Thursday, January 1, 2015 ▼ Volume 51 No. 1 ▼ www.clearwatertimes.com ▼ $1.35 Includes GST
Xmas story winners get prizes. See A10 inside.
First Place Best All Round Newspaper & Best Editorial Page Second Place Best Front Page All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2014 First Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2014
Ice Hawks soar like eagles Clearwater Ice Hawks #16 Levi Walker and #4 Justin Sutherland battle for the puck with Summerland players during a Midgets hockey game at the Sportsplex on Sunday, Dec. 21. The Hawks tied the game but lost one on Saturday, Dec. 20 against South Okanagan. For more about the team, see page A12 inside. Photo by Keith McNeill
Leaks challenge Vavenby water users Robyn Rexin The Vavenby water system has had some challenges during the past few weeks. The first water leak occurred on Friday, Dec. 12. Ken Nystoruk, a water system operator for the TNRD, was working in the pump house when he noticed that the water level in the reservoir was very low. It had nearly emptied in just four hours. Nystoruk turned on both pumps but the system continued to lose water so he knew there was a serious problem. He sequentially isolated all the branches of the water main using the main line valves. With this method the TNRD narrowed
down the leak location to the main supply line between the tracks and the pump house. A water truck was sent to add water to the reservoir and the TNRD planned a way to best provide water to the community during this crisis. By then it was late in the evening and they were already setting up manpower and contractors for the next day. TNRD workers Ken Nystoruk, Dale Stachoski, Shawn Kratchmer, Darren Robinson, Arden Bolton, local Ti Hewlett, and Quality Contractors all came out Saturday morning, Dec. 13, to try to find the leak and plan a repair. A "leak detector" listening device was used. It's basically a microphone that
goes on the ground with an amplifier, and headphones. This device was used every two meters from the tracks to the pump house, listening for the sounds produced by a leak. Four to five "noisy spots" were identified, signalling possible leak locations. Two suspect locations were excavated. There was a "noisy spot" and a lot of water around the railway crossing right where CN had dug a ditch this summer and that area was a focus of the attention. Digging was started but nothing was discovered. Ralph Schuchardt discussed historical town leaks with the men. One of the previous leak sites correlated with a noisy
Highway 5 Little Fort, BC 250-677-4441
spot identified by Arden Bolton. That is where the leak was discovered on the afternoon of Saturday, Dec. 13. The leak was located on private property and was unrelated to the publicly owned water infrastructure. The suspected cause of the leak was poor insulation that allowed the private line to freeze and break. The water then flowed once the pipe thawed in the recent warm weather. The TNRD isolated the leak on the property by turning off the curb stop. This break was not caused by any faulty parts of the Vavenby water system. It was a private property issue. Continued on page A3
Highway 5 Clearwater, BC 250-674-3148
Located on Highway 5
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Thursday, January 1, 2015 Clearwater Times
Clearwater TRU centre pioneers construction craft worker program Bid; Kinder Morgan approached TRU and voiced an interest in partnering with TRU to provide the training opportunity in four The new construction craft worker communities along the proposed Kinder (CCW) Red Seal program, is B.C.’s 48th Morgan twinning route. The Ministry Red Seal trade, and the first graduating of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training class in B.C. was in Clearwater at the approved the training for Clearwater, Thompson Rivers University Satellite Kamloops and Chilliwack is to be comCentre on Dec. 19. pleted by Feb. 28, 2015. The Clearwater A construction craft worker installs class was from Nov. 3 to Dec. 19. utility piping, places concrete, constructs The students who completed the proroads, performs selective demolition, pergram now have the technical training to forms underground work, assists skilled tradespersons such as carpenters, bricklay- approach employers for apprenticeship to accumulate work-based training hours ers and cement finishers in construction activities, helps heavy equipment operators necessary to complete Level 1. Over an additional two-weeks the stusecure special attachments to equipment, dents also earned nine provincially recogguide operators in moving equipment and perform laboring activities at construction nized certificates: Fall Protection, Ground Disturbance, H2S Alive, Occupation First sites. They are employed by a wide variety of general contractors, municipalities, and Aid level 1, Transportation Endorsement, Petroleum Safety Training, Construction oil and gas companies. Safety Training Systems, Traffic Control The CCW 5-week program was jointly Person and Skid Steer. funded by the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism Ron Plamondon was the instructor for and Skills Training, Kinder Morgan and the CCW program. delivered by TRU. The 13 local students Congratulations to Cory Jones, who completed the program were the first Edward Raschke, BaseJournalRONA2007_Ang 2/26/07 3:44 PM Meidl, PageEverett 1 class in the province to see the new BC Cassandra Szwaba, Jairus Bromley, James Industry Training Authority (ITA) curMcNeilty, Joseph Hoggard, Justin Stein, riculum and to write the first ITA Level 1 BaseJournalRONA2007_Ang PM Christian, Page 1 Carol Laroche, Mark Karlysle CCW standardized written exam 2/26/07 in British 3:44 Sandiman, Raymond (RJ) Wilson, and Columbia. Shane Ovesen for completing the proAn education funding RFP opportugram. nity became available this past July on BC
Times Staff
3:44 PM
Title position Grant applications sought Title position by United Way for locals
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Insert “Effective date of the promotion”
Title position
Happy New Year!
Keith McNeill United Way is now accepting applications for its North Thompson Community Fund and its Youth Initiative Grants, according to Danalee Baker, director of community impact for the Thompson-NicolaCaribou. Deadline for both programs is Jan. 30 at 4 p.m. The purpose of the Community Fund is to strengthen the network of services and capacity of non-
Insert “Effective date of the promotion”
Congratulations to our Christmas colouring contest winners: Kash, Jackson, Kyle and Landon thank you to all who entered
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• Be completed by the end of the 2015 promotion” year. • Request funds for $1,500 or less. Youth Initiative grant cheques can be made out only to organizations that have a registered charitable number. However, applicants can partner with an organization. More information about Community Fund applications is at www.investingincommunity.ca while more about Youth Initiative grants is at www. investingincommunity. ca/yig.
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Youth Initiative Grant profits to achieve Initiative meaningful, long-term Insert “EffectiveYouth date of the improvements in qual- grants were created to support projects ity of life in the comdeveloped by youth for munity by addressing not just the symptoms youth (25 years and younger) within the of problems but also Thompson-Nicolathe root causes. Caribou region. The United Way's Youth Initiative community investGrant applications ment process is open to receive applications must: • Be written by from non-profits with a youth or group charitable status. of youth (age 25 or Community Fund under). applications must • Support youth align with one of three engagement within the focus areas: From applicant’s community. Poverty to Possibility, • Be clearly defined, All That Kids Can realistic, sustainable, Be, and Strong and cost-efficient. Communities.
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Students in the first construction craft worker Red Seal program pose for a photo during a graduation ceremony held Dec. 19 at the Dutch Lake Community Centre. Pictured are (l-r) instructor Ron Plamondon, Cory Jones, Ed Meidl, Jairus Bromley, Mark Sandiman, Jim McNeilty, Shane Ovesen, Karly Christian, Everett Raschke, Carol Laroche, Cassy Szwaba, Joe Hoggard, Justin Sytein, and RJ Wilson. Trans Mountain helped fund the program. Photo by Keith McNeill
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Clearwater Times Thursday, January 1, 2015
www.clearwatertimes.com A3
Raft River helps food bank Leadership students at Raft River Elementary School pose with grocery carts of items gathered this year from students and staff at the school for Clearwater and District Food Bank. Pictured are (l-r) Jasmine Carr, Eliana Bromley, Isabelle Christensen, Lindsay Anderson, Juniper Wadlegger, Josee Cooperman, Emma Collins, and Billy Biagioni. Photo submitted
Careful reading brings action items to town council Keith McNeill While some other Clearwater town council members might skim over their agenda packages (135 pages for the Dec. 16 meeting), councillor Barry Banford has a reputation for reading everything carefully. That trait became evident during the council meeting held Dec. 16 when he picked three possible action items out of more than a dozen letters and other pieces of information listed at the end of the agenda. The first was a letter from Greg Halseth, co-director of the Community Development Institute at University of Northern British Columbia, congratu-
lating Mayor John Harwood and the rest of council on their recently being elected. Banford noted that UNBC has done a number of studies in Clearwater, including the mobility study underway now. The councillor suggested that the university be asked to do a housing study for this community, as he felt there is an urgent need for places to live by seniors and people on low incomes. UNBC has done similar housing studies for other communities, Banford said. The second item Banford picked up on was a letter of congratulations to mayor and council from David Arsenault, general manager of
Community Futures Thompson Country, a federal business development agency. The letter said that CFTC has loaned $16 million for business development in the region over the past 25 years, including thousands in the North Thompson. Banford noted that CFTC is presently undergoing a strategic planning process that is intended to provide direction for its activities. However, there has been no mention of involving local governments in that process, the Clearwater councillor said. Council passed a motion seeking input into CFTC's strategic process and inviting the agency's manager to talk to council.
Item number three for Banford was a letter and brochure from Manuel Achadinha, president and chief executive officer of BC Transit. The letter congratulated the mayor and council on getting elected. It also offered to have BC Transit staff do a presentation about the services the organization offers. Banford noted that District of Clearwater, along with Wells Gray Country (TNRD Area A) are funding partners with BC Transit in the local transit system (which is operated by Yellowhead Community Services). He suggested that Clearwater should take up BC Transit on its offer to do a presentation.
TNRD workers fix Vavenby leaks Continued from page 1 The second problem occurred on Tuesday, Dec. 16. When trying to locate the original leak on Friday, a branch line valve seal failed when it was isolated. The TNRD knew exactly where the break was located because it started to leak immediately after the valve was exer-
cised. The entire valve was removed from the water main and replaced with a new one. Before repairs were started on this problem, a phone call went out to all residents to let them know that the TNRD would be replacing the leaky main line water valve between and that some water services might be
disrupted. People were asked to prepare themselves for this event. Now there appears to be a third leak on Dohms Road but none of the water system drawings show a water line in the area. The TNRD is trying to contain the water until the source can be identified. The TNRD Utilities staff are happy because
three original sets of the "as built" engineering drawings for the Vavenby water system that had been lost were found and handed in on Dec. 18. The TNRD now has accurate records and locations for the water system elements. This new information will undoubtedly make all future repairs faster, cheaper and easier.
What’s Happening www.districtofclearwater.com
The offices of the District of Clearwater “Municipal Hall” and ICBC/Motor Vehicle are located at: Dutch Lake Community Centre, 209 Dutch Lake Road, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N2 Mailing Address: Box 157, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N0 Tel: 250-674-2257 Fax: 250-674-2173
HAPPY NEW YEAR District of Clearwater and ICBC/Motor Vehicle New Year Office Hours January 1 CLOSED January 2 CLOSED Snow Angels Are you willing to be a Snow Angel? – Adopt a driveway and keep it clear. Watch for people in your neighbourhood who could use help removing snow from their driveway and ask if you can lend a hand. In case you are not sure who needs help, call us at the office at 250-674-2257 and we will connect you with those in need. Community Recreation Healthy Living - Winter Programming – 2015 Zumba, X-Country Skiing, Yoga and more. For a sneak peak, check out our website: www.districtofclearwater.com Property Assessment You should receive your property tax assessment notice early in January. If you feel your property assessment is incorrect, contact BC Assessment to discuss your assessment, they may be able to resolve your concerns. 1-866-825-8322. The deadline to file a notice of complaint to the Property Assessment Review Panel is February 2nd, at 11:59pm. Upcoming Events: Clearwater Hockey Days: January 19th – 24th. Wear a Hockey Jersey – support our teams Winter Festival: January 30th – Public Skating, Skate with Disney. Free Refreshments; 4:45pm-6:00pm January 31st & February 1st – Skiing at Clearwater Ski Hill & Curling Bonspiel. Novice Hockey – all weekend Upcoming Meetings of Council: Public Welcome. Come and meet the new Council at the Council Chambers, 209 Dutch Lake Road. January 6th– Infrastructure Committee of the Whole Meeting – 1:00pm ** NOTE NEW TIME January 6th– Regular Council Meeting – 2:00pm ** NOTE NEW TIME Keep updated with what’s happening in the District on our website www.districtofclearwater.com and “Like” us on Facebook.
