us for our foresight if we preserve this magnificent corridor. Duane Thomson, Lake Country


Real daily needs come first, costly dreams second LETTERS FROM A6 Perhaps there is a way for the municipalities to share some of Lake Country’s initial upfront burden, such as a longer-term low-interest loan to Lake Country, solicitation of contributions from adjacent municipalities such as West Kelowna that will also benefit from this corridor, or a disproportionate share of revenues

Calendar Lake Country

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951


that might be generated in the future from use of the corridor itself. There is plenty of time to work out the details. But at the very least, let’s not squander the opportunity to bring this once in a lifetime opportunity to fruition. W. Kubasek, West Kelowna



MONEY TO COME FROM? To the editor: Re: The purchase of the old CN rail bed. Well it might not be too bad, if our roads, sewer and water lines were all in top condition, plus the park land we have all developed and well maintained.

As we don’t have the money to do very much of this and are over $11 million in debt, where is the money to come from to expand the sewage plant and lines that need to be done sooner then later? It’s all very well to have dreams, but the $6 million or $7 million to purchase the line is just the beginning of a long term cost with very little or no return or who do

you think is going to maintain the old rail bed and pay the liability insurance which won’t be cheap? Plus, the court costs to please the First Nations involved. I don’t think that future generations will be thankful for the debt load that this will put on them. Frank Adams, Vernon



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Virtue of the Week


7 Pillars of Character “Gratitude bestows reverence, Trustworthiness allowing us to encounter everyday Respect epiphanies, those transcendent Responsibility Fairness moments of awe that change forever Kindness how we experience life and the world.” -John Milton

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Citizenship Conscientiousness


Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road  250-766-4458 Sunday Worship and Children’s Church

9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387

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10:15 a.m. PASTOR SEAN HARDER 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753 To advertise your church services, special religious events & celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

St. Edward’s Roman Catholic Church December 24 5 pm & 10 pm

December 25 9:45 am 11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. East

250-766-3146 |

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL




Take a dip on New Years Day Fatal accident renews call

The Oyama Firemen and the Oyama Legion are once again inviting brave souls out to its annual New Year’s Day Polar Bear Dip. The dip takes place across the road from the Legion in Wood Lake at noon on New Year’s Day. Swimmers might get off a little easier than in past years this year. Four years ago the firemen had to cut about two inches of ice off the lake in order to accommodate the Polar Bear Dip and there were only about a dozen brave dippers. Last year the lake was not quite frozen and

over three dozen people participated with lots of spectators to support them. Pledges sheets are available at the Oyama Legion, Oyama Firehall and the Oyama General Store. The dip is sponsored by the Oyama Firemen and the Oyama branch 189 Royal Canadian Legion.

Nominate a contributor

The Oceola Fish and Game Club annually recognizes a dedicated citizen within the com-

munity in memory of Sax Koyama. You are invited to nominate an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the community by submitting a nomination. Nomination forms can be found at the Municipal Hall or the Oceola Fish and Game Club at 11888 McGowan Rd and returned by December 31, 2014.


Lake Country municipal hall is now closed for the holidays and will be closed from Dec. 24 to Jan. 5.

Wishing you every happiness this

Holiday Season

and throughout the coming year! ESS N I S U B X A eM SERVICES Business Helping Business

#5, 10051 Highway 97N • Lake Country 250-766-9190

for improvements to Hwy 97 through south Lake Country KEVIN PARNELL The District of Lake Country is renewing its call for safety meridians on the stretch of highway 97 between Lake Country and Kelowna after another fatal motor vehicle accident near Duck (Ellison) Lake on the weekend. A 48-year-old woman died on Saturday after reports stated the SUV she was driving crossed the centre line and collided with a semi tractor trailer unit. The accident closed the highway for up to three hours as RCMP investigated. The accident is the latest in a long and deadly history on the road between Lake Country and Kelowna, a four-lane stretch of heavily-driven highway. According to witnesses, a southbound Volkswagen Tiguan crossed two lanes of traffic and impacted a northbound commer-

Cachet Hair Studio

Seasons greetings Winfield and ashopping heartfelt centre 250 766 97, lake country, Bc V4V 1p6 thank2340 you to all4-10051ourhwywonderful clients

cial vehicle that had been travelling in the outside lane. The force of the collision disintegrated the front end of the Volk-

Country fire chief Steve Windsor reported that there was a substantial increase in traffic accidents between Lake



swagen and caused extensive damages to the commercial truck. Tragically, the female driver of the Volkswagen

Country and Kelowna this year and had sent a request to the Ministry of Transportation asking about the possibility of



suffered extensive traumatic injuries and died in the crash. The two occupants of the commercial truck both suffered relatively minor injuries and were treated at the scene. Police say road conditions were not a factor in the accident. In September, Lake

safety meridians. At the UBCM meeting later that month in Whistler Lake Country officials reiterated the request for the safety barriers to be installed. And now Lake Country Mayor James Baker says it appears the ministry will act although there is nothing official

and no timeline for the installation of the barriers. “We’ve been at them for sometime that they should have those barriers installed,” said Baker. “They have told us they are moving on getting those barriers. It seems they are listening and we should start to see them at least design where they could put them. They have to look at how many accesses they will have to permit because in some places there are properties that need access to both directions.” Lake Country fire officials responded to the accident just before 2 p.m. Saturday and were on scene until about 5 p.m. when the highway was opened. Windsor said the highway is known for the speed at which vehicles travel making accidents hard to avoid. “It’s just a high speed highway and for whatever reason if you have inattention, you have very little time to correct it,” said Windsor. “At those kinds of speeds, it’s just a millisecond and if you drift at all you can be in the other lane very, very quickly.” Windsor said a substantial amount of diesel fuel was spilled in the accident but crews built a berm using sand to keep the fuel from running into Duck Lake. newsroom

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CLEANPLUS Housekeeping Services Thank you to all our customers for the support this year!

Nichole Sorensen Audiologist

It’s the details • 250-766-4980


rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ask The Dentist! by Dr. Lina Jung, DDS

Times Have Indeed Changed Teeth-Wise

Q: My elderly mother is in a nursing home, and seems to be losing teeth far too frequently. I'm concerned about her survival. She has lost 3 teeth this year. What could be causing it?

A: I need more thorough information to provide a clinical diagnosis here. Firstly, how old is she? How long has she lived in this institution? What type of mobility does he enjoy, or lack? If she has just recently moved in, the damage to her teeth certainly started a significant time ago. I've seen patients whose teeth have been virtually ignored for months and that alone doesn't cause them to fall out. She likely has severe gum disease (periodontitis) which is common in over 50% of adults. For those over 35, perio disease is a major cause of tooth failure. For those under 35, accidents, athletics, fights, and trauma top the charts. The age issue is germane here. One hundred years ago half the adults in North America had no teeth left. Today, only about 10% of those over 65 are edentulous (toothless) so you can see we have made some strides here! The fact is that you don't need teeth to survive. There are many living to a ripe old age where soft food like pasta, although it may be lacking some nutrients, is the rule of the day. I tell patients that teeth are a lifestyle choice – NOT a condition for survival. In Great Britain, it was assumed dentures would be such a natural part of adult life that


What affect will the drop in oil prices have on the real estate market in Lake Country?

I know first-hand from my clients purchasing homes in the Okanagan, that some of the oil and gas industry employees are affected by price fluctuations and some are not. Short term market movements in the cost of a barrel of oil on the world market has some trickle down effects for consumers in the relative short term. These long term commodity prices, in general, must sustain a lengthy increase or decrease over a period of time to have a major impact on the real estate market. Large oil and gas companies plan for their future long should you! All current financial and market indices point to a strong real estate market in 2015 and, from the interest that I have already witnessed this month, I believe the market will remain positive and stable in 2015. This month has actually been the busiest December I have ever experienced! In general, we will see a small segment of the oil and gas industry affected by the recent drop in oil prices and we will see some potential home buyers impacted by this price shift. As a potential home seller, you also need to remember that most of our real estate market is local and the largest part of the market has been local move-up buyers. It is also important to remind those who are thinking about jumping into the market that the continued expansion of UBCO and Okanagan College, Interior Health and Kelowna General Hospital all present local growth opportunities, thus offsetting any potential impact of the oil and gas industry. If you are ready to sell your home, and want to start 2015 ahead of others who are planning to capitalize on the strong local market, remember to call me to discuss how my proven home marketing can work for you! 250-826-5660 • 250-860-1100

In the carefree 20's and 30's, most patients enjoy good dental health. In their 40's and 50's they encounter root canals and crowns to repair damage. Many patients investigate dental implants in their 60's. The Baby Boomers are a generation not used to the word 'NO' when it comes to looking and feeling their best. Their teeth are no exception, and meekly accepting full dentures as an alternative is not an attractive idea to them, regardless of investment required. They are fueling the dental implant industry because they are not used to make compromises. Your mother has age working against her dental health. Undoubtedly, there is also a maintenance issue in the nursing home. Very few of them are able to maintain an excellent dental standard, regardless of the fees they command. The chore of brushing properly often ends up in the hands of the family members. If she is mobile enough (as in walking or wheelchair) I suggest you have her checked out by a dentist you trust. He or she will be able to give you a good idea why her teeth are failing, and what steps you and she must take to preserve or regain whatever dental health is possible.


Winfield Dental Centre 208 - 3121 Hill Road Winfield, B.C.




What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?

brides often received a full set of dentures for wedding gifts just to save them the trouble later on!

Dr.Paul Rollett

Petrina Koltun A9

YOUR QUESTIONS? YOUR ANSWERS If you would like to be featured in


As Santa gets older, I’m a little worried that he might start having troubles reading my Christmas letters. What type of food should I be leaving out for him to keep his eyes in good health for years to come?


As much as I’d like to say that milk and cookies are great for Santa’s eyesight, I must admit that there are certainly some better nutritional options out there. When we look for foods that have the highest concentration of ocular nutrients, it turns out that leafy green vegetables are packed with the greatest nutritional content (even more than carrots!). Green vegetables (broccoli, peas) and orange vegetables (orange peppers, carrots) are also loaded with powerful eye nutrients such as lutein and zeaxanthin and certainly shouldn’t be ignored. Being packed with Omega-3 fatty acids, it’s no surprise that cold water fish are also great eye-foods to add to the list. So, when setting out the cookies this year make sure not to forget a nice healthy side plate of kale, orange peppers and sardines for the big guy! (but don’t tell him it was my idea...) 49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250-766-4240


for a low price of $49 per issue please contact Teresa Huscroft-Brown Advertising Representative 250-979-7329 or email:

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL


news 13222 Oyama Road

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14191 Moberly Road

• Panoramic Okanagan Lake Views • 1.27 acres • Double car garage + triple detached garage • Approx. 3362 sq ft MLS® 10091497 $829,900

Aly Naturally


Aly Powers



Cook books are always welcome gifts at Christmas


ttention last minute Christmas shoppers. Cookbooks make for one of the best gifts out there and an easy one stop shop if you hit Mosaic Books on Bernard. Whether it is given as a hostess gift, or for your mom, friend, child, dog sitter—there is a cookbook for almost everyone on your Christmas list. Here are some ideas: For the Locavore: Okanagan Slow Road, Bernadette McDonald Bernadette McDonald takes you on an intimate odyssey through

Food &Wine Trails

Jennifer Schell

the diverse cultures, landscape and tastes found in the interior of British Columbia. Illustrated with beautiful paintings from Naramata

local, Forest Green Man Lavender Farmer/Artist, Karolina Born-Tschumperlin—this book will be enjoyed by food and wine lovers and all guests and fans of our beautiful valley. For the Mushroom lover & Foraging Fanatic: The Deerholme Foraging Book, Bill Jones Nothing beats Vancouver Islander Bill Jones’ knowledge on delicious fungi and where to find them and in his latest cookbook he shares his knowledge on foraging for other delights as

well in his magical forest. The recipes are delicious and varied and I have happily recreated many of them myself. Bill was foraging before foraging was cool. Both his new The Deerholme Foraging Book and former The Deerholme Mushroom book are sure-fire hits. www.deerholme. com For the Locavore/ Vancouver Island Lover: Food Artisans of Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, Don Genova Well loved food writer and CBC radio host

fi S c Don Genova has com- R piled a lovely guide to O the best food producers L of Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. I “If anyone is eminent- ly qualified to write a S guidebook on Vancou- h ver Island and the Gulf i Islands’ food artisans, it c is without a doubt Don f Genova . . . [it] is an in- i dispensible resource for 2 anyone who wants to n taste the very best Van- f couver Island and the c Gulf Islands has to offer.”s —EAT Magazine c s


Be nutritionally prepared for flu season

Season’s H Greetings and thank you for another wonderful year!

Ruff N’ It Doggy Spa

15130 Pelmewash Parkway, Oyama • 250-548-3244 Professional grooming since 1998

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Merry Christmas & Good Eating in the New Year! Buns, Rolls & Breads Cookies Muffins Dried Fruit Pies Preserves

14439 Oyama Rd, Oyama • 250-548-3267

ave you had your flu shot yet? That’s the question on everyone’s lips this time of year. The question I’d prefer to ask, however, is this: How is your immune system? Why? Because if you’ve been conscientious about helping your immune system be as healthy as possible throughout the rest of the year, when flu season comes around, you’ll be ready for combat. Here are a few ways you can give your system the boost it needs. First, you absolutely must be eating healthy. In particular, I’m talking lots of plant-based foods that are going to lend you their powerful, disease-repelling properties as soon as you bite into them. Succulent, brightly hued fruits such as pomegranates, oranges, and persimmons. Earthy, deeply coloured vegetables like kale, yams and broccoli. Assorted fibre- and mineral-rich

Eating Right BEVERLEY EDWARDSHAINES beans like lentils, kidney beans and black beans. Follow those up with whole grains and delicious, good-fat seeds and nuts. These foods are filled to the brim with big words like antioxidants and phytochemicals to help your immune system fight off the undesirables. When it comes to every day eating, be sure to skip the processed foods. And absolutely put a cap on the sinfully good, fatty, sugary stuff. With the holiday season looming, you’ll be tempted with all the

cookie exchanges, yuletide parties, and holiday treats. Your body will thank you, though, for not indulging in too much of the sweet stuff. As well, be sure to drink plenty of water every day. Next, your body is going to love you if you give it all the physical activity it craves. One doctor has said that if he had only one prescription to write, it would be to exercise. Go figure. To get yourself started, something simple such as walking will get your blood pumping, your endorphins jumping, and will give your body that extra boost it needs to safeguard you from unwanted flu bugs. A few other things to consider in fighting off the flu bug—wash your hands frequently throughout the day and get seven to eight quality hours of sleep a night. But if you do feel like you’re coming down with something, try drinking my favourite get-well garlic and ginger tea. It’s

d so easy to make. s Boil two cloves of t peeled garlic with a small S knob of fresh ginger in b two cups of water for c around 10 minutes. Cool o and drink, and make s more as needed. t While I did mention A going easy on the sugary o stuff, I’ve got some en- t ticing news about holi- n day sweets. t On Wednesday, a Dec.10, I’m teaching a i hands-on “Decadent b Raw Desserts” class, 6:30 t p.m., at the Kelowna i Lifestyle Centre. S It’s going to be i scrumptiously healthy. w Picture this—carrot p cake, banana cream pie, i maple/cinnamon apple s torte. All raw, and all totally good for you. In- e terested? Call 250-864- W 0450 to register for this A $34 class. Cheers to enjoying great health. c a s Beverley Edwardsl Haines is a nutritionist, f associate raw food chef, and C Food For Life instructor. c 250-864-0450

Dr. Walter Sokolowski D.M.D.


Wishing our patients a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year Dr. Walter Sokolowski Inc. Winfield Professional Centre • #118-3121 Hill Road

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 24, 2014 A11

news watering life in Paris. “Here we have consistently mindful, mostly slow, deeply French recipes inspired by daily interaction with the market vendors, butchers and bakers of the city”. Oui, oui. On further Paris theme, there is another little book that I have fallen in love with, Cooking for Me and Sometimes You A Paris-


For Lovers of Tofino & SOBO: The Sobo Cookbook: Recipes From The Tofino Restaurant At The End Of The Canadian Road, Lisa Ahier I love this restaurant, I love Tofino, I love Lisa - this is a beautiful book. Sobo (Sophisticated Bohemian) was a pioneer in the now food truck craze—their (purple) food truck was operating in high gear way back in 2003 creating an instant new religion of fish tacos for the West Coast surf culture. There are great stories of Tofino’s tribe of cool people and delicious sea-focused recipes. For Soup Lovers & 1Best Charity book: The Soup Sisters and Broth Brothers Cookbook, Sharon Hapton The now second book drawn from “soup sisters” soup recipes from across the country, founder Sharon Hapton’s cookbook supports her incredible national charity organization that makes soup for women’s shelters and youth shelters. As Kelowna’s co-coordinator of our two thriving chapters, I cannot say enough about this non-profit organization—the soup making events are a fun and beautiful way to support those in need of nurturing in your community. Soup is love—and giving a cookbook is also a way to give back as the proceeds go directly back into the soup pot. www. For Home Entertainers: Whitewater Cooks With Passion, Shelley Adams The Whitewater cookbook series have achieved an almost cult status with cookbook lovers. Now out with her fourth book, Whitewater Cooks With Passion, creator Shelley Adams


COOK books are a great Christmas present. again focuses on fresh, healthy and easy recipes that are super flavourful and make you look like a star in front of your guests. From vegetarian and vegan dishes with international flavours throughout, these books are always a win with a great variety of recipes to choose from. For the Intermediate Foodie or Chef Friend: Relæ: A Book of Ideas, Chef Christian Puglisi Michelin-starred Copenhagen restaurant Relae serves “deeply imaginative, plant-centric” food by Christian Puglisi. This book does not contain actual recipes but “idea-essays” that discuss the inspirations and techniques behind each dish. It is beautifully set and makes for great flavour inspirations as well as the chef ’s intimate thoughts and vision inn creating, foraging and sourcing local flavour combinations—I

loved it. For the Budding Chef or the Child in all of us: Julia, Child, Kyo Maclear “Julia, Child is not only a book about the joy of cooking, but the wonder of childhood, and, like the best cooking, is meant to be savored.... I guarantee it’ll leave you hungry.” - The National Post An adorable children’s tale about cooking and enjoying life—with lots of butter, of course— based on the spirit of my hero, the effervescent Julia Child. For the Thai Food Lover: Pok Pok-Food and Stories from the Streets, Homes, and Roadside Restaurants of Thailand, Andy Ricker For the Thai or Asian cooking enthusiast in your life, his fabulous cookbook includes great stories, cultural essays and insights on the people and food culture of Thailand. Rick-

ienne Romance with Recipes, written by Vancouver’s beloved Barbara-Jo McIntosh, proprietor of Barbara-Jo’s Books to Cooks. This is a little hard-covered book containing a sweet, heartfelt tribute to the city of love, through both a lover’s eyes as well as a food lover who has finally had the opportunity to take a flat and cook in Paris.

