Rimbey Review, January 06, 2015

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Serving the communities of Rimbey, Bentley, Bluffton, Winfield, Alder Flats and Buck Lake

Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2015


Volume 17 Number 2

Merry Christmas to all: Rimbey Lions Club members, including Santa Claus made a visit to residents in the longterm care ward at the Rimbey Hospital on Christmas Day. Club members sang songs and visited with residents, helping to make Christmas Day much more bright and cheery. Michael Jarmoluk Photo

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2 The Rimbey Review, Jan. 6, 2015


The Community Calendar Proudly Presented by Rimbey Co-op and the Rimbey Review BINGO BINGO’S : pm 7:30 Plaza. @Bingo Mondays. & 3rdLions 1stRimbey Hall Bingo, 6:00 p.m. Bingo atStarts Ponoka 1st & 3rd Thursday, Hoadley th pm. 7 @ month, each of Friday 2nd Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. Rimbey Curling Club Bingo at Ponoka Bingo Plaza 4 Rimbey Legion, Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. West Pine Lodge Bingo in Winfield. MEETING S: (non smoking) 1st and 3rd Mondays 7:30 at Hoadley Hall Bingo doors open at 6:30at Anonymo us Mondays - 7 pm the New Life Recovery in Addicts Food nd 2 Saturday, 6:00p.m. Rimbey Historical Society Bingo, Ponoka Bingo Plaza Call 403-843-4 570 for more info. building. ChurchDrop-In Fellowship Bingo at Ponoka Bingo Plaza 3rd Saturday, Rimbey meetings the second Monday of each month, in the #264 Bentley of Purple Royal rd 3 Sunday, Rimbey Legion at Ponoka Bingo Plaza old Oxford school @ 7 pm. Call Brenda 403-302-7 244 for more info. MEETINGS Rimbey Sleigh, Wagon, & Saddle Club meetings the 1st Wed. each month. Truck at 403-704-4 TOPS ( Take off Pounds Sensibly) Wed evenings, Rimbey United Church 236 for info. (the president) Call Denise Museum @ Pas-Ka-Po o Park.meets basement. You are invited to an open house. Oct 17 @ 7pm Nancy 843-0067 ail.com Email: RimbeySW SClub@gm Bentley Minor HockeyLadies Annual Auxiliary General MeetingOct 17 at Tuesday 7pm at Drop-In month, 1pm everyCentre. 2nd meeting Hospital Rimbey Call 748-4838 or 748-2078 for info. Hospital Conferenc e Rm. Bentley Curling Club Meeting17month at 7:30pm Theat Super 8 meeting - 7atpm each y of Oct Wednesda 1st General Game Fall Rimbey Fish and Annual Curling Club Lounge. New and Returning curlers invited. room. Blindman Valley 4_H Beef Club Parent Oragnizational Meeting- Oct 17 at 7:30 pm Alcoholic s Anonymo us Wednesda ys- 8:30 pm at the Rimbey Anglican Church. at Bentley Ag Centre. Call 748-2374 or 748-4739. New members welcome. 403-843-3 662 info. Rimbey Elementary School Parent Council MeetingRES room Oct 7:00pm Agriplex. pm16atatthe Rimbey Ag Society 3rd Wednesda y each month- 7:00 Auxilary Hospital 2nd Tuesday each month 1 pm Rimbey Health Centre Rimbeyof 7:30 pm month, each Thursday t meeting1s Legion Cdn. Royal st 1Rimbey Thursday each month, 7:30 p.m. Regular Members Meeting, Rimbey Legion St. 50th 5019 Legion, Rimbey #36. ng, call 1-403-347 -8844 & say you would like to be seen in Councelli nd 2Family Thursday each month- Rimbey Ag Society 7:00pm at the agriplex Rimbey. rd 3 Tuesday each month- Caregiver Support Group 10am at Rimbey Health Bentley Ag Society Annual General Meeting - Jan. 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the Ag Centre Centre. hall. Call Stephanie at 403-748-4 040 for info. Public welcome. ACTIVITIES ACTIVIT IES: Bentley Library Society Dinner Theatre- Event to take place Oct 20, tickets now on Drop In Centre, every Tuesday nights @ Rimbey @ Dances Jammers’ Regular sale. Call Arlene 748-4429 7pm. Carpet Bowling- Wednesday mornings. Bentley Hall. 9:30 am. New Players Bentley p.m. on December 23 & reopen at 10 a.m. 5:30 close at for will748-3404 Library The Bentley invited. Call Harry or Georgina more info. 6. Week” at the Bentley Municipal Library Oct 22-27. Donate dry January “on Food For Fines Library from 6:30 to Municipal the Bentley atBentley - Thurs., Club Book Bentley foods in lieu of library fines. Will be Jan. given8 to Blessing Pantry. members always New . Elephants” for “Water Gruen’s SaraChicken discussing p.m.Lodge 7:30Pine West In WinfieldSupper Oct 19 @ 5:00pm. For more info call welcome. Wendy @ 780-682-3960 computer room Centre, eld In4:30,Winfi Drop RimbeyOct Services n & Referral Informatio Seniors Winfi eld Playground FundraiserSupper & Silent Auction, 19 @ am – noon. Clown and more. Call 682-3788 for more info 13. 10Skating,Crafts, Jan.Centre. Rec - starting 7 p.m. at the library. On Jan. l Library Municipa Bentley Family Halloween Dance and SilentFREE Auctionmovies on Oct 27 from 5-9 pm at the Bentley PG. On Jan. 29 “Jimmy Newtron - Boy rated Journey” 15 “The Hundred Community Hall. HostedFoot by Bentley Nursery school. Call Tina 748-4407 for info. G. rated Chorus- Starts practice for Christmas, Wednesday Oct 10 Genius” Rimbey Community Bentley Senior’s Bonspiel - Jan. 12-15. Daytime curling. Spectators welcome.


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Frolicking in the winter snow. Submitted by Johanna Lunzman

Family Dentistry and Orthodontics Accepting New Patients

“We Love To Make You Smile”



8:45pm at United Church. New singers welcome. Annette 843-3115 Rimbey United Church is planning a Memorial Hymn sing Nov 4 at 2:00pm. For info call Alice 843-6732 or the church 843- 2458.

Keeping Your Community in Touch!