Dutch Lake Community Centre, 209 Dutch Lake Road Box 157, Clearwater,B.C. V0E 1N0 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 District Office Ph: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 email address: admin@districtofclearwater.com
A4 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, January 1, 2015 Clearwater Times
“ Truly, it is in darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then this light is nearest of all to us.” - Meister Eckhart (Eckhart von Hochheim), mystic editorial by tom fletcher
Horgan on LNG, climate and farmland Following are highlights from Tom Fletcher’s year-end interview with NDP leader John Horgan. For an extended version, see the Opinion section at www.clearwatertimes.com.
We define the meaning of Christmas for ourselves Editor, The Times:
A few days before Christmas, while wandering in a local store, I overheard a couple of shoppers bemoaning the commercialism of Christmas and the loss of the true meaning of the holiday. I think if they'd put down their armloads of stuff and looked around the valley, they'd have found bushels of Christmas meaning. It is not for advertisers or manufacturers to tell us what Christmas is all about. That is something we define for ourselves. The food bank fundraiser, the lights strung to delight passersby, random trees along the highway sporting decorations, children excited over their role in the Christmas concert have all added greatly to my deep belief that the coming of Christ is worth celebrating.
I had an extra dose of delight in my life. Not only do I sing with Voices United Community Choir, an activity that makes my Grinchlike heart grow every year, I am also the treasurer of Clearwater United Church, the choir's sponsor. Thanks to the generosity of our audience at our show at the Clearwater Community Baptist Church and to the sale of DVDs and CDs of the performance prepared by Ted Weaver, I was able to write a cheque for $545 to the Forest View Place Recreation program. To quote both Louis Armstrong and Charles Dickens: "What a wonderful world. And God bless us, every one!"
Mary Neathway Vavenby, B.C.
BC Press Council
The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a selfregulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to
TF: The B.C. Liberal government has given every indication they’re going to proceed with the Site C dam on the Peace River. What do you think? JH: I’ve always maintained that it’s a good project, but it’s a question of when to add another $8-9-10-12 billion onto the backs of ratepayers. First of all, go to the B.C. Utilities Commission and find out if this is the power you need and if this is the time to build it. The government refuses to do that, and I think that’s just an Achilles heel in this process. TF: You voted for the liquefied natural gas income tax to provide certainty, and then you immediately said you would work to increase the LNG tax in 2017, before any major project could be started. How is that certainty? JH: I thought it was important that the investment community in this sector knew there was bipartisan support for LNG in British Columbia. But we went from a seven per cent [tax] to a 3.5 per cent because of a softening market. If there is a decline in return to the province because of a softening market, then surely over a 25-year period – not just between now and 2017, but if the market conditions change and prices go up – I think British Columbians would want their government to make sure they were getting a fair share of that benefit. TF: Why did you vote against the LNG environmental legislation? JH: They said prior to the election that LNG would be the greenest in the world. And then when they tabled legislation they left out 70 per cent of the emissions from upstream activity. TF: Gordon Campbell’s great goal for green-
Legion reports on 2014 poppy campaign Editor, The Times:
I would like to thank the people of Clearwater and area for their support of our recent campaign. Through your generous giving we received $6,414.20 from poppy donations, wreath sales and other donations. This will be reduced somewhat due to cost
BC Press Council, PO Box 1356, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1A9 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
Times THE
www.clearwatertimes.com Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council
house gases, 33 per cent reduction by 2020, can that be reached assuming a substantial LNG development? JH: I find it difficult to believe that they're going to achieve those results. [Environment Minister] Mary Polak has a different point of view, and our job as opposition is to hold them accountable to the numbers that they passed into law, and we’re going to do that. One of the three sectors, housing, energy and transportation, where emission profiles can be managed downward is transportation. And the government has wasted 18 months talking about a referendum on [Metro Vancouver transit.] TF: What’s your top priority for 2015? JH: I think the public is going to increasingly find affordability issues to be the challenge. We didn’t spend as much time as I had hoped to on hydro rate increases, ICBC. When the government balanced the budget, they did it by selling assets, and by increasing costs at their Crown corporations and then pulling that revenue in for budget purposes. We’re going to have to use new technologies and means of communication to better explain to people what the government’s doing to them. TF: What should happen with the agricultural land reserve? JH: I don’t think there was a groundswell of opposition to the ALR, quite the opposite in fact, and the commission has in my opinion, infinite flexibility to meet the demands of development in northern areas as well as urban centres. I’m going to make sure that [agriculture critic] Lana Popham, who as you know is fearless on this issue, is let loose on [Agriculture Minister] Norm Letnick, and we’re going to dog this issue up to the next election. – Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press newspapers. Email: tfletcher@blackpress.ca Twitter: @tomfletcherbc
of wreaths, other supplies and miscellaneous costs related to the campaign. To date we have disbursed for veterans' welfare: • Brock Fahrni Pavilion, Vancouver, for Christmas gifts, $500. • George Derby Centre, Burnaby, for Christmas gifts, $500.
• The Lodge at Broadmead, Victoria, for medical equipment, $1,000. • Veterans, spouses and caregivers dinner, Clearwater, $750. • PTSD Dogs for Veterans Transition Program, $500. Total disbursed to date, $3,250. There will be other
disbursements that I will keep you apprised of, at the latest before our next campaign. Until then, thanks again for your outstanding support.
Calvin Lutz Vice-president / poppy chair Royal Canadian Legion Br. 259
Letters Policy The Times welcomes all letters to the editor. We do, however, reserve the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality and good taste. While all letters must be signed (and have a telephone number for verification purposes) upon submission, writers may elect to withhold their names from publication in special circumstances.
74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email: newsroom@clearwatertimes.com www.clearwatertimes.com
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Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $57.75; 2 years $110.25 Prices include GST
Clearwater Times Thursday, January 1, 2015
www.clearwatertimes.com A5
Question of the Week
Are you over-spending this Christmas?
Irene Anderson:
I'm not doing too bad.
Cathy Dekelver
Mel Romeo:
I'm trying not to but I love the season of giving.
No, I'm keeping in my budget.
Doris Pennock:
I'm just back from a holiday to Nashville (and so I'm not overspending on Christmas).
James Evans (Vavenby):
Joe Schulte (Vavenby):
No, I'm not. I'm stay- No, we don't send ing home and enter- gifts anymore, just taining family. money. It's simpler.
Is it time for Canada to look at a carbon tax? Editor, The Times:
When Prime Minister Harper admitted in a yearend interview that a price on carbon is something he might accept, Canadians could be forgiven for thinking, “It’s about time”. James Hansen has studied climate change for over 30 years. Over that time his alarm has grown steadily about the world his grandchildren will live in, as the accelerating climate crisis takes hold. The retired NASA climatologist has been speaking about climate change since the 1980s. He now confesses that his earlier projections, while accurate about increasing global temperatures, "... failed to explore how quickly this would drive an increase in extreme weather". What does Hansen think can be done? A steadily rising carbon tax is one of the best ways to limit carbon pollution, Hansen says. He points to British Columbia as an example. B.C.'s carbon tax, with its six year track record, is a proven success. A tax of $30 per ton of carbon dioxide emitted adds about seven cents to a litre of gasoline. B.C.'s emissions have declined about 9.9 per cent per capita since
2008, while the economy has grown slightly more than the Canadian average in the same period. What’s more, the carbon tax is supported by 64 per cent of B.C. residents, who receive lower personal and corporate income tax rates that are fully offset by the tax. A carbon tax is one of the tools that could gain support from both sides in the polarized world of federal politics. Conservatives are typically against anything that increases the size of government. B.C.’s carbon tax does not increase government revenues, and is cheap to administer. The "revenue neutral" aspect appeals to both sides of the political spectrum. Many like the idea of a market-based tax as a way to address carbon pollution. We can’t continue to pollute the atmosphere for free. If we don't clean up our own garbage, our children and grandchildren will, under much more difficult conditions. The carbon tax is more than simply an incentive to use less gasoline and other fossil fuels. It also acts to level the playing field for providers of wind, solar, and other alternative energy. Oil, gas and coal companies still receive taxpay-
er subsidies. However, once the market factors in a steadily increasing carbon tax, renewable energy alternatives can become steadily more economically competitive. Interestingly, several oil company CEOs have spoken out in favour of a tax. Suncor CEO Rick George called for a carbon tax of $40/ton in 2011, while Lars Bacher, CEO of Statoil Canada, suggested a price of $50/ton. Oil company executives know the science, and they know that climate change – more droughts, floods, increasing impacts on air, water, and food – means that governments will ultimately be forced to act to reduce emissions. The oil companies would like this to be done in a way that is fair and predictable, and allows them to factor it into their business plans. With this kind of support for a price on carbon, and mounting evidence that it works, it’s not surprising that the prime minister is coming around.
Blaise Salmon Citizens Climate Lobby volunteer Victoria, B.C.
Time for more people to consider running for office
By Bruce Anderson and David Coletto In next year’s federal election well over 1,000 people will register as candidates for different parties or as independent candidates. This willingness to participate in the political process is important to the health of any democracy. We recently explored the idea of political candidacy in our polling. Here are the highlights of what we found: • six per cent of Canadians say they would consider running for office, and another 15 per cent say they might consider it. While the vast majority of people wouldn’t consider running, the 21 per cent represents a considerable pool of potential political talent, the equivalent of millions of Canadians. • The persistent gender imbalance in politics is reflected in the fact that men are quite a bit more (28 per cent) inclined to run compared to women (18 per cent). The tendency to consider standing for office peaks between the ages of 30 and 45 (27 per cent) • Of those who would consider running, 35 per cent think they would (definitely or probably)
win. While men are more likely to consider running, women are slightly more confident than men that if they ran they would win. Only 12 per cent of Conservative voters, and 13 per cent of Liberal voters would consider carrying another banner or running as an independent; 22 per cent of NDP voters would do so. In terms of how people feel about their current representatives: • 41 per cent say they could name their federal MP, and another 17 per cent say they probably could. • 17 per cent say their MP deserves to be re-elected and another 24 per cent say “probably”. • Women (38 per cent) are considerably less likely than men (44 per cent) to support incumbents. • Among those who say they know the name of their MP, 56 per cent say their MP deserves re-election, 36-points higher than those who cannot or probably cannot name their MP. THE UPSHOT? While there has been plenty of evidence of voter frustration with politics over the years, a considerable number of people believe
Canadians, recruited and man30 to Nov. 4, 2014. A random that they can make politics betaged by Research Now, one of the ter, and are open to participating sample of panelists was invited to complete the survey from a world’s leading provider of online as candidates. A good number research samples. also believe that they would have large representative panel of a chance to win. In our first past the post system, incumbents often with win with considerably less apsule than 50 per cent of support. MICHELLE Notwithstanding that, votLEINS ers seem less critical when omments evaluating the performance of their own MP than of the “It’s in you to give,” is the great motto of Canadian Blood Services (CBS). From one system or a party as a whole. blood donation, red blood cells can be extracted for use in blood loss and surgery; plasma, The numbers also show the liquid part of the blood can be given to those with clotting problems; and platelets can how valuable it can be for be used for cancer and transplant patients. One unit of blood can help many. Make it a goal local MP’s to become well of 2015 to give blood regularly. known among constituents, At this time of year, some people make resolutions to change their life for the better. it clearly tends to condition Why not make a resolution to make someone else’s life better, too? If you are aware of people towards supporting people who are lonely or depressed, try reaching out to them. Bring them home for dinner incumbents. or visit them in their own home. It will help them and make you feel good too. Finally, the gender balSpeaking of resolutions, here are seven goals for a healthy life: sleep seven to eight ance in our politics seems to hours per night; eat breakfast every day; don’t smoke; use alcohol moderately (or not at have more to do with women all); don’t eat between meals; maintain proper weight; and exercise regularly. Perhaps you feeling less able or willing to can include these gems in your resolutions as well. consider a run for office – And here’s an idea for losing weight: Canadians consume an average of 26 teaspoonful and is less about confidence of sugar per day. If you cut that amount in half, you’ll lose 16 pounds in one year. Combine in their prospects of victory: this with exercise, you’ll lose even more. women are if anything more We would also like to extend our thanks for the pleasant relationships we have built confident than men that with our customers during 2014. We wish everyone good health, prosperity and happiness they could win if they ran.
in the coming year. And thank you for reading capsule comments!