FREE 13 month Calendar 2015 13 M


er, owner of the Pok Pok restaurants (flagship resto in Portland), has created a master cooking course to creating authentic Thai cooking adapted for our home kitchens. For the Obsessed Bread Baker: The Bread Bible, Rose Levy Beranbaum Hallelujah. Bread bakers will rejoice in the 150 foolproof, precision recipes that Beranbaum has shared in her new cookbook. A perfect gift for home and professional bakers alike- fire up those ovens. For the Pizza Aficionado: The Pizza Bible, Chef Tony Gemignani This is it—what could be better for your pizza pie loving pals? This comprehensive guide to making pizza covers nine different regional styles-including standards like Neapolitan, Roman, and Chicago, as well as renowned pizza sub-specialties like St.

Glad Tidings for the Holidays and a Happy New Year! #10, 9522 Main Street 250-766-9009

Louis and Californian. Who better to write this book than 11-time world Pizza Champion Tony Gemignani? For lovers of Paris (moi): My Paris Kitchen, David Lebovitz I don’t have this book—yet—but I want it (hint). I am a huge fan of former Chez Panisse restaurant Chef David Lebovitz, who now gloriously shares cooking tales through books and blogs from his mouth-

Compliments of the

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Photo by Geri Allan-Helmer

Get your FREE 13 month calendar in the Dec. 31 edition of the Lake Country Calendar; it’s loaded with local photography & important dates in the new year.

and a Happy New Year! Thank you to all who helped with the Remembrance Day Service, and poppy and wreath fund. Hugh & Sue Roland 7-11 Food Store BC Tree Fruit Growers Assoc. Bodyz in Motion Health Club Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza Capri Insurance Coast Distributors Coopers Foods Your Dollar Store with More Dr Derek Townsend Inc. Formashape Gray Monk Estate Winery Hansen Engraving & Awards Interior Heavy Equipment School Interior Savings Credit Union John Beales Chartered Accountant KonKast Lake Country Building Centre Lake Country Family Practice Lake Country Farm & Pet supplies Lake Country Husky Lake Country IDA Pharmacy Lake Country Library Lake Country Notary Services Lake Country Inn Lake Country Liquor Store Lake Country Pest Control Lake Country Shoppers Drugmart Lakeside Hearing

Lakeview Memorial Gardens Lordco Parts Market Place IGA eMax Business Services New West Industries R&R Hoe Services Royal LePage SRI Homes Super 8 Motel Sundowner Meat and Deli Sysco Supplies LTD Taylor’s Auto Repair The Jammery Tri Lake Animal Hospital Turtle Bay Marina Pub UBR Services Copy & Business Centre Voyager RV Centre Western Financial Group Wooden Nickel Café Woody’s Pub A&W Restaurants Aspen Golf course All Cats Services Blue Herron Villa BC Liquor Store Canada Post Office CIBC Lake Country Davidson Road Elementary Gas Depot

George Elliot Senior Secondary Health First Chiropractic Holiday Park Resort L’Isola Bella Bistro Kitchen and Country Store Lake Country Coffee House Lake Country Esso Lake Country Library Lake Country Manor & Lodge Little Ceasars Pizza Mona Vison Oyama General Store Oyama Traditional School Peter Greer Elementary Dr Randy Kobayashi Rooster Barber Shop Rosie’s Spartan Dry Cleaner Subway Sandwiches and Salads Super Save Gas Tim Hortons Timbermart TD Canada Trust Winfield Bakery Winfield Return Centre Winfield Shell Woodsdale General Store School District #23

Special thanks to:

Lake Country Big Band, Okanagan Pipe and Drum, RCMP, Lake Country Firemen, Scouts, Guides, Cadets and George Elliot Students and Teachers. Oyama Branch 189 Royal Canadian Legion

15712 Oyama Road • 250-548-3521

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL



Christmas lights add the sparkle, but be aware Everyone loves decorating for the holidays, but there are a number of safety tips to keep in mind when lighting up your home. Test your knowledge with the following statements and learn to separate fact from fiction when buying and installing lights: • Fact or Fiction: All holiday lights can be used indoors and outdoors. Fiction: Lights are specifically rated for either indoor or outdoor use. Look for this information on the package, and check for a recognized certification mark before you buy. The same is true for extension cords. • Fact or Fiction: Outdoor lights can be plugged into any type of outlet. Fiction: If you’re installing lights outside, be sure your outlets are equipped with ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI). GFCIs protect you from an electric shock wherever you use electrical products in damp and wet conditions. • Fact or Fiction: You should always look up and look out when stringing lights outside.

Fact: Before you start, take a walk around your property and be aware of any overhead powerlines. Keep your ladder a safe distance away – at least three metres. You could be electrocuted even if you don’t touch the wire. Use the proper clips to secure lights and decorations, since nails and staples can damage the cords. Light up safely this holiday season to avoid shocking surprises, both indoors or outdoors. Additional guidance and information is available online at ••• The warm glow of holiday lights evokes cherished memories, but how many of us know the history behind this tradition? To illuminate your conversations this year, here are some little-known facts about holiday lights: 1. The practice of using electric lights on Christmas trees started in 1895 in the United States, as an alternative to candles. Before that, people would balance candles on tree branches, a tradition that led to many home fires. 2. Like any new technology, holiday lights were so expensive


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from all of us at Lake Country Liquor Store!

Protect your pets from holiday harm Anything, from decorations to house plants, can be hazardous for your pets

Closed Christmas & New Year’s Day, please remember to drink responsibly. .


#72-9522 Main Street, Lake Country 250.766.1166

Place your ad on this page: Call Teresa at 250-979-7329


when first introduced that few people could afford them. According to American historians Bill and George Nelson, in the early 1900s families rented their lights rather than buying them outright. 3. The Nelson brothers’ research reveals that outdoor holiday lights were first introduced in 1927, but they were small, dangerous and not properly designed for the elements. Today, a rigorous certification process ensures such products meet safety standards. 4. Launched in 1985 in the national capital region as a way to liven up the darkest of winter days, Christmas Lights across Canada is now a popular event in numerous cities and towns from coast to coast. Held this year from December 3 to January 7, more than 300,000 dazzling lights will glow throughout downtown Ottawa. 5. Despite what some in your neighbourhood might do, holiday lights aren’t meant for year-round use. The long, cold winter can cause cords to crack and lead to a shock or fire. Remember to store them away after the holidays.


7 Days a Week 9am-11pm

The holiday season is in full swing. As we scramble to find the perfect gifts for our friends and family, remember to give your pets the gift of a healthy holiday. The American Veterinary Medical Association has provided holiday tips to ensure the wellbeing of your pet through all the holiday

Wishing you and your loved ones a Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to my continued service to you in 2015.

Norm Letnick

MLA Kelowna-Lake Country


Dr. Alex Wales, DVM Dr. Susan Wales, DVM Dr. Jessica Wales, DVM & all the staff

Panorama Veterinary Services Ltd. #21-10051 Hwy97N, Lake Country 250-766-4310 or 250-861-1099 •

festivities. These plants should be 1. Can winter decorakept out of pets’ reach. tions be hazardous to our 3. Should I be mindpets? Yes. The holidays ful of the excess holibring lots day food in of seasonmy home? al home Yes. One decorof the main SOME PETS GET ations, challenges SCARED OR such as that comes EXCITED AROUND along with candles, decorated the holiCROWDS OR trees, and day season WHEN THEY SEE potpouris the excess NEW FACES. IT’S ri. Pet of food. It is ADVISED THAT owners encouraged are urged PETS ARE PLACED that you keep to make “people food” IN A SEPARATE sure pets in places that ROOM WHILE are not cannot be acGUESTS ARE left alone cessed by your VISITING. in decorpets. As your ated guests if they rooms to can do the avoid potential dangersame. ous situations. 4. Can my pet enjoy 2. Is it OK to place the same holiday treats my holiday plants anythat I do? No. Pet where around the house? owners are urged to keep No Some holiday fahuman treats away from vourites such as Mistlepets. Specifically treats toe, Holly, and Lilies are that contain chocolate, actually harmful to pets. Xylitol, grapes/raisins,


onions or other foods that are toxic for pets. 5. Is tinsel specifically hazardous to cats? Yes. Tinsel’s shine can easily attract the attention of a curious cat, and there are serious medical consequences if ingested. It is suggested that cat owners leave tinsel off of the tree. 6. Can pet behaviour change among house guests? Yes. The holidays tend to bring lots of family and friends together in one place. Some pets get scared or excited around crowds or when they see new faces. It’s advised that pets are placed in a separate room while guests are visiting. This can also help with Tips 3 & 4, in keeping your pet away from harmful holiday foods. For more holiday health tips for your pet, visit the web site www.

We would like to wish the community of Lake Country a very happy holiday season. Thank you to all our customers for your support over the last 9 years.

Best Wishes Keith & Sherri Williams Lake Country

Building Centre

3223 Woodsdale Road • Lake Country • 250-766-2118

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 24, 2014 A13


New measures to fight AIS S

everal constituents, led by the Okanagan Basin Water Board (OBWB)’s “Don’t Move a Mussel” campaign, have written to me asking the federal government to move forward with the provinces and territories to ensure our lakes and waterways are protected from aquatic invasive species (AIS). On Friday, Dec. 5 , I was pleased to join a roundtable discussion alongside my colleague MP Dan Albas and other stakeholders, including Tourism Kelowna, at the Kelowna Yacht Club to report that our government, under Fisheries and Oceans Minister Gail Shea, has taken new proposed regulations in place to fight against aquatic invasive species. The proposed regulations are a result of close consultation with provincial and territorial governments. As required, on Dec. 6,

MP’s Report

Ron Cannan the proposed AIS regulations were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I to allow for a 30-day public comment period. More information can be found at www.gazette. under the Saturday, Dec. 6 edition. The Government of Canada takes the issue of aquatic invasive species very seriously and is committed to preventing the introduction, spread and establishment of AIS in Canadian waters. The federal government invests over $14 million annually to address the issue of aquatic

invasive species, thereby fostering healthy, safe and sustainable Canadian waters. The proposed regulations address gaps in the current Canadian regulatory framework by providing a comprehensive set of provisions and authorities that would improve the ability to prevent the intentional or unintentional introduction, respond to invasions, and manage the spread of AIS, while protecting Canada’s aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity. This will help prevent incurring costs associated with the establishment of invasive species, including impacts on fishing and aquaculture activities, recreation and tourism-related activities, and infrastructure. These new regulatory provisions would also address enforcement. Current regulations can be enforced by provincial Enforcement Officers but now Canadian Bor-

der Services Agency officers will also have the ability to enforce prohibitions against import at the Canadian border such as ordering a vessel back to a US washing station before allowing it to enter Canada. Aquatic invasive species pose a significant and growing threat to British Columbia and that is why it is so important that we work towards a coordinated and comprehensive approach that will safeguard our lakes, rivers and coastal waters, including Okanagan Lake. Dr. Anna Sears, Executive Director of the OBWB, has already publicly stated that the proposed rules appear to be just what the OBWB is looking for. Nancy Cameron of Tourism Kelowna and Tom Dyas of the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce have also shared their enthusiastic supSEE CANNAN A19

To all my customers & friends... Merry Christmas & Best Wishes for the New Year

Roosters Barber Shop Frank 778-480-5622

#13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall (beside Tim Horton’s)

Garth, Mona, and the staff would like to thank the community for shopping locally. We would like to wish everyone a

Merry Christmas & Wonderful New Year

from I.D.A, your community pharmacy.



Locally owned & operated by Garth & Mona McKay


May Your Christmas Be Merry & Bright! We look forward to serving you in 2015!

to our customers from all the staff at MarketPlace IGA.

Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!

#9-10017 Main Street Winfield Shopping Centre


Office/Fax: 250-766-2594 • Cell: 250-258-6707

Merry Christmas & all the best for the

New Year!

Teresa Huscroft-Brown, advertising representative Courtney Larkan, production design Kevin Parnell, staff reporter

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

23.“____ A14 Anybody Seen 41.Style My Gal?” 42.Con game Lake Country 24.Annoy 43.____-Hoop 25.Not moist 44.Curb 27.Manta ____since 1982 ... supporting Community Wellness 46.Morally bad 28.Drink chiller 47.Peeve Creating a healthier community and old. 29.Bunk for young 48.Pretzel 31.Gulp topping 32.Summer skin • 778 – 215 - 5247 shade 50.Bread spread

Health Planning Society

cOmmUnity eVentS copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date Copyright © 2014, Penny Press

•Oyama & LegiOn branch 189 pOLar bear dip Jan. 1 at noon 6.Spike ofFiremen corn 55.Lots (New Years Day). Sign up & pledge sheets are available at the Legion, Oyama 56.Darn 7.Make of & Oyama Generalfun Store Firehall. Everyone Welcome. Dip into Wood Lake at 12 57.Give noon & then warm up with the friends in the legion with hot soup or beverage of 0.Stop your choice. Family addair spectators go-ahead to welcome, proceeds go to BC Childrens 3.Mar Hospital. 5.Cloud’s ANSWER PUZZLEatNO. 741 •Oyama locale LegiOn branch everyTO Saturday 2pm. We now have DOWN 189 Meat draw 10 inchtoCanadian 2for1 Pizza available at the draw for $10 each. Preorder for 6.Used be 1. Fail vegetarian or other toppings. 8.Gazed at 2. Matinee • betteralcove at hOme is a program funded by the Government of BC to help 9.Kitchen headliner seniors live in their own homes by providing simple non-medical support 3. Showroom 2.Express services. Lake Country Health Planning Society is coordinating these services for seniors 65 years+ living in Lake Country. Please call 778-215-5247 if you would model indifference like more information. 4. Bluish gray 5.Classifiers •thriFt StOre nOW Open! 3250 Berry Rd. All proceeds go to the Lake 5. Wearied 9.Prompts Country Food Bank. Run by our friendly volunteers! Open Tues., Wed. & Thurs., AmassHOURS: Saturdays 11- 2pm. 11am– 6pm. NEW6. WINTER 0.“____ and the 7. Affirmative •Lc SeniOrS’ bUS SchedULe - Tues., Jan. 6,13, 20, 27 Buffet Lunch at Fatman” reply Winfield Seniors Centre. Sat., Jan 10 Pancake Breakfast Vernon Schubert Centre, 1.Passing shopping. Sat., Jan8.17Wanderer Robbie Burns Dinner and entertainment at Oyama Legion. through To reserve a seat on phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250--861-4131 9. bus Freeway 2.Got down centre •Lc SeniOrS’ ScrabbLe meet - From 10:00 to 11:45 on Fridays. If sign you are finisher interested just show up at 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. to register. The 3.Hymn CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS fee will be $1.50. 10.Lincoln’s 4.Feeling rotten coin USE AMERICAN SPELLING

•Lc SeniOrS’ centre VOLUnteer - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. is looking for someone to do some volunteer office work. Your call would be appreciated as this is not a difficult position. Call 250-766-4220 or Dorothy at 250-766-4568. •Lc SeniOrS’ centre prime entertainment - 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road are holding their weekly entertainment and refreshments every Monday afternoon from 1:30 until 3:00 everyone welcome. Come join in the fun •Lc OUtdOOrS cLUb - Welcomes hikers & other outdoor enthusiasts. Bring water, snacks/lunch, wear weather appropriate clothing, & sturdy boots for hiking. For info about our club, please contact us at: •Lc heaLth pLanning SOciety - VOLUnteer. Are you a Lake Country Senior who wants to make a difference?10.Bottom Volunteers will work39.Certain together support amphibian & with staff to increase awareness about elder abuse. For info email or call 778-215-5247 41.Wooded 11.Dog-team’s vehicle •chiLdren’S prOgramS FOr FaLL at the Lc Library Preschool Time 43.SomeStory rodents will be Fri. from 10:30-11:30am, starting16.Ailments Sept. & ending on Dec. 19. Baby Time 44.Canyon’s for babies 0-18 months will be Tues. from 10:30-11:00am, starting Oct. 7 & 20.Chic finishing on Dec. 16. All programs are FREE but children must beanswer accompanied by a caregiver. For more info, call the library 250-766-3141. 45.Al Gore, e.g. 21.Sob •Lc SeniOrS’ centre We are off to another fun year. 9832 Bottom Wood 22.Shaft 46.Poems Lake Rd., many of the programs that happened last year will be added again.LC 23.Relaxed 48.Colony Artists - at 8:30am, Line Dancing 9:30am or 1:30am, Wood Shop - 9am, J.O.Y. Excercise - 9 am, Tai Chi - 2pm, Sewing25.Merits - 1pm, Crib - 7pm, Crib Tournament dwellers - at 10am, Hosp Aux - 1pm, Bus Society27.Spin - 10am, Songsters - 51.Bear’s 10am, Pancake pad Breakfast - 8am. Call 250-766-4220 for more info. 29.Pour forth 52.Frozen •ViSit the Lake cOUntry mUSeUm and archiVeS at 11255 Okanagan 30.Mound tip & Centre Rd. West, Lake Country. Admission by donation. Open53.Boot Mon., Wed., Sat. from 1 to 4pm, & by appointment. 250-766-0111 or visit54.Hither’s the website www. 31.Play divisions partner 34.Former •Lc FOOd bank has an URGENT need for men & women volunteers to join our team. Requirements as follows: half days only-Mon., Wed, & Thurs. (doesn’t have to be all 3 days); must be physically fit enough to lift a medium size box of groceries; a cheery disposition fits in nicely with the rest of the volunteers. Please see Phyllis MacPherson directly at the Food Bank located in the rear of Copyright © 2014, Penny Press the Boys & Girls Club, 3130 Berry Rd. on any of the days noted. •cribbage. evenings starting to a 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre. Playing 3.Not as goodFriday59.Comes 8 games film with a chancestop of winning $12, $10, or $8. Socialize & enjoy an evening 5.Slangy out with fun and play. Serving coffee, drinks & goodies for only $2.50. For info. 6.Vigor 60.Japanese call John 250-766-3026. 7.Rural hotel coin thriFt ShOp (3751 Woodsdale Road.), is open •WinFieLd United chUrch from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping & donation drop-off. Call 2508.Bowed ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 743 766-3387 for info regarding appropriate donations.