From the Staff, Management and Board of Directors


At the Rimbey Co-op


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Sunday January 11


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Few Flurries

Mainly Sunny

Few Flurries

Few Flurries

Sun & Clouds

Mainly Sunny

Sun & Clouds










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S 10 km/h

N 15 km/h

NW 10 km/h

NW 15 km/h

N 10 km/h

NW 25 km/h









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The Rimbey Review, Jan. 6, 2015 3

Criminal charges relating to drugs and firearms laid in Red Deer and Bentley area By Treena Mielke An investigation by Alberta Law Enforcement Response teams has led to the arrest of eight people from Red Deer and the Bentley area who are facing 51 criminal charges relating to drugs, firearms and possession of proceeds of crime. An ALERT press release states on Dec. 17, ALERT Red Deer executed two search warrants to conclude a seventh-month investigation related to drug trafficking. RCMP Red Deer and Sylvan Lake members assisted ALERT with raids at a home in the Johnstone area of Red Deer and another at a rural address near Bentley. The Bentley residence was being used to package and press cocaine and additional quantities of heroin, oxycodone, fentanyl, MDMA, methamphetamine and marihuana were seized inside the home. The drugs had an estimated street value of $60,000. Michael Gunville, 37, Chad Gunville, 35, Stephanie Sheehan, 28 and Clarissa Liebenberg, 26 were arrested and charged at the Bentley residence. Ashlin Loughlin, 23, Blair Loughlin, 28, Walter Cameron, 43 and April Marinakis, 20 were arrested and charged at the Red Deer home. Six firearms were recovered including a loaded nine mm handgun, two 12-gauge shotguns, and three highpowered rifles, one of which was a 50 caliber sniperstyle rifle with ammunition. A variety of gold, silver bars and precious gems were seized and are being investigated as stolen. Two all-terrain vehicles and a skid steer located at the property are also suspected of being stolen. Over $20,000 in cash, determined to be proceeds of crime, was also seized. ALERT was established and is funded by the Alberta Government and is a compilation of the provinces most sophisticated law enforcement resources committed to tackling serious and organized crime. Nearly 400 municipal police, RCMP and sheriffs work in ALERT.

Believe: Rimbey Lions Club visited residents of long term care in Rimbey on Christmas Day. Michael Jarmoluk Photo

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AGRIM CENTRE AGRIM SPONSORSHIP CLIP AND MAIL COUPON Make cheques payable to: Rimbey Agricultural Society Mail to: Box 1173, Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0

Weight Wise The Wolf Creek PCN is pleased to offer the weight wise program as a free facilitated group educational opportunity offered in a series of learning sessions. Weight wise will provide you with information and tools to help you achieve a Healthy Weight for improved health.

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4 The Rimbey Review, Jan. 6, 2015

Connie Johnson Sales


Tax Free Savings Account contributions misunderstood

Treena Mielke Editor


Michele Rosenthal Publisher


Letters to the Editor Policy The Rimbey Review welcomes letters to the Editor, especially those dealing with topical or local issues. Letters should be a maximum of 500 words in length and must have the writer’s signature over printed name, along with the writer’s address and telephone number. The address and telephone number will not be printed. This newspaper reserves the right to edit letters for length and legal considerations. Deadline is noon the Thursday prior to publication. Send your letter to: The Editor, Rimbey Review, Box 244, Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 or email: reporter@ rimbeyreview.com

Copyright Notice All printed material, including photographs and articles, is the sole property of The Rimbey Review. No reproduction of this material is permitted without permission of the publisher.

Subscriptions: $80 + 5% gst In Canada $3/week to USA

Contact Us: P.O. Box 244 5001 - 50 Avenue (Main Street) Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0

Phone: 843-4909 Fax: 843-4907 Display deadline: Thursday at 12 noon Classified deadline: Thursday at 12 noon Proofing Deadline Friday at 10 a.m.

Production: Red Deer, Alberta Published every Tuesday by PNG Prairie Newspaper Group in community with: Publisher: Fred Gorman


By Kim Inglis As one year passes and another unfolds, it’s time to make Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) contributions. They’ve been around since 2009 and yet Canadians still largely misunderstand them. The annual BMO TFSA Report says 66 per cent claim to be knowledgeable about TFSAs, but only 22 percent correctly identified the contribution limit and 77 percent are unfamiliar with the over-contribution penalties. That would explain why one-in-ten have inadvertently over-contributed in the past, paying an average $412.50 in penalties. TFSAs are available to Canadian residents 18 years of age or older, who can save up to $5,500 per year in cash and investments. Unused contribution room can be carried forward indefinitely. Withdrawals can be made anytime in any amount, without being taxed, and can be fully re-contributed the following calendar year. An investor who has never contributed to a TFSA, and has been eligible to do so since 2009, can invest up to $36,500 in 2015. TFSAs are useful for all types of investors. They make sense for young people, beginning to save for retirement, who are still in lower income tax brackets and don’t benefit much from the tax deductibility of RRSPs. It makes more sense to accumulate RRSP headroom until their marginal tax rate is higher. Older investors also gain specific benefits. Unlike RRSPs, a withdrawal from a TFSA is not considered income and doesn’t affect eligibility for Old Age Security. Seniors can move income-producing investments into TFSAs to prevent or reduce OAS clawbacks. Families can take advantage of the fact that attribution rules do not generally apply, so individuals can contribute

to the TFSAs of other adult family members, effectively splitting income. Such contributions don’t affect individual contribution limits. Investors in higher income tax brackets, who maximize RRSP contributions, can use the refunds to fund TFSA contributions. The invested refund can grow without fear of taxation either now or in retirement, essentially multiplying the positive impact of the original RRSP contribution. The key to maximizing TFSAs is choosing the right investments. Data show TFSAs are still primarily made up of cash (60 per cent), followed by mutual funds (25 per cent) and GICs (20 per cent). Using TFSAs for cash & GICs is not making best use of them. The cash may earn tax-free interest, but that advantage in a low rate environment is minimal. TFSAs should be

used for investments offering better growth potential. Consider a scenario where one investor purchases an equity product while one leaves the TFSA in cash. An investor who contributed $5,500 to a TFSA last year, fully invested in an exchange-traded fund earning 10% for the year, would have a taxfree profit of $550. However, the investor who left the contribution in cash generating 1.50% only received $82.50. The difference speaks for itself. Kim Inglis, CIM, PFP, FCSI, AIFP is an Investment Advisor & Portfolio Manager with Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management, a division of Canaccord Genuity Corp., Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund. www.reynoldsinglis.ca. The views in this column are solely those of the author.

Wild neighbours have own ways of coping with snow By Myrna Pearman Our wild neighbours have evolved remarkable ways to cope with snow. For the mammals that have to move through or atop the snowpack, two body attributes apply—size and foot loading. Larger mammals, such as moose and wolves, can obviously move easier through deeper snow than deer or coyotes. But as the snowpack continues to thicken, “foot loading” becomes a factor. Foot loading is the amount of pressure exerted (and therefore sink experienced) when an animal walks on the snow. Deer, with their stiletto-like legs, have extremely high foot-loading; their pointed hooves puncture even the hardest snowpack. By contrast, snowshoe hares and Canada lynx are at the opposite extreme: their wide fluffy feet exert such minimal pressure that they can quite literally “float” on the snow. Snowshoe hares turn white in the winter and, with low foot load, can easily move atop the snow pack. When hares run, their large back feet land in front of their smaller front feet, so it is always easy to tell which direction they are travelling. Even with their ability to float, hares often follow well-trodden

pathways through the forest. Short-tailed weasels rely on their white pelage for camouflage during the winter, and their small tube-like bodies make it easy to dive down to the bottom of the snowpack to hunt for small rodents that remain active all winter under the snow. Coyotes have little trouble mov-

ing through shallow snow but they must expend an increasing amount of energy as the snowpack thickens. They will often concentrate their activities during deep-snow winters to areas where they can move easier: e.g., dense tree cover, in urban neighbourhoods, along deer trails, snowmobile tracks, roads etc. Red squirrels remain active all winter long but will retreat to their snug winter nests when the temperatures get extremely cold. For food, they rely on the large larder of spruce cones that they have cached away during the fall. They are able to move easily atop the snow pack, even when it is fresh and fluffy.