METHODOLOGY Our survey was conducted online with 1,850 Canadians aged 18 and over from Oct.
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A new 68-passenger schoolbus arrived in Clearwater. The $15,000 vehicle had been delayed by a strike at General Motors, Christmas, and good, old-fashioned winter. It was to take on the main run from Clearwater to Vavenby. The bus then doing the Birch Island/ Vavenby/Clearwater run was to be transferred to Blackpool, while the Blackpool bus was to take on a new run to Upper Clearwater. "Minister shoots bull," read the headline. W.K. Kiernan, Minister of Recreation and Conservation, and Dr. James Hatter, director of the Fish and Game Branch, reportedly each shot a fine bull moose in Wells Gray Park. They were on a hunting trip with Ted Helset.
People were to bring broken skis or ski poles, or dry pieces of board for a sacrificial bonfire planned at the Clearwater ski hill (due
Thursday, January 1, 2015 Clearwater Times
to the absence of snow). Supper was to be served in the lodge, and there would be skating at the rink. First place in the commercial category of Clearwater Recreation Commission's LightUp contest went to the Clearwater School Dormitory (located where the Community Resource Centre was until recently). Wells Gray Motor Court took second. Mr. and Mrs. Woodman won first in the residential category, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Les Parker. Darfield resident Ernst Salle celebrated his 98th birthday. He had been born in Braunschweig, Germany in 1872. He, his wife and four children crossed the Atlantic on the Corsican, ahead of the Titanic, and learned of the disaster on arrival in Halifax.
A very tired Betty Davidson skipped her rink to a close win over the Frank Kohlhauser
HISTORICAL Perspective
BACK IN TIME foursome in the "A" event of a fun bonspiel held in the new Sportsplex curling rink. The winning team was made up of Davidson, Ray Donnelley, Yvonne Redman and Clayton Hicks. Clearwater SnoDrifters held the first of two regional snowmobile races. There were a good number of entries in the two-day event.
Birch Island School principal Loyd Bishop acted as master of ceremonies then the school presented its annual Christmas concert. Birch Island Hall was filled to capacity for the event.
YEARS AGO: Molly Therres was
Baby! Babies of 2014
In our January 8th edition, the Clearwater TIMES will celebrate babIES born In 2014
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junior winner of the Times' Christmas story contest, while Kitty Danesbury won the adult category. Yellowhead Youth Services, represented by May Woodman, won a television set in a Clearwater merchants' Christmas promotion. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Matusky also won a set.
Paragon Wood Products of Salmon Arm was to open a shake and shingle mill in Clearwater. The company had about 12 workers sawing shingles and making shake blocks locally. Three automatic shake machines had been back ordered. In the meantime the blocks were being transported to Paragon's existing mills in Revelstoke and Nakusp. Six children in an ice tent on Mann Lake had to dive out the door to escape when the tent went through the ice. Conservation officer Frank Richter advised people to use extreme caution on frozen waterways, especially when using snow machines. A female Clearwater RCMP officer had a lucky escape when her police car went out of control and rolled into
the river 13 km south of Clearwater. The officer swam to shore as the car sunk in 20 feet of water.
If an upcoming referendum for a TNRD Emergency 911 communication system passed, every property owner in the regional district would see significant increase in taxes, warned Steve Quinn, TNRD Area B (Blue River-Avola) director. The increase would be $35 per year on a $100,000 home, or $810 for a million dollar business.
Thompson Valley Television Society had applied to the CRTC to take over the television licenses held by Clearwater Chamber of Commerce and Vavenby Community Club, said Pat Sabiston. The TNRD paid for the TV repeater system and it was operated by the Area A (ClearwaterVavenby) parks, television and cemeteries committee. A wide variety of hockey, curling and figure skating activities were planned to celebrate the Sportsplex's
25th anniversary. Clearwater Ski Hill opened for the season on Boxing Day. There was not a lot of snow, and the club was selling tickets at half price, said president Pete Miller.
Lee Palmer of Little Fort survived the 2004 tsunami while vacationing in Sri Lanka. In an instant the water was up to his knees, then to his waist just before knocking him down. He witnessed firsthand the devastation and shock. Barriere resident Babes Shanko challenged all the communities in the North Thompson Valley to raise funds for the Red Cross to help the tsunami survivors. Businesses such as Super Save and Interior Savings Credit Union raised funds. Local schools held a pajama day. Blue River School students collected pennies and Vavenby students joined forces with Barriere to raise enough money to build a school. Newly formed Wells Gray Country Community Forest Corporation sought to increase local jobs and opportunities by researching selling to small sawmills.
"I think what we need to do is promote more light industry. There are huge, huge opportunities out there," said
Clearwater Chamber of Commerce president Steve Pelton. His Silverdew Hardwoods birch sawmill in Upper Clearwater had recently re-opened; putting 15 people back to work. North Thompson Sustainable Watershed Committee got a three-year contract to develop a food security action plan for the valley. "I really think sustainability planning is going to be of increasing importance, in light of peak oil, the economic downturn and climate change," said committee member Ted Richardson. Kinder Morgan received a habitat conservation award for its work to stabilize the bank of Raft River near the salmon-viewing platform.
YEAR AGO: Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure installed two new DriveBC webcams near the roundabout on Highway 5 in Clearwater. Starting Jan. 7, 2014 the Valley Connector bus service to Kamloops would be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Previously, the bus service was available on Thursdays only. A request from Raft Mountain Skating Club for new backdrop curtains for the North Thompson Sportsplex got the nod from Clearwater town council.
Keep an eye out for funny money in Kamloops Kamloops This Week Kamloops Mounties say there’s nothing humorous about the funny money allegedly being passed at Tournament Capital-area businesses recently.
RCMP Cpl. Cheryl Bush said two Kamloops retailers reported receiving counterfeit U.S. $100 bills. On Monday, Dec. 15, a bill was used at the Salish Esso. The next day, another one was given to a waiter
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at Boston Pizza in Sahali. Bush said the suspect in both instances had a similar description — a heavy-set native male standing five-foot-six. “Merchants are
asked to use caution when accepting notes and to utilize any counterfeit-detecting tools they have,” Bush said. The investigations into both incidents are ongoing.
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Drive Safe and be safe The Times
Clearwater Times Thursday, January 1, 2015
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What will it take to stop impaired driving? BC Ministry of Transporatation 1977 was an important year. It was the year Han Solo said, “May the Force be with you.” It was also the year Elvis passed away. Maybe even more importantly, 1977 was the beginning of the Drinking Driving CounterAttack Program in British Columbia – the very first of its kind in A police officer conducts a road check as part of the Drinking Driving CounterAtCanada. tack campaign underway now. Even small amounts of alcohol or drugs can result in Since its humble beginnings, we’ve seen severe penalties. ICBC photo significant reductions New legislation I’ll be sober enough to That’s the word in impaired-related means police now can drive home. from our friends at crashes. In fact, the test for drug-impairFalse. No amount ICBC who run the program has been so ment and charge of hot coffee, cold campaign (in partnersuccessful most of us drivers who refuse to showers or fresh air ship with police and know instinctively that provide blood, saliva will sober you up. The the BC government) drinking and driving or urine samples when only cure is time. with great success. don’t mix. requested. Driving stoned Their website has lots But did you know The penalties in isn’t as bad as driving of great information, that there has been an B.C. are the toughest in drunk. including this quiz: increase in the number Canada. False. Studies show True or False? of drivers under the that “stoned” drivers As long as I eat a True. B.C. has the influence of drugs, such can be as dangerous as big meal before drinktoughest impaired as prescription medicadrunk drivers. ing, I’ll be okay to laws in Canada. If you tion, while driving? Depending on what drive. drive impaired, you If your festiviyou‘ve smoked, swalFalse. It’s a good can count on penalties ties involve alcohol, lowed or injected, your idea to eat while drinkadding up between arrange for a desigimpairment could ing alcoholic beverag$600 and $4,060 — nated driver or use range from slowed es. But a full stomach even if it’s the first other safe options to reflexes and flawed won’t stop you being time you’re caught — get home safely — call depth perception to impaired. and more time off the a taxi, take transit or hallucinations, psychoAll I need is coffee, road. call a sober friend. sis and seizures. food or fresh air and So, this holiday seaAnother option is Operation Red Nose, a volunteer service in 13 host communities Drinking and Driving across B.C. that pro- vides safe rides home can ruin more that for drivers and their just your car!!! passengers. Did you know that if you crash while We Guarantee: drinking and driving, you’re likely in breach of your insurance policy? That means that you could be 100 per cent responsible for All Locations feature Freshly Baked Bread, Groceries, Refreshments and Lottery Tickets, Gas and Oil, Fishing Bait and Tackle, the costs if you dam- Convenience Items, Greyhound Bus Services, and Much More! age someone else’s property or injure them. Located on Located on the corner of
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son and all year long, please remember that it’s never cool to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Enjoy your time with family and friends, celebrate responsibly and make it home in time for Santa. - See more at: http://tranbc. ca/2012/12/20/ drinking-driving-counterattack-what-will-ittake-to-stop-impaireddriving/#sthash.dSCPlvoJ.dpu
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Drink in moderation this season, and in the event you are too intoxicated to get behind the wheel, give your keys to someone else, catch a ride with another person or call a cab.
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Thursday, January 1, 2015 Clearwater Times
ye a r i n rev i ew
January District of Clearwater passed a roads cross-section bylaw. “The District is at a critical stage for planning the future of its community,” said Serious Issues require Serious Lawyers
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CAO Leslie Groulx. “This created an opportunity to develop a road network plan to assure long-term financial sustainability for Clearwater’s current and future tax base.” After more than 80 years, Kamloops Daily News was to close. Parent company Glacier Media served notice to staff that it
would cease operations within the next 60 days. Matco Investments Ltd., a private investment firm based in Calgary, acquired a 36 per cent interest in Yellowhead Mining Inc. Matco was at one time the owner of the former Weyerhaeuser property in Vavenby before Yellowhead acquired it in 2011.