0.Musical DOWN •Lc Line dancerS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ symbol Testing Centre. Beginners 1. always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. 2.Meadow ground7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. •SOciaL bridge Tuesdays, mamas250-766-3982. 2. Anger Eunice, 3.Uprising ChapelcitiZenS OrganiZatiOnS (COSCO) is an advocacy •the cOUnciL OF3.SeniOr 7.Natural group devoted to improving bench“The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become 9.Served for a 4. Skilled members contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or ecbayer2@ point for info.5. Friend 0.Self 6. Purpose 5.“How do I 7. Excites love ____?” 8. Nights 6.Convene before 7.Make like All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations. celebrations a pigeon CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING 9. all Suitor for other inquiries, please email 8.Drenches or fax 250-762-3220

45.Certain vipers 25.Female pig Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, December 24, 2014 46.Whoa! 28.Pause 47.Song for one 30.Fishhook point 49.Look intently 31.Uttered 51.Barracks item 32.On ____ 53.As well (tense) 54.Biblical vessel 34.Volcanic residue 55.Stinging insect



Retain ownership of Lake Country asset

and pay back the City of Kelowna,” said De Feo. other way to purchase “In the end the Memothe line. randum of Understand“That would mean all ing with Kelowna is Copyright © 2014, Penny Press of the partners would go pretty favourable in that back ACROSS to their boards and 29.Clarinet’s kin 61.Oxen there is no specific deadthere would be a discusline that we have to payharness 1. Hole sion about howpunchers to pro- 33.Elaborate back the city.” “You ____ My 35.Fearful person ceed,”5.said Seabrook. The 30 day AAP proDOWN Lucky Star” District councilcess won’t actually begin 37.Minus lors praised the chance 38.Stair part until mid-January. Lake 8. Spat Rob Geier1. Play a partAlberto De Feo ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 742councillors will to purchase the rail line Country 2. Flirt with 12.Hen’s home moving through Lake 40.Scrap 3. full Jot downLake Country admin- be asked to formally ap13.Maiden the land and we have Country and maintain 41.Fur prove the process at its controlleisurely over it.” 4. Barcelona’s istrator Alberto De Feo control of the corridor, 43.Walk 14.Bloodhound’s meeting Jan. 6 before the While the district nationcalled the loan a “realsome 16 trail kilometres run- 45.Horse’s district can properly adforward with ning 15.Nero’s through the district. moves vertise the process. Dur5. Anciently good deal” for Lake relative the AAP to raise about Country. “This is an increding the 30 day AAP pro6. Steep-sided garment said 48.Fasten half the funds, the other “This means we have ible opportunity,” cess, forms to sign in 16.Permanently prison half—$2.5 million— valley an opportunity to look at opposition to the borCoun. Rob Geier. “I’ve 50.Army 7. Refinement will come the portion of the land heard18.Deep, some residents rowing bylaw will be violet say 52.Wild try in the form of a loan from Kelow‘why don’t you let Keavailable at Lake Coun8. Cruisethat of is in excess of what blue 56.Adventurer we need for the corridor lowna20.Said have it.’yes Butto I don’t na which will be interest try municipal hall as well “Top Gun” Marco ____ free for three years withand have an opportunity see that as a solution. I as on its web site at okaplumthat 57.Golf gadget out any timeline to9.payAdoredtoone sell that land at whatthink21.Dried it’s important 10.Golf cry 24.Snatches 58.Sensitive back the loan. ever market value there is we have ownership of 11.Stew 26.Dinghy paddle 59.Small mark CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 17.Filch USE AMERICAN SPELLING 27.At what time? 60.Misstep AAP FROM A3


17.Hard trip 19.Small bed 22.Animal park 23.Female sheep 24.Grab 25.Fireproof material 26.Crooked 28.Amazement 29.Workout area 31.Lard 32.Wettest 34.Christmas tree

35.That girl’s 37.College housing 38.Zest 39.Grin broadly 40.Dividing preposition 41.Load 42.Teen trouble 43.Leg bone 44.Drenches 46.Clever

Copyright © 2014, Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Tennis points 5. Mommy deer 8. October’s stone 12.Piece of wood 13.Pen fluid 14.Set of three 15.Cat sigh 16.Infant’s problem 18.Chooses 20.Pauses 21.Excessively 22.None 23.Make law 26.Chinese skillet 27.Criticize 30.Clean

31.To’s opposite 32.Moist 33.Fade away 34.Salary 35.Sultan’s group of wives 36.Rewrite copy 38.Garnet, e.g. 39.Plains animal 41.Exceed 45.Begs 47.Yodeler’s feedback 48.Minute particle 49.Kettle’s kin 50.Prune 51.Peat ____ 52.What it takes to tango

53.Finger counts

DOWN 1. Dangerous snakes 2. Trace 3. ____ Grey tea 4. Limber up 5. Duplicate 6. Till bills 7. ____ out (make do) 8. Different 9. Captive 10.“____ We Got Fun” 11.Daily records



rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 24, 2014 A15


Wait lines down, costs up



wards. “There are things we Seabrook said wait will be looking at in the The district has only times would25, be signifi 2018 election and they THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2014 had polling stations in cantly reduced with poll- may change things for TSN CIVT in the CBC CHAN the wards once in nineCHBCing stations wards KIRO the better, we willSNP cer- KNOW KOMO #held $ but that %there would & be _ * ` municipal votes tainly be( looking at) doRachael Ray The Marilyn Christmas The Price Is that,” Rachael Ray NHL con- G. Shrinks Christmas :00 NBA since incorporation increased costs including ing Seabrook Basketball ” Denis Show Celebration Right ” Classics PAW Patrol Celebration 10 :30 or (elections by-eleccommunity halls THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2014 ” Ricardo X-renting MasterChef Snowman Young cluded. & Ricardo XMLB Special Jelly Jamm NBA :00 Canada: A Snowman Mas ” Bucket-Dino NBA 11 and :30 NBA tions) that was inMas additional election offi-Restless BC 1 News Holiday Salisbury KIRO News BC 1 News NHL PAW Patrol Basketball: :00 Basketball: TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW Thunder KOMO Thunder at BC 1 News Special ” ” BC 1 News Classics Kate and at 1996 while provincial cials, rental of addition12 :30 # $ % & _ ( ) * ` Spurs Days of our The Social 12 Songs of The Talk Days of our Plays of the Astroblast Spurs :00 elections do and1 federal al voting machines and newsroom Lives ” Christmas ” Lives Year Dragon ” :30 NBA ” Rachael Ray The Marilyn Christmas The Price Is Rachael Ray NHL G. Shrinks Christmas :00 provide polling in theThe additional advertising. Talk Dr. PhilShow Movie: The Talk NHL Curious Basketball ” Denis Celebration Let’s RightMake ” Classics PAW Patrol NBA Celebration 10:00 :30 NBA

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Judge Judy Two Men Judge Judy McCarthys

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Raising Stop Pain


Family Feud 90 Day Family Feud Fiance

A&E 1

Duck D. Duck D.

A&E 1


Law & Order: SVU Raising Family Feud Stop Pain Family Feud Family Feud Steve Family Feud Harvey Law & The Meredith Order: SVU Vieira Show Law & Name Game Order: SVU Name Game Family Feud Two Men Family Feud Mod Fam Steve Raising Big Bang Harvey Stop Pain Big Bang

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Miser The Flight Videos Brothers Before Boys Santa Christmas Movie:Claus Brothers Movie: “Blizzard” “Yogi’s Movie:” First Christmas” “Blizzard” ” ” Mr. Young Merry Funny Home Boys Christ-

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mas, Videos The Drake & Josh Boys Borrowers

Prince CBC News The National George ”” CBC News The The DiaNational mond ”Queen ” Salisbury The CBCNational News ”” CBC News Prince Harry The National at 30 ”” Politics of The National Politics of Polar ” Polar Bears Bears Prince The National George ” CBC CBC News News ”” The The National National ”” Prince PoliticsHarry of at 30 Polar Bears The National ”

The Meredith 90 Day Family Feud 90 Bones 90 Day Day Vieira ”Show Fiance Family Feud Fiance Fiance Name 90 Day Law & ”Game 90 90 Day Day Name ”Game Fiance Order: SVU Fiance Fiance Law & 90 Two Men 90 Day News 90 Day Day Order: SVU Fiance Mod Fiance Mod Fam Fam Fiance Family Feud 90 Day Big Bang 90 Day Mike 90 Day Family Feud Fiance Big Bang Fiance Mike Steve 90 Day Bones 90 Day Anger Paid Prog. Harvey Fiance ” Fiance Cougar Paid Prog. The Meredith 90 ” 90 Day Day Vieira ”Show Fiance Fiance Name News Game 90 90 Day Day Name Game Fiance Mod Fam Fiance Two Men 90 Day Mike 90 Day Mod Fiance MikeFam Fiance Big Bang 90 Day Anger Paid Prog. Big Bang Fiance Cougar Paid Prog. Bones 90 Day ” Fiance

The National Ice Lake ” Rebels


Duck D. Duck D. Dynasty

Duck Duck D. Dynasty Duck Duck D. Dynasty Duck Duck D. Wheel Kimmel Live Dynasty Duck Jeopardy! Duck D. Nightline Dynasty The Grinch Duck Movie: Dynasty

Miser Movie: Brothers “Blizzard” Santa ”Claus Brothers ” Movie: Mr. Young “Blizzard” Boys The ” Funny Home Borrowers Videos Boys

Duck Dynasty

Movie: “Blizzard”

Grinch Stole Plays of the Christmas” Year

Victorian Farm

Grinch Stole Duck D. Christmas” Duck

CHAN ( ET Canada

KNOW News KOMO Jimmy * `Live Bach Christ- Kimmel


Ice Ice Lake Lake Rebels Rebels Ice Ice Lake Lake Rebels Rebels Ice Ice Lake Lake Rebels Rebels Ice Lake Ice Lake Rebels Rebels Ice Ice Lake Lake Rebels Rebels Ice Lake Rebels


” ”

Big Bang Judge Family Guy Big Bang Judge Family Guy Browns Hot Bench Amer. Dad Payne Hot Bench Amer. Dad King Browns Jeffersons King Payne Break The Middle Mod Fam Movie: The Seinfeld “TheMiddle Secret Seinfeld Family of the Guy Mod Fam Family Guy Nutcracker”

Concert Dinosaur Call the MidAntiques Dinosaur wife Holiday World News Peg Plus Cat Special Business Peg Plus Cat Vicious

Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Browns Jeffersons Payne Break Browns Movie: Payne “The Secret Mod of theFam Seinfeld Nutcracker” Family Guy Family Guy

Concert Special Antiques Vicious World Carol News Business Burnett: The PBS Mark Twain NewsHour Prize Chef’s SacredLife JourHoliday neys-Bruce Call the Midwife Holiday

Hot the Elf: for Buddy’s Holidays Musical KING 5 ChristmasNews Rockefeller Nightly News KING News News Tonight News Show Evening Seth Meyers Murray-Xmas ”

90 Day Fiance

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Special Vicious

Elf: Buddy’s Musical




Dr. Phil cont’d CONTRIBUTED ” New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show Take a Hot for the Moment Holidays Days of our KING 5 Lives News Dr. Phil Nightly News ” News Ellen Today NewsDeGeneres Show cont’d Evening


Hot for the New Day Murray-Xmas Holidays Northwest ” KING Take a5 Elf: Buddy’s News Moment Musical Super ofNews our PBS Nightly Carol Why! Days ChristmasThomas NewsHour News Burnett: The Lives Rockefeller Lost Dr. Phil Chef’s Life News Mark Twain KING News Odd ” Holiday Evening PrizeSquad Tonight A Christmas Call the JourMid- Ellen Murray-Xmas Sacred ShowDeGeCarol: The neres Show wife Holiday ” neys-Bruce Seth Meyers

CBC News ”

Ice Lake Rebels

News Mod Fam

90 Day Fiance

Jeffersons Break

Carol ChristmasBurnett: The Rockefeller

A&E 1 Duck

Mr. Young Boys

YTV The 6

The National Ice Lake ” Rebels

NEWS 7of Politics

DISC 9 Ice Lake

Mike Mike

KAYU ; Anger

90 Day Fiance

TLC Paid< Prog.

Movie: “The Secret

WTBS A of the

Mark Twain Prize

KCTS N Sacred Jour-


The Doctors YearPre- mas Oratorio Nightline Rachael Ray the English G. Shrinks The View ” mier League PAW Patrol ”

Dynasty Dog Bounty Hunter

Borrowers Assembly Assembly

Polar Bears CBC News Now With

Rebels Buying the Buying the

Cougar Raising Paid Prog.

Paid Prog. Gypsy Wedding

Nutcracker” Divorce Divorce

neys-Bruce Sesame Street

Seth Meyers Today cont’d

Sugar Debt/Part

Soccer Matchday

Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 Bucket-Dino News

Dog Bounty Hunter

Assembly Assembly

Carole MacNeil

Buying the Buying the

Family Feud Gypsy Family Feud Wedding

Judge Judge

Dinosaur Dinosaur

New Day Northwest

Dog Dog

Ice Age: Dawn of the

CBC News Now With

Buying the Buying the

Law & Order: SVU

Gypsy Wedding

Hot Bench Hot Bench

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

Dog Dog

Dinosaurs Movie:

Andrew Nichols

Buying the Buying the

Law & Order: SVU

Gypsy Wedding

King King

Super Why! Thomas

Dog Bounty Dog Bounty Hunter Hunter Criminal Dog Bounty Minds Hunter Criminal Dog Minds Dog Criminal Dog Minds Dog Criminal Dog Bounty Minds Hunter Criminal Dog Bounty Minds Criminal Hunter Minds Criminal Dog Bounty Minds Criminal Hunter Minds Criminal Dog Minds Criminal Dog Minds Criminal Dog Minds Criminal Dog Minds Criminal Dog Bounty Minds Criminal Hunter

“Ice Age: Assembly Continental Assembly Drift” Assembly Movie: Assembly “Happy Ice Age: Feet” Dawn of the ” Dinosaurs ” Movie: Movie: “Ice Age: “Happy Feet Continental Two” Assembly Drift” ” Assembly Movie: Wipeout Assembly Canada “Happy Assembly Feet” Wipeout Ice Age: Canada ”of the Dawn ” Undercover Dinosaurs Max Movie: “Happy Feet Assembly “Ice Age: Boys Two” Continental

Power & CBC News Politics Now With ” Carole” MacNeil Amanda CBC Lang News Now With CBC News Andrew ” Nichols The National Power” & Politics CBC News News CBC ” Now With ” The National Carole ” Amanda MacNeil Lang The National CBC News ” CBC With News Now ” CBC News Andrew ” The National Nichols ” The National Power & ” CBC News Politics

Buying the Buying Buying the the Buying the Fat N FuBuying the rious: Rolling Buying the Fat N FuBuying the rious: Rolling Buying the Fat N FuBuying the rious: Rolling Buying the Fat N FuBuying the rious: Rolling Buying the Fat N FuBuying the rious: Rolling Fat N FuBuying the rious: Rolling Fat N FuBuying the rious: Rolling Fat N FuBuying the rious: Rolling Fat N FuBuying the rious: Rolling Fat N FuBuying the rious: Fat N Rolling FuBuying the rious: Rolling Fat N FuBuying the rious: Rolling Fat N FuBuying the rious: Rolling Fat N FuBuying the

Family Feud Gypsy Raising Family Feud Gypsy Wedding Paid Prog. Wedding Steve Gypsy Family Feud Gypsy Harvey Wedding Family Feud Wedding The Meredith Gypsy Law & Show Gypsy Vieira Wedding Order: SVU Wedding Name Game Say Yes:The Law & Game Gypsy Name Big Day Order: SVU Wedding Two Men Say Yes to Family Feud Gypsy Mod Fam the Dress: Family Feud Wedding Big Bang Borrowed Raising Gypsy Big Bang Borrowed Steve Gypsy Paid Prog. Wedding Harvey Wedding Ice AgeFeud Gypsy Say Yes to Family Burgers the Dress: The Meredith Gypsy Family Feud Wedding Vieira Show Wedding Glee Borrowed Law & Gypsy Borrowed Name ”Game Say Yes:The Order: SVU Wedding Name Game Big News SayDay Yes:The Law & Gypsy Mod Fam Big Day Two Men Say Yes to Order: SVU Wedding Mod Fam the Dress: Mike Gypsy Family Feud Gypsy Mike Wedding Big Bang Borrowed Family Feud Wedding