Beautiful: Carolyn McLaren displays her finished “Scents of Christmas” centrepiece. June Norvila Photo

Fresh fragrance adds appeal to Christmas centerpiece project By June Norvila The scent of fresh cedar, fir, and pine was in the air while participants were working on their “Scents of Christmas” centrepiece projects. Janet Rathjen hosted a two-hour workshop in the gymnasium of the Bentley Community Church (BCC) on December 10 that involved live, fresh-cut evergreen branches, candles and candleholders, and additional Christmas decorations. “It was interesting and fun,” Rathjen said. “Everybody started with the same supplies, and yet everyone’s finished project was so different and unique. Some were smaller and some were bigger. Some were taller and some were shorter.” Evergreen branches were inserted into wet oasis floral foam to keep them moist and help retain the wonderful aroma for the holidays and then festooned with various ornaments of the designer’s choice that had been brought along. A recipe exchange and visiting in front of the relaxing BCC fireplace followed while relaxing and enjoying hot apple cider, coffee, and shared snacks/goodies.

The Rimbey Review, Jan. 6, 2015 5

6 The Rimbey Review, Jan. 6, 2015


Directory Diirec Directory D irect i ec ctory ct y

Grace Lutheran Church Bentley - ELCIC Worship 11:15 a.m. 4th Sunday of the month 5 p.m. Reverend David Holmes 403-843-2502 5 miles west, 1.5 miles south, 1 mile west of Bentley

“Sharing New Life in Christ”

Rimbey New Life Fellowship Sunday 10:30 a.m. Children’s Church 11:30 a.m. Midweek Service - Wednesday 7 p.m. Ladies Meeting Friday 2 p.m. Pastor Reg Darnell 403-843-3336 (Office) 403-782-2694 (Home) 5038 - 49 Ave.

Church of the Nazarene, Rimbey Sunday Worship & Sunday School 10:30 a.m. (on Radio 93.3 FM) 5214-51 Street, Phone: 403-843-2029 Pastor Grant Rainey


Service & Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. 4th Sunday Family Service: 11:00 a.m. Reverend David Holmes: 403-843-2502

Stuart Adams: 403-843-6164 or Arlene Edwards: 403-843-6077 www.churchofepiphany.ca

Th e Rimbey Seventh-Day Adventist Church Saturdays

Evangelical Missionary Church 1/2 mile East of Hoadley on Highway #611

Sabbath School at 9:45 a.m. Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.

Worship Service 10:30 a.m.

Pastor David Beaudoin 403-783-2499

Pastor: Rev. Barry Klassen 403-843-6461

Zion Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Canada Divine Service at 10:30 4521 - 54th Ave. Rimbey Pastor Mark Schultz Office - 403-843-2767 Home - 403-843-4420

Rimbey Christian Reformed Church 5506-51 Ave Service at 10:00 a.m.

Nursery Provided


Minister of Veteran Affairs, Julian Fantino review of 2014 As the Minister of Veterans Affairs, I have had the honour to hear countless inspiring stories from Veterans about their personal experiences in serving our great nation. The ways in which these proud men and women can recount the details of both the good and the bad moments, their trials, sacrifices and victories, shows all of us how meaningful and important wearing Canada’s uniform is to those who have made the choice to protect our collective rights of freedom, democracy and the rule of law. The level of detail these stories provide simply baffles the mind considering their memories are dating back, in some instances, over 75 years. Our Veterans, both historical and present day have accomplished so much, and our country and our Government stands proudly and firmly behind them. Earlier this year I had the opportunity to welcome home the last contingent of Canadian soldiers from Afghanistan, joined by Canadian Veterans of Peacekeeping missions in Cyprus and beyond. Watching different generations of those who served come together, all of who made great personal sacrifices during difficult conflicts spanning the globe, was one of many highlights for me in 2014. What a fitting year that our Government rededicated the National War Memorial with the inscription of the dates of the war in Afghanistan and In Service To Canada. For the first time, all Canadian Veterans, from those who fought in the Great War to today’s modern Veterans, are commemorated at our National Memorial exactly as they should be. Also among the highlights was the opportunity to make two trips abroad to commemorate the service and sacrifice of Second World War Veterans. Visiting Normandy with Ernest Côté and over 100 Veterans who served on D-Day as well as taking part in the Canadian delegation to Italy with 28 Veterans who fought during the Italian Campaign allowed our Veterans to hear directly from those who remember Canadian soldiers fighting for the freedoms we enjoy today, and heard our collective appreciation of their accomplishments, bravery and sacrifice. The gratitude expressed to me by the Veterans who could make these journeys back to where they fought for their country was incredible. Never have I been so humbled to hear this, when they are the ones that deserve our most heartfelt thanks and gratitude. The event that reached the most prominence of the



is pleased to offer the services of

Pastor: Bill Nieuwenhuis


Rimbey Alliance Church 4620 - 54th Avenue, Rimbey 403-843-3727 10:30 a.m. Worship Service with Children’s Church Last Sunday of the month, service held at Parkland Manor at 10:00 am

Roman Catholic Church

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Mass Times:

Saturday Evening: Sunday Morning: Sylvan Lake - 5:00 p.m. Rimbey - 9:00 a.m. Sylvan Lake -11:00 a.m. Last Sunday of every month: Sylvan Lake 9:00 a.m. Rimbey 11:00 a.m. Parish Priest: Father Gabriel Udeh Administration Offi ce: 403-843-2126; Aft er Hours Emergency Cell: 403-963-0954

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4931 - 51st Ave.

Rev. Deborah Laing Sunday Worship / Children’s Programs - 10:30 a.m.