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Yellowhead’s proposed Harper Creek coppergold-silver mine would be located about 10 km southwest of Vavenby. District of Clearwater had contributed $48.5 million in economic stimulus to the community since incorporation, according to Mayor John Harwood. Building permits in the new municipality had averaged about $2.5 million per year, for a total of $16 million. Melody Romeo was the new manager of Victims Services for the Clearwater and Barriere RCMP detachment areas. She took over from Kim Stockton, who had been manager for many years. Wells Gray Search and Rescue assisted Barriere SAR in a search for four overdue snowmobilers on Harp Mountain, which is located northeast of Barriere. The following morning the four used a cellphone to call from the top of the mountain to say they had been delayed but had dug in, cut firewood, and stayed warm and dry in a lean-to. Dave Tomlinson won Clearwater Rotary Club’s Ice Man fishing derby. John Meger took second place while third spot went to Mike Fraser. A total of 68 anglers signed up. Canfor-Vavenby honored employees Steven Coburn and Percy Shymkiw, both of whom had worked at the mill for 45 years. The company also honoured the memory of Garry Ruston, who had passed away on Jan. 11. The former Blackpool fire chief had worked at the operation for 43 1/2 years. Mayor John Harwood wore a Grinch hat at a town council meeting. District of Clearwater faced some tough financial choices, he said, and that those thinking about run-
Raft River Elementary School students Josie Cooperman (l) and Emma Collins celebrate the school’s winning $120,000 in the Aviva Community Fund contest in January. The money was to be used to develop a playground for intermediate-aged students to be named after Skye and Courtney Buck. Times file photo
ning for council should get themselves informed about it. Clearwater council awarded the event coordinator position in an age-friendly program to Linda Selbee. She was to work 15 hours per month for 12 months. Events during Clearwater’s Winter Fest included a Novice hockey tournament, family skating, discounted skiing at the ski hill, the Love Where You Live curling bonspiel, and a poster coloring contest. February More than 80 people registered for the 16th annual Wells Gray Birchleg at the Candle Creek cross-country ski trails. Many wore Viking or traditional Scandinavian costumes. The event included a Norwegianstyle lunch. A learn-to-skate program put on by the Raft River Elementary School PAC at the Sportsplex was “amazingly successful,” according to Christie Dobi, one of the organizers. Most classes had gotten two lesson times during the sixweek program, while some had gotten three. Community programs were also allowing students at the school to learn how to downhill
and cross-country ski. A meeting held at the newly renovated Vavenby Community Hall discussed what to do with Vavenby’s share of tax money collected by District of Clearwater on industrial property in Vavenby. In 2009 the residents had voted to hold the funds for five years and then re-visit the issue. Those present were now looking at what to do with $46,000. Buy-Low Foods showed its plans for a shopping centre to be located next to the roundabout in Clearwater. Construction could be completed by December, said Michael Lee, a vicepresident with the Jim Pattison Group. However, a more realistic timeline would be for completion in June or July of 2015, he said. First baby of the year from this area was Mira Jane Willowtree Fullen, daughter of Kris Olson and Jordan Fullen. She was born Jan. 15 in Kamloops. First baby boy was Ronnie James Mackenzie, son of Ryan and Rhauna Mackenzie. He was born in Kamloops on Jan. 20. Babies had not been born in Clearwater’s hospital for several years.
About 30 people showed up for two open houses hosted by District of Clearwater to discuss the municipality’s five-year financial plan. Reason for the interest appeared to be news that the District would like to increase its tax rate by 9.5 per cent. Four robins were photographed in a tree near Vavenby on Feb. 12. Others were reportedly sighted on Jan. 22. Atco Energy Solutions announced that it had signed a relationship agreement with Simpcw First Nation. Atco builds, owns and operates non-regulated energy and water-related infrastructure. Blue River School students hosted youngsters from Raft River Elementary and Vavenby Primary at cross-country ski races in Blue River. A lunch and awards ceremony at Mike Wiegele Heliski Resort followed the event. The races were dedicated to the memory of Andy Aufschnaiter, a Blue River resident who had been a principal organizer of the annual races before passing away the previous year. A total of 16 teams took part in the Ladies Bonspiel at the Sportsplex. First in the A went to Larissa
Clearwater Times Thursday, January 1, 2015
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ye a r i n rev i ew
Clearwater Mayor John Harwood (center) drops the puck to officially open the Midgets Tier 4 provincial championships at the Sportsplex in March. Taking the drop are Surrey Storm captain Brennan Collins (l) and Clearwater Ice Hawk captain Keaton Noble. Times file photo
Hadley, Jan Johnston, Joan Streadwick and Sheila Colter. March Canadian Will Gadd and three other ice-climbers completed a new route up Helmcken Falls. “It’s the hardest multi-pitch mixed route in the world,” Gadd said. Work was proceeding on a proposed Bear View shopping center, said Candus Graffunder, one of the proponents. A traffic impact study was being developed. The proposed indoor shopping center would be located on a 10 acre lot south of Highway 5 immediately west of the junction with Haywood Road (kittycorner from the former greenhouses). Clearwater Bantam Girls were celebrating after winning the Okanagan Superleague female title. They did it with a hard-fought 2-1 series victory over Merritt. District of Clearwater was looking at wood heat for the former Dutch Lake School. A study indicated that payback time would be three to five years (with grants), said councillor Merlin Blackwell. Jeff Lamond was re-elected as president of Clearwater and District Chamber of Commerce. Others on the executive were
vice-president Ron Plamondon, treasurer Joanne Ovenden, secretary Goldie Krawec, and directors Steve Planeta, Cheryl Thomas, Kevin Kershaw and Rhys Williams. There had been no Citizen of the Year banquet in 2013 because directors found themselves too busy, Lamond said. A letter to the editor from Dr. John Soles announced that three new doctors were coming to Clearwater soon. Dr. Mark Walton and Dr. Alice Gwyn were to begin practising in May, while Dr. Christina Liciu was expected to join the practice on a full-time basis in mid-September. Dr. Stephen Broadbent had joined Soles in working at the local hospital the previous November. “It was a really good, well organized event,” said BC Hockey rep Bill Green following the Midget Tier 4 provincial hockey championships at the Sportsplex. Clearwater Ice Hawks took fourth place. Former Wells Gray Park ranger Herb Green displayed some irreverent humor during a storytelling evening in Upper Clearwater Hall. Green had worked in the park from 1953 to 1965. Karl deBruijn
took over from Terry Sullivan as the superintendent of School District 73. He had been assistant superintendent for the previous 11 years. April CN put a gate across the Mud Lake Forest Service Road where it crossed the railroad tracks north of Blue River. A snowmobiler had stopped a train several weeks earlier after being unable to leave the tracks because of high snowbanks. District of Clearwater was consolidating its parcel taxes into one rate. Clearwater’s water system had been developed in stages and each extension had resulted in different parcel tax rates, explained director of finance Sheila Thiessen. The borrowing to pay for the extensions was now paid off and so the rates were set to pay for longterm maintenance and sustainability.
Twelve Clearwater and area residents went to Kelowna to become Canadian citizens. One of them, Jean Strickland, said her husband Lloyd Strickland had his Canadian citizenship for at least 40 years but she had always held back in case they had to return to the U.S. District of Clearwater’s debt amounted to just $130 per person, said the District’s auditor. This compared to about $700 per person in local government debt across the TNRD, or $1,000 per person across B.C. About 70 people attended a Healthy Forests/Healthy Communities forum in the Clearwater Legion. Speakers included Hans Wadlegger of Wadlegger Logging and Construction, Kim Muddiman of Nest Timber Homes, TRU dean of science Tom Dickinson, and forest district manager Rick Sommer. Thompson Rivers University gave Clearwater’s Skye Buck a lifetime achievement award. He had graduated from TRU with a Bachelor of Science in 2007 and a Bachelor of Education in 2010. An exceptional athlete, he had won a number of sports awards as well. Buck, his wife Courtney and their unborn child tragically passed away in an automobile accident in December, 2012. Close to 20 local residents took part in a workshop about composting put on by TNRD at Clearwater ski lodge. Composting your
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kitchen and yard wastes would result in “really awesome plant fertilizer,” said Adriana Mailloux, and environmental services technologist. Thompson Headwaters services committee hosted an open house at the Avola log schoolhouse to view playground equipment proposals. Insurance concerns meant the former playground equipment had to be removed. A major police
operation delivered three young children from danger after their mother was found deceased. Police surrounded a house on Joyce Road and several hours later an adult male suspect was taken into custody. Clearwater town council issued a development permit for Buy-Low Foods proposed shopping centre next to the roundabout on Highway 5. “This is an historic event for Clearwater,” com-
mented Mayor John Harwood. An excavator and semi-trailer had already been moved onto the site. A research team from UNBC hosted an open house to inform the public about the seniors’ mobility project called Front Door to Grocery Store. Rotary Richard went face down into Dutch Lake on April 16. The event was a fundraiser for Clearwater Rotary Club.