The Middle Divorce The Middle Divorce Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Hot Bench Big Bang Hot Bench Browns King Payne King Browns The Middle Payne The ModMiddle Fam Divorce Seinfeld Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Family Guy Judge Family Guy Big Bang Judge Big Bang Amer. Dad Hot Bench Amer. Dad Browns Hot Bench Payne Jeffersons King Break Browns King Payne Movie: The Middle “She’s the Mod Fam The Middle

Sesame St. Dr. Phil Sesame Odd Squad Today” Street cont’d Tales-Royal Ellen DeGeDinosaur Bedchamber New neresDay Show Dinosaur Northwest Fake or KING 5 Peg Plus Cat KING Fortune? News 5 Peg Plus Cat News World News KING 5 Super Why! Days Business Newsof our Thomas Lives PBS Nightly News Sesame St. Dr. Phil NewsHour News Odd Squad Washington News ” Sesame Today Charlie Rose cont’d Evening Tales-Royal Ellen DeGeStreet Bedchamber neres Show Politician’s Pushing Dinosaur New Day Husband Human Fake or KING 5 Toll Dinosaur Northwest Fortune? News DCI Plus Banks Dateline Peg Cat KING 5 ”News NBC 5 World KING Peg Plus Cat News Business News ” our Super ”Why! Days of Tales-Royal Lives PBS Nightly” News Thomas NewsHour News Bedchamber KING Sesame St. Dr. PhilNews Moveable Tonight Washington News Odd Squad ”

Lang The National rious: Fat N Rolling Fu” rious: Rolling CBC News Fat N Fu” rious: CBC News Fat N Rolling Fu” rious: Rolling The National Fat N Fu-

Vieira Glee Show Wedding Borrowed Borrowed Name ”Game Say Yes:The Name News Game Big SayDay Yes:The Mod Fam Big Day Two Men Say Yes to

Big Bang Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Browns Payne Jeffersons Break Browns

Fortune? News DCI Banks Dateline NBC 5 World ”News KING Business News ” ” Tales-Royal PBS Nightly” News

Mod MikeFam Mike Big Bang Big Bang Anger Cougar Ice Age Burgers

the Dress: Gypsy Wedding Borrowed Borrowed Paid Prog. PaidYes Prog. Say to the Dress:

Payne Movie: “She’s the Mod Fam Seinfeld Man” Family” Guy Family Guy

NewsHour Bedchamber Moveable Washington Charlie Carol Rose Burnett Politician’s Husband

News KING News Tonight News Evening Show Seth Meyers Pushing Human Toll

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

DCI Banks ”

Dateline NBC

War. Christmas

KING News Tonight

The Marilyn Denis Show

BC 1 News BC 1 News

Winter Wish CBC News KIRO News Surprise Marketplace ”

BC 1 News BC 1 News

English Premier

PAW Patrol Kate and

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Our Vancouver

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

League Soccer

Astroblast Dragon

The Talk Rachael ” Ray ” The Meredith Sugar Vieira Show Debt/Part Young & BC 1 News Restless BC 1 News Early News Days of our News Lives Global Nat. The Talk CHBC News ” Ent Rachael Ray ET TheCanada Meredith ” Vieira Show Movie: Sugar “Holiday Young & Debt/Part Restless Switch” BC 1 News ” Early BC 1 News News Food Days of our Fighters Global Lives Nat. CHBC News News CHBC The Talk Final Ent ”

Dr. Phil The View ” ” Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show The Dr. Oz Winter Wish Show Surprise etalk The Social etalk-Corner ” CTV News Dr. Phil Vancouver ” etalk-Music The View Spun Out Ellen DeGe” neres Show Movie: The Marilyn “The Help” The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show Winter” Wish etalk ” Surprise etalk-Corner ” The Social ”” CTV News Vancouver News-Lisa Dr. Phil News--11:30 etalk-Music ”

Steven and Bookaboo Chris Bo On/Go Republic of Heartland Doyle ” Dragons’ CBC News Den Marketplace CBC News Our ” Vancouver CBC News Steven and Coronation Chris CoronationBookaboo Rita and Me Republic of Bo On/Go Doyle Royal Heartland Variety Dragons’ ” Den Performance CBC News 2014 CBC News Marketplace ” The Our National ” CBC News Vancouver Coronation CBC News Steven and Salisbury CoronationChris

Let’s Make a The Price Is Deal Right Bold Young & ThisMinute Restless Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy ” KIRO News The Talk KIRO News ” KIRO News Let’s News Make a CBS Deal Ent The Price Is The BoldInsider Right ThisMinute Now That Young & Judge” Judy Restless Judge” Judy KIRO News Mom KIRO ”News KIROBloods News Blue The Talk KIRO ””News CBS News KIRO Newsa Let’s Make Late Ent Show Deal

The Talk Rachael ” Ray ” The Meredith Sugar Vieira Show Debt/Part Young & BC 1 News Restless BC 1 News Early News Days ofNat. our Global Lives News Hour The Talk ” ” Ent Rachael Ray ET TheCanada Meredith ” Vieira Show Movie: Sugar “Holiday Young & Debt/Part Restless Switch” BC 1 News ” Early News BC 1 News Global Nat. Food Days of our Fighters News Lives Hour ”Hour News The Talk Final Ent ”

Misplays English M. PreConnor mier League Sportsnet Soccer Central Matchday NHL Winter English Classic Premier English League Premier Soccer League Misplays Soccer Connor M. Sportsnet English PreCentral Sportsnet mier League Central NHL Top Soccer 100 NHL Winter Matchday Classic Misplays English of the Year English Premier Premier Sportsnet League Central League Soccer Soccer Sportsnet Misplays Central Sportsnet Connor M.

Central ET Sportsnet TheCanada Meredith Sportsnet The Doctors Central Vieira Show Central Movie: NHL Top “Holiday 100 Winter Young & NHL

Bucket-Dino G. Shrinks Curious PAW Patrol Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm Jamm Jelly Bucket-Dino The Gruffalo PAW Patrol Gruffalo Kate and Jack Astroblast Wild Kratts Dragon Secrets of Bucket-Dino Our Part Curious Coast G. Shrinks ” Dive, Patrol Olly PAW Jelly Jamm Cranford Jelly Jamm ” The Gruffalo Bucket-Dino Gruffalo The InspecPAW Patrol tor Lynley Jack Kate and Wild Kratts Mysteries Astroblast The World Secrets Dragon of of Our King Part Nat Bucket-Dino Cole Coast Curious

” Cranford Dive, Olly ” Jelly Jamm Cranford ” The Gruffalo

Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Steve Nightline Harvey Last Man Cristela KOMO 4

Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Minds Criminal

Happy” Feet Drift” Two Movie: Wipeout Canada “Happy

Restless Switch” ” Early News

Classic Misplays of the Year English

Gruffalo The Inspector Lynley Jack

News Shark Tank News ”

Minds Criminal Minds Criminal

Feet” Wipeout Canada ”

Global Food Nat. Fighters News Hour

Premier Sportsnet Central League Soccer Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central NHL Top 100

Wild Kratts World Mysteries 20/20 News The World Secrets of of KOMO” 4 Our Part News Nat King Cole Jimmy Coast Wheel ” Jeopardy! Cranford Kimmel Live ” Nightline Cranford Last Man ” Cristela

Minds Criminal Minds Criminal

News ”Hour Final Ent ET ET Canada Canada The Doctors Movie: “Holiday

Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds

” Undercover Max Movie: “Happy Feet Assembly Boys Two” Happy” Feet Two Wipeout Canada

” The National ” CBC News ” Amanda LangNational The ”

Criminal Minds

Wipeout Canada

The National Fat N FuGlee ” rious: Rolling ”

Borrowed Borrowed

Criminal Minds

Undercover Max

CBC News ”

Fat N FuNews rious: Rolling Mod Fam

Say Yes:The Jeffersons Big Day Break

TLC Gypsy Wedding <

WTBS Movie: “She’s the A

” Tales-Royal

KCTS Bedchamber Moveable N

KING KING News Tonight P

Happy Feet Rabbids Two Bread

Amanda CBC News Lang CBC News

Fat N FuAnger Dukes Paid Prog. rious: Rolling Cougar Dukes Paid Prog.

Paid Prog. Untold StoPaid Prog. ries of ER

Man” Nutcracker ” ”

Carol Wild Kratts Burnett Odd Squad

Show Gardening Seth Meyers Paid Prog.

Now With Christine

Dukes Dukes

Kids News Old House

Untold Stories of ER

Movie: “Disney’s A

30 Days to a Paid Prog. Younger Unstoppa-

Big Belly? Paid Prog.

Untold Stories of ER

Christmas Carol”

Heart-Masley ble: Best of Aging WSOF 2014

Untold Stories of ER

The Santa Clause 3:


Rita and ” Me Republic of Coronation Doyle Royal Variety Dragons’

The Insider Letterman Bold Ferguson ThisMinute Now That

Judge”Judy Hockey Show ” Den SportsCentre Restless Switch” Performance Judge”Judy ” ” 2014 News Mom News Hockey Early News etalk ” CBC KIRO ” News etalk-Corner ” KIRO News SportsCentre Food ” The National Blue Bloods ”” Fighters ” ” Global Nat. CTV News CBC News KIRO ”News ” CHBC News Vancouver Coronation CBS News SportsCentre News-Lisa CBC News KIRO News Final News--11:30 CoronationSalisbury Late Show ”” Ent etalk-Music Ent SportsCentre Out Rita and Insider SportsCentre ET ET Canada Canada Spun Big Bang ” Me The Letterman The Doctors Movie: Seth Meyers Royal Coronation Ferguson ”” Movie: Now That That’s Hcky “Holiday “The Help” Variety ”





The Chew ”

KNOW General KOMO Hospital * `

The Doctors The View ” ” Steve KOMO Harvey 4 News KOMO 4 The Chew News ” News General World News Hospital KOMO 4 The Doctors News ” Wheel The View Jeopardy! Steve ” Harvey Last Man KOMO 4 Cristela KOMO 4 News News Tank Shark The Chew News ”” World News 20/20 General KOMO” 4 Hospital News News The Doctors Jimmy Wheel”


SportsCentre Switch” ” ”

” ”

Performance ” 2014 Mom

Switch” ”

Misplays of the Year

The Inspector Lynley

SportsCentre Food ” Fighters

” ”

The National Blue Bloods ” ”

Food Fighters

Sportsnet Central

Mysteries 20/20 The World of ”

A&E Criminal Minds 1



” Amanda ” LangNational ” The ” Amanda


rious: Rolling Fat N N FuFuFat rious: Rolling rious: Fat N Rolling Furious: Rolling Fat N Fu-

rious: Fat N Rolling Furious: Rolling Fat N Furious: Fat N Rolling Furious: Rolling Fat N Furious: Rolling



Big Bang Anger Steve Cougar Harvey Ice Age Burgers The Meredith

Letterman We Need to Ferguson Talk

ET Canada Sportsnet Fish’n Sportsnet The Doctors Central Real Fishing Central

Cranford Wild Kratts ” Wild Kratts

It Is Written Doc Zone World Vision ”

College Football:

Powerboat Driving TV

NHL Winter Classic

Mister Maker Wildlife Docs Cont’d Martha World of X ”

Turtles Sanjay

” Noon News Sportscentre Hour

SportsCentre The Nature ” of Things

Hyundai Sun Noon News Bowl -Hour

Misplays NBA

Dogs/Jobs Dogs

Games College

Movie: “The Green

Movie: Birak “Happy Feet ”

Dukes Dukes

Hockey ”

Simpsons Simpsons

Corner Gas Corner Gas

Amanda Lang

Arizona State vs.

Basketball: Raptors at

The Hollow Tree

Football ”


Moonshiners Glee ” ”

” ” Hockey ” ” SportsCentre

Simpsons Anonymous Fish’n” Real Fishing ” Powerboat ” Driving ” TV

Junk Raiders ” SickKids Cash Cab Foundation Cash Cab It Is Written The Marilyn World Show Vision Denis

Dragons’ Duke Den ” Absolutely We Need The National Paid Canadian Talk Prog. Hockey Paid Doc Zone College NHL All In ” Football: Hockey: Sports Stars

CHAN Simpsons ( Anonymous

SNP Clippers ) ”

KNOW KOMO Blue Realm ” * ` ” ”


Fish’n” Real Fishing ” Powerboat ” Driving ” TV

Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Hockey

Born-Explore ” Sea Rescue ” Wildlife Docs College Foot World of X Our Heroes

Movie: Criminal “Apollo Minds 13”

NHL Winter NHL Classic Hockey:

Wild Kratts Sleeping Wild Kratts Tigers: Asahi Mister Maker Holiest Martha Places

Misplays Washington NBA Capitals at

Dogs/Jobs War. Dogs Christmas

Games War Movie: Solvers: Criminal College “The Stories MindsGreen

” Noon ”News Hockey Sportscentre Hour Nat. ” Global

SportsCentre The Nature The Social Detroit Red ” of Things etalk-Music Wings at

Hyundai Sun Noon ”News KIRO News Bowl -Hour Nat. KIRO News Global

Hockey ” ””

Simpsons News Hour Simpsons ”

Corner Gas CTV News Corner Gas Vancouver

Amanda Ottawa Lang Senators

Arizona CBS News State vs. KIRO News

”” Hockey SportsCentre ” ” ”” ” Sportscentre SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” ”” Hockey Sportscentre SportsCentre Hockey Hockey ”” ” ”” ””” ” SportsCentre ” ”” SportsCentre SportsCentre

16x9 Simpsons Fish’n ” Anonymous Real Fishing Movie:” Powerboat “Arctic ” Driving TV Blast” ” Noon ”News ” Hour Food ” Simpsons Fighters Global Nat. Simpsons News News Final Hour Simpsons Saturday ” Anonymous Night 16x9 Live ”” ”

W5 Junk Raiders SickKids ” Foundation Movie: Cash Cab It Is Written “Corner Cash Cab World Vision Gas: The The Marilyn SportsCentre Movie” Denis Show ” Saving Hope The Social Corner ” Gas etalk-Music Corner Gas News CTV News Junk Raiders News--11:30 Vancouver ” A Different W5 Cash Cab Loyalty ” Cash Cab

NHL Dragons’ Absolutely Hockey: Den Canadian Edmonton The National Doc Zone Oilers at Hockey ” Calgary NHL The Nature Flames Hockey: of Things Post Show Detroit Red Amanda News Wings at Lang Republic Ottawa of Dragons’ Doyle Senators Den Dragons’ NHL The National Den Hockey: Hockey

Steve Duke Raible We Need to The Insider ” Talk Hawaii FivePaid Prog. College 0 Paid Prog. Football: 48 All Hours In Hyundai Sun Sports” Stars Bowl -48 Hours KIRO News Arizona ” KIRO News State vs. KIRO News CBS News Duke Scandal KIRO News ” Steve ”Raible Paid Prog. Ent The Insider Paid Prog.

CHAN Simpsons News Hour Simpsons ” (

16x9 Simpsons Fish’n ” Anonymous Real Fishing Movie:” Powerboat “Arctic ” Driving TV Blast” ” Noon News ”” Hour Food ” Simpsons Fighters Global Nat. Simpsons News News Final Hour Simpsons Saturday ” Anonymous Night 16x9 Live ” ” ”

SNP Basketball: Pittsburgh Raptors at Penguins )

NHL Clippers Sportsnet Hockey: ” Central Sharks at Sportsnet NHL Winter Kings Hockey Classic ” NHL Misplays Sportsnet Hockey: NBA Sportsnet Washington Basketball: Central Capitals at Raptors at Sportsnet Pittsburgh Clippers Central Penguins ” Sportsnet NHL Sportsnet Central Hockey: Hockey

KNOW KOMO The Hollow Football Coast Salish KOMO 4 Tree Knitters News ” * `

Grizzly Blue Realm Wild Kratts Cauldron ” Wild Kratts Heartbeat Sleeping Mister ” Tigers:Maker Asahi Martha A Touch of Holiest Dogs/Jobs Frost Places Dogs War. ” The Hollow ” Christmas Tree Waterfront Coast Salish Blue Realm Cities Knitters ” A Touch of Grizzly Sleeping Frost Cauldron Tigers: Asahi

Wheel” Born-Explore Jeopardy! ” Sea Rescue Movie:” Wildlife “Norbit” ” Docs World of X ” Foot College Games ” Our Heroes College 20/20 Solvers: War Football ” Stories ” News KOMO 4 ” Castle News ” Wheel” ” Burn Notice Jeopardy! ”

” A&E ” 1 ”

Cont’d Criminal Minds”

A&E Mile” Criminal Minds” 1

Criminal ” Movie: Minds” “Apollo 13” Criminal Cont’d Minds ” Criminal Movie: Minds Minds “The Green Criminal Criminal Mile” Minds Minds ” Criminal Criminal Minds” Minds ” Criminal Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Minds

NEWS The National ” 7


KIRO News Late Show

Kimmel Live Criminal Born-Explore Movie: Nightline Minds Sea Rescue “Apollo 13”

YTV Assembly Boys 6


SportsCentre ET Canada Big Bang ” Hockey Fish’n SickKids Absolutely ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation ” Real Fishing Foundation Canadian

Simpsons Simpsons

KNOW News KOMO Nat King Cole* Jimmy `

A&E 1


SportsCentre CHBC News News-Lisa CBC News ” Final News--11:30 Salisbury

Powerboat Driving TV

SNP Sportsnet Central )

Shark Tank ”

A&E 1

CHAN News Hour Final (

”” ” Hockey

Lost Street Odd Squad Dinosaur A Christmas Dinosaur Carol: The Peg Plus Cat Concert Peg Plus Cat Antiques Super Why! World News Thomas Business Lost PBS Odd Squad NewsHour A Christmas Sesame Chef’s Life Carol: The Street Holiday

Dynasty Duck D.