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year, and possibly the most touching of my life was how Canadians paid tribute to our Veterans this Remembrance Day following the shocking and cowardly terrorist attacks that occurred on Canadian soil. According to the Legion, over 2 million additional poppies were given to Canadians this year over last year. Millions of Canadians reached out to the families of the soldiers, who until then had been complete strangers, and welcomed them into their family. Emerging from those dark days was a renewed sense of family in our country, one that had not been displayed in such an overwhelming way in a long time. As 2014 draws to a close I want to thank, first and foremost, the brave men and women in uniform for their service, both past and present, as well as the dedicated Veterans stakeholders, many of whom partnered with the Government this year to advance mental health treatment and reduce bureaucratic red tape. Your ideas have prompted new legislation to move qualified, injured Veterans to the front of the line for Federal Government jobs; new training and learning opportunities; reduced the number of pages it takes a Veteran to apply for benefits; set up outreach capabilities so we can serve Veterans in need immediately; and helped to bring together Canada’s academic community to focus on the issues facing Veterans and their families. I must also thank the members of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs for their report on moving forward with the New Veterans Charter. As a direct result of our hard work, our Government has implemented measures to close the gap between National Defence and Veterans Affairs; opened 7 Military Family Resource Centres to medically releasing Veterans and their families; more than doubled the number of counseling sessions for family members; and invested in front-line mental health clinics in 8 communities with more to come in 2015. Our job at Veterans Affairs is not done. The job will never be done, so long as we continue to serve hundreds of thousands of Veterans, Veterans widows and family members from across Canada. Canadians, but more importantly Veterans and their family members, need to know that we will never rest and will always look to make improvements on how they are served by their Government. I am pleased at the progress we have made over the past year and am fully committed to seeing further progress and improvements as we move into 2015. We will continue to build on our solid record by identifying and addressing any gaps that exist for Veterans and their families in service delivery, continue to invest directly into benefits, and bolster front-line services while reducing needless bureaucratic processes. More work needs to be done and will be done by our Government to ensure that Canadian Veterans and their families have every support that they need. Lest we forget. Julian Fantino, PC., MP Minister of Veterans Affairs


The Rimbey Review, Jan. 6, 2015 7

Quitting tobacco may be New Year’s resolution Is today the day you decided you wanted to quit using tobacco? Did you decide that same thing yesterday or the day before, or was it last week or even a month ago?

Community dinner well received again By Treena Mielke The Christmas spirit was alive and well in Rimbey at the United Church on Dec. 25 during a community dinner. About 50 people attended the event which included a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings, entertainment and presents for all. “We only had about 50 people but we had food for 75 or so,” said Dave Davies, who has been involved in the community dinner for five years. Davies said everyone enjoyed the meal. “It was good, we had lots of delicious food and everyone got a gift and a little story.” Davies said he read the story ‘The Tablecloth’, an inspirational story of a man and his wife who find each other after being separated by the war thanks to a tablecloth. Davies, an 85-year-old Rimbey resident, said helping others enjoy Christmas is enjoyable for him. Gayle Rondeel, who worked with Davies to organize the event said the volunteers were amazing and everyone pitched in a helped. “We had a really good group of volunteers and it all went really well. Everyone that was there got to take left over’s home with them. Donations for gifts came from local donors including Stationery Stories and Sounds and Vi Schneider played the piano. “There were games and door prizes and lots of laughs. The volunteers were all wonderful people to work with. Every year they just show up.” Although organizing the community dinner takes Rondeel away from her own family, the community minded lady said it is all worth it. “It’s Christmas. There is always time for family and friends.”

Whether you’ve made it a New Year’s resolution or not, you’re not alone when you decide it’s your time to quit. People use tobacco for different reasons, and there is no shortage of good reasons to quit. Longevity, quality of life, the sheer cost of cigarettes or chewing tobacco, the impact smoking has on your friends and loved ones: these are all major factors that may motivate you to quit. For all the motivation, quitting can still be a difficult process. The nicotine in tobacco is an extremely addictive substance and when you stop using tobacco, your body reacts to the lack of nicotine in your system. The good news? There are services and resources that can help get you through. In fact, you can double your chances of quitting successfully if you have support. AlbertaQuits has a wide range of services to help you quit, including a free online service, a free phone service operated by trained cessation counselors, text support, individual counseling and group


programs like QuitCore that will teach you how to quit and connect you with others who are also quitting. Regardless of when, or how you choose to quit, here are some tips to help get you there successfully: • Set a Quit Date • Identify Quit Tools • Consider Stop Smoking Medications • Change Your Daily Routine • Get Support from Family and Friends • Prepare for Withdrawal & Cravings • Change Your Eating Habits • Participate in Regular Physical Activity • Reward Yourself • Believe that You Can Do It Giving up tobacco may be one of your toughest challenges in life. But it will also be one of your most rewarding. For more information on supports available to help you quit, visit www.AlbertaQuits.ca or call 1-866-710-QUIT.

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p o h S n a e Josie’s J Winner: Winner of the Oxford School gingerbread house, at the Santa Claus breakfast in Bentley, made by Kathi Issler (left), was Jana Halladay (right). June Norvila Photo

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8 The Rimbey Review, Jan. 6, 2015


CAO Lucien Cloutier has resigned from position By Treena Mielke The position of CAO for the Town of Rimbey is, once again, waiting to be filled. Lucien Cloutier, who took over as Rimbey’s CAO July 2, is moving on. In an email to the Review, Cloutier stated he has accepted a new position. “I have accepted a position with the City of Wetaskiwin as their Manager of Legislative Services. My last day working for the town will be January 16, 2015. I start with the City of Wetaskiwin, January 19, 2015. I handed in my resignation to the Mayor on December 11, 2015. I will be moving to

Wetaskiwin at the end of January,” Cloutier said. The decision came after a great deal of thought and contemplation, he added. “Rimbey is a wonderful community with a big heart and an unbelievably strong core of community groups and volunteers. My family and I will miss many things about Rimbey,” he said. Mayor Rick Pankiw said Cloutier’s resignation will be discussed at the January 12 meeting. “I think we all have some ideas and will discuss our plans then,” he said. The assistant town manager Lori Hillis will take over as interim CAO until a replacement is found.

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Large home with fenced yard in IMMACULATE SHAPE with full basement and double attached garage. Quick Possession. $356,000. Call Jeff.

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63 acres of Peace & Quiet! Well Treed, Trails, Double det. garage, Barn & Oil Revenue. 3 bdrms, 2 bath, all appliances, wood stove, sunroom, & so much more! $415,000 Call Wendy.

Located cated On Pavement! 60.47 acres, pond, well treed, eed, walking trails, fenced & cross fenced, greenhouse, reenhouse, tackO Ddeck, hot tub, S shed,Lhuge woodstove.3 bdrms,2 bath. BRAND NEW 60. HEATED SHOP 40 x 60. $485,000 Call Wendy for more info.

Very Nice home on Park Ave. with tons of upgrades and a heated workshop. Quick Possession $264,000. Call Jeff.

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Great family home! Located in Rimbey west, all appliances, D fenced attached S heated garage, OL backyard & RV parking. Call Wendy.

Nice size family home beside chool grounds large garage finished school basement new appliances and LD flooring, SO lots of upgrades.

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Jeff Collins Cell: 403-783-0216 Home: 403-843-2193

Large family home with triple garage double lot finished up and down treed close to school. Call Jeff for details.

Nice acreage on pavement detached heated garage fully finished upstairs and down. Quick Possession. All appliances and more. $374,900. Call Jeff.