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Thursday, January 1, 2015 Clearwater Times
Christmas stories The Magic Rocket One day something zipped through the sky. It was a rocket. It was an alien rocket! It was on an evil mission to take over the universe! Oh, no I need Lochlan. There you are Lochlan. I was looking for you everywhere. Let’s go get those aliens. We chased and chased and we finally caught them. We put them in jail. Now everyone was safe. By Allister Roy, age 7 The Best Christmas Dinner A boy who was a big dreamer woke up from a big dream. He got up and said, "Wow, what a messed up dream." An hour and a half later at school his friend Aloyce came and said, "Where you’ve been."The boy said, "I’ve been here at school."Aloyce smiled and started to walk away but that minute the boy grabbed his arm and said Dude, I had a dream I invited Santa to my Christmas dinner. Aloyce laughed and said, "Christmas is tomorrow!"That night
Winners get cash awards Winners of the Times’ Christmas story contest show off their winnings. Pictured are (l-r) Cassidy Tucker, first place Grades 4 – 7, Sophia Braaten, second place, Grades 4 – 7, Cera Van Engelen, first place Kindergarten – Grade 3, and Amery Hokai, third place, Kindergarten – Grade 3. Missing are Eli Priede, third place, Grades 4 – 7, and Jorja Bond, second place, Kindergarten – Grade 3. The presentation was made on Friday, Dec. 19 (Pyjama Day) during reading time in the gym. The winners' stories appeared in our Dec. 18 issue. Other stories appeared in the Dec. 18, Dec. 25 and this, the Jan. 1 issue. Photo by Keith McNeill
the boy was walking in the woods looking for insects for his science project and a magical dog came flying out of the sky dressed kind of like an elf. It kind of scared the boy. The dog was now by the boys side. The dog had a note it read, dear Josoph, the
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boy quit right there. "That’s my name,"and continued reading. That dream you had was a great dream. I would love to come for dinner but you have to promise you do not talk to anyone about this." Josoph whispered to himself and said, "Of course." Ho ho ho Josoph looked around it sounded like Santa and that minute more words were on the card it said "Good, ho ho ho from Santa" Josoph was so excited he ran home and jumped into bed without his mom even noticing. In the morning Josoph ran right past the Christmas tree filled with presents and straight to the dinner table and started to set up the dinner table while his mom and his little sister were opening presents. His mom smiled and said, "Okay, now why don’t you come open your presents."So Josoph came and opened his presents. After that it was all most time for dinner his mom said "dig in." He stood there and said, "Just
wait Santa should be here soon."And right then Santa came and had the best Christmas dinner ever! By Braxton Grade 5 The Magic Rocket I love Christmas morning, "Lets open presents, wake up."I had a sparkly present behind the tree. It looked very cool. I opened the present, it was a red rocket. The rocket had a button. I pushed the button, it gave me candy. I seen another button, it gave me lots of ice cream. I love my new toy. I play with it all the time. My teeth started to turn yellow. I seen another button, it cleaned my teeth. They looked very shinny. Then he found a red button. I did not push it , so my little brother did. The button shot presents at me. I opened it, it had another rocket. By Simon, Grade 5 The Magic Rocket One Christmas evil morning Santa wakes up from a terrible nightmare! Du Du
Du. Its when 3 of his elves turn into 3 meat eating elves! Diddly Du Du Du. The elves are chasing Santa all around the house and finely the 3 elves get their victory! Santa wakes up from his nightmare and gets out of bed and as he starts to walk down the stairs he slips on one of his dogs chew toys. The dog is named Sparky. Santa falls down the stairs crash bang thump crash bang thump! Santa gets up and and he looks in the mirror and he has a huge lump on his head. Ouch! Ever since dumb old Santa had that huge lump on his head he’d bin such a silly and dumb Santa! Santa was being mean because he was throwing Sparky’s chew tow at him and not feeding or watering him. All of a sudden Santa had a really dumb idea and that idea is to go to a little kids house named Fred and to put the newest 2015 rocket under Fred’s tree. Right away Santa got to work. At 7:00 PM Santa went to Fred’s house and placed the newest 2015 rocket under the tree and Santa ran into a room with a window on the door with the perfect view of the tree. He waits he waits and he has been waiting for almost 2 hours and finely Fred walks out of his room and Fred goes right to the Christmas tree and he finds the rocket and he did not know what it was and Fred points the rocket right at the tree and Santa flicks the switch. Nothing happened and Santa is thinking and now Santa knows what’s going on it just that there is just one wire not connected to the switch and Santa plugs it in and the rocket goes off! The rocket hits the tree the tree hits the wall and all three go right to
outer space and Santa does the happy dance! The end! By Parker Collins, Grade 5 The Best Christmas Dinner Ever Once upon a time there was a family of Lamonds. They liked Christmas. Their family was coming to their house. The Mom was making the turkey dinner while all the children were decorating the Christmas tree. The turkey was ready but when they tried the turkey it tasted bad. They got sick. Mom cooked another feast. This time it tasted better. It was a good dinner after all. It was night time so everyone went to bed. In the morning, there was a big pile of presents. Everyone was happy and full. by Georgia Lamond, age 8 The Magic Rocket One day it was early in the morning. It was almost Christmas! Santa was getting ready for Christmas. When he found the sleigh he noticed that it was broken! On no! said Santa. Ho ho!! Mrs. Claus came. What's wrong sweetheart? Santa said I have a broken sleigh. Well, said one of the elves, we could make you a rocket. Yay! Said one of the reindeer. Oh, oh, ho, ho said Santa. Why don't you want to drive the sleigh? Because I want to take a break! Ok said Santa. By Isabell Wright, Grade 2 The Magic Rocket Eeeeeeerch. Santa made a big halt on an innocent child’s house. "Oh, this is going to be good! Mwahahahaha! Oh! I don’t want to wake him."The evil Santa placed the magic rocket quickly but very carefully under the stockings, because it
is too big to fit in the stockings. 4 hours later ... "He was here!!" Marcus yelled so loud that the whole city of Seattle could hear him! Marcus is a 7 year old boy who’s parents are divorced. He lives with his mom and his step dad in Seattle. Marcus hates his step dad. Anyway, back to the story. "Waaaah!"Marcus shouted at the top of his lungs when he fell down the stairs. "I’m good!"Marcus said with excitment. He raced to the stockings. He was ripping up the presents 1 by 2! Finally, he was on his last present. He was opening it very slowly, then he ripped it faster than the fastest car in the world! He was happier than a frog when it rains 2 weeks in a row! It was even better than he wanted! It was a 2015 remote control rocket! A metre and a quarter tall, and its dark blue with green stripes! About one hour later, Marcus went out to try it. "Here we go!"Marcus cried. He pressed the up button and up it went, with Marcus! "Waaaaaah!" Marcus shouted. No one was controlling it! It was magic! "Huh?" "Oh, it was just a dream!" By Seth Cooperman The Magic Rocket Katie and her friend Hayli were super excited because it was Christmas Eve. They had just finished wrapping presents when their moms called them for dinner. As soon as they finished eating it was time for them to go to bed because it was very late. Next morning they woke up bright and early, and jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs. When they finished opening their stockings they started opening their presents.
Clearwater Times Thursday, January 1, 2015
www.clearwatertimes.com A11
Christmas stories Hayli. "All you have to do is pinch yourself,"explained the elf. "Why?" they asked nervously. "You’re dreaming,"exclaimed the elf. The girls did as they were asked and pinched themselves. They opened their eyes and realized they were at home in bed. They looked at each other, shrugged, and went back to sleep. By Katelynne Christensen, Grade 5
At the Winter Market Hilda Reimer (l) talks with Carol Jensen about the glass work and other items she has for sale during the Winter Market held at Wells Gray Infocentre. The event was held over two weekends in December. Photo by Keith McNeill Above: Tiny lights decorate some of Reimer’s glass work creations.
They discovered a present that was for both of them. They opened it together and found out that it was a rocket. "This is ridiculous!" screamed Katie. "This is a boy toy!" She threw it across the room and it hit the wall. "Worst Christmas present ever!" shouted Hayli. Then the rocket started to glow and it zoomed across the room toward the girls. They closed their eyes and braced themselves for the rocket to hit them. But it never did. When they opened their eyes they were standing knee deep in snow. "Where are we?" asked Hayli looking confused.
"There’s a sign, maybe it says where we are,"exclaimed Katie. When they finally reached the sign they both gasped. "We’re in the North Pole?!" screamed Hayli. "Maybe someone in that building can help us get home,"exclaimed Katie. They trudged through the snow towards the building and they knocked on the door. To their surprise there weren’t people inside, there were elves inside! "Hi,"announced Katie nervously. "We were wondering if you can help us get home?""How did you get here?" wondered the elf. "Long story,"exclaimed
The Magic Rocket Hello my name is Rachel Elisabeth Dare. I have red frizzy hair and I’m four feet tall. And do I have a story to tell! It all started on Christmas Eve at 12:41 pm I heard a loud Crash! I wonder what it could be?! So I threw up the sash to see what’s the clatter and there I saw on my front lawn was a rocket !! Could it be magic I wonder? So I crept down the stairs not to wake my dad. My Mom was in France, so Dad is in charge. When I told Dad about the rocket he was amazed. He said to be careful and not to go and touch it. He went out there and jumped inside and WOOSH! Dad was gone! Oh my! I was wondering what to do, when, WOOSH the rocket blasts back into my yard. Dad gets out and looks pale and scared! He runs inside the house to call 911 and he can’t even speak. I grabbed the phone and let them know about the rocket! The police soon arrived and when they went to the front lawn – it was gone! They charged my dad with mischief! It was magic rocket ... and it had disappeared, dad went crazy, mom couldn’t believe the story when I phoned her!
Wow, that was some magic rocket! We had such a good story to tell all the relatives on Christmas Day! By Tyne MacLennan, Grade 4 The Best Christmas Dinner Ever Once upon a time there was a mom and a dad and they had two kids. Their names were Abby and Soren. They had a cat too. It was Christmas Eve and Abby was so excited. I bet this is going to be the best Christmas dinner ever! Kids, it’s time to go to the dinner table said Mom. Soren, can you pass the beans? Abby, we do not have any beans he said. Dad, can you get the milk? Sure, dad said. Dad, look, what did she do? She spilled the food. Oh my. But I guess we’ll just have to eat pizza! By Cleo Coates, Grade 2 The Magical Rocket One Christmas Eve everyone was sleeping in their cozy warm beds. When Santa came he said, "Ho, ho, ho!" And he dropped off the presents. When he was done he jumped on his reindeer. When it was morning the two little girls sprung out of their bed and dashed downstairs. There were a lot of presents. And one of the presents was special. "Mom," Maria said, "What is it?" her mom said. "This is not what I wished for," Maria said. Then her mom came out sand said, "Oh my goodness is that the rocket that your brother wished for?" Michel was not up yet, but when does wake up he will be so happy. But as Maria was putting the rocket down it sprung out of its case and flew right out of the doorway. When Michel woke up he jumped out of his bed and went down to the Christmas tree.
But when he got there he was more upset than ever. Maria went outside with her mom. And when they went outside there was the rocket and they quickly grabbed the rocket and went inside. And when they went inside Michel was sitting on the couch and we gave the rocket to him. He was so extremely excited. And when he let go of the rocket it started shooting out streamers. And Michel said, "This is going to be the most amazing Christmas ever." By Rhiannon Peden, Grade 5 The Magical Xmas Kitten Once upon a time there was a little village. The village had no mayor or sheriff. One day a little girl moved to the village.
A kitten came with her. The kitten had special powers. She sent all the love and light to Santa. She was purr-fect. The end. By Sienna, age 7 The Best Christmas Everywhere It was Christmas Eve. The people were getting ready for Christmas. They were buying presents and putting up Christmas trees and decorating the Christmas trees and making Christmas dinners. They were getting ready to go to bed because tomorrow will be Christmas. They woke up and opened their presents. They had a cat named MJ and on Christmas she had a kitten. And they lived happily ever after. By Ellyse, age 7
The Best Christmas Dinner Ever Once upon a time there was a Christmas dinner right in front of me. I was with my granny, mom, sister and dad. Then we sat down and ate dinner. Then we went to open Christmas presents and I enjoyed the time with my family. I played with my uncle Kyle. We played with Lego and Pokemon. It was the best Christmas dinner ever because I was with my family. I’m going to play with my dad. We are going to play with Lego and Pokemon toys. I went to bed. The next morning we ran to the Christmas tree and we opened all the presents. Then we ate breakfast. We all ate the best Christmas breakfast ever! By Dylan Vaisnis, age 8
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Thursday, January 1, 2015 Clearwater Times
Sports Ice Hawks flying high as playoffs approach Times Staff Although technically a Tier 4 team, Clearwater Midget Ice Hawks are holding their own against teams from larger Tier 3 associations in league play, according to head coach Tim Walker. “We have been in every game and I believe have improved more than them from the time we started this year,” he said. “Reducing our penalties, playing with effort and puck support have been prominent amongst our chief objectives this year.” The weekend before last the Hawks hosted South Okanagan (holder of first place in league play) and third place Summerland. The local squad narrowly lost to South Okanagan but tied with Summerland.