SNP ) of Misplays

News NHL Make a Wish Classics

” ”


The Middle Divorce The Middle Judge Seinfeld Judge Mod Fam Hot Bench Big Bang Hot Bench Big Bang King Browns King Payne The Middle Browns The Middle Payne Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Mod Fam Divorce Seinfeld

Sugar Debt/Part

SportsCentre The ET Canada Canada Spun Out SportsCentre Bang SportsCentre ET Meredith Big Ellen DeGe”” The Doctors Meyers Vieira Show Seth neres Show Movie: Movie: That’s Hcky “Holiday “The Help” TBA Young & The Dr. Oz

” ”


90 Day Fiance

Jaws Strikes Back Shark of Sharksanity Darkness ” SharkagedIce donLake Rebels Monster Ice Lake Hammer Rebels Jaws Strikes Ice Lake Back Rebels Sharksanity Ice Lake ” Rebels Ice Shark of Ice Lake Lake Rebels Darkness Rebels

Miami Heat “Dr. Seuss’ NBA How the KOMO 4 Grinch Stole News Christmas” Problem SolNews vers Special Jimmy

“Dr. Seuss’ How the


Law & Order: SVU

Salisbury ” Salisbury CBC News ” ” CBC News Politics ” of Polar Bears The DiaPrince mond Queen George Salisbury CBC News ” ” CBC News The National ” ” Politics of Salisbury Prince Harry Polar Bears ” at 30

Kate and Victorian Magic Farm Bus

Victorian Farm


The DiaMonster mond Queen Hammer

“Yogi’s First Christmas” Christmas ” That Almost Merry ChristThe Flight mas, Drake Before & Josh Christmas Miser Movie: Brothers “Yogi’s First Santa Claus Christmas” Brothers ” Movie: Merry Christ“Blizzard” mas, Drake Christmas ” & Josh That Almost Funny Home

Duck Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Duck D. Dynasty Dynasty Duck Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Duck D. Dynasty

Jean B. NHL Count


90 Day Fiance

Christmas Movie:

Spurs Problem SolGrinch Stole ” vers Special Christmas” Curious NBA Tudor MonWheel War. News George astery Farm Basketball: Jeopardy! Christmas Jimmy Dive, Olly Victorian The Grinch Bach Christ- Cleveland Kimmel Live PAW Patrol Cavaliers at FarmOratorio Movie: mas Nightline

“Dr. Seuss’ How the

Young & Restless

Hockey ”

Shark of Darkness

CBC News ”

Two Men McCarthys

Letterman Ferguson The Price Is Right


Salisbury ”

Ent Letterman The Insider Ferguson Big Bang Mom

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Stone” The Doctors SethView Meyers Bookaboo ” Rachael Ray The ” ” Bo On/Go


The Flight Before

Jack Victorian Wild FarmKratts Christmas War. Dinner Christmas Tudor MonBach Christastery Farm mas Oratorio Victorian Farm

The National Elementary ” ”

Heartland ”

Astroblast Christmas Victorian Dragon Dinner Farm


Christmas That Almost

NHL PlaysTop of the 100 Year Plays of the NHL Year Classics MLB Special Misplays of ” the Year NHL Classics

KIRO News Late Show

” ”

TheCanada Meredith Misplays of Elf on NHL ET Misplays of Vieira Show the Month Movie: Classics The Doctors the Year Young & NHL “Dr. Seuss’ Jean B. Restless Classics How the NHL Count



Duck D. Duck D.

Global Grinch News Stole Global Nat. Christmas” News Hour News Make Make a a Wish Wish Johnny Reid ET Canada ” The Doctors The Elf on Movie:

Sportscentre News News-Lisa Movie: ” Make a Wish News--11:30 “The Family

” E:60 cont’d 30 for 30



Duck D. Duck D.

Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck Classics George Basketball: Duck D. MLB Special Jelly Jamm NBA Duck D. Misplays of Dive, Olly Cleveland Duck D. ” Bucket-Dino NBA Duck D. the Month PAW Patrol Cavaliers at Duck D. NHL PAW Patrol Basketball: Duck D. NHL Kate and Miami Heat Duck D. Classics Kate and Thunder at Duck D. Classics Magic Bus NBA Duck D. Plays of the Astroblast Spurs Duck D. NHL Top Jack KOMO 4 Duck Year Dragon ” Duck D. 100 Wild Kratts News Dynasty NHL Curious NBA Duck D. Plays of the Christmas Problem Sol- Duck D. Classics George Basketball: Duck D. Year Dinner vers Special Duck Misplays of G. Dive, Olly Cleveland NHL Shrinks Duck D. MLB Special Tudor Mon- Christmas Wheel Dynasty the Month Cavaliers at Duck Classics PAW ” asteryPatrol Farm Celebration Jeopardy! Duck D. D. NHL Kate and Miami Heat Duck MLB Jamm NBA NHL Special Jelly Victorian The Grinch Duck D. Classics Magic Bus ” Bucket-Dino NBA Duck D. Classics Farm Movie: Dynasty Jack Patrol Basketball: KOMO 4 NHL PAW Duck Jean Top B. Victorian “Dr. Seuss’ Duck D. 100 Count Kate Wild Kratts Newsthe at Dynasty Classics and Thunder Duck D. NHL Farm How Dynasty

Basketball: ” Cleveland NBA Cavaliers at Basketball: Miami Heat Thunder at ” Spurs NBA ” Basketball: NBA Lakers at Basketball: Bulls Cleveland NBA ” Cavaliers at Basketball NBA


A&E 1

chief election officer Reyna Seabrook at a table of scrutineers during this past November’s WTBS KCTScivicKING ChangesP in the Aelection. N Divorce process Sesame Today to vote in Lake Divorce Street cont’d are being Judge Country Dinosaur New Day Judge Dinosaur Northwest investigated for the next Hot Bench Plus Cat Take a WTBS Peg KCTS KING Hot Bench Peg Plus Cat Moment municipal election in N P KingA Super Why! Days of our King Thomas Lives 2018. Divorce Sesame Today

” ”

DISC Mike KAYU Fat N Furious: Rolling Mike; 9



Borrowed Paid Prog. Gypsy PaidYes Prog. Wedding Say to the Dress: Gypsy



Seinfeld Man” Seinfeld ” Guy Mod Fam Family Family Guy Big Bang


Days of our Lives




Charlie Carol Rose Tales-Royal Burnett Bedchamber Politician’s Husband Fake or

Evening ShowDeGeEllen Seth Meyers neres Show Pushing Human KING 5 Toll

” ”

Red Bull Signature

” YTV Thunder 6 Thunder

NEWS DISC KAYU The National Moonshiners Glee 7 9 ; Issue ” ”

TLC Untold Sto< ries of ER

WTBS BrainKCTS The Escape ChangeA N Clause Perlmutter

Rabbids Thunder Bread Thunder Turtles Hathaways Sanjay Hathaways

CBC News Dukes The National Moonshiners CBC News Dukes” Mansbridge Now Dukes CBC With News Moonshiners Christine Dukes” ”

Paid Prog. Raising Paid How Prog. I Met Kids Mod News Fam Old TwoHouse Men

Untold Untold StoStories ries of of ER ER Untold Untold StoStories of ER

Nutcracker First Family ” Box Office Movie: Community “Disney’s A Community

Series ” Wild Kratts A Chef’s Life Gardening Tree Fu Tom Odd Squad Prog. A Chef’s Life Paid LazyTown 30 Days to a Paid Prog. A Chef’s Life Biz Kid$ Younger A Chef’s Life UnstoppaKids News

Dukes Moonshiners Big HowBelly? I Met Dukes” Paid Mike Prog.

Untold Stories of ER

Christmas The Middle Carol” The Middle

Heart-Masley ble: Best Real Rail KING 5 of Aging Adventures WSOF News 2014

Movie: Birak Hathaways the fifth “Happy Feet estate” Hathaways

YTV Two” Movie: “Hotel”for 6

Dogs” Thunder Rabbids ” Thunder Bread Movie: Thunder Turtles “Dolphin Thunder Sanjay Tale” Hathaways Movie: ” Hathaways “Happy Feet ” Hathaways Two” Boys Hathaways ” Haunting Movie: Thunder Haunting “Hotel for Thunder Dolphin Tale Dogs” Thunder ”” Thunder

NEWS DISC Glee KAYU ” Moonshiners The National Two Men ” ” ” Marketplace Big Bang 7 9 ;

AfterNational the The CBC News Wave-Issue CBC News Tsunami The National Now IssueWith Mansbridge Christine The CBCNational News Birak Mansbridge ” ” After the the fifth ” Wave-estate ” Tsunami The National The National Issue Marketplace Issue The National After the The National Mansbridge Wave-Mansbridge

Moonshiners Dukes” Dukes Dukes Moonshiners Dukes Dukes” Dukes Dukes Moonshiners Dukes Dukes” Dukes Dukes Moonshiners Moonshiners Dukes” ” Game of Moonshiners Moonshiners Stones ” ” Game of Moonshiners Moonshiners Stones ” ”

Two Men Glee Paid Prog. Big Bang ” Paid Prog. Bones Raising Kids News How I ”Met Old House Sleepy Mod Fam Big Belly? Hollow Two Men Paid Prog. NewsI Met How Glee Wanted Mike ” Animation Two Men Glee Domination Big Bang ” Bones Two Men Raising ” Big Bang How I Met

TLC Untold StoCraziest ries of ER Cases <

Sex Sent Me Untold StoUntold Stoto the ries of E.R. ER ries of ER Sex Sent Me Untold StoUntold Stoto the ries of E.R. ER ries of ER Craziest Untold StoUntold StoCases ries of ER ries of ER Sex Sent Me Untold StoUntold Stoto the E.R. ries of ER ries of ER Untold StoCraziest Untold ries of StoER Cases ries of ER Peter Popoff Sex Sent Me Untold StoPaid Prog. to the E.R. ries of ER

WTBS The Santa Movie: Clause “Nothing A3:

Like Escape the The Nutcracker Holidays” Clause ” Family Guy First Family Movie: Family Guy Box Office “Disney’s A Seinfeld Community Christmas Seinfeld Community Carol” KingMiddle The The KingSanta The Middle Clause 3: Movie: Movie: The Escape “Dreamer: “Nothing Clause Inspired Like the by a First TrueFamily Story” Holidays” Box Office




Backwards Weekend BrainNews

Red BullNews Nightly Signature KING News

Railway ChangeWild Kratts Journeys Perlmutter Odd Squad Robin A Chef’s Life 30 Days a Williams A Chef’s to Life Younger Joan Rivers: A Chef’s Life Heart-Masley A Chef’s Piece Life A Aging ” Real Rail Backwards Ellen DeGeAdventures Brainneres: Mark Weekend ChangeTwain Prize News Perlmutter Call the MidRailway A Chef’s Life wife Holiday Journeys A Chef’s Life

Traveler Series Gardening Backroads ” Paid Prog. WWEFu Tom Tree Paid Prog. Tribute LazyTown UnstoppaLawKid$ & Biz ble: Best of Order: SVU Kids News WSOF 2014 Saturday KING 5 Red Bull Night Live News Signature KING News Nightly News Series Saturday KING News ” Night Live Traveler Tree Fu ” Tom Backroads LazyTown

3 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2014 5 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 6 :00 :30 1 :30 :00 # $ % & _ :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 10 :00 8 :30 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 9 4 :00 :30 12 :00 10 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 1 11 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 12 7 :00 :30 :00 3 8 :30 :30 :00 :00 4 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 7 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2014 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 10 :00 :30 # $ % & _ 11 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2014 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 :00 3 :30 10 4 :00 11 :30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2014 5 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 6 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :30 7 :00 :00 :00 3 :30 8 10 :30 :00 4 :30 9 :00 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 12 :30 :00 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 1 :30 :00 :00 7 :00 :30 12 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 :30 3 :00 :00 9 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 8 :00 :30 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2014 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 10 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 11 :30 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2014 :00 12 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :30 # $ % & _ :00 2 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 5 :00 :30 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2014 1 :30 :00 6 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :30 :00 7 :00 :30 # $ % & _ 3 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 :30 :00 10 4 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 11 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 1 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 2 8 :30 :00 3 9 :30 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 4 :00 :30 10 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 11 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 6 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 11 8 :00 :30 12 :00 1 9 :30 2 :00 10 :30 :00 3 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 12 :30 5 :00 :30 6 :00 :30 7 :00 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 ”

Nick and Block


Movie Coronation-

Nick and Block Lorna Dueck Norah’s Infinite Joel Osteen Paid Prog. Playlist

Central EPL Soccer Matchday NHL Classics English Premier Plays of the

Tree Kratts Wild Little Prince Victorian FarmPrince Little Annedroids The World

” Rescue Outback Cancer ” Paid Prog. Paid NewsProg.

Infinite Joel Osteen Paid Prog. Playlist

Cash Cab Teams TBA

Mr. D Our Vancouver Movie:

“Ratatouille” ” City Land & Sea Kansas Mansbridge Chiefs ” CBS News ” KIRO ”News Absolutely Vancouver Paid Prog. ” 60 Minutes

GlobalNews Nat. Noon Hour News Hour

Year League Soccer NBA

” Ice Pilots NWT Clubland-

Basketball: Misplays NHL Count Raptors at

After Sto. Animals Animals Architects of Change Sleeping Tigers: Asahi Continents

World News Storage Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Storage KOMO 4 Storage News The Three Storage Stooges Storage Funny Home Storage

“Shrek the Undercover Cook’d Third”

River ” Queen, Wife Shackleton Monsters Birak ” The National River ” Monsters ”” Shackleton ” Tsunami: On River ”

” Football: Teams TBA NFL SocialFootball: ” Gossip ” Teams Stars- TBA ” Scandals Cash Cab ” CSI: Crime ” First Story Scene Steele NFL NewsOverrun NFL CTV News News--11:30 Vancouver Football: Castle Saving” TBA Hope Teams ” ” Social” Gossip ” StarsCash Cab Scandals First Story CSI: Crime Steele Scene CTV News News Vancouver News--11:30 Saving Hope Castle” ” SocialGossip

Skate of Force Nature: The CoronationMovie: Rita and Me David Suzuki “Happy Movie Our Feet” Vancouver Backstage ” Mr. D & Sea Land The National Mansbridge Movie:” “Ratatouille” Absolutely CBC News Vancouver ” the fifth ” Force estate of ” The Nature: Canadian Skate David Suzuki Movie: Movie “Happy Backstage Feet” Mr. D ” Movie: The National “Ratatouille” ” ” CBC News ” the fifth ” estate Skate Canadian Movie: “Happy

” Innovation Dr. Chris-Vet NFL Undercover Football: Dr. Chris-Vet Boss Changers San The Diego Chargers Changers Mentalist at Pets.TV Kansas City CSI: Crime Chiefs KIRO SceneNews ” KIRO ”News Paid CBS News KIROProg. News KIRO News Innovation Face/Nation 60 Minutes Dr. Chris-Vet Scandal ” Dr. Chris-Vet Undercover Changers Boss Changers The Pets.TV Mentalist KIRO News CSI: Crime ” Scene CBS News KIRO KIRO News News KIRO News 60 Minutes Face/Nation ” Scandal Undercover Boss

Club Scene Simpsons Simpsons Block Simpsons Lorna Dueck Simpsons Mulaney Nick and Joel Osteen Bad Judge Paid Prog. Norah’s Bad Judge InfiniteNews Noon Food Hour Playlist Fighters Global Nat. Ice Pilots News Final NWT News Block Hour ” Simpsons Paid Prog. ClublandSimpsons Paid Prog. Club Scene Simpsons Simpsons Nick and Mulaney Norah’s Bad Judge Infinite Bad Judge Playlist Food Global Nat. Fighters News Hour News ”Final Block ClublandPaid Club Prog. Scene Paid Prog. Simpsons Mulaney

Nuggets of Misplays the Year EPL Soccer ” Matchday Sportsnet Central English Central Premier NHL Count Classics League Sportsnet Soccer Plays of the Central Year Misplays Sportsnet NHL Count NBA Central Basketball: Misplays Sportsnetof Raptors the Yearat Central Nuggets Sportsnet ” Central Sportsnet NHL Central Classics NHL Count Plays of the Sportsnet Year Central NBA Sportsnet Basketball: Central Raptors at Sportsnet Nuggets Central ” Sportsnet

Collide of Secrets Our Part Wild Kratts Poirot LittleHollow Prince The ” Tree Little Prince ” Annedroids Victorian ” Farm Animals The Fairytale Animals The World Castles After Sto. Sleeping Grizzly Tigers: Asahi Architects of Cauldron Change Secrets Poirot of Continents Our Part ” Collide The Hollow Poirot Tree ” Victorian Farm ” ” The World The AfterFairytale Sto. Castles Architects of Grizzly Change Cauldron Continents Poirot Collide ” Poirot ”

Storage 2014 Storage Rescue To Be Revenge Storage Outback Announced ” Storage ” Storage Paid Prog. Storage Revenge Storage Paid Prog. Storage Cancer ” Storage ” Storage Paid Prog. Storage Revenge Storage Paid Storage NewsProg. ” Storage World News Storage Storage The Three News Storage Stooges Storage KOMO Castle 4 Storage News Storage The Year: Storage ” Funny Home Storage 2014 Burn Notice Videos Storage ” Storage Revenge ” Storage ” Storage Cancer Storage Revenge Storage ” Storage ” Storage News Storage Revenge World News Storage Storage ” Storage KOMO 4 Storage News Storage News Storage Castle Storage Funny Home Storage ” Storage Videos Storage Burn Notice Storage Revenge Storage ” Storage

Movie:” “Shark Max Chucks Hathaways Tale” Undercover ” Hathaways 4Count Thunder Hoodwinked Max Too! Hood Thunder Mr. Young 4Count vs. Evil Boys ” Undercover Haunting Cook’d Movie: Haunting “Shrek the Movie: Shrek the Third” “Shark Third ” Tale” Chucks ” Undercover Hoodwinked 4Count Too! Hood Max vs. Evil Mr. Young ” Boys Movie: Haunting “Shrek the Haunting Third” Shrek ”the Third Chucks Undercover

Camera CBC News ” CBC CBC News News CBC News Prince ” Harry at 30 With Now The National Christine the fifth ” estate Birak Tsunami: On ” Elizabeth: Camera Queen, ” Wife CBC News ”” The National ” CBC News The National Tsunami: On ”” Camera Prince Harry CBC at 30 News ” the fifth The National estate ” Elizabeth: Tsunami: On Queen, Wife Camera The National CBC News ” ” Tsunami: On The National Camera ” CBC News ”

” Bad Judge SportsCentre Bad Judge



The Mentalist

Bad Judge Bad Judge

Central NHL Count

Storage Storage

4Count Max

The National River ” Monsters

Family Guy Burgers

TLC Sea” sons of Love The Closer

Masterpiece KING 5 Classic News

SportsCentre Food ” Fighters

CSI: Crime Scene

The National CSI: Crime ” Scene

Food Fighters

Sportsnet Central

YTV 6 Haunting

Tsunami: On River Camera Monsters


DISC 9 River

News Paid Prog.