Crestomer 4-H Club has busy December By Aiden McTaggart December was a busy month for the Crestomere 4-H Multiclub. On December 6, the club held its regular meeting followed by a session on how to speak in a public speaking event. Two past 4-H members came to help us, Damian Stamm and Morena Stamm. The biggest tip I got was to look up at the audience, not at our papers. We have been brain storming our speeches and so far it is going good. As always we are looking for judges, let me know if you are interested. We had a 4-H Christmas party at Crestomere School on December 20. We had a fire in a fire pit, tobogganed and had a great time skating in the Crestomere rink. It was a warm and sunny day; we had hotdogs, hot chocolate, and lots of Christmas goodies. After we were done, we all went inside the school to do a couple crafts and had a Chinese gift exchange. It was a really fun day for all of the 4-H multiclub members. The sheep group went to a farm with lots of sheep on December 23. It was the farm of Nathaniel Paulson. He lambs out 1,500 ewes every year, many with twins and a few triplets. He has converted a pig barn into a sheep finishing area and it was very clean. We went during shearing time and got to watch them shear. We timed them and it took an average of one minute and 30 seconds for them to finish a sheep; very fast! Mr. Paulson’s farm was well run and clean and we learned a lot there. Thank you for letting us come to your sheep farm, Mr. Paulson. January will bring a regular project day and public speaking.

Quality Family Home with lots of upgrades and a nice shop to play in Attached garage fully finished home large kitchen and more. QUICK POSESSION. Call Jeff.


148+ ACRES Great 148+ acres off Iola road, in hay and with oil revenue. There are four grainer’s in good condition, and on concrete. Only minutes from pavement and a short distance to Rimbey. For more information call Dennis “O” @ 1-403-843-8474 or cell 1-403-829-8291


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5 bdrm Bungalow, appliances, large lot, nice neighborhood, QUICK Possession! Lots of room to build a garage. $129,900 Call Wendy.



SO 60.47 acres, pond, wwell LOCATED ATED On Pavement, treed, d, walking trails, fenced & cross fenced. 3 bdrms, 2 bath. BRAND NEW heated 40 x 60 Shop. NEW PRICE $485,000 Call Wendy.


The Rimbey Review, Jan. 6, 2015 9

Highlights and review for the months of January to June 2014 JANUARY MLA Anglin pushes for change in 2014 Joe Anglin, MLA for Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre, sees 2014 as a year of possibilities, and he plans to keep working hard to push for those possibilities to become realities. Anglin stands by his belief the 350-km Western Alberta Transmission Line approved last December which will carry energy from power generators in Genesee southwest of Edmonton to Langdone, east of Calgary, is an incredible waste of money. He is saddened because he believes Albertans will continue to see their electricity bills skyrocket.

Martha Juuti is pictured with her son Richard Juuti, her great-grandson Riley Olin, her granddaughter Shelley Olin, and her great, great grandson six-month-old Tell. Beside Martha is her twin sister Mary Ellsworth. The twins celebrated their 99th birthday Jan. 31. A party was held in their honor in the Bentley Care Centre dining room with many family members and friends in attendance. June Norvila Photo



New Year’s Eve blaze: Rimbey Volunteer Fire Department responded to a fire call at approximately 7 p.m. on Dec. 31 at a farm north of Rimbey on Hwy. 20 about a mile north of the Bluffton junction. The fire was extinguished by about 9:30 p.m. but the barn was partially destroyed. Firemen had to fight the fire while sinking into huge snowdrifts caused by snow coming off the roof during the blaze. APN Photo

FEBRUARY Winter festival to bring fun and excitement to Rimbey The cold, dreary month of February will be brightened somewhat with the fun and adventure of a winter festival. The festival, to be held Feb. 15, is a sure way to promote family fun, fresh air, exercise and socializing. Director of Community Services Peter Stenstrom said the town is partnering with the Christian School to bring the best ever winter festival to the community. Council agree to hire headhunter for CAO position Council hires headhunter After a somewhat lengthy discussion, council has opted to go ahead with its original decision to hire a headhunter to help find a suitable candidate for the CAO position. A motion by Mayor Rick Pankiw to hire the recruitment firm of HR Group Management Consultants of Edmonton was carried unanimously at council’s Feb. 11 meeting following an in-camera session. Continued on page 10

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3 bdrm, 2 1/2 bath bilevel, developed lower level. Large deck. Dble car garage. Half acre lot. Close to shopping. Buck Lake. $335,000 Cedar Cabin minutes to lake. deck, single garage, towering evergreens. Buck Lake $200,000 148 acres productive pasture, scenic Washout Creek, huge dugout, along Hwy 22. Alder Flats $265,000

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Lakefront Half Acre Lot 2 bedroom, 3 bath home, walkout basement w/indoor hot tub & family room with wet bar. Front & back balconies, screened deck & patio off family room. 12x40 open faced bldg for boat, quad. 2 sheds & dock. 3 bdrm 2 bath mfg home, attractive lot, tarp garage, workshop, sheds, close to school & amenities of Winfield $130,000 Inviting 4 bdrm, 2 bath home with developed basement. Fenced back yard. 2 storage sheds. Breton. $192,000 1/2 acre treed lot. 3 bdrm, 2 bath home, single car garage, close to community lakefront lot. Buck Lake $270,000 Waterfront lot, 3 bdrm, 3 bath home, heated garage, new 12x24 shed. inlaid stone patio. On Lakeshore Drive. Buck Lake $575,000


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10 The Rimbey Review, Jan. 6, 2015


Highlights and review for 2014 Continued from page 9

MARCH Dialysis support group to take concerns to Alberta Ombudsman The Rimbey and District Dialysis Support Group is stepping up their lobbying efforts to bring a satellite dialysis unit in Rimbey. Members of the group including Irene KurtaLovell and June Norvila plan to take the group’s concerns to Alberta Ombudsman, Peter Hourihan and a group of investigators in Lacombe on March 12. They will meet with the group from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Lacombe Legion and invite any interested persons to come along. Kurta-Lovell is aware of that the Red Deer Regional Hospital has run out of dialysis spaces and the situation has become critical, but she is concerned a private company will step in to cre-

ate more dialysis units in Red Deer. Provincial tournament huge success The Bantam C Provincial Championship held here last weekend was a great testimonial to how the game is played is what really matters. Sunday, the Renegades lost the final game against rival Ponoka 2-1, but the team put forth its best effort, both on and off the ice, and the fans who filled the bleachers were, indeed, proud of the effort put forth by the young players. The Provincials held March 13 to 16 was a class act from start to finish with Rimbey’s own Bantam Renegades making it to the gold medal game. Fans who crowded into the arena for the opening ceremonies of the tournament were not disappointed.