“Saturday's game against South Okanagan was without question the worst performance of our year, but it was also one of those games where everything just kept going wrong in a weird way ... I felt like it was a bad dream,” coach Walker commented. Despite the initial weak showing the team managed to battle back in the third period against a 7-3 deficit to bring the score to 7 – 5. With just under five minutes to play, South Okanagan put a nail in the Hawks' coffin to beat them 8 – 5. “Sunday's game against Summerland was a good game for us,” Walker said, adding that there was much better effort by the Clearwater players than the day before. “We opened the
scoring in the first and maintained a 1 – 0 lead through to the end of the first. The team skated hard, played disciplined and organized,” he said. In the second the Hawks slacked off just a bit and Summerland scored three unanswered goals to take the lead 3-1. The Ice Hawks dominated the play for the vast majority of the third period. “We scored four goals, the first of which was disallowed by a debatable call, yet still the boys worked hard battling even through an emotional scrum and a bit of ugly enticement by the other team,” Walker said. The Icehawks maintained their focus and kept the lead at 4 – 3 until the near end of the game. With just less than two minutes
Clearwater Ice Hawks (l-r) #7 Nate Wadlegger, #22 Larson Wadlegger, #12 Keaton Noble, #1 Karter Romeo (goaltender), and #18 Matthew Lee look to see where the puck went during a Midget hockey game against Summerland at the Sportsplex on Sunday, Dec. 21. Photo by Keith McNeill
to play, Summerland was awarded a penalty shot and scored to steal the lead and tied up the game. “Summerland took the full satisfaction
Raft Mountain Skating Club • Register @ www.raftmountain.com Adult Hockey • Mens Drop In Hockey Fridays, 8pm $10/each
Join local coaches Teresa Heisterman for Junior & Senior Star Skate and Chelsea Hindle for Preschool & Canskate
Oldtimers Hockey • Wednesdays 8:15pm • Sundays, 7pm • $10/each Wells Gray Curling Club • League play Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 7pm. Register for the second half 250-674-3768 for info
FAMILY SKATING • Friday Jan. 2 & Sunday Jan. 4 4pm Sponsored by The Royal Bank HOME SCHOOL SKATING • Wednesdays at 1:30pm
the final three league games of the regular season. All three of these league games will be at home: Jan 17 at 2 p.m. vs. Kelowna, Jan 18 at 1:30 p.m. vs. Winfield and Jan 24 at 3:30 p.m. vs. Merritt. “We will need at least one win and one tie out of these
three games to give us home ice advantage against Kelowna in our league playoffs, Walker said. League playoffs will most likely begin Jan 31. Clearwater Ice Hawks will host the Midget Tier 4 Provincial championship the week of March 15.
Clearwater & District Minor Hockey • Become part of a winning team. Join Minor Hockey and learn to play Canada’s Game. Open to Boys and Girls. www.cdmha.info/ Register @ 250 674 2594 or nissa1537@gmail.com
of a victory for us yet we still came out of the game with a tie against the third place team in our league and we can be happy with that,” the Ice Hawks coach said. Upcoming events for the Ice Hawks include a home tournament on Jan. 9-11. After that will be
12:00 – 1:30 2:15 – 3:45 4:00 – 6:00
Atoms vs. Kamloops Atoms vs. Kamloops PeeWee vs. Kamloops
10:00 – 12:00
JAN. 4
PeeWee vs. Kamloops
COMING EVENTS Jan. 9 - 11 Midget Rep Tourny Jan. 19 - 24 Clearwater Hockey Days 40th Anniversary of the Sportsplex Jan 24 - 23 Curling Skins Jan. 30 - 31 Love Where You Live Bonspiel Jan. 31 - Feb. 1 Novice Hockey Tournament
RAFT MOUNTAIN SKATING CLUB REGISTRATION January 3 - Barriere at AG Foods from 3pm - 5pm January 4 - NT Sportsplex from 3pm - 5pm
Or register/info www.raftmountain.com Funding is available upon request for those eligible.
Lessons begin the week of January 5, 2015
Clearwater Times Thursday, January 1, 2015
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Vavenby Strong Start celebrates end of year Robyn Rexin Wednesday, Dec. 17, was the last day for the Vavenby Strong Start program before the holidays. Organizer Mrs. Amy made it a special day. First, everyone told of something new that had happened in their life. Landon Hewlett told about his trip to Belize and swimming with the big turtles. Cate-lin Tourond said that she has a new baby brother that sleeps all the time. After play time there was a Christmas story, then Christmas songs. They had a special snack that day. It was an ice cream cake with two sauces to choose from. Then
everyone went into the library to sing again and there was Santa Claus! Each child sat on his lap. After telling him what they wanted for Christmas he gave them a treat and a book. A couple of children told Santa that they wanted a baby brother/sister. One asked for snow. Strong Start will begin again on the first Wednesday in January of 2015. Vavenby students celebrate Christmas The Kindergarten – Grade 3 students held their Christmas party on Dec. 19, the last school day of the school year. There were hot dogs, hot chocolate, marshmallow squares, and chocolates for
everyone. The children sang Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer for the audience and then, in pairs, read what they saw, did, or felt on Christmas Eve. Craft tables were set up around the room for the children
and their parents to go to. There was a painting table, a table for decorating cookies, one for making Santa Clauses, and one for making hand puppets. Everyone was having a good time.
Ethan Merriman tells Santa what he wants for Christmas during a Strong Start year-end celebration held Dec. 17 at Vavenby Primary School. Photo by Robyn Rexin
Thrift Store hours The Fine Things Thrift Store will only be open during the
donated $100 to Clearwater and District Food Bank.
holidays on Dec. 31 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. The Vavenby crib and darts club
The Kindergarten - Grade 3 students at Vavenby Primary School sing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer to the audience at their Christmas party on Dec. 19. Pictured are (back, l-r) Iyannah Toscano, Mercy Flegel, Gavin Prince, Zafariah Toscano, Hunter Chrystall, Brayden Busse, Moira Chrystall, (front, l-r) Nathaniel Weber, Kylie Prince and Courtney Prince. Photo by Val Bellows
Bookings open Jan. 2 for Berg Lake and Bowron Ministry of Environment VICTORIA - After the toys have been unwrapped, turkey cooked and Auld Lang Syne sung, people from around the world start planning vacations for the year ahead, and will soon be able to book two popular BC Parks adventures. Beginning at 7 a.m. PST, Jan. 2, 2015, those looking to hike the scenic Berg Lake trail in Mount Robson Provincial Park or navigate the world-renowned Bowron Lake canoe circuit in Bowron Lake Provincial Park can take to their comput-
ers to reserve a spot for the 2015 season through Discover Camping. Reservations can also be made through the Discover Camping call centre at 1 800 689-9025 for a surcharge of $5. "The Berg Lake trail and the Bowron Lake canoe circuit provide unique adventures drawing hundreds of visitors each year. With limited facilities available for a true wilderness experience, explorers need to come prepared,” said Minister of Environment Mary Polak. “By opening reservations in the new year for the entire season, we are helping
British Columbians and families from around the world plan their vacation so they can make the most of what our provincial parks have to offer." Last year, 1,585 bookings were made for Berg Lake trail and 975 for the Bowron Lake canoe circuit. Approximately 22% of the total number of reservations were made from outside of Canada.
The Berg Lake trail and the Bowron Lake canoe circuit reservations open ahead of any other BC Parks' experiences, and allow booking for the entire 2015 season, giving the public time to properly plan for their wilderness adventure. The Berg Lake trail is open yearround in Mount Robson Provincial Park, and can be
reserved from June 12 to Sept. 14. This year, 100% of spots available on the remote backcountry trail are now part of BC Parks' camping reservation system, giving explorers more options when booking ahead. The trail covers 23 kilometres and climbs 800 metres, offering scenic views of waterfalls and icebergs. Bowron Lake
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Church Directory
Clearwater Christian Church
Sunday Worship Service 10 am
3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational
St James Catholic Church Sunday Service Mass 11am - 12pm 324 Clearwater Village Road 250-819-5579
and takes two to four days to complete. Those interested in paddling the Bowron Lake canoe circuit should have some wilderness canoeing experience. Reservations for frontcountry campsites in other provincial parks will open on March 15, 2015. Group site reservations are available up to 12 months in advance of the arrival date.
Provincial Park's unparalleled canoe circuit can be reserved from May 15 to Sept. 21. The entire circuit encompasses 116 kilometres of paddling across 10 lakes, and includes a few portages that are relatively easy and flat. The whole trip takes from six to 10 days to complete. The West Side experience is also available, which is less than half the circuit
Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor John Masigan Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468
CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James
Sunday 9am
Rev. Brian Krushel
250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615 www.norththompsonpc.ca
Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship
CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am
Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 5:00pm
(Kids church during service)
Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: livingstreams@hotmail.com Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations
Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study Thursday 3-5pm Kids Club
Phone: 250-674-2345
308 W Old N Thompson Hwy
Worship Service 10:30 250.674.1332 www.ccbaptist.ca
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New fibre, cell connections all part of connectivity plan Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services VICTORIA – Thanks to expanded cell phone coverage and highspeed Internet more B.C. families will be connected this year. B.C. government's partnership with TELUS helped to increase cellular coverage along 1,054 new kilometres of highway this year as part of the Connecting B.C. Agreement with TELUS. Some of the northern highways seeing new service in 2014 include $620,000 to build a new wireless site bringing service to approximately six kilometers of Highway 97 near the community of Monte Creek, and $550,000 to bring new wireless coverage to more than 10 kilometers of Highway 16 between McBride and Tête Jaune Cache. Expanded service means safer travel for drivers, faster reporting of road accidents and better response times by emergency workers. As of November 2014, 264 of 437 public schools have been upgraded from legacy copper to faster fibre optic internet connections. The government of B.C. contin-
ues to partner with the federal government to support the Pathways to Technology project managed by the All Nations Trust Company to connect First Nations communities to the Internet. This year the B.C. government launched the $2 million BC Broadband Satellite Initiative in partnership with Xplornet Communications Inc. As of the end of December 2014, more than 1,000 satellite subscribers throughout the province now have service in areas where traditional broadband service is not possible. Over the next three years, the program will continue to provide assistance with a portion of the installation cost of a satellite Internet connection for customers with no other options for broadband. At this year's UBCM, Premier Christy Clark renewed government's commitment to expand highspeed Internet service to communities in rural B.C. The Province is committed to achieving the goal of 100% Internet connectivity by 2021 to make B.C. one of the most connected jurisdictions in the world.
Getting ready for the campaign Federal NDP candidate Bill Sundhu (l) chats with Jean Gross about their memories of Williams Lake during a Christmas Bazaar held at the Clearwater Elks Hall in December. Sundhu will be challenging M.P. Cathy McLeod during the next federal election. Photo by Keith McNeill
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Thursday, January 1, 2015 Clearwater Times
Check Before you go! www.DriveBC.ca
1655 Lucky Strike Place | Kamloops, BC | V1S 1W5 | Phone: 250-374-6690 | Toll Free: 1-800-661-2025
Thought of the week Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
Season’s Greetings The Thompson Rivers University Regional joint brochure will be in your mailbox over the Christmas holidays Watch for it!!!! If you do not receive a copy please call 250-674-3530 or email sarduini@tru.ca to request one, or stop by the Dutch Lake Community Centre to pick one up.
Youth Gymnastic begins right after the New Year, phone and register your child to secure a spot in the program.
UPCOMING COURSES Foodsafe Level 1 Dec 16 & 17
~Ralph Waldo
Wells Gray Country
Jan 6 – Mar 12
Various prices
Please call 250.674.3530 to make an appointment for online work-related courses.