KAYU Paid; Prog.

90 Day Fiance

TLC < 90 Day

” WTBS Movie: A “Paul Blart:

” KCTS ” N The Road to

Dateline NBC

CBC News the fifth Bookaboo Bo On/Go estate Canadian Heartland ”

A&E 1 Storage

Mr. Young Boys

News News--11:30 The View Castle” ” The Marilyn Denis Show

KNOW KOMO * ` Grizzly News

Storage Storage

News Final Block Rachael Ray ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Sugar Debt/Part

SNP ) Sportsnet

The Fairytale Revenge Castles ”

SportsCentre ” Hockey ” SportsCentre ”” ”

CHAN ( News Final Block Rachael Ray ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Sugar Debt/Part

Central Plays of the Year Sportsnet Central Premier League

Cauldron G. Shrinks PAW Patrol Poirot ” Jelly Jamm Bucket-Dino

Castle The View ” Burn Notice KOMO 4 News

Storage CSI: Miami ” Storage Storage Criminal Minds

Haunting Nicky, Ricky Nicky, the Ricky Shrek Third Nicky, Ricky Nicky, Ricky

” CBC News NowNational With The Carole” MacNeil

Monsters Brave New World River Monsters 747: Definitive

Anger Raising Paid Prog. Cougar Raising Family Feud Family Feud

Fiance 19 Kids 19 Kids Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 19 Kids 19 Kids

Mall Cop” Divorce Divorce ” There Judge Yet? Judge

Fame Sesame Streetand Front Center Dinosaur Dinosaur

The 206 Today cont’d Bensinger Paid New Prog. Day Northwest

” That’s Hcky

Noon News Hour

CTV News Vancouver

CBC News KIRO News Marketplace ”

Noon News Hour

Darts Misplays

PAW Patrol Kate and

The Chew ”

Criminal Minds

Nicky, Ricky CBC News Movie: Now With

Guide ”

Law & Order: SVU

Medium Medium

Hot Bench Hot Bench

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

Hockey ”

Days of our Lives

The Social ”

Our Vancouver

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Party Poker ”

Astroblast Dragon


The First 48 ”

“Shrek the Third”

Law & Order: SVU

Say Yes Say Yes

King King

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

NHL Classics

Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First 48 Curious ” ”

YTV ” 6 Cats &

Diana Swain Redwood ” Kings

The Talk ”

Power & Politics

Redwood Kings

Family Feud Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes

The Middle The Middle

Sesame St. Odd Squad

Dr. Phil ”

Ellen DeGeToday neres Show cont’d

Lorna Dueck Football: Rita A16 and Me :30 Football Norah’s ” Backstage :00 Football: NFL

Night TBA Teams NFL ”

NFL ” Football: ”

” First Story CHBCNews News Steele” Noon Hour ” Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News NFL Vancouver Ice Pilots Overrun NWT NFL ClublandSaving Hope

” TBA Teams NFL ”” Football: ” SportsCentre ” TBA Teams ” ” Football SportsCentre Night ” SportsCentre NFL ”” Football: NFL SportsCentre Football: Teams ” TBA ” Teams TBA SportsCentre ” ” ” ” SportsCentre Football Night ” SportsCentre NFL SportsCentre Football: ” Teams TBA SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre

Club Scene Simpsons Simpsons Block Simpsons Lorna Dueck Simpsons Mulaney Nick Osteen and Joel Bad Judge Paid Prog. Norah’s Bad Judge InfiniteNews Noon Food Hour Playlist Fighters CHBC News Ice Pilots News Final NWT Global Block Nat. CHBC News Simpsons Paid Prog. ClublandSimpsons Paid Prog. Club Scene Simpsons Simpsons Nick and Mulaney Norah’s Bad Judge Infinite Bad Judge Playlist Food CHBC News Fighters Global Nat. News CHBCFinal News Block ClublandPaid Club Prog. Scene Paid Prog. Simpsons Mulaney

Football: ” ” TBA Teams

” ”

Changers NFL Football: Changers Pets.TV San Diego Chargers at KIRO News

KIRO News KIRO News The Price Is Right Face/Nation Scandal Young & Restless





KNOW KOMO * ` Videos The Year:

” ”

Revenge ”

KNOW Hospital KOMO * `

Storage To Be Announced Storage Storage Storage Storage

A&E 1

A&E 1

Max ” Hathaways Hoodwinked Too! Hood Hathaways Thunder vs. Evil

” Thunder 4Count Movie:


at 30 News CBC CBC News the fifth estate Now With Christine Elizabeth:



Monsters Bear Grylls:

Seattle NFL

Fiance 90 Day

Big Bang Buddy

” Sid Science

Noodle Legends

Monsters Shackleton

The OTLions 90 Fiance Detroit Day at Green Fiance Paid Prog. 90 Day Livin’Packers Dream 90 Fiance Bay Day Fiance Trout ”TV 90 Day

Big Bang Movie: “Shrek” Mod Fam

” McLaughlin IN Close Make Me

Night in Goal League Zone America

Mod Fam ” Movie:”

” Buildings Changed Weekend

NFL Adventure Sports Football:

Simpsons ” NFL Name Game Empire First Football: St. Louis NFL Simpsons Football: Rams at Brooklyn Seattle Detroit Family Lions Guy at Green Seahawks Burgers The OT Bay Packers News ” Paid Paid Prog. Prog. Livin’ Dream ” Paid Prog. NFL Trout AngerTV Simpsons Football: Cougar Name Game St. Louis Raising Empire First Rams at Simpsons Seattle Brooklyn Seahawks Family The OTGuy Burgers Paid Prog. News Livin’ Dream Paid Prog. Trout TV Paid Prog. Simpsons Anger Name Game Cougar Empire First Raising Simpsons Brooklyn

“Miracle” Movie: “Shrek” 2”

Moyers Portman Fleeced Real Rail

Teams TBA Action Sports”

Buddy”” ” Big TheBang Closer Big Bang Movie: ” “Shrek” Big TheBang Closer Big Bang ”” ” Mod Fam Movie: Mod Fam Movie: “Paul Blart: “Shrek 2” Movie: Mall Cop” “Miracle” ”” There”Yet? ” Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Mod Fam ” Mod Fam Movie: Movie: “Paul Blart: “Miracle” Mall Cop” ” ”” There Yet? ” The Closer

Adventures Money ” Sid LostScience Odd Squad Make Me Treasure ” McLaughlin Masterpiece IN Close Make Me Classic ” Buildings ” Changed Make Me ” ” Portman The Road to Fleeced Weekend Fame Moyers Money Front and Real Rail ” Center Adventures Make Me Lost ” Treasure Make Me Masterpiece ” Classic Make Me ”” ” Weekend The Road to Moyers Fame Real Rail Front and Adventures Center Lost Treasure

” Equestrian ” Legends ” Premier Poppy Cat 5th Quarter Noodle League KING 5 Goal Zone Football News Night in Adventure Dateline Sports America NBC NFL Action KING News Sports Football: The 206 Teams TBA Equestrian Bensinger ” Paid Prog. ” Poppy Cat ” Noodle 5th Quarter Football KING 5 Night in News America Dateline NFL NBC Football: KING TeamsNews TBA The 206 ” Bensinger ” Paid Prog. ” 5th Quarter

Football: Fiance ”LakeOdd Squad Premier L Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Country Calendar River ” Seahawks 90 Day Big Bang Make Me Football


Monsters Shackleton ” Bear RiverGrylls: ” River Monsters Monsters Shackleton River ” River Monsters Monsters Shackleton River ” River Monsters Monsters Shackleton River ” River Monsters Monsters Shackleton River River ” Monsters Monsters River River Monsters Monsters River River Monsters Monsters River River Monsters Monsters River River Monsters Monsters River River Monsters Monsters River Monsters





Fiance 90 Day Fiance TLC Sea-

sons of Love 90 Day Fiance 90 90 Day Day Fiance 90 Day Fiance Fiance 90 Day TLC SeaFiance 90 Day sons of Love Fiance 90 90 Day Day Fiance 90 Day Fiance Fiance 90 90 Day Day Fiance 90 Day Fiance Fiance 90 Day Paid Prog. TLC Fiance Paid SeaProg. sons of Love 90 Day 90 Day Fiance Fiance 90 Day TLC SeaFiance sons of Love 90 Day 90 Day Fiance Fiance 90 Day 90 Day Fiance Fiance TLC SeaPaid sons Prog. of Love Paid Prog. 90 Day Fiance








” The Meredith EllenView DeGe- Bookaboo Republic of Hockey Rachael Ray The SportsCentre Vieira ”Show neres ”Show Bo Doyle ” On/Go

BoldPrice Is The ThisMinute Right

The Meredith Sportsnet Rachael Ray Plays of the Vieira ”Show Year Central

Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Jelly Jamm PAW Patrol

Steve The View Harvey ”

The First 48 CSI: Miami ”

Dogs: Kitty ” Nicky, Ricky CBC News GaloreRicky Now With ” Nicky,

Redwood Brave New Kings World

Steve Raising Harvey Paid Prog.

Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Divorce

Make Me Sesame Street ”

Hockey ” Hockey ”

Young & Sugar Restless Debt/Part

Dr. Oz The Marilyn Show Show Denis

Dragons’ Heartland Den ”

Judge Judy Young & Judge Judy Restless

Young & Sugar Restless Debt/Part

NHL Premier Hockey: League

Kate Jamm and Jelly KOMO 4 Magic Bus Bucket-Dino News

The First 48 Criminal Minds ”

Movie:Ricky Carole Amanda Nicky, “Looney Lang Nicky, Ricky MacNeil

Redwood 747: Kings Definitive

The Meredith To Kids Be Family Feud 19 Vieira Show Announced Family Feud 19 Kids

Big Bang Judge Big Bang Judge

Guts-Michael New KINGDay 5 Dinosaur ” News Dinosaur Northwest

Hockey ” That’s”Hcky

News News Noon Hour ”

CTV News Vancouver

CBC News KIRO News ” KIRO ”News Marketplace

Early News Noon Global Nat. Hour

Red Wings Darts at Bruins Misplays

Jack Patrol PAW Wild Kratts Kate and

Tunes:Ricky Back CBC CBC News News Nicky, in Action” ” Movie: Now With

Redwood Guide Kings ”

Name ” Law & Game Medium Name Game ” Order: SVU Medium

Browns Hot Bench Payne Hot Bench

World News KING 5 5 Peg Plus Cat KING Business News Peg Plus Cat News

Hockey ” ”

Days our The GlobalofNat. CTVSocial News Lives ” CHBC News Vancouver

Our CBC News Vancouver Coronation

Days our Newsof Hour Lives ”

Party Poker ” ” Sportsnet

Astroblast Architects of General KOMO 4 Dragon Hospital Change News

Law Two & Men Order: SVU Mod Fam

NHL Sportsnet Classics Central

Bucket-Dino The Doctors The First 48 Joanna Wheel Curious ” ” Lumley Jeopardy!

” The Ent Talk ” ” SportsCentre ET Canada

Dr. Phil Steven and etalk-Hunger Murdoch ” Chris Spun Out Mysteries

The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News


Let’s Ent Make a The Ent Talk Deal ” The Insider ET Canada



” Hockey SportsCentre That’s”Hcky Hockey SportsCentre ” Hockey ”” Hockey SportsCentre ” ” That’s”Hcky ” SportsCentre Hockey ” ”” ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ”” ” That’s”Hcky SportsCentre SportsCentre Hockey ” Hockey SportsCentre Hockey ” ” SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre

The Meredith DeGeMovie: Movie: Rachael Ray Ellen The View Vieira “A Stranger “Wedding ”Show neres ”Show Young & The Dr. Oz at the Door” Planner Sugar The Marilyn Restless Show ” Mystery” Debt/Part Denis Show News CTV News Intimate Castle Noon News CTV News Vancouver With ” ” Hour Vancouver Global Nat. CTV News CHBCofNews News-Lisa Days our The Social CHBC News Vancouver Final News--11:30 Lives ” Ent etalk-Hunger ET Canada Daily Show The Talk Dr. Phil ET Canada Spun Out Food Fight Seth Meyers ” ” Movie: Movie: The Meredith Ellen DeGe“A Stranger “Wedding Vieira Show neres Show at the Door” Planner Young” & The Dr. Oz Mystery” Restless Show Intimate Castle News CTV News With ” ” Vancouver CHBC News News-Lisa Global Nat. CTV News Final News--11:30 CHBC News Vancouver ET Canada Daily Show Ent etalk-Hunger Food Fight Seth Meyers ET Canada Spun Out

Republic of Stars on Ice Bookaboo Doyle ” Bo On/Go

Bold Broke Girl Is The Price ThisMinute Mike Right

The Meredith Movie: NHL of the Rachael Ray Sportsnet Plays Vieira “A Stranger Classics ”Show Central Year

Dive, Olly The World G. Shrinks Jelly After Jamm Sto. PAW Patrol

Dragons’ CBC News Heartland Den Special ” CBC News The National CBC News ”” Marketplace CBC CBC News News Our Coronation Rick Mercer Vancouver Murdoch 22 Minutes Steven and Mysteries Coronation Chris Stars on Ice Republic of ” Doyle CBC News Dragons’ Special Den The National CBC News ” ” CBC News CBC Mercer News Rick Coronation 22 Minutes Murdoch Coronation Mysteries

Judge Judy Scorpion Young & Judge”Judy Restless KIRO News NCIS: Los KIRO News KIRO News Angeles ” KIRO News KIRO News The Talk CBS News Late Show ” Ent Letterman Let’sInsider Make a The Ferguson Deal Broke Girl Bold Mike ThisMinute Scorpion Judge”Judy Judge Judy NCIS: Los KIRO News Angeles KIRO News KIRO News KIROShow News Late CBS News Letterman Ent Ferguson The Insider

Young & at the Door” Sugar Restless ” Debt/Part Early News Intimate Noon News Global With Nat. Hour News Hour Newsof Hour Days our Final ” Lives Ent ET Canada TheCanada Talk ET Food Fight ” Movie: The Meredith “A Stranger Vieira Show at the Door” Young” & Restless Intimate Early News With Global Nat. News Hour News Hour Final ” ET Canada Ent Food Fight ET Canada

NHL Misplays of Premier Hockey: the Year League Red Wings Sportsnet Darts at Bruins Central Misplays ” Sportsnet Party Poker Sportsnet Central ” Sportsnet Sportsnet NHL Central Central Classics NHL Sportsnet Classics Central Misplays of NHLYear the Hockey: Sportsnet Red Wings Central at Bruins Sportsnet ” Central Sportsnet Sportsnet Sportsnet Central Central

” That’s Hcky

Movie: “A Stranger

Movie: “Wedding

Stars on Ice ”

Broke Girl Mike

Movie: “A Stranger

SportsCentre at the Door” ” ”

Planner Mystery”

CBC News Special

Scorpion ”

SportsCentre Intimate ” With

Castle ”

The National NCIS: Los ” Angeles

SportsCentre Motoring ” Motorcycle SportsCentre Hockey: ” Spengler

News-Lisa The View News--11:30 ” Daily Show The Marilyn Seth Meyers Denis Show

CBC News Bookaboo Rick Mercer Bo On/Go 22 Minutes Heartland Coronation ”

Cup, Second Noon News Semifinal: Hour

CTV News Vancouver

Teams TBA That’s Hcky

Days of our Lives

Hockey ” Motoring ” Motorcycle ” Hockey: ” Spengler Hockey Cup, Second

The Talk ” Rachael Ray The Meredith ” Vieira Show Sugar Young & Debt/Part Restless Noon News

Semifinal: Hockey ” TBA Teams

Hour News

Vancouver CTV News Vancouver The Social

CHBC News Rachael Ray Final ” ET Canada Sugar Food Fight Debt/Part

That’s”Hcky ” Hockey

” our Days of Lives Global Nat. CHBC News The Talk

” SportsCentre ” ”” Motoring That’s”Hcky Motorcycle Hockey SportsCentre Hockey: ” Hockey Spengler ” SportsCentre Cup, Second ” Semifinal: ” SportsCentre Teams” TBA That’s Hcky SportsCentre SportsCentre Hockey ” That’s”Hcky

” Ent ET Canada The Meredith Vieira Movie:Show Rachael Ray “Avalanche Young & ” Restless Sharks” Sugar News ” Debt/Part Food ” Noon News Fighters Global Nat. Hour CHBC News News Hour Days of our Final Ent Lives ET ET Canada Canada The Talk Doctors Movie: ” “Avalanche

News The First 48 The Chew Criminal World”News Minds ” The First 48 ”

A&E 1

“Shrek Swain Redwood A Fairlythe Odd Diana The National Redwood Third” ”” Kings Paradise Kings

YTV ” Cats & 6 Thunder


Power & CBC News Politics ”

Say Yes 19 Kids Say Yes 19 Kids


King Browns King Payne

Super PBS Why! Thomas NewsHour

Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News

Redwood Redwood Kings Kings

Family Feud Say Yes Big Bang ” Family Feud Say Yes Big Bang ”

The ModMiddle Fam The Middle Seinfeld

Sesame St. Old House Odd Squad Antiques

Dr. Phil News ” Evening

Redwood Redwood Brave New Kings Kings World

Steve Gotham Raising Harvey ” Paid Prog.