Fans who crowded into the arena for the provincial Bantam tournament held in Rimbey were not disappointed. Treena Mielke Photo


APRIL County looking at breaking even with 2014 budget After Ponoka County councillors approved the 2014 budget, March 25, council is looking at breaking even for the upcoming budget year. As councillors examined the budget line by line, they ended with an estimated $30.7 million in revenues and the same $30.7 million in expenditures. However, when it comes to approved donations, there’s always a chance every dollar won’t be granted, which is just one area a surplus could arise from. Bentley Generals bring home Allan Cup In front of a huge, enthusiastic crowd of fans, the Bentley Generals skated, stick handled and shot their way to a 3-0 victory against the Clarenville Caribous, bringing home, once again, the coveted Allan Cup. The game held April 20, at the Red Deer Arena, marked the second Canada’s senior amateur men’s hockey championship for the Generals, who also brought the Allan Cup home in 2009. Goalie Dan Bakala, the team’s tournament MVP made 35 saves in Saturday

Home town pride: Some Bentley Generals hockey fans had a chance to get up close and personal with the Allan Cup as it toured around Bentley businesses and the school the week of April 23-26. The Allan Cup for Senior Amateur Men’s AAA hockey was started in 1909. The Bentley Generals are the only Alberta team to win the cup more than once. June Norvila Photo game and opposing goalie, Jason Churchill kept out 30 shots. Continued on page 11


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at the Rimbey Legion Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 7:00pm Come and meet your MLA to discuss: • Alberta politics and the effects on your community • Health Care • Senior’s Care • Rimbey Hospital • Your concerns for 2015 and the future



The Rimbey Review, Jan. 6, 2015 11

Highlights and review for 2014 MAY

highways designated for upgrades. JUNE Melissa Beebe, acting CAO for the town of Rimbey said AlCouncil changing its criteria for open mike discussions Salary for mayor, council and administration included in At its meeting, May 26, council voted unanimously in favor berta Transportation plans to start the work in mid to late August. 2013 financial statements A paving crew will start on Secondary Highway 771 to the The yearly salary for the mayor for the Town of Rimbey is of revising the bylaw regarding open mike sessions. Wording has been changed to state that people who want to Keyera Gas Plant and then move into the town. about $23,530 and councillors bring in between just over $17,000 talk at the open mike forum will have to speak only on issues that to $19,649. Work will continue 29 kilometers west to the Clearwater In 2013 the chief administrative officer earned $142,106 plus are discussed during that council meeting. The previous bylaw County border. stated the public was allowed to bring any town related issue to $26,379 in benefits. Cost for the project is $8 million. The assistant chief administrator earned $78,320 plus $17,058 the forum. However, council agreed in benefits. holding open mike sessions Salaries include regular base pay, bonuses, overtime, lump sum payments, gross honoraria and any other direct cash remu- in such a way was not productive, as councillors would be neration. Employer’s share of all employee benefits and contributions able to better to answer these or payments made on behalf of employees include pension, health questions after looking into care, dental coverage, vision coverage, group life insurance, ac- the matter and obtaining the cidental disability and dismemberment insurance, long and short- correct information. Council want the public to term disability plans, professional memberships and tuition. phone or come into the town Benefits and allowances figures also include the employer’s office and request to be put on share of the costs of additional taxable benefits including spethe agenda as a delegation if cial leave with pay, financial and retirement planning services, they have issues they wish to concessionary loans, travel allowances, car allowances and club discuss that are not related to memberships. the current meeting. Plans in the works for proposed new lodge Construction on Main An announcement by Wild Rose MLA Joe Anglin that $13.3 Street slated for August million is up for grabs to build a new lodge in Rimbey has still not The Main Street of Rim- Awards: Rimbey Elementary School students received their D.A.R.E. certificates rebeen confirmed. bey will see some upheaval cently. In the back row are David Lenzin, Zac Dean, Kaleb Bjornson, Aleah Klugkist, However, the announcement has resulted in bringing to light later this summer, but the end Mackenzie Scullen, Constable Shadforth, Kess Bramley, Ashleigh Grab, Carson information regarding the proposed lodge. result will be worth the disrupWhite and Sarah Nagel. In the middle row are Karlene Riley, Paul Lewis, Javier Denis Beesley, president of Bethany Group, who is the CAO tion. for Rimoka Housing Foundation said the process of building a Earlier this spring, the Stuebing, Leah Evans, Dani VonHollen, Reann Troppmann, Ethan Coston, Brett new lodge is complicated and involves players on a municipal, provincial government made Nikirk, Tennyson Blackmore, Gavin Seelen, Tim Trenson and John Vandenhoven. provincial and federal level. the announcement that the In the front are Megan Luchak, Emily Matthews, Avi Calder, Jordan Kapalka, Emma And while he said obtaining the funding would be exciting, province would be planned to Luchak, Amy Croft, Kole Blackburn, Marnie Giebelhaus, Jacob Jensen, Lacey Burthere is a formal process to be followed. rehabilitate highways in rural rage and Brandyn Darby. “We need to get all the players in the same room and we need Alberta. Photo submitted to get input from the seniors. It is their home. It is them who will Highway 53 which runs be the most impacted and it is important we let them know first through Rimbey is one of the what is going on.” Water damage causes problems with community centre’s auditorium floor Rimbey town council is weighing the best options to deal with the severely water damaged hardwood floor in the main auditorium of the Peter Lougheed Community Centre caused by a leaking water Receive Discounts from filled base of a basketball net. At its meeting, April 28, council discussed the issue and looked at possible options to Rimbey Review, Ponoka News, Stettler Independent, fixing the problem. the weekender, Bashaw Star, Castor Advance Removing sections of the floor in the four areas which are suffering from water damage, and replacing and resealContact Michele for all your advertising needs. ing the hardwood in those sections would cost approximately $10,000. While this Visit www.sekuraauctions.com is the cheapest option, the reFax: 403-843-4907 sales@rimbeyreview.com for all Upcoming Sales. paired areas will be noticeable.

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MASER Kathleen Rose Maser, “Kathy”, of Rimbey Alberta passed on Friday, December 26th 2014 at the age of 58. Kathy was born July 14th, 1956 in Weyburn Saskatchewan to parents Andy and Florence Anderson. She was a sister to 5 siblings; George, Cheryl, Carol, Morgan and Chris. On November 29th, 1975, she was wed to her husband Barry Maser with whom she raised two children, Terri (Marc) Dubielew and Jeremy (Richelle) Maser. Kathy loved everything about the outdoors from snowmobiling to camping, her life was filled with joy and memorable experiences. However, one of her greatest passions was horses. If she wasn’t riding, she would be training, teaching, or helping those that also shared her love for horses. Kathy also had enthusiasm as a beautician. She went to hair school, and completed her training at the Hair Academy in 1987. During her training, she purchased a shop in Rimbey called “The Rimbey Beauty Salon” where she spent approximately 11 years acquiring not only loyal customers and co-workers, but also lifelong friends. Kathy was a very hard worker. In what spare time she had she tended to Barry and her’s acreage east of Rimbey, maintaining the beautiful “golf course” look that she was known for. Kathy certainly had two green thumbs and loved gardening. Kathy was always a generous woman. She was always there for those in need and would sacrifice all in order to help. When one looked into those blue eyes, they could see the sparkle of pride, determination, trust, strength, hope and love. Kathleen is survived by her mother, Florence Anderson of Rimbey; her husband Barry Maser of Rimbey; daughter Terri (Marc) Dubielew of Bluffton; son Jeremy (Richelle) Maser of Prince George B.C.; grandchildren, Kayla Maser (Lane Prins) of Alhambra, Austin Dubielew of Bluffton, Madison, Mckenna, and Gracelyn Maser of Prince George B.C. and great grand child Maleah Prins; brothers, George Anderson and family of Rimbey, Chris Anderson and family of Thorsby; sisters, Carol Anderson and family of Rimbey, Morgan Johnston and family of Thorsby; brother-in-law, Bob Langmuir and family. Predeceased by nephew Jesse Anderson of Rimbey; niece, Rashel Anderson of Rimbey; father, Andrew Anderson of Thorsby, and her sister Cheryl Langmuir of Rimbey. Funeral services was held from the Peter Lougheed Community Centre in Rimbey, Alberta on Friday January 2, 2015 at 1:00 PM with Reverend James Strachan officiating. Interment followed in the West Haven Cemetery in Rimbey. If friends desire, memorial contributions may be made to Heart and Stroke Foundation of Alberta #202, 5913-50 Avenue Red Deer, AB. T4N 4C4 or to S.T.A.R.S. Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society Southern Alberta 1441 Aviation Park N.E. Box 570 Calgary, AB. T2E 8M7. May the road rise to meet you May the wind be always at your back The sun shine warm upon your face The rain fall soft upon your fields And until we meet again May God hold you in the hollow of His hand Expressions of sympathy may be forwarded to the family by visiting www.wilsonsfuneralchapel.ca WILSON’S FUNERAL CHAPEL & CREMATORIUM