Jan. 3: Legion Branch 259 Meat draw, 257 Glen Rd, bar opens 1 pm. Jan. 4: Raft Mtn Skating registration, 3-5 pm, NT Sportsplex, or www.raftmountain.com Jan. 5: Badminton, 7:30 – 9:30, CSS gym, info 250-674-2518 Jan. 6: Regular Council meeting, 2pm, 209 Dutch Lake Rd. Jan. 9-11: Midget Rep Tourney, NT Sportsplex
Gymnastics - Youth
Jan. 19 – 24: Clearwater Hockey Days, NT Sportsplex Jan. 25: Ice Fishing Derby, Dutch Lake, sponsored by Clearwater Rotary Club. Info 250-674-2795 Jan. 30: Winter Festival event, public skating – Skate with Disney, 4:45 – 6 pm, NT Sportsplex Jan. 31 – Feb. 1: Winter Festival event, skiing @ Clearwater Ski Hill. Jan. 31-Feb 1: Novice Hockey Tournament, NT Sportsplex
TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 209 Dutch Lake Rd. EMAIL: sarduini@tru.ca • www.tru.ca/regional_centres/clearwater
ONGOING EVENTS ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Tuesday Morning Coffee (TMC): Meets 10am – 11:30 @ Clearwater Community Baptist Church. All women and children welcome. (9:30-10 am Bible Study). Info 250-674-3624 • Women in Business Luncheon: Last Wed. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 250-674-3703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmers’ Market May – Oct. Saturdays 9am– Noon. For more info please call Anne at 250-6743444. • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 1pm: 250-587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – 2nd Fri. of the mth. 6:30pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - 2nd & 4th Wed. Elks Hall 5pm, Info call Phyllis 250-674-3535 • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Racoon StrongStart - Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:45-11:45am • Racoon StrongStart - Vavenby Elm school days Wed 8:50-11:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Monday mornings, reg. Kerry 250674-3530 • NT BC Home Schoolers: Meets Fri. afternoons. Call Leanna 250-674-0057 for details HEALTH & HEALING • AA Meetings: every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Dr, 250587-0026 anytime • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-587-6373.
• Connections Healing Rooms - Wed. 1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. www.healingrooms. com. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Kim 250-674-0224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion 778-208-0137. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 250-674-3675 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: 1st Thurs every mth. 250676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Tues. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Nov., Jan., & Mar. AGM in May • Volleyball: Winter, dates TBA, at Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. Info: 250-674-1878. • Youth Group: ages 12-18, Sat. 7-10 pm Dutch Lake Community Center, info 250-674-2600 • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 250-674-2468 annie. pomme@hotmail.com • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-6740001 • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:309:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 • Drop in Basketball: Winter, dates TBA, $2 drop in at Clearwater Secondary School Gym. Info: 250-674-1878 • Slo-Pitch: Clearwater mixed Slo-Pitch league May – July. Contact Carmen Archibald 778-208-1773, 250-6742632 • Drop in Soccer: June -Sept, tues and Thurs, 6:30-8:00 PM, CSS field, $2 drop in, grade 8 to adult SENIORS • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the mth 2pm at the library. All seniors welcome.
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Clearwater Times Thursday, January 1, 2015
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Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Education/Trade Schools
Misc. for Sale
Apt/Condo for Rent
Duplex / 4 Plex
For Sale Brown chenille three cushioned sofa. $50 or best offer. As is where is. Call Leslie at 250-672-5706 to view.
STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at: www.crownsteelbuildings.ca.
Clearwater: Small 2 bdrm apt, own entrance, close to town. $600/mo + util. Avail Jan. 1, 2015. Call Julie 250-674-0188
We’re on the net at www.bcclassified.com
Barriere: 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath, duplex, large fenced backyard, 1 car garage. $895 + util. DD. Pets neg., N/P, N/S Avail Dec. 15. 250-672-0041.
Real Estate
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! iheschool.com 1-866-399-3853
Medical/Dental Seeking full-time MOA/Practice Manager to join our team at a busy ophthalmology and retinal subspecialty practice in Vernon. We strive to provide high quality patient care in a friendly and team-oriented setting. Our office is paperless and uses the latest in eye care technology. We are looking for an experienced MOA who is highly organized, able to multi-task and communicates effectively.
For Sale lrg. sectional w/2 recliners, 2 microwave ovens & elect. stove. Good shape. $100 obo for everything.
Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. Trades are welcome. 40’Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forklift. Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator. Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com
Misc. for Sale
Business Opportunities
Barriere A-A Meetings Every Tuesday at 7:30pm Pentecostal Church 818 Amnesty Road 250-672-9643 250-672-9934 Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Call 250-674-2135.
Located across the railway tracks in Vavenby, B.C. Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Great deals - low prices
Personals Clearwater: AA Meetings Every Wednesday, #11 Lodge Drive, side door. Call 250-587-0026 anytime MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-712-9851
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THE DISABILITY Tax Credit. $1,500 yearly tax credit.$15,000 lump sum refund (on avg). covers: Hip/knee replacements, arthritic joints, COPD. For help applying 1844-453-5372.
Career Opportunities MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today!
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking Lakes District Maintenance Ltd. has openings for PLOW TRUCK OPERATORS
Positions are available in Bob Quinn Lake and Jade City. Both are camp locations with bunkhouses available for successful candidates. Positions are for this winter season. Wages start at $21.18/hr plus isolation, bunkhouse & other allowances. Experience is an asset, but not required. Class 3 BC Drivers licence with air required. Apply with resume and current drivers abstract:
In person: 881 – Hwy 16W Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Fax: 250-692-3930 Email: careers@ldmltd.ca More career opportunities at ldmltd.ca/careers/
Optional RENTAL PURCHASE 1974 Homco-Ambassador (One move factory to site) 12x68
2bdrm Featuring Living rm with tip out, Dining rm w/buffet & hutch Refrigerator, Range, Washer & Dryer, Oil Furnace Screen porch & family rm additions Unit had an auxiliary roof over the majority of time on site Asking $25,900 Phone: 250-587-6151
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ARE YOU $10K or more in debt? DebtGo can help reduce a significant portion of your debt load. Call now and see if you qualify. 1-800-351-1783
Home Care Access Respite Care & shift coverage whenever you need it. Certified quality home support. 778-220-7003
Photography / Video PHOTOS
by Keith McNeill
Digital and film photographs. Phone 250-674-3252 or email:keith.mcneill65@gmail.com
Help Wanted Contract Delivery Driver
• Pick up in Vernon and deliver to Barriere Once a week on Wednesday • Time sensitive • Must have reliable vehicle, insurance and capability to haul 2 tonnes of weight. Please submit resume to the
North Thompson Star/Journal 10-4353 Conner Road Barriere, BC or email al@starjournal.net
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Thompson-Nicola Regional District
Financial Services Announcements
Mobile Homes & Parks
When? Friday January 16, 2015 1:15 pm For info & submissions
The Board of Directors of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District gives notice that it will hold a Public Hearing in the TNRD Boardroom, 4th Floor - 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC, to consider proposed Bylaw No. 2486. What is Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2486, 2014? It is a change to Zoning Bylaw No. 2400 to rezone lands at 5164 Clearwater Valley Road (legally described Lot A, District Lot 3062, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 25824), more specifically the property shown in bold outline on the map below, from RL-1: Rural to C-4: Recreational Commercial. This change will permit resort use and expansion of the present tourist accommodation.
Home Improvements FULL SERVICE plumbing from Parker Dean. Fast, reliable, 24/7 service. Take $50 off your next job if you present this ad. Vancouver area. 1800-573-2928
Pets & Livestock
#300-465 Victoria St Kamloops, BC V2C 2A9
Pets Good Dog Obedience Classes Starting Jan. 18! * NEW DATES! * Basic Obedience - A 6 week course in good manners & canine behaviour begins Jan. 18, 2pm at the Fall Fair Hall in Barriere for all dogs at least 6 months old & up. Cost $100. Novice Class - 6 weeks of fun as we take you & your dog to the next level of obedient behaviour. Participants must have successfully completed a previous Basic Obedience course to qualify. Class starts on Jan. 18, 1pm. Cost $100. To register or for more information contact Jill Hayward at 250-319-8023
Merchandise for Sale
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Firearms FIREARMS: ALL types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed dealer 1-866-9600045. www.dollars4guns.com.
Website www.tnrd.ca
All persons who believe that their interest in property may be affected by the proposed Bylaw shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing. Additionally, they may make written submissions on the matter of Bylaw 2486 (via the adjacent options) which must be received at our office prior to 4:30 p.m. on January 15th, 2015. The entire content of all submissions will be made public and form a part of the public record for this matter. How do I get More Information? A copy of the proposed Bylaw and supporting information can be inspected from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday (except statutory holidays) at our office, from January 2nd, 2015 until 1:15 p.m. the day of the Hearing; or please contact us via any of the adjacent options. No representations will be received by the Board of Directors after the Public Hearing has been concluded. R. Sadilkova, Director of Development Services
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Thursday, January 1, 2015 Clearwater Times Thursday, January 1, 2015 Clearwater Times
Duplex / 4 Plex
Homes for Rent
Vehicle Wanted
Barriere: large 1 bdrm apartment in quiet neighbourhood.750sqft. $615/mo. Pets negotiable. Call 250-682-2231
Vavenby: Nice clean 3bdrm house w/bsmt, carport, & storage sheds on half acre w/river view. F/S, W/D, $900/mo, $450/dd. Call 250-674-0002
Volkswagen van/bus with split front window. Any info pls call Kevin 403-690-7646 or email vdublove@hotmail.ca
Very attractive 2-bdrm manuf home, f/s, washer, dryer, central air, office area, carport. $750/mo. Now avail. Thompson Crossing Blackpool, Clearwater. Ph. 250-587-6151
2010 Dodge Caravan SE, 3.3 litre, V-6, 115,272 km, $9750.00 Ph. 250-674-2010
Homes for Rent Clearwater: 3 bdrm, 2 bath, home on Bain Rd. Wood pellet & elec heat, 10 acre lot. $1250/mo + util. Mature adult. NS Ph. 403-816-7979 Clearwater: 3bdrm, Peavine Rd, new renos, lg deck, 1500 sq ft. $850/mo; 3 bdrm house, 220 Dutch Lake Rd, $795/mo, recent renos. Call Chum 250674-3668.
Suites, Lower Birch Island: 2-bdrm suite, $550/mo. Avail now. Incl sat tv, util & laundry. Wood heat. Ph. 250-674-1768
Trucks & Vans
Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at www.bcclassified.com
Attorney General Suzanne Anton
B.C. wines to come to some grocery stores
19,951 That’s how many companion animals will need loving, new homes this year. Will you open your home to one?
Jeff Nagel – Black Press
Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today! This Crossword Sponsored by
A pJanuary r i l 2 3 1Don’t try istoallhide This week your this aboutemotions give and take, week, Capricorn. Capricorn. Do for Ifothers, others andknow they will just how are do for you.you A special feeling they event calls for will some be more likely extra-special gifts.to December 22– offer a helping hand January 19 and some valuable advice.
January 20– February 18
February 19– March 20
You Somehave habitsanareinfechard tious amount of to break, Aquarius. energy this week, Look to a mentor to Aquarius. help and youThat will will serve you well succeed. A fitness because many things goal is easily achieved are up onof withpiling a new piece your to-do list. equipment. You’re ready to meet tasks head-on. Do Theyou oddsfeel maylike be you’re stackedbeing againstpulled you, in too many Pisces, but thatdirecdoesn’t tions, Pisces? mean you won’tLet come up accepting any outon on top with a little new responsibilities ingenuity. A weekend for now. requires a endeavor leap of faith.
March 21– April 19
ItSpeak mayup, seem that Aries, and you have your the problem will head be in the clouds, Aries. solved. A little miracle But youmakes knowforthat at home an you have everything interesting weekend. under control. Travel plans come Disregard together. the critics and keep plugging away.