Say Yes ” 19 Kids Say Yes ” 19 Kids

Seinfeld Family Guy Divorce Mod Fam Family Guy Divorce

Make Me Antiques Sesame ” Roadshow Street

Ellen State DeGeof Today neres AffairsShow cont’d

Redwood Mermaids: 747: Kings The Body Definitive Redwood Found Guide Kings ” ” Redwood Beasts of Redwood Kings the Bayou Kings Redwood Redwood Redwood Kings Kings Kings Redwood Redwood Kings Kings Mermaids: Redwood The Body Kings Found Redwood ” Kings Beasts of Redwood the Bayou Kings Redwood Redwood Kings Kings

The Meredith Sleepy Family Feud Vieira HollowShow Family Feud Name Game News Law & Name Game Mod Fam Order: SVU Two Men Mike& Law Mod Mike Fam Order: SVU Big Bang Anger Family Feud Big Bang Cougar Family Feud Gotham Steve ” Harvey Sleepy The Meredith Hollow Vieira Show News Name Game Mod Fam Name Game Mike Two Men Mike Mod Fam Anger Big Bang Cougar Big Bang

To Be ” 19 Kids Announced ” 19 Kids ”” Medium ”” Medium ”” Say Yes ”” Say Yes ”Popoff Peter Say Yes ” PaidYes Prog. Say ” Say Yes ” Say Yes ” To Be” Announced ” ”” ” ” ” ” Peter Popoff ” Paid Prog. ”

Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Browns Jeffersons Hot Bench Payne Break Hot Bench Browns Movie: King Payne “Law King Mod Fam Abiding The Middle Seinfeld Citizen” The Middle Family Guy Seinfeld Family Guy Mod Fam Amer. Dad Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Jeffersons Browns Break Payne Movie: Browns “Law Payne Abiding Mod Fam Citizen” Seinfeld

Guts-Michael Independent Dinosaur Lens ” Dinosaur World ”News Peg Plus Cat Business ” Cat Peg Plus PBS Politician’s Super Why! NewsHour Husband Thomas Old House Ellen DeGeSesame St. Antiques neres-Mark Odd Squad Antiques Make Me Roadshow ” Independent Guts-Michael Lens ” ” World ”News Business Politician’s PBS Husband NewsHour Ellen DeGeOld House neres-Mark Antiques

KING 5 StateDay of New News Affairs Northwest KING 5 State of KING 5 News Affairs News Nightly News KINGof News Days our News Tonight Lives News Show Dr. Phil Evening Seth Meyers ” State of Ellen AffairsDeGeneres Show State of KING Affairs5 News State of KING 5 Affairs News KING News Nightly TonightNews News Show NewsMeyers Seth Evening

” ”

Family Guy Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

State of Affairs

” ”

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Independent State of Lens Affairs

Jeffersons Break

State of Affairs



Say Yes ” Say Yes ”





Kate and Divine Jelly Jamm Magic Bus Michelangelo Bucket-Dino Jack Coast Salish PAW Patrol Wild Kratts Knitters Kate and Architects of Edge of the Astroblast Change World: DragonBC Joanna Divine Bucket-Dino Lumley Michelangelo Curious The World Dive, Olly After Sto. Jelly Jamm Divine Kate and Michelangelo Magic Bus Coast Salish Jack Knitters Wild Kratts Edge of the Architects World: BC of Change Divine Joanna Michelangelo Lumley

Steve 48 Happy New The The View CSI: First Miami Harvey ”” Year Charlie ” KOMO 4 The First 48 Rudolph’s KOMO 4 Criminal News ” Shiny Year News Minds News The Castle The First First 48 48 The Chew Criminal World ”News ” ” Minds ” KOMO The First 48 News 4 The First First 48 48 General The News ” Jimmy Hospital ”” Wheel The First 48 Kimmel Live The First 48 The Doctors The First 48 Jeopardy! ”” Nightline ” ” Happy New The First 48 Steve The First 48 Year Charlie ” Harvey ” Rudolph’s The First 48 KOMOYear 4 The First 48 Shiny ” News ” Castle The First 48 News ” The First 48 ” World News ” News The First 48 KOMO 4 The First 48 Jimmy ” News ” Kimmel Live The First 48 Wheel The First 48 Nightline ” Jeopardy! ”

Dogs: ” Funny Kitty Home CBC The National Nicky, Ricky News Galore ”” VideosRicky Now With Nicky, Movie: Amanda Gags Ricky Carole The National Nicky, “Looney Lang ” Gags Nicky, Ricky MacNeil Tunes: Back CBC News Gags Ricky CBC News News Nicky, CBC in Action” ”” Boys Movie: Now With A Fairly Odd The Haunting The National National “Shrek the Diana Swain Paradise ” Haunting Third” ”” News Funny”” Home CBC Amanda Power” & Thunder Videos Lang Cats & Politics Funny Home The National Dogs: Kitty ”” Videos Galore ” Gags The National Movie: Amanda Gags ” “Looney Lang Gags CBC News Tunes: Back CBC News Boys ” in Action” ” Haunting The National A Fairly Odd The National Haunting ” Paradise ” Funny Home Amanda ” CBC News Videos Lang Thunder ”

NHL Classics

The World After Sto.

Happy New The First 48 Year Charlie ”

Funny Home The National Redwood Videos ” Kings

Gotham ”

at the Door” ”

Misplays of the Year

Divine Rudolph’s Michelangelo Shiny Year

The First 48 ”

Gags Gags

The National Mermaids: ” The Body

Sleepy Hollow

Intimate With

Sportsnet Central

Coast Salish Castle Knitters ”

The First 48 ”

Gags Boys

CBC News ”

Found ”

News Mod Fam


TLC ” ” <

News Hour Rachael Ray Final ” ET Canada Sugar Food Fight Debt/Part

Sportsnet Darts Central ” Sportsnet Hockey Central Central

Edge of the G. Shrinks World: BC PAW Patrol Divine Jelly Jamm Michelangelo Bucket-Dino

News The First 48 The View CSI: Miami Jimmy ” ” ” Kimmel Live The First 48 KOMO 4 Criminal Nightline ” News Minds

Haunting Henry Haunting Henry Funny Home Henry Videos Henry

The National CBC News ” Now With Amanda Carole Lang MacNeil

Beasts of Highway the Bayou Thru Hell Redwood Highway Kings Thru Hell

Mike Raising Mike Paid Prog. Anger Family Feud Cougar Family Feud

” 19 Kids ” 19 Kids Peter Popoff 19 Kids Paid Prog. 19 Kids

Movie: Divorce “Law Divorce Abiding Judge Citizen” Judge

Politician’s Sesame Husband Street Ellen DeGeDinosaur neres-Mark Dinosaur

CBC News KIRO News Marketplace ”

Noon News Hour


PAW Patrol Kate and

The Chew ”

Henry Henry

CBC News Now With

Highway Thru Hell

Law & Order: SVU

19 Kids 19 Kids

Hot Bench Hot Bench

Peg Plus Cat KING 5 Peg Plus Cat News

The Social ”

Best Recipes The Talk Stefano ”

Days of our Lives

Party Poker ”

Astroblast Dragon

The First 48 ”

A Fairly Odd Diana Swain Highway Paradise ” Thru Hell

Law & Order: SVU

19 Kids 19 Kids

King King

Super Why! Thomas

Days of our Lives

Dr. Phil ” The View Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show ShowNews CTV

Steven and Chris Bookaboo Republic Bo On/Goof Doyle Heartland Dragons’ ” Den News CBC

Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is Bold Right ThisMinute Young & Judge Judy Restless JudgeNews Judy KIRO

The Talk ” Rachael Ray The Meredith ” Vieira Show Sugar Young & Debt/Part Restless Noon News

European Poker Tour Darts Sportsnet ” Central Hockey NHL Winter Central Classic Darts

Bucket-Dino Curious G. Shrinks Dive, Patrol Olly PAW Jelly Jamm Jelly Jamm Kate and Bucket-Dino MagicPatrol Bus PAW

The First 48 ” CSI: Miami Storage ” Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage Criminal

Family Feud Family Feud Raising SteveProg. Paid Harvey Family Feud The Meredith Family Feud Vieira Law & Show

19 Kids 19 Kids 19 Kids 19 Kids Kids 19 19 Kids 19 Kids 19 Kids Kids and 19 Counting 19 Kids

The Middle The Middle Divorce Seinfeld Divorce Mod Fam Judge Big Bang Judge Big Hot Bang Bench

Sesame St. Odd Squad Sesame Make Me Street ” Dinosaur Eat, FastDinosaur Live Peg Plus Cat

Dr. Phil ” Today Ellen DeGecont’d neres Show New Day KING 5 Northwest News 5 KING

Marketplace CBC News

” Best Recipes Stefano CBC News Coronation Steven and

KIRO ”News KIRO News The Talk KIRO ”News CBS News Let’s Make a

Hour Early News GlobalofNat. Days our Lives News Hour ” The Talk

NHL ” Classics Party Poker ” Canucks TV Hockey European

Kate Jack and Wild Kratts Astroblast Dragon Coast Salish Knitters Bucket-Dino

Power & The Rainbow Politics Henry CBC News Tribe ” Henry Now With ” ” Henry Carole Movie: Amanda Henry MacNeil “Space Lang Henry CBC News Henry Now Chimps” CBC With News ” Odd Diana ”Swain A Fairly

Chris Murdoch Mysteriesof Republic Doyle Rick Mercer Bookaboo 22 Minutes Dragons’ Bo On/Go Den Just for Heartland Laughs CBC News ”” The National CBC ” CBC News News Marketplace Coronation CBC News Best Recipes Rick Mercer Murdoch Stefano Mysteries 22 Minutes Steven and Coronation Rick Mercer Chris 22 Minutes

Deal Ent The Insider Bold ThisMinute NCIS The Price Is Judge”Judy Right Judge Judy The 37th AnYoung & nual KenKIRO News Restless KIRO News nedy Center KIRO News Honors KIRO News ” CBS KIRONews News The Talk Late Show Ent ” The Insider Letterman Let’s Make a Ferguson NCIS Deal ”

Ent ” ET Canada The Meredith Vieira Movie:Show Rachael Ray “Avalanche Young & ” Restless Sharks” Sugar ” Early News Debt/Part Global Food Nat. Noon News Fighters News Hour Hour ” News Hour Days of our Final Ent Lives ET ET Canada Canada The Talk Doctors Movie: ” “Avalanche

Poker NHL Tour Hockey: Sportsnet Central Canucks at Darts Sharks NHL Winter ” Classic ” Hockey Sportsnet NHL Central Classics Sportsnet Darts Central TV Canucks ” Hockey NHL Winter Party Poker Classic NHL ” Hockey: Sportsnet European Central at Canucks Poker SharksTour

” CTV News Vancouver Dr. Phil etalk ” Spun DeGeOut Ellen neres Movie:Show The View “Harry The Dr. Oz ” Show Potter and The Marilyn the Deathly CTV News Denis Show Vancouver Hallows: CTV News Part 1” CTV News Vancouver Vancouver News-Lisa The Social News--11:30 etalk ” Spun Out Daily Show Dr. Phil Seth Meyers Movie: “Harry”

” The Meredith Ellen Republic SportsCentre Sharks” PotterDeGeand Just for of ” Vieira ”Show neres Show Doyle the Deathly Laughs

” Young & SportsCentre Food Hockey Restless ” Fighters

The Dr. Oz Hallows: Show Part 1”

Hockey SportsCentre News Hour Final ” ”

CTV News News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 Rick Mercer Vancouver ”

KIRO News The Price Is Late Show Right Letterman Young & Ferguson Restless







KNOW General KOMO Hospital * The` Doctors ” The View Steve ” Harvey KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News The Chew

A&E 1

Criminal Minds

A&E 1


YTV 6 ”

Curious Blue Realm ” Dive, Olly Jelly Jamm Michel Roux G. on Shrinks Escoffier Kate and PAW Patrol Magic Bus The Topp Jelly Jamm Twins Jack Bucket-Dino Wild Kratts ” PAW Patrol Foncie’s Coast Salish Kate and Knitters Blue Realm Astroblast ” Blue Realm Dragon ” The Topp Bucket-Dino Twins Roux Michel Curious on Escoffier

Minds News ” Storage World News The Storage General First 48 Hospital ” KOMO 4 Storage News Storage The Doctors The First 48 ” Wheel” Storage Jeopardy! Storage Steve Storage Harvey Storage Forever Storage The View CSI: Miami Storage KOMO” 4 Storage ” ” News Storage Forever Storage KOMO 4 Criminal Storage News ” Storage News World News Minds Storage Forever Storage The Chew Criminal ”4 KOMO Storage ” Minds News Storage News Storage General The First 48 Jimmy Storage Wheel Hospital ” Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Storage Storage The Doctors The First 48 Nightline Forever Storage ”” ” Storage

Dive, Olly The Topp Jelly TwinsJamm

Steve Forever Harvey ”

NHL Winter Sportsnet Classic Central

Kate and ” Magic Bus Foncie’s

KOMO 4 Forever News ”

NHL Winter Classic Classics

Jack Realm Blue ” Wild Kratts

The Topp Coast Salish Kimmel KOMO 4Live G. Shrinks The View Twins Knitters News ” PAW Patrol Nightline Blue Realm Wheel Jelly Jamm KOMO 4 ” Jeopardy! Bucket-Dino News Michel Roux Forever PAW Patrol The Chew on Escoffier ” Kate and

Storage Wahlburgers Storage Wahlburgers

Wahlburgers Adventures Storage Gags Wahlburgers of Sharkboy Storage Gags


Bold Meredith Sportsnet The 37th An- The Sharks” ” ThisMinute Vieira ”Show Central nual KenSportsnet

Dragons’ JudgeCenter Judy Food Young & The National nedy Den ” Judge Judy Fighters Restless Honors




KNOW News KOMO Jimmy World News * `





Highway Thru Hell Highway Highway Thru Hell Thru Hell Highway Highway Thru Hell Thru Hell Highway





KCTS ” ” N



KING News Today Tonight cont’d Show New Day Seth Meyers Northwest


Adventures ” The Rainbow of Sharkboy and Lavagirl Tribe Funny” Home Henry Videos Movie: Henry “Space Gags Henry Gags Chimps” Henry” Gags Henry Boys The Henry Adventures Haunting A Fairly Odd Haunting of Sharkboy Paradise and Lavagirl Funny Home ” Home Videos Funny The Rainbow Videos

Thru Hell Highway Thru Hell Highway ” Thru Hell The National Highway Thru Hell Power” & Highway Politics Thru Hell CBC News Highway Thru Hell ”” Highway ” Thru Hell The National Highway CBC News Highway ” Thru Hell Amanda Highway Now With Thru Hell Lang Hell The National Thru Overhaulin’ Carole Highway ” Top 10 CBC News Highway MacNeil Thru Hell ” Thru Hell CBC News Overhaulin’ CBC News Highway ” Top 10 The National Highway Now With Thru Hell ” Thru Hell The National Overhaulin’ Diana ”Swain Highway Top 10 CBC News Highway ”” Thru Hell Thru Hell Amanda Overhaulin’ Power & Highway LangNational Top 10 The Highway Politics Thru ” Thru Hell Hell

Order: SVU Name Game Name Law & Game Order: SVU Two Men Mod Fam Family Feud

19 Kids The Little Couple 19 Kids 19 Kids The Little Couple 19 Kids

Hot Bench Browns Payne King King Browns Payne The Middle

Peg Plus Cat News World News KING 5 Business Newsof our Super Why! Days Thomas Lives PBS Nightly News NewsHour News Sesame St. Dr. Phil

Family Feud Big Bang Big Bang Steve Harvey New Girl Raising Mindy The Meredith Paid Prog. Vieira Show New Girl Family Feud Mindy Game Name Family Feud Name News Game Law Mod & Fam Two Men Order: SVU Mod Mike Fam Law & Mike Big Bang Order: SVU Big Bang Anger Family Feud Cougar New Girl Family Mindy Feud

19 Kids Little and Looking 19 Kids 19 Kids The Little 19 Kids Couple 19 Kids and 19 Kids Counting Little and 19 Kids Looking The Little 19 Kids Couple The Little 19 Kids Couple The Little 19 Kids Couple 19 Kids and 19 Kids Counting Little and 19 Kids Looking Paid Prog. 19 Kids Paid Prog. The Little 19 Kids Couple

The ModMiddle Fam Seinfeld Seinfeld Mod Fam Family Guy Divorce Family Guy Big Bang Divorce Big Bang Amer. Dad Judge Amer. Dad Browns Judge Payne Jeffersons Hot Bench Gimme Browns Hot Bench Payne Movie: King “The Time Mod Fam King Seinfeld Machine” The Middle ” Guy Family The Middle Family Guy

Odd FoodSquad Rick Steves Make Me ” JourSacred Sesame neys-Bruce Eat, FastStreet Live Sacred JourDinosaur neys-Bruce World News Dinosaur Business Frontline Peg ” Cat PBS Plus Peg Plus Cat NewsHour ” Super Food ”Why! Thomas Rick Steves DCI Banks Sesame St. ” JourSacred Odd Squad neys-Bruce

Storage Storage

Tribe Gags Gags ”

” Highway The National Overhaulin’ ” Thru Hell Top 10

Steve New Girl Harvey Mindy

19 Kids Little and 19 Kids Looking

Seinfeld Amer. Dad Mod Fam Amer. Dad

Make Me DeGeSacred Jour- Ellen Chicago Fire ” neres ”Show neys-Bruce

Storage Storage

Movie: Gags “Space Boys

Amanda CBC News Lang ”

Highway Overhaulin’ Thru10 Hell Top

The Meredith 19 and News TheKids Little Vieira Show Counting Mod Fam Couple

Big Bang Jeffersons Big Bang Gimme

Eat, FastFrontline Live ”

KING 5 Fire Chicago News ”

Storage Storage

Chimps” Haunting Haunting ”

CBCNational News Highway The Overhaulin’ ” Top Thru10 Hell

Name Game 19 TheKids Little Mike and Mike Name Game Counting Couple

Browns Movie: “The Time Payne

World ”News ” Business N

5 KING News Tonight News

Storage CSI: Miami Storage ”

Funny Home Amanda The The Max CBCNational News Videos Lang Adventures ” Max Now With of Sharkboy CBC News Max Carole and Lavagirl ” Max MacNeil Funny Home The Max CBCNational News Videos ” The Now With

Overhaulin’ Highway Overhaulin’ Top Thru10 Hell ”

Anger Two Men Raising Cougar Mod Paid Fam Prog.