serving Central Alberta with locations in Rimbey and Lacombe in charge of the arrangements. Phone: (403) 843-3388 or (403) 782-3366 “A Caring Family, Caring For Families”

In Loving Memory Of

Tristan William Angus Dixon August 8, 2007 - December 21, 2014

Lynus Cailan Paul Dixon

August 8, 2011 - December 21, 2014

Held in our arms for a little while and in our hearts forever...our precious children, Tristan William Angus Dixon, age 7 years and Lynus Cailan Paul Dixon, age 3 years were taken from us suddenly on Sunday, December 21, 2014. Tristan and Lynus were both born in Chatham, Ontario, and not only shared the same August birthday...they were also best friends. They enjoyed playing together, and wrestling as brothers do. Tristan was fond of shooting and even though Lynus, as the younger brother, was too little to take part...he sure provided the ultimate sound effects! Tristan was in Grade Two and loved school. Lynus enjoyed playing with his friends; and with his cars, trains and tractors. “Gone too soon...” Tristan and his little brother, Lynus will be forever in the hearts of their parents, Rachel and Angus Dixon of Rimbey; as well as their baby brother, Balian. They are also survived by their paternal grandparents, Tom Dixon of Kisbey, Saskatchewan; and Marjorie Dixon of Thamesville, Ontario; and their maternal grandparents, Paul O’Neill of Chatham, Ontario; and Marcie O’Neill also of Chatham, Ontario; as well as many other relatives and family friends. “If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart ... I’ll always be with you.” Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne) A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration for the Lives of Tristan and Lynus was held at the Peter Lougheed Community Centre, Rimbey on Saturday, January 3, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. with the Reverend Deborah Laing officiating. Together they were laid to rest in the West Haven Cemetery, Rimbey following the service. If friends desire, memorial tributes may be made directly to the Trust Fund in Loving Memory of Tristan and Lynus, c/o ATB Financial, Box 918, Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0. Condolences to the family may also be expressed by e-mail to: special_reflections@telusplanet.net Funeral and Burial Arrangements for Tristan William Angus Dixon and Lynus Cailan Paul Dixon entrusted to the gentle care of OBERHAMMER FUNERAL CHAPELS Rimbey, AB. 1-403-843-4445



In Memoriam

Sadly loved and missed by Tom, Bev, Max, Joyce, Darcy, Deb, J.R., Dannie and Scott.


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What’s Happening



Annual Meeting Jan. 27th, 2015 At Bluffton Hall 1 pm - Regular Meeting 2 pm - Annual Meeting New members welcomed! AL-ANON WEEKLY MEETING FOR FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF ALCOHOLICS. Tuesdays 8 p.m. Neighborhood Place 5115 - 49 Ave., Ponoka For more info 403-783-4557 TELL it all! Tell it well! Make your ads sell for you by giving full description of goods or services offered. Include prices and terms. Phone 1-877-223-3311 for a friendly ad taker.

Coming Events

Rimbey Municipal Library WHAT’S HAPPENING

at the Rimbey Municipal Library

52 We are open on Mondays, May – August inclusive

January 1st – Closed Tuesday and Friday mornings 10:30 – Children’s Story Time ages 3-5 Tuesday mornings 10:30 – Wiggle Worms for the under 3 crowd Tuesday Afternoons – 3:30 – Let’s Go Lego! Exploration Station – 1st and 3rd Thursday 1:30 pm. Home School Program Friday Afternoons – 3:30 – Geek Out – not suitable for young children. Saturday Afternoons – 2:00 – Crafternoon January 8th – Origami – Starring Star Wars! 3:30 pm January 8th – Armchair Traveller – 7:00 pm – Yosemite National Park January 15th – Let’s Play With our Food – 3:30 pm January 15th – Family Movie Night Sponsored by ConocoPhillips – The God’s Must be Crazy 6: 30 pm January 22nd – SuperHeros – 3:30 pm January 22nd – Family Board Games 5:30 pm. Light supper provided January 23rd – Adult Games Night - 7:00 pm January 27th – Family Literacy Day Contest Begins January 29th –Need for Speed (racing) 3:30 pm January 29th – Book Club – 6:00 pm – Annabel – Kathleen Winters





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Rimbey Regional Synergy Group Regular meeting Thursday, January 15, 2015 Bluffton Hall Lunch at noon Meeting at 1:00pm

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Its only been a year, but it feels like its been forever. You are so missed by us all, there are many a time we shed a tear. We’ve been going on with our lives, knowing in our hearts someone is missing. Someone who brought us so much joy, sometimes we talk out loud, wondering if you’re listening. But alas, we must continue our walk of life, hoping you’re doing okay, smiling down on us, knowing we are living our lives as we should.

Coming Events



REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY. Charger Pumping Solutions is seeking experienced class 1 drivers. Oilfield Safety Tickets are an asset. Email resume’s to dlindstrand@ chargerpump.com or fax to 403-887-8733


Arts & Crafts Shows ..................50 Class Registrations....................51 Coming Events ..........................52 Lost ............................................54 Found ........................................56 Companions ..............................58 Personals...................................60 Bingos........................................64 Fitness & Sports ........................66 Happy Ads .................................70

The Rimbey Review, January 6, 2015 13


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12 The Rimbey Review, January 6, 2015




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Al York General Manager Cell: (403) 783-0593 5410 - 43 Street Bus: (403) 843-3700 Fax: (403) 843-3430 Rimbey, AB


$30.00+ GST PER WEEK

Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.

Call Connie or more details





Alder Flats • Buck Lake




Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.


0 / "OX -AIN 3TREET "LUFFTON !" 4 # -


$30 + GST PER WEEK Reaching 5700 households per week


Ph: 843-7794 Cell: 704-5039 dbfranklin@telus.net

Offering precision, natural looking dentures! Serving Rimbey & area, for over 17 years. Cell:

403-704-6615 (local call)

CT Performance


3 miles east of Rimbey, on Township Rd 424


$30.00+ GST PER WEEK

Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.