April 20– May 20
Taurus, inside Cast asidelook all doubt, yourself foroffer the issoluTaurus. The tion to aand problem genuine will bring that has puzzled you many rewards. A you. You understand test of faith begins— the situation better be strong. Money woes than ease. anyone else, so bear down and find the solution.
May 21– June 21
There no easy way Feelingisblessed out the Gemini? work you theseofdays, have get done, Pay itto forward. A Gemini. Just hunker compromise at home down and accept raises everyone’s that tasks have spiritsthese and fun ensues to completed allbe weekend long! before you can move on.
- 27,9 ,2015 2 0 1
June 22– July 22
You may feel some A business relationship pressure froman blossoms with higher-ups, Cancer. addition. A larger-thanBut don’t allow that life personality drops pressure distract by with anto offer you you can’tfrom refuse.the Ohtasks boy, at You will ohhand. boy, Cancer. get things done on time.
July 23– August 22
Leo, weeks Oops,after Leo. You fall of running behind on around, a project, it is finally time to kick raising some your feet Not up and eyebrows. to relax. concept worry. The You will get may seem back on trackstrange sooner to you, than youbut think,soon thanks enough you will get October 23– to an innovation. the hang of it. November 21
Virgo, yousave havemore Spend less, been stuckdefinitely on a and you’ll problem but the get more, Virgo. More solution is right in your bottom line around corner. and morethe peace of Perhaps you should mind. Flowers provide change your a great pick-me-up. perspective and go August 23– September 22 about it in a new way.
Focus on the Lady Luck smiles on positives a new you, Libra,ofand there venture if your is nothingeven beyond you’re reach. Anervous treasuredabout the outcome, Libra. heirloom resurfaces, Ifbringing you letback negative many thoughts slide in fond memories. September 23– you can quickly be October 22 overwhelmed. New possibilities The tiniest of seem tomake ariseaout changes vast of nowhere, Scorpio. improvement in a Embrace the good project. A rejection is fortune your a blessingcoming in disguise. way and make the Be grateful for what most these wonyou’reof given, Scorpio. derful and exciting opportunities.
ItNews willfrom takeafar some gets energy to referee the creative juices a situation at you home, flowing, and Sagittarius. Strong accomplish more than personalities cantime, you have in some clash at times, butof Sagittarius. A game you way of witshave at the aoffice through November 22– working proves challenging. December 21 the obstacles.
The province's latest liquor reform will make it easier for wine stores to relocate into grocery stores – provided they offer only B.C. wines – but there's no sign the government is rethinking its change to wholesale wine pricing that will sharply drive up the price of more expensive bottles. The Dec. 19 announcement by Justice Minister Suzanne Anton in Langley at Chaberton Estate Winery is being hailed by B.C. wineries because some supermarkets that can begin selling wine come April will be barred from stocking foreign wines. Under the change, existing VQA and independent wine stores can relocate or transfer their licence to an eligible grocery store as long as 100 per cent B.C. wine is sold. Those licence transfers won't be limited by a rule that disallows new outlets if there's an existing one within one kilometre. Liquor policy reform leader John Yap called it a "winning combination" to allow grocery shoppers to also buy B.C. wine
and support the local industry. "The B.C. wine industry is entering into a new era of winemaking," added Chaberton co-owner Eugene Kwan. The new model is different from the store-within-a-store model in that it allows B.C. wine to be on regular grocery store shelves and shoppers would pay for it at designated registers staffed by trained employees who are at least 19. Anton said a limited number of new licences – she would not specify how many – will be made available to sell just B.C. wine in grocery stores. The extra licences will mean more competition for private wine stores that have already been critical of some of the province's liquor reforms. Vancouver lawyer Mark Hicken, who acts for wine industry clients, predicts there will be "no takers" on wine stores relocating under the new B.C.only model because they would lose most of their international product lines. Hicken said the B.C.-only rule may violate Canada's international trade agreements.
Clearwater and District Food Bank Open: 9am to 12 noon, Mondays and Fridays
How to Donate: Cash or cheques can be dropped off
at the Food Bank or by mail to 741 Clearwater Village Road, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N1. Food Donations: dropped off at the Food Bank, Clearwater Credit Union or at Safety Mart
250-674-3402 • info@clearwaterbcfoodbank.ca
Clearwater Times Thursday, January 1, 2015
The Magic Rocket It was Santa’s last day of delivering toys. Santa was sad because his sleigh broke. An elf came by. The elf said Hi Santa. Why are you crying? My sleigh broke said Santa. Oh said the elf. Well I can help said the elf. How could you help said Santa. Well I I I could make a rocket said the elf. How asked Santa? Well I’m magic said the elf. Magic? Ho, ho, ho, ya right. You, magic? Ho, ho, ho said Santa. The elf left. When he got back a rocket was there. Santa was amazed. The reindeer were so sad they dreamed of a new job. One deer thought of a wrapping job as Santa hopped in the rocket. “Ho, ho, ho I was a holly jolly guy, so ho ho ho a jolly guy like I” Santa sang on the way. Every house in the world was awake. The computer kept saying go left, go right, stop, go, no – all the way around the whole world and the buttons beeped and booped. Santa was so mad!!! He went back to his workshop and talked to the elf. Santa said I do not like the rocket. It is so annoying said Santa. So he set it on fire then put it out and smashed it and the elf made a sleigh for Santa. Santa was glad to deliver toys again.
By Sam Selbee, Grade 2
Christmas Dinner Bree and her sister Lulu woke up to a beautiful Christmas day. They went downstairs for breakfast. When the girls entered the kitchen they could smell the pancakes being cooked on the stove. When the girls sat down at the table they noticed some crumbs and half eaten carrots on Santa's plate. After breakfast the girls sprinted into the living room and opened their presents and started playing with them. Bree
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Christmas stories got a cabbage patch doll and Lulu got a barbie. Six hours later Bree, Lulu and their mom and dad got ready for Christmas dinner. Many family and friends came for dinner. They ate turkey, green beans and eggnog. It was wonderful, everyone enjoyed Christmas dinner. After dinner everyone started doing a Christmas craft. Then it was time to hand out the cookies and hot chocolate. Two hours later they had another dinner. They ate mashed potatoes, rice and orange juice. Then Bree, Lulu and their mom and dad told everyone goodbye. After their family left Bree suddenly noticed one more present under the tree. She started opening the present and found a beautiful chocolate lab who she called Cocoa because he smelled like cocoa. Then her parents and Lulu rushed into the room and asked where is that barking coming from, “Cocoa, “Bree answered. “Who's Cocoa,” her parents and Lulu asked. “The dog I found in a box under the tree,” Bree answered. Then Lulu and her parents came over to pet Cocoa. Then they watched Christmas Vacation together and when it ended they all went to bed and it was the perfect family Christmas.
By Jaime Ball, Grade 5
The Best Christmas Dinner Ever One cold night as Max was lying in his bed, he looked out of his window and yelled, “It's almost Christmas Eve.” Then mom came downstairs and replied, “What are you doing, it's midnight.” Max ran out of his bedroom and yelled, “Going outside to watch the snowflakes.” So Max ran outside and yelled, “This is
awesome!” Then mom yelled, “Come back to sleep.” Max ran back inside and whispered, “Yes, mom.” So they both went back to sleep. Then today at 9:00 a.m. it is Christmas Eve. My mom, dad, aunty, uncle, grandma, grampa and my sisters all yelled, “We're here for the Christmas dinner. Six hours later. It was Christmas dinner! Then the mother whispered in Max's ear, “Can you get the food from the store?” Max replied, “Yes mother.” So Max dashed to the superstore and got ham, turkey, rice, potatoes and other foods. Max payed $106 for a bunch of foods. He dashed back to his house and setup the table like a waitress. Then Max's family sat at the table and said, “The best Christmas dinner ever?
By Robyn Criss, Grade 5
The Best Christmas Dinner Ever Once upon a time there was a Christmas dinner right in front of me. I was with my granny, mom, sister and dad. Then we sat down and ate dinner. Then we went to open Christmas presents and I enjoyed the time with my family. I played with my uncle Kyle. We played with Lego and Pokemon. It was the best Christmas dinner ever because I was with my family. I'm going to play with my dad. We are going to play with Lego and Pokemon toys. I went to bed. The next morning we ran to the Christmas tree and we opened all the presents. Then we ate breakfast. We all ate the best Christmas breakfast ever!
By Dylan Vaisnis, age 8
The Magic Rocket Once upon a time there was a little boy named Oliver. He loves Christmas. The reason
Legion assists hockey program (L-r) Clearwater-Vavenby Legion Branch 259 vice-president Calvin Lutz presents a $500 cheque to Hans Wadlegger, president of Clearwater and District Minor Hockey, plus players Nate Wadlegger, Dorian McGill and Hannah Wadlegger. The money will be used to help kids who otherwise could not afford to participate. Photo by Keith McNeill
he loves it is because he gets to be with his family. And he loves his family a lot. It was Christmas, so that brought joy to his face. He was so happy he called everybody and wished them a Merry Christmas. Then his mother came in and said, “What are you doing? Tomorrow is Christmas you have to get to bed early.” “Okay okay,” he said. So he got his jammies on and went to bed . Beep beep his alarm clock went. He was super excited because he asked Santa for a little rocket. So he burst into his Mom and Dad's room. And yelled MOM DAD IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE and then he ran down stairs. And there it was. It said to Oliver from Santa. He was so happy he ripped it open and there it was. Finally his mom and dad got down stairs. And saw it floating around . And said WOW it actually works.
Oliver said. Then he went up to his room. And the rocket picked him up and flew out the window. Oliver was yelling. Then the rocket put him back inside. “Wow,” Oliver said “It is magic!” The next day he took the rocket to school. Everybody thought it was a toy. But Oliver did not care. All that mattered is that he knew it was magic.
By Korie McGill, Age 8
The Best Christmas Dinner Ever Once there was a family. The family was going to spend Christmas at there gramma and grampas!!! There gramma was cooking her special Christmas dinner!!! Her special Christmas dinner had corn bread, buns and best of all the Christmas turkey!! “I love Christmas a lot and a lot!!!” “So I really hope I get the pres-
ents that I wanted for Christmas!!” Their gramma's and grampa's house sounded like peaceful music playing and it felt joyful and awesome!!! It was getting dark out so the family had a shower and then the kids brushed their teeth and the adults watched TV for a little while and then the adults went to bed. Then Santa came! Yaaaaa! The kids woke up at 1:00 am and then the adults woke up at 6:30 am. So then the adults told the kids they could open their presents now!!! So the kids started ripping the wrapping paper and played with their presents that they go for Christmas!!! And they played together. The End
By Abbie Christensen, age 8
The Magic Rocket One Christmas Eve I was laying in bed. And I was
thinking of what I was going to get for Christmas. Then I had it, I was going to get a magic rocket. I thought about what I was going to do with it. And I got it, I was going to go see Santa. I wrote a note asking for a magic rocket. I went back to bed. The next day I ran down the stairs. I got to the Christmas tree, there it was, the rocket. Then I got in the rocket and I was off to see Santa. And I was finally at Santa's workshop. I looked out the window, I got to see Santa. I was so happy to see Santa. I played tag and Snakes and Ladders and a lot of other games with Santa. But I had to go home and I gave Santa a big hug. And Santa said I could come anytime I wanted to. So I came back every Christmas after that.
By Angel Van Engelen, Grade 5
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