Machine” Browns Divorce ” Payne Divorce

DCI Banks PBS Sesame NewsHour Street”

Show News Nightly Today Seth News cont’dMeyers

Highway Overhaulin’ Thru Hell ”

Big Bang and Family Feud Little 19 Kids Big Bang Family Feud Looking 19 Kids

Mod Fam Judge Seinfeld Judge

Food Dinosaur Rick Steves Dinosaur

News New Day Evening Northwest

Highway Overhaulin’ Thru Hell ”

New Girl Law & Mindy Order: SVU

The Little Medium Couple Medium

Family Guy Hot Bench Family Guy Hot Bench

Sacred JourPeg Plus Cat KING 5 neys-Bruce Investigators Peg Plus Cat News

Diana Swain Punkin The National Overhaulin’ ” Chunkin Top 10

Law New & Girl Order: Mindy SVU

Super of our SacredWhy! Jour- Days Chicago Fire Thomas neys-Bruce Lives ”

A&E 1

A&E 1

Paradise The
















News ” Evening Ellen DeGeneres KING Show 5 Today Investigators KING 5 cont’d News Chicago Fire New ” KINGDay 5 Northwest News Chicago Fire KING 5 ” News Nightly News News KING News Days of our Tonight News Lives Evening Show Dr. Phil Seth Meyers KING 5 ” Investigators


KIRO News Late KIROShow News

Early News News Hour Final Global Nat.

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily News Show 22 Minutes ” Global Nat. CBC News Hockey Rachael Ray CTV The View Bookaboo The Doctors Meyers Coronation ”” CHBC Vancouver ” News Seth ” Bo On/Go

Letterman KIRO News The Price Is Ferguson CBS RightNews

Ent ”” Sugar SportsCentre ET Canada ” Debt/Part

etalk The Marilyn Spun Denis Out Show

Murdoch Heartland Mysteries ”

Ent Young & The Insider Restless

” That’s HockeyHcky

Movie: CTV News “Harry Vancouver

Rick NCIS CBC Mercer News KIRO News 22 Minutes ” Marketplace

ET Canada SportsnetTV News Hour Rachael Ray Canucks NHL Winter The Doctors Central ”” Hockey Classic Ent NHL Sugar NHL Winter ET Canada Hockey: Debt/Part Classic Movie: at Noon News Canucks NHL Winter “Avalanche Sharks Hour Classic

Hockey Days of our SportsCentre Sharks” ” Lives ”

The Social Potter and ” the Deathly

Best Recipes The Talk of our Just for 37th An- Days Sharks” Stefano ” Lives ” Laughs nual Ken-

Party Poker ” ” Sportsnet

Astroblast The Topp Dragon Twins

Say LittleYes and Say Yes Looking

King Amer. Dad King Amer. Dad

” The Talk SportsCentre Food ”” ” Fighters

Dr. Phil Hallows: Part 1””

Steven and Let’s Make The Talk The National nedy Centera Food Chris ” Deal ” Honors Fighters

Plays of the Sportsnet Year Central

2014 Overhaulin’ ” Top 10

Family Feud The Say Little Yes News Family Feud Couple Say Yes Mod Fam

The Middle Jeffersons The Middle Gimme

Sesame St. Frontline Odd Squad ”

Dr. Phil Fire Chicago ””

Naked and Overhaulin’ Afraid Top 10

Steve Mike Harvey Mike

Seinfeld Movie: Mod “The Fam Time

Make ”Me ””

Ellen KING DeGeNews neres Show Tonight

Naked and Overhaulin’ Afraid Top 10

The Meredith To Be Anger Paid Prog. Vieira Show Announced

Big Bang Machine” Big Bang

Truth DCI Banks Exercise

Take Showa Moment

Name Game Name Game

” ”

Browns Payne

World News Business

Movie: Noon News “Avalanche Hour

General Forever Hospital ”

Storage Wahlburgers Storage Wahlburgers

” The Meredith Ellen DeGe- Republic of SportsCentre News Hour News-Lisa CBC News SportsCentre Vieira Show neres Show Doyle ” Final News--11:30 Rick Mercer

Bold KIRO News ThisMinute Late Show

The Meredith Sportsnet News Hour NHL Winter Vieira Final Show Hockey Classic

Bucket-Dino The Doctors Storage Wahlburgers Gags and Lavagirl CBC Power & ” Forever News Curious Wahlburgers Boys Movie: Politics Foncie’s ”” Storage ” Dive, Olly Steve Duck “Yogi Bear” CBC News Blue Realm News Storage Haunting The National Jelly Jamm Harvey Dynasty ” Special ” Jimmy Storage Haunting ”

” Young & The Dr. Oz Dragons’ SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show 22 Minutes Hockey Restless Show Den ” The Doctors Seth Meyers Coronation

Judge Judy Letterman Judge Judy Ferguson

Young & NHL ET Canada Sportsnet Restless Hockey: The Doctors Central

KateTopp and The Magic Bus Twins

KOMO 4Live Storage Duck D. Kimmel News Duck D. Nightline Storage News World News

Duck Dynasty

Movie: Home Amanda Amanda Funny “Shorts” Lang Videos Lang

KOMO 4 News

Duck Dynasty

Movie: “Snow Day”

Hockey ”

CTV News Vancouver

CBC News ”

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News Vancouver

CBC News Coronation

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour ”


Edge of the World: BC

etalk Spun Out

22 Minutes ”

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

Hockey: Oilers at

Lions Gate Bridge:

Wheel Jeopardy!

Duck D. Duck D.

Movie: “Friends

Movie: “Harry

Air FarceNew

Survivor ”

Movie: “Friends

Flames ”

LennoNYC ”

Dick Clark’s Primetime

Duck D. Duck D.

Max Max

With Benefits”

Potter and the Deathly

Ron James ”

Criminal Minds

With Benefits”

Sportsnet NHL Count

New Year’s Rockin’ Eve

Duck Dynasty

Gags Gags

SportsCentre Entertain” ment To-

Hallows: Part 2”

The National Stalker ” ”

Entertainment To-

Sportsnet Central

U2: From the Sky

Dick Clark’s Primetime

Duck Dynasty

SportsCentre night Can” ada

News-Lisa CBC News News--11:30 22-Midnight

KIRO News Late Show

night Canada

NHL Top 100

Down Countdown

News Dick Clark’s

SportsCentre ” SportsCentre Pineapple

Daily Show Gossip

Letterman Ferguson

” Pineapple

Sportsnet Central

Woodstock ”

New Year’s Rockin’ Eve

” ”


” Ent SportsCentre ET Canada ” ”

That’s Hcky ”

American Pie


Early News Global Nat.

Maple Leafs Jack at Bruins Wild Kratts ”

” ”

” ”

CBC News ”

Naked and Afraid


Paid Prog. The Little 19 Kids Paid Prog. Couple 19 Kids

Extreme 19 Kids and Extreme Counting

Paid Prog.

Seth Meyers KING 5 News

The National Naked and ” Afraid

Two Men Mod Fam

” ”

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

CBC News ”

Big Bang Big Bang

” ”

Mod Fam Seinfeld

Tiger -- Spy News in the Jungle Evening

The National Afraid ” Afraid

Pitbull’s New Year’s

” ”

Family Guy Family Guy

Carol A Toast to Burnett: The 2014!

The National Naked and ” Afraid

Revolution ”

” ”

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

Mark Twain Prize

Gags Boys

CBC News Special

News Mod Fam

” ”

Jeffersons Gimme

Feinstein’s New Year’s

NBC’s New Year’s Eve

Duck D. Duck D.

Haunting Haunting

The National Naked and ” Afraid

Pitbull’s New Year’s

” ”

Movie: “War of the

Live From Lincoln

KING News New Year’s

Duck D. Duck D.

Max Max

Amanda Lang

Revolution Cougar

Center ”

” New Year’s

” ”

Naked and Afraid

Naked and Afraid

Naked and Afraid

Peter Popoff Worlds” Paid Prog. ”

Nightly News News

” ”

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, Wednesday,December December24, 24,2014 2014 A17 A17

Your community. Your classifieds.



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Help Wanted




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GENERAL VINEYARD LABOURERS- Gray Monk Cellars Ltd., located at 1055 Camp Road, Okanagan Centre, BC, is seeking 3 temporary vineyard labourers, in Lake Country and Okanagan Valley, to start work March 9, 2015, for approx. 8 months. Candidates must be willing to work outdoors and in all seasonal conditions. On the job training is provided, duties include tying, pruning, picking, processing, grounds and vineyard maintenance. Starting wage $10.49/hour, approx 40-50 hours per week. Please fax resume to 250-766-3390 or email We thank all applicants in advance, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please.


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Farm Workers GENERAL FARM LABOUR req in Winfield & Oyama. No exp nec but must be able to learn quickly. Duties incl, but are not restricted to pruning, handling compost & soil, planting thinning & harvesting fruit. The jobs are physically demanding & req working in all weather conditions. Employment from March 1 - Oct 31, 2015. $10.50/hr. 10hrs/day, 6 days/wk. Reply to to Sedona Holdings Ltd 1790 High Rd, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 7C1

Help Wanted

SOHAL ORCHARDS LTD. requires Farm LABOUR in Winfield & Oyama. NO EXP. nec but must be able to learn quickly. Duties incl but are not restricted to: pruning, thinning & harvesting fruit. The jobs are physically demanding & require working in all weather cond. Employment from Feb.25 - Nov.30, 2015. $10.5/hr. 10hrs/day, 6days/wk. Reply to Box #333 c/o Kelowna Capital News 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, BC., V1X 7K2

VINEYARD LABOURERS Intrigue Wines Ltd., located at 2291 Goldie Road, Lake Country, BC, is seeking 2 seasonal vineyard labourers, in Lake Country, to start work March 9, 2015 for approx. 8 months. Candidates must be willing to work outdoors and in all seasonal conditions. On the job training is provided, duties include grounds and vineyard maintenance, operation of farm and vineyard equipment. Starting wage $10.49/hour, approx 40-50 hours per week. Please fax resume to 250-766-2834 or email Phone number 1877-474-3754. We thank all applicants in advance, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 24, 2014 A19


Jump on the bus for the Motorcycle Show Hop the bus with Kelowna and District Safety Council to the Vancouver Motorcycle Show. Early bird pricing is in effect throughout the month of December. As riders’ dreams of their favourite sport cannot be dampened by winter, the KDSC is organizing its 11th annual bus trip to the Vancouver Motorcycle Show, to be held at the Abbotsford TRADEX on Saturday Jan. 24. Tickets are on sale now, with Early Bird pricing of $60 in effect until Dec. 31. After that the cost will be $65. “This is a really popular event for us, and we’re already 60 per cent sold out” said Tania Meyer, executive director of KDSC. “Last year we sold out quite early and there were over 50 disappointed people who had to be turned away because it was too late for us to order another bus. We have a second bus on

hold this year, but we’d mission to the Show, like to know soon if there drop off and quick enwill be trance via enough the VIP demand door, movfor it. This ies en route, LAST YEAR WE is a great drink and SOLD OUT QUITE stocking snack on the EARLY AND THERE way to the stuffer or holiday show, prizes, WERE OVER 50 gift idea and a KDSC DISAPPOINTED for yourtote bag PEOPLE WHO HAD for all your self or for TO BE TURNED the ridevent goodAWAY BECAUSE er in your ies. Motorlife.” cycle enIT WAS TOO LATE Pick up thusiasts FOR US TO ORDER and drop won’t want ANOTHER BUS. off locato miss this Tania Meyer, KDSC exciting tions are scheduled executive director opportunity for Rutto see everyland, Kething that’s lowna, and West Kenew for the upcoming lowna, with departure riding season. There’s times set for 6 a.m., 6:15 no need to battle wina.m., and 6:30 a.m. reter driving conditions, spectively. The bus will simply hop the bus with return to Kelowna by ap- KDSC. proximately 8:30 p.m. The Vancouver that same day, depending Motorcycle Show is on the roads. BC’s largest motorThe buses being used cycle event. Part of a are comfortable charter cross-country show tour, buses. The cost includes all the major manufacround trip bus fare, adturers of motorcycles,


scooters, and ATV’s travel coast to coast with their huge corporate exhibits to offer the riding community its first glimpse of the new 2015 bikes and blow-out prices on gear and accessories. In addition, the show offers visitors a wide variety of entertainment, seminars, and demos. To learn more about the Vancouver Motorcycle Show visit For more information or to register online, visit and go to the Workshops & Events page of the Rider Training Program menu. Or simply call KDSC at 250-765-3163. KDSC is a non-profit organization that operates a rider and driver training facility as well as the Little Travellers’ Safety Village. For more information on any of KDSC’s programs, visit

Calendar Lake Country

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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

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Season’s Greetings

www.lake lake country

...from all of us!

Best for the holidays from your MP CANNAN FROM A13 If you have any comments, I encourage you to participate in the 30 day consultation and look forward to the proposed regulations being put in place. I am now back working in the riding and





Merry Christmas & a Very Successful New Year to Everyone

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column until the New Year, I would like to wish all my constituents a very, Merry Christmas and the best of the holiday season. May you be blessed with a happy, healthy and prosperous 2015. Ron Cannan is MP for Kelowna-Lake Country.

We wish our customers the best for the holiday season 101-9685 Hwy. 97 Lake Country



Take your best shot!

We’re looking for photographs for our annual Lake Country Calendar ‘2016 Calendar’! We’d like to fill the pages with local photography, taken by Lake Country residents, or visitors, that have memorable shots they wish to share. Pictures should showcase the community, lifestyle, or the wonderful scenery of Lake Country. We need at least 14 photographs to fill the pages of the calendar. Photos need to be at least 8” wide, full colour and have a resolution of at least 300dpi.

2015 13 M


Compliments of the

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Photo by Geri Allan-Helmer

Prizes to be won!

Jpeg submissions may be sent to: Teresa Huscroft-Brown, Advertising Representative 1.250.979.7329

Locally Owned & Operated


would like to remind you that if you need assistance or information related to the federal government, or want to get together for a cup of coffee or eggnog, do not hesitate to contact my office at 250-470-5075 or email As this will be my last


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Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Lake Country CalendarL

Community Development Manager The District of Lake Country is seeking a permanent full-time Community Development Manager to join their team. The Community Development Manager provides promotional, research, report writing, presentation, and analytical services respecting economic development, long range planning, policy development, tourism, and other community development initiatives. The preferred candidates will have completed a degree in public administration, economic development, business, marketing management, urban and regional planning, or a related discipline – along with a minimum of five years of related experience. For a detailed job description, posting and more information about Lake Country please visit the District’s website at and click on the Employment menu. Applications will be received Until 4:00 pm on January 16, 2015 Please submit your cover letter and resume to: Human Resources Manager District of Lake Country 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd Lake Country, BC, V4V 2M1 E-mail: Fax: 250-766-0116 We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Snow Removal Priorities

Follow us on Facebook And check out the “What’s Happening” calendar and News at

A priority Map and recap of the District’s snow clearing priorities is available on the website at via the Snow Removal QuickLink. Reminder: Snow accumulations can be a real challenge. Roadside parking can significantly hamper snow-clearing efforts, particularly on the narrower side roads. Residents are asked to do their best to leave as much room for the plows as possible on the side roads.

Municipal Hall will be CLOSED at 2:00 pm Wednesday, December 24 and re-open 8:30am Monday, January 5. Essential services such as police, fire, water, wastewater treatment and snow removal will remain in operation. Roads Snow Removal: 250.766.5664 All Other Roads Emergencies: 250.317.9780 Water or Sewer Emergencies: pager 250.317.3250 Municipal facility holiday closures are planned around a time when there is low demand for services. In the long run, these closures save operation costs for the District and give staff some time to be with their families. Business licence renewal payments are due January 31, 2015, and can be paid through some participating financial institutions in person or on-line, or by mail when there are no changes to an existing licence.

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