Call Connie or more details


Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.

High Efficiency Wood Gasification Boilers Doug Madu 5034 45 Avenue Box 2040, (403) 843-2635 Rimbey, AB., TOC 2J0 Cell (403) 350-5901 email: rgcourse@gmail.com

RR#1 Lockhart Road Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0

Janice Cameron DD


Outdoor Wood or Coal Boilers


Ph. (403) 843-2173 Fax: (403) 843-2607


Plumbing Gasfitting Hot Water & Forced Air Heating Water Analysis & Treatment Systems


Box 1100 4905 50 St. Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0

Welding & Fabricating Hydraulic Repairs Machine Shop Services

Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.

Call Connie or more details

Family Friendly Dentistry

Reaching 5700 households per week



Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.

Reaching 5700 households per week


$30.00+ GST PER WEEK

Based on a 12 week commitment. Does not include the $2.25 per week web surcharge.

Call Connie or more details


CLASSIFIEDS Painters/ Decorators


RALPH’S PAINTING “When Ralph’s done brushing you don’t feel rolled� Journeyman painter, serving the area: since 1984

403-843-4172 Pet Services


Septic Service


SilverStar Septic Service

Dog Shelter Boarding Dogs for adoption Dogs to surrender www.pawsandclawsanimalrescue.ca click courtesy adoptions

Phone (403) 783-7447 Whatever You’re Selling... We Have The Paper You Need! CLASSIFIEDS 1-877-223-3311 Career Planning





Buy & Sell #1500 - #1990



AUCTION Sales Wed. @ 6 pm. Antique sales 1st. Sun. of the month @ 1 pm. Feb. 1 Moose Hall 2 miles south of Ponoka on 2A WE BUY FOR CASH. 403-304-4791 Check website for full listings


The easy way to find a buyer for items you want to FOR fast results: Classified sell is with a Classified Want Ads. Phone 1-877- want ad. Phone 1-877-2233311 223-3311. www.bigstrapperauctions.net



Call for more details 1-800-282-6903 ext 235 Automotive

FLEXI-COIL 6000 AIR DRILL, 40’, 3450 TBH tank, double shoot, 7.5� spacing, rubber packer wheels. All new discs, bearings, air hoses. Shedded & unused for 3 seasons. $60,000 obo. 403-784-3633 or 403-304-2266



SHORTHORN bulls for sale, reds, roans and whites. Semen tested and delivery within 100 miles. www.prospecthillshorthorns.com Les & Shelley Peterson, 780-877-2444.

For Rent #3000 - #3200 Acreages/Farms ..............3010 Houses/Duplexes ............3020 Condos/Townhouses........3030 Manufactured Homes ......3040 Four Plexes/Six Plexes ....3050 Suites ..............................3060 Cottages/Seasonal ..........3070 Roommates Wanted ........3080 Rooms for Rent................3090 Motels/Hotels ..................3100 Offices ..............................3110 Stores/Commercial ..........3120 Industrial ..........................3130 Warehouse Space............3140 Garage Space..................3150 Storage Space ................3160 Land ................................3170 Pasture ............................3180 Mobile Lot ........................3190 Misc. for Rent ..................3200

Celebrating the birth of your child? Share your happy news with family & friends with a special announcement in the Classifieds “Announcement� section.

Wanted to Rent #3250 - #3390

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Agricultural #2000 - #2290

Let us amplify your message!


Farm Equipment

DRY SPLIT FIREWOOD 403-748-3611 Delivery avail. Please leave msg.

for your LOGS septic tank Semi loads of pine, spruce, tamarack, poplar. service & Price depends on location. port-a-potti Lil Mule Logging 403-318-4346 rentals Home 403-843-2840 Cell 403-704-5224 Misc. for Sale

MacDonald Old Kennels Animal services for Ponoka County

Welcome Home!

The Rimbey Review, January 6, 2015 15




Acreages/Farms ..............3255 Houses/Duplexes ............3260 Suites ..............................3270 Rooms..............................3280 Manufactured Homes ......3290 Housesitting Wanted ........3300 Garage Space..................3310 Storage Space ................3320 Stores/Commercial ..........3330 Office Space ....................3340 Industrial ..........................3350 Warehouse Space............3360 Resorts & Cottages..........3370 Pasture/Land....................3380 Mobile Lot ........................3390

Big Rig Economy & Power Suites • Full service to complete rebuilds • Custom performance tuning specialists. 12345 • 15% less fuel, 15% more horsepower.


PONOKA Quiet N/S, non partier, clean, working renter only. * LARGE BACHELOR SUITE *LARGE 2 BDRM. MAIN LEVEL SUITE W/ LARGE COVERED DECK 403-704-1645

* RIVERSIDE APTS. * 1.855.244.7441 • 11515 115A Ave, Edmonton


Well Drilling


Well Drilling


Well Drilling


RURAL WATER TREATMENT (Province Wide) Tell them Danny Hooper sent you

Newly renovated 1 & 2 bedroom units in Ponoka: 3724-45 Street. 403-357-0287



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Public Notice #6000 Public Notices ..................6010 Special Features ..............6050


1-877-223-3311 CLASSIFIEDS

16 The Rimbey Review, Jan. 6, 2015

We’re Celebrating a New Year! F150’s F250’s and F350’s TRUCK CLEARANCE! All must be moved! 2014 FORD FIESTA 2015 FORD ESCAPE SE AWD C0656 MRSP $19,065 SALE $13,525 COSTCO REBATE $750

12,775 OR $91BW


29,189 OR $194BW

2015 FORD F250

MRSP $53,574 SALE $41,426 COSTCO REBATE $1000

40,426 OR $279BW


2014 FORD F150


51,950 OR $359BW


29,975 OR $209BW 2015 FORD F350 XLT DIESEL

34,950 OR $243BW


2015 FORD F150





MRSP $63,683 SALE $48,849 COSTCO REBATE $1000

MRSP $66,889 SALE $51,665 COSTCO REBATE $1000

MRSP $61,769 SALE $52,745 COSTCO REBATE $1000

47,849 OR $329BW


50,665 OR $351BW


2015 FORD F350

2014 FORD F350 XLT



T0562 MRSP $67,364 SALE $52,950 COSTCO REBATE $1000

T0570 MRSP $49,264





2014 FORD F150 XLT XTR

MRSP $44,249

2015 FORD F250




MRSP $29,939 SALE $32,549 COSTCO REBATE $750







53,208 OR $368BW


2015 FORD F350



T0468 MRSP $67,164 SALE $54,208 COSTCO REBATE $1000

51,745 OR $358BW


MRSP $76,629 SALE $60,758 COSTCO REBATE $1000

59,758 OR $413BW


T0810 MRSP $80,154 SALE $63,850 COSTCO REBATE $1000

62,850 OR $434BW


*All pmts at 4.99% OAC All pymts over 84 mths example C0656 2014 Fiesta - total interest over 84 mth term, $2649 total pmts $16711

“Let your Legacy start here.”






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